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\u25a0'AMUSEMENTS OPS^P^^Q TKEA3H ft S. LOVERICH. MANAGER • HLLIS ST. NE. FrLLMORE. Class A Theater GRAND OPERA SEASON nEPEETOIBE THIS WEEK Toaigkt asd Sunday Ercniaa-. I«CAV.ILU2RIA nUSTICAXA" AXD "PAGLIACCI" Friaair freeing. "LA TRAVIATA- Ea-torday, "FEDORA" Saturday EveniEff, "AIDA" , BEPERTOIRE NEXT "WEEK ICoadj^ aid Saturday Eveaia** and 'Wedaet- da.y Matisee, -LUCIA" Tuesday rreniax *ad Saturday Katinee, "IL TROVATORE" and Sunday Erecisj*, "?CAItMEX" Thursday Evening-, -CAVALLERIA RI'STICAXV* AXD -PAGLIACCI" Friday ETeainy, "FEDORA" TRICES $2.00. ft.TA, f 1.00. sOe s-VAN NESS-s Cor. Van Xes« aa<J Grore. Phone L&SI THEEE SIGHTS— MAT. SATURDAY I Charles rrofcraan Presents . % B I ETHEL a f la W. Somerset Mau^taa's Comedy. t "LADY FREDERICK" Next Monday — Charles Frchaian Presents MARIE DORO In the Dramatization cf W. J. Locke's Notcl fl "THE MORALS OF MARCUS"! SEATS KOW OS SALE. J (American I Do not lock for a moral In '•The Blue MoQ.'f." Go sad v*e !r and do not be afraid to tak<? your wife, unless j-oa are bidlcg K>n:Piting from her. — WsHf-r Asthonr. The Call. IrOKIGET— MATI>TFS SATtTRDAY ASD *^ SUSDAY VALENCIA THEATER v«lro«a ft. nr. Thirteenth. Phone Market 17. THIS AND NEXT "WEEK— Only Matinee Satcrdar — No Sur>.<lay Perforraanc*. "A Divine Comedy of the Slum*" Uarrispn Grey Fis-k" Presets And the Manhattan Corrpany ia "SALVATION NELL" A Play in' Three Acts, by Edward S!*ldon. Seats on cale at the Theater and Eaporiom. Coaaeno-Ez Sunday Mat.. June 27. ARTHT R CUNNINGHAM, la \u25a0•ARRAH-NA-POGUE" H ALCAZAR x?^ IiKLASCO A MAYER. Owners asd Managers TONIGHT AND ALL THIS WEEK. FLORENCE ROBERTS fceppcrted by THURLOW BERGEN and the Alt-azar Players in David Bel*se©'« Historical Play, A Superb Pictorial Production. CURTAIN RISES AT S SHAKP PniCES— Niyht. 2T.C to $1. Marine*. 25c to 50c MATINEE SATURDAY AND SUNDAY. r-eslrable Seats Can Be Had for Any Performance. NEXT— MISS EOBERTS In "The Oonntry Girl." ISafect and Kott Massif cert Theater in America MATI.VEE TODAY AXD EVERY DAY ARTISTIC VAUDEVILLE] ADELAIDE, the Dainty American" Dancer, and b*r Danrins Four: ELIZABETH M. MURRAY: WARREN. LYON and MEYERS; SISTERS <;asch: cheridah simpson; novelty DANCING FOUR; PELLATON and FORAN. In "A Spotless Reputation"; NEW ORPHEUM MOTION PICTURES; L*st Week. "A NIGHT AT THE CIRCUS." presented by the ELLIS- NOWLAN COMPANY* Evening Prse«. 10c. 25c. 50c, 75c; Box Seats $1. Matinee Price* (except Sundays and- Holi- days). 10c. 25c 50c. PHONE DOUGLAS 70. ID ADA "THE PARK I U D t\/i BEAUTIFUL" OAKLAND. EVERY AFTERNOON AND EVERY NIGHT. Key R/>ote Ferry Excursions Erery CO Minutes. 1 Sousd Trip, Zsdndinc- Park Admission, 25c jk THE HIT OF THE SHOW SEASOS. NAVASSAR LADIES' BAND A GALAXY OF 50 PRETTY GIRL MUSICIANS. ••Excellent music splendidly played." — Eiam- laer. "An emphatic hit and no mistake." — Call. "Form a picture as pleasing to the eye as their music is to the ear." — Chronicle, "Among; the bif^est attraction* erer bronyht to the coast." — Globe. •*A feast for the eye. Tney render splendid music ' ' — Bulletin. FREE CONCERTS AFTERNOON AND NIGHT. E. A- FISCHER. Prop. SUTTEft ST.. BtT. FIU.MORE AND STEINCN FIXli >VEEK OF LAUGHTER! k ARE ~ W \ YOU A 1 m tourist? 1 90 XHbTXTES OF KIETH A»D MUSIC. "IT ITS FISCHEB'S. IT'S GOOD." Two prfomianc** NUrhtly. S and 9:30.' Ma tf., Mon.. Wed.. Sat. and fun, 2:30. Popular Prices," I<V, 20c «nd 25r. CONCERTS, LECTURES, ETC. BASE BALL -w" pacific League. 1 RECaSATIOX PARK \u25a0 ' Valencia and Fifteenth OAKLAND VS. LOS ANGELES TTedsesday. Thursday and Friday, - 3:15 pv m. Saturday and Sunday, 2:30 p. m. \u25a0. * Atolssico, " 2V. Re»err<>d-Eeat«, £5c extra."' i'fcoit Market 23. DUO OF STARS IS GOOD IN "FEDORA" Costumes New and Scenery Presentable — Quite a Novelty Here Walter Anthony Thinks Colom* bini Should Conserve Full Tonal Power CAST OF CHARACTERS .In Giordano's opera "Fedora" Fedora Mme. Therry Countes* Oifa Mile. Dormer Dimitro Hlle.- Willia.m» X<orii Iptaoff .Moat. Colombian De Siriex Mons. Arcanceli Desire K. SottTel Mons. Frascona Cirillo Moss.. Grayiaa BoroT Mons. Frascona Grech ....V Mons. Oteri Sergio Mons. Correnti WALTER ANTHONY "Fedora" introduced to us last night a new duo of stars in the International opera company, which is enjoying well earned success at the Princess theater this week. Giordano's opera was well received by a big audience, which voted Colombini, the tenor, and Mme. Therry, the soprano, individual hits. Mme. Therry does not sing with the throat ease that characterizes the vo calization of many Latin singers, and a tendency to swerve fronT the straight and narrow path of perfect pitch is sometimes apparent; but her voice is large, vibrant and most expressive. Her "mezzo voce." which means noth ing more formidable than between and loud, is pure and liquid and musi cal. She is equal to the dramatic de mands of Sardou's heroine, and in the second act and last was splendid in the climaxes. Her Fedora was a vig orous impersonation and decidedly ef fective. COLOMBIXI CAX ACT Colombini is an artist. He is a tenor who can act Think of it, and wonder! He has facial play like a tragedian in the last act, where the calamity falls on Fedora and him, and he is graceful and insinuating in the quieter scenes. His voice is not large, but it has excellent carrying capacity. In the tempestuous moments in which Sardou and Giordano both revel he pushes his vocal powers to the limit of their possibilities, and, while achieving a sensational effect, he does it at the expense of a beautiful organ which he should coddle and keep for many years. -His tonal quality is sympathetic and warm. It has been said before. Let me say it again. The present company differs from many another Italian organization which has visited us in the fact that the scenery is not painful to look upon and the costumes look as though they were new. The accessories are ade quate without being elaborate, and they are clean and fresh. ORCHESTRA DOCS WELL The orchestra last night under Con^ ductor G. Merola behaved itself tune fully and well. It rose to the theatrical high places of Giordano's music with verve and firmness, and in the inter mezzo which; takes place in the second act was beautifully melodious and effective. The waltz movement with which the opera's second act opens also was a number in which the or chestra figuratively got on the stage, and Merola became a star. For his conducting in this act he was called before the curtain to share with Co lombini and Mme. Therry In the suc cess of the great finale. Arcangell, with the big -barytone voice, sang the role of De Siriex ac ceptably, and Mile. Dormer was a pretty countess. "Cavalleria Rusticana" and 4lPag llacci" will be the double bill tonight. SUSPECTED VESSELS ARE CLAIMED BY VENEZUELA Supposed Filibusters Will Be Used to Patrol Lake WASHINGTON. June 16. — Official ad vices from Venezuela today cleared up the mystery of the steamer Naticoke and tug Dispatch, suspected of filibus tering, showing they were purchased by Venezuela. The department of jus tice has ordered its agents to abandon their observations of the vessels in North Carolina and to return to Wash ington. The advices saying the two vessels had been bought by v Venezuela came from Caracas. The vessels are for duty on Lake Maracalbo under the government navigation service. Assistant Secretary . McHarg of the department of comnx=rce»and labor tel egraphed to the collectors of ports on the middle Atlantic coats to grant clearance papers to the Nanticoke and Dispatch. A FEW WORDS WITH THE LADY OF THE HOUSE A Thought for Today So few of us • are content with the little pleasures. If we were, there would be much more happiness in. the world and far less discontent. But we scorn the little things which' might. interest and amuse us and fret because we can't have the big ones. . Little pleasures are scarcely worth telling: our friends about. Perhaps that is why we think so little 61 them. \u2666 <S> <•> > The Picnic Lunch Basket t i Cold Broiled Lamb Chops (Paper Frills on Bones) Cold Peas, French Dressing Graham Bread and Butter. Sandwiches Bacon Sandwiches Gherkins Hot Coffee ll' Potato and Sardine i Salad Bread and ; Butter Sandwiches Deviled Ham Sandwiches Currant. Jelly Tarts..' .'\u25a0•' Hot Coffee Household >'otes When a sink of bath has an obstruc tion at the outlet which can not be re moved with >a long, wire or suction pump— the. usual resources — fill the 6lnk -with water to' the. depth : of four inches, take ap iece of wood, say eight inches square .'and an inch thick, and ; float, it over, the outlet. Now take a ! small piece of wood, hold vit on top of the flat piece and strike it with' a" ham mer. The shock />f the: hammer blow is transmitted to "the obstruction, which is almost invariably cleared away. The Bondolr — In the. never - ceasing fight for beauty 'that should be waged by every" woman the necessity, of. fresh air can "not be^too: highly -estimated." For exercise and cosmetics will. -avail little if one. sleeps in "a ,ven tilated room. • . . '\u25a0- '"\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 Some persons, have an -idea that, if a room is -• cold ; the . air* in it - is - fresh, yet no . greater mistake could < be r made. Low.' temperature and ozone fare : not synonymous, 1 ~as applied to a house, for: the coldest air indoors; may be foul. THE SAN VFRANCISGO^GALL, JTI^E 17; 1909. Colombino, Tenor Who Can Act, And Mme. Therry Score Big Hits I The stars and the conductor of the orchestra in the grand opera troupe which is appearing at. the Princess. *f DEVLIN SURE TO BE REAPPOINTED Senate Judiciary Committee Finds No Merit in Charge by Dr. Perrin {Special Dispatch to The. Call] WASHINGTON". June 16.— The senate judiciary committee is ready to report favorably upon the nomination of United States District Attorney Robert i T. Devlin to succeed himself. The sub committee in . charge of the matter, composed of Senators Piles, Borah and Overman, has examined the evidence at hand, including the report made by Assistant Attorney General Harr, who investigated Dr. E.B. Perrin's charges against Devlin. They have also ques tioned Devlin personally and have con ferred with Attorney General \u25a0Wicker sham regarding the case. HAS DONE HIS DUTY "Devlin has done his duty and noth ing more or less than his duty, as far as we can see," said a member of the subcommittee. "There are very peculiar features in this case, but there is no reflection upon Devlin In them. "Senator Tillman Is anxious to stir up the matter in order to find out what is meant by Harr in his report wherein he says that Detective- Burns appeared In the grand Jury room and declared that he had just -returned; from Oyster Bay and that President Roosevelt wanted Dr. Perrin Indicted." "Tillman seems to think there may be a. good deal behind that, but I think we will report Devlin's nomination favorably and that he will be- con firmed. HARR'S REPOnT "Attorney General Bonaparte , had Harr's report in a bundle of papers marked 'Secret; not to be opened.' At torney General Wickersham opened them at our. request and permitted us to read this report, but he would not send th« report to the capitol. , '. : "Why the report was kept so secret by Bonaparte we do not' know. When we;, asked Wickersham about , the Burns matter he merely said: V 'We have nothing to do with Burns. He is not in the employ of the, department of justice.' " See the page for the "Modern House Keeper," which appears regularly \u25a0in the : magazine of "The Sunday Call." Cash prizes are given each week for best house hold - ideas and kitchen recipes. Send in your choicest : ones to "Modern House Keeper; 'Page,'! ; The) San Francisco Sunday , Call. Without ventilation -•: there -can -not" be freshness, and ventilation means a cur rent of air, "a- space ' for egress as ' well as ingress. .. : .To secure pure air, if. both sashes can; not be raised, it • is better^ to • lower the top one: to let out. the stale airy thus not permitting it to be .held over the room.- \u25a0 . - -The. ideal way of, ventilating a sleep ing room ; is to . have the windows open both top and .bottom, to let out; old air and admit that which, is fresh. :lt is not v necessary., thatr.the .; shall be wide open,, though this may be done when' the person;* using,, the /room . is strong ; and vigorous and i can \u25a0 stand > ex cessive"; cold. .There: will' be -healthful sleeping conditions with the sash down only a.few. inches., if i the ;lower -part of the .window.: is also: open. .- Extra bed coverings -will supply^warmth.vandHhe lungs wills be constantly refreahed*and toned throughout 1 the • night., * Condi tions^ such" as .these* make- for 'bright eyes t and » clear : complexion, unless the digestion;is?out ofvgear. . . Clap ..Hands - . Behind Back for Strength— The '\u25a0 same , motion ; may; be re peated,' 1 * directing** the * ajms ? f ront;^ in- 1 stead of ; tovthel side. a Five or ; tenr times each ? is enough. i% Nothing -could; be • less difficult sthan: the 'effort -to ".make V the hands ' touch - at f' the >\u25a0• back con "'\u25a0 a : line with I the shoulder sblades.'! the ' arms ibe- Ingr held 'out straight.':- at,ls< really Ury-" ing. to: clap* the; hands ".behind j the backl and *it?developss the Jcnest,'* and t- makes for? better *carriage.~«During.sthe^exer-< cises :,thei ; lips.*must 'be, closed,"sinhalas tions Tdeep; and' through' the' nostrils.v \u25a0-'; GATHER IN COIN ON FAKE ORDERS Two Men Representing Imagi= nary Distilling Company Trick Local Saloonmen The Royal Arch has determined to prosecute two men who have been ob taining money from saloon keepers by representing themselves as" agents for the Pine Top distilling company. Peoria, 111., which existed only In their imagination. The two men are -;M. Spero and F.. 11. HuJsmeier.. - . Mark Ragusin," saloon' keeper, 1 Greenwich street, accompanied by At torney Choynski," swore to a complaint yesterday charging Spere with obtain ing $89 from him January 6 by false pretenses. The total amount secured In this city by the two men will,' it is said, amount to $2,000. Spero and Hulsmeier originally rep resented the Neverslnk distilling com pany of Lorraine, Pa., but' were dis charged, it Is alleged, for crooked work. They opened an office in this city in the Foxcroft building, got pa pers printed of the Pine Top distilling company and commenced to solicit or ders, giving receipts for money paid on the orders. No whisky came- to the purchasers, who were put off with -one excuse and another until complaints were made to the Royal Arch, and At torney Choynski was instructed to in vestigate. \u25a0 : The result was that, Choynski put the matter in the hands of the'police. and Detectives Bunner and Freel were de tailed on the case. Spero's r wife was in this city and. by watching her mail, Spero was the.other day located in lowa, and a dispatch was sent -by Cap tain Anderson ;to arrest him. Huls meier has 'jiot yet been located. SAN JOSE BOOSTERS TO TOUR THE BAYICITIES Whooping Up the Garden City- Fourth of July A tralnload bfrSan Jose boosters will invade San Francisco '.\u25a0> Tuesday next and with banners and a.barid of 30 musicians will extend an invitation to the city at large to attend the fourth of July celebration In their \u25a0city.:;; • - It is to •be a three day -carnivaU July 3, 4 and B, and it is the plan of the leading: citizens of San Jose to attract at least 50.00P people there for the occasion. :_ .. - The train carrying the boosters will leave • San Jose early Tuesday • morning, making stops at the principal' towns en: route and reaching here about. noon. Special streetcars will await'themand they; will be taken to Fourth and "Mar ket streets. * : From there 'they will march :v to \u25a0 the St.? Francis': hotel for luncheon at -12:30 -o'clock. : -.Speeches will follow, and at 2 o'clock the men from San "Jove -.will leave the hotel •: and : march down Markett: street with their musicians, serenading the newspaper offices.;. -. • , . • : - : • The 3 o'clock boats will convey them to s Oakland, \u25a0 where ; a parade \u25a0 and more music will ' advertise the • fact to Oak land'- people 'that they may spend, a happy fourth of July at San- Jose. - The : return « trip • will ,be . made south from Oakland. . and > the towns on * ; that side of the bay will hear of the cele bration, too. : : ' . ;':' Many - of the leading . business ' ; and professional men : of San Jose are*in terested In the movement and are lend ing . their support. ..A. J. Hart is chair man, of the boosters' committee. STARTS FOR FRANCE „ IN HIS SMALL ROWBOAT Homesick Old j : Fisherman, Per- ishes- inf Bolinas ;: Bay • ; BOLINAS, ; June .; 16.^Informing his friends sthatv he was' golhgltol; Paris in his *j private ' yacht, an \u25a0 old " French : fish-" erman^know'n- as ''Clara"Charley,";em barkedHastinight jin a small Srowbqat arid , this i» rooming - his . dead J body - was found' afloat; in j. the/ waters, \u25a0 of i Bolinas bay,; half a^mileiwest^of Hthe] town. " '?; For | many.- years -''Clam; Charley", had been- at familiar, -figure tie 'iSeacoastlvillager::;^ Last-; night: h* said Jhe Swas;* homesick ; for 5*5 * the fland ?of his' bi^jth: ; going back- tojParls,'^ he :) said, ft and I* when ;, his rcompariions laughingly; asked; him iho'w ;he; in tended to "',' make ; the ". trip he - answered^ with - ; a smileUhat^hewasJgqing- in: his private yacht.' I .'"' .':"/'\u25a0-.,"\u25a0-\u25a0'.:''\u25a0':".: \u25a0:'\u25a0\u25a0' : - . / ":? ; V\'-'-';-A : „ ;. It; is; saidi that he -had: been; drinking absinthe ' freely j for f - a t number «' of : : days/ and'thls ' mind was; probably; unbalanced whehlhe | started* ou_t"-JriTa v - light skiff lasVnight^r - : -y \u25a0 Z : ' v >?-5 : :-r^?t?-' : /S*'" EMPLOYERS DRAFT THEIR ULTIMATUM Employes Offered Work at the Wages Paid Prior to April 18, 1906 [Special DUpalch to The Call] SAN JOSE, June 16.— 1n a secret ses sion today an ultimatum clothed In •courteous terms was formulated and is to : be issued to the . locked . out union men. A resolution was passed re questing all employes to go back to work on their respective jobs Monday morning at the wages that were being paid prior to April 18. 1906. . If the union men are unwilling to surrender then their places are to be filled with- nonunion men at that time. The union labor leaders here today reiterated their assertions that they will not work at reduced wages. Work is going on as usual on most, of the smaller jobs, union laborers figuring on some of the small buildings. Boys and \u25a0 inexperienced men have been secured to fill the places of the striking teamsters -who quit rather than haul materials for F. O. Engstrum, ' who has the contract for the state nor mal building. - I ELKS TO DEDICATE HOME— Vallejo. June 16. — Elks from many . cities about the bay will b« bidden to Vallejo on Sunday. July 4, and Monday, July 5. \u25a0 to attend the dedication cere monies of the Vallejo lodgro of Elks, which will occupy its new $25,000 home in Sacramento street. The .buildinc is three stories and base ment, with olulirooms on the first floor, hall on the second floor and a roof garden and apart ments on 'the third. \u25a0 HARRIKAN GETS GEORGIA XINE— New York. -June 16.— The purchase of the' Central of Oorsia railroad by the Illinois Central railroad company was announced- today by J. F. Hanson, president of . the . Central \u25a0 of Georgia. Boys' Clothing Department , SECOND FLOOR Reduced Prices On Boys' and Youths' Clothing and Hats. BOYS' WASH SUIT Sizes 2y 3 to 10 years. " • iM ' TH $2.00 value, reduced to. ....\| hll - (Other grades proportionately reduced) Jf I iUU BOYS' 2-PIECE AND NORFOLK SUITS ; Sizes 6. to 17. years.;. ' &f* ftfl $7.50 , value, reduced* to \f% 1 1 f I (OtKer grades proportionately reduced) UIUaUU ybuTHS' suits- ;/\u25a0;• tfionn Sizes 14 to 20 years.- \l*/llil $15.0 D.value. reduced t0;. ........... ...:... . Ul I LiUU , (Other grades proportionately reduced) -- BC)YS' WASH HATS Cflp 75c value, : reduced to. . % . . OUll .(Other grades proportionately, reduced) " BOYS' STRAW HATS $A CO ; (Other fgrades proportionately reduced) mail Orders carefully executed.; BUTTERICK PATTERNS. MAMMOTH EQUINES IN MONSTER TEAM Ninety=six Animals Under One Driver's Guidance to -Feature Work Horse Parade j Ninety-six horses that earn their daily hay by hauling heavy loads, matched as perfectly as may be, and forming one team, 12 rows of them, S abreast, or 16 rows,. 6 abreast, -will be one of the novel features of San Francisco's workhorse parade. Septem ber!).- They will represent, though In much larger form, the teams used here In earlier days to lay the cables for the streetcar lines, and ''each sober equine," glorified for this one day In thelyear, will be groomed to look his best, and coaxed to change his usual plod to a decorous prance. , With this giant team of giant horses very little mahuvering will be possible, and only the widest of streets. Market and Van Ness avenue. It is thought will be able to hold them. The turn from the main thoroughfare into the ave nue will be a triumph in horsemanship in itself, if accomplished successfully, and there is talk of* securing a driver of; some old California stage coach, such a man' as. swung his eight or ten horses around mountain curves with the coach on two wheels, to hold the reins over the animals. The teams will be entered in the parade as representatives , of the dray ing- interests. George Renner of the Draymen's association has the ar rangements under his charge. It is proposed to form a national as sociation of workhorse parade societies for the purpose of Improving and sys tematizing the events, -and also of spreading the custom of holding ihem. A meeting to form this society will be held immediately after the conclusion of the convention of the National Team Owners* association in Boston, June 24, and many Californians will be present to represent this state and her magnfi c*nt horses. - . "DOCTORED" WHISKY i SUBJECT TO SEIZURE Internal Revenue Bureau Gives Out Important Ruling WASHINGTON, June 16. — Dishonest wholesale liquor dealers who substi tute inferior "doctored" 1 whisky for aged whisky in distillers* original packages, bearing- government ware house and tax paid stamps, will here after run the risk of the seizure of their goods by revenue agents. A de cision to that effect was made today by Acting Commissioner Williams of the internal revenue bureau, who or dered the seizure of all distillers' pack ages when, by chemical test, it shall be shown that other spirits than those inspected had been substituted. CAI-IFORXIAXS IX >EW YORK NEW YORK, June. 16. — The following Californlans are in New York: From San Francisco — C. F. Manson. Mrs. C. F. Munson. at the Hotel Bel mont; L. Bartlett, at the Herald Square; W. P. Johnson, at the Breslin; W. L. Cook, at the Hotel Flanders; Miss M. I. Richardson, at the Breslin: H. M. Abrams, at the Flanders; W. H. Dohrenaus. at the Cumberland; J. P. Langhorne, at the Hotel Algonquin; G. E. Degner. at the Herald Square; G. E. Lask, at the Hotel Gerard; Dr. R. Russ, E. Saunders. at the Herald Square; J. Woods. Mrs. J. Woods, at the Hotel Em pire; Mrs. R. E. Munro. P. Partington, at the Martha Washington; F. T. Mc- Cart. Mrs. F. A. McCart. at the Gilsey. From Los Angeles — B. Barker, at the Wolcott; E. P. Posey, at the Hotel Belmont; T. H. Powell, Mrs. T. H. Powell. atHhe Navarre; G. Corse, at the Belmont; D. F. Holmes, at the Park Avenue hotel; M. L. Seagury. at the Hotel Belmont:' R. D. List. Miss H. List. Miss R. List, at the Grand Union hotel: F. L. Botsford, H. L. Cornish, at the Hotel Wolcott. From Pasadena — -W. L. Patten. Mrs. W. L. Patten, at the Park Avenue. From San. Jose — W. H. Warden, Mrs. W. H. Warden, at the Cadillac; Miss A. Phelps. at the Plaza. From San Diego — Miss Bingham. Mrs. S- M. Bingham, at the Hotel Al bert. From Santa Maria — J. F. Couchey, at the Continental. • . From fc'anford — Mrs. Putnam, at the Grand Union. From Oakland— A. Wilson, at the Broadway Central. . From Santa Barbara- — William Gra ham, at the St. Resis; .Miss Eschen berg, at the Martha Washington. . ' Gray hair restored to natural color by Alf redum's Egyptian Henna. A harmless dye— convent, quick, sure. All drug'sts.* WENCESLAO LOAIZA GRANTED DIVORCE His Wife iMakes No Opposition to Interlocutory Decree >p for Desertion «£ OAKLAND, June IS. — Another cbap*' ter has been written In the Loaiza-Hanc ley affinity divorce story, and -th« last word of the chapter, which wa3 the signing of an interlocutory decree of divorce today by Judge Ellsworth, means that only one more year of waiting separates Wenceslao R. Loaiza. millionaire member of a noted Central American family, from lawfully wed ding Louise M. Hanley. divorced wife of Harry G. Hanley. cashier of the Wells Fargo Nevada national bank of San, Francisco. Loaiza was granted the interlocutory decree today against his wife, ilarix San Vicente Loaiza, who is at present in Hermosillo, ilex. The grounds were desertion, and Mrs. Loaiza made no con test. 9BSBI Loaiza is a member of the firm of XT. Loaiza & Co.. with offices In New York and San, Francisco, and doing a large Importing business with Central Amer ica and Mexico. He has been for years one of the most prominent men In the Central American colony of San Fran cisco. to the East DATES OF SALE May 15-16-20-21-22-31; Jcne 1 to 4. 14 to 19, 25 to 27; Jane 24 and 29 additional dates to St. Paul; July 1 to 7; August 9 to 13. ROUND TRIP RATES To Chicago $72.50; St. Louis $67.30; Omaha, Kansas City, St. Joseph $60.00; St. Paul $73-s*o. $15.00 higher via Seattle. Three daily through trains from Denver, east, morning, noon and night, commencing May 23d. PERSONALLY CONDUCTED TOURIST SLEEPERS To Boston and East — Thursdays. To Omaha, Chicago and • East — Wednesdays, Thursdays, Sundays. To St. Louis, Kansas City. St. Jo- seph — Tuesdays. THROUGH STANDARD SLEEPER SERVICE Daily to Omaha, Chicago, St. Jo- seph, Kansas City and St. Louis. SCENIC COLORADO Burlington Route through service 13 via Salt Lake and Denver. Inquire about the variety of desirable route 3 offered by the Burlington via Den- ver, Billings, St. Paul, Omaha and Kansas City. No tour of the East is complete with- out the Burlington as a part of it. Consult us. We are located on the Coast to help you. Burlington through trains form a conspicuous feature of the journey East. HW. D. SASBOK?, G. A, San -Francisco, Cat. W FAIRiMOiNT I Distinctly rtlJTcrcnt and ilrdd- I 3 ' J" better than any hotel you IV| a have' erer . seen. Slasle rooms 5 TTlth bath from ?2.00 up. J;'H Wa^PAullCE lIOTKI* COMPANY S§ MANILA ITCH A PoaltlTe Cure , CAUTAX SALVE Symptom — a fine rash or series of pianples. discharging watery (laid. Very eoatasiou*. iCALAYAN SALVE will posltWely eradicate ail traces or money refunded. Send $1.00 to CAUYAX SALVE CO. Sn WebMfr street. OakUmd. C»U THEATRICALSUPPLIES We sell and rent them ALL MAKES OF GREASE PAINTS AND CREPE HAIR POWDERS • f: ROUGES ?;; COLD CREAMS Most complete line in city MAKE-UP BOXES PLAY BOOKS MONOLOGUE AND SKETCHES PAFHENPS BIBVAN NESS AYt, San Francisco A Want to Borrow Money? -4-See— CALL ::WANT :: ADS 9