Newspaper Page Text
10 Bl *>IXESS CHANCES Coitdiuied , UNION INVESTMENT -CO. " 'X;-» JJACKET ST., ROOM 207. NEAU ELLIS BLSIXIisS BKOKrJtS AND UOOMING HOUSES, 1 BANK AND COMMERCIAL REFERENCES OALL AND SIX IS if you want a good investment ; we have several good chances fur peoaje with vmall - crpltal who can also; <1«-vose ißf'r time to a good payinK b:isinesi>. Tncs»« places range in tir"tc from £!7."i !<< ?uno and pay from $•;.» to ?"K)*l>e:' W<-ek. SELLERS SHOULD SKK IS "AT ONCU If'j-on u«ve a sood place U^t will viand i:ivcßtigati..ii, tt*i it with us for a «"KANI» CJIANCfi FOX MAN HANDY WITH '.TOOLS . $;".")<• and servif-es will secure you an Interest, in a' business «i!! «-lear you $25 a week »ii:re. Y<>u take lm'risk. as the Flock fcii'l flxinwn and tools will invoice over $~<Mi. Sec lay agents at once, tbe IMUV i.WI SIMK.N7 CO.. 552 MARKET. . SrJECIAL BARGAIN IN THK mClIMONI) DISTRICT GKOCKRT DF44CATESSEN, BAKKRY. TANDY A'XD ICIi CRKAM. Tine fixtures,, Urge r'.acL: receipts Sl2 to $20 per d»y; rent $.'W: 3 ni<*e llvius rooms fur.; worth SMM); will take fKiO c«»U this weeii. UNION INVESTMENT CO. HARDWARE. LOCKSMITH AND STOVE &UTIIBINU BUSINESS for sale for f«jO;; pnod est. trade; tools aud over $300 Aiork; r*>nt $U»; leaving city. A snsp for \u25a0 •adili- <r*an. UNION IX\~ESTMF.NT CO. Iaut^OLSODZ AND NOTIONS— Over $300 ttcT; cmi fixtures; present owner 6 years, v. Market location; 4 living rooms; rent ?.f». I" MON INVESTMENT CO. MF.AT MARKET— EnDr equipped first class place; receipts $33 to $40 per day; all etore trade; rent $20. Own»r has other business and will sacrifice for $500 this week. UNION INVESTMENT CO.. 832 Market st. STATIONERY snd SCHOOL SUPPLlES— Trans- fer corner ln tbe RICHMOND DIST.: Al fc- catiOD. near school; rent $40. Including livic* room*; complete stock; price ?1.000 or will invoice; a eood income for man and wife. «>n!y with UNION INVESTMENT CO.. 532 Market, room 207. - CONFECTIONERY. GROCERIF.S and FRUITS— N>»r large theater; no opposition; larje stock, nice fixtures: 2 living roomn; rent $1744: price reduced to $500. UNION INV. CO.. S32.Mkt. GROCERIES. FRUITS and LIQUORS— With liv- ing rooms; receipts $20-$3O per day; cheap 'rent- price $450 lens than value Invoice. UNION INVESTMENT CO.. 832 Market st. CANDY and ICE CREAM PARLOR and FAC- TORY — Best location In Western addition; first class flxtcres and pood trade; bargain for $750. See UNION INVESTMENT CO.. 832 Market. LUNCH CENTER and RESTAURANT— Large trade- scats 22: rent only $15 mo.; 2 years* 1p»m»; price $450. UNION INV. CO.. 532 Mkt. APARTMENT HOUSE 25 r%"m«, good furniture aud fine location for reiftiuif : rent $!*•: price $900, part cash. Make offer. UNION INVESTMENT CO.. 532 Market. IJOMH BAKERY anil CANDY STORE — Near ißrjre Fcbool; rent $30; 3 .living rooms; RE- • CEITTS $17 to SIS a day; TRIAL GIVEN If you mean business and have $">OO. Come and f*v me. Only with UNION INV. CO., 532 Market *t. IV YOU WANT TO *ELL YOUR STORE OR BUSINESS <»F ANY KIND BE SURE AND SEE THK UNION INVESTMENT CO. WE TAN SELL ANY GOOD LEGITIMATE BUSI- NESS QUICKLY. FOB CASH. WHY WORK FOR WAGES? BE YOUR OWN BUSS — Here Is your oliance: $."5.">0 will secure you «n Interest in a good business that will pay you from si"« to $40 per week If yon can write a plain hand, answer telephone, and at- 1. ml to ofn>e '-at"s and have the money. Call Monday; full investigation. UNION INVESTMENT CO.. 832 Market st. "SALOONS SALOONS r>- SALOONS The largest and best list in t!;o iity, from $300 to $10.0i)0. Call for free "Ist. UNION INVESTMENT CO.. S3"* Market St. I SALOON — On» of the beat corners In tbe RICH- MOND DISTRICT; long lease, reasonable rent. This is a Br=t class place, doing a large busl- nenn. and can be bousut for $3,000. PART CASH, only with UNION INVESTMENT CO., N32 Market St.: room 207. ' SALOON— $:•.«*•: CHOICE LOCATION in Hai/rht sr.. NKAB GOLDEN GATE PARK: RENT, I SCO: -OWNER RETIRING FROM BUSINESS. UNION INVESTMENT CO. SALOON AND GOOD BUILDING; FINE COR- i NER. IN THE MISSION; RENT, $30; GOOD LEASE; stock, fixtnres, pool table, large trade; price reduced to $750. Only the UNION US- VESTMENT CO. . « HOTEL AND BAR In lively town 70 mile* from San Francisco; no • opposition; a money maker; owner retiring; I win sell for $2,000; rent. $50. UNION INVESi- MF.NT CO. fC(K>— CORNER SALOON IN THE WHOLESALE I DISTRICT; rent. $75: good lease; fine fixtures. UNION INVESTMENT CO. SALOON— NEAR MARKET AND STOCKTON; i rent. $70. The biggest bargain in tbe city for $1,200. UNION INVESTMENT CO.. 532 Mkt. I'ARTNKR. WITH A LITTLE MONEY, TO AS- SIST «OOD SALOONMAN IN A PAYING SALOON: A RARE CHANCE FOR A RE- • LIABLE MAN. See UNION INVESTMENT I CO.. 60*2 Market St. 'V ; MONTGOMERY STREET SALOON : Choice comer, with lease; Commercial trade; owner has other business and will sell for ', Sl.<h>o ca«h. UNION INVESTMENT CO. $1,000 buy* the state right for the most csefnl nrtlcle ever invented. Thl* will stand the most rigid investigation. A bi*j money ! maker. See. party at office of UNION IN- VESTMENT CO.. 532 Market et. HALF INTF.r.FUST IN A WELT- ESTABLISHED ' HARDWARK AND PLUMBING BUSINESS; ONE PARTN'F.R HAS LARGE MINING IN- TERESTS: THE REMAINING PARTNER IS 1 A RIZGISTF.RED PLUMBER AND HAS m:r.N in the business for 20 years. TBK BUSINESS WILL CLEAR OVER $2,000 ( A YEAR EACH. IF YOU ARE A GOOD RE- LIABLE MAN AND HAVE $1,400 CASH AND ! WANT A GOOD. " HONEST PROPOSITION BEE THIS AT OXCE. FULL INVESTIGA- TION INVITED. UNION INVESTMENT CO. $02 MARKET "ST. BOOMING nOUSE for working men: 330 rooms; rent $100 per mo.; clears $100 ' per ' K'nioiilh: l>est place in town, for only- $000- ' don't fail to see this Monday. UNION IN- VESTMENT' CO.. 832 Market st. ' TRANSIENT HOUSE, FINE LOCATION DOWN TOWN. 18 ROOMS, ALL WELL rURNISHKD; CLEARS $175 per mo.; owDer ]< living cify and will sell for $1,000. ' UNION INVESTMENT CO.. ; 832 Market et. SJTS— CHOP HOUSE AND LUNCH COUNTRY: *?'• «iay trade; rent $15; foil investigation • \u25a0 Tills" is * genuine bargain. UNION INVESTMENT C 0.," ; 532 Market st. \u25a0SALOON— FINE TRANSFER COBXER. I.OXO J.KA^i": fIOOD TRADE; THIS IS A GOOD MONKY MAKER. UNION INVESTMENT CO.. 832 Market st. ~ • \u25a0 SALOON -ON EDDY ST.: rent $30: a good tmsi- ne*ii for one man; price only $7*io. See this Monday. UNION INVESTMENT CO. fiM—r&\Ul.r LIQUOR AND FRUIT STORE; FINE LOCATION: LARGE AND INCRKAS- . INO TRADE: CHEAP RENT; > LEASE; SEE THIS AT ONCE. - UNION CO., UNION INVESTMENT CO. K2 MARKET ST.. BOOM 207. PHONK DOUGLAS 3060. TOR GOOD BARGAINS AND. FAIR DEALING GIVE US A CALL.. BL'SIXESS CHANCES — Continued [j $7,500 — General merchandise 6tore ln*Santa Crnz county. ?3,000— Saloon; best location in Mission Bt., with large hall. , . .<2.500 — Saloon; corner on East st. ; easy terms. $1.500 — Restaurant; a money-maker; a bargain. $1,100 — Lodging house; 20 rooms; always occu- pied. $250 — Flat, elaborately furnished; '. a "cozy place. 1 5700 — Butcher -.hop; established over 23 years. ' •"Kk." I—Meat1 — Meat market, fully equipped;' balance 'to suit. GILLIKS & MAGNUS, 102S Market st. Tel. Market I*o9. \u25a0 Room 22. i DRLG STORES FOR SALE $4,000— Fine store, clean stock and good busi- ness in San Franclsqp; also one at $2,500, $3,000, $3,500; druj; ttows ln Berkeley, • San . Jose, Pewadero and In Lake county. Unutlioldt county, Sonoma oount/ and others; also a splendid offer I in a thriving town In Oregon for $0,500; It you are looking for abuslness, or have one for sale, j communicate with us: over 50 years' experience lv Hie drug trade In California. , THE F. A. WECK REALTY COMPANY, ' 2510 Sliattuok aye., Berkeley. Cal. $25 is all that is needed 10 rent a good dell- ratossen btorc. stove, counters, cheese cutter, shelving, k-e box, etc. All ready to do busi- nes*. Corner, store on the Key l'oute. on. 22d t,t., Oakland. Party can easily do from $13 to $20 v cr day. I'!i c !nc«« from laundry $2 to $5 dally. If you wi.-U to make a good living call aiid see D. O. JDOBSON, 551" ISth Bt., Oakland. Cal. JOS SKIRM & CO., 921 Broadway, Oakland. A Cist class enrpeuter with services and coin? capital would like >o join or meet same with an ] ebtublislied business. GROCERY — Ki:-.e corner, busy street., Oak- land; goou. «'i;ci:i> stock; all «-ash trade; 4 liviug rooms; owner \,<^r health; will sell at a sacrifice; reduced to $000. ~ $350 BUYS UfjK infg. business ln Los Acgeles; will easily <-'ear $2IH) monthly; $350 stock included; monopoly on patented household necessity: SOO per cont proflt; rare oppor- tunity. Owner engaged In very large enter- prise; can't attend to this. Call INVKNTORS' EXCHANGE. TSI Golden Gate ay. FOR sale— A cigar, candy, stationery aud notion Store, with newspaper agencies. In live mining tewn ia Shasta ci-niui,; monthly business $2,000; price $500 over invoice; will go ln neighborhood of JS.CW; reason for bellin;;. in- vestigate. Address 507 Market St., Reddlug, Cal. BJTTCHER Kuop for sale — On account of dissolu- tion of partnership one of the best shops In Fniltvalf iv;ll be so!u; fine trade;- full equip- tmnt. Inquire LYMAN HARFORD. 3110 E. Hiu St.. Fmlfvale, or H. J. McISAAC, Hum- boidt Bank bldg.. S. F.. Cal. Tor sale. " v^". Hotel anil bar; in first class location; near Standard oil works; investigation Invited; price reasonable. GRAND HOTEL. Point Richmond. Cal. BIVKNS * LACRAY, Harding bid?., 34 Ellis st. Here is a bargain; saloon, bowling alley, pool ball;, also mercantile lunch; old estab- lished place, doing a good business and has never been offered for sale before; $05 rent; long lease: Al location. >> PATENTS wanted — We mfg. and promote the Kale of inventions. Office space can be bed in our large building, where you may handle your own device. If you wish to turn your patent Into cash. Join us at once. INVENT- ORS' EXCHANGE. 721 Golden. Gate ay. FOR SALE. $1.500 — Half interept in bpst pqntpped road bouse ln northern California; well located; good business investment guaranteed; investigation solicited. Address box 3052. Call office. WANTED* at once, good steady man, willing to do light work in established business; pays at least $100 month; experience unnecessary; only $150 cash required. Call 9C4 Market, r. 4. YOUNG man with $1,000 can have charge manu- facturing business office; salary $125 and profits; no. experience, but best references . re- quired. AOdreßS box 30SO, Call office. YOUNG man having $500. to take position pay- ing $25 weekly; requirements good references, reliability, honesty, willingness to work ; ex- perience not required. Box :;217. Call office. UP TO DATE wholesale and retail liquor store; well situated, prosperous town of 30.000; pays well; investor must have $S.OOO to $10 000. ( Address P. O. box 030. San Jose. INFORMATION wanted of a> email town or loca- tion where a shop for general 6heet metal work, tinsmith, etc., is needed. Please ad- dress Superior Mechanic, box 3049. Calloffice. WATER FRONT saloon and 19. furnished rooms, doing a good business; • rent $C 5 for entire building: see this right away. BlVE~<fc \u25a0& LAURAY. 34 Ellis St. FIVE ROOMING HOUSES, from 14 to 54 rooms; central; ranging from $C5O to $2,700; paying from $50 to $150 per mo. net; call and see our list. 421 Mechanics' Bank bldg.. 948 Mnrket st. FOR SALE — Good blacksmith business; must sell on account of sickness. For further partieu-i lars apply to F. B. MILLER. Valley Ford, CaL . SALOON for sale; $1,200 cash; living rooms; furniture: Including good corner with a good future; long lease; low rent; party has to leave city. Box 3012, Call office. $400 cash— Saloon, good location In 3d st.; rent $44; lease; license paid to August 5; fine fixtures. Union Investment Co., BS2 Market. FOR sale — Restaurant and bakery; best ln town; 3>A years' lease; fin« bnsiness; $2,500. Ad- dress R, Call agency, "San Jose, Cal. PURNITURE business, "small"; best stand In bay town; a bargain; have other interests. Box 72*. Call office. Oakland. RESTAURANT nnd lunch counter for sale; doing good business; $375. Call 40S Oth st.. Oak- land, npstairs. GOOD restaurant and delicatessen store, near Adeline station. Oakland; doing a good busi- ness; cheap. Call at 1170 7th St., Oakland. FOR 6ale — A good j newspaper route ln a good district in this city. Apply to J. R. LEN- HART, circulation department, S. F. Call. " RESTAURANT for sale; best location in town. 4S M» son St. "< SALOON for Bale; owner going east; no reason- able offer refused. 3400 Mlxslon st. MAYFLOWER hotel bar for sale; lease. Inquire 107.11 th st. SALOON and dance' hall; paying: $1,200 takes It. 421 Mechanics' Bank bldg.. 048 Market st. CALL BRANCH OFFICE, 1651 Flllmore st. near Post. l'odgixg iioitsks for sai,r 714 market st., magee building, Opposite Tbe Call. Room 301— Phone Douglas 4379. Where Best -Bargains Are Found in Hotels, Apartment and Lodging Houses, Flats. FIXE buy — 14 elegantly fur. rms.; swell loe.: Jackson St.; prlv. baths, call bells; cost $3,000 to fur.; clears $110; acct. sickness. $1,400. GOOD transient, 32 rooms, fine corner, cheap rent; well fur.; a gift at $1,000. FIRST class beach hotel on main street ; best beach ia California;. elegantly fur.; fine bar: dining room seats 100; does business 'year round; will -clear half of purchase price this- season; rent $75; long . lease; close investi- gation Invited. : 111 health acuse of sale. Will sell half Interest; price $7,000. R. H. WINSTON & CO.. Established 17 Years. Bank References. Hortls, Booming and. Apartment Houses, Flat*. Room 257, Pacific Building. , Market and 4th Et., Phone Douglas BSG. 20 rooms, house keeping, fine location- £850 88 rooms, rent $125; price $1,000; to close est! 30 rooms, corner, north of -Market, all out- side and sunny; rent $150; furniture and car- pets A l. Price $2,000; will exchange for real est CO room apt. bouse; 2 ream apts., all outside and simay: rent $4.50 room; big money maker- safest proposition In the city. Price $"2,500. Have most all places that are for sale; all sizes and price*. \u25a0 \u25a0 WINSTON fc CO.. 257 Pacific Bldg. \u25a0 JOS. SKIRM & C 0... 021 Broadway.' Oakland BARGAIN— Must be sold this week; 24 rooms- grand corner; rent $SO. Lease — Always full of good roomers; clears over all expenses $12S; wortli. twice the price- terms; $1,000. . ' SNAP — 20 rooms; refined home; heart' of Oak- land; rooms never vacant; a lady's income Lome- only $000 cash. , APARTMENT HOUSE, 30 rooms; swell little place; exchange for real estate. - IS rooms, near 10th and Washington, only $.*!00' CA po^t BUANCH OFFICB - 1651 WUaior* it. near BUSINESSMAN of means going rto Philippines would accept agency. ; Box 4750. Call office.' LADY wants partner in good paying business- very little canltnl required. Box -:tn.lO. Call. EDUCATIONAL '• » " A— PAUL GERSON DRAMATIC SCHOOL— Largest. training school of acting In America- position isecnred;G months' graduating course- catalogne." Countryman bldg., 915 : Van "- Ness} A— THE LYCEUM, - 2500 Pine st., prepares for unlverslay or , any =' examination. . Open durln~ summer; 6 teachers; moderate rates; here you save time and money., • -, . ' JOHN S. DREW— COACHING SCHOOL and . NORMAL pLASS. High school, i all branches . Prep.; for college, teachers' exams... civil s Cr v' LaIKM-atory courses. Day, cv. '-\u0084 043 Van- Ness. ASSAYING; = sppcial commercial* course In Span- . Ifh, Wlegraphy;" civil: ami 'electrical^ engineer- ing, mining, etc. •iII'ALD'S, 423 McAllister st. THE SAX "M? ANGISG^ o^^ j^QNPi^r :^^E \u25a0\u25a0 -28,-- 1909: .'J EJP UCATIOX Air-- Cont 1 nued'.> - '^ : - DANCING— FINDLAY'S. • 3241 16th St., ballroom, or. stage; -adults Monday and Friday. evenings; private lessons : dally ; open every evening. \u25a0-;\u25a0 , ENGINEERING— CiviIe electrical, mining, mech., purvey, assay, cyanide, :, day,:; eve. ; ; est. : 1804. . Van der "Voillen school,' slst and Tel.V Oakland. THK BERLITZ SCHOOL ;OF ' LANGUAGES— \u25a0 2531 Washington ' st. ' near - Flllmore; send for circular.'.' :"' \u25a0 '" , ; - '." ' '-'"-"'*.'. SPANISH AND FRENCH simplified. PROF DE FILIPPE, grad. Paris, Madrid. : 1212 Geary "st. PROF. T. A. ROIJINSON, Individ, instr. jnath"., book keeplDg, Eng.; etc.; day, eve.' so 7 Huiprlit. SPANISH or French 'simplified;:^ accurate transla- .tioue, any lanjr: Prof. -Hidalgo, S3O Market st. PREEMAN. COACHING SCHOOL— High school, university. West Point, Annapolis. 854 Baker. PROF. (J. MANSFIELD, teacher of violin, man- dolin and jiultar. West 8331; 1706 Geary st. RINGNALDA Normal Institute Mod. Languages; milv. |ire|>. 1.*i50 O'Farrell. .- Phone West SICO. _ KV SLXKSS^C^LLE«ES ' A— Metropoliltau Business" College— J 49o Market at - Van Ness. Reduced rates, 6 months, ; $50. A SELECT K-hof.l" Merrill-Miller College, Day and evening. -.- 733 Fillmore: St.". MUNBON School of Shorthand; prlv. Instruction; day and evening. Whitney, bldg., 133 Geary. ' BOYD shorthand; easily completed in 2 months; boob.keeplug, arith., - writing. 915 Van Ness. ALL court reporters recommend Gallagher-Marsh 1-uslnets College. 1250 Market st. * 1 . SAN FRANCISCO Business College now located 7:{3 Flllmoff st. near Hayes; day and evening. ACCOU.VrAXTS AUDITS, systems, special' Investigations. COOP- F.R, 005 Kauim bldg.. 717 Mkt.; Kearny 0950. JOHN R. RUCKSTELL. C. P. A.. 306-308 Clau» Spreckels (Call) bldg. Phone Kearny 4151. NOTARY PITBLIC _ MARK LANE. Notary Public and Commissioner of Deeds. 245 BuPh St.; phone Temp. 2033. UNDER . McEnerncy act; complete; $35. • Title Co.. 951-3 Monadnock bldg.. 3d and Mkt. sts. A— M. HARRIS, pension and patent attorney, 34 Ellis Bt. ; references, the many thousands for whom I have secured pensions; 21 years'prac. y DETECTIVES West Coast Detective Agency (licensed, bonded); conducts cases secretly; -cor. confidential SiC Flllmore. Tel. Park 5550. -T." C. GRAY. Prln. AA— DIVORCE; costs, $12; quick, quiet; advice free; no charge unless. -successful; title to real estate restored; bankruptcy; probating of es- tate; general practice. 1028 Market st.; r. 12. DIVORCE laws, annulments, damages, estates; consultation free on all legal matters; open .evenings. 04S Market st. cor. Mason, rm. 309. A QUICK and complete divorce fl)r $20: open evenings. 1122 Market st. near 7th. room 31. HARRIS &. HESS, attorneys at law. W. T. Hess, Notary Public. Rooms 11-12, Call bldß. L. S. CLARK, attorney at law,' 851 Jackson St., Oakland. Consultation free; open evenings. PATENT ATTORNEYS DEWEY. STRONG & CO.— founded 1SG0; U. S. and foreign patents; inventors' guides; ' 1000 mechanical movements free. 1105 Merchants' (Exchange bldg., San Francisco. CAR LOS P. GRIFFIN, late examiner U. S. pat- ent office. 1201-2 Metropolis bank. Patents, iradesniarks and copyrights. Tel. Kearny 4815. FRANK T. MEDINA, patent atty., of Medina & Griffin, dissolved, remains at old address. 812 ! Call bldg.; patents, tradesmarks, copyrights. HARRY C. SCHROEDER, U. S. and foreign~paT- ents. 415 First Na. bk.. Oakland; tel. O. 3575. SO NT Att Patent Agency— Establislied 15.09. Bal- boa blilg.. oor. Market and 2d tits.. 10th floor. PILL COLLKCTI.VG £ SOME PEOPLE DON'T LIKE US. We get the money for you on all kinds of claimx anywhere. . Interstate Adj. nnd Law Ass'n., Cl 5 Pacific bid WALTER'S LAW & COLLECTION' CO., 411 Mills bldff. — Attachments, garnishments, liens, collections everywhere. -. B A D TEXA XTS^RJ ECTKI) BILLS "and notes collected; tenants ejected. FRED J. SCnMIDT. Market. Noe and Kith st*. 1 _ -'• -'•;' nENTISTS w - . BOSTON PAlNLES^ENT7srX^?irMarket sTi acknowledged to be the easiest and bent pain- less extraction in S. F. Full set of "teeth, .$2; gold crowns. $2; sliver fillings, 50c. All work guaranteed 20 years. Open daily till 9 p. m. DR. C. W. .DECKER, Phelan bldg., rooms 30s"» 9-10, 700 Market St.; phone Kearny lG'fO. MEYER. Dr., l!« 0 Sutter— Fillings 50c. crowns $3; bridge work; gas given;, open evenings. DR. IRA G. LEEK— AII kinds of dental work. 510 Fillmore st. near Oak. DR. U. G. BARTIXXT, extracting specialist, re- moved to -32:' Geary" cor. Powell; Douglas 4:*00. HILL, DR. LUDLUM." 432 Webs (now Muirbead bldg.). Market. Hayes and Larkln; gas given. PHYSICIANS A— DR. AND MRS. DR. PIERCE, world re- nowned specialists for WOMEN; our treatment pleasant, safe and sure; -you can pay a little down: Suite 502 Westbank bids.. 820 Market st. cor. Ellis'; 10 to S; Sundays 12 to 1. ' CHINESE DR. YOUNG & CO.— Specially lm- ported herbs, remedies; ctires all chrolnic dis- eases, female troubles; consultation free. 032 Kearny. DR WONG HIM— ~ ~~ HERB DOCTOR. Permanently located 1268 O'Farrell st. bet. Gough and Octavia. DR. THIELE. the specialist, returned to city; Office, 1732 Geary Bt. near Flllmore. MEDICAL ... AA— ATTENTION. LADIES! DR. NORTH. 1025 Market St.; tel. Park 5941. World Renowned Specialists f or Women Only. . No , Delays or \u25a0 Disappointments. 'Relief Guaranteed. By Most Superior Painless Methods Known to Medical Science. . Most obstinate cases treated; utmost privacy; have no hesitancy if In need -of my services: \u25a0absolutely harmless. Low fees. By consulting -nn eminent \u25a0 specialist | yon - save time 1 and rooaey.. All female; complaints cured. Advice free. 10 a. m. to 4 p.' m. and 6 to 9 p. 1 m. DR. ABBOTT, ,1550 ELLIS ST. NEAR FILL- MORE— HONEST, RELIABLE, SCIENTIFIC TREATMENT GUARANTEED IN ALL DIS ORDERS OF WOMEN. . . His thoroughly ANTISEPTIC methods lnsnre absolute safety from infection. ; Lady physician to consult with If desired-. ' Hours, 10 a. a m.'to Op. m.; Sundays. 10 to 2. DR. EMERSON. \u25a0" 1304 FILLMORE CORNER EDDY. ALL DISEASES OF. WOM EN treated by most scientific methods;* positively no charge unless patient is satisfied. y lth results; private" sanav torlum for. parties wmblng to remain under our care; ; advice and exam, free; lady assistant. . 'Hours, 10-5; evenlngs,>S-9; Snndays, J2-2. AA— DR. F.VA." ROBERTS, 1438 . J-'LLIS ST. \u25a0 NEAR WEBSTER, reliable specialist for i fe- male COMPLAINTS and IRREGULARITIES; INSTANT RELIEF; advice fees low. Hours, 10 to 8; Sundays, 10 to 12. MRS. DR. HOLMS, gruduate specialise, enros all female complaints wlthont delay. 744 Turks). near-Van N>ks hv. Advice free. Ilrs.. 9 to 8. cWIRpPODISTS: h DR] - DUNCAN,' ISO Sutter. corner I Kearny, . rooms r.03-4-^-Abuolntely. cures. without pain or draw- ing blood all foot ailments;: corns removed 25c. HEALTH MOVEMENT "VIA VI SCIENCE OF HEALTH," niifural. 11011- Hiirglcal; clotli bound 4(K) page book,* free. > s Ap- ply by mall,-:'i>'ttl Pine. St. . Leotiire :for, women Thursday at~2:30 p.. m. . Oakland -Via vl' Co.",' ~ 324 Central Bank building. \u25a0 :\u25a0•-' ' \u25a0' > ; -. ',':[.:. '. ":- v S AN ATORIUMS .'-:'/"\\' '\u25a0}' A— PRIVATE i home • for^tho -. stck: •coutlnemeiit " specialty;: adoption; speciul'- treatment for all *-\u25a0 female tronble. » 1303 Market ft. '-':-'- \u25a0_ |I _;^; : .'^ i \' M ATERXIT V t HOMES \u25a0 .:': -_: S.F.; LYING-IN, HOME, 1191 Oak St.— Adoption; - diseases women and children; confinement." $25. CLARK CANDIO.N. TRUSS CO-V specialists: truss fitting: Indy att. ' 125S G.- G. ay.i nr.. Flllmore.- "'REMEDIES 1 -'' PILES.-- PILES— MAC'S *~ INFALLIBLE : Tml^E V REMEDY,',^ for :- all* cases i of , , blind, i bleeding," J itcblng.and! protruding, piles s speaks. for 'ltself • ; /price ; ooc, by njall- COc, •?: A." M-.-BOYLE '& ; Cf).; y druggists.*' so4" Washington". st.Vl Stin Franci>-i.o. RICQRD : CELEBRATKD,! PREPARATIONS f t,»r -: 'men's^ private tdlscHsei'.'S Sold •: only sby ;E.,B;' \u25a0 JORGBNSQNrOi4 " Kearny i ?".-,< S»ih 4 Francisco;- :'sMail '\u25a0 orders : a s-peclaltj-jj, Seiitl' for. circular. *:\u25a0 11 ALSO'ear noises" positively cured: 'one. week free.' : ' DR.COTTIXGHAM.*HH"O Suttcr St.: hre. 10-4:. -~~^~~~JJ££T A *' .DISEASES* : , . - _\u25a0'; ., _ ' : - PILES, fistula* etc., w cured without knife or loss of time; >no salve proposition. £ THOS.'. J. : KIS- . NER. M. P.; IQ3I Flllmore st. near McAllister. ' CANCERS AND TUMORS TREATED * : IN from 1 to 4 minutes with, hypodermic needle •method; - cure/: guaranteed. • MADAM L. F. LAMB, residence and office. Ukinh. Cal. - -\u25a0" ! .SirPERFHrOTJs"HAIR REMOVED -;- REMARKABLE. new discovery; kills hair roots; absolutely, permanent or no pay. PHYSICIAN, office 34 Ellis' st.. rm.307: tel. Douglas 777. \u25a0 DOG A\'D CAT HOSPITAL FINEST I equipped; animals boarded; 'ambulance furn.; special rates. 2371 Fulton: West 8312. V _/ MATItI-"Ioy»AL 1 YOUNG, man, v 3O, foreman^ of , an Iron and steel plant, city,, desires acquaintance \u25a0< (marriage) of intelligent working girl or widow (saleslady or . stenographer), • who Is willing to help build up; a happy home; only sincere answer. . , Box -321U, Call oftlce. v : ',^ INTELLIGENT, German gentleman, -Jew, 38 1 years of age, ' with good paying wholesale business in city; like to meet refined Jewish lady of • good, reliable* family; object I matri- .. mouy.; Box . 4795, Call office: -\u25a0\u25a0.'': GKNTLEMAN of highest standing, morally, phy- sically ami financially, wishes to. meet a lady .of means. Address North station C, Oakland, California. \u25a0 ',;., - LONELY ; gentleman, kind disposition, ' knows how to appreciate a good, woman, 'seeks ac- quaintance of good widow or maiden lady. AU- , dress LONELY, box C3C,, Call, Oakland. \u25a0 - Wipow»of Independent means, fine cook | and house keeper, seeks honest man for liusbanit. Society Lady, 252*^ Hollls St., Oakland. De- tails 25c. . GENTLEMAN, 62, American, good home of 25 acres of fruit, berries, grapes, needs a wife with some. means. Box 701, Call office, Oak- land. : . v r. YOUNG man, 27, can speak German, wants ac- quaintance with German lady about 25. Box 712, . Call office, - Oakland. HO*XEST men and women seeking life mates can tind their ideals at 251' i lIoIIK Oakland; iu- formntlon 25c. SOCIETY LADY. DO not be deceived; the only reliable matrimo- nial bureau you will find at MltS. A. WOL- I'ER'S. 1752 Geary st.: established in 1000. £"£^^3SS3^^ AA— WIGS, TOUPKES. My wigs and. toupees defy detfetion; I juar- antee every one 1 make. I make them ven- tilated and porous; perspiration don't affect them. Gentlemen's private wig department. 2271 California Bt. near Webster,' Mr. Lederer iv charge. A large stock. of pure human hair goods on hand; transformation switches, puffs, etc., con- stantly ou baud. Lederer's Quintonica stops hair falling. Mall orders prompt attentlou. G. LEDERER. established ISGG. LADIES' STORE AT ISO 9 FILLMORE ST. NEAR SUTTER. MME. FRANCINE, greatest European authority on beauty culture; most scientific skin treat- I ment. which makes .you 15-20 years younger; wrinkles removed entirely; city refs. 020 IGUi " si., Oakland; phone 7511; best skin foods. MRS. L. 1". IIARTMAN, graduate mechanothera- plst, vibratory, electric treatments and mas- Kage. O.\J7 Whitney bldg.. 13." Geary st.; hours 10 to 9: open Sundays. Phone Douglas 517. ISIIAM'S MINERAL WATER— For stomach, kid- neys. etc. Now sold at the Emporium. L. 11. BRADFORD & CO.. C2S Mont. St., Dlst. Agts. ANY amount on rral estate, first or second mort- gage; no deJay; low rates. 0. W. BECKER, 705 Monadnock building, 081 Market st..' UNCALLED for suits, overcoats and trousers at le«s than cost at QIIAS. LYONS', the London tailor. UV2 Fillmore bet. Ellis and O'Farroll. I MAGNETIC MASSAGE— MRS. lIOI.<~HOUSEK, tel. Dong. 4440; 351 Pacific bldg.. 4th and Mkt. GRADUATE masseuse, MRS. HELEN DERBER; eleitrlcal treatment. 2024 Sutfer. P. West 8802. L. MAE CUMMINGS. electric needle spefiallst, . 1380 Sutter. apt, 20, and 21., Ph. Fkln. 3850. .MISS WALLACE. EASTERN MASSEUSE; baths. : )24 Turk, r. 210. Ist floor rear: 11-10; o.icn Sun. Sanitarium treatment, massage; liiiUph and gents. Apt. 23. St. Muogo b1.1g.. 1200 <". C. a-?.: 8-10. GOLDSTEIN CO.', theatrical and masquerade 'cos- tumes: sue. to Jiihn. CQBtnmer. *2l Van Ness. MISS IDKLL. general agent Van's Mexlrau Re- storntivo for gray hair or daurlrnff. IIKiC, Sutttr. ON- ftiniitnre. pianos, etc. Reliable Loan Co., 705 Monadnock building, nsi Mnrket st. ADOPTION Confidential Maternity Villa— lnfants adopted. Dr. E. FUNTa*. 14H1 Stb yt.. phone lf,S2. Alain<"la. SPIRITirALISM -\u25a0' . 4 REV. MME. MIZPAII, ordained dead. trance, me- dium; advice on all affairs of life; special reading this week, 50c." 1901 Sutter st. near i Flllmore. \u25a0 ' ' . AA— MRS. J. J. WHITNEY, ordained trance spiritual medium; consultation dally at her home. $1; by letter. 4 ques.. $1. 1104 O'Farrell. A— .MISS M. WILLS, ordained spiritual adviser and crystal reader; ran - be consulted on nil matters dally, 10 to S. .1309 .O'Farrell st. MRS. L. H. KINNAIRD, ordained medium: con- suUationH daily. 10-4; circles Sun., .Monday, \u25a0 Wednesday, Friday. S p.m. 1439 Flllmore st. ELMA GILL, trance medium: advice daily;. cir- cles Sun. and Wed., 8 p.m.: magnetic ruas- • sage. 772 Telegraph; tel. Oakland 7545. DR. lIOWLAND'S 25c circle tonight; 50c read- Ings today. 1230 Fillmore st. . , LOTTIE BUSWELL; ordained spir. readings; lessons: circles every night. 1359 -WpbaUrr. St. MRS. S. SEAL. spiritualmlnlßter; consultations daily; ofticlates marriages, iunerals. 7S(" M(>Al* __^_. .^J^., MISS JCEMDAR, young, gifted clalr. and palm.; member O. K. A. of Cal.; L. f>Oc. G. $1; h(.-jrs 10 to JO. 1270 Fulton st. near Devisadero. . AA— MME. MAJOR, member O.'R.'-A.: spiritual palmistry; readings dally. 04S McAllister st. MME. STARR, 1241 Broadway, Oakland/on vaca- tion starting July 1. ' Return Aug. 1, 1909. \u25a0 " MME. EUGENIE. mcd., v mem, O. R. A.; palm.; occult card reader; revonls facts. 1405 Valencia. PALMISTRY CALIFORNIA'S oldest palmist and card reader; , ; 25c, 50c, $1. l>i:M"roadway," Oakland. ' INVESTMENTS^ , FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE— JUST. A FEW FROM LIST. WANT CITY OR BAY PROPERTY FOR THESK $125.000— Apt. house and lot; $1,000 month." , $:?— Klegant Oakland' home near Lake. $l."t, soo— Fair Oaks home. 5 r. and b. nnd 5 nr. I ' $5,000-(-Mlll Valley house, ;0 r & b.; 4 lot*. : $.!0.000 — Apt. house and lot; $350 month. > . $25,000 — Santa Cruz summer resort; •\u25a0It acres. $120,000— WatKonvlllc ranch, 135 acres. $15.000— Stanislaus co.: ranch, 150 acres. ?1 1,000— .Ma rin Co. home, S r. and b.; .with 55-i ',- - - - acres.. -. . •-. -. . \u25a0 r :' '\u25a0.\u25a0.-. , : - .\u25a0.-\u25a0-. ,'s2O.4Or»—. IJntte co.. I.os9. acres alfalfa laud.- : $.s,. r .OO-^Geu. . iiierebuudiKe. business; $250 1110. \u25a0$:'.(Jso— Automobile, new, \a0 • horsepower. ' . $l(",r>oo— <!ontru ("osta co.,' 65 acres Improved. Have rauehes, timber lands, subdivisions, eto. \u25a0'\u25a0. t.'HAS. W. F^HER. 060 Mnrket. St. - STOCKS OFFERED FOR QUICK SALE. '• 1.000 shares Alleghauy Mining.. ..:...... .30 1,000 shares Ramona Oil-C0...... .20 ] 1.000 chares Calif. Pressed Brick C 0..... .25 ~ 1,000 shares « Monterey Coal • Co> ......... .08 \u25a0 1.000 shares Lady Washington Oil C 0.... .17 ! 1,000 sbases Templor Ranch Oil C 0..... .20 >r.OO shares lloag Automatic Press... "... -'.:!5 100 shares Boschke Dredger .......... $3.25 :; 40 Burlingame Typewriter •; (free).".. ; $3.50 : : 100 San Francisco Bay Imp.- C 0..:.., $».00 2 La 7,acualpa Rubber (i;»02 Series). .slso. oo fe 5 I>a ' Zacualpa Riibber (11)03 Serles) oo :.•;\u25a0• 4 Ln Zucualpa Rubber (l»04 Series). .sl3o. oo 1 .Address 47t Mouadnocl- Bldg.; San Francisco., i : W II. VI" have you to \u25a0 buy or "sell in mines or ' .-\u25a0," farms ? List with us. Onr only charge ; is ; a ." small ofttce fee; no commissions. Have you. , .or are you, considering an \u25a0; Investment? Let \u25a0 ;us - )>iotect you by making :a I report \u25a0asr to .jSiifety. Better be slow than r sorry. We f"r- - -.nlshed guaranteed . reliable information only, i o ',: W^ > 1? X . I } X fl BUREAU. - ; Suite ..01 . ; Chronicle Bldg. • " Phone \u25a0 DouglaH ,1303.- ' CAN lurnish you ANY: unlisted stocks 'and bonds you may want AWA V i UNDER regular \u25a0 quota- • t lons; .will buy any active stocks if ' CHEAP;^ largest dealers on the Pacific coast: corre- xpondenee invited. CHESTER" B. ELLIS & :> C 0.', .714 Market fct. opp/ Call: bnildlng.;: ; MR. IN VF.STOR— If you will join us a . national * liankwlir guarantee your, money back." with In- : . .lerest; \u25a0 we ; will: double -your \u25a0 purchase In . a tlme..:;May\ we. explain? A. I. & D. .-- C():,;258, Bacon bldg., Oakland. .; -v :-. SIX; cottages ; at Melrose, 5 ? 313 1 at s Allendale; new, ', . .'modern; all facilities; vacant ; lots/ about > bay,' . -•\u25a0 Z^VIWS or ' : ac «"aße ; d preferred, v^ DU ; : RA"Y : :->i SMITH.T 1015^Broadway)^Oakland.:; JV;; ; , MUST& be ; sold fat once;' bargain ;'- new \u25a0 steam , • ttehooner stock; by owner ' direct.' Box - 29C7, ,' -, : Callj office, c,• \u25a0\u25a0 , "\.- -\u25a0\u0084'.'".' .':\u25a0?'\u25a0: WANTED-^Bargains "in unlisted .'stocks --, and < -? bynds. ;MARIOy GRIFFIN.-: 500; Flllmore Bt. : . OCEAN* SHORE: bondK for sale; -price' w-iU- net: B i yiicr !t ent;j;D.:E.:<BESECKER"j24B : racinc;bldg;: OALLrRRAXCUv OFFICE," \u25a0 1051: Fillmor^' ;st." i -/'near. l'os4 ;\u25a0\u25a0, *» :;-.. . ... --'.- .; -._,- , ; \u25a0 ,- . .-- .\u25a0 \u25a0 . \u25a0\u25a0 -, \u25a0 y^':':^-'';'- :FI\AXCIAIi \u25a0'\u25a0 : .V' -."'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0• ""\u25a0: -'\u0084 '/ABBOTT - buys bonds'.'— -Ocean : Shore, :"; Market '\u25a0.£\u25a0 at. ., bank ' and ; Cal.*'. safe "- dep. books. 414 Mar- x ket st. i- : i .. -,\u25a0...,- \u25a0-.. .;.\u25a0.-. . ,- : :. .:.,,_' . -.'\u25a0 - .'\u25a0 CAL. SAFE. DEP.- TRUST ACCOUNTS BOUGHT. .' P. H. BKSECKER. 24S PACIFIC - BUILDING. \u25a0 -:, MIXES, AXn: 3IIXIXG PARTNERSHIP In a high grade, free gold mine; ore. -sloo;per«tonr. Owner,, box 703 Call office. Oakland. . - - 'j "."JJOJini irf nj *! iljJiiwlMl GOLD, amalgam;^ rlch> ore bought; cash;- assay \u25a0 Ing 50e.'.; Pioneer .'Assay Co.; "131 3th at. nr. \u25a0\u25a0-: Howard.- ';-:.. •- \u25a0; \u25a0 . ; - -..-- \u25a0 . - \u25a0_ .... -\u0084- \u0084._. . CAPITAL" to develop goldWne; ore $100 per, ton. Box 704. -Call -office. Oakland. - - ". - . STOCKS AXD BOXDS FOR SALE: ARE you J buyins: or selling stocks ' or bonds ? Call on PETTIS &.BURBECK,: 333 First Na-. _ tional Bank \u25a0 bldg., Oakland. - ! f \K\KM % *\u25a0*\u25a0»\u25a0*\u25a0» «?ssssssss \u2666 I 5 SALARIED PEOPLE'S. FRIEND. $ $ $ j*. 4 That Is what our- office .is to all $$ $ $ ; working, people. We Joan strictly on a %% $ $ person's \u25a0 "SALARY*'; no indorser. no $ * *.* . security. We " make loans quickest. $ $ S $ easiest and charge the lowest In the S $ $ $ city. YOUR EMPLOYER NEVER $ $ $ 5 KNOWS.. ; . . ' :.- . 5 I * $ . WESTERN LOAN CO.. $ $ f 1 403 Call building, 3C; and Market sU. $ $ J J '.Open 8:30 to G p. m. "\u25a0 Mon.,' Wed." and $ $ 5 $$:• Sat. . Evenings until 8 p. m. $$$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $.sssss $ $ $% $ $ $ $ .< $ MONEY-loaned on' furniture, pianos and» other security; lowest ; rates; most favorable terms in the city; see others, then see me. and be convinced; I will save you money; $2.25 weekly repays $50 loan; phone Market 302!). GEORGE- W. - MILLER, 3009 ICth st., soutb- west corner Mission, room 35. AAA— REAL ESTATE LOANS. 5*4 and 6 per cent interest. , First Mortgage.. - Any Amount. Applications accepted for second mortgages, estates, undivided Interests), bonds, building loans. GEO. P..SHADBURNE JR. & CO., 45 Post st. - A.— New rates, new plans. We loan all salaried people;- nave . money by getting our rates; your employer and friends never know: private office for ladles. Great Western lnv. Co., Inc., 521 Phelau bldg.. 8:30 a. in. to Op. in. Monday-Saturday 8 p. m. Phone Kearny 3247. XX— LICK , LOAN CO., LICK BUILDING, 35 Montgomery St., room 101. Douglas SOIC. . \ Makes a specialty of loans on first mortgages. Improved or > unimproved, at C per cent; second mortgage and building loans in any part of city, small or large. - . \u25a0 \u25a0: HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO.— Loans on FURXI- TURE, PIANOS, etc.; low rates; private. 3.*i7- ?.09 Pacific bldg.. 4th and Market sts.: pbone Douglas S2G3. Oakland office 018-519 First Na- tional Bank bldg. MONEY loaned salaried people and others upon their own name without* security; cheapest rates; easiest payments; offices In (W principal cities; save yourself money by getting our terms first. TOLMAN. room 031. Phelan bldg., S. F.. nnd room 9. 400 13th st., Oakland. NOTE THlS— Steady salaried persons requiring a little ready money on .the Q T ln advance of earnings may get It upou their own • responsi- bility (no indorser) at 453 Phelan bldg.; phone Douglan 3244. Easy return payments. MONEY— MONKY— MONEY ~ ANY 'PROPOSITION Wage Earners' . Investment and Loan Co., 443 Pine st. . ADVANCES made on diamonds and Jewelry at lowest rates; safe deposit vaults; greatest pos- sible care taken. BALDWIN JEWELRY CO., van Ness and Sutter. ANY amount; lowest rates ' on first and- second t mortgages on real estate, legacies, undivided interest, estates In probate; no delay. R. Mts COLGAN. 20 Montgomery St., rooms 314-315. ANY amount on real estate, first or second mort- gages or any security; no delay; lowest rates. O.iW. BECKER. 705 Monadnock, OSI- Market. SALARY loans — Ladles and gentlemen without security; notes: and commercial paper bought. 313 Merchants' Ex. bldg.; phone Douglas 1411. FIRST and second mortgages, estates, legacies, etc. HERMAN MURPHY, 54C Market st. CASH loaned to salaried men on note without ln- dorser. MORRELL. 022 Mouadnock building. I MAKE real estate loans, any kind, any size. AUSTIN, 1018 Broadway. Oakland. WE loan anywhere. JACQUES REALTY CO., 2."">5 ; Montgomery ' \u25a0.-\u25a0\u25a0' ON furniture, pianos, etc.; small mnouuts. THE COMMERCIAL ASSOCIATION. UKO Market at. OX furniture and pianos; no removal. TRE- MAIN. room Jsll. »'."' Market, next Emporium. SALARY loans; other propositions. San Fron- . eist-o DlKcount Agency, 411 Pacific bnildlng. OX furniture, pianos, etc. Reliable Loan Co., Monadnock building, 681 Market St.. room 703. WANTED WANTKD — To borrow $2,500 on Palo Alto prop- erty at 0 per cent, with privilege of paying all or part 'of principal. .on Interest day. Bos :"i)o7. Call office. LKGAL NOTICES. \u25a0 NOTICE Is hereby given that we have purchased tho saloon I formerly conducted by Theodor Bauch at 121 East St.; all' creditors are noti- fied to present bills within 5 days. 11. MUH-ENBRUCK, G. HILDEBRAXD. NOTICE Is hereby given that I am about to . apply, to the State Board, of Prison Directors to be paroled from San Quentln prison, ac- cording to Jar?, ' EUGENE CAZNEAU. No. 10373. I HAVE bought the barber shop . located at 347 Montgomery ay. from G. Dolclbella &. Co., and will not be responsible for any bills contracted by them. JOHN M. BROOKS. , CONFIDENCE saloon. 485 Pine st., changed hands; all bills must "be presented within 3 ilnrs. J. C. ANDERI.E. CITY URAL ESTATE ' . 24 HOMES SOLD IN CO DAYS. , Entire Block, Sth and Oth ays.. A and B sts. Being Built Upon With 7 and S room dwe11ing5.. ....^".. ...... $5,400 0 room dwellings $4,700 to $5,100 v room dwellings. $4,200 to 54.400 4 room cottages .\u25a0...*........... %.$,\u25a0*, 700 Store and 4 room f1at.. ............... $4,000 All ouvery ensy terms. '\u25a0 Apply on premises to F. NELSON, builder. Turk and Eddy st. cars pass the block. McAllister, Geary, Oth ay. and Clement St. cam within 2 blocks. WK.: will "build, yon a 4 room and bath cottage 5 complete for. <;i. GOO:- large, floored attic, stair- way up:, paneled dining room; grate and man- tel; china -closet; cement trays; stationary wash stnnd: 7 foot basement; concrete founda- tion: will furnish nll:the cash If you own a lot worth $?()(»: cottage ' Just finished for In- spection.- New Era Building Co., Inc., 3207 Mission st. T~ \u0084 BARGAIN. ' ! - Beautiful ; new '<" room: homo; large kllnker brick fireplace. paneled dining room, beam cell- lnzs. extra?" large ;yard; prand marine view; everything" the "l)est that money can buy; It won't last: see this, today; It must be sold. :'7GO 21st St. near Castro. FORECLOSURE SALE. FORECLOSURE SALE.- FORKCLOSURK .SALE. FORECLOSURE SALE. ?C. OOO will :buy--strlctly modern, perfect condl- . tlon. 9 room • residence; • 2.'ixl37:Cf Devisadero . and McAllister; tlon't miss this bargain. - T. E. HAYMAN.- lat Nafl Bank Bldg. $1.550— Desirable lot: IWoodland ay. near Stan- - j-an tit. ;'. block built up. with artistic homes; only lot. at this price; terms. ' - ?l,Cso—Swfll : lot. Edgewood ay. (Sanset .'Heights district* ; grand view; half cash; these are bargalus. : Apply: 141 a Hnlght st. ; : f> $\u25a05.000 — Modern house; -17th and Ashbury sts. ; 1 year old;. half cash; snap... .." , .: $2,ooo— Cottage, :.C*,rooms; . lot: 25x100; half >-',cash; be quick. :;• Apply 1410 Halght St.," > ?7,i"oo— Beautiful home; Ashbury district: (Ferry ; carline) ;;_ lot . 25x100. \u25a0• level ; east and west " .-frontage; »7- rooms: 'Inlutd 'floors; mortgage if Apply 1410 Haight st. V. \u25a0 ROTHERMEL & CO.; 247 Rnss building," have j . some ' " good .". bargains ,-. in : city, property ; • also houses and lots ln Berkeley." Oakland and Ala- ,; ( meda. C. Get our new ' catalogue. DEIION St.. .29, near- 10th— Modern, 2. story \u25a0 s : house, 8 rooms ; and bath ; lot - 25x80; near 3 :_ cars; will sell cheap. Owner obliged to go ;'^eaBt.".::. ;.C-. \u25a0jV "\u25a0-':'• - ; \u25a0.-,:.." j .- HOUSES, , HOUSES. \u25a0 cheap; "» s and 0 room niod- B ern; 1 large: lots;Xbltiunluized : street, etc., side- '\u25a0 \u25a0 walfes. : 7 Owner, 11th, ay. ; above \u25a0; J, < Sunaet."; LOT lv Burlingame : Grove. worth $1,000; paid on :j:sames3oo;:wllLtake $125 cashrlot now worth /: $1,300. at 45S Eust Otfi ay. any night. ,-V THRKK ro»>mlrc*ngee cottage;^ good "W. : ; ; I!. -; sink ; and ipfplng; ' all: or auy part " for ,- sale .cheap; .to : be .removed. % Apply ;414 ; Harrison st: 3^AND 4'room new: residences as low as $l,iK;fv. .v: o:t -i payment \u25a0• 6f ' $50 \u25a0- cash. ' $18 " uiotitlily. The : ; McCarthy. Co.r I*l Sutter st. ; - > ' MODERN'S- cottage:', 4,"; rooms: "Arlington : st." one *.:'. block ?froni'. : Mli>Bion;; lot 25x100; $2,500 terms; '• $2. 700?ca5h."- v ; : .. :.-"- SC,OOO-^Ho«se.' ,7j sunnr_rdoms ;". yonr \ terms : . Ash- • .-. buryj Heights - dlst.' Phone ; Park 2517.' morninp;. J. A. "i ADAMS,; stnteV licensetl 'and ; deputy ' IJ. ' S. \u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0 siirve.vor.*.''2srßiisli*:st.;:-phone .DouglKs 2104. "\u25a0---A COUATRY 'rKAIS ESTATE"- ' A CONTRAt COSTA", county;; real t estate \u25a0 for sale. .-; Send for. list.";'' I). " J.%; WfST,;Martlne», Cal. FORVfarma. 'stock U-nnclies r and: timber, lands sec &; EDWARDS. rciOChriinlclehulldlns;. $2.4. r .O-i-sr>w; casli :>:.-. aero "ihickcnrram-h; < fully .-. cquii>i>ed.:- J.' '•' STEPHENS/ Petaluma, • U. 1). ! 1. COUXTRY WBAjj^JKSTAT^E-^Coijtlnued^ FOR sale— Easy, terms to suit. ~ Will take S." F. \u25a0 or ' Oakland . improved .: property :: ln " part pay- ment or would rent for a term of. years, une : of. the most ' attractive •: homes .'\u25a0 in tne , state. Modern house, 20 rooms ; all latest Improve- , ments, gas, electric light, hot. water /heating system; IU hour* by R. R. tolS. F., 5 min- utes to station.', - - . -.Four acres lawn and garden, parked witn old trees; four acres assorted fruit* and vine*: 'garage and modern s t able ' f or. 2O horses ;*cv»t $10,000;:: large private water plant; three ar- tesian wells. _ " " - Two small cottages, greenhouse and tsanj ' other Improvements, all In perfect condition. ""This Is not a ranch.' but Is right in town :': '- on electric • line and m^ln anto road :to San Francisco and could>e subdivided to advan- tage. \u25a0 \u25a0 ' \u25a0 " . - ' '-.!.-\u25a0' - Price, $35,000. does not .cover cost or pres- ent value of improvements. ' For further particulars address Owner, bos 3013, Call office. - ' - - -:.. \u25a0 • , $10 PER ACRE. We have 610 acres ln Sonoma county; 20 acres in hay and garden; 6 acres orchard, mostly peach trees; 2 story " house of C rooms; good barn aud other buildings: 2 horses. 1 cow. farming tool*, etc.; there Is enough timber on the place to pay for It; _ only $10 per acre." FRUIT RANCH, near. Winters, Solano county; 22 >i acres, all ln frnlt: 16 acres In peachen. bal- auce In apricots: only 40 rods from public school; first class gasoline pumping plant, cost $1,400: average net crop returns $1,700 per year; if you are looking for a good paying fruit -ranch la a good locality this U the best we have for the money: $0,750. CM. WOOSTER & CO.. 702 Market st. SMALL HANCHKS. CniCKENS— GRAPES— FRUITS 10-20-30 acre ranches on onr beautiful San Mar- tin ranch, south of Han Jose; Improved or initm proved '; suitable for . chickens, frnlts,' grapes.! etc.; this Is one of the ideal locations ln Santa ! Clara vslley;, 0n1v.75 miles from San Francisco; price $100 per acre: monthly payment* of $14.14. Includlns Interest If desired; If you are looking for a beautiful place to build up a borne and where you will get good returns out of the land, let us show you over our ranch. C. M. WOOSTER CO.. 702 Market nr. ATTENTION. STOCKMEN! We are Instructed to sell tbe best generar farm and stock ranch In California; 11,645 aerea 10 miles west of railroad, steamboat landing and county seat; 4,000 acres grain land, balance open oak range; fenced and cro** fenced; wa- tered ; good Improvement* ;- 500 acre* alfalfa land; rainfall 20 Inches. Including cattle, price $12.50 p«r acre; one-third oaan. CM. WOOSTER CO.. 702 Market St., San Francisco. Cal. MEXICAN and Texas timber colonizing land. 350,000 acres pine and r.nk and hardwoods; choice: well located for export; $2.50. 151,000 pine, oak, ash. hardwood. $3. ( Improved .stock ranch and. Umber. 100.000 acres irrigable land and stock, $1.75. 1.000.000 acres colonizing lands, 30c op. Texas and Mexico, all size tracts and all classes of timber and stock ranches. Report* sent; information at office. DAVIS BURN- HAM. 704 Mills bldg.. S. F. IRRIGATED FARMS OX EASY TERMS. Five to^4o acre farms ln Sacramento valley; rich, deep, sandy loam soil for fruit, walnuts, vegetables, alfalfa, etc.: 2C dally passencer trains; no farm more than 20 mlnnte*' walk from a station: the. best land and best Ilvlns- condltlons in California; a 10 acre farm mean* Independence; excursion every Saturday. F. I. HILL & CO., fi East st. opp. Ferry bldg. Phone Kearny 302. COUNTRY PROPERTY. A beautiful country home, within 30 minutes of San Francisco; 5 rooms, batb. electric light*; lot 54x107 feet: situated In Burlingame; 7 min- utes' walk from S. P. station or 3 minutes from San Mateo electric road: will net 10 per cent a* an Investment; terms, $2,000. Box 19S0, Call office. _ - _ DO not overlook this — 400 acres on Eel river, Mendoclno county: -15 acres under cultivation; balance rolling bills, with plenty of oak tiro- l>er; good house and barn: one of the best little cattle and hog ranches In the state of California; would make an Ideal summer re- sort: fine bnntlng, boating and fishing; no trouble .to catch tbe limit; price $5,000. Me- < FAUL & EDWARDS. 330 Chronicle bldg. MENDOCINO CO. land for sale — 320 acres. » miles from Ukiah: 20 in orchard and bay land. ' rest grazing. Price $3,000. 5,000 acres of ranpre, of which 70 Is farm- Ing. Price $5 per acre. •SO acres farm, well Improved, near Ukiah: $50 per acre. By ENGLISH & CLEVELAND. Ukiah. Cal. I HAVE 133 acres of land In Ukiah valley: 30 ' acres alfalfa land, balance farming and wood la"nd; all under good fence: fair house ami barn: running stream of water: good orchard: nil kinds of berries and (mall fruits; an ideal place for health and proflt: owner going to Europe: price $5,500 for quick sale. Address box 14SS. Call office. WE have I.OSO acres land, 200 under cultivation, 3 miles from town and railroad: the best com- bined stock ranch and farm in California; run- ning stream of water; fenced and cross fenced; price $20,000: terms. i If you are looking for a farm, stock or frnlt ranch at the right price call and see us. McFAUL & EDWARDS. 330 Chronicle bids. 100 ACRES land near Brentwood; 45 acres bearing vineyard, balance ln corn and other products; U room house, good' barn and out- buildings: running stream of water piped to house and barn; 5 horses; all farming Im- • plements; everything ready to do business. Thi* ts a snap: do not overlook. It. Price $8,500, *-V cash for quick sale. t McFAUL & EDWARDS. 3.10 Chronicle Ndff. ATTENTION— BUYER AND HOME SEEKER. We are running a free information burean. giving reliable, detailed Information on all California lands; we have many desirable prop- ositions in every county: many fine bargains. If you are looking for Information, write us or call at our office and It will be freely given. CALIFORNIA LANDS INFORMATION BU- REAU. 846-048 Monadnock bldg.. S. F. 20 ACRE Irrigated ranch, well located. SACRA- MENTO VALLEY. Very good improvements; 7 room house; large barn, windmill, chicken house, belpbouse. anto house, small orchard: Improvements cost $5,000 alone: price $6,000: terms. Also small. Irrigated, unimproved ranches. 10, 20. 40 acres. CM. WOOSTER CO.. 702 Market st. COMPLETE RANCH HOME CHEAP. 10% acres rich level land. Joins town. Sonoma county: in bearing vines and fruit, with extra good ranch buildings; .6 room house and bath, basement, wine press; cooperage, stock, crop and tools. Places like this are rarely for sale, but owner has removed (Is In other business) and offers a bargain. Price. $4,500; $2,500 cash; no trade. GEO. H. MURDOCH. & SONS, sole agents, room 91. Bacon bldg. Oakland. EUCALYPTUS . OR INVESTMENT 2 270 acres level land well suited for enca- lyntns,; 'good location. 5 miles from the river. 3 miles from S. P. R. R. This Is one of the best Investments and cheapest buys we have ever had. Only $15 an acre. C. M. WOOSTER CO.. 702 MARKET ST. -.-,., \u25a0- 1 PIGS AND ALFALFA. The .-easiest 1 money making farming ln the world. Ten acres ln alfalfa and bog* will pro- duce $1,500 per year. \u25a0 Call at office and let us show you "how to do It. CENTRAL CALIFORNIA LAND AGENCY, 70.1 Monadnock . building. San Francisco. 50,000 — A bargain; ranch, 30 acres good land: about 900 chickens, 3 horses, cow, farming Implements, crop; everything on . a working and paying basis: $4,000 cash; $2,000 time. 7 per cent: must be seen to be appreciated. -For particulars apply F. KEPPEL. Cotatl. Cnl. "7" .. SANTA ROSA REALTY CO. Selling land from 3 tracts near Santa Rosa; $100 an acre np: also big list of -properties of all kinds; call or write for booltlet. Office 39-40; 636 Market; st., San Francisco; office 5 Elks' build- ing, Santa Roea. Cal. j CALIFORNIA land, $1 per acre cash payment. balance purchase 90 cents per month p^r acre: , .close San Francisco; no' taxes, no Interest: 5 .: acre tracts;. level, rich, clear, ready to plow. . 1 Irrigated; ' perpetnal water right: Immediate possession: particulars., maps, photographs free. . STEVENSON COLONY. 1414 Market -St.. S. F. FOR sale— -30 acres; a, bargain: 14 acres bearing , vineyard. ' balance unimproved; will guarantee ' 15 p<-r cent on your money this year; price . .$5,500. - Write today for particulars to D. U. NKEDHAM. boi 48. Acampo, Cal. <• ~^~" $10 PER ACRE. ~ , ICO acres In Lassen ' county, Cal. :- fenced; free water right: fair buildings: alfalfa land. PACIFIC- LAND COMPANY, 1 10 Bacon Block. Oakland. OUR Kern county lands have an abnndanee of free ' water; ! just the thine . for ; trees, vice*, poultry, hogs, cte. : 10 years* time. .- Planter** Land Company , : - suite 200, Metropolis .' bank bnildlng. . FOR the best lineof country property, farms. \u25a0.' frnlt ' and \ ponltry .'• ranches, , stock rauehes, al- \u25a0 falfa and timber lands, send- for .new cata- log., ROTHERMEL & C 0. .'247 Russ bid.. S.F. : OIL LAXDS. 1 40 ' acres proving oil land for sale in 2S-2S. ! Bakersfleld, Kern county. For particular* 2t>» Mouadnock building. -. T. P. A. OBERMEYER. APPLE and berry lands for sale and exchange In ! the beautiful Paj.tro valley. Correspond with • WATSONVILLK- GLOBE REAL ESTATE CO., v.Watsonvllle, Cal.. „.'—-", ." .< . '- 2* j AND s.acre. acre homes, 0u1v.522.1 and up; near , town; all conveniences; $25 down, $10 monthly. ' - Rich :.VVlley Land Company.- 540 . Market ' St.". LOT i-JSxIW. .Vista" Grande, very reasonable; $10 I 1 down. ?7 monthly: no Interest.' M. , LANGLEY, f -',;3,'"4\2'"th.av.. .Richmond, district., , .',--,- $1.500---Cottage,l4 rotuns; .lanre tot: $100 down. , $15 , a mouth. ;.W. ;E. REYNOLDS, Santa A Rosa.'. Cal." , * j , TO rent— -1(". acre rnnch in Castro valley: spring :.i water 1 piped •to houie; 2 milei* frooi liny ward. -\u25a0 Acply ; ELLIS 'BROS.; 40S UtlT: st.,- Oakland. OAKI.AXD HKAI. ESTATE WILL YOU LET. ME SHOW TOO The ' prettiest new home In or about Oakland for $4,750. Including hardwood floors.- Plato glass windows, built ' in bookcase*, exposed chimney. . big : fireplace. Rand heater, open lawn and all tbe coxy effecta? $750 down and $25 to $50 a jaontU will do. It's under way now and nearly com- pleted, ; so you : can see what kind of workmau- sbip>, and material "are ln It. and * besides, you can select yonr own color*, mantel, fixtures, etc., etc. Call or pboae and ask for Mr. Sawyer. GEO. W. AUSTIN. "101S Broadway. Oakland. TWO nice building? lots;, one on Sbatinci «v. near Idora park, the other near Piedmont ' baths; prices moderate; real snaps; buy on* or both; naif cash: no building restrictions. FITZ COMPANY, 510 10th st. near Washing , too. • Oakland- sloo cash payment, balance $10 per month and Interest, will purchase lot, 32x90, close \n Key Route station, e'evtrlc cars. Idora park; - new -Key Route to be built; price only $75(»; siuould b« worth $I.COO soon: only one f«f these remaining unsold. FITZ COMPANY. 510 10tt» Ht. near Wiahlngton. Oakland. WHY- PAY RENT? when you caa buy a cotias* near the Key Route; small payment down. th» balance easy payments. See owner. RICHARIo J. MONTGOMERY. 4OOa Telegraph ay. corner 40th at., central Oakland. LOT In good residence section near Key- Route station: H situated on bisl> — QMd with beautiful view: 1 block from Oakland ar. carline; size KJfrsllO feet; price $I.*!s<>-. easy terms. ELLI3 BROS.. 408 11th St.. Oaklamt. '."...,- $100 DOWN— S2O PER MONTH " Doesn't this beat rent? 4 room cottage; street work done; sidewalks In: price $1,400 A.l- dress HiO Broadway. Oakland. I WILL sell my equity of $525 in'buildins lot near Piedmont station for $t25 caxh. bnUne* $C5O on ea*y terms. Box 25.'53, Call office. $400 down — New. modern 3 room cottage. 1543 13th ay. near E. 27th St.; an Ideal home. BUR- TON, owner. <;\u25a0."•> 14th St. Phone Oakland sSlt) for particular*. MY home ln Piedmont at a sacrifice; choice locu- tion; 73x150 feet: S room house; $t,250; easy ternni. Box 725. Call. Oakland. DEUKELEY lIBAL ESTATE $2,650 — Owner will sell on very easy terms; n«w np to date bungalow, most artistic design; homelike and bnilt for comfort and convent- ence; line llvinff room ana fireplace; 2 i.-i---. t.filri oms. dining- room, kltcben. bathroom wj-,, porcelain lined tub; toilet, lanndry, p«ntrv; street work finished; cement sldewalkv -\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0..-:- gas. electricity; close to cars. Box 715, fall] Oakland. Ott'NKR leaving state, will sell modern tj rx>m bungalow : beam ceilings, etc.; on south front- lot 40x135: 4 blocks from Key Route station. 1 from cars; on terms as low as $HSO .--., and $23 per month; price very reasonable. Bot 710. Call office. Berkeley. Cal. A BARGAIN. 200x200 foot lot. with a large, new, 6 rooaj hon«e; close to go.*! schools, Key Route and elec- tric car service; fine place for ebickena. garden, etc.; only $2,400; well worth $4,000. J. L. DURIVAGE. agent, 1313 Broadway. Oakland. FOR rent — Beautiful home of 11 room*; yar>l: 50x160: ln most desirable residence district ,-f Berkeley: on new carline connecting win «:. •\u25a0ity trains; $75 per month: lease Z jcara or longer. See owner. 2910 Ullletraxs ar. FOR sale or exchanje^ — Lot, 50x100; 8 rxnu house; Ti"-": 11th St.. Oakland; desirable loca- tion for n;> to date Bats; 1 block to Key Route; right price. Further particulars address J. STEWART, owner. $2.500^ — Cottage home; 5 rooms, bath and hig'.i basement, with large lot: near station ami electric cars: abundance of berries: room foi- chickens ».r squabs. FITZ COMPANY. 510 lotU st. near Washington. Oakland. REGENT.- 1 PARK lots for »ale; 37 :« or 73 feet; prices low; well located: buy before the Kt-y Route comes. FITZ COMPANY. 510 10th SL near Washington. Oakland. MODERN bungalow. $2,750: lot 50xl"T»; bar-am; owner on premUes. 2U2U Bth st.. West Berfce- ley. $1.250 — .1 room cottage, porch, eloseta; <-cwt owner $1.«W): lot SOxlSO: cash $75»\ hal. eas.v. A'l.lregrt lw)X 711. r^ll nffVe. OnklH;;.!. AI.AMEDA KKAL ESTATE FOR sale by owner — Elegantly finished « rowa cottage: hardwood floors; first class in every respect; on desirable- corner. 11. A. FOY. Tl't Ha ight ay.: phone Alametla SlP*'. GENUINE bargain — Coxy 5 room house, very cheap. PATTON. 34 Wright bldg.. Btrtejry. $3«>O down — A besjutifnl new modern 5 room tan- tralow. WKI.I.'i & BANGS. H0»; Chronicle hi. l.- ROSS VALLEY HEAL ESTATE^ BARGAIN at $10.000 — This beautiful home miii>c Im> «een to be appreciated. Telephone Kearny i>7s ami get partlcnUn«. gAXTA CRI'Z KEAL ESTATE nOMES, Investments, lots, ranches, acre proper- tleii. BROWN A WILSON. Santa fnn. Cal. BARGAINS In homes on installments; lots $5 month; resales half price. SUEAR-CT3TER. agents. • - $3.750 — 6 room bungalow; modern: 50x125. cor- ner. for sale or rent: terms. 2COI Peralta ay. BI'nUXGAME nEAI * ESTATE CENTRAL ADDITION CENTRAL ADDITION 30 minutes from the city. Between San Mateo and BnrUogame. Between two rapidly growing centers. In the best residential section of Saa Mateo and Burlingame. adjoining San Mateo park, and surrounded by properties that have made for- tunes for those who bought- early. Go down and see Central addition. The at- tractive homes already built and the class of buyers guarantee its value and desirability; 5 minutes from Bnrlingame; electric cars.pam th» tract every 10 minutes; no fog, fine macadam- ized streets: sewer, water, gas. electricity and telephone; $30,000 school: $050 for lot 30x150: terms; get off electric car at Peninsula ay. Send for our new Illustrated folder of Central addition. BALDWIN & HOWELL, 31S-324 Kearny st. S.V. FRANK S. GRUMMON. 246 R st.. San M«t*>. rOIVT RICHMOND REAL ESTATE OWING to the vast Improvement In the city. the Santa Fe Railroad to. will Install a rapid gasoline motor car service from 6th and Ohtn sts. (our Sante Fe Tract> to 16th St.. Oak- land, connecting with S. P. local ferry serv- ice. A few swell locations close up to new terminal depot: lots $5 per month. Particu- lara. 475 Pipe at. . ' ;_\u25a0 HI7SSIAX RIVER REAI* ESTATE $25 AND UPWARD— EAST TERMS Bungalow and camp sites at t'aaj Rose, near Healdsburg: right on theriver: large lots: nicely wooded; spring water; send for Illustrated folder. I. E. RAY.. i:tS Lick bldg.. 35 Montgomery *t. SAX RAFAEL REAL ESTATE UPLANDS — Beautlfh.l home, sites: no fog; pano- rama of bay and mountain; trees, boulevard*, electricity?" water", sewers, restrictions; adjotai New Country Club: lots 100 ft. to 25 acres. OW easy terms; conveyances at Union depot and agents on tract Sundays. CADWALADEK. TA%'LOR &. CO.. Sor> Mills hMg.. S. F. PALO ALTO REAL ESTATE ELEGANT: 7. room bungalow; furnished: central:*^* rent reasonable. Call room 220, Metropolis Bank building. « I.V <'Ot ; yTV^.".I^TATE ARTISTIC, substantial 8 roomed modern home; cor. lot; Mm Valley station; owner going t(» Europe; $3,400: any terms; income $30 a month. Box 744. Mill Valley. Cal. M KLROSE REAL ESTATE NEW. modern bungalow: lot 50x105: $100 cash, balance as rent; be your own landlord. CHEM- CKNT INVESTMENT CO.. .".<*' -*hmnleli» plrlg. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHAXCB RANCH. - 290 acres. 9 miles from San .Mateo; farming ana pashire land; plenty o" " water. with some Improvement*- • »a*o »t $ai p»c acre, or will exchange for Income propcrtv \v . W. CASEY. -•»; 3»1 «v.. San Mateo. GROWING EUCALYPTUS — Except tca_ opportu- nities for small Investment.-- In larse pianjn- tioo: 5 acres up; easy terras. .EUCALYPTUS TIMBER CO.. 414 First rational bank. Oaklamt. $".'.t«0~3 r. cottage; lot 50x100; too old to work "at -my trade cml want small clilcfcrti .ranch. See ABBOTT. 057 • Broadway, r. 23. ( >.-ik!ati<:.' LIST your country propertlet with iw; we s<elt - v aml exv'aauce same. JACQUES REALTY CO. \u25a0 255 - Montsonirry »t. IF you want to setl cr exchsins* y»ttr ranch send me deseriptian: no uulens deal Is made. J. H. EDSON. 10U«« B'way, Oakland. WE>eaQ Mrhansc yottr • pr(M»crty. FIDFI rrv REALTY TO.. Kearnv st. ' PROPERTV'*jVAXTED FARMS wanted— l have several eastern parties willinr to pay fair prii-es f.* protttahlef»t-iii* in the Sacramento valley:; X, L. SOUTH \UK- .. 14 Montsmnery. st.. Saa Frauoisoo. " J'^J. WANTED— Yoni «ity |>r..;Hrtr to sell «r\v \u25a0change. JACQUES REALTY CO.. 255 «oat- \u25a0: coinery'st.