OCR Interpretation

The San Francisco call. [volume] (San Francisco [Calif.]) 1895-1913, June 17, 1909, Image 17

Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside; Riverside, CA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85066387/1909-06-17/ed-1/seq-17/

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Zlcf 10.94* 10. a<* 10.91 c 10.91 c
. - V -' '. \u25a0
St. Louis Wool Market
. ST. LOUIS. June 16. — Wool— Weak. Medium
praties, combing and cloUiing, 24&29 c; light
i;n»>. 21»*528<3«; Ueavy fine. 13^Q21Hc; tub
\u25a0w allied. 246|Soifce.
Eastern Livestock Market
CHICAGO. June 16.— Cattle— Receipts. *sti
ina:«-d at 13,00t>. Market steady, strong. Beeve*.
\u2666\u25a05.;ki(a7.2r.; Texas Mecr*. $4.655<J.20; western 1
*te*rK. $4.7s«j«v;i<): Hookers aud feeders, $3.COQ
5.50; co«« and tteifer*, calvefc. $5.73 :
fe7.75. . \u25a0:\u25a0-. . ---; >
Haps— Receipts, estimated *t 22.»"J<). Market
ni'*.tly Sc lumber. Light, f7.20(^;7.55; mixed.
|7.#O4iSASi Uc-avy, ?7..V)(^5.10: rough, J7.50«j
7.75; pood to «-i>oice Ueav.r. $7.70Ca5.10; pigs,
1&206.T.U; Irtjlk of t-aU-s, $: .C.%^7 .95.
SLe^-j — Receipts. <>i>(lniated at 12.0«i0. Market
•testdy. Nstivf. $3.7srftt;; western. ?3.75«3,5.U0;
Jt-arllngs. $Cg?.U; lsmlo, r.ative $5(i5.25, wtst
tra $o.7SSiS.^J. spriuir $7.2.".fe.:».4U.
SOUTH OMAHA. June I<J. — Cattle — Receipts.
D.VJO. Market plow to l>x: lower. Western
, steers, fS 50g5 BB; Texas steers. jcj(i%4.r>o; ranr;e
c«-»-i> tiad heifers. (SJ^MftS; canners. $2(^3.75;
6torkcrs and fecdorv. $0^5.40; calves, *3y";
bulls and t-tsjrs, $3^js.*o.
Hogs— Rce«»:i.tb. *--."^«*t- Market steady to
•*xoc£<t. Heavy. J.7..">Ci<<i7.t<o; mixed. J7.4sftf
T. 55; lirht. $1M)&!JBD; pigs, ?5fcj6.75; bulk of
rales. >7.4".^.7.00.
Mt«v — Ket-eipts, I^oo. Market strong to 10c
higher. Yearlinpfc, $s..Vi^j«.sti: wctters, 55.25(^
6.^5; ewes, $*.<&.«>; lambe, $7^s.
KANSAS CITY. .Tuue 1«. — Cattle — Receipts. :
X.fjOO. Market steady. Nativp Meors, $5^.7;
r>stiT«» w«s acd b^ifer*. <;2..%0@6.<J0: stocker*
an<i f*x^ers. $4.<V»'<is.r/*: bulls, $Z<ii~>: "-alvos.
|3.«5Q.7: western steers, «*4-7~KtC?S; western
<- •»» s. $:{.25^ 5.2.*..
H>^»~Rp^Y>ij>ts. 14.«x«rt. Market 5c hlsher.
Bulk <f $?.: % S,q7.W: h»>ary. $7.7ofi|.7.Rri;
parkers and hutchert. ?7.45'&7.50: light, $7.00(a
7.«": pigs. $<5<j£7.10.
She*-p — Hei-ript^. 8.000. MsrkPt tipady. Mut
• t-cs. M.7SQS.TS; lambs. «.60aS.S0: rsnge weth
er*, M-SOfi.s-90' range ctiPk, $3.75 Q355.
Aevr York Metal .Market
NEW YORK. June lrt.— The Ix^udon tin mar- j
k»>t vxs lower today, with spot quoted st f 133 |
17t t>d and futures at f135 7s Cd. Locally the
market was dull and lower in syiapatliy, with
«pot quoted at 23.20S 25».62"4c.
Copptr Jeclint-d to £5S lor spot and £59 17s
ttl for futures iv the London market. Locally
thr tuarkct was weak an>l lower, efforts to es
tablish higher prices having apparently failed
for tbe time beiug. Lake was <juored at
ir>."7i 2 @13.62 1 5c; «l<>otrolj-tic at 13.12U'4
IXSTViC snJ casrici: at IZQOJSc.
Ijead was un-'hange<i at £1." Is 3d In I»n<lon.
aud r*-tn«in«d quiet at 4.55Q,4.45c in the local j
£|>flter was unchanged at £22 in London.
Loyally the market was quiet and unchanged
it .-..<c.<&.-.. 40c. /
Ir.-n was a shade lower, with Cleveland war
r«Ets quoted at 4Ss 7^2d on the lA>ndon market.
Tup l"cal market was unchanged.
Xaval Mores — Turpentine and Rosin
SAVANNAH. Ga.. Jun" 16. — Turpentine —
Firm. S9V»Q.3S»ic; sales. 1.Z53; receipts. 752;
sl;ipn:ects. S(V.
Rosin— Firm: Mies, l.«V>: receipts. 2.177;
*tlpuments. o7«: Ptock. 1."2.652. Quote: B, $2.70;
P. SX.O3; F-, ?3.4T..- F. ?4: G. $4.05; H. *i.20;
I. $4.4<>: K. «.85; M, *0.U5; N, $5.10; WG.
$5.15; WW. ?5.2'X *
1. J. Truman t" FpriilßanJ Fischrr. lot in S
line of C street. S2:« W of Twelfth avenue, W
S3 by S 12T,: $10.
ll*]«>rie Maier to John V. Campbell, lot in N
line of Jackson street? 47:»5 I- of Polk, V. 45 by
N 12T:Si 4 : fin.
Frederick W. Waif us and wife, by tro«tees. to
Marine trust' and savings bank, lot 534, gift
map :;: $ 1.277.2"*.
I>«ui» Srln-M-nl#rc aud wife to Joseph F. I^a
li^n«-r. l"t at SW cr-raer Of Twentr-first street
and Potrt-ra ivf-nue. W So by !\u25a0• 70: $10.
I'iiiou loan association i<* Frederick M. F.
•Ilusi. lot et NE porner of Twenty -fixtli and
I'l-irida streets, E 50 br S *.<*>: $10.
Danic-1 Merer to Ja.vib J. Maylhtn, W ia NE
line of Farrasut avenue. 104 SE of Huron, SE
i.t> by NE 100:S: 510.
San Francisro land company to Mary Antono
rlch. tot in IV lin* of Tenth avenue. 120 S of
Luke street. S £*. br W 120: $10.
<>le*te Vosti to Spmfino Vnfti, half of lot in
SK line of silver street, 13" BW "f Se*-ond, SW
13:4 t>r .SE 7*«. aad one other piece; |lv.
<;eorce T. Poult n«-y to Delia CarviJLlot at
BW coracr of Ellis and l.ajuisa streets-Ta 50 by
W 77:6: pi ft.
Thomas J. Emery to Rounder realty company,
lot in SE linf of Silver avenue. »»:0"i NE of
Priiu*ton strwt. NE 30:0 V». SE 86:1. SW CO,
NW S.-.:5: IKS.
Peter UcNaiusra and wife to Pauline Cob
leurz. li.t in W line of Pint avenue, 74:7>* S
of Lake street. 5 27:6 by TV* S".; ?10.
l.Ulian 11. Austin to Malcolm O. Austin, lot
in I: line of Masonic avenue, 75 S of Haight
street. 6 25 by E 57:«5: $10.
John Malonb to C"l«ra L. Malonb. half of lot
in NW line of Kisslln;- street. 162:9*4 SW of
F.lcve n th. SW 23:«. NW Bu." NE 24:4%, SE &0,
and half of one other piece: gift.
Rounder realty company to Leslie F. Greiner.
lot in NX linp of Kiiox ftre<?t. 100 NW" of
D-rtttat NW* K»0 by NE.I"M: ?10.
Mamie E. Brockman 'et al. to John B. Mc-
Donald, lot in N line of Fifteenth street, 11G W
of Noe. \V 2.' by N 115: ?10.
Estate of Adolph Sutro. deceased (by execu
trix), to Oscar Herman, lot in E line of Thirty
sixth avecue, 50 N oC A street, N 25 by E 90;
Same to same, lot in E line of Thirty-sixth
avenue. 73 N of A street. N 25 by E 90; $720.
Sane to same, lot In W* line of Thirty-fifth
avenue, 200 N of A street. N 25 by w 120; $675.
Same to tame, lot in TV line of Thlrtr-fifth
avenue. JSO N of A street, X 25 by TV 120; $675.
Karae to same, lot in W* line of Thirty-fifth
avenue. 175 N of A street. N 25 by W 120; $10.
Same to samp, lot in W line of Thirty-fifth
avenue. 125 S <>f A street. N 25 by TV 120; $G75.
Minor J. Fox and wife to Herman Van der
7a* and wife, lot In NW line of Kan Miguel
street. 40 NE of Mount Vernon avenue, NE SO
by NW 103:6: $10.
*Aunie E. Cragin to Jennie Wafer, lot in NE
line of Twenty-sixth avenue South, 250 NW of P
street, NW 75 by NE 100; gift.
Itanlel v,. Moaaghan et al. to Catherine Mona
phm, lot In N line of Cumberland street. 225 E
of Noe. E GO by N 114. and two other piece*; $1.
Sol Getr & Sons to Frederick J. Rrattan, lot in
I" line of Forty-fonrth avenue. 125 S of J street,
S 25 by E 120; $30.
Joseph C. Kirby to Charles Reid, lot in N line
of Casell avenue., 1K3:4 TV of Douglass street,
TV 22:3 by X 121: $10.
John Foppiano and wife to Netta Brace, lot at
NW corner of Twenty-fifth and Dolores streets,
at 22:6 hy W 114: $10.
John TV. Horn to Frank O. Carlson and wife,
lot in S line of Minerva street, 2G7:C E of Ply.
mouth. E 37:0 by S 125: $10.
Frank O. Carlson to TV. O. Miles, same: $10.
Herman Muller to Anna Muller. lot in W line
of Bryant str*«*t, 134 N of Twenty-sixth, N 25:6
by W 100: jrift. 't? r.
Bakers Beach land company to Sidney Walker,
lot <J7. I.ron & Hoag's subdivision Bakers Beach
land company: $10. --«»•
Mary A. Burke to Simon Fraser. lot in S line
of Twentieth street, S3 E of Church, E 25 by
5 114: $H>.
Henry Hufhchmldt «>t al. to Tryjrve Romtner
«*r?. lot in N line of Sacramento street, CS E of
Jone*. E 23:6 by N CO: $10.
Bridjret Donnelly to Aim in M. Donnelly et al..
lot in N line of O'Farrell street. 137:0 E of
Octavia, E 27:6 by N 137:6; gift.
Mary nosemjuist to George Ryan, lot* 1084 j
and "OWI. gift map 3; $10.
Charles TV. Card to EroJin TV. Card, lot 74.
Lyon & Hoag'B subdivision of Bakers Beach
la*.Ml company: sift.
J. TV. Wright and Sons investment company
to Hrnftt I-amhert. lot 13. block 12. Msrkr-t '
Street hotaestead as p p «" subdivision lots 4 an<l
.1. block 12, Market Street homestead associa
tion: $10. .-\u25a0-"•\u25a0
Emma Ottershacb to "Andrew J. Johnson, lot
4, block «. Holly Park tract: $10.
IHmry J. Oblscn and wife to Sebastine Bar
ra!K Kit 150. gift map 2; $10.
Jo^ph M. <iuay. trustee estate of Lissette
smiiteon. to John A. Porporalo. ui^livided
•14* interest in lot in S line ot Washington
•vet, 775 Vf of Montsomcry, W 20 by 8 40;
l>orotiiy Kllicott Woodtrorth to Joho A. Por
rato. nndivided 5-J44 int»rrst in same: $10.
Carrie W. Wordwartl to Jacob IVtrporato.
-144 Interest in lot ia S line of Washington
-eit. 77:6 W of Moatgoniery, W 20 by <j 46;
Wllliem McMlchael Woodworth to same, .*»-144
trrest in same; $10.
Kan Francisco " land company to James I,ucey.
: in S line of A street. 53:4 W of Ei£bth
cnue. TV 26:S by Si 7s; $10.
Same to *axne. lot In N line of B «freet, 29
of Eighth avenue. TV 28 by X 75; $10.
(.••orneiaw Fowler and wife to Henry Peter*.
: 2JI and S half of lot 21". gift map ?.; $10.
Ucorsr. O. Gere an«l wire to Addison M. Parry
<j wife, lot In E line of Twenty-fifih avenue,
it S of Point tx.«bo*. S 25 by E 120; $io.
Ernst S. lJurktiard ami wife to Sam P. Hel
,n ft al.. lot in Si; liii" of Brunswick street,
S SW of Guttenbcrz. SW 25 by SE 150; $10.
Mary A. Haas to Harriet Robison. lots 9 and
.-block 151, South San v Francisco homestead
B n<l railroad association, and one other
piece; $10.
Gwge Tr<>r *° r - 1>< ''* °- Tr °. r « Jo * 'n NW line
of Bnshstr«*t. <JS*9 E «t I>eavenworth, E 45:10.
N-r 137:8,1 W 45:10, S £2:0, E 0:1%, S 45. W
0.-ivi. « 10; si ft - '\u25a0>' \u25a0
Amanda J. Anderson to Union troct company
«f Ban FrandKCO, lot ill X line of Day street,
- 125 E of. Dolor**. E 25 by X 114; $10.
Marie L. Harri* to Celeste Demartlnf. lot in
S line «t Sutler street. 200 E of Baker, 1" 25
by 8 137:6; $10. \u25a0*£
John M. Manning to Ijiwrcnce Undon'and
wife, lot In X line of Twenty -sercnth street, 210
E <»f Noft. E 80 by X 114; $10.
Stephen R. Woods to Mary A. TVooda, lot at
S rnnrer ot iioree and llKiuimd streets, NE 00
by Xli 7.-.: $10.
- Marr Sparka to Rose Sparks, lot in E line of
il'^rant street. 20S S of Twenty-third, S 52 fcr
Et 100; gift. . \u25a0-' -
1. TV. Wright & Souk larewtment company to
TTilllani A. Porter, lot in E line of Forty-third
avMiae. l.*» 0 c of J street. S 350 by R 120; *I<>.
C« rolls* A. Jacobs to Catherine T.. Thompsoc.
lot In S line of oak street, 123 E of Broderick.
X 2R by J= 137:6: flO.
Hrnma KchoJi to William F. Beifra^*. lot in
E line of Forty-foiirtb aveaue. '. 100 X of S
turret X 50 by E 120; flO. t
Measures 650 Feet in Length,
60 Feet Wide and Contains
8,000,000 Feet of Lumber
HE steamer F. W.
Fenwick, which ar
rived yesterday from
the Columbia river,
brought in tow one of
the largest log rafts
that ever weathered
an ocean voyage and
the nrst one this sea
son. Once upon a time
this method of trans
porting lumber was a
matter of great un-
certainty, but the say-
l^rWffW-^ff in s in freight and
handling was such that if every third
raft reached Its destination safely
there was a good profit In the enter
prise. - This was all right for the
owner of the raft, but the indiscrimi
nate strewing of the ocean with logs
added grave peril to coastwise naviga
tion. The protests of ship owners, who
felt that the derelict logs imperiled
their vessels and who missed the
freight money that would have been
j theirs had the logs been transported in
I the ordinary way, were without avail
as far as stopping the practice was
concerned. The protests did avail some
thing, however. Improvements were
made in the construction of the rafts
and nowadays the * percentage of
wrecks of raits is probably lower than
that of ships.
The raft that arrived here yesterday
was 650 feet long and 60 feet wide and
contained 8,000,000 feet lof lumber.
Every log lay as snug in the cradle as
when the raft left Mukilteo, where it
was built 10 days ago. The voyage
down the coast was without mishap,
and after turning the raft over to two
red stack tugs off Meiggs wharf the
Fenwick went to sea again, bound for
San Pedro. The raft now lies off ;
Butchertown, where the Hammond lum
b*r company will draw on it as the
logs are needed.
Captain Conbojr a Grandfather
Captain Michael Joseph Conboy has
had thrust upon him a new title of
which he is prouder than of the one
conferred by the United States inspect
ors when they licensed him pilot. He
has been "Captain" Conboy since the
day he ceased being "Lieutenant" Con
boy. He became "Skipper" Conboy
shortly before the police launch Patrol
went into commission. He is now
"Grandpa" Conboy. He was so elated
yesterday morning when he arrived at
the harbor station after a visit to his
30 hour old granddaughter that when
Policeman Henneberry entered his of
fice on a business errand the captain
looked up with a smile and said:
"What js it, dearie?"
The young lady responsible for the
captain's elation is Josephine Kath
arine McKevitt. Her mother was Miss
j Conboy. who became the wife, about a
[year ago. of Detective Edward McKev
itt of the Chinatown squad. The baby
arrived early Tuesday morning and is
to be named after Mrs. McKevitt's sis
ter Josephine, who died some months
ago, and her mother. (
Uruatilla Wan lv (be Ice
Although the steamer Umatilla,
which left here June l^arrived at Xome
in good time and in first class condi
tion, the voyage was not without some
excitement for the passengers. Accord
ing to a wireless received yesterday
the steamer spent part of June S stuck
in the ice off Cape Romanoff. Captain
(Thomas (Foghorn) Reilly. who Is in
'command of the Umatilla, is an'experi
enced ice fighter and on this account is
always selected to lead the way to
Nome on the first trip of the season.
3Xaripo*a Will Be Here Tomorrow
The Oceanic steamship company's
liner. Mariposa. Captain Hayward, is
expected to arrive from Tahiti early
tomorrow morning. A wireless mes
sage received from the liner yesterday
contained the information that at 2
o'clock a. m. the Mariposa was 700
miles away, all well, in fine weather
and coming right along. The Mari
posa will have a longer stay in port
this time than usual, and will sail
July 1 with a full complement of pas
Manchuria Will Be Crovrded
In spite of the rules and regulations
with which R. P. Schwerin has tried
to discourage travel by the Pacific Mail
line the Manchuria, which will sail
June 24 for the orient, will have all its
first class passenger accommodations
taken. The ship already is booked to
its full capacity, with a waiting list
pf those for whom at this time there
are no berths available.
Mnrr China Will .Sair'Today
The Pacific Mail company's inter
mediate liner China. Captain Daniel
Fritle, will sail today at 1 o'clock for
the orient with a full cargo and 85
cabin passengers. Among the passen
gers are about 30 booked through to
Manila. Of these half a dozen are in
sular employes returning to their posts
after a vacation at home.
Brings Oil from Wrecked Barge
The .steamer Asuncion, which ar
rived yesterday from Astoria, brought
15,000 barrels of oil saved from barge
91. which was wrecked near Astoria
May 13.
Water Front Xotea
The Pacific Coast steamship com
pany's Curacao arrived at Mazatlan
June 14 from this port and sailed
again the same day for Guaymas.
Receipts of lumb.er yesterday by sea
amounted to J», 050, 000 feet.
The liner Siberia from this port ar
rived yesterday at Honolulu.
The harbor commissioners' will hold
their regular weekly meeting this
The harbor police were asked yes
terday to aid in the recovery of 98
piles, nald to have been stolen during
the night from Darby Laydon's boom
in the China basin.
The Kosmos liner Salatis left Salina
Cruz yesterday for this port. At Sa
lina. Cruz the Salatis loaded freight
shipped from Europe long after the
Salatis left and sent across the isthmus
of Tehuantepec
Xcw Bay Steaiuer •\u25a0 Planned \u25a0\u25a0
VALLEJO. '"'June 16. — The 'Monticello
steamship company is to soon let a con
tract, according to" rumors in circu
lation, for th« construction of a 5300,000
steel steamer to ply between Vallejo'
and San Francisco and to connect with
the Napa valley electric road running
up the valley to St. Helena.: The boat
will be 228 feet long and her contract
will call for a speed of 20 knots an
Brinjr,ft 92.850,000 in Gold
SEATTnLE. June 16.— The steamer
Jefferson Nsailed from Juneau. Alaska;
for Seattle yesterday with $2,850,000
in gold, the largest amount that ever
came out of the north on a /single
Items of Interest to Mariners
of the Pacific
PORTLAND. Jane 10. — The I'ellowstoue is at
Mersey dock, where she is unloading 12,000
sscks of cement and 20.000 fire brick. She *vWI
take I R50.000., feet of lumber at Goble, Prescott
and Italnier for San Pedro.
Steam schooner J. Marhoffer arrived from San
Francisco with general freight.
British bark Gulf Stream mored from Green
wich, dock No. '2 yesterday to Jefferson street
dock. . ...
To take on C 40.000 feet of lumber the Quinault
left last night for Willapa.
With 300 barrels of cement besides other mer
cbandli-e, and a full l|st of passengerß. the
steamer Argo left tonight for Tillamook.
Having moved np to the Alaska dock last nlgbt
the Arabia is unloading 2.000. t0ns of.merchan
dise, after which , she will go to the Inman-
Poulsen mills to load lumber for Manila.
• With 200 tons of miscellaneous' freight and
about 90 passenger*, the steamer Breakwater
left for Coos bay tonight. '
' The tug Henderson will tow the French bark i
Bereurere down to Astoria tomorrow morning. '
The ' Berengere will go_; to . South Africa wiU
lumber dispatched by Taylor '.Young: 4 Co.
.*, Bernard Dommi. secretary ul treasver mt {V
Itredoli composition t-orapsny of Bat "Ptw^ftteri <
has been In Port]an<l fora few'*da-fa>tooklnjc
after the company's branch Dbp. From *re he
goes to, Seattle, where,, they also baTa- a branch.
VICTOEIA; B. C.; Jiine>'l6.—^That'the'rMoyd I
Gcnerale Italia no is contemplatlns a ; round- the !
First Log Raft of the Season Beaches Port Intact
world service similar to that maintained by the
Blue Funuel awl the Cbargeurs Reiyiis lines' ls
a report received here. The Italian company
has been improving its service and has estab
lished a line between Genoa and Bombay and
will work a connecting line from Bombay to
oriental ports pending the completion of arrange
ments for h direct service from Venice to Yoko
hama via the : ports of the orient. This will
be extended as soon as convenient across the
Steamer Amur, which returned today from
Queen Charlotte island, brought the catch of
the sealing schooner | Vera, Including 300 \u25a0 seal
skins and several sea otfer pelts from Jedway.
where the schooner had called for supplies on
her way to Bering sea for: the summer season..
SEATTLE, June 16.— Arrived: Schooner A. S.
Coats, from Port Townsend.
Sailed: Steamer Santa Clara,. for Valdez and
ports;; U. S. "lighthouse tender Manzanita, for
sitfca and ports; British steamer Antilochus. for
Steamer Carlos is expected in during theAnlgbt
from San Francteeo.
In dismissing the charges of drunkenness and
misconduct agalust two of the officers of the
American steamer Massachusetts • for lack of
evidence. United States' lnspectors B. 8... Whlt
'ney and R. A. Turner administered a severe rep
rimand. M. R. Zuvic, third officer of the ship,
who preferred charges against the other officers,
says that ho will appeal from the decision of
the inspectors. The charges grew out of^alleged
actions of two of tbe officers while the steamer
vat bringln** coal for the ( government around
the Horn from Newport News to the navy, yard
at Bremerton.
On board the lighthouse tender Manzanita,
which sailed for a crulsp in Alaskan waters
today, was Dr. Henry S. Pritchett, chairman of
the United States lighthouse board.
TACOMA, June 16. — Steamer Macinaw ar
rived in port today to load general freight for
Barge Haydn Brown, with ore, arrived from
Mount Andrew. Alaska.
Steamer Zapora will leave port tomorrow night
for the fishing banks.
Steamer Admiral Sampson will leave port to
night for Everett. -
Steamer Olympic and steamer. Rainier, with
lumber for San Francisco, left port last night.
German steamer Ella Is expected at Quarter
master harbor lomorrow from Seattle.
ASTORIA, June 16. — Steam schooner J. Mar
hoffer arrived this morning from San Francisco
to load lumber. »
Steam schooner Quinault, with lumber for San
Francisco, went to sea this morning.
Steamer Alliance arrived^ this afternoon from
Coos -bay with freight and passengers.
During Tuesday night the Standard oil barge
No. 91 partially broke loose from Its mooring,
but has been placed .closed in shore. At low
water its keel Is now in view and lt Is quite
certain that its hull is still Intact and all that
is nect-ssary is sufficient gear to place it on an
even keel again.
SAN PEDRO, June 16. — Steamer Yosemlte ar
rived today from Portland via San Francisco with
passengers and lumber.
Schooner Ruby sailed today in ballast for
Coquille river.
Schooner Charles Hanson cleared for Manzan
illo with explosives.:
Steamer Snoshone cleared today for Columbia
river via San Francisco.
Steamer Newbury arrived today from Grays
Harbor with lumber;
- Steamer President cleared today for San Diego
with freight and passengers.
Army Trantinort-i
Tbe Logan, outward bouud, sailed June 14
from Honolulu.
** The Crook Is in port.
The Buford is In port.
The Sherman is in/ port.
The Warren is at Manila.
The Kilpatrlek left Manila May 1, bound to
New York, via Suez.
The Sheridan, outward bound, sailed May 1C
from Honolulu.
The Thomas is In port.
From | Steamer | Date
San Pedro G. W. Elder... June 17
Point Arena & Albion. Porno June 17
Coos Bay ]M. F. Plant. .. June 17
Humboldt |F. A. Kilburn.. June IS
China & Japan Chiyo Maru June 18
Tahiti Mariposa June IS
Puget Sound Ports City of Puebla. June IS
San Dlepo & Way Ports President June IS
San Pedro lYosemite ......June 19
Grays Harbor ..[Norwood June 19
Salina Cruz. jMissourlsn .... Juno 10
San Pedro iHanalei June 19
Humboldt IJ. J. LO£j?le. . . Juno 20
Portland & Way PorU.lHoanoke June 20
Coquille ; River (Elizabeth June 20
Puget Sound Ports [Governor June 20
Seattle & Tacoma Ad. Sampson. .. June 20
Mendocino & Pt. ArenaiSea Foam June 20
San Pedro j/anguard .....June 21
Humboldt |City of Topeka. June 21'
Portland & Astoria 'Rose City June 21
San Diego & Way Ports' Santa Rosa ...June 1.1
Seattle & Tacoma .[Northland June 22 :
Honolulu Alameda |june 22
New. York Via Ancon.. Artec |June 23
Corlnto via San I'edro. Erna IJuno 23
Houolulu • Hllonian jjune 23
Destination I Steamer | Sails |Pler
June 17 —
Portland & Way Ports. G. W. Elder 1 pm 13
China & Japau '.... China 1 pm iZ
Willapa Harbor Daisy .-.
San Diego & Way PortsjSanU Rosa. 10.30 a 9
Grays Harbor G. Llndauer. Ipm 2
June 18—
Humboldt City Topeka. 10.30 a 11
June 19 —
Seattle &. Tacoma lYosemite ... 6pm 2
Los Angeles Ports Norwood ... l pm ....
Puget Sound Ports President ... 2pm 0
Astoria & Portland State of Cal 11 am 27
.Coos Bay M. F. Plant 3pm 8
Point Arena & Albion. Porno Gpm "»
June 20— -.. . 7
Los Angeles Ports ißoanoke ... 5 pm 13
Seattle & Tacoma jßuckman ... 1 pm 20
Los Angeles Ports Hanalei 3pm 7
June. 21 — 1 f
Humboldt |Vanguard .. spm 2
Humboldt ....iK. Kilburn. . 10 am 13
Los Angeles Ports... .. Ad. Sampson 10 am 20
San Diego & Way Ports Governor ... 2 piu 0
N. York v. Salina Cruz Xevadan ... 12 m 23
June 22 — I
Humboldt ......'.. J. J. Lojrgip spmp m jr,
Urn Acgeles Portu..... (Northland ' 2
Puget Sound Ports ;City Puebla. 2pm a
Co«iullle Klver (Elizabeth .. spm 16
June 23— |
Meudocino & Pt. Arena|Sea Foam^r-. 4pm 4
Destination | Steamer | Date
Skagway & Way Ports. iHuinboldt : June 17
Skagway & Way Ports. City of Seattle. June IS
Skagway & Way Ports. [Jefferson, . . June ''O
Nome &. St. Michael. ;. | Victoria ... June 21
Nome & St. Michael. . 'St. Crolx J uu | ;>3
Valdez & Sewax4.. IPorUand ....... June 24
N"tne :..|Senator Jnne 2t»
Time Ball
United States branch hydrographlp office. Mer
chants' Exchange. Saa Francisco,' June
\u25a0 I*s, 1000. ». ,
The time ball on the roof of the Fairmont
hotel -ras dropped today exactly at noon. Pacific
standard time (120 th meridian),- or at Su 00m
00s., Greenwich mean time. • \u25a0
:>:-,\u25a0 J. t. . McMillan, - •
Nautical Espert, In charge.
San, Moon and Tide
United States coast and geodetic survey— Time
and heights of tides at Fort Point. For city
front (Mission street wharf) add 25 minutes.
' THURSDAY. JtlXB 17 y;
Sun ri^es ..; .....:.;... 4:40
Sun sets .....:......... r T-«
Moon sets ..^T. ......".'. .'.V— ' p n,
New moon. J une 17> at 3: io'p. m.'
Hret quarter m00n. .. . .. .June 25. at 10:34 a. m.
Ju J T i^ rt& 6 Ft :&. Ft T^l yi
\u25a0JL w |n w . .Jt,w if^ Ft .
\l" 5 : X~H ! ? : ??' 46 4:4 ° 3-2 10:34 0.4
lb/. .).4S— 1.. i 1:18 5.5 5:28 3.3 11:15 0 3
Iff,. 0:34—1.3 2:08 4.6 C:18 3 4 •
' H W \U W H W ." LVV "\u25a0"
20.. 0100 -6.0 7:18 —1.1 3:00 ?\u25a0 4.7 7-15 3 5
21.. 0:45 .'..« 8:02—0.7 3:4S "4.8 8 : l2 35
22.. 1:34-5.2 8:44^0.2 ;4:32 ?4 8 920 35
. U..S. Branch Hydrogruphlc Office -
A Drancu oi the United States hydrocrapbic
office, located at the, Merchants' Exchange Is
tnaintalnwd In San* Francisco for the benefit of
mari=rrs, without regard to nationality and free
of -expense. Navigators are cordlaUy invited to
visit , the office, ; where complete sets of charts
and sailing directions of : the world are kept at
hand for comparison and ; reference * and i the
latest .information can always be obtained re
garding lights, dangers to navigation and mat
ters of Interest to ocean commerce.
.- •\u25a0 ' > J.-t. McMillan. '
Nautical Expert,: in charge.
Exports for^ the Xorth * i
-The steamer v Queen .sailed »fbr,, Victoria on
Tuesday i with . cargo . consigned >£ to I the • port or
destination aud to other British-American cities
X a ! u J& '»*j' ;i -? 1 ? 5 i :an< -" fa - c - II(lln e >ibe following:
217.600 UK dried , fruit, . -18.425 lb», raisins. ,20
bbl» f100r, » 442 pkgs fresh f niits, ; 123 pkgs vege
tables. 534 pkp» potatoes. 17C pkgs onions--' 10
bbis bsklnf powder. 621 cs canned goodf." 12* 620
lbs I eoff e«, ' 2,000 llm t chocolatp, \ 41,4«( i 7 lbs f salt '
«l.v: lbsr«p!ces,H7o(l lbs ,850 f lbs meals'
5.000 ; lbs ; oil i cake, , 29S gals \u25a0 wine. 122 bbls * as
phalt." 1 0 i carboys acid.~ 4 cs $$ > coils
rope,*,l - canoe ; v 1 4 pk en electrica 1 \u25a0 gowls.'v ."» \ bales
hose, 302 bdls and 43U pcs Bteel" and' Iron, (Jpkgs
machinery. 34 pkgs wagon material. 523 lbs
sheet zinc, 200 pkgs' roofing material, SO bbls
and 1 keg oil. .'! rolls leather. \u25a0•
* : :—.: — . .. \u25a0 _, . — -*
Weather Report
United "States Department of Agriculture —
Weather Bureau, San Franclsoo, June 10.
Past Seasonal Normal
Stations—' 2-1 hours, to date, to date.
Eureka .«-W» ; 42.9S • 45.73
Red Bluff vj. 0.2*5 -.31.10 24. 59
Sacramento >0.00 21.73- 20.09
Mount Tamalpals ...: 0.00, 35.62 22. 50
San Francisco ....... Trace 23. ".7 22.2t$
San Jose "...Trace I,S'.2G ; 13.05
Fresno °-00 8.79 fl.cs
Independence 0.00 ' JI.SS • /. 9.53
San Luis Obispo .0.00 31.35.-V: "20.51
Los Angeles 0.00 19.07 J5.C4
San Diego 0-00 10.23
Coast record for 12 hoars e inline 5 p.m.
* 53 \u25a0X- S 5! -\u25a0 \u25a0: .• -3
• 3 5 P ?' 8 '£§
STATIONS 3 . j H ?" ? STs
/." I--?.- : , : \
Bater 29. 5S 74 , 54 W Cloudy .08
Boise 251 .^S 7* 56. NB Clear .00
Eureka .......30.12 54 50 NW Cloudy .'.OO
Flagstaff ... ..20.84 "li 36 SW Clear .00
Fresuo 29.88 80 5« SW Cloudy .00
Independence ..29.72 S« 56 W Pt.Cldy .00
Kalispell . ....2H.BC 70 .54 NW Pt.Cldy .14
Los Angeles. ..29.94 7ft. M SW Clear .00
Modena 29. 50 SO 40 SW Clear .((0
Mt.-Tamalpal9.3o.o2 WJ 44 W Cloudy .00
North Head.... 30. 0S r.S . . NW Cloudy .00
Puoenlx 29.76 JtS ,«8 NW Clear .00
Pocatello .....20.80' 80 « r .H W Cloudy .00
Pt. Reyes Lt-.29.69 55 4.3 NW Cloudy .00
Portland .. 30.02 64 T.U N Cloudy .02
Red Bluff 2».P2 74 «i> SK Cloudy .00
Reno 29.82 72 4<5 W Cloudy .00
Roseburg 30.02 66 < r >2 W Pt.Cldy \u008400
Sacramento ...20.96 6S r.U S Cloudy .00
Salt Lake 29.74 86 «4 W Cloudy .00
Sau Diego 29.94 68 (50 XW dear .00
San Franclseo..3o.o2 HO 52 W Cloudy .00
San Jose 30.04 66 54 NW Cloudy .00
S. L. 0bi5p0..30.04 64 r.O W Pt.Cldy .00
8. E. Farallon. 3o.oo ,">4 ..TO NW Cloudy .of>
Spokane 29.94 70 ."0 T- Cloudy .10
•Summit cl 37 SW Clear .00
Tacoma 30.04 64 54 N Clondy' .U2
Tatoosh 30.10 58 50 W Clear .00
Tonopah 29.70' 78 50 SE Pt.Cldy .I*o
Walla 20. «0 SO 60 NW Clear .I*o
Wlnnemucca .:2!>.54 7S 4H SW Cloudy .0O
fuma ..29.74 102 64 SW Clear .TO
•Average snow- on ground 4 Inches.
The following maximum and minimum tem
peratures are reported from eastern stations
for previous day: Chicago, 66-SS; New -York,
70-60; Omaha, 74-64.
Light showers have ' fallen In, the northern
states and in California north of Red Bluff.
The depression 'now overlies Nevada and will
probably move slowly eastward.
Cool weather coutlnues in California. After
noon temperatures in the great valley are from
7 to 14 degrees below the normal. -
Fog prevails along the coast. The relative
humidity at Red Bluff was 78 per cent and at
Fresno 41 per cent. _ »
Forecast made at San Francisco for 30 hours
ending midnight, June 17:
San Francisco and vicinity — Cloudy Thursday,
with fog; slightly warmer; moderate west
Santa Clara valley — Fair Thursday; warmer;
moderate north wind.
Sacramento vajley — Cloudy Thursday; moder
ate'south winds. s . .
San Joaquin valley — Cloudy Thursday, with
showers in the Sierras; light west wind, chang
ing to south.
Los Angeles and vicinity— Fair Thursday; light
northeast wind, changing to south. -<«
A. G. McAl>IE, District Forecaster.
Depth at mean low water, entrance- -to harbor.
PLACE I Ft. I Date | Remarks
Grays Har| 19 [May 29] Channel getting broader
\u25a0 - . .No change In channel;
tVillapa B 27 June 9 10 ft. M. L. W. in
• j - - •- -,>-.'.- channel to South
V. } Bend. \u25a0-'\u25a0.-.
Colnm R|*24 |Feb. 16|.
Nehalm Rl 9 [Apr. SlChannel 200 feet south
. I) I of buoy.
I [Depth of 8 feet at low
Tillmk B. 9 (Apr. 30 water In channel to
\u25a0 I Garibaldi.
Yaqulna B| 13 |.Mar. l^jCLmnnel not shifting.
' - \u25a0 Beacon on beach In line^
Siuslaw R 4 May 1 with south side of
I I gulch leads over bar.
Umpqua Rl 11% June 2 Channel In good condl-
I - tion.
12 feet at low water to
Coos Bay. 17 June 1 North Bend; 11 feet
• at low . water to
Coqullle Rl S May 31 Channel close to north
I I Jetty.
No opportunity for
Rogue Blt soundings lately: be
fore rise there was 7
\u25a0 feet on bar.
Klamth R| T |May 29|Channey Btralght.
North channel rery
crooked; 18 ft. aver-
Bmbldt B 20 June 1 age low water in
straight channel lead
' ing out northwest.
B Pedro B| 20 I Apr. 15|No cbauge in channel.
S Diego B| 25 |May 3]No change In channel?"
S Pablo Bi 24 lApr. 21IDepfh in dredged chan-
I I I nel.
Tuesday, June 15.
Launch J. C. Elliott, Grant, 8 hours from
Santa Cruz.
Wednesday. June 10. |
II S Btmr^McCulloch, hours from San
Stmr Gnalala, Martinson, 20 hours from Hardy
creek. :.'.-—
Stmr Asuncion, Bridfrett, 53 hours from As
toria. '
\u25a0 Stmr City of Topeka. Hall, 20 hours from
Rtmr Centralia, Erickson, 41 hours from San
Pedro. '
Stmr Georpfi W. Fenwick. ' Miller. f> days -from
fflorth Germanyjoyd
Large, Fast and Luxurious Twin-Screw
-Express " and Passenger " Steamships' .
Equipped with Wireless and Submarine Signals.
• Express Sailings Tuendavs at 10 a. m. -, \u25a0
Kaiser^Wm/UliJuneZOlCedlta . .......:Jnly 13
Kronprinz Wm.." July.elKals. Wm. d. Gr.July 20
Twin-Screw Sailings Thursdays at 10 a. m. ..
Kurfuerst .*.\u25a0-.. :Jime 24 1 Bremen ........ .July S
Washinj-ton : . . V.Jaly I|P. Friedrleh'.Wm.July 13
George; "kVas»hlnflr*on — Sails " July 1—27.0001 — 27.000
tons".. N'pwpßt and Larj-pst German ship afloat.
Every' lnnovation known to the shipbuilder* art.
Mediterranean Sailings Saturday at 11 h. m.'
Berlin (new) . . .June 26 Prlnzess - Irene. . .July 17
K. I^iise f . . . . . .July 10 K. Albert-. ..... .Ju1y 31
Connection* Enclrcllnjc the Globe
Travelers' Checks rood all over the world.
Apply OELRICIIS & CO.. Gen'l Agents
6 Broadway, New York, or -
Robert Capelle, G. A. P; C 230 Powell st.,' opp.
... St. Francis Hotel. San Francisco. ; -
Telephone— Kearny 47C4 . ' r;
I piymoutli-— Cherbours— Southrimpton
Philadelphia— QtieenHtovrn— laverpool-
•: A'ew -York— London* Direct % V
! New' A'ork — Rotterdam,...' via Boulogne
. -' '•"".: NeW York— Dover— Antwerp
New .York-— QueenstoTrn— Liverpool v
! \u25a0 Plymonth — Cherbonrjc— Southampton'
! .\u25a0?; Boston-^Queenstoyvn— Liverpool •'*.-
Via A«ore» anil GMtrnltnr \u25a0 ; -\u25a0 -
CRETIC ... ... -June 20|FINLAXD . . . . r. Jnly 10
ROMANIC ;•• • • .Ju 1 *" 3(OAM)PIC . . . . . July 24
i (-.'J-..KOEPPEL. Passenger Ajent Pacific" Coast,
•:.-.•\u25a0\u25a0 s'W.EIIU Street Near Market.
Compaghfe 'Generale {Transatlantjqiie
'Sailing every Thursday, instead of Saturday, at
10 a. m.. from pier 42, : North river, foot of Mor-
ton \u25a0Bt.'^ \u25a0 ''•\u25a0;.;-'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'<;,\u25a0 -\u25a0 '-- : : : ''\ c V/Y-; \u25a0-":;..->\u25a0
\ ::'•\u25a0-. First class to Havre. . 57 1 .50 ; and upward ; I sec-
ond class; to Havre.' sr>o and npxrard. GENERAL
ADA, 19 ; State st..; New York. . J. 1 ; p.- FUGAZI
Manager i Pacific f coast.- 630 f Montgomery. «t:; I San
Francisco.; Tickets , sold nby all, railroad' ticket
agents, v . \u25a0 v-.T :;.;•; \u25a0,- r-. »
Mukilteo,- via Columbia river 130 hours, bound
south; put in 'With log raft In tow.
Stmr Nevadan,' Groene, U0 hours from Seattle;,
put iv to finish loading. •
Stmr National City, Hlgglns, 16 liours from
Fort Bragg, bound \u25a0 south ; put in for fuel.
Stmr' Brooklyn, 'Heudricksou, 60 hours from
San I'edro. - ' , •
Stmr James S. Htj-gin*.. Hljrglns/ 14 .hours
frotn'Fort Bragfr, 'bound south; put in. for fuel.
" Stmr Daisy Freeman,. Johnson, CS hours from
Willapa harbor. - , \u25a0 -\u25a0.
Sehr Sausalito, Nelson, 5 daysfrom Sluslaw.
Sehr .Santiago, McDonald, 14 hours from Mon
terey, in tow tug. Navigator. "*\u25a0 '
Schr Waskcalore, Peterson, 67 hours from Sius
law river. \u25a0:'»\u25a0<
Wednesday, June 16. 5
Stmr Hanalei, McFarland, San Pedro; Cres
cent wharf and warehouse company.
Stmr Coos Bay. Bowen, sau l'edro; Pacific
Coast steamship company.
Stmr China, Kriele, Hongkong, via Yokohama
and Honolulu; Pacific Mall steamship company.
Ship Acme. Park. New York and Pulladclphla;
Bates & Ciiesebrough. .
' Wednesday. June 16.
US stmr Vlcksburg, Halsted. Atlantic coast.
.Stmr North Fork, Nelson. Eureka. ,
.;Stnir Sea Foam, I^e, Point Arena and Albion.
Stmr, Goos Bay, Bowen, San . I'edro and way
ports. : - \u25a0 ~ ;--•-_- •
\u25a0 Stmr Samoa, Madsen. Caspar.
Stmr Cascade, Ludlow, Willapa.
Stmr Brunswick, Hammer, Fort Brajrg.
Stmr Centralia, Ericcson. Grays Harbor.
Stmr Excelsior, Nasou,"" Willapa.
Stmr Hanalei. McFarland.- Sau Pedro.
Stmr Brooklyn, Hendrickson, Mendocino coast.
Stmr Acapulco, Track, Aucon. . •
Sfmr Redoudo, Bendegard, Coos bay.
Stmr F.;A. Kilburn, McLellan. Eureka.
- Stmr George W. Fenwick, Miller, San Pedro.
Stmr James S.Hlgglns, Higgins. San Pedro.
Stmr Hauxen. Union landing.
Stmr National City, Hlgglns,\San Pedro.—
Schr Advent. Olsen, Coos bay, in tow stmr
Schr Jlontcrey, Kelly, Monterey, in tow tug
Navigator. . -- ,\u25a0
Schr- luca, Rasmussen, Sydney, via Astoria.
-POINT LOBOS, June IC, 9 &s nl— Cloudy;
wind, west: vploclty, 12 miles per hour.
POINT REYES. June 16. 0. a.' m.— Cloudy;
wind, northwest; velocity, 33 miles per hour.
FARALLONES, June 16, 0 a. ra. — Cloudy;
wind, northwest; velocity, 14 miles p*r hour.
TATOOSH. June 16, 9 a. m.— Cloudy; wind,
west; velocity. 4 miles per hour.
Stmr Asuncion, from Portland for San Fran
clsrt) — June 1">, 5:.".0 p. m.. off Point Gorda.
Stmr Mariposa. from Tahiti for San Francisco
— June lli, 2 a. m., 700 miles, off San Francisco."
Jnne o—Lat 31, deg N. long 22 deg W, Fr
bark Gael, from London, for Oregon.
' June 10— Lat 51 deg -N. long 21 deg W. Br
bark Holywood, from Eureka, for United King
dom. _ -
June 13— Lat 40 dep N. lons 7 deg W. Ital
ship Cresslugton. hence Dec 16, for Ipswich.
\u25a0\u25a0POINT LOBOS. June UV 10 p. m. — Weather.
cloudy ;• wind, wost : velocity. 14 miles per hour.
ASTORIA — Arrived June lfi— Stmr Alliance,
from Coo* bay; Btuir J. Marhoffer, hence
June 12.
Sailed June 16— Stmr Quinault. for Willapa
harbor: stmr J. Marhoffer.' for Portland.
TATOOSH— Passed out June 15— Stmr Wasp,
from Tacomn. for Grays Harbor. Jnne 16 —
Stmr Olympic, from Tacoma. for San Fran
cisco; stmr Rainier, from Seattle, for San Fran
• clseo.
Passed In June 10— Stmr Carlos, hence June
12. for Seattle.
Passed In June 16— Stmr Jim Butler, hence
June 12. for Puget sound: stmr Winnebago,
bence June 12, for Puget sound.
Passed oilt June 16 — Stmr City of Puebla.
from Victoria, for Sau Francisco: Br stmr Ning
Chow, for Liverpool, via China and Japan.
SOUTH BEND — Arrived Jnne 1C — Stmr Wil
lapa. hence June 12; strnr Quinault, from As
SAN PEDRO— Arrived June ' 15— Stmr George
TV*. Elder, henco June 14; strar President, hence
June 14. June 16 — Stmr Argyll, hence' June
14: gtmr YosemitP. lience Jnne 14.
Sailed June AT — Stmr Long Beach, for San
Francisco: stmr G. W. Elder, for San FraneUco;
stmr William ' 11. Murphy, for San Francisco
June 10 — Stmr President, for . San Di«>go. .
- Arrived June 16 — Stmr Newbnrg, hence June
14: stmr Bowdoin, from Caspar.-' >\u25a0
Sailed June 16 — Stmr Shoshoue, for San Fran
clwo: schr Ruby, for Bandon.-
PORT SAN LUIS — Arrived June 10— Stm*
Washtennw. from Honolulu. '
REDONDO— Arrived June 16— Stmr Pasadena,
from Albion: stmr Mandalay. hence June 14.
Sailed June 10— Stmr Mandalay. for San
Pedro.-. !
SAN DlEGO— Sailed Juno IG— Stmr Bowdoin,
for Redondo.
SEATTLE— Arrived June 15— Stmr Hyades.
hence June 11.
Sailed June lo — Stmr Spokane, for Alaska:
stmr City of Puebla. for Sun Francisco. Jnne
10— Br stmr Antiloohus. for Liverpool; stmr
A. G. Lindsay, for S'katrway.
Arrived June If — Stmr Santa Clara, from Jn
neau; fflir - A. " F. Costs, .. from Mazatlan, • via
Townsend. : . •
PORT LUDLOW— Arrived June 15— Stmr Tlt
erton. hence June 10. • .
EUREKA— Arrival June 16 — Stmr J. J. Log
«ric. hem-e June 14; stmr Whlttier. from San
Pedro; stmr Aurella. hence June 14.
— - — — .—. — - — —^ — : ,
Steamers Leave Broadway
/t)y^~~^Q«\. wharves (Piers 9 and 11)
Vsk \ vx2r LOS AXGELES *
y&tiiaxtfsy SAX DIEGO
•Governor.. ..Mon., June 21, July 5, 10, 2 p. m.
....Mon.. June 14, 28; Sun.. July 11, 2 p. m.
, Alternately Every \ Monday Thereafter.
Santa Rosa. ......Every Thursday, 10:30 a. m.
•Direct for Los Angeles. Will not call S. Barbara.
Connecting at Seattle for SE. Alaska. Skagway,
Dnwson. Fairbanks, Nome, St. Michael.
Puebla.... ...Tnes.; June 22; July 6. 20, 2 p. m.'
tGovernor.... Sat., June 26: July 10, 24. '2 p. m.
Queen ....'.. ...'..."..**. ty. Tue5., June. 29. 2 p. m.
tPresident.Sat., » ..June 19, July 3. 17^31. 2 p.m.
Umatllla \.... .......... Tiie5., July 13. 2 p. m.
Alternately Every Tues. and Sat. Thereafter.
tWIH not call at Victoria, Townsend, Vancouver.
Topeka;..':.. .June IS.- 23. 2S; July 3, 8. 13. IS,
23, 2S, 10:30 a. m. Every fifth day thereafter.
Curacao. .".7th of each month, 10 a. m.
ALASKA CRUISES— Leave Seattle :
5p0kane........ .June 30; July 13, SO: August 14
Queen.......... ................July 15, 30
Senator (direct) Leave Seattle. June 28
Right reserved to change this schedule. - v .
TICKET OFFICES— 3 Market St.. 112 Market St.,
and Broadway' Wharf. ; Tel. Kearny ,492.
OAKLANI£-10r>6 Broadway.. Tel. Oakland 5650.
C. D. DUNANN. G. P. A.. San Francisco.
HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. Sailings ejery Satur-
day. • ... . "... v "
to \u25a0 NEW- YORK. . sailing " every 21- days; »also
taking freight for. MEXICAN, and EUROPEAN
ports. \u25a0 — <\u25a0 • -" -. .
DEARBORN * * LAPHAM. General Agentsi 8
MOND-& CO.. General f AfrentB. Pacific . Coast,
S.^ S. " Chiyo ' Maru.'V." ... -Tuesday,- June 29, ' 1909
S. 8. Tenyo Maru: .'.". : .. .Tuesday, July 27, 1909
S. S. Nippon Maru.. .".Tuesday, August " 17, : 1909
- Steamers r sail " from company's piers, Nog. \u25a0 42,
44/ near^ foot of;Second.xt..l,p. m.f for.Xoko-
ham«. and' Hongkong., calling" at Honolulu Kobe
(Hlotro), N.ij-s*akl and Shanghai, and connecting
at Hongkong ;>-lth • steamers -. for ' Manila, India,
etc.; No cargo received on board on. day of sail-
ing. .Round, trip 1 tickets at reduced rates.. '
\u25a0 '. For i freight ; and , passage apply * at . office,* 240
James Flood building.: .-.JW. H.vAVERT,-«>-
.v '\u25a0..:;. '\u25a0:-\u25a0>. General Manager. \u25a0\u25a0..
iHJNULULU a ' m - Junf "°- Special
;II; IIU *"" l -V. | -r r round irlp.'-1110 first class.
: Mariposa sail* 11" a. 1 "- ra.V: JnlyLll ; SpL' Tahiti'
? round ? trip f $125. • Wellington." $260.- ,R. t.
LINE/673Mkt.; tel. u Kearny 1231 :
BLES. 203-209 Valencia at.." 11 a. ra. 70 horses
and mares; also wagons, buggies and tarness of
every flescriptlon. TeL Park 2723.
VfM. CLOUGH. Anctloneer.
£& 2&
.Private sale. 20 big Mares, Horses and Mules;
Sand. Sprinkling-. Express Wagons. Dump Carts.
M. and F. Construction Co.. Xew- Broadway. an«l
Edith st., Oakland. 2 blocks beyoutl Country
Club. Also a lot of Chain Harness.
JSs 5s
Big combination AUCTION SALE In Oaklan<l
SATURDAY. June 1!). at 11 a. m. 40 head of
cheap larjre and small horses and mules. All
guaranteed noises will "be booked. Camptus rigs,
47 vehicles, (S3 sets harness. .V 5 4th at.. .Oak-
land. X J. W. MEDKIROa, Anctloneer.
-^ 55© "^£
43 head All Purpose Horses. Buggies and Wagons
BEXO STABLES, 34th st. near San Pablo ay*.,
Oakland. OEO. REED & CO.
Sailed June 16 — Stmr Santa Monica, for Saa
Pedro; Nor . stmr Elr. for Tuget sound; stmr
Capistrano. for Astoria.
NEEDLE ROCK— Sailed June 13— Stmr Marsh-
field, for San Pedro.
ST. MICHAEL— SaiIed , June 15— Stmr St.
Crolx.i for Seattle.' ;
WESTPORT i Wash.)— Passed in June 15—
Stmr Saginaw. . hence June VI. June 16 — Stmr
Wasp., from Tacoma.
TACOMA — Arrived Jnue 16— Stmr Governor,
hence June 13, via Seattle; stmr Mackinaw,
from Seattle.
Sailed June 10 — Br Rtmr Anriloehns. for Liver-
pool; stmr Governor, for Seattle; Br stmr
Chow, for Yokohama. «
NOME — Arrjved June 16 — Stmr Senator, from
VALDEZ— Arrived June 13 — Stmr Northwest-
ern, from Seattle, and stalled for Seattle.
KETCH IK AN— Arrived June l"»— dtrur Faral-
lon, from Seattle.
NEW YORK — Sailed June 13 — Br stmr Manoa,
for Colon, via Baltimore.
HONOLULU— SaiIed Jnne 15— Br stmr Yeddo.
for Sydney. ' June 16 — Stmr Alameda, for San
Francisco. r
Arrived June. 16— Stmr Siberia, hence June 10,
for China, etc. : -
BARRY— Sailed May 21— Br stmr Harcroft,
for Acapulco.
PAYTA — Arrived June o — Br stmr Pinna, from
Yokohama. .
SALAVERRY— SaiIed June H— Schr Blakeley,
for Puget sound.
SALINA CRUZ — Sailed June 10— «er stmr Sa-
latis. for San- Francisco, via Manzanillo and
Mazatlan. -
CALLAO — Sailed June 13 — Ger stmr Uarda. for
San Francisco, via ports.
MAZATLAN — Arrived June 14— Stmr Curacao,
hence June 7, and sailed for (iii«vm»s.
\u25a0 VICTORIA — Sailed June 16 — Stmr City of
Puebla. for San Francisco: Br stmr Ning Chow,
for Liverpool; stmr Spokane, for Alaska.
SYDNEY — Arrived prior June 13 — Nor ship
Sophie, from Ancon.
HOBART— Sailed May 2S— Fr bark Franeoise
d'Ambolse. for San Francisco.
HONGKONG — Sailed June 12— Br stmr Em-
press of Japan, for Vancouver.
Arrived June 16 — Br stmr Dakotab, from Ma-
nila. **•
PUERTO MEXlCO— Sailed June 13— Stmr
Isthmian, for Delaware breakwater.
VALPARAISO— SaiIed June 11— Ger stmr
Hermonthis, for Hamburg.
NEW YORK— Arrived June 16— Stmr Oarma-
nla. from Liverpool.
Sailed June 16 — Stmr Teutonic, for Southamp-
ton: stmr Manretanla, for Liverpool: stmr Bleu-
cher. for llamhare.
HIOGO — Arrived previous June lfi — Stmr
Amiral nxelmans. from Antwerp, etc.. via Sing-
apore. Honsrkone. etc.. for San Francisco.
SOUTHAMPTON— SaiIed Jnne \C — Stmr Kaisfr
Wilhelths 11, for New York: stmr Majestic, for
New York. -
/^ |S|\ Saota Fe Trains Leave
mmM san franxisco
VHy Market St. ferry
LBAVK FOR— |A. M.| P. M.
BAKERSFIELD 7:15 8:00-10:00
CHICAGO 7:15 8:00-10:00
FRESNO- 7:15 4:00-8:00-10:00
GRAND CANTOS? 7:15 8:00-10:00 .
HANFORD 7:15 10:00
KANSAS" CITY 7:15 8:00-10:00-
MERCED 7:15 4:00- 8:00-10:00
STOCKTON 7:15 4:00- 8:00-10:00
& SIERRA RY. PTS... 9:45
TULARE 7:13 8:00-10:00
VISALIA : 7:15 8:00-10:00
YOSEMITE '.. 7:15 10:00
California Limited throuch to Chicago
leaves at 10.00 p. m.
OFFICES: i -"; V
673 Market Street and'
Market Street Ferry Depot,
San Francisco
* 1112 Broadway, Oakland
P^R*J MAY 11, 1909
1^ San Francisco
Leave. VIA SAUSAUTAO Arrive.
7:13 a Sonoma and Glen Ellen 8:03p
7:45 a Petaluma, Santa Rosa. Healds-
barg. ! Cloverdale. Ukiah, Willits. -
Sherwood, Sebastopol and Guerne-
ville »7:35p
8:15 a Pt. Reyes, M«nt<- Rio, Cazadero. ••7:05p
£S:4sa Petaluma. Santa Rosa. Guerneville . 7:03p
J9 :15a Sonoma and Glen Ellen "... 8:33p
t9:lsa Lagunltas, Cp. Taylor. Pt. Reyes 7:35p
10:45 a Petaluma and Santa R0«a....... 4:35p
t2:43p]Pt. Reyes, Monte Rio. Cazadero. tll:0oa
3:15p Petaluma. Santa Rosa. Healds-
,;>v^ :• • burg, Cloverdale. Ukiah. Gnerne-
vllle. River Landing. Sebastopol. 11:03 a
4:43p Sonoma and Glen Ellen 0:05 a
5:15p Petaluma and Santa Rosa S:33a
t5:45p Lagunltas. Cp. Taylor, Pt. Reyes 8:03 a
$7:45p Point Reyea 8:05 a
Bausalito, Mill Valley, San Rafael— Daily
every. 3U minutes from 6:45 a. tn. until 9:45
a. m. ; hourly until 2:45 p. m.. then 3:15 p. m.
and every SO minutes until 7:43 p. m.. then
9:00, 10:33 p. ra. and 12:01 a. m. <0n Sundays
— In "addition — every 30 minutes from 9:43 a. m.
to 3:1." p. in., excepting 2:15 p. m.)
Fairfax— Leave t§:4s. t":13. 7:45, 8:13, 9:13.
J9:45, 10:43. 11:45 a. m.: 12:45. 1:43. t2:43.
3:13. 3:45. 4:13, 4:43, 5:13. 5:43, 6:15, 6:43.
J7:45 p. m.' -
San Quentin rla. San Rafael — Leave 9:13 a. ra..
1:45 p. m. *
Tiburon and Belvedere — Week days — 7:30. 9:00,
111:45 a. m.., ("12:45 p. m. Saturdays only).
3:30. 5:30 p. m.; Sundays — 7:30. 319:00. {{11:00
a. m. ; $112:30, 3:30. 3:30 p. ra. and $12:01 a . m .
•Sundays arrive. 7:05 p. m. from Sebastopol
and Guerneville. • 'Sundays arrive 8:05 p. m.
tExcept Sunday. tSunday only. fVla Saasallto.
If Runs to Schuetzen Park.
Pacific Transfer Company's Agents are author-
ized to check bargage direct from residences.
_ v :w FrM - ba U.Wiif Waste t>. Tinalnis .
9:45* 7:15 a t7:2ot 11:05* 7:2Ca 9:42*
1:45p «"8:45a 1:40p 12:20p 1:40p 11:22*
*4:45p 9:lba e2:45p / 1:50p *.:Up 12:10»
'. ,9:45 a 4:20p 3:50p *9:50p 1:40p
...... 11:15 a \u25a0. 5:20 p...... 3:40p
...... 12:45 p...... 6:40 p...... 5:10-
•••••• 2:45? \u25a0 6:40?
- 4:15 p.....: .-. : . .-.
•Sat. only. tMon. only. ©Tsmalpais only. IMuir only
Ticket Offices— Sausalito Ferry and 874 Market.
General Offices— Slill \ alley. Califororj-
(12th and Mission)— Dally ex. "Sunday — Lt.:
•7:45 a. t9:30a,.»1:15p. t3:4op. Ar. S. F.: •7:25 a.
t9:loa, •l:00p.tl:15p. Sundays — Lt.: ."7:43a,
to:3oa, J*10:10a, »ll:13a. »12:15 p. ts:4op. Ar.
S.F.: .•7:25 a, t9:loa. •11:40 a. »4:40 p. t3:lsp.
t»6:oop.' *To and from Arieta. tTo and from
Tunltas Glen. :jStop at Salads. San Pedro, Ter-
race, Farallone. Mosa Beach, Granada. Half moon
Bay. Connect at Tunltas Glen with stage for
San Gregorlo, Pescadero. Pebble Beach and La
Honda. - » '
.Vallejo,' N^^apa, St. Helena
Mo^tlceno S.'S.;Co. and Napa Valley Electric
VL.'- R. Co.".- Close : connections.
: Boats leave San : Francisco 7:00 " *9 :45 ' a. m..
12:30 n00n,'3:15. 6:00. *8:30 p. m.
\u25a0; San • b>tnclsco landing and - office. Clay a',-wt
wharf, north " end ferry - building. Market street
ferry. -Meals a la cart*. - Phoo* Ke>rtu> 406. -
- *Land navy .yard direct. .
At Receiver's Sale
SAM WATKIXS, Auctioneer
Notice is hereby given that by order of court
I will sell at public auction on Saturday. June
lf>. 19C9. at 10 oVlock ». m.. at stoekvards of
W. A. Saunilers, 445 Allso St., L«s Angeles, CaL
Belonging to the copartnership of Briek^r A
Coats. They are from 5 to 11 years of age. 14
to IB hands high, from 1.000 to 1.300 pounds la
weight. In sood condition and well broken.
TEUMS— Cash. United States gold coin.
Receiver of dissolved firm. Brleker ft Cowts.
office CO4 Mills buildlns. San Fraaclsco. Cal.

Wv*/g\/Ai . jfaoM Mat 20 1909
\^- x Foot of Market Street
Leave — \u25a0VIA OAKLAND PIER— AniT9
"2.13* Niles, Lrvermore, Tracyl tfttErbp.
Stockton. Lodi, Sacrassen to 9.53»
8.43 a Hayward. Ni!e<. Saa Jose 7 CS»
7.00 a Richmond. Fort Costa, Etricia, Eta-
sun. Dipn. Sacramento. llosetdic
Marysville. ItfdUinx^ luc?"sur.... 7^B>
7.00 a Elmiro. Vaeavillr. kumsey.... 7,28*1
7.00» Davis, Woodland (Marysville. Oro-
ville). Williams. UazweU, *Ailloi-s.
U*:nilton. Cornins. Bedßlcn*... 7289
7.40* Vallejo. Napa, C'alistojs. far.fs Pc-s.
Mirtinsx, Saa Ramon, Ecujbeny.
Pleaainto a 6.CS?
7.40 i Nil*st Flnsanton. Livmcore, Al-
taroont, Lathrop, Stockton .... 7^B*l
7.40« Tr.-.cy, Los Banoai Keraaa, Jrtsso.
ifmforJ. Visali* 4^B|t
8.00» Newark, Saa Joia, Los Catcs,^ right.
Fdtoa, Boulder Creek. Sacta Cruz. . 5.43)
BL2Oa Port Costs, Martin ex, lijrcn. Tracy,
Stockton. Merced, Fresno. Ccshea
Junction ( Eanfor d), Visalia, Fetter-
vills Baker sfidd 4.48»
B2oi Yosemits Valley via llerred 4.48?
9.00» Nil»j. Urerraors. Stockton (*&iatco).
Valley Spring: lone, Sacramecto. 4.289
ft.OOt Sonora. Tjolamaa and Angels...... 4.28?
9.00 a Atlantis Kxprcss— Sacramento.Tree-
kee. Olden. Salt Lake tity. I'enver.
Ivaa»s City 6.28*1
9.40 a lUehmond. Fort tests, lisrtisea.
Bay Point 6.48p
1 0.20* Vsilejo. Mar; Unn d. Kapa 1 1.28 a
IO.2O« Los Aajsles Passa D t«r— Fort Cost*.
Martiaes. Byroa, Iracy, Stockton.
UsreeJ, Fresno, Hanfcrd, Visalia,
TuUre. Dskersaeid. Los Aiig»l*s... 7.43?
10.40* Go!dseiJ Pass.— Fort Costa, Urricia.
Saeniaenta Trj ckee, liawn. IJina,
Tonopab. OoldS tld. Lavs, Keekr.. 7 43a
10.40* Marys»yie. Chieo. Red Muff 4.28p
12.00.71 Tim Uverlsnd I i:uite<!— 1 fnvtr.
Kansas City. Om-^ha. Chicsgo 7.28p
1.20j» Nile-. Sun Jow ao<) Way Slaticß*.. 2.4£p
2.00? Newark S«u Jo» c. Log Gates, Wright,
Fdtan. Boulder Creek. Santa Cruj. . 9 EBp
2.2 C» Beaicia. Suiaun. Sa craroenlo I.CBp
2.20 i P.irtljal Express (via Lavis), Wil-
liams. Wiilows. Red Bluff, T.etd.
Ashlaad, Portland. Tacctns.Ee-.ttle. 12.23s
2.40» Sanl^eandro. Nile?, San Jcse 8.28 a
3.UOa iifuieu. Winters, Sacmtnmto. Wcod-
lanJ, UarysviHs sod CrovOle 10.48 a
3.00? SaaLeandro, Kiics, Centfrvil'e, Ne*»-
ark,San Jose 1~.C2a
3.209 Port Costa (Stockton). "JarUnes,
livroii. Mod eito, Merced. It-m0... I2.CS;
3.45? Vi.v SausaUto, W est Napn. Et. Be!esa.
(Wistoga lO^sa
4.00» Vallsjo. Napa, Calistcjs. Santa Rosa,
M:irtinei, San ItamoD. loushertj.
livermore 9.23 a
4.00» Niisa. Tracy, Stockton, lodL 10. 28 a
4.40? Saa. Leaadro. Bay-tartl. Kiles.l 13.28»
Pie»santon. Livermore | til 48a
5.00*1 Ths Owl Liiaited— Newman, Los
Baaos. Msndatt. Kerisan, Fresno,
Tulare. BakersSeld, 1-os .Angtlts... 8.48 a
5.00(1 Unwell. Ssn 'oss. I.osGatos 8.48 a
6.00? Saturdar aa j Sun day for XV right. Fet-
ton. (Boalder Creek). {9.23 a
3.2Cp San Leandro. Xiles, S-a:i Jw 7.45 a
5.40? Ricli-aoaJ. Pinole. Valiejo, l'crti'osta.
Bsnieia. Saisan, Eseraaiento — Rose-
ville. Lin coin, Marysville. Oroviile.. II.ZSa
8.20> Eastern Express — Cj-ien. 1 uebio,
•;;«-• Denver. Kansas City. St. Louis,
Purt Costa, Beaicia, Eacrsmt&to.
Iteao, Sparks 8.28»
8.40j Hayward. Niles and faa Jose 6.48p
17.00? VaUejo. Fort Costa. Uar tines. Bay
Point ami Way Stations lII. IB'
8.2 C? Oregon Express — Sacram en to.Uarya-
ville. Reddiag. (Maedorl. Klsoalb
Falls). Ashland. Portland. Taccma,
Seattle, Spokane 9.48 a
9.00> China and Japan I'ast Uail —
OrJea, Chey enne, I enter, Kansas
City. 0 in t ha, Chicago 2.45j
1 1.00s Yoss.Tsi:* Valley ii* Isita, Iferced, j
Q Portal 8.48 a
. 11.00? N3es. La thro p. Modesto. Herced.
Fresno , 1 0.35p
• *~(Tliinl tiinl Towtiseuil Mreou;
tS.2Sa Loop — 23d Street, Vtsitacko,
South San Fran cisco. Valeecta St. 16.3Es
t5.40a Loop — Valencia SU. Ocenn Vi«w
' Ceme'e-ies. South fan Fmnci-co, 280
Street. 3.1 and Totrnseiiri fS.SOa
6.40 a South Bi«> Francisco. ?tn Jet:. Gil-
roy, (llolliiter), Sargent. Ssiinas. .. B.5Cg
X7JOO* Sunday Excursioa Gilroy, Psiaro, t .is-
troviile, Del Monte; Monterey, Pacific
Grove 10,50?
B.ooa Ths Coaster— San Jose. ('nstroviHe,
(Del Monte.lloatereT. Pacific Grtrre),
Soltmi-. S>letiail. I'jim> Itobles Hot
Springs, San I.tris Obispo. 1 'ixmi\
Oeeano. Surf. Lorapoc. Baßla l'ar-
bara. Ventura. Oioarii. I.os .A;-2»!es 11.45]
8.03* JLivSclJ. Los Altus. Los Gates,
Wright. (Boalder Creek ». S^nta Crnz,
Watsooville. Castroville. Dei Monte.
Monterey. Pacific Grove 1.25*1
8.20 a Soatti San rr.ineisco. Palo Alto, San
Joss. Way Stations.. 7.38 a
8.20 a Lira Altos. Los Gatos, Wright, (Boulder
Creek). Santa Cms 17.20*
o.ooa San Joss, (iilrov. S»\i-.-u; Chsrxicr.
Paso Kobtes Hot Springs. Ssn I.vis
Obispo— H' Uister — S»nU Crt:i, tel
Munts. Uonterey. Pacific Grove... 4.CC)
10.40 a South San Francisco, Borlingstß%
Saa Mateo,' Falo Alto. Saa Jose .... 6.3C-.
10.40 a Los Altos lloata Viaia. Los Cstos.. { j f
1 1.30 a Va'eneia St.. Oeeaa View. Co!ma.
CVneterijs. Baden. San Etttso 1.35|
11.40* South din Franeiisco. >sn Jore ..... 18.20 a
t.003 Sarardav. Palo Alto and Way i-tatiens S.CC?
2.00? South Saa Fra a cisco, Pato Alto. tat.
Jose B.4Ca
tZ.QOa l.os. Altos. l.os Gntos.T7richt, (Boulder
Creek), Sant* Crca t3.20p
t2.10a Bay Shore. Visitation, San 8run0.... |4.45p
3.00? Del Moots Express— Saa Jose. Gilroy.
Chitteadea. Watsonvi!>. Santa Crna,
' Del Monte. Uonterey, Pacific Grove 12.3C-
13.15? UaySel4 Los Altos, Los Gates.
Wr^-ht. CBodder Creek). Santa Cna 9.45 a
3.20 a South San t'ranci sen. e'aa Jote. GU-
roy.Castroville. Salinas 10.251
AJOOf Sunset Express— Tucson. Cetniiig.
El Paso, Houston \ New Orleans,
Paaa Hottlss Hat S prints, Ssn Lots
Obispo. San U Bar b ara, Los A Bge!es. 1 1.40 a
4.00? Gilroy, Hollister. Trea Pinos 8-3Cp
4.00 a Delllante. Monterey. Psnßc Grove. IM3p
4.00? Kansas City, St. Lo uis. Cliicsgo.... 11.4Ca
4.20? South Saa Francisco. Pan Jose... 19.00 a
tS.GO? Saa Bruno. &ii> Ma teo, Ps!o Alto. Sau •
Jo-ea;!.l Way Stations 9.40 a
f3.05? Loop— 23d Street, VL-itacien. Foath
, Sail Frartebco. Vulenria Street 18.15?
5.10? Los Altoi Los Gatos, Wrisht, (Boclder
Creeki. Saata Crua 9^op
f3.20? Red»ood. Palo Alto, llajfieid. taa
Joso \u0084. I.IC»
.f S.2Oa Los K\to% M/nta Vbta. Los Gatos.. t3.iCp
f5.25? Buriiasaas San Blsteo. i'sn Jo-e .. 13.20?
15.30? Loop— Valencia St.. Ocean View.
Cemeteries. South Saa Franr:sro,
23-1 Strwt. 21 «nd Towa ser<! 6.4 Cp
B. 40» San Bruno, S»a Matso. Redwood.
Palo Alt* Santa Clurn, Saa Jose... 7 .40*
?5.40a Los Gatos, Wright. (Boulder Creek),
\ Santa Orua .- 5.40p
tS.OOa Millbrae. Eastoa. Ssn Mateo. Palo
Uti«. May <id.f. Lo s .Altos. Los Catos tBXOa
6.00b Saturdaj-s, Wrijht. (Boulder Creek).
Santa&ua §3.CCa
tS.O3a 2ir Street. Visitacioa. Soutli San
Francisco. Valencia Stx est t7.15p
fS.25* Loop — Vaiea eu eet. Ocean View,
Cemeterieai South Saa Fraocuco,
23.1 Street. 31 and Towntend t7.40n
' 6-303 South 3an Francisro. Eaa Jose 5.4 0p
• QJBOp Los Angles Passeorn — San Mateo,
v Reilvrood. Palo Mfo, San Jot*.
Gilroy. Salinaa; thanrlcr. Paao
R/,b Hot Springs, ' Ssn Lea
Obapo. PUmo, Saitta Barbara Lcs
Angsles 8.30 a
1 1.439 South San Fraaebco. Palo Alto. Saa} 7.20p
\u25a0Josa/. .: f 7^oa
tl.00? Saerameato Rlrer Stesmera tllU20?
Union Transfer Company asants cnlfect bamie and
eheckt on trains of Southern PaciSa and deliver to
residence. They ars authorized to check basssea direct
from rwdenw.
a for 'lornin j. a for Afternoon
tSnaday Hcepted. iSunday oaly;
.-;:'\u25a0 i Son, aai iton.

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