Newspaper Page Text
6 Readers of .The Call, when writing for rates or reservations at the resorts advertised, will confer afavor by mentioning the name of this paper. \u25a0 jspa 15 fel g^fe«JL«Z_^_^>-^UJII-^t<l tennis, crog'uot. (lancinp. fis^- ;Eg . Ww NnrlUwnotnm Darlfir DailrnaH , *\u25a0 «. . ,- > , A ffl AIHA A lilii^_^l^_S_^_lM "v r\ r^ i #^11 S^^ : - e l : --| \u25a0 HftT springs Nortnwestern racmc Kaiiroafl s i^Z il ill 51 HN W A^C^mfl???^^^ n() I " BB — • 1 AS_¥*% -'*"• HOI ' SPRINGS iTHE picTUHESQUE ROUTE Or CAU-OHSXA i^S II ti ffW Hm f 1 r*lß IM.KASLKK HESOnV ' fi2 V-/ JS JL-4 __-rf 4^l Proprietor and manager. . Grande , t Most Accesslbla of \u25a0 all Ha- IS NOW READY fOR DISTRIBUTION X SStfon PTM yLil Rl Eg 11 %U& IV»Wt- euro for rheumatism and .tomach ; .„_.,,.„..„ \u0084,. V^s/\-_>/^ J'-tchla. Santa Clara co. Cal , , hour . s Ridft in Auto O ver » ''»" " LHLf> IU " UUIMUUIIU.I inustratM booklet f.e* on applcatlon. __( © ggffift «Wl HIS B ~9_^ troub!.-. TrMf first class. Tbe roads hare been AITOMOBILK HbADftIARTLBS Meets trains by appointment pAailtsfrip Aailt5fr i o na j v-- w Swimnrne Pond, AET>A SPRI.X.S CO. \u25a0Bj»W-_-V~» -«p- \u0084ut in -xceiUt shape for staging and autos. OF LAKE COUNTY -»V Alia station, S. P.; round s~^a. Water. AwdeTrtatPrta. at " % OXVXSO nrii .ZSrORMAXXOS Aetna Spring. Napa county. C.I. Rate*. ?I2 to $14 per week. Baths free to guests. \u25a0 -. - *?*P T . trip from San Francisco. $2.30 Bathnouses. Waters Awarded ± irsi rnza »i is REGAKD'TO * ' B . \u0084_ r ,, ri>K O f stomach Liver Ft> ' further particulars address R. H. CURRY,. : • \u25a0 — St. Louis Exposition. *\u25a0" «- c -"^>-' « ; . D> l '^, , , '\u2666„ Troprletor, The Geysers. Cal. The most delightful place to rest and \u25a0\u25a0«-*->\u25a0 -*-•\u25a0. . A ., nt in v.'fn'rai hot «nri» <minhnr • nlunse and tub rufnivr c-ti/^t"c titp t /^v and Kidney Complaint, J^ i%^«^™^^«?. *« ™* _ ' ' x HOTEL BEN LOMOND CATIH^ C C^\f\i^O D A IT. A SODA r/ f A.Sti slM ' Vfr^JV^^ll^^'^^l Every comfort^,ar S e. airy. \u25a0 ,»vltlng * AMnmTTAfiF^ A W^ W^H" TUIVS FTC* acre pine forest. Altitude, | : .rooms. Hot and cold water In every • AliLI LUII/tllL* Inc. fine fishing, bowline, tennis, croquet. l-iiJiNb, Al 1 KALI ICJiNb, r. I C, /_\u25a0 | /« CIIfjIVHC S.SOO feet 1 ' room. • " „ - dancing, gas. ICxpprt ra:isseur«. Round trip, /-. p AfIVVOAI QPDTVPH J)V *IH I IS JlKlllU 1 ; ... i ___, ,-_ _. ___. -_**-.» /^V. „ , . In the prettiest part of the Santa Cruz moun- 55. Rates. $12 to $16. baths Included. Table VJt AHA LKAL OirKliN VjO, Xt- 1 Ul_ i, id. *^* UXIIUiJ Fine trout fishing g^ W» BQ _^ r£^ W^L Xx» Cuisine and service unexcelled. tains. Nicer than ever. -We will be glad to wol- unexcelled. Information at any S=. P. offlce cf)D'pc \\'D r'OTT\'Tr\V Mi rur«er \u0084I^T» w ri «. Dr. W. 3UUA SAT iSSSS»SS^g^|gSIS^ fI.^^."SSX"S, ,"ft S^Bi g Sg^#S^|S^^fei HOMES AND" FARMS XK'SMS' 7" »— u --«5- P P-ather or call at I'erk-Judah Bu- __ ____________ _!. ..c*. bank Buildln" S3O Market Street off to Los Gatos through mountains to Hotel Ben a . m , Tnird and Townsend, N arnvins- at \u0084.„'' v; " / ''l n viivi'VniV ln health * nd Pleasure resort. Ad- '^9E r4iS\3^t^ WITTER SPRIXGS WATER ABSO- SCOTT, manager. Ben Lomond. Cal. H.-H. McGOWAX, Prop., ,' ERS ARE TAKEN. WITH M g f - a P» boca Springs. CaL BU Pacific ard k follow the %£«** I AKF miINTY Pill LUTELV CURES ALL STOM- — — — — T p ara , so Spring, ;.Mo»te»«y Co!, Cal. TERMS OF BOARD, $7.00 = paci^ _ LAKt tUUWIT, LflL. ach troubles £, _ - - ' AND UPWARDS PER WEEK. If|U A MMKKI7I?r white su* phur springs i£?^ m >ff f%s?^.^v. ~~t: 1 o^ntffl L#rilZ : ' JUnAWIiiODEiKu WniiLOU-rnUri oriv.inwj bunting and fishing. Unsurpassed accommoda- O _vA_.B - ML4b/ \ - To be had at Ticket Offices 874 Market 'street- The Nearest Beaert to San Francisco. tlocB . N>w , aun( . hi nccommo< i at i Dg 4 0 p^opl^. BeM g flTfi firAflE! IlflTri Ferrj \u25a0 Bulldln^ •foot of Ita-k't ArVt and" Eleratlon I.CCO feet. Beautifully situated T'cccr new management and entirely remodelea. fa nse ot gu ests Bn a excursions. Terms $2.60 U U X»f \2>\*f B TL« dil.lll-.n'i X aL._'" n_ ; _:*:_ I'L fl UL nl'IJ LI I i I LI Room BSC James Flood Ruildlne <Gen- among tfie redwoods. Fine la&e. boating an<t NEWLY FCHMSHED THROUGHOUT snd per dBj; 2 .00 per week; special rates to TfiB AtiantiC CltV Of tii6 PSCITIC \r 11 HT!! 3 . H HII \ V I ml Ofta^ C F?«cli bathln?. bowli nff . tennl* court and rtanw hall. J broufbt cp to date In eTery detail. Beautiful families. ROUTE: Take Sausalito ferry at 7:45 BJ-K Q rm f%* a lim niiuilllli WIIJ Ul tllb \u25a0 ClWIIlb -^ I U ||| Hllll 11111 l I Ofnces), San Francisco. Rateg rpaso,,^^ TH EO. BLANCKE.SBUaa T S^m^Tnd^p^try 8 A.I IISSfS «££ direct fe".fiS^ Ro^nd "trtp™ SS? fVffi O©B |wl©ilf © World's Most Beautiful Pl 8y Ground. Never a ÜB -" ULIIU " -IWI L. I. g p ALMER , j. j. GEARY . JH.. Proprietor. Pa^Ul,, x. a , Co. meats; telephone; $12 a week and up. Includ- tnonthS $9.00. For further information address /""^ "w™ "^ \u25a0 \u25a0«\u25a0-«-' dull moment. . J SAXTA CRUZ, CAL. General Manager. G. P. & Fl A. „/.- —_ .«,«.____ ing bathe- Bound trip from 8. F. to Vullejo THOS. F. CHATFIELD, Proprietor Soda Bay The Ideal objective for week end motor Jaunts. r A • C 1 J I 1-1 L «,.* . , v, «. J. ,««*\u2666# \u2666*. ; '\u25a0 \u25a0 SOIiID COMT?OIiT TTOTWTI 11. Write Vallejo White Sulphur Springs. Val- Springs. Lake County. Cal.. via Kclseyrilla Easily reached over pleasant roads. Superb ac- SflfTicTlPr ImPnmP NflhirdrtV IlffiA SIH Situated On a bluff within 100 feet of the ww_u_» Vl/JUXUXII XIV/-7--U lfjo. CaL. or Raufiall. Trowbrtdce & Wright P. 0.. or Peck-Judah. 759 Market St.. S. F. corainodations when you arrive. . UUllllllM UJJUIIIIj;, OUIUIUUJ, JUHC , pINEST BATHIXG BEACH ON THE g%m II a A <- > 1.900 feet altitade. No fo C ;cUmate delightful; company, ISO 6 Broadway. Oakland. Send for booklet. H- R# WARNER. Manager. : " PACIFIC COAST VlfOnfiC HAT XltfinfiC nnsor Passed scenery; sprlas water; dance hail. Santa catalina island £IM/M IMI HQTEt SANTA CRII7 Hurry Back t0 Santa uz --S."-™ W 9 J! £0e,.!" n |: — - mte "" SPtsON 1!H)9 B* nil as» B™ SXL ""ILL iJrli * i XTL VlVU£j Our solicitors on all lnccmin; trains. FIVE PAVILION IX CALIFORNIA trains daily. Fare $5.10 round trip, ln- WIL,SO>» ' S I IN >»' KATFJMFTDnDniFfANUACriTV W&l^-WJE*l\* r "»'««"•, '"^ hotel - centrally located - ATOSKa^n®^..?.^ l^.^-^^ dl£^\^^£^u**&£* ™S?'iiX'£iuJS*VLtB? s^fALIV E^riS^iW? 1 ", 1^?- 1 ?-"?'?' 5^ RIIIM IrlrlKlirlllr IuNVANIIIY GoOd bOard: larpre - eunny - roolns - Special rates _ pnATrH v FR p, M HOTEL ST. GEORGE under the same man- boatlnc- hnr!?in^ anrt fUihin^ Fverv mn^ Uon I'9o*1 ' 90 * feet * alr w ' ter - axa fIUI_tmLinUrULL,LHIUH3LIII yr^^ QDDIM^C sUrc'rLtsan^rur-Taf^ 8 * C °' — Q- C PRATCHNER. Pre 8 . >cement . . ... ,- c . LEOXAR D. Proprietor. t b ff^°«-_ e^f "f^Sf^Si.^^ S?' Great fishing tournaments, etc. Printed matter Jfl^Lr 1 _s_^lX_l^S %J»C> '\u25a0 — — ~ .---,. M -,._ ~ PETER J. CURTIS, SKAGGS. SONOMA WILSON. Atlas. Napa Co.. or call PecSc-Jada* "iHli^S^HnHi BEST _,<>, \u0084v UKB^v THE BEDELL, Santa Cruz WMf^J^S. GLEN WOOD HOTEL c-^^c -^^- — ".„,»_,„. E-.ectrlc building. Los Angeles. Cal. . ta *S__S S' 8 "gBEa'tEST «S*?-Si. family house, with cottage, con- k£*£^ffiafi *» Among the redwoods of Santa Cruz Mts. On ! iinij* f il, JCIiJTp CnniJUfC WHITE COTTAGES IUSafEOM? ™* • " ABSEMCBFATtty BATH rw TOE STATE- cected ! tennls - croquet and playgrounds for chil- for list *t F. H. PARKER'S Agency for Real the new short line. 2 hours from . S. P. Write ttUUft LrtLlLll I C JrlYlllUJ 2.000 feet altitude; among ti»e pines- air pa-e "FOUNTAIN OF I IFF" ttsgSFssJsFs^ r^gs;;.s.-^r^ - --\u25a0 -?,*--«»-*»»"• — \u25a0&\u25a0 ™ " s "" fe^^^s^jg- kwk psfeX,™ 1 UUll I All" V/l JL/11 Ld dah'e. 759 Market et.. or address W. E. \ ~ — — — ~~ ~T" Swimming tank. tub. plunge and electric light GOETSCHB & HENNB. Angwja P. P.. Cal. Jones Hot Sulphur Springs >twmr ' : p— \u25a0— \u25a0~- j - iim^ ——^.-m^^^ - — -— -^^ &r^a-^^ at T 1 A V laTNT^ \u25a0 1-1 • , f l/\- 1 I A CT-BX nrtr*S A l/in M I J" i at Tlburon ferry at 7:30 a. in. and 5:10 p. m. J\ U H f\ Ab-H fl ItU Sure c-uie for riieumKtism, malaria, poison oak, |B ||B S I fl H Ifl » A » 8 18 RB H I f 'ft « [| .»-..- \u25a0 \u25a0 \." I Fare $1.10. Inquire at' 759 Market st. and /-SX I . Q i-5_ !]a _ SIP sll skiD .md blood diseases. Rate* {* to $12 per Inll ISHJ JSa^fH g \ h^B-i Ulf IB -s% X gt"£&fJv Via ' A \u25a0 2004 Sutler St.. or address TOEODOR RICH- * J_-U_f _V JC __ g a 1 •\u25a0••rk. Stage <>onDect« :it Williancs. Cal. Pamph- RII In| fiJiShSiß Bl BQljltiU B X ' fe^vl 9 © " v - ARDS, Agus Caltente. Sonoma Co., Cal. rrsnrisro. or xvrite to TILDEN JONES, Prop., . .JB Kb JSP ... • -_-___&_ Si r. fflP fl XCTW. \u25a0 __k '«__•"__,__». '_\u25a0\u25a0___ ! "" «l*ar water; tandy bottom with ce'ntle alope: s* : :;.:-.-:r rrerlc. r,-,; U s: ; ,. ouat y. ral. LAKE COUNTY ||| |a^^ 11^ ill 11 f§lS& 1$ S^ " ST H^»l ffj* | ENGLAND HOME,^ Camp^Meeke^ absolutely safe for women and children: spleadM ... < .. n . 42 mineral sprinps. Lithla for kidneys, magne- I g j§ -^^ S I^^H B \u25a0_ 9'S -0 H 1| I S-~^ 1^ |f^ comfort ; locaTeViu a Te^uUful srove netr I/I if II « P * "ia for stomach. Hot iron baths. HO .leg., for M J^L n> ffi^ gfr. J&L J&L V&**, ._L *Bi-^ «k_ tA— BAm_7 JgL SSL J^. _S>. i&«ffii_ ©^i' S tbe lake— beautiful walks, grand scenery, tro- t oi>ea June lit Se°» AL TAHO™ Cv Pll!3rn3lh riAr \nt*ltllTC rheumatism. NOW OPEN. 110 to $16 week. S __23_-B^ ___ -__ 'ifi^ V_3» . Ba&S^ E^-^ -" -« b •«\u25a0 -=* | que t. boaticsr. bathtns. flshins:. huntin?. bowl- v Tahoe U> TiW ' illff iiiri* I 1 111 If .Alll llly\ MISS c - WHEELER, 94S Broadway. Oakland H --\u0084"•: •' • \u25a0 Si \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'.-\u25a0 %tzir in? « nf l dancing Table supplied with fresh Ai li>DO> - ***' ltL *°*- IIIUIIBULII 111/ L UUI lElwCt Cal. H / \u25a0 BBk -O_V^ | rraits and vegetables from own ranch daily. :/ . \u25a0 *^ - H -, " * - • - • \u25a0 \u25a0 -ni -j ;\u25a0 • 1 '\u25a0"\u25a0•-_ <•• • \u25a0 B Rates J6.50 to $S per week; special rates to _ aw—- —--4 v w v » _s_?3ss« li^S uke com hiohu ™poßTAron. t oJ Crowded Yearly by Those Seeking the Beneficial aya^^s^" LAKE ALTA Write to EDSON BROS.. Beswick. Cal.. Successors to Lakeport, Bartlett Sprinps and j H __ ' -\u0084 " . ; J , *'__. . . —, - « \u0084 \u25a0 I rr U n /- » r<*.T niT a MONTB "^ ' "^"^ cr the PECK-JUDAH CO.. San FrancU- 8 I W_ltPK — FOP MPflirin^l TV-Hlp lUP 1 THE GLEN RITA^'lJ 6 "/ rUCEB COINTY CO. Los Angeles. Portland or Seattle. Lakeport. Highland Springs. Kelseyville. Soda R Iff 511 V.3 Ul IT Old .3 IUI l"I VUI VlllOl Clllil 1 ill/lv U->V . E K ew . O plo date hotel on hillalde. OTerlooklax BeantlfuHy situated in pine woods half mO» — Bay. BarUett Springs and Upper Lake. Fine j M . .-, \u25a0 M r ] Ter Tents if desired. Excellent table. Ratea * rom R - **- station. Opea now. Boating, ftsa- RICHARDSON SPRINGS "^ P 3K£ T .iKSffi^-r-l ! I ' % HEALTH-The drinking water that cures, assisted by • RATES-HoteLand hotel cottage accom- | C ™^^ U '2^.%?&£*S! _5r VSZJ&g? vv g a Z An ,SI!rS2 for t0 5 ,.5 Pie.^r7 S**^^?^.^.^^^ I V wonderful Soda Magnes.a baths -New treat- " modat.ons, $12 to $17^50 per week, ac- 1 _ 1 _J _t Market .t.. or Kb. SPE R B r. Ait,. Placer Co.. 1 Cures stomach trouble, rheumatum. kidney, liver. Springs $1 60 KeiseyTiiie 51 50 Soda Bay $1 75 Q ment bathing departments for ladies and gentlemen. • cording to rooms. Housekeeping^ cot- U -, / *«-_ T - -n Trx on BEAirraTJL 5 ' ' ffir^G^n^r-^ B^^^ J . Graduate masseurs in attendance. Large concrete . tages, partly furnished, one to six. rooms, 1 MONTE RIO euesian siyek AlfflUfl TUP Diyrfft lee Richardson, chico. cai. oM« .tL.Kc.rlte tafcrmaC g swimming tank. , . - .. $3.00 to $15.00 per week. General mer- | } *„„<.*„. ranoe*. rowhn,t*. bathhou^ and ilmlflrJli iHr rlrarS — : ; a j , ' ' chandise and grocery Store, butcher shop, . || *«its by the hour. day. week or month. Launches \u25a0llllWilM I Ilk I IlllaV HOTFF I A HONFIA CAn ATr\r» A I \u25a0 AMUSEMEKTS—Orchcstra, dancing, dancing teacher, . -bakery and ice plant. Every convenience | \Tn7^' c^^izl^'o^^'o^n" 1 J^l Altitada 2,026 No Coaaaapti-w. t\,.,, a-t-r-v 1 *v-ri^i_»rv _~^> f^ Jh^y-V X LJil AfH . bowling, tennis court, croquet grounds, shuffleboard, for those occupying housekeeping cot- .g Rio, Sonoma County. California. Enjoy the mountain air at the Oak*. Best a^trie;e%a* ita Go^d trout^cshin^^nr *£? i 9 swimming, trout fishing, saddle horses, livery, bfeauti- tages or camping privileges. Public tele- g ; -^ ; equipped ranch resort la the sierra. No nag. m^l^J: SPRINGS I ful walks in the pine forest, etc. ~= . phone. " | c n[S j n jv| A nDOVP S^S^^xJ^ IS%? JgfoTfo .ear.. aonda. .an Mateo county. CaL £*£*&«* \ AUTOMOBILES : Good mountain roads via. Pieta, Lakeport and Bartlett Landing. Gaso- 1 UKU V b P^^.^e ddrea,^.^ warham. y POINT IIEVES EMPORIU3I cure for' II rer. kidney and stomach ;%ateV from j 1 . line o il« etc « M Xcraa ,°-. Ca l- ° ow "P 6 "-" N>w management: ; : . Building materials of all kinds and general *K> to |16 per week; furnished cottages for | v >" ' " 'S- H f very th \ DS .?""* \u25a0 c^ a i S v : viv.^ij?*^V* P* r * lCTl * LAKE TAHOE JSSTiimS-wSiSSTt cvy n prices flE Ai» c S Te 1 ry < ! prp^Sv^St^iTor'J: 1 ROUTES: Take Southern Pacific Company route to Williams, leaving San Francisco daily i {^a^sJ-imV c«L N B«. C mee* «nts__!' ace lakeside park co.-Hotei. cottar. h OT «, stacinp and drayinc done to all suburban towns MARTENS. Prop.. Bachelor P. 0.. Lake Co.. Cal. H nr 7-00 a in • tiinnrrv lw ctin-p nr cr\priol nu+r\' rlir^rf Or hv TCorrriv/f^tprn Parifir Snn- H — kee D Jn « tenta. camplaj. Store. llTery. boats. *cd euxmer resort*. P. F. fiCILACCI Point {_ ' » LIICIILC Uy biage Or special aillO direct. V_/r oy lNOitnV/esieril jr«H_lllt., ouu g bathins. June is best month for lake flshins f_i!!_l__!__ f« Health and Pleasure Thi, summer Go to 1 days excepted, via Sausalito Ferry, 7:45 a.m. to Pieta ;.thence by stage or auto to^Lake- | RfIERVYN HOTEL suteg'ta^^e/c.^- HILL - ProprletOf - X*7 If O¥ T r-_ UI^UI Alin CDDI_JP£ 1 % P o^ steamer across Clear Lake to Bartlett Landing, then stage.or auto to springs; I GLEN EIXEX , Semoi/a county Cal T ___ _ WILBUR nebnLArHJ brKliya 1 carlyamval; beautiful scenery, ; , \u25a0 I BIJOU INN IOHN^c^S^wSS'SSn. cai I-AKECO..CAU. I Address GEO. A. OTTO, Mgf., Bartlett Springs, Lake.County, Cal. V Ito <l 0 T' p " MOXOHAy - Prop - , ra f. n9n 9 S?« information Peck-Judah. T63 Market st. the mecca foe AUTOISTS. || Water Sales and General Office, BARTLETT SPRINGS CO., 701 Fourth Street, San Francisco. 1 .„_-„,-,-.„_ „.„„. „„„ _ " d .P^S^T; T s" ri *« f or T <J«"cri P tiTe folder t- o-»>^,., . . - ..... SraSg-BUg; II • Phones: Kearny 34, K«arny 1892. \u0084.\u25a0. • I SZ^tFii^g CAMP MEEKER W " f ' ""'\u25a0 m °° »~ "» T ->~- c "- l< HJI JVI/ AI t- Iltlrtl Inquire Information Huro.iu. .> r ad- | B I I E Equable climate. Lois $JS up. Cottace boilt T~ v | I <(T IIIKKIVAS P lIVIM drees P. F..KOHNKE. Lessee and Manager. 1 1 ~ ! - ' \ E $v> „,,. Depot, stores, restaurant, hotel, phone. »AUL«AW ULfkllll f I !____ It 111 A. E. WRIGHT. Assistant Manager. j K_jjgpjßfcM!UMß(Bß-a-a^^Wfa^^ post express, churelios an<l sawmill; l.*<v> lots Lake Tahoe. open? June 1. neadej-jarter* fof An idea] homelike summer resort it the base of ~~ : ' ' ~ ~ \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 . \u25a0- \u25a0\u25a0— *old : fiOO cottages built. Saosallto ferry. M. C. tront flahln? Resident physician. Infonnatioa B ~- WILLIAMS AND BARTLETT i%AMP f URRY ?^ STAFFORD'S ff^mn W fF>B —•--"— SSTS^S^---^ CAMP TAYLOR RESORT SPRINGS STAGE LINE P™k gSJSl" " rA^llY^r £. Mni lire SWEETWATER SPRINGS t^ t jbrockw AY " rroundV bcatltT- fi f L?' BC d wilw i!™!!; Leares Wllllau.. dally on arrival of north hound §1 l>i Hours from S. F.. 1 Hour from "dwood,. Unsurpassable climate. Beautiful »^O S| B ||M U W^/" 1 RatPS $2 P " dar> $? per week " Seml for e^n^^f " the f.v^ f/nn'h "'' f bM » n ." !llD '-' ratefeFcrparfe train for Bartiett. Allen's, Houeh's and Cook's iS3 B3 Santa Cruz on New Line. On Famous wnlks. tennis court, social hall. Fruits and Teg- H^p^ @B H H jB^H,. |W pamphlet. J. P. ECKLUND. ffl? S. rlk M.hw « ? n J° i' : nitet. FcrpartlcLla.. A. BENL.NATO. Proprietor. Kprlngs . Vnil^ pt g for . Wilbur f gl_S 27 Mile Drive Alonr Crest of Coast «\u2666«•>»«• bII homi. product*. Runn Ing yater and K^|[ Rh3) ff*#f& glala^^B^M Sweetwater Springs. Healdsburg. Sonoma Co.. CaL 7orm^Uon W,^^ or «r t ii W ,wp4t' v mv* — — Sprinfr*. Jones Sprints and Sulphur Creek. Auto- ' mgBSF Range. - e as - Meet tralns t>r request at Capitola. For BM^ >__»- o_a^ csa b_,_j u_a. 'W^* " » rormsnon »>ur* a-< or ""te LA W fIENCh A COM- T7"T/"*TTTT O T» T» TTkT n r* mobiles will be fumi-?b«l on request. Srrinkled **S*S^ rvrßVßfinv icyr^VK atwhi't further particulars call ivck-.Tmlah. iS9 Market K4 nimTfl Ol'nni IFO tEV" slWjhl ttrocgw.iT. lane lanoe. Lai. VIUIIX SPRINGS «x»d *«>na Wllllama to Moutitafn House. _ f \u0084,«.\ ^^^-\J ", ™» ' *t.. S. F.. or address W. S: STAFFORD. Soquel, W FH < Slim INI C* TTT T tnt* MONTE WO ~ ? * SIENDOCINO COUNTY. WILLIAM . quiCLEY. Proprietor. . CA.MP CUItIO ,^l OSEMITE Santa Crua eountj. Cal. \u25a0\u25a0 |%' " ' rbl tC^i * ' BULLY'S f O3 SoS_\"o. FALLEN LEAF Natcral electric waters. CUamnasme bathi a-» . \u0084 _» _ \u25a0.^ __^_ , . '\u25a0\u25a0.-, \u25a0-% /-\ «-> \u25a0--, - - y-y \u25a0 t V- ' \u25a0-« n B , Arrlpr« fi->r H Hotel and tents around, gronnds, nestled on side T ..-_ -»„«!• , \u0084 ',' —'I"?*s%®^. B^^^ O^ S SUMMIT HOTEL POPE .HOUSE I \--S~J »|^S^| iS^^pi^ p T Entertainments, dauclne and amasements ercrr \u0084,,., - , . , First cUm family hotel, with cottages; tennis g R ' « >B country, t irst class accommoaaooßg. WHITCOMB. Mgr.. Fallen Lear P. 0.. Lak 9 WRITE W. H. MTLLEE, Ukiah. Cal., for Uretj evening. . Boatinc. ashinj. swimming and baut- <-<''»s^. t<;nis. -rcnr.ra. tecnis court, croquet, and croquet; direct cars to beacb and .-baths, and , B Bk Mail Us Your 9 J* ~ \ j Tahoe. Cat. Sr^SriSS *t%fL£*%2SZf%&2 I VSSSS^SSSSS^^^SSS£S&. a ' rtralng - -MRS. A. POP^^Cn-, C-L \u0084 |^ Exposures ,' |^ . THEOAKS VERANO ~ ~ ' \ "0"^ r^so^~ Cozy^Nook Ranch Hotel —^ ' \u0084" - ,1 Q, B^««S^: l^^ lC^o£^S^ o- ~^ «>«J* « nJ accommodations. Dally stace. Phone: .„_.,, _,\u25a0, \u25a0 .._„ *„_,„. frr.m Santa Cruz with be« of spring water; SS - Jf9€&*itfi*^&rir&offr\££4 B. FARRELL. bos" 41. Sonoma, or Comßfrclal cVmo fire D^tW9ce^ele?h«ne " fdd^»' n^w ! ; 1 tt^^aVsio°p^s. ne tt^nd tS n Mu§. MT.. VIEW RANCH HOTEL Aa i_F 8 g; F ' ' v*u * , Ui p> D> " otel - San Mntfo - c^be^'R^g^; t o.l' p i_Sy-T-bo^L N - w - . VJICJITIQiyi G> be " Vl> Mlgdletc ™' Lat9 S^H^S^d'.?5 B ? B a,SSS: Market, Street at Third fl AVFRnA! Ffll VFRY mRIF ? bay » s^_^^_P^l B VB'S _. . ___^_, " ~~" bowllns. croquet. Kates $9 and $10. Carria Be rVHERRY COLRT OiSTvricito \u25a0 TtM Ri.n^J-rr LLU V Llll/MLL^ LI f Lill JIMDLL LAKE TAHOES Cottage and Teat Resort, no^ nr-M IV vnn ....r-.-.v ' », . T.ATTT?U!T. TIT^T T fare sl2 - > ruunJ trlp - fSendifor booklet. MRS. .:TM modern Family Hotel of Santa Cruz Cen- . V/PP os * l C : «_alS OUliaing . open under the management of C. O. Dunst.iU. «j£h£?i^t r J\ F 4^FS^^ T^ n TaE .J__4.U_Vl_iJ. _JJ_i_il TONY PHILLIPS. Prop.. Sauta Cruz. Cal. - \u25a0\u25a0inllrnKß^'^vmtblDgnew'-'t^i-'eIMM — — — — - — — — neadquarters for Gejser Stage Line. First class formerly of Hotel Sentinel. Yosemlte. For ratei .i/nuoi, TfcMHERS OP "Tb* Switzerland of Amferlca." Open all j-ear. 1 :—:: — : : c : Table, reasonable rates Vutornobiie : quarters . . livery rips and saddle horses a specialty. MRS. and reservations call at Peck Judah. 759 Market CALIFOIIMA Boatin*. batMnK. cshlnir. hunting. Write fcr • ' , \, ;\u25a0 For p art i cnl a r^^ ad drels' MISS C^- lIIKDBMAN : T_ » A »"-_ V Tt ~r r W— * V-- r_-a^ H " SMJTH. Prop., Clorerdale; phone Main 291. St.. or write C. O. DUXSTALL. Manager. Emer- \ Special 10% Discount W^^Ml^i \ 'r l^^^^ to^ Cft ; MARK WEST O . MP x/ A rr A -ri^^ '—\u25a0—-- o- ah T-u^. f Trave, lßg «... a . d • r TpvoiiTi^- qppTiffPci -'• SS^5»5-^S^ISSfSSEfeS Si sht Seeing at Santa Cruz Wara, spr.nos waivi li^o^ lvjrs i_SL^_S B -223? S b«.ti ft ii -• «-iVv«»*JL ri"- UTlr J? WitLl & \u25a0 ariClIM Ixb cottajw. ( M&tcss "NOW FOLK. INC.; Glen- Dlg Trees. Big Basin. 17 mile drite and other Sonoma county. - Only 3« /'hours from 3. \u25a0 F. .-._ f> F> F fSJ '" «, »«t«f all,. Alpine flowers trout f«W a ». fr«, ¥ I7\7V*C Df/^ 1 Elevation 3.500 feet. Trout stream, pine WOO<J - Cal - ! . points of Intereit BY AUTO. -Best equipment. "<» but 7 miles' staging. Meet trains of N. W. *~ V-J fr-* LIV i>i — baths, boats and picnic lunches: white chef. L-Hl V X O Dlvl crore; home cookjng: fresh air cottages; amuse- — — : — Special arrangement by appointment. BIG SIS £ aclfl ?,' \u25a0 »* Fulton, both morninß and e.ven!ns. L.C. CNOPIUS Literature Southern Paclflc afldPeck-Jtidah In- ____TV7___* P." 1 *- ilßti lBte l' l Vt«/Sn pc . r r.7 reek - ' Addre « l-» I-w I_* I ? *£*•*\u25a0 2* c- ' AL-TO C0..- 14S Paclflc ar.. Santa- Cruz. Cal.. gausalito ferry at 7:45 a. m. or 3:15 p. nl. daily. • -__I__ *«J-*««» Baretui. tH. COUSMAS, Maaijer. HTDT TlVTlf^ CTAnP MRS - E - C * GIFFORD. Middletown. Lake , PI NE LOD G E — \u25a0 — Uoun< l trip only 53.75. NMne mineral springs; - " TaUac P. P.. Lake Tahoe. I iVWINiV _J I i JrV PrP ro ' JDt:r - Cal - ' In ibe mountains, two milci from Santa Cruz. UrtTirf no aim try superb boating an.l swlmmlnp. Famous wild SWISS AMERICAN HOTEL ~ \u25a0"" ~* — - 1 Beautiful location In Blackburn Gulch. . New. nUItL HR.AULH.T grapevine arbors— one 50 by \u25a0 ITO feet 'covering El VeranoT^ Sixteen new rooms. Bus to trains I AVP IWiMTDiriMTWIUOr* _Q7 n/r 1 a. O. . I~^* rf r ~*V "k. T A » «--_ modern hotel and cottages. Rates. $9 aad up. , First class board. - pleasant cottages, two ex- f01"f 01 " veranda and driveway. "The prettiest place and baths; $7 a week. PHIL ROSSI. _^r_*\J-- U tJ-'XVr £*lH]JlL,lH\ulL t)O« IVlaTket Otreet I~^C I I^J A I Nr* Address J. M. SHOULTS.rinet.odge. Santa cellent trout streams. Also surf fishing; 1^ ln California'; la the verdict of thousands. First :—: — — — '. . t- th « hl _ h Slfirr) , rnnA »_„„. # ,. h , . __-'»• w " t^ t - JL-#V-/1 rlllX Cruz. Cal. - - miles from famous Pebble Beach • and Ocean «!«» table and service. -All amusements. Rates \u25a0 • lake anrt s^eain ro?*n«rt^?i a Jf^L?^2 S »L a \u25a0 Opp. Chronicle Blitc i; . . ___• __j_, — 1 ' ---. Shore R. R. Long distance "phone. Address $2 per day or $12 per week. Can now accommo- LAWRENCE VILLA-Sonom« family resort, .m PacVinfoiiiatS. Rn^i?n ?w &0Bttl " — : HOTEL. " willow iSS^^y^T K^l^^^g^ weer^Rnffis^P s^^- -ramagMa. c ., TPIZ? IVTTT C 5 COTTAGES AND TENTS \- PEBBLE BEACH HOTEL n : , j_ iBss | TAHOE TAVERN — I 1 JtZi/i^ 1 O sa^s^^rr^^ra^d^ Fr " CISC < \ ' 1 Itl^R^^Ll^ B T T "V MRS. MANLOVE ? of- the^Cadillac « F weelc ' MRS. M. J.. CRANDELL. Santa Cruz. For information address MRS, ,R. COUEY. Peb- VJlLfll/LI\U SI V ILL |"|ICT > 'AEI i r H ALICE MCHABDiiOX. Mgr.. Tahoe. Cal. HAMMOCKS, CAMP FIJirVITCRE, ETC. ! ' \u25a0 Me Beach Hotel. , .• AXDCOTT\GES "-'" -' 1 I \l AW lMl<ll\Jll\ B^^-^WM'^ AW'-_fc__JUaMUa-gr w. a. pLummlr co. F CP P PISTOLESI HOTEL ROWARDENNAN S^ m^ carmwv-m-sea WIISS^M Ippli^ :-_^SK_y^Jt~-. «X 5 000«XX } 0000« X) 0 & 00 0 000 0^^ 0^ Q \u25a0\u25a0 * r \u25a0\u25a0;\u25a0\u25a0- •'",-. -' • ' \u25a0\u25a0. "•\u25a0\u25a0 - : '\u25a0\u25a0 : ''''\u25a0\u25a0/ '\u25a0 ' -' ' -..' \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0-'\u25a0:?-. \u25a0 "\u25a0 - ' \u0084 .' .\u25a0 . : \u25a0*\u25a0 \u25a0 •\u25a0» • , \u0084j\ _y B I^»^^__P O C^CCCCCCCCCC'COCCCCCCOCCCCCXICCCCCCCCCCCGM3C<?OCKDCOCOOCC • . l • ' \u25a0-.••• - • n THE; S Ay CALL,^ TmFBSD^Y, - JTJNE j 17^ 1909