Newspaper Page Text
Amcrkss. 14ii614» s c; longborns, 14@14Vic" SIISCELI_VXEOCS MARKETS. >ew York Cotton Market Ni;W YORK, June 10.— Hutton's wire says: ••L.rerpool showed more disposition to ylefd to bullish srnUment fit American rings, and futures in the foreign market closed steady. Ut&2% points hijrb-T. while spots were quoted 4 points ingber. with increased demand. Sales 10.000 bales. The market is in a position similar to that of two j-esi-K ago. when middling cotton sold «t.!4M,c in Uiilvwton by September 1 of that .vf-sr. STnek* are lipht. the crop is late, trade Is . pood at»<l stctdilr Improving, and If Texas suffers trore injury higher pritf-s for cotton may be «-x- PtCM. <;rafis is said to I* making considerable Headway 4u ail sootions of the bolt us a result »>f to., much raiu. and <lry weather is seriously uoedfd. ' Sp«it clo6<vl qiiipf: middling uplands, 11.30 c; nnydling gulf, 11..-..V-: sale*. 2.V) bales. . \u25a0 COTTON FUTURES Option— Ojwn. High. Low. Close. ;; u n<- 10.77 c .July 10.7.V lO.rttc 10. "i<- 10.75 c Aoff"«A 0ff"« 10.74 c IO.SOe 10.74 c 10.7« c \u25a0September ... 10.7(V IO.SOc October I«>.<X»<\ 10.52 c lO.fiftc 10.77 c November ... 10.7(V lO.Rrtc lieiYmlicr 10.70 c 10.84 c 10.71 c IO.SOc January 10. (Sc IO.SOc 10.«» c 10.7(*c March l».UJtc 10.JMV 10. 7R? 10.7« c M«T 10.72 c 30.52 c 10.72 c 10.75 c St. Voulm Wool Market ST. LOriS. June JO.— Market unchanged: me fllum srrades. combing and clothing. 25<S30<-: light fine. 21«J27f; hoary "fine, 14<S22e; tub — -ashfd, 25Q. g> ,7o. % Copper Production NKW VOKK. June 10. — The monthly report . or the r«pp«>r pr<yluc(»rs' association, issued to cay. follow »: Copper on hand Jure 1. 1«5».548.141 pounds, a r!«*rr<>af«» of ir?.r.4'.t.f>32 eompurprt with May 1; |>rodo<-tif>n j n May. 118.358,146. an in crras* of 4.781 .854 fv>mrsred with April: con sumption hi May. J31.70v>.07fe pounds. «n incresße of 1ft.n45.j157 rompzred with April. Th» produc tion for May is said to be tli" largest for a sin gl»> month in the history of the industry. Eafttern Mimturk Mnrkct OMAHA OMAHA. June 30. — C*ttle — Upceipts. r>.2o<>; tn*rkPt slow to ]o@ls<" low^r. Wet-tern steers. f3£ofi_,T3: Texas steers $iff<i-"-40; range cows •nd heifers. $2.«.5{<;5.30: ranners. 52^3.75; " ftockcrs and ffe<!ors. J3(55.40; calves. f-".ra.T; . bullK and stags. $:?<?! 3.25. H<h:s — U^cetpts. 11. GOO; market strong to 5e nighpr. Heavies. *7.4.*.@7.<>r>; mixed. $7.35® '.4S: light. ?7.2-.©7.W; pigs, ?.'.'?6.7r.; bulk of *sles. ?7.50'!7 7.5.'i. Sbe«'p— Receipts, l.ioa; market steady. Tesr- Ings. $.V75ti«.7.'.: wethers. |Sj80@&50; ewes, $5.256? 6.25: lambs. $7.255R.2.'i. KANSAS CITY KANSAS CITY. June 10. — Cattlo— Receipt*. r«X>«i: market steady to I<V lower. Native -t-ers. *T.O 7: nativf cows anil heifers. $2.75dJ '..«a> : sto.-kprs and feedprs. $3.60<5.V50; bulls. tsJXif&LHO; ralv^s. $3.T5Q7: western steers. $5.2*5i0.7.*.; western <-ow«, $3.2.i((|.5.C0. Hops — Receipts. 12.01K): market steady to 5c Inwer. Bulk of sales. J7.25@7.«0: heavy. f7.50@ '7.€5; packers and butchers. $7.40i57.60; light. ?7.2<'rg7..V<: pig*. fj.7s'g7. Sheep — r.<>r*-ipts. 3.000; market steady. Mut tons. ?4.75(a6/.'O; Wamb*. range — -etbers, f4.ioi§6; range ewes. ?4ft5.75. »w York Metal Market NTW TORK. June 10.— There was a sharp ad vance in the London tin market, with spot quoted *i U33 3* and futures at f KSB 12s 6d. loyally the market wßsw ß s firm and higher, although busi nrss tjs (ji-.iet, with sr>«t qnnted at 29.fi2Hfij30c. Coppn was a Khad» higher in London, with \u25a0pat «)iioted at f fio lfis and futures at £61 7s Gd. Tho I<«»jI nrtirket rfmained quiet, with lake •in<.tM at 13.«2>±fna.7.V: electrolytic, 13.57Vi0; ia.sOc: oastine. _L3S9tXS7_^. I^Md «»» a shade higher at £1.1 5s In London. The l<v-al market ivns quiet and unchanged at • 4.?.r.f(i4.4.'.r. Sl-^lter was inirhanged at £22 2s Gd in London. 1.0.-nlly the market was quirt and unchanged at ri.r,.',r,;.-,.4rtc. Iron higher at 4Ss 3-1 for Cleveland war rants in the Ix>mlon market. Ix>cally the market ««s unchanged. Miirm — Turpentine and Roaln SAVANNAH. .Tune 10.— Turpentine — Firm. 39 fe-S'sc: salf-s. 1.156; receipts, l.lC^; shipments, 127. Rosin — Firm: sales. 2. SCR; receipts. 2.77R; f-hipnients. a.CSfI: stock. 130.705. «jnote: B. $2.5.Va2.70: D. $2.£fi<d;2.sQ; K." ?r5.3i'(.i3.3-->; F. $:5.60rq3.70; G, $.?.70(g3.72^i: H. $4: I, $4.r,0; K. $4.50; M. $5<5 5.25; WG, $5.50; WW. f.j.205r..G0. SHIPPING NEWS OF COAST Items of Interest to Mariners of the Pacific PORTLAND, 10.— With a full list of pssfpr.jrfrs cud a heavy carco the steamer North land. 1 .-;.>.\u25a0 Eriokf^n. jtrrii-ed at Greenwich •I<vk No. 2 this raorniDg after a rough passage from San Francisco. Th«> barkentine Amaranth finished loading l.Vn.Ortn feft «f lumlior at Tongue point res •oiflsy, leaving for Sydnpj", N. S. W\, to which port Its f-grprt Is roosJstx»d. Tbf rir^r for«»<-a«=t for Portland is that the rirer will f«H clowlr during FrWay. Saturday jiii'.l Sunday. j>ror«My r^arhlng a stajre of 19.5 fpet Snndar- The rlrer ro*e .01 of a foot here 1n the last 24 hours. The steamer Alliance came in this morning from Coc* bay with a full list of passengers and a cargo "f p^nTal merchandise, a large part of it bein;: sash ami doors for the ea*t. Tli** Norwegian st^arecr Rygja. which ha* b*>«*n lading I.OOO.Oftn feet of lumber at the St. Johns mill. mov<>d this wornlng at 9 o'clock to the Port land lumhrr company's mill, wh^re It will load** of lmnber. after which it will po to the eastern ami western ciills to load 1 .fli'in.orio feet more Titr Manila. The British hark Gulf Stream began discharg ing its cargo of cement this morning at Green «ir-h doi-k No. Z. ASTORIA, June 10. — Steamer Alliance ar rived lust evening from Coos bay with freight find passengers und left up tiie river to dis charge. Steamer Arjrn lrft t!iis morning for Tillamook •with freight an.l pa(Wfng»»rs. Steamer Hrr-akwater left this morning for Coos bar nitti frpfght and passfngers. StMraor <ic<irjre W". Fenwlck left at daylight this raomlnj: for San Francisco with the 11am monfi \ng raft In tow. oil tank steamer Atlas iitltM down th«> rtTer Ihit. aftcrn<">n and trill es<ist in raising the Standard oil barge No. 81. Steam schoouer Daisy Mitchell arrfred this ntlvrD'sm from San Francisco to load lumber at Portland. A cr»*w Ik being signed this aftfrnoon on the harkentine Amaranth, which bas completed load ing a cargo of lumber at the Hammond mill for Sydney. Australia. Captain M. Bourke ex perts to be ready to go to sea Saturday. Steamer Slxwbone cleared the the inißtom houiie today for San Franclwo with a cargo of \u25a0 JO.OfIO .xaiiway ti^s. loeded at St. Helen*, and ISCi.OOO feet of lumber, loaded at Rainier. ..Steamer Cascade cleared at the custom house last evening for San Franrls^o with a cargo of 523.000 fe«>t of lumber, loaded at Rainier. SAN PEDEO. Jcne JO. — Steamer Governor ar rived this morning from Kan Francisco, took freight and passengers »od proceeded for Seattle, via San Francisco. Steamer William H. Murphy arrived from Grays Harbor with Jumrier. Steamer Claremont cleared today for Aber deen. Steamer San Gabriel cleared for I'mpqua river. Steamer Daisy Freeman cleared for Grays Harbor and the steamer Hoanoke for Portland, lioth via ifan Francisco. Steamer Whittier cleared for San Diego with oil. I". S. S. McCulloch arrived from San Diego 1 '">day. V_ TACOMA. June 10.— Br bark Ccltlcburn ar rived yesterday evening from Seattle to complete discharging general freight. The Celtlcburn is unchartered for the outward reyage and will join ihe disengaged fleet here. Schooner Columbia in expected to tow from port touight for San Francisco with lumber. Steamer Farailon shifted to Seattle tonight with lumber and the Fteamer Mexican has also shifted to Elliott bay to complete cargo for the island*. ,\u25a0' \u25a0 Steamer IHuckman left this morning for Bell ingham. Everett and Anacortes. SEATTLE, June 10. — Arrived: Steamer Mexi can, from Tacoma. Sailed: Steamer Jefferson, for Skagway and ports, with 100 passengers: fteam schooner Olym pic, for Tacoma; steam schooner Rainier. • for Tacoma: British hark Oltict.urn. for Tacoma; Inlted States life sarirg tug Snohomlsh, for Neab hay: steam schooner J. B. Stetson, for Port VTlnslow. Steamer Mexican is expected to clear during the night or In the morning for Honolulu. Steamer Tamplco U expected to sail during the night for Nome with a full cargo of freight. Army Transport* TTiP Lo?an Kailed for Manila June 5 from this Crook 1* in port. Th<» Buford Is !n port. The Shprmsn Is 1" i<ort. The Warn»n is «t Manila. The Kilpatrick left Manila May 1, bound to New York via Snez. The Sheridan, outward bound, called May 16 from Honolulu. Tl;<- Tlicmas sailed June 3 from Honolulu for this |»ort. > CHIEF COOK FILLS VACANCY — The vacancy In the ranks of detective serceantx caused by rhr> death of Robert K. Graham was filled ye» ut6*.T by the appointment of Joseph Redmond. Tb*- new appoint*** joined the force July 4.. 1694, and for over a year bas been doing special duty at headquarters looking out for : slot machine <ra nobler* and sellers of objectionable literature t prints. XD RELEASED FROM.JAIL— Sfen J. Lund, rnjrineer fmo Chicago, who was arrested two weeks ago for passinr "lleppd worthless ; drafts on Schlff Brother* and Miss A. Bancroft, was re leased from custodr yesterday , afternoon, •as SrhltT Brothers and Miss Bancroft said that they trould not prosecute. The presumption is that the drafts have ; been made good - , MAKES FAST RUN FROM HONOLULU General Bliss Ranking Officer on Transport Which Brings 1,200 Passengers \u25a0 • . ' HE army transport Thomas. Captain Ly nam. - which arrived yesterday from Ma nila, came up from Honolulu in liner time, making the run .in ,6 days 21 hours. The Thomas brought horn* the Ninth cavalry, colored, and had on board 1,221 passengers in all. The ranking officer on the troopship was Brigadier General v Tasker H. Bliss, whose flag at the masthead was con spicuous in the flutter of bunting that marked the Thomas a new arrival from sea. The Ninth cavalry has been sta tioned at Batangas for two years and will go from here to Fort D. A. Rus sell, Wyo. Fine weather favored the transport all. the way across the Pa cific -and the homeward voyage was made in 27 days 11 hours and 58 min utes. Detention at Nagasaki and Hono lulu amounted to 2 days 22 hours 46 minutes, making the actual running time 24 days 13 hours and 12 minutes. Captain Cabell, the quartermaster or purser of the Thomas, has made his last voyage on the troopship and will be assigned to shore duty.\ He has been attached to the transport service for about two years. The passengers on. the Thomas In cluded: ? From Manila — Captain F. S. Armstrong, wife and two children : Lieutenant Charles B. Amory. Lieutenant H. Bowie; Lieutenant G. C. Brant, wife and two children; Lieutenant E. A. Bu chanan: Major TV. B. Bannister, wife and child: Brigadier General T. H. Bliss, Colonel Edward T. Drown and wife. Captain W. H. Bispham and wife. G. E. Berle. C. E. Boiler and wife. Mrs. R. W. Bryan and three children 11. E. Burdlck. Captain W. N. Craigie: Lieutenant Cole, wife and Miss Flauigan; Lieutenant B. F. Castle, wife and child: Lieutenant E. Calwrt and wife, 11. Cook; C. E. Cowdray. Mrs. H. f. Connor, T. W. Cummiccs. Colonel Edward E. Dravo. J. H. de Baus and wife. Mlm IMmmiek. Lientenant E. G. Elliott. Lieutpnant \V. W. Erwln. Lieutenant T. B. Esty aDd wife. Major S. D. Freeman and wife. Lieutenant G. E. Goodrich, Lieutenant H. Gibbons and wife. Veterinarian S. Glasson; Lieu tenant F. J. Herman, wife and two children; Captain G. r. Hamilton, wife and two children; Lieutenant A. W. Holderness, G. Hayuor, C. Johnston, Mrs. E. P. JerTey. Mrs. P. L. Jones, Captain William Kelly Jr.. E. Klemm, Lieuten ant R. R. Ix>ve. Lieutenant G. Lykes, Major John P. Lynch. J. Loskot and child. S. M. M» snn and wife. Mrs. J. TV. Miller, Captain W. H. McCornark; M. McCary, wife and three children: Miss O'Mara; Chaplain G. W. Prioleau, wife and Miss Walsh; Lieutenant 8. B. Pearson and wife. Lieutenant J. McE. Pruyn; Captain L. Parsom, wife and three children; Lieutenant A. Polllion, H. C. Powers: Malor S. Reber, wife, two chil dren and governess; Lieutenant H. Robert. Cap tain E. 11. Rubottom and wife, W. Rader; Cap tain H. A. Sf evert, wife and child; Captain T. Srhultr. wife and child; Lieutenant A. B. Sloane. wife and child; Lieutenant Robert Ster rett; Captain R. R. Stopsdall. wife and two children; W. Smith. Mrs. Stuart and two chil dren. Lieutenant W. Thomas, G. F. Unmacbt. Lieutenant Colonel Charles 11. Watts. Lieutenant G. W. Winterburn, Lieutenant J. P. Wayland Lientenant A. E. Wilbourn, Lieutenant S. TV. Wlntfree. F. Williams, Major A. W. Vates Captain Charles Yoang. wife and two children Mrs. Yate*. Mrs. Allls. From Honolulu — Captains TV. H. Waldroa and W. H. Winters; Lieutenant J. Marston, U. S. M. C, and James O. Anthony. Siberia Sail* for Far East The Pacific Mall liner Siberia, Cap tain Zeeder. sailed yesterday for the far east with about 4,000 tons of cargo and a large number of passengers. Owing to the state of the tide at 1 o'clock, the sailing hour, the liner was taken from its berth during the fore noon and made fast at the ends of piers 42 and 44 and from there took its departure. The passengers Included: FOR HONOLULU K. B. Barnes - TOsear Maurer Mrs. A. Beck' Mrs. Oscar Maurer Mrs. Ed Beck Mrs. J. T. McCrosson Ed Beck Miss A. MeCrosnon Mrs. M. Blundell Dr. L. C. Mendel H. P. Butler Mrs. L. C, Mendel Chlng^Yue Miss Irene Mendel Or. O. Clons [J. F. Merrill Mrs. M. Cloos |Mrs. M. C. Miller I. F. I»aly jUr. A. A. Mllliken Mrs. J. F. Daly Mrs. A. A. Mllliken Marshall Darrach John Mllner \ Miss Anna Donlln Mrs. John Mllner I»r. H. B. Douglas iC. D. Miner R. F. Gamer Mrs. Mary Moody Mrs. R. F. Garner .Captain J. C. Morons, J. J. Grace \u25a0 } U. S. N. Mrs. J. J. Grace [Dr. F. L. Morong Mrs. E. S. Gray |R. Moss R. Guessefeldt Mrs. R. Moss Mrs. R. Guefcsefeldt Ralph Moss Miss A. Haenloch JS. V. Occleston ' ,\u25a0 Mrs. L. P. Hall |Mrs. S. V. Occleston Miss Marie Hall Mrs. M. J. Paton Mrs. Alfred T. Hartwell Mrs. H. Peterson Miss Mary Abbe Hart- Miss IRabstad woll Mlss~Bertha J. Racine Gllehrist Hatch \S. Lewis Remton Mrs. F. M. Hatch iMr*. Elizabeth Savery Miss Harriet Hatch J. Fred Shingle C. Hedemann Mrs. M. M. Shingle Mrs. C. Hedemann Mrs. J. Z. .Smith E. Hedemann Miss Ruth \V. Smith Leon Hoonijrsberger Samuel Sussman W. C. Jameg C. M. Thomas Mrs. M. H. Job F. XV. Wichman F. S. Knljrbt W. J. White Mrs. 11. H. Lsne E. H. Wodehouse Mrs. A. B. Lee E. Wolff H. D. Lee William Wright ..' Mrs. 11. F. I^wis Mrs. William Wright I». I-ewU |F. L. Zeit F. Mahone YOKOHAMA I.* F. Abbott (Leonard Martin Prof Giuseppe Bellei M. Mascarenas - Harold Blsby |Dr. Antonio Uonora Miss Jo^eplitne Cadouz [Mrs. Antonio Ronora J. V. Coffey [Miss Renle Ronora Jeremiah Coffey Icbarlps W. Slack William Conzclman [.Mrs. Charles W. Slack Elliot Dixon I Miss Ruth Slack Paul C. Jaehne Miss Edith Slack Dr. Bernhard Martin George Whitelaw Urs. Bernbard Martin KOBE W. E. Dickenson | - NAGASAKI Alexander Denbigh | ".''| SHANGHAI James I* Cowan (Philip Tong. Mrs. Mjra E. Myers j HONGKONG J. E. Bard Mrs. William F. Hugger Charles M. Bond .Tose 11. Jalandonl A. R. Brane |Mis§ Laura Johnson Chan Sing Nam Leslie G. Kleplnger Mrs. J. H. Churchill M". C. Laurltzrn George F. Curtis I Mrs. M. C. Lauritzen Miss Grace Day |Jose S. Lopez Mrs. Edward Dudley [Rmlllo Mapa Percy G. Dwyre Mlks Annie L. Miller E. C. Flnley |E. J. Peabody John Fowler, V. S. con- Mrs. E. J. l'eabofly aul Mrs. O. A. Spofford 11. B. Fowler Miss Barbara Spofford Mrs. H. B. Fowler JOIN AT HONOLULU E. F. O'Reilly jB. F. Dake Probably Xot the Grayllns The suggestion that the derelict sighted by the army transport Logan Sunday was the little tug Grayling, now on its way from Puget sound to Panama, is not taken seriously In the shipping world. The derelict, the hull of a capsized vessel, was sighted by the Logan In 35.28 north, 129.22 west.' This Is about 360 miles off shore, on the track between here and Honolulu, and very much farther out than the little Grayling was likely to be. . The Logan: reported the' derelict as a men ace to navigation and the navy depart ment has sent wireless warnings broad cast from all its coast stations.* It is believed that the derelict sighted by the Logan was the same reported April 24 In 35.19 north, 127.56 west' by Cap tain Rasmussen of the Star of Scotland. The Grayling, which is a little tug. Is to be used at Panama for towing lighters. The tug left Seattle May 27, was weatherbound in Neah bay until May 30, on which day It passed Ta toosh. Considering Its size . the little steamer is just about, due now at this port, where It will probably call for coal. • Marlpoca , Heard From The liner: Mariposa. now. on' its way here from Tahiti; but not due until June 18, was. heard from < yesterday by wireless. The .message, just •an "all well and , on time as : usual" aerogram, was relayed 'to this port by; the Ala meda, which. was more than 3,300 miles away from here at the time. The Mari posa, when the message. was sent; must have been about . 2,700 miles away. This Is the first voyage that the Ala THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL- FRIDAY, JUNE 11, 1909: Thomas Brings Home Colored Cavalry Regiment meda, since the installation of its wire- ; less apparatus, has done any longdis- | tance work. Santa Ro«ta Sails -for. Seattle The Pacific Coast steamship com pany's Santa Rosa sailed yesterday for Puget sound ports, with freight' from Los Angeles and this port and pas- Bengers, among whom were: Mlsg M. Verdafco B. R. Bowson and wife John Seboenf elder A. R. Thorpe Mrs. J. B. Burns R. S. Allen and wife Mrs. Downer Patrick Foy Mrs. E. Folks I. Michaels Miss L. Folks Hollingsworth Theatrical Miss R. Marks- company J. H. Van Deuser and W. H. SaTage wife |Mrs. Savage R. E. Pierce Armored Cruisers Return The armored cruisers West Virginia. California and Maryland returned yes terday from Puget sound, where they participated in the opening of the Alaska-Yukon exposition. The crui sers did not anchor in the lower bay v but proceeded direct to Mare island. "Water Front IVotes The tug Valiant was sold at auction yesterday at the merchants' exchange, and was bought for $5,000 by John L. Howard. . ".•''\u25a0 : +\u0084 The German steamer Erna, from this port, arrived June 1 at Panama. • Receipts of lumber yesterday by sea amounted to 1,325,000 feet. , ' The steamer Stanley Dollar arrived here yesterday from Albion and cleared for Mazatlan. - , • The Norwegian steamer Eir cleared yesterday for Chile by way of Eureka and Puget sound. MOVEMENTS OF STEAMERS TO ARRIVE . From | Steamer I Date Coqullle River lEllzabeth June 11 Humboldt |J- J- Loggle. .. June 11 Hongkong & YokohamaiAshtabula June 11 Coos Bay IM. F. Plant.. . June 11 Portland tc Astoria |Nome City ...June 11 Humboldt .....JClty of Topeka. June 11 Humboldt |F. A. Kllburn. June 11 San Pedro rßoanoke June Jl Pnget Sound Ports Queen • June 11 San Diego & Way Ports Governor June 11 San Pedro Daisy ... t [June 12 Portland & Way Ports. G. W. Elder... (June 13 Mendoclno It Pt- Arena] Sea I Foam |June 13 Putret Sound PorU .President (June 13 Grays Harbor ...IG. Undauer ..|June IX San I'edro ....(Phoenix June 14 San Pedro JHanalel June 14 China & Japan........ Manchuria ....June 14 Portland & Astoria.... State of Cal.. June 14 San Pedro &. Way Ports Coos Bay June 14 San Diego & Way Ports Santa Kosa .... Jnne 14 Humboldt North Fork ...Juneli Seattle & Tacoma Buckman June 15 Grays Harbor Coronado June 15 Sallna Cruz Mlssourlan .... Juno ltf Point Arena & Albion. Porno jJune 17 Coos Bay M. \t\ Plant. ..(June 17 China & Japan.. i Chlyo Maru ...(June IS Tahiti | Mariposa jJunn IS Puget Sound Port^ | President JJune 18 TO SAIL Destination | Steamer | Sails ] Pier _________ _ _ Grays Harbor ISaglnaw ...| 4 pm| 2 Coos Bay fßee 5 pm| 20 Seattle &. Tacoma j Hornet 6 pin 20 Seattle & Tacoma. Oarlos ..... 4pm 2 Portland & Way Ports .[Roanoke ... I pm 13 Auckland & Sydney... Invertay ... 12 in .... Jnne 12 — Coqullle - River Flfleld 6pm 2 Coquille River (Elizabeth ;. 12 m 16 Humboldt (F. Kllburn. . 10 am 13 Uumboldt ...' jJ. J. Loggie 5 pm 10 Astoria & Portland jßose City .. 11 am 27 Puget Sound Ports.... (Governor ... 2pm 9 Coos Bay ...|M. B". Plant 3pm 8 Humboldt j Vanguard .. 3pm 2 Point Arena & Albion, j Porno 6pm 2 June 13 — j Los Angeles Ports G. W. Elder 5 pm 13 Uumboldt jCity Topeka. lU.aua 11 June 14— | San Diego &. Way Ports President • . 2pm 9 j June 15 — Lo6 Angeles P0rt5...... Coronado ... Ipm 7 Lot) Angeles Ports (Hanalei .... 3pm 7 Sallna Cruz ...JNevauan ... 12 in 23 Puget Sound Ports 'Queen ..... 2pm 9 Seattle &. Tacoma | Watson 1 pm 20 Honolulu & Kubulul. .JLurllne ....12 m 50 St. Michael direct Tallac 4 pm .... June 16 — j Astoria & Portland.... Nome City..} 5 pmi 2 New York via Ancon.. Acapulco ...|l2 m| 24 San Pedro tc Way Ports Coos Bay ..12 pmj 11 Humboldt North Fork. (l 2m| ;:0 Mendoclno & Pt. Arena Sea Foam...| 4 pm| 4 June 17 — - j j China & Japan... China ......| 1 pmj 42 Willapa Harbor | Daisy | j.... Sau Diego Ac Way PortH|Sauta Koßa..4lQ.3Ua| 11 TO SAIL FROM SEATTLE \u25a0 Destination | Steamer | Date Skagway & Way Ports. | Dolphin ..June 15 Seldovia & Way Ports. A. G. Lindsay.. June 15 Skagway & Way Ports. Humboldt June 10 Nome & St. Michael... Mackinaw . June 16 Valder &. Sewarri. ...... Santa Clara Juu<* iv Nome & St. Michael... Victoria ...... June 21 Nome & St. Michael... St. Crolx June L' 3 Valdez Si Steward (Portland |June 24 Time Ball United States branch hydrographlc office, Mer \u25a0 chants' Exchange, Saa Francisco, June 10, 1909. The time ball on the roof of the Fairmont hotel was dropped today exactly at noon, Paclflc standard time (120 th meridian), or at Bh. 00m. 00s., Greenwich mean time. J. T. MCMILLAN, ' ' Nautical Expert, In charge. Son, Muon and Tide United States coast and - geodetic survey— Time and heights of tides at Fort Point. For city front (Mission street wharf) add 25 minutes. FRIDAY. JUNE 11 ~ Sun rises 4 : .jq Sun sets 7:;i3 Moon rises 12:50 a. in. New moon June 17, at 3:19 p. m. First quarter m00n.... June 25, at 10:34 a. m. ]Time - |Time| Time| Timel \ Junl ! Ft I 1 Ft 1 Ft 1 Ft )H W ]L W[ .H w/ |L Wf 11.. 1 6:251 4.3|11:351 " 0.8 l »s:4«| 5.41 ....1.... . |L W |H,W 1L W H W 12.. O:50 1.91 6.'55 - 4.2 12:30 1.3 7:18 S 8 13.. 1:42 1.-2 8:10 4.4 1:24 1.7 7:56 5.9 14.. 2:32 0.4 9:20 4.5 2:12 2.1 8:35 fi 1 15.. 3:24 — 0.2| 10:24 4.6| 3:04 2.4 0:14 Q.j U. S. Branch HydroKrapbic Office A branch of the United States hydrographlc of tlce, located at the Merchants' \u25a0 Exchange, Is maintained in San Francisco for the benefit of mariners,' without regard to nationality and free of expense. Navigators are cordially invited to Tlsit the office, - where complete sets of charts and sailing directions of . the world are kept at band for comparison and reference, and the latest Information can always be obtained re garding lights, dangers 'to navigation and mat ter* of interest to. ocean commerce. j. t. McMillan, Nautical Expert, in charge. HYDRO GRAPHIC OFFICE - Depth at mean low water, entrance to harbor. - PLACE | Ft. 1 Date | Remarks Grays Har| 19 |May 2l)|Channel getting broader \u25a0 \u25a0 J - Depth at mean low WJllapa B 27 Apr. .1 water In channel to feet. Colum R|*24 |Feb. 181..... ..T77T Nehalm 111 9. (Apr. 3 [Channel 200 feet south I — 1 \ of buoy. '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-. ; ~~~ ~j~ (Depth of 8 feet at low Tillmk B. 9 Apr. 30 . water, in channel to - - -: I I Garibaldi. . Yaqulna B| 13 |Mar. 12|Cbannel not shifting. ; .\u25a0-\u25a0"• l \u25a0 I Beacon on beach In line Sluslaw " R 4 May 1 . with south side of - *• I * \u25a0 I- gulch leads over bar. Umpqua 111 12' May 1 [Channel In good eomlT .-•:\u25a0\u25a0 I I I tlon. .•/ .- V • -.' m ' : ; 12 feet at low water to Coos Bay. 17 June J North Bend; ;11 feet - ; at low 'water' -to I I Marshfleld. Coqullle R 8 IMay SllChannel . close to north ;••\u25a0•- ' ' I Jelty. ::•\u25a0--, . r., ;• - No- -opportunity for Rogue R1r..:.. soundings lately; be \u25a0- \u25a0 fore rise there was 7 -\u25a0•'---•- r feet, on bar. Klamth^Rj 7 |May 29|Channel Straight. , . " •.\u25a0'..•\u25a0 North channel very crooked; 18 ft., arer- Hmbldtß 20 June 1 age . low water In ' - straight channel lead - -\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0--\u25a0-• \u25a0 Ing oot northwest., - S Pedro B| 20 '|Apr. 15|No cbangg In channel." S Diego B| 25 |May 3lNo change In channel." S Pablo Bl 24 l Apr. 21 [Depth in dredged chao- I .- -| -\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0- \ nel. V -..',-\u25a0. .',-\u25a0 \u0084-.\u25a0;-. : . : *About.-. '. \u25a0"\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0;-.;>,..\u25a0<.. ,-.],\. \u25a0:. . •--.\u25a0•• '\u0084\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0,--- NEWS OF THE . OCEAN i KnßOßed' for Lumber. - . . .The Norwegian steamer Jethou,' at Astoria, vis under time charter for lumber from Grays Har bor to Port Plrie at £1.J25: per month, and the Norwegian steamer Kygja," at Portland, is also under time charter for, the same business thence to Manila. The Jethou was chartered prior to arrival. , nedwood for Mexico • The steamer Stanley Dollar sailed for Mazatlan yesterday with 1.513,000 feet of redwood lumber, valued at $18,150: The steamer took on her cargo at Albion. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0"'\u25a0'' .. ' The steamer Olson and Mahony was cleared for Guaymas or Mazatlan, via Albion, yesterday. The steamer goes to the northern port to . load 1,500,000 feet of redwood, valued at $18,000. Notice to Mariners Captain E. J. Spfcer of the schooner Ariel - re ports to the branch hydrographlc office at Port Townsend, Wash., that, while coming up Grays Harbor channel under own canvas lie struck blacl; can buoy No. 5 and knocked It away from Its bearings. This buoy has disappeared and has not since been seen. J. T. McMILLAN, Nautical. Expert. In Charge. Xotlce to 'Mariners San Pablo bay. California— (List of Lights. Buoys and Dayinarks, Pacific Coast. 190S, page 30).— Notice is hereby given that San Pablo dredged channel buoy No. 15. San Pablo bay. California, is reported almost submerged. It will be replaced as soon as practicable." Weather Report United States department of agriculture — Weather bureau. San Francisco. June 10, 1900. RAINFALL DATA Last Seasonal Xormal Stations — 24 hours. to date. to date. Eureka 0.00 42. 52 45.44 Red Blurt .... •• 0.00 30.82 24.77 Sacramento 0.00 21.7". 20. 04 Mt. Tamalpals 0.00 35.62 22.75 San Francisco iO.OO 25.57 22.20 San Jose 0.00 15.2« 13.02 Fresno 0.00 0.70 9.6S Independence 0.00 7.88 9.53 San Luis Obispo... 0.00 31 .38, \u25a0 20.51 Los Anseles ....... 0.00 19.07 lo.tJO San Dlejco .0.00 10.23 10.01 Coast record for 12 hours ending 5 p.m. ~ » S ss 5 STATIONS | ' j ? |. || - ; \u25a0\u25a0 fi? •; . F =• Baker ..30.04 72 40 N Pt.Cldy .00 Boise 30.04 72 4« W Clear .00 Eureka SO.Ort 54 4S W Cloudy .00 Flagstafr 29. 54 74 34 \V Clear .00 Fresno... 29. 5S 94 00 W Clear .00 Independence .29.8ti 84 52 W Clear .<*o Kallspell 30. OS 70 40 SK Cloudy .»0 Los Angeles ..29. 0S 70 54 SW Clear .00 Modena 29. 5S 7fi 40 NW Pt.Cldy .oO| Mt. Tamalpals. 3o. ol 78 67 NW Clear .00 1 North Head ..29.94 5S 58 NW Clear .00 Phoenix .29.74 98 62 N Clear .00 Pocatello ..'...30.10 60 40 SB Pt.Cldy .14 ! Pt. Reyes Lt..29.99 51 47 NW Cloudy .00 Portland 29.88 80 58 NW Clear .00 Red Bluff 29. M 92 «S N Clear' .00 ; Reno 29.92 76 42 SW Clear .00 Roseburg 29. PH 92 50 NW Clear .10 Sacramento .'..29.88 S6 CS S Cl»ar .00 Salt I>ake. ....30.04 06 44 NW Clear .00 San Dleffo ....29.98 66 6S ' W Pt.Cldy .00 San Francisco. 3o. o2 5S 48 W Clear .00 San Jose 29.98 74 62 W Clear .00 S. Luis 0bi5p0. 30. 02 68 48 - W Clear .00 S. E. Farailon. SO. o4 52 50 NW Cloudy .00 Spokane 30.10 74 48 S Cloudy- .28 •Summit 71 39 NE Clear .00 Tacoma 29.94 B*s 52 N Clear .00 Tatoosh 29.94 58 46 NE Clear .00 Tonopah .29.R6 74 48 NW Clear .00 Walla 30.00 82 58 NE Cloudy .00 Wlnnemueca ..30.02 76 3-S SW Clear -.00 Yuma 29.74 100 60 W Clear .00 \u2666Average snow on ground 6 Inches, i A. G. McADIE, District Forecaster. The following maximum and minimum temper- , atures are reported from eastern stations for previous day: Chicago, ?>s>'£; New York, SS-26; Omaha, 64-56. ' - f SYNOPSIS , Warm weather continues In the great talley ; of California and in Washington and Oregon. Afternoon temperatures have reached* 9o degrees from Fresno to Portland.;: Along the coast the weather, continues cool""anil foggy. The highest temperature, reached In San Francisco, 68 de grees. No rain has fallen on the Pacific slope except at Spokane, where there hag been a heavy thunder shower. The relative humidity at Red Bluff was 24 per cent and at Fresno 28 per cent. Forecast for the 30 hours ending at midnight, June 11, 1909: - . San Francisco and vicinity — Fair Friday with fog In the morning and afternoon; slightly warmer; moderate southwest wind. Santa Clara valley — Fair Friday;' somewhat warmer; light west wind. Sacramento valley — Fair Friday; light south wind. San Joaquln valley — Fair Friday; continued warm; light west wind. Los Angeles and vicinity — Fair Friday; light south wind. v SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE ARRIVED Thursday, June 10. Stmr J J I/>gg!e, Johnson, 27 hours from Eu reka." . ' U S^ stmr Thomas. I.ynam. 27 days 11 hours and 5S minutes from Manila, via Nagasaki 20 dars 0% hours, via Honolulu 6 days 21 hours and 24 minutes. — - \ U-S stmr 'West -Virginia. MeCracken, 3 days from Seattle; Mare island direct. .US stmr California, Cottman, 3 days from Seattle; Mare Island direct. " US stmr Maryland. Thomas. 3 days from Seattle; Mare island direct. Stmr M F Plantj Burtls, 38 hours from Coos bay. Stmr Ravalll, Nelson. 25 hours from Eureka. Stmr Caplstrano, Treble, 24 hours from Port San Luis. • . \u0084 '\u25a0- ,t . Stmr San Pedro, Benedlktson, 23 hours frjjm Eureka. ' \u25a0?• . - \u25a0 Stmr Geo Loorals. McKellar Jr, — hours from Ventura; up river direct. • Strar Coaster, Illgglns, 49 hours from San' Diego. \ Schr Henry Wilson, Saunders, 4 days from Grays Harbor. - CLEARED : - ". . \u25a0 Thursday, June 10. Stmr Olson & Mahony. Payne, , Guaymas and Mazatlan, ria. Albion: Albion, lumber company." Nor ftmr Elr, Marcnssen, Antofagasta via Eu reka and Seattle; W R Grace. ft Co. ... Stmr Stanley Dollar, Thwing, Mazatlan yia Albion; Albion lumber company. Stmr . Admiral Sampson. Bartlett, Seattle; Alaska Pacific steamship company. StmrJ«mes S Hlggins, Higgins, 41 hours from San Pedro. . . Stmr Casco. Ahlin. 63 : hours from Astoria. ' Stmr / Cbehalls, Kettleson, 31 hours from San Pedro. . Stmr Norwood,' Martin, 31 > hours . f roan San Pedro. * 4 -Stmr Stanley Dollar. Thwing, 13 hours from Albion; bound to Mexico, put In to clear. -" : Strar Watson. Griffith, 63 hours . from Seattle. Stmr -Admiral Sampson, Bartlett, 28. hours from San Pedro. / / ' ; Stmr Porno, Lilleland. 14 hours 'from Albion, Tla Point Arena It hours.. Pow schr -Newark, Wayland, 18 hours * from Byxbees landing. : ' . . \u25a0 . ; Schr . Monterey. Kelly. 20 hours from Mon terey; in tow tug Navigator. • \u25a0. . . . \u25a0• -. SAILED (•*:•\u25a0--• . \u25a0 Thumday, June 10. •' Stmr Santa Monica. Olsen, Eureka. . Stmr Helene' Anderson. Raymond: Stmr Grays Harbor. Anfindsen. Grays Harbor. . t Stmr Tlverton. > Johnson, Port - Ludlow. \u25a0 ' ' Stmr Svea. Allen. Grays Harbor., ~:' = Stmr Stanley Dollar, Thwing. Mazatlan. Stmr Phehalls, Kettleson. Grays Harbor. - : Stmr Siberia. Zeeder, Hongkong. "etc. v ; Stmr S«n .Taclnto. : Rasmnssen, Grays Harbor. Stmr Norwood, Martin/, Grays. Harbor.. ;. ' Strar Hanalel.; McFarland, "San Pedro. Stmr Santa Rosa, Alexander, San Diego. /• Schr^Llly, 1 , Bottger, " ITmnqna i river. ;-.- AT_.ANTIO \u25a0 OCEAN 'TRAVEL Canadian Pacific Less Than Four Days at Sea Weekly Sailing: Between Montreal, Que> ... bee and Liverpool Two days on- the \u25a0: beautiful' St.l Lawrence river and the shortest ocean route to Europe. \u25a0 " Nothing I better on , the Atlantic • than our Em- presses.'' Wireless on all steamers.. \u25a0.. \u25a0 .. . ; First ' class \u25a0 ?00,- second class r $50, • one class cabin $45. '\u25a0 >. - '- •:\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0;;\u25a0>, . ' .:: .\u25a0 . \u25a0. -. . Ask any < ticket , agent, <or write > for Ballings, rates and booklet. " ;-. - - : . ; . •• \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0 ....-.-_-. E.E." PENN. G. A.,.77 ELLIS ST., < \u25a0.• -..\u25a0•"l;> •.\u25a0 San Francisco, : Cal. - . . Conipagn le V Genefale - Transatlantlqne '{: DIBECT \ LINE TO HAVRE-PARIS. ' t ' 6 Sailing ; every . Thursday, Instead -of Saturday at 10 a. ' m.7; from • pier . 42, North river, foot of Morton; St. -'\u25a0 -.''-- '-\u25a0\u25a0. ~ ; ; : '' -'-'\u25a0. \u25a0'.:-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'; -; -: \u25a0 .-./\u25a0,: •; First: class to, Havre.. $77.50 and upward: sec- ond class to Havrei $50 and upward. GENERAL AGENCY FOR* UNITED i WATES 'AND CAN- ADA, 19 State St.','; New I \ ork. X J., F.? FUGAZI,- Manager' Pacific Coast, 630 • Montgomery, st.. San Francisco, r. Tickets sold 'by = all - railroad \u25a0 ticket agents. '>\u25a0,-'-"« . ' : ..••.\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0.-.- : - -\u0084.. ... „-. I I Sehr' Santiago', McDonald,- Monterey; in tow | tug Navigator. \u25a0 '• . . ' \u25a0 Schr Sun Buenaventura, Borgeson, ' Coqullle river; in tow stmr Helene. 1 -BY UNITED WIRELESS U S stmr Thomas, from Manila for San Fran cisco — June 0," noon, 255 miles out; ' will" arrive at o,a, a m June 10. Strar ColE L Drake. June 9. 9:30 p m — Off Tatoosh. from Seattle for San Francisco.. Stmr Pennsylvania,- June 10, 4 a m-r^»SO miles from San .Francisco; hence June 7 ,for Ancon. - '\u25a0-.-- V '\u25a0'''\u25a0- V WIRELESS - ~ • . Per stmr I Queen, -, from . Seattle 1 for San Fran cisco — June. 10. noon, off Cape Arago; all well. --. WEATHER REPORTS - POINT- LOBOS. June 10, 0 a m— Thick; wind I SW : velocity 8 miles an hour.'. ; POINT REYES,' June 10, 0 am— Foggy; , wind NW; velocity 10 miles an -huur. •\u25a0 \u25a0 ' .aFARALLONES. June 10. 9 a m— Cloudy; wind NW; velocity S miles an hour. '. ' • TATOOSH. June 10. 9 a m— Foegy; wind east; velocity 2 miles an hour. •: \u25a0:.••,- •». PASSED AT SEA By stmr CaplstrHno— June 0. Up m, 25 miles north of Point Bucheon. stmr Bee. with tug Prlscllla and barge In tow, for San Francisco. SPOKEN ; .Per U S stmr Thomafi — June 2, latitude 21.44 north, longitude J.Vf 40 ' west, schr* Willis A Holden, from Newcastle, N S W, for San Fran cisco ; wished to-be reported all well. June 7, 4:4." a m—Latitude'3lm — Latitude '3l 2S north, longl- ' tude 139 42 west, three masted full rigged ship, painted lead color. v May 25 — Latitude 10 north, longitude 2S west, Fr bark Bossuet, from Oregon for United King dom. '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 . \u25a0 ' • May 2.5— 0n equator. longitude. 28 west. Fr bark La Tour d'Auvergne, from Oregon , for Unit ed Kingdom. May 29— Latitude 32 north. longitude 1? west, Fr bark La Rochejaqiielln. from Hull' for Oregon. June: — — Latitude 47 43 north, longitude 7 46 west.', Fr bark Marechal de Castries, from Glasgow for Oregon. - TELEGRAPHIC : ; v ' " POINT LOBOS, June 10. 10 p m— Weather foggy; wind west: velocity 10 miles an houiC • DOMESTIC PORTS " SAN PEDRO— Sailed June J) — Tug Sea Rover, with barge.3 in-tow. for San stmr Roanoke. for San Francisco. June 10-^-Stmr Gov ernor, stmr Daisy, for San Francisco. Arrived June 9 — Stmr Claremont, from Grays .Harbor. - June 10— Stmr Governor, from San Diego: stmr Wm H Murphy, from Grays Harbor. Sailed June 10 — Stmr Lakrae, for Eureka; stmr San Gabriel, for Umpqua river;, stmr Whittier, for San Francisco. • SEWARD — Arrived June 10 — Stmr Portland, from Ketchikan and sailed for Seattle. PORT ORFORD— Sailed June o— Stmr Eliza beth, for San Francisco. ASTORlA— Arrived June. 10— Stmr ' Daisy Mitchell, hence June 6. June 9 — Stmr Alliance, from Coos bay. Sailed June .10 — Stmr Breakwater. f<vf Coos bay; stmr Argo.for Tillamook.. June 9 — Stmr. Cascade, for San Francisco; stmr Shoshone, for San Francisco. - Sailed June 10^ — Stmr s Geo ,Vf Fenwlck, with log raft in tow, for San Francisco. SKAGWAY — Arrived June J) — Stmr Dolphin, from Wrangell. • Sailed June 9 — Stmr Dolphin, for Seattle. JKNEAL" — Sailed June 9^ — Stmr Santa Clara, for Seattle. t SOUTH BEND — Arrived June 10— Stmr Daisy i Freeman, hence June. 5. Sailed June 9— Schr Albert Meyer, for San Francisco.- . _"• SEATTLE — Arrived June 9 — Stmr Argjll, hence June 6. ' . : Sailed June 9— Scbr P J Abler, for Teller. Sailed June 10 — Stmr Argyll, for San Fran cisco. ".".'• ' - / ' " - Arrived June 10 — Stmr Cottage City, fiom Ska'gtvay. Sailed June 10 — Stmr Jefferson, for Skagway. PORT SAN LUIS — Arrived June 10— Stmr Helen P Drew, from Greenwood; stmr Lansing, from Panama. . ' . SANTA BARBARA— Arrived June. 10^-Stmr Coos Bay, from Port San Luis and sailed for San Pedro. . EUREKA — Arrived June 10— Stmr Kathc-rine, hence June 8; stmr F A Kllburn. hence June 9. Sailed June 9 — Stmr San P k edro, for San Fran cisco. Sailed June, 10— Br stmr Invertay, stmr F A Kllburn. stmr City of Topeka, for San Francisco. Arrived Jnne 10^ — Stmr Eureka, from Coos bay. REDON DO— Arrived Jnne JO — Stmr jDHsy, from; San Pedro, and sailed for San Francisco. KETCHIKAN— Arrived June 10— Stmr Hum boldt. from Seattle. FORT BRAGG — Arrived June 10-^-Stmr Bruns wick, hence June 9. - ' Sailed June 10— Stmr National City, for San Francisco. - - ... . \u25a0 - TATOOSH— Passed In June 10— Stmr City of Puebla. hence June 8 for Victoria, etc; schr Washington, from . WESTPORT— SaiIed June 10 — Schr Minnie A Calne,, for Haiphong. Passed out June 10— Stmr Excelsior, for San Francisco. In — Stmr Hoquiam. hence June 5. June 9 — Nor stmr Jetbou. from Astoria. NEAH BAY— Passed In June 10— Jap stmr Ceylon Maru, from Hongkong for Seattle and Ta coma. * . CLALLAM— Anchored June lft— Ship - Elwell. from Seattle for Nome. . , . VENTURA— Arrived "June 10— Strar " Aurelia, from San Pedro. Sailed June 10— Stmr AurellaV for San Fran cieco. \u25a0 ' '. : \u25a0 ' : \u25a0 \u25a0 . \u25a0 • PACIFIC OCEAN TRAVEL _^S"IC Steamers \u25a0 Leave Broadway \u25a0yfiJ^*^B^C '-•\u25a0 wharves (Piers 9 and 11). Aw?T LOW RATES." INCLUDING i a 7\^S% V^l -BERTHS AND MEALS. I 1 Ytjgigjkrl SPECIAL ROUND TRIP" SAN DIEGO "**»S-«^ •SANTAS BARBARA . •President ........ ...". ............ .'...M0n., June 14. 28; Sun.. July 11**2 p". m. •Governor Mon., June 21, July 5. 19, 2p. m / Alternately Every Monday Thereafter. Santa Rosa ....Every Thursday. 10:30 a. m. •Direct for Los Angeles. Will not call S. Barbara. SEATTLE (DIRECT), fTOYVNSEND TACOMA. f VICTORIA, fVANCOUVER , Connecting at Seattle' for SE.AJaska. Skagway, . Dawson, Fairbanks,-.. Nome; St. Michael. tGovernor..Sat., June 12, 26; July 10, 24, 2 pi m. Queen Tues.. June 15, 2». 2 p. m tPresldent". Sat.. June 19; July 3, 17. 2p. m. Puebla.....:. Tues., June 22;, July 6. 20. 2 p. m Umatllla . . Tues.. July. 13. 2p. ra.' Alternately Every Tues.' and Sat. Thereafter. fWlll not call . at Vlctorla^Townsend. Vancouver. EUREKA (HUMBOLDT BAY). City of Topeka..;. June 13. 18. 23. 28; July 3 R 13, IS, 10:30 a. m. Every fifth day thereafter.' GUAYMAS, MAZATLAN," LA PAZ Curacao . . .' ...,\ ;.7th each month, - 10 a. m. ALASKA CRTXISES— Leave Be*tU«: Spokane.. ..June 15, 30; July 15, 30; August 14 Queen July 15, SO i NOME— ST. MICHAEL Senator (direct) Leave Seattle -.../.... June 2C Right reserved to : change this scheduler TICKET OFFICES— 3 Market at., 112 Market at., and , Broadway Wharf. * Tel. Kearny 493. OAKLAND— IO36 Broadway. Tel. Oakland 5680 C. P. DUNANN.:G. P. A.. San Francisco. J SEATTLE DIRECT CONNECTING ALL NORTHERN "POINTS ' S. S. ADMIRAL SAMPSON..... .„.. June 25 S. S., WAT50N. ;'!... .:........... ..June 15 S. S. BUCKMAN. . . : . . . . . . :.. ;'. .June 20 Los Angeles Direct TWIN SCREW S. S. ADMIRAL SAMPSON..... '.....June 21 . Sailings from Steuart 1 St. Dock.' Alaska Pacific Steamship Co. ; ;"•; ; . Ticket iOf flee, 64 ", Market St.\, *'. TOYO KISEN KAISHA (ORIE2XTAI.: STEAMSHIP. COSLPAxV) S. S. Chiyo Maru.. V..;... Tuesday, June S9, 1909 8. B. Tsnyo Maru Tuesday, July 27, 1909 S . %B . 5 Nippon Maru . : Tuesday," Angntt ,' 17, ' 1909 5 Steamers < sail ; from \u25a0 company's . piers, r Nos.^ 42," 44. < near foot , of i. Second * st.'.i 1-; p. j ta;, for . Yoko- hama ': and Hongkong.; calling. at Honolnlu. Kobe (Hlogo).V Nagasaki; and Shanghai,- and connecting at . Hongkong : with < steamers , for S Manila,' India etc.) No cargo received ; on | board on day, of gall- Ing/: Ronnd I trip \u25a0 tickets at ' reduced ' rates. ; .>»j- *r * i For { freight ' and - passage . apply ; at i office ' 240 James ; Flood building. ~ i%W. ;H. : A VERY. . .- \u25a0'i.'.v'.T General;. Manager, "t UAiIAI 111 || S- S. Alameda .alls 11 nUWULULU *• m - June 2<5 " Social *f -"'.'T "V round trip; $110 first class.- TAHITI AN D NEW ZEAIiANb-^-S. 8/ Mariposa sails : 11 a.' m.r July vj. 4 SpL* Tahiti round Urlpisl2s.> Wellington. $260. Rr .T.i I OCEANIC* LINE; 673 Mkt.: \u25a0 tel. Kearny 1231.; AUCTIONSALES fe?; j_®' . ££. SATURDAY, JUNE 12. AT 11 A. M. >IX OAKLAND — 15 head of cheap city work and . driving horses at auction, statable ffr all purposes and campers. All gnaran»«ed hor«<M« will be booted. 565 4th st., - Oakland. J. W. MKDKIROS. Anctloneer. TACOMA— Arrived June 10— Br ship Celtic burn, from Seattle. > Sailed June 10 — Schr Columbia, for San Fran cisco: stmr Meiican.-for Seattle; strar Buckman, for Everett; strar Zapora. for Alaska. EASTERN PORTS .- \u25a0; --* : NEW YORK;— Sailed June o— Br stmr Afghan istan, for Pnnta Arenas. DELAWARE BREAKWATER— Passed up June 9 — Stmr Callfornian, from Puerto Mexico for Philadelphia. .^PHILADELPHIA— Arrived June !>— Sttnr Cali foruian, from Puerto Mexico. ISLAND PORTS HONOLULU— SaiIed June 10— V S stmr Buf falo, for Manila. Arrived June 10 — Schr H C Wright, from Ea reka. FOREIGN PORTS TPSWICn — Arrived June 9— Br ship Tlnto Hill, hence Jan 11. GREENOCK— Arrived Jnne 10 — Russ ship Ain land. from Tacoma via Falmouth. SANTA ROSALlA— Arrived June 2— Br ship Fortevlot,- from Hamburg.' ; Sailed June 2— Br ship Elllsland. for R^yal roads. June 3 — Br ship Tblatlebank. for Taltal. YOKOHAMA— Arrived June 10— Jap stmr Tango Maru. from Seattle. WALMAR— Passed June S— Br ship Tinto Hill, from San Francisco Jan 11 for Ip«wlch. LIMERICK— Arrived June &— Fr bark Sully, from Oregon. VICTORIA— SaiIed June 10— Nor stmr Sverre. for China. Arrived June -10 — Br stmr Georgia, from Van couver. • Arrived June 10 — Jap stmr Ceyloa Maru, from Hongkong. . \u25a0 Arrived June 10 — Stmr City of Puebla, hence June S. PANAMA — Arrived prior June I—Ger1 — Ger stmr Erna, hence May 11 via San Pedro, etc. - OCEAN STEAMERS QUEENSTOWN— SaiIed June 10— Stmr Adri atic, for New York. LIVERPOOL — Arrived June 10— Stmr Ivernla, from Boston. HAVRE— Arrived June 10 — Stmr La Lorraine, from New York. BRISBANE— SaiIed June &— Stmr Aorangi. for Vancouver. NEW YORK — Sailed June 10— Stmr La Pro vence, for Havre; stmr Prinz Frledrlch Wll helm. for Bremen. BOSTON— Arrived June 10— Stmr Sainnia, | from . Liverpool. SOUTHAMPTON— Arrived June 10— Stmr Ma jestic, from New York. \u25a0 ; Memoranda The tug Valiant was sold at auction today to John L Howard for $5,000. DEED OF TRUST TO COVER $25,000,000 BONDED DEBT Money for Developing Alining Properties in California A blanket deed of trust to cover two bond issues aggregating 1 $25,000,000 was filed yesterday at the instance of the Mercantile trust company, which ha 3 undertaken to float the securities for the Matomas Consolidated of Cali fornia. The deed embraces all the dredging and other properties of this holding concern in Sacramento, Butte and El dorado counties, j " 1 RAILWAY TRAVEL Santa Fe Trains Leave P|P§i SAN FRANCISCO \lffl^/ Market St. Ferry ' LEAVE FOR— |A. M.| P. M. BAKERSFIELD 7:15 8:00-10:00 CHICAGO 7:IS 8:00-10:00 FRESNO 7:15 4:00- 8:00-10:00 GRAND CANYON 7:15 8:00-10:00 , HANFORD 7:15 10:00 KANSAS CITY 7:15 8:00-10:00 MERCED 7:15 4:00-8:00-10:00 STOCKTON 7:15 4:00- 8:00-10:00 STOCKTON. OAKDALE & SIERRA RY. PTS... 9:45 TULARE '. 7:15 8:00-10:00 VISALIA 7:15 8:00-10:00 YOSEMITE 7:15 10:00 California Limited through to Chicago leaves at 10.00 p. m. OFFICESj 673 Market Street and Market Street Ferry Depot, San Francisco 1112 Broadway, Oakland \u25a0^a^ SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE («f§) MAY U, 1909 UNION FERRY DEPOTk San Francisco Leave. VIA SACSALITO Arrive. 7:15 a Sonoma and Glen Ellen 6:05p 7:43 a Petalnma, Santa Rosa. Healds- burg, Cloverdale. Uklab. Wllllts. Sherwood, Sebastopol and Guerne- vllle »7:33p S:lsa Pt. Reyes. Monte Rio, Cazadero. ••7:05p }8:45 a Petaluma, Snt. Rosa. Guernevllle 7:05p 10:15 a Sonoma and Glen Ellen 8:35p t9:lsa Lagunitas. Cp. Taylor. Pt. Reyes 7:35p 10:45 a Petaluma and Santa Rosa 4:35p t2:45p Pt. Reyes, Monte Rio. Cazadero.. |ll:05a 3:15p Petaluma, Santa Rosa, Healds- bnrg, Cloverdale, Uklab, Gaerne- vllle. River Landing. Sebastopol. 11:05 a j 4 :4."p Sonoma and Glen Ellen 9:05 a 5 :15p Petaluma and Santa Rosa 8:35 a t5:45p Lagunltaa. Cp. Taylor. Pt. Reyes 8:05 a J7:45p Point Reyes 8:05 a ELECTRIC SUBURBAN VIA SAUSALITO Samalito, Mill Valley. San Rafael— Daily every thirty minutes from 6:45 A. M. until 9:45 A. AL; hourly until 2:45 P. M.. then 3:15 P. M. and every thirty nlnutes until 7:45 P. M.. theu 9:00. 10:35 P. M. and 12:01 A. M. . (On Sundays — In addition — every thirty minutes from 9:45 A. M. to 3:15 P. M.. excepting 2:15 P. M.) v Fairfax— Leave t6:45, t7:15. 7:45. 8:15, 9:15. t9:45, 10:45, 11:45 A. M.; 12^*3. 1:45. t2:45. 3:15. 3:45. 4:15, 4:45, 5:15, 5:43, C:l5, 6:45, J7.45 P. M. San ftuentin via Saa I Rafael — Leave 9:15 A. M.. 1:45 P. M. Tiburon and Belvedere — Week days — 7:30. 9:00, 111:45 A. M. («12:45 P. M. Saturdays only). 3:30. 5:30 P. M.; Sundays 7:30. {{9:00. {{11:00 A. M.; {{12:30, 3:30. 5:30 P. M., and |12:01 A. M. > * •Sundays arrive 7:05 P. M. from Sebastopol and Gnernevllle. ••Sundays arrive 8:03 P. M. tExcepf Sunday. tSnnday only. |Vla Saa- sallto. {{Runs to Schuetzen Park. Pacific Transfer Company's Agents are author- ized to check baggage direct from residences. ' tMUIR WOODS MT. TAMALPAIS VIA SAUSALITO FERRY . FOOT OF MARKET STREET LCfiJUL HOUBATS-SUHPAY TIME _ l*.S» frnc-M iT.thfrWtift If. Iwii;iU VEEX SUN- WEEK SUN- WEEK SUN- DAY DAY DAY \u25a0 DAT DAY DAY 9:45 a 7:15 a t?:2o* 11:05 a 7:20 a 9:42 a 1:45p 1:40? 12:20p 1:40p 11:22* *4:45p 9:1S» e?:4sp 1:50p <:14p! 12:10? ...... 9:45t 4:20? 3:50p »9:50p 1:409 ...... Jf:ls* ;..-..-. 5:20p ,3:40p ...... 12:45p 6:40 p...... 5:10p 2:45p 6:40p I 4-.15 P....P \u25a0\u25a0.... •Sat. only. t-Mon. only. GTamalpab only. only 'i'icket Office*— Sausslito Ferry and 874 Market. General Offices— Mill Valley. California. OCEAN SHORE RAILWAY (12th . and Mission) — Daily ex. Sunday — Lv,: ,*7:45 a, t9:3oa, •l:15p. ( fs:4op. \r. S. F.: •7:23 a. t»:10a. »l:00p. tl:l3p. , Sundays— Lv.: •7:45 a. t9:3oa, . t'10:10a. *ll:15a> - »J2:lsp, ts:4op. Ar. S. iF.:, •7:25 a. t»:10a. . •ll:40ai •4:40p, ts:lsp, t*6:oOp.»To and from Arleta. tTo and from Tunftaa Glen. JStop : at SaUda, San T Pedro. , Terrace. - Farallone. . Moss r Beacb, Granada,' Half moon Bay. ' Connect; at Tunltas , Glen with - stage ; for <\u25a0 San Gregorio, Pescadero, PebWe. Beach and La Honda. \u25a0 ' • , \u25a0'\u25a0•.- BAY,'a ND.INTERUHBAX ROUTES MA^ ISLAND NAVY YARD Vallejo, Napa, St. Helena ST. HEI^EXA-XAPA VALLEY ROUTE .Montlcello S. S. Co. and Napa.VaUey Electric R. •B. 1 Co. Close connections. :<9BßßaaMß 6— nOUXD TRIPS DAILY— « "•"- Boa t s \u25a0 leave San Francisco 7 :00. . *9 :43 a. . m. , 12:30 noon. : 3:15,: 8:00, \u25a0•8:30 p. tn?sStjSSags&tio \u25a0_ San Fraoclsco - landing and - office. Clay . street wharf, i north * end i ferry > building, - Market street ferry.:; Meals : a \ la carte. ; Pbons Kearny 408.'. V»_and uaTj yard direct. : . AUCTION SALES Silver Brothers & Warner GEA'ERAL AUCTIONEERS A>D COMJUSSIOX 3IERCHAS I> OS7-OSO Mission St. Thon« Douslas 221" Today, Friday, June 1,1, At 10:30 A.M. Sharp We will sell at auction at our sales- rooms the Office Furnishings of Jl. L. Rime* Pub. Co.;. the entire Household Furnishings of Mrs. Davids; also the beautiful Furniture from the residence of Mrs. Nelson * also 1 large double door Safe and 1 National Cash Register, cost $350. All of the above goods -win positively be sold to the highest bidder. CHARLES WARNER. Auctioneer. TV- »- By order of Tliog. GILBERT I win >)\ sell 2S hr-art of Work and Driving Horses to the hlshest biddej: for C3»b on SATURDAY June I2t_ At 11 a. in., at 664 Broadway. Oakland. C. B. BUTLER. Auctioneer. V^'' RAILWAY TRAVET. ? \u25a0 ; 'i| j^r^jVjs. Trains W*»t a_j tra im\ p^^g^j San Francisco . V^^_g\Zffi T3OM Mat 29 1809 \^^T^\^> FERRY DEPOT _ —^^ "^* Foot of M-rhet Street Leave' —VIA OAKLAND PIER— AniT» I 2.15* NHei Lnre-aore^ Tricy. Lathrcxv Stockton. Lodi. Sacnmea to. 9.58j 6.40 a Hay ward. Bikai San Joss 7 CBa 7.C0» Richmond. Pert Letts. Benicia, Sui- sti. Diion. &acraa«Bto. lioseville, Marysville. Y-tiiiisz. tunsmuir \u25a0.... 7.28p 7.00 a £3aai», ViraT:!>. b'imzty 7.28* 7.00» Da via, <&arysvi!!e. Oro- viile). Williaas. Uunrll V. illow, ti-nilton. L'ornirz. Bt(i£lufl... 7^B? 7.40 a VilJejo, N»pa. lalistcga. Santa Itc». Mirtinrs, i'aa Rsmoa. L'otjhfrty. Pleaaantoa 6.CBp 7.40 i N'iira, Pieasanton. Livrmore, A!- Umoat, Lathropw Stockton 7J22p 7.40 a Tr.-icy, Loa Banos, Kemaa. Fremo. H*afor.L Visalia 4.28? B.ooa Nuwsrk. Saa Jose, lo»(J»tci\V. right. Feiton, Boui Jer Creek, Sasta Cnu. . 6.43> &20a Port Costa. Martinez. Lyrcn. Tracy. Stockton, Jl.-rced. I ':r 'to. Ccsfaen Junctian ( Hanfor d). \isa_*. Portrr- viUa Bakwaidd.. . 4.48» 8 20a Yosemite Valley via Jlrueti 4.48 a 9.00 a NJes, li Terra ere. Stockton (•Hilton). Vallsy Sprios. ' lene. Sacraoeoto. AJZSt 9.00* Sonora. Tuolnmne and M-tt'.i 4.£8» 9.00 a Atliati; Impress — Sacrsff. en to, Iruc- kee. Oj &sn. Salt Lake lit). Leaver. Kaa»» Ci'.y 6.25* 9.40 a Richmond. Port Cotta, Itartines, Buy Point 6.48? 10.20 a Vallejo. Mars I stand. N«pa 11.28 a 10.20 a Loa Anssles Passe n j-r— Pert CnU. Martinsi, Byron, Tracy, Stockton. More*!, Fresno, Ilsr.fcrd. Vinlia, 4» Tulare. «akeriseld. LosAncelea... 7.45J 10.40 a GoUSeIJ Pass.— Pert CosU, Brnicia. Sacramento Trd ckre. Liim, Jiiua. Touopah. GoldS eld. Law*, ketler.. 7 48a 10.40 a MirystUte. Chico. Red DJnff 4.28? !2.ooinTbti Overland l.imitei.'— Denver. Kiataa City. Om.ih a. CLicsgo 7.28» l.20» Niles. Saa Ju» and Way Stations. . t.ABp 2.00? Nenark, San Jos e. Los Gatos. Urisht, Fejton, Boulder Creek. SsntaCni*.. 9 58? 2.20* Benicia. _uisn:i. EacrsmeDto. I.C8? 2.20^ Porttuut Expren (via Dav»>, VU- • lia-A Willows, Rtd £luff. Weed. AshUad. Portlsn d. Tartma. Seattle. 12.28? 2.40* SaitLeandro. NJes. San Joie 9.28 a 3.00 a Ueiticu. Winter*. Eacran.mto. Wood- land. Mary sv rile and Croville 10.48 a 3.00 a San Leandra. Kiln. Center viUe. New- ark. San Jose n.CBa 3.20? Port Costs (Stockton). Martmei, Byron. Modesto, M-rced, irruo... 12.08* 3.45? VrtSvjaalito, West Nap», Et. Helena, Calistoja lO^si 4.00? Valiejo. Napa. C-l»tcxa. Ssnta Bora, Marlines. San ltanoa. l'cujherty, Livermore 9.28 a 4.00s Niles. Traey. Stockton, L0di........ 10.28 a 4.40? San. Leandro. Utywani. Kilet.l 18.28 a Pl«aiaaton. Livermore 11l I 48a 6XO? Ths O»l Limited— Newnan, Let fianos. Mendoti. Krri&an. Freaoo, . Tu!ar». Bak et >s el <! . I.os A » (flea . . . 8.48 a 6.009 RsMssll. San 'oae, LoiCatos 8.48 a 5.00? Saturdavan<l Suaduy U r W right. Fcl- toa. (Boulder Creek). SantaCnsz... {9.28 a 5.20? Eiii Leandrn. Nile a. £a» Jem 7.48* 6.40* Pjuhrnond. Piaols. Vallejo, I'ort Costa, litnieia, Saitua. fi rrarren to — Rose- : vUIe. Lincoln. Uarysviile. Oroviile.. 11.23 a 8.23? liwtern Expresi— Ogden. I'neblo, Denver. Kan tas City. Si. I.cvii. Cliicaj^ Port Costa, Beaieia. E»crittento, Iteoo. Sparks 8.28? 6.40? Hayward, Niles and fia Jctr. 6.48? J7.QO» Vallojo. Port Costs, liattines. Bay Point and Way Station* 111. 18? 8.20 a Orerin t.iprssj — fiwri-ento.Jlarj*- vi!le. Retdint. (Macdorl, KUmath Falls). Ashland, fcrtlasd. Tacoma. Seatde. Spokane f .4Ba 9.00? Chi:ii and jipan Fast ll»i!— Of ien. Chey cane, L'enver. Kantaa City. Omaha, Chios 17 2.43? II.CC? Yoseaite Valley via KHes. llereed. Q Portal 8.48 a 11.00? Niles. lathrop. llodesto. Her ted. Fresno 1 0.33p COAST LINE •«r('l"i r iiril »n<l 'J'omiseinl >tre«usj 1 5.25 a Loop — 23d Street. Vintaeicn, South San Francisco. Valecci* Ft. 18.35* t5.4Qa Loop — Valencia St. Ocesn View. Centci'i, South Fan Francisco, 23d , Street. 31 and Town»tnd tfi.SCi 8.40 a Soatlt Sua Franeiim. San Jose. Ci!- roy. Oloiliitsr). Sargent. Salinas. .. 8.50? {7.00 a. Sunday Excursion Giiroy . Pajaro. ts v troville. Del Monte; Uontcrey. Pacific Grove 10.5 C? B.ooa Ths Conater— San- Joie. Caeircvill?, (DeUl3ate.Monterey. Pacific Grove). S»lm:i*. S.i!«dtd. r«-» ItoLlew Bot Sprbga. Saa I. mi Obiepo. l'iimo. ' Oeetno. Surf, Lompoe, cantn Dar- bara. Ventura, Oxnatii, los Avftlen 11.45* 8.051 Uivfield. Los Altos, Los Gatos, VTriiht. (Boulder Creek), Santa Cnu, Watsaaviile. Castroville. Del Monte. Monterey. Pacific Gruv* 1.25? 8.20 a Sout!) Saa frmcisco. Palo Alto, Eaa Jow. War Stations 7.35 a 8.20 a Loa Altos. Los Gatos, Wright. (Boolder Creek), Santa Cmx t7.20j 9.00 a San Joie. (iiiroT. Salinas. Iharslrr, Paio Roblet Hot Springs. San Low Obiipo— H' Uister —Santa Crm. Tel Mi.nts. Monterey. Pacific Grove 4.C0» 10.40 a South 3a..i Frandteo. Bnrliogame. Saa llateo. Palo Alto. Saa Jose.... 6.30 a 10.40 a Los Altos UoaUVuta. Los Catos.. {^jq? 11.33t Valencia St.. Oceaa View.. Co'aia. Cenaeteriea. Baden, Ean Bruno 1.35? 11.40 a Soutii 3-ia Fraucinco. t-»n Jum 18.20 a 1.00? Saturday, Palo Alto and Way .-tatiocs S.CC? 2.00? South Saa Francisco. Fi!o Alto. fas. Jose B.4Ca ti.OO? Lo». Alto*. Loj j.-itoF.Y/rijht, (Boulder Creek), SanU Crua 13.20? t2.10a Bar Shore. Via Urion, San 8run0.... 14.45? 3.00? Dei Monte- U jress— S«n Jcie, Giiroy. Chitteadea, U'atKnvill^.SantnCrus. Dd Monte, lion ter ry. Pacifio Crov» 12.30? f3,15? MiyiHd. Lo^ Altoa. Los Gatos. Wrizht. (Boulder Creek). Santa Cms 9.43 a 3.20 a Soutlt 9a.i Francisco. San Joie. Gil- roy. Castroville. Salinas 10.25 a' 4.00? Sunset Lxpren — Imwn. - Lennnc. El Paio. lloustoa New Orleans. Pas> Ilohles Hot S tr:r.«, San l.nia Obij-.iJ. d.tnti Darb ara, Los Acgeles. I l.4Ca \u25a0 4.00 a GiL-ir. H jllister. Tres Pinos 8.5 C» 4.00? Ue! Mont:. Monterey, Pacific Grove. 11.45? 4.00? Kansas City. St. Louis, tbicaga 11.4Ca 4.20? Soutii Sau Francisco, San Jose. . . \u25a0" TS.OCa t5.00p Sanßrit:i>\ Ma tto, Palo Alto. San Ja«an.t Way Stations 9.40 a I tS.O3p Lxio-23.1 Str eet. ViMtaeion. Sooth 1 &vi Fnncisr>. Valrocia Sirret 18.15? 5.10p Loa Alto?. Los G-i to t»W right. (Bculder Creek), Santa Crus 9£op , tS.23a Rslvood. Palo Alto. Uaj field. Saa Jose : I.IOa 1 5.20 a Los Altos. MonU Vi-ta, LoiCato*.. 13.20 a fS.25p Boriiacaias San llateo, fcan Jwe .. 13.20p t5.30? Lmp -Valencia St.. Ocean Vi*w. Cemstwies. South San Irancisco. 23.1 Street. Ji and Town trnd B. 40? 5.4Q? -un Bruno. Saa Uateo. Redvoed. Palo Alto. Fant« Cbm. San Joie... 7.40 a :5.40a lis Qatos, Wright, (Boulder Creek). Santtfrua.., 5.40» fS.OOp Millbrae-. kastoa. Eon llateo. Palo Al:.>. M.iy!iel i. Los Altos. Los Cato* 18.00 a 6.00 a Satariiyst Wrijht, tßoulder Creek). SintaCrus !B.CCa_ tS.OSp Zll Street. Visitacioa. South Eaa Fraadsco. Valencia Street.. 16.25? Loop— Valea eia Str eet. Oceaa View, Cenasteriea. 8on(h Saa. Francisco. • 23>1 Street. M and lownecad 17.40» 6 JO? South San Fran euro. San Jose...:. 5.40? 8J)0i Lot Anx:les Pa asea Krr— San ilateo, Rsdwood. Pato Alto. Saa Jcie, GQroy. Salinas, Cbaaffcr. Puo Roblea Hot . Springy Eao Lai* Ocupo. Pixmo, Saata Barbara Loa Anjples.. .-t' 8.30k v 11.43? SoataSaa Fraacisco, Pab Alto. EanJ 7.20» . \u25a0 Joss: ..:.... J 7.30* tl.00» Sacrameato River Steamer*.; tit .3oa ~Uaion Transfer Company agents collect ban*g« ana eheski oa trains of Southern PaeiSo aad delivfr to residence. - They aro authorised to check bajjsja «lk sot • from reMdeacei ' \u25a0 \u25a0 a for Moraine.' • for Afteraooa f Saa jj 3 y er»ptrd tSoaday oaly; < . 1 Son. aod Uoo. ' 15