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ADDITIONAL NEWS OF SPORTS EVENTS ROSING RACES ARE RUN BY SIX FAVORITES Jrultetta's Victory Proves Only .feature of Day Marked by . ' V Reversal of Form J. R. Jeffery ; "Form is getting: to be somewhat ot a at Emeryville racetrack. Yes .tertiay all the favorites were bowled over, just as they had been the day hetore,- and horses which had been performing poorly In their previous starts captured the lion's share of the* \u25a0spoils. The list of favorites that .failed embraced Ollie James, Grace G, Mlnot. Firestone, Raleigh and Ban posal. THE KI\G PROVES SPEEDY . Ollie James met defeat at the hands ef The King-, who showed his real form for the first time, coincident with heavy backing at long odds by H. T. GrJffln and his connections. Grace G ran a good race, but was unlucky In having an inside position at the barrier and had. to overcome considerable Interfer ence. Minot beat the gate, but ran an unaccountably bad race, quitting at a shorter distance than he had previous ly negotiated with ease. Firestone suc cumbed to H. G. Bedwell's "iron" horse Fullotta, but ran . a creditable race, Raleigh was the victim of an in competent ride at the hands of the in .«>*perlenced apprentice rider Kain, and Banposai unexpectedly quit in the stretch after having been in promising .forward contention during the early '.part of her race. I3IPROVEJIENT SHOWN 'i;T ne King. Keep Moving. Dareington. First Peep and Gypsy King were win ner* whose sudden improvement dazed rfce talent. The reversals of the last .named pair were especially flagrant. B>th had been heavily played in their preceding starts and had finished far .£.rck in the ruck. Gypsy King's flip ftop was the worst of all. He had been Unable to raise a gallop Tuesday of last week, \u25a0when he had last appeared under colors. Yesterday he ran a re airkable race, coming from far back to., score a sensational victory. Ha changed hands by the bidding up rrocess after winning. H. G. Bedwell •becoming his owner, boosting him from $«G0 to $900. ..F.uiletta's victory in the Stanhope handicap rounded out an even dozen wfns for this wonderfully improved horse since the opening of the season and made it five straight for him. While «. flying start which enabled him to take a long early lead undoubtedly cut fjome figure in the outcome of the race, •It Is probable that he would have been able to have taken Firestone's meas ure even had the latter been off to equal advantage. Firestone had the excessive impost of 120 pounds to han dle and Fulletta drew away from him at;the end after he had made up irround end had begun to loom danger ous in the stretch. It was simply a case of being unable to concede *the sri"* t. itACE A PROCESSION" \u25a0The race was a procession from start to finish, the contenders being strung out to an extent seldom seen. Nvarden's showing was especially dis appointing. He was particularly well played as the second choice and quit to a walk after running fairly close up }n the early stages. \u25a0The ovation that Fulletta and his r-I.der received on returning to the scales was eloquent of the hold which this consistent horse and rider have obtained on the affections of the local race going public As- Taplin had pre viously won a race for his employer wijth Keep Moving, Bedwell was very .much in the limelight during the aft ernoon. -:»-•_ • .The heavy shower of early morning left, the track in very uneven shape. .Horses that kept away from the rail enjoyed a decided advantage, the go ing being quite muddy on the inner 20 \u25a0feet, while on the outside the footing was good. WILLIAMS LAVS PLANS T. 11. "Williams, president of the Pa cific jockey club, announced last night that about a -month hence he would have a public- statement to make con erning* his plans for the perpetuation of racing in California. From the time that the passage of the Walker-Otis bill by the California legislature became a foregone con clusion Williams has -been devoting his energies to the perfecting of plans for the continuation of the sport under the rJew conditions that have arisen, but he" has steadfastly declined to talk for publication concerning just what he purposes to do. :" • • Beyond promising that he would have an announcement to make next .month, Williams declined to comment "on a statement made at Los Angeles *>>*: George Rose, one of the principal stock holders in the Arcadia racetrack to the effect that there will be racing «t Santa Anita next season with re duced purses and stakes, and with tr-s credit system of betting in vogue. - Williams has not visited the Emery ville racetrack since the Walker-Otis bill passed the senate. The supposition Is that lie is keeping away from the track co that he may the better keep .hi« .own counsel concerning certftin phases of the situation that he does not at present care to discuss. Gossip of the Track . Tony Facst, Rapid Water and Inatant reached • Erucrvrllle yesterday from Arcadia to reinforce tt* local division of S. C. Hlldrtth's stable. ; With them rame. the Suburban winner, Nealon. whose lmd underpinning foiled the painstaking >' effort* of Hildi-etli to e*t him up to a race. He . will ftt to. W. 08. M«<-donourh'* rtock farm at 'Meal© r« rk to be mated with come of ihe • . «nmmdale atnd mares. Nealon Is one. of Sain* • ' .t>e»t »on« and should prove a valuable addition •to the stallions la serrlce at the Macdonoujh ftrm. P..T. Chian came up from Arcadia yesterday and .. led tiie plunge that was made In the Emeryville ring on bis colt, OUle James, which tad never, before started. , But for. the un- Jooked for and sudden improvement in The Ki-.f. Ctrtno would bare made a big killing. He plans to remain here a few days and m-anwhile - \u25a0will hare several horses abipped up from Arcadia to reinforce the Emeryville di vision of tie stable. He denies the -truth of a report that lie will acquire the contract on 3or Ley Shilling. • - '- • .. i E. J. Baldwin's Lisaro came out of his race of Tuesday witi an ankle in such bad shape that he coulil not be cooled out. and Trainer Tom Cooce f.-nrs that the horse will not he able to race again tb's season la consequence iof the trouble. Comedian Max Dill, who made a. kUHnc on Convent Bell \i\«m the occasion of ber previous •tart, is repoired to bare lost bark part of his profit* -In another plunge on the mare yes terday, when she ran unplaced. At ye»t erdav'g EmeryrlHe cutin the strength r>t the rlnx was reduced from 28 to 25 book maker*. Joe Harlan. Charlie Bowman and the T'.rrin oltib • dropping out on' account of unprofit able operations. ' ' Sor-fcey Kent, who ba« boeu out of the saddle . a lone \u25a0while, was'echwluled- to ride Staodorer \u25a0 -yesterday, but the Jud£e« would not stand • for it and Jockey Taplin was substituted. - • Jockey Men try returned yesterday . from Ar rr.i'.iM. whither he went to ride Smiley Corbett Id the Speed handicap. The borse also returned. Nartzu created *ome ' excitement by jumping \u25a0th»" ; fence with Jockey Clark Just after the finish of th«> handicap. Neither horse nor rider -w« injured. - - - ... \u25a0 . Jockeys L#e and. Kirschbauni were each fined $25 for misbehavior at the. post in the 2 year old race. : fair Annie, which will carry ' the colors . 'of J. J. Walsh In the California Oaks, arrived at Emeryville yesterday from Arcadia. '. Wlllleni Walker ba« purchased Duke of Or leans and Mandator from. a. R. Bice Jr. - ' • '. • •,\u25a0 • • \u25a0 \u25a0 i W.- Gabriel, who arrived frotn Arcadia Monday I' 'with Uncle Henry and John Lyle.- will remain I hrre for • week or so and will return to Arcadia, I - wcer* orbers ef hi«= horses are training. •'- * Th^'p<^!tlo» of starter on the Canadian track* \u25a0•• -tias beenoffered to Mara Oass'idy. He will bold it* offer 4 in ; abeyance* until " he tear* from the ! The Call's Handicap Forecast Ratings are for slow track. Deduct one. point for each pound overweight. SEVERUS— BRUSH UP— DEUTSCHLAND' \u25a0 FIRST DACE — Five and a half furlongs: selling; 4 j-far olds' and upward: Index. Horse «nd O« - ner. Wt.. Rating. \u25a0\u25a0 . . » Rp.inarkp. .' 4124 SEVERXTB (1.. Dunne).,. Back to his Rrfod form. <4149) BRUSH UP <Hosroi>oonit...".;lo7 1-T? Last \u25a0 nee wV clrrer; 4110 DEUTSCHLAND (Sclir«it*rt..l2o 120 Has be*n freshened ui>. *l** Antijro <Dunlap> .110 115 Karen - fair. --' 4020 Sovrnfull iStorrr) ......... .,lftl 113 Kuns wellfresh. , • 4149 Platoon (J. B. Dunn).,. .......113 .113 Lota of upeed'Jast start. 4119 Johu A. Ma lion cFlriir de MbJ'.lw*' rlOfl ." " Others'not'muclJ.r. ': . ' * ; w ~ " 4120 ' Taiva*entlia. (Bianrbl) : .107 • 108 •\u25a0 , ,-'. . ' V v ' , : " .»;\u25a0...- 4154 Old Settler' <Walltp»» •--»- - 103 --*ii\i ' ' ' -.- " : .••* \u25a0"'*' y " '\u25a0, Ull9> Transmute (HlMreth! :•:::: .105 OS ' - \u25a0 " - »M 0 Funnyalde (McNeil) ..........105 fcS... ...._......;.;..•..... \u25a0 4111 Alcibiades (Neil) ..;; ;.'.... .\IO3 • C 7 , , , \u0084-',-\u25a0;-•.-•\u25a0 - JUDGE QUINN— AMELIA : .i ROSE— WARFARE ; ; SECOND RACE— Three and a half furloncn; -selllogf 2 -year '\u25a0 olds: -- \u25a0\u25a0,:'.'-\u25a0\u25a0.:-: \u25a0-. *\u0084. - '\u25a0 , \ Index. Horde and O-»rner. • Wt.'Ratlng. \u25a0 ..'.'\u25a0\u25a0Remark*. '. : •, .- >-\u25a0 '\u25a0'\u25a0"\u25a0 -\u25a0: -...': \u25a0•: - " 4121 XDTOE QITIITN (Blanch D... .11l .*«l3 fjiit race below- the mark. . (4143) AMELIA. ROSE (Holle) .....10."» 1U- Wcn^llke good filly. ,' * \u25a0^\u25a0*\:<-\;,-. 4150 WARFAEE <storer) ......;. »7 - 1 11 '• Might; do, it. '• 4132 Cinnamon (Williams) ...10H. 110 Off badly last time. : ' ; . ' ' 4143 Redeem (Paulsen> ...... ..-.'.. 100 105 \u25a0 *".Uac«s fair: - •\u25a0'/-.> ' \u25a0 *. \u25a0\u25a0":) . 4132 Th* Golden Butterfly (Clilnn).. 100 \u25a0' 102 .. Consistent. . . .. . : 4125 Fatter 'Eurene «Sehreiber) .:.. 100 ion •\u25a0 Otb«rs hare shown nothing. . .. 3628 - Alarmed (Griffin) ;...... \IOB . r>7 .; ' i \u25a0 . ';. ' 4t.'is Lontsa Sanders ( ).".... .100 : ; ."5 t .' :.\u25a0 \u25a0', \u25a0\u25a0-' .• .... Hr.Stonf <G. W. Berry j...., .103 \u0084;.J. Blk. c. . Solitaire . 11-Phoebe J". \u25a0 , Binocular (F. A. Forsythr ) : . . . 103 .. " B. c. Fi|jgrane-0Ree. .,.,: . .: CameO'i.W. E. ApplejateK .-. .103 , .. — - B.- f,--<Jaineron-I*ura Stone. -_\u0084-.-, rrr CENTER SHOT— ARGONAUT— MAY AMELIA : ; j THIRD RACE — Seren 1 furlongs; selling; 3 year: olds and upward: Index. Horseand Owner. •\u25a0\u25a0 Wt. Rating. .Remarks. - - ' .'.j i> '^.-^< \u25a0 -. 3328 CENTER SHOT < Walker). .. .102 150 Arcadia form excellent. :,;;• (4126) ARGONAUT (Cahill).... .06 Ml Racing well. ' 4130 MAY AMELIA (Welr>^ . .....105 IJO Y~At top or her form. \u25a0"• .-.-\u25a0"" "T : ; 4146 Tom Hayward « Williams) .:. .. 03 14d . May be shy on speed. 4134 Tom Shaw (Dayton) '.... 10T J4O Prefers mud. ,- : 4145 Ketehemike (P. Dunned 107 130 Badly ridden last time. . 4148 'Dainty Belie (8edwe11)... .. .100 133 . Others up against it. \u25a0< . 3943 Mlos Maraoni 4Trotter) 102 11.1 4153 Colbert - (Calne) 104 112 4120 Sir I<ynnewood (Stock) -.100 H« ; WfflW+mi 4136 Stroke <HHdretb 1 -. W 04 .. v • 4044 : Duchess of Monabello ( ).105 ; TO- .:- \u25a0.;•.;-\u25a0 • THE, PEER— MOORISH KING— DON ENRIQUE FOUUTII RACE — One mile; purae; -3 -year olds ajyl upward:- \u25a0 \u25a0' . Index. '_. - Horse -and Owner. ;.' Wt.- Bating. ' Remarks. ' ,\u25a0 •' (4148) THE PEER (P. Dunne) ..... .'.Ki 113 Races uniformly good. 4UB MOORISH Kllte (Foray the)., «0 15+ Has m-ver gone the route, 4032 DON ENRIftTTE (Ellison) .107 l!nrellable. - •> 4126 Matcbtulla \u25a0< Williams) "...'. ..-92 -107 \u25a0 Has never gone route. 3071 Ix>gistilla CHeag) ... JOS 107 Track Just suits. • ' 3557 Henry O (Walker) .."...... ..102 -105 Arcadia form fair only. DESCOMNETS— SERENADE—EL PICARO « FIFTH. R.4CE— ODe mile, selling., 3 year^olds: : ; Indwx. . Hor«w»- and. Owner. . Wt. Rating. . 4149 DESCOMNETS (Chlnn) 100 .121 - Last race unaccountably bad.. 4144 'SERENADE (Xeal) ...HK» IIS Doubt -bo»it going route. - \u0084 ': ; ,"\u25a0 " '" • 4147 ELPICARO (Williams) 105, ,11*—. Ran disappointingly last »tart. : , i 4095 Chitterlings (Keen*) ..'. 10S 116 Has never gono the route.- \u0084; : - r 4185 Kigent (Kelly) lO.'{ 107 Erratic. - - - • • 4144 Miss Bootless (Applegate) . .. .100, ,100 -Has speed. . 4135; Aks-Ar-Ben ( Ramsey) .-..105 " !i:i ; Others hare* shown little. • . . . . 4059 Silver Knight (Denning) ....102 J)3 . " - % ' '\u25a0"".-: i 4153 Prosper (Heffnen^; .V....102 78 ' • ' •..-;' : •\u25a0 - - . i 4142 Street Singer (Anderson). ...100 63 ' -. '\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 \u25a0 FANCY— "LITTLE ; SISS— GOLDEN ORIOLE SIXTn RACE7-SIX furlongs ; purse : 3 hnd 4 year cWs: '-'\u0084 ''."•" '\u25a0"\u25a0"\u25a0 . ' : ' \u25a0• Ifldex. Horse and Owner. Wt. Rating. . \u25a0 Remarks. \u25a0\u25a0 '\u25a0\u25a0•"-;\u25a0 '\u25a0:":'\u25a0'. ;". : -J* '..' 4154 TANCT (Mack) 113- 112 O«n -win If well,.rldden.,'v ..:.'., 1 4154 LITTLE SISS iHUdr«tb):....:iO3'. .- 112 ' : Last race ntee one.:, -\u25a0 Vi ' ••\u25a0.\u25a0;. \u25a0•• <\u25a0» 4035 GOLDEN. ORIOLE tHoag) 103 100 -Chance on ' Seattle fotm.V. .',;-\u25a0 '.•. • 4144 Allness (Beckwith) ...10S : 100 . Little choice to balance." \u25a0 v , -; ' . -;] 4059 /Alike Ashelm (Magrane) .....115 . H . . . : 4131 Abraham (Bedwell 1 115- hi .... . .: . . \u25a0 \u25a0'. 4124 I^apkfoot (Burks) ......... ..115 -80 ! 406.1 Yroneky (Knapp) 115 75 ' •—-•.- • W£M^W&Wl&*33 405» Flying Dance (Donovan). 103 75 5384 Joe Nealon (Clancy) 118 7i> . .- - SBB9 Burr.ell (Zlmmer) %n . . 2730 P.. 11. FlahTty (Daly) 105 40 Illllp •Apprentice allowance. ::.>.% LIKELIEST WINNERS— SEVERUS, THE .PEER The Call's Form Chart of Races at Emeryville Order in which horses figured In The Call i handicap forecast is indicated in black faced type. \u25a0 : \u25a0 - - \u25a0-' - •\u25a0 :\u25a0 - \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0•.- \u25a0-. " : --'- . .-.- " \u25a0-. OAKLAND, Wednesday. Feb. 24. 1909.— Ninety-fourth day. .. Weather cloudy." i Tract muddy. E. C. Hopper, presiding judge. Richard Dwyer. starter.' " • .' i \u25a0 -= ' -"*;\u25a0 AiCC FIRST RACE — Three and a half furlongs; purge; maiden 2 year old colts md tI 33 celdlngt: value to first $325. '•\u25a0 - '\u25a0. \u25a0- \u25a0 Indeir.l Horse and Owner. |Wt!St. \i.- \u25a0 \j- X Str. Fin. I- Jockey. I Op. Cl. 4030 The King (H. T. Grlffln) 106 4 1 lVji 3 j. Bntler 12 13 OUie James <P. T^. Chlnn) 112 3 ... 3 I^2 I>4 ScovlHe .... . 3 11-"> 4125 (I)NAPA NICK (G. W. Berry) 104 1 214 3 5 Tapltn ...... 2 2 13-X 4125 Grahame (F. A. Forsythe) 108 5 ... 4 Vt 4 h J. 5 « 4125 (t)ALDER GULCH (Sea Air) 105 7 5 1 ft h E. Clark.:... 3 9-2 4125 (B)SLXTEEN (MIlHn & C 0.).-. 101 6 ... ... x 64 fi 2 Klrwhbaum . 10 J3 J. V. Upon (J. T. Collins)... 100 8 7 2 7 IV4 Groth .. .... . 50 60 410S Wicket <W. E. C0tt0n)...;.. 104 9 ... 8 4 8 10 Cotton .: 30 75 413S Ralph H. Toxer (M. J. Daly) 104 1O ... ... ... »10 » 1 Wrlspen .... TT, Ifso Sallan (P. Dunne) 100 2 ... ...... 10 10 Kecgh ...... .IS 60' Time — :25 2-5, .|43 1-5. At post- 5^4 minutes. • O H at 1:51^.' King. 5 place, 2 show; James, 6-3 place. 3-5 show; Napa. 2-5 show. Winner b. c. by Ingoldsby-Royal Una. . Trained by •' <*.. A. Wilkerson. Scratched — Terrago. San Leandro. Start good. Won easily. Secoud " cleverly. Third easily. Hlph price — The King 20. James 7-2, Grahame fc. Sixteen 15. The. King showed speed today for the first time, set the pace all the way and easily. held field safe, running; well out on the track in- lie st- going. Ollle- James ran a good, game race.-. Napa Nick did his best. Grabame and Alder Gulch on rail final quarter and had no chance. Tab Grahame In dry going. . . / " - - ' \u25a0' - ' A 1 EC SECOND UACE— Six and a half furlongs; selling; 3 year olds and upward; value to '\u2666I OP first $325. \u25a0 » \u25a0•\u25a0 ' . m \u25a0 \u25a0 ' Indei.l Horye nnd Owner. |WtlSt. >i it, Str. Fin. I Jockey. I Pp., Cl. . 5993 I(3)KEEP MOVING, 4 (Bdwlll 101 2 1 «4 1 % 1 1 1 % Taplin ...... 2 . 7-2 4141 (2)KOKOMO, 5 (T. H. Ryan). 11l 3 ... 3 2^2 I^2 a.; 2-H Archibald ... •, 10 '_ » 4120 CI) GRACE O, 5 Uloag'Co.).. 109 5 ... 4 v, 3»4 3 2^3 8 J. Bntler 7-5 4-5 4135 Yakima Belle. 3 (Heath & H.) Oil 1 "7n 6 2 4 1 4h Devericb .... 10 10 4120 Emma G. 4 <J. Schrelberl . . . . IOC 6 ... 5 n 4 1 5 1 5 2Vi Post .20 SO 4124 Constantia. 5 (Hall & McC.).. 109 9 fi 2H-5 *i « 2i4« 4 Van Dusen.. \u25a015 20 40*54 Faneuil Hall. 3 (Lannlganf. . . 98 S ... 8 2^B 2^7 2-7 0 Golden ...... 25 (Jo 41.13 San Oil, 4 (C. Reed);. 108 4 ... 2 n i 14 8 2 8 2 Sweet ...... 40 <;0 3939 *Be Brief. 3 <N. Orleans S.t.. 9" 7 ... 9 3 0 » E. Clark 12 20 Time — :24 4-5. :50, 1:18, 1:25. At post Vx minute. Off at 2:10>4. Movtne. 0-5 place. 1-2 _ show; Kokomo. .%-2 place. 1 nhow; Grace, out show. Winner b. m. by -.Yankee-La Polka. Trained by H. G. Bedwell. Scratdx-d— Bri ght Skies. Gulvlnl, Elierd. Start -fair. Won driving. Second same.; Third easily. High price — Constantla . 25. • Keep \u25a0.- Moving w*nt quickly to the front, .raced along In front all the way and gamely stood off the challenge of Kokomo and Grace G at -the end. Kokomo ran a (mart race, -hanging, on stoutly. Grace G was Jammed a bit right at the start. Others no chance: ------- . \u25a0 .. .. , 1 \u25a0_ A 4 C"7 THIRD nACE— Six and a half furlongs; selling; 3 year olds and upward; value to flrft $325. '\u25a0-\u25a0 - ' ' - - •-. - . . \u25a0•\u25a0-.:'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0-.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-. Index.l Hori-e and Owner. IWtlSt. Kj V, V, Str. Fin. I Jockey. | Up. cT 4117 (S)DAREINGTON. 4 (Turek).lls R ... 1 11 1 1 1 2»il 2- Mentry 5 8 4131 Deneen. 4 (Anplegate &. C 0.).. 104 7 ... 7 3 C 2 4 'i 2 »!\u25a0 Cotton 4 }. H 4046 (2)APTO ORO, 3 (Williams). 101 3 ... 2 1 2 3 2 IMi3 2»4 Gilbert ...... 4'll-U 4133 Cnernavaca. 4 (Keeling) :. 108 4 ... 32 3 1 3 V 3V 3 42' Archibald .:. * »'•" '8' 4117 (DJUifOT, 5 <W\ Geret) 111,1 ... 4 2 43 5 2,45 4 Pcovilie . . . . : 8-5 11-30 4137 Giovanni Balerlo. 6 (Walker). 11l 0 ...» SI 8 1 02 E.Clark.:.*.: -Jo>i2 ; 4133 BarlL.a (J. M. 5t0we). ....... 11l 5 ... 5 3 5 1%« J& 7 2 \u25a0 Taplin ... .: . 20 : ;;0 4091 Mlnalto. S (G. F01ey) ....... 101 8- ... 83 72 7n 8n 1me«........ 15 40 3911 Little Minister, 5 (P.Zlmmer) 111 2 ... 6 19 9 9 Sweet .10 100 Time — :24 3-5, :49 2-6, 1:17 3-5, 1:24 4-5. At post 2 minutes. Off at 2:33. Dareington. 3 place, 6-5 show; Deneen, 3 place. 7-5 show ; - Apto Oro, 4-5 show. Winner b. h. by Toddlngtou- Dareta. - Trained by O. Turek. Scratched— Otogo, Yank. Boas. ..- Start- straggling. Won candlly. Second driving. Third stopping. High . price — Dareington 9, Apto Oro 7, Cuerna vaca 9. Batil 40. Dareington. from none too good a break, rushed to the front on back ftrptrh and sooa bad hi* field In difficult les chasing him. He had plenty. left at the end to withstand Deneen's rush. Apto Oro tired In the going and hung at the end.. Mlnot had fla*h of early speed, then kept dropptu^ back. Giovanni Balerlo almost left. Off well, would have been close up. ' \u25a0 . -• A 1 Kft FOURTH KACE — One and a sixteenth miles; the Stanhope handicap; 3 year olds and tIOO upward: value to first $650. -\u25a0. -,-.--.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0--. t\u25a0 ~ --- ; • - . Index.! Horse and Owner. IWtjSt. V* \t> H Str: Fin. | Jockey. \u25a0 (Op. Cl. (4141) (2)FULLETTA, 6 ißedwell»..i ßedwell ».. 105 3 1;« 1 G 1 2^l 2V41 3>4 Taplin ...... 3 18-3 «140 i (S)FIRESTOira, 4 (Williams) 120 I 2 4 2 7 212 2 7 320 Gilbert ..:.'. 4-5 -'1 4140 Nadzu. & (H.-G. Bedwell) 86-5.5 5 5.5 152: E. Clark..... . •' • •4127 Import. 4 (F. W. Healey)... .94 4 4 8 4 2«54 5 4% 4 2 <;. R0n5...... 10- 13 <4184)l(l)WARDEy, 3 (Forsythe)... 90 2 3 2H3 8 3 4 3 n .1 Deverlch .... 5-2 11-5 'Coupled with Fulletta..: '\u25a0 ~ ~~ r ..-.-,. ,-.- \u25a0 • ] ~. Time — :24 4-5, :50 1-5. 1:16. 1;43 1-5.' 1:50 1-5. At post 4 minutes. Off. at 3:04. Fulletta, . 3-5 place, 1-5 show; Firestone. 2-5 place. 1-5 show; Nadzu,-- 1-5- show. No separate entry betting. Winner ch.h. by Mirthful-Etta. Trained by 11. G. Bedwell. . Start \u25a0 poor. . TV'on easily. Second and third same. High price — Fulletta 19-5,.- Firestone 11-10, Import » 2s. Fulletta got off well ia motion, set a fas t pare, opened up a big gap and, although' in-' clined to run oui at the paddock, easily held Firestone : safe.'. ; Firestone,- giving' him 20 pounds in sale weight, chased after him, \u25a0 but could never get close' enough to; have, a chance. Nadzu outgamed . the others In final sixteenth after, being. badly outrun early part.' Import not much. Warden ran a very dull race, being always many lengths 'behind the leaders and fading away badly in final three furlongs.- v -— • . . • . 44 CO FIFTH RACE — One mile and 20 yards; selling; 3 year old!) and upward; value to 1 1 gj first $325. . . - .-.•\u25a0\u25a0-. \u25a0. \u25a0- \u25a0 .-.-••-\u25a0 . \u25a0 : - . . . -...\u25a0-. ....;- , -, . :\u25a0_ --\u25a0 - . Indfx-I Hor»e and Owner. |Wt|St. Vi U Ij---Btr. Fin. \ Jockey. | Up. *TFT7 4100 ItHrit Peep. S (Garity & D.).. 107 4- fiTii « 3 211 n 1 5 Archibald ... .»• 15.% 4141|(2)1>. DOLLARS.'S (Buchanan) 109 1 2 1 3 n r. >£ 5 a 2 n Keogh ..." :{ a-"* 3821 jßemember. 5 (Hoag & C 0. ).. 103 « ' -H\ '7 4 02 6 1-3 h C. :.R«55... .. 12, 15 "4137. (3) RALEIGH, 4 (I. H. Miller) 97 5 3,n <4 1 3 3 H'^4 4 2% Kaln ....... 3 10.5 4140 A. Muskoflay. 4 (G. H.Neal) 103 3 -i.1%1 l\bl.*A 2 1»45 h Devrrloh .... 7 "s 4127 Husky. 4 {A. :F.- Dayton)... . 11l 8 r. l»^2 n 414 >^«8 C. Miller.... 10 £0 (40Sl)!Wooien. 5 <O. L. Rogers) 114 2, 7IS 8 7 2 74 K. Sullivan.. ti 1.5 4124 ((DSTANDOVER', 6 (Tnrek).. !«> 7 4 2M,5 h 7 1 8 Si Taplin ...... «' k . 9 Tim**— :23 3*-5, :5l 2-5, 1:17.4-5, I:4G,' 1:47 3-5. .At post 2 minutes. Off at 3:26. - Peep, S-3. place. 4-5 show; Dollars, 8-5 place.* 7 : lot>how; Remember, > 3 show. v. Winner, eh. ,m.; l>r Dieudonne-Dawnlng. ' Trained by M. . Garlt y. • Scratched — Lord Rosslngton, ;• Red Leaf, Sev rru*.^Okenlte. Start good.- Won in a gallop. ' Next , two driving.' .. High* price— Peep '-1. . Remember ' 16, \u25a0 A. ' Muskoday ' 10. ' Husky ; 25, 1 Woolen 15, , Staodover 10.' • First Peep •a , gooj bor»e today. Archibald took heron-the outstde all. the- way. moved up; fast with her at last turn and she simply galloped home. Dollie Dollars lay off the' pace and closed .well. Remember made a good stretch run and out gained Ilalelgb rliclit nl the "end. *~MuskMay ' showed pood, upeed. but stopped badly flna 1 qnarter. \u25a0 r . ' :- ' , __j ,- . , iifif) - SIXTH RACE— Six and a half furlongs; Belling; 3 year olds' and. upward; value to tiqU flrn >K5. .-. ' \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-.-.\u25a0 ' \u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0.-•\u25a0 -;-;- 1 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 -:.--..\u25a0 \u0084 -,: -\u25a0. - . ; . Index.l " Ht>r»e and Owner. j IWtlßt. H \u25a0 H %i fitr. Fin. I ' Jockey. .\u25a0 | Op. "TJi7 4115 <S)GYPSY KING. 0 iM. Miller) 111 v ... Gn « n 3h. 1 n Gargan \u25a0'. ". 5.2 18 1 4137: (DACE DIAMONDS. 3 (Hldt) 100 3 ...:,1 n ;1;»4; 1;»4 1 I^2 2>4 F.rMurphy.. «" \u25a0•« 3377- Gmtt Russell, 4 (F. D. Weir). 108 1 .... 5 2H3 2^4 2^3 .". . Gilbert- .... - 15lfi 4147 . BtnnoKßl. '» (Cleodora stable) 109 d .. . "\u25a0= 2 2^.2 1 2h. 42& Taplin-.. .TJ. 3 li-T 4148 i (»>CpKVEKT BELL,rs=(Cain) 109 4 ... ,7 %7 % 6 VjlS h. Archibald;.'.. S -•) SS/25- FreJ* Bent. 6- (8rann0n).". "..".. 11l 2..'... • 3 n »4 n;.'.2^« 4 ' E.. Sullivan. . 0 s 3953 Warner. Griswell. 5 (P.Dunne) 111 .5 --r... »Vj S 1 8 2 ~i% Keogh-.'.T. .'. io j{ 3(sl6' Carmisa. 3 (G. W.-. Berry).... 96 8 ... 4h 5h in fin E. Clark..:.. '15 r, 40«7 Mattte Mack.-5 <H:: Mack).:. 104 '7 V.;. S 2«.9 2 9 2 0 6v- Anderson". :~, . I.V-V's :<O2O John H.--U-<lx>De Pine ; stable) |111 10- ..-. 10 :10 ; 10- '\u25a0 10 C. 1t055...... \u25a0 .lovion Time — :24 4-5. :50 3-5,, .1:17 2-5. 1:24 2-5. --. At post.s',i minutes.- Off at 3:58^.. :; King. 7-."; "., place. 3-3 nbow;- Diamonds, --3. place,"' 3-2 (-how; Russell, 3 show. •\u25a0 Winner br: gr by. Sorcerer \u25a0 'firrah. Trained = by -M.>l>.; Miller. v- Scratched — Adena.". Fantlstic. -; Start ' good. v"\Vons driv. •ing. Second handily. - Third easily .V High- price-*-Diamonds : ! 9, \u25a0 Banponal .7-2, S Grin well I', ' Winner bid up from $400 to $900 by H. G.; Bedwell; anil sold*. Gypsyv King/ from' a poor break/trailed firet part, moved up fast. ln' final furlong, and: won ; in :laiet,;few^ strides. Vce' ,of .Diamonds should have'won, but Murphy fallowed' him tojswerve down' to" thn rall'afte- 1 turulng Into the stretch. ;"' Gene - Russell; easily ; best ; of^ ; the' othors "today. "Banponar tlreO ' '\u25a0: cnaxlng. Diamonds and 1 «jult. ' : Others -no chance: . \u25a0- • .- - - KKRATA— In race '4l46 Index on Madman Hbould: he *4125.^. New. York Jockey club. If there I* no more than throe day»' racing -each -week at the Now -York track he '- probably will accept the \u25a0 Canadian proposition. \u25a0 , Colonel : W." IL ; . Mot*l>y> >\u25a0 string of. horff*, which wintered at Bennlng,- will- be -ready for. racing when be returnß^east from California. - - .- \u25a0 ' \u25a0 v• - -m \u25a0 - • Matt J.' Winn Jia* commissioned IX. -X., Murphy. an ; arcliltfct of Ix>ulsvlllc, X y., *to draw 7 plaus .t:ed&&^^ J. R. Jeffery for-tb<"sr,oo,ooo racecourse to b<? established at Juarez, -Mexico, opposite El Paso. \Tex. \u25a0 Vs°oo • 000 hotel;v.ill: alno ; be built l>y ; the interests lie hind the racing enterprise. ."-,-•"• \u25a0 \ ;- s -- .•\u25a0. Smith' &' Percy , of ; Chlcnim,' who rnnnarfMl the rei-ent \u25a0"• Havana- meeting * and ', who >nre 1 aluo the financial backer* of 'the .Tampa? meeting, fare ne gotiating:, for." the ~Ja inpstowu;-; track « lv .Virginia and . may . gl ye I a \u25a0 15 . day • meeting ; there preceding the opening at I'imlicu - ''.*,>'\u25a0>•.,•>" -'-../',. ' The S&n '\u25a0•\u25a0Fr^ciscm§affl il Telephone ''. "HEAßTY-* B6"r- A "**r*or The Call.: The Operator Vk'Hl Connect . ; You; With -tl-e, Department Yon ,Wl«h. BUSINESS 0FF1CE....... :...'..... Market arid -Third Streets,; San 'Francisco^ Open Until' ll o'clock Every -Night In 'the Year. ; \u25a0'\u25a0"\u25a0'\u25a0}'\u25a0\u25a0: EDITORLA.L R00M5.. .. . .... ... ... . . . . ......... .Market and Third :=Streets^ MAIN CITY 8RANCH. .. . . . . . . . , ; . . . . . . ..... .1651 Fillmore ; Street 'Near Post OAKLAND OFFICE-468 11th St. (Bacon Block) . {- ?|!e^honf Horned ijf I ALAMEDA OFFICE-^-1435 Park 5treet. ....... ...:.. .Telephone Alameda 659 \u25a0_._ •;-.., .-'\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 - \u0084.,:'-.:\u25a0 . , : z. .--, -\u25a0\u25a0-. ;• -.--. . -':.-.-- V" -'" u~ '•" "f BERKELEY OFFICE — SW. Cor. Center and Oxford. ..Telephone Berkeley 77 CHICAGO OFFICE— I 634 Marquette Bldg. .C. George KroVness, Special Agent !NEW, YORK OFFICE— BOS Brunswick Bldg/ljos. C. Wilberding. Special Agent WASHINGTON CORRESPONDENT-fPost Bldg- .-.lra E. Bennett SUBSCRIPTION* RATES /T Delivered by Carrier, 20 Cents Per Week, 75 Cents Per Month.'; Single V\v-~_: , : . :'. • ."..-... . \u25a0-\u25a0 --.-' .Copies/. 5 Cents. : ' :-.'.\u25a0 - : ;;' ''\u0084\u25a0:'\u25a0' ," ! '' '. Terms by Mail, for UNITED. STATES, Including Postage (Cash-With Order): DAILY CALL (Including Sunday), 1 Year . . : . ..... . . . : . . . . .... ..... . . -SB.OO DAILY CALL (Including Sunday), 6 Months ......... .... . . . . .". . . .'. ...$4.00 DAILY CALL— By Single. Month . . . . ... .".'.-.;. .... ... ; . .... ..... . . . 75c SUNDAY CALL, 1 Year. ....... ....... v\ .V. .$2-50 WEEKLY CALL. 1 Year ........*.•.... . . . . . . . -*1.00 FOREIGN I Daily,, . ............................ . . .SB.OO Per Year Extra pn^.pp A Sunday " .......... ...... ...... ... .$4.1? Per Year Extra rubCAXxh. 1 weekly ... ; . . :•. . -; ; Per Year Extra Entered at the United States Poetoflice as Second Class Matter. ALL POSTMASTERS ARE AUTHORIZED TO RECEIVE SUBSCRIPTIONS. \ j Requested. Mail subscribers in ordering change of address should be particular to give both NEW AND OLD/ADDRESS in order to insure a prompt and correct compliance with their request. " ~ ; '-;; '-"j 1 INDEX TO ,* THE CALL CLASSIFIED ADS ACCOTTNTANTS. .....: ....... . . Col. 6, P. 12 ADOPTION. .:...... Col. 1, P. 13 APAHTMEUTS......... .......,Col. 3, P, 12 ATT0KNEY5 ....................... Col. 7, P. US AUT0M081LE5..,.. ......... ........ Col. 4, V. 12 BAR AND STORE iFIXTURES :..... CoI. 4, P. 12 BARBEHB AND SUPPLTES. ........CeI. 7, P. 11 BICYCLES AND MOTORCYCLES.". Col. 8. P. 12 BUSINESS CHANCES. ....... .......Col. 4, P. 12 «< . •• ..C01.5,P,12 BUSINESS PER50NAL5:. ;....:.... C01. 1, P. IS CARPET - CLEANING.-. Col. 6, P. 12 CHIROPODISTS ....... . . . .....;... Ocl. 1, P. 13 clairvoyants:.....-.-.. .... c©i. 1, p. 13 CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS... CoI. 6. P. 12 COTTAGES ITO L51........... ...... C01. 3, P. 12 DENT15T5: .".:.... .1. ..'........'.. i.. C01. 1, P. 13 DETEC11YE5. ....... . : ..... iV.'.V. - -Col. 7, P. 12 DRESS MAKING... .........Col. 6, P. 12 'EDUOATIONAI/ . . . .", : . . . - ..... . . . ..Col. 7, P. 12 EMPLOYMENT 0FF1CE5."... \u25a0....:.. CoLl, P. 12 EMPLOYMENT WANTED— MALE. Col. 6, P. 11 \u0084v . ..~«.i . ...... . .- -\u0084,...-..-«.,_ c 01. .6, P. 11 EJIPLOYMENT.' WANTED— FemaI* Col. 7. V. 11 FEMALE HELP WANTED....".'....: Col. 7, P. 11 -" .."- .•' ,-••, .........Col. I.P. 12 ftnancialV. . -." ; . . . ..... . . . . . . . .-. /. coi. 2,' p. w FXATS TO LET. . ....... .'..'\u25a0 Col. 2, P. 12 : - : ->u >\u25a0-,:-.:. .«•-.. ..„.;;,..'..:.:.. C01. 3.P. 12 FLATS FOR 5ALE.".'.; ".'...:.'.. .....Col. 3, P. 12 FOR SALE— MISCELLANEOUS Col. 3, P. 12 FURNITURE FOR 5ALE. ....... . . ..Col. 3. P- 12 FURNITURE WANTED.. .......Col. 3, P. 12 furs; : : . . . . ;..... . . :. coi. 4, p. 12 GLASS W0RK5. .. .:.... • .. • • • -Col. rf, P. W HOUSES TO LET— FURNISHED...; CoI. 3, P. 12 HOUSES TO LET— Unf urnlfhed.'. . . .Col. 3, P. 12 HOUSES WANTED. ..... . . . . . .... ..Col. 3, P. 12 HORSES, WAGONS AND HARNESS Col. 4, P. 12 HOTELS. . : .Col. 2, P. 12 INFORMATION WANTED. ..'.... .'. . C 01. 3, P. 13 INVESTMENTS ....;..- .Col. 2, P. 13 LADIES' TAILORS .;......... Col. 6, P. 12 LEGAL N0T1CE5. ....... .' ........ . Col. 2, P. 13 LODGING .HOUSES FOR BALE. ; ...Col. 6, P. 12 10ST AND FOUND .CoL 6, P. 11 MALE HELP WANTED ........... Col. 8, P. 11 •• ........ ....^Col. 7, P. 11 MATRIMONIAL. Col. 7, P. 12 MAYERLE'S GERMAN EYE WATER. Col. 6, P. 12 MEDICAL" ........... Col. 7, P^ 12 i" - ..'..V.V..'.V.'.V..............C0L 1, P. 13 MEETfNGS— LODGES '. .Col. 4, P. 1 1 MEETINGS— LEGAL. .Col. 4, P. 11 MINES AND MINING .Col.' 3, P. 13 MISCELLANEOUS WANT 5 ......... Col. 4, P. 12 MONEY TO LOAN. .'. .Coir 1, P- « ;<• », .Col. 2," P,,- 18 MONEY WANTED^. *.'.'............. C01. 2, P. 13 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. . .;...'. ..Col. 1, P. 1» OFFICES AND STORES TO LET.. ..Col. 3, P. 12 PATENT ATTORNEYS. . . /. . . . . Col. 6, P. 12 PAINTING It PAPER HANGING... CoI. 6, P. 12 pen5i0n5:........:-. .......... coi. i, p. 12 PHY51C1AK8.. :................. ...C01. 7, P. 12 REAL ESTATES-C1TY.;............ C01. 3, P. 13 REAL ESTATE— COUNTRY. ... . . ••» Col. 3, P. 13 •• » " .........Col. 4, P. 13 REAL ESTATE— OAKLAND..... -..C 01. 4, P. IS REAL • ESTATE— ALAMEDA. ...... Col. 4, P. 13 REAL ESTATE— BERKELEY. . . . . . .'Col. 4, P. 13 REAL ESTATE— FRUIT VALE; CoL 4, P. IS REAL ESTATE— TO EXCHANGE... CoI. 5, P. 13 ROOMS AND BOARD OFFERED.. .Col. 2, P. 12 ROOMS TO LET— FUR.-UNFUR. . . .Col. 1, P. 1* .. .... , •• Col. 2, P. 12 ROOMS TO LET— HOUSE K'P'G...Col. 2, P. W SALESMEN tc 60UCIT0RS W'T'D.CoL 1, P. 12 SEWING MACHINES. - .Col. 4, P. 12 SPIRITUALISM Col. 1. *• " STORAGE AND MOVING VANS Col. 6. P. 12 TITLES RESTORED. . .. 1 ....'.....•. Col. 7. P. 12 TRUSSES .......:.... Col. 6, P. 1» TYPEWRITERS St : SUPPLIES : . . .v .Col.' 4t4 t P. 12 ________J"KETIX GS— L.odgeii_ £ j _ _ _ _^ MlSSlOX'chaptcr No. 79. R.-A. M.— isppoial nK-Ptlns THIS (THUKSj «a35V^ D\Y> EVENIKO, at S o'clw-k. Mark !T>»iJf Mastrr dpcreo. H.v ordor of the H. P. f?SVfi -..• - : -\u25a0;-•; R..S:ALLKX, StHTPtarr. MB^O SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO lodge No; ' «. • 212 F. & A. M. — Special - meeting S\ THIS (THURSDAY) EVENING «1-'VqV 7:30 o"clo<k. Third dogree. Mastor /%2r\ Masons cordially invited. By order '\u25bc \ of the W. M^ r p - WAIty ER> SeC retary. "i FIDELITY V lodff« No. 120. F. &'A. -" V A .- I- M.— Special mpcting: THIS THURS-.^- #\~. i>\Y» EVENING, at 7 o'clock. King Solomon's hall. Killmore st. Master f\r\ Masons cordially invited. I FREDERICK BARRY, Secretary. ~, SAN'MATKO IodKC No. 226. F. &A. A^ M.— Thlr.l de K ree THIS (THURS-^Af DAY) EVENING. 7:30 o'clock. . /\5rV \u25a0 E. S. MOL 7 LTON, Secretary. \u25a0\u25a0 ' \ CALIFORNIA lod(?e No. I.F. &A. M. O ' —Special meeting p THIS I (THURS- - -J\- S DAY) EVENING. Feb. I'o, 190U, Bt Voy 7:30 o'clock. In Corinthian ball, 2135 /\^\ - Sntter st; Third degree. : -'^ T; - FRANKLIN H.' DAY. Secretary, V: _:\u25a0\u25a0 . ; . " ;. - 110 Sutter st.. room 402. MISSION lodge No: 169, iF. & A., M.— .: • - -"\u25a0 Officers '• and members are hereby - no- \u25a0Jy\. tlfled to attend the funeral of our late AiL« r* brother. ' GEORGE MAGNUS AKDBR.>-sV: SON from the hall of 'the lodge,-. FRIDAY, February ;28.^ 1:30 p.* m. • B/ order of tho v.\y°M." :' FRANK W.- SMITH, Secretary. . PItESIDIO lodge No. 354, F. & A. ;,1L,- \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0":£>>'\u25a0 Klnc Solomon's hall. 1730 Klllmore st.— s'j^tk -' Tnlnl degree THIS (THURSDAY) :, tfj? EVENING, 7:30 o'clock.?- , ,^ s^,. v B.:L.;HESSBLTINE, Secretary. MASTER MARINERS' Benevo- .a^. * - ;":.-., : \u25a0 lent asWKflation— All members JJWBft«^j_;':' '•' are requested- to . attend a || BgffHllMjli fc ,' special ineetlnp on 'FRIDAY. | minfflflMS^^ "'February 2G. 1960,* at 12:30 « IpUlOTa^. p. m.. In the hall of the orh<>- [[ KjH3|; { g g *WiP r * elation," 82 : Market"? St.; ' San 11 /". .>\u25a0\u25a0'.-: ''"\u25a0 ',' Francisco/, for j the ' purpose of ,--. ':-- ; ; ," . I -attentllntr i^the \u25a0 funeral of our late brother, | « GEORGE Mi ANDERSEN. . ",. . v -:.- .-; A.^ P.- LORENTZEN.' Recording Secretary. '.- '.-' . MEKTINGS^-Leical ; i?s , : \j THE annual meeting of -the stock holders or the HakaUu Plantation Company;, will : be held . on ; Wednesday,' March •3. v 1909, > at - tha hour lof 11 o'clock a.. m.;. at/ tb« office. of: the company, 268 Market «t.; < room 210."" San Francisco, Cal., for the , pucpoae : of •\u25a0 electing directors for.,the ' eneulDS ' year • and S for 'i th» • consideration > and ; transact|Dn of snch other business as may come "before, the meeting. ':\u25a0.. Transfer books will close; ion - Saturday. > February . 20. • 1009. By order of " ttbe-prei'lioat.ii ; IL- W.' THOMAS, Secretary. -'; Dated February = 10.^909. y, ... r. \u25a0 .•.•;.\u25a0'\u25a0.•> \u25a0_'. THE annual^ meeting* of S the- stock ; holders^ of - the ' I'aauhau S Sugar/ Plantation - Company S will , be held; ©Hi Saturday, ' March "6, 1909, eat; the r hour.of^ll o'clockfa.-m.T:at theofflce.of • the ! company. & 2CS ; Market '; *t>^ (room f \ 210) ;f San \u25a0: Krandsco, Cal.','. for, the purpose of ejecting dl- i '«. rectors - for- the ensuing year. \u25a0 and for : the con- ! \u25a0 ; slderation | and I transaction of such '• other i bust- [ \ nefts as l may come; before; the; meeting.'.* v -. i -.'>'\u25a0 Transfer •: books - will close. WEDNESDAY, '- Ffibruafr 24,. 1909. •..- -j-.v-.^ -. . : . ,; . .i-. : -, ; . . :H. W. THOMAS, , Secretary. : ',/;: Dated; February. l 9/4909..;.; -.'-.-y ;,;. . , -..' ANNUAL meeting ! ; of * the j stock 'j holders jof j the •:.-.\u25a0 Oceanic * Steamship ;\u25a0 Company, will | be? held on - TUESDAY,^ March? »,; 1909. jat = the ihour: of 11 : • o'clock* a: -; bi.T* In the office of , the . president >of . the = company, i 90 : Clay ; st.;t San ? FrancUeo; | CalA" "\u25a0 for i the i' purpose \ of,* electing i, directors •; f or .'. the :'- ~'i ensuing > year « and ft for £ the s consideration! and ,» transaction of , such. other, business as. may come ' \u25a0 before • 1 he '; meetlnp.' i Transf n > books i will cloise "on; February; 27, -1909."- ! By^order. of ithe.presl- v dent. \u25a0 . .- H.- W.'- THOMAS." SecreUry. :• -'Dated February 20,; 1009. j : . . . -- .-\u25a0.-."•' - -, < r . -..-.- ! IF YOU LOSE ANYTHING— AdTertiw It here. : It will \>o returned to you if an . honest person finds it. Romarkabl* recov- eries are brought about every day through this column. \u25a0•-•. - \u25a0'•\u25a0\u25a0• \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-.'- . :. IF YOU FIND ANYTHING brinff it to * \u25a0-\u25a0the- •. . ...- \u25a0-.:-\u25a0_..-. :,:-- - ; - - - \u25a0:\u25a0 • \u25a0 \u25a0 San Francisco Call ' \ <i Lost and Found Bureau S j; Third and Market Stregtii i ; '-.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 -\u25a0\u25a0 Get a claim check. * Have It advertised. Reclaim it if. the owner dees not. \u25a0 - THE LAW— People who find lost arti- cles are interested in knowing that th« - state - law . Is \u25a0 strict in requiring them to . seek the '•\u25a0 owners throngh « advertisement and - otherwise ; and that a - failure 'to do - s» \u25a0 . if - proof \u25a0 can b« • shown •* involves a \u25a0 severe penalty. ' • ' "\u25a0> , ' A FRATERNITY pin. a crescent > with letters A. K. K. Kindly return' to Call "office. 1651 FUlmore -st. and recelve_ reward. .. ; ; i BETWEEN Cosmos cafe and Aleaxar • theater, clover leaf' pin. diamond setting; reward. Room 668. .Winchester hotel. Vr '. LOST— AT THE MARDI GRAS BALL. HOTEL \u0084 :- ST. FRANCIS, A VALUABLE PEARL NECK- LACE. FINDER WILL BE VERY LIBER- : ALLY REWARDED BY RETURNING- SAME TO THE CASHIER OF THE SAID HOTEL. LOST — Wednesday, February 3. in '.. Fruitvale \u0084' near or on way to- R. R. staUon. an intaglio \ . watch, charm . mounted in gold -and platinum. Finder please return to or communicate with A: P. HANSEN, care S. F. Chronicle, ' S. F., and receive , $5 reward. ' -.... \u25a0"-\u25a0-, r-- LOST — Brindle* bull . terrier pup bitch, white •breast, white spot back neck. Liberal reward if; returned to 316 Sanches st. bet. 5. and 7 p. *n ,\u25a0 . . . ' ,-, ; .. -.. \u25a0\u25a0 .-.^-, -,_ . - ;. • > LOST— At Haas' phone booth. . Van Ness ay.', purse. Return to 1301 Leavenworth st., -apt. 15. • Lady : known; save- arrest.-. - ..\u25a0\u25a0. . LOST— White bull : terrier, 9 months old; bad .collar .with .license, name;- and address; ' Re- .tnrn to 2 Hugo, st. corner Ist :av. '..Reward.' * LOST— Friday, cameo stickpin;- Tallied us. a keepsake. .Return to box 700. Call office. Re- ward. -..: ;; ," , -'. .-.:. ; . \u0084.- - ;\u25a0.\u25a0..\u25a0 , - LOST— Satnrday, February 20, pearl horseshoe brooch. Return to 1661 Washington at.: reward. ROYAL ARCH keystone with Chi <\u25a0 Phi .markT gold . with . white \u25a0 circle . in - center; ke«p«ake. Return to 421; Mills building, San Francisco; reward. \u25a0 . ... \u25a0; .. . -. . •• KMPL.O Y3IEXT WANTED-^3lale DALLY & DEM ARTINI. - ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS.'. .- ! Make a upeclalty of keeplDg books' of firms whose business \u25a0 does not- warrant the employment of • a regular book 'keeper: j terms reasonable. ' Room 1102 Humboldt "Bank*? bide.'' Plione Dong. < 3046. A , YOUNG man. age 20. understands- care of horses,, dD milking. . wants work of any kind. :JOE J.. 42 Clary st. ALL ROUND blacksmith < wants position in city or country. *' Address . box. 746. « Call office. CHOREMAN or handy yonng man about place, ranch or dairy, . care for horses, milk and gen- . eral all around work. Box 3005. '\u25a0 Call. Oakland. COMPETENT, Rll. around offlceman wishes re- sponsible position; can furnish references and bonds. : Box OSS. Call office. ..? . . f CHAUFFET>R nd practical machinist wants posi- tion: experienced at domestic and f orelgn. ma- chines'; no shop bills; do own repairs.. Box \u25a0 744. Call office. , : /: *. . . ... CHAUFFEUR : desires permanent work, • city or : country: - thoroughly experienced; -6 -years In •the business; .not afraid of .work; very best city references. Address M;, 1568 Jackson st. CHINESE boy. wants Job as saloon porter, dish washer or kitchen help. WILLIE SING, 739 Clay st. COOK and porter ! wishes situation, saloon. In city.".'. Box 636. Call office. .-..-.... V • '\u25a0 ' -'- \u25a0 - .. ..." CAPABLE man who thoroughly understands book -keeping and : accounting in all Its. branches li .: desirous of securing clerical position;' have bad 8 years' experience in the \u25a0 insurance business ; .. beat of 'references . and- satisfaction assured. \u25a0 Box 1 145, Call office, y' V ' - - t ENGINEER, --with: long years' experience as draftsman .and machinist, wants employment. 1t0x.655. Call office.- .'-. r ; EXPERT main steno and office assistant desires position: salary $19; employed at present. Box 638.; Ca1l office. , : ...:..; -.-.-, : GIBBS Employment Bureau; »33o : Pacific Bids.', .phone Douglas 879— Foreman on bread and cake wants position. : ; : ,- :. > j GIBBS Employment Bureau, 330 Pacific Bldg.". • phone | Doujrlas 979 — Cook . for restaurant and dish washer. ..' - - \v. . ; 'GIBBS Employment Bureau,- 330 Pacific Bids;.', phone -. Douglas 973 — CaUc baker and ' helper . wants position. ': '. • - - .- - - " ? v , HARDWARE salesman desires position; experi- \u25a0 enced *in general and builders' 'hardware." A. 'FREEAR. 3012 Grove St.. Berkeley. \u25a0; * ' < I WOULD like a position In which I ; could ad- vance; small \ wages \ to. start: ; medium* educa- - : ttoh; good manager. .'- Box 4507," Ca1l office; . i JAPANESE,* first class icook. : wants ; position "in * private family: has good references; Wages $v a week. ; HIGASHI. 1615 ; Post st. .Tel. \ West ;.'5745. : : t^.;,^-.,y '\u25a0:...:.\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0 ;'- \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0:,:-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0- :-::\u25a0:\u25a0:- \u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0 JAPANESE, with best references;, excellent ; pri- '*• vate. family cook; • French,* German: pastry: . -fancy cakesl'auy', style cook; high wages. ' Box .\u25a0 4546.: Call: office. ;v * i -." : 7 v ; - , r JAPANESE good boy wishes situation as school '- \u25a0 boy .'\u25a0\u25a0:' C MATSU. \u25a0 15338 ; Geary st. - - -.-'>. JAPANESE, school '\u25a0. boy, wants a position -in - ;famlly.;:«79 Golden Gate ay.r S. F. . "> . • ; MAN and wifpf want: positions man -tend bar. v wife \u25a0 upstairs £ work ; \u25a0\u25a0 city, s or * country." :'\u25a0. Box ' 7 4370,' i Call office. t-;; B :\u25a0.•-.; :.. •. .-- :, MAN' ; and wife want situations; man. good all I --around man ;f woman : good cook. :* Address box .': 4568. > Call office. 1651 , Flllmwe': »t. :> vo. . MARRIED ~ man.' \u25a0 wife ' and 1 2 children, - German's. ' wish to take care of a private place, or ranch; understands all ranch work; handy with tools; - J wife,"' If /wanted,'*:- would \u25a0• do - housework ;' good /references.-- Address O. L., 619 Van Ness ay.; ;*:\u25a0 phone Franklin 2818.'. \u25a0-..._• :"'.... POSITION -< wanted* by,- German,' "sober -and reu- sable; accustomed to any work about place, such ; as the care^of horses,- garden or autos; best of i? :rffercnces..> Box. 747, 'Call office. *„„ -.- ; ; SITUATION- Wtd— Young man, experienced book \u25a0keeper -and r- of flee^ :> man, \u25a0:, capable- of.-taktng ; " cha rge, ! : several f. years 1 \u25a0; experience ; .In ,t a wroill ' and. retail ? lumber.'. business,? would go to: the country • or - any \u25a0 place "at 'moderate; salary;' ex- \u25a07'cellent s references.":." Bos* 6l3,% Call \u25a0 office. - •; SITUATION i wanted -by -"a. reliable- married maa.- " . German.'s-to^ take ;;care/i of, -private.-: place-, or ' ranch: understands gardening or care of horsea, (.'vmllklnjt;handyiW.ltb'tcols;:good references. G, Albion ay. •;;-\u25a0>: ~: ;_~; -\u25a0;.--:; / SITUATION; wanted— Care": for j private place, by *'-, sober, v steady . man i.(Dane) : » thoroughly.^ under-" :. stands' gardening,' s care -and 'drlvinK, of* ftorses; *i poultry and milking; best- references. -.Box ;0*a/ ? .i Call 1 office. •"-;V/:1 ! " -. • < :^ .'di^X.;.^:; '^"".7,, SITUATION; wantediasiwatchman:. best of rcfer- 8,-j e«cc8 ; ; I " am ' a \u25a0 steady, 1 \u25a0 sober.' and ; reliable man. ri. Address- b0x; 637.1 Call; office.;^ --.--...",,; \u25a0\u25a0 t \u25a0 STENOG RAPHER. ' accountants expert ; court . and Si legal.f. wishes s do»k ; room -; for I public: work ; with • : & uom 1 nal : Ka lary; f or^ serv Ices. :<l Box ; 833." Oa H. - TWO \u25a0 milkers i capable : of i milking 1 30 1 cows "want it Positions ; .state, wages. ; CHAS. *DE HAAN.* box •'. 035. s CaU. office. .- " r . EMPLOYMkxT AVAXTEP-— Stale— Con. TRAINED male nurse, t> years* experience,' wishes •\ position, private or institutional work. Phone ;,.:•-' Park. 6444. ;..;-. ' : . . ;.':..;..\u25a0.;.. : '.:.''.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ' : WATCHMAN 'wishes a position: 'many years* ex- : ' perience ' and . good security" if required. "Box v 705,: Call if flee.*: " ! » \u25a0 >"- ; '. v --,• WANTED— Permanent -sltnatioo by graduate civil engineer and construction superintendent; -.experienced in concrete and rock work, founda- -,.,tlons,r bridges, railway and Irrigation and dredging. .-, Bor 534.*. Call office. - . WANTED — By:>a 'first ; class pastry ' cook - and : ' cake baker, . work In hotel or restaurant. 726 . Flllmore st.,; -.^ :/,->\u25a0,-. \-'.\:-J .; , ::. YOUNG Frenchman Irishes acquaintance of young - American. about," 3 16 to- IS years, for convers*- - tton in - English. . Call ' from .10 to 12 . o'clock. . 331 - Montgomery st." •-.'\u25a0•- "- . \u25a0.'\u25a0 . , YOUNG man of 24 wishes position, either -In of- fice or some outside work; can use typewriter nnd is «»usel«?atious worker: can furnish the test , of , references ; . was formerly employed In the office of a wholesale liquor bouse; fair sal- ary expecteJ. Address box SSI, Call office. YOUNG' man. .'aged 23. all round, hand r. eta drive, - knows • the streets well, wants a posl- tlon. • J. BUDOS. 2S Sta Bt. ! YOUNG \u25a0 man wants \u25a0 position; can take care ef horses, . cows. : etc.. and has" some farm expe- '\u25a0;\u25a0- rience. Box 606, \u25a0 Call office. „* YOUNG man .wants employment, repairs In fac- tory;" food machinist, lathe hand, brass fin- l»h«T. etc Box 52.8. Call of floe. - < ; ' MALE HELP WAXTED J MURRAY & READY. ; Leading Employment. and Labor Agents. WHITt: PALACE HOTKL BUILUINU, • . 11U» \u25a0 and Market . sts.. San ' Francisco. - l'nonea Market 636 and 657. ; BRANCHES: 6th and Franklin sts., Oakland, Cal. : Phone Oakland 7361.- . ,2d and Main sts. and 121 Marchesault St.. Los Angeles, Cal. :^-:.y;-. FREE FARE. SPECIAL SHIPMENT TODAY. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON. DORRIS.' " ' BRAY. , FOR THE BIG TUNNELS. 10 beadermen, $"".. 10 cornermen, • $75." \u25a0 - - 10 machine drillers, $52.50. ' ; FBEE>.FAUE. SHIP TODAY. ' 100 teamsters, laborers, rockmen, drillers, for R. R. work. SISKIYOU— SHASTA. ALL. FREE FARE.. . , FOR OTHEU R. R. WORK. RECONSTRUCTION WOUK. CP. R. R. NEVADA DISTRICTS..- * ALSO PLACER CO. FREE FAKE. -BOWMAN. ._, - ,-.-\u25a0: COLFAX. 25- statlonmen for rock and . earth work, by contract.: \u25a0 . FREE FARE— SHIP TODAY, s WHITE PALACE HOTEL. SPECIAL NOTICE. "15S ~ NEW SINGLE BOOMS, . INCLUDING BATHS; SUN AND ELECTRIC LIGHT IN EVERY -ROOM. - . . |L5O PER WEEK. CALL AND SEE-THEM. . 60 SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES. • FREE OF CHAKGE TO GDESTS." \u25a0 -500 splendidly furnished 'rooms, Ssc. 50e and 75c per day; free bath with every room; largest hotel office and clubroom un Pacific coast, fac- ing Van- Ness ay.: baggage checked and stored free of 'charge; highest grade «f white help employed. . . • \u25a0 WHITE PALACE HOTEL— NEVER CLOSED. \u008411th and -Market sts., Saa Francisco. COAL MINERS COAL MINERS GOOD MINE GOOD WAGES FARE REFUNDED 10 coal miners, by contract, good prices, jour fare returned. . \u25a0 \u25a0 WOOD CHOPPERS. FREE FARE. 5 more wood choppers. $1.05 to ?1. 55- cord. - :•\u25a0••\u25a0 .-*\u25a0\u25a0: WOOD CHOPPERS. "5 wood cnoppers,' near city. $1.75 cord. FOR OTHER MINES. 'Assayer and . surveyor. v go'd mine. $120. Amalgamator, gold mine, boss here. V-V SECTION FOREMEN. ... FREE.FAP.E. Married sectlod foreman. *T5. 2 section foremen, electric railroad, boss here, \u25a0' part free fare: -^'^ .-.- ALASKA. FREE FARE, t Second camp cook. $60 arid found. ... .-Cook; small camp. $50 and found.- • ' - Camp :walter. $35 and found. All to go to Alaska— FAßE FREE. - : > .'. 5 -MISCELLANEOUS. Young man, drive bakery wagon, country, $23 and found. . 3 boys, learn machinist's trade." $G week." Blacksmith, near city, $3.50 day. ' Section foreman, logging, R. R., $75. ' Sheep herder, $2 faro. $3o and found.- - ; - 2 plow teamsters, $30 and found. 4 boys, factory work. $6 week. • 2 experienced furnltnre packers, $2.50 day. ' ' ; FREE FARE— SOUTH. . 10 teamsters, $W», free fare. . 10 laborers, $32.30— FREE FARE- SHIP TODAY. BOSS- HERE TODAY* Blacksmith, ranch, near city, $45 and found. Gardener, San Mateo Co., $35 and found. \u25a0 Bartender, country, $75 to $SO. >' Waiter, plain hotel, country. $30 and fonnd. Cook, young man, restaurant, $12 we«k. FARMERS AND WIVES. Farmer and wife, no objection to children, $40 and found. Milker and wife, country, $45 and found. Married farmer, $40 . and house. ; ITALIAN LABORERS. 10 Italian laborers, manufacturing plant, a steady .work. $32.50. >l"' : - FREE FARE. Stenographer and type writer. R. . R, camp, $35 to $40 and found— FßEE FARE. \u25a0 CALL AND READ OUR BULLETIN BOARDS FOR OTHER JOBS. COME HOME TO SLEEP. SLEEP AT OCEAN SHORE LODGING HOUSE, : XEXT DOOR TO .MURRW & READY'S GREAT LABOR OFFICES, UTH -AND MARKET STS. 600 SINGLE ROOMS. SUN AND ELECTRIC LIGHTS IN EVERY ROOM. 25 CENTS PER NIGHT; $1.25 PER WEEIv. INCLUDING BATH. COFFEE SERVED FKEE DAILY, FROM 5 TO 8 A. M. FREE BARBEK SHOP. BOOT- BLACK .-:\u25a0 STAND, SHOWER AND FOOT BATHS: TAILOR AND PATCHING ROOM- BAGGAGE CHECKED FREE: ALL PAPERS AND MAGAZINES AND BELLMAN TO CALL YOU* WHITE HELP ONLY EMPLOYED.' OCEAN SHORE LODGING HOUSE. FACING AND 'ADJOINING OCEAN SHORE TERMINAL RAILKOAD DEPOT. : UTH' AND MARKET STS.. SAN FRANCISCO. . . ; NEVER CLOSED. J * MI' RRAY & . READY, -.'llth and i Market sts.. " San Francisco. -6th and Franklin sts.. Oakland. — — , AA— lOO MEN to save $2 to $4 a pair on sample shoes; all standard makes; $4 to $G values; all . $2.50 . a . pair. . Drummers' - Sample . Shoe Co., third ' ficor, ; Humboldt - Bank t building-. ANDRE'S. . 1044 Larkln— Restaurant cook, $20- . $25; secoud cook, country hotefc- $45; baker and .; helm the cook. . $40-$5O: ' cooks.- kitchen ' help and others. \u25a0- Oakland office. 057 Franklin. AUTOMOBILING. plumblns. electricity, brick \u25a0 laying and plastering taught by actual work Ia shops and buildings;, advanced scholars earn w«ges;-day- and night. classes; free catalogue. Coyne • National Trade < School. 230 Bth. S. V. CHARLIE — Please J come j home I to 1 236r lonesome nights. ';•-' -.* -"."\u25a0-, \u25a0 > FATHER; , CARPENTER who r. understands 'store^fixture : work. - Box 745 r Call of fice. .-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-. ;r,i. v iFKEE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. . • "Tel. Market 737. , . -? . • ' ST. . GEORGE HOTEL. HOWARD AND BTH.- SAN FRANCISCO; -ALSO 4TH AND J. SACRAMENTO. * ;- REFITTED— REMODELED.' NICELY FURNISHED SINGLE ROOMS. 20c :r:\ PER NIGHT. $I'PEK.WEEK AND CP. \u25a0\u25a0*\u25a0 :'? ,-V «., READING ROOM AND OFFICE ; :. .ON GROUND^ FLOOR. .'. FIRST CLASS offlceman,* 23 to 30 years old; . must .be., rapid, accurate -and have -execntlve state > salary expected. 1 : 80x ' 722. -, Call. LABOR accounts collected: attachments ' and Hens. \u25a0\u25a0 CHAS. H. N ORRIS.- 373 Monadnock bldg. LABORERS and mechanics to kno^ that Edward % Kolklr) I has s reduced tbe rooms at the - Denver *. House. \u25a0- 3d • and •- Howard sts.. to 35c . per , day. * $2 : week : \u25a0 hot and - cold wattr In every * room. PHOTO-COUPON agents.'- Call at SCHAFFER*S, 72- San Pablo ay.. Oakland. > ; MAN. wanted! to learn barber bnsiness . in - barber Nshop- by. practical barber. -.who will teach t you 1 '•quicker and: better -than any Institution. Apply-; -»W7 Broadway. Oakland. '."-: ' \ \ MEN to learnlbarber trade in 8 weeks; free spe- X- cial * Inducements * to . next ;, 10; ' call . early. -: get :'_• partleulam. ?. 8. C F.V Barber - College. ; 8 , Fell st. MEN and women to learn barber trade; S weeks; - ,' earn $5 to , $10 » per r week ; while learnine; \u25a0 par- ; '<\u25a0*. tlcnlars ; free.*; MOLER . COLLEGIS.: 9 llth st. T SBWVWEBTEK.VC, 1124: : Howard ,: St.— Single -: rooms. , 15c ' and ] 20c night : hot : and \u25a0 cold .water. WANTED— 2- solicitors; can earn $25 to S4O per - s week. / Apply 600 Baker at. nrHn tm u linn ii^^Vm t t iMrKHf^-nr •»\u25a0->»•» ,- m ii- i r-l i *^* a *" .- \u25a0 , \u25a0'•*'. 'MALE HELP WAXTED— Contlnaed ORIENT Employment Agents— Reliable help fnr- ' -'nlsbed; Chinese and Jaapnexe cooks, servants and butler* of an descriptions our specialty. . 714 Webster St.. Oakland. Phone Oakland 3101. THREE good mining stock agents wanted: mnst N* well recommended; fine protKoltion; bis com- mission: apply Immediately. Dlmond Grocery Co.: Upper Fraltvale. \u25a0 -• .. WANTED — 600 men to occupy rooms.' 2Oc to 90e per night (free bath), at the New York. 753 Howard st. between 3d and 4ta. WANTED—^Show card .writer: one experlenee<l in store work '\u25a0 preferred. - « Apply imperintend- rnt's office, from t) to 11 a. m., HALE BROS.. 'Ino.- .--. '.' •\u25a0-"-..-:\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0' - WANTED — Men: $4.50 per day; your own boss; $.10 reqnlred for patent. MR. MOORE. &*U Washington st.^ Oriental block. WANTED — Expprlpnce*! night efrrk for Sacra- mentn lodeini; house; wag^s $25- and board. ,*£ox 743.,' Ca1l office.' ' . WANTED— Roomers". Hotel Crystal. 871 McAllla- ter st.: 50e-$l per day: $2.50-53.50 per week. WANTED — Restanrant porter.. 43 «th st. . --- ICO LABORINGMEN To occupy clean stogie rooms at THE ORION . XAL MECHANICS' HOTEL. 813 Howard st. between, sth and 6th; 15c. 20c. 23c day; 91. fI.CO week; sood, cleaa meals. 10c op. SHAW . BROTHERS. . YOUNG iiijii v. anted to take charge of office; book keeper and stenographer: $1,000 cash tn- . vestment in company required. Box 625. Call. YOUNG MEN FOR. RAILWAY MAIL SERVICE* Exam, in San Francisco May 15; Intending appli- cants should Begin preparation AT ONCE: nample questions and "How Government Posl- tlooi Are Secured" sent free. Interstate Schools. 635 lowa ay.. Cedar Rapids. la. YOUNG men wanted to learn telegraphy and *t*tion work; tuition, free." For partlcnlara call room 405.' Hlbernia balldlnr. Jonei •£. 200 PAIRS second hand and uncalled far shoes BATtUEnSAXP .SUPPLIES ___ BARBERS— We offer some EXCEPTIONAL bar- gains in second hand BARBEK CHAIRS. • - Ten No. 147 KOKEN hydraulic, pedestal bane chairs In dark brown leather. These chairs are all In EXCELLENT eon- < dition and are sold with onr ABSOLUTE. UN- LIMITED GUARANTEE: $40 cash or $44 on time: easy payments to responsible parties. We also have a few Beroinguaus and Koch's cbairs at surprisingly low prices. - If, you are not ready to buy chairs at pres- ent, you can geenre cae or more by pa vise m small deposit NOW. See these bargains at once; DON'T DELAY; they will «ell unickly. DF.CKELMAN BROS.. INC.. 162 TURK ST. BARBERS' SUPPLIES BARBER CHAIRS AND VIBRATORS We have several of onr last year model hy- draulic cbairs that we will tlose oot at a great reduction. If you are goiis la business It will pay you to call, and see us. Chairs sold on installment of $13 down and $3 a month. . . Vibrators sold on Installment of $10 dawn aad $4 a month. Several bargatn.<i In second hand chairs. JAMES BARKER. INC.. Phone Franklin 3539. . 94 Tnrk st. EUGENE F. PANARIO. Mgr. BARBERS — We' are offerlnjr special values in towel urn*, rejrular $t and $t.50 now $3; our Jupiter razor has proven a. repeater: every ona -guaranteed: price- $1.50: -. the Snnset bone l» becoming more popular because of its cutting quality, givln: a razor a smooth, keen edg«; we carry a complete line of furniture aad fix- tures whieii w«» **\\ on installment basis. Pacific Barber Supply Company, 962 Market st- 29 Turk st. "\u25a0";:. UAKKLIKS — We Uave cash customers to buy gnoil pnyiosr sln>rm having r«*a*joahle rent. STOLZS. 731 Market St.: Bancroft bids. ' BAREERS' union No. 14*— Office removed to 343 Van Ness ay.; tel. Market BS9. CHARLES KOCH. Secretary. BARBER wanted. $72*^ Broadway. Oakland." BOOTBLACK stand for rent with patronage of barber shop.. 222 Marker st. EMPLOYMENT SECRETARY OF BARBERS* PROTECTIVE" UNION. A. UNGER. 103 Ist St.; phone Keamy 2157. . : :. ELDERLY barber wants a Job, city or country, with or r.lthout board: small wages. 5*53 Wal- Icr sf. \u25a0' - FIRST CLASS, steady barber wishes position la " country town. Box 4509. Call office. \u25a0 • FOR sale— A 3 chair 10c shop: price $225. 420 fith St.. Oakland. FOR sale — Small barber shop; low rent; investi- gate. For informs ttofl call at 222 Market st. FOR rent — Bootblack stand. Apply at Bonlta Bar. Flllmore at. "MENTHOLINE" ctvara cools and heal* the skin \u25a0 after sharing. At. BAUER'S. 1.V.4 EIIU st. SELLING -out .barber i-liairx and basin; credit: cash for second band chairs. 883 Grove st. TWO chair. barber shop for sale; price $65; rest $10.50; free. 597 4th st. cor. Brannan. WILL buy a paying 2 or 3 chair barber shop for cash, with llvlnff rooms preferred. Box 730, Call ofCce. 0 . WANTED — Good manicure. RUGE & GARST. 22 Montgomery st. • .\u25a0--,\u25a0 WANTED — A barber: steady Job; $19; tn coun- try. Address JACK BROWN, box 12S. Los Kanos. CaL - "- /-\u25a0;-•- - WANTED— Barber shop porter. f£9 TurV nt. *\u25a0 WOULD lite to buy a fair paying barber shop • for rasii. Box 4.W4. Call offleo. EMPLOjrME^JjWAXTED-- *^Si^!L:^ A GIRL 18 years old wonld like housework. A. T-. 200 Wayland st. ; • \u25a0 \u25a0 BRIGHT young; - lady wants position as book keeper; plenty of references; phone Kearny ' S37S. or call room 211. 660 Market st. HOOK KEEPER, utenoyrapher or bill clerk: ex- perienced in implement, medicine or mall order business: best references. Box 449. fall office. COMPETENT woman wishes house cleaning and . washing; also window cleaning; good, honest. reliable worker. Addresa L. E. W., box 48T. Call office. .:. - DRESS MAKER, ladles' tailor— First class work, all kinds, taken home: fit guaranteed; 16 yearn* experience: snlta $12.50 np: few engagements per day. MISS BARSS. IVM) Market at.; pbon» Market 1349. • • _ EXPERIENCED saleslady, sulu and mlllia«ry. 15 years. in business, desires a position; rap- able of taking charge of department. -Ad- dress box 603. Call office. FASHIONABLE? dress maker wishes engasv- ment by the day in families. Phone Oakland £423.- * • GIRL wishes position as cook and 'assist with housework. 13T»1 Post st. ' GIRL to learn magazine .work aad receive •mall salary beside*. Apply^ California Home Jour- nal. 330 Jackson st.. San Francisco. MIDDLK AGED German lady, with daughter. • : first class cook, all around good worker, want* . a job in the country; danghter old enough to help; wages $13 per ..month and found for danghter; no bachelor oee.d apply. MRS. P. AUGUST. Napa. CaL- \u25a0 NORTH German. educated widow, with 8 . year \u25a0 old boy. wishes position to motherless children; good nurse; also business woman; best refer- ences ; 'no objections to country. MRS. .©. BECKER. 1254 Eddy st. . " - REFINED Swiss .lady' wanta position as gov- erness qr companion: German. French. Eng- lish: fine needle worker: 5 years' experlenc«: good references. MISS 8.. Y. TV. C- A.. 1243 ; O'Farrell at. - .-\u25a0-'. .. RELIABLE woman; is good cook and lanndre<ts: downstairs work; - wishes . situation: no objec- tion to country; references; wages $33 to $Qo. ' 1703 BrodO'..-lck st. - - - . \u25a0 RELIABLE woman, good cook, wants position la family;: good wages; references. Ad- dress 712 Flllmore st. - - KEFINED -widow -with a young man son wonld like to take charge of a home for par- ties golns east or to Europe for a visit; very capable, and can give- the best of references. - Address box 478. Call office. • \u25a0 REFINED German girl wishes position as lady* maid or care grown children or waiting. Call or address 13GA Lexington ay. between 13th and 10th sts. ' " WANTED— Situation ta private ' family: first class washer and ironer. LIM WAN. &*? Du- pont St.. . v.^'. _-_.\_ _ ...•.-.' J WIDOW ' desires ..position .a» compaaloa and nnrse to Invalid; highest references fanUaaed. Address. M.. box 531. Call office. YOUNG lady, thoronghly experienced book keei>er " and stenographer, versed In average office de- tails with excellent references, would consider offer either In city or country «t very moderat* salary, j Box 543, Call office. - - . - - - *: • .- - _____ \u25a0 . y\ . female; help avaxted . " A A A— Lessons ; In. hair dressing and manlcnrlnc ; given. Up to' Date Parlors. 1750 FUlmore; rates. AAA — Millinery maker and errand sir). SLIZ.V- BETH HAU-. l»J0» Polk »r. AT AIRS." ANDRE'S," 1(>44 Larkiu st.— American : cook. $40; weood girl, small family. $-"io. *:;.-»: French .nni'se. t , cUfld, , $W; French »e»ronfl • girl, country, $30: housework zirls for.Wn«wt- slde, $35; Corte : Maders. $30: Rto Vista, ,£»: : waltrei»a- for" Nevada. \u25a0 $CJ>: cook for Sap An- selmo. $30. '--\u25a0 ANY person bavins witnessed the rnnnlng over of a lady at Van Ness ay. and Sutter .it' X*. -vember 13.. IOOS.-will bestow a great fa»»r by- \u25a0\u25a0 Kcndlnc \u25a0 their address to box 505. Call office. \u25a0 Con tinned ti»Xcxt Pas» 11