Newspaper Page Text
20 (AVERTS STRIKE DANGER M. OX CANADIAN PACIFIC .Company Declares Wage Scale • to Continue Until 1910 ' .TTnOCIPEG, Feb. 27.— A1l talk of 'another strike of Canadian Pacific shop iarien owing to the f set that the sched •ule established by the board of con ciliation Augriist 1, JSOS, would expire .Aixsust 1' .1909, was s*t at rest yester day-by the'posting of an official notice iih.-.tne local shops by the campany FaVlag tliat its schedale would con ttinuo in force until April 1, 1310. The men are satisfied.. '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'. \u25a0' • ' 9 Ea Qa k 11111111 l \u25a0 ;Sect to. Demonstrate the Merits of '.; ;\u25a0/ v :r - ryrxmld Pile Core • *\u25a0'\u25a0.\u25a0•.••\u25a0\u25a0'-.-' " *lT[*a-t It Hftpi I>o«>e for OOiers, It Can D» >;\u25a0;',. ' : -:'. : - '\u25a0 \u25a0-. For Yon : ; : TTe have Xenfmonlals by the hun- tfieds .showing nAI stages, kinds and de- • i?r«*3. oi piles- which have been cured : by- Pyramid Pile-Cure. \u25a0 'If. 'you- <x>uld. read tV.ese unsolicited •/lelteVs- yoii" -would no doubt go to the .n-euresf d;yg store and bay a box of .Pyramid Pile Cure at once, price fifty ; . cents. • ' \u25a0 ' • -We do riot asi ycwi to do thiz. Send :"js'T<)itr name ana address and we will : : 7send'yon a trial packas* by mail free. V • kiiow trhat the .trial package •wiii &o. In .many causes it has cured .^piles'- without further treatment. If- It •proves its'v^lue to -you order more from :ytAxr drusrgiet, at 50c a box. This is :,"saJr,-ts-"rt not? Simpl^-^flll out free cou- pon-b elow and mail tudaj'. ; '.'.''.'-\u25a0\u25a0-FBEE --PACKAGE COUPOX 1 "\u25a0: -Flri out tbe .blank- lines below with" your ixame a"nd address, cut out co'apo'a apd mail, to the. PTRAMID " tJRUG CO3^PAXT. 190 Pyramid Marshall. Mich. A trial pack- '\u25a0a're-ot'the great Pxramid Pile Cure i '-will th«n be- .sent you at once, by ' • mall. FREE, la plain .wrapper. ' .;;Jsaaje..... v i.^....i* • * ' City fir. d Si 2.* c . •••«•••••••••••• ; OVERSTOCK RUG SALE | W^^^&-^^ffwi\ 4t^"^" Friedman's have reduced I Wr^^^^P^^fP^^^^^^^' '^'" :? B"^ ves y° u over .thirty-three hundred ru^s to -Wto &fefej&*i v^.-/^t^j^'i^ choose from, most of them brand new patterns of this Wk , m^%^*\§J^^^^tf|^^^^^^^? season, and the wearing quality of ; every one .\u25a0guaranteed 11 m&^^>^^S^/i P-'^S^Ss^g^ /\u25a0 by the "Biggest Furniture House on the Pacific Coast." : .Wm \W^o^S§o^^^' YOU ' MRS * HOUSEKEEPER— The dollars Yon i ; "\u25a0Wr^t^^^^y j£^%&i£&^&* w '^ save at t - n^ s &realt& rea1t ru S sa l e '.wiU allow you to buy a prettier"' ffi ' m»^ir*-N^^^^^^^^^^ k e( *' a nicer dresser, a larger dining table or a better stove. W^M^^^^^ YOU, MR. SHREWD HOTEL KEEPER OR 1 : mit^Sss&W APARTMENT HOUSE OWNER— This 'great rug B IW^v^^^^^y^liK sa^ e W J^ enable you to. cover the floors of a hundred rooms for much B| f&-~^-^\f* % ' o^&F7 ess n ?°* ne > r : than you would ordinarily pay to cover seventy rooms. ' $M m'^P^S YOJJ WHO ARE BUILDING A NEW HOME, B m^-^f OR INTEND> MOVING LATER ON-^With a 1 fai ?•/' .^"/ small. deposit you can secure any rugs and we will hold them .free of charge H %S*>j - YOU WHO DESIRE CREDIT—You cairtake as i Kf l^** • long-as \-ou wisli to pay for any rug you select. So do not let the money part of it.^ E| c ' . worn' you. 'but just join with the crowds bound for this great' sale, and we will see i to y§m Wit that you get the full benefit of these rug bargains, and "tliat you get all -the time'you want ;•• j&jin pay- for them. No mail orders filled. ' :- ' / F^ ii 9x1 2 Ingrainißugs $4.25 10x8 Crex R.ugs $6.90 I ,^t| Jusr think of what this means to you; you Big enough for a medium sized' room The pi g| anjjnjrtht entire floor of a great bi X room heaviest Fiber R h Js mad , d M . j|a ior $4^5, the lowest puce -ever named lor a Rug . . *"* m . c.f ihis size. These Rugs are. reversible and can tised in all the magazines. A. clean and sanitary |g be used on both sides; the patterns-, arc neat floor covering that looks .neat and attractive and ||1 .'.^g 1 mA serviceable,, especially suitable for dining wears well. Easily swept' or washed. Fine §§| •Si rooms and bedrooms. This offer -is sure to'; j ;£oV your bungalow/ veranda or country home. 'BW Wffl -create a stir in the Rug world. ..,-..:.. Have ohe'.put aside: now for your summer: home. 6^ ! 9xll Brussels Rugs $9.90 9x12 Wilton Rwgs $3>5 I .1 .Big enough for a good sized room; service- The finest of all 1 domestic Rugs. .-Exclusive JB 111 1 able Rugs in fast colorings at a very low price. designs and genteel patterns, the Vories' that^ap-. '*f!m \u25a0111 1 Dainty florals and rich oriental designs and peal to. persons of refined taste. .Rugs that- are -^ .; patterns, tliat are copies of higher priced Rugs. ' appropriate for^ the yerj-^^.fihestiof :liomes.VThis .; Rug? that are suitable foV your dining-room, lowlprice, on^uch^liigl^gradc ; Rugslis \ \tM , C\ '.\ a ' i • sure to crowd our \Vilton Rug Department the 1 , jwa I 9x12 Axminsterßogs $23 Oriental Ru^s $9 to $50 § <M Soft, high pile Axminster Rugs* full" of If you are. a, fancier of real oriental antiques Ist | warmth and richness. The ideal Rug. for your -this; is.airaVe^chance^for'you; to -ipicWjitp -someJ-B H parlor, library or • living rooai. ., Designs, and rare oriental rugsatabout^half'the regular 'vaW ffl •m rich colorings that are seldom equaled :n other - T - i • v- i• \T Vx , ft ai BM t t> c '•vu y ~ l. t- i ues. Kazakjes, Labistans, Daghestans Ffrra- \u25a0 ,-, i Rugs., Some especially pretty - new high art' -\u25a0 <\u25a0•• ir : \u25a0\u25a0* -.- # •-..•.•-...- •..\u25a0-•';,,• a - s ra M • florals and 'rich orientals thai are being: shown ghans. Hamamdans , and Anatolians; that! sell] a for the first time. t'*J^C '"' from $18 up to'sloo,;oiv;sale-frDm $9'up/tb*sso.i ga I 18x36 Axminster Rugs 95c 27x54 Velvet Rugs $1.30 I g3 oriental and dainty -floral" patterns. A. dainty little. , • M m Rug for jour bedroom or den... If your carpet is a "little - \u0084 n . iV- ». , \u0084 HS '5 worn these Rugs will cover the spot nicely. Twenty • a ° c : .'"? -^^-V rvice - Ahi S : 3 cnt patterns to cHpose from.- -\u0084 A big : snapat ' thisvpricel ;.~ '^ - ! bargain;at thisiprice. . CLAIMS STILL MADE FOR MISER'S ESTATE Three Thousand Letters Re» ceived by Judge Since Settlement of Case T\venty»nine Bogus Wills Pro« duced During Trial for Quaint Character's Gold LOS ANGELES, Feb. 27.— The missive that brought the total number of let ters' received by Judge L. F. Moss since the final settlement of , the Salem Charles estate up to 3,000 arrived yes terday. Mast of them.have"been.writ ten by pecple who wanted some of the $142,000 in cash found in a; safe deposit box after, the death. of Charles. This case began about seven -years ago, and was settled "so long ago that most people fiave „ forgotten all: about it except those who tried' to get- some of the money left by that quaint old miser. . :\u25a0>\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0< : So far as the division of -the money was concerned the case ended when the remainder of the estate, after all fees were paid, xtas divided among eight rightful heirs. But the many people throughout the world, who had heard of N the case are not satisfied.' They have been very persistent, so much so that Judge Moss has given; up ever bearing! the" last of .'it. • , . ; V *' While the case/ was h\, \u25a0 litigation Judge .JMoss was forced to employ four clerks 'to handle tlte corrospondene'e. Letters arrived from every, part of the globe, civilized and uncivilized. tJp-to the time of settlement they reached the astounding total of 15,000. Those re ceived since bring the grand total up to 18,000. There were 29 wills produced by claimants during the trial, none of which wes genuine. ROCK COKPAJfY SUED— Tiw California - City rock comi-nny. a 1a 1 corporation formed to -*iuarry la Maria countj, was \u25a0 sued yesterday by Jiie ; First federal trust company on claims aggregating $45,761.25. The rock company .Is In financial dlfliculties, and it is tbe purpose, of tbe plaintiff to secure judgment «nd let It stand until tbe dc'x?adaat Is aWe to pay/ THJSi SAX.ERANGISeO :GALL; SUyjJAY;,; BBBRtJAKY: -28. :i909. JAPANESE FORTIFYING HARBORcAT;kEELUNG Report of Plan in Northeast. For- V mosa Brought by : - Elwel l 0 V-.VICTORIAV -.VICTORIA, ;8.. C.", .Feb., 27.^- r That ; a" strongly! fortified naval base with an extensive; harbor, is being; made by' the Japanese :. g-ovenniient : at;. Keelung in northeast //Formosa .\u25a0Wa^S'.. the report, made- 'by : , the American' ship;; El well;' which -^reached Esquimau 'last . night, 52'<iays from. Keelung:.' \u25a0 <• X -J . ; ' Beautify Your " Cbmplexibh Drive, -. Away Liver Spots, Blotches, -Pimples and Make. Tour Skin'" . \u25a0 Clear and White - Trial Package Sent' Free • If you want" abeautlful complexion,' free from liver 'spots, - pimples, and freckles: and, .other discolorations, pu- rify your "blood.; ' \u25a0 ' '• Stuart's Calclum ; Wafers cleanse: and clear the: blood,- remove ,all, poisonous and Irritating influences and permit" it to .flowt gently, and- uniformly ?v all through?th.e -veins. These little: wafers are famous for. their;beautlfyinff effects and every, lady may. use them with'-per- fect freedom. . . They do their good work remarkably fast -owing to -the wonderful power;' of the" ; ingredients, which , they contain; Here they are:' Calcium-Sulphide.' Quas- sia, Eucalyptus, Golden Seal' audan-al-: terative and. laxative. ; 4 A«k;your doctor what ha thinks of these as blood, purl-, fiers. He prescribes them 'many times ©very ; year. .> \ ' " -The popularity of . Stuart's Calcium Wafers is great and growing constant- ly every year. , They do a wonderful work vwith apparently little effort and do not necessitate "suffering^and ex- pense as so' many complexion* cures oc- casion.. . -.v 'V.-\u25a0V .-\u25a0- '-\u25a0 ' :::\u25a0\u25a0':, -.; :-VV-~ You may enjoy a fair complexion if. you will use these little waferg. They are taken after ; each \u25a0 meal and -co i into your blood, just like food*. - They - do your entire system a great good. They help your intestines and relieve \u25a0 con- stipation. .: thereby; ; giving- the system the power to remove and .exclude poi- sonous" gaseS^ and fluids 'which filter through the intestines into the system and contaminate it.' Don't despair if your complexion Is muddy. Write today for a free trial package of Stuart's Calcium; Wafers: or go to your druggist^ and- buy a-box. Price. soc. Simply write your name and address and <a trial package will' be sent you by niail. without cost. Address F. A.-;. Stuart C 0.,; 175 Stuart. Eldg., Marshall, Mich. , - Mo^aoandWw Y oa & re cofdialfyinyited to inspect these attrac- the firsttlarge and authoritative showing in San Fran- tive no w^modes, either^with4;he view of buying, or with cisco-of the Suits^DiSses and Cos^mes^^to offidiio^a^greld^on^ * , eazz^zzzLzL: have .secured the: newest ideas by leading Y^^^^^\^^^^^J^^ -^^^^^St foreign 'and 'American- designers.^ Our patrons can be '^(^^wMWM^^^^^^^^^^M^^i absolutely sure that they will be correctly and becom- " M^^^^^^^^^^^(W^^^i ingly dvQ^ d - r[ ! ie P rice^ for Tailored Suits range from \u25a0j^^^^&^^^^^T''^^^^^^'' ' Ijfi 50^520, $25, $35, on upto $95 -^^^s^tv '-• ? T fs^^SJ^^i^^^S^^^silJli'' - As ah extra incentive to attend our surpassing /^Sk^SfP^MfeL (llot^^^^^^^^^^/I 1 In exm ' l3it oi: * tlle uew - s P rin .g Suits we have prepared an :K^7 ' . Co^™^;'^ $.15.75 < 753 i^Wiw^ -I fevXO^ I ffi^^i&M^ This, is one' of the most 'interesting purchases and " \u25a0"*\u25a0\u25a0 lil's -^ i K^yyV///u f A ssa c * n^^ could possibly be announced at this time, and ( V^?W\. N>^^^yli f ' SS 1 -All of these gowns represent the advance Spring £ipJS '^! | ' X ' t ' \IS I They come from one of the best mamifacturers fluT^l W-if. -ll'^/M . /§v^%/l- "i :*: * ! lMj|- 1 of high-class gowns in America. They would be priced :\u25a0 -worth! WA^'% .*• \\ \u25a0 ill $25.00 and $30.00 if bought and sold in the usual way. •vQ/£? r^').M| '*v - i;'i ] '\u25a0•\u25a0JSm'ftl \u25a0 Richly made up' in the latest ' Empire back" effects, - \u25a0'•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0^^^' ; /)lu'%l/r^4 \u25a0\u25a0 v '^-' l .l\"' 7'n^M^^^v^ Mtf'J i >y4v^Sl >^ in five distinct models. (3 pictured), of soft, shimmer- 111 Mw l- : ? "\l\ I Wfflfi V? ing Chiffon Taffetas »" all of the H S ht P astel shades, ; . // lV'tf\ /r'/ w^^/A^^MjWfM iv^ri ) a^ so nav >'' brown and black, and in the novelty narrow //'\u25a0 111 v\'m % stripe silks so popular this Spring. Some have yokes \W\ J't N u\v \i Ii : : 'si "vl T^sw//^y^yv^il^l^ : \^^^\: "^\ °^ ne QQ r i enta^ laces; some are heavily braided in J|| W^ s^S' ! 'x •\u25a0 :l 1, XZ^//^mfy WX If I llf ffTi-' self-tone silks. /All are beautiful. y/(f r^\w^ W ifV "^k costumes handsome ' enough for the most ' /r\i * w'K^vW^ %r^^W^^v^^^^^3 if 1/ V exclusive social functions — dinners, theaters, recep- i^Kv? I'Vl rl^WJ^^Z^yl^xi^i I}/1 }/ I i tions and afternoon wear — rf?» T9 ff Cf :- '^ $25and$30yahies.-For J,/ J • 25,000 * Yards of Choicest l New^Styles at & Sf^ial^rlceo^ Including Many of the vflew Bordered Materials Introduced this. Year s^ooo yards new, up-to-date, staple wash The Season's Best 3,000 yards 25c Scotch Madras — g6ods,Mri a complete assortment; of . stylS and <^. NovelUe^ in Ms Dis> 32 inches wide, in a .choice assortment of fancy orings for the season's wear,-- is of- \u25a0•, \u25a0.. play and Sale. ;\u25a0.- fi<Ture d /striped'and dotted effects— in the 1 +9^ r- , . . . \u0084 , ,-• .x. x \u25a0;', , Satin Stripe Batiste?. to - t fl /f> fered> beginning Monday,;for in most , /AY" i Colored Bengaline Poplins. . great March Sale at, yard * • instances IeSS than Wholesale COSt. I I 1 • Satin Stripe .Wash Crepes. ,-^ Many dollars wilhbe saved by wise:: (1; I //^Sp^lSE^ 256™' ISC^ for - Fai^ ->\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 ->\u25a0',- -- : •\u25a0:••: \u25a0. ••' -V- - •*\u0084- : •\u25a0..\u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0 -..r-f.-'V-V' I "Highly Mercerized Cham- • r *fVllsh Poplins— High- * "^^Bonlered Batistes women who buy their season s suppy VV \u25a0 I brays * , / *,„ ,« x- \u0084^-, now ' / <\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 •;."-. -\u25a0 >H- 1 Sroidered Figured • Ba- Jymercerlzed - A full ~^w a^d beauUfal; col- _ ' if ' I' ; ; tistes. of plain, solid colors and ored and white grounds Best ;.36 inch^Percales—all colors /lv T''-^ F^ g . urcd \u25a0 and Striped Piques. o f fancy and Veven stripes with fancy figures, even ' Best American Ginghams^-all styles \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0Ay/ 1\ -j h\ 25c» 35c \u25a0tO 60c Yd. from. <\u25a0.. ':\u25a0.'. stripes; aU ; with pretty^ Swisses,' figured, dotted 'and striped '; : .\^^^ . fv, __ v _ \u25a0_ • A ' 7 border designs. . \;i Batistes, figured, dotted amfstriped ] \u25a0 LrOnSdOle r J%'^k 1/ r Yard for Genu- Organdies, figured >nd floral effects >'^J^S ' ' C ai^^C» 10c Yd» *^ /2^lne Hjdegrade for Satin Fin- v i: Dimities, ;/ figured ;and -"floral effects 2^^ - 2,000 yards only Vof this Galateas-Sold everywhere JC Ish"- TTash Foulards ;: : 12^c to : 20 C >l«c ST now all at.... . ' \\* J?">?- W j f bra °« of 36 / nCh - at 18c. #/ irfhe ideal 'fabric -Light and dark grounds * , . - . . 12^0 Cambric at the price. , , . , *ViLTi" ; -- , -' \u25a0 ~ | for- White JO^Yard fori White Y"%f/ W Hpm IV omens and Chil- in newest designs, and I r vLinon-^The * VrjPersian lawn-A 1 2V2C k d ff k drerCs Wear. In all the bordered effects; an ex-, fine, sheer, 16 2-3 c grade; ; fine, even threaded cloth; Towels-T-ilx36'?n., efulibleaclwd,e fulibIeaclwd, - new str lPed, figured and ceptional "value at 23c a k for..dress^ .with neat red borders.. 'Big values. ' - two toned effects. : yard. uetaii ]S&g^S^tl 52.e5; ;, %^M^Sw^M9^W^ one in a short time. " Ko . i6m v^ ,M 5, M5 \u25a0 A" 1 . oij j -i -l V" \u25a0'* ••'•; •-\u25a0' • "'•*"•\u25a0'-\u25a0:• ' •'. \u25a0 y ' ' -L.^. ' .- „ Tot»l Addsr, witlx Sales Strip tad Special S)Tt, > ' r!|^^PBKS^fijpA \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 otop the losses and mistakes at once., Keep all of " , . io t« mn. ; D«un Add«. \u25a0\u25a0">Bs*!£™.':fftp |9.95. . All pf. your transactions are instantly recorded in — : . •-'\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0'\u25a0VJfeWwifr^: plainjsight of youfself^yourclerks and your custom- TotJ^ > J.-! ; Itwillnotobligateyouinany way to mail us the « hrtt« c«»h Re S i.ier x«t ila-i mBSM§^ attaxihed:eoupon or telep^ *'**£. . r^^^nSSiS^.. >a^^^f^, y^SMa TPL^ -L TVT «L' J.- !— : JLL "-1 1 fy — T-y T% '\u25a0 ' :: -'jL*«3y>3l»BS BrHBBHBhIHH / • National Cash Rr ji»ter c»n {{^^.r^^^^^^M * nelNational Cash Kegister Company /Jss^s'j^ss^t^ j^ii§^wßß^^ \u25a0 ' lO4Ools^i Street . L^;^ W^^ V.»-^V.^y V V