Newspaper Page Text
In the Sacramento Valley DRASTIC REFORM IN LIQUOR TRADE Proposed Ordinance for Regu» lating Saloons in Sacramento Makes Many Changes [Specie/ Dispatch to The Call] SACRAMENTO. June 10.— Drastic measures which are intended to regulate the saloon business 3n the city of Sacra mento are included in a.n ordinance pre pared by the executive committee of the citizens' home rule lragu. Th or dinance will be submitted to the trus tees for adoption next Monday. The salient points of the ordinance are: aiidnight closing. half-Sunday dosing, elimination of music from all saloons, the removal of all partitions, screens, booths and adjoining rooms up stairs or down, and making it com pulsory to conduct saloons in one open room with but main entrance. Under the ordinance it will be neces sary for the applicant to get a recom mendation as to moral character from the chief of police. The necessary ma jority signatures of a Mock to a peti tion must be secured and the applica tion submitted to the. trustees with a 52.000 bond. The trustees may. with or without a hearing, refuse any appli cant a license. When the number of licenses for saloons shall be reduced to 100 then lhat number shall never be exceeded. No license shall be given to any per son for any dance ImU or concert hall or any place where any female is per mitted to wait upon or attend any person. No saloons In the residence section is one of the important provisions of the ordinance. A higher license is also placed on the business. Wholesalers shall pay $200 per annum, retailers $600, res taurants selling not less than in pints $200, retail grocers and drug stores selling package goods $120. This sec tion of the ordinance places a $600 yearly tax on all clubs as well, includ ing the Elks and the exclusive Sutter club. PASTOR IS REQUESTED TO RESIGN HIS CHARGE Church iMembers Declare He Is a Bar to Progress % [Special Dispatch to The Call] SACRAMENTO. June 10. — Following a strenuous session after prayer meet ing last night Rev. W. E. Story of the First Baptist church handed in his res ignation, which was unanimously ac cepted. Several members of the flock had askrd Story to resign because he was retarding the progress of the church. Rev. Story responded with a formal resignation, but refused to get out be fore two months, as stipulated in the contract, and insisted that in the in terim he would take his vacation at full pay. Dr. Charles Meoulsnd. who was a leader in the movement to have Rev. Story removed, claimed the church was running- in debt at' the rate of $50 a month, but Rev. Story retorted that it \u25a0was because .the members failed to pay their dues. TRYING TO SIGN UP WHITNEY AND BAKER Central Club of Sacramento Arranging for Fight [Special Dispatch to The Call] SACRAMENTO. June 10, — Two pros pective fight cards are on tap for Sac ramento. The Centrrl club promoters are trying to match Kyle Whitney and Howard Bak«-r in a 20 round bout for June 1!5. A difference of three pounds :n weight. Whitney asking 148 and Ba ker 14 5. is the only drawback to the match. Manager Frank Mantell and Jack Twin Sullivan will fight before the Buffalo club on July \u25a0"> if present plans develop. Both aggreeable to a weight of 158 pounds, and Mantell has wired, from Providence, R. 1., that lie will start for Sacramento on June IS. WILL ESTABLISH SNOW BINS ON PITT RIVER Government Seeks Data to De termine Volume of Water [Special Di^atch to The Call] SACRAMENTO, June 10. — In order to collect snow data from the Goose lake region so that an accurate estimate of the amount of water to be expected \u25a0 during the summer* season can be ob tained United .States Weather Ob server "U". J. Taylor left today for Modoo county to establish snowbins in the headwaters of the Pitt river. The Pitt rivtr is one of the biggest tributaries of the upper Sacramento river and snowbins at its headwaters fcive a good idea of the amount of water to expect. MOTOR BOAT RACES AT COLUSA WATER CARNIVAL Success of Aquatic Festivities Is Assured [Special Dispatch to The Call] COLUSA, June 1«. — Four motor boat races have been arranged for the Co lusa water carnival to be given here June 19, and assurances are on hand from Sacramento that fully 25 water chuggers will make the trip here. The Reynolds Flyer. Xunes Brothers and Blanche W. all fast Sacramento boats, will enter in the speed event. Besides the motor boat races there will be rowing and tub races. DEATH OF PROMINENT CITIZEN OF LINCOLN Supervisor Eugene E. Hill Sue- cumbs After Brief Illness [Special Dispatch to The Call] 'I-JXCOLX. June 10. — Edward Eugene Hill, supervisor of this district, and onrf* of the mogt prominent, men of Placer count}-, died last nigrht after an illness lasting: several weeks. He was r>7 years old and came to California from New York 25 years ag-o. He has served as tax collector and as marshal of Lincoln. GEORGETOWN'S STREETS ARE LADEN WITH GOLD .Enterprising Citizens Pans It and Secures Rich Results [Specie/ D'apatch to The Call] \u25a0 GEORGETOWN. June 10. — Dust in Georgetown streets is worth . money. r>r H. B. Stanley, -who came here re cently has been panning dust taken at random from various parts of the town and- declares the pans ranged from' 10 cents to -sl.lO. He is planning to have the dust collected daily and it sf fll be panned. ' Take an outing on the Ocean Shore Railway and enjoy the beautiful beaches and grand scenery. Train'serv ice to Tunitas Glen (38 miles from San Francisco) connect with stage for. San tJreKorio. Pescadero and Pebble Beach. For schedules see published time card •« tMs paper. -- * OROVILLE TO HOLD BIG CELEBRATION Elaborate Preparations Made for Fourth of July Program, With Carnival on the River [Special Dispatch to The Call] OROVILLE, June 10.— The executive committee in charge of arrangements for the fourth of July celebration has practically completed its plans, and as surance is given that the affair will be one of the biggest held in recent years in this part of the state. By arrange ment n»dst of the cities in the valley, Including Sacramento, will hold no celebration and Oroville expects thou sands of visitors from valley points. The celebration begins Saturday night with a water carnival on the river. Both banks will be illuminated and there will be fireworks. The Queen will come down the river in a motor boat accompanied by her aids and will land at the Japanese arch, where Mayor -Kuser will present her the keys of the city. The procession will then form and march to an im mense open air platform where there will be concerts and dancing. Prizes have been offered by the committee for the most handsomely decorated floats in this parade, and it is expected this will cause much rivalry. There will be band concerts Sunday by bands from Sacramento, Chlco, Marysville and other places, as well as by the bands here. Baseball games, roping contests and other open air ex hibitions will take place during tbe afternoon. CLAIM THAT SHERIFF IS BIASED AGAINST PRISONER Objection to Allowing Officer to Summon Jurors [Special Dispatch to The Call] SACRAMENTO, June 10. — The trial of- Floyd V. Carter, charged with the murder of his young bride, Vefna Car ter, was enlivened today by the charge made by his attorneys that Sheriff David Reese was biased and preju diced. They asked that Judge Hughes «]isqualify him from calling a special venire of 15 jurors. A bench warrant was asked for the sheriff, who is rest ing at Richardson springs, and he will be brought to Sacramento -tomorrow. But seven jurors have been secured to date and the special venire was or dered. DEPOSITORS OF SUTTER CREEK BANK BRING SUIT Seek to Recover $42,470 From Stockholders in Institution [Special Dispatch to The Call] JACKSOX. June 10. — The Depositors" association of the defunct Sutler Creek state bank, an organization of. the 116 depositors of the bank at the time it failed several months ago, has brought suit against the stock holders of the bank under the stock holders' liability act, to recover $42, 470.40, the sum total of the amount lost by them. UNDERTAKING HOUSE IS DESTROYED BY "FIRE BUG" Blaze in Town of Plymouth Causes Loss of $2,300 [Special Dispatch to The Call] PLYMOUTH. June 10.— Fire of an In cendiary origin destroyed the under taking establishment of H. E. Potter early "this morning. The barn of Lou Griffith, containing 15 tons of hay, also burned. Potter's loss is $2,000 and Griffith's $350. There, is no clew to the incendiary. \'';-. '. -/-. Week=End Specials for Boys and Young Men OUR Friday and Saturday of- ferings in our Junior De- partment are an established suc- cess because of the unusual bar- - gains presented. For to-day and to-morrow we offer these excep- v tional reductions. Young Men's Suits Boys' Norfolks •-•.-\u25a0'• "-J;_ And double breasted suits in 1 IWwisk v< just the materials -that 'please ;^§^^P ; t^ ic anc^ sat ' s^y c mother. fl^JltP. We have colleHed a number ot '^^piv broken lots for this offering, in' mi Mh*^ ' which every size, 7 to 17 years, w^^ )e f° un( '- The Val- $p» iW%fli^^^^^^^ ties are up to $7.50. Fri- r^ I B °y s ' Re^ers- I 1 '- 'z?%*p§ -»^^ .- A .'plentiful assortment of Wk reefers in. fancy . mixtures. \ \Xi r **&f They've got the " 1909 swing. M^^^S^^^ Sizes :2^ to. 10 years. J £ MU^k J? \u25a0 • BoysMJnderwear ; V5;T§. \u25a0\u25a0 % V' i •'\u25a0'\u25a0', ' • '34.' 'Refirujarlv 50c a\u25a0 " A £\ : ' :^'k Many of our attractive,aip to \u25a0.•; CU\ti\ r An>± Cf raw; date models in blue serge and' v'MMMrFH '«. ; * sl;rc *^ fancy, materials, in single; and Hjlf double breasted. styles. Among " liai ' VHVr'f 11 ' . them are some AH $2;50 Vafires J 1 ;25^ as high as Slo. , To- (S v r^ »j >j c? V I dav^d tomorrow. .. ° Friday and; Saiu: day .1 Market Street THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, F&EDAY, JUNE 11, 1909. BILLY JORDAN, DEAN Of EIGHTS, JOYOUS Visits "Stomach Man" After Year of 111 Health and Now ' Is Weir Again World Famous "Let 'Er Go" Man Proud to Call Himself Cooper Convert - \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0>:\u25a0:\u25a0,\u25a0\u25a0 "~". - "Billy "Jordan, dean of the ( fighting game in California, and known all over the world as the "Let 'Er Go" man of the Golden state prize ring, has come - for ward "to an- nounce him- --^P self a Cooper con vert. :\ "Billy" Jor dan says that he suffered from'ca tarrhal stomach trouble for more than a year, and [had all the symp- Jtoms — constipa .tion, gas on the is to mac h, i bad blood, indigestion and. chronic debil ity — and that after taking the- treat ment of the "stom ta, ach man," *j*^ ' Cooper, who is making his \u25a0 headquarters at the Owl drug store in the Phelan building,' he has recovered his health and never felt better in his life. "Billy" Jordan has been master of ceremonies and announcer at every important prize fight in California for more than 50 years. ' He was once in the prize ring himself in England, and knows the prize fighting game prob ably better than any other living man. Prize fighting is the sport in which the pick of. tlie world's brain ' and brawn are matched. The human ficrht ing machine is the most perfect speci men of health to be found. It isa science, an absolute necessity with the fighting man, that he be well. No one knows this better than. "Billy" Jordan, and his recommendation for any medi cine is based not on guesswork, but on absolute knowledge of what is best for the human body. ,As a result' his enthusiastic indorsement of the Coop er remedies has aroused much inter est among sporting men and those who know "Billy" Jordan or have heard oiC him. He said much more in talking with young Cooper,. but this is what he dictates when requested: "I had stomach trouble for one year, with all symptoms, constipation, gas on. the stomach, bad blood, indigestion and chronic 'debility. 1 I tried 'every remedy l ever heard; of without relief. Then I decided to have a talk with tins youngr. Cooper. He gave a full i treatment, and now I am a well-man. I unhesitatingly give all credit to these wonderful remedies." * PLEADS KOT GUILTY — Fred Foster, former convict, arrested recently l>y the federal nn thnritios for robbing mail boxes, pleadwl not cullty yesterday In the United \u25a0 States district court. 'His trial was set fur Juno 23. Foster Is the black sheep of a Rood family in Texas, whrre he served three terms in the peniten tiary. ; • . WILL ATTEND CONVENTION — P. J. Kin delon. chief of the detectire bureau of the Southern Pacific company, left by last even ing's overland train for Pcorin, 111., to attend the twelfth annual meetinjj of tho Association of Rnil\ra.r Snpoial Asents of the Unitpd States and Canada to hoi hPld thpre June 15. lfi and 17. HAMDKERGHIEF& FRIDAY arid^SATUFJDAY Ladies' Embroidered Shamrock Lawn. • : QC a il! Our < 50c goods.-: . V. . . . . . :.' '. ..... .\-. ..... /. .3 for Ouu Ladies' Hand Embroidered Initial on Shamrock Lawn.(l AC" \u25a0':. ;1. "-' --. ;. , " \u25a0 ' . 6 for J 1 .03 Men^s Hand Embroidered Initial on Pure Linen. > QC ;.; .;\u25a0•• -)<: : :-: \u0084 ,\u25a0• i-V ~:..\:-'\ ...< .\u25a0: v ..;.';6:forr :^r.Jj LEATHER GOODS Our Entire Stock of "Ladies" Leather Bags at REMOVAL SALE PRICES. v MADE VEILS IMPORTED NET VEILS at HALF PRICE. * in all colors. PARASOLS WHITE LINEN PARASOLS (SLIGHTLY SOILED) HALF PRICE. GLOVES 2-CLASP LISLE, SUEDE FINISH J CF- , in black, white and'colors.. Pair. ;. ... ..... .Jub 16-BUTTON SILK GLOVES . - . QCp in black and colors. > $1.50 quality. ..,. Ouu 16 and 20 BUTTON EMBROIDERED SILK ! GLOVES in black and white. | G4 HP $3.50 and §3.75 quality/; . . .'. .... . . . . . . ....... . J 1 .93 Van Ness at Washington- z North End >ocxx>oooooocooooooooooooo6oboooooooooooooooooooooo To guard against deception or sub- stitution, see that the corks are branded "Budweiser "or that the Crown Cap bears our A and Eagle trade-mark.' Budweiser is bottled exclusively at our home plant in St. Louis, either with Cork or Crown Caps. Anheuser-Busch -. STATEMENT OF THE CONDITIONS AND AFFAIRS OF THE CONNECTICUT FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF HAKTFORD. IN THE STATE OF CON- NECTICUT, on the 31st day of December, A. D. 1908," and for tbe rear ending on that day. Pub- llsbed pursuant to the ProTlslons of Section 611 of the Political Code and compiled from th« annual statement filed with the . Insurance Com- missioner of the State of California. CAPITAL. Amount of Capital stock, paid op In . Cash - • $1,000,000.00 ASSETS. Real Estate owned by Company.. ;. $278,800.00 Loans on Bonds and Mortgages...:. 923.500.00 Cash Market Value of all Stocks - and Bonds owned by Company... 4.298,8(0.00 Amount of Loans secured by pledge of Bonds, Stocks and other mar- . ketable securities as collateral... 54,000.00 Cash in Company's office 230.08 Cash In Banks 415,562.21 Interest due and : accrued on all Loans ••• . . 866.80 Interest dne v and accrued . on Bonds and M0rtgage5 ................... 39.036.52 Premiums In due course of collec- .-„„,., tlon ..:. •• 834,0i5.33 Bills receWable. not Matured, taken i for Flre Risks. ..'.'\u25a0 21,636.33 j Total Assets \u25a0'\u25a0••• »«-3<«-STT.27 . LIABILITIES. '\u25a0'.;. :."\u25a0-\u25a0- Losses adjusted and unpaid .'....... ; C 58.243.80 Losses In process of Adjustment or •• _ In Snspense ;......:. .:::^..i 10 ®-?2J-52 Losses resisted. Including expenses. , 62.127. iS Gross premiums on Flre Risks run- ;:.;', .;.-\u25a0 nine one year or less. $1,983.- - ' 674740: reinsurance. 50 per cent.. 991.837.20 Gross" premiums on Fire Risks ran- . nlng more than one year. $4,773.- , - , - ' . 544 25 • reinsurance pro ,' rata ..... i 2,598,737.20 Taxes due or accrued ... . . . . .... . '\u25a0:\u25a0- 46.402.57 All other Liabi1itie5. ............. . 6.024.43 Total Liabilities .... . . .......... *3.f103.i37--u< . INCOME. Net z**Xl actually receded for" Flre \u25a0' _- Premiums • • • • • $3,679,189.96 ReceiTed for Interest on Mortgages. 45,425.51 ReceWed ' from . Interest :- and dWI- dends on Bonds. Stocks.- -Loans and fromiall other sources..". :.. . 178.876.37" ReceiTed for Rents. .>;. ; 12.419.W Income from all other source*. .... ... 430.53 .Total Income . •••••• •• • • .--••• .." « 1.342 on ; EXPENDITURES. ; Net amonnt paid for Flre Losses e (lnclud°lng $?29 663.45.-- losses of '^ _ g preTloua years) ............ $1,656,713.47 Expenses of adjustment and settle. ?\u25a0 v . « ; ' ment of losses- ......:............ 52.i03.34 DlTldends to 5t0ckh01der5. . ..... ... • 142.910.00 Paid or allowed' for Commission, or \u25a0 '\u25a0 ' Brokerage i' : . y• ; ••••-•- • • •? \u25a0 \u25a0• \u25a0'• "\- 789.469.09 Paid for Salaries, Fees and • other - charges for officers, clerks, etc.: . " 809,531. U Paid for State, -National and Local . v «: ,'-\u25a0\u25a0 taxes " . • •"• •'• ••• •'•'• ••• • f ""•""..'•"--'• 89.189.31 AH other payments and expenditures ;206.181.0; 206.181.00 i Total Expenditures ........ . . . '. . i3.K28.6n«.22 \u25a0 ,-\u25a0\u25a0•- '. \u25a0 \u25a0 :: . \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 .\u25a0'\u25a0 .-\u25a0 \u25a0 Fire.'"-- LOSSES Incurred during the year. . »I.W>7,fii7.<w ; RISKS AND* PREMIUMS. \u25a0:. - .-.\u25a0/\u25a0' ~~~~- .. I Fire Risks. I : Premiums. Net amount of Risks ;; '. ' - " SSr^.C'^?.^ *376.900;861 $4,671.91419 Net amount of,. Risks .'. \u25a0 exnlred during ..•'•the - \u25a0 - . . : \u25a0yewwl'... ••••••••• $326,127,325 $4,301,264.72 Vet amount • In '" force « . . •: :.. .ts ,• * necember 81. 1908.. $574.551.102 $6.757.218.CS ' %,'J.D. BROWNE.- President ' :/. -. . W. 1 . T. ; HOWE, . Secretary." \u25a0•fsabscrlbed and sworn •to % bef ore : me. \ thla \ 9th day of January, 1909. j \u25a0 '.:. '• - '» "»~r-i - . u'. Notary; Public, 1 ;? Hartford. 1 Conn. " PACIFIC rpEPARTME NT Alaska Commercial Building . \u25a0 v'-^r : SauiFranclnoo ' BENJAMIN J^ SMITH. Manager . " '• ; STATEMENT OF THE CONDITIONS AND AFFAIRS OF THE CALIFORNIA INSURANCE COMPANY: OP s SAN) FRANCISCO. IN THE STATE OF, California, on the 31st day of December. A. I). . 190S, \u25a0 and . for the : year ending on • that day. . Published pursuant to the Provisions of Section 611 of | tbe | Political Code and compiled from - tbe annual statement fileil.wlth the . Insurance Commissioner of the State of California.' . CAPITAL Amount of capital stock, paid up' In • '. \u25a0 cash .$400.000.00 , ASSETS — — — Keal estate owned hy company ......f 100,000.00 Loans on \u25a0 bonds and mortgages 108.750.00 Cash market value of all stocks and - \u25a0 bonds owned by .company.-,.'.. .: 354, 593.35 Amount of loans secured by pledge of 'bonds, stocks and other marketable - securities as : collateral \u25a0.. ...41,805.00 Cash in company's office ...*.:.: 2.090.92 Cash In- banks ........;...;........ 106.354.20 Interest and rents due and accrued.. -8.226.81 Premiums in due course of collection/ 127.838.54 Unpaid assessments (secured) '....... 2,023.00 Total assets ... .... .I* .W71.775.52 LIABILITIES ' Losses' adjusted and " unpaid . • • ...... $22,477.83 Losses ' resisted, Including expenses..'. , 12,490.25 Gross \u25a0 premiums on flre \u25a0 risks running \u25a0 one year \u25a0or . less, $344,621.03 ; re- . insurance. 50 per cent \u25a0 ............ 172,310.51 Gross -premiums , on '\u25a0 flre < risks running more than one year, $204,178.06; re- \u25a0 , insurance, pro rata ..'..'.•.. j.'. 165,719.57 Reinsurance premiums _•* 8,654.81 ;, Total . ... ......'... .$351.652.f17 .; : income . - Net cash actually receired for flre' pre- - miums . . . : . . .-;'T. :. . v.'. .". .-. . .' . ... . .5478,692.26 ReceiTed for interest on mortgages. . . 10,226.70 ReceWed from', interest' and dlridends • -on 'bonds, stocks, loans, yand from nil other ewrces 22.751.02 ReceiTed for rents I ..*...\u25a0.-. . . .Y. . . . ... . 8.945.00 Income from' all other sources.. 14,271.30 .Total' "income ... . . . .....; . !..... ..$534.91 7.24 ; ; EXPENDITURES • .-. »\u25a0.- :-..„ Net: amount paid for fire losses (in- , • deluding $14,234.70, losses of pre- vious years) ..........'.....*.....:.. 5139,836.47 Dividends to stock holders ....'. 30,000.00 Paid ; or .allowed; for t ' commission ; or- \u25a0" \u25a0 > « .- . brokerage '\u25a0: . . .'. . '. .".'.'t '.* ; . 91,541.40 Paid ";:\u25a0 for salaries,' ." fees \u25a0 and . other ' • ' I charges -for. officers," clerks, ; etc. .... . 56.279.75 Pald';for.; state,'.- national-- and local - taxes r ......... . . . . . . .......... 7,488.33 Gross -loss -on sale ;or maturity of - \u25a0< !\u25a0 ledger V assets - . . . ... .............. 14,000.00 Gross decrease in book Talue of ledger ' . \u25a0 :... , '* assets ..;;.. . ..;\u25a0.. '.' . . . :v. ....."..... 25.675. 00 All other expenditure* ...... .> ...... J45.455.17 '}: Total \u25a0 expenditures \u0084-. . . . '.. ........ . 5410.079.12 Losses Incurred during the year. . . . . .$135,573.01 • RISKS AND -PREMIUMS \u25a0 . -; - •\u25a0••.;., \u25a0-.?.-: \u0084 : . '- •;. Flre .Risks Premiums Net ' amount .of -.risks . .: -' - . <.. p .written : during .» the S. . '\u25a0. >" year: \u25a0;}/.. ::.t: ...;'.'.';\u25a0-• $45.943,512 $769,054.67 N6t. amount; -of risks '• : ' ~*r. ' * 4 expired during" -the -.»- - - ' .. • Tyear :... ........ 24,796,497 495.W4.56 Net s amount j-m- force" De- - \u25a0 . cember 31. 190 ft ;....-.. 37.649.846 605.799.09 v r \u25a0 W. E. DEAN. -President." : "-..' - \u25a0 GEO.iW. BROOKS. Secretary. '• ' , JOSEPH D.' LEAHY. Accountant. ; - Subscribed - and ,i sworn to -before me- this.22d day of January.fl9o9. .;• ~-.IV J.' KENNEDY.. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0>\u25a0'•;- ' "... ' " - \u25a0 ,; . Notary J Public^" CALIFORNIA INSURANCE COMPANY: .' HOME OFFICE ' \ "'CoinpunyfaV Building ' ' .;,.- -550 /Sacramento-- Street : -- \u25a0'\u25a0 ikr\ ' : ]C Sain 7 Francisco," Cnl. ; ; :-: .. \u25a0 , .' i > W.I E. < DEAX.rt &T\V. MCCARTHY; y"Z s>: ..'President , -v . .' : ;> Vice .: President GEO.AV. BROOKS. v GEO.' L. .PAYXE, ;"\u25a0 --"<.-;,-'-'; Secretary ; - Treasurer F. F, Wright & Son, Inc. Announce the Formal Opening ; (Sat., June 12) of the NEW HOME OF WA LK-OVER SHOES - 855 Market Street, Lincoln Realty | Building, opposite Powell Street | —"ttie longest shoe store in \ the world and the largest \ west of Chicago." Aside from the recognized merit of the ' Walk-Over Shoes— justly reputed u the be&t shoe in the world"— this magnificent j • new store warrants the public's immediate \ interest inasmuch as it affords the most •? ample modern facilities for the display ; and sale of fine shoes for men, women ; The same high qualities and the same square standards of merchandising that j have placed us in the van of progressive | . shoe dealers will be continued in this, ! our new and permanent home. j • The People of San Francisco and \ vicinity are cordially invited j to inspect our J\[eiv Store. f?E WRIGHT £SON,inc PROOFinthe Morning! | \Wo tell yon about how good yon '11 feel after taking a CASCARET— that millions of people — buy, use and recommend them — But that's talk — you bvy % box now — take as directed to-night and get the proof in the morning — After you know CASCARETS you'll nerer be without them. CASCARETS roc • box for \u25a0 week's treatment, All drnnista. Bijjftst seller. *» A h «L world, .Millica-bMi: acsutlu STATEMENT . V OF THE^CONDITIONS AND AFFAIRS OF THE COINTIINEINTAL, INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK.- IN THE STATE OF NEW YORK, on the 31st day of December. A. D. lOCS, and for the year ending on that day. Pub- lished pursuant to the ProTlslons of Section 611 of the Political Code and compiled from the annual statement filed with the Insurance, Com- mlssioner of the State of California. CAPITAL. Amount of Capital stock, paid op la Cash $1,000,000.00 ASSETS. Real Estate owned by Company.... $1,009,000.00 Loans on Mortgages > 350,700.00 Cash Market Value of all Stocks and Bonds owned by Company... 16,002,005.00 Cash ln» Company's Office..... -16,071.58 Caab In Banks 801,614.07 Interest due and accrued on Bonds and Mortgages 80,852.45 Premiums la due Course of Collec- tion ................ 780.546.63 Bills receivable, not Matured, taken . for Flre Risks. , 72,161.03 Declared dlrldends on stocks (Trans- fer books closed) .. 141.ft6.00 Total A55et5........ SH>.ai4.«W«. si LIABILITIES. " ' "" Losses In process of Adjustment or In Suspense... $319,937.25 Losses resisted, including expenses. 34,159.00 Gross premiums on Flre Risks run- ning one. year or less, 53.749,- \u25a0 051.70; reinsurance. SO per cent. 1.874,525.00 Gross premiums on Flre Risks run- > • ' nlng more than'' one year, $10,- 184,355.22: reinsurance pro rata..' 5.336,891.14 Taxes due or accrued 125,000.00 Reserved for Contingencies 250,000.00 All other Liabilities.... 57,433.04 ' Total Liabilities INCOME. \u25a0 i Net cash actually recetred for Flr« premiums ...V.- J6.520.795.53 Receded for Interest on Mortgages 9.233.16 ReceiTed from Interest and drrl- dends -on Bonds. Stocks, Loans, ; and from all other sources. ...... 650.505.52 ReceiTed for Rent 5................ 60,524.14 Gross Profit on sale or maturity of Bonds and Stocks...... 66,490.00 Gross Increase. " by . adjustment, la book Talue of Bonds and Stocks. 851.653.74 Income from all other sources...... 1,294.56 Total 1nc0me....-.."........ ««.210.«m.<b EXPENDITURES. . Net amount. paid: for Fire Losses (tacSdtaS $376,021.74. los^ of •• . ;. preTious years) .... ........ $3^03,193.54 Expenses of adjustment and settle- mentof 1055e5..... ...": :.. . . 109,601.36 DlTldends to Stockholders .... .'. .... 450.223.00 Paid or allowed for Commission or Brokerage .....V.\. ......-:...... 1,659.201.24 Paid for Salaries. Fees, and other • .. charges forofflcers, clerks, etc.. £91,032.81 Paid for States National and Local taxes .;...... y.....;.;^....., 183,664.21 Gross Loss, on sale or maturity of . Bonds and 5t0ck5^.....;......'.. 828,043.00 Gross decrease, by adjustment, la" book Talue of Bonds and Stocks.. 710,367.00 All other Expenditures...... V. . . .. . . 803.056.99 Total Expenditure* 57.437.3i».n.t ,\u25a0, \u25a0 : - ./' •'•'•-• - ' \u25a0 \u25a0 mm LOSSES Incurred during the yftr.. $3.295.541.90 RISKS AND PREMIUMS. . - ' - I Fire. Risks."' 1 'Premiums. Net amount of Risks "._..-. . written during the ;\u25a0 year .\ri: ..'....... ' $755.501.805 $7,777,69X23 Net amount of Risks . • expired during the •year. ............. 731.33 C.465 7.318,270.51 Net amount In force ' - \u25a0 ,:\u25a0;, : December. 3l. .1908 1.290.513.380 13.933.407.01 HENRY EVANS. President. ' -E.L.BALLARD.' Secretary. - '"/M, \u25a0'•-\u25a0\u25a0 . - -E. W.\T. GRAY. Auditor. ' Subscribed and sworn to -before me. this 11th day of February. 1900. /- ERNEST STURM. - j . Notary Public, Klcgs County, New York.. ! .Conflagration Proof and Flre Record* Appreciated by Policy Holder* •> ARTHUR al NASOIV & CO., Inc. 'C <\u25a0-'\u25a0 '\u25a0"' ' - METROP6LITAX MANAGERS 618 Merch'anta' Exchanec San FrancUco. Cal. PHOSE KEARSY 421S = Weekly Call, $1 per Year = ! DR. ONG TING SHEW and Herb Sanl- SMBZlliliiiiTii i itfrr™""'- vate practice. All diseases successfully treated with famous tea and herb remedies. Consultation free. 11-13 Brenaan Place. Opp. Ports- tuonth Square, Bervreen Clay aad 'Washlnstoa ITtji. 1O a.m. to 1" m.. J to 3. 7 to !> p.m. STATEMEAT OF THE CONDITIONS AND AFFAIRS OB" TUS | FIDELITY FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YOKK, In th? state of New York, on the 31st day of December. A. D. I'JCS. and for the year ending oa that day. Published pur- suant to the ProTlsions of Section 811 of tha Political Code and compiled from the aonunl statement filed with tbe Insurance Commis- sioner of the State of Calif crcia. CAPITAL Amount of capital ttoclc, paid op In , ca»U $1,000,000.00 ASSETS Cash market value of all stocks aad bonds owned by company 3,077,540.00 Cash la company's of&ce 578. ifl Cash la banks 205.834.84 Interest due and accrued on bonds.. 9.C03.2:: Premiums in doe course of collection 137,2^6.1-1 Declared dlTidemls on stocks (trans- fer books closed) 22.3C0.00 Total assets .>^.4.'2.2t--.T' LIABILITIES Losses la process of adjustment or In snspense 55.579.5t Losses resisted. Including expenses. 3.000.00 Gross premiums on flre risks running one year or less. $612,479.54; re- insurance. 50 per cent 806,239.77 - Gross premiums oa flre rl»»x running more than one year. $780,000.44; reinsurance pro rata 40ft. 753.9' Taxes due or accrued 20.000. 0n Reinsurance premiums 7.739.c? Total liabilities \u25a0 ?*7;,*i2.iw> INCOME ' Net' cash actually recelTed for fire premium* ......... .- $908,761.91 ReceiTed from Interest and dlrldends on bonds, stocks, loans, and from - all other sources ................ 121. 371. ". Grosa profit on sale or maturity of bonds and stocks 67.133.00 Gross Increase, by adjustment. In book vakie of bonds aad atoefcs... 344.365." ToUl Income .*i.44X4re.-;» EXPENDITURES Net a meant paid for flre losses (In- dudtaj: $81,463.09. losses of pre- m , m -^' tlous years) $430,284.91 Expenses of adjustment and set- tlement of losses 10,4.. .5f> DlTldeada to stock holders 50.000.C9 Paid or allowed for commission or brokerage \u25a0•\u25a0 15. .5C0...! Paid for salaries. fe*« anil other _ charges for officers, clerks, etc... 69.1i0.37 Paid for state, national and local taxes' .\u25a0.......*.-..-\u25a0••- ••• . 31.353.63 Gross loss on sale or maturity of stocks .- \u25a0 150.053.00 Gross decrease, by adjustment, la t .,^ nn » book Talue of bonds and stocks... 41.419.fi0 i !all other expenditure* 60.100.73 . Total expenditures '\u25a0• -* 1 -*— TJ - 7fT ; Losses Incurred dorins^he year $442,313.43 ' RISKS AND PREMIUMS • . - Flre Kisks Premiums " Net amount of risks written duriSS the ye*r ™..V.v.... $106,883,435 $1.193.532.27 , Net amount ' of risks • • ' emired during the year .. ............. 63,943.068 M1.022.0ft N D^ce > mbe? t Sl t . a taolf? 121.<^3»4 I.3T>3.4rvi^ HENEY EVANS. President. E. I~ v BAIXARD. Secretary. E. W. T. GRAY. Auditor. Eob<crlbed . and sworn to before me this 11 :i Axv of February. 18*8. , day or * cw EE i 4EST STl ;R>r. Notary Public. ... Kins* County. N. T. 5 a a