Newspaper Page Text
14 COMMERCIAL AND MARKET NEWS SPECIALLY REPORTED FOR THE CALL Demoralizing Liquidation Is Checked, But Buying Is Languid : /: New York Stock Market T?EW YORK, Feb. 24.— A check came today to flic disorderly liquida ' i^kl tion tJiat was demoralizing the stock market. The perception that vS-^Bjffl the course of yesterday, if continued, would lead to that result | A - prompted some measure of equal support. The large short interests \u25a0•':•\u25a0 "• were prompted to reduce their short lines with, the signs of a greater \u25a0•'.Btatility in the market. This demand was a potent influence in the recovery ~ f -of- prices. \ -. " The buying demnnd, however, was languid. After periods of dullness -nbaased by the mutual indifferences of buyers and sellers the traders tested .• the market by advancing bids. The undertone of the, market therefore was '\u25a0] fjfm, althcuph lacking aggressive strength. London apparently was as con \u25a0 fused over the outlook as cur own market nr.d a sharps relapse there- from '•.a former advance, just before the Xew York market opened, had : , rriuch to do with the feverish fluctuations of the -afternoon market.; ; ' •. There was a better feeling over the steel trade outlook and a growth • o'i conlidcnce that the price concessions on steel products were a preliminary • to revival in trade. The proportions of the market readjustment obtained \u25a0 : -clea"rer lorn; and were corrected from the extravagant assumptions of yes '.vterday that an immediate relapse to the acute conditions of depression and • contraction of 1907 was in prospect. . . The conviction finds very general expression that fundamental conditions : : ;are sound and are shaped toward betterment. With the recovering tendency : .once definitely shaped the requirements of the large uncovered bear interest \u25a0••'must be looked to for explanation of the extent to which the rally ran. The .\u25a0-'.TOOjiey market was unaffected by the large operations of the day. The call •".'for the return 01 $30,000,000 of government deposits to the treasury matured '\u25a0/ir.d the Xew York banks turned over many millions of this amount-yester ;.-: 4ay and today on account of interior correspondents. Over $1,000,000 in C' :^oid was engaged for shipment to Argentina. Last prices were dearer than '\u25a0\u25a0•yesterday to the extent of 5 points a share for Reading, 3 for United States ,'iteel and some of the minor steel industrials, and from 2 to 3 a share for the •-.itJast prominent railroad stocks^ i. : :-.- : : .T]ie bond market was irrrgular. Total sales, par value, $5,700,000. United ': "States bonds were unchanged on call. • -, ... . <!•- — v i V Xew York Stock I»!st •>*•'•;-\u25a0 E. F. Uatton & O).. 450 OUforala street, ': .^fctiessi'cr* of the New York stock exchange, fur- ' V-.;ij!sa' the following list of bond aad stock sales • •/ -"*esCeTt!ay: ;\u25a0\u25a0_•\u25a0 '"Sales 1 STOCKS IHighj Low j Bid 1 Ask >-'""j- [Adams Express .! | 1187. :..'.\u25a0••.• VOOAIIis-Chalmcrs ..! 13>-'.| 12»4 13Vs 14 1 *, • ' \u25a0'\u25a0: \u25a0 2.UOU] Do pfd i |40 jSS 40 43 \u25a0".\u25a0.\u25a0\.6*,3w' lAnials1 Anials Copper .| TOtj] CS 70^4 70% ;:-" - OuojAmer Beet Sugar 22V« i2l 22 'Zi -. ;.:..•...:! i>o pfd S2 i ss :-."." 200!Amfr Can Co . . ~% 7*i 7*i 8 ;,-.-.\u25a0 J,*M Do pfd 72^4! 71% 72 73 \u25a0"'.\u25a0 7.100J Amer Car & F Col 47 i 44H 46*4 47 \u25a0 ': 200 Do pfd J107% 107^:103 1104 . •:' 5.100 Amer Cot Oil ...| 53 50^ 52% 53 -:. ; : D« pfd ...:..)..... ."..-! 9S 103',i .'- •.- Amer El : . . . . j |200 210 '\u25a0 :.: "400 Amer Ice Secur.. 21>i 21 21?4 22Vi •. ". Amer Linseed .. 12 13 I :, Do j.fd 2a 32 "S.OOOiAmer Locomotive 50 s * 49^2 50'^ 50% 800! Do pfd 110 JICRH4 109 110 •.. .60.SuO'Ain S & Rfg Co| 82 | 775«1 81T41 S2 • " '1.100 Do pfd !1O2?4|IO1 ]102'i;i<i3 1 4 •\u25a0 - Sugar J129 (120%i125*4 112»U1 12»U •"-.;;. { Do pfd 1 1 129 i:>o "\u25a0?;•.\u25a0-„.. .' Am Stetl F«ls pfd! j 35 36 -•. -' 2-.l(K>,Atn Tel & T Co.. j 127 % 120* i 127% 128 •";\u25a0. S"O:Am Tob pfd ... SI 90M.1 90^, 91 •\u25a0;\u25a0- - 4W>;Atner Woolen ..| 2ft%! 2S%| 28Vj 25% --yy. Do pfd j 95*4) 95»5! 95' i 90>4 \u25a0\u25a0/:\u25a0 -4_?.'.io;Anacoiid» | 41^1 40 41% 42 :.:'.-. 4. W0 Atlantic C, Lin*-. .1117^1112 11C 117'« .'-. ' 22,7<Ci!A T A: Santa I>. lOiajj 95^[101'4 ,101%, =;;. I.OOCT Do pfd ......jICC' I01%|101T«|X02 ;r--; r --- - 900 Bait &: Ohio . . -t106?4 lO4V- HW'tlK^ 7 * \u25a0/:•\u25a0...••,...•.! Do pfd" ; t 92Vi! 93 ';•;'.. •-..V.-IBerhleheia SteeL. • .:..|21»» 22 ;-j. ; -'-800 Do pfd ..! 4!t 147 147 50 • •\u25a0•'2S.T?JOB R X | C9^ C7'i! C7';4 C 8 ':.-...\....1Canaf1a So I-.--.! G2 67 \u25a0 . :• .3.300 Canadian Pac .. .;ltKH t !167% 109^4 170 -*'-"£S;6uOC & O !O4Vi|«l% «*** tM'i - "'• C 4: A I «»V4 57; iCO COI4 \u25a0v'". -J..BO©'C <i W ! 7J*] Ct* 7M 7U .;.•„'.. i.:. Do pfd A ...1 1 130 j 31 :\u25a0:;.• i.igo l>o pfd B ...] s*4 s%! SHI »M .. .' \u25a0 .'• «f«O ! C &N W 1174^ 173ii]174>4!1"5 -•: .' I-4.<J3O:C M&; St P ...'l43^, 14lH-!143 |143% vj;f>;..'...j Do pfd I I tn«)Vi<;:< :-""s;«oli'Cen Leather ... 29W, 2S 129 J 29»; y.-J'.-,".j Do I<fd .. 101 |HC . ;•-. .•;. : • : .v. 'Central of NJ |210 '220 :-'.-".>• v : , ..iChlcago Ter I 4 5 :,;•.:... 1 Do pfd '\u0084..' ! 18' i2O "/;-.; /. .iOCTC C. CtSt L... 71 70^i 72^i 73 •;.l. •"..-. I Do pfd. 100 '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 7;<500|Colo Fuel &. Iron. C 2 29^ 31 Sl»/j \u25a0':*\u25a0+iX*:.:\ I>o pfd. . 60 ca ; : 5 -'- :"• ieOOjOol Hock C& I. 23V4 £214 23 C 3%. \u25a0;'"-•\u25a0;. 'l;im[Celo Soathern C 2 Z9% Cl^i C2>i •':\u25a0• \u25a0 '"4UOj Do Ist pfd M\4 80 80M: 81 .' -: \u25a0.iiZQO] Do 2d pfd 77=i 7CV4 7714 77% ; v 10^409 Consolidated Gas. 125 120 123 »» 124 \u25a0'.'\u25a0_ (••>-^soo|Corn Products 17=4 IC>4 17Mj 17% :.'.•\u25a0'. -' 800| Do pfd 74 73V4 73Vj| 74 \u25a0'.\u25a0.:".;.. ; jDel & Hudson 171 172*4 , V.i:.-.- DLic W .../. ......540 '550 ". : 5:400 D & U G 42»4 40% 42>4 42>4 .:\u25a0-. i,100( Do pfd 83>/« 82 84 ST.'j .. .\u25a0••'<:' 'Dicmoud Match.....' 121 123 \u25a0".'••'\u25a0 'l,3oo;i)tFtl!Unjr Sees... 331* 32Vi 33^4 ;35«4 '.-•\u25a0. JDuluth S S & A.' 15% 13% V ' 300: Do pfd 2S>4 28 29 30 ;= " - 19.500 Erie 2<5% .25% 2«% 2rt% *-'V 5,40 ft) Do Ist pfd 42 40% 42 42% "•-.-. 300 Do 2d pfd....: 32% 32 32% 32% \u25a0.-. - 800 General Electric. . 153 150 152 153& S.2oo'Grt Northern Ore «7% CSU C 7 C^ -• • l«.Boo'Grt Northern pfd|l39% 130% 139 139U .: lllavana Tob Co. . 6 9 !.. Do pfd ..... 12 J3 -'- 3,V>O Illinois Central... 139Ti 137 139 140 SOO.lntrrtioro-Mitro .. 14% 13W, 14^4 14% 4.800) Do pfd... 1 3»%i 3S 3fli« 39V& ,-;. ...... -. l lnternatnal Panerj 10V: H {•- .4«>i Do pfd ...-! 52 ! Mil 51 52 l.&jO'lnreruatnal Pump 34>4 34 34 34*4 \u25a0 .1 Do pfd 83>4 M . U 1.200 lovra Central 27% 27 H'.-j 2S • : I Do pfd M 571 Hrafft.<nolK C southern 3R4 r»~H SS»i! -Ik's \u25a0\u0084 " 2.700 Do pfd 03 G7-J, CS'g l 09 '\u25a0-* jLake Uric & West 19 I. 2n • " (\u25a0 Do pfd. 1 4S 50 . •2.«(0L & N :i2Smi2r, !I2S !128% 300M«ckay 71%| 70 1J0U..^.- Do pfd 7Oiii-71 ! >4 \u25a0 -.Manhattan 145 14S «00:Marln» ~V~ 7<Vj, 7% 7>, \u25a0-;..'. • tm\ Dopfd 22V4 21»4 22 22Vi •. JMetro St Ry 25 30 l,2oolMexican Central.. 20% 19% 20,4 20>4 • 400 Minn &St 1 54 H 54 52 55 ' ....... Do Ist pfd M 90 • COOJIStPtSSJI 13S 137 137 i* 138 i - I IV> pfd....* 151',^, 154 ! 23.200 M X & T., 3X«4i 35* 38H SRt.i j .. ........I Do pfd j 71>^ 73 • 8,000 Mo Paclflc C7Ti! 65 C,7\i 07U '-•* .|n. eh & 5t.L...K....! 113 125 pOfe7.Soo!N«t Le?d ..; 74 72 73% 74 Uo j>rd ...1.....1 104 Ift3 sOoNat liisruit jIOO I 94^100 100« i . ;>..•..... 1 Do pfd. .......1 I 1118 120 J,«OO!K«wh.C. M * 5..1 4%\ *\k '4% 4% *\u25a0:.......!%" V Air Brake.. 1 80 S4 | 11.900 N V Ontral !123«ii120U.,123ai, 1231^. !N V V. & St.L..: .......... 49^ 50 ...'.... Do Ist pfd 1 1100 105 ,-.-. I Do 2-1 pfd , 70 SO \u25a0 iN V. X II & H I iir«i4 158 4.R00:X Y. Ont & W.. 44 424 43vfe 44 6.3oo:Norfolk & W.... S7 84% Sfi>A S7 .<•; i Do pfd 83 SK .*: ' 200; North Amer Tfl'A 78 78 7SH ". So,4ofi!N'or Pacific. !13C%1133U ISfiM 136>£ fOmaba I 150 ICO .-.;: I Do pfd... 1W Ifi3 ....:. .!P*rlriC Coast ! 7»* 82 l.r-oo'pa'-ific Ma 11.'.'..: StU-i 29^ 31 it 32^ . 12,5(ifr.renn R It Co \2S\i\l'Ji'.K 12K 125% 1 W<M'<^oief> G»k !lll»2'110% 110*4 IJI 1....... 'Piitsburc C0a1..) f 10 13 ' *' j i>o pra 40 43 . ?P C C «v St.L 57% R8 I I»o pfd... . jIOO 110 l.Cf«»'Pr*«» St^el Car.. 33 i 31 32V.', R3 ' ; j Do pfd ..1..T..J fW (97 - iPoliman i.....|1C9 172 . 'ßr S Sprcs C 0... 41 i snv.l 41 41 v rw-c! t>r> pfd .:. i"? 1 97'il.ns f»=4 lC?.4o;.';r.<'afti'!7 --:• 123%i119%!122 1 5,U22>4 Do J«t jtffl ...'..... S7- I !»0 ...... I l»o 2d pfd..... ... ..!..:.. I 8S I 94 J.9of»'Tl*pul) S ft I 10'Jj 1!> I .VJV t \ 19? a 3.r.r;inf '":io pfd... 71 . C.7*i\ 70V4 71 ' - ir.2iX) Ro«'k li'.nnd Co.. 22' i 20T; 21"i! 22 • 7/.XX! Vo nfd.... .... tM%\ S7*i\-TO%\ 59"4 2.;tK) Sloss S S & 1... 71141 TKM.iI 70', s 71 >C...,...\ Do pfd. lIGV Uffl ISlL't KPlrt pM. .'..:.! I fiO I 03 «,C J00! D.l 2d i>M 37 j37 1 3C»i 37 ' - .*s2.Vc6'sonth Pac!flcr:*-.!ii6^liii%jiic^ln«n wF23 <w>| l>o prj \u25a0.;.}.... .)..:. .1ii9^i20''Vi'skmth P.y I Zl^l 22 I 23 4 23% 4.f1.'«0| Do pfd ........I G\\t.\ r,o I «;ij;: r.iv, r. lOOiTcnn Copper .-..( S8- j3B T.7H V.7.~', fi.lfWlTcrrs Pac-iao. ....1 Hlii) r.n :ii-% 31% l.!«"O;TIilrd Are ...... | S«? I 35.5, 37'/. SS' T..f»o'''.T»-.l St Li W..1 4;CjJ 43J-J 44 * 45 : 3.200! IV) |>r<i :.-.i O'.V.j fc4%j.CC»4 C 7 '"': -JOOiTwin Ci:v ICT..)IC:-;i!lO3 | i!lC:l I.A1 .A 104 !L"n Bag i Pfi|»er.l '\u25a0 :.*:.. 1 0 I JOU" 1 Do pfd ' ; I ns" - ; 210,300! fnlon PaciCl . . .|17.".-<!J72U 175-% 17514 2001 Dopfd . ". ..! DsVii 03V4 OS"/.] £Kj' • !Cn ltd* of 5F.'.1.....! : 30 '| 32 • Do i.fd ........ .r.:". SOU P2 ...\..'U S Cast I Pipe.!.. ..I 24141 C 5 -_' « Do pfd ..T.....1..V.. ..... 70' 72 ' ... in <s nxpressr... .....J.....J 90 mo 1 40f>;U S Rubber 2!» ! 27 1 2i>%\ 2i» 00f»! T)o Ist pfd.... lOHMIGO, llO0V>!l01 I Do J 2<> pfd .1 1 .1 C.7V.\ o 22.V.:o<V>U S rsteel C0r. ..1 44'i| 41U1 43%\H •15 4001 Dopfd lW>;llO7>.4!ins%|loSTi 4.lo<i;J"tah <"ontH>r ...I -*T-.'*\ 40 142 |'42',i 2.300 ! ,Vr Car Chen Co.! 42%t 40?;! 42% T43 " Z\ -.'.; !\u25a0 Do pfd 1..... !.:... ! 112%J. \u25a0.-...\u25a0 •f/irtlffahai.!] ! 17 1 Js«4t 1«T^1 17 New York Stock List' Continued j Sales.j STOCKS. jUlgh.jl.ow.l Bid. | AskT J i Do 2<i pfd -«<: 110 To^s 2,200! W1s Central 40% 3S ( 4054 40Ti | 4,100( Dopfd 53?4 fcl'/j! S3^ &4 ! 1.3C0.G00 — Total shares sold. ' Xew York Honda U S ref 2s reg.,lol J?.pan 4%5, 2d fer 90"J I Do coupon 101 V< L Shore 4s, 1931. 95'^ .' Do 3s reg lOO^i L & N unified 4s. .102 . j Do coupon 101 Man con gold 45.. 99^ ' Do 4s reg 119 |Mcx Central 45... S5 ; Do coupon ....120 Do Ist me 73',i . Amer Tobacco 4s. 75MsiMlnn & St L 45.. So'fc . Do 6s 100^4 Mo Pacific 4s Sli-4 ! Amer T&T cr 4s. 94% M. X & Texas 4s. 98% • Atch gen 4s 101H Do 2ds .... b~\i : Do adj 4s 95 NR of Mcx con 4s S3 ] Do cv 4s 103% N V C gen 3&5.. 93 Do cv 5s . . 107 NY.NH cv Cs ctfs.l33^ Atlantic C L 4s. 97 NJ C gen 5s 128 Bait & Ohio 45..100;4 Nor Pacific 45..T.103 1 4 Do 3>4s 93>,i Do 3s 74? i Brooklyn RT c4s 82 Vj Nor & W con 4s. 99 ; Central of Ga 55.110V4 O S Line rfdg 45.. 95 Do Ist Ine 79? iPa cv 3M.-S. 1915. 95% Do 2d inc.... 60 Pa con 4s ..1O4»4 Do 3d 1nc...'... 53 Reading gen 45... 59*4 \u25a0 Ches & Ohio 41»5.105y.4 1 »5.105y. Rep of Cuba ss. .102*4 i Chi & Alton 3V-S. 74 . S L & I'M con Ss.lllVi ' C. B & Q new 4s. OS ' St L & S F fg 4s. 80 C, R I i Pac 4s. 78*; St L S W con 4s 79>A Do col , r >s 90>4 Seaboard A L 45.. 64^4 Do refdg 4s 92%] So Pacific 45.. ...91ft C.C.C &SL gn 4s. 9814J Do Ist 4s 95 Colo. Indus 55.... 71 ISO Railway 55.... 111 ri Colo Midland 45.. 83 I Do 4s 78^4 Colo So 4s 9S*4iTcx & Pae lstß..llS Del & Hud cv 45.101 |Tol. St L & W 4s. SO Den & Rio G 4s. 97 Union Pacific 45..10:Ui Do ref 55...... 04 Do cv 4s 103' i Erie prior lieu 4s. SS U S Steel 2d 5.«..10:{ Do gen 4s 72>4 Waoash lsts ll^U Hofk Val 4n5...107'i4 Do ext 4s ...... 7314 Int Met 4i.(;s 7S& Western Md 45... S2>i Japan 4s 83^4 W & L Krte 4*... SSVj Do 4Vs» 91% Wis Central 45... 93 .Now York Mining: Stocks Alice 2.f>oiLlttle Chief ..... 10 Brunswick Con .. lOlMeiloan C 7 Com Tun Stock.. ,20jOntario 4.00 Com Tun Bonds. . IS Ophlr 1 .25 Con Va Mm Co.. 40 Standard 1.55 Horn Silver ..... CSI Yellow Jacket ...'\u25a0 38 Leadville Con ... 04 1 Huston MocUh and Bond* Money — Am Arg Chem pfd 9S Call loans ......2®:;^ Anm Sugar 12SM Time loans .....3@t Dopfd . ...12SMi Bonds— Amer Tel & Tel.. 127*4 Atchison 4s lfll Amer Woolen ....""28 Do adj 48 94 Do pfd f15?4 RailroadF — M«s« Electric . .'. . 14 N V, N 11 & H..15S Do pfd 0.71,4 Union Pacific ...175M. U S Steel 43Ti Miscellaneous — . I Do pfd 109 Aaier Arge Chem. 30 | THE COPPER' STOCKS BOSTON. Feb. 24.— Hutton's wire says: The market opened soft this morning, with heavy I liquidation, due to forced selling. Stocks at the low level, however, looked attractive and. the buying was good all through the list. East Butte was the star performer. On any further rally tomorrow brokers advise taking profits and lightening accounts, as we shall probably have another drive before the situation adjusts itEelf. Copper statistics are not half bad. Whtlo tbe unsold and available stock in this country increased something like 20.000,000 pounds in January, the Eastern visible supply decreased by something over 5,000,000 pounds. On tho whole. ' it is rather, remarkable that so large a percentage of the January output handled in this country wan disposed of in that month. The January figured Indicate. In fact, that the copper indnstry is -mployed to a much greater extent than is the iron and steel Industry. We?con sider that the January figures of: tbe Produ<*e.-s' association are very bullish In their import of what we may -. expect, if ,we ever get any gen eral revival in manufacturing Industries. The strength -of the local copper share mar ket has • practically no relation to the market for the metal. It is a speculation based upon mine developments and may reasonably continue to be moderately 'active** almost regardless of any change in the price of copper. • COPPER CLOSE The following list Is furnished by E. F. Hut ton & Co., 490 California street, San Fran cisco, Cal. : Bid. Ask. 1 .. ;;- . ma. aru. Adventure .. 9% 9"s Mass Mining.. - 5 r»^ Ahmeek — I*so- Mayflower ... 4.V COc Allouez ......41% 42 Mexico Cons: ?,% \u25a0 I Anial Cop ..70% JO'S Michigan ... .<lA^ 11 iAm Pnenmat 9V4 »V» Mohawk . . . Cl ' 02 Do pfd ... 18 ISMiiMont C& Ck 200 25c Arcadian .... 4% 4Vi|Nev -Cons- .. 17U ]rii Ariz Coml .. 32% 32%lNev Utah '.:- 2%: 2 T 't Arnold :.'.".- 80<? «9c iNipissing QV* i*% Atlantic 15% 10 North Butte.. rtftU 09 \ Balsklala .'..23(1 237 Old Colony .. We \u25a0\u25a0•— Bay State G. 72c 73<* Old Dominion 49 49lfc I Black Mt .. 2 2% Osceola . 133 135 " I Boston Cons. 11% 11% Parrott ..... 27 274 Bte Coalition 22^ 23 Phoenix .....— 1 Butte &.Lon 25c 2«c Quincy .." my, 5714 \u25a0Cal \u25a0& Ariz. lol 102 illavpn.. ; ;m>o 41c Cal & Hrcla.62o 030 ! Santa Fe ... 2^4 2Vi Centennial ..30 31 iShannon '.'. .'..' J4%[i6U Con Mercury. 30c 32c Stjper & Pitts 13*4 14 V 4 Coppr Range GIHG2 Swift Packg..lO2 102H Cum Ely I*4 \u25a0 lld Tamarack .:. 85 Daly West.. 9% 10 Trinity ..../.. 13 ._ Davis Daly.. 3 9-10 3% United Coppr. 11% 12 Dotn Copper. 4c 5c United. Fruit. 127' Dom 1 &S. 31 32 Un Shoe Mch fi4« C6ti Elm River... 2 2V» Db pfd ... 29>4 Tia; First Natnl.. 7 7 1-16 United Zinc. . 25 "d Franklin .... 13*4 14 U S Coal &O 30 — Giroux ..... 6% 7 US Smelters SUV, S9K Greene Can.. 9*4 10 Do pfd ... 44 45 Glohe ....... s>i 5*4 Utah A|>ex .. S?J 571 Granby 9rt 97' Utah Cons .. 3S»i Sfli' Hancork .... 12U 13 Victoria ..... 4% .-,' Helvetia .... 3Vi ?\u25a0% Wlnona ..... S%°SU La Salle ...'15% 15% Wolverine ...140 l-n"» Majestic .... 7C«; 77e Wyandotte .. 2H 3 Mass Gas .. C» Gl%j . Loniion ("lokJiist Stocks Ccns for Eionry, . S3 T £ I^mlsv -- & \u25a0 Nasb" 12SU Do for.aect S4 T -i M, X & Texas... tJc^i Amal Copper'"."-.". 70Vi NY Central...... .1341^ Auaconda 8% Norfolk & West . . \u25a0 SS ' Atchlson ..... 101 f »ii Do pfd . SS - Do pfd .-.-. 103% Ont & Western.*.*- 44 Bait & 0hi0:.....1(«> Pennsylvania .... Cs^ Cju Paclfio \u0084...: 171"« Rand Mines .... '-714 Ches &. Oh 1n ..... 04 Vi I Reading ...... t : C 2'" Cbl Great West.. 7»4150 Railway ..*.*'23 Chi. Mil & 5t.P.144«/j Do pfd .... * (C>U De Beers 12H So Pacific .... *HS% Den & Rio G 41»4 Union Pacific . 17S Dopfd ./...... *1 -Do pfd .....* os Erie 2T US Steel.... 431; Do Ist pfd 44 Do pfd'..... 10931 Do 2d pfd...... -ISVi.Wabash '.......... ici'i Grand Tnink ....IS'si Do pfd ..;....;. 41 111 Central ..142' I Spauish 4s :. . . . . . 03*4 Bar silver — Quiet; ,23. 7-10 d per "ounce. . \u25a0"' Mouey--2^4<ij.2a4t ppr cent. • The rate of discount in the open market for short •. bills is 2i£®2"& per ' cent' and for three months' bills 2>a per cent. Condition nf the Treasury WASHINGTON, - Feb. , 24.— Today's • statement of the treasury balances \u25a0: in : the • general fund exclusive of the $150,000,000 gold reserve," shows ' Available cash balance. $137,285,703; • pold coin and bullion," $37,091,75Q;.- gold certificates. $31 . 290.540. • : r«e\v Yorlc Money Market ""' NEW YORK.- Feb., 24.— Prime mercantile pa per, 3>4Q4 per j rent. ./uSaBWtHHBWJKMjJn ' \u25a0Sterling exchacge.*; easy, with .actual, bhciness i In bankers' .HII3 at ?4.5510(<14. 8520 for CO day bills, and at $l.fi74o'for demacd. -:"-'.: ; •'ommerclal ltillK. 54.5-ITJSIi.SS. Bar silver. r-034c. .' ; \u25a0v Mexican , dollars. 44c. -.. * Government' Ixmds, steady: railroad bonds. Irregular." /s^PHBMHBMBH»^ ""• ,?3^rt( Mtrucy oa 'call, easy at lv4S2 per cent:'ru]lDg THE SAN FRANCISCO; GALL, THURSDAY; 1909. SLJMMARV. : :;,QP THE MARKETS New York stocks recovered several points. Cotton futures firmer. Copper stocks higher. Copper metal s^c lower. \u25a0'::: Local bonds fairly active. Mining stocks v c[uiet. Silver \u25a0 yic higher. Sterling . exchange slightly lower. .. • Spot wheat, barley, oats and corn" unchanged. . \u25a0 Hay firm at the very high prices. Beans and feedstuffs unchanged. Live cattle advanced.^ Qther meats as before. Grain bags firm and tending upward. . . Potato market slowly strengthening. Onions easy. Poultry selling well at satisfactory prices. .:\u25a0' Butter, eggs and cheese show some advances.- New crop strawberries in from Los Angeles, $ Liberal stocks of apples reported in* cold storage. \u25a0 Hide market weaker, with some kinds slightly- lower. rate and offered at 2 per cent; closing b!il, | l?i per cent. . ;\u25a0 - .. • | Time loans, steady and quiet; CO days, 2Va <ff2*i per cent; V oo -days, \2*4@3 per- cent; six months, 3@3Vi per cent. \ew York Cotton Mnrlset NEW YORK. Feb. 24. — Hutt'on'ft wire.saj-s: The financial storm In Wall street dampened the ardor of the "cotton market (his morning despite j the ; absence of any - storm over the dry belt -in the western half of the cotton belt. ' where rain is needed. It Is natural thnt>Wnll street, largely involved in the security market, should neglect and- abandon cotton ucder \u25a0 conditions \u25a0 that are j | now existing. It is evident, however, \u25a0? that the | selling pressure of yesterday and the early I part Of today's session practically . eliminated the Wall street interest in cotton and further pres sure from that quarter need not be fedred. - Eu rope really uuJGerstauds and handles 'cotton bet ter than she does our stocks and . cxmds. Cotton Is a much more necessary article. to her exist ence and it mutters not how terrifying the situa tion In the financial district In New, York might become, the European markets stand always ready to accept cotton In exchange . for . gold. It is a «matter of peculiar significance .in every panic in history that cotton has been the one commodity which showed an "advance. -The first shock cotton receives is always the worst shock. With cotton us cheep as it now is. no hesitation should be felt 'in buying it. as . no big decline from this level can be expected. .Spot cottou closed quiet. Middling uplands, 0.60 c; middling gulf. U.QQc. Sales, 50U bales. COTTON FUTURES Option — Open. High. Low. Close. February 0.24 c U.lMo 9.24 c 9.29 c March ...9.30c a. 32c 9.22 c 0.31 c April .-.0.10 c 8.25 c* 9.15 c 0.2? c May . D.2Gc 9.30 c 9.lSc 9.29 c June .9.19 c 1».19e 9.19 c 9.27 c July..; 9.27 c 0.29 c 9.17 c 9.2fec j August ..'. 1). 22c -0.27 c 9.19 c 9.27 c September .. 0.19 c 9.21 c 9.17 c 0.20 c October 9.19 c y.23c 9.13 c f1.22c November ..... ..... • IMSc December O.lGc O.ISc" 9.12 c 9.18 c January 9.14 c 9.15 c 9.10 c 9.13 c Xew York .Metal ' Market NEW YORK, Feb.- 24. — The London tin market wat lower today with spot quiet at £129 10s and futures at £131. The local market was easy and lower at 25..">0fg,25.75e. ' Copper was unchanged ~ to a little higher In the London market wiui s;x.t quoted at !•\u25a0<• Sa oa and futures at £37. 2s Od. The local market was dull and lower with lake quoted at 12.75<5J13c, electrolytic at 12.27Vi(312.02Vic and casting at 12.25^:i2.50c. ' Lead . was unchanged at £13 10s in London, but was dull acd a shade lower at 3.93^j4c in the local market. Spelter was unchanged at £21 13s In London. The local market was dull at 4.73<i£4.50e. . Iroa was unchanged at 47s for Cleveland war rants in. the English market. Locally the tone of the market was unsettled ' and , prices were practically nominal. Xew York Grain and Produce NEW YORK. Feb. 24.— Flour— Receipts, 20. 755 barrels; exports, 47S bands. Tbe market was firm with moderate scattered trade. < Wheat— Receipts, 48.000 bu; exports. 50.539 bu. Spot, firm: No. 2 red, $1.21 T« elevator; No. 2 red, $1.22% f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 north ern Duluth. $1.24 f. , o. b.' afloat; No., 2 hard winter, $1.22 f. .o. b. afloat. \u25a0 The pronounced strength of foreign news resulted in a strong wheat market and new high records. <• There was particularly good buying of July on adverse weather reports, and that month closed l»ic net higher against ?ic rise In Miy. May closed at $1.19T4; July closed at 51.11." .-, Hops — Quiet. Hides — Easy. . Wool — Steady. Petroleum — Steady. Svgar — Raw, firm; fair refining. 3. 23'6c;' cen trifugal .W test, 3.73',4c; molasses sugar, 2.9SMiC. Refined, firm ; No. 0, 4.15 c: No. 7, 4.10 c: No. 8. 4.05 c; No. 9. 4c; No. 10, 3.93 c; No. 11. ,3.90 c: .No. 12.. 3.8« c; No. 33, 3.80 c; No. 14, 3.80 c; confectioners* "-*,"• 4.43 c; mold -.'A." r.c; -«it loaf. 5.4 Cc: crushed, 5.35 c; powdered, 4.75 c; granulated, 4.tisc; cubes, 4.90 c. Coffee — Futures closed steady, not 5 points I higher " to 5 points lower. Sales were .reported o! 24.750 bags, including: \u0084 March : and May at 0.00 c; July, C.3(w>: August. 0.15 c: September, K.Ooc; October. 3.53 c. ' Spot, steady: Rio No. ' 7, 8 1-IGQSVfet-; Santos. No. 4, B%c- Mlid, steady; Ccrdova. 9JA@l3c. F-nttev — Steady; unchanged.. Cheese — Firm; state, full cream specials. 15% \ ®10<4c; do fancy. 15c; goo<l to fair, 14->ir." Eggs — Lower; closing steady; western firsts, 23 do seconds. 23c. DRIED FRUITS Evaporated Apples — There are reports - that prime evaporated apples, have bpen offered at slight concessions.^ but the market Is nominally uuclianged in the absence -of important busi ness. Fancy are quoted at S'i@Biic: choice at 7V4C?7%c;'; prime*- at: C;4@7c, and common to fair'at 5«6c. Prunes — Are ' in fair demand. -i)articularly for the larger sizes, with quotations ranging from 4c to 7 J Ae for -new crop California fruit up to 40-308, and from G;i<g9p for Oregon 40-50s to 20-308. -. "• • Apricots — Are firm with choice quoted at SVndt OOic; extra choice at 9% ©lo Vic,, and fancy at lmfiiißc •- \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 Peaches — Are in jobbing demand with choice^ qiioted at 'sV4(aoc: extra choice at C^ig7Vie, and fancy at 7JA(i?SHc. Kaislns— Are offefed pparingly and' prices are steady with loose- muscatel ; quoted at 4Q5c: choice to fancy needed. 4%<S6'/ic;- seedless at 3?4Q5%c,, and London layers at 1.35@1.50c. Available Grain Supply NEW YORK. Feb. 24. — Special cable and trle graphlc communications \u25a0.iWeired-.l'.y P.rndstreet's show those Minuses in nvailable suiiplles, as com pared with previous- account: tWheat — Un itc-rt 'States <>ast of the Rockios decreased 11.fJ22.C00 bu: Chiisilb decreased ".20, (•OO'tm.. Total. I'nited States and Canada, de creased 2,924,000 bu.' • - Afloat for and in Europe \u25a0 increased 4,000, 000 bn. Total. . American and European, in creased 1.058.000.! bu. \u2666 \u25a0 Corn— Uuiled States and Canada Increased 98, 000 im. . '.^j^MaßeSsfififtsoasPiSwteass^ Onts — United States and Canada decreased N313.000 bu.' . " > . The , leaiifng decreases anil increases reported this week- follow: , \u25a0 ."S^jFtßSf^Bl&Ka ; Decreasop— Chicago private plevators. 1 819,000 bu: Manitoba. 219.000 Im: ftodoHch (Ont.), 109. 000' bu: Lincoln and vicinity. 70.000 bu; Port land <M<».>, 70.000 bu: Omnha. 50,000. . incrrcsM — Minneapolis "private elevators, 70,- OCO ba. j '• , "CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE \u25a0Fultiro Grain and ' Provision s'., CIIICAUO ,*. Feb. * 24.— The principal owners Of May whetit turned th<*ir. attention today; to the July delivery. v of which -'month tlioy 'bought frep'y*througUout the cntifp day. \u25a0 '\u25a0 This stirred to'nctlvity "a large crowd -of nl coping shorts and liurchases • f roai these . iv tcrest » nddrrt ; greatly to ' the volume . of .business.' which was unusually heavy -nil d»y. During the day the price ranged from %c to l%cnbove;yesterd.ij*sfiniil;; quota tions.'-. Trade In: May,wlie.7t^was qiilct and the prfcp ' of . that,' option ranged ; from • >ie : below lo *ic. "above 'tiie previous .close. . Further sharp advances in the price of wheat at nearly all the priuoipnl grain' centers -of Europe, reports of . "winter killed" wheat In Missouri, . and a con 1 tinucd brisk demand "\u25a0? for -rash- wheat- in this country were aids to .the bulls In their \u25a0 efforts to force priers . higher. During tho * day "July soM between, ?l.fll=i: and, ?l.O3*i.r The market closed Blron,-; • with • prices VV 4f4 f .to l-?ic above the \u25a0; previous close.' July > closing '-at 51 03 ' M. Si 1.03.,: May.olosod'.ic higher, at $1.16. , 1 '-\u25a0•TliPicorn ninvket \u25a0 was \u25a0 strong/ • The market oi«.sed %f to "iiO'lilgher, with Mar atCS'Xc and July at \u25a0osv;^o.-iwo. -'i \u25a0 , :• \u25a0-. ;_ '*:n:.: : ; <)atß M'crc Inrlin»d to -drag, . but' the strength of ; wheat and corn prevented any ileclinei". -At the * close, - prices -"; were a \u25a0 plinde - lower - to %c htpiirr. May closingint 51>ir«"t54%c and' July at ' 43% c. ' \u0084'\u25a0 - .;\u25a0'.\u25a0. --- -\u25a0:.<:\u25a0• \u25a0_ ;• . - . •Trade in- provisions; wos .extremely lip;ht and prices ;. ranged \u25a0\u25a0 within \u25a0 narrow 'limits.' .*At ' the ' close, prices were . unchanged :. to *2V^c * higher, : compared with > yesterday's r fins 1 quotations. The leading futures ranged ns follows: Articles— - 1 .Open.-- lll;h. , Low. Ciose Wheat— > - £ May ........... l.m« i:ifi% 1.15% 1.10 - , July ..t. .......^ l.Olvi . l".0»n "l,01»4'. 1.031.5 : September ...... iJOvi-;- 9S' .ss%\u25a0 '^97% i ; ("<jrn — - . \u25a0 ' ' \u25a0' -•'\u25a0\u25a0. \u25a0' \u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0'. . \u25a0 May -'." nr. 3 i" . fiSTj C-,ti ;. r , r ,»i . July '. . . . ... •;.;.'. V <>49i <mi . VA% ._.: 63« September- OtVs C5Vi C4'/i CSXi riats— '•\u25a0-..'\u25a0;'\u25a0•'-•"•'\u25a0 \u25a0 • , - May ...:....... \u25a0 54%; 5.V *MH .' '5414 July .'..:.\u25a0..-:..'.. :49%.. \u25a0!!)•% .t9',i 4 0 A<, j September \u25a0..:.:. 40 \u0084..- ;40',i;. ,40 \u25a0 4()i' s r .Mess l'ori, . perlbbl — ,'_- . May . \u25a0. .--' . .V^. . ".17.07 Vj ; 17: 12 Vi 17. ai , 17.07' i July ...'........17.15 17.20 17.10 -17. 12U Lard, per 100 lbs— \u25a0\u25a0:'\u25a0* May .......,.*.. n.72'5 9.72'/j ; n.«7Vi -9.70 . July .......>.:.. 9. K7l(. 9:S7^i 9. 52U0 P-'U 'Short Rll*. /for -100 lii«—; " \u25a0 " "' r May ...... ...:.S.97Vi' S.97>i 5.92',i S 9"^' July ..:..,.\... 9.12>4 9.12' i 0.10 . 9.10 "Cash Grain nnd Provisions . CHICAGO, Fab. 24.— Cash quotations ranged a* 'follows: Flour, strong; No. 2 rye,"> 77c; feed or. -mixing- barley, G46Hio^iP; fair to choice malting, OSigcCc; fiaxseed. No. 1 6outhwestern, *>I.oirNo. 1 northern; $1.71; timothy seed,^s3.7s; clover,Vs9; mess pork, per bb1,~510.55@16.90; laid,' per 100 lbs, \u25a0 $9.02Va: \u25a0 short ribs, . eldes (loose), $8.25(38.75; ehort clear sides (boxed/, $$.S7> / 4@9.12H.' \u25a0 GRAIN STATISTICS Total clenrnnces of wheat and . flour were equals: to . 100.000 -bushels." Primary receipts jwere 494,000 bushels, compared with 349,000 bushels the corresponding day a year ago. ;. The world's visible supply, as shown by Bradstreet's, increased 10,550,C00 bushels. , Estimated ' receipts for. tomorrow: Wheat, -35 cars: corn, 392 cars; oats, 179 cars; hogs, 34,000 head. - Eastern Livestock Markets KANSAS CITY, \u25a0 Feb. \ 24.— Cattle — Receipts. C.OOO head;the market was strong to 10c higher. Natlvu steers," $4. 90@0.50; native cows and heif ers. ;$2@5.75;; 52@5.75; stockers and feeders. $3.50@5.25; bulls, s $2.75(^5;' calves,' $3. 75fii7. 50; western steers, $4. 501&0.25; western cows, $2.75(1J5. Hogs — Receipts, - 8,000 head; the, market was 5c to 10c- higher. Bulk of sales, $5.00<3C35:' heavy, $C.20©6.40: packers and butchers, §6.10@ 6.25; light. ?5.75<ac.20; pigs. ?5rg5.75. Sheep — Receipts, G.OOO head. The market was steady.. Muttons, $4.50®5.50; lambs, ?6.soCci 7.40; range '• wethers, $4@C.75; -fed ewes. $3@5. SOUTiI OMAHA, Feb. 2-I.— Ca ttle— Receipts, 3.0W head. The market was active and' loc to 15c higher. Western steers, $3.50@5.50; Texas I steers, 53Q4.55; range cows and heifers, $2.75(gl 4.75: canners.; ?2(g2.55; slockers and feeders, .«2.75<!J5.2ri; calves, $3@7.25; bulls and stags, I Hogs — Receipts, 4,800 head. The market was 10c higher. Heavy." 50.15<a«.35: mixed. $o.lo® C.20; light. $0<fJ6.25; pigs, $4.75(5.5.75; bulk of sales; $6.0."<gG.20. Sheep — Receipts, 2.000 head. The market was strong to 10c hlclur. Yearlings, $0@6.80; wethers, $5<&5.40; ewes, $4@4.85; lambs, $0.50Q 7.40. j»-i.i- Los Anceles Markets LOS ANGELES. Feb. 24.— Receipts -of eggs were light today, but the price dropped lc. Butter receipts were normal and prices were unchanged. \u25a0\u25a0 « ' Longhorn cheese sold at 21c. All grades of cheese were firm, with moderate receipts. Celery, was advanced. • selling at $3.15 a crate. New potatoes ore '; moving very slow, at un changed prices, 'i The market for sweets is firm. Produce "receipts: Eggs. 315 cases; butter, 15.148 pounds; cheese, 2,548. pounds; potatoes, 2.s27' sacks; onions, \u25a0 5 sacks; beans, 12 sacks; sweet potatoes, 304 sacks. . Eggs - (per doz.) — Local ranch, candled, 2Sc; case count. 2<?c. • . Butter — Creamery, extra, 72^c per 2 lb roll ; creamery, first, 07^c; eastern extras, . 67^c; cooking butter, 27c per lb. ' Cheese (per lb) — Northern. IG(SICK"C; hand, ISc; eastern singles. 17c: .twins, 16V4c; Cheddars, 17c; longhorn, 21e; daisy, 17V6@lSc; brick cream. 20@21c; Tulare, lie; Sierra; $1.10 a box; Oregon cheese, 17@18c. . ' .Beans (per ctll— Pink, No. 1. $3.25; lima. No. 1, $4.75: Lady Washington. No. .I. $4.50; small white. No. 1, $5.50; blackeye, $3.75<!?4; Gar vanza. $4.50; lentils. $7SB;bayo, $3.50.' I'otatoes (per ctl) — Early rose, $2; northern early rose, $2.25@2.50; Burbank, $2; . Salinas. $2.25rtt2.50: '..- highlands. $1.75<g2: Oregon. $2; Nevada, $2.20; I>ompoc. $2.50; Idaho, $1.75^2; Oregon early rose, $2.25@2.50; white rose, $2. Sweet Potatoes — Yellow local, $2.25@2.f>0 per ctl: white, fiOc per box; red, 50c per box; 'choice yellow, $1.23@1.30 per box. MISCELLANEOUS MARKETS Xaval Stores — Turpentine and Rosin SAVANNAH. Feb. 24. — Turpentine— Nominal. 41c: no sales: receipts. .los:; shipments, 333. Rosin — Firm; sales, 1.572; receipts, • 1,137; shipments, 575: stock. 162.109. Quote: B." $3<a 3.05: D, $3.10;. E, $3.I2ViC/;3:15; F, $3.15:' G, "53.1H4: H. $3.45: > 1.i 53.05: K. $4.00; M, ?5.C0; N, $0.15; WG, $0.35; WW. $0.40. Koreiorn Kiitures LIVERPOOL Wheat— .-. I .vv March May July Opening H 00V4 f OOS^ S 01 U Closing 8 OHi S 01% * 8 02y 2 PARIS Wheat— Feb. ' June-Aug. Opening 23 45 24 20 Clo«=elng ..23 55 24 35 Flour — . ' .. . , v Opening ............ ... .... 30 95 31 S5 Closing : 30 S5" 3170 \u25a0 Xorthern Wheat Market PORTLAND, Ore.. Fob. 24.— Wheat (track prices)— Club, $1; blnestem. $1.10: turkey red $1.05@1.07%; red Russian.OSc; valley, $1.-<. Northern Biminess PORTLAND, ore.. ?"eb. 24,— Clcarlngs,Sl,237 f - \u25a0 902: balances, $1:J3,924.' . - SEATTLE. Feb. 21.— Clearings, $1,745,002; balances. $200,050. ' v- TACOMA, Feb. 24.— Clearings, $852,404; bal accpK. $3f1.055. : '• . . •" " ' '.- . SPOKANE. Feb. 24— Clearings^ $1,263,270; balances, $160,007. : St." Louis M'ool Market ''\u25a0 ST. LOUIS. Feb. 24.— Wool— Firm. >: Medium grades, combing and clothing 19(3 24c; light 'fine. iflfSL'Oc; heavy fine, lOtftlOc; tub .washed." •'23@ 32c; territory, nnd western mediums, 18@22c: fine. mediums, 15$tlSc; fine. .12@14c. Minnpapolis "Wheat Market MINNEAPOLIS, .Feb. 24.— Flax closed at $1.07%;- • ; Portland flutter 3larkct PORTLAXI). Ore.. Feb. 24.— Butter— City creninery extras. XiSi?,fic; fancy outside cream ery, 35c; Ftore, 18*3 20 c. . I LOCAL MARKETS I San Francisco ' Money , Market Silver was Me higher. yesterday. . Sterling' ex change was slightly, lower. Other exchange rates were unchanged. liOimn, Exchange and Silver , •. Prime mercantile : pnper.". ..... . I . *CgG per cent Loans on real estate.;...; :' 6<gß per cent Sterlings eschange.^OO daysT. ..*....;'— :<ffij. SO Sterling exchange, v 6ight. ..'. .... — t@4TBBVi - Sterling exchange, cables : : . . : .... -^-©4 . 89 New" York exchange,' 6ight.'.'. : . .. — @ ;15 ' , New; York,' exrhange,: telegraphic. — (jjj . 17^ Ilougkoug ; exchange, : . 5ight. ...... — <<B, 42% Hongkong exchnnge,' .telegraphic. . ~f& 42Vi Silver," per ounce. . .-. . ........ . . . — @ 00T4 Mcsicau. dollars .:....... — @ 50 '• - . CONTINENTAL New- York on -Paris. . ;. .". ............... 51G"6 New York on Mexico 201 !t i San : Francisco ' on- Mexico ...... .". . \u25a0 50 -.. Paris on -London/. ... .: ................. .27,. 'Zi1^ Berlin 'on London.'. .20.511$ • "U'lioat and .Other, Grains Wheat— There; is 'n~, lull ; in the \u25a0 local advance, but tbe market rules very, firm, •; with ! sellers ucik lng more than buyers . care to . pay. .. Futures are dull. - •;\u25a0 t : . \u25a0 \u25a0 CASH -WHEAT . : California: club,' sl.So@l.os;' do ;milllnfr,-'sl.Ss ©t; ; California- white \u25a0Australian.";' Jl.9s@2. os; lower grades* of California, \u25a0 $I.6s@l.So: .northern club. ; $I.X2 l / &^j!l.p0; : northern ;bluestem,V sl.9s® 2.05; northern •: red.'. $l.So(gjl.Ss; • Russian red, $1.50@1.55; turkey red, "sl.S7&<Q!l.9s per. cental. . ; \u25a0. ' .. ' -FUTURES; . . . \u25a0 10:30 a. in.". Session ." ,May— sl.Sß bid: $I.o2H % asked. \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ' . \u25a0 - 2 p."' iv. -Session, May— sl.92 asked. , . , - . ;'•.' Barley — Futures "advanced -yesterday., but tbe casli*. grain? did \u25a0nM " respond, • and ruled . quiet. Receipts continued 'light. ---^'-" <:'.-\r :'. \u25a0:\u25a0:'\u25a0 -\u25a0.'\u25a0 '\u25a0\u25a0* ;\u25a0\u25a0 - : CASH UARLEY - Good -, to choice «. feed; spot. $1.40@i:41 1-4 ; com mon :to fair.'- sl.3s@l.3Ssi*per:ctl; brewing and shipping, \u25a0:\u25a0=\u25a0 $1.45Q1.47 J4';..'-: chevalier, $1.57^(2 1.C2V2-. ' - \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0 \u25a0 ' \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-'\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0"> '- \u25a0--\u25a0' ' ' FUTURES ,'10:30 arm.": SessloD ' May—Jl.39JbidM ay— Jl.39J bid ; • $I.39Hs', asked. .. . IJeccmber— sl.22. :. ' . • 2 p. m. Session ..\u25a0May— sl.3o%. .• . ; December — $1.22 'bid;; 51.24 asked. . -•Oats — The! market continues quieL* with: whites in ; light •' supply.' and :• flrm,"i while : reds : arc '; barely steady : under -largrr. offerings. -,'" \u25a0 \u25a0 . '.\. s White, si. Ss(fS2;'gray, uominal; red; recleaned, for seed. s §1.^5^1.90; ; feed. lots," :sl.So@l:Bs: for gootl'aSS $1.05^1.77^ for. common;- black,' sl.Cs ©2; pcr-ctl:? "• , \u25a0\u25a0'* .:>• '\u25a0'\u25a0:.:;( f--\u0094 ."-'-vV :¥"\u25a0 ----ii-""t"s' ; Corn— California .small round- wellow,: 5t.50.t2 1 .S5 ; \u25a0 large • yellow.'^ nominal ; t western ; states ; > el low; > sacked, • ?l.<iotf?l.<Js : *, In * bulk.': San j Franoiseo track, yellow, -5i;55';; white.' sl.s7;^mixed,- $1.54; Egyptian. -'sl.*>o?|ierj(ctP,for white. ; ' 'vi:ye-| r®l.S3.' : per;ctl. "• : , . -.'Flour anil'l^arlnaccoiis^Goods \u25a0'• •• Flour— California -, family :; extras."^ 50Q0.C0 • net without discount; \u25a0' bakers--' extras, < $6<gG.25; j su perfine, \u25a0 $4. 50@5.10;. Oregon 'and Washington,; per bbl, $5<55.73;r0r family, bakers', and patents and $4.30@4.50 for ; cut off: / Kansas patents,-. $«.40ft{ 6.50; do " straight, * $6.20@6.30; . Dakota patents, nominal.--. \u25a0; .',- \u25a0 -"'. : .-. ••>. '\u25a0\u25a0.-': \u25a0'- •\u25a0"".- .r. r \u25a0'\u25a0;' " : .'- Farinaceous r Goods — Prices- in .packages, net cash." no discount.' are ns follows: Graham :oour, $3.50 per 100 lbs; rye Coar.. $3.50: - rye, meal, $3.60;,. rice Cour," $7; 'com meal. §3.25; -extra cream do. $3.73; /oat meal, '; $4.75:" oat groats, $1.75; hbniiny;s3.6o<g4; buckwheat flour, $4.75; whole wheat flour. '- $3.75 ;v rolled oats, \u25a0 bbls . $G. 20 <SS.:in sacks $4.75<?TG.75: extra cream do. $7,500 B;.. rolled wheat, hbls $5.50,' in 6acks ?4«|3; pearl barley. $3.40; split peas, boxes, $3.23 for yellow and $0.23 for green per 100 lbs. ; ' ; ...\u25a0:' >lay. nnd-FocdstufTn • . "-, The firmness , in har continues and there were additional sales of choice wheat; at $25 yester day. were "• light.' \u25a0 Feedstuffs showed no change* ' .' •' . . . ; ,\u25a0 . ' ' Bran— per ton for white acd $2850 <g2i> Tor red. r - . \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0-.•,' ' -.-\u25a0\u25a0- •" " - \u25a0 • • Middlings—«J3s.oO per ton. •'• Shorts— ?3l< per ton. "Feedstuffs — liolled 1 -. barley,' $25.50@30; rolled oats for feed, $40;, mixed feed, $25@32 for aver agu lots; oilcaku meal. In 20 ton lots $33.50. In 10 ton lots $39,- In' s' ton' lots $39.30 i small lots $40; cocoanut cake or meal at 'mills.''- S2O in I*o and. lo and $26.50 in 3 ton lots, jobbing $27; corn meal, 537035; cracked. corn,. $3S@3O; broom corn seed, $1. 15- per ctl; : alfalfa- meal -and^mealfalfa,* Job blng'lots $20, carload lots $23 p?r ton.- »\u25a0 -~. Hay — Wheat. $22(325; wheat and cat. 5210 24: tarae'oat.'s2o<p24; volunteer wild oat, $18.50 Q22.50; alfalfa. $15@1D; stock, $.14(810 per ton. Straw— ZQQ 75c per bale. - ~ . - .'.. \u25a0\u0084 Drann nnd Sccda Beans rule, steady, to firm." with all conditions as before , stated. f . - \u25a0:\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-*-> ,\u25a0 Beans .iper ctl)— Bayo,.s3.lo@3.2j; pea, $4.73 <05; small white,. $5.20(85.30; large .white, $4.25 ©4.35: pink. 52.50&2.65; red. . $4.50ffi5; " black eye,: $3^3.15; llnias/ §3.75(5i3.00: ! red kidneys,. $3.23(53.50; cranberry, beans.. *3.25@3.50; Gar ranzas, $2@2.50 for email,-. $2.506i3 .for 'medjnin aud $3.25(1{4 for large; horse beans, $1.75(rJ1.90. Seeds — Brown ; nmstard. $4;" yellow mustard, nominal; flaxseed,, carload lots; canary, 4c: alfalfa. lC@l7c; rape, cleaned,- 2<g2V£c; tim othy,: nominal; hemp, 4@4*4e; millet, 3@3VjC ptrlb; broom corn need, $23.50 per ton. . D*led I'cas — Green ere quoted at $2.75 per ctl. "Potatoes, Onion* and Vegetables '_ ' With water . soaked : river potatoes gradually disappearing, business in the upper grades is im proving. and the market is strengthening daily, though prices are slow to advance.' About 1,000 bnes of waterlogged stock ' came -in yesterday nnd found buyers at $1@1.25 a bag, while good To choice offerings \u25a0 brought $1.25@1.40 :a cental' and special/ brands " brought the ' usual premium. Potatoes from other districts were held |at the previously quoted, rates. Onions were In ample supply and rather easy. - Prices for Los Angeles garden vegetables continued largely nominal for the reason that dealers had very little of any thing to work on. The only arrivals yesterday irere 17 sacks, of peas, , and they came to hand too' sold." Asparagus was higher on decreased receipts, the arrivals lieing. a^little in excess of .200 boxes. Watsonville and -Ventura •hubarb found . f,ew buyers. • though - offered •' at irices below the quotations for bay stock. Potatoes (per ctl)— River Burbanks,"sl@l.4o: V-ompoc Burbanks. $2; Salinas Kurtianks, $1.65 @1. 85; Oregon Burbanks, $1.C0@1.75; early rose, $1.75@2; sweet potatoes, $1.35@1.50. Onions— sl.7s@2 per ctl. Vegetables— Asparagus. -10@14c per lb; rhn 6arb, 4@7c per lb; tomatoes, $2@2.25 per box or crate;, green peas. -lOglSc per lb for choice; string beans, 15©17 I ,ic per lb; gr«en . peppers, 2S@4oc.per 'lb; summer squash, — @ — per box; garlic, B@loc per lb; cabbage, $1.50 per ctl; hothouse cucumbers, $1@1.25 per \u25a0 doz.:* cauli flower, 65@75c per doz. ; carrots, 65@75c per sack; eggplant. — @— per -lb: celery, 40@50c per doz. ; marrowfat and Hubbard squash, $20 ©25c per ton; mushrooms, 20Ji 30c per lb. Poultry and Game Another car of western chickens, .making the second handled in two days, was mark^ed yes terdny and the stock clenaed up readily at satis factory prices. . Domestic poultry, of which. 42 coops were received, met , with the usual \u25a0 prompt sale; and prices for everything on the list were maintained without difficnlty. . Ten cases, of dressed turkeys came in and were turned over to large retailers nt 20<5£23c a pound for choice stock. There were no changes in game. . " -Poultry (per dozen) — Hens. $5^0.50 for small, $G@C.SO for large and $"tt9 for extras; young roosters, $7.50@0; old roosters, $4.5005; fryers. $7fe7.sorlarge broilers, $C.50(g.7; smflil broilers, ?0.50Q6: ducks. $Cffi:B: pigeons, $1.25@1.50; squabs, $3.50; geese, 52@2.50 perrpair. " Game (per dozen) — Gray geese, $4@5; white geese, $1.50(g2; brant, $"(5,3.50 for large and $2. for small; honkers. J0® 7.50; hare, 61.75Q2; cottontail rabbits. $2@2.25. Turkeys (per lb)— 2o@23e. Butter, Cheese and Keg« The market for eggs strengthened a little yes terday, . extras and seconds being marked up *£c and thirds and pullets lc n dozen. Retail trades men reported a marked improvement in the con tiuaiptlvc demand as a result ' of ' the low prices, and . this -. increased , consumption, . together with the receipt •of some orders from ontside points," resulted in yesterday's, advance. Business In butter showed marked improvement ' over that of the preceding day and extras : were advanced -%c a pound to.3(i>4c ona small' sale at .that figure on the exchange. The only change in cheese was an advance of .^c.ln .fancy* new. Oregon „ flats, which were quoted at 14',-nC a pound. - . • On the exchange 10 cases. of. extra butter. were sold at 36V4c a pound and CO eases of extra eggs changed hands, 20 selling at 21',£c,and 40 at 22c a dozen. .. \u25a0 . . Receipts were ,46,G00 \u25a0 lbs, butter, 25.000. lbs cheese and 1.550 cases eggs. - The >"' following . \u25a0 are • of ficittl , quotations estab lished by the sales, . bids : and offers on the: floor of' the dairy exchange. \u0084 Prices ,\u25a0 in ' the street, while governed .by the exchange quotations, • gen- erally range from ; 1 V£c . to ,2c higher,';: owing Ito The various charges 'to be ; added. \u25a0\u25a0• •"\u25a0 - . .. : Butter— Fresh creamery extras, S6Vic per lb, steady; do firsts.- 33c, .firm; "do. seconds, OOV2C, firm; local storage extras, •'32Vic firm'; 1 eastern do, ai',^c, steady; storage eastern ladles, '23Vic firm. .. .\u25a0 , 1.. \u25a0 \u25a0 .:. \u25a0_: .\u25a0 V -"-' \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 . • • • Cheese — California: Fancy flats. 15c per lb. firm ; do firsts. 14e. - firm : do seconds. 12c. firm ; fancy- Young \u25a0Americas,' 16c,-weak; do firsts.' 15c. weak; storage flats. 13c." steady.. Oregon: . Fancy flats, ,-14% c, firm;' fancy. Young Americas. .lG^c, firm; fancy eastern rheddaro, 1 7 \?c. firm; Ore gon storage flats, = 14 1-jc, firm; do \u25a0 Young Ameri cas. 10c, firm. - \u25a0. \u25a0 ' "Eggs (per ti*«en. cases inehidedi— California frrsh \u25a0 extras. . 22e." firm: :• do firsts, 21c; -firm; do seconds. 20 y2y 2 c. \u25a0 firm : do , thirds, . 2Qc, . firni ; . se lected- pullets, 20c,- firm. 1 ' . - '.< 'EtSK Market In ' Nearby Counties . PETALU.MA|"; : . Feb. 24.— The best 'offerings for eggs after. the receipt of T quotations from the ex change In ' San . Francisco was 21c. If; the fair weather continues the .Petaluma egg*, exchange will begin Btoring next week. The prices are not expected • to • go i much -lower, as ' the " demand ' is good. (Sreen feed is plentifoi. \u0084 - - SANTA CRUZ, Feb. 24. — Tbe 'local egg market is well supplied,-, merchants offering '20c to 'pro ducers and selling at 25c. 'Larger, shipments will be j made. to . San Francisco market .by : big Cpro duoers. who find ready sale at better prices." "SANTA ROSA. Vfb; 24.-^The price of eggs advanced. %c, today .after, the market report was received from Snn- Francisco this morning/Twen ty .cents was'- paid for first grade and . 18c for second : grade. . . ' - Deciduous 'and Citron Fralt.i r The : first new crop strawberries fortho sea son' reached- the '. market ; from*. LCs •'.Angeles' yes terday.' -Four .crates,;, containing 15 small bask ets,'- were "received, jand " although V- the .berries were - rather . - green 1 .... the consignment found prompt sale at- $2.50 :a v crate.' .Otherwise ;tbe market-was '.without . especial i feature.* there be ing no new .\u25a0 arrivals of : anything . and: business being' confined 'to narrow. : limits. - There r was a small advance '• . in \ oranges .at * shipping '. points, the local market.were not affected thereby. \ Stocks : of apples remaining : in- the . local cold - storage 'plants,-, were reported , yesterday to be l 190,000 boses. '. most ,of are .Newtown pippins. "While -this .amount -is i far above the normal for* this time of.'- the, year," dealers i are firm .' in ' their ; vie.W3 l as *\u25a0 to : prices and ; arc ronfl dent that, the" fruit ;,wlll be 'cleared 'up before the _ new \u25a0 crop J commences •to appear' in 'quanti ties, *s .they - have > the f world ,' for : a' market , aud are not ' depending upo'n ; n- shortage '• la . tils coun try alone' to . furnish -an outlet.*-. .\u0084. . • Apples f (per box)— Fancy f four tier bcllflcwers, 00c@$l:,'Newtown \u25a0' pippins, $1.25@1.50 for four tier nnd $1.75' f0r three tier; common to choice, 60@S5c.^, - r .• t '\u25a0\u25a0 'r/ \u25a0 ' • ' • •\u25a0.'-'•'\u25a0 1 'Pears— Wlntpr'Nellis."- $1.25@1. 50'; per box; cooking 505J75c. > '" II <)«(liil - '.'. • -Citrus Fruits r ( per -box) — Navel • $2@ 2.50 for fancy."" sL'»sg2 \u25a0 for choice and $1 .50@ 1.75if0r standard: tangerines." $1.25@1. 75: grape fruit, $3®3.50 for. seedless; lemons. $2.75@3 for fancy; ,-$2(722.50 for ' "choice -and :$1.25@1.50 "for standard: i limes.; ':'.;\u25a0 -,'. -\ :\u25a0 , \u25a0.: \u25a0 . ; , - Tropical i Frults^Bananas. $1@1.50 ncr bnnph for Hawaiian and $2.50@3.50 for,Cerf?ral Ameri can;; pineapples, , $2@3 ; per , dozen. Dried I'raUn.illaLilns,; Xnts. and Honey / Mail -ad vices from New -York say: .' \u25a0 , ,VAs a; result of, the .exceptionally, low. prices at -which • holders . of I spot-; California i prunes have been willing, to j sell a, considerable 'business has been , done 1 recently "in i. old "; crop -. spot ; goods -as well •os<\u25a0 in * fruit ". now.: en < route, via . the ; Tehuan tepee.v The '. sales ..were Uhe: result \u25a0 of ? private \u25a0 ne gotiatious; between buyers and sellers, and there fore t the \u25a0 particulars fas to quantities /and ' prices could ,' not . bur learned.; but i it ; i3> gathered j from what i has , come 5 out L tha t ; the . quantity } disposed of • has ; been \u25a0\u25a0 large," while i the " prices r were j low.' These transactions i are , said tto j have cleaned . tin a - good deal of * stock \ that ; has «\u25a0 been pressing on - the .: market : ;' for « weeks .' past, - and » while there is >no -1 improvement . In ; the tone -of :\u25a0. the market- to •' he_- noted ;at "present. -the result of ; this ' business" in \ connection "with the | undoubt edly \ widening ? consuming I demand is confldently expected \to soon i place /• the I market ?is; a-> posi tion \u25a0 where , tli e ; I nfluence ; of , the : short : 190S crop will become nianifest.' :\u25a0: \u25a0 , ....\u25a0'\u25a0.. - : VA little ;. business '^.is .; being -; done in : npot peaches," buyers i taking • only.. what ithey ; need for present "r.use ;-' and z the >Jone '1 of .'-\u25a0 the >> market : re mains ! easy .^Apricots ; are '• dull,"* but are i not j betng urged jon s.the; spot-; or,; for S shipment from -the cuast.'.'and i t hel tone/of i the : market -remains , firm.' \u25a0 raisins of .'all i kinds : are ; very; quiet and \u25a0 prioes ! remain; at t a : low^ level.* Imported ; rai sins -find > moderate outlet on small orders." ••\u25a0\u25a0 1 -o Fruits-^-Evoporated : apples. '\u25a0 6@7c: t- apricots." 7@loc; fancy moorparfc. 12*£<813c; peaches. 4@ 4&e for standards. s®t>c for choice and 6Hi c for fancy ; i pearo, - 4@Sc ; ' pitted plams. 7<3 Sc ; . necta rines, s@6c: figs." 2%@4c; prunes, 4 size basis, 2 1 6<(i'~ : k<:, with lc premium i for 40s. -\u25a0 " Raisins— Clusters — None left. London layers — 2 crown. 90c; 3 crown. $1; seeded. 4tf«4*ic: seed less.*: 2@2i4e: Thompson's ' seedless. • 3 Vie for un bleached; seedless sultana. 2^o; loose muscatels. 3«Jc:for:4 crown, - 3c ' for 3 crown and 2%c tot'" 1 him II I T ffjiUlXM Ild^i JlULJiliiUJlJlliiWl ''illi'tllP I ** ll '* l * Nuts— Almonds, nonpareils. ll*i«Jl2e; IXL* 10W.<BHc;ne plus ultra.. 10c; Drake. o*4c: " l*n- Knedocs,.SH@9c; hardshell*. C'ir&Tc. Walnnts— 9*£ c . per lb for No. 1 . softshelU. Oc for No. ' 2 do. Chestnuts, S® 10c per lb for Italian; . fll berts.l2*4®l4c; pecans, 13fJ17c. \u25a0 Honey— Water white, comb, 13*^c; whit<». 11® .12c:".' light amber, 10@10Vie: dark amber, -948 10c: -warcr, white, extracted, nominal; white, 7@ Sc; light amber. 6Vi@"c; dark amber: and can dled. 4>ifioHio per lb. \u25a0 " \u25a0 --. . - • • Beeswax— 27 <g2Be per lb for light and 23<S21c for dark. Provision* Cured Meats— Bac9n,:s to 10 Ib 3, Wi«* 10 to 12- lba," 15 Vic;- light medium," 14c; medium. 14c; bellies. 14 to li Ib 3, lr.i^c; sugar cored, 0. to S lbs, ISc; 8 to 10 lbs, 17i<,c;.10 to 12 lbs. 10V4c: fancy " sugar cured. 21c per lb; Enjs'.ish - cured bacon/ 8 to 8 lbs,' l7c; Sta 10 lbs. 17c; 10 to 12 lbs,; 16c; eastern susar' cured hams, 15c for me dium and 15c for light; extra fine brands. 15%e: California hams, 14c;* mes3 beef. $13.50 per bbl: family, $13.50; extra family. $14: extra prime porfc.v $20.50; clear. $22; -mess, $21: pig pork. ?25;:pigs' feet. $5 far. half bbls. $2.33 for 25 lb kegs and $1.30 for kits; smoked beef, lOViG^Oc per lb./- \u25a0 .Lard— Tlorces . quoted;. at -S»<;c for California compound and 12^c for California pure: eastern compound. 9c for 1-t'ejce and Ssic for 5 tierces; eastern pure, 12^c- for- tierces; half bbls. pnre. 12% c- 30 lb tins, 12% c: 10 lb tins, 13!ic; 5 lb tins. 13% c: 3 lb tius*. 13i^c. Cottolene— One Ualf* bbl. lO^c; 3 talf bbK 10>4c; 1- tierce, -lOj^c, 2 Ucrces, 10c; 5 tierces, o^>c per 1 b." iaafe^i^uiimfeiS&wißaig" The' Western meat company quotes its follows: Hams, 14@15Vic: bacon. « to S lbs 17^ic S to 10 lbs 17% c, 10 to 12, 1bs 17>,-ic; aufcar cared bacon, G to 8 lbs. 16^c:- picnic haras. 9 Uc: Arrow ba con,-8 to 10 lbs 17e. 10 to 12 lbs 16c; light dry. salt bacon. B, to 10 lbs 16t£c,'10 to 12 lbs 13»^c; medium . 'bacon. 14c;- light medium bacon. 14c; lard, tierces 12^e. 50s 12"Jic. 10s 13'ic, 5s 13aic. "3 " 13i;.c compound lard; " tierces . B^4 c . 50s S^c, 10s oc, 5s IHie. "s 9»4c: cooking oil. 54c per gal: white cooking oil. 56c per gal; salad oil. 5Sc per cal;. extra family beef. $13 per bhl: family beef. $14.50 per bbl; extra mess beef. $14 per bbL Hides. .TalloTr. Wool nnd Hops . The circular of tbe Samner tanning company says: •. .- ' • ''The hide market has perhaps grown a trifle weaker duriug the last, month. Heavy and me dium . steers, suitable for sole and harness leather, are in demand for .local tanners. Ad vices from the east quote lower markets ' on light stock, and therefore as large quantities of light stock are shipped east prices are shaded a -trifle.- !9rtHBNMSBPidN(HOMMB|P H t " "Dry hides are perhaps a trifle weaker, as this class of stock : depends on the eastern market. Sheep skins . are somewhat better, owing to the recent • advance -in - wool. Goat skins are . very dull, at the lo*est prices. Tallow Is somewhat more- active, at a trifle better prices." '. All descriptions under this head continue as before stated. Wool and hops are quiet, while hides are moving off readily at full prices, with no accumulation of stock. Hides— Culls and brands sell about %<Sle un der quotation*. Heavy salted steers, 13c: me dium, 12e: light, 10% c; cowhides. lOVjc for heavy, 10'/>c for light; stags. So: salted kip. 13c; salted veal, 16 >4e; salted calf. 16Vic; dry hides, 19c; dry kip, ISc: dry calf. 24c; dry stags, 13c; dry veal, ,22c; Mexican dry hides. 16% c; Mexican «!ry salted do. 13c; Mexican pickled. 15c; sheepskins, shearling". 20 (f?4oc each : short wool. s f»fi7~oef »fi7~oe each: medium. 75c@$l each; long wool." $1(31.50; lambs, 15@ 75c: horsehides, salt, i?i.ZiJ6{Z.7Z Yo? large and 51.750T2 for medium. 75p@51.25 for umall and 25®^ for colts; horsehtdes, dry, $1.73@2.23 for large and $1.25Q1.75 for medium, 30cS$$l for small and 25Q50c for colts; deerskins, dry Mexi can,- 28®30c; dry salted do, 2i@2Cc; pickled do, 20c; dry Central American. 2i><33oc; goatskins. Crime angora. 75<*(rt$l: medium. 4f>«fioc; laree air goats, 35@40c; medium, 20@30c; small, s@lsc. • Tallow — No. 1 rendered, 4^@s^c; No. 2, 3,£ @4^4c; grease, 2®3c. Wool— Spring clip -(free) Humboldt. year's sta ple, lC(gl9c: San Joaquin. 7^@llc; southern coast, e%@9y.c; Nevada. 9<gl4c perlb. Fall clip, northern mountain (free). VfifiVAc; defec tive, s<g6c. Oregon— Valley. 14^@17c per lb. Hops — Prices to growers are from 6c to 10c per pound. ' Meat Market Live cattle are higher. All other descriptions .are unchanged. DRESSED MEATS Slang&terers' rates to dealers are as follows: Beef — BV4@S%c per lb for steers, 7©Sc for cows and heifers. Veal— 9@9V.c for large and 9V.@llc for small. Mutton— Wethers, 9"&@lle; ewes, 9@loc per pound. - Lamb — 12@13c per lb; spring lamb. .15e. Dressed Pork (per lb) — 10<§, lie for light and 9Vi<gloc for. heavy. :'•-\u25a0.'.• LIVESTOCK MARKET Tbe following quotations are for good, sound livestock - delivered in San- Francisco, > gross welpht. : : . •"• . . • Cattle — Steers, No.; l,s*4@sVic; second qual ity. sc; - third quality, 4Vic; cows and heifers, 4si4%e; for No. 1;- second quality. SVitHJ^c: third quality, 3@3}ic; thin.' 2<}J2V4c; bulls and stags. 2Kjc; thin bulls, I%<&2c. \u25a0 Calves — 5c per lb for lignt, 4^cfor medium and 4c for heavy. Sheep — Wethers,- s^S6c per lb; ewes, s!g3Vac per lb. . ' , Lambs— C^jC per lb. . Hogs— loo to 200.1b5, 6t.ic:,200 to 230 lbs. 6%c: 250- lbs. and over,; 6c per lb; boars 50&60 per cent, stags 30@40 per cent and sows 10^20 per cent off from above quotations. General Merchandise Grain /bags are firm- and* tending upward, though no actual. advance has yet- taken place. -\u25a0-Bags — Grain bags.' 6H<£*> Vic. buyer Jane-July; San Quentln bags, 5%c; wool bags. 33c for ZVx lb amt 3«foE ( 4 lb: fleece twine, 9c -per lb. Coal — Beaver Hill.' $7: Pennsylvania .-tbthracite egg, $10 per, ton: Wellington.. s9; NewiWellinK tou, JS>; .Coos bay, $7; Australian house — Rich mond, etc.. $9; Stanford Richmond. $$; Cumber land, $15 in bnlk and $16.50 tn sacks; Welsh an thracite. Jlj^juoke. $14 per ton. in. bulk and $16 in sacks; Rocky racjntain, $9.5i> per short ton. Oils — Quotations are for barrels. Linseed, COc per gallon for boiled and G7c for raw; cases, Oc more;- castor oil, in cases. No. 1. 75c; Bakers' AA, ; cases, $1.13(f51. 15; China' nut, cases, 76@ SCc per gallon; cocoanut oil, in barrels, -61Q 63*5e for XXX, sS^A©6lc for No. .1 and 56® 58V£c :for No. " 2, according to quantity;, extra bleached winter sperm oil, Csc; natural winter sperm oil. 65c: natural whale oil, 55c; extra win ter-.bleached "lard oil, 95c; No. 1 neatsfoot oil. 65c; herring oil, 40c; salmon oil, 33c; boiled fish 0i1. ,35c; paint oil.. 35c. Coal Oil, Gasoline, etc..— Water white, iron barrels or drums, 10c: 150 deg. oil, iron barrels or a draias., 11^4c; special do. 12c: pearl oil. in cases, 17e; astral. 17c; star. 17c: extra star. 20o; Elaine. "2Us3c; eocene, 20c; red crown and motor " gasoline, in bulk: I4t£c, in casea 21 %c; No. 1 engine distillate, in drum's, Sc; No. 2 do. 7c ; cases, ,7c more ; 86 deg. gasoline. In bulk 30c,' In casesv37^c; varnish makers' and paint ers* naphtha." in bulk lie. In cases lS^Jc. Turpentine— C7c per gallon in cases and COc In bulk, \u25a0 drums/and iron "barrels. '' " ' - , - Rosin (per bbl of 280 lbs)— E, $5.80; F, $5.83; G,VSS.9O;H, $6.10; WW. $10.40. \u25a0. < -Red and White Lead — Red, B%@9c; white. S@B&c per lb. ' REFINED ' SUGAR MARKET • The Western sugar refining companj qnotes as follows/,! terras -net cash: Standard granulated tflne or. coarse), &.55c; fralt.graaulated, 5.33 c; crystal dominos. , In cases, "5.35 c; tablets, in half bb15.. 0.85c; "tablets. In boxes. 0.10 c; cubes and A crushed, 5.60 c; powdered.* 5.45 c; candy grann lated.- 5.45 c;; confectioners'. A.' 0.40 c: confection ers*; crystals, 5. 45 c: magnolia A,- 4.95c; extra C, 4.53 c; golden C. 4.75 c; D.'. -1.65c: extra fine gran ulated,; 5.15 c. Barrels and- 50 lt> bags 10c, half barrels ' 25c, . boses 50c ' mere per \u25a0 100. lbs foe, all grades." . Monarch : bar .' Js qnotcd orer.and above the price for standard > fine ' (cane) • granulated •In 100 lb bags as" follows: Bags. 100 lbs. C3c: bar rels. \u25a015c; half barrels, 60p: 40 lb tins, casod, •$2.05; 35 lb tins, cased. $2.05; 10 lb this, cased. 10 In a case.?2.7o: 8 lb.tlns. 8 In a case. $2.70; 30 lbboxes, 85c. \ No extra charge for putting up bar in private packages.:. . . . .... •.-*'.. > The-. California and -Hawaiian suscar refining company ' : qnotes *as follows : „ Granulated basis. s.3scr"Wigrade" bar, 5.70 c; powdered, 5.45 c: A crushed.- 5.60c; berry, 5.35 c; C. v &.H. extra fine dry ; granulated,- 5.35 c; coarse • dry . granulated. 5.35 c; confectioners' \u25a0 A. '5.35 c; confectioners* crystals. s.4sc:'cubes.'s.Coc;«brickß, 5.60 c; extra fine granulated (100 lh bags oaly). 5.15 c; excel sior: a, 4.950; ; extra" 0.-4.55 c;. golden C. 4.75 c; yellow D, 4.65c; - .H. & E. crystal deminos. 5.35 c. Additional per 10ft lbs: In barrels and 50 lb bags, 10c more; half barrels, '2sc mere; boxes. 30c more for all gradoH. *Bar, in 35 lb and 40 lb tins. $1.70 more; in 10 lb tins, $2.35 more. Minimum order, carload weight. ' ..' \u25a0 ; I. . ... ,-s, I " Receipts of Produce r . - FOR WEDNESDAY, 'FEBBUART 24 Flonr.. qr "sks..V.;S.6flS Leather, rolls ... 75 Barley, ctls . 2.G50 Tallow, ctls .... 105 Oats, ct15 :...:.; 1,400 Hides. No :. 2.010 Beans, sks .....* 500 Pelts, No .."..... 730 Bran. ; sks :".:'...-.: ".:'. . . - .- 10 Lime. . bbls ..:..'. 90 Middlings, ska.'".. . 215 Sugar, • ctls ..... S.9OU Potatoes, :sks .1. "4,220 Wine. ga!s ......45,300 Onions; •, «ks .~T. . . : G35 Lumber.*- M ft * CO Hay * .." tons ". . ... . ". : 310 Raisins. : bxs . . : . 3,300 Straw, • tons .... * 15 Brocm coro,;bdl3. 74 Malt," ;.sks ..'...". ,"»0«), "»0«) Oranges, • bxs ...". -400 Feed, sks : . . . . . . 200 Paper, bdls . . ... C 35 Mealfalfa,Vßk3... "240 Apples, bxa . 200 Flonr. <jr;. sks ...............". 933 STOCK MARKET KeneTred ."Activity-,. In , Local Bonds. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0 •Mining Stocks Qalct and .-; Featnrelessi " \u25a0' ': -There i was . renewed activity : In . bond 3 . yester day, « sales on ; the exchange i amounting to $100. 000.v'of; which i $72,000 was In Spring .Valley gen eral mortgage :. 4s t at : $88.23. ; - Prices \ were - not materially, changed.' -", There" was also a fair busi ness la stocks.'-wlth auaUvance-la Spring Valley Ito $33. " The - sugars also n-fed fl«n. Sugar stocks ex dividend, were Paauhau. 20c. and L'dloq, 30cl The Comstocks : were . quiet. • but flnn. with higher prices tvr ' Ophlr. The southern XeTadan were lnactlT*. | with - Combination' Fraction cloe- \u25a0 Ing tie day dowa to 96c, against $1 on Tuesday. The •'merger 1 * showed ' " little Tariatlon, but Florence gained ' 10c on the daj at $3.75. The recent statement tf Tbosaas G. Lockhart to the effect that within a few days the Florence mill would be dropping- 40 stamps, together with the actual addition of 10 extra stamps to the ca pacity of the plant of ' the : XeTsda-Goldfleld re duction works, gives promise for the future of tbe output, and it Is probable that within the next month bullion will be.learlas Goldfleld to liberal quantities. \u25a0;•..' A special meeting of the stoefc holders , of Raphael Welll & Co., Inc. (The White House), will be held today to vote upon a proposition to increase the capital stock from its present amount of 600 shares of $1,000 par Talue each to 1,500 shares of the parTalue of $1,000 each. The total output of ihe Tonopah mines for th» last week was 3.629 tons, of an estimated »»lu* (the shipping ore being Talued at $60 '» ton and the mill ins ore at $25 a ton) of $140,725. The Touopah company sent 3.030 tons, the Belmont 030 tons, the Montana-Tonopah 77» tons, the Midway -1W tons, the MacNamara 250 tons. West End 200 tons, and Jim Bctier^SOO tons to the mills, making .the total shipments for the week to the mills *5.«25» tons. The tonnage of the ore froai the Qwldfleld mines and leases that was treated In the camp during the last week had a material Increase. It amounted to 5.C70 tons. Talued at 5214,200. inelnduig 2.400 ton*, valued at 4169.000. handled at the Consolidated and Comblnatlcn mills. 630 tons, valued" at $12,600. at the Florence mill, and 840 tons, valued at $33,600. at the Nefada- Goldfield reduction works and the Combination Fraction mills. . The mini::;: stock brokers have reopened the agitation In favor of returning to the b per cent coroirlsston rate for selling stock, ami consider able talk Is heard about tr among them. The report from the Tonopah mill for the last week shows that an average of 00 otrt of 100 stamps has been dropping continuously, crushing 2.873 tons of ore. carrying $23.30 to tlie ton. The bullion shipment consisted of 43 bars of bullion, weighing" 77 pounds each aad valued at $573 a bar, together with 100.000 pounds of con centrates worth $21,750, making a total bullion production for the week of $59,373. ' An mveraga extraction of S7 per cent la recorded.- Assessment Directory, Conns tock 3^lne« Company — >*o. Del. Board. Sale Day. Amt. Sierra Nevada... lß Feb. 8 Mar. 5 .10 Gould & Curry.. 13 Feb. 12 Mar. 9 .10 L. Washington.. 22 Feb. 15 Mar. 12 .05 Bullion 13 Feb. 15 Mar. IS • .CS Overman 30 Feb. 15 Mar. 11 .10 Bek-her 88 Feb. 23 Mar. 31 .10 Caledonia -77. April 18 ..05 Yellow Jacket.. .32 Mar. 11 April 24 as Challenge C0n.. .50 Mar. IS . April ft .05 Con. Virginia... 11 Mar. 19 April 13 .23 STOCK AXDBOXDEXCHAXGE "WEDNESDAY". Feb. 24— 10:30 *. m. '• UNITED STATES BONDS Bid. Ask. } Bid. Ask* 4s qr cp new — — |3s qr «mp... — — MISCELLANEOUS BONDS Ala AW 5». — 100 O Trac Cn 5s 97 — Asso Oil'Ss. — 90 O Trac Co 3s 84 80 Bay CPC 3s. 103^3 104 Vj O W gtd 3s. 93% 97 Cal C G 53.100 — Om Cable 65.11 l — Cal G& E g Pac Glm4s. 87 91 m & ct 5s 93 — P E By 55.. 106^ — Cal st C ss.iom — Pac LAP ss. 93»i — Cal Wine ss. 84^ — Do gtd 55.. 99 \ — C C Wat 3s.l01& — Pae T4.T 3s. fi« 97}fi Do g m?3s — 92U P& C H 6s. 95 — Ed El LA ss.lolft - P* O B to. - — Ed^ LAP "41.105 — Powell st 65.. 103 — F & C H »:5.10.T lOSfe Sac EGAR35.102»4103 H- C & S r».105i4 — SF * SJVos.IIS — Hon R T 63.1C0 — SF.O * SJ3s. 104^4 — L Tahoe ' R3s 99 — Do 2d mgss — 85 L A Elee ss. — — Do Con ss. 05 — LAG &El 5s 98*4 — SJ& SCR 4^9 — 90 LA Ry 55..1101 i — Sierra R 65..101 Vi — LAL gtd 33.100 — SIP of A6a LAP lem 55.107% — (190»» 10O»il0iy; LAP Cal 55. 107 — (1910) 102t» — Maria W ss. 100 102 S P of C 6s Mkt st C 65.103 — (1912) ....107% — Do lem 35.106fi — SPC 1c g ss. 113 — MVfc MtT3s. — — SPUU 65.130 — NRof C 55.113 — SPRR Ist r4s 98 96%' NP C X 55.102 — SVWj mg4a 88V, SSii NC Ry 35..10« — Stkn G&E 63.100 — N NC P C ss. 93 97% UG A E 3s. 97* i — NEI Co ss. — 93 TR of SF 4s. ~V.% 73*» O GI.&II 55.104 li.ti'-; Valle]o,Ben £ Oak Tran 6s. — 111^. Napa RR3s 87 90 Oak Trnn 35.104 —"I Val Co P 59. 97% 93& O Tran Cn3s.lO3iilos | WATEK STOCKS Marin Co .. 32>i — |S V Wat Co. S3 l i 33»4 ** GAS AND ELECTRIC Mat E L ctfs 5 — Pac L com. . 1« — N Cal Power 27i; 2S Stkn G&E. 53 — ix Pac L pfd.. CO — |L. • - INSURANCE \w. Cal Ins Co.. 73 — |Fireman's Fd.130 «7',i BANK STOCKS Am Ntl 8k.12S 130 Lon-P*rts Bk. — 142! i Anglo-Cal ... aji, 9S Mer Trust ..203 225 Bank of Ca1.360 — S.F National. — 140 First NatnL.24o — Union T. Co.. — — SAVINGS BANKS Ger S& L. — 3100 !s:f Sar U..— 53rt Hum Say Bk — 150 Sar & L Sc*. . — 123 Mut Say Bk. 70 — (Sec Say 8k..333 — \u25a0 STREET RAILROADS California ..I22Ki — IPresidio .15 '23 POWDEK Giant Consolidated C 0... — TS Hawaiian C.lC69slO7V.!MakaweH SC 34 34'^ Honokaa S C 15V> 13*4tOnomea S C. 42 43*4 Hutch S P.CIS»i l»;>!Paanhau S C. 21% 22 Kllauea SC. — — | Union S Co.. 4S*a — MISCELLANEOUS Alaska P A. SftVi — fPac Aux F A 3*4 — Asso Oil Co. 37?s 38 Pac C Boras. l43Va' — Cal F C^A.— IOIIVj Pae T&T pfd SO SI Cal Wine A. 4S 50 Do com ... U li»4 MV& MtTm. — . 113 • Morning Session 85 Alaska Packers* Assn " W>.oo 50 Ilntchtason S P Co 15.25 100 Makawell Sugar Co 34.23 3 Onomea Sugar Co- 43.0« i 50 Onota*>a Sugar Cv ...,43.12*« 40 faring Valley Water C 0 .... 32.62}, 20 Spring Valley Water Co 33.00 $2,000 S F. Oak & S Jose Ry 3s J04.25 $1,000 S P Arizona 6s UolO> 102.12*4 1 $2,000 United R R of S ¥ 4» 73.00 $32,000 Spring Val Wat gen mtge 45...85.25 Street — -v $2,000 Cal Gas i EI G M &,C T 35.. 93.23 $1.000 I^)9 An? Gto &. Electric 5s 9A.75 $5.00il Pacific Electric Ry 3a .....106.30 $y.WO S F. Oak A S Jose lly Os 104.23 $37,000 Spring Val Wat, gen mtge 45. . 88.23 Afternoon Session' Brian* — 23 Honokaa Sugar Co -. .....15.73 10W -Honokaa Sugar Co .......* 13.02*4 \u25a0 70 Hntchlcson SP Co ...'..'....-... 15. 25 100 Paauhaa S P Co ".. :.;. 21.75 $1,000 Spring Val "Wat gen mtge 45.. 83.23 Jfl.OvO United "R R of S P, 4s .... 73.00 Street — - - r. 5 Makawell Sugar Co ...'... T..'... 34.23 f /k 262 Paclflc Tel * Tel (pfd) 50.50 im $2,0t>0 Market st Ry Ist eon 3s ..100.73 $2,000 Spring Val Wat gea mtge 45.. 88.23 California Stock and Oil Exchange B!d.Ask. Bld-Ask. Alma 50 80 Paraf3ne 43 — Asso 0U'ct.37.73 35. 00 Peerless .8.12*4 — Brookshlre ...1.40 — Piedmont 2l' — Caribou .....11.00 Pinal ,- v. 23 Chi Crude OS- <® Rico ;...!. 73" — Claremont 1.50 l.«o;Royalty .-. ,—, — 2.73 Euclid ....... 00 — S V & McK. 19.00 -I Fulton .........2.00 — Saner Dough. .1.73 2.23 Gypsy ..-...".. — '27 Shawmut — «» Home .'. 75 . — Sovereign .... 23 25 111 Crude ... IK- —S W Jfc B t-fc) — Junction «5 —Sterling •'..-.... 3.90 — Kern .50 ; — Superior ...... 23 — . Kern Rtver.. 19. 00 — Turner ....... 60 — McKtttrick ..37 40 Wabash ...... — 1.40 Monte Cri3to.2.£o 2. 53 Wolverine .... 23 — Occidental ... 25 — | S A LE3 *» 11:30 a. m.— 100 Monte Crtsto 2.STU 100 Royaltj 2.75 '-. 100 Fulton 2.00 3»> Associated . : 37.73 40 Associated, s 5 ." '37.73 2 p. m. — • 1000 Daisy. : s 10 2* , 5 Associated. 9 3... 37.73 Mining Stock* SAN. FRANCISCO STOCK EXCHANGE , Folio wing we re. the sales on the Saa Fraaclsco stock and exchange board yesterday: COMSTOCKS i Regular Morning Session . 300 Exchequer ... 23[ 100 Sierra Nev- '... 23 1 13CO Mexican ..... - «SI2OOO Sliver HIH ... 20 1 10W ophir ....... I.27*it 400 Union ...; SJ 1 ICO Orerman ..'..t It 300 Utah 02 I 10f> potosl ©4 300 Yellow Jacket. 33 1 ,300 Savage ... 17| • ' Informal Session ( 200 Alpha .....:. CO! 100 Mexican ...J..vO Ei F. BUTTON & CO. <no r California St. Tel. Douslas 2457 St. Frnncls Hotel. Tel. DoagUu 5953 Members New YorK Stock Exchange Pioneer llotis* Private Wire to Chicago an J Xew TorS R. E. ai'LCAHY.; Maassff