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Newspaper Page Text
WBBm&!£; , ** a v Jw.Ww wrU4aJLJr_wfL£!L&so j| Whisk; having lost his dragon |j fly. captured a new steed with g a vine lasso* end though his new O \u25a0 horao was unruly at first — .\u25a0\u2666 "^ Ke soon had him in hand end £ galloping merrily across the k meadows. Ho oame upon a BBS frog quartet—' YANITOR YENS, He Bane Having Fine Dream- 3 serenading an old fox. \ "Ha." *•" ~ said Whisk, ? "the" wily, old fox will know where t he-sunbeam B\u25a0;.B \u25a0;. la." '.So he aoked Mm. nnH-: 4 The fbx.eald: "l" Look over there at 'yonder cottage, where last-: night : I veto le: a ffl . CTOOOe. PorhaDS It la iharn *» liiiiiH i p yfCftsfc: £yi#§J *?^b® Poo©e f M l horn® • ««*• there /.*n| "found a picture v of happiness— a man In an arm- HiJ^ ; cha!r ' - : -'>*** n i h f® - Bl| PP. e r o on » emoklng a cigar. eThe man's wife burst into tho room and began Gcolding him for smoking In the parlor.: So Whisk knew thatthere wasn't any happiness there after . * .att, so ho tiptoed away. ; j Continued next week.] J fff^^B? " **>. Irnportffd Brass Mounted German Sterr- «v>4\ S i * --^Jr = '*?j' "i T ' I*'^1 *'^ plosive lamp sixty handsoma colored pic- \*?x $ ""'\u25a0Krtr^E® s!7*sia«?ssrl'l rhla \u25a0•»• » square lantern, with patent \r\ I ' S ' '&SS&Z' \ I I enl n» a « T . e»aetly Uk* the picture. It will ' «\\ f 1 ''' I i«w^C« ! £ Cive Fine Exhibitions, and you can earn ISJJ X S \u25a0 i^™44wwf|^'»SiSE J mocey as well as delight your friends. ftX J*\u25a0 L {^ iStw^ s* II fl tit\\ oac'^age. Return ouf J2.40 and y^JiA f H I » ypiAV^j l\ v 1W IjL (,(( I i we wUI s ' nd V<? u great big lan-lf)y\ r p ;||v— 'xS-^ ' crn - near!y a foot taM an< * ha!f a v-£iv i » I &™!'\ f ;**** j, v , \u25a0'[\u25a0I • colored pictures, and as an Extra \CIX V 9 i iSH ]c tP. :^ ; " r i*-" s ff?I i l I reimum we will give you In addition I Vft SI • ' , «2H^ if ' wer »'y-five ExhlbltTon Tickets a Show Jkes\ 2j ' «^»^3^ "1^ V^^^^iflti c , re « n h and I^irxe Fosters for advertising f\%* H ? t VU^T >^K^^^"'dt^ri^ BzxiNs Mro. co.. 090 Mm su v^n\ I! Ar^^^V^^^K CODC<!rd Junction. Mass.. D«-pl. f. /C\y If TJ %«* lYfpt/^-^ W\u25a0 . ml X" B - fc, , 9 I V »«»"^i^BM*» ______ ___ \u25a0 ti * 1 " /fc* *C\ ' \V *F "• W IuE^SS^SI \u25a0^3333^ *MB»BWWBn •Fj ' • f K^' polished, beautiful M^^ Mr \u25a0 iv _^^ $\ $ ' - I KjMw.rSfl wood.- -eb^ny *» fln- f PTly^i ' "mF jjn i «' '\u25a0w^tJWrtM ! l*gsß ySiw y Uhed pegs, finger Ifj rffl¥**idL- ' ' " ~i!ir '! j -. '-. i i^B- board and tall HI tjiHi^SCr^ fi^m 'n ? ** »•} • fi^ Ki'. ; piece. . one silver Mi MMWE^JBu -~ ~--^ Jf . ] I'Hi I"*'^--*^!1 "*'^--*^! otrlng. three gut \\W&T. J W&Y } *tt& WfeZatb 'El . BE , ;- --."^:> rV-fsJ .- strings, long bow <BA£3tKTB! »•/" t - '.•.'.' J ' Uia Bm -of white;- horse ' m—r JIOi Hm \u25a0 .-.-;\u25a0\u25a0 a, "• tB n - Bfi"V'--'S^ \u25a0 M : -»nair» ;box of roatn .''tHßi faSl^Qt"*' "•'•' • ''^Sr Ft * £fii * \u25a0 -^ ' - V"* Ivl and \u25a0 flno self-ln- ... JJffiwy^^jSj^^'fß pyj^^BMMß^gji' ,^^^»j^ fcl «».",- '-: -^ - ' f-Bas* structlon book. viJßK9m> « a|\ {Sff]l9 Ff \u25a0J|-?:.:-<- ;NaMr . Send us. your name 'JHEWHSIF— fffI B*\ \u0084 .Wfir^rfflln Tl 16a »?l ' and address for 2 4 Efff • J jmrt'lEiCTiijsi i^u.n'lli cPn^ 3 "^^ li iHSs r--'-^'::v'-ißi2\r --'-^' : :v'-iBi2\ packages -of BLC- . *^ •Ji r "'lLi' "\u25a0 '- '*" • - '\u25a0 - ~' " vmA m iHti B» INE -to sell at 10c. ' | >WB^HiHBPBiiBJSHS3j*'*I SI t Biirv : ; "x:- ."V'ii'HF.each. ;Whw sold Remarkabtr-' effective -. electric -~e3fln». B 1 »^ ; ,: >-^ -^ -i :\u25a0 return , our $2.40 Runs forward or backward, fast or slow H iJ i j : *S'.?v;S;^iS"' ; iH and we will send 200 to 3,000 revolutions per minute H 5 > :'": "-"""-'•""<?%<; Hi' y° u ' this beautiful Epe«d -and direction can be changed M S?*S2fic>> \u25a0 violin \u25a0 and outfit while engine Uln motion. Will run other H r'A I -^"^t? > :^ v ; 3 B iu»t ' exactly as machinery. Send for 24 .package* of Wl /A. Wr&J '; W &®®nfra. co.. r^o^V.^r.r-il'S 1 * 0 l)ewt. Ktl. cord. Jet.. >U»... n^pt. it. Coa g It weighs -2- lbs., steel \u25a0 barrel. ffi ttvf H^ IW '\u25a0- **- pi. ' f. walnut stock, pistol grip, peep 4 -^^. jl AiW »t l H % CX&i< \u25a0 { sights: shoots BB shot or darts. Fer.d narcs _ BjaSlllL X and address, for 24 pieces of AHT JEUtIX. , . jBBSi 1 ! J^ t BY to sell c? 10 cts. each. When sold re- Ujrijht steam ™ wTMSK^^sW f turn 0ur '32.4 0 and WK WILL. SRSII RI- sine, modeled after "TiE "T^3rFVi W FLK. Address FKIKM) St'VTI.Y CO- a biz borse cower "I F-F -' :'\u25a0' * "\u25a0 "-wiX* M Pent.- 2a4.Jlo^ftin. »ftM.'jjv-:^_^_ | jL r LLj»n»<n». has 'reaj .i ; j*W::>' i «, V."4 !« " ""\u25a0•''&? JKJSI-' '-WIiJW^Y'A- &y -«ta«* .water - sanre. \u25a0 * «IbsM> Ks ' * ' 1 IndlJixklV "team whistle.- safe- R y >af«/ **l*/****» ty valve, larje pts- E. &is*?TBlS' I N XSZ/ " OITTT'a* ton - drlvlns wheel Es§ail'» V ; * ' %! ]| 9 over which ta run a ~S«S£sT 1^ 5 «*>**Sy «J?UJiil rbelt for -oparatlnr fflfisg^~=sA • i/rtfHiww \u25a0 . • ___ ._^ »ma I J -machinery.-. BaHrwgmjß I s -\u25a0\u25a0•" Urfe'&lk "- : f . f^ r* |^T Writs for •24 N«w fflSt^sil I " \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0•'• '^Sil'w"" f" Ht* f* Art Jewelry Novel- MBSIMMfIBH - ( "\u25a0"'\u25a0•*;^i!Sr^.- ';\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ;'.; '. •\u25a0•»\u25a0•\u25a0• ties to sell at 10 S^22^t«'l 111 8 S ' «^\ ' • W| L' • 5^ v , c y0 w " S° I^RJKN D 0V 8l":?PLY HBB^-'-^'-Hia ¥ X I « iL I c Hade CO.. n»pt_ .'ft 3. Fg»3sfe«^^~? A* .i* \u25a0 tt'l'k.h ak i trimmed mm^m^m^mmSmSimm^Bmm^milmmimiMmmm^mm M #a? 4* i,llL\ with bright ;frln«. GULIJ WAITH H ItT&H »<1 . * /k * • i* i/Kl.l Long.: "ie ou I ' w "**** "*%* Val^Oj JB_ai .* s . ? iV,^ 4ir r /r.F'l trousers.' frlnsed flMn-fi^f iH* ftlT I . ? ? A\. #» '• ©|chler«." This sun ... •*•*•** L '\u25a0 Il\^ '"Jl "• ;-S^?l may \u25a0*>• slipped on **• ,f^^ -American movement Watch, j * « «f i> Ki3 »«l'j style. We plve this lUr ln> appearancar' to solids \\WtflfrkmßTHf • '"'""-\u25a0 suit' com- >/ViSS^fcv. Brold watcS wirnnted t ? - /cI,f XWEW^Var Pete for selling 24 ; ** > <ffl2k. for "^ years; also gold . " ft £ f , < J, ur .J. J , c ?' elr > '/«^^Ksa Filled R!n^ wlth Spark--, tfl /I '/-I name and address K^S^^"^- I *^ setlln' w (j£ I is 1 »end' It postpaid. 24 Jew- y^^T if] § 2jLV ;l; l V-^i* When sold return NtS&jkttSJ^ «lry Nov- Wf^SWHKia^ f By I Tw-C us the J2.40 and cities at' ?T*£u£S2lißr '• S J *)S rndisn n . d vir 0U lall lOc - \u25a0« lch - Seßtl na - m «lS^^^< £ I^>/ l ; 2{ frieTdsuppltcd t fer VS"^ »*Pt. 233. riw' I Hiir<n r Rrw?T [