Newspaper Page Text
City of Sydney Brings Cargo From Southern Ports SECOND MATE OF LINER IS INJURED Sale of Cotton Drops on J. W. .: Ktlton, Who Is Left in Hos >: : ; pital in Acajutla HEX the Pacific Mail steamship company's City of Sydney came Snto port yesterday she was minus her second officer, J. \V. Kelton. who was left behind at Guatemala in the hospital. While the vessel was at Acajutla Kelton was in the "hold, su perintending the load ing of c,otton. Sud denly a big bale which was being lowered* slipped from its fastenings and fell 40 feet, striking Ivet.ton on his back. The force of the blow broke Kelton's shoulder blade, his 532fc£ ,. b .° nei , ,, bb r uS^d his chest and \u25a0\! v l"roel "roe of his ribs \u25a0\u25a0'•'>T ap V i o Flsher decided to leave Kel *ii ,e P rf Ua }u mal3L for treatment and •\u25a0 ' £h~ i» ere m a P riva^« hospital. \u25a0trJCXht Sl , e , a ll2ler1 I2ler brought 1.005 tons of I5 f b& of £ a tf aB ? s ' of trea sure and dk\-s-» t d 4 ° minutes from Ancon: 9 \u25a0l a ,,iL OT !f c a 5 d 59 minutes from rV'fimJ* f™ n< V5 days 14 hours and 39 Tonm-If,^ Mazatlan - ll brought the following cabin passengers- • I--.: • BrlngK 3lany Paturngen r,i^l' c Pacific Coast steamship com- I^^»iSS?r P«s*dent. Captain Cou fro^XTitr, d in , port yesterday 51 hours 4ahl i' rf le " !t brou S»it 244 first class ; £a£in- s^*°"^™ and 64 ln second Prominent among: the •passen i-er? Captain R. Cushinjr of the irZ^ V % °K JUer se«-i«s e«-i«- Captain Cuhh l^^^r been rationed in the Puget sound for the last year. Recently his ;^3i-th failed, and he is SSfhlsfwaJ I^S? U^ e 7l CaMf <» r nfa to try the c f .l«»Cts of the warm climate He i<? ; n^ah rapanled ° n llis trlp b > Vr. J Stig \u25a0 '• Transport Salla July 6 \u25a0^? ! Vi,o r^ 11 tt s R? rt « Thomas wi)l sail J "*>-6 \u25a0,;j.Or. the Philippines with the Twelfth &2W* Ca^^in D. W. Hand will, .^ a . s luartermaster. relieving Cap 4?,l" YawV aw r ence D - Cabell. who will re . *M? n to llss regiment. Varrlm Oil Carsro ;;^ ; . T ' le Fullerton. Captain •Want, sailed for Honoluly loaded to its J-tUiest capacity with oil shipped by the -r-ptuon oil company. ,"''.-.••;.. . SttlU for the South •...".The little launch J. C. Elliott, Cap .taiji Grant, which came up from Santa -VCruz Jur.r- 16 for repairs, started back •:to "its'home port yesterday. Tram-port* Repair* KiniKhed ". '. The transport liuford will go to the . .dxydock today to have a new tail shaft ..Installed. It came from Oakland yes terday, where it has been undergoing -"repairs, -*- ItrlusN Oil From South . I Tlie schooner Monterey arrived yes iferday in tow of the tug- Navigator. : ;.*vitn 19.100 barrels of oil from Honte \u25a0'\u25a0 tcj to -the Associated oil company. gßcpnlrn 10 Ilegln ansport Shorman win ro to th« on works today, where it Is to repairs and alterations which Uncle Sam 5300,000. I.Cimt AHla Arrive acific Mail steamship Asia ar t»* last night from the orient dock early this morning. Lumber Arrival* t arrivals from the north coast esterday amounted to 2,320,000 SHIPPING NEWS OF COAST Items of Interest to Mariners of the Pacific ' ?AK DIEGO, Jutif 2". — The Amorioan-H* >vaii«n steamer N'fbraskan arrived today from •Sslißa Crui. Of her cgr^o. which is a larpe • iti". :j.3 ! «0 tons will be dlscbarced here. This i* il?»» larcest -carjro c<jns=U:ued to this port that Sies crer \#en brought by a steamer of this Jiw. After discharging h^re. tlie Xcbraskan wrill prf«^«-d to San Francisoo with the rest of hrr care". SAX FZDEO. June 27. — Thp Meamor Santa n<w» jirrived fr«m San Diepo. took freight and MMOlScn aud rlpared for Kan Francisco. Slio stpami'r Jnmff S. HictiJi^ arrived from J"'»rl lirasc via Kranolsro. discharßed pas wngcrs end cleared f»r J^an Diego \u25a0with lum hcr. -\u25a0 •'-. - ' -Ttir «t<>«m«r Cbebaiis arri^sl from San Dleso. >••"!,• an-1 pas«onp<TS and cleared for «;r«vs llarlx>r vis S»n Franolsoo. 1 Tin- str-anu-r I'asadcna has arrived from Eu -ifk« T\l!h luuilior. • • ' -EEATTI.E. Jm;t> 27. — Kail«M — St*»»mer St. «':-Ms. Noiuf. trilh 120 passpnjrcrs and full oar^o <f froJErht and loavins muih frcJKht on dock; 'ttnner Bockman, San Fran<-i*<-o: IXuport City. Triiico Uniiert. with 100 ituswuswr* and «up \.»*n f<^r Grand Trunk Pucific eauv:.*; Dolphin, K:war. \u25a0 . . ;o srVamcr Knvrrnir. to «rrive July 2, will z 7.<^i tons of China merchandise. 570E1A. June 27. — SteameF- Brcakwatrr ar i; v<ij today from Cnos • bay tilth freight and P>!s»,en^«Ts'and loft up the rivpr for I'ortUnd. fcteauvT fasco arrived v tod«y from San Fran \u25a0 iwo and left up the river to load lumber for <j<-au»*r Majr-filc arrived today from San Francisco and left up the river to load lum ber fT return. Oil tanker Alias arrived today from San Fran .-is<-.> with fuol oU and left up the rlv«>r to <Us cliarjce. / v Sl^amer Ofcrgi' W. FoDwiok arrived today from Ban Fraiwlsoo to lf«d lumtxr at the Ham mond lumber company for return. «UL.-<ank^r Afuncjon arrival today with fuel oi\ niid lpft tip «h<! riv«»r to diwharce. Moam«T Alllaiw-p left out today, for Coos bay with fief«br and paK-scncrrs. f!«anier Xoinc City lrft «iut lodsy for San rrinVlsm nitli a ppiiTal carpo and passengers. Su-m<r lUverslde l«-f« out today for San n»ncif«w *'*'' fre*Sl»t for Now York via the * ytotinWr. S. I»»p left out last ninut for San Francloco'wltb a «argo of luml>cr. Army Transport* Tlw« f.<'?«3. outward bound, ig-Il'-d June 14 from IlimolaJfl. '£$&&£& The Crook- is in port. , TJip Bnford ie in tw't. Tli^'Sli^rinan U in vori. Tiio Warren in at Manila. Tin- K«i>atrk-k left Manila May, 1, bound to " N '^J' M , sbcrldanr homeward bound/left Nagasaki 'nx-"Tbomas is in p^rt. SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE AHKI\*ED SiinJay, June 27. it vtmr AkU, GonkrnjKT. 22 d»r« 12 hours 1 VJ minute* from HonKkon*. tU \otohama ¥r/»r* 22 hours and 7- minute*. su£ ilni Butler, Olseo. S5 Hours from Foam. lie. I* bo™* ' roßn Mendo .,' f , isi point Arm 10 hours. «i«r mHI* Weber, 3» hour* from Huencme. .s!S r S. M » rUo ' 3 * touns ttom Saa f^bwwi for S«n I'edro; put*ln to land pas- Coufintr. 51 tour« from Seattle. .Simr Brunswick, Hammer, 14 hours irom Fort Bf»Sg. Stmr National City, Hlgglns, 13 hours from Fort Bragg. " , Stmr \u25a0 Brooklyn, Hendrickeon, 14 hours from Albion. • Stmr City of Sydney, Fisher. 26 days' 1G hours and 4U minutes from Aucon, via Acapulco 9 days 2 hours and 59 minutes, via Mazatlau 5 days 14 hours and 39 minutes. Stmr Mayfalr, Olsen, 43 hours from Coos Srmr Hoquiam, Belnertucn, 49 hours from San Pedro. Stmr Vanguard, Odland, 23 bburs from Eu roka. Strar Dal*y Mitchell, DeTitt, 33 hours from Gaviota. Stmr Mandalsy. Ixifstrom, 32 hours from Crescent City, bound south; put iv for fuel. Schr 'Albion, Gudmansen, 4 days from Siuslaw river. Sohr - Monterey, Kelly, 14 hours from Mon terey, in tow tug Navigator. Barge 3, Kirkwood, hours from Port San Lul*, ia tow tug Sea Rover. SAILED Sunday, June 27. Stmr Hanalci. McFarland. San Pedro. Stwr Fulton. Maloney. Mendocino. Stmr Whittler, Seaman,' Port San Luis. Stmr Norwood. Martin, Grays Harbor. Stmr Mandalay, Lofstrom. San Pedro. \ Stmr Ttierton. Liebic, I'nget sound. Stmr J. C. Elliott. Grant, Santa Cruz. £'-i Stmr MaTeftck, MeKellar Jr.. Portlaud. Bktn Fullerton, Gruut. Honolulu. • , Power schr Newark, Wayland. Bi'xbee landing. Power schr Ida A. Campbell. Point Ke.ves. BY UNITED WIRELESS COMPANY Stmr Governor, bence June 20. for Seattle — June 26, 8 p. m., 30 miles north of Point Keye». June 27, 4:40 p. m., 7 miles north of Cape Blanco; light westerly wind, light fog: •rometer, 30.04; temperature, 60; large westerly swell. Stmr Alameda, bence June 20 for Honolulu- June 26, 8 p. m., 30 miles off San Francisco; all well; barometer. 29.97; temperature, 54. Barge 3, from Port San Luis for San I-ran clsco. in tow tug Sea Jtover — June 26, 7 p. m., 15 miles soutlf of lightship. Stmr Colonel E. L, Drake, from Tacoma for S»n Francisco — June 2C, » p. mi. off Umpqua river; strong southwest wind and heavy sea. TELEGRAPHIC POINT LOBOS. June 27. 10 p. m. — Weather, clear; wind, northwest; velocity, 12 miles per hour. SPOKEN Per Br ctmr Asia, from Hongkong — June 17, Br. «Mr Suverlc. from Hongkong, for Pugtt sound. >\u25a0 DOMESTIC PORTS TATOOSII— Passed out June 27— Stmr Yosera- Hf. from Seattle, for San Pedro: ctnir Winne bago. from Tacouia. for San Pedro; schr Fred J. Wood, from Bellingham, for San Pedro; Nor stmr Thor. from Nanalmo, B. C. for San Fran cisco: utmr Washtenaw, from Seattle, for San Francisco. PORT SAN LUlS— Arrived June 27— Stmr Coos Bay, hence June 25. Sailed June 27 — Stmr Lansing, for Aneon; stmr Coos Bay, for San Pedro. ASTORIA — Arrived June ! 27— Stmr Atlas, hence June 25; stmr G. W. Fenwick. hence Juue 24: stmr Caseo. hence June 22; stmr Breakwater, from Coos bay. • • Sailed Juue 27— Stmr Alliance, for Coos bay: stmr Nome dry. for San Kr^ineisco. Arrived June "27 — Stmr Ascuuslon, hence June 24. SANTA BARBARA— Arrived June 27— Stmr -Grays Harbor, from San Pedro. Sailed June 27 — Stmr Grays Harbor, for San i Francisco. SAN DlEGO— Arrived fune 27 — Stmr Nchras kan. from Salina Cruz. SEATTLE— SaiIed June 27— Stmr Buckman, for San Francisco; stmr Humboldt. for Skag way: stmr Washtenaw. for San Francisco." EUBEKA— Arrived June 27 — Stmr Santa Monica, lience June 25. SOUTH BEND — Sailed Ju«e 20 — Stmr Daisy Freeman, for San Francisco. COOS BAY — Sailed June 2G— Stmr Break water, for Astoria. BANDON — Arrived June 26 — Stmr Bandon, hence June 23. VALDEZ— Arrived June 20 — Stmr A. G. Lind say, from Seward. Sailed June 26 — Stmr A. G. Lindsay, for Seattle TACOMA — Arrived June 27— Stmr St. Croix. from Seattle; stmr Meteor, from Seattle; stmr Zapora. from fishing. Sailed June 27— Stmr St. Croix, for Seattle; stmr City of Tnebla. for Everett. Sailed June 27 — Stmr Sewnrd. for Seattle. ISLAND PORTS HONOLULU — Sailed June 27— Schr Prosper, for Redondo. .._....: . FOREIGN PORTS VICTORIA. B. C. — Arrived June 27— Br rstmr Antilochue. from Comos. B. C. Sailed June 27— Nor stmr Thor. for San Fran cisco. Arrived June 27 — Br stmr Wellington, hence June 23. OCEAN" STEAMERS LIVERPOOI- — Arrived June 27 — Stmr Germa nic, from N«>w York. SOUTHAMPTON— Arrived June 27— Stmr New .York, from N>w York. Sailed June 27 — Stmr, Prinz Friederl^h Wll hehn. for New York. QUEFASTOWN— SHiIed June 27— Stmr Lu cania. from Liverpool, for New York. Mrmornnda Per Br ptrar Asia, from Hongkong — Had light northeast wind and smooth -sea the entire pas sage. HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE Depth at mran low water, entrance to harbor. PLACE I Ft.' l Date |» Remarks Grays Hnr| ia [May 29|<'bannel getting broader ) \u25a0 ! iNo change in channel; Willapa B| 7 Uune 9! 16 ft. M. L-. W. In I 1 ! channel to South i ] j Bend. Colnm R.| 25 |May2S| Nehalm R| 9 |Apr. 3lCbannel 200 feot south 1- I 1 of biioy. . ._ (Depth of 8 feet at low Tillmk E.! 9" (Apr. CO water in channel to j | I CiarihaMi. Yaqulna B| 13 j.Mar. 12|Channel not shifting. ~~~ J j IBeaeon on beach in line Siuslaw R| ,4 I May 1! with south side of I\u25a0' I 1 gulch leads- over bar. Unipgua Rl ll»»- ! June 2 i Channel in good condl- I - \ ) tion. \u25a0"\u25a0--\u25a0--. \u25a0 \u0084 >' I • !12 fe^t at low water to Coos Bay.J 17 'June ll North Bend: II feet ' I it low water to- I 1 I Mar«rhflfl»l.* C<yjuille Rl 8 (May 31 (Channel close to north I ! I Jetty. 1 IN o opportunity for Rogue Rlv! I I soundings lnti-Iy: ly ; I fore rise there was T ! L I feet on bar. Klamth Ri 7 IMay 29] Channel straight. j I INorth c h a n v c 1 very { 1 I crooked ; 18 ft. nver- Hmbldt Bi 20 !J*«ie l! age low water in J ' straight channel lead- , . I I I. ing out' northwest. S Pedro Bj 20 lApr. l,'i|No change in ohnnnel. S Diego nl 25 [May 3(Xo chance In channel. S Pablo B| 24 |Apr. 21|Depth in dredged chan 1 I I n»-l. •About. . SPAIN'S NEW PRINCESS CHRISTENED AT LA GRANJA Ceremony Is Attended by Cabi- net Ministers and Grandees LA GUANJA. Spain, June 27.— The ohristctnlnr? of Princess Beatrice, in fant daughter pf the king and queen, took place today with the usual cere mony. Archduke Ferdinand and Arch duchess Maria Teresa, the godparents, were represented by the Infanta Isa bella. The government ministers, dip lomatic representatives and many grandees were present. Northwest League ' POUTLAXD. June 27.— 1n a hard fought game between Portland and Vancouver today. neither team was able to secure a run until the last ofthe tenth, .when the local team managed to get a man over the plate by bunehlnß hits. Score: r. jj. c. Vancouver . . . .0 4 2 Portland ....:....'. i : 5. 0 Batteries— Hickey and Brooks; Gough and Fournler. SEATTLE,' June 27.— Baker held Se attle to six hits, . three of which came in one inning, but yielded only onerun: Score:; • „ ,' R. H: E. Seattle 1 <?r. 3. Tacoma ...4 9; Batteries— Rush- and Ouster; Baker and KellackeyjWHJMSpSiSlgj - : SPOKANE, June -27.— Gregg in vincible and but for an error by -Weed would have scored a -shutout. Score* R. H...E. Aberdeen .1 3 0 Spokane ..•....\u25a0....;..".."... ."/;2 5 "i Batteries — Most; "and Kreitz; Gregg and Spencer. Umpire— Frary.^ : - i THE- SAN> FRANCISCO ;CALIi^ :MQXDA¥y; \u25a0 JUXB- 28, 1 90!). Weather Report United States department of agriculture- Weather bureau, San Francisco. June 27, \u25a0 1900. "\u25a0'.;/.\u25a0'-, RAINFALL DATA Last Seasonal Normal Stations — _ 24 hours., to date. to date. Eureka 0.0<) 42.Rtj 4(5.02 Red Bluff ."0.00 31.12 25.02 Sacramento ._...... 0.00 , 21.78 .20.09. Mt. Tamalpals .....0.00 35.C2 ' '22.80 San l^anclsco ...... 0.00 \u25a0 25.57 . 22.27 SanJose^..' ....0.00 15.30 13.05 Fresno 0.00 ' 0.87 t>.CB Independence' 0.00 -7.88 9.53 >\nu Luis Obispo ... 0.00 31.38 20.51 Ix>sAngeles ....;.: 0.00 1». 17 -15.04 San Plego ......... 0.00 10.23 10.01 Coast jrecord for 12 hoars ending 5 p.m. »."\u25a0 g; ' •£, JJ .: -\u25a0 S; \u25a0'•\u25a0".••\u25a0; "C STATIONS I V .*\u25a0' I ft n -it 3 • S - •'' * Baker .. 29. 7 COS 48 .NW . Clear !oS Boise 29. «4 S6 58 NW Clear .<# Eureka ..30.04 60 50 W Clear .00 Flagstaff . .". . .20.78 "80 44 S Cloudy .00 Fresno .:..... 29. SO »0 58 W Clear • .00 Independence .20.60 90 56 S Clear .00 Kallspell . 25.84 CO 48 SB Rain .06 Los Ange1e5... 29, 80 74 56 SW Clear .00 Modcna 29.76 82 .. SW Clear .00 Mt. Tamalpals. 29. 9s 5!) 42 :NW Clpar .00 North Head ..20.84 '54 52 SE Cloudy .20 Phoenix 29.70 98 72 SW Pt.CJdy .00 Pocatello .....29.64 S6 64 SB Clear .00 Pt. Reyes Lt..29.91 55 48 NW Clear .00 Portland ......29.02 <>4 52 SW Rain .01 Red Bluff ....29.80 S2 58 SE Clear .00 Reno 20.72 76 50 W Clear .00 Roseburg 29.92 08 50 tfW Pt.CldyTr. Sacramento ...29.84 70 52 S Clear: .00 Salt Lake 29. 6S 88 . . S Clear .00 San Diego ....29.86 68 60 NW Clear .00 San Francisco. 29. 94 60 50 \V c:iear .00 San Jose .....29.90 70 52 Kff. Clear .00 S. Luis 0bi5p0. 21). 94 70 52 W Clear .00 Spokane 29. 50 68 54 W Clear .00 Summit 67 40 >\u25a0 Olear .(XI Tacoma 29. SS «2 50 SW Rain Tr. Tatoosh .. 29. R0 54 .. SH Rain .30 Tonopah ..29.64 82 60 SE \u25a0 Clear .(X) Walla 29.82 72 02 NW Clear .00 ..29.CS 84 50 "NW- Clear .00 Y"ina 29.04 102 74 SW Clear .00 SYNOPSIS -, \u25a0 " ' . ..'\u25a0 - The depression over British Columbia jresterday has moved rapidly eastward and is now central north of Montana with a secondary depression over Nevada and Idaho. It has caused cloudy weather and light rain over the north -PacnJc states. Thunder storms are reported at Baker City, Kalispel, Helena and Havre. Over the southern half of the Piciflc slope fair weather has prevailed. The. i temperature changes have been slight in all districts. In the great valley the temperature is slightly below the normal. The humidity at Red Bluff is 02 per cent and at Fresno 30 per cent. Conditions are favorable for fair and somewhat vyarmer weather in . California Monday with moderate northwest winds. Forecast for the 30 hours ending at midnight June 28. 190!): San Francisco and vicinity — Fair Monday: mod erate west wind. ->. Santa Clara; valley— Fair, warmer, Monday; moderate northwest wind. .Sncrameuto valley — Fair, warmer Monday: light north wind. | , San . Joaquin .' Taileyv-Fair, warmer Monday; Jlght north wind. Los Angeles and vicinity— Fair Monday; light west wind. G. H. WILI.h'ON. Local Forecaster. M O VEMENTS OF STEAMERS TO ARRIVE From I Steamer | Date - Honolulu^ Pleiades June 2S Grays Harbor. g. Lindauer. . . . June 28 Humboldt :.. p: \, Kilburn. . June 28 Seattle via Victoria Klla ..June 28 Mexican Ports Curacao June 28 Portland & Astoria State of Cal... June 28 Hamburg & Way Ports Salatis ' . . . . June 28 Han Diego & Way Ports Santa R05a..... June 28 Seattle & Tacoma Yoseinite ....... June 2!> Portland & Astoria Nome City June 29 Coquille Kiver.. ..;... Klizabeth June 29 San Pedr0........ Cheballs !:. June 29 San Pedro Daisy Mitchell . . June 29 China & Japan Asia June 2& Salina Crus. Columbian: June 28 San Pedr0............ Northland June SO Seattle & Tacoma Buokman . . June 30 San Pedro.... . Hanalet ..July 1 HumbolUt . city of -Topeka. July 1 San Pedr0....... G. W. Elder. .. July 1 Point Arenn/& Albion. Porno July , 1 Coos Bay \u0084..M. F. Plant. .. July 1 Puget Sound Ports..... City of Puebla. July 2 San Dieso &. Way Porti-j President ...... July 2 San Pedro & Way Ports Coos Bay. July 2 New York Tla Ancon.. City of P.ara...July 3 Portland & Way Ports.) Roanoke July 3 Hllo .....•...\u25a0\u25a0 :..: [ Enterprise July 3 - TO SAIL \u25a0-\u25a0 ' Destination ,| Steamer. -,| Sails |Pler June 28 — ' | ~~~ ~~ Coquille Hirer. iFifield ...... 4pm 2 Grays Harbor j Westerner . . 5 pra -2 Humboldt ' City Topeka. 10.30 all San Dlepo & Way Ports President . . 2pm 0 June 29 — Astoria & Portland D. Mitchell.. .... .... Grays Harb0r... ....... Cbehalis -. 16 Humboldt F. Kilburn. . 10 am 13 Ixms Angeles Port* Yosemite ... 10 am .2 Puget Sound Ports Queen .....\ 2pm 9 Mexico & Corlnto .. Ella ........ ;. Seattle & Tacoma Chas. Nelson 12 m 20 Japan & China ..Cblyo Maru. 1 pm 42 . June 30 — , numboldt Vanguard .111 am 2 Coquille UlTcr Elizabeth.. 5 pm 1(5 Mendocino & Pt. Arena|Sea Foam... 4 prn 4 Honolulu .'...' Ililonian ...12 m 10 Seattle & Tacoma..... I Watson .... lpm 20 Auckland & Sydney... "o. Marlnnes. 12 m .... Astoria & Portland.... Northland .. spm 2 July 1— Seattle & Tacoma; . . . . | Carlos San Dleco & Way Portsi Santa Rosa.. 10.30 aft Tahiti direct ...I.Marlposa ... 11 am 7 Portland & Way Ports. 0.. W. Klder lpm 13 Graysllarbor O. Lindauer: Ipm 2 July 3— New York Tia Ancon.. City Sydney 12 m Hawaiian Ports. ... Pleiades' .... 12 m 23 Astoria & Portland. .. . State of Cal 11 am 27 Puget Sound Ports President .. 2pm 9 Los Angeles Ports. . .'. . Roanoko ... 5 pm 13 Astoria & Portland.... Nome City.. spm 7 Coos 8ay......... M. F. Plant 3pm R Point Arena & Albion. Pomp ...... (5 pm 2 TO SAIL FROM SEATTLE ~~~- Destination . • | Steamer | Date Skagway & Way Ports. City of Seattle. June 30 Valdez & Seward. .. .. . Northwestern V. . July 1 Skagway & Way Ports. Jefferson ''\u25a0 : . . .' i'-. July 2 Nome & St. Michael... Ohid .......... July ?, Nome & St.- Michael.. . San'Mateo. ;.'..'. July 5 Ska'Rway & Way Ports.'j Humboldt ft [July « Valdes & Seward ..Santa Clara. ..[July V 8 S«nard & Way Ports.. | A: G. Lindsay. .| July 10 .Sun.; Moon and' Tide United States coast and geodetic survey — Time and heights of tides at Fort Point. : For city front . (Mission : street wharf) add 1 25 , minutes. "~ ~ '• MONDAY, JtWE 28 Sun risen."...: 4:49 Sun « 8et5 ........... .\ ..... ~. ............. 7:37 Moon. 5et5.."....:......... ./^s 1:20 a. m. Full m00n........... .July .*?, at 4:08 a. m. Last quarter m00n.'. ..... .".July 9, at 10:49 p." m. ITlmel ITime! JTlmel ~ ITimel jnnf (Ft f (:Ft I 1 Ft I Ft 1L W| -:--., |H Wt |UW| - -|H Wl 28.V. 1:53 .. 1.4 8:40 8.8 1:07 7:45 5 6 29.. 2:35 0.7 «:86 3.9 1:56 2.8 8:14 B 8 30.. 3:18 0.110:30 4.2 2:45 2.8 8:47 5.9 Jly f .. •: ='«. \u25a0 \u25a0•-.-: " >. ;--. . \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0-.\u25a0 - 1.. 4:00r-0.r»tl:22 .4..1 3:2." 5.2 0:S0 (! I :S..\ 4:42—0.0 12:10 4.5 4:14 3.2 10:12 0 ° 3:. 5:26—1.2 12:53 '-4.6.5:05 3.2 10:55 C*2 U. ». Hrnncliflljdroßrnphlc Office i A branch -of \u25a0United: States v hydrograpbic office, located at the-. Merchants'^Kxcbnnge, Js maintained In ". San ; Francisco for,: tbo < benefit of marincre. . without ; regard . to nationality and free of expense. -.* Narrators* are .'cordially 'invited to Tlnit' the lof flee. .- where : completo 'sots ; of charts and " sailing : directions , of the ; \rorld : are I kept at band^ for • comparison , . and :' reference \u25a0\u25a0: and the latent information can always- be • obtained; re- Kardins . lißhts; dancers 'to; navigation and mat ters of interest to 'ocean commerce. • .. • .. • , 'J.'C. BURNETT. • ..;. - IJeutenant.U.^S: : NT, ; in- charge. \u25a0 LF,HUTTON&CO. 4{)o California ««. Tel. Doiißlns 2457 St. France* Hotel Tol. Douglas' 3082 Klembars Hew York Stock Excfiarijae * . I'loneer '•;\u25a0 \u25a0'{ Prlvnte Wire to Cbkaeo and : n. X."' -lIUI.CAIIKY.^Inn'aKcr ' KETCHES WALLOPS THREE HUSKY HEAVIES \Michigan Lion Tears Into His Sparring Partners With' out Any Mercy Stanley. Ketchel was the center of attraction for the ; fight .fans^ at his Colma training quarters yesterday aft erpoon,' and he did work electrify the b*K crowd, that \u25a0; watched him perform. ~ Each; of -his three spar ring partners took the 6otfnt before he was done with them, and at the con clusion of the work K^tchel seemed only fairly well warmed up. . , After a workout in his gymnasium fie went to the open air ring to do his box ing stunts. First he flattened Lew Taylor, a big heavy 'weight, in : two rounds arid then tenderly packed him away to his dressing room.. Next came Charley Goff, a soldier, 1 who met a simi lar fate in two rounds, and Charley Miller finally got his in the third round, which was extended to seven minutes. • Ketchel does not train" like the.ordi nary pug, who seldom flattens his man. He likes to wade right in and show his training mates up at every opportunity. He plays to the spectacular side of it, and in this way wins the crowd., - He walloped those po<»r fellows yesterday just as though he 'were fighting them for the championship of the world. . Ketchel works faster than ever, and he always was a sensational performer while training for a light. He used his double shift and both hands with equal effect, , and whenever he landed, his opponent was either shaken up or else took the count. He : will *box every afternoon at 3 o'clock,, and he Invites all aspiring heavy weights to put 011 the gloves with him. > ... » \u2666 \u25a0 • \u25a0 ' Billy Papke did not create such a sensation when he toed the -scratch for work In the big ocean beach pavilion, but still he pulled off enough good stuff to satisfy 1,200 persons, who saw him perform. Papke's principal work con sisted of four rounds with Ollie Cornett. The latter waded in and Papke gave him plenty to do. In the fourth Cor nett tired and time was called before it had been completed, as Cornett was, all in. Papke weighed 164 pounds after his day's work, and he looked good. He is making arrangements to train with the life saving crew at the beach. He is somewhat of an oarsman himself, and he believes that a little of this work will be very beneficial for him before he goes against Ketchel. .-'\u2666 \u2666 ' • There have been many sore eastern pugilists of this city since the game Of fisticuffs became popular, but Leachf Cross and his brother, Sam Wai lac h, presented the prize winning sight. Their bit for that 41 rounds of snael ling mill was a little more than $300, not enough to pay their cafare back east. The ybet more than this amount on the fight,- - * The brothers will beat it back to the Ghetto of Gotham this evening. They have had their fill of San Francisco. The game does not look good to them any more. They had visions of a $20,000 house, but when they were paid off on an $1,800 basis, they tossed their hands skyward and groaned. Leach is still in bad shap \u25a0 from the severe beating ad ministered to him by Dick Hyland, Hyland' suffered little from the en counter save a badly cut lip. A few stitches were taken in this, and he will be as fit as ever in a few days. Man ager Jack Perkins is undecided as to his future plans. He has several eastern offers, and he may take one of these. Like Cross and his brother, Perkins and Hyland are very much disappointed at the small house which turned out to see them maul each other 41 rounds. ' I AMATEUR BASEBALL ; STAXDING OK THE CI^UBS '; club ' Won. Lost. Pet. Satf Leandro Maxwells .....'A 1 - V 81. > Ahuneda Alerts ......... ...11 '2 . 846 Fniitvalc ....."..:..........." « • £>::S United Railroads ...i....... 4 .%. 444 Transportation ,,club 6... 2 •' V « 353 Olympic club ... N . ........... - 4 033 • '• * OAKLAND, June 27. — In ; the' Transbay lotsne games today Truitvale defeated the Transporta tion club of. San Francisco by I,' playing at the Frultvalc grounds. At Alameda recreation park the Alerts cleaned up the United Railroads, 9 to 0. On their home grounds the San Leandro Maxwells shook down the Olympic club nine from San Francisco, 11 to 3. The summaries: \u25a0 •' . K. H. E. Fraitvale ..\ •**..« 1 Transportation club ..1 4 '4 Battpriee — Frultvale, Jenkins and Hammond; Transportation club, Dcnhani and Grlmmcluian. - , U. H. IJ. Alerts « » .1 United Kaiiroads ......03- :! Batteries — Alerts, Kussell and Kyan; Umted Uailroads, Levy and O'Neill. : R. H. E. San Leandro Maxwells 11 10 3 Olympic club " 5 G Batteries — Maxwells, l'eterson and Westphal; Olympic club, Glrard and Iteitprman. \u25a0. ; • \u25a0 '. • \u25a0 • •\u25a0 • •- SANTA ROSA., June 27.— Santa Rosa parlor, N. S. Q* W., defeated Ala'mPda parlor here today by ..a score of 3 to 4, The Alameda team started the; run ppttlnc in the first inning. Two ; men rrossfd the plate. Conn's three base lilt scoring Harrow and a two base hit by Rose scoring Conn. I Santa Rosa scored the winning run in *he eighth inning, when Weir got first on a single, stole second and. third on a throw by the pitcher to . the catcher and an error by the latter, and scored on • Towey's out. -Alomeda scored seven bits off Smith and Santa Rosa secured live from : Meblad's delivery. • \u2666 • Yesterday's games drew the largest crowds that; the boys' league has had thi» Bpaoon and were full of ginger and pretty playiug. The Greens played a double header and got away with both games. Score, morning game: R. H. E. J. Clins. Greens....... s tt 2 Owl Drug C0...:...... '.T;:......., :j 74 Score, afternoon game:' j h. H. c. J. <Jhaa. GreenR> ....."..... :\ s 9" « Billy BrackPtts. .:..\u25a0....'. a 7 4 Next Sunday games will . be played at San Rafael and. Elmhurst, as both of these teams are now in. thp league. :\u25a0.. The . Acorns of Oak land and- another new. team from this city will also be seen in action.' •-s^'i.>> Society turned out in full force from Ross Valley yesterday ;. to cheer; its 'champions -in the i game. of baseball which was played between the Pollard and Maboney teams at San Anselmo. The majority of the ball players are young so ciety men of. Ross jand San Rafael. -.Thomas Pollard was ca'plain . of the Ross team/while Andrew | Mahoney v : led ' the destinies of the • San Rafael ' players.-v Jnmes Snook. : Pollard's second baseman, distinguished himself and • made a de cided, hit with -the fair fans, who *at in the autos. Pollard himself got two good hits, whlln his rival,'.'- Mahoney. struck: yut every time he was at the bat. Paul. Fay and S. Gollnski rte nerve' the | credit of. winning the , game for Pol lard's team. Kenneth ' McDonald played a- good game on third, and so -, did •\u25a0\u25a0 Chester Smith -as shortstop. The score was 10 to 0 in fnvor-'of Pollard's team. The lineup of the teams was as follows: ', . \u25a0 Pollards — S. . Golinski, < pitcher: Paul -Fay catcher; Frank Waterhouse,, first -base:- Jtm Snook, ' second base; Chester Smith.- shortstop* Kenneth McDonald, third^basp; Rnleigh Ayera left-field; Jobni.McKee, center field; Tom Pol lard. *l«ht field. ;. . - : . ..; -. •\u0084 Mahoners— Frank Cßarr. pitcher; F. Preseott catcher: Pr/;Rodden. first base: Donald Grahnm, second*base; Andy \u25a0 Mahoney,' shortstop;. Charley Granjean,' left field; Kd'GranJoan, right. field* Fred ;Monahi-n, center ; field: George \u25a0: Hansen, third! base. . :: ' . , ' . *. . : .' ATLANTIC OCEAN TRAVEI/ jCanadian Pacific * Less Than Four Days at Sea Weekly^ Sailing BctTveen Montreal, Que- ;-*•>"'"\u25a0\u25a0 •>.>', bee land jlilrerpbbl \ ' .U ' '•Two days on ' the beautif ul St. ' Uawrence rlrex and the shortest ocean ; route : to Europe: .-.:: \u25a0 ' Nothing - better- on ;the 'Atlantic -than our Em- presses. Wireless on air steamers." i ; First class $00, "\u25a0 second class $50, one class cabin' s4s. "> - . > '\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 r. :\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0•'. - Ask ,, any 1 ticket J agent, or write . for . sailinga, rates and booklets ~.-vy.-: ':,:••;•.\u25a0•..» ... ... E. E. PENN. G.A.,77 ELLIS ST., \u0084 > : % . *^j" \- San Francisco,* Cal. -. , .."\u25a0(\u25a0.. . CompaAile Gcneralo Transatlantlqhe • DIRECT LINE i TO \ HAVRE-PARIS. V'r.' ;\u25a0;; Sailing ,eVery s Thursday, * instead .of . Saturday. - at 10 a. * m.y from pier ; 42, v North \u25a0\u25a0 rlTer,' foot of Mortonr St.; rf '•:'..' ~ r /.^. •,•'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 •'-. "\u25a0";\u25a0, .•,\u25a0,;•\u25a0-,-\u25a0 : • First ' class \u25a0 to : Havre, 1 $77.50 and upward ; see OBd clasßjo Hayre. $50 and upward. GENERAL' AGENCY &FOR % UNITED \u25a0 STATES AND? CAN- ADA, 19 State ' st.,;' New' York" J.i F.: FUGAZF Man«*rer I Paciflc \ coasK ti3o Montgomery : at : Sun Francisco. ". Tickets sold ;by all ; railroad s ticket aRenU.-^/'/v-AvVivr^ ' '*;\u25a0'?-\u25a0'. .' \u25a0*\u25a0''.-v-.".. -v-.". "•' '\u25a0'-* ""' BARBARIANS WIN FROM GOLDEN GATES M overly' s Inning of 121, Not Out, Sets New Cricket M ark . for the Season WILLIAM UNMACK , " At [the stadium yesterday the Bar barians', continued, their imcheckered victorious "career by overwhelming the Golden Gate team by, six -wickets and 224 runs. : The feature of the game was A. H.^Moverly's masterful inning: of 121 not out. This \was the first, cen tury scored this* season and the . Bar barians' inning, of four: wickets for 271 also constituted a' record so far this season. Scores: >' GOLDEN GATES B. Major, ' b. Stewart 5 B. Bird, c.EHiot, ,l>. Stewart .: .....15 T. Miller, b. Lafferty 1 J. Priest, b. Lafferty. 5 J; . Smith, : b. Stewart ....... . . . . - \u0084 . 7 W; Chester, b. b. w., . b. 5tewart ........... 2 YV. Kitchener, c." Price, b. Stewart.'. ...../.. 0 A. Paice, st. Price, b. Lafferty.. 8 F. Speucer,' b. " Stewart 0 G. Evans, not out .'. •..'.**. : . v '......... 0 A. Scott, c. Hocking, b. LafiferO' ....... « Extra .....i ...; ... 1 Total .......... . . . ... ... . . :. ....,:...;.. 14 Balls. Maidens. Runs. Wicket*. S. Stewart <iU \ 2 \u25a0 25 : <» J. Lafferty ... .. . ti7 2 .18 ' K ,4^.» v / BARBARIANS A. H. Moverly, not out 121 J. Lafferty, run out. 1 11. R. Ellert b. Bird 6W S. Stewart,: b. Priest ; 23 R.- Hudson, : c. Bird, b. Kitchener. :'.'. ..'..'...' 2S T." Price, not out , 2« Extras ...."............'.....;..... 6 Total, 4 wickets for ". 271 "A. Anstey, F. Oailey. G. Hopkings, W. Mar shall and Ay Hocking did not bat. Balls. Muidena. Runs. Wickets. J. Priest ..!>«' 3 .-'.'A 1 A. Paiee ........ 12<1 - -;j 75 0 W. Kitchener.!.. 42 1 2H I T. Mlllen ... 3<» 0 37 n F. Spencer....'., is . ti 2:t ».'^O', J. Chester .. . 48 * 0 7 -4 &*\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0 0 B.'Bird ..42 0 30 1 At the Alameda cricket oval the Wanderers snatched a victory from the Alameda eleven by only 15 runs. The "Wanderersvcompiled 159 runs', of which Charlton ran up 98 in magnificent style. The Alameda team came back, with I^4. Of this Croll got top score with 31. Nield compiled a useful 25 and Smith 22; Irish 18 not out and Logan 14 also showed good form. Monsoon Is First in Race For Shreve Trophy The speedy little sloop Monsoonf owned and sailed by ex-Commodore P. G. Phillipps, .finished first in the race'- for the Shreve cup for the boats of the San\J?rancisco yacht club yes terday afternoon. The course was from the Presidio shoal buoy around the lightship and back, 20 miles. • The Monsoon took the lead, with a handicap of 25 ' minutes&und finished handily. Six- boats started. Follow ing is the table of the race. Elapsed Ilnndl- Corrected Boat — s 1 time. cap. \u25a0 \tlme. Monsoon ..yf ... . . .4:42:5."> 25 inln. 4:17:55 Annie 4:42:02 .. 14 mm. 4:25:02 Nixie .;. \...4:42:13 14 mln. 4:28: 13 Martha ..-1:47:00 14 mln. 4:33:03 Neva ....... ...... r»:17:0i) 80 raiu. 4:47:00 Mary ....5:41:20 40 mm. 5:01:20 KAIJT DISPELS HEATED TERM— New York, June 27. — The temperature suddenly fell today, fater five, days .hovering .- around - the 00 mark. Refreshing showers fell. N. . - . . #\u25a0 PACIFIC OCSAX THAVKL . ~^\r <^v Steamers leave Broadway SfiS^-^Sui. wharves (Piers 9 and 11). ArlL \V&i. LOW -KATES, INCLUDING Aw V® ! 3 > 33 V*| BKRTHS AND MEALS. l( Y\t§S£A)'l SPKCIAL BOUND TRIP \Qjßsfi@A SAX DIEGO j - -T>=-^ . "SANTA 1 BARBARA | \u2666Governor.... Mon., July 5, 19, Auc. 2, 2 p. m. ' •President „: Mon., Junq 28: Sun., Juiyil/ 26","a"u5:V6"2 pm. : Alternately Every Monday Thereafter. Santa Rosa .. Every Thursday, 10:30 a. ro. •Direct for Los Angeles. , Will not call S. Barbara. SEATTLE (DIRECT), "fTOWIVSEXD TACOMA, tVICTORIA, IVAXCOUVEU Connecting at Seattle for SE. Alaska. Stagway," Dawson, Fairbanks, . Nome. St. Michael. PuDbla.......Tues., July 6. 20. Aug. 3. 2 p. m. IGovernor.Saturday, July 10. 24; Aug. 7. 2 p. m. Queon Tuos., June 20, '2 p. m. IPresldent.Sat., July ..",, IT, T.l; Aus- 14 2 p u> Umatllla...Tnes., July 13, 27; Aug. 10, 2 p. m'- Alternately Every Tuea. and Sat. ThPi-eafter. IWIII not call at Victoria, Townsend. Vancouver. ! EUREKA (HUMBOLDT BAY) T0peUa. . ... ..... .Jun0 2S; July 3. 8, 13, IS 23 23, 10; SO a. m. Every flftu day thereafter.' GUAYMAS. MAZATLAiV, LA PAZ Curacao ...... '.... 7th of e^acli month, 10 a. m. , ALASKA CRUISES— Leave Seattle : Spokane \.....June SO;. July 15, 30: August 14 Queen /.. . . . . ... . . ...»...;...;...; July „ 13. 30 AOJIE—ST. MICHAEL Senator (direct) Leave Seattle... ..July 22 Right reserved to change this schedule. «" TICKET OFFICES 3 Market st., 112 Market st. • and, Broadway Wharf. ~. Tel. Kearny 492. OAKLAND— IOS6 ! Broadway. Tel. Oakland 58SO C. D. DUNANN. G. t P.A.; San Francisco. --- - .'.-.:,_ ' - _ —\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0..—— — -HAWAIIAN SIEAHiSHIP COMPANY TEHUANTEPEC ROUTE ! NEW; VOUK to PACIFIC COAST PORTS and HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. Sailings every Satur- day. SEATTLE. TACOMA and SAN FRANCIS.CO to .NEW YORK, sailing 23. days; also taklns freight for - MEXICAN and : EUROPEAN ports. . . : \u25a0 ,v ." . • - •\u25a0 . -\u25a0 LOCAL SERVICE: f SAN FRANCISCO . to- HAWAIIAN PORTS. DEARBORN :" &, LAPH AM. General Agents. 8 BRIDGE S/r.;: NEW "'YORK;* WILLIAMS; Dl- MOND & C 0.." General Agents 'paelflc Coast. .SIO SANSOME ST.. SAN- FRANCISCO RFflf f I F rtIRFPT CONNECTING \ ALL NORTHERN POINTS. S. S. WATSON ....... ...........l:j U ne3&, S. -' S. BUCKMAN ... i . . . . ... ..... . . .July 5 1 S. S. ADMIRAL.S AMPSON,.. . .July 10. ; V ./.TWIN SCP.EW S..S. ADMIR.^ SAMPSON ........ V.'JuIy 6 •*; ' SalllDgs fromTsteuart St. Dock. Alaska Pacific Steamship Co. Ticket "Office. 54 Market'st.^:^ "\u25a0;.. (ORIENTAL STEAMSHIP "COMPANYV S. S. < Chiyo i Maru: . \u25a0': . : . . .Tuesday/i Juna. C 9, 1 1S09 S. \u25a0 S.:-Tenyo : Maru.". .".".Tuesday,- July" 27, 1<509 S.*' 8. : Nippon < Maru .'. . . Tuesday, > August 17," i 1909 ;;company'B:piers,: Nos. 42,- 44 ,\ near ; foot ; of Second ' st.".". 1 ? p.- m.V 1 , for - Yoko- hama and 1 Hongkong.;: calling ' at J Honolulu Kobe (Hlogo),"? Nagasaki and I Shanghai,*, and | connecting at > Hongkong f, with - steamers •-. for \u25a0 Manila,! India; i eta. No cargo received, on board -on 'day of sail. Ing." :\u25a0 Round trip . tickets at" reduced : rates.' \f \u25a0\u25a0 i\ For : freight \u25a0 and >, passage ?\u25a0 apply" at ' of Bee,' 240 James Flood ; bulldlng. v : •.-- -'.W.-r H. .' AVERY, ; \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 ;., '\u25a0'.". -\u25a0;;.'ABBlstant^;General.'r Manager.';'' . TAHITI AXp'NEWiCEAtAXD^S. S. '.] Marlposa '"Balls = 11. a3m.,'" Jnly (1/"- Spl.i Tahiti • i round », trip 1 5125. \u25a0 f*. Wellington; '?200. % .11.' 1:, HAWO3 113 II S - -S - ;-M«mVda sails 11.' ,O<;EANIG LlNi:.'«7;t'3lkt.:;tPJ.lKparny 12T51.1 Dr. Hammond Wins Trophy In Park Trotting Meet -- ' " — — — \ '"\u25a0'\u25a0 \u25a0 Sharp rlvalrj- between the drivers brought out clever c . Jockeying " andi fast racing in the harness events at Golden Gate "park yesterday afternoon. The regulars . declared it the best aft ernoon's sport of the season. After Telephone had won the "first heat, witlr Modicum second, in a hard stretch' drive, Dr. "Hammond took the next ,two heats and the trophy In the last and feature race of the day, the free for all trot. Dr. Hammond came from far back in all three heats, mak ing a nose and nose finish each time. '.The free for all pace .was ra form somersault. George Perr\- .won' the first heat handily, -with Albert's isec ond and Little, Dick- third.". Owing to their -supposed ; "class" George' Perry ana Little Dick in the next two heats were- handicapped by ".being given the outside positions at the start. -The handicap proved a hoodoo., as : the "class" horses got no better than fourth In the next two heats, which Kitty won easily. Results: TWO THIRTY MIXED Little>J)ick ;.... 12 1 DiTiUcnd* 2 ;1'. 2 Honest Dick 3 7 7^ Ned Dennis 4 44 Clara W 7-8 5 Stere D 6 G »5 Delta A......... 5 3 3 Time — 2:SO. 2:27. 2:29. TWO TWENTY PACE • Margaret B 1.. 1 1 Durfee Mac » 2 Prince I).. <£ R Kden Vale .; .'.;......... ....4 4 X 1> W. 5 3 *S Time— 2:2o%. 2:10%. FREE FOP. ALL PACE ' Kitty D -. 4 1-1 Albert .5. . : 2 2 2 Alfred P ... . . , \u25a0 X - 3 :i George Perry ..'.,... 1 4 r» Little Dick 3 5 4 Time — 2:15. 2:17. 2:Ui. TWO THIRTY PACE Marin : 1 1 Honesty » "........ 2 2 Dexter 0 .:... 3 3 BaUly Mitchell 4 r. TUelina .....5 4 Ttae-2:21. 2:23. FREE FOR ALL TROT Dr. Hammond 3 11 Telephone* '..... '. 1 .2 2 Modicum 2 3 3 Neko 4 4 4 Verona ' 1... 5 5 0 Time— 2:lo, 2:17%, 2:20. \u25a0 BOOTBLACK AVIXS MARATHON SAX -PEDRO. June 27. — George Mo rales, a bootblack of this city, 17 years old, won the 18 mile Marathon race for the championship of southern CaU-* fornia today against a field of 13. among them the boat of the professional runners of tbo state. His time was 2 hours and 24 ral-hutes. F. Lowe and- George Miller dropped out at the end of the tenth mile, unable t okeeu the fast pace set by Morales, who was an un known, and had never raced before. Jake Arno ran second and Ray Rayner third. » ; \u25a0';*•-. "THE THIET IN HEAVEN"— "The Thief in Heaven «nd How lie Got There," was the sub ject of the sermon- preached to a large audience,' many of them discharged prisoners, iv the Golden Kule home, ill Third street, last nljcht by Charles Montgomery, president of the California •prison commission. . The new home was only re cently opened. There was a. good attendance last nij"ht at the prayer meeting. RAILWAY TIIAVKL fc&Jobrsk Trains Leave San Francisco N^Sai^S Market Street LEAVE FOR— - lA. M.| P. M. KAKEUSFIELD 7:15 8:00-10:00 CHICAGO 7:15 8:00-10:00 • FRESNO 7:15 4:00-8:00-10:00 GRAND CANYON..^ 7:15 8:00-10:00 HANFORD \u25a0."... TUS 10:00 KANSAS CITY 7:15 8:00-10:00 MERCED 7:15 4:00-8:00-10:00 STOCKTON • 7:15 4:00-8:00-10:00 STOCKTON. OAKDALB. /&. SIKRRA RY. PTS... 9:45 TULARE "... 7:15 8:00-10:00 VISALIA ...: 7:15 8:00-10:00 YOSEMITE 7:15 10:0O California Limited through to Chicago leaves at 10:00 p. m. OFFICES: 673' Market-Street and Market Street Ferry Depot, San Francisco 1112 Broadway, -Oakland \u25a0\u25a0' r /@Bj&' SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE (s^E23) JUNE 19,1909 ACS^t«' ' UMOX FERRY DEfOT ' San Fran«daco LeaTe. \u25a0' * VIA SAUSALITO. ... ArrWe. 7 : 15 a Sonoma and ' Glen " Ellen 6 :05p 7:45 a Petaluma. Santa Rosa. Healds- | burg. CloTerdale, Uklah, WilUts. Sherwood and Sebastopol *7:30p \u25a0 B:lsalPf. Reyes, Monte Rio. Cazadero ••7:05p S :45a f Pei aluma,Santa Rosa.GuerneTllle 7:05p }9 : 15 a Sonoma and Glen Ellen 8:35p j9^-15a Legnnitas, Cp- Taplor, Pt. Reyes 7:3Sp 10:45 a Pttaluma and- Santa Rosa 4:35p t2:4Sp Pt. Reyes, Monte Rio, Cazadero fll:Ooa 3:15p Petaluraa,. Santa Rosa, Healds- J burg, Cloverdale, Uklah. Guerne- Tille. Rlret Landing. Sebastopol. 11:03 a 4 :45p Sonoma and Glen Ellen 0:05 a 5 :15p Petaluma and . Santa Rosa...*. 8:35 a t3:45p Lagunitas. Cp. Taylor, Pt. Reyes 8:05 a J7:45p Point Reyes 8:00 a ELECTRIC SUBURBAN VIA SAUSALITO .Sausalito, Mill Valley, Saa Bafael— Dally e Terr 30 minutes from 6:45 a. m. until 8:45 a. m.;" hourly until 2:45 p." m.. then 3:15 p. m. and -eTery 80 minutes until 7:45 p. m.. then 9:00, 10:35 p. m. and. 12:01 a. m. (On Sundays in addition — eTery 30 minutes from 8:45 a. m. to 3:15 p. -m., excepting 2:15 p. m.) \u25a0 • Fairfax— LeaTe t6:45. t7:15. 7:45, 8:15, 9:15. J9:45. 10:45. 11:45 a. m.; 12:45, 1:45, t2:45. 3:15. 3:45. t4:15, 4:45, 1o:15. 5.>45. t6:15. t6:45. J7:45 p. m. ". San Quentin via San Rafa«l — LeaTe 9:15 a. m., 1:45 p. m. : ' ' Tiburon and Belveder*— Week days — 7:30. 9:00, {11:45 a. m. ({12:45 p. m. Saturdays only),' 3:30. 3:30 p. m.; Sundays— 7:3o, } 59:00. ||U:CO a. m.; {{12:30, 3:30, 5:30 p. m. and {12:01 a. ra. •Arrire 7:05 p. m. from Sepastopol. ••Sundays arrire 8:05 p. m. fE«ept . Sunday. tSunday only. {Via Sausalito. {{Runs to Sebuetzen park. I'aclflc' Transfer Company's Agents are author- ized . to check - baggase direct from residences. -—«- \u25a0 • \u25a0 - MUIR WOODS S^S MT. TAMALPAIS VIA SAUSALITO FERRY " FOOT OF MARKET STREET \ V LESAL HOUDAYS-SUWDAY TIMS li.Sib FrneisCT LrMitif ta»fa " It. liaaliais V.T.EK SUN- 'WEEK SCTJ-' WEEK SUN- DAY DAY DAY DAY \u25a0 DAY DAY 3:45 a 7:15 a 1 7:20 a 11:05 a • 7:20 a S:42a 1:45p 1:49p 1?:20» 1:40» 11 22a *4:45p 9:lba 02:45p t:sop <:14? 12:10p -..:..: 9:45 a 4:20p 3:50p *9:50p l:40p ,:::::: Up :::::: i;?S! :::::: \u25a0J;!S! -::::;: liii; ::::::;:::::::;::: :m *Sat. only, f Mon. only. . otly. . VVuir only .'• > Ticket Offices— Sausalito Fwry and 87< Market. " \u25a0 Gsneral'Offices—MiH Valley, California: ' OCEAN SHORE RAILWAY % \u25a0>.. (12tb" and . Mission) — Dally - er. -Sunday — Lt.; 7:45a,, |0:30a,-*1:15p,t5:40p. Ar. S. F.:.*7:25a. f9:loa. »l:0 Op. tl:l3p. Sundays-^-Lv. ; "•7;43a,- t9:Boa, t»10:l0a. «12:15 p .; ts:4op. -Ar." S.F.:. •7:25 a, t3:10a; .•ll:4oa,i »4:40p, ,ts:lsp. 4*6:00 p. . *To ; and : from - Arieta: fTo and from Tunitas Glen. / {Stop at Salada. San Pedro, Ter- race, Farftllone, Moss Beach.' Granada," Half moon Bay." : Connect at ': Tunitas Glen "\u25a0 with ' vtage : for San Gregorio, Peacadero. • Pebble Beach an 4 La Honda.. \u25a0>\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 . ;\u25a0 , \u25a0\u25a0 - .\u25a0 • -. V ; .; BAY ; AX D ui'TERURBAX ROUTES ISLAND NAVY VARD^ v yailejo, Napa, St.- Helena ST. lIELE.VA-XAPA VALLEY ROUTE ' Montlrello S. S. Co. and Napa' Valley Electric E.*. R/; Co. Close. connections. . : \u25a0* ;'•' : . 0-r-ROUXD TRIPS DAIi,Y— 6 - 'Boats, leai-e San ' Francisco 7:00. •9:43' a. m^, 12:30;n00n,""3:15,*'6:00,*_»5:30'p. m. " '• '-iSan ',. Francisco ; landing and office. Clay ' street wharf, uortli end ferry building. Market street ferry. \ Meals ala carte. Pbono Kearny -406. - 'Land uaTy;,"yard" direct" - .* AUCTION SALES «\__^,-AUCTIOX- MONDAY. June 28. 11 a. m. t J£iV Doboce Stables, 205-CO7 Valencia sti " 'ihe largest consignment of the season; 7C horse* and harnesses to match; wagons, buggies an<} carts. Outside stock will be sold on commission. : Phone Park 2723. WM. CLOUGH, Auctioneer. To be sold at public anctioa (In Oakland 1 WEDNESDAY. June 30, at 11 a.. m. By ordei of T. A. Jamison £ Son., contractors. I'll sell 43 head of horses and mnles. wagons and harness* CGS 4th st. Don't miss It. \u25a0 J. W. MEDEIROS. Auctioneer. \u25a0AUCTION SALE WEDNESDAY. June 30. at 11 a. m.. S3 all pnr» pose horses and TeMele.«. OCA Broadway. Oaki land. GEO. REED & CO.. Auctioneer*. *.*__ AUCTION SALE TIIUKSDAY. Jnly I, JJ*i5J at 11 a. m.. at 205 and 200 Valencia st, Horses, wajrons, buggies, carts n:ui barnesn} camping outfits of all kinds; from ~.0 to 75 head c*nstantly on band: a good cbance to buy: horsey must be as represented or monqy refunded. Out* side stock sold on commission. Phone Par!} 2723. WILLIAM CLOUGH. Auctioneer. RAILWAY TRAVEL \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 -—\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0-< XyTH^V TRAINS LEAVE AND ARE | /O^^^^L DUE TO ARRIVE AT Wv^^7^J San Francisco Fitoit Jcnb 20. 1909 VIA OAKLAND PIER Leave (Foot or Maexet Stssit) Arr!r» 2.i5« Niles, Livcraore, Tracy. Lathrop. Stockton, Lodt. Sacraaacnto 1 0.M» 6.40 a Hay ward. Niles, Saa Jose 7.08* 7.00 a Richmond, Pert Costa, Eenicu. Suisun. Dixoa, Bacratntnto, Ilceriile, Marys- vill?. Redding. Duaanuir 7. 2J» 7.03 a Hmira, VacavUe. E'dosey. 7.28[> 7.00 a Davis, Woodland (MarysrilK Orv - Tille). Williams. MsxWell. Willows, , .' Hamilton, Corniaz. Red Blaff. 7.23» 7.40 a Vallejo, Napa, Calistoja. g»nta Posa, Martinez, 6aa Roaon, Dougherty, _.. , Hasanton. :... 6.08> /.*oa Nile*, Pieasantoa, LiTermore, Alt*- / . moat, Lathrop. Stockton 7.28» 7.40 a Tracy. Los Banes, Keren n, Frwno, Haaford. Visalia^, 4.23» B.ooa San Jose, tcs Gstos, TTngbt, B _^ Felton, Santa Cm 5.48? 8.20 a rort Costa, Martlnea. Byroa, Tracy, : ;/ - Stockton, Merced, Fresao, Goshen t Junctioa (Hanford). Visalia, Porter- \u25a0 J&% BakersSdd. *t.43*» B^oa Yosemite Valley Tia Merced 4.43» 9.00 a XH«s liveraore. Stockton (*M3ton), Valley Fpricy. lone, Sacraciento 4.28» aOOa Sonera, Tiusl'imns aad An«e!s 4.28? 9.00* Atlantic Express— Sacramento, Tru> kte, Ocden, Salt Like City, Dearer, Kansas City 8.28? 9.40 a Richmond, Port Costa, Martinei, ,»«-- Bay Point 6.48? 0.20 a VaUejo, Mare liaed. Xapa 1 1.28 a ia2oa Los Angeles Paseasw— Port Costs. Martinez, Byron, Tracy, Stockton. Merced, Fresao, Hanford. Visalia, Tulare. BakfrsSeld. Los A^Hm.. . . . 7.48? 10.40 a GotdSdd Pass.— Port Costs, Benicia, Sacramento. Truckee. Haifa, Miaa, Tonopah. GoldSeld, Laws, Ksder.. . . 7.48 a 1 0.40 a, MarjTrTille. Chico, Red Eh 3 4.28? I ZOOm Th« Overland Limited— Denrer, Kaa- ns Gty. Onaha, Chicago. 7.23? 1.20p Xiles. San Jose aad V.'ay Stations. . . . 2.48? 1.40? SanLraadro. Xiles. Centerville, New- f 9.08 a ark.SanJoso { 7.28? 2-OOp Sfin Jose, Los Gatos. Wright. FeUoo. Boulder Crwk, Paata Cnu. . 9.58? 2.40p San Leandro. Nile*. San Jose 9.28 a 3.00*» Betucia, Winters. Saerasaesto, Wood- . land. Mar.rsville and OrovMe 10.45* 3.20p Port Costa(stoeiton). Jlarfjscz. Bjtoo, Modesto. Merced. Fresao 12.08? 3.45p Via Sausalito, West Xapa, St. Helena, Colistoga JOJJS4 4.00? Vallejo, Xapa, Calistoga, Santa Rota. Martinez. San Rasion, Dougherty. Livermore , 9.28 a , 4.00? Xiles, Tracy. Stocktoa. Lodi 1 0.28 a 4.40? San Leandro. Kay^ard. Nfles. f t 8.28 a Plwsanton, Llveraiore 1 *U.4Ba 5.00? Th« Owl limited— Newman, Los Banos, Mendota. Kerman, Fresno, Tu!are» Rkk-rsDeld, Los >ngd<-«.. . . . &4S« 5.00? Richmond. Pinole. ValVjo. Port] Costa. Benicia, Suisua, Faeranento I 1 1.28 a — Roserille. \ liaccla, Marysville, f 1X8? Oroville. Fair Qaks, I- oLom J 6.00? Russeil, San Jow. Los Gatos 9.28* 5.00? Saturday aad Sunday for Wrljht, Fel- ton, Santa Cru* {9.25 a 5.20? San Leandro, Xiles, Ean Jose 7.48 a 6.00? Shasta Limited— Portland,. Tacoma. Seattle 9.18? 6.40? Eastern Express— Ogdea, Purtrfo. Dfater, Kansas City, St. Loois. Chicago Port Costa, Benicia, Srcramento, Reno, Sparks 5.28? 6.40? Havwardl Xilea and ban Jos* 6.48? ?7.00? Vallejo, Port Costa. Martiaea, Bay Point and Way Stations. 211.18? 8.20? Or»jon Express — Sacramento, Mary*- -rillo. Rfcfdiog, (Maeioel. Klairith Falls). Ashlasd. Portland, Tacnma, Seattle, Spokane. 9.48* 100? China and Japan Fast Mail— Ogden, Cheyenne. Denrer, Kansas City, Omaha, Chicago , 2.48? ; 11.00? Tosemite Valley »ia XHef, Merced, Q Portal , 8.48 a 1 1.00? Niles, Lathrop, Modesto. . Mtreed. Fresno 10.38? 11.40? Portland Express (ria Davis), "Wil- liaxns. Willows, Red Bluff, Weed. Ashland. Portland. Taroma. Sfattl*. 12.23*> VIA COAST LI^E (Third and Townsead Streets) 1 5.25 a Loop— 23d Street, Vwitackm. Smith San Fnneiseo. Vslcsea Etr«et t8.35» f5.40a Loop^ — Valencia Stu, Ocean View, Cemeteries, South Saa Francisco, 23d Street. 3rd aad Townsend 16.50 a 6.40 a South San Francisco, Ssn Jose. Gilroy, (Hollister), Sargent. Salinas. 8.50? ; J7.00» Sunday Exoursioa Gilroy, Pajaro. C».«- trorille. Del Monte. Monterey, Pacific Grove 10.50? B.ooa The Coaster— San Jose, Cutro-rille, ( Del Monte, Monterey, PaciSa Grove), S»lwas.Solidad. Paso Rofcles Hot Springs, San Lois Obupo. Pizrao. Ocwno, Surf, Lompoc Sacti 3ar- hara, \ ent<m, Oznard, Los Angelf*. 1 1.45? 8.05 a Mayfield. Los Alto*. Los Gatos. Wright. (Boulder Creek). Santo Ova, Wafson- vii>, r.istrovilie, Dei .Mont?, Mon- terey, Raci&c Gtot*. 1.25? 8.20 a South San Francisco, Pa!o Alto, San Jose.' Way S;at ion» 7.35 a 8.20 a Los .\ltos."Los Gat. s. Wright, (Boulder Creek), SanUCna... t7.20* 9.00 a Ssn Jo«e. Gilroy, FalLiis. Chanrfor. Paso RmJcs Hot Springs, San I.i:i.» Obispo— Hollister— tsiota Cnx, Del - Monte, Moattrey, PaciSo Grore 4.00? (0.40 a Snuth Saa Franctxro, Bcriingame, fcan Matco. Palo Alto, Ssn Jojb 6.30* 10.40 a Los Altos, Hoata Vista, Los Gatos.. { 1 1.30 a V«lCT>ei* St. Ores.t \'»w. Cohn*, I'rmereriiM. Baden. San Bruao 1.35? 1 1.40 a South. Saa Franruco. San Jos? + 3.^» 1.00? Saturday, Pab .\lto aad Way Statioaa. 5.00? 2.00? South Saa Fnneiseo, Palo Alto. San . Jow.. 8.40 a f 2.00 ft Los Altos, Los Gatos, Wrija4(Bodder Creek),San?a Cru*. f3.20? f2.10? Bay Shcrc, VisiUeion. Saa Bruno.!. . 14.45? 3.00? Dp! Mcnta Esprtss— San Jose* Gilroy, Cbittecdes, W&tsonTiiTe, Saata Cms. Del Monte, Monter«7, Pacific Crore. I? -T1? f3.lap MaySrid, LosAltotv Los C.-.tng, Wright (Boulder Creek), Santa Cnu. 9.45 a 3.20? South San Francisco, Ean Jose, Gilroy, . Castrorille, Salinas. 10.25 a 4.00? Sunset Express— Tucson, Deminjr, Fi Paso, Houston. New Orleans, Pa» Robles Hot Springs, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Los Asjeles. 1 1.40 a 4.00? Gilroy, Hollister, Tres Pines ." 8.50? 4.00b Del Mcate,- Monterej-, Pacific Grove. . 1 1.45? 4.00> Kansas City. St. Loua. Chicago vl 1.40 a 4.20 a South San Francisco. Saa Jose t9-00a 13.00? &a Brcno, San Ma ten. Palo Alto, San Joso aad W*y Station* 9.40 a 15.05? Loop — 23d Street, Visitacjon, South San Francisco. -Valencia Street 16.15? ' 5.10? Los Altos. Los Gatos, Wright, (Boclder Creek), Santa Crux...*. ..V... 9.50? 15.20? -Redwood, Pain .Alto, San J0w..... M 0? 15.20? Los Altos. Monta Viata, Los Gatos.. . . t3.20? 15.25? Burlin^Hie, Saa Msteo. Saa J0».. . . . t3.20« 15.30? Loop — Valencia St. Ocean View. Crmeterie?, South Saa Francisco, 23d Street, 3d and Towcsead. ' 6.40? 5.40? San Bruao, San Mateo. RedTood, P»lo ' .*dto, Sanfa Clara, Saa 1nt.... 7.40» {5.40? Los Gatoa, Wright. (Boulde* CreekX Santa Cni*..jL 5.40?- 18.00? Millbrse. Fjjstoa, Ean Mateo. Fab Alto, Hayn«id. Los Altos, Los Gatos. ta.OOa 6.00? Saturdays. Wrizht Saata Crua ..... JB.ooa 16.05? 231' Street, Vui»c;cn, South- Son FzaaeMro, Vilem-ia Street..... t7.!5? 15. 25? Loop — Valencia Street. Oceut Vkw. Cemeteries^ South Sant Francisco, 23d Street 3d and Townsend. . ..... 17.40» ft^O? South San Francisco, Saa J05e. ...... 5.40? 8.00? Los Angles Passenger - San Mateo, Redwood. Palo AltOj Sm Jote. Gilroy, Salinas. Paso Robles Hot Spriog:^ San -Luis Obispo, Pizmo. Santa Barbara. Los Ange1e5.. .". .... B.3C* 11.45? South San Francisco, Pslo Alto, Ssa \ 7.2 C? J(X5e..:....'.r. ...........,( 7.30» 11.00? Saenqseato ßi»er. Steaaers, 1 11.30? a for Morning. ? for Afternoon, t Sunday ezcepted. X Sunday only. « 8 Sun. and Mon. •fr — \u25a0 — j. I— Everjrthing Comes to Him Who— {" I— USES CALL WANT ADS—I 11