Newspaper Page Text
Additional Spprts News: FIVE FAVORITES ROMP HOME AT SALT LAKE Entries From Kenitworth Stock Farm Withdrawn on Account of "Cy* Stover's Death ' r " ' - * : S'AJJT' LiA'KK, June 3. — Favorites at th.<v.-fair grounds today \u25a0were well .played and with a single exception xe-trsi-ded their backers. In the sixth race;^ Grace G in a fast finish beat ir9lxx.g€. the favorite, by a head. Silykge. had led' ail the Tray to the -• Tfc?* entries from the Keniln-orth !?.t<ick .farm at Petaluraa. CaL. w^re scratched. today on account of the death v\f-, "Cy" Stover, owner of. the farm, occurred here this morning:. Tchf . ffagrs at the Fair grounds were »T ;fc3t-If c nuu>t out of respect for. the tfeswi ho-rseraan. Results: :.': .' \u25a0I'^'Pr-.-race. three furiougs. selllag — Grahame. Jfltj «A-.' Elarrisi. 3 to 2. won: Lena Merle. 101 •tSfjm&hr'G To 1. i«erond: Wicket. 102 tOottonl. 4' W X.-'Uard_ Time, 4-5. Lady Pancait*. GtUhr: .Quicklr. Cuarle» J. Harvey. Sea Oreen. Uster.dCtaOv; a^isbed t < named. • -Sewo^a race, -sis furloaps. selling— Marbnrg, SO'GfaAmU even, won; Exchequer. 104 <Uar ri>": "^.. jfo 1. sf^oad: <ie<irse Gnyton, 5*4 .Tlibnia».'-6 to 1. third. Tiu;e, 1:15 3-5. Dol .te 3>eflaxi. Elmdale. ProUac. Zalma. Kias liru<h. "jßdpe Fh.irtal!. finisaed as earned. •Third race, on«> mile, .selling — Bofrrs, 107 (A. Harriet. 2 t« r>. won; Prince of Castile. 11l «S. ,-«hnvsn>. 10 to 1. M>cond: Manila S. — tDenny), It .to- 1/ third. Time. 1:44 %S. I»£istiUa, I'ay.knjAsTer. L.'»rai»*. •finished as named. : '..roartV ra<^>. four aad a half furlongs, sell "fbe^tauri? Orrcon, 110. (Johnsont. 7 to 10, won:" B£Uy SJa.vLam. I<*4 (Denny). 9 to 2. sec :'ons; Frank L2it>boi-k. HJB (Peak). 15 to 1. third. BIRTHS, MARRIAGE?, DEATHS J" Notable Deaths | : CTBtrS \u25a0VTELLrKGTOS, BETTB.ED ATTOBXXT. .. . -.Baisam' Lake. Wls.. Jun» 3. — Cyrus Welling- ..." toa - ijied here t»isy frma locomotor ataxia. " > ; e^red <J6. . He w«* tor 12 years chief cocasel • . fflr the Great Northern railroad company and "'leter IcUet tjtecutire coaasel for James J. 'HIJi; WelUnrron retired ei£ht yearn ago. Birth, marriape aad death noUr** seat by tnall \u25a0 1 -»;ill niot be inserted. They mu»t be handed la at ; either of the pubiicatSon offices and be Indorsed with., the. came and residence of persoas author- • : " iied.tohave the fame published. Notice* re- .'_ftsict«3 simply to tie acnenncemeat cf the event .'tre ftubllsh*d once ta this column free Of charge. ..-. •.;• Marriage licenses '.'. : 'TLe following tnarriajce llc^ases were Uswed \u25a0;-">p' Ssa JTraaoisoo Thursday, June -3. 1909: •; BARADAT— HONDET-^J.' Jules Baradat. 30. •' .701 jPoldeo Gate aye., aad Pbeloraeae N. Hon- . ' det:' 23. Oakland. ''"\u25a0BAUER— I.EISEB— Arthur Bauer, 2<5, and Jen- • . 2ie Leiscr. 22. both of &»5 Hayes st. '\u25a0 BUCHMAN— BRESLAUER— Isadore A. Bucb- ., : . . atn. -28, Oakland, and Hilda Breslaucr. 22, :'• kjhiwj. - - : CHBISTOrULOS— FLEMING— Peter G. Chrir- • • ..'tepcloy. 27. 31!»4 Tw^eaty-second St.. and •..• Sadie G. Fleming. Los Aageles. - rCXEATES—BIXnr CXEATES—BlXn— Mason Cleaves. 41. S5l -°.-Hty»s «t-. and T. Blanche Bnch. SS. 1373 .:.-.\u25a0 Walft* st. \u25a0 : CR!>W».EY— HAXXAX- John M. CrowJey. S5. ; : . ;.i:rs» Al»ba:n» st.. and Annie Haanan. 24, 1136 : .:'. : ...F:i'4rf"da et. Xct^iJOlY— FITZ GERALD— Terence Cnlloty. :-;'- 2.<. Olma. *nd Ei»Je FltzGeraid, 26, 610Va :.-. jCapo-.'K. . •:aiA : S."GE-^BLAKE— Frederick C. Lacpe. 26. Sau- | ,:-; : .i^lto/ aad Myrtle Blake, 22, Bloomfield. ..1 : ir'MAX— HoXlG— Mcrris H. Llpman. .SO, 217 ... . Tirsf's-^., a;.». Denah Hoslg. S5. 312 Walnut .^t^yi-EAELROX— Heary L. Olwn. 21. 1224 .\u25a0>' : Noe *t-, and May Karhwm. 18, Soeta \u25a0 Berkeley. '\u25a0'.niitPACK— OSBORN— Arthcr Q. Overpa**, •"21.- 3Tt>4 Mii»i<jn st., and Pearl A. Osbora, : :.':' '&: St. \u25a0s\"lK^-^LbcKEY— Fretferirk W. Wise. 35. 1249 "•\u25a0.••.'i.v.J'srTell. «.. and Gertrude E. Lockey, Ci, W^.'^%4L.'^errat]i si. . :\u25a0 : ; vL\'.;'.. ' . BIK. THS :i.£StEK&OS—lm rh:« ctty. Juae Z, 1909. to the | : r VWBfr Mf Frank L. Emerson <nee Evamtt. a :-v--K*.:'; .----. ";iff;^KXiEYEK^-In Santa Crci *«mty, CaL. ; 'J : '-'$ l .*s "?\u25a0•• 1800, to the wife of Theo. Heme- : ... a son. " * •':-UnMA^— In rbis rity. May 2S. 1303, to the •"; i-irise # of <.-.::.•• t-i M. Llpman. a dauj^ter. ;:4jA.HTiN— In this city. Jnne 1, 1909,' to the • \u25a0\u25a0• '".F-Tfe cf'ii. C. Martin, a eoa. i la this city. May "31, 1903. to -.-: :-T.-iiir wife of V.. MartlScich. a son. . :•;;• DEATHS •\u25a0'\u25a0-. Alexander. lx>ui*f. 2S j Mania. Tbomas F... — \u25a0-\u25a0 JtMpacU, I*h!lipina C 7 I McDoaald, M £8 ..- .Bossier. Andrew . . t>4 | Moyniaaa, J. G. Jr. — Unisritsch. Julius. 33 iPtftersen, Johannes ..70 . t'impbeH. Win- M. — jPorwancher. Aaron.. 47 . EIMs. Steph«-n 75 "Quinn, Lawrence P. 27 } Friaat^ E. 1 — jliort. Louise ... 25 "r.aat. Alfred Sr.. 84 i^-rhlirhtlng. H. F...72 ". H«!I. rrc-ficrlck T.. 34 [Retencich, Taso F.. IS . • Keej-ay. Joan .56 jS&itii. l>aniel J — .- Ktw'}, luifj 1,.. — JSrsfforO, Edward E. 40 I.jnuia. Jo«. ,8.-. 13 j Tonne. Ethel .....: -4 «si;n:i^;. Margaret — (Wil!laais, J. Anaie..G3 " .ALEXATOER.— In this' >ity. Juae 3.' 1909. . • Louioe. dearly t>eloved wife of Abraham J. Al- . eiandcr.. and lovlnjc mother of Pauline and . .. •A.lbpn. O'Kocrke. and Harold and Jurki* Al- . ' . .exaader, end brotber of Albert- Kiein, a • na- tive of CaUforala. a«ed 28 years. -• * friends sad *c<]uai2taare* are respectfully _' 'Invited" to attend tbe fcneral Sunday. Jan«- •• 6. 1&09, at 1 o'clock p. m., from her late ..• • resideoae. 2700 Twenty -fifth eoroet betw«-a Itab Mreet and P<rtrero avenue. IcTermeot Cy- prefts Lawn cemetery. " .AXSPACH — In this ritr, June X 1&03. Pfailipina, • ' j»loved wife of the late Nicholas Anspaca, •md devoted mother «f Hemnaa. Heary. Fred. ' '^aarlie, ].-.•;>. Ju2lu*. Wfliiam. Orover and Kmma An.-paca, a. native of Hes*en-Darm*!adt. fGermaßy. aged C 7 years 2 months aad 10 <lay«. {W'eyanwega. Wis., papers please copy.) Friends aad acquaintance* are respectfully Irvited to atte»<i the foaeral Sunday, at • 1 :30 p. m., from her 3ate residencr. T25 Haffipshire etreet. latermect Cypres* Lawn '\u25a0emetery, by carriage. -jAf'STXEK— In this rity, . June, 3. 1909. at his -""'-\u2666•te residence, L>l Dooglass street. Andrew c^arly beloved hecband of A&aabell Bonaer, • . and lovln? father of An<irew. Elizabeth J«lartha, Alfred. Ethel. Cbarle* aad Wilford Boaeer aad Mrs. P. J. Derker, a. satire of Belfast. Ireland, affd Ci years. - iBAIOVITSCH— In this city, \u25a0 Juae 2, 1909. . jlolins. <I(»arly beloved husband of neleaa Braiovitsch. a native of Servta, ac^d 33 years 10 months end 11 Oars. - CAKPBELL— In Frultvale. Cal.. May 26. 1909. William Matiork Campbell of Portland. Ore. Friends and aeqnaintances are reOectfnlly invited to attend the funeral services tomor- row »Saturday). June 3, 1909, at 2 o'clock j>. m.. at the chapel of CypreM Lawn ceme- t«T, S«n M«teo county, Cal. Remain* at the parlors cf the Arthur A. "Barber company 4020 East Fourteenth street. Melrose. ELLIS— In this city, June 2, ' 1909. . Stephen EUis, a native of Ireland, aged 73 years. FB.IAITT— In San Jose. CaL. May 51.. 1909. : Ernestine L. Friant. eldest daughter of Alfred Friant Sr. aad the late Marie Antooia Friant. FEIAXT— In San Jose, Cal., June 3. 1909. Al- irrc F-rxant St., ousaand of me late Maria Antonia Friant. a native of Paris, France aj:ed bt years and 4 months. \u25a0 HALL — In this city. June 3. 1900. Frederick T-, dearly brlored husband of Florence M Hall. loving father' of Myrtle L: and Fred- erick S- HalL and brotber of Frank S. Hall. 11 native <>f Torefea. Kan., a?e.l ."{4 years. SXABJTY— Ia thJ« pity. Jnne 2, 1909,. John, be- Icved brother of William 11. Kearny and Mrs. V. P. Mervy of Berkeley. Mrs. Robert Mills ! of Nwwfch. Cono., and Thomas Kearay of New London. Cona.. a native of the parish of Bailey Hale. County Kilkenny, Ireland, aged 56. years. .. Frir*4s - and acquaintances are respectfully lcrtted to: attend tbe - fnocral today (Fri- day), at 1 p. m.. from \u25a0 the parlors . of Mc- Brearty i MeCormick.' 315 Valencia "street near. Twentieth. Interment Holy Crocs ceme- KXESTLT — In Los Anc»)es. Cal.,- Jane 2. 1909, I>*i«y L. Kepney. beloved daughter of •}.. I. j ec 3 C' J. . !>caa- ' ' \u25a0 \u25a0 ' : Friead* aad acqcalatances .are re*=pectfnlly ; Isrited' to attend the funeral ; tamos-row ; <Sat- *?jt' at ", o'clock p. ia.;- at -. the parlors -'« :!*lm«i & Co.. »2t nilmore street, a nder -. »V amtplc^-s of saa Francisco ' Rebekah lodge N« 302. I. O. O. F. Interment St. Helena Officers and members of San Francisco Re- bekah lodpe No. 302. I. O. O. F.. are re- quested jo attead the. Xagermt '- of our' late sister. Dali<y L. Keeney, at 2 p.- m:. ' tomor- row 4Saturday», at. tbe parlor* of. Halsted &. Cu., 824 Fillmore «treet. . By = order vt •.'\u25a0-•'-;.". JIAUU GOiIMA, NoW<- Grand. LTKAX— In this * city. Jnne i 3."'i 3." ' 1908. Joseph soUand Lyman, dt*rljr belored bob of John B. tTlme, :27. Sn^ccerhitor. Wey mouth. My Nurse. |'fli!i«!»>d a* name«l. r . ..- Fifth race, tlx furlongs. Belling— F«re, 101 < Sullivan », 3 to 5. won; Ralnade, 10S tD<>n vitx». 12 to 1, second: «rotto. 94 <<Mondon). S jto 1. third. Tim*-. 1:18 2-5. U liclc" Hindoo, j Knirht Deck, Biskra. fintehfHl « naoieA. 1 Sixth race, flve and a hair , furlongs — Grace G. 104 (H. Stiilthi. 7 to 2. won; Salvage, I'JU jlNelson), ev«i, i*cond; Wistaria, 104 (Post). 23 to 1. third. Time. \u25a0 1:09 2-5. Boas. Veluit I C. Friar of Elgin. Burninj Bash, finished as [named. Manchester Races MANCHESTER, Eng.. June 3.— The Beaufort handicap £>f 500 sovereigns for 3 year olds and upward, distance five furlongs, was won today by "Indian Runner. Proprietor was second and Hopeton third. H. P. Whitney's Sea CliS was unplaced. The . Bridge water handicap of . 500 sovereigns, for 3 year olds, distance a mile and a quarter, was won by Sealed Orders. Diagnosis was second and Blackatone third. 'J. R. Keene's Es peranto was among the seven starters. The John o* Gaunt plate of 200 sov ereigns for 2' year olds, distance five furlongs,* was won by Thirty-Three. Homing Pigeon was second and Noble third. Among the seven starters was August Belmont's Doncourt. Latonia Races L.\TONIA. June 3." — First race/ flve furlongs — Sallan. 9 to 5. won; Zephyr, 50. to 1. second; Chanticleer, . li to 5. third. Time. 1:04 4-5. Second race, six furlongs — Dainty Dame. 11 to 10. won: Sea Swell. S to 5. second; The Peer, 12 to 1, third. Time. 1:18. Third race, one and a sixteenth miles — Colonel Blue, 9 to 10. won; Billy Pullman, 5 to 1, second: Grrnade. 9 to 2. third. Time, 1:55. Fourth race, one and a sixteenth . miles — Alice, 3 -to 1. won; Moquette. 1 to 3, second; John E. McMillan, Sto 1. third. Time. 1:52 3-3. Fifth race, flve furlongs — Eye White, 7 to 10. won; Star Port. 5 to 1. second; Redeem, 15 to 1. ihird. Time. .1:04 1-3. Sixth race, six • furlongs— -Snake Mary. 9 to 2. won; Boserrian. 0 to 5. second; Marmorcan, 12 to 1. third. Time, 1:19 2-5. 1 and Catherine F. Lyman, brother .of Vera Lyman. e^nd crandson of Catherine F. Auder- ' son of San Mateo county. Cal.. a native of San Francisco, Cal.. aged 13 years. Notice of funeral hereafter. Remains at the temporary residence of his parents, IWS Treat avenue. . • MAIfXTKG — In this city, Juae 2. l»09, Mar- Karet, beloved wife of Thomas Maaniny^ lov- ing mother of James J.. Thomas F. and Ed- ward T. Manning, and sister of Mrs. C. Kane of Oakland, a native of County Kerry. Ireland. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral tomorrow (.Sat- urday*. June 5, 19«9. at 8:30 o'clock a. m.. from her late residence. 3M5 Twenty-third street, thenre to St. - James church, where a re<julem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of her soul, commencing at 9 a. m." Interment Holy Cross cemetery. MAB.TTK— In tfcfs city. June 3, 1903. Thomas F. Martin, beloved husband of the late Agnes C. Martin, and loving father cf Thomas F. Martin Jr. and the late I^anra and Harry Martin, a native of New York. A member of Oourt Independence No. 104. F. of A., and Knights of Honor. Friends and acquaintances are rempeet fully invited to attend the funeral tomorrow (Sat- urday), at 8:30 a. m.. from his late resi- dence. 311H Day street near Sanchez, tli^ce To St. Paul's church, where a requipm high mess will be celebrated for tie repose of his «ocl. commencing at 9 o'clock a. m. Interment Holy Cross cemetery. KcDOaTALD— la this city. June 3, 1909, Michael MoDonald. a native of Ireland, aged 68 year?. KOYXIHAIT— Ia thi* city. June 2, 19O>, Jack G. Jr., dearly beloved son of Jack G. aad Ida . H. Moynihaa (Dee i^chmittJ, a native of San Francisco, Cal.. aged 11 months and 6 days. Friend*- and acquaintances are rp*peetfullv invited to. attead the funeral today 4Fri- •lay). at 1 o'clock p. in., from the residence of his parentK, 130» Maeooic avenue near Freder- ick street. .Incineration. I. O. O. F. crema- tory. 1 PETEaSEIf— In San Rafael, June 2. 1909*, Jo- haanes, beloved hutband of Maren Petersen, and devoted father of P. Henry, Amelia P., Olivia M. Petersen acd Mrs. Caroline Inman, and brother of Mrs. Marie Lund, Peter H. «»ck*en. and tbe late Hans Petersen of Sa- linas and tbe late C. Ocksen. a native of Den- mirk, aged 70 years 3 months and 5 days. A charter member of Maria lodge No. 200, Frieads and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services tomor- row (Saturday). j ua c 5. at 2 p. m., at Odd • Fellow*' hall. San Rafael, voder the auspices of Marin lodge No. 200. I. O. O. F. Interment Mount Tamalpais cemetery. POBWAJTCEEB,— In this city. June 3, 1909 Aaron, beloved husband of Esther Porwancher. I father of Lillian. Gertrude and Florence Por- wancher, and brother of Ben Porarancher of Chicago. 111., a native, of Russia, aged 47 years. QUBfH— In this rity. June 3. 1909, Lawrence P. - Quioa. dearly beloved son of Patrick C. and Anna N. vMlnn. aitd beloved brother of John. \u25a0 Matthew. Anna and Mary Quinn, a native of Pleananton. CaL. aged 27 year* 1 month and IS day*. • *• BOCK (nee Peacock)— At re*t. in this city, Jnne 1. 1903. Louise, dearly beloved wife of I^ee !>. Rock, and beloved mother of Margaret Louise Rock, and daughter of Margaret and the late George Peacock, and sister of Mrs. James Archer, Mrs. E. S. Fyfe, Mrs. T. H. Nixon and Mrs. W. E. Wood and the late Harry and Joseph Peacock,' a native of San Francisco, aged 25 years 9 months and 7 days. Friends and acquaintances are reepectf ully Invited to attend the funeral today (Fri- day). June 4. 1909. at 1 o'clock p. in.. 'from Sl2 San Jote avenne. Incineration, Cypress \u25a0 Lawn cemetery, by carriage. ECHLICHTIIfG— In this city, June 1, 1909, Henry F-. beloved husband of the. late Chris- tina Schllcbtlng. beloved- father of H F Scblichtiag Jr. and the late Margaret Scbllcht- iag, and grandfather of Margaret and Howard Schllchtiag. - a native of Uetersen, Hulstein, . Germany, aged 72 years and 17 days. A mem- -ber of Coacordla lodge No. 122, I. O. O. F.; Walhalla encampment No. 7, I. 0. 0. F., and Norddetrtscher verela. Friends aad acquaintances s a re respectfully invited to . attend the funeral today (Fri- dayj, June 4, at 2 o'clock p. m., from the funeral parlors of the H. F. Maaxs company. 1335 Golden Gate avenne near Fillmore Etreet. .Incineration. I. O. O. F. crematory. SETEIfCICH— In this city. June 3. 1909, -Vaso F. Seteaelch, dearly beloved son of Philip a«4 Stano Setenric-b, ami devoted brother of Nicholas Setencich. a native of Austria, agf-d IS years 5 months and 2 day*. Notice of funeral hereafter. Remains at the par!, rs of G. laccberl & Co., 151S Stock- ton street. SJOTH— In this city. June 1, 1909. Daniel J.. dearly beloved banband of Catherine Smith, beloved father of Edna Smith, and loving son of Sarah and the late Jame* Smith, and lov- ing brother of . Mrs. P. F. Bird and Mrs. F. - Turner, a native of San Francisco. A member of El Dorado parlor No. 52. X. S. G..VT. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the fnnerel '\u25a0 today (Fri- day). Jnne 4, from his late residence, 40S1 Eighteenth street, at 9:80 a. m.; thence to the Church of the Holy Redeemer, where a solemn high mass will be celebrated for the repose of his sod. commencing ' at 10 a. in. ' Interment Holy Cross cemetery. . by carriage. El Dorado parlor No. 52, N. S." : G.~ W.— Officers and members are requested to -attend the funeral of our late ' brother, . Daniel J. Smith, from his late residence, 40S1 Eighteenth street near Castro, at 9:30 a. m. today* (Fri- day). June 4. Fraternally : W. H. HADER; President. J. W. KEEGAN. Rec. Sec. \ STAFFORD— In Grlrzly Flat. El Dorado county Cal.. June 1, 1809. Edward E. : Stafford be- loved huoband of Eva Stafford, father of Maud and Norma Stafford, youngest son of Mrs. Loctse White, and brotber of/ William Staf- ford, a . native of , El Dorado county. Cal. , TOUNE— In this city, .June 1, 1909, at St 4 Fran- el* jrirls' directory, Ethel, dearly beloved •laughter of Mary Tonne, and ninter of Albert Edward and Robert Tonne, a' native of San Francisco, aged 4 years . and 6 months. \u25a0 -; \u25a0 -- The funeral took place yesterday (Thuw- day), at 10 a. m.'. from the fit. Francis dlree-' tory.home. ' Interment Hoty.Cross cemetery.-;* ; WILLIAMS — In this city. Jane 2, 1908, J. Annie' Williams, a native of Connecticut. •* azed 03 years.: •• " \u25a0- :_: _ \u25a0.-.•- - -\u25a0\u25a0 -.\u25a0•-;-* "•., .*-;'-' Friend* and acquaintances are Invited - to^ attend the - funeral services trs' day (Friday), at 4:30- o'clock ; p;i m... at the • chapel of, the,L O. O. V. cemetery. - Remains st tbe parlors of Halsted.& Co.;- 924 Fillmore \u25a0street.': .... -.....\u25a0••..;,.;: .- t t. \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-* INDEPENDENT OF THE TRUST Seventy-Five Dollars \-'-~. \u25a0 I Will Furnlaht ; • HEARSE/ TWO CARRIAGES, EMBALM/NG; SHROUD-ANO CLOTH" COVERED: CASKET jyiiiys^s. GODEAtI. Main ' Offlreii - 2123 ' Bunh St^V\Vt-i»t i 269t» and ISO," Fraukllu St. nr. lTlh. Oakland \u25a0 *---4-- ptsone Oakland 74045 "•'r-.r; Branch t SKKSMontsromeryAvr .Trmp.'32'es'' Ambulance and Carriages to Hire ; JNDEX TO CLASS! FIED ADS ACCOUNT AKTS . . ."" ..[:...-.. Col. 6, P. 12 I ACCOUNTANTS— CEKT. PTTBLIO. . . CoL 6, F. 12 AD0PT10N . . . : . . . '..'.*. ...:....... . .'.CoL' 1, P. 1* AGENTS "WANTED. .............. . . CoL 7, P. 11 ALAMEDA HOTJSEKPO 500M5 . . . . . OoL 6, P. 13 APAHTKENT8. . '. .......... . . . : ... . Cc1. 2, P. 1* ATT0RNEY5. . .....:........:...... C01: 1. P. 12 ADTO M081LE5 ... ........;;.....-. ..CoL 4, P. 12 BAR AND STO3LE FIZTU&ES.V."....CoL 4, P. 12 ! BABBERS AND SUPPLIES. Col. 6, P. 11 BILL COLLECTINO.... ......Col. 7, P. 12 BT/SINXSS CHANCES.... ;.0«l. 4, P. 12 •• - •• ...: .v.c«i; 5, p. m BUSINESS PEHSONALS. ...1........ Col. 1. P. 13 CAMPING SUPPLIES. ... ...... Col. 4, P. 12 CARPET CLEANING. . . . . . .Col. 6, P. 12 CHIROPODISTS.. Col. 1, P. IS CLAIRVOYANTS .V. Col. 1, P. IS CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. . . .Col. 6, P. 12 COTTAGES TO LET. . .............. Col. 3, P. 12 COTTAGES TO LET— OAKLAND Col. 5, P. IS DENTISTS....- ....... .CoL 7, P. 12 DETECTIVES....... . ..Col. 6, P. IS DRESSMAKING... .....Col. 8, P. « EDUCAT10NAL. .................. ..C0L 7, P. 12 EMPLOYMENT 0FF1CE5. ". . . . . . .... CoL 7, P. 11 EMPLOYMENT WANTED— MALE. ..CoI. 3, P. 11 •! » •• ...CoL 4, P. U EMPLOYMENT WANTED— FemaIe. . CoL 6, P. 11 FEMALE HELP WANTED CoL 6, P. 11 " " " ...........CoL 7; P. 11 FINANCIAL. ; v... ....Col. 2, P. 13 FLATS TO LET Col. S, P. 12 FLATS TO LET— FURNISHED : . . . . . Col. 3, P. 12 FLATS FOB, SALE— FUBNISHED. . . .CoL 2, P. 12 FOE SALE— MISCELLANEOUS. .... .Col. 3, P. 12 FREIGHT FORWARDING:........ ..CoL 6, P.' 12 FURS. . . . . ....„...:. ...... Col." 4, P..12 FURNITURE FOR SALE Col. 3, P. 12 FURNITURE WANTED. . . '.'..'. . . . . . -Col. S, P. 12 GLASS W0RK5....1.... ...'...'. .Col. 8, P. 12 HOHSES, WAGONS AND HARNESS. CoL 4, P. 12 HOTELS - Col. 2; P. 12 HOUSES TO LET— FURNISHED. CoL ».' V. 12 HOUSES TO LET— Unf nraishod. .... .Col. 8, P. 12 HOUSES TO LET— Oakland. . . . - -CoL 6, P. 13 HOUSES TO LET— Aluneda - - CoL 5, P. 13 EOUSES TO LET— Berkeley CoL 5, P. 13 INVESTMENTS : . : Col. 1, ?• 1» LEGAL NOTICES - . 'i«J«l« 2t2 t p - is LODGING HOUSES FOR 5ALE...... Col. 6, P. 12 " " ......CoL 6, P. 12 LOST AND FOUND. ..CoL 3, P. 11 vatvf TrFr.T» WANTED ..Col. 4, P. 11 ..^C01.6, P. 11 ".. .....CoL 6, P. 11 MATRIMONIAL CoL 1, P. 13 MEDICAL .T..C01. 7, P. 12 MEETINGS— LODGES Col. 3, P. 11 MEETINGS— LEGAL CoL 3, P. 11 MINES AND MINING... ..Col. 3, P. 13 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS Col. 4, P. 12 MONEY TO LOAN ........ Col. 2, P. 13 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS : Col. 4. P. 12 NOTARY PUELIC. ... C ol - 6>6 > p> X 2 OUT OF TOWN EOUSES TO LET. . . .Col. 3, P. 12 PALMISTRY Col. 1, P. 13 PATENT ATTORNEYS „ Col, 7, P. 12 PAINT AND PAPER HANGING Col. 6, P. 12 PENSIONS.... Col. 6, P. 12 PERSONALS Col. 1. P. 13 PHYSICIANS Col. 7, P. 12 PROPOSALS AND BIDS. .Col. 2, P. 13 " ; ..Col. 3, P. 13 VTAT. ZETATE— CITY. .'. Col. 3, P. 13 " ..Col. 4, P. 13 REAL ESTATE— COUNTRY. Col. 4, P. 13 CoL 5. P. 13 REAL ESTATE— OAKLAND CoL 5, P. 13 Col. 6, P. 13 REAL ESTATE— BERKELEY. ...... Col. 5, P. 13 REAL ESTATE-AALAMEDA .CoL 5, P. 13 REAL ESTATE— FRUITY ALE .CoL 5, P. 18 REAL ESTATE— SAN MATE0. ;'..... C01. 7, P. 13 REAL ESTATE— TO EXCHANGE. .. Col. 7, P. 13 EOOMS AND BOARD OFFERED .Col. 1, P. 12 *• ". ...Col. 2, P. 12 ROOMS AND BOARD WANTED. .. . . CoI. 2, P. 12 ROOMS TO LET— FUR.-UNFUB. .... Col. 7, P. 11 " " " .....Col. 1. P. 12 ROOMS TO LET— HOUSE KEEP'G. .. CoL.I. P. 12 ROOMS TO LET— Berkeley. ......... CoL 6, P. IS ROOMS TO LET— AUraeda CoL 5, P. 13 SALESMEN & SOLICITORS W'N'TD.CoI. 7, P. 11 SANITARIUMS...... . ......Col. 1, P. 18 ! SEWING MACHINES 1.. Col. 4, P. 12 5P1R1TUAL15M.......... .Col. 1, P. 13 STORAGE AND MOVING VANS. ~';.~ '; . Col. 6, P. 12 TITLES RESTORED. .Col. 6, P. 12 TRUSSES ;......... ...CoL 7, P. 12 TYPEWRITERS AND SUPPLIES. . . .CoL 4, P. 12 UNPAID WAGES COLLECTED ...... Col. 7, P. 11 UPHOLSTERING ....... . . . . . : . . Col. 6, P. 12 „— _~_ MEETIXCS — Ivodgea A. A: A. S. B. of Freemasonry, San eST^ Francisco Lod?e of Perfection No. ff^ I—Fourth1 — Fourth Degree FRIDAY. Jnne Jr/*. 4, 19C9, at 8 p. m.. Golden Gate . ffiwii ', Conmandery ball. 2135 Sntter st. jjf>n HENRY ASCBOFT, Secrerary. dL*3g&\\ 2155 gntter st. '-:% yUfcU^nf . , CALIFOBNIA commandery Xo. 1. K. T. t 9 m Stated assembly THIS . (FRIDAY) "|nr EVENING, at 7:30 o'clock, Albert Pike |bj Memorial temple. 1859 Geary st. Ite- liearsal. By order SAMUEL- A, CLATIKE. Em. Commander. WHXIAiI R. JOST. Recorder. BALDEB lodge N0. '333. F. &'A. M.— A Stated- meeting THIS (FRIDAY) *&§__ EVENING, at 7:30 o'clock. HsiZ A. IXXDQUIST. Secretary. JEWEL !od?«? No. 374, F. *A. Sl.— i~~ Stated, meeting TODAY (FRIDAY) at -4a \u25a0 1:30 p. m. i&Zt B. CROMWELU Secretary. "\o* WALHALLA encampment No. 7, I. o. /-«*>. O, F.. 1254 Market St.— The officers *A? and members of the fnneral committee Xff art- hereby requested to a^vembie at *ta£±k No. 1333 Golden Gate ay.. H. F. Maass' fun- eral parlor. FRIDAY. Jnne 4. at 1:30 p. m. sharp, in order to attend the fnneral of onr late chief patriarch, H. F. SCHLICHTING Sr ' By order of „ . M; TONJES, C. V. G. MOENNING. Scribe, j APOLJX) lodpe No. 123. I. O. " O. F.. 431 I>ub<«-e ay. — Second <Ip- :^&&Sg3iS& «rr«^ THIS (KKIDAYt KVKN- ING: also election of officers. J««^ Members please attend. Visitors welcome. , A. S. BLOCH, .N. G. W. H. GIBSON. Rec. Sec. 5 CONCORDIA lodge No. 122. I. O. ji«»J4J~ O. F. — Of'cers members of . Jfl>|tfsMpBfe' tLe funeral cotnmlttef are hcrfby "*&J~4ZS?{^& \u25a0 reqnested to B«pemble at 1335 /*=ww* GoMen Gate ay.' Friday, Jnne 4, at 1:30 p. m., to attend the funeral of onr late P. G., H. F. SCnLICHTING Sr. By order of CHRIST GOOS, N. G. - CHRIST BOEBER. It. S. CALEDONIAN club meets TniS , «\u25a0 «FKII>AYt EVENING, June 4. at iv. Q 2174 Market St.- T . fakii JsS JAS. A. MACDONAI.P. Chief. rSgjtiSff f'HAS. MACDONALJ). Sec. -;..\u25a0 . "TO the stockholders of Hale Brothers. Incor- porated: The regnlar annual meetings of the stockholders of this corporation will be held at the offlce of tbe company 9T9-SS7 Market etreet. . San Frandeco. California, on the eighth day of Jnne, 1909, at 2 o'clock p. m. cf said dey, for the. election of directors and the transaction ' of . sneb business as may : reg- ularly come before the meeting. By order of the Board of Directors. "R. B. HAL&, Secretary. "May 26, 180 B." / LOST AJTD roUIVB ~ FOUND— At 3d and Mission sts., bunch of keys; key ring reads "compliments of the New York cordage company." Finder. can have same by -applying at. The CaU Lost and Found Bureau. : 3d and Market sts. v • . FOUND — In Sacramento st. near Franklin lady's veil or belt pin; ; the full name engraved on plnjthe Initial* are D. P. Same can be had - by applying to The Call's Lost and Found Bu- * reau, 3d and Market sts., and giving the full name. - * FOUND-^-One white bull dog in San \u25a0\u25a0 Mateo ...county. OwDer can have by clalminr - 1401 Fillmore st. \u25a0\u25a0 - : -.j :\u25a0_--..: \u25a0-\u0084 .-..•;..\u25a0\u25a0.,--_\u25a0, 1 LOST — Locket, -with; diamond, with \u25a0 coral at- - , tacUed.'- iniUaU : A. -F. - P., , oa - M"ay - 31. from ;.rerry»to O.;G. Park. 'Retnrn to 406 Devlsa- , dero ; st. : : liberal reward. ' *. \ LOST— GoId \u25a0 bangle \ bracelet, .dUmond 5 sett Jnit Monday T e veninp. - June '- 1, -' between ; Orphenni , . and 4 Jackoon and Webster, etz. ; < reward. \u25a0 231" ,' Webster st. ' , :r: r , . ,~ i LOST— Silver cigarette case, initialed H.'-M \u25a0 F 1 . • Finder^ please *1 return y< to -Go - Webster \u25a0' st • ...valued 1 as • keepsake; reward.'";"- ?- » : \-*:-r t LOST— A = nngget J bow pin. * between Valencia \u25a0 -theater and 14th and' Mission sts.- liberal. re -\u25a0; ward.. Address 316 Bartlett>tl'v :.-""'\u25a0 LOST— Brindle- bull dog.;-,; Return to 921 .Web- ;ster st." cor. McAllister: reward. 1 : - 1 LOST— Chamois Jbag, with money. 4 keys.' beC; 8d '"«nd »th «t».: $20 reward, r 3SoS^a7th «t/rJ^ : ACOOL'XTAXT open « for addiUonal i work : «\u25a0 sra-i • If« ml ' 16 * 1 ; " «nd»tlnc : * special ? lnrestlga- i tlona; Al ? local reasonable ? rates:! •^ tlty .or j cogntry.,^ Box ; 2111. , Call offlce. :.• . '-i AMBITIOUS,/ ypapg^fliangwiiitsi' position" as "as-" jcJerk;*« three^years* * clerlcah experience; be*t-of references.' 1 Box -_: V 713, Call, office.'; -c.;. ;•\u25a0\u25a0.":- : : .' ." '.\u25a0"\u25a0•-".'> .'--\u25a0>*•> '\u25a0 EMPLO YMEXT.' 8 WANTED— MaIe— Con ALL" round lumber^ office > clerk' oosr s outslda '\u25a0. man 'wants situation; over- IT; years' local experi- ence; age 87. .Address box 622., Ca11. Oakland. BOOK KEEPER" and general "office : man. . first cla«8 references. - wishes . position. ; -Address , box t 2709,' CaU offlce. Vf \u25a0:::\u25a0;—..\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0 X X\^\ :> ...:.._:.. CUAUFFEIIK and gardener wants position with 'private familyV- tboronghly • understands \: his business: does his own - : repairs. , Bos 2CBl;' Call : of nee. \u25a0' v-^- •\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0 '.\u25a0«.-'.\u25a0.- . :w: w ..'/.,:';\u25a0-. CHAUFFEUR r and mechanic | with ' city I refer- ences wants position : with/private .family; careful "driver; does his own repairing. Box 2720, Call offlce. : "\u25a0"> -\u25a0-•.-:; • .".-\u25a0:. \u25a0\u25a0.'•''-.\u25a0 COOKS' (German), man and wife; good all • round meat, . bread and pastry " fpr ' hotel, - re- I sort. \u25a0 boarding bouß* or .mine; thoroughly ex- | : perlenced; references.- A., S., 1048 Golden '- Gate:av.~. .. ; : „.\u25a0 :'.-'" .'..\u25a0'•-'\u25a0-". - ' _ . , ' GABDENExw English, age 32, single, . thor- oughly esperienced In all branches of garden- ing, wishes : situation • on -' private : place; . first class- English and American . ref ereneces. Ad- dress W.- E. G., Menlo Park. Cal. . JAPANKSE boy wants position, waiter, in small' family; wages $S to W week. FRANK, 1305 Geary ; st. :\u25a0 ' \u25a0' '• •'"\u25a0-' . ''.- ' ..-\u25a0 ": *-. MACHINIST and working engineer and general repair man wants a position in an all round . shop or any plant or pumping station .in city or cooniry; an oil . burning proposition enter- tained. Address box 2647, CaU offlce. / PRINTER-compositor, sober, country not objected to. Box 625, Call office, Oakland.- , \u25a0 POSITION wanted by all around man (German*. " acijnainted - with city; \u25a0 over , 9 \u25a0 years, -in last place, doinsr delivering and worked Inside: ; can ; take care of horses; references.*:' 132 Rose aT.'j POSITIONS wanted by man and wife as gar- dener and cook; first .class. - JO D., 1359 Golden Gttteav.. room 11. . . ; - 4 RELIABLE Japanese, who has \u25a0 good . knowledge of cooking and *peaks -English well, . seeks situatlonto work as a schoolboy. CCHIYA^IA," phone Weat 6401. / . ... ..\u25a0.'--': SAIJIBY no object; will do any kind of work from midday till 5 p. m. In saloon, hotel, restaurant; or laundry;, must work. PHILIP . HABT. general delivery. 7th and Mission sts. SITtTATION wanted by paper hanger and tin'ter; steady worker. 319 Broadway. STRICTLY sober, reliable man. 40. thoroughly experienced, on private ~ place, . poultry and fruit; capable of taking full charge if re- quired; best of references: desires a steady place. Box 2722, Call offlce. VERY nice Japanese schoolboy wants situation, nice family; can cook:. wages 51.."0 or $4 week. Box 4770 CaU office, 1651 Ftllmore st.V - WANTED— Position In hotel or rooming house \u25a0as clerV or steward; am practical; have run busings for myself 27 years; will work- for small wages, room and board. - Address or \u25a0 call and see me at room 26, Virginia* hotel, 3d St.. San Francisco, Cal. ..\u25a0.,- WANTED — Work of any kind by two yming men; steady, reliable and sober. Box 2723, Call office. •\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.'-...\u25a0. YOUNG man wants position as manager or operator In moving picture ; show.- Box. 2725, Call offlce. • : YOCNU man wants position as. assistant cutter, salesman, book keeper and general office work; references given. Address box 627, <"«U offlce, Oakland. - ' '-'- ': - YOUNG man wishes position as engineer with either coal: or oil burner; also can handle gasoline engine*; can do all repairing; ex- pects moderate wages to start; city or coun- try. Box 2705, Call office. : YOUNG man desires position with first claw concern; energetic, honest and can meet any requirement; interviews invited. Box 2731, Call office. YOUNG man. with several years' experience In railroad offlce wants position with reliable house as invoice or shipping clerk; references. Box 2694. Call office. - 91AL.8 HELP WANTED ANDRE'S. 1044 Larkin st.— Second cook. $18 a week; -third cook, hotel, $40;. baker, country hotel, f 4O; 2 laundrymen. springs,- f 43 each ; kitchen hands, springs, $30; waiter. $35: bus boy, $30: milker, make butter, etc., $35; cooks, dish, washers, porters and others. Oakland offlce, 957 Franklin ft. ANDRE'S, 1044 Larkin st. — For the springs. * hand washer, $40; ironer, $40 to $45; assistant pastry cook, $40 to $50; bed maker, $30 to $40; . cboreman, etc., $30; houseman, private place, '. $33: bus bqr. $35; cooks, kitchen help, etc. \u25a0 : Oakland of flee* 957 Franklin st. ;: \u25a0.:\u25a0'- BC your own bo<<s;.earn from $5 to. slo per day working at home; anybody can do this work at home which is easy and pleasant; \u25a0write for booklet, incioFins. 10c to cover cost of postage. Address O. A. MARTIN, Standard Plate Glass Co.. 36S Golden Gate, ay., San Francisco." - ' BRIGHT office boy '• wanted. - Address In own handwriting, giving age, box 2715, Call office. COAT and vest makers wanted; must be expert- enced tailors. CaU 11 to 1 p. m.. 91 3d st. EXPEBIENCED watch maker Is willing to take an apprentice under contract. Box 2278, CaU. EXPERIENCED ' man on radiators and auto lamps. . Bauer Lamp Reflector and Elec. Sign Co., 523 Gough >t. * -. FIRST class cook wanted; position. In Kosher restaurant: A. KOZENS, 12OS Golden Gate ay. FOBF.MAN for ladies' alteration department; must have extensive experience on ladies' tail- ored softs, executive ability and - thorough knowledge of the details. Address, giving full . particulars and salary expected, box 2715. Call. HIGHEST class representative; good salary and com. Call 5 : to 8 p. % m.. Hotel Van Dora, room 528. :'* '\u25a0\u25a0 '•\u25a0 -\u25a0 ; LABORERS and mechanics to know that Edward Rolkin has reduced the rooms at the : Denver House, 3d and Howard sts.. to 35c per day, $2 week; hot and cold: water in every room. :-.. MACHINIST, first class mechanic, ' for automo-' bile and general repairing . In counry town; best proposition in the country to right man; must have lathe or the price. Box 32, Mar- tlnes. CaL. '\u25a0' \u25a0'\u25a0 MEN wanted to learn to operate moving picture machines'; $25 to $35 per week salary^- many positions open.: Of flee .534 Pacific, building; school, 221 Locust ay. Amer. scbooroperators. MEN with small feet to buy high grade second' hand shoes cheap. 103 3d st. ... ; MEN and women to learn barber trade; 8 weeks; earn $5 to 'slo per week while, learning; par- tlcnlars free. MOLER COLLEGE, g 11th st. . MEN to learn barber trade in 8 weeks; free spe- cial inducements to next 10: call early/ get particulars. S. F. Barber College, 8 Fell at. MEN and women to sell William de Coursey ar- ticles; steady work: pay every day. CaU 604 nalght St. or 782 26th st. NEW WESTERN, 1124 Howard — Single rooms, 15c and "20c per night; hot and cold water. . PORTER for day work in clothing and furnishing goods establishment; state experience and' sal- ary expected. 'Address box 271ft.' CaU office.- ; RAILROADS want youns men to learn telegraphy and station ' work. - Address • Sloree : College of .Telegraphy, 300; 12th nt., Oakland. Cal. SUNSET EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, EVANS & HODGES, 420 Cth sU, Oakland. Phone Oakland 4631. \u25a0 50 GREEKS, BOARD SELF. NO OFFICE : v FEE ............:...-•.............. .52.25 50 HINDUS; BOARD SELF. NO OFFICE "* FEE?..; ..:..-• ............ .....52.00 SHOD CABBIERS . :.: V. \u2666 . :. ......... :.54.00 10 wagqn and scraper teamsters. '.s2.2s 4 ranch . ha nds .. .t ....../..........;". $40.00 0 laborers ;;;. .......... : .;. — '.;'. . . .$2.25 '.\u25a0 \u25a0 : '\u25a0: •'."••' ' ' " \u25a0 \u25a0'"'\u25a0", . :"\u25a0'"•\u25a0•:\u25a0.'\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0.-\u25a0''. 3CABPENTEB^, FINISHERS... $3.50 SUNSET EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, 10S4 McAl- lister at.; PHONE PARK'Bo23— Male and fe- " male i help L supplied : on . short -. notice; . reading ' rooms; rooms 25 cents. np per night. .-: . SHOE workers, cutters and machine ; operators , wanted. yi BUCKINGHAM & ! HECUT, 20th and .= ; Valencia ' sts.^" : .... :"..\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0-': - .';-; . :' : -...'•-\u25a0 .-- •- :"\u25a0 "-,. ;.: - - STEAD Y", experienced man wants employment in state, county or private r hospital or t- asylum, or to take care ' of private party ; » references. , COE-r.W.r Denver house. 221 3d st."S- F- \u25a0 WANTED--Men -to * buy 1. ready-to-wear •or made to order Buits. SOc a week; pay down what yoa can."- : 731 Market it;.: room: 201-202. '. \u25a0::-. \u25a0. r. WANTED — A" few j «rood,> live salesmen *to ' sell suits to order; experience preferred.^! 3d st/ : WANTED— A; young I man. college or high school graduate,; as an advertiser's understudy. > Ap- ; ply. HALE BROS.: j; Inc.', Uth andlWashlngtoa. ;- : sts,/; Oakland;.! Cal. l : -S':\ .' : Jr. ::: v -c. }\u25a0:\u25a0%, --\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0 -\u25a0; - '.WANTED— 6OO men to occupy rooms, 20c to 30c per night '(tree bath), at the NEW ; YORK, 753 Howard' *t. 1 between 3d and 4th. \u25a0"•:; •\u25a0-\u25a0'.;. '- \u25a0- - : - \u0084y \u25a0 WA.NXED— Boomers, « 25c i to 1 $1", per 5 night,- 524 • - Lagunat St.. s, cor.'. V McAllister.- \u25a0-..-• , • WANTED— Young man to work In shade factory. "Apply: HULSE-BRADFOBD CO.. 6th: and \MI V '\u25a0'-'\u25a0 sSon'.Ets:"!-'--'- . -I- "- ,' : \u25a0 - \u25a0-"' '- ; .''.'.\u25a0• :':"\u25a0 -;\u25a0 V '-'-~: , WANTED^-Two manacers; j good • salary : perma- {:\u25a0\u25a0 nent position. \u25a0 Call r. 25, Gladstone. ; Polk and •'^ Eddyi sts. t- ~ ' ' r ' -"" ] ' '---"\u25a0-' \u25a0"=>-'"..• : -.".-- ,-.' \u25a0' .. - ,WANTEI>-^Man -"of „\u25a0 managing-: capacity > and \u25a0 ex- perleSce ; * must - ; be >a We -to com mand a nd ' earn :> high', salary." x Callis^to '6:and 7-to «>p. m.. xi; room '405,'; Phelan; bldg.' f .. -; '.',-'- "'-\u25a0"'. • ; \u0084.•;•'/: :v^— WANTED— »-\u25a0•-\u25a0 :\u25a0•\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0>\u25a0 .';-:,- ;..,.. 1100 LABORING j MEN: v::. Tooecnpy dean single rooms at, THE ORIGINAL' V MECHANICSVHOTEL;*OI9 Howard st.lbeK'iSth ij and 6th; 15cr20c,-25c day; $i; ; 51.25 per week.: ' iIUEBAY ft: READY, \u25a0 : Leadiag ;Employmeat and Labor > Agents. : WHITE - PALACE HOTEL BUILDING. ; \u25a0 1 llh end ; Market sts., San Francisco. . • ' :,,-.:\u25a0 Phcaea Market 656 and 637. : BRANCHES: etb and Franklin sts.. Oakland. Phone Oaklaad 7301. ;2d and. Main su. and 121 Marcbesault at. . Loa Angeles. Cal. ' .. 2d and-H sts., Sacramento. K0 OFFICE FEE. / < >- FREE FARE. OREGON. ' , KLASIATH FALLS. / IT COSTS YOU NOTHING TO SHIP r ,'• -, \u25a0' TODAYS— TODAY 1.-00- laborers, teamsters,' tunnelmen, miners, machine men, \u25a0 drillers; headers and cornermen, hammermen, /rockmen muckers, etc.. for the construction of C N. E. It. R. > Wages $60 to .$l5O. :_,: 1 is . • = ,IIT IS FREE— FREE TODAY \u25a0': COSTS YOU NOTHING. " ADY— DORRIS— WEED - \u25a0::\u25a0.- \u25a0•'-': TO THE BIG: TUNNELS. TO THE STEAM SHOVELS. DO YOU WANT WORK -IN OREGON ? , ' ARE YOU GOING? v - ALSO SISKI YOU, SHASTA. ->• NO OFFICE FEE^ — FREE FARE. . REMEMBER. TODAY FREE. ARE YOU GOING? „ ' AND NOW— FREE : FARE JIOJAVE— BAKERSFIELD— DISTRICTS \. WE SHIP YOU FREE- - .I TO THE GREAT TUNNELS: 25 muckers; FREE FARE. . Chnck tenders, benchmen. machinemen, header- m «. : wajes $67.50 to $105. THE FARE IS . - FREE.* \u25a0 i.- : \u25a0 -... .. .. ... - .•- \u25a0 • 'TO MOJAVE and BAKERSFIELD. WE CAN SHIP YOU. ' : FREE FARE. ' SPECIAL SHIPMENT TODAY. • MINERS— —^—MUCKERS —LABORERS. - : .:. NEVADA LINE APPLEGATE—^-APPLEGATE. 23 hand miners. $75. 25 muckers, $67.50. " - 10 machine men, $97.50. 10 trackmen. $60 ' \u25a0 ALL FREE FARE TO THE TUNNELS. - CALL EARLY— SHIP -THIS MORNING. HERE IT. IS— FREE TODAY NO OFFICE FEE— FREE FARE : SACRAMENTO— DISTRICTS \u25a0 * S..P. R...R. CO/S WORK 50 laborers, company work: FREE FARE. . NO OFFICE FEE— SHIP TODAY CALL EARLY. * '- V; MACHINISTS, ENGINEERS, ETC. FREE FARE. Donkey engine, R. R. work, $60 fd. : free fare. 4 machinists, factory work, $3.50. $3.60 day. : Ensmeei", wood working machinery, 5 small place. $15 week. , . . . Middle aged man. drive team, city, $15 week. .7 carpenters, ' city. f3.50 day. . Rough painter, country, long job, boss here, $2.50 day. , 12 blacksmiths, country shops, $3 and $3.50 1 <lay.< .... . .. ; 'P \u0084 .- NOW i v . TO BUILD « FIX'MES. HANDY MEN— ROUGH CARPENTERS 20 handy men or rough carpenters to build flumes for big lamber co., bis long Job. no tools needed. $60 and found. 10 laborers,, same place. $45 and found. LOOK . ',--\u25a0 FOR AN ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER CO. ' 15 laborers, no experience needed, for helping carpenters end general labor work, $75. FACTORIES AND WAREHOUSES. 15 laborers to work around big factory, not far away, live In hotels. $2.25 day. 10 men, warehouse work. city. $2.50 day. TEAMSTERS— RANCH 20 teamsters, big ranch, fare $1, $1.75 day fd. LABORERS. COMPANY WORK. FREE FARE. 50 laborers, big company, near by, no experi- ence needed, free fare, $2.50 day. BRICK MASONS. Foreman brick mason, country, boss here, $6 4 brick layers, boss here. $5 day. . LATE SPECIALS. 4 carpenters, near" city, $4 day 5 shlnglers. near city, 70c- t0 '51.25. Harness maker, city Job. $2.50 day. Coachman, private place, country, $30 fd. 10 tie makers, -good company, ISc each. FREE FARte— DRILLERS 10 driller*, San Mateo co.. $60, free fare. 4 blacksmiths and 3 blacksmith helpers, differ- ent ranches, $45 to $W. fd. 5 teamsters, big ranch. $1 fare, $40 to $45 fd. ' \u25a0- \u25a0'-. PAINTERS. . . 10 painters for a big Job, country, $3 day. Blacksmith, country mill, good wages. Carriage painter,* near city- $3. t0 $5 day. Handy man, ran pump, $30 and found. Engineer awl handy man around machinery. $50 to $65 and room. Janitor, run elevator, office building," $60. Handy man, painting, etc., hotel, $60, fd. _• DRY GOODS CLERK. Dry goods clerk, country merchandise store. $50 and found. MISCELLANEOUS !'?> READ THESE OVER Screw setter, lumber co., $105. 5 rough carpenters, lumber co.. $75. -Head lineman, woods. Sierra co.. $$2.50 to $30. Bushelman and presser. good wages, country. Shoe maker and handyman. $1.50. fare, $15 wk. Barber, country shop., south, good wages. Cement finUher's helper. $2.50 day. Era grader operator, $3 day. - " Circular sawyer, pine mill. $120. 3 carriage painters, country shops, $3 and $3.50 day. ' '"jJi>TilflDfllSß|i 2 ham boners, packing house. $18 wk. DO NOT FORGET WE SHIP- TO NEVADA LINE— TODAY FREE FARE TO THE GREAT RECONSTRUCTION C. P. R. B. WORK. 500 laborers, teamsters, drillers,— maehlnemea, bammersmen, rockmen. tunnelmen. - COLFAX— CLIPPER GAP. AUBURN — BOWMAN FREE FARE— FREE FARE. HERE IS GOOD WAGES LABORERS— LONG JOB , \u25a0 ELECTRIC POWER CO. 15 . laborers, no . experience required, for a power co.. way down south,' $67.50 to $75; steady work. • HAY MAKERS. ' FARMERS. ' MILKERS. V 27 hay makers, 1 run mowers, rake, buck, etc.. $1.50 day. 28 ranch teamsters, $35 to $45 and fonnd. 32 farm hands. sl- to $2.50 fare, $30 to $40 and found. - :. _i - • 5 sbeep herders, $35 to $40 and found. " IS milkers, *1 to |4 fare, $35 to $40 and found. FREE FARE. \u25a0; S. P. FENCE GANG. _ 25 laborers, fence gang work. FREEWARE. \u25a0\u25a0-;,.• \u25a0\u0084 SHIP TODAY. AND STILL ANOTHER FREE FARE— SHIPMENT 0.-S. 1 8.-.-R. . ALONG THE BEACH PESCADERO— SANTA. CRUZ - 150 - teamsters.' laborers, drillers. SHIP THREE TIMES DAILY - FREE— FARE— FREE— FARE HOW— ABOOT— GOING— TODAY .SAN. LUIS OBISPO ' 1.. EIGHT— HOURS— WORK • . 25 \u25a0 teamsters and < laborers, county road work, . \u25a0 $CO. - - . ;.,r-'. ."\u25a0.\u25a0;- \u25a0 - COOKS AND HOTEL I DEPARTMENT. Cook, small club, - $60 ; aad t d. ' : Elevator boy,* club, $35. and '\u25a0 f d. Porter, springs hotel.; s3s, and. fd., dom here. ' 'Porter, Institution, $30 and fd. : Baker, country: shop, $40 and fd. . Ranch cook, south. $45 \u25a0 and f d. \u25a0'-\u25a0\u25a0". * v Cook.i. restaurant,',' souths $40 ; to $C 0 and fd. ; ; .i fare returned. ' : • - ; 6 cooks," country hotel*. $40. $50. $60. and fd. -2 restaurant cooks. $15: and t $20 -week. - Laundryman. country laundrs. $20 wk. and rm. : 4 waiters, different hotels,. s3o and fd. 9 kitchen hands and 4!«h wa&bers, $23, $30, fd. V " --:. -j MARRIED HELP. • \u25a0* \ German or French choreman, wife to cook, \u0084mlne,sCo to $05 fd. *i£^imSSWSS&SMaK \u25a0 Farmer and 'wife,-; good Job,' boss here, $45 -to ;."sso ; fa."^;. .•; \u25a0: ; .'- ••;, -" \u25a0 -\u25a0 Teamster and •; wife, • ranch, , $45 fd. milker, south. _ _ "' 7 farmers and _ wives, other" places, $50 and • j6o fa. •\u25a0\u25a0• •.-,..,>_, - AUSTRIANS BOARD YOURSELVES \ 25 Austrians, RR. work, south, $00. GREEKS— MEXICANS— ITALIANS \u25a0 -\u25a0:-: .-"SPANIARDS'. .' ~ 500 foreign laborers, all classes of work,' ss2.oo to $67.50. Many of these free fare. ' '\u25a0\u25a0> CALL DOWN ANDTgET. OUR DAILY LISTS AND READ OUR BULLETIN BOARDS . FOR ! " OTHER I POSITIONS COMING IN ; ALJL DAXV '*Call ; and 7 read four bulletin boards: Work ['coming la by phone, telegram and mail all day \u25a0 lon?.'' \ \u25a0;'..„"''" . .i '\u25a0'\u25a0 ...C't. ' k '-'..~ 1- - '.-\u25a0:. ''. .? MURRAY: &.RE.4.DY. 11 :h and Market sts. - • :\u25a0• Sixth t and ; Franklin r sts.;'' Oakland. ;-' Second and 'H'sts.;'; Sacramento. % A— PBAQTICAt. "• burcher.'capable of , inanaglnV'a -^country retail! shop; ' Bood '. opportunity ; .boss here:,wa"Ke» $100.TApply.MURRAY"& READY, ' v 11th i and -.Market .; sts. •-.';;, :' : ' v . . •WA NTED^-Early.i- Ju*t « for » day i or ' two.i experi-' t--f- en<-e<l ; platen ; feeder.' at ,7SS j McAllister, it,'A : '.Xi WANTED^-Six t Christian S. mea.^; experienced j so- - Ik i tors, guaranteed • $100 : per month; • no : books. 1i 1 Address j box j 626,^ Call? of fice.,l Oakland." \/ ; ; : s WANTED^-Errand '« boy.* 'Apply ; at ; oar Fillmore lsaiJdlEUiafBt^»tor©.^S.*N^Wcod?&sOo. YOUNG men wanted . to learn wireless teleg- ?" •\u25a0 rmpbyv- telephony and engineering; \u25a0 positions -.; open. 204 New Hlbemla bidg. - . r YOUNG men wanted to learn J wireless teleg- • raphy: positions now open: special -rates- to first 25 pupils. Wireless Institute, 204 New . Hlbernta bidg. ,;. - YOUNG < man , as assistant gardener for steady . - place. $2.25 a day. no board or room. MISS PLUNKETT'S. lS9ti Sntter st. corner- Webster. YOUNG 'man and wife a» conk acd waitress In /small country hotel: wage* $55. room and board ; must bring references from their last place. Call at 'MISS PLUNKETT'S, IKXJ Sut- ter ft. corner Webster. ," . YOUNG men wanted Immediately to make bouse to : bouse canvass in this . locality for cereal concern. "Salary and commission. Ap- ply 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. G33 First National Bunk bunding. Oakland. BARBERS AM) SUPPLIES '-'.>. -.;."' AA — Just from Europe, a fine lot of stand bot- tles: also for sale a 2 chair shop: outnt cheap. I Half interest In 3 chair shop. Inquire G. A. - TRUST, barber supplies, 1533 Mason st ; open • evenings. \u25a0 . . BARBERS — Now Is your chance to secure Al second hand CHAIRS. MIBRORS. POLES and other barber shop fixtures 1 at very reasonable prices. We have 20 BARBER CHAIRS idif- ferent brands), -upholstered in LEATHER. SEVERAL MIRRORS (French or German plates), different sizws. and also some well painted POLES. SEE these goods before going elsewhere. They can be bought CHEAP (on easy pay- ments If desired), or CHEAPER FOR CASH. All fixtures GUARANTEED to be EXACT- LY as represented. CALL EARLY and make your choice. We will RESERVE goods for a small deposit. DECKELMAN BROS.. Inc.. 162-1&4 Turk St. BARBER SUPPLIES. We have Jnst received tbe samples of the ' BARKER PORTABLE AND PEDESTAL HAIR DRIERS. Call and see. them. SOLD on IN- STALLMENTS, and every shop shonld have - one. BARKER CHAIRS sold st $15 DOWN and $5 A MONTH. Shops fitted up on easy payments at tttv ris&t: prices. It pays you to see us. ~•% - JAMES BARKER. INC Phone Franklin 3599. 94 Turk st 1 ECGENE F. PANARIO. MGR. BAKBEKS — We have Just received a shipment of the new process Sunset hones, making them . ccpericr In their cutting qaalitles and string ' razors a very fine, smooth edg?. Ask onr wagoa man to show you the new style. Our "Jupiter" razor still leads: price $1.50, gnar- | anteed. \ We have on hand a large stock of \u25a0 barber chairs and fixtures. We sell fnrnitnre on installment .Pacific Barbers* Supply Com- pany. 962 Market st*. 23 Turk at. BARBERS — Wanted, Al barber, steady ami so- ber, to buy a half Interest in a 4 chair hotel shop; well furnished; best location: Urge room; 3 chair bootblack stand; $4CO: will take part down, rest in payments. H. H. MILLEH. Pal- ace Barber Shop. Ukiah. Cal. ' BARBER, shop: 'lively country- town; one chair; pays over $100 per month; household furniture' included; rent v**ry low. $250 beys all. Par- tlcnlars of STOLTZ. 731 Market st. BABBERS'iPNION 14S. office 843 Van New ay.; free emptfcyment: teL Market BS9. v BARBER for Saturday and Sunday at 1550 Eddr 8t; steady Job for right man. BARBER for Saturday and Sunday. 206 Rail- road ay. South. BARBER wanted from Saturday noon to Sunday noon. , 1501 Vj Foteom st. * - BARBER wanted Saturday. 112 3d st. BARBER for Saturday and Sunday. 49« Sth street. - \u25a0 ! \u25a0 BARBER wanted for Saturday; 60 per cent; 10c shop. 610^ Clay st. BARBER for Saturday and Sundaj. 2235 Powell st; take \u25a0 Bay st. car. BARBER wanted Saturday' and Sunday. 515 Montgomery ay. . CASH paid for barber chairs: all kinds of sup- plies on time. SSS Grove st nr. Fillmore. CITY and country barber abops for sale; best locations in city. This is our special line. CHAS. COLEMAN & CO.. S3O Market- at. * EXTRA good French barber, formerly of the Seattle hotel and Rainier Grand, wishes em- ployment Apply L. N. G. PAGE. 610 Eddy. FIRST CUASS barber wanted at. lM7^i Market St.. Oakland. - - FIRST CLASS barber wanted: steady JoK; good wages guaranteed for the right man; come at once. Arlington Hotel Barber Shop. Suisua, Cal. . \u25a0 - - -•: \u25a0 FIXTURES for a 3 chair barber shop for sale. 101 Post st. room 403. ' [ GOOD barber wanted, for Saturday. 2356 Mis- i slon st. \u25a0 GOOD barber wanted Saturday noon till Sunday noon. 191SA Fillmore st. GOOD barber wanted for Saturday anil Sunday. . 414 Devisadcro st. GOOD barber wanted for Saturday and Sunday. 237 4th st \u25a0\u25a0 GOOD barber wants work, Saturdays only, from 3 to 10 p. m. nEIMAN: phone Park 458. MIRRORS, 2 Koken hydr. chairs, etc.. for sale. Room 201. Sheldon bidg.. Market and Ist ataJ ONE or 2 barber chair outfit wanted; must be. cheap; state price and particulars. Box 4767. CaU office. ' P. F. THAL A C. C. WILKINS. barbers' employ- ment agency. 2951 Washington: teL West 9243. STORE to let— Good location for barber. Apply at corner Oak and Octavia sta. TO LET — One chair shop. ' furnished completely, to middle aged barber. Corner Valley and Dolores st». TWO barbers wanted at 1503 Dupoct st for Saturday and : Sunday. TWO barbers wanted for Saturday and Sunday or steady. 21 Montgomery ay. TWO barbers wanted Saturday or steady. 234 3d st. • \u25a0».-.- : WANTED— A good barber for Saturday. 25«)7 24 th st. near York^- . WANTED — Barber Saturday. 40 7th st oppo- ' cite postoffice. V-'-. WANTED— Barber at 309 6th st. WANTED — Barber, at once; must be first class: wages 60 per cent; $1S guarantee. Address H. A. GOEHRING. Red Blnff. CaL $225 — Barber shop, with large bath; long lease. . Particulars of COLEMAN A Cff., 830 Market $225—4 chair shop. In select neighborhood ; low rent; bargain. CHAS. COLEMAN A CO. ~ CALL BUANCH OFFICE. 1651 Fillmore st near - Post \u25a0- - EMPLOYMENT WANTED— FemaIe BOOK keeper with years of experience, ca- pable exporting, systemizing and managl&s office: best of references. Box 2690. Call of nee. CHAMBER MAID and waitress wants place in private family, city or country; refs. Box • ".. 2726. a Call office. > -'\u25a0;"" ' - ' COMPETENT woman wants work 4 hours dally, hotel or lodging house. - Box 4763, Call office. DISH washing wanted In hotel or restaurant or Janitor work by a neat woman. MISS NORA ; LINX-EY. 32S 3d at, room 46. - GIRL wants position as cook and assist at noose- < ' work. Call or. address 3004 La sunn st . GOOD woman wants work by the day; laundry .work.' Box 2468. 1108 Valencia st JAPANESE girl want* position as cook, $6 per ' week up. 1638 Waller st Phone Park 1142. MARRIED couple woiiM like to have snoie work; wife good cook; man handy' with tools. ' Address . B. W., Rust postoffice. Contra Costa :.C0., : -CaL .'.' \u25a0 \u25a0.'\u25a0-- -.-_'•. '. . - • ; MIDDLE aped lady of refinement would like a position as 'companion' or chaperon. - Box 116, San Mateo.'Cal. MIDDLE, aged woman wanta work; good hocse .keeper; good home more than "wages. .Call at , ST« Godeus st. bet 29th and 30th. . SITUATION," haIf days, l»y youn; women sten- : ograpbef and book . keeper of -4'. y^urs* *%• . perlence. . CaU up Stenographer, Hotel Jeffer- son. Franklin 2320. ..,-.:- . ,- SITUATION;. wanted by a competent woman In .. general work or apartment ;• deep home. Ad- si. dress ; W. , W.» ; 407 9th . ay.. Richmond district; WANTED — Girl for h«n?ework and cooking. 740 Castro st 'Wi* i'li'i^I 1 I'liftWJlyiWfa . WOMAN want* a place as house .keeper; Is.* good cook; city or country. Address box 4901. CaU office. 1651 FlUmcre st YOUNG . American girl wishes to go as traveling -r companion with tourist Address box * BIT, '-- Call office.- Oakland. \u25a0'.''\u25a0-' \u25a0 FEMALE HELP .WANTED CASH girls wanted: must be 14 years of age ...4 and ; bring :~ school . certificate. - Apply - Supt'a office. .The Emporium. ,;"-•.. COOK on ; a ranch ; no objection to child ; $25, 'room and board. Call at 1596 butter st.cor- .Mr Webster. --; \u25a0'\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 . .. \u25a0 FIRST CLASS lady solicitors • can . find 1 steady — employment- by -applying.' city = circulation de- \u25a0 ' partment 3 San Francisco Call. 3d . and Market .:'\u25a0. streets.^: .:,.:;..;;;; ,:^ .' .V. . ;.' : :\ FRENCH girl for general housework: small fam- Uy. . Call between 11 and 4 at 1777 Page st. v* , GIRL'; to i learn type • setting .l and press . feeding. >' Hours 1 9 to ;5. • $3.00 -. week to . start:-" 122 ;'\u25a0\u25a0; Hallos; street-; '-..'\u25a0-,.\u25a0.;;. ..' :--\u25a0'-, : y- HAIR DSE^SER. wanted: one who will take an . -' interest , in tbe business; :. very small capital required. : Rotnona Parlors, 4, 303, S3Q Market. FEMALE HELP WAXTED— Contlaued LADIES wanted to take house work; part or fall time: experience unnecessary. Trteber*. rooma . 213-215 Pacifle building.- 4th and Market- — : \u25a0LADIES — Reliable empioymeat at bom*; steady or part time: stamping transfers; $1.30 dozen cp. Room SlB. Westbaak bids.. S3O Market st. OAKLAND _ GIRLS TO MAKE OVERALLS:" PA n> SAL- \u25a0 ARY WHILE LEAR-VINO. LKTI STBAUSS * CO.. K> AND CLAX ST3.. OAKLAND. . APPLY TO MBS. DA7I3. ' irlafiritf 'I'm lil : ' _____ £_M__Maai|Ev^ - - SHOE stitchers, macefne operators ami apprrs- tices wanted. F.CCKINGUAM & HECHT. 20tJi and Valencia sts. WANTED— LadIes to learn HAIS DRESSINGS, massage, manicurlnff. ELECTROLYSIS, chi- r opody. etc. .F- DECSTER * CO., Boors 3 and 4. 47 Keamy st.. San Francisco. WANTED — Experienced saleswomen la muslia underwear and laces. Apply superintendent* offlce 9 o'clock Tuesday morning. HM"n BROS.. Inc... Market and Sth sta.. city. WANTED — Woman foe light houaeework; small family. 547 Castro st. _ WANTED — Lady who understands : notion store business; calt between » to 9 a. m. 4 to 5 p. m. for particulars. E. H. HCMBEBT. 832 Pacifle st. near Maaon. city. WANTED — Girl for cooking aad general house- work. Apply bet. 10 aaa 12 at 10'.'_'4 Golden Gate ay. . WAXTED — An experienced aid respectable waitress. Brooklyn Temneranea hotel, 3® First *t. * y 1,, . , \u25a0 • .. \u25a0 WOMEN and girls for cuttina and eanaHf fruiti and to rerisrer for same; exp»rlence«t canners wanted; hlphest wa^en paid. Take 3il and Kentucky or Fillmtre and lfith st.«. can*. CALIFORNLV CANNERIES COMPANY. IStn and Minnesota su., Potrero. YOUNG girl for light housework: 2 la family; good borne. 3115 Jackson st. near Lyon. 2 FIEST CLASS ironer*. for country hotel. $03. room ana board; a capable lady's maid. $35- a cook for small family ia Berkeley. $40: a G>r- ' , man nurse for 3 children, country. $35: 25 hocsetrork girls for city and country. CaU at ISW Sntter st. corner Webster. 500 LADIES WAXTED To Get Their Hair Dressed at DEUSTER'S HAIR DRESSING PAKLOR3. FOR 10c. 4. Keamy st. Take Elevator. TWO FLOORS. SALESMEN and SOLICITORS WAXTED SALESMEN Wtd— We have aw>r? cans for sales- men Ci-ia we caa CU; traveling »Wmfa are the best paid class of mun ia the world: they earn frem $I.CCO to $10.0 CO a year an.l aTI expense*: you can easily enter this pleasant. weU paid profession: wUI t?aca you to be a higa irrade - aalesEsan by mail in 8 eight weeks, and our free employment bureau wiU assist yon ta se- cure a good podjtion: if you earn lees than $s<> a week and want to increase your earnings or secure a better position oar free book. "\ Knight of th» Gri?.'* will show you how; call or wri(f» for it today. Address National Sales- man's Training Association. filO-B Metropolis Bank building-. Saa Franc-sco; Branches. Chi- cago, New York. Kansas. City. Minneapolis. WANTED — Rellab> representatives to sell the best proposition oa th« market, consisting of a special accident policy of $1,000; registra- tion and . identiAcaticn service, a handsome poeketb>«»k absolutciy free to policy holders: also German silver key tasr: our men males from $50 a we»k np. For full particr^afs aw! exclusive territory adiresi PACIFIC REGIS- TBY CO.. Pacffle bMg- Sna Francis*. Cal. AGENTS TVAXTEP AGENTS waatetl — The new Singer darner: a thoroughly prwtlcal attachment for any loefc stitch sewing- machtse: darns hosiery, under wear, etc.; ea«Uy operated, saves time: Jon» smooth, durable work:. big commissions: tre» mendous seller; need?d in every home; splendid! proposition for energetic canvassers. Particu- lars at Singer sewfog machine stores, 1159 Market st. AGENTS, go In business: everybody buys It: bit money. Address J. A- PETERSEN, 3595 Tele- graph ay.. Oakland; a«nd stamped envelop*. WANTED— Party to take agency for high elas*. big paying prcposiaon. 627-629 Phelan bldg» 3 LIVE- hocse to house solicitors to handle ad- vertising proposition; good salary if yoa make g"og. Call between 9 and 12. 3i^s Kamm bidg. j \u25a0 EMPLOYMENT OFFICES • , AAA— CHINESE cooks of all classes and other help furnished. Orient Employment office. 361 : Sth St.. Oaklaad; pbrme Oakland 3101. AA— OSCAR HATSTMI; JAPANESE-CHINESE EMP. CO.; BEST HELP GCAR-: CITY OS COUNTRY. 1513 GEARY ST. WEST S6S3. A— PHONE WEST 1711 Largest Japanese and Chines* employment offlce in city. T. TAMCBA CO.. 1612 Lagna* st. J. CONN. Chinese tmp. bureau: Chinese cook* special, hotel or fam. ~q Clay: t. D'gias 31»?2. A. HOBI. 174S Slitter: phone West 2<WXJ— Best - Japanese-Chinese help furnished promptly. STAR emp. ofSee furnishes Japatte?e-Chine*4 help. W. KADOTA. 160S Geary: tel. Went 187. H. W. HONG. Chinese employment offlc*. 803 Webster st.. Oakland. Phone Oafc 5*43. U.VPAI P WAG ES COJLECTEP J KNOX. 443 Pine— Suits, liens and attachments. time cheeks cashed: dgbta coll'tett everywhere. nEXT Tn.VT VACANT ROOM A small want ad in The Call will do it quicker than a dozen signs, plastered on yonr \u25a0 windows and which opoif tbe looks of your borne besides. Phont Kearny $9 for an ad maa "' to call and se» yoa. ' ROOMS TO LET — Far. and tnfnr. AA — Nice clean, senny room. $9: also 2 nice yur.nj rooms for house keeping; reasonable. 522 Turk st. ALL DAY suany private resM«nee; eless to Mar- ket St.. parks, the^fr* amd business "center; newly furnished rooma; hot running watei. beautiful view; bato aa<l all convenience!" : *1.» week np. Apply 452 Oak st. « Tax» Haight st. cars at ferry t •» Cuchanan st. . A COZY borne for respectable ladies. 113) Mar- ket st. near 7tb. uader auspices of the SALVA- TION ARMY; elepmtly furnished ; every mod- ern convenience; steam heat, electric light and elevator service: spotless!? clean: centrally !<>-_ rated: thoroughly homelike; telephone Market* 1349; prices very moderate, ranging from 25e per night np: special rates by the week or month. 1 See matron, room 33. BALDWIN HOUSE. 74 6th st. neat Market— All 1 modern conveniences: 220 rooms: 35c to $1 per j day. $2 to $5 per week : free bath.*. : SACRAMENTO st.. 3013 — 3 sunny new furnished rooms; bath. laun.; convenient cars and stores. STEINEB. ft., IS3S, nr. Sutler, block above Fill- more — Furnished rooms; also house keeptnx;' reasonable. i CENTRAL HOTEL. 574 3d st— Free batas;' of- Ccc and reading room on ground floor: 500 single and family rooms; SSe to $1 * day; $2 to $5 » week. EDWARD ROLKIN. proprietor. COMMERCIAL. 781 Turk st— Clean rooma. mod- ern conveniences: running water; house keep- ing privileges; $2.50 to $5 weekly; phoa# Franklin 400. DETISADERO st. 165G— Nicely furnished rooms, single or n suite; modern conveniences; free tiaths; $2.50 np. . . > DEVISADERO st. 50G — 3 unfurnished rooms ami bath; good location; reasonable to right party. DEWEY HOUSE. 4tlt and Howard — An mdoera conveniences; 200 rooms; 35c to $1 • day. $3 to $5 week; free baths. Howard or 4th st cars. •EDDY st. 826— Large sunny newly furnished room. $2 a week; b>tb; pbone; hot water; a!so $1.50 roon. »-- : ' . .. EDDY st. 820— Large sunny newly furnished room, $2 a week; bata; phone; hot water; also •\u25a0 $1.25 roam. . EDDY st. IS24— Nice clean room a .private family for 2 young men; running water; all . conveniences. \u25a0 . \u25a0£ . ELLIS- st. 1130 — Sunny parlor suite; also sln- gte \u25a0 room; rent very reasonable. .~* FELL st", 1100 — Single room :a private fatal:?; running water, batb. phone; reasonable. FILLMOBE st. 863, coraer Fulton — Front room, newly furnished, for gentlemen er couple; $3.25 weekly; house keeping privilege. FILLMORE st. 2520. corner Pacific ar.— Ele- gant. >iaaj roon*; first class table; rjmtaer ' rates. ' \u25a0'' - - • . \u25a0 ' FILLMORE st. 1917 A —'1 . nice sunny front : room* to let: rent reasonable. FOR rent — Completely furnished room; 2 middle aged single men. Apply corner Valley and Dolores sts. ' FULTON st.. S)<3. near FiCnuxe — 2 sunny fum- : l*hed rooms for house keeping; saa range, sta- tionary ttlt>"«. \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0; "'..•.- • • GEARY st.. ISC6 — Nicely furnished, sonny room; : private family; \u0084 references. GEARY st. 1767. nr. Ftllmore — Lars-, furnished. . front rooms. > bath, phone, from $3 to $5 . weekly; phone 725. GOLDEN" GATE ay.. ISC9— N>wlr famished room In private ' family for .gentleman; all con- venleoee«;.sS month. HAVES st.^©72— Large bay window room; 2 *ro- ti^men: bath.' phone. 2 bed*: cheap. Continued to Xeit Pace IsMMiHi^aiiiliiiail"— I—^m»— ai—naniMHi \u25a0 \u25a0W^mmMHWB 11