Newspaper Page Text
HAWAIIAN LINE PREPARES FOR MORE TRAFFIC New York Manager Says New Steamships WUI Be Put On as Trade Demands Will Continue Tehuantepec Route if Pacific Mail Aban» dons Panama Service In order to prepare for the growing trade of the Paciflc H- E. D. Jackson of New York, traffic manager of the AmerioAn-Hawaiian steamship com pany, has come to San Francisco to look over th« seld and study condi tions. He arrived Wednesday and t<jok apartments at the St. Francis hotel. He spent yesterday in the offlces of the steamship company in the Alaska Com mercial building, and it required but the one day to coarrnce him of the big future for the commerce of this port- Jackson i«r regarded as one of the highest authorities on traffic matters in the United States. He was called as an expert in the Spokane case and save testimony as to the nature c«T water competition. He has been in southern California for a vacation and will spend some 10 days In San Fran cisco- This is his first visit here in .several years and big- changes have occurred in the meantime. HE EXPECTS BIGGER TRADE "I have b«en away from New York for several weeks/* said Jackson yes terday, ."and so I am somewhat out of touch with traffic conditions. I am impressed Trtth conditions here and be lieve you oaa look forward with con fidence to a great trade. The Ameri can-Hawaiian steamship company is well satisfied. Our ships are going out fu!L But we look for a bigger trade. It is bound to increase rapidly and we are preparing to meet the growth. We will put new steamships on as they are needed. That has been our policy and it will be continued. "The Panama canal is going to bring you big advantages. It means a trade ispetus of large size. We will be ready at that time to make the best of th* opportunities ottered. Our ships will sail through the canal. At to \u25a0u-hea the cacal wilt be completed I .want no better authority than Presi dent Taft and he has expressed the belief that it will be ready in five years. EXTRA SHIPS WHEX XEEDED "Of course, for the present we will use the Tehuantepec route. It is quicker than Panama. With the com pletion of the canal, however, we will be able to make better time at less cost by that course." Jackson is enthusiastic over the . trade possibilities of the coast, but he i Is disinclined to disraUs the -troubles between the shippers and the railroads. ~We will be ready with extra ships when the canal is completed." contin ued Jackson, "because we believe that we will be able to find the cargoes if we have the- vessels." . The American-Hawaiian company. ; said Jackson, had no intention of using the Panama railroad even if the Pa cific Mail should abandon service by that route. - There appears to be some uncertainty as to the intention of the Pacific Mail, although, in some quarters it is as serted 1 that the company has served notice on' the government that it must receive a larger percentage in the division of rates or it will withdraw from the San Francißco-New *ork business. :•" -^ - A. J. Frey, ass'.staflt manager of the Pacific Mail, said yesterday that he had received no communication author izing a discontinuance of the New York service. He added that as far as the local office was informed there had , been no change. WILL OF FRANCES SMALL IS DECLARED VALID Testatrix Left Money Bequests to Various Charities The will of Frances, Small, who died last October, at the age of 79, leaving an estate worth S 4 0.000. was sustained yesterday by Judge Coffey, the contest of George Edward Koch and Augusta Rich, son and daughter, being dis missed. ;"\u25a0\u25a0*;\u25a0•«.\u25a0 ~- "i The e*tate comprise* two pieces of realty in I>etroJt worth. $25,000. and cash 'in bask here totaling $15,000. The real estate was divided by the will between the son and daughter. and the money was distributed as fol !mrs: $6,000 to the German general \u25a0benevolent society; $2,000 to Dr. Max Solomon: $5,000 to the German ladies' benPTolmt society: $1,000 to the Ger man altenheini at Fruitvale; the re insinder to be distributed according to private directions to the executor and executrix. .Teresa Scheideman. and L.ud wlg Wagner. .' The contest was on - the gronnd of undue inflwnce, unsounctness of mind. fraud on the part of the executor and cxecntrir, and improper execution of the wilL When the contest came to trial yesterday all but the last men tioned* gTOund were abandoned. IMMIGRATION CHIEF IS HONORED BY CHINESE Hart North Receives Verses From Hsu Chen Ping Bearing two great scrolls, servants from, Hsu Chen Ping, the Chinese con sul general, called on Commissioner of Immigration Hart.H. Xorth yester day and presented the writings with the compliments of their superior. The scrolls were peace offerings from the consul general to Commissioner North, written •In original Chinese verse by, Hsu Cb*n Ping, and given as a token of thanks for the treatment the Chinese at this port have received at the hands of Commissioner North. Following is - a literal translation of the verses: Wish the clenT wffbjr* tlSag yvar bosom. V' »jr t nx>ri«*». be thtj : erer ao cnrcrren*, ' will R» th«t jbe^Mte of trwnjuHllty re«cbM will be II rti(>!i Not os<> ;rein of dust or aand i* tmiwyL \u25a0 NAVAL PAYMASTER WILL WED SAN FRANCISCO GIRL Engagement of jVliss Hester Borden and Harry E. Collins An eng^grement which ban just been KnnounrM and one that will prove of particular Internet- in naval circles marks the haprr culmination of the romance of Mies 4 He»»ter Bofden and Harry E. Collins, a: paymaster in the Mi*s Borden is the daughter of L'L. Borden a' well" known -financial ajfent repidinr-at 2500 Devisadero street., She is a niece of Mrp. Frank Thomp-. * The Vedding: wJil take place on, June £.; -.; •\u25a0•_- _-\u25a0—-\u25a0-. * . — '^— — -— 'J SACRAMENTO : CHICO : MARYSVILLE SACRAMENTO WILL ADVERTISE VALLEY Resources of Rich Section Are to Be Fully Expiated in the East [Special Dkpetdi to The Call] SACRAMENTO. June 3.— The Sacra mento valley is to be advertised exten sively in the east by the Kuhn com pany of Plttsburg. which recently closed'a deal for the central irrigation canal in Glenn and Colusa counties. O. H. Miller, secretary of the Sacra mento valley development association, tt>day received a letter from the com pany asking for pictures and slides of the ralley in general, and stating that the company proposed to bdgin an ex tensive advertising campaign in the east for the entire valley as well as for the lands which it controls. The company controls practically 100.000 acres of land in the two coun ties under the big central canaL MAN WHO CONFESSED THEFT CHANGES PLEA Chauffeur Now Decides to Fight Charge of Burglary [Special Dhpalch to The Call] SACRAMENTO, June 3. — After spend ing a short time in the county Jail here following his return from S»n Fran cisco, where he was arrested on the charge of having stolen the big green automobile of H. C Keyes of this city. Rex H. Cahlll has decided that he will not plead guilty to the charge, but, in stead, -Rill fight the case. At his preliminary examination here toddy he acted as his own attorney, in terrogating the witnesses closely. His efforts availed him nothing and he was held to answer in $2,000 bonds. '. He says he will prove an alibi at his trial and will subpena H. "W. Schaw of 433 Thirty-sixth street and Nat Rolerry, a florist living in Sixth street between Washington and Clay, Oakland, to show this. HITS DIVORCED WIFE'S AFFINITY; ARRESTED Charges Man Is Living From Property He Gave Spouse [Special Dkpalch to The Coll] SACRAMENTO, June 3.-^-George Kuni is under arrest and will be tried Wed nesday on a charge of assaulting Thomas Nightingale, whom Kunz olaim* is living from property given Mrs. Kunz when she secured a divorce from Kunz recently. Kunz went to the home of his former wife to see his children and found Nightingale there. An argument ensued and the fight resulted. -• Kunz .claims that Nightingale s only means of supnort Is the-property which he was forced to give his wife follow ing the divorce. suit. Nightingale de nies it. THIS BURGLAR'S PASTIME DESTRUCTION OF SCREENS Marysville Has New Sort of Jack the Ripper [Special Dispatch to The Call] MARYSVILLE. June 3.— Jack the Ripper of Screens is having a run ln this city just now. "For the last five nights a burglar has operated in dif- Iferent sections of the city and *bper ! ated in identically the same way, rip 1 ping screens from the -windows ' and ; gaining entrance thereby. Very little has been taken and it seems the par ticular pastime of the man is to tear screens from the windows juFt to show the officers that he can do so and not , be captured. • ' PORTLAND OFFICER WILL HAVE TWO PRISONERS Alleged Criminals Wanted by the Oregon Authorities [Special Dispatch to The Call] SACRAMENTO. Ju=e 3. — Officer H. R. Craddock' of Portlana. . who arrived here today to take into custody X. Xishi. .a Japanese, to answer to a charge filed ln Portland, found double duty awaiting him. He must now con-, tinue to \u25a0 Redlands and get^ a negro named Claude- Edmunds, wanted in the north for murder. Edmunds is wanted in Portland for beating to death an old German hotel keeper called "Daddy"* RuhL - . . CHEESE MAKERS CONTRACT FOR THE MILK OF EWES New-Industry_ to Be Started in Marys ville {Sptdal D'upe&ch to The Call] ._ MARTSVILJ-E, , June . 3.— A . company of Greeks have contracted with Brown ell Brothers of Gridley for. the privilege of milking the ewes of a band of 8,000 sheep that .are, pastured, near this place. The milk will be manufactured into a particular - kind :of cheese for which there is great demand. This is a new industry in this part of the state." SAiooinasr keguulte Bwsnrxss—M*r>ii rille, * June 3. — Saloocmen tWi "if tersooa paved rraolatlons rrjrcl«tlns - bnslseaa to . prerent pro bJUUoa." They will cat oat side , entrances, kbqj bllQS. *lc ... Fat Is put of Style To paraphrase Caesar's remark, " the dlr«cto!re . sown ; came-— was ; seen— and has conquered.- So ltiV ladies ' r are 're- duced. •so • to ; speak,', to the ' necessity of either- reducing at. i'very; rapid rate* or, eliminating themselves \ from -public view until the fashlotr dies out. J- Other- wise they risk .being, ridiculous. ; ? • . Since. many, fat ladles .will not; elimi- nate '.themselves,' however, "but,; per con-, tra, will '\u25a0\u25a0 insist on' wearing : - the ; curve- less ' sown, noicourse is open "to this well meaning scribe., othe^\ than to} tell them 'how they'may* eliminate the'fat. -.-'.-.What is .there. _then," that ireduces fat safely?iWhat;pleasant,- inexpensive/ar- ticle Is there on druggists' i shelves that can reduce a pound a day without caus-. ing ;wnnkles,or^. stomachache? 1 ' "What can the pharmacists " offer* as «an'., im- provement', over..- scanty ; victuals- or., ten mile-walks without; breakfast? Is 'there anything- pleasant. to take and Inexpen- sive,- to buy;' that. will reduc©' oneVunl-' f ormly. * quickly and ? Innocently; thirty pounds ft^month?: Here 'ls' th« answer: Either.' write-the .Marmolai"; Company, Dept.'*246," Detroit. i Mich?. : orjask local druggist' for Marmola Prescription Tablets," and f0r,75 cent* they or,he will give" you 1 ; one \ large] case"- of fthesefsafe fat, reducers/ containing isoige,nerous?a rjuantity of tablets that sometimes one ca se.* only -Is f needed Jto;,produce»*he^de-. sired ; results.,-: Can; you, match .that: for la'fiinifle solution of your.problemi vj;-^!;' THE SAN ffRANCISGfr-G 4, 1909: LITTLE GIRL ACTS AS BURGLAR ALARM Screams When Hair Is Pulled and Intruder Is Taken After a Chase [Special Dkpctch to The Call] CHI CO, June 3. — An Italian was ar rested early today by George Tucker, a local blacksmith, after a chas* th rough an alley and over backyard fences. The man had attempted to enter the A. Lewis home in Ninth street, but in crawling through a window pulled the hair of a little girl who slept on a cot directly under the window. , : The child screamed and the Italian ran. Tucker, who was In the neighbor hood, gave chase and captured the fel low. He was turned over to the police. REV. L. G. LEWIS RE ELECTED TO ELDERSHIP Free Methodist Conference Is Held in Sacramento [Specie/ Dispatch to The Coil] SACRAMENTO, June 3.— Rev. L. O. Lewis of Alameda was today re-elected presiding, elder of the California con ference of tho Free Methodist church at the twenty-seventh annual session held in the tabernacle at Twentieth and I streets. Bishop "Walter A. Sel low is presiding and- the principal ad dress today was delivered by Bishop E. P. Hart. Delegate* are here from all portions of/the state. FOSTER WILL REMAIN ON BOARD OF HEALTH State Secretary Will Not Ac cept Position in Oakland [Special Dispatch to The Call] ~ SACRAMENTO, June 3. — Dr. N. K. Foster, secretary of the state board of health, will remain in that position for the present. He was elected yester day^s city health officer of the Oak land: board of health, but announced today that he would not accept that position. He says hn was elected to the Oakland office against his express wishes. . - - \u25a0 . KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS TO CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY Oakland Lodge Has Prepared Elaborate Program for Event OAKLAND. June 3.— Oakland lodge No. 103. Knights of Pythias, will cele brate its twenty-fifth anniversary Thursday evening. June 10. at Pythian castle. Twelfth and Alice streets, with an elaborate program. The committee in charge consists of F. Curzon. E. M. Bernstein. Joseph Gilman, \V. D. Wil lis and John Patterson. , - PLAN MEETING TOWAGE WAR ON TUBERCULOSIS Alameda County Society to Gather June 7 OAKLAND. June 3. — The -Aflameda County Society for the Study and Pre vention of^ Tuberculosis will hold an open meeting Monday evening, June 7, at 8:1 5 "o'clock at the chamber of com merce. Twelfth and Franklin streets. Kenneth A. Millican, the newly elected president, will be in the chair. While remaining «ti Van Ness aye. we will remodel and repair furs for- 33 1-3 per cent less than usual summer prices. H. Liebes & Co.. 1444 Van Ness avenue.* NEW SUPERVISOR JX KAPA COUNTY— £«cr«m«>nto. June 3. — GoVernor Glllrtt appointed Frank L. Cordon «nperTli»or of the fourth roper rlsorial diatrict of Napa county, to take the place of W. G. Ranej. who died r^^ently. Ifi^ yacationA ••\u25a0"-- \u25a0\u25a0^^|!jj|^^^lte ; i|f^y§ White and colored- materials (l^nllf^ if H « x3~ \u25a0* n Sailors .and Russians for ** -\ l|^^^i\^^'^J ll m , \ \ iffiM \u25a0 the little fellow from 2>< to || '^\^WB,WH 7/ |1 iUi^® \ Wz& i an<^ new; a ver>- wide assortment of f '\u25a0 * n \ •J^^^^k Hi 1 P il^Sx ilfflw / seasonable goods at prices which would y- +. -jjmK^^ ' jSSSfL B r^^V \.j W3 be considered bargains at the end of \S-a\J& JbSt "' 1] H * BOYS* WASHABLE^XORFOLKS— In and TOUXG MEN'S EHAKI SUITSi-Witi^ long; pants; > I ra : 'trousers. •> Sold * regularly ;lor7 $4.00; ''Specially^ for C-7 AC VB Rj'"' : , .Regnilarly.^s6ld -at .$3.00. For Friday (M QC j. iii Frida^ and \ Saturday ?.?\iz1 :'.. ;". ........ \u25a0 : <M \u25a0 ; v and*Saturdayf.v^T;r;.;K.;j:...r.:..v.Aj>l«"v^ ' KHAKI ; MttiTARY ' SUITS^-For^ boys: up to; 12 B '.\u25a0\u25a0'•'' 'BOYS' .-'JTVASH PA^fTS-^ln: all. sizes : Cfl|/-r*Jt 7^r yeara.V^ Superior materials and superior *tf J" ift P| ;Hi*' and. 'materials ::!..'';:. 1 :.....:. . .. . t)yw ; *V ; i«Jw , tai10ring:;;;. ...... . Vvu; . .X ."-:'.'V':.'.r. : ':V^V"*y>- II B. • Our Famous "Gibraltar" Soit; at $5— consßting of Norfolk Jacket aad Tw«, Pairs »f Knickerbockers : -i B VACCINATION ORDER THINS THE SCHOOLS Parents Refuse to Comply. With Smallpox Regulation : and Children Stay Away [Special Dispatch to The Call] MARYSVILLE, June Z. — As a result of the vaccination order issued by the city board of health the public' schools of this city are short more than half the pupils. Many parents refuse to have their children vaccinated and. are keeping them away from school. The: smallpox scare has become gen eral throughout the city, but there have been no serious cases and no further spread of the disease is looked -for. The board of health^ believes the vacci nation procedure is necessary as a pre- cautionary measure. \u25a0 • \u25a0•- In one schoolroom the attendance yesterday and today dwindled from 62 to 5 pupils. Conditions are improving, however. The board of health quested the board of education to close schools because of smallpox In this city, Chico? Oroyille and adjoining places. NEGRESS HANGS HERSELF IN SACRAMENTO JAIL User of Opium Notified Attend 1 ants of Intention [Special Dispatch to The Call] SACRAMENTO, June 3. — Oma Wal lace, a negress who was serving a 70 day sentence In the county jail on the" charge of vagrancy, committed suicide in her cell about midnight by hanging herself to the roof by a small cord. The woman was 28 years - old. She was an opium "fiend" and said she would kill herself if deprived of the drug. : BRIDAL COUPLE HAVE WILD RUNAWAY RIDE Exciting Incident Follows Wed ding Ceremony in Alameda ALAMEDA, June 3. — Driving away from St.. Joseph's, cnurch. where they had been married a few minutes before by Father P. O. Foley. James Puite and his bride. - who ' was Miss Cecile Foley, were given a breakneck ride by the runaway team. The bride and groom had hardly stepped Into the carriage and been' seated when the horses bolted. - The driver lost control of his team, and the carriage. was raced for. nearly a mile down' Chestnut street from the church to Webster street. ' . * _. There the. animals slowed down be fore a - streetcar, with which they nearly collided, and the driver took ad vantage of their stoo to spring from his seat and eraspr the bridles. The bride had , suffered a severe nervous strain before the horses were checked. LINER MINNESOTA IS DELAYED BY ACCIDENT Tail Shaft Breaks and Big Yes- sel Slows Down SEATTLE, June 3.— Owing to the breaking of her tail shaft about '600 miles oft Port Townsend ' the big steamship Minnesota of the Hill line, bound, for Seattle from the orient' with a large- party, of: tourists and many Important persons from' the far east, including Governor" General and. Mrs. Smith of the Philippine islands, will not arrive in port until tomorrow night. This news was received by wireless tlii§ morning. All were well on boarji. DEATH ENDS DIVORCE SUlT— Oakland, Jnne 3. — Death- took the place of the law in the c««i- of the marital trouble* of ' Jennie G. Con nirpham and her husband. Arthur, between whom a dlrorce suit was peadin;. by carrying; awar the wife Tuesday. She died In a ' FraitTale sanatorium, j Oonnlnjrham brought suit against h*r several dar* ajro, alleging that *he \u25a0 was habitually Intoxicated. . , FIRE THREATENS TO DESTROY HOSPITAL Li vermore Sanatorium Is Scene of Lively Blaze at an Early Hour :- LIVERMORE, June 3. — Considerable damage was .caused in the annex to the .hydropathic building of the Liver more sanatorium by a fire which began in the bakery at -5 o'clock this" morn- Ing. After battling with the flames for several minutes the attendants of the hospital f oundr the blaze getting beyond control, -and Dr. J. "W. Robertson, head of \u25a0 the sanatorium* turned -In a fire alarm. '\u25a0..*&s££&&& , There were no patients in the an nex, • the sleeping apartm*nt« being at the other end of the, building. On the second' floor, above the - burned rooms, were : the sleeping- quarters of the 'attendants, .who escaped from the building when the first alarm was raised. ; \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0• < ' ' • The fire was confined to the kitchen, bakery and dining . room of the., annex. The kitchen and .bakery were destroyed and _tbe dining room partly gutted. During the fire a concrete wall' at the rear of the annex fell,' . but no ;one was injured. ' • STEAL FIVE SACKS OF^ V SUGAR FROM A GROCERY Two Men Make Off With Plun der and One Is Captured OAKLAND. Jnne 3. — Detected -in the attempt to drive away with five sacks of sugar, from C. T. Peterson's grocery at Nineteenth street and San Pablo avenue.: Julian Kelly was captured this afternoon and his accomplice given a chase through the streets before escap ing. •' Peterson and his clerk, G. Bloom, were the : pursuers. ... Kelly - and his pal came across the sacks of sugar on the sidewalk- at the north side of the store. They calmly loaded the stuff into a wagon and drove away. " < , . Peterson and Bloom caught sight of them and gave chase in a light buggy. UNIONS PLAN TAG DAY IN AID OF ORPHANAGE San Lorenzo Institution Will Be Helped by Workers OAKLAND, June 3.— The labor unions of this city will hold a tag day in tue east bay cities July 3 to raise money for the union orphanage at San Lo renzo. The joint committee from tne central labor council' and the Alameda county building trades council met to consider tne plan, and a communication from Mayor Mott commending the tag day was heard.. The union men *are subscribing to the maintenance of the orphanage witn the intention of supporting the Insti tution , until it has inmates enough to draw state aid annual!}'. POLICE JUDGE UMPIRES IN FOOTBALL CASE Search Warrant Results in Re covery of Pigskin Sphere OAKLAND, June^3.— Child play be came a police court issue before Judge Smith this morning during the; hear ing -of search warrant-: proceedings brought by, Mrs. Anna Mcßride against her neighbor, : F. W. Landgudge. 1041 Fifty-fourth street, for the recovery of a. football. Mrs. Mcßride's children owned the ball. 1 One day they kicked it- over the fence to; the Landgudge children, expecting a return kick." In stead the Landgudge. children kept the ball. Hearing the circumstances nar rated Judge Smith awarded the foot ball to Mrs. Mcßride. "" McCullough. 2023 Markat street/ is designing another apartment house for Clay street near Devisadero. • GOVERNOR ISSUES REaUlSlTlONS—Sacra mento," Jnne 3. — The KOTernor Issued requisitions today for the return to California o{ fiubo Am porlch,'wanted ia San Francisco t or . embeizle merit, and for V. A. McCreery. -wanted for bi* amrjcomniUt«<l In San Matoe county. ArapOTlch la In Utah and McCreery, In Oregon. - Anty Drudge Gives a Lesson in Spelling Little M on/^-"F-E-LnS^-N-A-P-T-H-A. What doe 3 -.that spell, Anty?" .'Anty Drudge — "To . you, ; Dearie, it spells just . Fels-Naptha, the name of a soap. To your mother and me it spells an easy way of washing clothes in cool or lukewarm water, without boiling or hard rubbing and with a saving of time, labor, bother, . discomfort and money. YouTI learn, some day, my child, that- it's- a very important word to the - housekeeper." ?^v The biggest woman's club in America is the Anti-Drudgery Club. It has more than a million members now. All that's necessary to belong is to U r use Fels-Naptha soap and quit drudging on washday. You'll have no more boiling of clothes, no bending over steamy suds, no back-breaking rubbing on a washboard in winter or summer. You will be through with your wash- ing before you would be well started on the old. way. And your clothes will be fresher, cleaner, whiter and sweeter. The rules of the cliub are to be found in the directions for using Fels-Naptha on the back of the red and green wrapper. Follow them carefully and you'll save money as well as hard work and bother. Get a cake of Fels-Naptha and join the club to-day. Spend Sunday With Us at IN SANTA CRUZ MOUNTAINS *' On the beautiful San Lorenzo River, where we are selling lots at 530.00 to $50.00 each. GRAND BARBECUE And trip to Big Trees. I Good Band and Dancing Call for tickets and folders. Train leaves at 8 o'clock Sunday morn- Ing. Third and Towpsend Streets. »' X W. WRIGHT <& CO. 125 Sutler Street L. W. COFFEE. . Msr. Country Department ifgr^Keduced Rates East '"Jt |1 NEW YORK and return |IOS.T>O if CHICAGO and return ..-. • f 72JM) -~ J \u25a0 --ST. LOUIS and return .; *tfr.r>o i^" l^ fl MISSOURI RIVER POINTS and return $eo.LH) H9 |I Other dates later, in July. August, September Trfftnf n Jane 27— Jaly 6 f. \ 11 DENVER and COLORADO SPRINGS and return ..555.00 || Take your vacation trip 0%-er the ' JR 1 Denver & Rio Grande R. R. S ll Through the world-fa mrd mountain scener>' of Colorado by JEwßf pi daylight. Daily sleepers to Chicago and St. Louia without /?mL*-< 1 change of cars. Full particulars, sleeping car reservations, II folders, free illustrated books of travel, etc., at - £2Sat'J§S£ B, 3G POWELL STREET, 1070 BROADWAY. O San Francisco Oakland ;^^^<?^Siy'SJWßEf I DR. ONG TING SHEW I .WITgD- RESERVATIOH! Formerly con- OPENS JULY 15 I|B|E?*'S nected Dr. ?f , cd , ,; ol!aro l!ar for our booklet descrlhia* b«at- ; HBWT Wons Woo Tea Q.twoj of C bi a : n i D? tiie most Talaabte snlai- ISLiivrJ *nd Herb Sani- i aad fTf . r o3fl^ by jo^trameoj. X&ty* tarlum and for dilfl^iii J0 y ears Head O'BRIEN & ROWE, Butte. Mont. JKIB tfi-^SWi. Physician of — _ . rV «F: f^^«»" : Chinese Hospi- .;. — : : ; :—: — : — I r. t ' BBSLZ^-*'' '\u25a0' 'l*? BjLx tal ln s> F-> nas J \u25a0 J^^^^*||^'^ resumed . pri- ErAir*diaeaaesr»uccessfull^trea e ted .Want tO BOITOW Money? i with: famous tea and herb remedies. : C*« ft • 'ConsulUtlonfree^ woo : 11-13 Brennan, Place. Opp. Ports- iCAT.Ti "-"*• WAWT •• AT^Q m.nth Square. Bfttr^. Cl»y V"**- 1*"1 *" • • " -**-" •«• • • Ai-»» \u25a0 ; " and WasUinßton 1 Rn. 10 «.m. to 12 m.. 1 to a. 7 t» 0 p.m. ''''•\u25a0:.-\u25a0 :':.\- HSQBI \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 . \u25a0 } - -Weekly Call, $1 per Year- - 5