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8 EVENTS IN THE COUNTIES BORDERING ON THE BAY OF SAN FRANCISCO 100 YEARS OLD, SHE WILL KEEP BIRTHDAY Alameda Woman to Celebrate With Three Generations About Her ALAMEDA, June 7.— Surrounded by three generations of her descendants, Mrs. Mary Keller of 779 Santa Clara avenue will celebrate the ,one htm dredth anniversary of her birth July 22. Mrs. Keller is the mother of Mrs. IX C Hicks, a prominent woman; of this city, grandmother of Mrs. Flor ence Milroy, George V. and "Walter Hicks and great-grandmother of Jose T phine Milroy. Walter J. and Genevieve Hicks. Mrs. Keller is but four months j younger than, would be Abraham Lin- : coin were he now alive. She \u25a0was born in Alface in ISO 3 and came to,this country while a young woman. In 1859 Mrs. Keller arrived in California by way of Cape Horn and took up her residence in San Francisco. She re mained in that city until 16 years ago, vrhen she came to Alameda. Much of her time the centenarian spends in the manufacture of carpet rugs. In this she is particularly profi cient, having made hundreds in the last 15 years. They are given to her friends. Although in her one hundredth year, Mrs. Keller is still active. Her eyes are bright and the work of mat mak ing seems to cause no undue fatigue. She is a fluent German as well as English speaker. Mrs. Keller is greatly interested In the approaching nuptials of her grand- Eon, George V. Hicks, who is to wed Mles Elizabeth Skinner in Berkeley Thursday night. Although she has been an invalid from rheumatism for many years, Mrs. Keller has retained full possession of her mental faculties and enjoys keenly' association with her family and friends. Concerning her mother's lon gevity, Mrs. Hicks observed that Mrs. Keller had preserved unusually healthy, digestion and had continued for years to partake of the -solid German dishes of which she was specially fond. Mrs. Keller particularly **njoys sweetmeats. DRUNKEN WHITE MAN SHOOTS CHINESE BOY Bullet Pierces Lad's Left Hand; Assailant Escapes OAKLAND. June 7. — A drunken white man, running amuck last night in Franklin street, shot and wounded Gee Quong. a Chinese boy, IS years of age. The boy's left hand was pierced by a 22 caliber outlet fired by the drink crazed man. According to the Chinese boy's story The man, who was a stranger, was walking up Eighth street, waving his armn frantically. At the corner of Eighth - and • Franklin he saw Gee Gee Quong. and the eight of the celes tial seemed to fill him with rage. He drew his pistol from his hip pocket and flred. At the time he stood only a few feet away from his victim. After firing the shot the stranger ran away along Franklin street. • The boy was too much frightened to give an alarm until the man had gone nearly a block. A crowd of excited Chinese gave chaee, but the man disappeared. Gee Quong did not have his wound dressed until today, when he went to tlie receiving hospital. Dr. C. E. Curdts treated his injury. Later, Quong was taken to the police elation, where his story was told to. the police. An in vestigation Is now. being' made, ; -:?»-\u25a0 RETURNS AFTER VISIT M\ TO CENTRAL AMERICA Dr. Samuel A. Barrett Brings Back Results of Exploration BERKELET, June 7. — Tanned from exposure to the tropical sun of Central America, where he spent the last year ss ethnologist and anthropologist for the George Heye expedition. Dr. Sam uel A- Barrett, formerly a member of the faculty of. the state university, returned to Berkeley today for a visit to his mother, Mrs. L. M. Barrett of 3035 Hillegaes avenue He will Journey shortly to Milwaukee, where he has accepted a position as curator of the municipal museum in that city. He was laid low by a tropical fever in the Journey, and for several months his life was despaired of. Hostile In dians also hindered the work of the expedition, but he arrived in New York with 3.000 specimens of Indian lore from the state of Ecuador, some dupli cates of which will be placed in the University of California museum. As a result of the hardships he un derwent Doctor Barrett's \u25a0 hair has turned .gray, but otherwise he .is in Brood health. : REAPS CROP WORTH $200 £\u25a0 FROM $150,00 a "FARM" Berkeley Tract of Sixteen Acres Fails to Pay George D.Metcalf BERKELEY.* June 7. — Attorney George D. Melcalf. whose wife owns 16 acres in the heart of the residence sec tion of this city,- valued- at about 1 1 50.000, has flnlshed > haying' and has discovered that on the investment the yield Is but J2OO. This :- "farm'," sur rounded by Arch, Hearst, Oxford and Virginia streets. Is one of the most valuable properties in the state, ana was. once the property of former Pres ident Martin Kellogg of the University of California, but is now owned. by his daughter, Mrs. George D. Metcalf Metcalf planted the tract in* hay, which, he has just had mowed. The total crop from .the 1150,000 "farm " the stee of 30 city blocks, will be but 1200, or about US a ton. Metcalf him self lives near the '.'farm" and has for neighbors , Prof. Thomas. R.* Bacon of the university,. Mrs. A. A. .Pennoyer wife of the late Oakland merchant- Prof. John Galen Howard, Prof; A- C Miller, President Wheeler, and others' GRANTED FINAL DECREE^ FROM JEALOUS-HUSBAND Accuses Spouse of Slanderous Statements Made Publicly - >; OAKLAND, June 7.— Mr*. Mac Emer son was granted a final decree of di- vorce todays Mrs. Emerson testified that It * was . a common thing: for- her husband to accuse her ln : the presence of many persons of undue" familiarity with bellboys In the hotels where they lived. , • ' \u25a0'" ' :. .\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-T-_--.-:; i The following" suits for. divorce were filed '"today:: Florence -' Mersfelder a painut .Charles M.~,Mersfelder, deser tion:- Mac B." Clark 'against Harry L. Clerk, desertion. - < <-. . -. Amanda Kuchler \u25a0 was .. given .a final decree from Joseph Kuchler on the ground of desertion.: For the same rea son; Florence. Dye was given 'a' final i de cree from Foster. M. Dj-e; ;\u25a0- *-" Rent Your Vacant Iloomi Phone Kearny 86* or drop" a' line 'to the advertising department of. The Call and the "ad man" will be out to see you: The Call • can rent your - rooms '. (or«iyou at f a very nominal cost/ Try. it and be OsviccetL '•: - •'•>. ! Mf^.o:B:Shipman > ORANGE BLOSSOMS FOLLOW ROMANCE Miss Alice L. Aspelin Weds 0. B. Shipman, Son of Wealthy Hawaiian Planter; OAKLAND, June 7. — A school day romance reached a happy culmination this evening when Miss Alice L. Aspe lin, an Oakland girl, .became the bride of Oliver B. .Shipman. son of^ a. wealthy Hawaiian stock raiser and "planter. The young couple will spend their honeymoon on the high . seas, en route to Hilo, where Shipman will engage in business with his father. Shipman came to California several years ago to attend- school here, and he met his bride while both were stu dents at the old Central high school in this city. The friendship of student days ripened into love, and after visit ing his south sea home Shipman jour neyed back across the dtep to the girl of his choice. ; , For the last two years Miss Aspelin had been, connected with the Oakland postofilce, and her approaching mar riage was revealed last Saturday night when ahe resigned 'from her- position. The, bride has lived in Oakland all her life. When ehe was very young she was, adopted by Mr. and^ Mrs. N. J. Swenson of 102 Glenn avenue, ' with whom she made her home. .^ ;•->-- For a -number of :years Miss Aspelin was an active member of San Francisco parlor of the Native Daughters. SAN M ATEO COUNTY LABOR UNIONS TO HOLD PARADE Saturday of Carnival Selected for Big Event SAN MATEO. June - 6.— The labor unions ' have combined and decided jto hold a grand rally Saturday of carnival week. At that time there will be a parade- In which every union in the county will be represented. Each : one will . be appropriately uniformed and represented by a handsome float. The parade will, form In Baldwin avenue and El Camino real. The line of march will be to Griffith; thence to Poplar, to . Ellsworth, to Baldwin, -to B, down to the bandstand. -Here the Judges will view the parade and award an elegant $76 flag to the union mak ing the best showing. This nag will thereafter float over the .Building Trades hall Iri ! B street. _ ,\u25a0, \u25a0 ;_• William - Knapp will act as grand marshal. He states that the plasterers' union \«11 turn 0ut. 581 strong and the carpenters' union will .be . represented by 700. Afterthe- disbandment of the 12 local unions and their visiting co workersfthere will be addresses deliv ered by H. V, Meyers and Austin Lewis. - WOMEN PLAN BRILLIANT FINALE J^OR CARNIVAL Maids anid Matrons- to Take Part in \ Living Pictures SAN MAT EO, June 7.— The "Theater Party" to be given under the auspices of-" the ; Woman's , club ' Saturday night promises a ; brilliant \u25a0 finale .'for. the, car nival week. Mrs. F. G. Andrews has been in charge ,of the . affair, tactfully arranging a number of < interesting. de tails for. the program. '\u0084,: -, -'; --..\u25a0"- Among the most pleasing features' of the entertainment wilUbe. the living pictures/ iri which a' number; of well known debutantes and young matrons will, take: part. ''.\u25a0 \u0084 \u25a0;: 'The, queen. Miss" Elinor 'Falvey,: with her maids of honor.' Miss Marie Falvey MiSB Llllie Meller, :Mlss" Elsie Woollett and Miss RoselMaritzen, .will; take part in the living "picture portion " of -t the program as well as the Misses Violet Levy, Anita r Olmstead/ Evelyn -': Olm stead. Alma Greenlaw, Gladys Under hill,. Margaret: Grummon, Ethel' Pippy Olga' Beck,-; Marcel Levy and Mesdames Max : Brown, Hale r.Warn- : and •W. G Hyman.- \u25a0•-"- OAKLAND'S NEW JUVENILE i DETENTION HOME OPENED Rules : Separating" Vicious From \u25a0;•."-'• Firsts OffendersVMade , ' OAKLAND, ,; June" . '. 7.~The "i d e ten tion home . foiv, Juvenile .. at r Tele graph ; avenue ; ' arid ; Nineteenth , street was opened. today.', James Page," former warden of the insane* department "of the 1 receiving hospital. v -was tinstalled » as head of the newi home. \u25a0-. . . \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0--<\u25a0* -: -.\u25a0\u25a0?•\u25a0; .- Rules for the government of the de tention home wore issued today by Pro bation Officer Ruess;, under^whose" gen eral direction, the .place twill be oon ductecL '\u0084 , , ,:' . .. ? :..:. \u25a0>\u25a0' They .provide, that all children over 1 6 year* i of age shall be taken; to the home when "arrested, ' instead 'of *to i a Jail.;- Separate .quarters will « be; main tained for, , vagrant : children » whd ; have become .* hardened 'tor vice, or crime*; in order that' they may not » contaminate first- offendeisS>: \u25a0 ,'t '\u25a0 : . GOOD BOUTS > SCHEDULED— Oakland June ".—Frank k Pirato 1 ? and J Jack - Clifford i will 1 supply the \u25a0 main : number \u25a0, by a ' six * round * contest Tues day, evening on the, Oakland ' wheelmen's" box-" ing , program , at .'Armory, hall,'- Twentieth *. street near Telegraph r a venue.-;; Jeff Perry * and ; Tommy Deakin • are down - for. a « return f, m« toh. \u25a0 Jack Melrose.; from , AUanta.-i Ga.,- a.l middle weight will meet Johnny O'Keef c.v Jim"! Foley j and Matt O'Neill with two | other •• matches ; complete i the bill.''- ''\u25a0 ' ." -\u25a0 v .; . ., \u25a0,"\u25a0» :-\u25a0'.'• v •;".*":',. .--\u25a0\u25a0 ,*. Furniture; sale dallyj. this /week- at : H. Schellhaas' ; corner /store," Eleventh -ftrcet, Oakland, ''"jJHftMP'-'- ' * " THE SAyvPRAyQIBGOy:GAJ^;g^UESDAYv:^riJNE 8^1909i FAMILY SEE HOME BURN TO GROUND f ... \u25a0"; . _ Contractor, Wife and Children Flee From Blazing House at Early Hour , OAKLAND, June' ".—Driven in haste out of their burning home in Rosal avenue 1 near Grand; East Piedmont, H. F. Langer, a /contractor, his wife and children,- stood - helplessly - by and watched the $6,000 dwelling; being, de stroyed at 3 o'clock this morning. The district ;in which danger -built the dwelling a few months" ago Js without fire protection, and because there arf no hydrants in the neighborhood it was .impossible..; to get aid from the Oakland firemen: . j The fire . was -. started accidentally, j Langer- had complained: of a toothache j and his wife, seeking a remedy, 7 carried z. lamp into the kitchen. She placed it at the edge of a table. The lamp fell to the floor, exploded and set Ore to the house. '\u25a0The flames gained such headway that '\u25a0 the ; contractor": and his wife were barelylable to take the two children , out.of j the buildlng.^Bggig§fjp Standing- on their lawn, they watched the, house burn-to; the ground. -. Langer had . $2,300 insurance on the : structure. News of Society Across the Bay OAKLAND, June 7.— At a beautifully appointed reception at the family home in Emeryville Mrs. C. S. Chamberlain entertained several hundred guests, one of the largest affairs of the month, this afternoon, receiving' her "friends from 2 to 5 o'clock. Mrs. Chamber lain was a pioneer, settler in the bay cities,' and the handsome residence in San Pablo avenue has for many years been the center: of a generous hospi tality. Not for some time, ; however, has this charming; hostess entertained at so elaborate an ,event. Assisting in the receiving party were: : Mm. Henry Bull • "\u25a0' Miss Lily Cole' Mrs. Leon Hall „. Mrs. William A. Schrock Mn. VT. D. Smith Mrs. John Mole Mrs. S. P. Mikel .' Mre. J. G. J. ManUr Mrs. Nora Ryle , * Miss Beaiie Wood • In honor of Mrs. Philfp '."Wadsworth, who, before her marriage of a fortnight ago, was Miss .Bessie Filmore. Miss Edith Beck_will entertain Friday after noon at a large card party at^the Beck residence in the Lakeside district. Sev eral scores of friends have. been: asked to meet the attractive '\u25a0. bride,, who. » exceedingly: popular r with younger set on this side of the. bay. - - v Miss Blanche Hostetter. is returning to town next week for a little visit with her mother, Mrs. Annie Hostetter, and sister. Miss- Grace" "Hostetter, at the family, home Jn ; East*. Oakland. For the " last few months , Miss . Hostetter has. been at .Los Bahos." 'Re cently ; the announcement of | her be trothal to Charles Jay Welch, an exten sive land owner in the San Joaquln val fty and' a.mana '.'man prominently ; known in business circles of 'the bay fcities, was announced. . Although plans for. the wedding are still indefinite, • the mar riage .will be a notable event of the late summer. /v.. . : , .-"> "• .; : Mrs. Frank Proctor; will ; be the in spiration for a gathering of old friends, over which ( Mrs. Paul Dlnsmore 'will preside as Thursday" afternoon at her : home 4 ln Vernori heights. Mrs. Proctor- was 'formerly Miss -.. Flora ,' Mc- Dermot. With her husband she is spending the summer on the coast from their home in" Boston. . \u25a0. , / Miss Florence ißramhall, one of the. brides' eleetjof late June, will >;be made the .guest of honor tomorrow, when' Miss = Clara' Franck entertains a coterie of ; friends. Another affair v for which'cards have been issued -Jn com pliment to Miss Bramhall will be -given by Miss Katherine,Bennison next week.- Miss lima. Chase was a hostess of. the day, entertaining a score, of- neighbor*' hood j friends . informally -at the^ Chase' residence in Moss avenue at cards and a dainty Her i guests; included the S members : of one ' of . the winter's bridge clubs,' which-has been enjoying a series' of fortnightly " gatherings. \u25a0•.';. - . •/-. • . *-; Mr., and Mrs.- Brace Hayden .'have gone ;to the Raymond, near* Los Gatos, for a "sojourn of a fortnlghtor more. , 4 The i scored or} "more .of matrons who 'make [up; the /personnel of the Cosmos club, /one" of -the oldest and most ex clusive of ithe.card- clubs Ton this side of :the v bay/: went to ; Hay ward this af t erriooaV to r be'}. the guests of :; Mrs.';Wm Meek at "her.- beautiful J suburban home; Each/ year ' in cherry ."time the Meeks extend 'the : hospitality of -their place to this . set of^ friends, Mrs. . Meek . enter taining! at- a- beautifully;, planned al fresco affair.' v. -I Hj. .... . r ' . ;\u25a0\u25a0 . ; . ;:•. Mr.^and;Mrs.sT.;C. .Coogaris returned today) from;a v sojourn of several w^eeks in' the : Hawaiian i islands, .where they enjoyed [a; delightful; Tislt. Thejv spent considerable 'jj time! on i the % beaches and visited •; many," of the^ places *of 'general interest.' Mr. v and _Mrs^Co6eran' left ! Oak land early :in .theVspring ' on< their sea '; Mrs.\ Jv Walter 1 Scott and Mrs. George Loudenishared^the .honors: in" a complimentary faff air ; over, .which ; Mrs. George '^Amo's \u25a0 Scott .presided ; this ; aft ernoon,v"entertaining;'?cardß.' 'JMrs. Scott ; is*! leaving-' this : week ; for ; Alaska, where-^ she ' l*% planning : f an v interesting tour] for: the ;_ ; Mrs. has (of l th«; extensively ; « feted young "mairons^durlng)? the Vlast- few months,"'; since *j she J and x her husband have" returnedt.fromf their J honeymoon abroad. -lShe^ was /forrnerly,"Mrs."v Mabel Kergan'-llumphfey.^j'; : -?, .. ; r. •\u25a0-;'. • " : Maud { lillian'ljßerri, *, the operatic starj who'^ is> Mrsi.T Frank • Moulan in \u25a0 private II fe, is >f the rf guest _ of j Mr.V: arid v; Mrs. GeorgeAw.'iiFisher^in - East v Oakland; Mrs. | Moulan^ is_?; a') daughter f- of -Fulton G.VBerry/of 'Fresno.. \u25a0-^ ..;;,. - Word^Tias -been^received; of ?the-ar rival ;at s-yerilce.'i Italy, Jof [Mr.' ; arid rMrs7 Arthur; H.J Breed/,; who ' are* touring- in" E.urope.o Z>sf '.^r? ; V ' '\u25a0'\u25a0 ±;} \u25a0''-: •*.':-?'•*\u25a0*\u25a0- ;--i Jvlamath Falls i Excursion -v Leaves^Southern j Pacific-, Ferry, depot 7:40 i p:% mr|« trains Saturday, ** June 1 2 Tickets^ g^pd^f or j l7 -, day , tfip. * Round trip $15.00. Join the party and cele brate s Railroad"; day.'at^Klamath s Falls^ For^ details • see | agents. :r Ticket ? offices Flood v Market * street** Ferry depot ' and f and Franklin streets;; Oakland.;; ,; -r - <-.-• ... '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 BOY f INCOEXJOIBLE— BerkeIey, •- June \u25a0 7 ~ Harry.;; Trueadell, -^ aged r ; 14 * years, •\u25a0* whom '» his mother J supports : by - acting i as j al domestic,! arrested » this I afternoon * as! an > incorrigible ?and will- be , turned over to r Probation , Of fleer ; Christo pher' Rue«*.-» k Truesden.'i, who has .been ' In • custody before,' wUl be pat at work.,- . :-\ . " . - T Mrs ; W:P:Rdop,Bride [: "of Young instruG^or, OFF FOR HEIDELBERG ON HONEYMOON Mr. and.Mrsr.Wehdell P. Roop, Prominent University Couple,y oh- Journeyrto Germany v^ BERKELEY, June 7.— A honeymoon to Germany, where the bridegroom will enter 'the' University of \u25a0 Heidelberg/ is the unique wedding journey on which Mr. and; Mrs. » Wendell P. Roop are bound "after 'their pretty wedding last 'Wednesday night The bridegroom, a graduate of Stanford, .who . was con nected with" the faculty of the univer sity; will study in Europe two. years before hla return. . • *? ne v marrla 66 i ceremony . was sol emnized by Rev/ Albert W. Palmer of Piedmont at the home of the bride's sister, \ Mrs. Walter Maddrill in Mont gomery avenue, Oakland, a large"num ber, of friends attending. The bride was formerly Miss I Naomi Crouch ' of the class of 1908 >f the University of California. . Roop iwas graduated from Stanford two years ago. , Since doming to Berkeley he Hias been an assistant In the department of physics and was one of the brightest of the younger faculty men. : ; REAL ESTATE. SWINDLER GETS 8 YEAR SENTENCE Man Who Took Woman's Earn- ings Branded a Hypocrite .OAKLAND, June^ 7. < - r Eight years' im prißonment;in the state penitentiary at San Quentin was the sentence imposed today ; by. Judge Brown .against S. iG. Henderson, a' ; real estate 1 agenC-; vrh.6 was" 'convicted of $1,500 from Mrs. Lucy B. Allison/ ah Oakland lodging house keeper. » • , ' T ; "May God strike me dead. lf I'm not innocent," cried Henderson dramatically in., the .^courtroom when .sentence • was pronounced. r- - \u0084 He "was severely reprimanded by Judge™ Brown, ,who ! characterized his outbreak as hypocrisy. . - Henderson obtained the Irrioney from Mrs. -Allison on the understanding that he -would invest it'forher in rear estate He failed to-do so,^ and -also failed *to refund the money to her when r she asked him for it. ' / : - - ! Suburban Brevities \. . : PEACE DIBTUEBEa' FINED— Berkeley, , r June 7. — Arnold Peters, who showed fight on" a San Pablo c«r. trhea he wag awakened- by 'Policeman J. T. Jones a week ago, was fined |75 this morn ißgfor disturbing the peace. - , - v .:. \u25a0•-\u25a0 . . , ' CHAMBEB OF - COMMEHCE BA3TOXJET— Ala tneda. June 3 7.'»-^-The t chamber of. commerce? will Sire jia anniversary, banquet- Saturday evening at the Hotel - Crescent, following * the election Thursday evening of the newboard of directors. BTOOLABS riUOHTEHia>I-Alamed«; June. 7. An attempt to rob the ' J.-. F.'_ Waldon home at 2129 San Antonio ayenue . was frustrated by . the arrival" or the~ r police last night before the " bur glars bad .bad. a chance to enter." Mrs. Waldon was alone at the time. * " : _ THACTIOIT • COMPANY OFFENDS— Berkeley, June «.— Protest has been mn«le by North Berke ley residents at the change by the Oakland trac tion company of. its North Grovesrreet cars from a 10 minute to a 15 minute headway. -The mat ter will be laid before the chamber of commerce. FIND POSTOFFICE LOOT— Oakland, June 6.— While gunning. on. the summit : yesterday? after noon E. '.Miller; : - 1803 Linden arcnue, ":\u25a0 discovered a'dress suit [case. In the woods, which contained • large. '. number :of money border blanks,: etc., believed a portion of the loot of the „ thieves who robbed the Point Richmond postof flee last November.-. ;» - . * . -,-_ -.-•;/\u25a0/ ?' - _•- TO LECTCBEIN SOUTH— Berkeley; June 7.— Prof. E. B. Lamare of the faculty, of the univer sity has left for Los Angeles; where h&will give a lecture | on' the French Alliance " June •11 \u25a0\u25a0 under the 1 auspices of the Los Angeles Y. M; C.A.: He will also give a five weeks' reading course in the southern city.: . :i •;•->\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0,-\u25a0- .;:....- \u25a0-'\u25a0' -.: \u25a0 - HELD' FOB BXrHGLAKY-^Oakiand, June 7.— William Henry, accused ! of breaking I into Patrol man H. C.":.' Arnest's i East ' Oakland home * and stealing the ' policeman's r reTolver j and $8, - was examined by .Police Judge. Smlth.this morning. He was held for trial . on ' a charge •of •' burglary in $2,000, ba1l. ;'. ' - \ . ; STREETS TO BE OILED-^Alameda, June 7.^- Superintendent of Streets Prodden wIU ' begin the work of oiling the A lamed a , streets as soon as \u25a0 a car of oil that has . been lost in transit arrives. The first street* to be treated , to the dust layer will be -Union, .Willow, Walnutv and . apportion of Chestnut street.^. \u25a0; V f•' LIBBAHIAN A f DELEGATE^-Oakland,' June 7. Charles l S; Greene,; librarian' of , the Oakland free public library , and j president of ; the state library board, v will . be \u25a0 the • official ; delegate , from •< Cali fornia to the annual convention of the American library, association! at Bretton,'; N. . H. >"He\wlll depart ' for ; the •. east next week ; to : attend the session. ,"' . .-..., • \u25a0.''..\u25a0;\u25a0•;\u25a0•...•.. . \u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 '.'\u25a0>\u25a0 \u25a0 .VIOLET CLUB TO t GIVE > DANCE— Oakland. June 7.— The \u25a0 Violet dub,* composed of a. number of i well; known young. men.^willrgive its second annual \ dance - Tuesday \u25a0 evening >at Maple \u25a0 hall. Much preparation ' has : been made ! for \ the . event. Among. those who are active in the arrangements are W. - P.;, Lenan^ : Ben Bonnell. "< A: s Fitzgerald, J. % 3.". Barry,7 A.*; Lingard * and , F.*- Halve. (.\u25a0>.-. U SPILLED ALL' THE < BEEK— Oakland, June 7. Burglars s broke into- Thomas', White's ,saloon,->at Second ? street < and i Broadway, some '\u25a0 time ? after the ! doors had ; been \u25a0 .- locked -at\l * o'clock > this morning. .; They ; rifled I the s cash s register i and 1 ob tained from It only |5. "They opened the taps of all > the ." beeri' casks • in : \ the *'. barroom, £ and s this" morningwhen^Whlte entered :hts I place] he I found the floor, coveredlwithV-Vsuiis.".'. 1.- -\u0084-;. —::,\u25a0' .\u25a0\u25a0 i'KBSJi H.e A.' HINDS [DEAD— Berkeley^ June \ ~1 Mrs.-Irene 1 Hinds,'; wife of ; H. * A.' Hinds, a : min ing , operator^ of ? Manhattan.^ Key.,*s died .; at % her home rn i Parker street'near Sh«ttuck J ayenue^this morning ;at * the i age of \u25a0 42 ; years.' v She v was ?: a member *of- Berkeley; lodged No. Order of Eastern > Star;? and ? lodge No.Y 36o,* Women • of Woodcraft, i Besides i her » husband,-: two ' children," Clifford and \Margnerite,"i»urvive.x;- '- : - i& HOBINSON.FENTON I-| NUPTIALS -^ Berkeley; June 7.— A pretty church wedding was solemnized last night J at " St. 1 Augustine ' chiirchTchapel when W illiam , Robinson. - son f: of ' C.- E.:> Robinson,^; a South' Berkeley grocer. 4 , was* united in marriage to Miss (Alice >: Fentoni: of i{ North v Oakland V by t Eev: Father:; MaeDonald."M On : their;: return ; from \ the honeymoon g trip ; Mr.'t- and 's Mrs.'J- Robinson will ; make r their, home ; in > South i Berkeley," where \ the groom is in business with his father. V- STKIKES'THIEF-^d'akland,- June ? 7.'-^So hard did; j;* C.S Baker,*; an f expressman : of « ls22 > Poplar street,^ hit 5 a • thief * this . afternoon i tha tJhe c dislo cated s his ; finger. He was '\u25a0 treated ; at! the receiv ing; hosjytal. ; -i He. was : engaged in]moving'furni ture i from <: a ? house * at | and £ Eighteenth ' !2?1 t8 5 wne *» -the /: thief I seized Ia { box j; containing |20 in silver that hadi been placed temporarily o n the, sidewalk ."^ Baker }limmediately§stnjck-,him and : the • man 'dropped ' the 5 box Taad I made * his I es- CENTRAL KEY ROUTE DEPOT IN OAKLAND Through] Ferry ; Service to Heart • % ;to^City^in&J^gii^v; ' tomorrow V .'; OAKLAND, . June - f.f .— Ferry, service between the; main business. section' and San i Francisco -.'through, the » San '- Fran-] Cisco;.; Oakland -» and San Jose' JKey Route) :;':systenr-:: ;':systenr- : . .will ; begin f rom Twelftli-, and "Poplar -streets station Wednesday morning.. Key ;Rbute r tfains will run over 'the new Poplar street line \u25a0. from'Ythe 'Twelfth 'street station to)J. the;. pier, '.and ;will . meet; streetcars for«Broadwayr^at Twelfth and; Poplar streets.^ -^.:- - : ';*; . .*'. ': •". -y ; ',> ; iv/TheVPoplaf. street Key- Route "\u25a0•line.- is a ?^extension > pf ;>. the ; Twenty -js^cond street •'line; now' operated > between"; the Key c; Route : , pier i and Broadway'i; at ,Twentyf second > street. "At \u25a0 Twenty fourth r street . the '. new;, branch '-breaks away j from ;" the "; olderj tracks.-: and -; ex ,tends soutft in Poplar street ' to ; the sta tioa|being rbuiit; at Twelfth »treet.i v . y$ From^therei the between ;'the Broadway, l business' section will! be car ried;'over.;the -Twelfth "street car line. Special-,' "swing"-' cars ".will -be -run 'along Twelfth street, in addition to the resu \u25a0laf; trolley 'cars,*;but". will vary the usual street \u25a0: practice' In" : the conveyance of passengers.. . ;- '."/.-; '\u25a0.-';£ ;^ Thus, ;the . "swing" . west abound "will stop only 'to pick .iip • passengers headed forvthe. Key. Route station and .will, not stop to olet persons off 'the: car between Broadway.'; and Poplar street. The re verse method will be followed when the trailer!' is east' bound,': the motorman having orders .to ; stop only* to let pas sengers; alight, and not j to- let any one board the i car. -.'i.-' ''; : -:.~-- \ SALOON KEEPERS 'SCORED FOR SELLING BOY LIQUOR Fruit vale and Melrose Dealers Face Serious Charges OAKLAND,, June 7.— Fruitvale and Melrose i saloon keepers occupied" the attention of . the I board of • supervisors this' morning. A- number of them were cited to; show cause, why their licenses should not be revoked for having sold liquorto . Walter a boy. As sistant \u25a0 District Attorney Hynes con ducted- the examination .of the saloon men, 'scored them severely for having sold whisky to - the youth and warned them; that if the offense was repeated he would prosecute them for violating the ordinance and, would ask the board of supervisors to revoke their licenses. •Hynes was backed by District At torney Donohue,.^who made a similar statement.. The board of; supervisors also put Itself on record as -against the violators of :' the ", ordinance, and' the members declared " that -licenses would be promptly, revoked if- -the saloon keepers were, again found guilty. . Those who appeared before the board of, supervisors were "Amelia Torri, J. Studiger, Owen & Paul,- -A. Reney, George Ireland, C. A; Llnd, Fred, Van Duren, W. . Vielhiner. D. iM. Heggerty, XV; P. ; Hopcroft,.A.- CJacobsen, Frank Franz* "• C. ;.: : H. Jacobsen, :: Arthur AA. Suarez, Hurrl & Sullivan, Sam Batt. The: protest of Mrs. C. T. Mills of Mills seminary, and of . other residents of. the neighborhood," availed- against John F.' Jennings, . who applied for a license " to s conduct a saloon \u25a0, at the old county road and Yoakum avenue. 'Jen nings was allowed to withdraw his application. • * \ . \u25a0 ST. MARYJS; STUDENTS TO CELEBRATE ALUMNI DAY Phoenix Nine Will Play Gradu ate Team Sunday Afternoon OAKLAND, June 7. — The 'annual cele bration of Alumni day will, take place | next Sunday at St. Mary's college. The cerembriiea will^: start-with; mas? at 11 o'clock, followed by, a reception" to. the former. -students by the faculty 'and student -body. \;. : " - .• In the afternoon a baseball game will be : played- by,' the "Phoenix nine \u25a0 and an alumni team. The annual meeting of- the alumni 'will be held in the late afternoon,^ to be followed by benedlc -tion.-- \u25a0;:,.: \u25a0 \u25a0 -\u25a0;\u25a0;-.•,\u25a0.\u25a0> .-. . . .- • \u25a0 . - .. Tomorrow \ evening , the officers and board of directors of the alumni asso ciation will hold an important meeting at Sacred Heart college, San -Francisco. Brother Vellesian, president of St. Mary's, will .preside, and. Brother Ag non, a pioneer,;member of the faculty, will'be -present. .\u25a0; ;. - Following * are 1 the • officers 'of the alumni association: ;•;; . ;: T.J.Lennon,. president: W. Kelly, vice president; A.^F.. Burke, secretary; J.- F. Coftey. treasurer.' Board of vdi rectore—B.. P.- Oliver '73, E. R: ' Myrick '81~F. J.Devlln-'Sl;' F/ J. Kierce '52, Rev. P. E.> Mulligan '83, F. J. Murasky '83, P.'J/McCormick '88, J. L. Taaffe '96, R. :J.vDora#i;.'oß.V . . . . MANGLED -BODY JfOUND ON THE RAILWAY: TRACK Unknown Man Killed J by" Train Near Pleasanton , OAKLAND, June "^The mangled remains-, of a 'man, ,' supposed" to'j'be those ; of a" wandering;. ' tailor,'- 1 were found' a mile outside ".of Pleasanton -this morning * lying ion "the ' Southern % Pacific tracks.vxThe? accident -was 'reported v to the • coroner's -office here." r .. ; \u25a0 The \u25a0'• tailor.Awas » in -Pleasantonr seek ing " work :- and telling a . hard «lucK story,- but t failed , to «reveal his name •or place -of .' B^ode.wss^j^BSf^Bgg^^uajiid \u25a0It ; :ls" supposed that he . started /to walk 4 from -last } night ? and was run: down- by^ a train. - \u25a0 _\u25a0_ Thru Sleeper j^^Bßib^l :\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 •\u25a0/:*--•\u25a0;\u25a0 v - to "\u25a0 33 Yosemite M^ Big Trees '''\u25a0 ' ' \u25a0 ''• - '---' :; '-' \u25a0 - '- ;; - - ,- \u25a0-'-•' ' \u25a0 : ''- -\u25a0•" ~ : -~- "\u25a0 *-"> —'^SbsBBBtwHS LeayVSan Francisco and Oakland daily at 10 p. m n arriTlng ' I^^Yoseinjte^ (Sentinel Hotel)Tfqllowirig day at noon. .. Re^rningJlcaTcW arrlring San and^OaJda^-foljdwih :V 4 - and direct serrice to Toseralte Valley and rMariposa'GroYe of Big Trees. \u25a0 Ask for* new; Yosemite Folder; ! V ; . \u25a0•*, .J.B. puffy, 673 Market St^ San Francisco. Zay Holland, Clever |f;^^linit-|E;Bp- IMPERSONATOR THE FEATURE OF BILL Harry Le* Claire Makes Hit at Bell in Travesty on "The Devil" OAKLAND, June, I.— lmpersonations of famous actresses and a travesty on "The Devil" supplied the features of a clever act which Harry Cc- Claire gave In the opening bill this week at the Bell theater. His work justified the headline place on the program. Sydney Grant was well received in a monologue, closing, with an excellent Imitation of a Chinese drama, in which Grant depicted all of the c^haracrers, and, for good measure, furnished the accompanying characteristic music. L Zay. Holland, who accompanied her self on the^ violin In vocal : selections, won the favor of her musically Inclined hearers. . ' * " ..Count de Butz "and Richard Tassel! offered some thrillers- In their bicycle acrobatics, .which -were interspersed withjust enough comedy. . "The iElite r Four,** <v r ln;a novel musi cal turn, proved to be one-of the popu lar numbers on the card.. The pictures were, .worth - viewing. The new bill runs through this week, afternoons and evenings. ' HUNTER COMES ACROSS \u25a0 CACHE, OF ROBBERS Suitcase .Containing Blanks* Is Found in Berkeley Hills OAKLAND, June 7.— Reaching in. the Berkeley, foothilla near the summit, for a lost ramrod yesterday afternoon, E. Miller,; of 1803 • -Linden \ street came across- - a .moldy suit case containing money order blanks, * postofflce - books and. similar official documents ', which were- stolen last November from the Point Richmond postoftice by safe crackers. .. '.\u25a0*•-. :. \u25a0' .. v, \u25a0 Miller was hunting in the hills and was 'accompanied -by his wife. He droppedhla rod and on missing it re traced-his steps -to seek for. the iron. In the search he came upon the suit case.rwhich was hldden-.under a rock and partly covered with a newspaper of the date of * November :11. The hunter and-his^wlfe brought the case to Oakland and turned It over to the authorities. It : has reached the hands of the postofflce inspectors. . j Marriage Licenses j\ \u25a0 \u2666«» ' ' n% OAKLAND. June • 7. — The following marriage licenses were Issued today: Louis B.Lebowltz. SI. and Ida E. Zimmerman, 20,' both of San Francisco. - i .OliTer-B. Shipm4n,26. Hllo. H. T.. and Alk*e L. Aspelln. 23. Oakland. - . ' T, Walter S. Chandler. 33, and Marion Barnard 26. both of Oakland. - - * , Roy Martin/ . 30, : and Leonle A.;Ramtmd. 23. both of Oakland. * „.'• •,; . . , ' ~* - Joseph J. Mendose. 20, and Minnie C. Mederoa 25. : both of Port Costa. r .-. " i, ~ \u25a0 . Jf;:--G.*LongweH,',2S,rnd: Anna Dicfcelow 2S both of Oakland. --" . : . ' . ' .Elmer F.';Spark«i, 27."' Lincoln. \u25a0\u25a0< Placer connty" and Gertrude V.;Ha11,' 19,- Winters.- Yolo county.' Clements Tirone, 28, and Rosa Raabezzana 10' both of Oakland.' -• " Alton Valquardson. 33, Oakland, and Beatrice Maloney, , SO," San ' Frandsco.'- * Joseph : Barbelro, 24,* and Mary Frettos 24 both of Oakland, b,- ' •>\u25a0 ( v; - ' * .Joseph S. Myert, 33,* Sacramento, and Ada V Long, 21, Berkeley. , -; v .- \u25a0 WIDOW RAGES WHEN ASKED WEDDING DAY On Witness Stand in Court, She Volleys Epithets at Attorney OAKLAND, June 7.— Mrs. Anna Maria Schumacher *ol Alameda violated all the rules of court this morning, as well -as some of the rules of propriety, when she- was on the witness stand In Judge Ogden's court. "Who the — — are you to mix up in this,", she shouted at Attorney Loewey. !'You are a -.liar and a thief.- If my husband was here he would send you all to " Mrs. Schumacher was incensed at Loewey's appearance during the pro bating of;th« >state of her late hue band. Charles Schumacher of Alameda. The estate has a value of $21,000. Schu macher left no will, but after his death a number of heirs ; In Germany came forward to claim the half of the es tate which the law allows them. They communicated with the" German consul at San Francisco, who placed their cas« tn the hands of Loewey & Gutsch. Mrs. Schumacher was called as a witness in order that her formal testi mony might be taken before her depar ture for the east. - She grew angry when asked when she was married and considered the question an insult. It was then that the outbreak occurred. Judge Osden tried, fn* vain to Inter rupt and make her cease her denuncia tion of Loewey. Mr 3. Schumacher had her say. The estate la. now In tha hands of Public Administrator Gray and-in due course will be distributed — half to Mrs. Schumacher and the other half to the heirs in Germany. f More and Better Positions are open to Reming- ton operators. \u25a0 More because the Remington is the most widely used writing machine. Better because the Remington is used in the higher class of business houses. • See the sew Models 1 0 and 11. REMINGTON TTPEW2ITER COMPANY (liwuwmi) 278 Bosh Street (Mills Building). • * -• - San Francisco. Cat* . HOTEL TOURAINE Opposite Taft A Peanoycr, l*th and Clay Street* The Entire Contents of Large' Dining Room "Elegant Sideboard. Superior Dining Chairs. Extension and Side Tables. Rogers' Best Cutlery. 12 foot Granite Top Steam Table; cost $175.00. "• Choice lot Hotel Crockery and Glass- ware. Refrigerators. Table Linen; extra flnejCurtaz Upright Piano, cost f 400.00. SALE WEDNESDAY, JUXE'9, 2 P. M. J. A. 3IU.NUO, A«ettoneer CIGARS _ n , - <>'O 3IACUIXES) T Owli (or .... . .. . «Be T Rtiown ......... V...... 35« 7 R««mlta ................. * js« T Cubanolas ....'...........* ***25e OSOOOirS Two Prog Stores CJC TRUNKS rjT^J^fnJr^l 0 * I1 '' 312 for (j*7 r? f Pv^l ° w ' nner v' y^z^jl^ osooods* -' -• '-\u25a0 12U» * W**j»ttutnn. OR. ONG TING 'SHEW Formerly con- l^^pli- nected with Dr. ' HH?iK?r VVons Woo Te* lßSr'Sf'f and Herb Saai- "JS&Z&* tarium and for 10 years Head iffl--~-fffiV|fSffr Physician of 0Q ' ; ' 'HL Chinese Hoapt- fl .' -\u25a0 \u25a0 BK ul *n \u25a0 a F.. has JE:' -^-r-'.V. :/>\u25a0-. mJH} resumed prl- \u25a0nTimHiwnnn mmnm i vata practice. _. All dlseasea successfully treated with famous- tea and herb remadias. Consultation fro«. 11-13 Brfnnaa Place. Opp. Porta- muuth Minnrr. Betw««n Clay nod Wmhlnetoß > Ht*. IP man, to 13 m..«l t» 3,'tuS pja. PATENT^ . FR.I.VK P. MKDIjrA E Patent Attoraej. - ~ %aj \u25a0 yean' uperteac* with jttea t offlc» eiamlntr*. - teat*, 'lYademark*, CR^rrlshta 81S-&14 ; Catt Buildljas