Newspaper Page Text
12 K . : __ : : : — \u0084 .. ~ ~f I Additional News of Event<s BAT'S BOOK IS OUT WITH 265 PUNCHES OR PAGES Lightweight Champion Gives Interesting Chapters in Mis Ring Career * : ARTHUR L. PRICE Ba^f book i* out. - Nelson hs> 'entered the world of letter* witii 2C5 puncher— or pages— whichever the world of letters waatß to fall it.' : The book is bound in green and decorated witb the words "Bat tling Ne!«on. Light Weight Champiou of the World," an.l a haudscme cartoon of the fistic author. Th* book runs 25 rounds — or chapters — it is difficult to apply proper terminology to the work of «=ociT a versatile artist as O*car Bat tling Matthew Nelson of Hegewiach, 111/ In the opening roulid Nejson leads for the readers eves with a stinging announcement of hit name "in full, and the fact that he was born la Denmark. Then he counters with h terrific right, which states that he — v.'bo I» Bi»w wortli about a Half million— once fought for $1. The *-nd of tfcc round finds the reader dazed and froggy. At the o;.»>nfci|?: f-t the second round Nelson mfvanree t<:« the center et th«> ring and states that be liefcf-d Ole Olfon and ac-hieved the crown of Hejretilsch. a -bubble be has held to ever einc-e. So the contest c<#*.' Never for a moment is tbe "reader permitted to rest. Bat keeps at it from jrong to cong with bis lurid and modest recital <>f his wonderful exploits in the ring. About the end of the fifth round the reader feels like taking the count but the fascination of Bat's literary punches Is so stimulating that one must sec the uneven contest out. To ameliorate the effect of the forceful and fluent narrative, style of NeUon's right, be had used his scissor? Mow in an editorial sense and placed at restfcl Intervals in tbe book extracts from the reports of new*papcr writers who have covered Nelson's fights. Among these i« one of the vigorous reports written by the late R. A. Smyth, who. as sporting editor of The Call, wroteof Nelson's moft important bat tles. Another .interesting article is by William J. Slattefy, the present sportinß editor of The Call. Cartoons by Artist Ralph lardley of The Call staff illustrate the text. • The honk will be for sale today on. all news stands aDd at Tbe Hasnie cigar stand. It- is a oojvine history of Nelson's ring career and is x\ eH illustrated by cartoons and photograph*. SIX HTTRT BY WILD AUTO— Bridgeport. Conn.. May 31.-v-Six young 'men were wrloosly Injured, on- pcrfcap* fatally, durtne the laft event of the autrvmobile hill climbing contest at Sport Hill today. The machine Jumped the road hittinjT a .tree. , Thence it ran into the crowd. The six men injured were" sitting: by the side of the road. .• '• • \u25a0 \u25a0 • lT x^J^^anri^g ; DEATHS . Barry. James' .... 36 \ Hickey, Mary E. V SS Kurns. J.»rpb P.. 35 j Kroeger. August . . S3 Camus. Victorine.. 34 JLlndsley. A. H......03 Obope, Roy W. .. — |Marßden, Joseph ... •>» «'o!bv. Hiram H .. 69 I McGreevy, Rosanna Cutler. R, -8.... 72 | Claw) I»alr. James C... — McKolvry, Charles... .5 DavK John W- . . 42 i McLeod. Angus ..-..33 l>olan. Catherine... T2 | Neil, Margaret ....75 I>uabar. Joshua ... fiS ] Owens, Ellen M Egan, Thomas 80 1 Ratto, William E..31 Ksken. Alonio c J,, . -*\u25a0 \ Reioke, Bertha r l\ Finnignn. Peter . .. 7« | RicgeUinth, Josephine 31 Fuetwher, Elizabeth S3 \ Schick. John H 68 Garrigan. James . . 70 j Stack. Christina . . — <;nv. Martha Wajrner. Lndwig ...65 <;ribble. J. G..-..22 Waters, Joon -.;...; — Hartwick. A. S. C. 17 White, Franklin ...60 Hrlntz. Fred ..-..59] ; .. BAERY— In" this city. May 30.' 1909.", James, beloved son of Mary and the late James Barry, brother of John P. Cnlbcrt.rD.W, Barry and ' Mr*. J. McGlone. and nephew of William «M Elixa Sullivan, a native of Oakland, Cal.. aged 36 Tears 9 months and 3 days.' - j The funeral will take . place today i Toes- day », at 1:30 o'clock p. m., from the par- lors of J. C. O'Connor & Co., 770 Turk street near Franklin, thence to St. Mary's cathedral fnr services, commencing at- 2 o'clock p. m. Interment Holy Cross cemetery. BITEKS— In this city. May 31. 190 P. Joseph P.. beloved husband of Kittle Burnn." son of the late Etfward and Sarah Burns, and brother of William S. Burns and the late Edward Burns, a native of Pan Fran«-i*co, Cal.. aged 35 y»ers 4 months and 11 days. Remain* at the parlor* if Green, Ryan & IVmoboe. northeast corner -of Sixteenth and Guerrero streets. , \u25a0' \u0084"•',' CABNTTS-In this city. May 30. 1909. . Victorin*. beloved wife of Theophtle Camus, bfloved ' efrter of David Fcutrier and Mrs. A. Ram- baud, nie^e "of J; B. Bernon. and cousla of Mr. and Mrs. Emile Eernou. a native of " France, aged 34 years 3. months and 7 dar*. .-'; Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral tomorrow i Wednesday). June 2. at 10 a. m.. from the parlors of .Tilling S. Godeau. 30.1 Montgomery avenue, thence to the French church of Notre Dame de« Victoire*. wnere a - requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of her ponl, eommeneinj: at 10:30 o'clock. In- terment Holy Cross cemetery. CHOPE— In this city. May 31. 1909. Wil- liam, beloved i-"n of William Frank and May Chnpe, and FiBter of Nellie Chope, a native 'f t>an Francisco, Cal., aged 1 month and 17 dare. COLBY— In Oakland. Cal.. May 31, 1909, Hiram H.. beloved husband of Mary. Amanda Colby. father of Eugene and Arthur E; Colby, and brother of Eben C. Colby and Mr». Lucy Wilton of Donbarton. N. H.. a native of Lyn- d<Mi. Vt., aged 69 years 3 months and 24 days. A member of Evening Star lodge No. lftS. I. O. O.F., and Dirlgo lodge No. 224, K. of P. CTJTLEH-In this city. Ma r, 31, = 1909. Elijah Bnardman Cutler, beloved husband of Edna M. CutJer. and father of Mrs. John H. Hunt and Mrs. John B. Newhall of Lynn. Mass.; a native of Wayne. Ohio, aged . 72 years -11 months and 4 day*. .* (Boston, . Mass.,- and Wayne, 0.. paper* please copy.)" c Notice of funeral hereafter. DAXY— In this city. May 31. 1909. at his late residence. «12 Twenty-second street, .lamps C, beloved, husband of Mary Daly, loving father «f Marie. Generleve. Cecilia. Mar- •jruerite and Cornelia Daly, ant) ison in law of Mr*. Cornelius Callaban. 'a native o- Co-jnty- Mayo. Ireland. President of Division No. ». A. O. H.; member of Y. M. I. No. 74. Potrero council, and Stationary .Fire- men's local No. 86. .:• , c To the officer* aod members of Potrero council No. 74, Y. M. I. — You are . hereby notified in attend tbe funeral of our late brother, James C. -Daly. ' -\u25a0- ~ED. O'DONNELL," President. JOHN GLACKIN, Secreury. DAVIS— In this city. May 30. 1909, John W. Davis, beloved brother of Mrs. John O'Day. a native of Michigan, aged 42 years 9 months cn<l 12 la."ii.' t Tlie fune-ral will take place today '(Tues- day), at 0 o'clock a. in., from the residence of his sister, Mrs. John O'Day, . 1 809 Four- teenth avenue between i» and Q atreeta South, \u25a0 thence to ' All Hallowa church, where a re- (Snlca fcigb inasa will be c»Kbrat«d for tb* repose of Ills mul. fonucerc'ng at 9:So o'clock a. m. ' Ictcrtmni (private). Holy t,'ros<! ccuieti:ry. DOLAK— In thia city. May 30, 1809. Catherine J.. beloved wife of James 'F. Dolan, and mother of Jobn P.. Bernard J. - and Gene- vieve - Dolan, Mrs. -Thomas IJ. Clements and the late James A. Dolan, a native of Tul- linadaly. County Galway. Ireland.' aged 62 years. Friend* and acquaintance* are respectfully inrited to attend tbe funeral today (Tues- ditr), at 8:30 a. m.V from ncr late residence. 777 Hayes street., thence- to. Sacred \u25a0- Heart r-burcb. wLere a requiem high mass will be -pf-lebrated for. the repose' of her soul; com- mencing at - 9 o'clock a. m. Interment Holy Cross cemetery. BUKBAB— In- Oakland. Cal.. May 31. 1909, Jn#hua Dunbar; beloved husband of Jennie E. I'v.r.Utf. and father of Mrs. George E. Baogle «>f Vallejo; Cal., a native of New York, aged •jS year*. ZGJLS — In thU rity. May 31/ 1909; Thomas, lielored husband -of - the late Bridget Ejran. and loriDg father of Thomas, - James L. . and '.\i!i:*tn 11. Egan, Mrs. Thomas Hoeker and Mrs. John Egan.. a native of County Galway, Ireland, aged* SO years.. - '\u25a0" *. Friends end acquaintances are regpect/ully invited to attend- the funeral 1 from St. Michael's <-hurch. WTerroore. where a requiem Jitrb mass will be celebrated - for the repose of his sonl on the arrival of the- 7:40 a. m. train from Kan Franctsco, Thursday . morning, Intermpnt in. the -family plat, Livermore. Re- mains will lie at bls'late recldcne*. [6SI Cleui- <iitlna street, until Thursday morning. ~ EEKEN— In this city. May 31. 1909. , Alonio 'J . Esken. beloved hu* <and of A . J . -Ef ken, a native of Ohio. A' Djember .of ' Pacific ' coun- v ell- No. 54. i National. Union.' '.--• -' '. - \u25a0 . Notice of funeral hereafter. Remains at \ the funeral parlors of the H. F. Maasa company. 3335 Golden Gate avenue near. Fillmope . otreet. \u25a0" ''\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0'; , : -." w FIKNIGAK— In this' clry. May 2V 1909. Peter Finnlgan." a native of-County Caran, » lreland, accd 76 rear*. Notice .- of funeral \u25a0 hereafter.* Remained at the funeral i>arlora;Of. Mcßrearty & McCor- mick. 815 Valencia- street near. Twentieth.-. ' FUETSCHER-In this city,: May 23." 1909, ElUa- : beth *A. Fnetscher'^ (ne* ", Scliunk).'- beloved wife of Martin Foet*cber, : and loving . mother of - Martin Jr. and ! Anna Fnetscher, - a ' native* ttt '\u25a0 Gluckstadt, Oermasy, ' aged 53 ' years 4 CARDINAL CREW IS VICTORIOUS IN THE NORTH ''- • ] Stanford Oarsmen Defeat the University of \Vashington by ThKe Lengths \u25a0 "> " '. ' \u25a0 " \u25a0'•:". SEATTLE May 31.— 1n a pretty race over the three mile course on Lake Washington this aft ernoon tlie eiglit osreH, crew of Iceland Stanford university defeated the" University of Washingt on crew by three length*. The time was 19:4o! The Stanford crew was a surprise to. every one. It aireragPd 20 poundß heavier than the Washington ci-ew, and betting odds were 2 to 1. with Washington the favorite. The • Stanf >r J oarsmen showed their class at the start, leading, with 3S etrokes to. the min ute. They soon dropped back to 36.: and at the end of the first mil* Washington was in the lead. The Stanford men. increased their, stroke and near, the end of the second mile were a little ahead of the local crew, when the latter sud denly made a marvcloua burst of speed, getting on an equal basis with, their opponents. ; .•\u25a0.',."..' Stanford again increased their stroke, running it up to 40. and rapidly drew away from the Washington' oarsmen, who could not -force their stroke above 34. Stanford's victory was all the more decisive as they rowed at a disadvantage. Several small excursion craft that were following/the race on the Stanford side of the course insisted on get ting Inside the lines, causing a heavy swell; that threatened "to be disastrous to thfc victorious crew. EXCIXALSOPEX SEASO.V ALAMEDA. May 31. — The Enclnal yacht club opened the summer season today with aquatic aportß. The first race' was a mixed double be tween Ml6B Bessie Valleau and William Weln mann and Miss Marjorle Emmons add Darrcll Horan. It was won by the first named crew. The half mile swimming race was won by Hatold BrunUsch. defeating Woodland Wright. In the mile event for skiffs ' William - Wright and Woodland Wright were neck and neck with Darrell Horn and Russell Henderson until the last 60 yards, when the first team shot ahead, winning by a half boat's length. - \u25a0"\u25a0 . The paddlinic race was won by/the same crew as the mile skiff race. No oars were used in the boats, it being a requirement that only hands and feet be used to propel the boats. , . In the canoe - race the Loiterer, sailed by Harry Shed, was first; the Mist, sailed by Henry Land'sberger. -second, and the Hyak, Captain H. Eschen, third* Music_and dancing concluded the day's .sport. .- \u25a0 . . „" MAKES LIVE BIRD RECORD— Pottsville, Pa.. May 31. — Mlbs Annie E. Rieeker of Lan-" caster, Pa., in a , handicap' live .bird tourna ment today, established a new- world's record for women" by killing 47 out of 50 birds. -The best previous record was 45 out .of 50. made by Annie Oakley. '.'• ' months and 20 days. A. member of TVashintjton circle So. 1, C. O. F.,'- and' Metamora^ stamm .Nn. 4, U. O. n. M. . . . \u25a0; .'• Friends and acquaintances are* respectfully invited to attend tbe fpneral today (.Tues- day). June 1. 1909, at 9 o?clock a. m.. from" her late residence, 1737- Scott street "corner of \u25a0- Bush, thence to St. Dominic's church, where a solemn' requiem high mass will 'be celebrated for the repose of her soul, com- . mencing at 9:30 o'clock "a. . in> Interment Holy Cross ceme.tery. ' \u25a0".'.•• . " • GAUEIGAN— In this city. M«T 30.' 1909". Jameg. dearly • beloved husband of the late , Mary ' Garrigan, and father of, James and-. Kate Garrigan, and Mrs. E. Dunne, and" the late John and Edward Garrigan. a native of Dublin. Ireland. 'aged '"0 years and 2 months. . A member of- the .'Riggers'- and Stevedores' union. '.*..- • '.\u25a0'.'•• Friends and acquaintances j are respectfully invited to attend • the funeral tomorrow. < Wednesday), from his late- residence. 375 Shotwell street, at 9:43 o'clock a. m., thenc* to the church of St. Charles Borromeo. where - a solemn requiem higJT' mass will •be . Runtr for tbe repose of his soul, commencing: at 10' o'clock a. m. Interment Holy. .Cross cemetery.' GEAY— In this -xlty. May 31. 1909. ' Martha, dearly beloved wife of GeorK<» Gray, dauch-. tw of Frank and Annie Wichert. and sifter I of Mrs. R. Baker. Mrs.' B. Boylan and Frank Wichert, a native of Germany, aged .33 years 3 months and 4 days. •-.' : \u25a0'"'." GEIBBLE — In Richmond, Contra- Costa oountv,- Cal.. John Glanrille Gribble, ' a native .. of California, aged 22 years.- •_'... ... \u25a0'. '-' • '• • HAETWICK— In this city. May' 31; . 1909; . Ar- thur Sophus Chrs.. Hartwick.- dearly- -beloved son of Sophus and "Johanna Hartwlrk.' a .na- tive of California, aged .17 years 3 months and 17. days. • :—: \u25a0 . . HEINTZ— In this city'-,'' May 31. 1909, Fred, dearly beloved husband of .Martha -'-Heintz. and devoted father of. Charles Heintz and William. George and- Henry Ije.nnefelt. and Mr*.. Henry Beckman, a- native of Germany, aged 59 years and 1 r day. Friends and acquaintances ' are respectfully • invited to -.attend the- funeral tomorrow' (Wednesday), at 2 o'clock p. *m.; from his. late residence, 2285' Fifteenth street between. -. Noe and Castro. Interment Mount Olivet ceme- tery, by carriage. • . . ' \u25a0 \ .' . . HICKEY— In -this city. May. 30. -1909. Mary E., beloved wife of . William A.. : Hlckey. mother of Margaret Hlckey, • and sister of. Charles McGrath of Santa Rosa, a native of Sheridan, Placer count/,' Cal.. aged -35 \u25a0 years. .\u25a0 . •• : . ; ; ' .'• ' . . The. funeral" will take place' today (Tucb-' day). at 9 o'clock a. m:/ from" the parlors of : McGinn Brothers,. 1828 Eddy • street, thence to Holy Cross church,-, where^-.a requiem mass will be celebrated . for the - repose "of .-he*- poul. . commencing at D:30".a. " m. Intertbent Holy Cross cemetery.' " . ' . '\u25a0 i . KEOEGEE— In Frnltvale. Cal., May 30. 1909/ . Autrust, belayed husband of Georgina Kroeger, and brother^ of Katrina Hauscbild and Wil- liam • aod the.' late Hanman -and George Kroejrer, a native of Hamburg; .Germany, aged •65 years 10- months- and 19 days. '.' LINDSLEY— In Berkeley, Cal., May 23, 1909. Archie H., • beloved husband of Martha G. Llndsley. son of Charles H. and Gu'ssle tinds- ley of Waupon. Wis., and brother of T. R." Llndsley of San Francisco, and Edward and Clara L. Llndsley. of Waupun, Wis., a na- tive of Wisconsin, aged 33 years and 11 months. A. member ; of . Plumbers' and Gas Fitters* local No. 1, of San Francisco. ,'\u25a0•"'•: Friends and acquaintances -are respectf ally' Invited to attend the funeral services "this (Tuesday) afternoon. June- 1, at 2 o'clock; at the parlors of the Albert Brown company.. 2IOS Addison Mreet, Berkeley. Odd fellows' ' building. . Interment Mountain View cemetery. HAESDEK — Entered Into fest, in Berkeley; Cal., May 30. ISK)9. Joseph Marsden. beloved hus- band of; Mabel Reed Marsden., . son- of j Ann and the *late Jamen ..Marsden, and brother of Mrs. Louise Kldd. and uncle of Alexander •Matsden, Joseph Marshall and James \u25a0 Beavan Kldd, a natir* \u25a0of England, . aged 59 : years 6 months and 25 days. (Hawaiian papers please copy.) . . Frlenda are respectfully invited to attend tbe funeral services tomorrow (Wednesday), Jun« 2, 1909,, at 10:30 o'clock ta. m., ' at his - late residence, 2539 Durant ovenue,^ Berkeley. Pleare omit flowers. Incineration : (private), Oakland crematory.' • . - McGEEEVY— A month's mind solemn Wkb mass will be cfcebrated In St. Peter's church tomorrow (Widnesday), June 2, 1909, for. the repose . of the soul of - the late Rosanoa Mc- Greery. commencing at 9 s. m. Friends 'and acquaintances are respectfully invited to at- tend; . - \u25a0-. McKELVEY— In this city. May 30, 1909.' Charles, • husband ' of Angelina McKelvey, and . father of Charles A. and St. - Clair M, ' Mc- Kelvey. a \u25a0 native ; of Canada, aged 75 years. (Sacramento. - Cal.. papers . please , copy.) Frienda \u25a0 are respectfully Invited to attend tbe \u25a0 funeral today (Tuesday). -at - 10 a. . m., at the chapel of: the Old People's ' Home, Pine . and Pierce • streets.' Interment Cypress Lawn emetery, by electric funeral- car * from Thir- teenth • and Miftslr.n streets." \u25a0 Friends «•\u25a0 may view tbe remains at the Old People's : Home from : 9 to 9 :50 a. m. McLEOD— In. this- city.' May 30,' 1909. Anjrus McLeod. 1 a native ; of Scotland, aged 33 rears 4 , months v and . 29 : days. '-:.;. * ' Frienda : and acquaintances arc . respectfully invited : to \u25a0 attend the funeral :- today (Tues- day), at \u25a0; 1 o'clock p. - m.. at the chapel ', of Craif, Cochran * Co., 1169 Valencia street 1 near • Twenty-third, \u25a0: \u25a0 under "•\u25a0 tbe \u25a0 auspices • of Longshore \u0084 Lumbermen's \u25a0 Protective • associa- \u25a0 tion. Interment • 'Mount •. Olivet .*: cemetery. : : KEIL— In -Stockton, Cal.. May. 31,: 1909,, Mar- garet Neil,, beloved widow.: of tbe- late ; David ". Nell,: and 'mother of James, and 'David- Nell and the late Mrs. Mary J. Woolley of Bcrke- ' ley. a native * Ireland, aged 75 years. Friends' and., acquaintances are -respectfully invited to attend the; f oners I - services - tomor-' _, row (Wednesday), afternoon. June 2, 1909, at 2 ; o'clock. .. from . the . parlors -of : the "Albert . Brown t company, 2108 -Addison \u25a0: street --' (Odd Fellows' building),: Berkeley. Interment Moun- tain View, cemetery. \u25a0\u25a0; \~\ ;•„•-:; OWENS— In Alameda; Cal... May 30. 1909, KUec . relict : of . \the * late James Owens, an<_- beloved .mother .'OF Jobn T:,i Martin' H. • and, Edward B. Owenw and Mrs.' Thomas- Egan. and tbe £ WORTH; YOUR WHILE J I TOSELECTAjPLOT I [IN MOUNT OLIVET j THE SAX FRANCISCO CALL. TUESDAY, JUNE 1, 1909. NELSON DEC IDES ON FUTURE BATTLES Passes Up Match With Meriisic, but Will Fill Los A ngeles and Oklahoma Dates Battling Nelson, the j lightweight champion, is making: out 'bis boo& of the future, and' nVhas decided that the 'first, fight on the cards would be bis contest •in Oklahoma, where he is ; : to battle' with ' a lightweight selected by tlie club. The Battler was \ willing to take on George Memsle at "Los Angeles in June. : The fight was to be staged by Tom McCarey, but Memsic can not be secured. \u25a0 • ' "»' 'iliis means that the Battler has two; irons in the fire, and be will . b« kept ; busy for the next few week* at least. . With the / date in Oklahoma' and the Wolgast fight at Ixw Angeled during Klks' week In . July. . the . champion . of the', lightweights .will not worry for the :want of matches. :At the 'present clip, . the Dane will have all the -boys that are. deserving : of recognition on his book, . and if he is returned a winner ' there will 'be nothiug left \u25a0 for him lo do in the lightweight, field. ; . Tiie harder* they come the better the cham pion seems to like ; it. Tough : ones arc made to look like the rest of them. After the cham pion had laid Hyland low Saturday - afternoon, there- were lnany-'.fans who expressed' them selves anxious to .witness the , champion and some extremely clever lightweight , in. action 1 . Tbe Nelson-Hyfand fight was a hummer; - and \u25a0it will be remembered as one of the best , fights from a spectator's . standpoint that was ever pulled off here. \u25a0..'•-;\u25a0"•'' -.'"U /--:•-' UNFAIRNESS IS ALLEGED SPOKANE. Wash.. May 31.— Manager U Fred Blomberg of the Spokane amateur athletic club announces that evidence . will; be collected, to support formal charges, which' will be filed with the P. N. A., accusing the Seattle athletic club officials of conducting, last week's, cham pionship boxing and wrestling meet in an unfair manner. It. ls "believed the quarrel mgy result in severing all : relation! between" the two or ganizations. .\u25a0••\u25a0 HORSES FOR ARGENTINA LEXINGTON, May Sl.-k>ne hundred and thirty-five horses will be shipped from James B. Haggln's ; Eltndorff farm here tomorrow ; for - saje lp the Argentine - republic. ' This Is the largest shipment >#ver. made to South America from the -United States. C. . .H. Berrlman. manager of the Elmdorff i farm, today pronounced false the published ' story that. Haggin would sell all the Elmdorff horses and ' cease producing. HAYS DEFEATS THIBEAU— St.' Paul. M!n».r \u25a0May 31.— Johnny Hays ,of New York defeated Alexander' Thlbeau in a 10 mile race here today on a muddy \ track by three-fourths of a lap -In 56 mlntites* 35 seconds. • late' William and .'; James ; Owens, a native of Ireland,.. aged 83 years. •. '\u25a0 ' Friends- 1 and acquaintances are> respectfully Invited- to attend the -funeral services ; tomor- row (Wednesday)i' June 2, 1900, at Livermore, .Cal.. upon, arrival of the 8:07 train from Alameda pier, thence to Bt. Michael's church, where .a requiem high mass will be celebrated , for the repose .of her soul. Interment Liver- .more; Cai.- HATTO— In 'this city. May 29. 1909, William E..- Ratto, 'dearly beloved \u25a0. husband . of Eva Katto, loving father .of William- aod Ruth ' Ratto, beloved son of • John . and Mary Ratto; \u25a0 nnd beloved brother of Louisa , and Millie .Ratto, a native of Italy, aged 31 years 2 \u25a0 months and 1 14 days. A member of Phoenix ' grove No. -.179, -U.. A . ' O. D. ;j; j \u25a0 .Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to- attend ' the funeral today (Tues- . day), at 8:30 o'clock a. m., . from bis late .residence, 2668 Folsom street between Twenty - second and Twenty-third, thence. to° St. Peter's church, where a - requiem high mass ' will be celebrated for the repose of his soul, com- . mencing at 9 o'clock a. m. Interment _Holy Cross cemetery. To the- officers and members of Phoenix prove. No. 179, . U« A. O. D.—^Brothers;- You . are hereby' -notified .to attend the funeral pf our late brother. William E. . Ratto, today k .(Tuesday). June 1," 1009. at. 8:30 o'clock . a. in., from his late residence, 2668 Folsom '.street near Twenty-third. By order of ' J.W. KENNY. Noble Arch. • J. A. McMANUS, Financial Secretary.", . REINKE— In this city. May 31. 1909, Bertha. ' dearly, beloved wife of Dlederlch Relnke, and " mother '--of John and Lizzie Relnke and: Mrs. Bertha Gronholz, : a native of '.^Jannover, -Ger- many, aged 71 years \u25a0 6 months and 8 days. . •• Funeral services will be held: at- tbe funeral . ; parlors of the iH . F. Maass company, 1335 -Golden. Gate a venne near Fillmore street, to- morrow „ (Wednesday), at 1 o'clock- p-. m: \u25a0Funeral -.and interment .private. Please omit . flowers. ° • '..'•; \u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0-\u25a0 . • '-. . RIEOELH^krH— In Alameda. Cal., May . 29, 1009, - Joßphine, beloted. wife of Conrad 'lt le- • gelhuth. and motn«r •" of Charles Rlegelhuth, and daughter .of the late' Mary Matson, a na- tive of San- Francisco, \u25a0\u25a0 aged 31 • years. .'• .-". •", • .Friends and . acqualntataces are -, respectfully invited to . attend the. - funeral today (.Tues- day), June 1, 1909; at 9 o'clock a.'ro., from • the funeral chapel, of Smiley Sc Gallagher. 'Ala- Wfd.i, thenco -to : fit. .: Joseph's chur.'h. . whtrc' a requiem high . mass ; will be celebrated .for the repose- "of . .her soul, beginning at -9:30 \u25a0a.- m. Interment St. Majy'a cemetery. •'. SCHICK— In this city. M«(y 31, .1909, John' \u25a0 H.° . Schlck, • beloved father of Mrs. Blanche 11. Littler, a- native of : Evansville, ' Ind.,-. aged 66 years and 10; months. - . \u0084.„«- Funeral services will be . held' at 'the funeral parlors of the H..F. Maass company, 1835 Golden Gate, avenue- near Fillmore street, to- morrow (Wednesday), at 10 .o'clock a. °>• \u25a0' • Funeral and' Interment private. Please-, omit \u25a0 flowers. '; -V ' " -: - - BCITROEDER^Ih. Alameda, Cal., May 30, 1909, Edmund 0., beloveil son -of PaulW. and Mary •' Sehroeder. loving -'brother «f Gustave P.. < Elsie : May, William. F. and Paul H. Scbroeder/, and . .grandson of Dennis and Margaret Tourney.; a ' native of .Oakland, Cal.,., aged 24 years.',-. V. ; .Friends and . acquaintances \u25a0 are respectfully invited to attend . the funeral tomorrow . (Wednesday) .' June 2, 1809. at 9 o'clock a. m., . from his late residence. ; 1912 Broadway,-- AJa- : meda, -thence .to: St. "Joseph's church, .where a requiem • high mass : will be celebrated • for , the 'repose :of . his soul. < beginning at - 9 :30 .o'clock. \u25a0 Interment St. ' Mary's cemetery. „\u25a0 • STACK— In Burllngame. ' Cal., May •31; • 1009, ('hristlna, dearly beloved wife of John Stack, loving mother of James h., John T., Ed- - ward M., <. Minnie E.. - Christine -M. and : Rose M.^Stack^and Mrs. Virginia PoEl, and sister ofrMary E. Kemp of Santa Clara, Cal., a na- • tiveof County Meatb, Ireland. \u25a0 Interment private. - Please- omit flowers. WAGNER— In city,. May ' 31, 1900 , L u d". wig, dearly , beloved husband of Mm rie Was- ; ner, and devoted: father of Richard and Ed- ward" L. Wagner, ;a , native. : of -Tennstaedt, - Germany, aged ; 6o years .; 9 " months and 7 days. A member of Gcrmania stamm No.- S3, U• \u25a0 °0 . . R• _\u25a0 M . .. ~*\u25a0 . Friends and : acquaintances are respectfully 1/™ l1 /™ lt 'T d . t0 \ atten^o-, tta 'uneral tomorrow (Wednesday). ,at T 230 p. m.. from bis late residence,', 850 Ha ight - street between Scott _ and Devisadero. i . Incineration I. ". O. O. F crematory. \u25a0 ' .• \u25a0 WATERS— In this city. May .30, 1909, ; John W aters, V beloved son of . Margaret and the late Patrick > Waters, • : a;\u25a0 native : , of Roxbnrr, Friends and acquaintances \u25a0\u25a0 are . respectfully V£l^ d ; to ';' attend r the • Nneral tomorrow (Wednesday), at. 9 Vclock a. m..- from the funeral " parlors of the v H . F.v Maass com- - pany, 13;J5 Golden; Gate avenue • near Fillmore - street. f thence to . St. .- Peter's church, ! Twenty^ ij, fourth and Alabama streets, swhere.a: requiem :\u25a0 ?. aM 1U ' "' c<vlebr »ted ; for ; the 1 repose of his soul,-, commencing at ,9:45 ; o'clock a m rlnterment Holy ; : Cros s - by carrlaee' WHITE— In ; this - city.i- May , 30. 1901)/ Frankfin ' White; (United States army. ? retired) /dear y . beloved husband of Catherine White a native of Jersey county.: Illinois, aged 60 years 3 months and lo days. (Chicago papers please € F ! rie j"' 8 i nnd ac Q n »l"t«nceß are respectfully \ w'^ d J° V attend -'= the : f unpral ' tomorrow (Wednesday). June 2, at 8:30 a. m., from his late c . residence.-, 2612 Ix>mbard I street. » thence *» St- ; Vincent i de , Paul's ; church. Green and Steiner streets, ' where , a : solemn requJem ma" s •.wlll;b«;celebrated'for,the:reposeof bS S,"? ,; commencing at 9 o'clock : a. ; m. Interment Na- tional ; cemetery, ;' Presidio. > ,-.i,-r YOST— In - this - city, >: May 29; 1909,^ Isabell. M . and the Inte Janje« M . -Tnylor. and alsVr - 1 4;" 0 "' > Hunter -ChurcDJH ami , Rarmond IHDEPEHDEHTOFTHtJRUSI -ROW- Seventy-Five Ddllare I WIU Farnlihi BEARSE, jWO CARRIAGES;, EMBALMIHIiI SHROUD AND CLpTHCOVEREO CASKET JULIUS S;jGODEAU Main Offices: lt 2123 Bush "s<.. \ Went "««nW and 1305 Pnmklla S «. ;nr ; l -17tfc?OrtfiS5 i !i \u25a0'--.' Phone ? Oakland! 4045 - Branch: 305 Montgomery Ay. Temp. 32a«l .•Ambulance < and Cnrrla K ei \u25a0 tojHlxZ ™ ' "INDEX TO ADS A CCOtrarTANTSJ : : ' ... iV.". . . Col. 7,' P % 13 ACCOTTNTANTS— CEET."ptJBLIO.;..CoI. 7 « *'. " ADOPTION - \u25a0- •-'.;; Col. 2, P. 14' ATTOENEYS '""•," M ."""-'.;;;Col.>I, P. '1* AUTOMOBIZEaV \u25a0'"-'- "'"'."£; ..V.CoL 6.P-13 BAR AKD STORE "pTTr-rfmra " I Col. 4; P. 13 KIS?? i *"'^^^-"-'-?!''M' : M clairvoyants"***'****".!...... Col - 2 « Z' Jt cSS^T^^'^^^-i-ico!: I p: 5 o i^6^d*.^...coi :^;;t detectives" \u25a0'*"**\u25a0 """I.coi. i. P- 14 DRESS KAXXXg"-''' ....C01. '7; P., ™ EDUCATIONAL '''"'"'"". .....ColM. P.' l4 EMPLOYMENT OFFTrrq!" ' ;.Col. 7. P- 12 EMPLOYS?, w2S^KAii.V.CL' 4.'-F>U ."/ ; .« - " .r.coi. 5, p. 12 EMPLOYMENT WANTED-remal«..Col. 6, P/« ," -,-:;>-. « " ...Col. 7, P." fgggg***™*.-- -vs:!:^:" EXATS TO LET—OAKLAND. ;.•••• - Col ' *• * '- ]l I^2 FOa BALE^FUENISHED....CoJ. 3. P. " FLATS. TO. LET-ALAMEDA....:... CoI- *». |' » FOE BAXB— MISCELLANEOUS. . . - . -Col." 3, P. 1» " «« . .... ..Col.4iP. la pS^ F ™^^i|cf »:| :S J SS XU^^ i^........... :: C 01 .? hSJS^^^^^col: !: : £S HOUSES TO LET— FUENisHED. .... Col. 3, P. 13 HOUSES TO LET— lXnfnnuaaed. . Co!. 3, P. 13 HOUSES TO LET— 0ak1and........ .-Col. 7, P..W HOUSES TO LET— Alameda. ...l Col. 5, P. 1* HOUSES TO LET— Berkeley........ -Col> s. P. 14 INVESTMENTS • .......Col. 2, P. 14 " .".;".".*.;".*"**.".* ..Col. a, p. 14 LEGAL NOTICES.IV..' Col. 3; P. 14 LODGING HOU3ESf6eBALE...... CoL 6, P.>l3 " '\u25a0:." <- » - ......CoL 7, P; 13 LOST AND FOUND .'.' . Col. 4, P; 12 MALE HELP WANTED .......... Col; 6. P. 12 " -"^ " "........'... Col; 6, P. 12 ITiTRIMONIAL *.* .....Col. 1. P. 14 MEDICAL; " "'\ .........Col, 1, P. 14 MEETINGS— LODGES* ...'... .....C01. 4. P. 12 MEETINGS— LEGAL "* '.. Col. 4, P. 12 MINES AND M1N1NG.*. ... .......... Col. 4, P. 14 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS .....Col, 4, P. 13 MONEYTOLOAN. ' Col. 3. P. 14 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. ......... Col. 4, P. 13 NOTAEY PUBLIC. .". Col. 7. P. 13 OAKLAND HOUSE K'P'G ROOMS.. . Col. 7, P. 14 PALMISTEY. ....... Col. 2, P. 14 PATENT ATTOENEYS " .Col. 1, P. 14 PAINT AND PAPEE HANGING. .... Col. 7, P, 13 PENSIONS....'... ........Col. 1. P. 15 PHYSICIANS.... " ....... Col. 2, P. 14 PEOPOSALS AND BIDS .'..... '.Cp1. 3. P. 14 BEAL ESTATE-^CTTY ' . ......Cpl. 4, PPr. r 14 EEAL ESTATE— COUNTRY. CoL 4, P. 14 " " :»\u25a0 .........Col. 5,P. 14 EEAL ESTATE— OAKLAND.'. ..Col. 6, P. 14 " " " .........Col. 6. P; 14 REAL ESTATE— BEBKELEY. ...... Col. 6, P. 14 REAL ESTATE— ALAMEDA. . . .°. ;... CoI. 5, P. 14 REAL ESTATE— FRUITV ALE. ...... Col. 7, P. 14 REAL ESTATE— SAN MATE 0....... Col. 7, P. ' 14 EEAL ESTATE— TO EXCHANGE. . . . Col. 7, P. 14 EOOMS AND BOAED OFFEEED . Col. 2, P. 13 EOOMS AND BOAED— Alameda. .....Col. 5, P. 14* EOOMS TO LET— JFUE-UNiTJE. .... Col. 7, P. 12 " " , " ..... Col. 1, P. 13 ROOMS TO LET— HOUSE KEEP'G...CoI. 1. P. 13 V " •' ..]CoL2:P. 13 EOOMS TO LET— Berkeley : .... Col. 5, P. 14 SALESMEN & SOLICITORS WN'TD. Col. 7, P. 12 SANITARIUMS......... .....Col. 2, P. 14 SEWING MACHINES.-. ; Col. 5, P. 13 5P1R1TUAL15M.. . . . . . . . ; '. ..Col. 2. P. 14 STORAGE AND MOVING VANS. .... Col. 7, P. 13 TITLES EESTORED. . . . . .... .. . Col. 7, P. 13 TRU55E5. . ; .......': . » . . . . ;. ........ Col. 2, P. 14 TYPEWBITERS AKD SypPLIES. . V . Col. ; 4. P. 13 — Lodces * : . CALIFORNIA chapter N«>. 5. R. A. M. tr2Pßyi • Stated- meeting THIS (TUESDAY) I^VSc! EVENING, .liido J. 190fl. Nt 7:.10 W*J&Hy i.'Hock. in asyliim of Golden Gat* 6^^ *B commaridery. ..2irr, Sutt^r tU, and ifesM Royal Arch degrees." t^?^l . V ' FRANKLIN H. DAY. Sec. MISSION; commandery No.. 41. X, T. — .t » , Stated assembly =.THIS (TUESDAY) TraT. • EVENING ateS o'clock^ Mission 'M». |o| sonic temple. -Order of the temple. A"U .^^ . fraters cordially invited. By order of . • . '. ' \u25a0-\u0084£\u25a0 A. HAWKSLEY.: Rec. ' EXCEUSIOR iod^e No. 166, F. & A. M-. , " m-- Officers and ;. members »r°e i respectfully r i»^, requesfrd to nsHombfe at King 8010- A,\J*2 mon's hall. 1739 Tlllmofe street \u25a0 near >* r^ Sutter, TODAY (TUESDAY), at 9:30 o'c-locK a.- m., thence tp tße Old. "People's Home, Pierce and Pine strfeets. , to attend the .funeral •of our late brother.jQHARLES McKELVEY. late a me.mber of Sacramento lodge No. 40, Sac- - raraento, | Cal. Funeral , committees of city lodges please- take notice. By order of the W. M. • ,° . H.-J.jOWEN. Secretary. EXCELStO R lodge. No. 166; F. & A. M. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0*•'• —Officers 'and members . are respect.- «^"k_ •„• .fully requested :to assemble af King J&JZZ° Solomon's hall. 1739 I-lllraore st:. TO- • - DAY, (Tuesday), at -9:30 a. m.. . thfnce to •\u25a0 . the. . Old . People's Home, Pierce and " Pine \u25a0 ' streets, to - the \u25a0 funeral" of- oiir ' late" /brother, CHARLES McKELVEY. late-a'mem- te-f of Sacramento lodge. No." 40, Sacramento, ..Cal. Funeral crtmrnltteew of city lodges plea'w take notice; By order of the W.'M.-» „ / . , .\u25a0 . H- J.- OWEN. Secretary. ORIENTAL lodse No. 144. F. &'A. M.— d Stated.- me'etins THIS ' (TUESDAY.) ±ffk° EVENING at.s o'clock. • * . . «\L*? • . X-.'S. HUBBARD.. Secretary. ' ; T^ COLDENGATE lodge- No.- 30. FJ &-A. M. "«'- S Stated.- meeting .• THIS - (TUF.SDA-V* mS\^ \u25a0 EVENING, -'.:;». o'clock. Kiuc Solomon's J&JX '. :hall, : 1739 Fillmore st. - • • .'.'.•:-> ••--'•. '' * .'• '•\u25a0 EDWIN" L.- MEYFiR.' Sec, KING- SOLOMON'S lodire No. 260. F. & ' "m" 'A.- M..' 1739 Fillmore • street— Third 'iffkl i degree ; THIS (MONDAY) EVENING P*L"&. • "at 7:30 o'clock. 'HARRY BAEHR. Sec, g^ PACIFIC -lodge. No." 1.16.-F.&; "A. M.— • Jl_- Stated meeting THIS EVENING' at <&\. 8p: m: •.. ; . : •\u25a0;„ „ r§J\ , .GEORGE PENLINGTON'. Secretary. » 3' UNITY lodge No. .131. I." O." O. F. \u25a0\u25a0 Ofttc-era and members take notice." Election of offWrs and iniliution a^j^i^ . • THIS (TUESDAY) 'EVENING. • ' June I.' 1909, Schubert's hall. No. 3009 1 6th 'st.^corner' Mission, Visitors welcome. By or- der of -.. HENRY A. ROBINSON; N.. G. - JOSEPH S. COOK. Rec. Sec. V- , ' ALL registered voters v, c+ tbe Independence . ' Leajrue party are -invited ito attend - a t cefn- " vention 'to• be held * In : assembly . room, Pacific building, \u25a0 Market and ( 4th streets, • Tliursday. - June 3, ,1009, at S p. im., to consider. . select and recommend for, nomination candidates for - all municipal offices. HALL to let for lectures, socials, lodges/ dances', } etc. ; i also store; rent = reasonable. Apply Vet- •- eran Firemen's ha11.. 3C8 Fell st. \u25a0 "TO the stockholders \>f ' Hale Brothers, Incor- porated: ' The regular \u25a0 annual meeting of > the stockholders of this corporation will be i held at the office of the ; company, ' 079-957 Market \u25a0; r *?t : San Francisco,^ California. ,' on the eighth day. of June, - 1909, at 2 . o'clock ; p; m. '\u25a0'-\u2666I- d da7> for the 'election; of directors and the : transaction of sneb " business : as may reg- i?l Z come bef ore 3 the meeting. ,By order of ' the Board of Directors. - . \u0084„ - "B.JJ. HALE.. Secretary. V "May 26. 1909." . , I! LOST AND FOUND \u25a0,\u25a0>.\u25a0\u25a0-- LOST— A: 1 passbook': with? the' Hibernia: Mvings ", nn ° t \°« »oclety of San : Francisco in the name of MAGGIE CROWE. No., 147-435., 267-624. The finder will pleane^ return; to bank.' Unless same vis. returned within 6 days, a new book will be Issued to; the applicant.:'/ :.„> \u0084•,-.'... LOST — Lady's gold ; hunting ' cane wa tch \u25a0 and ' ptn ; small diamond : In ' back; on Btb at.^ctir, or. Mar- ket st. car, bet. sth and Bth »ts.;;reward If re- turned to 374 Connecticut st; ; :.-, ..-• 'i ' \u25a0 LOST— White ' Splta j dog, - name \u25a0. Prince: padlock collar;; slight limp? in left; foreleg; ; liberal re- ward. ._\u25a0:. Call 659 \u25a0 Flllmore. apartment 1. > . - LOST— Lady's small gold watc.b, between Golden vi Uate ; park • and .;• Hayes ?; and; Devisadero " ste. __Reward^ Return *to '. Cashier.^; 31 34 U, 16th Ht; LOST— Gold monogram J watch ' fob,' Initials 'A. ' w.; P. V; Return. to, 09 flat «t.'^ Liberal -reward. LOS*— 11 ' 11 8«n8 «n i Mateo f car,'*! dark !• gray;- overcoat; Reward for, return to 24 Page st. : : : LOST— Chamois ba g with money, 4 key s, bet.! 8d '\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 *ad 9th sta. : $20 reward.'i' BS9B%' 17th st. - *>-> < - E-MPLQ YMEIVT iWAIVTEP—MaIe ACCOUNTANT open* for additional* work; sya- ; .1 teme 1 1nstalled ; -\ auditing : -; special • lnveatlga- \u25a0 tions ; , A 1 local > references ; :; reasonable . rates ; ;idty or country.^- Box J gllLJCall i office.:; /.:,\u25a0; ALL* - round | lumber I office I clerk | or.' outside | man : '.; wants i altuation ; « over ? 17 % years',-' local \ experl- . ence: age 37. y Address' box 622.1 Call.; Oakland.' ' ACTIVE .;•: Filipino .' boy.V" speaks^; English ',':, well, ; wants \ position s in " hotels as i waiter, )\ bed • maker, '.'bellman; or dish -. washer.j> 211^ Minna ; st. : ,^; „ BYi first ' clans gardener \u25a0 tol care for • fine '\u25a0 grounds,' «' orchards,"^ vinex; 1 : vegetable iflelds.')' dairy iwork," . \u25a0\u25a0••butter ? maker,': .: poultry i ralt=lng.:-. J Reference; | . J. - B;. 3d and Clay; fits.;; S.V KKAKTZ.V.'..-. . . BY ;; farmer; .-orchard ist.'i vegetable sVgrower;."- >s- ; jperipneed j in^ dried if mlts.TS vlnrs.f alfalfa^ Irrl-, | \u25a0;' nation,?, Improving j newtl and : 5 small 'm nch * pre- I \u25a0•?. f erred ; t ref crences.^"- J. ? B.;"f 66 ? Clay.; st.", \u25a0\u25a0 S. v F.' r EjWjPLOY^IE^rT^AV^ CHINESE/; first class ; cook; 'continually : on band; ft* family i or* hotel.; wants position. "i -Address .Wol ":l[ Yuen :Kob/Conipany;i7lsjPaclflc:st; : CHAUFFEUR'- and , Eardcner,\ make . himself . use- ful about private place; thoroughly, understands his > business;"' does 1 his own >\u25a0 repairing. \u25a0 Box , ; 2601, Call office. «. .... \ "\u25a0-. . ' ; -- \. . \ : \ FIRST; CLASS specialty calesnian: Frisco \u25a0 and ; '• adjoining - territory-: only: «? only; large 'houses ...considered.vAddrcss F., £S4 Hubart st.; Oakland. GERMAN- cardßner.'i middle. ased.lwants .position - on;-private^grounds' or- summer , resort: - good iS hand with • stock. ; ; Add.": lk»x 26!)3."; fall office. MACHINIST and * working \u25a0 enslnecr and " gpnoral :, " repa ir .man wants ; a * position •- in an mll round \u25a0 ' shop ' or.- any j plant' or .pumping station .in city -v or; country: -an oil -'burn Ing -proposition- enter- 'tainod.'. Address bojc-2647.-' Call; office. r MIDDLE; AGED > man; wants ;po«Itlonv anywhere; 15 years' experience -as book keeper and audl- - tor and. offlce;man.£<2T26V^: Folsomst.*.-... : : PORTUGUESE, young man, wants place as corre- : . spondent^ in good; of flee ?-. knows . French and -; Spanish: - moderate '\u25a0: salary; good . references. \u25a0Box 2610. Call office., -;•;.,- / -.-- POSITIONS t wanted - by \u25a0 man \u25a0 and \u25a0 wife as \u25a0 gar- dener and cook; first class. i JO D... 1359 Golden ;: Gnte ay.. room 11. '"..*. - ;' ' SITUATION wanted \u25a0 by. paper banger and tlnter; steady ; worker. Address box ; 23Ss, Call office. TWO strong ' young ."- Englishmen; married, need steady work as porters or janitors or any la- •* ; boring . work ; good ; references. . Box 2592. Call. YOUNG I man, 2S - years of \u25a0 age, desires, position In a trood family to do housework and assist ;~;; ~; in j kitchens or-- waiting -on -tables; in city vor, ' \u25a0 country ; : can also cOoK r well ; some experience In 'restaurant business. ' Box 4906. Call office. MURRAYi?& READY, • * , 'Leading Employment and Labor Agents, - WHITE PALACE ' HOTEL. BUILDING, 11th and Market sts.,- San Francisco. Phones Market C 56 and 657. . BRANCHES: fitli and Franklin sts., Oakland. Phone Oakland, Cal., ,7361. 2d and Main sts. and 121 Marchesault st. Los Angeles, - Cal. • " - 2d and H sts., Sacramento. NO OFFICE FEE. ; '-• - FREE FARE. OREGON. v . ' , KLAMATH FALLS. -IT, COSTS YOU NOTHING TO SHIP \u25a0 TODAY— TODAY 1,250 laborers, teamsters, 1 tunnelmen, miners, macbjne men; drillers, headers and cornermen, hammermen, rockmen, muckers, - etc., for the construction of C. N. E. R. R. Wages $60 to $150. t' -\u25a0''\u25a0"" -- . \u25a0 • / IT IS FREE— FREE TODAY COSTS YOU NOTHING. - AD V— DO RRIS— WEED TO THE BIG TUNNELS. ;r ;-;.-.-.'- TO THE STEAM. SHOVELS. - DO YOU WANT WORK IN OREGON? ARE YOU GOING? •.= - ALSO. SISKI YOU, SHASTA: NO OFFICE FEE— FREE FARE. REMEMBER. , TODAY FREE. ARE; Y#U GOING? AND NOW— FREE FARE JIOJAVEi-BAKERSFIELD— DISTRICTS WE SHIP YOU- FREE . • o° TO THE GREAT TUNNELS: * 25 muckers; FREE FARE.' Chuck tenders; benchmen. machinemen, header- men, wages $67.50 . to $105. THE FARE IS. TO MOJAVE and BAKERSFIELD. WE CAN SHIP YOU.. - . FREE FARE" . . CRANESMAN \u25a02 cranesmen. steam, shovel, -north, $90 fd. FREE FARE. . . . • MISCELLANEOUS READ THESE OVER Screw setter, lumber c 0. ." $105. . 2 miners. Placer c 0.." $90, boss nere. 3 carpenters, city Job,' $3 day. \u25a0\u25a0 5 rough: carpenters, lumber co;, $75. \u25a0 Head lineman, woods. Sierra co., $83.50 to $00. Metal polisher, cit/ factory. $2.25 day. : Bushelman and presser,' good- wages, country. Shoe maker and handyman. $1.50 fare, $15 wk. Barber, country shop, south, good wages. Cement finisher's helper, $2.50 day. . Era grader operator,: $3 day.. Xhoreman and gardener, private place, $35 fd. • Circular sawyer, pine mill, $120. '\u25a0-. 3 carriage painters,- country - shops, $3 and $3.50 day. 2 ham boners, packing house, $18 wk. Millwright, factory,. south, $120. DO NOT FORGET • WE SHIP. TO NEVADA ° LINE — i-TODAY FREE . \ FARE V:--- TO THE GREAT RECONSTRtJCTION C..P. R. R. WOKK. - 500 laborers, teamsters, drillers, machinemen, hammersmen, \u25a0 rockmen. - tunnelmen. CdLFAX— CLIPPER GAP. AUBURN— BOWMAN y -FREE FARE— FREE FARE. CARPENTERS. LATEST-^SPECIAI^-TODAY j \u25a0'•'/'\u25a0 CARPENTERS-. :.- "10 carpenters for an electric light and power co.s work, $90 to $105: long Job. . HERE IS GOOD WAGES LABQRERS— I.OXG JOB " ELECTRIC. POWER .CO. •15 laborers,. . no - experience required, for a •power co.. way down" south, $(57.50 to. $75; "'steady work". . ° Blacksmith, shop south', $3.50- to "$4 day. . . Blacksmith, °$1.°50 fare, $50 and found." ; Blacksmith, ranch south,- $4O t<> $50 found. ; 7 blacksmiths, other shops, $3 to $4 day.- 3 blacksmith's helpers, $2.50 to $3 day.- \u25a0 . \u25a0• „ FACTORY WORK. • 10 laborers, no experience required, -inside fac- tory l work, 'near city, $2. day. • '. ° • city; Work— s hours • ; .10 laborers, -city, '$2.23 day. * - • . HAY MAKERS. -. v FARMERS. : . . \u25a0'."• . . AIILKEUS. • • ". j 27.'hay makers, 'ruti o m.owers; fake, buck, etc.; • $1.50 day. .; . .:.-„\u25a0\u25a0 .. \u25a0 . -•.26 ranch teamsters, $35 to $45. and foqnd. " 32 .farm hands. $1 to $2.50 fare $30_to $40 . . and found. . .: •. . \u25a0 • . - • . \u25a0 ". 5 sheep, herders.- $35 to $40 and found. . IS milkers; i£ to $4 fare. $35' to $40 and found. \u25a0 MENDOCINO. . • UUMBOLDT, SONOMA COUNTIES. \u25a0 50 laborers, for -the mills, yards and woods- FREE FARE.- ' . . .. FREEiFARE. ' , \u25a0 • -. o S- P., FENCE GANG. • ' • . • OREGON.. . .- 25 laborers, fence gang work. ; • • • ° . FREE FAUE.- ' '• - -_\u25a0•,' SHIP TODAY." S. P. .COMPANY'S -WORK. " ° - • FREE FARE. V SACRAMENTO. -\u25a0 20 laborers, no* experien«e ; required, comDanv / .wdr.k; FREE F.ARE. ' • . >^y»uj SONOMA- COUNTY. . V 25 laborers-, quarry . work \u25a0> $60. - ' • - TEAMSTERS. JSOteamsters. nil parts of the country. $2 day 'AND STI LJJ ANOTHER \u25a0 FREE FARE— SHIPMENT ' \u25a0 ' "ALONG THE* BEACH J . PESCADERO— SANTA ' ORUZ \ . 150 •• teamsters.-* laborers ' driller* ' \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0'» \u25a0,:-\u25a0\u25a0-' SHIP THREE TIMES DAILY '--' FREE— FARE— FREE— FARE HOW— ABOUT--GOINO— ;TODAY .-\u25a0», "---- : :: ; WE— WANT— LABORERS PSJpJ^«fe\TO— MAKE— ROADS v^BSBBN .^lO'lalrorers^good'Job.'Santa-Cna coonty, $60. -, SAN LUIS' OB*ISPO >•'\u25a0.." ; EIGHT-^HOURS— WORK • 25 teamsters and 'laborers, county road work, v: $co.-. " ; "\u25a0 ;".; '\u25a0 •; \u25a0; . COOKS AND -HOTEL DEPT.. - Cook ,7 men; mine, .Mariposa- county, $40 to $45.sndfd.> * \u0084- \ -, - 0 cooks,^country hotels. $40. $50, ; $60 ' and fd. -;'3ranch cooks,-:535 and fd; 2 restaurant cooks, . $15 .to, $20 .week. -~' \u0084-\u25a0:\u25a0.-\u25a0 \u25a0 Lnundry man, ,-; country -' laundry, $20 wk. and : r00m."? ;..".-. "\u25a0•'....'.'-" .. '..= •"• J :.' Foreman \u25a0 baker. $25 -week, t '\u25a0 Bakers, eouutry ; snops.V $12 : and $15 week. • 4 waiters.^ different. hotels,;: s3o and'fd.' 2<camp \u25a0 waiters."- s3o.! and 'fd. "-.'.. . .',; 3 \u25a0 hotel " porters, t $25 ' and ' $30 • and fd.' -- 9 'kitchen --'' hands and \u25a0> dish "washers, $25 and ' $30 and:fd. \u25a0 :-• " > MARRIED HEX,P. "\u25a0\u25a0'- German -or French ; choreman ,~ .wife to cook, vmine, $60;t0,565,fd. - : \u25a0 ;: :.•-, ,-.- \u25a0•• Fanner and • wife, good job, boss here," $45 to --": $50 fd. ";•\u25a0„:\u25a0 '"\u25a0^:--- • ,-. '•...•-\u25a0•..'-' - ;\u25a0 - \u0084'T eamster and wife, ranch, $45 fd. "' Married milker, 1 south. . .' f; 7" fanners -and other ' places, : . $50 and .1 .' -- Practical : - butehVr/i capable Jof -'managing coun- try; retail .butcher . shop: : good 'opening for the right man; ; boss here;^sloo.' BOARD YOURSELVES 25 Austrlans,' RR. - work.r south, • $60. N . GREEKS— MEXICANS-IITALIANS •'' \u25a0^"4;:>.t-';:;--'»^^ SPANIARDS. \u25a0.... v. "--\u25a0\u25a0' '-2bQO foreign laborers,' all. classes of work. $52.50 f- to $67.50. / Many, of .these free fare. \u25a0' v ..r?.nV,>.V--' \u25a0:.:- y "' '*" \u25a0;;\u25a0:.' \u0084:: ;.-'\u25a0 ''\u25a0 ; i CALL'DOWN "AND > GET : OUR « DAILY LISTS '\u25a0 ? AND I BEAD : OUR -BULLETIN I BOARDS FOR r \u25a0'.'\u25a0 OTHER . POSITIONS ;IN ALL j DAl'.' ""•..WANTED-^-To ,buy .20 --' second band dump $4 wagoM.*fib^gMfcifßßßgßtMiM^BJßßßWß*g WANTED— -To rent^lM head of horses, R. R. .. \u25a0•:.' work. ;:\u25a0.-•\u25a0:"\u25a0.';...'\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0',-:\u25a0'";..'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'-". \u25a0,'-\u25a0. \u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0 •'\u25a0•\u25a0--\u25a0 Call' 'and; read bulletin '-. boards.: -Work i\ comings in ;by phoue.'f telegram' and "mail all \u25a0•'; day.:louK.-.T-'-- - -.-\u25a0 : ". . -: : -:' '-. -: .- -". .< i~. : \u25a0• . \u25a0.- \u25a0 j?| MURRAY,? & : READY;' 1 lth and < Market sts. ' 'Sixth' and v Franklin' sts.;." Oakland. \u25a0 -:\u25a0 S«?coi]diand?H'sts., 'Sacramentp.;'.'. - ' MALE HELP iWANTEP—Contlnned -3 ANDRE'S. 1044 Larkln'st.— Young man to jßake toasts, hot cakefCs3s; ehoreman and milker.- private place. $30: butter maker. $3^: all round stableman. $30: - laundryroan. Institu- tion. $.T0; waiter for officer*. $ST>: dt*h wa*b«r. $S week; French -lace maker.. $40; houseman. $40; kitchen fireman. $35, and others. Oakland <iffice., 9s7 Franklin. St.- __ ANDRE'S. 1041 Larktn St.— All round ccoft. country* hotel 's6o to $C 5: Mcond wt. reBta "- arit. $Ys> week ; laundryman. institution,; $«i»: washer and ironer. sprinss. $40 each; assistant cook. $:«; stableman. $30: butter maker. $-.5; "ehorenian. milk. "etc.. $30: yardman, hotel. $25/ fd: waiter,, of fleers* hall; $35; French bed maker, $30 to $40; and others. .-Oakland , office.'. 95*, FrankHn. - \u25a0 \u25a0 __ "ED 11, W.— Letter for you, • general delivery. San Francisco. .0. 11^ WILDMAN." V" BK your own boss; earn from $5 to $10 per day working at home: anybody can do this work at ,home which la easy and pleasant; write for booklet. inclosing 10c to coTer cost of postage. Address O. A.. MARTIN. Standard Plate Glass C0..' 36^ Golden Gate av.~. San Francisco. COAT and vestmakers wanted: must be experi- enced tailors. Call 11 to 1 p. m.. 91-3 d st. EXPERIENCED watch maker Is willing. to take an apprentice nnder contract. 805<2275. Call. HAVE fine opening for energetic man who is de- sirous of advancement; amount required $100. See GLOBE REALTY CO.. 211 Pacific build- Ing, or. 556 Broadway. Oakland. LABORERS and mechanic* to know that Edward Rolfc in has reduced the rooms at the Denver House, 3d and Howard sts.. to 35c per day. $2 week; hot and cold water in every room. MEN wanted to learn to operate mo-lng picture machines; $23 to $35 per week salary; many positions open. i Office 534 Pacific building; school. 221 Locust ay. Amer. school operators. MEN with small feet to bur high grade second hand shoes cheap. 103 3d st. : --.. \u25a0 MEN and women to learn/barber trade: S weeks; earn $5 to $10 pec week while learning: par- tlculara free. 'MOLER COLLEGE, 6 11th at. MEN to learn barber trade In S weeks; free spe- cial inducements to next 10; call early, get particulars. S. F. Barber College. 8 Fell sf. MEN and women to sell William de Coursey ar- ticles; steady work; pay every day. Call 604 Halght st. or 752 2tSth st. ' ' : t NEW WESTERN, 1124 Howard— Single rooms. .15c and 20c per night; hot and cold water.- . RAILROADS want young men to learn telegraphy and station work. Address Mors« College. of Telegraphy. 30C 12th St.. Oakland. Cal. SUNSET EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 10*4 McAl- lister St.; PHONE PARK 3023— Male and fe- maJe help supplied on short notice; reading .rooms; rooms 25 cents up per night. STEADY, experienced man wants employment In state, county or private hospital or asylum, or to rake "care of private party; references. C. E. W., Denver house, 221 3d st.. S. F. STABLEMAN wajited who understands groom- ing • carriage - horses and use of telephone. 1351 Folsom st. - SVANTED — Men to buy ready-to-wear or made to order suits. 50c a week: pay down what you can. 731 Market «t.. room 201-202. WANTED — A few *«od. lire salesmen to setl \u25a0 suits to order; experience preferred. 91 3d st. WANTED — Competent, reliable marine engineers; permanent positions for good, steady men; give age. references; class of license, etc. Box 2581. Call office. \u25a0 - - - . WANTED — Two nonunion cigar makers: good hand workmen only apply. Box 2637. Call. WANTED — ; A strictly first class salesman of toiletware for retail establishment: good sal- . ary to begin with: excellent opportunities for advancement. Apply by letter, giving names of references, etc.. box 2678, Call office. . WANTED — A salesman of gold goods for a re- tall house in San Francisco; applicant must be neat in appearance and thoroughly understand his business, as he will be called upon to wait on the highest class trade. Apply by letter, stating age, - names of previous employers. ' terras of service with each. etc> .box 2653, Call office. -,'\u25a0\u25a0- ' \u25a0 WANTED — 600 men to occupy rooms, 20c to 30c per night (free bath), at the NEW YORK, 753 Howard st. between 3d and 4tb. \u25a0 ' \u25a0 WANTED — Carpenter for rough work ; must « be fast; wages $3.50. Tel. Douglas 179. S a. m. WAATED— Roomers, 25c to $1 per night, 824 Laguna Bt., cor. McAllister. '\u25a0 \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 - — WANTED— :\u25a0-. . \u25a0 • 100 LABORING MEN . < To occupy clean single rooms at THE ORIGINAL MECHANICS' HOTEL, 919 Howard st. bet. sth and 6th: 15e, 20ev2.V day; $1. $1.25 per week. YOUNG men wanted to learn wireless teleg- raphy :' positions now open: special, rate* to first 25 pupils. Wireless Institute. 204 New . Hibernia bldg. YOUNG men wanted immediately to mak* house to house canvass in this locality . for cereal concern. Salary and commission. Ap- ply 9 a. m. to 's p. m. 633 First National Bank building. Oakland. \ '. \u25a0 YOUNG man with several years' experience In . railroad .office wants position ° with : reliable house as invoice :or shipping clerk; references. Box 2694. Call office. ;. ; CALL BRANCH OFFICE. 1651 Flllmore st. near Post. - \u25a0 . • BARBERS -AA*D SUPPLIES v / AA— Just from Europe, a fine lot of stand hot- ties; also for. sale a 2 chair, shop: outfit cheap.' Half interest in 3 chair shop. .Inquire G. A- • TROST. barber supplies, IMS Mason St.; open evenings- • f ;..> We have 'Just received the samples of the BARKER PORTABLE AND PEDESTAL, HAIR DRIERS. Call and »cc them. .SOLD on IN- STALLMENTS, and every shop should, have one. B ARKER. CHAIRS aoldst $15 DOWN and $5 A MONTH. \u25a0-\u25a0- . • * Shops fitted up on easy payments at the right prices. It pays you •to see us. JAMES BARKER. INC. • Phone Franklin 3599. =• • ; \u25a0 94 Turk st. \u25a0 EUGENE F. PANARIO. MGR. BARBERS — We have Just received a shipment of - the new process ' Sunset . hones, making them . -tuperior in their cutting, qualities and giving \u25a0 razors . a very fine, smooth edge. • Ask oar wagon ' man to show you the new style. , Oar "Jupiter" \u25a0 raxor still leads; price $1.50. guar- anteed. -We. have on hand a large stock of barber chairs and fixtures. .We sell furniture \u25a0on installment. Pacific Barbers* Supply Com- • pany. 962 Market «U 29 Turk it. . BARBER— Wanted at once, first .class barber \u25a0 -and- wife for nearby country town: -wife to take charge of rooms in rooming house; rent. light. . water and laundry free.- and good wages: a snap. "Apply for 'particulars to : PRESHER & BECKEL. Oakland. ; : '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0." BARBERS'* white coats, best quality, $1 -each for one week; all sixes. . STOLTZ'S, 731 IMar- - .ket st. \u25a0 , .•- .. :\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0•.\u25a0\u25a0 - ' \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0,'\u25a0 BARBER shop for sale; cheap 'rent; location, on' . Mission ' cor. 2:>d. . BOOTBI*A.CK stand, for • rent, all complete, ; • a good opportunity; don't miss it. 451 Market . st. Inquire at bar. -° . . • BARBERS' UNION 148. office 543 Van Ne«» «t.; (free employment: tel. 'Market BS9. \u25a0- • BARBERS' - furniture and supplies " bought and sold at. 748 Fulton st. near Webster. » CASH paid for. barber chairs: all kinds of sup- plies on time. 885 Grove st. nr. Fniroore. - CITY and country barber . shops ' for • sale ; . best \u25a0 locations in city. This .is our special . line. CHAS..COLEMAN * CO.. 830 Market St. COLORED porter wanted at 1550 Ellis st. to-J ._ day. \u25a0•-\u0084- .- '. ' -:.: - ",.. .^ FOR sale — A~ barber shop of 2 chairs; 3 fur- • nlshed L rooms : make $22 weekly; rent $4 no., with lease; all complete $150.. Apply 347 Mont- ' gomery ar." • .\' FOR : rent— Bootblack stand, furnished. Apply * barber shop, 1606 Ellis st. . FOR sale— A first class barber shop in a country hotel; accommodates 60 to SO people • a - day ; : will stand Investigation. Box 2691 Call office. ;TOB sale— 3. chair barber ahop. at broad gauga ' • depot. Address 52 Bassett at.. San Jose.. FIRST -CLASS barber, sober, steady, reliable. ...wants Job in country. T. LANGE/2104 15th st. "IRST- CLASS barber Ito , go out of city. For particulars apply 236 3d st...r. 203. S to 9 p. m. GOOD barber wanted: Wednesday fronr 5 to 8 o'clock - and . Saturday - noon; union shop.' 1654 :7th st.V West Oakland. \u0084 .. lv. WANT - a ; berber i shop :" or \u25a0 good location for -.' shop, i city, or country. ;\u25a0 Box : 2tHX$. , Call - office. PARTLY* furnished hotel shop -with a good lease: .'. $100; town of 4.00 H. ,J. BURKE, •94 Turk < st. v : ' V \u25a0. • , "'''\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0_ -'-'" ' V: F. THAL' & a' C. WILKINS. barbers' employ.' \u25a0ment afency." 29sl Washington;' teL West 924«. STORE: to let — Good location for barber. Apply at corner Oak and Octavia its. WANTED— AI barber. . 1550 Ellis St., today. WANTED-.— 3>i first class -barbers "for \u25a0 Helena. Mont. Auoly ' Pacific '\u25a0 Barber Supply Co., 962 , Market'; st/ 1 . * '-•'\u25a0:\u25a0'\u25a0::.. ..' - $225— Barber ; shop, with large, bath; Ion? lease. - - Particulars of ! COLEMAN \u25a0, & CO.?: 830 Market. $22.'i — * chair ' shop.' in ' select : neighborhood ; low ; rent :i bargain.* CHAS. COLEMAN tc CO. 3 CHAIR "barber shop for ! sale.: or • srtxxl ..location : •\u25a0'. for^ rent.". 1 1018 . Kearny : st. <i •>tt A \u25a0. 4 AND": R ' chairi: barber ' shops -on ?. Market -st - ' • terms. vCOLEMAN & C 0.." KM) Mnrk»t »t. s :- * EM^C^MEXT^WAXTED--Female - BOOK ;<k«»per> with ytars of experience, ca- \u25a0;! pable- s expertlng.V; systemlalng .; and manarlnK office ; best of references. ; Box 2690, Call office. EMPt.OYM'T WAXTED—Fe male— Cc COM DETENT, girl for Housework; must be good cook. References required. Apartment 8, 1770 Pacific ar. Call before nwn. .v. JAPANESE girl want* position as cook, $6 per : week up. 160S Waller st. Phone Park 1142. LADIES* maM \u25a0 wonW travel Europe; speak* German am! Enslistt. Hair dresser, manicure; pond traveler and packer. Reference*. KL- MNGWOOI); pbooo Went 340. MIDDLE aged woman. Ormsn. . with child 4 11 years old. would assiist .with housework; home more of an object than wages. H. Z., 1823 Greenwich St.. basement. , POSITION wanted in a Spanish family to do conking. Address SOfrt. Klllmore »t. POSITION an dish washer In hotel or restaurant or Janitress work In offlc«. MISS NOR* GIN* NEY. 32-s S<j st.. room 46. POSITION - wanted as cock and assistant witu housework. ao»t Lagn:;i» st. SWEDISH S lrl wonld like general housework la city: private family, tall or addre«« 7vr Valencia st- WANTED — Dress making t»r plain sewing- chil dren's work a sperialtx; $1.30 per day' a.i Cress Sl7 Page »t.: phone Park 3816. WOMAN want*. a plarc as house keeper- i 9i 9 . good cook; city or country. Address box* 4001 fail office. IKI Fillmore xt. ' YOUNG girl wants niace la private family as waitress and chamber maid, or care of « m ,ij children: rfferem-es. Box 2672. Call ofllre. YOUNG American jrfrl wishes to go as travM irr~ companion with tonrlst. Addresa bos 617" Call ofrloe Oakland. ' FE.MAI.E HEI.P WAXTED^^ AT Mme. Andre's. ICM4 Larkln St.— German cook, country, ' $40; drst class cook. $30; French s*>cond girl. $30; \vr>m*nr coantry. two in family, no washing. $20; two waitr»ss«« spaa*;: r^ort. $25, fares paid: Infants" nurs*. German. $2Z; French girls for housework. $25 and $2»; maid and seamstress,. $25; young girls for housework, cify and country. $."U) and ?-*.'>. AT S. F. Ilutel News. 731 Pa<-it2«r bids., two waitresses, good country botel: fare paid. BE independent; LEARN MANICCRINO, hair dressing, face and scalp treatment, massaging- only system: $5 course; positions In 3 wk.v . Eomona Beautj. Culture. R. 303-304. 830 Mk't. CASH strls wanted: must be 14 years of ag» and bring school certificate. Apply Supt.'s office. The Emporium. FRENCH ©r German seamstress for San Mau>o, $30; a nur?e for infant, city. $30; 10 wait- resses for hotels and resorU; 20 good house- work girls to fill country plaoes. $2O to $35; girl to cook, wash and Iron, Ross valley, $4«v. ' capable lady's maid. 535; a G?rmaa nnr^T* that will assist with light eJSamber work. $03 } Call at MISS PLUNKETTS, lS3<i gutter st* cor." Webster. FIRST CLASS lady solicitors can find steady employment by applying- city circulation de- partment San Francisco Call, 3d and Market streets. •» FRENCH girl for general housework: small fam- ,, ily. Call between 11 and 4at 177T Page st. 6IRL for general housework, three, in fimilr. Apply between & and 12. 2705 California. \u25a0 MR. SCOTT. GIRL to learn type setting and press feeding. Hrtnrs 9 to 5. $3.00 week to start. 122 Halleck street. GIRL to assist in housework. 416 3d st. nr. . Broadway. Oakland. Tel. OaSt. 8198. LADIES wanted to take home work; part or fall time: experience unnecessary. Triebers. rooms 313-213 Paclfle bcildlng. 4tb and Market. LADIES — 'Reliable employment at home; ttsadjr or part time: stampins transfers: $1.50 doaen op. Room 816. Westbank bldg.. 830 Market »t. OAK LA V© GIBLS TO MAKE OVERALLS: PAID SAIr ART WHILE LEARNING. LEVI STBAUSS & CO.. 3D AXI> CLAY ST3.. OAKLAND. ' APPLY TO MRS. DAVIS. REFINED. Intelligent ladies to sell SplreUa eor- \u25a0ets in California; replaced if broken or rested In one year. GERTRUDE R. TAYLOR, stats manager. Hotel Yon Porn. San Francisco. I WANTED— Ladies to learn HAIR DRESSING, 1 massage, mantcqrfcyr. ELECTROLYSIS, chi- ropody, etc. F. DEUSTER A CO.. floors 3 and 4. 47 Kearny St.. San Francisco. WANTED— Respectable, reliable woman, with - references, for general housework tor family of " in Oakland; must be good cook. Mak« ap- pointment by telephoning Oakland 7SS3 or Kearny 3357. WANTED — Experienced saleswomen in moslia underwear <and lace*. Apply superintendent* office 9 o'clock Tuesday morning. HALE BROS.. Inc.. Market and 6th sts.. city. 3 WANTED^ — An experienced and respectable waitress. Brooklyn Temperance hotel. 389 * First st. • \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 500 LADIES WANTED ** To Get Their Hair Dressed at DEUSTER'S HAIR DRESSING PARLORS, FOR 10c. ""* 47 Kearny st. Take EleTator. TWO FLOORS. SAI^ESMELy nad SOiaCIT^RSJW\4^ED 1 WANTED — ReliaWe 'representatives to soil tit* i best proposition on tbe market, consistfn? of [j a special accident policy of $1,000; registrn- } . tion and identification - ser»!ce; a hanfisom* i pockethook abs«>lutely free to policy holders; j also .German nilvtir key tag: our men make : 1 from $oA a week tip. For fill particular* and exeluslTe territory address PACIFIC REGIS- 1 TRY CO.. Pacjac blrig.. Saa Francisco. Cal. I $200 salary and commission^ — Exp^rlc-noed saieM- ! man. Taylor Jfc-Ko«»ppel. 7fX> Polk St.. r. 25. '\u25a0~r-^' - AGEXTS WANTED :; AGENTS ' wanted-^ireat new invention: big <le- « mand all. fra;ternal orders; little capital re- quired. Address box 17.n0. Call office. S. F. AGENTS, jo in business; everybody buys It: big money. Address 3. A. PETERSEN. 3893 Tele- graph «».'. Oakland: seed stamped envelope. WANTED — CO agents, both sexes, to »ell new patented novelty; sells on its merits; from $3 to , $6 ran easily be made by live solicitor*. _ The American Card Case Co.. 10C7 and 1029 Golden Gate ay. -Apply bet. ft a. m. «nd 3 t>- m. EMPLOV.MEirr OFFICKS ' AA A— CHINESE cooita of all classes and othur beip furnished. Orient Employment offlce, 361 Bth St.. Oakland;, phone Oakland 3101. AA— OSCAR HATSCMI. JAPAXESB-CHINESB EMP. CO.; BEST HELP GCAR.: CITT OB COCNTRY. 1313 GEARY ST. WEST 8888. A— «. PHONE WEST 1731 Largest Japanese and Chinese employment office • in city.. T. TAMURA CO.. 1612 Lagnna st. 3. CONN. Chinese emp. bureau; Chinese cooks special, hotel or fam. 770 Clay: t. D'?las 3132. A. HORI. 174S Sutter; phona West 2So3— Best Japanese-Chinese help .furnished promptly. STAR emp. office fnraishea Japaaese-Chtnet* help. W. KADOTA. 1608 Geary; teL W«st 167. H. W. HONG. Cb'nesa , ffnplayment office. 80S' Webster St.. Oakland. Phono Oak 8843. PXPAIP WAGES COLLECTED .: KNOX, 443 Pine— Salts, liens and attaehonatm^ time checks cashed; debti eolftad \u25a0ffjwhw.-, REXT THAT VACANT ROOM A small want ad in The Call will do it quicker than' a dozen signs plastered on your windows and which spoil tbe looks of your home besides. Phone Kearny 86 tor an ad nua to call and see you. - ROOMS TO LET— Fur, aad Vutur. A 1A 1 COZY home for respectable ladies. 1130 Mar- set »t. near 7th. under auspices of the SALVA- TION ARMY; elegantly furnished; every mod- ern conveniences; steam heat, electric light aad . elevator service; tpotleuly cleaa; centrally lo- cated; thoroughly homelike; telephone -Market 13-49 : - prices • Very : moderate, razing from 25c per night up: special rates by the week or month. See matron, room 33. . - BALDWIN HOUSE. 74 6th at. near Market— Ail modern conveniences; rjo rooms; S3c to $1 ncr day. $2 to $3 per week; free baths. BUSH. 2033 — Nice clean room ia private family foe party employed: reasonable for right party. BUSH st..^2SO7 — Nice, clean room ia private ; family for 1 or 2 gentlemen; all conveniences: reasonable. *ViIfIMHMBB CALIFORNIA, st.. 2117— Fine larxe room ele^ santiy fmaiahed; 4 in private fsiailj; good location. \u0084 I CKNTItAL UU'iEl- 574 id st.— Free baths; office I and I reading • room ud fmunti Coor; otiO single and family ri*>m»: Ztc to $1 a day: $2 to $3 a week. EDWARD ItOLKIN. proprietor. COMMERCIAL. 7UI Turk «r.— Clean rooms, mod- ern, conveniences; running water; house keep- ing privileges; $2.30 to 53 weekly; phone Franklin 400. DEVISADERO St.. 131S— Large room, nleelj tar- nished,, for I'or 2 g.?ntleia*a. in private tarn- .lly; very reasonable. , DEVISADERO at.. IC23— M«. clean, tunny ;- room- la private taml'y; all convenience; bath, phone; rea.«>nab?«>. I DEVISADERO st.; l«i^-Nlcsly tarnished t*"""^. single or en /«alte; nxxlem conveniences- V^ .-•\u25a0 baths; < up. - '"7 I'EVISADEUt> st.. 500— a unfurnished rooms and ''.bath; good location: reasonable to right party. DKWEYUOOSK. 4th and Howard— All modem conveniences; 200 rooms: 33c to $1 a day $3 .to $5 week;, free baths. Howard or, 4th st cars. , •— Coatinncd tO'Xext Pas* — ; --