Newspaper Page Text
12 EMPLOYMENT OFFICES \u25a0 AAA— PHONE WEST 1731. Ijirp»»«t Japanese and Chinese employment offlce i.i tMy. T. TAMURA CO.. 1012 lacuna St. AAA — CHINESE cooks of all classes and other !\u25a0<\u25a0> furnished. Orient Employment office, 361 Btb- et.- Oakland; phone Oakland, 3101. AA— OSCAR HATSCMI. JAPANESE-CHINESE F.MP. CO.; BEST HELP GUAR.: CITY OR COUNTRY. IMS GEARY ST. WEST S6SS. J. CONN. Chinese rap. bureau; Chinese cook* special, hotel or fam. 770 Clay: t. D'glas 31C2. A. HOltl. 1748 Sutter: pbone West 2803 — Best Jupanese-Cblnese help furnished promptly. STAR rap. office furnishes Japanese-Chinese lx>]p." W. KADOTA. ICOS Geary; tel. West 167. H W HONG, Chinese employment offlce, 803 Wrtwler ft.. Oakland. Phone Oak 5543. ; UNPAID WAGES COLLEjCTED_ ' KNOX. 443 Piae — Scits. liens and attachments. tim«> checks c«sbed: rtobts roll'ted everywhere. SALESMEN an^JOHHlPi^^^-^SS- AA-— FOR the summer mouths can use a young mnn who can hustle; wilary. Box 2*oo. Call. INTELLIGENT women solicitors. Call 8 to 10 a. m.. 114S Harrison st. SALESMEN Wtd— We have more calls for sales- niPii ttiau »t <an f.H: traveling salesmen are the b<i=t paid class <,{ in.-n iv the world: they f«rn from $1.00-'» i<> $10,000 a year and all expenses: roti o*n easily enter this pleasant, well paid profnwfon: will teach you m t«» a high grade salesman l>y mall in S eight weeks, and our free employment bureau will assist you to se- cure a good position; if you earn less than $50 a week and want to in<reas* your earnings or Kocnrp a better position otir free book, "A Knijrht of tee Grip." will (show you how; call or write for it today. Address National Sales- m»n's Trsir.Jng Asator'.atlon. filO-B Metropolis Bsr.k building. San Francisco: Branches. Chi- rtpn. New York. Kansas City. Minneapolis. BJXJCSMAX. with a crnerml knowledge of the rubber bns.iness. especially mechanical: a good opening for a reliable, enerpeilc man in an • •id established rubber house: state ace, experi- ence, reference, salary desired, etc. Address box 2M.-.. O.!l oftW. AGENTS WANTED AGENTS, go in business; everybody buys it: big money. Address J. A. PETERSEN, 3595 Tele- jrrnrh *v.. Oaklard: Fend stamped envelope. WANTED— Expert male and female agents with gwwi refs.: fine w«g-es. Armlv 347 Montg'y aT. IIEXT THAT VACANT ROOM A email want ad in The Call will do it quicker than a dozen signs plastered on your windows and which f=poil the looks of your borne beside*. Phone Kearny S6 for an ad man To cull and see you. ItOOMS TO LET — Fur. and Unfnr. AA — Nice clean, sunny room. ?9: also 2 nice tunny rooms for Locse keeping; reasonable. £22 Turk St. ALL DAY eunay private residence; close to Mar- ket *t.. parks, theat.-rs and business center; cewly furnished rooms; hot running watei, beautiful view; bath aad all conveniences; $1.50 week up. Applj 452 Oak st. Tate Haistt st cars at ferry ti B.ichsnan st. A COZY home for respectable ladies, 1130 Mar- ket fct near 7th. under auspices of the SALVA- TION ARMY; elegantly furnished; every mod- ern convenience; steam heat electric light and elevator service: spotlessly clean; centrally lo- cated: thoroughly homelike; telephone Market 1348; prices very moderate, ranging from 25c per cipht up: special rates by the week or month. See matron, room 33. AUSTIN ay.. 544. bet. Bush and Pine — Nice clean room in private family; $S month. BALDWIN HOUSE. 74 Cth st. near Market— AH modern conveniences; 220 rooms; 35c to $1 per dsr. $2 to $5 per week: free baths. BELVEDERE at.. X&. near Haight— Front »nd hack parlors, single «r en suite, for 2 or more gentlemen; reasonable. BUSH st.. 17.SS — 2 fn*t connecting rooms in private familr: all conveniences; 2 beds; phone West :3725. CENTKAI/ ay.. S13 — Sunny room, private family; good neighborhood; for 1 or 2: cheap. CENTRAL ay.. 7.".0. nr. McAllister — Sunny hay window hskp? r. ; gas. el*-c. : $15 up. West 4375. CENTRAL ST.. S25 — Sunny fur. room in private home: running water: reasonable; for gent. CENTRAL HOTEL. 574 3d st— Free baths; of- fice and reading room on ground floor; r.OO single and family rooms; 35c to $1 a day; $2 to $5 a week. EDWARD ROLKIN. proprietor. CLAYTON st, 735 — Single front room in pri- vate f&milj for gentleman; ail conveniences; $fc month. COLE St.. 402 — Newly furnished sunny front room; French family; running water, bath. Market C 769 COMMERCIAL. 761 Turk st — Clean rooms, mod- ern conveniences; running water; bouse keep- ia? privileges ; $2.50 to $5 weekly; phone Franklin 400. DEVISADERO st. 510 — Attractive sunny room In private family for I or 2: $12 month. DEWEY HOUSE. 4th and Howard— All mdoern conveniences; 200 rooms: 35e to $1 a day, $2 to $5 week: free baths. Howard or 4th st. cars. EDDY st. 1824 — Nice clean room in private familr for 2 young men; running water; all convenience*. BULLS st., 1824 — Unfurnished rooms, front; miming water: phone; also single rooms, rua- i!ir:g water. $2 week up. FELL st. 1100 — Single room in private family; running water, bath, phone; reasonable. FELL tt.. 1150, nr. Devisadero— Attractive sun- ny rooms in private family; single and double; ?fi to $12 month. FELL rt., l.'iSS — Front parlor room in private family; 1 or 2 gentlemen: reasonable. ITI.TON st.. 142y— Nice clean room for 1 or 2 gentlemen: an conveniences; $10 month. GEARY st, 1641— Front bay window rooms; $12 and $10 per month; baths. GOLDEN GATE ay.. 1001. opp. Jefferson «j.— Elegantly furnished house keeping rooms, also single: hot end cold water In every room; bBtb: phone; $18 up. GOLDEN GATE ay.. \u25a0Cis. nr. Van Ness — Large room, nicely furnished; suitable for 1 or 2; also single. t GOLDEN GATE ay.. 12>-3— House keeping rooms; also furnished rooms: bath; all conveniences. GOLDEN GATE ay.. SO4. opp. Jefferson sq. — Bay window, wjnnv room for 2; running water; bath; phone: $16 mouth. GOLDEN GATE ay., 1484— Nicely furnished room, suitable for gentleman; bath; private family. GROVE st. 1335— Sunny front room in private family, for gentleman; all cony.; $10 mouth. GROVE st., 137S — Large *unny room in nrivate fam. for 1 or 2: running #ater; reasonable. GROVE et. IS4S*. nr. Devisadero — Sunny front room in private family, for 1 or 2; running water; bath; phone; very reasonable. HAVES rt.. 972— I>erge bay window rooms; pbone, bath. laundry: cheap. HAIGHT St.. 178K — Large room in private family for 1 or 2 gentlemen: good^ location; reasonable. HAIGHT st.. 923— Large room in private family for 2; bath, phone: $12 month. HAIGHT st. G3l— Back parlor In private family fw 2; $10 month. HAIGHT st. 141— Large front room in private home for 1 or 2; bath; corner house. HAIGHT St.. 705 — Single and double room. running water; all conveniences; house keeping privileges. HAIGHT st, 163«, near perk— Sunny front room in private family for gentleman; $10 month, fl HOWARD st, 2337 — 2 pleasant furnished rooms to let; gas, water, bath; reasonable: American family. HOTEL ST. PAUL. 828 12th st. corner Clay, Oakland — Rooms &0c a day up; $2.50 week op; special rate by the month; open all nlgbt LEAVENWOHTH «t, 1446— Elegant room in private family, furnished or unfurnished; run- sing watex. LEAVENWORTH St., 1127 — Large eunny room in private family, for 2 gentlemen; running water, all modern conveniences; walking distance. Phone Franklin 1422. LEAVENTVOBTH «t, 1256— Large front room; private family; 2 gentlemen; all conveniences; reasonable; walking distance. NELSON HOUSE, 75S Harrison st bet 3d and 4th — Single rooms, hot and cold water; hard finish; rates $1.25 up weekly. NOE st. 15, opp.. German hospital — Sunny front room in private family for 1 or 2 gentlemen; all conveniences. OVERLAND HOUSE. 56» Sacramento st below Montgomery — Now opes;- 200 rooms; hot and cold water In every room; 25c to $2 per day, JI.SO to $5 per week. EDW. ROLKIN. Prop. PACIFIC ar., 1716 — Pleasant surroundings; ci- . oellent table J moderate; suit* and single nn*. PAGE St.. 1425— Nicely furnished room ; private family; Tory reasonable; also small alcove, $5 mouth. PAGE tt.. IS73 — Single room in private family; bath, gas, home comforts; rery reasonable.' PAGE st. 1830, cor. Shrader— Beautiful large eunny rooms, single or en suite, with ' bouse keeping privileges. PAGE St.. 226 — Finely furnished front bay win- dow room, closet. ba(h, phone; $10 month. Pl>'E «t, 102S — Sunny newly furnished rooms, bath, telephone; moderate rent; references ex- changed. - fcHRADER st. 730. near park— Attractive sunny room in private family for 1 <*\u25a0 2; reasonable. f*MgTT(tl \u25a0\u25a0- TiMrri IliWmitflililiir IT t*t riatmr'mm 11 \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0!\u25a0!\u25a0 !\u25a0!!\u25a0 ROOMS TO LET-Contlnufd., SUTTER st. 181&— Modern, sunny, elegantly furnished room; running water; 1 or 2 gentle- men. West 8199. ' . TURK st, SOS — Large, , front mom. nicely fur- nished, for 2 gentlemen; first floor; $10 for 2. THE DECKER. 51tf Leavenworth st. near down- town; all outside sunny, furnished rooms; $1.75 apd up; free bath. . *' --V.v TURK st. 834. near Jefferson .. square— Outelde room nicely < furnished;- house- keeping priv- ileges; $2.50 weekly; also room ground floor, Clean, $1.25 per week; phone. ... ' ' \u25a0 WALLER st, 1743 — L*rge room private family for 1 or 2 gentlemen; no other roomers. WALLER st.,. (JO- 1 , opp. park— Newly furnished room in private house for 1 or 2; . $8 and $10 month. " \u25a0 • . . " . WALLER st. 1422— Elegantly furnished rooms in private family: single or en suite; elec- tric 11^1^1^^4197^ y - . WALLER St., 371 — Front room for 2; also single rooms: bath; $6 to $14 month; tel. Park 4321. WALLER st. 339 — 2 single rooms In private family; $6 to $8 month; good location. - WALLER st, 124«, near Masonic ay. — Large front room In private family; suitable for 2; also single room; reasonable. WEBSTER st., 103. corner Waller — Sunny fur- nished room, corner flat; running water; gen- tlemen: references. '-^___ ROOMS FOR HOUSE KEEPING AAA — Beautiful parlor suite, with all day sunny front bay window, and kitchen furnished for house keeping; suitable for 2 or more persons; private residence; Oak st. near Buchanan; 3 car lines; 2 grates, piano, bath, laundry and all conveniences; references. Apply 452 Oak st. AAA— FILLMOHE St., 1443— Furn. hskpg.: 2 and 3 connecting, also single; .newly renovated; $2.r>o week. BAKER st, 36 — 2 nice sunny rooms for bouse keeping; reasonable; near 2 carllnes. CENTRAL ay., 722—3 large attic rooms for hskpg: gas. range, *2 beds; bath. , phone. • DEVISADERO Kt.. 21fi — Two connecting rooms furnished complete for Louse keeping; bath, gas; $15 month. FELL St., 15S8. opp. panhandle — Exceptionally clean suuny house keeping and single rooms; also garage for rent; reasonable. FILLMORE st. 712— Sunny front room, also side room; kitchen privileges; reasonable. FULTON St.. 8.53, nr. Fillmore — 2 sunny fur. r. for houße keeping; gas range: stationary tubs. GOLDEN GATE ar., 1040 — Two unfurnished sunny front connecting room with alcove; run- ning water. HAIGHT st. 112S — Large sunny house keeping room for bachelor in private family. HAIGHT st., 60G',s — Sunny front alcove room; gas; bath; phoue; adults: reasonable. HAIGHT st. 100—2 elegantly furnished, for bouse keeping; sunny corner; also 3 connecting rooms. HAIGHT \u25a0 st.. 220 — Large house keeping room, good location: reasonable: phone Park 2461. HOTEL CRYSTAL, 371 McAllister St.— One and two room apartments: rates $10, $15. $22.50. OAK st., 1140. near Devisadero — 2 nicely fur- nished, large, sunny house keeping rooms: gas range, sink, and complete; nice residence; $20 per month. OAK st. 2001 — Beautiful furnished house keep- ing rooms, single or en suite: phone Park 4595. PIERCE si., 426 — Large front room in private family for two; all conveniences; bouse keep- ing privilege. PINE st.. 1749 — 2, connecting, sunny rooms, reg- ular kitchen, gas range, electricity: tlean and well furnished; vice. homelike place: $20. STEINER Ft, 909 — Large, unfurnished, front parlor with alcove; also kitchen; choice; $18. TURK st. 1416 — Sunny, newly furnished rooms for bouse keeping, buffet kitchen, batb, gas; also single room. TURK st. 753 near Van Ness — Front room ;• nlso single, for bouse keeping, very rcasouable; hath: all conveniences. VALENCIA st.. 1341, between 24th and 2T»th— Newly furnished. 2, 3 or 4 rooms completely for house keeping; reasonable to steady tenant. VAN NESS. 719, near Turk — Sunny front room suitable couple light house keeping: reasonable. WALLER 6t, 1724 — Front and back parlors, furnished or unfurnished, for bouse keeping; use of laundry and kitchen. WALLER \u25a0' st.. r>nr> — Sunny parlor room and kitchen; private family; for house keeping; $18 month: adults. STH st.. 365 — Furnished rootnn for bouse keep- ing; also single rooms^ reasonable: downtown. 7TU st, 60. opp. P. O. — Two ,*unny front bouse keeping rooms, $0 per week up. U. RAPHAEL. - 2 AND 3 room apartments for house keeping; all conveniences: bath, phone; nlso single rooms. The Clnrlngton. C 29 Golden Gnte nr. Van Ness. ROOMS AJVD BOARD OFFERED BAKER St., a"? 4, nr. McAllister— Very large, ele- gantly furnUbed sunny front room, hot and cold water; excellent home cooking; suitable for 2, 3 or 4 persons; references. Phone West 43C0: also a single room. .._ BOARD and room from $5.50 per week; 3 meals t a day; also house keeping- rooms. $3 weekly. 1113 Geary st. near Van Ness ay. :} : BUCHANAN st. 1449, corner O'Farrell— Neatly I furn. rooms; excellent board; German cooking. CALIFORNIA st., 132 C. near Leavenworth — First class table bon^d; all home cooking. CENTRAL ay.. 605, Panhandle — Sunny rooms; Al borne cooking; use of parlor; tel. West 9213. CLAYTON St.. 721 — Large sunny front room, in private family, with exceUent board. COLE nt, 42S — Nicely furnished room in pri- vate family, with excellent board; batb, phone. EDDY st., 861 — Sunny front rooms, newly furn- ished; bath, hot and cold water; excellent hoard. ELLIS st, 1104 — Sunny front, room for 2, with board. ELLIS st. 1280, nr. Laguna — Suuny front suite; washroom; hot and cold water; suitable for 2 or 4 gentlemen; board optional. Phone West 3711. ... FELL st, 1600 — The Madrone. opp. Park Pan- bandle ; first class board and room, or rooms wit bout board; special summer rates. FURNISHED room and board in private family for gentleman; home comforts; select; on car- lines. Phone Franklin 45<35. GOOD home for young men In private family, with board, very reasonable. 1355 Oak St., opposite Panhandle. LAGUNA st. 126— Attractive, sunny, elegantly furnished room for 2 gentlemen; running water and all conveniences; excellent hoard. LARGE parlor, for 2. 0r 3; excellent board: also room for 2, all conveniences. 901 Fell st. Park 356. - LEAVENWORTH st~! 1440— Newly furnished parlor suite; running water; excellent board; beautiful fiat; gentleman only. LEAVENWORTH st. 1452— Elegantly furnished room, running , water, with board, in private family; no sign. . \u25a0_.-.\u25a0 MARTINET HOTEL, 1101 Geary st— Booms and suites, with first class board, can now ba engaged at summer rates. MASON St., 817, nr. Fairmont— ExceUent board; family table; terms reasonable. Tel. 1947 Franklin. McALLISTER st, 1«>4 — Sunny room, suitable 1 or 2; running water; excellent board; tel. West 82G7.> \u25a0 McALLISTER. 1271. nr. Flllmore— Nicely fur- nlshed rooms for 1 or 2, with board; $25 mo. O'FARRELL st. 1205 — Sunny room,, suitable for 2. double or single beds, excellent' board; also single room. .. • • , ••; ;.-. -..- ROOM and board 'in \u25a0 select ' family;* reasonably moderate. 1383 O'Farrell st Phone West 3449. OTARRLLL st.. 11(14— Board and room, rea- sonable, for persons desiring good board and comfortable Lome. PIERCIi st, 815. near McAllister— Furnished rooms; bath; neighborhood; excellent board; 2, $36 month. . \u0084--- .- -. ...... ,\u25a0 . ROOM and board for ladles, employed, at reason- able rates; table board. 75g Haight st. SELECT PRIVATE BOARDING HOUSB : ' 1720 BROADWAY; elegant location; FIRST CLASS In every respect \u25a0- Bates, specially re- dnced. Telephone Franklin 1864. . < ,-. , ; SELECT PRIVATE BOARDING HOUSB. . I SOI California st at Franklin; first class in every particular: reference*; rates reasonable. Phone Franklin 1021. '_'.'.-. . . BUTTER • st, " 2427— Large room, nicely fur- nished, \u25a0in private family, ' for. 1• or 2 - gentle- men;. with excellent -board; all conveniences; . reasonable. . '. . SUTTEE it, 1618— Furnished ', rooms; - board; home comforts; In private family; terms rea- \u25a0 sonable. \u25a0-.'"\u25a0.\u25a0. \u25a0 \u0084-.'.-. .. -. \u25a0. \u25a0\u25a07 !^- < SUNNY, 1 front room for 2, with, good board; good location. 529 Haight st' , WALLER st; 388 — Large ' sunny ' front •\u25a0 room,' suitable for 1 or 2; board optional. '•""'<\u25a0 '.-, ; , WOMAN'S HOTKL, Turk at Lagun*, opp. park^ Horn* comforts; reasonable rates. -\u25a0 -. - . ; ' YOUNG man willing to/>share room with gentle- man can have good home; 1 excelent, board. . 559 - Walter, st \u25a0 \u25a0;\u25a0\u25a0-. ;„-y. .' \u25a0:.; •• . -. . £\u25a0 . ,\u25a0,- 11S0 ; O'Farrell et.— Kine. ' sunny , rooms,'-, with or without \u25a0 board; all conveniences;- references exchanged. 'TJfV^^i ftftf'ilVß'irfflM ttmlWl 50 Portola 4 st between : Steiner \u25a0 and Pierce," off 'W« H^r— Room - and " board for ' 2 \u25a0 zentlemen in Swedish family. THE SAN FRANCISCO CALUi; m, -1909; \u25a0 ; -^vHboMS-iWAMTim-v'v^V^ J WANTED— 2 rooms, 'light' house keeping.^nortji j of ' Market st. ; state .price * and -particulars.' Room 307. American hotel. '. '._mi____l ' ' \u25a0 APARTMENTS '\u25a0'.'\u25a0 , \u25a0'•- . ' V AAA— ST. MDNGO apt,- 1360 Golden Gate ay., cor. Flllmore — Elegantly furnished *: 2-3. room apts. ; sun In every apt;; private ; exchange conneoUng all apts. ' Phone i West ! 0020. \u25a0 ; i AAA— ST. MARGARET apartments, Fell and \u25a0 Octavia sts. — Sunny, unfurnished apartments, 3 rooms and bath; wall beds; rent reasonable. AA— SANDRINGHAM ' furnished apts., 1152 Eddy st..' now ready \u25a0 for occupancy. -.'.-.* AA— GLADSTONE APARTMENTS, 70C Polk, cor. Eddy — Elegant sunny house keeping apart- ments; '1 room, $14 per month; 2 rooms, <$2S per month; 3 rooms,- $4O per month; hot baths; elec. lights; Janitor serv. Tel. Franklin 2048. A— CORNELIA* HOTEL, APARTMENTS . 641 O'FARRELL ST. NEAR HYDE. 2, 3 AND 4 ROOM ELEGANTLY FURNISHED APARTMENTS. Completely equipped with every modern con- venience and ready for immediate occupancy. SOMETHING NEW HOTEL SERVICE . REFERENCE REQUIRED .\u25a0 ADELINE APTS., 640. Eddy— Apartments, v 2, 3 and 4 rooms, thoroughly modern ; summer rates. A— CLINTON APARTMENTS 1400 JONES ST. COR. WASHINGTON. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED, SUNNY 4 AND 15. ROOMS; MARINE VIEW; NEAR FAIRMONT HOTEL; JANITOR SERVICE; EVERY CON- VENIENCE. PHONE. .FRANKLIN 3443. DUNDEE Apts., 73C Stanyan st. opp. G; G. park — Newly fur. 4 r.; large, sunny; very reas.; ref. ELDORADO apartments, 150 Ninth at,' near Mission— Elegantly furnished, $22.60 and. s2s; also single rooms $10 up. ' RICHELIEU APARTMENTS, 22d and Guerrero sts. — 34 rooms, with disappearing beds. GRANADA, 1710 Lark in st. near Washington — Modern, sunny apartments, 3 rooms and batb, $22.50. $25, $27.50. KENILWORTH. NE. CORNER BUSH AND POWELL STS. —3 ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE KEEPING. APARTMENTS: SINGLE BOOMS: COMPLETE APPOINTMENTS; AND SERVICE MARYLAND .APARTMENTS, 303 Page st— Sun- ny 4 room apartments ; furnished and \u25a0 unfur- nished; hot water, janitor service, night watchman, elevator. . . , ' SAN CARLOS apartments, "1175 OTarrell st— 2, 3 and -4 rooms, furnished and unfurnished. HOTELS __ __ r 4.A A— NOTICE TO TRAVELERS— < HOTEL COLONIAL, Stockton street above Sutter. American plan, $3; European - plan, $1. Telephone, steam heat, electricity; every modern convenience. .*\u25a0 .. * -•\u25a0 AAA— WELLINGTON HOTEL, 610 Geary near Jones — Just opened; oniv hotel giving outside sunny room with private bath at $1 day, $5 week, or $20 month; other outside sunny rooms $3.50 week; steam heat, hot -water, telephones. AA— HOTEL BRISTON, 415 O'Farrell st FAMILY AND COMMERCIAL HOTEL Room nnd bath, $1 day. or $5 per week. Outside telephone in each room. Newly opened. Steei frame building. .: A— AT THE WEMPE. 419 Oak, bet. Buchanan and Laguna stß.; sunny rooms; excellent board. BROOKLYN HOTEL— 369 Ist— Board and room $6 to $3 per week : rooms 60c to $1 ; weekly $2 up; meals 25c. CHARLES MONTGOMERY. HOTEL BELMONT, 730 Eddy, below Van Ness. Turk and Eddy cars — Rates $1 per day up. HOTEL CALIFORNIA, cor. California & Hyde— Especially adapted to Ideal home life; su- perior nceom. ; reas. ;. European or/ Am. plan. HOTEL HARCOURT, LARKIN AND SUTTER— AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN, EXCELLENT TABLK. PHONE FRANKLIN 2100. HOTEL ARGONAUT. 4tb and Market sts.— Fam- lly and commercial hotel; room with detached bath, $1 per day; rooms with private batb, $1.50 per day; restaurant attached: moderate prices: free bus meets all trains and stmshlps. HOTEL ST. JAMES. Van Ness at Fulton— sls month to permanent guests; beautiful , lobby. SUMMER RATES Rooms with private bath,' $1 per day up. Rooms with nrivate bath. $5 per week up. Rooms without bath, $3.50 per week up. - Bar, cafe, reception rooms, private exchange, j HOTKI^ BRILLIANT. 545 Turk ft. _^.__.F»;ATS^TOJUB^^^ jj _ j^^^ w^ BUCHANAN et.. 42» — Attractive sunny flat, 6 rooms, bath, and laundry; reasonable rent; ref- ererences required. . ' CALIFORNIA st. 3175 — Sunny, modern, upper flat, 4 rooms and batb; uewljr renovated; rent $20;. water, free. . :;. CENTRAL ay.. 700, cor. Fultan st., near pan- handle — Apartment flats; 4 rooms and bath; $20 up; Janitor, etc., free; see agent at build- ing. \u25a0 ' \u25a0 -- \u25a0:. . - ELLIS st, 1523, cor. Pierce — New modern sunny fiat, 4 rooms and bath; reasonable; adults.' EUREKA st, 158, near 18th— $16; sunny fiat, i rooms, bath, basement, yard.. \u25a0 FAIR OAKS, 440 — 2 new sunny flats, 5 /ooms and bath each; rent $20 and $22; 2 weeks free. FELL Bt. 1221 — 6 rooms aud bath, unfur- nished: $20. GEARY St., 2410A — 3 large rooms and bath; gas; stationary tubs: large porch: reduced to $14. \u0084 GOLDEN GATE ay.. 1014, nr. Laguna st— Very sunny upper flat, 7 tmi. and bath; perfect con- dition; rent cut to $35: make offer. ' JONES st. 1022-1032, bet Pine and California— New sunny 6 and 4 room flats; $45 and $30. NOE St., 1050. cor. Elizabeth — Five room cor. flat and yard; rent $25. : . PEARL Bt, 77A, off Market, between Valencia ; and Guerrero — Modern, sunny 4 room fiat aud bath.. \u25a0 \u25a0- [ TURK 1525, near Stelner — An elegant, 4 room, modern flat; rent reasonable. WALLER st. 573, near Pierce— Modern flat of 6 rooms and bath; rent reasonable. - ; WELSH st. 114, nr. 4th— Must be rented; fl rm. flat; cut to $14; all new, sunny, outside rooms; nice street; make offer. , " $20 — Flat; 6 rooms, bath; gas. \ Apply 2410% Sacramento st - > -. \u25a0 \u25a0-. . 19TH ay. boulevard, 1333, Sunset — New upper funny 0 rooms; -laundry, basement room; gas, electricity; near park and Ellis st. cars; $30. i 24TH st, 3339. . near Mission— Modern flat; 4 rooms, storeroom; all light and sunny. 10TH ay., 274— T0 adults, 4 large, sunny rooms and bath; reasonable. , \u25a0 , . 18TH and Noe st»., NW. . corner— Upper 5 rooms: $25. - - -* - . \u25a0-- FURNISHED small sunny flat. X. side; present occupant absent ' country few months; reason- able to right parties; references. Apply busl- pess hours, room 617. Grant building. , DIAMOND st. 810— Flat of 3 or 6 sunny, fur- niEhed, bay window rooms; hot and cold water: rent $16. : .•. i • 5 \u25a0 . 1 WANTED — By careful tenants, a pleasant fur- nished flat of 4' or 5 rooms for 2 or 3 months. Address W.-- P., box- 4»B1.- Call office. ' * ' ; FLATS ' FOR S AL.E— Fnrnlwhed i< FURNITURE; and carpets of a completely fur- nished, sunny; flat of C rooms for sale; no dealers. 700 Oak st. oorner>Pillmore. 1 ROOM flat, beautifully furnished, for sale cheap; rent $30. 1217 Fell st. ' \u25a0"\u25a0\u25a0 BAK ER ! St.; 423, • near Grove— Sunny, j modern - 10 rooms,' bath, basement; reasonable. '. Owner on premises 2to 4. ;..:.,. •', . ; ?,-;. v;;, ;-;;< CALIFORNIA , st, 2917— Fine house; 9 rooms bnth: gas and electric lights; furnace, con- i - servatory;- reasonable. :•\u25a0\u25a0< • FILLMORE st, 749 — 12 room house ;« hot and cold water -In. rooms; -s6o.'; -. : ,- :\u25a0 - VALLEJO st.- r House >| .9 rooms; garage, hardwood ..floors; finest marine view;, will, lease long term furn. or nnfnrn. Tel, mornings, West 5754. COTTAGES 'TO LETT^ ~r\ '\u25a0\u25a0 : ; . - ; COTTAGE, 4 rooms; ,bath aud . Uundry ; 338 Dun- can at ; $18 per ; month. 'j Apply % 3684 : Bills Bt NKAT 2; room .cottage; f, 57.50 per, l inonth.' 150 Langton Bt. near, "th and Folsoin. \u25a0- . / ;\u25a0 .. ;. 17TU | «t.. 1 4390. ' near j Hattie— Modern | 4 room cottage; gas.ihath.trayß: large yard: $17. '' OUT OF TOWN/ HOUSES TO LET > MODERN,* up. to date, i 6 room* cottage/ fully fur- nished. Inquire 26 B Bt." San.Mateo. < ;\u25a0: OFFICES AND STORES jTo'IET V STORE. r 60x165; 535;H^wMdTst^r$i50^per . month; or will divide In 20 f t.l spaces , for $60 each. THOMPSON BROS./ 544 Howard st \u25a0:\u25a0-, FURNITURE -.WANTED L i WE : are paying more for j second j hand furniture \u25a0 .: and household goods than any ; other dealer in ; tbe city.'Vilf :-you' : do ? not 'want to 'sell, your : goods . outright swe will , sell ; for i yon •on com- , mission .with a ' guarantee. ;G.' A. C0.,' 84 7th st." ALWAYS ; ready i to ; buy . furniture.' carpets; desk*,: merchandise^ etc. . ; for spot s cash.'; m M A RK J . j LEVY, 1140; McAllister st. ; phone ! Park . 860. ; ' : HIGHEST pricesi paid, for; furniture; at: the En-; \u25a0\u25a0 i ternrlsc Furniture ; Co.. -1 18 : Church;* Mkt. \u25a0 2SRO. .; ; ; ; ': BAR cj'ANbYsTORE/ FIXTURES "y'.^ BRUNSWICK-BALKE-COLLENDER i CO. < 17-27 Franklin st. ueor Market ;. phone Special. 1457. 1 S'd \u25a0'•:\u25a0: -fy »\u25a0 \u25a0-.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0: \u25a0' 0 - "YVlifiT/ WP'/ni'fi nil ' lnfklcino" ' B^B C'^j V__ v — — _ .1 ... ,' ' -IJ-CIU -.»»yi'ciiv .tin XU vuiilU . • p v 'tl IU sf UDIICIIIV - Avliat brings success. p| H AJ,r/v«rI«!«A. f The best means of H I Advertising I publicity, v \ I M TK*> l^aitf Tnc P a P er that gives 'best p 61 \ - 1 \u25a0^ c ** i * Results to its advertisers 1 Nj ; TKe Classified What you should use I' ii Columns! for all your wants. j| 11 If o£* t The phone number Ttp - I m IxCSrilY Ofj ! rin & up whenever you \ | m y have an ad to place. | ; FURNITURE FORj SALE WE MUST raise cash— Hair mattresses, $5.50. These mattresses are our own make and sold right along at $18; but we are closing them out. Box couches, $15 val:. at $5: handy couches, $2.75; cable springs,' $2.50. j We always ,do fine upholstery work; mattresses made over, $2.50; carpets cleaned, altered and 'laid. . Call in a hurry if yon want to save money. 905 Devjgadero, nr. McAllister. Phone West 2942. KITCHEN treasure tables, only $3 this week; regular price $5.50; every article goes at half price at H. SCHELLHAAS' furniture sale, 11th st. at Franklin. Oakland. - „ FURNITURE of 6 room cottage for sale; cottage will be for rent; large yard. Apply afternoons 464 21st st. Oakland. - \u0084 FURNITURE, 25c to 50c on . the dollar: ' large safe and store fixtures at a great sacrifice; re- tiring from business. A. KINGS, 3010 16th st. CAMP and household furuiture. H. SCHELL- IIAAS' sale. 11th st at Franklin. Oakland. FURNITURE of 8 room house for sale. 2058' . Sacramento near Fillmore. FURNITURE, .good and cheap, at H. SCHELL- HAAS'. 408 11th St.. Oakland. j ' FOR SALE— -Mlaeellaneonii^ AAA— Closing out immense stock on account .of expiration of lease. '\u25a0 B ft bathtubs, porcelain lined. - 20x30 white enameled sinks. Elegant lavatory. 2 part galvanized tray. \u25a0 $25,75. ' .. CENTRAL PLUMBING SUPPLY CO.. --\u25a0 - - 1527 Market st. \u25a0 AAA— ATTENTION. CAMPERS. U. S. GOVERNMENT SALE ARMY GOODS. Knapsacks, shoulder 'bags, canteens, blankets, folding frypans, .bayonets, nrmy saddles, leather saddle bags; army, tents $1.50 each; new blankets $1.50 each. Everything -almost new. Call before they go. SPIRO HARNESS AND CARRIAGE CO.. 309 Market st., S. F. CASH REGISTERS— ~7~ ~~ ~* Second hand Nationals of all styles at low prices ; Hall woods at 25c on the dollar, or any other make; guaranteed by the National Cash Register Company. : N. C. R. SECOND HAND STORE. 527 Market »t LAUNCH; 30xS ft; compromise: bunting cabin. 12 hp. 2 cyl. 4 cycle Lamb engine: seat 25; carry 6 tous frpight; nearly new; sell cheap. G. .M. PENN, Hoffman House, Harbor View, San Francisco. * •• . BASKET manufactory — Gocarts and reed furni- ture for sale at I cost, , 30 days only, at 423 : Montgomery ay. ;F. ZUNINO, tel. Kearny 8211. FOR sal* — 4 cy Under j 35 horsepower marine mo- tor, - practically new, weight 724 llw.*; also 30 horsepower, high speed steam engine, iv first - class condition. Inquire, 475 44th at. Oakland., GREAT bargains In rebuilt typewriters renting $2 to $3.50 per month. \u25a0 s See NEW- YOST VISIBLE. The Typewriter Exchange, 255 Montgomery st. SECOND HAND PIPE. \ Largest dealers in standard pipe and screw casing, dipped; prices right; guaranteed first class. Pacific Pipe Co., Main and Howard sts. BABY grand plnao, imported from Paris, at furniture sale. H. SCHELLHAAS, corner 11th ;'a'nd Franklin, Oakland. AND "we will back it up. Every article a bar- gain at H. SCHELLHAAS' furniture sale, cor- '\u25a0 ncr store. 11th St., Oakland. , -- , AA — AU sizes standard water pipe and screw casing; guaranteed good as new; get our prices. Welssbaum Pipe Works. 133 11th st ARMY tents at factory prices. W. A. PLUM- MER CO., 115 Dramm St., S. . F., Ist and Franklin sts.. Oakland. '"-\u25a0.. , CONCRETE mixers, gasoline engines, wood work- ing inachy.; contractors' equip; Al condition; price right W. T. MARTIN. 1277 Howard st CORRUGATED iron, pipe and malleable fittings; sash weights n specialty, old and new. N. LANSBKRfI A- SON. 1140 Foisom st. . AN Al camp wagon for sale, cheap. Apply 1210 :25th ay.. East Oakland. ELECTRO plating plant, motor, dynamo, shelfing, tanks, etc.; must sell. CS7 38th st... Oakland. .- BAY schooner with fine paying run. A. B. WEEKS, Franklin st. wharf, Oakland. , Ia.NO'S HOOK STO:iB, 1710 Market above Gongh.. Phone Market 4763. BOOKS BOUGHT. AXGORA kittens; pedigreed; different colors. 1100 Park ar., Alamedu; phone Alameda 1174. NATIONAL cash registers, electric signs, bar and safe for sale; cheap. 579 McAllister . Bt.','; \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 EDISON AGENCY — Moving picture machines and films; bargains. GEO. BRECK. 70 Turk st. AWNINGS, hammocks and tent's rfor invalids. ROSS, McMAHON CO.. 403 Battery st. S. F. WALL: paper 3%c; samples mailed; -paint- $1 gal.; alcohol 65c gal. M. Merigan. 1447 EUls.- TUKNINGS. ' cabinet and mill work, store fix- tures. Jobbing. " C. F. HAAS. 93 Minna st .-:, "SAFE," Hall; inside measurement, 31x24x15; . $85. , 950 Mission st. above sth. - : : BOOKS and libraries bought ; by SCHULBERG, ; _j 1214 Flllmore st;* phone West" 5099. : \u25a0 - \u0084 -. \u25a0 MOVING picture films for rent ; largest stock In city. TURNER & DAIINKEN. 13S Eddy St. BOOKS aud libraries bought. THH HOLMES CO.; 1158 Market St.; phone Market 896. ' BAFES — New - and second hand. I \ The Hermann '•- Bafe Co.. 120-130 Foisom st. " '-S > '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0 ' r. i < slis celiAneouj^^an^s^/>__^ DRESS S SUITS, TUXEDOS AND I PRINCE *AL- ; BERTS BOUGHT: • U- SKOLL, TAILOR," 707 \u25a0\u25a0'- GOLDEN: GATE AY. : PHONE MARKET .4681; POSITIVELY twice as much paid for; cast off clothing and shoes. 214 East at.; phone Doug- .'-las 2649 and will call. '?. \u25a0 - \u25a0 --.:' ; . ':"'''- ' WANTED jf to - buy — National' cash v registers :. for .cash;: If. you have any style .National for. sale - -drop a line to box 2309, i Ca1l office. '\u25a0"\u25a0-'\u25a0 ..-•-,•: BTAMP collections or odd lots of stamps bought; call evenings.-- B. W. SMITH. 1628 Post st.-.-;- - v CASH— ANY AMT FOR ? OLD GOLD; JPUEC. STONES.,VENGELHARnT,- 22,MONTG'Yi ST. .WILL buy second hand hardware, .tools, clothing, ' etc. 1 best prices. \u25a0 2117 Mission: Park \u25a0 r.350. - ... •-\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0•'\u25a0- :-':: -':- ; :' ; . \ -.-.',' FURS V-Y : -'-.;." ': "\u25a0- ' . \u25a0Y- LOFSTAD & EVANS Inc.",' furriers; 251 Post st,' ;;Mercede^ bldg.,-.3d floor. • Phone = Kearuy 4359. ROBT. MORRIS, 239 Geary st— Furs,, fur skins, '-supplies, satins;' wholesale' only. •• ' \u25a0 - : -"• ;^JJF^mEI^N_POSTAJ2EjsTAMPsT7T r POSTAGE stamps 'albums,' catalogues, etel; cols.* ,: bought. ' H. W. Dopsoher & Co.. 1126 Geary st' •:;-"--l-:-v?-:'--SEWING \u25a0 MACHINES \u25a0i'.i/.-'.'^-.v \u25a0'-.; MeN ALLY'S - 30th - i anniversary sale c this r week; i Singer, White; DomesUc. New, Home. W. & .W.- , half \u25a0 price; second " hand, $5, - ; $7; ;59; . renting,' j repairing I a specialty. * 3260 ' 22d v 1v 1 st 1 between ,' Mission and .Valencia;. phone Park 802. ;•:\u25a0.. NEW drop head machines made and Xbyj New- Home 1 Sawing Machine; Co.,; to $24.50; second hand,*ss to $10; renting .repair V- ing. \u25a0 ' E. L; SE RG EANT. ' 531 ; 12th st;:, Oakland. DOMESTIC— Best, cheapest ;' all kinds rented."; re- \ \u25a0 paired;; exchanged : \u25a0 needles nnd • supplies for. all ; njakes.KJ.iW."> EVANS," agent;»l6sB O'Farrell :*'. st.jneari Filimore; ; phone^West; 36ol.^.;. , •--,- DAVIS.tSINGER;- W.Ti&W.^-W.HE.tJACKSON^ ~± agent/- 4t)4 Sutter; needles, \suppUes; 'all -mnkes/ SINGER, 1 \u25a0, Wheeler fc'.Wilson 1 office; *rentlng.V re- V pairing. '> loie t O'Farrell; st;; phoue ;West. o76l.'^ MUSICAL INSTRU3IEXTS AAA— SPECIALS AT ~ ' '"" . Byron Mauzy Music Building, 250 Stockton st., . Union Square. 7 Floors Devoted to Mualc. For one week only we will pell the following pianos, which, have been slightly used, or re- turned from rent: Howard,- price new $400 $200 uraper, price new $300.: $150 Mehlin, price new $550.- .'. $325 New England, . price new $350 $160 Steck, price new $500. : $:',OO Richmond, price new $450 $"50 Pleyel, price new $250 $25 I \u25a0 On terms to suit All fine uprights, with stool . and cover com- plete, delivered in city, and kept in tune free of churge for one year. . Pianos for rent. Special inducements this week. , \u25a0 , : x - BYRON MAUZY, j ' • 250 Stockton st. REMOVAL SALE — Great bargains In new and second hand pianos;- Hazelton Bros., $250; Laf- faigue. $250; Reynold & Wolf. 570. $150, $173; Arlon, $90; Hornung Bros., $200; Cote $200; . Rlcca & Sons, $210; Schuman & Sons." $195; Mason. $175; Marshall, $150; $5 per month or $2 and' up rent; open Saturday evenings. C. C. HORXUNQ, 1834 Geary st. near Fillmore. BRAND new piano. $5 per mo. rental; no cart- I age; free insurance; six months rental applies to purchase; piano salesman wanted; no sal-, ary: big commission. PETER BACIGALUPI & SONS. 941 Market st. Open Sat, evening*. VICTOR talking machine wanted, with records; large size: will pay cash; give particulars. HUTCHINS. 1622 Virginia St., Berkeley. HERE is a bargain; $175 takes my elegant" up- right piano and pianola and $85 worth of records. -Manager Arcade House, 60 Clay st. LARGE Kuabe upright, $200; other uprights from $100 up: pianos to rent BOWERS & SON, 529 McAllister st. near Van Ness ay. CHANCE of a life time — $400; upright Emerson piano; need' the cash; will sacrifice for $150. Address FRANKLIN. 717 Market St. PARTY going east will sacrifice Decker upright; cash or time. 908 Van Ness ay. FISCHER upright, rosewood. $95; slightly used; cash or time. 1400 Bush st. PIANO for sale, cheap; cash or installments; \u25a0will transfer contract. 650 Lyon st Electric pianos. $175 up; terms; also placed on percentage. Audiffred Musical Co.. 82 Grove st 30 pianos to rent. $3- per month and upward. JOS. . SCHMITZ \u25a0 & CO.. «2t Van Nesa T ay. HORSES.* HARNESS AND WAGONS AAAA — CAMPING season now open; call and -inspect; horse, , wagon, harness, $55 up; horse, l'«KSy. harness, $25 up;; horse, saddle, bridle, $23 up; wagons, $10 up: buggies and carts, $0 up: harness. $2.50; saddles. $1 up; business horses and wagons for delivery; 30 head of horses and mules constantly on hand. • heavy nnd light. Auction Saturday at 11 a. m. 5G5 4th st. Oakland. FOR sale— Fine Hungarian pony outfit, russet harness; "fine rubber tire buggy." If sold lm-. mediately will take $163. Grand driver and saddler. Safe for children. 565 4th st. Oak- land. : ' CONTRACTORS' dump carts and dump wagons; to : close out they will be . sold at less , than landed cost. Coast Carriage Company, corner 12th and Jackson sts., Oakland. Cal. DRIVING and draft horses; cheap: camp wag- ons, harness and rigs of all kinds. 205-209 • -Valencia st. ' - . . Second hand top wagons, exp.' wagons, bus. bug- ~ gies. Nugent-Covey Wagon Co., 349 Valencia. VEHICLES, bamess. saddles, less than manufac- __tnrer^nrire. LIEROLD'S. 11 Front nt Market. ~~-~i~ CAMPING SUPPLIES . TENTS, ~ tent houses, camping and permanent cottages: cheap. Portable House Co., 126G liroadway, Oakland. We furnish everything for camper; tents, ham- • mocks, canvas goods. T. J. Mayrs. 28 Clay st. _______ ] _j^AUTOMOIIIX : ES FOR SALE— A 30 horsepower 5 passenger White steamer, model 0. with full equipment. Includ- ing top and curtains, folding glass - front, \u25a0 prestolite tank, shock absorbers, speedometer, tire holders, . 2 Inner tubes and tools; car -la - good as new, having rup only 1,750 miles; must ..'be sold at once; cash, or will take good grade -_•\u25a0 of runabout in part payment. Box 1931, CalL FOR SALE— Price $500 and upward; several '08 and ; '07 Wlnton touring cars, taken ,in trade ; for '08 cars and -thoroughly overhauled by our mechanics from our factory, i WINTON AUTOMOBILE BRANCH. '_ . . 300 Van . Ness aye., . . ' \u25a0 " '\u25a0-'.; j San Francisco. •_ -^ : FOR gale or -exchange— 40 acres of land in the - famous ; Placer .county fruit : belt,- on county / road; good berry or . vegetable land ;' 2 miles . from Penryn, Cal. ; price $50 per • acre ; will a exchange for,, an automobile. J. H. WILLS, \u25a0 East Auburn. Cal. .. v : . WANTED— TO PURCHASE FOR SPOT CASH, ". Maxwell 'or ; : Ford -runabout in: good running border:; no Junk;. price must be low. : Apply SOC ; Golden Gate ay.' between 2. and 5 Friday after- noon; telephone FranltHn 3112.' ' ELITE AUTOMOBILE EXCHANGE— New and --.second band' cars for sale; auto painting,- wood- .< work and trimming. 677-655 Golden Gate ar., corner of Franklin -8t Phone Park 5922. FOR" sale at a bargain; 5 passenger. 1907 \u25a0 Mltch- ;; «-ll touring , car, \u25a0in -good condition. Box 2810, ;. ' Call \u25a0 office, v. - . .-. ; ;• . ; .', > -: \u25a0 '07 RAMBLER runabout. Just overhauled at cost vof $200; a bargain at $400. A. C. HULL. 192- . 194 12th st. Oakland. . ', t • : v ' - \u25a0 SECOND: HAND cars -bought, sold and exchanged, \u25a0 or money loaned for short term on all automo- \u25a0 biles. "Valencia * Garages Inc.; 611 , Valencia st. $2,000— -Automobile ;;"4s- horsepower; 1 seat; mod- ;\u25a0 \u25a0•'. em I equipment; : . only | used a ; abort i time. J C. ,W. FISHER, C6O Market st. V • - : WHlTE ' steamer runabout ; \u25a0 iv' good \u25a0 condition. ' \u25a0. Can , be ' Been-at ' ssl Franklin st.,' Oakland.' .-, - THE • Pacific /Aluminum Repair \ Works can braze vyour . broken-a luminum (castings.: -250 Ash^av. UEALD'S - automobile | school gives -the best : auto on const. ' 425 McAllister st - >\u25a0\u25a0 _^VTJJPE\VWTEnS^A>i> ''SUPPLIES rV- MONARCH: Visible. Typewriter— ln the Monarch .. Visible" Typewriter, all the^writing is In full ;\u25a0-: sight , all \u25a0 the ..time; : other makes, second-hand." ." very reasonable prices ; ; we rent, - repair , and :% inspect ; before % purchasing :• ring :up Douglas : 4113, or call at :W7> Bush st' T, ""VVOLF &.ISENBRUCK. Dealers. ! \u25a0\u25a0 /'.':'.. ; \ '•'.' • - : }^'l^ ;-. " .' -,"-' •'-.. ' .;... . ,- TYPEWRITER at a sacrifice: L. C. Smith' risible !•;' machine ; - No. 2 .- mcdel ; '\u25a0 excellent - condition ;, i -typewriter '-. desk: . goes - with machine."' Box J-12C44," Call offlce • \u25a0 -\u25a0 [SPECIAL rental rates: rebuilts. second hands," at bargains;! supplies,"! repairs. * desks. -. ALEXAN- cfcDER & CO., 512 Market St.; tel. Douglas 2157.. BRAND new.Vlslble,' s4o, v Sun No.: 2; other makes ,r~. cheap. \u25a0 Pacific Typewriter Co.? 107 Montgomery.' ; N"E W."- and I second i hand typewriters \ bought and : "Fold, > rented.*; repaired;^ guaranteed, \u25a0 SMITH '- ; nßOS.r<4tari3th-st.\H)altland>-pho*e Oak' 12. '^WANTED-T-In ; every J'city 1 a"nd 5 town/* men to hin-* .v-; die * our .= new :>\u25a0; invention » tori portable - furniture ;and fixtures; -a 'bis .money, maker for any one ".•: handy -with . tools; -. Just: out^ - Call ; at aampls i : room, -118411 1B41 \u25a0 Post st, -, S. X, Cal; ; " \u25a0•;' ' ' : '..BUSINESS CHANCES— Conilnncd A— GLOBE REALTY COMPANY, - ' Business Brokers, . 211 Pacific building. San Francisco. . Phone Douglas 4317. Sso Broadway, corner 7th st. Oakland. Phones— Oakland 2X13. Home A 2213. CIGAU STAND; $000; located on live transfer corner. Market St.; swell, up to date fixtures; pood stock, fine trade: does not depend on ma- chlne play. See GLOBE REALTY CO. NEWS depot, cigars, postcard*, laundry offlce, baggage depository, Sl.HOO; opp. Ferry bniid- mfj: large stock: swell fixtures; clears $300 monthly: disagreement partners cause sale. - See GLOBB CO. PARTNER — $125, for well paying lunch counter, water front, S. F.; clears $200 monthly; es- perience not required. See GLOBE CO. HOTEL AND BAR. $3,000f Al location. Oak- . land; long established; large - barroom: 24 rooms: 15 boarders; bar receipts $30 dally; rent $S5; long lease. SEE GLOBE CO. PARTNER— S2OO for established, well adver- t ised and ap to date business; experience not necessary, but you must be a hustler; will • make you good money from start. See *\u25a0 GLOBB REALTY CO. FOR bargains and quick sales see ,GLOBK REALTY COMPANY. N 211 Pacific building, San Francisco. • 80b Broadway, corner 7th st. Oakland. GILLIES & MAGNUS. BUSINESS BROKERS. 1028 Market st. near Taylor, room 22. \u25a0 Telephone Market 1400. NO CHARGE FOR LISTING A BUSINESS. RESTAURANT and 7 room furnUh^d flat, lo cated In Western addition; prii-e $700. or will sell restaurant atone for $4.".0; completely equipped: a bargain. GILLIES A MAGNUS. SALOON — Located best part of. Mission; doing a good business; hall for dances, banquet*, in conjunction; very cheap rent; long leaae; price $3.C00; easy terms; fixtures worth more than price asked. GILLIES Jfc MAGNUS, 1C23 Market st. MEAT market: established for years; best part of "the Mission; doing over $300 weekly cash . counter business; one of the finest equipped places in the city: owner retiring from busi- ness. See GILLIES & MAGNUS. 102S Market UNITED REALTY COM PAX y"! T~ 948 Market St., room 310 Mechanirs' Bank bldg. CAN SELL YOUR BUSINESS FOR CASH. BARGAIN HUNTERS LOOK AT THESE BARGAINS. Partner for real estate: money no object. . $-«25 — Grocery, fruit, candy and stationery. 3 rooms; rent $20: good business; snap. Bargains in cottages, fiats, timber land all description*, city . •ari-vrnuntry: farm* snap. $950 — Rooming house. $700, saloons, and up. Cottages, flats, frwm $«ort to $12,000. UNITED REALTY CO.. P4* Market St.. r. 310. DRUG STORES FOR SALE- ~ $4,000 — Fine store, clean stock and good busi- ness In San Francisco; also one at $2,500, $3,000. $3,500; drug stores in Berkeley. San Jose, Pescadero and in Lake country, Humboldt county, Sonoma county, and others; also a splendid offer In a thriving town In Oregon for $6,500: If you are looking for a business, or have one for sale, communicate with us; over 50 years' experience in the drug trade in California. THE F. A. WECK REALTY COMPANY. 2510 Sbattnck ay.. Berkeley. CaL SALOONMEN. ATTENTION. Corner saloon, heart of wholesale district; good business; low rent; lease; class A build- ing: owner leaving for Seattle, and place has been left on our bands to sell at any prioe: rent paid; license O.K; $2tt): make' offer: best proposition in the city. COLEMAN. 830 Market st. . COME and see us separate and save FLOUR GOLD from any kind of sand or gravel; an in- vention, new. novel and neck and neck with progress; a revolution in placer mining; com- pany Just forming. 948 Market St.. room 421. PARTNER wanted in express, transfer and stor- age business: old established; $20 to $30 per woek each: Une chance for voting man: $350 cash required. UNION INVESTMENT CO.. 532 Market st. NAPA — Good paying and profitable business for sale; all cash trade; located in center of busi- ness section of town; fine large store; lease; will Inventory -about $7,000. MOUNT & SON. Napa. Cal. FOR SALE— "The Book of a Thousand Nights and One Night"; limited edition; literal trans- lation; unexpurgated: 15 volumes; gilt top, deckled edges; cost $73, price $50. Address . box 2708, Call offlce. COME and see us separate and save FLOUR GOLD from any kind of sand or gravel: "an In- vention, new. novel and neck and neck with progress; a revolution in placer mining: coui- pany Just forming. 948 Market st. room 421. GRAND' opportunity for steady man as partner willing to do light work in established mfg. business and satisfied - with at . least $35 a week; experience unnecessary; only $200 cash required. Apply mi Market st. room 4. FOR sale— Business capable of earning from $40 to $80 a day: buyer can take poogession with ! $500 cashr balance of $750 on easy terms; good reasons* for selling. • Apply 5650 Marshall st., Oakland. • . - - $150. with services, \u25a0 secures to a steady man a half interest In -a business established for years: wfll pay $75 to $100 per month each; experience unnecessary. 90ft Market st.. r. 7. WANT to meet person who will Invest $500 or more in clean, square mining deal: very little money required; biz pmflts guaranteed. Ad- dressbox 2525. Call office. ESTABLISHED hair dressing parlor wants 'partner; .small capital required: will teach partner the business. Romoua Hair Dressing Parlors. 303-304 Westbank bldg.. S3O Market. GOOD corner grocery and liquor store for sale: cheap on account of other business to attend •to; with a lease; .3 living rooms. Box 2932. Call offlce. j . - FINE INVESTMENT OR SPECULATION. Lake co. mineral spring resort for sale or trade; large, steady patronage: splendid mineral wa- J ters: fine location. 1360 Wood st. Oakland. FOR sale — Commercial hotel: established 20 years; 200 miles from S. F.; table license; worth Investigating; price $6,500; terms. D. BARTON. 224 Monadnock bldg. $375— Half interest In up to date sausage fac- tory; 6 years' lease; net reilt $5 month; bar- . gain right party; we make pure sausages ac- cording to pure food laws. W.H.5.C0.,2109 Mkt ADVANTAGES IN INCORPORATING YOUR BUSINESS ARE MANY AND IMPORTANT. CONSULT REX CO.. 621-C22 Shrrve bldg.. ex- pert promoters and corporation attorneys. - $500- ; -Partner ' wanted in plumbing, tinning and light store; plenty work; experience unneces- sary if willing to learn: handy man with tools preferred. Address 3642 16th st FOR sale — A good newspaper route In a good district in this city. Apply to J. R. LE*. HART. circulation department. S. F. Call. SALOON for sale: $1,600; good corner, with liv- ing rooms; good cause for selling. Box 2504 Call offlce. FOR sale or trade — Restaurant and lunch coun- ter In Salinas: doing a good business. A. E. 2SAXDBO, 37 Fountain st. San Jose.' Cal. j $150 buys a nice little ICE CREAM AND CANDY STORE; rent $15. WINSTON & CO.. 237 PA- CIFIC BUILDING. Market and 4th st». WANTED — $1,000 in business that will pay $25 weekly; worth ' Investigating; lady pre- ferred.- Box 4953. Call offlce. . ; FINE -business location; transfer point; 3 car- lines; suitable for cigars, candy, news stand. 1907 University ay.. Berkeley. WANTED— Man with $600 to take a third inter- est. with employment, rich placer claim. See MARKLEY & CO.; 1236 Broadway. Oakland. STORE for sale;. main part of town; selling on account of sickness. 1212 Fruitvale ay.. Fruit- rale. - GOOD - corner saloon for ' sale; cheap. Inquire SE. cor. 10th and Mission sts. ,»t' . PARTNER In small restaurant wanted. 1370 Foisom st. . \u25a0-.- \u25a0 ' - \u25a0> . SMALL' restaurant for sale. 1159 Foisom st. AN est," paying manufacturing business for $223; Investigate. 217 Church st ' RESTAURANT for sale at a sacrifice, account . sickness ; low rent. - 1129 - Polk st PARTNERSHIP— Have $1,000 to Invest in any . . kind of business. " \u25a0_ Box 2812.- Call , offlce. PARTNER with $1,2W,- safe cash business- snap; investigate. Box 623. Call. Oakland. FULTONt st, 2422— Flat of » or 4 rooms and bath: rent for 3 Si s: 4. $17.50: McAlll»ter car I.OnUL\(i Ii()U»ES KOU .s.UK . n: n. wi.vston & co.. '\u25a0 HOTELS. ROOMING HOUSES. APARTMENT \u25a0-\u25a0 ' •' HOUSES, FLATS. ROOM 257; PACIFIC BLDG.; Market and 4th - Tel. Douglas BS«,. Established 17 Years. ..- \u25a0 . ..-Bank References.. '.-• 31 "ROOMS; reduced: from $2.SCO to $1,000; only $500 c*sb, balance >asy payments: fine tran*- . lent location; would exchange "for lots in city - or ucar^San, Francisco: owner-- would assume .-small, mortgage.. t WINSTON* CO.- ;,'. - APARTMENT HOUSE containing 73 rooms- 2 ;-.: and <3 ; room ; apartments ; " suine single I room* • reut.only #4.40 per room: , situated on down - .- town prominent corner: .BRAND NEW FURvr TURK AND CARPETS: reduce^ from $0 000 to , $3.0u0. WINSTON & CO. :.- i^.uw 10 r A. -CAMERON & CO., ! ~" 714 MARKET : ST..', MAGEE BUILDING \u25a0Opposite The Call. •"\u25a0•, Room 3Ul— Phone Douglas 4379. " Where; Best Bargains Are Found Jn Hotels *;\u25a0 t Apartment and : Lodging ..Houses, Flats. .' SACRIFICE— This elegantly furnished rlty hoteL 100 choice rooms, cost $14,000 to furn.- ke*ps -.\u25a0full of people; partners disagree; offer wanted SNAP— Flne'cor. house.-- 20 rooms;rent only $75- - good ft;*.; clears $S0; leaTlng city; $730 . * BARGAIN— This exceptionally well furn. 'house- . 55 .; rooms, 20 private baths; atl - full: \u25a0 offer j^-vranted. . .-. ' \u25a0-.'" -, \u25a0-.\u25a0.-.• 4 W.iNTED^-Dinins room or Iwardins house; must l>* good business place and reasonable pnc>. KRKPO.'*>7 3d st. 40 LARGE, light, elesantly fur. coruer lioose.T full of steady roomers; nothing better ; clears * $200 month; bargain. , KREDO. S7 od st. $323 — M rooms and bath: good location: rent .$3O; 2 years', lease; $300 cash deposit oa lea«* can ro with honae: nick. - 210» PALACE KOSHERJgjVjirVg ROOM . 431 Kearny st. bet. i'ine and Cal.— The BEST HOME COOKING. Hungarian style: wedding parties >»afer«»il to: y»rf»fTpflon gnaragtefq : __ V DRESS MAKING ANNULWCKMENT. Steele's Pleatin? antt Button W^rka. now at 2C2 Klli* s.t.: phone Franklin 45C1. MACIWWELL'S Dres* .Mak'nj; and Millinery \u25a0.School. 121 Oeary »t. near Grant a». Oakland oi£rv. 10) * W:>yhingtof>. Paft°rii-» (rat to order. FREIGHT FOBWARDI-VO A— KEDL'CED rutis for «L:p!>ias household goods. EAST AND WEST JUDSOX FREIGHT AND FOHWARDIXG CO.. Room CIX) I'-iriSi* Mdg. : nticne Kearny 2579. am> ro\Tn,\cTi^c^_^ WE furnish plans (free; and also lots and build homes :i;jy where: o:sn or terms. Address i. H. YOUXY;. builder.. 1249 Park at. Alame4«. BRICK WORK ra all Uh I>r;«i.en«-s: Iwst rates. M. V. MOWIiKAY. W* r>yv!-';id»»rw: Wwt 702 V. IIOME^UJLDETtS NO MONEY REQUIRED. If yoa own a lot 1 will build you a hone oo easy torms. FELIX MARCUSB. 1M Sntter wt. I*AIXTI\« A>O^PAPIEU^IIA>GIXO^^ PAINTING in all brmoefec* paper hanging. Unt- lng, plastering repaired: send for estimate. JAS. P. HUNTER. 1701 Geary: tel. West 5653. GOOD wall paper furnished and nuns 20c a roll; also- painting and tinting done reasonably; all work guaranteed. I'hom- Wfl SOI2. AAAA— LE CLAIR VACUUM CLEANING CO.. 62 Post, room 320; pbone Don^las 2671 — Dust- less cleaning of carpet*, nijs. draperies, furni- ture and beddlas. WITHULT REMOVAL. AA— CONSOLIDATED CLEA MNG AH PA RAT 1 5» CO.. 441 Ist ay. ; phone Pacific lUls— Carpets, rugs, draperies. -etc.." cleaned at home without dust, trouble or notae: estimates furnlabed. ALL carpets and ru?3 cleaned on the floor with- out remoTal by S. F. CO.MPRKSSED .tV"" CLEANING CO. Of9ce. 24 Montgomerj st|^ ptione Kearny 5332: shop lKtb &. San Brnao ?ir. AA— National Carpet Ch-auias Works: largest oa coast: laying and altering a specialty. Hamp- ton & Baley. 344-34* Church st. Market 189. VACLTM carpet cleaning, dustiest, without re- moval; lowest prices. Phone Douglas 4<5X5 for estimate. ~ 3c yd.— For the Uest Carpet Beating — 3c yd. Phone Market 2-6-2. F. A. Rice. ISOS Harrison. 3e yd. — Carpets Cleaned at Right Prlce^ — 3c yd. WHEN you become- disgusted with i>oor work send your carpets to J. SPAULDINO & CO.. 889 Golden Gate a-». ; telephone Market 643. STERLING CARPET CLEANING WORKS— 3c yard. 230 Vermont st: tel. Park <X) 25. GARNIE & BERNSTEI.VS carpet cleaning works. 3133 ltitb st. nr. Valencia; pbone Market 5001. MATHEWSON'S Carpet Beatics Works. 315 East 12th St.. Oakland. Tel. Merritt 505; Bltaj. Save Money — Best cleaning aud laying now 8e yd. Phone us. Market 22*9. Gisslow, 3SOS 22d st. WATTS — Reliable carpet cleaning; alterations; renovat. : laying. SCO DeTisa<iero. Ph. Park 560. ADVANCE Carpet Cleaning Co. — Advanced Meth- ods. GEORGE WALCOM CO.. 637 Turk st CONKLIN BROS., carpet cleaning and laying. 2400 Oeary st. oorner Hater. Phone West 9S. I'PHOLSTERIXG SUNSET Carpet Cleaning Works. 1215 Valencia; PHONE MARKET 6170. First ctast work. AXD JIIOVINC VANS BEKINS VAN AND STORAGE CO.. Fireproof Warehouse. 13th and Mission sts.; tel. Market 13. WILSON BROS. (Inc.) — Moving and storaae. Cor. 14th and Sanchez sts.. 1 block from Mar- ket and Fillmore st 3. cars; phone Park 27L A— PACIFIC STORAGE AND VAN CO.— Brick warehouse. 2322 Fillmore st; tel. West 2628. PIERCE-RUDOLPH Storage & Moving Co.. Main offlre. Ed.iy and Fillmore: tel. West 828. KEYS furnished at factory prices. Key Works. E.V> Flay st.r phone Oakl.imt 8717. A 2574. ROOFING ROOFS, any kind, repaired, painted. A. HILL- MAN. 503 F. 12th st..' Oakland. Drop postal. BATTAX FURNITURE WE MAKE handicraft furniture and baby caprj riaeesi. Pacifii- Coast Rattaa Co.. «C 1 V*n Nessi." EVGRAVIXti ~ WEDDING Invitations; 100 for $.1.50; visitlag • cards. -50c. Greenlnffer Enc. Co.. 1114 Geary st. JAPAXESE I.Ai;\PKIES JAPANESE laundry; waist and curtain spectal- Ist Ashai Lnnndry . 14<)t Sifitt: West *I2nfi. XJDOWJiIIA. DES_ Advance Window Shade Faotorr — Bamboo, porch sbadea in all sizes. GFJ>. WALCOM. 837 Turk. GAS EXGIXES_ MINING hoists, stationary and portable engines, gas, distillate or crude oil. WESTERN GA3 ENGINE CO.. 4«1 Market st. X. S. U. motorcvi-lea; call and see the 3^ Up. with magneto, $2UO: l!Ktf> N. S. U. 7 bp. tricar. 2 speed magneto, fan cooled, etc. L. L. M. . SALSBURY. coa^t agent. 9€s Broadway. Oafc- land. nr ."12 ><an l'ablf> ay.. Oakland. ; ACCqtXTA.VrS • AUDITS, s.rstems, special Investigations. . COOP- ER. 605 Kamm bldg.. 717 Mkt: Kearny 5938. JOHN R. RUCKSTELL. C. P. A.. 306-308 Clans Spreckela <Cali> bldg. I*ftone Kearny 4151. i .XOTAH^PI'DUC MARK LANE. Notary Public and Commissioner of Deeds. 24-> Bush st. : phone Temp. 2539. UNDER McEncrney act: complete, $33. Tltla Co.. OSt-3 .\tonnrmocb MJg.. M and Mkt. sts. A — M. IIAKRIS. pension and patent attorney, 34 Ellis St.; references, the many thousands for whom I hava secured pensions: 21 years' prac. DETECTIVES West Coast Detective Agency (licensed, bonded*: conducts eases secretly: cor. confidential. 334 Flllmore. Tel. Park 5556. T. C. GRAY. Prfta "^C^f* AA— DIVORCE; Costs. $12;' qiuck. quiet; advico free; no charge unless successful; title to real estate restored; bankruptcy;- probating of estate: gen, practice. 1028 Market st; r. U. ADVICE free; divorce custs $12; aU cases; dam- . ages, collections, - labor liens. Room . 607. Westbank bldg.. 830 Market: opea >ye. . DIVORCE laws, anaulmrnts. dauaagea. estates; consultation free on, all legal matters; opea evenings. «43 Market »t. cor. Mason, rm. 308. AT QUICK-- and divorce «Jor $20; opea evenings. 1122 Market at nr. 7th. room 31. LANGAN &. MENDENHALL; 2IU. Bacon bldg Oakland. Phone Oakland 1131. HARRIS & HESS, attorney* at law. W T Hess. Notary Public. Itootn TII2. Call bldg. attorney at law. 831 Jackson st. Oflklayu;. . 4'fvnsiiitH tlrvn - fr***>- nnen *»v«*ninff» DEWEY.' STUOXiJ & CO.— Viixaiea'lS^rV^ .\u25a0• and - foreign patents; inventors' guides; 100 mechanical movements free. 1 105 Merchants* Exchange hMg.. San Franciacp. i J. RICHARDS-— '-Satae-olil stand" since 1S8O; 1 cnuinevr pateat a tturnfy; domestic and for- i ctgn biiHiiH-sM. 24 California at. •CARLOS P. GRIFFIN, late examiner U. S. pat- ent offlce. 1201-2 Metropolis bajjk. Patents ' . txailewmarfca and cop.vrfghta. Tel. Kearny 4513. FRANK P. MEDINA^ patent atty.. of Medina * Grifan, dissolved, remains -at old address, 813 _^Cair bid?.: patents, tradegmarks. . copyrights. IHARBY C.-SCHUOKUER. U. S. and foreign pa c- > ents. 415 First Nat, bk..- Oakland, tel. O. 3373. . SONTAG Patent Asreary— Established ISOO Bal- »w» H'lt..'i-«r. Marltft unit 2d sta.. 10th floor. SOME PEOPLE DON'T LIKE US. We e»t tb« moaeyfor you. INTERSTATE ADJUSTME>iT * L.\W ASSN.. 613 Pacific bldg~ a.^. BXT , WALTER'S LAW & COLLECTION dFiTi .- .i BAI> TEXA~sVs^j^lJXTlsir BILI-S and notes . roll«>ct«d \u25a0 tenant^TwfXT -FRED J. SCHMIDT. M, rt ,t N £ and Ibl^ . Coatlaaed t© Arxt Paso *