Newspaper Page Text
12 ** ' —AAA— ' \u25a0 PLUMBING MATERIAL : " —HALF PRICE— SINKS. LAVATORIES. CLOSETS. BATHTUBS. • CAST IRON PIPE. CAST IRON FITTINGS. "WBOCGHT IRON PIPE AND FITTINGS. —BRING YOUR LIST- LET US FIGURE ON YOUR MATERIAL. CENTRAL PLUMBING SUPPLY CO.. .' ' - 1527 MARKET STREET. AAA— •' . --. TBY US FOR PLUMBING MATERIAL. We are making gnme ° • Special . Prices to unlond au Immense Stock. P. E. O'HAN; & CO.V IJ>'U I'ost ft., or 330 McAllister st ... Post st. store -open Sunday 9 to 4.. - A SQUARE deal for nil: no'in-rccntage to plumb- ers; baih», heavy roll rim. new. from $10 to $£0; toilets; tbe very best, new, hirh tank $10, low down $12; sinks, any size, $2.50; new cast Iron pipr*. 10c to "iOc f<»nt: .v few new mantels with rain-ors. $10 to $15; all kiudu of tiling, nrw. 30c a foot; s<Hv»ri.l hmid. ISe; save en earh mantel $"JC> to $30; luml>or. ?."> to $10 'l.fleO ft^t; 1O.«H)O new and t«>rond fiaud d<Kira, s(!c up; 20,000 windows and fraires to choose from. 2.V to $4; we buy large anil small JuU lots for cash; immey talis tlitsc liraes; \v,« g!\e you the 'benefit; give us a oall: »c«» our stork;* It will more thtn pay you. IHILAN I'OMPANY. the biggest dealer* in building material on the cnast. lCia Market «t. . PACIFIC PIPE CO.. SW. cor. Main and Howard cts.. San Francisco — We handle second band Pipe and Casing exclusively and can furnish any \u25a0 quantity and eizes. All pipe has \u25a0 new threads and couplings and guaranteed perfect In every respect. Write or call for further' particulars. Phone Douglas 22: a. CONCRETE mixers, gasoline englae*. bolt cut- ting and threading tnachlne; a full jtn* of wood working machinery and contractors' equipment, all in Cr»! class condition and right prices. WILLIAM T. MAUXIN MA- CHIXEUY CO.. 1277 Howard «t. - , :."*'u»n- A.ND WE WILL BE WITH 553 THIS WEKK Special new futruiture at your own prii"*. We polUh and deliver wltli<«it *vtr* cli«rge. H. SCHELLHAAS. Oakland. l\>iwlsr furniture dealer, lltli ani Franklin st». MOVING PICTU*hi:S; strictly INDEPENDENT; IS new reels weekly; don't sign over your nia- chise; only independent house on coast: prices right. Par. Coast Film Ex.. 1724 Flllmore. Cash Registers— WE DON'T BELONG TO THE TRUST. Americans, llallwoods. Nationals; lew- **t prices and terms. Pacific Coast Cash Reg- ister Co.. 12921294 Market Bt. cor. Larkin. •* WALL PAPEU. L'^c per roll and upward; good paint. $1 a gallon; white lead. 7c per lb.; bulldii.; and roofing at greatly reduced prices; denatured alcohol at f-5c a gallon (ISS proof). MERIGAN'.S. 1447. E11is rt. Samples mailed.. . MOVING picture machines, films and supplies; largest independent film renters west of Chi- cago; nothing to sign; rates reas. Independent' Film and Supply Co.. Inc.. 2d and Mkt.. S. F. 11. -SCHKLLHAAS. Onkland \u25a0 Furniture Dealer. Kntrauce 11th aud Franklin sts. He would like to see you. EGGS for hatching; white and buff Orpingtons aud. white^ Leghorns; winter layers. .3300 Wilson ay.. Upper Fi-uitvale. AA— Ail tires t-t&miitrd wtir. pipe and screw casing; guaranteed jr<-<»I as new: get our prices. Welgsbaum Pipe Works. 133 11th nt. EKDWOOD KUINGLtS. No. 1. $2 per M. Wni. F. Yates Lumber Co., 1250 Howard St.; mill- work a Fpecialty. MOVING PICTURES: onIy 'INDEPENDENT film renters; no trcst for us; prices right. PACIFIC COAST FILM EX.. 1724 Flllmore st. • LAUNCH. 14 feet. 2 li. p.; good order; a bar- gain. 3751 Latimer ft. nr. Moss and Tele-, crape ay., Oakland. ATTENTION, ladles; oil paintings for sale at auction daily. 2p. m.. 15OS frill more st. -. . BUFF Orpington <-pgs for hatching: non£ better. lIAGEDORN. ZSIH Khoda ar.. Fruitvale. : SAFE; inside roeaeurement 24x19x16;: has inside door: a -snap; $<»S. flr>o Mission »t. a!wve sth. MOVING picture Jilms for rent; largest stock in city. TURNER .1- DAHNKEX. 13S Eddy »t. BUILDING, 75x137. to be torn down. 1055 Golden Gote ay. Make of/or. • . . KING'S OLD EOOK STORE. 891 Golden Gate ay. near Ootavla. P.OOKS BOUGHT. \u25a0 ' . A— BOOKS bought. KING'S BOOK STORK, 171(1 Market st. above Gough. Pbooe Market 4763.. BOOKS and libraries bought. THE HOLMES CO.. 115S Market st.: plione Market 896. \u25a0 EDISON AGENCY — Moving picture machines and film; bargains. GEO. BRECK. 7p Tnrk st. . CABINET.. MILLWORK. TURNINGS. " f riXTURKS. C. F. HAAS. O3MIXNA.ST. " : FRICTION HOIST, b^lt driven. 3 11. P.. In stock." KHI-SKY Mcr.VOY. 313 Howard st. KAFHS — >"cw and second hand. '. The Hermann Safe Co.. 120-I.tO roiwini st. -'\u25a0 . • . CALL BRANCH OFFICE. 1651' Flllmore et. near Post. '•. • .\u25a0. \u25a0 = \u25a0.;".. MISCELLANEOUS WANTS - ." a — — — — — 1 -..-,. DESKS and household furniture ' bought, sold and rschanged. CAVANAGH'S. 625 McAllister st. :r Phone Market 425?. .. - < \u25a0 -. DRESS' SUITS. TUXIiDOS AND PRINCB AL- ; BEKTS BOUGHT. L. SKOLL. TAILOR. -707 GOLDEN GATE AY. PHONE MARKET 4C31. COLLIE or Newfoundland puji;- state price and «*«». Br-x .'MM!». <"all. Oakland. . \u25a0=" . ." I LADIES', gents' cb!l<sren'i« castoff clothing b'glit. 823 Hayes el. nr. Fiilmore. Tel. Park 6061. \u25a0" HIGHEST price for good castoll men's 0 clothes' • anrt sbr»s. .534 Wash., Oakland; teL Oak- . : land OTT'. • -. \u25a0\u25a0\u2666\u25a0..•.- . bJiCOND HANI) clothing bought and sold. - L M. j DE MANN. IC11» Market: tel. Market 2542... HORSES. HARNESS AND WAGONS AAA— O liig mares. 1.350 to 1.600 Ib«; 13 i)!g horses. I.l*oo to 1,600 lbs; butcbor, bakery, gro- r. «Ty liorsf*; horses, $10 up; wagons, $28 rjf»* . boggles.'. $5; 2 big, fine express .. watous at a. MKTiarr-: 3 top delivery vragor.s; tk) sets pf plow, drsy. l!giit harness. Auction sala Wed- i« n«-srlav. at 11 a. m: : 503 4th ft.. Oakland. " WANTED— To .purchase about 10 • pony : mares b»'tvrf-<>n 11',. and 13 liauds high, not 'over 6 j-r-ars "Id. Addi-i-s*. jririug .description,' price,- etc. Box <:a-'. Call uffloo. \ .- • • .-. 12 -HEAD of liorses. KTiitKhJc for laundry' and - drHtvry v.t>>-t: also a number of- to;i wacons' «-h<-»p. Retiring from business. 534 Harrisoa.' •: FOR sale — A Studebrker phaeton buggy, little usfd. co«<l ns new, ,1 fiaxgaln. W.-E. ; BOW- DITCH.-3217 Boston ay.. Frnitvale.. '. :': ' ;\u25a0• LIVERY STABLE for sale. See under business •'- chance* <-olumn. Second band top wagons, exji. wagocs, bus. bug- . -- rles. Js'ugeut-Covey Wagon Co.. 349 Valencia." ..'-'-- AUTOMOBILES • •/ , FOR sale — Price $500 and upward; several '06 end '07 Wlnton touring cars, taken in trade for *0S care and thoroughly overhauled by our mechanics from our factorr. WIXTON AUTOMOBILE- BBAKCH. • " 300 Van Ness ay., "i*'.ti*v ' . San- Francisco. -.FOR sale — One. l'*o7 45 horsepower Oldsmoblle touring car; seating capacity 5 persons; com- plete 3 «rith all eitras, top, searchlight, tools. ;* trnnk . carrier. - prestolite tank.- speedometer, etc; no reasonable offer refused. Apply^to J. ti. BOG ART. 140 New Montgomery st. WHITE rteamer at about one-half price; 80 ' liorsepower; 1908 car; fully equipped. Box 46S :\u25a0 Call offlcrf. •' ELITE AUTOMOBILE lIXCIIANGE— New and .- tecond hand cars for sale; auto painting, wood- work and trimming. 677-655 Golden Gate ay. corner Franklin st. Plione Park 5922. -KOR-«ale topap — Autw-ar runabout; 'cut: goo»l «»ndltion; rviulpprkl with top. prestolite tank, lamps, odometer. Address box 4574, Call. MAXWELL .runaljout, thoroughly ovebauled: fully- guarauteed; a bargain. The Maxwell Agency. 155 12th St.. Oak. A. C. Hull prop. , SECOND HAND cars bought, wild and exchanged, or money . loaned for Eliort term on all automo- biles.- Vologda Garage. Inc.. Oil Valencia ist. IUU l>rifi<: Aluminum Repair Works can braze ronr broken aluminum cartings. 250 Asb ay. ' HE A LD'S automobile school gives the best auto '\u25a0'\u25a0;.. training on coast. 425 McAllister st. PACIFIC States Auto Schools teacb how; results GUARANTEED. 2SS Golden Gate ay. • . ' CALL BRANCH OFFICE. 1051 FlUmore st. near '. POSt.; ... \ TYPEWRITERS AND SUPPLIES (MONARCH Visible Typewriter— ln the Monarch, Vlsibh; Typewriter ell of the writing Is In full Mchr all'tfce tlnie; other makes, second hand. ' at very reasonable prices; we rent, repair aud inspect- lief<rrc purchasing " ring up Douglas 4113. or «>all at :W7 Bush rt.-:-; ;; .-'"'- WOLF & ISENBRUCK. Dealem. - REBUILT typewriters like new at price paid for. . ordinary U«nd ones; see before buying; ?n«£ct the New Yost Visible; rentlng^a . ope- rultr Write for prices and samples of work. \ The^ypewrlter Exchange. 255 Montgomery «t. 6PECIAL rental rates: .rebuilt*, second hands/ at V BROS.. 462.1»tn St.. Ocklaud: phone Oai. I^. 7»p»vn new visible typewriter, for $40. Paclflc ; B ffi£J?^:^nanT. tIOT.t lOT. Montgomery st.,, ! Fio^TrTiiH? :: S^nn~Premle^gentr aU r a'kei * <£"!"*-\u25a0 576 " Broa«<waT.'- Oafclawd. NK W drop head machines made and guaranteed by New Home 'sewing machine c 0. ,; $19.50 to $24150: second baud. -$5 °to $10; . renting. . re- palring. E. L. S.irgeant. 531 32th St.. Oakland. DOMESTIC— Best, cheapest; all kinds rented, re- paired, exchanged; needles and supplies for all makes.' J. W. EVANS agent, IGSS o;Farrell st. uear Flllmore:, phone West 3601. •-- ALL makes at.half. price; easy payments; rent- Ing $2 per month; repairing. Sewing Machine . Exchange. 0 18' 4th St.; phone Kearny 4238. BEST makes of SEWING MACHINES". $3, $S. $10; guaranteed. New Home office. 1408. Van 'Ness ay,. Detween Bush and, Pine stB. c v . SINGER. Whefler & Wilson office; renting, re- pairing, ICIC O'Farrell st 4 : plwne West 5761. 'NATJONAL automatic agency;. renting,. repairing. ° I.° S. Cohen's Sons. 1616 O'JTarrell; West 5761. DAVIS SEWING MACHINE CO.. W. B. Jackson acent. 404 Sutter: n<>e<lle». sunpHeßS nil make*. BRUNSWICK-BALKE-COLLENDEn CO.. 17-27 Krtnklln f-x: nenr Market.: phosie Special 1457. v_ ..-'.'.'' c '^V 1V 11 ,^ ",-_-.--- ,--''-.^;''-...;° '.., U. E. WALLEY. furrier— ,\i to V- off; best quality f fornr.ollS Kearny. now 1T46-1748 Fill- more ur. Sutter. Oak. 1263 Brdwy. above 14th. % (>. BAKK. furrier, formerly' Lachmanu. & ' Co.'. . now IMS Bosh st. <*or. Van Ne»» ay.. upstairs. ' X-_ .BUSINESS CHANCES^ ; „ NOTICET TO YQUNG MEN— I have an out of the ordinary opportunity for young man with $500. Will give jroa the beft of security for the money, you invest and guarantee you a. steady salary of $.100 a month and commissions. This is a btiftlncss with a "lifelong future to" it. ' (.'all and see me this morning or today™ V s \u25a0 \u25a0SEO. A. HERRICK. 80S VAN NESS A Y. INVESTMENT BROKER— Established 33 Years. . GIBBS & CO., - Business -Brokers, Real Estate. - . We have brooming houces. restaurants, bakeries, »lelicate»sen and grocery. ' - - '. . Bakeries from ?050 to $3,500, doing a good busi- ness, city and country. Dental parlor near san- Francisco. . °< Range near Santa Cruz; will exchange for city lots." , c . GOOD . loan - for some one. Who will make it. \u25a0 Wanted, $3,000 on a large piece of property In Oakland, well located and valued at $6,000; will ; pay 7 per cent net; would like to get this .amount for a year, with the privilege of a longer time, payable quarterly ; this is a fine chance if you have a little money not in ,us«: good' mon gages are f*r safer than any ' banks. See D. O. DOBSON, 550 18th st., Oak- Jand. -j LIVERY stable for sale; good location; doing prosperous business; this is the chance of a lifetime for any one wanting such a business; ' must and will be sold to person making high- est offer on March 4. For further informa- tion in<}ulre of T. B. DRAPER, trustee. 4rtS 11th st.. Oakland: telephone Oakland 2CS4, Home phone. A 2017. - '\u25a0 . WANT representative at Seattle" Exposition for OIL OF EDEN and SWEET SPIRITS OF EDEN, whloh have proven their marvelous virtue in curing rheumatism and other so-called Incurable diseases. Address DR. JOHN L. • KELLETT, Oakland. Cal. ' We manufacture' for you to use <»r **>11. ' \u25a0 We use your formulas or supply formulas. Advice on chemical business" proposition*. CHEMICAL, medical pharsi loeutical kjivv laities. Wide *\u25a0 xperienee. best equipment and help. R. R. Rogers Chemical Co., .127 Commercial. Hours. S:3O to 11. Kearny 150. • .WE. have for sale a saLuon in .a good locality j that must lie sold within 10 days, as owner is going, away then: the prices Is $2,3300; a snap at tht>t. • FULLER CO.. .1115 Broadway. - Oakland. Loading Rooming House and Invest- .- ment Agents. \u0084.,.; A—- GLOBE REALTY CO., ~ ~ iS'V-OAKUND'S LEADING BROKERS. .;..-;. rooms 7 and s, .:: : .•\u25a0... .' S5<J Broadway corner 7th. '• • •' PHO\FS {OAKLAND -'Sl3. 1 HONLb | HOMB A 2213. \u25a0".; MEAT MARKET— In- main street thriving town uear. city; tfcis is the up to date shop of the town; swellest of fixtures,' large icebox,' 2 computing scales, marble top counters, ,112 . .feet nickeled racks, fish counter, block*, •\u25a0; counters, ' sausage . machine.' electric motor, . safe, di-sk; caEh register, cutting bench, cart • and nil articles used iv business; does cash -. business, only ; receipts $C 0 daily; could double " this if credit was extended; cheup rent; good t lease; bargain. See GLOBE REALTY COM- ' vPANY."- ;.•._. - \u25a0 ..- .. :••„" GROCERY— SI,2SO; Al corner; nice fixtures; new stock; doing $40 daily; 4 sunny living rooms; yard. barn, horse, 2 wagons; rent $30. See • -GLOBE REALTY CO.. 850 Broadway. Oakland. CIGAR STAND— SSOO puts you in ixresesslon of . . the ' swellest corner cigar stand in Oakland; .elegaut 'fixtures; 2 Alllls machines, cash reg- -.- lster; .large, new stock; doing $25 to $:i5 daily; cheap rent; 5 years* lease. . See GLOBE . ItEALTY COMPANY. •\u25a0;.% RESTAURANT $650 — Choice location on good off Broadway; newly fitted: doing \u0084 line business; cheap rent; good lease. See t;LOBJS UEALTV CO.. 850 Broadway. IF you have $100 and' want 1 to Into a nlcw lunch counter, and, resta'iraat .vrltb a •rood. sober niau.. call for interview.' We iiave a client' who has option, ou alwve placeand l<e \u25a0'does .not .wish-, to .handle same aloiw, wauts ."good, sober -man ;:as partner. \u25a0 Set; !uu at "GLOBE REALTY, CO., SSG llrontiway'. ' SALOON - SAIAJON -isALOON -SALOON -SALOON \u25a0;: $soo • $soo , $800.-'- $soo $tsoo \u25a0 Puts you' in possession of one of tbe best sa-. loous ou • Broadway; elegant fixtures; cheap rent; good lease. See GLOBE REALTY COM- •; PANY r 850 Broadway corner 7tb, Oakland. LUNCH counter and . restaurant.' $200; Al loca- - tiou;' nicely. fitted; 2 private roonis; iarge lunch -.counter; rent $30; bargain. See- GLOBE \u25a0 REALTY COMPANY, &50 Broadway. \u25a0 $3oO — C"audj , - ice •' cream, cigars and tobacco, school supplies; also light lunches; Al location; doing fine business; rent $20; lease; fine place for man and wife.- See GLOBE REALTY CO. LIVERY STABLE— WeII located ; consists of 8 fine ;, horses, harness for. all; 5 buggies, \u25a0 sur- Ireys, wagons," 15 boarders; rent $35; 2 years' 'lease: bargain. See • GLOBE RKALTY CO.. ;80C Broadway corner 7th St.: Oakland. PARTNER — $S00; for oue of the best located sa- \u25a0 loons on Broadway; nice fixtures; good stock; ." -doing nice business;" rent $100; good lease. See GLOBE. REALTY CO. c ' ' . •< . ROOMING HOUSE DEPARTMENT, -' pimw<! i OAKLAND 2513. ;.. -\u25a0 PHONES fHUME 1V2213. " HOTEL — Consisting of 40. elegantly i f urnisbed rooms; modern brick bldg.; choice central locu- tion; clears .s2sl) '-monthly above all expenses: lent $5' per ".room; 7•£ years* ; lease; . this Is one of the best kuowu hotels .in Oakland; bar- gain: $4.5Q0.=, See GLOBE, REALTY CO. BARGAIN-— 24 nicely furnished rooms ou Broad- way; dears'- $lOO monthly; rent $70: good lease; bargain; $a.00». See GLOB K CO. , BARGAlN— 23^nicely furnished rooms; choicest - of locations; .modern building; -all outside rooms; running water; "tinted walls; 'rent less than $5 per room; good lease ;; money .maker; bargain - for c 51,300; part cash,, balance \u25a0 easy . payments; or will trade" for real estate, .will • ]i*y cash difference.. See . GLOBE REALTY ' CO.. 856 Broadway corner :7th st.. Oakland. ROOMING HOUSE — Consists of 12 elegantly fur- nished roomi on good .streets near 'loth -an* Broadway; full steady roomers; owner, is : sick; will, accept $300 down 1 and balance on easy payments. Only with GLOBE REALTY CO., 850 Broadway corner 7th St.. Oakland, r \u25a0 BARGAIN— SI,2SO, part cash; 56 well furnished rooms; Al location; 'modern, building; running - water every room; money maker. See GLOBE REALTY CO.. '.856 Broadway corner 7th st. ROOMING HOUSE— I 4 nicely furnished rooms; choice- location;- full steady roomers; t modem building; sunny 'rooms; rent $60; \u25a0•-' bargain, ,$9OO. See GLOBI' REALTY CO.. S5B Broad v way corner Jth St.. - Oakland. -: ; ." • '. / ROOMING HOUSE^-$1.200, half cash, buys 21 well fnrnißbed .rooms, on .good, street ne^r Was'uington; clears $125 month; always full steady . roomers. .See 'GLOBE ItEALTY CO., gsg Broadway corner 7th 'rt.. Oakland. . FOUcbargalus and quick sales see « o - GIXIBE REALTY- C0... . 556 Broadway.' Oakland. > ? CANDY. and Ice cream parlor; rent $25; 5 years' lease; price $750; 2 pleasant living rooms: will teach parties to manufacture the .goods; a growing business In the most thriving tsuburh • of Oakland; S?p MENSOR & TOWNLEY. llltf Broadway, Onklnnd, rootn"4o. •"-\u25a0\u25a0 COUNTRY HOTKLS AND KXCHANGES OUR 0 SPKCIAI.ITIES WANTED— A partner with $5,000 to go to Alnska ' on. a trading "post" for a- term" of two years; parties applying must have this amount of cap- ital; wages $100 per, month and management of, the store;, we can- clve the br«t of. refer- .- enceii. Address P.tO. box 513.. San Franclßco. SAY!; We.wlll necd'all: kinds of mechanics and office; men In our, works. 'Why! not°lnveKt* a couple , thousand \u25a0 and get the • preference . of n «eady;Job? -A \u25a0 7 per, cent dividend is good. Wages $3 to $5. *'Nof sed." Box 934, Call AA— I. WILL SELI^ my \$ Interest in best pay- •lng business in S.F.; investigation solicited; . wrious . illness , compels cralck ,. sale; • $400 » re- quired; life <-hanee; don't fall to look tbis up. Room 201. S7 3d fit. -*&B&BBZB&gi AAA — For - G days only: -.for . sale • stationery," school supply,? candy,.' lee -cream, notions:- liv- ing' room; worth $900; price $650. Address box 772. CalKofflcp. : V ' . .\u25a0' ". --. :".<- " FOR' sale — Half Interest . high : class . real \u25a0 estate : and, exchange i business, the ; best. on, the coast: liave more « options than , any ; other,' and ? what ' lsneeded Is.a good man. 756. Call:offlce. a FOR ' sale— General * merchandise" store ; In Tcounrry, .. town ; ' excellent . bargain. - Box 23. -. Covelo,** Cal. 1 THE7SAy-FEANGISGQ: CALL, . MONDAY^'MAiReH)^) 1909^* BUSINESS : CHANCES— Continued ALWAYS : RELIABLE V r OLD .".ESTABLISHED ='"• MENSOR &?: TOWNLKY. .„;->. 1116: BROADWAY, OAKLAND. ROOMS: 30-40 OUR PAST -RECORD ' OUR BEST.REFERKXCES' TELEPHONES, AU3I4. and OAKLAND CSB3 . OPEN- SUNDAY 10 TO- 12 . °° LIVERY,' feed: 'and 'transfers business,'-. $4,750; cheap- rent:Vgoo<l Icase:ilong established: - lo- catrMl In the lj^st -country towns in state, "close • to San Francisco; 'guaranteed ".to clear $300 monthly at tbe present.' time;; will inventory more - than the " jirice..rJisk«>d; everything < com- plete and up- to date; i best proposition ever pn • <mr books. MENSOR ;&;TOWNLE\V- - '\u25a0'-- , *. 52 ROOMS located ou ; one" of } the • best - corners In Oakland; 1 block frour our office- rent only J^.TiO aTroora; clears from $200 to $300 month; carpets and 'furniture \u25a0 good; ' good :, lease', and the price is 'only-.52.b00;. $I,WK); cash;_will; all'orooms bright and sunnyia snap. MEXSOR & .TOWNLEY, lllG Broadway. \u25a0 Oak- land, room '40. ...-. ,° , " ' ..' ." I GROCER Y— SI.3SO— Rent $40. good corner;- 4 • living rooms "'and. bath; doing - daily cash business of $30: n.o \u25a0 credit ; excellent location. MEXSOR & TOWXLEY. 1116 Broadway, r. 40. 9 ROOslS— s3oo— Reut : $U5; good corner; very central;' furniture- and carpets good: house al- wars r full: -a snap. MKNSOR -& TOWNLEY, 1116 Broadway, Oakland, r00m. 40." .. \u25a0• :. MEAT MARKET— SI,SOO: rent $30; \u25a0 5 year lease: "dally receipts $60; liorse," wagon and ,busrgv;= this Is a-snap^good corner; no oppo- sition. See MKNSOR & TOWNLEY, 1110 Broadway. Oakland,- room '40.' . ; ; ROOMING house of- 3<3 rooms; very central; al-" wayH full; j would like to , exchange j for house and lot in Oakland or. vicinity; value $3,000; what have you? See MEXSOR & TOWXLEY for full particulars, 1116 Broadway. Oakland. $1.500 — Saloon; beet buy over offered;- owner Has good reasons tor selling; ;thlB; thl8 \u25a0 is a lx>na fide sale on trial; no agents;. good lease: cheap rent.' Inquire :SE cor. , 10th. and Mission ;sts. $500— Partner in old established contracting business; often cleared over -$5O per day; no former experience necessary; must be thorough- ly, reliable. Box; CS7, Call office. .'..:''\u25a0 \u0084 WANTED — Partners. with $1,500 each;to go trap- ! ping in Alaska' for a term ; of 2 years; pro- visions, and transportation furnished. Address Q. W\. .P. O.'-box 473, San Francisco. "- BUSINESS, people- on*. the 'watch- for -a safe in- vestment will'learu something. to their imme- diate advantage. - Call or write to A. F. S., Dept. 8., 437 14th st:. Oakland. '. $— Corner grocery and liquor store; 2 living rooms: reut $25; com p. scales, cash register: good stock;: flue location; receipts $20 to $30 day. 210!) Market st. \u25a0' - ~;. ' FOR sale, on.accouirt of other Interests," paying bakery and delicatessen. Call ,1741. Grove Bt., Oakland. = , \u25a0 •' \u25a0 ;-, \u25a0 CORNER grocery, .2 living rooms; clean stock; cash trade; fine for man and wife or . single man. . See -HOOPER \u25a0&. JENNINGS. $5,000 wanted for linn business opportunity; In- vestor to control; claanee for big money. An- swer box 681,- Call office. FOR sale — A good newspaper route In a good dis- trict In this city. Apply to J. R. LENHART. \u25a0 circulation department. S.F. Call. . . BAKERY for sale: rent $55; will stand full In- vestigation; dally receipts $35. 1000 Market St.. Oakland. '\u25a0 ' \u25a0 \u25a0 . '. \u25a0 WANTED — By a physician, a" businessman who has some capital and understands advertising. For particulars address box 732. - Call of flee. ESTABLISHED restaurant- at 110 Ist; a snap for right party at your own price. FOR sale — Restaurant and Berkeley real estate by owner. 2110 Addison St.. Berkeley. '^ WILL sell state rights in . : pateuted , article; re- tails $1.50: used every home; good profits; protection: 10 years. Box 755, Call office. WANTED — By wholesale house, representative in Stockton and Sacramentro wngvs $tio per month to start: must 'inve $10/ s cash. 1689 Geary st. CARPENTER with $500 f> take charge building department established J Incorporated real es- tate, building co. 217 JMouaduock bldg. ANY ONE having a few <iollors to invest .should attend the auction sale of oil paintings dally, I 2p. m., at loOS.rillmoije st. • , ; : $1.200 — Old fstab. corner Saloon; 3 living-rooms; rent $40; receipts $20 s\ day. 2109 st. RESTAURANT for sale; 'one lease;' low rent; on busy street. Inquire 3,*>S Montgomery ay.. $125 — Delicatessen and grocery; • 2' living-rooms; fine location: snap.' 2109 ' Market st. '* ' \u25a0 \u25a0 LODGING HOUSES FOR SALE I \u25a0\u25a0 ';.. - ' r.: u. : winStos & co. ; HOTEI^,' APARTMENTS AND ROOMING '\u25a0' ... •' :.-. .. \u0084 HOUSES. "•";\u25a0.-;, ROOM 257. PACIFIC BLDG..° Market arid, 4th. TELEPHONE DOUGLAS SB6. : BANK REFERENCES. ESTABLISHED 16 YRS. 4 SPECIAL BARGAINS. 4 SPECIAL BARGAINS 20 rooms; downtown corner; rent ' $100; price $1,100; all rooms light and sunny. ' 33 rooms; new and modern building; rent I . only $75; lease; reduced io $1,200.' . \u0084 . 34 rooms; rent $70; all light rooms; reduced to $1,200;- a pickup. 46 rooms; rent $125; all one 1' floor; northeast corner; reduced' to $1,400. ;; • ' .. R. H. WINSTOX & CO.. 257 PACIFIC BLDO.. 4TH AND MARKET. SNAPS. \u25a0 SNAPS •\u25a0.-•- SNAPS EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITIES Just the Bargains You Are I/wking for TO EFFECT QUICK SALES . FINE TRANSIENT HOUSE, CORNER. 34 rooms, close in; clears $150;-. WILL r TRADE for -. smaller house. .-.. -. - • • $1,200 — TERMS* $400 cash, balance ' easy ' pay- . ments; 30 rooms, all house, keeping rooms; no \u25a0 work: clears $150; swell. location? BARGAIN. 18 ROOM TRANSIENT HOUSE: low rent; cheap. CHOICE TRANSIENT HOUSE, corner. 70 rooms; $2 room; close ln w A PICKUP. $OCX) — 15 rooms, corner; low rent; SNAP. OFFER WANTED— 3S rooms, low rent; close In. $400—14 ROOMS. SUTTER ST. ;% transient; low rent; terms $100 cash, balance easy payments. A BIG BARGAIN. ". « We have a \ select . list lof furnished \u25a0 flats v and .houses, also' will '.trade; city real ' estate for ranches and -rooming, houses. . » - \u25a0 O. R.,HAMMERSMITH CO., -"V INVESTMENT BROKERS. 876 \u25a0 OOLDEy : GATE AY.VAT VAN NESS. A. CAMERON & CO. 714 MARKET ' ST.. .MAGEE BUILDING. "- Opposite .The Call.r J Room 301 — Phone - : Douglas 4379. . Where best bargains are. found in hotels, apart- s ' ment and lodging-houses, \u25a0 flats. ; SNAP — Elegantly furnished corner house of 40 large rooms;- strictly up ..'to date: cheap : rent; full best class people; - cost- $.">,OOO furnish; owner ohllged'to leave city: enly $2,500. v . CHOICE— 34 room corner," house; pxtra well furnished : account sickness,^ a 'bargain;' $2,700. STRICTLY -.modern doyvntown house of OS rooms; - rent reasonable; ; cholco ' location - exclu- sively.- . ;" • ; Vi ': \u25a0 ." " SOMETHING good: ' sunny.NW. corner:, walklns distance: "44- rooms;, new; cost .$8,000: Rudd heater: lease: all'rented; \u25a0 paying well; must go east. . Apply 1410 Haight st. ", $1,300-^-45 well- furnished -rooms:" furniture" cost $3,000 2 yeflrs ago; rent $125: dears $150 month:* fine location. ;Ipquire W.'.H. S. C 0.." 2100 Market st. ' '-.•'•* ; . " -, °. 37 ROOM.' transient ' house, < 1162'- Washington st., Oakland; *sellihg"on account of sickness: 1 clear- Jng:s2oo per month. ; See owner. - N6 agents. BARGAIN— IOt room;, house. • nieoly furnished: jroofl Income; "central; rent reasonable '107** , Ellis, st. • .' \u25a0 '...<> : ".-,\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0;;•.=.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-.; -. --c MONEY made daily, ;ind Call Want. Ads help to ruske it. Advertise ~ your wants: make them \u25a0known to the public through 'a -Call Want Ad. 'An investment.' not 'an , expense. For full par- ticulars rend Call Want Ads dajjy.' o \u25a0\u25a0* freight' forwarding :.-, : - '; REDUCED RATES^ for shipping household (roods both EAST and WEST. "' Phone cKearny 2570.. judson: freigijt forwarding \u25a0 company, Room . 206 : Pacific building. 4th , and . Market sts. mLJT^^LJLE^IN^^': ' "\u25a0\u25a0 ° -j ALL bJ»ls and promissory notes promptly collect- i cd." - FRED J: : SCHMIDT, : Market, , Noe,;' 16th." i COLLECTIONS everywhere, lien* & attachments. ' CHAS. > H. ? NORRIS,", 378 ; Monadnock building. nUILDERSA^NIf CONTRACTORS V BRICKWORK in all Its branches: best rates. : M. ! V. MOWBRAY. 130S Dpvlsadero: \u25a0\u25a0West \u25a0' 7o2l.° i - \u25a0\u25a0 '\u25a0' '•> • -".- ,:.'• LOCKS MITIV S \u25a0' •' " '\u25a0 ': ' . : *o- "- : : KKYS furnisbedi at ' facfory. prices. \u25a0\u25a0 Key : Works,' 555 Clay st. " I'lumff Onkland r,7A7." A 2574- •; \. • LEAKY AVALLS- CURED ;' "LIQUID KONKERIT'.' will do it.i Applied by us oi° your' palnter.cWlLLKOMM BLDG. ; SUPPLY VX).. Tel. ? Douglas :<2r>; : i."»l-TPhama st. - .. \u25a0^^;^;-''^^HOOFixG* ; .'-' / :^y.''" \u25a0'\u25a0' '; ANY kind -of 'roofs' repaired : or * painted.'",' A* HIL-' MAN, 60S : E. r; 12th st.;' • Oakland ; ;" phone ' Mer- rltt • 45W. ; .• . " " r^SS^^£ES:; :. .. \u25a0 . \u25a0;. .7, •;\u25a0 -.": WORKS, Itic.^ \u25a0 : ! - \u25a0 .'- H.-R.avOPPS; PRESIDENT. V.^./" ALL KINDS *-A P.T. * LEADED AND MOSAIC GLASS. 115 TURK; PHONH. FRANKLIN 1763.^1 WE .make" handicraft; furniture' aDd? baby Jcar-* ' rlages." Paclflc Coast Rattan Co^i S3l^Van NeBS/ ; i ACCORDION, sunburst, slde^ pleating,-" buttons, button boles: mall and express orders. solicited. STEELS. II42O Post st.; phone: West «428. ->; \a; MAGDOWELL'S J Drew Making and MiUlnery ' Scliool,M2ls Post st. near Van's Ness;' Oakland " offlce.^lolB Washington.': patterns: cut, to order.; A; C. BROWN. Embroiderer/, 9C6 Market «t., la- ; : dies" suits:. see myj-large roses.- - .- v- -V' COMPETENT woman wishes day w"ork.*- Addrenw v . box 2^4. \u25a0 CaU. • 1651-, Flllmore . St. . CALL BRANCH OFFICE. 1651 • Fillmore st. near \u25a0\u25a0-Powt.'. . ' • '\u25a0\u25a0 . ... \u25a0 ' -'. - •\u25a0-\u25a0• ' \u25a0 ~:\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0 » WINDOW SHADES ; ADVANCK window shade factory; orders filled at short lifftloe.-. GEO. : WALCOM. 637 Turk «t. --\u25a0 \u25a0'\u25a0:"'" -'V'-'-.WINI>bw'bRESSING\.'-'/'-.-^'-' MERCHANTS', window dressing ; and show I card Market St.: phone Frnnklln. 1007. FIRSTCLASS' work dope .at"- your home. ':S."J. JRNSKN. BOfl - Waller st. Phone -' Market TJ2OX. CHINESE- A3IERICXN RESTAURANTS HONG KONG LOW, 1754 Geary , st. ; j chop suey > and noodles; American cooking: day. and night. •JAPANESE LAUNDRIES JAPANESE S Laundry; waist ' and . curtain speclal- lst. Ashal Laundry. 1401 Scott. Pb. West R2OO. STORAGE AND MOVING VANS Anderson . Transfer ' and \ Storage Co., m vg., j pkg., . ehpg.,.etc, Sth et. nr. Mkt., No. 20. Tel. Dgls. i.. 2177; trunks stored 3 days free. ' BEKINS - VAN AND \ STORAGE CO.- " . ." :\ \u25a0' Fireproof ' Warehouse. . 13th and Mission sts. -Tel. Market 13. WILSON. BROS. CO. (Inc.)— Moving and storage. cor. 14 th and Sanchez -Bts.. 1 block from Mar- r ket and Fillmore St.; carg> phone Park 271. ° A— PACI FIC STORAGE AND ~ VAN CO.— Brick warehouse. 2322 Fillmore st.? Phone West 2C2?. PIERCE-RODOLPH Storage' & : Moving Co. Main of Bee Eddy and Flllmore.. Tel. West 523. . ; -. ; .;i.:.v= ; ' v CARPET CI ' IE - 4^ilSS^^~v.~ ALL carpets and rugs cleaned on the floor with- out removel- by S.F. COMPRESSED AIR CLEANING- CO. Office, 24 Montgomery St.; phone Kearny. 5852; shop 16th and S. Bruno ay. LE CLAIR VACUUM CLEANING CO.. 62n Post, room 326; pbone Douglas' 2o7l— Dustless clean- ing of carpets, .rugs, draperies, furniture and bedding., "WITHOUT REMOVAL. • ~ 3c yd.- For • the \u25a0 Best Carpet Beating — 3c 1 yd.' Phone Market 2-6-2. .F. A. Rice, 1805 Harrison v 3c yd.j-Carpets : Cleaned at Right Price—^c yd. WHEN 'you become disgusted = with poor^'work send your carpets to J. SPAULDIN& '"& CO., 089 Golden Gate av.;l telephone Market 043. ORIENT Employment * Office— Reliable Chinese . cooks of all classes furnished. 714 Webster st., Oakland. Phone Oakland.3lol. Save Money — Best cleaning and laying now 8c yd. Phone us,; Market: 2280. Glsstow; 3SOB 22d -st. WATTS— Reliable carpet cleaning; alterations; renovat.; laying. CCO Devisadero. Ph. Park 569. j ADVANCE Carpet Cleaning Co.— Advanced meth- ods. GEORGE WALCOM^ CO.. 637 Turk st. CONKLIN BROS., carpet cleaning and laying. 2400 Geary st. corner Baker. Phone West 93. MATHEWSON'S Carpet Beating Works. 315 East 12th St., Oakland. Tel. Merrltt s»*i ; \u25a0 BlfiSs.' CALL \u25a0 BRANCH OFFICE, 1651 Flllmore st. . near Post. . . ' " ; '.'. -HOUSE MOVERS •'•" > HENDERSON & COVEY— Raising, shoring brick or wood bulldlflgs. lintel raising. " etc. 4SI 2?d St.. Oaklnnd: tel. O»k.- 2*157. Home A.*.l.V<. . ;' TRUNKS SUIT, CASES and bags, pbeketbooks, purses and , dog collars at Oakland Trunk Mfg. Repairing a specialty. 60 San Pablo ay., opp. 15th .St., Onklnnd. \u25a0. ° \u25a0 • j . PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING PAINTING" In all branches; paper hanging, tint- ing,- plastering repaired: send for estimate. Jas. P. Hunter, 1444 Webster. Tel. West 5653. Painting, papering, glazing; contracts at lowest prices. Shlrey; 232S Pr. Lobos: tel. Paclflc 21 04 ART. REPAIRING \u25a0 YOSHIKAWA-KURODA CO.. Jap. are repairing; antiques a! specialty. 416 Grant ay. nr. Bush. YE OLDE CURIOSITIE SHOPPE— Mahog. tables, •chairs,*: bureaus, desks, \u25a0 davenports and curios \u25a0 bought and sold. Cor. 7th and Brush.- Oakland. • • '--'.."' "baskets'. .-.'.' '-•*•..' Li D. HUGHES, BASKET MAKER of all kinds. 1022 Mission nt. : formerly 1707 Geary Rt. ' GAS ENGINES MINING hoists, stationary and portable engines, gas. distillate or crude oil. WESTERN GAS ENGINE CO.. 22 Ist St. ELECTRIC PIANOS ~~ FOR saloons/ nickelodeons,' candy stores - and restaurant; reductions- in" slightly used instru- ments; see us quick. AUTOMATIC MUSICAL AND DEVICE COMPANY. Inc.. 121 sth st. \u0084_.,.;.,_;_.. ,'. r ...^., .;;-,_;; TRUSSES^. . * '.'_.'. CLA ; rkTgANE iION TRUSS CO.speclallsts, truss fitting: lady att. 1258 G. G. ay. near Flllmore. Is simple and perfectly. harmless eyeV remedy, for children, and. adults. > .'- '.'; C TRY IT ONE DAY \ And notice the wonderful effects. Bright, strong and healthy eyes will - be; the result. At all druggists', or 6end Csc in-, money order direct to i- ,GEORGE MAYERLE, Graduate Ger-.. man Expert Optician, 1149- Golden' Gate ay., S. F. Phone Park 3153. Per dozen bottles, $5. .;.- \u25a0 - "ACCOUNTANTS \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0; . \u25a0''' AUDITS, systems, special investigations. COOP- KR. Bns-Kpmni Wdg..-717 Mkt.; Kearny 5359. JOHN R. RUCKSTELL, C.^P. A.. SCO :;C8 Claus SpreckPls building. Phone \u25a0 Kparny 4151' It Y PUBLIC MARK LANE; notary public aud commissioner of dppdn. 245 Bush at. : plione Temp. 262 ft. : : West Coast Detective Agency (licensed." bonded); conducts cases secretly; cor. confidential. - 898 Flllmore. Tel. Park 55.-.8. > T. C. GRAY. Prln. AA— DIVORCE: Costs, $1 2 r quick;" quiet;-advlce - free; no charge; unless successful r title 'to.real estate; restored; bankruptcy;' probating, of es- tates^ general practice. 1023 Market St., r. 12. M. C.HASSKTT.gFranIiR. Whltcomb andW.- . J. Glcason'haye removed - their law .offices to FOX-CROFT' bldg.. C-SPost St.- -„ o . - Divorce . laws, annulments, damages, restates; consultation free all legal matters; open'evgs. 04S ; Market st.J cor^ : Mason, , room 309. ' : COMPLETE divorce for $32. ' Including all. costs; a reliable lawyer.* 1122 Market St.. room 31. - JOHN F/HANLON. attorney, at law, 542 Pacific biilldlflg; phone Douglas 2799. "'.- ' CHAS.-a; SMlTH.' attorney at law. rooms 1105-7. Call building. Phone Kearny 4658. • • \u25a0\u25a0..-\u25a0 LANGAN & MENDEMHALL. 201 S BACON build- Ing. , Oakland. Ph6ne Oakland ;l43l. '-'\u25a0 .; :. . , NATIONAL Law V and Collection Co.. . 601-CO2 Cochran.bldg.. 251 Kearny Bt.' Phone Kr.v.2093. HARRIS & HESS, attorneys at law;W. T. Hess,' .' notary public. Room 1112.- Call building. ' L. .S. CLcWiJaC, : attorney at : law. 851 ; Jacksoa St., Oaklnnd; consultation free:. open evenings. '.."\u25a0;"- MONEY? made dally ?and \u25a0 Call t Want -Ads help ! to : • make it. v Advertise - your { wants: « make them known to the public: through a Call Want Ad. Ap investment, not an;expense. \u25a0 For. full' par- ticulars read Call Want Ads dallr. . : ;PATENT ATTORNEYS " r : '. DE WEI', 0 STRONG 0 i CO.— Founded .1860; \U. S. , : : and '\u25a0> foreign . patent?; :: inventors' ; guides: 100 • mechanical ., movements . free, ts 1105 Merchants' . Exchange building; SanFrancUco.' : ' : :: HARRY C. SCHROEDER.'U, 8/ and foreign pat- l.ents.-320 First Nat, bank. Oakland: tel: 0.3575.' SONTAG Patent 'Agency— Established 1899 A; Bal- •-li'"" h *'jg'--'<*or..M»rket and 2dii«t'«.'.'--10th ; floor.""* . \u25a0 -._\u25a0 TITLES- RESTORED v ; ;. ; UNDER" McEnerney^ act;f complete, -°$35.' - iTitle |' ' Co.; 051 -:t atonndnoc k ' bldg.. 3d and Market »t«. | TITLES restored, 8 $3.->; warranted perfect. , Realty j - Title Compniir. 378 rMonnilnock building.''- S vv \u25a0 :-' '- \u25a0 : --. ';*;-"" . : . {pensions. \u25a0,_\u25a0"_.. '" : '. i ;- i^ ii j--' A— M. : HARRIS," pension and patent atty.T 34 ! El- '•' ' L 8t ' ' \u25a0 refere nces,*- many \u25a0 thousands for : whom 1 1 t havesccurcd pensions; '21 'years'.' practice. STEWART ' School— Rare ! opportunity ' to \ remedy i - defects " In . early 'education ; - any : hour, - day or -instruction private.; \u25a0 ;\ - . S33 'Hayes st.- near FUlmore. . , JOHN S. DREW— COACHINU SCHOOL and NORMAL CLASS. High \u25a0 school, all branches. " " Prepare " for ~- college, - teachers' - exams., civil ' : rerrice.' Laboratory courses. "Day, «*va. 943 :."Van Nejsfav.'i •'y \u25a0;"- -" -;» : : ; ..: \u25a0- ? " ;-. - .:\u25a0' THE LYCKUM, 2590 Pine St., prepares boys and girls for "^universlty.r law, ; medical: colleges,' § tfachersVex)'s;;h''ere you save time and money." ENGINEERING— CIvU. electrical, 'mining, mech. "survey,- assay, 'cyanide;- day, eve. ;• est. 1864. Van dcr J *.,alllen School, 51kC and Tel.'. Oakland. PROF. DE FILIPPE'S 1 simplified, practical. .;- method? 'SPANISH-FRENCH taught : at. 135 C .;Geary sfU a -/:•;. °. \u25a0;;\u25a0"> -'.*- - >•'\u25a0, .•".--\u25a0: ° .-- ..".\u25a0'" THE BERLITZ SCHOOL OF • LANGUAGES— 2531 , Washington near Flllmore;- send' for cir- cular. 0.,. '- -. : \u25a0 ' . " DANCING— PUCKETT'S SCtfOOL.- Classes Mon.. \u25a0Frl.; 'graduates -Wed. Church and Market sts. SPANISH "c.Comm. forms; best practical meth- od. Castillifn pron. PROF. ACEI>. 1032 Mason. PROF. T. , A.- ROBINSON, iqdlv. instr. math.. '\u25a0, bookeeplng, - Eng., ; ' day. eve."' 507 Haight. A— METROPOLITAN. V -BUSINESS . COLLEGE, 925 GOLDEN -GATE AY. \u25a0 ASSAYING, telegraphy, civil and electrical engi- neering, mining,' etc.: Heald's. 425. McAllister. ALL court. reporters recommend Gallagher-Marsh , Business College." 1256 ";Markct St., ,%-T - MUNSON School of Shorthand; . private lnstruc- tlon. 117 Delbert bldg.. \ t Van Ness & O'Farrell. SPANISH or . French in 3 months : \u25a0 perfect pro- nunclation. PROF.. HIDALGO." 126?: EIUs st. SAN- FRANCISCO • Business College, now located nt 753 Flllmore ' nr.- Haye«:' day -and . evening. -\u25a0": CLOAKS 'AND JStiITS: -^i-^' ' ! DRUMMERS'^samplps of ladles' cloaW and suits retailed at wholesale prices; now showing new \u25a0 . spring models all | the newest . fabrics". ' Drum- niprs' Samnlo Shor>. 1237 Van -Ness at Post. . SANITARIUMS PRIVATE home. for confinement: adoptions; best of rare.' 1303 -Market. »t.. Oakland.- - \u25a0 RUPTURE CURED ; "TALKS ON. RUPTURE." by ProL pierceuJuVt. 'Issued; copy free.- PIERCE & SON, 1417 Chest- nut st., Alameda.' Phone Alameda 1730. ; " '\u25a0 ' PHYSICIANS _ - _ r -_ ATTENTION. LADIES. \u0084 ' .' Yogi Medical Adepts aftd bloodless surgeons. Offices. 506-7-8 * Westbank bldg.. 830 Market st.: reliable specialists for women. When suf- fering from any ailment 'consult - these skilled physicians. .Cure when, others fail. Hours 9 a. m. to Bp. m.' . . ... * - DR. MAR DON; the noted doctor of Chinese em- pire, now, at 76S Clay st.,:S.^F.; with knowl- rtltre Inherited through' 7 generations;, cures all allmeats human system is subject to by means . of. teas,'l;carefully selected herbs; consult, free. DR. W'ONG HIM— HERB DOCTOR. Permanently Located 1268 O'Farrell st. bet. Gough and Octavia. DR.' JOS. ADDENYI. physician and surgeon; dis- eases of skin. « genito-urinary, veneral and rec- tal diseases; 1-3.. 6-7:30 p. m." 1246 Eddy st. MRS.- I. LEAN. C.S. P.— Healer of all ills. Office 874 Eddy St.; hours. 11> to 5. MATRIMONIAL YOUNG widow, auburn type, perfect figure," lovi- ng. disposition, is desirous to. meet man of same disposition; object matrimony. Address box BS7, Cal I office . WIDOW of good : appearance, age 42, blonde, would like the acquaintance of honorable gen- tleman with good position or some means mat- rimonially Inclined. Box 3017, Call . office, Oakland. - GERMAN woman, age 32.' g00d appearance, per- fect form, and house keeper, loving disposition and character, .wishes to meet gentleman of . suitable age; no . trtflers neod 'answer; object matrimony. Box. Sol, Call. of flce^ HONORABLE bachelor wants lady to financially Hsslst him in established business. Box 3021, Call office. Oakland. \u25a0'.'. .*•; •' ; GENTLEMAN, 2(1, mechanic.' dpsires \u25a0 the ac- quaintance of an honorable lady, widow pre- ferred; object companionship, posfsibly ' matri- mony; no trifiers. \u25a0 Address box 4593, Call. YOUNG man of 2ft, . drawing a good salary and lias' good- habits, wo<ild like to correspond with young lady: object- matrimony: state full particulars. Address box «K»7. • Call oHee. GET married; send for list, with , photos . and .postofflce addresses free. \u25a0 Address 'C. M., P. O. box 121. Oakland. Cal. HIGH CLASS folks -visit Mrs. de Long's matri- monial : parlors and are Invariably pleased with results. 1245 Laguna. W-*st 5639. Details 25c. DO not be deceived; the only reliable: matrimo- nial bureau you will find at MRS. A. WOL- TER'S. 1752 Geary St.; established In 1900. , GENTLEMEN find ladies of wealth and culture at tbe only reliable agency, ."Society Lady," 260 Hollls St.. Oakland. Details 25c. MRS. HUGHES, 035 Webster, wishes all temper- ' ate, respectable ladies and gentlemen to call. CALL BRANCH OFFICE, 1651 Fillmore at. near Post. , j . . - \u25a0 . . . \u25a0 . - , \u25a0\u25a0. \u25a0 MEDICAL AA— -'\u25a0...\u25a0. DR.: AND MRS. MASON - . .\u25a0 Successfully treat all ; female .complaints and irregularities by improved methods, . without resorting to painful and dangerous operations; 25. years' experience. . No . matter what your trouble or . bow long standing -it may ' be. I tbelr friendly and .confidential advlee will cost you nothing. All treatment 7 POSITIVELY GUAR- ANTEED not to. injure the, most delicate per- son. Those unsuccessfully treated elsewhere. : especially- Invited to call.;' Private home be; fore and during confinement. Hours, 9 to 8; Sundays-. 'lo to*l2. Take - elevator or- stairs to 2d floor.- - \u25a0 220-221 WESTDAXK BLDG.. S3O Market st. AA— ATTENTION. LADIES.' " \u25a0•- ' DR. NORTH.- 1025 Market St.: tel. Park-5941. World Renowned - Specialist . for : Women Only. No Delays or Disappointment. . . .: Relief Guaranteed. . \u25a0 , ° By Most Superior " Painless Methods • Known \u25a0 ;- . 'to Medical -Science. -. -\u25a0• ';- Most obstinate' cases treated; utmost' privacy; have no hesitancy. If In "need of my, services; absolutely harmless. . Low. fees. . By consulting ,an eminent specialist you say and money. S All female .complaints- cured.' 'Advice free. 10 a. in. to 4, p. m.'and 6to 9-p.~m. ; . AA— ROBERT G. FULTON, B. A;; .M. D. ;'. 516 11th st. near Washington; Oakland. = 20 years ago I. graduated from 2 leading -uni- versities. Since then I have TREATED . WOM- EN'S AILMENTS. EXCLUSIVELY. U Is to your advantage to\ consult the most T successful - and trustworthy I specialist. : ! Advice free. I Fees rea- sonable. Hours, 10 a. m. to Gp. m, Phone Oak- land 5458." ' \u25a0-,\u25a0- \u25a0:• ! "\u25a0 -,;.-- \u25a0 \u0084D R. ROBERT GREENLEAF' FULTON.. , 516 11th st. bet. Washington and Clay,- Oakland. MRS. DR. WEST. officefl293 Golden Gate ay.— " cLadles' specialist for.' many .years;- all cases • successfully treated;, no; pain; n,o delay from home; 'low fees;, hours, 0 a. m. to 8 p. m.'» : ; = A— MRS. 1 DR. WELLS.' reliable ladles' specialist for all female complaints: instant relief . guar- anteed ;; 30 years' 'successful practice ; home \u25a0in * confinement. "WEBSTER * st. between \u25a0Geary. and Post; office hnurs 10 t0. 5. SPECIALIST for \u25a0 ladles; painless relief guaran- 0 ; teed f" paid when cured; advice free. MRS. DR PHILLIPS, 3452 19th st... near ; Mission. <> CALL : BRANCH OFFICE. 1651 Fillmore st. near Post. ' - ... .. \u0084 - t ' V 7 ELECTRICAIi TREATMENT DR. &"°& "° MRS." 'DR. PIERCE, ; Specialists— Our " treatment 1» pleasant, safe and sure;' uo° dan- gerous, drugs or operations; satisfactory renults «and • reasonable - rates. • "Suite 502, Westbank "\u25a0bnildlug, S3O Market st.; -hours 10. to 8;. Sun- d^y. 12 to 1.- : ;'; ' ' '\u25a0 \u25a0 -" " ' - : \u25a0 Vr. .MATERNITY HOMES " ' S. K.LYING-INHOME. 1191 Oak st nr. Park— . DR. LORD," physician ; in charge; - conflnement $25.. ' \u25a0' ..'"\u25a0.-•. .'-\u25a0\u25a0'»,:.*-- °. . . > » p . " - -,_: \u25a0.';_- o CHIROPODISTS '; . . : : DR. J. W.- LEV Y," . surgeon chiropodist, r. 304-303,- _ Phelan bldg.". Mkt. at O'Far.; h; -0 to c B p. m. CHIROPODY— I2UI Golden Gate ar. near Fill- .'inore'Rt. .•\u25a0'-•- '• . _ . -.\u25a0. \u25a0 • \u25a0 '\u25a0•;--_• \u25a0 :o _V i ; ;\u25a0;'_\u25a0\u25a0* dentists -\u25a0'" ;\u25a0 "/ c : BOSTON PAINLESS DENTISTS. 739 Market St.. ','. acknowledged • to . be : the : easiest and best pain- less extract ioa ln : sr>F.:;'FuH'jet of t*eth. $2; gold .crowns. $2; \u25a0 silver .'filings,-. BOc. All work .: ; guaranteed 20 : years. -. , Open . dally till 9 p. . m. DR.- C. Vt'.'f DECKER, - Piielan bldg. ; rooms COB- \u25a0/ 0-10./ 760 Market ; st. ; > phone Kearny ; 1630. . DR.; SIMMS,-. 1214-Polk St., cor. Sutter, room ' 301 ; - pbone Franklin ' 367. ". \u25a0 '* I'll nW&tfmMftSA DH. . IRA iG. \u25a0 LEEK— AU \u25a0 klnda of denUl \u25a0 work. ,5. 815 , Fi11m0re \u25a0 st. ; near Oak. , . \u25a0: V :• - ;,- ; :.. .•\u25a0 < , DR. U. ; G. v BARTLETT.'. extracting specialist." re- |: moved to 32.'l. Geary cor.-' Powell; Douglas 4300.* HILL." DK^ LUDLUM.'. 432 Webs.' (now -Stairhead \u25a0».' hldg. > j Market: ; Hayes '\u25a0 and La rkln : t gas * given. ;\u25a0; '\u25a0 : J-_ : - 'CATARRH -~A ND^ DEAFNESS -V " . ALSO I, ear : noise* : positively \ cured ; i 1 \ week .' free " PR.-COTTINC.nAM.;im>O Snttw «t.: ; hrs. 10-4* »I~A DOOt AND '- CAT JHOSPITAI/^ ' '- : DK."-E.VJ. CIVKELY.J! 1818 1 ',Mkt.267o^-Speclal ward for dogs; dogs boarded. 'Vf'-V" '- i ;;'.^PißiTyALis:« ; '~- ' '"--.'\u25a0 :V r-.-/ REV. \u25a0 H ANLE Y. teacher of new thought 3 spirit- ual' healer; test eir. Sun.. Wed.: Frt. 8.; class Men., Thnra.;. readings dally.- 518 ISta. Oakld. AA— MRS/ J.J.i WHITNEY. ordained trance spiritual medium; fnll reading $1. at her home. \u25a0 \u25a0 1164. 0'FarivlI; st.: by. letter. 4 questions. ?1. MRS. .L. H.\KINNAIRD. circles Sun.. Mon.. "Wort.. Frt. S p. m.; readings daUy 10-4. 1439 Flllmore: St. -nil"- DR. HOWLAND'S. readings' today 50e; circle -25c tonight. 123Qj Flllmore: everybody welcome. REV. M. M. MAXWELL, splr. meetings . Wed.. .'Frl. 8 p. m;; Sun, hours 1 to 4." 629 Haight. CALIFORNIA'S oldest palmist and card reader. 25c.. 50c. $1.; 013 Broadway. Oakland. MRS. WASSMER, 1103 Laguna it., gives con- sultations 'on nil affairs of life: hr>nr;4 10 to « MME. BISSAZZA. .the wonderful tealcaf .and \u25a0 card 'reader, moved to 01(J 7th st:. room 32. i • near Market. »t. ' Oakland broad gauge cars '-stop at" door. - Not home Mondays. Madam Lulse. the Spanish adviser, is at her per- manent offices. 1037 A G. G. ay.. rffls. 1 and 2. .T"' '_' -.'"' "\u25a0 ADOPTION *' " - *- r -.;- ; '•''."> GOOD-home and a bright future, W J awaiting a : r healthy : baby girl 2 to 11" months: eld, . at - . MaternltT Villa, 1416 Sth St.. Alamedal . Painless. confinement: children boarded or'adopt- ed. Maternity Villa. lil& &th st^ Alameda. \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 PERSONALS • •• : DO* YOU need capitaK Our plan helps you get . it quickly and cheaply; securities underwritten ' to 5 per cent -annually; three and . five 3 year , terms; absolutely new .inetbod: terms reason- able; bank and commercial' references. Call, write, UOMF. SF.CURITIES CO., First Nat'l Bank Bldg. Oakland. •• ,' -. WILL parties \ who saw accident of an elderly! , lady kn»cke<l down from a car on November 17 on U'eary and Market sts. plf^se call or Taave -artilres^. flffj Prove nt.. Oaklaml. _^^_B(UMN^S^^EllSjO^iA^__^_^ , AAA— MY- wigs and "toupees fit perfectly, defy detection; I make them so that they are thor- oughly ventilated, light and airy. It *akes Just a . minute to < adjust them. . I have made wig - making- a life-, study and guarantee every one I meke. I^use the purest human hair free from mixture or dyes. I make them to dress in any style. Private gentlemen's department up- stairs. Experienced man In charge. Hair dressing, dyeing, etc.. by artists only. . Large stock of switches, pampadotirs. etc.. on hand. G. LEDERER, 2271 California st. MaU orders receive prompt attention.." Established ISQO. MRS. LOUIS HOTOP. 343 Grayson St.. West Berkeley, was relieved of large tumor without pain or knife by the MAGNETIC HEALERS. 707 Telegraph ay.. Oakland; phone 7742. MRS. MOORE, magnetic massage; nervousness, indigestion. ' poor circulation; given by an expe- rienced • nurse. 1304 Flllmore; hours 10; to 0 dally; walk In. BED . .wetting speedily cured; particulars for stamp. Nurses' . Remedy Co., dept. C. Oakland, Cal. . ...-\u25a0' ' UNCALLED -for sultf). overcoats and trousers at less than cost at CHAS. LYONS*, the London tailor. 1432 Flllmore st. bet. Kill.-* and O'Farrell. MRS. L. E. HARTMAN. baths and massage. . nervous and rheumatic Specialist. 403 Koenlg bldg... 101. Post st. cor. Kearny: open Sundays. LADIE.S — Your bust can be developed withimt drug*: something new. If Interested telephone Franklin 2310. ' -_ MAGNETIC MASSAGE — MRS. HOLSHOUSEB, Tel. Doug. 4440; 851 Pacific bid.. 4th and Mkt. MRS. S. A. LIVINGSTON, ARTIST., Hours 11 to 5. 311 Oakland ay.. Oakland. . MISS E. M. -REID. ' graduate masseuse; hours 10-{>. Sulte."2, 1703 O'Farrell corner Flllmore. MISS C. BELL, manicuring, face and scalp treat- ment. Room 21, 1443 Fillmore st. MISS ' IDELL; vibratory \u25a0 electric treatment for select patronage . only. 1906 Sutter st... S. F. GRADUATE masseuse. MRS. HELEN DERBER, electric treatment. 2024 Sutter. P. West SSO2. MISS WALLACE. Eastern Masseuse: baths. 124 Turk, r.' 210. 1 1st floor, rear: 11-10; open Sun. GOLDSTEIN CO.. theatrical and masquerade cos- tnmes; sue, to Jahn. costnmer. »21 Van Xea». MRS. E. M.- KERNDL. -electro-massage, baths. 1214 C Sfott nt.r hrs. 10-12: 1-5: 7-9. MUSICAL LVSTRUMEXTS^ REMOVAL BARGAIN SALE— Wurlitzer nickel slot pianinos, orchestrions, harps, players. . SLOT pianino rental reduced to $13 per mo. PETER BACIGALUPI & SONS. Ml Market - st.. San .Francisco. - - . . \u25a0 . ICO NEW pianos to rent; no cartage while they last; one year's . rvnt on 'purchase. BYRON MAUZY. 230 Stockton st. Union square opp. St. Francis hotel; everything in music, talking machines, records, etc. PLAYERS on violin, viola and clarinet for amateur church orchestra. Call Tuesday evening, 6T>B Waller st. PIANO wantetl — Responsible couple, will Insure and take good rare of piano In home for use of same. Address box 767. Call office. STKINWAY upright, flue conditioo. $275; Estey. $225; other uprights from $100 up. BOWERS & SON. 529 McAllister St. ' MASON & HAMLIN parlor organ In good order for sale cheap. 2840 Union st. " $96 buys imported Erard piano; good condition; cash or time. 908 Van Ness ay. GREAT bargain offered In fine Decker Brothers' piano, slightly n«ed. 1466 Bush st. \u25a0 A— Almost new upright, cheap. -JOS. SCHMITZ. & CO.. now 621 Van \u25a0 Ness- nr. Turk: v»- sl2s— First class upright: nearly. new; must be sold. HORNUNG'S. 1554 Eddy near F«!mor». PIUCB pianos everywhere first, then examine Stelnway ytorage pianos. t>l7 Van »s» ar. , NEW pianos for rent. $3 per month; rental al- Jjoweil If nnn»h»»»rt. STATHAM. 24 HIM »t. $»*«s*s**«*ss» $ 4s> ssss*sssss *ss**sVs**ssssss*sisSS*i*SS* $$)s«sssss . $$$*$$$$$$ $$$$$$«$$ SALARY $$$$$$$$< $$$$$$$$ ._ SSS$*<S5 $$$$$$$ LOANS. $$$$$$$ $-$$$?$- \u25a0\u25a0; , \u25a0-*;\u25a0 $$$$$$ $i*ss We are a "NEW LOAN $$$$$ $ $ $ $ COMPANY." loaning money $ $ $ $ $$$ to "strictly "SALARIED PEO- $$$ $$ * ,PLE" on taelr plain note*, without $5 $ \u25a0 security, indorter or publicity. ' Lowest • $ f ';'.'\u25a0"' \u25a0 rate* In the city. -- - S $ . YOUR EMPLOYER, NEVER KNOW 3. 3 $-\u25a0 we take nothing out. in advance aqd $ $ . you can pay ua back weekly or monthly. •> X $$ , LOAN CO.. J $$ \\% 408 Call -bldg.. 3d and Market. $$$ $$ $ $ - Open S:3U a. in. to «p. ns. $$ $ $ $$$ $ $ c Also Monday, Wednesday •$>$$$$ SSSs s ,« and Saturday even- $$* % % J I%ss $ $ % ' inss till 8 o'clock. ?° *$$$$$$ S f S S ,< f J S •= $^$$$$$S $$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$ $$$$$SSsssssss-. $$$$$$$$$«sss $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $tssssssssssss 0 ,*,*'s * $ o $ =t 6 LOANS ON SALARIES. $ $ A n«v company advancing money wlta- f 1 oat mortgage or Indorser to • . - - f f ' • '\u25a0 RAILROAD EMPLOYES. • ' " S !S . STREETCAR EMPIX>YE3. »"'. : $ %/\u25a0>- -TELEPHONE EMrLOYKS. - - $ I RETAIL cAND WHOLESALE CLERK 3 S $ or any man or woman holdlas a permanent S $ salaried position. . "•:s $ " EMPLOYEES CREDIT CO., - $ $ Boom 424, 4th ' floor. Monadnock Bid;.. $ $ .30 and Market sts.. $ o » < •\u25a0»-•%\u25a0 * > > » » » » so AAA— HOUSEHOLD ,LOAX CO. "Get our. terms when about to borrow on ,FCR- ; NITURE. PIANOS'. HORSES and VEHICLES. !We will save you money. Rooms 357-0 Pacific building (3d floor ). 4 tii and Market »ta. Pbone : Douglas - 32H5. • .-\u25a0\u25a0..\u25a0\u25a0»:, Oakltnd oftlce. 51S-10 First National bank bid?. MONEY loaned salaried people and other* upon cthelr'own names -without .security: cheapest rates; easy payments ; of flees In »>0 principal cities; save yourself money by: getting our terms first.' TOLMAN. room'9sl, Piiel.-in bldg.; S.oF.. and, room 9. 4Coi:'th >t.. Oakland. 1 A— CALIFORNIA'S- Largest Pawnbrokers. - Liberal -loans on- diamonds,' jewelrv. sealskins furs, etc. ;\u25a0 banking rate,s; ladles' private offlcw; nre and burglar proof , vault on the premises. •"•'\u25a0 CALIFORNIA' LOAN OFFICE, v ' . S4l' Broailway near 6th at.; Oakland. I WOUIJJJIke to lend some money on S»n Fran- clsco or. Oakland real estate mortgages; rea- •ona ble rates ; can raise .- a . good , sum ; If • you .want. It, > or . I- would make small loans. Write box 30OS. Call of flee. Oakland. • MONEY— MONEY— MONEY.. Salaries— Chattels ..^ ' . IJfe Insurance Policies '- ... ! : Wage Earners' Investment . and Loan - Co.. \u25a0».-. \u25a0 443 Pine st. - \u25b2NY. amount slowest rates on lint and second mortgages on real estate," • legacies, undivided Interests.' estates In probate; no delay. R.McCOLGAN. 26 Montgomery »t.. r. 314^15. ADVANCES *jaade on diamonds and . Jewelry at lowest rates; -safe deposit vaults: greatest pos- sible care taken.-, BALDWIN JEWELRY CO.. Van" Ncsa and gutter. LOWEST. rate*. -quick. deals, no delay — Loans on second mortgages, estates, legacies. Undivided Interest. When you; need: moiwy see HERMAN MURPHY. S4C Market st.. San Franclseo. - I MAKE all-kinds of'real estate -loan.t; no dc- \u25a0 lay. T GEO. W. AUSTIN, 101s Broadway Oakland., "\u25a0".:,*" Auy amount on real estate, flrst or second tuort- y gages,; or on any security: no delay; low rates. O—W. BECKKIC 2111 Fillmore near California. *R. B. AUSTIN- CO. Sloans money ! to salarinl peo- ple; Investigate onr credit system." Rooms 553-5, \u25a0 Paclflc f building.*. 4th and \u25a0 Market sts. MONEY TO LOJ^EiiS^HSl^ ON -furniture, pianos, : »trU:tlyprlr^' BECKER. 2111 Flllmore st. near California. CASH loaned to salaried men on note T}^ 06 Indoor. MORRELL. 922 MonaJnocH bWg. — ON furniture and pUnos: $15 up: w> p r *g?;^: no com. TREMAIN. 728 Buchanan nr. Hay—;. SALARY- loans: other propositions. S»n-i"r» n ~ Cisco nUonnnt Ageni-v. 411 Pa(>lflf_bSl»2J B »^ M i MONEY ~VVAjVTEP ___, I WANT to find a private party with money td loan on real -estate: could use from fi; 000 " $5,000; write me how much yon nave, box 3CO!>, Call office. Oakland. - $15,000 at 6 pec cent net. long loan.^ on down- town income property; principals only, -w* 3>Kift. Call. Oakland. _^ — *.- ' . FINANCIAL - • '•'•":„ WE 1 buy and sell Ocean . Shore Bonds. , Cal^ , Safa Der». acrts.;- advance money on life Ins. P«» cl< ? and estatea In probate. 443 Montgomery «. CAL. SAFE DEP. TRUST.ACCOUNTS BOUCJHT. P. E. BESECKER. 24S PACIFIC BLDg. "ABBOTT burs bonds"— Ocean Snore. Martaj* *t. Ba-nk »nd Cal. S«fe Den, b^okr.. jMJBwhJ»t-. ARE you buying or selling stocks or b oo^^} on PETTIS 4 BURBECK. 333 First National , bank bitlkHag. \u25a0 Oakland. ' • LEGAL NOTICES -'- NOTICE OF SALE OF STOCK FOR NONPAT- - MENT OF ASSESSMENT. OCEAN SHORE RAILWAY COMPACT Location of principal place of businesa >"••*- Eleventh street. In the city and county or saa "Francisco and state of California. \u25a0 *^ii-. Notice Is- hereby gtven tnat there to ? deUt>- quent upon the following described capital «°« of the Ocean Shore Railway Company on «f« o ? n J of iwessment heretofore, to wit. on the I4tn amy of January. A. D. 1900. levied thereupon, torn several amounts set opposite the names, or uxt respective share holders as follows. »«: _ No. of No. of Amount Names. Certificate. Shares. I™*. Bocqueras. Leon 313 100 !»».» Bowen. A. D 122 . 7 J 4 .*? Carpy, Cha* ..227... 100 2C0.P0 Chiron, Lvclen 559 10 20-«> Chiron. A...... ......629 10 »-00 Christensen. S 604 20 f>™ Dougherty. Jas 555 13 24.00 French American Bank. .„.„ pledgee 600 100 200.00 Gotteland, M 583 40 ff 0 -** Jarrin. M.A.... 001 20 4000 Jarrln. M 592 2O * 0 -™ Johnson. Ada 528 M 15^x2 Masson. M SSB 40 PO.OO Melbourne. M. and 3 540 10. .- *°,-£* Mery. J. L 573 10 20.00 Mejrn, John 93 8 II 0 ** Mdrcel. J 327 47 W.OO Morcel. J 373 1* *>•£> Morcel. J 534 00 100 -52 Morcel, J.... 535 SO .?s\u25a0%> Notbohm. L. R 294 50 J$X-°° Pockwlta. Leo Jr 315 6O 10 »°0 Pockwlt2. Leo Jr 433 - 10 .^^ Reulos. A.. 593 10 20°5 Reulos. A 630 10- 20.00 Reulos. A.... 631 IO 20.00 Steele. R. E 563 1« f2-0O Zacn*rt. W... 551 . 5 - K^O And In accordance with the law and an order of tbe Board of Directors, made oa the 14th day of January. A. D. 1909. so many of the share* of each parcel of said stock as may be necessary will be sold at tbe front door of the principal place of business of the Ocean Shore Railway Company at lt» office at No. 52 Eleventh street. In the city and county of San Francisco, state oi California, on Monday. the.Stb day et March. A, D. 1900, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said da£. to pay said delinquent assessments upoa thfC stock aforesaid, together with the co«t» of; advertising and tbe expenses of sate. jJatod tbis ISth day or February. A. D. 1909. BURKE CORBET. :. Secretary of the Ocean Shore Railway Company. Location of office No. S2 Eleventh street, elty an-rconnty of Saa Francisco, state of California. THE PACIFIC HEBREW ORPHAN ASYLUM AND, HOME SOCIETY reports the followlne admissions in the orphanage of whole and hale orphans from June. 3o. 1909. to December 31. 1908. viz.: Jacob Sehlocker. aged 7 years 3 months: Gertrude- Shubert. aged 10 years; Bernard Udelhelt, aged 5 years; Charles . Schneider, aged 7 years 9 months; Max Sell, aged 7 years -S* month*: Nathan Seil, aged 6 years 4 months; Lawrence M. Konlgsberger. aged 11 yean 4 months: Pearl BlumentQal. aged 8 yean 9 months: Leah - Steinbart. aged !> years 2 months; Isidor Stelnhart,- aged 7 - years 3 months; Plncus Stetnhart. aged 3 years 0 month*. ' NOTICE is hereby given that 1 will not be re- • sponsible for any debts contracted by my wife. CHRIST KAHLER. 4222 19th st. HAVING sold restaurant at 1500 Devisadero »t., present bills by March 6. COSTA CRIKOS. CALL BRANCH OFFICE. 1031 Flllmor* st. near Post. MIXES ANP MINING ALLGEWAHR BROS. CO.. assaying In all Its branches: accuracy guaranteed; send for mall- ing envelope. 313 6th »t.. Oakland. , GOLD, amalgam, rich ore bought; cash; assaylne BOc. Pioneer Assay Co.. 1-11 Sth «t. nr. Howard. ';"\u25a0''' . INVESTMENTS . , i STOCKS AND BONDS FOR QUICK SALE. $ Ocean Shore B, R, bonds. ........Waated I.ODO shares Monterey Coal Company at. .13 1.000 shares Cal.-Pres.serl Brick Co. at.. .3t \u25a0 siiO shares Hubbanr Elliott Copper at.. LOO " 20, shares Peoples* Wator C 0 ......... 63.00 500 shares Hoa« Capid Press at .35 .- '110 shares United Wireless preferred. 3.00 I.OtX) shares Pacific Fruit Cooling A V.. .33 .Address P.- O. box 754. s?«n Jotte. Cal. THK - secretary of a Nevada gofd mining com- pany wishes to Interest additional capital tor more aggressive development; thla la on* of - the best prospective producer! and la close to 1 tbe latest sensational stride In Nevada; every \mlning facility at hand: now at work-on ttvs property; want one or more Investors to put up 1 10.000 to $20,000; principal j only: bank ref- erences. Address Secretary, box 1»4. Call. WE- can sell you any active unlisted stock 20 to- H> per cent below any other bona ftfl» -_ prices; market • letter and quotations onr re- quest; can make quick and prompt Mien of all active unlisted ' stocks and bonds. CHESTER B. ELLIS & CO.; 714 Market st. \u25a0 ASK ll*. Hey; bis agency planned and carrlM to wirces'sfnl issue largest * financial a »dv«Ttislns . campaign in the west; folders,', booklets and financial literature a • specialty. 623 .Market '' St.. Sau FranclHco. \ STOCK of -WRIGHT COMPUTING TYPEWRIT- C ER CO. Is l>eins rapldlv reserved. Better COME IN on- the OHOCND FLOOR while this OPPORTUNITY remains open. A. F. S;. 437 14th St.. Oakland. . . , MUST st-n $5,000 stock or part secured by 8 per .cent first • mortgage" gold bonds on Improved \u25a0 real estate: If you want a safe investment an- swer thl*. Box 762. Call office. . . $oO.OOO— GiIt etlge 9 per cent bonds due 10 years, payable at maker's option after 7 year*, j jfnr sale In mims to suit. Box 674.- Call office. STOCKS bought and sold: loans on' approved ' » securities. F. K. CORNI3H. 62 Bacon hlock. Oakland. FOR sal*-- At a bargain. 50 shares California Ostrich Farms. S3 shares. Industrial Invest- ment Company. Box 730, Call office. McCAKTY Tvirelesi telephone — Important Infor- mation for stock holders. Room : 40, Bacon ' building. Oakland. . WlLL.bny small blocks BurliTigame Typewriter. • free, at $2.25. \u0084 Box 7*J«, Call offlce. I AVILL . buy OCEAN SHORE first ronrtzae* TtONT>S. If. r. WPSKPKFn. 24« P»Hfli» Mrtg. PARTNERS AVANTEP \u25a0 WANTED — Partner' with $19,000 to Invest In manufacturing business. An exceptional oppor- tunity. Box f«7. Call office. . . SACRIFICE— S room house; cost $3.0©0; sell ss Jl.rwv. terms; absent owner. Box 3016 Call rtiiHtmi*!. Jj^j^ - PROPERTY WANTED WANTED-^3OO to 1.000 acres land, first and sec- 5 tsottom. nesr transportation: water pre- ferred: no hnnl pan, adobe- or alkali; siv« fnll parttculara first letter. Bos 3014. Call. Oak- • . land. . WANTED— Lots between H tnd J its.. Suaaet district: onr client will pay cash; prices must Ue reasonable. J. W. WRIGHT A CO., US and IZ~ g ntt»r mt. . SA.V MATEOREAI, ESTATB 5 ROOM bungalow in Redwood City;! large Uv- lag roy>m, paneled dining room: for rent or f.>r J <iale: term* fo j mlt. Box H5. Cull nfit^. SANTA CRir/. REAL KSTATg ' HOMES. n Investments. Mots, ranches, acre proew- tl>«. BROWX .% WIIJON. Santn Crai. Cut LAHKiHIjR KKAI. KVI'ATIG FOR sale at a savrlnc«r— A beauttfnl cottage: Ju»t -buHt; 3 rooms, bath. J. DO.VNOLLY. Lark- spnr. - - • , - . .-\u25a0 SANTA ROSA REAL ESTATE WRITE for list of 'lncome bearing ranches to James 11.. Cray. SrniU Rtxm. Cal. OII.H.VDS FOR Inside ,'Tnfonnatton on • olt • lands address *P.O- hoi IM. Swn FrsnctacoL J * Continued to Next Pas«