Newspaper Page Text
Ai^J!i o jyjdi!!'£^i)!£U^ ELITE AUTOMOBILE EXCHANGE— New end recced band ear* for sale: auto painting, wood- work and trimming. 677-CSS Golden Gate ay. r comer of Franklin. Phone Park 5922. AUBURN, 24, horsepower, 5 passenger touring car. top. glasa front and foil equipment, fine running order. $t>00; see this. 3149 Washing- ton st. 'u7 RAMBLER runaboot. just ovet_uled at cost ft $2i«i; a bargain at $400. A. C HULL. 192- VM 12tb «.. Oakland. SDCONDHAND~caTrTou7bt7^old~anaTx^anged? or money loaned for short term 00 all automo- bile-. Valencia Garage. Inc.. 611 Valencia st. I'ac. AtumUsua Brsiins Works can braze your bmkeu alam. castings. C5O A*h cv.; Park 255«. WHITE steamer niua!»out: la good condition. Oar. be teen *i 551 Franklin **.. Oakland. lIEALD'S automobile school give* the best auto trainJTic on coast 425 McAllister St. '.-.>/' >JU>TORjCJk CLES N. S. V. motorcycles: call and see the 3H hp. with magneto. $2CO; 1903 X. S. U. 7 bp. tricar, 2 speed magneto, fan cooled, etc L. L. M. SALSBURY. <-oast agent. iKi* Broadway, Oak- locd. »r 312 S»n Pa Mo ar.. Oakland. . MINING fcoisrs. stationary aad portable engines. gas. distillate or crude oil. WESTERN GAS * F.NGINK CO.. 4Sr Market St. HOUSES. HARNESS AND WAGONS AAAA-- CAMPING season now open: call and in- \u25a0 *pe<-t: horse, wsgon. harness, $T>o op; horse. . "buggy, harness, $2-"i up; boi>e. saddle, bridle. J2.*» up: wagous. $10 uj>: buggies and carts. $5 ip: Lsrce>s. |Z£o; saddles. $1 up; business horses aud wagous for delivery; .\u25a0><> bead of horses aud mules c<Tii-tantJy on hand, heavy «ud lig'ut. Auction Saturday at 11 Jt. m. 505 4th tt.. Oakland. STANDARD bred. 4 ye*r old biacE mare: weight 1,100 to 1.200 pounds; works ia ambulance, bears* or single buggy. Inquire at Wsrrea'e Pharmacy, East 14th fct. ana Fraitvale ay., Kr::itr_le. FOR sale — Fine Hungarian pony outflt. russet harness, fine rubber tire buggy. If sold imme- diately will take $165. Grand <lriver and sa<l- <*.!»»r. Safe for children. 5C5 4th st.. Oakland. HORSES and wagons; lot driving and draft horses, cfceap; camp wagons; harness end rigs of all kinds. 205-203 Valencia St.; phone Park 2723. CONTRACTORS' <Ju_p carts and dump wagons; to close oat they will be scld at less than ien<3ed cost. Coast Carriage Company, comer *2th and Jackson sts.. Oakland. Cal. HORSES end etttle taken on pasturage; 3.20U W arres of good pasture land: man Iv constant attendance. Address F. GAVIN. Concord. rOR sale — High class gaited saddle mare. Own- er, J—T—tt at Hotel, room 259. Second hand top wagons, exp. wagons, bus. bug- gies. Nugent-Covey Wagon Co.. 349 Valencia. \u25a0 VEHICLES, harness, saddles, less tcan mancfao- Tr.TT'% price. LIEP.OLD'S. 11 Fr»r,t gt Merk»t. WE furnish plans (free* and clso lots and build homes anywhere: cash or ter_6. Address J. H. YOUNG, builder. 1249 Park gt.. Alameda. BRICK WORK in all its branches; b^st rate*. M. ! V. ?tO~BRAY. TSa<! BeTisadfro: West 7021. NO MONEY REQUIRED. If you own a lot I will build you a home on -us tenrs. FEI.IX MARCI'SF.. 1-V» Sntter st. AND PAPER HANGING PAINTING in all branches, paper hanging, tint- ing, plasterine repaired: tend for estimate. JAS. P. HUNTER. 1701 Oary; tel. West 56.>.t. GOOD wall r.ap*r furnished a:id hung. 25c a roll; tlso palntlcg and tinting done reasonably; all work jrnarante««l. Phone West Wll2. UNITED GLASS WORKS. I°p« H. R. HOPPS. PRESIDENT. ALL KINDS ART, LEADED AND MOSAIC ni.ASS. ll.'» TURK: PH*">NE FRANKLIN 17'»3. ROOFING ROOFS, any kind, repaired, painted. A. HILL- MAN. 50S E. 12th St.. Oakland. Drop postal. KEYS furnished at factory prices. Key Works, F33 Clar ft. : pbone Oakland €717. A2TT4. ««——_——»——__—_—__»__——————————»———— t EAGR.4VIXG WEDDING invitations: 100 for $3.50; visiting <~srdg. 50c. Greocinger Kay. Co.. 1114 Geary st. BUSINESS CHANCES A— GLUBK REALTY COMPANY, Business Brokers. ;il Pacific buildisg. San Fr_icisco. Phone Douglss 4317. £5A Broadway, corner 7th «t-. Oakland. PUotses — Oakland 2M3. Home A 2213. gJLLOON— S3,SOO; Al 10-ati'-u. downtown tiis- r tri-t; cheap rent: long lease if desii^d; daily m-eipt* $.>0 to (00; elegsnt fixtures; will in- vjice $5.O>X). Investigation invited: best of reasons Ear seXUas. GLOBE KKALTY CO. RESTAURANT an>l dairy luir-b: rout $::2.50; <-Je«rs $75 a month above living expenses: es- tablished tra<ie: :ww tixturf 1*;1 *; ntat aud clean; price $050. Ss«e GI-OBE 00. LNERGETIC man who can invpht $200 and serv- ices fan secure *n interest In a business which will <-lear him $75 to $lu<> r*r month to start. See GLOBE CO. MILL! NEB Y STORE: live country town; fine *t«»k and £*tur«»s: Al location and trade: rent *17.5<': clear* $200 month; j>rice $(VXI; bargain. tiee GLOBE CO. PARTNEB.. $600; buttiaeas manager old estab- lished transfer and express business, now clearing $250 monthly; Al location: valuable <-otK.t«sions; good chance for right party: you handle the mosey. See QLOBB REALTY CQ. KOAD HOUSE. $3,500;' well established and lo- •. rated; fine trade; low rent; locg lease; com- ' pletely furnished; piano; horse, buggy, fa* plant.' etc.: bargain. See GLOBE REALTY CO. i'ABTNEB---?l-5. for well paying lunch couater. water front. S. F. ; clears $200 monthly ; ex- perience not required. See GLOBE CO. HOTEL AND BAR. J3.OO0; Al location, Oak- land; loDg establisUed: large barroom; 24 rooms: 15 boarder*: fcsr receipts FW dally; r»Tit **.": locg lease. See GI^)BE 00. FOR bargains and tjuick eaies see GLOBE REALTY COMPANY. 211 Pacific Building, San Francisco. SSC Broadway, corner 7th St.. Oakland. GfLLIES & MAGNUS. BUSINESS BROKERS. I«>2S Market st. near Taylor, room 22. Telephone Market 1409. SO irgACCE FOB LISTING A BUSINESS. RESTAURANT— Tbe leading place in Vt. Rich- mond: dally rereiptß over $".".; fnlly equipped: rost $n.OOO to furnish: other business compels owner to s*>H for fI.SW;' ini^stfcate this; a haiealn. S»e GILLIES & MAGNIS. SALOON — Lorated l*st part of Mission: doing m good business; hall for dances and banquet* in conjunction; very clieaj* rent;-lonjr I»ase; ;>riee' s.l 000: easy terms; fixtures worth more than price asked. GILLIES fc MAGNIS. rOPOOBX siui csndy utore doing a monthly K business of HJSOS; -wholesale and retail; do their niri manufacturing ; price Jl.<nit. ; f,,]j value fn sight. GILLIES *: MAGNUS, HJ2S DEUG STORES FOR SALE g4OO0 — Fine rtore. dean stock and pood bunl- *r In San Francisco; also one «t $2,500, $3.0D0, «-* 500: drug stores in Berkeley. San Jose, Pescadcro and In Lake county, Humboldt county. Soncma coonty, and others; also a splendid offer ia a thriving town la Oregon for $6,500; If you sre looking for a buslnes*. or have one for sale, communicate with ns; over 50 year*' experience in _«• drug trade in California. kTHE F. A. WTCK REALTY COMPANY. - 2510 Sbattuck ay.. Berkeley. Cal. ELJOATESSEN More at a bargain: doing a nne ! business and well stocked: the location could not »* better, being fn an apartment house neishborhood: I am selling at a low figure for reason* etated upon application; the business in here, and If I stayed I would expect to * clean up at least $1,500 per year net: T will ]*>t *ny purchaser «tay right in the store for several day* and *cc all ends of tbe business, as I am not afraid of thin place; it will he worth your while to Investigate. See owner In rtore any afternoon. SW. corner 24th and Grove 3ts.. Oakland. CaL l"F!XI' you a busineM for $21); that Is all joti jmj and I do the rest — stake out the paper* *ti<S «cc. that yon are started right: anybody can go into busiuoiw for himself with but lit- tle rash. Why work bard for somebody else when a little energy, with "a small amouct of t-*rh directed along the proj»er Kite- is all rbat* you need? Call and -cc we and let me *vow' voo my system of treating you square. I>. O." DOBSON. 550 IStli fet.. Builders* Ex- rkane'e. Oakland. Cal. ' _ _ : ' f COME hXD SEE THIS — A cenuine hargoln; sa- ' loan right downtown in best Wock; Jnst oB Merk't: location alone worth price asked. ! i'ome and find out. GEO. A. HEBRICK. SOS VAN NESS AY. -c^, " \u25a0 • \u25a0•- x 1 - J«»tl SKIRM &. CO.. 021 Broadway, Oakland. lAi!teatet*en and lunch place; bo«y.. Mreet; <m!y delicatessen arotind the- neighborhood; Just I b<- place for man and wife: will either take partner or *ell. cheap; top macb work for one person: Investigate. ".-\u25a0-- . P\RTNER WASTED: manufacturing husines*; «omethin? new: recently patented: investigate. BAIHD &" PETERSON. >T' Market «t.V BUSINESS CHANCES— Continued HOTEL AND BAR — $2,000: KENT $150; LEASE 5 YEARS; LICENSE $45 : PER QUARTER: ALSO 50 FURNISHED BOOMS: LOCATED IN BEST MINING TOWN IN STATE; ALSO RAILROAD SHOPS LOCATED HERE. THE FULLER CO. HAS IT EXCLUSIVELY. 018 BROADWAY. OAKLAND. ; CIGAR stand. $550. rent ?25, for sale or lease; very central; fixtures alone worth price asked; 3 slot machine*, cash register, something good; doing a nice business; very attractive place. See THE FULLER COMPANY, 91S Broadway, Oakland. - ' - DON'T delay and look this up. Prosperous store in the best part of the business district, suit- able for ladies or gentlemen cr partners, with over $300 monthly profit and long lease, for *ale at once: good reasons fcr selling. Box 2534. Call office. : NO. 1 PATENT. ~ WANTED— lnformation regarding good patent which would be money maker; only inventor who wishes to sell outright or on royalty basis need answer; give price and brief description. S. M.. box 954 K. Rochester. N. Y. FOR SALE— "The Book of a Thousand Nichts and One Night"; limited edition: liberal trans- lation; unerpurgated: 15 volumes; gilt top, ileckled edge»: cost $75, price $50.. Address Box 2705. Call offlce. 20 ROOM boarding house, exceedingly well fur- nished. In the center of Berkeley, with an ex- cellent trade; a money maker; $400 can swing the deal. Appiy D. L. JUNGCK. 1942 Saai- tuck ay. . PARTNER wanted in the well boring business, with about $400 capital for half interest in tools: have several onterc for wells on hand. Address box 4776. Call office. GROCERY, near Oakland: premises Included; Urge lot. new building: 4 living rooms, bath; \u25batable, wasr\in. etc; clears $200 monthly; $4..*.00. Address box 2030. Call offlce. SALOON in commercial district: | select trade; making money these hard times: JS.'iOO: terms. THOMPSON-WARING CO.. fi3U Market St., room :iO. ADVANTAGES IN INCORPORATING YOUR BUSINESS ARE MANY AND IMPORTANT. CONSULT REX CO.. C2l-C22 Sureve bldg., ex- pert promoters and corporation attorneys. I SOLD $-">o.tOo worth of stock in my company in 6 mentb*; If you are seeking capital, write for my free book, which explains my plan. DARBYSHIRE. box ISIO H. Rochester. N. Y. WANTED — Small amount of money for develop- ment purposes on one of the best gold mitys in the state. R. B. DAY. Coatinental hutel, 127 Ellis st.. city; hours 11 to 3 o'clock. t $450— LEGITIMATE BUSINESS OPENING for a live man; office or outside; $100 to $125 month to start; Investigation Invited: full particulars from BAIRD & PETERSON, 830 Market st. $2."«o — Small store; :> living rooms; a little gem for man and wife. BAIRD & PETERSON. 830 Market st. COUNTRY hotel and bar for Vale; doing fine bnsiiif-ss: thorough investigation: $10,000; • term?. Address box 2931. Call office. FOU sale— A fine bar. complete; 3$ feet: orig- inal cost $2,500: will sacrifice. Apply 65S Market st. opp. Palace hotel. FOR sale — A good newspaper route In a good district in this city. Apply to J. R. LEN- HART. circulation department. S. F. Call. A SNAP— Hardware and sporting goods stock, 65 per cent of invoice price, about $1,600. la town of 3.000.* Box 2527. Call office. FOR sale or rent— Blacksmith and horse shoe- ing shop: Mission road;, at Vista Grande. GRAND HOTEL newsstand for rent: only Email capital required. Apply bet. 12 and 2 p. m. PARTNER wanted in the best est. office bus. In S. F.: price $250. Box 2809. Call jot flee. A GOOD buy: a paying delicatessen and gro- cery ttnsiness. Apply at 14S1 Ellis st. CORNER salouD for 6ale; doing fine business. H % 7 11th ft. HjfH^'^F^mjSAJLE^ A.*CAMERON & CO., 714 MARKET ST.. MAGEE BUILDING, / Opposite The CalL Room 301— Phone Donglas 4379. Where Best Bargains Are Found In Hotels, Apartment and Lodging Houses, Flats. CHOICE cor.. 4 blks. from Van Ness ay.; 32 well fur. rooms; cheap rent: hot and cold water; clear* \s2oo mo.: gift: $1,000. BARGAIN — <;ood cor.; 42 room fur., with din- ing room all equipped: cheap rent; can get bar also: price t-nly $1,000. SNAP— Centrally lorated: 25 well fur. rooms; cht-ap rent; $300 can stand: price $900, K. Tl. WINSTON _ CO., HOTELS. ROOMING HOUSES. APARTMENT HOUSES AND FLATS. ROOM 217. PACIFIC BUILDING. MARKET AND 4TH STS. TEL. DOUGLAS SSB. BANK REFERENCES. ESTAB. 17 YEARS. THIS HOUSE GETS THE MONY— 2B beautifully furnished rooms; modern in every respect; best l<vatlon in city for transient : near Sutter wnd Kearny yt!«. See WINSTON & CO. A— PAUL GERSON DRAMATIC SCHOOL— Largest training school 'of acting In America; l>usHiotj secured; C months' graduating course; catalogue. Countryman bldg., 915 Van Ness. A— THE LYCEUM. 2530 Pine st.T prepares for university or any examination, open during summer; C teachers; moderate rates; here joa save time and money. JOHN S. DREW— COACHING SCHOOL and NORMAL CLASS. High school, all branches. Prep, for college, teachers' exams., civil serr. Laboratory courses. Day", eve. 943 Van Ness. ASSAYING; special commercial course la Span- ish, telegraphy, civil and electrical engineer- ing, mining, etc. HEALD'S. 425 McAllister st. DANCING— KINDLAY'S. 2241 lCth St., ballroom or stage; adults Monday and Friday evenings; private lessons dally; open every evening. ENGINEERING— CiviI, electrical, mining, mech.. survey, aecay. cyanide; day, eve.: est. 1664. Van tier Naillen school, 51st and Tel., Oakland. SINGING and piano lessons; French method, wlileu Is taught in conservatory of music, Paris: twice weekly $20 a month. 3257 216t st. THE BERLITZ SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES— 2531 Washington et. near Flllmore; send for olrcolar. PROF. T. A. ROBINSON, Individ, lnstr. math., bookkeeping. Eng.. etc.; day. eve. 507 Haight. SPANISH AND FRENCH simplified. PROF. DE FILIPPE, graduate Paris, Madrid. 1212 Geary. SPANISH or French cimpliScd: accurate transla- tions, any lang. Prof. Hidalgo. S3O Market «t. FREEMAN COACHING SCHOOL— High school. ' university. West Point, Annapolis. 854 Baker- PRO?*. G. MANSFIELD, teacher of violin, man- dolin and guitar. West SS3I; 170G Geary st. liINGNALDA Normal Institute Mod. Languages; ualv..prep. 1350 O'Farrell. PUone West -8160. DANCING— PUCKETT'S SCHOOL. Classes Mon., Frl.: graduates Wed. Church and Market sts. BUSINESS COLLEGES A— Metropolitan Business College— l49o Market ft Van. Nest. Reduced rates, 6 montba. $50. A SELECT school. Merrill-Miller College. Day and evening. 733 Fillmore st. MUNSON School of Shorthand: priv. Instruction; day aud evening.- Wuitney bldg., 133 Geary. BOYD shorthand; easily completed in 2 months; book keeping, arith., writing. 915 Van Ness. ALL court reporter* recommend Gallagber-Marsh Business College. 1258 Markef st. SAN FRANCISCO Business College, now located at 733 Fillmore nr. Hayes: day and evening. ACCOUNTANTS AUDITS, systems, special Investigations. COOP- ' ER. fifiT. Kamm bldg.. 717 Mkt.: Kearny 5359. ACCOUNTANTS— CextIfI>d JMihlic JOHN R. RUCKSTELL. C. P. A.. 306-308 Clans Spreckeln <Call» bldg. Phone Kearny 4151. H NOTARY PUBLIC: . . MARK. LANE. Notary Public and Commissioner of Deeds. 245 Bush St. : phone Temp. 2639. UNDER McEnerney act; eonfplete, $35. Title Co.. 851-3 Monadnock bid?.. 3d and Mks. «t«. PENSIONS A — M. HARRIS, pension and patent attorney, 34 Ellis st. ; references, the many thousands for whom I have secured pensions: 21 years* prac. DETECTIVES . West Coast Detective Agency (licensed, bonded); conducts cases secretly; cor. confidential. BJW Flllmore. Tel. Park 555 C T. C. GRAY. Prln. AA— DIVORCE; Costs. $12; quick, quiet; advice free; no charge unless *uccesifful;. title to real estate restored: bankruptcy; probating iof estate; gen. practice. 102S Market St.; r. 12. DIVORCE laws, annulments, damages, estates; consultation free • on all legal matters; '\u25a0.. open evenings. 948 Market st- cor. Mason/ rm. 308. A ' QUICK and complete divorce for $20; open evenings. 1122 Market st. nr. 7th, room 31. \u25a0 LANG AN _ MENDEN HALL. 201 Bacon bldg., . Oakland. Pbone Oakland 1431. > HARRIS _ HESS, attorneys at law.. W. T. .. Hesos. Notary. Public. Rooms .lll2. Caiy bids. L. S. CLARK, attorney at law, fcsl Jackson st.," Oakland. Consultation free; open evening*. • DEWEY. STRONG & CO.— Founded 1S60;! U. S. : .and foreign patents; ' Inventors' • guidei; 100 mechanical movements free. 1105 Merchants* Exchange bldg., San Francisco. : J. RICHARDS— "Same old stand" since ISS6; engineer pjftent attorney; domestic and for- ' elgn business. . 24 California st. . CARLOS P. GRIFFIN, late examiner Uv S. pat- ent office. - 1201-2 Metropolis . bank. Patents, tradesmarks and copyrights. Tel. Kearny 4515. FRANK P. MEDINA, patent atty.. of Medina & \u25a0 Griffin, dissolved, remains at old address; Sl2 ; Call bldg.; patents, tradesmarks. copyrights. HARRY C. SCHROEDER, U. S. and foreign pat- , ents. 415 First Nat, bk., Oakland, tel. O. 3575. SONTAG Patent Agency— Established ISO 9. Bal- ' boa hldg.. <-or. Marker and 2d sts.. 10th floor. HILL COLLECTING r SOME PEOPLE DON'T LIKE US. We get the money fcr you on all kinds of claims anywhere. Interstate Adj. and Law Ass'n., 615 Pacific bid. WALTER'S LAW & COLLECTBON' CO., 411 ,' Mills bldg. — Attachments, garnishments, liens, . collections everywhere. . '>• . BAD TENANTS EJECTED : _•"_ BILLS and notes collected: tenants ejected. FRED J. SCHMIDT. Market. Noe and l«th sts. - ' - - DEXTISTS . _ BOSTON PAINLESS DENTITS. 729 Market st.. acknowledged to be the easiest and best pain- ' less extraction in S. F. . Full set of teeth, $2; gold trowns. $2; silver flillings, 50c. All work guaranteed 20 years. . Open daily till 9 p. m. DR. C. W. DECKER. Phelan bldg.. rooms 30S- 9-10. 760 Market st.; phone Kearny 1630. MEYER, Dr., 1990 Sutter — Fillings 50c. crowns $3; bridge work; gas given; open evenings. DR. IRA G. LBEK— AH kinds of dental work. 515 Fillmore st. near Oak. DR. U. G. BARTLETT. extracting specialist, re- moved to 323 Geary cor. Powell; Douglas 4300. HILL. DR. LUDLUM. 432 Webs (now Muirhead bldg.). Market. Hayes and Larkin; gas given. PHYSICIANS A— DR. AND MRS. DR. PIERCE, world. re- nowned specialists for WOMEN; our treatment is pleasant, safe and sure; you can pay a little down. Suite 502, Westbank building, S2O Mar- ket st. cor. Ellis; 10 to 8; Sundays 12 to X CHINESE DR. YOUNG _ CO.— Specially im- ported herbs, remedies: cures all chronic dis- eases, female troubles; consultation free. 632 Kearny. DR. WONG HIM— HERB DOCTOR. Permanently located 126S O'Farrell st. bet. Gough and Octavia. DX. TUIELE, tbe specialist, returned to city. Offlce. 1732 Geary St. near Fillmore. ; MEDICAL AA— ATTENTION, LADIES! DR. NORTH, 1025 Market St.; tel. Park 5941. World Renowned Specialists for Women Only. No Delays or Disappointments. Relief Guaranteed. By Most Superior Painless Methods Known to Medical Science. Most obstinate cases treated; utmost privacy; have no hesitancy If in need of my services; absolutely harmless. Low fees. By consulting an eminent specialist you save time and money. All female complaints cured. Advice free. 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. and 6 to 9 p. m. DR. ABBOTT. 1550 ELLIS ST. NEAR FILL- MORE— HONEST. RELIABLE, SCIENTIFIC TREATMENT GUARANTEED IN ALL. DIS- ORDERS OF WOMEN. HJs thoroughly ANTISEPTIC methods insure absolute safety from infection. Lady physician to consult with if desired. Hours. 10 a. m. to 9 p. m.; Sundays. 10 to 2. AA— DR. F. A. ROBERTS. 143S ELLIS ST. NEAR WEBSTER, reliable specialist for fe- male COMPLAINTS and IRREGULARITIES. INSTANT RELIEF. Advice free. Fees low. Hours 10 to S, Sundays 10 to 12. VALPEAU'S female pills; best regulating pills sold; price $2.50 by express. Jener Syringe and Tablets, price $5. By express only on re- ceipt of price. OSGOOD BROTHERS, whole- sale druggist." 7th and Broadway. Oakland. SANDERSON'S Savin and Cotton Root Pills, only sure remedy for DELAYED PERIODS; by mall $2 per box. Address Ayres Drug Co., 1118 Van Ness ay. SPECIALIST for ladles; painless relief guaran- teed; paid when cared; advice free. MRS. DR. PHILLIPS. 3452 19th St. near Mission. DR. DUCROU'S female pills are sure and safe; l>est regulating pills sold; price $2. Wishart's flrug store, Oakland. MRS. DR. HOLMS, graduate specialist, cures all female complaints without delay. 744 Turk 6t. near Van Nes« ay. Advice free. Hrs., S to 8. CALL BRANCH OFFICE, 1651 Fillmore st. near Post. CHIROPODISTS DR. DUNCAN. ISO Sutter cor. Kearny, rooms 303-4 — Absolutely cures without pain or draw- ing hlood all foot ailments: corns removed 25c. «~^~~jyE A i' T J i^iP v E M c - vt "VIAVI SCIENCE OF HEALTH," natural, non- surgical: cloth bound 400 page book, free. Ap- ply by mail. 630 Pine st. Lecture for women Thursday at 2:Jio p. m. Oakland Viavl Co.. *!24 Central Bank bnlldlng. SANITARIUMS _ A — PRIVATE home for the' sick: confinement specialty; adoption; special treatment for all female, trouble. 1303 Market st. MATERNITY HOMES S. F. LYING-IN HOME. 1191 Oak St.— Adoption; Diseases women and children: confinement $25. - TRUSSES CLARK. CANDION TRUSS CaTspeclallstg: fitting: lady att. 125* G. G. ay. nr. Fillmore. POPULAR REMEDIES PILES. PILES— MAC'S INFALUBLtT^IMLE HEMEDY for all cases of blind, bleeding, itchlug and protruding plies speaks for itself; price 50c, by mall COc. A. McBOYLE & CO., druggists, 504 Washington st,, San Francisco. KICORD CELEBRATED PREPARATIONS for men's private diseases. Sold only by E. B JORGENSON. 0.44 Kea^y st.. San Franelsco. Mail orn>rn n specialty. Send fnr circular. CATARRH AND DEAFNESS ALSO ear noises positively cured; one week free DR. COTTINGHAM. 1990 Sntter wt: hrs. 10-4. RECTAL DISEASES PILES, fistula, etc., cured without knife or loss of time: no salve proposition. THOS. J. KIS- NER. M. P.. 1031 Flllniore st. near McAllister. CANCERS AND TUMORS TREATED IN from 1 to 4 minutes with hypodermic needle method; cure guaranteed. MADAM -L. F. LAMB, residence and offlce. Ukiah. Cal. DOG AND CAT HOSPITAL FINEST equipped; animals boarded; ambulance fiirn.: special rnten. 1371 Fulton: West !s"l2. MATRIMONIAL HONEST men and women seeking life mates can find tbelr Ideals at 252 Mt 1 101 l Is. Oakland; In- formation. 25c. SOCIETY LADY. REFINED Swedish lady of 47 tvishVs to marry unincumbercd gentleman about 10 years her senior. Box 4751, Call, 1651 Fillmore »c. DO not be deceived; tbe only reliable matrimo- nial bureau you will find at MRS. A. WOL- TKR'S. 1752 Gearr st: established in ifWO. PERSONALS GEORGE— CaII at Hotel Thorndalc, 610 Golden Gate ay. J. H. B. * .BUSINESS PERSONALS AAA— WIGS — MOVED— WIGS To ISO 9 Fillmore st. near Sutter. G. LED- ERER. gentlemen's private wig department, 2271' California st. near Webster. \ Mr. Lederer In charge. My wigs and toupees defy de- tection: I guarantee every one I make; I make them ventilated and poroas; perspira- tion don't* affect them; private gentlemen^ wig department upstair*. - Mr. Lederer la cbarge. Hair 6es*lag, dyeing, etc> »br specialists only; large stock of hair goods on hand; mall orders receive prompt attention. : Lederer's Quint oniea Hair Tonic stops hair falling. Es- tablished 1866. \u25a0 : / ;<. MME. FRANCINE. greatest European authority on I beauty culture; most : scientific skin treat- ment, which makes you 15-20 years younger; wrinkles removed entirely; city refs. 626 16th St.; cor. Grove. Oakland^none Oakland, 7sll. MRS. L. E. HARTMAN. M. T. . D.V electro-spe- rlallst for rheumatism, stomach and nervous diseases. 637 Whitney bldg., 133 Geary st. ; hours 10 to 9; open Sundays. 1 \u0084T. Douglas 517. RAG carpets woven to order and for sale; also chenille : wove <rngs. ; silk portieres. . handsome fluff rugs made from your old carpets; send for circular*. 1 Geo. Matthews. 709 Oth et.. Oak.- THE Arnold Vibrator Co.- has opened a demon- strating parlor and salesroom at 627-629 Phe- lan building; free demonstration at your home or <wr office. Phone Douglas 584...*,^.- '• \u25a0.-!/. ISHAM'S MINERAL WATER— For stomach.' kid- neys, etc. . Now sold at the Emporium: . L. H ' \u0084-' BRADFORD & CO.r 628 Mont. \u25a0 Bt./ Dist.l Agin. Sanitarium treatment,' massage ; ? ladles and gents Apt. 23, St. Mungo bid*., 1200 G. G. ay.; •S-10. BUSINESS rpEKSONALS— Continued '"\u25a0\u25a0 ANY amount on real estate, first or second mort- gage; no delay: low-rates O. ,W. BECKER, 705 Monadnock building. C.SI Market *t.-i \u0084 USE Bassetfs, the original uative herbs, for rheumatism, constipation; 50 tablets for 23c; in black boxes, at all druggists. ; . UNCALLED for suits, overcoats and trousers at less than cost at CHAS.. LYONS', toe London tailor. 14U2 Fillmore .bet. Ellis ai:d O'Farrell. MAGNETIC MASSAGE— -MRS. HOLSHOUSER. : tel. Dong. 4440: 351 Pacific bldg. J 4th and Mkt. MISS WALLACE. EASTERN- MASSEUSE: baths. 124 Turk, r. 210. Ist floor rear; 11-ip; opeivHnn. ELECTRIC vibration health massage. .Mrs. L. Johnson. 504 10th st. cor. Jefferson. Oakland.* MISS IDELL. general agent Van's Mexican Ite- storatlve for gray hair or dandruff. 1900 Sutter. GOLDSTEIN CO., theatrical and raa*|uerade cos- tumes: sue, to Jahn. costnroer. * S2l Van Ness. | On furniture, pianos, etc.; Reliable Loan Co. 705 Monndnocb bwlMlng. <'*t Market st. ADOPTION ADOPTION— Good home for pretty, blue eyed baby girl. 1 to 2 years. Address MRS. L. LEIGH. 1127 Stanford ay.. Oakland. Confidential Maternity Villa-^lnfants adopted. Dr. E. FUNKE. 1410 Sth st.: phone \ftS2. Alameda. SPIRITUALISM AA — MRS. J> J. WHITNEY, ordained trance spiritual medium; consultation dally at her home. SI: by letter. 4 ques.. $1. 1164 O'Farrell. A— MISS M. WILLE. ordained spiritual adviser and crystal reader; can be consulted on - all matters daily. 10 to 8. 1339 O'Farrell st. £"lma GILL, trance medium, magnetic healer; advice and healing daily; circles Sun. and Wed., g p. m. 772 Telegraph: tel. Oakland 7543. LOTTIE BUSWELL. ordained medium; readings, lessons, circles every night. 1359 Webster st. near O'Farrell. REV. S. SEAL, spiritual^ minister: consultations daily: officiates marrlßgew. -funerals. 7Srt MeAl- CLAIRVOYANTS AA— MME. MAJOR, ordained medium, member O. R. A.; spiritual, palmistry and cards; read- ings dally. 94S McAllister st > MISS ZEMDAR, young, gifted clair. and palm.; member O. R. A. of Cal.: L. 50c, G. ?1; hour* 10 to 10. 1270 Fulton *st. near Devisadero. DR. HOWLAND'S 25c circle tonight; 50c read- ings today. 1230 Flllmore st. MME. EUGENIE, mcd. mem.. O. R. A., palm, - occult card reader: reveals fact*. 1465 Valencia. PALMISTRY CALIFORNIA'S oldest palmist and card reader; 25c. 50c. $1. Pl 3 Broadway. Oakland. INA'ESTMENTS STOCKS AND BONDS FOR QUICK SALE. 2.000 Butte Crpfk Con. Dredger Co" <5e... $U. 30 2.000 American Wheel and Vehicle Co. @ .04 $1.»>OO Ocean Sbore Ey. To. Bonds @ 610.00 1.000 Lady Washington Oil Co. ® IS 1.000 Cal. Peer. Stone T. & PI. Co. (a... .«« 1.000 Shares Cal. Pressed Brick Co. (c*.. .25 1,500 shares Bald Eagle Oil C 0........ BID 500 People's Watpr Co. (com.) wtd. % 3.75 500 Shares Hubbard Elliott Copper «g.. . .70 200 shares P. B. Steifer Co. fa. ' 1.50 2i X) shares Pacific Wireless <£ . .50 E. F. WAYLAND & CO., 474 Monadnock bldg. San Francisco. Cal. Tel. Douglas 844. IF you desire to buy or sell a rural farm let us know. We can help you, as we work for a small office fee and between principals only. We supply reliable Information in our line. Western Information Bureau of Mines and Land, Chronicle building. CAN furnish you ANY unlisted stocks add bonds you may want AWAY UNDER regular quota- tions; will buy any active stocks If CHEAP; largest dealers on the Pacific coast: corre- spondence invited. CHESTER B. ELLIS & CO., 714 Market st. opp. Call building. WANTED — People's Water bonds, common and preferred stock; La Zacaulpa rubber stock. W. E. LOGAN, room 17, Bacon block, Oak- land. Cal. - . $20,000 will secure you a monthly income of more than $l.f>OU: thorough investigation. Ad- dresw box..2im. Call office. \u25a0 AM in need of quick money: will sacrifice 1.000 to 5. (t00 shares Calif<>rnia Pressed Brick stock; make best offer: no brokers. Box 2R21. Call. LIFE income: 20 ' per cent dividends, payable quarterly; Al real estate security. Crescent Investment Company, 306 Chronicle building. $10,000 Oakland Traction 6 per cent preferred stock at best offer over 90. P. O. box 503, Oakland. :\u25a0 -.. \u25a0.- OCEAN SHORE bonds for sale; price will net 8 per cent. D. E. BESECKER. 243 Pacific bldg. CALL BRANCH OFFICE, 1651 Fillmore it. near Post. \u25a0 \u25a0 ' \u25a0"\u25a0 ' FINANCIAL WANTED— To borrow from private party $2,500, with privilege of paying on principal on any interest day; on Improved real estate in Palo Alto. Cal. Address box 2S2o. 'Call offlce. "ABBOTT buys bonds'* — Ocean Shore, Market st. bank and Cal. 'safe dcp. books. 414 Mar- ' ket st. • - - ' \u25a0 CAL. SAFE DEP. TRUST ACCOUNTS BOUGHT. D. E. BE?F.CKER. 248 PACIFIC BUILDING. 3IINES AND MINING GOLD, amalgam, rich ore bought: cash; assay- ing. 50c. Pioj_er Assay Co., 131 sth st. nr. Howard. -. \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 1 STOCKS AND BONDS FOR SALE ARE you buying or selling stocks or bonds? Call on PETTIS & BURBECK, 333 First Na- tional Bank bldg.. Oakland. MONEY' TO LOAN $^TTTTSTTTTTS $ $ $TTTTTTTS $$$ SALARIED PEOPLE'S FRIEND. $$$ S $ That Is, what our office is to all $ $ $ $ working people. We loan,strlctly on a $ $ $ $ person's -"SALARY"; no indorser. no $ $ % $ security. We make loans quickest. % $ $ $ easiest and charge the lowest in the $ $ $S city. YOUR EMPLOYER NEVER $$ $ S KNOWS. $ $ iS WESTERN LOAN CO.. $ $ $ $ 40S Call building. 3d and Market sts. $ S $ $ Open 8:30 to <S p. m. Mon.. Wed. and $ $ $$ $ Sat. Evenings until 8 p. m. $$ $ $sssssssssssssssssssssss AAA— HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO. Get our terms when about to borrow on FOR- NITL'RIv, PIANOS, HORSES \u25a0 and VEHICLES. We will cave you money. Rooms 357-0 Pacific Building (3d floor}, 4th and Market sts. Pbone Douglas 3265. Oakland offlce 51S-19 First National Bank bldg. MONEY loaned on furniture, pianos and other security; lowest rates: most favorable terms in the city; see others, then nee me. and b» convinced; I will save you money; $2.25 weekly repays $50 loan; phone 'Market 3029. GEORGE W. MILLER. 3009 16th St., south- west corner Mission, room 35. AAA— REAL ESTATE LOANS " At 4&. 5& and 6 per|| First Mortgage. Any Amount. Money for second mortgages, estates, undi- vided interests," bonds, building loans. PEO.'D. SHADBUUNE JK. & CO.. 45 Post st. XX— LICK LOAN CO., LICK BUILDING, :« Montgomery st., room 101. Douglas 3010. Makes a specialty of loans on first mortgages. Improved or unimproved, at G per cent; second mortgage and building loans in any part of city, small or large.: MONKY loaned salaried pVople and others upon tbelr :own name without security: cheapest rates; easiest payments; offices in 68 principal cities; save yourself money by getting our terms first. TOLMAN. room 931; Phelan bldg., S. F.. and room P. \u25a0'BO 13th St.. Oakland. A — New rates, new plans. We loan all salaried people; save money by getting our rates; your employer and friends never know; private office for ladies. Great Western Inv. Co., Inc.,' 521. Ptf elan 'bldg.; 8:30 a. m. to 6 p. m. Monday-Saturday 8 p. m. Phone Kearny.3247. WE gladly loan in aura* to suit to salaried . per- . Bon* and \u25a0 others requiring ready money j upon their OWN promise to repay in 6 months: NO INDORSER: confidential.. Phone Douglas 3244. \ 433 Phelan bldtf. (Save for future reference.) - \u25a0\u25a0 . MONEY— MONEY— MONEY . ANY PROPOSITION v Wage Earners'. Investment and Loan Co., .443 Pine st. HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO.— Loans on FURNI- TURK, PIANOS, etc.; low rates; private. 357- 359 Pacific bldg., 4th and Market sts.; phone Donglas 'T265. . -< - '" ''\u25a0\u25a0•'\u25a0 ' . ' .ADVANCES made on j diamonds and Jewelry at lowest rates; safe deposit vaults; greatest poa- Flble care taken." BALDWIN JEWELRY CO., Van »fa and Sotter. - ; \u25a0 . >.-- ?.-. . - ANY amount; lowest rales, on first and second \u0084 mortgages on real* estate, legacies,' undivided " Interests, 1 estates In probate;, no delay. K.'Mc- COLGAN.- 20 Montgomery St.. rooms 314-315. " ANY amount- on" real estate," first or second mort- gaged: or any security; no delay; lowest rates. . Q.W. BECKER, 705 Monadnock.' CSI, Market. SALARY loiiis— Ladles and ., gentlemen .without security ; ? notes and commercial paper < bought, V 313 Merchants'. Ex. bldg.: phone Donglas 1411: Fl RST and second mortgages, estates, \ legacies. etc. HERMAN: MURPHY. 54* Market st. - CASH loaned to salaried men ou note without In- \u25a0\u25a0i% dorser.;; MOBREJLX.." 022 Monadnock .building. WE ' loan anywhere; > f JACQUES REALTY C 0.,. i 255 - Montgomery st. : : \u25a0 . *- . \u25a0 ..'--. : . ; . 1-. MAKK.real estate" loans,; any : kind, . an v size.' : fATISTINV. ,IOIB; Broadway. Oakland. SAL.VRY- loans: other \u2666propositions... San Fran- cisco Discount Agency, 411 Pacific building.". _\u25a0*'-- MONEY TO LOAN— Continued ON furniture and pianos; ho removal.' . TRE- MAIN, .room Sll.-523 Market next- Emporium. ON' furniture, pianos.; etc. Reliable Loan Co., Monadnork tmlldlng. room 705. ftSl Market st. MONEY WASTED . $1,000 wanted as a loan by businessman for 1 i year at 8 per cent; good security. Box 663, - Call of ace. Oakland. r H DIVIDEND NOTICES AT a special • meeting of j the board of directors of the California Schuetzen Club Park and I'ulMiug association held on Monday, June 14, 1900. a dividend 0f. 2." cents per share was de- - clared,- payable on and after Friday.' June 25, l(»0». at the office of tbe treasurer of the asso- ciation. Emil Woenne. 570 Halght st. • Certifi- cates, must be" presented when collecting divl- ,-dends., • PHILO JACOBY, President. ; OTTO iA. BREMEIt. Secretary. Kt»PpSALS Aypifll^pS .., , BAY COUNTIES POWER COMPANY BOND 3. Notice is ' hereby given tbat Mercantile Trust Company of San • Francisco invites bids for tbe sale to it on the ninth day of July, 1909. of a sufficient amount of first consolidated mortgage five per c«nt sinking fund 30 year gold bonds of Bay Counties Power Company for. the invest- ment of twenty-seven ! thousand \u25a0 nine hundred seventy-one SO-100 dollars ($27,971.50) now In the sinking fund provided for In the mortgage or deed of trust executed by said Bay Countius Power Company to Mercantile Trust Company of San Francisco as trustee under date of Septem- ber 1. 1900. •;• t f.. • . Each bid must state the serial numbers of the bonds - tendered /and the price -asked and mnst be delivered to the undersigned trustee at Its office, No. 464 California st-.'San Francisco, California, on or berore 3 o'clock p. m.. July 6, 1909, In a sealed envelope marked "Tender of bonds of Bay Countjes Power Company." Dated: June 10. 1000. - MERCANTILE TRUST COMPANY OF SAX FRANCISCO. R. M. SIMS. Trust Officer. CIT V REAL ESTATE . _ _ . THOMAS E. HAYMAN. / Suite 1000. First National Bank Bldg. Montgomery and Post. Telephone Kearny 1703 $6,000 cash— Foil price $10,500; 3 high class G and 7 room flats; Just .completed; best part of Page: reduced from $13,000; have deposit now from speculator $10,250; big snap. $10,000 cash — 8 new extra well built flats: large lot; Devisadero and Ellis; rent $2,220 per annum: full price $17,000. $8,000 cash — Clay and Devisadero: north side; . 3 high class new 7 room flats: cost owner $14,500; must be sold Immediately; full price $12,00u. $5,500 — One of the finest residences on Masonic ay.; may consider offer; owner nonresi- dent and compelled to sell, j $4,000 cash — Income $I.SOO per annum; price has been reduced from $17,000 to $12,000, -as the owners are forced to sell; lot 30 ft. front; 6 new 4 room flats near Mason - and Pacific; don't miss this snap. $3,ooo. cash— Rented exceptionally low at $1,200 I per annum; full price only $5,700: 6 new I - " extra well built" flats: all light; Guerrero and 18th; real bargain; owner recently re- fused $11,000; forced to sell now. $6,200 — Two of the finest built 5 and « room flats; near 2d and Folsom; rent $500. $5,200 — Waller and Clayton; here are two new 5 and 6 room flats; Just cost owner $9,500 to build; must raise moaey this week. If you want the best In the city be quick; these won't last many days. $5,000 casb-rCorner on Waller; itfxllS; Improve- ments are now two tf room flats with high basement Just \u25a0 suitable for 2 or 3 _ stores: full price $10,300; reduced from $13,000; this is a bargain. $4,000 cash— Near Clay and Spruce; north side of street: 2 nearly new tf room flats; 25x 100; reduced price $9,000; bargain. $9,250 — 1 block from Market and Sth: 4 new 4 room flats; rents low $100 month. $5,500 — Half cash; 2 high class 6 and 7 room ' - flats near Laguna and Sutter.. $9,250— Ha1f cash; 3 'excellent 7 room flats. Fulton and Baker; rented low at $1,200 per annum. $7,2oo— Broadway and Kearny; 4 new 5 and C room flats; rents $1,000 year. $6,000—2 choice 6 and 7 room flats; lSth and Church; snap; worth $7,500. $6,000 cash — New store property and 2 6 room 'flats; rented $1,200 per annum; full price only $10,000* near Powell and Jackson; be quick. $3,000 cash — California and' Fillmore; rents $1,140 per annum; 4 4 and 5 room flats; full price $8,000; snap. $G,(XK) — 7 room residence; high class and mod- ern in every respect: near California and Stelner; rednced from $3,000. - #W. J. GUNN & CO., 322 Montgomery St.. Safe Deposit Building. PACIFIC HEIGHTS PROPERTIES. A corner that will delight a seafaring man; view is llk« a. panorama: something grand: sun front and rear; elevated and sitely; 40x12<5; price very reasonable. Also . the adoining lot. 30x126. with the same advantages of. view and sun; 3 counties. Marln. Alameda- and Contra Costa: like a picture, can be seen; it looks into the beautiful grounds of one of the fine homes of this, the most desirable part of tbe. city. We have Just sold the uext lot. on which a residence is to he built immediately by, on» of our wealthy" and prominent families; prob-: ably no lot is so well located as this for a home; a bargain. Marine view lot, -34x103:1: $200 per foot. - Marine view, key lot. 34x137:6; $175 per foot. Two lots. 27:6x137:«>, only $2,300 each; very cheap: cars. pass: street trork done. \u25a0 Well located lots, fine view; street work done; very cheap; $117 per foot. A grand marine view. NW cor. lot. 55x97:0.; 1 one of the most beautiful site* for a home on Pacific ' Heights; well worth the price asked, $250 per foot. .• . . $10,000 — Well located residence north of Pa- cific ay., near Presidio; grand view; a pretty home. \ $13.500— A prettj, artistic residence; fine marine view. Gough st. — 3 lots, 23x110: $2,300 each. W. J. GUNN. 022 Montgomery ' st. W. J. GUNN & CO.. 322 Montgomery St.. Safe Deposit Building. OFFERS A Beautiful new residence on Pacific Heights, just completed; built with special care by day's work for owner: as a home, not a bouse built to Bell again; everything first class and of tbe very best materials; owner is going abroad; located on the . north or sunny side of street: the marine view is one ' of the grandest in the city: a perfect panorama; something delightful; overlooks the Presidio and" the bay. the islands and forts, lighthouses and far away bills of Marin and Alameda counties; sun In every room: everything I« in perfect condition, new end clean, with beautiful open fireplaces: it has not been occupied yet. although scores of people : offer to take a long lease: It Ia something out: of the ordinary run of residences: any one look- j Ing for a nice home and one that is very de- sirable can save a lot of money, as the annoy- ances and worry ' and time and cost for extras In building a. residence like this can be avoided; besides, it can be bought away below the figure that . such ! a home would ro?t iv such a fine locality; we are instructed to say that easy' payments can be made to suit;' size of lot. 32x137:6. ?>S W. J. GUNN & CO., 322 Montgomery st. DAVIDSON & LEIGH, Phoce Market 552. . 14«5 Market st. 1 $16,500— Rents $170; 3 elegant new flats; 7-7-9 n»ms and bath; Franklin st. near Ellis. $12,500 — Rent* $130: 3 flats, just completed: 5-5-6 rooms; strictly first class; lot 25x100; I wear Larkin and Clay Fts. $7,2oo— Rents . $72; 2 fine new flats: 5 and R rooms and bath; lot. 25x111; -Stanyan st. near Carl. .-\u25a0 \u25a0 . \u25a0 • _. • $3,650 — Fine cottage; 6 rooms and bath, finished . , " basement and attic: reduced from $5,000; • Tremont ay. near Frederick st. ' DAVIDSON. & LEIGH. ~ - 1403 Market st. •24 HOMES SOLD IN* 60 DAYS. ' Entire Block. Sth and Oth a vs.. A. and B sts. Being Built Upon With » 7 -and Jt room dwellings ....... '....... : .$5,400 6 room dwellings ... .*..' $1,700 to $5,100^ 5 room dwellings $4,200 to $4,400 4 room "rottages ;.. ..$3,700 Store and 4 roum flat $4,000 ~AH on very easy terms. • . Apply on premises to F." NELSON, builder. . Turk and Eddy st. cars pass the block. /McAllister. Geary, fithav. and Clement st. cars within 2 blocks. . • . - »' ' FOR SALE ' ' Income property " SUTTER ST.. Excellently located, 35 foot \u25a0 frontage. ' , . -.. Large depth. rT.V- * New 3 *tory i building paying 12 ' per cent! Price ...... ....... t.. $29,500 APPLY . THOMAS MAGEE & SONS, . ' 5 Montgomery st. $S,7so— Fine flats; nr/ Market and 14th; rents •-.:.- $100 per. month; $3,750 cash, balance $5,000 bank mortgage. : ' : V '• : $7,500—3 flats,' l6th'nr. Noe: 4-3-6 r.; lot 25x100. $4,ooo— Lot 40x100; s 17th near Dolores. — JOHN L. ; POLITO, 2104 Market «t. - — ; -BARGAIN - .--\u25a0;..:--. Beautiful, new 6 : room borne; beamed ceilings; paneled: large, open kllnker brick fireplace; extra large yard; .grand marine view; every - - thing - modern and up to date. 3766 . 21st - st. '. near^ Castro. ./...;.-: \u25a0'\u25a0.. . ' . $100 cash. $20 monthly; C room and. batb cottage In the; Mission.".., / OSCAR HEYMAN fs. BROTHER, . .- \u25a0 ,*. 113 "i Montgomery, st. : FOR sale— Apartment h0me,', 533,500. on terms; 54 rooms; beautiful lawn; ; lot: 33:9x175; new - and very latest Improvements: choice location:' ''• particulars. - Phone West ' 511, . or . by .letter to „;: A7-.BKRT WILFOItD. ; HOOP Jackson st, .- ; \ $l:Y<>o<>_ Balance' ; ; morteage: - yearly. - income $3,ooO;'under:ieage;-:i2 apartments and store; \u25a0'"\u25a0 wall -beds: .beam; ceilings, etc.:;near Fillmore ;- transfer, corner.? Owner, J^ ;3oo > Webster ' st. J.'A.r ADAMS., state licensed! and: deputy . ! U.S. surveyor. . 323 '\u25a0 Bush' st. ; ' pbone ' Dou;!as 2101. CITY REAL ESTATE — Contlnned CORTLAND ay. cars run a"; 30 days. 1 oCer ' ;10 good building lota there including 2 cor- ners for $200 each. E. J. SULLIVAN, 143 Montgomery st. "^ $6.000— -Honse. 7 sonny room*; your terras; Arfi- hnry Heights dist. l'lione Park _.*>l7. mornines. COUNTRY" REAL ESTATE DAVIS BURNUAM COMPANY. REAL ESTATE. \u25a0 • - 704 Mills Building. San Francisco. ; 350,000 acres pine, oak, mahogany; choice; ?*> •>*: . \u25a0 145,000 acres pine, oat, asb, cedar, manog- any; $3. 750.000 acres timber, colonlxlns; Irrigable, Im- proved; $1.50. 300,000 acres pine, oak; well located for mar- ket; $1. " 2C0.0C0 acres; stock aad improve— e&t; ca R. i:.: cheap. .SOO.OOO acres colonl__g. Texas and Mexico: all sixes; 40c up. - 20,000 acres stock racch and stock. Nevada: cheap; Including several thousand acres alfalfa land; Al gold ami silver mine, developed: ore In «ight pay for mine; good terns; near R. R. Particulars at office, cr sent. -, '•.*.." COUNTRY PROPERTY. A beautful country home, within 30 tatnntes of San Francisco; 5 room*.- bath, electric lights: lot 54x107 feet; situated In Burlingame: 7 min- utes* walk from S. P. station or 3 minutes troia San Mateo electric road; will net 10 per cent as an investment; terms, $2,600. Box 19S0, Call office. IRRIGATED FARMS OX EASY TERMS . Five to 40 acre farms In Sacramento valley; rich, deep, sandy loam soil for trait/ walnuts, vegetables, alfalfa, etc.; 26 daily passenger trains; no farm more tbaa 20 minutes' walk from a station: the beat land and best living conditions in California; a lo acre farm means independence; excursion every Saturday. F. I. ' HILL & CO.. 6 East »t.. opp. Ferry bldg. Phone Kearny 302. DO not overlook this — 100 acres on Eel river. Mendocino county: 15 acres under fultlvattoa; , balance rolling hills, with plenty. ot oak tim- ber; good house and barn: one of the best little cattle and hog rac-bes In the state of California; would make an ideal summer re- sort: fine hunting, boating and; no trouble to ratch tbe limit; price $s.!*>o. Mc- FAULL* EDWARDS. XJO Chronicle Mdg. $600 cash will put yon in possession of a 10 acre apple orchard; 12 year old trees. In bearing; crop Included, balance ia 4 years. '%i\i miles from Napa, 1 mile to steam and ' electric trains aad river transportation; flae soil; ideal climate and beautiful view. PATTEN LAND CO.. 601 First National Bank Bldg., . . Market and Montgomery Sta. 20 ACRE irrigated ranch, well located, SACRA- MENTO VALLEY. Very good improvements; 7 room house; large barn, windmill, chicken house, belpbouse, auto house, small orchard; Improvements cost $5,000 alone; price $3,000; - terms. Also small. Irrigated, unimproved ranches, 10, 20. 40 acres. C. M. WOOSTER CO.. 702 Market st. ATTENTION— BUYER AND HOME SEEKER. ' . We are running a free information bureau, giving reliable, detailed information on all California lands; we have _aay desirable prop- ositions in every county; many fine bargains. If you are looking for information, write us or i call at our office and it will be freely given. CALIFORNIA LANDS INFOHMATION BU- REAU. 046-04S Monadnock bldg.. S. F. MENDOCINO CO. land for sale— 32o "acres, 0 miles from Ukiah: 20 In orchard aad bay laad, rest grazing. Price $3,000. 5.000 acres of range, of which 70 Is farm- Ing. Price $5 per acre. 80 acres farm, well improved, near Uklati; $50 per acre. By ENGLISH & CLEVELAND. Ukiah. Cal. I HAVE 133 acres of land in Uklah valley; 30 acres alfalfa land, balance farming and wood land; all under good fence; fair house and barn; running stream of water; good orchard; all kinds of berries aad small fruits; an Ideal place for health and profit: owner going to Europe; price $5,500 for quick gale. Address box 14? S. Call offlce. WE have I.OSO acres land. 200 under cultivation. 3 miles from town and railroad: the best com- bined stock ranch and farm In California: rnn- nlng stream of water; fenced and cross fenced; price $20,000; terms. If you are looking for a farm, stock cr fruit ranch at the right price call and see us. McFAUL & EDWARDS. 330 Chronicle bldg. CALIFORNIA tend. $1 per acre cash payment, balance purchase 00 cents per mouth per acre: close San Francisco; no taxes, no Interest; 5 acre tracts; level, rich, clear, ready to plow, irrigated; perpetual water right: Immediate possetslon : particulars, mapa. photographs free. STEVENSON COLONY. 1414 Market st.. S. F. 4 CAMPING lots. 14CXH4O feet, each S'.slOO; price $1.1 per lot. or $55 for all: situated In Cloverdalc Park. Mendocino county: wooded; wild game, fishing, etc. Address" M. owner. general delivery. Frnltvale. Alameda county. 10-20-SO acres ranches on our beautiful San Mar- tin ranch, south of San Jose, Improved or un- improved: this la one of the Ideal locations In S&nta Clara valley, only 75 miles from this cltj. Price $100 per acre; terms If desired. C. M. WOOSTER CO.. 703 Market st. EUCALYPTUS LAND ~~ We have 2.000 acres of land well salted for eucalyptus; particularly well located In tbe Sacramento valley; good bay for any purpose or as an Investment; only $15 per acre. , C. M. WOOSTER COMPANY. 702 Market st. STOCK RANCH. 12,000 acres; one of tbe best stock ranches in northern Sacramento valley; entirely fenced: some Improvements and stock; price $12.50 per acre; terms. C. M. WOOSTER CO.. 702 Market St. SANTA ROSA REALTY CO. Selling land from 3 tracts near Saata Rent: $100 an acre up; also big list of properties of ali kind*; call or write for booklet. Office 33-40, 636 Market st., San Francisco; office 5 E_a* build- ing. Santa Rosa. Cal.. PIGS AND CHICKENS PAY. 10 acres in alfalfa, plga. and poultry will make you Independent la a few yearn. Call at our offlce and we will show you how. CENTRAL CALIFORNIA LAND AGENCY. 703 Monaduock building, San Francisco. THOUSANDS of chickens; buy a chicken farm on : the Cotatl ranch, near Petaluma; several hun- dred families already raising thousands. Apply to the COTATI CO., 310 California St.. San Francisco, owners of property. OUR Kern county lands have an abundance et free water; Just the thing for trees, vines, poultry, hogs, dairying, etc.: 1O years* time. Planters* Land Company, suite 208, Metropolis bank building. 5,000 acres of good alfalfa and dairy, raacbes; all about S miles from Portervllle. For further particulars write or call on O. W. BAXLEY. Porterville. Cal.. R. B. box 63. ' OIL LANDS. 40 acres proving oil land for sale In 2S-2S. Bakersfield, Kern county. For particulars 200 Monadnock building. T. F. A. OBERMEYER. APPLE and berry lands for sale and exchange ia the beautiful Pajaro valley. Correspond with WATSONVILLE GLOBE REAL ESTATE CO.. Watsonvllle. CaL A BARGAIN— I6O .acre: house, barn, lmple- ments, water timber; near town. P. O3TSR- TAG, Oleta, Amador county. Cal. $350 buys 2>4 acre rich, level, sandy loa_ near Llvermore: $10 down and $5 per month. RICH VALLEY LAND COMPANY. 54C Market St. TO rent— JO acre rancb in Caitro Tallt-y; spring water piped to house: 2 miles from Hayward.' Apply ELLIS BROS.. 46S 11th St.. Oakland. - BEAUTIFUL villa and botel sites for sale on tbe Blue Laics, Lake county. G. BEHBND. Mid- lake P. O. CONTRA COSTA county real estate for sale. Send for list. D. J. WEST. Martlne*. Cal. "WANTED — Hous«.and lot or lot. for land at Santa Rosa. PAUL ROSSIER. 330 Pine *t SANTA ROSA ranches, all slies. all prices; big list. HEW & CO.. 120 Sutter st.. S. F. FOR farms, stock ranches and timber lands see McFAUL fc EDWARDS. 330 Chronicle buildlnr. TEXAS 'LANDS TEXAS IRRIGATED LANDS. We have no lot scheme and no community In- terests, but every man gets Ju«t what be buys, and can move on It. resell it. whenever be may so desire.. Now, don't put this off until tomor- row, but call at our office at 1047 Pbelan build- in:*-. San Franciwro. California, and let ns tell you about our proposition In detail. TRUCK GROWERS* COLONIZATION* CO. OF SAN AN- TOXIO. TEXAS. OAKLAND REAL ESTATE GOOD Investment; $10.0 CO;' paying fever 10 per cent Interest; .2 fiats ' and 2 cottage*, corner ' 12th ar. and East 19th vt.; Cat cevr. Just com- pleted; cottage* both * rented. Icqalre of builder. L. H. DOWNING. 1556 Sth ar. LOT In good residence section near Plcdmoat Key Route station; Is situated on high ground with beautiful view: 1 block from Oakland ay. carline; nlze 29x110 feet: price $1,250: easy • terms. ELLIS BROS.. 463 lit— *t.. Oakland. IDEAL home; ' 2 stories; « ruotns. po_he<! Boors, beam ceilings; modern i_prove_ea_; NW. \ corner : 6lst st. : fine location; close to trains; bargain to rtghyt party.. By owner. 6115 Dover St.. Oakland: - phone 86R43. . DO - you : wLsa ,to sell your 6 or 7 room hocse. with lot. for 25 per cent cash, balance at $50 pet month? 'If so send description aad loca- ttcn to.S. W.; box 657. Call. Oakland. NEW. .G room cottage, near 55t1» and Grove and \u25a0"Key". Route; : will take Crst payment la a two i seated auto. - 5401 Grove *t.. Oakland. , QUICK SALE — $1.3(«t: new modern 4 room cot- ;.- tage. \u25a0 half block ' from E. 14tn \u25a0 »t. MARK- ! LEY • & CO.r 1260 Broadwa j. OaU__ OAKIi.C\ D R EA L ESTA TTB-—C~»tl ßyueA FOR sale very chesp by owner: beautiful ncr» borne, all complete, ready to ©cenpy; 1319 13ti» arv. This property U located nesr F. H. Smith's residence. Tbe best residence dis- trict la| Oakland: wiU be open for taspectica Scnday from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. $SiXJ. ca&b. balance like rent. A BAKGAIN. 200x2C0 foot lot. with a large, new « room house; close to gon<l schools. Key Ronte and elor- triti car service: fine piace for chickens'. ga/Ifiu etc!; .only $2,400;. well -wniili $-t.OOO. J. L. DURIVAtJE. agent. 1322 r ßroadway. O-.iklamt. OWN' your oivn Lurue in beantifnl Bay View «.!- ditian to Melrose; $100 casl». balaaca as rect: 4. 5 anil B moa» cottages amrb_£-U>ws. ready to oceupv steady emo'ovmoct ti> meohanios: str fare to city. CRESCENT INVESTMENT CO.. 300 Chronicle bids- i I WIU. sell my equity of $T,25 In build'nj lot • near Piedmcat station for $425 e_ .h. balance t $650 on easy t*rm». Box 2.V".t. Call oface. REAI^ESTATE TO EX. WANTED — Coed hucse of 7 cr S rooms, in 8m class district, to exchange for business property in East 14th »t., oa lot; 50x125: improvement* consist of btores. wi:b living rooma in rear and large ball above: income $150 per montb: price $12,500. D. F. MINNEY. _2 Uta »t. Oak- land. INCOME business property; value $2.500; mort- gage $1.400 cnu remain: will exchange e<iaity ; for n»o<1 ?o». Pnx ri'fi. Ct'\ offlce. Oakland.- j BERKELEY KBAI. ESTATE SNAP— Two fine building lots withia S block* of 2 carliaes; street work all done, ce- ment sidewalks, water mains In: prlc* $750 each: $10 down, SlO month, no taxes. no interest, for two years. These lots ara not out la tbe wlldwocds. but right ia a well section of beautiful Berkeley. where you can build aad live now. Se« owner, C. H. G. RUNDE. 2CCI Francisco St.. North Berkeley. TWO NEW' HOUSES FOR SALE BY PWNER. B-DgaTow: 2 blocks from PwigTit way station; hardwood floors; c romns; $600 ca3a. bnlaace on easy terass. Hoti!«e: S rooms: corner Parker and Milvla; near starlon: new hardwood fioors; $850 cssh. balance en easy terrr.s. SEE OTTNEU AT PREMISS3.~ $2.400 — New 4 room Mg!i basemeat cottage: well built; batb. pantry, chlaa closet, electric light., piped for fue! gas, rooma tinted, pan- eled dining rooci. larse front porch; street work and concrete walks; convenient to Key Ronte and _ P. stations: also school, ehurcti and store*; lot 40x125; teraas $_Wf cash, bal- ance $20 monthly. O. A. RUDOLPH. S~S Adelaide St.. Alcatraz station. Open Sunday*. A BARGAIN — $4.u00 for a 6 room. 2 story honse la Fairv'ew Park: 2 blocks from Key Bouta station; good neishborho«xl; f.i«-es south: mod- ern conveniences;" fine finish; $300 less tnan Us value; ©truer needs money; easy tenas; no agents. Arsplr owner. 21J3 Asaby ay.. Berke- ley. ' j FOR rent — Beautiful hctae of 11 rooms: yard: 50x160; ia most desirable residence district 'jC Berkeley; oa new ear line connecting with all city trails; $75 per moafJi: lease 2 years or longer. See owner. g)H) Hlllegasa ay. ALA-WEPA REAL ESTATE $COO down — A beautiful new modern 5 roots bungalow. Wells ft Bsnr*. 30*5 Chroaiclw bMc. FRUITVALE REAL ESTATE A FEW SPECIALS. $3,0 C0 — Elegant new 5 room euttagp; fclgli l>a?c- f meat: everything first cl.i?»< ao.l strictly tip to date: elaborate Oxtnres: larze lot: street work aud »•!„\u25a0• complete; elevati-d and restri.'ttd tract; easy ter_«; mtere--it tl per ctnit. \u25a0 . — \u25a0 -.. i $2.500 — Beautiful btmc_enr, ." renms tad natli: strictly modern; cove ceilinir*; window i *ea!s; lot 4»x142; __^adam_N street; re- icent walS«: m.i_TJl!teiv»t vit>w: convenient to locals; $300 down, balaae" like rent. $3.150 — Swell cottage. G iarsa riios: (NCptSoq hall, liath, totlet* s<vml baaeoxst* lot 4?>< 105; hlch elevntion; cf>xl near 2 car- lines; JCoU «asli. D?«l-ii!-;'» IS rent. $2,4sC>— N^'v motlern 5 r\*>p\ Imngalinv; g'^oil basement: lot 4K533; X 3 fruit trees; hljti gruuntl: near ca'tlue-;; terms. HOME INVESTMENT CO.. 1322 Fmitvale ay.. Frmtva' 3 . Cal. -~^-*.- _____________ _ FOR AN IDEAL COTTAGE HOME? WELL. HERE YOU ARE— Six larse, sunny rooms, with reception ball. bath, pantry, laundry and storeroom; living r«ia 13:fix14:6 ft.; dining room. 13:«xl7-ft-: be'lrocm. 13:Rsl4;G ft.; lairre closets: every mo«lern device and convenience: rear porch. 6x2S ft.; just tn» place ti> bask in the sun«hiae: also large front porch: high base- ment, all floored throughout: beautiful 50 foot lot. artistically arranged wifa walk, lawns. Bow. era. berries and fruit trees: situated on higU ground: masßiS'-ent view; 2 blocks of car Une — and the price i% ca'.y 53,350. For furtaer par- tictilars apply to HOME INVESTMENT CO.. 1022 Fruitvafe ay.. - FRUITVALE. CAL. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE— CHEAP LOT IN FRUITVALE: 5Cx-;<;T: 2 HOUSES. ADDRESS F.. THIELE. 621 SANSOMK 3T. JIELRJO^E^R^AJL^E^T^ATE^^ SALOON, 4 furnished rooms. 2 horse*, delivery wagon. lor 37:«*1<X*. lVtft s<>th ay.. Melrose. _JI^OSSJt[AJLLEY REALJ'STATE^ BARGAIN at $10.000 — This beautiful home mnst be seen to be appreciated. Telephone Kearny *>"5 and get particulars. RVSSI AN RIVER, REAL ESTATE $23 AND UPWARD— EASY TERMS. F.nnsra'iv.v aad camp sites at Camp Rose, near Heaidsborar: right en the river: large lots; nicely wooded; snrtas: water; seed for illustrated folder. C. E. RAY. 13S Lick bUz.. :r, Montgomery st. SAN RAFAEL REAL ESTATE UPLANDS — Beautiful borne sites; no tog: pano- rama of bay aad mouataia; trees, boulevards, electricity, water, sewers, restrictions; adjoins New Country Clnb: lots 100 ft. to 25 acres, oa easy terms; conteyances at Union depot and • gents on tract Sundays. CADWALADEK. TAYLOR & C".. 5"5 Mll'.s Mda.. S. Y. BCRLINGAME RE.II. ESTATE BENT $15; cottage. 3 large rooms, part fur.: or. sta. Box 242. at H'ooaifle'd road. Barlinsam^. MENLO PARK REAL ESTATE • FAIP. OAKS / MEXLO By cnler of the T,". J. Adams estate we ar« offering tbe beautiful home place on Middle- field rva**, la tracts ot from two acre* up. This property coot_nn tbe flaeat oai_ ia *..:\u25a0\u25a0» '•Fair Oaks'* Menlo district; U very conveni- eat,t<> station and in best neighborhood. Tbers are only 15 parcels in \u25a0 all and we advUu tnose coctemtilatlas purchase to make tav - mediate selections. Maps aud prices ou appli- catlou. F. J. CODGERS Sz CO.. EUSS mJK!. ' 2X-. «nVT':i»MERY ST. HOMES, lavesfments. lots. raacUes. acre prepe> tiea. BROWN A WIT»SON. S^nfa Cry*. Cal. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE ISO acres — Near Fresno; fine oraase. peach, aprt- cot and muscat grape land; soli rica red loam; la the heart of the most highly enlti- vated and productive portion of Fresno county; reached over excellent oiled roads: bordered \u25a0with palms, figs, olives aad beautiful shade trees; can tubdivlde; pries $00 per acre; will exchange for good Oakland property. 25> acres — Near Lakeport; 5 acres fu'l bear- Ing mixed orchard; 5 acres y«uns orchard, young Bart!«lt pears: f«ace rabble tU-t: a nice > 4 room cottage. Uara. chicken bouses. windmill and tank: water pipes to tbe hou** and garden; owner a physlciaa and bas r*- 'galaedliU liealUi aod rettirnias to the city; a fine, well kept place; will ex^oaase for Im- proved or unimproved bay city property; f_!,7UO; a &nap. TAYLOII 81-OTHERS CO.. W. E. JOHNSON. Manager Exchange Dept. 1236 Broadway, Oakland. CaL I HAVE a email income ranch In Coatra Cosra county, near carline; good Income tiiU year; I ' mast come to OMkland or near by; wane • borne. What havt? you? The owner will be at 857 Broadway. O— inad. room 25. Sunday aft- erncon. or write full particulars if you can not come. * ' FOR sale or exchange for Berkeley property — 120 acres In Yuba county: «oo«l water riybt: Z pla<-er claims. 4 qusrrta letlse*: also 32«» acres la- Colasa ctmnty. L. H. ROUSES. Hit Alcatraa ay.. Berkeley. RANCH. £80 acre*. 0 mile* from San Mateo; farmlnz and pa*tuw land: plenty of watsr. wlti some Improvements: a itnap at $.15 per acre, or win exotange for Income property. W. VT: CASEY. S2« 3<l ay.. San Mateo. EXCHANGES of Eastern propertlea for Cali- fornia properties, clt.v aad eountrj. ot tales of same. JACQUES EEALTY CO.. 253 Mont- gomery*^ ' LIST your country properties with es. We »ell and exchante «_" JACQUES REAMTY CO.. •35 Montsomery st. _ IF j«.-u want to *ell or exchange you- raactt cesd m« descrl;tioa: oa charge* nnl ess deal U made- J. H. EDSON. lOCS B'way. Oakland. SEE my spe-:j:il qsotatloiu. active stoctcs. Tae*> d»r. before bnvtnr. Box gSTI. Cat! office. PROPEHTY WOTTED FARMS waated — I have several eastern partita willing to pay fair, prices for prodtaMe farm* la tbe Sacramento valley. F. L. SOtTTHACK. •_ 14 Montgomery »t.. San Francisco. WANTED — Yew city property to sell o» ex- change. JACQUES KEALXr CO.. 235 ilont- joniery ft. 15