Newspaper Page Text
14 COMMERCIAL AMD MARKET NEWS SPECIALLY REPORTED FOR THE CALL READING MEDIUM FOR BULL SUPPORT Prices Open High and Suspicion Attaches to Motive for Big Dealings »n York Stock I-I«t E F. notion & Co.. 490 California st.-eet mernben tit Ihe Now York «Ujck «'« b »^f. e - J" cU the follow Ing Un »t bonds and slock sale* yesterday : . S»l~. | STOCKS. IHlgb.jLow. ) BidTl Ask. !Ad,ms Express .1..... .•--• 2» =»„ ........iAHis-Chalim-rs . . \ 13% HH 1-% g* 300. Do P" «f* 52 B- M% •:4.«<io Amalg Copper ...\ S8 b»<H ™ » i^Sfglf 111 Si :>.looAmer fsn Co -- - J3H 12% 1-^ * D« pM I^o «* Amer Express \\\y,: ~Z-u -as 3.3«rtAmer Ice Securit 39 30^ 3.% 38 SOOiAmer Linseed ••• }«H " *' , io 71 W.500;B«U & Ohio .... U»H »'V»jIW "£* :::::::JBe^ c £ m tt£m? M g P% •-it^B^r.:::::::!^-^ $* ft : aasi?»i 154% §v || || \u25a0i;i6st w:::::.... «ji 4% <% £*. ?..... A Do pfd "A" ----- 2JV» 28 7^ ; c^^.: B ":::is4 H !iSi^!islu 1 :^f c Do^fd 1 .p.::... p .::.. w m xto WKV/Central Leather.. 30Vt 23% 30-« SO* 7<« Do pfd w 296 ' SCent of N J «id Stt !Chi Terminal *» V:o6ojoote° rnei * iron. "44% «% 43% 44 : ""^WlVoctc&i: 6.^ "63% «3% 63Ti -OwJCoH, Southern.... 64H 6fVi 63% 64V. 200 IDo tot pfd S2 81** |I%' 82 "V.nod'contlfa'.t'^Ga.: Uig i«" 14| v 143% I.9oo;Corn ITodncts.... 23» ±>H »% g * fir. . - .iDiaraond Match .. | -- • - 125% l-« I.4oo:DfMllHng Sees...; 40?» 39% 39% 40% \u25a0-^ I> rpf^ & .^:!-^-^P|p^ C-..9ofi;Erle i •*» ! : ;JJi ?«J» ?'J» 4.^10' D.. 1« pfd hSS^i ••\u2666Vs -»*H •«^ iIOOJ Do 2d pfd i 44', 43% 43^ 43=- ? iWm.Genersl Electric. jlfil 160 159% 160 J4 3.200)Grt Nonhern Ore; 76 75 | «.» •3143 I 4 130.X) C.rt N.a-th«-r« pM]lsd*]|»% 1«H "»% ....'...Havana Tob-Co.. b » • - < Do t)fd i I 1 13 \u25a0"«.W<V. Illinois <>ntrsl... IMlt]t«S WO IDOJ4 2.4:* Interboro-Metro ..17 16% 16?, 16% -.7(Ki; IK> pfd 4«Hi 45»4 4r,»4 45% l.SW:lnternatl Paper.. j 15% 14% W% 15;» a>o Di. pfd «4 <3 63% C 4 l^lnternstnal Pump* 40% 40% *OVi 40^ **:"2o6;iow^c^Vr»i::*::|'32" n'% 31% » 300! Do prd \t»\ 58% f*% 59 2.400K C Soatbern.... 47S «% 46% 4. l.» 00 Lake Erie & W.. 27% 27 27 2J I.KOO Do pfd 64% €8 » S* 3700 L& N I*s 142% 143% 144 COoi^ickay M^ 82^ "}* S^ .... IK) pfd ! 74% .5% GCO Manhattan Jl4B 146 146 14S. iMetro St Ry \u25a0< 22% 2S 400 Mexican Central.. l 25% 25% 25% 26 IMlnn&Stl 1 67 58 IK» l«t pfd 86 89 "" " 300 M StTiSS M .(140% 140 139% 140-4 200 IX, pfd 150% 150% 149 150 l-.WOOMo Kan & Tex... 43 42% 42* 42% .200! Do pfd "n-% 73% T3% 73% 4 900 ' Missouri Pacific. 76% 75% .5% .o% ; tN"»a C&St L 115 12.> l.»oo; National Lead... K8 87% 8«% S'J* 200 Do pfd 109% 109 108% 108% National Biscnit I° s^4 loi ~* .::....i Do pfd 123 128 4«o;»w Cop M& S. 2% 2 2 2% 200 X:T Air Brake.. 90 8» 89 90 7 OOOJX V C«Jtr»l . . . . 134 131 % 132^ 132% 3.000 NYC &St L... 59 66% 58% 58% ; Do Ist pfd.... 100 110 . ..! Do 2d pfd 85 87 ..N T N H * Hart 172% 173% WISOOIN V Ont &W. 54% 53 53 53% 7.'.»00 Norfolk & West. 92% 90% 90% 91 i Sk> pfJ 86 88 SOONorth American. 84% 82% 83 83% Zi.200 Norrhf m PsriCc. 15IS 149% 14«% 149% ....... 'Omaha 1M 160 ."....:.! I>o pfd 163 175 iPa.lfi- Coast 97 99 1.400 PscinV Msil 29% 29%, 29 29% s 4tK> P«-an R RCo ISS% 137 137 137% .", 200'P«ople.'« Gas 116% 115% 115% 116 _ :..,.Pittshurg C0a1...{ 13 13% I I IK, O fd «% 49 !P! P CC4 St L... 90 93 ....; ik> ptd no 120 1 KkyPreww-d Stfrf Car 44% 44 43% 44% tool IH> l.frt 104% 104 104 104% .. Rv .St«>l *p Co.J 48 46% .i Do pfd 107 109 »>.Soo!lt<-i«linr ir.9 15«% 156% 156% «)0i Do Ist pfd 92 91 91 92 son! Do 2d pfd 102 ioi 100 102 K.lOO'nepublic S & 1.. 34% 33 53% 33% - 400 I>r. prd '. 108% 105% 106% 106% #».500:Eock Island Co.. 34% 33% 33% 53% ;r,.soft! Do pfd 72 71 71% 71% I.6oft 'Slow S S k I Co. 84% 84 84 84% .1 Do pfd 115 115% IST. 4SF Ist pffl 68% 69 I.WO* Do 2<! pfd i 46% 45 43% 46 I.ROO'St L & S W 27% 26% 20% 26% VIOOi Do pM 70% 68 «7%68 «o.<iO!> Srmthern Pactflc.. 131%i129% 130 130>4 !,'«! Do pfd 133H1132 131% 132% l.*,.f>Oo:Soiitl)ern Rnilway 32H.J 32 31% 32 3.<«0; Do pfd ! 71% 70Sij 70% 70% 400!Tenn Copper .... 41% 41% 41% 41% 7.fiOO'Texas Pacific . . 30% 55% 35% 35% SOO Third Aye 30 29% 29% 29% ....V-.iTol St L& W 52 52% «X) I>o pfd <»% 69 69 09% rWTwin City R T . . HW% 106V4 105% 106\i SOOiUnlon Bag & P.. U% 14% 14 14*5 ... Do pfd 75 77 41.C00 Union Pacific .... 181% 1«9% 189% 189Ti 1.200 Do pfd 97% 97 ©0% 97% . Uds of 8 Fj. C 840 ...... : .t Do pfd 55% 57 4frr,U S Cart I Pipe 35% 35 34%, 35 2,1W I»o pfd 86% 84 85 86 -.. r S Kxpress 85 95 S.flOrtC S nn!»ber 42 41 40% 41 4fln! l> 0 Ist pfd ...118 116% 116 117 KOol I>o 2<l pfd ... M 82 83% 84% SftlOOtC S Steel Cor ..I 68% 67 67% 67% 17.900J Do pfd 126% 124't 123 125% I.soo!t:Uh Opper .... 52% £2% 52% 52% SZOOIVa-i'ar Chem Co.. 52 51 60% 51. ! Do pfd '. .' ..... 102 103 '4.V*ar>;wsbasi. 22% .21% 21% .22 2r..«t(<; Do pfd 65% 53% 54% 54% .IWells-Kargo Ex -.315 3.%0 3.7O<»; Western Tnlon .. 77%' 74% 76 76% 2 200Wc«ti=Rbouse ... 86% 85 |85 83% ......WALE •••--•-» 11% .. .... Do Ist pfd ............. 23 24 ....... IX> 2d pfd 12% 13% .....;. Wisconsin On *"V 4 SS% .::..:.l n 0 m !• «>% w.. J.0&?.»00— total sharen wild. New York Bonds i: g ft 2«'4]in Cen.lst r*f 48.100 Do coupon ....lOl*i!Int Met 4^« .... 7S^ Do 3s reg ]01*sj| Inf Mer Mar 414s 74V4 Do coupon 102 j Japan 4s -.... *>14 Do 4s rcir. llS^i! Do4Hs ....... !)4«4 *Do coupon 121 Do 2d series »4. AUU-Chal Ist 5«. SS Kan City So Ut 3s "4\4 Amrr Agrtcxl 5«.100«i V Shor deb 4*,1P31 93^ Am>T TiT rv 45.104 I. &N. unified 4«.:100% Am«>r Tobacco -4». M- M.X & Tpx Ist 48.100% Do ft* .... 112* Do let 4 ref 4«. 88% Armour 4s »- r >''- Do sen 4Vi« ...»1 Atch sen 4s ....100% Mo Paclflc 4* V. *. . . : 83 Do S \> l«t 4*. »3Vr N B of Mcx 4«4«. 93 Do or 4« ......111% X YC pen 3%«.. 93VJ Do ct Ss ......114 ] Do deb 4s ....»5% Atlan C L Ist 4s. 08 INY City 4Vjß.new.lll% Ij»lt A- Ohio 4f..l<V)*;;.\Y,.Ml & H cvGs.ISS D« 3%R 94 |Xor A W Ist con4s »9 Do S W. 3%t.. »1 } I>o ct:4« .:...., ©8% Brooklyn RT. «* 4s S3 t Nor Parlftc '45. .. .102« i r"*n So Ut «5...10U"4t Do 3a ........ 74% Central nf G* 5*.11G 40.S Line rfdß.4s. fls r«»nt Leather ss;. OSVi'Pa cr 3Hb, 1915. 9TU CRllof NJ go 5«.127\i Pa coo 4s ...... :104% Cb»s 4 Ohid 4%5.104%] Reading Ren 4e...'n9T4 Do ref 5s rtfa.lOlHJSt L, & 8 F fg 4*.'87 Cbi £1 Alton 3"4« 7C^ij- Do yen 55... .: 90*1 C. B tc Q Joint 4s ST^Si I, S W.wm 4s.'So% Do pen 4h ......lOOVtI -Do s Ist • jrold 4«.. 94 CM& StP gn 3%« 91 (Seaboard A,L 4«.-;;83"% C.RIt Pac col 4s 80% {So Pacific col 45.. 92% Do col 5s 9SHI Do , Ist ref ' 45. . »5H Dorefdg 45...". 92 | • Do' cv 4« rtfsr,lOO«(| C.C.C & KLr gn 4s 97 Hi So Railway 55;. ..112% SHARP BREAK AT THECUOSE NEW YORK, June 7.— The speculative appetite for stocks iiad lost some of its zest today, to judge by the irregular and un certain movement of prices and a sharp break at the close. There were animated excursions of new 'orders 'to' buy from the outside, such as are lpoked for especially on Monday morning during the progress of a speculative cam paign, and prices as usual were opened as high as possible, with benevolent intent toward those having stocks to sell rather than toward the early 'buyers. Read ing was selected as the principal medium for the supporting op erations 'of the bull party. The manner £Vi which the blocks of thousands of shares of that stock were thrtnvn about . from one hand to another gave an artificial appearance to the dealings which suggested suspicions of \u25a0 the mo tive for this movement. The movement was accompanied by unverified rumors of an intended increase in the dividend on the stock. Rumors of coming dividend increases played a prominent part in the show of strength of spe cial stocks. This was in marked contrast with the severe reaction in the price of St. Louis South western preferred, which got its dividend increase last week, leav ing nothing more to be looked for as material for speculative excitement. Another group 'of stocks moved in response to intimations that plans were ripening for reorgani zation of company finances, this rumor serving Wabash welL The strong stocks were less influen-. tial in holding the rest of the market than . on last Friday and Saturday. This was partly due to the fact that the process of realizing has , shifted to stocks that are of greater influence on speculative sentiment. United States Steel and Union Pacific were both under pressure of this kind and the effect of this on the general speculative tone was rather formidable. From the southwest came re ports that demand for currency was beginning to* stir in prepara tion for moving the coming crops. The hardening of discount rates abroad is beginning to prove a perceptible drag on speculative movements there. An advance in the price of cop per metal failed to benefit the copper industrials. The bears op erated timidly in fear of the demonstrated power of the bull leadership, .and it was not until the end of the day that they at tacked the market with boldness. Prices gave way all round in the last half hour. Bonds were irregular. Total sales (par s value). $7,736,000. United States bonds were un changed on call. Colo Indus 55.... 79 j Do gen 4s 83Vi Colo Midland 45.. S3 i Knion Pacific 4s. .103 Col So r&ext 4V4s 9-JHj Do cv 4s .. 10a Del & Hud cv 4g.Ui3 • t Do lgt & rcf 4s. 90% Do Ist ref 4s. .XO2VS I I* S Unbber e5...104>,y Den & Rio G 4s. 97%| V S Stwl 2d R«..ia>% Do ref 3r .-...101V4 Va Car Chem 55.. 94% DisUllerg 5h . 77Vii Wabash Ist 5a.... 112^4 Erie prior lien 4s. 00 \ Do Ist & ext 4?. 77^ Do gen 4s .... »K%l Western Md 4a... STi Do cv 4s, ser A 87 j Westing El cv ss. 94 "Ji Do cv 4s. ser B 70 | Wis Ontral 45... 95^4 Gen Elect ct 5«..14G>4i Xew Vert Mining Stocks) Alice '"2.00 Little Chief ..... OS Brunswick Con . . «C Mexican 73 Com Tun Stock.. 2S Ontario .....':. 3.00 Com Tun Bonds.'. IS Ophir .'. 1.13 Con .Va MIn.C«.. W Standard ......... 1.75 Horn Silver...... C 5 Yellow Jacket ... .38 Leadvllle Con ... 04% Do»ton Stockn -and Bonds Money — \u25a0 I Mlscellaneons — C*ll loans 2',4©3Vi Amer Arge Cbem. 43'J Time loans ...3 ©5 Amer Sugar 1«-V; Bond's— Do pfd 12CVi Atchlson 4s lOO'-i Amer Tel & Tel..l4oii Do adj 4s .... 'J"j Amer Woolen . 30^. Railroads — Do pfd 10rt»£ , Atehisou 114 . Dom Iron & Steel. 40' Do pfd i ....105% Ed Electric 111um.247 1a Boston & A1bmy.231%1 Gen Electric ....100 Boston & Maine. 146% Mass Electric 12 Boston Kiev 120**! Do pfd ........ 67 Fitchbnrjr pfd ...130V.rU S 5tee1........ 67 S Y. S H & H..172 ! Do pfd ....... .124% Union Pacific '...184% 1 THE COPPER STOCKS BOSTpN, June 7. — Shortly after the opening the whole list became dull, with a slight ten dency to sag.". Shannon was • a specialty . which showed pood strength all day. Profit taking was in evidence .. all through \u25a0 the list. v. \u0084; Copper metal wm %c higher on bids; The report of the Amalgamated copper com pany for the fiscal year ending April 30 ftjdi-" catod earnings nearly 45 per cent less thaa ' last year and a surplus \u25a0 of about $586.000* after ' dividend payments for the year, leaving h total surplus of about $12,600,000. Production of i metal for the calendar year was about',ooo' pounds greater than In 1907. but Secretary A. H. , Melin in bis report states that considerable progress Is being made in the - matter vof re ducing the cost of production for the raw material and -that the company's property h^s shown considerable, betterment. J.~ Horace Harding and General ; James , Jourdan were elected directors of the company at the^annual meeting today. Thes^ two men -take the places formerly held \u25a0by H. H,. Rogers " and Mansonß. ' Plower. deceased. The other remaining direct ors were re-elected. Thfire were 975,903 shares •f stock represented at the; meeting. v ," . . - One . of the largest producers of lake copper is all sold out for July; delivery.: and is out of the market. All (local: companies refuse' t» : sell lake for August-September, under.' 14c,' though, -jo sales at this -price have yest been made.". About all of the mines are cleaned , op for "July de livery. '-; \u25a0• .\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 -.'-. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 : ' - " : \u25a0 . «•\u25a0 . COPPKR CLOSK Tbe, following list is furnished by E.'.F. Hut ton & Co., 490 California street, San Fran cisco, C»l.: - Bld.;Ask. . .' -Bid. A»k. Adventure .U 8% 89i La Salle : . .. • 13% 14»1 Ahmeek ....163* 170 Majestic 1 ... ..93c O.v'V Allouez : .'. . :~ 40 ', 41 Mass , Gau \u25a0 ..". 04»4 64%' Amal ' Cop ,:.- 86% 86% Mayflowirr ... 50c 60c Am - Pnenmat B>,i : 6% Mexicu Cons.- 4V, 5. - -Do pfd ... 18V4 19 Miami ...... 15 1514 Arcadian ... 4^ 5 Michigan ....",10 10V. Ariz C0m1... 42V4 42V 3 Mdnawk 68 Atlantic .... 9 9*4 NevCons ~.:: 22U 22'-V Balaklala :..231%233 Nipissing „.. 10% m Begole ...:. 14 13Vi North Butte.. 56% Tfir.' Black Mt.:. 146^ — :, Old Colony r.. 60c ~ Boston Cocs." 15%16 Old Domlnion'. r )3«i!55>4 Bte Coalition 26% 20% Osceola •;*•;; .136!137. Btatte &, Lon 35c ; — \u25a0 , Parrott ..;.\u25a0.• 35 ; . ;uj • Cal & Ariz. 105 - 106 Quincy ...... .01 03 Centennial :. 33% 34.' Raven v . ...... 42c 44p Con Mercury. — 20c Hay ; Cent. \u00843 3-16 3 .Via Coppr* Range 81% 82 .Santa ; Fe- =\u25a0... .2«4- 2N.' Com Ely. 9 1-16 9 11-1G Shannon V.: ..: 16V. 'lfi-% Daly,-- West:.' 7% 8 Super * Pitts 13%?14«2 Davis. Daly". —.5 1-10 Tamarack. :. 72% 73 ' Dom Copper, tfc - 10c J Trinity .;.;,. la • lj- TlfeSi\K Local Stocks and Abt>iye | Mining Stocfcs^^ttipiit F East Butte.. I.".";, 1 m; United \ Coppr^. 11 .11*6 Elm River... 1%- 2\k Uuited. Fruit. lß9^l4o » First, Natnl.. 74 8 • Un Shoe : Mch 60% 60% Franklin .... ir.l4 .i«y. >. ;Do: pfd -.'.: 30 . • 30H Glronx ..... 7'-i 7*4 U- 8. Smelters CO --.SOVi , Gld Con -...': 7% : '7U[ . Do pfd .."..' 49V4 49»i' Greene Can.. .lw% ll' Utah' Cons .. 43Vi -4314- Globe... 4ii 5 Victoria ..... 5 5^ Granby . . . . . U>s 107 . Winona ...:. 6 6«i Helvetia 5% 5% Wolverine . ..148 150 Inspiration ; . ' (-,\u25a0.. !7% Yukon ...... : 4^ g . 5 Isle Royale.'." 27%: 28?, |, London Cloning; Stocks Cons for. money.' .. 84%] Louisv & Nash. .. .143% Do for acct.... K4Va!M, X & Texas. ... 44% Amal Copper . . . ; 90 JN V Central. 130? i Anaconda ........ 10»'.| Norfolk & West. ..08 Atchison .117%| -Do pfd .'.'." '. 00Vi Do pfd . .-.' .'.IOS jOnt '& "Western.. .".SSii Bait & 0U10r..; ..121 %\\ Pennsylvania ...... 70% Can . Pacific ... ..18S% Band Mines ...... 10?*, Ches& 0hi0.....; SOU Reading .... ; . BOV2 Chi Great West. . 5 So Railway ...... 33% Chi. Mil,& St P.lCOi; Dopfd 72% De Beers . .:. 15>£ So Pacific 134Vt Den &. Hlo 0.:..T>2% Union Pacific .... .10S^ Do pfd ........ 81% Do pfd ....... .lOOV-j Erie ............. Z9% IJ S 5tee1....... V 61)% Do Ist pfd. . ... s<3'i :Do pfd . .". .'. . . .120 Do 2d pfd...... 40 AVabash .......... 22 _ Grand Trnuk .... 23% Do pfd ........ S3 111 Central ..153 Spanish 4s .. .OS Bar silver— yuiet; 24%d-per ounce. Money — 1H&1% P«T cent. . The 1 rate, of discount in "the open market for short bills is l?4@lTi per cent " and for three months' bills l?i@l%.per cent." Condition' of the Treaxury . , WASHINGTON, June 7.— Today's statement of the- treasury balance In - the general fyad shows: Gold coin and bullion, $49,116,318; gold certificates, $28,001,780; available cash balance, $121,210,497. - : Sew York Money Market NEW YORK,' June 7. — Money on call easy jat 1%@2 per cent; ruling rate. 1% per cent;"cloß-i lag Wd and offered at 1% per cent. Time, loans very firm and ' inactive; 60 days, 2@2V4 per cent; 80 days, .2% per cent; six months, 3H<B3& percent. . Prime mercantile paper, 3 1 ,6@4. per cent. • Sterling exchange easy, with actual biißlness In bankers' bills at $4.859604.8605 for 60 day bills and at $4.8770 for demand. Commercial bills, $4.87%®4.87%. Bar silver, 53e. \u25a0 Mexican dollars. 44c. .. Government . bonds steady; railroad bonds ir regular. JVort hern Bualnens TACOiiA. June 7. — Clearings, $1,105,350; bal ances. $85.275. ; SPOKANE. June 7.— Clearing*. $1,414,377; bal ances. $54,190. PORTLAND. Jime 7.— Clearing, $1.4!t8.665; balances, $105,341. SEATTI.i:. Jnue 7. — Clearings, $1,937,"5f»; bal ances, $191,387. . Lon us. Exchange and Silver Local exchange rateE remained as before. Sil ver was %c lower. . v Prime mercantile paper. 1 ........ s(gO per cent Loans on real estate... G«iß per cent Sterling exchange, 60 dayß — {£4.B<S>4 Sterling exchange, sight —^4.SBXi Sterling exchange, cables... — (fi4.BS% New York exchange, 5ight....... — fjj) 1 New York exchange, telegraphic. — ® 3 Hongkong exchange, sight....:.. — fa: 43% Hongkong exchange, telegraphic. —<$ 43% Sliver, per ounce '..... — @ 53 Mexican dollars, \u25a0 nominal — @ 50 CONTINENTAL New York on Paris. 510 y t New York on Mexico; 201 »i Paris on London "..". ..\; ..25.20 Berlin on London .:.20.44^4 STOCK MARKET Yesterday was an active day in stocks and: bonds, with some changes of note. AJaska pack ers was higher at $72.75, AHSoeisted oil higher at 132.75 as a top figure and telephone common slock biglier at $26.02%. Makawell sugar was also stronger at $39, buyer 10. Pacific lighting preferred declined to $09.1 2Ut. Sales of bond* were $43,000. The Comstock . shares were dull and un changed. The southern Nevadas were also quiet except Combination Fraction and Florence, both of. which showed some activity. Fraction closed at Clc, agatpat <>»c on Saturday; Florence nt $3.25, against $3.30, while the "merger" lost 20c' on the day, closing at $7.321&, ' against $7.?2 I .V|. Ilouml Mountain declared a dividend of 4 cent?, payable Jnne 18. \u25a0 ' . The Dragon and : Phoenix theater company, a San Francisco corporation, has levied an assess ment of $30 per share, Uelinquent July 10. There are hints that Florence may soon de clare a dividend. The Palmer oil company has Just declan-d four monthly dividends of 2 cents per. share each. payable on Jnne 15, July 13. August 13 Hnd Sep tember 15. to stock holders of record on the Ist of each of said months. This company controls 880 acres of oil land hi the Santa Maria field, also the "Palmer gusher," which hns run an high as 8.000 barrels a day. : The second well is about completed " and the - third well \u25a0 qbont I half drilled. Two pipe linen' from 'the Palmer well t^» tidewater are vow in operation, one by the As sociated oil company, the. other by the! I'nioit oil company, both of which have contracts with 'the Palmer oil company for large : amount* of oil. Regular dividends are expected for many months to come. AfiKCKainent Directory. .Comtttocic MineM . Company — .No. Del. Board. Snleila.v Anit. Confidence ;".... S3 , May 14 June S .20 Julia ....12 May. 10 . June 17 .0.1 Con. Imperial... <>« May 23 June 17 .01 Caledonia 7S ' May 23 June Hi .05, Bullion ........14 June 3 July 13 .05 Gould &Curry.:l4 June .4 June 2<S.. .10 Cbollar 1 10 - June 3 June 30 .10 ; Scorpion ....";. .17 .- June 11' \u25a0 July <> \u25a0 .02! Challenge ...V v ?>r June 1!> July 13 ; ; .03 j Mexican 9«; June 1!> ' July 14 - .10 Union ....... .M« . June 24 July ]!\u2666 .)0 Potosi ..11 July 2 Aug. 2 .10 S'g. 8e1cher.... 45 July 3 July 2'.t .«•:: Yellow Jacket. .— — July 5 .25 STOCK AMI BOXD tfXCIIAXGE MONDAY, June 7— 10:30 a. m. L'NITED STATES BONDS r • t'<r? ; Bid. Ask.] : j \u25a0 ; Bid. Ask. 4s qr cp new — f — |3» qr cpup..^ — MISCELL.ANKOITS BONDS Ala A W> 7t*>.~— " 100 ; J Oak - Tran 5s.lO5«~ilOG r ;i Ai«so OU ss. — '•\u25a0' 1)5 . jO'i'ran Cn35.103% — Bay CPC ss. 101% 102 '^ O Trac Cn.os !)8 -».O CalC G ss. 104 — O - Trac iCoPs »1 $)3 Cal O & Eg" O.WgtdjSs. — 100 m & ct 5s OBV4 95% Om Cable Cs.llo — Cal st <3 55.103 — -. Pac Glm 4s. 8S Cal Wine 55. . 84 % : 88 ,P E Ity C 5..107 — ; City El 55.. 82% 85 Pac L&P ss. 97 — O C Wat, ss. 102%— '" Do gtd ss. .101% Do g mgss 03 05 Pac T&T ss. ft»Ts — Ed El LA 55.101 — P \u25a0&.\u25a0\u25a0 CII 68.100 \u25a0 10.T Ed L&P 68.107 — P.& O BMi 8.103 -107 Flrst F Trss — - 1 - Powell st 65.;102>i — F& C H f1n.102 — Sac EG&RSs.IOO% — , HO & S ss.Jo<> — SF.& 5.TV.'55.114%113Vi Hon R'T 65.105 Vi — SF.O, & SJSs.IOT,J.i _ h Tahoe Rss 07 '— - - Do 2d mgss 92 . — L A. Elec 5«. 100\4 — Do Con as . — • , f M ., LAG & Elss.loiy* — •\u25a0: SJ& SCR 4&s — •— V L Ally 55.. — :\u25a0\u25a0 —\u25a0' Sierra' U Cs.. 100 — LAI/- gtd ss. 100V4 "— « Pof A Cs . CAP lem 58.105 Vi — :(l»10) . . . '.103«4 — LAP Cal ss. — 103% S P~of C 6s Marln W- 58.100-. 102 (1912) ... .10514 100.-i Mkt at C Cs. — — •' SPC 1c g 55.114 — r. -Do lcmr,s.lO2i4lO3Si S P B-R :Ce.12»?i133 ' 1IV& MtTSB.IOO ••— j- SPRU Ist r4s »U!i97W N nof C ss:— 115>i Stkn G&E:tS«.IO4M! • ; - NPO R 85.102% — SV-Wg mg4H— 88^, NC By 58..103. \u25a0 ;.— . UG.& F. s*. On'i — NOP:CkH.I - I'R of SK 4s. 7«U'7CVa N El Co'ss.'^ 05 Vallejo.Ben & \ I '\u25a0 O-GL&H,sn.lo3Viloo% .Napu . . RR3« — — Oak, Tran 68.113 -r— ,- Val -Co P ,ss. 09"/, — .'.;•• -WATER STOCKS . Marln Co' .. 00 -\u25a0' 05 |S.V Wat Co. — — GAS^AND' ELECTRIC City 'El Co..- 2814 ISO, I Pac L pfd. . .68^ fK)^ N Cal. Power 31 V4 3.T-',i,'Do com ... 45% — INSURANCE- . • Cal Ins Co.. l» \u25a0 :x 75 <t\ Fireman's ; Fd. 165; 170 BANK STOCKS ? . Am Ntl Bk.— 131 ,}Mer Trust ..220 — Bank of C3al.3G2Ms— \u25a0 S'F- National. — ,135;: t'lrst "Natnl..26»v2fiS : r. Union TCo — SAVINGS BANKS • Ger S & L.2K00 2900. fS F Say U.\s2of 5.10 j Hum Say Bk : — ' — -' Snv|&L So.. — 12.": Mut Say Bk 70 — | Sec .<av Bk.. — 350 - . .' \u25a0 STREET: RAILROADS Cnlifornla ...130 140 |Pre*ldlo ":;..•. 20 — • ...-.' POWDER Giant' •Coinolldated;<"o; :....... -74Vi 73 \u25a0 sugar.;:. Hawaiian C. S" SOVil-MakawelPS C 3S*,;-;b) . Hnnokan B ' C 17 \i \u25a0 i"Y, j Onomea . SC. 42>,£ 41 Hutch:S'-P.C'lß%'lo!i|Paauhan*B'C.-24'..- — KUanea S C. '".«%.-— : j Cnlon \u25a0, S .Co. . 34 — ... \u25a0\u25a0;.-"-'\u25a0 OIL-. STOCKS . r AmalOll.Co.'— •• SO; 1 Sterling -Oil. . — 4'[ Asso Oili Co.i32V4'-— "' ]"\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0*\u25a0"'.'> . . : :<,MISCi:LLANEOirB; Alaska PA. f 72»iT73.1 Pac' Auk tF A Z\\ — . Cal F C A. «BVj until Pac, Cißorax.l3l - — . Cal-^VIneVA. SSVi'-^ Pae,T&T pfd 84ti 94% MV& -MtTm". — 113 I , Do com .'.. 20% 27.' • ".> ' \u25a0 -vv;. SALES .':'." \u25a0-\u25a0 \u25a0" Morning: Scsxloa;.' ... ; rßfwrd— "i: :•.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'"..";*:', ; •;-. '• :!•" Alaska' Packers', i-'Assn '.;.... "1.72. 50 " 75- Asxociatcd * Oil . Co.-; .*. .'. . *. .'. . .'."',, .'12.75 . • 20 Makawell Sugar • Co. \u25a0b j 10. . :. . . : 3i».00 10<l Pacific,; Lighting,* (common C..... \4ii.r.i). ' 50 Pacific I Jghtlne- (common >:.*... 45.50 100 PaciflciTel'&;TPl^(coinmoji).'. ;.' 2<!,25 $1,000 ; Bay % Counties*. Power 5s •- . : ,\ .". 101 : 75 ' '$1,000 United' Rtß- of! S F 45. ...'... .~ 7«. 30 ; $13,(K)O i;nited i It ; R of j S F 4* .... 7G.37>4 '". " 7 - -'Street—':. ..\u25a0•,-•\u25a0 ;\u25a0..... . \u0084'.-.". >2S Pacific Tel *&" ; Tel (common ) . ; . . 2t> . 23 1 50 Paclfie'Tel.&tTel.'lcommon):.*.. 2f!.00 \u25a0'\u25a0 • 'Afternoon .Session \u25a0 : ; - -• ;-. v Board-^-' ."..\u25a0%",,:.:\u25a0;. - ; r • 23 Alaska; I'-ackersV-Afsn i ....... 72,75. : -. 35 Associated ,'OU C0. V..:. .';..". '\u25a0'- •• \u25a0 32.62% . 75 AssocintedtOH'Co.:.'."......."--- 32 -'» " ; 25 Associated? Oil C0. i. "...;.."•..'.. 3 **2 o , 20 Giant-, Powder t ?r.. ;....i;r74 .50. ' . SO Pacific: Lighting <(pfd) -.;.....'• • es^aclflc, Tel &. Tel (pfd).. '...-- W-3.W '120 Paclflc.Tel & Tbl (common).... 26.50 50 Paolflc Tel & Tel (00mm0n)....:26.62% 10. BprV'.'Valley Water C 0........ 33.62% ; 200 Spring -Valley Water C 0.' ...... . :33.50 -$1,000 UnttedißiK of iS F 45.'...-....76.60 13,000 / Unite- R.-R of SF 4s. ......,• 76. 37tf $10,000 Pacific ' Tel &- Tel 55. .........100.00 \u25a0 $14,000 "#, P ., R\u25a0: R Ist' refdg 45. . . . . ... , 07. 00. '•K» .Street— : \u25a0- :\u25a0"-/ \u25a0• ; - •-. -v- \u25a0•- -' . 10 Associated Oil! Co. . .• 32.75 Cal ifornin Stock and Oil Exchange \u25a0w; Bld.Ask. ? Bid.Ask. Apollo ...... U 01* .—. — Peerless . . — 0.00 Asso Oil tc.32.25 32. C0 Piedmont ..... 2S Brookshire ...1.50 1.75 Record ...;.. .8. 00 — Caribou ..... — 15. 00! Rico .... .....2.40 ,— Clareraonf .. . — 2.50JS F & McK.19.00 — Dabney ......— : 1 5J Saner Dough . . —2. UO Esperunza ...-— I.7oi Section 25 ..— "23.00 Four .........— 30 Shawimit ..... — «J Gypsy . ... 23 30 Sovereign .... '20V — Home ... — ftOSVW.&B 45 — Junction ..... — 70 State ........ 1 .00 .'.'-- Kern ........ 50* CO Sterling ....:. 3.40 3.50 MeKlttriek ... . 18 — Sunset Mon .. ".0* — Monte '0r15t0.2.75: '— Turner .......... 95 — Nev County.. 30 .— Wabash ...... 00 1.10 Occidental... 20 — Wolverine. .... 25 — Palmer ......1.50 1.70 W- X Oil Co. .2. 50 3.00 SALES 11:30 a. m.— 700 Monte Cristo ...t. .....' .•. • 2.70 | .' 2 p. m;— . - . •\u25a0\u25a0••.-\u25a0• \u25a0.:\u25a0'\u25a0 \u25a0 :\u25a0;:\u25a0\u25a0;\u25a0)\u25a0 ; • 500 W X Oil C 0 .................... 2.95 T' C\ Mining' Stock* SAN- FRANCISCO STOCK. EXCHANGE Following were the sales on the San Francisco stock: and exchange board yesterday: " . '.; , COMSTOCKS: • ;\u25a0. Regular Morning Session • 300 Best &' Belch. 40 ; 50 Mexican. 8 5. . 70 1000 Bullion ........ '15 200 Ophlr ..:... 1.22% 500 Con Va.XI Co.- 03 700 Overman. ...... 17 1500 Gould & Cur.: If. 300 Potoai ........ 20 100 Hale & Norc. 21 200 Union ........ 30 600 Mexican .78 . Afternoo i Session 1500 Andes ....... ,13 ISOO Gould & Cur. 16 100 Best & Belch. 40 300 Kentuck 04 , 2tio BulUon " \u25a015 SOU Mexican 78 8300 Caledonia .... 15 300 N Gould & C. ' 13 400 Chollar . ....;' IS 2900 Overman ..... 17 1000 Con Imperial. 01 1700 Savage ....... 20 200. C0n Va M Co. (V.i -600 Union ."... 30 100 Con Va M Co. <;4 Informal Session v 2OO.Beleber \u25a0 .. ... . . 44| \u25a0 500 Overman . .'. . . 19 200 Caledonia .... 17 2UO Potosi ........ 21 700 Con-Va.M Co. (M 500 Savage ....... 21. 400 Ophlr ...... ..1.23 CLOSING QUOTATIONS Bid.Ask. > Bid.Ask. Alpha 03 05J Kentuck . 03 .05 Alta: ........ — . i>3 Lady Wash .. — 03 Ande5..!..... 12 13 .Mexican :. SO S2 Belcher ...... 43 15 New York Con 02 — Best & Belch. 3!l 40| N Gould & C. 12 — Bullion . 15 ' HI Occidental .... 15 — Caledonia 17 IS Ophlr ..... ...1.25 1.27 Challenge Con 14 15 Overman ..... 18 20 Cbollar :. 17 19| Potosi ........ 20 22 Confidence ... 72 KOjSavuge 20 21 Con I imperial.. 01 03 Scorpion ..... 04 Ofl Con Va M Co. 03- \u25a0' tVS Seg Belcher .. 01 (« Crown Point.: .41 50 Sierra Nev ... 2S .".0 Exchequer ... 23 .25 Silver Hill ... 07 US- Gould & Cur. -J«v 17 St Louis ..... — OS Hale-& Norc. 23 2.".i Union ........ 30 31 Julia .......;. — OSlUtah 03 04 Justice ...... — r021r 021 Yellow Jacket. 40 45 TONOPAH AND. GOLDKI ELD STOCKS Regular Session— 9:3o to 12:80 2(X)0 Daisy ........ 33 1 SOO Jim Butler . It 100 Florence ...3.32^| 4<m> Mayflower Con 12 500 Do. s -5. .3.32% 100 Midway ...... 23 100 Do, s 5....3.:>'5 150 Midway .. 25 400 Florence .....3.35 WO Montana ..... 75 500 Florence Ex.. 03 2000 Pine Nut ...'. 01 Informal Session 500 Blue Bull r ~. . . o!>| 500 Gia Kewanas.. 13 4700 Com Fraction. <!4 1 5000 Lone Star .... 04 (J4OO Com Fraction.- ' mi. TOO Montana ..... 70 1000 Daisy ........ ' .'« WX» Raw Coalition. 2S 4<W> Daley ...'.....' 32 500 «<>d Hills .... 00 800 Florence . .'. ..3.35 2<K)O Silver' Pick .~. - 13 ;:00 Florence ...3.: :i7Utls(i<i West Kn<l . . 24 KKiO Florence 3.iv! 200 Wtst Kml 25 1(K) Flonm-o . ..3.32V. 1000 Yellow Tiser.. <>j 100 Floreme ... ..3.:t0 I Afternoon Session 2500 Atlanta ...:.. 151.100 Old- Con M.7.::7'~V -.100 Com Fraction. «2| 200 Oldl Cou M 1..7.?,.%. .7.?,.% 2COO Com Fractlgo, C.l 300 Do. s Sti.r. .7.T. 21 M) Daisy :!2j 1 500 Great Bend t. 07 100 Florehoe ...3.32%tK | 0O Yellow Tijrer.'. (/0 3<pO Florence .....3.2.-,; ' CLOSING QUOTATIjONS Touopnb District Bid. Ask. Biil.Ask. Beltuont ..... 82 85 Mizpah Ex .. — (.'5 Isost"n Ton .. — 05 Montana \u25a0...'.. 75 77 t^allfornia ... — oli.Mont -Mid Ex. — <'.V Cash 80y...— olj.Mon PHU Ex. — . 01 MJ Mt,.... ~ OIJ North Star :.. 03 (U Great. Westrn. — 01 i Ohio v Ton .... — '01 Home .. ." — til Paymaster: ... — *tl Ind'Ton \u0084:.. 01 Rescue Con-.. .' 02 v 03 Jim Butler .. 13 :14 Ton Exten ... 4ft 49 MacNamara.. 23 -- 25 Ton', of <.-Nev. 1 .7.C0 -. Midway ..... 22 23 West End ... 23 24 Midway Ex .. — tA . GoldfleU District - Adams .. 01 (G Girl Portland. . 02 03 Atlanta ...... 15 10 Gld KewanaH.. 12 13 Black Ants . ..— 01 Gld Merger M. — 07 Blk B Bonan. 01 . (12 Grandma . 02 (.'.'» Blk Butte Ex — 01 Great Bend ... 07 ,»s Black Kock .. — 01 Grt Bend Aax 01 03 Blue Bell ... OS 04 Grt Bend Ex. 01 ifj Blue Bull ... OS 0!) Hthernla .... . . 01 03 Btte Goldfield — i) 2 Jumbo Ex . . 11 — . Booth ....... 13 :1« Kendall ...... — Ofl CO D 20 — Kendall Ex .. ,'U Columbia — 03 Lone Star .... O4 \u25a0 (15 Columbia. Sit. 10 — Lou Dillon ... 02' 0:) Com Fraction. HI . 02 Mid Pawnee. .. i>" Comng Nation — 01 Milltown Frae. -• i»2 Conqueror .:.. 04 <>5 Mohwk C Leas !,—*.." O5: Ci-at-ker Jack. 02 ''4 Mohawk Ex . — 02 Daisy ........ 32; :a Mohawk Junior ' — 04 Desert Chief. . — i.M Nev Boy .....— t>2 Dm B Bite C": 04 '(s) Nev ' Goldfleld.. 02 U", Dmdfld Trnel. 01 id liro 07 ml Dixie ........ — ll RedHlHs .... ; 08 09 Empire . . : — 02 Ked Top Ex . . . • (K{ - J)l Florence .....3.25 3.27 Itubr Gold-M. 02 03 Florence Ex. . 02 . 03 Sandstorm' Ex. : ' 01 Frances Mhk.. 05 t>7 Silver Pick .... 13 14 Gen Wash •.. — <H Wonuer ...?.. ir> Gold Bnr' Gld 10 20\ Yellow Rose... — 04 Gld Con M... 7. 32 7. S"j Yellow Tiger.. 0« cs • Bullfrog District • Amargosa G.. . — 'H I Mont Bullfrog..— . 01 Bonnie Clare. 03 04 Montjromy - Mt., 03 «» Bullfrog Mln.— 02 Mtg Shos Ex. — ov BJfrg Nat Bk 02 Ol| Nugget ......:— (>i G4ld Bar .... — , (illOrig Bullfrog. '.'—'.'- 02 Gold Sceptre. — '. >n Tramp :Con .••.'* 04:- Co Homestake* X: — 02 Valley View.: 05 -- Lige Harris.. .- —'. 01 Yankee Girl.. —^02 Mayflower, Con Oa 10 * \u25a0. -\u0084 ',' \u25a0\u25a0'•\u25a0-: : ' -Vanhattan District 1 •". ', i Apr , Fool "\u25a0 Ex . : — , 01 1 Man ; Cowboy . . - 1 — 02 i Atlan &:\u25a0. Pac. — OlJMan Dexter .. 04 on Comet ....... — 01 ; Man Little Joe . — 01 1 (Jbld Wedge.. — i)l|Mau AHn Nev. '— - ' f:i : Jumping ' Jack — on. Mineral Hill.. .-.:—/• ''t»4. Little Grey... — <«|Mnßtang- Man.. 02 — .Man Broncho. . i-l|Orig Man .... 01 -- Mnn: Buffalo.. — ol|rinc Nut.... — 01 Mau Con .... 04 05 Whale .......— 01 Man Crescent. .-, '— .•' 01 1 : Other Districts : Eagle's Nest.. 05p — ! Raw Coalition. \u25a0'• 28 1' Falrvw Eagle. — „ _>o| Kaw Mohawk. — 01 Nev'Hills : .•. . V-|Hnw ; gueen . . SO .' — Pitts S Peak. 4rt. ' : f.Ol Round Mt ...—'. 80 Ramsey ..... — . 03| . , . GRAIN MARKET . Wheat ' nod ; Other Grains ; . s / Wheat— The wdrld'n . shipments ' for . the : week were as follows.". In quarters: ': Russian,: 370, 000;- Dnmiblan,' 4n.(H)O; Argentine. >': 210,000; Indian, 201.0(JO; 'AustrHllan, 10,0<iO. . ; <" f Liverpool^ futures were "hißherfV but .^ Paris futures, were weak. It-, was election day. and a holiday at. Chicajco. The San Franctfico market whs ilull and fpiiturcless. '\u25a0'-. ' »" -. ' \u25a0 v ' A 'broker's wire from : Chicago said:' • , "The;'cloHitiK r of • all <mtsld»'. markets was re markably^, strong.-v.' Prices rat .'Kansasr Clty.-and St.'.lxiuln were up' %c< to 1 centraiKl'Mlnneapolls and Dnlutlr closed ;,«t t top ,'\u25a0 tißiirev- nt pains '•; of ,14A'&''1%**. .The' Ciinadian - visible- decreased l:l"7.0lM» bushels.*; ,The v " continuation of '.the drouth' ln . Argentliin; th?: Kcnrc - over ; the Hun-, Rarian<crop. which (rave a^; sharp advance: to the ' IJudapest ; price." \u25a0 and <\u25a0\u25a0 reports ' af i extrenje « hea t and hlfih : winds over ". Sundny,: In : the- Houtbweit," all helped, to add forces to the buying' at all out side -\u25a0 markets -for the! day."-- • -' »N . • - ; CASH WHKAT ' \u25a0 : , & California :club,'s2.lo&; do milling.- $2.20; California I . white; Austratlan.' nominal at $2.20(i« 2.30; off* prades of . California : wheat,-.: 52@2.10; northern ', club,' $2.10^2.15; \u25a0\u25a0-. northern, blues tern," $2.27Vu('(2.32Vy; \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0': Unssian : ; red, - ?2.10@2.15; turkey red,; ?-Mo(g2.2o;per;ctl. r.'- 'M* -' <•\u25ba "\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0 ; ,\u25a0\u25a0'- ki;ti;kes\ v . 10:">0h.- 111. '.•Session > • - Ni> nuotatiuns.'.' ; , , . \u0084 . - \u25a0 ' -' p. m. Session. \u25a0# t - : : narley-f-The \u25a0 cash grain-was ; lower again ; yes tenlay,'- with 5 lnrße. receipts of,-ll,303"ctl». jFu-^ tures wen?: firm ... \u25a0 • \u25a0"\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0; . -. :. \u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 , "> • CASH BARLKV 'C^^H , Cood *,tf> choice ; feed.) Kpot. ; $1.47',4@1.50; •. com mini to r fair, i J1.45 jn>r ctl:*i brewing :and ship pinp,- nomliml; i-hevnller.'isl.7of& i 1.72V3. ' \u25a0 nrnmns - :.:;.-.'.-i.;;: loioO a. m.' ScsKion ':' December— f 1.37%: -^ .• : \u25a0\u25a0'-\u25a0\u25a0';. W&!B&BftSSßi&ii2t p. * m.-: SrsslonHH DcTPinbcr— sl.37^3 "bid; $1.35-' asked. '•• . „ \u25a0'\u25a0 ' On tn— Previous '\u25a0 prices "• rule, \u25a0 with \u25a0 a.a '. quiet | ana featureleKs'mnrket. •\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0:' T; \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0"*' -•*-\u25a0';-' ~ \u25ba« White. $2.15«2.20; . • crny: ! $2.10(32.15; red, $2.10<ii2.20 j for choice "i $2.0." \u25a0 for Rood \u25a0 and $2 for luferlor,'- per, ctlrvblßc'k. A 'iif>mlnal.- ,•.;.-'. '^CoriK^Call fornla '•? Minall 'P- round i* yellow, X $1 .85 ; larj,"'- •;. yellow,*'' $l.S"li;r wastera : states ; yellow," \SLJjyiiVI AR Y OP THEMARKETS Wall, street stocks lower on the day. . .'. Copper stocks . weak. Copper metal : higher. Not much* change* in '. the' cotton ' market.' Chicago /board 'of trade not in'ses»ion.' _.'"'/ : . Acti7e trading in' local stocks and bonds. Silver Vi'c lower. . Exchange unchanged. \u0084Wheatda ll..; Barley; stUl declining. Oats and corn flrin but dull. - \u25a0' i '« Hay; and f eedstuffs v before quoted. ' White' beans cleaning up and firm. Eggs lower. Batter; flrnf. Cheese un- changed. , * ' \u25a0.' V : '\u25a0 ' Potatoes unchanged. Onion* declining. , X ' Late boat* and trains check trade in fruits. A car" of western poultry on the market. • Dried . applies' and apricots firmer. -' sacked,. \u25a0 nominal ; whlte.r nominal; in bulk, San I- ranclsco track,' yellow, $1.80; .white, ?1.82; mixed, $1.78; Egyptian, $1.90 per ctl for white. \u25a0 Kye — Nominal^ none offering. \u25a0 Foreign ' Futures . "LIVERPOOL Wheat— . - July. Sept.; Dec. Opening ....;...... s 11 W sUK 8 3'i Closing.. ...-....»•;. 14 s:' 8 4% „, PARISI Wheat— . .*. June. Sept.-Dee. Opening . : .f. f ; 26 45 ': : ' 24 45 Closing \u25a0;.::.'.: ;?..:..;: 26 45. 24 35 . Flonr — . Opening ;..... 33 00 32 15 Closing 33 53 32 05 .-; Visible Grain Supply '•\u25a0 ' NEW YORK, June ,-7.— The produce exchange statement of the visible supply of grain was not issued ; today, . owing to the . holiday In Chicago. _ The risible \u25a0 supply of -, wheat - In Canada last Saturday : was • 3,960,000 bushels a ' decrease of 1.131,000 bushels. . Af w York Grain Market \u25a0 NEW YORK. June 7.— Flour— Receipts. 11,837 barrels; exports, 7.599 barrels. Firm and held higher. > . \u25a0Wheat— Receipts, 46,900 bushels. Spot market •steady; No. 2 red, $1.50, nominal, elevator; No. 2 red,. $1.50, -nominal, f. o: b. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth. $1.38 U. nominal, f. o. b. afloat;. No. 2 hard winter, $i:3SV4, nominal, f. o. b. afloat. Options — There was a strong advance In wheat today, with July -up to a . new high record, due to a bullish cash situation, covering of shorts, strong cables and disturbing crop news from Kansas. Last prices .were l%c net higher. July closed: at $1.27, September at $1.17*1 and December at $1.1594. t : Northern Wheat Market « WASHINGTON " : - '.-r \u25a0'SEATTLE, June 7.-r-No r milling quotations. Export wheat— Uluestem, $1.24; club, $1.14; red, $1.1>9. No receipts, r ' . . \u25a0; TACOMA. June 7.— Wheat— Milling: Blue stem, $1.:U»(51.35; club, $1.14. -Export: 'Blue tftem, $1.24; club, $1.14; red. Sl.O-J. ' OREGON PORTLAND. June 7.— Wheat— Track prices: Club. $l.lKf£i.2O: choice milling bluestem, fl^37Jsei.BO; turkey: red, $1.18; red Russian, $1.15; valley," sl.l7. SlinneapolU , Flax Market \u25a0 ; MINNEAPOLIS^ June 7.— Flax— $1.7784. LOCALMARKETS Receipts o( Produce Juaf 7 Flour.' qr »ks 2.951 Tallow, ctls 560 Barley. • ctls 11,305 Hides, Xo .. . 750 Oats, ctls' ...... KM) I'etts, No ......* 230 Benns, ~ sks - * 205 Lime, bbls .;.... 1.173 torn, ctls ...... CO Sugar, ctls .....2,200 ?.^ n ,;. " ks •;•••• ~° Wine, gals .... . \66,»00 Middlings, • nks ... mi Brandy, gals 100 Potatoes, sks ... S4Of Lumber. M ft 20 , Onions, nks 5501 Paper, bdls 1,910 Hay. tons 947J Quicksilver, flasks 10 Straw, tons .... 10| Apples, bxs 120. Wool, sk's .. 544fLlves;ock, No . 20 Leather, rolls ... 173| • • 'WASHINGTON Flonr. <jr sks. . ..13. 07->|. Shorts, sk* 1 IP Middlings, 5k5..1,200| \u25a0; \u25a0 , , WESTERN STATES i riour. qr?sks ..:....:................... 1,500 I'ro vlilo tin (.'ottolene— One half bbl, 10&ic: 3 half bbla 10>.£.-; 1 tierce, 10% c; 2 tierces, lo^c; 5 tierces,' 10H' I.'1 .' • . ... \u25a0\u25a0.'.\u25a0 Th» Western meat company quotes as follows- Hams. 13iASil7c; plrnlt: hams, lie; bacon. « to 8 ; lbs. lb'/jo: 8 to 10 lbs. 18>ic; 1» to 12 lbs 18V-C ..siigar. cured bacon. !••>; Arrow bacon. -M- to "lO !. lbs. l{cc;,in to 12 lbs, 17% c; light dry salt ! bncon. sto 10 lbs, 17»' s c; 10 to 12 Ibß.-l«c: me .llutn bacon. 14^.'; light medium bacon. 14»«c. Lard—Tier, es. 1.iv,,-; 50s 1.1?4c, • 10s 14V4C. 5s l-t%c,'.;:s: 14y,<r. compound; lard;: tierces 8c . sOs .?*'•* J" s - s >4«?. 3« BT«c. 3s Itc; yellow cooking oil. 53c per gal: white cooklnff oil. 55c per gal; salad oil. 58c per gal. -.> : ' \u25a0 \u25a0 Beef— Local prices are qnoted. Export lots Inspected by the government, are $1 per bbl hJeber Extra family beef. $15 per bbl; family beef. |14...0 ; per bbl; extra; mess beef, $14 per bbl. •\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0" - - \u25a0'-•\u25a0.-\u25a0 N - - \u25a0 . j ' Pork— Kxtra prime,- in barrels, $20.50; clear ! , v m .T.\ *~ : pIR Pork- -528:. pigs', feet. $5 | for half bbls, $2..'W for 23 lbs kegs and SI.3U for I kits; Smoked beef, 2lVj«- I»er In. - i .lleat r Market DRESSED MEATS v .Slaughterers 1 rates to dealers and butchers are as. follows: . . :."\u25a0... \u25a0 . Keef— 7(B.7 He per lb for steers, o<g7c for cows and heifers. • - • Yeal — <!>i«|B'.f.c for large and 8% Q9c for small. • . , -" Mutton— -Wethers, 7ff/Sc; ewes. Cs7c per lb " J.amb— *j(i7.9%c f^ r lb. Dressed Pork (per lb(— llftt:ll%c for light and OVite 10c for; heavy. ' " ' . \u25a0" . LIVESTOCK MAUKET . The- following quotations are for good, sound livestock delivered, iv San Francisco, gross weight: ,: . . . No. 1 fat steers, over StOo'lhs. alive. 4 «ie. un der . 900. lbs 4c: second quality. 3%c; tliin and undesirable steers. :>6i.'' •{,»•.'. -. '•. No. 1 cowh and heifer's". 3*i«u-'«%c: second qual-^ Ity, p -ofij3V4c: common. - thin, undesirable cows, 2ft3e. . Fat' hulls and -stags. 2c: thin bulls. \\k®l%Ci\ '«.'alve«— Light ; weight, lb, 7>c; medium. 4%e;- heavy. 3y..<iri4<-- Sheep (per lb)— WetheiK. No. 1. '4%c; ewes. No.l. 3%(<t4e;-. shocn sheep. «,c less. ; Lambs (per lb)— Yearling iambs. 4'ac; this year's milk lambi*. ."<W5»;r. . ! Hogs (per lb)— Hard 'grain fed." weighing 100 to 140 lbs. 7fft7»' 4 c; 140 to 2.10 lbs, 7»4c: 250 to 330 lbs,' «'Ti((?.7c:.' rough.. heavy hogs. 4t-'.fe3e; cotnmon, undesirable' hog«.:4(ft'4U,c. " Butter. Cheeae and Eggs - Receipts of eggs, were larger than i«i Satur day, by about 300 cases, and with nearly all re ceivers carrying ample, supplies the market de veloped tin casierUoue and' the extra grade was marked down l'-ic to a quotation of 20c a dozen The decline- In extras carried firsts down with It. the' quotation.. for 'the ;\u25a0 latter, being 'lowered 'to' Ilusiness in the street was confined to nar row limits- and the dullness was reflected on the. exchange,. where. a sale of a paltry 10 cases was allowed to make. the market. , . , The. Gutter market held. firm, particnlarly for" extras, : there being; noldispositlon* to advance or lower the quotntion-for.that.Erade. \u25a0 Firsts were marked up '.{.con a. bid at 23% c. . Cheese Vas unchanged and- featureless. . There were no sale? of = hntter,: ; or .cheese 'under* the call on the ex change. -» ' • •\u25a0-'\u25a0'.. \u25a0.. . \u25a0 ' -: ; V., Receipts;, were .'70.300 pounds butter, 12,300 pounds:cheese. and- 1.540 cases egg*. . • The following are official [quotations estab lished by the sales, bids "and ".offers, on the floor of, .the dairy : exchange. . Prices Jn? the street, while governed .by 'the; exchange quotations, gen erally range from l%c, to 2c higher, owing to the various charges, to beadded.;:. : Butter— Fresh creamery extras,- 26<; per lb, firm;; do 'firsts, 25Uc, -firm; -do seconds 24% c flrm.i,. . . • . " \u25a0 ;, Cheeses-California 'fancy; flats.. 14c- per lb. steady ; ;.; do -- first*. > : 13% c .' steady ; do . "seconds, 11 lie,*'. steady:;: fancy.- Young " America^,. lC%c, firm; i^o firsts. » l3 %c- flrm.. \u25a0- .:\u25a0.',\u25a0• • Eggs .(per; doxen,* cases Included)— California fresh extras. .26c," firm; ''do ..firsts.' 25c, firm;' do . seconds,*, 24c,, firm; do thirds* 23c. firm. .. • . .- .- \u25a0. --. - - - - ' . . . . iKlBln: Butter v ELGIN, sIILV-'Jiino -V.— Butter rirm at 2fi%c; sales, 870.000 pounds." \u0084 \u25a0 .. . Portland - Dnttrrj- Market \u25a0 • POKTT.AND. June- 7.— Butter— <Jity and coun try.^ creamery extras., 26 tic; -fancy,' 24<926c* store,*. 18(S;20c. ••' •• .". : - ... * . : ~- '\u25a0:\u25a0 Egg Market in Xrarby Conntlenly^ ' PETAI/USIAi' June 7. — The^week opened with a falling = off; of ; 1 %'".- cents "after^recelpt ; of ; quota tions' from the;.i San i Francisco \u25a0 dairy - exchange. The Petaluma. .* egg s ; exchange \ paid ; 25 :.; cents, the: independent dealers paid 24 cents.'. The'gen eral f offering ; for , seconds . was ; 21 ' cents, : the \u25a0 de livery ..being average. :,.•"- -, ; .• Potat opj».'; Onions ' and., Vegetable* ;t, Nearly ? everything ', ou \u25a0 the > list " of >, vesetable« was ,". In • liberal ?. supply .; and J with -_ trade : merely f ale sprices t for " most \u25a0: deocrlptlons f were .Inclined : to ea»lneM.\i Prices ; for.; nsparngus."", rhuliarb, > peas a nd \u25a0 string i lipans ] stood exactly i the '- same ! as * m t th« > clone .of i last J week ,'% but \ the * tendency -- wan downward'. and,' nupplies;s were : far ' from beln; cleaned iup ,, a t . the l closed "A": car, of ' Mexican to ritatoes f came " in * and "-the ) »tock -: was. '-held -.'at i a sharp ? advance; \u25a0 while \u25a0 offefinps i from f state • ship ping £ points ? were '? slow of •' Rale -at V rather . easy prices. 'A Cucumbers _\u25a0> and "erern "corn '"continued ito weaken. • the i former : beiujt v in r excessive ] supply." Potatoes.; botfcJnewi; and , old. • stootl as before quoted,'^ while ; new ' onions " were in burdensome snpply.-andjweakjatsdeclinlm;-' prices. -••' . :-» *; ; : potatoes ;;(PPr it ctl)f— River* Burbanks. ; $1.90 «£ 2.10; j Oregon rßorbanks^l $2.30 (§2.4o;'«we*>t.p°ta toenri?2<ft2..*>o:;new • potatoes.* 2^6 *l'3 YiC per. lh.'"»'j -Vnlons— Australian,'* $i^C 4.25 per ctl; Bermuda Chicago Board of Trade Closed Cram Quiets Witly Barley Lower seed. 65@75c per crate; new red, ; 59@6Sc per Sack.-:'"; •'\u25a0 \u25a0;.\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0..-•••.\u25a0\u25a0-.,,---»\u25a0 -•*-\u25a0 -- ,--: •_ \u25a0--- i- Vegetables^Asparagus; ' $ 1.50©2 - per r box <*»' extra and'sl@l.2s for common; rhubarb, $ 1.25 '(i, i:soperVbox -for bay 'and 3@3^c per lb northern; tomatoes, Mexican; $LB3g2 per crate; do local, $1.25@1.50 per box; green peas, $1.50<g 2.25 : per. sack ; string and was beans. 4@sc per lb; summer aquasl). $1@1.25 per box; garlic.' 4<tjsc "per lb for new; cabbage, > $1.23 per etl; cucumbers, 75o<g$l per box ' for ; Marysville 'and $1.25@1.3u for hothouse; cauliflower. «XsStt3c per dozen;' carrots,' per sack; turnips. $1.50 per sack; eggplant, lO@l2V>c . per«lb; green peppers. 12ft®20c per lb for, local;- green corn. s«c per dozen for Brentwood and 2tX&2sc for Winters. Deciduous and Citrus Frinlt« y. The late arrival of some boats and- train*, and the consequent tardy dellTertes of consignments at tfie stores, greatly restricted trade in fresh fruits during the morning hours yesterday, and large - lines of choice stock, that would have been' disposed of. at good, prices if received on time, were still on band at ; thr close. As It was, .apricots and- teaches told readily, when well colored.", but green stock found few taker*, and : there was - Tery little \u25a0 call' for plmns : and new apples.- Green Maclelalne pears from tbe rlTer were offering at 75c. for small" and $2ftj2.25 for lug boxes, but Tery few sale* were reported. Figs and nutmeg melons were in good request at satisfactory prices. There was a ready market for choice berries of aIL- kinds, and. currants, too, continued to" more off freely, though re ceipts were large.- Black cherries m bulk were firmer., with exceptionally fine lots of tartarians bringing "a small advance . over the top (Flota tions In instances, while tbe Royal Anne -and common white varieties were In excessive supply and weak, with eannera . the principal . buyers. Seven ' cars .of navel oranges . and one of Valen cia* came in over . Sunday. : Prices for navel* took a higher range, f ollowing the recent ad vance nt shipping points,' . and the .Valencia* were held' at $2.75 a box. ' -\u25a0\u25a0*'\u25a0. : Strawberries— l-ongworths, -$6@9 -per: chest; large varieties. $3.50<@4.J>0 per chest. . <• ' Raspberries— s7@9 per chest and $1(g1.25 per crate.* . Gooseberries — 40@50c per .drawer; in bulk, 4@ 7c*per»lb. - Blackberries— s6@7 per chest and 75c@|l per crate. ' -i Loganberries— s3@4 per\ chest for red and $2.50^3 for black. \u25a0 / . Currants — $64*7.50 per chest. Apples---$1@1.50 per box; do new, 30(g75c per box. • * Cherries — 50@75c per drawer for black and «ofio3c per box" for Royal Anne; loose. 3*i@oc for Mack, 3<Use for Royal Anne and lfi@3c for white. Peaches — 75e<S$l per box. Plums — 75c<Q51.25 per . box or crate: cherry plums. 50@65c per drawer. . Apricots— Orates. $l@1.50; boxes. 75c(?51.25. Figs — $1.50 per box. ' Nn t meg Melons — $1.2.1f&!1.50 for special. $.1.r.0<g4 for pony . and $4.50@5 . for standard crates. . Citrus Fruits <per box> — Xavel oranges. $1.50@2.30; grapefruit. $2.25(^2.75 for seed less; \u25a0lemons, $2.75<5?3 for fancy. $1.75«J2.25 for choice and $1@1.25 for 'standard; limes, $4.50^5. ;: \ • . . Tropical Fruits — Banana*. 7.V®51.75 per hunch for Hawaiian and $2.50(g3.50 for Central American; pineapples, $5(§6 per dozen. Dried Fruit*. Raisins, Xntn and Honey Apricots and evaporated apples are .firm and slightly higher. . Other fruits are unchanged. Fruits— Evaporated apples. 6^4@B%c; apricots, Btt@lo#c; fancy moorpark. UV,to<l2Kc: peaches. 4c for \u25a0 standards, 4Vi(@;4^c for choice and s«tftc for fancy : pears-, 4ijj7»4c; pitted plums, 6ta@Bc; nectarines, 4ttQsfec; figs. 2^@ 4c; prunes, 4 Blze ba->i«. 2+ 'fa.-"; c, with %c premium for the large sizes. Raisins — London layers — 2 crown, 00c: 3 crown, $1; seeded, 4@4V4c; Thompson's seedless, 3Uc for unbleached; seedless sultana*. 2}ie; l»ose muscatels, 3%c for 4 crown, 3c for 3 crown and 2s4<B2Vic for 2 crown. Nuts — Almonds, nonpareil*. 13@13iie: IXL. 13W813%e; ne plus ultra. 13c; Drake. U4g ll&c; languedocs, 10(SS10t£e: hardshell*. 7<gSc. Walnuts, lie per lb for No. 1 softshells. 7c for No." 2 do: chestnuts, . Bfi| 10c per lb for Italian; filberts. 12^(§!14c; pecans. 15 @ 17c. • Honey — New comb. j 14(31. "k- for water white, and 10<itl2e per lb for amber; extracted. Be. for water white and 7Vi<" for light' amber; old, can died and dark amber. 4@4Vjc per lb. Beeswax— 27>,i^29c per lb for light and 25@ 2Cc for dark. Poultry and Game* A car of western chickens, consisting almost \u25a0wholly of hens, was marketed yesterday. Large fowls , sold readily at satisfactory figures, b«t small stock had a dragging . tendency. The trade i was well supplied with small fowls, as the re ceipts of such from both western and local sources were heavy last week. Poultry '(per dozen) — Hens. ?.i<1i. ."..."(» for small. ?*s«i7 for large and $BrglO for extras; young roosters. $9 (a. 12: old roosters. $4.Aos£s: fryers. $8.50^7.r>0 for large and $r>(3fi for small: broil ers. $4<^s for large and . $2.SO<££3 > .50 for small; ducks. $S<g7; pigeons. $l(gcl.5O; sqnabs, $I.7s<g> 2; goslings. $2©2.50 per pair. Game — Nominal. Beans and Seeds • White beans continue firm and large whites ! are higher. 'Both large and small are cleaning j up. Bayos are also firm. Beans (per etl> — Bayo. $."..:r.«ir»..".0: pea, $R.2H ra«..V): small white. $6.25(ii6.50; large white. $.V25<8r..50: pink. $3.10@3.25: red. nominal; blackeye. $3.45@3.63: lima, $4.10<&4.25; red kld ne.vo. $."!.7.'»(g;4; cranberry beans, nominal; Gar- Tanzas. $.">ii/4: hors«e beans. " $1.9032.20. Seeds — Brown mustard. 3%@4Hc; yellow mus tard, nominal: fiaxneed, 4c, carload lots: canary. •!<"•: alfalfa. Hs»gl7c; rape, cleaned, 24j2«4c; tim othy, 5%(g;6c: hemp. 4c; millet, 2*; c per, lb; broomcorn seed. $23.50 per ton. I Dried Peas — Green are quoted at $3.25 per etl. Flonr and Farinaceous Goods Flour — California family, extras. $6.A0@7 net without discount; bakers', extras.- s<>.6o(g7; super fine, $.">.-"0«i.'».70; , Oregon and Washington, per bbl. $5.."H)«trt.50 for family, bakers' and patents and ' $4.75@5.25 for cut off; Kansas patents. .s7.So::do straights.' $7..V>: do clear. $7; Dakota patents. $8.10; do straights. $7.00: do clear, $7.30 per bbl. -,- ." .. .- Farinaroous Goods— -Prices in packages, net caMi. no discount, are as follows: Graham flour. $4 per 100 -lbs: rye flour. $4.25; rye meal. $4; rice. flour. $8; corn meal. $-'(.2.~>; extra cream do, $3.75: oat meal, $5.40; oat groats, $5.40; hominy, $3.«0'54; buckwheat flonr. $.1: whole wheat flour. $4.25: rolled oats, hbls $S@R.SO, In sacks $5.40 @3; extra cream do. $5.50 in sacks and $3 in barrels; rolled wheat, bbls $3.75. In sacks $».."o Q5.25: pearl barley. $5.50; split peas, . buz es. $5.75 for yellow and JR.25 for green, per 100 lbs. Hay and Feedstuff* : Arrivals of buy were large yesterday, being 941 ton*, including SI cars. While the general mar ket continued weak a scarcity of old choice wheat bay was reported. - • - - , A handler of. bran says that the June receipts at this port, instead of. being 1.245 tons. ' were in reality ,only 645 tons, as some shorts and middlings were included. ln the published report.' •Bran — $20 «i M0 per ton for white and $28.50<§t Feedstnffs— Rolled barley. $33'0c34: rolled oats for feed. ?42<0;45; mixed feed, $30fg32 for aver age lots; oilcake meal, in 20 ton lots $38.30.: in 10 ton lots $."»9. In 5 ton lots $39.50. small" lots $40: cocoanut cake or meal at milN.-S2B in 20 and 10 and $20.50 In. 5 ton lots: Jobbing. $27; corn meal, $30(^40: cracked corn. $40<^41; broom corn seed, nominal: alfalfa meat and tnealfalfa. Jobbing lots $24. carload lots $2:t per ton. Hay — Wheat, $17^22; new crop, $14<&17: old wheat and o«t. WtifM; tame oat," sl«Q2o; new volunteer wild oat. $11@14J .new., barley, $11@ 14: new alfalfa, $S®10: stock hay, $S(§9 per ton. Straw — M@Boc per bale.- ~ (ieneral Merchandise Bags— Grain, bags. s%@fc; San Qnentin hags. 5»4c:-'wool bags, 33c for SVj lb and 36c for 4 lb: fleece twine, 0c per lb. :-. :\u25a0 V Coal Beaver \u25a0Hill. ?"; Pennsylvania . anthra cite egg, \u2666!•' ~ per ton: Wellington. ; $9; >• New Wellington. $:>; Coos bay. $7: Australian 'hoose — Richmoml. etc.. S9: - Stanford Richmond. ., $S: Cnniln.Tland, $15 -in bulk . and • $l«. 50 in sacks: ' Welsh anthracite. $15: coke. $15 per ton in bulk and $IC> In sacks; Rocky mountain. < $9.50 per short ton. \u0084 "'• • " . Oils Qnotations are for barrels: IJnseed. 74c l>er gallon for boiled and 72c for raw; ; cases." 6c more; castor oil in cases. No. 1. "Ie; Baker's t AA;"i SI.J3(B|L 1«; China nut." rasesi, . 70fJ-Sotf per gallon- cocoanut nil In : barrels. KOi&BSHc for XXX.' 57%«/.«lc for -No. 1 and 55<g58U»: for. No. 2,'* according, to qriantlty ;; extra r blenched ; winter sperm 0i1. ,91c: natural winter . sperm oil. »le; natural whale oil: 55o;: extra strained lard 011 l>s<U9tt«--: * No. '1 • neatsfoot 'oil. «0c; - herring oil!. 40e: salmon oil. 35e;-'boiled fish oil. 35c; paint oil, 35c. \u25a0 Coal Oil. Gasoline. , etc. — Water white." Iron barrels or drums, 10c; \u25a0 150 , deg oil, ' Iron barrels or drums, HV^e: special do." 12e;-pearl' oil. In c**ex. 17c: astral,l7c,; star." lTc: extra star. 20c: Klaine. 2tHJ e :? eocene.-. 20c: red crown and motor gasoline, in bulk, I4Hc;\in'cases. 21^4c; No. 1 engine distillate. In drums. J<c; No. 2 ; d0.«.7c: cases, 7c roore;S6 deg _ gasoline.- In bulk.'.3oe: In cases' V 3 varnish* -makers'? and patnters' naphtha, in" bulk., lie: in cases.. 18%e.'. ;•\u25a0 Turpentlne-rt''2c per ' gallon ' in cases and • 55c In ' bulk; drums and Iron ; barrels. Rosin (per bbl of 2SO lbs>— K. $6.50;. F. $6.65; G $1>.70; H. $7: I. $7.05: WW. $10.40: Re«l and White , Lead— Red. S«4«s9c; white. S<iiS '««.\u25a0. P*t lb. ' '-..' % •.'.'"- REFINED SUGAR MARKET The Western sugar refining company quotes as folliiws."^ terms not - cash: "Stan<iani -granulated (flue or \u25a0: coarse)," 5.6Vr-, fruit standariL ': 5.85e; crystal domlnos." iu ' cases. «.Bsc:'tableti«.-- In: half bbls; :«. 15c ;' : tablets. : in! boxes. 6.4Hr;ieube»" and •Jt, crnshed. " 5.1»0c: powderwl.' 5.15c:- cmndy. > granu lated. ; 5.75 c; • confectioners' - A; : 5.75 c: confection ers': crystals, j 5.75 c :' magnolia A, 4 ' 5.25 c: cx tra ; CJC J 5.15 c: golden < V- 5.05c: D. 4.»5c. '^ Barrels: and s»> lh" b«gs .: 10c. ' half ,'bbls 25c.'. boxes . soc more : per 100 \u25a0 11>3 i for. all * grades." \u25a0 Monarch . bar .* U . ijuoted over and above the price for standard ftue (eane> granulated In 100 lb bags as follows: Bags iw> . lbs. 33c; barrels. 43c: half barrels. «0c; 40 n» Uns. cased, $2.05; 35 IN tins, eased. $2.fl3;iu t> tins, cased. 10 la a case. $2.70; Sib Ins* .£ o • J2.70; SO lb boxes. 85c. No extra cbarw for putting np bar la priTate packages The California and Hawaiian sugar refining company qnotes as follows: Granulated ba«U. s.R>c: "Hlgrade" bar. 6c: powdered. 5.75 - a crushed. 3Wjc: berry. 5.65 c; C & II extra fine ury grannlated. 3.60 c; coarse dry grannlated. *'%£'' i c^iV tloMn ' A - 3( «c: confectioners' crystals. .»..oc: cubes. 5.80 c; bricks. 5.90 c; extra fine_ granulated <100 bags only>. — : excel,!™ iT^iP' 4 ; 83c: H - '* E - crystal domino*. 8.<i30 Additional per 100 lbs: In barrels and 5(» (i bags. 10c more: half barrels. 2.V more- boxes Ih tins. Ji.,o more: In U> lb tins. $2.35 more Minimum order, carloa.l weight. tlldr», Tallovr. Wool and Hop* Hides— Culls aud brands sell atxmt U n der quotations. Heavy Malted steers. SSwu? »^«».;«%'&»2iir: light. n@nv a c: eowh d< 4" -alted kip, ll^c; salted real. 16$; saltetiTealV l«Sc: dry Hides. 131*4,3*; dry kip. i^d/r" calf. 2oc; dry real. Srte; drr, stags 15c- ,hee» -kins, shearling,. 20*140 c each; sh\>rt wort? ££ .3c each: medium. 75c«£$l each; long wool. $1 25 «<1.7..: iamb*. 25«<75c: borsehldes. ult. .$2.25*1 ?i'™ 7 Ur>tf> and »Maaxi3 for medium 7V-& di; 50 ,'^-?^ 1 ] * n , a 23f « 30c for colt »: howehide, sOcQ|l for'sman and 25ffJ50c for colts;™ S» 1 S«^V prlm * ""Sora. 50«75c; Uree hair j£ati 2?^s(k-: medium. 2«X825c; small, sft| 13c- iuZl' 2?.*".™"' We- *» Picked. lacT'd"!^ American. 28@32c per lb. W * " T - tentral /,, ! w — Xo - ! rendered. 5<35t4e- X« 2 lira 4%c: crease. 2fit3c. - * ** «?£?\u25a0£ s'mon^rJi^'nel'^uh.^ coast 9ftt 14c. Fall cllp-MoSntata fr^. 7«l> N*w York Produce NEW YORK, June 7.— Hops— Steady Hides— Quiet. Petroleum — Steady. Suffar— Raw. firm: fair reflnlnff. 3.42 - een r !^w^^a,erw^re ct rep^ RS ba«. including June at 6.BscrJuly at «.iw« 6.->sc and September at Aoor^«.loc. Sr>ot— Qniet; Xo. 7 Bio. 7%-asc; No 4 sintoi fcH mild, dull; Cordora. 9%ljt2>;c * *• .. "" tt ' rr — steady. Cr-amery specials. 27527Ue- ESS 9—9 — Steady. Western extra firsts, 22<922*ic DRIED FRUITS " • * ' Eraporated Apples— Firm. Fancy. B«»oV> choice, »«4eßc: prime. 6^(67c; common to fair' o'cibc. Prunes— Firm, ranjring from 2Uc to 11 Uo for 20^™ m ' t * nd tO 9c for (l>e^ on 3 °-« JOs *»> Apricot*— Firm. owin«r to strong riews of sell cTolce! ftS7i«? O^^ IUI4C: " tr » SSSwS? Extra " choi ~ ; 6ti^ c ' ;e: • \u25a0 Raisins— Quiet on spot, bnt *re well maintained. Looxe mnscatel. .*:\:,6j4!.»c choice to fancy seedetl. 4i;*j«U 4 c; seedless I«tt •jc: London layers. *1.13<§:1.20. \u25a0:»> ; Butter. «"ber»r nn«l Eec CHICACO. June 7.— Bntter— Steailr: creara enes. 224<^2Cc: dairies. 2OUQ24yje; (•?»:«\u25a0 stea«fy; reeelpt*. 17.65S cases: at mark! ••ases included. 19c; firsts. 19».'.r: prime flrstsi. 21Vie: cheese steady: .laisles. 12*'i''di:;';c twins. 12t«12W.0: Young Americas. ISScuSKc: lonjiiorns. 13Hei3*5c l.o* Ansele<* Mark eta LOS .'ANGELES. June 7.— The produce market was dull today with light blddins and changes infrequent^ Butter was In demand at 55 cents for creamery extras and 52 ti cents for creamery flmts. The demand for chee*e was good an,J tl»"e prices firm. Extra selected eggs brought 2!» cents, ranch candled 27 cents and ca»e count 2.'! cents. The fresh eastern prod-act brought from 25 to 20 cents. There -was an o»er supply of pry tatoes and the prices were weak. Receipts of produce todar were: Egg*. "K7 cases: butter. 15.325 pounds: cheese. 2t>.Ri»4 pounds; potatoes. 274 sacks; onions. 127 sacks: beans. 35 Mocks. Egg* — Extra selected. 23e: local ranch, can dle«l. 27c; eas* count, 2^<.-: eastern fresh. 23ig-iiH-. - Butter — Creamery extra. . 53c; creamery first. 32»pe: cooking batter. 22 l ie. Cheese^ — Northern fresh. 16c: anchor.- large. ISc: anchor. Yoang Americas. 19c; hand eheexe. anchor brand. 2»«; eastern singles. ISc;. eastern twins. 18c; eastern Cheddars. 17c: eastern long horn. 19c: eastern daisy. l*V*Qloc; Swiss. Im ported. 2S(gSOc: Swiss, domestic, ISc: brick cream. 20c; ltmbarger. 20c: Tulare. 14c:* Imports Roquefort. 42c; Edam. 36-37 slxe. case of 12. IS.SO^jg; German breakfast. |1.10 box; Xeof chatel. $1.20 box; Sierra. $1.10 box; Canarl.i cream. 1 doien to box. 85c; Schlosskaae. $1 box; Camerobert. $1.20 box; Oregon cheese. H^lSc! | Beans— No. 1 pink. $3.73; No. 1 lima. $4.35; Lady Washington. $5.25; small white. $G; black eye. $3.50: garvanzas, $4.50: lentils. German, $15; do California. $3. . . Potatoes — Local early roue. $2.30Q2.75; norrlt •rn earlr rose. *2.5t)«ifJ.75; local Burbanks. $2.75; Highland. $2.50: Lompoe. $2.73: I'tahs. $2ic2.26; Oregoo Burbanks. $2.«0<@2.75: sweet - potatoes, yellow, local, $2.50; new potatoes. 60(& 00c a box. * .MISCEI.KAXEOUS MARKETS -\ew York Cotton Market NEW YORK. June 7. — Cotton was moderately aetiy*. today -with a steady undertone. LiTerpooi sent rather disappointing cables, resulting from a- greatly -imgroTed weather outlook in the cen tral belt, where drV. warm conditions preralled. The market opened down in full response to the foreign weakness, and there was some liquida tion -resulting from favorable weather. On ttm decline this \u25a0 heary \u25a0 selling by old hull* was met' hy a scattering demand from the commission houses, and offerings were so well taken thac the market rallied 10 to 12 points from the low. The forecast calls for unsettled weather In thn west: Showers in Texas wonld not be Injurious. as the temperatures hare. been rather higb. The bureau report is being gradually forgot ten, especially as private reports from conserva tive houses are all of one accord, and Indicate that thin crop's vbances arc far less than a year ago. despite . the bureau statement t»-the - con trary. The recent decline caused a lot of weaklr held cotton to run to cover, which has helped the market. «wl. while the short Interest Is n<>« large, it Is nevertheless larger than It was a few days aco, and -Dutch Uss confident. Cotton will probably not shotr any material decline from the present level until the new crop of tn..T00.000 bale* seems assured, and such assurance can not come ; until well along . !n . August or September. •. >»pot cotton' closed five points lower at 11 45c COTTON FUTTRES Open. High. Low. Close June .. 10 «8c Jnly • \u25a0 lo.JUc 10.9.V -lO.SOc U>.!Xir Angust 10.7te 10.87e 10.74 c 10.*io .September 10. 70.- October 1O.«!V 10.79 c lft.«7c 10.77f November ;;.... 1O.«K«' 10.75e lO.Rflr lrt.7S»« J December 10.7i»c ' irt.Slc W.B*> 10.73^^4 January .....':. 10. fi4c 10.78 c li».R?.c 1O T.V**" March 10.fi5e 10.76 c 10.65 c U».75c St. l.oaU Wool Market ST. LOVI9. Jnne • 7. — Wool — Unchanged. Uedium grades, combing and clothing. S.'fiSOf ; light fine. 21 *j{27c: heavy fine. 14(g:22c: tub washed. 2563~c. Kastern Livestock Market . ** KANSAS CITY . KANSAS CITY. June 7.— Cattle— Receipt*. 11.000 head: market for best strong, others wen*. Native steers. $5.25417: native cow» and belfer*, S2.7s<ff«Rs: srnckers and feeders. S:;.«O'ar. bulls. \u25a0\u25a0' $3.25^5.25: calves. $5.75*17: western steer*. $$.75«(«.75: we»t«>rn cows. *:S.2V<is 25. How r -Recelpts.lo.(X'o head: market steady to 5c lower. Bulk of sale*. $7.10427.50: heiivv $7. 10*17.55: packers anrf butchers $7.20®7 st» light., $fs.SO<a7.W>:- p»!TS. , $5.73rt?6,75. Sneep— Receipts. }O.(HMy head: mnrket steade. Mnttons. $s«*rt.sf>; lambs. ?R.50<«.5.73: wether« E. F. HUTTON & CO. 1 ISO California's*. TH. Doustan 2157 ; S«. Francli Hotel TrL Donslan 30>3 i Members New York Stick Exchange . .-'. rioncfr llouv ;T Private AVlre to Chicago anil ,"x*"w York _ R. E. SIULCAHEV, Manager Lombard & Son, inc^ 1028-1030-1032 MonadnocK Bld*X Are "prepared to loan on California Irrigated 'Improved farms; term Id years,- with; privilege of paying before a.nd , stopping interest. Correspondence •oilcited.