Newspaper Page Text
: - —^—^—JU^IS^ 1 - — Continued P_Hd,2?- J^SfT; <^~J293 Golden Gate ay._- K-SoM£fJn^!_!_. Cor »"'\u25a0?««; all /cases . ""dr. low fee^: boun=. 9 >. m. to S p. tn: ;^.gf4yori >v % a^ >a r ld: prt "* B - wisharr * .-hull-UK ofoJ X'jth Ft., near Mission. :%_^ A^'AM. ladle.' physician: private ; -tvSrriff ,, c 2 nan^«t: terms reasonable: 3004 .. .iTnirvale ay.. phnne Merrltt 215. :jj£z ~-Ji A J!SS? 1 ' ITV HOMES .;Btt. LORD, physician In charee; confinement '__, ;__ CHIRP pop 1 STS '"\u25a0 :-.'- : : ?^;. J ; w-J,w -J,- EVr ' chiropodist, r. 304-305 \u25a0-'\u25a0I'lirian bldp.. Mlct. at O'Far.; IhT 9 to 6 p. m! CUIIioPODY— 1261 Golden Gale ay. near Flll- . \u25a0\u25a0eaor»' st. \u25a0 • - ." \u25a0\u25a0 DEXTISTS HUSTON PAINLEsFdEXTISTS. 739 Market rt.. .acknowledsed to be the easiest and best pain- lets extraction In S. F. Full set of teeth. $2; sold crowns. $2; Eilver filings. 50c. All work guaranteed 20 years. Open daily till 9 p. m. •**£\u25a0.£• W - I)E C K EB. Phelan bldg; rooms 30S- •9-10.. ,60 Market «t.; phone Kearny 1630. HU. SIMMS. 1214 Polk St., cor. Satter, room .._ ->f.l: phone Franklin 367. .UK IRa g. -LKEK— AII kinds of deatal work. 015 miaore st. near Oak. DR.C. G. BARTLETT. extracting specialist, re- moved to 323 Geary cor. Powell; Douglas 4300. H IVI" Dlt f -LI'LUM. 432 Webs, (now Muirhead .Mflg.t Market. Hares and I.srkin: c«g given. T .. _ CAT AR R H A.XD ,PE A^XEg^____ ALSO ear noises positively cured; 1 week free. . im. COTTINGHAM. 1990 Sntter st.: hrs. 10-4. •I>R-. E. J. CREELY. ISIB Market St.; phone . Mkt. 2^70 — Srxvlal ward for dog?: dogs hosrd«xl. ' "REV: HANLEY. teacher of new thought; splrit- .usl bealer; test cir. Sun.. Wed.. Fri., 8.; class \u25a0'.. :>f oa - Tbcrs.; readlagg rially. 510 ISth. Oakld. ;aa~ MRS. J. J. WHITNEY, ordained trance \u25a0spiritual medium: full reading $1. at her home. :;:-4164 O'Farrtll tt.: by letter. 4 questions. $1. S- -P.OOMS; 2 Ftories; low rent: sn-and «opnery: \u25a0'.-for temperance hotel; resp. parties only. 1037 A : \u25a0 -Golden Gate ay.. room 3. SIRS. L- H. KINNAIRD— CircIes Sun.. Mon., .Wed.. Fri.. f> p. in.; readings daily, 10 to 4. ,\ 1.403 FUlmore st. p.H. HOLLAND'S readings today 50e; circle Use. •'.. tonight. 1230 Fillmore; everybody welcome. CALIFORNIA'S oldest palmist and card reader, -. —ir. $1. 013 Broadway. Otikland. JrIHS. WASSMER. 1103 Laguna St.. gives con- .' BiUtatians on aji Bffniro of life: bnnr« 10 to » -^____CJL^UrRjraVA^T^ ..Madam Luise. the Spanish adviser, is at her per l '\u25a0__iaj2f_nt__ofSreii. IQ37A G. G. ay.. rms. 1 an<l 2. ;^:-; ADOPTION ; •Piinless Toirfineinent ; children boarded or adopt- \r<l- Maternity Vtlla. 1416 Bth St.. Alameda. K^ BrgIXESS I*ERSOXALS _^ MY'wigi end loupees fit perfectly. I make the— , i;o that- they are thoroughly ventilated and .--.•airy. It Jest takes a minute to adjust them. I .-lav* —sde wig making a life erudy and runr- : ~'EBte» every one I make. Gentlemen's private .'. : -. department upstairs. Experienced man In • \u25a0 -charge. Hair dressing, dyeing, etc., by art- \u25a0 -. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0ietM only. Large stock of switchea.' pompa- ' . «Sours, etc. G. LEDERER, 2271 California i '. '«. uear Webster. Mall orders receive prompt . ' attention. Established ISC6. EIRTHSTONES— Do not be without yours; It ".' brings you luck and happiness; I am the man - ; Vho cuts precious istones; to introduce other \u25a0 . j.-' iv offers I will mall your birtbstose for 50c. ... F. ESTERLIN. lapidary. 222 Kearny St.. S. F. .iIRS. LOUIS HOTOP. 954 Gray son St.. West ' ' •' Berkeley, was relieved of larjre tumor without , :pa_ or knife by the MAGNETIC HEALEKS,' '.-1 709 Telegraph ay.. Oakland. Phone 7742. Mll>. MOORE, magnetic massage; nervousness. imllgestion, poor circulation; given hy an expe- r-'-rienced nurse. 1304 FUlmore; hours 10 to 9 \u25a0 • daily; walk in. .ANY person having witnessed the running over \u25a0 '\u25a0' of a lady at Van Ness jr. and Sutter et. No- \u25a0: • vember J3, 190 S. will bestow a great favor by . : -tending their address to box 595. Call office. BAG carpets woven to order and for sale; also .-"coenUe wove nigs, silk, portieres., handsome ' fieff rusrs made from your o!d carpets; ?ond \u25a0'•' .'for circulars. Geo. MattUews. 709 Sth st.. Oak. ; WANTED for adootion, a brunette girl from 2 ; ."to 9 months old In an excellent, tine hoiut. ; - -1416 Sth St., Alameda. 'PED wetting spieedily cured; particulars for '-.. *ta_p. Nurses' Remedy Co., dept. C, Oakland. ' Cal- \u25a0 . UNCALLED for cults. overcoats and trousers at Jess than cost at CnAS. LYONS', tbe London :tal!or. 1432 Fillmore yt. bet. Ellis and O'Farrcll. "Si-RS. L. E. HARTMAN. baths and massage. '/.-.nervous and rheniastlc specialist.' 40S Koenlj \u25a0-;.bl<lg.. 101 Post st. cor. Kcarcy; open Sundays. MAGNETIC MASSAGE — MRS. HOLSHOUSER. "\u25a0.-\u25a0 Te- Dong. 4440; 351 Paciflc bid.. 4th and Mkt. MISS C. BELL, inanlciiring. fae* and scalp treat- • "isent. i:t>oni 21. 1443 Fillmore st. '•MISS IDIZLL; vibratory electric treatment for \u25a0- \u25baelect patronage only. 1906 Sutter et.. S. F. .-TEMPLE of Ilealta Medlciue Co.. J. W. Roberts, '••M. D.. now located 208 Market. 25 California. I.aIJISS E. M. REID, graduate masseuse; hours \u25a0•-. JO-9. Suite 2. 1705 O'Farrell corner FUlmore. ;IiftADUATi: masseuse. MRS. HELEN DERBEr! ' \u25a0 e-leotric tr«»ataient. 2024 Sntter. P. Wast ftSO2. JiISS WALLACE. Eastern Masseuse: baths. 124 '\u25a0 -Turk, r. 210. Ist Coor. rear; 11-10: open Sun. .tjQLDSTEIN CO.. theatrical and masqaerede eos- ;;'lnTnPs; fop. to Jebn. costcmer. 821 Van Ness. :IIR&. E. M. KERNDL. elfctro-msssage, baths. . ' -1214 C Scott et; hrs. 10-12; 1-5; 7-9. ••CALL BRANCH OFFICE. 1651 FUlmore sT . : . near Post. ~ : _3It^CAJT^ IX^ST^JjMEXTS REMOVAL BARGAIN SALE— Wurlitxer nickel .' . -*let pianinos, orchestrions, harps, players. - " SLOT plantno rental reduced to $15 'per mo. ..'•PETER BACIGALUPI & SONS. Oil Market * ft.. San Francißco. £106 NEW pianos to rent: do cartage while they iset: one year's rent on purchase. BYRON \u25a0\u25a0•••MAJ'ZY. 2oU Stockton st. Union f-qunre «pp. ! .St. Frauris hotel; everything in music, talking utachiDf-s. rpf-ords. etc. STEINWAY uprigbt. fine i-ondition. $275; E*tey, ", J22S: other uprights from $100 up. BOWERS ' A- SON. 529 McAllister st. •FOR SALE — Very cheap. No. 4 Orchestrion: good .';\u25a0 .as new; >!. Welte & f?ohncs. Friedberg. N. V., ••• maker*. Apply 1313 Park f=t-. Alameda. S:"J buys imported Erard piano; good ccsditlon; ;•\u25a0 < *-!: or time. 90S Van Ness ay. <jIUEAT bargain offered ia fine Decker Brothers' - " piaao, Ellgbtly nscd. 1466 Bash st. • A— Almost new upright, cseap. JOS. SCHMITZ, . ' & CO.. now €21 Vtn Ness nr. Turk. A GOOD piaco for rent at $3 a month. SCOTT CURTAZ PIANO CO.. SCO Hayes »t. PRICE pianos everywhere flr«t. then cxamlae ' storage piano*. 415 Van Ness ay. $125— First class oprigbt: Dearly new; most be . mM. HORNUNG'S. 1554 Eddr near FiUraore. NEW pianos for rent, $3 per month; rental al- lowwi 1f purchased. STATIIAM. 24 Hill «t. \u25a0————————- —_—_»——»——————————————» $$9sssssss $*$$$$«sss*sssss*s $»ss»ss«»*ssss s«sss«sss»»* s9 $$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$ *$tSffft9 SALARY ? J ? * f * $ f I $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$ $$$$»$$ LOANS. $$$$$$$ ««s*«9 $$$$$$ $ S $ S $ We are a "NEW LOAN $ $ $ $ $ $ $ * $ COMPANY." loaninr money $ $ $ $ S$ $ to strictly "SALARIED PEO- $$ $ $ $ PLE" on their plain notes, without $ $ S ' security, indorser or publicity. Lowest $ St rates In the city. - * . $ YOUR EMPLOYER NEVER KNOWS. $ J5 W<« take nothing out In advance and I \u25a0 5. - you cau pay us bark weekly or monthly. $ * $ WKSTEKN LOAN CO., $ $ $ $ $ 40K Call bldz.. 3d and Market. $ $ $ t. f $ $ Open S::k> a. in. to fi p. m. $ $ $ $ $$$$$ A :.-. Monday. Wednesday tStft «»S * X « aiut Sstur.lK v cwi StSSSt S $ $ $ $ $ $ ings till 8 o'clock. $ $ $ $ $ $ I **«««**s ' $*****«$ t*sssssSS $(»s«ss«s (;s«sSSsssSsssssssSsssSsSsSs >.ss?sss????ss?s >$><$$$$$$$<$ 7) 4 i I * 9 t $ 9 $ $ * \u25a0 '*' O X LOANS ON SALARIES s.\u25a0 $ $ A sew company advancing money with- $ C oat mortgage or indorser to $ • $• RAILHOAD EMPLOYES. $ $ STREETCAR KMPLOYES. $ I TELEPHONE EMPLOYES. f * RETAIL AND WHOLESALE CLERKS $ -$- or any man or woman holding a permanent , $ 1' ealatied position, • • $ EMPLOYEES CREDIT CO.. $ i Coots 424, 4th floor. Monadnock El<3?.. $ i 3d and Market sts. 1 $ otssssssssssso I MAKE oil kinds of real estate loauts; no de- lay. OVA). W. AUSTIN. 101S Broadway, Oakland^ '- ' ' mv amount on real estate, first or second mort- ****** or on any wcurity: no delay; low rate*. \u25a0 OTW. BECKER. 2111 Fillaore near Callfornl*. MOXRVTO T.OAX Continued AAA— HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO; Get oor terms when about to borrow on FUR- NITURE, PIANOS," HO USES and VEHICLES. >\e will gave you money. Rooms 357-9 Paciflc building (3d floor). 4th aud Market sts. Pbone Douglas 22C5V . Oakland oface. 518-19 First NaUonal bank bldg. MONEY loaned salaried people and others upon their own names without security; cheapest rates; easy . payments;, offices in 68 -principal cities; save yourself moaey by getting our terms Brst. TOLMAN. room 931, Phelan bldg., S. F.. and room 9. 4 GO 13th st.. Oakland. A— CALIFORNIA'S LargeFt Pawnbrokers. Liberal loans on diamonds, jewelry, sealskins, furs, etc.; banking rates;, ladles' private office; fire and burglar proof vault on the premises. '.'•a.LIFORNIA LOAN OFFICE. SU Broadway near 6th >t.. Oakland. I WOULD like to lend some money on San Fran- ols?-o or Oakland real estate- mortgages; rea- soaable rates; can raise a good sum if you want »t," or I would make small loens. Write box 3QQS. Call office. Oakland. MONEY— MONEY— MONEY Salaries— Chattels Life Insurance Policies Wage Earners' Investment and Lean Co., | 443 Pine st. .. ANY amount: lowest rates on first and second mortgages on real estate, legacies, undivided interests. " estates in probate; no delay. R. McCOLGAN. 26 Montgomery st- r. 314315. ADVANCES made on diamonds and Jewelry at lowest rates: safe deposit vaults; greatest pos- eible care taken. BALDWIN JEWELRY CO., Van Ness and Sutter. • "_» LOWEST rates, quick deals, no delay — Loans on second mortgage*, estates, legacies. Undivided interest. When you need money Bee HERMAN MURPHY. 5*6 Market St.. San Francisco. R. B. AUSTIN CO. loans money to salaried peo- ple; Investigate oor credit system. Rooms 353-5, Paciflc building. 4th and Market sts. SALARY loans — Ladles and gentlemen without security; cotes and commercial paper bought. 313 Merchants' Ex. bldg.; phone Douglas 1411. PRIVATES party will lend about $7,000 at 6 per cent not. Box 748, Call office. ; MONEY to loan at low rates of Interest on real estate. HEROLD & LEVITSKY. 407 Pine st. A— LOANS on salaries. HOME CREDIT & IN- VKSTMENT CO.. 523 Pacific bldg.. 4th & Mkt. ON furniture, pianos, etc.; strictly private. BECKER. 2111 FUlmore st. near California. CASH loaned to salaried men on note without indorser. MORRELL. 922 Monadnock bldg. OX furniture and pianos; $15 up; no removal; no com. TRKMAIN. 726 Buchanan nr. Hayes. SALARY loitns; other propositions. San Fran- elsco nisivmnt Acenrr. 411 Paciflc building. MOXEY WANTED I WANT to find a private party with money to loan on real estate; could use from $1,000 to $5,000; write me bow much you have. Box 3009, Call office. Oakland. $15,000 at 6 per cent net, long loan, on down- town income property; principals only. Box :UHifi. Call. Oakland. -^ ; v- ...„ a., _._ 1 ?^ A ?'~.9 ltAl3 t - . MERITORIOUS ENTERPRISES FINANCED. COOKE & REMMERS, 22 Bacon block. Oakland. Cal. CAL. SAFE DEP. TRUST ACCOUNTS BOUGHT. D. E. BESECKER. 248 PACIFIC BLDO. "ABBOTT buys bonds" — Ocean Shore. Market st. Bank and Cal. Safe Dep. books. 132 Bush *t. ARE you buying or- gelling stocks or bonds? Call on PETTIS & BUEBECK, 333 First National tank building. Oakland. IXVESTMEXTS STOCKS AND BONDS FOR QUICK SALE. $1,000 Ocean Shore R. R. bonds at $050.00 500 eharcs Monterey Coal Company at. .15 SOO shares Cal. Pressed Brick Co. at... .35 500 shares Hubbard Elliott Copper at.. ' .S5 20 chares People's Water Co 65.00 500 shares Hoag Rapid Press 'at 35 110 chares United Wireless preferred. 3.00 1,000 chares Pacific Fruit Cooling and. V . .33 Address P. O. box 754. San Jose. Cal. THE secretary of a Nevada gold mining com- pany wishes to interest additional capital for more aggressive development; this is one of the best prospective producers and la close to the latest sensational strike in Nevada; every mining facility at Cand; now at work on the property; want one or more Investors to put up $10,000 to $20,000: principals only; bank ref- erences. Address Secretary, box IS4. Call. WE can sell you any active unlisted stock 20 to feO per cent below any other bona Ode prices; market letter and quotations on re- quest; can make quick and prompt sales of all acti-re unlisted stocks and bonds. CHESTER B. ELLIS & C 0.." 714 Market st. AN- investment In WRIGHT COMPUTING TYPEWRITER. CO.'S stork will never bo ro- pretted: it means monpy to the holder; make reservation today. Call or write A. F. S., dept. A, 437 14th St.. Oakland. OIL shases have doubled and trebled in price; are on tbe boom; my oil and mining market letter will keep you posted; It Is free. J. E. KERR. 3CS Bush St.. San Francisco. Cal. McCARTY wireless telephone — Important Infor- mation for stock holders. Room 40, Bacon building. Oakland. OCEAN SHORE ?1.000 bonds ?6*5; $100. $63; Immediate delivery. E. P. FISHER. San Mateo. $1.(«>O OCEAN SHORE Ist mortg. BONDS ?040 eaeii. 11. K. \u25a0 BKSECKER. 248 Paciflc building. LEGAL XOTICES - NOTICE OF SALE OF STOCK FOR NONPAY- MENT OF ASSESSMENT. OCEAN SHORE RAILWAY COMPANY Location of principal place of business No. 52 Eleventh street, in the city and county of San Francisco and state of California. Notice is hereby given that there is delin- quent ifrpon the following described capital stock of tbe Orean Sbore Railway Company on aeeqnnt cf assessment heretofore, to wit. on tUe 14th day of January. A. D. 1909, levied thereupon, the several amounts set opposite the names of the respective chare holders as follows, viz: No. of No. of Amount Names. Certificate. Shares. Due. Bocqueraz, Leon.. 318 100 $200.00 Bowen. A. D ....122 7 14.00 Carpy. Chas 227 100 200.00 Chiron, l.ueien 559 10 ,20.00 Chiron. A 629 10 20.00 Christensen, 5..... 004 20 ; 40.00 Dougherty, Jas.. 555 12 24.00 French American Bank, pledgee 600 100 200.00 Gotteland. M .585 '40 80.00 Jarrin, M 591 20 40.00 Jarrin, M .502 20 40.00 Johnson, Ada .528' 75 150.00 Masson. M ..585 • 40 80.00 Melbourne. M. and S 540 10 20.00 Mery. J. L, 573 10 . 20.00 Meyn. -John 93. 5 10.00 Morcel, J 327' 47 P4.00 Morcel, J ....373 15 30.00 Morcel. J 534 60 100.00 Morcel. J...... 635 20 00.00 Notbohm. L. R .....294 100.00 Pockwltz, Leo Jr 315 OT' 100.00 Pockwltz, Leo Jr 433 10 20.00 Reulos, A 533~ 10 v 20.00 Renlos, A .630 ' 10 20.00 Reulos, A .....C3l 10 20.00 Steele, R. E 063 16 .. 32.00 Zacbert, W 551 5 10.00 And In accordance with the law and an order; of the Boartfof Directors, made on the 14th day of January, A. D. 1909, so many of the shares of each parcel of said stock as may be necessary will be uold at the front door of the principal place of business of the Ocean Shore Railway , Company at Its office at No.' 52 Eleventh street. ; in the city and county of San Francisco, state of California, on Monday, the Sth day of March, A, D. 1909, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, to pay said delinquent assessments upon the stock aforesaid, together with the costs of advertising and the expenses of rale. Dated tbls of February. A. D. 1909. BUUKE CORBET,' Secretary of the Ocean Shore Railway Company. Location of office No. *2 Eleventh street, city and county of San Francisco, state of California, j THK firm heretofore existing under the name and style «f Faure & Amour, : doing business In the city and county of San Fraucisco. Cal., has. thin 23d day ot February. 1909, l>cen dissolved ny mutual consent. A. Amour has purchased the entire interest of M. Faure in the business and will pay all debts due by said firm. / \u25a0 M. FAURK and A. AMOUR. REDEMPTION PI? llOXDii REDEMPTION OF BONDS' Notice of Redemption of First Mortgage 0 Per Cent Sinking Fund Twenty-Year Gold Bonds of the Horn nnd Loyalton Railroad Company. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the let day of April. 1S»O9, iwenty-three <23) of tbe first mortgage six (6) per cent sinking fund twenty (20) year cold bonds of the Boca and Loyalton Railroad Company, dated April 1, 1903, and BCcnred by Deed of Trust, bearing th« same date, and made by the Boca and Loyaltoa Railroad Company to tbe Mercantile. Trust Com- pany of San Francisco, as Trustee, being bonds numbered one hundred and twenty-slxi (126) 10 one hundred and forty-eight <14S). inclusive, will be redeemed and paid at the office of . tbe said Mercantile Trust Company of San Francisco, : No. 404 California street, Sau Franeisdo, • Calif ornta, by the payment of the principal of said; bonds, and each of them, and all interest due- thereon on the tald m- day. of April. 1909.' together with a premium of ten (10) per *«ent : upon the prin- cipal of said bonds, : and each -of them. Said bonds numbered one hundred and twenty-nix (126) to 'one hundred and . forty-eight (148) In- clusive, and each -of them, < are, • In .siccordnnee with tbe terms and conditions of said' bonds and deed of trust. . hereby called for • payment » upon said : Ist : day -of April, 1909; and Interest . upou said bonds and ' each ; of them ' will cease \u25a0 from and after said date. 'Dated: Sun' Francisco, January 26 tb." 1909. I.'1 .' MERCANTILE TRUST- COMPANY OF. SAN : FRANCISCO.- \u0084 M Hr A. H. WINN. Trust Officer. THE SAN^ FRANCISCO CALL, THURSDAY; wPEBRUARY 25^1909.: '\u0084,. : \u0084:-\u25a0•; - a ? IKES - Ai y p . MINIXG \u25a0 : " '''\u25a0 -' OIL and mining * stocks fare? sometimes j sold by fakers. .Are yours good ?: Are you sure ? De- ' tective. Mines Bureau can tell. Box. DOC, San Francisco, Cal. : ''../\u25a0 ' : ALLGEWAHU ; BROS. C 0.," assaying in all its branches; accuracy guaranteed; -send for mail- ing envelope. 313 Gth St.. Oakland. ",'.'' GOLD, amalgam, rich ore bought; cash; assay lug sOc. Pioneer Assay Co.. 131 JSth st. nr. Howard. TO LEASE TO lease — In the- heart .' of the financial' and wholesale district, store and basement ;\u25a0 store 1.800 square feet.-, basement 1.900 square ' feet ; - within lialf a Mock of new Palace hotel:. For \u25a0 further particulars apply to rcotn 2, Oil Mis- sion st.. San Francisco. \u25a0 ' - :': ' _ : SPECIAL -XOTICES PHONE your wants to Baldwin, Oakland 3983. General repair shop; guns and motorcycles for trade or eale^ rooms and" board; meals at all hours: short orders. 1221 Franklin St.. Oak. iXFORMATIOX WANTED ... ANY news of Hezzie Rogers, 50 years old,' dark curly hair, dark complexion, supposed to be In , San Francisco, will he thankfully received by v hls brother, J. P. ROGERS, box 94, Walnut Springs, Tex. " , -. ".\u25a0" .\u25a0 : ANY person having witnessed the running over of a lady at Van Ness ay. , and ' Sntter at. No- , vember 13. 1908, will bestow a great favor by sending their address to box 595, Call office. • WANTED— lnformation of MRS. IDA RUSSELL, who resided at 317 Eddy st. about - 8 years ago. Address box 702.. Ca1l office. • \u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0•"\u25a0 CITY REAL ESTATE THOMAS E. HAYMAN Suite 1000, First National Bank bldg. Montgomery and Post. Telephone Kearny 1703. $10,500 — Three high ' class new 5-6 room flats near Waller and Clayton sts., just fin- ished; must sell at once. $22,500— 5 ix. high class 5 room flats; extra large \u25a0 lot with "L"; building' Just completed: near Devisadero st. ; rents low at $2,000 per annum; this Is extra well built and worth Investigating. $16,000— Rents low at $2,100 per annum; six high class apartments of 4 rooms each; lot 27:6x137:6; near Devisadero st. $7,000 cash: balance $4,000 can remain; three new high class 5-6 room flats, near Broad- way and Larkin; lot 27:6x100. $7,000 cash; balance $5,500 can remain; Wash- ington st.. Presidio heights; excellent marine view; lot 32x105; two new 6 room flats; all hardwood floors; rented at $1,500 per snnum: nothing finer in the city. $i,500 cash; rented low at $1656 per annum; six new high class 4 room flats; Guer- rero at 22d; mortgage of $5,000 can re- main;, extra well built and a bargain; lot 32 ft. front. . , \u25a0 $3,000 cash; balance $4,600 caa remain: two high class new flats; 3d ay. and H St., Sunset; cheapest in district. $C,OOO cash; balance $4,700 can remain; three high class new 6 room fiats; north side of street; Ashbury district. $5,000 with^only one-half cash, will buy two nearly new 5-0 room flats; lot 30x137:6; near Filbert and Broderlck; well built and certainly a bargain. .'/\u25a0- $15,500 — Six new high class flats, near Broad- way and Larkin; lot 30x95: rent $2,160 per annum: may consider offer. <. $2,500 cash; rents $960 per annum: two high class new 5-6 room flats; with cottage at IM ay. and II st.. Sunset; full price is only $7,700; owner In financial diffi- culty only reason for this sacrifice; be quick. ... $6,800 — Two new 5-6 room flats: lot 25x105: near Devisadero and Waller; mortgage of $2,500 can remain; $1,000 less than cost to build; must be sold. $10,000 — Three new 6 room flats, extra well built; lot 26x125: at Dolores and 22d; must pell; want offer. $2.500— L0t 21:6x60 at Pine and Powell; Just the thing for a pair of flats. " LIPMAX & HIRSCHLER- -255 Montgomery St. LIPMAN & HIHSCHLER- -255 Montgomery St. LIPMAN & lIIRSCHLER - - 255 Montgomery St. Choice Building .Lots on Easy Terms $650 a*d upwards; cheapest lots in this entire district. 35th ay. and A St.: tbe street has-been opened, graded and macadamized from Pt. Lobos ay. to the. park. $050 each — 101 lots; northwest corner of C st. and UStti ay. ; fine high elevation overlooking the city and Golden Gate park; just the thing for speculation; cheap nnd on easy terms: only one block from Golden Gate park and the new entrance to the stadium. COTTAGES and LOTS ia SUNSET and RICHMOND Districts on Very Easy Terms LIPMAN & HIRSCHLER - - 255 Montgomery St. Phone Douglas 3044. Branch office, corner of II 6t. ami 12th ay. Open dally, including- Sundays HAVE YOU RESTORED j I YOUR TITLE: I YOU MUST DO SO BY JULY 1. 1909. I I McENERNEY DECREES | , REASONABLE. PERFECT. GUARANTEED. I FIDELITY TITLE RESTORATION CO., INC., J26 MONTGOMERY. ROOMS 210-211-212. I ' I TELEPHONE KEARNY 4779. j EXTRAORDINARY BARGAIN. Only $10,500— Worth $12,500 Itcnts $110 per month. 3 beautiful tip to date flats. Just completed; 5. 5 and 'S rooms and batbs; all sunny nnd ex- quisitely finished; Imposing front and insrbln vestibule; arched and beamed ceilings; large ' finished f\onerete -, basement: . grand \u25a0 marine : .view, that can not be obstructed; located In choicest part of Ashbury Heights. 325 Freder- ick Bt. near Clayton; forced partition sale; osmer on premlFes today from 11 to 3. . Apply to DAVIDSON & LEIGH, 1465 Market st. ______ 3 flats In Hayes Ft. near Central ay.; $1,000 canh, balance very easy terms: should you buy the property the rents would pay It off; « great barsraln. Apply 1410 Haight 'St. MISSION DISTRICT ' $3,000 — Cottage, S rooms and bath, hard fin- ished ;. corner lot; concrete foundation; 29th st. close to Church; $1,000 cash, bank mortgage $2,000 can remain. ,1 • - * J. C. HEROLD A CO.. 407 Pine st. . : BUILD on your property! We furnish plans, specifications and money—for that purpose. Call on us and be convinced. Northern Building Company, 710-11' Humboldt Bank bldg. $2,750 cash; 2 elegant French flats near park. I year old; lot 25x100, east frontage; 5 and 6 sunny rooms; mortgage $4,000 can remnln; best buy In this city. Apply 1410 Haight st. FOR Bale — Up to date residences, large lots. In i block facing Golden : Gate park and car line;- 12th a y. and I St.. Sunset district. See E. B. HALLKTT. on premises. $1.400 — Easy terms;. lot 25x125 and small cot- tage, 1 block from ("astro and 20th sts.; snap. Owner, box 704, Call office. A — ROOMS papered or tinted, $3 up; painting of every description, whitening, etc. ; . work guar- nnteed. 1544 O'Farrell st. near, Webster. , $7,750 — Good speculation; 50x120; 3 cottages; Btreet bitumlulzed. See owner, 283 4th ay., Richmond. FOR sale — Lots; Sunset district; 255 feet on 44th ay., 120 feet on N St., southwest corner.' Own- er. 1223 12th ay. .'-'.::- \u25a0\u25a0•.- $B,OO0 — Sunny, 9 room house; Stelner ft. near Sacramento. Address box 4572, Call office. D. HOULH CO., 1362 Eddy — Houses built: small payments ca6h. bal. mo.; lowest prices. W. 5675. SNAP— New. artistic pair of flats: r«nts for $55; $1,500 cash, bal. mo. Owner. 511 Pacific bldg. YOUR title restored under McEnerney, act. $10. • GALVIN. 336 DeJbert block. ,943 Van Ness ay. TWO good lots for sale, cheap ; near Melrose. Address box 4517. Call office. . CALL BRANCH: OFFICE, 1651 FUlmore st. TiPKT Pout. ' : COUNTRY REAL ESTATE FOR sale — 10.000 acres In subdivisions to suit purchaser; situate in tbe great artesian belt In Kern county: soil rich and deep; surface level; abundance of free water; convenient to rail-, \u25a0 " roads. •\u25a0' \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0' •\u25a0 ' ' ; -- " \u25a0""• ,'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 '•'\u25a0-'\u25a0 \u25a0" '\u25a0- This land < will produce deciduous i/rults. • grapes, sugar bee.ts, alfalfa,' vegetables, hay, grain, and in fact anything that/is : grown in the great San Joaquln valley. - ; i The lands - all around are being occupied by ; thrifty ; settler*. I If you want to raise hogs and cattle, or If you ' want to plant eucalyptus," if y«ju wantian.ln- vestment.or If you want tomakq for # yours«Jf a home, pow is your . opportunity. \u25a0,- This is about the last of ' the great. tracts in the San ;> Joaquin valley. to be had at the extremely, low price for which It Is . offered, ' and ; at . terms \u25a0 within reach of a 11 .'".-*> -~ . •'\u25a0-. '-:\u25a0 \u25a0 . For prices, terms \ and 'further information, apply to ' .\u25a0\u25a0:-\u25a0'-\u25a0-\u25a0'\u25a0 ' \u25a0 \u25a0" " \u25a0 '•: . \u25a0 PLANTERS' LAND COMPANY/ ' 206 Metroplls- Bank ; Building. v , 10 ACRES IRRIGATED FARMS PLANTED TO ALFALFA.; 10 acres of the \u25a0 best \u25a0 irrigated land,' 4 miles from' railroad station,' -Willows, the county seat of Glenn county,' for $1,250. The first payment $63, ' monthly ; thereafter' $15. ; The land has \ all been plowed and a portion of the tract has, been planted to alfalfa, which is growing beautifully.' The ; remainder ..will be , planted : as ' rapidly ; as weather, conditions . will \u25a0 permit, \ and • we ; expect • a good* crop this; pprlng.' V- We; estimate that ' the alfalfa \u25a0' will - pay.; you $500 to ; $600 j every ; year,- aud as fast as It Is sold .tliei net proceeds will lie credited ~ r as . additional ' .payment r- on \u25a0: account , of your ' contract. , Write ' tbe Alfalfa ~ Farms . Com- pany, '. 403 : Monadnock \ bullding,v : San ! Francisco^, who, will' send you; full particulars. This land is entirely -free: from ; overflow; >.: ; ; . .' FOR tale— Gentleman's country seat; woods, lake,* . acreage ; $10,000. ", Owner, , box 1981, Call office. COUNTRY REAL • ESTATE— -Continued ' . .' SONOMA COUNTY RANCH. 58,000 12Vi~acres l'nille- from ;• Sebastopol : on '•\u25a0• electrie'ilne; freight-, and passenger j depot ; at one corner; paying \u25a0Gravensteln' apple orchard, "' besides 5 acres <of :losanberrlcs; - fine -2 1 story : house, barn," brooder house 'and : farmiog Im- plements. . Address MRS. J. A. ONU, .Sebas- topol,' Cal. '-- -..- UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Irrigated Lands : At \u25a0- \u25a0 Orland, Glenn County. California..,^ . - Deep, rich, level, sedimentary soils. 1 - No hard pan. No bedrock .' No alkali. No floods. \u25a0 No droughts. .' 1 Xo destructive ; frosts. l Low prices. . ' -'•\u25a0•'-.. Ea9y terms.' . ARMSTRONG. QUATMAN & CO., 3 227 Montgomery st.\-L. ?,; GERMANTOWN FARMS -.' : GLENN COUNTY 20 acre tracts 'adjoining Germantown; best soil In the state for alfalfa,' berries, - fruit and garden truck ; $75 per acre. Including water; easy terms. PATTEN LAND COMPANY. I 601 First "Rational ., Bank Bldg. ' IRRIGATED farms; Atwater, Merced co. ; . $75 per acre; $15 cash, bal. s,years;, years; free water right; Saturday excursion leaves our. office 2:30 p. m., returns Sunday, :. 7 p. - m. ; ' round trip I ticket $5.15; personally conducted. Land' pro- duces sweet potatoes, alfalfa, early tomatoes, melons, peaches, apricots, j aftonds, etc. ; most productive In state. Crocker-Huffman Land and \u25a0Water. Co.'. sth floor, Crocker bldg. WE have colony land in Sonoma county. :\u25a0 We have colony lands in Merced county. : " We have colony lands in Colusa county. Small fruit and chicken ? ranches throughout the 6tate on easy terms. Call or write for list. J. W. WRIGHT & CO., 125 Sutter at. . L. W. COFFEE, Mgr. Country Dept. , CALIFORNIA land, 'sl per acre cash payment, balance purchase 90 cents per month per acre; dose San Francisco-; no taxes, no 'Interest; 5 acre tracts; level, rich/ clear, ready to plow, irrigated; perpetual- water right; Immediate , possession; particulars, maps, photographs free. STEVENSON COLONY. 1414 Market i>t.. S. F. MENDOCINO county. 4% miles from Wllllts. on tho county road— A good HOG or SHEEP \u25a0 ranch; 42S acres; -over 50 acres good . hay land; about 60 acres .timber; balance - fine range, with' good springs; all fenced; 1 worth $10 por acre; will sell for- $8.50; good' terms.' Box lOO.jWlllits, Cal. FRUIT. VINE -iND ALFLFA LAND; 20 acre tracts; within 2 miles of Livingston, on S. P., 10 miles south of Turlock; $75 per acre, : with water direct from Crocker-Huffman canal; easy terms; immediate possession. 1 . LIVINGSTON LAND AND COLONY CO., s Livingston.' Cal. * \u25a0 . MODESTO IRRIGATED LANDS. Free illustrated lectures dally at 3 p. m. . on this rich and productive section of California, state .board of trade, ferry building. ' For litera- ture and information call on 11.- H. WHITMORE, Stanislaus county representative, STATE BOARD OF TRADE, ferry bulldlne. $240 a month Income: price $2,900. half cash; 8 acre poultry ranch near Petaluma; good house, barn, henhouses, 1.000 laying hens, : 1.000 chicks \u25a0 hatching, horse, wagon, cow, ln- \u25a0 cubator, etc. A geuulne bargain. > WELLS & 'BANGS, 306 Chronicle' bldg. FREESTONE — For sale or exchange, fine 27 .room hotel with 1 acre surrounding, or more "land If desired: excellent - summer resort, right at depot of N. W. P. R. R. Address . I. -T. WARD, Freestone, Sonoma Co., Cal. THOUSANDS of chickens; buy a chicken farm on the Cotatl ranch, near Petaluma; several hun- dred families already raising thousands. / Apply to tbe COTATI CO.. 310 California , st, San Francisco, owners of property. . . FIVE and- 10 acre homes in Alameda county; . rich, level land, with 2 railroads. 2 stations on. the land: cheap; $25 down and $10 per month. Rich Valley Land Company, 546 Market st. GRIDLEY. Biggs and Sunset colonies — Choice a fruit, alfalfa and orange irrigated -land sold on easy terms. For ' particulars 299 Monadnock bide.. 6SI Market st. T..F. A. OBERMEYER. $S00 — $400 cash ; 20 acres Al orchard land or chicken ranch; wood and water; near Sebasto- ' ' pol, Sonoma county. WELLS & BANGS, 300 -.Chronicle building.' $3.500 — New 7 room house. block 18th st. car line. L. W. J. REALTY CO.. 350 Market st. CONTRA COSTA county real estate for sale; send for list. D. J. WEST. Martinez. Cal. RANCH bargains— Stock, grain." fruit or poultry. C. V. SHIPLEY. 548 Market st.. room 1. FOR farms, stock ranches and timber lands see McFAUL & EDWARDS. 330 Chronicle bldg. MONEY made dally, and Call Want Ads help to make it. Advertise your wants; make them known to the public through a Call Want Ad. An investment, not an expense. For full par- tlcnl/ir* rpnd Call Want \\i\a dnilv. ••\u25a0'\u25a0 OAKLAND RRAIi ESTATE 18 % NKT— BUY IN OAKLAND— IS % NET. New sunny apartment flats, right In town, with all latest modern equipments; built by- day's vrork: fully occupied and leased long before com- pletion to local prominent businessmen; 'this ctmire property pays 15 per cent net. nnd Is lo cated near the new $2,000,000 Bankers' hotel and in the renter of Oakland's marvelous growth and Improvements; In less- than, s years the. lot will be worth the prcsont cost of improvements and lot; will sell for cash or terms. For further par- ticulars sro R. J. PAVERT. ownpr. practical, ex- perienced builder and architectural designer; of- fice, rooms 21 nnd 22, 1015 % Broadway; hours, 2 to 3 p. ni. PIEDMONT PROPERTY Desirable lot, 39x110 feet, near Oakland ar. car- line and short distance from Piedmont station; near corner of Howard ay. and Nace st.; for pale at a sacrifice; similar sized lots In same block being held at $1,365 and upward. Will Fell this lot for $1,150 on terms as follows: $450 cash and balance in monthly payments of $25, Including interest. Owner, box 444, Call office, - San Francisco. - PIEDMONT HOMK. Magnificent home of 9 rooms, _Jn very choicest part of Piedmont; nicely elevated lot, over 100 : fpet frontage; -less • than', one block to cars; ' driveway ami garage; house brand new; has 'hardwood floors, . paneling,' furnace, water beater, etc.; combination gas aud electric flx- | tures are a; special feature of this beautiful home; surrounding and 'view absolutely the finest; price $8,2j0; this is the btst buy In Piedmont. , LEWIS-MITCHELL CO., j Exclusive Agents. 30S-0 First National Bank Building. GREAT SACRIFICE! ~ ~ Going rust to live; northwest: oornpr lot, flue location; -10 room hous<% basement, attic: flowers; cement sidewalk, all around; -built' for hemp,- but c«n bo used for apartments or 2 flats; .near; S. P. and electric lines; walking distance to city, hall: 'good: investment; house pays for Itself ; terms if desired; mortgage runs Indefinite time. Apply owner, 040 3Sth fit t..' Oakland; phone A3O7S. '.*.. > A CHANCE 'OF YOUR LIFF.! A beautiful : home at a groat sacrifice; going east to live; new. 8 room modern cottage and \u0084fine large porches;, classed on one side* 2 houses In rear always- rented; large store houses; fruits of all .kinds, ornamental > trees, grape arbor, seats, roses and flowers, lawn" *» entrances-; picturesque ground, 60x149; ing like -it;, terms, if desired. Apply owner / 540 3Sth ft., Oakland. : Phone A 3078. ; -- ' LOT 62:0x100. on Lieso ay., right on car line; \u25a0f 1%: blocks from school ;; new story ami 'a naif 6 room house; the house nlono Is ' worth the price ; asked for- tbe entire., property: posi- tively must be sold. this week; only $350 cash; balance 's2s nor month. • Including interest' price $2,300. D. F. MINNEY, -'422 llth st ' Oakland. - A BEAUTIFUL view and a cozy cottage are a fine but rare combination; we have one of -s. large • rooms and up to' date; for. $750 cash, balance monthly; hnndy. to Kpy ßoute and cars- price $3,000. LUTTRKLL & CO.. 1007 Broodway. RENTpayer.': llstenl: $100:dbwn. :$2O : per month' will I buy a $1,400 4 room 'cottage;- street work. ':l sidewalks ; in. /Address .\u25a0 1420 Broadway, Oakland HOMES on monthly payments; banking Interest; • : we will "' build \u25a0or • buy \u25a0 you a . home. Pacific \u25a0:, Home Building C 0.. '052 Broadway. Oakland. THE Oakland Branch of The Call is at 4CS Elev- . > enth ! St. near ; Broadway. .\u25a0 Phones : Sunset \u25a0 Oak- land 10S3. Homp A 2375. . , \u25a0 _\u25a0 FRTJITVAIjE ItEAli'- ESTATE "~~" BID ON A FRUITVALPJ LOT. 40 feet front/ highest point; all improvements; on Foothill : boulevard, in £. S*tein way -• terrace, •03 Agua'Vlstn at.' opp.r ßailroad ay.," with trees on; price $712..*)0;^1 have paid 5225 on the lot, but need ready < cash. \u25a0 so \u25a0 make me; a ; bid : by- Satui-day.; the 20tb, on $225 which 1 1 have paid; ' paying balance at $10 per month -to owner; lot will go to highest bidder. ;_W.' R.^WEBB, ; Republican office, Frei- no, ; Cal.; ; tel.iMaln 220.*> -> -. . ... .. THE Oakland Branch of f Tbe - Call Is at 163 1 Eleventh : st. near 1 Broadway. Phones Sunset Onirlniul \C\%%. HnmPr'A237n> . - \u25a0-:\u25a0 , ? k s _ COZY ; bungalow/; 0 rooms,'- bath,.- laundry /'; panlry * and.' outbuilding; i 1 5 v fruit \ trees;'. lot. 49:f5x155; beautiful neighborhood; !nr."! Park ; st. station. '\u0084-.C all at "ll44: Regent ;st..v narrow; gauge. _\u25a0\u25a0.;\u25a0 •: Tbe ' Oakland \u25a0>; Branch 'of £ Tbe Call /is \u25a0at r 463 \u25a0'\u25a0'\u25a0 Eleventh V st.; neor <; Broadway.'^ Phones ', Sunset > Oaklana-MOSa.''. Hom«> A' 2375. " - \u25a0 . 'iI'SrAKIX >'cOirN'TYvniiAl^f2STATE^i $295 each— 3 beautiful; wooded snnny'.Jots; grand = vlpw;'soxl2o{ water. 1 street :. ; work, etc.;;; 4 mln- H ntesV.walk ;t; to \ stations U.'iF- MANN, : ;Kent- flcld, Marln! county, 'opp. depot. ' Additional Spoirtirig^News i Jimmy Carroll Anxious for a Try at Attell Jimmy Carroll, the fast and clever little local bantamweight-; fighter, .is out f. ' with v a challenge to _flght;!Mont_e Attell, ; the » man who :is looked ; upon as the . legitimate challenger for the ban tam -weight title now held by Johnny Couloh of Chicago. Carroll says he lias backing for $1,000, and' is ready to. tet this : that he-can beat; the game little Hebrew. There is a bare possibility that' the pair will be matched before Coulon is brought out . to defend his title. , Carroll is as shiftya little fighter as San Francisco has produced' in many years. . ,He has ono decision - over At tell, and y the pair also fought two draws. Besides wee Jimmy fought Jim my Reagan 20 \u25a0 rounds to -a 1a 1 draw at Salinas some months ago.' His only set back was a knockout administered to him by Jimmy;Walsh last summer. Attell says he is strong: for all comers, but naturally, he is anxious for a try at Coulon, realizing that there will • be . more money, in store ; for.: him if he lands the champion: In the mean time, .Reagan is clamoring for another chance, dai'ming that ;he was not in shape Monday afternoon when Attell took his - measure in that sensational 20 round N encounter. \u25a0 Dick Dawson, the famous Klondike gambler, who lo3t a $1,000 bet when Kyle ..Whitney was defeated by 'Al Neil, has taken charge of Whitney and has offered .to bet $500 that Whitney can defeat either Neil, or Jimmy Gardner. He will meet Neil at catchweights, but will insist on: 'Gardner* making 146 pounds.; Dawson has his money up and says the bet goes at even money, and he is willing to match his man as soon as either is willing to accept his challenge. • SfifiltsW4 Whitney and. Neil put up .such a slashing, bout when they met before the ' Mission club that, another contest between these men would undoubtedly be looked- upon with favor by the pub lic. >:."- • Pioneers Beat Berkeley on Basket Ball Courts A big crowd was on hand at the Auditorium to witness the basket ball games last evening. The speedy Pio neer, five of this city managed tb de feat the University of California team in the best game of the night by the de cisive score of 39 to 20 in the 140 "pound class. The Ponies were far too rfast for the Sherman evening school boys in the 130. pound class, while the Swas tickas downed the Lick juniors in an other contest in the same division. The proposed game between the Sia plimat Indians and the Baracas in the unlimited_ class was postponed; Following is the result of the three games: i 140 POUND CLASS Pioneers— Lovell and Wing, forwards; Massle, center; .Urleln and Raphaels, guards. University of California— Evans, Pierce and Carpenter, forwards; Bell, center; Jones ' and Goldman, guards. Field goals. Pioneer 16. U. C. 5; foul goals Pioneers 7. U. C. 10; failures on fouls. Pioneers 4, U. C. 10; final score. Pioneer r.O, U. C. 20. • . 130 POUND CLASS \u0084v : , - Sherman evening, school — Ross - and - Johansen, forwards; Gorman, center; Sanderson and Win ters,- guards. .\u25a0.\u25a0" \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 - . .^. Ponies— Tuttle and Mohr, forwards; Ell, cen ter; Clark and Downing, guards. 1 Field goals, Sherman 1. Ponies 32; foul goals. Sherman 2. Ponies 4; failures -on -fouls. Sherman 3, Ponies 12; final score. Sherman 4, Ponies GS. 130 POUND CLASS . Lick Junlorß— Crelghton and-.Meyerink, for wards;- Daniels, center; Wilder and Sparrow, guards. .Swastikas — Kenlp and Millar, forwards; Far rar. center; Hicks and Bradford, guards. Field goals, Swastikas 10, Llck 10; foul goals. Swastikas 1, Lick 0; failures on fouls. Swastikas? 0. Lick 11; score first half. Swastikas 0, Lick 14; final score, Swastikas' 29. Lick- 21. -\u25a0\u25a0' \u25a0 - toxi<:ht*s schedule ''"\u25a0o'clock—Oakland high (110 pound class) vs. South Park boys' club. : <-/ ;v; v x.B o'clock — Columbia Park boys' club (120 pound class)' vs. Berkeley high school. 9 o'clock — Berkeley high school (140 pound class) vs. Llvermore. ** 10 o'clock — Olympic club (unlimited class) vs. Berkeley Y. M. C. A. Three Wrestling Matches For Sunday Night The followers of the wrestling game have a good' program prepared for them for next Sunday night at' Drea mland rink when three Graeco-Roman and catch as catch can bouts will be down for decision. George Braun, the former amateur welter weight wrestler of the Olylnpic club, who later tried the Japanese game of jiu jitsu, will furnish the main event in a Graeco- Roman contest with Peter, Buzukos. a clever Greek who claims to have: made good : in ' many^ of: the large' European cities. / '\u25a0" • * The men wlllweigh in at 140 pounds and ! the contest will be for the two best fo,lls out of three. Braun lias twoi drawn bouts-at ji v jitsu with S. Yokoyama. the Japanese expert, and boasts a large following. His .oppo nent, although unknown here, is a trim looking chap, muscled -like Tom Sharkey in his prime, and has dis played* great class in his . exhibition bouts. He is. training at the Reliance club in Oakland, while Braun is work ing out at the Cornell' club: He says he is willling to make a side bet. of $500. .- , • There will be two preliminaries to the main event, the first a catch. as catch cjan between Young Muld.oon and Charles Cameron and the second be tween , Young Hackenschmldt and George Sontell.. Ladies will be admit ted free. \u25a0\u25a0;-"-* 3IcDOXALD nKIXSTATED CINCINNATI, Feb. 24— Tho national baseball' commission decided I to allow the reinstatement of player E/:C. Mc- Donald of the New; York National league:team if .he pays $100 fine. Mc- Donald -has failed 'to report. / I DANDY ; 5 '.room cottage; : up ' to date; ' plas- : tercd. paneled; walls tinted; ; one block to • school and cars. Price, cut t0 '52,200. Will -.accept lot." as -first payment. . CENTRAL \u25a0'. REALTY - C 0... 2712 Fruitvale ay.. Fruitvale. CALL. at our office and look over exchange list; I i improved I farms Ito exchange I for \u25a0 city lor - Oak-, ; >: land property, " . McFAUL & - EDWARDS, 327 Chronicle building. ". - ---'^ \u25a0-•' \u25a0>'- '--'- TO EXCHANGE .. ' . Lots.' cottages, flats \u25a0 and ' business ' property ,in Oakland, to exchange. -What have you? D. F. MINNEY, 422 llth St., Oakland., ' j OAKLAND and Berkeley real estate of all kinds and rooming houses \u25a0: to \u25a0 exchange " for . country 'i property. Write or see me for good exchanges. jJ.U.-.EDSON.. IOCS Broadway, Oakland. GOOD, colonial. 0 room house ; large lot.: 34x174; "' chicken- house, etc. ; • will' exchange 'for ranch". ; W. E. JOHNSON. 232 San Pablo av.., Oakland.- CALL BRANCH » OFFICE, 1651 FUlmore it. \u25a0 near Post. \u25a0•\u25a0=:-.-.\u25a0 -. \u25a0 --•*'-\u25a0\u25a0>.-. \u25a0.'\u25a0'> V^AXRAFAEI^nEATi ESTATE WE make ) a ' specialty \u25a0of : homes .In Koss. San '.; Anseltno and \u25a0 San , Itaf ael. :>« Consult \u25a0us before ;.buylnS'Or i rent Ins ! either " improved '• or unim- '. proved property,' larp-e 'or small: vV ' >\u25a0-\u25a0 \u25a0: P.. K.IIOFF fe CO.vfii)7 4th' St.: San n»fa»l/Cal. \u25a0 r,: SANTA \u25a0 KOSA IJE AJA ESTATE - WRITE . f or \u25a0? list \u25a0 of , income r; bearing^ ranches to .Tamoa H.- Gray. Snntn' Rosa.' t.wl. >*- -\u25a0 - '\u25a0•\u25a0' -*^: S jff TAj Cniliß :_RE Al)i E»TA'TiB j' "' HOMES,', investments'.'. lots, ranches," acre ,'prbper- tlea. BROWN' & WH^KOX.' SnntaCmz. Cal. , FOR sale at a"sacrlfice^-A:heautlful cottage; Just i; built;. 5, r00m5," batb. V'J. DON'NOLLY, Lark- y »nur. r "* '\u25a0' " ' -"•\u25a0*\u25a0" / -.: o, . .\u25a0-.... ... ; v, ; . W ANTED^fLots \ between VH i and ; 3 i sts. '. l Sunset .-\u25a0 district; \u25a0 our.' client will 'pay 1 cash ; prices ' most be reasonable.;J. W. W BIGHT & CO.; 125 and | .\u25a0-. 127. Sutter st. ; -.:",.- ' BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, DEATHS '\u25a0• Birth, marriage and death notices sent by mail will not be inserted. They must be handed In at either of the publication ofOce* and .be indorsed with ; the name and residence of persons author- ized ; to , have : the same . published. ' Notices re- stricted simply to the announcement of the event are published once* in this column free of charge.' M ARRIAGB LICENSES i The" following marriage licenses were issued In San , Francisco Wednesday, February 24. - 1DO0: FULGHUM— SMITH— Ernest B. Fulghutn. and Sabrlna Smith. 20. both of Eureka... y _. GREELV— JEXSOX— CharIes A. Oreely. 32, and Elfle Jenson, 23, both of ISO 3 Eddy st. J HAGEBTT—COX— Robert D. Hagerty, 4t. 200 Fourth street, and Sarah B. Cox, 41, Oakland. MO LLEDA^SMITH— Frank 11. Molleda, 35. and ; • Emily Smith, 29, both Of 309 Octavia st. SCHRECK--iIcSORLEY— John F.: Schreck. 29, and Mary J.- McSorley, IS, both of Vallejo. SMITH— WILSOX— CharIes W. Smith, 22. LodL ; and Nannie \u25a0 Wilson. 23, PocahQntas, Va. ' Oakland, \u25a0 Feb. 24.— The following marriage Hecnses were issued .today: BARTON— BASSI — Thomas Barton". 23, and -. Emma Bassi, 23. both of King City. GREENWELL— BEEBE— Leonard L. Greenwell. 24, and Dora M. Beebe. 24, both of Oakland. INMAN— PEMBERTOX— Edward D. Inman. 22. and Kate B. Pemberton, IS, both of Emery - - ville. . REED— KXUDSON— CharIes W. Reed. 33, and Mary Knudson, 29, both of Oakland. REINHART— WALDON— MUton Relnhart. 29. and Eda M. Waldon. 19, both of Oakland. ZWINGE— HUGHES— Henry C. Zwlnge. 29. and Sarah L. Hughes, 33, both of Mokelnmne HiU, Calaveras' county. * BIRTHS JELLIXEK— In this city. February Zi. 1909. to the wife of Dr. E. O. Jelllnek, a son. ~~~ DEATHS ADlert. Wilhelmlne. 41 1 McGuire. Peter 39 Anderson, Capt.G.M. 46 j Nemeck, John A... 46 Bogardus,. John P. 84 | O'Connor. Alicia M.. — Bonlg, August .... 52 Perrey. Leon ;. r M Bruns, Edward .... 32 Rahwyler. Bertha . . 40 Courtney, Julia :..27 Roche, Wm. 1)...;- Edwards. E. J.....57 Rothchild, M. A. ...5O Eisenhuth. F. T... 36 f Schmitt. George W. 45 Frasler, Pi 8. ..... f>B (Smith, Thomas. ..... "5 Francis, Ruth E.... 11 I Sorensen, Marie .... 5.t Hackman. Vincent. 55 j Sullivan. E. J 33 Heenan. Mary E ... 65 | Taylor. Tabltha N.. — Hermann. Caroline. 03 1 Yon Helms.. Kate ..57 Hons, Wm. J. A>. 30 White. John 43 Keogan, Katherine. — White. Thomas 77 Le Senr. George.. 44 Wolfe, Horatio T...75 Martin. Mary A... 74 Wood. Benjamin .... S8 McClellan, W. 5... 59 Woods, Hannah 22 AHLEET— In / this city, 1 Febmary 24. 1909. Wilhelmlne Ahlert, dearly beloved wife of Ernest Ahlert, beloved daughter of Mrs. Louise \u25a0 Heln,' mother of Rudolph Kornahrens. , and sister of .Rudolph Mencke. Mrs. 11. Lazzarinl and Mrs. J. Paulsep of Brooklyn. N. V.. a native of San Francisco, Cal. ,^ aged 41 years 6 months and 0 days. (New York papers please copy.) Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral services Satur- day, February- 27. 1909. at 10 o'clock a. m.. at the parlors of H. P. Petersen. 1942 Post street. Interment Mount Olivet cemetery. ANDERSON— In this city. February 22, 1909, at his late residence. 263 Jersey street. Cap- - tain George M . Adderson. beloved husband of Emma Anderson, a native of Sweden, aged 40 years 8 months and IS days. A member of Master Mariners' Benevolent association and Mission lodge No. lt». F. & /A. M. Friends and acquaintance?' are respectfully invited to attend the funeral tomorrow (Fri- day), February 20. at 2 p. m., from Mis- sion Masonic temple. 2668 Mission street be- tween Twenty-second and Twenty-third, un- der the auspices of Mission lodge No. 169, k F. & A. M. Interment Woodlawn cemetery, by . electric • funeral car from Twenty-eighth and Valencia streets.. BOGARDUS— In this city. February 24. l!) 09. John P. Bogardus.. beloved husband of Mar- garet 1". Bogardos. devoted father of Louise Bogardus and Mrs. BenJ. C. Brier of Sac- . ramento, and brother of Mrs. Marx C. \u25a0 Tay- lor of Greenville, . Me., a native of Pouga- keepsle. N. V,. aged 84 years and 7 days. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited rti attend the funeral services tomor- row (Friday). February 20, 1909. at 1 o'clock p. m., under the auspices of the Society of California Pioneers, at ,5 Pioneer place. In- terment Woodlawn cemetpry. by. carriage. In- terment private. Please omit flowers. Remains at the parlors of tbe J California undertaking ' company, 2210 Stelner street. BONIG— In this city, February 24, 1909. Au- gust, beloved . husband of Augusta Bonig, and \u25a0 devoted father of HenryNßonlg and Mrs. John , McLeod. , a native of Germany, aged 52 years fl months and -3 days . BBITNS— In this city. Febrnary 22. - 1909. - Ed- ward, beloved son of Jobann and Meta Brans 'of. Germany, and -devoted brother of -Her- man, Charles H.. William, Henry and Julius Bruns of San Francisco, Mrs.* Kellper and John Bruns , of New York and Albert Bruna of Germany, a native of Germany, aged 32 years. A member of the Hannoveraner vereln. 'Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral today (Thurs- dayj, at 2 p. ni.. from ttw parlors of H. F. Suhr & Co., 2919 Mission street between Twenty-fifth and Twenty-sixth. Incineration I: O. O. F.- crematory. - COURTNEY— In this cltyj - February 23. 1909, Julia, beloved wife of Cornelius Courtney, and mother of i Leonard 8., Marlon F. and Edward C. \u25a0 Courtney, a native of County Kerry, Ireland, aged 27 years. The. funeral will take place today (Thurs- day), February 25. at 9:15 a: m..'from her late residence, 349 Preclta avenne. thence to St. Peter's chnrch, where a requiem high I mass will be celebrated for the repose of her soul, commencing at 9:45 o'clock a. m. In- terment Holy Cross cemetery. » \u25a0 EDWARDS— In this city. February 24 V 1909. •Edward J., dearly beloved husband of Cath- erine Edwards, loving father of Martha Ed- wards, devoted son of Johu and the late An- nie Kdwards, and 'beloved brother of Evan and William Edwards. Mrs. E. B. Porter and the. late Mary Rowan, a native of Scranton. Pa., ajted S7 years" and 15 days. A member of .the Pile, Drivers* union, local -No. 77. and Court Columbia No, 55, ', Foresters of America, aud an ex-member, of company E, California Volunteers. .... - Notice, of .funeral hereafter. Remains at the family residence, 2890 Harrison' street. EISENHUTH— In Kennett, Cal.. February 22. 1909, Franklin T... beloved husband" of Eliza- \u25a0 beth K. Eisenhuth. father of Thomas V. Eisen- huth. brother of Mrs. R. A. Williams of Benicla,- Cal.. and nephew of Robert, Joha. James and the late William Ramsey, a na- tive of Illinois, aged 36 years 3- months and 21 days. '\u25a0 j FRAZIER— In this city. Febrnary 24! 1909. Patrick 8.. dearly beloved husband of Mary Frasier. loving father of Emmet Hannon and Martin Joseph Frazler, unrle of John and Aus- tin Frazier, and brother In law of Mrs. Peter Farrington, a nattve of County Mayo, Ire- land, aged 68 years.'' Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Tnvlted to attend the funeral tomorrow (Fri- day), February 2C, 1909, at S:3O o'clock a. m., from his : late residence, 273 Church street., thence to" Mission Dolores church, where a" requiem high mass will be celebrated ' for the repose of his soul, commencing at 9 a. m. In- terment Holy Cross cemetery, by electric \u25a0 funeral car from Thirteenth and West Mission streets. FRANCIS— In Oakland. Cal.. February 23. 1909, Ruth Edna, beloved daughter of Joseph T. aud Mary Francis, and , sister of Joseph E-, William R.. Gladys E. and Roy E. Francis, a native; of Oakland, Cal., aged 11 years 0 months and 13 days. HACKMAN— In Oakland, Cal.. February 21. .1909, Vincent Hackman, a native of Missouri, aged 55 years C months and 10 days. HEENAN— In Hvermore. Cal.. February 23. 1909. Mary E.. wife of Edward J. Ueenan. a -native of Ireland, aged 63 years. Friends and - acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral tomorrow t Fri- day), February 20. 1909, at 0 o'clock a. m.. from -her late; residence. 430 Second avenue, thence to : Star .of the Sea cunrcli. where a requiem . mass will bo celebrated for tbe re- pose of, her. soul, commencing at 9:30 o'clock. Interment Holy Cross cemetery. . < HERMANN-rln this . city. February 24. , 100!>. .- at her late residence, 4300 Eighteenth street .corner of Douglass. Caroline, dearly beloved . wife of tho . late Charles G. Hermann, lov- ing mother of Maria, Fannie. Cbarkm and Mar- cel Hermann and Mrs.- Joseph Callagban, aud I sister of ' Mrs. Josephine Helmer and the late George Wolff, a native of Thann. AUace, aged \u25a053 years 10 months and 23- days. HONS— In this city. 'February 23. 1909. Wil- liam J. A.".: beloved son of Meta and tbe late ; Frederick lions. . and devoted , brother . of Fred lions and ' the lato Mrs. | Emma Sheehan. a na- tive of San Francisco/ Cal., aged 30 4 years 11 months and 17 days. -A member of Golden , West lodge No,"-. 322,1. O.\O. F. ';\u25a0 .The -services will be- held tomorrow <Fri- * :'day). at, 1:30 p* m., at the parlors of • 11. F. .Suhr- & Co.. 2DIO Mission - street \u25a0. between ; Twenty-flftU and Twenty-atsth. Interment Cy- preas Lawn cemetery, \u25a0- by ' electric funeral car \u25a0 ,' from . Twenty-eighth and \u25a0 Valencia ' streets. -; . KEOGAK— In ; thla city. February 23. 1909, ~ Katherine. dearly belhved daughter of. Mrs. - ' Katherine \u25a0' Kevgan. . and - sister of - John - and Lanrencc.' Keopm and Mrs. McMillan, a na- tive of San .'Francisco. • . \u25a0 • ' Friends ; and acquain^anefs are respectfully invited to attend the funeral today tTtiur*- day).' February 23. 1909, at 9 'o'clock a. m.. \u25a0 from - her latn residence,' >CO . Hollis . street, .- - thence vto \u25a0 Holy - Cross \u25a0 church. • where a ro- - quleui bish mass will be celebrated . for.;, the '. repose ' of 1 hor soul.'? commencing -at 9 :30 a. « ni." : . Funeral private.". Interment Holy Cross ceme- tery. . PPHPOHQ LE .' SEUR— Iii thi-« city, February 23.' 1909, '\u25a0-' George. : beloved hu>band of , Maude T. L^ Senr • (nee - Hlrleman), -a native of • I»ug Island, .--• N . . V .'."' \u25a0' aged : 44 years '4 \u25a0 months ' and 22 : data. (New York papers . please. c<ipy.)i ..L , . ; ' ..-. Friends - are \u25a0 respectfully invited to attend the funeral services today (Thursday). Febru- ary 25. 1909. at 1:30 p. m.. « bis lat* residence,. ltC6 Broderlck streeL latermeat private. MAHTnr_i a oailand. Cal., February 23, 1909. ' i f , ar y A - Martin, beloved wife of the late Thomas C. Martin, and devoted mother oC Thomas. Leo. Frank and Augnstia Martin, Mrs. R. Hlmes and the late Ambrose J. Jiartln. a native of England, aged T4 years. Friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral today (Thursday), at 9 o'clwk -a. n».. from her late residence. 1170 Saa Pablo avenue, .thence to St. Frances de Sale* chnrch. where a requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of her soul, com- mencing at 3:30 o'clock. Interment St. Mary's cemetery. McCLELLAK— In this city. February 21, 1909. Stewart MeClellaD. beloved son of tho late William -B. and Margaret M<-Clellan. be- loved father of Sarah J. and William L. Me- Clellan. and brother of Mrs. R. J. Parker of Los Angeles. Harry M. MeCleUan and Mrs. Anna h. Webster, a native of Delaware, aged 59 years. Friends and acquaintances arc respectfully Invited to attend tbe funeral services tomor- row (Friday;, February 26, 1909, at 1:»> o'clock p. m.. at the parlors of H. P. Peter- sen. 1942 Post street. Interment Cypress Lawn cemetery. McGUniE— In thia city, February 23. 1909. Peter McGnire. a native of California, asred 3D years. NEMECK— In this city. February 23. 1909. Joha I Alfred, beloved husband of Clara Nemeck. and loving father of Jack A. Nemeck. a cats* of Cleveland. O-. aged 4tt years S months and 23 days. A member of Court Golden Gat* No. 603. Independent Order Foresters. Friends and acquaintances are renpectfnlly invited to attend the fnneral services to- day (Thursday). February 25. 1909. at 10 o'clock a. m., from the funeral chapel ot Charles H. J. Truman. 1909 Mission street be- tween Fifteenth and Sixteenth. Interment Cy- press Lawn cemetery. O'CONNOR— In this city. February 22. 1909 w Alicia M-, beloved wife of James F. O'Connor, mother of Alice O'Connor, and sister of James H.. William F., Kathertne and Alice Doyle, a native of San Francisco, Cal. (Virginia City and Nevada papers please copy.) Friends are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral today (Thursday!, at 8-3O o'clock a. m.. from 313 San Jose avenue, thence to St. James church, where a requiem mass will be celebrated for- the repose of her soul, conimenelas at S> a. m. Interment Holy Cross cemetery. PESKEY— Ia this city. February 22. 1309. Leon Perrey. a native of Paris, France, aced 78- years. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral today (Thurs- day). February 25. 1909. at 12:30 o'clock, from the parlors of G. lacchert _ Co.. 1543 Stockton street between Union and Creeu. Interment Mount Olivet cemetery, by carriage. RAHWYLEK— In Mill Valley, Cal.. February 22, 1909. Bertha Rahwyler. beloved wife of Alfred Bahwyler. loving mother of Alfred Irma and infant son Stuart Rahwyler. daugh- ter of George and Louisa Obenauer and sister of George. Alfred. Henry and Adolf Obenauer. a native of San Franc—co. Cal aged 40 years. '* Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral services to- day (Thursday). February 25. 1909 at 11 / o'clock a. m... from the residence of her parents. 220tt Pine street. Interment Cypress Lawn cemetery, by electric funeral car from Twenty-eighth and Valencia streets. BOCHE— In this elty.' Febrnary 23. 1909. Wil- liam D. Roche, anatlve of New York. Friends and acquaintances are respectful Iv Invited ti> attend the funeral tomorrow (Frf- day>. at 10 o'clock, from tbe parlors of th« Henry J. ! Gallagher undertaking company 13H Webster street between Ellis and OTar- rell. thence to Holy Cross chnrch. whera services will be held, commencing at 10:15 o'clock. Interment Holy Cross cemetery, by 11:40 trala from Twenty- flfta and Valencia streets. BOTKCHILD— February 23. 1909. Maurlca A.. beloved husband of Hilda S. Rothohlld. be- loved father of Edward S. and Maurice A. Rothchild. and brother of Joseph M.. Edward S. and Fred H. Kothchild, • Mrs. Louis Rau and Theresa C. RothchUd. a native of Louis- ville, Ky.. aged 50 years I month and 8 days The funeral will take place today fThurs- day), at 10 o'clock a. m.. frora ISOJ> Broad- way. Interment strictly private. SCHMITT— Ia Oakland. Cal.. February 23. 1909, George W.. dearly beloved husband of The- resa Scbmitr. and luvlnjr father of Teresa, ' George and Ethel Sehmltt. a native of Ken- tucky, ajed 45 years 10 months and 24 days. SMITH— Ia this city. February 24. 1909. Thomas Smith, a native of Illinois, aged 73 years. A member of Bricklayers,' union No. 7. .Notice of funeral hereafter. Remains at the . parlors of D. I. Kenay _ Co., 1719 Eddy street near Scott. SORENSEN— In this city. February 24, 1909. Marie Sorensen. beloved wife of Peter Screu- sen, and mother of Harvey 1,.. Mary f., \u25a0 - win P.. Elva C. Elizabeth Mildred and Wil- liam T. Sorensen. a native^ of Lolt. Schlesvlz. Germany, aged 53 years and 11 days. Notice of funeral, ln tomorrow's papers. Re- biaics at the mortuary chapel of Joseph. Ha- gan. 253 C California street near Stelner. STTIXIVAN— Ia thi* city, February 23. 1009. Edward J.. dearlyv beloved son of th« lat» Thomas and Julia Sallivan, and loving brother of Thomas L. Sullivan. Mrs. Charles Gal- lagher, and the late Mrs. James Heaney and Annie. Minnie, Maggie and Daniel Sullivan, a native of San Francisco, Cal.. aged 33 years 9 months and 6 days. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the fnneral today (Thurs- day), at S:3O a. m.. from his late residence, P2O Alabama street, thence to St. Peter's rhnrch. where a solemn reqniem high rnaa* will be celebrated for the repose cf his soul, commencing at 0 a. m. Interment Holy Cross cemetery. TAYIOB— In this city. February 24. 1909. Tab- itha N. Taylor, beloved sister of Mrs. Rowena Crosby of Chatham. Mass.. and tbe late Mrs. Christian Klrketerp, a native of Chatham. Mas*. Friends are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral services tomorrow (Friday), Feb- ruary 26. 1909, at 1 o'clock p. m.. at her late residence, 725 Ashbnry street. later- ment private. YON HELMS— In this city. February 23. 1909. at her late residence. 1001 A Dolores street. Kate yon Helms, beloved wife of Thomas yon Helms, mother of Mrs. «. Rosersoa. »nrt grandmother i-f Florence Rogerson, a native of England, - aged 57 years II months and 2S days. Friends and acquaintances are resDectfally invited to attend tbe funeral today (Thnrs- • day), at 11 o'clock a. m.. from th« funeral parlors of Banker •* Lent, 26«6 'Mission sireet betweea Tw enty-secontf and Twenty- third (Mission Masonic temple). Interment private. Please omit flowers. WHITE — In Monte Rio. Sonoma county. Cal..- February - 20. 1909. John White, hosband of Hannaa White, and brother of Mrs. ti. V. Vandal), a native of Australia, aged 43 years. A member of I!aH Uag!<» tribe No. 73. Itni-. O. R. '31.. and Bald Eagle council No. 77, Degree of Pocahontas. \u25a0Friends and .acquaintances are respectfully Invited. to attend the funeral tomorrow (Fri- day), at 2 p. in., at tbe chapel of Craig. Cofhran & Vo.. 116» Valencia street near Twenty-third, nnder tbe auspices of Bald Eagle tribe No. 75. Imp. O. R. M. Interment Mount Olivet cemetery. * Chiefs and members of Bald Eaglf tribe Xo. 75. Imp. O. It. M.. are respectfully lavlted - to attend the faaeral of our late brother. Past Sarnem John White, from the chapel of Craijr. Cochran & Co., 1169 Valneeia street. •tomorrow (Friday), at 1:30 p. m. By order of GEO. E. MARCUS. Sachem. Attest: HUGH DIXON. Chief of Records. WHITE— In Alameda. Cal.. February 23, 1309. Thomas, beloved husband of Sarah K. White, and brother of Marcus White, a native of Massachusetts, a;«i 77 years. Friends and acquaintances ar« respectfully invited to attend the funeral tomorrow (Fri- day). Febrnary 26. 1909. at 11 a. m.. from ' 'his late residence. 2252 Llncola avenue. Ala- meda. Interment private, v WOLTE— In Fruitvale, Cal.. February 13. 1909, Horatio T.. beloved husbitnd of Mary Wolfe, and father of Georjre H. Crosett .of N«w • York, a native of ' Ohio, aged 73 years 4 months and 5 days. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully - invited to attend the. fnneral services today (Thursday). February 25, ' 1909, . at 3 o'clock p. n».. at hi* : late .. rrrstdenee. 3210 Lloyd ave- nue. Fruitvale. Interment Evergreen cemetery. WOOD — In this city, February 22, 1909, Ben- jamin, husband of Alice O. Wood, a natlva of . Woburn. Middlesex county. Massachusetts, aged 8S years 7 month* and 25 days. (Wcburn. 'Mass.. papers please copy. > The funeral service!* will b« held today (Thursday), at M o'clock p. va., at his lat» resident** 1 . 5 Engenla street off Point Lobos avenne. Interment private. WOODS — In this city. February 23. 1909, Han- nah. 'dearly beloved wife of Joha Woods, a na- tive of Ireland, aged 2U years. The funeral will lake placi- today (Thurs- day), at.l o'clock, from the parlors of J. C. . • O'Connor & Co.. 770 .Turk utrect. , Interment ' (private). Holy Cross cemetery. IHDEPEHDENT OF THE TRUST ..;for... Seventy-five Dollars I Will Furnish: HEARSE, TWO CARRIAGES, EMBALMINS, SHROUD AND CLOTH COVERED CASKET JULIUS S. GODEAU Main Office* j 3133 Bash St. We»t 3803 aud 1300 FranfcHu St. nr. 17«b, Oakland Phone Oakland 4045. Branch 1 305 .Montgomery At. Temp. 3263 . Ambulance and Carriages to lilra 13