Newspaper Page Text
8 Additional Sports News Howden Is First in Fast Cross Country Run Xot»«ven' the vacation months tan altoßothrr dampen athletic ardor at St. Mary's coHegrp in Oakland. Yostcrday afternoon a ssquad of younp men who attend th<* niifht classes In the alumni gymnasium onpapod in a cross coun try run ovrr the Piedmont liills in the course of which they (succeeded In cov ering six and a half miles. First honors n<*r*» secured by William liow den, a jiink and blue man who lias fipured conspicuously in several other • •ross country runs this year. The runners started from the Broad way entrance of the college, iheneo out Broadway and throujrh the Country olub prounds. skirting Mountain View cemetery and invading the staid resr •rjence. district of Piedmont. The re mrn trip was made up of a series of hill cHmbinss which tested the skill «nd endurance of the contestants. 'CliatHe Stewart, one of St. Mary's Marathon men. was a good second in the ra«'e. He was followed by Man \u25a0Jiins, who is rapidly coming to the 'front among St. Mary's athletes. Sam dearie came fourth, with Wright and .John Searle fifth and sixth, respective ly. The Noble brothers brought up the of the procession. ".'Otto Rittlor, the untiring physical di rector at St. Mary's, had the run in charge. Several of St. Mary's athletes will take part in the athletio events at the letter carriers' picnic at Shell Mound \u25a0park July A. The St. Mary's athletes have also received invitations to take f^art In several track meets to be held July 5. . . - • THp Talifornia I'oppy nine played s rrlurn camp with rh«" Arm* t^am lit IVvt-^ll and hxM str«x»rs yesterday afternoon nnd d^f^al^d itf isttT li.v thf> oaf sidf-d score of 26 to }. BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, DEATHS r.irth marriaco snd death notices sent by mall . win not b«> lnsTtod. They root-t be handed in *t I pitfir-r of the publication office* and be indorsed j wlrh the name and r^idonee of persons author- iif^J tn hure the same published. Notices re- j Mrieted flniplr to the *nnoun«-m*nt of the f-vwnt \u25a0 j>r» piiWishedonce In this column free at charge. DEATHS 4!lmi Albert J... 76 | Kelly, Arthur J — mm tiH sin mm ••uehrin?. George.. 1- I ALLEN— In tbis oitj. Jun<- 27. 1900. Albert Jn4- 'ond^rly beloved husband of Mary frf*?- lorlng father of Richard S-. Harry K-. r.thpl 1- «nd Ruth. S % Allen, Mrs. F. \\ . Wiiliams. Mr*. A. N. O.eorse and Mis. R. 1.. MiKuitht. a native of OnelUa countj. >. \., hupil 7<> years and 7 months. friend* ar.> respoctfullv Invited io attend Oie fimoral setrlces tomorrow 1 Tuesday t, at 1 o'cHnk n m.. at the funeral parlors of ISunker ie timt. 2868 Mission street between Wrnir-se^.nd Rod Twenty-third (Mission Ma- son i.- tpmr-let. Interment private. Remains' at \u25a0 his late rosldwe. 1105 Guerrero *tr«*t. until ifroorrowfi Tuesday), at 11 o dock a. m. BAOLEY— In ibi* oity. June 27. 1909. at the resi.irnr-f-. 4234 Tweoty-fotirth street. Hannah, hrlorfsl wife of «he lute Jeremiah Bajl.-v. .le^.itp'l mother of Jamw J. and John F. • IsM-lev and the Utc Jertmiah Bspley Jr., nnd lotws slgt.r of T. J. I'rowley and the late Mr«. T. B. l»raiHT and Mary Crowley. a ca- llve of Ireland. BENSON— In Mill Valle.v, Cal.. June 26 3»03. Maude Elizuherh Benson, beloved wife or \> 11- • Ham 11. IJonsou. daughter- of Mrs. Mary L.. Haiter. *n'i sister of Gertrude L-. Baxter. » | jmtlv.- of California, aged 2* years 10 months and a days. Funeral wrvii-es priTate. Interment Moun- tain View cemetery, Oskland. ; BRADY — In San Brnno. San Mateo county. C«l.. June 2tt, 19CW. Catherine Brady, beloved wile of the late John K. Brady, mother of 'ibaniti F.. Charles V. and John C. Brady, «nd sister of John H. Fltrgerald and the late Emma Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Schaffer. The funeral will tak* pUce today (Mon- day). June 28. J909. at » a. m.. trom her Uie resident*, iireea avenue, San Bruno, thence to St. Bruno's church, where a re- quiem high mass will be celebrated for the repo»e of her soul, commencing at 8:30 a. m. Interment Holy Cross cemetery, by electric car. CAKT3IDA— In Oakland. June 27, 1909, Irmecelia. dearly beloved mother of Mrs. F. J. Cunha. *nd grandmother of Gertrude and Catherine <;unba, a native of the Azores, aged 79 years and 7 months. Friends and acquaintances are r*-Fp?etfully invited to attend the funeral Wednesday, Jnne 30. 1909, «t B:4s o'clock a. m.. from the residence of her daughter. U4t> Mag- nolia street near Fourteenth, thenre to St. Jo**pb's church, where a requiem hijh mass will be celebrated for the repose of her soul, «omn>pnclng at l».3O o'clock. Interment St. Mary's cemetery. \u25a0".*\u25a0;\u25a0 COYIX— In this city. June 25. 1909. John Coyle. « native of California, aged 40 year*. A mem- ber of San Francisco Brick Layers' union No. . 7 of California. Friends, acquaintances and members of San Francisco Brick Layers' union No. 7 sre re- spectfully Invited to attend the funeral to- day 4. Monday), at S:3O a. m.. from the parlors of Mouahan & Co.. VWt Guerrero street .orner of Twenty-fifth, thence to St. James *-hurch, where- a requiem mass will be cele- brated for the repose of his soul, commencing at V o'clock a- m. Interment Holy Crosg cemetery. XTEHEB. — Entered into rest, in this city. June 27. IUO9, John Mathew Fisher, dearly beloved brother of Henry James Fisoer. brother in J«w of Mr*. Mary Fisher, and loving uncle of Henry S-. George M-, John S. and W. I. K. Fisher. Mrs. H. K. McClelland and Mrs. F.. S. Belcher. \u25a0 native of Sydney, New South Wales, aged SO years. S Funeral notice hereafter. Remains at the parlors of N. Gray &. Co.. 2398 Geary street corner of Devisadero. Please omit flowers. FITZGERALD— In this city. June 26, 1909, Catherine Marie Frances Fitzgerald, dearly be- loved daughter of John and Mary Fitzgerald, and loving sister of Mrs. \V. Berna and John, Joe and Tom Fitzgerald, a native of Cali- fornia, aged 7 years % months and 16 days. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral today (Mon- <layt, June 28. 190», at 1 o'clock p. m.. from the mortuary cnapcl of the Golden Gate -undertaking company, 2475 Mission street near Twenty-first. Interment Holy Cross cemetery. rOIXT— In this city. June 23, 1903, Jills, be- loved wife of the late Thomas Foley, and nister of Mlchst-1 and James Keating, and the late Mrs. Elisabeth Munster and Patrick and' Cornellns Keating, a native of County Cork. Ireland. Friends and acquaintances arc respectfully invited to attend the funeral today (Mon- day), at M:3U h. ra., from the parlors of the United Undertakers. 2tiO4 Howard street bear Twenty-second, thence to St. Peters church, .-where a requiem high mass will be • cele- brated for the repose of her soul, commencing . it 9 a. m. Interment Holy Cross cemetery. FBANK— In Fruitvale, Cal., June 26, 1909. Jacob Frank, dearly beloved husband of Jo- hanna Frank, beloved brother of John and l^wrenee Frank and Mrs. Anna Barbara Vet- ir.l. and son la law of the late Bernard and Anna Maria Moorbrink. - a native of Hep- vecbeim, Germany, aged <S0 years 8 months snd 2& days. A member of St. Peter's and St. Joseph's 1). R. X: Uuderetuetzungs lereln. (New York. Cincinnati, 0.. and N"«.-w Urleaofe. La., risper* please copy.) • Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral tomorrow (.Tues- day j, June 29. at 7 a. m.. from his late residence, 1701's '.Thirty-fifth avenue Uctiwood avenue), i-oruer-of East EUrbtf-cntti ureet, Fruitvale. CaL, thence to St. Boni- • face's church, Golden Gate avenue between Jones and Lcevenwortb streets. San Francisco, r. 1 r-rc a «olemn requiem bistt " mass will U> celebrated for the repose of his soul, com- mrnclujr st 8 o'clock a. m. Interment Holy Cross cemetery, by carriage. GAXICLA--Iu tbis city. June 23. 1903, Mablo C. Gaxiols. dr-arly beloved daughter, of Mrs. Cerclla Gaslola , and the late John Gaslola, tind loving ulster of Johu, Arthur and Dolores Gaxiola. a native of Ban Luis Obispo, \u25a0 Cal.. agnl 23 years 2 months and - 6 days. (San ,Luis Obispo papers please copy.) >..-/ ' Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited •to attend the funeral today (Mon- d*v). Jnne 28. at 9:15 o'clock a. m., from tha residence of her parents. 434 Clement street* thence to Star of the Sea church,' where a requiem high mas* will be said for the. repose of her soul, commencing • at 0:20 a. m. Intir- tnent- Holy Ctohs cemetery,, via. 11:30 train from Third and Townscnd streets. GODFEET— In this city. June 27, 1909. Thomas Godfrey, beloved son of Dr.. A. S. and Laura Keenan, a native of San Francisco, CaLJ^ aged ti - months and 4 - days. The funeral will take place today (Mon- day). «t 11 a. m.. from the residence of bis . parents, 2721 FoUom street. Interment private. GEIER — In Oakland. CaL, June" 2s, 1909, Wil- liam J.. ; beloved .husband of Georgia - Grier »nd father of Mrs. Mar Barber sod William M. Grier, a native of Canads.ragctl 00 vcars snd 7 days. ... GUEHKINO— In this city} June 27 1909 Grorze. dearly IfeJovr-d Ron of Jc*n"'and'Roi.l)ia Ouehrinjr. . and devndr-d ttrortu-r of John «**.», Ucrrman au«l Annie Guchrin;, a native Catholic Schools Athletic League Plans for Future* \u25a0 ~- .' \u25a0 v A meeting of the board of directors of the Catholic Schools athletic league was held last evening^at St Mary's college. Representatives ,of all the league schools were present. Brother Joseph, the newly elected president of the league, was in tno chair and took occasion to^ pay a graceful tribute to his predecessor in office. Brother Gregory. V, The governing body., Cf the league decided to postpone ' the . consideration of next term's athletic activities until the beginning of September. All the delegates were instructed to give thought to the affairs of the league during the vacation months and to pre pare plans for autumn and winter sports and submit them at the next meeting of the board of directors. MISS BREWER DEFEATS SISTER SAN MATEO. June 27. — The Penin sula hotel tennis tournament for the championship of San Mateo county in men's and women's singles was finished here this afternoon/ In the woman's section Miss Amy Brewer got a first leg on the cup by defeating her sister. Miss Nora Brewer, by a score of 6— 3, 3—6.3 — 6. 6—4.6 — 4. 6—2.6 — 2. . , In the men's sections, Thonias A. Driscoll, holder of the championship, defeated Ray Splivalo, winner' of the tournament and challenger, by a score of 6—4.6 — 4. 6 — J. 6—3.6 — 3. The interest in the. result -was- keen and a record crowd of the fashionable set from here and Burlingame was in attendance. NEARLY ASPHYXIATED-Oakland. Jnn« 27. Simon Fisher, a <Jerman, was taken to the re ceiving hospital" for treatment from his Iconic at K2O Third street this .morning after being nVarly asphyxiated accidentally. He left a gas Jet flowing. «>f San Francisco, Cal., acod 1- years and U days. Friends .and icq:;aliiUiires are respectfully invited to attend the funeral tomorrow (Tues- day), at 1 o'clock p. m.. from the residence of his parents, !>"." Slvitwell utreei, thence to ijalom Evangelical church, Twenty-s»econd and Suotwell streets, where services will -be held at 1:30 p. in. Interment Mount Olivet cemetery, by carriage. « KELLY— In this city, June 2T», IDOD, Arthur J., dearly beloved and eldest son of Mar- garet und the late James Kelly, and loving brother of Gus J. and Thomas -Kelly. Mrs. <soorge E. Miller, Mrs. T. W. Stream and Mrs. R. ,E. Borden, a native of Oakland, Alanicda county. Cal. Friends and acquaintances sre respectfully invited to attend the funeral today (Mon- day), at 8:o0 a. m.. from the residence of his mother, 559 Haijrlit street, thence to Sacred Heart church, where a requiem mass will be celebrated for the repose of his soul, commencing at 9 a. in. Interment Holy Cross -- cemetery. KELM— In Santa Clara. Cal., June 27. lfniO. Elizabeth Kelm. beloved wife of William H. Kelm. and sister of the late Hannah Oswald, a native of Ireland. j Friends end acquaintances are respectfully 1 invited to attend the fungal tomorrow (Tues- I <iay). June 29. 190!.». at 10 o'clock, from her late resilience. JOSS Santa Clara street, Santa rlara. thence to St. Clair's church, where n requiem mass will be celebrated. lutorment Santa Clara. Cal. ; LANGKUSCH— In this city, 'jurte 27. 100!t. (Jretchen. beloved daughter of Oscar C. and Mary E. Langkuscb, ai«i sister of lx)is E. Langkusch. a native of Saa Francisco. ; LOUIS— At rest, in this city, Juno "J7. 1009. Emile. beloved son of Emile and Kosie Louis, and devoted brother of Gaston and Uose Louis. a native of San \u25a0 Francisco. Cal.. aged 24 years 2 months and 12 days. A member of Washington council Xr>. 4. Y. it. 1., and Knights of Columbus, California council No. SSO. MARTIN— In Oakland. CaL. .June 26, 1909. Rosie. beloved wife of Adolplj Martin, loving mother of Rosie Elain Martin, daughter of Jo- wph and Barbara William, and sister of Mrs. M. Simas of Sausalito and Mrs. Kodgcrs of Stockton, a native of California, aged m .rears 7 months and 27 da vs. A member of Council No. 24, C. P. P. E. C. Friends and acquaintances are resi>cetfully invited to attend the funeral tomorrow (Tues- day), June 29, 1909. at 8:45 o'clock a. m.. from her late residence, 1725 Fifth street, thence to ' St. Joseph's church, wbere a re- quiem high maas will be celebrated for the re- pose of her*soul. commencing at &:ao a. m Interment St. Mary's cemo.ery. MAYHHOFEH— In this city, June 26. 1900. An- ! tonia, dearly beloved wife of Leonbard Mayr- hofer. and loving mother of Mrs. L. A. Per- rier and Rudolph. Artuur, Lwnbard. Stephanie and Walter Mayrhofer. a native oT Tyrol.' Aus- tria, aged 46 years and 6 month*. <San Diego. Ix>s Angelos and Port Townscnd papers' please tcopy.) .;} Friends and acquaintances are respectfully jnvjted to attend thfe funeral tomorrow \u2666(Tues- day), at 8:30 o'clock a. ra.. from the funeral parlors of the H. F. Maass . company, 1333 Golden Gate avenue, thence to-Sacred • Heart church, corner of Fillmore and Fell *treets, where a requiem high mass will be cele- brated for the repose of her soul, commencing at J* o'clock a. m. Interment Holy Crosß ceme- tery, by electric funeral car "from Thirteenth and West Mission streets. McCOBMICK— In this city. June 26. J909 Hn'gh McCormlck, beloved hnsband of Mary A. Mc- Cormick. a native of Belfast, County Antrim Ireland. agc,d 65 years. The funeral will taie place tomorrow (Tues- day). June 29. 1909. at 8:30 a. m., from the mortuary chapel of the Golden Gate undertak- ing company, 2475 Mission street near Twenty- first, thence to St. Peter's church, Alabama street between /Twenty-fourth and Twenty - fifth, where a requiem high mass will be cele- brated for the repose of his soul, at U o'clock Interment Holy Cross cemetery. 2£cKEWXN— In this city. Juue 28, 1909. Thomas W.. beloved hnsband of the late Marietta S McKcwen, loving father of Florence, Grace and Marietta McKewen, and beloved brother of Mrs.' A. G. Powell and Robert and Ed- ward McKcwen, a native of Ireland, aced 45 years. The funeral will take place tomorrow (Tues- day at 10:30 a. m.. from the parlors of Mc- Brearty & • AlcCormiek, 91.1 Valencia street near Twentieth, where services will be held Interment Cypress Lawn cemetery, by 11-40 h. m. train from Twenty-fifth and Valencia streets. MINK — In Ihis city. .Tune -27. 1009, Peter J. Mink, dearly beloved husband of Josephina Mink, a native of Elbenstadt. Germany, aged «9 years 8 months and 19 days. A member of Lincoln post No. 1, G. A. It. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral tomorrow (Tues- day). June 29, 1999, at 2 o'clock p. m., from the parlors of the H. F. Maass company. 1335 Golden Gate avenue near Fillmore. Incinera- tion I. O. 0. F. crematory. : PEAKCE— In this city, June 20, 1909, Etta Pearce, a native of Louisiana. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to , attend the funeral today (Mon- day), June 28, 1909, at 1:30 o'clock p. m.. from the chapel of Charles -H. J. Truman • J9ll Mission street between Fifteenth and Sir-" teenth. Interment Cypress Lawn cemetery by carriage. . . . . \ REHTISCH— At -Niagara Fall?. June 2C, IOCJ, il orris Rchfisch, aged C 2 years. KEINHAEDT— In this city, June 27, 1909 Fred Henry, dearly beloved husband \u25a0\u25a0 of Amelia Relnbardt*. devoted father, of Ralph Refu- hardt, son of Sophie and the late Henry Rein- hardt, and son in law of Mr. and Mrs. - John.. - Wehr, a native of San . Tone, Oal!. aged :;4 years 8 months nnd 8 days. A member of California camp No. 634. W. O. W. Friends and acquaintances arc respectfully invited to , attend the funeral Weduesdnr June 30. 1909, at 10:S0 o'clock ' h. m . from ' the parlors of H. F. Suhr & Co., 2919 M talon ptrwt between Twenty-ftfth and Twcntv- slxtn; Interment Woodlawn cemetery, by clnc- \u25a0trlc, fttnttal': car from Twenty-eighth and \ alencia .. streets. TA * L . OR — In . Alamort*. Cal.,; June v-'27.v -'27. 1909, ruelrna. beloved daughter of Edward and Jennie Taylor, «nd .sister of May. Catherine. Lthel. Jo*K Margaret «nd William Ta*lor. »- native of San Jose, Cal.. aged 9 years 1 month and 5 days. '...\u25a0"* WILCOX— In" Berkeley, Cal.. Juno "7 J909 . Jnmcs Havlland Wllcox. only uncle of r«nl tain Charles R. ClMttendo^ 'I native of & a 1 "Il'^P yo * r " D n">"<hs and 0 days. A member of the society, of California Pioneers or nun J-raneisco. : , th£ rt fnn"*™i re n> T effll!lj ' Incited to attend l^L 4If cr ,"iv ISPrTlc<>s1 SPrTlc<>s fmorrow (Tuesday). Junr 29 JIJO9. at 1 1 o'clock \u25a0 a. ;- m.. at Ihe n'nT 1 .S i? P^ Oaklai)(1 crematory, wrner ' of Ilowc and- Mather Btreets. ,- -V INDEPENDENT OF THE TRUST Seventy-Five Dollars I Will Furnish: HEARSE, TWO CARRIAGES, EMBALMING; SHROUD AND CLOTH COVERED CASKET; JULIUS S.QODEAU .Mala OfllecK: 212 a llimh M,, Won* 2«fH) nod 1305 Krnnklln t>t. lir. 171 h, Onklnucl Phone Onklnnrt 4043 Hnmi'li: 305 .MoiilKOtncr.v atv Temp. H-tf.S Aiiibalauec.aud Carriages' (v Hire T Hlj- S A3S*:' FRANCISCO CALL. I May DAY, JUNE 28, ; 1009. Claremont and Presidio Club Golfers Play to Draw OAKLAND, Juno ' . 27.— In' '\u25a0 a match game between the Claremont country club and the Presidio -golf- club this morning, at the Claremont club' links the" score was a draw,-6 to 5.' Follows: "Bell (Claremont) • defeated Cnmmlnß ' (Fre siillot, one point; r«gp; (Claremont) won "from Keith \ < Presidio), one " point; Sullivan \u25a0•:(Clare mont) and Eyre (Presidio) ,'draw; H.'-.W/'l'ostle thwalto (Presidio) defeated Cadman (Claremont), two points; Wilson • < Claremont) defeated R.-H. Poe-tlrthwalte (Presidio).' thre«t points: Dr., Lane (Presidio) v won -from De . Groat - (Claremont.i , three point's; Skalse (Claremont)tdefeatPdßams doll (l'rpsidio), ono point: Rhodes (Presidio) won from Shipj» (Olaromout), one point. .. - INDEX TO CLASSIFIED ADS ACCOUNTANTS. ........ .:.... Col. 3, P. 10 ACCOUNTANTS— CEKT. PUBLIC... CoI. 3. P. 10 ADOPTION. Col. 4. P.' 10 AGENTS WANTED Col. 1, P. 9 APARTMENTS.......:...'. ....Col. 3, P. 9 •/ ....:-. .coi.' 4,- p. \u25a0-\u25a0» ATTCTRNEY5 ... ............ .'. .T. . . . Col. 3. P. 10 AUT0M081LE5 .................... .C01. 7, P. 9 BAR AND STORE FIXTURES. ......CoI. 6, P. 9 BARBERS AND SUPPLIES. -.'.:. :.... C01. 7, P. 8 BERKELEY HSKPG R00M5........ Col. 3, P. 9 BILL COLLECTING....... .\....C0L 3, P. 10 BUSINESS CHANCES. Col. 7, P. » •• •• ...-.• ..Col. 1.P.-10 " ... ..;... ..Col. 2, P. 10 BUSINESS COLLEGES.:. ...... Col. 3, P. 10 BUSINESS PER50NAL5..... ........ C01. 4, P. 10 CAMPING 5UPPL1E5. .....'...-.. ...C01^ 6, P. 9 CARPET CLEAN1NG......:...; Col. 5, P. 9 CHIROPODISTS >......'........ .C01. 3, P. 10 CLAIRVOYANTS. . .. ..:.... Col. 4. P. 10 CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. ...CoI. 7, P. » COTTAGES TO LET. ......... .......C 01. 4, P. 9 COTTAGES TO LET— Fruitvale. . Col. 4, P. 9 DENT15T5........... CoL 3, P. 10 DETECTIVES...... ."..Col. 3. P. 10 DIVIDEND N0T1CE5. .... .......... Col. 4, P. 8 DRESS MAKING :.. ...Col. 6, P. 9 EDUCATIONAL. .' .CoL 2, P. 10 ....: cot. 3, p. 10 EMPLOYMENT 0FF1CE5 ........... Col. 1, P. 9 EMPLOYMENT WANTED— MALE. : .Col. 4, P. 8 EMPLOYMENT WANTED— FemaIe. .Col. 5, P. 8 FEMALE HELP WANTED. Col. 5, P. 8 FINANCIAL. Col. *, P. 10 FLATS TO LET ........Col. 4, P. 9 FLATS TO LET— FURNISHED Col. 4, P. 9 FLATS TO LET— OAKLAND.... Col. 4, P. 9 FLATS TO LET— ALAMEDA. Col, 4, P. 9 FLATS FOR SALE— FURNISHED. .. .CoI. 4, P. 9 FOH SALE— MISCELLANEOUS. . . . . -Col. 6, P. 9 " •- •• Col. 6, P. 9 KEEIGHT FORWAEDING ...... ...Col. 5. P. 9 FURS ...„ ....Col. 6, P. 9 FURNITURE FOR SALE, Col. 5, P. 9 FUENITUHE WANTED .....Col. 5, P. 9 GLASSWORKS..... ...Col. 7. P. 9 HOESES, WAGONS AND HARNESS . Col. 7, P. 9 HOTELS ....'. Col. 4, P. 9 HOUSES TO LET— FURNISHED..... CoI. 5, P. 9 HOUSES TO LET— UNFURNISHED. .Col. 5, P. 9 INVESTMENTS Col. 4, P. 10 LEGAL NOTICES ..Col. 5, P. 10 LODGING HOUSES FOR 5ALE. ..... CoL 2, P. 10 LOST AND FOUND Col. 3, P. 8 MALE HELP WANTED Col. 6, P. 8 •S ' ". " Col. 6, P. 8 " " " .............Col. 7, P. 8 MATRIMONIAL ........Col. 4, P. 10 MED1CAL.......:.... Col. 3,P. 10 MEETINGS— LODGES .Col. 3, P.- 8 MINES AND MINING Col. 6, P. 10 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS Col. 6, P. 9 MONEY TO LOAN...* Col. 5, P. 10 MONEY WANTED.'... .Col. S, P. 10 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS .... 1 Col. 6, P. 9 " " : .Col. 7, P. 9 NOTARY PUBLIC Col. 3. P. 10 OAKLAND HOUSEKPG ROOMS Col. 3, P. , 9 OFFICES AND STORES TO LET Col. 5, P. 9 OUT OF TOWN HOUSES TO LET. . . .Col. 5, P. 9 PALMISTEY Col. 4, P. 10 PATENT ATTORNEYS Col. 3, P. 10 PAINT AND PAPER HANGING. .... Col. 7. P. 9 PENSIONS Col. 3, P. 10 PHYSICIANS.. '. Col. 3, P. 10 POPULAR REMEDIES I Col. 3, P. 10 REAL ESTATE— CITY Col. 5, P. 10 REAL ESTATE— COUNTRY.. Col. 6, P. 10 " "• " Col. 6. P. 10 REAL ESTATE— OAKLAND Col. 7, P. 10 REAL ESTATE— BERKELEY. ...... Col. 7. P. 10 REAL ESTATE— ALAMEDA Col. 7, P. 10 REAL ESTATE— FEUITV ALE Col. 7. P. 3 0 REAL ESTATE— TO EXCHANGE... .Col. 7, P. 10 ROOMS AND BOARD OFFERED..... CoI. 3, P. 9 EOOMS AND BOARD WANTED..... Col. 3, P. 9 ROOMS AND BOARD— Oakland Col. 3, P. 9 BOOMS AND BOARD — Berkeley Col. 3, P. 9 ROOMS TO LET— FUH.-UNFUR Col. 1, P. 9 B.OOMS TO LET— HOUSE KEEP'G. . .Col. 2. P. 9 ' *' " " • ...Col. 3, P. 9 EOOMS TO LET— Oakland Col. 1, P. 9 " " " Col. 2, P. 9 ROOMS TO LET— Berkeley .. ...:.... Col: 2, P. 9 SALESMEN & SOLICITOH3 WTTTD.CoI. 7, P. 8 " " " ..Col. 1, P. 9 EANITAHIUMS Col. 3, P. 10 SEWING MACHINES Col. 6. P. 9 SPIRITUALISM T. .... Col. 4, P. 10 STOEAGE AND MOVTNO VANS Col. 5, P. 9 TITLES EESTOEED. Col. 3, P. 10 TEUSSES....... Col. 8, P. 10 TYPEWRITEES AND SUPPLIES Col. 7, P. 9 UNPAID WAGES COLLECTED. Col. 1, P. 9 CALIFORNIA lodge No. 1, Knights of «r Pythias, meets THIS (MONDAY) tß*B| EVENING at 266S Mission M. la!? Brethren cordially mvii.-d. CHAS. A. WILSON, C. C. LOUIS -C. AUSTIN , V K. of R. & S. KING SOLOMON'S lodge No. • 260. V. » & A. XL. 1739 Fillmore st. — Third de- '^*_ *!\u25a0<\u25a0,. THIS (MONDAY) EVENING at EJ? •7:30 o'clock. HARRY. BAEHR., Secy. >^* , OCCIDENTAL lodge No. 22. F. & A. : m M.— THIS (MONDAY) 'EVE-KING at mjffL. 7:30 o'clock. »ond degree. By or- >«L2i der of the mastTr. .. .. WALTER (i. ANDERSON, Secretary.- RICHMOND lodge No. 375, F. &A. M.. j| First ay. and Clement st. — THIS ' *&& (MONDAY) EVENING nt 7:30 o'clock. JZjE Third degree. H. FOURXESS, Secy. , CALIFORNIA lodge No. 1, I. p. O. F.. 1251 MnrkPt Bt.— lnitiation *^9^«iSfc . MONDAY EVENING, Judo 28. "^d*? 3^^ Visitors welcome. • '-limn**^ R. L.-HUSTED, N. O. 11. A. LUKE. Sec. ' IOST AXD FOUND J- j . IF YOU LOSE ANYTHING— AdvertUe I - it here. It will bo returned to you if an honest person finds it. Remarkable > recov- eries ' are brought - about every /day through this column. IF YOU FIND ANYTHING bring it to th© • \u25a0 \u25a0 ' \u25a0. - ' '\u25a0 . ' ,Suu FraneUco Calf \u25a0 <\ ' \u25a0]\u25a0 I, out and Found Bureau, S \u25a0 y\ Third nnd Market Streets ' , ' Get a claim check. Have it -advertised. Beclaim it if the owner does not. THE LAW — People who find lost arti- cles aro interested in knowing that the ttZte law is strict in \u25a0 requiring them to ' iteek the owners through advertisements and otherwise, and that * failure to do so, -if proof can be shown, involves * se- vere penalty. ! ; \u0084 - FOUND— (JoId watch: owner 'tnust positively ideuti/y; mall description to Call, box SO2C. FOUND— < JoId watch, Waltham moyeuient, on 2d ; '.St.. Saturday. Jnne 19. Box 3025 Cull office. GOLD fob and diamond locket. Initials J. C.;B. Reward -if returned to . 204 C Hownrd St., \or \u25a0. 975 Cleary*, Bt. f . v, '.>;\u25a0•; ' : ~ : : , ::-'::\u25a0 \u25a0 .'\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0;; LOST — A thin gold chain with South African ?5 ' * gold' piece . : attached." near Arcade building.' on Fillmore st.-' be^.'.Eddy :nnd Turk.- ' Return to 1334 Stockton st.; ; reward. - : LOST— Probably on Hutter . Bt.. oar, lady's watch, 1 gun luetaL -closed face.. Waltham movement; > valued ns gift; attached to tab. ileward, 1820 : -Devisadero- Bt.^ ; J .l '. < -\u25a0\u25a0'. \u0084- \u25a0 .' \u25a0 -. ' ,--, ::^-.-.- IX)ST— In vicinity of the Hotel JilTeroon ' a roll of; bills,' 1 50, 1 20 and 0 \u25a0 Jps. Finder nlnnup -7 return/to CAPT. THQMAS BREWER, U. S. A., Hotel Jefferson., , . . LOST — Badge, of Olympic club, made of gold ; name ' of Joseph ; . Gasgner.-' Reward " If returned to. Winchester, hotel, 8d belcw.Market st." ! , ,*r v LOST— Brown water = spaniel doc, clipped: re- :\u25a0 word. , DR. CHAS. RANDALL, rooms 014-515 \u0084;523 <Jeary st. •<--.-"- -.-.. -• -: .-,- \u25a0 \u25a0.-.--\u25a0. \u25a0 •/\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0', LOST— On ' June \ 23, string . of ' gold bends with gold . cross. ; Return 4HS l'ledmont a re. Re; - -ward.; , -.'.- v :•\u25a0-'. .- ':' -:\u25a0: \u0084..- . \u25a0 LOST— <Jold nei.-klftce.' Return secretary bullderV .; asKOclatlon," 4o2 Kenrny. »t, ;; reward", t . •; \u25a0.-- ; - LOST-TGold Swatch,' .Waltham works; reward . . 2212 ?. Webster -at. 'near. CUy. ..r-.' :' ; . LOST— trnamols nag: with) money, |; keys, liet 3d rrand 9th:»ts.: $20 reward.' ."J-SOS I^ il7ih st. ; - ", J^ST—nuncbiof J>ey». y iti'tiifn^iwVii'nik 'at.-; ..'•\u25a0'. WILL thnjce.ntleman wbo;foun(i;lhp fcmlicr Una ' <m V»n N>s« \u25a0 ;it, ycslerrtny ' Hf lerimr.ii-ipu.aijc lihyuc MUhJ.-U, 11VJN(J1ON, 1112;l'ost>i, -> DIVIDEXD AOTICES OFI THE ; ASSOCIATED^S^VIN^^aTjKsT^ v ,t '.-SAN FRANCISCO.;^: ;'V; ': .' . M E T eS& Ij "i. SAVINGS i^BANK ; - : 'OF-f SANf FRAN-; \u25a0 ufP°' ' 70 ° Mar tet It. opposite 3d-For \u25a0\u25a0 the hi* if ear^ en(tln X Jone 30. - 1909, a \u25a0 dlridend has : been : declared at^ the rate -of four , (4) per • cent per annum on all deposits,' free of > i ax ?SooP a J; ab i« on > after Thursday. ; July 1. 1009. Dividends not called for • are > added ' I", 4 ?H r the same rate of Interest as the 'P/ujcipal from r July - 1 1909. Money vdepos- [\4Si < jß^i^sgs /uly - 10 wi " drBW iDterest rp-nu'ni JAMES' D.PHELAN, President."-; GEORGE A: STORY. Cashier, vr- 13*a*SS$!&£& SAy I*GS AND LOAN SOCIETY. " «r«J f * nla st - = ; Mission Branch, 2<><2 Mls- ™ n '**- "ear 22d ; Richmond District Brnnch, 432 Clement- st. bet.. sth and 6th" ays.— For the \ half year ending June 30 1909/ a dividend has declared at the rate of four' (4). per cent pet- annum on all deposits, free of taxes, 1 pay- \u25a0We. °n and , after Thursday. July 1, 1909. Dlndends ' not called : for are i added to the deposit account and earn dlviiiends from July- 1. 11)09. GEORGE TOURNY. Secretary. TUE SAVINGS AND ' LOAN SOCIETY. 101 Montgomery st. ; corner Sutter at.— For the half year ending i J an e 30, 1909, a .dlrldend has been declared at the rate of four (4) per cent L per \u25a0 annum on all deposits/ free 01 taxes, ; payable : on. and after Thursday, July.l, 1909. Dividends not drawn become part of deposit accounts and earn dividends -at the same ; rate. Urom July 1 Money deposited- on * or before July 10 will earn Interest from July^l. WM.A. BOSTON. Cashier. ,>:' • VTHE. MISSION SAVINGS BANK. - " 2631 Mission st. between i^d and 23d. For the half year ending June SO. 1909, Inter- est on all deposits, free of taxes.'at the rate of four (4-) f per j cent per annum, will be payable on and after July i, , 3909. interest not "drawn will be added to the principal. ' " . . - \u25a0'- " DE WITT O. TREAT. Caahler. MECHANICS' SAVINGS BANK, corner Market and Mason sts. — Kor the half year ending June 30, 1909, a dividend has been declared on all' savings deposits, free of taxes, at the rate of I four (4) per cent per annum, payable on and after July . I,' 1909. Dividends not drawn earn Interests from July 1. Deposits made on or before July 10 earn Interest from July.'l. \u25a0---: JNO. U. CALKINS, Cashier. HUMBOLDT SAVINGS-BANK. ,783 Market at. near 4th—For the half year ending June 30, 1909, a dividend at the * rate of four (4) per cent per annum on all savings deposits, . free of. taxes, payable on and after Thursday, July 1, 1909. Dividends not called for are added to "and -bear the same rate' of Interest as the principal from July 1. 1909. * -\u25a0\u25a0-'•".-\u25a0 H.-C- KLEVESAHL. Cashier. SAN FRANCISCO SAVINGS UNION. NW. cor- Callf ornia and Montgomery »ts. — For the half year ending June 30, 1909, dividends have been declared at the rates per annum of four and one-elghtb- (4 > A ) per cent on term deposits and four (4). per. cent on ordinary deposits, free of taxes, payable on and after Thursday, July 1, 1909. A dividend not drawn will be added to the deposit account, . becomes a part thereof and earns dividend \ from July 1. Money deposited on or \u25a0 before the 10th day . of July will ; receive dividend from July 1. R. M. WELCH, Cashier. FRENCH SAVINGS BANK, 108 Sutter St.— For the half year ending June 30, 1909, a divi- dend has been declared at the rate of four (4) per cent: per annum on all deposits, - free .of taxes, payable on . and after . Thursday, . July 1, 1909. Dividends not called for are added to and bear the same rate of Interest as the principal from July 1, 1909. » CHAS. CARPY, President. SECURITY SAVINGS BANK. 316 Montgomery at?— For the half year ending June 30, 1909, dividends upon, all deposits at the rate , of four (4) per cent per annum, free of taxes, will J>e payable on and after July 1, 1909. FRED W. RAY. Secretary. DIVIDEXU NOTICES. BANK OF ITALY. SE. corner Montgomery arid Clay sts. — For the half year endings June 30, 1909, a dividend has been declared at the rate of four (4) per cent per annum on all savings deposits, free of taxes, payable on and Hfter' Thursday, July 1, . I$K)9. Dividends not called for are added to and p«ar the --same rate of interest as the principal from July 1, 1909. U SCATENA, President. A. PEDRINI, Cashier, • SWISS-ASIERICAN BANK, San Francisco— For the half year ending June • 30, 1909, a divi- dend has been declared ' at the rate of four (4) per cent \u25a0 per annum on all savings deposits, freo of taxes, payable on and after Thursday, July 1, 1909. Dividends not called for are added to and bear the same, rate of interest as the principal ' from 'July 1, 1909. BRUNNER. MARTIN & TOGNAZZINI. Agents. -\ •\u25a0*;'-.; . . ' '*. ITALIAN-AMERICAN BANK, 4GO Montgomery st. corner of Sacramento. For the half year ending June 30, 1909. a divi- dend has been declared by this bank at the rate of 4 per cent per annum on all savings deposits, free ot taxes, payable on and after Thursday, July 1. 1909. Dividends not drawn become ' part of deposit account, and^earn Interest' at 'the name ratae from July 1 1st. Money deposited '• before July 15th will earn Interest from July Ist. : ANDREA SBARBORO, President. A. E. SBARP.ORO.: Cashier. DIVIDEND NOTICE. > The Bank of San Francisco, Market and Sev- enth streets, west branch. Polk and Butter streets — For the half year ending June 30, 1909, a divl-. dend at the rate of four (4) per cent per'nnnum has been declared on all savings deposits, free of taxes, \u25a0 payable on and after Thursday, July 1, 1909. Dividends not called for are added to and bear, the same rate of Interest as j the principal from July 1. 1909. W..W. DOUGLAS. Cashier. CENTRAL Trust Company of California, Market ' and Sansome sts.; branches, 624 Van Ness ay. snd 3039 lttth st. — For the half year ending June 30, 1909, a dividend has been declared on deposits In the savings department of this bank at the rate of four (4) per cent per annum, free of all taxes, payable on and after Thursday, July 1, 1909. Dividends not called for are added to and bear the same rate of interest an the principal from July 1, 1909. B. G. TOGNAZZt. Manager. DIVIDEND NOTICE. The CONTINENTAL BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. Junction H.f Golden Gate ay.. Taylor and Market fits.. San Francisco, Cal.. has declared for the six month* ending June , 30. ' 1909, a dividend of four per cent per - an- - num on ordinary deposits and six per cent on term depoßiU*. payable on and after July 1. WASHINGTON DODGE, President. WM. CORBIN. Secretary. EMPLOYMENT WANTED— MaIe ACCOUNTANT open for additional' work; sys- tems installed; auditing; special investiga- tions; Al. local references; reasonable rates; ; city or country. 80x '2907. Call offlce. CARPENTER, good mechanic, wishes situation or work; -city or country; reasonable.' Address b0x, 3040. Call offlce. , .'.'.,'.- FIRST-CLASS all-around ' mechanic desires po- . Kltlon with responsible . firm : large • experience In . building/, railroading and 'mining; . willing .- to go anywhere; best of references. Address THOMAS C. HEIDB, 1511 Russell St., South Berkeley. \u25a0.\u25a0.....,.,..-.•\u25a0 - FRENCH couple want a place; woman as cham- ber maid or light housework,' man for outside work ; have good references. .Apply MISS PLUXKETT. 1800 Sutter at. cor. Webatcr. GARDENER, experienced at general work around . private places, desires situation; local refer- ences. 18. F. Lynch, Castro St., Oakland. GOOD Japanese boy wants a position as porter in city. Addresg K. X., 17O8'/£ Post st. ,-> GOOD ranch cook desires situation; distance no 'object; $30. MISS DILLON, 1138 Turk at. GOOD hotel cook desires situation; city or couu- , try; $40., MISS DILLON. 1138 Turk st. HIGH grade expert salesmnn, ; promoter, wants strong, spociulty. or promoting patented inven> tlon; gilt edge stock considered;, experience varied and successful. Box 3000. Call offlce. JAPANESE r boy with best references wishes po- sition as V schoolboy ;.--. gpraks English i good. .FRANK, 2140 Fillmore. St.; phono; West, 309. JAPANESE.' schoolboy (wishes position la Berke- ley or Oakland; good cook. Plione Berkeley 603. MAN wJtli boy able to VassUt, him desires po«|. \u25a0 tlon on ranch or cook and hwsotkoeWFtlS'iAd* ;, dress MR. C. IL L. * M. , • box 3070.' Cm II office. MOVlNOrpicturo operator wishes -situation; city ;\u25a0> or : country; cxrifJluwd, reJUbJo and sober. \u25a0 Hox 30M. Cull o(H IP , - -,-.-- ; ' .-. : -> .. :*'.; MOVING picture -operator \u25a0 wiKhrs position, city or country; references. Address box 30T;t, Calf,' NURSl>— (Jraf|uatp. lyslo, -open f"C engagement: experienced, relfable," 1 - sober ; .-' rnfcrenceit; v care? .of, Invalid; traveling.- or. innntal- case*:, wages reaMonaMe.^ Aildresw box 3U3l>, Call offlce. PAINTER ami decorator;- first flaw mechanic. will take, charges of work (^reasonable. C Box .3071, Cair oftlce. ; , \u25a0 '\u25a0! .y.s .. ' SALESMAN, 9 years', experlenco on coast, now .; on the road,. desires good lino; to, stationery or i™g -trade; . high references. Address- box -<3U32 Call, '.-.;•;\u25a0--.; -.\: \u25a0-,;.'\u25a0 ' ' ' ".- - , \u25a0 •' SIIKKT, motal worker niiprvntluo wishes iKwltlon; »r at any kind of work. ; »or 3077. Call orttoc. VO VM a man will; work for -board rand room .while atu-nillng Mchont. \u25a0; Phon» Market 07iltl. ' YoUNU man •£! want* „ to' leurn ; the preMlng ..,' trudo, li. WILLIAMS, 102S> Vermont St. YOIINU- man of^xpcutlvoliiinlncss ahlllty nnd .\u25a0•of-Booa exiierlenci) in vonnactlon with ;\u25a0;; \u25a0 ; t ratio , wishes , to ; rto . book \u25a0 kwplng;v attoml to nO77'*?Ml *' t ' iv " '" irl "X u v. (> n'nitH. ;\u25a0• "<>* YOUNO; Japanese; wnnu 'position .to 'do; cooking i r- fsi a ,!° ll f eworlt ' cl «r -w- country. / U UHA. 1510, Buchanan at.',; tel. '• West -1 101. : V( i,V?"i. m ? n want »: few houra'- work -; tnornlnns wHnd;e»e.nln g a. vnox,29S3, Cull office. ~: < -;\*.-i "2, l i?<^«?"' I ti'""'> «nd ! '(.'allUvaritTAd» helb-to r i L nA " 1 ? I ;V^. A<lf " H » l >i»our- i Wßnl»:'- : rafl.k«--'.theni' a?. Vn.. l 0. <the P»ul'« .tlirwif ltia Call \V>nt : Ad. '\u25a0'> iin.UM-". snti5 nt i . not «n?ex|ien«a.-»i, for. full par- . tlcuJar* read. Call Want Ads dally. ).: • \u25a0 'EJIPLOYMENT .WANTED— .Females- A, WOMAN has 3^ more'days'. to' give for .washing - . ; or cleaning,? Monday,';' Friday,- Saturday. Box ""\u25a0 2928.. Call offlce. ->;\u25a0": \u25a0'..-' *.t ' -'\u25a0j---;.-.'-^ -:\u25a0'.- --j •';'. *";\u25a0•-. COMPETENT/ rnlddlera^ed', wom»n fwlshes posi- V tlon"- in American, or j German .private family; ' r city ;* experienced -. and : . economical •In cooking ; 'first class bread maker; also assist with house- work: $'J0 to |25; Address 824S Army st." near ;-'- r Folsora.'> \u25a0. ': ; : " -\' \u0084'\u25a0'->': •f\t'r.'S'--!:-, * ' : ..-. DRESS > MAKER, strictly; first class, 'will take -;.'a"few more customers by the day. Phone 4129 Franklin/.',.: ' • \u25a0\u25a0-': \u25a0\u25a0 : '".'---" '\u25a0' - ." ;'-\u25a0'.'\u25a0--'\u25a0 ,'.-\u25a0.\u25a0' DRESS MAKER," formerly of Boston," would 'go ,r by. day; perfect Bi;?2. 10 per; day. < 1083 Clay ; St.- ; Oakland -6750., ,; C: .: ;.;..:- EXPERIENCKD yoimg woman typist and offlce ; assistant: desires temporary, or permanent em- '\u25a0 ployment: dictation; direct; to machine. Bos ," 3069, -;Call offlce. , '-- -.\u25a0'.'-'\u25a0. ' EXPERIENCED' stenographer desires position with ' moderate' salary; ' on furnish good refer- \u25a0 ences." Phone Mission - 5200. «. : v . : FIUPT. CLAS.S womai(: wants work by the day. \u25a0> Address ' MRS. ROLAND,- 1210 .Golden * Gate ay.; phone »West 5453. \u25a0-. :\u25a0\u25a0'-' FRENCH girr wants a position in private family as maid or 'seamstress; have good references. Address MISS MARGARET DABONS, 2108 , -Broadway, .city, y • ' " . : GOOD I ranch . cook ' desires situation; $35; : fare \u25a0 here. \u25a0 MISS DILLON. 1 13$ Turk < st. MIDDLE age 'lady wants a situation In a good • family as companion or nurse, to one or two children. ,Bo;t 3046, Call offlce. NEAT young woman, desires: situation; care •of children or second work; refs. MISS DILLON. 1133 Turk J St.- ' _ ' -:.. '-•. POSITION* as . companion or chaperon to young firl. by well educated . young ; woman. ! Box \ 0-54, CaU offlce. / . REFINED young \u25a0 widow : wishes position as house keeper ti) 1 or 2 gentlemen. Address MRS. B... The Blenheim, 1504 Franklin St.. REFINED lady wants position as bouse keeper or companion; is a dermatologist; will give treat- ' ments in exchange for a good home. Box 3029. Call offlce. RELIABLE woman, excellent : references as ipriest's keeper; distance immaterial; very. moderate wages. Box 720, Call, Oakland. RELIABLE girl wants position at housework or cooking In city; ca11 ..-Monday. J4OB McAllister. STRONG, German/glrl wants a place In private family as. general housework girl, city; Ts3o. Call ! at MISS PLUNKETT'S, ISO 6 Sutter st. corner ; Webster. TRIMMER for- out •of - town- position. .Apply MULLER.&.RAAS C 0,.. ,833 Market st/ — Position, to do. cooking - and general housework or. second work in email family. San Francisco or vicinity preferred. -Address MISS E. RAWSON, Sequel, Cal. WANTED — Position j as \u25a0'\u25a0 go-vern**s ; competent young, woman, very successful la care and education- of children; references exchanged. Box 3056. Call office. WANTED — By a German lady, washing and Ironing, by .the day. Address b0x . 4576, 3011 16th st. WOMAN with excellent references seeks position in smalf private adult family for comfortable home; low • wages; preferably Oakland. Box 727, Call offlce, Oakland. YOUNG Japanese girl, light work In small fam- ily. HASEGA, 1434 Post at. \u25a0 2 YOUNG,~strong French girls want places as nurses: city or country: have references. Call at MISS PLUNKETT'S, 1896 Sutter st. cor. Webster. - CALL BRANCH OFFICE, 1651 Fillmore st. near Post. - \u25a0 .-\u25a0 - KEM.\ JUS HRLP WANTED AIV MRS. ANDRE'S, " 1044 Lariin St.— German. Amerleun and • Swedish cooks, $35 and $40;, young French or German maid and seamstress, $35; K/ench' woman, country, no objection to 1 ; child. $30; 2 waitresses, city. $30; 2 walt- | resse*. country hotel. $30; 2 French girls for housework, $25, $30; second girl, $30; young girls for housework, $25 and $30. v CLASS, in hair dressing, manicuring, etc., now • forming; complete course, $20; reliable, up to date parlors. 1750 Fillmore st: DEUSTER'S SCHOOL OF HAIRDRESSING AND BEAUTY CULTURR.' 47 KEARNY ST.. S. F. COMPETENT young lady who understands the notion department tn act as assistant to head; state experience and salary. Box 723, Cail office, Oakland. ' { FIRST CLASS 'lady solicitors can find steady employment by applying city circulation de- partment San Francisco Call.,- 3d and Market streets. ' . LADIES wanted -to take home work; part or full time: 1 experience - unnecessary. . TRIEBERS, rmg. 213-215 Paetflc bldg.. 4th and Market sts. LADIES. to buy our own made neckwear at half of store prices: Jabots. "Dutch collars, | stock collars to match, made of finest materials. Brussels -Lace Store, . 1254 Sutter St., below . Van Ness ay. LADIES — Reliable employment at home; steady or part time: stamping transfers; $1.50 dozen up. Room 316 Westbankbldg^, 830 Market at. NURSE wanted, experienced; 2 children, ages 6 months and 6 years. Apply: Monday 108 Wal- nut st.. between 10 and 12. ' ' OAKLAND. GIRLS TO MAKE OVERALL?.- PAID SALARY WHILE LEARNING. LEVI STRAUSS ,&: CO.; . 3D AND CLAY STS.; OAKLAND. • : APPLY TO MR. DAVIS. READ our important hop picking ad under male help wanted. E. CLEMENS HORST CO., 215- 217 Pine st. , • SALESMEN or salesladies; salary or commis- sion. Inquire 330 Pacific bldg. ,' . SECOND girl for across the bay. $30; a cham- bermaid that will assist waiting, private board- ing bouse out of town, $30; a cook for small family in the mountains. $40; a second girl. .2 In family. . city. Swedish or Knallsh pre- ferred, $30; a French . imrse . for 2 children . across th« bay. $30, references necessary; a waitress for plain hotel, city. $8 per week; a chamber maid for plain hotel, city, $25; a woman to keep house for 2 men and attend bakery, $30. Calf at MISS PLUNKETT'S, 1596 Sutter st. \u25a0 cor. Webster. WANTED— Experienced corsetlere;, must under- stand selling, fitting, altering; state experl- ; truce ana ' salary expected. Box 722, Call Oi- flee, Oakland. WANTED — An experienced dining room glrl.- notel Arlington. 474 9th St., Oakland. \u25a0/,- WANTED— A woman who is -capable of acting as assistant to department manager in a large department store, • who thoroughly understands v .ladies' muslin uhdenvear.'. lnfants' wear and \u25a0 corsets. Address,'. stating, age. .references and salary expected, box 3075. CaU offlce. WANTED — First * class "milliner trimmers and designers. ; Address PHILLIT : ZEMANSKY. care Holm 1 & Nathan, Stf 3d St., San Fran- . Cisco, Ca1..".. WANTED-^-Experlenced : Baleswomen for our It- \u25a0 dies'.- knit underwear I department." Apply su- perintendent's office, the Emporium. WANTED— GirI to address envelopes. Apply WM. M. WEIL. 27 Stevenson st. WANTED — A house . keeper; who understands \u25a0 cooking, for the country; . first class position. Addresa box 2518. Call office.' MALE HELP WANTED > AT our ranches, at I'erklns, WUoatland, Tchama j and CoHumues I during, hap. harvest In August and September ' we want, about 150- men as working {oreinnn and 500 men to work on ma- •l chines; men with families and- those used to working In country . preferred; men paid iby the day at $2.25, t0- $3; women and children paid, by. quantity.of hops /picked; good camps , «nd tents, with spring - bods \u25a0 free; . those ap- :* plying earliest.' stating -present occupation and references/given preference. Address all com- munications to -E. CLEMENS . HORST CO Perkins. Cal. , 1 • ANDRR'S.IMVUrkInj si— Cook, country. $30; 75 1 fßrmers, . steady work," $.10; ; vegetable m*n $30." $35; buslw>y, $:i5; cooks, waiters, porters! ( .bed nmkors, kitchen hand*, etc.; Sunfleth, th» ,i pantrvtnan. pli-aso report. - Oakland office 957 • Franklin -St.- ; ' . . AN experienced salesman' for our picture and frame department. .Apply superintendent's ot- , flee, the Emporium. .\u25a0 -.;-. . : s CITY saie«men;wantrd4r> sell staple- articles to \u25a0saltioiig; c-Hn iviuko. good' money .< 11 Beldeman. DISH WASUKR wanted.' Apply «5s Market St., Sunday morning 7:30." , x ; KVANS 'A HODGES. , *;;:, Proprietors of- ,' , . Snn»et . Kmployment Agency, > ; •' ;, 420 ! Ctli st., ". Oakland— Phone Oakland. AMI. I 3 ranchmen, found...'.., ...\u25a0...\u25a0......523 to $33 :\tt gradlug foremen,* steady J0b. ...-..53.50 to $4 2 lalxirtTM . .7, . ......... \u0084,.\ ..,....';.\u25a0.-. $2 50 g <t- rough . carpenters . .'. .*......%.!; [ '""$% 00 I ... 5 semper tenruMters ;....;. ,-.,',.,^. ..."!!! $2 2.* '\u25a0 •'-. 2 ' plow ; Him Uitm < . ; . V. . ".', ......... . , . * ; '. *$« Hi) ' v 2OilalK>ror«t i;,;.".'.*;:,-;. .-,•.,-,\u25a0,.-• - - "«*'i)o MO liana OrillorH ;' '-, 2 Ilurlelgli J iiuit-h I iii-iiieu . . ».% .. . ,; . •* | ';';[ *$.T<io ;,'2 enrajj bl«ek»uiltli»... -....'..,•..•...-. \u25a0 "sa'no \u25a0; Jl carpenters... ..',. \u25a0.*;•.".-..'. ,;... ...'..-. ."'.iiliso nXPHRIIJNCKD fo«j»mnn to take charge of work - K. rwrni ladlj* 1 •; oloak and .suit dopt. ; ? stafp i uge, <: lftiit.pimUlun.wiilwry. Hn\ r.(M4, . : UtU * office*! VI HHT'UI to \SS butler,. also' n-wooiul inHti.. $50 •:\u25a0? nnd $«3.^Call. ntiMIHS PLUNKKTT'.S, lsOtf Mutler St. cor. yWeh»Ur. , , \u0084, .< . . \u25a0 , IIAVIJ^a rlno: opening -for .vmittg.imin -'\»|io in de- . r Vi n " >" . , iulv *"" >< ' m '' nt : amount: required, $100.' >.a iillrOakluiHl.: ofll.t>;iCJobe Reittty Co., s .sj« , > itrmiilwn.v.-OsVlnnil.v : \u25a0 , \u25a0 - l.,\lli»mjl|H Hit.l ninlmnlci | ( 7 -know that iK.inard .' llolKtn IDiH 1 roilitroil t ihn , roontii . at the penter :,llmi*i\ im.l'Mi.wiml »t*.vrn J».Vt»er"ifny,**2 vnrkj lioi Bini c-"ld nnlcr lv c-tery room. \u25a0 * ' - - \u25a0 \u25a0 ' f HEMP _ W-A^TEP-fC^qottnoed^ • ' V MDRRAY- A READY. • »* * Leading Employment and Labor Agents. ::'-' 11th -and; Market' sts.. San Francisco. v . - -; Phones 656 and 637. ; BRANCHES:. • v OUK'XBW. ' . ' . ' IA >CATION > IN . O AKLAN D .-' • Is '7th and " Broadway, right opposit» ( i 1 S^S Same Phone. Oakland 7361. . 2nd and Main' sts. and 121 Marchesault St.,' ; - Los Anseles,' CaL " . 2d and H sts.. Sacramento. 1 5.942 men for all classes of work In Calif or- , nla, ; Oregon, Nevada, ; Arizona. Wash inrton. New' Mexico: wages ranging from $80 to JI3O. • IF YOU WANT WORK, SEE US. \u25a0\ \u25a0 ' ' ' " \u25a0 T TODAY— TODA-t j SPECIAL— SPECIAL i . IT COSTS YOU" XOTHIXO TO* SHIP NO OFFICE PEE— FREE FARE " • WE SHIP TODAY FREE* \u25a0 KLAMATH FAtLS. DORRI3, » MIDLAND, .-^ WEED 1,000 men for railroad construction, tunnel j. steam shovel work, etc. ; teamsters, laborers, tunnelmen, miners, rockmen, neadermen. pow- dermen, muckers, etc. ; wages *6O to $150 — ALL FREE FARE— NO OFFICE FEE — SHIP r TODAY. r; * - . . KLAMATH FALLS— S. P. R. R. , 150 laborers, trackmen, splkers, strappers, 1 steel and ballast gangs. FREE FARE— SHIP TODAY ; FREE FACE— NO OFFICE FEE r . SACRAMENTO. 5<J laborers, railroad work— ship today. : WHITE PALACE HOTEL SPECIAL NOTICE . 15S NEW SINGLE ROOMS. INCLUDING BATHS; SL'N AND, ELECTRIC LIGHT IN : EVERY ROOM. % • $2.50 PER WEEK." CALL AND SEE THEM. 60 SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES 60 SAFE DEPOSIT \u25a0 BOXES ' .FREE OF CHARGE TO GUESTS - 500 splendidly furnished rooms. 23c, S3c« and ' 50e per day; free bath with every room; larg- est hotel offlce and clubroom on Pacific coast: j facing Van Ne«s ay. ; baggage checked and «tored free of charge; highest grade of white s help employed^ WHITE PALACE HOTEL— NEVER CLOSED 11th and Market sti.. San Francisco, t FREE FARE— FREE FARE 1 _ NEVADA— LINE AND— COLFAX— CLIPPER GAP APPLEGATE — BOWMAN - Reconstruction C. P. R. R. » 'TO— THE— GREAT— TUNNELS 1 STEAM— SHOVELS— ETC. 1,000 laborers and teamsters for R. B. work. - 500 tunnelmen. muckers, miners, drillers, cor- ner and header men, rockmen, etc 8 250 2 horse teamsters, $30 fd. t 250 4 horse teamsters, $33 fd. • * 1\ r* fc*"" "b AKt~*FRLii \u25a0 \u25a0*• TUNNEL— TIMBER MEN. - 10 tlmbermen for the bla tunnel*: s NEVADA LINE— S9O. I FREE FARE— SHIP TODAY. , - IF YOU WANT 810 WAGES r $82.50 FOR LABORERS 110— EXPERIENCE REQUIRED ! SOUTHERN DISTRICTS GREAT ELECTRIC POWER CO. Only 20 more laborers wanted for a good lons ' Job. $52.50 DON'T YOU WANT TO GO? : • SEE ABOUT IT TODAY • i OUR OAKLAND OFFICE ' From 6th and Franklin to SAME PHONE. OAKLAND 7351. J BRIDGE CARPENTER FOREMEN 2 foremen carpenters, bridge work, railroad ! construction. $120 FREE FARE 10 timbermen. tunnel. NEVADA DISTRICTS. r *90. FREE FARE. .SHIP TODAY £ SPECIAL SHIPMENT S THIS MORNING. YOUR FARE FREE. 1 NEVADA DISTRICTS. ' SO laborers for concrete work, $67.50; FREE FARE, i SHIP THIS MORNING. STEADY INSIDE WORK. ! 10 laborers,- no experience required, factory and warehouse near city, $2 day. MECHANICAL "> carpenters, city work, $3.50 day. t 3 machinists, country. $3 to $3.50 day. 2 cement finisher?, $3.00 to $4 day. Well driller, $5 day. > 2 levermen, dredger, boss here. $73 and found. ' 5 rough carpenters, lumber company. $15. 3 ranch blacksmiths. -$50 and $60 and found. 7 blacksmiths, country shop*. $3 to $4 day. Machine blacksmith, $3.50 day. 4 blacksmith helpers, country shops and ranches. $2.50 and $3 day. $40 and found. Carriage setter, southern California. $90. YOUR FARE PAID. TUOLUMNE TUOLUMNE. 10 sawyer?, big company. $75; fare paid. 5 wood choppers, $2.50 cord; fare paid. AGAIN YOUR FARE PAID. GREAT POWER COMPANY'S WORK.:;..' " \u25a0 GREAT ELECTRIC COMPANY. WILL PAY YOUR FARE. - 50 laborers, no experience; you will-, suit on this Job; $86; YOUR FARE PAID. MARIN— SONOMA FARE PAID * 20 laborers, SCO. fare- paid. LABORERS— TEAMSTERS ; DOO laborers, quarries, pips line, factories, i warehouses, construction and: all classes work. $2 to $2.75 day. 50 teamsters, city and country, $2 to $2.50 day. • PART FARE- PAID • 5 car repairers, part fare paid, company work. $82.50. FARE PAID FARMERS, MILKERS. - CHOREMEN AND BOY 3. - . HAY AND HARVEST HANDS. 1 35 haying bands, run rates, mowers, etc., I ] $1.50 to $2 day and fd. I -27 harvest hands, sack sewers, $1.75 to $2.50 and found. - - 6 teamsters, haul hay. $45 and f d. 6 teamsters, Imiil grain, $60 and fd. 56 . plow teamsters and men to cultivate $1.50 to $2 day. ' . 6 men to cultivate beana. fare $1. $40 and fd. 62 farmers, steady places, aJI counties, fruit farms, vineyards, etc., $25, $30. $40 to $43 fd-. 41 chorcmen and choreboys, private places ranches, good steady places, $20. $23, $20 to ' $40 and : f d. 4 milkers, same place. 1 $45 and fd. 16 milkers, other Jobs, different counties . $35 to $15 and fd. DO ' YOU WANT TO WORK IN THE MILLS— YARDS WOODS OP SHASTA YOUR FARE PAID Bull wheel man. $60; log way man. $63- 2 carriagvman, $W>; gang trlmmerman. $70 ' • ALL FARE PAID ,SHIP TODAY TO THB. GOLD AND SILVER j \u25a0 • MINES, i ' "> TUNNELS AND QUARRIES. 5 tunnel . miners, $90. free fare. 4 machine miners,' good mine. $97.50. 10 miners, - hand ' work, gold mine. $30. 16 muckers, gold mine, $ hours, $90. 8 tlmberraen. free fare-. $90. 57 tunnelmen. cornermen, headiDgmea, all free fare. $73 to $97.50. : 13 ' drillers .'quarry, free fare. $67.30. 100 drillers, railroad work, free fare, $67.50 to $75. ; 270 laborers for different quarries, $60 to $73; some free fare. : Cornermen, muckers, powdermen. »'.-.\u25a0 :.---.\u25a0; MARRtF-b HRLP Choreraau and wife,, email mining camp. $10 to $50 and "found. -• . . \u25a0 \u0084< \ ft farmers and wives. ; different, places, $40- to $50 " and ' found. >*VOWiriiiiaß&Bßflg| special : \u25a0 . . 'NOTE OUR / NEW ADDRESS Or. Oakland ofrtre, 7th and Broadway, /\u25a0 Opposite S. V. R.R. Depot. late; ones • \u0084 Ranch. cook.-., fan? $1,540, fd. :Canip,eoofc.-14:mcn, free fare." $<3 and fd. Cook, Institution, 4 fare .91.23'. $50 and fj. Restaurant coot, country. $73. BRICKLAYERS 4 . brick layers, close? by. $5 day. BrldSß carpenter foreman, free fare. $4 day. SPECIAL . COMMISSARY' MAN Party to take and run commissary", store of boarding \u25a0, house. . for " a • bljt. construction com- imny. Agooil chance for the rljtht party. COOKS— WAITERS . Chof cook, .eoun try -restaurant. -$70 fd. Walter, i country.' restaurant." $-13 \u25a0 fd. •' ' ; ! Ji \u25a0 cook's helper*/, camp. $40 fd. Baker," country shop.-- $5O fd. \u25a0 . * OTHER HELP . : ; FREE. FARE— ARIZONA . 2 wMshorn. laundry; Arizona, $50 fd.. free fare. COLORED HKLP.; : . :.t colored' dish' washers,-* dialog <^ar service ..',w« ft! - ..-' '\u25a0;\u25a0\u25a0 : , . .- ;\u25a0• \u25a0 Cook. 1° irirn. '*«intp.-940 r#| ' ->_ \u25a0 HOTKL}? — BUTt'HERS.^ETC. o ciK.'ks, cily and country' hotels, Jso andl- 3 \u25a0 short order cooks, $35 and $40 fd v . Butcher. - country shoo. $4O fd. ;. 7- cooks.^ other places,. hotels and restaurant*, $4.0 to $1 5 f d \u25a0 3 laundrymen, ; country. $3> and $14 wk 5 waiters, country hotels. $30 aad $03 fd. Slaughter butcher, south. $SO. " 2 hotel porters, $30. Kitchen hands, disU washers, etc.. |25 and COME HOME TO SLF.EP SLF.EP AT OCEAN SHORE LODGING HOUSE. NEXT DOOR Tf » uul * >v MCTRRAY.* READY'S GREAT LABOR OFFICE. 11TH AND MARKET STS \u25a0 600 SINGLE ' ROOMS. SUN ANI> ELECTRIC LIGHTS IN EVERY ROOM. 25 ' CENTS PER NIGHT, $1.2.'. PER WEEK. INCLUDING BATH TOFFEK SERVF.O FREE DAILY FROM 3 TO SA. M. FREE BARBER SHOP. BOOT- BLACK STAND. SHOWER AND FOOT BATHS. TAILOR AND PATCHING ROOM BAGGAGE CHECKED FREE. ALL PAPERS AND MAGAZINES AND BKLI.MAN TO C\LL YOU. WHITE HELP ONLY EMPLOY!": OCEAN SHORE LODGING HOUSE-. FAC- ING AND ADJOINING OCEAN SHORE TF.K- MINAL RAILROAD DEPOT. 11TH A\L> , MARKET STS.. SAN FRANCISCO. NEVER CLOSED Call and read our bulletin boards: work com- ing by plnne. telegram and mall all day lonj. MURRAY * READY, llth and Market sts. 6th and Franklin sts.. Oakland, j 2d and H sts.. Sacramento. MAN and wife to car<» for plae« ia family's ab- ; sence; man must be a gardener and under- stand gasoline engine: woman as caretaker- g&s' KJ^^STOTgSSrTr?- CaU " MAN wanted for light outside work and do col- lecting; pays good wages; small Investment. See manager. 507 14th st.. room 9. Oakland. MEN and women to leara barber trade: * weeks- earn $5 to $10 per we«fc while learning; par- tlcnlars tree. MOLER COLLEGE. 6 Uta sr. MEN with small feet to buy high grade seenni hand shoes cheap. 103 3d st. ~T "- : MEN to learn barber trade In S weeks; frws spe- cial Inducements to nett 10; rail eartr- eet ; particulars. 8. F. Barber College. 8 Fell *it? 3 N^S WES?^. "2* Howard-Single rooms* 15c and 20c per night: hot and cold water. X I A I. * rP^Ti niS bOT - abo " t 15 ye«« »»d. Apply S. N. WOOD * CO.. Fillmore and EUIs sts 1 SALESMEN— LOCAL AND TRAVELING ix THE WEST AND MIDDLE WESTERN ; STATE.S BY A "MODERN. FAST GROWING 1 MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S CLOAK HOCTE- ! M ,V^T-, c nAVE ESTABLISHED TRADE ANt> FLBNISH THE BEST OF REFERENLTS ' ) ADDRESS R. 8., 625 BROADWAY * \FW YORK CITY. . - , _. TWO men to chop stove wood by the cord. • 40S Hoflfmaa ay. corner 25tb st. WANTED— Roomers; 23c to $1 per night. S"H Laguna st. eomfr McAllister. WANTED— Man to drive laundry wagon: $150 r«- quired. 3372 Mission St. WANTED — 800 men tn occupy rooms. 20c to .Wr per nighty (free bafftt. at the NEW YORK. <53 Howard st. between 3d and 4th. —WANTED— 100 LABORING MEN To iwciipy clean single rooms at th» ORIGIN *T* MECIL\NICS' HOTEL. 919 Howard st. bet' Stb and Bth; 15c, 20c. 25c day: $1. $1.25 per w— k. WANTED — A reliable partner, not afraid to work, to teTest $200 In manufacturing busi- ness, paying 20l> per cent profit ; do not over- look this opportunity. Call 309 12th st. WANTED — First class drug sundries salesman ; and buyer; one qualified to take charge of a ) growing department in a wholesale drug busi- ness. Box 30* a. Call offlce. WANTED^ — Men to learn to operate moving i>:.-- ture machines; salary $35 per w<*?k. xil lo- enst ay. og Van Ness near McAllister. YOUNG man with some experience In dry good* store: state age. experience aad salary re- ceived. Box 3034. Call office. YOUNG man with some office experience: snu* age. places A;ployed and salary received. B<>* 3035. Call^Tje. . YOUNG men wanted to learn telegraphy: wire- less telegraphy, railroad and station service; day and night sessions. 204 Uiberaia bulld- l ing. San Francisco. > 1 AP^PWGNTICES^\VA XTED EXPERIENCED watch maker is willing to tak« an apprentice under contract; position guaraa. t»»d after serving fnll tim«». \u25a0 Box 2T)li>. Van. BARBERS AXD |l'PPl.res . WHY pay FANCY PRICES tn RETAILERS tor chairs and fixtures when you can buy direct from the manufacturer? THE BARKER HYDRAULIC MODEL H CHAIR. THE BEST SELLING CHAIR ON THB MARKET TODAY, sells for $7S. on easy pay- ments of $15 down and $5 a month or $^S cash In 120 days. Bargains in second hand chairs, and we »»lt NEW mirrors, poles or workstaad* far below the retailers' prices. SEE US TO GET YOUR MONJSY'S WORTH, HAIR DRYERS and VIBBATOR3 sold at $i per month. JAMES BARKER, INC. Phone Franklin 3539. 94 Turk st. 1 Eugene F. Panario, Manager. BARBERS — Now is your chance to secure Al sec- ond hand CHAIRS. MIRRORS. POLES and other barber shop fixtures at very reasonable prices. We have 20 BARBER CHAIRS (dif- ferent brands*, upholstered ft» LEATTIEr:- SEVERAL MIRRORS {French or Ccrmin plates), different sixes, and also some well painted POLES. ••>.... SEE these goods before coin? elsewhere. They can be bought CHEAP (on - easy pay- ments If desired), or CHEAPER FOB 'CASH. All fixtures GUARANTEED to be EXACTLY ; as represented. CALL EARLY and makw year choice. W» will RESERVE goods fur a small deposit. , DECKELMAN BROS., Inc.. Ifl2-I<>4 Turk St. BARBER SUPPLIES. BARBER of long experience wants steady coun- try Job. Box 693. Call office. Oakland. BARBERS' furniture bought and sold or store. 1 1 at 74S Fulton st. near Webster. BARBER wanted at Peterson's barber shop, 11 Howard st. rear East. BARBER wanted for Saturday; 60 per cent; 10<j shop. 610 ii Clay st. BARBER wanted. LUDWIG & GATES, Kft Market at. BARBER wanted, steady; $IS. Apply at :»» Castro st. ; * : BARBERS* UNION 14S. offlce 343 Van Ness a-r.; free employment; tel. Market BS9. ,", .-..-'\u25a0-•\u25a0 CASH paid for barber chairs: all kinds of snp- • plies on time. BSS Grove st.. near Fillmore. FOR SALE — Best located Z chair shop In Mis- sion; $150. Call 23d and Mission. FURNISHED barber shop for rent complete. 1817 Market, st. GtK)D barber wanted steady. lts34 7th st.. Oai- land. JUST received, a fine lot of clue steel raairo. at BAUER'S. 1.T54 ElUs »t. P. F. THAL. barbers' employment agency, 2931 Washington St.; tel. West 0246. SPECIAL NOTICE TO BARBERS. * Owing to the scattered condition of our city, which make.-* it Inconvenient for barber* to <i» shopping during the day, we decided to kf» open evenings until 9:.T0. We extend a cordial^ • Invitation to all to visit our .*tore snd see our- I complete line of barber supplies and furniture. We received another shipment of the celebrsterl Jupiter razor*: every one guaranteed. PACIFIC BARBER SUPPLY CO.. 9«2 Market st. SNAP — $250: 2 chair shop In m tolas; town: Call at &4 Turk st. ' TWO hydraulic chair abop: handsomely fitted up:' Mission dNtrlet: rent $10; good business. , $225. CILVS. COLEMAX & CO.. S3O Market sr. TWO chair barber shop, at 109 Perkins sr.. Uklah. CaL: cheap rent. Call or address R. F. D. 1. box g5. WANTED— To buy a 1 chair shop In small country town; must be only shop in town am! stand Investigation; state fnll particulars sjet» lowest cash : prlets Box SOl4. Call offlc*. WANTEI> — First class barber; $13 per week. Address 505 Market St.. Redwood City. Cal. WANTED — Live barher: $13 guaranteed. 1406 Turk »t. corner Fillmore. .-". WANTED-^Good barber steady: sober man. C2OC 21st st. • -\u25a0- " $450 — Two cbair shop: country; owner has other - business. COLE.MAN & CO.. S3t> Market st. $400 — Four chair shop; centrally located. MtssMn district; rent $15: established good trade; - transfer corner. COLEMAN. 830 Market st. $3ia>— Three chair shop: 3 'year lease; close to Kearny st.; running 3 men steadily: fine fur- nltnre. ''fOLEMAN** CO.. KU> Market st. SALESMEN' and SOLICITORS AVAXTKO ADVERTISING . solicitor, transcript of records; salary and «ommiiidluD. : SrtXi Bdway. Oaklaml. SOLICITORS wanted ra «rery locality U> soM.-it toilet artii-W: good opportunity -for responslbts , parties. Address bos :iotil. Call offlce. ' > WANTED— Experienced solicitor with rig to c«»l on grocery trade: already established- cbi o for right D»n.- T GERVAI3 A. GERVAIS i3JC ofacturers. 826 Webster st. Oakland. WANTEI^— Local and district deputies for l<vt~« work: ladle* or Sentlemen;' splendid «pn«.rt?i- nltyfor tenchers; we. win assht vnu | n s t»rr- ins: sulary »»<» o munis* ton. Box \u25a0' »1« Call office. Oakland. ' •--.--fV • Continued to Aext Paso