Newspaper Page Text
12 ROOMS TO LET— Co-tinned : [ HAVES st. 1309 A. nr.' Devisadero— Front snd back parlor room*: also rooms for house "feep- . ing in pri^te family: $^ to $15 month. HAVES st.. 722. nr. Buchanan — Sunny bay win- dow room, with alcove; suitable for 2 or 3 pentlemen; all modern conveniences; board ional. Phone Market CM4. \u25a0 HOWARD ' *-t.. 2."?37— 2 pleasant ' furnished r<j<ims to let; kss, water, bath: reasonable; American family. IJOTEL ST. PAUL. 828 12th St. corner Clay. Oakland— Rooms Jsoe a day up; $2.60 week up; special rate by the month; open all night LKAVENWORTn ft.. 1327— Large sunny room in private family, for 2 gentlemen; running water, all modern convenience*; walking distance. Phone Franklin 1422. ' I HAVENWuRTH st. 123£— An attractive, sunny • rotm; running water; free phone and bath. I.EAVENWORIII *t. 125fi— I~XFe front room; j private family: 2 pentlemen: all conveniences; reB*u>n/b!e: walking dlntance. y '.-*!.- McALLIfeTER st.. 1923— Large room, nicely for- nls'j«-d in private family; running water; all ro:ii -:,ii-ii'-eb: teasocable. MCALLISTER st. 1382— Large bright room, 1 or 2 gentlemen ; In private family; $10 mo. OAK et., 1347 — 2 unfurnished rooms, with use of bath. In private family, reasonable. o'FARBELL *t. 1364 — Front parlor and bed- room, running water: gentlemen preferred; also small house keeping sottev. . '\u2666jFAnRELL St.. 1324 — Large room for 2 gentle- men; running water; elegantly funrubed; \u25bccry reasonable. OVERLAND HOCSB, st» Bac— unento st below Montgomery — Now open; 200 rooms: hot and co.d water" In every room; 25c to $2 Der day, 11.50 to $5 per week. EDW. ROLKIN. Prop. OCTAVIA st, 1261— Sunny front rooms, run- r,;cg water; bouse keeping privileges; reason- 'I'INE st, 2137 — 2 nice clean rooms in private family; bath, sas; $8 to $10 mo. West 5256. PIERCE «.. 1133— Large front senny room. . Diccly furnished, for 2 gentlemen, in private fsmily; good home for party. St.. 2241 — Large, sunny room in private \u25a1out* for 2 gentlemen; bath, gas, phone, etc. . I'OST st, 1872 — Bay window sunny room, nicely furnished, for gentleman or couple: West 1832. SACRAMENTO st. 1527— Large eunny room In Private fahily for 2; $16 mo. Franklin 2373. SCOTT et.. 805, cor. Fulton, opp. Alamo square. K'egantly furnished rooms In _n« neighborhood; all modern conveniences: McAllister and De- Tisadcro cars; rates very reasonable. fcTEIXER 903 — Large, sunny. n-furnlEhed front room, with alcove; kitchen adjoining; every , convenience'; $18. \u25a0 STEINER St.. 911. near McAllister— Large sonny parlor; well furnished: bath, phone; also sunny bouse keeping room; reasonable. "• - SUTTER st. 1 81 &— Modern! sunny, elegantly furnished room; running water; 1 or 2 gentle- men. We6t 8199. :',-;•: TWO furnished snnny bay window rooms, bath \u25a0and kitchen; north side, near Broadway and Hyde; reference*. Apply during bu&iness hours, room 517, Grant bldg. 7HE DECKER. 519 Leavenworth st near down- „•\u25a0.— o: all outside sunny, furnUbed rooms; $1.75 s.Dd up; free bath. , TURK st. 1752 — Large, clean, sunny room In private family; all conveniences, bath, gas, etc.; reasonable for right party; West 3866. TURK ft, 1715 — Bay window sunny room. In f.r.e location, convenient to cars; very reasonable to right party. TCRR st. 1611 — Large front room in private family for 1 or 2 gentlemen; running water. TURK Ft.. 834. near Jefferson square — Outside ' room nicely furnished; bocse keeping priv- ileges; $2.50 weekly; also room ground Hoar, clean. $1.25 per week; phone. 3—C st.. 27 — Unfurnished rooms suitable for of- ROOMS FOR HOUSE KEEPING AAA— Beautifcl parlor suite, with all .day sunny front bey window, and kitchen fnrnisfaed for noun* keeping:: suitable for 2 or more persons; private residence; Oak st. near Buchanan; 3 •fc r lines: 2 grates, piano, bath, laundry" and all conveniences; references. Apply 452 Oak st. AA— BAKER Ft.. 1718. near California— 2 large sunny front connecting house keeping rooms; all ficmvcnicnces: reasonable, r « : nOLORES St.. 1427— Tw0 sunny house keeping rooms, with every convenience for $20. KDDY et.. 952 — Bunny moms, bath, phone, with or witkout bouse keeping; also single rooms, f>: transients. KI.L'S st. 1937. nr. Devlsadero — 2 fine snnny furnished connecting honse keeping rooms; piano, bath and phone; no children; also 3 tltcant house keeping rooms es suite. IXUS st.. 1225 — Modem sunny rooms, $10 and $12 month; run ning water; bath, phone. FELL st. 15SS. opp. panhandle — Exceptionally clean ennny bouse keeping and single rooms; also garage fir rent; reasonable. GEABY Kt.. ISB0 — 3 house keeping rooms for 4 lciy friends going: to business; $1.50 weekly. GOLDEN GATE ay., 861. Sd floor— l or 2 rooms is private family; opposite park.- . GROVE st, 729. tr. Flllmore — Two rooms, single or en suite- honse keeping privileges; reasonable; convenient to can. GREENWICH st, 1433. near Polk— 2 nice. * !xr£e. sunny house keeping rooms; running water, gas, bath, phone; very reasonable. liOl*SE keeping rooms, $S month; gas, bath. _28 Market st. I HOTEL CRYSTAL, 571 McAllister st. — One and '. two room apartments; rates $10, $15, $22.50. JACKSON st. 2311. bet FiUmor* and Webster— 2 furnished house keeping rooms; bath, gas, phone; rent $15 month. McALLISTEB. St. 878— Sunny rooms, with "or without bouse keeping privilege*; bath; gas. Market 4487. OAK Et, 1140, near Devisadero— 2 nicely fur- nished, large, sunny bouse keeping rooms; gas rscge. sink, and complete; nice residence; $20 . per month. . U'KARREIX. 1433 — Very large sunny bsy win- <j«»— ro«m; reasonable; bouse keeping privi- leges; phone, bath, laundry. fjPIBBCK *'-. 426 — Larjre front room in private family U>t tn-o; all conveniences; house keep- ins privliexe. . STEINER, 909— Large sunny —furnished front room with alcove and kitchen; every con- ' t renienee: $18. -.; . -. -; { SCOTT. £040—2, 3 or 4 furnished rooms; bath; regular kitchen. Phone West 2014. 1 TURK «t.. MJ6— Sunny, newly rumiibed rooms for house keeping, buffet kitchen, bath, gas; a_co clnjrle room. VALKNCI-. 1341. bet. 34Ui and 25th — 2 coo- nectlna* room*, fnrn.; gas and cnel range; $lg. J>TH sv.. li&R, st Golden Gste psrk. Sunset— 2 Urge sunny furnished front house keeping rooms: $15. M'H St., 3G5 — Furnished room* for bou*e keep- ing: slso single rooms; reasonable", downtown. TTH St., 60. opp. P. O.— Two sunny front house keeping rooms, $6 per week up. H. RAPHAEL. ROOMS AND BOARD OFKERKD BOARD and room from $5.50 per week; 2 metils a day: also bouse keeping rooms. $3 weekly. 1113 Geary st. near Van Ness ay. CALIFORNIA et.. 1826. near Leavenworth— First - class table board; all home cooking. DEVISADERO «t. 74S— Large room, nicely fnr- xslshed, for 2 gentlemen, in private family ; excellent board; reasonable; bath; closet; all conveniences. ELLIS .'•_. 1280, nr. Lagnna— Sunny frost rake; washroom; hot acd cold water; suitable for 2 or 4 gentlemen; board optional. Phone West 3711. ULLM6UE. 2529. corner Pacific ay.— Elegant, sunny rooms; first class .table; summer rates. FHANKLIN st. 1453 — Handsome parlor, piano, <v>nnect»d rooms, American board: couples $**5 monthly;. other rooms $25 and $30; Span- ish and French spoken. — JACKSON - St., l.V.<! — Furnished room or- suite with' private family, with board. - i.AUCt room, nicely furnished for 2 gentlemen, n-ith board, in private family; bath., phone, use of parlor: reasonable. 2115 .Webster «t" • -.LARGE front room suitable for 2 or 3 gentle- irr-u: excellent board; $30 each. 1962 Buchanan. J.KAVENWOBTH st. 1440— Newly furnUhed juirlor suite; running water;? excellent board; tx'autiful fiat*^ gentleman only. - JJAUTINBT HOTEL. 1101 Geary , st— Rooms snd suites, . with first class board, can sow be engaged at summer ; rates.' ' - - MASON st, M 7, nr. Fairmont— Excellent board: family table; terms restooaMe. T>l. 1947 Franklin. _______HB_HBMfBHR_ NICE, clean rooms for young men who want to economize; excellent board; bath. 1192 O'Far- reH-«t.- -\u25a0 \u25a0 - r - - - - \u25a0 .- u'KARRELL st.., 1205— Sunny room, Suitable for 2. double or single beds, : excellent board; also single *°°°™-^R&MdMStSK£_M929fii6l93£_kM "'FARRKLL *t, 1164 — Board and \u25a0 room, rea- soßable. for persons ' desiring good * board and comfortable home. I'ACIFIC ay.. 1716— Pleasant surroundings; ex- <-el!ent table; moderate; suits and single cms. PIERCE Bt. 815. near McAllister— Nicely furn- ished front : rooms; - bath, " fine neighborhood; excellent hoard r for \u25a0• two. $40 -' per « month. I'INE *t. 242«A— PleaMnt room: and good hoard ; ™th. phone, home- - comforts ; f or one »22 month, two $40. ROOMS AND BOARD OFFERED—Cqii. ROOM and board in select family; reasonably moderate. 138S O'Farrell st. Phone West :?449. ROOM and board:' young men; a snap; call. and Investigate. 1631 Buhli st. SCOTT st.. 912^ — Young " man willing to share room with gentleman, can .have very reason- able room and board. SELECT PRIVATE BOARDING HOUSE 1720* BROADWAY; elegant location; FIRST CLASS in every respect. Rates, specially re- duced. Telephone Franklin 1864. ' -.-. SKLECT PRIVATE BOARDING HOUSE- ISOI California st at Franklin; first class In every particular: references; rates reasonable. Phone Kranklln 1021. ST. MARGARET'S club for working girls/ 1541 California st — Sunny rooms, use of 'piano; teachers' students, stenographers, find It ideal home: terms $20 per month, $I' per day. SLTTER 6t, 2427— Large room, nicely fur- I nlMhed, In private family, for 1 or 2 gentle- men: with excellent board; a*l conveniences; reasonable. - SUTTEU st.. 1618— Furnished rooms: board; home comforts; In private family; terms rea- sonable. SUNNY room in private .family, with excellent board; all conveniences. - 1015 Fell st. . . BUNNY, front, corner room; bath; running wa- ter; excellent board; no children. 881 Eddy st. WOMAN'S HOTEL, Turk at Laguna, opp. park— Home comforts: renponabla rates. YOUNG man wants room and board with private family: state terms. Boy 2724. Call offlce. ROOMS AVANTED GENTLEMAN would like to get comfortable room in refilled Jewish family; must be nice airy room and all conveniences; board if op- tlonal. Box 2719. Call offlce. AAA— ST. MUNGO apt, 13G0 Golden Gate ay.. cor. Fillmore — Elegantly furnished 2-3 room apts.; sun In every apt.; private exchange connecting all apts. Phone West 9020. AAA— ST. MARGARET apartments. Fell and Octavia sts. — Runny, unfurnished apartments, 3 rooms and bath; wall beds; rent reasonable. AA— GLADSTONE APARTMENTS. 706 Polk, cor. Eddy — Elegant sunny house keeping apart- ments; 1 room. $14 per month: 2 rooms, $28 per month; 3 rooms, $40 per month; botbaths; eiec. lights; Janitor serv . Tel. Franklin 2048. AA— BANDRINGHAM furnished apts., 1152 Eddy st, now ready for occupancy. A— CORNELIA HOTEL. APARTMENTS 041 O'FARRELL ST. NEAR HYDE. 2, 3 AND 4 ROOM ELEGANTLY FURNISHED APARTMENTS. Completely equipped with every modern con- venience and ready for immediate occupancy. SOMETHING NEW nOTEL SERVICE REFERENCE RKQUIRED' A— CLINTON APARTMENTS 1400 JONES ST. COR. WASHINGTON. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED. SUNNY 4 AND fi ROOMS; MARINE VIEW; NEABLFAIRMONT HOTEL; JANITOR SERVICK: EVERY CON- VENIENQE. PHONE. FRANKLIN 3443. AT the Grand. 945 Golden Gate ay. opp. Jeffer- ton square; front sunny apts, of 2. 3. 4 rooms; bath, laundry, porch, yard; from $25 up; refs. ADELINE APTS., 640 Eddy — Apartments, 2, 3 and 4 moms, thoroughly modern; summer rates. ELDORADO apartments. 150 Ninth st.. near Mission— Klegantly furnished, $22.50 and $25; - alfio single rooms $10 up. RICHELIEU APARTMENTS. 22d and Guerrero sts. — 34 rooms, with disappearing beds. GEORGINA Apartments, 1225 Pine bet. Leav- enworth and Hyde — Beautiful light and bunny 2 rooms end bath; dnfurnUhed KENIL WORTH. ~E CORNER BUSH AND POWELL STS.— 3 ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE KEEPING APARTMENTS: SINGLE ROOMS: COMPLETE APPOINTMENTS; AND SKRVICE MARYLAND APARTMENTS, 363 Page St.— Sun- ny 4 room apartments; furnished and unfur- nished; hot water. Janitor service, night watchman, elevator. SAN CARLOS apartments. 1175 O'Farrell st— 2, 3 and 4 rooms, furnished and unfurnished. HOTELS AAA— NOTICE TO TRAVELERS- HOTEL COLONIAL, Stockton, street above Sun or. American plan, (3; European plan, SI. Telephone, steam beat, electricity; every modern con— cnienee. AAA— WELLINGTON HOTEL. 610 Geary near Jones — Just opened; only. hotel' giving outside sunny room with private bath at $1 day. $5 week, or $20 month; other outside sunny rooms $3.30 week; steam heat, hot water, telephones. AA— HOTEL BRISTON. 415 O'Farrell st ~ FAMILY AND COMMERCIAL HOTEL Room and bath. $1 day or $5 per week. Outside telephone in each room. Newly opened. Steel frame building. A— AT THE WEMPE, 419 Oak, bet Buchanan and Lagnna sts.: sunny rooms; excellent board. BROOKLYN HOTEL— B69 Ist— Board and room $6 to $8 per week; rooms 50c to $l;'weekly $2 up; meals 25c. CHARLES MONTGOMERY. HOTEL AETNA, 1617 Pine fit— Beautiful suite and bath, $25; single rooms, $12; phone in every room. HOTEL BELMONT, 730 Eddy, below Van Ness. Turk and Eddy cars — Rates $1 per day up. HOTEL CALIFORNIA, cor. California _ Hyde— Especially adapted to ideal home life*; su- perior accom. ;' reas. ; European or Am. plan. HOTEL HARCOURT. LARKIN AND SUTTER— AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN, EXCELLENT TABLE. PHONE FRANKLIN 2100. \u25a0 \u25a0' HOTEL ARGONAUT, 4th and Market sts. — Fam- lly and commercial hotel; room with detached bath, $1 per day; rooms with private bath, - $1.50 per day; restaurant attached ; moderate prices; free bus meets all trains and stmships. HOTEL ST. JAMES, Van Ness at Fulton — $15 month to permanent guests; beautiful lobby. PACIFIC ay., 1710 — Rooms and board; pleas- ant surroundings; references. \u0084 SUMMER RATES Rooms with private hath, $1 per day up. - Rooms with Drivate bath. $5 per week up. Rooms without bath, $3.50 per week up. Bar, cafe, reception rooms, private exchange. HOTEL BRILLIANT, r.45 Tnrk st. APARTMENT flats. 4 rooms and bath. ,$2O up: Janitor, etc.. free. See \u25a0 agent at bulldtnc. 700 Central ay.- cor. Fulton st. near Panhandle. A NEW -flat: - modern improvements; 5 rooms; rent $25. Inquire 454 7th st ' BAKER St.. 316, park entrance — 6 room, modern flat: new; reasonable; open afternoon*. BI'SH M., 2069, nesr Wehnrer — Newly painted." S beautiful rooms and bath; open from 2 to 5 p. m.; reasonable. ; CALIFORNIA st and 22d ay.. Slitter st. cars— New eunny fiat of •"> rooms; only 512. DEARBOHN place. 29A. off 17th, near Valencia — 4 rooms and bath; rent $15. : EDDY St., 1311— To let. 3 modern flats, 6 rooms and bath ; rent $25. Laurel ay., 706 and 708 — Two 5 rooms and bath; rents $25 and $27.50. ELLI3 st., 1823, cor. Pierce — New modern sunny flat. 4 rooms and bath; reasonable; adults. *TELL st, 1718, opp. Panhandle— 6 rooms and bath; .modern Improvements; rent > reasonable. GEARY st, 2410A — 3 large rooms and bath; gas; - stationary tube; large porch; reduced to 514. - JACKSON st. Cherry, Presidio heights — 7, rooms; grand marine -view; sunny; up to date;- $32.50 . ' and $30} no children; sunny yard. - JONES st, 1020-1032, bet. Pine and California— New, sunny 0 and 4 room flats; $45 and $80. LAKE st. 742. near Oth ay.—Cleana v.— Clean (> room Hat; overlooking Presidio; rent $27.50. . MISSION. *t.; 2264—2 new flats. 5 and C rooms; (rood chanc* for rooming;. house; long" lease- if desired. Apply on premises bet. 1 and 4 p.*m. NE. corner Fulton and .Webster sts. — Modern, 6 room, corner flat; sunny; • light rooms; rent .very . reasonable. . \u0084 \u0084 \u25a0 NOE st, \u25a0 1050. cor. • Elizabeth — Five ;• room . cor. . flat and . yard ; rent $25: I'EU RY- *t.. lciA, between . 3d and 4th— Flat, 4 ' roomi-.. hath, gas; $18. • SANCHEZ. -1537 and 15.T», near 28th— 1 ininn.vi4 room flat, $12 a month*;. also 5 room flat, $15 a -month. . -- •\u25a0• - \u25a0\u25a0-.-• - - TREAT, ay.. corner Garfleld park. 1184 — 4 room upper flat: gas, bath; rent reasonable. \u25a0 TREAT ay.. 11S8.> cor. Garfield square— 4 room - • upper flat; gas. l>ath;, rent 'reasonable.- -\u25a0- WALLER »t,. 1217, nr. Masonic ay., near park— t Very desirable sunny upper flat, : 6 , rm-1, laun- dry, etc.; ne-^rsnge and gas 'stove: fine loea- i : tlon and - view : very reasonable; "adults: refs. \u25a0 10TH sv.. 274 — To adults, 4 large sunny rooms and bath; reasonable. .. :• \u25a0'-.:—-- ', IST ay.. 721— Flat of 6 rooms; ' newly tinted • * for ': rent. . " " \u25a0 '\u25a0';.". .. -; . '•--"»•*• 19TH- and Noe. sts.,- NW. corner— UDDtr C rooms; $25. i: ,'-.. \u25a0' ' '. \u25a0 - \u25a0 CALL BRANCH OFFICE, - 1631 Flllmore st \u25a0 'near Post. .*"\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0'-•-•--•-- \u25a0-"--"-.-•.- - -/ - -.--.^\u25a0. - -.-: : -' • - '-"' - flats; wanted. .-.,•.. ;•.. • .WANTED— 2^ modern; flats; 'must: be good value; i -MI»Klon ; district : preferred. < Box' 2617: Call. '\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0*. • C'J;^FLATS T FOR SAL&i.FurnUihed \u25a0;':. O! \u25a0 CLINTON: psrk,'-' 263C—^4 r.; end b. 7 ; furnliihed for sale, . $90. Gore Market " and : Dolores sts. TTTR^ SA^ST FBAInCISQQ GALIJ, y^^IDA^Y^JIjyE :4; 1909; i _^^_JFLAJ]S v T^L^T-^-^^ "AN upper sunny furnl6hed : 4* room and (bath flat; > <no children; rent $25. i: Address 913*4 Capp ; st. NEAR park— Desirable, middle flat, 5 rma..'laun- «lrj - ," etc.; completely, and ' well ; *f urn;:' piano; fine location; very ' reas. ; ; would sell, 'furniture at a sacrifice; adults; reft. ,3217 Waller; st. SACRAMENTO -'at.,"-;-" 2888.-.. near Devisadeny-6 room!, beautifully ; and completely .furnished: hardwood floors; oriental rugs. Apply; lto 3 j 'p. m.' ' ':\u25a0--..'' '•'. *-' -- '-\u25a0 '-'\u25a0' ' '\u25a0 ' - ' --- : - \u25a0 ' '' ! SUNNY, furnished flat. 6-rooms,. bath, garden: i $25; adults. 412 44th ay. ; Clement st. cars. STEINER' st.,' 13(3 — Five room furnished flat, complete: $40 month. y SANCHEZ st. 077— 5 rooms and bath; large attic; high basement, garden; newly tinted and papered: rent $25. Owner. 1141 Dolores st. COTTAGES TO LET— FtirDJi-ihed^^ 323 Prospect ay. near 30th and Mission— s rooms and bath: pfoone. etc. ' ..___l_i_______ HOUSES TO LET— Fnxnl-hed : SCOTT St.. 2203, opp. park— Completely . fur- nished house, 8 rooms ; phone West 17T1. TEN well furnished rooms; centrally locatea; rooms fnll: chance seldom offered; price J*2su; worth twice the money. 816 McAJHster St. HOUSES TO I^ET-— *tTnfiirnlwhe-I Mj^^ CALIFORNIA st, 2917 — Fine house; 9 rooms, bath, sas and electric lights. . furnace, con- t»ervatory; reasonable. \u25a0 CORNEII Jackson and . Baker— Modern house, contains parlor, dining room, kitchen, .7 bed- rooms, finished basement: rent $55. MINNA st, 1053, bet 11th and 12th— House of 4 snnny rooms and*bath. • PACIFIC ay., near Franklin st— l 2 rooms. 2 baths; moderate rental. STERLING REAL- TY CO.. 41 Montgomery st. \u25a0 ' - - SHOTWELL st, 1119—^Fine bouse; 6 rooms and bath; with or without stable; reasonable. VALLKJO st^— House, 9 rooms; garage, bard- . wood'floors; finest marine view; will lease long term, furnished or unfurnished. Tel. ' mornings, -West 5754. .. . . $30 — 7 sunny rooms, bath, large basement and sanitary stable. 373 Shotwell at. OUT OF TOWN- HOUSES TO LET AT Menlo Park, 1 mile from station, unfurnished house of 7 large rooms; bath, porches. 2 acres land, stable, chicken houses, orchard and gar-, den. ,For particulars address box .70, Menlo Park. . FOR rent — Furnished- house of 1.0 rooms for summer months or longer to right party; large yard and stable;* also honse at Carmel. I'ov It. Call office. San Jose. Cal. FURNITURE FOR SALE WE MUST raise cash— Hair mattresses, $8.50. 1 These mattresses are our own make and sold right along at $18; but we are closing them out.- Box couches,' $15 val., at $5; handy couches, $2.75; cable springs, $2.50. We always do fine upholstery work; ' mattresaes made over, $2.50; carpets cleaned, altered and laid. Call in a hurry if you want to save .money. 905 Uevn-adero, nr. McAllister. Phone West 2942. KITCHEN treasure tables, only $3 this week: regular price $5.50: every article goes at half price it a. SCHELLHAAS' furniture sale, 11th st. at Franklin, Oakland. 300 FOLDING chairs. 50 wire cots, at Oakland's furniture dealer, H. SCHKLLHAAS, 11th »t. at Franklin. ' - /\u25a0 AND we greet you with a Bin De. 200 wire cots, $1.25 upward at 11. SCHELLHAAS' furniture sale. 11th st. at Franklin, Oakland. FURNITURE. "25c to 50c on the dollar; large safe and store fixtures at a great sat-riflce; re- tiring from business. A. KINGS, 3016 16th st. BUY this week. Iron beds. $2. H. SCHELL- HAAS, 11th st. at Franklin, Oakland. FURNITURE of 8 v«>o-n house for sale. 2558 Sacramento near Fillmore. FURNITURE, good and cheap, at H. SCHKLL- HAAS'. 403 11th st. Oakland. FURNITURE WANTED WE are paying more for second hand furniture and - household goods than any other dealer in the city. If you do not . . want to sell your goods outright we wiM sell for you on" com- mission with a guarantee. G.A. CO.. 84 Tth st. ALWAYS ready to bi£ .furniture, carpets, desks, , merchandise, etc., for spot cash. MARK J. LEVY. 1140 McAllister st: phone Park 860. . FOR SALE— MlnceUaneouj- CASH REGISTERS— If you arc in the market for a Hallwood, Columbia, National or any make of cash register.: call and get our prices l>e fore- you buy. We guarantee to sell a better cash register for less money than any other concern. Here are some of our prices: Hallwood or American, keys fie to $5 ".$35 .Hallwood' or American, keys 5c to $9.. $40 Hallwood or American, keys ftc to $99. ... .s*ss Sold on terms of $5 cash and $5 per month. Large size .Weilers, Columblas, for $17.50. Nationals any price from $7.50 up. THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO., 1040 Market st. bet. Taylor and Jones. _____ __ __ ___ . _ __ Closing out. lmmense stock on account of . expiration of lease. 6 ft bathtubs, . porcelain lined. 20x30 white enameled sinks. Elegant lavatory.' ' 2 part galvanized tray. \u25a0 - - - - - 525 75 " CENTRAL PLUMBING SUPPLY CO.. V ": -:y. 1527 Market, st. CASH REGISTERS— \u25a0:. ' \u25a0 "-. ~ ~ Second hand Nationals /of . all styles at low prices; Hallwoods at 25c on the dollar, or any other make; guaranteed by the National Cash Register Company.- \u25a0 - - . N. O. R. SECOND HAND STORE. 527 Market st FOB sale — Complete outfit for physician's office. Contained in 3 \u25a0 rooms at 1196 Kentucky ! st . Potrero. .Rooms can be had at. a low. rental; fine opportunity for young ' physician. Apply to DR. A. G. COLBURN, 1196 Kentucky st, Potrero. . ' ' . . ' ' ' FOR pale— Three burner .gas } range and hot water beater; used about four months;. ln ex- cellent condition; a bargain. Box '2645,' Call offlc*. 'MUST.BK SOLD AT ONCE TWO large Iron tanks; 1 18 feet In diameter by 12H feet "high and'l 15 feet in diameter by 12Vi feet high. First class condition. Big har- gaino.' PACIFIC PIPE CO.. Main and Howard. BASKET manufactory— Gocarts and reed :fnrnl- . turn . for sale at cost, 30 days . only, at 4"J3 Montgomery hv. F.. ZUNIN'O, tel. -Kearny 3211. » GREAT bargains in' rebuilt typewriters rentlutf $2 to $3.50 -per month. . See NEW YOST VISIBLE. The Typewriter Exchange,' 2ss Montgomery >t SECOND HAND PIPE. \ - Largest dealers In standard I pipe and screw casing, dipped ; '- prices right ; guaranteed first ; class. Pacific Pipe - Co., Main > and I Howard sts. FOR sale— Four . cylinder, '35 horsepower ; marine motor, - practically new ; weight 724 lbs. ; also 80 horsepower, high speed engine. in first class condition. .; Inquire .475" 44th at, Oakland, v ; AND ' it's :' up '"- to ' you; * save ' money; ' patronize i Oakland's furniture dealer, H. SCHELLHAAS, i .' 11th st. st^ Franklin.- ",- \u25a0""...\u25a0; FpR sale — I^arge hull, new; ' 37x9*^ "'beam; \u25a0 will : v finish to suit buyer. EDWARD MORRIS. 2705 i Harrison ' ay.. Alameda. .- . . ' ; ANGELS .will ' dwell \u25a0 In '\u25a0 your dreams by sleeping on one of H. SCHELLHAAS' mattresses.' ll th st. at Franklin, Oakland. ' ,'\u25a0;..- AA— All sizes : standard water pipe \u25a0 and screw -casing; guaranteed - ; good as new ; get our . prices. Weisgbaum Pipe i Works, 133 11th at. ARMY tents at factory prices. W. A. PLUM- MER CO.',' 115 Drumm st',- S. ~ F., Ist and , 'Franklin sts;. ' . . >: .- > ' CONCRETE mixers,, gasoline engines/wood work- lni;- machy. ;• contractors* : equip ; Al "condition; price right. W.^T. MARTIN,. 1277 Howard st CHRAP — Chicken : feed grinder, 1 30 gallon J boiler." \u25a0 Samson batteries, -j shafting, i bangers, " pulleys. 910 Welfflter Bt.,* Oakland; 'phone Oakland 2478." CORRUGATED iron,^ pipe and malleable fittings; t sash \u25a0" weights -a i specialty,"^ old ; and ; new. N. < LANSB!"K(t Sc SON, 1140 Folsom st. : > ,* .- 400 folding opera chnirs.t fair order." 90c; each, at H.' BCHKLLH \ AS'. 11th St.. Oakland." FOR \u25a0' snle-^— Square . piano, I cheap ; .: also Estey or- ;-." Ban. . 204; East 16th st. : . . !: \u0084,*'j ./'.X: BABY chicks , every day. : STANSFIELD, 3301 14th,,Frultvale. -"\u25a0;.-• > ; : '- * ; . \ ; 1 KINO'S" KOOIC STOHR; .: 1710 Marketv above ('ough.y Phone: Ma rket 47G3. . BOOKS BOUGHT.- NATIONAL cash registers.*; electric signs/ bar and \u25a0 . : safe* for 3sle; . cheap. .;: 579 McAllister st. f , - - FOR'sale— A buli-terrler pup." :2S,Hoags ay. - EDISON AGENCY — Moving picture machines and ." films; bargains.'- GKO. URECK. 70 Turk st.C.: WALL I paper * 3%c ; t. samples * mailed ; "\u25a0\u25a0 paint ' $1 ! : gal.; alcohol 65c gal. M.Merlgan. 1447 EUls. , TURNINGS, r cabinet and < mill : work, ? store fix- atures, jobbing.! C:F. HAAS; 03 Minna st : ; _,t:'. "SAFE,"- Hall ; '; Inside s measurement, 31x24x15; \u25a0 .; $85.--: 950 Mission 'at.*; above sth;^ . , \u25a0 : : EOOKS " and % libraries > bought ; by i SCHULBERG, ; .: 1214: Fillmore st; phone tW est 5099. >-;; v : .;.; r ; ' MOVlNO!picturcfllms:forirent;>larEest : stock In ' 01 -^ l^ ll k DAHNKEN. 138 Eddyst^^ BOOKS and libraries bought." THE HOLMES CO" 1 1 58 Market st; ; \ phone ; Market \u25a0 896.; ';. > < ,: : '-- : : SAFES--New I and r ; second • hand." TUe * liermann ;Sar ei Co..a2o-130 FoUom sWf- ; .<i POSITIVELY twice as much • paid for^ cast off • clothing and shoes.' 214 .East st. ; : phone ' Doug- :las 2649 and : will call. \u25a0.. '-\u25a0 \u25a0'\u25a0'' \u25a0 '\u25a0"'.'\u25a0> '-': 'V "'"->. WANTED ;to r buy— National cash registers j for . ' cash ; ; If ' you 'have any ' style , National for -sale .:-.;; ilrop a iine . to b0x . 2309, Call: office. - • ' . \u25a0*-\u25a0 ' '. \u25a0 '\u25a0;: DRESS SUITS, •\u25a0* TUXEDOS AND P lt V*C_ :-'AL- BERTS'.'BOUGHT.'- 1 L. SKOLL. TA.-OR. 707 •"\u25a0 GOLDEN^GATEJ AY. ; PHONH MARKET 40:n. STAMP collections or odd lots of stamps bought; ;calleven:nffs.-;E.-W. SMITHS IC2S »ost st, k CASH— ANY AMT. FOR OLD C GOLD. PItEO. ", .-, -STONES.'/ ENGEfiHARDT. : 22 MONTG' Y ST. WILL buy second hand hardware, 1 tools,' clothing, etc. ;' best _)rices.'V 2ll7 Mis«ion;>Park 5350. SECOND HAND clothing bought and sold. I. AL PR MANN. 1619 Market : tel. Market 2r»42. : ..\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0, :•' \u25a0\u25a0' - furs: : '\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0: '\u25a0\u25a0 ";\u25a0; :: LOFSTAD & EVANS, Inc., furriers; '2sl Post st., Mercedes . bldg.: :-M floor. Phone Kearny 43.'!). BAR AND STOKE FIXTURES V BRUNSWICK-BALKE-COLLENDER CO.". ,17-27 Franklin at." near -Market: phone Special 14*>7. -^^JE2sSi£*lxE2SJ^£S-53!d^^5^^u POSTAGE stampß, albums, catalogues,, etc. ; cols. bought 11. W. noencher & Co., 1120 Geary st." CAMPING houses.' combination tent bouses and tents; cheap. PORTABLE . HOUSE CO.. 1269 Broadway. Oakland. \u25a0-.\u25a0•."' ~ \u25a0 ,• ' We furnish everything for camper; tents, ham- mocks, canvas goods. T. J. Mayers'. 28 Clay st. REMOVAL SALE— Great bargains in new and second hand pianos;. UaxeKon Bros., $250; Laf- ' falgue, $250; Reynold & Wolf. $70, $150. $175; Arlon, $90; Hornung Bros.,- $200; Cote. $200; Rlcca & Sons, $210; Schuman — Sons, $195; . .Mason, $175; Marshall, $150; $3 per month or . $2 and up rent; open Saturday evenings. C. C. HORNUNG. 1834 Geary st near Flllmore. ' . BARGAINS IN PIANOS ,-, * Gale, $25; Decker Bros., $40; Steinway, $75. MANUFACTURERS' PIANO CO.. ; "From Maker to Player." - . . 188 Eddy rt. bet. Mason and Taylor. ' BRAND new piano, $5 per mo. rental; no cart- age; free insurance; six' months rental applies to 'purchase; piano salesman wanted; no sal- ary: -Wg commission. PETER BAGIGALUPI & SONS. 941 Market st. Open Sat evenings. LARGE Knabe upright, $250; other uprights from $100 up; pianos to rent. BOWERS 4c SON, 529 McAllister et. near Van Ness ay. LADY leaving the city wants ! to rent piano to party, without children. Address 2521 Post st. PIANO, for sale, cheap; cash or. installments; wllj, transf er contract C5O Lyon st. Electric pianos, $175 up; terms; also placed on percentage. Audlffred Musical Co.. 82 Grove st. liKriT pianos in town for rent; 10c a day. SCOTT CURTAZ. 560 Hayes st. .-\u25a0- . --^ 30 pianos to rent, $3 per month and upward. JOS. SCHMITZ & CO.. 821 Van Ness ay. SEWING MACHINES McNALLY'S 30th anniversary sale this week; Singer," White, Domestic. New Home. W. & W. .half price; second hand, $"5, $7, $9; renting, repairing a specialty. 3260 22d st. between Mission and Valencia; phone Park 802. NBW drop head ; machines made and guaranteed by New Home Sewing Machine Co., $19.50 to . $24.50; second hand, $5 to $10; renting; repalr- . ing. K. L. SERGEANT. 531 12th st, Oakland. DOMESTIC— Best, cheapest; all kinds rented, re- ' paired, exchanged: needles and supplies for all makes. J. W. EVANS, asent. 1658 O'FarreU \u25a0 st. near Fillmore; phone West 3601. SINGER; Whwler A Wilson office; renting, re- pairing. ICIO O'Farrell st; phone West 5761. DAVIS.- SINGER, W. &. W.— W. K. JACKSON, acent. 404 Sntter: needles, supplies: all makes. MONARCH Visible Typewriter— ln the Monarch Visible Typewriter all the writing is in full i sight all the time; other makes, second-hand, at very reasonable prices: we rent, repair and Inspect; before purchasing ring up Douglas 4113, or call nt MO7 Bush Ft. WOLF & ISENBItT/CK. Dealers. TYPEWRITER at a sacrifice ;.L. C. Smith visible machine; No. 2 moilcl; excellent condition; typewriter desk goes . with machine. Box 2644, Call office. \ ,; - —• FOR SALE— L". C. Smith visible typewriter; ma- chine slightly uwil and good as new; will also sell roll top combination typewriter desk. Call after Gp. m. at 784 Pine st. • SPECIAL rental rates; rebuilts. second hands, nt bargains; «upplie.«, repairs, decks. ALEXAN- DEK & CO.. ni2 Market st; tel. Douglas 21.7 T. BRAKD-new Visible, $40. Sun No. 2; other makes cheap. Pacific Typewriter Co.; 107 Montgomery. NEW and second hand typewriters bought and sold, rented, repaired; guaranteed. SMITH BROS., 402 13th st, Oakland;- phone Oak 12. GF.O. E. MERRY, Smith Premier agent ; all makeH repaired. 676 Broadway. Oakland. HORSES. HAItNESS AND WAGONS AAA— HANDSOME pony outfit, make offer; ladles' ami gents' now riding saddles. .$3.50 , up; Studebaker | pbactun, j $23; light wagons. $10 up: , buggies. $5 u|>: camp , wagous, $15 up: royal Arabian milk white" sadille. and driving horse cheap; suitable' for family use; paml wagon team • at" a sacrifice; \u25a0 horses $10 up;. 30 -head on hand; harness, $2.50 up. .585 4th "st.. Oakland. Campers rigged up. ?. .-... FOR sale — Dark brown team, almost black. 17 hands high, 6 years old and weigh 1.275, thor- oughly broken and gentle and full of life; not . a blemish on them. For Information write P. O. box 10C, Sonora, Cal. FOR \u25a0 sale^-Flne Hungarian pony outfit, russet harness, fine rubber tire buggy. If sold Im- mediately will take $165. Grand driver and saddler. Safe for children. Olio 4th st. Oak- land. ... •:. > '•'-'':.\u25a0 - : 3 CARLOADS- horses, fresh from the country; also camp wagons,' buggies and liarness.- »Du- bo<;e Stables, 205-2Q9 Valencia ; tel. j Park 2723. Second hand top wagons, exp. wagons, bus. bujj- . gles. . Nugent-Covey Wagon i Co., 349, Valencia, VEHICLES, harnes!-. saddles, less than manufac- tnrcr's price. LIEROLD'S. 11 Front at Market. AUTOMOBILES Foil SALE— A SO horsepovrer : s passenger White ' -. steamer, ' model (!, with full equipment. Includ- ing top . and curtains, folding; glass . frout. prestolite '. tank, shock absorbers, speedometer, ' tire holders, 2 inner tnbesand tools; car:is good as new/having mn only 1.750 miles; must be sold nt once; cash, or will: take good grade . of runabout in part payment. -. Box 1981, Call. FOUSALE — Price $500 and upward; several .'Off and -07 Winton; touring cars,: taken in trade . - f or '08 cars and thoroughly | overhauled by our mechanics from our factory. - . \u25a0 "•» \u25a0 \u25a0 . ; ; WINTO.V. AUTOMOBILE BRANCH, , .; . 300 Van Ness ,aye.,"- Z^- j v-:7" * • San ; Francisco. -, WANTED— TO PURCHASE FOR SPOT, CASH. Maxwell or \ Ford * runabout . In ."good r running S~ order; no Junk;, price must be low. "Apply. so 6 _<Jolden Gate ay. between 2 and 5 Friday after- noop; telephone Franklin \u25a0 3112. - \u0084 -,/[ ELITE , AUTOMOBILE EXCHANGE— New and \u25a0second hand cars for sale: auto painting," wood- work \u25a0 and trimming. \u25a0- 677-085 Golden Gate av.y corner of Franklin • si. '{\u25a0 Phone ; Park *5922. - , r, SECOND HAND cars' bought,- sold and exchanged," iv or . money loaned for-short term on nil iidtorao- ' biles. 'Valencia ' Garage, Inc.; 611 Valencia, Rt.' $2,000— Automobiles 43 horsepower; 7 seat; mod- ern equipment; "only used a short time. 'C. W. 'FISHER,-: 060 Market at.*,- ".- '-.-- -. -.V.'; \u25a0--\u25a0.;' THR Pacific Aluminum ; Repair; Works can -. braze \* your ' broken aluminum • castlngn. >" 250 Ash • ar. HEALD'S j automot>il(! j school I gives the best auto - training on coast. . 42. r > McAllister st' . \u25a0 _^_^s. : : l -nUSINESSSCHANCES :\u25a0 '" / A— .".t GLOBE REALTY' COMPANY. ' Business Brokers; "v-" '-."-' 211 Pacific,- building. San Francisco. -.V- ' " -: '\u25a0; Phone- Douglas- 4.'117." '-'.i. \u25a0\u25a0'.', :-.."-. •'•". i ; So 6 Broadway, \u25a0 comer L 7th St., Oakland. -. -• ' . Phones— Oakland ."2813, Home; A 2213. - ; SALOON and boarding house, - $3.000; 'Al location, .-/: Oakland : ! lonK • establinhedi - large- barroom ;* 24 rooms: » 15 boarders: : bar receipts % $30 daily; rent :sSs;: long Iease. jSEE'^GLOBB OO>:'i. - $000 buys V hair interest % old \u25a0 established :and'storage busluws; clearing $230 monthlyjat ; : present, •. which* can ' be * increased ' with "\u25a0 services i I of : right party ; r choice * location ; 'valuable V con- cessions: \u25a0 See, GLOBErREALTY" C 0..:: ;-, y^f GROCER Y.i store ; s $2,250; I rent : $30 ;', large;; light \u25a0 \u25a0. utore;- elegant fixtures; new,' clean stock;. dally . receipts ;8C0; this 'ls a live proposition; cheap. vSeeGLOBK.CO.,-: -:;::, .'\u25a0 -. _ \u25a0-;.-"\u25a0 -::^V: .:' *': PARTNER; $t;.000;-.manufBcturlng business. o , This \u25a0gis j one ;. of -\u0084 the ,: most ;' profitable . enterprises '-. on v ? I acificj Coast ;*.- investigation • solicited* ? ; See ;; GLOBE REALTY CO.t^r < --r.yv ":\u25a0:-•: PARTNER—. $200 ;. for 3 established,*.; well . adver- - i tised 1 and - up ' to date ' business ; experience " not ,- necessary,-j but > you must »be -a ; hustler;-, will ;• make v; you--, good ,-- money '•• from -start \u25a0 See \u25a0 :GLOBEiRBALTY>CO."V':-,--:j- .--;••-.'\u25a0' 'J.", \u25a0- '-."-:' FOU bargains and quick? sales: see v; ':. \u25a0 . GLOBE ; REALTY* COMPANY,. c r, ll ' :Pai * iQ< ;ibuUdlnjr, iS!iSau.jFranclsco.«i S!iSau.jFrancIsco.« .^h \u0084 .- bM-, Cruad*--ny.^corner|7thL : Bt.r» Oakland. ' . ; : '•'I" J?.- 7 " a nlce UttJellCE OREAMAND CANDY, :^|Onß::rent $15. :.wiNSTONJ&tCO.'.*>2S7*PAt , UFIG BUlLDlNG,'Market : andi4tb!sU.|pf^, '• BUSINESS' CHANCES— Continued \u25a0' < $150, wi1l put you In a neat cash business which :. will t pay - $75 'to $100 per • month j each; expe- „ rience ' not , necessary } if willing to, Uarn. Ap- pl.v ueq Market st.; . room '7. *...'-. WE CAN SELL YOUR < BUSINESS FOR CASH : \u25a0\u25a0. GIVE US A CALL; . i;.',;^-^ 08 - 1 -MARKET ST..^^ ROOM 7. iAUi>hlt wanted 'with 's2so in established gen- eral , contracting business' that will pay ' $125 ..per nio.' r ouc-f»; ,no C experience: necessary, but must be reliable ."ami steady. 9C6 .Market -st. rooiu 7. \u25a0-.. ,--\u25a0 ;- .-\u25a0-<..*..: ,-.* -jl.-.-x.-.-:- : FOX uuloksaleTsee UNITED REALTY CO.. 94S \u25a0~ Market, st.. room \u25a0;i6.; Mechanics' Bank . bltlg. $12.(XK>— I'lanlnir mill, with latest machinery, of- .jfice. : everything- complete,- or will lease for > ?ioo a month;: give, an offer.' .- . - _. ?200-rPartner mercantile business; excellent opportunity; you handle your: own money. '* $425— Grocery, fruit., candy and stationery; .' rooms In rear;:rent $20; good business.*, f $.1o(K-Parrner for ;- established," well , adver- tised, up to date commission business; expe- rience not necessary., but must be willing to learn. V v . \u25a0 $700— Downtown saloon; good business. : $i>Cio—i > Ci0— Restaurant; doing very well. • $350— Cottage of 4 rooms; lot 25x120. , $C,OO0 — 3 .flats near : Folsom ' and Ist ; good income; over 11 per cent on capital. UNITED REALTY CO., 948 Market st. R. 310. GILLIES & MAGNUS . . : . BUSINESS BROKERS ..:• r.1028 Market st. near Tsylor. Room 22. " '\u25a0..'\u25a0•- S ' .'' Telephone Market 1409. NO CHARGE FOR LISTING A BUSINESS.' $1.500 — Grocery and family liquor store: estab- lished for years; doing over $30 daily : cash business; no delivery; fixtures and stock worth . $2,000; departure compels sale. ,G._'M. GENERAL merchandise store In lively county " seat, town, surrounded by \u25a0" producing ' mines. lumber and farming; price $2,500, or invoice; $2,000 monthly business. \u25a0 See GILUKS & MAGNUS. : ; .- * c -,'". SALOONMEN. ATTENTION! . /Tbe best paying saloon and restaurant busi- ness has been placed - with us for sale;" loca- tion center of city; fine equipment; no rent Sew GILLIES A MAGNUS. 1028 Market st. X X GEO. A. HERRICK, THE PEOPLE'S BROKER- OLDBST ESTABLISHED BROKER OK THE COAST. ASK YOUR BANKER OR YOUR •FRIENDS. THEY WILL TELL YOU WHOM TO GO TO ; _? YOU WANT A BUSINESS OF ANY KIND. OR -A HOTEL OR ROOMING HOUSE. \IIB HAS EVERY, AVAILABLE! HOUSE IN- THE CITY. REFERENCE— CA- NADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE. SALOONMEN, ATTENTION— I have an . out of the ordinary opportunity - for any one wasting a good paying saloon. If you have $1,500 or $2,000 come anil see me; will stand strict in- , vestigation. \u25a0\u25a0' - , , . - - . WANTED— FIRST CLASS BARMAN that will take active interest in first class bar and management of same. This bar never takes in. less than $50 <a day. Owner is ill and obliged to retire from business for a few months. , " A NICE LITTLE GROCERY AND FAMILY LIQUOR STORE, with' living rooms; will clear $35 a week; price $550. SAY, do you want a swell little CANDY STORE \u25a0 that your' wife -can handle. " that : will clear vp v sloo a month? I can sell you this for $300 cash. .GEO. A, HERRICK, 808 VAN NESS AY? X , : ' \u25a0.' i'ffii'Jl/-'' - . "I DKUG STORES FOR SALE $I,ooo— Fine store, clean stock and good busi- ness In San Francisco; also one at $2,500. $3,000. $3,600; drug' stores,: in Berkeley. San Jose. Pescadero and in Lake country. Humboldt county. Sonoma county, and others; also a splendid offer In a thriving town In Oregon for $6,500;. 1f you are looking for a business,, or have one for sale, communicate with. us; over 50 years' experience in tbe drug trade In California. THE F. A. WBCK REALTY COMPANY, : 2510 Shattuck ay.. Berkeley. Cm!.:" DO you want to Invest In one of the greatest money making propositions In: San Francisco? Concentrating plant, and . In working order; '. 2 machines will -do the work \u25a0of any $125,000 dredge - and does not cost - one-tenth that amount of money: all we askis for you to take a look at the machine separating the ~ GOLD from the sand. . We will pay your fare out to see \u25a0 it' —orklugiby ; yo*i calling -at our offlce at 10 to 11. a. m. every morning. 948 Market st.T room 421.V j ... FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. Oil main thoroughfare, in one of the liveliest suburbs of Oakland; cars pass the \u25a0, door every five minutes. . -- .-"; THIS IS A VERY DESIRABLE PIECE OF PROPERTY. Lot .100x175. Good store, with 4 rooms in - rear . and good modern 6 room . flat above. Full descriptAn snd view can be seen at our office. THE^ULLER CO., 918 Broad- way. Oakland. TO PLANING MILL MEN. We have -just listed tbe best planing mill In Oakland; 10 years', lease, with net rent $20; this place .*- employs about 2<) men at the . . present time; plenty -of work always on hand; this Is a proposition that will appeal to any person who wants a good investment for little capital In that line; this Is taia fide and Al and will bear • the strictest I Investigation; ! price $8,300. See THE FULLER CO. for fair information, 818 Broadway, Oakland., \u25a0* . ; , . GENERAL merchsudias business for sale; stock inventories $16,000: prosperous town; an un- usual opportunity to seenra a paying business. K. L. UAH HOW. Coast Carriage Co., 12th and Jackson sts..; Oakland. . %->% -> FOR SALE— "The Book of a Thousand Nights and One Night"; limited edition;. literal trans- latlon;-.unexpurgatedr 15 volumes; gilt top. deckled edge* : cost $75, price j $50. Address box"* 27oB;. Call offlce. ' WANTED — In. every city and town, men to has- \u25a0 die our new invention for portable furniture and fixtures ;. a big ! money maker for any oes handy with tools; Just oat. Call at aa— pie room.: 1841 Post st. 8. ¥:. Cal. : . - -:"'-\u25a0-:\u25a0'\u25a0*;: "'-\u25a0- :\u25a0'\u25a0*; FOR sale — Commercial hotel: established ,20 years; 200 miles from S. F. : table . license; worth investigating; price $6,800; terms. D. 8AnT0.V.: 224 Monadnock, bldg. WANTED— Good restaurant man as partner. \u25a0viih $1()(> to $400." to manage a restaurant in : country \u25a0 town \ near city ; .At proposition. 330 Chronicle . bldg. .:-.. > CORNER grocery for sale,' Including property 50x J0!», n-ltl> l>arn in rear;!have other Interests In ' the country; will- sell cheap. 2636 Roekwood \u25a0>' Wdj;.," Frultvale. : : .;'.:. MOST completely . equipped mining property 'In Slskiyou : county j for ; sale at a bargain; - owner \u25a0" can, not give business \u25a0 attention; : will bear ' in- ,- vestigatlon. :' Address box 2594. Call office.. , $375— Half , interest jin up . to • date I sausag? f ac- : tory; '5 'years' lease; I ; net rent $5 -month; bar- ."•: Rain righfparty; "we make, pure sausages nc- . - cording • to pure food laws. W.H.5.C0.,2109 Slkt. FOR sale — Wholesale tea and coffee business, in a thriving California city, of . 80.000, and good surrounding" territory. For particulars address , box 2660, Call:offlce. r - -\u25a0: . . . ADVANTAGES IN i\ INCORPORATING ' YOUR BUSINESS ARE i MANY AND • IMPORTANT. CONSULT REX CO., 821-622 Shreve bldg.. ex- \u25a0' pert - promoters . and corporation \u25a0 attorney. \u25a0 ; $500— Partner \ wanted In plnmbing. : tinning ; and i ll ght store : '*. plenty ; work : -. experience - unneces- sary if willing to learn; handy man with tools preferred. ! Address 3642 16th st. - ESTABLISHED hair : dressing parlor wants '. partner; small capital 'required;: will; teach partner. the business. .. Romona Hair . Dressing ; Parlors, ; 303-304 Westbank bldg., , 880 Market. FOUR reliable, men wanted who will invest $300; f^ the Ji company 4 will ? allow ; them $3"'. per -day; \u25a0money secured: an Income of $1,000 per. year. ' Call at 948 Market st. room 421. . COFFEE * parlor :. and J, restaurant. . paying well; J good , chance • for man i and wife; permanent lo- cution. \u25a0 Inquire 2108 Fillmore st. . $'.'S— SUMMER .: resort : to lease, furnished. . ln- . eluding piano; two- acren of land. 2128 A i>- Market.';"-.' , -. - : ;"- "\ "/' -\u25a0--.\u25a0:\u25a0 :;.'.. :/; MISSION st, ; 1794. nr.^ 14th— Bakery, lunch. If * there lt« any money: owed to any one thejr must -ibe • there « Monday ; afternoon. : -. .-: ,.\u25a0"'. : -, - ". ;_• .-. BUTCHER \u25a0• business In " Vallejo ; for' sale cheap; ' . good :. location, ; with f long • lease. * -'Address 410 < George St.. JValleJo, -711. Call offlce. ; - FOR * sale— A . good * newspaper route \u25a0in a ' good ,' district in i this city. . Apply • to ; J.r R. - LEN- "-, ".* H A RT. I circulation \ department. * 8." P." Call.- - •-,'- FOR sale— Fine bakery ? and ' restaurant, $3,000; v \u25a0\u25a0; very - anxious . to . sell. ,- ? * > R;,"* \u25a0 Call . offlce, . San s', ; 'Jose.\-, '\u25a0•/-.-': . \u25a0" \u25a0 : \u25a0\u25a0 " - ;\u25a0 \u25a0•\u25a0- : >\u25a0>- \u25a0: $300 \u25a0 saloon 4 living rooms: also 1 sep- \u25a0 , \u25a0 arate : room . for ' barber \ shop, t;: Northwest* corner ...7th,'»ndi.Bryant;.-; ; lease:given;;rent;JsO. ; :'- \u25a0 RESTAURANT; t fnlly 4 equipped:* coal and gas: s many,;' eaters \ make i good - business; " half i int.", j<s3OO;s,value < ,lni wight. -^ 043, Market, room 421; FULTON ? st.*, t 2422— Flat , of k 3 or 4 •\u25a0 rooms , and \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0' : bath; ; rent for 3. $15; ]4J- $17.50; \u25a0 McAllister csr PARTNER .with :: $I.2oo,^ safe k cash '- business; ;« snap;* investigate. > Box 623,: Ca1l. \ Oakland. \u25a0 . i PARTNER *In -a Q livestock r, business: woman "-with '\u25a0 small I ranch \ preferred.": , Box 1 2714. ; Call. "AN' est.7* paying. manufacturing business for $325; 'Investigate. ,217* Church i St. _UH|-lftf| f j ||||| || |||| CALL BRANCH 0FF1CE. 71651 Fillmore st near rt-:PQgt.>:>:t^''.*--^'y--.^'.<--v.-^\> [ ' J--:--. ;-..-a.-- .'".i- 1 .' •\u25a0;„; ; ; LODGING HOUSES FfOR^SALB ' :;. LITTLE yi daisy > rooming j& house -j at ... a \"i bargain : rooms s all ; rented ;5s- money-: makers J UNITED 5 t REALTY 4i-CO.-,t,94Rt'Markeff st.*;*: room -310,' •Mf"clianicsV,l"ank( ; sblflg."; r p. ; ;-^,f r . •\u25a0\u25a0'i~ ;$32T»~4; $32T»~44 1 rooms * arid | bath : ' good 1 location ; ' rent t$. r>o;£2..years'-ir >0;£2..years'-i tease;!. $300 r. cash om Iwalcan|y»lwit-l-t>n»«;[-«lck.l2lQ{> Market.; : LODGlNG _^HOpSES^lf_!_^j*A*js^-— J— ' -: .-;-•-. R. H. -WINSTON A CO. __ mf _ v _ , HOTELS, ROOMING HOUSES. APARTMENT - HOUSES. FLATS..' : ROOM 257." PACIFIC BLDG.. Marketjand 4th. .Tel.- Douglas, BB6. Established 17 Years. - - Bank' References. . \u25a0- - ' SWELL LITTLE DOWNTOWN HOTEL. ."22"rooms., I with>s private baths., steam hest. call bells; beautiful furniture 4 and carpets; part cash.' WINSTON;-: CO. - ' - -APARTMENT HOCSE. . .-2? rooms," all' on 1 floor; 2 aad 3 rooms, with private .bath 'and ball: -beautiful, large lobby; reduced to. $2.200. -WINSTON St CO. ROOMING . HOUSE. 50 rooms; rent only $200; hot and cold water In all rooms; not a 'dark room In the bouse: it will pay yon to Investigate. WINSTON & CO. X .--:-, -„• ~ 23 ROOMS. ' furniture elegant: must sell; i will sacrifice fv $850: clears $100 per month; closa \u25a0", In"; this Is certainly a*bargaln. « ROOMS, nice furniture: rent only $30; a. good * home for you: 3 rooms 'rented brings In rent and expenses; yoa can buy this $50 down; - price $200. , If you are looking for a bargain In' a rooming -" house, ' hotel, apartment' house, or furnished flat, do not fill to see me. as I have all of the available bargains In the city. G. A. HERRICK. INVESTMENT BROKER. ' - -. SOS VAN NESS AY. x'- '\u25a0• \u25a0•\u25a0'. -. V ..-" * £ .- : A. CAMERON * Co. ' Tl4 MARKgTST.I MAGEE BUILDING... Opposite The CalL -Booa 301— Phone Douglas 4379. Where Beat Bargain* Are Found In Hotels, Apartment and Lodging Houses, Flats. • " THIS FINE BUY — C 3 rooms; well furnished spt. house. 1-2 rooms: close in; strictly mod- ern: rent $5 room: $1,600 down. bal. out honse. i| DON'T OVERLOOK THIS 85 rm. downtown house; rent $3 per rm.; hot and cold water: all new; good furniture: account retiring: $3.500. PALACE KOSHER DINING ROOM 431 Kearny st bet. Pine and ' Cat— The BEST HOME COOKING, Hungarian style; wedding parties ' catered to: satisfaction s-aranteed. "'" DRESS MAKING MACDOWELL'6 Dreas Making and Millinery -• School,' l2l Geary st near Grant ay. Oakland office, 1018 Washington. Patterns cnt to order. . ' ANNOUNCEMENT. ' Steele's" Pleating and Button Works, now at 222 Ellis «t; phope Franklin 4521. < UNITED GLASS WORKS, In*. H. B. HOPPS. PRESIDENT. ALL KINDS ART,: LEADED AND MOSAIC GLASS. \u25a0 115 TURK; PHONTB FBANKLIN 1763. FREIGHT FORWARDING A— REDUCED rates for shipping household goods. - BAST AND WEST JTJDSON FREIGHT AND FORWARDING CO., Room. 206 Pacific bldg.: phone Kearny 2579^_ WE furnish plans (free) and also lots and build homes I aaywhere: cash or terms. Address J. H. YOUNG, builder. 1249 Park St.. AUmeda. BRICK WORK In all Its branches; best rates. M. V, MOWBRAT. 1308 Devlsadero: West 7021. fN^^ j^ rw JHOME Jg^^PEjgg^^^^J^^^ NO MONEY REQUIRED. If yon own a lot I will build yoa a home on easy terms. FELIX MARCUSE. 155 Sntter st PAINTING in all branch** paper hanging, tint- big, plastering -repaired: send for estimate. ~JAS. P. HUNTER. 1701 Geary; teL West 5653. GOOD wall paper furnished and bung 25c a roll: also painting and tinting done reasonably; all work guaranteed. Phone We»t 8012- AAAA— LE CLAIR VACUUM CLEANING CO., 62 Post, room 326; phone Douglas 2071 — Dust- less cleaning of carpets, rugs, draperies, furni- ture and bedding. WITHOUT REMOVAL. AA— CONSOLIDATED CLEANING APPARATUS CO.. 441 Ist ay.; phone Pacific 1315 — Carpeta, rugs, draperies, etc.. cleaned at home without dust, trouble or , noise; estimates furnished. ALL carpets and rugs cleaned on the floor with- out removal by S. F. COMPRESSED AIR CLEANING CO. Office. 24 Montgomery St.; phone Kearny 5352; shop 16th it San Bruno ay. AA— National Carpet Cleaning Works; largest oa roast: . laying and altering a specialty. Hamn- ton _ Baley. 344-348 Church st. Market' 189. 3c yd.— For the Best Carpet Beating — 3c yd. Phone Market 2-6-2. F. A. Bice. 1805 Harrison. 3c yd. — Carpets Cleaned at Right Price — 3c yd. WHEN you become disgusted with poor work send your carpets to J. SPAULDING 4 CO., 989 Golden Gate ay.; telephone Market 643. STERLING CARPET CLEANING WORKS— 3c yard. 230 Vermont . St. ; tel. . Park C92S. GARNIE * BERNSTEIN'S carpet cleaning works. 3153 16th st. nr. Valencia; phone Market 5001. MATHEWSON'S Carpet Beating Works, 315 East 12th St., Oakland. TeL \u25a0 Mgrritt OPS; BI6BS. Save Money — Best cleaning aad laying now 8c yd. Phone us. : Market 2289. Otsalow, SBOB 22d st. WATTS — Reliable carpet cleaning; alterations; renovat; laying. 560 Devlsadero. Ph. Park 560. ADVANCE Carpet Cleaning Co. — Advanced Meth- ods. GEORGE WALCOM CO.. 637 Turk st. CONKLIN BROS., carpet cleaning and laying. 2400 Geary st. corner Baker. Phone West 93. '. UPHOLSTERING SUNSET Carpet Cleaning Works, 1215 Valencia: PHONE MARKET 6170. First class work. STORAGE AND MOVING VANS BEKINS VAN AND STORAGE CO., . • Fireproof Warehouse. 13th and Mission sts. ;. tel. Market 13. WILSON BROS. (Inc.)— Moving and storage. S Cor.- 14th and Sanchez sts.. 1 block from Mar- ket and Flllmore sts. cars; phone Park 371. A— PACIFIC STORAGE AND VAN CO.— Brick warehouse. 2322 Flllmore st,: teL West 2925. PIERCE-RODOLPH Storage _ Moving Co., Mala offlce. Eddy \u25a0 and Flllmore: tel. West 82S. KEYS furnished at factory prices. Key - Works, 555 Clay st. : phone Oakland 6717. A 2574. J~'I"~';Z: ' ' .'ROOFING '",-\u25a0•" ,-' ROOFS, any kind, repaired, painted. A. HILL- MAN. "SOB B 12th st. Oakland.- Drop postal. WE MAKE handicraft furniture and baby car- riages. " Pacific Coast Rattan Co.'. 831 Van Ne«a. \u25a0-:.''[:'." :'\u25a0'' 'engraving :-.\u25a0" ' - . ' WEDDING Invitations ; 100 for $3.50: Tlsltteg cards; 80c. Qreehinger Eng. Co.. 1114 Geary st. i : JAPANESE LAITNDRIBS JAPANESE laundry; waist and curtain apeelal- _Jst;£_Aj^aj_LaHndryv 1401' Scott: West 6296.* Advance Window 4 Shade Factory— Bamboo porch shades In all si— is. GEO. WALCOM.- 687 Tnrk. '^^j^; \u25a0_ 'OAS'tiyiGrsEs .:'\u25a0'' \'_ _-_-; MINING hoists, stationary and portable engines, gas. distillate or crude oU. WESTERN GAS ENGINE CO.. 461 Market st. - .-*. -. BICYCLES. ANDIMOTORCYCLES FULL line of Pierce cycles and Snell bicycles- sundries; special ; on . repairs. J. T. CHICK. \u25a0230 San . Pedro ar.. \u25a0 Oakland. FULL line' of , Pierce cycles and Snell bicycles; sundries; special: on repaa-s. J.. T. CHICK. -230 ' Sa- Pablo it.. -> Oakland. . - \u25a0 :"^ OES J MADB ' TO ORDER F.I J. PO VEY, maker of the Improved eiteosion ' shoe for, shortened limbs. ' 1968 Ellis sf. ' / ACCOUNTANTS * "AUDITS, • aystems,- special In-vestlgatlons.* COOP- _EJLlgpJtJ^» n ' n l!Jljg-_^? IT M>t. : ' Kearny 5959.' ;7ACc6v\TANTS^ertifleii^*]E>nbllc * JOHN R. RUCKSTELL. C- P. A.; 308-308 Claua " Spreckels , (Call)" bldy.-" Phone Kearny 4131.". . P/ ", NOTARY' PUBLIC" MARK-L ANE. r Notary^ Public"! and Commissioner :j of Deeds. 245 Bush st.:: phone Temp." 2839.' '• '\u25a0 '\u25a0\u25a0:- "•/,'\u25a0 i. TITLES ) RESTORED ' UNDER - McEncrney '\u25a0 act;* complete,'; $33 -?' Title' C0.." 951 -3' Monadnock . bldg.. 3d and Mk't. at« /pensions.' %'»'::-,' ~~ A— M." v HARRlS,"! pension and : patent, attorney 34 "-' Ellis { st. ; ", references/; the » many thousands 'for ;•" whom- 1 : have . secured pensions : 21 " years* J prac ( ' \u25a0 „'. " ; /-'Jt- DETECTIVES r ; , Weit \u25a0Coast Detective^Ageicy : (Ucewed. bonded \ • conducts -cases : secretly: ? cor. • confldentlal. > 884 FUlmore. Tel^Ptrk ; ss36. '..-• T. 4 C. OBAT. 'Pel_> ATTORN^YS^^__^__Jl~ quick, quiet; /^^f j free: no charge unless successful: Utleto ies| Stae restored; bankruptcy; probating of estate: gen, practice. 10-3 Market st.; r. 12. DIVORCE laws, annutaents. damage*, estate*: consultation free on - all legal matters ; opeu evenings. 943 Market st. cor. Mason, rm. 309. A QUICK. snd complete divorce for *-*": °PeaP ca evening*. 1122 Msrket st. nr. 7th, room 31. LANGAN & MENDENHALU 201 Bacon bldg.. Oakland. Phone OakUnd 1431. HARRIS & BBSS, attorney* ft •aw. ' W. T. He*H. Notary . Public. Room 1112. Call bl«l» L. S. CL-\RK. attorney at law. S5l Jackson st^ -Oakland. Consultation free: open evening PATENT ATTORNEYS' - ' " .. DEWEYrSTftONGXcO.-Foun.led l^,. 17 -*- and foreign patents: . te Teßt< J?tn- C _i«h__S' mechanical movements free. *110^ Mercßaats Exchange hldg.. San Francisco. CARLOS P. GKIFFIN. late "a^iner U. S. . Pjjt- ent offlce. 1201-2 Metropolis bank. Patent*. tra»lesmark?» awl copyrights. Tel. Kearny>. FRANK P. MEDINA, patent attjr.. of Medina * Griffin, dissolved, remam* at old address. si_ Call bldg.; patents, tradesroarks. copyrights. HARRY -V. SCUROEDER. U. S. and foreign pat- ents. 415 First Nat, bk.. Oakland, tel. O. 35.5. SONTAG Patent Agency— Established IW. Bal- boa bldg.. cor. Market and 2tl sta.. 10th floor. / BILL COLLECTING . _ SOME PEOPLE DON'T LIKE US. _We S*, I ,*?* money for you. INTERSTATF. ADJI.STMENT - LAW ASSN.. 615 Pacific. hldg.. S. F. WALTER'S LAW & COLLECTION CO.. 411 Mills bltlg. — Attachments, garnishment*, liens, collections everywhere. . BAD debts collected on percentage: we remit promptly. fi<)7 Westhank Mil?.. KIIU jtnd_MK_. EDUCATIONAL A^PAUI^ GERSON DRAMATIC SCHOOL— Largest training school of acting in- America ; position secured: 6 months' graduating eour<»e; catalogue. Countryman bldg., 915 Van Ness. A— THE LYCEUM. 2£90 Pine St., prepares for university or any examination. Open durinx summer: S teachers; moderate rates; hero yon save time and money. JOHN 3. DREW — COACHING SCHOOL and NORMAL CLASS. High school, all branches. Prep, for college, teachers' exams., civil serv- Laboratory courses. Day. eve. 943 Van Nes». ASSAYING: special commercial course la Span- ish, telegraphy, civil anil electrical englue^HT Ing, mining, etc. HEALD'S. 425 McAllister nj DANCING— FINDLAY'S. 3241 16th st. ballroom -or stage: adult* Monday and Friday evenings; private lessons dally; open every evening. ENGINEERING — Civil, electrical, mining, mechj aurrey, assay, cyanide; day, eve.: est. IS«4. .Van dar Nalllen school. 51st and Tel.. Oakland. SINGING and piano lessons; French method, which is taught la conservatory of music. Paris; twice weekly $20 a month. 3237 23 st «r. THE BERUTZ SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES— 2531 Washington st. near Fill more; send for circular. ' PREEMAN COACHING SCHOOL— UIjjh school, university. West Point. Annapolis. 854 Baker. SPANISH or French taught in 30 lessons. PROF. HIDALGO. 1283 Ellis st Phone West 8585. SPANISH AND FRENCH simplified. PROF. DB FILIPPE. graduate ParU. Madrid. 1212 Geary. PROF. T. A. ROBINSON, indiTld. lnstr. math.. book keeping. Eng.. etc.; day, eve. 307 Haight. RINGNALDA Normal Institute Mod. Lanjrnaj-e«; | unlv. prep. 1350 O'Farrell. Phone West 8160. DANCING— PUCKETTS SCHOOL. Classes Mon.. Frt. : graduates Wed. Chn-fch and; Market «t«. BUSINESS COLLEGES A SELECT school. Merrill-Miller College, Day and evening. \u25a0 733 FiUmore at. MUNSON School of Shorthand; prrv. Instruction; day and evening.' Whitney bldg.. 133 Gearr. A — Metropolitan . Bus. College — At Market and Van Ness, June 1. Reduced rates 6 mo.. $50. BOYD shorthand; easily completed la 2 months; book keeping, arlth.. writing. 915 Van Ness. ALL court reporters recommend Uallagher-Marab Business College. 1256 Martret at. . , SAN FRANCISCO. Business College, now located at 733 Fillmore nr. Hayes: day and evening. DENTISTS BOSTON PAINLESS DENTISTS. 73» Market St.. acknowledged to be the easiest and best pain- less extraction In S. F. Full set of teeth. $2: gold crowns. $2; silver fillings, 50c. AH worK guaranteed 20 year*. Open dally till 9p. m. DR. M. A. BROWN, manager— Chicago Dentil Parlor, Kearnv and Geary; plates $5: filling sOc; crowns. $3; bridge work. $5. All wor_ painle«9 and warranted 10 years. MEYER. DR.. 1990 Sutler— Fillings 50c. crown* $3. bridgework: gas. somnoform given. DR. C. W. DECKER. Phelan bldg.. rooms SOs!* 1 9-10. 760 Market St.: phone Kearny 1630. DR. IRA G. LEEK— AII kinds of dantal work. 515 . Flllmore st. near Oak. DR.' C. G. BARTLETT. extracting specialist, re- moved to 323 Geary cor. Powell; Douglas 4300. HILL. DR. LUDLUM. 432 Weba (now Muirbea.l \u25a0_JMria*.>;_Mark*:t. Haye* and Larkln: ga» given. PIITSICIANS A— DR. -v-.v» MRS. DR. PIERCE, world re- nowned specialists for WOMEN; our treatment Is pleasant, safe and snre; you can pay a llttla down. Suite ".f>2. Westhank building. 820 Mar- ket st. cor. Kilts; 10 to 8; Hundaya 1_ to 1. DR. MAR DON. the noted doctor of Chinese em- pire, now at 768 Clay »t. S. tf- with knowl- edge Inherited through 7 generation*, cures all ailments human system Is subject to by means of 'teas, carefully selected herbs; consultation- free. CHINESE DR. YOUNG & CO.— Specially in»- ported herbs, remedies; cures all chronic dis- eases, female troubles; consultation free. 63_ Kearny. . < - - DR. WONG HIM— T~vT~4 ' HERB DOCTOR. Permanently located. lg»W O'FarreU st. bet. Gong- and Oetavla. DR. THIELB. the specialist, "returned to city. Offlc*. 1732 Geary st. near Flllmore. -MEDICAL A— ROBERT O. FULTON. B. A., M. D.. 31« 11th at. Oakland. Cat. LEADING SPECIALIST FOR WOMEN. LADIES: 2O jettrnjtgo I graduated from two old lesdin? universities. SINCE then I have TREATED WOMEN'S AILMENTS EXCLUSIVELY. I have the largest practice becauaa I have had-the most experience and the best equipped office. Any lady who neds my help may com« to me pri- vately and In foil confidence and be assured -of prompt, perfect aad happy, results. No delay, disappointments or detention from occupation. • No need to endanger your life consulting irreu- alar and unreliable so called specialists, when for the same fee you may have the services of the most successful and most reliable specialist la California. My offices are strictly private, and my paia-t less, harmless methods are a prlda to tha pn>V f esslon. My fees are reasonable. »J» My hours are 9:30 a. m. to s p. m. I neW fall. Phone Oakland 5458. DR. ROBERT GREENLEAF FULTOV 818 11th st. bet. Washington and Clay. Oakland. AA— ATTENTION. LADLES! ~~* DR. NORTH. 1025 Market st: tel. Park 5941 World Renowned Specialists for Women Onljl . \u25a0 , ,No Delays or Disappointments. Relief Guaranteed. ' By Most Superior Painless Methods Known to Msdical Science. Most obstinate cases treated; utmost privacy: • have no hesitancy ' if in need of my services : -absolutely harmless. Low feea. By consulting . an eminent specialist you save . time and • money. All female complaints cured. Advic* free. 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. and tl to 9 p. m. AA—DIt.F. A. ROBERTS. 1438 ELLI3 ST. ' •Between Webster and Buchanan). Reliable Specialist for Women Only. Hours — 10 a. m. to M p. m. ; Sundays, 10/ to 2 -LADIES — I positively CURE when others fall All female COMPLAINTS- and IRREGULARII TIES, -v The MOST _ OBSTINATE CASES RE- LIEVED. My methods are. SAFE.' SURE AND, PAINLESS. RELIEF GUARANTEED OR NO FEE. Advice free. Fees. low. Private sanato- rium If desired.' \u25a0 . \u25a0 - _\u25a0 \u25a0 DR. ABBOTT. 1550 ELLIS . ST.. NEAR FILL- MORE— HONEST. RELIABLE-. SCIBNTIinC TREATMENT GUARANTEED IN ALL DIS- ORDERS OF WOMEN. ••His thoroughly ANTISEPTIC methods tosurs absolute safety from Infection. 'Lady physician to consult with If desired. Ho»n-. .10 a. at. to 9 p. m.; Sundays. 10 to 2. SANDERSON'S Savin and Cottoa Root pill- ; only- sure remedy for DELAYED BKRIODS- ?LP-i il * 2 ** r \u25a0*"*• Address Ayjea Drug Co.! , 1113 Van Ness -ay. \u25a0-"'..-\u25a0_ \u25a0, MRS. I»R.- HOLMS. irraUuate specialist, cures «ll female complaints without delay. 744 Turk »t near .Van Ness a y. Advice free. Hrs.. 9to «. SPECIALIST for. ladies; pamlesa relief guaran- te*Hl; paid when cured; adTlctt free. MRS. DR. PHILLIPS .3452 19th st. near Mlssloo. ' : ". \u25a0'\u25a0- HEALTH MOVEMENT / 'v, '^iavT^cieTJc^oVlusXlth?^^^ •urglcal; cloth bound 400 page book. freeT Ap- -SiL bT -*•••• ' 538 P* 11 * st -Lecture for women Th—«lay at 2:30 p. m . Oakland Viavl Co.. • 324 •\u25a0 Centra I -,J, J Bant building. \u25a0_.___ :- • trusses \u25a0.. • \u25a0• ; . \u25a0 CLARK. CANDION TRUSS CO., specialists* trn ss - fitting; lady att. 1258 G. O^ .^""ihiSS? - — Comtlaued to Meat Pa«» "