Newspaper Page Text
AckiitionsS Sports News 1 BAD SPILLS MARK RACES ON SALT LAKE TRAKE Key del Mundo Goes Down in] Sixth and Jockey Is Picked Up With a Broken Leg lug was marked by a number of spills)! In Ihe fiftii; Bunn. Aks-Ar-fkn and] - ; --: ; - EelCfrbut the ;-'cU<-ys^ Harris, ! ins and Johnson^ escaped with a Jew \u25a0 :i;: •-\u25a0:- I*- '\u25a0 r.c ::ixt::, Hey tie! .Mamlo -.< nt flown .•'. :: d Jockey Cavanaueh sus f.urf»-d a broken Jeg. Roy del Mundo's slu>aiafr was broken: .-tud his owiur, J. i iv.Gooilmnn, h.-id blm kilie.i. The horse j v :..s sis years old anil well known on' . K.v.Paoilic f-<;asT. Rey c! Santa Anita ! K-as his fin-. After a plpse finish in ] the inird I><?iwc-en Happy Chappy and tlalton. ti;e laiter's rider claimed a but it .was not allowed. -Only j ope favorite won. Results: \u25a0 \u25a0'' Firei race^^Jx fnri-mes. s.-!!iuc— Bouts Man, ll_ \u25a0>.-•,!, ii> .. ii to w<-a; Hmueltfbs. IIS (Dv?- \ rlv£ SatoS I-!/.:'. ' '. !»>;<-ji. juy I '.>.-i i vit 7 .(. >.) t; , .-.. v -,,,, : j-.j;-;;,, URtA ! ,v. - '-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'-':"." liUKU, ::!i!-!. t -,i as naiae<i. i: -- '\u25a0"\u25a0' \u25a0\u25a0 furlopKS, .sc!iinc:--na,n;'y ' "' ;i \u25a0\u25a0 '\u25a0 '"' iSI'MTis); .". to V!.:i; iI.J-.ou. l'i'+ i ti ;hbi.i •!!;:>{ ». 12 ji. :,. >«v.«, 1; \i:irtinm*6. 111. i>-i!.iyi. 3 2 (» ".. OilKl. 'liiue. i :0U ."i-.".. I*!U j IWffw^ll. «;!.-i 1.-nniu::. Ott<» I'rtce, ltiamond 1 -'':..' 1^ :: " ; ' < ' T! ' i:: - '• ! - is: "''' :v a«me<*. \u25a0t (11. Smith), :: tti j. woo: Ctunllail.i .\u25a0-\u25a0•-. -. . <.;\u25a0:.•. ";:,..\u25a0. : :.;i' ]-.". t'riaceJ " « \u25a0 • \u25a0•. .'• --- i->"r.t.';i. l'rii-..-.. \u0084f Oniujro, \u25a0] : \u25a0 :; - '-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 fcrl«ssgs— rljifdir, Knipht. 130 j • . . 5 to I". V...1,; (;(.;„. V, i«<!. 110 <ii. \u25a0\u25a0] .'\u25a0::\u25a0 Ato-Ar-Ben. Kappa. nnifche.! t^iitii met . -:x s n4 a half -furib^pi — rii!:kim. j :•& iPost>, 9 to i. tr^jH rjileocia; w,t uvaii, •" :\u25a0-.;.'!!:<!: SureijL. lt'.t < Mmnlprs). 'J to 1, ! :'ui... '!"\u25a0•.\u25a0\u25a0. i; 22 3-5. !.<\u25a0«• H.irri-<u 11. Grare ] J5. ';:• ;• •--:-• !' ••:: J . An", lley-d.-l -M-ji,;!.-.. fia^ Latoma Races UATOSIA; Juae 10.— First race, tive icv !<^ass— r»ojjau. y tn 1, won; I'Huc-e Jupmal; 0 : . :. s.i'.iiid; Jv«ii:i:i. :. ;,;, ;:. third. Time, r4.*il<iwcTat^. .", t.. l. wool Xrttip 'Ir.iv. r. :V» to 1.-*ecou<J; IVlu'slng Star, :;•. t.. 3. third. Time, I: \vn:.; \u25a0 Mar>» Abe. " to- .".' second; Ilalkct. 15 2.i 1. ;S»ir«i. T:j::.-. L:l3 !-3. we, «:v> au-.l a rrsitrter ni-lf-s— Crystal M4M, "1 :\u25a0\u25a0 IV>. %v:;r: <;!;<ii?ijf B.Ue. 2 to 1. •\u25a0-":•:: FJorest ;4 to r.. third. T-rai>. 2:14. - rjftb hit. !i<" :i ' j » ; :i iiaif f urioiisrs— XSne Hamilton. 35 hi 1. won"; Snake *"M«ry, t; i<. l. >>-"-.,i'T: Orfc*ad«t, 3*> t<. ), tbaa. Time; i '-SjiTh/rape. on rah? md TO '-\u0084..-.;*- tt'm-iwr ! . ::. r. to '. rb; Ul2fe Ttarbw. 4 io j, . L; Kftcbem'te, H i !\u25a0-> .">. tbird. Time. ; ' .:.< it. ' -JcSll^^rglaS, 'inASSIg IAG-B^s .^AJNX3 r^E^AnTM-i-S- Notable Deaths rJLtirS Et: GODDiH.3, -SEIiEa OF PD*?> r I)EH. - -. . . \u0084 , i( ( — a telegram ivcrhfi \u25a0 l:ere ;, - i :,: ..' tU« death to Psyt<B»2 Fia.. <>f i rank ii. G^irtMr-l. \vl.. f-r 4" \e*r* iia«l Iv^a t-'i;;:;L- .\;>:'^h"> in Oiitrsi an;l S-TiHi Anipri- . ; . •'; .. Mae-b^irf tbe powder bseia : -i i. \u25a0•,-. > : t :; -;"> is said •>•> h.iie been sold; GIDEOIt T. STEWAET. PSOHI3ITIONIsr — i .;,.;. j'.. — GUJeoo T«»^r . Si^warr. j \u25a0 . \u0084'.- c ."•\u25a0•»::;;.- -it 'a t'-U'" omiatryV pr-i- j ..-,... .i mnA.iu 1^76 t!rit parry's -i - - \u25a0-. \u25a0^fi-i.'rnf.'tiW-d .\u25a0!• iit>"h^rj" j : \u25a0 r| . \u25a0".-;•\u25a0 -f Ss.' . He .pr«c:S(-edi J \u25a0 .... \u25a0 , aroaaje tte v>-cr.«H!it<Mi S»I«rsl | .. .. ;.- ;\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0,- . Vu r.vA Vvhvsir.e. U; marriage ami <3<>atii pbtfees seat l.y tiiail :.<\u25a0;-:<•<";. Ti^ey " m-ast^fae iiacdwl in «t . ::::.• ru!iij..-ai^n* offices and be indorsed E*cie and residues <'f petfewus author- j -.•<• iht! s&uit- publislit'd. ; Notices 're- j sinqjjy to tU* antiocaceiapnt of the eTpnt j \_ .'-ime iatbis eoVama frc* -of charge, j V- : . — — i — — — MARRIAGE LICENSES ' .... . -:..,.-,. marriare lioenses v.<r- 'issued j .'; \u25a0 ". ".-' •-. \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0-- 10, l^«: • \;,r! .-. .. . r'MIN'S — Olof. H. Audersea,'] ':.' ,-." ,y '-" t'. •.: »•<•:••!' \u25a0!!:; A. Crim- j - \u25a0 :w •'•: \u25a0- ; .•:i.r«--»-yfH Bnnnard. 2.:. Lis- j -. ".- -1t... ~•\u25a0 i EaiU 2'- Ertcr,. 20. New j ,\_ljpX pir.r.i Catnos. 22. Alameda;] Jra BVC Li«j m: i--,7 riwCit&etTj- "V \u0084',;. I ."\u25a0\u25a0-.' Annie -;. UaßltU. », i^Jli of j " M ; : -"^V ;.' ''•:\u25a0"." p:;'l "•r;: :^r:ft' C=pw, "i\\ • \u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0 \ viKEIJLIX— Frank G. Sl'A- \ 23. -\u25a0.:: iVUlufrwo<id street, and ftiive ;'' ; -r.\"\-.', V :V,,V:-T«.::<y. 2^. Pre- I PTEVTAUT— 4 ii"-. : ->:<— Airr<-d If. -Stewart, C 2, -. . ;-,:.\u25a0-,-, !•••* i, ;;cil ICthyle P. Glbsoa, li. FTRONG— SIKK»K — Frsnk 50, ::n.i i:<~*r. 1 ' i VT- 'i"l'— lTitOLl— -Track 'S.vlve.'ter, 25. ;f i : :::,il.i:, )>•„.\u25a0>\u25a0. :.:r.i MoUh; IVrol.'. ; 1-S, ..-..'.\u25a0\u25a0'!. - — — BIRTHS 1,',. 'Gar.RTY_la tM.Hty, Jane 3. !M. lo the ' wif« oi I>r. W. A. Dotiglierty; a danpitcr. LEVIN lii tiiis i-.ity. 3cae '.X 190T».' i<> the v.ife V !>T:-A]ul-in'f;i!r.-!U'. June J^. 1900. to the -\u0084;:... f i.iui.ii.-i- }(. Westda'jl (nee Heven- Barn«. <;"<>rc»» X. . . 27: MeGrnMi, . >U;.liaf-1. . . 79 3'..i;i'T, A.freVi. ..... SJ' ; JUliuaap. . Frank '\u25a0 — ' . • it*. itiij<».:jtiii V.S (•••'. \u25a0k-i-.-i>'.ivr, (iiikiaio.. S3] • !'\u25a0 " i'->.irU-;... i" Merer*.' -I>»iinan ,11. <y v ;\u25a0-.•:n-ji.; \u25a0-.•:n-ji. . i '\u25a0-. "U: : :k<-u, Mi iha..". '.. . t.» , ;-.^....:. 7- '<<„!.::.,:-. Mn« V. SC •\u25a0 :. vmu. }.:;<> ttlcJi. CMritas i:..-. '\u25a0>] .. .-. ; Kkiu I.. :.r SavnKf. <;<«e.- It. 51 \u25a0i .... xbomat r,., s:!::!k-. H«-nJ«J 41 ! — A. '. 'iu\'i; 1 r.-/ S-linslJi. Jxini G...75] -; ..\u25a0• . • .<•.. !;...: 42 .- * Ktuoiu-. «iiu.-«"|»p«...; K0 "\u25a0a.;-'' jjfiflan '. — P.Miii.', Jo--<i.h -U...27 \u25a0 ' Tfcocj&sv ."\u25a0 -- - 79i I'eterxtn < Card i j BuEKS-In«V.a. C«l.. May 25. Atnlf-M. linran, aad brottow <•!" ltayuiond ,;.. S!»raKU,'vn«-<5«.: hih! K«thU-e:i Burns, a '«.f.*Col«al»'iif. 0.-Hgrd 2< jwu*. A uieni- i, - ol Sau .1»alV!nl'-ir r<rtir«'U No. 2N">. KiiipLts '.FrifiiC-s nw\ sffjuBi!itau<-es *,!:• respectfully Y<<n'T:O.. '\u25a0%\u25a0!. } .'.''s'. Vifii'ly rryiinitetl "to-Vt- . JOSEPH G." MOKUISKV, _ latlii-'r" .d Ji>;.n. Ctstna *au«l \u2666Viuiain^' Butler, i«uV«f"» l r* IMBi1 MBiw < *. a?i-d « !«\u25a0« I rc...n:h and ' \u25a0^-^ : \u25a0n. : •.\u25a0•\u25a0^s•\u25a0r-:\u25a0,,^^;\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0;:;• r '\u25a0;^ Victoria Races VICTOKIA, n. C. June 10. — Today's I races at UiO-€ountry club went off in i good time: with a fast track. Itesults: l"ir>t r.i<:<-. f.r.;r :n.-l a half furlongs— Phil-. li^titia won, AufturnOale si-co:ij, L<>vey il;ir.v tuSni. Thiic. :s<> 2-">. . ! '\u25a0 -. Sw-oml rai.e. . fonr arnl :t hnif furionss — On Parole won. Nov^or.>> s<>c«nd. Seriat»c \\ p :>rtier third. 'lime. ;5C 3-3: Tinr.l rsre. fou;- ami "n ' lialf '-furlongs— Slar woort \v«a. Heilves f.e?oiul, EsoaliUtte tiitrd. T;a>e, :r,ti. Fourth rnc-e. . Svt> furk>ngs--CoiuniM:i Maid v.'.n. M.v O;.ii-e tertmJ, Barlelgb third., i Fifth r"fi\ one :u::l a (jimrter »nilos^J;!r<>n:o *.v«!i, I.itttc Minfft.r «vi),i, "8.-nvi^o third. Time.. 2:12 1-5. • ; Si\tii r«ee, Eevea fiirlons- — Altamor won, J U-.;.u Qu<- n m-.;;:J. Predonia tUiid. Time-, I:SJ. oo — '\u25a0 : \VORI,n'S RKCOJII) T.VRPOX LOS .ANGCLES V June 10.— A telegram to the Catalina tuna club from Tarpon, i 'i\-x., says that 1... G. Murphy, while J fishing at. t'le latter place, landed tho i world's record tp.rpon, measurinpr 6 > feet and '> inches in length. The catch , was taken on a nine inch rod 'with a nim; thread lir.e.- EAIi ESTATE TnAXSAfTIO? MK'ue^et h5. to Margaret J. . McCcr- I mi<-k vt al.. lot in XI" line of N aroma strei't, f 140 $W <,f KWwirli. Sff C 5. by SK R>; $10. IMwsrd Gin icy ct a!., to - AMiic *i:«>se Wood, lot in E tine o* Firr-t avenue.- TS-ifl N of point I.oNis :,v.::;u>, .S 20:6. -E 120, X 21:-l»i, XW ' I't-rrv K. Dunn ct all, to Katie Ih-niid. lot In -N Use of Wfiilvr stnet. .1,17 :ti \V 'of Pierce-, '\u25a0W. \u25a02:\:u by X i;: 7:«: $10. . George \Y. Mans log to Joseph Imliof, lots 1 jituii 2. block -i."> of (subdivision Outside Lands lO.xk* 224 aud 22--.; ?H<. - Jacob Ht-yiiian company to Josejpli M. Me-. Cnlre and wife; lot In SE line «f Hanover street. 292 SV, of Lowell, m: 25 by PK 233: $10. Feltoa; 1.. Taylor to Robert' F. Selmoser and wife; i«>t in N Hue of Tweatv-nintli street. ",'JO V ot Diamond, E 23 liy- X 114: ?!<>. J<>!in 'Randolph . Mnrienn t© Elizabeth L. Mnri soa. lot in N llr.o t.f Lpke street, W) W ol F.lev onth avenue. W #> »iT'N-72;» iT ' N-72; $H). Grace Y.-:srer to Samuel Setnt'ldor tnvl wif*>. lot In S line of Hayes street. 04:3 X of Masonic arena*-, X 2.1 by S i:iT:«; $U>. . .1. K. Hitter and wife to JosepUMJeWn, lot in NE Ii:i«? of il-vs street. 105 S\V of Fulsoni, NW Tilt I>y NE 75: SI". ' . • Joseph Levin vrlfe to Max I.cvin. ksqip; SlO. Ainia F.^tefer n> Jesepli C. Stetx*. lot in E Jinp <-f S;in Brsno svenuo. ,123 N of Twenty-fifth } X 25 t.y XX.x'; Kilt.. . : Arir-.i!»t I'.cetz aiurwlfp to Mergaret F. Beotz. t lot in W line bl Kirfiteciith avenue. 150 S of II -j fctr^-t. S 2-T by \V .120: gift: Hb:t.v I>. I.iii.sinjr nnd wife to 0. Ft. ,T<»ksiip. | lux in X line »f Fourth avenue South, 2<*> SB of j Q wrfpf. SB r.'"i !«y JfK 100- $10. lieary Mayfiibaiim to Kulnlia Jossnp, Jots ft to i 32 nr.d*37M t^J, t>3'Vk .".".. t.i!t in.-irsli aud tide j lands: ?!'>. •-,-.- v . -- .. • - - . Williaia H. Tijrlor Jr. ami \rife to Dnnifl Coanlhati, lot it \Y coraer nt Third nvpuue ami I stroot South. SW J^» hff >"W 150; SlO. Kulalia JeKßop to 0. I>. .Te.^sni», lot in SW line r.t TMr<l nvp'.me South; Kki SE of S street, SE 2>>(> by SW 200 J $!<>. . Jfs.-ph 15. Coryell ansl wife to C. P. Jnssnp. lot at SE rornec of Twenty-sixth and Tenhesxee S 2-"» bj- E l<n>, ami thri'e otUer pieces; : $10. r"|>-r!"< I. p.rowrll lo .Torwniah Browr-U et al.. I lr>t Mi E lia» vf (Joo-lcUildren street. l<'7:o S f>f j Lombanl. S 4 l>y E-S1:«: §l«t. " ' Msriiit- trcst ami taXlntfr dank Kent prs' loan a;ul trust company) u> George Albrecht. lot 24.Woek r. I.nfcevM-.v: fio. Micbael O'Connor to Maty .f. OToanor. lot 27, 'Worts 4S. t4;irj!i.vsiile: "u-ifi. sii»nm>y/ resilty eompriny lo Mac E. Osgoml, j urday); Hi S:S& o'clock, from his late resl- Oiikv, 21 Jlariiy'i street, theme to Mission I'o- iinl:ijt, at 9J30 a. ni.. frfun his late \u25a0 residence. ] .JJ i» .street, San Mate*, thence lo St. Mat- ) tiif-tv's Catbvlie ciiurrh. where n reqnlemtnjwia j will be c*Jebrate<l for tbe repose of his "*'>ul. comnae&cln* at 10 a. tn. Interment Holy Cross cerat tL-rj . by ekclric car. j DOiTOVAN — In t!«i; «ity. June ;>, 1909^ Jeremiah j J. Donovan, beloved iius!j.'*»tj' of Annie 51. j )><jist>van, EiK! father of Esther, George ami V.'iiiiam Doiioraii, ,\iis. Franiv Mbore »mi 3li>. i Urtuard; O'Farrt-il. a iiativ.? of MarMetown, j N. 1., ogei >'~) yt.irs 11 moUtliK and 27 -flays". A member <f A. O. 11. No. ii; : Frienrifetitp - l<HJg^ Xo. 17!!, A. O.- L*. W., nnd Court. El :. . I' N'>. :^j. v. r.f. a. ! li'^iiils snd a;;'jusiuta!iet's are respect fx:-ly iiivitnj .to .".ju-nd tin- funeral tmcorrow tSat- iii \u25a0!.-.;. i. dim" 12, at 8:^0 a. in., fxea his laTe residence; 217S Port srreot. theme, to Kt. UousiaJcit 8 chureli, where, a requiem mass .will be. (.•vU-iji'iitc.i for thejrepose of his soul, roin- nsencias at 0 .-:. m. luieriueut ; Holy Cross c-cKfU-ry. viii the . electiii* \u25a0 funefal car from TiiirSteuih and Weft Mission Sitrt-fts. Please omit flowers. . \u25a0 , To iii« officers 'and members of Friendship Lodge So. 17y. A. O. V. W.— You are hereby in-iructed to anend the funeral .of our late brotiier, Jcretaiali .J. Donovan, iotaixtovr iS:'ri:r.;ay t. JntittiXZl at S a.' in., from iiis l«te iftiiii'u.:e. 217S Post street. By or.ler of • FEANIv J.. MrtJjriltE. . Recorder. • Court El-Dferarfo No. 31, Foroters/of Aiaer- jra — Officers and nst-rubPrs will. assemble at 21 7S r<.»t-t street tomorrow (Saturday i.iit y cVlo;»U a. in., to pay t!:e la^t tribute of re- sjttcr to tiie memory of- our drpaned brother, J< -.-i ir.i»ih J. Du:>ova:i. By or<t*-r henry >n:urnr. c. r.~' , THOMAS V. ALKORD. R. S. EELLS — In this city. June S. moo. John S:| Ueariy bclovt-d hus'iaiiil of Lucy Atwoo<l \ Jvells. an'l father of Mrs. Churles^l". Coruiaok ! :r,ul Mrs. L. E. Thosna.son, a native of New Y«rk. aged 7S years :i months and 17 >la.vs. I'rifnds and .tcquaiuTiinrcs aYe ' reapeotfnlly i:iritett tr> attend the funeral todajr CFrl- i <iay), June 11. lixxt, at 1:30 o'c!ii"t p. m., from the i-iu»rtusry tlinjK-1- of- t!u* Uojden ! tiafe unUtrtakiug company i 2475 ..' Mission i sU-ectKcjir Twenty-first. Wcineratiou (strictly private); I. O. O. F. ccinetery. iC-lirEATHEE— In Uils city, June" 8. 190 ft, Wil- ! iiata J., bfloved nun of Annie and the late XhOma* GiJXejithor. and lovlug brother of Mrs. Mary Crowe, Mrs. Annie Martinelll snd Thomas Gllfeather." a cati\« of San Francisco, Cal., age<l SO years. x J'rif-m's .in<s acquaintances ftre respectfully invited V) attend the funeral today (Fri- day i, at 10 o'clock, ' from his late residence. 23 Atemany street. :thenc«* to Mission Dolores church, where services will fye held. Jnterment H..iy Qeqei <v.netery. GOUAKSOIT— In Los Gates. Cal.. -June S. 1909. Hkes i\, deary beloved bu^banft of Annie (ior- I untumi, and loving father of Alice. Kdith nnd Lydln Uoraos'jn, a native of Heklngborg, I Sweden, agffi 33 years 1 month and 13 days. I A Eif'jnber yf Alaska Fishc-rnva's union, and the Sailors' union of the ' l'aciflc. • Fricndc 'are n'spt-ctfully invited to attend the f jineral servicert toilay « Friday), «t 1 • ii-Ui-k' )>. in., nt the rhapel of Craig. Coeh- I r.m ici:»., 11«J.'» -Valencia street uear Twenty-; I U>lM; nniler the ausitiers. of Alaska Fishermen's l'roteetivo ur.iuii. . luteruitut Mount Olivet t-esittery. ... - ,\u25a0\u25a0 "• . HELGE2OU— In this city, Junp <), 1900. ; Thomas Ilelgesoa. beloved s«on of Hortie aud Mabel jQeigegcm, a native. <tf Gt-rmauy. - aged .50 veiirs. A member of Gulden Gate aerie No. 61 "y. O. i;. Friends and sffriaintanc^? are respectfully , iuviteti to.nitend t!if funeral tomorrow (Sat- ; crCay). Jun«- 12," r.i Or*. at 2 oViock p. -in., from the; parlors of the I'nited I 'nrfertakcrs; ;.V:it,S Htnrard stn'-et near Twcuty-s?coad'.' under tin- ae>i">;*-es of ; ' Golden <;ate aerie No.- r,l, V O. K. Intf-rtuent Mount Olivet \u25a0 cemetery; HIKDS— In Oakland. June 10, rjiK), Helen I." Hind. 11 , loving mother of Mrs. Emma N.- Sthaf- ' ' ffr.'Mrs. Daisy Fitzpatrick, Mrs. Etta Larkia ' and John 15. Morrison, '. and . sister of William I'.lrch of Canada -and Mrs., A.. E. : Powers of Seattle, a native of Lachutte, Can., asjed oS - years t» months', and 11 days.- j Notice. of f:n»cra! hereafter." HCLKER— In this city, June S. )<M). Nes. EJ ' llolaier. lifloved fon of Ksco nnd M;;ria Ilolracr nnd beloved brother of "Matte IL.toer, Kllcn ', Davidson and Kskel' Holmer of Sehh-.<wSg-Hol- i.t*'la." Gi'nr.any: Mrs^. S. -.Thompson oi LiwolH, . I'lacer county,- C«l-: Jc. e iier and Jrp Holmer <f San .Francisco. Marie. Jensen of Watsonvllle, Cal.. and Amelia Hohner «f \u25a0 Alameda. Cal., a native of Sclileswlg«Holstein. Germany,.' aged j. 42. years \u0084nn<J-8- days.. 'A-- nieml>er . of- Helga Jvo. 3 of Daiiia.. Frlerids and- aronaintancot: and- members of above iK>»'V"*y are respectfully invited to nttend Uie fum-rnl sfrvic<"s Sunday. .Time 1.1.~ K (<} '>. at 2 «.'clo.-k p. ;t:i.. at IXwrganrd's hall,,SoG Lar- _ kin- street, under r the- au"pi( ; eH' of -above 'fi-o-J -cjety. :, ; Kenijtiiw at the. parlors of .Gantncr n^'tiiers. :':iVM'~' Hiiteenth street l*tw«-u Chr.iTh.and Sanchez. "until Sunday o'clock- p. ( fij. . Interment Mount -.Olivet cemetery, by «-;irriac;'. . . - . ' *";-...( •*:. . .-. ,;j JEWETT— In Ssnsallto. Cai.v.Tuni»-8 I "'l!)(K),"..Ma- rJsn.rlearlv beloved wife*!Of Joseph M." Ji-wett.* : loving mother of Cliarles; H.'. "Albert; A:,- and. - ; Joseph " ; W . \u25a0 Jewett, aud | grandmother, of Ellza- g lwth.' Arthur/ ISert; Olive, ami I»vetna- Jewett. : . IVietuis itnd ;acfjaaintenc<'!i.-'Hre' respectfully: ' Sr.viU-'t -to ,a|.:etid -rtic "funeral.;' today (Frj-: r d»y);^Jf:ne .11.- : KtOn.Vfrom her late' residence,' thence to 'St .""Mary's cbnrcb. where a requiem" mass witl be celebrated for the -repose ;'_ of her soul, eonitneneing at 10 a.- m.". Interment', I IVrnwood frmett-ry. , < - . ' j KAXE— Ia Uiiß city. Jnne 10..inf0. Thomas, he- loved ,JiuVbaDd *«f " : the la(e Margaret" .Katie,: and father 'ot Mr?. ? D.*-F." O'Kanc. and -brother' <<f Mrs. ; CatUerine : I/etselyounp . and .". the , late i >!i<ijapl Khiw. a native of Culdiff.i County ; 'Hfwejral.', 1 Ireland, aped 75 .vcarf ..;'.; Th»>.' f niwral -will; take plaw tomorrow ,<S«t- g C^IETERY PLOTS | ON THE LAWN PLAN I Im Moa^T -olivet i! THE SiVN FRANCISCO CALL, ' . FRIDAY, JUNE iIV 1909. lot iv XK.llne of Knox street, 150 SE of -Bur-' rows. SE 5« byNE120;:?10. • - - ' -?A AA'iliirtin -.01. I^>ale U> James C. Hayburn, trus tees Kiupire State surety-t-ouipany, lot in 11 lino of Michi^uTi avenue, :i;>7:4 N-.of --Kicliuioiia^gS o.::4 by h' I2u; $10. . - - Joseph nettling and wife to' Charles -H.- Jones, iot in X Hne of . Walthani -'strest, I'JSMiW of Ala bum.i,' V\* 25 by 'N 75; $10. Adelaide Nelson to Jo^l Anderson, lot in line of Ii street, iij W uf Tweuty-urst avenue, W-'-5 by:.SM(»O; gift. .-" L.M. and Marj-'B. Zeiui'da Witt »Kiiikii(l(\-I;it iv V." Hue: of Ki^'liteenth. avenue, 15li S of -Cliineiit street. t>"2s by W 120; fit).. • Louise Kiu^well to iiiizabetu .M'-'Ulynn. lot In S Hue. of Clement 'streer, ,:«>,E of ; Twenty -third nvenu,\ E 27:(i by SflOO; $10. * -; Miiry i:. Wt*>dbecU-' to Alfred (.ioiidard and wife. lot .in W ; line -of Cnpp : street. ISS N of Tweutv-sixth. L'l :S by W* 115;- $10. : " i. Joliu li. Nyk-n and wife to'n J. Uwyer. lot in W line Of "Kureka street, 105 X. of Twcnty tliird. X 25 I.y W l.! 4:3; ?10. W. U. Muinlell to Kare Muudell, lot in X line «>f StH-<)nil avfiine, 175 X of C street," /S : ~T> by X 12<); put. , . l'arkside nalty cottfpaoyltq Henry. J.; Ilnphes, lot in W line of Nineteenth "avenue, 2511 S ot! S street;* 25 by \V 12t>:*io. .-.-\u25a0 ; -~ ' Bernliaiil iletz nnd wife to Charles. A. Bretz ba<'h, lot iv K-Jiue of .Twenty-fourth, avenue, 25u i< of Clcm.-nt street, S iSf by E 120; 510. Frunris Bridges -and wife -to , Giwae. M. IVrine. lots 1-ja and 151, . Hollailay uini> A, and four mher [tieces,; $10. - '.'\u25a0'* Maria Itfvhardsnn n> Georso 11. \u25a0 Malter. lot la E line of t. street, )W ?? of McAllister, N C 5;(; by Iv iv«: *H. ' - John -ReiKciu tc I'eter 8.-'McHusb, lot in W line {of Twelfth avenue.. 150 N of rulnt 'Ijobos avenue, N 25 f.y "VV -120:510. f lMtb<'ila W. Tinder to J: Frederick Uosken find wife, lot iv N line of Jackson -Street, 170 \V of .Taylor," W o<l by \u25a0 N-TS7:*;:- SIC.: - • Frederick .T. Hohni'.dt to .T. O. \u25a0 l'edersen. lot in E Knt- of Fonrteeiuh . avenue, f<s N of J street, N £5 by I-; 120: $1". v i Frank Tieso to Jlariu G. Ti^so. lot hi . S line I of rortland nvemie. 75 B of Benuington street, i: 2.> by s lou: $io. ! c/itli- E. AUimi ct nl. to Imofreno BonfrliPrty. lot iii N Hn<» of A .street". 55:4 .W of Twentieth avenue.'- \V 2«:«-bv N jOrt; pift. : 'linkers I'.cach land compatiy \u25a0- '.to Emlen W. Card, 10t '74. block X, Lyon & Iloat; siibdiriHion Baiera bearb; ?10. Isabella \V. Tir.dal lo .William Buchanan and wife li.t In X Jine of Jackson street; l.'s7:C> W of Taylor. \u25a0 W .12 Hi by N 13T;6; ?10. Michael Joseph Weidnerlo Wendlin W^ldner et a!.; lot in W'line <if Twenty -seventh avenue, 100 S of J ptre.-t. .S 23 by W 120; ?10. Emma Winter tn Mrs. Clara Penrl Martin, lot in S line of .II street. r-7:trE of : Eighteenth ave nue. E 50. S 100. X 50. N 100: ?!0. • The Felto;i corjn:;uy to Filipvt Oinnnotti. -lot in E line of Kansas Mroet, . -iOO S of Twenty !>eco:id. X SO by X 100; ?10. linililins Contrat-ts The Aden company with R. J>O"Brien and T. F. Klern:tn— l'lnmb::i« and pas lining for build in? in E line -if LeavenwortU street, 87:0 N of Post, N 25 by H S~:K: $2,834: K^ W,* Bennett '& Co. \u25a0 with- C r . P. rattVrson eoifiiiany— ISrick v.ork for.' liQildlns nt Tenth, and Foliioni?"Strt*t«; ?2.(>45. Key 11. 11. vryman with Sercinl & Bernieri— Cararu marble: altar for Msry's church at Ni: corner of 'California; and Dupont streets; $5,000.'- .*•;. • .Mines ' McCnlloiish with John Ferguson nnd John <Met inm^-AH work for two. story anil bitsement- frame -Kjildius- in X line- of SeTen teenth street, iir.:3!.i W of Achbury. W 25, X 107:lli;, I> 21:11 1-10, S. 107:10%; |C,000..\j IT. ' IS. Filler with J. -<Jlbbß— l'lnmbiii}: for hulliling at N'.V corner of Jack ton and Taylor streets: ?i:.00';. , \u25a0-. Willißin J. Hesthal with F. A. Keen— Concrete work for two two story frame residences in X line of McAllister street. 130 B of Pierce, E" 54 hy X i:tT :0; $1.'.) 00. • . \u25a0 \u2666 Mrs. E. Gueatlier witu P. \u25a0 Frederioksen — All work except ccmcut, i>;!, pus fixtures, fin ish hardware and ehadeS for. two story frame (four flats I In X line of WmMo 0 venue, 98 W of \u25a0 Leavenv,T.rth street. X X>, W «7:0, .S 35. tbenee lo bepiuni;:^; $3,425. [\u25a0 DIES OFWOimD — Xii-holas Thompson, sheet metal worker, who shot himself on June S," died iv tin- central umerjreney hospital yesterday m^rsiinj?.' Thomas hnd searched in vain for work 14 months* He is survived by a large ; family, I who live at, 2o Prospect place. s lores i-hufcii, where a rerjuiem hiph mass will - be celebrated ff-r t!i»- rep"se of his smnl. cum- ui<MirinK at :• o'clock, luto'rment : Holy- Cross cemetery. • LTTLE— ln' tat< city. April 12, I'JOO, Thomas Lytle. aced nhout. 7ti y._- a rs. , McOaAXH— ln\Oaklanoi June 9. KiO9. Michael, beloved UuKbaml of M.irv McGrath. and father of MicUael .!., William F.. M;jry T. and Xixu\a I A. McGrattij a native of Ireland, nged 79 ; yenrs. ' x,. ; •- >.....-. flicaUADE— ln this city. June 9, 1000, Frank, ; bolove;! liuiibaiid of Mary UcQuade- and son : of the late • Frank .inti Jane MeQuade, a na- tive of San \u25a0\u25a0Francisco. * . . The funernl-^will take place t<vlny iTri- dayL at 4>:UJ a. ni.. from the funeral parlors of 'Samutl McFaddeo " & Co.', 1070 H.-usht btreet near . Ualier, thence to Sacred ' Heart church, where a requiem ma*s will be cele- brsted for tlie- repose of his soul, at U a. in. Interment Holy Cross cemetery. MEECADIER— In this city, Jr.ue 10, 1909, Gus- ta;c MeiTailif-r, a native of France, njrod b'j years and 7 days. , ' \u25a0- MEYESS— In Concord, Cal., June 9. 1909, Herrußii Hfinrich Deitricii Meyers, ~a native .of Dorfertlcn, Amt Ferder', "Hanover, Germany? : agffd <iii years auiill months. A member of -C.ermsßia Joipe No. T."O. D. H. S. ; Tiie funer.-ri will take place tomorrow ( i ur<iny). June 12. Nt 11:30 a. in.; from his late residence in -Concord. Cal. Interment at Al- i; J^-iuibra cemetery. -Martinez, Cal.. i MURKEU— A t rest.'iv this city, June 9, 1909, ; Metha Murken, beloved aunt of Mrs. Martin Meyer and George Tietjen, -a native of Uc-ber- 'hamm, Worpswt-dc, Germany, aged (>9 years 4 months and 9 days. (New York papers please I copy, i \u25a0 \u25a0 . - - . \u25a0 j Friends and iiequaintanees are respectfully I invited" to atf.vnfi tbo funeral today AFri- j day;, at 2 o'clock- p. ia.. fr^niier late rest- ! <ieuee, 1905. MeAnicier. street coruer of j Incineration Odd. Fellows' .crematory, i O'COKNOH.— In .Saur'Jofie,. Cal., ' .Time "0, 1900, : Judge MyUs I*. O'Connor, husband of Mrs! i ."'Amanda M. O'Couuor. a nalivu'of Ireland, iifce.l .SO years. Friends are invited to attend the funeral t ton.'iy (Friday). June 11. at I) o'cl'K'k a. m., from the O'Connor sanitarium, ""Hau JoSe, theiioe to f-t. Joseph's church, where a solemn [ requi*-ni hich .mass will " be.felobrated for the repose of his soul, commencing at 10 o'clock. ..Interment Santa Ciara, Cal. \u0084 KICH — In Oakland, Cal., June 10, 1909, Charles Kphralui Kich. • beloved husband of Mary E Rich, and father of Katberlue.-C. and Tessie 'W. Ki^h, a native of Massachusetts, aged 75 ye*rs y months aud 10 days. . SAVAGE— In Uii.s tity. Juuu -9, : 1909, George a li., belovc-.l husband of Clara E. Kavuge, father of Karle T. and , iils-o <j; Savage and -Mrs. -. H. C. Magnus, and brother, of W. C, Grnu- %lile L. and Frt-d Kavagc, Mrs. W. J. Con-- la:i and Mrs. Eva Love, .a native of Illinois, -aged 54 years 11 mouths and 13 days. (New \ork city papers please copy.). . .... Friends . and acquaintances -are respectfully invited to attend the- fuueral today (Fri- day.l, June 11. 1909, at.l o'clock p. ui.^froui the family resldoace. ,- 232' HaigLt street. In-". terrtent Greeulawn'eeiaetery. : , SCHILLE— Iu tliis city. Jinn? <\ 3!»m, nernian .beloved husband of .Carrie ScliiHe,-- and father of Otto. Willie and. Louise S.-hille, a r native of ! .AVurUemberjr, Geritiuny, aped 41 years 0 mouths and S-days/- \u25a0» \u25a0 .' SCHMIDT— In I'.erkeley, - CaL.'. June 10,- 1909, John George Kehrnidt, bt-lovetK' of \s'o- pliia Schmidt, and father 1 - of 'Mrs. J. H \u25a0 Cordef, John- Jacob; -ami? Lndwig; Schmidt r native of IJ.vlen, Germany,- aged 7S years lit mouths and 10 da vs. VATUONE— In this city, June's,- 1909. •Giuschn" - beloved husband of the late Maria .Vatuone' beloved father; of A ntoiilo Vatuone.- v f Sail -*' Jose, Slfs. Geroloiua Castaguolla, Mrs. '-Teresa .Muzio, Mrs. A. Garaboto. and the late Eman- uele, -Giov., Batta and Andrea Vatuone Mrs \ L. , Zeiro and Caterina- Castagrnolla,- aud be- • loved brother of Caterlna ' Vatuone, a native ~of Italy.'aged SO years o.months. months and 10 days :(San Jose • papers, please' copy.) , .'Frlenda nnd acquaintances ' are rwpectfully j invited to attend the fuueral : tomorrow (Sat- ; urdayl. Jutie J2. I'M, at. 10: o'clock a m [ from his.late .residence. 512 Frauoisco strref* j thence, to the Church of St.. Peter and" St} i \u25a0 l'aul. where a holenvn requiem hlgb mass will ! be celebrated for tiie rt'iiose- of his soul oom- ; taeaetng at 10::>0 o'clock, thence -to eemeterv ' WHITE— In ,th}» i city. Juno-9, 1009,- Joseph M * l>elovr-d son ot Michael "aQd Catherine Vhlfe' and brother of John, William and Ella While' '-\u25a0\u25a0 -\'rs.:t]- Reddyaml Mrs. i:.j. I.i, Jme a na l tive of Virginia City. Nev., aged 27^ years i I V Friends ~ and * achjuaititarices- ure res'pectfuilv \u25a0 , . invited to - attend thfi ,'funeral ! today (Frl- ' dfi r ) '\u0084a t' •S:So'"o*cl'wL-. from nis late resident, \u25a0 251. Hartford ' street, thence to the Church \m of, the Most -Holy Uedremer, .where • a re<miem | g hi«h mass .will, be^celobrated for-the repose •t of -his- soul, commenclnK- at 9 'o'clock '• Inter" ; mtntr Holy' Cross cemetery. . " "GAUD. OF.- THANKS - - : \u25a0 . PETERSEX— We lierewith desire to extend ••\u25a0 ourMie-artf<>lt:tUftnk* to our many friends and :. ar-quaititnuc-cs .who gave; ye .m: many, evidences of vthelr;)«iyi?.: comforting sympathy and b'eHti- - tlful «oral ; offerings -dnrinK/our:^ Inte ber.-ave' ;: wrnt— Jhß ;Jo«s i of.ra:,dearly. ! lwlovwi husband \u25a0 and father, ..Tolm nnes^Petertien' "i *, v" \u25a0" Mllii.- JOHANNES I T ETEItSi:.v'.\ND FAMILY. ;JHpEPENDEHT.'dF-tHE- imj ;Be¥enf^i¥B§QflafSj | '\u25a0':-\u25a0''. I WIH.-'FiirnlMbj-' "*\u25a0«".".' 'i HEARSE, TWO GAR BIASES, EPriBALMING^ i SHROUDiAHB'CLQTH^nVERED CASKET; | JULIUS S. GODEAU : I J»lain'dtJlecsj«'.''2l33}Bu^6.;St«'vi'\Ve»t:'2! :(!!)!» |attd : ;l3os*PranklinjStr,br.'il7tii*fOßklantl ;>V , yV : .i.'- Phone , ? Oakland r 4045 •"'\u25a0*•"; '\u25a0 ' ' \u25a0-' Brnuch J . 303 ; 3lon t|joiiii«ry Ay. Tom p." 32«S y Ainbuiauce -aud Carrlaifes' to >llire LITIQATION:^OYER?TINY I \u25a0 STRIP OF\REAL ESTATE ! Mutual Savings Bank Party to \. '.-. Suit to .Quiet Title A dispute, over . the possession of a strip of., land- 1%.' inches wide at its widest part and diminishing to a point at. the other end is j involved in a' suit to quiet title instituted by Mrs. Kath erine A.' llivers'. against all persons and. now on trial before Judge -vlogran. Mrs. Pavers is the owner of the prop erty at the^end of the. pore formed by Geary, Market and., Koar'ny streets^ Her suit to quiet title to- that lajid is contested by the Mutual- savings, lmnk, occupying adjru-ent land. - . .The .bank "claim's '.possession of a"i'ib bon of land running rthrough from Market street to Geary, notwithstand ing that Mrs. Kivers includes it in her action. The matter is. complicated ;by the fact that the jbanlc building covers the thread of land in controversy. \u25a0 ; PASSES BOGUS CHECK— Oeorge J. Dripiiy. 13113 I'olk street, obtained a warrant yesterday for .the arre.«t of. Percj- M. Sanfonl on n charpo of ]iassiuK a fictitious check. : Sanford Is. out on "ball on- a 'similar, cliarge.t, ' • I INDEX TO CLASSIFIED ADS ACCOUNTANTS ........ ..-\u25a0.....' Col. 7, P. 12 ACCOUNTANTS— CERT, PUBLIC... Col. 7, P. 12 ADOPTION. . . . . v •'•'\u0084 ...• . .Col. 2, P.~ 13 AGENTS WAIiTED: ..".... ...... Col. 1; P. 12 APARTMENTS. ...... . . . .'. ........ Col.'S, P. 12 ATTORNEYS . . . . : Col. 7, V. 12 AUTOMOBILES. ....Col. 5, P. 12 BAR AND STORE FIXTURES. ...... Col. 3, P. 12 BAHBEKS AND 5UPPL1E5. ........ .C01. 6, P. 11 •• «• ......Col. 7, P. 11 BILL COLLECTING...... Col. 7, P. 12 BUSINESS CHANCES Col. B, P. 12 " •'».\u25a0\u25a0",' ......./.. .....C01.' 6, P. 12 BUSINESS PERSONALS -'Col. 2, P. 13 , CAHPING SUPPLIES. . . ... Col. 5, P. 12 CAKPET CLEANING... r............ CoL 7, P. 12 CHIROPODISTS..... ...........Col. 1, P. 13 CLAIRVOYANTS.. Col. 2, P. 13 CONTIWiCTOaS AND BUILDERS Col. 7, P. 12 COTTAGES TO LET. ........ .....•••Col. 3, P. 12 DENT15T5. .....'.... .... .-: . . ... Col. 1, P. 13 DETECTIVES .Col. 7, P." 12 DRESS MAKING.... ...Col. 7, P. 12 EIUTCATIONAL. . . ... ... . . . . . . ... .Col. 1, P. 13 EMPLOYMENT OFFICES. Col. 1, P. 12 EMPLOYMENT WANTED— MALE. . .Col. 5, P. 11 EMPLOYMENT "WANTED — Female. -Col. 7, P. 11 FEMALE HELP WANTED. . . . . . . . .. Col. 7, P.'ll FINANCIAL...... ..... .....Col. 2, P. 13 FLATS TO LET...... ....... .."..Col; 3, P. 12 FLATS TO LET— FURNISHED. ..... Col. 3, P. 12 JLATS FOE SALE— FURNISHED . . . .Col. 3, P. 12 FOR SALE— MISCELLANEOUS. . CoL 4, P. 12 FREIGHT F0RWARD1NG... ...... ..C01. 7. P. 12 FURS.'.. ;........ Col. 4,?. 12 FURNITURE FOR SALE • "Col. 4, P. 12 FURNITURE WANTED. : Col. 3, P. 12 HORSES, WAGONS AND HARNESS. Col. 5, P. 12 HOTELS. -Col. 3, P. 12 •HOUSES TO LET— Unfurnished...... Col. 3, P. 12 HOUSES TO LET— Berkeley. ........ Col. 7, P. 13 INVESTMENTS .Col. 2, P. 13 LEGAL NOTICES Col. 3, P. 13 LODGING HOUSES FOR 5ALE...... Col. G, P. 12 " «• " Col. 7, P. 12 LOST AND FOUND Col. 4, P.'ll KALE HELP WANTED . . ' Col. 5, P. 11 " " " .: Col. 6, P. 11 MATRIMONIAL...... .........Col. 1, P. 13 KEDICAL... i Col. 1, P. 13 MEETINGS— LODGES Col. 5, P. 11 MINES AND MINING. . : Col. 2, P. 13 | MISCELLANEOUS WANTS... Col. 4, P. 12 MONEY TO LOAN. Col. 2, P. 13 " '• ..VV....... ....... Col. 3.P.13 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. ......... Col. 5, P. 12 NOTARY PU8L1C. .. . . ...... . . . Col. 7, P. 12 OAKLAND HOUSEKPG R00M5. ... . Col. 5, P. 13 j OFFICES AND STORES TO LET. . . . .Col- 3, P. 12 OUT OF TOWN HOUSES TO LET. .. .Col. 3. P. 12 EALMISTRY. : . Col. 2, P. 13 PATENT ATTORNEYS. . . . . .... .Col. 7, P. 12 PAINT AND PAPER HANGING. .... Col. 7, P. 12 PENSIONS..... Col. 7. P. 12 PHYSICIANS. : . Col. 1, P. 13 POPULAR REMEDIES....... Col. 1, P. 13 PROPOSALS AND BIDS. .Col. 3, P. 13 REAL ESTATE— CITY Col. 3, P. 13 -\u25a0:".". " "............. .Col. 4.P.13 REAL ESTATE— COUNTRY Col. 4, P. 13 ". .........Col. 5, P. 13 REAL ESTATE— OAKLAND. *. .....: .Col. 5; P. 13 " :" : \u25a0 >l . Col. 6, P. 13 REAL ESTATE— BERKELEY. .... . ";" Col. 7, P. 13 REAL ESTATE— FEUITV ALE. .: . . ..Col. 5, P.. 13 REAL ESTATE— ALAMEDA. . ... C 01. ,7, P. 13. REAL ESTATE— IO EXCHANGE. . . .C 01. "7, P. 13 ROOMS AND BOARD OFFERED. ....CoL 2, P. 12 ROOMS AND BOARD-^Oakland..:...Col. 5, P. 13 ROOMS AND BOARD— Berkeley..... Col. 7, P. 13 ROOMS TO LET— FUR. -UNFUR. .... Col. 1, P. 12 " " " ...... Col. 2, P. 12 ROOMS TO LET— HOUSE KEEP'G. . .Col. 2. P. 12 ROOMS TO LET— Berkeley.....;.... Cel. 7. P. 13 ROOMS TO LET— 0ak1and. . . . ...... .C01. 5, P. 13 SALESMEN & SOLICITORS W'N'TD.CoI. 1, P. 12 SANITARIUMS. Col. 1, P. 13 SEWING MACHINES. vCoI. 4, P. 12 5P1R1TUAL15M .................... Col. 2, P. 13 STORAGE AND MOVING VANS. .. .. Col. 7, P. 12' TITLES RESTORED........ v Col. 7, P. 12 TRUSSES ........... ... . . . . .'. . . .Col. 1, P. 13 TYPEWRITERS AND SUPPLIES. ...Col. 5, P. 12 UNPAID WAGES COLLECTED. . CoL 1, P. 12 UPH0L5TER1NG. ;....:. ... .. . . . . ..Col. 7, P. 12 lost and yocab ./ LOST — In 'llayward, ladles' black handbag con- taining boob, fur, etc. ; will parties in au- tomobile j notify A. E. LORBER, 5 1443 St. Charles Kt., Alameda. Phone -1632. • LOST — June '.), silver purse, in- Hsas'- candy store, I'helan building: initials "il." A. B." Phone. Park 4oot\ or address 50 So. . Broderick ".«t.; reward.- ;i k . ;.; :-; i LOST — On Joues and Geary sts., on June S, 1900. "a neck fur, chinchilla. I'lease return to 5 Eujreno st.: off Ueary; rewnrd. LOST— Ou 4:10 train, from Ross or Castro car, -June 8, hrown purse containlns: eighty dollars in ?old;. reward. MRS. McDANIEL, 103 Noe. LOST— Folding Jeather purse, with gold in. and name Tonikins; reward. Box 605,- Call office", L Oakland. \u0084 . >J . . . | LOST — Diamond ring, between French church.' and 1449 Leavenworth st. Finder please return to j .above address; reward. . ,;,?:• LOST — Chamois bag with money, 4 keys, bet. 3d and nth sts.: $20 rewnrd. ,tSO3Vfc 17th at.'. | J v.s,t DR. JORDAN'S^ Vmuseum of anatomy:} l'|| (GREATER THAN CVCRI ;. ~\. Z-J' \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0}) * /r~\™ \u25a0'\u25a0 AVeßkness or any contracted fjiteua I A W« t »j positively cured by the oldest « i y >-'l^\S -^ '\u25a0'"" 8 P ei ? B '' i ' on t '" e Co<uL , EiUbliihed : d <&F&a?\ 'fifty yean. '.. :.\u25a0''.\u25a0'•'\u25a0'\u25a0'\u25a0'\u25a0 r,;V,. "-'s 1 f' I^KfOISEASES" OF^HEN I If i//Srfflfe^\\ Cotuultition free and itrictly private. I rS lv Trealment per»onally or by letter. At I A f~i9a*. positive cure in every caie un> ' Y . P &S?Fy - dertalcen. •..'.*'.\u25a0--\u25a0'-\u25a0\u25a0- \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0' ''«-\u25a0'-"&•' i ffl J/iXX/L - Writ, for book, PHILOSOPHY. ¥. f fi&3b} • OP .MARRIAGE, mailed freo-(a A \u25a0 |}Dl^pAH;^S^:s.F.iCAU;i /^^^-FO LJR ;..»^.^ : DISEASJSS; g [^ Z~?^ f^^j THAT WRECK | £§» x?uJb|o^ lost vitality 1 \u25a0-. blood poisox - ! \u25a0\u25a0- '.STBICMJItB • ! FROM 12 iojSI Oft COURSE: 1 I Cure ; Varicocele; Lost v Vitality," Blood" Polsou, : fStrlcture," 7 " Sklu ; D1»- "eases;"- Sorcw.'.-Hyrtrocelc,", Sperniainr- i rhoej».'"'Ltw»e«,'"E Drains,',,. Lout ;i Vigor. 1 , : Gouorrlii>6n. . Fllcj* -" and . Diseases of Blnilder,' Kidueyn'ancl I'rostutc Oltuitl. ;964ajlarket St.— flours » t^g|; ;^ • e Zts£strvVß&*y%3l *"•** Big o for rinnatural ' : B4? G3irtat«4. h irritation* or ulcerations K*|»ff i»»i »»i te itrJctore. !~%\ ct mucous membranes, i j UT-'Jb ( ft»»»Bi» coatajricß. -,- Painless,' and noi^strin'" I-hS*rTKE£VAHSCH£MiCAI.uO. cent or poisonous. » . ! - V^|\ CIKSiKNATI,O W&M : .-' 6 ol d V Brc2el*tS. 1; I ' P« 0. •*. ! >«^r cr 89r i t ia P'' a!ri .*ravi!*r, ' I ' : '<^*^bKv^**^WJ ' br t>l P ress - Prepaid, : for I \u25a0* \u25a0\u25a0>«Sai!fci<V-->» : I ..Circul»r sentyu roiaert.'f rA. &A.S.R. of Free Masonry, San "\u25a0 K*J/i . 1! j Francfsci) r " Lodge l ': of l'orfection " ->0f « j.v-"Xo.: -l~nffh :i:id : si.\th de}?reeB <p« fc& I. FRIUA'y; June. 11,' -.Jyf,U. at;«- i f?sy< j- p. in.,. Golden Gate Comuiaudery" AaS^A hall. 2135 Sntter st. -.: J^'sk : IIKXHV ;ASCROf < T.' < Kecretary. ' AMITY lodge Xo. :{To,,F. & -A; :-M:.-2<WS -A.:} Mission. St.— Special meeting THIS <&%, j . (KRUIAY) LVLXING at 7:U(J o'clock. AX« j f First decree. •...:'•' ' i ....:..:: L. -IV AL-RERTi;. Secretary. --| CALIFORNIA comjuamlt-ry Xo. 1," K. T.— a j -, . Stated -.". assembly THIS (FRIDAY) r4\* I . nVKMXC, at 7:^o"u'ebnU. t\il>ert. , - : memorial teuiide, ISSJ) Ueary ni. Ordor . \u25a0•- > r * <it" ., Red \u25a0 Cross. - All . "fraters cordially invited, j By order : NAMUKL A. CLARK, 'Km. Com." j 'WILLIAM R. .TOST. Recorder. | LA,I'AKFAITK US lON lodge No. 17, F. a I . &",A. MM 1 .— Meetlnj.-' FRIUAY, June. 11. e#4l ; '" 1007. Sp. ni. 5 First <l«>gree. Kinß feolo-'/Sx^ | . .moil's, hall.. By 'order of \u25a0, the W. ' -M. - .. j . l\ SIVJULLIEX. Secretary, .v [ —^ : _ — : : | CAXTOX SAX FRANCISCO. Xo. 3, ' \u25a0 < &gSg** i .' | P. M., I. O. (). F., will meet THIS (FRIDAY) CVRNIXG at "^g&Zfcs? \u25a0 -o'clock. lJusiucsis of*imi>»rtaiice." -' .' i — "'" . - J. B. OUTLAXP. Ciiirtain. AI'OLLO lodge Xo. 12:5. I. 0.-O. F., 4:51 Duboce \u25a0 hv. — Third \u25a0\u25a0- decree- THIS (FRIDAY iKVEX ING. Yin- r^ig~;£^~ itors'cowlially invited. . .. - : C?'" I*''1 *'' ;•>;\u25a0>• ,( A. S. F.LOCII. X. G.> \u25a0-W..H. GIP.SON,. Recording Secretary. J WESTERX ADDITION lodse No. •>-^?J^"*st-* 253, I: O. O. P.. 1254 Market st. " First degree' THIS (FRIDAY) -^S^-^- \u25a0- KVEXIXG,. June 11. . Visiting '. r*i_ • brothers invited. C. T. FUXGLER, X. G. j - , :F. Dj REES, Secretary. , ..,-" •' j GOl/DEX CITY lodge-Ko. t«. K. of P.. 40S.Van Nrxs ay.. will confer esquire "rsfrl rant TONIGHT.- - Members Hiid visit- ' -. ing KmgMs Invited to attend. **^TS^>m \v. h. maouiri:.-c. c. : - \u25a0 'SSgS.i FD M. COFI'KY. X.' of R.-wml S. EWPJLOV3I"Kx\'r \VANTKU-r-siale ADVKRTISER, shortly dlsonnaj;ed, desires posi- tion, male r.urse ." "or attendant to Invuiid or ? mental ease, traveling or resideut; Intimate acijuaintance - with London, I'niteil . Kingdom, ' the Kinopeau coutiuent, -Australia, Xt-w Ze;i- 1 land. India. China -r.ntl Japan, speatinjr the ; Iftnjjuages; highest personal and practical qual- i Ifieations.'; Box (558, Callofnce. Oakland. • AN expert accountant. Ijoob '. keeper and credit i man is open for position after July 1; highest references. " Address, 11. TRAHXIER. 572 Hai.slit st. . \u25a0'•" : ' . , - . :•-..-. •- \u25a0 - -.- ' AMBITiOI^S younjj man, 21, good penman, will- Ins worker, desires clerical position: 5 years' experience as stock book keeper. Bos 2SOS, SSTCaII office. • -' ; ~ ' . ALL ROUND lumber office clerk or outside man * wants situation; over 17 years' local experi- . -enee; age 37. Address box 047, Call office, "\u25a0\u25a0'Oakland. ' ; : ..' CARPEN'TKR (elderlj man) -wants work; good "•"references- and steady; low wages. Address \-~2or I'recita ay. nr. 2Sth anil Mission sts. COACHMAN wants jiosition ; sober and reliable: . thoroughly understands the care and driving of horses, garden and autos; . best of references. Box 2T<>7, Call office. ' COACHMAN wants situation on private place; r city or country; best of references. Box 2SCJ, Call office. EXPERIENCED janitor and watchman wishes position. Box 10, 553 Ilaight st. FIRST class lauudryman wants a position in • family or / hotel; conutry or city. 14Oj Oeary St.. . Yoshida. . GOOD Japanese qook wants Job: wages §5) to $10 a- week. G. \u25a0 JIl. 1521 Geary st. v HAIR URE.SSER wanted, one willinx tollnvest small capital ia established, well paying busi- ness preferred. Itoaiona Hair Dressing Parlor, - rooms 303-304, \u25a0 830 Market St., opp. Emporium. HANDY 'man,- middle aged American, good, habits, desires position in country hotel or resort. Address Steward, box 40C9. I HONEST Japanese couple desire situations to do chamber work in lodging house. FRANK, IS4;> Buchanan st. ; phone West 7545. • JAPANESE, witli excellent references, private, I famify cook; Germau. .French paatry, fancy \u25a0 cakes; any style cooking; high wages. -KEY, 1954. Buchanan 'st. - - JAPAXCSE ycun^ boy. wishes position as waiter at table, do light housework; many years* Ex- perience in private family: city or country: speaks English well. FRANK I WAS AN I, - ;' lB43. Flllmore st.; tel. West nsr.2. -"- , : - JAPANESE, iirst class cook, wants position in v family; ', has reference ;\u25a0 city., or country: S!) and uu a week. FRANK MIYA. 2207 Market st. ." : : . ; \u25a0\u0084':\u25a0" - ' .-" \u25a0"; \u25a0 . ' \u25a0 PI-USIBKR.. licensed, want? work,' 'awner to furnisli inateiia!; will do; labor.; day or con- tract: strictly first .i-lass workman: gmxl ref- erence from previous owners; . terms resson- . able. . Box 2?21. Call ofSep. ... ,' STATIONARY, engineer of 15 years' experi- ence is ready for a. stead}' position; thoroughly 'v understands hydraulic, elevators : and ice iu:t- "cliines; first cla^s mechanic:, best .of -refer- ences. Address b<>x 2SIO. Call office. \u25a0 . SITUATION wanted by paper hanger and tinter; steady worker; 319 Broadway. -WF.LL trained butler wants sitnation; has refer- ences from bis present place; vity or country. - Address A., 8., IS9<> Sntter st. corner Webster. YOCNG Irish bar tender wonld like to. learn the ' \u25a0\u25a0-•"American systen:; first class references. 1 Apply JOSEPH GALLAGHER. (« Douglass st. YOUNG! lady, stenographer with 3 ' years': ex- perience wishes position; small wages to be- gin; good references. Phone West S>oo3. . \u25a0 YOUNG man : wisbt-s work in a wholesale gro- cery or dry goods honse. Box .2477, : 110S . 'Valencia st. ; . • ' YOUNG Chinese boy wishes position to do gpn- eral housework" or as porter. Address PAUL \u25a0 W. SKKX. 1101 'Stockton st. \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 :. 31A1,E IIEI-i\ WAKTED ANDRE'S, 1044 I.nrkin at.— All round cook, coun- try hotel, $(J0; restaurant , cooSV $17- weeb; dairyman, make butter, private place, $35; sec- .ond cook, ?18 a ,week; bus boy, first \u25a0 class hotel, j $35; night counterman., cafe, references, ?40 to $45; laundryman and ironer, sprtog3, ?40, $45. ¥50; saloon porter, ?50 . up; kitchen bands, $7 to ?9 week; and others. Oakland office 057 Franklin st. - - „ . . ANDRE'S. 1044 Larkin B^.— Second cook, country -,- hotel, $70; all round cook, country hotel. $GU; coffee ' and hot cakes '- man. j $0-510 week ; bns- ' boy,. $35; , young man. assistant .cook, $35; young . man, French ' or German, for \u25a0 porter wort and chores, -roadhouse, :§25-$3O; cooks, \u25a0 pantryman.. kitchen hands, "etc. -Oakland office, 057 , Franklin st. •:. AXDRE'S office, 1044 Larkin st.--Cook. country * hotel, ?00 ; cook. >>mftU ! French boarding house, ?J5; waiters. ".. sB., anrt ' sH» a .week: 2 busboys. $:!0 : and $S.i; ;: vegetableman.- ! s:Ci;. man and wife on a vineyard. $50; ranch. foreman,- niar- " ried man; : night clerlt.'' run elevator. S $8 ""a - .week, : etc.v Oakland office, p57 Franklia st. BOYS wanted at the Illinois-Pacific Glass Co., /15th andFolsom st 3. CUTTER— Assinfaat; cutter , : in our. men's^ tailor- ing department;,, apply .'at .once.' S. .X.^WOOD >;•& CO.,,>Market nt 4th.". X'~ ~ ' : ' DISCHARGED soldiers » and • sailors— Use your . homestead ' rights and register, through ; us . for \u25a0V the ; July drawing ; i valuable government ' land. s,Wrlte or : apply .-.0-11. Soldiers'.', and Sailors' Homestead}' -Asenry. 228 Monadaoek bldg. DRAUdHTSMAX^ wanted;- must' be first class. .^GEO. F. KING. Reno, Xev..-'.; ,: ' -: EXERGKTIC ; bouse . to "honse salesmen: "i salary and'comuiissionT future for those making good; - easy - : seller. Call (J3o, First \u25a0 National Bank ' building.* Oakland.'". ""'' '^ '-'\u25a0'\u25a0 '-':\u25a0"'\u25a0"':":> .: "? ERRAND 1 boy j' 15 years: references.",-. California " \.Watch Case .Co;'.- 240 Pacific building: ;;~; ;~ „;: ~- EXPERIENCED wateli maker is willing- to' take an apprsntjee. linger, contract.;, Bos - 2278.^ Call. HAVE " it fine- opening •= for : young • "man who is desirous;' of ' advancement ..ret^uired, $1 CM). Callv Oakland '. of^ee '\u25a0• Globo - Realty \u25a0 Co., ;^SSO Broadway,';* OaManil."'-' -I"."- , -.-.. ' '•; LABORERS;and niechanica'to know that Edward I E Rolls/In has reduced ; the \u25a0 rooms at the j Denver 1 Honse, ' 3d anfl- Howard sts..' to 35c;per day, $2 \u25a0. i weefe:;hot an«l;cold- water:in;ev»»ryroom. --*: •. MEN with; smalls feet to buy = high grade ; second \u25a0 hattl - shoes 'cheap.!' 103 3&. st-Y . . MEN and. women to. learn barber, trade ;S weeks; •\u25a0- 1 earn S3 lo i $10* per .week . while learning; *-par- ; - tlculars' free.-.;iIOLER COLLEGE.' 6 11th' st. MEN : to learn ; barber, trade ' In \u25a0 S weeks ; free spe- ' claritndo^enient's to ; next - 10;-: call yearly,*, get " v '; : " partlculari. 3: S.' F. ' Barber College.; S*Fell st."v ' . , NEW- WESTERN," 1124 ' Howard -^-Slnrle 'rooms, '" lSc'.a'ud Hop I pe,r .nlgrnt ; yho^and cbld \u25a0'water, -rl-, \u25a0-;.- RAILROADS want-young. men to learnHelegraphy - ' and • station work. ' Address , Morse J Collejje • of »>, Telegraphy.^ GOO .12th ,st.; : ; Oakland.' Cal. SALESMEN.. for;:lKiy.«'.'cl6thlng: : s.must -be' expo-" i- \u25a0 rlencetl - arfd-'capalile; i apply Vat ouee. \u25a0 . S. 51 - N.- \u25a0'•' WOOI> & CO...4H»;and.Jlarket' sts.'-" .-\u25a0 '- ; WANTED— Koreraan*. to take "charge ofia.gontle- ;.?: man's country.; plaef ;r.; r . gtve^ experience, •age. \u25a0' references, ; salary cxptcted. ; : Address bos 2526,* ' '\u25a0 : Call -of flee.', y y ?/.; T :'' : <-..v : \u25a0-.;_.-\u25a0;," ;'.'.;.* \u25a0-. - WANTED — 100 men; for. saw, mill and yard. work; -: inn. of>ity: free f are: i good, wages;"- long '-job. --.'.'Apply after 8 a. .ni.- room' II;- Ilnnter 'House; \u25a0\u25a0>\u25a0«".">, Howard f st."V* '\u25a0\u25a0'•.*\u25a0-' V: -\ VX';.\ :(•;" '?\u25a0'•* ' r \u25a0 ": \u25a0'- WANTED— Men ! to> buy s ready-to-wear^ or; made \u25a0 ;;"?to orderJKnits, 50c"a" week: # pay;down wbat ycu; •'.' cnn.: : ;7Sl>M«rket v ;st..;Sronni J2Ol-202." ;-'.'• V.T» \VA XTED— M «»'•»\u25a0 to \u25a0 lenrn tOji operate 1 picture iria-- j *" ehliips : t f alary j s"s » per \u25a0 we«-k. >; 221 - Loeusti a.r.-. \u25a0 \u25a0 j; oiT."~ V:i n - Xr-ss ; niM rTrMpA Ulster.': -; ; C; r;*."; ,-"'\u25a0 . . > .WA.M'ED— Roomers, <: 25c Jto ;$1 per.inlyrht. . b2l ,-•. JLasunaJst.^"; cor. < McAllister, y^f -\u25a0' - .: :->" MALk'hei,!' WA.VTKD— Contlnnw^ \u25a0'- . , ' ... . } \u25a0 \.; :'. >'-. : MURRAY & HEAD Y. .' Lcadinff-Einployuißnt ami Labor \u25a0 Asenra. , , WHITHI'ALACH HOTEL BUILDING. 11th and Market sts.." San Francisco. I'honea MaVket <jZ$ and 657. ~ . 6th and Frankliu sts.! Oakland. • \u25a0>"r' , Phone Oakland 73G1. . , j -d and Main sts. aad 121 Marchesault st... Los Angeles,. CaL 2(i and H sts., Sacramento. ; S.JSJ2 nipn for all classes of work in California. Orc S on, . Nevada, Arizona. Wasbineton, New ileiico; wages r-.n^iaij. from' SOU to J130. ', IF YOU WANT . WDHK. SHE VS. KLAMATH— FALLS— KLAMATH FREK— FAKE— FHKK OKEGON— OItEUON MIDLAND— DOItUIS— WEED ;l,"r>o men for. It. i;. c«tnirructiou. tcetitHnj: -tunnplrtueu. : mineis, beader \u25a0 and, corner uivn, "muckers, laborer ai>d teamsters. . ALL FUEC r A ikL. . 150 trackmen,' siilker-s, strappers, etc. S. V. R. IJ._ C. N. E. K. R. AND . SISKIYOL* AND SHASTA FKEK FAKE— .SIUI* DAILY. IF YOU -WANT 'XO fSd SOVTH \u25a0: FREE FARE \u25a0 — FEEE • FARE ' TO THE GREAT. TUNNELS'.: MUJAVK AND -IIAKEIWi-lELl). . . . DISTIUCrs t>o bench - muckers, ..maehmeroen, header, acil corner men, bt.-nsbmeh. mnckers. etc.. .wacea raligias from ?<;7.00 to SICo. ALL THEE FARE . . REiIEMBEIi V/K *IHL> To MOJAVU AND BAKEI^FtULD i .'.DISTRICTS NOW FOE Tin; NEVADA FREH .FAI-:i:'~ -FUEK FARE ALL iALO.Wi NEVADA LINE A?I'LEUATE— COf-FAX CUPPEK CAP— ISOWMAX : C V. 11. It. RKCONSTRUCTK'N *•, 500 laborers and teaiisters. - FREE FARE. : ' • . \u25a0•- roii th;: tunnels. 1C"O machine and hand miners, tuunelmca. drill- "] t-rs, hammersnifn, roekmeu, muckers, lubcrcrs, i ALL FREE FARE— illll' DAILY. .1 • FIIEK FARE. ' . MENDOCINO— MENHOCINT. . TO THK SAW MILLS OF MKNDOCINO t'OTNTY. .j- MILLS — YARDS — WOODS 23 laborers, no espcrleuce poquired, for a rock! ' lumber camp, «.;u aiifi found. : lo swamyers fi>r the woods; i .'-. IF YOU WANT TO GO TO r f MJTNDOCINO— CALL EARLY. We want for auother Inmber >ouiTvinv head' trimm?nnnu. $<w and found-, tail triminerman. ! $10 and found: ponilmaii. (M) ami fcmcU; I'laiu-i feeder, $40 ami found. ' . . S blacksmiths, rauches, $."0-?<10 and found. ; . o laborers, sawmills, Mendocino co.. $::3. fd. \u25a0 5 teamsters and laborers, cli co., 50T.50. Married blactsmitli,Sis!!:iyoii co.. $^ day.'- :/ V. : .10 men take contract clear land; tajsa here. Cupola man, city factory,- day. FREE" FARE O. S. R. R. SHIP DAILY 150 teamsters, laborers. rirlller3 SHIP THEEK TIMES A DAY _____ ESPECIAL TODAY. i Laundrymair*. country institution, $43 and fd. j •'Sack sewer and- run barley crusher, J^.so day. Molder v city foundry. $ i day.; ' 4 carpeiiter's helpers, near city. $2 day. A ."< carpenters, city wort, ?:7..">(> and $3 day. Experienced hum boner. $1S week. J; Grade foreman. ?3.r.0 day. Kt'neh band, sush and door factory, ?105, free fare. • liushelman, country shop. $I."> to $1S week. Painter's apprentice, i^ic fare. $2 day. Deck hand, dredger, $J.j aud found. Handyman, build rou^h stone wall, ?2.25 day. i 'J circular sawyers, pine mill. $120. -'10 screw setters, ed^ermen,* trim mermen, etc.,. for lumber en nips. • Upholsterer, private place, ?:!o' and found. MINUHS. -' .'.MACHINE AND HANB W-OCK. . .10 machine drillers. $S.'.."i(). FREE FARE. ' 5 hand drillers, tunnel WOEt, S:K>. Free fare. 4 miners, gold.quarti caiue. |3(fc I*s tie makers and tie- cutter^. lUc and 12c each. FARMERS, DAIRYMEN, -ETC. 5 ranch teamsters. $1 f:ire. $40 and found. 27 farmers, run mowers, bui-krake:.*, etc., for bayingr, ?1.50 and ?1.75 day and found. 2-' farm hands. ?:>D to $•!!> a:id found. - FREE FARE. 5 milkers, pood place, Arizona, $V> and found, and your fare free. - :; milkers. Del N'>rte ewmty, ?4." ami fonnd. 17 milkers. '4ifft-rer.t tiairieV. $-10 Vttul $:T, and found. , ' 0 clioremen. stablemen, srarder.prs and eho'e- boys, ?:5."), ??,0, $^<» and Jir. and found. LABORERS — TEAMSTERS. - — WAREHOUSES. 'I **: QUARRIES. : .150 laborers, no experience required, for alii \u25a0- classes of work. $00 to $70. 10 laborers, warehouse, city. $2.23 day. 75 teamsters, city and country work, S2 to 52.50 day. MARRIED nELC. 7 farmers and wives, different ranches, ?-15 to , $00 . and found. . ,-3 married farmers and dairymen, $10 and $G0 and house. Choreman and wife, mine, ?Cs'and found. \u25a0 r "V; J ' "WOOD CHOPPERS. 23 wood choppers, $2 conl — FREE FARE.. IT WON'T COST YOI7 ANYTHING. COMPANY -WORK. SACRAMENTO. . FREE— FREE. 50 laborers. S. P.- R. R. Co.'B work. FREE FARE— NO OFFICE FEE. LOOK HERE TO BEAUTIFUL SONOMA EIGHT HOURS— LABORERS 10 laborers, no experteact re<iuircd. to make roads; good job; $«o. . FREE FARE. Man for pile driver work, $0 day, free fare, call early. . Experienced man to handle sheep shearing ma- chinery, good wages, o carriage painters, country. ?:'.so'day. '5 men clean brick. : conutry factory. §1.50 M. 5 rough carpenters for a Li? lumber co., $75. Shoe maker, country shop. $15 week. Era grader operator, $3 day. - Head lineman, woods. Sierra Co.. $90. 10 tie makers, Tuolumne co., 0 blacksmiths, country shops. $:> to $4.50 day. 11 blacksmith helpers, siiops and ranches, ?2.00 day and $o0 and found. : ENGINEERS— ENGINEERS. . 2 more derrick -engineers, swing bootn derrick power Co., $125; see bo** here. --'—.- \u25a0 \u25a0 . ' — \u25a0— - —. \u25a0 - COOKS. HOTEL DEPT.. ETC. Ranch cook, south, ?&>.and found, fare. re- turned. "7t cooks, ranch and hay preys, $03 and 540 and found." \ \u25a0 ' ' "'cooks, hotels and restaurants, $40 to $C 0 \u25a0 and found. ' Laundryman. institution. $45 and fonmi. Washer. Muall laundry, $50. . I>aundryman. north. $20 weeS. \u25a0 . .'; bakers. $40 and $50 and found, country sliop. \u0084 4 walter< country .hotels. .s»> and found. - S porters, §25 to $30 Hthl found. . Kitchen handi; and other!?. -GREEKS, MEXICANS. ITALIANS, SPANIARDS. ; 500 foreign laborers, all clhssps of work, $52.30 \u25a0to $1)7.50, . many of them free fare. Call and read our bulletin boards: work com- ing by phone, telegram and mall all day long. :' MURRAY & READY, 11th and Market. sts. Cth and Franklin sts., Oakland. 2(1 and H >ts.,' Saeraaiento.. . ; WANTED— 6OO men to occupy rwinia, 20c to 30c per nigat (free bata). at, the. NEW YORK, 733 V Howard st. . between 3d and. 4tfc. W ANTED-^-Two managers j' goe*l salary ; perma- nent position. Call r. 2j, Cladstoue. Polk aad I .-;-, Eddy Ets. '; . ..,,_ '"•,*; .' .'. ;7- ;-.'. ._. WANTED — Photo coupon accau; swell nmv '; offer. Just \u25a0 out. . CutUbvrt Studio, Bacoa bldg., - Oakland. " . • ; . 100 LABORING MEN To occupy clean single roon:3 at THE ORIGINAL .MECHANICS 1 HOTEL. 010 Howard St. !>«t. 3ttt and.fith: 13c. 20«.%' 25c tlay-.JJI. $1.25 per w«>k. WANTED— rlntelllgent yuung man, wide. Sti-jko, hustler,' to solici t , advertising ;. small : salary to £ ,start. .-, .Eox 12501,-*1 2S0 1,-* Call office. | WANTED— -Shou makers ~to . keep -away . from Buckingham* &' Eecht"sflo« factory. ".Trouble. WANTED— 2 first class solicitors that can >et - tl:e .business; Apply.' room \u25a0 1316, -i Metropolis ';:'. Kank .bldg..: bet./O- and 10 a.: va. I'OUNG men '-. wanted ' to > learn ; wireless tcles- _".Tapliy, .;\u25a0 ttlfpcoay -nnd engiceeringi pnsitlor^ \u25a0' ' or.en. 2t) i New Tlii»«iuia 'bldg. v OdOu ffeolngs. . ~ :_ ; ; CARBBU ji ; AXD SUPPLIES \u25a0 BARBERS-pWe haVe Jiist* received' a shipment of ' tbe. new ; process Snnset ' hones. • maltlns^them 'fnperiorln ttheirr r cutting vqnalttles' and Btrinj razors ra' very - fine, reniooth edg». '; Ask on? wagon man 'to ebow: yon tbe new style. Oar -"Jupiter" .razor 'sdir leads; price. $1.50. ;jruar-: ' nenteeC. * Weiihare on. band a, large (ttock oj .; tuber 'chair? aad fiitnres. "r- We sell : fnroltors ' : cd lEstallment..\. Pacific Barbers* Supyiy i Ccm- \u25a0 \u25a0 pany," BS2 Market St., 29 Turk st. /-• , - - BARBER?*' chairs, second , 'hand, several gmxl *\u25a0 * ones, cheap: ; also mirrors, ; wash stands,-* etc. " STOLTZ'S, -.731 Market st.\ - ' BARBER wanted for Satunt.-.y; .steady if suit- -'rWc:' al?f» a gf»i«t clean <-o!<>red b<X)tMnck at -W5 . Market st. . ' . . HA RBEU wanted ; 1 1 or. I^'j - years' . exrK'riencv. (-\u25a0 Imperial- (shaving v parlor, , 2415 Sliattuclc ar., ! P»-rkel(-T. ! .. - "°i|lCTTtfy^BfeißS| BARBER-: for Saturday and Sunday.- 700 • Rail-, t road ar.. Sou tli. t .- ftdHMRHBEHR f SiSJISSS^*^ 0 XVVPlA'F.'*— Contlnned ; WHY. p.iy \u25a0 FAXCY . fKICES'to KETAILEUS for chairs and fixtiires when - you, caa - bay direct from the manufacturer" 1 "—' JITK UAKKIIH 11YDUAUUC .MODEL II I'.fllß-ipEST CELLING CHAII*. ON THE MAUKCT TODAY *el^ (or JTS. on eaay pay- ments of ?l."> down and ' 15 a moatb. or il>S cash-in VZd days. bargains ia s>r«-r>D<l hand ehafrs. :iui! we sell NEW mirrors.' puks etc workstantls far below the ret.-iijers* !>r;ei?s. SEK.IT.S. T«. r.KV YWE MONEYS WORTH. IIAIIi DETERS ami VU'.ItAToKS s<..ia,at ?5 P p 7 -Jy.^x run KE n. ixc. Phone Fmr.kii-.i :.>";•!>. ;vi Tnrk st - . Kucetit- y. t--Mr!n. .M-tn.iger. CAKBKKS-,NVir !S! S jwr eUance to securs Al * f?eeocd .hand L,'HAIIi.s, JUKiiUUS. P0L123 ami otber Darb^r li>t3op : fixtures at rtry reasonable prli?e« k We Lrre 'Z>J BABBEB CHAIRS Adit- ftreat lir.-»a<isi. \u25a0i:;.;inl J t^r'»ti ia LEATnER. SEYERAE .XiKUiOUS (Fwacli or Cerma:i 'plates) ,21,?f-r<.o; stsga, and also some well •\u25a03tate_<l I'Ol.l'S.- ; jC SHE Kjcsj? goods before coin? elsewhere. Tliey .' eaa • l>e .tKrayJit- CHEAP (on easy pav- ncnls i» cr CHKAI'EU FO& CASH. -All fixtures t;CAI;AN'i'EKi> to be EXACT- CALL KAKI.Y an:! raaie your chclc***. Via wLI KESKUVK L-!»tU fnr a small .lep..>slt. I'i.cKhL.MAN I;l;os'.. I-«?.. IC-iai Xurlc st. j HAltKSlt gtrtTUL'S. - I BARCEi: treat C..w;.wn wholesale district. - I i*'>l l*>:ti yt. Rpar Fb£»oar. ! BAREKR ; Tor Satrird.-iy a:i>t Sund.iy. S7»*'-. 1 .-\u25a0' Prt>aii*i*i*ay. OitKl^ml. \u25a0 . J UAUBEit wantnl f«e Saturday m<A Sunday. -11l i \u25a0 ; * J . > '- arar I:rxni-t-.v;iy.' (»ak!anil. Cal. I - ; A'-r>ER tranu-il Saturday, lwr, Btli .sf. - tirc--'-ir:;.-.i.-yin«'i>i: »..l. ijyrket !>S3. I iJ^?'n*L-\CK-sU::.I . -*o.» sale; cheap, $50. iTTIH \u25a0 1 illmoi-o st. " ! CASU paul ioi- fcarSw •\u25a0i'aii-*; all kimh» ot saj^- pli.-a oa tttiie. 1 ' s*V, *r;r<»?" at. ar. Flllmore. j I'IIIST CLASS* ftit-ireU porter wants position. AfUlrpss _' s>« ' .Me.Ulister st. .FIUiiT CLASS .bori^r. sv.i-er. steady, reliable. wanes job i:i couatry. T. LAX<;E. Ifim 15th *t. I'Oli sate— G<xx.l»i>cyri.-i!r. Si .>st.:Mis!:fd 3 ciair I^Ofi« sij! £ — ' f* t-* 'l<rc i-.-irln-r shrp, c.mntry. fOB sale— ii J _<:i;ai-; a\ture» at very reasoaabla FOX tir<t efosl tc-j;.> and ot.ier barbers' supplies FFOK i sale-^-Nieel^ ft't?<s .1 chair barber sbopt [ Mission: "(ioias coo** buainess; party Koins ouc f'f firy; price $iCO. Adttreaa bos 2T31. Call. G(«Ol> barlrf>r ii-.^ni uooa til! Sunday 'no m. _ 101-S.V KilJim-Ti* sf. OOOD bnjrtjer wanted fcr Saturday and Sunday. \u25a0iH E>cvisa.len-> sr. GtMtj* tiavUT T.-iiitpd: ileitiy j i!>; lt.;c shop. Ad- JGOOD ItaUnn barlwr f.'r Sauiri'ay and Sunday. K()2\KN" L-Siaira and other ffictorta for sale, <:.<\u25a0: >. •f (INK chair K-irtv-r s'!u;> 6ft i-fiit: sobt-r barber. . t*. F. TiIAL A C C. Vri-LKiNS. l.arbers' employ- ivt-r.t .»si-nt*y. I'i.OlArni-ii.'in.-ioa: tel. V.'est 9-J4B. SZQBJB td let— Ucoc! 1-x-atiia for tarber. Apply ar corner Oak and OctaTia sta. WASTEI) — Coot! barber for Sarvday: ualon bar- bery -k+t &S at. < ' — WANTIOD— -A rf>J«J barber frrMis Saturday bOoq until Sunday iii-iii. ~1?i "*} w tTY sf. -*>! - V/ANTi:r>— At ence, 2 good barf*r»; $1S per week ;.'u^rMnrp^t. I*. l\ UKNTFUOW. 71T Main stj. E!n fft. Cal." 1 CIIAHi .s:-.«p.; iwav city: rent $12. lno!udii:s: 2 livins retime; price $tt.~. *inoludtns toroltßt* of rooms: cmat soli. CJIAS. COLE.MAN & CO.. KJO, Market »t. n KOKKX e&«lr s'kh^ . well 'located, running 3- i «-;> airs steady; i'jsSi res'-»ter: rent $£>; lease 3 years; will -^oriSce foe ?"»r.ii. wortti $700. CiIAS. Cl>f.r:.MA.\ ,1- CO.. W» .Market St. 2 KARBEBS v.-;tn:(v! t'<T Saturday and Sunday. -\;>r>iy l.>trt Uaptint st. " CHAIR s.hf>p iv ralcln; town; terms. 3 chair shep cc:rf t-lty; ci«<r s-11. ti ciisir «h«ip, Oakland, nt saerilie»». CIIAS. COLEMAX •& CO.. KU) Market st. ' , E3I PtOYJI K-'«' I' U'AXTED — Female COMPHTENT girl JSestirS p.^«!tinn to do general ho".st>w(.rf:; was *>?.». \u25a0 Bex 4SS2, Call ofdrt-. (,;»X>D Fieii'.'ii cms wauis a situatiou, city or country; wa::es;"?r>s" to' s4o. ' Address 1«23'-»i r.»rabar*l st.. fity. GOOI> woa:a:! Wnnta worS by the day. washint: or ft»i:s4 cleaning. Call at -1220 20tb st. near Castro. . . GIRL wishes a position where she oan learn t>> bteoaie a:«s."Xnl:<rwp.loy<» In an offli-e or basi- fieiS. riione.M's-;. p. ' r.l". between 7:CO and » tiiis evening only. INFANTS' I'urse. Uormau; experienced, reliable; best refit J city cr cnontry; wages $.15. laot Santa Clara ay., Aiatreda. KOUEAX youns tcirl '.vnnts Isow^eworfc : help c»*ok. Addresj lt)i F.irch ay. ; phone >lark»-c GltM. . KEFIJ*"EI> young lady woti!J like position a* lady's maid or nursery governess; Rood si-ani- strts3: best referene". I*.1 *. AiliUe*»s box usui. Call. RESPF.CXAF.LH BnOU wcnian wishes to >by fhauiber work part of the day. ,F. E., KEJ TKAISED Burse; car- for invalid: host refer- V/AITRESS wants position ia resjacrant or feotel la tlits city: 7 jemTS" e:t;i«Tk'm-c in the east; K»o<l references. AdtifM* ho.t -T:!,">. Call ofUee. XVOXIAN s« place to «l" llzi-t work in a fim:!y: i.-* d first el.r"*"*-, sesii^tress; a ko<xl home; small pay. l.v:r> Tr^at af. YOI'XfJ. wtemn. c'JUxfriMH'ft} fccnse eli-anincr. swcVWqk; £>"M !-u::u:.-r^. iroains: ?U day* .. FiiMAVi: uuLi' 'Wasted .. CASH frirls wanted ; Eiist b'? 1* years of ago and brins setsool certificate. Apply supt.'j office. Tha Etnporinm. CASHIER. wanted — Esnerieneed sirl for casbter. Call at 1313 FUUnorr st. *pr"iKwit!»t>: f>ttnrr- fo» ifcnw riakiiia coed: sal-;- , Ery nnd •fi!iiinis-;i>ir,. '-M O".U. First National ba'nfc bit'ildhiy. Oakland. FIRST CLA^S lady solicitors eaa and steady '\u0084 etcplojmeaE by applying city circulation de- (Mirtmeui: t-- FrascUcu Call, Zi aad Market ttreets. - -_. * . FUiI.\CH sirl for. general housew<irfc: small fam- iij. CaH tietween^ It an*i 4at 1777 Page at. IIAiRIUtKS.-fElvwinured: one wtta will take aa Interest in the; very small capital re- ituired. - UoinoDa-.l'ariurs. -J, :V.'.. S^o Market. I X£Kl> the Lelp oS a c!fTer business woipaa; aa» able to f a >"- Call Monday between VI and ' 2 p. ni.. Grayaton .h^tel. J. iIaeDONALD. LADY wanted to take charge *>* a small family: ;. youngest -."» years aid. *> 51 AXU EL SILVA. Tbtnale3, 'llarin county, Cal. LADIES wanted to take Uoaie work; part or fuU time; experience unuecessar?. T'iebera. rooms 213-21"; racifie t-jildlnir: 4tb. at*» Jfarket. LADIES— \Vt? .teacii HAFU Iil::-::-srNC». Mani- rnre..El.Kt"nv>!.Yr«lS. Mx-^sz<t, CHIROPODY; lir.ST EQCU % rr:i) SCHOOL ia nest; 2 ilcots. . DJE L* ST B It'& CO-.' -tr.Kfai-cy st.. S. F. LADIES— Ueliable eniployii:«-ci at home; steady cr part time; stsr'tuptu-* traanleri*: 51.50 dosea :' Up.;Bcotn SlC.Vfestfcarttc M*i^.. SCO Market at. MA UV:IE» woman- '.rasted to -l-.-artv type^ettlns fcr occa?f«aal work"; $" week to start; boers S> OAKLAND ~ GIBLS TO SiAKK OVTRAIXS: PAID SAL- ARTf WWII.K LSASNLNG. - LEVI STRAUSS'* CO.. 20 AND CLAT STS^ OAKLAND. _ APPLY '"TO HES. PAVI3. WASTED — Kspprii'tiettl tnil'.res;* -for men's : : imsUelick depnrtment. Apply S. N. WOOD & * J CO..' Uth aud Wa*hlscti.>n sts.. Oakland. , Stout or lesn ladies who can not be Sited etsewijere U* \u25a0 brcy o*:r own make cecls- w ear: prices rir.^simabJ". p.revels'Laco Store. .- 1-54 Ratter st. below Vsn .Ne-rt :it. WAXTEP— CtrI for b.>n«C'.vcrk and eockiEg 1 . 710 'i'astiv'.st. , \VANTEI>— Ac ; expvrifc3<"t**! and ; reapectaMe waltre*a. Brooklyn Tera>veraßee \u25a0 ho:el, 3tK* . 'First »t. : , --'....;- -•-'\u25a0'-' WOUKINO li^n^? kee;-i-r "for " men, refer^m-es iieeeesnry, %"<"<; I.t-iy's maiij fi~r X la.J.T. r#f#f- ! f/iifes< a* .a r.isid tsviry, $>".; chaoiber inald tot a arse etaJ-s lt»t»l s ftty: c*"*!-. l»ua»ln*R*i fnr. private family. ,$'K!; <*o«atry: -sf^md srirl xn ' a*»lst with i;r«>wii etJldr*n, S!in\ : Rafael. $:U); iltraaa i!nr.«vry KOVtH-WiMl for, 2 mown er>'!- dr«»;i. referer."-"-.* tseees-Hary. $10; colored getipra! - 'n..i;se\*i.ik »ir»-fnr 1 J»<t,T. $TZi Call >t JJISa [.' PM'yKET^^. I<W .Sultei? s». i { - — — -\u25a0» . ,-\u25a0;• •-'«. . ".. : r-». . Contluued to Siext l*as» - If T^ iHi THirnJiii'nm'tmar rm-mrrr n * tium i.a»^i Wi-w n*m m i \u25a0! \u25a0»\u25a0 turn ihmWHHMHOWMBWi 11