Newspaper Page Text
A— PAUL GERSON DRAMATIC SCHOOL— Largest training nchool of acting In America; position secured; 6 months' graduating course; catalogue. Countryman bidg.. 915 Van Ness. A— THE LYCEUM. 2590 Pine St.. prepares for unlvers.ty or any examination. Open during semmer; 6 teachers; moderate rates; here yon save time and money. "J" JO vm.M S;S ;v D?D ?f EW r co - CHIX <» SCHOOL and NORMAL CLASS. High school, all branches. Prep, for college, teachers 1 exams., civil serv- i—boratory courses. Day, eve. 943 Van Ness. ASSAYING: : pedal commercial course In Span- ish, telegraphy, civil and electrical englneer- icg. mining, etc. HEALD'S. 425 McAllister st. DANCING-FINDLAY'S. 3241 16th St., ballroom or rtage; adults Monday and Friday evenings; private lessons daily: open every evening. ENGINEERING— Civil, electrical, mining, mech.. survey, assa.v, cyanide; day, eve.; est. 1564. **n der Kalllen school, 51st and Tel.. Oakland. SINGING end piano lessons; French method, v&.ch is taught in conservatory of music. Parlt : twice weekly $20 a month. 3257 21st st. THE BERLITZ SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES— 2531 Washington st. near Fillmore; eend for circular. ££&?l£_l A> ' n FR ENCH simplified. PROF. DE FILIPPE. graduate Paris. Madrid. 1212 Geary st. SPANISH or French simplified; accurate transla- "on*, any l»ng. Prof. Hidalgo. K3O Market st. I'REEMAN COACHING SCHOOL-Ulgh school university. West Point. Annapolis. S.M Baker. PROF. G. MANSFIELD, teacher of violin, man- OQlln and guitar. West SS3I; 1706 Geary st. SPANISH AND FRENCH simplified. PROF. DE FILIPPE, graduate Paris. Madrid. 1212 Geary. I'ROF. T. A.- ROBINSON, Individ, iastr. math.. book keeping. Eag.. etc. ; day, eve. 507 Haight. KINGNALDA Normal Institute Mod. I-nngu«ue»; UDiv. prep. 1350 O'Farrell. Phone West Sl6O. •JANCING— PUCKETTS SCHOOL. Classes Mon.. Frl.: granite* Wed. Church and Market sts. . — _ ___ JS3ES! x J_!?_L£2i^iESss-._ ~™^ A — Metropolitan Business College— l4S>o Market at Van Nes<». Reduced rates. 6 months. $.'*>. A SELECT school. Merrill-Miller College, Day and evening. T33 Flilmore st. MUNSON Scbool of Shorthand; priv. instruction; da- and evening. Whitney Mdg.. 133 Geary. BOYD shorthand; easily completed in 2 months; book keeping, arlth.. writing., 915 Van Ness. ALL court reporters recommend Gallagher-Marsh Business College. 1256 Market st. SAN FRANCISCO Business College, now located »r 733 Flllroore iir. Haves: Any and evening. — — - DENTISTS ! __ ' BOSTON PAINLESS DENTISTS. 73» Market St.. • cknowledged to be the easiest and best paia- l**s extraction In S. F. Full set cf teeth, $2; po'.a crowns. $2; silver fillings. 50c. All work guaranteed 20 years. Open dally tiU 9 p. m. I»R. M. A. BROWN, manager — Chicago Dentsl Parlor. Uearny «n<! Geary; pistes $5; filling 50c: crowns. $3; bridge work. $5. All work painless and warranted 10 yesrs. DR. C. W. DECKER. Pbeisn Hdg.. rooms 308- 9 10. 760 Market ft.: phone Kearny 1630. KETCH, DR.. 1990 Satter— Fillings 50c, crowns $3; brldifworV ; gas given: open evenings. DR. IRA G. LEEK— AII kinds of dental woric. M 5 Fillmore st. near Oak. DR. U. G. BARTLETT. extracting specialist, re- moved to 323 Geary cor. Powell; Douglas 4300. HILL. DR. LUDLUM. 432 Webs (now Mulrhead _hldg.l. Market. Hures and Larkin: ens clren. PHYSICIANS A— DR. _...> MRS. DR. PIERCE, world re- nowned Fpeciaiists for WOMEN; our treatment is pleasant, safe and cure; you can pay a little down. Suite W>2. Westbank building. 820 Mar- ket st. cor. Ellis; 10 to S; Sundays 12 to 1. L»E. MAR DON. the noted doctor of Chinese em- pire, now at 768 CUy st.. £. i-\. with knowl- edge Inherited through 7 generations, cures all ailments human system is subject to by means ef teas, carefully selected berbs; consultation free. CHINESK DR. YOUNG & CO.— Specially lm- ported berbs. remedies; cures all chronic dis- eases, female troubles; consultation free. C 32 Kearcy. DR. WONG HIM— HERB DOCTOR. Permanently located. 12CS O'Farrr-11 st. bet. Gough and Octavla. DR. THiELE. the specialist, returned to city. Office. 1732 Geary st. near Fillmore. MEDICAL AA— ATTENTION. LADIES! DR. NORTH. 1C25 Market St.; tel. Park 5941. World Renowned Specialists for Women Only. No Delays or Disappointments. Relief Guaranteed. By Moct Scperior Painless Methods Known to Medical Science. Host obstinate cases treated; utmost privacy; bsve no hesitancy If in need of my services; sbaolateiy harmless. Low fees. By consulting an eminent specialist you save time and money. All female complaints cured. Advice free. 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. end 6 to 9 p. m. DR. ABBOTT. 1r..%0l r ..%0 ELLIS ST.. NEAR FILL- MORE— HONEST. RELIABLE, SCIENTIFIC TREATMENT GUARANTEED IN ALL DIS- ORDERS OF WOMEN. His thoroughly ANTISEPTIC methods Insure absolute safety from Infection. LB(sy physician to consult with If desired. Hours. 10 a. m. to 9 p. m. : Sundays. 10 to 2. AA— DR. F. A. ROBERTS. 143S ELLIS ST. NEAR WEBSTEK. reliable epecUHst for fe- male COMPLAINTS and IRREGULARITIES. INSTANT RELIEF. Advice free. Fees low. Private sanitarium. Hours 10 to 8; Sundays 10 to 2. SANDERSON'S Savin and Cotton Root Pills. enly sure remedy for DELAYED PERIODS; by mall $2 per box. Address Ayres Drug Co., 11 IS. Van Ness «v. MRS. DR. HOLMS, graduate specialist, cures all female complaints without delay. 744 Turk st. near Van Nr-s> ay. Advice free. Hrs.. 9 to 8. SPECIALIST for ladies; painless relief goaran- teed; p«:d when cured: advice free. MRS. DR. Pim.T.ll'S. 34.12 l:,th St. near Mission. ' CHIROPODISTS DR. DUNCAN. ISO Sutter cor. Kearny. rooms 303-4 — Absolutely cures without pain or draw- Ir.g Mood all foot ailments: corns removed 25c. SANITARIUMS MME. DR. E. SIMON, graduate midwife and electrician; private borne for confinement: term* moderate; 12 to 3 p. m. Fonnexly 1703 Powell et., San Francisco, now 3120 Wasn- ; iagton st.. Fruitvsle; phone Merritt 167. PRIVATE borne for confinement; adoption; best of care. 13-Vi Market st.. Oakland. MATERNITY HOMES S. F. LyTnG IN HOME. 1191 Oak Bt.— Adoption; diseases women and children: confinement ?25. POJPtJLA^RjaEMEDIES^ PILES, PILES— MAC'S INFALLIBLE PILE REMEDY for sli cases of blind, bleeding, itching und protruding piles speaks for Itself; prW 50c. by mall f*tc. A. McBOYLE & CO.. druggists. 504 Washington et., Ban Francisco. RICORD CELKBKATED PREPARATIONS for menV private diseases. Sold only by E. B. JORGENSON. 044 Kesrny Et.. San Francisco. Mall order* a *r»fcialtv. Send for circular. nE^^JJj^OVE^EST "VIA VI SCIENCE OF HEALTH." natural, non- •uryicml; cloth bound 400 page book, free. Ap- ply by mail. 63fl Pine «t- Lectore for women Thursday at 2:30 p. m. Oakland VUvl Co., 824 Central Bank building. TRUSSES _^_ CLARK. CANDION TRUSS CO., specialists: truss fitting: lady att. 1258 G. G. «v. or. Fillmore. CAXfER^JI^TCMOjaS^EAT!:D^ IN from 1 to 4 minutes with hypodermic needle method; cure guaranteed. MADAM L. F. LAMB, residence and office. Uklsh. Cal. CATARRH^ JINjn^DEAPNESS^ A I -SO ear noises positively cured; 1 week rfee. DR. OOTTINGHAM. l»90 Sutter st.: br». 10-4. RECTAL DISEASES PILES, fistula, etc., cured without knife or loss , of time; no salve proposition. THOS. J. KIS- VER. M. D.. lft3ll ft 31 Fillmore st. near McAllister. DOG ASn CAT HOSPITAL FINEST equipped; animal* boarded; ambulance fum.: fpecisl rates. 1371 Fulton. West 8312. MATRIMONIAL GENTLEMAN (33) French, well educated. In- dependent income, tired of wandering around the world, wishes to meet lady between 30 and 40 with nome means; object matrimony; no trlflers. Box 2565, Call office. W\NTED — The acquaintance of an honorable lady between 25 and 3S worthy of the confi- dence and esteem of an industrious «nd up- right man. Box CSG. Call office. Oakland. YOUNG man with $1,000. kind, quiet, lovable dlfpotJtion wants acquaintance with person of the name kind; object matrimony. Address box 2022, Call office. WANTED— A lady between 20 and 30 year*, of „ brunette type. Apply Society Lady. 232% -^liollls St.. Oakland. ._ - - -\u25a0'- \u25a0 \u25a0" SANEST men and women seeking life mates can find their Ideals at 252V4 Holiis. Oakland; ln- formatloo, 25c. SOCIETY LADY. 1)0 not tt deceived; the only reliable matrl- tnonle l Lureau you will find at MRS. A. WOL- TEB'S, 17C2 Geary et.; established In 1930. AAA— WIGS MOVED WIGS j To ISO 9 Flllmore st. near Sutter. G. LED- ERER, gentlemen's private wig department, 2271 California st. near Webster. Mr. Lederer in charge. My wigs and toupees defy de- tection; I guarantee every one I make; I make them ventilated and porous; perspira- tion don't affect them; private gentlemen's wig department upstairs. Mr. Lederer in charge. Hair desslng, dyeing," etc., by specialists only; large stock of bair goods on band; mall orders receive prompt attention. Lederer'B Qulntonica Hair Tonic stops hair falling. Es- tablished 1866. MME. FRANCINE, greatest European authority on beauty culture; most scientific skin treat- ment, which makes you 15-20 years younger; wrinkles removed entirely; city refs. 626 16th st. cor. Grove. Oakland: phone Oakland 7511. THE Arnold Vibrator Co. has opened a demon- strating parlor and salesrooms at 627-629 Phe- lan building; free demonstration at your home or our' office. Phone Douglas sft4. ! MRS. L. E. HARTMAN. M. T. D., electro 6pe-. ciallst for utomach and nervousness. Whitney building, 133 Geary si.; open Sundays; Doug- las 517. ISHAM'S MINERAL WATER— For stomach, kld- ne.vs, etc. Now sold at the Emporium. L. H. BRADFORD & CO.. C2S Mont. St.. Dlst. Agta. ANY amount on real estate, first or second mortgage; no delay; low rates. O. W. BECKER. 705 Monadnocfc bidg.. 681 Market. USE Bassett's. the original native herbs, for rheumatism, constipation; 50 tablets for 25c, in black boxes, at all druggists. UNCALLED for suit*, overcoats and trousers at less than cost at CHAS. LYONS', the London tailor. »32 Flilmore bet. Ellis and O'Farrell. MAGNETIC MASSAGE — MRS. HOLSHOUSKR, tel. Doug. 4440; 351 Pacific bidg.. 4tb and Mk. ELECTRIC vibration health massage. Mrs. L. Johnson, 594 10th st. cor. Jefferson. Oakland. GRADUATE masseuse, MRS. HELEN DERBER, electrical treatment. 2024 Sotter. P. West 8802. MISS WALLACE. EASTF.RN MASSKUSE: baths; 124 Turk. r.-210. Ist fl.. rear; 11-10; open Sun. MISS IDELL. general agent Van's Mexican Re- storative for pray hair or dandruff. 1906 Sutter GOLDSTEIN CO.. theatrical and masquerade cos- tcn:es; sue. to Jahn, costomer. S2l Van Ness. Sanitarium treatment.-maSsage; ladles and gnts. Apt. 23. St. Mungo bidg.: 1200 G.G. ay.: S-10. ON furniture, planoc, etc.; Reliable Loan Co., 705 Monadnock blilc. OSI M»r'.;et st. APOPTIOX ADOPTION — Good home for pretty, blue eyed baby girl, 1 to 2 years. Address MRS. L. I.E4GH. 1127 Stanford ay.. Oakland. WANTED— A Imby boy, large light blue eyes; trool home. MRS. N. DWYER. Emeryville. Confidential Maternity Villa— lnfants adopted.Dr. K. FT'NKE. 1416 Sth St.: phone lf.S2. Alameda. jrLAIRVOVAXTS^ MME. ECGENrE, mcd. mem.. O. R. A., palm, ocrnlt canl reader: reveals facts. 1465 Valencia. MME. STARR, -clairvoyant and pa'tnist. 1241 Proml\rnr. OtiUnnii. Truth or no nsv. ________SPIRIT V ALI SM _^_ A A— MRS J. J. WHITNEY, ordained trance spiritual medium; consultation daily at her home $1: by letter. 4 ques. $1. 1164 O'Farrell. HATTIK BUS WELL, ordained spiritualist; read- ings. lessons, circles every night. 1359 Web- ster st. near O'Farrell. CUTTING. REV. F. R.— Spiritual medium: read- ing »to .1 daily: circle Friday. 2517 V4 Sacra- mento st. near Flllmore. MRS. L. H. KINNAIRD. ordained medium: con- eultation daily, 10-4; circles Sun., Mon., Wed., Fri.. Bp. m. sharp. 1439 Fillmore st. t , A— MISS M. WILLE. ordained Spiritual adviser and crystal reader, can be consulted on all matters daily, 10 to 8. 13&9 O'Farrell st. . REV. S. SEAL, spiritual minister; consultations daily; officiates marriages, funerals. 786 McAl. DR. HOWLAND'S 25c circle tonight; 50c read* Ings today. 1230 FUlmore st. *.'(-'^ m*l^. PALMISTRT^*? CALIFORNIA'S oldest palmist and card reader; 25c. 50c. $1. «13 Broadway. Oakland. INVESTMENTS STOCKS. AND BONDS FOR QUICK SALE. $1,000 Ocean Shore R. R. bonds at $625.00 1.000 shares Four Metals M. & S. Co. at .40 I,fKM» Pacific Fruit Cooling and'Vap. at.. .30 1.000 shares Allegheny Mining Co. at.. .25 I.o*lo shares Cal. Pressed Brick Co. at.. .27 1.000 shares Ramona Oil Co. at 20 l,no<> Prrvoleauie Channel Gold M. Co. at .08 1,000 Hyu Chikamin Gold M. & D. .09 10 enures (his pus Rubber Plan. Co. at 28.00 Address 474 Monadnock bidg., San Francisco. CAN furnish you ANY unlisted stocks and bonds you may want AWAY' UNDER regular quota- tions; will buy any active stocks If CHEAP; largest dealers on the Pacific coast; corre- epondenee Invited. CHESTER B. ELLIS & CO.. 714 Market st. opp. Call building. $10,000 Oakland Traction 0 per cent preferred stock at best offer over 90. P. O. box 503, Oakland. OCEAN SHORE bonds for sale; price will net 8 per cent. D. F.. BESKCKER. 24S Pacific bidg. FINANCIAL WANTED — To borrow from private party $2,500. : with prlvilece of paying on principal on any interest day; on improved real estate in Palo Alto. Cal. Address box 2fi2o. Call office. "ABBOTT buys bonds" — Ocean Shore, Market st. bank and Cal. safe dep. books. 414 Mar- ket Ft. CAL. SAFE DEP. TRUST ACCOUNTS BOUGHT. P. K. BF.SF.CKF.R 24« PAC'FIC BU>f?. AND BONDS FOR SALE A lII, you buying or telling stocks or bonds? Call on PETTIS & BURBECK. 333 Flrct Na- tlonul Rank bide.. Oakland. MINES AND MINING WANTED — Mining engineer of some experience in gold and silver and quartz mining in Cali- fornia to take charge of a new property; give references and experience. Address box 2814, Call office. WE have t>oo acres oil land, with numerous seepages. Western Information Bureau of Mines and Land. Chronicle building. GOLD, amalgam, rich ore bought: cash; assay- ing 50c. Pioneer Assay Co., 131 stb at., nr. Howard. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$ $ SALARIED PEOPLE'S FRIEND. $$ $ $ $ That is what onr office is to all $ $ $ $ working people. We loan strictly on a $ $ $ $ person's "SALARY"; no lndorser. no $ $ $ 5 eecnrlty. We make loans quickest. $ $ $ $ easiest and charge the lowest in the $ :; $ $ city. YOUR EMPLOYER NEVEU I'll] $ $ KNOWS. f I! $ $ WESTERN LOAN CO.. $ $ $ $ 408 Call building. Sd and Market sta. * $ UOpen 8:30 to 6 p. m. Mon., Wed. and % $ $ Eat. Evenings nntll 8 p. m. $ $ $ $$*$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Mlt. BORROWER: I have lots of money to loan on real estate at the prevailing rates. I get speedy results and want your business. Costs nothing to" come In and talk It over. I need the LENDER in my business.' too. 1 can provide him with a list of good loans right now. I'm building my business on quick and sat- isfactory results. Call, write or phone; it's all the same. Please ask for the loan department when you do. GEO. W. AUSTIN, 1018 Broadway. Oakland. E. H. LOHMANN. Manager Loan Department. AAA— HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO. Get onr terms when about to borrow on FUR- NITURE, PIANOS, HORSES and VEHICLES. We will rave you money. Rooms 357-9 Pacific betiding (8d floor), 4th and Market sts. Pboae Douglas 5263. Oakland office 518-10 First National Bank bidg. AA—— APPROVED REAL ESTATE IiOANS— At 4*4. 5% and C per cent — ———First Mortgages — Any Amount———- Also applications accepted for second mort- gages, estates, undivided Interests, etocks, bonds and building loans. - Gi:O. I). SHADBURNE JR. & CO., 45 Post ft. MONEY loaned on furniture, pianos and other security; lowest rates; must favorable terms In the. city; see others, then see me and be convinced; I will save you money; $2.25 weekly repays $50 loan; phone Market 3029. GEORGE W. MILLER. 3009 16th St.. south- west corner Mission, room 35. , MONEY loaned salaried people and others upon tbelr own name without security: cheapest rates; easiest payments; offices In 66 principal '• cities; sa;e yourself money by getting onr ; terms first. TOLMAN. room 051. Phelan bidg., 6- F.. apd rocm 9. 460 13tn st.. Oakland. - A — New rates, new plans. We loan all salaried people; save money by getting onr rates; your employer and friends never know; private office for ladies. Great Western lnr. Co., Inc., C2l Pbelan bidg.: 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. m. Monday-Satnrday 8 p. in. Phone Kearny 3247. WE gladly loan in sums to suit to salaried per- sons and others requiring ready money upon tbeir OWN promise to repay in 6 months; NO INDORHER; confidential. Phone Douglas 3244. 433 Phelan bidg. (Save for future reference.) $50,000 to loan at 0 per cent on Improved or un- improved real estate or for building purposes In sums of $2,500 and up. LICK LOAN CO. Douglaa 3016. Lick building. 35 Montgomery .st.. room 101. MONEY— MONEY— MONEY . :\u25a0 - -• ANY PROPOSITION. Wage Earners' Investment and Loan Co., 443 Pine, st. SALARY loans; other propositions. • San Fran- Cisco Discount Agency, 411 Pacific building. , THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, FRIDAY, JUNE 11, 1909^ LOAN — Continued HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO.— Loans on FURNI- TURE, PIANOS, etc; low rates; private. 357- 559 Pacific bidg., 4th and Market ste.; phone Douglas 3265. ~ ADVANCES' made on diamonds and Jewelry at . lowest rates; safe deposit vaults; greatest pos- sible care taken. BALDWIN JEWELRY CO.. Vr.n Ness and Sntter. ANY amount; " lowest rates on first . and second mortgages on real estate, legacies, undivided Interests, estates In probate; no delay. R. Mc- COLOAN. 20 Montgomery st., rooms 314-31$. . ANY amount on real estate, first or second mort- gages or any security: no delay; lowest rates. O. W. BECKER. 705 Monadnock. 6SI Market. SALARY loans— Ladies and gentlemen without security; potes and commercial paper bought. 313 Merchants* Ex. bidg.; phone Douglas 1411. ON furniture, pianos, etc. Reliable Loan Co., 705 Monadnock building, CSI Market st. FIRST and second mortgages, estates, legacies, etc. HERMAN MURPHY. 546 Market st. CASH loaned to salaried men on note without In- dorser. MORRELL. 022 Monadnock building. I MAKE real estate loans, any kind, any size. AUSTIN, 1018 Broadway, Oakland. ON furniture and pianos; no removal. TKK- MAIN. rocm Sll. XVi Market next F.mporluro. LEGAL NoVICES IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. IN AND FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO. ERNEST S. SIMPSON, plaintiff, vs. all per- sons claiming any interest in or lien upon the real property herein described or any part thereof, defendants. Summons — Action No. 16674, Dept. No. 7. The People of the State of California, to all persons claiming any interest- in, or lien upou, the real property herein described or any part thereof, defendants, greeting: You are hereby required to appear and an- swer the complaint of ERNEST S. SIMPSON, plaintiff, filed with the clerk of the above entitled court and city and county, within three months after the. first publication of this summons, and to set forth what Interest or lien, if any, you have In or upon that certain k real property, or any part thereof, situated in -the city and county of San Francisco, state of California, and particularly described as fol- lows: - * Commencing at a point on the southwest corner of Duboce avenue and Castro street, in the said city and county of San Francisco, at the point of intersection of the southerly line of Duboce avenue with the westerly Hue of Castro street, running thence westerly along the said southerly line of Duboce avenue ,"52 feet 6 inches, thence at a right angle, southerly 100 feet, thence at a right angle easterly 52 feet 6 Inches to the westerly line of Castro street, and thence northerly . along the said westerly line of Castro street 100 feet to the point of commencement. You are hereby notified that, unless you so appear and answer, the plaintiff -will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint, to-wit. that it be adjudged that plaintiff is the owner of said property in fee. simple absolute; that his title to said property be. established aud qnieted: that the court ascertain and determine ail estates, rights. titles, interests and claims in and to said property, and every part thereof, whether the same be legal or equitable, present or future, vested or contingent, and whether the same consist of mortgages or Hens of any descrip- tion; that plaintiff recover his costs herein and have such other and further relief as may be meet in the premises. Witness my hand and the seal of said court, tblß 4th day of June. A. D. 1900. (Seal) - H. 1. MULCREVY, Clerk. • By JAS. P. KANE. Deputy Clerk. The first publication of this summons was made in the San Francisco Call newspaper on the 11th day of June. A. D. 1909. The following persons are said to claim an interest in. or Hen upon, said property adverse to plaintiff: Arthur A. Smith, trustee, 101 Montgomery St.. San • Francisco. Cal. W. D. Dunning, trustee, 101 Montgomery st., San Francisco. Cal. Savings and Loan Society, a corporation, 101 Montgomery st.. San Francisco. Cal. Geo. F. Lyon, trustee, 630 Market St., Sau Francisco, Cal. , Realty Improvement Company of San Fran- cisco, G36 Market st.. San Francisco, Cal. BOURDETTE & BACON, Attorneys for Plaintiff. -4007-911-13. Call bidg., San Francisco, Cal. WANTED— The evidence of fellow victims against the Pacific Tel. and Tel. Co., as. l in- tend to bring suit. *v. They have done their best to Injure my business by putting into my office a' fraudulent. Individual business tele- ' phone and obtaining my money by false pre- tense. E. N. W'ILLBERG. 708 Turk st. THIS is notice to all that I will not be re- sponalble for any debts contracted by my wife, Harel Dollar. ROBERT STANLEY DOLLAR. PHOPOSALS AND BIDS NOTICE OF LEASING SEAWALL LOT Notice is hereby given that bids will be re- ceived and opened by the Board of State Harbor Commissioners at their office, room No. 19, In the Union Depot and Ferry House, foot of Market street. In the city and county of San Francisco, State of California, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. on Thursday, the 17th day of Jnne, 1909, for letting or leasing by said Board of part of Seawall Lot No. 4, designated as "Subdivision *A.' " Said seawall lot Is situ- ated on the water front of the city and county of San Francisco, and is bounded by Bay, Kearny and East streets. Said property will be let to the highest and best bidder for a term not exceeding twenty- five (25) years, subject, however, to the power of the Board to reject any and all bids and in accordance with printed terms and conditions of lease, to which reference is hereby made, which are on file in the office of the Secretary of the Board, copies of which will be furnished bidders on application to said Secretary. Reference is also hereby made to said printed terms and conditions of lease for a more particular descrip- tion of said part of seawall let No. 4, desig- nated as "Subdivision 'A,' " Bids must set forth the purpose for which said lot shall be used and the bidder must agree that the statement of his bid, if the lease is awarded to him. shall be embodied in said lease, and he must also agree that said lot shall be used only for the purposes set forth In bis bid. W. V. STAFFORD - W. E. DENNISON,' P. S. TELLER. Board of State Harbor Commissioners. W. B. THORPE, Secretary. May 27. 1909. . NOTICE OF LEASING SEAWALL LOT Notice is hereby given that bids will be re- ceived and opened by the Board of State Harbor Commissioners at their office, room No. 19, in the Union Depot and Ferry House, foot of Market street, in the city and county of San Francisco, State of California, at' the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. on Thursday, the 17tb day of June, 1909, for letting or leasing by said Board of parts of Seawall lot No. 4, designated as "Subdivisions B and C." Said seawall lot Is situated on the water front of the city and county of San Francisco, and is bounded by Bay, Kearny and East streets. Said property will be let to the highest and best bidder for a term not exceeding twenty- five (25),- years, subject, however, to the power of the Board to reject any and all bids, and in accordance with printed terms and conditions of lease, to which reference is , hereby made, which are on file In the office of the Secretary of the Board, copies of which will be furnished bidders on application to said Secretary. Ref- erence Is also hereby made to said printed terms and conditions of lease for a more particular description of said parts of seawall lot No. 4, deslcnated as "Subdivisions 'B' and 'C " Bids must set forth 'the purposes for which said lot shall be nsed and the bidder must agree that the statement of his bid. if the lease is awarded to him, shall be embodied In said lease, and be must also agree . that said lot shall be used only for the purposes set forth In bis bid, W. V. STAFFORD, W. E. DENNISON,.. P. S. TELLER, Board of State Harbor Commissioners, W. B. THORPE, Secretary. May 27. 1909. BAY COUNTIES POWER COMPANY BONDS. Notice is hereby given that Mercantile' Trust Company of San Francisco Invites bids for the sale, on the ninth day of July. 1900, of a sufficient amount of first consolidated mortgage five per cent sinking fund 30 year gold bonds of Bay Counties I'ower Company for the invest- ment of twenty -seven thousand nine hundred seventy -one 80-100 dollars ($27,971.80) now in the sinking fund provided for in the mortgage or deed of trust executed by said Bay Counties Power Company to Mercantile Trust Company of San Francisco as trustee under date of Septem- ber 1. 1000. Each bid must state the. serial numbers of the bonds tendered and the price asked and must be delivered to the undersigned trustee at its office. No. 4R4 California St., San Francisco. California, on or before 3 o'clock p. m., July 6. 1909, In a sealed envelope marked "Tender, of bonds of Bay Counties Power Company." Dated: June 10. 1009. MERCANTILE- TRUST COMPANY OF KAN FRANCISCO. R, M. SIMS. Trust Officer. CITY HEAL ESTATE A~NEVV~^~" ——\u25a0-. ~~ - :;..;v- ;> ;v. ARTISTIC HOME. MARINE VIEW. JUST COMPLETED. , . PRICE $7,200. Possessing a charming /Individuality that would be Impossible- but for the large frontage of 37 feet. The -bold and simple lines of the gray cement Is relieved , by.: the white trim- mings. In the living room is an unusual open fireplace of Harvard '\u25a0 brick.;-'-, with ;a unique handmade hood of verdl antique copppr, bor- dered by. ; a l>ookcase and an inviting tavern bench with high Longfellow arms; walls pan- eled with an Imported grass cloth;, celling • beamed;- the dtnlng, room !,!«:\u25a0 in the nouveau period, paneled high, surmounted , by a. pleas- ing frteie; an, admirable buffet , and -the nou- ,'veau spray of ; dining lamps Is ' of. special, do- sign; culinary appurtenances complete, the first ? floor. On "the- second floor are chambers 1 and huth: the dainty: Louis XIV chamber and the craftsman den deserve mention. ' In' thfibase- • ment in .laundry, wine cellar. - toilet." etc' Only $2,000 cash required, balance on monthly pay- ments. Key at : office, which ' is 'near above dwelling.- \u25a0 '\u25a0 >:-\u25a0-;. _ : : K. N. FRITZ. 1 401 Masonic n v. .Open every "day, Including Sunday.' BALDWIN & HOWELL, ' 318-324 • Kearny Et BALDWIN 4= HOWELL, , 31S-324 Kearny st. - (Members of the S. F. Real Estate Board). _ Send for "Our List 1 of property, 1 for, sale. ' $15,500— SPECULATORS AND BUILDERS— - ?;t,OOO profit ; in subdividing this ; IntP 4 lots. Including corner; large picee # faces ;park In select neighborhood; one of the cheapest pieces run- the mar- ket. , •-: w -. - (4832): $20,000— Beautiful NE corner on Washington *t.. Presidio Heights district; 50x127 :5; . marine view embraces" strait,: Slarin- shore, ocean.^bay and city. '\u0084 _\u25a0 $15,000 — Three beautiful fiats of s rooms' and bath-each, facing Duboce square; rents $.150 a month; a clean cut proposition that- should interest you. \u0084 (2701) $6,500 — Corner on pierce st. ; 27:0 feet front :by 110 feet deep; a snap at $6,500; , just the thing for large fiats or apart- ments; fine car service-. - > (4835) ?G,COO — Rents always $63 a month; 2 flat 6 of v 4-5 rooms and bath, close to Broadway s and Larkia st. ; double hay windows; high, light basement;-: stone steps and attractive entrance; a dandy' invest- ment for a careful Investor. - \u25a0 (4899) $6,000—33 feet on Cherry st.; first class . • \u25a0 neighborhood; seldom can you 'buy In this district under $200 a foot. (3041) $5,125— Sunny side Baker gt., not far from Clay; attractive cottage of .6 rooms ! and bath; artistic garden; 'fine car service. -.- (4S88) $2,700- : -Rents $30 a month; can you equal this? House used for business pur- poses; have Just refused offer of $2,500 cash: better get hirpy if you want -it: lot alone worth $2,000. • - (4744) $2,500 — Cheapest lot in city; 25x100, clpse to Stanyan and Carl; Jnst the lot for 2 fiats of 5-lS 'rooms and bath, or a neat home; would sell quickly if Improved Judiciously. \u25a0/- - ' X (4585) $2,100 — Cottage of 4 rooms; street work com- £lete; a cheap buy; close to -30th and lolores. i (4875) $1,100—2 lots. 25x120 each, near A st. . and 19tb aye. Send for "Our List" of property for sale. BALDWIN & HOWELL. 318-324 Kearny »t. PRESIDIO TERRACE- PRESIDIO TERRACE PRESIDIO TERRACE: PRESIDIO TERRACE (First a y - and Washington 'st.)' '. Presidio . . Terrace is - a -' beautiful.' residence park — a plaza, of homes. ; It provides the privacy and wholesome surroundings of • a suburban home right in the heart of San Francisco. It forms a group of artistic homes and home- like, hospitable surroundings. It provides a beautiful outlook over the city and bay. • ' . .- Beautiful winding roadways., noiseless and dustless, and broad, clean cement walks. It provides every street improvement in place right up to the lot line. It provides generous sized lots, allowing ample space around every home for eunshlne and air. It provides trees, flowers and grass in pro- fusion — one grand playground. Mr. M. Fisher is building homes in Presidio Terrace and will gladly call on you, or, you can see him at the property on Sundays between the hours of 11 a. m. and 4 p. m. • \u25a0 . Call or send for illustrated literature, map and price list of this beautiful borne park. BALDWIN & HOWELL, 31S-324 Kearny tit. ENTIRE block. Bth & Sth ays.. A & B »U.\ BEINO BUILT UPON WITH 6 room cottages. $3,900. B room 1% story cottages, $4,000. 6 room 2 story dwellings, $4,600. 7 room 2 story dwellings, $5,400. Flats, $6,250. All on very easy terms. Apply on premises to F. NELSON, builder. Etreets bltuminized. - ~ Turk and Eddy st. cars pass the block. McAllister, Geary, eth ay. and Clement st ears within 2 blocks. : • WE can sell you for a payment of $5 cash and $5 monthly a CITY LOr as low as $250 in the fastest growing district of SAN FRAN- CISCO. This offer will hold for 30 days only. Ideal spot for home and sure investment for speculation. You are taking no chances. Five cents fare, lots on carllne. Three and 4 room new residences as low as $1,000 on payment of » $.10 cash. $18 monthly. McENERNEY TITLE FREE. .. THE MCCARTHY COMPANY, 151 Sutter bK CHANCE of your life— s2,2so; $100 cash; SO feet of frontage; corner lot' on Church it.; level, ready to build: street bltuminized; new ttone sidewalk; McEnerney title; must be sold today only. Owner. 1114 Market st. opp. 7th, fi:3o to 7 p. m.; no agents need apply. FOR sale— Apartment house. $33,500. on terms; 54 rooms; beautiful lawn; lot 83:0x175; new and very latest Improvements; choice location: \u25a0 particulars. Phone West 511. or by letter to ALBERT . WILFORD. 3000 Jackson st. $3, ROrt — Cottage of 5 rooms and bath; also bun- galow on lot: 45x135; Spruce st., Berkeley: $350 each, -3 lots, 2Tixloo, in Bay View tract.i Apply C. S. CAPP & CO.. 2007 Sutter st. HOUSE of 6 rooms and bath; In church st., num- ber known as 1059, between 22d and 23d; owner on premises; will make offer; lot Ssx 117:0. 3 NEW, swell, sunny 6 room up -to date flats, 2S ft. lot, marble steps, vestibule; must be sold; sacrificed for $5,750. •' Owner, on prem- ises, 749 Baker Et. near McAllister; terms. $1,850 for a quick sale; lot. 25xS0; San Carlos bt. between 18th and- lOth; reduced from $2,100. Apply at 2565 Mission st. FOR SALE — $1,700; house, large lot; new. mod- ern Improvements; <\u25a0 easy terms; on carline. Inquire 2722 San Jose ar. 3. A. ADAMS, state licensed and depnty -U. 8. surveyor. 325 | Bnsb st. : phone Douglas 2104. $6,000^ — House, 7 sunny rooms; your terms; Ash- bury Heights dlst. Phone Park 2517. mornings. COUNTRY REAL ESTATE THE BEST THERE IS. 800 acre foothill ranch; 200 acres or more of the best farming land, meadow and green pasture; 7.000 to 10.000 tiers of oakwood; place finely watered by springs and streams; can raise all the alfalfa you wish; 5 room house; milk house, store house, poultry house. 3 barns, blacksmith shop fully equipped; 25 head of No. 1 milch cows, 2 thoroughbred bulls, 5 horses, harness, 3 wagons, 2 mowers, 2 sulkey rakes, 3 plows, harrows and cultiva- tors, lightning hay , press, cream separator; ranch fenced and cross fenced; near school and • creamery: ideal climate; fine place for poultry; 7 miles from good town of 10.000; best market in the Btate. for all farm products; look at this and you will see a big bargain; price $10,000; easy terms, low rate of interest. Country Dent. HOLCOMB REALTY CO., 306 San Pablo ay., ! Oakland, Cal. ' DAVIS BURNBAM COMPANY, REAL ESTATE. 704 Mills Building, San Francisco. HEADQUARTERS TIMBER LANDS IN MEXICO. 300,000 acres white oak. pine, cedar; choice. 150,000 acres white oak,' pine, cedar, ash, ma- hogany. . 380,000 acres pine,, oak, cedar; all well lo- cated. 700,000 acres timber and stock;: 13,500 cattle, horses and mules. - 175,000 acres; Improvements. Price $1.50 per acre; all terms. * • Stock ranches and colonizing lands; all sizes tracts and prices, 30c up. In Mexico and Texas. Particulars at office, or sent. " COUNTRY PROPERTY. A beautiful country home, within i3O minutes of San Francisco; 5 rooms, bath, electric lights; lot 54 by 107 feet; situated In- Burllngame; 7 minutes' walk from S. P. station or 3 minutes from San Mateo electric road; will net 10 per cent at« an Investment; terms, $2,600. Box 1980, Call office. , , GENTLEMAN'S HOME. A splendid ranch of 232 acres, , beautifully lo- cated in the Santa Cruz mountains.; only 2 hours by rail from the city; elevation 1.500 feet; su- perb \u25a0 view \u25a0 of •; mountains and , Monterey bay: many large" and beautiful' redwood trees; old improvements; 100 acres ia prunes and \u25a0 table grapes ; ranch is self-supporting ; good . terms If C. m! •yVOOSTER COMPANY. 702 Market gt. $600 cash will put you In possession of a 10 acre apple orchard; 12 year old trees, in bearing; crop Included, balance in 4 years. \u25a0 3% miles from Napa, 1 mile-lo steam and electric trains -. and river transportation; fine soil; Ideal climate. and beautiful view. • PATTEN LAND CO.. .' • 601 First National Bank Bidg., Market and Montgomery \u25a0 Sts. STOCK KANCH. ' -> v \u0084.;_. One of the best in California; 1,240 acres, near Beckwith, Plumas county; .Western Pa- cific passes through ranch; 2 sets buildings; 5,000. feet elevation; alfalfa and. big buucli grass; soil . hundreds /of feet deep; / n arte- sian wells; will soon double in value; owners old and retiring from business. .Write for nar- \u25a0 tleular*, P. L..~KARBROUGH, Lincoln. Call , WE bate I.OSO acres land. 200 under cultivation. 8 miles from town and railroad: the best com- bined stock -ranch and farm -In California; run- " Jnlng stream of water; fenced and cross fenced;, price $20,000; terms. \u0084 •- .•. • - -.-\u25a0-. -..-.. *.« :if you are looking for a farm, stock or fruit ranch at, the right jirlce call and see "Us. . , , McFAUL & EDWARDS. 330 Chronicle bid*. - I HAVE 133 acres of land in 'Ukiah. valley; 30 v acres alfalfa land, balance farming ami wood land : all under . good: fence; fair house ; and - barn ; '\u25a0 running stream of water; : good orchard: all kinds of berries. and*temall : frults;' an id ea i 'place for- health; and profit; . owner i going to . Europe : : price \u25a0 $5,500 .for ' quick j sale. . \u25a0 Address Us box 14S8. Call office..; ;\u25a0' ••-?•-- ;\u25a0\u25a0. -: . .;-.\u25a0-,- :. , ;.>-\u25a0••• ;\u25a0•"-•»\u25a0; OIL' LANDS. '•-•\u25a0: - ..:--.: ...... \u25a0\u25a0 '40 V acres • proving oil ; land for sale" In . 28-28. Bakersfield, - Kern county.;, For particulars » 2B9 Monadnock building. iT.F. A. : OBERMEYBR.: ; SEBASTOPOL— $25^ secure* 5 ' acre 'APPLE OR- i : CHARD;- sm'sll poultry farms; 'easy; terras.- C. R. HAMMERSMITH & CO., 07G Golden Gate ay: COUNTRY^: REAL - ESTATE— Co-tinned IRRIGATED FARMS ON EASY TERMS. A '\u25a0 Five to 40 acre farms in Sacramento valley; rich, deep, sandy loam soil for fruit, walnutt vegetables, alfalfa, etc. ; e26 daily passenge ? trains; no farm .more than 20 minutes' wal'c from a station; the best land and best Uvlnr conditions in California; a 10 acre farm mean independence; excursion every Saturday. F.I. \u25a0HILL & CO.; 6 East St., opp. Ferry bldtf. Phone 'Kearny,, 3o2. ... . V '•.'-'\u25a0':. \u25a0'ATTENTION— BUYER AND HOME SEEKER. " \u25a0: We are t runninr a", free information bureau. < giving reliable, detailed information on all California lands; we have many desirable prop- I - ositlons in every i county; many ; fine bargains; if you are looking for Information, write us or call at our office and it will be freely given. CALIFORNIA LANDS INFORMATION BU- REAU. 1)46-948 Monadnock bidg.. S. F. MENDOCINO CO. land ' for sale— 32o acres. 9 miles from Uklah ; 20 in orchard and hay land: rest grazing. . Price $3,000. 5,000 acres of range, of which 70 Is farm- Ing. . Price \u25a0$5 per acre. # •- SO • acre farm, well Improved, near Uklah; $50 per acre. •\u25a0 , . By ENGLISH & CLEVELAND. Ukiah. Cal. 10-20-30 acre ranches on . our beautiful San Martin \u25a0 ranch, south of San Jose, improved \u25a0or unimproved. This is one of the Ideal locations In Santa Clara : valley, only 75 miles from this city. Price $100 per acre; terms If de- sired.- . . . - . O;'-'M.,- WOOSTER CO.. 702 V Market st. CALIFORNIA land, $1 per acre cash payment, balance purchase 90 cents per month per acn; close San Francisco: no taxes, no' Interest; 3 acre tracts;, level, rich, clear, ready to plow. Irrigated; perpetual water right; Immediate possession; particulars, maps, photographs free. STEVENSON COLONY. 1414 Market St.. S. V. FOR sale or exchange — Country home In SANTA CRUZ MOUNTAINS;. $4 acres choice land; house of 4 minis and storeroom, furnished; 3% acres in fruits, nuts ami vines; abundance of wood and water; SPLENDID SCENERY: no agents; price $3.500. ' Address box 2507. Call. PIGS AND ALFALFA PAY. ~~ Ten acres In alfalfa and pigs will pay from $75 to $125 an acre; best and safest Investment In the world; write or call for particulars. CENTRAL CALIFORNIA LAND AGENCY, 703 Monadnock building. San Francisco. STOCK RANCH. 12,000 acres; one of the best stock ranches in northern Sacramento valley; entirely fenced; some improvement* and stock; price $12.50 per acre; terms. • \u25a0 - . CM; WOOSTER Cfl.. 702 Market at. • SANTA ROSA REALTY CO. Selling land from 3 tracts near Santa Rosa: $100 an acre up; also big list of properties of all ktnds: call or write for booklet. Office 39-40. «T36 Market st., San Francisco; office 5 Elks' build- ing. Santa Rooa. Cal. -. • THOUSANDS of chickens- buy a chicken farm "on the Cotatl ranch, near Petaluma; several hun- dred families already raising thousands. Apply to the COTATI Cd.\ 310 California St., San Francisco, owners of property. 1 . ATWATER, Merced co.: colony lands for sale; the very best fruit and sweet potato land; $75 per acre; ranches of all kinds and sizes for "\u25a0 sale or trade. Barton Realty Co., Monadnock \u25a0 bidg., Sau Francisco. OUR Kern county lands have an abundance of free water;, Just the thing for trees, - vines. . poultry, hogs, dairying, etc. ; 10 years' time. Planters' Land Company, suite 206, Metropolis bank building. . " . . » $500 to $1,000 per year from an acre of apples or pears; . it only costs you $5 per month while your orchard grows; if you wish a home and profitable investment, call or write today to ROGUE RIVER VALLEY ORCHARDS CO.. 920 Phelan bidg., San Francisco. \u25a0 5.000 acres of goid alfalfa and dairy ranches; . all about S miles from Porterville. For further particulars write or call on G. W. BAXLEY, Porterville, Cal.. R. R. box 53. APPLE and berry lands for sale and exchange . In the beautiful Pajaro valley. Correspond with WATSON VILLE GLOBE REAL ESTATE CO.. Watsonville, Cal. A BARGAIN — ltK) acre: house, barn, imple- ments, water timber; near town. P. OSTER- TAG, Oleta. Amador county, Cal. TO rent— lo acre ranch In Castro valley; spring water piped to house; 2 miles from Hayward. Apply ELLIS BROS.. 468 lltn St.. Oakland. BEAUTIFUL villa and hotel sites for«ale on the Blue Lakes, Lake county. G. BEHRND, Mid- lake P. O. \u0084 " ' . $350 buys 2% acres rich, level, sandy loam near IJvermore; $10 down and $5 per month. RICH VALLEY LAND COMPANY. 546 Market st. CONTRA COSTA county real estate for sale. Send for .list. D. J. WEST. Martinez. Cal. MEXICAN lands in Urge and small tracts: cheap. T. J. O'BRIEN. 209 Pacific bidg. WANTED — House and lot or lot. for land at Santa Rosa. PAUL ROSSI ER. 1 336 Pine st. FOR farms, stock ranches and timber lands see McFAUL & EDWARDS. 330 Chronicle building. CALL BRANCH OFFICE. IGSI Fillmore st. near Post. FRUITVALE REAL ESTATE ABE YOU LOOKING FOR AN IDEAL . COTTAGE HOME? WELL, "HERE YOU ARE. Six large, sunny I'ooms, with reception hall, bath, pantry, laundry and store room; living room 13:6*14:6 ft.; dining room, 13:6x17 ft.; bedroom, 13:6x14:0 ft.; large closets; every modern device and con- venience; rear porch, 6x28 ft.: Just" the place to bask in the sunshine; also large front porch: high basement, all floored througbont: beautiful 50 foot lot, artistically arranged with walk, lawns, flowers, berries and fruit trees; situated on high ground; magnificent view; 2 blocks of car line — and the price is only $3,350. For fur- ther particulars apply to \u25a0 HOME INVESTMENT CO.. 1922 Frultvale ay., gRUITVALE. CAL. ' ONLY $100 DOWN Buys a good 6 room house. If you want this apply at once to 272S Frultvale ay. Don't " forget the number. ' FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE— CHEAP LOT IN FRUITVALE; 50x366; 2 HOUSES. AD- DRESS K. TniEI.K. fi2l SANSOMK ST. ALICE St., 1255, Oakland. Cal.— Large sunny fur- nished room suitable, for two; also single; breakfast if desired. OAKLAND ROOMS AND BOARD MARKET St., 1303. Oakland — Sunny rooms, with excellent board; near train and car line. THE OSBORNE. 1303 7th ay., Oakland— Single rooms and suites; excellent table; pleasant, quiet location; terms reasonable. 13th St., C 54, cor. Grove — One small and one l«rge sunny room, with hoard. OAKLAND HOUSE KEEPING ROOMS AIiICE st., 1317— Large, sunny suite, bath, laun- dry and yard: central. Phone Oakland 9287. WANTED — Good house of 7 or 8 rooms, in first class district, to exchange for business property in East 14th St., on lot 50x125; improvements consist of stores, with living rooms in rear and large ball above ;Jncome $150 per month; price '$12,500. D. F. SIINNEY, 422 11th st., Oak- land. "-j \u25a0. INCOME business property; value $2.500; mort- gage. $1,100 con remain; will -exchange equity for goofljot. Box 060. Call office. Oakland. OAKLAND REAL ESTATE $4,500- : -Worth $6,000; owner moving east; fine large 2 story house, completely furnished; new piano; cemerft basement under entire i -house; lot : 40x110; driveway; several fine frutt j trees, nice garden; cement walks; street work complete; half block -to two cam lines; six minutes' ride to business center;- $2,500 mortgage can remain; house, nloue cost mure than price, ' GEO. W. AUSTIN. 1018' Broadway, Oak- . •;', land. ; ; . REDUCED FROM $10,000. ' A beautiful house of 9 rooms,: in a choice resi- dence street; hardwood floors. 4 . mantels, large reception room; large lot., east front;-wirhin 10 minutes' walk of business center;' present price $8,600, and part of the purchase price can re- main on mortgage if desired. - ( _Handsome new cottage, fi rooms; south front; near Telegraph -av.;- $37350; only $500 cash re- quired. \u25a0 : • ' . : JOHN, T. BELL & SON, 504 16th st. $5,250. s . Sunny corner: G rooms, i modern: S9B - Ssth ''\u25a0.. st. corner Market; terms. Call. any time; : owner on premises. \u25a0 Phone Piedmont 914. >\u25a0. --. •"..::\u25a0.\u25a0 .. A BARQAIN. .'„\u25a0' • ".'.-. V • 200x200 .\u25a0 foot ; lot 'i with;. a •; large, new;"- 6 room house; close' to good schools, Key Route and elec- tric ."car service; One pi act- for chickens, garden, etc.; only ' $2,400; .: well wortn • '$4,000. • J. L. DURIVAGE. : Agent: .1313 Broadway.' -Oakland. $3.2so— rTerms to suit : beautiful ' 5 ; room - bunga- ' low. -Just" completed; high class 'finish -and workmanship ; ,- lot ; 33 1-3x100: . east . side Coro- nado ay. between'49th and 51st" sts. Call on premises or^ ring up ; Oakland 3597. --.: v .VERY desirable building lot, 39x110 feet, in ex- cellent residence district; will. sell for $1,250; easy terms. ELLIS,, 4OB 11th st. Oakland. DO : you wish .to sell;your 616 1 or ;?,• room house. . wlth'lot. "-for; 23 percent cash. '-baLince'at $50 ' per month? ; -If eo.sendr description and: loca- •;• tion to St WV. box. 657,-^ Call. Oakland, '.v^ . .•;;„ .:•• $100 DOWN— S2O PER : MONTH ' : Doesn't, this beat rent? 4 room cottage; street . . work '. done; sidewalks * in : , price •: $1,400. \u25a0 'Ad- ---. dress 1420 Broadway. ' Oakland. "-SJSftRSHfiSIH 'V.-"-" • ; -^ 1 - \u25a0"\u25a0'*-\u25a0" " ' :*-'-" - . -~ : ;'-*rj- * \u25a0::.'\u25a0\u25a0. - I WILL sell my equity., of $525 ; in building lot near : Piedmont station - for \u25a0 $425 : cash, balance • - $650 .\u25a0 on easy , terms. .Box 2533, Call office. J OAKLAND REAL ESTATE — Co-tinned an extraordinary'mffer: an extraordinary offer! Linda vista lot?. - OF LINDA VISTA LOTS. HILL VIEW. LAKE VIEW. HILL VIEW. LAKE VIEW. HILL VIEW. LAKE VIEW. - \u2666 TERMS: $150 DOWN. $20 A MONTH AND INTEREST FOR- THE BEST AND MOST SIGHTLY LOTS IN LINDA VISTA DISTRICT. _ You will never again- have such an opportu- nity to secure such magnificent and sightly lots on such ridiculously low payments. •I'rices are so reasonable I dare not advertise them. Seven minutes by car to property. Street work com- plete. THIS ADVERTISEMENT WILL APPEAR FOR TWO WEEKS ONLY. A good building restriction on property. I re- serve the right to reject any offer to purchase.. Automobiles at office to take prospective pur- chasers to the property on SUNDAY from 9 to 12, or any time dnrin? week days. * For Further Information Apply .to the Office of . 001 BROADWAY at STU STREET. >:V^BERKEIEY_BJ^^ ESTATE rOR rent— Beautiful bom* of 11 rooms; yard: 60x160; la most desirable residence district of Berkeley: oa new car linn connecting with all \u25a0 city trains; $73 per month: lease 2 years oe longer. See Owner. 2ai& Hillegasa **. $0.04 X( — Terra*: » rooms: large lot; very «nnny; close iv; cheapest opportunity in this location. Adilws IVM Walnnt St.. Berkeley. - , _ —~ _n^nKEJLEV_HOIJSES jTO LET_ 7 ROOM honse; view: fruit, flowers: ga.v elec- tricjtr: U\v renr. 2'U-" Virginia st. JDEnKELEY^Fl RNISHED ROOMS PERSONS who wish, to 'enjoy country life near San Franclst-o can find a desirable home at Nortugate: first otass table and all conven- iences ami <-omforts: terms reasonable. ISO 9 Euclid »v.. nnrkeW: phono Berkeley IMS. \u25a0 BERKELEY BOOMS AND BOARD FURNISHED- ronm-f In refined private fsinilTr: beautiful grounds and sn—oi:nd: lngs: board op- tional: near stations: references. 22 1_! Shat- 'tiiek ay. , ALAMED'A HEAL ESTATE $300 tlown — A beautiful n«*w rjo«!ern Jl room bimsulnw. AWIN & I!ans>*. ."m". C— fwniCM M>ls. ntV7, RRAL KSTATB SNAP— Must *eil my $ll'u •.^a!ty In a 40xino foot lot ia Santa Crsz; balance of $S0 can h-» paid in monthly payments; district rapldij buiMicc ttp: 10 m!2-n.--t walk to beacb; dvi sacrifice. A'lilress box ZOXZ, Call office. UoMES, investments*, lot?, r&uehes, acre proper- tic«. BROW.N A- WILSON. Santa Cruz. Cal. LIST -of properties for sale or rent. Wrtt» PtiTT rr* TVii.sfVf. r»vT>el by tho Sen. Cut. \u25a0. M .F. R . Li _y! A _ M t: ?EAIL? EAlL cs t ate CCtl'B-X ADDITION. CENTRAL ADDITION. SA minute* from, the city. 3!) luuintes from the city. Between San Mateo aatt Burlingame. Between San Mareo aud B'lrlinxame. Between two rapidly growing centers. Between two centers of popa!atU>n. In tbe best residential section of San Mate*, ami«. a('.n^ San Mateo park ami surrounded t.y proper, tlra that liave made -for- tunes for toose wl>.<> bought early. N.iw, right now. is the time to get In a rocfe bottom jirices. B;irJinsaaj>» >s approaching Cen- tral Addition from the nr>rth; Sait Mateo is crowding it from the :MOt_; new home* are bulidins ami present prices are low. Go down ai:d st-e Central Addition. The iit- traetive homes aireailv htiiit and the class t>f buyers guarantee its value am! ilenirabillty : •" fulnutes fru:u Kuriinsamo; e:evtrii- ours pass the traot everj 10 ciinutes; m f"e; flue macadam- ized streets; stwr. water, cm flevtrk-ity Hint telephones; 33MK0 acneo); |05p fur lots. riOxlSO; easy terms; get off electric car st Peninsula ay. Sen>l fc; our new illustrated folder of Central BAT.PWT.V Jfc HOUTU.. 31«-22* Keamr St.. S. T. FRANK S. GRfMMON. 2t>'» B at.. San Mate* KENT $I.*>: cottage. :$ large room*, part fur.: nr. st>t.' V.CX 2tl'. ::i Bloor.iiield ro»d. Burlingam*. MKM.tJ »'\UK REAL ESTATE FAIR OAKS MENLO By order of tbe TV. J. Adams estate we are offering tile beautiful' borne place oa Middle- field read, in tracts of from two acres up. This property contains the finest oaks In ta» "Fair Oaks" Jleirio tlStriet; to very conven- ient to station and ia best neighborhood. Ther» are cciy !."» part-eU in all and we advise * tbosc contemplating purchase to make Im- mediate selections. Maps and prices oa appll- . cation. F. J. KODGEKS & CO.. nrss g« MONTnnMKTtT st. ,^^_^SAX^MATEO REAL ESTATE -: • ' '- V; ' _____ GET A LOT IN HA V WAIt D PARK GET A LO T_ IN II A V W A Rl> PARK NEXT TO "PENINSULA HOTEL" IN HEART OF SAN JtATEO THE CREAM OF THE HOME DISTRICT SO MINUTES FROM SAN FRANCISCO GO SEE 'TIAYWART> PARK" AND TRUST TO YOUU OWN JUDGMENT— WE WILL TRUST TU IT BECAUSE WE KNOW THERE IS NO OTHEII SUBURBAN PROPERTY JUST LIKE 'HAYWARD PARK"— CON- SIDER THE PROXIMITY TO SAN FRAN- CISCO—REALIZE THAT SAN FRANCISCO I* REACHING TOWARD SAN MATEO MORB AND MORE— TirE CLIMATE IS GLORIOUS— IDEAL NEIGHBORHOOD— FINE SCHOOLS AND THE BEST TRANSPORTATION. No IMPROVEMENTS PROMISED. BECAUSK EVERYTHING IS COMPUTED AND PAID FOR. SIDEWALK, CURB. STREET WORK. GUTTER. SEWER. WATER. GAS. ELEC- TRICITY, FIRE HYDRANTS, SUADE TREES. • WE WILL BUILD YOU A HOUSE AFTER YOUR OWN PLANS IN "HAY- \VARi> PARK"— THEN LET YOU PAY . FOIB HOUSE AND LOT 1 . ON EASY PAYMENT PLAN. BALDWIN & HOWELL. CIS-524 Kearny St.. S. T. FRANK S. GRUMMON. _4fi B st.. San Mater.. _— — . FOR sale at a bargain, oa easy terms — S rooms, and half cottape. with every convenience and ia perfect condition. Apply 3C6 Norta D st.. San Mateo. ItI'SSIAX ;»IVER REAL ESTATE $ss~ANl> UPWARD— EASY TEBM3. Bnngalow and camp sites at Camp Rene, nea? Htaldsburg; right on the river; large lota; nicely wooded: spring water; send for illustrated folder. C. T.. RAY 1 :'..<* T.iclr hM?.. 35 Mnnfgom err nt. SAX HAPAEI RK<T, Er"\?B^ UPLANDS— Keautifr.l home sites; no fog; pan- crama of bay and mountain: trees, boulevards, electricity, water, sewers, restrictions; adjoins New Country Club; lots 100 ft. to 23 acres, on easy terms; conveyances at Union depot and agents on tract Sundays. CADWALADER. TAYLOR & CO.. .'.or. Mlllo Mrig.. 3. F. SAX AXSELMO REAL ESTATE BARGAIN — Artistic bungalow, 5 rooms, bath. fcardwood fioors. fireplace, etc.: lot 80x117; $2,300; terms If desired: near Yolando station. G. H. WHITNEY. 34.1 Sansome st.. San Fran- cisco; on property Sumlay. 2'j ACRES. $1.-50: b-.iildins lot*. $_23 each. Apply A. BOI'ICK. owner. JROSS VALLEY HEAL ESTATE^ BARGAIN at $10,000— This beautiful horn* most be seen to be appreciated. Telephone Ksaray 97.1 and get parfici'ara. PROPEBTVJJAVrED FARMS wanted — I have heveral eastern parties willing to pay fair prices for profitable farms In th* Sacramento valley. F. L. SOUTHACK. 14 MonfzorM-ry at.. San Francisco. ItE.iL gSTATE TO LAtIIAVCB IHO ACRES in El Dorado ermntr. near Placw- vllle; l (i< > acres under cnltivatlon. balance timber and pasture land: fpnce«l and cro»s- fem-eU: cottage. ." rooms: barn ami nnthonaes; hotel urn! po*toffiee atljoiuin:;; prii-e $,T._."i'>; mortgage of $7,000: tills ia a money making ranch. What have yon iv San Francisco prop- erty to exeh-nse for it? FYFE <_ DEPAOLI, 5207 Mission st. . FOR sale or exchange for Berkeley property — 120 acres in Yuba couary: good water right; 3 placer claims. 4 quart- ledges; also 320 acres in Colusa county. L. U. ROGSBS, 1411 Aicatmz ay.. Berkeley. RANCH. 230 acres. 3 miles from San Mateo; fannies and pasture' land; plenty of water. with tome improvements; a ana? at $33 pee acre, er win exchange for Income property. W. W. CASEY. 22C 3d ay.. San Mateo. UANCH cf KSQ acres. U miles from San Mateo. in the redwoods: timber and pasture land: price $25 per» acre, or will tate income- prop- erty In exe__n_e. W. W. CASEY. 328 3d a».. San Mateo. \u25a0 * TO trade— A good, steady, paylns business In Oakland for a small .home in Frnltvate. Mel- rose. Fltchbnrc or Diamond. Box 603. Call office. Oakland. THE $31,500 equity in a fine modern apartment house ; Pacific Heights section: very attractive corner. Address . M.. -150 Central ay.. Aim- meda. v . HAVE you k residence w«rrh ur» to $s..Virt thilt tom will tratfe for flats? Address box 65», Call office. Oakland. ___________ IV you want to sell or exchange yonr rancJr ' send me description: no charges unless deal Is made. 3. H. KDSON. IC.U-* B'way. Oakland. SEE my special <scotatii>n». active stock*. Tues- <!»t. before bnvine. Box 2>VM. Cult offleti. W\NTEI> — To rent, ranch. 40 acres and up; Irrigable preferred. Box 2516. Cadi office. COAUNGA-MeKITTRICK; Investigate quickly; any part uf une sectioa oaly *1^ per acre: patented gn»und> a rare inv»*ttn<»nt.' MARK LANK CO.. 245 Bn«h «t. : phone Kenrnr 2R29. PAKTXERS .WAXTED PARTNER wante«! to open a first class barber shop: g«*x! .location: «njy a first rlasw. jrntng harber need npiH.r. Rr>\ _>a 7. Call offlcc. BUSIXESS~WAXTEP^ WOULD lifee toibuy a saloon, if in good locatlo* .'anil reasonable. Bux -i— . Call ut-au 13