Newspaper Page Text
;..£!» 'Andes mj >co %Can^»n ' C" -\u25a0..400 Andes Oo| ' 3oo N Gould & C. :13 •--•. 103 Bent & Rploh. 34 j liH) Ophlr 1.271 A L- - 100 Best & Belch. 3^ Ci>o Unfair 1.25 •<«& Bullion ...... 13; 200 Savage ~ ".7 • 200 Confidence ... 50, \u25a0 200 Sierra Nev ... 25 "\u25a0"\u25a0 UK) Con Va M Co. Cs! '200 l.'cion 23 . , 100 Con Va M Co. 39 1 200 Utah 02 1000 Gould &. Cur. 12J 200 Yellow Jacket. 33 CLOSINO QUOTATIONS \u25a0' ' 8M.A6V..1 Bid.Ask. ..Alpha 05 O7lLa<3y Wash .. — OC -Alia — 02'Mesican ...... 66 C 7 " Aades 09 10jN Gould &. C. 13 19 \u25a0\u25a0. Bficber 20 22: New York Con — 04 • Beet & Belch. S3 SS'Ophir 1.22 1.25 • Bullion 12 KjOccidental 17 — Caledonia .... 4O lOOverland 25 — Challenge OS lO'.Overinan 10 12 •.Cfoiisr OS Oo,Potosl 07 <S \u25a0 .Ccpfldence .\. 50 T.ljSavage .-> 16 IT Co,n Imperial. .01 t'3 Scorpion 05 * 07 Cou Va M Co. 3S 39jSeg Belcher .. 01 03 'Crown Point.. 30 3T.! Sierra Nev ... 23 -•* .-Exchequer ... 23 25! Silver Hill ... IS 'M Gould & Car. 12 33' St Lcuis — 08 Hale & Norc. 13 17|fnion 22 23 . Juiia — OSjUtan 01 03 Justice — 03; Yellow Jacket. SS 39 Kentuck 02 01 i v ; TONOPAII AND GOLDFIELD STOCKS • . Regular Session — 9:30 to 12:30 \u25a01000 Booth -JO'IOOO Jim Butler ..'W 1000 Conqueror <J4JIOOO Man Ccn G M 04 100 Florence 3.80 2000 MaeNamara .. S3 ICHi) Florence Ex.. 0412000 Ited Top Kx.. 04 . 500 Gld Kewanas. syi s(>o IW Top Ex.. 05 •1000 Grt Bend Ex. U3J 200 Silver lick .. 08 Informal Session — 12:30 to 2 p. m. 1000 Atlanta 12-250 Gld Kewanas.. 20 200 nelujont «' 1500 Gld Kewana*.. 18 -.1000 Blue Bull ... 1 1 1 1500 Gld Kewanas.. J7 1000 Booth l»l 3000 Great Bend .. 19 ,15O0Blfrg Nat Bk 043 000 Jack Pot .... i>7 • ISOO Cosx Fraction. l.<'O, SOO Jim Butler .. 16 : J«OC3m Fraction. 97| 11)00 Lone Star 05 TOO Com rraetion.l.<«j;24oo Man Cons .... 04 . 100 Com Fraction. SS'2OOO Mayflower ia -\u25a0 600 Cow Fraction. 80 j GOO Do. b 3D.... 17 1000 Conqueror O4| 800 MaeNamara .. 34 . 10CO Palsy Cs| 200 Montana 76 1000 Djn B Btte C. OS' 200 Nev Hills ...1.40 . - 3000 tairvw Eagle. 13 300 Raw Coalition. 43 v IPIO-mirvw Uailst 01 500 Red Hills 10 .1000 Florence 3.7.".:2iX»0 Red Top Ex.. 04 iSOO Florence Ex.. 05,1000 Valley View.. OS : . 100© Gibraltar to 5W Valley View.. (O \u25a0"•\u25a0\u25a0:•\u25a0 -SQO Gid Con M...7.'j0: 500 Yellow Tiger.. 18 ..-.:TOOG!d Con M.7.87UJ •;..\u25a0 r;.-'.r ;.-'. • CLOSING QUOTATIONS ;,'' : v\' NEVADA Tonopah District • •"J--.. • BM.Ack I Birt.Asfc. :-»e;!a:ont S5 fcr.iMontana 75 77 . Bc!s.ton Ton .. — 051 North star ... 03 04 - Gaeh' Boy ... — OljOhio Ton .... — 01 .Great 'Westm. — OllPavrcaster ... — 01 : «*>ror — 01! Rescue Con .. 03. 04 UlpX Ton" — OllTon Exten ... 65 — /••\u25a0Jin* .Butler .. 3fi 17jTon of Nev. ..6.00 — j .vMarNaniara.. V.Z 35iWest Ead ... 21 -3 ; .' ; -.' XJoldfield District . A4%rcs 01 02'Gld 17 "IS :.-.A-:»nta-- 12 JHiGld Merger M. <O —I . Slick Ants .. — ni Grandma 03 0» \u25a0:BJk-B Boasn. Ol 02] Great Bend .. 19 "0 \u25a0 filk' Ijiate Ex Cl O2 : Grt Bend Anx 02 <4 Biack Rock .. — OllGrt Bend Ex. «tt 04 .Bltie Bell ... 03 04jHtberuia 01 C 3 '. .Blue Cu'.l ... 10 ll'jrnmbo Ex — Id .:--Btn>. Goldfield — O2i Kendall Ex .. — (1 . • Bixrth 13 2i>! Lone Star 04 <15 :G O D ...... 2<j __j rx>u Dillon ... — 02 - Cooa I"raotion. I*6 97 Mi<l Pawnee... — d \u25a0' <>mE<r Nation — oi;\iillton-n Frac. — 02 "Conqueror 04 05! Mohawk Ex .. — 02 .Cracker Jack. 03 (KlNev IW Ol 03 -.l>Blsy C 4 85|Ner Goldfield.. 02. 03 . Desert Chief.. — Qi Oro 03 10 f. Da B Btte C. 07 O^TotlatrlT CS 11 .-Rt^dfld TrngL «;3!R*d Top Ex.. <H 05 ;:©! xlf Ol O2| Red Top Frac. Ol — . Kiiiplrp \u0084 — l>2 Sandstorm — 13 .-;.F3orenre 3.75 — Sandstorm Ex. — 01 . -Fiorenee Ex.. 04 05' Silver Pick ..OS 00 • ••Frances MLk.. 11 —St Ives — 17 '; «'ea 'Wa^ll .. — Ol | Wonder — <>2 >fiold Bar Gld — IS Yellow Rose... — 01 -.-GJd Con M...7.?7 7.9o'Yellow Tiger.. 16 17 ..(xti Portland. 03 05] \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.-. BuUfros District : -AtairtOßa 0.. — 01 1 Mayflower Con 13 16 .:; iAn-ettyst C 3 (is; Mont Bullfrog. — Cl -.•B'oanie Clan?.. — 05 Moutgomy Mt. 09 10 . JS'jlrfrog Mm. 02]Mtc Shos Ex. • — Ol : Blfrg Nat U'i. 03 O4iNugget — Oi :•; G:>l<l Per — 01-Orig Bullfrog.. — 01 . : Gf>ld Sceptre. — Mllshoshn Nat Bk 02 ; n°sitst2ke K. 03 OS| Tramp Con .. — 10 ;. : ..L2£e Harris.. — vl, Valley View.. 07 00 \u25a0': \u25a0•' Manhattan District •/"Apr Fool Ex. — Oli.Man Dexter ..02 03 : A:Tlan & P*c. — CllMan Little Joe — 01 •. Cornet — Oli Man Mm Nev. — 01 .. • -G<=>ld Wedg*.. — 01' Mineral Hill.. — 03 . --:«r*nß.v G M. — CJ Mustang Man.. 02 — .;l.lule Grey .. Ol CC Orig Man — 01 ..Man Bronrho. — 01; Pine Nut — 01 .:- Man BuTalo.. — OljSyl Humphrey. 02 . 4lmi -Con 03 O4;Thanksgiving.. 02 — : : ;3ra»VCre«eent. — Ol Whale — 01 . j£*in Cowboy.. — Ol! m~ T * Other Di«r!cts B.*llo.ii mil.. — 03! Pitts S Peak.. 70 7S •..Crown Pt Gib — 15-Queen Regt»nt. — 20 " Eiifies Nee t.. O5 Raw Burro . . — 01 - rsirvw G Bid f2 04: Raw Coalition. 43 46 JTairvw Hatlst 01 02 Raw Mohawk. — Ol . ..palrrw Eagle. 12 141 Round Mt.... 85 VS .\u25a0"• J-tok Pr.t (w^ 07! Vulture — 04 :.\ »Cer Hills ...1.55 1.4D1 ROOSEVELT AND FAMILY ; AT NEPHEW'S FUNERAL Stewart Douglas Robinson Died '.':\u25a0\u25a0 at Harvard College \u25a0;NEW YORK', Feb. 24. — President Roosevelt and Mrs. Roosevelt and "'da-uginers, Mrs. Nicholas Longworth ; and Miss Ethel Roosevelt, were in this .ctty today to attend the funeral of Stewart Douglas Robinson, the presi dent's nephew. The young man was : Killed by a tall from the window of a .aormitory at Harvard university Satur .<Jay night. Mrs. Roosevelt and her son, Kermit. came over from Washing ton yesterday and the president and ;hi* daughters. Rear Admiral W. S. •Cotrles and Mrs. Cowles and Secretary ,Loeb arrived this morning. ..". The funeral party proceeded to the -P.rotestant Episcopal church of the 'Holy Communion, where the burial fjtual was read by Rev. Henry Mottet. ..-. The pall bearers were Theodore Roosevelt Jr.. and five classmates of Stewart Douglas Robinson at Harvard University. President elect Taft joined the. funeral party at the church. ROOSEVELT LAUDS TAFT \u25a0:: IN INAUGURAL SOUVENIR .; Writes Biographical :-': :y Sketch of President Elect •':; WASHINGTON. Fob. 24.—-Thefvre !•• jr.arkable feature of the "Inaugural .Vgouvenir." issued by the committee In Vcharge of the inaugural ceremonies. Is biographical sketch of President elect \u25a0 '-. Taf t by President Roosevelt. « •: It has a peculiar Figniffcanee in "view ' -of the rumors that friction existed be tween Roosevelt and Taft. The key = ; note of the president's sketch may be • -found In these words: "No man of better training, no man • of more dauntless courage, of common sense and higher character has ever ..come to the presidency than William •'Howard TafL' r \u25a0SWITCHING CHARGES ARE ' i ABOLISHED IN MONTANA Commissioners Issue Ordpr Af . fecting Northern Pacific - HELENA. Mont.. Feb. 24. — The state board of railroad commissioners today •Issued an order prohibiting switching 'charges for spurs at -24 points In-Mon tana alon*? the line of the Northern Pacific, which it is estimated will ef fect a saving: of from $2. r ..000 to $30,000 annually to Montana shippers. XEWS OP THE OCI2AX Merchandlwe for the Xortli The steamer City of Puebla sailed for Victoria on Tuesday with cargo valued at $13,1G9 and ln chidlnr the following: 72.57.1 lbs dried fruit, 38,070 lbs raisins. 418.000 lbs salt. 124 gals wine. 10,208 lbs beans. SSWJ pkgs fre^U fruits, 252- pkgs vegetables; 2.075 lbs oifsls. 23 pkps groceries i:nd provisions, 100 roils roofing, 90 bales, twine, C 3 bbls and 5 <ts oils, 100 tins matches. 1 pkg machinery, 2 roll* leather. 36 pkgs hardware. 6 pkgs electrical Troods, ft pkgs drug«."l6 rolls wire fencing. 8C pkgs- wagon marrrUl, €,ot>o lbs sulphur, 14 pos steel, 25& lbs sine. Export* by the Arizonlan The eteamer ArUtman nailed for Honolulu on Sunday with cargo vsliwd at fC8.570. The fol lowing were the principal shipments: ' 11.621 lbs beans. 1.1^3 lbs p*Bs. 400 bales hay, .C.OOO lb« middlings. CO ctls bcrley. 4 bbls flour. .100 cs and 5 bb!« baking powder. 9.534 lbs rugar, 191 cs canned Good*. 33 bbls palmon. 2,5(51 3b« end 12 <•« bread, f.572 lbs meals. G. 270 lbs lsrd, 20 «•» olives. 3.000 lbs codfinh. 453 lbs gar lic. 105 pkgs jxnatnes, 6 pkgs onions. 225 falx and 50 r» whisJy.", 40 cs wld*. 2 cs alcohol. 250 c* and 25 drums kerosenf. 25 dmm« dintlllate, 6fl cs and 10 drum* gasoline. 40 bbls and 30 cs oils. 140 pkc* Points, 2CO kejrn white lead, 71 \u25a0pkss v.-*sot> material, CO bdls wire. 7 pkt« drugs, \u25a0' i?,JOI lbs Wti^rtone. . SO c* explosive*. I rs fuse. >-^ a ftsddics' and 6 pkgs mddlrry. 7 <\u25a0« h>>ot» and C^ Pk£*> dry goods, 09 colls roj<*>. 10 c* .-arms and ammunition, 21 pkgs tiling, 379 pkgs Kill work, ..19.075 lbs tobacco. 0 cs . cigars , and "•" cigarett* I *. £0 rolls lr«thcr. 12 pkgw machinery, .- 10.SM lb**nianufac»or«yi lead. 1,rt20 Rks lime. : 4.000 rts oement. 1.7.12 11m copper. 522 lbs copper v y ire. 101 carboys acid, 130 bogs. Si horses. Harbor Board Will Open Bids todays for Western Pacific Wharf Will Also Take First Steps to Extend -thfe 1 Belt Railroad South of Market Bids will be opened this morning by the harbor commissioners for the con struction of pier 34. the wharf to be built for the Western Pacific railroad and for which 'the Gould line will put up the money in the shape of 15 years' rental in advance. Although the bids will be opened today, the contract will not i>e awarded, as the law requires that leases of state property be let to the highest bidder. In this case bids for the lease wfll'be called for by pub lic advertisement and the Western Pa cific will offer the amount of the lowest construction bid. The board will also approve plans submitted by Engineer Ralph Barker for pier 36, and in connection with this will take the first step toward estab» lishing the Belt railroad on the south side of the ferry depot. This branch of the state transportation system will be of importance in developing the south end of the water front and is expected to be a factor in increasing the state's revenues from the water front. Watchman In Missing G. Anderson, who was employed as a watchman on the steamer Thomas L Wand, is missbig and it is feared that he has been the victim of violence. The Wand Is lying at the seawall and An derson was seen on board Tuesday night. His hat was found on deck yes terday morning, but no trace of the man. Monday night, it is said, he forcibly ejected three men who were trespassing on the vessel and who as they went away vowed to "get even." The water in the vicinity of the Wand's berth is being dredged in the belief that Anderson was thrown over board. Texan Behind Schedule The American-Hawaiian company's freighter Texan, which arrived Tuesday night from Salina Cruz, brought about 2.000 tons of general cargo. The Texan is behind Its schedule on account of heavy weather off Salina Cruz, which kept the big freighter outside the Mexican port for six days. Falls Sixty Feet to Death Edward Edwards, a member of the pile drivers' union, who lived with his wife at 2590 Harrison street and was employed by the Thomson bridge com pany, fell from the top of a pile driver yesterday at Folsom street wharf No. 2 and was instantly Rilled. Edwards was se*t to the top of the mast to overhaul some gear. When h8 was about 60 feet above the scow a swell threw the pile driver against the wharf and Edwards lost his hold and fell. He was dead before his com rades reached his side. Governor In Commission Again The Pacific Coast steamship com pany's liner Governor, which has been swinging to an anchor oft Goat Island during the winter, was taken to Hunt ers point sresterday5 r esterday and placed on the drydock to be scraped and painted and otherwise put into condition for serv ice. The Governor will sail for Seattle March 1 and will run between the sound and San Pedro, calling at this P°rt going and coming. The President, which was laid up with the Governor, \_. be put into commission again within a few weeks. Will Return to Sound The steamer Humboldt, which has been here undergoing its annual over hauling will sail tomorrow for Seattle and during the summer will run be tween Puget sound and Alaska ports. Abandoned on Island SAX PEDRO, Feb. 24— Captain Swansea in the launch Leone arrived here this morning from Santa Cruz Island, where he found marooned four fishermen, who " had been living on crawfish and such other fish as they were able to catch for nearly five weeks The men are Charles Erlck son. Jack Anderson. French Joe and Russian Pete, crawflshers. They were fishing for Chocise Vasquez of Santa Barbara, but had been abandoned be cause of rough weather. Water Front Xote* Receipts of lumber yesterday by sea amounted to 1,000,000 feet The Pacific Mail liner Korea. Is due tomorrow from the orient and should be in port early in the morning. The Japanese liner Tenyo Maru. Captain Bent, will sail at 1 o'clock to morrow for the orient" with a large number of passengers. The Pacific Mail liner Newport and v f^° smos \u25a0' Hner Hermonthia are scheduled to arrive tomorrow from the lower coast. The steamer Curacao is due Sunday from Guaymas and way ports. SHIPPING NEWS OF COAST Items of Interest to Mariners of the Pacific PORTLAND. F*b. 24.-H.if- a dozen steam schooners are in th* harbor today loading wheat or lumber for California ports. T.ipv l?l e 4 }n durtisff the last 48 hours. Three or four mo* purpo^. tO amVe hefe " y Ume - for ™ c K^l? c .,, sle * m p<-h< « n^ Saglnaw fe loadin;; lum ber; the steam erhooner R. V. Inman is load ins wheat; tho steam schooner S" . !T a Vt\kfnfwLa? Uar ' " D<l thC Helons n nrt' : -cti'i Mar^ offfc . r «» *t W.11.-,mctto iron °"-11-d S \u25a0\u25a0• new in n " ritl * steamer Boveric has rlr^red for Ma nila and Singapore with 2.900,000 feet of lum ber. Singapore ? ets 1,207.863 feet, valued at StS 'to 2 *!"^. 1 "" 1 - 000 feet *. TBlUed " « 22^ Captain A. E. Cann, a Colombia river bar bar tug ™* navigation company's Steamer JBue H. Elmnre beared this after- S&JSuJ! o™**0 ™** " Uh ">:«** Steamer Arpo arrived at Oak street dock this afternoon from Tlllamook aad an effort Is being made to get her ready to call again this after noon. • - _ ,rfi B I?^' °/C/ C - eb - 2 *— Steams Majestic arrived today from San . Francisco and left up river for Portland to load lumber for return Steamer Daisy Freeman* from San Francisco arrived today -and left up the river for Port land to load lumber for return. n? 1 ! *5? 1 L er *V S * PortPr arrived today from Point Richmond with a cargo of fuel. oil and left up the river for Portland to discharge. Oil tanker Boveric . arrived : down the river today from Portland in ballast for San Fran cisco and will leave out at the first oppor- Steamer Alliance Is j due tonight - from Coos bay with freight and passengers. '. .';. .-. POKTLAITD, Feb. 24.— Wheat will be carried from Portland to Europe by. the French ship Desais at 15 shillings a t*n, the lowest freight charge at which a Tessel has been engaged. The Desaix began loading this morning. . With 2.5W4.86-1 feet of lumber, valued nt $0«.5«52. the British steamship Boveric, Cap tain Harper, has cleared for Manila and Singa pore. ... • . Steam schooners Maverick," Tamalpals and Yel lowstore have been engaged to come \u25a0 to Port land to load lumber for. San Francisco. - Carrying a fell cargo of general- merchandise and a big number of passengers ' the steamer Breakwater, Captain Macgenn, sailed for Coos bay tonight. . \u25a0 TACOMA, Feb. 24.— British ship Aramore finished her cargo of lumber today "and will leave for Mejlllones Friday. Schooner Blakely will finish her cargo of lum ber tomorrow for. Salavery. .. British bark Carradale today completed, her cargo of grain for the United Kingdom. . ' Steamer Meteor, • after, discharging her cargo of . concentrates at the emelters, left for Seattle. Steamer . Bertha : left this ' morning ' for Seattle, where she will complete her cargo for Alaska. SEATTLE, Feb. 24. — The British steamer Kee mnn.proceeded to Victoria. . ' \u25a0' , ' / : Steamer Bertha arrived from Tacoma \u25a0to load for Valdez. \u25a0 . : . '\u25a0;. . 1 : - \u25a0 Steamer..- Watson proceeded to Tacoma tonight. Steamer Tampleo sailed for San Francisco at 4 .a. a. ' ' .'..«. % . ..\u25a0....\u25a0..-, - Steanjer "Northwestern sailed for -Valdez with 200 passengers this morning. " Steamer Jefferson, with 100 passenger* for Ekagway. sailed this afternoon. ," Steamer Col. E. I. Drake was due tonight from San Francisco. -.-... : .-...- Steamer Pennsylvania' is due to ; arrive ifrom Valdej! at 9 a. m. tomorrow. : . \u25a0 ' • SAN PEDEO, Feh. 24.— Steamer* Wlllapa ar rived from Wlllapa harbor today with lumber." (Steamer State of. California. Captain Thomas, railed this morning •. from • San I>iego, for - San Francisco. \u25a0 Kteamer Bandon cleared today "for Coos bay. Steamer Nokomi*. Captain Nilsen.* arrived this morning from San Diego with lumber:, ' '\u25a0\u25a0- Steamer - Yopemlte arrived', this • mornins from Astoria with passentrers and Inmber. Steamer George . W. Fenwlck : cleared today ; for tb* Colombia river. 1 \u25a0..-..»\u25a0\u25a0 . .:\u25a0.--.' .\u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0- \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0? -r,-* Steamer Grays Harbor ' arrived , from Raymond •ME SAN" FRANCISCO f OALL, THURSDAY- FEBRUARY 25, 1909. MOVEMENTS OF STEAMERS TO -ARRIVE From ." [ Steamer y | Date. San Pedro | Bandon . . . . .". . . Feb. 25 Mendocino & Pt. Arena Sea Foam ..... Feb. 23 Salina Cruz...... .....Texan • Feb. 25 China & Japan........ Arabia......... Feb. 25 San Diego & Way Ports State of Cal... Feb. 25 Point Arena & > Albion . Porno . . . ...... Feb. 25 New York via Ancon.. (Newport ....... Feb. 20 Hamburg & Way Ports Hermonthls . : '. . Feb. 20 Coos Bay \u25a0-..... . . m. F. Plant. . . Feb. 26 "\u25a0 umbolat City of Topeka. Feb. 26 China & Japan.. .IKorea ; Feb. 26 I°*% Sound JSerak Feb. 27 ban Pedro ..|Hanalei ..... ... Feb. 27 Shanghai & San Pedro| Hazel Dollar. . . Feb. 27 Kahulur Hyades ..:.... Feb. 27 San Pedro G. W. Elder... Feb. 2S Humboldt ............ F. A. Kilburn.. Feb. ?S Mexican P0rt5. ........ Curacao ....... Feb. 2S San Diego & Way Ports Santa Rosa .... Feb." 28 Puget Sound Ports. . . . Queen ..... Feb 28 Portland & Astoria.... Rose City Mar. 1 Portland & Way Ports. Roanoke ... Mar. 1 "b* f U , i * 'm Mariposa I Mar. : 2 i Seattle & Tacoma ..... Watson . . .... .• Mar. 2 Honolulu • ... Hllonlan ...... Mar. 3 San Pedro & Way Ports Coos Bay ' Mar 3 Portland & Astoria.... 'Nome City . Mar 3 Seattle & Tacoma . Tallac . Mar' 4 Grays Harbor . . Norwood ...... . . Mar. 4 , '\u25a0- i". ' \u25a0 TO SAIL \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0- -..'\u25a0•..." \ Destination | Steamer [Sails |Pler February 25 — I \u25a0 • \u25a0 1 Coqnille River Bandon .... spm 2 Ule l H ye i jEHzabeth ... 2 pm 16 Wlllapa Harbor |Dalsy 4 L 2 San Pedro & Way Ports) Coos Bay .. 6 pin 11 Astoria & Portland.... |D. Mitchell.. spm 20 {f 8 £ n si eS rorts J - S - Higglns 10 am 2 H Feb?u d ary 26^-"" *' ktt P™» 10 am J? Grays Harbor ........ G. Llndauer. 1 pm 2 St Astoria & Portland...-. 1 Cascade .... spm S Puget Sound Porta Humboldt .. 10 am 7 Japan fr China Tenyo Maru. 1 pm 42 Grays Harbor Newburg ... 3pm 7 February 27 — . Astoria & Portland... . Yosemite 2pm 2 Coos Bay M. F. Plant 3pm S H-mbolm Vanguard . . spm 2 Mendocino & Pt. Arena I Sea Foam... 4pm 4 Seattle. & Tacoma Chas. Nelson 5 pm 20 fean Diego & Way Ports State of Cal. 9.30 a U Astoria & Portland.... Northland .. spm 2 Pt. Arena & Albion... Porno .. 6pm 2 Grays Harbor Coronado ... 3pm 7 Seattle & Tacoma..... Buckman ... 1 pm 20 1 Astoria &. Portland Senator .... 11 am 27 February 28 — Portland & Way Ports. G. W. Elder 1 pm 13 1 Humboldt city Topeka. 10.30 a -9 i Los Angeles Ports..... Hanalei .... 3pm 7 i March 1 — - • Hmnboldt ...North Fork.. spm 10 Los Angeles Ports..... Centralla .. Ipm 7 Hamburg & Way Ports Serak ...... 12 m 10 New York via Ancon., Peru ....... 12 m 24 Puget Sound Ports. ..! Governor ... 1 30p O Grays Harbor S. Monica... 4pm 2 Los Angeles Ports Roanoke ... 5 nm 13 March 2—2 — Salina Cruz Nebraskan .12 m ID San Diego & Way Porls Queen 9 30a 11 March 3—3 — Seattle direct Rainier 3pm 7 March 4— Seattle & Tacoma ITamplco ... 9 TO SAIL PROM SEATTLE Destination | Steamer | Date . Southwestern Alaska... | Bertha Feb. 25 \ alder & Seward I Pennsylvania ..Mar. 1 Skagway & Way Ports Cottage City .. Mar. 2 Valdez & Seward Ohio Mar 8 Southwestern Alaska. .. Portland .. Mar. 10 Valdez & Seward INorthwestern ..JMar.tC Time Ball United States branch j bydrographlc offlce, v Mer chants' Exchange, San Francisco, February 24. 1909. The time ball on the tower of the Ferry build- Ing was dropped today exactly at noon, PaclQc standard time (120 th meridian), or at Sh. 00m 00s., Greenwich mean time. J. C. BURNETT, Lieutenant, U. S. N.. in charge. with Inmber. Steamer Wellesley arrived this morning from the Columbia arlver., _ Army Transports The Logan is In port. '>•-*. "V The Crook is in port. The Buford Is In port. The Sherman is in port. The Warren is at Manila.. The Sheridan is en route to Manila. The Dix Is at Seattle. The Thomas arrived at Yokohama prior to February 24 , The Kilpatrick sailed February 17 from New xork for Manila. Xotlce to Mariner* The United States naval wireless telegraph station at Cape Blanco, Ore., reports to the branch hydrograpblc office, San , Franolxco. that a large water poaked log is afloat between the reef and south beach at Cape Blanco; position changed- with the. tide. Navigation dangerous Inside the reef. j. C- BURNETT Lieut., U. S. N., m charge. SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE ARRIVED ~. „. TI „ Tuesday. February 23. Cruz™ 1 Di Hall> 7 days 14 honrs fron » Salina Wednesday. February 24. Stmr Aurelia. Weber. 76 .hours from Grays Harbor; bound for San I'edro. put in for fuel Stmr Atlas, Badger, — hours from Portland up river direct. . , Stmr Coronado, Stangeland, 60 hours from Grays Harbor. Stmr \Vestport. Wetterqulst, 40 hours from Crescent Cltys> '\u25a0-;*.•',- . -\u25a0\u25a0...: , Stmr Alcatraz, Ellesen, 44 hours from Re dondo. .'\u25a0.'• ... . \u25a0 - ' . . Stinr Geo TV Elder, Jesswi, 4 flays from Port land, via Eureka 1!) hours. * Br Btmr Wellington, Cutler, S4 hours from Lady smith. Stmr Santa Rita. Conner, 24 hours from Port San I.vis: up river direct. Stmr Mayf air, Olsen, 71 hours from WiUapa harbor. .. Scbr Advance. Odlginsen, 12 • dars from Co qullle river. SAILED Tuesday. February 23 Stmr City of Puebla. Shea. Victoria. Stmr Ravalll, Nelson, Eureka. Wednesday. February 24. Stmr Asuncion, Brldg-ett, Portland. Stmr Alcatraz. Ellesen, Mendocino. Stmr Geo W Elder, Jessen, San Pedro. Stmr Bowdoin. Johnson, Portland. Stmr Brunswick. Hammer, Fort Bragg. I : Stmr South Coast, Kllnker, Cagpar. > : Stmr Homer. Hardwick, Grays Harbor. Stmr Santa Rosa, Alexander, San Diego. Stmr Redondo, Bendegard. Coos bay. Stmr Helene, Anderson.- South Bend. Power schr Newark. Wayland, Blibys landing. BY lIASSIE ; WIRELESS " n]mß< Per Btmr City of Puebla. hence Feb 23 for Victoria— Feb 24, 0 am, 30 miles north of Point Arena, sea smooth; all well. -; • . WEATHER REPORTS l POINT IvOBOS, Feb 24, 9 am— Cloudy; wind west; velocity 8 miles an hour. \u25a0\u25a0-.•-;.-• POINT REYES, Feb 24. Oam — Cloudy; wind NW: velocity 21 miles an hour. fV. * FARALLONES. Feb 24, 9 a.m-rCloudy; Wind NW; velocity 6 miles an. hour. TATOOSH, Feb 24, 0 a, m— Raining; wind SE: velocity 5 miles an hour.' Feb 24, 12 m— Raining; wind SE; velocity 14 miles an hour. .' \u25a0 ' • . :\u25a0\u25a0-.",•'\u25a0\u25a0•;.••\u25a0: ik '» SPOKEN \u25a0' "<\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 :-\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 L- '..'\u25a0- . /Feb 5, latitude 25 north, longitude 32' west Br ship British Isles, from Seattle for United Kingdom. > TELEGRAPHIC . POINT LOBOS, .Feb 24. 10 p - m— Weather clear; wind NW; velocity 10 miles an hour. \ DOMESTIC PORTS . SEWARD — Sailed Feb. 21 — Stmr Portland, for Seattle; stmr Northrand, for Seattle; stmr Cot tage City.' for Ketchikan.. ' .•\u25a0\u25a0•-\u25a0 \u25a0 KETCHIKAN— Arrived Feb 21— Stmr Cottage City, from Seward. : • . \u25a0 \u25a0 ,: . •WRANGELL— SaiIed Feb 21— Stmr Ohfo, for Juneau: > . \u25a0 i \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0-. : • -SAN DlEGO— Arrived Feb 24-HSchr Maweema. from -Grays 'Harbor. \u25a0 - ~:.- . , SAN PEDRO— Arrived Feb 24— Stmr State of California, fronr San Diego r stmr. Yosemite hence Feb 22; stmr Wlllapa, ; from Wlllapa har bor; schr Nokomix. from, San Diego; stmr Whit tier, hence Feb ; 23. ; : •: : • , \u25a0 Sailed Feb -24— Stmr, State of: California, stmr G -W Fen wick, for San Francisco."- < \u25a0 •.-.-'• v \u25a0< •: POINT \ LOBOS— Passed \u25a0 south . Feb 24 — Stmr Lakme.from Coos bay for San Pedro. .- :\u25a0 - SOUTH .- BEND— Arrived Feb 24— Stmr J : B Stetson, hence- Feb 20. ' "Tin ifi'flffl^Tft l W|l|.iiM)n>ii' -FORT BRAGG— Sailed i Feb \24— Stmr Jas S Hlecin«. for San Francisco.' y \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 GRAYS -"\u25a0•\u25a0 HARJJOB— Arrived ;Fcb 23— Stmr Stanley ' Dollar. < hence Feb • 19. •• ;< \u25a0 >•: ASTORlA— Arrived " Feb * 24-rStmr Majestic hence Feb 21. v- '•;-.•\u25a0 • ... , '. -Arrived Feb 24 — StmrfWß. Porter, from Mon terey r'dtmr Daisy- Freeman.' hence Feb 21. TATOOSH — Passed : in ; Feb 24— Stmr. Col . H "L' Drake, hence Feb 20 for Seattle; Br stmr.Yeddo, from Eureka.:; 1 ' \u25a0 . \u25a0 . : .:, > \u0084- \u25a0 -: COOS BAY-^alled -\ Feb . 24— Bktn Ghehalis, for San Pedro. • \u25a0••"": ... . " • ;-\u25a0: Arrived F«<b"23— Stmr -Wasp,' from San Pedro; stmr M F Plant, hence Feb 21.~-'.-;i ;\u25a0: r -.-4. -4 •. <Sailed^Feb, 24— Stmr Alliance, for Astoria; stmr M ' F L Plant, » for; San -, Francisco; j ««tmr . Czar ina,- for: San Francisco.*--. 4« SJRiy^vß^ss^rt. I ?^.*^^? ;, RAYMOND-^Arrlved « Feb 24— Stmr. J\u25a0 B Stet son, hence Feb 20. '.•\u25a0" ; " - _\u25a0 .\u25a0\u25a0 : ri>- \u25a0 - -\u25a0\u25a0: CRESCENT— Pawed in Feb : 24-^Nor" stmr Selja.- from -Astoria.".*- \u0084 , ; ; r- SEATTLE— SaiIed Feb 24— Stmr Northwestern," forJSkagway:. \u25a0\u25a0-,'\u25a0: X -;.*." \u0084. ---\u25a0.•.-. \u25a0 : Sailed' Feb 24— Scbr Stimson.'.for. Saa Pedro. 1 Weather Report | Unlted States Department . of Agriculture- Weather Bureau, San Francisco, Feb. 24, 1909.; :•--.: •--. .: RAINFALL I>ATA •'..\u25a0,\u25a0. .' \u25a0 -Last '.Seasonal Normal Stations— - 24 hours. \u25a0to date." to date. Eureka ............ ..1.24 IS. SG 30.58 Red 81uff............ 0.06 20.01 17.12 ; Sacramento I/ .. .. 0.10 1914 C 13. Cl Mount Tamalpals.."... 0.30 31.95 . 10.03 San Francisco... ...V. 0.31 22.30 15.89 San J05e............. 0.24 * 15.43' • .9.86 Fresno .....:........ 0:04 8.57 6.2» Independence ........ 0.00 7.05 0.18; San Luis 0bi5p0..... .0.00 "*27..'J0 " 13.49, Los Angeles...". ..0.00 16. 0S 10.60 San' Diego...'.'..;'. ' 0.00" . 6.86 •\u0084 (i.SS STATIONS. S j H' • S ?-5" n d 3- . . . \u25a0\u25a0;•-. \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0'\u25a0 ? : ' I -T ' . : • \u25a0-: \u25a0 Baker ........ -.29.98 44 . . SE Cloudy .01 Bolae .........30.06 48 33 W Cloudy Tr. Eureka ....30.24 52 42 SW Rain .22 Flagstaff ......30.28 4S — 4 SW Pt.Cldy .00. Fresno ....30.24 58 46 ,W '. Cloudy ' .04 Independence,.. 3o. oo 58 32 N Pt.Cldy .00 Kallspell 29.78 34 28 SE Rain .01 Los Ange1e5.... 30. 18 64 46 'SW Cloudy .00 Modena .......30.18 42 12 W Pt.Cldy .00 Mt. Tamalpais.3o.2S 45 37 NW Clear ' Tr. North Head 29.84 46. 42 SW Cloudy • .10 Phoenix .......30.14 06 32 E Clear. -.00 P0cate110.......30.14 38 26 SE Pt.Cldy .00 Pt. Reyes Lt.. 30. 23 52 45 NW Clear .00 Portland 29.92 48 44SW V . Rain- .16 Red 81uff.. ...^30. 20 56 40 SE Pt.Cldy Tr. Reno :...... ..30.10 .46 32 W Clear Tr. Roseburg ..'....30.08 46 44: SW llain .16 Sacramento ....30. 20 56 48 S v Clear .04 Salt Lake .30.08 50 20 NW Cldudy ..00 San Diego :30.14 02 4« NW Pt.Cldy .00 San Francisco.. 3o.26*oß 46 W . Clear .02 San Jose .30.24 '58 46 W Clear .02 San L. 0b15p0.n0. 24 00 40 NW Cloudy .00 SE. Fara110n...30.26 52 48 NW Clear ...00 Spokane ......29.86 42 34 SW Rain .22 5ummit. ... .... 43 22 SW Pt.Cldy *.8O Tacoma .......29.84 4S 44 SW Cloudy • .44 Tatoosh .......29.76 40 44 S Cloudy .48 Tonopah 30.14 42 20 SE Pt.Cldy .00 Walla Wa11a... 29. 94 f.2 48 SW Rain .20 Wlnnemucca' ..30.06 f>o 28 NW Clear .02 Yuma 30.16 72 38 NE Clear ..00, •Average amount of snow on ground, 221 inches. ' \u25a0 : •.-\u25a0>' ' ' , SYNOPSIS . The northern . storm is apparently moving slowly eastward. Light showers have fallen . on the coast southward as far as Fresno. . The tem perature is nearly normal throughout ] California and the winds are mostly from the northwest, except in the Sacramento valley and on the north coast, where southwest winds prevail. The relative humidity at Red Bluff is 78 per cent ond at Fresno 71 per cent. t - FORECAST San Francisco \u25a0 and vicinity — Fair Thursday; moderate west wind. Santa Clara valley — Fair Thursday; brisk north winds. - - Sacramento valley — Fair Thursday; light south winds. San Joaquln valley — Fair Thursday; moderate north winds. Los Angeles and vicinity — Cloudy Thursday; brisk north winds. A. G. McADIE. District Forecaster. Sun, Moon and .Tide United States coast and geodetic survey — Time .. and heights of tides at Fort, Point. Fordty front (Mission street wharf) add 25 minutes.' THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 25 Sun rises .......: .0:48 Sun sets ~. ". .6:00 First quarter moon. Feb. 28, at 3:40 p. m.. Full moon ...March 6, at 6:47 p. mo. |Time| iTime Time Time Febl 1 Ft I Ft Ft, Ft |H.,W] [L W H W L W 25.. 3:17 5.5 9:40 1.0 4:25 4.4 0:38 2.1 26.. 4:04 . 5.5 10:54 0.7 6:04 4.0 10:35 2.7 27.. 4:55 5.4 12:05 0.5 7:28 4.1 11:36 3.1 28.. 5:56 5.4 1:16 0.2 8:40 4.2 U. S. Branch Hydrographic Office A branch of the United States hydrographic of lice, located at the Merchants' Exchange, Is maintained in San Francisco for the benefit of mariners, without regard to nationality and free of expense. Navigators are cordially Invited to visit the office, where complete \u25a0 sets of charts and sailing directions of the world are kept at hand for comparison and reference and the latest information can .always be obtained re garding, lights, dangers* to navigation and mat ters of Interest to ocean commerce. J. C. BURNETT, Lieutenant, U. S. N.. In charge. Sailed Feb 24 — Stnir Xebraskan. for San Fran cisco. .! Sailed Feb 24 — Stmr Jefferson, for Skajrway. WESTPORT— Passed In Feb 24— Stmr Clare mont. hence Feb 21. \u25a0 - TILLAMOOK— Arrived off port Feb 21— S:hr Hugh Ilofran. from San Pedro. •GREENWOOD— SaiIed Eeb 24— Stmr Helen P Drew," for San ; PeSroT* ISLAND PORTS •" HONOLtjr.U-rSalled Feb 24— Bark W P Eithet, . for Sari Francisco. Arrived Feb 24— Stmr Pleiades, hence Feb 13. Sailed Feb 24— Br ship Elvaston, for . Arrived Feb 24 — U S stmr Concord, from Ma nila., MANILA — Arrived Feb. 21— Br stmr Indra samha, from New York. FOREIGN PORTS COLON— Arrived Feb 19— Stmr Alllanca, from New York. \u25a0 : . - Sailed Feb 11) — Stmr Advance, for New York. KUCHIXOTZU— Arrived Feb 18— Ger ship U C Rlckmers. hence Jan G. .- SWANSEA— Arrived Feb 22— Fr bark Oornll Bart, from Oregon. -MONTEVIDEO— SaiIed Feb 21— Br Btmr Cbarlston Hall, for New York. PUERTO MEXlCO— Sailed Feb SO— Star American, for Delaware breakwater. ' VALPARAISO— SaiIed Feb 3— Br ship Croy don. for Oregon. . PORT NATAL — Arrived prior Feb 23— Br stmr Cranley, from ' Norfolk and sailed for Manila. YOKOHAMA— Arrived prior Feb 24— U S stmr Thomas, from Manila for San Francisco; Br Btmr Gymeric. from Victoria. PORT SAlD— Arrived Feb 24— Fr fitmr, Amiral namelin.- from Marseilles for San Francisco via China. Japan, etc. OALLAO — Sailed prior Jan IS — Russ bark Dundee, for Puget sound. VICTORIA— Arrived Feb 24— Nor Btmr Selja, from Astoria; Nor stmr Christian Bors, from Guayraas. Arrived Feb 24— Br stmr Yeddo,' from Eurska. Balled Feb 24 — Nor stmr Elsa, for Dunedin, NZ. :*• :, - .-./ - r . ..: \u25a0 • Sailed Feb 24 — Br Btmr Empress of Japan, for Hongkong; Nor stmr Elsa. for New Zealand: . HOBART— Arrived : prior Feb 2J— Fr berk Belen. from Glbfcow for San Francisco. KOBE — Sailed Feb 23— Br stmr Bessie Dollar, for. Hakodate. . - SANTA ROSALIA — In port Feb 16 — Gex bark Schurbek, for Pugret sound. \ \u25a0 - v OCEAN STEAMERS NAPLES— SaiIed Feb 24— Stmr Taorminl. for New York. \u25a0 SOUTHAMPTON— SaiIed Feb 24— Stmr Majes tic' for New York. - • Arrived Feb . 24 — Stmr Oceanic, from "• New York. \u25a0"-\u25a0-. ' y - GENOA— Arrived Feb 24 — Stmr Europa, from New York. : - HONGKONG— Arrived prior Feb. 24— Stmr Oanfa. from Glasgow and Liverpool for Taeoma. SYRACUSE — Arrived ) Feb 21— Stmr Moltkc, from New ; York. . \u25a0 '..'-: QUEENSTOWN— SaiIed Feb 24— Stmr Ivernla. for Boston. . \u25a0 . NEW YORK— Arrived Feb 24— Stmr Vader land, from Antwerp. - Sailed Feb 24— Stmr Teutonic, for Southamp ton. . \u25a0 ATLANTIC OCEAN TRAVEL Plymouth- — Cherbourg — Southampton Philadelphia — Clueenslovtn — Liverpool ATLANTIC TRANSPORT LINE A>vr \u25a0 York— London \u25a0 Direct \u25a0'\u25a0 HOLLAND=AMERICA LINE Nevr York— Hotter-dam, via' Boulogne \ RED STAR LINE Neiv York— Antwerp— Paris WHITE STAR LINE S'err York-^-Queensitown— Liverpool . Plymouth— Cherbourß— Southampton. ; ' Boston— Queenstown— Liverpool - \u25a0 S^on o^ and ITALY & EQYRT v Via Azores," Madeira and Gibraltar ROMANIC... Mar. 13, Apr. 17; May 22, July 3 CANOPIC .* Mar. 27, May S. June 12 FINLAND. . . . . . . . .Mar.; 23, April s 29, Juno 5 OIiETIC . . . i . . •: . . : . .' . . Apr. - 3, -, May 15.' June 20 G. N. KOEPPEL, Passenger Agrent Pacific Coast, 1 >;•..,\u25a0.;.,. 40 Ellis Btreet. Near Market. .... ; FAST EXPRESS SERVICE PLYMOUTH--CUJSUBOUBG.-BBEMEN-10 A. M Kals. Wm. ll. March 2|K.-= Wm. D.Gr. . March 30 Cecille '. . . ". . . . March 231Ka15. ; Wm: II .; .April 1 6 TWIX < SCREW PASSEXGER SERVICE BREMEN DIRECT— IO . A; M. . . - tP.,Frled'h- WmiFeb. 23|Koelln .......:.'. Feb. 27 Brandenburg :. : .Feb. 23lGnelsenau \u0084 .. ..-March 11 tCallS Plymouth and : Cherbourg. MEI)ITEURA\EA\ S SERV7CE -GIBRALTAR— ALGIERS— NAPLES— GENOA • Sailings at Ul -'\u25a0A. M.- .. K. Lui5e. ...... .Feb.' 27 K. ;.V.. SlarchJ3 P. ' Irene.... -.V.March 6 'Neckar '. .....; March'i'O •. :*Does not call at Algiers and Genoa.-,--',- .-• :\u25a0 North 'German' Lloyd 'Travelers' Checks Oelrtchs & Co.. Agenta, 5 Broadway, ; JT.Y. CompagDie Geherale Traasatlantiqtie ' : DIRECT LINE TO HAVRE-PARIS?.* ; Sailing every Thursday, ; Instead of Saturday, at , 10 « a. \u25a0 m. \u25a0. f ronx '\u25a0 pier : 42,v North . river, \u25a0-. foot of Morton; st. ,: -•:-, \u25a0\u25a0-'\u25a0-••\u0084\u25a0,-'-\u25a0 \u25a0.\u25a0.'.."?';.-. \u25a0':;\u25a0:.;/." \u25a0\u25a0•:\u25a0'-.;;\u25a0' ..;\u25a0"'\u25a0 .-. :.. Plrst : class to ; Havre. 1 $77.50 , and . upward : 'sec- I ond class .to Havre." $50 and: upwarfl. GENERAL AGENCY;- FOR I UNITED I STATES rAND • CAN-" ADA;\ 19 ; State St., ; New ; York .> J. ; F.; FUGAZI, Manager Paetnc ! Coast.'? 630 ' Montgomery st.V; San' Francisco. >\u25a0\u25a0 Tickets ' sold ; by ; all ' railroad * ticket agents.- \u25a0.'.•'.\u25a0•-:•,•-'>: ; :--... s :; : '\u0084^^ \u25a0-«\u25a0--, .-.•.\u25a0-;\u25a0:\u25a0• ' ' \u25a0 . \u25a0••••\u25a0..\u25a0 •\u25a0\u25a0.; -YOKOHAMA— Arrived .prior : *'eb < 24— Strar Thordis.-from Victoria; stmr-Tosa' Mara, 'rum Seattle- for HongKonjr. . - - v ' LIVERPOOL — Arrived Feb 24— Stnir Lusltsnia. from- New York. • \u25a0 . - . - " Sailed Feb, 24— Stmr* Haverford, for Portland. Memoranda -- NEW* YORK, Feb 24— Ger stnir Kaiser Wll helm II r went aground during dense - fog this morning In- Credney' channel., entrance to lower bay ; : will be floated . at : high ' water: \u25a0 was bound ia from • Bremen. " •, : LON'DOX. Feb 23— Br stinr Empress of China, previously . reported at Kobe damaged, has bof a surveyed : temporary | repairs \u25a0 will tbe made .in about five days; -permanent repairs will be made at Hongkong. ....... \u25a0 . '.'- '\u25a0 ' •,'\u25a0'. ' KEAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS Bay Shores building company to Frank A. Fletcher, lots ' 20, 2C, 27 and 2S, block 43," Reis tract; grant. . 1 Same. to same, lot 18," block 5, Reis tract, and one other lot; granf. .Homestead realty company to' Nikolai Konso grad, lot ,in " "NE line of Thirty-sixth avenue South, 250 NW of X street.NW 25? by SE 100; $10... \u25a0„\u25a0-:;\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0' . - • \u25a0:.•\u25a0-:. : Michael Smith and wife to Elizabeth Smith, lot In NW line of Sheridan street, 105 NE of Tenth, NE 25 by NW 100; $10.' . Michael Smith and wife to, John P. Smith and wife,. lot in, W line of Seventh ajenue, IGQ N of C street, -N 25 by W 120; gift. ' Elizabeth Smith to Michael Smith and wife, lot in NW line of Sheridan street, 105 NE of Tenth. NE 25 by NW 100; gift. ' Amelia S. Damon to John : Bone, lot in SW line of Nineteenth avenue, 123 NW of II stree.t' NW 25 by SW 100; $10. , -. James , M. Brown and wife to Nleolo Fortnnato Brlsolese. lot in S line of Harrington street. 200^ NW of Mission. NW 25 by SW 100; *10. James M, Brown and wife •to Nlcolo For tunato Brisolese, lot in S line of Harrington street, 225 NW of Mission, NW 23 by SW 100; $10. r / ' Behrend A. : Joost to Donald MacCallum, lot 10. block 27, Sunnyslde; ?10. ; Roundy realty company to L." E. Rleksecker, lot at S corner of Olmstead and Oxford streets, SE 100 by.SW 30; $10. . . Bay' Shore building company to Ales McKil lop. lot 16, j block 30, B lots 5 and ,6, - block 47, Eels tract; grant. William Donald and wife to John "Dougherty, lot ln-W lino of Connecticut street, 331 S of Napa. S 60 by W 100; $10. .\u25a0 •- James E. Heffernan and wife to Anna Hart wick, lot in W line of Whitney street. 55 N of Randall, N - 25; W 32r SW 32:5. E 73; $10. Frances Rockford to James R.Rockford, lialf Interest in lot in E line of I Guerrero s treet, 100 S of Twenty-third, S 25:3 by E 100; $10. Frances Rockford to Mary A . < Millar, lot in E line of Guerrero street, 75. S of Twenty third, S2sby E 100; $10. I Thoma3*"Emerson and wife to Frances Farina, lot la , E line of Noe street, 205 N of Four teenth, N 25:0% by E 162; $10. ' Bay Shore building company to E. J. Mc- Cauley, lots 00 and CO, block 30, Reis tract; grant. -— , ' - Same to Frank Roney, lots 22 and 23, block 57, Reis tract; grant. Same to Anna C. Barkley, lots 8 to 10, block 23, Sunnyvale, and three other lots In University ' Mound homestead; grant. \u25a0 Thomas P. Andrews ; and wife to Louis Fer raro. lot in NE line of Berlin street, 50 NW of Ordway. NW. 50 by NE 120; $10. Nicholas Tweitmanu Jr. to Nicholaus Tweit- Riann, lot in NE line of Tenth street, 100 SE of Harrison, SE 25 by NE 100; $10. . , Rose Donovan to Cornelius Donovan, lot ln< S line of Filbert -street, 110 E of Pierce, E 27:6 by S 120; $10. v . • Joseph Schoenfeld company to John C. Lelser, lots 539 and 541, gift map 1; $10. Charles Cople and wife to Charles F. Neater, lot In N line of J street, 50 E of Eighth avenue, E 27 by N 100; $10. . Mary S. Mamas to Herman Goetz. lot in S line of Cumberland street, 130 W of Guerrero, W 25 by S 114; $10. ' An,ne Alexander to Joseph P. Alexander, lot. In W line of Seventh avenue, 300 S of C street, S 25 by W 120;. $10. . Ann I). Roller to Edward JJ. Evers and wife, lot 5, block 11. Joost addition to Glen park; $10. Joseph Weisbbein et al. to Catherine Bahnsen. lot in W' line 'of Douglass street. 101:6 S of Twenty-second, S 50 by W 100; $10. Louis A. Barker and wife to Cerillo Ostorero and wife, lot In NE line of Palmer street. 120:0 S of Fairmount, S 25, E 82, N 25, W 107:0; $10. John A. Doassaus et al. to Ida L. McMahan, lot in E line of Nineteenth avenue, 100 S of M street, S 25 by E 120; $10. Abraham L. Frank and wife to Jacob Heyman, lot in NE line of Sixth street, 25 SE of Bryant. SE 25 by NE 00; $10. Helen S. Dodge to Henry F. Blanchet Jr., lot in NW line of Carr street, 60 NE of Salinas ave nue, NE 25 by NW 100; $10. . • Jeanette A. Stanley to .Paul Borchardt, lot in S line of Washington street. _244:6 E of Brod erlck. E 0:6 by S 127:8^4: $75"- Amella S. - Damon to Niels Amundsen and wife, lot in NW line of HarUness street, 20 SW of Berlin, SW 30 by NW 100; $10. Helene Murghard to Mary Ann Barber, lot. In W lino of Mnnlcb street, 50 S of Brazil avenue, S 25 by W 100; $10. Leonora S. McCartney to Edward G. Koenlg and wife, lot in E line of Thirteenth avenue, 100 N of California street. N 50 by E 120; 510. Edward Whorlskey and wife to Thomas E. Pnlmer. lot In S line of Twenty-thlrd street, 202:6 W of Diamond, W 25.40 by S 114: $10. Thomas E. Palmer to Edward Whorlskey and wife, same; $10. - Candido Righetti to Serafina Rijthettl. lot In W line of Walnut street, 50 S of Clay, S 52:Sft by W 112:6; gift. ' C. H. Ingwersen to Mary Ingtrersen. half of lot at S corner of Fifteenth, avenue South and M street, SW 100 by SE 75, and two other pieces; $10. Herman Wertsch to F. T. Scott, lot at SE corner of Jules street and Graf ton avenue, S 100 by E 50; $10. '•George W. Suner and wife to Nettle N. Bran don, lot in E line of Seventeenth avenue, 225 S of Lake street. S 75 by E 120; $10. Nettle N. Brandon to Jacob Welssbeln, lot in E line of Seventeenth avenue, 275 S of Lake street, S 25 by E 120; $10. -- Martha Ellis to Nels Trubeek.- lot in E line of Eighth avenue, 100 S of California street, S 27:6 by E 120: $10. • James F. Birmingham -to John Birmingham, third interest in lot In N line of Eighteenth street, 80 E of Valencia, E 40 by N 80; $10. City realty company to . Louis Muller, lot . at I PACIFIC OCEAN TRAVEL -^^r-^,. Steamers leave Broadway y^vji&^OV Wharves (Piers 9 and 11). >ttr^ LOW RATES, INCLUDING /aTTSSP^a V-A BERTH AND M£ALS. Vg«lS I SPECIAL ROUND TKIP I \ Y&&@q/ .1 • rates VAvY VW FOR LOS ANGELES X^ta^rjW,/ SAX. DIEGO * X *Gsi^ /^ ; SANTA BARBARA STATE OF CAL.'.. ...:Feb. 27, 8:30 a. m. QUEEN. ............ .....Mar. 2, 20, 0:30 a. m. CITY PUEBLA..... ..Mar. 3, 26, 9:30 a. m. S. R05A........ Mar. 5, 11, 17, 23. 0:30 a. m." GOVERNOIt..... .'.Mar. 14, 9:30 a. m. FOR. SEATTLE, TACOMA VICTORIA, AND VANCOUVER, B. C^ PUGET SOUND AND ALASKAN PORTS CITY OF PUEBLA. ... . '. '". '. . . Mar. 13,1:30 p. m. G0VERN0R.....!... ..'... Mar. 1, 19, 1:30 p. m. QUEEN.................. Mar. 7, 25. 1:30 p. m. FOR EUREKA (HUMBOLDT BAY) CITY - OF T0PEKA ........ . . ...... .':.: .... ' Feb. 2S, Mar. 5, 10, 15. 20, 25." 10 :30 a. m. And Every Fifth Day Thereafter. FOR MEXlCO— Guaymas, Masatlan, : La Paz, Ensenada, San Jose del Cabo, Ma^dalena Bay,' Santa Rosalia. CURACAO. . :. Mar. 7, 10 a. m." ALASKA CRUISES 1000 Steamship SPOKANE »U1 leave Seattle, 11 p. m., June 15, 30, July 15, 30, Aug. 14. Right reserved to change this schedule. *-\u25a0-> v -»•'"-*\u25a0•' TICKET OFFICESj SAN FRANCISCO^-3^Market st. 112 Market Bt. and Broadway Wharf. " Telephone Kearny ' 402, Oakland Ticket Of nee ......... . . . 1050 Broadway C. D. DUNANN,: G. . P. "A., j San : Francisco. TOYQ KISEH KAISHA (ORIENTAL \ STEAMSHIP COMPANY) S? S. "Tenyo Maru" (Omits Shanghai Call) . .*! .i' 7. . . '..••• \u25a0•••'• - '"'"' • • •'• • -Friday, ; Feb. i 26, . 1909 S S. "Nippon Maru"... ...Friday,'- Mar.; 19/ 1909 S. ' S. VChlyo Maru" . . . . . .Friday, Apr. 16, 1909 • Steamers sail ~ from > company's • piers, Nos. 42, 44, near - foot -of Second st., 1 ; p. - m., \u25a0 for , Yoko- hama ! and Hongkong, calling at Honolulu, Kobe (Hlogo),' Nagasaki and and connecting at ' Hongkong j, with - steamers •: for ; Manila, \u25a0 India; etc/VNo cargo 'received on board on day of sail- ing. V Round trip : tickets at* reduced rates.- y - v •. For - freight ; and \u25a0. passage . apply at . office".''- 240 James Flood bulldina;. , ' ." W. H. : AVERY.'iv* • : 'v ' / '."ABslstant", General' Manager. . '\u25a0 i TAHITI AND NEW, ZEALAND-— S. S. Mariposa' sails 11 a. m.. Mar. f 10, . Spir Tahiti £.<\u25a0 round i trip $125. \ Wellington, $260. tB. T. :;* UAnl Al 11111 s - S - AlamedaV sails - 11 iIUPiULULU a.: m.',: March. '00. Special ,"/".*— "*"< round trip." $110 first class.' • OCEANIC LINE, 67S Mkt. - tel. • Kearny \ 1231. ; V BAY^ AXDJINTERCRBASr-, ROUTES ' . • Vallejo, Napa, St.* Helena > st: helena^napa^v^lLley route Mo'nticello S. S^> Co. : and Napa' Valley Electric E.R. Co. Close- connections" \u25a0\u25a0,;.":. \. > -; ;cfu~ROIJND'( TRIPS L DAILY-^-is '• -\u25a0- Boats \ leave ; San \u25a0 Francisco ,7:oo, : *9:45 . a; m. f 12:30;n00n,*'3:15,i6:00,' *8:30 p.*m.' :\u25a0" - ;.-;, :<San"t Francisco -landing -and office. Clay, street ; wharf ,\ north - end ' ferry building,". Market - street ' ; ferry. •'.Meals * a la* carte." T r • - ; \u25a0;*\u25a0-\u25a0•\u25a0> : Phone; Kearny ; -IOO.r. .. •' v . ''\u25a0 *Land : navy • yard direct. '•• ; SE corner of Second avenue and H street,' 5 '45, E 03. N. 34, NW. 54, W 42; $10. . - v - * '\u25a0 . \u25a0 Ferdinand Espel to Freda O. Schumate. lot In N line of Page street, 131:3 E of Cole. E 25 by N 137:G; $10. . Samuel Crozler to T. MeSwe«ney, lot at E corner of Ninth avenue and N street, NE 100 by SE 100; $10. \u25a0 B." Healy, 1 deceased (by executors)." to T. Mc- Sweener. .lot 45, block 166, Central park home stead; $10. MarJello Camarri et al. to Antonio 'Llcurl, — I Marino Novello and wife to same, same; $1. Frank Schmld to John E. Schmid, lot in N line of Casselll avenue, 125 W of Clover alley, N 100. E 25. N 21. W 50. S 121. E 25; $10., Ellen L. Hosta to W. E. Lawrence, lot in W line of Seventeenth avenue, 221:1 S of California street, S 25 by W 120; $10. Newton realty company to John .P. Buckley and wife, lot ln'W line of Thirty-second avenue. 225 S of R street, S 50 by W 120; $10. Cornelia A. Thompson to Rose Beer, lot In E line \u25a0of : Devisadero street. 127 :5}4 N of Wash ington. N 0:2% by E 110; $10. William G. Eaton to William Harvard, lot In N line of Golden Gate avenue, 125 E of Central, E 25 by N 137:0; $10. - . Jacob Weissbein and wife to Mary . Mason Jones,; lot in N line of A street. 82:6 E of Twenty-ninth avenue, '-E- 25 by N 110; $10. Alexander P. Doyle to Adolf Thleler and wife, lot at SW corner of Twenty-fifth and Hampshire streets, S 00 by W 75; $10. Samuel -Martin and wife to Stnart F. Smith, lot in E line of Broderick sueet, 37:6 S of Fil bert, S 27:6 by E 100; $10. John Gurry and wife to John B. Klein and wife, lot In . SE line of Bruce place (Shipley street), 75 SW of Harrison avenue, SW 25 by SE 75; $10. \u25a0 V " P. A. Dolan to George Toyne, lot 444, gift map 1;.$1O. F. P.. Stone to Eleanor H. Stone, lot in W line of Dolores street,los-N of Twenty-fourth, N (55 by W 117:6; gift. .- William Rncker and wife to Max Leder and wife, lot 10, block It. Park lane 5; $10. Sarah Ann Peckham to Frank, Chester Peck ham.' lot in NW line of Folsom ' street, 125 NE of Ninth. NE 25 by NW 90; $10. - Andrew L. Edwards to Anna C. Burch, lot in W line of Tenta avenue, 400 S of M street, S 25 by W 120: $10. Houghton Sawyer and wife to W. Frank Pierce, half Interest In lot in W line of Mont gomery street, 38 ;C N of Merchant, N 30:2 by W 63:9; $10. Homestead realty company to Frederick H: C. Mueller and wife, lot 49, block P, Silver terrace; $10. City realty company to Albert G. Nagel, lot In W line of Sixth avenue. 25 S of J street, S 25 by W 85; $10. \u25a0 Charles M. Sorensen to Arthur L. Gell et al., lot in S line of Pacific street. 130:11 W of Kearny (252 E of Dupont). \u25a0 W 23 by S 137:«; $10. \u25a0 . Melone .company to American land and tru-t company, -lot in E lice of Thirty -fifth avenue, 100 S of O street, S 75. E 120, N 50, E 120. N 20. W 240; $10. Daniel Skerett and wife to William Kuehllng. lot in,-E line of Twenty- fourth avenue, 275 S cf California street. S 25 by E 120; $10. Bay District land company to Gertrude Ehr man. lot in E line of Sixth avenue. 150 S of B street. S 25 by E 120; $10. Annie Anglin, deceased, by executors, to Thomas Anftlin, lot In E line of Bryant street. 208 S of Twenty-fourth, S 25:6 by E 100: $2.3»K». Bay Shore building company to Albino Orlaurlo. lot in NW line of Harm street. 49.81 NE of VUi taclon. NE 24.40 right angle 110, SW 24.40, SE 110: $10. Virginia S. de Bell to Kate Field, lot in E line of Fortieth avenue, 100 S of S street, S 25 by E 120: $10. » - William H. Wharff and wife to Uzzle M. Thompson, lot in W line of Bowdoin street. 150 S of Woolser-. S 50 by W 120: $10. Oscar W. Thunberg to Frank T. Thunberg, lot In W 4lne of Nineteenth avenne. 150 S of Cle ment street, S 25 by W 120;. $10. Mary Ann Kelly to Catherine Conroy, lot in SW line of Glrard Ktreet, 150 SE of Wayland. SE 25 by SW 120; $10. Dolan company to George Toyne, lot 444. Sift map 1; $30. Antolne Borel and wife to Presidio terrace association, lots 31 to 40. Presidio terrace; $10. Bulldlnic Contracts T. L. Ayres with Caldwell & Co. — Carp*nt»r work for brick stable In S lln« of Fell »trv«t. 106:3 W of DevUadero, W 50 by 3 '137;6; J1.5.541. Vincent Zaganelll with Ross & "McCoi'mlefc — Plumbing, sewers and ?as fitting for thre<i story and basement frame building (12 apartments* In N line of Washington street, 183:4 W of Larkln, W 45:10 by N 127:8>.i: $2,623. John Hlnkel with Ross & McCormlck — Plumb ing, sewers , and gas fitting for three story and basement frame (six flaw • In S line . ot I'ine Btreet. 132:6 E of Tcwell.' E 40 by.S CS:6; $1,255. > ' A. W. Maltby with Raim*y & Phillips— All work for two story and basement brick in S line of Sutter street. 137:6 W of Stockton. Vf 00, S 137:6, E 30. N 37:6. E 20. N 100: $2,400. Joseph' Musto estate company with R. W. Moller — Td erect a ohe story class C building In W line of Stockton street. 40 S of Broadway, S 50 by W 80; $7,850. The Palace Hotel company with 'Wlnslow Bros. a*d Clinton flreproonnß company — Iron work for stairs, metal lath, concrete and finished cement work for eight story and basement bulldlajr on lot bounded by Market. Jessie, Annie and New Montgomery streets; $20,950. --Mary E.. Genevieve and Alice Butler with A. Coleman — Plumbing and gas fitting, for build in? at NW corner of Powell and Ellis streets. W 03 :C by N 44; $S.SSS. H. Leibes & Co. .with Robert Dalziel Jr. com RAILWAY TRAVE L !^^K^ TRAINS LEAVE SAN FRANCISCO xjllx Market St. Ferry Leave for— | A.M. | P.M. Bakersfleld . 8.00 8.00-10.00 Chicago ........ ... 8.00-10,00 Fresno ......... 8.00 8.00-10.00 Grand Canyon... l '8.00-10.00 Hanford 8.00 8.00 Kansas City ... 8.00-10.00 Merced 8.00 8.00-10.00 Stockton 8.00 4.00- 8.00-10.00 Stockton, Oak- dale & Sierra Ry points 9.45 Tuiare f 8.00 8.00-10.00 Visalia . . . . . 8.00 8.00-10.00 Yosemite" 8.00 ... California Limited through to Chicago leaves at 10:00 p. m. OFFICES: 673 Market Street and Market Street Ferry Depot, San Francisco 1112 Broadway, Oakland .'' Northwestern Pacific R. R. Co. SOUTHERN DIVISION. JAN. IS, 1000. VIA SAUSALITO For Saasallto.-MIU Valley, San Ra. f ael — Dally, except Sunday — Every 40 minutes from C: 4O a. m. until 10 a. m.; hourly until 4 p. m., then 4:40 and every 40 minntea until 6:40 p. va.; then 8:00. 9:43 p. m. and 12 m. On Sundays every 40 minutes from 6:40 a. m. to 8:00 p. m.: then 9:45 p. m. and 12 m. For Fairfax — Week days^ — 6:40, 7:20. S:00. 11:00 a. m. (3:00 p.; m. Saturdays only), 4:00, 4:40, 5:20 and 6:00 p. m. . Sundays— S:oo. »:20. 10:00. 10:40. 11:20 a. m.. 12. m., 12:40, 1:20. 2:00, 2:40, 3:20. 4:00, 4:40 p. m. . For San Quentln — Dally— S:oo a. m. and 2:00 p. m. , , 8:00 a. m. dally for Cazadero and "way sta- tions. - 3:00 p. m. Saturday only for ' Cazadero and way stations. " - - VIA TIBURON For Tlbnron, Belvedere and San . Ra« fad— 7:3s. »9:10. 11:00 a. m.; t»12:3O p. m. Saturdays 0n1y).' 3:30. 5:10. «a:3O p. m. daUy. On' Sundays additional trips at S:0O a. in.. 12:30 and 6:34) p. ra., for San Rafael and Inter- mediate points, t \u25a0 -. \u25a0 - > 7:35 a. m. dally for Petaluma, Santa Rosa. Healdsburg, Cloverdale. Ukiab. Willlts, Sher- wood. . Sebaatopol and way stations. .7:35 a. m. daily, except Snnday, for Glen El- len, . Guerneville,' River Landing and way sta- tions '.>. \u25a08:00 a. m., Sunday only — Petalutna. Santa Rosa, Healdsburg. Cloverdale. Glen Ellen, Gu<>r> neville. River Landin? and way stations. \u25a0 11:00 a. m. for Petaluma, Santa Rosa. and way stations. :.'-\u25a0-\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0* \u25a0'--.' 3:30 p. m. daily for Petaluma, Santa : Ro-a, Healdsburg, I Cloverdale. L'klah. Guerneville. Se- \u25a0 bastopol : and ' way stations. "\u25a0•-:>•'< 5:10 p. in. daily for Petaluma. Santa Rosa, Glen . Ellen and way stations. . . ' *To Tiburon only. Pacific Transfer Company's agents are author- ized 'to check , baggage direct from residence. \u25a0 Ticket Of flees, - north ' end Ferry Building and 874 Market street." Flood Building. . . MUIB WOODS lllllp MT. TAMALPAIS VIA SAUSALITO FERRY ' "^KS^V' - •-" foot op MARKrrrmsET \u25a0 ' - V- LEBAL HOUPAVS-SUMP'.Y.'nirc It.Sm Umtea U.Uiit HuH - Lr. Taa!»ali~' WEEK \u25a0\u25a0 SUN- . WEEK SCN- WEEK.' SUN- ? TfAY DAY^- DAY - DAY - DAY PAY 10:00 a 8:40 a t7:25» 11:0Ca 7:25 a 10:5€ a 2:00p 10:00 a 1:36p 12:20» 1:32p 12:U» M:4op 11:20 a 03: OOp 1:40p 4:34? I:3fp ........ 12:40p 4:40p N 3:05? *B:5Cp 3:01? ....... 2:00 p........ 4:45p 4:41p ..;..:.. -3:2 Op \u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0;. .:-.... t:Ql> \u2666Saturday only. ;' tMonday only. £ ©Tamalpais only. -. " Ticket Offices— Sausslito Ferry and 872 SlarkeW" General Offices— ll2l VaUey. California. O^CfiAN SHO^RAILWAY •'- (12th '%' and Mlsslofr)— Dally ex. Sunday— Lv.: 0:30 a,; 1:43p,' 5:40 p.' Ar.: 7:33 a, 9:10 a. 5:10p.~ Sundays^-Lv.: r0:30a,"r 0:30a," - *10:10 a. j:12:13p.t5:40p. Ar.:i 9:104," 11:50 a, \u26664:35p, t S:IOD. ' *Craiiada Express— Ho, stops. ,'. - ' \-• - .... AUCTION SALES *J2*S* 1i%5» s^*s* ncOts. ya!i±L. .jrCUri, > AucTiorsi Any one p.ecdlnir anything in the line of horses, buggies, wagons, carte or harness, watch for the big ail for "the sale «t the Duboce Stables, on Valencia near 13th. Thursdays February 23, 11 a. -m. Everything must be as representeu or money refunded. Outside horse* sold on commis- sion. WM-CLOUGU. Auctioneer. Phone Park 2720. $£2l SSi. -^ AT AUCTION. Saturday. KeN. 27. at 11 a. m.. a lot of big mares, horses, wagous and hatne*«. Good chance for farmers and carlcad buyers. 5K 4th St., Oakland. No reserve. J. W. MEDEIKOS. Auctioneer.. pany — Steam heating and ventilating tor iralM- Ing In S line of Pose street; KO E of Grant ave nue. S 122:6 by E 33; $6,157. Joseph Roaeli with Frederick W. Lunnann— To erect a three story and basement frame la W line of Russ street. 2CO S of Howard, W loi> JOT S 30; $9,300. Third street improvement company wlrh. Golden • Gate concrete company — All work for a ftv* story bulldlns in NE line of Third street. 30 SK of Minna. SE 25. NE 77:6. SE U, NE W). NW SO. SW 60. SE SO. SW 77: $27.500. C. Stelllng with tie William Little estate company — All work, except painting, shades, gas grates and light fixtures, for a three story framu at NE corner of Clay street end Wetmora place. E 28:10^, N 33, W 10:8. N 35:0. W 28. S 18:9; $5,393. Mrs. L. 51. McCartney with MeCulloush con tracting company — AH work for a thrt-e story frame at SE corner of Second avenue and Lake street. S 102:1 Vi by B 30: $11,773. George T. Marye with R. Dewar & Son — All work for a two story brick In N line of Turk street. 137: C E of Larkln, E 7C:3 by N 137:6; $26,873. Mary E. Smith with O. A. Creamer — All work for a three story and basenwnt frame (tares flats) in S line of Fulton street. 175 W of Brod erick. W 25 by S 137:6: $9,602. John Hlnkel with Otto A. Craemer — T» erect two three story frames at SE corner of Jacksoa and Leavenworth street, S 62:6 by E 100; $2n.- _ t RAILWAY TRAVEL y^Xtfjt^\. Traias leav« aad art iwt .^OxSnzS^ '* arriva at t Qilß J n Franciscoi Vitjv^^^y Fko* Fib. 7. 1909 >OC|^^/ FERRY DEPOT y^ * Foot of Market Street Leava —VIA OAKLAND PIER— ArrlTe] 6.40 a Hayward. Nilw, San Josa 7.Car 7XOa lUchmond, Port Cotta. Beoicia, Sui- sun. Dixon, Saeranjento, lioseville; ?\u25a0.".' MarysviUe. Reddint Dunamuir.,. 7.23p 7.00 a Emira, Vacaville. Kumsey 7JJB» 7.00 a Davis. Woodiaad <HarjsvilJe. Oru- Tul«). William j. Maxwell. Willowa. Hamilton. Corning, Red Bluff. . . 7.28? •7.20 a Richmond, Port Costo. Martinea, \u0084.--\u25a0 Byron. Tracy. Stockton.., 7XS? 7.40« \alleio.Napa, Calijtoea. Santa Rosa, Martinet. San Ramon. Dougherty, Pleasantoa ...» ... 6.08p 7.40 a Nileat Pisa isn ton, tivennorsi' Al- v. _;•\u25a0_\u25a0• tamont. Lathrop. Stockton 7.28p 7.40* Trney. Lo» B»no». Kennaa. Freaao. Hanford. Visalia 4.28? B.ooa Russd. Newiifk. Centerviils. gaa -'ii Jose; k3Bk 38 Gatol » Vzighu laurel 6.48j 8.20 a Port Costa, Martinet Bjroa. Tracy. Stockton. Uerced. Fresso. Goslen Junction (Hanford), Viaalia, Portsr- yille, Bakersaeld 4.48f 8.20* Yosemits Valley t» Merced 4.48? B.oo* Niles, lit ermore. Stoeiton(*Uiltoß). Valley 3priafc lone. Sacramento. 4.28p 9.00 a Sonor^ Tuolanne and Angeis A.itf B.oo* Atlantic Fjrpress— Sacramento. Trnc- kee, 02 den. Salt Lake City, Denver, Kansas City 7.28» 10.00 a Tha Overland Lhnited-^DenTer, Kansas City. Omnba. Ckjcaso 8.28? 1 0.20 a Vallejo. Mare- Island. Napa. ........ II .2Sa 10.20* Los Ans-te* Passencer— Port Costa, Martinez, Byron, Traey, Stockton, Jle-^.J, Freaao, Eaaford, Visalia. Tuh.-e. I3ai;rsst"d. Lcs Ans*les... 7.48* 10.40* GoidSclJ Pass.— Port Costa, Be&icia, Sacramenta Truekee, Ilaxen, Jlit:*, Tonopah. Goldfi e!d. Lain. Keeler.. 7.48 a 1 0.40* Marysvilte. Clueo. Red Bluff 4.28p 1.20? Nilea. San Josa aad Way Stations. . 2.48 a 1.40? Rojxl. Alvarado. Newark, Agnew, San Joss 9.58? 2.20* Benicia, guisun, Sacramento. I.C8; 2.20b PorUaad Express (via Davis;, liama. Willows, Red Bluff. Weed. (MaedoeL. Holland. Elamath Falls), AshUad, Portland. ; 12.28? 3.03? Benicb, Winters. Sacramento, Wood- land, Uaryirilla and OroviUe 10.48 a 3.00? San Leandro, Nilea. San Jom. 8.28 a 3.20? Port Costa, Martinez, Byron. Mo- desto, Merced, Fresno.. 12.08? 3.30? Via Tiburoa, West Napa. St. Helens, Caliston 10.30* 4.00? Yalhjq. Napa. Calistcji. Santa Rosa, Martinez, San Kamon, Dougherty, Livermore 9.28* 4.00? Niles. Traey, Stockton. Lodj. 10.28* 4.40? Saa. Leandro. Uayvard, Kilet.j 13.23* Plsassnton. Livermore ({11.48* 6.00? The- Owl Limited— Newnsa, Loa Banos. Man do to, Fresno, Tuiare, BakeraSeld. Los Anttles 8.48 a S. 00? Russell S»a Jose. Loi Gates. Wright. 8.48* B. 20? San Leandro. Niles. Sao Jom 7.48* 6.40? Richmond. Pincle, Vallejo, Port Cotta, , l!enki». Suisun, Sacramento— Rose- \u2666 vll*. Lacola. ilarysvi!!;. OroviUe. . 1 1 .28* 6.20? Eastern Express— Oeden, Pueblo, Denver. Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicsip. ;.. Port Cost*. Benieja, Saeramsjito, Raao, Sparks 7.28)1 §8.40? Haynard, Niles and San Jose. 6.48? J7.00? Vallejo, Port Costa. Uartines, Bay < Point and Way Stations III. IS? 8,20? Oregon Express — Sarramento.ilarya* villa. Redding. Ashland. Portland, Pujst Sound and East. 0.48* 9.00? China and Japan Fast Mail— Otjden, Cheyenne, Denier, Kansas City. Omaha, Chiazo 3.20? COAST LINE \u25a0 MTiThlrd nuil Towusbihl i- treats,) t5.25* Loop — 23d Street. VisiUcion. South San Fmneisco, Valencia St. t8.35l t5.40a Loop — Valencia St, Ocean View. Cemsteries, Sooth San Francisco, 23a Btreet, 31 and Townsend - t3.5Ca 6.40* South San Francisco. San Joae. Gil-} roy. 110 l lister, Pajaro, Watson villa. I ...,' Santa Crai,BonlderCrefk.Glem»ood. f B'D8 ' DC * Del Uonte, Monterey. PaeinoGrove. j 8.00» The Coaster— San Jose. Castrovills, Salinas. Soledad. Chanslor. Paso Roblea Hot Springs, San Lnis -' Obispo, Picno, Ocesao, Guadalape, Surf, Looopoc, Santa Barbara, Ventura. Oxsard. Los Ast*ies.... 11.43) &00* Wstsonville. SanU Crus. Boulder Creek. Gleawood, Del Monte, Mon- terey. Pacirio Grove ;.. 11.45 i 8.20* South Ssn Francisco. Palo Alto. Saa Jose. Way Station* 7.35* 8.20* Los Altos. Moata Vista, Lot Gates. . j ! g'^jj* B.oo* San Jose. Gilroy, Salinas, Cbanslor, Paso l'.obtei Hot Sprinss. £an Luis Obispo — Los Gatop. Wright, Laurel — Tres; Pino s, — San ta Crus, Del Jbute. Monterey. Pacific Grove. . . 4 .00? 10.40* South Saa Francisco, Burliagame. San Mi jeo. Palo A lto. San Jose .... 8.30 a 10.40* Los Altos Monta \ista. Los Catos.. 1. 10? X 11.15* Bay Shore. Visitacion, San Braso. . £1.23? 11.30* Valencia St.. Ocean View. Calma. Cemeteries, Baden. San 8run0..... 1.33» 1 1.40 a SoutUSan Fnincuco, fan lore 1 8.23 a 12.00? South San Francisco, Palo Alto, Sat Jose.' ~ 8.40 a 1 2.00 a Los Altos. Itonta Vista. Los Catos. . f3.20? 2. 1 0? Bay Shore, Visits eion. San 8run0. . . . 4 .43? 3.00? Del Monte Express— San Jose. Gilroy. Chit ten den. W.ntsonville. Sia'.i Cms. Del Monte, Monterey, PaeiEa Grove. Saliaas. 12.33? 3.20? South San Francisco, San Jose, Gil- roy, Holli j ter. Tr ea I'incs. 1 0.23* [4.00? Sunset . Express — Tucson. Demies. El Paso. Houston New Orleans. Paso Rabies Hot Springs, San Luis Obispo. Santa Bar bars, Los Anteles. 11.43*. 4.00? Pajaro, Watmnville, fcaati Crui. ... 1 1.43? 4.03? Del Uonte. Monterey. Pscific Grove. I lAlu 4.03? Kansas City. St. Louis, Cbicsjo.... 11.43* 4.2 a? South Saa Francisco, San Jose... 49.00* t5.00? San Bruno, am Ha teo. P»to Alto, San Jose ami Way Stations 9.43 a t5.05? Loop— 23d Street. Visitation, South San Francisco, Valencia Street." 13-13? t0.20? Redwood, Palo Alto, Majfield. San Joae -.'..." . 1. 1 3p }5.200 Los Altos. Monta Vwta, Los Gatos.. t7.20? f5.25p Burliusame, San Mateo. iim Jose... t3.20? . 5.30? Loop— Valencia St.. Ocean View, Cemeteries, South Sun . Francisco. 23J Street. 3d and Tnwnsrnd 6.43? 5.40? South SanFran eisco . £»a Bruno. Saa. Mateo. Redwood, Psk> Alto, Santa. Cbra, San Joae. Los O'atos. Wright. 7.40* 1 5.40? Los Altos Monta VbU, Los Gatos. . 15.40? T6.00? Jlillbrae. Easton. San Matco, Palo \u25a0 Alto. May field. " I^>s AltON Monta ' Visti. Los Gatn -i, Writlit t8.00» SJJ3? 23<1 Street. Visitaeio-u South Saa Francinco. Valencia Str?«t..... 7.15|» t3.25p Loop— Valen eta Street. Ocean .View, \u25a0 Cemeteries, South San : Francisco, 23J Street, "3d and Townsend...... f7w4op 6.30? South San Francisco. Saa Jose 5.40? 8.00? Los Aazeies Passeng-r— San ilatco. . Redwood, - Palo Alto. Saa Jose, .. Gilroy. . SsHnsA Chanslor. Paso Robies . Hot Sprtozs, Saa Luis , Obispo, Fismo. SanU Barbara, Loa Angeles...... 8.30* 1 1.45? South Saa Fr&adsco, Palo Alto. San 1 7.20? J0w..;....^... ................. I 730y tl.SOp Saaramento Rirer Steamers .'.'.tit-30p • Union Transfer Company agents collect barj»g» and cheeks on trains ol Southern Pacific and <Miver tc residence. They are authorized to check btgssge direct from residence. ', ' a for Morninr. , \u25a0 for Afternoon i ;- fSoaday ocepted V^ 13m&j onljg^l 15