Newspaper Page Text
14 EMPLOYMENT W.OfTEP — >ral<>— Con CHAUFFEUR and make himself useful about private . place; thoroughly understanils all : gasoline automobiles: does his own repairing. Box 2517. CaU office. 1 COMPETENT young man, speaking Chinese, flu- , «iUy well acquainted with the Chinese mer- | chants of San Francisco, wlehes to solicit for 1 a good wholesale liouse; references. ELMLK A. JONES, 638 Grant >v.. San Francisco. GARDENER and chauffeur wants position with private family; careful driver; does his own repairing. Box 2916. CaU office. GARDENER, head romi. thoroughly understands business, both side* ; can lake full charge j rentleman's country estate; einple. trench- | Amcricsn. 40 years old: good references. Hor- j ticulture. box 2954. Call office. j GOOD clean janitor and all around man desires j position: best references. Address box -MO, I Call office. r GOOD, sober baker's heJpcr wishes position. Address box 295t>. Call office. JAPANESE boy wants positiou ia laundry or at housework in private ftmily. GEORGE, tel. West 1395. 18^'S Devlsadero st. ' JAPANESE, pood <-<«ok. wants poSltiaa iv a fam- ily- has references: $9 up; city or country. FRANK MUJA, 2U04 Broadway; plione \\ ct-t (^•C7. . MANAGER of » large Institution, teclinicnl man, .-ijred 3<i. with cxcrllcnt executive ability, wants similar position. Address box 'JOMi, I'rM office. MIIiIH.E AGED. s"l»cr mRn desires work at ""'- ! v«te pl«r-e for room and lxianl: underrtands j horses «nd garden work. Box 1744. Call. I 'A INTER, paper lianger ami tinier wants work fnmi nwnerf; goinl work, low prices; all tool?. 2771 Tolsoni st.: phone Mission .".SIS. I'AINTEU Slid paper hanger, first class, also] hardwond finisher, looking Mr work hy land- l-.rds or real estate. A. OSOLS. '\u25a0'\u25a0'\u25a0 Wch>tcr. POSmON wanted by Etn*le Danish dalrym.-m \ xiid butter maker as foreman or manager <'f luree d»iry or milk, plant: 10 years' experi- ence in the business. Address box 2U34. Call. POSITION w*nted by a practical farmer^ and horticulturist jis superintendent; 2i> years' ex- j p<-riertce in fruit »cd general farming: l>est of j references. Apply to R. I)., West Berkeley. SITUATION wanted ».y paprr hanger and tlnter; steady worker. Sl3 Rroadway. STRONG (u-hon!boy. h*<- eood experien.-e 11 nd l«J honest, wishes to work In small private 1 Uy. Apply 1714 <;earr st.; phoue West 7.~.T:i. j STRONG schoolboy. IS years old. has good j lisl.its. willing "w.irkcr. Apply 1714 Geary ; ft.: pbone West 77>7:». I V<»I"NG man desire* an evenlug occupation from I about 5 to 10 p. m.. in either clerical or sales- manship capacity. Box -J»<C. Cail office. VOL' KG Icy. 17 years, wishes position at any • kind of work. Address box 4777. Call office, j 1051 Fillmore st. ; \<il N'c; nun desires position hs chief engineer! mid repairman; expert tm rtentor machines; , liotrl preferrwl: wagos $'J0 moutb aivl found. ! Jlox 2H.">5. t\all office. I YOUNG man. 2.. with some experience i" cleaning, wants positiou in cleaning acd,-<'.j"e- int works: any reasonable offer accepted. Ad- <ir<^s H. W.. 102.'iA Vermont st. J.% « week— Japanese cook wants a position to j trorfc mornlnc* »nd evenings in small family, j \u25a0TOY. 1.V..-. Lwcunn St.; phone West r.<;f>o. EMPLOVJIEXT WANTED — Female PKESS MAKER, coat, suit maker In ladies' i tailoring: work taken at home: fit guaranteed; ; engagement per day, week or month iv fauil- ; lies. MISS BARSS, 1130 Market St.; phone .l Market 134!<- i Flftsr CXJkSS liusiness linu-li cook I wishes posi- tion. Address Ui\ 2957. Call office. G<mli 01k wishes a position in private family: J4n ;- month: best of references. Call at :'!'_"\u25a0 Sacramento st. MII'DLE AGED (MM •rooV] 'ike positioa a< \u25a0 house keeper: i» pi>"il cook: can make herself j C«ners)ir useful ; city or country. P.ox 4753, ' «»il offl'-e. ) . POSITION with or without stenography, in or out of city: 1 fear's experience:' willing to Mart for f'i«. Box 2901: «'all office. REFhXEU young lady would like position as lady's maid or nursery governess; good seam- j b:res-<; best references. Address box "S2i. Call, j I;KF1NE1» Catliclic widow, experienced house | keeper and Lome maker: city or country: no | objection to children. Pox 2SSS. Call of flee, i KTUONG uor.iiin wiinis m-shinz and wrubliing | places: $I..'.<i iK-r day aud carfare. Address Ins 2858. I'al! "ftic^ S\Vi;IUSH plrl wishes \u25a0 position as \vaitii->- r- chamber maid: l>est reference*. Call ::t 5 !••_\u25a0 AliibsmH st. corner 2»>tli. WANTED — By middle aged woman, a |Kisition in rrivate family; will wort !>y Ihe day or tail- oring work. Address 107<i Hampshire st. fVAVTED — SiUwtloo. l>y experienced woman witli a boy r> years old: country ranch pre- ferred, or cook for men. r.o\ -JZlttQ. Call office. WAITUHSS and chamber maid want places in j.rirate family; citj- or country. Box 2535, <all office. WOMAN or reflnenifnt would like a position »t nurse to travel with invalid lady or ce:itl<- tnan in this country or to Europe. Uox 4751, «ali r.ffi«-c. y»»UN<; lady wltii .'! years' experience desires position »s assistant lewk keeper or clerical work : worked l" rears in fire insurance ofVe. IJox 4775. Call office. CALL URANCII OFFICE; 1651 Fillmore Bt. near P«sr. MALE HELP WANTED ANDRE'S. 1044 I .ark in st. — For country hotel, first coot, $65; s«-ond <-<»ok. $.">0: dish washer. $."M.t; hue Ik»v. liotel, $:;."i: toastrnan. $30: as- sistanl «aitt>r. S^O to $:{o; porter, country hotel, $2.-.: cook«. kitchen hands and other help. OaVWnd office !»r.7 Franklin st. ANI»KE"S. 1(>44 Larkin Xt. — Cook, tin a week; bustioy. $30-(3.~»; Kreuch kitchen hand, resort. f.Vi; ranch cook. jjTJo: pastry cook. $83; assist- ant. $4.1-S.V», aud others. Oakland office, 0.77 Franklin st. BRIGHT iKiy. 17 years old. wanted for oOlce v.ork. Addrc-gs iv own handwriting, box 2!»03, Call office. GENTLEMEN— We are conducting a first class employment agency, both male and female: we take great pains in selecting our help, and we puarantee all our orders to lie filled prompt- ly and satisfactorily; should you require any help of any kind we would be pleased to have \u25a0n order from you. Yours respectfully. J. B. EVANS. Reference — Oakland chamber of commerce. HA\yj a fine opening for young who U desirous of advancement; smoant required JlOO. Call Oakland office Globe Realty Co., £56 Broadway. Onkland. LABORERS and mechanics to know that Edward •Rclkin has reduced the rooms at tho Denver Hwise. -?A an-J Howard sts.. to 3.V- per day, V- weefc; hot end cold water in every room. MF.X wanted to learn wireless telegraph; day arid nlpht w**ions: rates $]<> p»-r moDth. Wireless Institute, 204 Hibernla bnildinjr. Ssn Francisco. MEN and women to learn barber trad^; « we^ks; *am $5 to $10 per week while learning; par- ticlilars free. MOLER COLLEGE. « 11th st. MF.X with small feet to buy hiph {trade *e«-r, n d hand shnes rheait. 103 :id s». MEX to learn barber trade in S weeks; f r r e spe- cial inducements to next 10; call early, get particular*. S. F. Barber College. S Feli'gt. XEW WESTERX. 1124 Howard— Slnple rooms, 15c and 20c per night; hot and cold water.v tIFTJCE BOY wanted. Apply 525 Fillmore. St.. ' RAILROADS want young men to learn telegraphy and rtation work. Address Morse College </f Telegraphy. 306 12th «t.. Oakland, Cal. WANTED — Men to buy ready to wear or made to order suits. 6Oc a week; pay down what you can. 781 Market St.. rooms 201-202. WAXTEr> — Roomers. 25c to $1 per night. 524 Laguna st. cor. McAllister. WANTED — 600 tn«>n to occupy rooms. 20c to 30c per night (free bath), at the XEW YORK. 703 Howard st. betwwn 3d and 4th. WANTED — Railway mail clerks, portoffice clerks, carriers; salary $COO to $1,600; exam- inations in San Francisco soon; preparation free; write for schedule. Franklin Institute. Rochester, X. Y. • WANTED — A good, solier. middle aged man to work on « poultry plant: must be very bandy with mechanical tools ..and prepared ,to do all kinds of work, Mich a* there is to lie done on a large place; IT suitable it will be a steady position: wajre* $:;o per month and found. No use to write, but call within 3 days at Must Hatch Incubator Company. Petaluma. CaL — WAXTKD— 100 LABORING MEX To occupy clean single rooms at the ORIGINAL MECHANICS' HOTEL. 919 Howard Bt. bet. sth nnd 6th; 15c, 20c, 25c day; 51. $1.23 per. week. WANTED — Men to learn to operate moving pic- ture machines; salary $35 per week. 221 Lo- curt ar.' off 'Van Xess near McAllister. WANTED— 2 MEX. , ' 1 flrW clasp delicatessen man with local experi- ence, who bus a tlKTouch knowledge of. slicing «thM meats, .and a careful driver who lias had \nrml \u25a0 expertem-* In delivering groceries. Appl'* to JOHNSON BROS.. 21 £7 Flllmore st. TVAXTKD — A man to hypnotize n mhject: must **• %a t-xpe-rt. •Ad<lrc*»-box tiSii, Call. Oakland.' - MALE LEI.P.WA.VTKD— Continued WANTED — A first class solicitor to Introduce our new hair tunic; wages $18 per week. . .Apply PROF. SHAW, 175 Church st. '" -' . i YOUNG man with experience In dry goods store; state age. experience and salary received. Box 2!>L'."t. Tall QftW. BARBERS AND SUPPLIES ' WHY pay FANCY PRICES to RETAILERS lor chairs aud fixtures. when you can buy direct from the manufacturer? THE BARKER HYDRAULIC MODEL H CHAIR. THE BEST SELLING CHAIR ON THE MARKET TODAY sells for $78. on ea^y pay- ments of $15 down and $5 a month, or $68 cash in 120 days. Bargains in second hand chairs, and we sell NEW mirrors, poles or workstands far below the retailers' prices. , SEE US TO GET YOUR MONEYS WORTH. . HAIR DRYERS and VIBRATORS sold at $5 per month. JAMES BARKER, INC.. Phone Franklin 3899. 94 Turk st. Eugene F. Panario. Manager. BARBERS — Now is your chance to secure, Al* sec- ond hand CHAIRS. MIRRORS. POLES and other barber shop fixtures Ht very reasonable prices. We bnve 20 BARBER CHAIRS (dif- ferent brands 1. upholstered in LEATHER: SEVERAL MIRRORS (French or German plates); different sizes, and also some well § painted POLES. SEE these goods before going elsewhere. They can be bought CHEAP (oa easy pay- ments if desired), or CHEAPER FOR CASH. All fixtures GUARANTEED to be EXACTLY an represented. CALL EARLY aud make your choice. We will RESERVE goods for a small deposit. DECKELMAX BROS., Inc.. IR2-164 Turk St. ' : . BARBER SUPPLIES. > BARBERS— We have Just received a shipment of the new process Sunset hones, making \bein superior in their cutting qualities and giving razors a very fine, smooth edge. Ask our wagon man to show you the new style. Our 'Jupiter" razor still leads; price $1.50, guar- anteed. We 4iave on hand a large stock of barber chairs and fixtures: We sell furniture on installment. Pacific Barbers' Supply Com- pany. OG2 Market st.. 29 Turk st. X BARBERS— This w<M>k at STOLTZ'S a large lot of regular (1.00 razors will be closed out for JOe each; Come early mid take your pick. STOLTZS. 731 Market St., ', BARBERS' <urniture bought and sold or stored at 74S Fulton st. near Webster. BARBERS' UNION 14S. office .543 Van Ness ay.; free employment: tel. Market SBs>. j CASH *«aid for barber chairs; all kinds of sup- plies on time. SS.I Grove st. near Fillmore. FIRST CLASS liarbor shop for sale. 467 10th st.. Oaklimd. FIRST CLASS barber wanted at 452 9th tt., Oakland. j FOR sale — (;<>od paying, old established, 5 chair shop at a bargain. Address box 4773. Call. FOR sale — .". chair Imrbeo shop; country. Ad- dress box 2915, Call office. 3d and Mkt. sts. lOH sale — Ou<- revolving Mrber chair. 1276 Golden Gate ay. { FOB sale— A 3 chair 10c shop. 420 Cth St., Oakland. MANICURIST for barber cliop. Tel. Douglas • 4422. bet. 12 and 1. .".\u25a0-, -"\u25a0-. ONB CHAIR furnished barber shop and one liv- ing r«*im iv back: cheap rent. Address 2332 San Pabl" ay.. West Berkeley. P. F. THAI., barbers' employment agency, 2951 Washington st.: tel. West 9246. SMART youag barber wanted in Berkeley; steady; state experience. Box C£4, Call of- fi.-e. Oakland. 2 CHAIR shop in best mining town In the state: only *)n>p i;i town with baths: any reasonable • ash offer considered. WANT & SAYGROVER, Coram, Cal. FEMALE HELP WANTED AA— SPECIAL OFFER TO 20 LADIES. THIS WEEK ONLY. rOMPLETK curse in HAIRDRESSING. DYE-V IXG. BLEACHING. , SCALP TREATMENT. MAXiniKING and MASSAGE. Stay as long as you like. LARGEST and BEST equipped SCHOOL in west. F. DEUSTER & CO.. 2 floors. 47 Kearny st., San Francisco. CLASS in hair dressing, manicuring, etc., now forming; complete course, $20; reliable, up to date parlors. 1750 Flllrnor* st. ! FIRST CLASS Udy solicitors can find steady employment by applying city circulation de- partment t San Francisco Call, 3d and Market streets. FIRST CLASS second girl for across the bay, German or Swedish preferred. ,$35: experi- enced French or English nurse for 1 child, city references necessary. $U."i; chamber maid for a first cla^s hotel, city; chamber maid for pri- vate fnrailv. country. $30. references neces- >ary. Call at MISS PLUNKETT'S. 1896 Sutter sr. i-oruer Webster. <;IKL wauled who is expert at running paging j and numbering machine. THE HICKS-JUDD ; <•'•.. 270 Valencia st. I LADIES wanted to take home work; part or full titiio; experience unnecessary. Trlebers, rooms 213-215. Pacific bldg.. 4th and Market sts. LADIES to buy our own made neckwear at half of- store prices: Jabots. Dutch collars, stock collars to match, made of finest materials. I!rus>els Lace Store, 1254 Sutter St.. below I Van Ness ay. LADIES — Reliable employment at home; steady - or 'part time; stamping transfers; $1.50 dozen up. lt-^.m Kl«s. Westbank bldg., £30 Market st. OAKLAXD GIRLS TO MAKE OVERALLS. PAID SALARY WHILE LEARNING. LEVI STRAUSS & CO., 3D AND CLAY STS., APPLY TO MRS. DAVIS. WAIST saleKlady: woman of experience in la- dies' waists; must be a saleslady of excep- tional merit; good position. S. X. WOOD £ CO.'. 4th and Market sts. store. WANTED— A good, first class solicitor to Intro- duce our new hair tonic: wages $1S per week Apply PROF. SHAW, 175 Church st. YOI.'XG girl, general housework, small family, no washing, ironing, windows; good wages; reference". 1503 Octavia st., morning until 9, evening 7 to -9. \ CALL BRANCH OFFICE, IGSI Fillmore st. near Post. AGENTS WANTED START in business; be independent; I started as an agent, am now big manufacturer, making . iiouechold specialties; have hundreds of agents working: I'll start you*: won't let ' you fail; asents of ability wanted to open branch of- fices nnd employ subagpntS; no money needed- write me fully and frankly. C. E. SWARTZ- BAI'GH. Toledo. O. WANTED— Expert male and female agents with good refs.; fine wages. Apply 347 Montg'y ay. EMPLOYMENT OFFICES AAA— PHOXE'WEST 1731. \u25a0~"~~~™~" Largest Japanese and Chinese employment office Id city. T. TAMURA CO., 1612 Laguna st. AAA— CHINESE cooks of all classes and otW lielp furnished. Orient Employment office, 361 frth St., Oakland; phone Oakland 3101. A \^ t \ SC £ l > HATSUMI. JAPANESE-CHINESE LMP. CO.; BEST HELP GUAR.; CITY OR COUNTRY. 1513 GEARY ST. WEST 5688. J. CONN, Chinese emp. -bureau; Chinese cooks special, hotel or fam. 770 Clay; t. D'glas 31C2 A. HORI. 174S Sutter; phone West 2803— Best Japanese-Chinese help furnished promptly. STAR emp. office furnishes Japanese-Chinese help, w. KADQTA, ICOS Geary; tel.. West IC7. H-.W. ' HONG, • Chinese employment office, 805 VNebster st., Oakland. Phone Oak 5843. \u25a0 V NPAID AY AGES COLLECTED KNOX. 443 Pine— Suits, liens and attachments time checks cashed; debts coil' ted everywhere. TO LET — Fur, and Unfur.' A.AA — Front hall bedroom and other" clean, sun- ny rooms. $9 and $10, including bath. 822 Turk St. near Gough. A COZY home for respectable ladies, 1 ISO Mar- J£nv'» l jr?. r v- 7tht . Under anfl P lc «" <>' the SALVA- TION ARMY ; elegantly famished; every mod- ern convenience; steam beat, electric light and elevator service; spotlessly clean; centrally lo- cated; thoroughly .homelike; telephone Market 1349; prices very moderate, ranging from °5c -per. night up; special rates by the week or month. See matron, room 33. ... BALDWIN HOUSE, 74 6th st. near Market— All modern conveniences: 220 rooms; 35c to $1 ncr day, $2 to $5 per week; free baths. BUSH St.. 1738— 2 front connecting rooms in private family: all -. conveniences; 2 beds- phone West 2728. t .- . .;"-.;;;" ™T! BUSH St., ISIS — Sunny room in private fa mil v for 1 or v 2 gentlemen; bath; breakfast optional- s9 for ' l. \u25a0 • _ . \u25a0 ' BUSH st. .1651 — Nicely fur. room in private family for 1 or 2 gents; bath; phone; reas. CALIFORXIA - St. 1430. apt. R-Sunny room ; jceutral; convenient to 4 carllnes; everythinir I ifcfJirMiiflWilml H WiWI JUVifj]! CALIFORNIA St., ,1422. nr. - Hyde— Nicely " fur- \u25a0;' nlshed room ; for 1 or-2, : ; in fine location- V walking distance. - * CALIFORNIA Ist'. 1401,'. ur. Larkln — Front room nicely furnished." for l«r 2; $10"moutli. ;- . \u25a0- - - \u25a0 - -\u0084'--- f --.-.... THE /SAN ER^CISCO- CALL. THURSDAY. JUNE, 17. ,1909 CALIFORNIA?*!.. 1545, nr." Polk— Nicely fur-; -. nlshed rooms ; ,-. reasonable ; fine location ; walk- ing distance, [i i . : - . .'-.. . .\u25a0; \u25a0-";.; '.) t CALIFORNIA St., 2112— Large sunny, also small room; bath; phone; large . closets ; nice neigh- borhood. " - . '• "\u25a0 -\u25a0:" CARMELITA st., 77 — 3 : unfurnished' rooms, on ground .floor; reasonable to right party." \u25a0 CEXTRAL ay., 730, nr. McAllister — Sunny bay ,; window bskpg r. ; gas, elec; $15 up. West 4375. CEXTRAL ay.. 825 — Runny,- fur. room in private home; running .water; reasonable; for, gent. CEXTRAL HOTEL, 574 3d st.— Free baths; of flee and readlug room s on ground floor;. 500 - single and family rooms; 35c to $1 a day; $2 to $5 a week. EDWARD • ROLKIN. proprietor. CLAY: st., 1422 — Sunny , front room In private family: in : flue: location; reasonable. -\u25a0 COMMERCIAL. 761 Turk st.— Clean rooms, mod- ern conveniences; running water; bouse keep- ing privileges; $2.50 to $5 weekly; phone Franklin 400. . DEWEY HOUSE. 4th and Howard— All modern conveniences; 200 rooms; 35C to $r a day. $2 '\u25a0 to $5 week;. free baths. Howard or 4th st. cars. EDDY St.. 820 — Newly furnished room, $2» wk. ; 'also $1.50 room: phone and bath. - . .- EDDY st.. 005 — Large, sunny suite, for 2 or 3 . gentlemen; also large single room. EDDY st-., .954, near Franklin — Furnished room; hot bath: large closet: $10 per month. FOLSOM st.. 2SG2— Unfurnished front nnd hack parlor and bath in. private house: reasonable. FRAXKLIX st., 1504 — Handsome sunny»*h>oms ; all conveniences; from $10 up month. FREDERICK st., 471— Furnished room for rent; 1 or 2 gentlemen; near park. GOLDBX GATE ay., C2S. nr. Van Xess— Large room, nicely furnished; suitable, for 1 or' 2; also single. • \u25a0 ' « . GOLDEN GATE ay., 1001, opp. Jefferson sq.— Elegantly furnished lnmse keeping rooms, also 1 single; hot and cold- water in every room; bath; phone; $18 up. ' GOLDEN* GATE ay., SOI, opp. Jefferson sq. — Bay window sunny rooms for 2; running water; bath; phone; $16 month. GOLDEN GATE ay., 1283— House keeping rooms; also furnished rooms; bath; all conveniences. GROVE St.. 1335— Sunny front room In private family, for gentleman; aU cony. ; $10 month. GROVE st., 157! v— Large sunny room. In private fam. for 1 or 2; running water; reasonable. GROVE St., 1349, nr. Devlsadero — Sunny front room In private family, for 1 or 2: running water; bath; phone; very reasonable. GUERRERO St.. 1011— Sunny front room and nlcove In private family, for 1 or 2 gents; $10. HAIGHT St.. 17t>8 — Large room In private family for 1 or 2 gentlemen; good location; reasonable. HAIGHT st.. 823— Large room in private family for 2; bath, phone: $12 month. HOTEL ST. PAUL. 528 12th St.. corner Clay, Oakland— Rooms 50c a day up; $2.50 week up; Bpcclal rate by the month; open all night. t HOWARD 6^. 2337—2 pleasant, furnished rooms to let; gas, water, bath; reasonable; American family. .r-.v- HOWARD St., 2526. nr. 24th— Sunny bay window room for 2 gentlemen;' running water, bath, closet; reasonable. . -\u0084'."• HOWARD St., 2171 — Sunny room in private fam- ily for 1 or 2 gentlemen; bath, phone; $10. HOWARD st., 2442 — Sunny front room in private family for 2 or 3 gentlemen: all mod. cony. LEAVEXWORTH St.. 1448— Elegant room in private family, furnished or unfurnished; run- ning water. LEAVEXWOBTH St.. 1238— Sunny front room in private family; free phone and bath; $15 mo. MISSION' st.. 2477. nr. 21st — Xlcely furnished room in private .family for 1 or 2 gents; bath, phone; reasonable. MISSION' Bt., 2693 — Sunny front room In pri- vate family for 1 or 2 gents; bath; reasonable; also bou<*e keeping room. MISSION' St., 2370— Xlcely fur. room in private family for 1 or 2 gents; all cony.; reasonable. NOE St.. 15. opp. German hospital — Snnny front room In private family for 1 or 2 gentlemen; aU conveniences. OCTAVIA st, 32. corner Halght— 2 nicely fur- nlshed rooms, suitable 1 or 2 gentlemen each; reasonable. OVERLAXD" HOUSE, 5C9 Sacramento st. below Montgomery — Now open; 200 rooms; hot. and cold water in every room: 25c to $2 per day, $1.50 to $5 per week. EDW. ROLKIX, Prop. PIERCE. St., 75 — Large front room, nicely furn- ished, for 2 gentlemen; private home; all con- veniences. PIKE st., 1028 — Sunny front rooms; private family; 1 or 2; all modern conveniences. PORTOLA st., 51, on Duboee part:— Sunny front room in private family for 2 gentlemen; reas. SACRAMEXTO St.. 1425 — Sunny room, with . privilege bath, pbone; $12 month; 1 or 2. SHOTWELL St.. 705— Sunny bay window room in private family for 1 or 2 gents.; bath; $12. SHOTWELL St., 726 — Sunny bay window room suitable for 2; bath, all cony.; $11 month. SHOTWELL St.. ' 709— Sunny room in private family; 1 or 2 gentlemen; bath, etc.; $10 mo. STEIXER- st., 310 A. near Page— Large, light alcove room, suitable for 2 gentlemen; private family; $12 month. THE HATTOX, 977 Pine Bt— Nicely furnished rooms, single or en suite; suites snlt, for 2 or 3 gentlemen; all mod. cony.; private bath, run- ning water, steam beat; terms, $16 to $36 mo. TURK st.. 803 — Large, front room, nicely fur- . nlsbed.for 2 gentlemen; first floor; $16 for 2. VALENCIA Bt.;, 1365A— Snnny front room In pri- vate family for gent; run. water; reasonable. VALENCIA st., 1164— Sunny front room In prl- vate family, for 1 or 2 gents; bath; $12 mo. WALLER st, 371 — Front room for 2; also single ' rooms; bath; $6 to $14 month; tel. Park 4321. WALLER St., 339 — 2 single rooms In private family; $0 to $3 month; good location. \u25a0• WEBSTER St., 1522— Sunny front room for 2; also room with running water: phone: reas. ItERKELEV ROOMS— Fur. nnd Unfur. HAWTHORNE VILLA. 2540 College ay.— Pleas- ant rooms, with choice board, for couple; also single rooms. - NKAR Claremont hotel and Key Route train — . Nicely furnished room with lavatory . In small fauily of adults; refs. 2909 Lincoln ay., Berkeley. PERSOXB who wish to enjoy country life near San Francisco can find a desirable home at Northgate; first class table and all conven- iences and comforts; terms reasonable. -1809 Euclid ay.. Berkeley: phone Berkeley 1615. RENT THAT VACANT ROOM A small want ad In The Call will, do .It quicker than a dozen signs plastered on your windows and which spoil .the looks of your borne besides. Phone Kearny 86 for. an ad man to call and pee you. * - ' ROOMS FOR HOUSE KEEPING Al HOUSB KEEPIXG rooma, completely fur- nished; reasonable; pun all day; near Golden Gate park. Apply 945 Stanyan st. near -Fred- erick. . ' * BARTLETT St., 420. near 25th St.— Two cloai/ sunny, nicely famished connecting house keep- ing rooms, reasonable. BRODERICK- st., 1514 — Unfurnished front room; very sunny; use of phone; suitable for, elderly lady or seamstress." BUCIIAXAN 5t.,' 201. corner % Waller— 3 large ' sunny, rooms, will accommodate 4 or 5; rent .. reasonable. . - . > . ' • CALIFORXIA at.. "2112— 2 s sunny f connecting 1 basement rooms; also single room; $5 t0. 512. CAPP.. St., ! 1000 — 2 ' or , 3 • frpnt, furnished house keeping suites; gas, bath, laundry," -regular kitchen, yard; $18 and $22.50. CARL st«, 302,' cor. .Williard, nr.O. G. park — 2 sunny furn. front "parlors, and kitchen; $17; bath. . "\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0•"- : 't \u25a0 CARMELITA St., 78, near,- Duboee park — 2 furn- ished rooms.- house keeping; use bath," laundry; private family ; reasonable. -..'-.\u25a0 CENTRAL ay., \722-»-3 large ; attic rooms for hskpg; . gas, . range,. 2 'beds; bath, - phone.', EDDY Bt.', 907— Rooms, '. single ; or en suite, for house keeping; . all "conveniences. ' Frank. ; 1494. EDDY st:. 870 — Nice. rooms for light house keep-. I Ing; buffet kitchen, 1 " bath; also furuishe// room. ELLIS ' st.'. 1178-^-Large sunny : rooms nicely ; fur- nished, .running: water, -bath; ,$l5. \u25a0 - ! . . \u0084 FIRST CLASS . room \u25a0\u25a0 and - board.:' home cooking, \u25a0\u25a0. at ; moderate rates; .reference "required. ; Apply at. 4072-1 8th :st.\_. ; : .: * - >j- ; .--_' GOLDEN GATE . ay., 1040— Two unfurnished sunny, front connecting.' room with alcove; run- ning water." \u25a0 \u25a0 _'.;.. : -\u25a0''\u25a0.•\u25a0.-.'.'\u25a0:..; :-' >*; GOLDEN. GATK ay., IOOS^-Modern hou*e : keeping suite; ; also single room;>running? water.':, ! - GOLDEN GATE . ay.. ;1202; 1202— Sunny . house « keeping rm. $l2.^basemt.*. to batch, $6 up. GROVE ! St.% ;;1206— 2 ; sunny unfurnished J counect- : ing rooms ;'i regular kitchen; separate entrance; :.: use piano;' sl4. .. . ". T ' * .: " V • " f\f, GUERRERO St.; 1012-r^Front-' and, back parlor for house keeping; \u25a0bath;:ali:conv.';, : reason alile. HAIGHT >. st.,; 100^-2;: elegantly furnished. Lfor uousp keeping; sunny corucr; also 3 connecting '\u25a0'. rooms. \u25a0;\u25a0• ;,v. ;-;..;.; fv _-..;;. v. v*s'v *5'- .- -,\u25a0\u25a0/••'", '-. ..-\u25a0:..\u25a0\u25a0 HAIGHT i st., j 220— Large V home keeping , room, trood location.:' reasonable; pUcne 'Park 2101. '.J I The Demand Today is for Men i and Women Having Knowledge g Hv'. "if; your early education has been neglected g m take advantage of the chances still open to. . | M you by watching the Educational Columns of § yj The Call, where many good schools' are repre- g 1 If you are a teacher and- looking for | I scholars you will find that an advertisement j 1 in the Educational Column Will be of material I PHONE KEARNY 86 | ROOMS FOR lIOUSE^JvEEPIXO^^Con^ HAVES St., 972— Large, bay window. Bouse keeping, rooms; gas, bath, phone, laundry; cheap. . HOTEL CRYSTAL, 571 McAllister St.— One_ and two room apartments; rates $10, $15. $--"--"0- HOWARD sr.. 2143— Tw0 connected fine h. k. rooms, bath and gass; . ?1" . n*P-;n *P-; als<> 1 © room. .'. , . . HO'W.ARD, 2179. nr. ISth— House keeping suites of 1-2-3 rooms, bath, gas; $10 tip. HOWARD St.. 2G27— Sunnj- bay window room for hskpg.; all cony.; gas range; $15 mouth; also single room. . ••\u25a0\u25a0'• HOWARD. 563— Front room and kitchen, fur- nished, $12; side room and kitchen, $10; others ?5 to $7.00. j^ ' LAGUNA, St.. 1109, opi>. Jefferson park — Sunny housfi krculnz room, running water, closet, -$l2. MONTGOMERY ay., 524 — 2 sunny house keeping rooms, with gas; rent $12. Landlady, Ist floor. OAK St., 1140, near- Devlsadero — 2 nicely fur- nished, large. Runny house keeping rooms; gas range, sink, and complete; nice residence; $20 per month.. • . O'FARRELL st., 1059— Nicely furnished front rooms, .en suite or single, for house keeping; gas range, running water: %'i and $4 week. PINE St.. 1720— One elegant room, $20; 2 rooms; house keeping. * - '.'.' PINE St.. 2162 — Front sunny hskpg. alcove suite, $25; single room. $10; 2 hsfcpg. rooms. $16. POLK St., 1310, nr. Bush— Large sunny room; running water; free cooking -gas; $2.25 week. SCOTT St.. 2040— Clean attic rooms; $1.50 per week; pfenty air and siinilght. : '" \u25a0\u25a0''.'- SUTTER St.. 101C — 2 and 3 furnished, sunny house,, keeping apartments; phone; reasonable. TURK st., 1209 — Sunny rooms and small store. VAN NESS, 719. near Turk — Sunny front room suitable couple light house keeping: reasonable. VAN NESS ay., 1021 — Front suite, 3 rooms; run- ning water, grate, electricity; reasonable;' other room, $2.50 week. VALENCIA St., 1033 — 2 or 3 connecting house keeping rooms: kitchen, yard, bath, gas; sep- arate entrance; $18. 19TH st., 3425, nr. Mission— 2 connecting bouse . keeping rooms; laundry, bath; reasonable. 7TH st.. 60, opp. P. O. — Two sunny front house keeping rooms, $6 per week up. H. IBA- PIIAEL. ',-. : . . . \u25a0' * . 2 AND 3 room \u25a0 apartments for house keeplngrall conveniences; bath, phone; also single rooms. The Clarlngton, 629 Golden Gate nr. Van Ness. OAKLAND HOUSE KEEPING ROOMS ALICE st., 1317 — Large, sunny suite, bath, laun- dry and yard; central. Phone Oakland 0257. nOOM.S'.V.\D BOARD OFFERED AAA— I72O Broadway— Large, elegantly fur- nished., front room, with private bath; un- usually attractive: exceptionally flna table. BAKER St.; 634. nr. McAllister— Very large, ele^ gantly furnished sunny front room, hot and cold water; excellent home cooking; suitable for 2, 3 or 4 persons; references. Phone West 4360; also a single room., BUCHANAN St., 1449, corner. O'Farrell— Neatly furn. rooms; excellent board; German cooking. EXCELLENT board and room, with running water; suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen; rea- sonable; no sign. 1452 Leavenworth st. ELLIS st., 1104 — Sunny front room for 2, with board. . LAGUNA St., 12S— Attractive, sunny, elegantly furnished room for 2 gentlemen; running water y and all conveniences; excellent board. MARTINET HOTEL. 1101 Geary St.— Rooms and \u25a0 suites, with first class board, can ik>w be en- gaged at summer rates. ' ; J MCALLISTER st., 1504 — Sunny room, suitable 1 or 2; running water; excellent board; tel. West 8207. MCALLISTER, 1271, nr. Flllmore— Nicely fur- nished rooms for 1 or 2. with board; $25 mo. NICELY furnished rooms in private family for \u25a0 1 or 2 gentlemen; excellent board; references; near downtown. 1427 Clay Bt.' bet. Hyde and Leavenworth. O!FARRKLL st., 200!»— Klegant rooms- nnd suites;, hot and cold water; telephone;-. piano; home cooking nnd home comforts; special rates to permanc nts. I'lione West 2329. PAGE St., 442— Room and board. 2 people;. rea- sonable; private; Spanish and English spoken; \u25a0 references. PIERCE 6t., &15, near McAllister— Furnished rooms; bath; One neighborhood; excellent board; 2, $3« month. ST. MARGARET'S club "for working girls. 1541 « California st., sunny room, use piano: teach- ers, students, stenographers find it ideal home; $20 pcr 'month; tourist. $1 day. SUNNY fur. room with or without board; refer- ences. "1030 Pine st. bet. Jones and Taylor. SUNNY front room for 1 or 2; private family; \u25a0 board .optional; reasonable. 71 Portola st. ' SUNNY front room for 2 or 3 gentlemen with 'ex- cellcut board, $0 week. 72-S Shotwell St. TABLE, bonrd given at very reasonable rates; 3 meals n day, $5 week. 2520 Howard st. WOMAN'S HOTEL, Turk at Laguna, opp. park — Home comforts; reasonable rates. -... YOUNG man willing to-sharo room with gentle- man can have good home; excelent board.' 559 Waller st. , : . 442 Page St.— Room and board, 2 people; reason" able;- private; Spanish and English spoken;" reference*. . \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-.. .-.- ' ItOO * IS A:V " nn ° AIln }:W ' AINA lN I ED BACHELOR wants room «nd board In a reflued private, home; pleasant , room; breakfast .and , .dinner-;, best of references given ;. wishes con- gonlul Hurroundingg and : the .company of young people who will aid him in forgetting \u25a0 th<> .distance lie is situated: from his own family -fireside: kindly givo « particulars, „ with terms. Box 21*20. Call offlcc.f;r \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0';< ROOMS & DQAUI) M^ANTED—Country COUNTRY board and " care for boy of 1 1 in" re- ?,"„ f , tt , m »3 r " • mountains \u25a0 ; preferred.-- ' : Box 2593, ... Call office. .- ~ XI ' A:vn I'OOMSAVDBOARD 13th st., .a"54, 'cor. Grove-^-One lsmail and one \u25a0large; sunny room, with board.; > : BEKKELEV ROOMS AXD ;BOAltb ;v FURXISIIED grooms In refined prlvate.famlly; Deautirui grounds and ; surroundings; : board op- / tlonal ;: near- stations; : references. - 2222 Shat- \u25a0 tuck ay. .•.-:..-. - - _.*, ... , -.: :. ,-\u25a0. ,\u25a0 ••\u25a0>,; * '\u25a0'"\u25a0•': \u25a0-/ APART-ME.VTS '\u25a0'\u25a0/ ~k. 'f-j-'.'xi A « A .~" S i T ' MAR <iARET. apartments, , Fell ' and uctavia sts — ; Sunuy,\ unfurnished apartments, \u25a0\u25a0 <i roomsand bath; .wallibcdsjirenttreasonable. AAA— ST.JMUNGO Apt.;; 1300: (;oldcn Gate," cor. \u25a0> j 1 illmorc— Elegantly-; f urnlahed ;: 2-3 : room npts. AA— GLADSTONE APARTMENTSA7OC ', PoIk St.": r cor. hOdy — Llegant sunny liouse keeping apart- ;--•" nifnts; ,t 1 < town, \u25a0 $14 ; pcr 'month;* 2 r rooms,-; $28 per. month; 3 rooms, $10 per. month: hot baths; dec. lights r. janitor, j,crv. ' Tel. Fraukllu 20is. APARTMEXTS— Contlnufd^^^ AA— SAXDBINGHAM " furnished apts. 1132 Eddy St., now ready for occupancy. A— CORNELIA HOTEL, APARTMENTS. G4l O'FARUELL ST. NEAR HYDE. 2, 3 AND 4 ROOM ELEGANTLY FURNISHED APARTMENTS. Completely equipped with • every modern con- venience and ready for Immediate occupancy, SOMETHING. NEvV. HOTEL SERVICE. REFERENCE REQUIRED. A— CLINTON APARTMENTS. 1400 JONES ST. COR. WASHINGTON. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED. SUNNY 4 AND 5 ROOMS; MARINE VIEW: NEAU FAIRMONT HOTEL; JANITOR SERVICE; EVERY CON- VEXIEXCE. PHONE FRANKLIN 3443. ADELINE APTS.. 040 Eddy— Apartments. 2. 3 "and 4 rooms; thoroughly modern; summer rates. ARDOISE, 1701 Pine St.— l-3-5 apts.. furn. and unfurn.; hot water, elev. ; references required. CLAREMONT apartments, 145G Jones St.— Ele- gantly furnished and unfurnished, sunny apart- ments of 4 and 6 rooms; marine view; every convenience. . Phone Franklin 3705. DUNDEE Apts., 736 Staayan st. opp. G. G. park. Newly fur. 4 r. ; large, sunny; very reas.; ref. ELDORADO apartments. 150 9th st. near Mis- sion— Elegantly furnished, . $21*. 50 aud $25; also single rooms $10 up. GRANADA, 1710 Larkln st. near Wash. Modern, sunny apts., 3 rms., bath; $22.^0, $25, $27.50. KENILWORTH. NE. COR. BUSH & POWELL STS.— 3 ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE KEEP- ING APARTMENTS; SINGLE ROOMS; COM- PLETE APPOINTMENTS AND SERVICE. MARYLAND APARTMENTS, 363 Page at.— Sun- ny 4 room apartments; furnished and unfur- nished; hot water; janitor service; night watchman; elevator. SAN CARLOS apartments, 1175 O'Farrell Bt. — 2, 3 and 4 rooms, furnished and unfurnished. TUB BERTRAM, C 52 Hyde st.— 3 bright rooms, uiifur.: ground floor apt.: S2-'>. excluding light. _ HOTELS f . AAA— WELLINGTON HOTEL. 610 Geary st. nr. Jones— .Just opened; only hotel giving outside minny room with private bath at $1 day, $5 week, or $20 month; other outside snnny rooms f:?.50 week; gleam heat, hot water, telephones. AAA— NOTICE TO TRAVELERS- HOTEL COLONIAL. Stockton street above .. Sutter. American plan, $3; European plan, $1. Telephone, steam heat, electricity; every modern convenience. , \u25a0 , ' AA— HOTEL BRISTON, 415 O'FARRELL ST. 1 FAMILY AND COMMERCIAL HOTEL. Room and bath,. $ or-$5 per week. Outside telephone in each room. Newly opened. Steel frame building. . A— AT THE WEMPE, 419 Oak. bet. Buchanan and Laguna sts.; snnny rooms; excellent board. BROOKLYN HOTEL, 369 Ist— Board and room $6 to $8 per week; rooms 50c to $1; weekly $2 up; mcols 25c. CHARLES MONTGOMERY- HOTEL IiELMOXT. 7SO Eddy, below Van Ness. Turk and Eddy cars — Rates $1 per day up. HOTEL CALIFORNIA, cor. California & Hyde— Especially adapted to Ideal home life; su- perior accom.; reas.: Enropean or Am. plan. HOTEL HARCOURT, LARKIN AND SUTTER— AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN. EXCELLENT TABLE. PHONE FRANKLIN 2100. HOTEL ARGONAUT. 4th and Market. stSi—Fam- Uy and commercial hotel; room with detached bath, $1 per day; rooms with private bath, 51.50 per day; restaurant attached: moderate prices; free bus meets all trains & steamships. HOTEL ST. JAMES," Van Ness at Fulton^sl3 month to permanent guests; beautiful lobby, j Rooms with privnte bath. $5 per week op. . Rooms without bath. $3.50- per 'week up.^ ' HOTEL BRILLIANT. 545 Turk st. IIIES CRESCENT, lSol California st. at Frank- lin — Select boarding house: first class; ref.; rates rens. Franklin 1021. MRS. E. R. BATES. FLATS TO LET BUSH St., 1125. near Loavenworth — 5 rooms and bath; Ureproof building; modern, arttstic; rea- sonable. CASTRO st.. 30!>. near' Market— Upper flat, 7 rooms, hath; all snnny; $30. % DEARBORN place. IS. off 17th-Kt., above Va- lencia — 4 large rooms and bath; newly reno- vated. . \u25a0 \u25a0 . _ ELM ay., llOS,;nr. Pierce and Turk— 4 room flat, , clean, sunny; rent .$l2. -.\u25a0 . ; GEARY St.. 24108— 4 large rooms and bath, gas, large porch; reduced to $U. -;•\u25a0 JONES st.; 1020 and 1032, bet. Pine and Calif or- nia— New sunny O.and 4 room flats. $45. $30. NOE St.. 1050, corner,). Elisabeth— Five room . corner flat and yard; n-nt $25. PACIFIC, ay., 2405 — Sunny tlat, 0 rooms; large garden. ' ' . STEINER st.,- 1125. near Turk — 5 rooms and hath; sunny and clean; $30. VALENCIA st., 144::, at 25th— 5 room new. flat, marble steps, $25; also 143U8 Valencia, 3 room flat. $10.- . \u25a0 \u25a0 • WALLER* St.. \u25a0 1480. near Clayton — Modern -A room apartment flat, bath, gas, electricity; rent $22.50. 10TH and '•" Xoe «ts., XW. corner— Upper BO rooms: -$25. -'\u25a0• \u25a0• ' - .- ' -\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 - _ __•_' OAKLAND FLATS TO JLET ' E. 14TH st.'. 16(3. bet. 3d and 4th ay., Oakland— U rooms, bath, basement; separate entrance to rooms. • \u25a0 ' - \u25a0 -• ~ . - ' > I, ATS TO \u25a0 I,ET— Kiirnlnhwl BRODERICK st.; " near >• Sacramento— 7 rooms, nicely " furnished, .to August 1; $50; phone West 2071.: ! WALLER st., 1180— Elegantly furnished 4 room • apartment flat; bath,' gas, electricity; 2 grates; reasonabler ',- • ." , COTTAGES fro -I.ET^ , . COTTAGE. 4 rooms,, bath and laundry; 338 Dun- i jean st. ; • $1S i per month. Apply r J684 Ellis st. 12TH ' Rt.. 210— Furnished cottage, 3 rooms: •'. ! 17TH: st.,> 431K),. nr.'. Hattle-^Modern- cottage, 4 rooms, newly tinted: large yard: $17., i [ \u25a0'-\u25a0 I^ItITITyAT.E COTTAGES TO IjET \u25a0"\u25a0_ * FRUITVALE ay.", 2017, ; near boulevard— Cottage, ; •'5 rooms. bnth..l>aspment: on car line. OUT.o'fTOH'.V COTTAGES AVAXTED -\u25a0- \u25a0 l — : — . i WANTED-^-To \ ront fnrnlshed ; cottage,' about \u25a0 3 ( >": rooms,', about 80- miles /from. S." F. :. Sonoma " \u25a0 co. -r preferred.' Add. T. T.. box 4780. Call. ' *""* — mm ~^~~~ " "" ~ —^~ *" — w^^ m *** S 'I'THOUSES *TO* i/eT— lfnfurnlilied. »< - BROADWAY,'; 1912,! hear Octavia-^ rooms,' bath," " laundry;. marine.- view; -water ; free;; $'J7.50. . CALIFORNIA 5t. ,".2917-^ Fine - house ;, 0 rooms, ] i .-bath:-, gas and- electric lights; furnace, con- - • -'-. servatory; reasonable.- - " L . .' .. ,' -. HOUSE."? 6? rooms,, bath, laid out for; rooming ( . I house; ..rcntVs2o. -31612 Folsom ; st.^between i::12tll,- and. 13th. ,: ?.: : : -- : r.-^ -',\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 'i'RKTTV.S roenn > house: :lo.'.9 Scott st.; ; cheap. ; VALLEJO *ti-— Hpuse,-8 rooms; garage,- hardwoorl : T~ flours; tine'stmarioe view;, will lease long term, J \u25a0 fuiu. or uuitirn. . ;. Tel." morulDgs, West 5751.'.- 4^FURNISHED roomsr' large porch . and yard, . with i trees; references. 1901 Grove st., Berkeley. " - j OUT QP TO \VX HOUSES TO LET MODERN, up to date. 6 room cottage, fnllj fnr- nished. Inquire 26 B St.. San Mateo. HOUSES .WANTED WE have tenants for stores, flats and . rooming houses. Don't let them stand empty; It don't pay. List them with ns. We will- find you a tenant : on short notice. . McFAUL & ED- WARD 3. 330 Chronicle bldg. - 20 ROOMS in Washington st. near Powell: all newly' papered: 2 floors; bath on each floor; this would make a very cozy apartment house for some lady: rent $40>wlth lease. DAVID- SOX & LEIGn. 336 Pine st. FROXT near Jackson; brick store, 40xS5: cbm- mission district. R. & M..-219 Crocker bldg. STALLS TO LET WILDEY ay.. nr. Fillmore — Stable. 4 stalls. \u25a0 wagon space, hay loft. Apply 2224 Bash st. FURMTI'RE FOR SALE WK MUST raise cash — Hair mattresses. $5.50. These mattresses are our own make aad ttold right along at $18. but we -are closing them out. Box couches. $15 valne. at $5; handy couches. $2.75: cable springs. $2-50. We always do fine hpholstery ' work; mattresses made over, $2.50; carpets cleaned, altered aud laid. Call in a hurry if you want to save money. 905 I>»»v lsad.ero. nr. McAllister. Phone West 2942. 1 TR.MTUKE. 25c to 30c on the dollar: large . snfe and store fixtures at a great sacrifice; re- tiring from business. A. KINGS. 3016 16th st. GET our prices, look for a week, bound to come back to H. SCHELLHAAS, the furniture dealer. 403 11th St., Oakland. AND it goes without praise. H. SCHELLHAAS Oakland, best place to buy furniture. FURNITURE this- week goes for a song. H. SCHELLHAAS. 408 11th St.. Oakland. CAMP and household furniture. H. SCHF-LL- - HAAS' sale. 11th st. at FranSHn. Oakland. FURNITUItE of 8 room house for sale. 2558 Sacramento near Fillmorv. FURMTURE W.OiTED <^ WE are paying more for second hand furniture and household goods than any other dealer In the city. If you do not want to sell your goods outright we will sell for you on com- mission with a guarantee. G. A. CO.. 84 7th st. ALWAYS ready to buy furniture, carpets, desks, merchandise, etc.. for spot cash. MARK J. LEVY, 1140 McAllister St.: phone Park 860. HIGHEST prices paid for furniture at the En- terprisp Furniture Co.. lIS Chnrrh. Mkt. 2fW>. RATTAX FURXITURE WE MAKE handicraft furniture and baby car- riages. Pacific Coast Rattan Co.. S3l Van Xess. WINDOW SHADES Advance Window Shade Factory — Bamboo porch shades in all sizes. GEO. WALCOM. 637 Turk. UPHOLSTERING QUNSET Carpet Cleaning Works. 1215 Valencia; PHONE MARKET 6170. First class work. SEWING MACHINES "McXALLY'S 30th anniversary sale this week; Singer. White. Domestic. Xew Home. W. & W. half price; second hand. $5. $7. $9; renting; repairing a specialty. 3260 22d st. between Mission and Valencia; phone Park SO2. ."/-. 'V XEW drop head machines made and guaranteed by ' Xew Home Sewing Machine Co. : $19.50 to $24.50; second hand. $5 to $10: renting, repair- ing. K. L. SERGEANT. 531 12th St.. Oakland. DOMESTIC— Best, cheapest; all kinds rented, re- paired, exchanged; needles and supplies for aU makes. J. W. EVANS, agent, 105S O'Farrell st. near Flllmore; phone West 3COI. y SINGER, Wheeler & Wiluon office; renting, re- pairing. 1552 Flllmore st. ; pbone West 5761. DAVIS. SINGER, W. & W.— W. E. JACKSON. \u25a0is"nt. 4(>4 Sutter: needles, supplies: all makes. CARPET CLEANING AAAA— LE CLAIR VACUUM CLEANING CO., >V- Post, room 326; phone Douglas 2671 — Dust- less cleaning of carpets, rugs, draperies, furnl- tore and bedding. WITHOUT REMOVAL. AA— CONSOLIDTED CLEANING APPARATUS CO., 441 Ist ay.; phone Pacific 1315— Carpets, rugs, draperies, etc., cleaned at home without dust, trouble or noise; estimates furnished. ALL carpets and rugs cleaned on the floor with- out removal by S. F. COMPRESSED AIR CLEANING CO." Office 24 Montgomery st.; phone Kearny 5352; shop 16th & San Bruno ay. AA— National Carpet Cleaning Works: largest on coast; laying and altering a specialty. Hamp- ton & Baley. 344-343 Church st. Market IS9. 3c yd.— For the Best Carpet Beating— 3c yd. Phone Market 2-6-2. F. A. Rice. 1605 Harrison. 8c yd.— Carpets Cleaned at Right Price — 3c yd. WIIEX you become disgusted with poor- work send your carpets to J. SPAULDING & CO., 959 Golden Gate ay.; telephone Market 643. STERLING CARPET CLEANING WORKS— 3c yard. 230 Vermont St.; tel. Park 6925. GARNIB & BERXSTEIX'S carpet cleaning works. 3133 16th st. nr. Valencia ;. phone Market 5001. MATUEWSOX'S Carpet Beating Works. 315 East 12th St.. Oakland: teL Merritt 505. 81655. Save Money— Best cleaning and laying now 8c yd. Phone us— Market 2259. Glsslow. 3SOS 22d st. WATTS — Reliable carpet cleaning; alterations; renovat.; laying. 580 Devlsadero; ph. Park 560. ADVANCE Carpet Cleaning Co. — Advanced Meth- ods. GEORGE WALCOM CO.. 637 Turk st COXKLIN BROS., carpet cleaning and laying, 2400 Geary st. corner Baker; phone West 93. CALL BRANCH OFFICE. 1651 FlUmore st. near Post. FREIGHT FORWARDING A — REDUCED rates for shipping household goods EAST AND WEST. JUPSON FREIGHT AND FORWARDING CO., Room \u25a0Wi Pacific bldg.: phone Kearny 2f.79. STORAGE AND MOVING VANS BEKINS VAX AXD STORAGE CO.. Fireproof Warehouse. 13th and Mission sts.: tel. Market 13. \ WILSON BROS. (Inc.) — Moving and storage? Cor. 14th and Sanchez sts., 1 block from Mar- ket and Flllmore sts. cars: pbone Park 271. A— PACIFIC STORAGE AND VAX CO.— Brick warehouse. 2322 FlUmore St.; tel. West 2628. PIERCE-RODOLPU Storage & Moving Co.. main office. Eddy and Fillmore: tel.' West 82S. FOR SALE— MlKcellaneoun CASH REGISTERS— Bargains in Xatiouals. Detail adders, keys 5c to $10 $15 „ Detail adders, regular price $65 $35 NATIONAL. 2 counter Total Adder .$l5O NATIONAL, Total Adder, regular price \u25a0 - $2.V>, keys 5c to $20 '\u25a0 1135 : NATIONAL TWO. DRAWER, for bar... 5165 Late Model Six Drawer Electric, regular price $715 5350 WE DON'T handle cheaply constructed cast ' Iron cabinet registers, advertised at a cheap . price simply as- bait to prospective purchasers PACIFIC COAST CASH REGISTER CO., IXC ' .1202-129-1 Market st. comer Larkin EXCLUSIVE AGENTS AMERICANS AND HALLWOODS. AAA — , Closing out immense stock on account of - expiration of lease. • • 5 ft. bathtubs,- porcelain lined. \u25a0 . 20xS0 white enameled sinks. . . Elegant lavatory. 2 part galvanized tray. $25.75 CENTRAL PLUMBING SUPPLY CO. . 1527 Market Bt. ; CASH REGISTERS. ~ We guarantee to sell a better cash register for less money, than any other concern In the world. Call "and see for yourself. ' : r : THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO.. 1040 Market: at. between Taylor and Jones sts. FOR sale — 1 cylinder,; 3s horsepower marine mo- tor, practically new. weight 724-lhe.; also 30 horsepower, high speed steam engine. In first class condition. Inquire 475 44th st.. Oakland. GREAT lmrgalns in rebuilt typewriters renting $2 to $3.50 per mouth See NKW YOST VISIBLE.- The Typewriter- Exchange. 255 Montgomery st. SECOND. HAND PIPE. ' ; " Largest dealers in standard pipe and screw casing. -" dipped: prices right; ' guaranteed first class. Pacific . Pipe . C 0.." Main and Howard 6ts. A A— -All T sixes . standard water pipe and screw casing; guaranteed good •an new; get our prices.; .Weissbauni Plpe : Works, 133 HtU gt _ DO, it today. 'Drop H. SCHELLHAAS P. O. or- . «ler for a wire cot; $1.50. 40S 1 lth" st.. Oak- land. " : ARMY tents at factory prices. W. A. PLUM- • .MER CO.. "US' Drumm st., S. X.; Ist- and Franklin- sts.. Oakland.- CONCRETE mlxerx. gasoline engines, wood work- ing machy. ; contractors' equip; Al : condition ; pric> : right. -W. T. • MARTIX. 1277 : Howard st. CORRUGATED irou.plpe and malleable fittings; .; sash v weights a 'specialty.' old and new. N. ; LANSBURG&; SON. 1140; Folsom St. BOOKS ami libraries bought. THE HOLMES CO., 115S Market st.: phone. Market' SOOL. - FOR !S.VI.K — Ml"«cfllaneoiM Continned FOR sale — 8 foot Bay gteel range, for restaa- \ f rant, hotel. AETHUB J. WEEKS. 1613 23d , aye., Oakland. FOR sale— A mare 6 years jold. 2 Clark «., . ELECTRO plating plant, motor, dynamo, shetflng # tankM. etc. ; must sell. 657 38th st.. Oakland. ' BAY schooner with fine paying run. A. P WEEKS. Franklin st. wharf. Oakland. KING'S BOOK STORE. IHR Market ab..»,T Gongh. Phone Market 47C3. BOOKS BOUGHT. NATIONAL cash registers, electric signs, bar aad t safe for sal»; cheap. 57» McAllister %x. EDISON AGENCY— Moving picture machines an 1 alms: bargains. GEO. BRKCK. 70 Turk st. AWNINGS. hanimr>eks and tenta for iavitwi. ROSS, McMAHOX CO.. 403 Battery st.!;^; WALL paper 3^c: samples mailed; paint Si gal.; alcohol 65c gal. M: Merlgan. 1447 ElllV TURNINGS, cabinet and mail work, store nx - tnres. Jobbing, f. F. HAAS. 93 Minna st. LUNCH counter for sale. Call at 252 13th st n»»ar Mi.-mlon.' '^V^. 11 ' iasi<!e measurement. 31x24x15; ?«o. RjO Mission Bt . a bovo sth. B<^ii SS r *,? 11 librark>! ' f"-usht by SCHULBERG. 1214 Ftllmore »t. ; phoae West 5099. city. TLR.NKR & DAHNKEN. 133 Eddy st. . snsct:i jlan Eoys wants W m,wT F^T T ° bn i y 'I" 011 ' 1 n » nrt »»ot ma"chin^ must bt< in gooil order. GEi>. W W\TTS 1^ Mitaa Springs. Cal. * "~ iio « «-* DRESS SUIXSJ TUXEDOS AND PRINCE AL- GOLDEN GATE AY.:' Pt'mN^ MARKET^SL POSITIVELY twice as much paid for cast off clothing and shoes. ,214 F.ast St.; phone Douc- las '-'(Ml) and will call. h WANTED to buy— National cash register* for cash: if you have jut srvlf! National for «ale drop a lin<> to dot gXjQ. Tall ofSc*. WANTED— Good wat«-U dog. male, bull pr- ferreil. Apply Friday morning between 9 an' 10 at 175 Church st. GENTS' second hand clothing bought and v>M MUSIN. 1255 G. G. ay. nr. Fillmore. jrkt. 712::. STAMP collection!* or odd lots of stamps bouahf caU erenlngs. E. W. SMITH. 162S Post st? " CASH— ANY AMT.. FOR OLD GOLD. PREC STONES. ENGELnARDT. 22 MONTGY St! WILL buy second hand hardware, tools, clothing *tc: hest pricf*. 2117 Mission: Park .YEW. BAR AXD STORE FIXTURES jt PIONEER showcase maker; established ia IS^». " GCSTAV TEUBNER, silver, wood aad «;t glass cemented: showcases. 1335 Clay st. BRUNSWICK-BALKE-COLLENDKR CO., 17-27 _F_ranklin st. near Market: phone Spcr-lsl H57. TEXTS, tent houses, cample; and permanent cottages; cheap. Portabl« House Co., 1268 Broadway. Oakland. WE furnish everything for camper; tents, ham mocks, canvas goods. T. J. Mayer*. 2S Clay »t. POSTAGE! STAMPS POSTAGE stamps, albums, catalogues, etc.; colt, bought. 'H. W. Doeseher & Co.. 112S Oearr »t. PALACE KOSHER DIXIXG ROOM 431 Kearny st. bet. Pin* and CaL— The BEST HOME COOKING. Hungarian style; wedding parties catered to: satisfaction guaranteed. FTHS LOFSTAD & EVAN'S. Inc.. furriers. 251 Post St.. Mercedes bldg.. 3d floor. Phone Keamy 4SK>. ROBT. MORUI9. 2GO Geary St.— Furs, fnr skins. supplies, satins: wholesale only. DRESSMAKING ** ANNOUNCEMENT. Steele'g Pleating and Burton Works, bow at 222 EIU» St.; phone Franklla 4321. MACDOWELL'S Dress Making and Mlllincrr School, 121 Geary st. near Grant ay. Oakland office. 101S Washington. Pattern* cnt to orfiy THE lIINOY. 1610"^ Geary st.— Aristocratic tail- ors for ladle* and gents; latest fall sfvl<»«. JAPANESE U-irXDRIES JAPANESE laundry; waist and enrtain special- Ist. Asbai Laundry. 1401 Scott: West 62TW. " ~ " MUSICAL -|XSTRTMBjVT«t _'_^_' A. A. A. Specials at tha BYBON MACZY MCSIC HOUSE. 250 Stockton st. (Union square.) - 7 Floors devoted to Music. We' stand in a unique position among fh~ mnaic stores of San Francisco and are pre- pared to otfer Caer musical goods for less money than any music houne In th« Dniteii States. why? .;. For the following reasons, which appeal to your own good Judgment: ' We sell everything in mnsic. We sell everything at oae price. That one price la, by far, the lowest la the dry. We pay no rent. We own the building we occupy. We have 500 pianos to select from. We have thousands of other musical In- struments to choose from. A postal sent to us brings a catalogue. In which everything is marked la plaia figures. Mandolins for Sl.-SO each. Guitars for $2.60 each. .' Pianos for $150 each. We give easy terms. And we have a fin» line of used pianos from $25 opward. Special terms for renting. Etc., etc.. etc. We might go on indefinitely, but this 1« enough to give you an Idea what you can Ao In the music line. «o send for catalogue. BYRON MACZY MCSIC BLDG.. .-v*T;.-;250 Stockton st. (Union square.) Everything m Music. • REMOVAL SALE — Great bargains la new and second hand pianos: Hazpltou Bros., $250: Laf- faigue, $200: Reynold & Wolf. $70. $150, $175; Arion, $30; Hornun? Bros.. $200; Cote, $20»; Rlcca & Sens. $210; Scuuman & Sons. $135; Mason, $175: Marshall. $130; $5 per month or $3 and up rent: open Saturday evenings. C. C HORNUNG. 1534 Geary st. near Flllmore. •MANUFACTURERS' PIANO COMPANY. From Maker to Player, 13C Eddy st. between Mason and Taylor. New pianos from $150 up, also good bargains ia second band pianos. BRAND new piano, $5 per mo. rental; no cart- age; fre* insurance; six months rental applies to purchase; piano salesman wanted: no sal- ary: big commission. PETER BACIGALCPI & SONS. 941 Market st. Open Sat, evening*. LARGE Knabe upright, $250; other uprights from,>sloo op: pianos to rent. BOWERS * SOX. 520 McAllister st. near Van Ness ay. BEST pianos In town f>>r rent: 10c a day,. SCOTT CURTAZ. 560 Hay*» at. OX account of family »pllt up will sacridce On* nprig'ut. 908 V&n-Nesa ay. WILL sell $190 equity In piano for nominal sum: easy terms. 1468 Bush st. \u25a0 PIANO for sale, cheap; cash or Installments;^- will transfer contract. 630 Lyon st. Electric pianos, $175 up; terms; also placed on percentage. Andlffred Musical Co.. 82 Grova gf. SO pianos to rent. $3 per month and upward. JOS. SCHMITZ &. CO.. 621 Van Xess af. CALL BRANCH OFFICE. 1651 FlUmore st. near TYPEWRITERS AND SUPPLIES MONARCH Visible Typewriter— ln the Monarch Visible Typewriter all the writing is in full sight all the time; other makes, second hand, at very reasonable prices; we rent, repair and Inspect: before purchasing ring up Douglat 4113, or call at 307 Bush st. WOLF * I3ENBRUCK. Pealera. TYPEWRITER for *ale at a sacrifice: L. C. Smith visible machine; No. 2 model; excellent condition. Box 20-11, Call office. SPECIAL rental rates: reballts. second hands, at bargains: supplies, repairs, desks. ALEXA.N- . DER i CO.. 512 Market at.; tel. Douglas 2137. BRAND new Visible. $4t>. Sun No. 2; other makes . cheap. Pacific Typewriter Co.. 107 Montgomery. NEW- and second band typewriter* bought and sold, rented, repaired; gnaranteed. SMITH BROS.'. 4*2 13th »t.;. Oakland: phone Oak. 12. FOR SALE — A 30 horsepower 5 passenger White steamer, model fi. with full equipment; Includ- ing top and curtains, folding glass front. pr«x- tollte tank, shock absorbers, speedometer, tire holders, 2 inner tubes and tools: car Is good us new. having run only 1.750 miles; must be sold at once; cash, or will take good grade of runabout in part payment. Box 19S1. CatV^- FOR SALE— Price $500 and upward; severalfw; ' 1 and .'o7 JVhite touring cars, taken in trad* for "OS cars and thoroughly overhauled b/ our me- chanics from \u25a0 our factory. WIXTOX AUTOMOBILE BRANCH. 300 Van Xesg ar.. : \u25a0 *. \u25a0 San Francisco. Continued tw Acxt ''"a* \u25a0'