Newspaper Page Text
DECAYING FREIGHT GIVES NOISY ODOR Derelict May ' Now Be Located by Smell From Spoiled Coffee HE Pacific -Mail liner Acapulco, Captain O. G. Trask, arrived ear ly yesterday morning from Panama, and way ports with 17 passen gers, 1,486 tons of freight, and treasure valued at $63,322. As far north as Mazatlan the Acapulco was fa vored with fine weath er. After leaving: the Mevican port strong head winds were en countered. The Acapulco stopped at the wreck of the Indiana with orders for Chief Officer Kidston. who •Is In charge of the wreck, and mail for him •and those sharing his lonesome vigil. Neither lights nor buoys are now necessary, say those on the Acapul co, •as guides by which to find the Indiana. The coffee and other perish able freight that was not removed Is rotting, and in the process giving off an odor strong and distinctive and marking the whereabouts -i the wreck in unmistakeable terms. There is no change in the Indiana's position. ;.The Acapulco's passengers included: Edwin n. DtTinoß Georire P. .t*rsoa ' /• •J. Fujiia . ! r> r . Henrj MfCtaley w; Hon* • Teari A. Mtlcomb oho Kfim • Be&jimln Mar ; " " /^TJrrote I^cn -\u25a0\u25a0':--, Du s NlTeas »nd wl'ft - f.-nrwl E. Low and ir[T* rortiHo. •' V;. . . L;.- ' .Mayß e \ary De«erter» •; V V'". \u25a0• ihe Norwegian etearner Eir arrived yesterday from South America, by "way of San Pedro. After leaving San Pe dro two stowaways were found bidden amongr the chains in the forepeak. They *ray« their nim«t a« Joseph Reilly and John Sweeney and are believed to be deserters from the United States, navy. The immigration officials decided .that Iheyhad no authority to order them held, but Captain Marcussen, who doea not like stowaways, will give the na val authorities a chance, to tjuestiori Reilly and Sweeney before he turpi them loose.'- • \u25a0' \u25a0 \u25a0' ~ °1.----' •\u0084"-.-• I The Eir brought 4,009 tons .of ni trate .and 1,400 tons of -.sugar. "" .•'..•'• .. • >>tt IMlota on Dwtr Today. : . :. Captains Bruguiere and, Shea; the -newly-appointed bar pilots, will report for duty today., and It is! more than likely that each of them wijl take a \u25a0ship to sea. Captain Bruguiere. who was appointed in place ot Pilot Reed, assigned to the first ship leav ing, probably the Japanese liner Nippon Maru. but. if \u25a0 the French steamer Amlrar Hamelin sails first. Shea will take the Nippon and Bruguiere the Frenchman. In cruising Captain Shea will keep his pajamas and slippers on the pilot schooner Pathfinder.- Cap tain .Brugiere will be at. home on the America. • -. -." \u25a0" \u25a0•• . : .-\u25a0,\u25a0.-.-.. Hat Filipino Crew. The barkentine S, S. Castle, which arrived here yesterday from Manila, was worked home toy an ail Filipino crew. Captain Lund, who took the vessel -.from here, was relieved at Manila bji Captain Yon Dallen, who was sent out from here. " Lund paid off the crew shipped on this side. .The Httle brown sailors proved willing and sble, and the Castle made the run home in 60 days. .: The cargo was 650 tons of copra. . -. . . : '. ; Mppoo Maru <bllii Today The Japanese liner : Nippon Maru, Captain Fllmer. will sail toaay for the far east with passengers and a full cargo. Among the passengers will be a large number of government em ployes bound for Manila. The Nippon will not go to the Philippine port, but will give the Manila passengers trans fers at. Hongkong. .' Colorado Satla Xorth The U. S. armored cruiser Colorado, Captain Moore, sailed j-esterday for Puget sound to join the rest o*f the fleet at the opening of the Seattle fair, and the supply ship Glacier Is now the only navy ship in man of war row. Water Front Note* Receipts of lumber yesterday by. sea amounted to 4,t»03,000 feet. The bark S. C. Allen, from Eureka, arrived yesterday at Honolulu. The Oceanic steamship company's liner Alameda, Captain Dowdell. Is due today from Honolulu. The tug Hercules will leave today for Acapulco to tow to this port th« four masted British ship Simla, which was « partly destroyed by fire, ana which was purchased for local parties by Kinder & Matthews. . ... Saved by Wlrelena GL'ATJIA?. Mex.. May 31. — Through the use of wireless telegraphy the American isteamer Precursor, rendered helpless by a broken propeller, was restfUed from a dangerous position and toA'ed . into, this port yesterday. The Precursor had drifted aimlessly for three day?, when a wireless communi cation wa.*. • had with this port. A tug rt-as sent oil t and brought the steamer into port. Rome of the passengers had become uncontrollable from fear and had >- locked In their, staterooms. SHIPPING NEWS OF COAST Items of Interest to Mariners . .. of the Pacific^ TACOMA, Mar Sl.— Steamer Edith was in p^rt t<vla.r. loading carjro for Alarka. S teatner Jefferson also loaded peritbable cargo for Alaska. I'arlDjr for 'Seattle, i Steamer Meteor shifted from Seattle for gen eral carjro. • c , : Steamer Admiral Samp*on left port: for Seattle. Steamer falcon *b]fted to Seattle to «>m- lil»te earf o for Nome. \ British eleamer Foxton Hall is dee this eten- In? from British .Columbia, to load for the west coa*t. I t&X PEDBO. May 31,— The •reamer Hanalet "^^••rired from San Francisco , with frelf ht and passengers, and will c|ear tomorrow , on it* return trip. Tbe iteamer Francis H. !>«>jrjrett arriTed today from Eureka, carrying - l/M.OOO ftet ef lumber. The Meamer National City arrlred from Men domino with lumber, dlM*nar£»6 part ot ita cargo anfl cleared i 'it Saa Di^po with the 'remainder. Tfce German rteamer Ella railed today, bonnd from Corinto for VancouTer, B. C; with freight and passenger*. ' VICTORIA, B. C. May 3l.— An 'agreement is beint made between thf Oxaka Sboshen Kaiufca. the flow Japanese steamship Hoe that Is to operate In coooeciton with the Chlcaro, Mil waukee «nd Ft. PaJul railroad and the older line, the Nippon Yosen K«i«ha, whereby the p<w#tt<nit.T of a rate war Ir •TOlded," according tn advices recelred from Japtn. A' »cbednle will be so arranged a* 'to glre weekly Mrrlce T hel *<Ta* m< ' r * ° f tb * " tW ° UD *"* » lt « rn «tlna;. In A report is current that the «earner Georrfa will be- sr.ld t« a Chiorte *.rndicate at Pan Diego, i It i« Mated that the Lonadale will alco *itbdrr.w frcra the Mexican-Canadlaß Hae. POKTLAIO). Ore.. May 3i:— After harlnr fpent £» houm on a sandbar in Ttllamrwk bar the steamer Arso arrired here yesterday little the wotm for her * experience, and . with 1.200 c«SfS of cheese and a full list of caa senitera on board. Thin afternoon the Areo will go Into drydock for xepalra «o her propeller. Kut it Is expected that ebe.will be out In" time fo jnake her t net t refular trip. Next trip will hea-in earrTja lumber from T!Il»m<» V /or the. Clark tt Wilson ilumber company at Ltnnton. {.?'. V\l:h' the«lara-e«t rircn lh»t Itir t»mi>l haa \nnug ht up for some time, the cteamer Nome «Mry arrived at Owch . street, dock; thla after ji-f-u. Brsitles - aboat "40 yer *»nter», th* Nome «;iry hag'atioard 2;f«W' barrel* of aspbaltom and S/tftO ton* of reoeraU merchandise.- \u25a0, -;\ The *teamer Majestle left for " Lincton at 1 o'clock thin afternoon to - getg et ber deck lotd ot lumber, after which «be will proceed to ' Saa' Francisco.* /^BR9BH|kBBBHHP IVII)^BW*aNH9aCBl V ll)^BW*aNH9aCB Tb« rteamer Rose City a rri red at the Aini worth dork thia erento* .~Wß&*&BSmßpfcKßFß&& Ererythlnc is Wnr morwl from the Ala <>l a dorks today. *Crt if the water oontlnnet to rite fLf'"' pretect rale, th«> contents of .lower ."Atas *W?ii docks, will probably.- bit* to.benjoTed ia^f couple 'tit day*. The machinery and raer ehandice nn the Ash etreet dock: are also, -beinir tnored today, aa . the . rtrer * has risen \u25a0- a ; little more rapidly thsn was expected. - The rlrer roi<e rtx-tenths of a foot since yesterday mornlnr. " The nritich bark «ulf ftream reached, harbor ihi» evening frora Antwerp, "with, a carijo of cement. • , .."\u25a0*"* AiSTHRIA. Ore., '' May 81.— Oil f tanker Arpyle arrired Sunday eTcnliur \u25a0 with ia ? carp> ' of - fuel e!l end 1pf t np the rirer to discharjte. / ttUtjar.r .Santa Cms arrived Suciaj etec» — Liner Acapulco Pays Visit to Wrecked Indiana from Seattle to assist in raising' oil barge No. 91, which 1s «unk \u25a0 in tha> lower, harbor. Schooner Compeer left > oot today for San Francisco with a cargo 'of lumber . loaded at Halnler. . " . - . ." ': ° Steamer Rose City arriTed this morning from Saa FTaneisc© with freight -and passengers. ,-!' Steamer Notne Oty arriTed last ' ere.nlnx from Saa Francisco with freight and paMsngers. * Schooner Compeer cleared at the' custom house Sunday for Saa " Francisco, with «• carjto of 400,000 feet of lumber loaded at Rainier. . SEATTLE, May ai.— ArriTed: Steamer Gov ernor from San Francisco. • • • . galled: Steamer Jefferson for gkagway. with tn passeog^m. • " • . • " • Steamer Dolphin wiled for" Juneau Sunday with its port main tallihaft broken. Toe Dolphin is a twin screw' steamer, and will probably arrlTe B*fe on time, about midnight Wednesday. ' . I-'-. . ; : . ' CJ> '.- H \u25a0 Army Traaaporta ' ' The Lofran Is' ln. port. \u25a0" \- " '••; : The Crook is" In port. •\u25a0 •'.\u25a0: The Bnford Is la r«rt. - . . •/. The Sherman Is In- port. ' . \u25a0 . . - - - . - The Warren Is at Manila. :„ ••• ' . \u25a0 i" ' \u25a0 The KUpatrick left Manila .May 1; bound to New Tort, Tla Suea. -.. • ." •\- ' :,-* ; . The Rherldan. outward bound, sali*l May lb from Honolula.. . •'.-.\u25a0 •'••' „ The Thomas sailed May 15 fropa Manila and frftsn .Nagasaki May -20... . The Dtx, from Manila .-.for Seattle, arrtTed Stay •14 . at' Honolulu.- •" '/'.-• . v-. f<- •Weather Report Cnited . State* Department of AgricttltTire-|- TTeatber^BDrean. Ran Francisco.. May 31, l»09 . . RAINFALI. DATA -. ;. • ; .' . P " "' s : .• Last \u25a0 'Seasonal \u25a0 .Nor : Staticns-r-,- ' " - 24 hours .to date 0 mal . EMreka :...i •..-.".. 0.00 . ° 42.7.3 44.99 P.ed Bluff. .%'.......... 0.00. »0,81 ,24.57 Sacramento a", s .-.,.. \ o*o^. .21.75 -. 19.94. Mti Tamalpais -.*..".. 0.00 -85.61. -22.63 Ban Francfseo ...*.* 0100 . 25-57 . 22. W Sari ' JOse .:. .\.:...... 0 .00. ' . 1.8 .2« a 12. 92 Fresno ..... . .- . . .'„ . s 0.00 " " ' 9 . 79 ' ft. 5S Independence', ..0.00 '„ 8;OQ -..9.44 San Lain Oblspo ...... 0.00 • 31;37. ... '20.41- Los .Ahgele* ..... '0.00." \u25a0 .„\u25a0 19.07 '. c 15.5": San Dlega -\u0084..;.:.. 0.00 ' 10.23.- 9.88 Coast record, for 12 bour» ending: 5 p.m. • •• •>: ,:vv » • «:"5 A:' \u25a0* c^a -; • . •-'•.;-•; 3 ;\u25a0>*': .? :.» .-,"g - ••..»? • stations": J . ••'.V'j- ;.*--: •'\u25a0? -?5' .-.'..-\u25a0" '\u25a0 • " \u25a0^\u25a0•' •? •' \u25a0\u25a0. . ..-•.': : . '\u25a0" BaWr .•i;..,.^80.08 S2 4S. B • Pt.Cldy >00 Boh* '. ..,...'.-•. 30.04 $4 50 'W ' = " PtXldy. .00 Eureka \u0084.^...,30.04 53 °50 'W " Clear .00, flagstaff. ".•;.*.*&.\u25a0<» ;.74"0'46- NW' Clear .. :po Frenno '.:. . . ". .29.84 10« .C 8 W . Cl»ar . \u25a0 -.oi> Independence. . .29. f« 90 c P9*Nv Clear. "iOO, Lo* Aagelea ;..29.78 98 "«S W VPt.Cldy ,-.00 Modena ..-.. .29 .94 715 ... B •\u25a0% Clear . .<"«. Mt. Tamalpai;'.2d.99 'JBi -72 '.X TV- Oe«r wPO, North Head; ..25.96 M 52- N : ;. Cloudy : .00 Phwnlx ...\.:».«2 -98 70 SW Clear " .00 Pocatello. ....30.00 7«, 4B NW" Clear .00. Pt. Reyes Lti.29.MW-. 49 NW° foggy. i.OO Portland .'... 29.03 84 M Qi-. Pt-CidJ 1 .00, Red Bluff ...i. 29.92 «5 6« RE Clear .06 Reno .:•.... '..2».«2 .84 46 'NE Pt-CldyiOrt Rosrhurg. '..'.. -29.-90 .' K,s^ SW -Olear •' .00 Sacramento -.•,.». »4 94 62 SW Clear- :-. .00 Salt Lake ...50.02 .70 :.-.. W ' Clear . .00 San Diego .. .2!>.78 ' 8«° «8 . NW' Cle>r \ ;wi, San Francisco .29. »2 90 M NW' Clear • ,00 San Jose ....29.82 90 .-.- NW Clear .'.OO Sail .L "88 6« W .t>ar • .00. B. E. Farallon.29.J» M'JTiXNW Fog)?y' .00 Spckane • ..:.'. .SO.IO «v»"6«- XT/. .'Ooudy. .I*o Summit" :'• :'- : .:..... 78 68. .Calm Clear ":. 100 Taccma 30.02 32 M N Pt.Cldy -.00 Tnnftpah . ; . . .59.M S2 j 88- ,\W- Cle*r • '.- .00 Tatoosb 30.02 «2 48 E • Cl«ndy" .00 Walla -Walla. .80.00 88 ,M >'E-- Clear- ...00 Wlnnemocca ...30,<H- -84 /48 .NE . Ci»ady .-vOO Yowa- ....... 29.62 106- 78 X ' : Clear-" .f"0 •ATeragr.sno'w xm jrronnd 53 incne»'. : \u25a0•"\u25a0 ••:"•\u25a0 • ' % " >\u25a0\u25a0 • PTNOPSIS \u0084'• \u25a0" \ . Warm -weather "preralls • orer all the Psrlfle •lope, escept tbe;lmirie4iate . ec'aiitt .trfcere- It. is cool and togfj. : In the: great Tallej- temperature* rang* . from ©4 tfl> 100- desrreeii.. There "has ;been -no- rain -west «f "the . Rocky mountain*. -. " • . • • ' •'•" ••\u25a0.- The reUtlte •humidity at -Red BJnff was SC per- cent and at Fresno. 25 J>er ir*nt- .'\u25a0' Foreeart mart* sit San Frincltep for the. 30 hours endtnic at midnight Jane 1.- 1909. / San Francisco \u25a0 and Tlcinltr— Fair Tuesday, rorvler «ita fof la tt<> morntnff and -at night; lifht Math wind (-banging to brisk »«t. v :".-.' \u25a0 Saata Clara- Talle.r^-Falr Tuesday," not so. warns; lljftt north wind*. • . \u25a0• \u25a0\u25a0"•: ° •.". Sacramento Talley — Fair, .cooler /_ Tuetdar) lipht sooth wind*. \u25a0 . - ' .-• - San Joaqula Talley — Fair • Tuesday, :contln.ued warm: lijht west wind. •••.' - "• -.'- \u25a0 "' I>o« Angeles and Tlcinity — Tslr Tuesday,- con r tinned warm; light north wind*.. .„.-%• A. G.MeADIE. District ' Forecaster/ MOVEMENTS OF "-'STEAMERS TO AHRIVE '-• • Trom. . |.*.- Steanier— . ] Date' CnQulUe Rirer Plzabetb . May SI Portland k A»tor!a.... Northland " ..... inoe 1 Gmit» Harbor '. G. C. Llndauer, June" 1 Hambnrf ft Way- Ports Sals ..-....'. .v.. June I. Humboldt -...'... City' of Topeka!. June J Corinto Tla Sao Bit*.'. [Ella "... ... .'...'. Jqne \u25a0 1 Honolulu lAUtneda Jnare. 1 Hankow U ICarattu ?emlnole ..-. June 1 Ban Pedr0' ....... -, Haaalfi " Jnne 2 Graft Harbor \u0084. Nonrood .......... June -2 Grays Harbor . . , . . . .-. Chebalis ....... J.uae 2 Point Aresa & Albion. Porno -...::..;.. June "3 Peset Bound Port*. .... City of Pueb'la. June- A : San Dleiro A-Way Port* Pretidenf ..."-.'. June 4 San Pedro & Way -Por£»jCoos- Bay. .>..... June .4 Hilo , (ly'ades ...'... v. June 8 P-attle * Ticotaa,. . .. Ad. Sampson"...-. June 8 Rrars Harbor- ........ i>ftnta Monica... June S (an Pedro .»'. Gi C tlder... June 5 TO BAIL " Destination \u25a0\u0084 | "Steamer ° | Sails |Pler -____—- _ — _ _ _ _ r! Point Arena' &- Albion. Porno ..'.:.. 4pm 2 Astoria & Portland: ... Cascade....... spm 2 Los Angeles- Ports . . . . %; Barbara . . 1 pra . 2 LiTerpool A- "Way Ports Am. Hameln 12 m 19 Coquille R]T«r .'. Elizabeth* . .. spm 14" Japan & China- \u25a0..-Nlppn Maru 1 pm 42. Norn* & St. Michael.. ;r;matllla. ... 4pm ft Puge^ Sound Ports (Jawn '. -2 pm 9 Jone 2— • , • | txn Angeles Ports. .;.. Vorwood. ,".. 1 pm .... Lo» • Aaajele* Ports i . . . . Chehalls ... 1 pm .... llumboldt ;....(?. KUburn.. 10 am 13 Hamburg ATfay. Ports ftebara 12 m 1» Honolulu ....... .\u25a0;*...". Hilonian ... 12 m 10 Orays Harbor ...1.... v. Llndauer. \u0084.. . ....: Mendocino fc Pt. Arena. Sea Foam...] 4pm 4 Jnne 3—3 — Humboldt : City Topeka. 10.30* 11 : Los Angeles Ports .... Hanalel .... Bpm 7- Portland A Way ; Port* Boanoke ... 1 pa 13' San Vlcgo A; Way Ports Santa -Rosa.. 10.30 a 11 Actorla 8c Portland, . . . T. L. Wand . . . . .... Orays Harbor ......... Newourg ...] 3pa 7 . Hawaiian Potts ...... Plelafles ...12 n 23 ; Jane 4— ' • ••*\u25a0 l ' ' ReattSe & Tscoma .... J. B. Stetson 5 pra 5 - Seattle direct Rainier' .... .3 pm 7 June 5— \u25a0> Honolulu >... llameda ' ... 11 am 7 Hilo *.:..... ..l. Enterprise '.. 12 m 10 Nome & St. Michael. . Montara ... ..... .... Astoria & Portland.... Northland .. spm 2 Seattl« Ie Tacoma .... Buckman ..{ 1 pm 20 Astoria & Portland. ..: State of Cal 11 am 27, Pnget ?onnd Ports..... ('resident \u25a0 . . 2pm 9 Portland & Way \u25a0 Ports. ». W. : Elder. 1 pm 13" Astoria * Portland D. Mitchell ,{....* TO 3AIJJ fROM SEATTLE Destination \u25a0 |' Steamer | Pat«. Valdez ii Sf.ward \u0084. .. Portland ....... Jane 1 Nome k St. Mkhael. . Victoria .'. . . .'. . June • 2 Skafway 4c Way Ports. Rumboldt ...... June 2 Nome *;'• St. "Michael.. Senator ...June 2 Skafway ft Way- Ports. 3ottage Clty.r. . June 2 Nome & St. Michael. . Dh!o .......... June --3 Nome &? St. Michael.. St.. Crolx ...... June 3 Nome A- - st. Michael;: Stanley -Dollar.. [June 8 \u25a0 Valdez ic. .Seward. ....". Xortli western' ..] June, 8 San. Moon and Tide United States coast and. f eodetlc survey — Time aod heights of tides ; at ' Fort Point. For city front (Mission. street wharf); add 25 minutes. TUESDAY, JUNE 1 Sun rises ........... :...\. ....... :. ..4:48 Son. sets ...."..;;;;.":.•. .;..". 28 Mooa sets. ..;... y... '.*.<!........" 3520 a. m. Full moon .....:. .....:..Jttce B,°a^s:l« p. m." j La«t quarter emoon ' r. ; . r. Jnne !<>.:at 6:83 p.' m." = . . Tlmel ' ITlmel ITimel " Tlme| .- \u25a0:; Jon. — } rt ) — yrt'A 1 Ft- - — i^Ft 1.. »:« 0.6 10:38 4.4 8:25 2.S 0:80 :• 5.7 2.. 1 4:22 0.0 11:23 4.4 '4:05 - 2.« 10.00 '5.8 8... SKW —O.6 12:15 : 4.5 4:4* 3.0 10:34 i 5.9 4.. 8:44 —0.8 1.-06 4.6 6:26 8.2 11:05 .CO 5.; 6:25—0.0 2:00 4.5 8:14 ' 8.8 11:40 '5.9 6.. .7:40—0.9 2:54 i 4.6 :7:05 ; ZJ> .-..;. ..; U. *; Branch Hydrojtraphtc O fit <<« A bra Mb ot t b e Un l l ed -. S t a t ** hy a rojrra phle office,, located at the . Jl«rchanti'. N Eiehanee , I* tnßintf.ln#d Jo San Francisco fm- th* b»n»flt of mariner*, without regard: to nationality and fret M *xpen*e. NaTUmnrs are cordially.- inrlted to rUit . th* -. of fit*, ;. where \u25a0" complete \u25a0 sets s of ,' chart* and : tslllnj ' direction** of, the 1 world fare \u25a0 kept , at hand for comparison S and -reference.^ and the latest information can always ib* obt»in»«i re garding' light*;* daajr^r* to navigation and mat ters of Interett to •; ocean * commerce.; •\u25a0": -i \u25a0•-\u25a0 ' •\u25a0=\u25a0 <\u25a0 i. -T.< McMILLA.V. BfSaaUcal Exntrt. in charge. -THE-:.,SAy- FRANCISCO CALL, .-TUESDAY,. JUNK -1, .1909. HYDBOGBAPHIC ; OFFICE Depth at mean jow water, entrance to .harbor.- PLACB; I Ft. | Date e | \u25a0 ' Remarks . :.. . ; I ." \u25a0 - • -.' 13 -f?et' at mean low Grays Harl IS May: 1 ' water. In channel as '•:\u25a0• "'. '•[ \u25a0 '.- far as Hoquiani. Same. • I:. :. • . depth -in Aberdeen; ' - '.' ' Depth at mean low WUlapa B .27- Apr; 1 water^ in channel- to. ''"- \u25a0 -.*'-':''- Raymond 15 feet.. \u25a0\u25a0; Colnm \u25a0 -R[»24 |yeb: lftj...; ......... .....' Nehalm Rl . 9 . . j Apn . 3 Channel . 200 feet south " I I -i or buoy./ mt \u25a0\u25a0 : " •- "- Depth of "8 feet, at loW Tillmk. B." 9 Apr: SO water In channel to " • • \u25a0 •"...' Garibaldi. Ya<ininaß| 18: I.Mar. : 12; Channel not shifting. ..•.-(' \u25a0 Beacon on beach in line jßluslaw R 4 May 1 -with -south- side of ' ' . " -'I \u25a0•\u25a0' \u25a0"-.-\u25a0 gulch leads OTer ban Unipqua RJ-12 JMay 3 [Channel in good condi. . i \ "\u25a0' I tion. ' \u25a0' >' ' ••'••\u25a0 ° - - |-12 feet at low water to Coes Bay. 17- May 1 North Bend: 11 .feet \u25a0\u25a0 ' \u25a0 ' '-'\u25a0 at ; low : water to .' \u25a0\u25a0 -I ' Marshfleld-; . ' •\u25a0 • Coquille Rl 8 IMay 4[Channel shifted north • I .1 ' I Ploae to north Jetty. ;• '"\u25a0 ... ' • '. No."N o." opportunity for Bosue Riv ..--. ; soundings lately;, be. • \u25a0 ' • • . ' ' \u25a0\u25a0 fore- rise ' there was 7 I • ' \u25a0 .': feet on bar. •f" :- - '"tAt present channel Klamth R 8- Apr. .21 trends to the south ' \u25a0 . . \. ' ' • ' I west; '•\u25a0;•• • . i . . ' 15 feet . in abuth chan- Qmbldt B 18 . May 1 \u25a0 nel at Jow water: . =*• '• ' • ." north channel crooked. \u25a0 •\u25a0\u25a0' ' - .'.' .'-and difficult. \u25a0 -.-\u25a0-. -\u25a0 3 Pedro 8.1 20 [Apr. 15INo change in. channeli g. Diego B| 25 |May. g|No change in channel. •S. PiAlo. B 24 Upr. 2i]Depth In dredged cbanr .-" -'-\u25a0\u25a0 I- . r n»l. : , .;\u25a0-.-. ..-\u25a0\u25a0;\u25a0;.-• ;c.; c . • About; ..'l.' •:.. • i.'V '-• . \u25a0-.••" . " -:. : ; ' SHIPPING JNTELLIGENCB '\u25a0'' -..- ":\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 . 'ARRIVED :-\- '.•:•\u25a0; I.;-"-----' \u25a0•; <> /:'':•'\u25a0 .. -Mooday.-.May.'Sl, : i Sinir- G C Undaner,- Sundmaii, 79 .'hours ' from Grays- Hartxw.'. •.-.;"\u25a0.-•: . ; ; . .'...•. \u25a0; . .:..- ••. \u25a0 | "Stmr" : .\Vasp.° Weh!nan.."-.74' Jiours from- Grays • Harbor. ° • :'. :'.\u25a0 " : ' „• * " •=\u25a0- ' <\u25a0' "\u25a0 ' • .- .'; o.:-.Bkto S N"Casfle;i V6n. : DaUerJi/. CO.days from .Manila.. :\u25a0/: . •:.->;.. ;•.; •-•\u25a0.•".-' ..^trnr-.Rosecirans, .'Holmes, 40 hours , from GaT •lo.ta,o.:. -..\u25a0\u25a0;•..- ".•-"\u25a0: ':."•'\u25a0"".. s ".\u25a0•'. " '.\u25a0••\u25a0"; '\u25a0 • !• Ship Falls Jof .Clyde. jgnjtaH*.;'' 4tf hours from GjiTiot A ; ' in tow; stmr :..Ro»ecran«; ''•!. ••' . \u25a0• \u25a0 -'i l~ . "•Stinf" Santa . Rota,:- "Alexander,;- 40.kourr from iSaa-'lJiego; • ;'•• \'" *\u25a0-. \u25a0 ° -._; \u25a0\u25a0•• .-.\u25a0'•\u25a0 s- •;-»» „. Stror •State, -of. .California, \u25a0.Nopandefci 56. hourV front Portland, "Tia, Astbrja° 43 .hours.° \u25a0 o "•\u25a0 "..Sfiar Westport, : Wettrr<julst r =.43 hours froai ; CrescentXiQ-. \u25a0".•;•.•-••\u25a0•;\u25a0' \u25ba: o..Stmr Flfleld, Jensen; 45 hours "from. iJandonv '. Stmr° Santa fearbata. Zaddart. '"'d' hour's from Gray* Iltrbor; bound Ifbr- San "Pearo; pot In" for f 4*l,. j. ?;..,. ;. -..\u25a0\u25a0• * : •-\u25a0..' ".\u25a0•\u25a0-\u25a0:" o'. ."\u25a0". '\u25a0\u25a0 -Stnjir Fair. o a.k*^*Haßsen,a .k*^*Haßsen, '41. hours; from Port ; t6s- AnjrelesV/ . •\u25a0". :• o ." . V :-. =,- " ' \u25a0 . Si Stmr Olympic, Hansen,°§s "Boar? fcom Belling-J .b.««n,- • -\u25a0;.•'.-. \u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0..•• % ; ; - ="..=• ••.".. •^.Stmr.W" SrPorter, Micdonal'd, :sX:'hours*from! 'Ast«iria..' ;:•'\u25a0'.-.-•\u25a0 '-^ ".;.. ..\u25a0\u25a0-.•"\u25a0\u25a0.•.. : \u25a0°» . \u25a0 . B'tpir . o,Alcjttraz. Ellesbn, 55 -. npiirs from .San' \Stnjr-' JJxeelsfojy" Ka}B4D^43 oTiQur's/froai "Coos .hay* •-..\u25a0•\u25a0. •'.- •; .°. '\u25a0'\u25a0: ''-. '.\u25a0 .- \u25a0 : ' .'V ..V"' °. -Stair Geo^W Elder. o Jessen, 3 days'.f.ron} Pprt- \u25a0 \u25a0Hni.- -rla . Eureka : lfl hours. .'•\u25a0,;\u25a0\u25a0:. ' c- v ; .. .•; • •\u25a0 • '.Stpif Xtrfpyifg;-: Soritetg-,- SJ'-hours- from 'Grays Harfc'ojf. \u25a0 •'\u25a0 c': '.'..'"•\u25a0 :\ -. ' ' ; \u0084";,- V-«- \u25a0-\u25a0 IStmr." \u25a0Rain'iery', Lundquist. £4\u25a04 \u25a0 :hours- from- Ta- '• .-\u25a0;./ ••••'-\u25a0 .'•• "' .' • • "' : : Stmr e'en'trajia','. - Erkksbn,. '42. hours' from Sain- Pedrp; -. •• ' --..\u2666 '< -. • , • '.' - < \u25a0 gtmr '£>iin'- Pedro, 23" hoars from Eureka. \ ".."-.'•-\u25a0 ° • • \u25a0• ' -° . . •\u25a0- •Stmr Gen. I.ooml«; ilcKellar Jr. 34 ' hours from .BedoEdo: pp. river «lirect-. :\u25a0 • \u25a0 . - ..... - • Not' sltor ir, Marcosaen. 87 day.? .from Taltsl, SaJarerry 21 i days.*6d"Sa-n"Pedro 38 hour*. •• Stmr - Hnqalami'-" Retnertsen, \u25a0£8 hours from Wliripa' harbor.. ~ • .'Stmr R-lterside," JlaniFelin«, 65 .hours from Portland^.' '. •'\u25a0 \.~ \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0_',"' •" • Stmr.Mayfalr, : Olsen', 47 ' hours from Coos bay. Schr.. Santiago;. McDonald. 10 hours from Mon tcr,eyt iri tow -tug 'Naylgator. \u25a0Stnjr Acapaleo, ' Trask, 27 days 11 hours 10 rttautes" from...Ancon, via AcapulcA 11 days 5' hours 22 "minutes', 'tis Matatlan 7 days 15 hours 12 - mlnujcs". = ".- -. , / : Stmr Op) fe.lj. Drake, Smith. 22 hoars from Port" San- ' I/Ula ;• up river direct. - Stmr Acme, Olsen, 20 hours from Eureka. • .. SAILED ..s ,'". '-'.'\u25a0". . . Mdnday, ' Slay SI. .' .Stnir Fair Oak's. Hansen. ' Port Los Angeles. /•Stmr .Fulton. Maloney, Mendocino. \u25a0 \u25a0 ; . Stmr Geo W Elder. Jcssen. San Pedro. \u25a0 Schr Monterey., .Kelly, Monterey; in tow tug NaTttatnr: - " • .' Stmr Shasta. Hansen. -BelUngham. \u25a0Stmr' Presided, : Cousins, \u25a0 San Diego and way : ports. ". - • i Stmr- Centralla, ErickfwSn, Grays Harbor. • US Ftnir Colorado. Moore.. Seattle. " ".' ' • WEATHfiR REPORTS POrNT LOBOS. May 31— Weather hazy; wind west; ' Velocity 6- miles tn hour. '•"•\u25a0 POJNT RETES. May 31— Weather fojrgy; wind north; Telocity 19'mllesan hour. ' FARALLON ISLANDS. May 31-i-Wcather fog \u25a0 fry: "wind. NW; Telocity 20 miles an hour. ' ..TATOOSH.-- May 31— Weather cloudy;, wind east': Telocity 32 miles an hour. : -"„.... \u25a0 TiATOOSII. May" 31. 12 m— Cloudy; wind east; Telocity. 30 miles an hour. : . \u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0- \u25a0 Telegraphic : ;- v ' POINT' LOBOS. May 31. 10 p m— Weather thick'; wind west; Telocity 14 miles an hour. • - DOMESTIC PORTS TATOOSTI— Pkased May 31— Nor stmr Tltanla, from- San DiejrO for Nonaimo: #chr A B Johnson. henSSe • Sljy .22 for Townsend: stmr Gorernor, .hence May 2ft for Seattle: barge Carondolet, "f?om .Walflron island for GPays Harbor.- NEAH P.AV— In port May 31— Barge Big Bo- i nsn'za.' barge 'Carnndolet. \u25a0 • • \u25a0 SANTA BARBARA— Arrtted May 30— Stmr Santa Rosa, from San Diego. . May 31 — Stmr Coos"'Bsy. hence May 2S.\ - ; . Sailed May 30 — Stmr Santa Rosa, foe Pan Francisco, May . 3J-rStmr Coos Bay, for San Pedro. ' :\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0* - .. . ASTORIA— SaiIed May 31— Schr, Compeer, for San. Francisco.. ArriTed "May 30 — Stmr' Santa Cruz, from Seat tle; stmr Argyll, hence May 2P; stmr Nome City, hence - May - 28. - May 31— Stmr Rose City, hence May."29. \u25a0 -<;.\u25a0 ' - ;\u25a0 -\u25a0• • •.•:•; , \u25a0 WESTPORT— Passed in M»y3l-^Sj|mr Hornet, hence May 28. Ont,— Stmr . Norwood.' for San Pertro; stror t Chf halls. • for San Francisco. ' ' , SEATTLE— ArriTed May 31— Stmr H(jm»«ldf, from Skagway; stmr. St Helens, . hence May 2fi; rtmrTiTerttm, hence- May 27.- ''. Sailed May 31— Stmr- Olympia, for Nome. - SAN PEDRO— ArriTed May 31 — Stmrs National City and HanaM, 7 ; hence ; May 29; stmr Francis H. Leggett," from Eureka: - stmr Phoenix, from Hardy , Creek;- stmr Whlttler, . from San •Diego; Ger. stmr Ella.'- from -Corinto. :.. . 'LUDLOW— Sailed May 31— Schr Kona, for San - "--. . • - .-\u25a0.\u25a0 -. TOWNSEND— SaiIed May . 31— Schr Kona, '. for San' Francisco .' ' \ . \u25a0:' \\ • \u25a0<\u25a0 PO.INT s CONCEPTION— Passed JUy • 31— Strar Harald Dollar*, frftm San Pedro for San Francisco; COOS BAY— ArriTed May; 30r-Stmr Epreka. from: Astoria. May. 31 — Stmrs . M X Plant and Nann*. Smith;, hence May, 2*., ; "Sailed May, 30— Stmr Eureka, for Eureka. -/ \u25a0TACOMA— ArriTed- May "Sl— Stmr Efllth, from Seattle; ttmr - Mtteor."; from , Seattl*. ,-; . v \u0084 -\u25a0: Sailed May \ 81— Stmr I Olympla, for Seattle. ; stmr Meteor, foi- Seattle.: ' . • COTIDOVA— ArriTed. May 30— Stmr Santa Clara. | from Ketchikan : »tmr A G Lindsay, from Seattle: '»tmr.; Bertha, .frota .Valdes.-. v ,:-'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 Sailed May;3l-^Stmr; Bertha,' for Seattle*. .' v^JUNEAU — Arr!red May 30— Strar Northwest ern fc " from ValdM. - . ' ':\u25a0 \u25a0-. . ISLAND PORTS \u25a0\u25a0*\u25a0 HONOLULU— ArrIred ~ May 31— Bark S C Al len, from Eureka. \u25a0 KASTERN PORTS- :° i-;'i , v'--- NEW YORK— ArriTed j May 3ft— Br stmr Schuylklll. from Manila; stmr -American, from Philadelphia. • ' * ' ; Sailed May 31— Br stmr .- Craster'- Hall, .for Iquique.. ; " .:\u25a0•••\u25a0• ;i * ' . - . • FOREIGN. PORTS ,VICTORIA-^-ArriTed * May ; 31—Nor • stmr iTi^ iFHUnON&Ci /490 California, St. V Tel. Douaia* 2487 \ St. Francia • Hotel Tel. Tfou K ln« 3052 Members' New York Stock Exchange' Pioneer: House . , f. Private Wire to. Chicago and \u25a0\u25a0 '" - ''"" 6 ";'-' -/\u25a0^'*! t^'*** r ' c ' '-' '''-'\u25a0' \u25a0'"-'•"- \u25a0' •\ \ RT-R;MUI/cAHBV;-M«na»erV ", Lombard & Son, Ink 1028-!03(M032 Monadnock Bldg. •JVre ' 'prepared >to " loan ;on .-CaHfornU Irrigated- -ImprovftdCKftrmsi^term^ 10 years; wlth^privnege^ofpayins^before and | stopping » interest, w? Corre«pondenca tanla v from San Diego for 'Nanaimo. \u0084 HULly— Arrlred Mny 30r-Ger gtmr Stetos. hence Jan "9 via London. \u25a0 ::' ... - NEWCASTLE. > T . S ; .W— Sailed ' May 31— -Br ship Strathgryf'e. for San. Francisco. : . . .-•' SUEZ— ArrtTf d May 23— Br stmrDacre Castle", •from Yokohama for. New* York: • HOBART— Sailed May.- 28— Fr bark Francois d'Amboise, for San" Francisco. * ' PUNTA ARENAS— SaiIed May 24-rFr stmr Amlral -D'u'perre, -for Hayre. ; •-— --. ' i PUERTO MEXICO— Sa-Ued May, 28— Stmr Ha .wa'iian;"fpr Delaware. breakwater. ~ . '• ' OCEAN STEAMERS - PLYMOUTH— "Arrived May 31— Stmr Kaiser Wilhelm der.Grosse, from New York for Bremen. -.QUEENSTOWX— ArriTed May 31— Stmr Maure tanla. from New York . for " LiTerpool, •• , - , LIVERPOOI^— ArriTed May 30-^stmr Baltic, from New York. j-'May 31— Stmr Carmania, from •New York. ' • • - •\u25a0 . ' -* ' \u25a0;' 'GENOA— Arrived May" 50— Stmc Cretlc, from New York. " . " .\u25a0 . • . - - r :•-... ~: NEW YOBK— Arrived I May 31— Stm.r. Nleuw Amsterflam. from Rotterdam. • '\u25a0•- . "... •Arrived June I—Stnif1 — Stnif Zeeland,. from Antwerp. Memoranda ;•• • , K AHtXUI. May • 31-pSchr Prosper, from Hilo for Redondo, pufin here leaking. • ; -' .Per stmr RlTerside, at San Francisco May" 31 from Portland — Had fresh southerly winds and rain •to this side of Cape , Blanco, thence "fine weather, foggy at. times, to port. " a May 29. 5 p m-7-ott Hecta" bead; passed stmr ' Wasp, from Grays Harbor .for San ;, Francisco. 'May. 30, 7:40 p. -in', 4 miles south of Cape Merrdo :cinoi i>ais«pd..stiur. Fairhaven, hence May 29 for ! Puget sound. •. . . • . -".'\u25a0 ! Per Noj l ' stmr Eir. at •' Ran ' Francisco 'May i3l •from Taital, etc* Tia Saa Pedro— After leaying San "Pedro found -two -Btowaways among ] the chains in the fore peak;.. both appeared to" be de .-serters ' from the naTy.; {raTe the names of Thomas Reillt anff- Jolifl Sweeney. . • . •-'- Per stmr W S I'ortcr— May 31,. 4" a m.- 20 •miles north of Toint Uej^es, pasted a barkentine "bound In.". ' . . • • ' " COMMERCIAL NEWS .KHHlje'rn I..ive»tock Markets . SOUTH OMAHA- «.- • " SOUTH" OMAHA; May 3i:— Cattle— Eecelpts; 2.10Q; market tfffjr-. steady I- • Western steers, $3.50ig(".2.1 : " 'foxas- steer*, " $3@5,60 ;• cows j and heifM.", -,f2.TS@S.T3: CBriß"er». 52.@4: stocjeewairid fe»;d«-«, '$3(§;V65; ca.lTCs, '-9^.25^-723;- bulls and start, r sa( .:.-:" '\u25a0\u25a0' .- -,:\u25a0 ,v.-"r. >\u25a0-.--.-\u25a0 '\u25a0-* Hois'— Re'ceipt'sv S.OOOr market a shade" higher. Heaty, $7a5@73J;-mix?.d, $-(g7.i's; lljjht. $8.75, $4.-75@f.U5.{ hulb- of - *aies ! , .?0.90@' .'7*20.-Vv. ' " .'.': ••\u25a0 ." \u25a0"' •"'- '" •• \u25a0-'.•-• :'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0*: . Sheep— Receipts, -l.lOXr; m'aike't- steady.' : \u25a0 : lings; . $3/80® 9.150;' wethers.. . $5;.60&6.G0 j ..ewesv $5.40Q0. 40{ lambs.' $7.-3'0Q8.30.. • \u25a0.-..- -." ...--. ...- KANSAS CIT"V' : -> '.v •;.\u25a0 o' : -. • KANSAS" CITY,- May ' 31vr-CatJ:le.— Receipts. ll.OtKJ;' -market steady "to. lop lower..' Nntiye steers.. $5i.25<g6.90: -native cows and' belters, $3® 6.754* Btoelrers and feeders, $4i{Js:Bo;" bulls". $3."40 Q5.23; . calves. $3. 75@".25; Westetn steers,- $5.40 . @CTS;. western cows, '©s.M. i . ; -: . :' .. • Hogs-^neeeipts," 11,000;- ."market strong' 'to''s<! higher.'. 0 Bulk of sales! -.SB-.55i5".30; b.eaVy, $7:23 r@7-4"0;.r @7-4"o;.. packers and hutcher« v $7@7<33f light,. $6.7.<*gT:10: p'fes. $3.50^(5.75. .-• ", .." ; , Sheep-^-Rec.pipts. 77,000; = uyirket stea-dy> .stpt L tons', $s.@ ; tf.'6O;- la.mb's, $7@'9: wethers* and- year-' lings:, f4.75(iii7.00; "ewess $4. ; 20fi6; .Texas -and' :Arlxona. muttons. $4.'T.*>@0.25,. \u25a0: -. . : ..-., " • - . . . "-.CHICAGO .••.' - • : • CHICAGO, >fa-y . .31,*7tattle— Kecelpts. -estt •ina'ted'-j£t'; market steady 'and - lpie - lower. \u25a0Bf^res. : - $s.iri@.V7o; Texas " steers,. . $.4.75618.25.; • weistern 'tteers, $4.-5(i<?l6:30;-stocker(i and feeder's.. fB.'SO@S.KO; coiv« and"-- heifers," ' $2.C0nt6.-J5; calrfts. "$5.-255|7.50.. • • •. .'\u25a0 " .- Hogs— Receipt*, -estimated at 44.0C0; market str£na; : and 5c bigtier. ' Lljfht, $H.75fir7.23: mixed, .$0.g0«37,42tt; h^aTy. $7(57.45; rough. $7<?i7.15; good' to'.cholce heaT.v. $7.15<i7.45; pigs, $3.SO© \u25a06.75:.bu1k of sales, $7.20^7.40. . » Slicep — Receipts, estimated at 12.000; market steady. Nfttlre, *4.0!5(38.10r western. $4.25@ 8.70; y"esrlinjr*,"sfJ.2.">®-7.30; Ismbs, natlre $6.23 ©8.83, western ?6.60Cf9."3. " - St. I.oiilh Wool Market ST. LODIS, May; 3i;— Market closed today.' A aval Stores — Turpentine and Ronln SAVAXXAM, Ga. May 31, — Turpentine steady at 39»£c; i sales, 56;- receipts, - SDO; \u25a0 shipments. 1.C44. Rosin firm; sales, .1.577; receipts, i,l7s;"ship ments. 2,437; stock. 123.024. Quote: B. $2.90® 3: 1). $3.33; E,. 53.75; • F.i $3.90;-G. $3.9.*: 11. $1.10: 'I.' $4.23; K. $4.85; M, $4.90; N; $5.23; WO, 5.20; WW $3.33. Belmont Park Races BELMONT PARK, Mny 8J First race, fillies, One mile — Lady Bedford. 1 to 7. won; Cotytto, 7 to 1, second; Sun Dance, 25 to 1, third. Time. 1:40/ - : \u25a0 ;-. - \u25a0..: • ... . - -. .;\u25a0 •: - Second -race, sir and a half furlongs,- main course — Marcollus. IS to'l, won: Plate 1 Glass, 11 to 10. second; Cohort. 9 to 10, third. Tlmel i:in^-3.' .•\u25a0-' - \u25a0; \u25a0 : - -....-'\u25a0#* J Third race, the twHTth 'National Stalllont 2 year olds. ?S.OOO added. fiTe and a half fur- U.iirs — Sweep. !), 10, -won; - Newmarket,' ll', to fi, second; Big Stick, II to 5. third.. Time. 1:08 1-5.- . Fourth race, four furlongs — Harrlgan, 12 to T>. won; npstlffouche 7 to '2, second; Jack "At kin. 0 to 10, third. Time, -1:03 1-5.: •, •Fifth race, the Grand steeplechase handicap, about two and a half .miles— Sir Woos ter. 2 to n,°. won: ' Grandpa, 4 to 1,- second; Ken tucky Beau,"-. 4 to 1,"- third. Time. 5:31. Sixth race, mile and a sixteenth— Hilltop. 3 to 1. won; Bonnie Kelso. 3 to 1, second; Taboo", S to 1, third. .Time, 1:47. ':.\u25a0-:' fOUH DROWNED IN POND— Lancaster. Pa., May tl. — William \u25a0"• Donobue. » -rennsylTanla railroad track forpman. 'nnd three Italians were drotrned \u25a0 this eTenlnK ; whUe ', boatlni? on a mlll pnndj :'\u25a0 . . . :,-.--.:, -.. * . ,:. ,- *.-', , ; : "- '' - ATLANTIC OCEAN^TRAVEL- I^oHh feerman f Joydi Larre.' Fast and Luzurioua Twin-Screw * Expreas : and; Pa.»s^n«;er " Steamthips ; ;\u25a0 .' \u25a0 Equipped with Wireless ; and \ SumVarino , Sijnah. TIiAMOIJTH— -CHEUBOUnG— BUKMEX Express Sailings Ti'i<»s< at 10 «.:m. " • Ceeili<» ....Jane lSjKaiser Win. ll.. June 20 Kal«.Win.d.(»r.:-.June--22)Kronprin* Wiu.'; .July .6 PLYMOUTH — CHERBOURG — BREMEN" Twin-Screw Sailings Thurwlayn at 10 ar m, P; Krlcdr'h' Wm.Junc JOjßarbaroMa : . *. .June 10 Kriedrlrti \u25a0 d.' Gr..June ! l'iKnrfuerst ?'; .... .June ; 24 tirorxe '\u25a0\u25a0: WaahluKton-^— Sft4l» July .j 1—27,000 tons*. . Newect \u25a0 and r- largest He r in an Ship I afloat.* ETery \u25a0 liinova t lon ! known • to the shipbuilder's art. " > GIBR AI.TAR— NAPLES— GEXOA v J Afedlterranean Salllnps: Saturdays at II a. m. K. Albert V.:;.. June in K. Lulse ......July 10- Berlin (new) . : . June 20 P."? Irene: -. V ..... .July 17 Connection* EnelrrlliiK the - Globe -' Trnvelera' cheeka good all over the world Apply OELRICHS ;* CO.. Gen'l Agent* ' oV :.-\u25a0\u25a0--;: .-\u25a0\u25a0--; s' Broadway,' i New,- York, or V Robert" Capelle. ; G.'<-- AX P. \u25a0 C; . 250 ; Powell. St., ' °opp." St. -Francis Hotel, San Francisco. Telephone— Kearny 4704. _.. \, ' • ; \u0084 '.'• Plymoiit h— Cherbourjs— Sout hiimpton '.-] - Philadelphia— Qneenatoivni-LlYerpool' Atlantic; transport line , Nerr-Vork— London ; Direct'- . HOLLAND«AMERICA LITSE; : New Vorli— Rotterdanivs/*la- Boulotfße' REDiSTARLINE '-. '-"New York— Dover— Antwerp \u25a0\u25a0.; white;star line ' Xrw> york-^QueenntoTrn— Liverpool • . Plymouth— CherbourK^^SoiUhampton" ' Boston—^Queenstovrn^— Liverpool i*&G New.;; York ; and IT AT V Fft VPT Boston ,to . - • * /> > « « CUr rI; i'ItSSRSSiVIa 'Aaorea and Gibraltar .„ CAXOPIC. ."iJune 12.' July, 24, Sept. 13,' Oct. 30 CRBTJC.:..-.June 26. Augr '--.1. ,oc*.:', 16,; N0t." 27 nOMANICiV..r.JuIy 3,VAn(t.2I, Oct.' 2. X0t.13 FI N^.AND . t:\ July; 10.": Sept.% 23, ; Kot. , 6.1 Dee". \u25a0 9 G. X. J KOEPPEI.," Pa.«*ena;er 'Aa;ent" Pacific Coast," . 40 -iEUUi Street; Near jMajket.y-;-. CJCAHDINAVUN-AMERICAN 'IIKE, ; %J i«joee Toai',Twto4Bcr«w Paaaaosv QtaaiMraV . ' . . . : Direct to ; ' Norway, lSirecte" and DfHiaark United \u25a0 State* . .Tjune 10| Oscar \u25a0 II \ . ."\u25a0.:.; July J 3 C.i F."* Tletwn. .:June J7 United States '.'.'. July 22 Helliir 'Olav .-;.*.' ;Jnne 24 C.jF.^TietgenriT.July 29 All S teamen ; Equipped With ° AVlreleaa - First . cabins $75 upward ;; second | cabin,' $3.7.50. A; B.: JOHNSON; & CO., 1' Broadway.- New *Xork; or'to.luc<l;agent».-J\-'."--'- :> ':V".?';-;-..^ .:*^r \u0084_->-.-, ;Compagnie\Gencrale; f TranBatiaritiqu S^pf DIRECT '• LIKEiToI HAVRB-'PARIS. ; "\u25a0? '\u25a0?> |V Sailing «. eTerylThursday.> Instead ; of ; Saturday ' atUO ian m.;nroni 1 pier] 42,* Xorth IriTer, ; foot : of Morton;at.*c^^c^^ara^--- : --:r;r i v'\/ \u25a0-;\u25a0; .;,,-\u25a0 '-:'.: YlT*t ' elaes to > HaTTp. > ?77.50 j and 1 upward ;"; sec-" ond'classto Marred $50 *nfl npward/.sOEXERAIi" AOESCY<> FORIUNITED S SSTATEB i Axf > 1 CA\v rADAniB 'State s «t.?>Netr tYork.'isJ.'JF.^ FUGAZI," Maaaxen i I'aci n« i Coast.- 630 , Mon tgomoryj «t. .' San Wam-ieco. ssold r bysaU|rallroad^et Trap Sliboters ; Cpmpiete Bluerock Tqurnanient . .The holiday 'bluerock '. tournament of • the Pacific Const trap shooters'; association ; was concluded it . Ingleslde yesterday, with 33 members of ; tUe . shotgun ' briga'de \u25a0 '; participating ' in -\u25a0 the 'scheduled contests. As Yon." tn.e preceding : day, % the pro ' gram called' foe. 130 targets, ' dtTided ' in four 20 . end: two 25. bird contests.' Four of 'the contests . were"' trophy \u25a0 STents,' thc'Petpra. Balllstite and Grand 'trophies and .the 'Sofensen mcUalibelng shot for.-'. ;-. ;, ,*...-'. w •\u25a0 .: \u25a0.'.-'*'. '-^ "\u25a0'\u25a0: YE.. 1 lolling captured the" high gun honors". with a 'score of .121,. but being a ' professional .he was restricted ' : to . smashing : targets ".and '•: could « not compete .for any of ,the trophies. • Holling'S" per formance-yesterday'made him* the .winner of ; the fcig"h : AT-er-age ; for. the : tournament, his i score" for, the last, two days being 239 out : of 260 trapped targets. - . .. ; .'_ ; \u25a0 ..-"'' • \- . ,: -.Tony Prior and Otto Feudner. tied for the high average . among ;. the • amateurs 5 yesterday,"- both smashing 1 1.U , of the > allotted , 130 bfrds. The amateur high average for. the two days was won by .-Tony "Prior with o a- score -of -236, Newbert of Sacrameato- being .second- wlth"23s. ' : I-n the contest for , the -Peters . trophy Newbert and i.Tony -Prior tied, both scoring 19 out of 20.' The first shoot 'off resulted in. another, tie, with each, shooter • missing only 'one - target, ; and i the second was won ;by Prior * with \u25a0a • score of .19, against Newberfs 17. "V-.' ; : \u25a0*.- ; ; \u25a0 In the shoot for the Sorensen medal Prior was j ti«*l'agaiu. lie and Elson making;straight scores of ; 25. In • the \u25a0 shoot off i- Prior \u25a0 scored 23 ' and Elson IS.- Newbert, too/ was tied twice. -he- and Webb making 19 tn the shoot' for , the ' Grand tiophy.-'- In fhe^ shoot off Newbert : won," smash-, ing. IS. targets; agafnst. Webb's^ 14. ° \u25a0 .' ": The. Ballistite, trophy «>Tent: was won handily by , Otto . Feudner, :. he being -the only shooter to make a straight score in that eTcnt.. \u0084 . -\u25a0'\u25a0; ; Salt Lake Results SALTI^AKE CITY, -May 31.— Only one faTf>r ite won * at ' the .fair : grounds \u25a0 today. . •: The "crowd was the largest of., tbe meeting. The ' track was - slow and -'in poor condition, . owing to bail weather, last week. \u25a0 St.- Joe; -the od<ls-on faTorite In the fourth race. ..wa« heaTlly played, ; but was outrun by > Velma ' C and Tom Shaw. Re- SUltS:' • . \u25a0 .. '' -.-\u25a0••::. -\u25a0 -First rare, 5 fnrlongs. \u25a0 Rellinsr— Galranlc. 110 (Boreli. S to 5. won:< Dolly Dollars. . 109 (Nel son). » to 2. second: Elnidale. Xl - (Kum>; 5 to 1. third." -Time, 1:05. . Beauraonter, L«ssen.; Sir Preston,. Byron, Lallna, He au < Man . also \u25a0 ran; \u25a0 Second- race, 4 furlongs, \u25a0 selling — May-Brlde,. 1-01 CPeak),: 2 to 1", won; Mlhnldocla. 105 (C»t ananghj,- 8. to "». second ;\u25a0 Camera, 98 (Mondon), 4 to 1, third. -Timp/' :.">2 2 5".'. l^awextra, StlTer Grain. Grahame Kilso ran. " < \u25a0 '" . Third race, one , mjlp, splllng-^Colonel White. 11l (Sum*-an), '4 to 5, won:.Priceles» Jewel. 102. (Tnyior), . 8 to 5. second; Exchequer, 00 <RadtkP), 8 to 1, third. Time, 1:40. 2-5. Pre tension atlso \u25a0 ran. . •' • \ • • \u25a0 .'.-.- ' -. • • \u25a0 Fourth rsi-e, : 5 fifrlwng»-j- Velma 6, 107" (CaT anauglit.. fi, fo 1, won: -..Tupi Siiaw.' 112 (.Moii d"on*>-,--" 7"-to-.-5, r , second;". St. -\u25a0 Joe; 111 • -"(Peak). i tri 5,. thlrd.---.Ttme."i{o3 4.--BHly4 .--BHly Tajlor. . Happy.' Chappy.- .'.. Black.;. D.ouj.Jno,' Dlneen; and -Salnciila also ra.n. : .' .l:'. l :'- ,/'\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0' \u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0','• >-^- 'J* ' . Fifth race-. 6-furl6nKs— Grotto.'. -99. (Mondon>; 10 "to 'U v«n; A,ks.A4--Beu; 107 (SulliTan). '<* to 1. second;. La .Ueine' Illnduo, 107 • (CaTanaugh)i 2'r to *• %,'\u25a0 third". Time/ l ;1O' •\u25a0~4-5.- . Hazlet- and Fig-entialstfu-ran.--.' :-,:-." • ' . .' ' ' " " : • • : Sixth.- race, : 4}s furionsrs^-Bogg*. " 100 (Hacrls) , 5- to 1, .won;- John --A,; Mallon, 112 (Klrschbaiinr)., 10 ; -' to \, second;.- Royal. -Ben, .114 (Peak), jereii. ' third. . .'Tins'ei - :'SS. . Gypsy Vice, -Balhade. ' and Rubric- also tan;- •-••'.\u25a0,..: '-'\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0-'\u25a0 "-; "\u25a0 '. iatohia Races .. L:\TONIA; May 31.— First race.- Ois# and an eight -inUe»-=fliUße Turner/ 15' fo 1. won;- Billy PulhnaTn/v8 "to X. ' gecoiid; "Ee'lleT-tewV 5, "It tKlhl.". 'Time; 1!53 4; -5. • •;:•'\u25a0.•\u25a0\u25a0' -• - Second ' rac«, -four and • at . half furlongs — C. "Ac Lelman.' : lo -to. l;.won; Cherry; Ola, 7 to- 3,' sec-. oa>l;". Gllby". .30 to .1. third. •• Time, 153 3-5. . .- Tliiril '/.ace, •• six" .furloncs — Hyperion ll,* 5 ;to 1..",w0n; Cfilloqay;- 7 to 10; .second;. -Crystal Mald, 13 to- 5. .third.- ".Time-. " VU2.' • \u0084 • .' \u25a0\u25a0-'fourth' rate; one and- a sixteenth riilles-X-KJng;* Daiijrlitei-;- -4" to' s;' wop: "Wc>rtl. Sandals." 15 to I,'- second;' Tom Hayward;i2 to°l, third. Time, 1:44 4-5.' \u25a0••"•\u25a0\u25a0'••.:.\u25a0 :\u25a0 -.- \u25a0 •_'.° • • •'\u25a0 iFifth-. ra.cfv'slx .furlonsrs — I.ndhlma". 6 to - 1, wen: Chalice,-.. 8 to" '1/ second;' Xareo, 4 to. 1, third. Time, 1:14 l-.V ' . . Slxtli race. ' 'one .mile,— Keep MoTina. 4 to I. won;* Semprcnj.-' 40 tn-l, .second; •"Cymbal, 12 to 1, third. Time. 1:3» 3-5. . • ». JEVENTV START IN DIKE BACB SALT r.AKB CITY. Miiy'3l.— Tbere were TO starters^in the annual Memorial day road rac<>. . the oldest ; emit of the • kind in -the United State*, which took nl:»re. th!« afternoon.- For the s fifteenth, time, the bicycliMs pedaled .orer th«> 16 miles of cotmtrr.. road, to Farraington, and . were cheered . heartily \u25a0by a lara-e crowd a« they crossed 1 - the jtoal.- Joseph Wessman 'won, time • 45:12; G. : Wllcox. second^". E. M. .GolTy third. -:. -.PACIFIC OCEAN TRAVEL : : M^i r jw - \u25a0 Steameni- LeaTe . Broadway /sVp*-^ffiV wharyes tPlert 9 • and 11)- f&L^ -^l\. LOW RATES.. INCLUDING PVVS*^[ r*l- BERTHS AND -MEALS. 1 \ *VB&a5a)"l SPECIAL round tkip vSL V :zGf LOB ANGELES >S^B*{^/' SAN DIEGO .. '\u25a0. :;v7r*Q2l*<-".- . .*SANTA BARBARA ' *GoTernor ...".. .Mon'., J-une 7," 21. Jaly 3, 2 p. ,m: |PreBtdppt-f-Moa., June 14,' 2S; July 11. 2 p^ in. ". V 'Alternately Ev<>ry Monday Thereafter. •- ,' Santa ''Rosa..'. ...Every Thursday, 10:30; a. ' m. • * 'Direct for I^os Angeles, . Will not call Santa SEATTLE •.. (DIKECTr, tTQWNSEND TACOMA, f VICTORIA. fVANCOUVER Connecting at Seattle for SB. • Alaska, Ska^way, Dawson, Fairbanks, Nome, St.- Michael. ' Queen . . 1 A . . . : .Tueo.," June 1.-.13, :29, 2 p. m." tPre«ident.;Sat.', June 5; lb; July 3,= 17, 2 p.m. Pucbla....Tue».. June-8,22; July 6," 20. 2 p.m. tGorernor. ..Sat., June 12,""- 28;" July 10/;2 p. m. Umatillai-Tues., July ; 13,. 2. p. m. • f Will not call at Victoria, Townsend, VincOuTerl NOME:VND;ST; MICHAEL Umatilltf 1 direct ) . 7.\ .V. . . : . . . ''. .4 p. m., ' Jnne 1 " -EUREKA (HUMBOLDT BAY) City of Topeka. . . . .".June ?,, ». , 13.- 18. . 23. 28; July ' 3.: 10.30 a. tn.- KTery flfth day thereafter. GUAY3IAS, 3IAZATLAN.LA -PAZ Curaca0.. '...... »...7<h : each jnontb, 10 a. m. \u25a0 ALASKA. CETJISEa— teaTe.Beattles > v . Spotane..l..Jone 15, 30; July 15, 30; August 14 .Queenf. .-. .:.".....'."...... . , . . < .-..'. » . .July 15," 30 ''\u25a0 /Right reserved' to: change this schedule. TICKET. OFFICES— 3 Market st:,. 112 Market it.,- = : '\u25a0 and Broadway Wharf. > Tel. Kearny 493. . '..-" "OAKLAND— -105(1 Broadway. Tel. Oakland iaso. ) -C: X \ DUNAXX; O." P, A.. San Francisco. FOR THE ORIENT S.S.* Minnesota" :r: r , , - r ]:./ 28,000 TOS3.',.y- \u0084: . . • , LARGEST ANp : TtSZST OH THE PAcil^O ; • Sails frbm-Se>ttle"Jdne 19 for" ; ;' '..'\u25a0' J APAK, 'i CHINA < and • MA JflliA 2 : ' Large • ' and .">\u25a0 comm'odiona ' ; staterooms. Erery modern, conTenlence. :.. \u25a0\u25a0.". „. .. • '^- -.'.../.; §M Northern Steamshipf - \u25a0CS POWEXr; ST<; (FJood" Buildlnr).'; ' V \ '. .. .'.f. Telephone' Kearny 21 48. V- * O. : W.JCOliß;.:.v:..;v;... V: General Agent TOYGra KAISHA i«E>RIEXTAL' STEAMSIIIip t c63IPANY> B.* S. Nippon Ma.iru. ;....; : .Tuesday,' June 1. 1809 8.-'-B. Chiyo Marur..r:-\- .sTaesday, c June 29, 1909 8. S.'Tenyd Marn.^.'.r.V. ..Tuesday, July 27. 1903 •^ Steamers ; sail '.from, company's* piers, N0». '°.42,' 44,inear foot of Second rt.T'r. p.' m;.- for :Yoko-° hama .and Hongkong," calling at Honolulu, Kobe (Hiogo)', .Nagasaki' and Shanghai, and connecting at I Uongkons 1 with I xtedmeES if or f Manila, : India, etc.* No .-cargo. recelTed on 1 board, on I day ; of ; sail- lng.^ Bound -.trip - tickets ' at S reduced" rates. : > --'. >•-' For j freight and * passage * apply at office^. 240 James Fldpd buUding. 'W. .H.'iUVERT," .i a.; '?:-.!-> -'\u25a0•». *\u25a0• -.-. Asslsfarit' General vManajter.*. ilhilnilllil \u25a0\u25a0•s7^>"*.."Alameda'.,Va'lis7-11, \u25a0 HMIIy LULU . -round tTip.'jfUO first class." TAHITI AND NEW ZEALAND— S. S? Mariposa sails ;il a: m.;. July U. *Snl. Tahiti J ronnd j trip * $125.^. Wellington.^ $200. It. 1 T. x . i OCEAN IC LINE.* 673 Mkt. ; ,'teir Kearny , 1231. - B A Y /AND \u25a0 INTERURBAN ROUTES „; : M/^EIISLAND N4yY^RD-v ; l Vallejo,: Na'pa, St. Helena . st.shelesa-xapa valley route LXMontlceHOiS3S^Co4« Bd"Nipa'ValleyjElectrlc:B d"Nipa'ValIeyjEIectrlc : R."-K; lCo.7V Close; connection* ;.- ..'\u25a0\u25a0'. '\u25a0 • \u25a0 \u25a0 t -- 4r.a6^ROUN ; p"TRIPS 6 PAILY^— 6 b \~: '\u25a0':': Boa ts 5 le 'jltV l San 1 Francisco 't\ \u25a0 00/ i *9 :45 fa . m. ; 12 :30 (noon.f 8 :15.1« :OO.UT B -' M i P"? «•"-•"- " " ' X? SansFranclscftllandlngs and CTay.Vstreet" wuarf ,** north \end \ f«ry> baildii g.% Msrketl utreet i ferry rji Meals a: la; carte.V; PaoLe ! Kearay. 40€." B^jg»MTr;jard \u25a0 dir^; x ' \u0084.--'.- . AUGTIGNSALES \ --^5 ***** 1 1^ XlVi^it m^i . - - * . 5O head of : gentle broke horses, -weight from l;00O:to 1.600 pounds, consisting of bea-ry draft horses (sereral- heaTy matched teams),- laundry, grocer/ - . butcher. •„-. bakery : and ' bnsiness • buatfy horses, \u25a0. al*o several '\u25a0 fine roadsters and " Rents* drlTing horses, to •be sold without reserTe or limit at 1 p. m. TUESDAY, June 1, 1909 A few good outnlde horses taken at tWa sale. , :We»hare to offer at prlTate sale 100 head of 2 year old mules.Mht finest of their age in tae state; also 60 head of mares and geldings welsh- ing 'from 1,100 to 1,400 pounds, mostly unbroke. all in fine condition, for sale, subject to dellTery on board cars at MenriU,.Ore. y WESTERN HORSE MARKET Tenth and Bryant B. STBWAIIT k CO. . H| ROTH AUCTIONEER OLD HORSE SALE JUNE 3, 1909 .. AT 10 O'CLOCK ;A. M. SHABP I WILL SELL. AT. 1238 MARKET STREET} By Order WELLS, FARGO & CO., Twp^Thqusand Packages of Unclaimed Freight 'Not Called for Prior "to August 1," 1903 The Goods Comprise ° Boxes. • Trunks, Griijsi. Bandies. Etc., Etc. ,' ; H. ROTH, Auctioneer 456 Sixth St. ' '\u0084---Phoasf, .---Phoasf Tnrfc 0230 On - account <jf " expiration of \u25a0 lease I- . will sen at public auction the . entire \u25a0 contents of the ELLIS STREET STABLE ";-, \u25a0';- '• , Consisting; of " / : ... • '\u25a0' SO HEAD jOP WORK AJfD BCSLVESS . • HORSES.; IS SETS OFT HARNESS, 10 .' BUGGIES. 1 SURREY,- 5 WAGONS " AXD 1 POXY OUTFIT." - '-. - At the cbaclusiop af'the ssle Iwin.selljwlldlng. Sale takes- place. •at the. • stable/ ""- .' , \u25a0-••: \u25a0 •' .015 ELLIS I STREET ' TUESDAY MORM.\G, JVXE 1 • \u25a0 ; \u25a0.: .. at 'ii -a. -m; • : • • - .-• •'• \u25a0 \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 • \u25a0 . J.-D. SILVA, Prop.' • VT. HIGGIN.BOTTOM, • Auctioneer. ' ._'-... SALE THURSDAY*:" June 3. " at II a.? ni.: »t the Doboce Sale Stai>l«s. 20-T a»d 209 Valencia St.. J will *el.l 10 panel top \V« son*, 'Horses and Har- ness belonging to - one • of the largest transfer flrmft of- tbe city. ' On tbe sam#> ilar we will sp!J a consignment ot 40 Horses and Mare* from, the Soot ranch, Colosa; all yotrcjr and from 5 to 3 yean old". Outside stock Aold on . commission. Must be . a* reprewntert or money refanfled. WM. CLOUGH, Auctioneer. Phone Park 2T2i V . RAILWAY TRAVEL l^^ft^ TRAINS LEAVE P^if SAN FRANCISCO Market St. Ferry •Leave for — I AJI. t . P.M. • Bakersfleld ...... 8.00 S.OO-10.00 Chicago ......... .... 8.00-10.00 Fresno 8.00 8.00-10.QQF Grand Canyon... 8.00-10.00 Hanford . . .- 8.00 B.UO : Kansas City ..-.. ... 8.00-10.00 Merced ".;.:. 8.00 8.00-10.00 Stockton ........ 8.00 4.00- 8.00-10.00 Stockton, Oak- ° " \u25a0 dale & Sierra ° \u25a0 • • -,Ry. points .;.. 9.45' . •Tulare .......... 8.00. 8.00-10.00 Visalia 8.00 8.00-10.00 • Yosemlte ........ 8.00 ... 10.00 California "Limited tbronsb to Cblcaco \u25a0 - ' leaves at 10.00 p. m. '\u25a0 • '\u25a0 . OFFICES: > . 673 Market Street and Market -".Street • Ferry Depot, San Francisco . , 1112 Broadway, Oakland „ Northwestern Pacific R. R. Co. SOUTHERN DIVISION. MAY 11, 1809 • . > VIA SAUSALITO . For Snnaalito. Mill Valley. San Ra- fael — Dally — Escept Sundays: .ETery 30 minute* from 0:43 a. m. until 9:43 a. m.: hfcurly until 2:4S p. m., then 3:15 and emy 30 tnlnnte* uotU 7:45 p.m.. then 9:00. -10:35 p. m. and 12:01 a.m. -On Sundays erery SO minutes until 1:45 p.°.m.. then 2:45 p.-tn. and eTery.3o minutes «intirT:43 p. m., -then 0:00. -10:33 p. in. and 12:01 a.' m. -.For Fairfax— Week days — 8:45. 7:1.">. 7:45, 8:13, »}l5. 10:4.".. 11:45 a. m.. 12:45.. 1:45. 2:45. 3:15, .3:45. 4:15; 4:43. 5:13. .3:45, «:13,-rt-:45 p.' m. Sundays— 7:ls.- 8:15. ft:ls. 9:43. 10:43. 11:45 a. 'm.. 12:45. 1:45. 3:15. 3:43, 4:43, 5:15, 5:15. 6:15. 6:4r.. 7:4.-. p.m. . ,For San Quentln — Dally — 9:15 a. ro.. 1:45 p. or. \u25a07:15 a.m. daily for Glen Ellen and way'sta- tions. ..;•--. * 7:45 a. m. dally for.' Petaluma. Santa. Ro*a, HeaUlshurp. CloTerdale, • Uslsh. - Wllllt*. Sher- wood. ' Sebast=opol. , ' ' ' • * , ".7:45 a. • m.' daily, escept Sunday!".' for Guerne- Tille. ItiTer' Landing and way stations. •' . 8:15 °a. m. "\u25a0 ; daily, for Cazadero anil way sta- tions'. 8:43 n. 'm. .Sunday only for Tetalama.- Santa Rosa.* • GuerneTille, . Rlter ; Landln; and way «tatlons. ° \u25a0 .- / \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 '0:13 a. m. .Sunday only for Glen Ellen, Point Reyes.* , \u25a0 ' • .' - - : : \u25a0- • ; • . : 10:45 a. m. dally ' for Petalcma, Santa "Rosa and way", station*. _\u25a0 ;•-;. \u25a0_ 2:45 p. m; daily, .except Sunday, for Caxadero and -way. station.*. * - .. \. , -"T . ;.''3:ls 'p. m." daily for . ret a Jama, Santa ' Rosa, Healdsburp. CloTerdale. Ukiab. - GuerceviUe. RWer Landlnjr.' Sehastopol. ' " #" ;\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 : ;4:45 p..m.daHy.-for Glen Ellen and way sta- tions.'- '- :.". • .-'."-- -..;\u25a0..';\u25a0'.- • s:ls°pr. m. daily for.Petalnms; Santa Ros>a.» . • . 5.45 p. G ra. ' daily, except , Sunday.:. an«l 7:42 p. . m. Sunday only for \u25a0 Point . Reyes . ami • way stations. - " : . - " * VIA? TIBUROX ". - For Tiburon. BelTedere—^-TVeet ? ' day s-^-7 :3^, 9:00. *ll:45 a. m."(*12:45 p. m. Saturdays only), 3:30.5:30 p.. ro. x- \ . -„-". :, -Sundays— 7 :"0, }0:00. Jlt:OO a. m.. $12:30, 3:a),-s:3oip..m. rand *12:01.«r Hi. ; , . - * <"Vla rSausallto^ • tGonnect 'with train for Schuetien ' Park. * ' ".".' ' \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 Pacific Transfer Company's agents are anthor- Ixed to ebeelstbaßKage airwt frota'renldrnee.— ' •'. Ticket >' Offices. - north i end ' Ferry - Bnllilln; ' and 874, Market street. Flood building-. - Z^aaJHatanMSE ' MUIR WOODS WSm MT. TAMALPAIS VIA SAUSAUTO FERRY \u25a0TB&jr "' '\u25a0•\u25a0 .' '. FOOT OF MARKET aTOTET .'. , LEBAL" HOUPAYS-SUWOAt TWS ' ± W.Sm Frttcba >. it.MnirWMfa. It. Isb^»lj \.T.EK "SUN-: WEEK ' I'- SOS- ' TTEEK , I SU.V- DAY ' PAY 'PAY {'DAY' DAY ' HAY 9:45 a 7:16 a f7:2oa .11:05 a -7:20*1 9:42 a -.:•:..: '4:1S» ...... ..; ... r..... :..... *Sat. only.- \u25a0 tMan. only. c <£Tamalpais only. • ISlnir only " "'-Ticket Offieet— Sauaalho Ferry and 874 Market- - General Offices— Mia \aflfy. Caiyorna- - . i(l2tb and , Mission)— ' Dally , ei.- Sunday— Lt. : •7:45 a,* ite^Oa.L-'lilSp. ts:4op. .Ar. S. F.: •7:25 a. ltJ>:loa.;i:COp. fl:lsp. -; Straday»— Lt.: ; *7:45a, -t»:3oa. - t*l9:loa. •H:lsa. *12:13 p. ts:4Op.- Ar." 1 S.'i'F.: .•7:2."ia. -f?:10a. ; •11:40 a, •4:4ojv ts:'sp>- \u2666*S:W)p. »To: and . from' Ariets. tTo , an«! > from - Tnnltas * Gl*n." i* J ? top \u25a0» t '\u25a0\u25a0 Salads, San Faralkme,,? Mo«* '- B»arh, Oranada.'f Half moon - Bay. «^? Connect at Tnnltn* Glen with ! srase for Su Grcgorlo, Pescaflero and Pebble Beictt. - . , M AUCTrOM SALES 120 -HORSES-- lio WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2 BY ORDER OF THE - ABE L-STA UN- TON IIOK.SK COMPANY "OF WINNEMUCOA. NEVADA \ We wilK sell KlO head of atl purpose horsea of theHr Quarter Circle and V Bent-U brand*: Also one carload of gentle work hordes Trelshlnif from 1.2<Kl try 1.3.-.11 |witnj(l«. frora Klamath rails. ; Orrgoa. all In eoo<! «rder *ml ready for work. Sale takes place Wednesday. June 2. at 1 1 «. • m.. at J.- B. Hcran'a sale janls, corner 10th and Bryant sts.. S., F. TV. H. HORD, 'Auctloneer^M Market «t. - $~i£ S?S? -feg. IX OAKLAND. C 5 HEAD XT ACCTION. .WEDNESDAY. Jnne 2. a: 11 a. m. They are" ct-mblnation consignTnents; cheap" olty horses. an«l. trill acit all pnrposes. . Al*<> 37 Teliicl»» and -W# *et3 or haraes-?. 56-" 4th «t.; <laklnnd. J. TT. MEDKIROS. Ancticn»»r. BIIILIVAY TRAVEL r^g*] San Francisco \zs-t~f\/ffl Fbou Mat 29. 1909 '\^qT^\/ FEKKY DEPOT ... o ._^ 1 - -^T - Foot of Market Street Leava —VIA OAKLAND .ri£K— _4rnv9 2.lsa~KileaT Lmrriiore. Tracy. >» Latirop, *" Stockton. Lodi, Sacramento 9.53? 6.40« Hay ward. Niles. San Jets 7.C8» 7UJO» lUchmoitd. Port Coata. Benicia. Sui- 1 inn. Dixon, Sacramento. llceeTille. '-"•«. UarysTiUe. Keddisg. Lunstcuir.... 7^B> 7JOO* Umira, Vacatille. humaey 7.23? • 7JQQ& Darts. TVoodlaad <Xlaryi» He. Oro- ' Tille). T/iiliama. Uaxnelt. Hamitoa. Corning. Ee«l Bluff. .. 7.23? ; 7.40 a ValUjo. r.'apa. Cnli&toga. fanta llcsa ° JLirtinea. Saa Ramos. Dotightrty, * P!ea»iito.i 6.03? ' 7.40 a Nil?*, i'leajairtuD. 1-itemcr?. AI- . • fcunont, Lathrcp. Stockton 7.23» 7.40 a Tr^cy. Los 15ano«, Kermas. Frtaao, . Itinfora. Visaiia/ 4.23JC J 9.00 a . Newark, San Jose. Los Gatoy.V.ritht, rl fe- • '; -" * Frfton. Boulder Creek. 6a»taCnu.. 6.48» . . aUOa Port Costs., Martinez. Ujtob. Tracy. • „. S:ackiuri v llrrcej. i'r«co. Gcsbea Junction (llanford). Aualia. Forter- ! * °. \u25bcflla - Brnkersfielii.,...: 4.48» B'2o* Y(»3emit« Valley Tia M«red ....... 4.48? (MMa KUds^livermor*..- Stockton (•Jlilton). . Valley Sprins. '. lon'e^ Sacramento. 4.ZBa .B.ooa Sonera. Tuulumne and Argria. : 4.28b. ' 9.00* Atlantia Express' — £ncramn>to,Tnie> . . • kss. Ozden,, Silt Lake Citj, LtnTer. ; " Kansas City. \u25a0 6.28J . :9.40a: 9.40a, Rleaaiond,, Fort Ccsta, Marthses, •'«*?•.''• I • \u25a0 " - -Bay Point. ;."..;*.» ....,%,' 0.48» ; 10.20 a VaJtejo. Hnre Idsnd, Xapa 1 1 .23 a , 10.23* 1.09 .Vijelw Ytsstxtga—Vctt Costa, • . • . Jra.-tLiei, Brrbn, Piracy, Stncktott. , JlireeJ.' Ftesao-., lla:i[orii. >Jealia. . > Tulars. Dnkerifftld. tfis Anre!»... 7.43J1 10.40 a GoiaSetd Paaa.— I'oit Cost . Ue-uiria, "• -'- Si-r.vnfnt:> Truckre; IJazen, llins, ." • Tonopab. CoraaeSl. Lawa>liet!».. 7.48* 10.43* MarriT)ll»; Chico. lied Bluff 4.28* . .|2.ooniTh4 Orerjaad IL-niUd— feenTtr, • • ICaasM City. Oa>Ua. Ciwsjo....;. -7.28» 1 .20s \u25a0 Nilet. San ' Jom an 1 Wit Stations. . 2.43? 2.00p Newark. Satr.rosc, Lou Gate*. Wrijiht, sm FHton, Boulder Cr«k.'Sa^ta Cn«. . 9.58» 2.20J) Bsnieb. auwuii. garramento...: I.08» 2.20 a Portlantl £spreat (rif, L"arisV Via- • * liamt. -Willow*, Red lilnff. Weed. A*hland.,1 > ort!«nd. Tscotaa. Seattle. 12.28? 2.40? San I.eandro. Nil en, San Jcse 9.283 3.03 a lienicuv. °\Viiitfr*. Sacra mnito.'T\ood- •' lan.l. Mary »» ille ati<l OroTiiU 10.43 a ' 3.0C9 Saa; Leandro. NJea, Ceattrvdlf. Xew-"J \u25a0 ark. S»3 Jose." 10.08 a 3.20s Port Costa (Stockton), ilartinei, ISrron. Modesto, Merced. I-nsi.o... 12.05» 3.43s Via Sauailito. West Ka^h. St. lieirus. Calistor*.., 10.35* 4.00? Vallejo. Napa, OiliTtofs. Santa" Rots, M.iiiiiits. £\u25a0»!» liattion, I.oujlerty. \u25a0 liTerjaorw. . .: .. ... ...:..:... 9.28 a 4.00s Nile*. Tracy Stockton. LodL.-rT;... 10.28*. 4.40> San. Leandro. Hsyr.a.ii. Niies, J 18.23*" --' - - Pleannton. LiTermoie I 1 1 1.4 C» 6.00? Th« Oti Limited— Nenean. Loa .Bunof. 'feudotn.' Kermas, Fresno, I Tu!a«. BiUeraaeiil. 1,..5. 4 titt1e5... 8.48 l B. 00» -Ruskll. San Jose. Los Gates 3.43* , ' B. 00» SaturdaT sn4 Stmdar (or Wright. Felt • ton. (Boulder Creek). Santa Cna... {9.28* 3.20? S.-in Le.iirl-.i. .'."ilen, Sin Jose ° 7.48 a . .By4op Richmond. Pinole. VaHejo.i'octCoßt*, llenicta. Suisan. Sacramento — Hose- . '\u25a0\u25a0 Tille, Lin coia. Marysviiie. OroTille..' 11.233 " 6.20? Eastern &spr ess— Ogdea. Putlte, : . '-. \u25a0 Dearer. Kan sas City, . St. Louis, 'Chicaio. ..'. Port Costa, Bviicia, Ca:raa«nso, jC Heao, Sparks 8.23? 6.40 a HnywarJ. Niias ami fen Jc5e........ 8.43» t7-C? Va!l*jo. Port Costa. Marlines, B»y 1 . Poiat antl Way Statioaa ti1. 13? 5.20? Oretiu Kxpress — Sacramento.Mary*> ' Tflfe." lUdcfing. (Maedori; KLinatU " F»!la). AaWaa-i. Portland. Tacoma, \u25a0 • -Seattle, S;wkar» O.4C»' 9.00? Chi:n ami Japan- 'Fast -Watt— OsJen. Cbeyenn*. PenTer, Baosas \u25a0• City, Cfmai:», die-ago?. 2.43 a .11.00? Yosemit? Vallr/.Tia, NUe*. Jlerced. \u25a0„. "ElPorUl. ....„.-. t.43a-l Jll.bO? JTilm. Lit.'irop, Modestc. Uercetl. Fresno...,- ...^....-. 10.38? . • COAST LINE j " \u2666#"* Third tiutl Tovtustinl sireet»> I |5.23s Loop — 23d Street, Visitaekia. n *\u25a0 - Sout^ San Fnnc»co. Va!ci:ci» St. 1 6.33 a .- t5.40» Loop — Valencia St. Oceau View U ' ,"\u25a0 ' Ceinsiefies, dout!» San Francisco, 23d 1 •\u25a0-•*\u25a0-. Street, 3J'; ........ 1 8.50 a ,8.40 i South San Frandreo. Ban Jote. G3- . ""' • "roy. (llollifto*. Ssrg^jt, Salinas. . " 8.509 - I " ;7,OC* Siiadaj- Exror<ion Giiroy, Pajaro. Cas- \u0084 "trovill* Drtiloate, Monterey, Pacific GroVe 10.50?; .B.oo* Tha Coaster— San Jose, tastre Till-, \u25a0 • ' SaJinns, , S>leinil. Cbanslor, I'rto « ; • Uob!:s Hot Sprii-js. Etn . Luis '•- "" Obispo. Pisuio, Ooej:ii>. (ituiijalups, Satf, Lompoe. BunU L'«rL«:a, t . - Ventura, Omni I.oj Ai;rf-i.... 11.431 ; 8.05* Maynd.l.- Los Altos, L. s dtos, \u25a0 ? Wright. (Bnalder Crt^k). Santa Crux. Watonvflle. Castroville. Del Jlonte, Monterey, Facia© Grove 1.25?, 8.20* Sotttit Sin iTiucisco. ralo.AU?, San Joso. Way Suti<ins .-.:........ • 7.35* 8.20* Lu3 Altos. Los Gatos,Wrijht, (Bouider -• -'M I ; V Creek). Saata Crua *7.20? Q.COi Smi Josr. U.lroy. Ealiiia*. Clanflor, Pap Koßes Hot Spriiip. faa Luis 1 ; Obispo— HoUister— tiaata Cru*, L'el Monte. Monterey, Pacitlo 00t*. . . 4.00 a - 10.40a' South San Francisco," Bcrliapme, San Matso. Palo Alto. San Jose \u25a0 6 .30 i - I 10.40* Los Altos UoaU \Uta. Los Calos. . |*f 'j^l 11^0* Valencia SC, Ocean Tiew, Colma. • •- \u25a0 Ceoieiarien, Baden. San 8run0..... f.3sp r I '.oop SaturSay. F4IO Alia and War Stations 5 .C0? * 1 11.40* &>uthSsu Francisco, fan Jora ..:.. 13.20*? 2.00? South San Franc:e:o. Palo Alto. Sac . " 1 J05«.:....;. 8.40 a t2.00a Im A!ioj. I.oj Gator. TCrizats, f • -•' (Boalder Creek). Saata.,Cn« 1 13^0^ \u25a0' ' 2.10 a Bay Shoes, Yiaiurioa. San 8run0..... t*-*5? 3.00[> Del Mont» Express— San Jcse. Giiroy. ChiUeadea. ualsoavJile.SaataCrua, . \u25a0 Del Jliale. Uonterty. I'aciSo Giove 12.30? 3.20p South San Francisco. Ean Joae, Gil- ' ! ' -\u25a0* roy. Cutrovills. balinas . : ..... 1 0.25* 4.OQp Smwet lSxpress— 'iutmn.' Dewing. LI Pan, boHston Nsw Orlcaos. Paso lIoI.Im llot S priun, San Luis Obispo. Santa Barbara. Los ADjtlca, 11.40* 4.00p GUr»y. HoUiater, T.-es Pino» : . . 8.50 a 4.OQp Del Montf. .Uonlerey. Pacito Grove. 11.45? 4.00? Ivansas City. St. Louis. Clicsjo.... 11.40 a '4.20p South Saa Francisco. Ean .'o«e. .. t9-00* r t5-33? ftu» Bruno, San "Vateo, Palo Alto. baa . Jcweaiul TVay Siatiout. '..<....... 8.40* f 3.03? Lwp— 23d Sir eet, V Lsilacioo, 6outh . 1 Sa»; iranciifo, V.-len«k Btrtet. 15.15?, 1 5. 1 0? Lis -Altos. »Los Gato«.V.risbt, (Eoulder Cr«i), Santa Cr» 9.50p t3.20> Itriwooi Pal* Alto, llajneld. San \u25a0 \u25a0» J0w...... -, ... I.IOs ', |5.20» 1/M AttiM. Jlonta Vista. Lo» Catos.. *t3.20p. ' t5.25? , Bjriiasaae San llateo.' tan Jow .. t3.20? 6.30» L*sp— Valencia St. Oceaa Vi!TT. Cemsterias. South flan rrantisco. . .23JStre»W W and Town send .. 8.40*5 5.40? bxa Bruno. San Hateo. RedwocxL \u25a0Palo Alto, ifanta Clar*. San Jom... \u25a0 7.40» ' 15.40? Los Gates, ittright. (Boulder Creek), . ' Saata Cri» 5.40 a tS.O3? ULHbrae. Easton. S»«». Mateo. Palo Ait». Jlayr'Wd. Los Alto», Los Gates 13.00* 1 6 00* Saturday*. .Wright, (Bouker Creek). 1 *u»ta,CrQj «•.- .......... {3.00 a 1 6J)5« 23.1 Street. VkaUcion.. South San ;- 1 Francisco. Valencia Street.. ..-;.::. j,17.t5» » t8.25» Lo<^— Valencia Street. Ocean Tiew. I ' Cemeteriei. -South San Irancisco, . I 33i Street. Si and Townsend ...... t7.«oa *' . ' 8.30? 3in Francisco. Saa J0te..... 6.40 a ' BJJQ? Loa Angele* Patsenier— B*n Uateo.. " Red-Tood, Pato -. Xlto. - Ban Joa». - -« Gilmy. Salinas, Chaa»)or. Paso . - Robfes Hot' Sprints.' Ban Lai* • Obispo,: Piano, Santa, . Barbara Lot •1 AnfSM ;.'.... :........' 9.30*; 1 1.45? Sw-ii Saa Francisco. Palo . Alto. Saa 1 7 .20* : \u25a0'-\u25a0'<\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0- -• J0w:... .*.--. r i7'. ;........ r.. ...... / 7^o* I tl.00? Sacramento Ritct Steamtr»......7..tH^o», Uaion Transfer Cmnpany ageats collect -liseprge an 4 1 eheckf ; oora r trains of . Sontoern PaeiSa and - deliver to r?3iJ*ac». T\uy are amUoriisd to cheek baszaga diieat. tf on* r»«ideneB. \u25a0 " ....\u25a0<, * . \u25a0 a for Jlontiar. v -.*.; pfor Afternooa ,*j . t3uaJay exceptH - \u25a0 . - tSunday oblji : I .v-;- ;\u25a0\u25a0-,-_ \ i Sua. aai 2fa» — -,— . \u25a0-"*.. 15