Newspaper Page Text
18 GANG CAUGHT BYALETTERTO IN fRANCISCAN Misdirected Alissive 'to E. C. ;/"! vSmith Leads to Capture :S: S- \u25a0. ' . ! \u25a0 of Swindlers SSyridicate's Loot Found After /Burglars' Vain Effort to \u25a0i : =:•-.:. Steal It Sacramentan Added to List oi / • Easy Victims in Cali ; ;i : .: ; fornia =j:^ere« caJled Harriman ofllciated. The :ftght:was to bo all Dean's way, so Nor \u25a0 Con Va? toJd. and he was induced to put ;i>o-.j9oi In the hands of the sharps to bet .t>r- 'D.earii. ' But Deau laid down in the :fo«rth roSnd under pretense of a Itnock ieut.' find .t)i« $10,530. which was to be •l-iaid; back in any event, was never seen. Accuses' Officials '•\u25a0• -'V'TH-ere was* nothing to do but take '.my-'nie<t»<"iric," said Norton tonight. '"I 'jjnw they had bilked me and also knew i here" Via* IHile- cliancc of getting it "hark...-for I iM-h'ove to this day that the \u25a0j^attle;. officials were in on the fake. . I HfongulJted aVi- attorney, up there naniei Bro^rn. biit tp did nothing in the mat • ter.. : ..r was- clad to see where some of • the •swindlers rTere caught at Little Rock,. I would like to get one more : of. that referee. Harriman, .though.- The Jast I heard of him he was Gang Isi Charged /.iGOi&Glli BLUFFS.' la.. Feb. '27.— County . .Attorney Hess today swore out Information agraiasf tlie gang of al- Jfged swindlers arrested with J. C. Little Rock. Ark., but the details vr.ere withdrawn from the.record t<?r jtH^ xj resent ; Additional details liav/; come to light trtflch \u25a0 iudic-ate thaf in«mense sums of ItKovey' "paSF.ed freely. At a local bank it. yir&-s learned tliat as much as ?80.- t>'CO was depo€it<?d at one time. Another Ofa^t- for t?>0.000 was presented at an other-bunk, whicli refused to cash it, nrtd .it b*canv» necessary* to clear the transaction through an Omaha bank. A b»K : corps nf secret service men and r.inkerton- "dctectivps tre now at work s*>rur-ihg] details "of many "deals" car j*Kß -ofitjbjr the alleged swindlers. Admit Identities , LITTLE HOCK. Ark.. Feb. 27.—At tor.rreys'.for J. C. Maybray, F. M. Clarke, J. O/ J6"t!nst)n and J. J. Warner, the inch- .undrr arrest Ixere for an alleged foot, .racing si\-indle, appeared today b.efo'r**-' Cbmimlssipner Allen and admit ted their clients' identities, although denying, guilt and waiving the exami nation. \u25a0 An order of removal to the district -court of lowa was received and th« : men wjll -go to Council Bluffs un der iguarti. • Fellow Cow Punchers • ; .O^A,9A. Feb. 27. — J. C. ilaybrAy. Un- arrest In Little Rock as alleged ipa'de-r ot the Council Bluffs gang of t-wlndlerg, was formerry a cowboy on t.h<j Wyoming plains, and 25 years ago he; and' Mayor Dahlman were felloji fy&W. -pu^ithers. ' /'V "\u25a0 Another One Jailed ... .pEN'VER. Feb. 27. — Ernest L. Pow ers. i' 3 years- old, is .in the Denver jail .chirged -with being one of the May \u25a0feray .band of alleged swindlers. It Is chared that he burikoed J. C Bowman, fprmiprly- of Silverton,' Colo., out of ji'2,700 on a fake footrace held at ,<7c»unrjl fcluffs. lowa, last July. Pow ers i-s a ' former University of Denver \u25a0f.oot-baJl player. . .- Old Indictments . •CCruXCI^ BLUFFS. lowa. Feb. 27.— If de'velpped' tonight- tttat the grand •jury returned -an indictment against two of t"he swindlers in December, 1907, on. cOip-plaint of a Minnesota man. who "BdrniUed-that he lost $10,000 as the re sult ot a fake wrestling match. MURDER SUSPECT IS .: : : HELD AT VANCOUVER Police Believe Man Who Killed : : His Wife Is Captured .. [S-ecitl Disfxilch to The Calf\ . SACRAMKNTO. Feb. 27.— The Vtn roarer 'police tonight notified Chief •._. _ Sullivan of the local department that .-.they.' had captured, a man believed to / be Fleyd Carter, suspected of murder- . ...Ing :Verna Carter, his bride of six '•'months. In .Sacramento last month. . • • • . •-. ' The description of Carter is said to \u25a0"fit tnat. of the suspect, and the latter is . •b'clßg beld pending further Investiga . ttons. • • ... * The : fact that Carter once lived In \u25a0 'Aberdeen strengthens the belief that "hf, has been captured. He disappeared •"\u25a0 from Sacramento about the time the • 'body of his murdered bride was found .. in their, apartments. ROOSEVELT'S LANDAU GOES UNDER HAMMER '..Stable Equipment of President Is Sold at Auction . • WASHINGTON. Feb. 27.— "What bid do I hear for this laudau. the property oi President Roosevelt?" asked a local * auctioneer today, addressing an eagerly interested audience. Bidding was lively • and exciting. Other stable equipment ". -of -President Roosevelt which went tin • _der tlie hammer today was a brougham, " -.several blankets and a pa^r of pistol holsters. As the rale had not been ad .vertlsed. good prices were not realized. •• The landau brought $2SO. the brougham j i 3 0. a carriage' whip 75 cents and the blankets a few dollars apiece. POPES ILLNESS DUE TO CHANGES IN WEATHER Condition Not Grave, but May • Change Consistory Plans ROME. Feb. 27. — The pope was Indis posed today, and this afternoon his holi ness felt- so ill that he was obliged to suspend further audiences. * Tile attending physicians donot'eon fider his sickness grave, and they be lieve that his indisposition is often largely due to the frequent sudden changes in the weather. It is possible that the pope's condition may result inVchanges being made with reference to the consistory which It had .practically been decided to hold on Romance of Los Angeles Society Pair Shattered William Parker and his bride, who was pretty Nadine Stewart of Los Angeles, and who has now deserted him. ,• OPTIMISM, LIFE'S KEY, SAYS TAFT Asserts- Criticism and Pessi* ihism Productive of Paralysis and Stagnation i, XEW YORK, Feb. 27.— President elect Taft's views on optimism are ex pressed Jn a letter written by him to Rev. Thomas R. Slicer, who is "promi nent in the Optimist club of . America. The letter from . the president-: elect," made public today, follows:' • Cincinnati, Ohio, Feb. 18, 1909. My Dear Mr. Slicer: I have your letter of February 11 and .am glad^to express ra» sympathy with the attitude of the Optimist club and the Optimist publishing company toward the present conditions. . t The man who does not%ope for better thjngs and does not believe that better things can be brought about is not the man likely to bring better things about. The uncompromising attitude' which will not accept "some progress is bet ter than none/* the insistence upon the full realization of the highest ideals and the rejection of any compromises which accomplish good, are all likely to retard progress. Constant criticism and constant pessimism sure productive of paralysis and stagnation. • • * Xo one who wishes to do anything and bring about real reforms should allow himself to read from day to day editorials and other, printed articles the tone of . which Is pessimistic ami hypocritical, for nothing will take out of him the enthusiasm necessary to successful effort as the reading of such matter. Very sincerely yours.*- .- WILLIAM H.-TAFT. Authority Not Necessary WASHINGTON, Feb. 27.— 1n reaching complete agreement against a naval bill today the senate conferees receded from the amendment authorizing \u25a0 the president to keep half of the navy on the Pacific coast. The house . opposed this provision on the ground that the president already has this authority and because it opposed the policy sug gested by the amendment. Breath Odors Removed by Charcoal Onions, Tobacco, Decaying Footl, Alco- hol. Stomach Gases and Imparities Foal the Breath,' Charcoal I^nrifies It A Trial. Packa'ec of Stuart's Charcoal Lozeßcea Sent Free By Mail. The stomach and digestive canal o( man fills \rlth gases from fermentl-sr and -decaying food. Such gases im- pregnate the breath, filter through the Bystem. spread disease and- in. large quantities extend to the stomach so that it shuts off heart action and death sometimes results. . Pure, simple. willow charcoal absorbs gas at once and stops impure food fer- mentation. It sweetens the stomach.' kills the * effect of all odors such as liquor, tobacco, onions, etc.. or at least prevents them from causing impurities to arise. ~ .. *--. : , The willow Is renowned for its cura-' tive properties -and ancient legendary lore is filled with its use, by barbarians and civilized men. As early.-as :500,'8. ; C. the ancient -Chaldeans were sagely" curing disease' by charcoal ' and iftyery. monastery of the old world healed the sick and cured the drunkard -by ; using powdered willow charcoal. . -_ -J \ Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges are pure willow charcoal, compressed with ! ; honev into «. delicious- lozenge." They con- tain nothing but' Sweet willow, charcoal and honey. One 'may. eat 'a box of > them and feel only . benefit * from .so ? doing." Two or . three after a* meal will' be a sufficient guard against bad breath; and the same amount eaten Just before bed time will insure a pure breath :> upon arising the next'mornlng.'- • -';' . "Stuart's Charcoal' Lozenges tone .up the; blood, 'the liver, and 'the stomach. They are great laxatives also/ but' eat- inG: large numbers' of . them? does .f not increase their effect:in a painful man- ner upon the: bowels.'. . -•: - ' •':\u25a0\u25a0':'* ":•'.' .- They, are gentle, powerful " andVpure and their' popularity and', tremendous sale give them the stamp-;of- public approval. ;Go; to your, druggist U today- andbuy.: a' box, ; price 25" cents,' or x send -us your, name and address and \u25a0 we "b-111 send you-a trial package. by rnail^ free.' Address F. -A. Stuart Co.; \u25a0 200 . Stuart Bids:.. Marshall.- Midi/ V THE SAN ERANGISCO;i GAIJu, SUNDAY, yEBRnIRYB;2B^ 19l)fe ALLOW^REDUCED RATES -/ FQR ITALIAN WINES A (Supplementary Commercial Treaty Is Negotiated WASHINGTON, Feb. 27.— Secretary Bacon has negotiated a supplementary commercial treaty with Italian Ambas sador Baron dcs Planches, by which the United State 3 grants to Italy conces sions similar to those given to Spain in the matter of sparkling. wines. The new treaty gives Italy. the benefit of the re duced rates of du"ty under, section three of the DingleytarlfC act. ; . - >-— Dr. Matilda 'A. Feeley, removed to 1700 iutter. Diseases ot 'women and childx en -" OUR NEW BUILDING DELAYED \ " c . inclement weather since the first or the ydar |H;; ifii ? M has delayed work on our new Post Street establish- ment to such an extent that we will . not be able to Mp^S^ ;open our new Jtore till fifty or sixty days later, than Jp '^^S °^ ate we urec^ on w hen we were buying our : IBE^^^^^^ The goods which we intended-'ior the, new MGg9£p ;x^ ;A itore, elegant styles of finest spring footwear, arriving daily in big consignments. ' [ Xy- 111^ Only one thing to do- 1 - we have put all these x - lS6§iH»tL' new es m our present and are offering them m conjundtion with our R sr g ¥id to- V 2 Lower _t f THAN THEIR : ; TRUE VALUE " * Eyery- style of shoes for men, women and j childrenreduced in price at all our stores. :Perfeqt" satisfaction ;\u25a0 guaranteed-^oocisr exchanged or : nipuey refunded without; \u25a0 \u25a0 "^ \u25a0 \u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0 or quibbleyf goods do; not- please/ ; -r -' THE lIARGES^WBESKSHOE STORES ; ff (inc.) \u25a0,nqo^ANoESSiXvEv;;^^ - Corner Geary;; Street;. . ' . .^.lVear b*Fiirreli;street .-\u25a0'>-.\u25a0. . :-," - Xe»r^SutterlS*re«t * OAKLAND ST6RE^4^-471^il|TH^ BRIDE OF A YEAR DESERTS HUSBAND Pretty : Nadine? S»tewart, Who William\Parker, Flees to Parts Unknown Shattered Romance End of Bit' tzi Fight Against i Hard : •' -.'/" SWpS" ; ._..y' ; Con tinned from - Pas*3 " ; were followed to' San Francisco' by their mothers at the : time of : their eJopement and denied forgiveness, the present cir cumstances are suchVthat it is believed the parents will, relent. - Had a Friend Here, v \u25a0 Parkerand his bride had ai friend in San.- Francisco in the, person of; Elmore Smith, "who *, lived at'lhe ' Hotel Bril liant: They ; came toXhim when .they reached here - during their elopement, but* z. dispatch from Los had preceded them, and as much as Smith desired to assist" them, he felt it his duty to co-operate with Parker's moth-; er, . whom he had known V for . many years. '- , -' • The marriage, ceremony was per formed by Justice of the !\Peace Magee of San Rafael and .- after ; the wedding the couple asked , parental forgiveness, but- were not received with the "bless you, my children," that always ends the chapter in the' story books.' Parker believes that some outsiders have come between himself and his wife. He is of the opinion that if he could -but . see her and talk matters over,; she"' would realize the folly of her act and would return to him. Hs says he is eager to< have her home again. If he hears nothing in a few^days he will set out to cover the entire state qntil he finds her. \ ;.> MILL VALLEY'S FIRE HOUSE IS DEDICATED Smoker Is Attended by People From Neighboring Towns ' MILL. VALLEY, Feb. 27.— The new flre house at Mill Valley was dedicated last night by" a smoker, which was at tended by the jnemliers of the volun teer , firemen of the valley from San Rafael and other towns In the Ross valley. • " . i . , The speech of welcome was made by Alex Jone^ editor of one of. the local papers, wßo was introduced by: J. J. Valley, the president of the evening. During the smoker a numberof speak ers made short addresses and several short boxing. bouts were <held. .-'-He* freshments were served and the!. fun extended far into the morning. ; Following was the program:; Opening \ speech. . Alex Jones, editor Record- Enterprise; Hanson brothers, piano and song; WJll Falley, speech: Price and Weasel, four ' round bout; Vf. Besley. recitations;' SI- Young, Jic; South Side Jack O'Brien and • Whetmore, four round bout ; Gasfy - Domeral, . recitations ; Clark's .orchestra, selections: ': "Pop" -.Valley, story of old Teterans of '63; Pat O'Hara, song; Alex '.Jones, jokes; Frank. Sherman, speech; Prank Mayfleld and Fulton Gerrlch, four roumj bout: 'Clark \u25a0'and Cninmlngs, piano aad violin selections; - Jack' Demery t«.", Frank MayfioUi. , boxlog bout. \u25a0-. ;\u25a0 ,-xr •;: BURGLARS ESCAPE V - OVER THE HOUSETOPS Previously They ; Had * Narrow Escape From Electrocution - ":. Two scared burglars escaped over the housetops yesterday In the vicinity of 326 Ellis street tp the tune 'of bur glar alarms within the electrical sup ply shop of Hetty Bros. The bell ran rip to a late hour last night, arousing the whole neighborhood, but none there were who would s enter \u25a0 the place and shut the gongs off, not even the gallant -policemen on the beat, for Julius F. Hetty, owner of the establishment. ha<l warned the police of traps set for bur glars in the shape of electric currents." The burglars jumped from the roof of the building into a lot' and' were' seen by Policemen Jim Farre.ll and Matt Col-, lins. \u25a0\u25a0 . -. \u25a0 ':\u25a0 \u25a0.: \u25a0'•;,- '. ..-\u25a0• \u25a0_''\u25a0:.:- t <:. -\u25a0 ..-C.:.'-. OUTLINES PLAN TO REORGANIZE NAVY New Departmental System Pro* posed b^ Commission--Meets President's Approval Scheme for Redistribution of Bu reaus Into Five Divisions; Goes to Congress .: WASHINGTON, Feb. 27.— President Roosevelt's commission on naval reor\ ganization, whose final report wentto congress today, outlines a . new depart mental system which the president de clares is sound- and conservative arid In full accord with American policy. *It contemplates for. the secretary a .general *cb'unci£ a military council,, and the redistribution, of the duties of the present' bureaus -In five divisions, the chiefs of which are to compose the grand council' who are to be the as sistant secretary, three flag officers and another, flag officer, naval con structor "or civilian with technical training. . In submitting the plan the president says:' '.'Nothing drastic is recommended as to,. the. bureau or other agencies by means of which the purely business af fairs of the navy department are now administered." The plan outlined does not imply any- greater expenditure of money than presents It provides merely that the money should be spent wisely instead of as at present, spend ing it so that a certain proportion is wasted in useless work." To supplement and finish the work of this commission, the president says, another commission must eventually be designated t« take up the proposed" plan and complete it as to details; but no plan can Ye satisfactory if there is deviation from . the essential military principles- specified in this report. "The bureau system in/lts entirety has been retained, but with additional per sonnel. The commission's scheme is merely an illustration of principles! and not a digested plan. * It contemplates that the assistant secretary shall; be .'a '-civilian, a "man of affairs," who shall t»e the chief of ficer -of the first division and shall have charge of; the business pf the bureau of yards and docks, the bureau of supplies and the bureau of medi cine and surgery, . the employment of civilians and kindred subjects. \ >More Than 20, Ingredients give to Hood's Sarsaparilla its great, curative power— power to cure many and varied complaints, including diseases of theblood, | ailments pf the stomach, troubles of the kidneys and liver. /' , Many ; of the Ingredients \ are Just what; the profession prescribe in the ailments na'medt " but the < combination, and proportions are- peculiar to. this medicine and give it curative power .peculiar to itself. '. :'.-. Therefore, -there! is no real - substi- tute for it. If urged to buy any prep- aration said to be "just as good" you : may^ be sure it is inferior/ costs less to make, and yields the dealer a larger profit. ' " Get it today in the usual liquid form or in chocolated^ tablet form . called Sarsatabs. 100 Doses One Dollar. Dr. C. W. Decker SURGEON' DENTIST PHELAN BUILDING Rooms 308-300-310 ?6a Market Street " .; % \ Telephone Kearay.-' 1630 • CANADTAN HOSPITALS, j ' ."" — —^^ i^M^ . T l^ii^ip^rtiiiS^^ ST. CHARLES Hospital, Quebec City. One of our sisters, who commenced » to take Peruna, has improved and will continue to take it.r Some others are trying it also. Sr. Ste. Marie, Superior. CONVENT of St. Laurent, near Mon^ treal. Mother House Sisters of the Holy Cross. After using Peruna for two or three months, several members of the com- munity have experienced such good effects that they can recommend its use to others. Sisters of Holy Cross. HOSPITAL, for Incurables. Xotre Dame de Grace, near Montreal. Notre Dame de Grace Hospital for Incurables, having used Peruna for several months, recommends it highly as an excellent tonic, and it is with pleasure that we add our testimonial to fhe others. HAVING used Peruna for the past few months, for our sick and poor, we are happy to say that It has given us -reat satisfaction. The Sis-, ters of the Good Shepherd, Montreal. After a continued use of the remedy, this institution has found no reason to change its good opinion of the remady BB^mKj s^^Bb RB^Sr»R^ kfis bhl fec3§ fIRB f mßm bwß S?*jf^EHSB BE \ bßj^> / \u25a0-••'\u25a0 r \u25a0 ' * Announcement to Furniture Buyers •About. March 15 we must vacate our present premises to make room for •.. our immense new three story class "C" building. OUR $100,000 STOCK IS NOW OFFERED AT 20 to 5G% Reductions As a furniture buying opportunity, no sale ever oftGied such advantages. - , t^u^,i^M,^y^^sEfeg^^ _ • \u25a0 -" \u25a0-" \u25a0 " i .I i \ \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 i . . m WALNUTS ;i m If they are raised on the healthy, rapid growingrheavily bearing Franquette trees, which are now being planted in Orchard A Addition to^Sante Rosa. No other placain California is so well suited to growing wal- nuts as Santa Rosa. Here the soil, climate and environments are especially adapted to the raising of Franquette walnuts. The Profits «Ji Think of paying $425 for an acre grove X 6f walnut trees, and in 10 years receiving a yearly income equal to 6% on $10,000. <| x\fter your first- payment the remainder can be paid in easy installments. Even on the fourth year there is a' good profit. The profits are sure, permanent. • . and rapidly increasing. ; €J Write or call for -Booklet and Full Information, j THE N(»LE JONES CO., Owners 471-3^5 Monadnockßldg.,^r D «<'^ 20 and expresses Its satisfaction In th» following .terms: (j\y; c found Peruna a relief in ser- \A/ eral cases. . . • , YT "We can say It Is a rood tonic and we are very thankful/ Sisters of the Good Shepherd. One of the many hospitals which have found Peruna of value in treating old and obstinate case* of catarrh is the Hospital St. John, which writes as follows: ' \ .\u25a0 . • ccWTTH are happy to tell you that \A/ your Peruna has given us sat- f * isf action. Three patienta hay» tried it. one 68 years old. Renoul Dupuls, afflicted with catarrh. Is much relieved, more than he has been for a number of years. "A young girl, 15 years old. hat! an obstinate, cough, which half a bottle ©? Peruna caused to disappear. "As to myself, two bottles have con- vinced me that Peruna Is magranc«ot as a tonic. Before the treatment I could not walk for a Quarter of an hour without experiencing much fa- tigue. Now I can walk a mil* easily. "Through these three, cases we de- sire to make known to the puDllo to« efficiency of your remedy."