Newspaper Page Text
PLANS APPROVED BY HARBOR BOARD Twin Mission St>le Buildings NMII Take Place of Present Wooden Shacks HE state ioard of har t>o? commissioners .yes terday approved As sistant Engineer Bar ker's plans for two concrete buildings to be erected on the bulk head of Washington etreet wharf. The buildings will be in mission style with red tiled roofs. Across the end of the wharf, between the buildings. will be a heavy bronze Tence, similar to the one in the Santa >'c waiting room in the ferry depot- Kutrance to the dock will be through bronze gates. In constructing these buildings the board is earning out a plan that has be*?n under consideration for some time. The buildings will afford office space to the transportation companies en -Eaged in the river trade, and on, the ground floor will be' spacious waiting rooms for passenger* When work. Is begun oa the Western Pacific depot at foot of Mission street the river steamers now docking at Mission street "wharf will be given bertha with the other river boats at Washington and Jackson streets. This arrangement •wUI-make it unnecessary for the river 1 steamers, going to and from, their Tbertjjs, to cross the tracks of. the Ala raeda county ferries. The secretary of the board was di rected to call for bids for the construe- Uon of the Washington street build- and when they have been built ;those using the river steamers will have depot facilities at this end of their journey equal to those enjoyed by the <H>mnj'jter3 and overlaid passengers In Vhe ferry building. Dredger Recovers I.o«t Launch One of the state dredgers yesterday l>ro-jgfct from the bottom of the bay off •Greenwich street wharf the shattered .remains of the Crowley launch Scout, •which was run down six years ago by the ferry steamer Tamalpais. Walter Johnson, the engineer of the boat, was drowned and his body, minus an arm and leg, torn off by the steamer's pad dle wheel, was recovered about 10 days }atrr. A friend of Johnson's who was taking a ride with him escaped and was picked up by the crew of the Tamzlpais. From the report made by the pilot in charge of the Tamalpais at the time of. the accident the collision occurred :ar ocr in the bay off Broadway street wharf. Men engaged by Crowley dragged the bay for days without re «=u:l The remains picked up yesterday \u25a0u-er> well pre^rved. The engine waV still in the boat, one side of which had bern torn away. Weighted with half a iia of machinery the boat must have sunk immediately, and as it was picked vp within 10 feet from the end of Greenwich street pier it would _««eem that /he pilot of the Tamalpais Ad at J^ast contributed to Johnson's death by disregarding the' law wjjich forbids rprry steamers from skirting in close lO'lhe wharves. Confianxa tt> Go Whaling The lumber schooner Confianza will be brought over from Oakland creek today and prepared for a cruise to the Arctic as a whaler. It is expected that it will be r%ady for sea in less than two' weeks. The fact that the regular Arctic* fleet remained in port «his season has attracted men of other interests to the whaling industry. In whaling the prizes are sometimes very rich, and If the present season should happen to be one of the good ones it is •-xpected that the few ships that go to the Ar-ctic will get big catches. Captain McKenna, an experienced, whaleman, "will command the Confianxa, Before putting to sea the schooners hull will be. sheathed with hardwood, as protec tion against the ice. * Sails for southern California The* Pacific Coast steamship com .pany's Santa Rosa sailed yesterday for southern California, and among h«>r ! passengers were: - sp. S. Peacbj aad iMr. end Mrs. M. J. dauffctor j Strong J. W. Callahan Mr. and Mrs. D. B, iS. S. Copland Flemlnr 'iir. and Mrs. D. S. Mr*. Bocknrell ill. A. Mjcrs Walter Otto [If H. Wyman >!rs. E. J. plant Bliss Norton Mlw M. I. Klhrt-n More Opium on (he Siberia Customs Inspector E. E. Enlow, searching for opium' on the liner Si beria, "struck oil" again yesterday when he poked his probe under a metal scupper on the main deck^ From this innocent and apparently impossible hiding place Enlow raked nine tins of dream food which had been bought in the orient, it is believed, with money furnished by the opium ring In this city. Enlow found fiv<i« tins in the Si beria's chain locker Wednesday, and he is still searching. Water Front .Votes The army trans^yort Thomas, home ward bound, , sailed yesterday from Honolulu. Receipts of lumber yesterday by sea *mounW to 475.000 fee'K The Standard oil company's tanker Seminole sailed yesterday for ilororan ' for orders. ; The Jebs*n liner Ella cleared yester day for Victoria. The Japa«es<> turbine liner Tenvo Maru sailed yesterday from Yokohama . Sor this port. Tl»« Pacific Mail linor Mongolia, which left hero May 5, arrived vester^ <lay at Korgkong. Fever Hidden Ship Makes Port VICTORIA, B. C. June 3.— With part of its crew do-An with fever, the British rhip Sprlngbank reached port today 48 day* out irom Santa Rosalia. During the voyage from Hamburg the captain's Vwife. Mrs. Royal. Steward Lund and an Ab!e seaman died and were burl»d at SHIPPING NEWS OF COAST Items of Interest to Mariners of the Pacific VZCTOSZX, Jcne 3— Beatinc the steamer _*J inricto:a In a race across the Pacific, with silk acd tea . brlnf berried to rh« eastern taark«t, tb<» «t*-ainer M<wte*L«:!e arrived today with S7 rsloof], 112 Intermediate and ''2 Oiinese steer%re penM-njrer* and 2.5«6 tons of caryo, - Inclndlaa; &iS bales of silk. There was lees tea than was exjxyttd In ooos«ju»oce of the dlffldftsce of the *fcipp«?r». who are waltSnt; until as arrangement been madf regarding; th«> tTnlted Ptatea tariff.- Th* Monteaj^e and Miuaesota left Yoko baoa >ofi-:};i-r. . SAX TTOZO, Jon" 3.-»-The ateamth'.p Presi dent ealk-d today, botind from Ssn Diego for &!*ttli» %la San Franciaco and Ecreka' with frelpfct and patumper*. The rteamer I>e arrired tbU niornlns. four days from Coc* bay, cerrylnj 555.000 feet of lumber. TTm* steamer f»*Msrjrr W. Elder cleared today for-Portlaod Tia San FratocUco and Eureka with trHrht end ,, i pa»«enrer». TBe Fteam'T </olu«olt arrived tnrlay from Eay jnOTJl via J<«J» Francis^ with €a>,ooo feet cf. lumber. - 3PORTIAXD. Jon* S.— Balfour. Outhrl" & Co. have chartered the «iertnan uteamer Walkure.' C«t tain Baake. which J* now on it« way^ to N>w Zealand, having left New York May 2. The Walkore was ohartrred for October or November. \o»6ing to carry wheat for the com pany to the I'uited Kingdom. Tt»o <»«»rroan bark Frieda • wa« rhartercd • for Otober loadinr by Kerr. Hißori tt Co. Kerr * *#id thst il would probably load for Kuropean j>ortit. It «a<> niwJer«tood- that "the charter, rate «a« the reralar union: rate of 27s 6d. , The Frieda i» at 'Artorla and will probably remain There. until thr cbarterer l» ready to load It. It ' i* the fir*t resael to arrive for a new crop of trUeat. "9mSK9P^^9 i The «<>aaier Yellowstone left from ' Kain ier this afternoon \u25a0 with \u25a0 a foil - load of \u25a0 lumber for Pan i'rf ")<\u25a0;«<\u25a0\u25a0<>. BBQBwBwXM*VR^Ss Captain . Pond, llgljt boose, inspector, who ha* inrx returned from Seattle, wild this ; mornins thst the Jetty baqr-. at tbe tnoutb of the Colom bia w<>uld Inir t« t<e shifted farther out. to k*» on \u25a0 «rrwant of » the raplr . propres* . of the : work. Th" v.'-t'.U'r n-;i; Kiitft the buoy. .; ->jgßgut Tbe kt*»«««er JoUaa "Poclsca came up to . the Will Build Concrete Depot for River Traffic Inaiaa-Poalsen docks last night to finish loading her cargo. ' \u0084 ; -- > Finishing loading at 7:30 o'clock last n'.jrht at Prescort and being la tow down at. 6:30 this morning was the feat of the" French bark Jacob sen^ The Jacobsen left with a cargo of 1,500,000 feet of lumber, bound for Europe.. The steamer Casco, Captain Ahlen. which ar rived from San Francisco yesterday wlrh a gen eral cargo and 800 tons of ; cement, will go ' to Tongue point today to load lumber for Saa Francisco. ._. . \u25a0 ' ; . ;.;, i , The Clareniont~wlll go to Grays Harbor for the same purpose/ " . ,\u25a0 On account of the blowing out of a ring In the cylinder of Its air pump the steamer Break water did not get away at S o'clock last night. a« was expected.- After having tbe ring replaced during the night lt sailed Ait at 7:30 this morn ing with 300 tons of freight and about 80 pas sengers for Coos bay. ;•; » SEATTLE, June 3.— Arrived: Steamer Dolphin, from Skagway end way ports; British bark Cel tictmrn. from San Pedro; United States crulwr Colorado, from San Francisco; United lighthouse tender Columbine, from iXilninhia river; steamer Fairhaven. from' San Francisco. Sailed: Steamer St. Crolx. for Nome, wfth 400 passengers; steamer Edith, for Nome, -with freight, only; steamer Meteor, for Skagway, with cargo of explosive* and general freight: steamer Ohio, for Nome and St.- Michaels, with 400 passengers. - The steamers - Watson and Falrbaven and tte British steamer Nlngchow shifted to Ta'" coma. - , Ttie Unite d States ' • cable steamer Burn side shifted- to Quartermaster harbor to go Into drydock. Tie steamer Dolphin, wfctta arrived today from Skagway. came In with ber port main tall shaft broken. She will b# able to fall-ac cording to schedule Stturday evening, lt Is announced. ASTORIA, June 3.— Steamer Wellesley cleared at the custom house today for San Pedro with a cargo of 780.696 feet of railway tie*. .• Oil tank steamer Atlas left out this afternoon for San Francisco after having discharged Its cargo of crude oH. Fonr masted schooner Virginia, which Is load- Ing lumber at Koappton for Saa Francisco, Is expected to finish this evening. Four masted schooner Mabel Gale, now out 10 days from San Francisco for thla port. Is expected to show np at any time. \u25a0 Steamer Breakwater left out today for Coos bay with .freight and passengers. Today waa completed the preparations to raise the Standard oil company* harga No. 91. but the- testa will be made, on Friday and If these prove satisfactory tbe actual work will start Saturday morning and within six hours It will be known what the attempt will re sult in. , TACO KA, . June 3.— Tte United State* cable ship Bnrsslde arrived at Quartermaster this afternoon to clean and repaint preparatory to Its departure for Alaska. Tfce steamer J. Marhoffer finished Its cargo of lumber for San Francisco and left port this evening. The steamer 'Watson arrives this evening to load freight for California. - The British «hip Msrtborowrb. Hill will not leave port until Saturday with Its cargo of lumber for Valparaiso. <• Tte schooner J. W. Cllse will tow to Port Townyend to complete it* crew before leaving the sound for the west ooa«t with lumber cargou Tbe schooner Endeavor finished loading today and will leave tomorrow for San Pedro. Tho British steamer Foxton Hall arrived laft night and is loading lumber for the west caa«t. The steamer Tallac left thi* afternoon for down sound to complete Its cargo with a ship ment of lumber. MOVEMENTS OF STEAMERS TO ARHIVJI -. \u25a0 From I Steamer \ Date Hamholdt .'.J. J. I>ogrle...jJune 4 San Pedro JVanguard ..'...-iJune 4 Pujet Sound PorU City of Puebla. June 4 San Diero 4 Way Ports President Jane 4 •van Pedro* Way Port»|Coos Bay June 4 Hamboldt \T. A. KUburn. . June 3 Saa Pedra fosemite ' -.June 5 Hllo Byadea .June 6 Seattle & Tacoma id. Sampson... Jane 5 Grays Harbor Santa Monica. .. Jane 5 San P«dro |G. W. Elder.,. June 5 Honolulu lUirllne ....Jnne 6 New York vU Aneon. .lSan Juan June « Humboldt jClty. of Topeka. June 6 Paset Sonnd Ports lGovernor /. June 6 Mendoclno A PC Arena] Sea Foam ....June 6 Saa Pedro ISantav Barbara.. June 7 Portland fc Astoria Bose City ...; June 7 San Diego & Way Pcrts Santa Rota .... Jane 7 San Pedro Hanaiel ....... June S China & Japan ...China . June 8 San Pedra \u0084 Ad. Sampson ..June 9 Point Arena &, Albion. Porno June 10 Seattle & Tacoma... ..] Watson ....... June :0 Hongkong & Yokohama! Ashtabula Juno 10 Portland . & Astoria. . . . ' Nome City .... June 10 Grays Harbor ICentralla ] June 10 TO SAIO Destination | Steamer | Sails IPiec Jane 4— I ~~1 LAa .Aspeles Ports IHanal*! .... 10 am j 7 Hcmboldt .. 10 am Z] Kumboldt .*. ...-irity Topeka. 10.30 a 11 Vancoover, B. C jEUa .... Grays Harbor iCoronado ... 3pm 7 Grays' Harbor ........ [G. Lludaner. Ipm 2 Los Angeles Ports.". ...fJ. 8. HlgglnsJlO am 3 Seattle i Tacoma }Wasp I 5 pm 20 Seattle & Tacoma (j. B. Stetson] 4pm 4 Seattle direct jttalnler I 3 pm 7 Jnne 5— 1 j Astoria & Portland 'Quinault ...J ..;. j Astoria & Portland |Yosemit« ..{2 pia| '2 Humboldt 1. J. Losgie 5 pml 16 Coos Bay M. F. Plant 3 pml 8 ' Point Arena & Albion. Porno ... v . 4 pm» 2 Hoaolola ....1 AUmeda ... 11 am 7 Nome A- St. Michael.. Montara ... 4pm .... 3eattle & Tacoma . ... iiurkman .. Ipm 20 Astoria & Portland itate of Cal 11 am 27 Pnget Sound Ports President ..2 pm 9 Portland & Way Porta.|3. W. Elder. 1 pm 13 June 6—6 — I \u25a0 , \u25a0 i Lob Angeles Port*.....inoanoke ... 6 pm IS Astoria &. Portland. .'..(Northland ..3 pm 2 Humboldt }F. Klibnrn.. 10 am 13 Los Aogefes Ports (Ad. Sampson 10 am 20 June 7—7 — I — Grays Harbor ...jS. Barbara.. Ipm 2 Hllo :.. I Enterprise ..12 m 10 Hamboldt iNorth Fork. 12 m 20 Mexican Ports (Curaca* ....]lo am 17 New York via Ancon..|Pnn»ylvanla|l2 m 24 San Diego & Way Ports) Governor ... Z pm . 9 \u25a0 San Pedro & Way PortsjCoos Bay .. 2pm 11 June S — \u25a0 65 1 V> '\u25a0 -«\u25a0 Pcget found Ports City Puebla. 2pm © Grays Harbor S. Monica... 4 pm - 2 Jcne 8 — • r Uesdocino 6c. Pt. Arena.i Sea Foam... 4pm 4 June 10— : | . J \u25a0•-'.. Japan & China... •....; iSlberia. ..-..1 1 pm 42 Seattle * Taroma jAd. Sampsonj 1 pm :» Hairallaa Ports ...... '.Hrades ..... 4 pm 2S ?»d Diego & Way Portsijanta Rosa.. l lo.3oa j It . TO, SAIL FROM SEATTLE " ' •» Deatlnatlon - | .Steamer \ Date. Sktgwty & Way Ports. polpbin IJune 3 Nome & St. 1 Michael.. l?Unley : Dollar.. (Jane 8 Vaidez & Seward......iVorth^pstern . .|Jnce 8 Norae ti St. Michael... JFalrtm ........ jJuae S Skagrray &. Way PorU.'JeJersoo .".:... jjune 10 Ekagv?ay & Way Ports. Hnmboldt ..... June J2 Seldo«\a.4c Way Ports. A. O. Lindsay.. June i 5 Nooe & St. Michael... Mackinaw .'. ... Jnne 16 Vaid»z & Seward ..... Sanu Clara '... June 1« 'Time. Ball United. States branch hydrographle office. Mer cuant*' Exckange, San Francisco, June 3. 1909. \u25a0 , . Tbe time ball on the \u25a0 roof of the Fairmont hotel was dropped today exactly, at noon. Pacific standard time 1 120 th meridian), or at. Bb. 00m. 00s., Greenwich mean time. , • \ • \u25a0 i-'..;,i -'..;, J. T. MeMILLAN, - Nautical Expert. In charge. Sun, Moon and Tide Cnlted Staffs coast and geodetic surrey — Time and belffhta of tides at Fort . Point. For city front (Mission Btreet wharf) add 25 t&iaates. FRIDAY. JUNR 4 Snn risea .............; -*:47 Sun sets 7-29 Moon rises .................•.:... .8:21 p^m. Last quarter moon ......June 10, at 0:33 p. m. Nctt moon ...... ......Jnne 17, at 3:18 p. \u25a0 in. Ttmel "^ - Tlmel Tlmel^ ITlme! " Jnn.) — -1 Ft IFt - ]Ft —\ Ft [L-w| Jh w|. (l vrf [hw| 4.. | 5:44— 0.8 1:06 . 4.0 5:25 3.2 11:05 5!o 5.. «:25— 0.0 2:00 4.5*6:14 3.3 11:40 6.9 6.'. 7:40—0.9 2:54 4.6 7:03. 3.5 .;..: » ... HW ; , L W ( iHW ,'. .!L Wl 7.. 0:20 5.7 7:56— 0.8 3:45 4.5 8:07 BJS 8.. 1:10 f1.4, 8:45 —0.5 "4:35 4,8 9:15 V-5.4 9.. 2:15 8.1 9:40-^0.2 5:20 HVO 10:2S 3.2 10.. 3:44 -4.«10:52 0.3 6:04 : 5.2 11:42 2.4 11;. 5:25 4.3 11:35 O.S 6:40t- 5.4 .... ...".. U.'jS." Branch Hydro graphic Office A branch of the United States hydrographlc 'office., located at the Merchants'- Ezchang-e. la maintained In « San Francisco for. the i benefit of mariners, without , retard to nationality ' and I free of | expense."' Narrators ' are' cordially invited . to visit i the office, where, complete » seta jof ' charts and sailing* directions of the '\u25a0 world " are 'kept! at band for - comparison and : reference.' and -\u25a0 th« latest Information can always -be obtained re (Tsrdins lljrbte. , dangers \u25a0to na vigatlon , and \ mat tera of .Interest to ocean ' commerce. • J. -T. aIeMILLAN. Nautical. Expert, Jn charpe. -\u0084VE\VS o"P';fHE OCEAN "A'lll Load Lumber; ' Tt« cc^ixtDcr . Colua*M», a 4 • Taoiua, Is under \u25a0ffHE SAX FR ANCJSGO GALLi, EKIDAY/ JUNE .4. 1909. charter for 'lumber from Grays Harbor to two ports 'on the west coast of South America at 42s 6d. . >.'"; v.- -... ; \u25a0. r Shipments for the North . Tb» steamer- Queen sailed for.:- Victoria on Tuesday •with cargo consigned . to j the port of destination and to other British American cities, valued at $20,076 and including the following: 52.158 lbs dried . fruit. • 14,525 lbs raisin*, 539 pkgs fresh fruits, 148 pkgs vegetables, 77 pkgs onions,- s" pkgs potatoes, 364 lbs chocolate, SO cs canned goods, 25 cs meals,' lo es olives, 1.460 lbs paste. 909 gals wine, 5 cs bitters, - 7 drums acid. 341 bbls. asphalt. 1.122 pkgs oils, 74 pkgs roofing material, 5 rolls leather, 5 cs spool' cot ton. 40 pkgs drugs, 5 pkgs electrical goods. 100 tins matches. 5.500 lbs jrease. 263 pkgs machin ery, 30 cylii gas- . . Export* • by the French IJner . The Frcach ''steamer Amlral , Hamella sailed for Havre and way portd on Tuesday with cargo laden at this port raluwl at $183,604. to be dls tribuated as follows: For Mexico, $51,534; Ar gentina. $1,825; Belgium. $7,304; Great Britain. $122,491 France, $45«. The principal shipments and their destinations were as follows: To Mexico— l,643 bbls flour, 4,001 ct Is barley. 3,121 bales hay, 43.03S lbs sugar, 2,212 lbs and 16 cs meals, 2.213 lbs beans 490 lbs peas and lentil*, 1,313 lbs bread, 16 cs baking powder, 22,000 Ibft bran, 303 cs canned goods. 394 lbs cheese. 1.730 lbs dried frutt. 11« lbs and 23 bxs raisins. 55,000 lbs lard, 448 lbs tea, 1.542 lbs sago, 2,754 lbs and 4 <•« spices. 30 cs olives, 105 cs salmon. 2.662 gals. and 18 cs wine, 75 gals whisky, 2.500 cs dynamite, 500 kegs blasting powder, 100 cs blasting caps, 5 cs fuse. 400 cs kerosene, 733 cs.oll. 112 pkgs paints.. 200 bdls snooks, 113 pkgs tank material, 2.200 fe«t and 23 pea pipe, 960 lbs rosin, 4SO lbs lead, 6 pkgft ma chinery, 15 pkgs drugs, 11 pkgs dry goods. 200 bbls cement, 27 coils rope, 16,700 bricks, 10 bdls brooms. \u25a0\u25a0: To Argentina— «,2so lbs dried fruit, 1 c« sil ver ware, 24 pkgs household goods. To Belgium— s6o,l43 lbs cocoa cake, 10 casks olives. To Great Britain— 29.s93 cs canned fruit, 430 cs canned goods. 577,250 lbs tallow, 140 bard wood logs, 64 pkgs household goods. In addition to the foregoing the steamer had cargo from Seattle. Including 1.000 cs «almon and 225.912 lbs tallow, for England, valued at $15,CSS. • .. Xotice to Mariners Office of United States Lighthouse Inspector, Twelfth District. \u25a0 San Francisco, June 3. . Entrance to San Francisco harbor, Cal. — (List of Lights and Fog Signals, Pacific Coast, 1908, page 16. No. 25. and List of Lights, Buoys and Daymarke. Pacific Coast. 1908, page 22). . Notk-e is 'hereby given that on June 1. 1809, one group of lights on light vessel No. 70 was permanently discontinued, and the character istic Is now one fixed white light dnrlng periods of five second*, separated by eclipses of 10 sec onds' duration. ' - By order of the lighthouse board. ! W. G. MILLER, Commander. V. S. N., Inspector, Twelfth Lighthouse District. HYDROGHAPHIC OFFICE Depth at mean low water, entrance to harbor. PLACE | Ft. | Date | Remarks *.' Srays Har| 19 |May 29jChannel getting broader I Depth at meaa low water in channel to Raymond \u25a0 15 feet. ' Colum R|*24 (Feb. 16} Nehalm R 9 (Apr. 3 Channel 200 feet south I I 1 of buoy. . IDepth of 8 fee* at low nilmk B. 9 Apr. 30 j water In channel to ) I Garibaldi. Yaqalna B| 13 |Mar. 12|Channei not shifting. I {Beacon on beach In line Sloslaw R 4 May 1} with south side of I I jrulch leads over bar. Cmpqua El 12 May 1 (Channel in good condl- I - - ' 1 tlon. -. \u25a0 12 feet at low water to Coca Bty. 17 May 1 North Bend; 11 feet \u25a0 , • * at . low water to , Marehfleld. Coqullle Bl 8 IMay 4{Cbannel shifted , north I I r close to north Jetty. N o opportunity for Rogue Rlv soundings lately; be fore rise there was 7 ____;__ feet on bar. ' \u25a0\u25a0* Klamth R| 7 |May 29 Channel straight. .\u25a0 -\u25a0 j i 115 feet in south chan- Smbldt B IS May It Ml at low water; I north channel crooked ) ) 1. and difficult. 5 Pedro Bj 20 |Apr. 15iNo change In channel. 5 Dltgo Bj 25 )May 3[No change in channel? 5 Pablo B! 24 (Apr. 21 Depth ln» dredged Chan- I J neL •About. . . - Army Transports) , ' The Jjogan 1« in port. The Crook is in port. The Buford is in port. The Sherman Is in port. The Warren is at Manila. The Kilpatrick left Manila May 1, bound to New York, via Sue*. • The Sheridan, outward bound, sailed May 16 from Honolulu. The Thomas sailed Jun* 3 from Honolulu for this port. Weather Report United States department of agriculture — Weather bureau. San Francleco. June 3, 1009 P.AINFALL DATA Last ; Seasonal Normal Stations — to date. to date. Eureka-... ..... Tr. 42.73 45.15 Red Bluff ...;..... 0.00 \u25a0\u25a0 .30.81 24.63 Sacramento . 21.75 19 97 Mt. Tamalpais .:... O.w 35.61 522.88 San Francisco 0.00 23.37 22 IS San Jose \u25a0...}....... 0.00 is.2fi 12 93 Fresno .^...\'....... 0.00 J>.7{> - t>.62 Independence ...... O.f«»" g. 00 1 A 4s! San Lais Obispo .... 0.00 \u25a0 31.37 2«*4r» Los Angeles 0.00 l».O7 - 15 B7 San Diego ..... O.fK) 10.23 . 10.01 j Coaat record for 13 hour* ending 5 p. m. stations ; r | v j r ; I ft £", ter .-29.76 78 50 XW I't.Cldy .00 go»»e. 29-72 -SO 52 }CW Clear * .X) Flagstaff . ... .29.74 -S2 4<» E Clear .00 Fresno. 102 60 SW Clear .00 ladepeiHcace .29.70 iui.m w clear .00 ' KaH 5 pe!iv.....29.7S -74 42 SE Clear : !oo I Lo«^ Angeles .^. so 82 62 S^- Clear .00 ! Mrjdena yT29.74 80 44 SW Clear 00 \u25a0 Mt. JTamalpals.29.S4 M 47 XW . Cloudy .00 North Head ..30.00 .'.2 4% XW Ooudy \u25a0* 00 Phoenix ...... 29.60 104 P.B W (Hear '(V) Pocatello . ... .29.74 S6 M TV-f Clear !oo '\u25a0 Pt. Reyes Lt..2». 50. M 47 XW Ooady .00 Portland ..... 29.56 76 S2 XW Clear -ipO ; Red Bluff ....29.60 fl(! 64 SE Clear .fiO Reno '.........29.72 90 4S iv (;ip, r m Roseborg .".29.8S 76 \u25a04« XW Clear' *00 Sacramento ...29.72 J»6 ,«« S Clear "00 Salt-Lake .....20.74 :'M>7 Jis SE ' ' (lear "no San Dlepo ...29.84 «2 5_S S Cloudy !o<> San Francisco.29.S4 58 48- W Pt Cldy 00 1 San Jose ..'.. ; 2».g8 70 SO -XW Clear »\u25a0 .oo ' S. I*o!s-Obispo.£9.86 72 41 X Clear- 00 S. E.Farallon.29.f« M fiO NW Cloudy *00 Spokane ......29.82 7« 48 W • Cloudy. H 00 ! •Summit ......... 78 24 Calm Clear .00: Tacoma .... ..29.80 t» 48 N Clear 00 ' Tatoosh ,:.../.. 30.02 , r .S 46 w Cloudy .00 Tonopah ......29.64 ,l¥) 64- SE Clear J .OO Walla* .....:. .29. 82. So>32 N> ;Pt.Cldyi'.«o Wlnnemucca ..29.68 -»4 46 XW Clear 00 Yuma ........ 29.60 102 68. "SE Clear .00 \u25a0•ATerajre snow on ground 20 inches. . -. \u25a0\u25a0'.•? r The.- following, maximum ,'and minimum tem peratures are reported from <>a*tern ntatlon« for previous day: Chicago," 6S-r>6; New York, 6S-C2- Oinsha, 76-58. . SYNOPSIS \u25a0 The weatbpr continue* warm In the intrrior of. California, will | probably moderate Frldar. Afternoon temperatures in the. San Joaqninral. ley • hate exceeded a JOO de/rrrej. - v-Alon* i the coast there Ik considerable low fog with reHultlnK cool weather. \ A maximum wind Telocity 0f. 48 miles from , tbe northwest , Is i reported at Point \u25a0 Kcfcav No rain ba« fallen went of the Rocky, mountains | except s a : trace ; atl Eoreka. 'The : relative • htimid | ity at Red Bloff was 36. per cent and at Fresno 1 31 * per, cent.'. ;;v"'-'":; ;v"'-'" : r -"-"•*-'\u25a0'•-\u25a0-•• •- '"•'••- -.- - ,-• -..-- ;\u25a0\u25a0 -Forecast for the 30 hours ending ' at midnlcht Junf -"4. '..\u25a0.1809: • :\u25a0,. •\u25a0:: \u25a0\u25a0 . , -..~^::. - S«n Francisco and r Tlcinity— Fair ; Friday; with foff: light eouthwen • wind, chansrln? - to brisk west.' \u25a0\u25a0.'" \u25a0 i\u25a0. ;'.\u25a0•\u25a0 :«•.; r .-' -• Santa ? Clara ralley— Fair Frldar; • liitht north wlnd.s;/; v;; '';-?;\u25a0 v '\u25a0: '-, -. . . ->j. ;:; • Sacramenio.Talley — Fair Friday; not- »o warm lljrht' south' wind.*- - v.* -.-. ',; • .' •> .\u25a0/ - San Joaquin TBlley— Fair Friday; not so warm* liicbt* north r wln<l.i . \u25a0_,-,. \u25a0x Los/Angeles -; and . Ticinity— Fair " Friday: not so warni;,ltglit north wind, changing: to south' ~ | .'-; A. G.'McADIE, District Forwaxter. SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE ARRIVED -.'... ' . Thur>t<]ft.r. Jiuie.l.: . \u25a0 ftmr Vanenard. Odlan/1. 52 hoars -from" Re- * s?tmr_- H*niM.\ MeFarland,' .',9 hcur« I from San IVdro. ,< 1_; _• :.'C^y '-^ "„\u25a0.. \u25a0 •-. :.-. ;"\v- \u25a0»-. _' > Stmr Pr^ntls-i. Itwohl 22 : hours "frWml-furpkk. . Stisr laaujs.-Sel*,. 21; hours. f row Eureka," Ixjunj for San Dieeo: put in \u25a0 to land passengers. \u25a0: ; Star ALT. Plant, Burtis, 37 hours from- Coos bay.' ;•; - '::•\u25a0'.-- '' ' .-:'- ' : .-, '\u25a0' ; •-. .\u25a0\u25a0 - \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 Stmr Santa Rita, - Conner, — ; — hours from Port San Lula. * . \u25a0 " • ' r Stmr -Porno, Lilleland. 14 hoars from. Albion, ria Point Arena 11. hours. \u25a0 . , •: Stmr North Fork, Kelson, 23 hours from" Eu reka. \u25a0:.-' ' \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 -\--- ' -\u25a0 « ,'-"v : ; •':-\u25a0 . \u25a0 \u25a0• Stmr Del Norte, Sanford, 32 hours from Cres cent City. - - . \u25a0 ' . Bktn' Kullerton. Grant/- '-'hoora : from' Port San Luis., in tow stmr Santa Rita, v Power sehr Ida A, Campbell..* 5 hours from Point Reyes. > • .*;:£»«\u25ba . CLEARED ; -. \u25a0 • . '-' ! Thursday. June :3. Br stmr Wellington. Cutler,- Ladysmltb, B. C; Western fuel company. - f .. \u25a0: :\u25a0-..-. Ocr stmr Ella. Brohn. Seattle, Tia Victoria and VancouTer;- K. .C. ETans & Sons.'-.: Stmr 'Mexican, Tapley, Honolulu, Tia Seattle; Williams, Dimond & Co. . \u25a0 : .. . ..- .-. . Stmr Pleiades, Armstrong, Honolnln; Williams, Dimond & Co. : Oer.Btmr.Sebara, Carsteni?," Hsmbnrg and way ports; Kosmos line. -. \u25a0 i SAILED Thursday, .June S. Slmr. Flfield, .Jensen,- Bandon. Stmr Mexican, Tapley. 'Honolulu. Tia Seattle. Stmr Brooklyn. Henricksen. Westport. • . Stmr Jtavalli. Nelson. Eureka. • . Stmr Xewburtr. Xorberg, Grays Harbor. 3 Br stmr Seminole. Clarke, Mororan.' for orders. Stmr Poliit Arena.: Jabnsen. . Xeedle . rock. ! \u25a0 Ger stmr Sebara, Carstens, Hambnrg, etc. Stmr RlTerside, Ramsellus. Portland.' \u25a0\u25a0 Power schr Aotll. Mason. Alaska, via Seattle. Schr . Santiago,- McDonald. \u25a0\u25a0 Monterey. In tow tug - Sea Rover. ; ;- \u25a0 .--..- \u25a0 \u25a0 . Schr H. D. Bendixsen, Thnanell, . Grays Har bor. Schr Monterey, Kelly, Monterey, In tow tug Navigator. \u25a0•-..\u25a0\u25a0: \u25a0.\u25a0,.-\u25a0*-;'\u25a0. \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 . ...... Stmr City of Topeka. Hall. Eureka. Stmr Santa Rosa. Alexander, San Diego. Stmr Whittler. Seaman, Port San Luis. .stmr laqua, Sels, San Diego. \u25a0 \u25a0' - Stmr Colonel E. L. ,• Drake, Smith, Pert San Luis. . \ . . . • Stmr Xatlonal City. Uigtfns. Fort Bragg. WEATHER REPORTS - POINT IX)BQS. June 3. 9 a. m.— Thick; -wind, southweat: velocity. 7 miles per hour. -. . POINT REYES. June 3, 9 a. m. — Foggy; -wind, northwest: velocity, 42 miles per hour. FA HALLO NES. June 3, 9 a. m. — Cloudy; wind, northwest; velocity, 24 miles per hour. TATOOSH. June 3. 9 a. m. — Clear; wind, 'northeast; Telocity, 12 miles per boor. BY UNITED WIRELESS COMPANY Steamer Admiral-Sampson, at 7 -p. : m.. off Heceta head — Light northwest breeze; smooth sea: all well. Stmr Lurline. from j Honolulu for Saa Fran cisco — June 2. 10 p. m., »1O miles off San Fran cisco: weather fine;. making 12 knots; all well. Stmr Minnesota, from Yokohama for Seattle— June 2. 8 p. m., 500 miles out; will arrive June 4, at 8 p. m.; port tail shaft broken. - Stmr Hlloalan, hence June 2 tor- Honolulu—' June 2. 8 p. m.. SS miles out. BY MASSIB WIRELESS COMPANY Stmr Qaeen. from San Francisco June j 1 for- Victoris— June 3, 12 m., off Grays Harbor; fresh, northerly wind; moderate northwest swell; air, well. . • .-- ' \u25a0 •- :-- \u25a0- - TELEGRAPHIC POINT LOBOS, June 3, 10 p. m.— Weather, foggy; wind, west: Telocity. 12 mllen per hour. DOMESTIC PORTS - TACOMA— Arrived June 3— Stmr Watson, from Seattle. Sailed June 3— Stmr Tallac. for Everett. * PORT SAN LClS— Sailed June 3— Stmr Coog; Bay. for San Francisco. | , . ' • r EVERETT — Sailed June 3— Stmr Jim Butler, for San Francisco: sehr Melrose, for Guaviuas. PORT LUDLOW— Sailed June 3— Stmr Tiver ton. for San Francisco. FORT BRAGG— Arrived June- 3^-Stmr Bruns ; wick, hence June 2. . . Sailed June 3 — Stmr James S. Hijrcln*. for Ssn Pedro. IJNALASK A— Arrived May 21— Barge Qnat i gino. from Seattle. In tow txlg Goliath. SEATrLE— ArrITed June 2— Stmr Fairhaven, hence May 29- June 3 — Stmr Charles Nelson, hence May 30: IT S stmr Coli>rado. hence May 31; Br ship Celticburn. from. San Pedro. j Sailed June 2 — Stmr Senator, for Nome; stmr Victoria, for Nome. . Arrived June 3 — Stmr Dolpjiin, from Skag way. \ ;-..'- ---... ..:\u25a0\u25a0•..\u25a0: Sailed June'3 — Stmr St. Croir. for, Nome; stmr Edith, for Valdei. -. \u25a0\u25a0 Seattle June' 3 — Stmr- Ohio, for Nome, : . WESTPORT, (Wash.)— Sailed June 3— Stmr Grajs " Harbor. -for San Francisco. Passed in- June 3 — Stmr Centralla, hence May 30. . ... Passed oat Jane 3— Schr A. J. West, for San Francisco. . . ? , ' • • . . SAN PEDRO —^Arrived June 3— Stmr Quinault, hence' June l; «tmr Bee, from Coos bay." TATOOSH — Passed Sln June 2 — Four masted ship, towing (went to Victoria): stmr, George W. Fenwlck. | hence May 30. for MnkU^eo; US stxnr Colorado, hence May 31, for Seattle. . Passed out June- 2 — Stmr Admiral Sampson, from Seattle, for San Francisco.; June 3 — Stmr Victoria, from Seattle, for Nome; stmr Senator, from Seattle, for Nome; barge Palmyra, from Waldron island, for Grays Harbor., ' „ I REDONDO— Arrived j Jnne 3— Stmr Raymond, from San> Pedro. .:.. ' Sailed June 3— Stmr, Raymond, for Santa ' Ba rbara; schr Axalea." for Eureka. EUREKA— SaiIed June 3— Stmr Lakme, for San Pedro: stmr Aurella, for Redondo. Arrived June 3 — Br stmr Invertay, from Vic toria. '-"•.:' :...;.: ' - . \u25a0 .- ";. SANTA BARBARA-^-Arrived June 3— Stmr Raymond, from Redondo beach. SKAGWAY-^?alled June 3— Stmr City of Seattle, for Seattle.,. * , . JUNEAU — Sailed ; June 2— Stmr -A. G. Wnd say. for Seattle. •. ' : - *v 17MPQUA RlVEß— Sailed June 2— Schr , Lily, for San Francisco. . ' i_v '' / "'\u25a0 ASTORIA— SaiIed June 2— Stmr Argyll, for San Francisco; stmr . Wellesley, • for San Pedro. tittnr - Breakwater, for Coos bay ; stmr \u25a0 Carmel, for San Francisco. • ' ; EASTERN PORTS . XEWYORK — Arrived June 2^-Stmr Adrance. from Colon. June.3— Br stmr Montevideo," from Puerto Mexico. \u25a0 , - ' •- Sailed June 2 — Br stmr Coy a, for Valparaiso; stmr Panama, for C010n.;. \u25a0 ISLAND PORTS . - HONOLULU— SaiIed June . 3— TJ. S stmr Tboraa*. from Manila.* for San FrancWeo. "KAUAI — Off June 2— Stmr Solden. , . FOREIGN PORTS v \u25a0 SALINA'.CRUZ — Arrived Juna < Z— <ser stmr Neko.'from Hamburg. \ - FALMOUTH— Arrived Jane 2— Fr baric Sully, from -Oregon. • . < \u25a0; ' * HONGKONG— Arrived prior June* 2— Stmr Mongolia, hence May 5. via Yokohama and Honolulu. \u25a0'.."' . :\u25a0. ' - \u0084-. LlZAßD— Passed ;. June 2 — Fr ship L«ennee. from Seattle, for United; Kingdom. '•• . LElTH— Sailed May 28 — Br ship^ Riverside, for Hunolaln and Puget: sound. \u25a0. \- ... \u25a0 VICTORIA— Arrived June : 3 — Br . ship Spring hack, from Santa Rosalia; ,Br-stmr Monteagle.. from Yokohama.. " Vv' 1 -'" ' ' - . •-\u25a0 : \u25a0 '.Sailed June 3— Br.stmr Empress of China." for Yokohama: . ' \u25a0 ' ' : -..''\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 , MONTEVIDEO— ArrIred May 30 — Fr stmr Amlral Duperre. heore April 6.. f0r Havre... , v YOKOHAMA— SaiIed June 3— Jap; stmr C&Iyo Maru. for Sa n" Francisco. - Arrived June I— Br, stmr Bellerophon, • from Tacoma. for Liverpool, etc. ~ SHANGHAI— SaiIed*, June 3— Br stmr- Hazel Dollar, for Mororan. -**.*.": . :. .., OCEAN STEAiIERJ? I QUEENSTOWN — Sailed . Jnne - 3— Stmr Fried land. v for. Philadelphia; stmr for. New YorV v - \u25a0' \u25a0•\u25a0' » \u25a0*\u25a0 \u25a0'-\u25a0"\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0•\u25a0'-\u25a0' '- " ' -\u25a0' --\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 'NEVT" YORK— Arrived Juue 3— Stmr Moltke. from .'Naples: : stmr.' Neckar, from Naples; stmr America, from Naples. - .\u25a0 - . :.',: .', Sailed ' Jno«: 3— -Stnir-Iji Lorraine, for Havre: *tmr Bremen, for Bremen ; stmr Slavonia, . for MONTEVIDEO — Arrived May 3ft— Stmr 'Amfral Duperre, from San ; Francisco,' etc.. -via Punta Arenas, for Havre. r „;• : : , '.- '\u25a0'-. OCEAN ;" VIEW : CLUB : ENTEETAINICENT— Tbe \u25a0 ladies*^ home promotion club of . Ocean i View will jriTe a^dancc and \u25a0entertainment, at Wolf's hall the ; "renlng of .; June \u25a05. \u25a0» the ; proceeds I from which will ; be contributed •to the - Improvement tund for tbe.betterlnjr of their district. The club was recently formed. Its principal object being to work \u25a0 for ' additional "school*. o parks' »nd< play 1 grounds • for Ocean View. Its offlcem are: ; Mrs. i M. E. Welch. ; president: '• Sirs. Theodore Welßs,' ! vice president: Mrs. C- Sinclair. 'treasurer; ijjrs. E. Desmond.' secretary; .Mrs. X.'- Carroll, *flnan i clal Kecrctary. : - -:-r--".x •' ' .'-'i \u25a0•"• - '-:"J^' / ..3-. ATLAI*TXC> OCEAN TRAVEL Ctitoian Pacific Less'Jl^nFw Weekly- '^alllnif Between Montrenl, Qne- : v • *bee nnd :\u25a0 Two days onithP tx'sutiful.Pt^Liwrence^rlTer an<«.short»«t ocean routß. to Europ/v • - - Nothlnc t>etter,' on, the Atlantic, than, ooV/ Em- preweii. • :•. - .^First Vla»ti?J>o, second ;cl«s»- ; |r.O." one class ! cabin. s4.VrV-; ,.-.••\u25a0»\u25a0\u25a0-•-._- i. -.- . • ; > I Afk any ticket, ag«Mit.. or- write for salllnjrs, rates and booklet. _' .; >" • ,• . f - \u25a0• E. E.U'ENN.;G.;A..<7T EIXIS ST., /•\u25a0.^<^San;Franclsco.*Cal. :- : . Coinpagnie - Gen'erale Transatlantiqae ' v'DIRECT.LINE TO/HAVRE-PARIS: • Sailing- every '.Taurnaay.s Instead iof "Saturday at ; 10 • a. ni.,' from, pier 42, North riTer,- foot of ! Morion -st.\ : -" »_^' t '- ' - - \u25a0' ' it '\u25a0\u25a0 , \u25a0 First: class to sliavre. J. ..a0 and i upward :'seo- ADAril9State;*tr.*New;York. J.*Y. FUGAZI. Manager #Paeiflei Coast.. 630, Montgomery ;*t.v ! San Francisco. ', Tickets sold ;by all .railroad tictel acents. "\u25a0./\u25a0\u25a0..;;' ."\u25a0;,::"'\u25a0-. .-'" : ".'-' '.. k -. '\u25a0\u25a0' ' i - 1 '."".» i RE A L, ESTATE -TRAX S ACTION S CellaT.lWygant'to John P. Gillies' aad, wife. j lot in S line of HUI street, 200 W of Sanchez, W 23by S114: *10.-,- - - - •: >-' \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 ' j John F." McGowan v to '• Lloyd H. " Day," lot 49. block 3. Holly park; $10. . . '•-- Joseph Groellr to: Peter A.. r Anderson, . lot .29. block; 4iV Sunny side :|IO.. .s, -7i" • J -^ " -' ; James Tierney to Mary Frances Tierue^, lot in : S line of O'Farrell street, 137:6 W of. Gough, W 52:6 by.R:137:6;-slo.'- r- »; i \u25a0- John W. Farren to Frank G. Farren, lot in S line of Turk street, 150 E of First avenue, £ 50 by S 137:6; $10. • ; . ; _ , -§ame to Agnes 'M: Farren. lot at W. corner of: First aad Harrison streets. SW 125, NW-73, NE 50, NW 75.NE 50, NW 25,^ NE 75, SE 100; $10. * Abraham Harsoall ; and wife to : Emma - Gates Bntler lot In N Jlne of Sutter street. S7:9U E of Mason, E'49:Bfi; N 137:6, W 50. S 50, E 0:314, S 87:6; $10. , > • Eva \u25a0 Grossman to • Oscar ** Swanson - and Axel Johnson, lot In N line of Jersey street.' 100 W ©f Church, W2sby N 114: 510. : . \ -Adolph Greub and wife to John Freltas, k>t In E line of Howard street, 230 N of Fifteenth, N 30by E 125; $10. • : i- Rogers & Stone company, to WHllani Smith and r»ife. lot 5. block 23. Sunnyslde; $10. • < Emma, Gates Butler to Abraham Harshall. lot at NW corner of Post and - Steiner. streets. »N 137:6 by W 275, and one ot^er piece; $10. John Freitaa and wife .to Adolptt Greub and wife.lot In N line of Green'street, 137:6 E of Powell. Essby N 137:6; $10. v - Patrick; H. Farley ' to Rudolf Stolienwald. lot In SB. line of First avenue. 51:6 SW of Golden Gate avenue, SW 50 by E 100; *10. Anna '; Louise Gregory to Sterling \u25a0 realty com pany, "lot In E line of Twentieth avenue. 100 S of I street,»S 23 by E- 120; $10. . -. W. F. Barnes and wife to Flora E. Kluy.Mot at NWf corner of Washington and Scott streets. N 27:8»4 by W 110: $10. . ' . John' BrickPll company to Henry K. Judah and wife, lot in W line of Twenty-fifth avenue. 134 S of West Clay street. S 31 by W 120; $10. * Henry R. Judah and wife to Richard I. How- Itt. same; $10. . - , Horace V. Scott to Alice C. Scott, lot In S line of Waller BUeet, 107:8 W of Central ave nue, W 23 by S l'-O. and one other piece; gift. Alice C. Scott to Horace* V. Scott, lot In S line of Waller street, 107:6 W of Central ave^ nue. W 23 by S 126; Rift. . Giovanni Mollnari to Pietro Molinari. lot in E line of Eighth avenue, 150 N of A street, N 25 by E 120: $10. , - > James -Whlttaker apd. wife et aL to Charles Blockwell and wife, lot In N. line of Twenty fifth street, 100 Wof Church,'* W 25 by _-N 114; Clifford S. Allred and wife to_S. Ducas com pany, lot 15. block 1. Sunnyslde; $10. Louis H. C. Brandenburg, and wife to Alex M. Martin, lot at N corner of Olmstead and Prince ton street*. NW 100 by NE 120; $10. Mary Tracy to Thomas Curley et al.. lot- la E line of Buchanan street. 87:6 N of McAllister. N 25, E 84:0% more or less, 5W, 27:6, W 72:6; $10. ' .\u25a0.'\u25a0' .- " ..' \u25a0 ' --'\u0084'--- George Ryan to Antone Maxwell, lot 419, gift map 2; $10. Frances Love to J. A. Halpin et al.. half of lot In S line " of my street, 365:« E of Mis sion. E 25 by S 100; $10. , John V. Campbell to Charles Lauffer et al.. lot In S line of Golden Gate avenue, 137:6 E of Brodertck street, E 33:4 by S 137:6; $10. \u25a0 Annie Kearney to Margaret Ty ter. lot ia W line of/Fair Oaks street, 225 N of Twenty, second. N 19 by W 11T:O; $10. - " • < Mathias Job*t and wife to John T. Lorenxon and wife, lot in N line of Herman street, 137:0- B of Webster, E 85. by N 137:6: $10. John T. Lorenzen and wife to Matblas Jolwt, lot In S line of Waller street. 131:3 W of Fill more, W23br S 120; $10. J Rivers Brothers to- Carl Swenson, lot 40. block A, Glen Park" terrace; $10. - Michael Joaehfan S*ib to Marparet Rowe. lot at SE corner of Arch and Randolph streets, E 50 by S 100; $10. • - * . Rivers Brothers to Carl Swenson, lot 40. block A, Glen Park terrace: $10. ~ \u25a0' David McKenxie to i Susan M. McKenzie. lot In N line of Clementina street. 150 W of Flr»t avenue. N 80-by W 23: Rift. - . - E." 1 E newlctt to Mary A. Huntinßton. lot ln"N line of Jackson street. f.«:S^ E of Brod erick. E SS^V^. N 127-.SK, W 33. S 27:8>4. W25:9%: $r. ; n. H. Bancroft to same; $1. Mary A. Huntlngton to Maurice Rosenthal. lot In N line of Jackson strwt, 56:R% E of- Brod erlck. E 58:9«4. N 127:5%. W 33, S -27:S'i. W 25:»«4. S 100; $10. Homestead realty company to California title insurance and tru3t company, lot at E corner of Fifteenth, avenue and P street South,. SE 50 by NE 100: $10". • Fredprick J. Humphries to Charles Musler and wife, lot In E line of Cook street. 125 S of Point Lobns avenue. S 25 by E 120: $10. Emily O. Hunter to Leslie L. Hunter,- lot in W.line of Thirteenth avenue. 123 S of X street. S 25 by W 120; $10. O.«car E. Dslby to Fred Mnrrar. lot in SE line of jThenery street. 213 SW of Roanoke. SW 23 by SE 125; $10. , Alice W. Ashbro«kto Marlon W. Craig, half PACIFIC OCEAN TRAVEL J -!*v Steamers Leave Broadway /cS£^ S "^®V wharves (Piers. 9 and- 11) fi£? '7^^ - LOW RATES. INCLUDING WV^Sin BERTHS AXD XIEALS. I \ Xva^k/'i SPECIAL ROUND TRIP '\»ji LOS AXGEI.ES V^LfrtK?/ SAX DIEOO Ts^Sl>f »SAXTA BARBARA •Governor...... Mod., June 7, 21,' July 5, : 2 p. m. •President— Moc., Jnne 14. 28; July 11. 2 p. m. . ': Alternately Every Monday Thereafter. ; Santa Rosa.).... Every Thursday. 10:30 a. m. .•Direct for Los Angeles, Will not call Santa Barbara.. *; \u25a0 ' SEATTLE :". f DIRECT),- tTO\%*XSEXD TACO SI A, f VICTORIA; tVANCOirVER Connecting at Seattle for SE. Alaska. Skasway, 5| Dawson, Fairbanks, Nome, St. Michael. Queen ...........Tues., June 2, 15, 29." 2 p. m. fPreeident. .Sat.. June 5. ID; Jnly 3, 17, 2 p. m. Puebla.... Tues., June 8. 22; Jnly 6, 20, 2 p. m. f Governor. ..Sat., June 12, 26;'Jnly 10,. 2 p. m. f , >>^' Umatilla, Tues., July 13. 2 'p. m. fWlll not call at Victoria/ Townsend, Vancouver. EUREKA (HUMBOLDT BAY) City of *Topeka. . . . .".June 3, S. 13. 18, 23. 28; July 3, 10:30 a. m. Every fifth day thereafter. GUAYMAS, MAZATLAX, LA PAZ Curacao.....' 7th each month, 10 a. m. I ALASKA CRUISES— Leave Seattle \ J * Spokane... '.Jane 13, SO; July 15, 30; August 14 Queen .........:......... ... .. .... . . . Ju1y 15. 30 XOME AXD ST. MICHAEL Senator (direct) . . . .... ... ........... .June 28 I . Right reserved to change this schedule. TICKET OFFICES— 3 Market it., 112 Market st, and Broadway Wharf. Tel. Kearny 498. OAKLAND— IO3G Broadway. ' Tel. Oakland 5650. C. D. DUNANN. a. P, A.; San Francisco. DAYUGHT RIVER EXCURSION RIO VISTA AND REFURN STEAMER "CAPT: WEBER" SUNDAY, JUNE 6, 1909r * Leaving: Jackson St.. Pier. .9 a, m. Returning' about .......... S p." m." MUSIC AND DANCING Round Trip ?1, .,;,* . launch Served 50c Tlckets^on. Sale at California Transportation Company's Office '- Jackson^ St. Tier ' SEATTLE DIRECI " CONNECTING ALIi NORTHERN POINTS 8.; 8. BUCKMAN. ...............June 5. S.I' S.; ADMIRAL SAMPSON. ....Jane 10 , S.l S. •\u25a0;' WATSON. ... .... .... '. .". .June; 15 Los Angeles Direct r. TWIN SCREW 5. " S. ADMIRAL SAMPSON. June 6 Sailings 1 from* Steuart St. Dock. ; . \ Alaska Pacific Steamship Co. v , . Ticket oiflce.': 54 Market St. , • toyo Risen kaisha (ORIENTAL STEAMSHIP COMPAJTY) B.* B." Chiyo Maru. ..".V. .*: .Tuesday/ Joae S3, 1909 8.8. Tenyo Maru.....*; 1 .;.. Tuesday, ' July 27, 1909 8. 8. Nippon Maru .'...Tuesday; August 17.' 1809 \u25a0 Steamers : sail ; from ? company's, piers. \u25a0 No*. 42, 44, tear foot of. Second st.. 1 p. m..' for Yoko- hama I and \u25a0 Hongkong.', calling |at Hooolclu. Kobe j (Hloro). Nagasaki and Shanghai, and connecting : at Hongkong with .steamers \u25a0 for » Manila,-, India. : etc."- No cargo received lon board oa > day \u25a0of sail- lnz. r Round » trip ; tickets at rates.---.?" - - -For \u25a0 freight • and * passage apply , at office; \u25a0; 240 James Flood » nuUdlng. •, W. H. AVKRY. \u25a0Assistant Genfral .Manager. UAiJAi 111 II " : '^ \u25a0 I * s '*- AUmeda "sails^ll" rfi IN 111 111 II «tn. June 5/ Special lIUiIULULU ro Vnd trip. 1 110 first class. TAH ITI -AND XEW, ZE ALAX Ai-Si r SJ ; MarlfKwia ' nails slU a.' m..* July, 1.- SpL Tahiti. • round trip t $125. ~y-: Welllnf ton. $200." V R. Y. OCEANIC. LINE. 7 673 Mkt.; tel?. Kearny .1231.; AUCTION SAIgES MULES AT Receiver's Sale '.» Preliminary Ji>btle«—By order ef Coort I will »ell at rffSllc auction la the city of L<m* Angeles, Cal.; about, the 15th day, of June. 1909. 100 head; draft mules, now employed by the L" nit ed States reclamation service; Details and date o* sale to be announced later. MARIOS J. KAST Receiver of dissolved firm. Brlcker & Coats/ Office 6M Mills Bldg.. San Francisco, CaL 6O HEAD BIG - AUCTION SALE of all purpewe horses SATURDAY, June 5. st 11 a. cs. All guaran- teed horse* will be hooked. 3C& 4tn St.. Cak- land. J. W. MEDEIEOS. am'tloneer. of lot In •- XW line of Bruce place, 25 SW of li a rrlson avenue, SW 30 by >'W 73: gift. Robert C. Porter to Victory bolldlnt; corpora- tion, lot In N line of Sutler street. 137 :6 E of Mason, X 137:6, E eS:l»i. S 137:6, W K:»'i; ,10. Charles 2. . Bo«>kowltz. deceased <by •recuWlaV. to Frank Boxkowlta, lou 512 to 512. gift map S, and one other piece; $6(1). . . liana N. Outsen and wife to William Ehren- pfort. lot commencing 123:7>A E of Castro street mj W >'W of Market," SW 44:2;*. X 25:9, E 33:7^; $10. Bnlldlns Contraeta * Vlckery building corporation wltU Arlett & Brigham — To erect a three story brick bulldinir In >.' line of gutter street. 137 :« Eof Mason, X 137:8, E 67:1^, S 137; B. W «7:9»-i: J34JS4. W. H. Hyde Jr. et al. (trustees* with Philip Overman — To erect a one story and basement brick bnlldlng at XE corner of Sixteenth street and Julian avenne. X 95 by E 84; $17,230. William Hf Cala et al. <by Pete Drivers, bridge and structural Iron workers-u nion, local Xo. Tif with Hlnchman and Clement — Excavation and concrete work for walls and pier* for butldin? in S line of Bryant street. 41:6 W «f Center place. W 23 by S SO: $1,540. . Emma M. MeCabe with Henry A. Christophel — To erect a two story frame tfia's't building at SW corner of Belevedere and R'.vola streets; $4.800., • Thomas E. and Sa<lie Gorman with Benjamin R. Hallfnjr— All work for oae story and base- ment frame building in W line of Benningtoo street. 30 X of Newman. X 25 by W 100: $1,450. J. P. Judlce with .Seirurson Brothers — To erect a two story frame building in X line of A street, 57:6 E of Fifth avenue, E 25 by X 100: $3,440. George Leale with Beetham & Hinds — All work for alterations jind addition .4 to two story frani* building in W line of Devtsadero street, IUO X of Bustt, X 75 by ltt); $«$,400. Claus A. and Rudolph Hprekels (executors «f the estate of Claus Spreckels, drceased) — Orna- mental iron work for baildinz in SE line of Mar- ket street, 275 SW of Third. SW 50. SE 100. SW 10. SE 70. XE 170; $4,500. 1 Thomas Morrow with B. K. Albertson — Altera- tions and additions to make a tbref' story frame (flatst ' building in W line of Fourth avenue. 150 N of Point Lobos, W 120 by X 25: $3.500. George X. Marye with Knowles & Kaiser — Wire lathing-, flreproo&n? and plasterinj: for two story building at W corner of Market street and Marshall wjuare. SW 150. XW 100. SW 25. XW 100. SE 75. SE 200: $6.«00. G. Sangulnettl with A. Pedroni — All work, ex- cept excaTatiop. concrete and cement work, plumbing, painting, finish hardware, shades and chandeliers, for a building In S line of Union street. 137:6 W of Mason, W 5t:6 by 137:6; $5,450. Jacob Hanser with J. M. Hijxlns — To erect a two story frame tflatsl in X line of Alvarado street. 17S \V of Dooglass. 25x114: $3,400. RAILWAY TRAVEL raJ Mttk TRAINS LEAVE SAN FRANCISCO v^Bx^ Market St. Ferry Leave for — 1 A-M. t P.M. Bakers field I 8.00 8.00-10.00 Chicago ... 8.00- 10.00 Fresno ;... 8.00 8.00-10.00 Grand Canyon 8.00-10.00 Hanford 8.00 8.00 "*\u25a0 Kansas City 8.00-10.00 Merced 8.00 8.00-10.00 Stockton 8.00 4.00-8.00-10.00 Stockton. • Oak- dale & Slarra ( Ry. points .... 9.45 Tulare ...;..... 8.00 8.00-10.00 Visalla 8.00 8.00-10.00 Yosemlte ....... | 8.00- f ... 10.00 California Limited through to Chicago j - leaves at 10.00 p. m. 673 Market Street and Market Street Ferry Depot, San Francisco 1112 Broadway, Oakland SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE \u25a0-Ppgnp)- HAY '11, 1909 UXIOX FERRY DEPOT j~~~*'^ ' San Franctoeo Leave. VIA SAUSALJTO. Arrive. 7:15 a Sonoma and Glen Ellen I 6:03p "7:45 a Petaluma. Santa Rosa. Healds- \ bur?. Cloverdale. Uklah. WiUlts. Sherwood, Sebastopol and Gnerne- . jvllle *7:33p B:lsalPt. Reyes, Mocte Rio, Tazadero. ••7:05p tSMoajPetalums. Snt. Rosa, Oaernevllle 7:05p t9 :lsa Sonoma and Gl««n Ellen ". S:33p J9:lsa|Lasunltas, Cp. Taylor. Pt. Beyes 7:33p 10:45a|Petalnma and Santa Rosa 4:35p t2:4spjPt. Reyes. Monte Rio. Caxadero.. f 11:05 a 3:lop Petaluma. SanU Rosa, Healds- bnrjf. Cloverdale. Uklah. Gnerae- ville. River Landtmr. Sebastopol 11:05 a 4 :45p .Sonoma and Glen Ellen * 9:03 a 5 :15p Petaluma and Sanu Rosa 8:33 a ts:4spiLasunita.«. Cp. Taylor, Pt. Reyes. 8:03 a t7:4sp|Point Reyes $:QSa ELECTSIC SUBtTRBAX VIA SATJ3ALITO Sauallto, Kill Valley, San RaXaal— Dally every thirty minutes from 6:45 A. M. until 9:45 A. M.; hourly until 2:45 P. M.. then 3:13 P. M. and every thirty minutes until 7:45 P. M.. tbea 9:00. 10:35 P. XI. and 12:01 A-M. (On Sundays — in addition— every thirty minutes from 9:45 A. M. to- 3:15 P. M.. excepting 2:15 P. M.» Fairfax— l^avet6:4s.'t7:ls. 7:43, 8:15. fl:15. J9:45, 10:45, 11:45 A. \u25a0 M.: 12.-46. 1:45. \Z:V>. 3:15. 3:43. 4:15. 4:^5. ,5:15, 5:43, 6:15, 6:43, t7:45 P. XI. San Qaeatin via Saa Rafael — Leave 8:15 A. P. M. Tionron and Belredere— Week days — 7:30. 9:00, 111:45- A. XI. (|12:45 P. XI. Saturdays only >. 3:30. 5:30 P. M.; Sundays 7 -J!0. IJ3:00. f 111:00 A. M.; 1112:30, 3:30, 5:30 P. M., and |12:01 A. M. , •Sundays \u25a0 arrive "7:05 P. M. . from Sebantopol aad Guerneville. ••Sundays arrive S:O5 P. M. JExcept Sunday. iSanday oaly. |Vla Sau- salito. l i ßuns to Schuetzen Park. . Pacific Transfer Company's Agents are aathor- lied to che<flc bsrggßß dlreet'from. residences. tMUIR- WOODS '•'MT.-TAW^LPAIS VIA SAUSALITO FERRY; foot op tußxrr street L£fiAL HCLPAYS-SCTBAT TUtl It.Sm frutba iT.MsirfMfe If. Imiyin V.-EEK SCN- WEEK SCN- VZX.K. SCN- \u25a0 DAY ' DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY 3:45 a 7:15 a t7:2ot 11:05 a 7:20 a 5:4.2 a 1:45p 1:40p 12:20 a 1:43p 11:22 a -»4'-45d. 9:lSa 02:45p 1:50» <:14p 12:10* ...."h}:4st, 4:20? 3:50? *S:50» 1:40? ...... 11:15 a .:. ... 5:20? ...... 3:40? ...... ,12:45? ...... (:40? ...... ' 6:10p ....... 2:45? .;.... ..... ...... fi:4o? :..... 4:15? *Sat. only. tMon. only. ' ©TansaipsJs only. IMair only l". Ticket OSw^SausJito Fwry and 874 Market. .- General Offices-Mai T. alley. California. OCEAN SHORE RAILWAY (12th and Mlssio^)*-Dally ex. Sunday— Lt.: •7:43 a. t9:30a.f»1:13p rf ts:4op. Ar. S. r.: •7:25 a, t9:10a.- *l:00p. -tl:13p. Snndays— Lv. : •7:45 a, t»:3oa.. t»10:l0a. •11:15 a. »12:15 p. ts:4op.- Ar. S. F.:x »7:23 a. . t9:loa. •11:40 a. •4:40p.-t3:I3P. **6:00 p.- »To and from Arieta. tTo ' and from : Tanltas Glen. {Stop at Salada. San *: Pedro.' Terrace. Farallooe. Moss Beacb. Granada. Half moon Bay. Connect at Tnnltas Glen with stage for San Gregorio." Pescadero and Pebble, 1 Beacb. ' ' \u25a0' BAY AXD iVTERURBAX ROUTES MAREISLAND NAVY YARD Va!lejo ? Napa, St. Helena ST.' HEI.E.VA-XAPA VALtEY ROUTE - Montleello S.S. Co., and Xapa Valley Electric j R. R. Co. .Close connections. jB-^-ROU.Vp* TRIPS 'DAIJUV^ C :*:" Boats* leave' San Franclseo' 7:00. "SUj a. m.. 1 . !":$(» ;\u25a0 n00n,13:15. -i «:CO. j *S:3O ' p. . m. '-.<. < Saa Franelseo landing and office. Clay . »tre#t { wbarf , north " end . ferry buildlnc. Market »tree( I ferry..^Meals a la carte. , -. rboco Kearoy -406. . , N. rLand"n»vyf yard ; direct. 77^ \u25a0 I AUCTION SALES H. ROTH AUCTIOiNEER OLD HORSE SALE TODAY, Friday, June 4th AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M. SHARP I WILL SEUL. AT 1238 MARKET STREET ' By Order WELLS, FAKGO *& CO.. Two Thousand Packages of Unclaimed freight Not.Called for Prior to Ausust_l. UOS The Goods Comprise Boxes. Trunks, Grips. Bundles. Etc., Etc. H. ROTH, Auctioneer 450 Sixth St. Phone Park SZStI RAILWAY TRAVEL /<JN.' ' Traia* W»f « tal »r» Ja« (^{SSSSffi San Francisco \u25a0^^QtCj^rl FERKV DEPOT - > % > 'ig<^ Toot ot Market gtraet Leave" — VIA OAKLAND POR--ArtT» ~ 2.13 a. lulca, Lrrtrmon. Tracy. . L>ctiop>, Ktrv^rtnn |iw<j x B«i T «iT. r tfr> 9ZB$ B.<oa H»yward. Kiles. Baa Jew 7XB* 7.00 a Rieaaaoßd, Fort Coata, Beciba, Bsi- rin, Dizaa, Eacrameato. BoaevSie;. llarrtvOle. Rnidiac Lvamnim.... 7^Ba 7.00 a. Etasira, Vacavßk, linaaej 7wSBp 7J)Ot Daris. V.coiiiad (Marrsvilie. Cro- rillel. Williams, Harwell. VtSlain. Himgtea. Coraiaz. Eed B!b9. . . 7£&y 7.40* Yallejo. Kapa. CaUsteca. Eaata Rcaa> Uirtiaea, £v Ramon, Docjiet-ty, * Fleaaaatoa .._ »X 8» 7.40 a Nilet. Fleataataa. LtTsacrt. Al- tasaoaS, Lathrcp. Stockton 7^39 7.40 a Tr ;?y. Loa Base*. Kcneaa. Fittcc. Hauford. Vieaiia 4^Sa B.oo* Newark, Eaa Jose. Los Catosjl right, F-Iton, Boul ier Creek, Saata Cru. . 6.43» •^Oa Port Costa. Martin ex. t'jrca. Trary, Stockton, llereed, Freno. Goibra J:astioa ( Hanford). \is»sa. For t«- vBIe Baker sfidd 4.48s SZOa Toaeaite VaScy via Ucrced 4.48 a 9.00« *;a?i,LiT«racr». Etocktoa{*ilUtea). ViJI-/ Spricj. Icae. Eaeraaeota. 4.25» 9.08 a Soeora. Tsjoloaaa aad Asttlt 4.28 a 9.00 a Atlaatio KxprM* — Eaerameato.Tras- kw. Ozd«a. Salt Laltt ivy. lent tr. Tf^nsaa City ... .. .... ............ G,2Vt9 9.40 a Rkhaoad. Port Cost*,* Utr&ea. BayPoißt 6.48» 10.20 a Vsllejo. Mars I riaad. Kaca H.2Ba 10.20 a Los Aac^sa Paaw a jpt— Pott Ccrta. Martiaes. B yroa, Irarv. Eteekton. . llereed. Fratno, Hanford. \iu!b. Tulars. Bakrrsjeld. UaAaitht... 7.4H» 10.40 a GoldScU Pass.— Pert Cost*. Ceakia. SacrasKatt Tro tit-. Basra, lliea. Tooopah, ColdS eld, lava. Eerier.. 7 43a 10.40 a MvT»»iHe. Cftieo. Red Eluff 4.25« 12.00 ml"he Orsrlaad limited— Denver. EaaaaaGtr. oa»aa. CLieago 7.23? l.2t>» Nilst. Saa Jom ami Vitj fiUticas.. 2.43* 2.00? Newark. Ssa Jo i c, Lo» Gates. rViigitt. Fdton. Boulder Creek, £ar.ta Cmi . . 9 5Rs 2.20» Binicia. Suitua. S>CTsme»to. I.CS? 2.20s PortlaaJ Etpr«a (via I'a»;s\ \WL Uitox WiOovs, Red Bluff. Weed. AshUad. Portland. Taccna. Eeattle. 12.Z89 2.40 a Sia Leaadro. Nile*, tip Jose 9.2£ a 3.00* l!*-i:-i». Vv :n ter«. Sanamrnto. Vlcod- laa-j. Uarvivffle n<l CrovOle !O.4Ea 3.00 a Saa Leaadro. Kilea, Crr.UmDf. Krw> - , ark. Saa Jose. 15X8* 3.23 a Port Cos'a (Stocktoa). llartinta, Bynm. Uodesto, llereed. Itrtro... 12X8* 3.43* Vh S-visaUto. West Kapa. £t Eeleaa.^ Calistoia 10.35 a • 4.00? Vallejo. Naps. Calistoga. Saofa Boss, Mutiaea, Saa Baoioa. Covsbertj. liveraore 9.25 a 4.00* Iluea. Traej. Sb» ektoa, LodL lO.ict 4.40* Saa. Leaadro. Bayvard. KSa.l IS.2Sa Pisaaaatoa. Livermore ....121148a 5J)Op Thi o*l Limited— Nnmu, Lea B»aoa. Ueadota. Eerataa. Freceo, Tolara. Bak «ri6 dd . Los A a ctles . . . 8.48 a 5.00 a Ra'oeU.Saa to;*. Lot Gate* 8.48 a 3.00 a Satsrdsy aad Saa day :cr VTrjht. ¥ti- toa. (Boulder Creek). S&ataCnu... {9.22 a 5.20 a S»a Leaadro. Kile ». StaJote 7.48 a 6.40p Biehaaosd. Piaoi*. Vt'Jfjo. I'ertCctta. Benieia. ?n:*aa, Eaertmeato — Rote- viJls, Liaroln. iluynillt. OreTiile.. 11.25 a •.20ji Esatera Express— Czdrn. Peebfe. Dearer. Kaa sas City. St. Leeia, Chkar> Purt Costa. Beaieia, EaeraßCßto, ' Rsao. Spark* BS8? 1.40* Harvard. Niles an.l faa Jose. 6.<S? 17.00* Vi!!«jo, Port Costa. Uarttats, E*y PoiataadWajr BUtioaa XI I. lB* 8.20s Orena hlipreis — ?itramtato.iljrj»- viils. R:Jdi3g. (llacdoei. Klamath Falls). Ashland. PorUaad. Taccma. Seatde. Spokane 9.42 a 9.00* Chii\ and Japaa Fart ifaS— Ofdea. Cbey ease, Ceater, Kassas Oty. Omaha, Chicago •-- 2^*3* ll.00» Yoseaite Valley via Nile* UeT«d. Q Portal 8.48 a ,11.00b Mies. Lathrop, Sfodesto. Ilerced. Fresao.... 10.33? COAST LINE *#~t TUlrtl ana Towu«eiul btxe«U*) |5.25» Loop — 33d Etrtst, Tisttaejoa. South Baa Fraa cisco, Talearia St 16.33s t5.40a Loop — Valeaisa St.. Ocesa View. Cemeteries. South £sa Fraaciseo, 23d Street. 31 aad Towaitad j8.50» 6.40 a Sooth Saa Fraaeitco. Eaa Jose. Cil- roy, (Hallisterl, Etrgest, Ealisac... 8.5 C? J7.00a Suadav Exeorsoa CJroT,Pa;a.-n. Of- trorifie. Del Uoate, Moßternr, Panfie '0r0ra.... 10.50a> 8U)0a The Coaster— San Jow. Castmviile, (Dd Monte.ilnoterey , PadfieCro'veX Salinas Soledsd. i'.i'o Rotles i 80l Spriap^, Saa Lais Obispo. Pismo. Oeeaoo. 'Surf. Loapoe, caata Bar- bara, Ventura, Osnard. lon A r i-!m IMS*' 8.05* L'v.-f.fii. Lea Aitoa. Lcs Gate?. V.'rijv.. (Boolder Creek). SaataCraa, Wataonvile. CastroviHe. Del JAonte. Monterev, Pacific Grove 1.25» B.2Da South ?aa Fraa eiseo. Palo Alts. Eaa Jose. War Station* : 7J5* B.2C*. Lm Altaa. Los Gates. Wright. (Eoulc-r - Creek). Saata Ctbi t7^C» 9.00 a Saa Jose, Gilroy. Satin af, UssfVr. Paso Robiss Hot Sprian. Saa 1-nis Obispo— H'JTuter —Esau Cr««. Ccl Uoate. Uaoterer. Paeifis Crov*. .. 4.CC* 10.40 a South San Fraaeiteo. BarQsgißS. Saa Uataa, Pab Alto. Ean Jose .. .. 6.30» 10.40 a Los Alto* UaataVUta. Lo» Galo«.. { T f [{^ 1 1.30 a Valtasta St. Oeeaa View. Celaa, \u25a0 CeatUrisa. Btdea. Saa 8rua0..... I.3I» 1 1.40 a SouSSia Fraaeiseo, tsn Jew 18.2Ca IJOOf Satarda?, PaJo Alto aad Way t'Utioas S.CC» £00a South Saa FraaeUeo. F»lo Alto. tis. i Joes... B.4Ci t2.00» Lo«. Altos. Los G»to<-. WriiH (Boclder \u25a0 Creek). Santa Crsa t3^o» t2. 10i Bay Shore. Visita doa. Saa Bruno 14.45* 3.OCi Del Ham* Biprtst— Saa Jese.GilnT. Caitteadea , W a fsoa v2le. facts Cnia. Del Monte. Slonttrey. Pacific Grove 12.3 C» t3.13? JhvSHJ. Loa Altos. Lcs Gates. Wright. (Boulder Creek). Saata Croi 9.43 a 3.20» Sooth San t'raadaro. Saa Jo*e. Cit- roy. CutroriUe. Esliau 10.23* 4.00? Sunset Eipre?» — I'ursnn, Eftnuif. E3 Paso, llonstoa Kaw Orlesisi,. - Paso lloMes Hot S prioes. £*o I.eis Obiipo. Santt Barb ua,los Aagdea. 1 1.48 a 4.00 a Gilr >v. Hollister. Trea Pmos B.5C* 4.03? DdUonte. Monterey. I'.eiSc Crove. t1.49* 4.00s Kansas CUy, St. loui». Cbiesgo.... 11.4 C* 4.20» South San Fra aetseo, Ssa Jose... 19.CCs t5.00a Siaßrir.o. Saa llateo. PsbAUo.Saa Jjsoiil Way SutMns 9.40 a tS.O5* Loop— 2ll Street. Visiucioo. South Saa ' Franciaen. Ydeneia' Street. t6.15? 6.109 Los Altos. LosGatoa.Wris!it,(Bosidsr • Creekj, Saata Crus.... 9.50? t5.23a Radwood, Pak> Alto. Va) field. Eaa v Jose Tr l.tC* t5.20» Los Alto* If oata VUU. Lcs Gate*. . 13.2Ca t5.25» Barliagsae Saa llstso. £aa Jow .. 13.2 C* t5JO* Loop— Valmaa St, Oteaa \tt*. Cemeteries. South Eta (raaeisro. 23iStreet. IJ aad Town mnl 6.40 a 5.40* feii Broao. Saa Mateo, Red* cod. Pab Alto. SaaU Clan. Esa Jo*e. . . 7.40* X 5.40» LO9 Gatoa, Wr"*bt. (Bo alder Geek), Saata Cha...... 5.40* tS.OOj USlbne. Eastoa. Sib M»i«>. Ptlo \lu>. Mayfiel.l. Las .Mto*. Loa Gates tSXOa 6.00 a Saturdays, Wright, (Boulder Creek). SiataCraa. IB.CC* t6.03p 2il Street VisiM eica. Sovtli Ssa Fraadsao. Valeara Stxeet.. t7.13p t8.23» Loop— Valea eta Street. Oteaa View, \u25a0 Craeteries. South Saa Fraatiseo, 23J Stress. Sd and Towasead....... t7.40f 6.305 ' Sxith 3aa Fraa coco, Saa Jose 8.40s 8JX)» Los Aageles Paaaeaga — San llateo. R»i*aod. Pab Alto. San Jose. G3ror. SaCaaa Cbaadcr. Paao - Robtes Hot Spriaxa, Saa Lai* Obispo. Fixmo, Saata Barbara Lea '<iwi..'.t.v. 8J0» 11.43» South Saa Fraaetseo. Pab AUo. Saa I 7.2 C» Jam:..:.;;:... ................. I 7.30* i tl.OO* Saerameata Rrwr Steamer* tlt^O* I I'aioa Trma^er »ier.ts eoUect bafff 8 \u25a0\u25a0* ; elirsir^ oa trams ef Soatbern PaeiSe aad . cflivw to . (residears. 'V-.rj arc aiUiorued to check bacsaga dirset 1 1.*<>"> re*ide3ee. ' • \u25a0 a for Uornia;. s far Aftei—oa , ' tSaaJay «itept«l JSuaday «al7i IHhM i 3bb. u-i Moa. 15