Newspaper Page Text
14 A— M. HARRIS.' pension and patent attorney, 34 Ellis St.": rrtere-uc**. the many -thousands for vrbom I have secured pensions: 21 years' -prac. - DETECT! VKS We*t Coast Detective' Agency (licensed, bonded 4: <-onduots chp»s secretly: t-or. <-onßdential. t<»6 nilmwe. Tel. Park 5.V.6. T. C. GRAY. Prin. AA— DIVORCE; Costs. $12; quick, quiet: advic* frw>; no charge u»lcss successful: title to rral «*tate restored; bankruptcy:- probating . of .estate: gen. practice. KCS Market st. : r. 12. DIVORCE laws, annulnwuts. damages, estates; consultation free ou . ill legal matters; .open evenings. 948 Market st. oor. Mason, rm. ->09. A QUICK and (\u25a0omplete divorce for $20; open evenings. 1122 Market ft.- nr. 7th. room :tl. I.AXGAN & MENDKNHALL. 201 Bacon bldg.. Oakland. Phone .Oakland 1431. . \u25a0 HARRIS & HESS, attorneys at law. W. T. Hose. Notary Public. Roooi 1112. Call bidg. L. !«. CLARK, attorney, at law, 6QI Jackson St., • Oakland. Consultation free: open evenings. c TATEXT ATTOR.VEYS DEWri'," STRONG 4=4 = CO.— Founded JSfiO; U. S. and forplgn patents: Inventors* guides; 109 mecbani<^»l movements fr»»e. 1105 Merchants* Exchange bldg.. S«u FrahrU<-u. - CARIX'S P. GRIFFIN. lme exainin<-r U. S. pat- ent office. 1201-2 Metropolis bank. Patents, tradremarks and copyrights. Tfl. Kearny 4&1-*). FKANK P. MEDINA, patent atty.. of Medina & Griffin, dissolved, remains at old address. M 2 Call Wdg. ; patents, tradesmarks. copyrlgbtt.. HARRY C. SCHROEPER, V. S. and foreign vnt- ents. 415 Flr^t Nat-- ; bk.. Osklanq. tel. O. 3575. SONTAG Patent Agency— Established 1899. Bal- boa bldg.. cor. Market and 2d su.. 10th floor BILL COLLKCTINC SOME PEOPLE DON'T LIKE US. We get the money for yoo. INTERSTATE ADJUSTMENT & LAW ASSN.. CIS Paoin> bldg.. S. F. WALTERS LAW & COLLECTION CO.. 41.1 Mills bldg. — Attachments, garnishments; liens. «*AH»cflons everrwher**. .* \u25a0\u25a0 '-• jj^_J A— PAUL GKRSON. DRAMATIC - : SCHOOL—. Lanr^*t training scliool of acting in America; position sofnired; 6 ißombu" craduating course; catalogne. Coantryman b!dg.. 915 .Van. Ness.; A — THE LYCEUM. *i'»9w Pln<* «.; prepares for university or \u25a0 an.v examination. ' Upeu during ftmmff: 6 trarhers: moderate rates; • here you save tlm* and. money. : \u25a0 ' : '\u25a0'• " JOHN S. DREW— COACHING SCHOOL \u25a0'•. and NORMAL <!I^USS. High an-bool. -all Itranches. Prep, for college, teachers' exaYfts;.' <.-lv-11-.jier.v- Lahoratory course*. Day, eve. • 943'yan'.N*ss':- ASSAYING: special commercial course 'in Span- ish, telegraphy, civil and electrical engineer- ing, mining, etc. . HEALD"S.:42S McAllister st. DANCING — FINDLAY'S. 3241 ICth sr..:ballroom «r Ftage; adults -Monday and -Friday evenings; private lessons dally: open every evening, '.y'""-- ENGINEERING — Civil.- electricaK \u25a0 mining, .mech.,- •nrvcy. as««y. cyanide: Klay.' eve:-: : est.'lSW:- Vac der Naillen school. 51sf.andTe.tV.' Oakland. SINGING and piano lessons: v.Frenjb. method." which is taught in conservatory '.'of- music, - Paris: twice weekly $20 a month. . Si'-^lsivsti. THE BERLITZ SCHOOL, /Of.. LANGUAGES—; 2"iSl Washington - Ft. near-. J-Mllmore;-. send \u25a0' for- circular. ..'•'\u25a0 . ; . '_ .< . }'^ :< -If. \u25a0".;\u25a0 ;\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 MTINSON School of Shorthand;- ;priv'i •InstruCllon;- <Jay and erening. WbK'ney>-'aJd)r.>;l33 i&ea'ry,- A— Metropolitan Bus. C«llege^.At Market .-*nd Van Ne*». June 1. Reduced, rates -.6 mo:;' !$50:; KENT LAW SCHOOL: established 17 yesrs;- dayi; J*l6. Phelan bnilding: evenings. 202S Green st. SPANISH or French taught in 50 lessons;: PROF.' HIITLLGO, 1265 ElUs st. Phone Wwt 8555;- SPANISH AND FRENCH simplified: \u25a0 PBOF. PE FILIPPE. graduate Paris; Madrid. 1212 Geary." BXKGJK6 lessons — Italian method-r^twfee .weekly — $? per month. Studio, .2035 -. - - . " : ' PKOF. T. A. ROBINSON. Individ.; instrj: matb.v. tiook keeping. Eng.. etc.t day. f*e...f>o7 Haight - BOYD shorthand: -easily completed in 2 mouths;- book keeping, arith.. writing. 915'.Van-;Ness." RINGXALDA Normal Institute Mod. Languages; unlv. prep. 1350 O'Fairell. Pbone West .Sl6Ov. DANCING— PUCKETTS SCHOOL. Classes Mon.; Trl.; Kraflnates Wed. Church ana Market. sts.'-. ALL conrt reporters recommend Gallaghpr-Marsh Business College. 1256 Market st. .-\u25a0:'.\u25a0." SAN FRANCISCO BuKinpss College, now located at 733 FHlmore nr. Hayes: day-'and evening. MATRIMONIAL . A GENTLEMAN of moderate means, genial dis- position, home loving, would like to -correspond with a lady of means; object matrimony. Box 619. Call office, Oakland. • . .: MARRIAGE pa por with photos and P.' O. adr dresses. lO'.-. silver or stamps. Address P.-. 0.- bor 121. Oakland. Cal. . .- : YOUNG man would like to form the acquaintance of Protestant girl between 20 and 23; object, matrimony.* Adtlreas ' box 2662. Call office. : FRENCH worklngman wants to meet poor work- ' leg and bonest girl; object matrimony. Box 4757, Call office. ; : DO not be deceived; the only reliable matri- monial bureao you will find at MBS. A. WOL- TER'S. 1752 Geary St.; esUblUbed In 1930. WILL Mrs. R. . W. kindly communicate with J. H.? Art<lrp<,« Iwt 2?41. Call. Oakland.. ' DEXTISTS^ ' •;•••'.'_\u25a0 \u25a0 BOSTON PAINI^ESS DENTISTS. 739 Market «t., acknowledged to b^ tbe easiest and be«t pain- less extraction In S. F. Full set of teeth.- ?2;. jrold crowns. $2; silver flljlngs, WV. All work: cuaranf*d 20 years. Open dally till 9 p. nl. DR. M. A. BROWX. manager— Chicago Dental Parlor. Kearny and Geary; plates $5: filling 50c; crowns. $3: bridge -work. $5. All. work painlMs and \u25a0warranted 10 years. • . • • . MEYER. DR.. 1990 Sntter— Fillings 50c. crowns $3. bridge-work; gas, somnoform given.. ' .-' . DR. C. W. DECKER, Phelan Wdg., rooms 30S- 9-10. 760 Market St.; phone Kearny 1630. .. \u0084 DR. IRA G. LEEK— AII kinds of dental work; 515 Flllmore st. near Oak. • ... DR. U. G. BARTLETT. extracting specialist; re- moved to 323 Geary <*or. Powell: Douglas 4300. HILL. DR. LUDLUM. 432 Webs Inow Mulrhead Mag.*. Market. Hayew and Larkin: gas given. ; MEDICAL A— ROBERT G. FULTON, B. A., M. D., ' 516 11th St.. Oakland: Cal. ij;ading speciaust for women LADIES: o . • •20 years ago I graduated from two old leading •miverslti**. SINCE then 1 have TREATED WOMEN'S AILMENTS EXCIATSIVELY. c l. hare tb» Urgent practice because I have had tbe most *xperienoe a»d tie best \u2666•quipped office. \u25a0 Aay lady who tn^is my help may «gne to me pri- vately and in . f oil ; confidence and be assured of prompt. . |>erfect and happy results. ., No delay, disappointments or detention from occupation. No need to endanger yonr, life consulting irreg- olar and unreliable m> called sfwclalists, wfaen for tbe same fee you may have the services, of jbe most wicrcssful and ' most reliable specialist in California. My offices are strictly private, and*' my pain- less, harmless methods sre a pride to the pfo- fe#*lon. My fees are reasonable. My lioors an* 9:30 a. m. to Bp. m. I never fall. Pbone «»»k*liinrt 5458. DR. ROBERT OKEENLEAF FULTON. 516 11th st. bet. Washington and Clay, Oakland. AA— ' ATTENTION. IJIDIES! ~ DR. NORTH, 1025 Market St.; tel. Park 5941. World Renowned Speciaiigts for Women Only. \u25a0 No Delays or Disappointments. Relief Guaranteed. - " -, By Most Bnperlor Painless Methods -.Known to Medical \u25a0 Science. .- < M<*t ob»tinate oases treated: utmost privacy; hrve B»» hesitancy If In need of uay 'services; : absolutely barmless. Ijow fees. By" ronsuiUnk an eminent spwialist' yon save time and money. All female complaints cured. Advir-e free. 10 a. m. ta 4 p. m. and 6 to 9 p. m. A A — DR. F. A. ROBERTS. 143S ELLIS ST. (Between Webstes and Buchanan >. Reliable Specialist for .-Women Ouly.: Hciiirs— lit *. ni. to *> p. in.;, Sundays. 10 to 2. LADIES — I positively CURE wiien others fail. All female COMPLAINTS and IRREGULARI- TIES.- The .MOST OBSTINATE CASKS RE- LIEVED. My methods* are SAFE. SURE AND PAINLESS. KKLIEF -- .GUARANTEED OR NO FEE. Advice free. , Fees low,. Private uvito- rtsni If. desired. ,''' -\u25a0-.... ' DX. AKBOTT. 15."i0 ELLIS ST.^-NEAR .FILL- MORE— HONEST. RELIABLE,* SCIENTIFIC TREATMENT. GUARANTEED' IN ALL DIS- OKDKRS OK WOMEN.. His thoroughly ANTISEPTIC methods insure absolute safety from -infection.' "Lady pbyeician to t-onsult with if desired. . Hours. 10 «". m. to 9 |».:m.; Suntlays, 10 to 2. VALPEA.U'B female pills: best regulating 'pills sold: .jMice , $2.50. liy : exprevs. ;. Jener > Sv'ringc . and .Tablet*, priw $5. By express only on r»- «f ipt. ot pme. OBGOOD BROTHERS, whole- : .'«!«• druggist*, ; 7t.h and \u25a0\u25a0 Broadway, .-Oakland.:..: SANDERSON'S' Savin and Cotton Root PHI*. ' \u25a0 only • kw ' remedy , for DELAYED PERIODS; by mail $2 per box. Address, Ayres -Drug Co., 1 J.IS . Van Ness «r. ; yi ; ' .. -, % MRS. DR.M. HOLMS.- graduate Bpe^lallrt, fTires all femsJo Oimpliiints.;744 Turk st. bet. < £ Van Necs «v. and ; Franklin , f=t." ' Hours 9 to S. Pit. DCCRf»L"S ' fmniilc • pills *re pun?' and s»afe; * l»f«t r<*ci;ia t we jiills sold ; rru-e ; f 2. .- Wls>hart*n . drug -store, • Oatkland. . . - .-. hI'FXIALIST- for Jadi^: - painless "rpfje.f rtiflrnn- teed : : |>»!<I when; cured : advire fr**-::MRS."PU. s 'PiiiiiiXL^ 282 laUi if-ntai ; Misslou.- r-^ \u25a0\u25a0 i : "\u25a0.\u25a0•-.•.,'..'..... .:, : : PHYSICIANS ' . A— DR. .»;..» MRS. DR. PIKRCE, world re- nowned .specialists for.WOMKX;^atment is pi fas* nu safe and snre ; you can pay a little, down. Suite 502. Westbaufc building, 820 Mar- ket st. cor. Ellis; 10 {<>: S: .Simdajs .12 to 1. DX. MAR DON. the not *>d, doctor of Chinese em- plre ( .',now at 7CB. Clay-'«t.., S. r\. • with"kni>wl- edse Inherited. . through. 7 generations, cures all '\u25a0aliments human sysfm* is subject to by means ; of teas, carefully ' selected ' horli*: consultation free. ..'.-...\u25a0._.,.\u25a0-..\u25a0 :,.•..:./.,...'.: \u25a0-. ' CHINESB .Dlt. YOUNG &-. CO.— Specially im- . por'^l herbs, -remedies; cures all- chronic dis- \u25a0 cases. -female .troubles; consultation" free. t>32 Kearny. ' / ; .:\u25a0\u25a0'= .- ; ;. -. •."'-;. DX. WONG HIM— -\u0084-.. ' '',' '> • : '•'. • HERB DOCTOR. Permanently located. 1268 O'Farrell st. bet. (lough and O'tavia. ; DR. Till ELK, the spivlalist, returned to city. Office. 1732 Geary «t. Ufar Killmore. "VIAVI SCIENCE OF HEALTH." naturni. non- ' surgical: <-loth bound ; 4oo V»i?e t>ook. free. Ap- ply liy mail. (Cnt.Pine Rt. I-.ej-t'ure f.or women Thurwlay at 2;30 p. in. Oakland ViaviCo., ::24 Central Bank building. ' '. \u25a0- - .— -\u25a0 . \u25a0• . - \u25a0\u25a0 TRUSSBS \u25a0- - _ '-._ ._;._. CLARK. CANDION TRUSS CO., specialists; truss fitting: lady att. 12.">S G. Ga y. nr. Fllimorp: \u25a0_\u25a0 SAXITAKIUMS •- -;J; J - MME. DR. K. SIMON, graduste midwife, and electrlrlan; private home" for confinement: terms moderate: 12 to 3 p. m. Formerly "1.709' Powell , St.. San Franrlsco. now 3120 Washlng- ron *>t.. , Frultrale. \u25a0' Phone Merrltt- 107. '. - '. PRIVATE home for confinement; adoption; best of care. 13*3 Market st.. Oakland. .\u25a0-'•.. ' MATERMTV HOMES . __. S. F. LYING-IN HOME.- 1191 Oak *r.^- Adoption; •li«fnsi-K women' and children -.\u25a0confinement- $25. I.VDIE.V THEAT>IEXT : MEN — Indien properly -. and I quickly j <ciif frs oon r tnu-ted and discharging diseases; -purity \u25a0•• abso- lntelv guaranteed: price $3» inail-'-OP express.: free: no scents. Address TUB INDIEN CO.. 2*7 Pine st.. San Francisco.: Cal..! rbom_4oS-'. .^J^VJ^HJJHJA XJDMTiEji VJi jBS s^J__ AIJSO far noises positively cured: .1 -week rf«f.' DR. i'OTTIXGHAM/ JP!X> Sutterst.: hrs. .10-4. '^';j^_ I, : ::X^_. PILES, prime -factor in kidney ..diseases, .<-ured .without knife or loss of time, ci.c. TI IOS. *J. '. KISSER: M. P.. .1031. Kilimpre nr, McAllister... J^A\£jEWS^XIJ \u25a0 TUMORS J^UBATgD^: IN .from 1 \u25a0 toj -i uiinutes. witii. .hypodermfenWdie- '" njcthod;' 1 cure guaranteed. s-'MADA.M 'L. '\u25a0' V. 'LAMB, residence and ofgeev. Uklah.. Cal/.' ... \u25a0 ? ; V^ - SPIRITUAJUSM^Jj^i^Ic AA— MBS J's. j.-. WHiTNEY,i. ordained trance • : . -spiritaa'l--- medium; '.consultation ".dilljf.-aV : her' : Jbome $l; letter; -4."<iueg..:sl.vniß4 O.'yjarrell. . MRS. L.--H. RINNAI-RDj jorda.l.ned'^.mediuni ; Voti^, ~ -.sultatibn-' daily,': "lo : to;-",4';>«>Crcros' sun,;-hjoo.u'; ' ••' Wed., : Fri.-,/S p.-m. " 1439 .Flilmore' sfc vf 6° LOTT.I E "BUS WELL,'. m«?dltim.;'.te^aipiffs,: ' .•..•Jessons^dalirr.-circlesfefjery nlffht.- 1359' \yeb' ? \ .-'ster.'.et?- hr.; O*F.arrell£-V.< : .. - •'}'</} '\u25a0.\u25a0-''\^~ r 'ii/: '\u25a0'\u25a0 MISS if. WILLIS, ordained, medium'. :. has-; re- .-..-.Bonledß'piritnfti'rpadirigg; advice igiven-'ijaiiy. at '.-her-. par10rg,:.1399 :O'Fan^il;'-Pt:;;;ti'ourB,'.!-iO-S,: O'Fan^il;'-Pt:;;;ti'our8,'.!-i0-S, •'" •REV*;- S; !SE^l^-'-«plHtQal'.'-mini«'ter;<'coßsiifltiLti'ons'- .- daily; officiates .marriages. fqirer!ats.'.-7 ; SB'i.icAl. . Dr; HOWLAND'S 25e circle .tonjgiiL?:sOc read- " -ings- -today.-. -123.0. FillmorK-vsty,: .--.. -;^;\ Vr ; .?' ; '-- •J.'-- WUiSQ-'X-. --ordained-;-;mediuni.:' ', cirrl?j« %tnday-.--; ;'--.T.ueK4,ar.-.-FT'.day.-.^;' : iot^'M.''-.p"ear Guerrero;' fi: WILSON, -ordataed.. me^liiti;'"'< > i.'r.cles, : 'Sunuiy.. :'\u25a0 -Tuesday. \u25a0\u25a0Frtday. '• 362.7. 19tb'yst..;pear .'ffue^rffiq:.' ELM A 'UILL;-; Oaklandi-=Tmnce. meaium^ ; ;' cireles.,Snn'.. ..Wcd.,.:gy-772; T ; ele;g'ph. r Qaia'- ! tsj;B.-' . t)R.- HOWLANft'S 25c -circle 'tonliihti spc -fceaa- - . -ings, today.' -' ,i23ft.-r.lllmore st. .-.' ;'\u25a0' '•'. < -• .-"\u25a0-'. -"\u25a0-'- V \u25a0 '.:\u25a0'.\u25a0 a .p.S^^?^ TEN "aj&nths oW..glrli.lje.althy. mi df gooil- paren- • tape. Tor "'adoptipn;-mu»tbe'si : i:'o6d iionie.-.--Bpi- : .:.2«9s ; ;,:Cari office:. '.'. : ':'--:' :> -;'. .; : ':- • ; ?- i : . : ''--.;.- r -.? \u25a0': ADOPTIONT-Good homer: for • : pret£yv • blue eyed baby, girl, 1 to 2 yearsi. .Address .MRS/ L; -': LEIGH, 1127 Stanford ay.; Oakland:; -; . '"--. ..: Confidential Miternitr-Villa-^lnfaiiis; adopted. Dr.' E. FUNKE, 1416 Bth -St.; pbone ;i;cS2/:Alani'eoa. BEAUTIFUL girl baby, .15 ms. Ipld;" •' arid. ..boy baby. 8 tno. : orphans. 14.16 Jsth -st.: Alanieda.' ._;';'^ ,^]_:_.[ DR: DUNCAN; 180' cor. -Kearuy; rooms . 303-4— Absolutely cures- without pain- ordra.w- '\-ing blood all fod't-.ailnients: corns removed. 250. FOOT maladies treated by most, advanced' meth- . ods in America. Dr. Jus. Brown, Emporium. '-. DB. J. LAURENCON. mirgeon . chiropodist, at WJO \u25a0Market St.. room 215. Phone' Douglas 1-J2S. CALIFORNIA'S oldest palmist aDd card reader; .' 25c. s»c. $1. 913 Broadway. Oakland. MME. STARR, clairvoyant and palmist, 1241 • Broadway. Oakland. Truth or no pay. mjSIX^S^J^^E^JOJWAJL^^^^ AAA— MY WIGS and toupees defy detection; I guarantee «very one I make; I make them .ventilated and porous; perspiration don't affect them ;, private gentlemen's wig department up- stairs, Mr. Le.derer in charge; hair dressing, .' -dyeing, etc., by tspwiallsts only;, large stock •'• of balr -goods on hand; mall orders receive •'prompt attention, "jjederer's- Qulntonica Hair Tonic stops hair falling. G. . LEPEKER, 2271 \u25a0 -California st. 1 nr. Webster. Established 1866. AAA— MRS. L. E. HARTMAN. M. T. D., has \u25a0 removed to her old location, the beautiful new \u25a0; Whitney bldg., 133 Geary St., where. she will be pleased to receive all of her old, as well as '" .new patients. Ready for business June 3. ; IMPERIAL Beauty Parlors — Feature reducing \u25a0 and developing. We positively guarantee to .pure dandruff. 205-200 Westbank bldg., S3O • Market «t. ANY amount on real estate, first or second mortgage; no delay; low rates. 0... W. BECKER. 705 Monadnock bldg.. 081 Market. OAKLAND— 772 Telegraph, phone Oakland 7548; magnetic healing and massage expert; surplus ; flesh removed. .^ USE Bassctt's, the original native herbs// f or \u25a0- rheumatism, .constipation; 50 tablets for 25c, in black \u25a0 boxes, at all druggists. ' UNCALLED for suits, overcoats and trousers at less than cost at CHAS. LYONS', thp 'London tailor. 1132 Fillmore bet. Ellis and O'Farrell. MAGNETIC MASSAGE— MRS. HOLSHOUSER, • tel. Doug. 4440; 351; Pacific bldg.; 4th and Mk. MISS WALLACE; eastern masseuse; baths. 12*- Turk. r. 210, Ist floor, 'rear; 11-10: open Sun. ELECTRIC vibration health massage. Mr», L. j Johnson. 584 10th st. cor. , Jefferson, Oakland. GRADUATE masseuse, MRS. HELEN DERBEU. electrical treatment. 2O24.Sutter. P. West 8802. EXPERT Berlin • lady does manicuring , and hair' dressing: latest methods. 1304 FUljnbre,V 10-6. MISS IDELL. general agent Van's Mexican Re- storative for gray hair or dandruff. 1906 Sutt'er GOLDSTEIN CO., theatrical and masquerade cos- tumes: sue' to Jahn, costmner. 82l Van Ness. Sanitarium treatment., massage; ladies and cuts. Apt. 23, St. Mungo bldg. ; 1200 G.G. ny.; S-10. ON furniture, pianos, etc. ; : Reliable- Loan—Co., 705 Monadnock lildg.: <iSI -Market st. • ' -,\u25a0\u25a0- '\u25a0 T': financial '\u25a0*"-\u25a0• '' : -':. "ABBOTT, buys bonds" — Ocean Shore, Market -st. bank and Cal. safe dep.* books. : 414 Mar- ket »t.y. ; :\u25a0- .-\u25a0\u25a0•.'--.- , • .-. -..'\u25a0'\u25a0.-.-. :.-c : -., CAL. SAFE DEP. TRUST ACCOUNTS BOUGHT. LP. E. BESF.CKER.-24S PACIFIC BLDG.- - . _ _-_ ; \u25a0--;-\u25a0/ INVESTMEXTS \u0084 • °-, - -.;,.. ' "INVESTMENTS.".- :".:',- •'-'•- We are ! celling ' a 1 small . allotment » of stock at par, $1, for more aggressive- exploitation and rsale of oar machine throughout the = United States. Canada, . Mexico and , Australia. .-.The ma- chine is drawing an annual royalty, and we hate a legitimate ; enterprise, with wonderful vpossii blllties of V expansion, "; backed by % leading j San Francisco men. We feel 5 confident - the < invest- ment will pay'Rtock hoiaers at leist 100 per rent per annum. In dividends, and' we only, want the opportunity, to ' explain \u25a0•-• Its merits \u25a0to ; investors with ; from .' $100 rto • $5,000. Please write,, mak- ing an J appointment when \u25a0'-our r representative may call, to box 2606 ; Calt office. ; - ;' .;. :; «FOH IMMEDIATE SALE. WE OFFER $1,000 Ocean. Shore B.U. b0nd5........ Bid I.CiOO Morgan- Asbestos M. ; & M.i Co. vat. 11 1 ,000 shares Four '. Metals M. :tc . S; • Co. at . '. . 55 .1.000 shares 'Monterey * Coal Co at ' - 11 1,000 (-hares Palmer Oil. ....... :.....'. ..Wanted 5.000 shares 3 Countjes Oil at..... ... to ,1.000 People's Water Co.' b0nd5.. ..........8id. .1,000 snares :-Alleghany> Mining. Co.-. '.;•. Wanted 1,000 shares CaL . Pressed :. Brick ; Co. • at. • 27 500 shares Hubbard- Elliott Copper" at.... S5 \u25a0\ &00 shares .Pinar' Oil Co. j rat... '.:...:. $10.50 f t4O Burlingame Typewriter; (free> at.. s 3^50 472 , Monadnock bldg;, San Francisco. ; §TORY OF THE. .FORTUNE " . THAT; WENT TO. SLEEP. =. ' Call or.vrrite for. this free booklet."., 'lt tells . the xtory} of a : great -California 'industry ; In a ' new" way: i gives '.valuable;- pointers : to those desiring • to , acquire » money; .^- • , --' '. \u25a0••*-HOME SECIiRITIKS COMPANY.'Inc, ' '; K3?. F<rstjN'atinnal_Bsnk *rtlilc..^OaVland,;Cal.- i OCEANv^HOUE* bond* for sale; price will net 7V, per cent. D.;E.-BEDECKEB,"2iS Pacific bldg.- * "'-' \f^.-'r:'- '\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 /: '-- t '-' * : H>:r': .,--%. ",-,,-".; ;.i : *./-',- •>•\u25a0':;*. -.: : -': . -, -. \u25a0 ':\u25a0.-'"\u25a0 '."' ... i:". ••'\u25a0•- -•.-. TJIE B AN F ; R A;NC ISCO CALL, TUESDAY. JUNE 1; 1959. ' • IX VESTMEXTS—ContInue.' '\u25a0 . HOW ; would s you \u25a0 like j $500 ; net » ad%ed *to -yonc ? early - Income T : Ten acres of alfalfa vrlll do t; we - plant • and. harvest •* it \u25a0 for : you; , price $125 per. acre,, $5 cash, $1 .50 ' monthly. Crops ' . will, pay more than one-third. A straight from • the choalder proposition. ;* Call for \u25a0 details. ~ . '. , PATTEN LAND ' COMPANY. ' . \u25a0 601 First National Bank. Building, •'.-Post, and >. Montgomery. Sts. .-\u25a0 Telephone - Kea'rny . 2767; ,-. > ' .' CAN furnish ,yod ANY unlisted stocks and bonds you may . want i AWAY UNDER regular quota- tions; ' will buy. any. acUvestdcks if CHEAP; largest "dealers on • tbe Pacific -coast: corre- spondence invited. CHESTER B. : ELLIS . & C 0... « 14 \u25a0 Market, st. ; opp. Call building. - ' .. y OPPORTUNITY of a lifetime':. buy' stock in Pio- neer OH Company . of Nevada." \u0084 For particulars Stall or address. PIONEER OIL COMPANY OF, \u25a0 NEV-AB a; 201 ' Lick -bulimng. ' 35/ Montgomery. • ' .-• . - " monisy".' to iio AJ_^^A^3j rSTVTT?TST$ $ $$ $$$$$$$$ $ $ $$ $ b SALARIED PEOPLE'S FRIEND. $$ $ $ $• -That Is. : what bur-office Is to', all $ $ $ $ . . working people. We. -'loati strlq.tly on a•,sa • , $ .$ $ $-persop's' ."SALARY";- no \u25a0 indorser, > no. '. $.$ $ $• security:'-.- We .'make " loans • quickest, - $ $ $ $ easiest -anil elf arse the" .lowest in the- $ $ $$ city.. YOUR EMPLOYER NEVER ».$ $ $ KNOWS. •'-:• -- -.' : :•\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 :'i $ $$ •• WESTERN LOAN CO". - - $$ $\u25a0$.- 408 Call building,- Sd and Market sis", ' $ $ -Open.. 8:30 to 6 p. '.m.-Mon:, Wed. and • $ $ $ $ i .-\u25a0• Sat. -Evenings' until Bp/ m. .- \u25a0$\u25a0$ S $ $ $ \u25a0$; $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $$$$; AAA-irHOESEHOILp' • LOAN CO \u25a0'. - - ' \u25a0 . ' • Get ouf term's . when . about- to \u25a0 borrow on FUR- NITURE,- PIANOS. -HORSES and. VEHICLES,- •We -will save you: mortey. • Rooms 357-9 Pacific building <3d floor)/. 4th - and .'Market -sts: Phone Douglas 32615: ' - ' / ' - -. o : . • ' Oakland, office: 615 : 19 First -National Bank'/bldg. .MONEY loaned, ph furnitures, pianos -and :ofb'er \u25a0 • security-; -lowest '--rates-; mtist-". favorable terms • : In the = city;-, see --otnersv* ;then see me/and. -be .-- convinced; I- -will ' save : you .'money; »2. 25 \u25a0 • weekly --repays-'. $50 loan; phose ; Market 3029, " GEORGE. W. MILLER, ,^OO9 16th St., -south- west, corner- Mission, room ;35.; 35. ."• ' : !'••.:•"'. MONEY loaned -salaried: people ' and others' upon •''their, own name .without, security; cheapest .rate's; easiest' payments; -offices In 66 principal" • cities; saje,": yourself -money by' getting:' our : terms first. TOLMAN/ room 951, Phelan bldg.; S. F.. and r00m .9. . 460 13tb. St.. ' Oakland,'. •> >' A— New rates, new plans. : 'We l«teo all .salaried people; .save nioney',,by ;. getting- our^rates; your employ tr and friends- never know; private - of flee 3 for ladles.' Great-Western Inv.. Co., s I-ric:: •621- Phelanj bldg. ; . 8:30 a; 'm..' to 8. p..' ml . yi in.' Phone Kearny'; 3247..- . 550,-W)o"toi6an at'"6':'p.ef'cent on improved or un-' real estate' or for • : in sirajsof -52.500-and up: c : \u25a0 • . • \u25a0.""£ . LICK LOAN "CO:- '• ; ,p6u"glasv3ol6. ! \u25a0Llek:'buil;.lipg; 35. Mo&< Dqom.ipi. ; .: HOUSEHOLt))? LOAN-. CO.— ljoans \ -oh FIjRNI.- ;.THRE,' PlA SfOS,". etc.^; . low .rates;' private. ' 3s7.-' .: 25!) • Paicjfic bldg., / 4th and. Market :sts'.:; .' phone H'J)biiglas:S2!ss; -A^ ; . -i;',;,- v . ,".'-\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0 7 .-. : -'.-'-'_ AD. VANCESi.m'sde -on dlatnoUas : an'd- lew'elry at . /lowest-rates;, safe, deposit vaults;' grea-test-:pos- \ sUjlVcare \u0084taVen.; BALDWIN JE.WELRY-:. C0.,; ::\u25a0 Vhr \u25a0'Ness- and -Suttep.- • ; ,- \u25a0\u25a0 ' .'-j '\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0: './• . " :Als'Y .amount; . lowiist rates pn first 'andisecond:. . mortgages .-on real -estate,:' legacies, .andlvld'ed'. .;• Interests, estates; in prpbate;-po \u25a0de'lay.l.R... Mc>', JCOLGAN. 26:Mj>' rooms ai^jpyv iiOWEST' rates";, quick deals, no delay— Loans on 3 •"mortgagesi-.t eBta.t? 's', legacies; ! u'nd'i'ylded '.'-; lnterest. When -you need: .'money see • fI&KMAN"- :. MURPHY;" Bjie;, Market, st;;. "San Francfsco. , : ; 'ANY -amount; oh. real: estate^ , : flrst or-B.eednd : .njort- \u25a0 - : '.or-iflny-. security ; no.ijelay ; lowest .ratej; ; :'/I>^W>BEGKER./705;Mt)flfeInock:-CSI Market. -0 iSALAR-Y- .-'lpa n^'L adies and • gentleincn- \u25a0'\u25a0yjftthiiiiji'. . .BertiHty; notes . and- iqommerctal. paper. : :-bou'giit : .'. . . Sl3-. M*rchan'ts'..' Exi ;.Wdg. ;\u25a0; phone . Douglas 141 1- LOAXS to: riiarlld. people and others.; eiiT'fojgry' v tnehts ;.,nd se^tirUyi. Conflae;ntlßi;,433;Phelah;bld; , \u25a0ON'r fjirniture . .'and r.','p'lanM{> -no'^moivai:' . '.lE -IIJJ--' •^ALARY 'ioanis'; . .other . : . San -: Fran--. \ : - '^te'co\^ey,:4ti[;.PVciltg.-puliaiß.'g. '"'\u25a0;• : CAgii loanpd to s,aJfaried-,imeiß jb**.'ite'tstwltißpotM4"< ;• .dormer, aiORRELL. 922;.MQnadnock bu.ilajng.,: '.OJj'-i&irniture, pianos.- etc.;' without, remor^l; Re^, 1 '; 'llaKle : ;ljoan.;;Co;.-. 705 Monadnock; yCBl Markets- LEGAL NOTICES .Noi'iciv of", public auction -!qf bonds' ;is- ° . LSUED PCiiSUANT: *EO2 THE ""SAN : FRANV- ' " •'\u25a0'C.ISCO.- '\u25a0: S'EXWALL •* . ACT;"- = APPROVED \u25a0 \u25a0;'•;. iiiuGH"- 20, iups, numbjj its 1251; to : 1750' I;- .. JNCLjtiSXVE.' :'.\u25a0•\u25a0 '*' '' \u25a0 \u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0•• .'-* V': '!' ; -'-': :' •• ,v •.-.•-\u25a0' \u25a0 -Wiiereajf, The -JbQtuJs- authorized, to" he -Issijerl under't-hat- certain;' Act of the I<egislatui-'e"*or tJie S.tafe . of CiUfornla entitled; .- "&n> Act 'to. pro> yiffe. for the. "issuance j aiid' " of state 'IJonds ; to'.vcrekfe,^ a ' fund^for .-the construction 'by. the Board pf State I HRrbor Commissioners of. a j sea-.- •yrall Srud appurtenances ' o ih-.-th'e- City .and- County. . of-'San''Frjjn;cl»ca;.,,'to- create" a sinking fund : for tbe : -payment', of waiil bonds: -and. providing for. the. . fciibmlsslon of. this Act' to. a vote-pf the- . People," . "approved^ March 20," 1903, ' anil - being kiuiwii as ..the • "San Francisco Seawall ; . Act,"; havebeeq duly executed;' and' ; , ,-' : :- \u25a0 •• Whereas, The Governor of the State, of Cal- ifornia bag- directed- me, as Treasurer, • to' offer for nale; us provided in said Act; and to sell at .'puDlic ' auction vto the highest bidder - for cash, 500 of said bonds, to wit, numbers 1251 to 1750, both- inclusive, and to sell the same iv one par- cel: and '\u25a0 - -- \u25a0 . ••-•; \u25a0 . ;i'-- ' Whereas. : The Governor- of the State of Cali- fornia directed; said sale After a resolution -hud boen adopted by the said Board of Harbor Com- missioners requesting the sale -of * 500 - of : said bonds as therein provided: \u25a0 , . Now, therefore, notice is hereby : given that the ..undersigned, fW. I R. Williams, as ! the State Treasurer of the State of California, will, on Friday, the 2nd day of July, 1909, at the hour of 2 o'clock P. 11., of that- day,:, at the office of the State Treastirej- in the State Capitol at Sacramento, California, sell at . public ,.; auction, to the highest bidder, for cash and in one parcel, five hundred (500) bonds, being numbers Twelve Hundre.d and Fifty -one to Seventeen Hundred and Fifty, both inclusive, ' executed under" and pursuant to that certain .Act of \u25a0 the Legislature, entitled , "An Act \u25a0 to provide ' for tbe issuance and sale of state bonds to create. a fund for the construction by the Board of State Harbor Com- missioners of a seawall and appurtenances In the City and County .of San Francltfco: to create a sinking fund for the payment of said bonds: and providing for ' the ' submission of -this Art to a vote of the ' People,", approved March* 20, 1903, and known, cited and ~ designated as ~ the "San Francisco Seawall Act." each of said bonds bearing date January 2nd, a: -D. 1905,-and made payable of January, A.^D. 1024, subject. : however, to redemption .by lot after the year A.* D. 1914. and each of said ; bonds being for the sum of One Thousand Dollars, and -bear- ing interest at the rate of 4 per •: cent > per nn- num. \u25a0'.\u25a0-' \u25a0-\u25a0.-.\u25a0\u25a0.', ...:\u25a0: '\u25a0< ' ' ;. - - \u25a0 . .-\u25a0\u25a0 :*.; TLe : understsmed is required by sa.ifl -Act to reiect any and all bids for said parcel of bonris vfhloh shair be r . below -i the \u25a0 par value: of said bonds so offered for. sale, and likewise has tho rleht.- by, public -annoum-ement at the place and time fixed, for. the " said sale as aforesaid," to continue such sale to such time and place as he m«y -select./.. ;•'.- \u25a0• • • •- \u0084' Dated: Sacramento, California. -May. 24 ' 1909 ' > • W. R. WILLIAMS. As'Stat* Treasurerof the. State of California. NOTICE lo 7he public— My : wlfehavlng left I my .home and board.. l will not be responsible for any bills 'contracted by - lier after- this date, Juno i. mnn. ' -domenico "garsotti. .^/ ;. -raopos^^/Ayb! jßibs ''j : • BIDS* W-ANTED-^-Notice -Is hereby given that sealed proposals • will -be; received: by, the 'Board of : Directors' of < the Veterans* '; Home of Califor- nia, ! at the -Veterans'. \u25a0 Home;.; Napa county, Cali- fornia,' up:to 11: o'clock \ a. m., \u25a0 " '\u25a0 . ' • SATURDAY. JUNE STH, 1909, ." ' • •And • opened • immediately thereafter in "the pres- ence |of bidders." \u25a0 for I furnishing | and - delivering quartermaster- and: commissary supplies, etc.;- -for' the.. '..Veterans'. ;, Home,';; Napa' - county ,*\u25a0 California, f.-'O.-ib. cars, ; steam or 'electric <-R.-,R.: (R.'/R.. statlojn, .YountrHle," or. Veterans' Home,)', for one y.ear,. commencing July ' 1/ '1909, : and ending Jane 30thr, ' 1910. •\u25a0•'. Schedules ".with information and in- structions- for submitting .bids will be furnished upon" application '-by <\u25a0 tUe^undersigned. "• Bidders'. will carefully. follow. the conditions of the sched- ules, 7 and Ino - bid,* will Ibe 1 considered . Unless it- is in' accordance.; with 'such 'schedule's.:' Bids must he , made on - samples } submitted . whenever called for' in the .schedule. C.EacU -bidder must accom- pany his' bid with a '"\u25a0 certified check upon 'some i well' known andresponsible bankibg house for at least 10 per cent of the amount of his bid. pay- able I to : C- - de, : Colmesnll,-^ Treasurer, 7'7 ' conditioned that the bidder, will enter' into ' a good and valid contract upon I notice* of I acceptance, as- required by law. ;'-Tbi». Board reserves, the right to teject any \u25a0or \u25a0 all bids \u25a0 and 'to order any 'quantity over or under .the \u25a0 amount 'specified. • .' . :.*,i'--.- °- '* Preference..willbe given -to goods manufactured or produced In this state, price, fitness and qual- ity being equal; under the. provisions of ''< 3247 of the- Political Code. , - " V 5 V -r : 'Address- John F-.v Sheehan."' Secretary fbf 5 the Board of r Directors "of - the \u25a0 Veterans' \u25a0 Home "' of California; Veterans': Home I (P. 0.),' California.'- i : By order, of ; the i Board ! of \u25a0 Dfrectors. *-;: > - '\u25a0; ~'S *:yJOHX;F» SHEEHAN. Secretary.^-;. SEALED *BIDS WILLn BE* RECEIVED^ at? the : office of the Secretary ; of the; Regents, Univer- sity of Californla;:Berkeley,?on or:before "4-30 p. m.-; Friday,^ June ;4ra909, jforrwork on- a dining I room building Sat tbe i University farm at Davis, «Yolo county,^ Cal,, -as \u25a0 per plans and -, ' \u25a0 specifications. ; on ?'. file ; at > said ; of flee. '\u25a0\u25a0 y. \ *j, \u25a0' • No "bids will, 'be received^unless accompanied . by a-ccrtifled? check or* bond "In j favor* of the .' undersigned, equal -.toTlOtper/cent of ,;the ;bld. . to : assure \u25a0 execution ; of* contract • by j successful bidder. The right', to i reject . any. or fall bids Is V THE REGENTS OF t THE UNIVERSITY OF .;.-.-,:=. CALIFORNIA^; ..',%\u25a0• \u0084,...i-:-...,v;.--,,,.;';.^;. ,.-':. -r ,. PROPOSALS FOR < HOSPITAL C SUPPLIES. \u25a0\u25a0- ..Bids wanteo>-Sealed- proposals iwlir be received by. the Board of directors of ; the i Veterans': Home : of ;'»; California, i' at s the Home;* Napa county,* California; l^ np ito* 11 i o'clock ta. i m.t Sat- urday, - June \u25a0\u25a0' 5. "_ IOOS.t and ,- opened '\u25a0: immediately thereafter fln\the -presences of :-. bidders, "j for. fur- nisbinc aud delivering --sterilizers, . ambulance, hospital : appliances < and , instruments { for j the \u25a0 hos- pltsl.*r^"- ... ,i-";-.; : ..-;v-'. *;-.}/• w "r- \ :.«\u25a0.-.- \u25a0:vv-c>"--.> \u25a0.; • The \u25a0 Board - reserves ' the ' right to . reject ; any 'or all . bids. , Lists ",: and can »' be * se- cured 7. at n. the "/headquarters^ of <= the \u25a0\u25a0Veterans' Horned roomrt 506 «s.ilacdonousb *-, building,-.' 333 Kearny st." f San Frncnisco,'; California." . C'~ \u0084- ,' -, -; B.T: J. SCOVlLLB. i Assistant \u25a0 Secretary.--,; . By. order ofuheJßoardof jDirectora, -^ .\u25a0 AXD : BONDS -FOR^SALE^j . AKH. you buying i or \u25a0 selling - stocks' or* bonds? - Call on PETTIS&iBUBBECK, 333. First Na- \u25a0J tlonal • Bank bldg.. Oakland. • -Jr i___j_l^- '_\u25a0\u25a0' MJJVES 'AXD MjXIXGI_ '>' X - ! '-'- DO you -wish to buy or sell joining- property ?'.'Do you wish J money ito develop 7 : -i t " 7°" r proP.°- _sitlon is clean we can help you. -^ i* !, Western InformutlonTtJureau of Mines and Land, '•\u25a0\u25a0"? ,:'•;: r Chronicle :Bnl]d"lns.'- .:.'".\u25a0'\u25a0 FINK DRKDGER GROUND- in • one ; of .' the best Krajel .belt.% in.the state;';- ground . 'being ', dmjged * around ' pround : 'price ; rea§onal)le. ' Ad- ... dress, .bor,» 621. „ Ca11 ? oXnVe. ; Oakland. •\u25a0 » ' '\u25a0; UOLD.v amalgam/, rich ore ' bought: cash; assay- _-. Inc 50c. Assay Co.; 131 sth st;' nr; wr-Howarfl. .'--,:- . ... ,:...; ,-\u25a0\u25a0- \u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0 =: ' _^;JL>- JJ-li-U^ CIT VREAL ESTAJE-^^^ BALDWIN, & s7i?rso^ r^~~~^l+7 Sivtter .'Street'. «j-;^<- : , WESTERN . ADDITION CORNER.. .. '• - .f.,i50-=:Rent -?800. Store anil . "» roour?, , flat ..'— -. above: .fi and hath; desirable 'corner >i>n ;\u25a0 ,-'., Bui-hananv-npighborlioodof:. Union; '.no. v»- \u25a0•'\u25a0•\u25a0'-• can'ciri.- -' . . ' .••• \u25a0' • . : . \u25a0 $-S,tKKH-2 flats;a ts; | nearly ; new. .". anil . 4- rooms • ati«j \u25a0 .'.- bath; rent .$540; -'wortca^e $1,000; ' V \u25a0 m ' \u25a0\u25a0' \u25a0' foot lot ;..'Sanche.z---near -27th-. •P • * ,;-. '\u25a0\u25a0 $11.000— Sw.ell. corner for apartment • flats: no ; -'.- vacancies", in this district: commanding . ; *--.Tiew i facing', one : b'f tU*> nio's-t \u25a0 attracjive :i\ oJ« psrks * in 'tile': city?; ; 60xS2:6*. ' -.". . • \u25a0'- * .- s4,2so^— Rent • S4.SO; • » flats. 4 ' rooms- anil .bath, " \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0'\u25a0 Besliles .2 and S- rooms -firiifslied' 1h -l>ase- .<\u25a0'•' inent i»n(l attic; i2sii3.7:'C: 'street work . "done; '-McAllister : : near ' Ist ay. • ' . : • ' $25,000— Market ; st. holding: ' r>OxlQ<i:.'.rent ?K!.> •;/*-per -month: Imprdyements -jnominal; choice , . ' . 'business- MocV.'.lniprovlng'rapidly,.- • ' RICHMOND. COT^iViGE. . . ' $2,000— 2r»th ' ay. near -Cfllifornla: $1,000. casli, ;'.. balance $15 per .month; 25x120; 'A rooms -'-.:;. -and bath. • ' • ; -:. * . •• ••.'. $I,ooo— si,4oor-$1,700— ; 52.000^f?2.2()0 ' and .'up " -^l for 'choice lots in the Pope tract. . ' $/!T)O0-^Ba'rtlett sf.; 2: story lious.e... .7 room?, ';.•'.•..',- 2 -toilets; worth. fiie money; ;22;'6x123. ..- .;- : ': ' "../ / BARGAIN.- '\u25a0\u25a0 - \u25a0' •' '\u25a0\u25a0''\u25a0 $2,loo— Lively, well built' cottage; .5, rooms ..'•- \u25a0 abflliafh: renting for. "F.iG: 2.-.x95;.. N.o^. 'I ;' -.Surrey \u0084st. '. ..\u25a0',". \u25a0-..••\u25a0. >" $13,000— Haight" st.-^-property ; jo st6fy; : j'. >r" • nearly- new 'building;; rent- $1,410;-. one of • •-•thp best blocks on th.c. street;'. s7, ooo; '•'- mortgage 1 ;, guaranteed.." -'' v" \u25a0:/. [V-. •-'.].'. \u25a0 - Remember, that BALDWIN'; &• "' STETSON are registered - FIRE INSURAN'O'E' BItyKEUS ,' of ' this city. \u25a0"';.'\u25a0•• .?'".- •.'.'\u25a0\u25a0.": '•' .";: - ' A 'CHANCE OF! A LIFETIME ;'. ' ' .. * .:.'* ONLY, SIB,odO. I J '-.. '.- ; • . RENTS $2,000 PER YJiAR. • Franklin sf: , bet.. Ellis and {rFarrell. 3 beaxiti- f til \u25a0 • modern' flats of" ~; • 7 and .?> rooms' arid -bath ear'h; nnfshed'bas'smeat and jattjcf im-pwlng frbot with, circular : bay: windows .a.hrt solid oak Vesti- bule..:. The interior- plan -ts perfect .and- fW; finish aud vworkniansh| the' -best 4|ra't mcfney.' could buy: ii Tlipse. . fiats \u25a0 w'erfe hw lt ' :just.'. before .; the .'\u25a0*je" : . for. a home, with no idea of . sfrlling. ' The Present owner'- ;pai<i $19,500 for this property; sinee -the ''^rp." liut ik.- \u25a0fo.rced- ,to sell?to f .get money, to complete: his dmvntQvijn ;bnilrtiiijr. '." =T.Ws Is a. .rare'ekance for .lnv'estinen-t or \u25a0.s'pec<)lHtlofi t These, flat's .sre cheap 'atV s26.(^)o: f Jse. flsts 'a<l- Jolni.ufr; exactly tlieVsaniei ar-o' held \u25a0'fcir. $2U;5Oq, Lot:-.U7.'5x87:6. / For- particulars "appfy ,t"o \u25a0'."•;•. -.;,.- • o -. \u25a0 . Davidson:- & -LraGH,../ -:..; '•' - - • ' . 1465-; MARKET SilJE;E.'t> ..-. '\u25a0" \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ' i \u25a0 . \u25a0•".-" \u25a0'.?.'\u25a0\u25a0•:'..': \u25a0 Neiir-jqtli -si---'..;:., r . \u25a0\u25a0-..:.•.:\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0;'=\u25a0'?_\u25a0.•\u25a0\u25a0, . entire -block., sti>- &; oti. -;iVs.i- a ;*;-B -its/ .'.r \u25a0 BEIJfG BOILT.2.UPONWITH:.: . ". .-- : ; .s.Tobm'-.cottag£s."-$3,900.-: ; .'' ; .- .;\u25a0: -.-;'' -v ; \u25a0/s.:_\u25a0 room. 1%" stprv .cottage*. >. : $4.006J -\u25a0 >:' ' •'\u0084 .-6 xoom 2 story dwellfngsl $4,600:?: :; --^- :-.; :': ' T, room. 2 : story: 4weliinx», 3 55,400..°,- ..-'..: rFlatß, .$6,250.. .- : . • • ;-'.; : : •;.;.-• \?;'> .'•..;;>?.'?!:-/ :'{> ;.::' AQ =. on : ! verj ; -..eaBy^:ternis. :'- '\u25a0\u25a0]\u25a0 U: .;. ; -; ; ; V-, -"." ,-'o Apply on premises to F. NELSON,. hniWer. -'Streets Wtuihlijt^d. "?}.'\u25a0\u25a0 i ;'-•*•' i' : « ' •'};'\u25a0;\u25a0 ."' -;'-";'. : ; .' • Turk and "Eddy st. - ckp» pas.s '\u25a0 the fetoVk: :\u25a0\u25a0-.'\u25a0 V ' MeAlllster, .^.eary : ,'-6tb; avj'.'a'nd' .e^fipent' I *^ cars 4 within -2 .Jblocts. \u25a0:- : ' . \u25a0 . • '. . \u25a0• V rf ? - for SAj^-r?hts6::Vii6usK:' tiyipi Bqoms anp •:' |&*rfv - tfiS-; I CAR: '-.^LlSfif': LARGE': LOS; rs»NTS ON 2 STHr, R! '-, TERMS'. .. MODERN, \u25a0 :IMP-RQy'E.M-ENT'S: \u25a0 3 fa i;i RR E /aT 5722 SAN JUSE AYE, " ..••\u25a0-' c 'i^vEstrG^E : T^is.iv?\oxcElr- ::':=•':;: • $2<650 T -C.or, =;io;ti °si;ie- 3-2':«^'loa:';ri>a.>!;v jo b'uJJd. '\u25a0•>*i;\~ :°P; I? »: fln*;bu.<fuess.^>ea;t!i>B; "on-Ciein- ; : •\u25a0?,:• • etyt;sit:---Mi!st'.l)pf siiirSJivhhin. lOi aayi..^ .-.' \u25a0'>:-... : - : -'.w..m;.la^y; : 4ift;CKmgnt:;st:;>. : --: :^.': build- y*>u a : -'hora : ;e o.n-:-tiißt- lbt -you' oVjijv _No..casfi' re.q\jlred.-., 'K.aßy .m<?b;tlily..;p>jr^ie:nts.- •- - and .wbrkiinanslitp;: ..:N>w 3^^at\Bn.ildlng'eovlnc.,.-3297 = JttI»8loo-|wi^''Ifeie/ . . phone -Mission/ iXM}. \u25a0\u25a0' .."-."• '':.:. \u25a0 :;-.-:'.y : vl;.-':-: WE ;are offering our :new ! -7 -rao'm houses °£6r'Sa l le' on tertns like s rent; small .amount down; '«n-: 9th ay. .south . Of M> St., Sunset.- Call ,-aiid ':**« ' them; .-get. a home;, don't -pay' rent. : -Boxi2(iS7' : . Call of nee. \u25a0....-.-' ; ..;:'.- .•>'.-::\u25a0•: ; .:,-.* $.4.fi00-^F6r- aaie, a -liourr .of 2 flats- and.' cottage '- .in rean; lot 22:3i122;6; rents-, for $43 : pet month; a' .-good 'InTestraent;< must "be.' soli »29V4 SHotwell s.t. near 24th, 'Mission warm belt, city. • : :,'.;\u25a0, " .- "• .'•'; :-. : $s,lso— New jj : story hous(' on 'Belvedere,, st • .east frontage; lot 25x120; 0 latge' rooms;.an<i bath; $750' cash, balance $40; per month:- chance of a lifetime. -Apply 1410 Halght.-st:. $S,loo— Two substantial; flats: .Ashbury: district: ' large lot; 1 east and west frontages; 6- and' ••*' • .rooms; must be sold. J4lO Haight fit. ' $3,3so— Artistic cottage, .ishbury , district; 5 sunny rooms; lot 25x125 feet; 1 year old- steam heat; Vj cash. 1418 Haight si. FOR sale — Cheap, neat cottage; V ; 4™ rooms and • bath; terms same as' rent. Apply lumber . office, corner Army and Condon sts. MONEY to- Ioan— EUREKA BUILDING AJ<D •LOAN ASSOCIATION, office 'lt!0 Sansome st * WILLIAM E. LUTZ. SecreUry. ' . FIVE and 6 room houses cheap; terms. 11th ay. .- above J St., Sunset. Owner. ', < ; $6,000 — House. .7 sunny rooms; your terms; Ash- • bury Heights dlst. Phone Park 2517. mornings. YOUR title restored under McEnerney act. tSIO. GALVIN. 336 Delbert block. 943 Van Ness ay. 3. A. ADAMS, state licensed aDd deputy U. S. wrTevor. 325 Bush st. ; phone i Douglas 2104. CALL BBANCH OFFICE, IGSI Flllmore st. near • -Post.-.- \u25a0•\u25a0 ;. 1. \u25a0 . .-. , .. < -.. \u25a0-...,. \u25a0 : .- : :...-. - \u25a0 \u25a0 . COUXTRY REAL ESTATE A FINE INVESTMENT. • ". ,1.730. acre tract, 1 Contra Costa county: 400 rich' valley garden or walnnt land; 400 rolling fruit land, balance hilly wood and pasture land; well watered ; living springs and i small creeks; ' 2 sets ordinary farm buildings: : three ' acres old pear orchard, well ; fenced; 18 miles ; from Oakland. When youxconslder that'valley landaround. Wal- nutt Creek -and ln'lgnaclo and, Albambra .valleys L< • worth; and selling for $200 to $300 per at're, and - that ; there are 400 acres " on ' this- -.' ranch- equally; good; you. will realize, that'our price, of $40,000. only $23 per acre. Is very low. The 400 acres of valley land Is worth $40,000, at $100 per acre, , which ;Is half -; its .value; i and 1.330; acres are given you. -We have carefully examined" this property.- Terms lia If cash. , •' -, • . .- 14 acre fruit 'and ' chicken ranch. 'Sonoma county; best of garden "soil; .0 ; acres bearfng fruit, -mostly, apples; \ 8 room, house : furnished-; ;ch Icken % outfits for • 1 ,000 ' : chickens : one • icre garden; -6;- acres hay; everything goes on ."ac- count lof sickness; '$3,750, "$1,750 :cjsh; don't lose - this." '- ; V • . /-• .= COUNTRY DEPARTMENT. \u0084 -.-• i- HOLCOM REALTY CO.. INC,.; ;",. . '-\u0084' •\u25a0-..-.'. (Investor of :Capltal), .-':\u25a0: \u25a0,'\u25a0'\u25a0 1 \u25a0;-.\u25a0> \u25a0 1 30G.' Saa Pablo ay.'. Oakland,. Cal..'-. . ; * c:. r: hammersmith & ! qp.,'-. \u25a0 57C Golden Gate Aye.v at: Van !* Ness:;. MQNEY MADE FRUIT ANP POULTRY FARMS ' / .*iAT UAYWARD.r: -.: • . '0 ACnKS.'/Fice improyements: TERMS.. ' 5' ACRES, full* bearing ;orchard. ; 'TERMS. ; 3- ACRES. '- Fine : -chicken" ; ranch. -' SNAP.' ;' 0 '-\u25a0\u25a0'• -- '. AT SANTA ROSA. . ' • ,5'. -ACRIS- chicken. . ranch;- near -'town:- fine.. ]ni\ ; , provements';. -.700 chickens, etc. Will .'trade, \u25a0 for bay 'property. '.' .. \u25a0; .- , '-s '.*•*.'! IS ACRES near : SANTA ROSA;'! fine Improved- Iranch; -pays,- big.-. -.Will trade for city : or; bay . property-. SN S A p .'• : . •\u25a0''."'>-... ; 100. others. PARTiCULARS, UPON BEQUEST, . .V-'. . -. -\u25a0\u25a0:.-= >-zii=" -v .. ;\u25a0 : -" : w- . .-. ' ' CoiJNT'RY, PROPERTY. . - '\u25a0:•.'• '• " f A -beantlful"«ountry home, within 30 : minutes of San Francisco"; 5- rooms, bath, electric lights; lot *.64 1 by • 107 • feet ; j situated \u25a0 in'o- Burlingame;- ; 7 mlnutesV walk/ from. 8.. 'P.' station i or : 3 -.minutes from-San Mateo' electric road;'will net 10 pet.cen.t .an\u25a0 an Investment; ; terms; $2,600.;: Box - 1980," Call office. :\u25a0'.. ..; :. ; \u25a0•- \u25a0:: \u25a0•-. •* -, ? ,'.'" •\u25a0\u25a0SEBAsiopoL,-. so'noma: county.- \u25a0[\u0084 . ?1 ,S50 — 30 . acre :: chicken i aud ;• fruit % ranch ; I enly -- - 1 1^ miles from station ;r.eal bargain. \u25a0'.;\u25a0;" $1,-100- : — 10 ; acres \ ; Hnlm'proved ifine.^rich-'.i fine.^ rich- '. sandy ,: .-\u25a0; loam;;. near )SeDastopol;;'.ou electric' lln»; -:.--_\u25a0 ..easy, terms:-.;, y~-- ; ;\u25a0\u25a0--. . o - - 1 -.'., ;-'^ \u25a0-\u25a0--•'.' ."-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0' :*; • $4,500 — 53 ' acres .- g-ood \4 cn>oni ".house and twine' _ : . '; ' only :10 f minutes\ walk ', to ; station ; ;. '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-; , terms • $2,500 'cash, balanpe ' s ,years,;, years, ; 5 : per ' \u25a0 •.-\u25a0*;\u25a0 cent -net. ';•. '•:.-'.; •:.' "-. '. -'. ;• : •:-''.'• .';-' ! j : o ,; ' --•:.: ; ' BAPvTOX BEACTY CO., ' .'.'-'/ i" - '\u25a0 • 224 /Mbnadnook c l)uildlng."i ' •- , r ."-. • ; " /. $15— PER ACRE— SIS, ' , Terms, i-6. cash, balance "easy, installments; pat- '•; : ented * lands : In ' 40 4 acre i tracts;* title I perfect:! V us n>'^*Tel';land"> '^* T el'; land" in s proven* artesian - belt « near; \u25a0•: .Western Pacific railroad: i. This iland \u25a0 will', pro-; v duse % Franquette : . walnuts,- .-, finest in flavored ' \u25a0?:-\u25a0 "PP. 168 • «r " the best of ,' alfalfa tin \ the 1 state, of \u25a0\u25a0 California. PACIFIC LAND? CO.? 110 iiacon !f;t block. 1 Oa 3 kland.-:.:--'j : *'• '\u25a0\u25a0/ ;;::\u25a0''" : V: '\u25a0\u25a0.->:, ?X ;..---:v- . IRRIGATED FARMS ' ON * KAS Y;,TEKMS. ,• i -1 -; -j' Flycito 40, acre -farms* in Sacram^atoivallej ; -jTirk-li. deep, vßandyv Bandy loann soil: for ; fruit,! walnutf'-. < vegetables. > alfalfa;*? etc: ; ?, 26 5 daily>j pa,«seng<" .-, ;:; farm -'morn -than.^SOjstMlntitesVwal't y> from rai station; 'the^best' land iandsbestillvin; ; <onrtitions,|B C«liff>rnia::af 1O acre; farm itnearn . ... independence; * excursion I every 1 Satnrday;| F:j 1 r :\ r ;"J Ll 't^CO^^fi IMiasts.Bt.riopp»Ferr7v;lJldis.;1 Miast5.8t.riopp»Ferr7v;IJldi5.; ; .-..rhpae; Kearny? SO2. \u25a0 :\u25a0'•:'\u25a0\u25a0- '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 -:' .. \u25a0 ."V :.-' • ' ', \u25a0•\u0084\u25a0.- \u25a0: : \u25a0 , OpIJ.XTRY IIEA I, ESTATI^--ConUnufil ; . v ' CHICKENS, . FRUIT < WALNUTS MAKE - ' \u25a0..-\u25a0; -.: MON EY 'AT SANTA .ROSAr . ' We , are; sellings land from three "tracts, \u25a0 all :,* r near the cltyr from $100 an acre up, on 4 year \u25a0 \u25a0 payments ; i also, a' big ; list of properties of all • ' kinds. t Call tor write i for > booklet. ' % :* f . - -\u25a0.': SANTA ROSA REALTY CO.; \u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0V ' Office. 5 Elks' bldg., Santa . Rosa. Offices 39<and 40. €30 Market St., San Francisco. - - - Branch ! office, 245 Montgomery. st/.-... ...; s>: .VTEXAS IRRIGATED; LANDS. :V. : ; .',\Ve have no . lot' schemes and . do community . in- terests,: but every; man .gets: Just what 'he^buyg. and ; can . move on \u25a0 it, • resell \u25a0 it.- whenever he ; may so desire.' Now*' don't*' put^ this off. until u tomor-' row/but callat otir^offlce at 1047 Phelan build- ing, V San •FzanctecO;"- California,;' and'- let '^u» •"> tell yon a"bont "our -proposition * in • detail.-*"' TRUCK' GROWERS-: COLONIZATION. CO. OF.SAN AN- TONI.O. -TEXAS/ •'".'- '-• "':-:.-'-V WE have I.OSO-acres land: 200 under cultivation. 5 3- miles 'from., town' and railroad: tbe best com- bined stock ranch and farm: in California; run- '••\u25a0ning stream of water; fenced and cross fenced; price $20,000; .terms. •.= -.; . \u25a0' .:, '• If. you are looking for a farm.. stock or fruit :* ranch "at .the, right price \u25a0 call- and see us. \u25a0McFAUL.& E&WARDS. 330 Chronicle : bldg. \u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0*..\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 . ;st.ock. ranch:- • \u25a0 -.;12,000 ;a<?;:oije.of the best stocV- ranches .in northern '- Sarexamerito valley: 'entirely' fenced;' some', improvement's ' and ' stock ; , price $12.50, per acre; terms.. \u25a0•"..-.'• -- \u25a0 ; .' '.' '..:\u25a0'•> •\u25a0--;-•\u25a0 o.' M. WOOSTER- to.. 702 -Market st. - - IFOR .salV — 2:4 «cres of bearing, resistant | grafted '.":gr«p.e vines: one^half .rholco t^ble crapes -und : ."-one-half .VrbolcV.^ wine .srapes; rich land, close .- to Stopktcin:. owner' going avray; -.'price -?450 ; • -\u25a0\u25a0 an acre. • -.\d«lreMs •-.;•• -.'. '. •• ' . .- ' "'\u25a0 -EATON' \u25a0!&.• BUCKLEY, : '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'. '-,\u25a0\u25a0 ''\u25a0-,:\u25a0'.'':\u25a0 Stockton.- CaKv-'-r;- \u25a0;•''•'•\u25a0 i '» CALIFORNIA land,' $1 per "acre cash, payment. . balance \u25a0'purchase. 90 .cents "per month per acre.; • \u25a0-. close \u25a0 San.F rancisco;" no taxes, no interest; 5 : " :. acre tracts ; level, rich, clear, ready to plow.. irrigated; perpetual I w.ater right r ! ilnimediate • .p'osseßsion; particulars, maps', photographs -• ftwe.-. . STEVENSON COLONY.- 1414 Market, st.-. 3. F. BEST, alfalfk- land in'the] state-; -5.. crop? a. year .' guaranteed' -.' without Irrigation:'-.: Only/ a. few \u25a0 10 : acre .piece • Tef t ; - terms : •'• irabch'es- .for ex- • cliaagev. for .Berkeley. or- Oakland.- property.- ' . 2539 Ellsw.6rth: st:, Berkeley;- , ; Phcine Berkeley /•8269. ' ' \u25a0 .\u25a0•.\u25a0-'.•'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•.\u25a0- :*..;-\u25a0'\u25a0>'.:•.\u25a0.\u25a0'\u25a0'\u25a0' • \u25a0IDEAIy sentlenian's ' home 'lie'sf . Sati Joso." Cal:,> '-.- -with-, largo';ra-npk:-'largi! crop, insurintf coo/i inome; price $22,250.: '-ti'rms.madp -satis- factory.'. Box 172, ' R.-. -Fi : I), \u25a0 N»>. : 'G. '.Ran \u25a0Jpsc; Crl.;; '..*• :,."'\u25a0' : . , '"-.;*': \u25a0\u25a0.''\u25a0\u25a0 ". .?-.:; THOUSANDS: of chickens': buy «t chiefcen fanh on , *-:the Cotati-.'r,a.ricb,-; near-Petaluma; -several- bun- . -.dred fainlljea'already- raising.' thousands. Apply . to the COTATI.: C 0... :310" California.,: San \u25a0\u25a0• -Francisco. .l.owiiera -of. pra'perty.^ ..'-:\u25a0- '• . .-.- : - Ol^K Kern. Vbutit>' jaiiUs have an abundance ' of -. .free' waiter; just. 'tße- thing -for : tfeesi vines,- . poultry. , hogs, .dairying.- 'eta :•' 10. yearft'. ' time." . , -.PJaHters* -LariS Company,- suite.. 206,-',Metl-cipoiis - bank buildipg::. /..:•;•';.- '::;;' ,'x •;;' : \u25a0: .--.'- I" HAVE . if.o. acres Vf land.: k'ear : Redding. ' Cal..' \u0084- fpr'^alej invprovements upto date;: ftne'. income .- orchard;' old age.- reason, for'-'selll-ng; no 'agents'; ' -;pjteej $8;.00p.. .- Bpi:.,;l;4yiS.- .Call ;»fffe>.-»"-..-,- - .;\u25a0 ' : . '. : Fi)|t rent-rf-:F-iir.n;lsfic;<K house- of--" 10 .-rtgVtas-v : for . \u25a0 -suinmei;. -. mrtntßft;. : ;o^ "'hwi-ker "\u25a0' to-, risjit , . party': . r-;l,-irt<' .\-.iii'..l:'iiiiVf- KiiiJiU-.: afiio'.rK>ii?e T*t : -Carihel.'.- \u25a0; , 1.t.0x-'.- B.' '.Call . of &c;c.'.- San " : Jof>e: .Cjrl: •,';;;.'.;. .\u25a0 \u25a0 •'"_ •• "•-, bearing: yinejrard.,,'.-fepiise arcftaM^ fair ; fm.prt>T«: •...-niehts;'. flue. l^fftfonT^goiod'-wateriyiß igritiw.: i-^nd^ ..-w>^LvPjpMtv;-;.uktgiiv. <Ul ;.-r J; \u25a0 : y~" ; \u25a0"•;•'-' '\u25a0':,'>.-" /l > :'.:;>.• fti : i«'LANTis.: '.-.:.-;'•\u25a0 .'y-'.>: .-,= ;.'-; acre's. pToving' oil lind for sale, \u25a0:Bake"rsfiel(i;'.- ; Kern..-, cpiJnty.r.- : Foi>;-:,part"icular!i .-'.299. 'build;|i)g;;:;y;-.F, :A>: OBEKXiRyKR::^. '- :-;LAE'GE tract.-. '-of - ; ; i-ii'. .l»n"d/-'Deiir.-iiirpsp<?' .i-;., growing.-- tittWn'-'fi)r .\u25a0stfie.-ai'.-i '\u25a0- bargaln-.-.V F. -it- :. .. DA;RRaW k . corner- 42th. and Jackson < gts,; ft*fc-li l*nd. \u25a0':*'% - ' - •ro|ieiit-^iQ "iere'.;.r4.n'chi ; :in' Castrd' y»oer: spring ;. ! : -w.a-t>r Riwd to. hbqjgj. 2 toliea.i.frimr.. Hay ward, '} I ELLIS: BiROS;.-; 4e&-llta. -at, 'Cteklarid.s. ; /BEAUTIRIfiJ- y.iila;and'hptel':.Bites : :for sale-.og *oe :: .Vl? ; !iiff:>La^ -.-; -:.'::-;';; i :'V:.;- -r>r- '.:.]'). \u25a0 V.-j;.;'^; M^.j ??3p buy.B;'2-i^- acres " rich^.'^evei, 'sandy 'ibain near. \u25a0 ; : : \LtverineJre •; $10 .' down .and' s's : per : inontfii: RICH • ' ; t.yALLEy XAND jC.Qif PAN Y^ - 54>: .Matket -sV" ' ; ' : PQ-ft' farms,' stpck-.r'dofches - : an.d'-flmber;»lands; 4ee i McFAT \u25a0 j ! » i WARDS. 330 Chronicle building. -1 : ;AtFiX.IJGAN'>. "la-nds-.-'in: .1". 1 " : iafg:«>-,'ahS- \u25a0 snikll.-. tracts ;-. j ;: :->c]|iea'p.'. v i 0l «; l bttigVr : . '\u25a0;;.\u25a0 j . F?>.R. :;sale^r-2 §\u25a0• 'lai-VVsVi'^np' .-location:;— iiie;a r- : Mcnlo \u25a0-\u25a0'\u25a0'\u25a0Park. '; Owner.' ;*32.iX : . 'room. ?4.fe r.-.--..-. \u25a0 F:p-li *;ome ; : 1i. : ,-r66ims;.- yard; \u0084 --'^x1 60.:-. 'JqVmo>t".:d«strahle-.feBiden : ce -district' <(f • .- : city, '•to 1 -ns ;.. S7^>*nbnth:V lea'se '. 2 '.years- '.of •; ; \u25a0tpogor. 'VSfjp' Owner; 2n'ip.:H>ljegB3g a.v.v \u25a0••".\u25a0-;. i*Oli KHle^Cottjfge-t'd PerieieyVs2,SoO; : .?150 cash \u25a0 \u25a0.reqiilr<Hl.. I'hpri.p'Plfdroon.t 2T2(>. \u25a0,;'.- -'\u25a0-•"• \u25a0;; tlO.USfc.- .7- -rooms 1 , '•porches,: frees, - Bpyrets; -swing', . j .;.- plenty yiard xo'oni.;'-just,th;e. place fo£. children; \u25a0 key' 1422 .Ilawthorite terrace;'. "Phone -Berk.- 4523. : ' :^JttEJRICEJU^^I7R-jit«i.HED RO6mS .. CllAi^ilNG:':-^ way,. . 2C32-^lp.* beantffpl .'biodern : homy: good;b<Vard-.Be.arb,v:' Pe.rfceley. . -.- " '' . BjmKJGLJEY -.HOUSE: -K.lßEPi.jfft? lid 6. MS . 2 FURNISHED. ' rooms '. for ""hpnse -keeping; --near \u25a0 Grpve St.. ' S. P.'-ahd. Kej 'Route' trains; $17. ISIO. Prince st.; South \u25a0 'Berkeley: .'-.-'\u25a0;•• '. \u25a0\u25a0 . . .\u25a0 ' ' ALA>iEt»A ; REAL ESTATE • : $200 .down; - price -$2;C50;- beautiful, new 'hunga- ! low home. See WELLS & BANGS., -306 Chron- ' lele building.'-.- .\u25a0'..»\u25a0'--';.- -'-.y \u25a0.'\u25a0"; . '-, \u25a0\u25a0.-\u25a0\u25a0' . AMMEp/inoi^RSTo'Trj 1 :;;;. BEAUTIFUL' modern -Alameda. -'-Ijonie,-- on. ? bay shore; unfurnished or partly. f'urnishrd: . Apply 1000 Sherman st:;. phone Alameda 2f>90.; t ; SANTA CLARA; av.; -12(Hi.,- Alatnefla-rCompletely . furnished 4 room tmncralow; adults; .references-. Inquire 070 Park «t. • \u25a0 . -' \u25a0\u25a0.•\u25a0'*•\u25a0\u25a0-'. — - . - A I A EPA FLATS TO LET 2-flats. 5 rooms each; bath, gas; one furnished; \u25a02ljlg_wnd_'>ls.' \u25a0\u25a03g.'iO;,Kncinal.av.' near .High' Bt. ALAMEDA ROOMS AXD BOARD CLEMENT : st.V 2101 4 ' Alameda— Sunny -rooms; gooil- Imard-: marine.. view: home: comforts. C S. ALAMEDA HOUSE- KEEPING .ROOMS CENTRAL- .'av., :4T-4,-"Cth. -st."' 'Station— On the . hearb: rent .low-: . safe bathing- and : boating. • O. A.-WA.KKKIKLD. \u25a0-'- ' -•'\u25a0'\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0'..\u25a0\u25a0 :\u25a0 !' OAKLAXp REAL i. ESTATE -.".•> \u25a0•\u25a0'\u25a0..'•'";: ''?4,250." ' \u25a0\u25a0 ..'..' f. MUSST' BK' SOLD. \u25a0 i \u25a0 Beautiful ; modern • bungalriw.VS rooms, hich basrtnent; la-rge- lot; .".minutes toj22d st. Key Houte local ; ' work,' sewexs aud ' sidewalks are- complete ; -lS2S.Yaldey st. near i'Oth. • _. :"". -\u25a0•'-•. \u25a0'.\u25a0 ..'. KASY/l-KHMS. . • - - ' : . •••'\u25a0;'. . \u25a0; \x~^~ 0 . ; '.• ' *-' \u25a0.\u25a0•:'- .'MUST BR. SOLD. . - ' - .- .Beautiful,'- modern home, suiiny corner: shade trees -^a ml shrubbery; (5 rooms; 2 story; .'» minutes to- Key-u Route "\u25a0 local; .'good- streetcar ne-rvlce; e.wnep .on .premises; call any -time; -S9S Soth st. corner ..Jiarket. '• • -V. ' . .- - ..-• : .-' . ' TKUMS.- '\u25a0" \ • ' ' o : .A. K. nKUCIVAL.- Owner;. ' - \u25a0:•'-,'-: Bacon block,. Onkliiml. Cal. '; .-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 T<»l.ephoney--Oa.klan(.i;4S2-. i i'ictlmimt' !>l4. BKC-EN.TLY' flnislredi— A juodern^J r.xiin bunga- • low— (wjth atticj ;i beuined paneled • I walls; large brjck firep.Uie,; cabjuet, kitchen ; : owner ou. premises.' ."irith st. near t (!rove. : op- • . poslte, K*y ..Route station; '\u25a0\u25a0 Sunday ' »nd Monday, :: 3 .to 5; take. Claremont Key' Route. • \u25a0\u25a0;-^s::'---f; C- C. '•EyERETT-.' 50S.J Telegraph ay., Oakland. '. '\u25a0\u25a0 '• \u25a0:.'\u25a0.! Specialtbargain-, \u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0;\u25a0. B . $2,500 T -Pair of flats, 4 \u25a0 rooms and bath ! in lower. -v;' . ••\u00845-' rooms\u0084 5 -' rooms nnd bath .In upper'rlot 30x90; near \u25a0-.; Key 1 Route -station ;«ssoo down, $25 month; '-, the: rent .will pay for; the" property. "•''.-.. - - ' \u25a0•;-. -.: ;a.: j. -snydeu;" . ; "•'.'-..\u25a0 \u25a0 c :-'. 001.' Broadway,' Oakland; Cal: • ' FOR ': sale^-Nbw iamllup 1 to '.date j 6 room' Queen :;Anne:uonBe;:spl.;ndid. neighborhood; 1566 13th \ a y. ;. terminus Hth r ar. :> ,-a ri me; \u25a0 \u25a0 terms '• easy ; ' : op.en -..for inspection 'today- and tomorrow. .--- Apply, B7i)i.2<>tU: ; st.. : Kast; Oakland.-/ - , BA-RGAIN^-Beautiful*^ moiern' - home, 5 large . rooms :• fine - location : • near % school, • cars, park - and ; »-cy-' Route; ' owner.- leaving- city; -must • Bell;:iwrce.s3.-(»o. terms. --Call on owner.' 6133 \u25a0 • Racine ; st. : phone : IMedmonf. 4384. ;.:;: \u25a0 ~:~ -\u25a0 VERY desirable building, lot/ S9xllO feet, In ex- • cellent residence district; 'will sell -for- Sl'2so* \u25a0 : : easy , terms. . ELLIS, ; 46B : IIth st. r Oakland. .- - « W oiS^7o^ cottas?e ' 9r9 r 5 rooulB 'and. bath: only -, »-,_oi»; \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ?joo " down, balance $20 v . per - month : ; close- 1 to-, station.- 'lnquire rJAS.fc HALL 2 5533 .:.>anPablo-av.. w Oakland.-. '\u25a0;\u25a0\u25a0 n<« ! .V^ >^ WN - s2 ° FER -MONTH , : Doesn t thisi beat? rent V. -, 4 j room . cottage : street \u25a0:: dreBs ; i42o:Broadway. i Oaklapd. •-'.?. *,v- • f I-,WILL_- sell ray equity, of '$525 in : bnlldinp \ lot '.^s^ Pledmo «s station .for $423 cash,, balance -.<»«W»sonjieasy-t»'rniw.--:--BoT- JMS. •C.nW •\u25a0• of floe, i let, FOR ; rent. > furnished— Modern : 6 . room - cottage; hr? large:yard;;;lnJE«!<ts Oakland:? rent :$37.50,.1n-i :-^clndlne-warer.-?-jir,~2 j <M\y t nr - ; >\u25a0\u25a0»\u25a0•**\u25a0\u25a0 -\u25a0" \u25a0' • ••' : ' \u0084 ' ' ' '—mmm, i /"- OAKW^ioiiiiS^LET- ";: :\u25a0'\u25a0 | FKOM;*Ju'ue&ls*to:'Aiicuste 15-^Furnished fbouse?" I „ 5 rQoms,^R!isSforJ;bath?and * 't-opklnx ;? piano: \+| garden ; g. no £ children ; J references ; f rent. - ' 6T4 ' | ;IJ2di6t.;;ucar: Grove. > 7 ' oak lax d' ** EAl i^E* T^ r Sri^£Ss*iSSsiJ •.'V. AN EXTRAORDINARY OFFER! j ; AN fiXTBAORDINARY OFFER! '"'• -••'-\u25a0 \u25a0 •-.; .";'' ;'or. ; -. • :•/;. >.. : . LINDA VISTA LOTS. . . : .. UNBA TISTA LOTS. r : : HILL VIEW. :r LAKE TrEW. , : ! \u25a0;\u25a0'•• mLL ; -'viEw;^V :'V"\ : /LAs|i: view. :<jsf, ';;''( &ILL*TIEW. " LAKB VtEW. : , T^iisir;;»w-,p.0WN,,; 520:A!:-MbN.Tii; asd ' yjIjJTERJE^T' : FpRp^THB.-^BiEST:.; AJfD ; .'.- >\u25a0-.: WMOST^IGHiLx;' tPTS'}'IJJ LINDA: \u25a0 .;')'\u25a0 : Vv:-:~:-^iv. : r.^isf A^bisTfticiC;; " "!':'„•£.- ' '. ; 'You' '%HI "never .\u25a0\u25a0'asaln' ''bava-'.. each van. op'por- ttintiy.- to: se?nre \u25a0sach.-maEniacfnt and sightly lots- op. such' Tidteulbusly.-. low payments.. ' Prices ar'e'lßO.jreasonable I•' dare . not : advertise ' them. Seven' minutes" by : car- to 'property-. ".Street- work' bqmp.lete. . . .:.'.. _'\u0084-.••\u25a0 *• .;\u25a0 '.-• ' :': ' '\u25a0': \u25a0 \u25a0 •• f HI3, ADf EJEITISEMENT \u25a0 WILL /APPEAR FOB' TWO WEEKS ONIiY,- AND SALE WILL SOT COMMENCE UNTIL JUN£ 5, 1909. A good building restriction or. property. I' re- serve the right to reject any offer to purchase. Automobiles at office to take prospective pur- chasers to the property on SUNDAY: from 9. t0 12, or any time during week days. \u25a0 \ \u0084 ..» for Further lnformatloii, Apply to the Ofllce ot \u25a0 A. J. SNYDEB, - - « 901 BROADWAY, at STH STREET, V t , t ,", •* '. - \u25a0' - \u0084 - .-"-- 1 -. *~~~ ', I . ij .jO.-^J^;^X | D;_.jF.^VfS^TO n| LCT^^^^ d FURNISHED flat for rent; half block Key Rout* s ,*t.itioD.' Piedmont; '5 rooms; "lot" 100; lawn.* pt>rches, 'beautiful streetr rent $37.50. should r^ $45: everythins new. 3901 Hr»w# st. ALICE st.. -1317--2 furnished r<>oni!«: also Htngia r"*>ni-. «DltaPl«» for 2: bath, lawmlry. yard. FretITVAI.EKE.VL ESTATE • SPECIAL BARGAINS ' , tN frcitvalk! $2,soo— New ' 3> "rcom bungalow, moflern through- out: rlose to can* and locals; fine location: street work anil itidfwa'ks complete; lot 40*141; also adjoinlu? lot can bo had - t*he*p: price redtwed from $3.15)4; terms 5300 down and Vio raontlily. 12.450— Cot Wge. 5 rooms and bath: new i and modern: lot 40x2^4; 12 fruit trees;nese car lines; easy torrn^. 82<K> — New sod m'wl«rn 4 -room fottage Mf!» . pantry, bieh l»»'nt: l»rs« lot: eem«at walks; t«ans %:^\\ duwn, balance like rent. ?1,15rt — A dandy 3 room btinsalow (furni*her|i. batb. toilet, wasu trays; hard finished- electricity and sa«: lot 2SxKSO; cement * walks; garden. nOMK. INVESTMENT Cd. 19-28 Fmitvn'e «v. cur. Old County Road. ' AA — FORT *iie — ." room ba.-H'ment eotta;«. S4<iO IJo.vd ay.. Fmitvate; gas and etectrtcitj: \u25a0 corner lot: south ami wesr front sge ; only :i blo-k^ from Southern f*a«inc 'Station: term.* \u25a0 ! *2,700; |1,50'> cash, balance easy installments. _ Inquire on premise*. - . - £I^JS AJ\_M ATEO_ RE A L ESTATE HAYWARD PARK. SAN MATTO. HAYWARD PAUK. &AN MATEO. ""» minutes from San Francisco. 25 miuutes from San Francisco. . All lots front on two streets. All lots front on two streets. Do you rcni>inber Buriingame 10 years as"T Do you' remember how San Mateo park topkefl « years ago? Well, compare Hayward park n natural advantages with either of these splen- didly successful tracts and you'll see what H in »tore for the ground fl*or buyers at Hayward, park. Conditions at 3an Mateo will chans» mightily la the next year. Tbe Peninsula, hotel Is bound to draw the growth ot the- town "*•» south, and Hayward park D «djoin* this graat hotel. There's a great opportcnlty opea to thus» , \u25a0 who buy lots no». The proposition is: Are> yon. going to avajl . yourself of the chanoe this time, or are yon ' zoliig to wait, like many did when we opened. Burlingame and San Mateo park, and tell yon?- friends what you "might have made" an«l i- didn't? Now. don't read this and decide to go down "some day." lio NOW. See as first if y<Hi' wish. History is going to repeat itself ant!:, Hayward park will be the battleground. Marie our word for that. - ° Macadamzled streets. '. Gas and electricity. '•"-.: Away from tbe fogs." ;; ; • All a land ride — no ferry. ..'.;. . Big lots; double frontage. . • ;. Easy terms; immediate possession. , BALDWIN & HO WELL. SIS-334 Kearny st..S.r. FRANK S. GRUMMON, 246 B St.. San Mateo. \u25a0\u25a0:-:\u25a0\u25a0 THE BOWIE ESTATE COMPANY Will offer at private sale from and after Jun» 1. 1909 the hitherto reserved villa residence prop- erties adjoining and lying to the north, west and south of the San Mateo polo club grounds, in El Cerrito park. San Mateo. CaL Toe sites offered are. ia a highly picturesque and ahettered local- ity;.' approached by wide avenues and commaadiaj superb Tiews. . S. V. w. W. water, sanitary sewer gjstem. gas and electric lighting- and telephone. . \u25a0 One mile from the S. P. R. R. station and 10 minutes* walk to the electric car. For t«mi» apply to HENRY P. BOWIB. SEV- ERN LODGE. SAX MATEO, or to WM. H. . CONE, agent, 203 B ST., SAN MATEO. Phone 14ft- ..'-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 , ...... THE BOWIE ESTATE COMPANY Will- offer at private sale from and after June 1. IGO3. the Jiitherto reserved villa residence prop- , erties adjoining and lying to the north, west and scutb of tber San. Mateo polo club grounds. In XI -' Cerrito Park. San Mateo. CaL. The sites offered are in a highly nlctnrestwue •'""* sheltered local- • Ity, approached by wide avenues and command- Ing superb views. \u25a0\u25a0> ", .:S. V. W. W. water, sanitary sewer sjstetn. gas and electric lighting and telephone. One mile from the S. p. rt. B. station and 1 3 ; minutes* walk to the electric car. For terms apply to* HENRY P.' BQWIE. SEV- ERN LODGE.- SAX MATEO. or to Wlf. H. ' CONE, agent, 20S B St.. SAN MATEO. Poona 14."L ' - ,'.'.o :\u25a0«\u25a0\u25a0:* b- » ;-•'.\u25a0 ..I^PJ^R^tXCAa^RE^irUESTATE^^ FOR sale .or to lease — 7 rooms and bath. fnr» . . nUhed or unfurnished; close to S. P. and elec- tric railroads. Apply 103 Highland ay., Box* ; Ungame. San Mateo. ALTO REAL ESTATE FOB SALE— At sacrifice, in Palo Alto; owner called east; -beautiful residence. 2 baths; 75 foot lot; excellent part of town: 7 blocks fnwi depot. THE UNIVERSITY REALTY CO.. Palo Alto. IDEAL country home; must be seen to be ap- preciated: price 832.500. Bos 2519. Call. \u25a0 S AX RAFAEL JgUQ JEgY.iLTE^^ UPLANDsJ— Beautiful home sites: no fog; pan- orama of bay and mountain; trees, boulevards, electricity, water, sewers, restrictions; adjoins New Country >CI«b:- lots 100 ft." to 25 acres, on easy terms ; \u25a0 conveyance* at - Union depot and , agents on tract Sundays. CADWALADER, - TAYLOR- & -CO.. ..-\u25a0O.-. Mills bldg.. S. F. .^ SATJ£A LjrTO JgI^ajESTATE \u25a0 • * \ j " FOR sale — 12 room noose; good sized grounds; 3 frontages; marine view. J. B. GRIM WOOD. Merchants* Exchange building. San Francisco. . _^JROSS^A_LJMEY_REAI. ESTATE BARGAIN at $10,000— This beautiful bom* must be seen to be appreciated. Telephone Staray 975 and get particulars. - , FAIR OAKS - MENLO By order of the W.J. Adams estate w« ars ofTerinc the beautiful home place on Middle- field \u25a0 road, in tracts of from two acrea np. This property contains I the finest oaks la the "Fair Oaks" Menlo district; is very conven- • lent to station and in best neighborhood. There- are only 13 part-els in all and we advis« those contemplating purchase to make Im- mediate selections. . Maps and prices on appli- cation. • F. J. RO DOERS Jc CO.. - ImWI RUSS BLDU. - 235 MONTGOMERY ST.- RUSSIAN RIVER REAL ESTATE $23 AND UPWARD— EASY TERMS. ™ Bungalow and camp sites at Camp Rose, near Uealdsburg; right on the river; large lota; nicely wooded: spring; water; send for Illustrated folder. C. E. RAY. 133 Lick bldg.. 35 Montgomery at. CLOVER DA 1.8 TERRACE-'^ BEST OF ALL. CLOVERDALE TERRACE. J Only one mile from Cloverdale. Cal.. on Rus---^ slan river and Pinton creek; line fishing, hunting, boating, swimminjr: large oak trees: tract now . being -surveyed; -watch for excursion announce- ment.. This property lies in beautiful terraces overlooking the town of Cloverdale. In Sonoma county. -W miles north of San Francisco, ;on N. P. B. R.; an electric line will soon run Uirougli the trart; electricity now Installed, ready for a«e; fine springs: only short distance from Me- Crsy'a famous resort. L. W. . JEFFERSOV . REALTY CO.. 350 Market »t.. S. F. SAXTA 'CRUX RE.iL ESTATE SNAP— Must sell my .$l2O smutty ia a -JOxIOO foot lot in Santa Cruz: balance of $S0 can b» paid In monthly • payment?: district rapid iv buildiagnp: 10 minutes walk to beach: mu3t itacrlflce. - - Address box 2*W2. Call office. ESTATE " LIST of propertres for sale or rent. Wrtt« PHILIP WILSON. Carmel hy tb«> Sea. CaL REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE PARTIES having country property to exchang* for property in Oakland or suburb* of O*st- - land, address STOKEY & BiCHARDS. 5004 East 14th St.. Mehrose, \u25a0 jvho hay* a fins v: of; exchange properties. FOR sale . or- exchange • for Berkeley property — 120 acres in -Yoba county: good water right; 3 'placer., claims, 4 <jtiartz ledges;-- also- 320 acres in Colusa couaty. L. H. ROGERS, 1411 Alcatraz ' aT.,-'Berkel«T- RANCH.. 200. acres. 9 mUw from Sao Mateo; farming • *a& - pasture land: plenty ot water, with some improvements; « snap' at $35 pep I acre, or win exchange for Income property. W. - W.V CASE Y. - 32tt Si . mv.r San Mateo. PROPERTY for exchange In Alameda coontr— "We bav# • tome clever bargains; can alwujr* •ait. The Realty Exchaugo and Investment Co.. "\u25a0 rooms <B and .: 64/ Bacon block. Oakland. - SKK my *j»i>cial quotations, active stocks. -Tnes- »lar.' before buying. Box 2K71. Coll offlce. ;' ;\u25a0 '^Ji^P?.:, '. .... * V 'V'' COALINGA-M^KITTRICK: investlcat!* <inWkW; * any. part* of.-' oar* ' section only 412 per were; patented ground: a ran», investment. -MARK -.' LAXK-C0..--243.8'.t»h «t.: pb«»ae Kenrny 2R2». BITSI-VJCSS^%VAXTED -J2_ ._-._. WANTED— Furniture. an»l. merchandise of all de- • »<-riptions. . If money, talks.' we have It. Slip ' k VEB.BnoS. & WARNER, 9»7-ftS» Mission »t^! J near : 6th. . - rbons \ Duuslaa : 2217. \ '