Newspaper Page Text
16 COMMERCIAL AND MARKET NE WS S PEC I A LLY REPORTED FOR THE CALL UNSETTLEMENT IN MERKET INCREASES Great Banking Interests Use Forcible Measures to Protect Prices \f,v York Stock List E F. Huttou ii. Co.. I'M California street, members of the New York Block exchange, fur nssb the following lift of bond and stock sales yygtorday: i-.ii ( -s. ! STOCKS. .High.jLowr.! Bid, j Ask. Expreas.'..] I |22« I- :JO (wni'Allis-Cliuiinens ...j 3<J 15»4 j 15%| 16* l.Nt", Do pfd i ''oVal i>— Vsl M i»H 'S> L'iH" Auial^ Counter....] j ;^4| isi^sl So"* lSuolAm«r Beet Sugari 41^| 40»ui *l%j 41^» J 1 Do pfd j i '-•« « l.rx»'Aincr Can Co 1 VJ^si 12>4 12Hi 11-H J.. \u25a0»»!•\u25a0 Do pfd 1 «2^| 82 S2%| Xiht. U.3UOjAu Cat & Fndry.l oT^ s ; 54% BSHI W% 3jw| l».i j,fd Jll7 jll6'-»|ll« i j!ll7U :H«i'An]iT Cotton Oil.) 7414J 72V41 WJij T4>* ; Do pfd j i |i«8 1W» Aiucrit-au Expressj j |22w J23U 4..VM, Amer Ice St-<-5...( 41%j 39J4i -H>\\ 41 S.«;m.i Aim-r LiUMvd j l?^! 17 | lV*t\ 17 s * 4<><i' IK. ]>td 1 44 ; ; 4 j 4o»i| 44 j 44> 2 s.3w:Aumt I>K-vimoUve.i C»i*| 57 j 59 j K*Vi ,"l»u pM I I ;116 JUS I::.siki Am Suioit & Bet.] IM^fei 82%| S*3«4j 84 ::<«< Do i>fd llO^jUO ]110Uill'-'\'Aim-r Sugar jIS-j^jl^MiJiliriVsil^o^ NX» Do i>fd |122 jl2u 120 {123 Am Steel Fndrs.) j j 4S | 4S^j o.nw Amer JVI & Tel..jl4lHi 1« |141'.i|142 Tob pfd.. .jlOl^jlul |101 |101»4 ;ki Amer Wtmien J o«> j 3o^4i 35»4| 'M I Do pfd j i llUti^iU'? 3.;<M»;Aomcot>da | »%1 4aiii •»»%! <»?* ::'ni AtlMii C»iast Line, I^l 130 Vs| 131 »4j 131 'i SS,*WJA T & Sauta Fe. 1114^1113 114 (114>« j Do pfd I i |105 |105»« s.Nxißalliiuoi*' & OhiOjin^ilie^jlWSgjmv.,. j I'o pfd I I ! !>4 I D 3 4.:«.Kf B R t 1 7»%| 7SHi 7i*i 4 | 7U\i l.KXi'BotUlelu'm Steel. | 30> 2|2 | 25*Vb| raVa) : >0 7<nj, Do pfd .." j 60 1 5S> I 59 j 58$£ - LVHi.Cauadiau Pacific. ilJ>2 l^ilS2iijl.'c:UilS2"-s 1.V.X.1C Jc O I 75\| 75 I 75H1 "s?* (C & A 1 j ! B»5i) 70 4WC <I W I 314; 2U: 3 i 3'i i Do pfd A i.-...| i 25'*l 25W 4'« i. IK) pfd B 1 t»*£ s^i| 5V«| .'•\u25a0's iiWiC. A: N W jlS4Miil!vs':ijlß4V*;l.M»a IS.WOiC M &; St P !154a. t |153»»i154 (154 >4 1.300 Do pfd ilta.*i4il67ViilOl»ViilW' 7 s l'.2<«':t.>?iitral Leather..j 38^1 'M^i 30% 4UO Do pfd |1M ilOja4'lU3»i,lo;s^ 4 Ceutral of N J j | '2S^, 2y J , 3 ;Clii<-a^'o Terminal: 3 j «'- ! !>• Pfd i 1 I 2" C C C i; St L.! ) I 74>-i 75 ; l»o pf.l 1 1 :103»-iil0ti .V.HKJ.OiIo rr.el A; Iron 44'il 43^1 43^1 44 I i»<> Pfd i I j 77 i N> t0o;colua H C &. L.i m i 82 i »CLi; «>:> ,Vm C<>i"rado So ....| 57% i 57 ] 57%; 57% 1 , Do Ist pfd ...j !..... I M |S. i i Do Ud |rfd ...) ! I !So^4| Mli j !.l'»'Cou*f>l «;»s ...!!423ij141V8!141>»;142' 2 lorn Proilu.-ts ..| 2.">u.j 23 | 23*1,! 23% j 1 Do pf«i 1 sahtl *">%! bSisirSa 4<«;i Ivi & Hudson ..ilSOiailHa jl»v JIOI ;i> L A: W j I jG4S C6O 2.-)<xl I) & It i; i 51 j 50' ii sO's| 51 4'X.; iKi |ifd j S*.=ij t»S%| Sf»» 4 i 8:» iJisuiijuJ V, \u25a0;• . .| 1 [125 !l-7 v»i l»ut!l gecor ...| 3a 7 i> 3SVij 3»H| :»* T s ....... l»u!uth S S i A.; | j lU^| 17^ Do pfd I ) i 31M 32 NJOjErle _j 35 3 «| 35H1 55Sfc :t« l t <;<.».> J>- iv pf<l ..-! 53m 52*«; 52% 55f 4 <?v n« -j.i i»f«i ...; *2%\ 42' /a i 42 1 4;;v 4 l.liWjCen El<«eirie ..'.ltfe^}ia»Vi]l6H4Jl62 r.*". l i«;ivat N<jr Ore ..| 7a^\ 75',i TU»4| 70Vi 1.-->W;Gre« Nor pU .~.ll4»\k\U7%iU3^il*9\i ;Ilavaua Tob Co -j. 1 jll jl3 D« pf<l : i IZIM2S 3JSKXJ Iliiuois Central .il4!S'\u25a0.!l47'\u25a0i;l4^ l iil4b T i «.<»•. lui.rburo-Metro .| 17» 4 i ltj^j! I«=S»| 17 14..VM1 [Hi pfd 1 4'J'-i 4S I 4SVsI **',* ZJJW\lßttt I'niKT ...| 15^| 14 I 15^1 151, i.'*.. Do pfd : «I>,| «1 j6l [-t\ C 2 ;iii.i Inu-r i>iimt» I 4U- 4|4 | 40 j 40 ; >«| 41 SW»] D.t pf.i 1 bs» t j ?»} i BSV2 KV| ?i !..Vi-. ».iwa Central ..| 2i» : * 4 i 28%] 2U^i 3<J (SOU, !».. pt.t ! 50 I 54U| 55»^| Z*i I. \u25a0*<«\u25a0;-... Lttjri S« ..| 45%j 45 1 45»«i -J&'.i 4(K>, IN, pid I 72%| 72's! 72>»l 7:; ;Lakß tirie & \V.( < I 26 S 2S 1 i>« pfu ••! 1 1 <« I <<* ; 4<W L, A: N |142 [ltt»4 |14l>iil4U Dutttlteckajr i til 1 7tt' 2 i N> 1 M r - 4 I I D.. |-fd j I J 74 I 74^ ! ; . Manna it:- 11 j | |U4 JI4S i l&letropol St Ry .: | 1 27 | :to 4<x' .M.xi.a-j Cen ..! 24^-1 241*1 j -41,-j Mum A St I. ..; 1 j 55 1 r><» , D-. Ift pf<i ..-! 1 ! >»> i ss Tt.«i M t-ti" »V SS .M;l3S%|l.'i7^|l3.s |i:y»^ aJUj I>.» j.fd. |IJO |1481tJ14S%ll*9li I 5,-txxi Mo Kau ft Teutiii 42^1 41 : > 4 j 42^. 42»fc ! I l»" I'fJ : ; i T.-S i 74 3.1<:« Mis>..uri pjiritic.j 7i | 74 j 75 | 75U Na>!i <tiat A. S L 1L 1 j |115 SI2«J 3.7W]Nfttiott»l I>.a<i...i fei'^j b4 j WHi b5 : Do pid , ; !Ri7 iios',i Natkskl Biscuit, j i i 105^4)108 ; IH> pt<l 1 1 J124 j127 1,4«. m NcwlioiiM? CMAiS-S 1» 4 ] l%j I%| 1» 4 ,N V Air I'.ihki'.j , j&s |90 ! «.."HJ<J N V Central ;13."J j13U%]t32%|133 :N V «' A. SI 1 1 I .-.<\u25ba i 5S , Do Ist pt.l j i IWO <llu i I'o 2d pM 1 1 1 M IKS IX V Mi Jt H..| ( il7H 4 ii74 7,I«J"i:N V Out A: W..1 r.4>-ji 5354) 4 j 54^ lg<» Norfolk i. \V..... UU^sttMiij »'i i Wjji !tni. : I»o pfd ..\..:..[ j tvilij Bs' UsoO|North American.. l 85 j M'.jj W'sj S5 27. W. Northern Pacific.} 151%] 150 1151% 151% ,Vinau« ) j ]15S |ICS | i D» |if<« i ! !I7<» |17.» jl'a.-itir Cosst 1 j j <*ii£| ws 1 ' 2Wjl'aritic Mail j 2a 1 - 2914] 29>a SS)% d.wujl'tnn RR c« |i"7 '* 13<; ii3<;*4 137' |P£oj»ie'«s Gas 1 j jll4>i 115 ,Pin>l>iirz tV»al ..j \u25a0 ; Jiij i:t i D» pfd : I--... 4<; !4S , ;p c c A; st r — ; 1 }01 j93 ! D.. pH I I |U0 ji2<i L.7oo]f'r«Fw4 Steel Car, 43 j42 ±2%\ 43 I D.. pfd , 1 jlunVjili* fcOolEy Stl Soriuss C...; C{',i) 42141 44 4*% I I»" l« | lfi7'J I2L.<00!&MHllBC 155% 152« 4 154U, 1.%4^ I ! I» IM pM-.-.j..... .....j 91l 012 .-•! Dv -J-l pfd !08 (ts " 4i»fi; Republic SA: 1 . . 31 j 3<H 2 Sll^ 31 enffl IH> pfd l(«»i 105% lfK.i, Ki7 J7..VKi'Rn.-k iKlaml Co.. V.l'^ 30U 31 a; .iit- S..>*)| Do pfd 70 «»v* ij,^ 70 OtOlSloaa S S A. ICo S2 MV- S2 Xl I d» »\u25a0" i....:iii5 u7 iSL ksf in pf.i ! 06 n-» •*«•: Do 2d pfd | 44 | 4::>2 4,-.^, 44 WOiSt L•& S W J 2«% 2f,S -jfiu-. ?r t x «VK.i !\u25ba« pfd ' ffl»9» <;si 2 ! 65% 68% C9 r SooiSoatberß Pacißc . i 1 r>/i^, : 12»< S ii .>>v 1 j :trn '. 1,700 Do pfd 132% 131«KS%jia% .'J.r.'V 1 Southern Itsilwuyj 3iv t \ :i(i^,i r.\i^] :;ji, l.Cio' i>« \u0084f,i ....... j t»% GS-Vii «St-| fiss. noO'tTeaa «:.nip«-r j 40> 4 40 s:*s 4 41 4.r.(|fl Tpvhs Pac'Sc ...|3f,i 4 rj4S. ; ;: ,i. :: -i a \"S*> Thlnl At I 27Vil 26% Wi "7 2fM>,T<.l St I. & W .. 50 j 49" 49' 50 *»"0i Do pfd j CSvi 6SU fis»j C 9 ; Tnln Oty R T..| ....iIO4V liij\ 2<x);inl<-.n It i Paper! 14^ 144! 144! |4fe ! Do pfd 1...V.J. ....| 7« 77 ! Do pfd |: .'. «.;i4 f,7 * Knit R<lb nf S Fi. .17K .T!t ! Do pfd I \u0084... re, na SftrtjC S<• Iron rij«»i .14^1 34 :!4 ::4 ij. 2W! D« pf.l hS7 W'i R«J S-" .... jt; S F.^i.r^fM! ...i Xi B5 J.2of»,L* S UnblwT j 3»> 4 3M, 4 :;sx; ';n 6<«': ikj Ist «>M ...;nn 111-54 H4V- n<?ti i Ho 2<l pM ....! !..... 82% RSu! 17!'.7nrt;tr s St^el Cor ..! fH\\CC,% «7u «;-% 13.0Q0J I'o pfd il24'. < !122Vj 123% 12:1*, snnivtmh enpper ...| r.i^j in, r.i^, ,v» I.3OOJV*-*Ur «; Co ...j 55l 4 l 54ii 54% 55 .......j P-» pfd I 120 123 4.4ofi;Wa!«i*h | 23VH 22* i 2.? 23 Vi Sfi.l'XV Do pfd I CO'4 s;»>i 00% 60U jWHIs V Rxpm< 1 310 '335 I'nion . 74% 74% 74'/.| 74-% •J..VK"':w»«stiujrlious«' .. Kiu Mi<, K5 - " sr.H 4<K* W & I. X 10U 10 10% 11 j Do I*t pfd '.. ..... 22H 2»tt I lU> 2il pM .-... ll' 12", 2fN>;W!sc«ns!n Cent.. sS'^ r.S 57^i 5S 2C*>j I><t pf-t ... !X>',i UOi-fcj 90«4 »l iCA.onn — totsil shares sold. \rn Vnrk BondM' i; S n>f 1* res..Joli S !IU Cen Ist ref 4f;.I00 Do i-\»i\»yn 10]s 4 injt Met 4>£« 7'»% D.» 38 res.. Hiibilnt Mcr . Mar 4&s 72T4 J>') r-oup'iti .102 'Jar>n 4s £7'i '•Do 4x r^K ..11«Vi I'" 4%8 S.lT* l>- ..'->m;>..!. ....121 Do^2d perl<»» $3 AllU-Clial I^t r<i-. *GG T * Kan city So Ist 3s 74*J Amer AgTicul 55.101« i L Shor deb 4k.15>31 fl. I "*^ An,cr T&T cr 45.104\ L & N unified 45.100' Anirr Tobaooo 4». 7»Ti M, X & Tex lot 4s J»V. I.k» «« 112 Do Ist & ref 4s. SGS, atclj cen 4k lOOvi Do roi 4*6* ... 9Hi Do S L Ist 4k. 95 IMo Pacific 4s 52% ::« CT 4s 113*,tN R of Mer 4^B. 95 Do rv .%« 113M.JN V C gen 3i45.. 62?* Allan C L l*t 4« «C>4 I)o deb 4s .... flSft Arniffjr 4'-r . . .: fls',A NY City 4 14s. new. llliA I!»lt A- Ohio 45.. J00 {XY.XU & H cr6«.13^% D<» 3'i" 84 ! Nor & W Ist con4s 99 Do S»W 3^s.. 91 I Do cr 4s ...... 88% Rrnuklyn Tr cr 4s K7 JNor Pacific. 4».... 102^ '"»n So Ist C«.\ .lo6*a j Do 3« ..'...'... V 74*4 Ontral of G« Ss.HO (O( O S Line rfdjr 4*. 94? i t'-nt Leather sb. fiP* 4 jPa ; c» 3VB, 1915. !>6"6 *'Rlt of NJ K n 55.127 (Pa con '4s .I04«i C\\<^ & Ohio 4He-103!i;Readlns gen 45...100}£ !»o nf .5s ....miv.St I. & S r f(r 4s. B<J <hi & Alton 3»£». 7R . I Do s«n Sg '00% C. B A; Q Joint 4« »7*;; St L S \V ms 4s. MVi • .., £*?. 4*4 * • lil^' Do Ist pold 45.. J»4% < .M& StP pn 3%« SO IS^alMwrt A L 4s. f7^ 4..R1& Par «-ol 4s M\' H :&» Pacific 00l 45.. D2i2 Do col 5s «i:; ) r»o ,Xt, Xt ref 45... 11.*. ' \u25a0.H a^' vftis 4 " ai 'i) D/> CT \u25a0\u25a0»" ctfs,.lo2i' ; <-.«-.C A SI. «m 4s Si 7« 3 |So rtailwa.r 5g . n>j'i < nlrt In<lns s>. 77'™ iPo pen 4s ; . - S-; <;»l« Mkllnn.J 4k.. (C^JUiilon ..PaciUc 45..1025: Col So.ricit 4Vst oais - l>o c».4».....;.iu> STEEL CENTER Ol^ TROUBLES NEW YORK. Juno 16. — The unsettle ment in the. »tock market wlu^h started yesterday preceded to such a length to day as to bring out forcible measures for the protection of prices* from the great banking interests and others interested in maintaining prices. United States Steel was the center of the disturbance. Reports from Paris seemed to confirm the rumor that efforts to secure the admission of United State* Steel to the Paris bourse had failed throufh the refusal of the gov .ernment official whose consent is neces sary. The disturbing effect of this and the acute weakness of United States Steel was contested by powerful buying orders for the stock, designed to support the price, and by renewed assurances of J. P. Mor gan & Co. of their confidence that tho plan for introducing United States Steel to the Paris bourse, while delayed and encounter ing some opposition, would be carried out. The effect was not confined to United States Steel stocks, the whole list show ing sharp declines during the morning and being subjected to pronounced pressure of liquidation. The professional bear organ ization which came into prominence yes terday was active again. Large liquida tion was forced upon the market by the mere fall in pricss. which induced specula tive holders to throw over stocks to save profits or to limit the losses. The bears continued to force the decline so long as this condition continued. The support which checked the decline in itself put a stop to much of the selling, and the scram ble of the bears to cover aided materially in the purpose of those seeking to pro tect prices. The expected message of President Taft, which proved to have been quite accurately outlined in the news, was dwelt on by some of the sellers of stocks as a possible opening for a renewed agitation in congress on the whole subject of cor poration control. Sensitiveness on the sub ject of corporation pursuit has grown keener with the widespread discussion riven the affairs of the American sugar refining company in connection with its set tlement with the Pennsylvania sugar re fining company. There is some apprehen sion that this discussion and agitation may prejudice the final settlement of the tariff schedules. A decline in copper in London and at the New Tork metal exchange were inci dents of the day that worked toward de pression of speculative sentiment. A good effect was produced by the quick sale re ported by the purchasing bankers of 525. 000,000 of St Paul debenture bonds. A spurt in Heading to above 1.55 was a sus taining factor in the late dealings, but it was not announced until after the mar ket had closed that the dividend on the stock had been left unchanged. The ac tivity of the market was much curtailed at the partly restored prices of the latter part of the day and the closing tone was irregular. Bonds were easy. Total sales (par value), $4,984,000. United States bonds were unchanged on call. Dr! & Hud cv 45. 105 i Do Ist & ref 4s. DO Do Ist ref 45.. 102 IU S Hubher tis ctf.Ur.'-i Den &. Rio G 4s. 97'iJU S Steel 2<l 55.. 105-.. I><i ref 5s :»3»i| Va Car Cheni 55.. JW Distllkrs 5s 7fi;<j lWabash Ist 5s 112"-; Erie prior lien 4s. 00 I Do Ist & ext 4s. 7S T X Do pen 4s 78 [Wcsura Md 45... M»i Do ct 4s. ser A Ss"t! Westing Xl ct ss. «4'j Do cv 4s, ser B 7.".'-jiWis Central 45... 9SJ4 Gtn Elect cv 55..147U1 , New York Mining Stocks I Alice S.OOlLeadvilta C>u ...04^. j Brunswick Con .. 05; Lit tie Chief OS jCom Tun Stiwk.. 2*.»,>|pxl<-au 4 -i j»".Tj Tun Uou<!s.. XSVilOnUrlo 3.50 i«'"n Vs Mln Co.. li'lUphir 1.30, li'«rn Silver lM;Standard 1.75 Iton Silver I.2o] Yellow Jacket ... 42 Boston Stocks and Bunds j Money — Jt'nion Pacltie 102 ! -s ' j Call loans 2V4<f?3 Miscellaneous — Time loans ...3 <Li 3 Amer Arje Cbem. 42 7g7 g Konds— Do pfd I<K) Atthhsoo 4s 10»V|Amor Siisar 125-. Do adj 4s 83 I Do pfd ..." 122 " Uailr.iad«i— JAmer Tel A: Xcl.^l4l^ Atchlson 1 13% j A mcr Woolen 35% Do pfd I<*4* S | D.» pfd 10l>U P.oston fc Alfiany.229 JDom Iron & Steel., 4s'4 Boston & Maine.. l4S ',<l«n Kleetrlc lfij v, Boston Kiev 12S |MaM Elect pfd...«7' 8 1 it<-hbi!r,i pfd ...VA |U S Steel 6714 N V, N JI A: H..171«i| Do pfd 12304 THE Cni'l'Ett STOCKS BOSTON. June 18. — TUe weakness yesterday Jirouplit in a good many t-flllng orders this morning and they were especially effective in Amalgamated and Steel. The technical position of the market, however, is very strong nnd tbere seems to be BO weak i-letueut to be fright ened out tiy these little drives. There will be no session of the Boston stock exi-hiuipe Juno 17. All prudes of copper meial have been re dii<-.-d %<d%c The I tah Consolidated regular quarterly dividend of SO cents a share is payable July 15. Books close June 23 and reopen July 2. COPPER CLOSE Tbe following list is fumishd by E. F. Hut ton & Co.. 400 California street, San Fran cisco, Cal.: - Bid. Ask. nin". Ask. Adventure .. S s^4 La . Salle ... 131. ]:{•:: Ahmeek 171 17:5 Majestic 00c H2<- Alloces 41 42 Mass ... or.:. :i 4 <J4'i Amal Cop .. B3H *::% Mass Mlninjr. U\' ;iu. Am Pupumat SVi !» Mnvflower ... 60c 73*. 1 Do pfd ... la^i 20 Mexlro Cons. 4-^ 4^ Arcadian ... 4'.s 5 Miami ]«i«, ]<;•<< Ariz Coml .. 41 Vi 42 Michigan .... 1014 10 1 ,-. Arnold 75c 1 Mohawk .... •><>V-. fi7 '" Atlantic o',^ 10 Nev «'ons . \u00842:: " •\u25barj »i BalEklala . ..22-.» 2.-J1 N>v Utah ... 2 21-111 Be K ol.» 13 Nlplssing .... Xl% l;.' s Bla-k Mt ..14K 150 North Butte.. 57--V, r.S Boston Cons. 15 lsVs|Oweola ... 133 ]:;7 Btf Oalitlou 2fi',i 20*T,|I'arrott ...!!:;:: :;.i>i P.utte &. !.->ii. .",."«.• .'We Qafncj jxi i t '»' Cal &, Ari7..HHi 107 Santa Fc ... 2K 2U «'al & Ilecia.WO o';."> Shannon in j"ii£ ('\u25a0^n Mcrcnry. 200 — Swift Pa^kg 1084*100 >^ Coppr Ttan^'e Rl^ M% Tamarack ... 70 7 : > Cum Ely ..M-l'i XVi Trinity 11% ]!).. Daly West.. S' 2 :i fnited Coppr. 9«*lOW Itavis l»aly.. 7,\~ h% United Fruit. i::»iil4o Dom Cop]>er. — 3e l n Shoo Mch 58J4 5« East Butte.. i:t'i X3H l-n pfd . . 2>,% 2'iTu Kirst Natnl.. H% 5--»jt;nited /.inc.. 27 27' i Franklin .... 18% 17 |U S Coal & O 32% mil <;ir..ux ..... 7>i 7%!1T S Smelters 40U. 4a^ Old Con ... 7Vi T'tk UUh Apex .. s*" 51J Greene Can.. 10% 10"^ Utah Cons ..4:{Vi ft <i « ; l<'he 4 4% UtaU Copper. BI&S2U <iranby 103m04 Victoria 4U, % Hancock 10% 11V.Winona . '" / :,il « Helvetia .... »% f>% Wolverine '.".'.150 152 Inspiration . 7>| 7»i Wyandotte 2"i V. Isle Iloyale.. 2tf>4 27 Yukon ... 4^4 4.T Keweenaw .. 4Vi 4% London Cloßintf Stocks Cons for money.. S4>^|l>«ii S v & Nash 14-. U. Do for acct:.S4fl-I<;|M. X A- Texas..!: 4T. Am3l ( opper Ss%|.\ \- Central.. mW Ana 'T n(i!l lOMtlNoi-folk & West..*!» 2 Atcbison Ilfl'ii I»o pfd • rtQ V<> I'M 10714 |Or.t k Western" ' " 55 P.alt & Ohio 120i/, jtvnnsvlvsnia Can Pcciflc lWijßand Mines .'.I liii Cbes & Ohio '""'ilHeadinjr "*7O Vbi Great W"Kt.. 3^{S6 ltuilwar """•!]=' Chi. Mil & St P.ISS- 1 Do pf.l 7< M De Beers 15 % So Pacific .'.'. l.uit Den &. Rio G.... 01% Union Pa.ifi,- .. Am 2 „ I*° PM \u25a0'« I Do pfd ........ 'kk.-. trie r,C% 17 ,s Steel <;si' Do Ist pfd r.l T)o pfd ...l"(i^I Do 2d pfd 44 Waliash 24 Craml Trunk .... 23% Do pfd ........ R.i t; 111 Central ......152 \ Spanish Z4d ... 375? Bar Kilver— Firm;- 24Vid per ounce. '*" Money— l@ii^ per rent. Tbe rate of discount In the open marl-Pt for rt«rt bills v \% per cent and for three months' bUls- 1T 8 per ccn t. .- Condition of the Treasury WASUINGTON, June 16.— Today's statement of the treasury balances in . tbe Reneralfun,! shows: Gold coin and bullion, $4S,iy4 025- <mid SsSSb. 12512^ 1940 ? avallal " e cash balance. Northern - Business - PORTLAND. June 10.— ClearlDgs $1 33s "fr». balances, $129,097. ' \u2666 I -^'°*-. b.fS^Sr.owr 16 -° learlDgs: 51.207.2a5; •TACOMA. June 16. — Clearings, $1 11S3"!- i,«i ances. $95.e03.' ' ." ' ( JV«*v^Vork- Money .Market - 'NEW YORK I ,' June 'l6.— Money on call, easy at 1% (0.2 per cent; ruling rate, 1% per centj clos- Injr bid and offered at I>4 per cent. . Time loans. . firm " and nulet; 00 days. 2Vl<&;°U percent; 00 days, 214^2% per cent; six months 3%' per cent.. V. . \u25a0\u25a0-..: Prime mercantile, paper, .1«4(!?4 per i-ent. Sterling exchange, firm, with actual business in bankers': WIIx ' at\ $4.sGfrX4.SCOS for ,G0 day bills and;at's4.S7. l <s for demand.' -:;.: . Commercial :biUs, *1.55Ji&1.555:. . j THE SAN FRANCISCO/ CALL, THURSDAY; VJUNE ,17, 1909. \ Local Stock Trading With | I c Horkgt Lacking in Featttre • liar 6llver, T,2%c. ' . .\u25a0. \u25a0 \u25a0 * \u25a0. - Mexican dollars, 44c. > <>overuinent bonds, steady; railroad bonds, ea*y. - " l.iiaiis Exchange ' and Silver Silver nnd Hongkong exchange were Me higher yesterday. Other local rates remained un changed. '\u25a0 Prime mercantile paper 5@(5 per cent Loans on real estate **§'* P er ccn * Sterling exchange, 60 days \u25a0 — @4.86% Sterling exchange, 5ight........ — ©4.88 Sterling exchange, cables- ....... — (3j4.85% . New York exchange, sight ...... *—(& 1 "1 New York exchange, telegraphic. — f0 3 \u25a0 Hongkong exchange, sight ...,. — Qjj 43% Hougkong exchange, telegraphic. — vjl 43%' \ •Silver, per ounce — 5S r>2 : >s Mexican dollars, nominal — 4$ 50 CONTINENTAL New York on Paris 516% New York on Mexico 201% Paris on London 25.20 Berlin on London ..20.44 , STOCK MARKET Stocks and bonds had tin average business on the bond exchange yesterday with variations few. The telephone common stock advanced to $32.50 and the City electric bonds were higher at $85.50. There were sales of Fireman's Fund Insurance at $170. Transactions in bonds were light. Among the unlisted, securities People's water common was quoted at $;S.!S7>i bid. $4.50 asked, with sales at $4. The balance, of this group were dull and unchanged. Mining siiarea were oxteremely dull. The Comstocks were not materially changed. In the southern Nevaiias Florence, ex dividend of llk>, sold at $0.1»i§i.."!.12 I ,i, against a closing price of (3.23 on Tuesday, nnd tioldfleld Cou. lost 10c on the day. Round .Mountain was ex dividend Of 4c. \u2666 The Belcher mining company has levied an assessment of 10 cents. The West Consolidated Virginia and Califor nia mining company lias levied an assessment of 10c, delinquent July 10. April returns of the Pacific Coast company Show a gross revenue of ?>V»O,SS2, which is an increase of ?ti2.'.«2.". over the gross for April, 1008, and a net of $103,019, an increase .of $;:<i,fiO3 over the same mouth a year ago. March was the first month iv the last 10 to show gains in both net and gross over a corresponding month iv the preceding year. According' to the May report of the Florence- Goldfield mining company the total tonnage was a.3:>:j.J>7 ton*, producing upward of $33,500. Tie month of May showed an extraction of "JO per cent. The average value of the ore was about $11 per ton, which is the smallest-in the history '\u25a0ot the corporation, and yet May produced its proportion of the dividend declared last -week. The output of the mines and leases ot Goldfield district for the last week, according to the fig ures of the Goldtleld Tribune, amounted to 7.305 tous of ore of an estimated value of $203,200, distributed as follows: Consolidated mill, 4.443 tons at $30 pel ton. 5133J500; Combination mill, 7(KJ tons at #35 per ton, 524,500; Florence mill. 800 tons, at ?25 per ton, $22,500: Nevada reduc tion works, including Combination Fraction, K5lOK 510 tons at $43 per ton, $22,950; Western ore pur chasing company, 750 tons at $S0 6er ton, $00,0001 Assessment Directory. Comstock Mines Company, — No. Del. Board Sale day Amt. Julia ...12 May 10 June 17 .03 Con. Imperial... Gtt May 23 June 17 .01 Caledonia 78 May 23 June 16 .05 bullion 14 June 3 July 13 .05 Uould & Curry. ..l 4 June 4 June 26 .10 Cl'ollar 10 June 5 June 30 .10 Scorpion 17 June 11 July 8 .02 Challenge 61 June 10 July 13 .05 Mexican tKi June 19 July 14 .10 Union 18 June 24 July 10 .10 I'otosi 11 July 2 Aug. 5 .10 Seg. Belcher 45 Jnly 3 July 29 .03 Yellow Jacket.. .33 July 5 Aug. 5 .25 Brunswick. Choi. 2 July 10 Aug. 2 .01 Brunswick Poto. 2 July 10 Aug. 2 ; .01 Alpha It July 12 Aug. 0 .05 Sierra Nevada.. lS July 15 Aug. 10 .10 W. Con. Va 4 July 10 Aug. 10 .10 STOCK AND RO.VD EXCHANGE WEDNESDAY, June 16—10:30 a. in. UNITED* STATES BONDS , . Bid. Ask.) Bid. Ask. 4s qr cp new — — |;»s <ir coup... — — MISCELLANEOUS BONDS Ala A W ss. — 100 JOak Tran C8.107%1Q5% Asso Oil os. 92% OSVtjO Tran Cn55.104 Bay CPC f.s. 101 \t 1 02 Va O Trite Cn 5s OS 10(1 Cal C O 55.105 — O Trac Co Os 92»A J>4. Cal If & E g O W gtd T. 9. — JOO iv & ct r.B 88% 09 Dm Cable fis.Ho — Cal st C r.8.103 — lac G Im 4s. S8 — Chi Wine sa. — BGVi V E Ry 55..i0c.«4 — City El 55.. So'i — Tac L&V os. 5)7 — C C Wat ."s.lO:? 104 Do gtd Ss.-lOlvi — Do g mgss »3 — Pac T&T ss. 89%100ig Ed El LA 58.101 % — I' & C II 68.101% IQ3 E<l IJiV tis.lo9 109% P & O X Gs.lO2Vi.— First F Tt-*.l<X> — Powell st Os..HrJVi __ F&C II (i 5.102 — |K>ic E0&R55.100!4 — H C & S r.s. — LOS SF . & SJVss.ll4Vills% Hun It T K5.10.-Hi — SF,O & S.J5* . H >7 Vs — L Tahoe Rss B8 — Do 2<l uiirss 03 — L A Klec ss.loo^i — Do Con ss. — 90 LA(; & El.'*. 101 % — S.l& SCR 4Vis — — L A Ry 55.. — — Sierra It 65.. 100 — LAL std 68.101) 103 S P of A 6s LAP Jem Cs.IOSVS — <l»10) 103Vs — LAP Cut 55. 102 104 S P of C 0s Marin W. 55.100 UK (ISI2I ....105U — Mkt st C Gu.lOttTi — SPC leg 55.114 — Do lem ss. — 10:5',-'!S P B RfG5.120%133 MV& MtT3*'.loO — (SPRU Ist r4s 07 ~ N It of C 55.114-; \u25a0— jStkn G&.B (15.105V4 — NP »: It C 5.102% — SV W g ms^K &% — NO Ry 55.. 10." — U G & B ils.lOO'/j — . N C P C ss. ur,% — I'R of SF 4s. 75V4 75t'a N El Co ss. — :>5 Vallejo.Ben &' O GL&H,iios'-. Napa RR5s — — Oak Iran 05.113 — Val <'o l» ss. 00V4 — WATER STOCKS Marin Co .. — 65 |S . V Wat Co. 34% 34 Vs GAS AND ELECTRIC City Bl Co.. 31% 32J6 Pac L pfd.. ROM.. 70 N Cal Power 35 37 Do coin .... 44 — > INSURANCE Cal Ins Co.. (K»'i — |Flreman's Fd.l6Bi/al"2>/- BANK STOCKS Am Ntl Bk;l.:0 — |Mer Trnst ..220 — Bank of Cal.3<>:t — JS F National. — 135 First Natnl..2«> 2fis | Union T Co.. — SAVINGS BANKS' Or S & L.2500 2900 IS F Sjit U..520 — Hum Say Bk — — |Say & L So.. — 125 Mut Say Bk. «T» 70 |Sec Say 8k..300 SSO STREET RAILROADS California ..130 140 |Presidlo 20 — POWDER • Ilnnt Consolidated Co "4% 75' i SUGAR llnwaiian C. T.O DoJs)Makaweli SC — SO l .'. Honokaa s C 16% 17 Onomea S O. 4f5 45 " Hatch SP C 18% — Paauhmi SC. 24% — Kilauca S C. — — I'nion S Co.. 54 OIL STOCKS Amal Oil Co. .01 U 31%jSterling Oil.. — 4 MISCELLANEOUS f Alaska P A. 71*; — I Pac Aux F A 8U Cal F O A. UH% — Pac C Bomx.ISIM, — Cal Wine A. :!KVa — l*«<-' T&T pfd !M% '.U% MV& MtTm. — 115 Do com ... 32' i 32& ' SALES Morning Session Board— . ]<> Alaska Packers' Assn ........ 72 00 , 10 City Electric Co '31.75 15 Flrcman'H Fund Ins 170.00 -25 Hawaiian Coral & Sugar....;. 30.25 50 Honokaa Sugar Co 17.00 15 Pneitie Tel & Tel (pfd) 04 r.o 10 Hutchinson S P Co ............ 1K. 75 25 Pacific Tel & Tel (common).... S2!l2'i |S3 Pacific Tel & Tel (common) fBJ} 25' 10f» Pfldtic Tel & Tei (common).... ?>2 50 $:t.<Hio United R R of S F 4s 7.-, 2.-> $10,t)00 Cal Gas & El G SI & C T 55.. !IS*B7K Street— ' ' \u25a0, ' /J 100 City Electric <;,> 31.75 25 Hawaiian Coml & 5ußiir. ...... ;;0.25 , . ' Aftcrnooii . Session Board— ' 10 Giant Powder .'•...., \u0084/, •;•, jm, • 50 llonokua Sugar Co.*. '..'.'.'.': lVloo . 25 pHauliau S P Co ". : 24*50 1 Xi Paclti,; Tel & Tel, (prd). - . Ui'7,o 20 Pacific Tel & Tel (common). I> 6 32:3714 20 I'Hcitic Tel & .Tel (common).... .T>'a7i| $I.fKm (nl Gas'& Xl G M & C T 5s $5,000 city Electric Co 5s ... .....'. '. Klino Cnlifornin Stock nnd Oil Exchange Bid.Ask.; .. . \u25a0 m rt .„,.' Apollo ....... 03 —sßico''... "50 \u25a0 A Oil tc.3l.:i7Vi 31.S7Vi|Ro.valty " ". ';'. '.'."'— •> CarilMiu ....11.00 14.<Ki|S F & McX >K1 %« "'_. Clarcmont ... — 2. 4s|Saner - Dough.'"" "— 2 I'flteranza \u0084'. — 1 . 00 Sect ion ;25 — ; '~i'7,n Fnlton .......COO 2.sJ|siiawmtit ..'.'. — -,-, i Junction ..... — "O^overel")! " 11 _ Kern ........ 50 55,S W & 8..""' 4-, McKittrick ... 10 ' lSiSteHlng '.. 300 8 •>% Monte . Cri8t0.2.77',6— ISunset, Mon > " '50 — Nev County.. 20 . — |Supcrlor . '__..- Puraffine —I.oo! Wolverine " "0 — Palmer ...... —1.45 W X Oil, Co !!— 2no Record ......3.50 — IN CalPowcr.3s.oo -. -Mlnlnß Stocks SAN FRANCISCO -STOCK EXCHANGE following were the sales on the San Francisco stock and exchange. board yesterday-" • - -. r V- COMSTOCKS' ' •„ Regular ' Morning Session / 100 Con Va XI Co. 60; 200 Overman o, '. 200 Con SVa M . Co. . t,S| kki Overman "*' '• "- «^ Soo;Mexlc«n, ..;.. Mj 100 Overman «'i •2m Mexican . : . .'. >C.j 20r> Overman : " ' " " "t _Hh) Ophlr .... . .1 .37^1 400 Union .. . 'v "i • : • Afternoon Sessloni?- "* °~ -100 Challenge CouVlOj 100 Mphir. - V i ' \u25a0•- »200 Chollar !.::...,. : IS; k>o Overman' 1 " '\u25a0" on llWOui Vii AlCo/ CSj JOOJPotuai: «-'lvi-> 200 /Exchequer 1 i!i 25 lOO'Savage '....'... 13 200 Oould & Cur. "15 200 Seg, Belcher .. 03 100 Mexican ... ; . 84 200 Silver Hill ... OS 2W Opbir 1.37Va 1000 Utali • °*. lOOCo^-aMConsilWpUir S^Stf <iOO Mexican ;.:". sS 500 Seg Belcher .. 04 100 Mexican .. " S4 100 Sierra Nev .;. 27 CLOSING \y DOTATIONS . . ..\u25a0 Bid.Ask.J . \u25a0 ' .- ' B 'l LAs *; Alpha ....... 02 03 Kentuck .5... 0a 0< Alt » -• — .03 Lady Wash .. ;— \u25a0 « nd t s ,13 lsMex!can S3 80 Belcher . l - 38 42 New York Con .02 — Best & Belch. 35 37 1p; Gould &C. 15 — Bullion' 13 lßiOccidental '.... 10 — Caledonia .... H 0^ lr ...l.mi.M c .J| a enge Con 10 /lliOverman . '20 21 ,S ho ' 1 ? r X 18 Potwl f ' ;J Confidence ";.. 71 SO Savage - 1T lh Con Imperial., <fc> 03 Scorpion ...... 00 _0i Con Va M Co. «7 as Seg Belcher . . 03 04 Crown 'Point.. 38 43 Sierra Nev ... 2S. 28 Exchequer ... 23 26 Silver Hill ... 0. — Gould & Cur. 15 loDnion ........ 31 02 Hale & Norc. 20 03 Utah •••-• ° 3 M Julia ........ __ 00 yellow Jacket. 43 45 Justice ...... __\u25a0;,' 03 1 TONOPAH AND COLDFIELD STOCKS oaa t>, Session— 9:3o to "12:30 _ 200 Blue Bell ... 0"| 100 Old Con M... 7.60 100 Booth, s 10. 1718000 Mayflower Con 0» 300 Florence ...3*12141 100 Ton of Nev. .7.00 rnjx ',li / Afternoon Session „ i«00 Atlanta 151 100 MacNamara .. 2.> lUOO Booth J3| 400 MacNamara .. 20 1000 Daisy, s 5... 30 600 Mayflower .... 09 100 Florence 3.10 500 Midway 21 i»0O Oreat Bend .. 07 2uo Pitta S Peak. 50 1000 Jim Butler . . 12 500 Red Hills OS .„ , ' Informal Session A , SOO Atlanta , 151 2(K) Grandma ...... 01 2500 Com Fraction. SSflOfO Great Bend .. 00 iOO Com' Fraction. 00 300 MacNamara .. 2(i 1000 Daisy ....... 3OIUOO Raw- Coalition. 2S 1000 Empire 01 JJMIO Red Top Ex.. 03 300 G ld (^on ai.7..VM£ jOUO Ruby Gold M. V,i 5(M> Old Con M...7.05 500. West End ... 24 100 Old Cou M.7.57iJ CLOSING QUOTATIONS CALIFORNIA Bid.Ask^ South Eureka M Co. M ~ NEVADA Tonopah DUtrict " „ , Bid.Ask. Bid.Ask. Bplmont 80 subway Ex . . — 04 Boston Ton. . . — 05 Mizpah Ex . . — f '4 California ... — O2J.Mont Mid Ex. — 00 Cash Boy ... _ PltU Ex. — ; 03 Gold Mt • _ Oll.Vorth Star ... 02 04 Great Westrn. — OliOhio Ton .... — "I Jloi "c — ol| Paymaster ... — 01 Ind Ton _ uilßescue Con .. 02 03 Jim Butler... 13 14 Ton E-xten ... 50 bl MacNamara.. 25 28 Ton of Nev.. 7. 00 — Midway . 2 1 22 West End ... 24 — Goldfleld District Adams ...... 01 02lGld Merger M. — 07 Atlanta 15 ldjUrandma 02 <>3 Black Ants . . — 01 [Great Bend ...*»> 07 Blk B Bonan. 01 02iGrt Bend Anx 01 08 Blk Butte -Ex — Ol|Grt Bend Ex. 01 02 Black Rock .. — oilllibernia Ol 03 Blue Bell ... 03 O4!Junibo Ex ... 12 — Blue Bull ... 07 oS| Kaiser Gld ... <»l 02 Btte Goldfleld — M|Kendall 04 — Bocth'..- 13 !4!KendaU Ex .. — 01 U,° n • — 18| Lone Star .... W\ 05 (olumbia — itt,i.ou Dillon ... 01 02 Columbia Mt. 10 12iMld Pawnee... — 01 Com Fraction. 0:> OlJMilltown Frac. — 02 Comng Nation — Oll.Mohwk C I^eas — 04 Couqneror .... 03 04 Mohawk Ex . . — 02 Cracker Jack. 02 o"3|Mohawk Junior — 04 Daisy ' 2y :n|Ntr Boy — 02 Desert Chief.. _ 04|Ncv Goldfleld.. 02 — Dm B Btte C. 03 05 Oro -- 06 07 Dnidfld Trngl. 01 Q2|Potlatcl — OS D |x 'e — OlJßcd Hills .... 07- OS S.^P'fe — " 02|Rcd Top Ex.. 03 04 Horence 3. in!Ruhy Gold M. 03 — Tlorence Ex.. t»2 o:!|Sandstorm 10 13 Frances Mhk. 05 o7;Sandstorm Ex. — 01 Gen Wash .. _" oiiSllver Pick .. 12 13 Gold Bar Gld 10 —St lvcs 11 Gld Con M... 7. 55 7.60 Wonder — 02 Gld Eureka... 02 — Yellow R«c.. — 01 >Gl<l Portland. 02 03. Yellow Tiger.. 0C 07 uld Kewanas. 10 jj] Bullfrog District Amargosa 0.. — 0] ; May flower Con OR 10 Amethyst — 03!. Mont Bullfrog. — (ll Big Bullfrog.. — 021-Montgomv Mt. — <»5 Bonnk. Clare. 03 05 Mtg Shos Ex. — ol Bullfrog Mln. 02 Nugget — 01 Blfrg Xat Bk — fttjOrig Bullfrog.. — 02 Gold Bar .... — oljSh(«hn N Bk. — 02 (.old Sceptre. — 01|Tranip Con . . 04: 05 Homestnke K. — C2|Vnlley View.. 04 — Ligo Harris. . — 01 I Yankee Girl ... ,— 02 - - - .rllanhatWn lHptriet .. ; Apr Fool Ex. — 01 J.Man Crescent.. — " 01 Atlan & Pac. — OIJMan Cowiwy..— 02 Comet — 01 Man Dexter .. 03 01 «r«ld Wedge.. —\u25a0 01 Man Little Joe — Ot Granny G if. — 05 Man Mm Nev. — 01 Jumping Jack — 01 Mineral Hill.. — <U Little Grey .. — t.'2 Grig Man — .02 Man Broncbo. . — 01 Pine Nut — 01 Man Buffalo.. — 01 Whale — 01 Man Cou Xl 04 Other l>i«f>-! e t s - Fairvw G Bid — 02|Queen Regent. — 20 Falrvw Eagle. — 20 ! Ramsey .. 01 03 Gld Alamo .. — 73 Raw Coalition. 28 2s» Jack Pot .... 02 I!.!: Raw Queen .. 32 30 Nev Hills ... -- l.'-Itound Mt ... 65 ~ Pitts S Peak. 49 So( Vulture — ot GRAIN MARKET Wheat ami Other Grains Wheat — Chicago was le lower and Liverpool -futures also declined. Thorp was no change whatever In the San Francisco market. CASH WHEAT California club, $2.10«:2-15; do milling, $2.20; California white Australian, nominal at $2.20@ 2.30; off grades of California wheat, $2^2.10; northern club, $2.10@2.15; northern bluestem, $2.27V9<&2.:fi!%; ltuwian red. ?2.10(52.15; turkey red, $2.10<£i2.20 per ctl. . . : . FUTURES 10:30 a. m. Session No quotations. 2 p. m. Sessiou No quotations. Barley — The cash grain and futures were l>otli_ lower yesterday. Feed sold at $1.43%fiJ $1.45, and whs offered for today's delivery at $1.42%. Receipts continued ample ' CASH HARLEY Good to choice feed>«por, ?1.42%f!i1.4;5; com mon to fair, $1.40 per ell; June, $1.42% ;. 1n1y, $1.40<?i1.42%; brewing and shipping, nominal; chevalier, ifl-T0Hr1. 72%. FUTURES 10:30 a. m. Session Bid. ' Ask: !•'«* • ...... $1.39% 2 p. m. Session. Bid. Ask. r> p c- •• $i.»s% $i.s» Oats— White. 52.15r.i2.20; gray. $2.10(^2.15; red. yp0t,.«2.10r.j 2.20 for choice, $2.05 for good and $2 for inferior, per ctl. to arrive, $l.~Z<i£ 1.85; Mack, nominal. • Corn— California small round yellow, $l.S0; large yellow. $1.57%; western states yellow, sacked. $1.00; white, nominal in bulk. San FraDcisco track, yellow, JI.S2; white, $I.S.i; mixed, $l.R0; Egyptian, $ 1. 00 per ctl for white. Rye — Nominal, none offering. Foreign Future* LIVERPOOL "\u25a0• -\u0084 • Wheat — 'July. Sept, Dec. Opening g j o % S 05.% X 03% Cawing Sll S 05% 8 'm% PARIS wheat — . June. Sept.-Dec. Opening 25 9." 24 25 Closing 2« 10 \u25a0*\u25a0 21 30 Flour— Opening 33 40 32 00" Closing ......... 33 3T» 32 13; CHICAGO .BOARD OF TRADE : . \u25a0\u25a0"•Future. Grain and Provision* CUIOAGO,-- June lii. — r Whpat was weak nearly nil day, nnd at the. low point of the sessiou prices were nearly 2c below the high point touched liv the, tlrst half, hour's trading. Weak ness prevailed at the .opening. . owing : to the heavy . foreign markets, but price*, quickly ad vanced alwiut -%e on covering by shorts, based to wime extent on rains 'in Oklahoma and .southern Kansas, which, it was claimed, would delay har vesting. . .The upward trend,.; however, brought out. renewed selling and prices again fell. — Crop news, from this country and Europe- was again of-a decidedly ltearigh, tenor. ";,'• Estimates on the Kansas crop of wheat are being raised daily,- aud the total yield wns placed today as high «s !10, 000,000 bushels. Reports from Tennessee claimed that" the largest crop ever produced in the state l« now., being harvested under ideal; conditions. As a result of .the 'brighter, prospects for the new crop. ' demand for cash wheat . here and :- at other leading, grain, centers /greatly diminished. The selling pressure," which, for* the~last< few days had been' confined to July," spread today, to the more deferred months, particularly Septem-' ber/ Ourlng the .day -July .sold $1.14 and $1.1516 and closed at $1.14%. , September ranged between 51.07% and $1.09 Vi and closed at Urn bottom. .\u25a0\u25a0 ; ? , ', \u25a0 < ' ;:, Extremely slack shipping "demand for-the cash grain." ideal! crop conditions mid tho . slump in wheat caused a severe: break ; In corn.: final quota- Mons • showing net losses t for.; the , day , of V %c !to ?A£ . \u25a0'• Cash corn declined r^c-' to'. lc. and. this tended to further weaken options. \u25a0 Liquidation. was the order : of ; the day in oats! and as a result prices at tbe close Were Tic to l%c below yesterday's tinal figures. Provisions closed • s(g;lsc below ' the prevlons close. /.: .. ; ' -_\u25a0 \u25a0..• _ • \u25a0'••'\u25a0 , . \u25a0>:• ; y '\u25a0\u25a0 The. leading futures ranged as .'follows: -. \u25a0. ; Articles — .Open. High. Ix>w." Close. •Wheat — ' ' . .' - • Jnly ?...-..„ l.irii; 1.1574 1-14- 1.14% September .\ ].risv"Cl.oi»U 1.07% 1.07% December ..'.; liOTa;.". 1.07* i 1.06J4 ;'1;06%; 'l; 06% Corn—' - . - July, ........ 72 72 - . "l'.s '\u25a0'- ":7ltf' opptember •\u0084-.»\u25a0 nriT' "\u25a0 flit 15 \u25a0' .- r,s% . :f>rt' ?TSSZ' — »' '• »;.. ;.wi !_-.»), SUMMARY OP THE MARKETS Wall street stocks Irregular. Spot I and future I cotton unchanged. Copp*r stocks weaker, y Copper metal lower. Local mining stock market neglected. • Silver and Hongkong exchange firmer.) Wheat dull. Barley lower. Oats nominal. . Hay weak but no lower. Beans unchanged. Wool quieter but' steady. \u25a0 '% Dried fruits and raisins unchanged. Eggs' higher. Butter and cheese unchanged. New potatoes 'higher. Onions irregular. Fresh fruits in large supply and weak. Poultry dull, with retailers buying slowly. December ...44 44^' 43 V4 43% Mess Pork, 'per bbl I ' July ........20.40 20.40-20.20 20.22% September ..20.65 20.65 20.30 20.42 Mi Lard, per 100 Iba — . July .11.80 11. SO .11.65 11.65 September ..11.85 11. «5 11-S0 11.82% Short- Ribs,, per 100 lbs—. ' July ....... .11.07%, 11.10 10.05 10.97% September ..11.00 ' 11.07% 10.02%* 10.92% Cash Grain and Provision* CHICAGO. June 15. — Cash quotations were as follows: Flour, easy;. No. 2 rye, i>7«; feed er mixing barley, 79(rt;70y.c; fair to choice malting, 81%<&82%c; flaxseed. No. 1 southwestern. $1.55->4; No. 1 northwestern, $1.70; timothy seed, $3.00; clover, $10.50; mess pork, per bbl, $20.20@20.23; lard, per . 100 lbs. $1L65; short ribs, sides (loose), $10.00©ll; short clear sides (boxed), $11.25@11.50. GRAIN STATISTICS Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 3G.000 bushels. Primary receipts were 200,000 bushels, compared with 260,000 the corresponding day a year ago. Estimated receipts for tomor row: Wheat, 2 cars; corn, 170 cars; oats, US cars; hogs, 24.000 head. DAILY MOVEMENT OF PRODUCE Articles 1 — Receipts. Shipments. Flour, barrels 59.5U0 23,800 Wheat, bushels o,6cn> 105.500 Corn, bushels 395.000 272,500 Oats, bushels 300.500 241.t>00 Rye. bushels 4,0" X) 2,000 Barley, bushels ........... 30,000 20,400 JVew York Grain . Market NEW YORK. June 15.— Flour— Receipts, 14.H33; exi>orts, 5.901. Dull and lower to sell. Wheat — Receipts, 37,500 bushels; spot easy; No. 2 red. old, $1.31. nominal elevator; No. 2 red, old, $1.51. nominal; new, $I.S1 1 .4 and August f. o. b. afloat; No. 1" northern. Dulnth. old. $1.37 nominal f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 hard winter, old, $1.34 nominal, f. o: b. afloat. The excellent character of crop news today promoted a! break in wheat that approached demoralization at times and forced prices off over a cent per bushel. The weakness of cables and better foreign crop news helped the break, ; Final prices showed 34@l%Ciiiet loss. July! closed $1.22;ic: September closed $1.14% c; .De- i ceinber closed $1.13% c. Northern Wheat Market WASHINGTON " TACOMA, June I«.— Wheat: Milling—Blue stem, $1.30@1.35; club. ,$1.14. Export—Blue stem. §1.24; club. ?1.14; fed. $1.00. SEATTLE. June 16.— Wheat — No milling quo tations. Export — Bluestem, ?1.24; club, $1.14; red. $1.00. , ' . Receipts: Wheat, 4 cars. OREGON PORTLAND. June 10.— Wheat: Track prices- Club. $l.18©1.20: choice milling bluestetn, $1.27%ft1..10; turkey red, $1.1S; red Russian. $1.15; vaUcy. $1.17. Minneapolis Flax Market MINNEAPOLIS, June 16.— Flax closed at $1.74»;. LOCAL MARKETS Itecelptn of Produce June 10 Flour, qr sks.... 4,r»nG|Hldes, N.> 1,000 Barley, ctls .... 0.420 Pelts, Ni» 330, Beaus, sks sS7|Ume. bbls 1.240, Corn.' 1 ctls 70|.Sngar, cfls ..... 70<j Middlings, sks .. 260|Wtne. gals 37.1W) Potatoes, sks ... 3,osotßrandy. gals 150 Onions, sks ..... rtfjs!OranKes, bxs . S'*> Hay, ton» 543 Lumber, M ft.... So Straw, tons .... lftj Raisins, bxs l,2fN> Wool, sks ' «s|Apples. bxs ,T55 Malt, sks C2sjCalfskins. bdls .. 130 leather, -rolls ... 25|LIvestuck, No ... 510 Tallow, ctls .... 251 . - OREGON Flour, qr sks .'. 2.«KV) ' WASHINGTON Flour. <jr «k.« «%,420JShorts, sks 030 MldUlinr-s, sks ..| WESTERN STATES Flour, qr sks 3.000 NEVADA Potatoes, sks .- 200 Provisions Cottolene— One half bbl. 10% c: 3 half bbls, 10V4c; 1 tierce, 10% c; 2 tierces, 10 tfc; 5 tierces, 10^c. \u25a0 ' ... The Western meat company quotes as follows: Hams. 16c; picnic hams, 12c; bacon, 0 to 8 lbs, 21c; 8 to 10 lbs, 20c; 10 to 12 lbs. 20c; sugar cured bacon. 23c; Arrow bacon, 8 to 10 lbs, 10c; 10 to 12 lbs, 10c; light dry salt bacon. 8 to 10 lbs. ISc; 10 to 12 lbs. 17c: me dium bacon. 15c; light medium bacon. 15c. - Lard-^Tierces. 14 Vie;. 50s 14 -Tic IDs 15 } 4 c, 5s 15% c, 3s 15V£c; compound lard, tierces. SVic ">os S%c. 10s -»^c, 5s o%c, 3s t»V4c; yellow cooking oil. 53c per gal; white cooking oil, 55c per gal; salad oil. 5Sc per gal. Beef — Local prices are quoted. Export lots. Inspected by the government, are ?1 per bbl hlfther. Extra family beef. $14 per bbl; family beef, $13.50 per bbl; extra mees beef, $13 per bbl. Pork — Extra prime, in barrels. $21; clear, $23; mess. $22; pig pork, $28; pigs' feet, $5 for half bbls, $2.35 for 25 lb kegs and $1.30 for kits; smoked beef, 21>4c per lb. Ment Market The Cincinnati Price Current of June 10 re ports: "The current marketing of hogs is short nf prevailing expectations, it being usual to ob serve an enlarging tendency at this time in the year. Total western slaughtering was 535.000 hogs, compared with. 575.i»iH) the pre ceding week, and 405.000 two weeks ago. l-ra the corresponding time last year the number was fi4s,lHH>, nnd two years ago 655.000. From March 1 the total isOUiOS,OOO. against 7.355.000 a year ago— a decrease of 4<J0,000.4 < JO,OOO. Prices of hogs have advanced, the general average for prominent markets at the close Indicating about $7.40 per '300 pounds, compared with $7.20 a week a«o. J;7.20 two weeks ago, $5.30 a year ago. -" $t!.05 two years , ago. . $0.40 three years ago and $5.20 four years agoA' - -- DRESSED MEATS Slaughterers' rates to dealers and butchers are as follows i 1 Beef — 6' / 4'?i7»,c per lb for steers, sVa®6^c for cows and heifers. • • \u0084 • Veal— 6}4@B>£c.- for large and Bfc(goc for small. \u25a0' Mutton — Wethers. 7<<jSe;- ewes, 6@7c per lb. Lamb— *iV4@!>Vjc per lb. Dressed Pork (per lb) — llfo'llV^c for light and o^s® 10c for heavy. : LIVESTOCK MARKET > Tbe following quotations are for good, sound livestock delivered in San Francisco, gross weight: -'\u25a0.-\u25a0 ' No. 1 fat steer?, over 000 lbs, alive. 4<34%c; »cnder 000 lbs.'3%<§.4e; second quality, 3&@3%c; thin and undersirable steers, J>c. • \u25a0 . ' No. 1 cows and. heifers, 3V4@3Vic; second qual ity, 3c; common, thin, undesirable cows, 2@2V^c. Fat bulls and stags, 2c; half fat or. thin balls, %@l%<v • ..',\u25a0\u25a0 Calves — Ught weight, per lb, sc; medium, 4%c; heavy, 3V3@4c. ...' . \u0084 . Sheep (per lb)— rWethers, No. 1. '4% c;' ewe 6. No. I.' 3%C<i4c; shorn sheep. %c less. Lambs (per lb) — This year's milk lambs, \u25a0I%i&sc. \u25a0 - ... : liogs (per lb) — Hard grain fed. weighing 100 to 140 lbs. 7<rt7i',c; 140 to 250 lbs. ,714 c; 250 to 350 lbs. o%<f|- 7c:- rough, heavy hogs, 4%@5c; common, undesirable hogs, 4st4y.c. ' * " \u25a0 ' . \u25a0 '•• \u25a0 ;\u25a0>....".•.'. .- Butter, ; Cheese, and Egg» The only noteworthy, change In "the quotations yesterdny was iv \u25a0 eggH' extras advancing lc to 27c a dozen on' sales nt that tignrp. under "the call of , the exchange. F*li*sti». which had pre viously been weak, were. declared tirra. the ad vance in : - extras causing a better . demand "for that- grade. Seconds and thirds, remained weak at thei old 'quotations.' The situation in butter was unchanged.' Receipts were in excess of cur rent "needs. j, but surplus lota* were 'cared for by the movement Into : cold -storage."' Cheese was moderately active, at the old quotations. Oregon fancy flats were • ndded to :the list. " : . y The . following sales were madfr» on the ex change: :- ' ' . '> . y \u25a0 Eggs ;: - : -10 caFCs"of extras at 270 a dozen. » Cheese— 2s: fancy Oregon flats at 14V£c and 50> fancy California Young Americas at 16c a pound, seller 1 day.-., " . :. , • ' Receipts \u25a0> were - 59. G00 : pounds : . butter. . . 12.000 pounds cheese ' and -I,l'iO cases eggs. / I .; Tbe following are official quotations established by the sales, 'bids and • offers , on the floor of. the dairy exchange. Prices. ln the street, whlle'gov erned 'by ;. the ;. exchange ' quotations.' generally range from' l to 2e higher, owing to the vari ous charges to be added. '. "Butter—Fresh 'creamery' extras. 2fl&e per lb, firm; do flrsts/, 25%c. firm; do seconds. 25c. 'firm. • Cheene— California fancy tlats. 14c per lb; weak; do firsts,': l3VaC /steady; do seconds.: 12c, steady: fancy .Young Americas, ' lß^c.^ steady; do first*. 13V£c.; steady: ? fancy Oregon- Young -Americas. lGc. firm; do iflats. :14i,Sc,flrtn. . \u25a0-Eggs f per /do7en.;-<-ases-' included) — California fresh • extras,'" 27e. flrra; do firsts.: 25c. -firm; do eeconds." 23c. 'weak; .do thirds, 21c. '.weak. . >\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0, Portland Butter. Market '/ PORTLAND, 1 June IC— Butter— City and eonni try 3 creameries," . extras, ' 26^jc; t fancy, 24@2Gc; store. 18@20c. .; ' ; '\u25a0:-.- Egg j Market in - Searby; Coantlea PV:t.\LUMA. ,June~- IR.-ijThe^.conditlont of , the I local. egg ami poultry marketTemalns unchanged.' i The off erinss • for ' eggs : toduy . TarieU '. from ; 25c " t»J Wheat Inactive and Barley Lower New Potatoes Advance Sharply 23e. Prices of poultry are somewhat steadier and rather low. Feed remains high and green' feed ts scarce. . SANTA ROSA. June IS. — There was an ad vance of 1 cent per dozen ln the local epg mar ket today on receipt of. quotation* from the San Francisco dairy exchange. All dealers today offered 25 cents per dozen for choice and 22 cents for seconds. SANTA. CKL'Z, June 10.— There is stronger de mand for ! egg* and quotations remain at 23 cents. Supply Is holding np well and some ship ments are made daily. Potatoes, Onions and Vegetables There was a large increase in the arrivals of new potatoes yesterday. . " but as ! stocks, were closely cleaned up at the close of the pre ceding day the Increased receipts found a rea-ry market at sharply advanced rates. A few sales of favored marks were reported at $2 a cen tal, but $1.85 was a top price, wltb most sellers. Old potatoes were— weak, with sellers trying to effect clearances by urging business. New yellow onions were stronger, while red were Iv burdensome supply and weak- In tbe market for miscellaneous vegetables asparagus and peas-alone were flrui, the firmness being due to liberal buying on tbe part of canners. Cucumbers and summer squash were ln In creased supply, with both large and small boxes lower, and Merced tomatoes continued t<> drag badly at weakening prlcea. Quotations for peppers aud eggplant bad a downward tendency., and green corn from Winters had an other slight decline. Potatoes (per ctl) — River Bnrbanks. $1.60^ 1.75; Oregon liurbanks $1.75@2; sweet potatoes, $2: new potatoes. $1.50<ft1.85. • Onions — New red, 40@55c per sack; new yel low, f)0c(&.51.25 per ctl. Vegetables — Asparagus. $1.75*^2 per box for extra and $1.23(t£1.50 for common: rhubarb. $1® 1.23 per box for bay and 3 (ft 4c per lb for northern: tomatoes, imported. $1.25<tf1.33 per crate; do local. 50r<j6.V per box and 85c(g$l per crate; green peas. $1@1.73 per sack; (tring and wax beans. 3^4<; per lb; snmmer sijiidsli. CO@Ksr per box; do large boxes. $1.25© 1.7;>: garlic. 4^f.V per lb for new; cabbage. $1.25 per ctl; cucumbers. taiWTJc per box; do large boxes. ?1.7.">; cauliflower. 50<K<53e per dozen; carrots. $1.50 per sack; turnips. $1.50 per sack: eggplant, 10@12'4c per lb; green peppers, 10<&'20c per lb for local; green corn/ 23 <& 35c per dozen for Brentwood and f1.2501.6Q per sack for Winters. Deciduous ''am! Citrus Fruit 1 Tbere were i-ontlnued heavy arrivals of ber ries and all kinds of orchard fruits yester day, ami although trading was of average proportions the general tone of the market was one of easiness, with prices pointing down ward as a rule. Strictly fine black cherries did a little better aud occasional salca of loose stock were reported at a small premium, «nt there was plenty of poor to choice fruit offer ing at low rates. For crated lots of. aprlcors and plums 75c was a top figure wltb a majority of the trade, and that price was considered an extreme for peaches. Apricots in lug boxes went at (1*.23@J.50 a box, and baskets sold clowly at 75c. Figs sold at a wide range, small single layer drawers of both -black and white bringing $161:25, while choice lots of black from Vuiuh sold up to $2 a drawer. Nnt uieg melons, green apples and currants were all lower on Increased arrivals. Berries were ln large supply and weak. Prices for red logan berries fell back to where they were at the close of last week, and as was the case at that time the canners were the principal /buyers, fanners and syrup makers purchased freely nf the large varieties of strawberries at or near the Inside quotation, and they also secured sev etal lots of Sevastopol raspberries at $3!£s4 a chesU Sweetwator grapes from the Coachella valley were offering at $1.23 a crate. Strawberries — Lougworths. $O@S per chest; large varieties, $3iU4 ptr chest* Kaspberrit-s — £3fUO per chest. Gooseberries — iwjijUc per drawer; in balk, 3@ 7c per lb.- Black berries — $4 @5 per chest. Loganberries— $1.50«a,2. 50 per chest for red and |2.00Q3 for- black. Currants — $5&t>.50 per chest. Apples — $l<ii,i..->0 per box; do new, 35<jj30c for small and 75e:<''i$l for large boxes. Pears — 75c for small aud $1.73&2 for large boxes. Cherries — Packed, 50<JiG3e per drawer; loose, 3Gj»io for black, 3Q5c for Royal Anne and State for white. Peaches — 40fa,75e per box. Plums — OOfSxSw." per crate, and 40QC0c per box . Apricots — Crates, 60*}73c; boxes. 40&tj0c. Fie*— sKij2 per box. Nutmeg Melons— ooe<gsl for special: $3&£s<>| for ]Mjny and $4(r5,4.5(.< for standard crates. Citrus Fruits . (per box) — Navel oranges. $1.50 &2.50; Valencias. $2.50; grapefruit. $$2.30<3:t for seedless: lemons. $2.73<5-ji3 for fancy. $1.75@ 2.25 for choice and $1©1.25 for standard; limes, $4.30©5. , Tropical Fruits — Bananas, 75c&51.75 per bunch fur Hawaiian and $2.50@3.50 f ur Central American; piueapples, $2&3 per dozen. Dried Fruits, llaislns, Xuts and Honey -At the last tneetlys: of the San J'we grange sales of IJH.H) prunes were rei>orted by growers at Se, 4 size basis. Fruits, old croi) — Evaporated apples. 6Vj5jSV»e: apricots. bVittlOijc; fancy tuoorpark, ll^jtitC 12^ic; peaches. 4c for standards. -i~i!js4V2C for choice and s(c/i>c for fancy; pears. 4ijj7^c; pitted plums. (JV~faSc; nectarines, 4Vj ( S?5Vic; figs, SMiQ-Ic; pruues. 4 size basis. 2Viftj2 ; »4c. with fee premium for the large sizes. New fruits — Apricot*. S^jlOe; peaches, s'cj 6 V-Jc: prunes. 2 : '4'ft.";\ with *4'ij 1 -2c premium fur ; -10s and %t£lC premium for 30s to 40s. liuisius — London layers — 2 crown, tJOe; S crown. $1: seeded. 44f4 1 / -jc; Tliompxm's seedless, 3^c for unbleached; seedless sultnnas. 2^jc; Ioom? muscatels. S^c-for 4 crown. Uc- for 3 crown aud 2*4&2Uc for 2 crown. Nuts — Almonds, nonpareils. 13ftl3V-c: IXL. 13V-.rssl3*ic; ne plus ultra. 13cf Drake, 11® HVic; languedocs. loSjluJ^c; .harilsholls, 7<&N-. Walnuts, lie per lb for No. 1 softshells. 7c for No. 2 do; chestnuts. *<Uloc per lb for Italian; filberts, 12%©14 c: pecans. l.V;jl7e. . Honey — New comb. 14Q15e for water white, and U)fc£l2c per lb for amber; extracted. Sc for water white and 7 1 *>c for Ught amber; old, cau died and dark amber, 4.<yr4Vic per lb. Beeswax— 27^3^^oc p*-T lb fur light and 23M 26c for dark. 'Poultry and Game AH poultry handlers continued to report a dull market for all kluds of live fowls. Retail \u2666•rs were limiting their operations to the pur chasing "f small supplies f)>r immediate needa as a rule, uud were only buying freely when bargains were, offered. There was no more west ern stock received, but - arrivals from state points were heavy. Poultry (per dozen) — Hens. $3@5.50 for small. $B@7 for large and $s@l>) for extras; youuii roosters. $S@10; old roosters, $4@5; fryers, $6<fß 6.50 for large and $•">'•;">. so for small; broilers, $4@5 for large and $2.50^3.50 for small; ducks! $tiijj7; pigeons. fIgLSO; squabs, $1.75452; gos lings, $2@2.50 per pair. Came — Nominal. Beans and Seeds There, Is nothing further ff> report in beans, the market Iwing <tnlet. with whites and bayos firm and cleaning np and the vthcr kinds steady. Beans (per ctl) — Bayo. $5.35*55.30; pea. $ti.25 @b'.so; small white. $G.4o@«-60; large white $3.23§f5.50: pink. $3.10@3.25; red. nominal; blackeye. $3.25f&3.50; lima, $4.10^4.23; red kid neys. $3.25<g3.30: cranberry beans, nominal; Gar vanzas. $2.305i'3; honse beans, $1.90<g2.20. Seeds— Brown mustard. 3%«J4^c; yellow mus tard, nominal; flaxseed. 4c, carload lots; canary 4c; alfalfa, ltiQ 17c;* rape, cleaned, 2@2Vac; tim othy, s*i <fj.Cc; hemp, 4c; millet, 2%e per lb broomcorn seed, $23.50 per ton. . - Dried Peas — Green are quoted at $3.23 per ctl. Flour and Farinaceous Goods Flour—^California family extras. $6.<io@7 net without discount; bakers' extras, $B.fiO<gi7- super fine, $5.50^i5.70: Oregon and Washington per bbl. $5.30(?i«.50 forfaaiily. bakers* and patents and : $4.75@3.23 '" for cut off ; : Kansas patents $7.50@7.00; do straights, $7.50; do clear $7 : Dakota patents. $S; do straights, $7. 50; do clear' $7.25 per bbl. Fariuaieous Goods— Prices In packages, net cash, 110 discount, are as follows: Graham flour $4 per 100 lbs; rye fiour, $4.23; rye meal $4-' rice fiour, $s; corn meal. $3.25; extra cream do, 13.75; oat meal, $3.40; oat groats. $5.40; hominy >3.Co<§j>4; buckwheat floor, $3; whole wheat Cour' $4.23; rolled oats, bbls $S§iS.sO, in sacks $3.40 <0;8: extra cream do.'. $8.30 In sacks and $a in barrels; rolled wheat, bbls $3.73. in sacks $4 50 &5.25; pearl barley. $5.50; split peas, boxes. $3.73 for yellow and $0 23 for green per 100 lba. . Hay and Feedstuff* Tbe rapidity of the .-nrrent decline in nay has apparently been checked for the present, but the market is still reported weak, with buyers holding off. The receipts of 543 tons yesterday included .' 47 car*. Bran— s2yfeao per ton ror white 20 for red. - Middlings — $53©35 per ton. . , • Shorts — $310x32 per ton. Feedstnffs — Rolled barley,^33; rolled oats for feed. $3aQ4l; mixed feed, $25(jji30 for aver age lots; oilcake meal., in 20 ton luts $35.50, in 10 ton lots $30, in 5 ton lots $:t3.50. > small lots $40; : cocoanut cake or. meat at mills. $26 ln 20 and 10 and $2ti.50 Id ft ton lots; Jobbing. $27; corn meal, $3tt(£s4o; cracked corn, $40(^41; broom •oru htjed, nominal; alfalfa meal and nie&lfalfa. Jobbing lots $24, carload lots $23 per ton. Hay — New crop wheat, $ls@U>; wheat and oat, $16(817.50; tame oat. $lt'@18: volunteer wild oat, $11(313.30; barley. $U@l4; alTalfa. nominal; stock bay. $S@t> per ton. Straw— so&SoC per bale. . "\u25a0 : . ." General Merchandise Bags-^-Graln bags. 5? 4 (ts(Jc; San Qnentln bags. 5%c; wool bags. 32c for 3% lb and 33c for 4 lb; fleece twine. N? per lb. ' . " \u25a0 Coal— Beaver Hill, $7; Pennsylvania anthracite egg. $l(iper ton: -Wellington. $»; New Welling ton, $9; ' Coos bay. $7; Australian house — Rich mond, etc.. \u25a0 $9; Pelaw Main. $7.50; Stanford Richmond. .. $S; • Cumberland, '\u25a0 $15 in bulk and $16.30 'in;, Racks; Welsb anthracite. $13; coke $15 per- ton in - bnlk - : and $16 \u25a0in I sacks; Rocky mountain. $9.50 per short •.ton... ' 1 Oils— Quotations are for barrels: Liaseed, 74c per gallon tor boiled and 72e for raw rtne. <r. more; castor oil in cases. Xo 1 nrTl' AA. $1.13<3 1. 13; China nit «^ n^^LJ S»"°?; cocoanut oil In barrels. ««SS for XXX. "VsQSle for gfo 1 and 55^3S^c for V, 2. according to quantity; extra bleached winter sperm oil. 91e; natural winter sperm oil 9ie natnral whale oil, 53c; extra winteVstratned lani o£ 938206 c; No. 1 neaUfoot oil. 60c; herring o *<*: "toon oil. 33c: boiled fish oil. 33c; £aint Coal Oil, Gasoline, etc.— Water white. Iron barrels or drums. 10c; 150 deg oil. iron barrels or l.c astral. 17c; star. 17c; extra star ->0c- Maine. 2tt^c: eocene, 20c: red crown and motor gasoline, in bulk. 14M;c: In cases, 21U e - \o T engine distillate. In drums. 8c; No J 'ad V - c cases, 7e more; S6 deg gasoline, in bnU. ::0e- ia cases. 37Vic; varnish makers' and painters' ninl, tha. ln bnlk. lie: in cases. l*^c. P Turpentine— c.> per gallon la cases ami .-.Se tn bulk, drums and iron barrels. Rosin (per bbl of 2SO lb.-.. — E. Srt.M- F Sfi kt G, $6.70; U. $7; I. $7.03; WW. $10.40 " ' sistcT* IT 1 * LMd - Rcd - B H©t^ wfclte. KEFINED SUOAR MRAKKT The Western sugar refining company quotes >a follows, terms net cash: Standard granular.? (fine or coarse*. 5. We: confectioner** ' a" 5. ."De: crystal domlnns. in rases. 8.40 - tin! let*. In half tbls, S.fHV; tablets, in fox" «;.I.V; cubes and A crushed, S.Kjc; pow.lere.|" 0.50 c; candy granulated. 3.5<i«;; confection! ers' crystals, 5.50 c; magnolia A, sc: extra 0 4.00e; golden C. 4.soc; I). 4.70 c. Barrels and 30 lb bags 10c, half bbls 25c. boses r.oc more n.- 100 lbs for all grade*. Monarch bar la quot-d over and above the price for standard fine <can»> granulated in 100 Hi bags as follows: Bags us) lbs. 35c; barrels. 45c; half barrels, KOc; 4ft v, tins, cased. $2.03; 35 lb tins, cased. $2 05- 10 if, tins, cased. 10 in a case. $2.70; S lt> tins '3 ia a case, $2.70; 30 It* boxes. 85c. No extra cbar-" for putting up bar tn private naekases. The California and Hawaiian Rutcar rffiiir company quotes as follow*: Granulated bass* 5.40e; ••Higrade" bar, .1.7.V; powdered, 5.5'y- v crushed. 5.«0c; berry. 5.40 c; C. * H. extra fin* 1 dry granulated. 5.40 c; coarse dry granular?)!' 5.40 c; confectioners' A. 5.40 c: confectioners' crystals, 5.50 c; cubes, 5.03 c; bricks, 5.«3c; extr» fine granulated (100 ba^ only), ; excelsior A. 3c; extra C, 4.fK>c; golden C. 4.SOc; yellow D, 4.70 c; H. St E. crystal dnmincn. S.4oc. Addi tional per 100 lbs: In barrels and 50 lb ba«S Q 10c more; half barrel.*. 25c morv: boxes .$« W more for all grades. Bar. ln 33 lb and 40 >h tins. $1.70 more: ln 10 lb tins, $2.35 more. Mini mum order, carload weight. Hides, Tallow, Wool and Hop* Wool Is reported steady, though the move ment is not as lively as it has been for some weeks- Prices are unchanged. Hides — Culls and brands sell about H<eic nn der quotations. Heavy salted steers, laffilS^c medium. ll^^lSVac; light, 11-gll^e; cowhide*.' 1113120 for heavy, lliglie for light; stags. 8c; salted kip, imc; salted veal, 16Vjc; salted cair. 18^c; dry hides, 10Vi©20c; dry kip. 10c; dry calf. 23c; dry veal, Zie; dry stags 13c; sheep skins, shearlings, 20Q40C each; short wool. 50-13 75c each: medium. 73e&|l each; long wool. $L.i". @1.75: lambs, 25@73c; borsehides, salt. $2.23''<5 2.75 for large and $1.73©2.25 for medium, 75e?3 J1.50 for small and 25@50c for eoits; horsehldes. dry. $2©2.50 for large and $1.23@2 for medium. "><k-<gsl for small and 2o*zsoc for colts; goat skins, prime angora. 50fg75c: large hair goat*. 23^50c; medium. 20Q2Se; small. G@lse; Mexi can dry hides. 17^c; do pickled. 16c: do dry salted. 12c; dry stags. 12c; Mexican deerskin*. 30@04c; dry salted do. 23g27c;- dry Central American, 2S@32c per lb. Tallow— No. 1 rendered. s@3^c; No. 2. 3® 4Mtc: grease. 2@3c. Wool — New San Joaquia. year's staple. lC't'3 17c; do 6 to ft months, 12@l«c; new southern coast. 9@l4c. Fall clip — Mountain free. B<gl2c; do defective. 6@Sc; Nevada, 13<S20e per lb. Hops — Price 3to growers are 6©luc per lb. with 10® 14c for contracts. IVefT York Prodnce NEW YORK. June 10.— Hops— Firm. Hides — Steady. Woo^-Firm/ Petroleum — Steady. Svgar — Raw. easy: fair refining. 2L38Q2.42*; centrifugal. f>« test. o.MHi'g.S-SSc; molasses sugar. 3.11'&;t.i7<-: refined, quiet. Coffee — Futures closed qnipt net uacbanzf'l. Sales wer>> reported of &.."••<» bags, inchidins July, at tt.4.V: September. 5.05 c: November and iH-cemlier. s..Sotf. Spot, quiet: No. 7 Rio, 7 T V<i >•<•: Santos No. 4. £)c: mild, dull: Cordova, 9V<S 12 %c. Butter — Steady. uii''ban;cd. C.'hefS* I—Steady;1 — Steady; "state full cream. g«od to prime. 12«tl2 s ic: comnion to goixl. 10<ail* 4 c. Esgs — Irregular; wpstern extra firsts, 22c; firsts. 2<J«»'ir2lc: sec.-nds. 19»i'ft20c. DUIKI* FRUITS Evaporated Apple-; — Firm: fancy, S l i ( §9-4'': choice. 7 l 'jfttSc; piinie. B%QT)^Ci common to^ fair. r,(a>H t ,-. ! Prunes — Firm. 2^' t-» 11 for California I fruit and from t>r fa Vc for Oregon*. Peaches— l 'nchaugrd: choice. SU / StV; extr:t choice. C>y i 'iiK< i r; fancy. "HiH'jc. Apricots — I'n'-Vinged; choit-e. UH*4lo'ie: extra choice. lOJStt !<••:\u25a0;<.•: fancy. lliglSc. Raisins-Si- \u25a0 ti» firm; li«^e mu<t*atel. "'j'l7: 4 I 2 c: clioii-.- '.i:vy areded, 4-%tffi*'ie; seed less, S%(BSV; ...:i,K>n layers. $1.15^1. 2a <"hiraeo IJairy Proilnce CHICAGO. Juno If!.— Butter— Steady. Creatn erie«. 2T,itt2»»Uc; dairies. 2'i | 2 Cfj2J> J c." Eigs-— Steady. Receipts. 21.221 cases. At mark, ic*»w included. IJH-.c: firsts. 2Oc; prime firsts. 21 *.<: «"hec*»- — Sfr*>nc. I>ai»ie?». 1 4 ' cc 1 4 ! i." »: twin*. II 'Ul-S 1 ; 1*:1 *: Yrmna Americas, M*i*jHsic; luns horns. 11^14'i'*. !,«•<» Aneeles Itnrkrt.* LOS ANCEI.ES. Jnne !•;.— The market was featureless today with trading li^hf. prices re maining firm at the •pmtations. Extra selected •\u25a0CS 5 * wore firm at 2h cents, ram-li <-andlp<l at 2H nnd cas« count at 24. Creamery extra butter hronglit 07':; cents a 2 'pound nJI antl creamery first 55 cents. Putatocs remained practically unchansed. Bccctpts .if produce t«dar were: Kcss. •"'*> cases; butter. is.OTx; pounds: chee«p. 4.1 It pi'umls: p«)tati>rs. M 2 sack.s; oiiion'?. 252 sack<: beans. 23 safks^ - Kgps— Kxtra selects. 2**<~: 1"<-h! ranch canrlled. 2»j«-: case evunt, 2U-: eastern frrsh. 25r. Butter — Creamery e\tra, 57!ic; crcamory fir«t. 5Tm-: cooking- butter 23%r. rtiei-^o — Northern fresii. X'>; anchor, lars". XV: anc'ior. Yonnj America. I9c; haii'l cheese, anchor brand. 21V: eastern singles, ISc; eastern twins. 17 «,;.*•; eastern ebrddaro. 17c; eastern Iniigh^rn. I 1I 1 * 1 -.)-: eastern daisy. VSUo; «wiss. im porti-<l. 2S@SOr; swiss. liomesfif. 2tv«: brick cream. 2"c; limbursT. 20-: Tnlare, Hi-: imported Hnquefort. 12**: . Ki!Bm. "fl-"~ sire. cas«* of 12 ?s.."Oi>[f>: »I«>rm.Tu br»akfa«f. $> bos; Neuf '•hatfl. ?1.20 b«^: Sierra. St. 10 ho*: Csudi ••ream. 1 dozen to b<»x. 0."~-: !»chlnsskas»>. $1 bo.\ ; Canicnihe-r. $1.2" bwt; Or^^on clioese, 18c. Bean* — No. I pink. S-"..75: No. I limn.*. J4.."": t.n<iy Waslilnsf.m. $T>.25; ?matl whifeo. $i>: blaefc rye«. ?3.5<>: pttmoxss, ?l.s<>; lentils. German. $U: <to ralifornia. $5. Potatoes — 1.0.-al mrly rose. $1.7.": northern early rosy. $SLSO4t3IT3; I'x'sl Burhank*. $-.7"; Hiciiliinda. f2.2s'(f_'."i>: !.nmi«H\ $2.75: Itah-. $21x2.25: Dre=..n Hiirbank-. ?2.f.0'ri2.7>. sweets, yellow local. $.";.new potati>es. $!.90. MISCEM*A>EOUS 3IAnKE7T» .\cw York Cotton Market ~ .-^{^~ NEW Yf>liK. June 1«. — An ini-reaswl demand' was reported for spots in LiTerpcol this morn inc at a six point advance, while fntures w*re flvm nrsd " t<» t points higher than due. Ameri can market* opened 2 ti> ." points hlßhir «nd ruled v«>ry rirm thmnshont the day. finally clos ing itroat! aronnd Ira ftgnres. JIN.s filler issued ber semimonthly report on the condition of cotton «t 1 p. m. today. She makes condifiiwi, on June 1i» 71>.4 against 82.0 ou Jlr»y 2-". which is considered rery buflisb. Tb,e "r.-e.ittier ot»t nisht was more fj>»orabl# on the vvi'.ole. hut th<* ff>re<'a.s4 was for shower* in all .RpftUm.H of the belt, wnli-tt is considered* excellent Ik>ll weevil weather. The firm under tone of tbe market is based more ou c^d trade conditions than on weather newn. The dry jjivxls maFket ha** i»ent cloths £4 hieher. Stocks of old cottou in the south are I>einc rapidly reilxient. and spots iv New Orleans are reported 1-tHc to hiirher in consequence. Mfs* dies' report fell flat- aud failed to in fluence the market. Private advices report a good spot demand, with southern mills hlddins for cotton without fiUlntr many orders. Weather conditions leave little to b«» desired. Sjiot rtosed quiet: Middling uplands 11.4 Cc; miiMlinc gnlf. II.SSp; no aal»«. COTTON KJ'TUKES Options — . «>p«>n. lllsh. I/nr. Cl..<». .Inn~ .... tI.ARe it.O.-^ K>.97c 10.97 c Jnly 10.95 c • II. (Me lO.flflc 10>.nic Angnst lo.mtc 11.024- jn«.9.Te 10. ».> f^ptember .. lO.JXfe 11.0i)c 10.92 c 10.02 c October ..... 10.95 c l».9Sc lO.SSc irt.ftOc NoTember \u25a0\u25a0 ;" 1«>.92p December . .. lo.JWc lt.C4t: 1».03e 10.9»Ur January 10.9rte lO.SKX- la.fHV 10.91 c March .. 10.95 c 10.9!>c- 10.91 c 10.91 c E.F. HUTTON & CO. tOO California St. TeL Donslas 3487 St. Francis Hotel Tel. Dooslaa 395: Members New York Stock Exclia^s Pioneer House Prirate Wire to Chlca;n and Sierr York H. E. MULCAHEV, 3lana S er