Newspaper Page Text
16 FILLMORE SEEKS LOWER FIRE RATES Coramittee Named to Interview Underwriters and Endeavor to Secure Reduction Retiring President of Improve« raent Association Honored by Associates at Dinner J?mes A. Joknston, the retiring treasurer =of tlie Fillmore Street improvement association, was honored by his associates of the or ganization by .an informal dinner given laft night in' an uptown restaurant ajid by election to honorary life mem bership in the club. President David Livingston, on be half of the numbers, reviewed the able services rendered the Fillmore asso ciation by Johnston, and presented him with an engrossed copy of resolutions, unanimously adopted, expressing the members" appreciation. A set of hand painted plates, repre- FeDtin^ tlie' arches of Fillmore street, an«l toe thoroughfare illuminated by moon'.isrlit. were also presented through tli<» supervisor to. Mrs. Johnston witli th»» regards of tlie association^ Johnston responded to the honors thrust upon him, but the most he could stay. . asfde from thanking his fellow members for their kindness, was that he found it easier to talk when things were not coming so much his own way. With the members of" the club he took up the discussion of fire hazard and insurance rates in the Fillmore district artd he pointed out that the street was now one of the best pro lected" business thoroughfares in the city. A communication from Fire Chief Shaughnessy was read, setting forth in detail- the. dfe protection, given, and a committee, consisting -of A.' J. Pon, James' A. Johnston and- Arthur- Jocll, was instructed to take up with the un derwriters the;question of the r elements entering in-to the high rate asked Fill more merchants and to endeavor to serure reductions.;. ° ..- o _• The present "officer's of the "associa tion are: David Livingston, president; J. Meyerf eld, "first vice president; Sam t:el Adelstein. second vice president; '£. J. Pon. secretary,^ and W. W. Barrett, treasurer. tt ' ,< ' .' , • . The resolution of thanks to Johnston follows: » • .' TV'hrrets. .iarrif-s A. Johnstrtn, through pressure of b:jslnew. fr*ls it incumbent upon himself to rcj^'ea nx «o offii-^r and a member of this MMctftttafe; «n<i trUorcas, this aKc^ociation fully «Pi'r<H-)*t«>s tb«« raluable services • rendeivd it br Jem* .A. Johnston bis term of. office; •nd irhwii, he has b.r th« faithful pcrfbrmam-c of fch* duty. his-z»&l la behalf of the organiza tion, atxlhis warm persona Htj-, won the brans of his feljow- associates and jacmbers; aow XbTffffT^ bP it R<»solt»<3. that this asfcnolation tendor Jamos A. Jf*nst<-fl a toi* of thanks, and Jn token of its appr»olatl<-io . »n<l esteem that lie bp unitn !n»ou»ly «>l»ctM an honorary member of tiiis • ssoHatioD: bf it- further RosohM-d. xbm this re«olu»ion be spread up<>n th# Tninut** HT ttU »>?ofiarlon. and that :id «'nfrc«»'Hl cop.r b» presented to our wortlir pa«t treasurpr. James A. Johnston. PICTURE POSTAL CARDS '\u25a0'"\u25a0;!> BY BURGLARS Many Petty Crimes Reported Over Sunday in City - A wooden safe belonging to J. F. Kealey, kept in, a lot at 1050 Market street, was broken \ open early yester day morning and 10.000 picture postal cards, 12 books of views of this city and 100 large paper* views' of "San Francisco one year after" stolen. The workshop of Orndorff & Leathe at 915 Buchanan street" was entered on Sun- Aay. night, and carpenter's tools valued at. 152.75 taken. The room of James H. JaeLeod in the Dewey house. Fourth and Howard streets, was entered Bun day night, and articles valued at $25 and a bankbook showing a deposit of 9 SO in the Mutual savings bank stolen. John Hines of the Howard house, Howard street near Fourth, was re lieved of a purse containing %S while standing at Fourth and Jessie streets early yesterday morning. Robert* Mitchell, a sailor, was ar rested yesterday morning by Detectives Conlon and Mackey on suspicion of being implicated in the robbery, of H. M. Gilbert, 763 Howard street, in East street Friday nlgbt. His name was registered on the detinue book at the city prison. „ \u25a0> \. George Myers,- Frank Lm and W«l liam. O'Brien. . pickpockets, were ar rested Sunday night by Detectives Bunner and Freel while robbing pas sengers on a Mission street car. Their names were registered on the detinue book at the, city prison-: Myers and Lyn admitted that they were from Chicago and stopped off here on their way to the Seattle exposition. >CTOR HAS GIRL ARRESTED CHARGED WITH STEALING Sajrs.She Took His Purse Con taining Sum of $395 On , complaint of , Louis Steffens, a vaudeyille actor. Margie . McGee alias Wilson, 136S Forty-eighth avenue, Sun set - district, was arrested yesterday morning by PoJlcemen pgden and Clark" on a charge of grand .Herman Mitchell, a former messenger boy,' who was with her in an automo bile at the time, was also arrested, but later released. .Steffins Is a member of the vaudeville team of Steff, Mattinger and King, and : recently returned cfrom a tour In Australia. He and Miss McGee -had previous to that time been doing a turn, together on the vaudeville stage. He says he learned that sne was sick at the Hotel Stratford, 242 Powell street, and called upon her. After he left he discovered that a purse contain ing. |595 had been extracted from- ... is pocket. ' : When the policemen found Miss Mc- Cea she endeavored to hide f 340, which £tefnns declared was part of the $395 taken from him. She, pleaded with Stefflns not to have her arrested, but he 'was' obdurate. . »%,-.'- WATCHMAN BEATS MAN*, TAKING HIM FOR BURGLAR Florist Brings Bunch of Blos soms and Receives Blows Nicholas is a florist in San M a t eo. Among his customers in this city is "one o£ the members of , the firm of La ngley & Michaels, on whose desk at 40 , First street Walsh 'leavas a bouquet every morning:. '.Walsh has been doinir this for so long- that he nerer stops to knock. He walks right in.* deposits his flowers and walks right out a pain. He was walkine out again "yesterday-morning when Horfie Patrolman Charles Ballentlne saw him. Now Walsh is not whatv would be called ' a swell * dresser,' and .<" Ballentine concluded that' the illgroomed individ ual who, was 1 making: s a? hurried, exit must be a burgrlar.' .When .Walsh pro i^sted . apainet being arrested - Ballen tine un limbered n club and inflicted a neries •of lacerations ; on the flower jrrower'Si skull, which were s sewed up l«.ter"at the harbor - hospital. When Langley, & Michaels * were • called', upon by' Captain Anderson' to 'substantiate Wal*h'B"story;tbe man from San Mateo was exonerated of all burglarious taint and ' released. : \u25a0 . -.'\u25a0'\u25a0 '\u25a0 \u25a0'-\u25a0 ; Reliable Relief for.' Eyes That Need C*re. MurlneEve Remedy Soothes. • Sweet Singers For Grand Opera Season FORMER FAVORITES AT THE PRINCESS Una Bertozzi Is Announced as Leading Prima Donna of : . ' the Company : j General Manager Frank M. Norcross of the Edwards international opera company has arrived in- San/Francisco, and.brings with him the complete ros ter of the =ariists .who will appear itt the Princes^ in the opera season to open there' June 14. It -will be "welcome news to music lovers of this city to learn that the prima donna •of the company is Lina Bertozzi, whose artistic work at the Central theater last season .was one of the best features in the engagement of the Lambardi company. She will ap pear on the cipening night in "Aida," and another old acquaintance is also billed for the same performance. He is Signor Alessandro Arcangeli, whose big barytone voice will be remembered in ~La ToEca." * . Others in the. opening .cast ; will: be Mmes. Strauss and'Zarad; Signors Bari (tenor)," Gravina (basso), Bozzano, Oterf and Cuiliano. " v- f }jf . The repertoire for "the first week, is announced to be: Monday night, "Aida"; Tuesday night, "ir Trovatore"; Wednesday matinee and Friday night. "Cavalleria" aqd 'TPagliacci"; Wednesday j night, "Fe dora"; Thursday night, "Carmen"; Sat urday matinee arid Sunday night, "Tra viata"; Saturday night, "La Giaconda." Signor G. Merola is the director and Signor G. Pellusa is the technical direc tor. The sale, of seats will open next Monday morning at the Princess thea ter box office, and the prices will range from 50 cents to $2. -. . " ,'y. POLICE FAIL TO LEARN j IDENTITY OF SUICIDE Handkerchief * With Initials "A. H. N." Only .Working Clew Mystery continues to surround the identity of the. man who was fouha floating in j the j bay Sunday afternoon and ihe/ body Is now. at ; the morgue while the coroner's | force and the po lice are investigating the case. The only clew the.' officials 'have -to work' on is furnished' by l the ' Initials "A.: 11. N. H " which; were, found on a handkerchief in the \u25a0 man's • pocket. The autopsy," which was performed yesterday.' by. Dr. . C lark, chows : that 'death was due to-a .bullet wound in the 'head, the' lead ball pene trating-the brain. • ' , : j.^d. spreckels gives bail in McCarthy suit Proprietor/of The'..Call'Surren ders on I Libel Charge, : John . D. \u25a0SpreckQle,- proprietor. of • The Call, sarrendered.himßelfjat*the' : central police j station' yesterday \on';the charge of "- criminal v libel , preferred ".by ; P. ;H. McCarthy -on amended 'complaint, the vflrst : having \ been "thrown A out. of court on; account. of- -its f ! defective phraseoloßy.' i He >was i booked : at* the city prison- and immediately' released in $50 cash balL The case has been set for " this \u25a0\u25a0 afternoon -at r 2 o'clock before Judge ShortalL ~ : ' ' - /•;. ; . -\u0084..\u25a0 -. .' ,\u25a0,".. :...;. \u0084-_.- . ; \u25a0 : -' : •\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 t :>-"\u25a0; \u25a0•\u25a0_\u25a0 .\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0_\u25a0:::/-\u25a0 \u25a0 ;-\u25a0 \u25a0-: If you- will permit: us to put^ypur 'I fieet into ..? a - pair of Dr. vAjJtoM CUSHION I vinediately fso gooci^^fejM feet— j why v sp ficor^^tsMe 1^ and easy tj^J^ I y^&&^ Mff ' ASK YOUR '\u25a0'\u25a0•* '^^^^^^ WEAR THEM! % [L^^^^^^^^. itfTFIBRC CUSmON : ;SOL,|e • AGENCY* J { .•''j'_ . - : % : : F" iv'-^iifMMiPP^ii^ll - X • *-<• liUllfl \u25a0:-'. Near O'Farrell -.i THE SAN PRANCISGO QALL, o TUESDAY, JUNE -l;;,1909^ DO GERMS CAUSE RHEUMATIC PANGS? Easterner Says Bacilli Are Responsible for Dread v • - \u25a0--''\u25a0; : . ;: :.::Disease " :- ' . San Franciscan Helps Bear Out New Theory by His •i '" Statement . Among statements made recently by San Francisco residents concerning the much . discussed 'preparation now being introduced in this city by L. T. Cooper, is the .following from Sidney M. Clark, living 'at .723 Andover avenue. Mr. Clark '> lias been a sufferer from rheumatism and had occasion to try the Cooper-, treatment recently. He said: "Some time ago I read several articles about ' this man Cooper, and in one of these articles he claimed stom ach' trouble was responsible for most ill health. He went, on, to say tliat.his medicine, though only -a stomach rem edy,' had proved .effective for many other diseases. He argued from this that the stomach was the main cause of sickness and stated that the suc cess he was 'having in; San Francisco was" largely duo to this fact. '" now! fully convinced this:the ory is correct and believe Cooper has a remarkable preparation, judging from my experience. — ' . "At the time-I speak of I 'had been afilicted with stomach trouble and rheumatism for four years, despite the services of several: physicians. I .had not improved' in'.the 'slightest and made up my mind to try /Cooper's -^prepara tion. I was much. ..improved .a week after starting in' on it and a week or' so later' w o as entirely well. : "I am not fond; of publicity, but am willing to tell San Francisco people what this man's did. for. me." \u25a0 While" speaking ; of ...rheumatism Siinday afternoon Cooper said: "For a lon,g time: I accepted the well worn statement that rheumatism ,is caused by acid in the blood. Qf- late "years- 1 haye o %beguri to doubt, this. I am in clined, to th^nk that a germ is respon sible for most, cases of; rheumatism. I will admit that if the blood is pure and rich this germ" can not exist, but .1 have;,lost all faith in this acid theory. ."My medicine, as I have stated be fore, does absolutely nothing but .regu late the stomach'and bowels, yet a great many.people can now 'testify that it has • removed all : traces of their rheumatism. I believe the stomach regulates the condition of the blood. If the stomach is ins good condition the Wood'becomes pure; and wholesome and rheumatism disappears, because '.the germs that cause it 'are destroyed by the red corpuscles of the blood. This is, of course,' only a' theory of mine. I do not say that it is absolutely cor r rect, but I feel confident it is nearer t^he 1 truth than the acidity idea. I shall continue to' meet tKe: public at th© Owl Drug Company's store, in the Phelan building,' as long as I remain in San :Francisco." * ASKS TO BE LOCKED UP TO PREVENT SUICIDE Former/" Editor of Labor Paper Fears Mind Is Deranged Fearing that he would become; in sane or that* he would- commit suicide unless restrained, Harry O'Dell, at one time an. editor of a labor. Journal in San Francisco, : went Ito the central emergency, hospital at 6 o'clock ' yes terday morning and asked to be placed in a'cell in the detention ward. ' Hospital Steward O'Day was on duty, at the time and in answer to put to him O'Dell stated / that he had quarreled with bis, wife, who had dej> sefted him, and that his mind had befjj come affected. ' -\u25a0" - . ; -; : 6'Dell lives- at 108 Thirteenth ave^ nue and is - the • father of two children He is 35 years old and a printer .by occupation. -O'Dell will "be held for ob servation' and may be examined- as to his sanity. CHAMPION HURDLER HERE ONmONEYMOON Fprrest Smithson- and. Bride Arrive From North Forrest Smithson, the world's cham pion hurdler, came to' this city yester- : day on' ; his honeymoon. Two weeks ago .Smithson" Iwas .married .to ; Miss Kathetine Tracey in'; Seattle- "Tho fa mous athlete met his wife several years ago while he was a student ; at; -Yale. Mrs. Smithson is a New-Yorker. They are staying '\u25a0 at .the : Manx. ' THE BALTinORK ft OHIO RAILROAD Low .'round trip fares from" Chicago to . New I'ork city and other eastern destinations • during » entire month of June. 1909. Return limit 30 days. Stop overs at Pittsburg. Washington, Balti more an r) Philadelphia. For Intorma tion address; - . - : . . . -, >.... Edwin Anderson, -.'\u25a0 B. N.- Austin, P.C.A."; San Francisco. . G.P.A., Chicago. - BXJtXnrMBS f TO JXBOVU&X— Stricken y with apoplexy *a he was d^eending: a flight of stairs 1b ' th« f bnlMlnj • atj 717;; Howard street, I Frank MlltoD, ' ar resident jof ; Mnrietta,t died suddenly' yerterflay. morning. He : wa« found' by Frank Ellis of, 1015 Feteom Street The police of bis borne town '\u25a0«»' notlfle<l/ >He~ was about '40 years c old. ,\u25a0- ',;\u25a0/;\u25a0' '• . \u25a0•' . .. v -. \u25a0' TUesiday p'Gdnnbr, Moffatt <g& Co. Jiine 1 , I^o9 Seasonable Dresses in Latest Styles For Wbmeiv, Misses and Children Splendid Selection at* Moderate Prices -\u25a0'\u25a0 \u25a0•• iar _r" : tm* \u25a0 • '\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0/\u25a0ml *iji r~ vyomen— -r-'— yiiss(gs Linen Suits . Tailored Suits . * Wash. Dresses- r Excellent values in full tai- ' Shown in fancy worsteds^ Large assortment of one- ; lored linen- suits in natural \u~~i i r- • j piece dresses in sizes from. 6 color; 40 inch -coats; -skirts hcc^ 1^» Made 414 y.ars. Many youthful Ipleated on side. : Perfectly in • full -tailored; effects . and patterns and: colors in gm-- ,\u25a0, \u25a0 *.', v . , , tU i i \u25a0'\u25a0', -,- • ham ahd percale of good qual- 1 mace, and hnishcd. with, coy- handsomely lined. . These are ity ; Jumper, Russian and: buttons, .; , > regular. $20.00 -and $2500" French styles,, with pleated "^ ;, An exceptionally good suit - . ; .- 'and. kilt skirts.' Stylish .and : at , , \ -"^.marked, specially at • scrviccable dresse3 at , $13>50 $15;00 $3>50 MOlmery Petticoats Wash Goods The Two Newest. Summer Styles \We have just received an Two new fabrics which are' X' «•««» ciiu-c importation of . extremely stylish for summer An entirely new line of Genuine English \u25a0 - . Matl - i% r t - Aoi c^; a - sailor shapes just received Moreen Petticoats " x , k m, mv,?' ' fi-rM-n R,; rf l c .„,. \,,a r,™' ;,-, m-i ' , • , . A half silk and halt cotton. *rom..J3urgcssei and Gage in , . ih e newest colors in- plain mat rnal With full RtliAinSfi? Milai, > and Jumbo straws: ;and- stripe effects.: with" deep eh rn^ke' Uo iritJ thfc- Stnkmgly becoming hats for Spanish rand.accordeoh pleat- r * c i est of ligh t P costumeT summer wear at • ,ed flounces. , .ii^ll Sng coioS^ $l- 00 tO $?* 5°5 ° ' $s^° tO $12'^° Iv - nCheS WidC - white Hats GorsetS 50c a yard Stylish' outing and .sum-- ' A , r -.•.\u25a0, i- • r -'-v^ *V ' ~ — ' — —\u25a0' \u25a0 mer hats in j)ique; duck" tl^ f ™ vy co *f<**^n cs .°j- Heavy Linen Suitings •\u25a0\u25a0•„ , i i- - - X H . \u25a0 \u25a0. r> t ' the leading makes designed- ' \u0084;• '\u25a0\u25a0•'•\u25a0, \u25a0: \u25a0-, . *? and lingerie effects: * Pret- ;o; o meet A all fashion" fontiirr "\u25a0 •We ,? re - showul ? for the first ' ty millinery to wear wTth \u25a0 . !?•"-.. a -V-?'? l ?? ; rC^ re - time this season a fufl line of,this \u25a0summprrrlrMw and ' tnh meius - \u25a0" * \ ' \• . • -.. • fashionable matenal in- \u25a0 natural- summer dresses and . ;; tub ;•; • 'Xestelle/'-.aH new shapes ; color only. -Ah' English importa- MUtb> . \u25a0'.'\u25a0s . "Nemo." includiiig itJie new tion; full 26- inches.^-ide; already, <pi ... W ylvy^ ->lar prices. ; - •• \u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0 - 25c t 40c and 50c v s U^w»a • •' : - ft- ' : SPECIAL ••.•\u25a0-•• •. .- /Bath: Mats r ":• ; - .•'..- OOIH© • •' '-Regis'' RengO Belt- \u25a0 "'. Complete selection of colors • ! '•"'•'\u25a0'• : '*i»** -r\t\ an^ s ' zc s from :". ' " ' ..: DsCOFfttlOn Asi Corset for $2* Q P 50c to $2.00 •In the furnishing of the \u25a0 • /• \u25a0 New Kearny Street home -we are now' fully- •'••'•. . Entrance equipped to make to special; •• • ' '\u25a0'.^v.''-^LL^^'-- i :-Vv- Jm S^ /J/) . \u25a0'\u25a0.\u25a0''' '; order all art draperies, door ";. . •- ; ;^*^ l-jd&^J*" "^J^ :: * tonne bed spreads and win- \u25a0 Post* Street*- - $\r\^^^ _^fa> mates cheerfully given. '" PhoiieDouglass9l * \u25a0 ' F. R WRIGHT & SON, Inc. Agents for Walk=o vei* Shoes ANNGUNGE - the dosing of the store at 1109 Fillmore street and the opening in the^aear future of their new store M 855 Market street, Lincoln Realty building, opposite Powell ; —the longest shoe store in the world iand the largest west of Chicago. The Van Ness Avenue store will be continued wT^&Grt^^^'' " Si. *' £BW _^Sf * f\ & Do Not Miss This Chance . : We have r picked articles ; from every line -in the store \u25a0 ;.: and made J sweeping v reductions to ' effect Vtheir immediate. • Big Bargains in High Grade Kitchen Utensils U LOT l--^Cbnsists pf: \u25a0 liOTlS^Consists of ;':;." : \u25a0I*'. m?r*: 25ceach |^^ s^;NowsPc each \u25a0 : : ] L'OTrtu^CQvi^?oj :\u25a0:.-.'\u25a0 j ; .v- \ LOT];4~Consistscof:- ; V. : $lidbi Hand 'SliSp- Eiachv I js&tssowurjrsss aye Aj AXMINSTER gtfl OP \u25a0 K_L_ '•* rvlJtiS •• •• •• •• Ojj • -....\u25a0•...., \u25a0 -, * ; Wide— -6 Feet Long . WORTH $5.00 REGULARLY. . Vpw^ don't- comer expecting to see only a' stingy* . 'do zee* Samples. 3nS '";\u25a0*\u25a0 There -are over -forty, patterns^ every pattern the , ;\u25a0 factory turns out. ; Sc :.vou are bound to be suited. *• .; They., are fine!* A sample "!l~c; the very choicest *6nes the factory turns out. ' ' \u0084' While they Jast $3.00-instead of $5.00. No Mail or Telephone Orders Filled WOVLDN'T LIKE TO GIVE A^ITTtE TEA PARTY In your own coz>v home? . .Easiest thing you know. ;l;" I Rent..the flat you- like and we'll furnish ' it ' and give you .a year* s " time to pay for it. . Come today and mak.e your selections. Give : . the • tea \u25ba party the \u25a0 next dayl .Everything will be .ready. » * COMPANY (gjr^&) Office : Phone ' Residence Phon« lioiiKlm x;o .West 1695 .. 9 t0. 5 p. m. 7to 9 p.m. apHIN J. DEANE .• NO^RY I Re«! Estate and Insurance \u25a0\u25a0'', . .^Sl9'3lonts:onierjr. : ! i itref't Between-Busb and Pinie-^-Russ Building Closing Out Bale of Odds and Ends Hundreds of .sample Avaists must be disposed of this week. Saie commences this morningj LAWN WAISTS, regular $1.00 to $1.50 values,, LINGERIE WAISTS— AiI \u25a0our $2.50 •to $4.00 lingerie waists to be closed out at • NET/AND MESSALINE WAISTS, $5.00 to $7.00 values, will be closed out at? ..' '50 LINEN SUITS, $7.50 Values, to be closed out at Sale Room 61 1 , Pacific Bldg. j JUBKET ASD^FOCRTH STS. , PATENTS FRA >K;P.JI EDI.VA ! r»t«nt Attorney. riSlxoy : iMrs'. Mperienee . with patent tf- P«tei»«m. Trmlemark*. Copyrixhta 812-M4 Call BaUdlng "