Newspaper Page Text
•VVMTARIUMS } • V HLvi'? : E * gIMOX. giailaatJ. midwife and) r<-.i*ctrlclaa: pnnt- borne for confinement ; renus njoderate; 32 to 3 p. m. Forajcrly 17<B l*?>Tr^u »{.. St a Francisco, aow CI2O Washlsg- •rm st.. Frultvalf. Pboae Merrltt 167. TRIVATE borne cocaaement: adopUon; best L-J^L. i:a3 •*»*••»*\u25a0••*.. Oak-landT _M A TCR MTYHQM ES t \u25a0 f - LYING-IN HOME. 111U Oak ?t.-Ado.-»tiOQ- ,_2»^^^_w_cmen and children: conflnemept "$25. J^^32Us*3^*Z___ S&F-X—*aCim prrrperly and quickly cures roc- TnrtM ea<l tfiscbarglng diseases: purity absn- 3-tely guaranteed; price $Z. mail or rzprrut ' *"^r\>?° "•" r * >nt ' i - Address THE INDIE V CO.. p ft -- S«a franfi!i"o. CaL.r<y>ai " 40S. 5i^ T 3J*i R ll AXD DEAF.\ESS •^^J? r "^s** posltlwly cur«>d; 1 week rf*e. . DR. COTTINGHAM. 19»J SuUer St.: brs. 10-4. 'j RECTAL DISEASES IPIIXS. prime factor ia kidney dUeas**. -^red wuboot kaife or loss of titae. etc THOS. J. ; KISNER. M. P.. 1031 rillraor* nr. McAllister. treated iN from 1 to 4 mlD=tes with hypodennlc needle =*Mhod; cure suaracteed. !IaDAM L. F. J^IMB. rXi^yor-y and office, trklah. Ca». REMEDIES CELEBRATED PREP ARAIciONTToT'm^a }• pr! - rate «s!»»asf*. Sold ody br E." B. JOBGEN- SON. C 44 Kearny St.. San . Fraadsco. Mall _ orders a S^-nd for <-Lrcul«r. ' ' _ ' - DOG AXD CAT HOSPITAL 1 FINEST fqaipped; tsisals boerded; ambulsnfe ' ::rc: etwpjij rates. 1371 rgUn^. ffwi sai2. j "' . MATRIMOMAL 1 . "BONEST teea and wwaen seeking life mates caa ] . ,'fiad their ideals at 252H Hollts, Oakland; In- f onyatiosi. 25c. SOCIETY LADY. IX3 not be deceiTed; the osly reliable ffiatrt- tnoci*: bureau you will tad at MRS. A. WOL- I TER'S. 1712 Geary srT: established la 1930. j V.ILL Mrs. R. W. taidly comesanicate with 3: H .? Ai-dress box 2741. CsH. Oakland. ...V.. PERSOXALS ; 3 AMES FLAHAVEN caa be found on the Sto- rall raach. 7 r_.>. s west cf WUlUia*, -Colusa co^tj. Cai. ii*^*'*~-S- H- E- W. — Please scad photo aad particu- •**f try. Box 2727. CaU office. .AAA— MY WIGS aad tcupees defy detection; I ruzraztee eT«ry oce I make; I. make them T»arilated aafl porous; perspirarioa don't affect tfawr; prirate geßtJeineii's wig department up- stairs. Sir. LederT la cfcarir«: talr Cressing, dreicg. etc.. by. cp*c!slists oaly; large ctock of hair goods ca fcaad; mail orders recel-re - prompt »•.'.' z::-:~. L*ierer's Qsiatonira Hair ' Teaic stt>ps hair falling. G. LED EBER. 2271 California rt. cr. Webster. E»tabi:shed 156»5. "tME. FRANCINE, greatest Eur->p<»aa authority oa beaaty culture; m--«i scieaiific *k!a treat- ment., »-fcich cak"« you IIV2O years yoncger; •T;rt!«» remored eatirely: city ref s. C2C 16th __ rz. cor. Grore. OakUDg: phoae Oakland 7511. "MRS. L. E. HARTMAN. M. T. D.. electro spe- cialist for rheumatism, lirer. stomach aad all •errous diseases. 637 Whitney bld£.. 333 Gt-ary st. Opea Sundays. THE Araold Vitrator Co. has cpeced a deaioo- •rratiajr. r>ar!or aad salesrooms at 627-C29 Phe- laa buikiicg; free decoatt ration at yocr tcme rtr oar office. Phos* Docglts 5*4. •JMPEUIAL Beenty Parlor*— Feature reducing aod «!#T»loping. We positively guarantee t« «mre caiwiruS*. 2t«-20iS Westbask bid*., S3O •\u25a0_ SUrket st. * iANY ac;«n:nt oa real estate. tr«t or secood raortrtpe; no delay; low rates. O. -W. • EECKEB. 705 Mocadnock bigs.. 6SI Market. "USE Bissetfs. the origiaal satire herbs*, for rMßiaati«!n. ccsstipartoa; 50 tablets for 25c, in black at aQ druggists. 'UNCALLED for suits, orer cue tt aad trousers at •<.*••*• than cost at CHAS. LYONS', "the Loodca Tailor. 1432 Flllsicre bet. Ellis afad QTarren. \u25a0.Magnetic m assage — mbs. holshouser \u25a0 tcl. Doi^. 4440; 351 Pacific bldg.. 4th aad Mk. '.iiISS WALLACE. EASTERN MASSEUSE; baths. ' ." I*>* Turk, r. 210. Ist fioor, rear; 11-10; open Saa. - Ei^ECTEIC Tibraticn health massage. Mrs. L. \u25a0 ;•• Jcasson. 5&4 10th St. cor. Jegersoa. • Oakland, j • '"•TRADUATE Classens*, MRS. HELEN PERBER. t ..\u25a0•_-. Tlwtrlcal ti^ataieat. 2024 Setter. P. West SSO2. • tXPOJT Bf^-ila lady does rraaiccrlas and hair <lr«tslag: latest taethodf. 1304 Filimore. 10-»3. WISS IDELL. irpneral af»nt Van's Mexican Ee- ' \u25a0 t?tor«.t:Te for gray hair or gangrsg. 1906 Ssttc r : GOLDSTEIN CO., th**tr!ca! and ciastruerade cot- • ' v-taset; cue, to Jaha. ccttumer. S2l Vaa Neas. il IS*"**T:arir3i treataient. tsassage: ladies aad gstx. I ...•. Apt. 23. St. Mocfo bldg.: 1200 G.G. ar.: g-iq OK fnmlt«re. pianos, etc.; Reliable Loen Co., r- ~'~i Moo«(*a<yb Mdc. CSi Mart>t St. .^.^^...;^SWRITU_AJLJSM A A— MBS 3. 3. WHITNEY, orialsed trance epirltsal raedica; consultation daily at her tost $1; by letter. 4 goes. $1. 1164 O'Farrell. At-MISS M. WILLIE, ordalaed Spiritual adriser I ajsd crystal reader. , caa t* roB!«:lted on ail ! dKtter* dally. 10 to 8. 1399 O'Farrell st, . I,7CI^MA GILL, traaf* m<?«3iuia. nja^aeac fcealer: j sdrice and healins '.daily: cincl** Sun. ud j w^d.. p. n. 772 Tel*yraph; teL Oaklaad 754 C | MRS. L. H. KINNAIK.D. ordalced medium; coa- s-.ltatior daily. 10 to 4: circles sua. moon; Wed.. Frl.. S p. m. 1439 fillmore st. LOTTIE BUS WELL. orCaiaed nf":a: readiaga, \u25a0 lessocs daily: circles erery Bight. 1359 Web- *>ter kt. cr. O'FarrelL - I: E v. S. SEAL, epiritual minister; conroltatloas calXt: officiates tsaniaga. funerals. 786 MeAI. JJR. HOWLAND'S 2> circle toristt: SOc read- is;^ today."" 1250 Fillmore st. > J. . WILSON, ordained srdium: circles Suaday. T^eaday. Fridey. 2g7 Una st. ny*r Goerrero. J. WILSON, onlaiaed saedinai: circles Ssaday, Tuesday, gTicay. 2627 19^> st. near Guerrero. DR. UOWLA.SVS 25c circle toci^bt; 50e read- _ ir.rt todt-r. 1230 nilniore rt- ADOPTIOy . -n. ; ADOPTION — Good home for pretty, t'je eyed baby girl. 1 to 2 years. Address MES. L. LEIGH. 1127 Stanford tr^ Oaklaad. CoEtdentiai Maternity VlUa— lsfants adopted.Dr. K. riTNKE. 1416 Ktii rt.: pboo* 1*%%2. Alimrtt. ; ; CHIROPODISTS . . ft«l. DUNCAN. ISO Satter cor. Kearay, rooms SOS-4 — AbsolctPly cares without pain cr craw- ; ln« blood all foot eilaentt; corci reoored 25c. tJ'OOT taaladies treated by mtwt adranced meth- ods ra America. Dr. Jas. Brown. Euiporlua: 3)B. J. LAURENOtJN. surjeoa chiropodist, at 660 Marktt st.. room 215. Phone Dooglaa 1425. - CLArRVOYAXTS _^^ ..^^ kMME. STAEB. cUlrreyant aad palmist, 1241 Bmsigway. Oaklaad. Truth or no nay. ; . palmbtby ...,-.x (CALIFORNIA'S oldest palaiist and card reader; * ; 25c. BOe. SI. SIS Broadway. Oakland. IX^'ESTMEXTS . INVESTMEXTS. r."» are sellisg a amalf allotzoent «f stock at par. j:. for more assressire exploitatioo and aale of ocr machine throughoct the - United \u25a0 State*. Caaada. Mexico and Australia. The ma- chine Is Crawiag an annual royalty and wa haTe ' f> tagithaate ester>rt*e. with wonderful possi- bilities cf expansion, becked by leadlnj, Saa FraDdaro taea. We feel cocfidest the larest- meat will pay stock holders at least 100 per ctat .; * - anaua ia Clrldends, and we only want th* onncrtusity to explain Its merits to tsTertors with-frcm JIM to $3,000. Please write, mak- ing an appointment whea our represeatatlre may caH, to box 2tX< CaU office. STOCKS, AND BONDS FOR QUICK SALE. SI nun Oceca Mrare R. R. boads at $625.00 - - ! ti«f'« Foor Metals M. AS. Co. at .40 - loo« Partfic Frait Cooling tc Yap. at.. " .30 T*"00 Butte Crwk Conmi. Dr»djrer at.. .S3 - I O»t sissr** Palmar OH Co. at.. l.« 0 1 i**> share* Sl»«ooc Oil Co. »t.. 10 j"O(«t rtiar«"s A!'e?hanr Mintcc Co. at-. .25 ;;"<¥«• sham CaL I*re«ia«d Brick- Co. at .25 U share* Bk> Mlrbot Rubber Plan Co. at 29.n0 -V» ehsrw Piosl Oil Co. at .10.40 \u25a0\u25a0AddW* 474 \u25a0 Mocadß'»'k - Bldg.: Sap Fraadiyo. . STORY OF THE FORTCNE THAT WENT TO SLEEP. CaU or write fcr this free booklet. It t#lli th* story «£ « «rre»t California Industry in a x-V-w way: glre« rateable pointers \u25a0to those «e»irisg » acquire money.. HOME-'SECUBITIES COMPANY. Inc.. «33 First National Bank bidr.. Oakland. Cal. HuW would yoa like $500 net added to your yearly lacoaaeT . Ten : acre* : cf alfalfa wEI do St: we plant and tarrest It for yon; prlca , J 125 per acre. » cash. «l-£0 moathly. Crops will ,j»y raore thaa oae-third. A straight from *V -it* stoaU** proposttioß. Call for detaiU. *| PATTEN LAND COMPANY. M «1 First Natloaal Bank BcUi'.z;. S pogj >B d Mootgoaiery £ts. Telej>bot« Kcarny 2767. .' . j CAN famish you ANY enlisted stocks aad boads T»i may want AWAY UNDER regular quota- . tiwnt; will oey aay actlre stocks if CHEAP; larp«*t dealers oa the Padfie coast: corre- *pood»nc« lsrlted. . CHESTER B. *CLLIS ft CO.. 714 Market st- opp. Call bnllClng. OCEAN SHORE boads for sale; price will net 74 j*r ctau. D. E. BESECKEB,' 21S Padic UdSw, SALARIED PEOPLE'S - FBIEND. $$$ $ $ That Is • what our office is to all $ * $ S working people. We loan strictly ca a $ $ $ $ person's- "SALARY"; co-indorser. no S J $ S security. We make loans quickest. $ $ $ S easiest aad chare* toe lowest In tb« $$ $S.clty. YOCR EMPLOYEE NEVEK $ $ $ $ KKOWS. . $ t $$ . WESTERN. LOAN CO.. $$ $ t 40S Call building. Sd and Market sts. S $ $ $ Open SJSO to 6 p. m. Mon., Wed. and 1 $ $ $S$ Sat. Erealags untn Bp.. m. -$ $ $ AAA— HOUSEHOLD .LOAN CO.- Get our terms whea about to borrow oa FUR- NITURE. PIANOS. HORSES aad VEHICLES. We will s*re you money. Rooms »' 357-9 Pacific building <3d Soor}. 4th and Market sts. Phone - Douglas 32C5. - ' \u25a0 '- _ - Oaklaad office 51S-19 First National Bank bldg. MONEY loaned on furniture, pianos and other •security; lowest rates; must farorable terms In the city; see others/ then »cc me and be conrtaced; I will - sare you nosey: $2.23 weekly repays" $50 loan; phoae Market 8029. GEORGE W. MILLER. 2003 16th *t-."" airoth- • wegt comer Mission, room 35. MONEY loaaed salaried people aad others upoa ttelr own name without security: cheapest rates; easiest payments; offices In 66 priacipal cities ; saxe yourself ooaey by getting our tenzM first. TOLMAJ*. room 851_ Phelaa bldg.. S. F.. aad room 9. 460 ISth at.. Oakland. ; A— New rates, new plaas.- We loan all salaried \ § people; sare money by getting cur' rates; j your en:plcy=r and friends nerer know: prirate i effice for ladies. Great Western Inr. Co.. Inc.. i E2l Phelaa bHlg.z 6M> a. m. to 6 p. m' i Mocday-Satnrday 8 p. m. Phoae Kearay 3247. I $50,000 to loan at 6 per cent oa Improred or ua- iaiproTed real estate or for buildißg -^urposss la TOras of $2,500 aad up. ~ ' LICK LOAN CO. Douglas 3016. », Lick balldipg. 35 Montgomery St.. room 101. j MONEY— MONEY— MONEY ANY PROPOSITION. Wife Earners' lnrestment and Loan Co.. i 4<3 Pine st. ' ; HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO.— Loans on FCENI- TURE. PIANOS, etc; low ratea; prirate. 557- 353 Pacific bldg.. 4th and Market sta.; phoae Dccglas 3265. \u25a0 . . '.ADVANCES made oa diamonds and Jewelry at lowrst rates; safe deposit raulu; greatest pos- ; flbje care takea. BALDWIN JEWELRY CO.. v»a Ness and Sntter. AXx* amoaat; ' lowest rates oa first and secoad tnortgajrea ©a real estate, legacies. uldlTlded isterests. estates la probate; no delay. R. Mc- COLGAN. 20 Moatgosery st.. rooms 314-315. ANY amouat on real estate, flmt or second mort- gage* or any security; no delay; lowest rates. O. W. BECKER.- 705 Mocadaock. 6SI Market. SALARY loaas — Ladles and gentlemen without security; notes and commercial paper bought. 313 Merchants' Ex. bldg.; phone Douglas 1411. ' MONEY to loan on c'.ty propfrty at 6 per cect. Apply F. DUNN. 620 Mills building. FIRST and eecmd mortgages, estates, legacies, etc. HERMAN MURPHY. 546 Market st. LOANS to salaried people and others; easy pay- meat«: no security. CocfldeatlaL 433 Pfaelan bid. CASH loaaed to salaried nsea on note without ia- gcrser. MORRELL. 822 Monadnoek buildisg. ON fcrciture aad piano* ; tto reajcraL TRE- MAIN. room Sit, 533 Market aext Emporicm. 6ALAUY loaas; other propositions. - Eaa Fraa- claco Dlscocat Ageacy. 411 Pacific boildiag. ON furniture, pianos, etc. without remoraL Re- Ilable Lcaa Co.. 705 Monadnock. 6SI Market. CALL BRANCH OFFICE, 1631 Ftllmora at. c^sr Poyt. ... FIXAXCIAI. HAVE you made or intend making Inrestments la ciaing stacks or property? Let us protect you by rlrtng \u25a0 yoa guaranteed, reliable infor- tcatlon. WESTERN INFORMATION BUREAU OF MINES AND LAND, . Chroaicle bldg. I -ABBOTT buys bon«ls"-*Jcean Shore, Market ct. baak aad CaL safe dep. books. - 414 Mar- • ket st. i CAL. SAFE DEP. TRUST ACCOUNTS BOUGHT. _n^_K^BES£CKER. 24« PACIFIC BTJ)C. i LEGAL NOTICES TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Having bought the entire interest of I>or«?nio Zonino ia the rattan and willowware manufacturing business located at -423 -Montgomery - ar., I -will no loag»r be retpocsible for aay debt* contracted l>y him after this date.June 3. IXQ.c «Si?aed> FERD ZUNINO. - See Misoellaneocs Col.. Classified. ' WANTED — The erideace of fellow Ticiins \ agalcst the Pacinc T*l. and Tel, Co.. a.» 1 In- I tead to briar scit. They have <3oce their best . to injure 'my bavtness by . routing- Into my cfSce a fraudcleat/ Indirldaa! busisesa tele- phone aad oTJtaiaisy say ' tcoaer'* by false pre- tense- . E..N. WILLBERG. - ''- .. . 7t)S Turk st. NOTICE to the public — I harln£ bought the whole Interest of Joha Jackcns's salooa. situated at 101-103 Pierce St.. all outstanding bills .must tie presented by Monday noon, June 7. 1903. Signed. F. G0053. NOTICE to the public— My wifevharins left ray \u25a0» home aad board, I will aot be responsible for azy bilij contr«ct)ed by her after this date, Jone 1. ISC3. DOMENICO GARROTTI. PROPOSALS AXD BIDS N'OTICB -OF LEASING SEAWALL LOT " Notice is berfby glTea-that bids will be re- celred and opeaed by tte Beard of State Harbor CoffiisisEiaaers at their office. \u25a0 rt<om No. 19, in \u25a0 jthe- Union Depot and Ferry House, toot of j Market street. Ia the city and county of San Francisco. State of • California, at the hour of jlO o'clock a. m. on ' Thursday, the 17th day of 4 June. 19<J9. for lettia; cr leasing by said Board of part cf Seawall Lot No. - 4. designated as "SnbdMsioo. *A.* " Said seawaU lot Is situ- ated oa th* water front of the ctty and county of - San Francisco, and U bounded by Bay. Kearny and East streets.' - Said property will be let to the highest ami best bidder for a term not exceeding twenty- fiTe (25) years, subject,- however, to the power of the Board to reject asyand all bids, aad la accordance with printed tarsis and conditions of lease, to which reference Is hereby made, which are ca file In the office of the Secretary of the Board, copies cf which will be f urulshed bidders on application to said Secretary. Reference Is also - befeby made to raid printed - terms- and coaditiocs of lease for a mor« particular de-Trip- tion cf said . part of seawall lot No. 4. desig- nated as "SubdiTision *A,' ** Bids oust set' forth the purpose for which said lot shall be used and the bidder must agree that the statement of his b!d. if the lease is awarded to him. shall be embodied in ssid lease, and 'he most also agree that said, lot shall be used oaly for the purposes set forth In ' his bid. W. V. STAFFORD. W. E. DENNISON. P. S," TELLER, Board of State Harbor Commissioners. W". B. THORPE, Secretary. '; , .. ' May 27. 1908. " -\u25a0"."- . ... NOTICE OF ~ LEASING SEAWALL - LOT Notice Is hereby siren that bids will be re- ceired and opened by the Boerd of State Harbor CorrnllFsioners-at ttelr office, room No." 19, : In the Union Depot and Ferry House, foot cf Market street, in the* city and county of San Francisco. State of California.. at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. on Thursday, the 17th day of , June. 1909. for letting or leasing by said Board of parts of Seawall lot No. 4, desigaated as "SubdiTisious B and C" Said seawall lot Is situated on the water front of - the city and county of Saa Francisco, and Is bounded by Bay, Kearay and ' East stre«ts.*P*nnrpfß«jaq*B*aM ; Said property will be let to the highest ! aad best bidder for a 1 term not exceeding . twenty- fire <25> years, subject, ; bowerer, to the power of tfae'Board to reject aay and 'all bid*, and ia accordance .with ' prtated . terms : and - conditions of ' lease, to which - reference .is - hereby * made,, which are oa file In the office. of the Secretary ' of the Board, copies of which 'will, be furnished bidders on application '\u25a0 to said Secretary. Ref- erence is 'also hereby made to said priated terms aad conditions of lea*e for a ; more \u25a0 particular description of Bald parts, of seawall - lot No. 4, deslcnated as "SubdiTislocs *B' : and "C' " ' Bids muJ't set ' forth the r purposes for which said lot shall be nsed aad the bidder must agree ' that the statement ; of his bid, : if the 'lease; Is '. awarded to him. shall be embodied In said lease, ; and he must , also agree that said lot shall be . nsed only for the purposes' set forth in bis bid. | . W; V. STAFFORD, • . Board "of State Harbor Commissioners. W. B. THORPE. Secretary. J May 27. 1908. - \u0084- .-- .' BIDS WAKTED--Notlc« la hereby girea that ! sealed proposals : will be received by the Board of Directors* of the Veterans* Home of Calif or- : via, at the Teterans* Ho.-ne.Napa county. Call- - • fomia, up to 11 o'clock a. m./- • - SATURDAY.- JUNE ETH.~ 1909. " i And opeaed tnucedlately thereafter la the pres- ence of bidders. - for furnlahing \u25a0 aad dell verin c '. quartermaster and commissary supplies/ etc./; for ' the Veterans* Home. Napa . county, ; Calif ornla, i f. o. -b. cars,, steam, or electric R. 8., (B/B. i sutlon, YountTllle. or Veterans*,; Home)/ for oo« j ear, . commencing Jcl r 1. 1909/ and ending June • 30th. 1910. Schedules with information and la- i straetions for submitting bids will . be , f uretsbed . upon application -by the CEdenlgn-d. \u25a0* Bidden will carefully follow the cooditiocs of the sched- det. and no bid will be considered Bnlesalt^lf la accordaace . with such \u25a0 schedules. . Bids mutt . be. made oa samples submitted • wheaerer called • for la the schedule. : Each' bidder moat accom- > pany his bid with a certified check \u25a0 apoa • some i well koowa asd respoosible banklsg bouse for at i least 10 per cent of the amount of his bid. pa y- i able to C de OolmesnO. .Treasurer/ coodltloaed that the bidder will eater | into a good : aad | ratld contract • apoa notice ; of ; acceptaace/s as i required by . law. ' The Board reserres the right to reject any or all bids. and to order any quantity orer or under the amouat r specified." ~i ' --\u0084. .. f ;,- " ; Preference will be glrea to goods manufactured 1 or produced In this state/ price/ fltaea;: and qual- ' |ty being equal, aader the prorisiOD* of. Sectloa ' 3247 «f the Political Code. \u25a0„. ...,- ' — Address - Joan iF. * • Sseehaa." : Secretary " cl ,• the : Board of v Directors r of , the i Veterans' Home •of : Calif orala. Veterans-H ome (P. 0.), CalifacnU. r .By order cf th* Board of . Directors. ..:-. \u0084 J- . ' JOHN F. SHEEHAN. Secretary. THE S^ irBAyCISCq :GAIJJ. FBIDAY. jffGSE '4/. : PEOPOSALS AXl*>'-' BIDS— ContlnTjgd'i PROPOSALS; FOR' HOSPITAL SUPPLIES. : Bids w«n ted —Sealed proposals will be received by the Board of Directors of the Veterans' Home of ~ California,'- at : the : Veterans*/' Home, • - Naps couaty,- California." up toll \u25a0\u25a0 o'clock - a." m., Sat- urday,' June 5,. 1806, and. opeaed immediately thereafter ia the presence of • bidders. '" for - fur- nishing and dellrerlng - sterllixera, ;" ambulance, hospital appliances and' iastrumentß : for . the hos- \u25a0 pltal. \u25a0 \u25a0 . \u25a0 •:\u25a0' --\u25a0-:\u25a0 -. .- -....-- : i .. The "Board reserres the tight to reject, any or '- aS bids. Lists and ' specifications . caa \u25a0be •- se- cured ',' at the ' headqearters . ' of . the - Veteran*' Home, room 506 9f acdoaocgh baildins, 333 Kearny st- - San Francisco. California. • -\u25a0 .. B. j. - SCOVILLE. Assistant - Secretary. By order of the Board of- Directors, j" _ . . SEALED BIDS WILL BE ", RECEIVED .at' the office of the Secretary of the Regeots, Ualrer- !" slty of California. Berkeley.' ©a or before 4:30 p. m. Friday. June 4, 1900. for work -. on; a dining room building at the . Unirersity Farm at Darts, .Yolo county, Cal.. as per, plaas and f pecificatloas . on file ; a t said ' office.' No bids will be receired unless accompanied 'ty a-certlfied check or bend in faror cf the uadersigaed, eijual to 10 per cent of the bid. to - assare execution •of contract by successful bidder. "The rlfht to reject any or all bids Is THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF - - CALIFORNIA, . ;• \ STOCKS AXD BOXDS FOR SALE ' ARE you During or selling stocks -or bonds? Can oa PETTIS 4 BCRBECK, 333 First Ka- ; tfocsl Runt bldg.. OiikUad. - •\u25a0 * MIXES AXD 3UXIXG , WE ' hare i S6O acres s oil ' land. * rrith ' numerous seepages. • Western Informatiou Bureau of Mines and Laad. Chsoalde building. > GOLD, amalgam, rich- ore bought: casa; -assay- icg SOc. Pioneer Assay Co., 121 sth St., nr. Howard. . I CITY REAL ESTATE, BALDWIN % HOWELI^, 31S-324 liEARNY ST. BALDWIN &. HOWELL, 31S-324 KEARNY ST. Members of the S. F. Real Estate Board. Send for "Our List" of property for sale for Juae — containing . a choice list of property for : your selection.' v- st!s,ooo— Rents $463 per month: well built apart- ment house of 15 light, roomy apartments, right downtown at Jones and Jackson; few investments pay this Interest;, can arrange liberal loan; lot has" 40 feet front, with plenty of space for light and i sun. . (4571) I $20,000 — Income corner business property; In Sutter st. . not ' far/ from Derisadero: a steady : producer. " always . rented: consists of . stores and flats; substantial building \u2666 in flue shape; yields SI.SOO per year; one of the best locations for such property In the- city: yoa caa not go wrong on this. . (4632) $17,500— Fine Western addition corner.- 55x100. consisting of stores and fiats and 3 dwellings, renting for $1.550 per annam; money Is in the land tere; 5,550 square feet. - -. (4114) $15,000 — Three elejraat-flats of Si rooms and bath each, with. flat of 3 rooms in basement; opposite Duboce park; rents $150 a month, paying 1 per cent on Inrest- ment. * (2701) $13,500—27:6 feet to rear' street, in Ellis not far from Van Ness ;. ju*t the right size ] for apartment bocse, with rear light and ' * sua. (4795) $11,000— CIVIC CEXTF.R INVESTMENT: only i $550 a foot at Mission and 7th. where it :*old for -$l,OOO a foot and will sell for $1,000 a foot wlthla the next couple of ; years; in line , with e'xtecslre improre- \ ments; buy this now at 50 per cent of its value and you will double your, money. (5641) 55.500 — Reduced from $7,500 to force sale: 7 room hcus« and store; close to Poet and Buchanan; rents $70 • a-, month; worth $6,500 of anybody's money. ) (4135) $6,3oo— Rents $C 5 per moath;. 2 new bay win- dow fiats of 4-5 rooms and bath; rtone ' steps and - entrance with artistic balus- trade; high, light i' basement; .could; be made into \u25a0 flats at slight cost; not far from Vallejo aad Polk: $2,000 bank mort- gage can remain or we can arrange a loaa of 43,000. (4539) $s,2so— Near Castro and 18th; 2 j story square hay window bouse of S rooms and bath; -owner anxious -to sell* and -will entertain any offer within reason; this is on direct . - ferry carline; <ran be bought at a figure that should Interest you. - (4&13) $6,000 — Webster aad Post; residence of 9 rooms aad bath In sunny side of street. (4S6S) $2,750 — Rents $30 a moath: .key lot, dose to ; Fillmore and Lcmbard; houee of 7 rooms and bath; atcip at -this figure: lot is worth $2,000. Where can you put $2,750 so it earns yea $30 a moath? .:\u25a0 (4744) $2.500 — 35x100; .corner on Sutter st. carliae; sewer, r water, etc.. complete; l^rel aad r<»ady for bnlldiag; cheapest corner la Richmond district. $2,400—2 flats. 4 roeais aa-1 bath each; lot 23xSfl; reated at $33 per month on ISth st. carline. ' - (4536> $2,10"3 — Cottage of X rooms: lot 23x114 wltK \u25a0 pemp- and well; street work dose; few' - feet from 30th and Dolores. " 14873} S3so— lSth and California; 25x120; might ar- range terms; about half cash. (4925) Send for "Our LUt" cf property .for sale. BALDWIN & HOWELL. 31S-324 KEARNY St. THOMAS E. HAYMAN. "'"*' - Suite 1000, First National : Baak Bldg., Montgomery and Post. Telephone Keamy 1703 $5,000 cash; rented exceptionally low at $1,200 per annum; full price only $9,700; 6 new extra well built fiats; all light; Guerrero aad lSth; real bargain. • ' $6,000 cash; new store property aad 2 six room fiats; rented $1,200 per annum: ' full price only $10,000; aear Powell and Jackson; be quick. .-$4,500 cash; \u25a0 2 extra fine : new 5 . and 6 room flats at Carl and' Cole; full price only $7,700; don't miss "this. *5.000 cash; California and Fillmore: rent ""\u25a0 $1,140 pcr 'annum: four 4 aad 5 rocm fiats; full - price $8,000: sas p. $S,soo— One-half cash; : 2 high ' class 6 aad 7 room flats near Lagnsa and Sutter. >'=-:-; $6,200— Tw0 of the I finest built 5 and 6 room fiats; aear . 2d : and . Foisom: rented. $SOO. $10,000 ca*h; business property; McAllister aad Fillmore: lot 39x137:6; 2 stores and 14 rooms ; leased :at $200 per month ; cash • security; re-leased' s4so per moath; bal- ance $8,500 can remain; ground worth $15,000; forced sale. $5,000 cash; 4 new 4 room flats; lot S3 ft. front; rented at $1,260 per anuuxa; bal- f aace. $4,250; near Laguna and Union; $6,000 cash; three finest 6 and 7 room flats en Page: full price $10,700; reduced from $12,500; don t miss this snap. $5,000 cash: high class 10 and S rocm fiats; • Scott and .'Fulton;: 27:6x137:6; price re- duced to $10,000; owner lea-ring city; worth $13,000. $6,100—2 choice 6. and .7 room. Cats;- ISth and Church; sea.?: worth $7,500. $3,250 — Half cash: 3 . excellent 7 \u25a0 room flats; Fulton , and .Broderiek; rented low at $1,200 per annum. $S,soo— One-half cash: 2 Itkh class 5 and 6 room flats ; Broadway, and Hyde. $6,300^-2 ' new ' 4 and 5 room fiats; Broadway '\u25a0 and Larkla; snap; worth $7,500. $9,250— 0ne block Market and sth: ?4 ? new 4 room fiat?; rents ' low ' $100 month. $3,500 cash; 3 new 6 room fiats; north side of street., east : of Fillmore: rented low at $1,200 per annum ;\u25a0 mortgage ' $6,500. $4,000 cash;'; near Clay and Spruce; north: side \u25a0 -of ' street;- 2 -nearly... new 6 .room fiats; 25x100; \u25a0 reduced price , $8,000; - bargain. $13,000—3 hlrh 'class 6 room Cats, Washington > and Hyde; , cheapest, of • its kind In city. $7,200- r -Broadway ' and . Kearny: 4 new. 5 and . - " '6 room flots; rent $1,000 year. .. - ;;;. Let ms- show you what I have to offer before buying. It will ' pay * you. . Hare sereral •: bar- gains - in : properties . ranging f rou* ' $20,000 to $40,000,' the particulars of .which am not allowed to adrertlge. Allow" me to - submit you ' par- ticulars., v - . A NEW HOME. ' MARINE VIEW.- TEEMS TO SUIT. PRICE $7,200. ' - Just completed. , The • deration : Is radically different from - the usual \u25a0 city . house and : pos- i sesses a dellgbtf ally • airy ' appearance, as the lot has; a- frontage of 37 feet with the : added adTantag" of being; a key .lot,: equal la eTery way/ as far as sun and light are concerned, to a : northeast corner; In the midst of '\u25a0• a - colony of beautiful .homes." It; is difficult to realise . the charm of IU extßrior— of the newest type of cement houses, the gray walls of cement, the white of. the grouping. wlndotr. frames and the' copious epreading eaTes. ; On the first floor is a spacious living room, "paneled, with. a' rich gold grata cloth; the woodwork -is treated with \u25a0 . a ; secret • process < known •In India/ which : gires the " satia luster .' of \u25a0 old ? teak : ; ; the large open fireplace , has ' a i quaint V hand made > hood -of copper; there is • a unique taTern ; bench and bulltin tiookcase : . the . ceiling \u25a0 beamed ;\u25a0 a : pleas- - Ing effect is a wiadins stairway, • which is more < suggested s than .reaUy «een, beyond massi re \u25a0 Humn" and beary sptadle«>: VThe dlntor room :\u25a0 U noareau in period, paneled high.' sunnouated by friexe v which ciw». well studied color , scheme: the buUtln buffet ,' and spray .s of nou- * reau dicing lamp* deserce praiso: cuttnarr arv- - r purtenance* complete \u25a0 the * first * floor- - Oa the second Coor are chambers and bath;? the Marl- chamber and 'craftsman den'are out o/ the ordinary. > ; Ba«ement ban lanndry . w-inf. r cellar.," toilet,- j>tc :": ; Only \u25a0 K.OOO required" ' • bal- - * nee on nHmtbly -paynient*.; *** - ' ,-\u25a0, -\u25a0 * BHBBBt*B.?X*JFBITZ. 1401 : Masonic ar. - ..Open crery- day.- including : Sunday. - EISTIRE block. Sth A 9th ars.. A & B sta. 5 BEING BUILT UPON WITH \u25a0 . 6 room: cottages, ; $3,900.- . . - :S - room 1% ~ story - cottages. "- $4 .000. - 6 : rooa\ f2 : story; dwe!Hcgs.- ; $4,600. - 7 room 2 .'• story : dwellings/. $5.400. ''\u25a0'.' nttß;,se f 2s&v -^, ?7 ! , \u25a0;;.-! AH on irery; easy terms. '.\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0' '..- \u25a0 Apply oa : premises to F. NELSON, baflder. * i Street* bitcmlnixed. ':, : J -. \u25a0 -T^ F.*^!.""? 3 ' E i dT <rt - ctr * " Ja * 11 tne *>lock. i -, UeAlllster, "•:. Geary, h 6th r ar. and Clement * st/ ! cars -^wlthia- 2 j blocks, .i.'i •.•-•;-, s,--". ..-..-.-\u25a0- -"\u25a0'[ FOR SALE-^5 1.75n: HOUSE/ FIVE ROOMS "A ND i BATH : ON CAR LINE; LARGE ni LOT FRONTS ON -2 * STREBTS. EASY '-TERMS "' - MODERN' IMBROVEMENTS. INQCIKE AT . 2722 , SAN,' JOSE AYE. , ' '- - - ': . I C ITY REA Ii Es¥ATE~Con it 1 1 nn*d^ f $7,soo— House of S r..and b3ali«o-larsce recepti-m' room; high, •*.' finished."," cment basement ;*seDa; , rate . trade«men'B ' entrance ; i larte.", clean . yard: east side »ith ar."-bet. Lake'and California fts.; - y: bttumlnised • street; cement walks ;* 3 \ car.- llaev ' all night serrlce; conTenlent to store?,; schools. Pr« Wio and G. - G.^park ; contains erery ukk!-* ern' con reuience;: 2 ; toilets. 3;laTatorie«.>]arjre* \u25a0 closets, linen clesets and drawers,': electric push buttons throughout ; * telephone.; paneled . recep- tion hall: stairway and diuluif room; breakfast ' room addition ;"p!ate -rack."; sideboard. ; "2* njao- \u25a0\u25a0telsjgas and coal grates; larye glass protected from, porch; \u25a0 stone \u25a0 steps ;* aiso glass - Inclosed back porch:. sink' room- ««*parate. .. SUN IN EVERY r ROOM. % Tbe^e j>remises . are : loe^tcd ria . a ' splendid - nci^bbor*sood. an f nttre. block I« built up -with liish class Improreinents; \u25a0 tUn; hocse Is finished j with - a Tiew ; to comfort. conTeutence; and' ar-J ' tistle STranKftEPnt. SWUjraoS'WKs'ton'graJ ; GRAND LOCATION FOU DOCTOR. CASH, or. liberal mortcage tan be arranged.- Pr»mises may be inspected from ' 10 a.-na.,-to 4:30 p. m. Key at our office (OPEX- SUN- DAY>. • SMITH. RUSSELL & CO.. - 19i 6th ar.. NW.'< corner. California st. - Phone • Pacific • 47. . PREi'IDIO TERP-ACE— PRESIDIO TERRACE PBESIDIO TERRACE— PRESIDIO . TERRACE ,- (First ar. and Washington st.) Presidio terrac* Is a beautiful residence' park— a plara of homes. It pror ides the priraey and wholesoan* surroundinßs of -; a Rubarbaa ; hume right In the hesrtof San 1 Francisco. It forms a. group of artistic homes and home- like, hcwpltahle sorrooadlng*. It prorides a beautiful outlook vorer the, city and bay. -" ' ' ' ' :.-.' ' \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0' ':\u25a0':-'.:'\u25a0 Beautiful winding, roadways, noiseless aad dustless. and broad, clean. cement walks. : It pr«rides erery street^lmp.roVemeat . in " place right tfp to the lot line. ~ : . . . It prorides generoco sized - lots, allowing am- ple space around eTery : home for sunshine and air.' '. ".: ' ' ':' .'•' „ : \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0' \u25a0 ;; \u25a0\u25a0'- "''".. .: \u25a0 It prorides trees, flowers and crass In pro- fusion— a grand pUygrotiEd. ". ' Mr. M. Fisher, is building | homes in , Presidio terrace and will gladly call on you *or you can see him at the property on Sundays between the hours of 11 a. m. and 4p. rraj. j •»>.. : Call or send for Illustrated literature, map and price list of this beautiful .home park. BALDWIN & HOWELL. 318-324 KEARNY ST. WE are offering our new^? room houses for sale oa terms like rent; small amount down; on 9th ar. south of X St.. Sunset. Call and see them; get a home; don't pay rent. T Box 2637, I Call office: ;\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0''--'\u25a0- - . \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•';-\u25a0"\u25a0\u25a0 3 NEW. swell, sunny S roob up to dare flats, 25 ft. lot. marble steps,' restibule; sold; sacrificed for .' ss,7so. ' Owner on prem- ises, 749 Baker st. near McAllister; terms. $3,ty)0 — just being completed, cottage,: s larjre rooms and bath: inclosed porch, 8 ft. base- ment; key lot. 25x114; 80 ft. east of Castro st. north side of Clipper., • : ; , SNAP— Hou«e of 6 room* and bath. 4 years old, la Richmond district: price $2,750: $500 cash, balance same as rent; grand riew : of ocean. Bbx 2730. Call office. — $3,350 — Artistic cottage. Ashbury district: 5 sunay rooms; lot 25X125 feet: 1 year old; steam heat; "4 cash. 1410 Haigh{ . tt. MONEY to loaa — EUREKA BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, office 1W Saasome st. WILLIAM E- LUTZ, Secretary. - FIVE and 6 room houses cheap; terms. 11th *r. above J St.. Sunset. . Owner. .. PROPERTY for sale: 2567 Mission near 22d st. Address S. -E. PATERSON. Grandrllle. Cal. HOUSE and lot for sale. 4 rooms and bath, at Colma. Address box 2701. Call office, v-:\u25a0:;.-*.v -:\u25a0:;.-*. LAKE st. and I9th aT. bouleTard— Comer. 32 :6 x 100; snarv. $2,400. Owner. 2011 Webster st. $C.COO — Hoase. 7 sunay rooms; your terms; Ash- burr Heights dlst. Phoae Park 2517. mornings. J. A. ADAMS, state licensed and deputy U. 3. gnrreyor. 325 Bo«h »t.: phone Doogliui 21M. COUXTRY REAL ESTATE C. R. HAMMERSMITH &. CO., *>7S Golden Gate Are. at Vaa Ness.: MONEY MADE FRUIT AND POCLTRY FARMS AT HAYWARD. • 6 ACRES. Fiae improreaieEte. TERMS. * "5 ACRES, full bearing orchard. TERMS. 8 ACRES. Ffne chicken ranch. SNAP. AT. SANTA ROSA. 5 ACRE chicken ranch near town:- flee lm- proremscts; . 700 chickens, etc. Will trade for bay property. IS ACRES near SANTA ROSA: fine Improred ranch: pays big.- WDI trade for city or bay property. SNAP. 100 others. PARTICULARS UPON BEQUEST. . COUNTRY PROPERTY.- A beautiful country home, within 30 minutes of Saa Francisco; 5 rooms, bath, electrle ltghta: lot 54 by 107 feet; situated ia Berlin game; \7 minutes* walk from 8. P. statioa or S minutes from Saa Mateo electric road; will net 10 per cent a* an lnrestment; terms, $2,e00. Box 19S0, Call office. SEBASTOPOL. SONOMA COUNTY. $1,550 — 30 acre chicken and , fruit ranch; only IHj miles from station; real bargain. $1,100 — 10 acres .; oclmprored fine rich sacdy loam; near Sevastopol; oa electric liae; '. - easy .terms. ;. \u25a0 <?\u25a0; \u25a0 ! $4,000 — 53 acres ; good 4 room house aad wine cellar; only. 10 minutes* , walk to station; terms $2,500 cash, ' balance 5 years, 5 per cent cet. " • . " BARTON REALTY CO., 224 Monadnock building. y $15— PER ACEE— SIS Tcrav 1-9 cash, balance easy Installments; pat- ented lands In 40 sera tracts; tltl» perfect: rich, le rel land la prorea artesian belt near Western Pacific railroad. This laad will pro- duce Fraaquette walnuts. finest fiarored apples or the best of alfalfa In the -state ct CaUfornU. PACIFIO LAND CO.. 110 xsaeon block. Oaklaad. : .--"\u25a0-'\u25a0 20 ACRE irrigated ranch, well located, SACRA- MENTO VA LLEY ; , rery good improvements ; 7 , room housa; -large barn, -windmill, chicken hous*, help house. . auto^houie. small orchard: ImproTemeats cost $5,00b alone; " price $6,000; - Al*o" small, irriffated; naimproTed \u25a0 ranches, 30, 20. 40 acr^>; CM. WOOSTEK COMPANY, 702 Market stJ IRRIGATED FARMS ON EASY TERMS. ~ ! Fire, to 40 acre farms la Sacramento ; rich, deep, randy loam soil for fruit,- walautf . regetables," alfalfa, etc. ; 28 daily passeng« • trains ; -so - farm \u25a0 more \u25a0 than , 20 - minutes' \u25a0 waP t . from a station; the. best land ••and best llrinj cosdltioas la California; a 10 cere farm dears Indepeadeace; excursion • eTery Saturday^: F. ) k HILL & CO.'-v 6 East st., ©pp. Ferry • bldtf- Phon« Kearny 302. , • CHICKENS.' FBUIT. WALNUTS MAKE -. MONEY AT SANTA ROSA. * We are selling land from three \u25a0=, tracts.' ' all near the city, from $100 aa acre up. on 4 year payments; also, a big list of properties at all kinds. Call or write for booklet. . SANTA BOS A BEALTY CO.. Office, -5 Elks' bldg.. Santa Rosa. Offices 39 act! 40. 636 Market st., San Francifcv. , Breach office. 245 Montgomery st.: WE hST« I,OSO acres land, 200 under cultlTatlon. S miles from town and railroad: the best com- bined stock ranch aad farm la California; run- sing, stream of water; fenced and cross fenced; price $20,000; terms. "J&gSSSPBOggS&mtt If yon are looking for a farm, stock or fruit •ranch at the right price call and sac us. ; McFAUL A EDWARDS. 330 Chronicle bMz. / . WATEB IS KING-^-WE :HA VK IT. > < ' Ten ; acres : of land, '.with ; water. \u25a0 will * make a family independent in' af few years;. the famous Tully Tract. . la the Turlock Irrigation District. Is - now being sold oa ; easy Kterms.rThls . is -the best , land ? for \u25a0 fruit • and < alfalfa ' In - California.' Call or send '- for particular* to the x - : . CENTRAL . CALIFORNIA . LAND \u25a0 AGENCY, ::,703' Monadnock bldg.,; San Krancisco. j \u25a0,r-:-''-''-:-"'-,'- V '- STOCK RANCH. *: -, r* .- ] 12,000 acres;: one of the best stock" ranches la northern y Sacramento V ralley;: entirely fenced; sooie i lmprorementa and stock ; price : $12.50 per acre;". terms. "\u25a0-\u25a0"--\u25a0 • ' : --. ' .•••-\u25a0 •;"".->; - : — \u25a0 -. .>;•;' q M. WOOSTER CO.. 702 .Market st. CALIFORNIA land. $1 'per, acre . cash " payment. - balance purchase 90 cents per month per acre; , 'close Ban ' Francisco; • no j taxes, no lntereft; ; 5 '"'" acre: tract*; • lereL: rich, clear, ? ready to plow. ' ' ' Irrigated; - perpetual - water : right; - : - lmmedlata posfessloo; particulars, maps, photographs -free. -STEVENSON COLONY. 1414 Market St.; S.- F. v THOUSANDS of chickens; buy a chicken farm oa . VLt Cet a 1 1 ; ranch, near Petaluma ; I sereral . hua- : : dred f anili^s already ; raising thousands. - Apply - : to ; the , COTATI ; C 0.," 310 . California St.; San .."\u25a0 Francisco.' owners of. property. - ' _. OUR j Kern j county I lands I haTe j an « abundance \ of \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0? free *.water ; s Just * the 5 thing "; for -: trees.*" rines." '.' poultry,: hess, dairying, etc;? 10 > years* time. : 1 Planters*. Land Compaay, : suite 206, " Metropolis bank'bnildlag. '\u0084 .. ; '--j-v . ~: -.-; ••-"\u25a0'\u25a0..^T ,-,- I HATE 160 acres of land : n«tr Eefidlnß, Cal.. -"".' for sale; lmprorements np to date; % fine ; lncom« 1 crchard; old age reasoai foriseJllar; no 'arenti' price $5.000. , Box \u25a0 148g.- Call of See. r> --\u25a0:V" : *--- \u25a0:' -;'.. ''OIL-LANDS.- .•\u25a0",;:•\u25a0 .;^- ;-.'-\u25a0"- : \u25a0"•• . 40 acres prorlng L oil '.* land •' for ; sale In * 28-2 S. Bakersfleld,> Kern :- county. J^For J particulars \ 299 Monadaoek bnlldiag.% ,T. % F. , A. J OBERMEYER. . . IDE.4L jrentleman'* ibome near \u25a0 San ;'Jose, f ; Cai:. '.' with * large' fruit . ranch; i larg*».s rrop:-'nric« \u25a0 $22.250: ; . terms v made . satisfactory. W .? P -A CRAGIN;: box : 172. Rural : g. s >n * Jo«e. • Cal. " LARGE > tracts of 1 choice *land near r progp»rons \u25a0 growinE - town ; for ' sale . at i a ". bargain.' F ** L.' \u25a0 .DARBOW. corner U2th and Jackson, gts., Oak- land. \u0084:- " " v i; ;o .; •!;".\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0..\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.". .^ -"";."'\u25a0-.•..\u25a0 .»./. --,\u25a0\u25a0- ! SMALL* FRUITi "AND 'POULTRY -i FARMS AAT ' ; HAYWARD. I" C^R-s HAMMERSMITH i&iCO.T 576 Golden ; Gate : ar. [ at ': Van • Nes».'. ; v , ,_ > • TO rent— lo aere>raaca : "a'Castro*Talley;;sprtng i '"water piped to • house ; 2 miles \u25a0 from Hayward. '\u25a0 \u0084 iAppIy;ELLISiBROS.;. i Apply; ELLIS i BROS.; 46S 11 th '< St.- Oakland. if ! BEAUTIFUL Tilla r and hotel sites for sale oa»h« ;Blue ? l^Ues, Lake [cmatj.% G.f BEHBND," aHa-;: COUXTRY REAI, "j ESTATE~Centtn'n>d $350 bays 2% acr»s~ rich/^lerel,'; sandy loam near LlT*nnore; $10 down and $5 per noath. RICH VALLEY LAND > COMPANY. 546 Market : st. k7, FOR farms, stock ranches .' and timber >" lands ' see "aMcFACL Sc EDWARDS. 330 Chrociele po'Mlng. " REAL _J _^ i FOR ! rent— Beautiful Lome \u25a0of> 11 brooms; . yard: '60xl60;yln.mo9t desirable residence district of - : Berkeley;. on new car line connecting with all city trains;; s7s: per month: lease 2 years or Monger.-: See 231O.Hinegass it.. FOR sale— A - furnished.' moUeriu>ls romn ap«rt- ment: hou*e ?ia . close in '\u25a0 portion of ' Berkeley: . - good Income; property; terms. - ISIO Unlrerslty '• ar..-. Berkeley.:. ;':'..T::. ; - ~~' :".'.f 'i; '. "\u25a0 ' ' '.. ' FOE sale— Cottage In Berkeley: *2,850; $150 cash _iyqnlred. - Phon«» Piedmont 2128. "-- :- "' - FOR "summer^months.^a centrally : located, suaay. : . comfortably 'furnished \u25a0 honse of 9 rooms; 5 btd- - rooms ;.. telephone, -fras aad coal ranges, electric llgtating. ' porch, large I back ; yard with . shade. \u25a0 flowers \u25a0 and "- berries. .2511 'BenTenne-- ar., 1 i door from Dwightitray.TeL Berk. 4152. " . HOUSE,- 7 , rooms. ! porches, trees.' Cowers, swiag. plenty: yard room: Just the \u25a0 place / or children; key 1422- Hawthorne terrace. Phon* Berk. 4523. CHANNING' way. 2632— 1n beautiful, modern . home; good board nearby; Berkeley. " HOUSE, KEEPING suites. 2 or 3 room*: Mjany ; -.. splendid locatioo; close .to U- = C. : aaa . statioa. 2229 Chapel st. " _-">-;" ' j RUSSELL St.. 2SIS. Berkeley— Room with sleep- \u25a0 ing porch ;:ia' Elm wood park; near Key Route and carline. * \u25a0 " $25 monthly and small cash payment for new. strictly modem cottage: 5 rooms; must sell Im- mediately; liberal 'discount for. large amoont : Owirer. 1625 St. Charles,' near* Bay sta- tion, , Alameda. \u25a0"'- '-.\u25a0'": -\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0•-'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0' $200 down; price $2,050; beantlful. new bunga- low home. See .WELLS A BANGS. 306 Chron- icle bldg. •\u25a0\u0084.\u25a0.-\u25a0-'.-.' : AUMEPA HOrtKS TO T.-7 FOR rent — A modern. 7. room houss: bath. lava- : ' dry. - etc.; \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 exceptional - large • finished base- I meat ; fine c rounds : t excellent • locality; a few | minutes' walk. to both railroad stations or: to \u25a0the business, part -of 'town; Park st.; -cheap " .". rent, - ; $35 per moath ",> to \u25a0'. responsible parties. Call at 1360 Broadway. Alameda. \u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0• SANTA CLARA ar.. 1208. Alameda — Completely furnished 4 room bungalow; adults; references. Inquire 976 Park'st. -\u25a0..--.,- : ALAMED AjJHOUSE KEEPIXG JROOMS CENTRAL aT., : 474/ sth st. sUtlon— Oa the beach; i rent low: safe bathing aad boatlag. C. A. WAKEFIELD. •'\u25a0- -'• \u25a0:\u25a0-.-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 FURMSHED ROOMS PACIFIC ar., 1715— Nk-ely furnished, suany rooms; for adults; frith or without house -'keeping. .--\u25a0'- -\u25a0 \u25a0 - FRDITVALE REAL ESTATE SPECIAL BARGAINS IN FEUITVALE. $2,500 — New 5 room bungalow, modern, through- out; close to cars and locals; fiae location: street work < and ' sidewalks complett; lot - 40x141 ; also : * adjolatng lot caa be had cheap; price, reduced from $3,150; terms $300 down and $30 moathly. N $2,4so— Cottage. 5 rooms and bath; new and modern; lot 40x234; 12 fruit trees ;^ near car lines; easy terms. $2,200 — New aad modern 4 room cottage, bath. . .pantry, high .basement: large lot: cement walks; terms $350 down, balance eke reat. $1,150— A dandy 3 room bungalow (furnished), bath, toilet. * wash trays; hard finished; electricity \u25a0 and gas; lot i 22x130; . cement walks; garden. HOME -INVESTMENT CO.. 1022 FmltTaie it. . cor. Old Couaty Road. GEO. H. LEE A SON. 1304 Fruitrale ar., Frultrale. CaL " $500 cash. $40 monthly; rery handsome 2 story I)'ouse, double boarded and floored, of S rooms, re- ception halL : lncluding billiard room; high base- ment; up \u25a0to date in i eTery particular: loTely grounds: full bearing fruit. trees. Immense shade trees, abundance of flowers: stream 'of ruaalag- water through jrounds; = facing 90-foot boul»- rard; eTerythiag here salted for T a - gentleman's h«tne;'T**es and raw. winds seldom. reach this sec- tion; notesLze'of lot. 75x23.": unut be sold at once; terms will be made to salt buyer: to desir- able parties at alow rental; 1304 Frulrrale aT/,' Frultrale, near S. P. local and Haywanl electric car line; phone Merrltt 473: . carriage free. • GEO. H. LEE & SON, " "'- Real Estate Owners. ARE YOU LOOKING . \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0,'- ", FOR AN IDEAL . - COTTAGB HOME? WELL. HERE : YOU ARE. Six large, sunny rooms, with reception ball. bath, pantry, lanadry aad store room: living, room 13:6x14:6 ft.; dining room. 13:6x17 ft.: bedroom. 13:6x14:6 ft.; large' closets ;. eTery ; modern deri« and coa- Ten.iecc«; rear porch, 6x2S ft.: Jo«t the place to bask In the • sunshine; also large front perch: high basement, all floored throughout: beautiful 50 foot lot. artistically arranged with walk, lawns, flowers, berries aad fruit trees: situated oaTTlga ground: mairniflcen^Tiew; 2 blocks of car llafe— and- the price is only $3,350/ For fur- ther partioTilars apply to - • • HOME • INVESTMENT '\u25a0 CO., . 1922 \u25a0 FraltTsle ar., FBUITVALE. CAU CHEAP, 10t.' 26x123 £eet;- close/ to cars; side- walks, -, sewers and : streets in: $50 down. $5 - month. S3 Hamilton hotel. 504 l.*ith St.. Oakld. OAKLAXD COTTAGES TO LET FOR. reat, famished— Modern - 6 room 'cottaga; large yard; In East Oakland; rent $37.50. ; ia- cludinc water. 1572 9th ar. -~ ..- FBOM Juae 15 to August 15— Furnished bouse,' f. rooms, gas for i bath and ; cooking; piano; - garden; . no ; childrea; references; - rent. • 674 32d st. near Grore. . ' - $45 — Nicely, furnished. -7 room house In Vemoa heights for 2or 3 months, from June 11 ; refer- ences. T laquire G. \ 8. . M. * GRAY, real estate, .. 454 9th St.. Oakland. . - • OAKLAND REAL ESTATE •\u0084-:...' \u25a0.'•;*.".. '.. $4,250. '\u25a0' '- : ..'-- MUST. BE SOLD. ". Beautlfnl -\u25a0 modern . bungalow. • 5 - rooms. . htga basement; large: lot;. 5 -minutes to 22d «t. K»r Route local; ; street work, aewers.and sidewalks are complete; ' IS2S Valdes '\u25a0- st. > near 26th. EASY .TERMS. $5,230. MUST BE; SOLD.. '_" V. Beactlful, modem: home. . euuny comer: shade trees and shrubbery; 6 rooms, 2 story; 5 minutes to Key Route local; good streetcar z serrice; owner oa premises; call any time; SBS SSth tt. corner - Market. * - ,-.* : - f &*R*&tBXBBBEBSBBt£ .-: c A. K. PERCIVAL. Owner. V Room 90. Bacon block, Oakland. CaL -,i Telephones^ — Oakland 4 52. Piedmont 914. J2.000 — Store and flat on a large corner lot. with • room -to build 3 \u25a0 more ' houses ; • price Includes stock of ' groceries,* notions and fixtures; has 4 cosy - llring . roooa, \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 nicely ; furnished : porcelain bath \, aad .- patent; toilet; * cement . sidewalk \u25a0Ia front; owner, has made 'money.: from this btsl- ness, : but illness now compels sale of property S at a sacrifice;. "land 'alone. ls worth price asked and will surely •double in value within 2 years. GEO. W. ; AUSTIN. - 1013 Broadway. Oakland. IN FOOTHILL PARK , <._'.' AT MELROSE- > \u0084 4 : ,-. - , I \u25a0 am i selling •' «sme -of • the most attractlre • resi- dence lots, WITH ALL STREET WORK "done. .40 feet front.- for $400. on small paymentJ. t Let \u25a0me send you a' map and price list or take you .: outto see the property.- GEO. : W. AUSTIN. ;-i 101S Broad Tray. Oakland. ; . \u25a0:-' \u25a0.',.:-. :.'. '\u25a0:-. FOR sale or exchange— Pair, of modern flats on 3Sth > st. : ' lot 33x MS ; : these ; are : close \ la, i fine .rental property ;iwlll; sell for; s3oo down, bal- * aace . $20 \u25a0 per moath i and ; Interest; '\u25a0\u25a0 or . win , ex- •'\u25a0 chaage • for • cottate or,- racant . lots at » the ' re- i-doced-price of^ss,ooa. D. ;F. MINNEY, 422 ;/llth st./, Oakland. : . . -. -'.\u25a0'..'''\u25a0\u25a0-: .-\u25a0;: \u25a0 -\u25a0''::;/ $100 : cash, -then only. s2o. a month, will buy and - ' jrtTe * you", Immediate • possession : of . a:\u25a0 beautiful '\u25a0 4 'or ' "» room ' bungalow fon ! a 40x125. • lerel i lot; - - "air street : work done" ; : close J to ' good - schools ' and best'ear! serrice.: Apply to; J. \u25a0L. DURI- ;; VAGE.V 1213 * Broadway. Oakland, i CaL ; 200x200 foot lot. with a large; new 6 room Aouse, ' closa • to ". good "- car", serTlee ," and schools ; . fin« "place' for '; chickens/? garden., etc.;- 0n1y. 52,400; '\u25a0 i -well -worth ." s3,soo. J. L. ; DURIVAGE, ISI3 | Broadway,- Oakland. .Cal-\ ' . . ' .; TEKY deilrablebuildln? lot, 39x110 feet, la ex- v ,cellent( residence district; will sell for $1,250; : easy, terms. ; ELLIS. 468 , Uta sty Oakland. • - /.. \u25a0-; EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN." ~~~ * New. well built/ up to .date *s' room cottage: elc»e to ' Tefepraph | «».; acd Key^ Route; ' iaside -of <nth ft. • Apply owner. 3760 Cherry st. •\u25a0 Cak- land.'vc-/:-.;-^-:------'-;:-.-: '\u25a0^:>---~-^-i -'.-.' FOE : sali» ' or .;' excbanse-r-Two J flat».\ 4 " room 5 and \u25a0: s;\u25a0 room . and ! basement : >< close - ; In.- near s Tele- graph. .Apply \u25a0 owßfr.* F. J J.T EDWARDS/*914 Washington.' Oakland.^ Phone O»kUnd 547. > : -- ° CC $100- DOWN-^42o> PER ° MONTH Doesn'tsthla:beat : rent?>4:rooaifCOtUrtj: street work (Jone; sidewalks in; ,' pries- $1,400. Ad- 1-: dress { 1420 ' Broadway."; Oakland. ;V / , I ".WILL sell my) equity 'of $525 la.aulldiar «lot :. : near > Piedmont , station > for; $425 : cash, v balance -.;'' $650 : on easy ;. terms. ;-t- Box ' 2533. " Call ; office.'. PAIR ;tiew-j fiats; ?. well \l\ block froaj Key ;- Route train at 4!hh and-Grore iv.; a harjaln." OAK L A > D^R E AX ESTATE— C«atlaned / AN EXTKAORDINASY OFFER I AN EXTBAOSDCfASY OFTEB! » OT UNDA VISTA LOTS. o«" \u25a0 lj.vda vbta lots. hill view. : lake View, hill view. ™~ lack view, hill view. p lake view. terms: $150 down, $20 a month -axd intekst toe the best and most sightly lots in linda • . vista district. - - . Tea . will ne»er again sara such aa eppar- tu-Ity to aecure such ungnliceat . and alxitly lota en sach ridlculooaly low payments. Prices- ara so reasonabi* I dare sot adrsrtlsa thea. Serea mlautes by ex: to property. Street work complete. '. . ; .' \ ; THls' AD V2BTBEMXNT "rTIIX APPEAR FOB TWO WEEKS ONLT^ A>l> SALE WILL NOT COMMENC3 CJfTIL JTJNE 5. 1908. A good bolldiig restrlctlsa oa preperty.-E ra- terre the right t» reject aay offer to puzeaas*. Automobiles at eTflc* to tak« pros pec tlTe pur- chasers, to th a property oa SUNDAY froa 9 to 12, or any time dartcs week days." For rurtlier laf one itlon Apply -<a -tie OfSie of ;A-* *r."gKTOTB.= ;. •01 BROADWAY, at «TH STSEST, CC-^^^^ATFIP- ?V E /V lj - \u25a0ESTAT'C HAYWARD PARK. SSAX MATEO. HAYWARD PARK. SAN MATEO. *p a^actes from Saa PYaacisco. _i mlaJtes from Saa Francisco. All lota front on two streets. All lota frott oa'.two street*. Do yoa resmaber Burllasaa>«> 10 years a?»? Do yon remember fcow Saa Mateo park looftwl j« -years a;t>? Well, compare Harvard park la* j natural adraatajes with either of these - splea- , ; cldiy successf tit tracts aad roo'll se« what is la store for the grosnd fl<jor Buyers at 1 Hajrwani park. Conditlcas at San Mateo will ehaacs mightily in the aext year. The Pealsscla fcot»l is bound to \u25a0 draw the grtrwta of ta« towa south, aad Haywartl park adjoins this greas hoteL There's a great opport^aity opea t» thra*« who buy lots bow. Tbe nropcsirioa is: Are yoa golar to arail yourself of the coaace this time, cr arw yoa golnr t» wait, like raaay did whea wa o{«a«<l Burlisgame aad Saa Mateo park, aad tell jwr friends what joa "ajght hare mada" aad dlda't? Now, don't'rrad this and decide t» go dow-i "some day." Go NOW. See us first 1! you wish. History Is gotag to ripest Itself and Hayward park will be tis baulesrouad. Mark our wcrd for that. ' Macadamzied streets. _ Gas aad •lectrictty. . Away from, t2xe t ~z*. AH a laad ride— bo ferry. - x Biz lots: duuhle frontage. Easy tenss; tsuaedlate poasesslcn. BALDWIN h. HOWELL. 315-324 Kearuy st..S.F. * FRANK 8. GRUMMON. 24« B *t.. 3«n Mjtgo. BrKjLTXGAME REAL ESTATE CENTRAL ADDITION. , CENTKAL ADDITION. SO minutes froa ta* city. 30 miautes frosa ta« city. Retweea SUa Majeo and Burlingam*. Betw»ea Saa Mat<»«» an«l Burltngaae. Between two rapidly growias: waters. Betweea two centers of populatlOß. Ia the best residential tectloa cf Saa Mat^ aad Burllnsame/ adjoinin? Saa Mat?o park aaa s«rrouaded by properties that hare ata-ia fortunes for thorn who bousht early; Now. rl£3t now. l« the time to g»t la at. rock bottom prices. BuxUra^anie la approcrbibv Central Addition from the north: San Mateo is crowding it from the scuta; new bosses are building sn-1 present price* ar* low. Go dowa aad *f»e Central Additioa. TTae at- tractire Iwmes already bailt aad the class of buyers guarante* its ralue and desirability; 5 miautes from Burllagraaie; electric ears pass :>.-» tract erery 10 Tsiautea; no four: fin* macadamtifxl street*; sewer, water. ga». eleetricifr and tele- phones; $39,0Q<> school; $35t> for lota ,"-"tlCi>: easy terms; get eff electric car a: Pesiasula ar. Send for our new Illustrated folder of Centra] Addition. BALDWIN ft HOWELL. SK-."524 Kearay. 5. F. FRANK 8. GRUMMON. 243 B at.. San Mat-". FOB SALE — At sacrifice, ia Pa!o Alto; owaer • called east: beaaUfal resldeacs. 2 baths: 75 foot lot; exreliect part of towa: 7 blocs s froa depot. THE UNIYESSTTY REALTY CO.. Pa-o Alto. - ' IDEAL couatry borne; rsuat be seen to : fc« aa- preclated: price $32.5C4>. Bot 2513. CalL *» A*V RAFAEL REAI, ESTATE UPLANDS— Beautiful icma sltas; no foe; paa- orama of say aa-1 aocstaia; tree*. boularartlA. electricity, water, sewers. \u25a0~*estrtetloas: adjoiaa New Country Cluh: lois 100 ft. to 25 acres, oa easy terms; coaTeyaaees a: Union depot Bad agents oa tract Saadars. CADWALAPEK. TAYLOR k. CO.. 5C5 MlUs bids.. S. T. THERE are stilt a few choice lots to be hsrl la Laurel Dells tract at harraia priew. ?e*» owner any afteraoca at office, opposite Union depot. Saa Rafael. W. L. Conrtright. cnr»r. HIXLVAHET RII -* tJL MILL VALLEY RESIDENCES AT A BARGAIN ' Family residence of 9 larsa rooms. 2 bath*, hardwood Coors. electric l*;a:s. 2 small hons*s: beautiful garden of ?i acre; stone w»H» «a<i coacreta walks; choice :';,-:>^:»>! aad ?raad paaosiaia of 7il>j'. forest ant! taouaraia; 3 zn:n- utea to MILL VALLEY station: prlc» $T.oOi». aiorrgage- foar $2.5C0. with Saa Fraaciaco Sar- lacs Union: wCI exchaase for Saa Franci^o realty: make appoiataient. O. C. " CAPPEL- -MANN. 334 Pice sr. Phoae Doaslas ' 1"« K. $mo down: price $2.500: a bargain In a pretty bang-alow; aad lars»» crTner lot. WELLS 4b BANGS. SCC Clsr«M!ict* biiiMhr. S Arj-ALrTO^ RE : A t.^EST.VTC FOB sale— l 2 room sos^e: grxid sized grmieds; » Crontages; mariao rl^w. J. B. GRIM WOOD. _ Merefaaats* Kxcfeaagw botMhig. S»a FranH w. SAX TLEAXDUO REAI. ESTATE NICE HOME— BAEGAIN. 6 roora. u» to date cottaee. north - side •" street: fruit tre«s: lot 50x150. Apply owner. 922 San Lcremo ar. " \u25a0\u25a0 SA?f AXSELMO RE.*>L ESTATE FOB sale — Fta€. modern 7 rood bungalow; hill- side; wooded grounds aad bcaultfcl gardes; 10 miautn' walk frca statioa: a asas; easy . terras. For particular! a«ldr*s« P. 0. box 302. Saa Anielaw. or box 2717. CaU offlc*. MEI.ROSE REAL ESTATC ? 1.20O — Pretty, modem. 4 roornV>uagalDw; late*; knprcred plamblag: cae< Mock from ear. 20 miaates from Broadway: far* 4 Vie by com- mutation; hare beea askia; $1."7". cash; goinc east; mast sell this week. Sea owaer. 913 E. 14th St.. East Oakland. ROSS VALLEY RE-tL ESTATE BAEGAIN at $10.000— Tais beautifal horn* ownt- be sa«n to ba appreciated. Telsp&oa* Keaiay >75 and K»t nartlcnlars. MEXIO PARK BE-tL ESTATE FAIR OAKS MENLO By order of t&* W. J. A<"sa« estate w* tr« oSeru;, too bea-ntlfnl fccase place oa Middle- field road, ta tracts cf fma two acres no. This property conu!as tha finest oaks la th« "Fair Oaks" Menlo district; is T«ry ccaTea- les* ta ttatioa aad ia best neifhSocaeod. Th-«r« are oely 15 parcels ia all aad we a£rts« tacae coatemplatins purchase v mak« ta>> atedlate seleccccs. Maps aad prices ca a*>pU. ratios. - •^OBKfamt F. J. RODGEE3 * CO.. BUSS BLDG. 235 MONTOOMEHT ST. RUSSIAN : RTVER REAL ESTATC $25 AND UPWAKD— EASY TEEMS. Baasalov asd casp sites at Camp Horn, aaas TSealdsserg; right oa tie rirer; larg* lota; al^ely wooded: sprlas- water; tend far U'.csrrstei folder. C g- HAY 13S Lick tMr. 35 KobHobhtj rt. SNAP— Mcst taU my $120 equity la a 40xl?J v toot lot ta Saata Cra; balance of $S0 caa b* paid la zicnthiy paysieata: district rapidjy bsildiaf up: 10 miautes waUc to beach; must sacrifice. Address box 2602. Call office. HOMES, tarestraeats. lots, ranches, acre srtx*r* ttes. BROWN A WILSON. Santa Cnta. Cat CAMnn^J^AJL^STAJTE^^^^^ LIST of "properties for " aala or reat. Wttt* "PHILIP WILSQy/ Cantfl br the Sea.' CaL REAL ESTATE TO E3CCHAXGB § $4,500- \u25a0 Lot 50x220: Wools«y st. bet. Tele»rapli a-r. j and Daaa at.; exchau?« fcr stodera Txtazalow <r» . cottage. A. K. PERCIVAL. owaer. worn 90. ' Bacoa . block, - Oaklaad; Oaklaad 452, Pledcaca^ 914. ' \ RANCH of 320 acres. 12 Elies frota Saa Uatao, * la toe- rtdwoodj; tixher and pastor* laad; prlc» $25 per acre, er wU"f ta»f» iacoms prog- eny la exchange. W. W. CASEY. S2S Sd ar., ' Baa Mateo. \u25a0 FOR sale or axchaage for Berkeley property— 120 acre* ta Yoba couaty: good water right: 3 placer claims, 4 quarts todges; al*> 323 acres la Colusa couaty. L. H. ROGSE3. I*U Alcatrai aT.. Berkaley. , - BANCH. 2»O acres. 9 miles from Saa Mats*; faraxiar aad pastur* land; plenty of \u25a0 water. -.with #oma impraremeats; a saap at $3S p-r acra. er will exchaa;^ for iaeoase property. W. W. CASEY- 328 : 3d , ar.. Saa Mateo. . - . IF you waat to «*H or exehanxv your ranch scad me description: no ehar?ea ualesa dml Is raado.» -I. H. EDSON. IQ6S B'way. Oakland. SEE ay special qnotatloas. acttre stocks. Tuea- • - day. *Nrfare tayiajr. Boa \u25a0 2571.' CaU otHem. OIL L.\*VPS ,_ o : __ COALINGA-McKITTBICK: taresttgata quick:?: •ar:part of oa« sectioa oaly $12 per acr*; patented jrauad: a rar» larestraeat. MABJC . LANE CO.. 24T> Bosh rt.: Phono Kr>rar 2829. . BUSI-VES*! WAXTTEP WANTED — Frrcirar- aad Bercsaadlae of all (J-- •criptloa*. L' nosfT talks, w* hare tt. SIL- VEU BROS. & WARNES. 9?7-9&> ilL<w:oa *f_. a«ar \u25a0 6ta. * Ptwp» - Docgtait 221 T. .--,_\u25a0 - - PROPERTY Jgjj^T'EP WILL PAY CASH FOR STRICTLY HIGH CLASS - 7 TO 9 ROOM RESIDENCE. BERKELEY. PIEDMONT OK -CLAKEMONT. BOX 2T»» CALL OFFICE. PA RTXERI- VJAVTEP WANTEDr-P*rt**«". Orman. with *400 cspUsli i Xnr.N^t.payins delicatessen aad srocrrr stor**t 'cieaaa up *ZZ<) s Dtsi «>r, toi 4789, Ca&t 13