Newspaper Page Text
: Gardner 8r Mdttern Go. BEFORE MOVING . . r -. See Our Prices and Qualities . WOMEN'S HOSIERY AT COST •Very tLat gride Silk. Lisle Hose, high spliced -2*eel_ doable sole. . neszTlir 3£c .. ; ..1 Oa sale, 3 pairs for 9U29 Choicest Lisle iftad Eai oroide red. sood patterns: also LAce Lisles. preity iesi^Tis." R»yilar ittc .. .....Oa sale. Z pairs for fl-SO /Pice <;sailry .£iik U.sls- very s^ood to wear: *dacbl# sole. - , v R*^iilar Tsc ? :. .Oa sale, per pair SSe, cr » for S3JS AU -Tsc <ruality HyJ E=brot<iered Uaie. ttw <£*£isa t^ ...Oa sale. 55e Preach Hard Entrcidered Lisle Ttread, exclusive pattern's. : - -Reg-star $L 25 aj;d SI.S9 values -On sale •. 95c ?c*e Thread Silk, extra leagrfc, sorter top. double sole. . • Regrilar $i.<>© •, ...Ob sale «i.« Pare Ttyread SUk. haasi erairotdered. litest desl^a*. seU and colors. ~- . ."Bigilir Ji^j I: ..'..-.. On sale tL9S / WOMEN'S UNDERWEAR AT COST ilerc-ce Vests ar.a Pants, always stindardL Resrilar 53c Quality. :. .=edic=: 'ir^igtt. On sale. J tor $1.15 . Pii-(?st Haeo Cotton, extra- va!ne Regular 75c .Oa sale 5Se G. & at Fcrsi Fitting Egyptian' Mesh. Icrar seci. sleeveless. "• . Regular JIIT3" -.. i ...On sale SUSS 55i*n neck. -k>nr rleevea. p^rnlar $i.59 On sale SU3S • Prayeia.; Re^-^laf *$*.»•-.. ..;..-. r. On sale >?35 •Silk Lisle.' crcciated yokes. Hand made. Rejr^lar $1.59 On sale 95« T's-iitiest " bxni crocheted yokes. • . P.egr^ar S*c. iSc.' tic \ . ., - On sale. 3 for $1.25 .Pt:re-£ilX £nest- croctetel yCkes. ' ; -\u25a0.-\u25a0 ; -. J ' ;> . RcccCar. J2-SS And H.SO I On sale $155 "Ei;?i ne^k. longr sle«ve Shirts, rx-fss rii&ed. »Hi lisle^ Tneiiiutn • w*ig-t. .R/»-^.iir $1.50 1 On sale *tj« Cbotcejrr Cast.=sere irocl yam. nanshrtnkab> Rea^ilar $1.5*- f. On sale |US ;'fljk and "Wool Shirrs and Draweri. £r*. soft. Trtit* yam. • ReS^iarly Si.'-? .-...-....-• On sale $I^3 rr^cn Sui^s. BesnXsr $:.<f«. $X«>. $0.54 valtsesL Less 1-3 «JZ Italian Silk Shirts, embroideries; santples to close oct. Res^i^r 53. TC and $4.5?. vaines at fZS+Z and $3^SS \u25a0..=£[ ;; WOMEN'S KNITTED COATS Ladies' Kerf oiks, fanry an 3 pUin stitches. Reirslar $5.»3 at S&S3 -*T**es' ?s«rf oiks" fancy- an<S pJaia ititctcs. Re^niar }Ua at r?Tr PM ace. -Chap Coats." very sr^art in style and cot. . . - Resfnlar $<.5« On sale 54.*3 >nre -«P9o; Box Coats. Regular $4.39 ..• On" sale. . %ZJSr. .JLjsd rtary other sivles. correct and noliby. Regclar $T. 50. $5.a«. - • $3 .03 and $':*.*•» values • Less 1-4 off S.3A"OT«S— TVooI ir_d SILk. Regular $Lis. $1.73. $i_sv. $J. 75. J3.0«. ; r:p to $«.54 Less 1-3 off MEN'S AND BOYS' UNDERWEAR Dmuani' Saayle*— - Odd* aid K>4< 2iEX"S — SesTilar $5.3*-. $5.04. $i.»*. $T. 50. $i.39 and Jt3.M per • suit .- On sale at b^lttr cort. p«r garment. SUIS. $I^SS, f1.6.% »u-S The*e nrcst b« soid before moving^ SOTS' — Only perfect g»ds, sa=e style, quality aa men's. \~ «ff res. ftrleea MEN'S HOSIERY AT COST Cashr:ere> Socks. Tat:rral exfords -and Kack, standard l*c qsality On sale. 3 pairs for fi.QO Silk BgSm hand enstrroidered. _ -Remlar 50c «raality r:..^. On saie, S pairs for Silk ensbrcidere^. $LC-0 and 75c valties On sale 55e Fancy »»=sbro! i(?red nevelrfes. Regular 55c...-..0a sale, 5 pairs for • $ij»O Hen's Pcre Silk Socks. Regular $L 25 and On sale »c 2TELVS AAI> BOT^ SWEATERS A.YD JERSET COATS - \u25a0 - . At Greatly Reduced Prices'. Cor. Va» >~e*s At. aad Calif ormla ~ C«r. Grai: Ayr aad Post DESIGNATES RESERVE IN OLYMPIC RANGE* \Yashingt6n .Mountains Home of [. . the. Roosevelt Elk • .VTASKTSGTOX.- Feb. £7.— Pr«sl=er.t [ K<>osevelt todiy at* the request of Rep Antique Reproductions At Keduced rrices Price . • . . Reduced to $120.00 — Mahogany Bookcase, five feet wide, four •feet. eight inches high, beautiful col- •,. unins: three doors with crotch raahog- Cflfl fIH ar.v .treatment : reduced 10 '. \u0084 ]bijU. UU .$125.00 — Crotch Mahogany Desk, chaste in its CQQ 7C . siniplicity of design, will be soM at. ..... / J I -$150.00 — Beautiful French Colonial Davenport, . with solid ijiahogany sides; very grace- (f 1 10 Cfl i-,'*;i -,'*;- ' fill in design; is n0w. rt......... ...... $245.00--Sbiid Mahogany Three Piece Bedroom \u25a0 : * : * Set in the "Adam" design, consisting of fr4 ft ft rft bureau, chiffonier and dresser ]0 J Q£ m jj[j ' $350:op~Handsonie Three Piece ' Crotch Mahog- . any Bedroom Set, bureau and chiffonier, fr OQO Cft . , ' .dawn t0.............. ]^ZuZ.t)U • $/30.0*!>T-Garved Colonial Mahogany Bedroom ..\u25a0;:' *;• Set of three- pieces, rery dignified' and (fCiT Cfl . elegant ....... ......... ..... ..s9lo.oo— Rich Carved Circassian Walnut Set, .; •.'•" ' efght pieces, in the Louis XV period, (f CO 1 } Cfl /':.'-' . ver>- v handsome : greatly reduced ....... OZ, DU ." $52J.*5O— rSolid Mahogany Colonial Dining Room kSet of three pieces, table, sideboard and & QQ7 Cfl . serving table., "marked down to ... - - iuw / »0U -Mahogany Library Table, 2.S inch by 4 & : Mft fr* feet : richly carved legs ; reduced price .... 1 3 -Fireside Mahogany Arm Chair, uphol- CCfj flfl stered in tapestry; very tasteful; is now.. jKJU.UU -Mahogany' Windsor Chair, marked at a &A < ft r bargain for .................. ..^l|.Z3 $25.00 — Chippendale Mahogany Dining Chairs ; Cl7i Cfl •marked . down to ..... — . . • - • .'.'. •/.y I / • Oil O Cr R. Ej £i Nu • SS.QO —^Threc Panel Burlap Screens in green & r 4 An and red., are reduced in price t0.. .'......., SS.OO— AII Wool Tapestry, 50 inches wide, is " marked down by the yard : tb>. . ; ..\.V. yv-UU VAN NESS AT WASHINGTON NORTH END resezstative Humphrey of Washington. arid trith the approval of the chief forester, set aside 45O.C*d acres is the Olympic pogntaies. Washington, for scienti£c purposes. In addition to be- < ing a rich Seld for geological studies, the area is stcdded -vzth giant trees and "Ls the hotse of the Roosevelt elk. It was stated today that the aetioa \u25bcas preliminary to the establishment of a national park. THEf SAy -ERAXOISGQgGAIiU - SII^D^^^^EBRIJA^Y 128^1909. CLUBMAN JAILED ON CHARGE OF EMBEZZLEMENT Fred B. English Accused, of Ap* propnatingMucii Govern ment Money - r fWUI Again Face Trial for Al* leged Thefts in Federal Land Office I Secures Release on $6,000 Bail Furnished by Wife and Mother . Fred B. English, well known OaSt "land debszn asd bon" vivant, trho last I JTcse dischairged by a jary In the federal court, where he "had been tried for embeiziing goTemcaent f tinda while a clerk £n the land ofice, is again la the, toils. He was arrested yesterday morning by Deputy United States Mar shal Panl America on two indictments, found by the federal grand jury Fri day, charging emtexxlcment. • English^ accompanied by his wife and mother, was brought before Commis sioner Heacock, but later released on bonds for $5.00?. He will appear for arraignmeat before Judge de Havea March 13. ilrs. Genevieve English, the mother of Ecgiish. and ilrs. Mary Eng lish, his wife, each qualified f0r.53.W0. but it was agreed that another bonds man would cc f ouad to replace the wife. * I The first icdictment charges four counts against English, the first rep resenting the emhexzlement of f43.:$ paid into the land ofice "April 15, ISOT. by C~D. Morgan for a homestead en try; the iscoatJ. $74.41. paid by G. ilc- Farlane March 5, 19«S; the third, >«*, paid by Josie E. Perry • on a home stead entry in tho .Round ralley-In dian reservation. February 14; IS6T. aad the fourth. . J57.50. paid by Walter C Wilson on a homestead entry. The sec- | ond Indictment Is of three counts, the j first charging embexslement of $?«;, P3i J by James Huggard June 13. ::- }I; the second. J*ls, paid by Hale M. Mc- Cowen March It, IS9S, and the third. Jill, paid by R. Ughtfoot. April. IS3S. CL.II3IED PAPER* DESTROTITEU> - In the former trial English took refuge In the statement that the pa pers which might have disproved the alleged embezzlements had stroyed, in the disaster of ISO*, which demolished the land ofSce. The gov ernment alleged that - the papers fr?,^ been destroyed by English and the money ' embezzled. The Jury was 'ap pealed to by Bert Schlesinger, Eng lish's attorney, on theground that the government had not proved - that the applic&tioa for hcinesteads had not been recorded and the money deposited In the safe. . Assistant United States Attorney Black, who will conduct the , present cas- againrt English. I has a list of saoall entries covering a period of three years and showing an alleged delinquency , . of more than 515,643 against English. The, defect of the last case \u25a0will not be present In this one. as -the entry of all the applica tions named In * the indictments should have shown In the present set of books, as they were supposed to have been made In the present land cfSce in' Oa kland after the fire. FACES MAAY. CHARGES Out of the score or more of applica tions of which no record can be found either in the land office or at Washing ton, only, seven are covered by the present Indictments, and even If -Eng lisb, should escape at this trial the federal attorneys hare many more cases againsthim. * " Black wi£J endeavor to prove that English's method was, to * select one or two applications for. land 7 grants :or homesteads oat, of a batch and, pocket- Ing the money -which accompanied them, destroy- the papers entirely and neglect to ,, make any ,'• record- of them .In the books. Steamer: Sbalc Ib CoHNloa I 3IARSErLL£S, Feb. *!.— The steamer VOle d*Alger, inboond *ronj Algiers, collided today with the steamer Xlver r.a;?. oatbonnd for Genoa. .The .Ville d'Alger sank before .reaching - the wharf. Two of the crewvwere killed. The Nlvernais was not seriously dam- r aged." '•/: - \u25a0 -t :\u25a0 : - • mm' "Bjl' 'jMF- 6a hk Jar *W*t - wBL vl Wm a 9 Genuine Sorosis! Distinctive'' Footwear! Goitect Shapes and Leathers JLace and Button: Boots-^the latest dj-i fp sSarosis creatidns.. ......:.-. .-^... ; ...I:.Skv»**^ liace ? and Buckle Sorosis Ox- (J» r\ ; g» ; fords. -r.'.v.v'i .... Vv1 : . . .... . . . : . . ; ; ,?^«JW^ WHY PAY 1I0BE? have the largest stock of Sorosis. V have^ the newest Sorosis Strles. .We have Jail sizes and widtHs^' Sot Odds^and Ends. Xo broken' sizes of, sliort lines; \ At Botii ; Stores : ST., AND ; VAJff NESS AT POST: W&S-. ' \u25a0\u25a0 MairprderajFined . , ; .. ;•. S : i, RKtnv/ l ISJ/^BS&jj l^^*****Jj33fc?^Bp 3T ""^KBKmt W^^33^lW\^H^^L^B*^lABK^St"^"******'S""" p ****"L Van Ness at Post and 738 MarketlStreet Fred B^En^isfi^Facmg Trial on Felony Charge POWDER TRUST FOE IS INCORPORATED California Company Capitalizes | * for $1,500,000 and WHI Locate on Bay The California powder works, the \ new coaspany organized to fight ;. the I trnst. filed Its articles of iacorporat f tion yesterday la Costra CosU cocaty. ! The plant will be located on the bay is! that county, probably Boy Point. Th» I directors named ia the articles are:| Charles iL Belshaw of Antloch, former- 1 ' ly a member of the state senate; : John! Berminshaßs, for some time manager of I the extensive plants ofthe Etapont de| Neiaocrs poitrder company in this state; : J. E. Rodgers. an attorney and former \ clerk of Contra Costa county; Leo' Tor- 1 ney, an attorney and -^capitalist, son of ° the late Patrick Torney, on© of Call- 1 fornla's big land owners, and ELJ. Cur- t ry. formerly coroner o" Contra Costa | connty. The company Is lacorporated ! for J1,5C0.00-> and will begin operations | as aoon as its factory can be con- 1 structed. ; "\3Thile neither former United . States t Senator "W. A. Clark nor jj his brother f appear Sln . the list of '.directors, It ; Is I understood that they' are ilnterestedfi lnterested f financially la the project. The name of f t J. A. Folger has also been* mentioned | In connection with the undertaking." J It -has been reported' that Bermlng haxs, together with the Clarks, »^^< se cured control of a .ntw. and :.. secret process for mannfactariag an explosive that* has never bee a placed oa the market. _ -'^gn. - F. W. Bergmann. -srha Is cannected I with the Del Monte hotel, arrived In [ this city yesterday and Is staying at t the Fairmont. , . I It Will Pay You when in' need of a medicine to tone the system, aid digestion, promote "sound sleep, keep the appetite normal and the bowels open to try a bottle of HOSTHMft CELEBRATED STOMACH B^» BITTERW Youll agree that it is the finest medicine you ever took. "Then don't delay." It is for Dyspep- sia, Indigestion, Bloating, Bil- iousness,; Kidney His, Insbm- nia, Colds, Grippe, and Malaria, Fever and Ague.* MANY GREWSOME SCENES ENACTED AssassinatioQ ,of Portugal's .Royalty r Enacted at ; Police -for -Time Unable to Quell Rioters and Their Sym* . patnizers 'XJSBOX, " Feb.* ?S fvla" tha- froniier Feb. § f I).— The % carniTal celebrations held !n Lisbon tois./weefc-. resulted -;to serious rloti3g\ and a number _ o*-. ,es- : connters withUhe police,^ dnriEg.walcii , ncineroas people \u25a0- were ' injured - and I aboat . ;eo ;\u25a0 arrests '.were made. , ' ';; , .-'; ". '.The .-.precautions",- taiea /by theraa | thorftles Vere sticcessf al in' pre veiitiJi? I any densottstratSons- early in the nutstlx |on the Srst anniversary.- of the assassi | nation "of Kins Carlos and thecrown | pricee^ bat the - popnlatior»^ toofc\ ad i vantage of the carniTal ticre toicdolge f ia the manifestations they Ranted *o bold three weeks ago.; The; assassizsa.; tlocs of , February • li !S^S. ; were repeat edly enacted aX Tariocs points throcs'h out-the city by persons made trp\ to renresent the late King Carlos and. th» crown prince. Qceen "Acsclie, : Prince llancel and regicides Costa'and Bnlssa. as they were attired on the day of the tragedy, -while other j." groups \u25a0 carrying coSSns contaJntag; skeletons to repre sent King;Carlos and the cro"am p'riace gave ."- representations iof the funeral * procession' to Van* accompanicient 'of I blasphemous ' songs.*', . \u25a0 , " The police .were completely take^ by surprise, and- when, they/ attenspted to stop the proceedings, the 'lower classes sided with the masqeeraders and - re celv»d them with* Trolleys .of - stones. Women, aided the rioters by : throwing nilssiles from . windows. , The ,. police. finally ; had to. make free use *of "their I revolvers and swords. • "They • charged f right aad left an«i-a panic followed. £ The s:ttxation was such that, the jj police I could not. .coßtroi. it. and troops had to |be sxsisirsoned. The streets Caally- were I cleared . by. . the military, who cade t irhal esale arrests. :V \u25a0--: ;. -..."*" \u25a0\u25a0•»/l.- . Combination Costume and Street Suit / JfJ^^i' k^^^^^*\ \u25a0^ 3e exact reproduction of this daring f S%&*&?j&f\F ®^P'3 conception, as illustraied. is made of fe^Hg^^^f li imported serge, and silk cord trimmed .^y cc^PJß^ hfv^^^tfSsh I bodice and coat and elaborately embel- v -.^^^Hli Ff 'I'wkm lished with heavy silk braid trrnTnings. *^^^v^^^^ combination or* an evening- costume a^ d street sllir * possessing all the style S& " features of the original high priced model. We show thes?. in blue, black, vlmfi&m fi^*S^Sfy| K^ mode, tan and catawba, with all altera- ! '^!m'%M'bW ons ree * tomorrow a^ T^irtr Dollars. fli m& f Ulllcr DcdUllllil jllliS ISwiJe^*'' H^lw 1 street suits in both plain and fancy My& models. Hand tailored dresses of man- Bta^S^il* 1m I nish textures, worsteds and broadelot*hs IS^M^M^ ffi'S and messalines. Ranging in price from J^fll W<- W^- S « Twenty to Sixty-nve Dollars. Shown IftlSSiif-W^ for the fi^t time tomorrow at our three Kfe» Tailored Street Bats s^^s J^^^^fe^v^ 1 Styles from Gage. Burgesser. Phipps \u25a0 .ute-^^ ===T " anc^ s^ e - D aggregation of tailored :^^^^^;-^^ 'jm!(£y\ JSftr^r^^ 7 " street hats that is worthy of your in- Uptown Store D 4+U Oakland Store rraimor^ari^ Ellis Dig p^lUrC if laiKcl 311(1 4 ill Washington aad I lth MISSIONARIES NOT ENCOURAGING REBELS \u25a0-\u25a0 \u25a0- -.;.\u25a0 .: :\u25a0•: ". .. — ~ \u25a0 . | Prince: Ito Says Home Minister j - • :^ Was Misinformed ; TOKYO. Feb. 27.— Princ* Ito. th- j resfdeat^ g*aeral of ; Korea. \u25a0 has writtea | a'lecgtSiy. letter to Ambassador O'Briea. } explaining"! the., published Isteryiews* with' the Koreaa fcosse nsialster. aceus- | iag .- the forel^a siis«iocaries of later- » ' fering- ia KoreaV affairs/ The latervi»Tr « la question.- whlcls •- was ' givea out in | Tokyo several days as*>. charged that! Use rcrelsn I missionaries -arere enconr- |- aglag-' t&e rebeUSoas eieaseat* aasots^ ! Use Koreaas to persist ia the revohs-i tiosrary csovessest. - la ," the letter >to the- Aiaericaa am- J feasaador the resided gcaeral . asserts | that Viseooat Soae. the - bone ee iais- | ter. was igrcoraat of the true sStta* l - J tios.; Pri=ce Ito further states that { dsrfe-? the - receat ' tour of laspectioa \ of'the cocctry which he.nsade with the j emperor; of Korea he f oa^d the Arseri- j C"*a saionaries eatireiy ia syzapatty | with the present adsinistraxioa a=d. co-operating: with the residency, in its s e^oris, to enlighten the Koreans. '- In coisclasioa the priace -aid that the ? Chrfstians of- Korea shall coatiace to j r»<reiTe equal treatment and eaconrage- 3 Eient. -\u25a0\u25a0 : . •. . \u25a0.v j . '.'\u25a0 *• "^ : \u25a0 ; • vicrsr caijtossia Pt^niAsrES— -srssija^- f tee. i'-X :r. — 't-Irt;:* A. GUI: v« *ts rciij *!- - p.xr:*:J -pisxssuutFr i: SaZs^c Hr^i .vlu csezrr, ' ' Hranphreys' Scventy-SeTen breaks np Colds and .-*.-\u25a0\u25a0 '-~r* \u25a0 * " \u25a0 \u25a0 - .- t -The carious tricks of the Grip j are met by "Seventy-seven." J I .If yoa are subject to Influenza! it" attacks the head.' * ~J Zli your lungs.* are weak, the I Chest is Erst affected. ' i U the Kidneys, then the pain! seeks the back. : "If bad Digestion, the stomach : and bowels are involved. \u25a0•' AU Drug Stores. 25c or mailed. I : Ha=r^*r»* Eaa*». JitOletsm Ce^. Ccr. WE- j Isa aaJ Asa str?*ta. S«w Xcrt. . « \u25a0 - . - \u25a0 \u25a0 CLEARS THE COMPLEXION OVERNIGHT I*l3B>lc*. Kuk, Ernflni, Etcw Q«ie*« ly Eradicated h? Xew *!Oa Rm- Sl=£« Its discovery cse yur * ?\u25a0>. p; six—. \u25a0 the' seir skl3 re =:•: • 17, tAS. f3 Its cxtraordJTMijry aecoiapllsltrsests. ' ex- eeedeij tta'' cost sa= — -i=^ exs*cta£lo23 of tte esiaest specialist wj:© ?s.t» 1" to th* world. ly luj cor«! t^ocsa^s cZ 'eases cf «c%s& i-i eradl£a.:ed fa- cial i:i oth»r disiyareraesw cf .year** itasdlng- "ils* lerribi* itcai^s attasd-" ins *ca«zsa is stop>Mi witii tie fint apyliratic^. - Rlvlss pracf of Its esra- tlve properties at . ti* very outset. Ia l«w »rious skis afTs-rt!ssLS. s-::a as pir:pj*s.' rxsh. htT^ea, b!ac^rea<±s. acae. barber's it=s. etc.. resolzs liow after an overri«iJt applicatioc. c=ly a sr=all q^a^tltr b«lar required to e2**t a care. Those xrho use poslasa for thes« ciacr skin txoa^2ss caa now araU th«=r»!v»s of ti« special sd-c«at pacicas?. receatlr mjiopied t» n«: *cch c*«4s. Bota ti» »a-ce=t packsg* aad ti- reyalar 12 Jar cay now bo c"staire<S is £ta Fraaclsco a: tia Owl Drug Cou. aad otiar leadl=s dms stores. Sarsples fcr cxp«ri=:e3tal purposes r^sy be had fr»* of c;irj» by wrt^ajc «!r»ct to tie E=sers-aey Laboratories. llTfen Tweaty-2fta Street. New Tor3t City. \u25a0 CHIGKESTER'S PILLS "C^TLrvyi !«^=. *»-«l -^Ll Etc y.T.-wa. V/ «^9>4 T»fc»»» «Or; B^y«f y— a- >^ . I C *? 9i2mo,<o> cbaa» rajj.t> ** A*** 5 7O3i3maE«.!i'siA.«nl£ii» — r SffJ EY [^LX^rrr*; nrgg-reggßE Tbe California Fivmciion Coarsiiu* t>t^Aa »iia..'.iaro (« ti* «ess»-r^xl iz. i —p SO HOT ION: Ti* wre cf fl-^i^attaa. *&ivxi- srest. e3cocri?es«ss.*" — Oesrsry Ctr^oBJZT. Ti- «ss^o« ii« fsr it» st;*rt ti» PBO- JtauTlX i cf CiS^ania'* tsSsrwta. It ix« seU> t» n *eC. It fj»;g.-» «n iii=s» tn£xs t> ta% ADTASCTMEST cf CiiTacsU. Is H aa ««S»o»- tty «a »n ssar:«=» r*l»Sas t» CaSitersla. It ES- CCCXAGZS Ss* «tai2si=«=t «S b*» fastest-** i*jirii> < — -^p*Vyi. It t5» <;';cti..t- ci-''M «ad a*«t» of »Xi Srids of Scataw* «s4 »*•. f esst«sal »ettriar. Is to suyvi-i-'J*! -T pcyr^xr wty. -ca irrt ssales =.? fiarr* f=r I=7 wrtf* .^je^-i. is it; «**:MTwi -wttS Je 2EO ?ecra»- ;• ,: <rrr j^-=ttJ3i* c: v* «£xt». «t^ • ces^taoS (BteSrr!^? e£ =:r» f^aa :=*. ">"!•_ 12*ee=$* \u25a0rl nsvseECs^-rvs «f •>» cm-?;n*Vc» ir* r»1.2 MsissacaCr != CSf.t^ psrts \u25a0? t^a eat*. v*ec* Kacsrs ef OTfacsl* Tit* t« tr% *>- esM«d. E**ac*«r*«r* «T tS« c"«r'-Tr*a» tra — 1- — \u25a0»'•;*\u25a0< ta Ciiire~!» taC£sr. ri»»^f. WEEKLY CALL, SIPER YE\R 19