Newspaper Page Text
4 \u25a0 Readers of The Call, when} *y*n*itmg f or rat^ The Springs That Made LAKE COUNTY Famous By its cures of Stomach, 'Liver \u25a0. and Kidney Complaints '- Located in the midst of a 5,000 acre pine forest. Altitude, 3,300 feet Fine trout fishing For further information write_Dr>.-W; R Prather. or call at Peck-Jliaan Bu- reau of Information, 789 Market ct. Buy your ticket' of the Southern • Pacific and follow the crowd - WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS The Keirest Retort to Ban Traaeisco. I'ii<?.-r new -raanagf meet and entirely reniofieled. NEWLY FI'RMSHED THROUGHOUT and prongt-t up to «jatf is erery detaiL Beautiful (-rounds, refreshing baths jof snlpbnr water; fresh milk and poultry. Ail kinds ' of am*»e- raects: telephone; $12 a week and op, inrl-jd- lng t«th*. Round trip from S. F." to Vailejo %\i Writs Vailejo White Sulphur. Springs, Val- lpjo. Cal., or Randall. Trowbrldge & Wright ro-spanj. 1306 Broadway, Oakland. \ SANTA CATALINA ISLAND SEASON 1909 HOTEL METRO POLE, CAN VAS CITY Gre«t Fiehiag Tcurnaments. etc.' Printed natter from Peck-Judah Co.. 759 Market st.. Han Francisco. CaL J. B. BANNING. Traffic Manager, Wilmington Transportation Company, 104 PadOc Electric Building. Los Angeles. - Cal. "FOUNTAIN OF LIFE" Jones Hot Sulphur Springs Sure cere fforr r rheumatism, malaria, poison rak. all tkin and blood diseases. Rates $8 to $12 per week, state coneects at Williams. Cal. Pamphlets at Bryan's tmcrau, 2004 !£utr<-r st.. fcan - Francisco, or write -to TILDEN. JONES, I'rop.. Sulphur Creek. .Colcsa county, Cal. Hot Springs Fishing, hunting and health resort. Extreme northern part of California. Write to EDSON BROS., Beswick, Cal., or the "PECK-JUDAH CO.. *San Francis- ro. Los Angeles. Portland or Seattle. HOTERAFffiL *s.\vh\fael Under tbc n-anajrement of I. H. HOLMES, proprietor «f "THE GUEEN," Pasadena. RICHARDSON SPRINGS An <-i«~ellent plaif- for beallb and pleasure. Turns Rtontarh tr*nii)!». rbeutnati^m. kidney, lirrr. J.loo^ and skin <Ui«pb*ps. Ktagp* ilally, except blinds*-. Gnt«\ rnp't*. Ilatp* reasonable. Address LEE niOHARPS<»N. CiiW. fal. HOTEL LA HONDA Beautifully «iti:-ited in the nflwroods. »w a<f>tj-l<>t)e pas. Goo<J trout fifhlnjj. Ixsng dls- T»n'-»» tplepbrnip. S*-a<l fnr booklet. MRS." 1. J. FHARS. La Hondn. San Mateo county, Cal. TOIXT ItKVKS EMPORIUM . BuiKißf; n!»;frifi< of nil kind* aud general merchandise. Camper*, hunter*, flsbermen and auto partip* supplied at citr prices. Also Hrery, stet-iDg and firayinc done to all suburban town* «cd fcumtaer . resorts. P. F. SCILACCIj Point Reyes statioa.. • \u25a0 . . ...... WILBUR HOT SULPHUR sriUNGS JOHN TV. CITHBERT. Wilbur Springs, Cal. Information Perk-Judsh, "S3 Market «t. COLD CREEK RESORT Deer hunting end trout fishinc In the menn- tsins and got)d b"ard. fresh TP?»tablps and milk. Two dally eta j-*»; telephobe. Reasonable rates: Write C. S. TVATTEXBLKG. Lklafa. Cal. SA» LUIS EOT SPaiSGS— Under new man ex»ment. Sheltered *p»t; *~-nlle from ocean • boatin-r; fishlnr: excellent table: all berries, regetahles Rrown et th« sprlnirs- water 110 de- frees Fahrenheit: conveyance meets S. P. trains Address L. E. MITTENDORI'. San Luis Hot Eulphtir SuriiigK. San Luig Obit-jo. VICHY SPRINGS . MENDOCINO COUNTY. i Nattiral el ei: trie Tiaterti. Champagne baths tad famous Beaaty Baths. - Hunting. n«hlßr. J. A. KEDEMEYER. Prop. WRITE W. E. JCtXEIt. TJKiali, Cal., for Htcti •ecommodation-'. Lake and Mendoclno Co» stagi for Blue Lakes, Laurel DelL Saratoga Springs, Witter Springs, Upper Lake^San Hedrln, Pot- ter Valley. John Day's. Ueriy'i. Vichy Springs. (ntotsobUes for hire. OUR A.WL'XI OFFER TO' THK .; SCHOOL . TBACHKRJS OP"' • \u25a0 ... ; *'/ : CALIFORNIA . t Special 1 0%; Discount V: On All Trunks. TraveJlni*; llsick nntl •-' Drr««.:Salt' Ca»ei» •• ;\u25a0'•\u2666 - -•, ' TRUNpSTORE ij t " Opp. Chronlclr Bids. \u25a0 . V- ' 13 A JIMOCK S, CAMP FURXITimE,TETC At Factory 'Prices i.^'. ; \u25a0} ,i j- W; A: PLU MMER^Ca 115-117 Drunun St., %jiu Francisco **j I Vlrmt a«d lranklia its.. Oakland . zm j£SSM fir m Jmß -^ BB* iT' ll o m&&* - ""\u25a0fi^ Mt - fraj """o B s ' t £M%£ ~jJ&l\. ' s ypi Jb ' ' a AMERICA'S GREATEST HEALTH AND i .PLEASUHK RESORIV \u25a0"-'.\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0." Positive .rare .for.- rheucnatlsm and stomach Ironblf. -Tcblf first class. The -roads' have been mit :-ln- ezcelUnt. xhape - for staglcg-'and autos. • Rates, fl2 to *14 per week. Baths free to piests.' For ;fnrtb«r "particulars afldress R. lI. 'CORRY,-. • PTcprietor,-.Tbe:aey«ers,.Cal. ..•''\u25a0; ; \u25a0Notice: All gnetts retnalnlng two -weeks and under four will be refunded their, fare one way. - and guests remaining four weeks and longer will be refunded; round trip fare j from ' San Francisco. SODA BAY SPRSNGS LAKE COUHTY, CAL Situated on the - picturesque shores of Clear Lake. Open Hay 1. Finest boating, bathing, hunting and fishing. Unsurpassed^ accommoda- tions. New. launch, accommodating' 40 people, for urf of guests and * excursions.- Terms (2.50 per day; 512.00 per week ;•" special \u25a0" rates- to fanjllics. ROUTE: Take' Sarisallto ferry at 7:45 a. tn. from city to Pieta, • thence . stage or auto direct to springs. Round trip, good for- six months, $9.00. For -further Information address THOS. F. CHATFIELD, Proprietor Soda Bay Springs, Lake- County; • Cal:» -.via." Kelseyrille, P. 0.. ortPecif-Judah. 789 Market st., S.F. Send for booklet. • . ' ' •: ' $15.80 Lake County- Lots $5.00 CASH AXD *5.00. A MONTH > Callayomi Park, Middletown \u25a0Every lot perfectly level and shaded with tree*. Fine hunting:, flshinf? and battling; an abundance of pure moun- tain water: 'mineral springs . ',\u25a0»-! thin walking distance; picturesque scenery and perfect climate. CAMPIXG AJfD SUMMER HOME SITES Free Book of Maps and ; Photographs . LAKE COUNTY REALTY CO. 450 Phelaa Hide. San Francisco HOWARD SPRINGS PAKE COUNTY 43 MINERAL SPRDf GS,V LSthla for kidneys, magnesia for stomach. Hot Iron bath*, 110 d<»g... for. rheumatism.' NOW OPEN. $10 week. MISS C. WHEELER, 150 Alcslrai at., Oakland, C*l. UKE COUNTY AUTCMOBUE TRAKSPORT&TION C0 M ' Sutceseors to Lakepcrt,' Bartlett Springs and Clear L*ke Stage Llnes^' Pafsencm • curried by AUTOMOBILES and STAGES '. from. Pleta to. Lakeport. Highland- Springs, KelscyTille.; Soda Bay. Rartlett Springs aad Upper Lake. Vine mountain' road, sprinkled dally. Time to lunch . at Pieta. Kztra charges on automobiles in ad- \u25a0dl'tten"fb"fe'l-;i-l*r'"one'way stag* fare' from Pleta." s«. follows: T« Lakeport .$1.50, \u25a0 Hlghlaiwl ftprlngs Jiroft. KeleeyTille " Soda Bay $1.75. Tickets on »a!e at office Northwestern Paciae R. m Co.. Ferry Building. S. F.. or address this office at Ijjkeport. Cal., for information. SARATOGA SPRINGS , The Paradise o£ California." For health and pleasure; 15 different mineral - springs: posltlre . cure for IWer. kMneyfand 'stomach; rates from $10 v. Jin per -reek: furnished cottages for Imnse k^eplne. For luformatlon and' booklet ap- ply Pe<>kJu-fah # g, 7&3 Market st.. S.F., orj. MARTEN'S, Prop.. Bachelor P. <>\u0084 Lake C«.. Cal. For Health and Pleasure This Summer Go ts HIGHLAND SPRINGS . L A..K-B CO. , CALi . . THE' MEOCArOR AUTOISTS. 150 electrically lighted rooms: unsurpassed cni- ' isinp. . F/>r reserratloos and • further particulars Inquire Peck-Judah Information Bureau, or ad- drens P. f. KOHNKE, Lessee and Manager. A., E. -.WRIGHT. .Assijtant 'Manager. , : - .. UA, X E COUNT V Take. a trip to Ijike conuty. by SpiereV lltery Caiistogs stage line.- orer the best . mountain rosd .In CallCornUi. Grand scenery, easy, car- riages, carefnl drivers." Round trip, from Ran Fraucisoo to Harbin Bprln»s, ..Anderson and' Mlra : V!»ta Spring*, f". ' To ' Adamf. -, Bonansa, Sleg- ler's, Hoberg'*.- Howard. Astorg 1 and Glenbrook,* . f9. Stages leare Callßtoga 11.30 a. M...Sundays. Sundays excepted. Half Jjour for lunch at Calietoga. Fifty ', ponndxl/ baggage allorred. ; Tickets, oa sale -,at 1 Southern Pacine office. ' Y. '- '*."" -" . \u25a0\u25a0 . WILLIAMS AND BARTLETT SPRINGS STAGE LINE : Ingres Williams dally* on arrlral of.- north- bound i train for- Bsrtlett.-.'AHen'jf, Hough's- and : Cook's «prrng«."- I>»tly. except- Sunday,* for Sprlnits." Jones -Springs and Sulphur, Creek." AuU»- . mobile* will b» farnlnbed on request. Sprinkled , road from William* to ' Mountain House. ,- , ->•\u25a0;.. WJI.LIAM ; QUIGLEY.!;> Proprietor. . , . BOXAAZA \ SPRINGS \ '.Altitude -2MM) ; ft. •;. ljike county.. -The home- like family resort, amid the! plnrn.;-' Cottages; all •' furnish*!, fbrhftUM I 'keeping; 'except^ blankets and llnpn;. trater plppd to earh oottage. ' Fre«h and mineral waters, hot android batbs.> Fruit, vege- table and. grocery .-ragons delirer.on : the. grounds/ A shady, anrtr reasonable if-esort - within the means.- of all."* Spb<l .for* circular. \u25a0 Manager , *•? Bonarila - Sprinr*. "-,l^ake*'oonaty. -• -..\u25a0/- - y .; ... ' -JinJER'NETfi-'KAKAGEMENf. / /' Entertainment*, flan-sing and'a-nufcejnent* Vtr^ry evening.' Boating, "fishing, Bwimmins " an<l hunt- ing. Rates . $12 ,to' «3i ' per : week. : Adi3re*B 1 11. W. JvRMP.- MWlake-_P. r 0.. "Lake .Co-jnty/. Cat.,. . ••' ,' H.OB BRoAs^RES^pß^t| \u25a0 '^H«rniTrjr:-H»hiTi'c. •Vowlinc, -,!«wiinu*Jntt.*.ll<*t of meals and accommodations.'. Daily stage." Phone; dsnclDir. paTltlon;, acetylene/ I : gan.v-.No > .tlres.-'RatPs flO per week."' Round: trip fn.'MRS. M. HviBKRG, Hoberj;,* ria" Jllddletdwn;~Lake \u25a0 Concty.'tO*) >*•->\u25a0** v.J- -\u2666?**»-* r \-.» \u25a0"\u25a0?« \u2666-«u-j't--; ; -'-, !» '^.The. S«*ltEerlan4,' of rAtnprlc«."J.iOpeu' s *alLiVcar. ' s , Boating.^ bathing.,' n«hlng .*< hunting. \u25a0 Write for L Snkrn* attoni iißd '-"lew*.; Rates $12 to 1 18 week, i. HAMILTON'/-' & DE\J6E,~ Laurel Dell, Lake , C^OPty%?X*al.^^^-^: J . />. v y-,V.;: .. \ ~- -KleTatlon*'. JiWO -'? tett?* Troiit'.- t ßtrcam,l Tplne i 5.i 5 . gro*«*»b>rtme.V!OoJU«gj fresh .air >otta(jfes;.amu-ie- .. -ments.% Rates ;*7-' to- " $">\u25ba pv"? *»**»\u25a0..\u25a0•- Addrewi / MRp.T:rl=::-;'C.'*s. 61FFORD,- %liddleh»wn, -Lake j Oounty.^Cal,.^:;- \u25a0. i~> .'j ':**f;">;-' ,>>« '.-:.*/;• TME SAN c^ ;i .Ai SEW SOITHERN" PACIFIC : DEPOT THAT WII.L BE _>\u0084->• BUILT AT ONCE AT Q Glen .Arbor is the new summer home\resort. '\u25a0'* Ijocated on the,,lln« "X Q of the Southern Pacific Ry., about two miles-above the Santa Crus Big' q Q Tree Grove. The San Lorenzo ; River flows through i Glen Arbor for -over "q Q" one and one-fourth miles. - : :>, 'j. " .. \u0084 "5 Q GRAND OPENISG EXCURSIOX TO Q i GLEN ARBOR June 6th § Q ' '• Special Train I,cave« Third and Tovrnaeiid at BA. M. C. Q g .•\u25a0'\u25a0.'.....-'.', j '.-• ':." PROGRAM OF JUNE 6th '£$\u25a0'. \u25a0, •>[ O'"--' ' Special 'excursions.- examination of property, brass band : concert, '-.. Cl QV grand barbecue; apd dancing at the Big Trees. Q v ; 'V Get TBnr tickets at once nt our office anrt reaerre your ae«t, aa *nre V Q are limited to 300 seats. ' " . . ''. * - .. ' X g WHILE THEY LAST >, 8 I.VSIDE LOTS ; 130. COR JTER AND RIVER I,OTE *50 Ji Q . Up to date about one-third of the lots, have beenr'sold.- Make your 's O reservation at once. " \u25a0 • ... 8 § J,W. Wrighf& Co;/ 125 Slitter St, S.F.I Q EXCLUSIVE AGENTS : Q Q ' ". Phone DonKlaM 4430 - - V . 8 8 -W. C. HOFFMAN, 88 Front St., Santa Cry\i, Local Agent - 8 Q L.W. COFFEE, Mgr. Country Dept. VNV N O ooooo6oock?oooeocooooococoocx)ooooc>o^^ THEANGHORAGE ' <(tftt :1: 1 The moi't: beautiful ; upot - _£\ in the Santa" Crua mountains _ v _j^A--0. . for, health and pleasure. ? ' Flrxt - tjjuJ-I .3 \u25a0>...^*|i' class table,, J cottages/- tents, _^Ja^£a_ s -' tennis, croquet, dnnolnj-. flih- : B^lsJ*%Sßik. '"'\u25a0 \u25a0 • *ng, -'swimming, *tc. ;'.V) acr?s . \u25a0 X%\GiC*Bw redwood, pine and raadrone; *'W** -*--JM4 altitude 1,900 feet; rates $» EL^&GSS&a\. to *'\u25a0• Addrew IV. HALL, mfc> tnßTf Ij*<»a proprietor - : and- : manager, JrScift? •\u25a0\u25a0'"\u25a0'toh P«tehin, Santa Clara co.. Cal. • ''—r-y^f Meets tra Ins by ~ sppolu tment * 7 "^ at' Alma statlmj,.S. P. ; round », '"OCff ' . trip from Kan Francisco, $ »'.50 CAMP CURRY, YOSEMiTE OPEN— RATES TER WEEK 112.50 CAMP CURRY, Santa Cruz Is; 01-E.V, RATES flO to fl-'.SO PER WEEK Circulars at -railroad and Peck* Jndah \u25a0 cabinets in first class hotels., . : 7 .. . ' :..- \u25a0 \u25a0'\u25a0 \u25a0 :.\u25a0 \u25a0"." ': • -V ; a '"'+\u25a0\u25a0• ' - \u25a0 \u25a0 ,f, f ' ": " \u25a0 Santa Cruz, The Atlantic City of the Pacific World's Most Beautiful Play"- Ground. ; Never a dull m«raenL ; . ; . . x.. .. ,v Summer Opening, Saturday, June sth santa:cruz; ; Furnished houi^es for the .season. AJ«>- honws keeping room*, with I to' 3 bpds. . Callor write, for list at F. H. PARKER'S Agpncy .for Real K«f*te of all descriptions,- 145 Pacific ay.;- Santa Cruz; : Cal. • \u25a0'/ ""'-, ../ f --;'. .- ".-_'. .-': \u25a0 HOTEL SANTA GRUZ . First class family ', hotel, centrally located. Good board ; large, sunny rooms/ ; - Special- rates to "families.- Address NICOLAS & CO.. \u25a0• Hotel Santa Crnz, '-. Santa Cruu. Cal. - _ ' THE BEDELL, Santa Cruz First class family house,' with cottages con- nected ; tennis, j croquet and playgrounds i for chil- dren; electric cars direct to bra en and all trains.' A. BEDELL, Prop., Santa Crus, Cal. ;. ;-.. MT. VIEW RANCH HOTEL And cottages In the, mountaUTs-uear Santa Cruz. Flrnt . class table, >clubroom,'- dancing .'pavilion, borrling, croquet. , ; Rates $0 'and: $10. •". Carriage fare $I.2s' round trip. Sendfor booklet. iMRS. TONY PHILLIPS, Prop., Santa Cruz, Cal. V:- / i SEABRIGHT HOTEL S.VnTA CRUZ. : CaL ; 2 minutes'^ walk " from ocean, electric cars to Carlno. ; Rates,. s9 to $13 per week. '-B. O.. WEBBER. Proprietor. -, :";>\u25a0:,:.: Hurry Back to Santa Cruz ': Onr * solicitors on all Incoming trains. FIVE DAYS' FREE STORAGE. WHILE YOU LOOK AROUND.. \u25a0 Danlelg* Santa Crux Transfer: Co. - ' vlif-... ; rrr *' I- »'c;G.-C.'PBATCHXBB,';Pre«. v^ Sight Seeing at Santa Cruz ; - Big Trees. Big. Basin; 17: mile drive and other polntn^of; Interest \u25a0 BY,; ATITO.^,; Best eq-ilpnient. Spertar arrangement by* appointment. -810-SIX AUTO CO., 148 Pacine aT.. . Santa Crux. : Cal. h : '":CHE^Y^c6yRT^: : .\u25a0'» iThermMem \u25a0 Family. Hotel \u25a0 of; Santa 'Croc. ; Cen- trally*-' located."*^ Everything :- new. % v First- Class Tsble.' reasonidie -\u25a0 rates. - Automobile "" quarters. For : particulatC' address !MISS:C. RIEDEMAN. Proprletress.j 99; Church! «t.,-. Santa Cru-i. Cal. "; " * Boulder Crieek Housed An Ideal Fumnier . resort.:' : First « class ; In every respect.-: - Rates r^ reasonable.-. J.--' Address ">-. MRS. FANNIE WELCHi Boulder Creek. Cal.; -;' '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 i/t'-c ' SUMMER HOIVJEPARM '\u25a0<:\u25a0 - . Santa. Cruz 3lountalns, GleaTvood \u25a0 \u25a0 SOO acres. virgin rertwoodg. All farm products. Creek,, games, - etc."- Home cooking. > Hotel- and cottagen.^ Address "NOW". FOLK,' IKC.r : Glea- WOOd t! Cal., \u25a0.-*.. .;;- .; , ''\u25a0\u25a0: x)\ V: / |AMP TAYLOR jRESORt •-\u25a0 Ftrftt -class' 1 : hotel.- "tents,"-; f^ottaircKj'and-, family grounds ;'\u25a0 boating.' 1 fi«hlnjr and' swimming :'. family rate*.-., For particular* A. BENENATO,' Proprietor. SEA BEACH HOTEL SAXTA CRUZ. CAL. . Situated o a a bluff- within 100 feet%of ;the FIXEST: BATHIXG BEACH 'OX THE -' PACIFIC COAST r : H Arid within 5" minutes' walk -of the liAHGEST A.\D FINEST.- BATHING - - rAVIMO.VIN CALIFORNIA \u25a0 Flne;t»nn!s court,, good boating, ; bathing and fishlcg. Beautiful mast and mountain drive?. HOTEL ST. GEORGE under the tame man- agement.. J. J. C. LEONARD,. Proprietor. • HOTEL , : K-- DEL MONTE GR AND rARLOR ; N". ; D. \ G.> W. . i.^Ju^ M' 9,^lo^ll^' 13,. 10W "^ ''' > ..Special low -rates.; ' Every, one' invited. Make reservations '.now. \u0084 Address H. R... WARNER,. Manager. " ,r, r '" / "" •' ''. "•'"*; ,' , STAFFC)RD r S Santa. Cr I. i;. Mountain!*. •\u25a0 In the heart of the redwoods.' ? Unsurpassable; climate..; ' Beautiful : walks, tennis. court, social hall. ' Fruits. and veg- etables,' air home products. Running, water and gas. , , Meet, trains ;by i request /at • Capitols . \u0084\u25a0 For further particulars call \u25a0 Peck-Judah,' -7?9 1 Market I st.VS.--F.Vtor address W. S.STAFFORD, Soquel, Santa Cruz county,. Cal. WILLOWRANCH •*?* AND - THE WONDERFUL .;- •< ,U REDWOOD HEIGHTS , Delifhtfully located, ln the redwoods. '.five miles from .Santa Cruz; •* spring^ water;.lfrult:^ mills; i excellent table; new bathhouse: dally mail.. Tele-, phone Suburhan "' $7. • Free conveyance. .-.: $7 - per week.;MRS.,M. J. CRANDELL, Santa Cruz. ; :'^ HOTEL BEN LOMOND g;il^||||ND]ptjAGEi ? fin the prettiest -part of the" SantasCnii: : moun- tain*.; Nicer than. ever.' > We will be glad'to. wel- come all of r>:ir farmer. guests and as many oth- ers.Hs can.' come. Come'by.Vay of Mayfield'cnt. off to Los C^itos through mountains to^Hotel'Beu I^otnond '.without \u25a0 change. . - For ; information '\u25a0 see I'eck-Judah's,' 789 Market st., -or -write: to LEVI SCOTT.-;ni«n«ger.,-Ben.liOmond.'Cal.*.. .-' .• SUMMIT HOTEIi \u25a0 t; Cottages, tents, orchard, tennis court. 1 croquet; dancing, -fishing.' * Charming. 1 - spot.; among • the \u25a0 Santa Cms redwoods.' -."Under "new. management. Free carriage.' Rate*- $8 to $12. Address Man- ager Summit Hotel.-, Wrights, Santa Clara County, - J.,MeKENNA.'Pr.op. \u25a0\u25a0..,\u25a0 ± ;....-.' /../tv.^v-V.*,, Among -^the '\u25a0! redwood!- of 'Santa 'Crur'-Mti.'' On ' the new short line, 2 .hours \u25a0\u25a0 from 8. F.~ 1 Write for clrcnlsr. WM. MARTIN, Glen wood, 1 Santa Cru» County. Cal. _ \u25a0 . , PINE LODOJSs ." In the mountains, .two milfs from. Santa Cm*;. Beautiful location -In . Blackburn -' Gulch. :'. New, ; modern \u25a0; hotel -.and • cottages. Rates, -; $!> and up. Address -J.M. SHOULTS,- Pine Lodge, Santa ' Cruz, Cal. . '. \u0084.L-» V>. \u0084\: ;; "-. , - .;' - - .; HOTEL ROWARDEIANS^ . ' For further; information 1 see : Feck-Pndah In- formation- Bureau. T, 7Bo Market trt., or .write B. DICKINSON*, Prop.', Ben Lomond," CaL: . . .' - :.. Terrace Groyne Hotel TENTS AND COTTAOES^ ; E»nta Crut-mts: tTenns, $7 to $13. For, r partle- ulars-addrcss R.S. GRIFFITH, >R. D.-.route 27,' , Wrights, Cal. ;-. -^ ' X-?,^ "V ; .W -vv. : V'-'i LAKE VIEW i^A^CH: A first 'class family "resortV. In* Santa*'-; Crui mountains. Elevation 1,800 -feet/ '.Protected from fog and coast winds. .'. 30 ' acrea Jn l frnit Rates,.s2 per day,- $S to $12 per week; \~ Book let." . Address -WM:-0., POST, R-SO^Los 1 Gatos, Cal. i , : .{ Contracts i taken \u25a0 for 7 cure o£ \u25a0 zhetimatism,*. ma- I larla.Tktdney.rgtomach,-: liver,, bowels.'s bladder or -• nervous 'r- trouble*." t Modern S3 <nd \u25a0. a rau*ementK ;.lntbeplnpK near 1 the bay ; s scenery \u25a0 rrsnd;. cottages -or . rooms «flr"board,-j$l r to $2.^ . Write J. O'CONNOR, Prop*.^ New Monterey; Cal.' •;="\u25a0; Grandest and Most AecusiMe \u25a0of All Ra- •orts. J: Oa^ tH hour's - Ri4a >la .* Aut»" O-rer Beautiful v. Bead. :~. x Hsw - Bwimmln* ' Paa«; ; Sataaeuse*. ;:> v Waters * Awarde4 Jirst r FrUe atifit.': L«ais Exvositisa . ,-.'-'\u25a0'.--'. \u25a0\'<^SS§( - - Natural hot soda, sulphnr, plange and tub batbs, •; 104 ' to J ll6 l degrees,' for ' rheumatism, " msla ri a and all sf omach ', troubles. ;. Iron and ' arsenic waters.-. Altltnds. "1,400 feet. Hunt-, .Ing. fine £ fishing, - bowling, \u25a0; tennis. ; croquet. '. bandog, gaa.:; -Expert -\u25a0: maaseurs. --'\u25a0 Round trip.'. $*/, Rates,', $12 . to ; $1«.-, baths inclnded. Table unexcelled. Information at any S. P. •face : or : Peck-Judah Co., - TB9 Market street. ' fer^Bryan't.^- New Uralas aerrlee;rtake .flyer. 1 8 1 a. '•\u25a0 ra.. Third and r Townssnd, -* arritlßf at \u25a0 Sprlngi i I . p. 1 m.7 H. H. « MeOO WAN. Prop.. f Paralso '\u25a0 S pr inr«, Monterey .' County, Cal. . \u25a0 SAN PDRIN !Tbs pietaresqne sitnation of San Hedria resort makes It a very desirable summer retreat from the . monotony of - : dtyj life. \u25a0\u25a0 _ "\u25a0 ; ._,- • ; '.-\u25a0'-\u25a0 1 1 Shady walks under forest ! trpe», T with" beautiful view* of the rlvar here and there, add to tne 'rest- ful beauty of natnre unadorned. Boats in abund- ance ; are provided - for, the gnests. - Also 1 saddle horse* anrt .guides at reasona>!e /rates. Other amusements are " croquet,- ;boxbatl; - poo", j etc. -.\u25a0.- A^ -rThe trout apsw-Hng station of the N. W.P.R. Ca 1 Is . Jnst below < the ? dam opposite this reswt.* A* rest and 'comfort are -prime factors .In one'a vacation, leave your best clothes and etiquette at home. v - Accommodations can . be , furnished In 1 ho-, tel, tents.;. .;- .-. \u25a0 I ."\u25a0>;\u25a0* \u25a0 '.[ . Bates — Adnlt*. JID per week: children under S. $5 per week. ""P.- O. address Ssn Hedrtn Resort, Potter Valley,, Cal.. or 8. O. HOLMES; 1064 64th St.. ; Oakland. Phone, Pied^ 226 a - •\u25a0 : HONOLULU Beats Them All AndßaclTsnO-rir,t-Claa»l gggg; J«5 board riding, sea bathing, swimming and : r aquatic sports; 'fishing, 'baseball, 'tennis, ' \u25a0 golf ,*• automobillng."-' '.j-; ,i Mont ' attractive mpot ' on ' entire \u25a0\u25a0 ronad' world }t«ar. ; : \u0084 '- Five; and a -half days fr«m San Fran- i clsco by*. S. Alameda (wlreleas), sailing June \u25a05; 26,\ Jnly 1 17, , Aug. \u25a07, etc, ; BOOK \u25a0NOW and secure the best berths. ;. r s IJne to Tnhltl, N'rw Zcalanrl nnd \u25a0-\u25a0 Au«<rnU«— B. S. Mariposa sailing \u0084 July 1, Aug. 6.- Tahiti and back, $123. f-,1 Wellington and back, $560. . = - v O. S.S. Co.. 673 -Market St. . : . "/ -:. --Telephone Kearny .IMl._ll. M^RKWEST warm sPßi>ias -.;\u25a0 ; . Sonoms county. >only*S*4 hours "from S. V. and but 7 miles' staging. Meet trains ef N. W. Pacific at Pulton, both - morning and evening. Sauaallto ferry* at 7:45 a. m. or S;l5 p. m. daily. Round trip : only. $3.73. -rKine- mineral springs: superb j boating and swimminr. . Famous wild grapevine arbors — one 50>by 170 feet covering hotel veranda -and driveway. "The prettiest place In California.." U > the. verdict of thousands. First clas» table and service. All amusements. Rates $2 p?r day or $12 per wtek..: Can now accommo- date- 200. *. For 'further particulars call >, at- 7K) Market *t... 2004»Sutter st.v or*: address " J." F. MUI.GREW. Fulton. Cal. .-. TlB5B i** 1909 uscan Springs \u25a0 \u25a0 New - concrete r bathhouse .. and plunge bath. Booklet -for the asking entitled . ••IiET OTHERS TEl.l^ THE STORY" We cure others and why not you? Address ED B. WALBRIDOB.; Tuscan. Cal. < \u25a0 • HOTEL BERTRAND First class accommodations. Ideal spot for va- cation. Fishing, .- hunting, boating - and swim- mlng. * Beautiful > drive -to Bear * valley. Special rates to families. -Apply . JOSEPH F. . BBB- TRAKD.^TocaIoma. Marln ; County. California. YARBROUGH FARM ; - • Open- to guests • after " May I.V Rates, adults' $7. to'*sS "per. week. ,: An ' unlimited .supply": of. fresh ' milk, butter, - frait, \u25a0 vegetables and berries grown on ' place, c. Will meet ; guests at train.' N. L.'.YARBROPGH.;CperncviHe. Cal. \- t *%'.. Country Homes %"Tmlle from' town, on 'R..R... trains atop' at. request;'' X mile river frontage; $3 to $10 a week; $1.60 a' day. i MRS. < H. A; \ STAGO," Guerneyllle. 'Sonoma Co. .;-.* ."•-."' -' ~ .-; ; iGL ; F.RNCTV(»bb'PARK. on Russian river ;* flsh'- inp. routine .inrt bathing; tents and cots rented: lots ; for sale. ' Write' for circular, . GCERNE • & McLANE. GiiprnevllleJ' \u25a0 ' • --.''\u25a0-\u25a0-•-_-' " HOTEL RUSTICANO Situated In ; the. beautiful mountains of Sonoma Co. ' " Dancing, - boating, - bathing. ' - Boats ' free -to guests. *-. Rates. s9 to $12 per week. Open year round. ;> Address . L. . B. - SELEXGER, CAMP MEEKER;-. CAL.: \u25a0.-\u25a0•„<.".;•-/..' ...-. . v ' ; ...,- V<- THE : NEW; ENGLAND \u25a0 HOMI, Camp Meeker. Rebuilt \u25a0 and y refurnished ;. >tth - the* chief /.ide* for comfort: located In .a}, beautiful grove near the. .lake — beautiful t walkK, grand ; scenery, - cro- quet.: boating, \bathinsr. .fishing. : hunting, 1 bowl- ing rand- dancing. ..Table suppH<»d ' with ; fresh fruits anrt vegetable* 'from own ranch daily. '---.- Rates , $3.50 : to . $8 : per .week ; ' uperial ' rate* Ito fatnille? and parties. -^ Artdr<>s-i GEORGE "HAR- RISON." Camp, Meeker,' Sonoma cotinty.iCal.-;/ ' 'AI^AMONTV, OCCIDENTAL^: An ' io>al ; modem summer > hotel;? 3 , hours : from S. F. ; fine ca rbonate iron spring, - etc. . -of proven medicinal ; value; bathing, fishing, V hunting ; 13 . acres \u25a0.-. virgin;. forest ? recreation V ground ; ,, 5 pore living springs; $2 a day. *F> a week. Free camp- Ing.. J.D.CONNOLY. Occidental. CaLV ...-•/. -\u0084j, HOTEL Eli vMONi]E BeautifnlLOS GATOS. New management. First class, table and service; fresh eggs and;milk; Sunday ' Chicken, dinners a specialty. -Address E. JOHNSON. Prop.. Los Gatos. Cal. Tel. Main 831. GLENDORA RANCH ;\u25a0 S«nta Cruatuountalns; 3*4 miles from Los (!»-. to* ; I new I management.*, new dining | room,"; baths, etc. \u25a0 Mail dally. Telephone. * Terms -$0 ' to : $12 per week. Opens \ May 1. A. •O. BLOMGBEN, Prop.'," box : 145, , Lo« Gatos... r .- *\u25a0--.'•"- LA HONDA AND PESCADERO Buy." your railroad V tickets ;' to i Redwood - City; 9 LA. f- M.:; train * from » Third ' and . To-rnsend - sts., Bs n Francisco and Sao Jose connect with stages direct. ..Address, WALTER KNIGHT. Redwood Clty,',CtLv»- •-:-;..--.: '-.- - ';--;,;.-. r PEIBBLE^BEACH HOTjEL \u25a0 At world's famous Pebble Beach/ one mile from Pescadero. Reached ;. by Ocean ? Shore railroad. For i information address , MRS. R. COREY \u25a0* Peb- ble Beach Hotel. " ' . .;\u25a0„-.' DIMC IHM CARMEL-BY-THE-SEA r lIIL 1 11 11 S NEVER CLOSES - For -particulars ia'ddresi .J.I F.\ DEVENDORF.' Manager, \ Carrael-by-the-Sea,' ; Monterey i Co.;^Cal. IS^JED BY THE Northwdern Pacific Railroad THE PICTUBSSQIJS HOT7TE or'CAXITOaMA IS NOW READY fOR PIStRIBUTIOH -\u25a0-- : brrnra ttjll imr obmatiox IK *lOAaDTO> CAMPING^SPOTS, , THE LO- CATIONS, ACC OMMODA- TIONSi ATTRACTIONS, ETC., OEiMINERAL SPRINGS, RE- SORTS' HAND- COUNTRY HOMES AND FARMS WHERE SUMMER-B OARDE- RS" VARE- TAKEN, WITH TERMS: OF BOARD, $7.00 AND UPWARDS PER WEEK. To be had at' Ticket Offices. 574 Market street. ' Ferry Building, foot of. Market str-wt. and Room »se. James Flood Building (Gen- - eral Offices), San Francisco. W. S. PALMER^: - J. J. GEABT, General Manager. G. P. & F. A. BUNGALOW and CAMP SITES : CAMP ROSE ON RUSSIAN RIVH Near . Hea Idsbur j, Sonera a county : best boa tint;. bs thing. fiihlßg, climate ' and : scenery \u25a0ra rlTer ; 125 and up for lota with froatjjs ef CO feet or more; easy terms. .. A mile of liver, aad 100 acres wooded park reserved fortTcr for lot own- er*. .. Fine* sulphur spring free. Warehouse for storage of boats and camp equipage. Good roads. Spring water piped. Call or send for Ulujtrsted folder. ... " x . . , CAMP ROSE COMPANY J3S Llclc Blrfff.. 95 MoatKomrry St.. S. F. C. E. . RAY, President aad Manager ; 30 . -rtars ..-. - adrertlslac manager: 8. F". Chronicle. Skaggs Hot Springs miles -from Gcyaeryllle. Two trains daily. Fare $5.10 round trip, in- cluding: \u25a0 stage. Rates $12 to fls per week.* Hot mineral baths. Swimming, boating, hunting: and fishing:. Every- thing: - new.' including management PETER J. CURTIS, SKAGGS, SONOMA CO.. CAL. \u0084.-\u25a0• Aqua Caliente Springs -MB. and MRS. THEODOR RICHARDS ex- tend \u25a0to all a rcrdlat inritatie!) ; to attend , the e lglitb ' anaivensry - entertainment and ' ball, Sat- nrday evening. -May 29. •. Concert Sunday. Spe-" rial rate -of SS Saturday to Tuexday. Tak« N. W. raelfle . Railway. Saasallto ferry, at \u25a0 1:43 p. m. -.Pare for roond trtp. $1.68. •-..\u25a0• .-• Fitch Mountain Tavern —\ On Russian River, two miles of flne boating and bathing* livery and auto in connection; pood hunting and fish- ing-dancing twice a. week. Bigr fire- place*, electric water falls in dining room: 1% miles from Healdsburg; bus meets trains; $2 day. $12 week. \u25a0" j- \u25a0\u25a0 - . . A. M. EWING. Healdahurg. " THE GLEN RITA B New, np to date hotel on hillside, overlooking river. Teats if desired. • Excellent table. Rates. $10 to $12 a week. Cottages to rent. Address WM. C. HEALY. Montrlo P. 0..* Sonoma Co. Launches,' canoes, rowboats. bathhooses and suits by the hour,- day, week or month. Laaaehes "Sonoma" \u25a0 and VAnona". mtet trains at rirer landing. C. W. MEADOWS, Boatman, Monte Rio. Sonoma County, California. ' . . ! SONOMA GROVE ; Verano. Cal..' now \u25a0 open. New -- m*aa-cement; erery thing 0 first class. Tof rates and -particu- lars write P. V.VANKCCCHI.A CO.. postofflce box 225. - Sonoma. CaL . Bus meets : afl : trains.' MERVYN vHOTEL- GLEN' KLLKS. Sonoma foaaty, Cal. . Entirely surrounded by ferns, trees and flowers. Ideal spot for your summer 'vacation. .Rates $2 per day. $3 to $10; per week. : P. MONOHAX. Prop. owk umufXß. hows in TAMP MFFKTR Mtruntaias of Sonoma Co. .V* 3 ! 1 * . M «-CI»-ui\. Equable cliaate. Lots $15 np. Cottage built $S5 np." Depot, stores, restaurant, hotel, phone, post, express, churches and. sawmill ; 1.800 lots •old; 600 cottages built; . Sansailto ferry. 11. C. MEEKER, Cam? Meeker. Sonoma county. SWEETWATER SPRINGS Rates $2.00 per day, 53. CO per week. Send for pamphlet.: - * - 3. P. ECKLCND, Sweetwater Springs. Healdshnrg.Soiwnna Co.. CaL' bULXiX O SOJfOHA CO. , \u25a0 Hotel and teats around gronnas. nsstled en aide hill j among the redwoods, with charming panor- amic - views of < Russian river and surrounding country. First class accommodations. THE OAKS VERAXO Agna ; Caliente,' adjoining" Boye« H«t Springs. Bus connects ell -"train* at \u25a0 Verano station . of N\ W., P. R. R.~ Accommodations for 100.": . Rates reasonable. : Dancing .pavilion „ and atnnsementft. B. FARREI.L. box. 41.. Sonoma, or Commercial Hotel. Pan Mateo: : 'i^ . , jCtOVERDAIf LIVERY STABLE ; Beadqnartera \u25a0 for Geyser . Stage ; Line. .' First class; livery rig* and saddle horses a. specialty. MRS. H. SMITH. Prop.. Cloverdale. . P. Mala 3SI SWISS AMERICAN HOTEL, .El Verano.' Sixteen new rootas. Bus to trains' and bathe; $7 a week. \u0084 \u25a0 PHIL RO3SI. -LAWRENCE VlLLA— Sonoma family resort. Amusements. ' Bus 'daily \u25a0to Hot- Springs.' $5 a week. HENRT PELLESSIER. . P. ; 0. . Box ' SO. - At most all") the. principal SUMMER RESORTS you will flad HOFFMAN'S California Candies Our out-of-town . patrons will ap-^ -. lx\ predate" this aervlce. •The HARTIX-M." HOFFJW.V Co, " , Oakland. Cal. ; . The Automobiie Roads Are Good to SPRINGS Railroad round trip rate. J7. in* eluding auto ride from St. Helena to Aetna ' Springs and return. \u25a0 81-utrs.t «4 . Booklet f tm on a-juUcatioa. AETTXA SPRINGS CO. A#tn« Springs. ** , Xapa Coirttry. CaL FIArAsPRIN6S XOW OPE^V. The most beautiful moun- tain health and pleasure resort.. Ad- dress L...R. VANCE. . Prop., JOHN JA- •COBS. Mgr.. Napa Soda Springs. Cal. JOHANNISBERG Elevation LCfO feet. Beautifully ' situateil amnajT th« redwoods. Fine lake, boating «"»** bathing.- bowli*»g, tennln court an«» «law-*> -hitw* Rates re«sonabJ«. TUEO. BLANCKENBIRJ, 78.. Proprietor. Otkrllle. Xapa Co.. SOLID COMFORT HOME 1,9t») fe«t altitude. No fog; rllmat* «e«shrfnl: unsurpassed sceatry: -tpriag water; dance haU. swimming tank: tel<>phon«>; $\u25a0< per week. Stags meets train. SCHULER A. SCHEBEX. Napa. Cal. WILSON'S INN A home niountaia place, 12 miles from ?>apa. EWitinn' l.9t» feet. Pure air and water. Own milk, cream.- fruit- and regi-tables. Phone and gas. f« to 112 per week. Folder*. ARXO 11. WILSO.V. Atlas. >Japa Co.. or eaU Peck-Judah Burtan. 789 Market st. | LAKE ALTA - PUCEB COISTV . Beautifully sltnatetl- la pine woort*- half mil* from n." R. station.. Open now. Boatinjf. Bt«U- Ins. game. . pleasant walXi anrt rtrlTe». ' For f'ir- ther apply to' Prck-Judah Co.. TSO Market st., or »i. B. SPE3RY. Alta, Placer Co.. BOCA HOTEL AND ANNEX i TRUCKEB RIVKR Fisherman's headquarters.* llesls first -cla«. Rooms modern and sanitary. Hot and •\u25a0\u25a0>'•! water. Xcv water sy*t«tn from ' raotiatain apring. Addre«s CHAg. GARRISOX,; Boca. Cal. UAKE TAH 6E6 E LAKESIDE PARK CO.— Hotel. Cottages. House- keeping : Tents. Ca-aplag. Store. . Lt*«»ry. Boats. Bathlag. Jons is best month for lake Oahtajr. >'o-> circular address A. M. HILL. ProprWtor. SUt»- Une. Lake Tahoe. Cal % " \u25a0 . " '. *-' GLEV ACPI-NE" SPRINGS LARtf TAHOE: I>a7*lln« snow«e.ld->. heaptifol ' waterfalls. • Alpine flowers, trcut fl«hlng, , trtm baths, boats and picnic luaches: wbttw chef. t LlteratTjre Southern Paclßc ami PwS-Judah In- • formation Bureaus. 8. . H." COLEMAX. Jlgr.. 3711 Sacramento street. Ssn Francisco; LAKE INDEPENDENCE "In the high Sierra. Good trout fl'hine lake and stream.' For particular* Iminire South- s era Pacific Information Bureau, or ailclresw MISS R. WARD. H<ibart HUIs p.w:«fflce. 4 TAH ?£ r I [AyERN I M T»**«> Ad»anta*e of-th* K.irt.- Fl^hins. I CAZADERO HOTEL A.YD COTTAGES - BIG TREE RESORT "i»w management: Iraprored- acoommndaiiin*; good hunting and fttbtng: cheap hiiildi-ic lots (tat sale la new townolte. Hotel raten %'i per iU.r; |12 per week. Ideal spot fur your vacation. L. EDWARDS. Manager, i'asadrro. V*l. CRAG VIEW-CASTLE ROCK Under the same management. Ideal famQy re- torts. Mineral springs. No clubrooms main- tained. Excellent cuisine la our specialty. - H. O. WICKES.: Caste Ha. CaL SWEETBRIAR. LODGE 1 Everything llrst class. Sitnattd la tba beauti- ful Sacramento canyon near Castella. Excellent Titw of Mount Shasta. Good tehtas and hunt- ing. For rates and booklet write to H. W. HOPPE. Castetla. Cal. :;' BERRYVALE INN An Ideal homelike summer rvsort at t"i? base of Mt. fhasta. Addre«i« H. B. REAM. Si3son. Cal. HAYWARD SANITARIUM ConTale*>centa and invalid*. CHmat<> especially good for bronchitis and asthma. Fr>:it-> and' vege- tables raised on the grounds. Rates reasonable. Address V. A. McAuslaa. Box r:x Hayward, Cal.* POISON OAK Ncvtß . n pjLicnv- '3O years . CHILBLAINS. rtLONS. BURNS, CTC. - -"* VALUABLE HCUSCMOLO SALVE. AIX ORIMSiSTS HAVC IT O» WIU.C9TMM CM <»ta.U IST ACCt^T NO SuaSTITUTES. -'\u25a0'• rrfcv 2S Cents. UWSLgYi MICHAELS CO. SAW F3ANCISCO » |TciTT SUBSCRIBERS WbO'desire The Gall mailed to them at summer resorts i or, other out of town places ~\vill. please notify office, i giving present address and length of time desired sent i \u25a0to new address. On returh- . ing' please" notify office, in i order that; service by carrier ' 1 may be promptly resumed. J v^ * '- —^y