Newspaper Page Text
12 ' FE3IALE nE^P^yANT^D--Cont|nncd I BAUMS SAMPLE TRIMMED HAT PARLORS— . • I am ce.Uinlv giving better value aud style in my line or $j ladles' trimim-d hats than can be found in the city. My assortment is the largest. I «ra located ou the Cth floor. Pacific Bldg. 4th mid Market, rooms 001-002-SO4. and my rent «avlng is my cu*toruer«s' prost. 1 have also added a line ranging in price from $7.50 to $15. which are money savers. No millinery profits here, but legitimate pric«s. Spring line is now ready. •"/ -EXPERIENCED chocolate dippors wanted: steady eniplormrat : »rood pay. Apply after "" r 10 a. m.. LEU NH AUDITS. 1157-1159 Broad- way. Oakland. ' GIRL for cooking and homework; small family; oar fan- paid. 59 7th nv., Ilichmond. m^^^^_ _^ _^ _^ _ *... .^ — — — — —^ *^ . GIRL Wtd-:-<;<»od plain <-'Kik; small family. 2SCI Sscrani^uto st: apply *> to 12. • RELIABLE gjrl to io grnorcl housework. In-} quire 9 to 1Z a. m., 1 Scott Ft. . FIRST CLASS oook. Ross Valley, $40: cock who «m<lcr*tan.!s (k-rman ««oking. private family. Sio; general lious^work plrl. also a nurse for " the tame lvwif"\ $35-930; waitress and chaui- l-er maid, coantry. *2."»: Ke<x>nd girl for Ross Vallo.v. $:»f>: Frt-nch nurse for one child. $30; • . French or «;ennan nurw^rj- governess. $35, ref- erences: <:ormaß h»t!^ keeper for 3 men. coun- ' . try. $25-$5 O. MOSS PLINKETT, 1896 Sut- ter st. ____^ . LADIES Wtd— To take home work; part or full lime: eip*ripnce unnecessary. Triebers, rooms 213-215. Pacing blilc.. 4^h and Market. Girl* tf> make overalls at our Oakland factory, ' Sd rt. war Cley. LEVI STRAUSS & CO. Ap- ply to Mr. Davis. • TRUIMEB Wtd— Al: for Fresno, Cal.: long MMS.Mi: salary *.\u25a0}\u25a0> work. Apply MCLLEE & BAAS CO.. I'olk sr. Iwt. Sotter and Bnsh. WAITRESS VSBtBd in a f=plendld cafe; wares J<; jx^r week: <iay oiT. .*.IG Kearny St. WOMAN w»nt<-d to lielj> with housework in pay- meet o] house k»H>|iiiig room. 522 Turk st. WANTED— Experienced makers, trimmers, ap- prentices aud Fslespeople for our millinery de- partment. Apply at once, superintendent's WASTED — Teachers for Nevada; good places. \u25a0 FISK TEACHERS' AGENCY, next to First National Bank. Berkeley. ViUNii pirl wanted to wait at table. Apply 235 \u25a0 Cl'.rrch ?T. - SALESMEN' 3^i^Si'VSiJ^SSJS^AiJSSS. ' SALESMEN Wtd — Hustlers only; come early. Room '.74. Mo^Hdiiook l>uilding. 2 INTELLIGENT solicitors of good address who : can give reference as to their ability, honesty '•' and sobriety. See PACKARD. 8 to 9 a. m. • - and 4 to 5 p. m., circulation department. The '. Call. JVANTKn — Energetic lilgh prade salesman to earn $100 wet-k soiling stock in the "Holding ' Company" of a large copper corporation; extra • large '\u25a0omiuisslon paid: agents wanted iv every citt-. Yaqui-Sinaloa Mines Company, room 724, Phelan building^ ' I'.VI'AID WAGES COLLECTED ' KN0X.44."! Pine — Suits, liens and attachments. . time clwk* <-n*he<»: debts collected everywhere. AA— OSCAIi HATSUMI, JAPANESE-CHINESE EMP. CO.; BEST HELP GUAU.; CITY OR •\u25a0 • COUNTRY. 1513 GEARY ST. WEST 56?5. AA— Japaiiese-CUiuese Emp. office; best help; - city or country. ICI2 Laguna Bt; tel. West O'- 1781. Jl. HORI. 174S Sutter; phone West 2803— Best ' ' : Japanese-Chinese belp furnished promptly. ; tMl'I/jI'MKNT of See — Ladies wishing girls and . friris wlsdiiifg positions phone 3CO. or call 338 Minnie St.. Sau Mateo. "; 'i'.-r. .11. W. HUNG, Chinese employment office, 805 . Webster st. O&kland. Phooe Ock. 5543. 1. CO>N. Chinfiie ezup. bureau; Chinese cooks tprtXl. hotel or fara. 770 Clay; t. Douglas 31C2. ......»....cL House Cleaning Co., 1037 Polk st, . M.-. Post et. Best belp. Phone Franklin 3757. .SE Domestic Workers' association fur- n'siirt best help. 1777 Post Tel. West 7158. -bTAK emp. office furnishes Japanese-Chinese - liplt>. W. KAOOT A. l<y* Geary: Tel. West Ifi7. ROOMS TO LET — For, and Pntur. AA— SUNNY front fitting room and connecting bed- room, comfortably furnished; use of bath; on Pine st near Powell; private family; refer- ences required; suitable for 2 gentlemen; rent $15 p. r month. Box 443, Call office. A FRONT SUNNY BOOM FOIi GENTLEMAN ONLY. « PRIVATE FAMILY. WITH BATH; ALSO PHONE. ON ALL CAR LINES. NEAR PAftHANDLE, G. G. PARS. NO ROOMEES. BOX 257. CAT.!.. A COZY 'home for respectable ladles, 1130 Mar- ket st. near 7tb, under auspices of the SALVA- TION ARMY; elegantly furnished; every mod- •pm convenience; steam heat electric light and elevator service; FjKitlessly clean; centrally lo- : \u25a0 cated; thoroughly homelike; telephone Market 1349; prices very moderate, ranging from 25c tier night up; special rates by the week or • .month. See matron, room 33. --.-., • ' BALDWIN HOUSE, 74 eth st. near Market — AU modern conveniences; 220 rooms; Csc to $1 per • '_. - day. $2 ti> $5 per week : free baths. BELVEDERE st, IS7, nr. Frederick— Large, sunny frost room, near panhandle and 4 car- lines, for 1 or 2 gentlemen; private family. '/CALIFORNIA st. 241.".. cear Flllmore— Newly ..' furnished sunr.y room; ligtt house keeping if desired; reasonable. CALIFORNIA st.. 2437. near Fillmore— 2 cicely -_. furnished roomß in private family; reasonable. .' CUPPER St.. 132 — 4 furnished rooms; sunny; >'• $21 per month: references required. \u25a0".-".'...:\u25a0 \u25a0-] CENTRAL HOTEL, 574 3d Bt. — Free baths; office and reading room on ground floor; 500 single ' '\u25a0 -; r-:;d family room*: 35c to $1 a day; $2 to $5 . a week. EDWARD BOLKIN; proprietor. - , ;i CAPITOL HOUSE. 733 Harrison et near 3d— '- ' Hooihs 15c nifrht. $1 per week. - :\u25a0 • IJEWEY HOUSK. N. E. cor. 4th and Howard ; sis.— 2oo rooms; 35c to $1 day; $2 to $5 week. Best in city. Free baths. EDDY st. ICI0 — Nicely furnished tunny front room: piioae. bath: reasonable. " ELLIS st. 1917 — Nice sunny large rooms, furn. hskpg.: private phone: baths: rates reasonable. ELLIS fct.. 1G56. near Flllmore — Large, eunny rooms, from $2.50 cp: all convenience*. FILLMOBE st, 7.19-j-Newly. furnished, sunny room: private family; cheap, $10. .""•". FULTON et.. SIS — Large sunny front room; 'running water; reasonable. FCLTON et. 1531 — Nice light room, newly fur- Disbed; cheap. \u25a0GOLDEN GATE ay.. 1603— Newly furn. rooms; $2.50 op; phone, bath, running water. --- .GROVE St.. 504 — Fine large front room, suitable for 2; rent $3 week for 1. $4 for 2. GItOVE et. 713 — Elegant. sunny -. furnished room; running wat«-r and bath; rent reason- able. HAIGHT. St. 771 — Front parlor; tunny, nicely famished: only $10 a month. I LAGUNA st, 723 — Nicely furnished front rooms; cheap rent . HOTEL AMERICA. 1045 Market st— Rooms; hot •nd cold water, steam beat, baths, elevator; Ssc to $1 day; $2 up week. HOTEL ST. PAUL. 528 12th St. corner Clay, Oakland — Rooms 50c a day up; $2.50 week up; • Kp<Tlal rate by the month: open all night. JEFrtUSON irt.. 917, between Bth and Bth. Oakland — A sunny house keeping room suit- able • for bachelor: 2 minutes' walk to ,7th and Broadway S. p. depot MINNA rt. 130 S. near 14th — Large sunny fur- nlshcd front room: rent reasonable. .: • MCALLISTER «t.. 1445— Nicely furnished sunny rooms: running water, bath, phone; reasonable. MCALLISTER »t, 1737 — Nicely furnished room, suitable for $2; $14 mo.; also hskpg. rooms. MCALLISTER «t. 1870— Sunny suite, suitable for 2 gentlemen; also single room: reasonable. McALLISTKR -st. S6S — Nice sunny front'room, - . cnltsMe for 2 gentlemen. McXLLISTIiIi *t., 107a— Furnished rooms, trbm $6 «p. ------ Sk'EAT. sunny room in private family; newly and recently furnished: gas, electricity, privilege of bath £Dd phone end on carline; rent reasonable. This room must be seen ?to- be appreciated. Address. 1527 Teleprajib ay., Oakland. ' OAK st. 452,' nr. Buchanan — Close to Market Bt, parks, theaters and business center; 3 carlines; newly furn. roome. single or on suite; hot rencing „ water: phone: beautiful view; bath nnd »11 conveniences: $1.50 por week -up; take Height *t. cars at ferry to Iluohanan et. ' .. OAK st. 421— Nicely furnished suite, for 2 or 3 , gentlemen : phone, running water: $15 month. OAK rt. 73C— Nicely furnished large room. . suit- able: for l r or, 2 gentlemen: reasonable. ; oVEULAND HOUSE. 5«9 Sacramento st below Montgomery — Now open ; 200 rooms; hot and cold «tw in every > room : 25c to $2 per day; % '» $1.50 to $5 per vrcek. EDW. ROLKIN. Prop. PAGE et. 233— Beautiful sunny furnished front room; every tiling of the beet; $1C month for 2. ROOMS TO LET— Continued" 1 O'FABRELL st.. IS42— Nice sunny "rooms ; "run- ' nlng water in each roum;- reasonable rates; 2 blocks from Fillmore. - " -..;•-•,'\u25a0.' SUTTER Bt., 2514— 2 sunny rooms. $3.50; '.0ne, $8 month; $1.50 and up;- C large rooms -for $37; laundry;, call mornings. /. = ' . .; \u25a0- '11! UK st., 822 — Large; sunny, well furnished •front room for 2 or 3 gentlemen, with every couveclence; also large room with 2 beds for 2 gentlemen: SfO per month. - ;\u25a0\u25a0_\u25a0 STH bt., 318, near Jefferson, Oakland— Cozy;' fur- nished single room, with large clothes closet, $7; gas and bath free; no stairs; convenient to business center. ' *\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0'- ROOMS FOR aOUSEKEKI'IXO BUCHANAN st., 612— Nicely furnished fOwns. «nd also house keeping rooms: rent reasonable. BUSH St., IUSI, bet. Gough- and Franklin— i Large sunny house keeping rooms; also single rooms. - " FULTON st., 471 — Eeven room furnished flat for boose ktvpinp;, $70 a month. - HOWARD st., '563 — 3 furnished house keeping rooms, coal stove, $20; 2 rooms; $12; 1 rm. $6. HAVES St., 909 — 3 sunny furnished rooms, $2.75, $3 and $4.25 per week; have detached buffet kitchens. f . _ '\u25a0..- HAIGHT st.. 681. off Fillmore— Large furnished bouse keeping room. $14; another single. $3. . LAGUNA St., 110!) — Sunny, airy rooms for hskpg.; running water; $5 up to quiet, perm, parties. MCALLISTER St.. 1046. near Webster— Fur- nlshed house keeping rooms; $15 per month. MCALLISTER st.. 873 — 1 large, sunny, complete for house keeping; rent reas.: house quiet. MCALLISTER st., IS32 — Nice sunny house keep- Ing rooms; hot and cold water; reasonable. MCALLISTER St., 1802—2 bay window parlors, with kitchen and bath; sun all day. -\u25a0 MCALLISTER st..l4so— Beautifully furnished references exchanged; no children. OAK Bt.. 452, nr. Buchanan — Close to Market St., parks, theaters and business . center;, unfur- nished basement of two (2) rooms, large hill and toilet; dry, dean, light and airy, with running water; front and back entrance; cheap to right part}. ' \u25a0 -. \u25a0 O'KARRELL St., 1460—2, 3 or 4 rooms, lower floor, for house keeping; rent reasonable. PAGE St., 481 — Nicely furnished single room; ' also 1 double rocm. $12 month. PIERCE St.. 1037, near Turk— 2 large sunny rooms newly furnished for house keeping; rent $22.50. SCOTT St., 2040, cor Sacramento — Good sited room for house keeping; price $12; bath and phone; West 2014. SCOTT St., 1330, nr. O'Farrell— Nicely furnished rooms: double beds; bath: $10 month up. VAN NESS ay., 719— Newly furnished rooms; modern; bath; $12 up. Tel. Franklin 3862; \u25a0 i WEBSTER St.. 1209 — Front sunny rooms; all con- j veniences; reasonable rates. WALLER st.. 5C3 — Nicely furnished front house keeping: reasonable. • - ICTH st., 3277, cor. Dolores — 2 very large'sunny rooms: rent reasonable to good tenants; reg- nlar kitchen; also side suite. \u25a0 11TH ay. South, 1505,-7 rooms; $6; 2 for $12. ' . 22D st., 3347 — Sunny parlor suite; would furnish for light bouse keepinz. OAKLAND HOUSE KEEPING ROOMS ALICE St., 1317 — 1 sunny large room, suitable for 2. with privilege of light house keeping; use of bath, laundry, large yard and phone; close to center of town and 8. P. locals; rent reasonable. Phone 0257. • TWO or more unfurnished bay window bouse keeping rooms In East Oakland; fine location; tear car line and S. P. local and walking dis- tance to Broadway. Call 540 3Sth Bt., or phone A 3078. , : ' THREE furnished bouse keeping rooms; rent $16 per month; near Key Route. 697 Sycamore st. 17TH St., 565 — Sunny rooms in private family; running water, bath and laundry; house keep- ing privileges: vprv rentml: rent reasonable. ROOMS AND BOARD OFFERED A— THE DRESDEN \u25a0•—-—- — 1442 FULTON ST. FIRST CLASS FAMILY HOTEL. '. ALTA VISTA. 1207 Gough et. near O'Farrell — 1 extra large, airy room, with plenty of light, with another outside room for 6 gentlemen; stove, use of bath; first class table; ref.; rates for clique very reasonable. BACHELORS' quarters; room and board $45 per month. 757 Post Bt. - CHOICE rooms; refined home; grate; running water: superior board; ref. 1948 Webster St., cor. California. ' ?.lu DEVI.SADERO st., 1325, corner O'Farrell— Nicely furnished front room, with board; running water; gentlemen; $27.50. FIRST CLASS .board and room for -businessman In private family; home privileges; near cars and trains. 2444 Ashby, east Telegraph, Berkeley; phone Berkeley 5155. PACIFIC ay.. 1716 — Large sunny front suite, running water and bath, furnished or unfur- nlshed; excellent \u25a0 board; also double room. . MARKET St., 1496. Oakland— Furnished room and board in private family, near Key route and within walking distance of town. WEBSTER et., 1310 — Nicely furnished rooms and board: nrlvnte hoardlns boji«e. HOTELS^ ~'\ A— HOTEL SAVOY. CORNER ELLIS AND VAN NESS AY.; walking distance; European plan; rates $1 up; family and commercial trade so- licited; elegant lobby on ground floor; cafe and grill attached: special rates by week or month. A FIRST CLASS family hotel; moderate prices; elegantly furnished sunny rooms, en suite . or single; Instantaneous hot water in every room: sunny dining room, with private tables. THE WEMPE. 419 Oak st; phone Park 8092. BROOKLYN HOTEL, 3C9 1st — Board and room. $Q to $S per week: rooms 50c to $1; weekly $2 up; meals 25c. CHARLES MONTGOMERY. HOTEL BELMONT, ' 730 Eddy ft. bet. Polk and Van Ness ay. Tour- ists solicited; reas. CHAS. R. SMITH. Mgr. HOTEL ST. JAMES. Van Ness at Fulton— sls month to permanent guests; beautiful lobby. LINCOLN HOTEL. 365 Golden Gate ay.— Nicely furnished rooms; modern; $2.50 week up. . HOTEL ARGONAUT. 4th and Market sts. — Family - ily and commercial hotel; room with detached bath, $1 per day; rooms with private bath. • 51.50 per day,; restaurant attached: moderate prices; free bus meets all trains and stmshlps. MARTINET HOTEL. 1101 Geary .St.— Rooms, sin gle or en suite; first class board; terms reas. NICHOLAS (The), 10 Turk St.— Nice, sunny r<->om». hr th«» «1«r. Tv«»ek or month. ~ ;J JFLATS_ go LET^ AAA — Beautiful* .sunny upper flat, 5 'rooms, bath; near park and cars. 1232 12th ay., Sunset; $27.50. "A BEAUTIFUL HOME"— S room flat; $50; .2267 Hayes; overlooking G. -G. park; sun*y and light; large separate yard; garden; laundry In basement; janitor; nothing nicer in S. F. \ :. ASHBURY st.. 235. near Fell— New 6 room flat to let: furniture and carpets for pale. BEAUTIFUL, sunny apartment; old Spanish mis- sion; like priv. residence; separate entrances; 9 rms., 2 baths, 12 large closets and storeroom; beam ceilings; . large open fireplaces; -built-in bookcases and seats; every convenience: open on all sides: terraced, gardens; rent,: includiug janitor service and water. $100.- Key 3SIS Sac- ramento, nr. Maple. UMBSEN & CO.; 20 Mont. BEAUTIFUL,' sunny flat' of 3 - rooms . and bath. Call BLAKE'S BAZAAR. 110S Valencia st. CORNER Scott and O'Farrell sts. — 5 rooms and bath; rent reasonable;. \u25a0 : \u0084' CLAY sf.. 1227. mv- Jones— New, elegant, 4 . rooms and bath; marine view.. COLE st.,' 853, cor. of Carl — Fine sunny 6 room upper flat; rent $35.- EDDY 6t., SSO — Elegant sunny upper flat 10 rooms and bath. \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 . j FOR RENT— S32.SO; 6 room flat over store; den- tist's office; North Berkeley. -. . . . For rent — $22.50; 5 room flat; North Berke- ley. Apply. H. J. SQUIRES CO., 2108 Vine St., Berkeley. - - , \u25a0 V - H FULTOK^sL, 2l7C— Upper and lowered room fiat, > up to date ' and sunny; rents reduced. FOLSOM st.;- 19068,. near 15th — 2 modern ' flats, 4 rooms and bath; rent reduced; V-, -- •. GAISER court, off Guerrero, south of \u25a0 16th— ' Sunny 5 room fiat; all : modern conveniences; good neighborhood; water free; $25. - GEARY ' 6t.. 1633 — Upper ' modern i flat --"of ; 7 euncy rooms and ; bath : * rent * reduced. ; , HAVES st., 1471— Corner flat, 4 rooms and bath;' large yard: "rent $22.50. : JONES, ' bet.' Pine and California— A new sunny .6 room flat; -grand view, -v - V . POST, 2411 — New 5 r.lflat; elee.,"gas; lat." m*n- tels,i tiling; elaborate porcelain plumbing; 's2s. STRICTLY modern - sunny corner • flats; - • wall beds: janitor; llcbts. etc.; 4-5-G rooms;' $20 to. $30. - - Apply 283 4th \u25a0 a y. . : SHOTWELL St., . 342— Upper flat; 0 rooms and bath;" modern; -'warm ; belt; < near;. 18th » st.*-: : SCOTT 5t.. '1213. near. Ellis— 7 rooms and bath; sun every room: large garden In -rear; $42.50. SACRAMENTO et..- 3383%— F1at -.5 large sunny rooms; • rents s2s mouth. , ; , ; V WALLER ; st.". i 227-^Sunny ; modern \ lower flat, * 5 rooms and bath; 1 reasonable to good ; tenant',; •; WE have no trouble m ; renting houses or flats ;' : to • good : tenants ; • list l your, property - with « usi 'do not. let them stand empty.- \u25a0 McFAUL &. EDWARDS, . 330 Chronicle! Bldg. I''' ; \'T: : THE , SA"NT FRANCISCO :CALL; THURSDAY 25, 1909; IST ' st. and " I^anrel V place." '" bet : 7 Folsom '• and Harrisdn' sts. — Downtown flats; corner;; 6TH a y., 644— Modern ; flat," 0 rooms and bath ; stable and garage;. rent very.; reasonable;. \u25a0 -. 13T1I st. 70. near Folsom — Sunny flat; no Ro- .: meo; 4 ' large rooms, bath, storeroom; rent reasonable. • /- -. 19TH St., 4010, near Noe^-Sunny upper 5 rooms, $25. v -.- - \u25a0.\u25a0.\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0-. \u25a0:\u25a0-'-,\u25a0- \u25a0,:\u25a0\u25a0.- :\u25a0\u25a0 ..- , . -. V : - \u25a0 ' \u25a0 - - \u25a0- ,---. l»Tn st;;-39S6 — Sunny upper 4 rooms; $20. *\u25a0 :r":': T :'- FLA ?CS TO LET-^-Furnjahed I ELEGANT furniture of 4 room fiat for sale; sac- rifice; no dealers, 1229 Laguna st.; phone West 039. ; GOLDEN GATE ay., 1529— Upper flat of 4 rooms and bath," furnished , complete for house kecp- lng. Call 11 to 5. , . UPPER sunny; well-f urnished flat; piano. '1270 Union st. near' Larkla. Call mornings. FLATS FOR SALE— Furnlwhed FURNITURE of a 5 room flat for sale;, rent $30. 1455 Octavla St. \u25a0--.'\u25a0 ' HOUSES TO LET-— Fnrnlahcd PIERCE st', : 241-^G room flat; coal and gas stove; yard; rent reasonable. HJOUSES^ TO _ Lj^—J^nrnlahed ; - MARKET \u25a0 st.. 1892-^-Sunny ! house of 16 room's ; $80; largo light store, $50. ' \u0084 TO desirable people-^Neat . house, . nearly new; 0 rooms and cellar; sunny , side of street, Mis- . eion warm belt, near,- Mission park. 3746 20th st. bet. Onerreror and Dolores. COTTAGES TO LET > FOR rent — Completely furnished 6 room artistic cottage at Adams Point; will* lease for 1 year. Apply A. P.; CORNWALL, 1262^ Broadway, Oakland. FRUITVALE ay., 2017, Frultvale— Cottage; 5 large rooms, bath, basement, gas; on carline; $20. - \u25a0 \u25a0 .'-.-\u25a0 -.--\u25a0\u25a0 ; HOUSES WANTED FURNISHED cottage ( of 3or 4 rooms," with - bath, for summer in Mill Valley; state dis- tance from station and location. Box 700, Call office. ;_ WANTED — A furnished house of 4 rooms' in Oakland, Berkeley or Alameda; references ex- changed. . Box 306. Call office. ' _r.-- APARTMENTS t -- AAA — St Margaret apartments, NE. cor. Fell and Octavla sts. ; sunny, unfurnished apart- ments, 3 rooms and bath; wall beds; rents reasonable. . ; . AA— THE MACKEN, 91 Central ay. nr. HaighV- 3-4 sunny rms.; hath; 2 beds; completely furn. AA— THE MACKEN. 91 Central ay. near Halght 3 and 4 sunny rooms; bath; 2 beds; com, furn. A^ CLINTON APARTMENTS 1400 JONES ST.' COR. WASHINGTON. ELEGANTLY- FURNISHED SUNNY 4 AND 5 ROOMS; MARINE VIEW; NEAP. FAIRMONT HOTEL; JANITOR SERVICE: EVERY CON- VENIENCE. PHONE FRANKLIN 3443. A— ST. MUNGO Apt., 1300 Golden Gato cor. Fill- more — Elegantly furn. 3 and 4 room apt. ; prlv. \u25a0 exchange connecting all apt. Phone West 9020. ARDELL APTS., 1740 PACIFIC AY.— Furnished ' 3 room front apartment; $37.50. DUNDEE apts., 730 Stanyan opp. G. G. park — Newly fur. 4 r.. large, sunny; very reasonable. CALIFORNIA St., 3151, near Lyon— New, eln- gant, cozy apartments, 3 rooms^ and bath, un- furnished; reasonable; 4 car lines. ELEGANT, sunny,, corner apartments, 3,' 4 and 5 rooms, with marine view; every modern con- venience; price right. - • THE GABLES, Corner Clay and Larkin sts. FREDERICK APTS.. 901 Stanyan. corner Freder- ick — 2-3-4 rooms; overlooking G. G. park; reas. HOTEL MCALLISTER, 1414 McAllister — Newly furn. apts., rms.; mod.; low rates; free bath. KENILWOUTH. NE. COR. BUSH AND POWELL ST3. 3 AND 4 ROOMS FURNISHED. ' HOUSE KEEPING APARTMENTS. COMPLETE APPOINTMENTS AND SERVICE MARYLAND APARTMENTS. 363 Page st- Beautiful, sunny apartments, furnished and un- furnished; new house, newly furnished; rates $30 and up: references required. STORE to let— Suitable for . barber shop ; fine N location: 7th" ay. and M st. South. Inquire '\u25a0' at grocery. \u25a0 -. - " MINNA st.. 221 — Flat. 8 rooms and bath; $40; suitable j for tailor or small manufacturer. STORE and loft, 30x120, to lease. 1021 Golden Gate ay. Rent rfrtnpcd. '\u25a0 * . FURNITURE FOR SALE A LOOKING GLASS, about ox 7 ft, price $65; Just half price this week. You may. have seen them at our store. Hundreds of mirrors for bouse and bath rooms ; all go at half price at our furniture sale. H. SCHELL- HAAS, entrance llth and Franklin sts., Oak- land. LOOKING GLASS, about sxf feet, price $65, Just half price, this week; you may have seen them at our store; hundreds of mirrors for ' house and bathrooms: all go at half price at our fur- niture sale. H. SCHELLHAAS, entrance llth and Franklin sts., Oakland. ' FURNITURE, good and cheap at H. SCHELL- HAAS'. 40S nth lit. \u25a0 Oakland. ''-\u25a0 FURNITURE WANTED HIGHEST price for desks and office furniture. McCarthy Co., 1020 Mission.; tel. Market 5630. WANTED — Of flee and household furniture, car- pets, piano; price \u25a0 and quantities no object 1301 Ootnviw st. Tel. West 3529. • __ j»fOR SALE— MUicrilaneona . _ — AAA— — PLUMBING MATERIAL —HALF PRICE- SINKS. LAVATORIES, CLOSETS. BATHTUBS. CAST IRON PIPE, CAST IRON FITTINGS, WROUGHT IRON PIPE AND FITTINGS. —BRING YOUR LIST- LET US FIGURE ON YOUR MATERIAL. CENTRAL PLUMBING SUPPLY CO.. : 1527 MARKET STREET. PACIFIC PIPE CO.. SW. cor. Main and Howard Bts., San Francisco— We - handle second hand Pipe and Casing exclusively and can furnish . any quantity and sizes. AH pipe \u25a0 has -new threads and couplings and guaranteed perfect In : every respect. ' Write or call for further particulars. . Phone Douglas 2233. . CONCRETE mixers, gasoline engines, bolt cut- tlng'and threading machine; a -full line of wood I working machinery and contractors' equipment, all in first class condition and right prices. WILLIAM T. MARTIN MA- CHINERY CO.. 1277 Howard st. MOVING PICTURES; strictly INDEPENDENT; 15 new reels weekly; don't sign over your ma- chine; only independent- house on coast; prices right Pac. Coast FUm Ex.,, 1724 Flllmore. Cash Registers— WE DON'T BELONG .TO THE . TRUST. Americans, Hallwoods, Nationals; low- est prices and terms. Pacific Coast Cash Res- Ister Co., .1202-1294 Market st; cor. Larkin. WALL PAPER, 2%c per roll and upward; good paint, -$1 a gallon ; - white ' lead. 7c per lb. ; building and roofing at greatly reduced prices; — 'denatured alcohol at 65c a gallon (188 proof). MERIGAN'S, 1447 Ellis st. Samples mailed. MOVING picture machines,' >. films : and supplies; \u25a0 largest .. independent . film renters west of Chi- cago; nothing to sign; rates reas." Independent Film and Supply.Co., Inc., 2d and Mkt; S; F. COME and see us— We offer brass and iron beds, bureaus, - dining tables and chairs at your own price,' at llth and Franklin sts., ; Oakland,, * H. SCHELLHAAS. > , : FOR rent — 2 large centrifugal pumps with a ca- pacity of 30,000 and 35,000 gallons per mlnnte, respectively. Krogh Manufacturing Company, 159 Beale-st..; San Francisco, » Oal. • FOR sale — Silent salesman -:. 8 foot \u25a0\u25a0 show, cases, wall cases, safe and other • store fixtures. 73 \u25a0 Market st. :, \u25a0:.* :..-:\u25a0-- :: .:r''i-vv;-:-.:--A :; "S:'..-:'. FOR sale— l Clark -Wlrc &: Co." piano bond, S for $80: good until t March ; 6." WM. . J. REILLY, , McCloud.. Cal. ,: ; : v -, ; :, AA — All' tires standard water pipe :. and screw '-casing; guaranteed good as new; get our prices. Welssbaum Pipe Works. 133 llth st. v BKttWOOD SHINGLES,; No. I, r $2 per M. Wm. .-.F.-Yatcs Lumber Co.,' 1350 Howard st; mill- work a specialty."-. -. \u25a0'\u25a0 ; -- .. - - ; . -i MOVING PICTURES; onIy 'INDEPENDENT film .'\u25a0 renters; no trust for us; prices right. PACIFIC! COAST FILM EX.:. 1724 Fillmore st MOVING picture films for ! rent; . largest ! stock in - city.. TURNER & DAHNKEN. 138 Eddy st. \u25a0•- BUILDING; 75x137; tp be torn down. 1005 Golden :___Gatejay; , 4 Make, offer. •,-\u25a0-;..".: r . ; \u25a0\u0084 ; .;\u25a0 .".•:;; ",t . - \u25a0- :.-., , \u25a0 .\u25a0. \u25a0 -. r KING'S OLD BOOK STORE. 891 Golden Gate ay. near Octavla.,. BOOKS BOUGHT; ' A— BOOKS bought" KING'S BOOK STORE, 171(1 :-' . Market i st.; above j Gongh. ; Phone : Market » 4763. - BOOKS and libraries « bought. ' THE : HOLMES ; CO.. 1158 Market \u25a0 st. ; i phone I Market ' 896. V;; •£ SAFES— Complete stock 1, of • second i hand - safes; \u25a0 exceptionally low prices.", 950 Mission above sth. EDISON AGENCY— Sloving picture machines and . . films; ; bargains.-;-. GEO.' BRECK. 70 Turk st;-;-' \u25a0;:' '\u25a0:-\u25a0•\u25a0 cabinet; MILLWORK,* turnings; ; * \u25a0 \u25a0 FIXTU RES. ;;C.^F.i HAAS.; 03, MINNA ST. >: FRICTION HOISTS belt drlven.'S H.P.. in stock.' :\u25a0•\u25a0 KEI^KY^& McEVOY; 313 Howard st- SAFES^New .» and^secondi band; '-The -Hermann Safe Co.; 120-130 Folaom st^gaßaßlWDlliriHTlt^ GOOD redwood"' shingles, $1.50 per 1,000; 33 i 10th;6t •-.-.. \u25a0,:\u25a0 -. : - .*\u25a0 : %' \u25a0: \u25a0' \u25a0 -\u25a0• '- '"J'-'-T; WANTS^^ /\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 WANTED— WeII rigger^ with rig capable of han- X" dllng J welllup rto \u25a010 i Inches ! diameter. '•- :• Apply. -. 12U2. Flood, building. : ;: ' '::'-\u25a0 " V ', DESKS and household furniture bought, sold and exchanged;* : CA VAN AGH'S, ' 625 McAllister st' yPhone Market 4282. '. DRESS \u25a0' SUITS, TUXEDOS- AND PRINCE AL- BERTS BOUGHT. L. SKOLL, .TAILOR, 707 GOLDEN, GATE AY. PHONE MARKET 4081. .WANTED — To buy a good postage stamp eollec- \u25a0\u25a0-. tlon. > 1122 ' Market st.,', room 24.': " " <: LADIES', gents' children's castoff clothing b'ght. . 823 Hayes st. nr. Fillmore. Tel. Park 6061. ;-.. HIGHEST price * for good \u25a0 castoff .men's clothes , and -. shoes. - 834 Wash.'," Oakland ; tel. ' Oak- land 6793. -^ • . ,-' > ; . SECOND HAND clothing bought and sold. - I. M. DB MANN. 1019 Market: tel. Market 2542. HORSES, HARNESS AXD WAGONS AAAi-5 . big :mares, 1,350 to 1.600 lbs; '.11> big horses, 1,200 to 1,600 lbs; butcher, bakery, gro- cery horses ; horses, ' slo up; wagons," $20 up; buggies,'; $5; 2 big, fine express wagons at a sacrifice ; v 3 ,. top , delivery : wagons ; \u25a0 60 . sets ' of plow,, dray, light harness. \u25a0 Auction'sale Satuo day at 11 a. ; m. -j 565 4th st, Oakland. : ; WAGON: and buggy horses -for sale or hire. 18 j Sycamore a y.; stable bet 17th and 16th near Mission.. . • ;•-. .•\u25a0\u25a0-.' \u25a0 " \u25a0- . . • ; WELL , built : wagon,' with pole and shafts ; ca- i pacity 3,000 lbs.; good condition. 2018 Union st. FOR SALE— 7 fine large delivery horses; 4 broke, ; S nnbi-oke. Apply 1622 Broadway. Alameda. Second hand top wagons,' exp. wagons. ; bus. bug- ! gles. Nugent-Covey Wagon Co.. 349 Valencia, j \u25a0:\u25a0' ; aut6mobiles \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0 '. '\u25a0 •>\u25a0 FOR \u25a0 sale— Price $500 and upward; : several '00 | and '07i Winton touring cars, taken •in \u25a0 trade for 'OS \u25a0 ears , and thoroughly overhauled Iby our mechanics from our factory. \u25a0 ' » WINTON: AUTOMOBILE BRANCH, 300 .Van Ness ay., \u0084 ; . •' -.•.- •"-.'.. San Francisco. ' \u25a0' \u25a0 \ \u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.. FOR sale-H>ne 1007 45 horsepower Oldsmobile touring car; settling capacity C persons; com- - plete with all: extras,* top, searchlight, tools, . trunk carrier, prestoyte • tank. - speedometer, etc.; no reasonable offer refused. Apply to J. S. BOGART. 140 New Montgomery st WHITE steamer at about one-half price; 30 horsepower; 1908 car; fully equipped. Box 468, Call orflce. v- . : FOR SALE CHEAP— ' ' . . •00 Royal Tourist '07 Franklin Model "O." . .All: in; first class conditionTno reasonable offer refused. Inquire 500 Monadnock bldg. ELITE AUTOMOBILE EXCHANGE— New and second hand cars for sale; auto painting, wood- : work and trimming. 677-685 Golden Gate ay. corner Franklin st. Phone Park 5922. MAXWELL runabout,- thoroughly.; ovehauled; fully guaranteed; ; a' bargain. The"~ Maxwell Agency. 155 12th st, Oak. A. C. Hull prop. SECOND HAND cars bought, sold and exchanged, or money loaned for short term on all automo. • biles., Valencia Garage, Inc., 611 Valencia st THE Pacific Aluminum Repair Works can braze \u25a0 your broken aluminum castings. 250 Ash av.>y HEALD'S automobile school gives the best auto training on coast. 425 McAllister st. ' PACIFIC States Auto Schools teach- how; results GUARANTEED. 2KB Oolden Gate ay. \u25a0 TYPEWRITERS AND SUPPLIES MONARCH Visible Typewriter — In the Monarch Visible Typewriter all of the writing is In full eight all the time; other makes, second hand, at very reasonable prices; we rent, 'repair and Inspect; before purchasing. ring up Douglas 4113. or call at 307 Bush St.. WOLF is IN- SKNBRUCK. dealers. ' / REBUILT typewriters like new at price paid for ordinary second hand ones; see before buying; inspect i the New Yost Visible ; renting a spe- cialty. Write for prices and samples of work. The Typewriter Exchange, 255 Montgomery st SPECIAL rental rates; rebuUts, second hands, at bargains; supplies, repairs, desks.!, ALEXAN- DER & CO., 512 Market St.; tel.. Douglas 2157. NEW and second hand typewriters .'bought and sold, -rented, repaired, guaranteed. SMITH BROS.. 402,13 th Bt. Oakland; phone Oak. 12. BRAND new visible typewriter for $40. Pacific Typewriter Company. 107 Montgomery st. GEO. E. MERRY — Smith Premier agent; all - makes, repaired. 876 Broadway, Oakland. ' : SEWING MACHINES v :V: V NEW drop head machines made and guaranteed 1 by New Home sewing machine co., $1 9.50 to • $24.50; second hand, $5 to $10; renting re- palring. E. L. Sargeant. 531 12th St.. Oakland. DOMESTIC— Best, cheapest; all kinds|rented. re- paired, exchanged; needles and supplies for all makes. J. W. EVANS agent, 1658 O'Farrell • .'Bt. near Fillmore; phone West 3601. \u25a0 ALL makes at half price; easy payments; rent- Ing $2 per mqnth; repairing. ' Sewing Machine Exchange; 19 4th st;. phone Kearny 4233. BEST makes of SEWING MACHINES! $5, $8, $10; guaranteed. New Home office, 1408 Van Ness ay. : between Bush and Pine sts. . , \u25a0 , SINGER, Wheeler & Wilson office; renting, re- pairing. .1616 O'Farrell St.; phone West 5761. NATIONAL automatic agency; renting, repairing. I. S. Cohen's Sons, 1616 O'Farrell; West 5761. DAVIS SEWING MACHINE CO., W. E.* Jackson agent, .404 Sutter; needles, supplies; all makes. CALL BRANCH OFFICE, 1651 Flllmore st. near Post. . * - -' -. -^\u25a0-s^jf'^ A -^5 u j. > £ ORE 'rj^yff.^g^^ „ BRUNSWICK-BALKE-COLLENDER CO., • 17-27 Franklin st. near Market; phone Special 1457. : _* furs _::_ _'\u25a0.'\u25a0 '_•__ B. \u25a0E; WALLEY, furrier— U. to % off; best quality; form. 115 Kearny, now, 1746-1748 Fill- more nr. Slitter. Oak. 1263 Brdwy. above 14th. G. BARE, furrier, formerly: Lachmann & Co., now 1515 Bush st. for. Van Ness ay.. npstalrn. GAS FIXTURES AND LIGHTS GAS fixtures and electric light supplies; 16 C. P. ?\u25a0 electric lamp, $12.50 per 1U0; plumbing and gas fitting. 473 Valencia Bt. nr. Iflth: open even; BUSINESS CHANCES ~ gibbs & co., ; \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.-\u25a0"\u25a0\u25a0 330 Pacific bldg. ; phone Douglas 979.' BUSINESS BROKERS - AND REAL ESTATE • __ AND ROOMING. HOUSE AGENTS. $2,750 — Bakery and restaurant in a city near San Francisco.' .. $900— Bakery; $800 stock; 'doing a 'business of $40 a "day. _. . - $3.500 — Bakery doing a business of $100 a day • in town of 7,000. , • . $3,000 — Bakery; only 'one In town of 3,500 pop- ulation; doing a business of. $70! a day; rent $40 a month. '\u25a0 ' . < 1 Dental parlor near, San Francisco; paying busi-' ness. \u25a0 , . • \u0084 ; \u25a0,• . . ; \u25a0-. . \u25a0 DELICATESSEN AND GROCERY— The most at- tractive little place in San Francisco; business runs over $30 EVERY DAY ; stock and fixtures will invoice about $2,800.-- You can' discount •v that several hundred '. dollars for quick action. M. F. IWYLE- ' COMPANY. <' 837 Pacific Building, «an Francisco. Central Court, : Bacon Block, . Oakland. Phone Douglas 16C4— Oakland 2313. POOLROOM and property. - This ' place jls worth '$1,200 and Is clearing $160. a.: month; long \u25a0 lease on-ground; location unsurpassed and get- tlng-more valuable every day; subtenants vet owner ?37 per month 'in -rent alone; buildings go to buyer. ;\u25a0\u25a0 M.'-F. HOYLE CO. C "< . MILLINERY STORE; a swell place,, with; the class of trade that pays; ' location J the very best,. with big tshow windows right where hun- \u25a0 - dreds of ladles pass every hour;.; price $1,200; • * you . can : make It back during the Easter sea- son. \u25a0 M.;F. HOYLE: CO. .. LAUNDRY, a new and up to date plant that has the business; IT IS NETTING $250, A WEEK, with. a growing trade; ;present\machinery can handle twice as much work and there is plenty n of room for ' more:' the price Is 'sl4,ooo, -half cnsh.-.IFYOU~ ARE FROM MISSOUHI, SEE v. IT. cM. f F. HOYLE CO; : CERTAINLY we" can sell your business." '-'.:' '\u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0• - M.'-F. HOYLE COMPANY,. . : . 837 Pacific Building,^ San Francisco.- .':'. ' Central Court. 'Bacon -Block;* Oakland. ROOMING house,'. 4o 1 rooms," finely , located; good .business; good transient trade; fine proposition; clears $125 .-monthly ;:- business ;; can • be sub- stantially . lncrpased; J a fine '," bargain; , price \u25a0•\u25a0 $1,000; must sell at once. -. Come, and see. - . - ;^ FULLER CO., -\u25a0' . 1115 Broadway," Oakland.'. Leading Rooming \u25a0 V- > House and "Investment "Agents. - :. -, We manufacture;for)youto use or:H»ll. ' .-- , ,We use your /formulas or." supply \u25a0. formulas. \u25a0 \u25a0'"-\u25a0\u25a0' 'Advice on chemical - business pr ipositious. '- CHEMICAL, - medical ; pharm.iceutlcal \u25a0 Wide : experience,;: best • equipment . and help.' r ; R.R.: Rogers Chemical Co.; '.r»27.. r »27. Commercial.: \u25a0"'.';.- .Hours. 8:30, to H;K^KenrnyJlso. >:y Y\ " ' $350-^-Fortune | ln this ; 'big money from the start . and i a " chance \u25a0 to ; get ; rich ; man or woman :to \u25a0 open branch : store j in. eastern or; middle states; - experience not: necessary; 'fullest trial allowed -here .before you "commence." Call' at Oakland s;office.'vlls7v 7th -St. ;\u25a0;;;•: . = : • :.-.-. .- AAA— I, WANT -A" BRIGHT.; YOUNG'S MAN to ";t take . my : half interest ; In . best ;\u25a0 paying • business " -\u0084: in S. 7 , F. ; » serious \u25a0 illness • compels quick » sale ; $400 .: required ; : don't sr f ail > to ;- look ' this •' up; 'full partner, v: Room 201,'87r3d5t.;. ,, • • : /\u25a0'•\u25a0\u25a0 ;DRUG STORES FOR SALE.' - ,--.: -' -\u25a0- In" Hnmboldt county.;sl,2oo and 's7,soo; Oak- land,^ $2,300 ; is Lake s county, v $3rOOO ; . San * Jose, $2,500 and $14,000; San ' Francisco,! $2,500, $3,000 and $5,000; Nevada City .^s3,ooo/ and others;?' .- ' THE F.' A.\ WECK ; REALTY COMPANY,", , ; . . 20l0Shattuck;av.v:Dwlght jway -station.: . - WE f have | for I sale ?a ) saloon : in ? a '% good; locality. • . < that : must ; . be ; sold % within ?10 '\u25a0 days, " as • owner .*is \u25a0 going ; away/ then : * the ) prices f Is ; $2,3300 ; ; a r snap'; at that. <( FULLER? CO., ails, Broadway, \u25a0 Oakland,*' Leading 'Rooming /House? and :. - .n>ent'A'gcnts.'i"<,.-- -.-;\u25a0.-'• ..\u25a0./- .; - : ;_: .• / I HAVE an invention ,whlch r will have a monopoly Cm -" its ? line ; s require s $1,000 : to . construct; »wlll .give to good.* reliable i investor interest in same that will . return " $200 •to $3(K) \u25a0 monthly: . -no < . schemers ! need answer.' - Box 579, '\u25a0 Call office. \u25a0 GRAND 1 chance ;for ; stendyJ man 'as ; partner ; es-. tablished manufacturing business; pav3 at least .:< $30. to s s4o n week " each; experience unneces- : sary; 0n1y. 5230 cash required. Call 1031 Fill- i..i '.. more: st..; room ;i. , \u25a0.'...... .^. BL.4CKSMITH. shop; ' doing good ' business, with -. tools, c stock, modern house. of i s .rooms, with . 5 /acres 'of - orchtird, • all ' in H first : class \u25a0 shape. V For • price'and • description \u25a0 address owner, .S. McCORMACK. vR.IF. : P. 'No. 14,:L0s Gatos. WANTED— Reliable man as foreman of | laborers and that can invest $500 If necessary ; : steady ' work and good salary to rlghc man. Box 578. Call office. ';-;.;'\u25a0 .-;, - .-', f-; ; ;\u2666 .; < BUSINESS, people -on -the watch- for a safe in- vestments will learn something to their imme- diate : advantage. - Call or i. write to A. F. S., . Dept.-8.,' 437 :14th St.; Oakland. -\u25a0' . WELL", established firm v.ishes a partner with \u25a0 $2,000; one. who- Is a •; plumber or- wishes to learn the trade preferred. Address P. O. box 03; Reno; Nev..c>> '..' B"OR sale— A good newspaper route in a good dis- trict in- this i city;- Apply. to. J. R. LENUART, .- -: circulation department, S/ F. Call. : | FOR SALE— First class butcher business in fine locality;. 3 wagons; ; cheap fc rent. H. J. SQUIRES CO. . 2106 Vine st. . Berkeley. \u2666 t -.\ ; . FOR 1 sale,'- on account of other interests, paying bakery and delicatessen. Call 1741 Grove St., Oakland. " . \u25a0 : . WANTED— A few 'ladies or " gentlemen with means j and business" ability Ito Invest in one of | the greatest inventions in the world: I have a working model; ; , For' particulars ' address^ box 3004. Call. Oakland. ;.,•;-\u25a0 .--.iM .'-\u25a0•• A— GLOBE REALTY CO., - ... . OAKL.\ND'S LEADING "BROKERS. ROOMS 7 AND 8,: v -''-\ :SSC Broadway corner 7th. S PH W Fq {OAKLAND 2313. PHONES j HOMK A 2213. RESTAURANT ?650— Choice 'locaUon on good street, just off Broadway; newly fitted; doing fine business ; - cheap rent; good \u25a0 lease. See -GLOBE REALTY CO., S5O Broadway. IF you have $100 and want to get Into a nice lunch counter and restairnnt with a -pood, sober man. call for interview. 'We. bate a client who. has option on * above. plac<» and l>e does not wish to handle same alone;' wants good, sober man as, partner. See him at GLOBE REALTY CO., 856 Broadway. SALOON -' SALOON - SALOON - SALOON - S.ffcoON $800 : $800 . .$800: - $SOO . $i>oo Puts. you in possession of one of the best sa- loons . on ' Broadway; elegant fixtures; cheap rent; good lease. See GLOBE REALTY COM- PAN V, S5O Broadway corner 7th, Oakland. LUNCH counter and restaurant, $200; Al loca- tion; nicely fitted; 2 private rooms; large- lunch counter; .rent $30; bargain. »See GLOBE REALTY COMPANY, 65« Broadway. $350 — Candj, ice cream,' cigars and . tobacco, school supplies; also light lunehesjvAl location; doing fine business; rent $20; leaffe;'flne place for inan^and wife. See GLOBEREALTY CO. CIGAR STAND— SI,OOO; choice corner; elegant fixtures; large new stock; 2 Mills machines, cash register; doing $25 to \u25a0' $35 daily; rent $«0, with 5 years' lease. This is one of the best bargains ' we have ever " offered. See GLOBE REALTY. CO., 556 Broadway, cor. 7th. LIVERY STABLE— WeII : located ; consists of 8 fine horses, harness for all; 5 : Buggies, sur- reys; = reys; wagons, 15 boarders; rent 's3s; 2 years' lease; bargain. See GLOBE REALTY/CO., 850 Broadway corner 7th St., Oakland. x - PARTNER— SSOO; for one of the best located sa- loons on j Broadway ; nice fixtures ; good stock ; doing nice business; rent $100; good lease. See GLOBE REALTY CO.- CIGAR STAND— S4OO; choice corner; good flx- tures, cash register, 2 machines; doing nice business; rent $10: free electric lights. See GLOBE REALTY CO., 856 Broadway. • ROOMING HOUSE DEPARTMENT, prinvvs I OAKLAND 2513. PHONES j HOME A 221 3. HOTEL— Consistfng of 46 elegantly furnished rooms; modern brick bldg.; choice central loca- " itlon; clear* $250 monthly above all expenses; rent' ss per room; 7% years' lease; this is one of the best known hotels in Oakland; bar- galn: $4,500. See GLOBE. RE-\LTY CO. BARGAIN— 24 nicely furniKhed rooms on Broad- way; clears $100 monthly; rent $75; good lease; bargain; $2.000. See GLOBE CO. BARGAIN — 23 nicely furnished rooms; choicest Of locations; modern, building; all outside rooms ;_runnlng water;' tinted walls; rent less than $5 per room;. good lease; money maker; bargain for $1,300; part cash, balance easy payments; or will trade for real estate, will pay cash difference. See GLOBE REALTY CO.. 856 Broadway corner 7th St., Oakland. ROOMING HOUSE^Consists of 12 elegantly fur- nisbed rooms on -, good street . near 15th an< Broadway; full steady roomers; owner Is sick; . will accept $300 down and balance ! on easy payments. Only with GLOBE REALTY CO., 850 Broadway corner 7th st., Oakland. BARGAIN — $1,250, part cash; 56 well furnished rooms; ;A1 location; modern building; running water every room; money "maker. See GLOBE REALTY -CO.. Sst>' Broadway corner 7th st. ROOMING : HOUSE— I 4 nicely furnished rooms; choice location; full steady roomers; modern ' building;-, sunny rooms;- rent $60; bargain, $900. See GLOBE REALTY CO., 850 Broad- way corner 7th t^, Oakland. ROOMING HOUSE— SI,2OO, half cash, buys 24 \u25a0« well furnished rooms on good street near Washington; clears $125 month; always full steady roomers. .. See ; GLOBE REALTY CO., Ssfi Broadway corner -7th St.. Oakland. FOR bargains and quick sales see ." GLOBE REALTY CO., -. 85G Broadway, Oakland. 1 jy ANrp "" 6 iJleu witb s " >0 ° eac h or 3 men with 51,000 to Join me in business; you earn amount Invested every 60 -days: grant interview and I will prove: It. Box 701. Call office. CANDY STORE, with factory in rear; doing a nice business; also has privilege of selling goods in theater; price $S00; this is a bargain GEO. A. HERRICK; 808 Van Ness ay. NOTICE. .. \u25a0 . •-. : • Restaurant for sale, on account of sickness- cheap; way down; ; I will almost make you a present of this place;. 4 months' rent paid In , advance included In 'sale; doing from $30 to $48 a day business. GEO. A. HERRICK, 80S VAN .NESS AY. BAKERY for sale; rent $55; will stand full in- vestigation; daily 1 receipts $35.-1060 Market . st.',\oakland. \u25a0 WANTED— To buy half interest or rent a small ; lunchroom . in good locality ,that-ls ready for bnsiness. - Address box 703. Call office. - • - CIGAR stand, . a bargain, $175f owner leaving -city; trial given:- Xjarkqt st. corner. Call at once. 1801 Market .at.'- cor.'- 12th., - ESTABLISHED restaurant at 110 Ist;, a snap -for right- party at your own price.- \u25a0 FOR sale-^Restaurant rand Berkeley real estate by;-owner. 2110 Addlaon. st.. ' Berkeley. ;- FIRST CLASS hotel, 41 -rooms, nicely furnished ; bargain.' J.J. MORRIS, real estate. Palo Alto. DELICATESSEN store for sale: good trade; near San Francisco. Box 520; C«H office.; - ' CALL BRANCH OFFICE,; 1651 Fillmore st. near \u25a0\u25a0' Post. -..-\u25a0- --•»•- \u25a0•< -.' \u25a0 r \u25a0-,-•: A ; 1 LODGING HOUSES FOR SALE A. CAMERON & CO. 714 MARKET * ST., '• MAGEE BUILDING, Vf:. I Opposite 1 The Call. Room 301— Phone Douglas 4370. v ' \u25a0 • \u25a0\u25a0'-- - \u25a0 :- \u25a0\u25a0 . - * \u25a0 f ' Where, best bargains. are* found In hotels, apart- - \u25a0-. ment and lodging : houses. ' flats. - - SWELL downtown hotel : 100 • rooms ; 40 pri- vate.baths; cheap rent;;lo years'.lease; elegantly fnrnlshed; easy; terms; big bargain. • . ."\u25a0> BEAUTIFUL corner house;. 3o rooms; hot and cold:, water; ; best -furniture: \u25a0- rent ' $150;: north Market, dose; in; first class location; bargain, i TO ! LEASE— 33 rooms, I finished 2 weeks ; only 2, blocks from Market; hot and cold water., . HERE IS -A 'BARGAIN >ln high clans apartment Nand rooming house; , 73 rooms; beautifully fur- nished; ; s : years'.lease;: a room; all full; : I ,wlll » guarantee this ' house - to , clear $400 a B month ; ( price \ 55,500; \u25a0 $3,500 cash and the bal- -- ance'to-be^'paid^as you can- spare It out of , \u25a0'. the profits of \u25a0 the • house. \u25a0\u25a0••\u25a0' . -•', - • ; \QEO. A." HERRICK., SOS VAN, NESS AY.' FURNISHED FLAT— B rooms, with 3 extra attic \u25a0 rooms : » furniture | cost I $2.000 1 2 \ years I ago nnd in excellent condition;! fine Steiner Bt. location; rooms \u25a0 all * rented .\u25a0 and j house clearing \u25a0 $50 a -tnonth;a chance: for; bargain hunters- at $S5O. C}. M.". F. . HOYLE ' CO.* v 837 Pacific bldg., San -\u25a0'. Francisco; - Central ; court,: Bacon -block, ; Oak- land. f,:, • .. '.-';.: ...•*** CERTAINLY/ we can sell yonr rooming house M. F. HOYLE COMPANY. '837 IVlflc ' Building, :; Snn Francisco. . - -. : ; Central , Conrt. ' Bacon *\u25a0 Block.' Oakland.' CALL BRANCH . OFFICE, . 1651 Fillmore st. near , U: -. Post .---\u25a0--\u25a0•-?\u25a0.- v-.-J'- .*'••'-. v-•v -•- . \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-- .--..\u25a0,..;..-.. ... FREIGHT FORWARDING i ' JCDSON FREIGHT > FORWARDING : CO r ;t Reduced rates for shipping; household goods'any- . where west -to everyvrhere east. ' 4th' and Market sts.t. room '2ol!.' Pnelfle 1 bldtr.: 1 nlione Kearnv 237 ft. LI. COLLECTING \u25a0 , ALL bills and promissory i notes ' promptly ccollet-1,,c t- 1,, ed;C; FRED ? J.j SCHMIDT.? Market. - Noe. \u25a0 16th; COLLECTIONS everywhere.^ liens & attachments." CHAS. I il. • NORRIS, : 378 1 Monadnock building. BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS BRICKWORK in all Its branches: best rates. M.' --" V. \u25a0 MOWIIRAY. 130S Devisadero: West 7021. LOCKS3IITHS _ KEYS furnished at factory prices. Key Works, 855 Clay st. Phone. Oakland 6717.' A 2574; V. LEAKY AVALLS CURED "LIQUID KONKEUIT" will do It. 1 Applied by us or your painter. ,WILLKOMJI BLDG. SUPPLY CO.. Tel. I»ouglas a 2.".. 151 Tehama st. . ROOFING. . ANY kind of roof s. repaired or painted. A HIL- - 'MAN,: 508 E. 12th St., -Oakland; phone Mer- rltt 450. ' \u25a0\u25a0-. \u25a0-\u25a0 •-\u25a0 -. - H. R. KOPPS. PRESIDENT. ALL- KINDS ART. - LEADED AND MOSAIC GLASS. Mir.-TURK. PHONE FRANKLIN 17CT. - ' nABY CARRIAGES V .WE make ' handicraft % furniture and baby car- rlages. Pacific Coast Rattan Co.. S?.l Van Ness. LADIES^ TAILORING' SUITS made from own material, -reasonable; first flas* work. FRED & HRTTSKA. l."»l? Polk. DRESS MAKING ACCORDION, sunburst, side pleating, buttons, button boles; mall and express orders solicited. . STEELS, 1420 Pest St.: phone West 6423.' MACDOWELL'S Dress Making and Millinery \u25a0 School, 1215 Post st. near Van Ness; Oakland office. 101S Washington. Patterns cut to order. A. C. BROWN. Embroiderer. 9C6 Market st.. la- " dies' guita: see my large roses. COMPETENT woman wishes day work. AdJrew. _ box 234. Call. - 1651' Flllmore st. CALL BRANCH OFFICE. 1651 FUlsnora st. near Pout. \u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 WINDOW SHADES ADVANCE window shade factory; orders filled at short notice. GEO. WALCOM. 637 Turk st. . WINDOW "DRESSING MERCHANTS' window dressing and show card service. 9C,r, Market St.: phone Franklin 1007. ; -^ FIRST CLASS work done at your home. S. J. JENSEN. 60fl Wallec gt. Phone Market 520.V CHIN-ESE-A3IERICAN RESTAURANTS HONG KONG LOW. 1754 Geary St.; chop sney i and noodles: American cookingfday and night. CARPET CLEANING ALL carpets and rugs cleaned on the floor with- out removel by S. F. COMPRESSED AIR CLEANING CO. Office. .24 Montgomery st.; .phone Kearny SSS2; shop 16th and S. Eruno ay. LE CLAIR VACUUM CLEANING CO.. 62 Post, room 326; phone Douglas 2071 — Dustlesa clean- ing of carpets, rugs, draperies, furniture and bedding. WITHOUT REMOVAL. 3c yd. For the Best Carpet Beating — 3c yd. Phone Market 2-C-2. F. A. Rice, ISOS Harrison. 3c yd. — Carpets Cleaned at Right Prlce^ — 3c yd. MATHEWSON'S Carpet Beating Works — Carpet ": laying, nphols.; mattress making, feather ren. 315 E. 12th st.. Oakland; Tel. Oak. Merritt 595; Home B168.">. • WHEN you become disgusted with - poor work send your carpets to J. SPAULDING & CO.. 989 Golden Gate ay.; telephone Market 643. Save Money — Best cleaning and laying now 8c yd. Phone us. Market 2289. Glssfow. 380S 22d st. WATTS— Reliable carpet cleaning; alterations; renovat. ; wylng. SCO Devlsadero. Ph. Park 5K>. ADVANCE Carpet Cleaning Co. — Advanced meth- ods. GEORGE WALCOM CO.. 637 Tort: st. CONKLIN BROS., carpet cleaning and laylnsr. 2400 Geary st. corner Baker. Phone West 93. JAPANESE LAUNDRIES JAPANESE Laundry; waist and curtain spectai- Ist. Ashai Laundry. 1401 Scott. Ph. West 6296. STORAGE- AND MOVING VANS Anderson Transfer and Storage C 0. ,. mvg., pkg., ehpg., etc.. sth st. nr. Mkt., No. 20. Tel. Dgls. .2177; country mvg.; trunks stored 3 days free. ~ .BEKINS VAN AND STORAGE CO. Fireproof Warehouse. 13th and Mission , sts. Tel. Market 13. WILSON BROS. CO. (Inci) — Moving and storage, cor. 14th and Sanchea sts.. 1 block from Mar- ket and Fill more st. cars; phone Park 271. A— PACIFIC STORAGE AND VAN CO.— Brick warehouse. 2322 Flllmore st. Phone West 2628. PIERCE-RODOLPH Storage & Moving Co. Main office Eddy and Flllmore. Tel. West 823. " ' HOUSE MOVERS HENDERSON &. COVEY— Raising, shoring brick or wood buildings, lintel raising, etc. '4SI 22d Bt.. Oakland: tel. Oak. 2857. Home ASISS. TRUNKS TRUNKS and SUIT CASES AT OSGOOD'3 DEPARTMENT DRUG STORES. OAKLAND . . , - OUR $7 TRUNK A WINNER SUIT CASES and bags, pocketbooks. purses and dog collars at Oakland Trunk Mfe. Repairing a specialty. 56 Sau Pablo ay., opp. 15th St., Oakland. \u25a0 THE Oakland Branch of The Call is at 46S Eleventh st. near Broadway. Phones Sunset Oakland 10S3. Home A 2375. - \u25a0 \u25a0 PAINTING AND PAPER .HANGING PAINTING In all branches; paper hanging, tint- ing, plastering repaired: 6end for estimate. Jas. P. Hunter. 1444 Webster. Tel. West 5653. Painting, papering, glazing; contracts at lowest prices. Shirey. 232S Pt. Lobos: teL Pacific 2184 ART REPAIRING "___ YOSHIKAWA-KURODA CO., Jap. are repairing; antiques a specialty. 416 Grant ay. nr. Bush. YE OLDE CURIOSITIE SHUPPE— Mahog. tables, chairs, bureaus, desks, davenports and curios bonjrht and sold. Cor. 7th and Brush. Oakland. \ ' ..\u25a0' BASKETS L. D. HUGHES. BASKET MAKER of aU klnda. 1922 Mission St.: formerly 1707 Geary st. . GAS ENGINES MINING hoists, stationary and portable engines, gas; distillate or crude oil. WESTERN GAS ENGINE CO.. 22 Ist St. \u25a0 BICYCLES AND MOTORCYCLES FULL line 'of Pierce cycles and Snell bicycles: snndries: special on repairs. J. T. CHICK. 230 San Pablo ay. . - .\u25a0'---. .".\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ELECTRIC PIANOS FOR saloons.; nickelodeons, candy stores and restaurant ; reductious In slightly nsed \u25a0 instru- \u25a0 ments:see us quick. AUTOMATIC MUSICAL AND DEVICE COMPANY. Inc.; 121 sth st. .-;.__._ --TRUSSES'" ' '\u25a0-"\u25a0\u25a0__ CLARK. GANDION TRUSS CO..speclalists, truss flttlng: lady att. 1258 G. G. ay. near Flllmore. MJ^ERXEJS^jGEjR^L^j^^ Is simple and perfectly harmless eye remedy for children ana adults. TRY IT ONE DAY And ' notice the wonderful effects. Bright, strong <and healthy eyes will be, the result. At all druggists', or send 05c in money order direct to GEORGE MAYEULE. Graduate Ger- \u25a0 man Expert optician. 1149 Golden . *"Gate^av., S.F.: Phone Park 3153. "Per dozen bottles, $5. . \u25a0 ACCOUNTANTS V ' - _ -\u25a0__ AUDITS." <?ystem<«.~spccial Investigations. *COOP- ER. 005 Kgmm bldg.;- 717 Mkt.: Kearny 590&. W. F. BECKER. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. AU- > DITOR. 222 Sl'QMon bMg'.: tel." Dnnglim »MS. JOHN R.*RUCKSTELL.:C. P. A.. SCO SOS Claus \u25a0 -Spreckels building. " Phone Kcir^y 41S1. MARK LANE, notary /public and commissioner of \u25a0 •\u25a0 <\f*x\n. 2ATi Biwh-iif.; phonp Temn. 2>K9. . PATENT ATTORNEYS I IIEWEY.' STItONU'Jk CO.— Fohnded 1SS0; U. S. ;* v and v ferelsn * patent? ; inventors' guides; ' 100 : '.- \u25a0 ntechanlcal ; movements .- free. ;\u25a0 1105 Merchants' -\ Exchange bcllding. San- Francisco.;: HARRY C. SCHROEDER.U/S.and foreign pat- ;ents. v 320 First Nat. bank." Oakland;. teL 0^575. SONTAG Patent "Agency— Established ISO 9. Bal- i - boa bids., cot. Market and 2d sts.; 10th floor. TITLES RESTORED TITLES restored. $35; warranted ?«<•«*• Kealty Title Company. 37S Monadnock balldlng. \u0084 " AVest Coast Detective Agency t l *®™^^?* 6^! conducts cases secretly: cor. confidential- 898 nilßior*. Tel. Park SSSB. T. C. GBAY^rln^ r AA— DIVOKCE: Coats,; sl3; qnick: qnlet: «<Jvic» free: bo charge unless successful; title to real estate restored: bankruptcy; probating ot es- tatea; general practice. 1023 Market St.. r. 12. Divorce laws, annulments, damages, ««*«•: consnltatiou free all legal matters: open evgs. IMS Market st. cor. Mason, room Stn>. COMPLETE divorce for $X.'. lncludlngaU costs; a rrlinble lawyer. 1122 Market st.. room 31. JOHN V. HANLON. attorney at law, 543 Padflc bnlidlng; pl;one Donglaa 2790. CHAS. A. SMITH, attorney at law. rooms 1103-7. Call building; PhoueT<eamy 4353. . '_^ LANGAN & MBNDENHALL. 201 BACON build- Injr. OakLtoV. Phone Oakland 1431. \u25a0 NATIONAL Law and Collection Co.. 601-«03 Ccchran bldg.. 2T.1 Kearny st. Phone Kry. 2093. HARRIS & HESrf. attorneys at law; W. T. He.«. notary public; Ecotn 1112. Call bnildlny. L. S. CLARK, attorney at law. 831 Jackson St., -. PENSIONS A— M. HARRIS, pension and patent atty.. 34 El- lis st.; references, many thousands for whom I nave sr«M*r*rt j*rn* f on«* 21 rpar*t* nf^ftice. '\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 E P^ ( ? ATIO^ r - AI * — STEWART School— Rare opportanltT to remedy defects in early education: anj nour, Hxj «c evenics: iostrnction private. - £33 Hayes st. near Flllmor*. JOHN S. DREW— COACHLNQ SCHOOL and NORMAL CL.4SS. High school, aU branches- Prepare for college, teachers' exams., cmi •ervlce. Laboratory courses. Day, eve. Mi Vm Ne«< ay. ' _^_____ ENGINEERING — Civil, electrical, mlnlnt, mech. survey, assay. 'cyanide; day, eve.; est. ISB4. Van der ..alllen School. 51st and TeL. Oakland. THE LYCECM. 2300 Pine st.. prepares boys and girls for university. law. medical colleges; teachers* ex. "a; here yoa save time and money. THE BERLITZ SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES— 2531 ' Washington near Fillmore; send for elr- cnlar. ' DANCING — PUCKETT'S SCHOOL. Classes Mon.. ' Frl.; graduates Wed. Church and Market sts. SPANISH-* Comm. forms; best practical me th- od. CastiUian pron. PROF. ACED. 1932 Mason. PROF. T. A. ROBINSON, mdlv. tnstr. math.,! bookeeping. Eng.. etc.; day, eve. 807 Haignt. A— METROPOLITAN BUSINESS COLLEGE. 925 GOLDEN GATE AY. ASSAYING, telegraphy, civil and electrical engi- neering, mining., etc. Heald's. 425 McAllister. ALL court reporters recommend GaUagher-M&nti Business College. 1256 Market st. . t MUNSON School of Shorthand: private Instruc- tion. 117 Delbert bldg.. Van Ness & O'FarrelL SPANISH or French In 3 months: perfect pro- nunciation. PROF. HIDALGO. 1265 EIIU st. SAN FRANCISCO Business College, now located at 733 Flllmore nr. Hayes: day and evening. PHYSICIANS ATTENTION. LADIES. Yogi Medical Adepts and bloodless surgeons. Offices. 506-7-S Westbank bldg.. 830 Market st.; reliable specialists for women. When suf- fering from any ailment consult these skilled physicians. Cure when others fall. Hours . 0 a. m. to 8 p. a. / DR. MAR DON. the noted doctor of Chinese em- pire, now at 768 Clay st., S. F. ; with knowl- e.!«re Inherited throngh 7 generations; cures all ailments human system is subject to by means of teas, carefully selected herbs; consult, free. WANTED— Capable physician and surgeon to in- vest $500 in company with salaried position. or to attend few office calls daily for office ' rent. Address box 632. Call office. DR. WONG HIM— ' HERB DOCTOR. Permanently Located 1268 O'Farrell st. bet. Gongh and Octavia. DR. JOS. ADDENYI. physician and surgeon: dls^ eases of skin, senlto-urinary, veneral and reo tal diseases: 1-3. 6-7:30 p. m. 1248 Eddy st. MRS. 1. LEAN. C. S. P.— Healer of aU ills. Office 574 Eddy st.: hoars. 11 to 5. SANITARICM.S PRIVATE home for confinement; adoptions; best ». of carp. I.TQ.t Market St.. Oakland. -:m - RVFTtTRE CURED "TALKS ON RUPTURE." by Prof. Pierce: lust issued; copy free. PIERCE & SON. 1417 Chest- *» not st.. 'Alameda. Phone Alameda 1780. MATRIMONIAL . HAVING just arrived from New York and an en- tire stranger in this city am desirous of meet- in; a gentleman; one who can assist me in securing a position cf trust, as I have best of eastern references: I am a young lady, 20 years, an orphan and to right party will con- sider matrimony; ro> triflers or agents. Please- address box 644. Call office. YOUNG man, member of aristocratic family from Europe, would like to meet yoonj r»- fined lady; object matrimony. Box 524. Call. IRISH working girl, aged 20. and shortly from Dublin, would like to meet hard laboring man or mechanic; one who Is willing to start life and make a good home for a loving and affectioeate/ girl; sule object matrimony. Box 629. Call ofuee. WIDOW anxious to marry a gentleman of means or good position. Box C 45, Call office. BACHELOR, 50 years old. rigidly honest, wishes to meet intelligent Christian woman with a view to matrimony: country woman preferred; no agents.- Box 737. Call of See. GENTLEMAN from country wishes house keeper, one who would liki» country life; single woman preferred: object matrimony. Address box 4f.73. Call office. I£sl Flllmore st. GET married; send for list, with photos and postofflee addressee free. Address C. M.. P. O. box 121. Oakland. Cal. HIGH CLASS folks visit Mrs. de Long's matri- monlal parlors and are Invariably pleased with results. 1245 Laguna. West SSU9. Details 25c. DO not •be deceived; the only reliable matrimo- A nlal bureau yoa will find at MRS. A. WOL--^ TER'S. 1752 Geary gt.: established in 1900. GENTLEMEN find ladles of wealth and enlturs- at the only reliable agency. "Society Lady." 2GO Hollls St.. Oakland. Details 25e. MRS. HUGHES. 035 Webster, wishes all temper- ate, respectable ladles and gentlemen to call. VP- MEDICAL ' AA— DR. AND MRS. MASON Successfully i treat all female complaints and Irregularities by improved methods, without resorting to painful and dangercra* operations; 25 years' experience. No matter, what your trouble'or how long stacdin; it may be. their friendly and confidential advlee will cost yoa nothing. All treatment POSITIVELY GUAR- ANTEED not to Injure the most delicate per- son. Those unsuccessfully treated elsewhere, especially Invited to call. Private home be- fore and during confinement. Hours, ft to 8; Sundays. 10 to 12. Take elevator or stairs to 2d floor. 220-221 WESTBANK BLDU.. 330 Market st. AA— • ATTENTION. LADIES! DR. NORTH, 1025 Market St.; tel. Park 594 X." World Renowned Specialist for Women Onfcc. No Delays or Disappointment. • > Relief Guaranteed. By Most \u25a0 Superior Painless Methods Know* >/„'. - to Medical Science. Most obstinate cases treated; utmost privacy; nave no hesitancy If In need of my services: absolutely harmless. Low fees. By consulting an eminent specialist you save time and money. All female complainN cured. Advice free. - 10 a. ro. to 4p. m. and 6toft p. tn. AA— ROBERT U." FULTON. B. A.. M. D. - •"ltj llth st. near Washington. Oakland. 20 years ago I graduated from ' 2 leading uni- versities. Since then. l have TREATED WOM- EN'S AILMENTS EXCLUSIVELY. It is to your advantage to consult to* most successful and trust worthy specialist. Advice fre*. fees rea- sonable. Hours, 10 a. m. to Up. m. Phone o*4- land 54-TS.' . DE. RORERT. GREENLEAF FCLTON. 516 llth st. bet. Washington and Clay. Oakland. DI |.V^S BOT l r 'i5 <J W(>11 kn » w n tones' specialist. GUARANTEES EELIEr in all disorders of women by. reliable, painless-, scientific methods. ™»-l'!;!; ate """f^nitT sanatorium If desired. CONSULTATION FREE AND CONFIDENTIAL. Hours. O to 9. Sundays.-? to 2. . X.50 ELLIS ST.* NEAR FILLMORE. A— MRS. Hit. WELLS, reliable UJieV specialist for all female complaints; Instant relief guar- anteed: 30 years' successfnl practice; home tn confinement. 1524 - WEBSTER st. between Geary and Post: office hours 10 to 5. VALPEAU'S female pills; best regulating pia-* A sold: price 52.50 by express. Pasteur's syringed W »nd. tablets; price $5.. «. By express only oa\T receipt ef price. OSGOOD BROTHERS, whol*- \u25a0_ sale druggists. 7th and Broadway. Oakland. !i :\u25a0 Continued to Next Paso