Newspaper Page Text
AMUSEMENTS ;/' VALENCIA THEATER Wleaeia et. near Thirteenth. TeL. Market 17. AAOTHER IMMEVSB .HIT: ARTHUR CUNNINQH AM In an Elaborate Rrrivil of Dion Boacicaulff Greatest Play. - The Colleen Bawn Or. THE BRIDES. OP GABRTOWEN. . Al.!A 1 .! of the Valencia favorite* In the Cart. Wed. Mat*.. lOcand 25c: Sat. and Sea. Mat*.. 10c. 2.V. 35c end 50c: M«hts. £ir. aw. ,^c aud 51; Seats mi sale at the Em- porium. , \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0- i \u25a0 Two TVecfcs, Commencing Jnae. 14, MRS. FISKE In SALVATION NELL SEATS NOW OX SALE • T . c S. LOVER ICH. MANAGED — US 81. IS a. rn-LMOaE. Claw a Theater. I-**t Week MUWCAL COMEDY SEASON . . loiiighi. Friday. Sunday Niirbt and Suadar Matinee, "PIFF PAFF POCF." . T\edne«day Ntpht and Saturday Matinee, "PEGGY FROM PARIS." Thors. end Saturday Nights. 'The UMPIRE" COXJtEKCTKO KOKDAT KEXT, JTJITE 14th GRAND OPERA SEASON REPERTOIRE FIRST WEEK," Monday and Satnrday Erenings. AIDA Tues. «nd Frl. ETenlnps & Wed. Matinee, LA TRAVIATA Hednesflay Erening and Saturday Matinee, FEDORA Thursday and Sanday Erening*. Cavalleria Rasticana and I'Pagiiacci Prices, 92.W, $1.50. $1.00, 50c. Seat* now on *ale. Out of town mall orders, accompanied (•h*ck or taoo»y order, attended to. Address _H^JI._CAMPBKLL. Bny|n«>wt Manager. - /-VAN NESS-n Cor. Van Neca and Grove. Pbone Market 500 TWO WEEKS— Nlphtly. except Sundar. MATINEE SATCBDAT ONLY " Cbarlea Frohmen Presents ETHEL BARRYMORE Is Urr- Most Successful Comedy, LADY FREDERICK ; By the AuJisor of -Jack Straw." OmdIb*— MARIE l»ORO. in "THE MORALS . OF MARCCS." inn DA "THE PARK iIIUK/l BEAUTIFUL" \u25a0^ V. OAKLAND ' EVERY AFTERNOON AND EVERY NIGHT. K«y Route Ferry Excursions Every SO Minutes. Round Trip. Inclnding Park Admission. CSc. J: TWO DAYS MORE. Conway's (Gilmore's) Band BEGIXXIXG THURSDAY AFTERNOON. Navassar Ladies* Band A {r»Uir of so Pretty Girl Musicianr'ia Mili- tary Costoroe and 10 Soloists _ direct frotn the New York Hippodrome. 10— Other We Free Arts— lo - WHY SPEND MONEY FOE AMUSEMENT? S ALCAZAR srtfß BELAECO & MAYEE, Owners and Manager* TONIGHT— ALL THIS WEEK— TONIGHT Lest Times of Arizona A!«o of EVELYN VAUGHAX. EFFIE BONO, WILL R. WALI.IX<; and JOHN' B. MAHER. I'ri<M»s— Nljrbt, to $1: Mat.. 25c to 50c. MATINEE SATURDAY AND SUNDAY. NEXT WEEK— FLORENCE ROBERTS, sup farted hy Thurlow B^ryen and the Alcaui Play-crs. in a Sutnptuou* Production- of Dark] Bfiasco's DU BARRY . S>-«;s Now op Sale. Regular Alcatar Pricea. 'Eafest aad Kost Xacxificent Theater in America. Mnthiee Today and Every Day ARTISTIC VAUDEVILLE A NIGHT AT THE CIRCITS. pre««jtrd by th» ELMS -- NOWLAN COMPANY: CUERIDAH FIMP!«ON: NOVELTY DANCING FOUR, trlth Jnanny Hnchf*: PELLATON &. FORAN* in "A fpotleirs Repntaiion"; I^««t Week CLAUDE OILLINGWATER tn' "A fitrennous Rehearsal"; .THE VINPOBONAF: BILLY YAK; " New 0.-pnrom Motion Picture*: l**t Week MABEL HITE and MIKE DONL.IN. In -StealinK Home." Erenlor PrW». lOe. 25c. 50c. 75c; Box Seats, $L. Matinee Prices (except Kandays and Holidays), 10c, 25c. 50c. PHONE DOUGLAS 70. (iHnierican . U»rtet St.. Xr. Seventh— Pbcue. Market. Zfl. THE BIG FUSFEST W, STARTS A'EXT SUAISAY SAM S. and LEE SHL'BERT, lac. Present jPH^2 Seats _ - r - _. _*_ . on Sale . BLrLJEI^EJ MOUSE Prices for Tfctn Eajtareraent. > 25e to $1.50. _T Matlneea. 25e to <1.00. - • AMERICAN THEATER Market Street Near SeTenth.' TOKIGHTS THE 810 NIGHT: Elaborate Production of Angostfn Dalr'B Dellphtf nl Comedy ANIGHTOFF By "TR Charity Players" For tbe Benrft of the - FREE WARD, CIINtC AND MEDICAL CHARITIES "_of,tbe California Womeia's .Hospital SEVERAL "SPECIAL FEATURES: % Rewired - Seats fI.CO and $1.60. On'*ale at Niterman CUy & Co. 'a durtnp the day and at the Theater at uigbt. -General admission .W-. COSCE^S^ LECTURES; ETC. SKATE AT /Y.I ICCIIM BAKER AND ,AI (LULIjtUIVI OAKSTS. T<f " uiy. Friday and Sonday Nights aod Sunday srECIAI,-- '..... \u25a0S | . PB CIAI*V ; TUESDA Y.NIGHT, JUNE Jo. iIIIDSUMMERSKATINC CARNIVAL fritf* fix. Mt«t 't»rlil«>il.: ind >lland«>iii'»»t Cos : : •\u25a0 > . \u25a0\u25a0..\u25a0\u25a0,'. -.. '-- - •---\u25a0\u25a0 - ADMISSION, SO CUXTS; LADIES^FBEE. SUPERB NEW HOME FOR ROSENTHAL'S Well Known Shoe Firm Is Back Again in Reconstructed Business District One of the Handsomest Estab lishments That Can Be i Found Anywhere HoscnthaVs Incorporated are • down town again and opened their big. shoe shop yes.erday' at ; 151" Post .street with' > enough flowers \u25a0 for • the grad uating exercises of a young ladies* seminary and .-shoes enough 'to equip an army. -It would have to-be an army of ; assorted tastes and sizes, however, for footwear of. every type \ is In the stock. Never has a more! beautiful or extensive • supply of shoes I been shown 'In - Sari 7 Francisco, and everythingfOne could imagine ts there dainty golden slippers/ which are the very latest fad for evening wear, that might be modeled after the original Cinderella test; swagger little pumps in suede or^ patent leather; high boots or more pumps In tan leather .of every description; boys', stout shoes; j misses' and children's shoes -in an infinite ".va riety — nearly 2,000 cases of shoes' were placed in the store -to make ready for the opening. ..' > > : "All daj' yesterday throngs of buyers filled the new,, quarters and compli mented the heads of the establishment on the beauty of the finishing and fur nishing/. Creamy golden oak, with' a softly blurred" finish,"!* used Tor the woodwork of the entire Interior. r The paneling and shelves are in this oak, and the ceiling, which is an ex quisite tone of deep cream" with a nar row line . decoration of Pompeilan red, Is divided by oaken rafters. " The wide, comfdrtable settees, which will seat nearly 200 people in- each de partment, are of the same oak, and. the stools, and, footrests : are of oak and i deep red leather. ; At the rear of the -store are offices j in oak paneling arid glass, but the main } offices are on the floor above.- ' \u25a0 The second floor will be fitted up a j little later as another* department," but ]at present all are on the first floor. " i To the right »s. one enters is the j ladies' department, the entire staff of i clerks on that'side devoting themselves ito supplying feminine San Francisco with dainty or serviceable footwear. - -- In the other half of the store are the departments for men, misses and chil dren. The shops and repairing department are in the spacious basement. The handsomest ; features of the entire es tablishment; ere >the beautiful show windows fronting, in Post street. Floored with hardwood, the wide win dow is flanked on tbe rear with plate glass mirrors, and overhead are more mirrors, reproducing in the celling the beautiful wares displayed. Bordering the flooring Is a- wide band of costly Nubian marble in soft, rustlike red, in ' t which the word Rosenthal's ! is inlaid i in dull brass. The rear wall of the window, sur rounding the mirrors, is. of rarest Ha waiian mahogany, elaborately and,ex quisitely carved in masks and garlands. Above is a stained - glass friese In golden browns and Pompeiian red tones, tiny, plump Cupids toying- w.lth garlands of rose*,' against a back ground of deep* purplish blue.. waves, the whole reproducing the color scheme of the entire Interior. Great rejoicing was manifested among both patrons and employes of the store that : they are again, estab lished down, town ',., and that the old time atmosphere prevails. ' WILL OPEN LYON STREET :/ THROUGH TO THE, BAY Obstructions in Way of Im provement '.Will Be Removed City Engineer Manson. filed with the board of works yesterday a report and map setting forth the obstruction now In the way of the extension of" Lyon street from Pacific avenue to the bay, which Include th« Harbor View baths, formerly owned by Rudolph .-Hermann, and a carhouse of the Presidio' and Ferries company. The -city's title has been established, as against Hermann's claim, in a decision handed down by the federal supreme court, and all parties ' were reported, by Manson" as willing to remove the obstructions. A FEW WORDS WITH THE LADY OF THE HOUSE Many in the; world run after felicity like an absent minded man hunting, for his hat while all the time it is 'on his head. — Sydney Smith. - ... . ..<s> ...:.& .<s.,<s> . Simple Luncheon in Yellow and White; Pineapple and Orange Cocktail Consomme, with Poached Yolks of Egg (one in each plate) ' v- Breadsticks Tied With Yellow Ribbon Scalloped \u25a0 Fish au Uratin, Lemon Ouarters (individual, dishes) Cucumber Salad Sprinkled With r . Chopped Chives Parker House Rolls \u25a0 "... Glazed Sweetbreads With Peas and : Cubes of New Carrots ' ; Toasted Casava Cakes \u25a0 Fried Cheese Balls . -\u25a0 Lettuce, French .Dressing: . : \u25a0 -Orange Sherbet Whipped Cream Decoration ' «S> <$\u25ba '•, 4> -<?> • ' The Modern House, Keener*' Exchange CleanlßK \u25a0 "Wiilte" kid 010-re* (Mrs. . J. Adams. Santa Maria) — Wash them .well in gasoline, with green olive Boap.: Rub well, then rinse them in fresh gasoline with a few drops of oil of sasgafras to take away 'the odor of gasoline. Take a towel, spread it on a table, sprinkling over it powdered pumice stone; then lay. the gloves on it and put more pum ice stone all over the gloves. This ab sorbs the - gasoline. - When dry. shake and rub well. - They will be as soft and nice as new. -I have tried it' and^know. . Some Omelet Recipes- (MrsVK. Long, 19 1 3 Ellis street, San Francisco ) — Pars-, ly Omelet— Prepare two tablespoonfuls of parsley -by washing and chopping' fine. Let simmer; in; a tablespoonful of hot butter " for. three • minutes.*;- add ; one dash of garlic -'Mix three eggs,' one ta blespoohful milk.; cayenne^pepper^with the above. .When » brown*, roll: -toward center and serve on:hot -platter./-' *'" <% ' Rum* Omelet— Three \u25a0 eggs, one 'table-, spoonful milk, pinch salt; turn on warm buttered frying; pan. .Let 'cook ir until brown.: ."Roll.- corner:; toward center, place on 'warm "platter,; sprinkler. with .sugar and'half -cv*» of rum.. light match, and burn. .When' lire ;is;out!.ready;to - Onion ; Omelet-r-Chop one 'large, onion fine Let i simmer«about ; three in hot- butter, then beat. three eggs, one tablespoonful.vmilk.- teaspoonfulrflQur. Mix all together. - -Fry ion ..warm*,, but- tered,frying.pan;; roll and"* serve on : hot platter. „\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 '\u25a0•\u25a0- >. " :.' \u25a0' „_-'.\u25a0,-- ' .'»*4S? Jelly Cognac— Three - eggs. - ? beaten: fine, one . - tablespoonflil ; 'of- - •mijk," pinch of Kalt. * Pour 'on tered '<:' frying /pan. i!;,When '\\ brown spread Jelly in". center<and_-roll ! / r up.', Spread ; sugar, on* top.pour; overs'itjhalf' a cup 6f..cognac-and;lleht "wJth; match.* When ifire. is ' out ' serve' on ; hot" platter.' : Meat OmpJet— Parboil; ; one'^ ciip.'<of ' dried "beef jfo>p^dri€«lfiX en ' flon *--f or »*Jo ; minutes ,iv \u25a0 hot water and drain thor- ' She &M-; -call, •^t.uesday, : ; june \B, isoa ONE MORE BIG FIRM IS IN ELEGANT DOWNTOWN STORE Beautiful ;new' downtown r store' oorf r Rosenthal's . shoe -firm RULES AGAINST THE BOARD OF HEALTH Judge Sturtevant Holds Courts May Review Board's Orders ~in Nuisance Cases , Judge Sturtevant held yesterday, in deciding a demurrer in the case of Charles Campadonico against. the board of health, that a determination by the .board /as to what, was a. nuis ance was subject- to" review-^ by the superior .court. - \u25a0 Campadonico was -the owner .of <-a stable which the board decided was ,in an r insanitary -condition. , and under authority of j "the ' rat ordinance"' or dered the destruction of "the building. Suit was. begun to restrain the authori ties /.from : tearing _\u25a0 down" the stable. The -city- attorney : demurred, and . in argument "-and • affidavits raised the point that as -the. boardVof. health, was acting in compliance with the ordi nance it : had -not. l exceeded, its powers and. that neither the superior court nor the -supreme court had any power to review . the 'determination- -except as authorized by law. and that in the ab sence !of -fraud- it ,was '.final:'.'", \, • '• Judge Sturtevant, In 'ruling against the cliy attorne>\ Quoted the constitu tion to «how that power to' hear; and determine cases .regarding the § exist ence and abatement of nuisances ' was expressly -conferred .on \u25a0; the v superior court. .He '\u25a0 finds:, it .was - unnecessary for him to deterfiiine r how much, if any, of the rat" ordinance \u25a0 Is -invalid, and orders < that the '' case- go to trial on its merits * The demurrer ' -vf as ar gued" in "behaif of the-pVaintiff- by At torney ' Richard O'Connor."' ".. '- " \u25a0 Many similar : suits, have/been" filed against- the board oif health in the last twelve months. ..CampadOnicb's action was selected as a- test -ca^e. • None of the others had been' pushed to trial, but in the light of Judge Sturtevant's decision all the 'plaintiffs ' may now proceed withf their suits, to enjoin the board/ v;^;-, • .... . PETITIONS IN BANKRUPTCY— William Thompson, a Palo °Alto 'contractor, fll«vl a peti tion in"' hankruptey "r^tcrdaj-" : in -'tbV .'L'nitpd States . «ll«trlct court. ' ~- His llabill: ies ,*are ?20.442.T6. Tritlrno aratlable' asset*:' Tbe debti are 'mostly : for - hulldioir material. 1 *- 'Frank- 4. Johnston, "a * shooting gallery operator • of this city., filed a petition. in bankrnptc.T. - His .liabtl ltjes" are ncfreduled -• at- $972.10, • with \u25a0 $70 in available assets. ._;; 1! _ - -\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 ' t , - - * See . the .> page for V the "Modern House. Keeper,"/ which> appears regularly^ in" the : magazine t 'of : '.'The Sunday Call." Cash prizes arc given each, week for best,house hold \. ideas : and • kitchen . recipes. Send yinv in your, choicest", ones v to "Modern House Keeper. Page," The San Francisco Sunday CalL ouehly. Mix three e5Ks. one table spoonful of milk," a; little pepper. - Mix all : together. • \u25a0 Butter ; pan - and pour :on Wheni-cooked brow-n.;.. Roll; and /place on hot platter." ;•.' -' '\ \ -..,\u25a0 \u25a0 ;...r; ...r , : .^ „': Plain Omelet-^-Ttireeesresbeaten'flne with a- tablespoonful of milk and a pinch of salt. -'Pouf on -warm 'but tered frying "pan, ; let brown,- then ' roll >by i turning, corners toward center. \u25a0\u25a0 • ' • . Jelly-Omelet— Mix three eggs.-tabie spoonful of nillk; pinch ;;;of salt and pepper,*, if desired. ' k s - Pour /on.' warm buttered frying ,i pan. : When* brown place "jeJlyj in: center, -roll* right 1 ; away from cdrners to^center.- ~ . <? v .-.; - Inferno Errii (Miss Eugenia Sehuur. 34 Glrard:street,'.'San: Francisco)— Put half . -a Jof olive oil :ln Ja* deep frying pan.; -j Season vwith*;saltv and cayenne - pepper, i s.When ' the ' oil . is - hot slice into it three ripe tomatqes* which have Jbeeni peeled. ! :; Coo the matoes «are tender, stirringithem' well Into -the? oil *.*Breakt half /a 'dozen 'eggs into • the . mixture ; r and tf ry k until !; firm? Serve Lhot, on. crisp lettuce leaves.* SICK HEADACHE , -, -.-.""" . • — i Positively cored \u25a0by f^anrrrnTo these xmie phis. , UMI\ILI\O :>Theyals6'reUeTeDl*.. ; VEgS .'—.—i. _, ess Irom Dyspepsia, In- ! BBpITTLE digestion and Too Hearty \ B IVrR Eatlng/i'iL- perfect reta- pj I\u25a0V b j^ edy for Dizziness, Kausea. ; i-ilfHILliWB*? Bad i Taste! JI^H \u25a0 In ; the ; Mouth. Coated £-i3^fc^*J % Tongue, Pain In tie SWe. j ' — \u25a0 — ITORPID LTVER. They RgtOate tbe Bcrrela.,; Purely Vegetable."' - ! SMALL PILL SHALL DOSE, SMA^ PRICE, |i»i OTFR'^I ; w* 6«iwii»:Musi ' Bear: V\ wltt^ F^imile Signklure i ™LJrEFUSE SUBSTITUTES.! PREPARING RECEPTION :^ : Vy FOR GOVERNOR -SMITH Distinguished f ' San j : Franciscan AVHI Arrive ; Here '\u25a0: The ; Governor .JamesiSmith reception committee met in | the rooms 1 6f it he" p t olice commission- yesterday, afternoon, when it was decided : to hold. the recep tion at the Fairmont hotel. ori*"the evening of Monday, June 14, between the hours of 9' o'clock arid midnight. There will, be .music", .: and dancitigi Friends of the general who- desire to attend the reception .can have, invita tions on applying to Secretary >• C.-W. Lynch." 50.6 Mutual Savings bank,build ing, or James D.Phelan. Phelan build- Ing. \u25a0; ..: ".-;;.\u25a0 '; '-;"'.. ':"\u25a0\u25a0" ;K ' . ,-. ': -• ' ™ -: The -banquet -will -be held at-the St. Francis hotel the, evening, of Monday, June 21., : ' :.,'\u25a0'-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u0084.\u25a0,-\u25a0.:.!\u25a0\u25a0.•-,\u25a0 r Governor Smith will leave" Seattle this ; morning and ..^-wlir." arrive - here Thursday -morning 1 at o'clock. >\u25a0 He will be met at* the ferry, by the* special committee,- composed of James D.-Phe lan.-..Judge Frank' Jr Murasky- and* J oseph E. O'Donnell^ and ..any -other friends who desire to be present. : They will. escort him to'tbe hotel. Witt Mbtt^ liotts£ Boys' Clothing Department ' - SECOND FLOOR. Q reat Sale of Boy s' and . Youths' Clothing ' This sale^is of especial interest . in view of the approaching vacation season. \u25a0dattqj) "WACITT" QTTTTCI i Sizes^.J/i to 10 -years. : - .\u25a0\u25a0-. t*l Cfll • Original .Price. ............ .. t . .... .?2. 00 . \u25a0\u25a0 ill \u25a0 . -Sale. Price .V...V.:^^ r , Original ; PriccV. . :. V-.r. •;: :.^3.50 ' ifO Cfl saic Price... ....;...•.::,......;:......... JZ.uU BOYS' KHAKI -SUITS Military. Coat.*;" Long ' Trousers.' Sizes 3to 16 years ** \u25a0"IF 1 Original -Pricc::.:^ ;........ V:.....?1.5O N \\ Ik I Sale Price:. :. . ,: .:.:.•..; '• «(|l mL\) V BOYSV KHAKI SUITS :>, ! Norfolk\Jackets. Long Trousers. Sizes Sto 15 >" car? |!»#% f"aTi Original Priced. .......... ':...... ;?3.00 V \ I kll :Z Sale .Price:-. . . : : .•: /. it . . .'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 .:\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 • • ....:.. ... .... . . yL O \JV BOYS'^ BLOOMER and KNICKER PANTS .' AlhWool. .Sizes 3^ : to \u25a0: 16. 'years. iti AJfl ' : Original: Price... :..:..;::........ ..? 1.5 0 :- V| |||] \u25a0.Salc-Pricc: :....U.. /.'.. :....... \.^:.^. .}....:..$ I. UU \u25a0 BOYS' SUITS- ; ' ".Two' Piece and Norfolk Knicker Pants. -" " * "«izes;6;:to"l"years::> " ' . \u25a0 &Tl-{\ti '• ' 0figinaiPricc.. :::...:..:;.;.....\u25a0.. 96-50 '-\u25a0 Vh 111 l Salc'Price \u25a0. . ....wviUU '\u25a0 < XJT\TT'PTICi ' - .CJTTT'T'CS - ' - •- \u25a0.. X yj U X XX O - ; \u25a0 • *3 ( W iiw ... ~ : ; . ..." - Sizes .14 , : to —U . 5 eai s . . _ „ . ( - - ( -. i \u25ba \u25a0 \u25a0 : OriginaiVPnce : :v::.;.:v........v.V.?12.50 ' 'kl I] ill I V;,Sale-Pricc....:.;.A.. : ,. v .y::.^.'..v....^..;...-.4^|^ r Original Price....'..:........ .$15.00 C 1 0 fill '-\u25a0 Sale Price" ': '\u25a0\u25a0:-.*•\u25a0-:. :••\u25a0.•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0• \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•-" \u25a0-\u25a0- \u25a0 • -'\u25a0' |'|f/->|l|| " Original Price..........:-.:.:.... ..$20.00 ( '1 C flfl £ : sale Price::.::.:.\:....v.......^:...;........v^ J Q^yy^ \u25a0 BOYS' HATS - Wash and; Straw ? - x JT €%''-'\u25a0' -" Original Price.... .'....• ....75p H||O^ - '-' oale i rice - - \u25a0 Oricinal Price. ...•.;........ ...'.51«25 . 7Cft - \u25a0 Sale Price: . •"... ..... ................... ...;'.. . . ...... / o|j0 |j . .Original" Price.. .*.. '. :.. $3.50 ff 1 ) flfl ' ' Sale Price : .\-.;0 . .'. .\ /. v. . . . : g : ... .... . . •> . . . . . - $£M \J " ' Specml Values in Bp>^s r and Y6ul:hs ? Shoes -' : ' "- "\ \u25a0'\u25a0'.\u25a0•.•\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0•\u25a0.,..".'\u25a0. '.'-, ' GROUND FLOOR \u25a0_ ; '' ' \u25a0 ,'* LJT^^N'S: SHOES t : Besf< grade jof jGuniMetal, v,. ; - - '-.%: v ' V \u25a0\u25a0' ' r^^Sßß^mSfv^S^^^^^^^S ~f} '~:i Tan ': Russian Calf \ and V '*\u25a0}. ' • ~ .. "z'Q'J tT C AmVI C r 3*: A A^l^ \u25a0\u25a0•• .Patent Leathers : .n_. r. ;; _. .-. ..'. ... y-;^£?lp^QQQ rSOMr $OMy > -/:'>- .. .: '. v' (Value 'Originally and ?3.50.)' t> '; : M?jgj3o. X)R^ BLUCHERS '-'•'•"\u25a0\u25a0 '\u25a0\u25a0Tan"Ru"ssia;fGon 'Metaliand'PatenU .' : ' ,*: *—', : ••Hishest-sradevworkmanshSp; ..;.:. .;\u25a0._. . - "JpO^oUvlU V«pOiUU .' mail orders^pimJmptly; filled ':-:„•\u25a0'. \u25a0\u25a0 .-\u25a0-'. . --->- Hi iCTmriiii \u25a0!— — unimlniilin •-- .' -+-.»*--,-. -, ' .. > . - . . - \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0. \u25a0.. - INDEPENDENCE DAY COMMITTEE MEETS Chairman - Tracy ) Announces Subcomraittees to! Handle Celebration , Tentative v Program of Gala Events "\u25a0} in Gate P^rkiDrawn^Up; \ : The? Independence . for. ] this -'year's V' celebration .'met mV the rooms of tne , police commission ; yester-'y ester day 1 , afternoon iwith : George Ai.-' : Tracy in;the-chair"and Edwin"; BonnelP as sec retary. _:\u25a0..;. •.•...;'\u25a0:',,." \u25a0 ;- : -' '.-\u25a0'\u25a0.\u25a0:\u25a0'..• J /.\u25a0 '.'The chairman reported the! appoint ment ;of the j following; subcommittees: General " plans^r-Dr. "; T. H< ' Morri*, '" N.~ J.. Pren dprpaat," Joseph \u25a0 Ton ; Staden... Major. II. : G. - Mat- . thew»on,"j Edwin •Bonn*H.*'-.--''V^' . • \u0084; - .'- c-_ : ,; Literary. committeer-Thoroas B.'Hayden. Thom as 'P. O'Dosrd, Homer " Boashey, John ' Partridge, P." T.^Clay., - f--- \u25a0 \u25a0--- " -\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 <-? - /-- -• '-\u25a0 \u25a0 , . . : Athletic, erenti— Panl T." Carroll. . Alexander G. Bell, F.;E. Atkins, N'.J^Prenderrast; John Iteld. *-'> Music • committees-Captain • Frit* « Attinger Sr.. 11. \u25a0O. -' Cantrowltli; : Edgar D. < Pelxotto, Arnold Calegarl».rV\V r "'' \ \u25a0''// - ;/ '"-*•• "" \u25a0 " - - r Finance , : committee^— James 'Rolph, .Edward I. Coffee;': E. .W. ; >' errha 11, John : Bergex. ,;--."' -;? ; A» report ; showing* a, general plan ; of the'day's celebration .\u25a0was submitted, as follows :;-.'.'^''^v 'V \u25a0:•;>>\u25a0-\u25a0-„''.>'-> : *" : ''-.'\u25a0'- '-''';' Literary .and musical exercises at the stadium,^Golden:. Gate ». park/ to. consist of.,an^oratlon.:and/the ; readipg of -the declaratloniof Independence, the mayor to"be.*invlted;to- act* as;chairman or to. be^oratoriof the-day'as ;he may: elect; the£ musical ; exercises sto consist ;of • a band ot. 50? pieces [at the stadium and three, additionaKbands" to be stationed In" the • public ,parks; grand chorus by. school; children i following the literary exercises'.V athletic'evepts, at: the sta dium'under 4 the: auspices of the Olym pic- club; I.'1 .' regatta -on 9 the .bay ;, under the =of J_the ;, Pacific [ amateur rowing *asaociatio v n:^soldierß "and sall ors'to^be'irivlted :to" -participate in the events : if J feasible; -; ".The : chairman urged the subcom mittees "to .meet as soon as so'as-'to'be-able =to^report to the next meeting of the general. committee next Monday afternoon. . ' . , FRANK A: LUCY FALLS IN ;^ MINE AND IS KILLED Superintendent, of Florence Goldfield Dies, Leaving Widow GOLpFIELD. June 7. — Frank ;A. Lucy, a prominent mining englneerwho was appointed superintendent of the Florence Goldfleld company a few days ago. fell down a shaft , today and was instantly killed.- ~ He leaves a widow. -FIRE DESTROYS SAiOON— Fire broke out in' the saloon of Gus Meier. Sllliman and Gottlnger streets, about 2 o'clock, yesterday- morning:, \u25a0when a lighted lamp -fell 'to the : floor in' the kitchen. The building • and , contents .were almost totally destroyed.- \u25a0 '\u25a0:-.".\u25a0'' HP^Si uMo I UlilH is^^U - A^^AliiiaSiSJ : , For Infants and Children. H^^^n The Kind You Have g|§S| \ IVorootesDigestionJChrfifar nf /rv A; lf >B^f|pi 'ne^j^Rnubohtiditsisißiir * Vi #\\ \j .if '^J fks Use \u25a0£§«*\u25a0•»? : = Apsrfect ßemedy forCCnsfipi- I I»K - ~ '•-ISj. tion. Sour Stomach.DUntca 1 |V » ft..^^ \u25a0 "ESS-g 1 ! ; Worms jComTilsiansJeNTnslr \ H Ufl |* JU P T E*! 1 '- ness ondLoss of Sleep. V^ lUI Uf UI t W>Wk- Thirty Years 1 IJIf IH Exact Copy^'of -Wttpper^ - TMccuTA^a«iuNT.Nf«voMetTT. R* \u25a0JA'ffyTffFftiffMßßMattWaOa^g^fc. *I * W I M I V;" *ninl \u25a0t B II 1 1 *i ti a* i \u25a0 I i \u25a0 \u25a0^ — \u25a0 \u25a0 I, ii^ 4aßa^aßa^a^^^Hsßaß IWI ' M T T^. T' 1 The Underwood; **» .•* .' : \u25a0 • \u25a0\u25a0 - - ' \u25a0 .. \u25a0 types, always reach the proper printing "point. The type-bar operates through— or \yith— a guide— a feature peculiar : to the Underwood — and patented. The= t}-pe must go right. There's no other way. It can not -wobble" up or" down; or 'sideways. > Good looking work is easy and the visible- writing prevents operator's blunders. " . The, simple* mechanism w'lieh - secure* perfect \u25a0work in th<» Underwood is a migrhty : Interesting exhibit of ingenuity and slfill.'"VVhy notcome to look at It? Knowledge of the Underwood will help you to secure greater efficiency. It will be a pleasure "to "help you "to just as < much knowledge of the Underwood. \u25a0 Standard Typewriter. as you choose to acquire. UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER COMPANY, Inc. 133-135 Siitter Street, San Francisco, California ' '.T'° - \u25a0 . Our Phone Aumbrr Donitlti 107 '/ STATEME.VT OF THE CONDITIONS AND AFFAIRS OF THE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW IORK, IX -THE i STATE OF NEW YORK, ; on the v 31st day of.- December. A. D. 1908; and for the' year endlot: on that day. Pnb- Uthed pursuant to the j Provisions of Section 611 of tbe ; Political . Code ' and -compiled - from : the annual statement filed with the Insurance Com- missioner of the State' of California." " CAPITAL.- . Amount of Capital stock, paid np in . - Cash .V.. $1,000,000.00 . . ASSETS." Real Estate owned by Company.... $1,009,000.00 Loans on M0rtgage5. ........... 350,700.00 Cash Market Value of all Stocks • and Bonds owned by Company... .16,092.005.00 Cash in Company's Office.... •\u25a0-••18,071.56" Cash in 8ank5.......... 5C1.614.07 Interest \u25a0 due and accrued on Bonds ' and - Mortgages 50.522.45 Premiums in dne Coarse* of Collec- » tion ......." .;....". JT80iW6.65 Bills rcoeirable, not Matured, taken . "*. for Fire Risks 72.W1.08 Declared diridends on stocks (Trans- - -' " fer books closed) ..: : 141.745.00 . Tottl. A55et*. .... . . .v . .:.:...!.. ,51».514.8t>«:5i . \ LIABILITIES. .....\u25a0-\u25a0 Losses in process of ' Adjustment .or. in Saopense:.. '......; -$319,937.23 Lossen resisted." including expenses. . 34,159.00 Gross premiums on Fire Risk* run-.' 'nlnff "one "year- or less. $5,749.- \u25a0\u25a0 051. 7f): reinsurance.' 50 per cent. ' 1.874,525.90 Gross premiums on Flre i RUks ran- .\u25a0: »-. 'nlnjt \u25a0 more than r on« year, $10,- . IS4,3T>s.22:, reinsurance pro rata:. 5.525.R31.14 Taxes due or accrued . 125.000.00 Reserved • for Contingencies ...;.... \u25a0- _ 250.000. OO All other Liabilities. . . 57,433.04 Total -Utbilitlei ...: $7.997.945.5S - INCOME. • a === ac -=" Net cash. actually receded for Fire . premiums ...... .'. .... .v. . '. . $8,520. 795.53 Recelredfor interest on Mortgages , 9,233.1$ i BeceiTed 1 from .interest * and dl»I- ! - dends on Bond*. Stocks. Loans.' • : •- \u25a0\u25a0-- . \u25a0 , "^ and' from all'other sources.. ..... 650.505.52 i Eecelred for Rents. 60,524.14 { Gross Profit on sale *r maturity of *• ' . -. ! • Bonds^and 5t0ck5........ '.\u25a0;\u25a0 56.430.00 | '\u25a0 Gross . increase." by \u25a0 adjustment, \u25a0 la 8 book.ralue.of Bonds and. Stocks., 851.655.74 ! Income from all other sources..;... \u25a0 I.2TM.S* - . \u25a0\u25a0, .".*-\u25a0-. \u25a0'\u0084\u25a0 '' 't" 'Total - 1nc0me .". . .; .V. . . /. . : . . . .' : '. 58.210.534.M I .. ;expenditurcs/ . . : " j Net amount- paid" for Fire. Losses „ ' •' ' ' (Including i $376,021.74, ' losses \u25a0of I "; prerious , years) •...«.:\u25a0..:. : $3,203.192.54 ' Expenses, of adjustment and settle- • . ['• 'ment of " losses:.:..-. .;....'...... " 109,601.36 j ! Diridends" to Stockholders. .". . . .".- 450,225.00 { ; Paid or allowed for ; Commission or - ' i N Brokeraicer.-r~*??r*rrr.'.Tr.":...;. 1,559,201.24 i Ptid ; for : Saltrlpj. : Fees.-' tnd other \ *-,-^ -charges for offlcers.": clerks,- etc:. - - 531.032.81 Paid tor State.- National and • Loral v-taxes ...::........"..-•.'.:....-..- 153,6«.2i Gross liOss-oa-'sale or maturity ' of ;^ft*i3«#*t :: Bonds and ' Stocks ....... :;.. 323.045.00 Gross decrease.' r by « adjustment; In ' \-,,.-\u25a0\ -,,.-\u25a0 -,' book Ttlue of Bond* tnd Stocks..' '- 710.367.00 All other: Expenditures .. . .: ; . . ..' .. 303,938.99 . Tottl Expenditures.^. .'....... ....^T^WjSl^ftS | lßWftjSftSs^S^a^toaalfa^^^""?!?^?"? I LOSSES* lncarred* yetr.": $3,293,811.90 RISKS AND.: PREMimia. v - » • ;•: I'Flreßisks. 1 Premiams. Net tmoant of ' Risks . f , \'~- •''/\u25a0•* '\u25a0 ~ l : \u25a0 x f -written during. tbe :\u25a0>J -. '-"'«-»-* *> '\u25a0\u25a0 ' \u25a0 f year r.i-. ........ .$785,501,805 $7,777,693.23 Net amount, of Risks • -;. expired during the \ \u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0-'.-,\u25a0 i<r-\.- * '- _\u25a0.' * ';yetr 5 .:; v........... . 7.318.270.51 Net amount- In force ."\u25a0 >^*^.t s - < - - -. December; SI.M9OS 1.290.513.380 .13.933,407.01 , »*' Bnb«crlbed -a n-i sworn i to '•\u25a0 before ' me.'i this ; 11 th dty of .Febrnary.'- 1900.: J' ERNEST STUBM.* - j ; /vt; Notary Public,- Kioga Coonty,-; New t. York. | > I; Conflagration rroof and Fire Record* Appreciated by F»Hcy Hwldera , \u25a0 ; ARYHUR^QijIVASON «Sb C 0.,, Inc. METROTOUTAXMANAGERS - . 6lB'Merchants' ; B.vchanse. San Francisco, C«l. •^BBHk' - 5 FHOXE KEABSY «1S y-^eeMy Gall, $1 per Year-- STATE3IEXT ?r THE CONDITIONS AXD\aITAIRS OT THE FIDELITY FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY DP, NEW YORK, ia ta# state of X«w Tari. on th» 31st day •; December. A. D. 19CS, aad for the year eadlns on that Caj. Published par % saaat to tb» Ptotlslobs of S»;tioa 611 ef tb« Political Code aad conipfled from tae aaaui! . ttatement film with tbe iDsuraoca Commis- lioser of tae State of California. capitai, im«oat of capital stock, paid up la etsh J1.000.000.C0 ASSETS Cash market value of all stocks aad kmds owaed by c0mpany....".... 4,077.540.(X> : rasa ia company's office 573.4 ft uasata baaks .' 203,634.»4 latereat due and arcraed oa bonds.. '• - 0.C03.33 Premiams la dae course of collection 137.225.14 Declared dWidends oa stock* (trans- fer books doted) 22.300.00 Total awets .»3.453.g1t.Tl UABiLrrres Lotset ia . process . of adjustment or la suspense ..; 3A.573.51 Losses resisted. .Including vxpevsr*. 3,000.00 Gross premintcs on firs risks rnnnlag \u25a0 one year or less. $912,479.54; rt- v insurance. . 50 . per cent ..'- -308.239.7? Gross premiums oa flre. risks rnaainx more . than . oae year, $730.906.44 ; 'relnsnrtnce pro rata 49fi.7.V?.W Taxes due or accrued 20.000.Q«1 Beinsurmnce premiums ' 7.739.67 Total llabilitie* «^S£ii22 » INCOME Net \u25a0 cash aetoally receWedi for flre premlunw $305,781.91 Recetred from taterest and dirideads on bonds, stocks, loans, and from all other source* 124.571.53 Gross profit oa sale, or mafcirity of bonds aad stocks ..". ' C 7.193.00 Gross increase, by adjustment, in bookvalne of bond* aad stocks... 344,993.?.? Total income ........ : ...n. 44.1.492. t» • EXPENDITURES Net amotrat paid for flre losses (ia- clndißZ JGI.-4C3.C9. losses of pre- Tious years) , $430.2«4.9t Expenses _of . adjustaient and set* -' tlement of losses . . . 10.477. *a Diridends to stock holders ......... 30,000.00 Paid -or allowed for commission or brokerage 15T.880.21 Paid for salaries, fees and other charges for officers, clerks, etc. . . 69470.37 Paid for >ttte, national aad local Uses .....;.......-. 31.383.ftt Gross . lost " on sale 'or maturity of stocks 130,053.00 Gross decrease. adjustment, ia book rain* of bond* tnd stocks... -41.419.00 All other expenditures «0,109.73 Tottl expeodltsrca : . JHj«ttv74a7« Losm« laenrred darias th« year ...:. $443.313. 42 RISKS AXD PREMIUMS •'. : . '-—^ ' { Fire Risks | Premisms Net amooot of r!»ks| + written 'dnrtat taej year ". . ............ '5108,895,435 $1,193,532.27 Net amount of risks! expired' dnrins tbe; * year .......'.......- «5,943.96S 801,022.9* Net - amount In • force! ' December 21. \u25a0 19Qg..f Ia.SSS^M 1^93,473.9< t HENRY EVANS.- President. • E. L. BALXARD. Secretary. E.W. T. GRAY. Auditor. Sabscribed aad sworn to before ra« this lltb day of February. 1909. ItWIiMDsJiHMa * EENKST STURM. Notary PnWlc. Kiaxs Count/, >\ I. . \u25a0" - ' ' * " 7