Newspaper Page Text
INDEX TO CLASSIFIED ADS ACCCTYT— _~ S .. Co' 5 ? 12 iccarafT-srs-cs-T. reitDcirial «. p! a ____nsar ._ _ c_,tp ia -fS^^ 723 ..."----Cc-Lf.yiu CoLa."- 1 . 13 1 _r£JS2 src2^ FT-rrazs cd. _, ?. v.'u .' B__a__i _s- szzsuss c«_3;p.u; s^^te- c_i_rc_s.";;;;;;;;;;;;;.-S: 1:1; S • S-S-CpS CCl__G-5...... Ccl. 5, P. 12 ?7SEtP ?~2SC_r-_i COL*.*. 12 cl^S s^ 7113 CoL_.P._ CJL2J2: c___~_"G &L.M3 »I_-.2.cpc_:_-s» 1 _-.2.cpc_:_-s c_s, P. v* 75^ 5~3. . . ; j.. . . CaL €, P. U 2 - 4 -^ 2*2 * *~3 BC____i....C«i. a. ?. IS i CCTTACES ro r_~. CtL X. IMS _S__S T0 LET ~ r^=«" c_u._ rtT^**™-'!— :....:.. ..caL a,. 1 . 13 S___fS^S E=S C-L2.P.U - f ''J^ a a_ ___ ra c«L 2. ?. 13 ~ " ' CA I^J'^ L - - \u25a0 - • : CoL 5. ?. 12 " ** •• ...CaL 2. r. 11 ~Kr_Cja— 3T -'__T__— Fs_a-.*.^«L 2. P. 11 ) _—\u0084,, " ...C«LI,?. U SSSi??.™? 1 ' •---CoL«,P.U f_S » _g^ FF _ a __ Ii; ------St 55- S t£_~ X 0 . .".".'.'.'.\u25a0 OaL 7, p. __ ' *jj~*~*rat ____ F^_s__i_j.'.".';c«L I' ?1 12 I -C_.S____2__Sc____XoTr3 Cd. I.P. 13 ! ___\u0084 __ " C— . 2, P. 13 Fcsw___:_arG ceur.n ll^ 5 CoL 2, ?. IS * -\u25a0^--I~.S PCS s«ttt -^ 1. 1». 13 1 i-_sv___f A3rrE:! StJ'Si ax 3 ___i__ss."c«i. a, p.* v ! -_-___^rTrfVr"rf~:i : .c_,7, ?.u[ ±^XT_^ -Xr___C_____3. XaL L P. 12 — *^ a — ° -— BaV'M G fl j_ I. Pl 2 I *_ CoL 7, ?. 13 IXC— _ STOTIC—S Celt, P. X 2 r& Eors_s fc_ s___e o_ *, j-. v j c_ .», y. 13' LCST — 3TD FCr_T3 C— . L. P. U' ______ e__? ~-__f_x_> c_.a,p. 11 j sf_T3__CX_A_. C«L«,P._i »K___lC_ _ CaL «, P. 13 1 .—__\u25a0__! 3-i— LC3C—S C-. L,P. U _—s_3 _ _ m __ f_ ?g c_ .7, p. a t Z— CTT, T. A-TXC^S WA-tTS CoL 2, P. 13 I Mcarrrro z.c__s- cci .7. p. ia I SCCSXT •— __T__ CoL 7, P. 13 ! 3TCT-3 .Y PtTEIZc". "!"*.*." CoL 5, p". 13 | C___LS_ E_sT£_— ?<>2X!C— 3 CoL C, P. II ; CmC— S A_T_) STC3L_i TO LET Cai .X,P. 12 i PA-IC-T-Y '. CdL «. P. 13 I ?Ar__rr Arrc___:_s col 5. p. is i TA_rr _s_> p__?__i HA_rG_re c«_ a, p. la rears-cxs CoLs,p. _ ?_T__C_ _ 3 _,?._! PC?r_t_ BT~'=r:f CcL 5, P. 12 ' E___ ZST-IX— CTTT CoL 7> P. 13 I ' •-- • ** - C— ,X»P. 13 I i-ii _-T_— -_-- CC Z S X-T CpL 1, P. 13 i **-•-. - CaL 2. P- 13! 7.7AZ ESTA-X— CA_T.__O CaL 3, P. 13 I S— _ _ _ STATS — 2_____—Y CaL 'S, P. IS 1 '______»____ — jit ji v— >^ ...CaL Z»P^l3 t a_ — _ jst— T_ — to E___ __\u25a0<;_;. !. xoL s, p. ia 2.OCXS _3TS Eo___ C-TiTn__> Cci. «. P. 11 ! -.OCX S __T_> 80-__> W__S~ _ 3 CoL S, P U ! _aca_s __s_j EC—an — n,v.^ . o_ 7 p v ! 2CC__ A_f_> Bo___— Berkeley CoL ?I P U '< _3C_ S TC — -T-^-~3. -g_i S U a CoL 5, P. 11 i _CC_5 TO — ET— Eor_2 ____ ?'G. . .CaL «. P. 11 f . fi.CC— S TO I—T — Ca_— _ CoL 5. P. U -CC-3 TO i_ET— Berkeley. .V.'.'.'.V.'.CoL 6.' P.* 11 j ?A— _ _C_3 ft SCUCITC—S \u25a0«— 3T— 3.CoL i? ill ;-STT-_7--S Coli.?,Ui ..!T~_l rS3__C__rE S C_ , 1. P 13 •3XTT--1..... *."."C-L«.P.'_l \u25a0iTCa—GE — ~3 _ .— _ TG T_jrS. . CaL I, Pl 3 rrrzzs z__rc__D C sl 5.?. 13 '•^•^S^S .\u25a0 CSLS.P. 13 S . "~r?_~rsrT_— s a_t_! !»l »vr — — c«l 2. p 13 i /; rs?__> -"i-I- CC__ XTEJ CcL 4, P. 11 j ~— ————— ——»——— ————— ————— ————._____._____. i STARE KINO lsdffT.X«. 344. F.'fc A. M^ jT" f 1733; FL— t wre j*t Tatrd ii«trv^» THIS __f* f -. • «"STE_>SE fXXXTf ETEXIX»> -at 7^3t> S_2? ! \u25a0• -»'«*ir_ w_ be rtmf-m>«J by the or_r-rs I «f FuieliT-iarice. AiJ Masb— Mjwo rort— !:y j - .STit*<t. _. f. WBI'iHT. S^. } AMITY I«i^r-- X«. —7». F. * A. M.— <}f3- _~ ! ten -anti Dctnbm are aott2<»d to- «tt»nj| «f\ 1 Hs«« faneral «f «scr late brotapr, JT>HX » — ' T. <KZPHE— O. a mesibT «f ST. J»ihn V :. .-_:(• x.j. 3«. BaUsrat. A.i~traaa. at ac !«><ise : ; L=a. W_ CKDE— >_C J— e .^>. at I:3n p. m. l. b. alb_sti. r_ii iiirij :>;:>»'.' >s k^«—^ >». ir»; f. 1 *. a. m. • JjHal. _ ertias THIS iI"—DNE^DAVti 1 "— DNE^DAVt t^4_ ETE-VIXU a* 7:.:" ff'rtcKa. T^::-! de- *%S2 j~*. FEJX— \u25a0WT-SXIITH^ ."*" IsrEJLIN^AiiE: >»iye Xo. tt^»r'F. *• A. _\u25a0 • It.— TSlnl d-a— « THIS .TXTESDATi «^_ ] -n-fixG. ;« a, .a». if «o X* '| o <:_(-_. siary. • . - .• ; . • — : C. E. .EOCEn .Spc— tafrv. \u25a0 ,| IVAS—OE Jc4sf .So. 5. S-'«f .rv.'isrCl ! , <-*}"t tSi» Ksi?-t r«_i* HcnSt fcra > • -*yx/_f I WEDVE_«>AV. j!iae' 31*. — C»..- at .SBfC •;-•,* ::«*» >. ' m.*. *t 2_rc ifcra st. Vejn- j^-g i?X^ '. ;js*S-:'#if '«;;•":.-•\u25a0: dyes =a re 'card— ll7. 1 isrf~iri^d. •'•• .* ".* * * .. ' "" '•--.•. \u25a0• '*jTSi. C" __——_.-' C-- C. .-'.'..: .NOSrRO:-^. K. of -g. and S. AtJ^TKli.%"- "ililTtarT aad fi«jevol<»nft i~S.'_ *«-*-— ?*•*• wilt <sr_3 THIS tWEDXES- a^^_f oiTi.. KtTn>"l>»;. Jt_a*> 30. -1909. at'^2_K, < j't-iafi, 1 'MS F^iiaa 'st • . "Ts3f* ••«.• • ' ' "• 5. R.IK7ETICH. Caa'— ia .' <.;-;;TTA>S3TTCH. FSrs-r ttrgtma^ E>HrKii^v' " an<l Nteve_-tr»»' usioq ;. i^'f I \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0"TH--VT,; -far • -ta>»"' eiifsiaa' " term, ' '; i - -:r --. =':-.; v.. .-; ;-.; tJ.._*M •• >*-^ j " .' Kf-iliiTaLrf <^«'. ;-\u25a0 'F«i»on} : .aa<i !*ti?iwrt .^ftmf\ \ \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'. -ifts. •' -Pnlis'.-iTJeS- C~ nt *" ai" m.- «w \ jt-^J j \u25a0:'-. Ss'.'s'..- jj.' "'ksc MPtnr *»f •: • '.. _gf- • \u25a0 T'- *\u25a0;\u25a0 BJt.TAVT. Pt-!>idcnt 1 \u25a0; fyjMC.X^Ai. "paS- '•«* .-wper— firi, ' O— a-r can" ta,ve \u25a0 '\u25a0 -famif.^t: idf^>ixfjlaig anti \u25a0;p«yisS. T>:r this *»!.\u25a0 : i;:^"A_pp<y_vt"— psfiSre^ ; / ' .-' ->.'. •; \u25a0 ; '•-• \u25a0.::': '!• •' : \u25a0\u25a0"• . •:.-••\u25a0'.-'.-\u25a0 •;\u25a0 .• • - : .. .\u25a0 • \u25a0. t -\u25a0\u25a0-* ~.- .. . •feOCXDwi buin-n of "key*, —front of Empo-' \u25a0' riani:'.-©— aer eaa' tave,saa_e 5y r»'.Hng at lout - -•\u25a0 4—l .fof— d bsfeao. Ca_ «C3r*, Sil aa>i Market ;""•* ;; \u25a0; ; zz : ' • \u25a0 Li-^T— A pas*h»«k wita tae Eiberaia Ijavlasa • aad Loan sorter- «tf S«n Fraaci*-o, in tne \u25a0 na— e-.'of James 'Joneph S-ertty. X». 314-87^ T— e i=:l-r wQ p__M . retsra to baa— Cniens ran e.b retor-ed witnin *ye days a new bo<jk wia lx> i-»a»-r ta appOea at . " WILL ta e per so a wfco ffsrad tae.&aVs s~art «»a tie hill s&«*v* Cortert ro_! Saaday after- a-«n plea^» notify tLKB.&T ELAC-MAX. 1-9 H^'gtiT «t Par- S2B. __^ » * LO?T — Heart *aapt^l &>r*et. wita ciia in. at-> rac_ed. also r_x. ta victeiry of 5(1 and Bryan; .'\u25a0ts. E--»«r_ t» 34S CSestawt «t. : re— ard. - . Li' ST--On V«T!<4ar. ladx-'s gold woten. ma rfeeil U U 8_ pi-aed — ( feel. R«f3! -a t» roum 70— Batar baattog, 135 atackr— . st; re-rar— . LOST— On J3_* 22; str— s of kaUi Bea_i wi_ . S-i.i cr>»«. Beta— t..«*s Pied— ont av^ Oak- iaad; rewtnL _J ' L' -T-Jsa- d». j'waz Wai-t «-o«-fci»r spaaier; JlO — — trrL _f-ra t» ÜB3 Caion »t 1 i WTLL t!w» jrentl«— ia wijo found package on tae I «i!»-_ Par- ear Sand ay aww— ax her— *eii I r > f ami II o"cior_ kiadJy re— ts t to —T Palni^r st ! | _>wsrt. - '• f n» reward t — r»ram «C U «iy'» *>*i watc* and 1 wta . d.aoi<*ui »n_ i!»^J <~ Sf «~« eaa— el: kwt | j-^e- 2S "at «. P- *<-!»^ or «m 5 p. n_. train to j _>dwaod CUy. Ota— * to 42S iCerc— — ts' Ex- rjumsf -nri r<»iryi-»» — -r»ni- • \u25a0 EMP_QT3CE>T WA.YTE P— H— tg. A<'COC3rTAVT «pett fiir additiocal work; *~- tems in-tan^T; anttit— ar; spec— l in vesti«_- " tioos- „AI fcw-tC r«^-— o— s; reasonable rates; rity er eacatry. Boi 2907. CaO ef3— . jj^-^TTOtrS yocast man. 22. - desires clerical po-ition: K«m~ pe— aan; wiSins w— _er: 5 ye—**, experfen— ' as sowik bo«k keeper. Box 3215. (M oQce. ' \u25a0 . . iH^EH), first c— s» enok ia faasily or bocet or " b<w-d— x b<>«™» , 4e*_~« a . stentiy pfwliitw. Addre*» LEXG. l'iO* Dcpont «- I"RE^S('H caople. middle ared. re— —ly ' arrived ftxia Paria, w_> very — >»i cook, man general - k- \u25a0 "wx-.rk «>r oo_ — c w&rk. waat sitnatio-a. eitier _ «tty «r caw— try. _U;x 3CM. CaO. «;aI_ >EXE2. _«*»t eo— patent tn ail brwekres; r.~rA<*b«-*. p— ats. la adsicas— *. s_rubberl*w, Cruirs, prapVrtew. reg^jiljles. (rood mas&rojtn j' : -«-<.'r; can tn™?- i»_r>_ aa.'» piar»: f — tKth; 4H ss«d »*;i!*-_—«. Gardener, SOO , r»;na— m.— y - • •— . - - : ' • •i vEPEXER. #-;^««Ti«»nf*d at pi _»ral work araatut private p_*ee». dewfa** -ttnation; local reter- f>oces. E. T. Lyuen. I«3 t."a«i-> «t. Ock— sd. '6800 —:i t conk dmlres «tn_ tion; dfc— s«e bo afejert; «H. KKS DrLLOX. U_? Tcrt st GO'JD betel ««x-k de* I.—s1 .— s «_ _ tiott; dty <sr conn- try; »ta. Mg» ZHLLOX. lia» T— * st CBanCESV riert, w_ _ ctty experience aad e_ er- csee— «_t— 30— — — . 1031 Ft— U— — st. » JA**AXESE — «m s boy wishes position ss waiter at tafrle; win do Ujat _uuseTV<w_T moch ex- perience in private fa— —*s: cizr or emnitry; speaks Ensrilsh weU. FEAXK *L WASA— I^ 1*43 F— — «— > at. tet. West 3832. MARRIED farmer wants situation on ranch; wita B<w*e to live ia. _ ldre«a L. — . EOSS,.- box 340. Aatloch. PAISTER aad dectsratcr. _x«t class mechanic, wm _ _c cJ_t rp» cf work; ceasuo-sX— Bos 307 L C— l <_cc. PAIXTE2. >ir«T b«as«r aaii- tinier, want* wnrit f— m — raers: f*»l work: low prices: all toois. 2771 Fa^wwn st. pbone Mission 3.* IS. WANTED— Steady Jo& ta a first class shop 6y » — — ; (flB-ts aU armiad wiiriaian. norta af llaxk't: $1!*. b« less; married ; atwoisirety *t»s«!y aaii »>b*?r: n<» others need apply. B<j_ 3Tj.g«. Can ofg<*«». YOCXG man win work for board and room. wai> attend— g school. Pnoae Harket €745. I'OCXG _aa wants f«— hoors' wort met— a z* _ and e— fcinyi. Bar 2353. Call ofgge. . PIVIDEXP^ XOTTCE.* OF THE ASSOCU.TED SAVIXGS BAXKS OV SAX FRA XCISCO_ • JfTTTAL SAVIXGS BAXK OF SAX FRAX- Ct?CO, 706 Market st. opposite 3d— For the half year end— * J— te- 30. 1309. a dividend his been d<*c_ r»«i at the rate of tatsr (-U per c;s; per aanani on aE depowits. free of taxe». payable on and after Thursday. Jaiy I. WH»- Dlvideads net called for are added to aaii b«»ar rh* «aaw rate of late— si as ta» principal from -ily I. I**. M-;n<— <lepn«!ti»d on cr before J2ly 19 will draw _ ie«_t from Jaiy 1. 003. JAJC— * D. PHELAX. President • GEORGE A. gTORY. Caahier. THE HIBE— XIA SATIX'iS AXD LOAX - SO- CIETY. . Cora»r Slarket, HiAlHatiT aad Xwjes »rs. <— e_b— <sf Asiwriated Savir^s B«ak* of San E"ra_« > i 8< > o. > Saa Fra=ct*-o. June 2?. 1909. At a ateerta? of tie bcani of vllrectors of —is society, oeJd this day. -a dividend haa be»«n <>- c?ared at the rate of three and eisat-tentas (3 8-10> per cent per anna— oa all depoalu finr the ail aton— s ending 1 June -TO. O0». free from aU taxes, aad parable on and after July I. 1909- Dtvideads st^t drawn will be added to depositors' accounts sad bemnse a part tie— of. »ad will eara divt<Jear! from July 1. 130. Deposits made oa or N-fore 7aly 10. IDC3. will draw Interest fc~a Jsiy 1. 13«i9. R. \L TOBI3T. !«*<rretary. TEE GER3IAX SAVIXG3 AXD LOAX SOCIETY, 528 Cailfuraia st; Mission Branch. 2372 Ml*- •**» »t near 224; Ric—nond District Eraaca. 422 Clement «t tet 3— aad eta ays. — For the -alf year ead— g Jane 30, — O». a div— end has 6eea dec— red at the rate ef four (4) per eeat per aaas— oa til deposits, free of taxes, pay- able en aad after Thursday, July I. 13C3. Dividends aot cai led fcr are added to tae deposit a=caaa t aad earn dividends from Jaly U 1309. GEORGE TOCRXY. Soc— t— y. TEE SA— CXGS AXD LOAX SOCIETY, Ml Sl asty— lery -tt. eoraer Sn_ er st — Tor th* half year ending June 30, 13C9. a — vid end ha« 6eea declared at the rate of four <4> per cent per »__;_ l en aU cepoai— . free at taxes, payaSle ca aad after Taarsiiay. July I. :\u25a0>>:s. Dividends not drawn become part ef deposit accouats aad earn dividends at the «a_ e race, from July 1. Money deposited oa •r before July ia will earn la terest _ am. Jaly L WM. A. BOSTOX, Ca-h i«T. METROPOLIS TRCST AXD SAVIXGS BAXK. Saa FraacisCT — Fur the- ha'f rear endias June i>. 130». ia :er-sr on savings <i*;p«7slt at ftmr (4t per ceat per aai—u fret* of tasps, win be paya&«» on aaii after Taarsi— y. July 1. 1300. laterest not draira win b» a<i4ed to principal. h\ R. COOS. Cashier. THE MtSSIOX 3AVIXG3 BAXK. 2631 _ Isaion «t tetween 22d aad 23»L For th - half year end— s Jar » 30. 13UJ. Inter- est oa aU dirposi— . free of taxes, a; the rate of focr (t) per eeat per a_ — m. will be payable- on aad after Jaly 1. 1309. —terest not drawn w_ l b* at— ed to the principal. r-E WITT C. TREAT. C**hier. — ECHAXICS' SATIXGa BAXK. coraer — ari^t aad Mason sts. — For the half year ending June »». I3<». a dividend has been declared en ail savings deposit?, free of taxes, at tie rate of four *4» per <wrc per _aau_. payable en mud. after July I. I3*_h Dividends not drawn eara —wrests from. J_y _ Deposits irj-!e -tq er before Jaly 19 earn in terest from July I. JXO. C. CALKIX3. Cassler. EUMBOLDT SATIXGS BAXK. 753 — arket «t cetr 4th— For tie h__ rear end_s Jane 30. 13«», a Civ— end at tie rate of foar M> per cect per aa— l a> on aU savings deposits. free of taxes, payiaie on aad after Thursday. July I. 1909. Dividends not called fcr are added to aad bear t_e same rate of interest as th e-pr_ cipal from Jui y 1. 1903- H. C. X— -VESA— L. Cashier. SAX FRANCISCO SAVIXGS CXIOX, XW. cor - California aad Montgomery cts. — War the half year end— 5 J_te 33. l>i». divide-ds _aye 6eea dee— red at _c cxzst per aanum of four and one-efarata- f4H> per ceat «a ana- liepcstn aad four <4> per-eent aa. ari— ary d-posits, free of taxes, payable oa and after Thursday, J-ily L _ca. A dividend aot drawn win be a<— ed to tae d— l osit account- becomes a part thereof aad eara* dividend fram J-ly L Maney deposited oa or bef-re the 10— day et J_y wi_ recel vu div— end fro— July _ \u25a0 R. M. WELCH. Caa— er. F2.ESCH SAVIX<iS- BAXK. I<» Sorter st— For _e-_ _r year eac_c Jsne 30. 13G9. a dtri- desd has been declared at the nte of f.-jur (4) per ceat per a— tuat en all depoaits. fr?e •f taxes, payaal «c on sad after Thurs— ly. J_y _, 1309. Divide— is not called fcr ar» »•— -i _ aad hear tse saaie rate -of istxmt as _ c cr_ daal, from Jaiy t. —09. • ' CHAS-. CARPY. Prey— «at SEerBITY SAVIXCS BAXX. 2l<* Man tfomery st — Fcr the _ai_ -year • end— s Jane 30. 1309, dl-ridest— upca aU depcal— at tie ra:» «f f— r «4> per ceat per aanaax, free ef taxes, will be paya— e <m aad. a*tsr Jaly L 130». FRED W. RAY. Secretary.. PIVIDEXP" XOTICE? ... \ \u25a0 • BA. XK OF ITALY. SE. corner Jlantsom ery aad Clay, st.j.— \u25a0 For _c half year end— 7 J&ne 30, I"J' 9. a div— end has been, declared, at _c rate ef four -(41 .per cent per «~<— n oa all savings depnalis. free 'of taxes, paya&le oa a_ t after T-ursday. July L I3C». Dividends not eaCed fi»r are as— ed to 'aad bear the same rare of iaterebt as _ c principal from. July I_ 13>T0. L. SCATEXA. Presid ent A. PEDRIXL Cashier. POHTTLGCESE AME— tCAX BAN— of Saa Fra a- pis<t». «KTutawe*t -enrner of Frmit aad Clay »ts Far the half year enritoir Jane 3i>. IDC9. a dividpnd has been «!«!»r>>i at the nt* nl f-»ur »4j -per ircot per aaosm on aU. savinss «i»po»ita. parable oa or aftwr Jniv I. ism>. -~JsiriilciK{s aot failed for are added to- ami be— •. the same rate ef interest as the prin- cipal £->oi Jaly L- 190». - JL T. FREXTAS. Pnwufent V.. L. rf* FIGCEIREDO. rasaier. THE SWEDISH-AM ERICAX BAXK (eooux I— - 'rial a_d *av_ ss>, 34 Geary st. a^ar 3ti rtet aad Kearay — For the half rear etulnuj June 20. 1209. a div— cad has been deciarvd at the rate of f— x Iti per eeat per ananai on afl savings <tepo«i», r'aTa^'e oa or after July 1, 1909, Divfclead* not eaCed ti!r are added tv and b«»r-_e saaie rar» of interest as the pria eipal f— _ July I, 1309. OEOEGE M. RCDEBECK. Cas_ er . PACIFTC STATES SAVTXGS AXD. LOAX COM"- P.VXY, 3G9 Califtr— a st. — A dividend for the re— _ end— c Jane 20. 19C9. has been declared at tae rate cf five (Zl per.. cent p*r aaass 1 oa ail deposits t free of taxes, payable <m and after July I. 1909. Div— e nd» out called for are added to a— i bear the- same rate of interest as priadpai. WILLIAM PARDY, Secretary. SWISS-AM ERICAX BAXK. Saa Fraat— «»— Tor the half year ead— s Juae 2& v l!Ka>, - a dlvt- dead has been declared at the cats of four (4> per cent per innca oc ill saviass deposits, free ef taxes, parable on and after Thursday, J— y L 1909. Dtrtd—o— aot ca_ \u25a0_ for are added ta and bear _c nine rate •£ ;nr»rv-t as the principal Cram Jaly 1. 1903. BRCXXXR, —AJSTIX - TOOXAZZIXL Agwirs. _. ITALIAX-A— ERICAX BAXK. '* 4CO _ csttzo— cry st ccraer of SacramestA For _ c — .-* year tading J<_w 30, 1909, a dlvi- dead —.3 &eea dec— red by —is b__2 xt the nte •f 4 per ast per asnum as all savta %a depotta, free ef \u25a0 taxes, payxb— oa aad after Taarsdaj, July L l*«. D£v_ieads set drawn bees— c part «f deposU account and eara interest at the same rata e fro— J— y Ist Money deposited before July 13—. will earn Interest from July Ist AXD2E— SBAREORO, President A. E. SB.4.REORO. Cashi er. CENT2AL Trust Company of California. Market aad Sa— e_a stx. ; bra acnes.- 624 Tan X«— ay. and 30=3 16CB (t— Far the half year ending Jose 30, VMS. x dividend has been dec— rsd oa deposia iir — c savin js department of this bank at th • rate of faor \it per cent per «--—», free of all taxes, payable <*& \u25a0<— after Tta irw— y, Jaly I, 1309. Div— c— is not called far are added ta and bear the «a— « rate of fa tat — t a» the pr_ clpal — o_ July I, 13G&.- V ". B. Gw TOGXAXZ I, Sianater. ~~ DITIDEXX* XOTICB. > The COXTTXEXTaL ECILDIXG -• X XX> LOAX ASSOCIATIOX, Junct— a ef Gold ea. Gate av^ . Tay—c aad Market ct_»~: Saa Franeisca. Ca_, baa dee—red — r the stx m<mf!Mt ending June 30. —tift, a dividend of fsir per cent per aa- \u25a0u— oa ers_ ary : deposits . aad six per cent «a terai deposits, payiaie aa and after July I. WASHIXGTOX DODGE. Pres— ea t '\u25a0_-". CO— MX. Secretary . - •-\u25a0:'. E 3IP_OT3a :_3T . —TASTE 3V— FemaIe \u0084 . „„\u25a0 i,. - ,' 1 .' .. ,-, -..-..i-.r- -\u0084- ..-.^-..-T, -\u0084-\u25a0" " rf ' \u25a0-\ \u25a0 \u25a0', . DRESS * MAKE— , farajerty «f * Bostrm, woali l j» by _.y; perfect fit; $2.10 pc day. I<J*3 day it Oat— ad €750. ' . DRESS MAKER, strictly first .-; class — att btaac-es. will rs oat. Phaae, " Fraak— 1 . -t—3, S p. m. . . . . ...-.- \u25a0'.:•.,-'-:.. ..- FTRST CLASi> -*w«atu " warns \w wet [hy the ' day.' Addre» MBS. BOLAXD, ,1210 Gold es Gate .'.tvw^z P— we West S49S. . :- , .: CEEMA> aorsery sQ~ernes* wishes position- Box "... 4795, Call «Gfce_, ; '..---.."\u25a0..;\u25a0.-.\u25a0\u25a0•'.•*; '•: .\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0 -:_. •-\u25a0•;..•\u25a0..-.-. -. E— rEEIEXCED rw— je * — nu ' typist : and «ffice assistant t desires temporary or pern— seat- eta - pli— sienc: dicta— nt ii_rect : ta ' n_ e_a e, - Box ' so« 3. c_a - imi 1 'IIBJHaMB___BBBB_H-i ~» — \u25a0\u25a0*-- -TT-iriii — 11 11— ii JT'TaMi_~H---lll_^_M_M*i - - \u25a0 ; \u25a0 \u25a0 THE SAX FRANCISCO CALL. W-TDXESDAY, JUNE 30,. 1909. " _fcws* iJ^*-^'^— mL-^A.--^ •' %^'''^ j *^WJ^_K'-*^'^ L ' W'_fi*_tfP^3_l_H_B_B_tf^^^MTriM— Bff^Eai^^^^^^^^^ fl—^ _aß_B_—_B ß ß^_ B_ I IF YOU HAVE A I 1 LITTLE MONEY § f| and wish to go into business for your- Si }-a self, just read the ads below in Xhe Wk\ £\ BUSINESS CHANCE COLUMNS H| t^ The leading business brokers of the city use THE I p|( CALL to -advert—it their best You can buy now 1^ g| to better advaßta^e than later, for as San Francisco's pop- f_J§ pi ulation grows the value of its business places increases. SSi If you have a business you wish to SELL or £3 TRADE try an ad in THE CALL for quick results. Sj |^ The Call's" circulation, extend? all over the Pacific Bi psi Coast. Your ad will reach people who are thinking of %M\ coming' to San Francisco to invest. TRY IT! . fe Main Office, Third and Market— Phone Kearny 86 § f */r> Or take your ads to , f||i || MAIN BRANCH OFFICE— I6SI FILLMORE ST. Q; |;J Mission Branch— BLAKE'S BAZAAR, 22d and Valencia §| ; E 3n»LOYM w r tVAyf— TJ — Femalf— Co-. ; MOTES— aad s.ia wfcth positions In workinj- men's hotel or ta camp; mother as cook. where sou caa be employed as helper. Box- 3131, : CaU efiice. : STE>'O«;HAPHES wtta hljae»t bbasics»n es» aad j px-rwnal <rcali_«aa<ms. correaponrtence a Ilae j f art taJver-iT— edncarfam. i.» lookins — r sec- j —tai— i position; preferably literary. Paon* Dongiaa 13a_ I W.OTTEI> — By a- Geraa n lady, wasaia* and - ironin* by ta* day. Address box 431«, 3011 ' l«t& st \u25a0YOCXG lady eiperfencetl in of ice work desires clerical poeitloa •I-irini somsier mencas. Ail- dres» box 3053. Call offlce. XOITS«S lady desire* p»;*;tl.;a as telephana ex- j \u25a0 \u25a0tua-.-v operanr in sums oface. Bos 3229, Call of-ce. \u25a0-.. | 'j MA^ HEIP W-LTTED AT oar ranch ea at P»citi as, WaeatlaaiL Te-aoia aad Cosirm: aes dnr la j hop harvest la August \u25a0; aad Septe— ber we waat aboot 15Q aea ts ; working fore_en aad SCO men to wori oa ata- f eciaea; men wita £a m JGles aad rhuae used t» j war-iny _ . coontry preferred; m e» pa— : %y ' til e day at 52.2S to S3; women, and caCdrea paid oy <s_ailty of hops picked; rood ca_ ps aad teats, with spr_; beds free; Qme ap- plying earnest stat—^ present occupation and references, given preference. Address »I 1 com- mn nloitions to- £— CLE M _S3 EO3ST CO., Perkins. CaL \u25a0 ' A>"DRETS. 1044- Lark— nt. — Nl^ai r cook, res- ta!irant. ST3-; cwfc. cotratry boteL S^O-SRO; j but>r. f4O: bosboy, botei. 533; portsr, J4O; i \u25a0waiter. Tr»s«rt. $30: kit«rnen hand, resort. J23-: , dish. wi-liiTH. $-. »r<. St<> a week, and plenty other help. etc. Oakland oface. 9CT- Franklin. | :AN experienced nalesma n for oar pfetsrv and j. ' frame department Apply srrser— tendenfs — '- , fie*, tae Emporia ax. I B«?V wanted. Caa nee _ Jearn prlatiasr- +4* , Minna st i — — COOK for *_a!l howL $W. See proprietor at I SIISS PLC>"KETT*S. l^sOU Siitrsr st ecr - Wen- i ster. ' EXPESIEyCED jTwery cl— its »a<i soiicitors ; niust be first «U% A«s)rta ted —^»H Grocer*. 310- SUeld oa build— y. Ist and Market sts. E-XPEHJEJfCED furemaa to take c_ Lrg« of work- . room ladies' cloak and snit deot; tt&t* »j", , last pcaUlon. salary. Box 3044. jCaU af_o». , FI— ST CLAi. 1 * butler. SKw. n»fi»ir~ic»«>i; ysrdnurs 1 ft^r hotel, down soota. 53^. beard am£ room. Call at MISS PLCS_ETTS. tXfi Satt«r *t cir. Webster. . ! HA VET a fine oir-oiax for yonn^ n_ a who is de- j •Irous of advanceaient; amosnt r-Tiirs^l. $16%. j Can Oakland of_r» Globe Realty Ov, • §3« f Broadirxv. Oai laad. j LABOHEES aad D«n:i— aics ta know _ afc EMwirf f R'liln bas rwlnced ta* rooma aft the Denver Eons*?, ."ii aad Howar>i sts.. to 33<r p«>r toy, f2 w«*k; hot and coM water in.*very room. ME3T aad —oini*-. to leara barfter trade; S weeks; j earn $3 t3 $10 p*r w»ei wall^leamin?; par-| tienU r» fr»«. MQLER COLLEGE. <t 11th st \ MEX witi small feet to buy hi yh- grade second i—JHi slux»^ Cheap. 1(5.1 3tl st. . —EX to leant barter trade la 9 weeks; free spe- cial iattcceajrats tt aext Wz call- early; get partieu— rs. S. F. Barter Colleirs. 9 Fed st J STEW ftUiUBJC; U24 HoTn ml— Single rooms, L"sc and 2Q«r p*r nirtt: hot and eoiil water. VALET-^-Pennaaent powttion a» I vatet Apply by letter, mentlonlns refer- fnees. et*.. aad salary expected. Box 3153, Call of3rg. v^ - WASTED — Man to drive la_uiry waysa ; $—4- rs- qnired. 33X2 Mirwinn st - ' WAXTEr>— 6O(> hwe to occupy room^. 20c to .W)c per aiffJU (fre « bdta). if tie SEW YORK, 733 Howard »t betwwn 3«I and 4 th. . . WASTED — RaiT-ray clerks, i po«tof_ee •?fi»rlts. carrier*; »«_rr $«CJ> to- $l.«0O: exam- inations 'a Saa Fraactica soon; preparation free; \u25a0arrite tor schedule. Fcm__ i lastitnte. Eoch<^t:?r. N. Y. — WAXTED — 'v; \ ia> laboexxg M_ v To o*renpy rfe*_ *ia^!«* .rooms at the 01— GIXAL MECHJfMCS'-HOTEL. 919 Howard st bet sta aad Sth; 13c. 20e. 25< day: $1. JL2S per Tre*k. WAXTED — GartieT*rr. Sprectats : stoci fat—, >'apa; »a— r? $40^- ' . ! WAXTET> — Ajifitstaat casft-fer; mrat lurvs <»xp«»ri- ; euce. Apnty S. X. WOOD _ CO., 4t_ and iLi r_Pt sts. " ; WAXT—O — A reUanle partner, not afraid 'to work, to invest $2iM in . ma aafact— 'ias Bnst- n»«9» pajiiEr 2J!© per cent profit; da not aver- ! look this opp<a^nnlty. CaU 30»J 12th st WANTED — Ltrrs mercaatlle hons*» wants a yowis* man between 28 and 25 wttn prey tons experieace in shippin? and aeeotm tiivr; mo»t b* neat p«i— aa; <;aieii at fig-re*. Apply ta : "own. _ _td writ—?, tt-— as asre. edncatlOß. prevt<»» experienc* aatl salary expected at start Box ~». Cag efflce. Oaklaad. WASTED — Boys aver Ift „. ta lenra moJdi?r*« trade; — asw pt per weei. Apply Talcaa : Iran Works. Francisco and Kearay »t*. \u25a0 \u25a0-.. WAXTEO — Goo<l. honest man • for tight outside work; pays salary; smalt Inrestawnt rettnlred. 507 14ta st. room 9, Oaklaad. ' WASTED— JDftt to feant to- «p<^ate movinsr ptc- I- ti_~ machines; salary $33 per week. 221 Lo- r cast ay. off Van Ness near MeAQlater. YOCSG mea w_t_«l to I«arn telejranfcy; wlr»- I»»-~» tslesrapoy, raCrsad and stacton service; day and Bijtht sessions. 204 H— er_ a but ld - ing. San Francisco, APPREXTIC-S —TASTE D E_PES__\'CEl>—stc_. maker is wi_ iij to tike I aa aporentiee nnder contract; po4it^?a rum- 'teed after servina frill ttm*. Boat _!»\u25a0_». Calf | ~~~—^ q» I BARBERS A \D STTFPLI— 9 ! , .. — — .—:. — : B AES EH.* — Stnr Is yotrs \u25a0 caance to iecnrg- A I sec- ond oan4 CHAIRS, MIRRORS, POLES a-ntt ether barber shop -xrares at very reasonable price*. We as.*e 2a BA—BEK CHAIR? fdlf- ferent bwaisi. npho_tercd — LEATHER.; SEVEBAL MIRRORS (French or ; German plates >. d— 'trent sis es, aad abo same welt painted POLES. • SEE \u25a0 these goods before - cstas e&owftere. They caa .be | bcu^he ; CHEAP • (on easy \u25a0' pay- ; ments tf desired>. ar CH— 4PE3 FQtt CASH. __ fix— r»s GCAR_STEEI> to b« EX ACTLT as represented. - <^B ffOBPBMH9IH_taG~H| -CALL EABLY-and _ ake year choice. -We ' win. RESERTE soeds for a sn_ ll depostt - ' DECK— LM AX BROS_ Inc™ 182-I*l Tor- «t ! BAR BE- St^PPLJ _S. , BARBER shop. 4 efiairs,. for sate at a burr a la: <ioia-x _ s~**l lxis»tai*«s; e«tabll-i'ji»«i at pr»^nt lo»aition 2O year-*; cause! oC sate siirine-'s. E.ix •\ 1745. Call «f_ce. .- . , : . • :. g['.^. ', BARBER.*— At ; Stolr_ r *. T3l Market *st: they ar« : *»Jltn? extra one . hair eattlaz bGm ; tat v2oc-eacn-; g«'aexf-:, :\u25a0-..-.\u25a0-.••\u25a0- - ; ,-j- -\u25a0 v—'" BAR3EB waate«l at once; $14 guaranteed. .* T»le- ' _—_—__—____________——_____;'\u25a0 BARB £2 cf Icnx expericne* wants \u25a0teady cims- try Jo— ! Box 60S. Can office. Oakland. - - B—KBEBS* faratta r- ' bonsfit and sold or stored .143 Fwltoo st.near. : Weoutet. ..}.\u25a0•'„...--:., . t . ; BARBER wanted foe Saturday; «0 per cent;.loc ../ s_flft.^':.«l9 *&-. Clay ; st :,;-:. \u25a0....:\u25a0..;;..: .-..u-j : \u25a0\u25a0.. BARBERS* OIOX US, affl— 343 T*a Scan tv.; : : fre«! empfoyniMt i- . teL. ; Market SS9. :.>"' '. . ;.. ~-\ :-,-., Ei>T erjnipfwvl 2 caair mm Por rerr» ay.: price S22S; reni :. $12; : sell : on." aenwat cf aid— ess. '.. v ':3aS Potrera arr. sea _-"_<Jt_; \u25a0-..-•- .:~-..— \u25a0- \u25a0\u25a0 : \u25a0 BARBERS A5T> StTFP—CE*— Caauaaed CASH paia for barter caat»; aU-kiaris '-of sap- plles on tiaie. SSS Grove st. near FU— — re. -» FOP. r«nt — Bootblack, stuwl; corner 15tl aad f Market; rent e&»«p-,. AppCr 2247 Market J st { FOR SALE — Best located 2 enair snap ta Mis- sion: $IZ<\ Cail C3it and — aiiiim. I GOOD burSer fnr tae connSry; mgn *ta «^»S per- I c«n— :re. Call at salooa 11 ij Stockton, st, be- ; twwa 10 and U. _^ SOOI> barber wan;«<l: steady; nsaSe Sl4 to $1S a. week. 21 Hontjromery ar. aear Wa»Qln?toii at GOOD barter waated steady. 1834 Tta st, Oak- land. \u25a0 _ \u25a0_ - JCST reeelvftL a flae lot of blaa suel rasars, at BAUER'S. 1554 _ _3 *t. . i ll£S wishes acnitlon as bootblacic or _ barber I shop.- P. ME SO, 2001 Satter »t O>~E cnair terner sbop> tor sate; good bii»ia«3r pran? $100; reat fl_ 1333 E<liJy b«twe«i F_ t- mon> and Stp_«r. \u25a0\u25a0 ' j P. F. THAL, oarners' «mpiay_eai ajsney, 2331 !Washia?ton «.;t»L W«t 9244., SPECIAL XQTICE Tf> BA— B— BS. ! - Owias to tae scatterwi cotxdl_on of car cftaj,' rwaica makes It —convenient for Barters to- <fo shopping darias tie day,. w« dsstd ett:_ keep oprn evraia g» natll 3:30. We «xtend a.' car— at la vltatlon to aU to visit car store aad s«e onr \u25a0 conxalets Ilae of barter sappCe* aad far _ tare. We received anodier shipment ot tae «t»fe&rat»d I Jupiter razors; every one guaranteed. PACIFIC" r BA—BEK SCPPLT CO-^ 9«— - — arket st i ;NiP — S23Q; 2 enair saop in ininlas town. Call at 94 Turk Jt. \u0084.. ' TWO aytlrmiHe enair aion; aaadsonj«ly fitteil i np; _ iaaion lUstrict: r»nt fX9-, sood bnsiaesa; <— S. C— Ag. eOLt _HLS fc CtX. 830 31ark<»t st ! WA.NTED — First class barber; SIS -per w«e*. Adilr«« 505 —arket *t. Ceilwood City, CaL \u2666430 — T~> caair sacp; conntryr arcaez tas otaei bnntnesa. COLE MAX A COy, ?3> Market «t WO — Foor^eaalr ahop; «ntra!l7 lotated. — Issiaa district; rent JIS-; estab— ine<l rtmd trade; tr_ tgfer cars»r COUt JfAX. «0 3— jket at IIC0 — For sale, a small barter saop; — ry caeap rent; thta l» a real sarrai— . Foe _ foraiation «C »t —2 Market »t -- 1380 — Tars- eaatr saop- 3 year lease; clows to Eearay »t : . runnla? 3 men steadily; line far- . nitnrw- COLF3fA>» jb CO.. SHO St^rfcet it F_3IAI_ ; HELP TV'J— VTEO * CLASS In Balr dressiai. ma afcnrta?. ete^, now II form— gi complete cmir < w». KM; reiixate, np to . date partors. IT3*> TOlaiflr? St. | DEUSTEK'S SCHOOL OF ' RAI—WIESSKTa AJSI> \u25a0 BEAUTY CCLTCES. 47 SEASXY ST., S. F. j FIS3T CLA3S U<ly imHieitor* can _ stf -rteady 1 empioyment by applytay city eirci— t_nx de- partment Saa Fraadsra* Call. , Sit aad _ai riet streets. / / . LADIES waatrjf ta take nonte ttqtS; part or fall time; exper*ace mmecesßary. TEIEBE—S, ; rats. 21.T-21J Pac— c bldff.. 4ta and 3_cket sts. j LADIES to boy oar own made nei_w<»ar at ef store prices; Jabots. Dntca eo_ i rs, atock eo_ar» to ma.n-h, made of finest _ teriai*. - Brussels tacae Store, 1234 Sottar »W below v»a Ses» ay. LADncs — Reliable employment at bom*; steady or part time-; attnsptasr transfers; %%..*& dozen np. Roc_ SIS Westbank bld^.. VJi MarksC at " .OAK— UTOI GIELS TO MAKE OTE_ ALLS. PAID SALAar WHILE LEARXI>"ti. LETI STHACSS - CO., 3D Asl> CLAX STS^. OAKLA3Tr>. -' \u25a0 APPLY TO M_ . PA~ (S. E_A& our important hop. picking *<i nnder male ce!o waated. _ . CLEM _XS EOEST CO., 213- 211 Pin* st iwu coat aalsfters; steady employment JOH3T T . O"COy>Qg. 1043 Market at. WAXTED — Befin»Mj lady to worit as soCeltor; ntt experience n«^—raary. Call s»<»tw«!«tt 2 and 3. J. g . SCHROgPSB, X 5« Paglaa btdg. WAST— 0 — First. «— s» .; coat maker for dr»*s n—kin? department Apply »np»rinCeadent''s - of— m» from 9toll a. m_~ HALE 250&.. Inci. Mark^ and «ta sts^. city. WANTED — A mJddle a:r«I wamaa tat ganeal ftoiwework. Call 1405 Saa Eraa o- arr. aea: _____________ _____J___ —"—>•_ __>— Ywmff lady fa_£H_r wita. buniereanx aaii abatrart trort; m«c?t be eorap«*tent Ad- dntsa FraakEa Fire Zaa. Co.. llurea-ata* Es- riUKO bill.. - 4 WAITRESSES for srand raayiw. aU eipease^ paid, can be steady or tamporary. $25 and found; . 4 waitresses foe spriazs, $30; «-wk ~ far private family. J3O; waitress. : 2 — Hi_- ily, $SU; nnrse for infant. $35; German anrse. 133; Fremrn nnr~ry jtoveraess (Catholic >. $49; lady's, maid. $33; eoott far plain iMtet at miaxaar caaip, $-«0; eaoft for plain _ot»I, cenn- try. J4O; Oera-in coo-. G-rmaa fan__y, J4»_ Call at M_S PLCXKETTS, ISO* Satter st cor. Webster.' \u25a0 \u25a0 TCXTAID ~rAa_S jCO-XECTE P EXOX, 443 Pine — Suits, liens and., attach— eats. ; tta» c_*g&B caaaert; debt* cofl'ted everywne-e. SILEJMEX aa « SOLICITORS WA.YTED I SAr.Tr^Arwrx . wanted — 5-adreda of good, open- Inza. Travwlinjr salesmen eaxa. from ll.Cuu ta J 10.CC0 a year and exaeaaes aad can always get steady . emplajmeat - Over KilUXOi) em - played in tzs Cnited States ax— C— t_ da. W« - win teach, yoa to-be one by maQ — I « I-jit - : weeks and . assfc»t ~t to «ecnre a good. po«t- tlcn. Over LCOU of: onr gradnftes : placed la pood pos— tons last year \u25a0 _s roa?i oar Free Employment Bareaa. Scores of ,ti«n w_« . f araeriy eacaed -Tout Jw ta JT3 a taon ta oave earaed from f ICO to S3G9 a — «_— t aad ex- : peases tiace complet— t our Cocxae of laatrnc- tion tt Scteat— c Salesn— asMp. I_ you want : ta secnr« a good oaatunn aad ears sood money car fre» took; "A' Knight of the Grip." win • _<i— you haw. • Call \u25a0er write for Is today. Address. s* ticnat Salesman's Train—* Aasoci- 5 atton..«l*-B Metropolis Bank BM_.; Saa Fran- \u25a0 cEsca. \u25a0 Braacaes. Calcas~, Xew Tort, Kansas - City, Ml— urapal— . -'.-•-- - '^ ; '.-•. -•- .-\u25a0•-•" \u25a0 SALES— AX. ab«snt 3O years o_L to- tnvel in luca.! territory for Jfew York maan_*ctnj- > r of, ' pbiaiMnsr jroods; estaoCsaed basiaess; experi- • enc- in sell— ir r re<pi£red»'althonj{_ acfjaalntance \u25a0nrith . til l* Ilae is not necessary; $2.4Ut) a year, wita addlttc— it eom— fsalcai; »f. interest to, a , . flr»e:e_ss ma a. and such only desired; write \u25a0I w__r-fnn partfcn— — - • Addrere Tws 319«X;eaI_. WASTED — 3 Sve vawnsaevH ; blj money; fci— — s nwenflje. . See • P. H. BICK.; care Kahler Jb : Cbaae, Sattier .' »nd Ftan_Ea ata. ;r.; r . •.-:\u25a0-. .- WAyTET>- : -Ftrst '; class »- in*ir_a<!e3i*iL. ' Address IntfrimtfoiMl Antpmohilfr t*aaTn». ; Bßffalr>. X. Y. AAA— \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0-"^ PHOSE I ' WEST, 1731.' : ' : . - : .... . . Largest Japanese aad Cafaese employment efice fa ctty. T. TAX-— A- CO^. I«2 Lagana \u25a0•«_-.\u25a0 AAA— CHINES3 -ccoks of «I 1 classes and «ta~ help f_ _l abed. • Orient Employment <__ cc, 381 Bth st, Oa-la adr paone Oaila ad 31QI. . - _ 4-^OSCAR : HATSU—I." JAPAyESE-CHXXESE EMP. C0l;;BEST H2XP GCAfi.; crTY OS COfJSTRY. ; 1313 GSAJtY 3T. .WEST 5853. „ J. COXX. ! Cntaene «np. -bnr-aa;;c_n.ese conk* ; -:- gpecta t -otet or fam. . 178 Oay ; t prgias 31— A. EORI, IT4S Sntter ; . phone i, West 2Sfl3— Best ' Japiuwiie-C-— «se heip far niahed promptly- .: r-: ' STA— ? emp.*' odce \u25a0* furnishes :\u25a0; Japaneae-C-tnem :, help. - W. KADOTA.' I6CS G-»ry; teL West.bS*. ET- W. HOXG, Ch— eae em ploymeat c tttSce. ' 805 V-: aSTetater st_, Cakl_i_' : : Elaaw CU 5542. , ____-•, AGE TTS W.O~g P \u25a0 ".-• : ' ; AGENTS w— itad, \u25a0 ladles «r ceatlens en. • fat 1 every : cat— ty f_- 2 new biz seHsrs; needed ta every .. factory, store and home; iix profits; call 1 ta $ , :\u25a0:>,- r _.-. — . ; LEg, 21& 11— «t. Oakland.' . WAXTEQ) — Expert male and turn. ale- ass— » w. tta L - good r«fl^r line wa«»s.vADßly.34X _ ontj*y- ay. [\u25a0-. \u25a0\u25a0 - • - . \u25a0,-\u25a0\u25a0 -.-- -..x ------ 1 ROO— S TO LET-Tar. aad Cafitr. AA— — c— Ii I3TEE. it. IS4O— X*wlt ' Crc— * aed woior ba_ canaectias; phoa e, saa. electrtrityj boar- It deairad; ' sl3. :^ ;:,1.V. ..a.: ;:.',. AA — XJCE^eJeaa wiany r3om»~s3;. also- one fiir \u25a0-. $7; 2" cona ect— g- raoms for aocse keep—?, well " fnmlsaed? •very conventenc*. . 522 TarS »t I _*— <yFARR£ LL st- ; 1404— Sonny; ata ste rood. »\u25a0 . $?;--doufcte coraer raoau nmifcj .wat»c» eatas. t A— SCXXYj— mt.rooias, newly .fcrrai«iied,_biit!i; f ;Fil_asore or —arket . st -cars; $7 ;per; _»ont_; r : also hoose keeping roocrs. KJA Walter, st ! FA COZY, home for r-specta bte ladies. Il3i> Ma r- i ket sf near 7ta. aader anaptres o£.ta« SAL- VATIOX ARMY; efegaatiy farafcaed; . every ; ' modern convenience; steam. heat_ electric Iti.'ii; \u25a0 aad elevator service; spottessry cfetn;-eeu- ' traUy located; ti»>tows—j- Bo—cl— c; te_pii<mi» ; I- Market -1349; pricrs very moderati?. t*a ?in s (; fram 23c p«r acfht up;- spec— l rates 8y tae j- ••\u25a0\u25a0" wte* or nunth. see matron, room. 3_ ; i BALDWIX HOC^S, 74 6ta st near Market— AH ! . . modern eonreaieaces: 2Sit rooms; 22c tail j»:r C day. f~ to iZ per w»ek;-free b«th a— f BROADWAY Aptv 234 ft P_ t at— 2 a_«£ 3 rounx t- - -»pcrv, $2* and «p; starte rconss $S. 1 BITSH ; sti.- 1125^ near : ; Learea— arth. — Pleaaaat j I f front' room, crivat» f_ _ Uj; fa nae locatton; : ry- reaacnablev- j~ \u25a0 ".. '.- - \u25a0_, ! jCALITORXIA st. t34s.>_r.'Poli— Xfcely far- :. ntsliett rooms; reason— i3te;.aae lot-atlon, wili- b '.'lay feti—t. — \u25a0.\u25a0-•\u25a0• .- --\u25a0 - \u25a0-".. \u25a0 .\u25a0• - -.\u25a0-•-'•\u25a0.-.\u25a0\u25a0 - 1 icA—CFO— XIA st. 332t— Fraot and back: parlor] : rooms* 9— ? l* or en. sal te; prtv— »re lira: •I' hs-pg—a— a renm'far t or j-^gu-v.yr-— act— . j CALETORXIA st. 1307. ccrner Lj uZjfu ; Ford—^ ; Xlcely famished^ snany r«jomsr*hot an* colit ; water; $2^5Q week op.: wita tata. _ . \u25a0 : I CEXTRAL" _v_; 'fH*-^Sssaj > ' frrmt. t— ".~ woms, ! I stasla "or en • isSc rannlas water; \u25a0epars.te ; \u25a0 porch; - * i iit4bl»* : *;»r ir»n r ti»m^n ; anc location; i n«««jr ; buar«l optlcnaL \ :| CEXTBAL ay.. 463, we Hayes st — Snnny front | roonu; new famltmg; t.t:_. phone; caavenient for j^nilei— >n; board of desired; near 2 ear ,I— es. CEXT— AL HOTEL. 374 3d st — Free _at_; of- fice sad readtajf riocr -oa sraun it \u25a0 lloor; SOO ; single aad f-iEi.l- rooms; 35c ta $1 a day; $2 : to $3 a week. EDWARD 1 ROLK I X. proprietur. CLAY st. 1413, -near PuT_ — Bac_ parlor _ prl-! ; vate fa_ _y; nicely tirni saeil tac 2; ran— as : waterr all emvenlences; rmisonabie. CT FAt H >!: st-. 132 A. I Rieii— onit — Sonny front reoct. prtT « t» family, for I or 2 sentlement; .til convenlencss; SUf stssie. DEWET HOCSE. Kit Md Howard — Alt modem conveniences; 200 rooms; 33«; t» $1 a day. \u25a0 $2, ta $5 week; free baths. Howard o*r 4tb st cars. EDDY ut. 325. near Via Xe*s— X«wly faraisheti sanny rooms; motiern.; paiine. bath ; $2 week: up. ELLIS. ITI3. near Fill— ore — Larse-. eieaa,* +nnsT room-; Imth; hat and cold watsr; phone; il') p<?r man-— i distaace: tut a month. FRAX— LIX st. 143!>, earner Bush — Larss, cieaa, tzant, bay window rooms, «a salt* or single; \ oath, shcae;- very ciestrih is far sestleme a; honse teepla z prtv_>s»». :;*; - FRAX— LIX st. —04 — Handsome sonny rooms; «H eonreniencss; fmnt $10. op per month. FXJLTOX it, 1813 — El«r— — y acxly f— _— hed. Li— • front room; *nn ay; Kftaale for I or 2 - uentlemen; J aloc-s franr paaaaadle; r-ason- able. ' ._ . - •.\u25a0-..-\u25a0 GE.IRY st, 1714— Sfcarie roc_s. $« aa* $S ' - ajonth; la — c donate room; ram iia s watsr; i| pnoae. . I GS.4RY Jt_;. 1737 — Lar;- st— nr front doable- room, sultaUe 2 srsatlanjea; $2LSi> cad}; aba ' snnay siajle rooms; 6atX hot aad ca_ ; water, , electrtrtty. pcone. GEARY st, 1713 — Lar— • snnny rooms, suites and stafle; well far_shsd? bata. phone: lar 1 :? "yar_ \u25a0 • "\u25a0 , \u25a0 • SEA R Y st. • 171,1. near- FilD_tot-f — Front ateovg* rma in 5 wat~r; sci— ble- 2 s&ntlemea; sioraier rates. - », . - - ',><* - GOCOH st. 1237. near Geary^ — tjpgC sanay par- fer; ase of bata. hot water, .oisffa£i house keep- ia e prtTUgsea tf destnO^^ G2.OTE st. 540 — S^fonfc. »a_ ly, oay. wwi dow ro cms. ea sair i/vr sia?>; wlt_ ar wltaouc honse -eepinsv'r*? 3 —^ kl-— en, ba_i, paane; grreatly redacia rent. ' HAYS 3 at, 32»— Xfce- Cimished ream; zn.+. elec- triciry aad ran ala? water; cse «f pt—oe aad ' bath; trtvate family. H_ SRY st, 25, near • I3ta aad — ar_« — Xlcely ' fcr_iaht-i. suany racnxs; Hacket it ears; $L3t} . • ncr w«b '-- '-- • '\u25a0\u25a0 KOTSTL 5T- PACK. 32S 12S» st, corn tx Clay.«l — Rooms 50c a day an-: S2L3O week tt?; special rate by t_»» month: open aU night HOWARD st,. 2SSX— 2 pieasant fur— shed rooms to le:; n- 1 . water, bath; rsadonable; A— ericaa fa— Hy. - LARSIX st. 1400. nr. CaHf-ra— — Xlcely f-ra. !>l_S_f sonny room; scood lacationv wa— ln ar XOE *t_ 133. near Market st cars — Xlcely far- atahe-i roams; tun all day; rent reasonable. CFARB— LL st. 1233 — Stawy. f— — aaed. front rocm, $10; ether front rsosxs, $L2O aad $2 week; al-n hoo»e keep— 3 room. SIS. . OCTATIA St. 1303 — La— c, sunny front bay wiado— room, $15; — ia_ ;r front room 3, $7; bata; garfen. OV~EEL.OfD HOCS3. 583 Sacramenta st betow ' _ iictsomery — X<™r open; 2d> me_s: hot aad cold water in ev«ry reom: 23c t» $2 per day/ I $r.50 ta $."» per wee— EDW. BXJLKXS. Props. PALO AL TO.'—CO' Poll st enrner Sacramento — . Snnay outside rent— h, hot and cold. water every room; 3ne iciration: \u25a0x'aliin^ liiatance; $2.i«> weei apt \u25a0«.. PIKE it. 1731 — Sonny, newly far— shed rooms; bata, hot and cold water; phone; reasonaaie. PIKE st. fciTS — — irs~. sonny tr-mt snltes; bath: ' hat aad coil watar; phone; low rata to I or 2 gentlemg— _ ' \u25a0 POLE sl_ 1344. n**r Saer_menti» — Sunny, front 1 room, nlrely fnmiahed for 2r fine Uy^tioa; ran- j nin? water, burh. p-one; $2t> mo— — . POLIC st^ l«53» curaer Clay, near dOwntn— a — : Si— ny. autsitti" rooma; water, bath, aad plume: Bne location; $Z week aad s^~ POST st, 1308. near - Friailin — Larse-. sunny roo&w, nicely fnr_iHhed; use of bati; hot : i water; poene; garffa. SCOTT *st_ 1307 — Snaay sincle^ tootas; facia 5 Hamilton. s«riar»: bit— hoc ami cold water. : phone: (C per week; $7 per anatt— SUTTER st, ISL? — F3rai.-«iJed room . board, home cemforts. in. prlvat* fxmily; tt*nas reasonaht'?. THE TEXBY. SI3- Poii st cor. (iyFarreO— Ele- jsat sassy tront rooms ' sni— ale for 2 jentle- mia; il-io hot_i« keepia? rooms; reaacnaals; i all carllaes. ''."--. \u25a0 : - ; THE HATTOX. 977 Pine st— Xfc-ty famished roam *. single oc en suite : suites salt for 2or 3 j sentlemen; aU mod. cony.; private bath, ran- ; I ntaz water; stea— \u25a0 heat; terms. %IS ta S3& am. : THE ROXDEL. 30SI l«th st — \u25a0. Valenda — FurnT ; rais. ; rsnainff water; an casv.; $2.20- week np. WEBSTER st. I 710» near Satter— Larre. sanny ; rooms, wtrh board. $2S eaeil. baths iactaJeii. STH st," 3<33 — Fnral«thed outside sunny rooms; < : man— g water; $IJ»> aad $2 a week. 6TH av_. 1249. near - Par* — 3uaay tront room. ; •T; private phone, far 1 or 2 ;»a t>tnen; all mod- »m r«iavgnti»nr<»Hr »t«V mnntft. . -n_j '-OAK-.iXp BOOMJ-- ; F«r.jM< IT afar. BECSH st. 1033, cor. Uti— Xewly tara—hed. antside sunny reoms. modern 1 centrally loea- [ ted; : also front : and bact partors, gentle— en; convenient Key Route; SIS- month irp. FILBS3S T st. 1&40. corner v 12—. G_ £la sd — Larz*, suany. bay window room, private home. Car 2or 3 jeatlem en? aae location ; reasons bte; ; most be wea. t» be appreciated. .T- ;\u25a0\u25a0:_-. FR-VXHLIX st, 1309, Oak— nd — L—ire. sunny; _ nnt reom ta private home, suit- hie far. gen- tle— en; aU modern conveniences; $U month; ' cuunea rent t* 22il »t Key Ea*its- ! FB_ X— LI X st, 1322. ; Oa_la nd — Lar?«. sunny, ; front room, far 2; *1I conv^-isnee*; t bto:i Key ; '• Route; $15 month.; ars«» s&t jiie ran—, $10. HATffSf- j sfc_ ;\u25a0; 972 — Bay : w__lo— - ho-a« keep— ff rooms: bath. sas. phone aad laundry: cheap.. HO BART ay., 330. Oak— ad— Extra _rri». sanny.- ; front room, pri v»te home, suitable tae 1 or 2 ' gentlemen oc reflsed 1 couple: SIS month; HO BART st. 32 1 — El«ra_t^r fnrniahed -aotn, far \u25a0 lor 2 gentfemerft n_— ' Kay Route tan; was. ! JAC— 3OX f st_' ll*S — Double < and 3in;fe roDss, ; ; : neatly rnrnisaed; $1* np— ari - . .- • ; OAK st. S«t— Beantifai sxa m. yifront no— ; p_ -i vate home; \u25a0 suitable far 2 gestXemes; modem • .i.cosve— esees;; $Xs'mos tit;- baek parlor, $12; . - month.; a-io r~am. SS ramxth. ?„ ; \u25a0 \ . ._ . : 0A _ • at. S3l—^Sasay - Camt roo_ » ' private \u25a0 faat- i i Qy, ; : _sr~l'«r t 2 ; jrentlemem^lMtii. phone; Ital- ' block to station; $2-50 week. ; :: \u0084 SAX PABI_> : ay., KS*, nr. \u25a0 Soth -^Sn_ ly front parlor raa— «\u25a0 fa prl \u25a0»»&• . _oo_e. f« i _ * 2; ; ;', bath ; $12 mon— -,::'\u25a0 ~ ' :\u25a0'-:\u25a0.-\u25a0. : ' : - ST. F—AXCIS," I9th and Saa Pablo— s . aad . \u2666 To— l spta.; mod. eonv.; ar. loca.l tniaa; r;a- \u25a0 ; >"— — tte - J; -^ '-'\u25a0\u25a0' " ;:; \u25a0\u25a0 :? '--- : '- <r ">:: "•\u25a0-\u25a0^\u25a0-'\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0- .-- I \ TE_ _&3— PB - **-t"; 32UBV Oui faad — L«rs» cnmt." > f--". nicely far— «aed. fra: 1;« '\u25a0 2 sen— —ten; _ itX : -;~ pa«ne, all «h— e_iencs»; $10f moata. . THE AXGiXtS," HKii Web*ter— Tranatpju reoms. - newly . far _she<l; tot -. aad : ci&t . water ; every . ' roo—sfta— :is3--. apt .^:.,." ."..;,-;\u25a0 .-..-":-. '.., I THE AR TEL. : *-'i3?i Ssa Pa_6» av_" : opp. : 234—- : JEast opened;' tbtack from ' Key !Rowte; : ; inn— y • . sia?ic cjocis, $2 up; ac«a<i keen— s,'S3 so; also ; \u25a0 _ if— _ saeir boc aaa ciii iri;er ia er_£ r.«n oAKLASD,o AKLA5D , rs^y^^«~*^ T_ »J ALL EXDALE. 122S Sraai— «j— A— _— r \u25a0- ou^-ly resovatetf; no— r» $2 w«e— : aad 09. WEBSTE— st. I2Z7 — Far not.' roon ta, all coa- Tenfences; elese ta. ,- - WEBSTE— st; KHWt,- «r. 10— — Ca_a-^wl _ I— als; aewry reso— ttad traasfeat r— — s; rea- •onabi*. 1«IH st_ SVK cor. JeiT—soa— XSc»tr fTrsiaoeii soaay rtxnu; bath. sx*. p— we; reas«u&-K IOTH st. 65T— Sasay front room; private- _ _ - : Ely f_ \u25a0 gentle— ea; a_ cot rrsrt— ***; $12 _ ol ITTH* st. ML Oail— _ — I— rz» fro n_ r~ a— pri- vase fsa_ry; —*»!-• faraistoHl; fw2 j«_rl«_ea; raanfng water; |_ . atoot _; - — s» _rze r— _ . $19 "ii "1 . \u0084_J_w|^l—l flfi-BB - - ISTH st. «„ ear. tJ— ve — s*wly C_ _ s— rt ;frjnt srac— raomsr batX ele-trte \u25a0 -njat;- s*»» gaocec $S np; gentrany la«:atg-. . 14TH st. X 33 — $t—&7- Croat alcove rao— , ptt- . T»tg fa— Hy: anid." gegyj; lar Z <ent ; t_3 - at»x I4TH JtJ Wl*. Oaxl— cd> — — urte rocra, _ privnti? ~ famCy ; f9r I «c 2 ffentle_en; fa — iota; also \u25a0 - si— ay. Aiuble roocr. $12 n_mt__ x .. : . 14TH st_ 30S — E_ch<tloW <r_ rtKSi alc-ly fur- nished front aa«i Sact paz—cs, or who—- Is — er fiat ta yeas? _ es -C reasonah-S ratss; esa- traily lo;_t»iL — TK st, 2IS — I— t— » c— uty room ; private Ct_ - Cy; for I or 2; c«n£r_H^- toeatexl: T«ry rsaaoc- abur. " : • : — . \u25a0-"-.- ITTH st, rt_."?. Oa_.T_aiS — Sanay _«at rooo. pri- vate family, tor I or 2 jsatie— ea; a_ c— — ra- !— .cw; reaaanahl e. I2TH st,: TIS— 2 steg> r~__» and. 6ata; «IE cony.; _a» &w_tlbo; rwajunaaf*. * 20TH st. 415w- Oa— _sd— - m-firstsaed _ .tnd bit_. sas. _ — utry ; $13 &iaa_; centrally: located. t2TH st, lOCS, Oailaad — Sanay. hay wfatto— rMtn. prtva_F faa—y. for i or - 2 grsßtlemea; rmmiai water: all jott«ii>siw: rea.«3naßle. B^ERKELEY^ ROOIIS— • Fto. aurf tT«f-g. PER3OX3 wao -rf.-ia Mk enjoy ecca try life sear ?«n Francisco can- find a desira— # ho— c as Xortij_s_ i. first class taMa «n<t \u25a0 aU . cocvKn- ienc^ and comfnrts ; term * reasona— e- tSCZ* Enrild ay._ B.n-sgl«— : ah<— « BerSeli— lifts. B— TT THAT TAC4ST ROOM A so— Q wa_t ad Ia Tie* CaS wilt d» It T.ii.-i»r thaa a doa >a aim p_ stered, oa yw rr w_ do— s sa\l waie_> spcit \u25a0 £x n looks «f your home besiOe?. Piece — ear_y SI far aat sd maa to c-rU. aaii stw* Ton. - ROOMS FOR HOCS— KEEPPG AA — STTXXTapai meats far _ora« keep—? of 2 aad 1 rooms: bata. phoae; r_ _— r wxrer ia all room »; i.J per week: aaii 35. 623 G— tea. Gate it. \u25a0 - A — PAGE st. 1380 — S_t ay eoraer; r_ l ate* ao_ e for Caaiilies, svntliiaies asit I_tl!es en ipXayrd; refS. BA— E_ st. SS — 2 sonny. f_ _s_ *d r'Juau f_r \u25a0 house keep—;; $23; ;u t^e; #—n>!i?i»-- _> S rarTngt. - - - - - . BA— ES. St. 1^21.. no—- Saitsr — 2 sans?- frrast conneettss rooms; ase ef kitd— _; Cats ; r_ - _ ns water; very re_«n— _ c. BCSH at. 2333— Sanay 2 ran— suite*, complete far hocse ke-sta j; hata . rr_ a_ s water: x3_o sinjle- moms; very reasoea Me. CAI—TQRXXA st, I3H— near Hjd^— K— i aea tad li7ias .ice. faraiahed; bath; $23- C» gr - st_ 302. cor. Wi— «£. — ". <_ G- par* — 2 suany firm, fcym : par— rt, ki-enca. ba-1: fit. CLAY st. 1621. near Poii— 2 eb-rantly f>ir- nianeit saloa pasDars la privat faai ijy. wi_x separa-*- kltcnen. rmraias water. aU ««aiven- ienc«s; flae- loi-arii.n : r?aduna≤ call moralnjrs. EDDY" it. 911 — Pleasnat 9— my rae_s ea sniie er single; alaa roontr Car honse keepiar: $12 np. EDDY at. 9<}7 — 2 connect— s fcaus rtmma; hoose keep—? tf desired: iLkj ssany singfe r-o_— Paone Fran— _r 1434. •- - EDDY »t, 523. near Taa Xess— X#wly- f_ _ saed vrmnj huose keeping rooms. »o. sntte oe s_x;£e; bata. paone-. sas. #fectrtrtty; SX3 r_mt_i and cp. EDDY st. J^fS — st«nii— 1. — cely f_ _ 3-ed. st— n y rooms, rvi:;» «>r wishoot board; ba— . ;!b7ce: rates ta (ipsira-le- partl<~ft. EXXIS *t. 1112 — Sice larze- honw keeping ' p«ms; re^alar _ tehea; sXL conre ai eacsa; rsat rea*M—sl*. Fo— KDir st. TTT. ar . St_— 2 £r_ t pso— 3 for he rase kaepia ?; ba_ . not — ater. 53-, lanndry room; rent reasofsahle 1 . GOLDEX tJATS av_ lOftl. opp«. J*Ce— oa *». — Elegant iy fora— hed hata » keepta? rooaa » alsa s_ jla; hot aad «— w»tec ix cm =~ taca ; bari: phone; C 3 up. HAIGHT st. 1457 — E_— » su_ t_ ro— a, use? of 5 kltenen: rtmai ay water; sas, -lect—d ty. pbone. bath; $13 per mo nth. 31 cALLISTE— st. 13Z<$ — 3 r— — . «— — y. deaa *_:•: ctmrp—tß far feacs e keep&rr; 3__ ; rent reaaana-le. ' O'FASRELL st. I3SS — 2 and! 3 I— na, sassy hoes* keep— s suites at retXucgd rats s; rrakex __ke water. batX paone. OTABSEXL st. 1384 — I small s_te; 1 *tsaH single room; ;aa pl-tes, riinnirr^ water. P_tme West 1T«- OCTAVIA st. 1110^ — 3— csy. Ix — - tuunia. coni- rlet4 for hoas<» keep— g-. es suite or «in_->: sas tree; bath, phffiie; rates ta steady timjgti. PIX3 st, I— 0 — Cue — — - eles— tt rawm. $3 wee&t aim etaer iao_ s. &r _7. weeic or monta; eaea?. PXX3 st, ISO* — L*r~>, \u25a0_ uij aosae keep— 5 warns; bath, rn_— _r water, p_ b_ , tc aadr y, pirasaat rinl-'a; 10--v rentaL PORTOS-1 st. H — Sa_ rjr hasse k»ep.__r rooms'. es. suite or s_ «i«; facia? Dr_ oee pa_ ;; ess.- "nt^fft ti> 2 cars: reasnnaale. STAXYAX st. 945— Al- honse keep— 5 r-oras. , completely f— _ shed, resaonah—; saa all day; near Gol— m Gate park. STEXX2TR »t_ 311 — $20; 4 wnm Czcxta&ed &r hoose keesin? vsut cots. slets>; yard, etc; Bse •£ piano and v'.oiia: pairrftn?. nayrtny. cxrjeac^r- In;- taken, for rent SCTTES st. I— <J — 2 and 5 rw— t sosn? — ire*. complete for hotxs« keepisz: phone; S2Q aad J— ". TURS st. 127?. near W«&st*r— 2 or 3 sunny f«— imh>» fnj- ncnii. e«aplete fjc house -eepin;; also- -jiasiif "^"— «\u25a0 ;' TaLLEJO st. 1321 — 2 wall far. Cunt. r_ s. - com - ntotff for hskpe.z pian»: fre« phons: $13; —?. WESSTE— st, 23* M. nr. Cal on— T— » «_ny rooma nicsly fsraished for honse keepfajr; sas range; bata, etoaet paltry; FSI— t— -• ears; $15. 2 XICELX r— — »hed hoese keeyoa" liuuu s; re<r!i- _ r kitchen; porch-; tab«; jas; bath; fj 6— et * gsx I— ea; »lt to adal ts. j.?T Cay? *t 2_3T st. "CTI, near Gaerruro — 2 saaax _-—^ a_*iie<l rsomsr bat_. sas: -nc— aa sie. TTH »t^. 60. opp- \xmTutCSr* — 2 vanny fr«nrt !uhw« keeping rcoin^: ifi ncr !-«-!; —> . c. O.VKX. AXP HOCJE K— EPIXG ROOn* ALICE st, 1057^ — Sib—? rS— z raarn *. sicely f3r- nished: — » kwatJon: game— ess Ks7 Raate; rates $S to- ST2 _ ccta : also Sato e — «a__r tomnsv gas, batX etc., $12 — ont _. FBAXjSXIX st. 1223 — Cosa ectetl hoose tsrpta z nx—ta; bath. ?a«. Ia— — ry; $IO ta $XS B_a_i; " alsa la — « f_— sted C— at room. . FRA X— LIX st. t~3 — 2 sunny <•— tei—— c —»T r—ms; ressl— * S— e nea; seQ«saSe ent__ »; , $13 man—. \u25a0 FRAX— IXX st. 1512. Oa— — id— 2 emmectetf Sense keep— % racma; ;x-j. "aa — ; reaaoaa— e; alao- slajle rooox, $12 miTnta; asar _#y Rd«te. STH st- 13«t — 2 er 1 nlceiy far -i^ned s_ sty honse keen— a \u25a0 room*; at re re^slar kitcaen; ph»Hie: ttath: JtTi. IOTH st, *JSO» near Castro — 5 eooaected batpj. r-on~. kitc&iTg. $20-: -tbo tar—?- p-rin- mom. ROOMS ._f P " BO.IRP OFF— REP " AAA — 172!> Srood— «y — I_— ?, e_Era__y f— — shed frost nan. wliSt private baCt ; — ~— »TTt »:- tractf— >; *xceptio n_ ly.f— e> tahlr. BCSH st, 2M3 — Elpjant frottt roo rb, wirat or wtta ont oomrd: hoc aait co— waar: bati_ EDDY «t. AC —^Kortern. nicely Jar— saed, ssataj rooms, witii or wi—*mt hoaril; batX. Doose; . rates t» desirsbto patrtiesw ... GOLDEX GATE av_. H>«— Sanay farnJ^h~T rsem » wt_ b.'anl: G«ro— 3 home stout. la. Si r-t!» low tj) desirabi? parties. E-\YES «.. 1312— 5an ay front raocs. sni— bl# fjr 1 ac 2 ggnrli— i»n; prtvats _ _ Hy; w__ buard. ; ,: $2S fat • tw a. . " . . - ' . . . _ ARTTXET HOTEL. 1101 Geary *t — Roosta aad sottest wit Ii in t <_ts toard, cas. no— be ea- s_s«i at saianier rate*.* : - - . - OTARB— EX. st," 1233 — 2 «ot_t taocs*. w__t la v. atory; iko , room; best tah-s beard. ; . Paoce West 28t0t . PAGE *t_ 142 — Room ami lw— ni. 2 p«op_ ; r*a- .s. soaa≤ pnvut*; sa. ami r»jH».'> *pu_^o; reference;*. PIKE st_ ICCO-. between TajSor and Jca-rs — : - S—cbt farnis— Hi roota. wu_ or wtt_ oat board; \u25a0 -references- \u25a0.;\u25a0. ST. - _ ARSAEETTS c— b, fbe war*—* s— Ea. C4I Calif am— , st; *_ ny !~— »; _• «f p— 3o; teaeh«ts, stmieat*. stetunrrapber*: ideal aome ; . S2ft per _ aoth.; toorUts. $1 per day. , r '\u25a0 ST. JiARfJA— _T"^ cfni Tar — cklmr jteSk 1541 : ; CaHfarn— »t; $20- t— trttta $1 day. ' WOSOOTa HOTEL. TarSc «t Iju— taj «pps. B«rk — iV-Baat wafefCt: fe-Jwwj»M» t»t»*.---- ' \u25a0 : \u25a0 ROOMg A3tP BOARD WA.VT— P -BY TatmV ssa a. — x*O. nfeelT faratfstat. — — - f oct.ibtT roo— • n«s« fcata- _ stnetrjr pcivaw _g— e.wt— pU-L—i rt -iuunimi —a s_;. Board; <p- 1 tim— l : city or s— mrta; ct— : fiH \u25a0\u2666«_ _ !, ts— _. [ . etc. " Bos 3UTJ." Ca_ __ aw -I"JS ' " • OAKIASD ROQX * ATP 80.%~P St>Aßl> an«l «_ i tr fcta t roo«n re— art stSbn i !_ a mtes to dry h_ l a_ K•? E-nia \u25a0; tcr 2 c*t- tieubtm «r re_ned: ciupte; pcivata j.-ci^- »»4 . VZVt st \u25a0-...,.\u25a0\u25a0 - \u25a0"\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0 CA»T3O.«t_ i __3».e«-3— r I*_ . O-J t— : rf — S*c»tr f>imi^S»d' rjraat. priT«r* fsaiil?. f'>c t«J S^-k fle_gg; wira. Sotrtl. $2S ea^ft; aSf '-)av»>tr:'e^-»-». FEAS—LIN st_" l«r_ — L*rp». \u25a0"B—ry. fcwrs »w wita SttarJ f— \u25a0 2; gae facag-Mi; JW> r~». GOOD Uocxe. wi_ Henri, fee y_a« _s-ji; raer* $5 week aarf gg. Ut2 — gi^ »t - G2i>r_: k_ LT~. eoraer JTi_— Stc~Er f=mr»&r_ ro»-ns; nxzeZf^iZ b««rft; aome «»£ins^ re-*ww- »Sl» x_tp«r — ry deainSu* for y^iias awn* —at wlaii gaott ho— c. » \u25a0 XICEXY ftimia£«t roems. suitairii* &ir rs-«>~»«ak wi.^ 3o»r-t; ttemr rac-ftetsi a-<£ >->m# «<wkti_r; rates far 2.' ?>\u25a0 meal _; ___> boar— I— C£ iVe »- «ter st SC7fXY i-aa-s. witi #xc«_>ne bemnti _o«_» «no»- fasr aC _iae coicS»r»; frntrr rsaa— - saJt-M* f-r 2 T?BJl*r_e3- S3? msotft ftjr 2." KK3 6rr— -. JC7TXT rooms wJtS ta^i* I-wnlr «mtr»l iseafiOß. t2t I2ta »t T*l- «>a_— mi «2SC — C» W»{Ni-r st — Very I_rs« -sera, prtvato &__•». sntraaie f«ar 2 t'uCgmerr ar cg«pli>; rtßissrr w_;»r; all »:?!*: bc_crt \u25a0ic--:-"«!— . * 11TH st. 1_T — !?!13_3- frncr rwaa. ni«r-ty r_r- -£—»!. far 1 <_r 2 ?3_— rmen. icSa tocrtt; r2S- mna ftfg. BERKEIXT BOOB< A\D BOARD FC— 5_ _ __> rowia s ta r»_iu»rf ar fi___y; beamiial xr-u_l- and; snrrwatHa^s; a*arr op- tfora l; ae_- s_ ___; rsftreniiea. — — I Sia;- ra»>k »t. . AJTIKTTCEVT* AAA.— ST. _ ARslA— _T •part— «xt*. r«Q ant «>r- ttvja s*3. — Si— ay ;n ';r •:«.-._•-; as-rcsmirf; J rooms «a»{ Sara; wiß beds: t?ux reajoojste. A-V.%— ST. MDSD Ape.- _P» Goi«!«s Gate <s_r. ~_--o-» — E-^crat!y f > rTn.'«3<»rt 2-J — — a apesv AA— GLACSJTOXS APAETSIZ^TS. Ti»t P—fc *-. cor. Ett_j" — El;r3j_3t jtrnay i,h;-u» X!-»tibi< ap«rr- meu_; 1 ro«_i. SX4 o«r -n-sri: 2 nam. lU-"J p<^ mwrtS; 3 — — a*. «-» -!*r cceeta: tore b«ttr*: »teg. Sgat-: Jaa— jr a*— •. Trt. rraa_fc» 234.*. AA — 3AS D_rs»JKAi( rrrriaae^ «?»r— testa, UZ2 Eiity *t.: at»w n»a<J.T ff~ «t^~rs*ntf?. A— COSNZ— U HOTEL. AP^aTHZ-VT?. •IX OTTAR—ZXi . ST. SEA_ HlC_ — S AST> 4. ROOII ELEGAXTLY FCR-XISHJO AFASmrr 1^ Cotaplrrstr f&Cvr>*< wtra, *«vr-> •_<•»>— «* »a- t»ae» _tj»l r^j»iT hri_ _ei_at* wveiaef so— zte rvi; sgrgr. v hojxl se—\ cc. ATS—TSE: .4PTS-. «KO _ioy— Aja-tax ears. 2. J aait -» ro»nxts: tat'tmigMy _tr»2et3; «r~c_#- r»:s«. CALIF©-— >IA *r.. ret>. 2*ar Lara'a— Arri^tic « rtwnx -ytrtateug __t: cantf-f swtsa&ortood. GEORGIASA apannmraw. I_2S Pij»e- st fterT<— n Leavwwnrta aarl Ry.*»; beaattSat, Ksic aad *ggny 3 room* a_»f ba— : g_rrraia&i»(_. H OLL STE-. VSy> f's£i!>a *r. bet'.Teea. Pflli i3ii l.i -i in — Sew ,i«r»j»a3Ciy f3r_saect tp«rtm«-»_f; 3-4 _us~ ras&y ftroct r-ooa »; prtTat» bait; _ - rtm» via— ; reng r-as-n^Bf. SXXII.WQRTH. S_ OJ_ BC-SH AXO POW»TJu ?T5w — S RO*>3t FT—SC<IIEI> EI-KTiS a—ana IKS APARTM—VT*:: SHSt;U»r K»H>MS: t'f«l- flete: APPorsTSEEC"* axi> s_x~sc__ — ARTLASD APART— _VT*. \u25a0W3 P^j- *t— s;k- ny 4 ran— aijartaieitt*: faraiaaerf n.i itsfiir- — sa«flr hoc nnr, *__rar service, oijic warra- HKI3. «6-r_tar_ RrCHELKC APTS. 2_£ xad ri-wr— r»-*-i en. fur— aad saX— _.' .at—; — aayor— j— ; SAX CARLOS asartm-ntsi. IITJ <rr*r*_ s*. — — S aaii 4 room*. ft__ -wnni airf oar— —s&rnL OAiciweTP apab ntgyrs to let X— _ LCC—eXS. US Gr— * *t _m_ Saa: P—ln. *_— 2 aaii 3- ran e_«s__*- f.— 3~—*l ayaet- ments; all medera efMiven^eacwr; an» iii«*»tioß; no-r ready far •errcpaacy; e^asraHy towa's-t; •nr ff to— a partto* <teittrtas Sne <&_ rter~ wCI Sarf tafs aa __»al bnnu»7 apwHal *uaiin»~* mrixi. HOTEL* __^ A— A— SOTICE TO TB_T__ K—s— HOTEL CO_OXIAL . 3tae___ st— «t a!w «# Sutrer. A— ericaa p— a. $S; Ear— Nnm pixs. JL. Tslepitans. »taaaa Ueii, «t_?c&ictty; «»ejy i— *wjem cju, i eiileae*. i-— HOTEL B23Ti>X. 4tS CTA-R2LL ST. FA— ILT AST* COM— —EtXIL HOTEL. Eoom. aad Sara. $X »I_ 7 «r $i per w**__ Otttsiife- teurpilcni? _ eaci rrxaa. X«wty oo<?_et_. 3teet fraatg b-^*'--— , A—TH 3A — TH3 W_ vf?E. 4l!> Oai *t BT. Taa X<— • anrt I*s*«f — £_—"•. sunn 7 rnonw aad ssaexcerx soar»t; aU modera cr»v»_#nce»: t-"i man—, np. BROO—LYX HOTTL. ZS3 Zzt— Boarrt anil — cm $«t ta 45 per- week ; — «nw 3»h? o> TI ; w-etiy l- apc awa— 23c CHARLES UOXT»>— d— T. HOTEL B_ LiIOXT. r» E_d7. M-HB Tra jr^fc Txrit aad E<i>ty ears — — irt-t $x per «— y g». HOTEL CAL— 'C RSI— . tear. CaSfur— _ A Ht_— - Especially . adapted t* — e «I ions c _> : \u25a0»»- ptziot ac-om.; r»_ >.; E_ r>p*aa <rr Aa- ptaa. E«rrZL EASCOCUT. L-VaSTX AXD .•»rTT23— AJorsic— x _ xr> etropsax. exce_ _ t*t Ttßrr. PHOSS F3—SSLIX 2U--W. HOTEL A2SOS— CT. 4tiX aarf It——-: »c»l— r»_ - i'-T asti ennai— — C hxrtsl; cwn -»:r:i '. •c.n- i.-l Intti. $1 p«r toy; nom* -irtra pr*.--at» ia: .. J '..">» per Ll7: restaaraat azztdie&z -a- -i^n- \u25a0 ;t-i'*»: C^e cos m?«— all trtlasi A «r— » _:.-*!• 1-. HOTZI. OXFO—S. XE. «r. P^Urt aa.4 Franklia: Enrnpeas or Aater. a— a; »r:*—:a: summer n--:. Kj/ISX. ST. lA— _*. Tjta X«-i *t Fnl__— ll_ n»nta t» p*r___e_t sruMta; :•» 1 i::^il So&by. ~7 —i tes. Rfonrs- wiQ prtvaxa- ij"j. 1^ per weei ip. Eacn » wtat-ar bat— &. *•) per waeft a> HOTEL B—TLLIAXT. 34^ T— _ at THE _TRATTO2_> EOT__ ' 1(2 Powell st. togissiza the St F?— trSfc. A ilrst class y stodKa, — e-jr^og ie:?:; iai t_e Sar-c <low__.w3 segtuia. Rocma $4 1 veiJi aadt 1?. E»xar r wita private 3*13. $1 a day am* 1;. THE C2ESCEXT. t3CI Canfoci— »t at Fnat- I— ! — Seienx board— 5- a««ae: _ 3t e_i»; nf.; rao— r— ». fraaltift; I— T. K— < E. g. BATE*. F— »-T5 TO LET ArSTTX w» 34S bet. FT— O__ —at Gcts^fc- - 3£»1e~3 4 rtmia Cat BCC— ASAX *t. _ 3. opp. Stata X.JT3— 1 — < rcora ia:. ia_. — — v— 7; OaetT scz_— _ _ <a ei_ roocx. CASTRO »t. «I 3» cc_ \u25a0 23C» — 5 — r— », -scdara. *"' tr| y rooms; reas caeaa*: key on prenslaesw CEXTB— L *^~. M ««f- F— s«u near j>_^ aa»t paaittrKiliF— l roibs .yst tntlz: sssiisrai Sat; \u25a0nn a!£ day; m_2>£-r; 922 L X-oitcr. CLE2f XXT »t_ 2WT. a»-_r 23ti *t, _.-i2aj.»rtii djstrfct — Li sit. sunny upper £_;; \u25a0:\u25a0-<•• n-,-i tjn»sy; tta* view; .» nmrns. *j:i-j. larxs i "t^< i3tio*-I j-sc::i. ;t:fci: reac S~l. — c£u_ l7 w_r»r. FOCS rooms and Sn-_- — 22t Lanrsi it. «qT Vh Xess^ b#C— >ea 7 ur't antZ El—7 st— EOWA— O"»t. IST3-4. t-t Il_ aait —Tk— C?t>— aad — w er Cao •>* I I_7e- aj ~ n— 3 t-fi: moiera; rens ehg-g. JOKES. bet P— * a— t Caltftimia. It— o-1332— X—r sru_ t -4 asit 4 no— l_r». - • It ;_J CJ 3T—S st. _ 2S. aaa r Flllaor*— S— r 03- per S-t * r— a-*, >> " rS . 2 frrtTwCt; I.. losny; . «4-y — ar— $>?>\u25a0 _ISa IOX st, 2TOa. _#_ - 23_— 2 _;a; — — «_; gag gf * xaJ 7 ~q_a ; -gaocahfe- XEW sons? iitfv*^ 2_: 5 moon a— E Batik, j 1 Z.-T a " BrTaat b«t ".1 asit ** S- O'FARRXLL st t <f o r T. «rn«r Pletre — t aik» rooei»; bath-; ntrw_«at: cars pa*» door: f. *_ jTt— ttirt— — i> <r — fn_ n«-r Ca— rr— CS: \u25a0! root— ( _ — ba— . STX— — - 52C5.. 3? (Soer- rert» «_' SmXER •_, — li. nesr r_»— Hands— a» £ai; T reams aad ftata: all itxaaj; a*wty n_w-ate»{: CT— a. - - - STETXX— «t. It2X ar- Tir_~s saanw tail tata. «tmsy «aii .;i«— n; $a*. TALEXCIA s«-. IWV42. al 23t_— 5 bob «b_t metlscx s_ts; k— — * st»p»; «»-_ j— ,ar»; ret*.: $2- - - " - - TAIX—T »«.. Es»*. Il**-:I 1 **-: «•\u25a0?. . CSnrra — Xew. -n-it • era J r-o— aat ta;- Sar»: ft 4 «— t TJ ear— _*TH st. 4W_ , c^r. Xw — *an— -pp«s- * r~ — s; s—reraq— ; Sat «ad !>aa»mg-t; r2— 3TH *v_ CW^. ftet B — -t C st— . Ertmwd <_- trice— st»; eaeap«st t* c;ri * i~on_»; • ng— ; la— « yar-t. ' $1«: STTXSY _ ie * — «a— ». 9a_ . &*— laent. r— — C.* Ea*i>t» »r. awr_t^. \ -^_^____ OAICLJ KSU FX_-T* TO LCT _> ay. aatt E. K_ *t- CtK O»— ami— C_s_ t= a— ». _*&—* 3 anrt 4 r~ m fiat»z -a» aa«t »rie-- trfeUy; «v«rioo~ns L 4— • _ erritt; snsetesss <rr»r t d-r«r.ta_; —ait r«—g_&>. V—A.TS TO — ET — FaraJ «hW SIC— LV far— — «!. — >P«- Sat. s— w aad! — tf_; ' rb: mmniMf ~ s«— aaars— X— ' tt_t av_ _ae_aoa J attract. \u25a0 - > -. - SOB st. 1050. corner K2 «_&«__— s euo as <tft i_w - t-t an— T«r««; r— ut — — - A— .%-TC— DA ffT-ITS TO LE T— ~— f«t»>«^l pj k j£C' CI<L Aii-tM* — Isffwfera avg*? ftte; 3 r>-om-t i.i«l iss"-: <*sif^et>>Cy tErds-mt Car iciuw i •vp^nr; I Mori f— a* Martna sxx^oir. \u25a0*tati«*: *25l twCuJlm wi«-r. Bwc 23fft. C-O. 11