Newspaper Page Text
nod yeaning*.' *4.75@7.25: ewes. $4!5O©«; Tex ss and-.Arizotia mutton*. S4.GOS6 40 OMAHA ,v, v -^.UAll*. -Iniie 7.— Cattle — Receipt*. 2,600 head; *-S rkr Z sw *d.v . t» JOe higher. Wentern steers. •;> jo.Ko: T<.sk« steer*. ?3ft0.«0: range cowe and tieifcrs.- $2.5561^.55; canners. $2@4; etockers ana /eotyers. ?3«js.<Jik calves, $3@7; bulls and stags; fJwj.oO. '*'" •Hogs— Recfii.lß. qj*^ j mad . market- weak to - .V .-Ipwefr Heavy. $7.55ft«7.55; mixed. $7.20@ . . ..:4(»; pl?s.|.Vf«.sO; bulk of sales, f7.20@7.45. : ..^hfop— Receipts. 2.100 bead; market steady. . \u2666S.-Sfie.TS; wethers. ?5.W>@6.50; \u25a0 *«(>s; ?j.*oCi«.4(f, lambs. $7.2.'»©5.25. ... . CHICAGO •CHICAGQ. June 7.— Cattle— Receipts estimated at 19.OO0; market strong to 10c higher. . Beeves, $»;4i7.30: Texas etecrs. $4.65@6.35; weetern fiterrs; $ 4.75^5 6.40; stockers and feeders, $3.00(9: .'•-S5: cowe aud heifers, $2.50@6.50; calves. $5.75 •. <g~~5. \u25a0 Hogs— Receipts rsUmated at 49.000: market 5« aowcr. Light. 7^7.50; mixed. $7.2067-70; lieevy, .$,7.20^7.75; rough, ?7.30{eT7.45; good to • hoire b^»vr. 57.4557.7u; pig*, $0.10@7; bulk of sas»>s. f7.35©7.X5.~T .shPci« — Receipts estimated at 14,000; market Ftoady. Native. $4©6.50; western. ?4.2T.*i «.«0; ve»rlin.g*. 56.2.%6"-40; lambs, native, Jfi'gS.r.:.; Board of trade closed, election da.r. Xew V»rk Mrtal Market NEW York. June 7. — The I/>ndon tin market • was unchanged to a shade higher, spot being relatively steady at £133 2» Cd. while future* w»»re uiwfcanged at f134 7* fid. Locally the mar ket was dull and unchanged, with Fpot quoted at 2y.12'.;fa28.:57i4c. Cof>iHT was £s «W higher in the London tnar kM, -with -RVx^t quoi«»d at £C 1 7s fid and ftitures at £GZ ."s. Thr I'V-al market continued firm and » a* a shade hipher. with lake quoted at 13.62** , . 0i13.75c. pJectrolvtlc al 13.37 'i(g 13.00 c and cast ing at 13.25Giir..37»ic ;.<\u25a0:••'. «.--.«. unchanged at £1" 3s M in the Ijon don insrk* :. The local market was unchanged at • USQifift -. .- gpoltor was unchangrt mt £22 2s Cd In London, wbi> thr local msrkct was firm and higher at ».:x&r,.4<i. ' • Jron was low«r ct 4Ss I'd for Clerelasd war rants in the English market. Locally iron was ateadr. with No. 1 foundry northern quoted at »iergl6.r»o. No. 2 at J15.75@16.25, No. 1 south ern and No. 1 southern soft at $10(216.25. Saval Store*— Turpentine and Roafn SAVANNAH. June 7. — Spirits ©f turpentine — Ki'm, S*v. Sales, 1.C>04; receipts. 405: shipments, r.44. RosJn — Firm. Sales. 2.126: receipts. 1£77; t-hiPinents. 3.<1C1: stock. 125,546. Quote.: 8.. $2.70Cg.2.75: D.. $3.10; E.. $3.55@3.60; P.. $.1.90@4; G.. $4@4.05: H.. $4.15; L. $4.20; X.. $5; M.. $5; N., $5.25; WG.. $5.50; WW.. «.SO. REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS > *^Jf < .£:i"a Cooper to Henry S. Bridg*. .estate ..\«3>-. B. Lewis, d"-»ri>Kj. $7,740. and all in ': in lot at NW corner of Union and Bat " -i#>r> streets, N 137:6 by W 137:6, and one otber .pi*<-*; 510. .- • . • Rr:b»rt A. McLean to Henry D. Hawke. lot •'In S line of Vallcjt> 6treet, 193 E of Broderick, • ,fc 3'lit S 137^; JlO. •..• Richard C. Tobln to Joseph O. Tobin. half of .-lot at SW corner of Hares and Octavla streets, .S 120 by W 137:6; $10. :':: >:.-a Francisco and Scburban borne building • »*ri«>ty to F. K. Ralston and wife, lot -la E line ' 'of Commonwealth avenue. 310 8 Euclid. S •40; E 147:91. N 40:21. W J43:75: $10. \u25a0?acob H^jTnan <>ompany to John L. Miehelson. \u25a0 ' X in NW JSac of London street. 275 XE of * Ilfwsia. XE 55 by XW 100; $10. : ..; Annie Montgomery Faxon et al. to "Winntfred ".\u25a0•L. ClM>n. lot in BE line of Venea street, 112 KW cf Mi?ucl, SW 50. E 100, XE IC2 NW • \u25a0'.•53:4. SW 112. NW GG:S; $10. Uenry D. Hawks et al. to Edna F. Huffman, : lot in X line of Larkin street, 107 : C Xof Lom • ..bard, N 30 by E 103: $10. P. Cullen to J. El»ca,lot in S line of Thir •' firth etre*t. 75 W of Dame. W 25 by 8 100: $10. \V. A. C Lange and wife to William H. Mirdbell, lot in E line of Leaveaworth utreet, .\u25a0.11f»:4 S of Washington, S 44:2 by E 187:6; $10. . . Antouie Oppenhelrner to Ixrais Berperat. lot at \u25a0• XW corner of Nineteenth street and Lexicgtoa . " av<>nc»>, WSO br N 85; $10. • \u25a0 . 'C'srxle W. Lyon ?t al. to Giambattista Ardito, I lot In NE line of Twpntv^lphth avenu* South, . 125 SE of P rtreet, SE 25 by NE 100; $10. .'.-• Robert Lorcntr and wife to Francois Marx, lot > ln-N lin^ of Clay street. 100 E of Presidio ave •tiue. E 255^1^ by N 90; $10. Viola M, Clark et al. to Georse Pollltt. lot In \u25a0 W line of Twelfth avenue, X.X) S of M street, S : 25 b.r W 120: $10. William Clarke to Snsacna Couture, Int In 8 line of Eighteenth street, 100 E of Hartford, E br S 7-j; $10. Eilen Williams to Ontral iron works. Inc.. lot In W line of Bryant street, 175 S of Eighteenth, f> 25 by W 100: $10. Ida Corr to George Braver and wife, lot In X . I!n» or Twpntr-fifth street, 200 W of Castro, W \u25a0 4f> by S 114; ?10. • ' Mary N. Alexander to James B. Alexander. •'. lot in N lin* of Acdorer etre»t, 108 Eo f East • a»rnue, S i sby W 106: irift. >";-.: 1 Francisco and Saburban borne building " •.•society to Honors J. Sclimth. lot In W line of CommVvßwoalth avenue, B<H> S of Euclid, S 50 by W 120; $10. • ,<-- v '•\u25a0\u25a0 ', Otu> li. Anderson to Gertrude A. Anfierfon. « •. ' ;'a E line of Forty-eighth avenue, 212:6 S 1 • ' I. street. S 23 br E 120; gift. r^ Benedict Steinaoer and wife to Louis Muller und wife, lot in E line of Castro etreet, 95 S .)f Nin^teocth. S 25 by E S3; $10. . -' Dzvid Lewis asd wife to Marie King and wife, lor is E line of Ontral place. 80 S of Fino •treet. S 20 by B 65:9; $10. - John Hannaii and wife to Ceonre M. Mitchell v^ -.1.. l«.ts H. 38 to 42. block &SS. Bay Park V •*'cy) association; $CT<O/ T rii*odore F. Blake et al. to Leila F. Blake, lot in S line of Eddy street. 50:19 W of Buch anan, W 25:10 by S 120; $10. R. W, Smith and wife to Thoma* H. B. Varnely. lot la W line of Ashbury street,. 552 S ef Frederick. S 25 by W I<X>:3; $10. . .'. Thomas Elasi and wife to Frank Hener and . wife, lot In X line of Hancock street, 125 W \u25a0 of Church, W 25 by X 114: $10. . • Frederick -Sclsercht to P. R. Ward aad wife, .. l«it 2J». block 1, Holly Park: ?10. . Margaret P. Cahen to Harrison F. Carrln, lots 12 and 13, block ":<. lU-is tract; $10. Jacob Heynian company to George D. Shad burn<?, lot 29, block 8. Holly park; $10. fieorge D. Shadburne . and wife to William lifnter. lot in t< line of Day street, 105 W of \u25a0 Kolores. W &4. S 117, E «5, X 114, end one : . t»rh»r piece; $10. ChrUtina Br^wstrr to Philip Meon, lot at X '-• .c«icn«>r of Leifiley and Roanoke streets, XE 113 f" . by XW 50: $10. ' .Alice Manning to Patrick E. Ryan and wife, \u25a0 Win S line of Army street, 205 W of Sancbea. XV 23 by S 114: $10. . • fharl«»s. H. Baker to Thomas McGoire and .vif<>. lot in E Jine of Dan* street, 375 X ca* Kendall. X 25 by E 123: $10. Charles Jankens end wife to Jullcp Kleis. lot . In E line of Twtmt.v -fifth avenue, 225 S of T jitjwt, S 50 by E 120: $10. .- .. Jclius Klein to Charles K. Jonkcns and wife, lft in E \u25a0 line of Sixteenth avenue, 150 S of U \u25a0 'nn>*>t. S ZS by E 100; $10. Ludwisr Wagcnrr to Marie Wagner, lot In JC line at \lh\g-.:\. street. 200 W of Scott. W 25 by N,. 157:6, and one other piece; $10. iClmrl«s W. Wright and wife to American land «.ud tru«t company, lot X line of Camelli avenu<> S»:S W of Dougiar, W 200:4, S 520, E 234-8. N -260. E 23;K: $10. . r Marj- «^>aner* to American land and trust enm ' r*nr. lot ,n E line of Xiuelerntn avenue. 200 S of N Ptiwt. S 25 by E 120; $10. • Marr A. Robert to Agne* /. Crook, lot in W Une of Fiftli averme. 23 X of I street, S 25 by W St.".; $10. ; .Tanw*! Forbe* to Robert E. Gleasoc lot in X •Ja)*> of D street, R2:6 E of Twenty-third avenue, k 23 by X 100: $10. William C. Wilson and wife to Belle MrXicoll, klnE line of Afshbury street, 110 6 of Waller, • 2--. b.r E 106:3; $10. Charles S. Brundage and wife to Alice,Chap trian Leaf, lot In E line of Ninth avenue, 175 S of X street, S 25 by E 120; $10. Bnildtng Contracta JS'Twst nallstrom with O. E. Evans— To erect 3-^t>» alory fr»ir.i» (flats) bnildlag in E line of WljriVr Btreet, 105 S of Bivoli, 25x100: $6.250 l Henry I*. Atzcrorh with Emile Ichters & Co.. Henry Ern»t tc J>ons and Fred. Wagner — To ere<-t a three story frame bnllding at XW «v»n»T of Ei«bfb avenue end -B street, X 25 by W 2»: $J0.7»0. Kamnel Goldntein with Parkside home build '\u25a0 " '-ir:ipary — All work for a story- and a half Imncslow In E line of Twenty-third avenue, Jo<i S of T street, S 50 by E 120: $2,755. Matthew E. Arnerlcb with J. R. Lindsay— To •iWt a one storj- fram* building In W line of IMgbth avenue. 200 X of Kulton street. X 25 by W 120: $2.OW>. , . ff. Joseph Ilabcr with Henry C." Farley — To erect a tbr«e story and basement brick building la SB line <it Market afreet. 200 XE of Seventh, *X 25. BE IC3, S W 50, XW 75. XE 25, XW 90; $32,443. . — . - Tliomos Msgee 4- Sons (by Ransome <x>rn?rtte (\u25a0umpaoy) with Manila Aiibestos eupplv com- i panv — At.ftf-st«.s roofing for ' theater and store ' holldin? in S line of E Btreet. ir>o XE of ' Fonrth avenne. NB 50. SE 100, XE 100, SE 70. I. r >o. NW 120; $540. . j Chris Waldan with C. Arthur & Co. — To erect «" three story and ba«cment frame in S' line ftf Nineteenth. street, 100 W of Valencia: $5.60f1. Mission inrcsimf-nt 'company with Manx-rum tc Ott+r— Steam bearing for four story frame In W.line of Valencia street end SE of Market. S 37P.-W 113,- X 53. thence 150 to beginning; «.3fis. U«*"ixe H. Sf oeffel irith . Cart^rrs contracting mmpany — Basement floor and sidewalk reinforced • oo^r^te frame in S line of Poet street. 63:1 W .of Grant aveno«v W 44 by S SO; $13,400. Jacob Silvenstf-In wlth-Ludwig Xiclsen^ — Alter ation? and addition* :for a two story lrtne handing (two flat*) In X line of Fell street. 137:6 W tvt Lacuna. W 27:6 br X 120: $3,400. Rose Glennon Trith Wright & Kusich — To erect . x three Ktory and -basement brick building in S ' \u25a0''\u25a0 of Po*t street aod NW line, of Meacham \>lrrr. W. 56 by S 54:«: $R. 363. <Justav Hslu with F. I>. Boe»e — To crert a one , wory- frame cottage Jn f line of Carmel street,' j 133:10*4 E cf Cole.'E 25 by S 125: $2,043.- - j Same with same — All work, except came as ;'.'tf- for a two «tor.v frame. bnilding in S line «.f Wrtb *\Uj. SO W,of Masob street,. W- 57:6 t'r S 32; *2,»90. --'.-• :v -'"-\u25a0' .*- - ! <t«acy l Ti. Roe and wife to Patrick Farley and wife. ¥* in E line «f Fifth evenne, 75. S of A street. Vi 25 by E S5: $10. ?\u25a0. , • It. fl; Crow nnd wife to John Oroes.'lot !n .W Jine of Twentv-fonrth avenue, 150 S of O- street. S so by W 120; $10. Jotm T^eooard . to Owen Leonard.- half Interest *in lot at T. corner of Mission street and Brazil avenii*-, NE Zi by SE 53:6;510. -*.'.' •. • \u25a0\u25a0' ,* AIW» A: TiHen to. Inland. R.-'Dicbierw»M«t «». block «. Flint tract homestead association; Central American Navies Are Safely Bottled Up LINER SAN JUAN HERE FROM ISTHMUS Officers of Pacific Mail Ship Say ; There Will Be No More War on Lower Coast GCORDING to the of ficers of the Pacific Mail liner San Juan," Captain Frazier, which arrived yesterday from the lower coast, the Central American rev olution factories are all closed down with the United States cruisers /Albany v and South Dakota anchored on the. lid. Except for one cruiser, an ancient gasoline launch, the me navy 01 .Nicaragua is bottled up at Corlnto, with the cruiser Albany as the cork.- The South Dakota is anchored oft Amapala, far enough offshore to command a view of a long: coast line. A strict watch is kept on the warship by day and during the hours of darkness the South Dakota's searchlights con tinuously sweep sea and shore. The Mexican - gunboat. General Guerrero, is a>so in the revolution zone, and, ac cording to the Guerrero's commander, the revolution was never born/ that could live within range of so many peace compelling: guns. John Moissant's name has- lost its magic In Nicaragua, say the San Juan's officers, and in Salvador the once dreaded firebrand is regarded as a .loke. It was learned when the San Juan was at Corinto that Moissant was liv ing quietly and unobtrusively at Man agua. The San Juan brought 1.619 tons of cargo and treasure, valued at $33,600. The liner also brought 22 passengers. Except for a heavy northwest gale en countered Saturday off the 'Santa Bar bara islands the voyage from Panama was uneventful. The San Juan's pas sengers included: \u25a0 Henry A. Spencer" (Miss Louise 11. Faneuf Erlindo Morale* \li*» Felicltas Hernandex Albert G. Winkle Peter Grant Carl Fein* . Edward H. Hoa? Mr». Mortens!*. Fanenf James B. Dougherty SitnuM 0. Faneuf Angel Canobbio ' Mis» Nancy C. Faneuf |Ed\rard Michelson Pcnn»j-Ivanla Takes Rich Cancn The steamer Pennsylvania, recently bought by the Pacific Mail company to take the place of the lost Indiana, sailed yesterday for Panama and * way ports, making its first voyage under the Harriman flag. The. Pennsylvania carried one of the largest and most valuable cargoes that has been shipped on this route for many months. The total value of the cargo is $231,632. Of this $189,909 worth, is for New .York via the Panama railroad. The .New York cargo includes 10,000 cases of canned fruits, 500,000 pounds of wool, and a big shipment of California wine. The Pennsylvania has the distinguished honor in its old age of being the only Pacific Mail ship equipped with wire less. ' Captain Vrry 111 in . I'annmn Hospital The liner San" Juan, which arrived yesterday from the , lower coast, brought 'word of the serious illness of Captain Urry, who was on the coffee coast in command of the Costa Rica- Chief Officer C. J. Holland was detached from the San Juan at Acajutla and placed in command of the Costa Rica in place of Captain Urry, who is in the hospital at Ancon recovering from the effects of a serious" operation. T. Blair, second officer of the ' San Juan, was promoted to acting chief officer in place of Holland. Governor Sails, for .San Diego The Pacific Coasf steamship com pany's Governor sailed yesterday for southern California with a large cargo and a full complement of passengers. Among the latter were: C. Schilling and wife jMrg. J. F. Leek C. M. Farrell R. R. Yafea William H. Williamson 1 L. E. Porter v A. Mark* Mr«. Usehold J. Bloom I. M. GUdden C. A. Kni'pn and wife M. P. Gliddea A. O. Perm and wife L. S. MeXeale and wife Dr. E. C. Tinimerman Port** .\Bmf Changed to Balboa During the recent visit to the isth mus of Panama the name of the port on the Pacific side was ' formally and officially changed from La Boca to Bal boa. The liner San Juan, which ar rived here yesterday, is the- first ship to arrive here with papers made out from Balboa. Water Front Xotes The Pacific Mail liner China, Captain Daniel Priele, is due early this morn ing from the far east. The China is bringing a large number of passen gers. , Receipts of lumber yesterday by sea amounted to 5,360,000 feet. The Japanese Hner Nippon Mam, which left here June 1, arrived yester day at Honolulu. The Pacific Coast steamship com pany's Curacao sailed yesterday for Guaymas and way ports. The liner Korea, hence. May 21, ar rived yesterday at Yokohama. According to a wireless message from Captain Dowdell the liner Alameda, which sailed Saturday for Honolulu, was 462 miles away at S o'clock Sun day night. > SHIPPING NE\VS OF COAST Items of Interest to Mariners of the Pacific * PORTLAND, June 7. — Dutch steamer Xeder land. Captain Rieck. has been chartered to carry grain from Portland to United Kingdom ports, receiving its orders at Cork. Steamer Taunton was also chartered at the aame time, but it is thought that it will go to Puget sound. The charter rate was the same for both vessels, lieing 30s. The names of the com panies) • chartering • the steamers have not been announced. Government engineers went down to Astoria this morning to make the survey at the mouth of the Columbia. They will be down there about two week*. Oil steamer Asuncion, Captain Burgettt arrived at the Standard oil company's dock yesterday." -' \u25a0 Steamship Eureka arrived last night and will sail again tonight at its usual time for Eureka. Steamer Butterfly is having its oil tanks in- Ktallfd ;oday. «fter which it will go to the Wil lamette iron and steel works to be fitted up with its engine and boiler. S*s PEDRO, June "7.— Steamer Winnebago arrived this: morning from /San Diego .with the remainder or a cargo of lumber and poles. . Steamer Hans lei cleared - for San : Francisco with freight and passengers. \u25a0 > • Steamer, Wellesley* arrived from -Astoria * with lnmber."t.-". : Steamer Admiral Sampson • arrived from San Francisco. Eureka and Seattle with freight and passengers. '. . Stesmer laqut arrived today from Eureka with lumber and shingle*. Schooner Ruby arrived from Bandon with 1 lum ber. ; . .\u25a0\u25a0•:'; • . ..'.\u25a0\u25a0-• TACOMA. June \u25a07.— Steamer.] Tampico- arrived today from Seattle, to take cargo* for "Alaska." • ' Steamer. Farallon arrived* from Alaska: United States cable ship . Burnside left today for down the sound. ;i \u25a0- SEATTLE, "June 7.— Arrived— Steamer Presi dent, from San Diego \u25a0 and San • Francisco; -. tank ateamer Golenel E. L. , Drake, from San Fran cUco; steamer Shasta, from _ San , Francisco steamer Mexican, from Salina Cru« via • San Francisco; steamer City of Seattle, . from Skag 'vay. ; ... *,---'-.- \u25a0-;',»." . ; -\u25a0\u25a0..-\u25a0' . Sailed— Steamer ; Humboldt, for ' Skagway 'and way ports; ««teamer- Shasta, for BelliDgham steamer Watson, for SanFrancii»eo;-U. S. S; st; Louis, for Samoa via San Francisco; U. r s. S' West Virginia,. Maryland % and California, •: for Mare inland^. ' United ' States cable* steamer -Burngide has re turned \u25a0 from VTacoina ': and : will prepare . for :\u25a0 a cralse In Alaska watenCY ?.- • Mexican will go to Tacoma (ottorroV; and returning .Tbureday, will clear • for .: Honolulu; ASIORIA, June^ 7.-^-Steamer \u25a0 Johan Pt»uls»n THE SAN FRANCISCO .CALL, TUESDAY; : JUNE 8, 1909. left Sunday. for San Francisco with a cargo of lumber from Knappton. .. \u25a0 Steamer Casco \u25a0 left today for. San Francisco with a cargo of lumber. - -Steamer State of , California arrived this even- Ing with freight and passengers and left up the river for Portland. \u25a0 •-...' Steamer Riverside arrived this : morning from San Francisco with freight. from New York that came across. the Mexican route; German steamship Arabia of the Portland- Asiatic line is due to arrive from the orient to morrow. . . - -\u25a0' \u0084 - ' Steamer Argo arrived Sunday, night from Til lamook with freight and passengers. . Steam schooner . Cascade arrived Sunday even ing from San Francisco to load lumber. Schooner Virginia cleared at the custom house today for San- Francisco with a cargo of 062,000 feet of lumber, loaded at Knapptou. . Steamer Johan Poulsen also cleared for San Francisco. It carries a cargo of -300,000 feet of lumber loaded at Portland,. 200,000 feet loaded at Present t and 150,000 feet loaded at Kuappton. MOVEMENTS OF STEAMERS TO ARRIVE From I Steamer- | Date Humboldt F. A. Kilburn.. June 8 Coquille River......... Elisabeth :.... June 8 Saa 1Vdr0... ......... ilanalei ....... June S China & Japan China ......... June | 8 Humboldt Vanguard j ..... June 9 San Pedro. . . . , Cbehallg ...... June 9 San Pedr0.... ......... Norwood ...... June, 9 San Pedro Ad." Sampson. . .Tune 9 Point Arena & Albion. Porno June 10 Seattle & Tacoma Watson June 10 Hongkong (c Yokohama Ashtabula June 10 Portland & Astoria.... Nome City June 10 Coos Bay .'. M. F. Plant... June 10 Humboldt I City of Topeka. June 11 Humboldt .......}F.. A. Kilburn. June 11 San Pedro rßoanoke ....... Jnne 11 Puget Sound Ports Queen ......... June 11 San Diego 4: Way Ports! Governor ;..... June 11 Salina Cruz iMissourinn .... June 12 Mendoeino & Pt. Arena| Sea Foam . ...!Jun» 13 Puget Sound Ports [President . .....(June 13 Grays Harbor [Newburg ....... June 13 China & Japan. 1 . ...... 1 Manchuria \u25a0..*.. June 14 Portland & Astoria*... State" of^Cal.. June li Portland & Way Ports. G. W. Elder... June 14 San Pedro & Way Ports Coos Bay \u25a0 ..... June 14 San Diego & Way PortßJSanta Rosa ....[June 14 TO SAIL Destination | Steamer 1 Sails jPJer June 8 — I ' Humboldt .JF. Kilburn.. 10 am 13 Humboldt iCity Topeka. 10.30 a 11 Puget Sound Ports . City I'ur-Ui. 2 pm .9 June 9—9 — k - . Grays Harbor CbehalU 16 Grays Harbor... Norwood '- .... Coquille River '..Elizabeth .. 5 pm '16 Los Angeles Ports Hanalel .... 3pm 7 Mendocino dc Pt. Arena Sea Foam... 4pm 4 June 10-^- . - - \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-.\u25a0•' • Seattle & Tacoma..... Hornet 5 pm 20 Coos Bay Bee 5 pm 20 Los Angeles Ports Centralia ...[ Ipm 7 Japan & China. ....... Siberia- .....I 1 pm 42 Seattle A- Tacoma...., Ad. Sampson! 1 pm 20 Hawaiian Ports.: Hyades ....Jl2 m 10 San Diego & Way Ports Santa Rosa..ilo.3oa 11 June 11— * I Portland & Way Ports. Roanoka ...f 1 pm 13 Aiicklaud & Sydney... luvertay ...|l2 m .... June 12— j Grays Harbor ..., ....if*. Monica...! 4 pm * 2 - Astoria & Portland (Rose City ..|ll am '27 Puget Sound Ports (Governor • . . .i 2pm 5) • St. Michael direct Tallac Coos Bay :.. M. F. Plant 3pm « Humboldt Vanguard:'. 2 Point Arena & Albion. Porno 4 pml 2 June 14— . I Los Angelea 'Ports G. W, Elder 5 pm IS San Diego & Way Port* President. .. 10.30a| 111 TO SAIL* FROM -SEATTLE -">\u25a0 Pest i nation | Steamer - | Date Valdez & Seward......lNorthwestern .. June 8 Nome & St. Michael..'. Falcon June 8 Skagway & Way Ports. Jefferson June 10 Skagway & Way Ports. Humboldt ..... June 12 Skagway & Way Ports. Dolphin June 15 Seldovla & Way Ports. A. \u25a0 O. Lindsay.. Jun« 15 Nome & St. Michael... Mackinaw .....June 16 Valdea A: Seward Santa Clara.... June 16 Valdez & Seward Portland ...... June 24 Nome v Senator .....;. June 26 Time Ball United States branch hydrographic office, Mer chants' Exchange, San FranclKco, June 7, 1909. The time ball on the roof of the Fairmont hotel was dropped today exactly at noon. Pacific Mandard time (120 th meridian), or at Sh. OOm. 00s., Greenwich mean time. j < • / j. t. McMillan, - \u25a0 - Nautical • Expert, in charge. Sun, Moon and Tide United SUtes coast and geodetic survey— Time and heights of tides at Fort Point. For city front (Mission street wharf) add 25 minutes. TUESDAY, JUNE 8 « Sun rises ........:...;..,. 4-40 Sun sets ....'.* 7-32 Moon rises '. ![ll:«'p. m" Last quarter moon. June 10. at C:33 p. m. New moon June 17. at 3:19 p. m. , iTimel ITimel iTime! ITimel Junl Ft I IFt f IFt 1 {Ft |H W| |L W| |H W| |L W| 8.. 1:10 5.4J 8:45 —0.6 4:33 4.S 9:15 5.4 9.. 2:15 5.1 9:40— 0.2 5:20 5.0 10:28 8 2 10.. 3:44 4.0 10:32 0.3 6:04 5.2 11:42 2.« 11.. 5:25 -4.3 11:25 0.8 6:40 5.4 L Wl H W L W H w""" 12.. 0:50f 1.9 C:ST. 4.2 12:30 1.3 7:1& 5.6 IS.. 1:42 1.2 8:10 4.4[1:24 ].7 7:56 SO 14.. 2:32 0.4 9:20 4.5 2:12 2.1 8:35 n'.l 15.. 3:24 —0.2 10: 1 M 4.6 3:04 '2.4 0:14 c 4 I. S. Branch Hydroffraphic Office A branch of the United States hydrographic office, located at the Merchants' Exchange, is maintained in San Francisco for the benefit of mariners, without regard to nationality and free of expense. Navigators are cordially invited to visit the office, where complete sets of charts and sailing directions of the. world are kept at band for comparison ; apd reference.- and the latest Information can always be obtained re garding lights, dangers to navigation and mat ters of interest to ocean commerce. J. T. McMILLAN, > Nautical Expert, in charge. HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE Depth at mean low water, entrance to harbor, PLACE [ Ft. I Date |' Remarks' Grays Har| 19 [May _ 29|ChanneI getting broader ' \u25a0 " \u25a0 \u25a0 i " (Depth at mean • low Wlllapa B 2i Apr. 1 ; water in channel to " -| Raymond 15 feet. ''\u25a0-; Colom R|»24 |Feb. ltij '- "Nehalm Rl , a (Apr. SJChannel 200 feet south I I I of buoy. \u25a0 . . . .-. m.,. »I « » ."'^JDepth.or 8 feet at low Tillmk B. -9 Apr. 30 water In channel to ---•-' ' Garibaldi. ;\u25a0 Yaqnlna B| 13 |Mar. 12 [Channel not shifting. ""\u25a0 "~~~ _l \u25a0 -. Beacon on beach in line Siuslaw R 4 May 1 with south side of ' •-'"•' J 1 \u25a0 gulch leads over bar. Umpqua R 12 (May, • llChannel in good condi"- I '--' I tion. \u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0-, - r, 1 -f, L 112I 12 feet at low water to I Coos Bay. 17 [June 1 North Bend; 11 feet ;'":.;'.-;!\u25a0•-. .at . low water to 1 Marshfleld. Coquille Rl S IMay. 31 [Channel . close to north' ',- I I I Jetty: "- . „ _, -".' 1 > s N o.v opportunity 3f o r Rogue Rlv soundings lately;' be . . fore rise, there wag 7 ' I feet on bar. \u25a0 ,V- Klamth R| 7 |May 29[Channel BtralghT ~ — _-, \u25a0 North channel very • * crooked :\u25a0 lB ft - - aver- Hmbldt B 20 June 1 age low :watec in . straight channel lead "- -\u25a0 - Ing out northwest. S Pedro B| 20 |Apr. 15jXo change in channeE";' S Dlego'Bl 25 IMay '3|No change in ehannpi7" S Pablo B| 24 ,, lApr.1 Apr. 21 1 Depth in dredged chan -.'.\u25a0'"\u25a0\u25a0 I I I nel. , , •About..., --.\u25a0'..'\u25a0.•.•\u25a0..\u25a0'-\u25a0\u25a0;••\u25a0-.. \u25a0-.- .---. ." NEWS ' OF . TUB S OCEAN Pcnnaylvanla Taken • Biar Carßo '•\u25a0'\u25a0•\u25a0 :': ThV. steamer galled for Aneon and way* ports • yesterday "with' a. cargo con signed principally to New .-. York,: ralusd- at $231,632, the r distribution being as foilows- For,; New York, v . $189,909;.; Mexico,,: £15 133- Central $19,788; - Panama. $2 ? SOo' Colombla.r- $2.7»2: i- Ecuador. $275: , Peru * *.iss : Chile, 1 - $25; ; TrinidadN Island.' $242: Belgium s2so. f The. principal" shipments : and "their Ucstl natlonß were aBfolIows: "--\u25a0-.:\u25a0\u25a0 :\u25a0. . '-\j- -. \u25a0\u25a0: :\u25a0\u25a0 To \u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0•Xew> York— 4o,so-S- gal* wine. 9 917 •<.« canned X goods, ft 40.02J5 ? lbs i dried - grapeg ' s 10 017 lbs.- nuts. 492.001 .» lbs i wool. hid" V 21,525 ; lb» . horns, X7o OS i typewriters. 40 294 lb« ginper root, : Masks' sea' shells/', . -_. '.- »'•..-.,, r\ To Mexlco-^B,OIO -i ctls - barley,* 24 'en • canned goods.; 270 -lbs \u25a0 dried V fruit,:* 4 , pkgs < machlnerv 78 pcs and 33 ; bdls pipe.*^ 1 * bbl 4 oil,- G • bin • glasV \u25a0Jlo^Central • America— l.B37 -.bbls V flotir \u25a0: lifcoo lbs lard. : ! 4oo lbs meal?, 5 , 346 •, lbs : dried • f ruit^eoo lbs salt. V 3.150 :• lbs i spiceg. , 4 : ck J canned" goods • 2.0C0 ctls ! corn,; 170j lb«i hops. ,1,020 lbs 'malt 70 cs nalmon, 24N c« -.whisky, , 278 5 gain V and >1% f» wine. 5.000. lbs i rice.i 1.%R4 \u25a0. ft • lumber. i 20 cs'ofl" 402 » lb* - seetls. 50 ; * kerosene, \u25a0\u25a0 3 • rolls 5 leather' 12,. pkgs ?.machlnerr.V4S,3ni h lbs '"tallow ' 31 - Dk«s tank : material," 2o bdl»:wire. . - - -'-. ., '*:.\u25a0\u25a0 -. ;" -, .To' Panama— soo ' bbls : flour, -23,000 lbs 'rice j 5,132 lbs sal£ 269 \ lbs spices. 430 lbs 1 sago/ 50 , pkgs potatoes,- 50 1 ptgs onions,; 35 • A ' canned goodsj 3.80S lbs beans, I.SSO lbs coffee, \ 51 : coils rope. To Colombla-^333 bbls floor. 930 lbs garlic, SO pkgs. potatoes, 20 pkgs- onions, 17,050 lbs rice. 8 cs salmon. \u25a0 To Ecuador- — 50 bbls flour, a To Pern— 9,73B lbs grease. To . Trinidad Island — 3S cs canned goods, 22 C 8 salmon, 1 eg . table preparations, v ,- -; ;; \u25a0 Notice i.o Mariner* : v Captain George Ankers of the XT. S. A.' T. Dlx reports to the branch b.vdroßraphle of flee at Port Townsend that on June 2, 1900, ,wben in latitude 45 degrees 51 minutes N.,^ longitude 130 degrees .04 minutes W..he. passed a large stump of a tree, about 40 feet long and 6 feet In diameter. Dangerous to navigation. . . j. t. McMillan. , Nautical Expert,' in charge. Weather Report United "States Department of Agriculture- Weather Bureau. San Francisco. June 7, 1909. RAINFALL DATA; Last ; Seasonal Normal Stations — 24 hours, to date., to date. Fureka ....0.00 .42.73.. 45 82 Red Bluff O.Wf ' 30.81 24.71 Sacramento fI.OO . 21.75 20.01 Mt. .Tamalpais. ....'.. 0.00 35.61 22.72 San Francisco........ 0.00 23.57. ' 22.17 San Jose 0.00 15. 26 12.99 Fresno .....», 0.00 \u25a0 : ».79 s »,6« Independence ......... 0. 00 -7.88 f1.52 San, Luis 0b15p0...... 0.00 .31.38 20.49 Loa Angeles.... 0.00 , 1t».07 15 67 San' Dieg0.. ......... 0.00 . ..10.23 . 10.01 Coaat record for 12 hours endlna; 5 p.m. ' a? ' i's * -\u25a0 $ ' stations". I J U :\u25a0,?: \u25a0\u25a0.-? |l Baker 30.04 5« 44 NW Clear -' T Boise 29. »6 6C 42 NW Clear .00 Eureka 29.94 00 44 W Clear -00 Flagstaff .....20.70 72 38 SW Clear .00 f« Bno8 no •• 29.78 92 62 W 'Clear .00 Independent ..39.74 SO 54 W ' Cloudy ' 00 Kallspell ......30.06 60 46 >X_ Cloudy '-T Los AngeUa... 29.oC 60 WJ SW. PtXlily - 00 Modena 29.70 70 44 W Clear .00 Mt. Tamalpals.29.92 71 48 - SW Clear 00 North Head... 30. 10 68 50 E Clear 'oo Phoenix 29.70 98 70 W Clear 'oo Pocatello .... .29.82 CS GO. RW Cloudy !oo Pt. Reyes Lt.. .29.88 07.48VS Cloudy .00 Portland ......80.02-78 62 NW Clear .00 Red Bluff ..29.72 !»0 74 N Clear • 00 Reno 29. 76 7« 44 W (Var .00 Roseburg ...... 29. PS SO 44 X near 00 Sacramento ...29.78 -80 M SW Clear 00 Salt Lake... .*..29. SO 70 SMS M SE " Cloudy '.10 San Diego ....29.06 64 38 ', W . Cloudy .00 San Francisco.. 29. 92 «2 _50 W Clear 00 San J05e...... .29. 88 7« 50 SW Clear !oo S. Luis Obispo.2n.9B 04 RO W Clear 00 S. H. Fara110n..29.92 5« W S Clear "oo Spokane ......30.12 60 48 — Cloudy *O2 •Summit 75 35.5E Clesr .00 Tacoma .......'50.04 74 50 NF3 Clear 00 Tatoosh. 30.10 04 40 SW Clear 00 Tonopah ...... 2!>. 68 72 M) W Clear r'oo Walla Wa11a.. .30. 08 64 50 E Clear '01 Winncmucca ..29.54 72 16 NW aear *0d y«ma ..29.68 9G 02 SW Clear !oo •Average snow on ground 8 inches. The following maximum and minimum tem peratures are reported from eastern stations for the previous day: Chicago, 84-04; New York 78-58; Omaha, SB-54. v * * . SYNOPSIS . Light' showers have fallen at some of the northern stations and a thunder storm is reported at Salt Lake, aear weather prevails in Califor nla and there is less fog. than usual along the coast.. Afternoon temperatures in the great val ley range from 80 to 90 degrees. The relativo humidity at Red Bluff was ac per cent and at Fresno 39 per cent., . Forecast for the 30 hours ending at midnight *8-58; Omaha, 88-64.' San Francisco and vicinity— Fair Tuesday, somewhst warmer: light southwest wind, increas ing in: the afternoon. Santa Clara valley— Fair Tuesday^ slightly warmer; light riorth.vdnd. . ' -*."f Sacramento Talley— Fair Tuesday; moderate north wind. \u25a0•• \u25a0\u25a0. > . San Joaquln valley— Fair Tuesday; ligbr south wind, changing to fresh north. Los Angeles and vicinity— Cloudy Tuesday; light south wind. ' A. G. McADIE. District Forecaster. SHIPPING : INTELLIGENCE ' ABItrVED •-'-•' < _ \u25a0 - \u25a0••\u25a0:\u25a0'.'.-< Sunday, June fi. n Stmr Svea, Allen, B8 hours from Grays Harbor. \u25a0• •\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0" >_..-, Monday, June? 7. Stmr Santa Barbara, Zaddart, 40 hours from San Pedro. : -\u25a0 Stmr Qulnault, Walvig, 39 hours from San Pedro. Stmr San Jaclnto, '. Rasmossen, 35 hours from San Pedro. Btmr Point Arena, Jahnsen, 19 hours from Mnnroe landing. Stmr Carlos, Hardwlck, 58 hours from Wlllapa. Stmr Santa Monica. Olsen, 61 hours from Grays Harbor. Stmr Tiverton, Johnson. 80 honrs from Ludlow. Stmr Westerner, Kelly, 63 hours from San Diego. Stmr Hornet, Marxsen, . 63 hours from Grays Harbor. ' -.. . Stmr Rpse City. Mason, 4S*i hours from Port land, via Astoria 40*4 hours. U- S " Btmr " Yorktown," Field, 60 hours from San Diego. - . • ' ; ' " Stmr. Shna Yak, Hutton, . 43 hours from Re dondo."' , ' \u25a0-\u25a0-'\u25a0'.- Stmr : Santa • Rosa, Alexander, 42 hours: from San Diego, etc. \u25a0-\u25a0- \u25a0 < \u25a0 . • Stmr San Juan. Frazier, 25 "days 11 hours 48 minutes from Ancon,' via Mazatlan C days 17 hours 24 minutes:,- ". ' - ATLANTIC OCEAN TRAVEL I ' ' . \u25a0 - . \u25a0 . . -\u25a0 "... IVorth German jjoyd Large, Fast and Luxurious Twin-Screw Express and: Fassenorer Steamships Equipped with Wireless and Submarine Signals. PLYMOUTH— CHERBOURG— BREMEN Express Sailings Tuesdays at 10 a. m. : * : Kais. Wm.d.Gr.June 22 Kronprlna Wm..'.Joly 6 ' Kaiser. Wm: 11. June 29 Cecllie. . . . . . .r: . Jnly 13 PLYMOUTH— CHERBOURG — BREMEX Twin-Screw Sailings Thursdays at 'lo :n. m. ' Friedricbd. Gr.June l'lKurfuerst .... .'.June 24 Barbarossa.......Tune 19]Seo. Wasblngton.July * 1 Geonce AVanhlnffton— SalU July 1—27,000 tons.' : Newest and: Largest German Ship afloat. Every innovation known to the shipbuilder's art. GIBRALTAR— XAPLES — GENOA t Mediterranean Sailings Saturdays at 11 a. m. K.;Albert .....June :l9 K. Lulse .......July 10 Berlin \ (new) . . . June 26 Priniess Irene . r. July 17 ConneetlonM Encircling; the Globe Traveler*' checks Rood all over the world Apply OELRICHS & C 0. .; Gen'l A cent « • 5 Broadway, Hew York, or v .' . Robert Capelle. G. A. ' P. C, 250 Powell st., opp. St. -Francis Hotel, San Francisco. ! Telephone— Kearny 4791." AMERICAN LINE Plymonth^-Cherbourir— Southampton ' Philadelphia— Qneenatovrn— Liverpool ATLANTIC TRANSPORT LINE . Xew York— London Direct . HOLLAND»AMERICA LINE New York— Rotterdam, via Bonloffne REDJSTARJLINE \ew York— Dover— Antwerp -,-,n r :\u25a0 WHITE STARjLINE : ; Ne^-.York-^-QneenstoTvn— Liverpool - Plymouth— Cherbourg— Southampton - : .1 Boston— QrUeenntown-^-Llverpool *:".- \u25a0 NEW YORK AND i BOSTON »,TO ; ITALY '\u25a0 ' ;via:-A>iorej« nnd'. Gibraltar ,7;.. Cretlc -'..'....'..'. June 26 Finland ;*. ..July 10 Itonmnlc . ,W; r.'.July : 3 Canoplcj .'. .:v;..Joly 24 Q."V. KOEPPEL,. Passenger Agent Paciflo" Coast,' • \u25a0 • : 40 ,: Ellis, Street ; Kear^ Market^V;+" CCAPTOmAVIAN-AMERICAN UP.E j.. - „.-. 11 1 "\u25a0_ Direct to > .; 1 v Norwayv Sweden and Denmark United ;\u25a0\u25a0' States .-.June lOjOscar r ir. .'!.%" . '; ; j a jj. - 3 C. F. Tlctgen.'. : Juue 17 United States. ... Jnly 22 Helllg: Olav..; . .June 24IOF.jTletgen.r~.Jaly 29 All - Steamer* "; Equipped -AVlth \u25a0'. AVirel cnm \u25a0 .; First cabin/ s7s 'upward; second cabin.;^ ' A: E." JOHNSON A CO., 1 Broadway;: New, York[ or ; to local > agents. - \u25a0:\u25a0*£.?\u25a0 '\u25a0 '% \u25a0 /' -~v".r Compa^nl^^enerale^^ansatlantiqiie * " /DIRECT -1 LINE TO~ HAVRE-PJVRIS7*.V * : Sailing every r Thursday, i instead ; of , Satnrdav, at ; 10 ; a. , m.r from . pier .42," : North ' river, 1 ? foot of Morton i«t. ;•.-[\u25a0" .vV \u25a0'.. \u25a0-:'- •'-•'\u25a0 "?.-'v s ; ;. ! ; :'.?,.:->: -; - \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0• '•\u25a0: First class ; <o;Havre. j : > $77.50i and 1 upward:- sec- ond classto Havre..s.".O and upward.^ OENERAL' AGENCY .FORIONITSDf STATES "ANDcCAN- ADAJ; 19 i State; tt:',\ NewATork.^.j J.-J F. i KUGAZI * Managerl Paclflci Coasts 830: Montgomery Jst.rtSan Franclstco. :/;iTickets ? sold -= by \u25a0 all \ railroad ? ticket a;cnts, ;_....: \u25a0..:\u25a0-.-..-.-'.-.. .^-:^-^ — :-_^^.-_^;^. • Stmr. J Marhoffer," Winkel, 94 hours from Ta coma... * ,• .. . -. • >.Schr ;A " J West,' Yarneberg,- SU , days from Grays ; Harbor. •-:\u25a0 .. .?,.:'... ''. Schr. Annie "• E Smale, Colstrop, 13 days from Ludlow. .'.;.''• .-.'-..' -. —\u25a0. . - \u25a0 . .-\u25a0- Sehr Kona, Hansen. 7 day? from Port Ludlow. :,.:*:.\u25a0„.-\u25a0,'\u25a0 ]\u25a0_ . CLEARED . '^.-:'-->. . o \u25a0 . ; . ' •- Monday, - June 7. \u25a0.'. .-'Stmr- Curacao, Paulson. Guaymas and. way ports via I*s Anseles; Pacific Coast steamship company;-"-;; -.^,<;-'\., .. \ £\u25a0 Stmr •' Pennsylvania. ..Thompson; Ancon. etc; Pacific Mail steamship company. ~" . £\u25a0 Stmr * City of Topeka, Hall, Eureka ; Pacific Coast steamship company. " - .: -.- -.:"•'-; ,-\u25a0 . -\u25a0•"\u25a0 "^ Stmr Governor, • Jepsen, San ' Diego; "Pacific Toast- steamship company. •' - " Stmr Coos \u25a0 Bay. Nleolson. Pan "'. Pedro, «tc; Pacific. Coast steamship 'company. ' Stmr Enterprise, r Younggren", Hilo; \u25a0 Matson .navigation- company.' - - '•:.'.[ -" . SAILED .. '> Monday,' June 7. ' Stmr Curacao. Ponlsen. Guaymas. etc. - , : V S stmr McCulloch. ; Daniels. — -. ; Rtmr. Enterprise, ' Younggren. , : Hilo. . Stmr Taboo, ; Petterson, \u25a0 Grays Harbor. ' fctmr.Mandalay. Lofstrooi. Crescent City.'" • .' Pow schr Newark. Wayland, Byxbee landing. / Stmr Raymond, Knudsen, ; Hoquiam. •, '. ' -*>."• Stmr-Hermosa, : Swanson,-, San Pedro. Stmr Governor, Jepsen, San Diego. ;'-. : Stmr Pennsylvania,' ThompseD,' Ancon. • Stmr; Coos Bay. ; Nlcolsoo. San Pedro. Stmr Santa > Barbara. Zaddart.; Grays ."Harbor. ' Stmr Westerner.- Kelley. Grays Harbor. Pow schr vWashcalore, \u25a0•Peterson, Siuslaw. - ,*%}»' "\u25a0:- i. SPOKEN '" \u25a0• -• :\u25a0 - \u25a0\u25a0' r - \u25a0 . April 5— Latitude 6 south,' longitude 23 west, Ital ship Cresslngton." hence Dec 16 for Ipswich. May 29— Latitude 30 north, .longitude IS west, Fr bark l'Hermlte, from Dunkirk for Oregon. '.BY UNITED WIRELESS CO.- .' Stmr. ColE L Drake, ' from San ': Francisco for Seattle— -June 6,* 9 p m, off THlamook.*." . '\u25a0\u25a0 r- \u25a0 -; Stmr 'Alameda.' from San' Francisco for Hono lulu — June 6, 8 p m, . 462. miles -from San Fran cisco; fine weather. \u25a0•; ,: ' ::_ ,' Stmr Admiral Sampson, from San Francisco for San Pedro— June 6, 6 p m. off Point Sur. — -jp^SC^ ,'Stmr W's Porter, from San Francisco — Arrived at Monterey June 6,*10 pm. \u25a0 >-'•\u25a0 - - WEATHER REPORTS POINT LOBQB. June 7, 9: a m— Foggy ; wind SW; velocity 12 miles an hour, r i ' \u25a0\u25a0 POINT REYES. June 7, 9 a m-^-Cloudy;/wlnd south;, velocity 22 miles an hoor.-\ \u25a0 - ~ -TATOOSH. June 7. 9 a m-7-Clear; wind -KB; velocity 12 miles an hour. \u25a0 - v ' FARALLON ISLANDS. June 7, 9 a m— Cloudy; wind SW; velocity 10 miles • an • hour. >'.-';-; •>•;• TELEGRAPHIC POINT LOBOS,: June 7. 10 p ' m— Weather foggy; wind SW; velocity 16 miles ao hour. DOMESTIC 'PORTS ' EUREKA-^Arrived June.7— Stmr F A Kilburn. hence June 8. June C — Ftmr Geo W Elder, hence June 5. - V ':'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 . ' Hailed June 6 — Stmr Acme, for San. Francisco. -SANTA BARBARA— SaiIed June . 7— Stmr Santa. Rosa. >for San Francisco. . •'-.-\u25a0.- ... SEATTLE— SaiIed June O— II » stmr St Louts. for . June J 7 — V S stmr Maryland and U S Btmr West Virginia, for,- . - . \u25a0 » Arrived Juno 6 — Stmr Shasta, hence Jnne 1. June 7— Stmr : City of Seattle, from Skagway; atmr Mexican., hence June 3. Arrived June 7— Stmr A G Lindsay, from Juneau. ' Sailed June ,7 — Stmr Watson, for San Fran cisco. \u25a0 -.'\u25a0• - . .- \u25a0-\u25a0.:\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0", ; ASTORlA— Arrived June 7— Stmr Riverside, hence June 3. .June 6^ — Stmr Cascade, hence June 2: stmr Argo,' from Tillamook. /Arrived June 7 — Stmr Riverside, hence June 3. ' Sailed I June s—Stmr5 — Stmr Johan Foolsen, ; for Kan. Sailed June 7 — Stmr Casco, for, San Francisco. Francisco.^ ; .. , ' ''\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'• - TATOOSU— Passed out June 7— Sehr J W Cllse, from Tacoma for Callao. | tn — Barge Caron delet.from Grays Harbor: Nor ship Eupbrosyna, from . Victoria for Valparaiso. Passed in June 7 — Strar Col B L Drake, hence June 3 for Seattle;. Nor stmr Sverre. from As toria for Seattle; stmr President.' hence' June -5 for Seattle/ " Out — Bktn Archer, : - from 'Roche harbor for San Francisco. . ; NEAH BAY-^-Sailed June 7— Tug gnohomlsh. for Seattle. . Passed in "June, C — Strar Mexican, hence June 3 for, Seattle: US stmr Columbine: Br bark Marlborough Hill, from liicoma for Valparaiso. BANDON-rArrlved June ,6— Stmr Elizabeth; hence June 2: stmr Fl field, hence Jnne 3. WESTPORT,— Arrived June 6— Stmr Harold Dollar, hence June 2. Sailed June C— Stmr Centralia, for San Fran cisco. : . Passed in June 7 — Stmr Harold Dollar, hence June 2. :\u25a0• \u25a0 ' \u25a0 \u25a0 -' , * • .\u25a0."- . t Sailed ~ June . 7 — Schr Carrier Dove.^for Guay mas. "••\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0-.,\u25a0 -\u25a0'-\u25a0• : -- :-': -' . •.: "-'•:\u25a0-'" -'•:\u25a0-' •'\u25a0--.\u25a0 Passed in Jnne sG — Stmr Excelslorr hence June 2. Out— Schr Henry Wilson, for San Eranclsco; stmr Saglnaw. for San Pedro. - • -•'\u25a0 UMPQUA— SaiIed June 3 — Schr Louise, for San Pedro. ' REDONDO — Arrived June 7 — Stmr AurelJa, from Eureka ; schr Lottie . Bennett, from Bell lngham. TACOMA— Sailed Jane 7 — Rtmr Chas • Nelson, for Everett: U S stmr Burnside. for Seattle. Arrived June .7— Stmr Tampico, stmr Chas Nelcon. from Seattle. \u25a0 SAN^ DIEGO— SaiIed June 7— Stmr Nevadan, for Seattle; stmr Winnebago. for San Francisco; stmr Norwood, for San Francisco. POINT REYES— Passed Jnne 7 — Stmr Majes tic, from Portland for San Pedro. HOQUIAM — Arrived :, June 7— Stmr Harold Dollar, hence June 2. .' . ' , - CLALLAM — Passed In June 7— Barge Caron delet. barge St James. , . . SAN PEDRO— Arrived June 7— Stmr Admiral Sampson, hence June 6; schr Ruby, from Bandon; Btmr Wellesley, from Astoria. " \u25a0\u25a0 ' . SKAGWAY — Arrived- June 6— Stmr Cottage City, from Seattle and. sailed June 7 for Ketchl kaii. \u25a0 . - : - \u25a0'\u25a0" \u25a0'\u25a0' .' -\u25a0' \u25a0-•' .'-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 , KETCHIKAN — Arrived June 6^Stmr Jeffer son, from Seattle.- ' . •; :>: Sailed June 0— Stmr Dora, for Seattle. ,- >, \u25a0'-. . UNALASKA— Arrived \u25a0 April 20-rWhal stmr Karluk, hence April 4. , . ISLAND PORTS HONOLULU— Passed June 7— Br stmr Erroll, from Salina Cru» for Hongkong. PACIFIC OCEAN* TRAVEL : ' ..•^i - ' -..- -.-Steamers Leave Broadway y^W»Sj^Qk wharves (P^ers ,9 and 11). A^n -?^Ss\ LOW R.VTES, INCLUDING AvvßßStt V*l BERTHS AND MEALS. I 1 \«SAI I;SPECIAL ROUND TRIP V5kV ' ySf I.OSANGELES VfiJjjwrtWX SAX DIEC.O -><aaj>^ - »SAXTA BARBARA •President. . ..'..'. ;.: : . iV.'.Mon., June 14, 28; Sun. .July 11, 2 p. m. •Governor.. ..Mon., June 21,' Jnly 5, 19, 2 p.' m. .•. • Alternately Every Monday- Thereafter. Santa Rosa ....Every Thursday, 10:30 -a. m. •Direct for Los Angeles. Will not call S. Barbara. SEATTLE (DIRECT), fTOWXSEXD iTAc6MA..t Victoria; tvAxcouvEß Connecting at Seattle for SE. Alaska, Skagway, ;DawBon, Fairbanks, Nome, St. Michael." Puebla...'.Tties.,. Jone-8,- 22; July ' 6, 20, 2p. m. tGovernor..Sat., June 12. 26; July 10, 24, 2 p. m. Queen- ......\u25a0...:.... Tues.. June 15,-2fl, 2 p. m. tPrcsldent.....Sat., Junel9; July 3, 17, 2 p. m. Umatllla ...;....: ..... -Tties..^ July 13. 2p. m. Alternately Every Tue*.~and Sat. Thereafter.'. fWlll I not call at Victoria, Townsend. Vancouver. ; EUREKA ; < HIT3IBOLDT, BAY) City of Topeka. .June. S, 13. 18.. 23. 28; July S. S, 13 18, 10:30 a.m.; Every fifth day thereafter. GUAYMAS, MAZATLAN; LA PAZ Curacao . .... .. . : . . . ..7theach month,- 10 a. m. AI^SITJL CBmSES^LoavalSwrttle.: Spokane.... June 15, -80; July.:ls, SO: August 14 Queen . . ........ ..... . ; . . . . .. . Jnly , 15, 30 NOME— ST! 1 MICHAEL 1 =\ Senator <dlrect) ' Leave Seattle '. '. ...... . June 28 . *"• Right reserved to' change 'this schedule. TICKET OFFICES— 3 Market St., 112 . Market st.-, - \u25a0 and ':\u25a0 Broadway ,\u25a0 Wharf. - Tel. - Keaxny 492. % OAKLAND — 1050 . Broadway.'. Tel." Oakland 5650.* C. D. : DUNANN. G. P. A:, San Francisco. \u25a0 FORTHEORIENT S. S. "Minnesota" r.yvS ' 28,000 TONS. 'V LARGEST AND FINEST ON THE PACIFIO \u25a0; Sails from Seattle June .19 for V JAPANS CHINA and MANILA ' Large . . and \u25a0 commodious -v staterooms. -,\u25a0 Every modern' convenience.^."" •'.>«': : .' '\u25a0••. ; Great Northern Steamship Company 2G POWELL ST. (Flood BuiUiac). , : Telephone Kearny 2148. \ O.'.W. COLBr .-. .;'..'.'. .'.'\u25a0 . ''.V.*.' '.'. f. General Agent TOYO KISEN KAISHA (ORIENTAL " STEA3ISHIP : CO.MPAIf Y>' S. S. Chiyo Maru.....:..": Tuesday," June 29, 1909 S .- r . S . , Tenyo ; Maru .". i . .". Tuesday, July 27, 1909 S. ; S . Nippon; Mara .'.Tuesday,': August 117,'1 17, ' 1909 '\u25a0 if. Steamers ; sail 1 from T company's ; piers,"- Nos. ? 42, 44,*,, near.; foot | of . : Second . St.", 1 ; 1 . P.i m.', ; for. Toko- hatna and I Honskong. : callings at t Honolulu. - Kob« (Hioyo). Nagasaki and fihaugh aI, and connecting ' at I Hongkong 1 with 3 steamers 1 for : Manila,'' India, etc. INo cargo I received : on board on ' day *of sail- Inp. ; Round -.trip r tickets •a'f reduced! rates. - .-; - For ; freight : and : passage at l office^ '24o James '\u25a0 Flood 'building.' • O W. " H. "AVERY, j • • -Assistant ; General . Mantger. '" UniiAl lIN I s^ s - Alaniedii saiU 11 liUriUlt «•\u25a0' ni." June. 4 26. Special \u25a0"-"*:."; round. trIp,;?110 first class.' \u25a0TAHITIAKDNEWZEALAND-S'S: j Marlposa ? sails i 11: a.% ra.'.i July; lru SpL" Tahiti' • round t trip : ?125. ;-;• Welllnirton,-' $260. • 7R. - T. i OCEANIC s LINE." 673 Mkt. ;~tel: Kearny 1231.'^ AUCTION SALES \^& sfe» ; IN OAKLAND—SS head o£ cheap" city work and Zdriving horees at auction, suitable for aU purposes and' campers. - All suanateed horses rrlll be hooked. 565 4th st.. Oakland. J. W. MEPEIROS, Auctioneer. . , | Arrived June 7—Jap stmr Nippon Marti, hence June.lfor China and Japan. • \ \u25a0, v_ Arrived Jane 7—Stmr Slanehuria, from Hong kon? for San Francinco. /• lIILO—SaUed June s—Stmr Texan, for SaUna CriUE.'.-. ;•; -;\u25a0 r ;--. ..; •..\u25a0 UAN A—Arrived June \u25a0 6—Schr James Rolph,. hence May 21. EASTERN PORTS NEW YORK—Arrived May 2*—Br stmr Cape Finisterre." from: Swansea for Saa Francisco. . Arrived Jane. 7—Stmr. AUlancs, '\u25a0 from Colon. Sailed June s—Stmr American, for Puerto Mexico. \u25a0•-\u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0; . . NORFOLK—Arrived May 30—Br stmr Starth gyle. from Shields for Sak Francisco. PHILADELPHIA— Arrived June s—Stmr Ha waiian, from Puerto Mexico. . . :.r - :','.' - FOREIGN PORTS , ST LUClA—Sailed May 28—Br atmr Strrthyre, for San Francisco. NEWCASTLE. N S W—Arrived May I—Br ship Chiltonf ord. from Santa Rosalia. MEJILLONES—Arrived May 17—Br bark Le vernbank, from .Santa Rosalia.~.*>.-fg&t*#<tst3£ SANTA ROSALIA—In port May 17—Gex bark Plndos. . , . -.HAMBURG—SaiIed May 20—Br. bark Lons dale: for.Mazatlan. • .GUATMAS—Arrived May 23—Br stmr Lons dale.' from < Vancouver and sailed May 23 for Maaatlan and Salina Crui. BARRY—Sailed May 1-3—Br stmr Hattoawood, for Norfolk and' San Francisco. . - ZAANDAM— Arrived May 17—Br atmr. River dale, for Norfolk and San Francisco. tejg^jti 1 LONDON—Sailed May 20—Nor stmr TorsdaL for Antwerp, Norfolk.-Va, and San Francisco. • SUEZ—Arrived Juno 7—Br stmr Keemun, from Victoria for Liverpool." • YOKOHAMA—SaiIed June 4—Br stmr, Inver clyde, for-New York. ' Arrived June 7—Stmr Korea, hence May 21 via Honolulu. PUNTA ARENAS—Arrived June 2—Nor stmr Melderskln;. from New York. SALINA CRUZ—Arrived June 4—Stmr Nebras kan. hence May 27. -j£E§Q| - GREENOCK—SaiIed May 23—Br stmr Titan, for t*uget sound. NEWCASTLE N S W N.. «N.. 6N..6N.. Sailed May 16—Br bar Pass of KiQiecranfcle, for Valparaiso. -'SHIELDS— Sailed June 4—Br stmr Den of Cromble, for Newport News. - HONGKONG—Sailed June 3—Br.-stmr Suverlc. for Puget sound. SHANGHAI—Arrived June C—Br stmr Clan Macfarlane, from Victoria. OCEAN STEAMERS GLASGOW—Arrived June 6—Stmr Caledonia, from New York. \u25a0••"' • LIVERPOOL—Arrived Jun« 7—Stmr Arabic, from New York; stmr Cymric, from Boston. - CHERBOURG—Arrived June 7—Stmr Prinzes* Alice, from New York via Plymouth for Bremen, and proceeded: stmr Kaiser Wilhelm 11, from New York, and proceeded for Bremen. Sailed June 7—Stmr Grower Kurfurst, for New York; atmr Amerika, for New York. DOVER—Arrived June 7—Stmr VUderland. from New York for Antwerp, and proceeded. HAVRE—Sailed June 7—Stmr La Savoie. for New York. YOKOHAMA—Arrived June. s—Stmr Cymric, from Vancouver. Memoranda Per Rtmr Sbna Yak. at San FrancUeo Jane 7 from RedoDdo— ~June 6. 4 p m/off Port Harford. passed a steamer with tow; looked lit* stmr Whittler, with bktn FuH«rton la tow., NEW YORK. June 2 — Steamer Panama, hencp for Cristobal. ba» Just been towed to anchor off Bedloe island by two togs; the steamer's star board engin* is deranged.- ' P«T stmr Srea — On Jane B. 8 p m. 5 miles NW of Point B«yei. saw the schr A J We»t, from Grays Harbor for Pan Francis*^. '^^ TOAVKI* /^Jp|*\ Santa Fe Trains LeaVe Sing SAN FRANCISCO \jß^. Market St. Ferry LEA VB FOR— |A. M.| P.M. BAKERS7IELD 7:15 8:00-10:00 CHICAGO 7:15 8:00-10:00 FRESNO 7:13 4:00- 8:C0-10:C0 GRAND CANYON 7:15 8:00-10:00 , HANFORD 7:13 10:00 KANSAS CITr 7:15 8:00-10:00 MERCED ....:...-.. 7:15 4:00-8:00-10:00 STOCKTON 7:15 4:00- 8:00-10:00 STOCKTON, OAKDALE •* SIERRA RY. PTS... 9:45 TULARE 7:15 8:0O-10:C9 VISALIA .... i 7:15 8:00-10:00 YOSEMITE .- 7:15 10:00 California Limited tbronch to Chicago leaveat at 10.00 p. m. -~ OFFICES: 673 Market Street and Market Street Ferry Depot, San Francisco 1112 Broadway, Oakland >*3S3k SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE §o&§b MAY \U 1909 \-fc3tay ITXIOiV FERRY DEPOT .^ggjjLx San Francisco Leave. VIA SAUSALITO Arrive. . • 7:15 a Sonoma and Glen Ellen 6:00p 7:45 a Petaluma, Santa Rosa, Healds- bcrg. Cloverdale, L'kiah. WUlits. •'::* Sherwood, Sebastopol and Guerne- " ville .:.. *7:33p S:l3a Pt. Reyes, Monte Rio, iCaxadero. f *»7rfK>p |S:4sa Petaluma. Snt. Rosa. Guerneville 7:OT»p .Jft:ir>a Sonoma and Glen E11en'......... - 8:35p t!>:lsa Lagnnltas,-Cp. Taylor. Pt. Reyes 7:35p 10:4.* a Petaluma and Santa Rosa 4:3Sp t2:45p Pt. Reyes, Monte Rio. Cazadero.. tll:03a 3:15p Petaluma. Santa • Rosa. Healds- burg,; Cloverda}e, Tlklah, Guerne- ••- ville. River Landing. Sebastopoh H:0"a 4:43p Sonoma and Glen E11en...'....;.. 9:0oa 5:15p Petaluma and Santa Rosa... S:.T>a t5:45p I^aßunitas, Cp. Taylor, Pt. Reyes 8:05 a . t7:4sp|Point. Reyes \u25a0 8:05 a ELECTRIC STTBTTRBAN VIA. SAUSALITO Sausalito, Mill Valley, San Rafael—Dally every thirty minutes from 6:43 A. M. until 9:45 A. M.: hourly until 2:45 P. M.. then 3U5 P. M. and every thirty minutes until 7:45 P. If., then 9:00. 10:35 P. M. and 12:01 A. M. (On Sundays \u25a0—In addltlon—revery;thirty minutes from 9:45 A. M. to 3:15 P. M., excepting 2:15 P. M.I \u25a0 Fairfax—Leave v 6:45, t7:15. 7:45, 8:15. 9:15, J9:4r,, 10:43, 11:45 A. M.: 12:45. 1:43. f2:45. 3:15.' 3:45.: 4:15, -4:43, 5:15, 5:43, 6:13, «:45, J7J4SP. -M. - - . San ftuentin via San Rafael—Leave 9:15 A. M.. 1:45 P. M. . .-;- . Tiburon and Belvedere—Week days—7:50, 9:00, 111:45 A. M. (112:45 P. M. Saturdays oaly>. 3:30. 5:30 P.M.; Sundays 7:30, !J9:00. fgll:00 A. M.; J512:30,\3:30, 5:30 P. M.,vand |12:01 A. M. ['- J- \u25a0 A"- -— -\u25a0 .;'. -\u25a0 ---. I 'Sundays arrive 7:05 P. M. from< Seba.*topol and • Guerneville. ••Sundays arrive 8:03 P. M. tExcept Sunday. tSunday -only. |VU Sau- eallto. \u25a0\u25a0 \ I Runs to Scbuetzen Park. - Pacific Transfer Company's Agents are author- ized to check baggage direct from residences. MUIR WOODS l||||i MT. TAMALPAIS - V'A SAU3ALITO FERRY TBp3r FOOT OF MARKET ITSEET V^: LKAL HOUDAYS-SmtDAT TWI • iT.lHfmtlas . iT.Mrif Wwfc If. Tnatno ~V.T.EX SUN- WEEK SCN- WEEK SUN- ; PAY *- DAY * DAY ' DAY DAY PAY 9:45 a 7:15* 17:20 a }l:05» 7:20 a 3>42« t:4sp «B:4Sa 1:40p'i2:25p 1:40» 11: Ma *4:45p 3:15 a 02:45» ,1:50p *:14p 12:10» ....... 3:45 a ,4:20 i» 3:50p *9:50p 1:40p .:...: 11:15 a ;...... 6:20 p..:... 3:<op \u0084:.-..: 12:45 p.:../.. . 6:40p 5:10p ...... 2:45 p...... ...... 6:40p -..'.;.\u25a0 4:15p . ....;. ...... ...... •Sat. only. +Mon. only. ©Tamalpais only. - IMair only •. \u25a0 .Ticirt Omcea—Sacsalito Ferry and 874 Market.' ~ • Geoeral Offices—Mill \alley. Californis- OCEAN SHORE; RAILWAY :H- (12th and Mission)— Dally ex. . Sunday—Lv.: •7:45 a," t«:3oa.; 'l^Sp, ts:4op. ; Ar. S. F.: •7:25 a, f9:loa. *l:00p. tl:l3p. Sundays—Lv.: •7:43 a. f»:3oa, . t*10:10a. _»ll:15a. ; •12:15p, ts:4op. .Ar. S. F.: »X:23a, t»:10a. >ll:40a. •4:40p, 'ts:lsp, t*6:oop. . »To and from Arleta. tTo and. from Tunitas ' Glen. |Stop at Salada, San;: Pedro; Terrace,\u25a0 •. Fara 1 lone, .*. Moes Beach. Granada.; Half moon Bay.' \u25a0, Connect at Tunitas Olen with stage for San Gregorio, Pescadero and Pebble Beach.vf \u25a0;\u25a0.-"" -- \u25a0\u25a0*_. \u25a0,;".-'»" * ' .j ' \u25a0''. • i :^ -'*-BAT?A»D- INTER URBAN ROUTES r MARE ISLAND NAYWyARD ?: Vallejo^Napa, Si. Helena ST. , HETjEXA-XAPA r. VALLEY '\u25a0 ROUTK -MontlcelloS.' S.^Co.UndXapa Valley Electric 8.-R. Co. . Close/connections." '.':'.. -. . «—« — RO VXD TRIPS ,D AILV—6 ••'Boatsjleave'San^Franciseo^OO.-^Mj a. m., 1 12:00;n00a.',3:15,i6:00,i*5:30 p. m. \u25a0 .San' Francisco landing,and office."Clay". street wharf, north'end",ferry bnlldlna:. Market "treet ferry:;-Meals-a'la carte. v Phone Eearor 406. \u25a0 •Land sayy yard direct. -._-- ~ .-u v —^ | AUCTION SALES ioo-~h6rses»-ioo , \u25a0 - THURSDAY, JI7XE 10, 1909 By ord*r of- the Abel-Staunton Hora« - Com-* pany of Winnemut>ca, Xevada. we wtn sell on* hundred head of all-purpose hones of theia Quarter Circle and P. Bench, brands — all fresh, young stock. Sale takes pUce- ThnrMay. Juca 10. at'll a. m., at J. B. Horan's Salea Tard. corner 10th and Bryant Sts- S. F. • - W. H. HORT>, Aoction-er. 704 Martet St.. San Francisco. . - OtttsMe horacs not wanted. Please ?do no J send them. ;\u25a0\u25a0 ( j&? AUCTION SALE £& THURSDAY. June' 10. at 11 a. m., 203 aad - 20» Valencia st.. 63 horses and mares. 15 horses must and will be sold for a feed bill; camp out* fits, harness asd rigs of all kinds; stock must N> as represented or money refunded. Outsida stock sold on commission. Phrme Park 2723. WM. CLOUGH. Auctioneer. 1 \u25a0"" ~i IMILWAY TRAVEa. ~— — — — ... ..„.„.« •f^uT^v Tnias •«« » * aa iu*in I (- <9 hSJHTI San Francisco Vy^HsV&T '— FSOMiLiTM 1809 .\Sp|^^/ FERRY DEPOT Foot of Maxkat Strwt Leave . -VIA OAKLAND PIER— ArriT» Zlo* Jules,^.Livcmore, Tracy^ Lathrop, Stociton. Lodi, Saerameato... 9.53j 6.40 a Hayward. Nilea. &mi Joss 7<CBa . 7.00 a Rioamond, Port Costa, Beaieia, Bci- i'jn. Dizoa. Sacramento. Ccnv 3la. • Marys ville. Itrddiae. L'unaauir 7J2Sp 7.00 a Haira. Vacaville. kuiosey 7J3p 7.00 a Davis, V,oodUad <M.-^ysvO!e. Cre- ville;. WiUiama, UasweU, tViUowa, Hamilton. Corainc. He<i£!t]s... 7^S» 7.40 a Vallejo. Nap*, talirtojs. tanta Fen, llartinea, Saa Raaaoa, Doiiiberty. Pieasantoa :.......... 6.08 a 7.40 a Nile* Pis»t»a»n. Uvcratore, Al- _ tamoat. Lathrop. Stockton... 7.28 a 7.40 a Tracy, Los Banoa; Kermaa, I rtsso, 5 : - \u0084 Haaford. Visalia 4^B§ B.ooa Newark, Saa Jose. LosCator.Writbt. yyX Fdton, Boulder Creek, Santa Cru*.. 6.48s &20a Port Costa, Martin c*. Hyron. Tncy. Stoektoo.- Merced, Frtaco. . Cotben . Jo&etioa (Hinford), Tjsalia. Porte- • ville Baieriaeld : 4.43 i 8 201 Yosntit* Valley via ilerced 4.48 a 9JK)a -NiH livermor*. £!ociton(»lliltoB). Vallsy Sprint ]one. gaenmesto. 4.28 a 9.00 a Sonora. Tuolmnao and /nc«!s 4.28| 9.00 a Atlantis Kjcprrss— Eacremento.Tnio. kea,Og den. Salt Lake City. I'cnver. Ivaosaa City;.. ; 6.23« 9.40 a Hicknond, Port Costa, llarticei. Bay Point 6.48 a 10.20 a Vallejo. Mara lilaad. Napa 11.23 a 10.20 a Los Aofdes- Pass* o «er— Port Costs, Uartiaes. Byron, Iraer. Stock ten, Merrad, Frtano. Haaford. Viaalia. Tular*. Bakerafietd. Los Aas*!e«... 7.48| 1 0.40 a GoldSdJ Pa ea.— Port Costa. Bmicia, SaoraaMata Tni cLfs. Basen; Mic», Tooopah. tJnldaeSd, Lam. feeder.. 7 48a 10.40 a Uarysville. Chieo. Red thiff.. 4^Bf l2.oomTb* Overlaad Limited— Denver. Kaaau City, Om-iha. Cbksgo 7.23» 1.20 i Nilet. Saa Jon ami Way Stations . . 2.43 i 2.00? Newark, &»n Jose. Los Gates, Wright, Feltoa. Boulder Creek. Santa Crux. . 9 58a 2.23s Bsnicb, &imaa. Saeraaeßto l.oB| 2.20 a Portland Express (via Cavit}. V.ii- Oam% Willaws, Bed Blaff, Weed. AsUlaad. Portland. Taccms, Seattle. 12.28 a ' 2.40? Sao Lnadro. Nii co. San Joae 9.28 a 3.00 a Usaieia, Winters, SarraKrntp, Und. UarysviC« and Croville 10.48 a 3.00» Sja Leandro. \iles. Center viile, Keir- ark. S»a Jo so 19.08 a 3.20 a Port Costa (Stockton), ilartisea, llyroo. Modetta, Jl?:ced, Fresno... 12.08 a 3.45 a Via Saaalito. W est Kapa. £t. Helena, Calirtoo... lOJSa 4.00s VaUejo. N'»ps. Calistefs. Santa Hoea, M.irtiaei. San Itamon. Lixigherty, Livermors 9.28 a 4.00t Niles, Tracy. Sto ektoa. Lodi 10.28 a 4.40 a Saa. Leaadro. Haywatd. Kiles.l 18.28 a Pleaiaatoo, Liv erm0re. ......... | ill 43a 5.00s Ths Otl Limited — N«»B3in, Loa fiaaot,- Me::doU. Keriaaa. Iretso, Tulars. Baktrstidd, Kcs Anrlts.. % 8,43 a 6.00 a R .«e!!. Saa tot* Lo s Catei . 8.48 a 5.00? Saturday- and Saa day fcr TN' right, Fei- ton. (Boulder Creek X Santa Cru... {9.23 a 8.20 a Sna L«aq<lrii. Nils s. Ho J0tt. ...... 7.43 a 6.40? Riohsond. Piaols. Vsllejo. PortCotta. Bsnieia. Suisua, Sacramento— Rose viile. Liaool.T. Marysvilie. OroviUe.. 11^31 8.20? Eastern Express— Oiieu. I'ueblo. Denver. Ean tas City. St. Lcuif. Chicaj> ...:'......'„...... . Port Costa. Beaieia, Eicritcento, lteao. Sparks... 8.28 a 0.40s Havward, Niles and Saa J05e....... - 6.43 a {7XO? Va!l«io. Port Costa. Martinet. Bay PointaadWay Stations (11.18 a 8.20 a Oreton Erpren— •t'acrsmeato.llsrys- vilie. neidiag. (llaedoel. Ktaaiata Falls), A inland. Portland, Taeosa, Seattle, Spokase f.4Ba 9.00 a Chia-v aad Japaa Fast UaQ— Oz'isn. Chey can?. Pester, £ibui City. Omaha, Chicago 2.43 i 1 1. 00 a Yos-mite Villsy via Niles. M freed. H Portal 8.43 a 1 1.00 a Nile*. Lathrop. Uodesto. ilYrcei. Fresao IO.38» COAST l_lfsiE: jM~^Tbirtl ftiut Townseuil blte«U) tS.25a Loop — 33d 'Street, Viiitaeioa, South San Fraaeiseo. Valeaei* St. 18.35« t3.40a Loop — Valencia S!.. Ocesa View . Ceatteries. 80 nth Esn Franeiico, 23d Street. 31 aad To irsae ad 18.50* •.40a South San Francisco. Saa Jote. Cil- roy. (Hollittsr). &n?nt, Ealicas. .. 8.50 a J7.00a Sunday Exeorsioa Gihoy.Paiaro.Ca*. troTiUe. Dei Monte, Monterey. Pacific Grove • .'. IO.SCa B.ooa Ths Coastsr— 3ta Jote. Cai'rovill*. (Del MontcMontarey , ParifieGrove), . Sa!ti»«. Sols did. Peso Poblss Hot Spriajx Saa Laii Obiipo, Pismo, Oceano. Barf, - Lompoe, Santa Bar- bara. Veatura, Oxoard, Los Ai tries IMS| 8.05 a UiTSeld. Los Altoc, Les Catos, Wri2hV(Bnol4er Creek), Santa Ctm, Watsoaviil*. Castrorille. Dei Jtcnte. Monterey, Pa ciSe Grove . t.2Sa * 8.20 a South San Francisco. Palo Alto. Saa Jote. Way Stations ..\u25a0 7.35 a 8.20 a Los Altos. Lus Gatoz. Wright. (Bouldrr Creek). Sartts Cru 17.20* 9.00 a Sm Jote. Gilrov. Salina*. (baador. Pato Roblet Hot Springs. Sta Lois Obwpo—H-Jiister —Santa Crw. Eel . . . M-mte. Uaaterey. Pacific Creve 4.00 a 10.40 a South Sa.i Fraaciteo, Burliapwe. -.. , Saa Matto. Palo Alto, Saa Joss.... 6.3Ca \u25a0 10.40 a Los Altos Uonta Vista. Les Gatot.. | *^ 1 1.30 a Valeaeia St.. Oeua View. Cchrs, . Cssnet«ri«a. Badta. Eaa 8rut0..... 1.35? • 11.40 i South Saa Fransisca. San J0rt ..... 18.20 a I. ooa Ntturdar, P»io Alto aad Way Statiocs 5.C0» 2.00? South S"aa I'raaciKO. Palo Alto. Sat J05e....... ....t. B.4Ca t2.00? Los. Altos. Los Gstot, Wricat, (Boulder Creek). Santa, Qia 13^0a« Bay Shore, Visitadon. Ean 8run0.... 14.45? 3.00? Da) »on!» £iprea»— San Jew. Gilroy. 1 : - , Chi It en den. Wattonvillr.StßtaCrns. ' I)-! Monts. Uoaterey. Pacific Gnnre 12.30> t3.15a Hay&eld, Loa Aitos, Los Gstos. • i Wriihi. (Boatder Creek), Santa Cms 8.-»sa 3.20? South San r medico, ban Jote. Gil- • roy. Castroville. Ealiaas .....'...... 10.25 a 4.00s Sunset Kxpre«s— Tutton. Peteur. El Paw, Honstsa Ntw Orleans. Pan IloblM Hot S prints. Saa Luis Ooispo. San U B»rb art, Lot Anfelts. 11.40 a *.00a GOroy, Hollister. Tres Pinos 8 JCa \u0084 4.00? Del Jbnte. Monterey, Paeine Grove. 11.45? 4.00? Kansas City, St. Louia, Chictgo.... 1 1.40 a 4.20? South Saa Fraaeiro. San Jost... 19.0Ca t5.00? Sta Bruno. Saa Ma Uo. Pato Alto. Saa - -- JonaiKl Way Stataoat.... J. 9.40 a f5.05? Loop— 23l Street. Vintacion. South Sao Francisco, V»lenri» EtTeet t8.15? 5.10 a Los Alto* Los Gatot^W right, (Boulder Creeki, Santa Crsz - 9JC? t5.20? Rei*oo4l. Palo Alto. MajfitW. Saa Josb.. :......../. ... I.IC? f5.20a LosAltas, UonU Viit*. Lot Catos.. 13.20? f5.25? B-jrlhtfaaa San liateo. tin Jo*e .. 13.20? t5.30? Loop— Valencia £t.. Ocetn View. - Ceaetariei, South Saa 1 nensco, -231 Street. Id aad 1 Towa tend 8.40 a 5.40? Saa Bruno, Saa Kateo. Eedwood. • '••-- :Pa!a Alto, Santa Cbra, Fan Jot*../ 7.40 a. , Los Gates, TVrijat. (Boulder Creek). 6^ SaaU Cna .--.- o^Of p > tB.ooa Miilbne. tlaston. Ban liateo. Palo •\u25a0 > Los Altos. Los Gatos 1 8.00 a 6.00p Saterdays. Wrijht. (Boufckr.CreekX 5antaCrn.. ..:.\u25a0..;........-.... JB.COa t6.03? 234 Street, Vititacion, - South faa Fraaeiseo. Valencia Street..:.:.... t7.15a tS^23? Loop— Valaaea. Street. Ocean \iew, Cemoteries. Soslb taa fraaeiseo. - 23d3trsat, Si and To«atend 17.40t % ' 8.30? South Sin Fnn cbico, San Jote 5.40? 8J30» Lot Angeles Passeager — Saa liateo. . Rel»ood. Pato Alto. • Saa Joae. ' Gilroy. Salinas, Chaador. Psto - : Rabies Hot Spriags, Saa Lais Ooispo. Piiffio, SaaU - Barbara , Loa - Anfdr»s. '.«-.: 8.30 i 11.45? SoutkSaa Frandsco. Pab Alto. Saal 7.20? -" TT'.,Jbwi. ..\u25a0.....•...\u25a0.•..-..-....-..-... .;.:f.7^0» - fl.00? Sacramento River Staaers. ....... ttUO? ""Union Transfer Com panv »{«nts eolle«t baggsfe aa4 . tae:ki oa • trains >of southern PaeiSa aad"' : Sth'ver ta restden«. - v They are authorised to check baggage dote* ", trom rendence,.' '\u25a0"' " * '\u25a0' ' * - ' ; a (or Slornia?. ' a for Afternooa , . fSosiay eccspted. only* ' .* — — — . 5 Sub. and Hoa. . 15