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THE CALL'S SPORTS NEWS ONE GREAT RALLY SQUARES SEALS WITH FANS Everybody Forgets When Five Men Cross the Plate One : After the Other WILLIAM J. SLATTERY Tbe Sols needed Only one inning yesterday to njuare thctnselrPß for tbe d»y. This was tbe seventh in the BftcrntKifi battle. Whit happened before or Fine? will uot be chalked on tbe slate of baseball history. The foregoing has been for pottcn, trnile what happened after does not fount.' It's all in tbr seventh, the lucky seventh, wbico diamond tradition tells u« has brought wore victories to homo teams than any otner round from one up to the longest in the history of tbe game. The Seals put themselves in right with a big holiday crowd, wbicb numbered close to 8,000. They made aotends for the morning defeat at tbe bands of ihe Beavers and for tbe awful crushing which they came in for on Sunday afternoon. But Trbonever tbe home team piles up five runs in one inning and holds the visitors at bajr in «>aeh of tbe nine rounds, tbe crowd Is bound to fall. Tims it was yei>terda.v. Things could not have broken any better than they- did for San fraacuco. It al! startc-d trith the fatal base on balls to Tin? li.Klie. Melehoir oame next with a two rsckfr axainst the right field fence. J!mmy Jjfwis made the best of hi* chance with a drive ;>a>t'fit?t s,u<l both men scored. Berry bunted and as nobody covered the. bag. he went right along to woiid and Lowls beat It over to third. McArtile wa*- not expected to contribute at Shis etage «>f the game, but at all events he »-«ntribiiic4 * high fly back <5f third which some tvfy -should have gathered. But nobody did pit her ii and tlie fiwgo went as a Texa6 leaguer, Kct-riag Lewis. : Eaetley made the first out lor a £>od cause, a. nice. saer;a<-<\ and Zeidcr con triiwtctl a bunt to first, which nobody came near t'rafcbfiig and the other two were in. making It five. - • .: \u25a0 ••• . Tlie Beaver* AU\ the be»t they could through out, l-ut ilus was not ' much, measured against the ir.agnifli-ent pitching of Eastley. Ue had .\u25a0rrrythins- In tbe pitcher's collection and the further the gaioc went tbe better he was. . Score: AFTKBXOOX GAME I,'UHTUVSD. .:•\u25a0'' AB. K. BH. SB. PO. A. E. Olfob. .!=!-...' 3 0 0 0 2 4 0 Kpe«r«,'tl. f. 3 (f'.ii O 0 0 0 Itvan" of "b. :..: .4 0 0 0 • o 0 0 .\i<-O><2lv. If .4 <• 1 0 2 0-0 j«ous6;i. ;:b 2 1< 1 10 4. 0 ort. Ib -"•« <» 2 I' 12 O.'l Bwb. 2h. ...'...,.. 2 rt 1 <• .3. 3 0 Irmbraster "c .1 0 0 Q 4 1" 0 lUrfcn«*. V 3 0 1 0 O 2.1 Kennedy, c. f 1 .0 U' *) 1 0 0 •FuoralVr '• •' 1 0.0 0 0 00 Total: ...'..:.**... 30 0..7 1 24 14 2 ' 'Ilstied for Armbruster' in ninth. SAN FRANCISCO. ..^ -( AB. It; 811. SB. TO. A. E. 2>i:lor. :ib 4 (» 1 ,» 1 4 0 M.;hler. 2b 3 «> 1 1 3 4 0 Tennant, lb 4 0 O 0 11 11 If-lie. 1. f. ........ 3 1 0" 0 '«> 1.0 Milcfcoir. r. f. .;... 4 1, .2 o 0 o 0 Lewis «\u25a0- f .-- 4 1' 2 1 414 1 O-, 0 Bcrrr. .\u25a0 „-.'.. 1 1-1 0 H. 0 -0 .Mi-Anlle. c. 3 1 1 0 04 0 'Est-tlf-J". p. .-.' 2 DO i> \u25a0 1' 2 -0 Tot?! ...1....... 2S ~5 S 2 27 10 1 KINS AND HITS BY INNINGS Portland TO <* 0 , <> ' 0 0 0 0. o—i 0 Rasehfts « • « <i 0 1 .1.3 2" O^- 7 Sxn tTam-tectf;.. •"• «"«> «»\u25a0\u25a0«"<» S O x— 5 fcs?ciiit» \u25a0;:.-.'..' 10 0 1 1 i) 3 0 x— S SL'MMAUY T»o hat* liiu— Ort. Mclcholr. McCrnllc. Sac to6<t liit*— Spears. Berry." Eastlpy. First ba«e en <-alled .ball*— Off Harkne«=s 3. .' Eastley 3. Stroek out — By Harknem 4. Eastley «.. ixwble plavj, — Breen to Ort. -Eastley to Mohlejr.. Time «t \u25a0 same — =1 hour. ?~i mtnntes. L'mpire — Mc- Portland 6, San Francisco 1 '•. K^lph .Willis rxperie.nred bU first bnmpine of .-. month in the morning game at Oakland, when : J .ie lies vr-rs got to his- twjstrm, for the kind of bitsi vrhi'-lj oount with men on th» path*. .Tbe. r.nisii nas «t to 1 end it Joft ahoot ttllnhow. the, Jeains played. The jink* evidently was on t'lp gftUt and •\u25a0\u25a0 t until the game wait nearly" over <i:d they show anything like class and theu it -was -too late to ttart, for the Beavers' were already in with fix runs, enough to carry them through. r ' fy?*x* : • '"•]','\u25a0"*_> \ . "\u25a0; MORXIXG GAME \u25a0• * ' rORTT-AND. ' '"AB. R, BH. SB. PO. A.E. Ol*oa. : f. ..'.•...."..... 4 2 1 1 2-3-0 Fpear*; 1., f. ........ 2 O" 1 0 4 0" : 0 tty'an; >. f. ../...... 5 1 . « -1 0 0 0 \u25a0McCnsffle; r. f. ... 4 0 2 1 1 .0 0 Johnson. 3b. .'....'.... 3 0 .fl 'O 0 • 2 o. Ort. lb. ...:... S 1' 3 0. « I" 0" Brr»n. 2b .:... 5 1 1 .1 4-3 0 Foamier, c .: 3 . I- 1 -2 -.8 1.0 C«rson. : p. •...:.... .4 ,0 0 0 0 2 0 Total ....... !.....S5 -«*^»3 r :6 27 12 0 SAN FRANCISCO. AB.R.BH.SB.PD. A.E.: Zeider. ~b 2 :i 2. -O 2 0 010 1 Mf*ler. 2b. ..;.....- 3 O 0' 0 1- 5-". 3 ' Tennant. lb. 4 0 1 13 1 0 B"*lie. <-f.' If. ....... 4 \u25a0 O O 0 I 0. 0 Meleholr, r. t. ..... 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 J. William*. 1. f. ... 2 0 0 0 1- 0 0 R. 'Williams, c. ...... 4 0 1' 0 4 1 .0 McArdle. c ........ 4 0 2 0 1. 2- 0 Will's, _p 2 0 10 L 4 d Feniß. <•• f -.2 <• 1 0 3 0,0. MnndorlJ, Sb. ...:... 1 Qoo - 0 0 00; Tntal .S2 1 .8 1 2T 13 3 BqNS AND HITS BY INNINGS Portland 0 0 2 0« 0 4 0 0 0— C Basebits 02 1.0 OS 100— 8 San Francisco. ... l r 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 — 1 Bawbits •• • ~-. 1 1 1 0 1 12 0 I—B SUMMARY Home run* — ZeJder. Three base hit« — Ol*on.' Two bat* hits— Ort 2. Fonrnier. Zeider.'B. WiK Hams. Sacrifice bits — Olson. Johnson 2, Willis. First base on caljed ball* — Off Carson 2. off Wil- Ii» 5. Struck mit— By Carson 7. by Willis 3. Hit by pitcher — Spear. Double jtlays — Caroon to Br«*>n to Ort. Wild pltche»—Car*on. Balk — rarson. Time of para" — 2 boars. Umpire — Me- Greerey. Oakland 6-0, Los Angeles 5-5 ° •U>R ANGELES, May 31.— Oakland took the morning 'game from Los" Angeles by th« close Icon of 6 to 5. In tbe afternoon game Oakland as allowed only tw<*-hits by Brlrwalter and no rnns resulted, while Ix» Angeles bunched three of the five hits of tbe game In the sixth, and finished with five tallies and half of the ninth Inning to spare. Scores :> MORXIXG GAME LOS ANGELES . AB. R. BH. SB. PO. A. E. Daley, cf 4 2 2 2 O 0 1 Godwin, If 4 O 0 O 0 0 0 Heall. rf. ........"... 8 .1 1 0 2 2' 0 Howard. 2b 5 0 3 0 3 2 0 Smith. Sb *... 4 O O 0 3 0 0^ Delmas, s» '.3 1 1 0 5~1- 1 Dillon. lb c . 2 0^1052 0 Ricx. c. 4. 0 0 0 6 4 1 Tbornen. p * 0" 0 0 0 0. .0 0 W'Uecler, p ..^4 1 2 0 0 1 1 Totals .., 33 3 10 2 24 12 4 OAKLAND AB. R. BH. SB. PO. A. E. Mitrphy. rf.... r» 0 l o 2 o o Van Haltren. cf..... 3 I 1I 1 '1 . 0 1 O' 0 I>. Lewis. If ,3 1 1 0 10 o ' IlnKJtn. '3b .'.3 1 0 0* 2*" 2 1 ftlcCay. 2h. '...2 2 2 14 11 Cameron, lb 2 0 0 0 6 1 1 Kagan. ».:..'.'. 3 0 1 1 * 1 C. 0 C. lywis. c 4 1 SO 6 0 0 Tonneson, p.... 4 0 2 0 11 1 Totits.- 29 6 11 2 24 10 4 RUNS AND HITS BY INNINGS is* Angeles 0 0 3 10 0 10 • — 5 Basehita .1 O 4 2 1 1 1 0 •— 10 Oakland 3 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 • — 6 Basebit* 1 2 0 112 3 1 •— 11 •Game called end eighth, time limit. SUMMARY Thre* has* bit — Dillon. -Two base bit* — Mc- Cay. To3ne*rm and Howard. Sacrifice hits — Dillon and Camf-mn. ' Bases <tn balls — Off Tnor m»n 4. off Wheeler 3. off Tnooesm S. Strcck not — By Thorsen J. by Wheeler 2. by Tonneson Double pla>-s — Wheeler >to ' Rom to • Dillon. IMllon to Smith.' Beall to Delmas. Wild pitches — WbeclT and Tnoneooa. Hit by pitched ball— McCay.. by Thnrwn. Time of fame — 2 .boars. Umpire— McCarthy. . . AFTERNOO.V GAME LOS/ANGELES AB. R. BH. SB. PO. A: E. !»aW\v. cf.'.: .2 1 .0 1 4 0 0 Godwin. If. 4 1 1. 0 4, 05, 0 B^all. rf...... ...... 3 2 3 0 10 0 Howard. Cb . 3 O 0. o; •_• 0 o Smith. 3b ...:. 4 10 .0 2 2 0 D^lmao, M ".... 4 0 10 2 3 0 UUion, lb.. .3 0 0 0 .X I »l <tea£dorS, c. ........ 3 0 0 0 8 0 0 / . . "^ . .-.-\u25a0 w \u0084 . - . . \u25a0- STANDING OF THE CLUBS (Coast League) ' W. L. Pet. San - Francisco. ...... 40 23 6U5 L©« Angre1ea. .... . . . . 37 24 607 Sacramento ........ .33 -27 ' 542 Portland .....'.!.... 2S 30 483 Vernon ........^....23 37 383 Oakland ........... .21 40 344 RESULTS OF GAMES San Francisco 5, Portland. o Portland 6, San Francisco 0. Oakland 6, Los Angeles 5. Los A niselen B, Oakland 0. Sacramento S, Vornon 3. Vernon 0, . Sacramento 3. Briewalter, p 2 .0 0 0 12 0 T"otals~... 2S 5 5 1 27 8 0 AB. R. BH. SB. PO. A. E. Murpjiy. rf..... ...... 3 0 0 O 0 0 0 Van Haltren. cf 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 I>. Lowis, If 3 0 0 0 1,0-0 Hoean, 3b .'3 0 1 0 11 0 McCay, . 2b.... .3-0 0 O 1 4 0 Cameron, lb 4 0 0 0 13 1 1 Ragan, ss.: 2 0 10 0 3 1 L* Longe, c a 0 0 0 C 21 Wisgs, p 3 0 0 0 15 1 Totals \... ....27 0 2 0 24 16 4 HUNS AND HITS BT INNINGS Los Ange1e5...... 0 0 10 0 3 0 1 •— 5 Basehits 0 0 10 0,3 0 1 ( * — 5 Oakland ...0-0 0 0 O 0 0 O o—o Bssehit ;-.O 0 0 0 10 0 0 I—2 \u25a0>»'^i SUMMARY ' Two base bit — Ball. Sacrifice — Dillon. Daley, Briswalter. Howard. Balk — WigKS. Bases on balls — Off Wiggs : 2. off lirlswalter 4. Struck out — By Wlgpß 1, by Brlswalter 2. Double plays — Briswaltrf ta Delmas to Dillon. Passed hall?— I .a I-onje. Orendorff' (2). Hit by pitched ball — Hocan. - Time of, 'game — 1:00. Umpires- McCarthy. : \u25a0 , ' Sacramento 5-3, Vernon 3-6 SACRAMENTO, May 3i.— By splitting eren with Vernon in two games today Sacramento won seven out of tbe series of eight games with the team from tbe south. Tbe final score was 6 to a. In the afternoon same tbe Senators' timely ' bitting was responsible for the victory. Scores: MORXIXG GAME VERNON : <U : AB. R. BH. SB. PO. A. C. Stovall. c. f 4 2.2 2 1 0-0 Haley, ,2b .»»... 4" 120 6 3 1 Brasbear, lb ....... 41 0 o* 10 2 0 Martlnke. 1.-'t 4 1• 1 0 2 0 fl Caffyn. r/ f. ..t 3 1 1 0 1" 0 0 Eagan. ss. 4 0 2 014 0 Mott. Sb 4.0 1 0 1 2 0 Kinkel. c. ... .. 4 O O O 4 O 0 Hark{ns. p. 4 :Q: Q 1 0-0 21 Total 35 H 10 ~2 26 13 ~2 SACRAMENTO AB. B. BH. SB. PO. A. E. Shinn. ss ..4 11 0 3 11 Dnrle. c. f. 4 0 1 O 0 O 0 Flanna'gan. r. f. ... 5 «1 2 0 11 0 Gandll. lb 5 0 2 0 10 3 ft Raymer. "2b 3 0 O O 2 3 "\u25a0• "\u25a0 0 House. 1. f .4 1 '1. 0 2 0 0 Janslng. 3b 3 0 1 0 1 0- ' 0 Byrues. c \. 2 0 1 0 6 2 0 Graham, c 1 '0-0 01 l:-« 0 Hauser. p. :.. 1 0-0 0 0 0 0 Fitzgerald, p. .;.... 3 p 0 0 1.1 0 Total ..'.... ."..35" 3" 9 0 27 12 1 RUNS AND HITS BY INNINGS . Vernon ' „. 1-0 S 0 0 0 0 0 0— « - Raschlts 1 0 3 0 0 2 1 1 2—lo Sacramento ..... 1 0 0 ' 0; 0 0 11 o—' 3 Basehlts 3 1 1 0 l«0 1-2 o—o SUMMARY - Hits made off Hauser. 3. Three base 1 hits— Martinke, GandU. Caffyn. Two base hits — Byrnes, Doyle. Eagan, House. Sacrifice hits — Grabacu DoyJe. First base on called balls — Off Haueor 4. off Harkins 2. Struck out — By Hanser 3. by Harking 1. Hit by pitcher — Shinn. Stovall. Time of game— l hour and 50 minutes." Umpire — To- AFTERXOOX. GAME ' \u25a0 * VERNON \u25a0 ' " VERNON ' ''.'. ;V»i . .AB. R. BH. SB. PO. A. E. Stovall. c. f 4 0 0 0 5 0 0 Haley. <2b .'......., 4 "2 ' 2 1 4 3 0 Graham, lb 4,0 1 0 61 1 Martinke. 1. f.- 4 ." 0 . 1 0 0 0 0 Caffyn, r. f. ...;... 4 -1. 1 1 I 0 1 Eagan. »s. 4"j 0 3 0 3 3 0 Mott. 3b 4. OO 0 1 1 0 Kinkel. c. 4 0 1 0 3 2 0 Hltt, ;p. 4 0 0 0 1.1 0 Brasbear, lb 0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 f __ ; \u25a0 , __ \u25a0 _^ Total .........36' 3 9 2 24 11 2 SACRAMENTO AB. R. BH\ SB. TO. A. E. Sbinn. ««.... 4 0 1 2\u25a0<. 2 3 1 Doyle, c. 1: 4 12 0 30 0 Flannagan. r. f 2 0 0 1 2.0 1° Gandll, lb 4 1 0 0 10 0 0 Raymer. 2b 2 1, .1 0 3 0 0 House, 1. f 4 11 0 10 0 Jansiog. 3b 4 1 2 0 0 2 0 Byrnes, c. ....'3 0 115 II Brown, p. 3 0 0 0 1 2 0 Total ..30 5' 8 4 27 8-3 RUNS AND HITS BY INNINGS Vernon .1 0 0 10 0 0 10—3 BasehlU ......1 2 0 2 0 1 0 2 I—9 Sacramento 0 2 1, O 0 10 1 s—ss — 5 Basehits .. 1 3 1 0 1 2 0 0 x— B SUMMARY % \u25a0 - - \u25a0 - . *< Horn* run— Haley. Three base hit — Jansing. Two base hits — Eagan (2). Doyle. Sacrifice hit — Flannagan. First base 'on called balls — Off Hltt 3. Strnck out— By Brown 6. by Hltt 3. Double • play — Shinn (unassisted).. Time of fame— l hour and < 35 , minutes. Umpire — Toman, , Northwest League TACOMA, Wash., "May 31. — Tacoma and Vancouver broke even here today, the Tigers taking ' tbe morning game, 8 to 3, and the champions the afternoon contest, 4 to 1. \u25a0' Scores: Morning game— R. . H. E. Tacoma 8 11 0 Vancouver .................. ... ... .3 8 2 Batterle* — Clafiln and Bender; Hlckey and Stanley.' Umpire, . Flynn: \u25a0' Afternoon game— , R. H. ~E. Tacoma ..1 : 8 1 Vancouver .V. ... .V. ..4' 8 1 Batteries — Samuels,'- Urady . and Bender; Engle and Sogden. Umpire.' Flynn. PORTLAND, Ore., ' May 31. — The two games played here - today between •;:; Portland 1 and Spokane -resulted -'in a tie \u25a0 game - after • twelve innings bad been played, and the other resulted In a victory . for Portland. 'Scores:-. Morning game-^r . R. H. E. Spokane .......3 1 Portland ../....\u25a0..'....*........... ...3 10 1 BRtterlPß— Klllllay and Stevens and, Spencer: Gough, Gwynn and Murray. -• \u25a0 Afternoon gam* — ' -- R. \H. E: Spokane o , 2 ; 3 Portland ....'.......:......... 3 ;8: 1. Batteries — Jensen and'- Stevens; Ktnsella- and Murray. „ SEATTLE. WasH.. May 31. — In \u25a0 the morning fame Seattle' got 15 bit*, including. two doubles and twoboae runs, netting 11 runs, a* against three, for. Aberdeen on seven hits. Including one home run. : Seattle took > tbe afternoon gamehy a ncore'of 3 to-l; ; . Scores: \u25a0' \u25a0 • \u25a0 .\u25a0 - - \u25a0':.. •' Morning game — : R. H.- E. Seattle, -...."... ....11 15 . "I Aberdeen '.......\u25a0... '.. .."....'. .3 7 3 '. Batteries — Bnsh and < Cnster; ': Starlrell '* and O'Brien. :" ,".-.,' •• . . ::; v .'Attern*>n game — :"..- R. H. -E. Seattle ..:. ..3 »^ 3 Aberdeen ' ..'...'.. '. . ....:... .". .....;. 1 ,- '-. 8 \u25a0 • '. 2 ' Batt*-rie*-r-Allen and Shea; Slever t and O'Brien. BAY TBJEE LETT AT PoßT— Wolrerh'atnpto n ; ; England;' May^Sl.— The.'Albrlghton sellins^welter plate of 103!M>vPr*»!gns,-ifori3tyear,:nldii and*up- ; : ward,\ooe- mile. 7 want; w<»n jherei today? by iVlsto I>id.' '\u25a0'.. pronrtheua } was " second * and * King i Georgu third.';.- August Bclroont's; Bay Tree ;was T left at the'oost. :."\u25a0\u25a0. \u25a0;" " ;_. \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0'?\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0;\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 -'" •..\u25a0;-"\u25a0'. ';" : .j.» JHE SAN FRANCISCO^GALL, TUESD^s/JITNEa; -1909 WILLIAM J. SLATTERY Seals and Beavers Play Ball That Pleases Crowd of Fans j A sensational play '' during : l the afternoon contest when Ort slid safely I ' into -the third sack.. ' . " MILLERS EMERGE FROM CONTEST RUNLESS Doll Face Gray for. Second Time .' During the Series Shuts ;' Out Stockton S . . Doll Face Gray . was again on the. Job yester day and for the second time during the series the kelender boy applied the flattener t<j the Millers. After furnishing a ragged game /n the morning . Irwln's men came to lite and handed out a tln ixbed article of the national 'pastime duriug' tbe afternoon and satisfied , a good crowd of fans. Gray had a fine assortment and, be pat the hoary sluggers of the Stockton team down 'for the count throughout and blanked them for the-sec ond-time during the- series. Fresno's' discarded pitcher has the goods when -he is working right and "the "way he "sent Shay's men- to the bench was a pleasure to the fans. « , The Orphans g<»t their first tally In th» first frame and they puj. two more" over 'the pan in the third inning. A couple of good healthy bln gl<»B aided by mlscu,es on' the part of the Stocks ton players were responsible for the run*. The Millers did not .field npto their usual standard, as sis slips are. registered against them.'- In the -fourth and seventh frames Stockton looked dangerous, but Gray tightened up and- got by without allowing a score. In these innings two hits apiece were . taken '.off his delivery.. Score: ' . '-. 7. STOCKTON . \ ; AB. R. BH. SB. PO. A. I*. Shay, bs 4 0 1 o 5. 3" 1 Farrell, 2b. ..%..:... -4 -o" 0/ n 3 n ' 1 Mertes, 3b. ......... '4- 0* 2: "0 \u25a0• 0 o 2 Pfyh lb. 4 0 0 0 G .r 1 Miller, c. f. 3 0 1 0 0 0 1 Gordon, r. f. ...... 4 0. 10 2 0 0 Murray. I. f 4 0 1 0 on 0 Hackett, c 2 0 0 0 7 . :2'"'.O Durham, p ..2*o 0 0 1 5 .0 T0ta1. "....!';.. .....31 0 6 0 24 13 C '\u25a0:\u25a0/' S.fN FRANCISCO /. AB. R. BH. SB. PO. A. E. Feeney, 2b. . ; 3 0 0 0 3 2 0 Streib, s*. ....'. 4' l '2 1 '4 1 0 Croll.l.f. ...... 3 1 0 0 2 0 0 McLaughlin, c. f. .:. 4 1 20 2 0 0 He.lnter, % r. f . 3 0 0 0 2 1 0 Ferlin. . lb. ...4 0 216 0 0 Hallinan. 3b. ...... 4 ft 0 -0 1 11 Burke, c .';.. 2 0 1 0-5 3 0 Gray, p. ............. 3 0 I 0 2 3 1 .Total ....;. ..SO; 3, & 2 27 11 2 , BUNS AND HITS BV' INNINGS Stockton ....;.;. 0 0 00 000 0 " o—o BasebitK ...... 0 0 12 0 12 0 0— - fi San Francisco ...1 0 2 0-0 0 0 0 x 3 Basehlts ...... 1 2 20 0 1 11 1 s SUMMARY = Three base bits— Mclaughlin. Two base hits — Forlin. Sacrifice hits— Feeney. First base on called balls — Off Durham 3. I Struck out By Durham 6. - Hit by, pitcher— Miller, Hackett Double plays— Heister to Bnrke to Oray to Strelb, Durham to Shay to Pfyl, Farrell to Pfyl. Time, of game — 1 hour 35 minutes. Um pire — Ehret. . Stockton 6, San Francisco 0 \u25a0 In the morning contest Heister was touched up in . a\u25a0> lively manner and the Millers : yon by a score of 6 to o.' The Stockton bunch ' fmmd Hols ter. In the fifth and ninth Innings and scored all their runs. Egan pitched a good steady game and was never In danger. Score: ~ .•-\u25a0•••/ STOCKTON \u25a0" f AB. r: BH. SB. PO. A. X.' Farrell^, 2b. .40 10 l' 2 o Merles,- 3b.'.... "...... 4' o 3 o ( < •;{\u25a0• w Pfrl.jlb; ...... 3 0 •_» l 10 1 0, Miller, c.f. ........ 4 0 . 0 "0 ."I*o*o Gordon.- r.f. ..:...; 4 or 0 0 0' 0 Murray, ; 1. , f. ....... 4 0 10 2 00 Frambes, c. .....:... 4 2. 1 0 4 00 Egan. '.p. ..:.:... ...-4 2 3".0 030 Total ...35 0 13_ - 1 27 .11 ~o SAN FRANCISCO AB. H. BH. SB. PO. A. E Feeney. 2b. ; .40 004 30 Streib, ss. . .;...". 4 0' Q 0; 4 3 1 ; ....'....... 4 0 6 00 o v o McLaugblln, c. f. .... 4 11 . t o "'.'{ ' 0 ;**o i Bllss.r.- f. ;\u25a0;. ...... ...'3 ; 0. 1,; 0 Oi 0" Oi Ferlin.*. lb." 3 ... '....;.: 2 0,.' 0 '.-.0"'14 o\ o1o 1 Hallinan. 3b. .'.:.;... 3 0' •' 1 - 0 ..' <» --l'-'O! Burke.', e. ........... 3 O'-0.-O "2' 4 o HeUtcr,'. p. ......... 3 .0 2:. 0 '. 0 \u25a0*.->\u25a0 4 f 6 \u25a0 Total. ....; ...30 0, - 5 0 \27.115 1 BUNS AND HITS BY INNINGS ' stoektoti >.......*. 0 0 o "<\u25a0 0 3 in, o\ 0 3— n t '-\u25a0 Basehits •;'.". . . 'J.': 1 1 '0 .\u25a0 2 . 3 o . ' 1v I v 4—13 San \ Francisco .I.o' 0. 0 0 (> .0- 0 ; 0' 0-^0 Basehlts :. 0 1 1 0 0 0 l" 1 I— s SUMMARY ; *.Two 1 base s hits— MertM.^: Pf y I, i Frambes. • Shay. .Sacrifice' hits— Shay. Farrell. v-iFirstt' base : on called s balls—Off,— Off , Egan : 2. s off. Heister « 3. ; ; Struck ont^-^By,' Egan _4.* i by^ Heister i 2. v. Time of ; game-^' I'bour and; 3.*» minutes. I ;.* Umplre^-Ehret.,': '\u25a0\u25a0 • San Jose 7-8,. Santa. Cruz 5-1; , hard in the morning and afternoon games with .Santa Cruz and won both. Scores: . MORXIXG" GAME „ ;./ . V. SANTA CRUZ * - ; '. . AB. R. BU. PO. A. E. Van Biireu, 2b '. .. 4 0 0 4 2,0 -Curtis. 3b..... .»-.v.. '.,... 4 • 2 . 2' 4 *' 0 ' 0 Householder; 1. f. !?..I. .^ 4"• 1 2.21- 0 De»'creaa.v.' p. .;.....:... 4 0 O a 5 O * 0 Conrad, lb.. ...•..'.\u25a0...: 4 1* "1 • 0 0- 0 Mother, r. f...\: 4 12 1> 0 '0 Broadbcnt;.- ss ...,;. ...3. 0 t* '\u25a0 7 -10 Dashrt"obd. c... *.*..' ;.. 4 •O . 1- 2 0-0 Hopkins, c. T. .'..-..... .1. 1/3 ' 0,- 0 0 1» 0 • Total '\u0084. .: . / . : 34 . 3 'S 24 5.0 • \ "\u25a0 : SAN JOSE ' . . •' •7: '\u25a0: . ."' Kb. r. nii. po. a. c. Rdd. 1. f. '..-... ::..:..:..: ;i 3. *i a o, o i.ovett. c. r. ..• ;.,; 0...".0,o ...".o, v.l 2 0 6 Hap Smith, r. f . : . , ". 4' . O 1 ' 1 V» 0 Myers, 18-. .:...•.'.. .'.. : .. .- 4 2 - 2' ll"; ti .' 0 .IJvey. 3b..: "."4 2 U i. 3-~ 1 Kmegcr. »!9 -...•..:'... \s • o\ i o \u25a0:; ' 0 Koller, 2b..'.. ."....»..,..'. 4" 'o 0 '.\ 10 Kf<l Smith, c. ..,.'.-......". 4" 0 1" 7•• 0>- 0 .Miller, ip".:*.. 1.*"..,.'!'- .0 '.1..0- 0 0 •Total .. .:.... ... ;.:... 32" 7 10* 2*. ' ,; 7. 1 • RUNS AND HITS. BY. INNINGS •' . Snnta '.'.O Q 0 "0 0 3" 0 1* I—s1 — 5 .Ba»ehltß "....., ..0 . v 0' I. 1 3-0 1 2— S San Jose... .' .".:; 0,0.0* 1 12' O x— 7 Basehlts .".... •.•..".• t» . 0 0 1 2 3 1 I— lo ' . .SUMMARY , • Home •run— Curt i?^ Three base ' lilt— Conrad. Two base /hits — Myers'.. Krueger, La"eey. - Stolen bases — -Myera. . Lacpy, ' Ilopklnn. Double ' play — Krueger to Keller to- Myers. /First base on called balls — Off Miller 2, off Deve.reaux 3... }4tnick out «— By Miller 3. by. I>evereaus 3. Sacrifice hit's — Hnp Smith. Krueger, LoVett. Balk— Devereaux. Tlnie-of game-r-1'd 30 . minute*. ' Um pire — Thumpsou. Scorer— 'Anderson. AFTKRXOOX GAME SANTA CRUZ.- " ; AB. R..BH. PO. A. E. \u25a0 Van Buren,-c. f.. 2b.'.... 4. 0 1-0" 3# 1 Curtis. 3b 4 00 .2 U 0 Householder. 1.. f.. '.'..'.*..'. '4 •() 12 0 0 Devereaux. 2b', 55. ..."»... .3. 0 0»' 3 2 1 Conrart. 1b.... :.—....•.... 3 0 "0 10 0 0 Mosber. p., r. f ..•..'..;... 4- 1 10 0 0 Broadbent. ss. p..:.,,,.*.. 3 0 11 1.0 Dashwood, c.....', ,3 0 0 4 4 1 Hopkins, c. f:. .,..:.... .3, 'o : 0 2 0 1 .Total \u0084....."... ....... 31 1 4 24-12 -4 SAN JOSE AB. R. -BH. PO. A: E. .Reid, I. f. 4 112 0 0 I-ovett, c. f. ..."......:...' 2 VI 10 -0 0 Hap Smith, r. ' f . ......... 3 2 1 0 0 0 Myers, 1b... .^4 2 1 12 0 0 Lacey. 3b.... : ; 10 Krueger, -ss.;".. 40 3 4.0 0 Keller, .2b.;..'.'. .V..4 1 2 3 7 0 K'URmlth. c..:... 4 0 2 4 0 0 Logan, p V .4 (» 0 0 "1 0 Bailey, c. f 2 0 0/ 10.0 Total 35. S 12 27 13 ' 0 . RUNS AND HITS BY INNINGS Santa Cruz. .0.0 0 0 1-00 00—1 BasehlU 0 0 0.0 0. 0 1 3 o— 4 San Jose . .f>'.3 0 0 0 0 0•:0: x— 8 Basehits •"• 3 0-1 1020 s— l2 SUMMARY Three base hit— Mosher. Two base hits— Hap Smith. Keller. Double play — Krueger to Kellet to Myers. ; First base on called balLs— Off Mosher I; off Logan- I,' off Broadbent 2./ .Struck out — By Logan '4.: by Broadbent 2. Hit .by pjtcher— Bailey (by Brondbent). ' Devereanx.: -Stolen h a p PS _Rei(l (2), Lovett. Lacey (2>, .Krueger (2)', Keller, Bailey.,: Hit«— Off Mosher 2 for 2 runs In < 1-3 Inning,'-' pff / Broadhent 10 y for « nins |in 7 2-3 innings: charge, defeat to Mosher. 1 ;- -Time of game— l. hour ami IlOiininutes. Umpire/—Thomp son. Scorer— Anderson. ,-; . : \u0084 . Fresno 4ro,^oak|and 3-5 \u2666 ' FRESNO,. May '31.— Fresno ami Oakland di vided S honors •on \u25a0 the . local . diamond- today. ; the visitors winning: the L morning game 5, to 0 anil the- Tigers ; taking the' afternoon contest 4 to. 3." Scores: -."\u25a0./' --•^•..'\u25a0\u25a0 : - -,- 7 \ .\u25a0\u25a0' ."-''v'-V- • : : _, •'\u25a0]. 3IORXIXG GAME 'OAKLAND . . > / AH. R. BH. SB. PO. A. E. Smith. 1. t. ...:•\u25a0\u25a0• 5/. 1^2 ;i :^0 S|g CJ MAKES o d« 9* A LASTING CURE V.; ;".y \u25a0. .\u25a0 .. \u25a0: \u0084\u25a0\u25a0...;\u25a0 * - -\u25a0.•* ;-. i-.-v. -,•\u25a0\u25a0*. .-\ \u25a0\u25a0 .•„. -, - j ..; ' ••: •"\u25a0\u25a0;.\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0: .-•\u25a0 \u25a0 "• •..-.. -v^ ;.,;\u25a0> \u25a0 Not only its proven ability!; to cure, . but ite absolute safety as a remedy, j jj&s.made 8. 8? S. the ! most : extensively : used^of^ all vmedicines ) in '.the J ment ,of ; , Contagious 1 Blood iPoison^;:^ -.^Unlike I the ;* strong rmineral;niis:tures,| which tempo rarily, remove'l the "outward *, symptoms^and shut the disease up \ in the system;\there i,to ; carry Ton : its j destructive ;,work ) on! the .delicate' and ] vital organs^ S. S: S. c strikes difectly/at;' the) root, ;* purifying |the ;blood I of \u25a0"every: trace of ithe *virus; f completely;, anii' 'permanently fcures the trouble; | 8? S. f S.nis Nature's : b^ good J results. ;\u25a0 -It ; is « made ?froml a ', combination iof > roots ?and herbs,-f each T bf ; which ; has "a 7 definite arid f specific faction < in> purifying the blood^;. Years w«e spent i in'; selecting^ and I proportioning f the Hi different ; ingredients, when 8. S. 84. was 1 * perf ected|it ; soon » demonstrated v its £ superiority, "over Jail pother bJood^medicuejSrWdnow^ after Tyea cure for Contagious Blood*: Pqison.'v'iWhila f driving (out itixis I poison^ frbnistha circulation S.'S^SfbuUo^ upland s^ tonic' effects^^lf ; you ' aresuffering ybur/mostlcertainf reliance;*! and^because]! of fe its % freedom*! ffomfmercuryi pbtashl pr| anyl ptherjmineral.i it > is] absolutelyl saf e | f orleyery/one4|?jHome tre atment I book ; with \ valuable raggestionsTandf any « medical aidyice j sent free to all who write. STANDING OF THE CLUBS '\u25a0;', (Stnte Leagiie) W". L.~ Pet. Oakland .......... l^ 4310 "604 \u25a0 Stockton ........ ...38 17 601 Santa Cnu5... ...... 28 20 510 San) J05e. . . . . .*. . .'.'. '. 10 . 31 Fresno ......... ...~. I©" 36 345 San Francisco. : . . . . . 2O 38 ORr GAMES Stockton .fl. San- Francisco 0. San Francisco 3. ' Stockton o.' San*" Jose. 7, * Santa \u25a0 Crnz \u25a0 1. Fresno 4, Oakland .3. Oakland:. 5. Fresno *0. \u25a0' McHale.c.f. ....... 5 01 2 1 Xy 00! Sheehan.ab. '....... 3 1 I ,2 0:0 -0 Nealon, lb. - .:....-.:'. 3 > 0 \u25a0 O ' 0 •\u25a0\u25a0 8 0 0 Henderson, p.' .. 4 i-o,' t o 0r;2,,00 r ;2,,0 McKune, hs. ........31000 4.0 Kussell.'-2b. ...'...... 3 0-1 .1 2 20 Burns.-C. 1 . ...;...."... 4". 0 •'; 0 -0' '-'1 1 Kennedy, 'r. t. .... .. 3.2:1.020 0 Total' ......r..;.i.53 -5 8 .3 27JT.9 1 FRESNO * '-\u25a0" ; ' ' \u25a0>\u25a0\u25a0: - AB. R. BH. SB. PO. "A. E. Forrester, c. t ." ...... 4 0 .0 • . 0 -3.0.0 Kelley/ 2b. ;.:..r...-4 0 0 0. 1 3 0 Carney, r.f. ......-..\u25a0 4 0 : 0 0- 0 0 0 Tracey, lb. .:..... ...3 -0 0 .0 14 l<\o Knhn. 1. f.v.. ....:.. 4 0 .1 0 2 0 0 -.:..;:. 4 0 20 1 21 Joyce, 3b...: ...3 0. 10 1 1 fl McDonougb, c. 3 0 I- 0 4 0 1 Mobley, p. ;.......... 2 >0 0 0 1 • 3 Total r..:h.."......31 0.3 .0 27 10 .3 'RUNS AND HITS BY INNINGS { 6akland . .'. . .'.". .01 00.1 -00. 1 2—' 5 \u25a0..Basehits :....M' 1 1 -0 '2V2 V 0 0 1 . 2— ,8 Fre5n0". ...... ...0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o—o Baseblts .....'. 0 -Sf 0 o.'\u25a0!\u25a0'. '\u25a0!\u25a0' 0' 11 o—s SUMMARY '. Two a base -C bits— Rnnsell. ' Kennedy. ' MeHale. Struck out— By. Henderson 8. by Mobley 3. First base 'on called balls— Off- Mobley ,3.; Left- on bases— Oakland '7, 1 Fresno 0. , Wild pltcb^-Mob^. ley. 1 -' Passed 'ball— Burns. Hit by .pitched, ball- Kennedy. '\u25a0-" Double play-i-Tracey'. unassisted. Sac rifice hit— Tracey. Mobley. Nealon. Time of game — 1 hour -and 40 minutes. Umpire-^-Smlth. Scorer— Garman. •. v ',"•• . - ' AFTEHIXOOX.. GAME FRESNO- / - v> V - - AB R .BH.SB.PO.A.E. Forrester, cf. ...... 4 0-1-0 .". 0 » Kelley. 2b. ....' ..-5 0 2 0 2 1 0 Carney, r.f. •....:.. 4 0 i o l- 0 .0 Tracey, lb.-. ...3 1- 0-0-.12 0 0 Knhn, I. t. &. lb. ... '4 1 3 0 - .1 - 0 0 Scßlmpff. ss. . ...4 0 0 0 "2 r» 0 Joyce, lib." .......... 4 111-2- 1 McDonongh, c. ~4 0 1 0 3 2.0 Van Ottennan," p. .. . . 3 11 0 12 0 Tufts, "I. f." ......... 0 0 0 0.00 .0 Total .............33 4 10 1 SOl2 1 OAKLAND - ". Si" AB. H. BH. SB. PO. A. E. Smith. 1. f. ........ 3 0 0 0 10 0 MeHale, c. t. ...... 5 1 1 O .'.O 0 Sheehan, 3b.....:... 5 0 1 12 0 0 Nealon. lb. ;.:.....; 4 0 0 o 0 1 0 Mosbiman.p. ....... 4 0 10 0 0 0 McKune, ss. .". .; 4 0 -1 0 1 4 0 Russell, 2b. ......... 4 1' 2 1 " 5 0 Burns, c ...;.4 0 2 0«.2 0 Kennedy, r.f. ...... 3 110 1 0 0 .' Total . .'. . . . '. . . 3S 3 9 ffJS 12 0 1 *One out when winning run was' scored. .' RUNS AND. HITS BY" INNINGS Fresno .* .. 0 1 0 0.0 0 2 0 0 I—4 Basehlts ... 0 2 1 10 13 0 0. 2—lo Oakland ...... 0 0 0 0 0 2 10 0 o—3 Basehlts ../. 0 1 .0 0 1 3 3 0,1 o—o \u0084 4 ' SUMSfARY. " Two base bits — Carney,. Kelley. Kuhn (2K Me- Hale, Kennedy. Runaell. Struck out— By Van ottertnan -2. by \u25a0 Moskiman 1. by Henderson 4. First base'on called balls— Off Moskiman 2. Left, on bases — Fresno 6, Oakland 6.\. DouMe play — j Van fntcrman, unassisted." Passed ball— Burns. .Sarrlflce hit— Forrester. Innins* pitched— By Moskiman 7, hits S. ;runs 3. Charge defeat to Hcndcrson-I Time'of game^— l hour and 40 min utes. Umpire — Smith. Scorer — Garman. Baseball Notes Jimmy " Williams ran into the fence in the mominjr' same at Oakland and injured his 1p? so badly that he probably will be out of the runnlit for h we>k or.morei Bodie will play left and Lewis crater. \u25a0 \u25a0 . \u25a0 \u25a0:.--.. •-\u25a0•.'• President Ewing has signed Unlpire Atkinson of the Imperial Valley leapue. and tbe new man will be Riven R few workoots with Jack McCarthy, beginning today or tomorrow. He comes highly ; recommended, and has many a 'booster going | to \u25a0 the b»t- for him. \u25a0 A funny play came off \u25a0\u25a0 when Portland had the bases filled in the fifth. Breen. who wan on Hf-cond with two out. became- excited an«l. running too far up the line, touched third. Had Eastley retained his presence of mind and toss<Hl the ball to the plate, the side would haTe been retired without further ceremony. - But as the next man was soft, nobody objected seriously. : • \u25a0 , * • ;-. : Among the noted /visitors at the game -was George Ade. the American wit, and his oM friend. Ort Wellf.; Ad«» and ; Wells occupied a front box and rooted hard for the. Seals to win. iff San Francisco can- play the same sort of ball right along, Ade will be. a" great booster for the- team all. over : the country, for he. is a three star fan and- he's always touting the good \u25a0 teams wherever he goes. \u25a0 ,• • • There was a time limit on the afternoon game, for the reason " that both teams were forced to make their getaway last night. Had It been close at the finish, the fans would have come in for a lot of stalling. But there was ho necessity for anything like this. > The Seals canned -it up f so^ strong " in • the seventh that -"-there was no chance for an argument. The game r was to - have Deen '. called at - 4:15 o'clock, no matter how the score stood. Even this was not I necessary, \u25a0 because . the boys reeled tbe game off in an hour and 35 minutes, and had five mluutes to -spare at i the finish. I The Seals - caught the .Owl . for ' Loa . Angeles last evening, .and this afternoon they : will open a scries of seven games with tho Angels on the southern diamond. ./-This v should.' prove to 1# one of the - best series of ; the season, . as both teams are fighting for- the : lead. , and a decisive victory for either will mean much at the close of the season. While- they are fighting it t oiit In v the Koutb. Oakland and Sacramento will furnish the amusement * here,' opening tomorrow afternoon ' across I the ' bay: \u25a0 • And In \u25a0 the mean time - Portland \ and . Vernon will ' do^ the honors in the .'\u25a0 north. , The teams cajigbt the -8 o'clock train : last ; night, and* they will start : hostlUtles tomorrow afternoon.; . •'... . • ' \.-'i • AMATEUR BASEBALL ; - OAKLAND. May 31.— The ; baseball ' team' fit Oakland high school will line - up. probably for the last : time this ' season 5 against the collegiate team', of ; St. . Mary's .- coll<«e i Tuesday afternoon on '. the college - campus. • The y game should te.a hot. one ; from 'Start . to . finish. - -\u25a0•-•_ " ; '.-\u25a0>\u25a0; ; .' ' NAPA. May \u25a0 31." — The . Napa team defeated St. Mary's : Phoenix nine rthls ; afternoon: by -, a score of -12; to 3. - " Batteries— Napa. Emerson" nnd Wallls; St.i Mary's,. Bonctti, ,Wllcos and Simp son.- V... \u0084: "\u25a0 \u0084'' ". ,' ; .;'. . .'\u25a0',\u25a0• v 1v 1 'BYRONV-MaV ' 31.— TudByron nlnt'^ defeated the Crown Flours today,7 to 1. Score:*,; \u25a0 R. \u0084H. E. Byron ...........•......" ...7 • n ? y.O Crowns V;.'...'. .'•".: ...'.l »> .3 v. Batteries — O'Banion and ; Estudillo;" Martin and fox. \u25a0J|li!tlHii|iWilwllil'WHlfJ | li!tlHii | iWilwl lil 'WHlf KHWUWJUiI CLOSE FINISHES IN THE HARLEM REGATTA Dunham Boat C tub Wins Junior Doubles After Spurt /fl? Last Dozen Strokes NEW YORK. May 31. — Ideal conditions pre vailed ; today at the forty-third annual rowiu; races of the Harlem' regatt* association on the Harlem river. With two exceptions the- contests were ; rowed «iver. a \u25a0 mile and a quarter course. Several of the races were won by a few feet. The Dun hum \u25a0- bf«t club <of New Haven won in the/ junior doubles,'. after.' a contest with the New ', York • athletic club crew. . which was only settled In the * last dozen strokes. Summaries: --\u25a0Junior slDgle sculls — Woa by It. B. Mann, New York A. C:: John Hufhes. Atlanta B. C, New York, second. No time, taken. - \u25a0 Junior quadruple sculls — Won by Nonpareil R. C, New York; L'niou B. C, New York, sec ond.' Time, 6:2B.?>Saft««Ssp| .' •. Jntermediatc four oared gigs — Woa by Colum bia r university. New York ; Pennsylvania barge club, Philadelphia, second. Time. 6:22. ' Semidonble sculls — Won by.Sheppard and Fen nessel,-Harlem It. C. New York; Quina and Klvas, New York athletic clnb, second. Time, 6:15 2-5. ' . -- . - Intermediate- donble> sculls — Woi by Louis Mayor and Rudolph Vrtacek, First Bohemian boat club. New York; Union B. C, New York, secoud. Time, - :41 2-5. 5 • Junior eljrht oared shells— Won by New York athletic club; Columbia university. New York, second. \u25a0Second . double sculls — Won by Dunham club. New -Haven; New . ; York athletic club, second; Staten Island B. C, third. Time. 6:13 3-G. Won by .half a \u25a0 length, the same - distance between second and third. .Final beat, association single sculls — Woa by R. .: H. 'Knapp, '\u25a0: Nonpareil R.- C: 'Frank Shea. Sheepshead Bay It. C second; .Joseph Thomp son. Nassau li. C. third. Time, 7:14. .Won by half-length easjly. . \u25a0' . » - pi Senior four oared shells — Won by ' New York athletic club: Wahnetab 8.-C, Flnshlnjr," second; Hartefl K. C..'- third. •\u25a0* Time, fi:l«. - Senior single sealls — Won by Darando Miller. N.Y. A. C: 8. S. Gordon. Vesper B. C, IliHa delpbia.. second. \ '.-'-.' \u25a0 Interscholastic eight oared shells — Woa by I>e - Witt ; Clinton high school; High. School of Commerce, second.- \u25a0 Intermediate single shells — Won by Barry Bryant, llavenwood B. C. : William McCullen, Harlem R. C, second: E. F. Hoffmann Jr., Uni versity barge club. Philadelphia, thin!. • Senior quarter mile dash — Won by "'Fred Rus sell. Harlem rowlni; club; • Frank Shea, Sbeeps head Bay R. C, \u25a0 second. ', Durando Miller of the New York athletic club. In this erent. was taken with cramps about ' 100 yards from the finish and upset his ishelL He was rescued by. the police patrol.. .- \u25a0 . „:\u25a0". You wouldn't smoke a cigar like COBS? CS^^ Whynot?; ' . , Vlrx \rr\ii want PT>od : \u25a0 UO you Waiiu guuu HIBRES^IN(P Cobs are Havana Londres Finos. / :.\u25a0• ... . ;^R^S^^ I Do you want good measure? Nine Cobs for fifteen cents. f Do "you want good looks? Then don't g9 buy Gobs— just pay ten cents for a cigar [j made oT the same leaf but prettied up |j so much with bands and bundling that 9 the price can't come down below a dime, y If you want to smoke loolcs, you won't || get them in Cobs— if you want to smoke fcj tobacco, you will. U \u25a0opm, BUY A BUNDLE OR BY THE BOX %| Pm_ it3l * &9HfIBHBPB^BHBBI bBHBBHIvB| L^l FOR SALE EVERYWHERE j j S. BACHMAN & CO., INC., Distributors, San Francisco. yng» • tf tfHP agi tiff <gl tS> 'O I v»rr DR. JORDAN'S^" 1 I MUSEUM OF ANATOMY 4 : - '\u25a0 (CRCATtR THAN eVCRt ' J J ' '/!~\ ' Wemlmeu or «oy eontractcd <lit<nt« k (iVi posltKely cured by the old«t j; v fej tpeculiit on th« CouL Efteblubad IM® DISEASES OF MEN £ // trJpf?^ \\ Coiuulution fre« »nd strietiy priv»l«. ,t^t>^9^Tr e >tm«>it P«P «r M >naQrorbyktt<r- A A f^Sg* . positive cure in ***tj <*— «»• ' A J^mC Wril. for fcook. PHILOSOPHY V rF*tyf Or MARRIAGC nuiUd lnm~im A \[ \{ >akabW book f«r jnm.) y iDitJORDAM.^Kl t -S.F. f CAL. We pure Men TO STAY -CURED of "WEAKNESS." PRB-" iIATUKITT. : DISCHARGES. DRAINS .LOSSES. Blood rolioa (SYPHILIS). VAltl- COCELE. B YDROCELE. PILES. CONOR- BUOCA. Proatate. Bladder and Kidaey DU- esses. We are lons estsbUshed. Experlenc«d. Scleatlflc and Reliable. ADVICE Ii mz 1 and CONFIDENTIAL. WBITX la y oar ok a nay \u25a0if .* unable "to '\u25a0 call. \u25a0 W* send question bUnt. OUa HOME TREATMENT ipeelaUy prepared roes straight to : tfie ' snot anJ 1 enre is CERTAIN. OUR PEES are low.; YOU PAY, WKEKCTIIUSD. r That's Fair. UNITED PHYSIQANS& SURGEONS 3^lo Third &^&S££££l Akn **I 7 23d Si J Xea» Telejrraph jX&g^&zM MEHANDWOMEK. Urn Dig G for canatnnl ''iafW ta t•• S d>n.M ' : diicha.rsca,inaama3>t!on3, ESmJf On«-»ate«(j . w Irritations or clceratioaj ' i«»S sot t« lutotax*. of mucous Eembnaes. &_5 fr*nmu Ceata^ia. p»i n l«««, aad noU*jtria« SSSiTHEEYAMCHEMOLCO. " jsot or poi-onous. t^rak eiMCm!UTI,O.^^ Sold by DrnrristA, \u25a0 : *• *• .^^a or Mnt ' a Pi* ln \u25a0wrapper, «3Jv£*3fc»k^_ ' by tx^refs. prepaid, for tl .00. or 3 bottles »3.75. w o Clxcnlar «at cs leqcert. I— Everything, Comes^to Him Who— { !— USES -CALL ; WANT : ADS— J «?\u25a0 \u25a0 .'""' \u25a0 ; ;; — "\u25a0' ' \u25a0>, VINCENT WHITNEY WINS DEL MONTE GOLF CUP Defeats C. E. Maud in Final Round oi the Eighteen Hole Match ARTHUR INKERSLEY {Special Dispatch to The CalQ DEL MONTE, May 31.— in the semiflnal round over 13 hole* match play for the, lH*l Monte cup for men on tbe links here tills ciora- - Ing, Vincent Whitney, playius even with J." A. Voider. ea«-h having Uamin-ups of four >fruk«->, woo t u;> S to piny, awl C. K.;. scratch, defeated A. S. Liiley. recuiviag lour strokes. - up in a close contest. , The Jinal round ov«r , IS Uolen was played i:i tbe afternoon between. C. E. Maud, scratca. au>l Vincent WTiltney. rweiving fi>or stroke*. Whit ney was in, excellent form aad at tiie thirtei-ntU hole was 4 up. He took fourteenth ami wn:i tl«e match, snp 4 to pCty. \Vl»ltney captorM Bn>t prize, and Maud take:* second award. In the 'semifinal round of the match play coojpetition o^rer IS hoies for second lti. J. I". Ryau. receivins nix Htroked. defeated U. M. Ixwser 4 tp : i') go. anJ K. D. Oirviu beat J. M. O'Keefe, receiving two strokes. '£ up.. In the ftual round J. P. ltyan receiving six strokes, and U. D. Girvia were even on ts holes, - and> played three atltlltiooal holes to i> side the match. Kyau received a stroke <> i first bole aod woa It. Glrvin took -0.-na-'. maklDK the match even, but the third bull-. Girvln's ball belns bunkered, waa taken by Hyaa. who woa the match up on 21 holes. '\u25a0-. C. D. Whyte. scratcb; W. F. Narby. 2: Arthur J. Ow«n. 4: L. 1. Cowcl!l. ": . Tuoma* P. Uamforrl. scratch; T. 11. O'Keefe. ; 3; J«>!ir» I.Hw><>n. scratch: Eev. Al<»ian<ter Alleu. 6: vr. 11. Crocker, 0; I>oa?las» Grant. scratcSi; I'en-y W. Selby, 6: H. Speas Black. 4: 13r*y L. Ford. 12: Adrian Splivafo. tt»; Gtista.v Sutn-. 10; R. J. Woods'. 8: Captain Ashbupi. !>: J. I). Beddlns, 12; Clinton LaMontajpie, 12; Cau tain A. 11. Payson. 12: l"erry Eyre.' X; li.- I. Bentley. 16. and -Leonard Chevery, ''H, not hav ing reached the semitlnal round, of either match play competition, took pn/t in «'» Il*I 1 * hole handicap against bosrey. fj. D. Whjte. 1 np on bofrpy. won: D<>«pl«aa Grant, all square, with Joeey betnsr second: all others were down. Whyta received 4 silver cap spe cially presented by the m3,&agement at " tho Hotel Pel Monte. • AMERICAN HO3SZS X.o'4E — Paris. May 31.— American, horses competed, in flve races at St. Cloud this afternoon, t /it not one got fir-: mouey. \u25a0 ' » Additional Spr/rti on Paxe 12 Diseases That Wreck L^ ® For 20 years I y^fl - J^r ; have by my own original methods £2sf>^r J\. been • successfully s treating the fol- 9r^-\^. » lowing diseases DB. TAVXOn i that wreck men: THE UEIDBB SPH3ALST •^Weakness." Contractett Disorders. Spermatorrhen. Orsanle AV'eaknes.t. Lost Visor. Varlcoeele. Stricture. Piles, . Specific Blood Poison and Reflex Ailment*. Advice aad Con* saltation Free. Call for free examination. 1 will elar.j (Its :my advice and explain my methods, which are rare to interest all alllnu men. Hours: 9 A. M. to 9 P. M.; Sundays, » A. M. to 1 P. M,. only. \ t ' ' DR -TAYLOR ®> CO. 721 Market St., San FraneUeo. Cal. mfesm UljcAjfco \7 ****• WpH THAT WRECK yT^m^ VARICOCELE gSfl lM£&t\ LOST VITALITY 2p!Ji||sSjg l 9M>£fc^! BLOOD POISON FROM S2 to SI 0 A COURSE I Cure Varlcncele. Lost .VltaHtjr," Blood Poison.' Stricture* Skin Dts> eases, '.Sores," Hydroeele, Spennntor- \u25a0 rhoen. Losses. -\u25a0 Drains. liOst Vlcor. Gonorrhoea; Piles- and Disease* /«f Bladder, Kidneys and Prostate Gland. PR- FIELD & GO. ; 914 a Market St— Hours JJt I & £ 9