Newspaper Page Text
ROOMS TO LET-Contlpued EDDY et., 620 — Large tuuny newly furnished room. $^ « week; bath; phone; hot water; also $1.25 room. EDDY St.. IS24— Nice clean room In private raraily for 2 young men; running water; all conveniences. IXI.IS Et., 1130 — Sacny parlor, suite; also sin- _ gte roma; rent very reasonable. . r-ILLMORE, 712— Bay window, sanny front / room for gentleman or couple In private f«m-V lly: all modern conveniences; reasonable • fdr/ r.'ght party. Park 6777. - / FIIXMORK St.. SC3, corner Fulton — Front room. J iiewly furni«bod. for gentlemen or couple;; 5325 weekly: boui» keeping privilege. . FILLMORE. 1917. Oat A— Large front room for' twt> gentlemen or couple, reasonable; fine lo- ' - <~atwa : nil convejiienoe*. \u25a0 i \ j FJLLMORE ft.. 252», corner Pacific ay.— Ele- gant, suncy rocais; first class table; summer rates. KILLMORE Ft.. 761 i cor. . Grove— Roosa In privste famiSj- far 1 or 2^ pbone, bath; all ; «x>nven!cnces: re«r.onab!e. IOI'RTH ay., 427—510. nicely fumlsaed sunn> front room suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen; con- . voatent to cars. GKARY et.." 17C7. nr. Flllmore — Large, furnished./ front rooms, bath, t>hone, from $3. to $5; weekly; phone 735. i GOLDEN GATE ay..- 102f». near Locust ay. — 3 connecting "rooms for 3 or 4 gentletnen or ," couple.; roatjoaable. - . GOLDEN GATE ay.. ISQ& — Newly furnished room' in private family for gentleman; all con-. • ven3«ice«: $S mouth. ! G.OLDKN UATK ay.. 16«J3— Nice, newly fur-f i.:>«cil rooms, rustling water, bath, phone. .' $2.50 we«-.k and up. ) \ NOATKS v-x... UaPJC nr. Devl»Bd<-ro— Front and)j hR<-k t>sr!«r rwime: also rmms for bouse keep- ing in privatr- family; $S to $15 - month. ' IIAVKS *t.. 722, nr. Bacbanan —^unny hay win- •.«H»w room, with alrwre; Euitsble for 2 or 3J "centlemen; all modern conveniences; board] . optional. Pbone Market CS44. • UOTEL ST. PALX. 5:3 12tb St.. corner Clay, . Oakland — Rooms 50e a day up; $2.50 week up;, t-peclal rate by the month: open all night. JACKSON st.. 2321—2 nice clean rooms la pri/ • .'. vate family for young men: reasonable. \u25a0MARKET St.. 21S2A. bet. Church end Sanehex— \u25a0 Newly furnished funny rooms. $6 to $12' month;* hath, gas. Phone park 2640. MCALLISTER St.. 1923— Large room, nicely fur- ntsl>ed. In private family; nmuiDg water; all- \u25a0conv*ntcne«>«: reasonable. .' HrAIXISIER et. t l&K". cor. Pierce— Comfort- 1 able home for 2 or 3 reliable fcntlemen; , 'tunny front rooms, well furnished; bath. ' r-lioae. McAIXISTEII *t.. ISS2— Large bright room.. 1 or 2 gentlemen: In private family; $10 roo. ..OIK St., 1347 — 2 unfarnlohed room*, with use.' \u25a0 cf bath, in private family, reasonable. :'. OAK su, ' iO«9 — fjoat room, nicely furnished. - in private faali.v. tor 1, $C mo.; 2.- $10 tno.. •\u0084OAK et.. !©». opp. panhandle^ — *unny corner'- - front room, nicely \u25a0 furnished, for 1 or 2' gen- V tleirfn. in privnte family: all conveniences'; • running wcter. Phone I'ark SSfiX. \u25a0' ' - ' OI'AKHKM- st.. lSS+r-FrtMit parlor . and bed-: fiw-. . runcing water; gentlemen "preferredj; .. a'.i«" f-rvii.i hot:*e keeping. sui.t«>i. \u25a0•'-. - .' \u25a0 \u25a0 Of 'A'RREU. st.. I,rj4— Large room fop -2 geiitle- \u25a0*; :->:- njfn:. rran:ng water;- olegantlv furaisbed; - very reasonabie. ''.•\u25a0!\u25a0".\u25a0\u25a0. OVERLAND HOUSE, 56» S»crimeDto et. below - .Mioctgoniery — Now open; 200 rooms; liot and cold «"*ti>r in every room: 15c.-:t« $2 per day Jl.tiO to $5 per week. EDTV. ROLKIN r Prop. tnTAViA s:., ;;;— Nicely furnished rooia; suit-,1 ab>. for 2; e!i?o *iagie. -.-• '•\u25a0;• ; /\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 .' "-. OCTAVIA Ft., l^l-^— Suiiijy front rooai$ v rcn-v, niiij watir; ht>u?e kt^jiiiuj pi-ivilegcs; Tekson-" '"*• - -\u25a0 ''\u25a0 \u25a0•'-•••• \u25a0 ; •-••; I'ACIKIC -:..av., 1715 — Nicely . furnished., sunny*) rxii'Ujs; -:li.<>u*e terp:ug-for ;:Wn!i-: with or* without. :\u25a0 .: . : . -. .: v i'AGE St.. 220 — Bright, ennny. front.- bay wiurlow .-room, wrll furnished; jiliuue. t.aui; Sl'> month., I'AItNASSLS ay., 62— Well furnlsted room, i\± . \u25a0blocks Masonic, tv. cars; batb, phone.' .rea..' conable. . . -..\u25a0 Vrr v. - k tI'INH §t.. 2137 — 2 nice clean rooms in private -f«mily; bath, pae: $S to $10 mo. West 525 C ., PINU *t.. 255fi — Two'unfurnUhed rooms in prl-- vate family for house te-eplng very reasonable; .pas. louts, phone; references. . .. " I'IEIU^E St., 1133— Large front sanny " room, cicely fnrni&hed, for 'J gentlemen, la. private ; .family: jr<>od home for 'party. I*OST *t...' 22-Jl — Large, sunny room, in private house. Tor 2 peiitlemen: bath. jras. iiho&e, etc. \u25a0 POST ft., 1972 — Bay window sunny room, nicely furnished, for gentlemen or couple;' 1 West 1632. SACRAMENTO St.. 1527 — Large Minny room inj ":,. prlvare fahily fcr 2: $10 mo. Franklin 2373^ \u25a0SCOTT «t.. Kus. <x>r. I'iUton. opp. Alamo >quar«». .. Kiegsntly furnished ;\u25a0.\u25a0-. his in fine neighborhood-:' • all modern cunvenieneits : McAllister and Z*<;-.: -.-visadero ctrs; rati>s very reasonable. fc'COTT et... ITI5 — Bs.y window ri»om isi-.Tiy. lur- niiiied for gentlemen in. private- family;- $12 month. I____1 ____ '.* - ..- " \u25a0-..,_-• ; : - : - - STEINEtt. S08 — t>«r)re. mmny^'-un'rurnisbed.'. front r00m..- n-ith alcove; kiu-brt-n -adjolu'ng; '<-very " \u25a0\u25a0" convenience;. $11". .. ". ..:..•.'.. \u25a0..:.\u25a0.\u25a0•.". - '. JSTEINER st.. Ml. near McAllister— Large sunny- parlor; well furnished: batb. \ bun*-: aUn sunny, hou»* keeplnt room; rfaßonahle. ' .. \u25a0 - ; -- ; .;':"' .-\u25a0 THK WF.BSTKR. 12^1 Turk -at. cot. \u25a0"..: Webster— \u25a0 Rooms by dsy. week' or-'raohth: hot -running .' water, free batts. Turk and Eddy cars from. "•"" • " \u25a0' l erriw. - -. '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0::\u25a0::'.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'.\u25a0.:.. '•".. -..-• • .: ; . , * " \u25a0\u25a0 U *^_; \u25a0 TURK et., 1752 — Large, -clean; . sunny room •la . -. private -family; all conveniences. \u25a0 bath, jas, etc: reasocaWe for rljbt party; W«t XfsfiG. . .. • -• — . ; 3TRK bt.. 1715— Bay window' eunay roouy.'.ih .Cue location, convenient -. to cars;. Tery' reasorable to right party...-.- '•:\u25a0.': ."'""' V TURK Et.. * ie.ll — Large front room In 'prtvate'.i ••family lor 1 or 2 gentlemen; running -weier. ". ! TL'IIK fit.." 1161— Uay window room nicely fur- i f bfl for 2 gentlemen in private -faintly-; '. -all conveniences. •\u25a0 t^cst K2o.' . . .' r." \u0084.-"•. \u25a0 TURK tt.. 534. -near JeCerson square — <hllside , room nicely furnished;' house • keeping priv- .' '.lieges; $2-50 vieekly: also room'gruund floor, •.el«an. $1.25 per week; phone. ' . \u25a0 tTIRK et., S22 — Nicely furnished rooma. $7. $3 and $10 per month; suitaiile for 2 gesitlemeii; -private bouse. '".•\u25a0"' • . -. " " .- '" WEUiSTER st.. I»4»— Nice clean front room In ."' " pri-rare bouse; all conyedeßics; $12--mo. -for"; lor 2. •; \u25a0-. •: \u25a0-. \u25a0 ;: , '. ( % V. KBSTER st.. l» 5 2i»-rS«nny,- frunt rooa ;- board: if desired; private.'-.. -, \u25a0'\u25a0 .".-." . . \u25a0'" -. tI'2— LARGK front room. -wat»r'.' and pas,'. *epa- \u25a0 \u25a0 r»t»- miranof. 2721 V. Pln^ >r. nr. r><vl*aiWa .nOOMS FOR HOtSE KEEI'IXG Al 'house keeping »*>ais. completely furnislied; reasonable; sun all -day; near ' <Jold»*n «Jate \u25a0 park. Apply t»45 Stanyan Bt. nr. Frederick. ALTA VISTA. 1207 St.— Top frout »lngle and large double; economy with good living. BAKKR et.. ISIS, near California— Two- cou- siwting Jtxnn*. fornished; convenient for* UgUt bouse keeping. BARTLETT. 420— Nicely furn. eunny froDl al-" v cove andkitfben; 2or 3 adults; reasona»>le. CALIFORNIA *t.. lOCS, near Uyde— 2 rooms and bttfa; $U"i. * \u25a0 : CALIFORNIA «1.. SO7I — 3 funiifbed hoose ieep- i.-ig roorjfc, with toilet, wash trays and. large ;»rd. \u25a0 ' •- CALIFORNIA *t.. GOS5 — To let, 3 furnlshedfaouse k«vpicg r<x>ms. ' . * CARL *t.. :;iC. i-or. Wiilard.'near G. G. park — 2 or 3 sunny fiimlshed front house keeping - roontF; $1.1 o- $18. • - tDUy «t.. »54— Larp>« bntiw Vwptnj tooni in jirivat* feinily: i-jnnftiß water; l»tth, gas; $14 \u25a0 |>er"- month. ' " . . - . KDIiY Vts2— *nuny rnomp. bath, phono, with or wiiiiout bottte k«-eping; slm> single 'room», S- 1*;1 *; tr«lihie«ts. ELLIS tx... ISS7, . nr. Derisadero — 2 fine, sunny •- furnished connpctiug bouse keeping rooms; piano, bath mid phone; nor children; also. 3 vlc-gant Uoose keeping rooms en cuite. . KLLIB nt.. 11*25— Modern Kunny rooms, $10 and ;$l2 month; running. water: hath, phone. FELL »t., 15S8. opp. •• panhandle — EzcepUonally clean mimy bouav ke«*ptDg. and single rooms r also garage for r»rj; rea sons lilo. . . FRONT aultt-1 3 rooms; grate'; r»»son«ble:^unny room; running water;' $2.50 -per .week. 1021 Van Nesx - ay. . \u25a0 . FOLSOM st.. 1222. near Stb— Nice, .front, room for house keeping ; c g*s, - lieth, laundry room; reasmiable. \u25a0 . \u25a0 . " '- OICARy «t.." 1426H4— Three. nice rooms and bath.; "- unfurnifcowj; rent ressmsble. . . " . OItKKSUICH *«.. 1433. nr. Polk— 2 nice, large sunny bouse keeping rooms; alto 1 large; room for gentlemen; very reasonable. GOLDEN GATE ay., 881, 3d floor — 1 o.r 2 rooms' in private family; oppoiite park.- •{\u25a0-. \u25a0„-..' GROVE; st.. 72!». nr. FiHmore — Two rooms, j-ingle or en unite; house keeping .' privileges; ; ccnvonlont U> - car». - \u25a0'.- « *.•,:- . "ftOTEL CRYSTAL. ' 37I McAllister St.— One and • lira room apartmenU: rate* $10. $15. $22.50. , JACKKON st.. 2311. bet.Tilimore and Webs^r— 2 "furnished house keeping \u25a0 rooms; bath, . gas, phone; n-nt ?'.*> month. . , • i LARGE sunny well fiirniKbedpsrl'* eulte. with nSf; of pUnn; bath; kitchen; laundry; neat Haipht ami FUlroun* . «t*. ...;. Uox . 2624. ; CaU.t-- M<-AL!.JSTKU kI.. 97S— Snnny r'«nn^, with ««\u25a0 • vrltlwnfl"a:«e tfenluc iirjvitcst-*; tmh; gas. Siark-.'l 4157. / * ." '' SS^l?? g^JFO^^HO 13 HR K EEPIX <r--Co^ > O'FAERELL. 1493— Very large ] sunny I bay wln- . do^ room; reasonable: house keeping prlvi- . it\ges;- pbone.- bath, laundry. - -.- PIjNE." 2721 >4—rsl2;' front, room, gas and. water, Tor house keeping; * separate ; entrance. I^OLK st., .1310,' near. Bush— Large furnished ' room; running water; free cooking gas; $2.25 . . per week. . • - . 1 [SACRAMENTO St.. 3018—3 sunny new furnished .. rooms; bath, laun.; convenient cars and stores. 1 STEINER St.. 183S, nr. Sutter. block above Fill- i tnow — Furnished rooms; also house keeping; - reasonable. ' . - " STCINER,' 909 — Large eunny unfurnished - front .room with alcove and kitchen;" every con- - Tfnlence; $IS. * % \u25a0 • i TWO. unfurnished rooms; reg. kitchen; clean; . no children; $10 per month. 155 4th ay..' Rich, j 7TH st., \u25a0 60. opp. P. O. — Two Pliriny front hous^ ke«-ping rooms, $<5 per week -up. H. ' R.M'HAKL. '\u25a0*\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 { TIOO3IS AXD '.BOARD OFFEKED AjITISTIC, sunny rooms; modern; refined home; \u25a0 superior table; , references; Western addition. L Box 4828, Call office. CHRISTIAN scientists desiring a pleasant home. : at reasonable prices, call up Franklin 1520. DEVISADERO St.. 748— Large room, nicely fur- ' nished, for 2 gentlemen, in' private' famliy; excellent board;, reasonable; bath; closet; all . conveniences. DEVISADERO St.. IS4.**— i.arge, nicely furnished, sunny room; running water, electric light and , bath: good table board; Turk and Eddy cars; . terms, $25. : 'FILLMuRE, 2529, corner I'aclfic ay. — Elegant, sunny rooms; first class table; summer rates. LARGE room, nicely furnished for 2 gentlemen, with board. In private family: bath, phone, • use of parlor: reasonable. 2115 Webster st. LARGE front room suitable for 2 or 3 gentle- - men: excellent board; $30 each. 1062 Buchanan. " MARTINET HOTEL. 1101 Geary et.— Rooms and rultes, with first class board, can. now be . - engaged at . summer rates. " '; NICE, clean rooms for young men who want to economize; excellent board; bath. 1102 O'Far- ' reil st. ' . \u25a0 " " PACIFIC ay., 1721, third house west of Van Ness — Very desirable 6unny room; references. PIERCE st- Sl5, .near- McAllister— Nicely furn- ished front, rooms:', bath, .flne neighborhood; excellent board for, two. $40 per month. '. SCOTT st,. 912— Young man willing to .share room "with gentleman; can have very ".reason- able room and board. SELECT PRIVATE BOARDING HOUSE 1720 BROADWAY.; elegant location; FIRST CLASS in cvpry respect. Rates, specially re- dneed.. Telephone. Franklin ISC4. • • ' ; ' , ~ SKLECT PRIVATE BOAnDING'UOUSE. "" . ISOI California, st. at.JCranklln; first class .In every particular*- ' references; rates reasonable. Phone FraiikUnTStel-. >.y-.' :•• ': . "i ST." MARGARET'S" clut) for working .girls,- 1541 California t>i.-^Sunny - .rooois. . use of piancF";.- \u25a0 teachers' students, "stpnoFrapbers.' find -H.-ideal \u25a0 -.borne; terms $20 per niontia. $1" per. day. . • • . \u25a0 Vy l LL.boarV. -couple or 4-young men; all comforts - : \u25a0 of-hcae; reasonable. " ICI4 Eddy ;-st- " . °- , WOMA-N'o 11OTKL, Turk at Laguna, opp".. park-— '.H" rr < 10-..'-i-iTnforts: reayoniiljle rates." \u25a0" • ". ° * \u25a0\u25a0''\u25a0 '"''. . . _-•\u25a0 • ."-" -APART'3H3XTS°' -"" "' ••' . ." . AAA^SiTI" MDNGO apt.. 1360' Golden Gate. ay.. : • cor."- \u25a0Fillmore-^-ElegaUtly \u0084{u rnlßbe d 2-3 • Tpora -.- apts'.'j- sun- in" every, apt.; private «MCharijje ' \u25a0 \u25a0 conaecUng all .apts. \u25a0 Phone West 0020.', :' ..AAA— SI\ MARGARET apartments, F.ell"' an* ' •' Octavia sts. — Sunny, nnfurnished apartments, 3 • ( '.rooms 1 -.and bath; wall beds; rent reasonable. ; AA— - SAN DRI NG U A M furnished "' apts.-,- 1152 ' • • EdfVy-st., now. 'ready for occupancy"-' .\: • ' ' • t Ar-rCORNELIA HOTEL, APARTMENTS. • T^ \u25a0 •'.-••; "«41 O'FARRELI^ ST. NEAR HYDE. : '-' •.\u25a0-•." . . - 2. .3 AND 4 ROOM .. • \u25a0'-' " . KLEGANTLT FCSNISHED APARTMftNT3. . . Completely -equipped with every modern-c onv- enience, and ready im immediate we'upaney.' eOMETHINO ,JCEW ' HOTEL .SERVICE • . .:.." REFERENCES REQUIRED -. . • •• A—. ..CLINTON APARTMENTS . - • - .".1400 JONES "ST. -COR. WASHINGTON. . • ELEGANTLY FURNISHED. SUNNY 4 AND 5 •• ROOMS* MARINE VIEW; NEAR FAIRMONT -. HOTKL: JANITOR SKKVICK: EVKRY. CON- VENIKN'CE. PHONE FRANKLIN 3443. . AT ibe Grami, J«45 Golden (iate ay. opp. Jeffcr-'- ;swj"aji:are: front punny apts. of 2. :<. 4 rooms;- bp.'th, laundry,, jwrcb. yard; from $25 up: refs. AiwrtlNE APIS., 640 Eddy— Apartments; 2. 3 • and 4 rooms, thoroughly modern; summer rates." OUX'MBIA apartnit-nt-", cor. EJUs and Polk Eta.!* i ?nr'b<>use keejiinp; 2. '.I and 4 room*, fnr. aud '.unfuf. ; .priveve latlrs. liot water, steam heat, " elf^tric light, gas rauges. elevator; rent reas. ELDORADO apartments. .150: Ninth st.. near : Mis-don — Klecantiy fumi»hcd, $22.00 aud $2&; .' also pintle moms $10 up. •- .. . RICHELIEU APARTMENTS. 22d and Guerrero \u25a0 *ts. — Zi rooms... with disappeeria'g beds. " ' . • DUNDEE Apts., 736 Si an van st." opp." G. G^.park . \u0084— Newly fur. -4 r.; large, sunny: very reas.; ref. KENILWORTH. NE~ CORNER BUSH AND I .- POWELL STS.— 3 ROOM FURNISHED ITOUSE "KEEPING APARTMENTS: SINGLE ROOMS; COMPLETE APPOINTMENTS AND SERVICE -MARYLAND APARTMENTS, 303. Page st.— Sun- \u25a0 tty\ 4 -room apartments; fgrnisiied. and . 'unfur- ••nishs|d: hot" water, janitor. strtiee, night watch- •:-m»n.'"o!evator.- \u25a0 .. - - .1 . •" . c '\u25a0 •'.."\u25a0 SAN. CARLOS aparTtiuonHi. 11175 6'Farrell St.— \u00842;;- 3 -and- 4' rooms, fur'nished-.and unfurniEhcd. . •- 1 -.'.--.. -V ' .' '. ' HOTELS [>' '\u25a0•' \u25a0 \u25a0'-".' \u25a0 AAA— NOTICE TO TRAVELERS^ .' '\u25a0\u25a0'-'\u25a0 . HOTEL COLONIAL, (Stockton street etfove -..Suttef. .. American plan.- $3; ' European- plan. • ..." $1. '• Telephone, -.'steam seat; electricity; every- \u25a0 '.modern convenience. ';. ' , '\u25a0 '°'• . \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 . AAA— WELLINGTON- I1OTKL; 610 Geary nexr i Jf»n«?H— Just opened ; only;. h»tel jrivln;- oufsiar euany room withrprlvatc bath at; $1 - day. $5 •.vwM-jij <ir. s2o-raontl!; other. outsldo sunny rooms. '".'. $3.50 week: ptesm heat, hot water, telephoueii. AA— HOTEL BU1&TON. 415 O'Fairel* St.- "„ \u25a0'.: , FAMILY AND COMMERCIAL HOTEL. \u25a0".. - Rpotn and batb, $1 day <t $5- per weekl ' ':. .. ' Outside telephone in eucU room.'. N-ewly opened. Steel frame buiUlu?. tSBStiiQQIBBBS&SiZi^I: : A— AT TnE WEMPE, 419 Oak, bet. Bochanan and Laguna sts.; sunny rooms; excellent board. BROOKLYN, HOTEL— 369 lnt— Board and -room $6 to $S per week; rooms 602 to $1; weekly $2 . up; meals.2sc. CHARLES MONTGOMERY. UOTEL AETNA, 1«I7 Pine St.— Beautiful snit<: • and bath, ' $25; . single -room!!,- $12; phone .in .'. every room. \u0084 . ' -.".\u25a0\u25a0 . . '. HOTEL. B ELM ONT, 780 Eddy,; below Van Ness.'. Tnrk and Eddy cars — Rates $1 per day up. UOTF.L CALIFORNIA, cor. Cslifdrnia * Hjr-fJe— " Especially adapted trt ideal home .life; su- perior acoom.? reas:; -European- or Am.' pliiri. HOTEL nARCOURT. LARKIV AND SDTTER— AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN. EXCELLENT- TABLE. PHONE FRANKLIN 2100.. . " *.. HOTEL ARGONADT, 4«i and Market sts.— Fam: lly and commercial hotel; -room with- detached bath. $1 per ; day; rooms with private.- bath, \u25a0 (1.50 per day; restaurant attached: 'moderate prices; free but meets all trains and stmshlps. HOTEL ST.-. JAMES. Van Ness at -Kulto.n— sls - month to permanent guests; beantlfol lobby. ' -:-f~. ;• -\u25a0 SUMMER RATES \u25a0'. ;.\u25a0 : . - Rooms with private bath,. $1. per day 0p.." . Rooms with private batb. $5 pel? "week up. " • ' Rooms • without batb, $3.50 per week. up. ,"• Bar. cafe, reception .-rooms, private exchange. ' HOTEL BRILLIANT. fi4s Turk St. "• - ASH ay., 6S3 — Flat,- 4-roomg. hath' t gas, ryard... APARTMENT flats, 4 rooms apd bath. $20- tip; Janitor, etc.. free. . See agent .at." bUilding.'.'TOO . Central ay. cor. Fulton ;*t. near Panhandl"e. . . . CALIFORNIA St.. and 22daF.',-Butter.«t.'cars-t- New sunny flat of 5 rwms; only" ?12. ; -."-:• '.•';; CARL st:, 123, bf. Cole — 1 . rooms, \u25a0 modern/ flat; v rent $22.50. '• , . -.' \u25a0..\u25a0\u25a0•*• . • KDDY ft. .1311— -To lej. =3 miJde'ni Cats.: G. rowas and bath ;"-. rent -$20. ..-Laurel* ay.. 700 and 70H— Two 5 rooms, and bath;, rents" $20' . and $27.50. - .-. ; • \u25a0-. • : • " ELLIS ft.. lS23.'cor. Pierce^New modern sunny flajt, '4 rooms and .-bath.;: reasonable; .adults. ; .' FLATS. APARTMENTS. ANl> '. HOUSEK^Save = time and trouble; ''come direct-to our. busy rent-- •• lug , department, where "we have ' every i •M'lec't flat, apartrjent and houi«» in the. city listed and can, give 'you • full -'fir&.irniation in cefcr^rice "to "any and all of. them ; < ,cew"-nats< and dpartmenta onr'csr-eclalt} ; no cliarßeiJ; no obligations." Let .us iiiall you our new lisj*. \u25a0• \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0..\u25a0• ' "'\u25a0-. . .- .'•-'. • HARRy J. O M()<)RE CO.. .. . " \u25a0 : 735. Eddy Rt.inear Vnri"-N>f>s "ay.V and'"2ooS - v . Mission st. near lfith' St.. :' '":' •-. \u25a0FOLSOM st.,- 1914. near 15th-f-Modern 4 "rpom ; ._: flat; $1 ?. 50 :, reduced from - $20. "20TH-st-.; 53:«),- near ; Howard — 5, r00m, bath;nat .sunny \u25a0 reduced to $2-I. '7TH av;,'3C3, near Clement • 4 rooms." hath: only $18. •• - **...' " SCHARrK.' Paclflc Bldg'.. 4th and Marked ';•' FULTON st.. \u25a0lJ.6B,opi)oBUe park—^s rooms;'rent ' $25.'. »00 Central'av.. corner Golden "Gate. - > " \u25a0: GEARY'st.'." 2410 A —3 large rooms and bath; gas; f stationary; tubs;, large porch ;j reduced tp $14.;.' • G REEN WICH «t., 1821:'. near Laguna— Flat: of- 0" • *unny rooinx;' large yard; rent. s2o.- . ' -HOWARD, ft.'; -.1570-4, ""bet. : llth and 12th— New upper; and* lower ; isuuny " flat-of ,>7<rouaii«;, rent very reasons bie. I^HHSwMBBMESIttE^:' " "C . JONF.S Ft.. 10a)1032. ; bf-t.*Pirfe' and California— .'.New,"' sunny <> ai«l.4:n>oni!flat«;,'3!4s and $HO. HB. - <*<»rner • Fnlton : an«l '- Webster xt s.-^-Modem. ii! '-' room, corner t flat,*; sunny; light: ro«ms;V rent »t-r;r rcaauuaMc. \u25a0 ;- : V THE SA2s : FBANCISCO; CALL, :;-T.IJESP^¥;V-^^VViL^'i9C^: ':\u25a0'}' j ;FIATS;^TO L"ET~Conlinn.edJ' ,__; NEW" sunny 5 and ' 6 . room flats;, marine view;, . convenient, locality; -I*4 ' blocks ' north Fair- mont hotel; rent $25 and $28. V Apply 33- Wet - more " place. Clay : to" Washington, , bet. Powell and Mason sts.: -"\u25a0\u25a0"..-'\u25a0• ".-\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 -' - '-, NOK : St.." 1050. : cor. Elizabeth— Five room . cor. flat and yard; rept- $25.;, " ! >.-.:. i-' \u25a0' NOE st... 13C, neat 14tii— Upper flat of 5 rooms | - and bath. M4oA Noe — Sonny flat of 4 rooms; ,'.' rent $10. s -. ..-..'-' ;:-.- v "". * , - '- OAK «t.. ; 387, near Lagnna— s2s; C rooms and "bath; porch, cellar. /-: \u25a0 . -- -- -"*.;' .'.; PRESIDIO it., ; 424 A." near Sacramento st. — Sunny, modern' 4 'r<x>m- flat, .bath; heap,; see owner. -Phone, West 2641.- • \u0084"-,.,. \u25a0. •": -\ '-\u25a0"\u25a0 STEINER st.. 1125, nr. Turk— « rooms and bath, .; etmar and clean, $30.-; *- .* \u25a0 ".- \u25a0.-.•: .- ._ : TWO : FLATS OF 5 AND 6 ROOMS, bath, : pan- v try, laundry; SUN IN EACH room* all" day; rent reasonable. ; Key lower flat.' l3l Buchanan st. opposite state, normal: school. V: . TREAT ay., corner Garfield park, - 1184 — 4 'room, npper Cat; gas, bath; rent reasonable. ~~'.'.\\. ~~~- , ~ $17.00. ',- .:; :-;,*..; >> A" sunny flat, 4 rooms, bath; .an up 'to date modern. borne, 2978 23d Bt. nr. Harrison. 10TH ay.. 274 — To adults, 4 large sunny rooms and bath; reasonable, i.;' • . • '\u25a0"\u25a0:, •\u25a0''.' \u25a0 4TH ay.," 1216. near. H St.— Elegant sunny flat, C rooms, inclosed porch and* large tstoreroom ; rent- $30 to .- good .tenant. ;' " \u25a0 . IST ay.. 721— Flat of 6 rooms; newly tinted;: \u25a0 for rent. . \u25a0 'V 19TU. • and -Noe^-sts.,,* NW.- cerner— -Upper room*': $55. * - . . ' \u25a0-\u25a0•.-• \u25a0-^' r ;. A6HBURY St., 335. near llalght— Furnished " apartment flat 4 rooms and bath; rent, reduced.. COUI'LE wiio will room \u25a0 aad tx>ard man and •wife can'have 4 room furnished flat in- part payment. IKS 7- Hyde st. / COMPLETELY furnlisJied, . sunny, modern flat. 5 rooms and bath. Apply from 11 to 1 p. m., 41» locust et. . \u25a0' : STEINER • st.. '136 — Five 1 room furnished flat, complete: $40 month. •:\u25a0 •**\u25a0.-, NEW C room. flat, beamed celling*; gas and open flreplaoes: ; 2 wall beds; California . St., select neighborhood; rent $35; furnishings f^r sale: have Iwni in use.- for. only* me month; purchaser . to have advantage <y amount paid; terms ou balance to • suit ronvenience. • . *" \u25a0 Apply HARRY .J. " MOORE CO., 735 Eddy st. pear Van Ness ay. FLATS WAJTTED WANTED — 2 modem flats: must be good. value; • Mission district preferred. Hox 2t>l7. Call. ... COTTAGES TO LET • SANCHEZ-" st.. 577 — 5 rooms* and hath;' large " attic; lilgh'basement, garden: newly tinted and paperfd; rent.?2s. Owner. 1141 -Dolores st. .SAN -JOSE ay.*, 305—5 r. &• b. , cottase. H base- ,- wont, °garflen": also large attic, storeroom, $20. .TO -let— Cottage, -4 rooms *and bath;?l2. Apply "'.' luml>er of8c»-. Army and Condon .»t*."- " - • . HOUSE? TO LET— Fiirnislied FfRNISHED' house, :.G *ooms,; on Telegraph ay:; .".sso '-per month; also, furnished --house,- IP' roorats; near College ay., suifalile. for ' private ; *. scUpol. boa'rrling .house or. 3 -families: , st-)«jt j •" location;- bl<m> yard.. Phone REVEAL, Douglas - 4.a52".. or Phone RHrbPley 4^. • - — .: - - .'\u25a0 ' HOUSES TO X.ET— Unfurnished:.: • CARL sr.: 1C7 — 2 story up. to. date S rtx.m : house \u25a0 with garden; rent $55. '.' * ,':, -CORNER" Jackson ; apd Bakf-r— M«»derrt house, '\u25a0\u25a0i.tuijiins piirWs iliniu.c - r».n>ii-. kitclii-u. 7 '"•bed- . ." 'rooras. tinistifil lniM-iuent: rent $55. .S, HOUSE «t "G-room« and battn big yard:. rent $25. 5U14 -I'olhow.- »-t. bet-.vcea.l2th «nd ISth. . MARKET Ml. . ISS2— J« sonuy rooms and .'2 baths. Rent, reasonable. . * ' , MINNA -tt-. 1053.. bet. llth and 12th— House «if-: "4 -sunny roams ,'and hath." ["9 • \u25a0 . NKWLY furnished.- 3 room '<-otta{;e.- yard, gas, [ : ?15r snialler. $ly. ' -4224" J St. 48th ay., : ..: o<-e«ii b>««-h. \u25a0; \u25a0 .- •• • . • , ! PACIFIC, av'., \u25a0 near Franklin Ft.— 12 rooms. -2 ; bnths; modcrkte reqta-1. " STEELING REAL- •TV CO.. 41 • Montgoiuery st. "*• " . " 1 **»> * * i VALLKJO. Xt- — House; garage,- hard- i "wuod .floors; • flnt-nt- rnafiae view; will- j lons term. \u25a0 fnfnlshwl ; or', unfurnished. -Tel."' .' mornings." WMyt-5754. \u25a0\u25a0' . '-.- • -'\u25a0•I -. . FURXfTL'iIE FOR .SALE . - - " WK MUST raise "cash— Hair jnattresses. $i_so. These .mattresses- are but !own make and. sold right, along, at '$.l.t*;'-bnt "we -ar.e closing "th*'m . - ««ti- Box " cOtiches; $15- val.. at $5; handy I couches'. $2.75; cable springs, $2.50. We alwiys do fine npholst«-.y. -work ; mattressf-'s made over, j J".'o:. carjsets. cleaned, altered and laid, C»ll \u25a0 .- In a' hurry It yon want- to save money. 80S De- vlsadero. " nr. McAUirter. Phone. West . 29,42.. •WE "are paying more, for" second- hand furniture and household goods ..than- any other -dealer Inj - the -city.. If -you" do riot want to self your": , . goods "outright -we -frill- sell . for you 1 on cosi- 1 tnisslon with a guarantee. Ci". A. CO.*. 84.7 th *L ' KlTCHEN' t'l=iraßnre tables; . oijly $3 this wrpk: ' prli-e'^S.op'; -.every article -'goes at- iialf ,- prtce n't. a: SCHKLLHAAS'- furniture-" sale, -.-\u25a0 HtJh _e.t. at FraukllH^ - Oakland." . o " • • .-. [ 300 FOLDING chair?.- jO"" wire '<?otj-. st -OaklandV . f urriit.u"rK- dealer, JI. SCHELLHAAS*, llth st. - ii.t .Franklin. • <-, -<*.- -. . .- ' ':• ''.• v •" .• ! AND. we", greet you. «vitb *« -smile." * -200 wire" -cots, ' • $1.25'"H.-SGHKLIJJAAS t ' furniture' .sale;-. Uth st. " at. Franklin;" Oalrfanil.. ' FURNITURE, 125 c to'-50c .on the* dollar; large- • /afe and store fixtures at- a great secriflct;' re- ", .tiring from .bu.iiineiji-. A. "gIXG.S.; 301 C ltfth st. BUY- -this week". - iron" \u25a0 beds, iS^tH^'-BOBBti^ HAAS^ l^th- st: at Fr&nldlfl. Oakland. . - " ; FURNITURE, of. B room bouse for sale. 25>5S Sac- • rament'o near "Flllmore. ••*-' ....- . .'v FUIiNITURE. .good and oheap.-at U. SCHKLL- • ITAAS'f-W' I.lth Kt.. Oakland.- .-. : . * : -^ URfrITURJB-AVAXT'sb'- ' ':\u25a0"'' ' ;ALWA\|S ready, to boy' fnrnitnre,-. carpets; ' merchandlw," etc.: fora spot .caßh. MARK J. '. LEVY. 1140' McAllister St.: pboiie .Park ifflO. ."" ..FOR >ALB-~MlseeHanebu« • i '^x ;\u25a0, CASH-Rl^7smHtS^-liSrsains T lipNa Uooals. S I "; - -Detail Adfleri-,- "keys : 5c to. $1t».".;,..."..".-rsls < .A-ilders. - -r-cgular - pri^e $65. .-. . .' 1 $:55 i '• ' NATIONAL" 2. Counter Tptju Add<-r..."." Sl5O : .' -NATIONAL "Total- -Adder, regular price ' • i i • $25^, -keys-Si: 10. $20". ... ..:..... , ... ."..... k\^ i : NATIONAL. TWO .DRA.WER. for bnr. . .SICS \u25a0 - La to -Model • Six Drt w<jt Electric^- regular ' . ' price ••$.715...."........".../...°. t..,.,..;.v..53.*;rtt ..,.,..;.v..$3.*;rt | • \V.E: DO'N-'T. handle- cheaply • coiiKtriic'ted -cast ' iron cabinet registers;' .-advertised- at a cheap ' price; simply us. bait to prospective puichasrre, PACIFIC COAST :CAS.H REGISTER CO.; lnc - : • . \u25a0"- 1292-1204 Mnrket st. comer Lark In. . " J • EXCpUSIVH .AGENTS AMERICANS AN-i) ! '•„ \ i , -\ - HAILLWOODS. "-. . " " ; \u25a0AAA-^' "-. *-\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0- .' •'\u25a0'\u25a0: . .-"-•"*..\u25a0-.-\u25a0.\u25a0.... ; Closing- .out ininiense stock on account "of-- '\u25a0': \ V- ••\u25a0'-* r-fp.'.- explritlon", o.f lease. " ",. '•-.- '.; • s' ft bathtubs, • porcelain,' lined: >•'" : . \u25a0 20x30 white enameled uln'ks. - v > • Elegant lavatory. . •''\u25a0': -" - ' ,-'\u25a0 2 Rart galvanlz"ed tray;' '_ \u25a0 . " \u25a0 - '• .' ' ' ;: $25,75.-. ,•-.-. CENTRAL PLUMBING SUPPLY CO..*' \u25a0', 1527 Market »t. \u25a0\u25a0*;.- "•*. \u25a0 . r: ' CASH REGISTERS— NOTE THESBNPRICES! .Detail adder. keys;'seto $10. .. ..v. '...-. .$l6 2S -Detail adder keys." 5c;t0'510. ...-...-...; ;si7iso -'\u25a0 NatU-2 counter total «dder.- with- tape. sl7o* oo \u25a0 -Any ntyle, any kej 1 arransement, American or Hallwpod. $20 and up; all sold, on terms of ; ".$1.25 a »'«lt;' '.•.f.i\ ! ;v^;,>v t .'; A • i i" \V« always have special 'bargsins in . s%ond .hand cash registers.' fully guaranteed- \u25a0 . NATIONAL" CASH REGISTER' CO I \u25a0 '.-;.- - IMP Market st. bet.fTajr'lor aad Jopea. . CASH REGISTERS— •.'-'\u25a0\u25a0 .. " • •' ; . .'-,- . '- .'. 'Second hand of all styles at low- prices; | Uallwooas", a t . 25c on -the dollar, or *ny other make; . guaranteed by ' the : National Cash Register Company., i;-" \u25a0 -- ' ..","\u25a0 • :.'•'\u25a0.'\u25a0 i-j N. q. : P..; feECOND HAND STORE; -827 'Market:^: FOR •s)il'»— <>)mpl'ete outfit for '.ph.vsi:elan-'js j offlce- .; -'C<intflincd -in :-3-rrfows jtt'.HOO Kentucky st. • " Pbtrerp. V Rooms', «-an- bo. "had -at- * low reiital- .- flne . opportunity j for yotnis physician.. Apply ; . -to DR. A.- .G. COLB.UItN, 1196 \u25a0 Kentucky st : , Potrcro.;. .•.•\u25a0.".\u25a0.' * :"\u25a0' •"-'•.• , '.-\u25a0.. ."..i FOR • Vale— Three „' turner gas . farige ' and" A hot \u25a0 . water iheatrr: used about, four. months: In ex- \ : cellent — condition; ;:a - -bargain.. - >UoS '2C45-i - ;Call Office.' - ..... ;-.:•. "...\u25a0'-..:' :^*..:.,V GREAT i bargains' in- rebuilt typewriters: rentlß's -$2 to" $3.50 peri month, -t . . ; :. '\u25a0'- . -\u25a0.""\u25a0. ' "\u25a0 » Sele. " NEW -YOST , VISIBLE.- '\u25a0 . ' The Typewriter- Exchange. 255 Montgomery, st. ; , -\.' X SECOND; HAND PIPE. ''-".-'. • -" -;• t- I*rgest dealers * in > standard pipe and -screw .casing, -.-dipped; • prices; rißht;°,;guacanteed- flrst' class. Paclflc Pi|>e Co.. 'Mainland Howard : st».-. FOR sale—Four; cylinder," 35 horsepower* marine : : motor, "V practically/! new ; ; weight •\u25a0 724 i lbs. ; - also r. 30 hor»epower,-hlfh speed engine, in. flrst "class \u0084 tonditloiK : \u25a0 Inquire 475.- 44th - st.. * Oakland."-; ' .• .ANDiit's 11 up.;to^you; save' money; 'patronize " Oakland's : (umlture flealcr.i H. . SCHELLHAAS - llth*Bt;iat Franklin. - - .' "-""., ' . \u25a0-.- " "ANGKIJS iwiir dwell Un I your dreams' by sleeping r/i on one of . U.\ SCHKLLHAAS' ' mattresses.; 1 lth i-j. st. ' af . Franklin,'- O.iklarid." „: t -*\u25a0:\u25a0" .*,:,;""\u25a0./ AA— : AII ; (sizes ; standard \ water pipe ".arid"; screw '» eesiug; • guaranteed s-good ?. as \u2666.. new;", get \u25a0-\u25a0, our ;i prices. . Weisisbsaui F'lpe ;. Works. 133 i 1 lth : st. , ARMY", tents i :«t "factory : prices. :- W. . A.rPLU>f- - M K It ;- CO;, 115 g Druni m '-: « t.; - S. ; : F.*, : lst -f and I'raukUu b'ts/.^Uakland.-. : " - ; >; \u25a0 -„- ' 1 NotKihg Succeeds Like I I The Call s Classified Ads 1 uM No f ; matter 'whietHeryoiillave-^qme-:" ||| ||| , thing to'selKor wish to -buy;; whether; O pi] -vduwant to get help, or secure a posi- : til tion; raise moneys or make a loan, The 111 H:v : Gall is the paper for you to use. - m\ B The GaH's great circulation, com- m\ || bined with the class of people^it goes ,-.t0,:. ' m\ &3 makes it the ideal medium for any and ;||j j f4i Phone Kearny 86 or drop a postal to the Clas- - 1 1 j jp sified Advertising Department, The Call, and the S;J S "ad-man" will be out to see you. * ||| FOR SAIiK — -MUfelliineoun Conilnufd CONCRETE mixers, gasoline engines; wood work- ; ing macliy. ; contractors' etjuip ; \u25a0Al condition ; price right. W. T. JIARTIN, ".I27-7 Howard str" MANUFACTURER and. dealer la new: and sec- ond hand CHARCOAL ; SACKS. . L. • BAKER. • 1333 ' Paelfie st. . Phone Franklin ; 4453. FLOORING, $17; good Bhlngles, $1.55;* rustl:, T s2o; redwood lining,* $10; Siding, (15. 33 10th gt. near Mission. » : • ,> , BULL terrier female puppy; :pwllgree; -price ' "-\u25a0 lo"w; must, be sold. - E..J...W., "1u24" 7th.av.,- Oakland:: ; ' • : ."".;.'.- : \u25a0*\u25a0\u25a0- -\u25a0 *. . ' . ; CHEAP — Chicken feed grinder, °S0 gallon- boiler! ; \u25a0 1 Sanison batteries, \u25a0 *haf ting,- hangers. ,- pulleys:- ' . ! M0 WelKter Kt..'' Oakland: phone Oakland 247S. r , Ct'RRL'GATED'Iton, " ,p!j>e aud mallf able, fittings; >J \u25a0 susli weights ti specialty, old and • new. • \u25a0 Nr . ' LANSBirRi? R- SON. lUO'Folsom st. " .' ~ ; FOR ' sale — it foot I Ray : steel \u25a0 range' for restau- rant, hotel. ARTHU-R J. ; WEEKS. 1615 2-'sd. ' by., QjklanA. * ' •* . •'•\u25a0_'- \u25a0:\u25a0'.. . .- • - - ' -liIGH. pojver "Dr. .Hall's 1 electric belt for sale chea-p; must have money. Box '•2G92, Call -office. \u25a0 • EOtl »t\if — Handsome ollpainting. "Gx4: . M.ltable' for bjHffct: ..W East 20th »t.. Oakland.; :', \ BARY • chicks every, day; Iwiby ducks' ; \ioiiday. ;i*:TANSFIt.LD'S, '.J3Ol K. 14th ST.", Frnlt>nle. \u25a0•' 400 foldiug ugera c'inirv.fair order. 90c each, at . H.-SCIUXL'H VAS'. llth ft.. Oakland. • KING'S I'.OOK STO'.trc. 171ij Market • above ' ttongli.' Phone MaJbe* 47CT. BOOKS BOUGHT. NATIONAL rash rpgis.ters. electrip signs.' bar and . safe for sale-cheap. '\u25a0 579 McAllister. st..- : ' * FOR sale— A bull- terrier pup. ' 2S Hoass ay. . . WALL paj>er "tVi".-; santplett -mailed; -paint - %\ I gifl.; alcohol Csc gal. M.'Me^lgan; 1447-Ellis. o TI : UNIN»;S. cubimt au<l mill worlc. "store" fix- tm-fw;.. jobbing. F. HAAS. 93 Minna st: ;\u25a0:.' ."S.VFE." Hall:*- Inside;, measurement, 31x24x15; ' \u25a0 $S5. 950 Mission j«t, above • -\u25a0• \u25a0 .;--'. " . IiOOKS and libraries bought -liy SCHULBERG, „•. 1214 Filbnore st.; phoue West C 099.' *'\u25a0 \u25a0 r \" : I MOVING picture films, for rebf: largest stock in- city.: - TOt'XKK »<c DAUNKEN. 13S Eddrst.' ; \ i'.OOKS and librßriF*hought: TnE HOLSIES CO., 1 ll.'S/Market St.; plmne.MarVet. 896. , .'i-V- \u25a0- ; EDISON AGENCY— =-MoTlng picture inachines and •tUtus; bargains.: GEO. »RIX:K,°7O Turk st. "SAFES- : -iNew \u00843ss«l second. hand." : The . Hermann . Safe Co.'.?li3i)-13'> j-'olsnm st. ; -" '. •- , f •: ; -,' IiOPITIVEI.Vl i 0PITIVEl.V twice as much |iaid' : fc>r cast off" «-lot>jins .xpd ch<ie«. 2i4 East St.; phone Doug- \u25a0 las-2C4» Mid will call..- ' \ -\u25a0'.\u25a0' . "\u25a0'\u25a0'.'\u25a0\u25a0 •WANTED "to buy — National cash • registers', for ;; cash; if you have any style National for sale g drop a line ta box* 23U9, .Call ofiice. • DRESS 'sfclTS. TUXEt>OS° AND .PRINCE AL- • r.ER'rS BOUGHT. - L, SKOLL. TAILOR.. 7(f7 .i;(.)LPKN GATU AT.: PHONE MARKET 4«31.'- STAMP:c-ollcctionB or odd lois'of stamps bonglit; {, -call evemugV: X. W. SMITH, IC2S Pos{°Bt. CASH— A NY AMT. FOR OLD GOLD. PREC. '. STONES. EXGELHARDT, 22 "MOXTG'Y ST. WILL boy second hand hardware, tools. ;c.lot.Wng, . ' «'if.; best prices. 2117 Mission: Jark o 5356. ..-.. SECOND. HAND clothing bought" and Hold. I..^L DX MANN. tfilS Market: tel. Magki't 2542: '-.- \u25a0 ' :':'--:: ':'-- : - ,:'\u25a0 :''.'\u25a0 ':' FURS \u25a0'"\u25a0 \u25a0 '\u25a0.:. .: . '7' '- LOKSTAD& EVAXS, Inc.," furriers ;."2sl Post .St., •" Mf-rcedesbldg..' .Jtd flof>r.- .'l'hoiie Kearny 4. ; 1-1!». ".'. -BAR AXO STORK FIXTURES' ' BRirNSWICK-BALKE-COLLENDER .CO-.. 17-27 ' Franklin sf. near Mnrket: -phone. Special 1457. ; . !? - ?'FO_REfGy\^fe'TAGil^^i^MPS'V;^^ "j 'POSTAG E . stamps,' albums, catalogues.' etc. ; colsi bought. 11. ,W. Doescl}er& Co.. 1120 Geary st. • 'TYPmVRITJKRjS^AXD SUPPLIES \- MONARCII Visible Typewriter— lrt the "Monarch" Visible Typewriter all the , writing ' is. in .full -.sight -all. ttie;tUne; ; other, mnken, ' \u25a0' .ajt very reasonable jprices; we rent, .reptir.'and ' ih'spec't;' : before .'. purchnslng -ring tip . Douglas' 41 i:j,. or tall at S«T Bush St.; \u25a0 - .' • \u25a0\u25a0'.' ':' j v- x WOLr & ISK.NBRUCK; Dealers. • .'-.: .-,".- TTPEWRITEUat a smcrifice; L. C.' Smith viKlble • -:inarliine; No. .2 naodel; .esceJJent- condition; \u25a0; typewriter" desk goes with nin'chlue- Box • 2C44, Call, office., \u25a0 .'. -. ; - - :. •' • FOR SALE— L:"C. Smith visible type writer ymR-. '; <-hlne. slightly us-ed and goodns nc.rt-;- will nlso ' . fell .roll -top combination tyiiewrlter' desk:/ Call • ; atte'r. 0 p.' ni.* at 784 \u25a0 Pine st. • ...- • . ..•'•"• SPECIAL rentii"! rHtes; rebuiltSr second hands,' M..: ' '.. : bargains : : supplies.- repairs. df*ks.".;"'ALflX AN- " -.PER & CO.. 512 Market St.; Jel., -Douglas 2157." . BRAND new Visible. ?40. San No.' 2; other makes • : cheap: 'I'acific Typewriter Co.. 107, Montgomery: NEW I awl; second hand ". typewriters bought 'and 4 wild. "; rented,"; repaired:. gu«rantee<L' SMITH ' 8R05.."- 402. 13 t- st.';«Oakland;. phone,.Oak- 12. GEO: ~ E." MERRY,*- Smith 'j l.!r-emier . agent; all \u25a0 uiKkPS rcpniretl. 07(1 Broadway.- Onklarid. • '-"*• -*- .' " ; »I USIC AIV •IN STRDMENTS % "' . ; . . 1. AAA— BARGAINS* .*:' : .-.'-•",." -\u25a0" Owing p tp-, the I summer/vacation '.many rented ;' .^ntanoK i have , l>e<»n ; rednrned; . hr •we are"- pressed, \u25a0ji^r. roomiwewijl make 4he follow.iog offer: -" '\u25a0 - . 7-iO 1 flne ;' uptight 1 pianos, .: nearly ;, xiew.V in J ma- r hogany,;; walnut ..oT'oHk, cases. 5 ;: full "-cabinet '-(grands; prices. each -when new .s42s. $11)2, ".with .' : ' Btqol ,'and "" cover ; thprou-ghly -; guaranteed . abd " on : easy >• terms. " : . "*\u25a0 •'\u25a0'•v • v-^-:;-. - ' \ \u25a0.' \u25a0 - -\u0084B-YRO.X - MAUZY^ MUSIC! BUILDING, \u25a0 ' " Floors - Devoted -to : Music-. ,';,- • ".250 Stockton, st.,; Union. Square?;';' -. "'.'..v REMOVAL i SA-LE^Great I bargains t In -new,! and Sfi second hand pianos; Uazelton 8r05.,' 5250; Laf- • « -fHlgn'e.i $250; Reynold & Wolf. $7p,"|150,' $173; ! ' Arion., I $90; | Hornung ! Bros.; j $200; 1 Cote i $2^o; ~: Ricca - & Sons,'; jP2l.or' Schuman ;k i Sons! ' $165; S-^Mason,S -^ Mason,- $175;'^ Marshall.'; $180;' $5 per, month' or ' $2 and np rent; open Saturday evenings. ? C" Or HORNU^G,' ? IS3* Geary %t. "near.! 'Flllm.ore.' ;.•>-\u25a0' --t \u25a0~ BARGAINS .IN PIANOS ,- " .'" 'r- Gale. $25 : Decker Bros.; $40 : Stelnway.: $75. '•' -\u25a0--\u25a0• -MANUFACTURERS*/ PIANO CO.. \u25a0 , • ;VFrom*Malier -to Playitr.V' •- ; 1 30 Eddyj st.~; bet. v Mason and Taylor. BRAND ,- new - piano,' $5 * per ; mo."; rental; : no ' carf- • ', age ; \u25a0' free : insurance ; . six i month; '.rental 1 a pplies" to i purchase ; ' piano '. salesman ''\u25a0 wanted; I no ; sal- ' ary ; ' big - commission. W PETER ? BACIGALUPI ii.4*& ; SONS," 94ir Market i st. 'y.Open ; Sat.*; evenings.'- LARGE • \u25a0 Knabe * upright,Ti $250; ; o.ther -» uprights Ty from > $100 5 up ; "? pianos tto j rent.v -BO WERS • & $?' SON.: C 2 9! M c Alllster st. * near .Van ', Ness a y. . FISC HER upright rosewood,* : $05 ; \ slightly • used ; • cash;oritlme.i.l-*66;Bnßh:st.>;-.';;.'. -,-\u25a0..:,; PIANO -i for?' sale.S cheap;^"cash "iorilnstallment**; .*•# will' transfer; contract. \u25a0#•>\u25a0, oso . Lyon , st. .' ;_; \u25a0\u25a0': <-.; . \u25a0 , Ele«-tric plauos.l *175 * up ; items; j p i aC ed l on :>" percentage.') Audlffred . Musical Co.;; 82 Grove 'st.l BKST s pianos f .- lv % town 1; for * rent ; 1 10 c •a "\u25a0 day.* -,'\u25a0. SCOTTiCURTAZ.IS6OIHayes-tt.^; ,-. : '; '": ;'\u25a0.-; ,-y -,; PARTY-? going east; will ißacrlflcej Decker upright; a tlme.i9(W<;.Van jNessjav.y.'; -ij:^ J;_ - \u25a0< I i3O i pianos t to J rent,*3 $3 « per/ mouth I aud SapwardJ - <JEWIXC-3IACHIXRS' McNALLY'S ,SOth anniversary » Sale this week; : Slngrr. : White; Domestic. New. Hume. W.*' & W; ' half price;' sex-ond. hand. $5, $7. $!»; ; renting. . repairing -a specialty. '\u25a0- S2(>o 22d ft. '. between 31isS!ou and Valencia; phone Park SO2. NR W/ drop head | machines made and guaranteed by New .Home Sewing Machine Co.. $19.50. t0 $24.50: second hand. $5 to $10; routine: r«-palr- ing. E.L. SERGEANT. 531. 12 th «t.'. Oakland. DOMESTIC — Best, cheapest; all kinds rented, re- . paired, exchanged: needles .and supplies for all .makes. J. W. EVANS, agent, I<»S O'Farrell- ., st. near Kjllmore; phono .West 3001. BIXGER,:. Wheeler & Wllsbn office;, renting, re- . pairing." lUl6. o'Farrell st. ; phone Went 57«1. IDA V.IS. SINGER. W.& W.— W. E.. JACKSON, *" agent. 404 Sutter: needles.' supplies: all makes. FOR SALE — A -30 horsepower 5 passenger i White steamer, model «, wltli fall equipment, includ- ing \u25a0 top .and cnrtaln*,' ' foldiAg glass front, . "jirrstalltp tank, shock abswrber* 1 , fpeedometef,, Xjre Ijolderw,- 2 inner tubes apd tools;' car Is * geod as iMMV,' having. run only 1,750 mtleß; must be sold at fine*-; -cash, or-will take good grade of rnnabont In part payment. Box 1981, Call. FOR SALE— Price fWO and upward; several '0« and 'U7 Wißton" t^mring 'cars, taken in trade fnr 'OS oars and tboronglily overhanled by our •• mechanics from • our factory.'.- \u25a0 " WINTON'Ain-OMOBILE BRANCH, \u0084 u'OO Vau - Ness aye.. -....' .' San Francisco. - . • WANTED— TO PURCHASE FOR SPOT CASH, . Maxwell or . Ford runabout in good running order; no Jnnk; price must be low. Apply 51HJ tOolden tSnte ay. between 2 and 5 Friday after- noon ;". telephone Franklin 3112. ELITE AUTOMOBILE EXCHANGE— New and o seiond hand -cars for gale; auto painting, wood- "\u25a0 work anrt trimming.' ,677-085 Golden Gate ay., ' icorner qf Franklin .st. Phone Park .5022. WANT to buy five (5) passengrr automobile; spot • cash proposition. J. iM. NELSON, 21 North Ist St.. Sun Jose.. Cal. SECOND HAND cars bought,, sold and exchanged, " orjooney loaned for short term: on all autonio- hiles. V^leßeia Garage. 7 Inc.. Cll Valencia st. $2.W)o— Automobile ; v 4s" horsepower: 7' seat; mod- ern * equipment: \u25a0 only nsed a short time. . C. •W. FISHER. CftO Market st. .' ;. FOR sal« — Brand new automobile. 5 pass. tour- Ing car. $I..'«K) cash. 'Owner. «20 «2d st.. (>aktan.d. , _ *'\u25a0-\u0084_'.-\u25a0..-. THE'Paciflc, Aluminums Repair Works can braze your broken aluminum- castings. \u25a0 25Jt Ash ay. HEALD'S 'automobile \u25a0 school gives the best auto training q-.i oo«*t.' 425 McAllister nt. \u25a0 ' .- HORSES. HARNESS AAI) WAOOXS AAA— Camping' rigs, single and donble, at sacri- fice: horse, buggy and" harness, ,$3O np: horse, \u25a0wjigon. harness. \u25a0 $40 - np; : horse.- saddle and _ 'bridle,-- $25. np; SO head of all purpose horsesi, ' $10 np: busgies, $5 tip; wagons.;slo up; liar- . ness, $2:50 tip;- camping rigs a specialty sanc- tion sale; Wednesday at- 11 a. nj.,565 4th st.'. ; Oakland; rigs for. hire; will trade." .". Open Sun- ". days*. ° . . ...":..'•'\u25a0• • '-'\u25a0 FOR t c f<ale— rDark browp team, ;almoet black, -17 j hands high. C years old and .weigh 1.275. thor- oughly broken.' and gentle and full of life; not *\u25a0'• Weralsh on them. • For Information write P. ; O. bor lOC, Sonora, Cal. • '.-\u25a0 ' .'* FOR sale— One iqmbcr ' wngon, axle.2>«i lnche*: -.. 4., lock . tlre, r wlth.ibrake; a "fcood mountain wagon; will! Irade , for* a horse ,or .a surrey ,«r <-ordwood pine. Address 2t5 Sadowa st.", -\u25a0"' Ocean View. , Si- F. \u25a0 ';\u25a0 .; \u25a0; - FOR sale^-Flne- Hungarian-" pony "outfit, russet * barntss, line : rubber < tire -buggy.' If sold Im- * mediately will take;s, • Grand driver and saddler. Safe for children. 565 4th St., Oak- r.landw .- ' \u25a0\u25a0'.'.' '-v : ' . "o" o .. 3 ": CARLO-ADS , horses," fresh • from - the country ; I also 'camp wagop*, baggies and harness. I)u- ' boce. Stables, -205-200 Valencia; tel. Park 2722. S TON . platfo.rm- • wagon, covef ' 'complete, and \u25a0•'double- harness; cheap. '. 281 --Missouri st.° near : - -18th,. •\u25a0- - .-\u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0 --..-' -;.;\u25a0 :\u25a0\u25a0-.\u25a0 .... *;. ';-. - \u0084.:. FO-R " sa le-^-Sec-ond hand rubber . tire , trap, cheap. a Nugept -Covey Wagon. Co;. 34.^34:) Valencia »t. FOR . sblo— Flue light biiggy, cheap. C 63 Fulton ; street. j, . V. . "... - ; .-— • - VEHICLES, harness.' saddles, less than' manufac- ' tarer'a price. LIEBOLD'S, 11, Front at Market. SECOND band top wagons', esp. wagons, bus. bug- gie!£ Nugent-Covey -Wagon, Co.: 349 - Valencia. CAMPING -houses." com'bina tion : tent < houses and . tents: cheap.- PORTABLE HOUSE CO., 12C« \u25a0 • Broadway, -Oakland. *•" '\u25a0 '-,-. } . * . We ; furnish > everything • for .camper; tents, ham-" - moclrs. canvas cojwrs. T...T. Ma.v*TS. 2S Clay st." w' : ' : y^ s \ y^ s . }\u25a0£*!**£*??'. !)^^ . j.' A— \ . -GLOBE : REALTY COMPANY, . .;-':- --'\-- r Business; Brokers; - • 211 ' Pacific building. < San Francisco. .•^i.,:piiont!" Douglas. 4317.-' .\u25a0 . \u0084' 858 ' Broadway ; corner 7th sr;,' Oakland. '\u25a0 PHONES --- ••••\u25a0•-.•• •'••I Home A2UI3. $COd buys, half Interest old . established \u25a0 .and storage business; 1 clearing $250 monthly at \u25a0- - present." , wh'k-h - can \u25a0 be.- Increased -.with services '/ of right party^cbol'ce'J'lfxiation; -valuable 3 con- -, cessions.-; See GLOBE REALTY CO. , t - -• G ROCERY • store; $2,2so;;rent SSO; ,• large, light t stojre;elegantflxtures; -new.- .dean stock; daily receipts > $00; ' this, is < a', live 'proposition; cheap. \u25a0 sec- oLOBE co. ::\u25a0>.': \u25a0-•: : -\u25a0.-::-:-\u25a0\u25a0 . - •pAIti'NER. $tl.000; manMfteturingbuslnejKC.This - ,is i one of * the ? most a profitable : enter'prlsqs.' vn . Pacific c / Co«st: * - investig* tion '.solicited. ; • See ; \u25a0:•; GLOBE ;RE ALT Y^ Cp Kh-: - ; i ,\u25a0'\u25a0 ' > • AUTO i and' wagon -reoalr shop;' $2,000: Al loca- tion; •G. G. .ay.; shop 37:6jiJ7:8;- fully \u25a0'\u25a0; equipped ; -. well .established ; - 8 buggies, s 2 rtin- --^*bouta,' top wagons, etc.; rent $00;. clears $300 './ r See \u25a0C'LOBB'CO.i'---v;'>'.V.-,; •.!\u25a0.". -"'-'O. \u25a0".-'" . PARTNER— S2OO ;. for .well adver- t ti«e(l - and ' np to , date . business;; experience . not *1* necessary,' but you *; must be a bustler; - will H make \u25a0 you "..•' good \u25a0 : money • from ' start. ! See g GLOBE. REALTY . CO." . ; - . .' .'.*..-; . : " ; PABTNERi-$500; printing; office; well ; estab- '-J Jlshed-f choice * location. ;-j Market % street; %\u25a0 fully equipped;' clearing '$200 • monthly; ; owner : can - '-', not : depend on i hired ; help, -.wants, good, ; honest " "' man lto \ manage . office, ;- keep -*. plain ; accounts, ;VcoUect.;etc. See GLOBE REALTY? CO. MA Nor I woman . with $1,000 » as < partner by . welt -, 1 known 'architect 1 and \u25a0 builder , to . build : and i sell '"' \u25a0" houses = on * small • payment ; plan ; I business | caw. \u25a0 .In .operation-;'; safe, investment: big returns; 'no ";.\u25a0- ex perlence : necessary. '. "\u25a0 See v GLOBES I CO.; :;•.,-. " BUTCHBR shop-r-$1,500; '. In hearT~of : Oakland; ''rent $40; daily receipts $25 to $50; - cash X trade f \u25a0\u25a0' only : n will 'i invoice 5 $1,750: *. electric :: motor; * a il bargain."^.: GLOBE r REALTY? CO. ' " 7 \u25a0'*•>:\u25a0.• . > $450 ' bays i nicely i furnished corner fiat * 6 rooms z?~ and v: batb ; Z reserves fe 3 ? rooms; X other '\u25a0 rooms ;'• rented \u25a0-.' pays \u25a0 rent; bargain; f rent $28.V See -v-'OLOBB.CO.:^-'-'.'.*''.:-*. .::>: ;; S -'-.•" \u25a0"'-'-> FOR-bargalns'andtqnlck^saleS'ses .">.:"-*" \u25a0 •-\u0084- c O- f . '" GLOBE -iREALTY i COMPANY. - "211 'Pacific t building,"* San; Francisco. ' ' I ; * " 856 a Broadways corner;i7th =j St., ; Oakland. . . C • FOR sale— A 5 good I newspaper j route ?In \u25a0"- a good - \u25a0; district * In-: this * clty.>- Apply i to 1 J.-j R.-' LEN- pj, HART,' circulation > department.' S3 T. 1 Callr/^'-; FOR 1 aaie-^Fine 5 bakery i and t restanrant,^ $3,u00 ; Si< very j- J amiou» i to i sell." • -VK.* 1 ," ? Call ,' office. Sari &Jom.:-' -;• "-'. r .:^-::. \u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0:;;?\u25a0\u25a0:/.. ;\\- * ; -* .- ; v. r-^:r -^: i nUSIVESS CHANCES— Continued r- THE FULLER C 0. .-\u25a0'.""„ 01.3 BROADWAY. OAKLAND. > TELEPHONES OAKLAND 270S AND At9oli GOOD CORNER GROCERY and property o» main -, thorotighfare; short distance from " Oakland; ; size of • corner lot, 51x113;'. barn, good horse and bnggy;.*best boy- on' thla side of bay; ' price $4,800: terms . can t» bad. Tnll lnfor- ' matlon at THE FULLER CO.. »IS Broadway, - Oakland. ' » : . . CANDY and ICE CREASI— 7I.33O; rent $17. and £ .living 'rooms;* 3 *\u25a0\u25a0 years', lease;." one of the best fitted up places in the state; if you se« *- : this ; you . win snrely. buy It: will . also ' teach , party; to make candy. See this . wlthoot fall. THE. FULLER CO.. 918 Broadway. Oakland. BLACKSAIITHING and HORSE SHOElNG— Lo- cated in the best country town In state; win sell property, stock and tools. $3,750; or will sell stock and tools, $l,Ooo.\ and rent shop for $25 a month; If you want a'good bnslness don't overlook this. Ask THE FULLER CO. , about . It. 618 Broadway. Oakland. "• "\u25a0'*.- MEAT market—; '. rent' $35. and 5 living - rooms; receipts . $50 daily ; will give trial to ' ' party meaning '\u25a0 bnslness; : horse - and wajron; nicely fitted up;» excrlleat location; a snap. Bee THE "FULLER CO., »1S Breadway. Oak- , land.. . . \u25a0 BEST corner grocery on. Telegraph t,v. -srtthont a doubt; rent $37; lease: doing a good traslTiess; . no \u25a0 opposttlon ;nevi»r before offered for sale; don't overlook \u25a0 this,— and " the • price Is only ' $1,200. ; Only ' with THE FULLER CO.. 91S Broadway, Oakland. : :" ' DELICATESSEN and home bakery. $900; rent $25; .no ' opposition; . close in; located in a \u25a0 thickly populated district; act quickly. See . - THE FULLER C 0.," 918 Broadway. Oakland. « UNITED REALTY COMPANY. : \u25a0\u25a0 948 Market **.. room SIO Ilpcbanicw" • Bank bldg. CAN SELL YOX7R BUSINESS FOR CASH. . GIVE US A CALL. \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0• - - $12.000— LUMBER AND MILLAIEN ATTEN- TION. Mill.,- Including property, at bargain. Investors, this \u25a0is sometting. lor |"on. Can lease-It and ' make i over 2O per cent ' on- your money. , \u25a0•\u25a0 .—. — -.". . . -._ . .. . .-.*-. .- ' -$425— Grocery — frnlt, candy, arid . stationery — doing a pood business. Don't, miss this. - - $350— Cottage of, 4 rooms; lot 25x120. '$350 — Partner for established, well adver- tised, np r to . date commission business; experi- ence not necessary, - but west be wining to be Instructed and learn the business. \u25a0'.fZßm&sg&si, ?8,000— 2 flats, near Folsora and Ist; good Income,' over 11 per cent on. capital. \u25a0: . • $700— -Downtown" saloon; good bus-lness. $200— Restaurant ; d»icg very well. UNITED REALTY. CO..- O4». Market, r. 310.; JOS. SKIRM * CO.. 921 Broadway. Oakland. - Roadhouse— h-anters*. fishermen's retreat: bgn. Hotel and bar. cn«h's4CO; bargain; $4,000. Creamery,' Oakland's best; receipts $50; bar- gain; fSW». -'.... ' . . - . Notions, stationery. •* living rooms; snap: $,V>o. Restaurant, ert. 12 years; receipts $70: $1,600. Grocery, business corner; receipts $100 per day; invoice:' ... . Meat market on. Oakland's main street; bnsy all the time; good flxtnres: account of other business most 'sell this week; It's lite finding It for $500." :•.'.. " . • JOS. SKIRM & CO.. 821 BRO t U>WAY DRCG STORES FOR SALE " «^4.000=-Fine store, clean stock, and good bo*l- ne»s in San Francisco; also one' at $2^<iO. $3.OW>, $3.500;. -drug stores, in- Berkeley.. Saa Jo*e. l'escadero and In Lake country. Hmuboldt county. Honmna county, and -others; also a splendid offer In a thriving town in Oregon for $t>.500~ If you are looking for abuslnew,, or 'batfe-oße for sale, comiuun It-ate with bs; over 50 years" experience in the -drug trade In California. . ' ' ' . TIIE F. A. WECK REALTY COMPANY, 2510 Shattuck ay.. Berkeley. Cal. DO' you want to Invest In one of the Krcatt>«p money making prepositions In S*n. Francisco? Concentrating plant, and in working order: 2 machines will <to the work of any $125,000 dredge and does not cost «ne- tenth that amount of money: all we ask Is for you to take a look at the machine separating the GOLD from the sand. We will pay your fare . out to see. it working "by you calling, at oar office at 10 to 11 a. m. every morning. Ois _ 'Market it., room- -421. '\u25a0 . J ..- $5O0 — Cigar stand;. good paying; worth double. $250— Candy store; rent $15; a good- living. $700— Delicatessen;, ttw best buy in the city. $2.200 — Delicatessen: will give easy terms. $225 — Flat 7 rooms: cheap rent; a sacrifice. $I,ooo— Bakery in Alamwla eountv; complete. $1.000 — Meat market, SO miles from city. $750 — Grocerx; 4 living rooms; long- established. . $450 — Gro. and fam. liquor.' if bought today. GILLIES fc-MAOXUS. -1023 Market St.. R. 22. A COMPLETE np to date printing bcslnesa for sale. Including one press, new type, fnzaltnre. " stone, etc.; price $475; press alone worth $250; good' location on street with window . and two fnralsbed Jiving, .rooms; . rent $15 . \u25a0 montU. - A great - ehauce to bay aa- established little business, all for \u25a0 $475. • Most sell on \u25a0 account of death. -Address owner, tax 255-1, Call. \u0084 .. '. \u25a0: .-\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 '- - - - WANTED— ReUabIe: partner with $500 to $SOO for pickle works, relishe*. -. etc. x business e»- tabllsht'd 3 • years In wholesale and retail stores; hustling outside \u25a0 man ' preferred. Ad- dress box.C2s, Call office. Oakland. WANTED — Information regarding good business for sale: not particular about character, size or loc'ton; prefer to deal with owner. Give price «*d f nil destcrlption. Address L. D.. box '. 984J, Rochester. N. V.. , \u25a0 ••' GENERAL merchandise business for sale; stock - Inventories $15.000; :prospero09- town; an un- usual opportunity to secure a paying business. • V. L.OARROW. Coast Catrlag* Cct., 12th abd - Jackson sts.. Oakland. \u25a0 » '•'-"-" WANTED — lv every city and tows, men to baa- die our new Invention foe portable furniture and fixtures ; a - bis mooey maker far any one handy with tools;. just out. Call at sampla . room, 1811 Post st. S. P.. Cal. ; AN np to date confectionery store, doing a good business, in a town of 2.000 inhabitants; cause of selling 1 , **. wishing to retire; price $1,500 cash. Address all * communications to, box 2C22. Call office. .—",.- - - * FOR-.' sale — Commercial - .hotel; established 20 years; 200- miles : frora B^F.; table • licence; worth investigating; price $6,500; terms. D. BARTON. 224 Monadnock . bldg. , -, •- .- WANT to meet person who will Invest $500 or more In clean, square . business deal: a«r«rjty ' • for menry \u25a0 and " big ' profits gtfantnfeed. ' P. O. bos -58. . San Francisco. ". ." • . . .: $C 5.000 — HnsliM-ss \u25a0 Had fiktnres; > notv '. paying 20 per cent -on above ' price ; . can be " increased ; would "take property as part paynjent. Owner; •"box 024. Call- office, Oakland. . -J MOST completely' equi|>p«d mining, property in Sisklyou county, for sale -at a bargain; owner cann ot give business attention; will bear in- % vestigatlon. Address box £594, Call office.' $37.-, — Half interest in up to date saasage fac- .tory; s 'years'- lease ; : . net rent $3 month; bar- gain right party: we make pnre sansaces ac- - cording to pure food laws. W.H.5.(*0..2109 MSt. FOR sale— Wholesale tea and rofTee baslness, in a thriving California city, of 30.000, and good surrounding territory. For : particulars address boxr2«Co, Call office., , , PARTNER; to. hivest his services , and $300 in a downtown established business; ran cl<*«r $100 per month. if work." 04S Market St., -\u25a0\u25a0room-421. \u25a0 \u25a0• \u25a0'»-.;>* -- — -•\u25a0 .-.- '\u25a0'\u25a0' .- . . .... HALF Interest in well established flrst class cleaning and dyelag works or sale on account of sickness; price $1,200; no . reasonable offer refused. Addres box. s." Call agency. San Jose. ADVANTAGES IN INCORPORATING TOUB " BUSINESS ARE. MANY AND IMPORTANT. CONSULT -REX CO., 621-822 Shreve bldg.. ex- •peft promoters and corpora tiota attorneys. ""-.-\u25a0 WANTED— Mortgaged property. owner* to corre- , to our mutual advantage a* to mortgages and loans.' Addrosn box 2682. Call.- ; SKY) buys a nice little Ife'E CREAM AND CANDY STORE: rent $15. WINSTON Jr. CO.. 257 PA- CIFIC BUILDING. -Market and 4th «ta. -._ FOR sale^-Market st^Jlcense; $3,000. required; \u25a0 first class locatlon;lO'years";leas«; reasonable re.nt.' D. BARTON, 224? Monadnnck bldg. $100— Branch in 'Sacramento: "will ,""p»£ "$l5O month: monopoly on 'household* necessity. Call Oakland*offlce..ll7s . '. \u25a0 " -. $430— Meat: market: One location: rent $20; 3 • yrsi.' lease; receipts 3 535 day; can b* doubled; --': bargain for .'right^ party". Ing. "2100 Market st: gNAP-^-Restaurant for sale. ]in ' good : running order; lease add cheap rent. '.For- sale -on- ac- .:. count i of . sickness. >•;* 1407 ;., Valencia. >-y : . FOR sale— Good blacksmith business; mast sell on - scco-ant \u25a0of sickness. '"Apply- to F.* B. MILLER.- Valley, Ford." Cat. ' WIRE and" iron work ;- good . business. - Apply at -works. 2120 Mission »t.- .'-- ". : ;-- . - LUNCH " counter!- restanrant : must sell quick; .-. well fitted. Box 34C3. 1108 Valencia st.> ,f. PARTNER with $1,200, : safe cash business; \u0084 snap: Investlsate. ; Box ,B2S.\Call. Oakland.* AN'est.^paytag manufacturing business for $329; -•'" Investigate.* 217 "Church St. ' ' \u25a0 - --;.-« :' LODGIXG' HOUSES FOR SAI.B |l|fej : \u0084— — ' \u25a0" BAIRD • &-PE-fERSON.*?3O MARKET ' ST. • y 50 , rooms; down town;:', money 1 $5,300." "* 40 rooms; central location: cheap rent;' s3,soo. 21 rooms; boarding house and delicatessen; $3,ooo.:-.^, :\u25a0."--•- :.\u25a0.--; \ -^; :\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0-*.-:-\u25a0-... - 25 rooms; cheap rent;*rmap; $1,500.' : \u25a0 .24 rooms; Jbtg: lncome;^sl,2oo. : . - 14" ronraa; rent St>s; flne location; $500. , "7 . rooms ; r rent ; $25 ; cash ; t $350. < \u25a0 ' : Bargains' at- . BAIRD &: PETERSON. : SSO MARKET --ST. :; ': ~ ' ' ' \u25a0'\u25a0 \u25a0 < - — — -' * , $52."> — 14 room*', and i bath: good location; rent y $50; \ 2 ' years'."- lease; « $300 Trash jd^xmlt .on . lease can gu \u25a0 with l«-use; sick." 2109 Market. LOPOIXG HOUSES :FOR SAI.E-^Cyni. A. CAMBTRON & CO.. ' 714 MARKET ST.. AIAGEB SUILDING. ' '-•-.\u25a0 Opposite The Catl. Room SOI- Pfaone Douglas 4379. Where - Beat Bargain* Are Found .in Hotels, Apartment and Lodging Houses, Flats. BARGAIJ^— This » room honse; choicrp tocatfoa: rent only $37.50; all feU; coat $1,600. now $«50. - - • . - THIS FINE BUY— S3 rooms: wen fnmlj*ed apt. bouse. 1-2 rooms; done In; strictly mod* era: rmrt $5 room : $t.6DO down. bal. oat bousv. ".'. DON'T 'OVERI.OOK THIS J*s rm. downtown toose: rent $3 per rtn. : hot and coltl watw: all new; good faritltnre; ncconut retirtnsr; $S.!H». WE HAVE BUYERS FOB APARTSIKNT AND * LonoiNo norsES. • I~XITED REALTY !'\u2666'.. 04« Market «>t.. - room .Tt». M«-h. Bank Wdg. l'hon<» Kearny 2XM. NO Cn.VRGE F»R LISTIXr.. a Bt'SrNßJgt. HOTEIiS AAP AP\RTMjB>'TS TO I.RT O. L..McMAnaN & CO.. New Addrew 12S Sutter st. PHOXE KEAKNT 283. "2 rooms, NE. cor." Sutler and PolS: sT3ltahl« for room ing t»i»se er - light limmo keeping: long lease: extremely low rent; se<» this at once." 60 rooms, e>2»ntly fnrni.she-t; new and . mol- . era; central location: low rent; itini- ing big money; miwt b» sold by Jane ID;' gen-ntiM* sacriacA. * ICO room a(u-ii-tmi > nt hocne near California and Pnlk sts.; 3 and 4 room -apartment*, with every moderii convenience; this . is a snap. - • 49 room apartment hoes*: Sutter «t.; - «v»»ry modern- canveaienco: ei^eantly tn- tshe.l trhranghont; rent risht; ready la SO day-*. "0 room ipartmcat ho-tts* 1 ; ctwfre corner down town; elegantly furnished; atwaya Tnll: cost $s,o«<>: our pript* " onlr $2.500; . rent -very reasonabler act * qnicb. ~ "\u25a0_" _ HOTELS WAXTEP "I WANT tolnase a first claw, fnlly fnraisbed. modern, country hotel. rcadhe>use or resort, with privilege of purchasing same. 94& M ir- k»t »t .. rttnva 4St. \u25a0 . . v PA LACK HOMIER DlXIXfi ROOM 431 Kearny *t. bet. Tine and Cal. — The BEST HOME COOKING," Hnngarlan style; weddlns parties entered to: satf»faeti»o gnarantewl. PRESS ' MACDO WELL'S t^-esn MakJng and Millinery School. 121 Geary st. near Grant »v." Oakland \u25a0office. 101S Washington. Patterns cut to ordar. ANNOfNCKMENT. . <\u25a0 PteftJ^'a ' Pleating and Birttna WwVs*. now at 222 EUTb *t.: phane rranlrtta 4521. L'XITJBD GLASS WORKS. lar. H. C. HOPPS. PRESIDENT. ALL KINDS ART. LEADCD AND MOSAIC GLASS. m-TURK: PHONK FR.O.KLIN \~K\. FRElOirr KORWARPrV<V *\u25a0 A — REDUCED rate* f or chipping iK*isehb)d goods, EAST AND WEST JrDSON FRKICHT AND "FORWA'aDrSG CO.. :^r>boiw_Ke«rny2s7|9 ;^ nvy jLPjBRs AAn jcontractixg^ WE furnish plans (frfci and also lou and bnild toy-mi aaywhere: cash ov t<Tina. Addresji J. H. YOCXft. >niM«T. 1249 P*arb St.. Aiameda. BRICK WORK in ail its branclw^: best rate». M. -V. MOWBRAY. 1.-0W Dfrits^tro: Vint ?«»;'>. NO MONEY REQUIRED. If you own a lot I win build you a. home on <»«<y t»rn)!i. YKIAX MAKCIT^K. 1-~>.*> Sn'^r st. PAINTING in . all-' bran-cbm paper Jianjing. tint- ing, plastering- repaired; seaO. foe cttliaiiK 1 . JA3. P. HUNTER. 1701 Geary;. t*V ffwt .•J85.1. GOOD wall papt-r furnlsbefl antl hticg 25<: a n>ll: also paJnting and tinting duue iva?.n:ahiy ; all work gu-iranfp"«l. Pbone West SOl2. .' AAA.\— LE CLAIR VACUUM CLEAN ING CO.. 62 Post, rixsta 328: phone 1 Douglas 2K71 — Dust- letsa cleaning of carpets. r*Bg», draoerl- I*.1 *. furai- ture and tedding. WTtHOUT REMOVAL. AA—CONSOLIDATH3V CLEANING APPARATI S . CO.. 441 Ist ay.; pbcaift PaclSc JSIX^-CarpMa. \u25a0 rag», *raperles, - etc.. \u25a0 cUased at, horae without odust. . trouble «r noiae; «stimat«3 funUstted. ALL carpets and rugs cleaned on the floor vltb- \u25a0 out' removal by S. T. COMPRESSED AIR ' CLEANING CO. Ufßce. 24 Montgomery st.; ' pbone Kearny 53T>2: ' shop. l»>th ft San Bruno »v. AA— National Carpet Cleaning iWorks: largwt on coast; laying aifcl -alteriag a specialty. Hamp- ton A Balt\v. pH-348^ Church st. Market IX>. •Te .yd.— For the Bent Carpet Casting — 3c yd. Phone Market 2-6-2. K. A.-Rlre, I*iT» U»rrt»on. oV yd. — Caroets Clejined at Right Prlce«— 3c y«l. WHEN you become disgusti*! with poor work send yonr carpot \u25a0» to J. : SPAITIH SO & CO., !VS» Goldes Gate ay. ; telff.Vwii* UarV-t tVl."'.. Cteaaiog. Uylag. reAttins. sewing; upholstertntj, .; mattress tanking. 1352 G. «." ay.; JV'etst 815. STERLING CARTET. CLEANIXU WORKS—^c yard. 230 Vermont St.: tel. Park 6025, GARNIE & BERNSTEIN'S carpet cleaning work^. 3153 irith sr. nr. Valencia; phone Macket 5001. MATHEW3OVS VurpH BfatiSg W(vrk«. .11.1 Kist 12th st.. Oakland. Tel. Merritt 505:. BIBSS. , Save .Money — Best Homing and laying now Sc yd. Pho-w us. Market 22>». Gisslow. 3WB 22-1 «t. WATTS — Reliable carpet cleaning; alreratlnn*>; . renovat.:. laying. SCO Devlsattero. Ph. Park \*'*K ADVANCE Carpet Cleanlci Co.— Aibranc«.| Meth- od». ({EOR'OB WALCmi CtK. C;rT Tork st. CONKLIN BROS., carpet cleaninc: and lstyinsr. -240«> Geary st. corner' Bak»r. Pboae Wer<t I*.". '•'-•'*''-''- ' i:PHO_I.STERIN<i. - SUNSET Carpet Cleaning Works. 1215 Valencia f -PHONE MARKKT- tt!7'>.- First <4*«nwrt. -\u0084.- -\r vp M '? >VI " X< * -V^'J 1.--^1 .--^ = BEKIN^t VAN AND STORAGE^ CO.. - Fireproof Warehouse. . ... I.lth and Mi-^iou sta.: teL Markit 13. .WII^ON. BROS. .(Inc.'l— Movln-i «nd storase.' Cor.- 14th aud Sanebex sts.. 1 block frota Mar- kf-t and Fill more »ts- cars; phone Park 271. A— PACIFIC STORAGE AND VAN CO.— Brick warehouse, 2322 mimorp st. ; tel. T.'est 2O«. PIERCE-RODoLPHStnracn * Moving Co.. Mala office. Eddy and Flllaior*; t»l. ffMt> -S2*. ~~~ KEYS furnished at factory price*. Key Works. H7A Clay St.: phone »»ltlan<> «717. A 2574. ' . - ROOFING ' ' ROOFS, any kind, repaired./ palnteri. A. HILL- -MAN. 50S E 12th at.. &<lkiand. Dr»p postal. i-2 >- • BABVJT CARRIAGE?* - WE MAKE handicraft "fnrnitnre and baby car- " rlagps. Paciflc.Coant Rattan Co.. S3l Van Neiw. EXGRIVIXG : WEDDING invitations; v 500 fuc $-1.50; visiting '\u25a0- card*. sOc.- Greenftntwr Bng.'Cw.. 111-t «»e>ry wt. -* JAPAXESE tVAtTXPRIE.-g , t JAPANESE laundry; "walat and wutaia special-. lf«t. -At-bal Ijtindry. HOI Scott: W»at «K»{. \u25a0 . JAPAXESE TAII.Ons MINOY. 1610«4 Geary it.— Aristocratic tailors tor ladlew and gents: 'latent spring sty lea. _ _••- _:yiXPOW S»H.\DEJ» j ADVANCE window shade factory: orders filled at short notice. GEO.* WALCOM. 637 Turk ft. MINING hoists.! stationary and portable •nglnes. gas. distillate or crude oil.. WESTERN UAS ENGINE CO.. 4h'l Marltet st. - FULL Mn« of Pierc- cycle* and SneUhlrycle*; \u25a0 sandTies;' special 'on repnir*. J. T. • CHICK. '. 230 Sail- Pedro. av.; .Oakland. CULL line' of Pierce ryrlei* and Snell bleyc!i>«; - "unndrle*; special on repa!r». J. T. .-CHICK. '230 San Pablo 'aT.; Oakland. " •' '- ' jiilOES : MADB TO ORDER I". ;J.; J. .POVEY, maker of the iniprov<»d evtetsaloa ; " shoe 'for s^orteneil limbs.- I!HM Ellis «r. ACCOLXTA\TS :"-"-' AUDITS." systems,' special tavestigationA. COOP- \u25a0>KR. WOB Kimm bMg.. 717 Mkt.: Ke»ray Spaa. JOHN R. RUCKSTELL, C. P. A.. 30«-80« Clan* \u25a0 Spreckelx <Catl> bhlg. PtiOD* Kearny 4151. MARK ; LANE. Notary ; Public and Comntlsskmrr of Dt^ds. -245 Bn»h st.: ptxme Temp. JCO. \u25a0 UNDER s JicEn«ney act: c-mnpfete. $3.1. Till* Co.. M 1.3. 3 Monadnock Mdg.. 3d and-Mkt. sty. Contluuert tv Aext I'aso . 13