Newspaper Page Text
BIRTHS, IVIA^RRIAQES, : ,I)EATH§ MARRIAGE LICENSES The /oUowlns mnrriace licenses • were - issued 3n San Francisco Monday, June 7. 1903: r- • BARTLKTT— TATITM— Ernest J. Bartlettl 24. an* Mary E. Tatum, 15, both of 1240'O'Far- «rll et. - , ... *CHttISTENSEN— THOMPSON— Walter E. Chrls- J'THwn, 21. 1210 Valencia 'st. ,and Msude Thompson. IS, 3132 Twenty-fifth st COLLncS— BOHDEN— Harry E. Collins, - 26. Mere island, and Hester B. Borden, IS, 2505 . Devlsao'ero st. v __ DEIX 'OSSO—ORSOMNI— Giuseppe Delf 'Oeso, 2S, and Marianna Orsollni, 19, both of 225 Ivy avenue. C-lUOLDI—EIB— AdoIf Ghioldl, 38. and Josephine j Kill. Si, both of 1371 Minna Ft. HEDEMABK— WALKEU— Dennis C. Hedemark. 46, Crockett, and Prlscllla A. Walker, 31. 5 Liebls rt. niU,— REPP— Joseph A. UiU. 34. T»72 Eddy st. and Florence J. Eepp,-20. 107. Cherry st lIOLJKJATE— KITTO— Ernest Holdsate. 37, and Ary a. Kitto, 32. both of 3126 Point Lobos avonuc. JOBST— LAUFENBEKG— Georpe J. Jobst. 2S. 420 Hermann St., and Lury l>aufenberc, 26, 73 Elgin Park. ' JOSEPH— LEONARD— Joseph Joseph. 55, 95P EdJy tt.. and Mollie D. I^eonard, 25, Hol- Ijster. LAHORE— LABOUBDETTE-Jean B. I^ihore, 29, and Catherine H. Labourdette, 22, both \u25a0 \u25a0r.Sau Rarael. LAVCOCK— BRADSTREET— HaroId G. Lay- cock. 22. and Abbie E. Bradstreet, 22. both of IS4B Goajrh st. , ***. KAYNALr— FILIIOL— Germain Raynal, 23, snd Maria Filhol, I«, both of 172» Fonrteenth ttvenne. UO.SEXFELD— BEttM AN— Hsrry L. Rosenfeld. 35, New York, aud lrma J. Berman, 24, 121bA Fullon«st. SMITH— THCROW— Howard Smith. 23, and Clara Thurow, 21. both of 22G Sixth st. •I'HOBXSVAItI) — GREENTREE— Seth A. Thorn«- vard, 23, Mlramur, and liasel I. Greentree. K. Oi> Fulton Bt. ' » IXtRMKV— UIUUINS— WiIIiam J. Tormey, 21, Vallejo. and Agnes 31. Hipgins, 18. 850 Fnl- l"!l St. TRIMMER— STUNTZ— OIiver S. Trimmer. 75. and Mary lVlroe Smnti, 3«, both of Pacific • iirove. IMLAND— HARRIS— WiIIism H. A. Umland, 21. 709 Shradcr st. and Ella M. Harris, 24. 545 Thirtj -seventh aye. WOOD— CALDWELL— tieorjre A. Wood. £9, . 1424 GougU st, and l>ella E. CaldweU, 2S. Uoul Arliugtuu. VORK— GOOCH— EImer P. York, 43, and Nellie Goot-h, 36. both of San Francisco. BIRTHS CARLSON— In Alameda, CaL, '-. April 22. 1909, t« the wife of H. C. Carlson, a daughter. COHEN— In thte city, Jnne 5, 1908, to the wife oZ Aerfo H. Cc-hen, a eon. HARTLEY— In this city, Jnne 4, 1909, to the wife of Gerald B. Hartley (nee Boarman), a con. KOCHE— in this city. Jone 7, 1909, to the wife of Thomas Roche, a eon. - MARRIAGES ABRAMS— BLCMENTHAL— In this city. Msy 23, 1909, by the Rev. M. 85. Levy. A. L. Abrams and Rita Olivia Blumenthal of San ttaf aeL GEIST— MoDEVITT— In this city, June 6, l»09. by the Rev. George A. Hough. Ph. D., Ed- ward L. Gelst of San " Francisco and Rose V. McDcritt of Springfield, CaL GOLDEN— SICUEL— In this city. May 9. 1909, by the Rev. M. S. Levy, Joseph Golden and Madeline Sichel. '- HARRIS— KASKELL— In this city, May- 16, 1!K»9. by the Rev. M. 8. Levy, Charles M. Harris and Millie Kaskell. JOHNSON— HANLAN— In this rlty, Jone 5, 3903, by the Rev. James M. McElblnney. John Arved JoUnton and Luella Maud Hanlan, both «>f San Francisco. LOOMAN— ANDERSON— In this city. June 4, law. by the Rev. Georpe A. Hough, Pb. .D., •pastor Grace Methodist Episcopal churchy ' Jobn Loomkn and Drncellla Anderson, both of San Francisco. • OVERPACK— OSBORN— In this city. Jane 5, l!K». by the Rev. Frank Smart Ford, pastor First ChriMian church. Arthur Glen Overpack and Pearl Alta Oeborn, both of San Francisco. RADLER— BLUMENTHAI^— In thl« city. May 9, 1803. by the Rev. M. S. Levy, Joe Radler and Rae BlmnenthaL • - - < • \u25a0 - -» - . • EOTHOLTZ— SLOAN— In this city, Mar 23J 1909. "toy the Rev. M. S. Levy, ' Kobtrt Uotholtx.and Lena Sloan. ' .'• . _____ _ ___ Baa-h. Minnie ....'i 78 1 Lacy; Mary. 1 80 Hf-ckt ::, Ans» 54 j Matthews, Mrs. M..70 Hi-*-iii*t. UuU-n 11.. _r. : Mi«-liii.l. Sarah — . .Burke. Matilda 63 jMoriarity. M. J 84 < 'anon, Thos... (Mas* » > Muller, Jacob ...... 77 liable, Albert A- 28 j .Vrlson, Opt Chas., 78 ikraoKOty.v Jimet_ 34 , Nolan. Mary -.". ;'i^_-» 60. Duffy. Catherine D. — | Outhc-t,' John C.....34 l^jner, Frank V.. 18 JRasaner, Edward ..28 Feewy. Thoe. F... 3*N Reid, Fred W......30 tir«h«ra, Robt. F. . 42 i«Uey, Sad]« ...... SO • iroat. Victor II 27 (StletrliU, Otto 8...49 il.;i'!-. Irene E..'. . 42 Stleglitt, Angnst-'".. 60 Joycft. Austin|Tho_, Urn. M"....(Ma««) Jaod. llenry . .... 58 i Tlerney. James ...CU Kuapp. AdeliDe ..;. 19 j Tracy. . Mary ...... — . Kuck, Eliza D. . . . . CS ] Walktnelioer, Ursula S3 BASCH— In " this city. June 6, 1909, Minnie Bascii, relict vf the late. Uyraan'Basch, beloved uiuther of Mrs. Malvina Platt. and* grand- mother of Uon. Samuvl Platt. Mrs. W. U. Cavi-li cf Hanson City, Nev.; Bessie Neva snd Aio<w Platt of San Francisco, a native of I'oscu. Prussia, aged ~b years 10 months and _i dsvs..: ...". -.•--.- Fnendc -aad . acquaintances are respectfully liuJied to attend, the funeral services to- . day <Tufi»day.t, June t>. - l&Ot). at 9:45 o'clork v.-m..- fptjia her lat«- • residence, 2U73- Cali- fornia street, tht^we to 'J'n ml and Townsend \u25batreots for 11^10 train. Interment Hills of Eternity cemetery; , - _ - BECKERT— In Oakland. Cal., June 7. 1909, \u25a0 Anna Beokert. <iearly.. beloved irife . of the late Gustav I'.f. V.ri, and loving mother of Kdna.i Gustav, Herbert and Myrtle Beckert." a \ native of Butxbacb. Germany/ aged 54-. years • and 4 montlis. A member .of Edelweisz lodge No. 2, O. D. U. S.> • ' v.'.'rlVf Z:.* Friends and acquaintances are " respectfully Invited to attend the funeral services tomor- row <We<lnesdayi. June V, 190U."at-2 o'clock p. m.. at hcr.Ute residence, 854 Oak street" Cirmatiou,j^paS .. ; - \u0084 , v -. ESEJCEB.— In Alameda. ! CaL. .June (J, - 1909, Buben -1i..., belored- son \u25a0- of Sophie and :. the . late. Herr.iau J. \u2666'." Bremer.. and" brother of . " tlie late Emma Bremer, a native of AlamcOi, ' al.. aged 25 years 4, months and 10 days. Friends aod acquaimances are. respectfully iuvtted to attend the \u25a0 funeral today • iTueK- rf»y>. June h.-1909, at 2 o'clock p. m.. from his \u25a0 lav? residence, 1056 San Antonio avenue/ Aipnicia. Interment Mountain View cemetery. • BUS.KE— In . this city. June 6, 1909, Matilda Grace, wife of Jobn Burke, mother of Frank • /.< Grace Matilda. Floreuce aud William B. .Burke," and sister of Mrs. James Barron, a native of Detroit Mich., aged 63 -years. The f eneral will take place today tTues- <:»/). at 6:30 o'clock a. m., from her late \u25a0 r*«Mence, - ' XC Steiner . street near Fulton. • t hence to Sacred Heart church, where a re- ijulcm mass will be celebrated for the repose "i licr soul, rommenclng at 9 o'clock a. in. Interment Holy Cross cemetery. CAB ROLL— An anniversary bich mass will be tx-Itbrattd for the repose of the soul of Tbomss Carroll, commencing at. 9 o'clock a. in, to- mortuw (Wednesday), at St. James church. . DZABLE— Ia this city. Jane 6, 1909. Albert ' A:, .dearly beloved husband of the late Grace Useable. laving father of the late Grace and Edwin Deable. devoted eon of William and tfe* let«- Elisabeth Deable. brother of William. Matthew; and Harry Deable, and the lata Mn.. James Hanley, and son In law of ' John xr.d Mary Carses. a native of San Francisco, k Cal..- aired 26 years 11 -months and 3 days. A. member 'of Material Teamsters, local 216. \ Friends I and acquaintances are respectfully invited - to attend - tbe funeral .. tomorrow iWednesday). at t» o'clock a. ra.. from the tmrlors of H. F. Suhr 4: Co.. 2919 Mission •treet between Twenty-fifth and Twenty -sixth, ihettee to St. Elizabeth's cfanrrh, where a sol- ••niu requiem high mass \u25a0 will be \u25a0 celebrated for c tbe repose of ber soul. . commencing at U a. m. Interment " Holy - Cross cemetery. . DOITOGHET— In ,thU city.. June 6,' 1909. James Donochey, a native of Ireland, aged: 34 "years. DOTETT— In till* city, Jane' 5.' 1903,' Catherine I)., beloved wife' of John ' B. Duffy, > and sister of \u25a0 Winiam ' J . O'Dsy, > James "• M. < Dnn> ning and. Mrs. SI.; Canerasclnl, » a 'native of \u0084 San Francisco. ,-r :_\u25a0•\u25a0---*\u25a0.- Tbe funeral will take place today (Tues- day), at 9 o'clock a. m.. from the parlors of Barry i- Scully." 827 ' Valencia- street, thence to St. : Theresa's' \u25a0 cbuirhr where, a - requiem high mass will be celebrated for - tbe repose of ber soul. - commencing at 9:30 a. tu. Inter- uient Holy Cross ~«""" V?frPfflHh u| HltjlC rENTK— In tills city, June : C. 1909, Frank V. Ebner. dearly beloved son of - Charles -L. and Marlon Ida ; Ebner, and " loving . brother of I>oretU, Charles Jr.. Harry.: Joey and Mary Kbocr. a native of- San Francisco, Cal., . aged l>i years 10 months and 18 days. . . " i'rit-uds are" respectfully. Invited tn>' attend I tbe funeral tomorrow «Wednt«day),. June 9, I!""*.', et 9 o'clock a. m., from sis late rosi- deoce,' 555 Derlsadero . street, thence ' to . Bt.' Ignatius church, ? where a : requiem , mass will be celebrated ' f or tbe repoae of bis roul, com. mencinjc at - 9 :30 a. m. Interment : Holy . Cross cemetery. ' FEEXEY— In thl*»citT. Jane 5. 1909, Thomas F. • Feeney, -beloved \u25a0 uon of . Margaret - and ' tbe late Stephen Feeney. and: brother of Harry and Stephen - Feeney. \u25a0 and - the = late - Joseph Feeney, . a native of . San Francisco, Cal., - aged v's .rears. >IWMW I^ l wßiSWnWti?>' f JiJ>' *¥'^\ Friend* and acqaalntance*^ are » respectfully invited to attend the. funeral * today - (Tues- day). June 8, 1909, at; 8:30 o'clock * a." m., from the funeral parlors .of - Green, Ryan .: & Donohoe, northeast . corner -of * Sl«te«"nth \u0084 and Guerrero streets.- tbence" toßb<^Kose'i chnrch, cjiliere 'servSces will be held at ilO a.,'m.: In- '^tfvrmwu Holy. Cro»s} cemetery *\u25a0:.-\u25a0-\u25a0 .-\u25a0.', ...'" sft AH AM— ln thi« city. June.?."; 1909. '. Robert '\u25a0/ 1:. dearly beloved huaband of \u25a0' Annie \u25a0 Gra-. ham. eon vf Jane Gra'Jim irnl tbc litr Jobs Graham, and brother of Samuel. .Walter. Al- ' tiert and '•\u25a0 Grace Graham, * Mrs. - Ssdle - Hanay of West , Berkeley and \u25a0 tbe ; late -Mrs.": V. X Mc- Grath; a native ,, of - Boeton. " Mass., aged . 42 rears i months and 27 days.'i A member . of Kins Solomon's lodge \u25a0 No. 2GO, -F. & "A. M. »'i Friends and ; acquaintances ., are - respectfully .. Invited • to --attend '.the \u25a0 funeral 'tomorrow.^ ••; ( Wednesday); ; June 9.~- 1909.'-, at \u25a0 ' 9 • .o'clock a. m.", - from his fate V.residence,. residence, I!>4*-Noe Btret-t, thence to King Solomon's ball," Fill- more - street near ; Sutter, where . services will be held at 10 o'clock a. m.,- under the : aus- pices / of. King Solomon's ' lodie No. 200, F." tc. A. M." Interment ' Woodlawn cemetery, by carriage. ;<\u25a0 . .;. /• v „, . . GEODT^-In. this city, June 4, 1909, 'i Victor , H. , dearly beloved .son -of William and Victoria Grodt, and beloved brother of Emma, Verona, - WlHiam^Jr. and > Gostave Grodt, a . native of San Francisco, CaL, aged 27-years 6 months and 23 days. A member of Blacksmith Help- ers' union, local No. -312. '----\u25a0-' ' , Friends are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral services today -(Tuesday), at- II \u25a0\u25a0: •. m.. at' his late residence, ." 22 Stanley place. Interment -Mount' Olivet cemetery, by ; runeral car from* in \u25a0 front of Ferry building. ;' HIKDS-^ln Berkeley, Cal., "June 7.* 1909, Irene E.. beloved wife of A: J. Hinds of Manhattan. Nev.. ami mother "of Mara;aretc and ' Clifford Hinds, a nntn t i ve of - Nevada, • ajced •42 years. A memberof Berkeley chapter No.' 178, O.- E . S?.-, and W. i of W. No. , 803, Alameda. \u25a0-; /< JOTCE— In San Jose, : Cal.,'. June 6. 1909. .Aus- - tla Ambrose • Joyce, beloved husband \u25a0of An- ' nle Joyce. -and father of Daisy- Joyce, .a na- tive of New " York; aged SO years 9 months and 19 days. -'A 'member of. Live Oak lodge No. 61, F. & A. M. - ; JirKD— ln Oakland. CaL, June 6.-. 1909. 'Henry , Jund, beloved husband of Isabel Jund. and father of Mrs: \u25a0W; E. * Greer, Mrs. AJfred R. • Pettljrrove. - Mrs. .John:-. Hampton - and Adolph and -George Jund, a native' vf Ger- many, aged 58 years. • - KNAPP-i-Ui Mill Valley. Cal., June C, 1909. Adeline Knapp,' aunt of George B. Wicks of Willows. Cal., a native of. Buffalo, N. IV; aged 49 years and 4' months.' (Xew York Sun, . Buffalo and Boston papers V^ase copy.) ... Friends are- respectfully- Invited to attend' the funeral services today (Tuesday): June 8. 1909, at 10 o'clock a. m., at the Swedeobor- gian church, Lyon and Washington streets. In- cineration at . Odd Fellows' cemetery. KTJCK— In Meulo Park,.Cal., June 5, 1909, Eliia D., beloved wife of Martin Kuck." and' mother of Bertha, Matilda and Martha Kuck, a na- tive of Hoist tin, Germany, aged titf years 3 months, and 15 days. " -. : Friends 'and acquaintances are invited to- at- tend the funeral ', services •- today ' (Tues- day), June 8, 1909, at 11:30 a. m.vat her late residence. " Interment Cyprem Lawn ceme- tery, by ' funeral car leaving Menlo Park at 12:07 o'clock. - ' v LACY— In r Frultvale, Cal., June 7,t 1909, at Onr Ladies' Home. 51 ary Lacy.- a native of Ire- land, aped 8O years. '. " '. > \u25a0- ' ' KATTHrWS— In Merced. Cal., June 6. 1909. Mrs. Mary Matthews, dearly beloved mother of Mrs. Thomas A. Hall of Merced City, be- loved -Frandmother of .Miss Ethel M. Haß, and loving Mater; of John Stoddard and Mrs. Sarah J. Graham of - Paterson, N. J., aged 70 years and 8 months. • <-,- \u25a0\u25a0 . ; MICHAEL— In this city,." June 7. 1907, Sarah; beloved wife of, Morris Michael; dearly beloved mother of Davy .and Mac Michael, and sister of Mrs. C. Wise of Seattle. Wash.; Miss B. Hyman of this 'city. -'Mrs. L.^ Herman \u25a0 of San Francisco. Mrs." E. F. Gaskell of "St. Louis, l.cim ' Hyman of San Franeiaco - and Joseph ' Hjcnhii of Lakeport, a native of Sac- ramento, Cal. (Woodland . and Sacramento pa- pers please copy.) . Friands- and. acquaintance* -are respectfully invited to attend- -the funeral tomorrow (Wednesday), at 10 o'clock a. m.. at her late residence. 425 BelvetVre street near Parnassus avenue. Interment Hills of ' Eternity cemetery, by electric : funeral car leaving ! West Mission aud Thirteenth streets at 11 a. m. • . MOHIAHTY— In 'city. June 1, .1909, Mor- timer J., beloved husband of the late Bridget Morlarty. and lovro* father of Charles -W. and Kate C. Morlarty. . Mrs. P. J.^O'Shea. Mrs. Peter Norton, Mrs. P. -J.'. Concannon, • Mrs. J. F. Fogarty and Mrs. Thomas Mona- han of San Jose. Cal.. - a native of County Kerry. Ireland, ajred 94 years.-r- \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0.. •• The funeral will .take place Thursday, June 10, 1909, -at — o'clock 'a. ' m.. from bis late residence. 3360 Sixteenth street,' " thence to Mission Dolores church, where a requiem high mass will . be . celebrated for tbe repose of bis soul, commencing at — o'clock. In- terment Holy Cross cemetery. Kindly omit flowers. MTJLLEE— In this city, June 3. 1909, Jacob Muller. beloved father of Miss Bertha Muller, Mrs. J. F, Macbado and Mrs. G. F. Tre- inaln. a native of Germany, aged 77. years 2 months and 24 days. A member of St. Peter's and St. Paul's D. K. X.-' I'nderstuetzungs vereln. • Friends and - acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral today (Tues- • day)." "at . v I^3o "o'clock* p.— trir, -from -^the par- ' lors of .Gantner-Brothers,'34<st> Sixteenth sti-eet . ' betw*>en ; Chnrch 'and' Sanchei,'.* thenee^ to .: St< Boniface's j church.. Golden.'- Gate v avence I be- .' tween Jones and Leavenworth streets,-- for serv- " ices.", oommeirdng "at" 2 . o'clock '\u25a0' pJSs m. ". Inter- ment Holy Cross cemetery. KELSON— In this city, > June 5, -1909. Captain Charles Nelson, beloved husband- vf Helen S. Nelson, and;, loving father of "Mrs." E. •A. Bresse, - a. native of Denmark, aged 7S . years S months and 21 days. "'." '.- ' "-. \u25a0•. Friends ;. are " respectfully invited to at tend :v Jhe f unerat--iioday (Tuesday)^: June ; 8, ,4909," .at" 11 o'doek "\u25a0«.' ra..- from . his late retldrncf. Seminary. Park, .-• Frultvale, . Alameda *\u25a0 county. Cal. - Interment . private/ Take '. broad gaftge, ferry, Oakland trains to.Melro*e station, -San ' Leandro cars to" ; Seminary,- avenue. ; Convey-- ances will meet all care 'at .Seminary avenue. NOLAN— In Frultvale.-' Cal..' June 7." 1909, " Mary -Nolan, a native- of -Ireland, aged 60 years. — Friends : and acquaintances are respectfully : invited to attend .the \u25a0 funeral toilay (Tues- j day)., at 6:15, 0'c10ck.:- from "the parlors' :of "the Henry- J:= Gallagher company,- 1314 "Web- I ster meet between Kills and. O'Farrell.vtbence to St.. Row's chnrch.'^'where*'a : ; requiem high \u25a0I mass win be celebrated for ' tbe repose of her ' soul, commencing at 9 o'clock. IntermehfHoly Cross remetery.- . , - ' - V ~;-'. - ; OUTHET— In- San Matep./CaL, 'Jnne -7, \u25a0* 1909. \u25a0 John C." dearly -beloved husband of Gertrude » P. Outbet. \u25a0 a native of Chicago, 111., -aged . 34 years." and 3 days. . (Chicago papers • please \u25a0'copy.) -' '\u0084 -r- .-.. ,;.... "....• ... Remains "• at the mortuary cbapcl- of the * ' Golden Gate undertaking company. . 2453 Mis- sion street. Remains will Ik- sent, to Chicago.' RASANEE— In this cityi June -6, . 1909, Edward I Rasaner, -a j native of \u25a0 Finland,' aged 28 years. EEID— In this' city.' June "5. 1909;. Frederick j W., dearly beloved I busband of . Jeannle | Reid. : a native of Philadelphia,", aged ,-30 .. years-. 5 * months and 29 day*. ,- '\u25a0•\u25a0'?-;;'?. -\u25a0\u25a0 ;." Officers and members' of , San ".Francisco aerie. No. fl. F. O. E.: You are hereby : notified to attend- the funeral of.. onr "late brother, Frederick. W. ReidT ... today (Tuesday); June ; 8, at 10- o'clock a. m.,. from- the-parloru" of | tbe t United Undertakers, 2COS •' Howard street near Twenty-second. \u25a0\u25a0'•- '' '\u25a0 \u25a0 ...\u25a0•- ' : FRANK'A. COSTELLO. President. • ~ GCSTAVE- POHLMAN. Secretary. . ; ; \u25a0\u25a0.—; i EILEY— In this 'city. June C. 1909, Sadie Rtley,' a native of California,' aged 30 years. STIEGLITZ— In ' this city, - June 5. 1909, ' Otto R., -. dearly beloved husband of Lillian Stieg- lltr, - loving: father, of -Myrler' and - Herman Stiegllu, beloved son of Mrs. D. H:Stieglltz, and brother of Mrs. G. E. Bill. Mrs. C. Mallatratt; Mrs. E. Groombridge, Mrs. N. F. Patterson and George. E., Charles -F. "aud the lute ' Herman Stieglitz. \a \u25a0 native ;of -" Callfor- * nla, aged 49 years 4 months and 5 days. v.' THON — An anniversary requiem . high mass will be celebrated tomorrow (Wednesday), "at- 9:30 a.m.. in St. -Paui's'chnrch.'-Twenty-nlnth and i Church streets. \u25a0 for the 'repose of . the sonl •of Mrs. Margaret* Tbon;:; dearly \u25a0 beloved; mother of . Mr*. Joseph , Mason. Friends and . acqualnt- • ances, a re, invited to attend..,. v ..-; TIERNEY— In - this city. JusV 7, % 1909. -James Tierney, ' beloved 'uncle- ot Mary F. Tieruey and Mary E^Beatty; a native of "County Loath, , Ireland, aged .• 69 . years and ; 0 \u25a0 months. \u25a0 \u25a0 (Kindly omit flower*.) ' -- ~ ; Friends and " acquaintances - are ' respectfully invited to attend . the .. funeral ,- tomorrow (Wednesday), Jnne ,9, 190!),. at 1Q o'clock a. m., ;, from .-his late 1243 «O'Far- rell .street, thence to. St. .Mary's cathedr.-a," where a requiem mass!. will ; be c'elebrateed for the - repose - of .' his eoul, commencing.: at 10:30 -\u25a0 o'clock.; Interment- St. . Mary's \u25a0 ceme- tery. Oakland. • -•-\u25a0•' ••-•- ./'-.-.-.> TRACY— In . this • city, June 0, - 1909, Mary. - be- loved wife of the late William -loving mother of, John'W., Thomas E. : and William \u25a0 - H; t Tracy. ' loving grandmother <if . Edna 'M. and . the late William ;I. Tracy.^and loving . • sister -of Thomas Curley, \ Mrs. * Sarah GilligKn ;of - Boston, -. and -the late . John - Curley; and . Margaret - Duffley," • a - native . vf * County I Ros- .- common, Ireland.' (Boston, Mass.,- papers please - copy.) -;..\u25a0•\u25a0. :\u25a0•--\u25a0 ••\u25a0 .:. ..---. v* '.-. ;..- \u25a0'-\u25a0.;--\u25a0:. '•• - Friends and • acquaintances are respectfully invited -. . to • attend - the .'- funeral "i. tomorrow (Wednesday), at -8:30 a.* ra.,' from -her late . residence, 065 \u25a0 -Hayrs -street :- near 7 Buchanau, thence to - Sacred ; Heart . church, \u25a0 where a' re> ~ qnlem." blgh "mass ', will , be celebrated cfor '"the repose of; her. sonl.' commencing: at 9 a., m.; ln- '. ferment \u25a0"< Holy".' Cross . cemetery, "via- electric .funeral -:car \u25a0 from'Twenty-elglith and-'-.Valen- cla streets. '"'\u25a0 • '\u25a0 '\u0084 -- . (\u25a0, - \u25a0 - • \u25a0 . WALKMEI6TEH— In •: this rlty. Juno. 7.' 1909 ; Ursula, ' beloved wlf# ; of the ' late -- Martin ;\u25a0 . Walkmelster, " • and : devoted ' mother - of.: George .'iWalkmelster,'-,. Mrs. "'."Henry."-' Weldman,'^ Mrs 1 Fred Setier.-' and", the > late *. Paul ><\u25a0 and Zacha- rias and : Mrs. Liezle • Botseheider, a -native^ of 'Switzerland, 1 , aged 89; years \u25a0> 9 months and .12 days. \u25a0-.'-".\u25a0\u25a0 •' '•v,. \u25a0\u25a0 . \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 «. lYlends \u25a0 and t. acquaintances ' are * resnectfuUv Invited to \u25a0 attend < the x funeral Thursday, at 10:30- o'clock /#.*;m. ; from tbe - parlors of Hr F.v.Suhr;& Co.;. 2919 Mfnolon" street be- •' tween Twenty-fifth- and 'Twenty-sixth., Inter- ment Mount ' Olivet ; cemetery, tby ,11 :30 train j - from .Twenty-fifth. 1 , ana -Valencia \u25a0 streets." : . - INDEPEf^ENrOFTHETRUCT -FOR- Seventy-Five Dollars /'I Will ' Furnish i '•," HEARSE, TWO CARRUGES,'EHBALMIKG, iSHBfIUDfAND^piII COVERED CASKET ..< JV LiUS S. CODE AU .Main Offlcem 2123 ' Bush St., . Wemt . S(SIH) and 1305 Franklin • St. nr. 17th, Oakland >. ;;','- Phone; Oakland *4045 *-". T . t Branch* 30?' Montgomery. \v. Temp. 3268 Ambulance and * Carriages 'to * Hire . ' j__e£s_^ JNDEX TO: CLASSIFIED ADS ACCOITKTANTS I I . . . . . . . . . . /: ". '.'. . . . . Col. 7, P. 12 ACCOITNTAKTS— CERT. PUBLIC. ..: C 01. "7, J P." 12 AD0PT10N ... . . ...... .-.". ". . ; . . . .".:.. Col. 8, P. 18 AGENTS WANTED. ,\r .'.'. ..: . Ii Csl.^, P. 11* AP AETMENT8 :.....'........•.,-. ;.V. CoL; 1, P.' W r -" ..........'.....::. .-Col. «, P.'ia ATTORNEYS. t ... .....'.. .... . ..VV. .C0L 7, P.' 18 AUT0M081LE5.: ..:'.. . ....... ... . . .C01. 4, P. W BAR AND STORE FIXTURES. .... ..Col/3, P. U BABBEES AND SUPPLIES.... iVi'ii'. CoL 5, P. 11 »..:-.?:. ••\u25a0 ' i .-.V..-....CoL'e,P. 11' BILL COLLECTING r;.. ':...... I;.- '.Col. 7, p> ia BTJSINE6S CHANCE 5... . .' :..... .... Col.' *l P- I 2 ; «... »:-.-.' '...:. Coir 5, V- 12 " " ! ! ! *'. . . . . . . .'. • '.CoL 6, P. 12 BUSINESS PER50NAL5. . . . . ... . . .'. Col; H P. 13 ..-..-... - ;.v.......".1V;C01. 2.P.13 CAMPING SUPPLIES. '.-.......: . . . .' CoL 4, P.l« CARPET CLEAN1NG."".. . ...... . . . .'. .C0L' 6, P. 1» chiropodists; '.'. . . •\u25a0 : :\u25a0. . . : . .-. : ; . . . . Coi. 7, p. 12 CLAIRVOYANTS. . . .'. ". . . : ?'. t.-T.V . f'. C6L 9, P. .13 CONTHACTOEB AND BUILDERS. . ".'"".CoI.- 6,* P. 12 COTTAGES TO LET... T. : .-.;.:.. '??.: C0L' 8," P. 12 DENT15T5. : .;....; . .". . . ...... . . '.T. Col. 7,' P. 12 DETECT1VE5. .. :....;...... ...... ..C01.' 7, P." 12 DRESS MAK1NG. ... . . . . ... .... . . .'• .Col. «, P. 1« EDUCAT10NAL. . .:.......... .T. .. ;.Col. v 7, P. 12 EMPLOYMENT OFFICES:/. .r.'.V.T'. Col. 8, P. H EMPLOYMENT WANTED MALE.'. .Col. 4, P. 11 EMPLOYMENT WANTED^-Femal*.'. Col. 6,; P. 11 FEMALE HELP WANTED.*..". . . . :'. . Col. 8, P. 11 F1NANC1AL. ..........:....:..... .Col. *. P. 13 FLATS TO LET.*;-: . . .*. ... .....:....(. C 01. .2. P. 12 FLATS TO LET— FOBNISHED. .'.'.': 7 Col. 8/ P. 18 • FLATS FOE SALE— FURNISHED. .?. CoI. 2, P. 12 FOB SALE— HISCEI,LANEOUB. .V. . .Col. S, P. 1 12 FBEIGHT FOBWAEDING . . . :Ti '. : . .". .Col. 6, P. 18 fubs:;. ..\u25a0.'.-..'.-.:.\u25a0;.:..\u25a0...."".•.-...\u25a0;. coi. 3, p. 12 FUENITUBE FOR 5ALE. ... : .. f. "".".' : Col. 3, P. 18 FUBNITUEE WANTED .....>... .'. . . Col. », P. 13 GLASS W08K5. . . . . ...;.... . . . . . .\u2666. .Col. 6,' P. 12 HOESES, WAGONS AND HABNESS.CoL'4, P. 12 hotels. : . . . ... . . ..... . . . . . : :\u25a0?. . : . Col. 2, P. 12 HOUSES TO LET— FURNISHED. , ! SSOoU" 2, P. 12 HOUSES TO LET— Unfuniiah«d.'..:".Coi; 3, P. 12 HOUSES TO LET— Oakland:.rr.'.:..*.Ool.*s, P. 13 HOUSES TO LET— Alamoda. . . . . . : *. "". OoL 7, P. 13 i HOUSES TO LET— Berkeley..:...... Col. 7, P.; 18 INVESTMENTS."/.. .1. ..;.".'... r.V.'.C01.' 2, P. 18i LEGAL N0T1CE5. . . . .... :. . . ?. . .'. . r Col. 3, P." 13 1- LODGING HOUSES FOE 5ALE. . .... C 01. "6, P. 12 LOST AND F0UND. ...;........ ....C01. 8, P. 11 MALE HELP WANTED. . T. . . • . 1 Col." 4, Kll "'•:;•• :\ " ............;coL6,p.ii MAT81M0N1AL. ........ :'. . ... ..... Col.- 1, T.M MED1CAL................: .'....C01.i1; P. 13 MEEMNGS— LODGES... '.:.....:.... CoI. 3, P. 11 MEETINGS— LEGAL. ;........... .". .Col. 8, P. 11 MINES A,ND MINING ............. ICol. 2, P. 13 MISCELLANEOUS WANTB... .::Col. 3, PMB MONEY TO L0AN.... .;'...... ...... C01. 8, PvA3 " .... .............. Col. 3, P. 18 MUSICAL INSTEUMENTS.......... CoL 4, P. 12 NOTABY PU8L1C. ". .... . . . .". Y. ... :. Col." 7, P. 12 OUT OF TOWN HOUSES TO LET. .'..CoI. 3, P. 12 OFFICES AND STOBES TO LET. . . ..Col.. 3, P. 18 PALM15TRY. . . . . ....:... . . . :. .:..: C01." 2, P. 13 PATENT ATT0RNEY5. ...........: .Col. 7, P, 12 PAINT AND PAPEB HANGING, .... Col. 6, P. 13 PEN510N5. ;'.': . .... .... . ...... . . ... Col. 7, P. 12 PER50NAL5 ...... ; :. . ...... . . . ... . Col.' 1, P. 13 PHYSICIANS..... Col. 1,-P. 13 POPULAR 8EMED1E5.. . . . . . ....'.. Col." 1, P. 13 PROPOSALS AND BIDS . : . .Col. 3. P. 13 BEAL ESTATE— CITY Col. «, P. 13 •V. . •• "......:... ::.:CoL 4, p. is BEAL ESTATE— COUNTS TC. . . . . 7. . ": Col. 4, P. 13 44 , : " ' " ; . - . ...... .fCoL 5. P. 13 BEAL EST ATE— OAKLAND."..:...".. CoI. 5, P.' 18 -•• •\u25a0 ' \u25a0 v •• "-•.:.: :\ ... Coi. 8, p. is BEAL ESTATE— BEBKELEY.-: . .... C 01 ..7. P. 13 EEAL ESTATE— ALAMEPA. ........ CoL 7, P. 18 BEAL ESTATE— FEUIXV AXE..". ... .CoL 8, P. 13 BEAL ESTATE— TO EXCHANGE.... CoL. 7, P. 13 BOOMS AND BOAED OFFEEED.....COI. I, P. 12 BOOMS AND BOARD— Oakland. .. .V.CeL 6, P. 13 BOOMS TO LET— FUB.-UNFUE :.:.": Col. 7, P. 11 BOOMS TO LET— HOUSE KEEP'G.. .CoL 1, P. 13 BOOMS TO LET— Berk«loy.:.:v;:... Col/7, P. 18 SALESMEN & SOLICITOES WN'TD.CoL 6, P. 11 5AN1TAR1UM5. . . . . .... . "*. . . . . .". .r: :Col. 1, P. 13 SEWING MACHINES Col." 4, P. 12 5P181TUAU5M. ........ . :'.:. : .-. . . . Col. 2, P. 13 STORAGE AND MOVING VAN5. . . ..C01. 6, P. 12 TITLES EESTOBED: . ... ... Col. 7, B. 12 T8U55E5.V. ............ ... : . ; . . . . . .Col. 7, P. 12 TYPEWRITERS AND SUPPLIES. ... Col. 4, P. 12 UNPAID WAGES COLLECTED. . . . . . CoL 6, P. 11 UPHOLSTEEING.:. ...T.."...". .. .% 7. C0L 6, P." 12 '\u25a0[\u25a0] '\u25a0' . MEETINGS— Lodge* V^*{; : -4' CALIFORXI.V.. chapter . XoT^S rT^A:- 1 \u25a0fTTMri M.«-Speclal meeting; '.THlS (TI.'ES- K^a*£i3 . DAY) EVEXIXG, June S, l!>r«». at HJ-Qyl , 7:30 o'clock, in asylum of Golden Vj^^jf (Jato commandery, 2135 .Sutter st. ii. .M. ilPßrc*'., "Matig >' ' FRANKLIN H. DAY.' SecreUry. \u0084 MISSION i rommandery ' No. 41. . K. k T.— ?t — Stated a«M<mbly .. THIS (THESDA V) .-; '-EVENIXO at S.o'clock.; Mission JUasc*ic.; lESf .i- ; temple. Order of - the - -Temple. . y All > .^^- • frattrs cordially Invited. :'— »:. \u25a0• *. SVf.-j^j >\u25a0'-\u25a0- --. - A. HAWKSLEY. -Recorder. PACIFIC lodge : No.*- 130, F. ; i i A.*:' is£££ l m% "meets THIS: EVENING 7:30 p." m.~ID. *^J%l • GKOBGE I'ENLINCJTON: C . -' V 7U| ' .' \u25a0- ,-5 Secretary.,- 'V s ; PARNASSUS lodge So. 3SS. 1 F/&' A: M.— ", * • First decree THIS (TUESDAY) EVEN^/V ING nt 7:30 o'clock. \S \u25a0•\u25a0•/,*.> '. ,- A-i-v^X , r \u25a0;•> w. A r'HOYT.t Secretary: "Cs" T^- BCRLINGAMn lodge 'No! 400,^F. ' '\u25a0&' ."A*.V ;-'I V^M.— Third degree THIS (TUESDAY) . EVENING at S o'clock. Master Mawns JSTs ; " are welcome. C." F.- BOVEB. Sec. ; ; \u25a0 .?&* SAN FRANCISCO lodge Nof SCO/'F.-A'A*.- '?M 1 , \u25a0'. M. : . - 1730 Fillmore ( st. — Third" degree' >-fV ,TIIIS ; (TUESDAY) EVENING al S K^? , o'cloclt. »:; Master. j.Masons cordially i ln-> : T^ : - vlted.' - By order of the worshipful master, -i \u25a0: \u25a0 : ... \u25a0\u25a0.;,... -' . . ;.'....\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 R. A.. PABST. Secretary. .> KING- SOLOMON'S lodge' No. 2«0. \u25a0' F. . & \ « ' -A.-- M.', «1739 vFillmore - st.— The officers I mf\ m and m»*mb»*rs -\u25a0 am •. notified., to ' attend r>^A\ '\u25a0 the- funeral -: of - our .deceased brother, ', ROBERT FOX . GRAHAM, on Wednesday • morning,' JnneO, at' 9:39 o'clock. A*full at- tendance Is requested. =\u25a0 - % ". :i : . \u25a0"\u25a0-'\u25a0 '..•\u25a0' > :\u25a0,•„',* .--.: .-"•.•"." \u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0'„ -. HARRY: BAEHR. Sec. '''. ORIENTAL 3 lodge Noli 144,'' F. s *:'' A." M..>|i\'- : "2135 iSutter st.— First /aegree' THIS: i/l_ \u25a0 (TUESDAY) V.X EVENING : '. at"> 7:-"O'JSL2f :^ o'clock.^ v A. sr-miBBARD. 'Sec. . >^* GOTJDEX GATB lodge No. r ,30. F. & A:- « M.— Third degree THIS (TUESDAY) --f*_ EVENING; 7:3o^ o'clock,' King Snliv S3f 3 mon's hall." 1739 \u25a0> Fillmore ' st. 'Master: ; -Masons cordially' lnvited." , \u25a0* \u25a0\u25a0'-" ". -,- ' • \u25a0- EDWIN I*': ME\'ER,;Sec. FIDELITY lodge" No. 120. ; F. I .*: Ar M^-- ,Ti : -/j£ ':% . Officers' and members are' requested " to ~£\ m gssembk- at ; Kins Solonion's hall. Fill- -J<bJ3\ more: St.. on.,.Mbnday.; June. -7.^at''l:3o,S'"'^*?>.. . p." m.", for purpose of conducting funeral^ eere-i j monies of r our late brother, : HENRY'AMARK, a''nienat)er r of .Chichinhare.lodge No. \u25a0 23, ' Guana. . jnato, Mer.; thence; to ; Odd ; Fellows* '\u25a0 cemetery -~ for cremation." "".?' c ;.-.-.*."<"-.--; ."-=r v. ;..'\u25a0• FREDERICK , BARRY, ; Secretary: ; \u25a0".\u25a0\u25a0 MEETnvGs— .Leipir^.-v;-:.-;:.^ .'.'TO l tbe stockhplders ': of ; " Hale Brothers, Incor- porated :s ' Tbe regular | annual meeting of tbe. • stockholders yof tola * corporation will be held : at the • office of . the company 879-9S7 « Market '\u25a0' street, I San ;-.' Franci«co,v, California, 7 !, oa »\u25a0 the T eighth 1 day. ; Of Jane, 1809," at 2 o'clock jpj m. : cf sal d day, - for tbe - election . of - directors - and 7.; the - transaction of - such . business as " m ay reg- "\u25a0•'\u25a0 alarly t come before -.- tbe meeting. \u25a0 \u25a0By ? order of the Board of Directors."^. " • > - l J\r~j*- \u25a0>.. >:-.:- r : JJt. B.' HALE, ' Secretary. V * C; :VMsy;26; 1909.?^ '^""^; :\u25a0: \u25a0 - ; ..i"fr;.;-".r,r r .'';- \u25a0• ." : ; i';:;i ';:; ; -lioBt;and.poundV';::X:,l i o8t;and.poundV'; : :X:,. ;'..;. I IF YOU LOSE ANYTHIJIG— AdvertIs. » i -.'. it here. It will bo returned . to you if aa . honest person finds it. Remarkable recov- eries are brourht . about wary day through - this column.- . * . ' j- . . ' - IFYOUFIND ANYTHING fcrin« it to :: .. -the f-.'-v.,\ : w J ' t .' »'r". - :•'=*.''' \u25a0""\u25a0\u25a0'•• '.»"-•'\u25a0.\u25a0 V.-'' {! San "'Franclajcof Call £i, 1 .:\u25a0> ]-:."-w ; ' , \u25a0J ,•, • Loat :\u25a0: and ? Found : 1 Uureau 1 ' •' " " I ?*-*?*! l ? n ?l? r - a - rac * treet * ! ' *** : '' r - "•'. Get a claim check. Have It advertised. \u25a0 Heclaim it if the owner does not. - - . THE LAW— People , who find lost irtl- \u25a0 . - cles ; are . interested in ; knowing that \u25a0 the ' \u25a0>• state l»w is : strict ' is \u25a0 requiring '•\u25a0 them to L ; seek \u25a0 the owners .. through advertisements '\u25a0' - % and ' otherwise,'- and : that 'a \u25a0 f allura ' to do ' ' so, if.; proof ' can be \u25a0' shown, > involves .a : - severe penalty.',"';,-^--^ \u25a0/;;-....,.-\u25a0 •.- -. ',_ . j \u25a0 .-..-• ..--..••- > \u25a0 : '. ! -.\u25a0 ... ... \u0084 . . _ . . .... FOUND— White .".bull 'terrier.^ -Apply" 1 500^ Giier-" \u25a0 •'rero st. ;•\u25a0>.•;\u25a0. .-•"•-";-\u25a0.. '\u0084.."_" ...\u25a0-;.",:.--:"\u25a0 .--; j LOST— In Ilay ward, ladies': black handbag con- £,' tafnlngj book.; fur.V etc.; twill ' parties^ In -'an- ! i: tomobllei'.notlfy .; A: ?E. * IXJRBER," 1443 St. :-: Charles . Bt.;YAlameda: ••-\u25a0: Phone; 1632. \. s .-; "\u25a0• *f\\ LOST^-Elk's \u25a0 tfVbth j at S lSth Z and ' Webster sts* ('\u25a0; Oakland.*;: = Finder | return^ to"^ Airderson's.S; 405 ] .; 13th? ft... Oakland, : and*- receive,- reward.; f LOST-^Sunday.- afternoon,"/" on I Franklin '» «t.' : bet * \u25a0;•% Sutter ; and • Clay.T; black '"caracul % neck i f ur.'> Re^ > Z .turn ', to .49lo; : Washington; st.'y; reward.' \u0084 \u25a0. LOST— Chamois bag .with ! money. -. 4 keyi,*i bet 3d ", and. 9th" sts.; 120 reward.^ BB9B^ 17th st. ; : ;; LOBT-^A' cameo* broochiv" Heturnfto'esS " Clayton % st/^ or , phone: Park i Hi2S,f and ; receive. reward.' : i \ : LOST-SBar.'hairpln : 1 3 i rolls of /pearls;' keepsake; **y liberal \u25a0 rfeward.t; 922- Flood ; building. *\ \u25a0' v si MAY'3o— Silver] watch.' goldtmedal* fob;?Bf>nlffed ; '\u25a0 eng. on ; both : \u25a0 liberal ; reward. lt 1435 i Stelnerj st. |10 ' reward ; iwhite i bull \ terrier dog < Rueben : '\u25a0 tad -~. 2773.>Retnrn . 2ooo;Jackgo n^ st'^>; , , ; i.'t^i CALL BRANCH OFFICE,; 1651 Fillmore st.,near 'i.Fost.'t-'-'. ;."•:;-.-/ --;^...vv;,: . -..;--; :\u25a0 "i\*-; .? ;\u25a0;->'?\u25a0"-;\u25a0' V » EMPLO YMENT /WANTEBu-Malev^ ALL ROUND ; lumber otflee" clerk": or ontslde linan •; wants jsltnstlon; * over 1 17 i years'^ local : eiperl- :'*ence;rage:S7. -; Address, box ; C47,'; Call .office, \u25a0J^-'Oakland.v*''-V-. : '?- ;: -'-""-^:'i-" \u25a0•"-•''\u25a0 :\u25a0•> \u25a0\u25a0-' ,- y,,~ .-,';, .*.•,: AN v energetic -. young t- man -of : 23, % graduate Sof ?" V.% C. - (mining '• college.) .'5 desires f* % position ; ' . : understands book 5~ keening s and , \u25a0."*\u25a0 stenography ; also; : could Inrest In ' tie ;If -satterae- ; tory. j Address ; ; 2808 / Grove > at.,~; Berkeley. r>> ,"-' ABLE- and willing .'boy, : 14, wants position' as -office, errand ;' or stock iboy.'. Address^ box : v ! 47C4/Calir;'.,r. -..\u25a0-. :\u25a0"/::.\u25a0 :,.\u25a0; -y.;-.-' -..;-:: -' ; - " FOUR Filipino boys who understand dining room Vwork want: job for reasonable wages. 2 Bel-; ?:mont-av.,CS.- F- : <-\u25a0':',: "'\u25a0 "-?';2 \u25a0*',:. .-<:\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0:.\u25a0. ?.-. v.-:*.-." :: : .- '\u25a0/ CHAUFFEUR and gardener wants i position with .-private family; Dp thoroughly g understands ; his ,"j business; : does his • owni repairs. "\u25a0 Box i 2661,*.' I- CaU of flee. . ...- : .-r.-.^'f \u25a0<'.\u25a0•' : ',!>, !> - " . \u25a0-.-' '".-;.'. '\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0.\u25a0-^\u25a0•.; CHAUFFEUR and > mechanic with' city refer- - ences : wants position V with it private.-', family; HCcareful driver; does, his, own -repairing. \u25a0>\u25a0" Box tj 2720, \u25a0 CaU offlce..' \u25a0 -.•\u25a0\u25a0-'^'••. •'.. ---.-". .- i :^ •-.:-.. }.- . CHINESE, small boy, \u25a0 first ' class cook, wants a \u25a0 position ' in private ; family; ; wages $35."-' Ad- J- dress LUN WING, ; 843 ;Dnpont st.\ ;. "./;'\u25a0:,.•;•\u25a0:-' COACHMAN wants I position ; | sober.; and --reliable ; :." thoroughly understands the care and driving of • horees, >• garden ' and • autos; i best : of references. . i* 80x; 276", Call office. 'V-.y '--i; <; .: y r .- ,: --. COMPOSITOR— Young ' man, wishes position." J. vC-G.v 1103- Oak: st.; v .r, '- : v.:' .;\u25a0 : : ->.., ; \u25a0\u25a0 ?• : , -. EXPERIENCED Janitor \. and . watchmsb wishes r position. Bot 16, 553;Haight ; st.. -V; \u0084' FIRST CLASS j Japanese chief ; cook \u25a0 wants sltiw- •'. 'tlon in. good 'private; family .In .country. ;. Box :: ". 2780, : CaU office, j^ ;^. - '.. -::".,-'.:.;.; FREKCH couple,' middle aged,' no children, ;want V situation.'- city : or ,; country ; .wife .very .good - pastry cook; . best- reference; ..roan, wait at • .table; willing to do 'general , workr. .Address box 2782, Call . of nee. . - .'\u25a0\u25a0--. .-^ <; ; : ..' FIRST CLASS waiter wants steady lunch Job. >. A." M.,, 1182V4 -Waahingtonst. :\u25a0 ..:,:. >r ;. ' FURNITURE finisher from the east wants work; old ' furniture reflnishedV and -polished, in any shade or g color- desired r; and warranted .to' - please or no pay. Address .F.,. FINISHER, '. 2405 Bryant St. \u25a0;' - \u25a0*-:-. -*\u25a0\u25a0• -• \u0084l .-, . .';\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 HAIR DRESSER wanted, 1 , one .willing to Invest small capital in established, well. paying busl- g ness preferred. * - Romona Hair. Dressing Parlor, , . rooms 303-304. 830 Market st.. opp.'; Emporium. HANDY, man, middle ": aged .: American, , good -( habits, \u25a0 desires position^ in country s hotel or ..resort. • Address- Steward,; b0x.40C9. '--. JAPANESE young boy, -wishes posltlonias waiter ,; at .table, do light honsework; many years" ex- ' perience In , private • city , or country; speaks English well. *". FRANK IWASANI, J; 1843 Fillmore st. ;, tel.? West 5892." .„\u25a0 'y-. 1-, JAPANESE, first class cook, wants position, prl- ' vate family; has good references. ,ENOMATO, .1015 Post st.-. Tel. We5t, 5745. *.'..-' ; ..-.; ;.-\u25a0\u25a0; ; JAPANESE boy wants position, waiter, .in small •:\u25a0; family; wages $8 to $0 week. FRANK rf 1505 --'' Geary st. :;\u25a0'. r • -. . .'-'\u25a0;" ..'.\u25a0•\u25a0'.'\u25a0"•\u25a0\u25a0*;\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0".\u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0:'\u25a0'\u25a0'-\u25a0;\u25a0' JAPANESE, with . exceUent, referencea,: | private •\u25a0 family . cook;^ German; ; French pastry, fancy -.cakes: any style cooking; high wages. O KEY, . : lj>s4 Buchanan" st. ; v":. •--:. ..^\\ . -' \'.-. PAINTER,- paper hanger and tinter; work from _^ owners ; good : work ; g low \u25a0; prices ; I all i tools. 7 2771 Folsom st. ; ' phone Mission 5818.; i;~_j- ?",' POSITION wanted by \u25a0 reliable man of 'i: expe- rience as mechanical .or: electrical draughts- man; will : take . charge ' of men •' In .of flee, on construction or any similar, work ; can furnish >good references. 80x ' 2744, Csll office. \u25a0>.»;•: POSITION as manager or assistant,: where com- I , petent and honest services are required ; ? have ,V had experience' in retail ' merchandising ; east and about San Francisco bay; can act in ca- pacity .as cashier, '\u25a0 treasurer, superintendent or 1 salesman;- character,- references and bonds fur- \u25a0 : nished; a good employe for a' good firm. ;-F. E. 'A., box 3500, Call office, 468 llth Bt.; Oakland. PROFESSIONAL gardener: who nnderstauds his j bnsiness In all Its branches -wants a: situation"; : best of city references. Box 2754," ; Call office. RELIABLE man, German, wants position in wine • and liquor house to -do labeling, \u25a0 bottling and make himself useful; .can deliver; best * city -references. 132 Rose ay. • . - ; SALARY no object ; will do any ' kind of . work from midday till 5 p. m. hi saloon, 'hotel, restaurant, : or i laundry; must work: I ; PHILIP HART, general delivery, 7th aud Mission' sts. SITUATION, wanted by paper hanger and. tinter; ( • steady worker. « 319 . Broadway. - .. . \u0084 . . v f WANTED by! a civil war pensioner, employment ': In, private family.' in country r to ; work ; as ' gar- • dener : or ; mjlk cow, : for room : and -board. Ad- , dress Pensioner, box 27U7, Call office..'.; -\u25a0 \u25a0: WELL trained butler wants situation; has refer-, \u25a0eoces from: bis present place; city or country. .Address A.. B."; 1896 Sutter st. corner Webster. WOULD like to drive - ti'<. team ''\u25a0\u25a0 lot- wholesale "or \u25a0 ( retail I house of ' any -ktud; over »\u25a0 year* In »lnst •place In city; good references.-' J..E.. ,290 Fell. YOUNG man wants ' position ; as fireman,'- or any kind of -work;' good 'character; age "24 years. Box J27CO, Call of flee. : ; "-\u25a0."\u25a0 .\u25a0- "\u25a0•\u25a0:.- YOUNG man (24) would like to drive .a team < for. wholesale- or. retail ' store: ' 2% years :in last, place; Al. references. . Box, 2770, Call. YOUNG lady stenographer- with; 3 •'. years' ; ex- .. perience wishes. position; small wages' to be- - ; gin; good references. . Phone West 9003. _;.>-.-,. \u25a0 YOUNG man. wishes- work In a wholesale gro- \u25a0 eery or 'dry' goods . l *hoiufe/-.™Box;'-2477,\-nOB : : ' . Valencia ': «t. *"\u25a0;.-:," \u25a0T'.-.y-**^ -.:,?. .V \u25a0,:.'/'";' '- I '-.- YOUNG ; colored man. generally useful, wlsh'es position In hotel; apartment house .'or saloon as s porter, * Janitor "or " elevator > man ; -' speaks Engllnh and Spanish." Box 27(«5, Call office. ' CALL BRAKCU OFFICE,' 1651 FUlmore st. near \u25a0-Post:' \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 -• --\u25a0• " -\u25a0•- '\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0• -\u25a0-- \u25a0* '"'" --\u25a0 \u25a0'\u25a0'\u25a0• 1 : - : ;M} : : MaLbUEIJ? j:\VAXTEia '[-'\u25a0{ ANDRE'S. 1044 Larkin St.— Crew . for country "\u25a0 hotel," |lso; cook, ?17 a week; busboy, 535-^10; Janitors. $40-ssor butler, 1 :- $40-s4s;.. kitchen hands, country : hotels, ?25-$3O-$ 35 : , vegetable gardener, $30: ' houseman and wait *at - table, !f25; cooks, .kitchen 'hands, lanndry help, etc., ' for - the \u25a0 springs.-*- Oakland office,';9s7 Frank- .' lin'st. ,;.•.:\u25a0..". \u25a0--.\u25a0:..-:'i^-< -' \u25a0:\u25a0:•.';• :\u25a0•:-. -J \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0?\u25a0\u25a0 :'-.-./,\u25a0 BOY wanted. by a prominent, real estate concern: .one living, at home preferred; must be neat In appearance 1 and - well recommended. -Apply. In person,* room 302 Magee bldg., 714 Market st.V Wednesday, ;1; p.: m. : \u25a0 - COAT I MAKER to take half : shop; gas and pow- \u25a0 er.l 832 Market st."., room 203. -.7 '.', ':.' :-". \u25a0\u25a0. ERRAND boy wanted at the Electric Blue Print C 0.,,328 Montgomery -st; ' -- ..," \u25a0- -:-\ ;/\u25a0--• >-' EXPERIENCED watch maker is willing to take \u0084 an apprentice under contract. '•: Box i 2278. \u25a0- CalL FIRST. CLASS >bushelmnn. .Apply, S.''N:. WOOD & ,CO.,''4th and Market sts.~ ;>:: j ' GARDENER' that s will 4 do --other - little chores • - around- a \u25a0 gentleman's ; place, • &>O. - room -and . ltoard; :-. references necessary. :,?, Call i at .; MISS '-" PLUXKETTS. 1890 Sutter st. . y -.^ HIGHEST class representative;: good '.salary 1 and \u25a0 com. ; Call 5. to fl p. \u25a0\u25a0 m.. Hotel Van.. Dora, :. room ' B2B. ''/' \u25a0•; '\u25a0':\u25a0: \u25a0'- - .' : '\u25a0'?"\u25a0* \u25a0.';. i -" l \ .\u25a0'-"*\u25a0."\u25a0•-\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0- LABORERS and mechanics to. know that Edward •'<\u25a0 Rolfcln has '\u25a0 reduced * the \u25a0 rooms 'at i the . Denver House, 3d and Howard sts., to 35c per day, $2 ;.- week; hot , and ; cold water ,in every .room. r.-fg MAN * and * : wife r as ? . cook ;> and - helper; \u25a0: plain ' -country hotel;. wages $75, room and board. Call -at MISS". PLUNKETT'S, 1898 Sutter st. «:or. : Webster. : V ;;;•,..- •/'.', \'':":^':-y-" \u25a0\u25a0-.".>\u25a0<->.\u25a0.-. ,y MEN " with small feet to buy ' high grade second t: hand shoes cheap."lo3 3d st. ;.\u25a0-";\u25a0../,;. MKN and: women to learn barber trade; 8 weeks; •'• earn $3" to $10 per -week -"while ; learning; >par- . tlculars free, v MOLER COLLEGE." « llth st.' 7 '; MEN to learn barher trade in B, weeks;; free spe- \- cial :. "lnducements \u25bato . n%xt 10; - caU - early, ; get \u25a0\u25a0'•• particulars. ? S.^ F. Barher College. ; 8 Fell st. j NEW - WESTERN, i 1124 ; Howard-v-Slngle . rooms, -. 15c and 20c per,night;hot and cold;.;-. ONE * tray ; bqjr | for I dining \ room I first I class j hotel : \u25a0 also; a. young; waiter, for f help's: hall,^for.; small --^ resort :'> s3o i each. I ', room . ana < board, 'i' Call? at Sutler st.i cor.^Webster.: ; 1; >: :^;^^v. RAILROADS want young men to learn telegraphy v - arid station Lwork> Address ; Morse I College lof .-• Telegraphy.j 3o6 • 12th . st.,l Oakland;, Cal. -. r ,; STEADY-- man; for; cigar, factory not !,'. necessary ; small security required; 800 12th str SUNSET EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, ; 1084 5 MeAl- V Kster,' St.; (PHONE PARK =3023— Male; and = fe- ":'\u25a0\u25a0 male ' help -- supplied son i short notice ; '•\u25a0\u25a0 reading i- rooms; ' rooma 25 cents np' per night. ;v' , • ',;? ' \u25a0 WANTED— Men " to i buyj; ready-to-wear fori made -"\u25a0\u25a0 to order \u25a0suits, 60c a week: pay down what yon «-*-can."te.7Bl ; Market ; st r- room • 201-202.17; >;,^, . WANTED-^«0& men • to ; occupy; rooms, 1 20 c to 30c ».: per. nlgat!(free f bath) rat the NEW, YORK., 7S3 ; i Howard) st.l between 3d and 4tb. ;.;..- . - , WAiNXED— Hoomere. -? 25c to -. $1* per night, * 824 jLagnna'i st. ."\u25a0.cor.?; McAllister.-? ;. \u0084; s •\u0084- . WANTED—Two f managers ; * good . salary ; I perma- >: nent position. V Call r.1 25; , Gladstone, \u25a0 Polk and 'v Eddy 3 sts.: 'X ' \u25a0 •:\u25a0;- r.yy .\t- ... -\u0084.r-.' ,•.-.-'-;,.; , WANTED^-Photo ; coupon ?; agents ; I\u25a0' swell l -i new ' - offer,. Just* out. -Cuthbcrt Studio, Bacon bldg.; \'..Oakland.^.; .V,v.y^--':. y -^r-' : '." u:.'..:;';.-~ \u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0'\u25a0 -'.>-^*: WANTKD-^Man I of 1 managing \ capacity^ and j ex- '> perience; imust 4 be* able jto 1 command »andl earn -.-" hia-h } salary .'V Call <53 to 6 and 1 7 \to * 8! : p;ft m.'," : room 465^ Phelan bldg. ? ; ; ; r c: .\u25a0• > ,"\u25a0\u25a0». : - • \u25a0.. ; .:".:-:-iV?; :^-WANTED--.u«.- -.-• \u25a0 \u25a0\u0084;\u25a0; -.<^\ ;100 LABORING MEN -.V To occupy clean rtngle rooms atTHB ORIGINAL ;:'-: MECHANICS'- HOTELr 9l9. Howard St.. bet; sth \u25a0J- and : Cth j »l. r >c.' ; 20c. > 25c day; j $1.-; $1.25 per .week.' . WANTED— Sboe j. makers Tito S keep Waway .-£ from IJBucklngbamj'&jHecbt' sboej factory : .~.Tro»ble.*Jrt WANTED— 2 J first! class j *ol teltors I that I can lg«t v>\u25a0 the .buslness.'EW Apply 4' room 2 131 6,f Metropolis Bank '; bldg."3 bet.'? 0 , and ; 10 • a;^ m."» today. . w ::" 'o" c?,*mubray;&^ready, -f - - 4.'i '. . - Leasing ; Employment and 1 Labor i Agents,' .' - } 7 •>.*." WHITE > PALACKi HOTEL ? BUILDING, ; ;- 1 "> ".;^'llth;and -Market ; sts.V~Sanc'Francisco. \u25a0•;\u25a0}\u25a0;. \.-.-Ty.^' yj*:*' Phones: Market. CsC; and tio".; \u25a0 - •. ; : * - ; BRANCHES: -. ' -.. "\u25a0 6th and' Franklin sts.',"" Oakland. ; . : • -i. ; Phont; i Oakland :7361.W •>'- \-Vv' \u25a0;Cd,'and Main sts: land (l2l; Marchesanlt st., >; "-. ; ;n Los 'Angeles, Cal."'-. \u25a0• . \u25a0 • , \u25a0:",'" r . ' , 2d : and H v sts.,'* Sacramento. ; ,- ,.;;. " :5,942 men for aH* classes "work in CaUfornla,' > .Oregon,'. ', Nevada,", Arizona,". Washington,? New i .Mexico;. wages-ranging from $00 to $150.--.' ? \u25a0,". , "SIF, YOU WANT. WOBK^SEB US. - , FREE FAKE— FUKK; FARE". : , ' . V K LA MATH FALLS. . y. ;OREGON— OREGON -- ' ' ";' -^ . : MrpLAND— DORIS-^WEED;> " 23 machine drillers..; FREE FARE. # V. ' t : ;- vvz .. f ?SHIP^yopAY.. " - - '" I. -. 1)000 , men . for : railroad ' work - for \u25a0 the . big ", tun- • ; nels, •, steam; shovels," - .truck 'work,' etc.,* tunncl- ,;' men,^headers,** cornermen,' miners,': muckers. 500 teamsters and laborers.' ALL" FREE FARE. SHIP DAILY.; -"-.-•; ." - ; .-• '•:. r J-'.-- : . -, » C.iN.:E. R.:R." ..v:, .. .. : :.-•\u25a0' % : J'."^,i ; WE-ALSO SHIP TO =: .".-•- . SHASTA 'AND SISKIYOtT. " \u0084 FREE, FARE.. . CCtLFAX— APPLEGAT Bi-'? fill "\u25a0 ... v CLIPPKR. GAP— BOWMAN. . ..'-.. -;\C P. R. R. RECONSTRUCTION. . • .TO THE iBIG iTVU^EIS. \u25a0 f '^ yj 1 ... "--..- r,, . .;STEAM, SHOVELS. - • ALL > FREE FARE. '.:\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0' y • -23 HAND MIXERS; FREE FARE. 500 teamsters, laborers, drillers.' rockmen, tuh- \u25a0 -nelmen, etc.; wages from ?C0 to ?150. .100 2 horse teamsters, .|3O and found." > 100 4" horse teamsters, f35 and found." ' \u25a0 ; ' 50 Istationmen by contract - : , \u25a0 . - ALL FRKK FARE— SHIP DAILY, i . AND • FREE • FARE. SOUTH, v^? ' MOJAVE— —BAKERSFIEX.D - " \u2666 \u25a0 -> —^—DISTRICTS——' -St\u25a0S t\u25a0- \u25a0' .: , \u25a0 DON'T YOU 1 WANT - TO : GO TO ' THE ' GREAT TUNNELS?'" ' 100 \u25a0 tunnelmen; machine men, chuck tenders, .',. muckers.', " \u25a0 r \u25a0""'\u25a0-" ,~. : . - ;,'; ,' ". "i-^-C '\u25a0'-\u25a0\u25a0' THIS - : IS .FREE FARE' V . £V~ MOJAVE-BAKERSFIEXD DISTS. :--\u25a0'•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0,:- XEW j WORK '.':'-- :-; ;\u25a0'-•: "STEAM: SHOVEL: \u25a0:. : - FREE- FARE i.- SHIP TODAY- - r 20 laborers around \u25a0- steam ' sbovel.i $60.* " -•SHIP I . THIS.-. MORNING" .., .\u25a0\u25a0--. •--:' -'/\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 i FREE FARE' -:\u25a0\u25a0:- ' ,: \u25a0. '..v > DO YOU ; WANT TO GO' TO ' . SAWMILLS -YARDS i i : -? -'. -.'.- — WOODS? \u0084 150 • men to * work ;In v. the : mills, yards and - .woods of Sonoma;- Mendocino. Humboldf, Tuol-; \u25a0'umne./Madera,: Shasta ; and Slsklyou counties; wages-from t05173. '• ;*."-'\u25a0 : .; ! 5 log \u25a0 loaders. ; Tuolumne ; county," $60^; . - -AND, YOUtt" FARE PAID ' =-- I .10. laborers' for 'the mills and- woods, .Sonoma - county; 1 $67.50; : long" Job.' '\u25a0\u25a0 r; "~- , '2 circular- sawyers, pinermiU. "$l2O. •*. - ' ; , 4 ; screw setters, ; edgermen, trimmers'. men for -a- big, lumber i-company.-. .. " ' '• - -. Sticker r hand, planing mill, country," J3.50 .day; boss- here. \u25a0 - - - •' \u25a0 • \u25a0 » r -- • '.'-^ "••\u25a0•\u25a0- TO THBMINES-^— -. , .-.5 hand miners. - good gold mine, ' $90. •-.' \u25a0 '.;."" >?';HA>'D* MINERS FREE FARE : " 10 miners, . free fare, $75. '.''•'*' \u25a0' \u25a0--"\u25a0\u25a0 : - -' -.•-"." v .- TREE FARE" ".':"\u25a0 --":•'\u25a0'. O. ,S. R.R.—^— SHIP DAILY ,' M5O . teamsters, v laborers, drillers. ' \u25a0 - - SHIP -THREE -TIMES A DAY ) i" LABORERS— TEAMSTERS. •.-- f ' FACTORIES— WARKHOUSES. ' "VV :J: J -. i '-:.'. .^QUARRIES.- T :" '-\u25a0 ', laborers,- ' no experience required, for all .classes of work,'. sCo to $75.", - ' 10 laborers, . warehouse, I city, $2.25 day. ? 1 .'75 teamsters, 'city - and""country work, $2 to ; $2.50 day.' ; ;\,; \ , " ".- .- • \u25a0 ••\u25a0 \u25a0'-\u25a0 ;\ '\u25a0 • - FOR .RANCHES, 'DAIRIES, ETC. ~ v lo< teamsters," big' ranch, -soutlj, steady wort, ... $40 ? and \u25a0 found. ' • .{5 teamsters, .ranch, $1 fare. $35 ami found. ; : 15 hay makers, run mowers, ' rake, buck,, etc.', $1.00 and $2 day ami. found. . * : v -^x ". ' - '33 ' farmers, - all : parts California," $30 to ' $45 andifound.'" - - .- " '\u25a0 27 mllkers,sl to $4 fare.' $35 to $43 and f d. . . 7 cboremen, . stableinea and gardeners, private ..-places, $30 t0 . 540 and ' found. : \u25a0'"\u25a0-. - . ! '_ Choreman, 'Tuolumne Co., > $35 and found." '. MARRIED "-HELP. \u25a07 farmers "and wives, different ranches, $43 to \u25a0 $60 . and found; : .; '\u25a0•\u25a0 \u25a0- : \u25a0;;\u25a0-="'\u25a0 I married 1 farmers and dairymen, $40 and $3(^ \u25a0and honse..:. \u25a0\u25a0 . '.'\u25a0> - \u25a0 . \u25a0 "' ' Choreman and wife," private place, . bosa here, . $45 to $30, and found. ,: \u25a0\u0084 . -\u25a0 • Choreman and wife, mine, $05 and found. - Experienced foreman,' fruit ranch, understand -drying, 'pack lng. shipping, etc.. $90. \u25a0•-.- - .« SPECIAL— LABORERS." >". - '"-. FREE . FARE— GOOD WAGES. - 25 laborers, ; no : experience required, Alameda ; Co., $75— YOUR "FARE- FREE. -":; WOOD 'CHOPPERS. - -- 25 wood choppers, $2 cord— FREE FARE. IT WON'T COST YOU • ANYTHING. ; COMPANY. WORK. A, .... SACRAMENTO. . . \u25a0 ". FREE— FREE. :>•> : 50 laborers. S. P. . R. R. Co.'s work. :\u25a0 - " FREE FARE— NO OFFICE FEE. . FREE FARE— DRILLERS. \ •10 drillers, San Mateo Co., $87.50 — FREE FARE.. ,'-... v";':-r 4 -V r "' - : £ ' : "'^ f - : ' LOOK' HERE. - - \u0084 \u25a0.-••? - To beautiful sonoma: - \u25a0 - - - EIGHT \u25a0 HOUR.V-LABOBERS ' " E \u25a0 -.10 \ laborers, luo experience required," .to make \u25a0;roadsj good-job. $60. '. * .' • \u25a0\u0084 . VV . . : MISCELLANEOUS. • -Stone-mason, Wibble work., country. $3.50 day. \u25a0'-'. I'alnter and painter's - apprentice, country, \u25a0 $3.75 day. •\u25a0-, '"S ;: \u25a0" - -\u25a0 - • Metal polisher, city factory. $2.50 to $3 day) .Upholsterer.: private place, >30 «ml> fonnd. ": Bakery, wagon driver, near city; $12 week." ..- FREE, FARE. Manl for pile driver; work, $\ day. free * fare, -\u25a0 call .early. ...'-- . . • ' . > r " '-.- Experienced. man to handle sheep^shearing ma- .Schinerj'.'Boodwages*., -. ;" \u25a0 ' • : ;>si laborers. \u25a0 dredger . work, $45 and found. \u25a0 - X Painter.' company * work."" near ' city, $3.50 : day. ; ;-3xrarriage palnterB,"icountry. $3.«" >'" •:,. . 5 men clean brick ( country ,-factory; $1.50 M. .: RS rough carpenters for a big 1umber.. c0.,. 575. \u25a0-, Shoe m-iker," country 'shop, ,sls* week.v- ' . ; ."Cement finisher, near, city; r 52.50 day. ' -'"" Era grader operator/ $3 day.- >. . ' 'J V . - ": : Head lineman, ; woods, Sierra co., $90. v : „ 10 tie makers. iTuolurane: co.; 13c.'v. : ' Engineer, small \u25a0\u25a0 factory, $15 week.' ii', 3 raneli blacksmiths.; sso and $C 0 found. ; : » blacksmiths, country shops,; s3 to $4.50 day. 11' blacksmith helpers, shops and ranches, $2.50 . \u25a0day: and $50 and found. -\u25a0>-->->. .^L" \u25a0'*--.. .\u25a0\u25a0 P-* \u0084 COOKS— HOTEL DEPT.— ETC. \u25a0 7 ranch cooks," $35. tos4s and'found. , 14 , hotel : and restaurant ; cooks.", city and : cbun- to $00 and "found; $15 and*s2o.week. .: Cook. » small club.; $60. and found." *v-.'.--; 1' . . • V 4 bakers,", country shops,;s4o to $50 and found. : 2 butchers.'iclty, :$lO: $10 week.-S;-'. ' L* . -. \u25a0 *;• ".. 5 walters.7 country hotels.', $.10 and found."- . - CooV,' Sonoma : co., $50 and found.^rare paid. - ; ' 3 launJrymen.;country, s 'slB-and's2o.,week.-" : ;'-3 porters,' country .hotels,' s3o . and foaml. V.S2 camp waiters. • $30 and'found., I .^: '. y''- " - 2 pantrymen,', $9 week ' and $30 : and found. •15 dl«h washers.'jkltchen-hands,' etc..".523 to $33 andifound.; V; . " ' ': .-" •",.-;..' _: \u25a0 'J- 10 painters. to go to, work; this morning, steady Job, $3 day; call early., • ' :^: ; ' : GREEKS, MEXICANS; ITALIANS,'- : ';?:::\u25a0:. ";•• SPANIARDS. - \u25a0' \u25a0'\u25a0 :-i 500. foreign- laborers, all classes of work, $52.50 '/.to $67.50, 'many of them free fare. .;•' \u0084.->. |;V-; Call and read our bulletin boards; "work com- B ing by f phone, telegram -and . mall all- day long. V MURRAY; & READY," filth and Market sts. _ *. v 6th and Franklin sts;,': Oakland. -? , -. : ; ..;"'\u25a0 \u25a0 2d and II sts., Sacramento. \u25a0 " '."V -v A— Competent * butcher; to \u25a0 manage ; country re- irl'.tail'ibutcber . shop;; good ; opportunity", for - good &2 man ; boss here ; -, wages • $100." .Apply MURRAY .&- READY. .IIth and, Market sts. \u25a0;'-.- ' . I WANTED— To b'uy.r a 7 saf e , about 0 . feet high ; I '\u25a0\u25a0:-. cheap. < MURRAY & READlTllth and Market * \u25a0'-\u25a0 si rAt^ti "'•"\u25a0 "\u25a0" : "-*'V '~~+ ~* ' \u25a0 """"\u25a0" \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 j ~ -\u25a0 ~*' " \u25a0 -\u25a0 * INTERPRETER; for* this -office. * MURRAY & {. READY.'llthi and Market: star, : ;,;; J YOUNG 5 men % wanted -I to * learn^wlreless 1 "^ raphy, >' telephony & and S; engineering; ; l positions J - open; - ; 204" NewiHibemla* bldg;F, : Open eventngsi.- ; : ---- ;^*'^ 'AN /American \u25a0jbarbersj barber 5 of 'long 'experience {wishes ! 1. -\ employment s with 2an v American ' north sor J east '-\u25a0'\u25a0 of Ssn \u25a0Francisco. ./ Address box 651; Gall office,' A .";, '\u25a0;:-..\u25a0"-'\u25a0,"-..;\u25a0 - : 'H ,7 :: - ,-i ~".i \u25a0:'.', g r, ' BARBERS— We have Just received a shipment of M the \u25a0 new process I Sunset I hones, • making & them '. '•' snperior " In : their"' cutting : qualities \u25a0 and . givin; f: i rsxors : .«i It flne,'^. smooth *s edge, t • Ask ' out ' wagon man to show you- the new style, 'our ."Jupiter" ' raxor still \u25a0 leads; i prica ! $1.50, goar- I :' a atped: \u25a0.\u25a0 \u25a0'. We .?. have •on hand -. a » large \u25a0 stock -ot \u25a0 - fcarber t chairs - and - fixtures. * We ) sell ) t urnltnr* Bon I InetaUment.'"^ Pacific I BeVbers' ; Supply Cou- C;*ptny,^ W2 Market. rtv! 29. Turk st \u25a0.;":•;.:\u25a0// \u25a0 BARBEH,'* good i. workman,*. wants situation.' 5 Box ;y;2Tt>9;;Call ot&ce.*; , ; :U/..""":. : : .,: \u25a0.-"-:,-,- ,:-.\u25a0.. :: , BARBER'for* Saturday -and Sunday.*. .700 Rall- (i> road JaT.^; South.:* „-: ";T. '., *\u25a0 / ; .''"'" '..',.- BARBERS',! furniture.* bonght •\u25a0for- cashr'at ?' 745 ifs Fulton tftivur."-", Webster.: „ \u25a0'_»•'; : f-j'l. -- i' V?. ... ' ' . BARBER \wanted i at > 1276 Golden i Gate;ar.t near i J>*Flllmore> 1 8t.^"r' : ;i : .",;--,:-.s "\u25a0•"\u25a0"\u25a0-' '^r- tT- ?.': ? r ?-''t»'ti..- BARBERSVUNION 148,>fflce 343 Van;Ne*» ar.;- >: v; free employment ; ; tel." . Market BSo.ia*fs^^s^J i BAJR^RR^;;.\xb siippi.iEs^^ontjnned BAKBJSkS-r-^ow.V I* .' jo_ "chance to 1 secure" \u25a0A 1 j >; second hand CHAIRS, - MIKKORS. , POLES . and 4 other barber shop ? fixtures at 1 Terv* reasooablf" r priees.r.We;have i 20 BARBER. CHAIRS <dif-~ '..ferent '. brands), upholstered ' in; -LEATHEK. \u25a0? ,SEVEEAL~iMIRRORS ». (French 7 or German V plates). -different- sizes, an<l also \u25a0\u25a0 some *. well ,V painted POLES. -..--,.;. •-••'.. ".u-. SEE;- thtse; goods- before > going _\u25a0 elsewhere." .Theyccanbe bought; CHEAP -{on essy pay- ,ments, if desired), or CHEAPER FOU CASH. V * AU fixtures ' GUARANTEED , to be RXACX- \u25a0 \u25a0 LV. as represented^: * *^IIWsa7TTPTrWB[ \u25a0\u25a0 '. ' CALL EARLY and make ; your choice. We will RESERVE goods- for a small deposit - DKCKELMAX: BROS.. Inc.. \u25a0 162-164 Tnrk st r '.*- "-.'. ~ BARBER SUPPLIES. * . : « "„ We have- Justi received the samples Jof tbe BARKER PORTABLE 'AND PEDESTAL" HAIR DItIKBS. . Call ; and see ; them. - SOLD on IN- STALLMENTS, and every shop should have one. BARKER CHAIRS sold at $15. DOWN and $3 A, MONTH. -,l. Shops fitted np on'easy. paj ments at. the right prices. It 'pars you to see Us. ." - JAMES BARKER. INC. Phone Franklin -3SSO.' - -'.- ."-«'- 94 Tnrk'st EUGENE F. PAXARIO. MGR.; * \u25a0 . CASH paid. for. barber chair*: all kind* of sup - piles on ; tint," SSS Grove : st ' nr. . Fllhnore. BXPEIUENCED. barber wishes work; short : honrs. ". TUSCAN. 2361 Post st \u0084 FIRST, CLASS manicurist wonld like position fa "' first- class barber : shop. '•; Box 2T83, Call office. FIRST CLASS" barber."' sober.* v steady .". relfsbje. | wauts jobln oocntry, T. LANGB, 2104 15th »t. FIRST CLASS barber >bop for sale; very cheap; . B«x>d location." --101S". Kearny st."";-.. •" -• - • FIRST, CLASS barber, wanted;" none other need - apply. 224 O' ".- : :..-\u25a0\u25a0 - : FIRST CLASSY barber wanted;' steady Job for > . the. right man. _ 1407. Buchanan st- .- FOR sale— loc sfrop cheap. . . 703 Golden Gate j a*. FOR sale— l revolving barber chair.:; 1278 Gold- "- ;en Gate , a v. •-_,-, \. \u0084,..- ,". ; -..V-», . "*.- FOR 'Hale-^Two " chair " watauf ' work ' \u25a0 stand; marble- top: • -cheap. :*• 1704 "Hayea:-st~- ~ FOR sale— 2 chair •' fixtures <at - rery ? reasonable price. ; .BAUER^IoS4 EIIJs' stl., '•\u25a0 : ./; : --• -i- " FOR first class tools and other s barbers," supplies •go" to BAUER'S. 1554 EUUs st. ' -' . \u25a0->\u25a0• " t FOR. . sale-^-Nlcely - fitted . 3 chair barber shop • - Mission; doing pood business; party going -out of. city; price. $330. Address box 2791, . CaU. GOOD, steady (barber wanted ; at 1 1745 O'Farrcll \u25a0street.' , . ' . ". i . - --, . - .-. . ' •' .*.:.* MUST sell chairs, mirror and all fittings; best offer taken." 1820, ' Post st. nr. FlUmore.- P. F. THAL & a'C. WILKIN3. barbers' employ. '• ment at-ency. 2931 TVashlnirtoor tel. West 9245. STORE to let — Good location for barber. Apply r ' a (:".. corner; Oak and Ovtavla sts. ..- -' '*' WANTED— Barber; Independent shop: can make - 'good: wases.--42S 10th st,- Oakland. \u25a0«-•; - \u0084 WANTED^-Barber. , 3306 20th stj near Sllssion. WANTEI)--A;good, second hand. 2 hole, enamel ."•basln-for barber shop. .1203 Valencia »t. -\u25a0 . • WANTED— First; class barber, at once; bring \u25a0i tools; \u25a0 uuion \u25a0 man. \u25a0' 3112 24th yst. » - . - > YOUNG Irish Itarber • wishes to learn American - system; employer's terms. -Box 2798, CalL. . $75— For sale, one chair barber shop; rent, with \u25a0 living rooms, $12; situated at the entrance to 'Del. 'Monte hotel. Monterey, Cal. AdJress J. " GOETZ. : Monterey. Cal. ; . ' '..- EiIPLO Y3IEXI' ": WAXTED-Female COM PETENT. t capable I German- American middle I aged woman wishes position in private family. city, to do plain cooking, . downstairs or. house . work; first class bread: maker; $20 to $23; \u25a0 carfare.- Address 324S Army st near Howard. GERMAN : woman. ' ; first class laundress, want^ "- any kind \u25a0 day workj - lace curtains, \u25a0 blankets .done at home. 23 Grand st. between 9th and - 10th." off Mission. .: . " GIRL with". some experience. wishes position at .cooking and general housework. .Call or write 1611 WaUcr Bf; ' GOOD French cook wants - a sltnatlon. city -or country: - wages : $35 •to $40. Address \u25a0 1 «23 Vi I^jmbard'st'.city.^ - - - - - . IN FA N TS' \u25a0 nurse, j German, experienced, reliable : best ref».;dty or country; wages $33. '1301 -Santa Clara av.",- Alameda.- ; " .- SWEDISH girl wishes a situation to do cooking; i '. pood cook; .wapes $35. .Call 453 Franklin St.; phone Market 4735. : \u25a0 WAITRESS wants position in restaurant or hotel in- this city: 7 years' experience in the east; good references.; Address box 2733, CaU office. WANTED — Position as cock on a cowboy's ranch. MISS NORA LINNEY, 32S 8d st. room 46. WOMAN -wishes general housework; shortly from -country. ' BAGLIN, Central ax. and WaUer st.. city.,' '-. •".-". - - ...».-.. YOUNG lady wants - position ' as f book ; keeper; can - take charge " of any ' set of ; books"; ' qcick. accurate; have references.. 'Address box 2TS2, Cull office. I- --\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0"-:\u25a0 \u25a0 -^ " . FEMALBHELP WAXTED AT MME. ANDRE'S. 1044 Larkin st— Second clrl, $.".0; German nursery governess, 1 chlM. 7 years. $.T0 and $35; pantry girl., must, make 1 salads, $23; cook." country-hotel. $40; 2 nurses, , city and: country,. s2s and v $30; nnrse glrL* 1 'child. " and "_ do sewing". v s3s; housework = girls, \u25a0 city and country, $25 and $30. -:~ ' . \u25a0 CASH girls wanted; must be -14 years of ago and ' bring school 'certificate. Apply Sapt's of flee. The Emporium.' • FIRST CLASS ' lady . solicitors can find steady . employment by applying • city - circulation - de- » partment . San Francisco Call. 3d and Market streets.'. .-. \u25a0--. ..-•.' \u25a0''\u25a0'.' ' - ./ FRENCH girl for general housework: small fam- ily. . Call between 11 and 4 at 1777 Page st GOOD stronjr cook ' for '< mercantUe " lunch room s from 7 until 2.- Call MISS, PLUXKETT. 1536 . Sutter st. cor. \u25a0 Webster. -\u25a0:\u25a0 I. NEED the help' of . a - clever . business woman; am. able to pay. * CaU- Monday between 12 and 2 p.- m., Grayston hotel. J. MacDONALD. \u25a0 LADIES wanted to take home work; part or fnll time; experience, unnecessary. Trlebers. rooms 213-215 Pacific building. 4th and Market LADIES— We teach I HAIR DRESSING. Manl- .enre, ELECTROLYSIS; Massage. CHIROPODY; modern methods: BEST- EQUIPPED SCHOOL In west; 2 . FLOORS. DEUSTE.R & CO., 47 \u25a0 Kearny, st.,;. S. F..; LADlES— Reliable employment at home; steady or part time: stamping transfers; $1.50 dozen \u25a0 np. -Room SIS. TYestbank bldg.. S3O Market, st MARRIED. woman wanted to l«arn typesetting; for occasional" work; $3 week to start; hours 9 /'to P., 122 Halleck st -.* :": -\ ' \u25a0.-;-\u25a0 - '-r-- \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 T~- OAKLAND- '.' :-.-'*\u25a0. :.r.: .r.- ' \u25a0. . ,; 'GIRLS TO MAKE- OVERALLS :- PAH) SAL- ARY WHILE LEARNING. r:- i: LEVI STBAUS3 & CO., 3D AND CLAY STS., . .OAKLAND. \u25a0--.:. - : . . APPLY. :TO MRS. DAVIS. SECOND girls' for/prlvate'tamily jrolnc in the . . -mountains, . - $:?,">; Gernum wok \u25a0- for German v family, $45; -lady's maid- and seamstress, $35; .4 other : waitresses for . springs, $25- each ; sec- ond "girls tor the : conntry, $30." Callat.MliS I PLUNKETT'S. 1898 Sutter st. cor. Webster. .. WASJTED-^-Stoot'or lean 'ladies 'who- -can not be "fitted elsewhere: to bay onr own make neck- . wear; prices ; reasonable. \u25a0• Brnsseis : Lace Store, -.» 1254 Sutter st beltm- Van Xes» ar. -\u25a0 iyf • •\u25a0 . WANTED ~ Experienced ' saleswomen. .' '.'.'-Applr .'HALE3ROS.. Inc.. llth and .Washington sts., 1 Oakland,- Cal. ;,~ v : - ". \u0084 ;^_..». WANTED— Experienced'' skirt » makers '. for $ dre!>s - making dept. -Apply supt 'a office from f> to 11 f . -,a.v m.;; HALE .; BROS.; INC.; Cth and Market. WANTEIKfAa experienced "- and - • respectable • waitress^ -r Brooklyn " Temperance i " hotel. - 3C9 \u25a0'\u25a0.-First st_'."-- .-; \u25a0 \u25a0:": : \u25a0=", .%-, --" . ; '. \u25a0 WORKING "> house ~. keeper \for - 3 \u25a0 men. • "country. $%; references >necessary.-" 'Call l?9C"Satter "'-""st.T.cor.V.Webster.TiC.-rV","-.-":. j~'-.' : : ' : 4':~' '\u25a0' \u25a0 '" YOUNG * girl 1 for. honsework- and r cooking, small wages." $30; ; references. 39Sl.Clay st CAIX BRANCH OFFICE.: 1651, FiUmore st. near VPat^' I '!'---.''''-.-'"';,'-^ :•«-\u25a0 \u0084-:-\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0 elmploymextloffVces j - .', ;'"' AAA^CHINESE .cooks- of ' all classes and \ other '" help furnished. 'Orient Employment office. 361 -Bth Bt..lOakland;,phon^ Oakland 3101/ \u0084 _ AA— OSCAR r,HATSDMI. "JAPANE3E-CHINESB EMP. CO. ; > BEST •\u25a0 HELP GUAB. ; > CITY 'OR 'V: COUNTRY. Z ISI3 ; GEARY BT. /WEST 368)*. A-rv; -"•£<\u25a0'. - -PHONE WEST 1731 .-'\u25a0 ."\u25a0 . '. Largest Japanese and. Chinese employment office r *ln city. TAMURA CO.. 1912 Lag_a st- - 3tr CONN; ; Chinese "emp. 'bnTean;* Chlnene'; cooks : - . special. : hotel \u25a0 orj fam. ,770 ' Clay ; f D'gkis 3162." A. HORl.^l74BsSatter; pUone- West; 2Bo3— Best r Japanese-Chinese - help • furnished . promptly. • .\u25a0, ;": STAR l i envp. \u25a0 'office ": fornlshe* t - Japanese-Chinese :.: help.- 1-;' TV.1 -;' TV. KADOTA; ICOS . Qeary; tel West 167.' n." W. s . HONG;! Chinese {employment , office. 303 \u25a0'\u25a0!\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 Webnf cr Bt. = Oakland. :: Phono Oak ' SS43L * " \u25a0>- 5 A LES M E.V and S O LIjCITO RS \VA.\TED IMMEDIATELY— AI' woman solicitor; Mr money. : "Apply! 166; Geary st.Toom: B2. -bet. -12 aad 1. KNOX, 443 Pine— Suits. 1I<?B3 and attachments. ! time \u25a0 checks cashed ; ; debts coll'ted every— here* j r ;\u25a0- AGEvTS WAXTta) >\u25a0 AGENTS wanted^ —^The ! new Singer darner; a I- thoroughly -practical attachment " for. any. lock . stitch • sewing machine : darns , hosiery, under- - \ wear. ", etc. : easily ; operated, , save« time; doe* . smooth, , ! dnraMe work:" big. commissions: . tre- . mendous seller; needed In every home; splendid . proposition for; energetic canvassers. Particu- lars at .Singer sewing machine, stores, 115rt \u25a0 Market at..' ;>r. •> - \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-/\u25a0\u25a0-.\u25a0 - .: . _ AGENTS, co in bnsiness: everybody bars it: bi< money. Addrw» J. A. PETERSEN. 3896 Tela- graph ay., Oakland; semi stamped, envelope. \u25a0\u25a0 WANTED— Earty to taie a?Nicy for high class* big paying preposition. «2T-(C9 Phelan bldg.* WANTED^ — Expert male and female agents with givirt reft*. : fln^ wnw, \u25a0 A pply - 347 Monty*? \u25a0 a 7. TiEXT THAT VACANT ROOM ~~ A small, want ad in The CaU will do It quicker than a- doien. signa plastered on your windows and which spoil tht» looks of yonr hoipff besides. : Phone Kearny 89 for an ad maa to enU wml see yon.' . - \u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0-•!'• ROOMS TO LET—Far. and _l?nftir.\» A A — Mce clean, sunnr room. $3; also 2 nle* sunnr 'rooms for house keepias; reasonable. S22,Tark st: \u25a0 " ALL DAY sunny private resldeacv; close to Mar- ket st., parks, tneii.Ts _n<l business center: . newly furnished "rooms; hot runnins waten . : beautiful view; b«th and all conveniences: $1.50 week - up. Apply ->52 Oak st. Taxo \u25a0 Hai?ht st. cars at f^rry 1 > u-.iehsusrt st. . A COZY btJ_a» for "respectable ladles. 1130 Mar- I fet . St." near 7Cu under ansplces of the SALVA- TION AEMY;eiesantly furnished; every mod- em convenience; steam beat, electric light and elevator - service: spotlessly- clean; centra lry lo- \u25a0 cat«Hl; thoroughly* homelike; telephone Market • 1249; prices very moderate, ranglns from 25c per ni'bt op; special rate* by the weak or month. ' See matron, room 33. . '. AUSTIN ay.. 344. bet. Bnah and Fine— Nice • cloAn room ia private family: $S month. BALDWIN HOUSE. 74 Htij st. near Market— All - modern eonvenirDces: 2CO rooms: 35e to- $1 per- " day, $2 to $5 ncr/wee!.; "frew batha. —ILVEDERE St.. IS, m-ar Halgat— rront ao«l ' hack parlors,' single or ea suite, for 2 or more ' gentlemen: reasonable. ' .\u25a0' - BI'SH *t.', 17.T8 — 2 ; front crmisecttns rooms in private- famllr: all cemvenienres; 2 beds; .' \u25a0' phone West 2.25. ." . CARL St.; 352. cor. Wlll;rrd. near G.G. park— 'j ! or 5 very sunn.v f)irai»he»l corner rooms; .house keeping; bath; $13 er $13. CENTRAL HOTEL, 574 3d St.— Free baths; of- •flce and reading room on ground floor: 509 . single and family rooms; 35c to $1 a day; $2 to. \ $3 a week. EDWARD ROLKIN. proprietor. ' CLAYTON St.. 733 — Single front room in pr:< . vate family for gentleman; all conveniences;: . $s month. ' .. CLAY «t.. 2C37 — 1 sunny furnished room; pleasj . ' ant location: gentlemen only. Cl^Y'st.. ZfSA— A well ftimfshed apartment. « \< rwia?. suitable for 2 or 3- adults; must b« ! 'wca to be appreciated. "' COLE st..' 4VC— Newly famished sunny front rooiu: I'rcncii family; rannlng. water, bata, ' Market C7C3. . . COMMERCIAL. 761 Tnrk st — Clean rooms, mod- ern conveniences: running water; house keep- - leg privileges; -52. C0 tp $5 weekly; phoaa Franklin 400. ' . DEVISADERO St.. 510— Attractive sonny room In private family for 1 or 2; $12 month. DEWEY lIOCSE. 4t j ami Howard — All mdoern, " conveniences; COO rooms; 35c to 11 ' a day, "$3 . . to $5 weei; free fcatbs. Howard or 4th st. cars. EDDY St.. ISC I — Xlc» clean room In private ; family for 2 yc_c men; running water; all : coiiTenienoes. \u25a0 .. • ELLIS stTi Js2t— 'Uofarnished rooms, front; xTOcalSg vreter:-phore: also single rooms," run- . Bias water. 52 week up. ;"*..-"' '\u25a0» ELLIS St.. 113<) — Sunny parlor unite; also sin- room; reat very reasonable. . i FELL st.. 1100 — Single room in private family: roantng . water, bath, pboric*; reasonable. FELL St.. 1130, nr. Devlsadero— Attractive sun- ny rooms tn private family; single and dpuble; $tt t0. 512 month. "- . . - . ? FELL St., 1338 — Front parlor room In. prtrate family: 1 or 2 gentlemen; reasonable. FILLMORE st. 1917 A —2 nlc« sonny front - rooms: to let;- rent reasonable. FLORIDA St., 315 A. near 16th — Snnny front room to let. nicely furnished, with bath, for % .or 2 gentlemen : near 2 earllnea. FOR rent — Completely furnished room: 2 tnlddl« aged, single „ men. Apply corner Valley and Dolores sts. -' ."\u25a0 ' - .*' GENTLEMAN ran find exceptionally pleasant sunny spoms. newly furnished, near Z lines, of cars, at 13SB Fair Oaka nt. , GOLDEN GATB ay.. 14»4— Nicely furnished - room, suitable for gentleman; bath; private family. ' . . . ' . .. HAIGHT st.. 631— Back parlor _ private family for 2; $10 month. - .... HAIfiHT stl^ 763 — Single and double \u25a0 room. rnnnJns water; all conveniences; honse keeping privileges. HAIOIIT st.. &2S— Larjre room In private family, for 2: bath, phone, tennis; $12 mo. HAIGHT st., 163«. near park— Sunny front room la private family for gentleman: $10 month. HAVES st. 1201 M .. nr. Devisadero— Front and back parlor rooms; also rooms for honse keep- Ins in private family: $8 to $15 month. HATE 3 st. 722. nr. Buchanan— Sunny hay wln- dow room, with alcove; suitable for 2 or 3 gentlemen; all modern conveniences; board optional. . Phone Market 6*44. " HOWARD st. 2337—2 pleasant furnished room* to let; gas, water, bath; reasonable; American family.. HOTEL ST. PAUL. 52S 12th st. comer Clay. Oakland — Rooms 50c a day np; $2.50 week up; special rate by the month; open all nixbt. - HOWARD st. 1915— Double or single room Ia private family; \u25a0 very reasonable. LEAVENWQKTU S~! 1440 — Elegant room ia private family, furnished or unfurnished; run- ning watei..v , \u25a0 _ \u25a0 LEAVEXWORTH st, 1127— Lar^s *_ny room la ' private family, for 2 gentlemen; ru— t»s water. aU modern- conveniences; walking; dttaAce. Phone Franklin 1422. LEAVENWORTH st. 1256— Large . front- rooq&i private family; 2 gentlemen; aU convenlencw^ -*\u25a0 reasonable:, walking distance. - \u0084 NEI-SON HOUSE. 7ZS Harrison^ st bet 3d aait 4th — Single Booms, hot a»l cold water; harij finish ;. rates $1.25 up weekly. ' r i SQS »t.. 13. opp. . German hospital — Sonny front ' room In private family for 1 or 2 gentlemen;, all conveniences*. • * O'FARRELL st. 13H4 — Front parlor . and bed- room. • running water: irentlemen. preferred;' v .also small bouse keeptn? suite. O'FARRELL st.; 1324 — Largo room for 2- gentle-> t. men; running water; elegantly \u25a0 furaished;-<i . very reasonable. -.: •\u25a0-..- , OVERLAND HOUSE.. 5O Sacramento st below * Montgomery — Now open; 200 rooms; hot and cold water In every room: 23c to $2 per day. -$1.50 to $3 per week. EPW. BOLKIN'. Prop* OCTAVIA st, 1261 — Sunny front rooms. j_- - ning water; house keepin; privileges; r<M son- able. ; OCTAVIA 5t... 505, near Hayes— Large, sonny? bay window, front room, with gas, bath am) \u25a0 -phone. - r^CHBHHIIfiHraI PACIFIC" ay., 1716— Pleasant surro undin—; ex« -cellent table; moderate; suits and single rms. PAGE st. 1423— Nicely furnished room; private family; very reasonable; also- small alcove. $5 month. .-\u25a0-•\u25a0 v^CiMfIBBIMEMMSMIBifI PAGE st. IS73— Single roont In private family; ' bath. gas. home comforts; very reasonable. > PAGE st, 1313 — Sunny room In private family for 1 or 2; bath; breakfast If desired. ; - PAGE - st.. ISOO, cor. Shrader — Beautiful lars?» . sunny - rooms, single of en suite, ' with hoaso i -keeping privileges. . ' . " PAGE st. 22»— Finely furai*bed front bay wln- •\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 <low. room, closet, bath." phone; $10 month. PINE '\u25a0 st. 1028— Sonny newly : famished . rooms, -bath, telephone; moderate rent; references ex- changed. . ' " '. *" POST st, 2241 — Large, sunny room la private Louse for 2 gentlemen;' bath, ga*. phone, etc. SACRAMENTO St.. 3015— 3 sonny new furnished x rooms; bstii. l.tun.: convenient can and storee. SCOTT st. S«5, cor. Fnlton, opp. Alamo square, "i Elegantly fnmished room's In fine neighborhood z . .'.all. modern conveniences: McAllister and De- \u25a0 vlsadero cars; rates .very' reasonable. .SHRADEK. St. 73a near park— AttracttTe sunuy ' room in private family 'for 1 or 2; rcaaonabla. SDTTER st, " ISIS— Modern," sonny, elegantly \u25a0 furnished room; running water; 1 or 2 gentle- men. West 3199. \u25a0-\u25a0>.. . TO let — 6 comfortably, furnished . rooms near sta. ti.>a. car and beach: reasonable to right party." 1712 Lincoln ay.. Antmeda. \u25a0\u25a0--\u25a0 THE DECKER. 510 Leaveaworth st near'down-- * . town; aU outside sauny. famished- rooms; $1.T3 ami op: free bath. - ".; '• . •' , - \u25a0..•; \u25a0 TURK St.. . 934. near JeCenoo square — Outsldci room nicely \u25a0 fur nlahed;. . bouse , keepbia; . : prtv- Ues-ea; (2.50 weekly; also room jrounj door. ; clean. $l.w per week: phone. - ' , WALLER st. • 174-^--Large room.prWate' ftmUj forl or 2 gentlemen; no other roomer*. ,. WALLEIi st.' (i»2. opp. park— Newly fornlshPil ' room In private* house for 1 or 2; -$3 anil \u25a0 : $lt> ' month. .*3S_KM9ArikttMhflMßNßfl WALLER st. 1422— Elegantly " fnrniiihea room* in private . family: single or en suite : eleo Jr;c. lights; Park '4 l37. . . ; >. . WALLER ,«tV J 1248. near Masonle - ar.— Larjrc I front -room tin private family; suitable for 2; • : also single room: ryaiwmabh>. . . \u25a0 -. Coatlaned tv Next <*>£• ~ 11