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14 COMMERCIAL AND MARKET NEWS SPECIALLY REPORTED FOR THE CALL SOUTHERN PACIFIC STOCKS BOOMING Shares Go Up With a Rush on Reports of Increase in Dividends New York Stock List E F Hottan &. Co.. 490 California atreet, laembers of the New York stock exchange, fur feisa the followins list of bonds and stock tales yesterday: Eal<*. | STOCKS jHigh-lLow. | Bid. | A»k. »_ : Adams Express...'! .218 222 1,400,' Allis-Chalmers .- 16 IIV» 15>4 1« , 7iK>t Do pfd 62V1 51Vi 51i» 51s, <2.">oo)Amal Copper BlVt S4"^ 67 87^ «X) User Beet Sugar. 39»4 354 38<?» 3&H • Do pfd 95 93 P."orjo Amer Can C 0.... 13% 12% IS 134 3.500 Do pfd 83%, 80H 83V4 S4 S.onOAmoCiFOo.. 57* 56»i 57% 5i% •VO Do pfd -116% 116 116% 117 li.flOOjAfiier Cotton 0U.., fi9V 6SH «B"ii ,«» Do pfd 103 -U)1H1O2 105 Z. kra«r Ei 220 23° I^oolAia«c Ice Serur.. 37% 37»4 «% 37% IR,4ooiAiner Linseed ... 18>4 17% 18 18W 6.800! Do pfd 43Vi 41Vi 43% «H 200 Araer Loeoaotlve. 60V? 59% 60% 60*^ te j Do pfd U6Vi|lls% 115% Hi C3.BlO'Amer S & E Co.. »«%! 93% »6Vi 9«J» 2.«0d Do pfd 114"^U1%114 114 V* 200 Amer Sugar 132% 182 |IS2 152% k. Do pfd ( 126% 127 iS.&'V'TAmw Steel Toon. 51 48 CO 51 30rt : Araer T&. T Co.. 140?» 140 140 140% rwo Amer Tob pfd.... 102 101^102 102% Amer Woolen 36 37 400 Do pfd lOC** 108 106 106V4 5.400 .\u000aa 51% V>V» 51% 51% c I.l'Xt'Atlantic Coart L. 129 12S 128 1284 StoOQA T & S r 110% 109% llOJs tiOU, « j Do pfd |lo4ji|los 18,lO0'B«lt i Ohio 116 11+% 115% 115% », Do pfd _ - M 94 B.OOOBRT 7»% 7Sfi 79% 79** k'. iCanedc Southern 62 6. 7,200 Canadian Pacific. 184 M: H92V4 183% 184 3&S00tO i 0 79% 78H 79 79% 200C4-A 71* 70% 71% 71% 4,*VX);C O W 4%, 4V» 4VJ 4% fc j Do pfd "A" 28^ 27% k. Do pfd "B".. 6v» * 3.200 C & N W 186% 154% ISSH 186 X7.1001G M&St P 154%|153 153% 154 y>m\ Vo pfd 166 il«s 165% 166 7&U,Oinral Leather.. 30 29% 29% 30 ». Ik> pfd 104 105 "„ (Central of N J 293 295 »..*.. .'Ciicago Terminal. iVt S*?a *"*206, CCC & 5V1...". "74* 73" 73 73 Vi Do pfd 101 104 U.SOn <V>lo Fnel A. Iron. 42% 41% 42^ 42% 40n':«V)l Hock Ctl. 63% 63 63 63^ 1.700'C010 Southern 64 62% 63Mi 64 Do Ist pfd S2 83. 400j Do 2d pfd 80H 80 80% -81 1.--VIO Consolidated Ga«. 144 143^144 J144% h.MH'Coru Prodccts 26% 25% 25% j 25v» fiiKi; Do pfd ft 3 92% 92Xi\ P3 « 300jI>el & Hud50n... !193% 192^ 15JT2% l»3Vi i, !l> i& W 660 675 8.«0o;D & R G.. 51% 50 50% 51 1,160} Do pfd 88h 88 BS% BS% to. Diamond Match 125^ 127- WKKDiMilllng Sees... 40% 40 40">4 40% RWlDulutn S S & A. 17% 17% 17^ 17% 800! Do pfd . 32% 31 32% 82H 51 ,300 Erie 35% 34% 35H 35% i.fiOOJ Do Ist pfd ."2% 51% 52% 02% 2.500] Do 3d pfd 42% 42 42% 43 800]G*neraI Electric 159% 159% 159% 160 32.«00,Grt Northern Ore 7(5% 74% 75»* 76 lO.GOOiGrt Northern pfd 145% 147% 146% 148% \u0084 Ulavana Tob CV..| J 6 9 to j l»o pfd 1 12 13 1.400 Illinois Central... 148 .147 147% 14S l.ROOjlnterhoro- Metro .. 16% 15% 16 16% I.OOOj Do pfd 45% 45% 45% 45% •J.OCK) Internatnal Paper 15% 14% 15% 15% . 400) Ik> pfd «2% 61 62% 63 o'soo'lnterniitnal Pump 41% 40% 41% 41% . OOftj Do pfd 87 86% 86% 87 0/X'lowa Central 81% 31% 31H S2 400 Do pfd 57% 55% 57% 58. "6.300K C Southern 47% 46% 46% 47 ' p.% I Do pfd ...73 73% ...%...iLake Erie & W 24% 2T. *. i Do pfd 54 55 2.200 L fc N 140% 139U 139% 140 SOftMackay 82 Sl% 81 82 400 Do pfd 75 74% 74% 75 I r.. Manhattan 146 14S «. (Metro !St Ey i 25 29 CO*"'! Mexican Central.. 25% 25% 25% 2« 590'Minn i St I | 56% l 56% 67 58 . ». I Do Ist pfd j R6 90 3,3<X>iM St P S S M. 140 139% 139% 140 ». j Do pfd 150 160% S.fcDO'Mo K*n & Tex.. 43i»i "42 42% 42% -200! Do pfd 73% 73 j 73 73% \ 14,100'MiKsonrI Paciflr . 76% 75%j 76% 76% ». !Na»h C&St Ei |115 120 6,ooojNaUonal Lead .. Wi\ BR%| BS% 88% ,". Do pfd +108% 108 108% 103 ». [National Bi»euit 106 106% , Do prd 122% 123 .3.9tK>!Nwhße C M &8. 2% 2% 2% 2% 2,000 N V Air Brake. 89% SS 89 89% 11,700 N V Central ... 132% 131 1; 131% 132 600 N V C & St L ... 55% 55 53 55% iS. Do l«t pfd 98 105 Do 2d |»fd 80 8.*"" . ». N V N H & Hart 171% 173 2.400 N I Ont &. W ... 50% 50% 50% W% ,1,200 Norfolk & Went. 69% 89% 89 89% k. ( Do pfd 86 88 ' I.soo|North American. 81% 81% 81% 82 15.500 Northern Pac .. 148% 147% 148% 148% , SOmaha 156 160 J Do pfd » 165 175 p. iPadflc Coast 97% US 500!PaciDc Maa 30 29J1 29% 30 40,500jPenn R R Co .. 137% 185% 136% 156% S,2OoiPeople's Gas ...114% 114 114% 114% •. Pittgburg Goal 12% 18 I. Do pfd 47 49 £ PCC4 St L 91 02% Do pfd 110 120 S.4ool Preened S Car .. 45 44% 45 45% 500 Do pfd 104 103% 103% 104 1,300 Ey Steel S C 0... 46% 45% 46 47 400 Do pfd - 107 105 106% 107 (06.5001 Reading 156% 153% 155 155% I Do Jitt pfd 91% 92 200 Do 2d pfd ... 98% 98 99 100 \u25a0 JO.OOOlßepcbllc S4: 1... 31% 31 31% 31% 3.200 Do pfd 89% OS 99% 99% #4.400 EocL Island Co .. 33^ 31%. 32% 3» 7,300j Do pfd 71% 69% 71% -71% 400 Skws Hfill Co.. 83% BS'4 83% 80% !w IDo pfd 115 117 to StL & SF Ist pfd CB% 69 4003 Do ofd 48 45% 45% 46 T.ROOSt L £ S W ... 28% 27% 27% 28 J 2.4001 D» pfd 71% 69% 70% 70% C 34.500 S«athern Pac .. 130% 124% I3OV 13rt% UR.100) Do pfd 132 127% 131% 132% SOOiSoulhern By ... 22% 31% 31% 32 » Do pfd 70% 70 70% 70% * Bf»iTwin Copper ... 42% 42% 42% 42% l.fiOO Texas Pacific 34% 33% 34 34<J 900 Third Avenue. 29"W 29% 29% 29% 200 Toledo S L & W. 52% 62% 62% 52% .2.100 Do pfd 70 69 69% 70 70O!Twin City H T.. 106% 105 106 106% fc.- jL"n Bag ie Paper 14% 14% r -; j Do pfd 75 77' 154.900 Ccion Pacific ... 183% 190% 193% 183% 1.100) Dop«d 97% 97% 97% 97% » Cn Bfia of 8 T .36 40 t0....- Do pfd .«..- R4: 67 , V S Owl Iron P. 34 34% , Do pfd 78 TO ». V S Express. 85. 95 S.IOOTJ S Robber 40% 59% 40% 40% 400 Do Ist pfd 144% U2 114 liiU ! • 600 Do 24 pfd 80 79% 79% 80 1*7,100 U S Steel 00r... 68% 67% 65% 69 42,80ffl Do pfd 128% 122% 127% 127% 2.4oolUteb Copper 52 61% 82 52% 31.200-;Va-C*r Cbem 00. 53% 52% 52% 52% *. I Do pfd 121 123 T.9ooWabaßb 21% 21% 21% 21V g "17.500] Do pfd ....... 54% 53 6J^ 53% .......jWclls Fargo Ex.. JSIS S3s'. l.BOOi Western Cnioo. . 75 74 174 74% I,4Oo'We»tlnglio<Me ... 84%} 83%! 83% 84% », W & Is E 10 11 w ...... Do J«t pfd J i 23 25 to- Do 2d pfd... j ,112% IS% !»00 Wlsconiiin Central 59%1 59 159 SOU »..:...j Do pfd j 1 91% 91% 4Oo;M«rfne I- SVii 8 1 7% 8 ROOi Do pfd 1 24»il 241i124% 25 ».RooiAnier Malt \u0084...' 13*41 11 \ 11 ll« 1.700!- Do pfd- .......I 5K%! 57% 57% 88 rr.JWXV.Bethlebem Steel. l 32% 1 29%) 32 32*1 J4,BO<>| Do pfd ...j 64 I 61%| 63 64 - J. 4ll. loo— lotal »*ares sold. Xf»v York Bond* t J? ref 2* reg..101% m Oen Ist ref -45.100% Do ooupnn 101% Int Met 4%s .... 78. Do Z* reg 101% Int. Me/? Mar v*%s 74% Do coupon ....102 Japan 4s PS 3 ! Do 4« reg 11S% Do 4%«. 04% Do >oupon ....121 Do2d »er1e«... .- 93% Jkllis-Cuhl Ist 55.88 Kan City So lrt 3s 74»,4 Amer Agricul 5«.100»s L Shor deb 4« t 1931 05% Amer TiT or 4b.103% L&.N onifled 45.'. 10")% Amer Tobacco -4b. 80% M. X ; A Tex let 4s 99% v IV» 6» .112 j Do 1st; & ref 4«. S6 - frniour 4%« . ..:.<os%n Do gen 4%s ... !)1% *tfh gen 4« 101 \u25a0%! Mo Pacific 4«.. ... 83% Do R L let 4k. 95?<,|N,R ; of Mcx 4%5. 5).'.% Dorr 4s .....'.110% N V C. gen 3%5.. 93% Do cr 5s 111% Do deb 4« .... 05% Allan CLHt 4s. 96% NY City 4%5,new.111% Cult * Ohio 45..100=i NY.JOI ft II ct6s.l3S% Do S%« »4<- Nor & W l«t con4s 09, Do S W-3%5.. 91 -Do cv4s-. \u25a0..., .98 Brooklyn, RT, r, 4s 88 '•• Nor PaciHe 45.r..102Ti ran So l«t 6«...106% Do 3s ....-..;:. 75 r*ntr»l of Ci fts.lll% O SUnerfdg 4«. 05% Cout I«atbf>r .**. 08% Pa cv. 3%«, 1915.. 97' , ITBR of NJ gn Jnb.127% Pa'con 4s lOT. Cbe« & Ohio 4%«.104% Reading gen 4s • 100 Do ref 5e cti«.lolS4 St I, &S F fg"4s 87 Cnl& Alton 3%n.,76% Do - gen :5s 3 . . . 91% C. B& Q joint 4s :w St L S.W con 4i; 81 »ki gen 4s ....100 -Do Ist gold 4k. 93V, t.M& StP. gn 3%s 81 S-aboard A- L 4k 85% t.nift Pa«« t-ol 4s. fcO%|S<> Pacific cor 4»' -92 ' Do enj \-te. ..... 93% Do 1« refr4».Vi»s% ,D.i rpfdg 4» .-.•;•. 9i%j I)o:tT.4«.ctf*;.ioiv C.C.C & SL gn 4s »7»aiSo Hallway 3J....112 SHARP RALLY IN STOCK MARKET NEW YORK, June 3.— The securities market in New York today ' was replete with sensations, and the canses lying: "back of the various demonstrations made by the price movements -were kept veiled from public knowledge." That such canses existed and were of , substantial nature was taken for granted J on acconnt of the convincing- evidence pre- j seated by the tape itself. It will be dif fi- < cult to conceive of any such reckless and j prodigal lavishing of resources as would be . j involved in a purely manipulative move- * < ment in Southern Pacific, such as ! ward rush of more than 6 points on deal- ' ings in 5,000 shares. Neither is it sup* ; posable that this demand was due to any 1 sodden realization on the part of a large , public of the merits of the Southern Pa- J ciflc shares. The principal buying of the stock, moreover, came in enormous blocks \u25a0 from individual brokerage houses. ! These features of the movement prompted the inference that the buying came from persons informed of some forthcoming plaa 1 involving the finances or organization of \ the company. Rumors dwelt on the likeli- ' hood of a coming increase in the dividend \u25a0 on the common stock. Much -was heard also < of an intended retirement of the preferred [ stock. The exchange of the preferred stock for common would deprive the former of its prior claim to 7 per cent dividends, but it ] would entitle it to share in any dividend ; disbursement above that amount. • The senior company, the Union Pacific, \u25a0 was tardy in responding to the excited ad- ] vance in Southern Pacific and at one time \u25a0 sold off to a lower price closed last < siffht. l*ter in the day it came Into the ', movement more fully. 1 Before the Southern Pacific movement ' became fully effective in its sympathetic \u25a0 influence on the reneral list some degree of ', apprehension existed over the market oon- ] ditions presented by the syndicate plan for ; introducing United States steel on the 1 Paris bourse. It was feared that the con* ', tinned rise in United States steel might*; thus hurt the general market..^ Lack of | detailed information on the scope of the < Paris operation in United States steel left ; room for wide surmises. Confident assump- ' tions were indulged is that an early in- ' crease In the rate of dividend disburse- ' ments might be inferred for the steel < shares, siace the principal banking interest ! in the property, was lending it»elf to the ' flotation of the stock in the Paris market | at a price implying a higher dividend than \u25a0 now paid. The influence of the same bank- ] ing house in the administration of the cor- ' poration's affairs was held to justify the < conviction that a desire by that interest to ! increase the dividend rate would prevail ] with the directorate. ' The remarkable 6 point jump in United States steel preferred had no other ex planation than the increase in tbe security of the it turn growing out of the expansion in earnings. - The whole market became very buoyant and animated before the dose of the day, but the influences ruling in all radiated from the impressive operations in the Har riman stocks and in United State* steel. Bonds were Inn. Total sales (par Talne) $10,078,000. United States bonds were us* changed on call. - Colo Indus &!...• 75%) Do gen 4s 83% Colo Midland 45.. 55% Union Pacific 45.-102% Col So r&ext 4%s 99% Do cr 4s 109% Del & Hnd cv 45.104% Do Ist & ref 4s. 99% Do Ist ref 48.103 US Rubber 65.. 104% Den & Rio G 4i. 97% IT S Steel 2d 55. .106% Do ref 5s .... 94% Va Car Chem 65.. 38Ji I Distillers 5s 77% Wabash Ist 5s U24i ' Erie prior lien 4s. 90% . Do Ist & ext 4s 77% Do gen 4s .... 79% Western Md 45... 55% Do cv 4s, ser ABS We»tlng El cv 6s. 94% Do cv 4s. ser 875 Wis Central 45... 95% Gen Elect cr 55. 146 Sew Tort Mining: Stocks) Alice 2.23 Leadville Con .... 04% Brunswick Con .. 06 Little Chief ..... OS Com Tun Stock.. 27 Mexican .......... 75 Com Tun Bonds.. 18% Ontario .......... R. 50 Con Va Mln Co.. Cl Ophir 1.26 Horn Silver . 65 Standard I.SO Iron Silver 1.15 Yellow Jacket ... 46 Boston Stocks and Bonds i Money — | Miscellaneous — Call loans ...2% (53% Amer Arge Chem.. 43$ Time loans ...3 @5 Do pfd 99-> 4 Bonds — Amer Sugar .132% Atchlson 4s 100% Do pfd .127 Do adj 4« ...."93 Amer Tel & Te1.. 140 Railroads— Amer Woolen .... 36% Atchison 100% Do pfd 106 Do pfd ...104% Dom Iron &. SteeL 37% Boston &, Albany .234% Ed Electric 11him.247 Boston & Maine. 145 Gen Electric :...159% Fitchbnrg pfd ...130% Mas* Electric .... 12% NY, N H * H..170%U 8 Steel 68% Union Pacific ...191%) Do pfd 127% THE COPPER STOCKS BOSTON, June 3. — Massachusetts was heavily sold, both from the lake and by the local pool, breaking sharply at 9, wltb. a little rally at the clooe. Greene started np near the close and brokers think both this and Butte Coalition will l>» taken in hand for a good advance. COPPER CLOSE The following list Is furnished by B. F» Hut ton 8c Co.. 490 California street, San Fran cisco, Cal.: Bid. Ask.) Bid. Ask. Adventure .. 8 8% Majestic 95c 97c Ahmeek ....ieo 170. Mass Gas ...64% 65 Allouez 40 40% Mass Mining. ,9% 10 Amal Cop .. 87 87 «J Mayflower ...50c 60c Am Pnnumat 8% S% Mexico Cons. 4% ."Hi Do pfd ... 19 19%jMlaml 14% 15% Arcadian ... 5 s%|Mlchigan .... 11 11% Alls Coml .. 42 42%|Mohawk: .....— C 6 Arnold .....70c 71c Nev Cons . . 22% 23 Atlantic .... » 9Vi Nev Utah... 37-1652%* Balaklala .^234%235 Nipissing .... 10% 10%' Begole IR% 16 • North Butte.. 55% tt% Boston Cons. 15% 10 Old Dominion 54% 55 Bte Coalition. 26% 26% Osceola 1.T5 130 Bntte & Lon 31c 35c Quincy ...... 90 91 CaJ &. Arie.103%104 Santa Fe ... 2% 2% C*l & Heda.66o 670 Shannon ..... 1« lU"A Centennial .. 32 33 Super & Pitts 14 14\i C^>pr Range 82% 82% Tamarack ... 72 — Cum E1y...8 11-1« H% Trinity ..13 14 Daly West... 7% S Uoited. Coppr.- 8% ft Davis Daly.. 4 -1% United Fniit.136%137 Dom Copper. sc ' Oc Un Shoe Mch 61% 02 East Bntte.. 18% 14% Do pfd ... 29% 314 Elm River... 1% 2% United Zinc.. 25 26 First Natal.. 7% 7% U S Coal & O 34 . 34% Franklin 16% 16% U S Sm«ltem 00 50% Giroux 7% 7% Do pfd ... 49% 49% Gld Con ... 7% 7% Utah Aper .. 5 !5% Greene Can.. 10% 11 Utah Cons .. 4Z\i 42% Globe 4% — Utalr 1 Copper. 01% 52% G«abT 104 106 Victoria ..;;. 5 s£ Hancock .... 11*4 I^^ Wiaona ..... S%" 6 Helvetia .... 5% — . jWolverine ...148 151 We Royal*.. 28% 2S%[Wyandotte -.3*4 0 E«weenaw ..4% — (Yukon ....... 4% ,5% U Salle ... 14 .14%] /' London \u25a0 Closing Stock* - Cons for money.. 84%'LouisT & Nash.,..l42*>i Do for acct 84% M, KM Texas.... 43 Amal Copper 87% NY Centra 1......134. .....134 W Anaconda ..10% Norfolk & West..- 91% Atchlson 112% Do pfd ........ 90 - Do pfd .;....-.. 107% Ont 4; - Western... 51% Bait i 0hi0.. ....118% Pennsylvania . 69U Can. Pacific .... .180% Rand Mlnes^...... 10% Chen & 0hi0..... 80 H Reading ...:... . 79 Chi Great West.. 5 . So Itailway ...... 32V4 Chi, Mil i St P. 157 Do pfd .. 7" De Beers ..-...*... -14*4 So Pacific ..... ..129%" Den &. Rio G.... 51Vj Union Pacific .'.. 196% pfd ........ UO Do pfd ........100% Erie" :. 35% U S 5tee1........ 69% Do Ist pfd..... 53% Do pfd ........120 Do 2d pfd 43% Wabash ........... 22 Grand Trunk 22%| I>» pfd ....•.'...54% 111 Central ...... 150% iSpanish 4* - «s' . Bar-Bilver— Dull; 24% d per ounce. Money— l%<gl*4 per cent. . Tbe rate of discount in the open market for short bills ta 1%Q1% per cent * and for three months' . bUls ,l%<ai% per cent. . . Condition of tbe Treasury WASHINGTON, June 3.— Today's statement of the \u25a0\u25a0 treasury - balances in - the generals fund shows: -Available cash balance,: $119,797.75»5 gold coin and bullion, $48,141,031; gold certifi es tes," $26,197,730. Northern Bnsinea« PORTLAND, June 3.— Clearings, $1,252,850; balances. J192.2r>7. - • \u25a0*\u25a0:-.: . -r<r .- . , . ... ' i SPOKANE, Jnne 3.— Clearings, $1,284,367: bal ances.s62,B46. . \u0084 TACOMA, June 3. — Clearings, $1,118,951; bal ances, $142,000. . •-->-\u0084 \u25a0-_;':- ...... •- . \u25a0 i-l ,; SEATTLE. June 3. — Clearings, $2,562,220;-bal ance*. $235,31 C. .\ew York Money Market - • * NEW' YORK.-.'Jnne' 3^-Money on call. easy. l%®2?per cent:' ruling rate, l%; ; closlng "Md/ I%:. offered at 1%.'. :\u25a0' .. . / \u0084 \u25a0 Time loans soft & and fairly active; 60, days, 25j2"1;; per cent:' 00. days, ~ 2 "4^2%;-. 6i'months 3«i3U.\ .\u25a0-'':.'.;%\u25a0•"•.:. \u25a0\u25a0/\u25a0'>• >\u25a0'-/.-.•;; : - :']\u25a0/\u25a0': V: - I "rimo : njercant lie ; pa per. . 3%61 4 per cent.' : ' ' Sterliag exchange strong, with actual business THE SAN !PII^yGIS€OiCABE; , f BIDAY, JTJNE 4, 1909J/ Mining Stocks Continue Inactive, But Local Securities Sell Well in bankers' .bills at $4.8620@4.8630 ' for 60 day billa and at $4.86 for demand.-*- "' \u25a0- \u25a0 Commercial bills. $4.55?4@4.56. Bar silver, 52% c. " V ' Mexican dollars. 44c. - " Government ""•. bonds, . steady; \u25a0• railroad *•' bond*, firm. . * "..\u25a0./". . . •. . . . \u25a0 . • Bank of . Bombay ' Rate BOMBAY. : June 3. — The rate of discount ; of the Bank of | Bombay : was reduced j today from 6 to 6 per cent. . .-.' . .'. Loans/ Exchange and Silver There .was . nothing new > in local quotations yesterday. beyond a slight decline In stiver.,. • - Prime mercantile paper. ........ 5@6 per cent Loans on real ' e5tate. ; . . . . .'.". : . . ;\u25a0 608 per cent Sterling exchange, CO day 5...... — ©4.86% : Sterling exenange, sight..../.;. —©4. 88%, Sterling exchange/ cab1e5. ...... — ®4.88% v New Tork exchange,'* sight...".... — @ 1 New York exchange, telegraphic. — @ t 3 , Hongkong exchange, 5ight....... —@ ; 43»j, . Hongkong exchange, telegraphic. — @ ' 43% : \u25a0•' Sliver, per 0unce...'......:.....'. — @ 52% Mexican dollars, n0mina1.. . .... — O ' 50 _ \u25a0 CONTINENTAL. New Tork on Pari5....... .......... 515% New York oa Mexico !»1% Paris on L0nd0n. ........... ;.*....;«.... .25.18 Berlin on L0nd0n.;. ....;... ........ T... .20.43% STOCK MARKET Yesterday was another \ good < day in local se curities, and there \u25a0 were -a . number of changes worthy of note. Otty electric stock made a sharp advance to $28 x bid, and Associated oil wag lower, selling down to $33. Telephone com mon stock was higher at $25.76 and Pacific lighting common stock also at 546. The United Railroads bonds advanced to $78.25. Giant pow der was ex dividend of 50c. • .' " \ The mining stocks stood about as before. The Comstocks were Inactive, \u25a0 with, an asfwasment of 8c on Segregated Belcher. The southern Ne vada* were also dull and without feature.' Gold field Consolidated fluctuated between $7.70 and $7.67, closing the day at $7.72, against $7.&7 on the preceding day. Florence gained 10c on the day at $3.17%. • Mtnaz Pedrazzlnl mining company has de clared a dividend of 2c. \u25a0 The. Poker Bar placer 'mining company of Trinity county has levied 'an assessment of lc, delinquent July 8.- An official report shows . that the net earnings of the Tonopah mining company for April were $150,000. . This is net surplus, available for dividends. March net was $146,000, making $296,000. or about 30 per cent, earned la two months of toe present quarter. \ The E. I. Dn Pont de . Nemours powder com pany has declared j a quarterly dividend of 2 per cent on the common stock, payable June 15 to stock of record June 5. \u25a0 This dividend - repre sents an increase in the common stock ' distri bution of 1 per -cent per annum, the former dividends having been 1% per cent quarterly. The directors also declared the regular'quar terly dividend of 'l*4 per cent on the preferred etock. payable July 26 to stock of : record July 15. . Tin- Combination Fraction \u25a0 production for April was about $64,000, bat it is officially stated that It | will fall somewhat below that figure for May. Assessment "Directory. Comstock Mines ! Company— No. Del. Board j Sale day Amt. Confidence 53 May 14 June 8 .20 Julia 12 May 18 June 17 .03 Cou. Imperial. .66 May 23 June 17 .01 Caledonia. 78 May 23 Jnne 18' ,03 JBulllon ...:14 June 3 '\u25a0 July 13 .05 Gould & Curry.. 14 June 4 June 26 .10 Chollar 10 June B June 30 . .10 Scorpion 17 June 11 July 6 . .02 Challenge ......51 June 19 July 13 .05 Mexican .......96 June 19 July 14 .10 Onion .........IS June 24 July 19 .10 Potosl 11 July 2 Aug. 2- .10 Seg. Belcher 45 July 3 July 29 ' .03 STOCK AXD BOND EXCHANGE THURSDAY, June 3—10:30 a. tB. UNITED STATES BONDS . Bid. Ask.) - Bid. Ask. is qr cp new — — \S» or coup. . . — — MISCELLANEOUS BONDS . AJa A W Ss. — 100 Oak Tran Cs. 105*4 105% Asso Oil ss. 92 94% 0 Tran Cpf0.103% —*\u0084 Bay OPO 6s. — 102% O Trac Cn 5s &8 —,* Cal G G 58.104 — 0 Trac Oo 5s 91 93% Cal G & B g. O W gtd 5«. — 100 m t'ct 6s — 88 Om Cable 6s.HO -<- Gal. tf' O 55.103 - Pac Glm -to. 88 — '". Cal Wine ss. 84% 86 P B Ry 55..106%-U)S City Dl 65.. 82"S 83 Pac L&P ss. ©7 — C O Wat 68.102% — Do gtd-55..101% — Do g mgss 93 95 Pac T&T 5». 9»%10O"i4 Ed Xl LA. 65.101 — P& C H 6s. 97% — Ed LAP ©5.107 , — P & O R 65.102%106 First F • Trss -r- — JPowell st 65..102>4 — F& O H 66.102 — Sac EG*Ros.l©o — HO * S 55.106 — -\u25a0: SF * 5JV5».114%1X544 Hon R T 65.105>4 — SFM & 5J55.106% — L Tahoe Rss 97 — Do 2d mi?ss 92. — L A Elec 05.100% — Do Con ss. — 96 LAG & ElSa.lOl'i — SJA. SCR 4%s — — LA Ry 65.. —• — Sierra R 65..106 — LAL gtd Cs.lOOU'*— \u25a0 S P of A 6s LAP lem 68.105% — (1910) ... ,103% — LAP Cal 5a:102 .\u25a0'—.'\u25a0 S P of 0 . 6s Marln W 5«.100 102, (1912) 105% — Mkt st O 6s. — 108 SPO Icr 55.114 — Do lem 68.102^4104 S P B R fi«.12»»4153 MV& MtTOs.loo — BPRR'I«t r4» »6»i 07"i4 NRof U 5e.114%115 Stkn G&E 65.104% — N PC R ss. 102% — SVWg mg4# 88"34 — N O Ry 55.. 103 — U G Ie B 6s. 90% — NC P O ss. 92% — OR of SF 4«. 76% — SB! Oo Ss. — 96 ValleJo,Ben & -. O GL&H I>.K>3*tilOs% Napa RR5s — — Oak Tran 65.113 — Val Co P ss. B©% — ' WATER STOCKS Marin Co .. 60 65 IS V Wat Co. 33% U GAS AND ELECTRIC City El Co.. 28 30fJ|Pac L pfd.. 70 71 N Cal Power 32% 33 I Do com 45% — " " INSURANCE ' Cal Ins Co.. 69 .. 75 |Flreman*« Fd.166%170 • BANK STOCKS ' Am Ktl Bk. — 131 Mer Trust ;.220 — 8ank.0f.Ca1.362. — S F National. — 135 First Natn1..260 265 Union ' T Co. .—. — -."• SAVINGS BANKS Ger S 6c L.2§00 2800 IS F Say U..515 530 Hem Sir Bk — * — Say *& L So.. — > 125 Mut Say Bk 70 — |Sec Say Bk.. — 350 \u25a0 STRBETT RAILROADS California ..130 140 : | Presidio ..... 20 — POWDER Giant Consolidated C 0.....*......... 74 75 : SUGAR • Hawaiian -C. 30 31 Makawell S C 88% 39 Honokaa SO 17% 18 Onomea S C. 42% 44 " Hutch SPO 18"U.19% Paauhan S O. 34% 24% Kilauca S 0. 6%— Union SOo.i 63 - — — OIL STOCKS Amal OtlCo. — 86' Sterling Oil.'. — '4 Asso Oil Co. 32% 32% .' r \u25a0 . MISCKLLANEOUB Alaska P A. 71% 73 Pac Aux F A 3% — Cal F*C A. 88% 99% Pac C Borax. 151% — Cal Wine .A/ 38' . Pac* TiT pfd o*Vi »4T4 MV&- MtTm. — 115 ' Do c0m,..: 25% 26 . *\u25a0'•:- SALES •: \u25a0' - •\u25a0-. Morning Sesnion .•\u25a0;\u25a0\u25a0-.-' • . : . . Board — i \u25a0",. % . :-. \u25a0 i , , \u25a0 65 Alaska \u25a0 Packers' Assn. .s : 10....* 72.50 t ' ItO Alaßka Packers* . Asen ' ..... .. . 72.50 10 Associated , Oil C 0..'..'......;... 53.87*j4 10 Amociated OU Co . ;.'.-. ..... 33 00 30 City Electric Co .............. 27.00 100 Paanhau S P . •\u25a0 Co ............ 24 75 • 30 Pacific- Coast Borax ..........151.50 • 10 Pacific Lighting (pfd) ......:. 70.60 «\u25a0•> Pacific Lighting (pfd) . ... 70.00 : : 45 Pacific Ltghting (c0mm0n)...'... 45.00 25 Pacific Tel & Tel (pfd)..'....^.94.25 100 Pacific Tel: &' Tel (common).... 2R.25 $5,000 SpTlog v Val Wat gen'mtge 4».. 88.75 \u25a0'\u25a0•' \u25a0 \u25a0-..Street—"- * '< -\u0084- -\u25a0-...-.::, \u25a0 . -, $1,000 City Electric Co 55. :..'...""..... 52.00 - \u25a0/-;: . Afternoon, Session ||3j3sy§ji 15 Asßociated Oil C 0.'.............. '. . ... ... . . ... 32 50 ; -' 2Q Associated Oil '•. Co.-. ... „...'..... 32.25 \u25a0'- i i 25 s Hawaiian Coml l & Sugar C 0 .... 30.25 «5 Pacific Lighting . (pfd).;....... 70.00 • 75 Pacific t Tel. &' Tel (common).... 25.75 $1,000 N : Ry Co, of^Cal 55. .. .;..'... 114:75 $r>,ooo Pacific Tel . & \u25a0 Tel 55. ... ..... .100.00 " $2,000 Sac Elect, Gas &. Ry .55.;...;i00.50 $3,000 United : R R . of S , F 4s ' . ." . . . . . 76 25 $3,000 United R R'of S F,45........ 76.12% California ; Stock ' and , pll ExcbanKf . - ' ' Bld-Ask. •-..• \u25a0>' ;..•.*\u25a0•\u25a0 Bld.AsV. Amaurot .... 7O ; 90 Piedmont .....— 20 Apollo /....:.;\u25a0* 03. -" — Plnal". ...... — 9.87 Vi Asso Oil tc.32.00 32.23 Rico '..:..... 12.40 '.. f!.Oof !.Oo Brnnkßhlre K...1.ti0K ...l.tiO \u25a0"-"-— Saver '"Dough. . \u25a0 -'— 2 25 Cariliou ...:. — 15.00 Section 25 ..; — 23.00 Claremont. 1.47% 2.50 Shawmut \u25a0> \u0084:.. ;*? ' *— \u25a0• 60 Foxir;. .....;.. ; — .';0!S .W, & 8. .. .. i:so^ — Gypsy. ;: \u25a0..-.'..".' ' 19 '*>- Sterling '-..'. .i,3.50 V-: — . Home ......'. — 00 Sunset Mon \u25a0'". . '- 50 »\ — Junction ...'.;" I— '*\u25a0: 70 Turner ".......-— 110 Kern<: ....:..;- -!>0 - l! 0 Wabash ...... 90 1.33 Monte \u25a0 Cr15t0.2.70 2.8(1 Wolverine *\u25a0. .1 . \u25a0 25 Giant ; Powder ;—\u25a0 75. «« W.:K»0ll: C 0.".2.90 3.00 N>v County..' 30 — West. Union. i-j— 95,00 Occidental ! .'.*. v ' 2o ;."- — City y, Electric. 27 00* "-" - Palmer ,:::. 1.47% I:SO|N. Ca1. P0wr.32.75 33 23 Peerless .^ ... — 6.25| - , : *,=.--. \u25a0\u25a0• \u25a0" ; : . - . \u25a0 'J. SALES' • ' ' ' ' '""\u25a0tTte" 11:30. a. m.— ' , ' \u25a0 . '.f; 10 Northern '* Cal \u25a0'; Power "/.........;. 33.00' 45 ; Associated j :.;'.: .... .". . . .-. ... ......" 32 50 "400 Claremont .t. \u25a0..'.'...'...::.\u25a0. .V.;.".;..... •> 5o -#> •-. \u25a0: 2 p. m. — \u0084-' ; .- \u25a0 \u25a0 . . ;..-L;-.. : -' not) Ap0110'". ;.~. ;.'..'...;. \u25a0 .ov 300, W X Oil Co, ".«• 10... V-:.; *- ' -y'^ .100 , wi Kh oil \u25a0 c 0 . . : . . . ; ........-.....:. 2!oti - \u25a0 200 Palmer *\u25a0*.^"."."'.'.T^TTt^.TTl 7T?,\:;. ; '' .: 147141 4 714 , 600 West ' Shore f. . . . . . .*• .... .* ...... . ; . . , 2! 00 . .-' ...-\u25a0->: , Mining; /stocks ",,.[: '\r \u25a0 , SAN' FRANCISCO iSTOCK? EXCHANGE \u25a0 '. Following, were; the. sales ion the San ' Francisco stock' and : exchange Aboard! yesterday: iT ;.;-., -v ;": ' : .-. . \u25a0 .' , \u25a0- \u25a0,•"\u25a0 \u25a0j ' ••';\u25a0 coMSTOCKs i*7.-.-.. -v- : "\u25a0\u25a0..-. I •"" -.' ; : Regular 1 - Morning 'Kesaion* \u25a0 "WV> Andes'.-;'.;..".'.'.': 18 600 Crown "Point.. 41 .'3OO Belcher ..;.;.'. 44 500Gould '& Cur ."ft 07 •TOO Best .'&^ Belch.*; 40 200'Ophlr 4 " . . . . .r - 1; 2". '."WO, Bullion '::XV: . ,14 JSOO Overman - ; ... "I" 100 Caledonia... .- 16 100 Potosl -, -:.*?.; '"2 400. Caollax ,-;. . ;.'..? OS 100 ;Pot««i.\.. -;;\u25a0..'. L'l -50 Chollar \u25a0...:.. "061 100 Yellow Jacket. 45 500 Con YaM Co. , 64| "" : - -;',,. ' :; -Afternoon Session : 100 Bullion .....; 14 200 Mexican -.."..:.«..» So 200 Caledonia ....16 300 Mexican :....- fc-2 .00 Chollar ..".... 09 1200 Ophir ...... ..1.23 8O Chollar ....... 07 500 Overman ...... 18 600 Con Va-M Co. fiT) 300 Savage ....... ''J2 ,300 Con Vn M Co. e6 200 Savage. .... ...' 21 100 Oon Va M Co.. "in 200 Sierra Nev 29 500 Gould", &.? Our.. 07 300 Union 32 Sf.iO Gould i ' Cur. OC 200 Union ' . . . . .':'..' 34 500 Mexican ..;... 83 200 Yellow Jacket.'. '4o 400 Mexican" ..... 84 100 Yellow "Jacket. .45 • \u25a0 '" "\u25a0 ,- Informal : Session 100 Con Va Mm C 0....... •• 65 CLOSING QUOTATIONS <\u25a0 \u25a0-\u0084"- Bid.Ask. >.'\u25a0 , ' Bid. Ask.* Alph*' ....... <Xi 05 Kentuck 03 •i! 5 Alta ........'— 03 Lady Wash .. — <V{ Andes ........ 12 U Mexican ...... 82 ;S3 Belcher .44 *5 New York Con 02 — Best & Belch. 39 40 Occidental .... 15 — Bullion ...... 14 16 Ophir ..1*22 1.27 Cmledonia .... IS 16 Overman ..... 17 19 Challenge ....'* 15 16 Potosi fV2I. 22 Chollar .."....' 00 .10 Savage ........21' 22 Confidence . \u25a0.. .' 70 SO Scorpion ... ... — ' •' Ort Con . Imperial.' 01 '\u25a0 03 Seg Belcher .. 02 «;! ! Con Va M Co. 64 05 Sierra Nev ... 28 29 i Grown Point.. 42 44 Silver Hill ... — -10 Exchequer ... 22 25 St- Louis .....— OS Gould & Cur. 06- 07 Union ........ !52 34 Hale & Norc. 19 20 Utah ......... 02 "04 Julia ........ —' 08 Yellow Jacket. 45 46 Justice ....... 03 \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0.'.' ' ' '' TONOPAH AND GOLDFIELD STOCKS 1. Regular Session— 9:3o to 12:30 1000 Blue 801 l ... 08 200 Jim Butler .; 33 1000 Dmdfld Trngl. t«2 100 Mayflower Con (>9 7000 Fvw Eagle. s5 -20 200 Raw Coalition. ; l'« 200 Florence . ..3.12"^ 100 Ton Exten . . . .'>S 500 Gld Con M.7.77% 2000 West End ... 27 1000 Gld Kewanas. 13 ' ' x Afternoon Session 100 Belmont ...... 84 100 Gld Con M.7.57% 500 Booth ... 15 500 Gld Con M...7.90 600 Blue -Bull ... 09 500 Gld Kewanas.. 13 800 Com Fraction. 75 1500 Great Bend • . . -09 1900 Daisy . . .... . ( ;;3 400 Jim Butler . . 14 3TOO Daisy ....... ' 32 500 MacNamara - ..24 500 Florence. .....3.15 2000 Mayflower Con 09 100 Florence .. .3. 12% 6000 Oro 07 100 Gld Con M... 7. 50 2000 Red Top Ex.. 04 300 Do, , s 90... 7. 50 — Informal Session 1500 Daisy ........ .3312000 Man Broncho.. 01 700 Daisy ... 32 1500 MacNamara .. 24 500 Florence ...3. 17W 300 MacNamara .. 25 400 Gld Con M.7. 72% 1000 Silver Pick .. 15 100 Gld Oon M...7.70 : CLOSING QUOTATIONS " CALIFORNIA BloVAsk." Bid.Ask. Banker Hill.. — 2. 6o! South Eureka. 50 — - NEVADA 1 Tonooah District Bid.Ask. , . Bid.Ask. Belmont .... . v 82 — Mlzpah Ex . . — 03 Boston Ton . . — 05 Montana ....." 70 -- — California ... — 01 Mont Mid Ex. — * 03 Cash Boy .... — 01 Mon "Pitts Ex." — 04 Great Westrn. — 01 North -Star ... 03 04 Home ....."..- — 01 Ohio Ton .... — Ol Ind Ton 01 Paymaster ... — 01 Jim Butler ..13 14 Rescue Oon .." 02 04 MacNamara.. 23, 25 Ton Exten ... 53 W» Midway . 23 . 24 Ton of Nev. .7.00 | — Midway Ex .. 03 West End' ... 27 28 District Adams ...... 01 02jGld Merger M. 07 Atlanta: ...... 15 16 Grandma ..... 02 03 Black And .. — 01 Great Bend ..09 10 Blk ; B Bonan. 01 02 Grt . Bend Anx 01 O.J Blk Butte Ex 01 02 Grt Bend Ex. 01 03 Black Rock .. — 01 Hibernia 01 C 3 Bine Bell .. . -03 04 Jumbo Ex .... 12 10 Blue Bull ... 08 09 Kendall — - 07 Btte Goldfield — 02 Kendall Ex .. — 01 Booth ....... 14 15Lone Star .... :<H 05 C O D ...... 24 25 Lou Dillon 03 — Columbia .... 01 03 Mid Pawnee... — 01 Columbia Mt. 1 1 . 13|MilItown Frac. — 02 Com . Fraction. 73 75 Mohwk C Leas — '05 Comng Nation — 01 Mohawk Ex .. — 02 Conqueror .... 04 05 Mohawk Junior — 04 Oacker Jack. 02 04 Nev Boy ..... — 02 Daisy ........ 32 33 Key Goldfl«ld.. O2 <m Desert Chief.. — 01 Oro, .......... 07 OS Dm B Btte C. 03 05 Potlatch — 118 imidfid Trngl. 01 02 Red HIHr .... OS 00 Dixie I — 01 Red Top Ex.. 08 05 Empire — 02 Ruby Gold M. 08-- Florence '.. ...3.17 3.20 Sandstorm .... — ."<3 Florence Ex.. 02 03 Sandstorm Ex. * — " 01 Frances Mhk. ,07 09 Silver Pick .'. '14. 16 Gen Wash .. — 01 St Ives ....... 11 — Gold Bar GM — 20 St Ivea Leas. 01 — Gld Con M .. .7.72 7.75 Wonder. ...... — 02 Gld Portland. 02 -04 Yellow 'Rose... — 02- Gld Kewanas. 12 18 Yellow Tiger..- 05 06 . \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-'\u25a0 " Bullfrog District Amethyst .... 02 — Mayflower Oon 09 >10 Amargosa G.. 1 — 01 Mont Bullfrog. — jOl Bonnie Clare. 03 04 Montgomy Mt. 08 05 Bullfrog Mln. — 02 Mtg Shos Ex. — 0.1 Blfrg Mohawk 18 — Nugget ..;.... — 01 Blfrg Nat Bk 02 f — Orig .Bullfrog.. — 02 Gold Bar .... — 01 Tramp Con .. — 07 Gold Sceptre. — 01 Valley View.. — 05 Homestake K. — 02 Yankee Girl .. 02 Llge Harrto.. — 01 „ , Manhattan District Apr Fool Ex. — . OllMan Cowboy. . — ' ;01 Atlan & Pac. — " 01|Man " Dexter . . OTS 04 X i ? let — 01 Man Little Joe — 01 Gold Wedge..- — 01 Man Mln. Nev. — 01 ?. r^ mIJ^ 0 M * ~~, 05 Mustang, Man.." 01 — JiftUe^Grey .. _ 02 Mineral Hill.-. — 04 Man Broncho. — 01 MnsUng Ex .. — 02 Man Buffalo. . — 01 Orig Mai .... 01 \u25a0 — Man Con .... 04 05 Pine Nut .... 01 — Man Comb ... — . 02 Syl Humphrey. — 02 Man Crescent. — 01 Whale ....... — fi ..Other Districts Eagle's Nest. '05 — puts S Peak .48 50 f^T^. 10 "* 1 *- ~- 20 Raw, CoaliUon; 29 30 Jack Pot .... — 04 Raw Mohawk. — Cl r^ nos SOOS 00 •"*"- 80 — Raw Queen *..' —. 20 « M Ti'.?* dnix ' ' ' 90 — ~- Round Mt .... 76 SO Nev Hills ... 1 .20 1 .25 Vulture ....... . — 04 GRAIN MARKET • Wheat an A Other Grains . Wheat — Chicago declined lc. The Ohio statt report gare a crop condition of 73, against 66 a month ago and 94 a year ago. '.-:•/• • There was nothing new in the San Francisco market. ~- ; _ / CASH WHEAT ' _ California club, $2.1002.15; do mUling. $2.20; California white Australian, nominal at $2.20© 2.30;. 0ff grades of California wheat; $2@2.10; 22 r^l r So^l? b ' * 2 -10®2.15; nortUera bluestem, $2.27^2.32% ; Russian j red, $2.10@2.15; turkey red, $2.10@2.20 per ctl. . ... TUTURES V 10:30 a. :m. Session' - No quotation*. ' \u25a0 , - . ' - -. • 2 "p. m.? Session '\u25a0 '•\u25a0".\u25a0'\u25a0 No quotations. • '\u25a0 Barley— Receipts continue heavy, those yes terday ' being 10,630 ctls. The. casb grain con tinued to ease off. : though . some sellers . still held old feed at $1.60. ' \u25a0 .> -CASH .-BARLEY - Good to choice feed,. spot, $1.55@1.57%; com mon, to fair, $1.r>0@1.52%v per' ctl; June deliv ery. $1.47%@i.50; brewing, and shipping," nor- i inal; chevalier, \u25a0 ' $1.70<§>1.72%. FU'iIJRES ' - 10:30 a.. m.' Session '' December— sl.3B bid; $1:38% asked. . ' ; ' \u25a0 *--2' p.- m."- Session.' ' J \u25a0 ; June-July,~ $1.41% asked. December— sl.3B.. r \u25a0\u25a0. '\u25a0'"..', : :L: L ; .;^ : j Oats— lt- is pretty 'early to begin selling ; for forward delivery from : .the . northern states, v but such;' business is going -.on; ' Sales of new north ern :, white, September-October delivery, have been made : at $1.62% , and more \ are , offered at 11.65. >, The crop up north is estimated. at about the same, sise as that of last year. ! \u25a0 The local spot market 1 continues, dull and featureless..- "s.s--, -.;\u25a0 \u0084.:• -.. ; .\u25a0\u25a0..•\u25a0..-; w.. - White. U $2.15@2.20r * gi-ay , $2.10@2.18 ; 1 red, 1 $2.10@2.20 for choice^ $2.05 .for good and $2 for Inferior, per ctl: black, nominal. \u25a0' .Corn— California small round yellow, $2@2.10; large : ' yellow, '| . nominal ; > < western / states ,' yel low, sacked, nominal;; white, '.nominal; -In bulk, ; San .- Francisco track, yellow, »;• $1.80; • white, $1:82; mixed, $1.78; Egyptian, $1.90 per ctl for I white.-". \u25a0'\u25a0' .•. -..- *\u0084- ,•,-. \i \u25a0 -•\u25a0 - '._\u25a0 * -; \u25a0•\u25a0 . : .* J :.-| \u25a0-" Rye-^-Nominal at $2.15 per ctl for eastern to arrive.:- :, \u25a0;,;,. ..-. ....... \u25a0: - \u25a0\u25a0.--• * Fore-l,rn Futures Wheat— \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 -,-i.r. July. . •\u25a0-.* Sept. 'Dec. Opening '.....*........ 8 Ofli,; '-- : \u25a0._•»«%': 8 4% Closing .............. 8," 11% ;8 G : 84 v 'Wheat — •, June. Sept-Dec. Opening ..........;.......'. 1!(? p.V .2400 - Closing .%...........:.. .....'26 SO : . : 24 05 .< "'Flour — . ...•-.-.......\u25a0,,•: \u25a0 \u0084-\u25a0'. 0pening5 ................... i'34 10 "2 ."5 Closing :':..; 33 «• 32 3U • : CHICAGO BOARD OF.TB.ApE : .*" Fnture Grain and Provisions <.~'; ?C~: .; CHICAGO," June 3.— The", feature 'of .trading in the wheat pit was^he selllnjriof a lnrgeMine*of .the; Jul y? delivery ; and 'the " purchasing; of. liberal quantities T of > the - December option.,byva;promi nent, commission house. IThe f. July.-'deliTeryiwas' subjected \to I heavy \ selling ,- pressure I the; greater part. of. the day.\ t The ; principal? weakening 'influx ences - were I the \u25a0 continued ?. favorable 'weather ? in this ' country.; and 'the moderate f weaknesa ; of * sev eral leading (train '• markets lof I Kurope. : •; - -Ay ' -VA<decllne:of i»s4(3ic in tthel price; of .wheat" at Pariii ' was considered significant,*-- in -view , of the recent reports of , a crop shortage In France. ..'.-..y-, \u25a0:^ The s Ohio; crop, report." which; showed ran f im-' provemrnt'. of ,7. points tin;; the >. condition: of the Trtieat '-crop , of : that , state, « was an . early . bearish factor. '•;,.,.< ,_• .-.-., .:-;•;,;.,-,-•/, /V\- :-, \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0: :'.:. Fresh' reportu -' from 'Argentina 5 claimed * that the < drought « still ? i-ontlnued. ' but? this j and : other bullish ' advices^were ' seemingly ' ignored.*-' During tbeiday, July : ranged* betweeu'sl:lß%; arid $1.20. Closing, quotations were. ?1.18%@1.18TS; and" September, ;si:ioi^7f; ":/C; - -.' V£, -,- * « > -:*.,,Tbeililgh l record i marks for \ the , season";, were :es tabliHhed in \ the f corn \ market^ wlien rJuly^>old ; at . (3c .'and i Soptem her at?- fift>i«-.tS Sentiment Swasi decidedly; bullish ; all clayitaixi; shorts Iwerej active bidders; for -July.'. The? ranee on: July •; was?oe SUMMARY OF f THEMARKETS New York stocks and the coppers higher. ; Spot and ' future . cotton ' advanced. Bank of/, "England 1 rate/of discount" un ;-\u25a0 changed. , * \u25a0 '>' \u25a0:'\u25a0'-. . Bank of Bombay rate reduced to 5 per \u25a0'• cent. '--.. \u25a0: . Local 'securities selling: "briskly. \u25a0 : Silver y a fraction ; lower. "Exchange un ;. changed. ' " - Wheat quiet. Barley lower. Corn nom ' '. inal; - .' ; New northern oats -selling to arrive; .', Hay i still, weak". ,White "beans , higher. ; New, extracted honey on the market. • '\u25a0 ,* Cattle, sheep and, hogs unchanged. " *- *' 1 Poultry . in ample supply and ;. unchanged. * Eggs higher. \u25a0 Butter firm. Cheeae a* be :,:\u25a0• fore^.:.' .\u25a0 .' /*. ?7. ''-. '\u25a0' \u25a0 ' '. Old potatoes 'firm; new crop weak. Onions plentiful and unchanged, j Large arrivals of new orohard' fruits. tween 72c and 73c. - The close was strong, with prices up %c to l%c at the high point of the session. \u25a0 • • . ; ..-•... . . Trade, in- oats was quiet. The market closed steady. During the day July sold between 53% c and 53% c. | At thS»elose prices were unchanged, with July; at 53%@53%e. j • Provisions were strong all day." . September pork advanced to $20 per barrel, the highent point ' touched since . the cash g product sold at that figure Jn I90<». The market closed strong, with prices 10@12%c to 40c higher. ; .; # The leading futures ranged as follows: . : - Articles—^ . Open. High. Low. Close. Wheat— ' July 1.20 1.2(1 \u25a0 1.18% " I'.lSTi September ... 1.10% l.lOVi I.oe*si, 1.10% December ... I.oS*}, " 1.05% 1.07% 1.08% Corn — * \u25a0 ' . \u25a0 July ......... 72% ->7;( \u25a0 --: 72 73' September ..; . l»tf% . ;61>% 6S"!» «9% December . . . \u25a0 58% " 5X»h 88y 4 " 3S"k Oats— I July. ........ 53% r,:{"{i *53% 5.1% September ... 44"ii 44»i 44% 44% December ... 44% 44' i ' 44% 44% Mess Pork, per bbl — • July ........19.57% 18. 8O" 19.67% 19.87 Vi Sciitember :. .19.70 20.00 19.70 19.97% Lard, per 100 lbs— .Tulj' ....... .11.15 \u25a0- '11.25; 11.10 11.20 "September ...11 2r> 11.35 11.22% 11.22U Short Riba, per 100 lbs— . . ' Julj . . . . . . . .10.52',i 30.C2U 10.52% \u25a0 10.60 September ...10. 5"Vi 10.65 10.57 W. 10.62% Cash .Grain and Provisions CHICAGO. June < 3. — ('ash quotations were as follows:. Flour firm. No. 2 rye, 88c. ! Feed or mixing barley,. 76<877c; f a i r to choice malting, 77Q7SC. . Flaxseed— No. 1. southwestern, j $1.57; No. 1 northwestern, $1.67%. > Timothy seed, $3.90." Clover,: $10.10. Mess pork, per bbl, $1»57%@19.90. Lard, per 100 lbs. $11.20. Short ribs, sides (loose). $ 10. r>5 010.65. Short clear sides (boxed), $Utfjll.l2%. . . ' GRAIN STATISTICS Total clearances of wheat and flour were, eqnal to 72,000 bushels; primary receipts. 155.000 trash eU. compared with 2t)O,oOO\bushels tbe corre sponding day a year -i ago. • Estimated receipts for tomorrow — Wheat. \u25a0 3 cars; corn. 231 cars; oats, 134 cars; hogs,' 18,000 head. New York Grain' Market NEW YORK, Jnne 3.— Flour— Receipts, 12.700 barrels; exports. 6,507 barrels. Firm, with a moderate demand. , ' , Wheat — Receipts, 34,600 1 bushels. Spot, firm ; No. 2 red, $1.50 asked, elevator; No. 2 red. nominal, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Dnlnth. $1.37%." nominal, f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 hard. $1 .37% f. o. b. afloat. Following , a steady opening today, . wheat turned .quite weak under bearish western ! crop j news . acd selling by big holders.;. In the . afternoon prices rallied on re ports of a strong -cash position in the southwest, but weakened again t near the I cjose, , final prices being unchanged to He net higher. July,- $1.25 &1.2514. cloned at $1.2Ti%; September closed at $1.16% and December at $1.14"^. >orthern Wheat Market WASHINGTON • SEATTLE, 1 Jnne 3. — No" milling quotations. Export— Bluestem, $1.24; clnb. $1.14; red, $1.00. Receipts — Wheat, 1 car; oats, 3 cars. TACOMA," Jnne 3.— Milling: Blnestem, $ L3o@ 1.35; dub. $1.14. Export— Blnestem, $1.24; club, $1.14; red, $1.06. ; OREGON PORTLAND, June 3.— Track prices: All un changed. • , Sllnneapulla Flax Market MINNEAPOLIS, Jnne 3.— Flaxseed, $1177%. LOCAL MARKETS • Receipts of Produce Jnne 3 ' Flour, qr ski 4,980 Mealfalfa, . cars .. 2 Wheat,' ctls ...: 810 Leather, rolls ..." 120 Barley, ctls ....10,030 Tallow, ctls .... 470 Oats, etls 10 Hides, No .. 1,370 Beans, sks ..... 212 Pelts, No 835 Corn, ctls ,- .. 240 Lime, bbls SSO Bran, . sks ...... 595 Sugar, ctls 5,600 Middlings, sks .. 400 Wine, gals 38,400 Potatoes, sks ... 2,930 Quicksilver, flasks 330 Onions, sks ...... 1,610 Lumber, M ft.... 60 Hay. tons ...... 190 Apples, bxs ' 60 Wool, sks ....... 490 Paper, bdls' . 2,540 Shorts, sks 120 Raisins, \u25a0 bxs . .". . 2, 100 Feed, sks .40 • • ' Provljilona - Cottoiene-rOne' half bbl, lO^c; 3 half bbls, 10»4c; 1 tierce, 10% c; 2 tierces, 10>J4c; 5 tierces, lOHc. .\u25a0. \u25a0 , \u25a0 \u0084 •• The Western meat company quotes as follows: Hams, 15%@17c; picnic hams, Ue; bacon, 6 to 8 lbs, 19% c; 8 to 10 lbs. 1814 c; 10 to 12 lbs, 18% c; sugar cored bacon, 23c; : Arrow bacon, 8 to 10 lbs, 18c; .10. to 12; lbs," 17Hc; light, dry salt bacon, 8 to 10 lbs,l7^c; 10 to 12 Ibs.^iec; me- | dlum bacon, 14 ',ic; light medlnm bacon, 14V4c. Lard— Tierces. 13% c, 50sU3?4e. 10s 14*4c..5s 14% c, 3s ! 14Hc; compound Urd, tierces Sc, 50s B %c, 10s 8")4c, 5s B%c. Ss 9c; yellow cooking oil, 53c per gal;, white cooking oil, 55c per gal; salad oil, , 58c per ' gal. \u25a0 -\u0084 ' ' Beef— Local prices are quoted. Export lots, inspected by ' the government. • are $1 per bbl higher. Extra -family beef, $15 per bbl; family beef, $14.60 per ; bbl; extra mess beef, $14 per bbl. *.". \u25a0 :\u25a0;\u25a0\u25a0- \u25a0\u25a0 . \u25a0-.•\u25a0. \u0084'\u25a0 --.;. . • •;\u25a0 \u25a0.' • Pork— Extra prime, In barrels, $20.90; clear. $23; mess. $22; pig pork, $28; pigs* feet. $5 for half bbls, $2.35 for 25 lb kegs aDd $1.30 for kits; smoked beef, 21 %c per lb. ' . Meat Market DRESSED MEATS. .' : Slaughterers', rates to dealers and batchers are as follows:^; ---..' ; \u25a0 \u0084\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 .*'. Beef— 7@7%c p«-lb for steers, 6@7c for cows and, heifers.. \u25a0''\u25a0.. . j Veal— 6%@B%c for large and 9@9% for small. , Mutton-r- Wethers, 7@Bc; ewes, C@7c per lb. \u25a0 Lamb— 9(§iloc. per- lb.. --.' .' Dressed Pork (per lb) — ll@ll%c for light and ?%@loe for.heavy. - . i LIVESTOCK MARKET. The ; following quotations are for good, sound livestock delivered . In : San Francisco, gross weight: ; \u25a0'."> '\u25a0\u25a0-:- .. , . - No.' 1 fat" steers, over '9oo lbs, alive. 4%c, under 900 .1 lbs 4e;> second quality,. 3%c; thin and undesirable. 1 Fteers,'-3@3%e."-'\. ' ci., • .No., 1 cows and heifers, 3% ®3%c;. second qual ity,'; 3@3J4c; .common;^ thin, undesirable cows, 2@3c. ; v \u25a0•\u25a0•:\u25a0\u25a0-• .. - \u25a0 \u25a0:\u25a0-- ;..-.--\u25a0;\u25a0;- •-.'. \u25a0\u25a0:."\u25a0•- \u25a0 ?Fat bulls and stags, 2c; thin bulls. l%@l«ic. CalTes — Light weight, per lb, sc; medium, 4%c; heavy,- 3%@4c. . . • ' : Sheep (per ' lb)— Wethers, , No. 1, 4»ic; ewes, No.' \\- 3%(i3J4c; 'shorn'sheep, %c Jess.^ . Lambs; (per lb)— Yearling lambs, 4%c;'.this year's milk I ? lambs, tSCCSiJic. "-:.. '- ' \u25a0-; Uogs (per \u25a0 lb) grain I fed.'- weighing 100 to:140 lbs, 7@7Uc;.140.t0 250 lbs. 7%c: 250 to 350 ,, lbs, . 6%©7 c; : rough,7 heavy hogs, 4%@5c; common, undesirable hogs,. 4<gl»^c. Bnlter,;Cbee»e and E&£m r The*, market >for extra: eggs 'took- a. sudden 'up ward -turn .".yesterday. '"the.-/ purchase of a "few \u25a0mall lots under the 1 call on the exchange send ing the price ; up 1c -to 27 %c^ a. "dozen. •\u25a0 One^lot sold-; at 1 28<\ , and. it 'looked for, a' time, as . though that * would*- be.-, the; official .quotation,;" but '.the market . receded t and i the * closing sale* - were ,at 27%c.rv.~'?-v--. .*.:. : \u25a0 m->, -\u25a0\u0084..\u25a0 . - ;. •'; \u25a0 . „ ,^'Saleß on-lhe exchange .were, confined : to' extra egga, ' of which -30 canns' were sold.* 10 going at 28c and 20 at 27% c a "dozen..; . - ::. .j . - . _ : Receipts*,: were. 00.H00 -pounds butter; .12,500 pounds cheese and 1,320 crsph eggs. : •=\u0084 The '- following < are is official ~\ quota tions , estab lished , by 1 the , sales. • bids I and I offers on j the floor of i the k « dairy '-. exchange. x? Prices ;. in ;. the -i street, . while ; governed iby 4 the exchange 'quotations, 1 gen erally a range • from ,; l%c 1 to . 2c .- higher, \u25a0 owing - to the -various charges; to. be- added."; rw".^.-'y. v • ; .Butter — Fresh * creamery extras, i 25% c .per lb, firm ; ' do \u25a0 firsts,' 25c.*- firm ; do seconds,' 24 % c, Brw. V": Cheese-rCalifornla \u25a0 fancy i flats; i 13%* c .- per lb, steady ; s do; firsts. 12%c,'; firm;-, do seconds, ll%c, firm ; \u25a0- fancy .»: Young \u25a0- Americas, 16% c, \u25a0• firm ; ". do firsts. \u25a0 15Vic 'firm. >/.Vrr >;\u25a0. • \u25a0 ..- • ' -. . ".•* T r; Eggs '.; ( per \u25a0' dozen. '; cases '\u25a0 included)— Calif ornU fresh extras.^27%c,: firm; do firsts 25% c, firm; do seconds, • 24c, j firm ;;. do thirds,; 23c, firm. : y - Portland \u25a0 Butter Market \u0084 ."/.PORTLAND,' Jnne S.-^-Market) unchanged. \ \u25a0-. ;"„ Egrsr "Market ; In I IVearby, Conntlesi " :"\u25a0 ;. > ,; PBTAI^UMA', y, Juue"^3.— Eggs' went? up ; .a cent today "jwlien .\u25a0• quotations J* from ; the 4 San ; Francisco dairyr. exchange -? reached : : here; n2fi% ifand l ; 25%' : cefnts ' were t the \u25a0 best • offering*.*, I It 'was: an Javeir ag<v day,- In • delivery.".^ Considerable young • poultry was ; brought" to * the market. V? !•\u25a0•\u25a0- i.-'i \u25a0< J ., -.^r. . ';\u25a0>• f!ANTA;< ROSA.r June S.-^-Thefe^; was an' advance of ' 1c ". per\- dozen I in* the i prices ? bfferetl ; for.? eggs I here ' toda y t l on | receipt 'pt^ the" quota t ions | for ; the : day.*.' from 'tthe * San t; Francisco g dairy * exchange/ Dealer* I offered 1 25 %c] per \ doxen for - choice i and 22'^ for seconds. :-The mipply^is rather llghrat jH-enpnf. '* ''\u25a0';\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 "-\u25a0'. '.:"'\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ': ••\u25a0.-.-•\u25a0.. :': '- ;, : \u0084*• -. \u25a0 \u25a0*". \u25a0 Tot nt«>e», On ionnnndyesret nblen : . \u25a0 , ": There i were"; small ! arri va Is ' of , green * corn { from Hay Weak and White Beans Higher iNewFrUit Coming Forward Freely Brent wood, in Contra Costa connty. ; from Win ters and the Coaehella valley yesterday. Brent wood corn brought COc a dozen and that from Winters \va» quoted •at 35® 40c. while southern stock .was. unsalable owing to poor " condition. Potatoes (per ctl >— Elver Borbanks. $LlK><2 2:10; Oregon Burbanks. $2.3s<i*£l > .50; street pota toes. $2f<jF2.?iO: new potatoes, "(it 3c per lb. Onion* — Australian. $4^4.25 per eth Bermuda seed, Uoc@sl per crate; new red, TS^JXic per sack.',' \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 .\u25a0..-":\u25a0 . " . .- • Vegetables— Asparagus. $1.50<@1.75 per box for extra and 75c££51.23 for commoo: rhubarb |1.10 @1.25 per box for bay and 3<£p3%c per lb for northern: tomatoes. $1.65@1.75 p«r crate: green peas, tl.uotj.2.'£i per sack: string and wax beana. 4@6c per lb; summer squash. 85c@$jL15 per box: garlic, 4@se per lb for new; cabbage, $1.25 per ctl: /cucumbers, $1@1.15 per box for MarysviHe and $1.40@1.50 for hothouse; canllflower. SO^BCe per dozen; carrots, $1.50 per sack; turnips. $1.50 per sack; eggplant, 10c per lb; green pepper*. 12%<g20c per lb. * Decldnoiis and Cirrus Fraits '".There was a large Increase in the arrivals of ..peaches, plums,- apricots and new crop apples yesterday and prices fur them and most of the other fruits were inclined to easiness. Well col ored plums and apricots sold fairly at Mtisfac tory prices. . but peaches and most of the olTer iegs of new apples received bat scant attention. One lot of choice astrachan apples brought $1 a' box.' and apricots in baskets from ttte rtver sold at $1.50 a basket. . \ . Strawberries — Longworthm $5@7 per chest; large varieties, - $304.50 per cheat. : Raspberries— slool2 per cheat aad *iy L 25 per crate. Oooseberrles^ — 40@!K)c per drawer: In bolk, oCartc per lb. Blackberries —^7scigsl.2S per crate. . Loganberries— s3<B4 per chest for red and $2.50 fe.l for btack. , ; Currants— ss@7 per chest Apples — $1<81.50 per box; do new, 50c^$l per box. .•. • . " . '.j^fejsgfS Cherries — 60@65c per drawer for black and 50j-j6sc per box for Royal Anne: loose, SttSc for , black. 3@ sc for Royal Anne and l%^3c for white. . \u25a0 ' '\u25a0 v j I'eaches — 75cig$l per box. Plums — 7*"*e@sl.Do per box or crate; cherry : plum*-. 50@(V>c per drawer. Apricots — Crates,- $1<8 1.50; boxes, 73c©$L2S. Figs— sl."sO@2 per box. Cltrob Fruits (per box) — Navel oranges. $"L 2"2 &2.20: grapefrcit. $2.25@2.75 for seedless: leu. ons, $2.75@3 for fancy, $1.75^2.25 • for choice and $iyi.£s for standard; limes, $4,30Q5. Tropical Fruits — Bananas, 75c€$l.T5 per bunch for Hawaiian ami $2.50@3.50 for Central American; pineapples, $3@tt per doses.' Dried Fnilt«, Raisins, Kots and Honey Some small : shipments \u25a0 of new crop honey reached fhe market yesterday and foend, prompt sale at goal prices. Twenty-five cases of water white comb came in and the consignment . was quickly snapped up at 14613 c a-poand. and ex tracted sold at Sc for water white and 7>fcc for light amber. Old crop candied and dark amber art- stilj offering in considerable quantities bnt are bard to move, although seller* are onjy ask ing 4<q »*t.c a pound. Fruits — Evaporated apples. 6Vi<SSc; apricots. 81310 c;. fancy moorpark. 10@12c; peaches. 4e for standards. -tVti^-tHtc for choice and *5© Gc for fancy; pears, 4@7Vje; pitted plums, «H ©Sc: nectariaes. 4H@3"i5C; figs, 2Vi£t4c; prunes, 4 sixe basis. 2«4Q2%c, with %c premium for the large sizes. Raisins— London layers — 2 crown, 90c; 3 etown, $1; seeded. 4(34%; Thompooo's seedless, 3»4c for unbleached; iseedleas sultanas. 2 Vic; toooe muscatels, for 4 crown, 3c for S crown and 2}4<s!2*}ic for 2 crown. Nuts — Almonds nonpareils, 13<213*-iC; I3L, 13U6i3%c; ne "pins* ultra. 18c; Drake, 11Q llHc; languedocs, 10@10Hc; hardshell*, 7«*}Sc Walnuts, lie per lb for No. 1 softshells. 7c fcr No. 2 do: cheotnaU. 84410 c per lb for Italian; filbert*. 12Vk&14c: pecans. 15<gl7c. v Honey— New. comb. 14@15c for water wMte, and 10@12c per lb for amber; extracted. 8c for water white and "fee for li^ht amber; oW. can dled and dark amber. \<t&Vfye per lb. Beeswax— 27%QS»c per lb lor light sad 25'S 26c for dark. Poultry and 6sa« Pool try (per dozen) — Hens. $5@&50 for small. $S@7 for large and $B©lo for extras; yonsg roosters. |0@12; old roosters, fi.SO^S; fryers, $6.50«57.fi0 for large and $&g 6 for small; brofl ers, $4@5 for large and $2.5CMg3."50 for small: ducks. $6&7; pigeoos, $161.50; sqaaba. «1.75-& 2; geese, nominal. . Game— Nominal. Beaxtss and Seed* Pea and 'small, .-whit* beans are higher. Other kinds are unchanged. Beans (per ctl) — Bayo,* $5.35@5\£0; pea, J6.25 @a0O; smaU white. $6.25<g&£0; large white. $3 «5-23: pink. $3:i553.25; red nominal; bUckeye, $3.45«i3.65: lima. $4.10e4^.25; " red kidneys, $3.75@4; cranberry beans, norainal; Gaivanua, $3(^4; horse beans. $1.90^2.20. '' Seeds — Brown mnstard. 3*i*S4Uc; yellow mustard, nominal; fiarseed, 4c. carload lots; canary, 4c; alfalfa 16@.17c; rape, drsDed, 2(9 2%c; . timothy, o^'iitic; hemp. 4c; millet, 2%e per lb; broomcom seed, $23^0 per too. Dried Peas — Green are qnoted at $3.25 per etL Flour and Far laaceous Good.« Flonr— California fatnily extras. $6.60<g7 net without discount; bakers' extras. $6.80<97; scper flne, 50.6005. 70; Oregon and Washington, per bbl. $5.50®6.50 for family, ba&ers' and patents and $4.7535.25 for cat off; . Kansas patents. $7.80; do straights, $7.fX); do clear, *T; DakoU patents. $&IO; do stxaJghts, $7.90; do clear $7.30 per bbL V Farinaceous Goods — Prices in packages, net cash, no discount, are as follows: <Jran«n> Soar, $4 per 100 lbs; rye floor, $-1.23; rye me&L $4; rice flour. $8; cam meal, $3.25; extra cream do, $3.75; oat meal, $5.40; oat groats, $5.40; hom lay, $3.C0@4; bockwheat Soar, $5; whole wheat fiour, $4.25; rolled oats, bbls $B@B^O. in sacks $5.40©5; extra cream do, $8.50 In -sacks and $9 In barrels; -rolled wheat, bbls $5.75. In sacks $4.50@5.25: pearl bajley. $3.50; split peas, boxes, $5.75 -.for yellow and $6.25 lor green per 100 lbs. ~-\ _ Hay and PeeiUtalln Though. there are no further price. changes un der thin head, the hay nxarket continues onset tied and .""ensithre and a farther decline 1« likely a.t any time. Feedstuffs are still quiet. Brail— s29@3o per ton for white and $25.50i8 29 for red. T\u25a0 j Middlings— s33@3s per ton. • Short*— s3l @32 per ton. Feedsraffs — Rolled barley, $35@36: rolled outs for feed, $45@46; mixed feed, $30@32 for aver sge lots; oilcake meal, in 20 ton lots $38.50. in 10 ton lots $39, In 5 ton lots $39.50. small lots $40;- cocoannt cake or meal at mill.v $26 In 20 and 10 and $26.50 in 5 ton lots; Jobbing. $27; corn meal, $39 @40;- cracked corn. $40©41; broom corn *eed, nominal; alfalfa meal and mealfalfa. Jobbing, lots $26; carload lots $25, per ton. . Hay — Wheat, $17©22; new crop, $14<81T; old wheat and oat. $16^20: tame oat. $1&Q2O; new volunteer wild oat, $11@14; new barley. $ll@ 14; new alfalfa. $S@10; stock hay, ?S®9 per ton. Straw-rSOQSOc per bale. General .Merrbantllne Bags-^Uraln bags, 5%36c; San QuentiQ bags. 6^<r, wool bags, 33c for 3% lb and S6c for 4 lb; fleece r twine;- 9c per lb. Coal— Beaver Hill. $7 ; / Pennsylvania anthra cite r. egg, $19. per . ton; Wellington. $»; New Welliogton, $9; Coo* bay, $7; Australian hoose-^ Richmond, -etc., ' $9; 'Stanford - Richmond. $3; Cumberland, $15 In balk and . $16.50 ; In sacks; Welsh .antbraciu. $15; coke, $15 per ton In bulk and $16 in sacks; Eocky mountain, $9.50 per short ton." ' '..• . .-'- Oils— Quotations \u25a0 are : for barrels. Linseed. ' 74c per gallon for boiled and 72c for raw; cases. 6c more; 'castor oil In cases," No.*;; I." 7lc;' Baker's AA. $1.13@1.15; China nut, cases, "^o©Boc per gallon; cocoanut oil in barrels. CO^< 63 Vic for XXX. 57%@61c for No. 1 and 55@5S^e for No. 2,. according, to. quantlty;'extra; bleached winter sperm . oil./ 91c; natural ., winter sperm oil.'. 91c; natural wuale oil, 55c; extra winter strained lard oil, 95<S;9<Jc: 'No.' 1 neatsfoot oil, 60c; herring oil, 40c: salmon oil, v 33c ; boiled fish oil, 35c; paint . oil. \u25a0 35c." : „ '<V ' : " .'\u25a0''• 1 ;: Coal Otl, Gasoline,, etc.— Water white, iron barrels or drums., 10c; 150 'deg oil, iron barrels or drums, . ll%c: special do, 12c; 'pearl oil. in cases. 17c; astral. "l7c; stax,' l7c;. extra star, 20c: Elaine, 2C%c; eocene. 20c; red crown 'and motor ga^ bulk, 14% c; In cases, No. 1 engine "distillate. In ; drams. 8c :" No. 2 do, 7c; cases,. 7c more; SO'deg gasoline, in milk. 30c; in cases. 37»4c; varniA makers* and. painter** naphtha!. in bulk lie; In casea lS»4c. :-•• .-\u25a0 Turpentine— 62e . per . gallon 1 1n cases and 3oc In bulk.'- drums and iron 'barrels. ". . " • ;" Kosin (per bbl of 2*o lbs)— K. $«.5O; F, $6.65; 0,- $6:70; U; $7; 1,- $7.05;- WW.' slo. 4o. rßed . and .White. Lead— Red. ' BtiiS9c; white, S@BHc'P*'r \u25a0!!>• * \u25a0'\u25a0' ' - '•'• r V. . REFINED SUOAR* MARKET. . ' "; The!, Western sngar. refining company quotes as follows, . terms i net cash : v , Standard granulated (fine; or 'coarse), '3.05c;l fruit standard. 5.65 c; crystal domlnos; in cases," 8.65 c; tabletsi. in half bbls," 6.lsc;. tablets.; In; boxes.i 6.40 c:, cubes and A i crushed, -s.9oc;: powdered.^s.lsc; candy granu lated,', 5.75 c; confectioners* . A, 5.75 c ;: confection-, ers' , crystals.', s.7sc: magnolia A; 5.25 c; • extra C 5.15 c; goldeuC,Ti.Osc:D. - 4.95c, Barrels, and 50 lb ba j:s 10c, v half.' bbls 2Cic. . boxes . 50c * more per 100'lbs for all -. grades. -"."Monarch bar . la ; quoted over and above the prjee. for standard flue (canet granulated in 100 lb bags as follows: Hags .100 lbs, s 35c ; \u25a0:. barrels. \ 4oc :' half ' barrels, 60c ; •40 lb tins; ca»ed.is2.os;?3oH>'tlns. cased, $2.05; io lb tins,* cased." r 10 : In " a : case,* s2.7o; f B ', lb i tins, • 8 in a case, $2.70;" 30 lb boxes.^ 85c." •.' No extra cbarre \u25a0 for * pntiing up bar ; in /private packagen. "; i The i California \u25a0 and * Hawaiian ' sngar reflnini company \u25a0: quotes ; as ; follows: . ; Grannlated basis' s.6se;>"Higrade*; ... bar," 6c; 'powdered, 5. 75 - »' crushed. , 5.90 c; < berry, ;, 5.C5c ; r C & 11 , extra fine dry J; granulated. <s.6sc{ "- coarse , granulated 3.65 c; V confectioners* : 'A. , 5.«5c: -.confectioners' crystals,"' s.7sc; cubes, 5.90 c; bricks ( 5 9i(c- extra fine 'granulated" (100 bags only), : J ex'ceislor A. r. .25c; i extra .0, 5. 15tf: \ golden i C. 5.05 c ;. yel low V , 4 ,!Sc;?H.',4 I K. crystal dominos. S.»loc Additiwial . per U*i r : lbs:^: ln -. barrel* and StJ^lh bags, It'c more; hair^bajrels,- 25c more- boxes. 50c more for all grades. Bar. in 35 lb ao4 40 n» tins. $1.70 more: In 10 lb tin*, $2*33 ™«J. *sa liaum oraer. carload weight. Hides. Tallow. Wool nmA Bops Hide*— Cull* and brand!* **tl aboat »,i'*t{U- r» der i|u.>tnthm.«. H-avr salted »te*tMy liiJl3Vj«" medium, 11%@13%c: ll«nt. llf!(fcU%«: ewsHrides. 11 1$ 12e for heavy, Il@t2c tor Ksgtt: sts**. **: salted kip. 11 %c; salted veaL ie%e: ssttctf Ottf. lti^c; dry. bides. "W%©2oc; dry htp. Mrj try calf. 25c; dry veal. 23e; dry »ta«s. l£c; strep-. flklns. ahearlbics. 2P^4O! each; abort wo«CL *>*S 73c each; medium. 73«<3il esch: kasy moLSI.Zi <tt1.75: lamba. •^.\u25a0\£?3e; boraebide*. sslt, VtJSti} 2.75 for large aod $1.7"W:2.r> for strdiota. 7»t *£ $1.50 for sman and 23'tf.W" for cotes; anrw'Widf. <lry. $2@2JO for large and $1.25€»2 tot nwdf&ai. s*»f-S*l for smaH aad 23«a0e tat e«lt«; jwit skins, prime angora. ZQQIU-; terg* tmle ssats. %«iSOc; medium. 20025e: snxlL Smdei Mexi can dry hides. 17% c; do plckfed it*; *» dry salted. 12c: dry stags. 12c: Uexiam detnXtm." - > u@34c; dry salted do. 2&(""*27c; dry ' Ceattsl American, 28fc32e per a. TaDww— No. 1 tendmd, *®6%e: "Sl*. X *» 4%«r; grease. 26$?*. Wool— Xew San Jvaqntn. year's ststO*. 13« 17e; do 6 to 8 msoths. UIQl'Te: Brw soofjicnt coat. f»<Sl4c. FaU eUp— Movrstafa fSt* 9&i2xr. do defective, «@Be; "Kevsda. 13*320e p«r "On. Hope — Prices to growers are «@oc srrlb. w*ta 9<Ul2c for contracts. Hew Tork P*«dae» NEW TOEK. Jua^ &— Bop« *>.*+&'. F«riAr Woot^-Steady. Petroleran— Steady. Snjar— Raw ipxiec: fair Rftainc. 3^»ei «•\u25a0> trifasal, S6 test. Zja*; mnlw— ,1 socar. «.!\u25a0«•. Reitn«d steady. Coffee— Fotmred ckned net traeba'T3«ed to -"V potnu Iow«r. with the late tnaotaj tclattrely \u25a0 r '*dy- Havre cloeed net unchaased to \c bieher. Thw- local «alrs wese reported st S.7S«* bags, fnchidtng: July. tiS^asOc: "Uarca S-»c. Spot r-uiec: No. 7 Rto. T»h'CS<:: "X*. 4 Saaars* »c iina quiet; CocdDva. Biiiief* — Steady end vnc&ssged. Cheese— Steady and ÜBenaascd. F^:g»— sJteady; •»(« extra Ants, al^*^a l^*^ Brsts. 20^^j,2ic: «f«pnda, 20c; wjOwtb *x»».».X »%c; »ecoad». lS%ifj.2oc. \ dried racrrs Evaporated A[^n»— Qaiet; fancy. SKQS&e: <**»<\u25a0*, 7<fe7*ic; pricM-. ««»3%c; «o*c£a f fancy, sr(ZS\e. Prune*— Firm; Cantociria fraJt. Vy&O**r, Oregon fruit, ft^9c. Apricots — Active and tea; cnedee, lO^JICVi-: extra choice. irHi^lO%c; fctney, IKSISet Peaches — Unsettled, but no qaotabie dUmvs H reported In the spot market; cheie*. Z.\<tGr; e?tra ch<»ice. «'si'?i«»ic; faoey. 7ts7^e. Raisins — Are saM to be In a strooeer p«st^on on the coast: toe market was firm; "oome oa» «-MtM«.,:;uii4.\ic: choice to Cancy seeded. 4»i<i 6%c; t«edle&i, :: Il'ft3'1 l'ft3'. i e; Londea "bcren. n.Wtf I^2o. - vm^ilifr^rlii \u25a0 niEiiMi^>iE Mt't hi a 1 «. Datrr Pndwts CHICAGO. June 3 — Critter, steadyi ereaa erieii, 22i82Kc: dairies, 20Ui3te. E*as !»tea«Jy « mark, ca^^est included. ISr; firsts. lfr*ic: prlow ftrsta. 21% c; rf^-eipta. 21^©* eajen. Ch««*. steady: daisieii. lZ^SU^c; twlna, I2*icz Townc Amexleaa. V^^iZ'^c; laogbucvm. 12.*-; i*l^%*. Yon Ancdes "ttorfceta LOS ANGELES. June 3. — Tt» aOov mos« mat gin for eaadltng losse* doe to ttM hoc «nO«r the price of cue eorae cgsa «» dropped today from 35 cents to 24 cents a dozen. Extra se lected eggs were sold at SO cents .and rexarh candied at 26 cent I *. Batter rrcaiJbied Jim, creamery extra selling for 55 cents and txtssmr firsts at 52 u cents. There vw a alight stamp in new potatoes, offering* teiag pletatttal at goo,i rtock at 60@90 cent* a tasr tax. Receipts of Drodaee ttxiry were: r?rv 321 csavc:j batter. 2S.IM peemdk; cheese, 2,«* poonds; potatoes. 434 nteks; Uui, SB sartor tweet potatoes. 15 sacks. tiggt — Ultra selects. 30c; toe*l rases, esst dl«d. 28?; case eoonr. 24c; eastern fiesb. 28c Batter — Creamery extra, SSe; creamery firsts. 52*>ic; cooking butter, 22""~<r. Cheese — Noriiern. fresh, 13"5»c: «aebor. "tnge, 17c; anchor, Xvasg Amexiesa. 1S«: "san.t cheese, anchor brand. 19e; ea*«ezn sissies, lie; eastern rwlns. l»M4e: eastern eUeddara, Ker eastern loDghorn. 22c; casters daisy. lT'-iQ.t'V*; swisa. Imported. 2&g3oe: awlss. domestic. l*Vi brick cream. 20&21e: Knibizrzer. 20^21c; Tti lare. 14c: iraporred Roqn«<©rt. 42c; Edam. 3H-S7 sixe. case of 12, $9r German breakfast. $l.!ft box: NenfchatH. $1.20 box: Sierra, n.lO box; Canada cream, i dozen to boat, 95c: Seblosakxie. $1 box: Camembert. ?!.20 box; Oregon ritees*. 17 felSc. Beans— No. 1 ptak. $3.75; Jfo. 1 "fr™*. $4^3; Lady i Washington, f? *T-: snail white*. $8: blaekeyes, $3.50: garvansas, $4.50; IrotSs, Ger man. $6: do California. $5. Potatoes — Local carry ro«e. $2J5n / a2-75; ?*arth ern early row. $2.50>52.73; * local Bnrb<tntoi. $2.75: Highlands. $2.50: Lompoe. $2.75; Uta*i. $2 Hi 2.25 : Oregon BnrT^anks. $2.«)©2.73: sweet*. . yellow, local, $2-*>o-, tuenr potatoes, «Xg««e * box. .V.IJCELL.'OiEOrs "MASIvEm \*w York Cotton 3larket NEW YORK. J?ine 3. — Future* showed tittlft rhange on the rtar. The eensns department give* tbe crop of 1903 st 13.337. ft06 bal*«. tb« tiirrt Isrgevt in history." - NotwltbstandJng It was 2.212.000 bales larger taan the preceding crop, it was raid by the growers at $20,000,000 Ins tnan the crop of 1907. . Spot closed quiet. 15 points hfgoer. iCMbrg uplands. 11.50 c; middling gnli, U-T^o. No sale*. coffhroN FtrrruES Option — Op«n High Tjow <*>•• Jnne lO.SSc lO.SSc 10.«Rc 10.91 V July -10.92 c ll.OSfl 10.9U? W).97<? August ."...10.83c 10.93 c lO.SSt? 10.90 c September lO.SSc lft. S-V • 10.«» c ¥>.STc October . 10.52 c 10.87 c 10.77 c lO.JMo Norember 10.R4c December \u25a0 ...lO.SSc 10.87e 10.T*e . K>J*Hi* Jnnaary lrt.77e lO.Sle 10.73«> tO.«nc March ...l«.80c 10.9*e 10.77 c 10-JClr St. I.ouin Wool "Market ST. LOUIS, June 3. — Wool — Finn. Medium grade?, craning «ad e&rtMag. 23@.*i0c; ttga: fine. 2K827.C; heavy tne. 14®23c; tab WMbed, 25/SU7C. KaMt«-ra IJve-Kiock: "Markets OMAHA OIIAHA. June S-— Cattle— Receipts. 2JM. Market slow to 10c lower. We*t*ra uson, $3.50if6: Texas steers. y.^S.-iO: cows sod i*l3S •rs. 92.H*<a5.60; ca.nners. S2^H: otockers and feeders. $3&5.75; calves. $0.25^7.25; boßs a«d Stags. $3^(6.50. Hogs — Receipt*. 14,00*». Market s®loc higJier. Hpavies. $7.30©7.m); mixed. «n.»s<B7J«>; Ugat. $7ft57.55; pijai, $5©8.50; bolk of »aJ*s. *7aO ©7^3. L ' : • Sheep— Receipt*. 2.600. Msriret steady. Year lings; $3.7.-><a«.7s: withers. 55.50<@«.50; »«•«, $3.25iji6.40: lamb*. $7.25(Te5J2f5. KANSAS CITY KANSAS .CITY. Jane 3.— Cattle — Receipts. 3.000. Market steady. Nattre steers. *5-30<fj7: native cows and heifers. $4{g6.40: stockers »n.l feeders. $3.73<55.80: bull*, $3.40@5J5; calves. $3.75®7; wesuern steer*. $3.40<&t5.75; w*al*i* cows, $3.25*35.75. Hog*— Receipts. 10.000. Harket }> bigiier J Bulk of sales. $6.90<g7.40: hesviea. fIJSO^I.SO- 1 packers and bntchers. $7.15@7.45; Uent. K.TOer-'*" 7.20; pigs, $5.75-^6.73. . ™ * Sheep— Receipts. 3.000. Market 10c Inwer. Mnttons, $5.23WC.fi0: lambs, $6.50<9*3: wetb«n» and yearflngs, $4.73@7.25; ewes, * 1. 25 «?«."-•". 3Tew York Uetal Market NEW YORK. Jure. 3. —^The Locdna tia market was higher • today, w'tll spot qnoted at £132 10a and fntnren at £l.'C 15s. j LocaUT tne market was quiet, with spot iiuoted at 29^29.25c. Copper »\u25a0>< higher in London, with spot quoted at £60 17s (VI and fatun-s at f«l l."5» !><!. Loyally the. market was firm and unchanged, wfth Uk» quoted at lXa7%fti 13.52 % c: electrolytic. 13.12U <g 13.37%e: caatißg. 13 « 13.23c. Lead advanced to £13 2»9d In London. Loenlly "the. market wt» steady and unchanged at 4.35<a ' *\u25a0'•*\u25a0 BMsarMHOOidWfMJBn Spelter was unchanged at £22 2»«d In London Th* locaj^ market wa» firm and .1 shade higher at The English iron market wan nnebanged. with standard foumlry quoted at 4M« 10%>t. The local market remained steady. Nr>. t foundry north ern. $u;c«jr lrt..i«: So. 2. $15.75^16.25; No. 1 sonthern and No. 1 southern soft. $16ii41fi.25.- E. F BUTTON & CO. 490 California St. Tel". Doaxlaa 2487 St. Francis Hotel Tel. Done la* 3083 Memijers New York Stock Exchange Pioneer. House Private Wire to CtUcaso and Ken York » n. E. -MliicA HEY, "Hanaser Lombard^ 1028-1030.1032 Mpnadnock Bldg. years, tl-Ith privilege ot pacing before