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14 CO MM E R C I A L AND M ARK E T NE W S SPEC I ALLY RE P O RTED FOR THE CALL NORTHERN PACIFICS IS THE SPOT LIGHT Shares Boom on Report That Stock Is to Be Listed on Paris Bourse New York Stock List E F Hutton & Co.. 490 California street, member* of the New York stock exchange, tar nisii the foUowlus lit-t of bonds end stock sale* yesterday: szl,.*. i STOCKS. j High, j Low. | Bid. | Ask. .Acisms L\;iri'ss.. .1 1 |220 235 'AlliM'liaUu-rs --i l-.-i-l £5 . J>V4 Do |iM i i Bi% ->1% 2.fio7tAma» Own* • «5H| «">* «» f? 1 * LIUOjAnKT Beet Su^ar.j 41*- 4|4 | 38 41 41% , Do pfd i i S*>4l 9<4 1 SOOjAOKC Can C<j i 12"*| 12^i| 12* 4 | l- 7 s LSOOI Do pM I*-* 1 -*! &<4I KSVsI **;>\u2666 &VHABK 0 & F O>..i :><s':i "* ! M i o*l4. ! Ik> pfd I I U»%1J7% J.9OOA«a« Cotton Oil. l 7*541 '34i "•* •\u25a0*» Ho pM 1 1 1«» 103 i ....Atmr i:x ! ! 2» 230 rtJOAiaer b* Bcenr.> 37% 3S | 38 I 38% 2.6i-»(iiAmw Linseed.. ..i 18%] 18% | 18%1 18% an. Do pfd I 44%| 44% j 44^1 «4 T«K>'An:.-r Locomotive., 61 *M Cl | 61 I «I** i On pfd ! I 11' I ll * (MiAnicr Malt j 10 | i>%\ »%', '••?» Do pfd I | J M I •»% «.mAaicr !* & R Co..| W. t 4 953*1 95% | "s', S.iKX) A:uer .Sujrar |K3 1132 132V»i132fe 'Atu.-r Si.'^l Foun.j ! I *T% «8 H 2<"' Auier X Ac I Co. .!142V1*14i142 il4-V* '2tK>'\m«T Tol» pfd...;U>3 ( lfl2!« U02«4f103 bunerl Woolen.*.;.] I ** | 3tJ*» < IMt ; Uo pfd |107%jl0r>* 4 |loG~s U»7'i I.lOo .Anaconda I 50** I A) HI BO%| 60% Atlantic Coast L.| ! 1133 134% 68.Y00L T & B V jll6&|114«sillOH|ll«% SOW Do pfd UK%|U»%jlo3%Jioo 14SW\Bslt *: Ohio 130 illSV* 119^1 ll»«i . Do -pfd 1 s * '-*'> . l.MKilßcthlcbeni St«*l..j 80% j 294 30 304 i Do i>fd i i i fl 2 !* lO.MX'B X T ! 80% 799 t | 79Tfcl SO .Canada Southern.! i i «2 I tit 3 2«m> Canadian Pacific. ils4ujlS4 1M4;1544 BXKMK3 & O I ra?4 771 i 78%! 75% 400C&A |71 1 70", 71 I 71^ l.&OOlC « W I 5%] 43» 414 4% i Do pfJ "A"..-! 27% 254 100 Do j.ra M B-..i. 1% Oia C4| 6^ 800 C & S W 183% 163 ilS2&i!lß3 17.2WC M & St I 1I 1 l£B%il2H 1155%|165% coo Do pfd jit&mioa |16» ii«»h UO^Octral Leather.-! 30V*; 30% l 2» 7 ,! 30i 4 i Do j.fd I jl03»B|103»t ;Cer.tral of N J...f i^S J2H3 -Chloapo Tcrminai I -Mil 3 : Ito pfd )••;• 2°. L3OOiC CCA St 1 77% 76 75*4! 7C»i l>o pfd 1 103 ;l"6 SOC'.'Colo Fuel &. Ironi 4-Mt^SU! 43^* 43 * j Do pfd ! i 175 85 ....... Onlum H C & 1.. 1 ! "Mi «« MO.Colo Si^utbern . -| 63 62 4 j 62 Va 63 ,' Do Ist pfd | I M^t 82 ; Do 2d pld ( j SO SOMi .i.«iMVC.>u^,!i<latcd Uas.|U4^il43 143 143Ht |«,700|Cern Products... j 2Sf4j 24»i 25' i 25% Do pfd I »l%j 82 3^oo Del A Hudson ..1193 1192 J192 \I93M D L & \V ! j«5 6<JO« CW.V &. X U i 01% SO^ij W'Ti 5Hi I D.» pfd N* j 6»V4 '{Dlanirtud Match.! J123 125% 2.4«hi 'Disilllins Becsr.'.| 40 Z»\ 3»V4 89% 200;DoInth S S & A.I 17% 17^1 ITU l^^a i Do pfd 31U, 32 , 13.600(Er1e 37% 30^4 36H 864. &00 Do Ist pfd 54V 54 53>* 54^ *«Ci: Do 2d pM U% 44 43^1 44 M* General E!<»u,;ir 1 &ss 1 100 lfiitMi . 2.«oo]Grt Northprn Ore! 75>i| 74^4 75%) 75^! 25.oiHiUirt Northern t'f<MSl 7 fc 149%t1">0a 4 151 i:Ma,,» Tub Co.. 10 13 j Do |jfd j I 19 I 23 Lit' Illinois Central.. 150\|143* s ;l4yJ- 150 *o<>'lutprboro-Metro . 16% 16»4» I<3H 10l i mhi, Do pfd 4<5 45Hi -15 4.".i a .TiXj laiT Pnper .... 16% 16 15»4 10 T««V Do l>fd 63*t,i 63*5 65 63% KK); lnter rump |42 41 41 "s 42 \u25a0 Do pfd KM* S7>4 8S SBU 600 lowa Central ... £l-\ 30\ 30% ::ii t i Do pfd 75»i 7« 700 f K C Sontheru 47 4*>'i 40% «8% 1 Do pM 73 73' 8 .Lake r.rie & \V 27 28 I lh> pfd «3 «4 4flO'L & N 144» 4 143 1424 143 300 M«.-kar j£2 Sl=4l Sl» 4 S2 '< Do pfd ! 74%! ! "•"• 'Maiihuttan ' !l-4«i Il4« 4>x»Msrine f 7% 7', 7'i 7^W :VX'' !>o pfd .1 24i 4 ! 24 24»t, 24H 'Metro Si Uy.,..! ! 25 .T5 40tiMpxlcaii Central.! 25*sj 24*, 2.>>4| 2« Minn i. St L j .I|JJi -67« i ' Do l*t pfd ! fC, *j flO MSP &S S M.1140 139 IS9 JI.T9U ! Do pfd I |149U,!13fl fi.rttn Mn Kan Ac T«x..j 4S«^i 43Vi| 43^ 43*4 1,500 D« pfd izVf\ 72% 73 73^ I.HVi'Mo PCTifl« 7541 75 74% 75 iNanh Chat &St L 'lir> 125 R. 200 Nut<l 1 f>S%j 57«4! S7 T %! RS ! Do pfd ] i.....!10S |109 Nat HiwuJt llO5Vj!lO6U{ ! Do pfd ! 123 124 2.«u<'i Newtaso CM& Si 2Vi 2 2 2H 40<»'N V Air Brake..! 85»4 .S» S9^i W) r..<»OON' V Ontrsl 1133 131% 132' 132% ;.\ y c fc st L.. r.7 I r.s ' Do Ut pfd I IftO 112 ; l»o 2d pfd i S4 89 ....... N V S II A: Hartl 172U 173 2.r.fKi N V Ocr & \V..| r.4%; 53 E3%| 53T» I.UOONor ft Westers.. Bl j 90Ui Itfl'il 91 K, ! Do pfd ...:.! Mi- S« •JSOOIN American i S4"*! f£%\ K3% 83% 44.500 Nor Pacific iir.4i /4 [151? 4 !ir>3 163% Omaha 100 HSS D<» pfd 1 170 175 I'acif.'- Ctia*t ....! 97 99 - 4W Pacific Mail ! 29^i 29 29% 29 T £ B,7oo;Pean KR Co IS7U l?,*;^; 137 187i,i USooJPeopl«>« Caa 1115%1 115% iIS 115% 118% COO I'ittsburp Coal . .; 13 12& 121^ 13 j Ito pfd 4SVj W V V C & St L ! ! I fit U2 ', Do pfd I I. \u0084..110 120 .Stw! Car S 44 1 43*^ 43% 4414 ! Do pfd 1 1 Ta^i Rv SU-cl Ppr C 0..! i 4514 4*5 1 D" pfd i i 105' JO7>4 132.2' Mi K^ndintr ir.«s,'ir^Vs lSTiOji l.V'^, j Do Xt pfd ! L.V.. «1 !»2' 1»«J 2d pfd f fIS fto l.n<K»!Knp si J j r. 2% "2 32 1 4 32-"» i 800 Do pfd (107 ]»Hs\ l()T,s 4 107 ' 3.fiOO[Eoek Iblnnd C 0.. .1 33 »i 33V41 33>» 3SV* y.'ftdi Do pfd 71\ 71 71t» 7Ui 'Eloss SS & I C0!....t IS2 M«a. i Do pfd ; 114 117 !S I, &S F Ist pfdl fiR 69 700| Do 2d pfd 1 4?>\\ 4.M. 4.'. 45% St I, 4S W !...:..... 2r.s* 2<s>w «i»<t rto pfd I «fcU,l «S«i «S»vl 6SS 3S.OOO}S« Padni- (Ua il.*Uiu. 130"-. 1:«»S4 7.<W>; D« pM 153%|132V 132U 132% 2.2<n1 So Rail Tray I :<l" s l 31^1 31Rt 21 V 1/kii Do pfd j7O «JtJ, 69^ «»»i jTenn C'jpp^r j 41% 41 la <U»> Toias PhMOc j 35% :u&4 34% 3-".' 4.%fi0 Tblrd Avenu»> ! 29« 4 27 27Vi 27»i iTol St L & TV...J..... ;.... r.l r.2 4ftnj Do pfd j 63% C,9Vj C 59 en% Ttrln Otj- It T..| ]«s>i I<«' 400;i;nlon Bajr & P.| 15 14*4 144 15 124.400H;n10n I'a< iflc |i:c [193% 183% 1»3% 3O0! !»o pfd I 974 97=}. 97i 4 97>i jl- Riif S F..1 .TS' T&\l, j Do pfd ..... G5% BUU U S Cast Iron P 34V4 35m .......1 Do pfd K4 85 10 S Kxpr«<s tc, J>s 7001U S RuWkt 41^, 41 41 42 4UO Do Iht rM 118 117& 1174 II7;4 I Do 2d pfd S3 £4 53.4fKi'U 8 Sto«>l C«r...| 67» 4 6H*4 «6vi «>7 300 Do pfd |12Ti% 125 124 \ 125 SO<-'!l"tah «'<»ppcr r.3 T.2U, r.2 r.2*i l.r,oo',WabaMi 21% 214 21S 21^ 12,600] Do pfd I T>T>% 54% r.414 54V IWellF Farpr. Ex..j 310 325' $00| Western I'nkm... 7rt% 75 75 76 l.sooiWet-thiphonse ... 86 M%i 85 XT.ii jW &L E r lrt 11 \u0084. .. Do Ist pfd 23 25 .r.j Do 2d pfd.......... 12 13 60>«iWlsr<ifisln Ontral r<B4 r>B r>B s«ii .......| Do prd .......f 00% 31 W11.4/K* — Total shares »old. ><"« York Bonda i: S ref 2s roc .!«14i 111 C^»n 3*t r<?f 4«.lf*lii, Do coupon K'l^iint Met 44« 784 Do ."* res 101 \ x Int Mer Mar 4'sß 734 Do o^npon ....102 Japan 4* 8S D« 4s r»C llh> 4 I>o 44k' W. 14, |»o conpirn ....121" ) I><) 2d wrlpK.... 03fJ AHU-Clial lKt ss. S7ijiKan Cltj go Ist 3» 74 w Am>T Acrlrul Sc.lOO%]L SITor deb 4K.1931 J»5% Anier T&T or 4*.l<4'*| I, &. N unified 45.. 100*4, Abkt Tobacco 4s. *0 M.X Sc Tpx Irt 4*:ioo r»o •* 112' i Do Ist & r*«f 4*. S«;% Armour 41 v k 95^ Do pen 44« ... 91 At<b.pen 4k .. . :jmi»iJ Mo Pacific 4« 824 Do S L Ist 4.-. «5% NR of Mci 44a !»5 . Do <r 4« .\:...nni 4 !x y c pen 345.. t« Do rr ,'w 116^.! Do deb 4s UT>% Allan C L lnt 4s. B6%JXY Caty 44«.new.ii4Vi Bait & Ohio 4i>. .100%! XY.NU & II ct6*.lsS4 Do ."4s 04 I Xor & W Ist con 4» J»a Do S \V r>4«.. ftl I Do ct 4a '18.4 MnoUn nT <\u25a0 4 >•*s*«.! N7>r Pacific 4« 1024 •Can l*t tis.:.!o6%j Ito 3k 74-4. Central of Ga SF.llO^in S Une rfdjr 4f>. 85 Out leather 55. . »R=MPa cy 34b. 1915. S7 CRtt .< NJ gn 5¥.127 T *;P« r-on 4s ..1044 Cli^R &; Ohio 4 ! i«lO4Ki Hcadlnjc jren 4e.:. 99% Do rcf 5» KIHfSt L 4 S F f; 4s. SH Chi A- Alton 34«. 7« I Do pen 5s 894 \ C. B &. <i JoJnt 4s 97Ti;{?t I. S W co D 4s. 804 Do p«»n 4s «9"i Do Ist pold 45..»4% C.M& StP gn 34« W4|fleal>oard A ti 4«. SS C.RI& Pac cl 4> 8(»i t 'S<, Pacific col 45.. 02% SlktcrA .*>s R3 I Do in rrf - 45.. 94% D<» refjie 4s 91T*! f»o ct 4« otfp..l«.»2*i C.CC & SL en 4k. OS ISo Hallway r.5....H24 Colo Indu* 5r 77»ii Do pen -i* S3 \u25a0 Colo Midland 45.. 83't] Union Pacific 45.. 102% Col So r&ext 4!i« K)»;| Do cv 4* -\u25a0\u25a0...-. ..i1l LONGS' DAY IIS STOCK MARKET NEW YORK, June 10. — The action of the stock market indicated today the re sumption of some important operations on the long 1 side. The effect was to reassure sentiment among the boardroom opera tors and traders, and they refrained from attacks on prices or from attempts to establish lower quotation*. Transactions fell below the recently prevailing volume. Union Pacific continued a leader of the upward movement in contrast with \u25a0 the sluggish movement of the Southern Paci'^js stocks. The latter stock -was freed from the positive weakness which it showed yes terday, however. Northern Pacific was even more promi nent than Union Pacific. Its rapid ad vancement wu accounted for by rumori that steps were oeing taken to introduce the"«tock on tie Paris bourse in the sam« -way as has been- done in the case of United States steel. The denial from bankers interested that any hitch bad occurred in the plans for trading in United States »teel In Paris relieved United States steel from pressure and it 'reoovered during the day. The stock was hclpsd also by the report of the reopening of the Ensley, Ala... steel rail mails. Feeling regarding the steel trade continues confident and professional. The goodt^mpresslon of metal trade con ditions wu a&ded to by the May statistics of the Copper Producers' association, pub- - lished during the day. The copper indus trials made only moderate response to this showing. The introduction to trading on the stock exchange of contracts from the new Atchison convertible bonds when is sued was made the occasion for a bullish demonstration in Atchison stocks. The re ports of crop conditions were regarded fa vorably. Some apprehension was ex pressed in stock market circles that the recent course of litigation against the American sugar refining company and the agitation' for prosecution by the federal government under the anti-trust law might revive anxiety on the part of the investors in corporations anil prejudice the move ment to attract foreign capital into them. The firmer tone of the money market was of enly slight deterrent effect ,on the speculation in stocks. Rates for call loans ranged from 2 per cent to above that figure. The banks of England and France made strong returns today and the dis count rate declined in Paris, -while the Paris check on London 9 advanced. A relaxation In the pressure on New York for gold is thus indicated. On the other side,' however, a fall in New York ex change at Chicago to par, compared with 35 cents per $1,000 premium a -week ago, shows an ebbing of the flow of currency to New York and gives the premonition of coming requirements of the movements of the country's crops. Eates for time loans for the long maturities have ad vanced a fraction and keener scrutiny of collateral in -stock market loans by bank ers was reported. The irregularity of the market increased as the day advanced. Bonds -were irregular. Total sales, par value, $6,410,000. United States bonds 'were unchanged on call. "" Del & Hud cv 45.105U Do Ist & ref 4s. flOri Do Ist ref 45. 102 U S Rubber 65...104-\ Den & Rio G 4s. 9"Vj D S Steel 2d 5s .-.105%. Do ref 5s 93*4 Va Car Chem 55.. 9lHi Distillers 5s 76% Wabash Ist 5s 113 Erie prior Hen 4s. tK>* 4 Do Ist & ext 4« 77*4 Do gen 4s ~*% Western Md 45... M'-i Do cv 4s. per A S>> Westing El ct os. 04 \ Do cr 4s. ser B7« Wis Ceuiral 45... 05% Gen Elect cv 55.. 140^ New York Mining Stocks Alice 2.oolLittl<? Chief OS Brunswick Con .. 05|Mexlcan 7S Tom Tun Stock.. 2Hj Ontario 3.50 Com Tun, Bonds.. 18jOphir 1.20 Con Va Mm Co. .-62V- '.Standard 1.75 Horn Silver 05 1 Yellow Jacket ... 40 Lcadrllle Con ... 04^! Boston Mock* and Dondi Money— N V, X H & H..173 Call loans ....2Vi@3i2 Union Pacific 103% Time loans ...3 (£.3 Miscellaneous — Bonds — . Amer Arjre Chem. 43 *i Atohison 4s 100* i Ainer Sugar 132 ii Do a>lj 4s .... D 3 Do pfd 125 Railroads — Amer Tel & Te1..142Ms Atcbison lift 1 * Amer 3Voolen .... 2->vi Do pfd 105% Do pfd 107 Boston & Albany.23l% Gen Electric ....100 Boston & Maine.. 141 Mass Electric .... 12 Boston Elev ...130 U S Steel i.. CB% Htchburg pfd ...lUOH Do pfd 124*4 THE COPPER STOCKS BOSTON. June 10. — Copper Range and Frank lin were the two active specialties in Boston today. More and more attention is being given to Copper Range and its value as the most eou servative copper investment in the world is gradually being recognized. Tbe copper pro ducers report a favorable showing, a decrease of more than 13.000.000 pounds in the surplus supply, and this should be followed by 14c cop per within a few days. John D. Ryan has been elected president of the Amalgamated copper company. COPPER CLOSE Tbe following list ie furnished by E. F. Hut ton & Co.. 490 California street, San Fran cisco, Cal.: / Bid. Ask.' Bid. Ask. Adventure .. XV*. •*** Mayflower ... sOc 60c Ahmeek 163 1~0 Mexico Con*. 47&4 7 & 5 Allouez 444 45U Miami WT« l. r »^ Amal Cop .. 85"i 8-">Ti Michigan .... 10% 11 Do pfd ... S'/i 8- Mohawk 07 68 Do pfd ... 19 20 Mont C& Ck 25c 30c Vrcadian ... 4*i .". Nev Cong ... 22% 22*; Arnold 75c 1 North Butte.. 0,714 C7^i Atlantic .... i»VJ 10 Old Colony .. <50c — Balaklala ...231Vi232^ Old Dominion .V) SOJfc Black Mt ..HT 14S Oscoola ICS 140 Boston Con*. 15% lfi Parrott Mj^i SB Bte Coalition 27 27% Qulncy !X>>2 03 Cal & Ariz.lOßlilOft . Raven 4f>c 42c Cal & H<»cla.67s 700 Ray Con ... 17 17' i Centennial .. 3+* i S5H' Santa Fe ... • 2U '2% Con Mercury>2o — (Shannon Ifi^ 10T s «oppr Ilange S4 84i4iSwift Packjf..lOT» — C«m Ely ..S7-16 Si I Tamarack ...73 ", Daly West.. 7% S Trinity 12>i 13 Davis Daly.. •' 5% United Coppr. HJifc II Dom Oopi^r. :5c Oc United Fruit. 12fli£140 East Butte.. 14 14 *& Un Shoe Mch <>0^ «0« Elm Biver... 1^ 2 Do pfd ... 30 30^ Franklin .... 17*% IS United Zinc. 2« 28^ Giroux 7% 7ij US Coal & O 33% 34 V t Old Con ... R 8 1-10. U S Smelters 50 50% (Jranby l(».'i 107 I>o pfd ... 4!>% 4^^ Hancock 12 12VS Utah Apex .. 5 r>\i Helvetia 5% « Utah • Cons .. 4414 45 Inspiration 7 7-18 7 0-lf. L'tah Copper. 52 H 52 ? i Isle Royale.. 284 2>s% Victoria 4% 7> Kewechaw .. 4*i 5 Wlnona ..... C cyi l>ake 2.'. 2« Wolverine ... 150 152 ' La Salle ... 13% 13* i Wyandotte .. 2% 24 Majestic ....'JMc 95c Yukon ...... 4% 4K Mass Mining. 9% »% London Closing; Stocks Cons for money.. SVi\ r»ulsr & Nasli.V. .14S'i Do for acct R4^|M. X & Texas. ... 44% Ami] Copper .... SSH) N V Central. .... AXtlft Anaconda 10 Vi 1 Norfolk & West... fl3 '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 Alrbisou ..; .117> /4 IH> pfd ...-...;. «0 • Do pfd 10S Ont & Western. . .• ",\\ Bait & Ohio 12H; Pennsylvania ..... «9% Can Pacific .....Ififl Itaud Mines ...... l0"i Cbes & 0hi0..... SOH Reading .SO Chi Great West.. 5 So Railway ...... 324 Chi. Mil &St V.lT>»% Do pfd ........ 71% De Beers Vt% So Paclflc 134*»i Den & Rio G,... 52 Union Pacific 201 S .Do pfd 814 Do pM ..-..; 100 Erie 37?*, U S Steel v...fil»u Do in pfd 55* i! Do. pfd 128 - Do 2d pfd 47, Wabasli .......... 22 <>r«nd Tnmk .... 2." Vi Do pfd ... .05 111 Central 154 M. Spanish 4s ... OS Bar silver — Dull; 24 3-16 d per ounce. Money^-2 per cent. . . Tbe rate of discount in the open market for short Mils is 2<§2 1-115 per cent auU for throe moatns" bills 2 per cent. Condition of the Treasury WASHINGTON, June 10. -^-Today's statement of the treasury balances In : the general fond show?: Available, each balance. ?119.487,r>.'11 ; gold coin and bullion. $50,469,123; gold certifi cate*,* 127,237,730. Sen York Jloney Market . . ' NEW YORK, June 10.— Money on call easy, 1%@2% P«r' cent: ruling rate,-:: per cent; clos ing bid and offered; at 1% per cent.; . : Time loan* very firm on long maturities \u25a0 and active; 60 days.,2'4@2>4 per cent; 00 days, 2*4 per cent; Fix months. S\i&H% |>er cent. Prime mercantile paper. . 3 lsfui per. rent. Sterling exchange steady, with actual business In bankers' bills at $4.fi550fiJ4.8585 for SO day bills and ti.SJSO for demand; commercial bills, Mexican dollars, .4tc. .- : . Bonds — Gorernment, steady; railroad, irreg- J '% Xorthcrn ' -'\u0084 '\u25a0> SEATTIX; June '10. — Clearings, ?2.106,n5«?; balances, f202.1P2. TACOJiA, June 10 Clearings, $883,129; bal-~ THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, FRIDAY^ JUNE M,. 1909: pp — — — — ~~ — — T~r~r — ™_™^ , !; Continued Activity in Local Stocks and Bonds at Firm Prices anees. -'$63,402. " : ' \u25a0 SPOKANE, June 10.-^ClearinKS.^S?^?; bal ances.'s4s,774. -. . ' \u25a0 : '\- - PORTLAND. June lO.r^Clearings, $954,509; balances. $83,708. * • •\u25a0.-. .\u25a0•]* :\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0. I.oatiß, Exchange and Silver The Siberia took out $299,500 in silver bul lion, shipped a* follows: $35,000 to Hongkong, shipped by the Hongkong and Shanghai bßnk ; \u25a0 $Kil,ooo to Hongkong. - shipped by the. Interna tional banking corporation;- $(52,000. shipped to Houskoug by the Anslo-Callfornian bank, ana $38,500. shipped to Shanghai by the Auglo- CjilifornUn- bank. . •-. Silver was Ho. lower. : Paris exchange on London was bieher. " -' . \u25a0 Prime mercantile paper B@6 per cent Loans on real estate ..'...\u25a0\u25a0 6@B per cent Sterling exchange, 60 days.... — (^4.86 Sterling exchange, sight ...... — t04.88 Sterling exchange, cables ...... — <ffi4.BS% 1 New York exchange, eight .../. — @ 1 New York exchange, telegraphic. — m 3 Hongkong exchange, sight .... — (f? 43% Honckong exchange, telegraphic. — <<v, 43% Silver, per ounce — @ 52% Mexican dollars, nominal — ® 50 \u25a0 S- CONTINENTAL New York on Paris 1 516% New York on Mexico ...... 201 % Paris on London ...25.22 . Berlin on Ix>ndon.. \u2666 20.45 STOCK MARKET Business in local securities on the stock and bond exchange was still lively yesterday with the telephone stocks leading in volume of gales. Quotations for them ranged about the same as on the preceding day. Noteworthy variations were hither, prices' for City electric, Makaweli sugar. Northern California power and Pacific liEhtins preferred, and a decline In- Associated oil. Sales of bonds were $55,000. MakaweJl sugar was ex dividend of 20c. The Makaweli sugar company In order to pro vide a fund for current expenses has decided to reduce the rate of the dividend .payable June 15 to 20 cents per share.- \u25a0 It is announced, how ever, that the usual dividend of 30 cents per share will be resumed on July 15. 1 In mining stocks the. leading Comstocks were active at Irregular prices, but the others were quiet. The same condition ruKjd in the southern Nevadae, Combination Fraction. Florence and the. "merger" selling well, while the balance of the list were Inactive except MacNamara, which made a good record. Florence lost 10c on the day, dosing at $3.30, while the "merger" gained Sc, closing at $7.85, after selling up to $7.97%. The strength in the "merger" was said to be due to prospects for a settlement of the friction between Uayden and Wlngfleld. it will be re membered that Hayden retired from the direc torate of Goldfie.ld Oon. # some days ago. The dividend recently declared by the Florence Goldfit-ld mining company aud made payable on June 15 amounts to $105,000 and Is the fifth of that sum from the company, the grand total. to date beiug $525,000. The Continental land company of San Francisco has levied an assessment of 2 cents per share, delinquent June 14. % The Brunswick Chollar mining company has levi«?d an assessment of 1 cent per share, delln-. quent July 12. The Urunswlek Potosi mining company has levied an assessment of 1 cent per share, delin quent July 12. The Honolulu plantation company paid" its second dividend on the capital stock yesterday. . The Giant powder company conFolldated paid a regular monthly dividend of 50 cents per share yesterday. / ' Royalty oil was ex dividend of 4 cents yester day. A»*essjnient Directory, Comnlock Bllnea Company — No. DeL Board Sale day Amt. Jnlla 12 May 16 June 17 .03 Con. Imperial.. .66 May 23 June 17 .01 Caledonia 78 May 23 June 16 .05,- Bulllon -14 June 3 July. 13 .05 Gould & Cntry.. l4 Juno 4 June 26 .10 Chollar 10 June 5 June 30 .10 Scorpion 17 June 11 July . 6 . .02 Challenge 61 June 19 July 13 .05 Mexican »6 June 19 .July 14 .10 Union ...18 June 24 July 19 .10 Potosi 11 July 2 Aug. 5 .10 Seg. 8e1cher.... 45 July 3 July 29 .03 Yellow Jacket.. 33 July 5 Aug. S .25 Brunswick Choi. 2 July 10 Aug. 2 .01 Brunswick Poto. 2 July 10 Aug. 2 .01 STOCK AND BOND EXCHANGE THURSDAY, June 10^-10:30 a. m. CNITFJ) STATES BONDS Bid. Ask. | Bid. Ask. 4s or cp new — — J3s qr coup... — — MISCELI>ANKOUS BONDS V Ala A W •'». — -JOO I Oak Tran 55.10T — Asso Oil ss. 02^ 05 JO Tmn Cn5».104 — Bay CI'C s*.lolMslo2^iO Trac Cn fts 9S 100 Cal C G 55.104- — TO Trac Co 5s 01 03 Cal G & E g lO W gtd 5«. — 100 ra & ct 5s OS^4 — fOm Cable Ce.HO — Cal st C 55.103 — IPac Glm 4s. 88 — Cal Win ss. Sst4 SRVjJP E Ry 55..10ft5i — City El 55.. 83% S5 JPac L&P ss. 97 — C C Wat C5.102»4 — I Do gtd 5e..101«i — Do g mg5R 03 05 Pac-T&T ss. 00% 100 & Ed El U\ss.lOli4 — I*' & O-H 66.101^103 Ed LAP 6«.10tf 109*i | P & O R Us.lo2Mjlo7 j ,4 First V Trss — — rPowell st 65..102»i — F& C H os. 102 — Sac EG&Rr*.IOO% — II C & S ss. — 10S. |SF & SJVtiB. — 115% Hon R T Bs-105ii — » JSF.O & SJ5s. — 10C% L Tahoe Ros 07 — Do 2d mgs« 02 — L A Elec 55.100V4 — Do «*n ss. — 9G LAG & E15B.101»i — SJ& SCR 4^s — — . LA Ry 55.. — — Sierra R 66..108 — LAI, gtd uS.IOOU — S Pof A 6s LAP lem 55.103% — (1010) 103& — LAP Cal ss. — 103V4 S P of C 6» Maria. W os.lOO 102 (1012) .... — — \u25a0 Mkt et O os. — 10S14 SPO 1 c g Ss.lU Do lcm 55.102% — S P B R 65.12»%133 ; MV&'MtTSs.IOO — SPRR Ist r4s 07 — NRof O 58.11414115 S<kn G&B 6«.105V6 - ; - N P C R 58.102^103^ SV W g mg4s SS% SS% NC Ry 65. .103 — V G & E-ss. 00% — • N C P C ss. 03 — t UR of SF 4s. 75% 70^4 N El Co fis. — 05 ValleJo.Ben & . O GL&U- 58.1031-4105% Napa RR5s — — Oak Tran 6s. 113 — Val Co P ss. IK>& — WATBR STOCKS Marln Co .. — 65 |S V Wat Co. 33% 33% GAS AND ELECTRIC - City El Co.. 33% 83>i|Pae L pfd.. W% 71 N Cal Power 32% 34 | Do coin ,~ 40% — INSURANCE Cnl Ins Co.. 69»i — jFlreman's Fd.l6C 170 BANK STOCKS Am Nil Bk. — 131 | Mer Trust ..220 — Bank of Ca1.363 — -IS F NaUonaL — 135 First Xatnl..2Go 205 j Union T Co.« — — • SAVINGS BAXKS Ger S & L.28Q0 2900 IS P S»i U..-520 — Hum Say Bk — — Say & L So.. — 125 Mut Say Bk 70 " — |See Say Bk.. 3.j0 STREET RAILROADS California ..130 140 | Presidio 20 — POWDER Giant Consolidated Co 74 . V 73 ' SUGAR Hawaiian 0.30 3O'*.lMakaweU S C 30^,40 Honokaa 8 C 17^ 18 lOnomea S C. 43 45 Hutch SPO IH% lft',4 Pa*uhan S C 2i%>Zo\i Kllauea SC. — — J Union S Co.. 34 — OIL STOCKS Amal Of I Co. — B<> I Sterling Oil.. — 4 Asso Oil Co. 31 31% 1 \u25a0 .' : MISCELLANEOUS Alaska P A. — ;7t Pac Aux F A 3U — , Cal F C''A. 08% SWVs Pac O Borax. 151% — Cal Wine A. 30 40 Pac T&T pfd 04% 94% MV& MtTm. — • 115 'Do com ...3014 30% f Alaska Packers' Assn ......^ 74v00 Associated Oil Co.-. ...32.00 City Electric Co 32.75 itu Hawaiian Coml & Sugar Co.?;. 30.00 50 Hutchinson S P Co lft.oo 170 Paauhau.S P Co .".......:..... 25.00 lO'Pncific Lighting. (common)...... 45.J50 . 075 Pacific Tel & Tel (common).... 30.73 $5,0(X) N Ry Co of ;Cal 55..:. ....... .114. 75 ?2,<>00 tJnlted RR of S,P 45r....... 78.00 $18,000 Cal Wine As*n 5s ....:....... 53. 75 Street — - ,35 Alaska Packers' Assn "..*...... 74.00 . - Afternoon Session Board — - • 140 Associated Oil Co ...1.. .11.50 : 70 City Electric -Co- 33.25 . 2i» Hutchlnson S P Co 19.00 5 Makawoli' Sugar 'Co ./....- 30.00 » : 25 Makaweli Sugar Co ............ .'3ft. 12% \u25a0 r.O N Cal Power Con .' ......33.00 ',:~ i 6.'» Pacific Lighting (pfd) . . . :< .... . fi9.75 5 Pacific ' Lighting :(cotnraf>n)...... 45.51) 145 Pacific T»-l &Tel (pfd). ....... 04.50 . 125 Pacific Tel &. Tel (common).... 30.50 ..' 25 Spring -Valley Water C 0......;. .'{.3.50 ; $t.f>oo Cal Gas & El G.M & O T ss:. 08.25 ifi.OiX) s P R R Ist refdg 45. . i.. ... 07. 0n *5.00U-Sprlng Val Wat gen n1tge.45,.;.55.70 $5,000 Spring : Val "• Wat gen mtge 45 .. s.S.<2>A . $2,000 SP R R of Cal lis' (1012):.. ...IKiAo' . $2,000 United R R of SF 45. .;..... -75.87% $11,000 Pacific Tel & Tel u5. ..... StreeT=i - --, - :\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 .. ' • ; - \u25a0 ' •\u25a0 \u25a0:• 300 City. Electric C 0"... ....'.'33. 23 I California Stock nnd'OU Gxchnngc Bid.Ask. Bid.A?k. Amaurot* .... 70. — Palmer ...'....1.45 1.50 Apollo 03 <»5 Peer1e55 ....... 5.25 — Asso Oil tr.31. 00 31.75 Piedmont ..... — ir» Do bds ss. — 00.00 Producers ....2.00 2.15 BrooksUlre "...1.40 ?-\u25a0\u25a0 -— Rico ". .'. .;..:. 2 . 45 •\u25a0- — . Caribou ....11.25 12.00 S;F.& McK. 10.50 — Daisy ........— ».2R Saver; Doiigh. :1.75' : . — Esperanza ... — 1.65 Section .25 ..' — 23.00 Gypsy ....... 23 • — Sovereign. . .... 21 — . Imperial ...'.— 45.00 S.W.& 8....: 45 — - 1 Junction ' p:'.~. . 50 70 Plate ....... ..1.00 * — Kern ; -;.V. ..'.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.. 50. •» Sterling, .^..3^5 3.42U Kern River.. . — 12.50 Sunset .Mon ...50 -— McKittrick :. ,18 — Turner "....\u25a0... Oo — Monte .Cl-i5t7.21.75 2.90 W K. Oil C 0..":. — 2.05 Nev County.. *30 \u25a0 — Del ' Rey ' . . .". , .- — •;'.- 3o Occidental ...;20 — _ \- \u25a0\u25a0: SALES v 11:30 a. m.— V' " 1250 Wolverine ...'..r... ...' .20 300 Paraffine -.:';... ..^.V.1.........-.V t l- f^ -- 2 p". i in: — ..-\u25a0•'/•.-\u25a0\u25a0. • :<a.--~s-": \u25a0. >. " , 150 aaremont ,; '\u25a0''\u25a0' \u25a0''- ...... .72. 10 3000 Apollo ............. . n;l 500 Palmer '" "-*\u25a0 ... I^so 100 Peerless \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'"'' -..•..••••••^ c 50 Mlnin B Stocks v SAN FRANCISCO STOCK EXCHANGE following were the sales on the San Francisco stock and exchange board yesterday: - ' COMSTOCKS enk' V Regular Morning Session .':-;\u25a0. ™ } 0 Andes ;.... 15-lOOOphir !•*? * «ivrt ( ; hollßr ••- •• • 18 100 Overman ..... -j "\u25a0V" , on Va M Co. \u25a0 <5!» 90<> Overman ...-•: +\u25a0' -WO <,onld & Cur. \u25a0' 5 « , 400 Sierra Nev ... '\u25a0«> \u25a0Nmvw! ca ? •'••• m HVt Sierra Nev ••• •% 300 N Gould . & C - 15 100 Yellow Jacket. - 12 , m . \u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0 , Afternoon Session \ ... ;^Srh d n " » 400O P blr l-« I^*« — ... IS 100 Savage -• ;20 sort J^° ar \u25a0••"•• ]9 10CH> slerra v•" '£ W0 dollar .(..... 20 100 Sierra Nev ... 31 V X£ Con Va M Co - C 9 WO Union -^ , 20° «ould & . Our. 17 , 600 Do, b 30. . . . S3 TXX'? 1 , 61 } 0811 .•\u25a0 •j . Sfi r 400 Utah • • V« 100 Mexican . S5 100 Yellow Jacket. U _-\u0084 _T Informal -Session o '. ~%> Best & Belch. 40i 600 Mexican £4 200 Chollar ...... 191 soo ODbir l-3> 800 Con Va M Co. 70 200 Opbir .1-32^ ]00 Con Va Xr:CVx fta 500 Sierra Nev ... SO H on . Va M Co. 68 200 Union £2 (00 Mexican ..... • S5 1000 Utah ' «4 . CLOSING QUOTATIONS - \u25a0 \u25a0I Bid. Ask. Bid. Ask. Alpha .. 103 05 Kentuck 05 00 Alte ..>..... — 03 Lady Wash .. — 02 And « s 13 '\u25a0 14 Mexican S> S*> Belcher ...... .40 42 New York Con 02 — Best & Belch. 39 40 N Gould & a 13 — """ion ...... 15 17 Occidental .... 15 — Caledonia .... 22 25 Ophir ........1.32 1.35 Challenge Oon 13 10 Overman 24 20 Cliollar 17 19 potosi -J 20 22 Confidence ... 72 $0 Savage 1S 2° Con Imperial. 01 113 Scorpion -04 07 ConVa M Co. '69 70 Seg Belcher ». — <>3 Crown Pom t... 40 42 Sierrß Nev ... 29 31, Exchequer .... 25 30 Silver Hill ... l« 07 Gould & Cur. 16 17 St Louis — 08 Hale. & Noro. 21 23 Union .......'. 31 32 J llHl » 05 OS Utah ......... 02 04 Justice — Q3 yellow JackPt. 42 43 TONOPAH AND GOLDFIELD STOCKS _ Regular Session — 9:3 dto 12:30 * 3000 Booth ... Am . . 12 100 Old Kewanas.. 10 IWK) Daisy \u25a0\u0084..-'.13 ldflO G Portland. »5 02 100 Dm B Bte C. 03 2000 Great Bend <17 100 Florence, s 1 5.3.40 100 Raw Quevn .. '30 100 Flornce, u5.3.42% Afternoon' Session 1000 Atlanta ...... IC 600 Gld Con M... 7.05 500 Atlanta 15 300 Gld Con M.7.97J'j 700 Com. Fraction. 64 1000 Gld Kewanas.. 11 1800 Com Fraction. 65 1000 G Portland, so 02 1900 Com Fraction, do 2000 Great Bend . . OS 400 Dp b 10. .. 00 3500 MacNamara . . 2* 1000 Daley 34 GOOO MacNamara -.29 100 Daisy S3 1000 Mayflower Con W 500 Eagle's Nest. 05 1000 Midway ...... 22 200 Florence ...3.42»<, 400 Raw Queen, s3 30 400 Florence 3.37V'. 500 Red Hills . . .. • OT> .800 Gld Con M.7.87^ 3000 Red Hills 08. * 400 Gld Con M...7.tM> 300 Round Mt ... 75 2000 Gld Con M.7,02% 1000 Yellow Tiger.. 07 Informal Hesslou 3000 Atlanta J6 200 Florence ...3.32'4 2500 Com Fraction. 06 500 Old Con M.7.S7Vi 3000 Xtom Fraction. Xo 300 Great Bend .. 00 ,10tiO Empire :01 1500 MacNamara .. 29 200 Florence 3.35 100 Pitts S Peak. 40 CLOSING QUOTATIONS >> NEVADA Tortapah District Bid. Ask. I Bid. Ask. Bolmont -...., SO .S4 Mlrpah Ex .. — 05 Boston Ton ..- — iHJMontana "68 — California ... — 01 Mont Mid Ex. ~ <i 3 Cash. Boy ... — 01 Mon Pitts Ex. — 04 Gold Mt .... — 01 North Star ... 03 04 Great Westrn. . — ul Ohio Ton .... — HU Home — 01 Paymaster ... — 01 Ind Ton .... — 01 Rescue Con .. 02 03 Jim Butler .. 13 14 Ton Exten ... IWL — MacNamara.. , 29 30 Ton of Nev.. 7.oC)*'- — Midway ...«. 21 22 West End!... 25 20 Midway Ex .. — 04 GoldSeld District Adams.. .... — 02 Gld Kewanas.. 10 11 Atlanta ...~^ 1« 17 Gld Merger M. — (7 Black Ants .. — 01 Grandma .'.... — \u25a0 O:{ Blk B Bonan. 01 02 Great Bend . . 07 OS Blk Butte Ex — 01 Grt Bend Anx 01 * 02 Black Rock .. — 01 Grt Bend Ex. Ol 02 Blue Bell ... 03 04 Hlbernla 02 03 Blna Bull ... 08 'W Jumbo Ex ... 12 14 Btte Goldfleld — 02 Kendall 05 — Booth 12 13 Kendall Ex .. — • 01 CO D- 20 22 Lone Star .... 04 05 Columbia .... 01 03 Lou Dillon ... 01 02 Columbia Mt. 11 \J2 Mid Pawnee. .. — '02 Com Fraction. 65 *tfi Mtlltown Frac. — 02 Comng Nation — 01 "Mohwk C Leas — 05 Conqueror ....'O3 04 Mohawk Ex .. — 02 Cracker Jack. 02 04 Mohawk Junior — 04 Daisy ........ 33- 34 Nev Boy — ~ 02 Desert Chjef.. 04 Nev ' Goldfleld. 02 ' — Dm B Bfrte C 03 05 Oro \u25a0..'....;..."\u25a0" tw (>. Dmdfld lTngl. 01 02 Red Hills .... i>S V 0 Dixie — 01 Red Top Ex.. o.", 01 Empire 01 02 Ruby Gold M. 03 04 Florence .....3. 50 3.32 Sandstorm — 13 Florence Ex.. 02 03 Sandstorm Ex. — Ot Frances Mhk. 05 07 Silver Pick .. 12 - 13 Gen .Wash . . \u25a0 — 01 St Ives ...... 11 Gold Bar Gld 10 — Wonder ...... — 01 Old Con M...7.85 7.90 Yellow Rose... — 04 Gld . Portland. 02 03 Yellow Tiger. .07 — Bullfrog District Amargosa G.. — 01 1 Mayflower Con. 09 ' 10 Amethyst ..:. — \u25a0>' 02 Mont Bullfrog. — 01 Bonnie Clare.. Wi 04 Montgomy Mt. 03 Ot Bullfrog Mln. — (>2 Mtg Shos Kx. -— ' 01 Blfrg Nat Bk 02 03 Nag' get ." — 01 Gold Bar .... — 01 Orig Bullfrog.. C 2 (Jold Sceptre. — 01 Tramp Con . . 05 07 Homestake K. 01 02 Valley View.. 05 . Lige Harris.. — 01 j Yankee Girt .. — 02 Manhattan District Apr Fool Ex. — 01 Man Cowboy.. — ()2 Atlan & Pac. — 01 Man Dexter .. 03 04 C0met........ — 01 Man Little Joe — 01 Gold Wedge.. — t»l|Mnn Mln Nev. — 01 Jumping . Jack — Ol; Mineral Hill.. — 01 Lhtle Grey .. — 03 Mustang Man..' »»2 — Man Broncho. — 01 Orig Man .... 01 — Man Buffalo.. 01 Pine Nnt .... 01 Man Con .... 03 04, Whale ....... -— 01 Man Crescent. — 01 Other Districts Eagle's Nest. 05 OR Pitts S Peak. 40 M Falrvw O Bid — 03 Itamsey 1^ Falrvw Hailst — Ot| Raw Coalition."- 27 28 Falrvw Eagle. — rO Raw Mohawk. 01 Jack Pot .... — 04 Raw Queen .. 20 So Nev Hills ... 75 — Round Mt ... 74 70 GRAIN MARKET .Wheat and Other Grains. Wheat— Chicago was lower. The San Fran cisco market stood precisely as before. CASH WHEAT California club, |2.10<&2.15; do milling, $2.20; California white Australian, nominal at $2 20<5i 2«0;-off grades of California wheat, $2642.10; ?S r^ff^i n c iS b ; * 2 - 1 °®2.15; northern bluestem. $2.27%@2.32'£; Russian • red, 52.10&2 if turkey red, $2-10@2.20 per ctl. * ' : FUTURES * 10:30 a. m. Session No quotations. » ... „ \u25a0 2 p. m. Session No quotations. Barley — There was no further chanßp of Im portance yesterday. Sales of cash feed at the quotations were reported. - CASH BARLEY Good to choice old feed spot,- $1.4~t£@1. 50; < £ m E??J?Ali<\ r ' %lAS% IAS l' er ctl; new feedTspot fl*7o^i r 7^T S an 6hlpplnK> noml nal; chevalier, 10:30 a. m. Session . • December— sl.4o%. „ ' Open. Hijch. • Low.' Close. De «"J lb " i»-*1.40%i »-*1.40% »»•*% $1.40. $1.40 V feature" market continues jiull and without t^YnU^ > ,A ? ;- 15 @ 2 - 2 °: Pr«y, ': $2.10@2.15; I red. $2 10&2.20 for choice. $2.03 for good and $2 for Inferior, per ctl; black, nominal. - Corn— There was no further variation in prices yesterday. California small round fellow. $1.53; large et!2?"' * I'h'H;1 ' h 'H; western states yellow, sacked, 51.J0; white, nominal: in bulk, San Fran cisco trackv yellow, $1.52: white, $1.55; mixed, $I.S<); Egyptian,. sl.9o per ctl for white. - Kye — Nominal, none offering. '; Foreign Futures \u0084 LIVERPOOL ''*'' '-l^Vl'" Wheat—. - July.* Sept. D(?c.\ "Pening • fNJi .. S 7V, 54% Closing ................ » T|tj.7 Vj : 83?; PARIS .- Wheat— June. Sept.-Dec. Opening :.....'.... .20 40 -: 24 45 Closing 26 33 24 43 Flour- Opening .. ........'.... SO 55 :a.JO '-"-'. ClosftiK . . . . .....'...•......- 33 63 Eg 32 15 " CHICAGO BOARD- OF TRADE i - — -\u25a0"-\u25a0' ' \ \u25a0-\u25a0;•«\u25a0 .-'j?smg , ' ' Future Grain and Provlßlonrf :;,: CHICAGO," June ;10.— ThoS wheat market!- was m eak j all day with \ thel exception ; of a : brief • pe riod'«t the' start. 1 when'prices: rose ito ; a, point a' trifle , above ! yesterday's \ closing figures as •a ; re sult • of ; unexpected ; strength at ' Liverpool.,- The weakness became pronounc««l in the final i hour and the ; July ' delivery .'was. subjected to heavy selling pressure. ', Bearish was •\u25a0' d<ie mainly to Improvement. ln\the fall: sown crop 'as indicated , ln report s*f rom i Kansas, Nebraska and the- Ohio \u25a0 river - valley."* -According • to '\u25a0 wme" ad vices the' crop In Kansas is improving ; as ; « > re sult 'of- recent rains,', and . harvesting; will ibegin next weok.-'- Floods In, some. .; sections^ of .; the sontljwest; ,• however,.: were said -to-have I wrought some .damage to > jrrowing : •jrnin.'J'An' estimate =on th»;week"s shlpmenrstof wheat Lfrmn~Argentina. whlrh : showed a I sraln *of : nearly; 1 ,000,000, bushels compared with. the previous week, whs a bearish factor early lv the. day;- The ungeof ;the- July - - ',':"'\u25a0'•; ' ' . . \u25a0"'**\u25a0 ]':"\u25a0"" \u25a0 •/\u25a0'--•' - \u25a0\u25a0.;. .'-. i- SUMMARYOP TMEMARKEfs New York stocks rather higher. Cotton futures and cotton stocks higher. Bank of England rate unchanged. ; Continued , activity §in . local • stocks and \u25a0 bonds. \u25a0 . Shipment of .$296,5C0 in silver bullion to /China. • >-\u25a0— : : ' Exchange unchanged. , Silver lower. I Wheat, barley and other grafns about th« . . same. . /. \u0084" \u25a0..*\u25a0 ' ' \u0084 Hay still dull and generally weak. Scans quiet, with further fluctuations. Hops higher, but quiet. - Live, dressed and cured meats unchanged. Cheese and extra eggs higner. V Butter un , changed . Potatoes and onions weak. Fruit market unsettled hy late arrivals. Poultry in liberal receipt 'and weak..' delivery for the. -day was -between" $1.16% and $i.11)%. The market closed weak aud only a trifle above the low point,. with July at $1.16%® New high record marks for the season were established In the corn market when the July delivery sold .at 73-% c and the September at 70% c per bushel. Sentiment in the pit was bullish the greater part of the day. but the mar ket finally yielded to the weakness of wheat and closed at - almost .-..the ' lowest.- point, although prices were still a trifle-above yesterday's final figures. The December option was an exception and closed at a net loss of %c. Trade In the oats market was quiet and prices fluctuated over a range of about Vie. The mar ket closed easy, with prices a -shade lower to a shade higher than yesterday's final quotations. - Provisions were firm at the start, but weak ened on realizing based on increased receipts of live hogs at western packing centers. Prices at the dose were 10<gl5c lower. The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles-?- Open. High. . Low. Clo*e. Wheat- July 1.10% 1.10% 1.16% 1-17 September .. 1.10% 1.l Oil I.OOVi 1.00% December ...... 1.09 1.09 ft 1.08 - 1.0S& x Corn — • *-- July 73% 73% .72% 73 September 70% . 70T, 70^ 70*4 December ...... 50% 5;» s i 59 59Vg Oats — • July ........... 53%; 54 . 53Vs 53% September 44% 44-^ 44% 44% December 45Vs .-\u25a0 45% 45 45 Mess Pork, per bbl — July .20.07U, 20.10" 19.95 10.95 September ......20.20 .20.25 20.07% 20.07% Lard, per 100 11)8 — July ....... 11.67% 11.70 11. W) 11.50 September 11.77% 11. SO 11.57% 11.57% Short: Ribs, per 100 lbs — July 10.87% 10. 87%. 10. 75" 10.75 September 10.00 10.00 10.75 10.75 \u25a0 \ ) Cash Grain - and Provisions CHICAGO, June 10.— Cash quotations were as follows: Flour, -strong; No. 2 rye. SSc; feed or raixinx barley, SOftiSlc; fair to choice nmitinst barley. Sl<Hß2c; flaxseed. No. 1 southwestern $1.61iA, No. 1 northwestern $1.71% ]/ timothy seed, $3.00: clover. $10.t;0: mess pork, per bar rel. $19.05@20; lard, per 100 pounds. $11.50; short ribs; sides Uoose), ' $10.70<210.55\ short clenr sides (boxed). $11.12% (§£11.25. GRAIN STATISTICS Total flenrances of wheat and flour were eqnal to 158,000 bushels. Primary receipts were 273. 000 bushels, compared with 313,000 bushels the corresponding day a year ago. -~ Estlmated receipts for tomorrow : Wheat, 2 cars; corn, 143 ears; oats, 83 cars; hogs, 20,000 head. - - Northern Wheat Market OREGON PORTLAND, June 10.— Wheat— Unchanged. t WASHINGTON . ' TACOMA. Jbne 10.— Wheat— Milling: Blne- Bt*"m. $1.30@1.35; club, $1.14. Export: Blue stem. $1.24; club, $1.14; red, $1.09. SEATTLE, June 10. — No milling quotations. Export -wheat: Bluestem, $1.24; club, $1.14; red, $1.09. Receipts — Wheat. 4 cars. A>tv York Grain Market NEW YORK, June 10. — Flour— Receipts, 22,400 ' barrels: exports, 4,800; quiet and steady. Wheat — Receipts, 1,200 bushels; exports, 06,- C 00: spot, easy; No. 2 red, $1.31 elevator and $1.51 nominal f. 0. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, $1.36% nominal f. o. b. afloat: No. 2 hard winter, $1.35% nominal f. O. b. afloat. Re ports that harvest would commence in southern Illinois next week and that new wheat was be ing offered freely caused a violent break In prices today. The decline caught stoploss or ders near the close and last prices were_%@lHc net lower. A fair export trade was done at the j decline. July closed $1.25. September closed $1.16%, December closed $1.15. Minneapolis Flax Market MINNEAPOLIS. June 10.— Flax closed $1.81%. LOCAL MARKETS Receipts of Produce June 10 Flour, qr ska. . . . 3,944] Leather, rolls 75 Wheat, ctls .... 1 5| Tallow, rtlaf... 10 Barley, ctls .... 4,525 Hides, Ko SSO Corn, ctls 115 Pelts, No 130 Bran, sks 145 Sujtar, ctls 2,700 Middlings, sks .. 255 Wine, gals 23,000 Potatoes, sks ... 4,140 Brandy, gals .... 2,500 Onions, sks 1,070 Lumber, M ft.... 40 Hay, tons • 430 Quicksilver, flasks 40 Hops, bales 5 Apples, bxs 200 Wool, sks 657 Paper, btils 3,810 Shorts, sks 1331 • .-- WASHINGTON Flour, qr sks.... G,2«ot Shorts, sks 500 Wheat, ctls ....43,5401 WESTERN STATES Flour, qr Bks 1,500 Provinlons No further price chauges are noted. The market continues in good shape for sellers. Cottolene — One half bbl, iu%c; 3 half bbls, 10^c;l tierce, 10% c; 2 tierces, 10% c; 5 tierces. 10^c. . t ..\u25a0'."\u25a0\u25a0 The Western meat company quotes as follows: Hams. 15Va@17o; picnic hams, lie; bacon, 6 to S lbs. 20c; 8 to 10 lbs. 10c; 10 to 12 lbs, 19c: sugar cured bacon, 23c; Arrow bacon, 8 to 10 lbs, 18c;-10 to 12 lbs, 17% c; light dry salt bacon,^B to 10 lbs, 17 Vic; 10 to 12 lbs, 16c; me dium b.icon, H!;t; light medium bacon, ltVic. Lard^ — Tierces, 13Vie: 50s 13% c, 10s 14% c, 5s 14% c, 3s 14V>c; compound lard, tierces. BV4c, 50s 6%c, 10s OUc, 5s 9%c, 3s,oVac; yellow cooking oil, 53c per gal; white cooking oil, 55c per gal; salad oil, 5Sc per gal. Beef— Local prices are quoted. ; Export lots, inspected by the government, are $1 per'bfc' higher. Extra -family beef, $14 per bbl; family beef, $13.50 per bbl; extra mess beef, $13 per bbl. Pork — Extra prime. In barrels, $20.50: clear. $23; mess, $22; pig porfc~s2S; pigs' feet, $5 for half bbls, $2.35 for 25 lb kegs ami $1.30 for kits; smoked beef, 2iy>jC per lb. £"; " Meat Market The market shows no change. Beef and mut ton are easy, and. pork -is dull. DRESSED MEATS Slaughterers' rates to dealers and butchers are as follows: ; \u25a0 Beef — 6%<37%c per lb for steers," 6@6%c for cows and heifers. - . Veal— 6%®B%c for large and B%@9c for small. r •\u25a0 , \u25a0 Mutton — Wethers, 7<^Sc; ewes, 6@7c per lb. Lamb — O (SO Vic per lb. Dressed Pork (per lb)— ll@ll%c for light and 9%©10 c for heavy. LIVESTOCK MARKET The following quotations are for good, sound livestock . delivered in San . Francisco, gross weight:. \u25a0 . No. 1 fat steers, over 000 lbs. alive. 4@4J£c: under 000 lbs 3%<g4c; second quality, 3%<§3?4c; thin and undesirable steers. 3e. No. 1 cows and heifers, 3UW3%c; second qual ity, 3c; common, thin, undesirable cows. 2@2%c. Fat bulls and stags, 2c; half fat or thin bulls, Vi@l%<:- ~' \u25a0 ' . \ Calves— Light weight, per- lb, 5c; • medium, 4%c; heavy, 3%@4c. - Sheep (per lb)— Wethers, No. 1, 4%c; ewes. No. 1. 3*4<f?4c; shorn sheep. %c less. Lambs (per lb) — This year's milk lambs. 5@ 5Uc. '\u25a0• \u25a0' \u25a0 - ' \u25a0 : '\u25a0 ,--\u25a0 •'---\u25a0-" Hogs (per lb>— Hard grain fed. weighing 100 to 140 lbs, 7@7%c; 140 to 250 lbs, 7!<4c: 250 to 350 lbs, 6% @ 7c; rough, heavy hogs, 4%@5c; common, undesirable hogs, 4@4%c. Ilulter, Cheese and Eggs There was : a scarcity of fancy California Youne I America cheese yesterday and the ! efforts of a buyer to secure supplfes for; a small order under the call \u25a0on the exchange resulted In the price rurralnp up 'JOe a pound, an advance of 3 lie over tbe- previous quotation. -There were three sales under .the .call, but only two ' Tots changed hands, the buyer of .one lot reselling at the '2oc figure.. The new quotation was really no guide. ' to the j market.' an - the , few : handlers who had : any stocks were •- bllltns: them \u25a0• out at prices well "belowr the exchange". THte. Butter was : unchanged, with • the * movement \ Into /cold storage continuing : unchecked. •\u25a0 The extra: grade of - egfts continued "to \u25a0 advance, business . on the exchange w ndlng : the , price :. i^p another cent » to 2T'Ac 'aT dozen. •\u25a0 Seconds and thirds were lc a s dozen ': lower, with ; the »; market weak at the decline...,-;- . .-. - \u25a0Sales on the exchange were as follows: y Kggs— lo capes of extras at 26c, 10 at 2G&C and <>O:at 27*4<: a do*»n. . . Cheepe — -,o , fancy ' California -flats at 14c. 25 fancy ; Youne Americas at 17^c, 25 at 18*>jc and "25 > at ' 20c :a j 1 jjlt fUtV "\u25a0< tf \u25a0l'WßliTßi ,^ '\u25a0 . \u25a0\u25a0;. Receipts " wero % 60.000 \u25a0\u25a0 pounds bntter. 29,000 pounds ; cheese ?J and ..' 1.565 cases : eggs. ij. • >The -, following • are -\u25a0 official \u25a0: quotations estab lished by ; the . sales," bids ; and offers on the floor of "i the 5 dairy} exchange. i> Prices in the .street, while? governed '-. by the exchange quotations, gen erally, range 'from l*£c to 2c higher, owing. to the various charges to. bemadded. ". W- . : - * IVa.'ter— Fresh ' creamery-extras,'. 26i£e per lb, firm;, do firsts. 25*>4c," flrm:do seconds, 25c, firm. Cheese— California :• fancy.; flats, • He \u25a0 per : lb. Weak; do firsts,'' 13Vjc,' steady;" do seconds,. 12c, Local Grain Without Variation i ; Hop Market Higher, JgUnactiyeJ steady; fancy Young Americas, 200, steady; do firsts, 15% c, steady. >» Epgs (per dozen, cases Included) — California fresh extras. 27",ic, firm: do firsts. 25c. firm; do seconds, weak: do thirds. 22c. weak. Portland llutter- Market PORTLAND. June 10.— Butter— City and country creamery extras. 26% c; fancy, 24<S2 y< "; store, lSS52'.)e. - -" ESS Market In »arby Counties PETALUMA. June lf>— There was art'? o* 1 cent . in prices paid for ess* today after re ceipt of quotations fronr the S«n Francisco dairy exchange. Today's quotations > were 25% cents and 24% cents for best grades. The delivery was fair. t ". ..•*'. ;>V" \u25a0 - SANTA ROSA. June -10.— Th«»re was an ad vance of a cent per dozen for all grade* of epes on the local market this morninp on re ceipt of quotations from the San Francisco dairy exchange, j Local dealers today quoted 25% cents per dozen for choice andy 22%" cents for seconds. Potatoes, Onions and - Vegetables Continued heavy arrivals, together with a larp* carryover from the preceding day. ransea a slump In prices for new potatoes yesterday am! 2c a pound was a top ff>r tne general rnn of supplies on the wharf, -with favored branrts oc casionally bringing a little more. Los Angeles lots were still held at 3c a pound, but found few buyers, owing to the abundance and cheap ness of river and bay goods. Onions and old potatoes were unchanged, the market being weak for both. In the vegetable line, tomatoes, greencorn and Marysville cucumbers continued to weaken —>- large supplies, there l*-lng a par ticularly heavy increase in the* receipts of Cali fornia tomatoes. Summer squash, eggplant and preen peppers were good sellers at steady prices, and arrivals of asparagus, rhubarb and peas were readily absorbed at the previously quoted rates. Potatoes <per ctl)— River Burkanks. $l.Soft*2-, Orejron Burbanks. $2.25^2.40; sweet potatoes, $2; new potatoes, $1.75(32.25. . Onions — Australian. $4(fi;4.25 per ctl; Bermuda seed, nominal; new red. 50@60e per sack; new yellow. 90C<i$l per sack. Vegetables — Asparagus. $1.50@2 per box for extra* and $1©1.25 for common; rhubarb. $1@ 1.50 per box for bay and 3%@4c per lb for northern; tomatoes, imported. $1.50 per cra»e: do local, ftOc(gisl per box: green peas. • $I.softt 2.25 per sack; string and wax beans. 3(g-t%c per lb; summer squash, $1(^1.25 per box; do large boxes. $2@2.25; carllc, 4<gs«r per lb for new; cabbage, $1.25 per ctl: cucumbers, »>s<££7sc per box; do large boxes. $2f«i2.25»: cauliflower. "rfKfS tisc p«r dozen; carrots. $1.50 per sack: turnips. $1.50 per sack: eggplant. ior(£l2%e per lb; green peppers, 10Qi20c— per lb for local; green porn, ;{s'g4Oc per uozen for Brentwood and 20@25c for Winters. Deciduous and Citrus Fruits Tardy deliveries of consignments continued to seriously hamper trade in fresh fruit* yester day aud prices for/fhe leadiflg orchard <h>s<Tip ti"iis were weak and irregular, ranging muca lower lit the middle of tbe forenoon and In «h<- afternoon than during the early morning hours. Receipts of apricots were increased to ntarjy 4.000 packages, over 1.000 boxes of peaches arrived and the market was overloaded with belated arrivals of cherries. Some peaches sold np to $1 a U>x In the morning, but noth ing could command that price after the wants of early buyers were filled, and apricots had to be exceptionally fine to bring over $1 a crate. Cherries were lower on tlie day, 5e a pound being an extreme with most sellers for both black and Royal Anne. Berries continued to arrive in excessive quantities and all va rieties were weak. Loganberries sold generally at $2©2.50 a chest, with small parcels bringing $3 cow and then, while several lots were denned np to canners In* the afternoon at $1.50. Nut meg melons were lower, but moved freely at the revised quotations, while currants and figs continued to find prompt sale at sfeailr prices. Citrus fruits were quiet and featureless. StrawberrlesJ— Lonjrworths, $7ftj,S p«r chest • large varieties. $3@4 per chest. Raspberries — $4^B per chest. Gooseberries^ — JofeaOc per drawer; In bulk, 4Q 7c per lb. Blackberries-!— s4 far, per chest. x Loganberries — $2§j3 per chest for red and black. Currants — 99(5,7 per chest. Apples— $1«5i.50 per box; do new, 50&63 c for small and 75c@$l for larpe boxes. Pears— 7sc@sl for \u25a0 small and $202.25 for large boxes. \u25a0 Cherries — 50(R75c per drawer for black and fiO (§6sc per box for Royal Anne; loop*. xVjQZc for black, 3@sc for Royal Anne and 2&3 c for white. Peaches — 50cS$l per box. Plum*— 7se<gsl per box or crate: cherry plnms, 00Q65c per drawer. Apricots— Crates, S3c<gSl.lo; boxes, 65©00e" baskets, $l@l.lo. — FJcs— sl.soQ2.2s per box. Nutmeg Melons — $1.25, for special, $0.50 fur pony and $4 for standard crates. Utrus Fruits (per box >— Navel oranges, $1.50@2.50; grapefruit, $2.25@2-73 for seed less: lemons. $2.75Q3 for fancy. $1.75Q2 25 for choice and $1@1.25 for standard; limes $4.50@5. Tropical Frnits— Bananas. 75c@51.75 per bunch for Hawaiian and $2.50@3.50 for Central American; pineapples. $2.50@4 per dozen. Dried Fruits. Rnl.ila*. Xuti» and Honey Late mail reports from New York say of prunes: "According to advices received from S»n Jose, the coming prune crop promises a larser yield than earlier reports have indicated. It Is now stated that the output will be greater than that of it»08. but the percentage of probable Increase Is not mentioned. The more favorable crop oot look, coupled with the continued indifference of eastern buyers to offerings for future delivery, seems to have weakened the views of sellers on the coast, with the result that October shipments of Santa Clara fruit are now being made on a 3c f. o. b. bag basis on 50s to 90s from some quar ters, though a number of packers adhere to their quotation of 3^4 c f. o. b. bags for those sizes. The premium ou 40s which heretofore has been » half cent has been reduced In some Instances to a quarter of a cent. The premium on SOs varies from 1 cent to 1^ cents as, to seller. In spot prunes the demand for the larger sizes con tinues fair, and with stock cleaning up the market has a firm tone. Medium and small sixes, however, are inactive and the feeling on these is rather easy." Frnits, old crop — Evaporated apples. SV.@Si£e; apricots, B»2<fJlo^c: fancy moorpark.' 11H13 12*4 c; peaches. 4e for standards. 4U<34}Jc for choice and s(g6c for fancy; pears. 4*iJ7^c: pitted plums. 6^@sc; nectarines, 4V4©5Hc; flgs, 2»j® 4c; prunes, 4 size basis, -H©-**e. with premium for the large sizes. New fruits — Apricots. 7@7^ic; peaches. s<afte. Raisins — London layers^ — 2 crown, 90c; 3 crown, $1; seeded, 4@4^c; Thompson's seedless. 3>4c for unbleached; seedless sultanas, 2^c;. loose muscatels, 3^-jc for 4 crown, 3c for 3 crown and 2%@2}jc for 2 crown. Nuts — Almonds, nonpareils, 13@13%e; IXL. plus ultra. 13c; Drake, 11@ HM:c: l&nguedots, 10@10^c; hardshells. 7@sc. Walnuts, lie per lb for No. 1 softshells, 7e for No. 2 do; chestnuts. Bft|loc per lb for Italian; filberts. 12Vs@14c; pecans, 15@17c. Honey — New comb. 14 @ 15c for water white, and 10@12c per lb for amber; extracted. 8c for water white and 7^c for light auibn; old, can died and dark amber, 4@4>^c per lb.N- Beeswax— 27^@29c per lb for light and 25® 20c for dark. Ponltry and Game There were continued liberal arrivals of live poultry from state shipping points yesterday, and with business quiet the general tone of the market was one of easiness. -Young roosters and fryers brought satisfactory prices when sales were made, but ordinary hens and small broilers moved slowly 1 and a great many coops had to be held over. . ; Poultry (per dozen) — Hens, $5@5.50 for small. $G@7 for large. and $S@lo for extras; young roosters. $S@10; old roosters, $4.50Q5; fryers, $8.50®7 for large and $5(?}9 for small; broil ers. $4@5 for large and $2.50@3.50 for small; ducks, $6@7: pigeons. $l@l.£0; squabs, $1.75@ 2; goslings. $2@2.50 per pair. . Beans and Seeds * Changes in small white, blackeye and red kid ney bean* will be noted. <Sarvanzas are quoted lower. White-beans continue firm. Beans (per ctl>— Bayo. $5. 35 & .">. 30; pea, $6.25 &6.50: small white. $i>.4o<g(; large white $5.2305.50: pink. $3.10'fi,3.25: red. nominal; blackeye, $3. 25 ig 3. 50; lima", $4.10'»54.23; retl kid neys. $3.25^3.30; cranberry beans, nominal; Garvanaas. $2.50@3; horse beans. $1.90@2.2y. Seeds — Brown mustard,. 3% ®4»£c; yellow mus tard, nominal; flaxseed. 4c. carload lots; canary, 4c; alfalfa. 16@17c; rape, cleaned, ,2@2isc; tim othy, s?4<£fGc; hemp. '4c; millet. 2%c per lb; broomcorn seed, $23.50 per ton. Dried Peas— Green are quoted at $3.25 per ctL Flour "and Farinaceous Goods Flour— California family extras. $B.6oißiT net without discount; bakers' extras, $6.60@7; super fine, $5.50<g5.70; Oregon and Washington \ per bhj. $5.50@6.50 for family, bakers' and patents and $4.75@5.25 far cnt off; Kansas patents $7.80;. do straights, $7.50; do clear. $7; Dakota patents. $S. 10; do straights, $7.00; do clear, $7.30 per bbl. '"-."'/•' ' Farinaceous Goods — Prices In packages, net cash, no discount, are as fallows: Graham Soar $4 per 100 lbs; rye flour, $4.25; rye meal. $4 : rice flour. $8; corn meal. $3.25; extra cream do $3.75; oat meal, $5.40; oat groats, $5.40; hominy' 53.60@4; buckwheat flour. $5; whole wheat flour* $4.25; rolled oats, bbls $8@8.50, in sacks $5 40 @8; extra cream do, $8.50 In sacks and $9 'in barrels; rolled wheat, bbls $5.75. ,. in sacks $4 3o @5.25; pearl barley. $5.50: split peas, boxes ; $5.75 for yellow and $0.25 for green, per 100 lbal ! ..Hay and Feedstuffn Choice wheat hay continues more or less scarce and Is. accordingly steady to firm. AH other de scriptions , are easy. Buyers at all trading ren ters are bnylnjt only from hand to mouth, which renders the demand Ugh&.'ftnflpHKggl Bran— s29@3o per ton. for white and $23.50© 29 for red. ; \u25a0-•\u25a0 ' _ . Middintts — $33 5{ 35 per ton.' Shorts— s3l ©32 per ton. . Feedstuffs— Rolled barley, $33(231; rolled oata for feeu. $42@45; mixed feed. $Co@33 for aver age loU; oilcake meal. In 20 ton lots $3S 50 ia Jo ton lots $Ct». in 5 ton lots $C 950 .maU tots $40; coeoamit cake or meal at mlll . s - l \** and 10 aud ««.50 in 5 ton lots; Jobbing. $2.: c"m meal. $35»<340: cracked corn. $40®41; broom corff- seed, nominal: alfalfa meal and mealfalfa. lohWn- lr.ts $24. osrloml lots $2:> per ton. Har'-Wheat. $17^22: w* crop. $15^19.50; old wheat and oat. $1*030: tame oat. $lt>®2o; new 7oluntifer wild t»at. "SU«*U: new barley. $11 <& Ill^ew alfalfa. *>'l£10; Rock hay. $S<39 P«r ton. litraw— 3o&i>oc ptr Ua'.e. General Merebandlae Bags— Grain bags. 5%«^: San «" en " n £•«": 5%c; wool bags. 33c- for lb and 06c for 4 lb; Eeece twine, 9e per lb. Coal— Pelaw main. ?7...»; Leav er Hill. $7 Pennsylvania ittkwM fSR *£ *£***£&. lnjrtou tOl New Welllnetw. $9: Cww bay *. AHMrs'llan h«nse-Rlehn,nr..l. ««g ,* 9; h * £" I'm Richmond. $«: Cumberland. Sls In bulk ami il«s™ In Wk*; Welsh anthracite. $1..; coke. $1-. pert.m in bulk and flQ'ta sack.*; Rocky moun tain. $».5O per short ton. - .._.„„. ... Oil»— Quota ticiw are for barrels: Unseed. ,4<; per yallou for boiled and TCe fur »\u25a0*;:»«?•«« mnr«T- .-aitor oil In cases', No. 1. 71c: Baker « ™1 $\ llffll 15: China nut. ewes. 70@SOc per gallon- wSiaat oil in barrels/ «o«<!3 He for vxx '57^fi«lc for No. 1 and SS&^VsCfor Nu. '• according to Quantity; extra bleached winter s"pera oil. 91c: natural winter .perm oiU 91c: natural whale 00. 65c: extra win er stratned lard nil mrHflßc- No. 1 neutsfoot oil, bOc; herring ol!: 4<*t salmon oil. Sc; boiled ftsb oil, 33c; Pa Coal° U6tl.U 6tl. "Gasoline, etc.— Water white, iron narreU or drums. 10c; 130 deg oU. iron barrels or drums. llVic: »P«cUl do._l2c: pearl oil m cases, 17c; astral. 17c; star, l.c; extra star. 20c; Elaine 26 1 4c; eocene. 20c; red crown and motor gasoline, in bulk. 14% c; in cases. 21 He; No I enciae distillate, ia drums Sc; No. 2 do. 7c; caies 7c more; SC deg gasoline, ia bulS. 3oe; 1a case* o7Vac; varnisa makers' and palater^ naphtha, in bulk, lie; in cases. lS^c. Turpentine — C2e per gallon in cases and so<j In bulk. druo» and Iron barrel*. Roslu (per bbl of 2SO lbs)— E. #(5.50; F. $6.65* G 56 70 11. *~; 1. * 7 - Cs i WW. $10.40. 'Red and White Lead— Red. SMj'sOc; whU«, S4«6 1 -ic per lb. REFINED SUGAR MARKET The Western sugar reanlns company qnotes as follows terms net cash: Standard granulated (line or coarse;, s.ti3c: fruit standard, 5.65 c; crystal domlnos. in cases. S.tioc; tablets, la half bbla, 6.15 c; tablets, in boxes. C.4oc: cubes and A crushed. 5.00 c: powdered, 5.15 c: candy granu lated, 5.73 c; confectioners* A, 5.73 c; confection ers" crjetala, 5.75 c: inajmolla A. 5.25 c: extra C. 5.15 c; golden C, 5.05 c; D, 4»95t.'. Barrels and 50 lb bags 10c, half bbls 25c. boxes 50c more per 100 lbs for all grades. Monarch bar la quoted over and above the price fcr standard fine (canei granulated In 100 lb bags as follows: Bags, 100 lbs. 35c; barrels. 45c: half barrels, 60c; 4O lb tins, cased, $2.05; 35 lb Una. cased. $2.05; 10 lb tins, cased. 10 In a case. $2.70; S lb tins. 8 ia a case, $2.70; CO lb boxes. 85c. No extra charge for putting up bar ia private packages. The California and Hawaiian sugar retain? company quotes as follows: Granulated basis. 5.«3c; "Hlsrade" bar. 6c; powdered. 0.75 c: A crushed, 5.90 c; berry. 5.65 c; C & H extra flna dry granulated. 5.65 c; coarse dry granulated. s.fisc; confectioners' A. 5.65 c; confectioner** crystals, 5.75 c: cubes. 5.90 c; bricks. 5.90 c: extra fine prannlated <100 bags only). — : excelsior A, 5.25 c; extra C, 5.15 c; golden C, 5.05 c; yel low D, 4.95 c; H. & E, crystal demtnos. 5.63 c Additional per 100 lbs: la barrels and 50 lb bags, 10c more; half barrels. 25c more; boxes. 50c more for all grades. Bar, In S3 lb and 4O lb tins. $1.70 more: In 10 lb tins, 52.33 more. Mlnimcoi order, carload weight. Hide*. Tallow. Wool and Hop* Although hops are qTiiet. they are firm. an 4 quotations are e>omewhat higher. According ti> the New York Journal of Commerce, stocks ia first hand:* are estimated as follows: Oregon, I. TO© hales: California, 8,000 bales; Washington. 300 bales; New York. 1.500 bales. Total. 12,'X)t> bales, as against 35,000 bales a year ago. Hides — Culls and brands sell about Vi^lc un der quotation.*. Heavy salted steers, 13@13H.ct medium. llffc<3l2y>c; U?ht. HQll^e; cowhides. ll@l2c for heavy ."ll® 12c for light; •tags. Sc; salted kip, ll^c; salted veal, 16^ac; salted calf. 16^e; dry hides. 19H'g2Oc: dry - kip. 19c: dry calf. 23e; dry veal. 23c: dry stags. 15c; sheep sitlns. shearlings. 20<340c each: short wool. 50SC 75c each: medium. 75c@$l each: long wool. $1.2.1 01.73; lamb*. 25<§75c: horseh!de». salt, $2.23<W 2.75 for large and $1.75^2.25 for medium. 73c(Q $1.50 for small and 25(g50c for colts; horsebide!*. dry. $2@2.50 for large and $1.23(32 for medium. 50c@$l for small and 25?i?;50c for colts; goat skins, prima angora. 50^75c; large hair goats. lS>(§3oc; medium. 20iS25c; staall. s@l3c; Mexi can dry hides, 17V>e; do plckhxj. 13c; do dry nalted. 12c; dry stags. 12c; Mexican deerskins. 30<334c: dry salted do. 23@27e; dry Central American, 2S@32e per lb. Tallow — No. 1 rendered, 3<g3%e; No. 2, 3© 4%<*; grease. 2(fiCc. Wool — New San Joaqain. yeac's staple. 13t8 17c; do C to 8 months, 12^ 13c: new »oatheri» coast. 9fJl4e. Tall clip — Mountain free. 8(^12c; do defective. B'goc; Nevada, 13(g00c rm lh. Hops* — Prices to growers are 6@loc per lb, with 10f£l3e for extracts. New York Produce NEW YORK. June 10.— Hops— Steady.- Wool— Steady. Petroleum — Steady. Sngnr— Raw. easy: fair rpflains. 3.."!»5c: rpn trlfugal. 9« te«t. 3.56 c: molasses sugar. 3.11 c: refined. <ini»t. Co3ee — Futures closed stead" with sates of 7.000 bagx. Inoludlns July. 6.30 c: September. SQCLfISe: January. 3.83 c; Spot, qnirt: No. 7 Rio. J%Q9e; No. 4 Santos, 9c; mild, dull; Cor dova. S-v^ii'^r. Butter— Strong; creamery eitras, offlc?al. 2fiiic: process, common to special, 1832tc; western factory. 20^i:20%e. Cheese — Steady and unchanged. Esgs — Steady; western second.*, 20@20%c. DRIED FRUITS Evaporated Apples — Firm: fancy. S'-i'fiO^ic: choice, 7 l 4'SSc: prime, G'j'fi'o: common to fair, s^6c. Prunes — In slightly better demaml an«l with old stock cleaned up tbe market appears to be in a better position. Quotations range from 2 l 4<? to ll*jc for CaJifornia and from tic to 0c for Oregon fruit. Apricots — In fair Jobbing demand and with \u25a0supplies light, prices role linn. Choice. lO 1 ?* 10 l 4c: extra choice. W-i^m^tc: fancy. ll@l3c. Peaches — Dull: choice. 5U'G6c; extra choice, 6%Q8%e; fancy, 7<i?SV?c. \u25a0\u25a0v Raisins — Steady: loiis* mus;-atel<i. S^i'St^c: c&»>ice to fancy seeded. 4*4'Sjft l ; 4 r: seedless, 3?^ &5 l 2c; London layers, $1.13^it.20. Lorn Aneeles Markets LOS ANGELES. June 10.,— Unexpected heavy : receipts of eggs weakened the market slight!? today, although not enough to> affect quotations. Extra selected brought 2Sc. local ranch candled 2tk % and case count 23i\ The cheese market was firm. Butter was in unusual demand, creamery extra bringing "><•. Loral produce receipts — Egs*. 331 cases; bnt ter. 27.224 pounds: ohf-ese. 2.2!>rt pounds; pota toes. 178 sacks: onion*. 27 sacks: beans. 4CO sacks: sweet potatoes, none; apples, none. Eggs — Extra selects. 2So; local ranch candled, 2ttc; cas* count, 23c: eastern fresh. 254J260. Butter — Creamery extras. 55c; creamery firsts, 52Vic; co.>kiii;r b«tter. 2l'i^c. Cheese — Northern fresh. 1(5^: anchor. larg». ! 13r: anchor. \*oang America. \9c; haml ehef^e. ; anchor brand. »kr: eastern Mingles. ISc: eastern twins. lSo; eastern eheddars. 17c: eastern long horn. 19c: eastern daisy, ISV^IPe; S»ls«. im : ported, Swiss, domestic. ISc: bricH cream. »>:• l!mb»irsfer. 20c: Tnlare. 14c: Import- « ed Roiinefort. 42c; Edara. 3«-37 sir*, ease of 12. $s.sotftU: Orman breakfast, $t r>er box: Seiif*^ chatel. |1.20 per b«.\: Sierra. $1.10 ncr box; Canada, cream. I dozen to box. 9fle; Schloiwkase. 1 $1 per box: Cimembert. $1.20- per box; Oregon \u25a0 cheese. ITQI9e. " '* Beans (per ctlt — No. 1 pink. $3.75: N». t limn. $4.35: Lady Washington. #5.25; small white. $<U blaekeve. $3.50: r.axvanzas, $t.50; lentlla. Ger man, jfl: do raliforhla. $5. W Potatoo* (per ctlt — Local early rose. $2,501$ 2 75' northern early rose. $2..V)fti2.~; local Bur banks. $2.75: Highlanils, $2.30; I.otnpoc. $2.7.-.; Utah. -$2'?i2.25: Oregon Biirtmnks. $2.fi0<fJ2.75; sweets, yellow, local, $2.50: new potatoes. $2-J3 Chlrnno Dairy I»roduVt Market* CHICAGO. June 10. — Butter. **teady: creamer-. les, 23!§:27p: dairie*. 20^^21^^; e«gs. steady; receipts. 17,027 cases: at mark, cases Included, lOe- firsts. 19'^c: prime first*. 21 cheese, firm: dalsins. IS^-eiV: twins. lS^i^lSc; Youns E. F. HUTTOK & CO. J'tO California St. Tel. Douslas Z-IS7 §t. Francis Hotel TeL Douglas 3»82 Members New York Stock Exchange Pioneer H«»u*e Private ~\Vtre to Cnleaso and v Xew York R. E. MItCAHEY, Manager Lombard & Son, Inc. 1028-1030-1032 .Monadnock BW|U Are prepared to loan -on Calif ornjj, irrigated improved farms; term 10 years, with privilege of paying before and stopping interest. Correspondence ijoliclted.