Newspaper Page Text
12 ROOM S FOR HOUSE KEEPINO . '. ; , \u25a0 . \u25a0 -. • f "?'-\u25a0-!- i AAA— Beautiful parlor suite, with all day sunny front bay window, and -kitchen furnished for boase keeping: «ultable for 2 or more persons; private residence; Oak st. near Buchanan: 3 ' i+r lines; 2 prates, piano, bath, laundry and all conveniences: references. Apply 452 Oak st. Al house kwplng rooms, furnished; rrasonable: sun all day: near' Oolden Gate park. Apply 945 Stanyen st. nr. Frederick. CALIFORNIA St.. 30S5 — 3 furnished bouse ke«ping 'rooms to' let. \u25a0.-\u25a0'•. DEVIKADERO 6t.. aft-^-Two connectinK rooms furnii^ied complete for bouse keeping; batb, »:". «: $15 ni'inth. XDDY et.. 952 — Sunny rooms, batfe. phone, with nr wUboct bouse keeping; also single rooms, $8: tracsie«ts.^ KUiH et.. 1225 — Modern eunny rooms, $10 and Jl2 mnrth; runnlnx water: bath, phone. r£LL St.. 15S8. opp. panhandle — Exceptionally clean eunny house keeping and single rooms; also jrarage t for rent: reasonable. Tf LTON St.. 883. nr. FlHmore— 2 «unny fur. r. TTS- linnse keeping: gas range; stationary tubs. OP.OVE St.. 729. ar. FUlmore — Two rooms, single or en suite; house keeping privileges; reasonable: eonvwiient to cars. .^ GREENWICH St.. 21 1S^, nr. Fillmore — Two rleau unfurnished house keeping rooms; rent $7. " HAIGHT St., 1128 — Large sunny house keeping room for bachelor in private family. HOTEL CRYSTAL. 571 McAllister «t. — One and two room apartmenta; rates $10, $15, $22.50. - MfAM.IS TDK St.. 878— Snany rooms, with or without bouse keeping privileges; bath; gas. Market 4487. \u25a0\u25a0_ OAK *L. 1140. near Devtsadero— 2 nicely fur- ntrbod, lar^e. sunny bous« keeping rooms; jras range, sink, asd complete; nice residence; $20 per month. OAK St.. 2001 — Beautiful furnished house keep- ing rooms, single or en suite; phone Park 4595. O'FARRELL. 1483 — Very large sunny bay win- dow room; reasonable: house keeping privi- leges: pbose. batb. laundry. I'iNE St.. 1720 — Two sunny rooms. $17.50; 1 large room. $16: free hot baths; also phone. I'IERCE el., 426 — Large front room in private family for two; all conveniences; house keep- ing privilege. • • STEIN L'K, 909 — Large sunny oaf urniahed front room with alcove and kitchen; every con- venience; $18. fcCOTT. 2040—2. S or 4 furnished rooms; bath; regular kitchen, jj Phone West 2014. ; TREAT ay.. SS2. nr. 22d st. — 2 furnished rooms, <-omnlete for house keeping; large closet aud bath:- rent reasonable. TWO 2 room flats' adjoining. $10.50 each: 4 room Bait. $17; on marline; across from Golden Gate park. 4621 H st. v 'XI'RK st.. 1416 — Sunny, newly furnished rooms for bouse keeping, beffet kitchen, bath, gas; also single room. - i* VALENCIA St.. 1341. between 24th and 25th— Newly furnished. 2. 3 or 4 rooms completely for bouse keeping; reasonable to steady tenant. WALLER rt.. 1807 — Large front room and kitchen furnished complete for bouse keeping, with sink. WALLER St.. 1724 — Front and back parlors, furnished or unfurnished, for bouse keeping.; use of laundry and kitchen. WALLER st.. 5»5 — Sunny parlor room \u25a0 and kitchen; private family; for house keeping; $18 month: adults. YORK st.. 1227. at 24th — Upper large sunny bay window bedroom and kitchen complete for 1 lwuse keeping, with bath, gas, laundry, yard; reasons me. v « STH st.. 365 — Furnished rooms for house keep-j lug: also single rooms; reasonable; downtown. STB st.. CO: opy. P. O. — Two sunny front iiouse keeplns rooms, $6 per week up. H. nAPHAKL. , ROOMS AXD BOARD OFFERED ALTA VISTA. 1207 Goujrh St.— Large front par- lor, flirt floor: sun; desirable: price reason- able : al6O *ingl* rooms: price $30 up. ISOAKD aud room from $5.50 per week; 3 meals • day; also house keeping rooms, $3 weekly. 1113 Geary it. near van Ness ay. CALIFORNIA bt.. 1326. near Leavenworth— First class table board; all home cooking. CENTRAL ay.. 635. Panhandle — Sunny rooms; Al home oooklng; use of parlor; teL West 9213. CLAYTON ft.. 721 — l^erp* t-unuy front room. In private family, with excellent board. COI'PLE would rent front library room with or lritliout board to 1 gentleman. Call apt.. 6, 2517 California st. . » . , \u25a0 COLE St.. 428 — Nicely furnished room In pri- vate family, with excellent board; bath, phone. LDDY «*.. RM — Sunny front rooms, newly fnrn- - ished; b&tb. hot and cold water; excellent board. - " ELLIS fit.. 1289. nr. Laguna — Sunny front suite: washroom; hot and cold water; auit&ble for '£ or 4 gentlemen; board optional. Pbooe West 3711. - FELL eU, 1600— The Madron*, opp. Park Pan- handle; first class board and room, or rooms without board: special summer rates. FURNISHED room and board in private family for gentleman; home comforts; selection car- lines. Box 2746. Call office. JACKSON Ft.. 1556 — Furnished room or suite with private family, with board. LEAVENWORTH st 7, 1440— Newly furnished parlor suite; running water; excellent board; besctiful Cat; gentleman only. LEAVENWORTH »t.. 1452— Elegantly furnished room, running water, with board, in private family; no sign. MAKTINET HOTEL. 1101 Geary St.— Rooms and suites, with first class board, can sow be engaged at summer rates. MAfiON et.-. 817, ur. Fairmont— Excellent board; family table; terms reasonable. Tel. 1947 Franklin. - • NICE, clean rooms for young men who want to economize; excellent board; bath. 1192 O'Far- rell *t. O'FABRELL- Bt.. 1205— Sunny room, suitable for ' 2, double nr single beds, excellent board; also single room. IiOOM and board in neiect family; reasonably moderate. 1388 O'Farrell st. Pbooe . West 3449. O FARRLLL st.. 1164— Board and room, rea- sonahle. for persons desiring good board and comfortable home. I'INE »t.. 1749— Lerre room, with board; running water; home romfortß; oheap to couple em- ployed; clean and well furnished. ROOM and board. for ladies, employed, at reason- able rate*; table board. 758 Haifrht st. KELECT PRIVATE BOARDING HOUSE ~ 1720 BROADWAY; elegant, location; FIRST • CLASS In every respect. Rates, specially re- ' ouced. Telephone. Franklin 1564. SELECT PRIVATE BOARDING HOUSE. If ol California at. at Franklin; first class In every particular: references; rates reasonable. rtgne Franklin 1021- SITTER St.. 2427— Large room, nicely fur- Dished, In private family, for 1 or 2 gentle- men; with excellent board; all conveniences; '.reasonable. . •. SUTTER st., 1618— Furnished rooms; board; borne comforts; in private family; terms rea- sonable. (SUNNY room, with or. without house keeping; r>* range. Call, after 6. p. m. during week. 227 2d ay.. Elchmond district. SL'NNY. front room for 2. with'good board; good . location. 529 Haleht st. . . SITNNY room In prirate family, with excellent ' loard; all conveniences. 1015 Fell st. ' WALLER -at.. -539 — funny front room with ex- « *llent board . for 2 gentlemen;- phone Park 1544. - WOMAN'S HOTEL, Turk at Laguna, opp. park— Home comforts; reasonable rates. ; • - , \u25a0 YOUNG man willing to share room with gentle- raan can have good home; excelent board. 559 Waller st. - - 1,1 w> O'Farrell Ft. — Fine' sunny rooms, with or without board; all' conveniences; references f xehanired. - ~ -\u25a0\u25a0,\u25a0. -- . \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0. .-." 7<o : Portola • st. between Steiner. and Pierce, * off Waller — Room and board ' for 2 gentlemen in Swedish family. - -- \u25a0:-.-*\u25a0 \u25a0 ' OLT OF TOW.V ROOMS AM) BOARD ItOACD end rooms-^- Write MBS. D.-M. DOER- I N't. 2ftO South 3d ft.. San Jose. . APARTMENTS .AAA— ST. MUNGO apt., -1360 Golden- Gate- av.. \u25a0 cor. KUlroore — Elegantly • furnished 2-3 room \u25a0 rpts.; sun In . every apt. ;. private - exchange connecting all apt*. Pbone ; West . oo2o. : ' AAA— ST. MARGARET apartments. Fell and Octavia.ets. — Sunny. ' unfurnished apartments, "• rooms and baUi; wall . beds; rent reasonable. - AA— SANDIiINGHAM furnished apU.,v 1152 - Eddy st.. now ready: for. occupancy. . \u25a0 Aa— GLADSTONE APARTMENTS. 706 Polk, cor. Eddy — Elegant tunny boose keeping apart- ments; 1 room. - $14" per month; 2 rooms,. $28 per month; 3 rooms. $40 per month; hot baths; \u25a0lee lights: . janitor aery. .Tel. ,- Franklin , 2o4B. A— CORNELIA HOTEL, ; APARTMENTS - , '-\u25a0 641 OTABRELL ST.' NEAR HYDE. 2.; 3- AND- 4 'ROOM- " : , F.LRGANTLY i FURNISHED APARTMENTS. . Completely equipped :: with "every: modem con- venience and ready, for immediate \u25a0 occupancy. . SOMETHING NEW \u25a0 "5 HOTEL SERVICB REFKRF.NCR REQUI RED 'ADELINE APIS., 640 Eddy— Apartments, : S.;"3 and 4 rooms,' thoroughly modem; summer rates. \u25a0.'\u25a0 ; - APABTMEyTS^Coiitliihed - -.V"':7 A— 1 CLINTON APARTMENTS ; V 1400 JONES ST. COR. WASHINGTON.-- V, ELEGANTLY- FURNISHED, SUNNY 4 AND ."» . ROOMS; MARINE VIEW: NEAR FAIRMONT HOTEL; JANITOR SERVICE: EVERY. CON- VENIENCE. - PHONE. FRANKLIN 3443. V r DUNDKE Apts., 736 Stanyan st.-opp. G.'G.^park — Newly fur. 4 • r. ; .large, sunny: very reas. ; ref. ELDORADO apartments,- 150 Ninth . st.V near Mission— Elegantly furnished, $22.50! and $25; also single rooms $10 up. . . . "..-\u25a0.\u25a0"..•;''.• RICHELIEU, APARTMENTS, 22d and I Guerrero sts. — 34 rooms, with disappearing beds. GEORGINA Apartmeuts. 1225 Pine bet. Leav- enworth and. Hyde — Beautiful light and sunny 2 rooms and* bath; unfurnished " ' - \u25a0 GUANADA, 1710 Larkln st." near . Washington— Modern, sunny apartments,"' 3 rooms and bath, $22.50. $25; $27.50. " \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0 : -. ' . :. KENILWORTH.- NE.- CORNER BUSH AND POWELL STS.^-3 ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE KEEPING -\u25a0 APARTMENTS: SINGLE \u25a0 ROOMS; COMPLETE APPOINTMENTS: AND. SERVICE MARYLAND APARTMENTS, 363 Page St.— Sun- ny 4 room apartments; furnished and 'unfur- nished ; hot water. Janitor ' service, > night watchman, elevator. ' \u25a0 : -.' \u25a0.-. \u25a0 - . SAN CARLOS apartments, 1175 O'Farrell st.^ 2, 3 and 4 rooms, furnished and unfurnished. - HOTELS ' AAA— NOTICE TO TRAVELERS— • - HOTEL COLONIAL, Stockton 6treet above Butter. American plan, $3; European plan, $1. Telephone, steam heat, electricity; every modern convenience. AAA— WELLINGTON HOTEL. 610 Geary, near Jones— Jest opened; only hotel giving outside fr-unny. room with private bath at:sl day, -$5 week, or $20 month; other outside sunny rooms $3.60 week; steam heat, hot water, telephones. AA— HOTEL BRISTON. 415 O'Farrell st. . FAMILY AND COMMERCIAL HOTEL- .: Room and bath. $1 day or $5 per week. Outside telephone in each room. Newly opened. Steel frame building. A— AT THE WEMPE. 419 Oak. bet. Buchanan and Laguna sts.; sunny rooms; excellent board. BROOKLYN HOTEL — 869 Ist— Board and room $6 to $8 per week ; .rooms BOc to $1 : weekly $2 up; meals 25c CHARLES MONTGOMERY- HOTEL AETNA. 1617 Pine st. — Beautiful suite and bath, $25;' single rooms,' sl2; phone In every room. . : • HOTEL BELMONT, 7SO Eddy, below Van Ness. Turk and Eddy cars — Rates $1 per day up. ! HOTEL CALIFORNIA, cor. California & nyde— Especially ' adapted to 'ideal home life; su- perior accom.; reas.; European or Am. plan. HOTEL HARCOURT. LARKIN AND SUTTER— AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN, EXCELLENT TABLE. PHONE FRANKLIN 2100. HOTEL ARGONAUT, 4th and Market sts. — Fam- ily and commercial hotel; room with detached batb. $1 per day; rooms with private bath. $1.50 per day; restaurant attached; moderate prices; free bus meets all trains and stmships: HOTEL ST. JAMES. Van Ness at Fulton— sls month to permanent guesta; beautiful lobby. PACIFIC ay., "1716 — Rooms and board; pleas- ant surroundings; references. , \u25a0. •• SUMMER RATES Rooms with private bath, $1 per day up. Rooms with orivate bath. $5 per. week up. Rooms without bath. $3.50 per week np. Bar, cafe, reception rooms, private exchange. HOTEL BRILLIANT. 545 Turk st FLATS TO LET BUCHANAN st., 429 — Attractive sonny flat, ' 6 rooms, bath and laundry; reasonable rent; ref- erereneea required. " BUSH st.. 2069, near Webster — Newly painted, 8 beautiful rooms and bath; open from .2 to 8 p. m. ; reasonable.. \ , . CALIFORNIA stu, 3175 — Sunny, modern, upper flat. 4 rooms and bath; newly renovated; rent ?20: water free.: \u25a0 - CHURCH St., 259;* near Market— Modern upper Ujrht sunny flat; 5 room* and bath; rent $30. CLAY St.. _ 2637, opp. plara — Furnished 'A mom flat. large yard; part of rent allowed for housework; adults.. .. '" • .. EDDY sL. 1311— To let. 3 modern flata, 6 rooms and bath: rent $25. Laurel ay., 706 and 708 — Two 5 rooms and bath; rents $25 and $27.50. ' \u25a0 • » . . ELLIS St., 1823, cor." Pierce — New modern 6unny flat, 4 rooms and bath; reasonable; adults. EUREKA St.. 158. near 18th — $16; sunny flat, 4 rooms, bath, basement, yard.. . FELL at., 1718, opp. Panhandle — ti rooms and bath; modern improvements; rent reasonable. FRANKLIN St.. corner . Lombard — Sunny, flat, 5 rooms: modern: low rent. Keys- at 1454 Lom- bard, st., opposite. -' \u25a0 . . \u25a0 • FULTON st.. 768 — 5 and 6 rooms; sunny; walk- ,, log. distance to Market; r«nt- reasonable. GEARY st.. 2410A — S large rooms and bath; gas; stationary tubs; large porch: reduced to $14. \u25a0 GOLDEN GATE ay., 1014, nr. Laguna nt.v-Very sunny upper flat, 7 rms. and bath; perfect con- dition; . rent cut to $35; make offer. JONES at. 1022-1032. bet. Pine and California— New sunny 6 and 4 room flats; $45 and $30. .' LEXINGTON ay., ISO. between 18th and 19th sts. — Nice, sunny flat, 4 r. and b. ; rent cheap. LOMBARD St., 2145, nr. Flllmore— Five large rooms, yard and cellar; also new S room flat in rear- In; both clean' and modern; rents cheap. • - - : . •. MCALLISTER st.. 1223, near Fillmore— Flat. . 5 rooms and bath; large. sunny yard; rent rea- sonable.. . . • \u25a0„" NOE St., 1050. cor. Elizabeth — Five room cor. flat and yard; rent $25. - ; ' . ." . . NE. corner Fulton and Webster sts.— Modern, 6 room, corner flat; sunny; light rooms; rent very reasonable. : PEARL st.-, -77 A. off Market between Valencia and Guerrero— Modern, sunny, . 4 room 'flat and bath. ' . - . ; SACRAMENTO st., 3250— Elegant new upper flat; 4 rooms and bath. -. STEINER st.. r.?.*.near Turk— s rooms and bath; sunny and clean; $30. > , ' - !• " \u25a0 \u25a0 TREAT ay., corner Garfleld park, 1184 — 1 room, upper flat; gas. bath; rent reasonable. TURK st.. . 1C25. near Steiner— An elegant, 4 room, modern flat; rent reasonable. \u25a0 • WALLER st.. 573 — Modern flat of 6 rooms and bath; rent reasonable. \u25a0 WALTER St.. 49 — Small I flat of 3 . rooms and \u25a0 bath;, partly- furnished ; rent reasonable. WKLSH st., JI4. nr. 4th — Must be rented; 6 rm. flat; 'cut to $14; all new, sunny, outside rooms; nice street; make offer. . t -\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0;\u25a0.'-..• '.'..-.- \u25a0 $20— Flat: 6, rooms, bath; gas. Apply 2410VS Sacramento st. \u25a0- : . -. . : 10TH ay.. 274 — To adults. 4 large sunny .rooms and bath; reasonable... . ' IST- av., 721 — Flat of 6 rooms; r newly tinted; for .rent. \u25a0 '.:.'. '.-...; - .. -. • : - \u25a0 19TH and Noe eta., NW. . comer — Upper 5: rooms; $25. .' >. ;\u25a0\u25a0:."-\u25a0 :.\u25a0" ,< 19TH st.; 4115, cor., Castro. 1 block from Mar- ket— New^jipperJlat^S rooms and bath; $25. 7TH ay., 391— Upper flat, 4 rooms, bath; all sunny; large yard; janitor service; $20. 19TH ay., 325, near Clement— Beautiful, • new, modern flat,- 5 rooms and- bath;' good tenant $25." ." . • \u25a0 '.. . - ,"~.*\i'*i«*' 19THav. boulevard,^ 1333. Sunset— New upper sunny 6 rooms; laundry/basement room; 'gas, electricity;' near park and Ellis . St. cars ; j $30. 4TH ay.; \u25a0: 1216. " near n. ' Sunset— Modern upper, • sunny \u25a0 flat, , 6 rooms . and ; large -basement room ; cheap to good tenant."' -..'*-\u25a0'\u25a0 -. ; FLATS TO LET— Furnlihed FURNISHED 5 rooms and bath, piano, $25: Cl- ement cars pass, v Corner 37th and Point Lobos. SACRAMENTO St., 2566, " near Devlsadero— « rooms, beautifully and - completely furnished: hardwood floors; oriental rugs. Apply 1 to 8 . p. m. :\u25a0 .--,\u25a0 ..\u25a0:. -\u25a0 -' - -\u0084 \u25a0. •\u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0-. . ... ..'-; SUNNY; furnished flat. 6 ' rooms.: bath, garden ; $25; adults. 412 44th ay.; Clement St.- cars' STEINER st, : 136— Fife room furnished Bat, complete: $40 month. :v - . :^ : - 'FOR. SALE-^-FnrnUhed FOR sale— To ; be moved, houso of ' 2 flats. ! 2128 Broderlck at. Inquire of owner on premises.; . SUNNY, modern, :6 room flat, specially suited for renting 4 rooms; rent reasonable,' also price If fold at once; no agents. Inquire at 1262 Turk: jyj'^jch TO' LET V: ; FRONT cottage,; 2 rooms,,'per month.' 150 -' Langton st. , near 7th \u25a0 and 1 Folsom. ' :• \u25a0'\u25a0 : :*. SANCHEZ at.." 577—6 •. rooms ; and * bata; large attic: high basement, garden; newly tinted and > papered: rent $25.- Owner.* 1141 Dolores st-v-. HOUSES TO LET—FnrnUhe'a <t'.-T BEAUTIFULLY situated near ' a- park; : grand Jl PW -. ot cltT '• 1 10 POOIa honse for ; 2 months. ;'\u25a0- 024 Grove st. - - . -\u25a0\u0084.-.\u25a0, ; .- \u25a0:/•..-.--.-:?\u25a0" FOUR i room '.modern . *>ottage, :' furnished, J lO; > bath; .smaller, $10. " ' Key \u25a0 4224 J - sL. > cor. 48th v"aT.;> Snnset.;-*, . , \u25a0:.-; ,-\u25a0\u25a0:"." -v". *-.',' i-'-J FURNISHED house, 6 rooms, ? on Telegraph \ ay. ; ;;$5O per:. month: also furnished chouse. ,18 .rooms/ near; College; ay., : suitable I tor; private ; ncbootr- boarding bonse %or S i families ; : select \u0084 location ; * nice yard. Phone 'i REVEAL. Douglaa or Phone ' Berkeley , 468. •\u25a0,;\u25a0\u25a0 ,- ;j:K*i:.i>zV£ TO.Uease^-F;urnlshedV house of - 12.; sunny ' rooms .. aod bath;-sulUble l forboardinK/.13g0 Geajy at. THE vSAN^FRANGISCO CALL, TUESDAY,- JUNE*! 8,^1909. BAKER ' St.; 423/? near. Groves-Sunny,', modern ; 10 ; rooms,"' bath ~ basement ; ; reasonable. T_ Owner ; on : . - prem ises 2>to 4. V t'l'j'y, '-'" "\u25a0 ; ".. .'.-\u25a0 .' : '. '"' -' :-."- \u25a0'- '\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 -'\u25a0 ; CA LI FORNI A j st.; ,' 2917 — Fine « house ; ; 9 7 rooms," ; : batb; gas - and * electric -i lights.^ furnace, con- ' servatory; reasonable.: .-; \u25a0,-.\u25a0 .••-', t \u25a0• •' •"' - : FILLMORE 5t.. 'i. 749—12 ' room; house; :- v hot .and :; cold :* water;a ter ; in '"rooms;. $60.: r % .-; -'V.-lt- -'\u25a0 ' .-V HOUSE of' 6 rooms.** bath; laid out: for rooming house;, big yard: will rent cheap. • ICI2 Folsom . •:. St. between 12th and 13th.-. \u25a0'..-;: \u25a0';'\u25a0.':,'\u25a0 -..'\u25a0 '- '-.;' SHOTWELL' St.; - 1119-rFine . house ; . 6 rooms • and ' bath ; with or ; without stable ; . reasonable. $30 — 7 sunny ' rooms,"" bath,?: large basement" and sanitary ? stable." '373' SUotwell , nt. .' ' '^ :" v ' : , HOUSES iWANTED— Fnrnialicd WANTED— 3 or '4, room "modern '• fnrnlsbrd oot- tape;. good neiguborhood; adults.' ' Box 2802, -•\u25a0 Call. - - \u25a0.\u25a0 --".--;- -\u25a0 -.- -.\u25a0:•*\u25a0 '\u25a0 \u25a0• \u25a0".' •\u25a0" ' : -, : -\u25a0- \u25a0 323' Prospect ay. near 30th and Mission — 5 rooms and bath: phone." etc:' ..\u25a0 : ' ; . ' :-\u25a0 ; - • OUT OF TOWTV HOUSES TO LET \u25a0 / FOR rent— Furnished i house of '10 \u25a0 rooms ' for summer', months or longer: to right party; large yard and stable; also honse, at Carmel. \u25a0 Box B. Call office,- San Jose, Cal. ,i ; HOWELL mountain;: near : St. Helena.": furnlshod \u25ba tone bouse. 9 > rooms, . and cottages adjoining ; deep wooded canyon -and running : sream; low dent to good tenants by month or year. * C. S. AIKEN. 948 Flood bldg., San Francisco. . MODERN, up to date, 6 room cottage, fully fur- nlshed: - Inquire 26 B st..flan Mateo. * •"\u25a0_'_!_ \u25a0OFFICES AND STORES TO LET DEVISADKRO ; st; 1316— Large shop, with 2 : show . windows, - 2 living rooms, ' shop jin j rear; : - rent reasonable. \u25a0 '. \u25a0 "- " t'-. . SPACE 24x60 feet for shop or private garage. V^3s Albion : a y. between Valencia and Guerrero, 15th and 16th sts.} y .'-\u25a0\u25a0!" '\u25a0'." • NEAT : small ' shop for rent; good location ; rent '--.-. $5 a month. : 1348 Valencia, at;. -.;-\u25a0"-' :'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 •-, r MCALLISTER st.. 1217. .near Fillmore— Store; will change to suit tenant: rent reasonable.*- • '> . FURNITURE 1 FOR SALB yy_[ _ WE MUST raise cash— Hair- mattresses. 7 $8.50. . These mattresses are our own- make and sold right along at 1 $18; but we are closing them out. Box. -couches, $15 val.. at S."i: handy coaches, $2,75; cable springs; $2.50. ' We always do fine upholstery work; mattresses S made over, $2.50; carpets . cleaned, altered and: laid. Call in a hurry if you want to -save money. 905 Devisadero, nr. McAllister. Phone West 2942. KITCHEN treasure tables, only $3 . this week: regular, price $5.50; every > article goes at half price at H. SCHELLHAAS' furniture sale, 11th st. at Franklin. Oakland.'' ..;\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•*\u25a0.;. - FURNITURE, 25c to 50c on the dollar; large safe and store fixtures at a great -sacrifice; re- tiring: from business. A: KINGS, 3016 16th st. FOR • sale— Furniture i for 4 rooms, - complete ; for - house keeplßg. ;. Address 449' Mississippi St., Potrero. .: v . -'\u25a0 -.. CAMP, and household furniture. H. SCHELL- HAAS' sale, 1 1 th st. -at Franklin, j Oakland. FURNITURE of ' 5 room cottage; I rent cheap; a snap. 1307 Baker st. ; <\u25a0.\u25a0> ; ~ FURNITURE of 8 room house for sale. 255S Sacramento near Fillmore.; .... , '. . :\u25a0\u25a0: Kj FURNITURE, good and cheap.' at H. SCHELL- HAAS'. 408 11th St.. Oakland. WE . are paying more for second hand j furniture and household , goods than any other dealer in the ' city. >\u25a0 If you do : not - want ' to . sell your .' goods outright we "will sell - for you on : com- mission with a guarantee. G. A. CO., 84 7th Bt. ALWAYS ready to buy furniture, carpets, desks, merchandise, etc., for , spot cash. \u25a0 MARK J. LEVY. 1140 McAlllster-st.; phone Park S6O. CASH REGISTERS— If you are In the market for a Hallwood,- Columbia. National > or - any .make of cash register, call ; and get our prices before you buy. $ We guarantee to sell a better cash register for | less ' money than any other concern. Here, are some of. our prices: ,- r \u25a0'! Hallwood or American, keys 5c to $5...... 535 Hallwood or American, 'keys 6c to $9... ...540 ' Hallwood or American, keys 5c to $09... ..565 . Sold on terms "of $5 cash and '$5 ; per . month." Large sice tellers, Columblas, for $17.50. Nationals any price from $7.50 up. THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO.. 1040 Market st. bet. Taylor and Jones. AAA— v. \u25a0";-.. --\u0084- .\u25a0\u25a0;\u25a0\u25a0•• . ..• . - ..:\u25a0-\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0•--'- Closing out Immense stock on account of expiration of lease. '< . 6 ft bathtubs, porcelain lined. ' • • . ;• 20x30 white enameled sink*. - Elegant lavatory. . '2 part gal van Ued. tray. CENTRAL PLUMBING SUPPLY. CO., : 1527 Market st. : CASH REGISTERS— -. •. .- .\u25a0 • ~ ~~ T - fiecond hand Nationals of alt styles at low prices; Hall woods at 25e on .the dollar, or any other make ; . guaranteed -by the National Cash Register Company. ' \u25a0 . . W. C. R. SECOND HAND STORE. 527- Market st MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE TWO ' large iron tanks; 1 18 • feet In ' diameter by 12 Ye feet high and 1 15 feet in diameter by 121-i feet high. First class condition. Blr bar- gains. PACIFIC PIPE C 0. ,, Main and Howard. BASKET manufactory — Gocarts and reed furni- ture "for sale at cost, 30 days only, at 423 Montgomery ay. 'F. ZUNINO,. TeL Kearny \u25a0 S2ll. ..\u25a0.:-•\u25a0. ... .;.:\u25a0."_ _-... y . -..- : ,-• .- ; , GREAT \u25a0 bargains In rebuilt typewriters renting $2 to $3.50 per month. ' See NEW YOST VISIBLH.\ The Typewriter -Exchange, . 255 Montgomery ; atj ' : . -* ;, SECOND HAND PIPE. ':-.. , - . > Largest * dealers in - standard j pipe and screw casing, dipped; prices right; guaranteed .. first class. Pacific Pipe Co.. Main and Howard sts. FOB sale — Four ' cylinder, I 85 : horsepower : marine motor, practically new;: weight <724 lbs.; -also 30 horsepower, high ' speed engine In flrat class . condition. Inquire .475 44th St.. Oakland. . - FOR sale— Launch \ hnll. new; 37x9% beam; will finish to suit buyer. , EDWARD MORRIS, j2705j 2705 Harrison av.. 'Alameda.' - . '-.- \u25a0"**.'• ; BABY'- grand plnao,' imported from Paris, "at furniture sale. 'H. SCHELLHAAS; corner 11th and Fmnklln. Oakland. ' \u25a0-' <v, ; .': ' V "\u25a0\u25a0•'- AND we will back it up. .-Every- 1 article: a bar- gain at H. SCHELLHAAS' furniture sale, . cor- - ncr store. Ilth St.; Oakland. \ :" ;-:~. \u25a0 \u25a0' AA— All sixes standard water pipe and \u25a0 screw . ca sine ; - : guaranteed • good 'as new ; - ' get . our . . prices. Welssbaum Pipe Works: - 133 • Ilth ) st. ,ARM Y • tents . at . factory prices. W. "A. PLUM- MER* C 0.," 118-Dpumm st. f . S. F., Ist and :: Franklin sts./ Oakland. ; ; . CONCRETE mixers, gasoline engines, wood work- Ing machy. ; \u25a0 contractors': equip ; AI condition ; price right.;: W.tT.MARTIN.,I277 Howard st. CORRUGATED iron, pipe and malleable fittings; . sash . weights ~av specialty ,~dd" and new.: .N. LANSBI'RG & BOY. 1140 Folsom st. /- : ' BABY- chleks-every day. STANSFIELD, , 3301 > .- E. 14tb, Fruitvale. - - - .., • ..V ' AN Al camp - wagon tor . sale,', cheap. Apply; 1210 , 25th av.;* East i Oakland. ;,- FOR ' sale— Square - piano, .cheap; : also - Estey . or- gan. 204 East I6th st. ' . . »- ' ' KING'S .- HOOK •- STO3E, ; - 1710 ,'\u25a0 Market above <}ongh. Phone Market 4763. BOOKS BOUGHT.' NATIONAL cash registers: electric signs; bar and •\u25a0aafe.for aale; cheap.* 079 McAllister at.'. \u25a0• " ; - • EDISON 'AGENCY— Moving picture machines and -films; bargains. GEO. BUECK. 70 Turk st. "AWNINGS, hammocks ' and ' tents for .'"invalids. ".., ROSS, . McMAHON . C 0...' 403 * Battery >t.;;B.' ; F. WALL-p aper 5 3> ic ; J samples . mailed; '* paint '• $1; alcohol 65c gal. M. ; Merlgan. 1447 Ellis. TURNINGS, cabinet and mill work, store fix- \u25a0 l tures, Jobbing. C. F. HAAS, 93 Minna st. : j" "SAFE,"-: Hall; . inside measurement, •' 31x24x15; $85. 950 Mission st. ', above Bth.-r..;. . , BOOKS ' and ] libraries • bought Iby I SCHULBERG, 1214 FUlmore St.; phone %est R099. :\u25a0> MOVING picture films > for: rent; -largest stock 'ln . clty^ TUBNF.R & DAHNKEN, 138 Eddy at. ,v BOOKS and libraries bought., THE HOLMBS CO., v ; 115S Market st. ; phone Market 890. ; -V . ; r :y I > SAFES — New \u25a0\u25a0 and . aecond hand. ; The » Hermann .:, Safe C0..U20-130 Folsom St..; -.;, :\u25a0/.. :'V: \u25a0.-. .\u25a0..\u25a0\u25a0--.' CALL BRANCH OFFICE, 1651 Flllmore at.' near \u25a0•\u25a0 :VxisX.-.i- --\u25a0^.v."-'-tf..-^- ! '.'.-T-.--- -:\u25a0..\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ,' -.,\u25a0\u25a0-?<- -..-\u25a0'. ;.-.-f::' V..:/^y MISCELLANEOUS i^WATi^S^ry^l'.. POSITIVELY "\u25a0 twice ; as much ' paid > for r cast \ off clothing and shoes. 214 East st. ; phone Douc- %Us 2649 and will ; call. . -. :;- : \u25a0 -> WANTED 1 to I buy— National \ cash" registers 2 for • cash; if you have any style .Nationals for • aale drop a'llnelta b0x12309.1Ca1l office: :^,:: y DRESS SUITS. ' TUXEDOS : AND: PRINCE * AL- BERTS BOUGHT.-" < L. ' BKOLL,^ TAILOR,^ 7O7 :. '•\u25a0: QOLDEN' -G ATE .'AT.';; P>HONB. MARKET 46TU. STAMP collections or odd lots of stamps bought; \u25a0>- call evenings. ' E.'^W:; SMITHS 1628 Post st. CASH— ANY, AMSV - FOR t OLD i GOLD,^ PRE^ • STONES."^ ENGELHARDT.7 22 i MONTG'Tt ST. ; WILL buy second hand hardware, tools, clothing, * etc.: best i prices. < 2117 - Mission: t Park - 5356.^, \u25a0* '\u25a0-": > ';'-'^-'-'yS^M vvßstf?'l:' ; 'T. "\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-''\u25a0>, "-:r-"V'. r \u25a0 I/OKSTAD A KVANB.^ lnc;,^ furriers ; 201 T Post St.; J Mercedes bldg.;V Bd ' floor.*^ Phone \u25a0 Kearny : 4388.' 1 BAR AND/STORE * FIXTURES* * BRUNSWICK-BALKE-COLLENDERSCO.-;*¥l7-27 " Fraaklia at. near ; Market pphone Special - 1157. \u25a0^£^%rcAMPmotsy^^ CAMPING : bouses, combination % tent I houses I and -~; tents ; i cheap, p PORTABLE .< HOUSE 1 CO.". f 1268 I ' ) Broadway.*; Oakland."^ .';" . \u25a0 ': .>'-:;.,- - c - -"^-K-:: 'f_;. We \ furnish | everything -, for 1 camper; \u25a0, tents.' - bam- . • ' mocks, ' canvas : goods. iT." J:- May.m. 23 \u25a0 Clay st:l 'AAA— SPECIALS "AT/'-:r. vv * y< ;'' 3i'-,'3 i'-,' -..'\u25a0- ' v.- .•- :-. ." ".."- >\u25a0 V.;:-. »\u25a0': Byron J Malay* Music : Building. 'V > ;...^; 200 l Stocktour . st.'.V Union ".Square. : - ' '.. '".. "--7." Floors Devoted 1 to,' Muslo.-r-i • *•-\u25a0 For one '.week_pnly' we "will: sell; the ins planos; j - which'. nave . been slightly used;-' or re- turned*, from ; rent :,'•••-'-,,. .'•' . .' \u25a0 '< . Howard,';; price new. $400.'.... .....'.'..: .. .. .$l!Oo urat)er, \u25a0 prloe ' new ' $300 ." ."". ." ;.*.'..';.. . *. .......$ 1 r>o Mehlin. price. n«w $550.; .".: . . . ; . . . .... ....'. 5325 New. England. i price l new $350. .. . . .*.'. . .' . ; . .$l6O Steek.^ price; new- $500 r: : .'. .......:. •'. • \u25a0 '-".*• '.$3OO Richmond, price J new. 1 $450 ."'.'. ....:....*.'.'. ..'.5250 Pleyel, price new . $250 . .;...;...:....; . . r. : . , $25 -\u0084 : On ; terms Ito milt. - ' " : ".*:' *,- All^ fine > uprights,X ; with t stool and ' cover ' com- plete; delivered; in city,' and : kept in tune free of charge, for one. year. . - : :"'-y ". \u25a0" •\u25a0"\u25a0\u25a0'» \u25a0\u25a0': Planosvfor: rent.. -Special inducements this week.. -«.\u25a0•• \u25a0*\u0084 : .*.\u25a0:" ' '; .: • vj-. • ' ' ' '\u25a0\u25a0.": ' : \u25a0-..'•". ' ..; T BYRONfMAUZY, J . < ' \u25a0"- -\u25a0" 1 - ' / "v ., ,- 250 Stockton : st. \u25a0. "- > r ; . j.',;.-. REMOVAL . SALE— Great j bargains iin new and second hand pianos; Haz'elton Bros., $250; Laf- m falgue, $250; Reynold & Wolf. $70, $150, $175; ' Arion, : $90 ; Hornung I Bros., $200; Cote. $200; y Ulcca i Sons. $210; Schuman & 'Sona.i $195; Mason,. sl76; Marshall.. $150; $5 per month or - $2 and up rent: open- Saturday; evenings. 1 C. C - - HORwUWO, ,1834 Geary, st. near Flllmore. 1 . ; BRAND new piano, $5 per mo. - rental; no . cart-. .-. age; free Insurance;' six months rental j applies j to pnrch»se; piano salesman wanted; no sal- ary: big commission. PBTEB BACIGALUPI . --. &\u25a0 . SONS. 941, Market at. Open Sat, evenings:: A. CURTAZ: tc SON, 5 golden oak! upright piano with harp equipment, equal. to new, cost $400,' this ; week;- at .H.v SCHELLHAAS' furniture sale. $200. 11th Franklin. Oakland. - HERB is a bargain; $175 takes my; elegant up- \u25a0 right piano nnd pianola and ;$6; $65 \u25a0• worth of ; records. '. Manager Arcade House. ee^Clay'st.,-- LAKGB Knabe upright, $250;'. other -uprights from $100 np; pianos to rent. BOWERS A BON. 529 McAllister st. . near Van Ness ay.V ,* : CIL\NCE of alife time— s4oo; upright Emerson \u25a0 piano: need : the 'cash; : will sacrifice: for. $150. Address FRANKLIN.'. 717 Market : st. . r PARTY going east will saoriflce Decker upright; •• cash or time. ' 908 Van Ness a y. ;\u25a0; \u25a0 . r •_.\u25a0 -...-; ,- FISCHER upright,' rosewood, $95; slighUy used; : cash or time. 1466 Bush st. ':\u25a0 - - •\u25a0:• y -\u25a0\u25a0 '- PIANO, for sale,'> cheap;, cash or Installments; will transfer contract. . 650 Lyon st. " : .: \u25a0 \ Electric pianos. $175 up; terms; also placed on percentage. Andlffred Musical Co., 82 Grove st. BEST pianos in town for rent; 10c a 9 day. BCOTT CURTA2. -S6O Hayes at. . HO pianos :to .rent, S3 - per moutn : aud upward. JOS." SCHMITZ &- CO.. 621 Van Ness ay. HORSES, HARNESS AND WAGONS AAA^-rMARE, harness ; and wagon. $50.- -for camping; pony, outfit, kind and gentle, safe for " children; make offer; light .wagons.. $10 up; 1 harness, . $2.60 up; all around " double , express wagons, cheap, good for campers; horse, saddle . and bridle. $35 up; horse,' buggy, harness. $25 up;, milk white Arabian horse, kind and geatle for lady to ride and drive, $85; 30 head of all purpose horses ' for - aale or trade, $10 up; will rent; open, Sundays. ,565 .4th St.. .Oakland. f5 Auction. sale Wednesday "at 11 a. m. ~ \u25a0\u25a0.;. ". .,-"; FOR sale — Fine Hungarian . pony outfit, russet harness, - fine rubber . tire buggy. If aold lm- , mediately will ' take $165. Grand driver and Faddler. Safe for children. -• 665 4th at., Oak- ;'land.---;:- :\u25a0\u25a0•;./\u25a0 -\u25a0\u25a0 '\u25a0-.:\u25a0 \u25a0 :.",\u25a0; \u25a0:. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0: (\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0::-: CONTRACTORS' dump carts and dump wagons; . to close out -they! will be sold at less than \u25a0;>" landed cost. ; \u25a0 'Coast Carriage • Company, corner I2th and Jackson sts.; Oakland. Cal. ,\ \u25a0, SADDLE mare, ohestnut, 1,100 lbs,, sound. ; fear- - less, good single, driver, very handsome;, fine ..cart and harness. Call at stable at corner Sth .\u25a0and Alice sts.. Oakland. '\u25a0 , - - \u25a0'•- , DRIVING and. draft horses; s cheap; camp wag- \u25a0 - ons, harness ' and rigs of air kinds. 205-209 . Valencia st. ./•:',.;.<. :\u25a0• ,--"/> : '." YOUNG country mare, extra good traveler; sale j or trade for good mule or delivery horse; 2160 • Chestnut St.. Oakland. -."\u25a0 , : :"..V ; " -\u25a0 C BAY. mare,. with or without" harness, and wagon: owner coins to use auto; will sell cheap. .1219 McAllister, st. bet.'S and 5 dally.- - :', Second hand top wagons, exp. wagons, bus.. bug- \u25a0 " gles. . Nugent-Covey Wa^on- Co., < 349 Valencia. VEHICLES,' harness, saddles, less than manufac- tnrer's .price. LIKBOLD'S. lTFmnt at Market. /TYPEWRITERS AXD SUPPLIES MONARCH Visible Typewriter— ln". the Monarch Visible Typewriter all . the { writing is ' In ; full ' sight all the time;, other, makes.: second-hand. at very, reasonable prices; -we .rent, repair and t inspect;' before , «>urchaslng ' ring :\u25a0 up Douglas 4118, or call at 307 Bush st. ' ' - '. WOLF A ISKKBRUCK, Dealers.* : TYPEWRITER at a sacrifice; L. C. Smith visible ' .machine;. No. ' 2 model; excellent condition; typewriter, desk goes with - machine. Box 2644,: Ca1l office. \u25a0 >•: ; \u25a0 SPECIAL rental rates; rebuilts, second hands, at bargains; supplies,- repairs, .desks. ALEXAN-' PER A CO., 512 Market St.; tel. Douglas 2157. BRAND new Visible. $40, Sun No. v 2; other makes • cheap. ' Pacific Typewriter Co.. 107 Montgomery. NK W and : Second : hand : typewriters bought i and .. sold. - rented, repaired; guaranteed. SMITH . BROS., 462 13th St., .Oakland; phone Oak - 12. ; GEO. VE. "MERRY, -Smith Premier ; agent; all __rnake S repaired. 676 Broadway. Oakland./ > SEWING-MACHINES : McNALLY'S 30th anniversary sale this week;" -Singer, White, Domestic. New Home W. & W. half price; second hand,' $5. $7.- $9; renting, repairing a specialty. :\u25a0 3260 22d f st. between . , Mission and Valencia;; phone Park 802. NEW drop head machines made and guaranteed' by New j Home Sewing . Machine Co., $19.50 to -. $24.50; second hand, $5 to $10; renting; repalr- :iDg.v E.L. SERGEANT, 531 12tb St., Oakland. DOMESTIC— Best, cheapest; all kinds rented; re- • paired.^exchanged; needles and supplies for all makes. : J. W. \u25a0 EVANS, agent, M 658 O'Farrell St.. near Flllmore; phone -WesL 3601;;.;' *..* ' SINGER; Wheeler .& Wilson. :• Domestic and , ~; White ' drophead machines, cheap.' 69o Valencia *\u25a0 st.jnear :l7th.\ : . \u25a0 ;-- :\u25a0.-; ;-'. -.- -.".. :-.. - ' ,-y- \u25a0 SINGER, -Wheeler & -Wilson office; renting.' re- pairing. 1616 O'Farrell St.; phone West 5761:. DAVIS, SINGER. W. &W.—W.K., JACKSON, agent.' 4o4 Sutter: needles.' supplies:- all makes.-, _^^^\Vautomobiles \u25a0..'. . ,'i-:; V \u25a0-.-;-.. ,'_ FOR, SALE— A horsepower s. passenger: White steamer, model G. with, full equipment, includ- \u25a0 ; , ing t- top ;. and - curtaina.'-.'foldlng ;.' glass •'-, front. ; \u25a0 prestolite \ tank,': shock absorbers,/ speedometer,' : lire holders, 2 inner-tubes and tools;; car i is ; good as new, having run only 1,750 miles; must . be sold at. once; cash,; or will take good grade of : rnnabont in part > payment. .Box 1981, Call.' FOR SALE—^Price $500 and upward ; several .'O6 and : '07;; Wlnton touring * cars, taken jln I trade for '08 : carl and thoroughly; overhauled by ' out mechanics from our i factory. '.' \u25a0 ' " -':\u25a0\u25a0'-.-\u25a0\u25a0•, > ..." r WINTON : AUTOMOBILE : BRANCH. X- s :. . :. v :. ':, \u25a0 .'• } 300 Vanr: Ness' are., ;*..: - T .\u25a0-\u25a0/\u25a0> \u25a0..':-"\u25a0 '-r . San Francisco. . ',\u25a0-„'.: ; J. WANTED— TO : PURCHASE \ FOR . SPOT CASH. .• I 1I 1 Maxwell or , Ford runabout \in i good I running ;, order;- no Junk; price must be low.-; Apply 506 *sGolden5 Golden Gate,' av. between 2 and 6 ; Friday after- \u25a0: noon ; - telephone : Franklin 3112. y] V- ? .W -\u25a0 >A ELITE * AUTOMOBILE P. EXCHANGE— New , : and '; second band cars foe sale; auto painting, wood- work and trimming. 677-685 Golden: Gate ay., •->, corner * of,: Franklin - at.'* Phone : Park 59Z2.*:^r-\ '07. RAMBLER runabout.. Just overhauled afoost ;.of $200; a bargain at $400. A:sC HULL,n92- ; 194 12th ; st.;t Oakland. -, .:>.'• "> SECOND HAND .cars -bought, sold and exchanged. • or money : loaned for " short term on all au tomo- blles. J.Valencia Garage," lnc.7i 6ll ; Valencia St.* $2,ooo— Automobile ; 1 45 1 horsepower ; Ti seat ; • mod- v era i equipment ; ? only": used .-\u25a0 a\u25a0• short -, time. :. • C." \u25a0.:\u25a0.. ,W.- FISHER; OCO Market st:; ; "\u25a0.„*. '-: -- :^y\ TUB S Pacific Aluminum j Works 1 can j braze '- '•' your ; broken aluminum • castings: ,% 250 1 Ash ; ay.' HEALD'S automobile ' school I gives | the j best . auto \u25a0 »\u25a0 training on coast. < 425 McAllister st.VAI' j''.'T- •• f;l\? POREIGN^I IPOSTAGeI STAMPSfIfJI POSTAGE stamps;. 'albnmsV' catalogues,"' etc. ; cols. 1 " bought. ~H"W. Doescher & Co.'.t 1126 Geary at." ';*''*?;\u25a0', :': ' \u25a0"T*:7J t ,-''' 'x ~yy'ly~ r ~7 r^~^ : .y : 'f^- . \u25a0\u25a0;\u25a0::\u25a0\u25a0;: \u25a0'•i^-'Tv^x IK you want a small 'business, that, will make, you ' • n i good * living • and s $20 1 a '.week v besides.! come! \' \u25a0 and i see.^ me ; .-. nice ; 1i vi ns « rooms •in s connection ; < .' • rent for i the ; • whole v thing, * STORE •?" AND \u25a0y- ROOMS, -only $33 a month; lcansellyou' this .*; for ' sss0 r cash. r. ; ' \u25a0'.-.' '."V w p- :V :: \u25a0•\u25a0' :':: ': : ' i -V '•-•'•V;- ':\u25a0\u25a0 ; ; OEO. A.-HERRicK.' SOS VAN NESS^AV., - . -.;,\u25a0;. THE PEOPLE'S BROKEK.' -: ESTAB.^ 1575. . X;:"^.^ ;^.-V'.V ';, ;. : '-.V '' '-'\u25a0': '\u25a0 -',X "'. DRUG.; STORES IFOR SALE -,:->;\u25a0\u25a0-: -...' 54,000-^FlneVstore,.cle"an" stock and \u25a0 feood \u25a0 busl- 4 ness in San Franrisco; also one at $2,500,'; $3,000,; $3,600; ii drug ;ii stores >\ In » Berkeley,*-* San Ml Jose,- Pescadero and In Lake country. l^ Humboldt' county,' Sonoma | county;* and ' others ; I also ; a'i splendid I offer , - In ' a thrlvinc town in Oregon for $o.soo; 'if you are. looking for a ; business, i or ' have \u25a0• one | f or * sale.'j communlca te^withtus;* over j 30 experience In \ the drug ; trade lin 1 Cal If ornia. i \u25a0- : . *; ?>; -~k ;-• t >.: THE IF.VA:r.WECK Si REALTY* COMPANY, ;, ;f ; ':\u25a0''•' ti ". : « 5^9 "> S h »Uuck jaT.','< Berkeley.^ Cal.";'* -i}y-\ -. i~;'*- '< B'usiXESsiCHAyCES~i-Coatipaea \u25a0_ '_ ' iA— VGLOBKREALTYi COMPANY. !PflS|§^f^y' Business? Brokers.- ;. : . ; 21 1 Pacific . building. \u25a0 San Francisco. \u25a0J • -\u0084 ? S < ; ~* r ; \u25a0; Pbone { Douglas 4317. > . - ~. S5O, Broadway. ;: corner -,7th : st./' Oakland. V iAfi Phones— Oakland > 2813." ;Ilome'"i A 2213. CIGAH j STAND;, $«00;j lorn ted 'on Mive transfer ; ; 4 comer ,t Market i st. ;l swell, . up'; to date * fixtures ; ,>-\u25a0 Rood .stock,"? fine trade; does not depend on ma- ;-y chine; plsy.^ See , GLOBE ' REALTY; CO. ; .' : ,• ; MKX'S «lermt,'i cigars. -jMHtcards;' laundry office.. - tmitjrasre - depository, * fl-.000; * opp. ? ir«rry t bni W- -!ng;/largo,storck:; swell rlitures; : clears $300 s monthly; Sdisagrceraeut'-^artners cause sale. ~: Seej:aiX)BK>CO; r I -;.-.> :t ;•\u25a0\u25a0-;\u25a0./. '-' " • PAUT.VKK— SI2S, >. for well ; paying lunch counter, ;;; water, front. -S.^F.; -clears. $200 monthly ;-«x- P p^ 1 . en , c 5 ; not i «q«lred. See : GLOBE REALTY HOTEL AND BAR. $3,000; Al location, i Oak - ..-.. land;-.. 10ng, established;^ large- barroom; 24 : rooms:Vls ,l>oarderB; bar receipts i"s3o . dally; ;!- rent $83; long ..leawe.v HER GLOBE; CO. f. <:• $000 " buys > half s interest : old \ established * transfer : and: storage business; clearing $250 monthly at ,\u25a0__ present.', which can b« 1 Increased , with services ..of, right- party {'.choice location; valuable con- V cesslontl. -.See 01/)BK.. ItIULTY \u25a0 CO. ' PAKTNEII— S:«H> . for J. established. Swell ad ver- ;: tlsed and \up to. date 'business inexperience not \u0084\. necessary, .' but '\u25a0. you must. b« a rhu»tler;-will -make -'yon-, good r, money \ from ,- start. See ..".\u25a0• GLOBE . REAI^TY I CO. '. .- ;•-.-•• ' ;r.; r. FOR '-bargains' and quick sale* see \u25a0 - ' \u25a0 - GLOBB !REAI/TY-<;OMPANY."' \u25a0„ 211 fc - Pacific building, 'Han Kranclsco. • '>. i 856 , Broadway, v corner- 7th st.. Y Oakland.- V i FOR quick sale see UNITED REALTY CO., 046 I-.-. Market iat.;:- room '3lo, "Mechanics'. Bank bldg. $12.000— Planing mill: with latest machinery, -nf . 'flee; ' everything "complete;; or lease . for '•$100 a month; glTe an offer. '\u25a0', -". •i \u25a0 $425— Gjocery, f f nilt. candy and ! stat lonery ; - '3 rooms In rear;rent $20; good business. ; , ; ",s3so^rPartner -,toe< established, well ; adver- j tlsed;-. up ,to date commisalon business; experl- S| ence ; must ' be willing to learn. : 5 $5, 000-:- Rooming .house ; \u25a0 country town. ' '. ; '' . . - : $200 — Restaurant 'doing good business. .' UNITED I REALTY \ CO;. -.948 ( Market, room 310. WE CAN SELL YOUR BUSINESS FOR CASH. .'• GIVE US k A" CALL: v' y;. '^ • ftftiV MARKET ST.. ROOM 7.'. $150. \u25a0 with -services,'' secures to ; a \u25a0 steady man' r a : : half ."^interest \u25a0 - in •• a . business j established . for \u25a0•'\u25a0 years;? will pay,- $75 to $100 per: month each; \u25a0"'•experience; unnecessary '.'\u25a0-.' 866 . Market : at.', \u25a0 r. 7. GROCERY and liquor store: will sellat Invoice; "I: trade, •; $30 to $40 < daily;,' 2. horses, wagon f, and large, ' . fresh stock ; ; other i business . cause :, of sale. Apply 966 Market st..; room T.if •'-:"\u25a0 GILLIES & MAGNUS. ..; .^BUSINESS .BROKERS " > 1028 Market st.7 near Taylor/ room 22.. - •n :..- Telephone ' Market 1409. • \u25a0 NO. CHARGE FOR. LISTING, A-BUSINESS.; CANDY * store ; *: central "- location; J good * business ; 's price, $430; -worth-, double.-* Se- GILLIES * v . MAGxys. : ':*,-;v<v-y'.-.'-;;iv. "- \u25a0---. : v--..' : '.;:,v BICYCLE store; 30 miles from city;: clearing $35 r weekly ; ; 'has to •\u25a0 be \u25a0- sacrificed ion • account of owner leaving for Europe; no reasonable -offer . ; refused.' See GILLIES & MAGNUS. >\u25a0'-. ' LODGING • HOUSE: 14 rooms, elegantly, furn- ished: f clears $75 -per month: 3 - fine - living rooms;. price $650, half the ralue of furniture. ,; GILLIES & MAGNUS. : '..:\u25a0--'' PARTNER,' \u25a0 lady Sor • gentleman,' % for j rooming \u25a0 house; centrally located; clearing now $200 i : per, month;, incoming .partner to hare full con- trol and receive wages,, as proprietor has other .",. business fon hand.*- See GILLIES ie MAGNUS, ,1029 Market at" -'. ".".-" .--.\u25a0•\u25a0- '- -.-.-\u25a0 \. ; 1 DO ; you • want : to .' invest '<\u25a0 in .' one { of . the . greatest ! . money: making ; propositions in San Francisco? Concentrating - plant," l and in " working r order; ' 2 .machines will do:, the work '\u25a0'\u25a0 of . any- $125,000 dredge " and : . does ;V not -, cost : one-tenth i•: that _ amount', of money;? all we ask Is ; for - you ' to- : take a look at the- machine separating the ' .GOLD from the ' sand. We will pay your, fare \u25a0:';- out ; to. see It--worklng.bytyou .calling. at, our • office at vlO to 11 a. ro. -. every " morning. •'\u25a0' 948 • , .Market s st.. , room - 421. a \u25a0_"\u25a0"\u25a0 \u25a0 v \u0084 - ; >i v?'"' FOR ; sale-^-A snap." half ''interest- in the- best .*. equipped, best established " and most ' profitable -.manufacturings establishment ' of . ladies' and ••hlldren'R outside' ready to i wear, garments • in \u0084 Xos "Angeles; reason, going north. To a prac- tical man this Is a chance \u25a0 seldom offered ; \ $5,000 needed;" will: invoice. , Address for par- 8 ticulars 239 ,'San Fernando .• bldg., -Lbs . An- .- peles.- Cal. \u25a0 ... . v-'->, -,:• -\u0084-...\u25a0\u25a0• •.;\u25a0.-;-, - ' .-..-• -. - $2Sb-^-Candy store, :3 11v.. 'rooms;: rent $25. . $200— Sta:*, books, cotlons and candies. 2 41v. r. $200-- Restaurant:.' no: rent; "OK. \u25a0: \u25a0 ". " $650-^Gm.,- cor.'.loc.'.'2'llvinj; rooms; rent $23. $325— M fg.^ and business. "-• $175-7-Ro<>mlng house,: 8 rooms, good 'loc. - $100— jiah'or. woman to attend 'store;' OK. ;r Inqulre-,217; Church st..- off "Market. " . IldTEL '"of .V* -rooms:: $1,200 rent." less than $3 a j j room ; r good | lone lease; located' in one of " the -~.< test' country towns of state, population 8.000; :-% excellent- ««-ner:= clears at, present, time $400 '\u25a0'r monthly:, elegantly -fitted, up. "THE FULLER -, j COMPANY Jias It. f 918 Broadway^ Oakland. \u25a0 RESTAURANT,,. doing good "> family and^tran- slent " business '(no \u25a0 liquors) : place - cost to \u25a0 fit '.$4,000; present owner has: to make .change In . - occupation and ; will sell . for ; $2,000;' this is a good • buy L tor l restaurantman. m Box 3501, Call -*. office. ,46B 11th st.^ ) Oakland. \u0084 .;\u25a0 \u25a0-'.''\u25a0 •-, .; . M ANU FACTURING \ business \ having . a j well . es- \u25a0 I tablisbed ! trade ; on \ the coast, - desiring jto en- « large'*lts' plant and increase Its output."- offers • a fine opportunity for : an active man- who has <.:. $5,000 to" $10,000.- to invest. "" Address box ,47C2;'Call Office}-. ,''.;W ;-\u25a0*-\u25a0. .-y,-.'; \u25a0\u25a0 \ ; : $3. 750— 0 00<1 .: established - hotel with • bar, . bll- H Hards,* bowling. alley,. social hall, tennis court, garage," chicken , and plgeoa yard, etc.',*in good s town near Oakland and San Francisco; sacrifice ion account of, death of owner's wife. Owner, , boxJ64o. Call office. -..-..-• - , \u25a0 ..- GRAND opportunity for. steady man as partner .' willing to do Jllght .work In established - mfg. I business and i satisfied .with at least . $35 a week ; experience unnecessary ; * only .$2OO cash \u0084required., required. ; Apply. 9ti4 : Market st.; room 4/; .,- NAPA— Good : paying . and l profitable business for • sale; nil cash trade ;- located in center . of busi- ness . section .* of .-- town : fine large. store; "lease; . will inventory about $7,000. - \u25a0 : • . . - ;\u25a0;''-• MOUNT; &;SON, Napa, Cal. - :\u25a0- FOR j SALE— '.'The ' Book \of a | Thousand.: Nights and One Night'!; limited edition;. literal, trans-' . la t Ion ; * unexpurgated ; \u25a0 15 - volumes ; ' gilt \u25a0" top. deckled \u25a0' edges; cost $75, price -$50.. '-. Address ,jborj27qB. Call office. t : • ,\- -. ~ • "-- WANTED — In every city and to wa. men to ban- . die cur I new Invention: fqr > portable \u25a0 furnitnr* \ and I fixtures ; ' a ! big ; money I maker 1 1 on\ any on* 'handy with tools; Just out. Call at- sampls \u25a0A room^ * 1841 Post . st. . - S." F.. . Cal. ;' ,-. .' ' FORrsale— Cigar- store; one '\u25a0of ° the best loea- .-"t tons. ln Oakland: will run. between $30 and $40 ;-:\u25a0 dally without', slot'' machines;: rent $50; -good ; lease; price , reasonable. ,,' Apply; box 631,- Call ,fofflCf».^Oakland.s\ -\u0084.-• ....... WANTKD— lnformation regarding .good business .-.Vfor sale:, not ' particular,. about character," slue '-..or 1 location: prefer; to; deal- with owner. Give ."' price! and foil description.' ; Address L.D.; box . 094J,» Rochester," NY V. .'.:.".,. ';.-. '"-. -' ' - $27,600— For sale . or; exchange;'*, fine h*otel : prop- .. •• erty. ; with jor \u25a0 without ,' the - business; •: other ' lp- :*fi come ;i stores, attached;; good : town, near 'ctly.. .i Owner; Jbox • 643,* Call office. -. ,:%i -~ ; ».;•> FINE c INVESTMENT V OR i SPECULATION. V r ; Lake. Co. mineral spring resort for sale or trade; * ;•' large,- steady patronage: 1 splendid mineral wa- ; ,ters; --flpe, location.- 1369 . wood \u25a0 st.; Oakland. GRAND opportunity for reliable man as partner, willing to do light work and satisfied with at :• least $100 1 month ; experience ' unnecessary; $150 \u25a0\u25a0'. cash ; require. .^ 066 ; Market \ at.; V room . 7. ~;• . FOR sale— Commercial hotel; established : 20 \u25a0rj years; . 200 . miles 3 from " S. '\u25a0'.> F. ; * table ,l, l license ; I worth • Investigating ; ": price ! $6,500 ; " terms. D. ; BARTON. 224 Monadnock bldg.:' »' '. .":\u25a0'". '\u25a0-. WANTED— Good restaurant man : aa -partner, '-\u25a0-* with $300 'to $400, to ' manage ra - restaurant In ;•\u25a0-' country \u25a0! town-, near city; Al proposition. , .330 y; Chronicle.; bldg. ':. 1;, .. ; .; •. ."' ->•;•*;';. "\u25a0 FOR i sale— Hot el lln 1 northern . California ; I com- ;#; # merclal i men's .-headquarters ; .Income > $1,200 1 a „ month; cash " or j terms. V 1219 Metropolis Bank . \u25a0; building. O,;' ii^vVi'-^fe,:; -l.\ -.:.-\u25a0 \u25a0- . ; \u25a0\u25a0 . ' $37&— Hslf j interest '• In*, up . to :"d ate sausage f ac- tory ; 5 .' years', ; lease ; . net '\u25a0\u25a0 rent ; $5 j month ; : bar- '\u25a0 ..! gain s right ; party ; we : make - pure sausages ac- :. cording , to pure food laws.VW.H.S.Oa.,2loo.Mkt. ADVANTAGES* IN--' INCORPORATINO's YOUB BUSINESS ARE'MANYs AND* IMPORTANT. ..CONSULT REX C 0.," 621-022 Shreve bldg., ex- . .: pert \u25a0 promoters ; and : corporation \u25a0 attorneys. '-> . $500— Partner ;' wanted Jin plumbing, 'tinning • and . y light * store: ' plenty 5 work ; *, experience • unneees- • iVsary'.lf , wilUng. to learn;, handy man with tools - :- preferred. « Address : 3642 16th st. . . ; \u0084,..:\u25a0\u25a0 ESTABLISHED- ,'hair >. parlor wants •*. partner;^smailf capital required ;- will \u25a0 teach partner the business. Romona Hair. Dressing /, Parlors;; 303-304 | bldg.,- 830 Market. I " H A YE ', some 1 money ,1 but: not enough, and** want £-; one sor more : partners \ to } put *; In t $500 . to : open •"J a i moving t picture "show ; s gilt \ edge - references :: given \ and . required.'|j. Box :2777,' Call • office. , : GRAND : opportunity . for reliable man" as partner, ?. ; willing i to . do .light : work and : satisfied ) with -at least $100. month;* experience unnecessary; $150 . cash ; required.M 1126 Flllmore 'at." room 1.,' ,-.,:; CORNER grocery, for. Bale,"! including property 50x \u25a0Z4 lo9, i with 3 barn « In^rear ; 1 have other \u25a0 interest ilni In J« the ? country ; 4 will • sell * cheap.* 1 2C36 Redwood :-.,« road. iFrultvale.^r.;^,";^-/.!.- '. . y •C-'r-'* ' -\u25a0-,:' '•; WANTED— Man (with $COO to take a.third inter- % est," ; with i employments rich- placer ! claim. "See v < MARKLEY ; &;CO..iI23C Broadway, : Oakland." f:' STORR \u25a0 for i sale;! main ' part 'of town; selllnjc on 1 accountof. sickness: i 1212 Frultvale av.,"Fruit- -v^vale.7: *--'\u25a0 • \u0084 \u25a0\u25a0;-. \u25a0 i. -.:\u25a0..*' ', * ' '.. :'\u25a0 -\u25a0\u25a0 -- \u25a0' •-.-'/;*, £-. ;.WANTED-^ liny business ithat- .will: pay £i $25"£ weekly; s worth £ investigating; ». lady t pre- ~;.f. f erred. ?:? Box --4983.?. Cairj office. - * *-,^ « ; < "',-.}. FINE .business is location ;?.transferi point; '? 3\u25a0: car- ;--.'. lines ; i nv\ table Jfor^olsars.ij candy, > news * stand.' !^loo7iUnl i verplty J iayr,';ißerkele.y.'";..K»^f.vvi- -- v -,:\u25a0 -.-.' $25^-KUMMER presort A to* leaje,^. furnlihed." In- f.j < ludlng/. piano ;^t wo I? acres rof .;land.v:'.2l2BA --'Market;:'iV";'-v.v ; -A-">. : '-y.-;i-;:^ -"-.•• r = -.---.-,-- .-,;.-. ->. '\u25a0, '^•-"\u25a0'r r -'-.•• f .""\u25a0•' " -';• ' --.* ' ; . . \u25a0:] y y \u25a0 ' J - 1 " H^SlXjESS^CKL^XCE^^C^nflißa^U^,' BUTCHER > business * in v Vkllejo I for , w'^ejP' " good - location. » withrlong : lease. > 410 - ! :George < «t-. J ValleJo.:ocjbox 2711. CaU office. '. . \u25a0 FOR ? sale- A*f good 1 newapyper , route ln^a -goo^l district -l»- this^xity.-r- 7 Apply to' J- Xl?. I**1 ** -HA XT." circulation ; ilepartmf nt. , S. : If . ; CaU. $160 buys a »t« UttlelCß CBBAM.ASD CAKDX: 'STORE: rent $13. WIN STON * *-"•• •-»• rA I CIFIC BUILDING. Market and 4th sts. AN eat. :paylng manufacturing buainesa for $323; - . investigate. ; ,217 t ,,? • \ i .» I'AKTNKU 'In •?«:* livestock '\u25a0 business:, woman •; « W |th : small ranch ; preferred. ; Box \u25a0 2714. Call. ••> OoO— Partner: wanted in ;e*tabllshed hotel ' . with bar; KQodtown.'J Principal. b«t 641. Call. PARTNKRi with ,; sl;2oo/ ;safe^ cash *>n»lae*» ; • v anap;, investigate. * Box 623. Call. Oakland. .- FULTON it/, 2422— Flat . of i 3 or 4 ' rooms .. and bath; rent for. 3. $15; 4. $17.80; -McAllister car $2&o— IMve room flat on 49th ay. South; good furniture; ; rent '- $20. 217^ Church • st. - - ; rODGINO HOUSES FOR SALB : :B. H. iWINSTON k. CO., HOTELS, ROOMINO HOUSES, APARTMENT ; HOUSES. FLATS. .- •"' ..-•-. ROOM -257,. PACIFIC BLDG.. Market: and 4th. Tel. Douglas 88fl, Established 17- years. \ . Bank ' References,. -. . f '» ' * ARE YOU LOOKING FOR BARGAINS? ~ IF SO- ,-»,--• READ THE FOLLOWING 25 rooms, walking . distance " from - the business 'f. canter; •• . well - I urniahed; rent , $100; :. reduced \u25a0\u25a0 from $l,hoo to $."isi>. Sw tbU at once, must Resold this week. WINSTON -tc. CO. 31 rooms,, reduced from $2,300 to $1i000; only '-$500 rash, balance easy payments;, fine trans- - lent 'location; would. exchange. foe. lots in city or near Han Francisco; - owner would assume -.small mortgagee full particulars of WINSTON -. ft:CO.. ::. ..\u25a0..- \u0084-\u25a0«. \u25a0\u25a0.. .\u25a0\u25a0..*- ..." . ;. - - \u25a0 : APARTMENT HOUSE containing. 75 rooms. 2 and 3 room . apartmenta; ' some single rooms; .. rent., only- $4.40 per mom: situated on down- ' town prominent corner: BRAND NEW FUR- NITURE ."AND- CARPETS: - reduced \u25a0 from $6,000 to $3,000; part cash. For sale by WINSTON* A CO. ' A. CAMERON & CO., . " 714 MARKET ST., MAGEE BUILDING. I]'. . ;v -". Opposite TheCalL • '\u0084 - . - l Room 301— Pbone Douglas 4379. " Where ' Best Bargains Are Found In Hotels, f Apartment and Lodging Houses, Flats! SACRIFICE— This elegantly furnished city hotel; .100 choice rooms; cost $14,000 to furn.; keeps full of- people ; partners disagree; offer wanted. BEAUTIFULLY furn. Cat of 10 rooms; fine cor.; . cheap. rent; all full; big bargain; $350. SNAP — Fine cor. house, 20 rooms; rent only $75; good fur.;. dean $S0; leaving city; $730. BARGAIN — This exceptionally well furn.. house; 68 , rooms, ,20 ; private baths; all -full; offer . wanted '---.. ,\. - w . \u25a0v - \u25a0'„\u25a0. . .-. . . '. • UARK chance in "tbU 33. room- house: centrally . loc. ; , cheap -. rent ; part hskpg. ; •. $1,500 down. bal. paid out of house; investigate. :" JOS. SKIRM& CO.. 821 Broadway. Oakland. . Reduced from $1,000 to $500; 13 rooms; select location; must sell; make offer. ' . •\u25a0 For. rent — 60 rooms; , new. ' < modern building; every convenience;- best renting location In Oak- land; cheap rent; 'furnish- this up and double your money. \u25a0 '•\u25a0\u25a0--\u25a0 \u25a0: . '. ' "76 rooms; swell apartment house; clears $400; want offer; will sell on easy terms. Swellest 10 room house in Oakland; grand cor- ner; must sell; asking $500. - -• WE, HAVB IT-r-30 I rooms ; corner ; rent $75 ; clears $130: $200 cash, . payments $800. x~~T~" '. -'.\u25a0. ;\u25a0 \u25a0:.- -\u25a0 . ~~~ r 7x 23 ELEGANTLY furnished house keepinc rooms; . best location, close in; rent $100: full of per- manent people; clears $125 to $150 per month, -'-and S living rooms; positively, the: best buy in. " ; city. $900: $600 cash, balance monthly. O. A. HERRICK; 808 Van- Ness ay.; phone ; •• Franklin 14248.1 4248. X ''I-"-" \ '..- J. - X V>K HAVE BUiERS FOR APARTMENT AND LODING -HOUSES. -UNITED. REALTY CO.. 94S Market St.. room 310. Mech. Bank : bldg. - , * Phone Kearny 2851. ; ' NO CHARGE, FOB LISiING A BUSINESS. $I.2sO— Partner ! wanted to take charge of good rooming house; lease y low rent. Owner, box .642. Call ' office, c •••-.: » $325—44 rooms and bath; good location; rent ' $50; ; 2- years' leaae;'- $300 cash deposit on lease can 2° with house; sick. 210© .Market. CALL BRANCH OFFICE. ISSI Flllmore St. near .-\u25a0Post.-' \u25a0 ; --\u25a0-.*-- .-r-^-^ \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0-.. ". Hotel*.' Apt'mt lloamfm for Sale? or Leaae :20 rooms in * Wasihlngton - st. near Powell; every. "room gets the sun; 2 baths; rent 'only . $60. 'with long ; lease. . ... DAVIDSON & LEIGH. Xlfi Pine St. VPALACE KOSHER' DIXIXG ROOM 431 Kearny -st. bet.' Pine and Cal.— The BEST HOME COOKING.; Hungarian atyle; -wedding parties catered to:"s atisfaction guaranteed. > DRESS/JIAKIXG . - ANNOUNCEMENT. S Steele's Pleating \u25a0 and -Button -Works, now at 222 Ellis St.; phone Franklin ,432l. MACDOWELL'S , Dress Making and Millinery \u25a0School, "121 Geary st. near Grant ay. Oakland office. 1013 Washington. Patterns cut to order. _"\u25a0_'. I. THE XII CO. — Bamb-io furniture factory: whole- :. sale. and retail; bamboo, fnrniture made to or- der. - 307 7th - st. near Harrison, 'Oakland. \u25a0 : " Phone ' Oakland 3195. \u25a0 v - - : \u25a0"-\u25a0'.• UXITEP GLASS WORKS. Inc. . H. . R. j HOPPS. PRESIDENT. . ALL -KINDS ART. LEADED AND MOSAIC GLASS.* -115 TURK: PHONE FRANKLIN 1763.* . FREIGHT FORWARDING.' V A— REDUCED rates for shipping household goods. \u25a0 x EAST. AND WEST . i JUDSON FREIGHT AND FORWARDING CO., I _^^gom_jOj^aciflc_bldg. :_" phone Kearny'2s79. - BUILDERS AXD^OpXTRACTnfG ;*V .WE furnish 'plans | (free) 'and also lots and build v homes anywhere: cash, or terms. .Address J. \u0084 H . YOUNG, builder. , 1249 Park at.. Alameda. BRICK WORK In all its branches; best rates. M. V. MOWBRAY. 1308' Devl*ao>r»: West 7021. HOME .BUILDERS ~~~ •If you own a lot I will build you a home on easy terms. FELIX MARCUSE. 155~8utter at.' * PAIXTIXG AXD PAPER HAXGIXG , j PAINTING in all branches paper hanging, tint- ing. --plastering -repaired;': send', for estimate. :"JAS. P. HUNTgR, 1701 Geary; teL West 6683. GOOD wall paper furnished and hung 25c a roll: . also painting, and .tinting done reasonably; all -work guaranteed. Phone West SOl2. \u25a0 _ \u25a0- \u25a0\u25a0 CARPET. \u25a0CLEANING:";.- . AAAA— LE CLAIR -VACUUM , CLEANING CO., \u25a0 C 2 Post; room 325; phone Douglas 2671 — Dust- • less cleaning of carpets, rugs, draperies, furni- ture aud bedding.' WlTHOUT REMOVAL. . J AA— CONSOLUJATED CLEANING APPARATUS ,_ CO.. 441 Ist a y.; phone . Pacific . 1315— Carpets. -• rugs, draperies, etc.. cleaned -at home without . dust, trouble or noise; estimates furnished. '. ALL carpets and rugs' cleaned on the floor. with- 1 out removal by . S . • F. ; COMPRESSED VAIR V CLEANING- CO. Office. 24 'Montgomery st.; ... phone Kearny 5352; shop 'l6th. & San Bruno ay. A A— National Carpet - Cleaning . Works ; largest on -* coast; laying and altering a specialty. Hamp- ton & Ualey. 344-343 Church st. Market IS!>. .VACUUM carpet J cleaning, dust less, without re- - imoval; lowest prices. \u25a0\u25a0 Phone Douglas 4693 for i": estimate. \u25a0"•...,-..-..''... \u25a0:--•.••-',, ,;\u25a0\u25a0 , \u0084\u25a0;.. ; . . 3c yd.— For ' the ' Best * Carpet " Beating — 3c ' yd. Phone Market 2-6-2. : F.* A. . Uice. . ISOS Harrison. 3c : yd: — Carpets j Cleaned '.at 1 Right » Price — 3c . yd. WHEN you' become ; disgusted 1 with poor work i send your carpets to <JV SPAULDING A CO., ; : Bs9 ' Golden . Gate .' ay. p telephone Market ' 643. m STERLING . CARPET •: CLEANINO • WORKS^Sc i'lyard. 230 Vermont at;; s.»el. Park U923. * GARNIE tc BERNSTEIN'S carpet cleaning works. .3153 10th st. nr. Valencia ; phone Market 5001. MATHEWSON'SCarpeti Beating Works, 315 East '\u25a0\u25a0- 12th at.. 'Oakland. Tel. 4 Mafritt 505: 81633. Save Money— Best cleaning and laying now 8c yd. \u25a0 \u25a0- Pbone ; ns. • Market > 2289. s Glsslow. 3SOB 22d st. WATTS— Reliable :\u25a0 carpet :; cleaning; \u25a0 alteration*; . • renovat. : laying.' 560 Devtsadero. \u25a0 Pa. Park 560. ADVANCE Carpet Cleaning Co. — Advanced ' Meth- ods. GEORGE WALCOM CO.. U37 Turk st. CONKHN; BROS.rv carpet cleaning and Ujinr. *& 2400 \u25a0 fJeary i st.'s corner Baker.- -Phone Weat • 83. : - BUNSET Carpet Cleaning I Works." 1213 Valencia : *>\u25a0 PHONE • MARKET j SX7O.I' First class 1 work. . • * STORAGE sAXb^MbviXG" VAXS ; y : ,:.BEKINS* VAN? AND j STORAGE CO^ ' '-. V.^'-^-.i.- Fireproof '-.Warehouse. 1 ':- ...:\u25a0 - -\u25a0 \u25a0 iS 'il3th /and Mission ] sta. ; teL Market 113.;1 13. ; ! \u25a0\u25a0.WILSON'.^ BROS- A(lnc.)-iMovlna; * and :'\u25a0 atorage . . Cor. 14th and Sanchez 7 sts., 1 ' block » from Mar- |,i"i ket and : Flllmore < sts.l cars; ; phone Park , 27l.*, 'S A-f PACIFIC ', STORAGE "AND f VAN ? CO.— Brick j 2322 jFlllmore rt. ; ,tel. "West 2628. PIERCE-RODOLPH Storage.*: Moving Ca, Mam , v»v »f flee, i Eddy (t and; Fillmore;- teL • Weat : B2B. .* •^,l, l /-\u25a0:'\u25a0 ;-><, : \:.' r \u25a0\u25a0'• '\u25a0 i' \u25a0\u25a0. - \u25a0: v ,A : ;-: - ; lock smith s \u25a0 _ XJ . x - r KEYS , furnished at . factory prices. Key Works. - 855 Ctar T »t. : phone \u25a0 Oakland . <t?l7. - A 2574- .- . - \u25a0' _y^ ROOFS, any \ kind. ' repaired, ; painted. A . HILL- - \u25a0'MAX. 508 '.TDi 12th St.. Oakland. Drop postal. WE MAKE . handicraft farnltnre and baby ear- riagen. Pacifle Coast Rattan Co.. 831 Van New. 'A *^ -'.'.; f. ' EXGRAVIXG ' WEDDING invitations; 100 for $3.30; visiting cards. sOc. Greenlnger Eng. Co.. 1114 Geary st. ; -JAPANESE. UAUXPRIES JAPANESE laundry;- waist and curtain spertal- ist. Asbai Laundry. 1401 Scott: WeatwasW. Advance Window Shade Factory — Bamboo porch shades In all sizes. OEOjWrALCOM. KrrTnrk. MINING hoists, stationary and portable engine*. ;. gas. distillate or crude oil. WESTERN GAS ENGINE CO.. 461 Market »t. BICYCLES AXD MOTORCYCLES FULL' line of Pierce" cycles ' and Snell blcy dea ; aundrtes; special on repairs. J. T. CHICK, 230 San Pablq ay.. Oakland. i ACCOUXTAXTS j AUDITS." systems, special Inrvntigatlons. COOP- ER.-605 Kamm bldg.. 717 Mkt.: Kearny 59.^0. C^rtlfle^JPublUr JOHN R. RUCKSTELL, C. P. A.. 306-308 Clana Spreckels (Call> bldg. Phone Kearny 4131. : XOTARY PfBMC MARK LANS. Notary Public and Commissioner of Deeds.^ 245 Bush St.: phone Temp. 2638. UNDER - McEncrney act; complete, $25. Tit!« Co.. &51-3 Monadnock Mdg.. 3d and. Mkt. st«. • I A— M.. HARRIS, pension' and patent attorney. St I \u25a0 Ellis at. ; references, the many thousands for I whom I have secured pensions: 21 years* prac. * DETECTIVES | West Coast Deteetire Agency (licensed, bonded »: 1 conducts cases secretly: cor. confidential. 896 Flllmore. Tel. Park Q556. T. C. GRAY. Prin. i ._ r '".-.-. r -- *l AA— DIVORCE: Costs. $12; quick; quiet: advlc<t free; no charge unless successful; title to real estate restored; bankruptcy: probating of estata; gen. practice. 1«29 Market st.; r. 12. I ADVICE free; divorce costs $12: all eases; dam- . ages, collections, labor , UenA. Room 60T, 1 \u25a0 Westbank bldg.. 830. Market; open eve. DIVORCE laws. - annulments, damages, estates ; consultation free on all legal matters; opea evenings. 949 Market at. cor. Mason, rm. 309. A QUICK and complete divorce - for $20; open evenings.* 1122 Market st. nr. 7th. room 31. LANGAN tt MENDENHALL. 201 Ba«oa bids.. Oakland. . Phone Oakland 1431. J HARRIS & HESS, attorneys at law. W. T. Hess. Notary Public. Room 1112. Call bldg. L. S. CLARK, attorney at law. 851 Jackson st. Oakland. \u25a0\u25a0 Consultation free: open evenings. DSWEY. STRONG A CO.— Founded ISiiO; U. 8. and foreign patent»; Inventors* guides: 100 mechanical movements free. 1105 Merchants' 1 . Exchange bldg.. San , Francisco. CARLOS P. GRIFFIN, lata examiner U. S. pat- ent office, 1201-2 Metropolis bank. Patents, tradeamarks and copyrights. TeL Kearay 4815. FRANK P. MEDINA, patent atty.. of Medina * Griffin, dissolved, remams at old address. 812 Call bldg. T patents, tradesmarka. copyrights. HARRY C. SCHROKDER, U. S. and foreign pat- ents. 415 First Nat, bk.. Oakland. TeL O. 3573. SONTAG Patent Agency— Established 1599. Bal- boa bldg.. cor. Market and 2d sta.. 10th floor. . 811.1, COIjLECTIXG SOME PEOPLE DON'T LHCE US. We get the money for yoa. INTEItSTATB ADJCSTMSNT & LAW ASSN.. 615 Paelfte;bldg.. S. F. WALTER'S LAW A COLLECTION CO.. 411 Mills bldg. — Attachments, garnishments, liens. \u25a0 collections everywhere. BAD debts collected on percentage: we remit promptly. (UYT Westhanfc bldg- Ellin and' Mkt. . - BAD TE.VAXTS EJECTED BILLS and notes collected;" tenants - ejected. FRED J. SCHMIDT. Market. Noe and Jftth at*. 1.-. r -\u25a0 DEXTISTS \u25a0 ; BOSTON PAINLESS DENTISTS. 73d Market «t.. acknowledged to be the easiest and best pain- less extraction la S. F. " Full set of teeth. $2; gold, crowns. $2; silver fillings. 50c. All work guaranteed 20 years. Opea dally till &p. m. DR. M. A. BROWN, manager— Chicago Dental Parlor; Kearny and Geary; plates $5; filling 50c; crowns. $3; bridge work. $3. , All work painless and .warranted 10 yean. DR. C. W. DECKER. Pbelan bldg.. rooms SOS- 8-10. 700 Market St.: pbone Kearny 1630. MEYER, DR.. t990 Sutter— Fillings 50c. crown* $3; hrldgeworTr ; gas given; open evenings. DR. IRA G. LEEK— AII kinds of dental work. 515 FUlmore st. near Oak.. DR. U. G. BARTLETT. extracting specialist, r*- moved to 523 Geary cor. Powell: Douglas 430 Q. HILL. DR. LUDLUM. 432 Webs (now Mulrbead bldz. lr Market, naren and Larkln: ras rt-v*n. ' : : _ EDUCATIOX ALV A— PAUL GERSON DRAMATIC SCHOOL-— Largest training school of acting in America; .'position secured; S months* graduating course; catalogue.' Countryman bldg.. 913 Van Ness. A— THE LYCEUM. 2380 Pine st, prepares for university or .any examination. Open during summer; 6 teachers; moderate, rates; , her» , yon \u25a0 save time and money. > JOHN S. DREW— COACHING SCHOOL ami NORMAL. CLASS. High school, all branches. Prep, for college, teachers* exams., ctvll Mrv- Laboratory courses. Day, eve. »43 Vaa Ness.. ASSAYING; special commercial course la Span- • Ish, telegraphy, civil and electrical englneer- ing. mining, etc' HEALD'S, 423 McAllister at. KENT law school; 47th year; daytime, 915 Pre- lan bldg.;. evening 202S Ureen St.. near Buchanan. | DANCING— FINDLAY*S. 3241 16th St.. ballroom or stage; adults Monday and Friday evenings; private lessons dally; open every evening. ENGINEERING — Civil, electrical, mining, mech.. survey, assay, cyanide; day. eve.; eat. 18<M. Vaa der Nalllen. school. 51st and Tel.. Oakland. SINGING and piano lessons: French method, which Is taught to conservatory of music. Paria : . twlca weekly $20 a month. 3257 21st st. THE BERLITZ * SCHOOL OP LANGUAGES— 2331 Washington at. near Kill more; send for circular. \u0084 - . . „. SPANISH or. French stmplined; accurate transla- tiona. any Uag. Prof. Hldalno. yso Market »t. f PREEMAN COACHING SCHOOL— High achooC / .' gnlverslty. Weat Point. Annapolla. 834 Baker. fZ PROF.'.C. MANSFIELD, teacher of violm. man- dolin and guitar. West 8331; 170 ft Geary »t. SPANISH AND FRENCH simplified. PROF. DB FIUPPE. graduate Paria. Madrid. 1213 Geary. PROF. T. A. ROBINSON. Individ. Instr. math..- book keeping. Eng.. etc. : day, eve. 307 Haight. RINGNALDA Normal Institute Mod. Lan*uasres; -, nnlv. prep. .\u25a0•* ISSO O'Farrell. Phone West SlBa DANCING— PCCKETT'S SCHOOL. Classes Mon.. FrL ;- graduates Wed. .Chnrch and Market «ts! CALL BRANCH .OFFICE. 1651 fcnilmore st. near ' - POSt. i :'. ' - \u25a0-<:-.->\u25a0\u25a0•. .-\u25a0.. - - \u25a0 \u25a0 . . : '\u25a0 • COLLEGES A SELECT school.-" Merrill- Milter College Day and evening. 733 Flllmore at. MUNSQN' School. o£ Shorthand; priv. tMtrnction- day and evening. Whitney bhlg..- 133 Geary! A— Metropolitan Bus. College — At Market and '; Van Ness, June . 1. Reduced rates 6 mo.. $30. BOYD, shorthand; easily completed In 2 months; book keeping, arith.. writing. 915 Van . Neaa! ALL court reporters recommend Gallagher-Marsh Business t ollege. . 1256 Market st. : S "* X FRANCISCO .Business College, now located ;^j»t_7g3_^ -Hayes: rtav . nwl evening. HEALTH \u25a0 MOVEMENT . •\u2666VIAVI SCIENCE OF HEALTH." natural, non- surxlcal: cloth bound 400 page book. free. -Ap- ply by mail.< 63« Pine at. Lecture for womea -.2J ur s?«7 at 2:30 p. m. Oakland Viavt Co., 1324l 324 Central Bank building. v i :-\u25a0-'''\u25a0; •.'••'•'.•' ? :"'TRU!ISES_; Cl S^* CAXDIt>NTRUSS C - nnscUltet.: tru*» fitting: la.lT att. 125H O. d. ay. nr. Fi»mor>. - ' - \u25a0 WA D ™ DU ?£^S JBOJ 80 S»«er»c6r. Kearny. woJT -303-4— Absolutely cures without pain, or dr»w- «\u25a0-»lng;broo.l;aU« \u25a0-» lng;broo.l ; aU foot ailments; cornrpemo^da^. • Market s^rrgonß^iSv t Phone Douglaa 1428. ' c <>aUl«aed:t» Jfext Pac« -"-'-.