Newspaper Page Text
12 FOR *ale —^l'lat of 5 rooms; less tfcsu a month In ««•: all newly furnl«be<J; reasonable rent; own- «t intends leaving lotm. Inquire, between 10 a. in. and 2 p. m.. 45 Brady st. ogf Market. FOB *ale or to rent — FurnUhed sunny corner flat of 7 rooms, or will 6e)l furniture cheap. Apply 4i:02 18th ft. .- -COTTAGES TO LET COTTAGE 3 rooms, yard, closet, $9. Mission st. car. Cresernt ay. on to Roscoe. No. 17. COTTAGE. 4 rooms, bath and laundry: 336 Dun- .-aniKt.: $1S per month. Apply 1684 Ellis st. FOCI! room cottage: tnodeni: near rnrt; finely sinsste.l; Sunset district; $15. Apply 417 De- vinadero *U T'.'lT)' t-t.. gift— Furnished rottsge. 3 room?. - — ; ; ; FRCITVALE COTTAGES TO LET i-H JTVALE ay.. 2017. nr. boulevard— Cottage; *\u25a0 rooms, bath, basement: gas: on car lin«: HOUSES TO I.i:T — lnfurnl«.Ued SI!OTWELL St.. 1119— House. 6 rooms, bath, basement; large yard: finest order: low rent. VAIXFJO *t. — Hous» 9 rootuii; garage; hardwood floor*: finest marine vlevr; wi'l lease long terra, or unfum. Tel. mornings. Went 5734. OAKLAND HOUSES TO jjgT^nr^ ;t ROOM fornlshed house in Piedmont, with gar- dener. A. W. I»l"CK. 427 13th St.. Oakland. nERKELEV HOrSES TO m .l>ET— f«^-_ r«»R rent — fl room furnished house In North Berkeley; 2 or 8 months from Jnly I; all con- T«-a:t-nces. Call 1915 Vine st. or phone Berke- l«»r 2*^l. .HOUSES WAXTED * \vn have tenants for stores, fists and rooming hoti«»s. Don't let them stand empty; it don't pay. List them with hi>. We will find you s Tenant on short noMw. IfcFAUL & ED- WARPS. r>SO Chronicle bldg. OFFICES AND STORES TO LBT^ r.LEGANT rtor» to let; rent reduce! to $40. nri FUlmore st. , LM'ERBERO St.. 1201 — The lx>Ft corner in Mis- s.:o-> for anr kind of Imsfness; low rent. I'RI VATE of fife and use of reception room; $25: 5 irM National Bank building. Apply room STORE 12n70 feet at 10S Ist St.. lease; suitable frr plumber or manufacturing. .-\u25a0\u25a0; \u25a0; taontb; private garage for rent. 2572 Fol- "•-"•1 »<\u25a0 \ IV\ RJ^JCXT^^Oj[>>E^^O^^ASE^^ I'd RiHIMS in Washington Ft. wear Powell; all Drw!f papered: 2 floors; bath on each floor: l»il» Vnuld maUe a very oozy apartment house for Mime lady; rent $40. vrlth lease. DAVID- \u25a0 '\u25a0'>N A LEIG'a. 3".C Pine *t. FVRMTURE FOR SALE £Sl> they <*n not be duplicated In price by $10; 3 pif.-*- weathered oak bedroom suite, only 20 v- rtock. regular $27. our price $16.50; they iiiust go. H. SCHELLHAAS. 408 llth St.. Oakland. \u25a0 \\"l< it's a fart: we have folding beds as cheap as?s. H. SCHELLHAAS. Oakland. l IRNITURE goes for a wrag at H. SCHELL- . 'HAAS'. 40S llth ft.. Oakland. .'r("RNITI"UE of 8 room house for sale. 2558 Sacramento near Fillmore. FIRX *TUJlE^_WAjVTED_^___^ A SWAYS' ready to buy furniture, carpets, desks, merchandise, etc.. for spot cash. MARK J. "•• IJEYT. 1140 McAllister St.; phone Park S6O. III<;HEST price* paid for fcrnitnre at the En- \u25a0 \u25a0 irrpri^e Furniture Co.. 11^ Church. Mkt. 2SSO. RATTAN* FUR^TTIJRE^^ Wi: • MAKi; handicraft furniture and baby car- riKgo". Partflr rosst Rattan Co.. *M Van N>ss. WINDOW SHADES : AOvsn'v Window Shade Factory — Bsmboo porch i In all ejeos. GFO. WAIXTOM. 637 Turk. SEWIXG MACHINES White, all makes half price: easy . . payments; se«>ud band. $:5 up; renting, repair- ing x specialty . McXALLY. 3260 22d St.; |ihOD»- Mission 202. NEW drop bead machines made and guaranteed . liy New Home Sowing Machine Co.: $19.50 to ' £^4.30; M*cond hand. $5 to $10; renting, repair- ing.- "E. L. SERGEANT. 531 12th st. Oakland. IJUXESTIC — Best, cheapest: ail kinds rented, re- paired, cichanged: needles and supplies for all makes. J. W. EVANS, agent. IUSS O'Farrell *t". near Killmore; phone We6t 3601. HA VIS. SINGER. W. & W.— W. E. JACKSON. agent. 404 Sutter: needles. *upplir«: all make*. FREIGHT FORWARDING A— .HEDIJCED rates for shipping household goods. EAST AND WEST. JtaSON FRF.IGHT AND FORWARDING CO., Rooai 2(i6 Pacific bldg.: phoae Kearny 2579. AAAA— LE CL.MR VACUUM CLEANING CO.. 02 Po*t. room 32G; phone Donglas 2671 — Dust- lesK cleaning of carpets, rngs, draperies, furnl- )iire and bedding. WITHOUT REMOVAL. AA— CONSOLIDATED CLEANING APPARATUS CO.. 441 Ist ay.; phone Pacific 1315 — Carpets. , rues, draperie*, etc., cleaned at home without Oust, trouble or noise; estimates furnished. ALL carpets and rug« cleaned on the floor with- out removal by S. F. COMPRESSED AIR CLEANING CO. Office 24 Montgomery St.; phone Kearny 3352; shop 16th & San Bruno ay. AA— National Carpet Cleaning Works; largest on r-oast: laying and altering a specialty. Hamp- ton & Baley. 344-848 Church st. Market IS9. ISCST '\u25a0leaning <3c) and laying (3ct done by Gls- klow's C. C. Co.. 380S 22d Ft.; phone Mission 2280: estab. 20 years. • Cc yd. — For the Best Carpet Beating — 3c yd. Phone Market 2-6-2. F. A. Bice. 1805 Harrison. .V yd.— Carpets Cleaned at Bight Prlce^ — 3c yd. WHEN yon become disgusted with poor work wnd j-ocr < «rpets to J. SPAULDING & CO.. :<*>:» Golden Gate ay.; telephone Market C 43. GARNIE &. BERNSTEIN'S carpet cleaning works, 31. ".S ICth s»t. nr. Valencia: phone Market 5001. M'KRLING CARPET CLEANING WORKS— Pronipt wrviee. 1130 Vermont; teL Park C 823. MATHEWSOVS Carpet Beating Works. 315 East 12th rt.. Oakland: tel. Merritt 505. 81653. iEUKSET Carpet CloaniDg Works. 1213 Valencia; PHONE "MARKET 6170. First class work. WATTS — Reliable carpet cleaniug; alterations; rcoorst.; laying. 3GO Devisadero: ph. Park 560. ADVANCE Carpet Cleaning Co.— Advanced Meth- oo^. GEORGE WALCOM CO.. «37 .Turk st. CONKLIN BROS., carpet cleaning and laying. - -4< l 0 jGear?- ft. corner Baker: phone West 93. STORAGE AND MOVING VANS BEKINS VAN AND STORAGE CO.. Fireproof Warehouse. 13th and Mission sts.: tel. Market 13. WILSON BROS. (Inc.)— Moving, and storage. Cor. 14tb and Sanchez sts., 1 block from Mar- ket, end Flllmore sts. cars; phone Park 271.. BEKINS 'of course 1070 Broadway near 12th St.. Oakland. A — PACIFIC STORAGE AND VAN : CO.— Brick warehouse. 2322 Flllmore St.; teL West 2625. rii:i:i;i:-RODOLPH Storage & Moving Co.. main of3t-<». Eddy and Flllmore: tel. West 828. Foj" .^^k— y».* < !r. ll - a °f oM '* ~~ <'A?H REGISTERS— Bargains In NaUonalsT^^ Retail adders, keys 5c to $10 $15 Detail udders, regular price $65 $33 NATIONAL. 2 counter Total Adder $150 NATIONAL. Total Adder, regular price J-'.Vt. kej-g 5c to $20 ....$135 NATIONAL TW« DRAWER, for bar... 5165 !-«te Model Six Drawer Electric, regular j,ri«- *715... ." $350 WE DON'T handle cheaply constructed cast iron cabinet registers, advertised at a cheap price simply as bait to prospective purchasers. PACIFIC COAST CASH REGISTER CO., INC., 12921294 Market 6t. corner Larkin. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS AMERICANS AND . HALLWOODS. 4 A A— ATTENTION. CAMPERS. ~~~~ U. !?. GOVERNMENT SALE ARMY GOODS. Ki>a[>facks. shoulder bags,' canteens, blankets, folding frypans, bayonets, -army saddles, leather saddle bags; army tents $1.50 each; new blankets. $1.50 each. Everything almort new. Call before they go: SPIRO HARNESS AN D CARRIAGE CO.. 809 Market St.. S. F. AAA — The Central Plumbing Supply Co. does not .sell redipped fittings,- but they sell new fittings Jess than . you can , buy the • redipped ' kind for. Bring ' your ' list , and •\u25a0 be convinced. Central Plumbing Supply Co., ' 1527 Market st. • •-\u25a0 \u25a0 CA£H REGISTERS. ~ We ruaraslee to sell a better cash register for Ir*B money than any otber concern, in the world. Call and s*«» f or • yocrself. \u25a0 TH E , NATIONAL CASn REGISTER CO., ] 040 Market st. between Taylor ; and' Jooes sts. F«»R'SALE — "The Book of a Thousand Nights 'and One Night"; limited edition;- liberal trans- •'\u25a0: iation: -onexporgatHl; 15 '.volumes;, gilt top, deckled edges; «*«.. s7s, i price; $50. Address box 2705, Call office.' . «' , \u25a0 FOR SALE-— MljceH^B^o^s^CjDMjtlnaed^ INVALlDS'. wheel: chairs,' 6 all in order. 1 alone cost (50; the lot $100; will sell separate. .' H. ECHELLHAAS, the furniture dealer, 408 llth St., Oakland. ' FOR sale-r-4 ""cylinder, horsepower marine mo- tor, practically, new, .weight 724 lbs.;, also 30 ' horsepower, high speed steam engine, in first class condition. Inquire 475 44th, St.; Oakland. AND a bully good time on the 4th; furniture cheaper than . ever. H. SCHELLHAAS. ' 408 llth st., Oakland, at Franklin . st. ; corner More, of cpurne. GRKAT bargains in: rebuilt typewriters renting ?2 to $3.50 per month. • . - : See NEW YOST VISIBLE. The Typewriter Erchange, 235 Montgomery st. . SECOND HAND PIPE. • -. - largest dealers in standard pipe and screw rssmg, dipped: prices • right ; guaranteed . first clans. P«:ifi<* Pipe Co.. -Main and Howard J sts. AA— AH sires standard water pipe and. screw ; rasing; guaranteed good as new; get our prices. Weissbaum Pipe Works. 133 llth st. ARMY tents at factory prices. W. A. PLUM- MER CO.. 115 Drumm St., S. F., Ist and Franklin sts.. Oakland. ' . - .-."."\u25a0\u25a0' CONCRETE - mixers, gasoline engines, wood work- ing machy; contractors* equip.; Al condition; prices right. W. T. MARTIN. 1277 Howard st. CORRUGATED iron, pipe and malleable fittings; sash weights a specialty, old and new. ;N. LANSBURG & SON. 1140 Folsom st. SOLID oak folding bed: cheap; or exchange for bureau and pay difference. Call before 3 p. m., IS9A Holly tt. off Mission. - \u25a0 \u25a0 • - A— SCHOOL BOOKS bought and sold. . KING'S BOOK STORE. 1716 Market st. above Gongh. FOR sale — Angora (Persian) kittens; sire nnd dam prteo, stock. 1908 Chestnut st., Alsroeda. FOR «a!e — Cash register; good as new; $25. Call 2701 Mission st. TYPEWRITER, Steams risible— Bargain. Ap- ply 550 Valencia st. - FOR sale — Angora kittens; they are beauties (pedigreed*. 622 37th ay., Richmond district. IiUNGALOW book of 32 designs and plans, 25c. ART BUNGALOW CO.. P. O. box 260. Oakl'd. AND how about a $65 folding bed for $30? H. SCHELLHAAS. 408 llth St.. Oakland. FINELY educated parrot for sale; $20,* young, healthy. 530 Williams St.. Oakland. . BOOKS and libraries bought. THE HOLMES CO., 1138 Market st.; phone Market 896. GOOD building lumber for sale cheap. W. G. HEFLINGER. f.2 Bacon bldg., Oakland. SAFE, with inside door; inside measurements, 33x23x14; $95. 950 Mission st. above 3th. NATIONAL cash registers, electric signs, bar and •afe for sale; cheap. 579 McAllister st. EDISON AGENCY— Moving picture machines and films; bargains. GEO. BRECK. 70 Turk st. AWNINGS, hammocks and tents for Invalids. ROSS, McMAHON CO.. 403 Battery st.. S. F. WALL paper, SHe; samples mailed; paint $1 gal.; alcohol. 63c gal. M. Merigan. 1447 Ellis. TURNINGS, cabinet and mill work, store flx- tnres. Jobbing. C. V. HAAS. 83 Minna st. MOVING picture films for rent: largest stock in city. TUItNER & DAHNKEN. 138 Eddy st. SAFES— New and second band. The Hermann Safe Co.. 120-130 Folsom st. AVANTS DRESS SUITS. TUXEDOS AND PRINCE AL- BERTS BOUGHT. L. SKOLL. TAILOR, 707 GOLDEN GATE AY. PHOJE MARKET 4681. WANTED to buy — National cash registers for cash; if you have any style National for sale drop a line to box 2309. Call office. GENTS' second hand clothing bongbt and sold. . MUSIN. 1255 G. G. ay.. Fllfmore. Ph. Mkt.7123 STAMP collections or odd lots of stamps bought; call evenings. E. W. SMITH. 1628 Post st. CASH— ANY AMT. FOR OLD GOLD. PREC. STONES. ENGELHARDT. 22 MONTG'Y ST. WILL buy second hand hardware, tools, clothing. etc.: best prices. 2117 Mission st. Park 5356. BAR AND STORE FIXTURES PIONEER showcase maker: established In 1859. GUSTAV TEUBNER;. silver, wood and all glass cemented: showcases.' 1535 Clay st. ' BRUNSWICK-BALKE-COLLENDER CO.. 17-27 Franklin st. near Market. Phone Pnedsl 1437. POSTAGE STAMPS POSTAGE stamps, albums, catalogues, etc.; cols. bought. W. W. Doescber & Co.. 1126 Geary St. §¥ TENTS, tent houses, camping and permanent cottages: cheap. Portable House Co., 1266 Broadway. Oakland. WE furnish everything for camper; teats, ham- raork*. canvas goods. T. J. Mayers. 2S Clay st. LOrSTAD & EVANS. Inc.. furriers, 231 Post st., Mercedes bldg.. 3d floor. Phone Kearny 4359. ROBT. MORRIS. 239 Geary st.— Furs, fur skins. supplies, satins: wholesale only. DRESS MAKING McDOWELL Dress Making and Millinery School. Always In the lead because we teach the best system of dress, making and give a thorough, practical coor*e in millinery: special rates in our millinery department this week. Cutting and fitting a specialty. Our -cut to measure patterns make your home dress making easy. 121 Geary st. Phone Douglas 4751. ANNOUNCEMENT. Steeie's Pleating and Button Works, now at 222 Kills st. Phone Franklin 4521. MACDOWELL'S Dress Making and Millinery School, 121 Geary st. near Grant ay. Oakland office. 101S Washington. Patterns cut to order. JAJ^A^EJJE^JTAILORS -^ THE HINOY. lClo>i Geary St.— Aristocratic tail- ors for ladies and gents: latest fall styles. JAPANESE LAUNDRIES ~~ JAPANESE laundry: waist ami curtain special- A. A. A. — Specials at the BYRON MACZY MUSIC. HOUSE, 230 Stockton st. (Union square). ICi^hi floors devoted to music. We have 10 pianos returned from rent. Rea- son? Summer vacation. And we offer the fol- lowing bargains: One upright, price new $273, f0r..... 5150 One upright,' price new 325, f0r..... 160 One upright, price new "323, f0r..... 200 One upright, price new 350, f0r. . . ; . 210 \u25a0 And six others in the same proportion. Oome and see us. Look at the goods and you will find the greatest bargains offered in the piano mar- ket. We own the building we occupy, and In the eight, floors we have almost everything that Is musical. We do uot spend vast sums of money In advertising cheap pianos, but, we can give you the best value for your money you ever dreamed of. We carry.- some of the finest pianos In the world, and we sell them at- the lowest price. You can buy a piano for $200. and a good one. too, or yon can pay $UK» for the finest piano on earth. Come and see them and judge for your- self, or if you wish 'to rent .we will deliver free this week. «. \u25a0 Open Saturday evenings. ' \u25a0-\u25a0 • . If you cau not come,-, send for catalogue of musical goods, with \u25a0 prices . all marked in plain figures that will astonish you. ' -- MANUFACTURERS' PIANO COMPANY, \u25a0 From Maker to Player. - IS6 Eddy st.- between Mason : and ' Taylor. " New pianos from $150 up; also good bargains in second band pianos. . . - • BRAND Dew piano, $5 per mo. . rental; no cart- age; free insurance;. 6 months', rental applies to purchase; piano salesman wanted: no sal- ary;- big commission. PETER BACIGALUPI Ac SONS, 941 Market Ft. Open Sat. evenings. LARGE Knabe upright. . $230: . other uprights from $100 up; pianos to ' rent. BOWERS & SON. C 2» - McAllister : and 1 19 Stockton. LADY must \u25a0 sacrifice elegant ' upright piano -to pay hospital f ees. \u25a0 908 Van : Ness ay., v : , . HEINE Piano Co.. 90S Van Ness, closes this week. : Stock \u25a0 offered for > cost. PARTY going, to China wants to sell equity in upright piano. 146 C Bnsh st. \' . \u25a0 .. ; \u25a0 • - GREAT bargain in a 'second band player piano; $73. C. C HORNUNG. 1534 Geary st. ALMOST given away— Storage pianos, dirt cheap. Whltcbe«qy« ' Storage, 405 San Pablo ay.. Oak. WILL sell $233 equity in elegant, mahogany upr. piano for $75. I4CC Bosh st. BEST pianos iv town for. rent; 10c a day. SCOTT CUBTAZ..SW Hayes wt. Electric pianos. $175 up:- terms;! also. placed.o n percentage. Audlffred Musical Co., 82 Grove st. 30 pianos to rent, $3 per ' month * and - upward. JOS. SCHMITZ & Co.. 1621 Van Ness ay. - -_.. A .y.P: J?Sff PI ' IES _ _ J MOANRCH Visible Typewriter— ln the Monarch Visible . Typewriter all the • writing . is \u25a0in •\u25a0 full sight all the time; other j makes, second hand. at xery reasonable . prices; we rent," repair and inspect. Before-, purchasing^ ring \u25a0up Douglas 4113, or: call' at 307 Bush- st. \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 WOLF & ISENBRUCK. Dealers. . TYPEWRITER for sale it i sacrifice; L^CL Smith visible machine; \u25a0 N0.'. 2 model; excellent condition. Box 2644,' Call office.: SPECIAL rental: rate*; rebuilt*, second hands, at bargains;: supplies, repairs, v desks. *^LEXAN- - PER & CO.. 512 Market St. Tel. Douglas 2157." BRAND new Visible." s|(VSun No. 2; other makes cheap. Pacific Typewriter Co.V 107 Montgomery., NEW \u25a0 and" second band typewriters bought and sold, rented.v repaired; j guaranteed.: SMITH 8803., 4G2 15ti st., Oakland. -Phone Oak. 12." TILE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, WEDNESDiVY; TONE 30, 1909 ._ ;C __^^_^UTOMOBILES L C -k! k - FOR SALE— A' 3O horsepower 5 passenger White steamer, model 6. with? full s equipment; includ- ing top 'and curtains, folding glass front,': pres- " tollte tank, shock \u25a0 absorbers,- speedometer, tire holders; 2 inner tubes and tools; Car: is good as ' new, having run - only v 1,750 miles ; ": must > be sold at once; cash, or : will take good grade of . runabout In part * payment. ; Box 1981,' Call.', * FOR SALE— Price $500 and upward; several '06 and '07 White touring cam. taken In trade for !. 'OS cars antf thoroughly overhauled; by. our me- chanics -from our factory. ; -\u25a0\u25a0- \u25a0, WINTON AUTOMOBILE BRANCH, 300 Van Ness Avenue, . '",..'• San 'Francisco. : .; , ..'""- AUTOMOBILE wanted; slightly used machine. In perfect condition; must. seat 5; give: full par- ticulars -In -reply: will pay. spot cash . for \u25a0 isueh machine if price is right. Address . box 3123, Call. .:'-..-•. ONE to 5 ton commercial auto trucks, auto supplies . and ; machine shop equipment, cheap; must be sold. Apply Interurban Motor Express Co., 1920 Broadway. Oakland. '. 40 horsepower 5 passenger Oldsmoblle with; full equipment,* Including top and speedometer; ', must be sold at once. P. O. box 104, Be.rke- ley: phone Berkeley 4011. ' - * ELITJ! AUTOMOBILE EXCHANGE— New and second hand cars for sale; auto painting, wood- work and framing. t 677-685 Golden Gate ay. corner of Franklin. Phone Park 5022. > FOR sale — 1907' Thomas Flyer: this car is In fine condition: good as new; price $2,200. . Ad- dress box72B^>aklandCa2l_offlce : ___%_____ •07 RAMBLER runabout. Just overhauled ft cost of $200: a bargain at $400. A. C. HULL, 192- 194 12th St.. Oakland^ ,\u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0--\u25a0\u25a0 SECOND HAND cars bought, sold and exchanged,- or money loaned for short term on all automo- blles. Valencia Garage. Inc., 611 Valencia »t. MATHESON seven passenger car, fully equipped, with top and glass front, in first class con- dition. Can be seen at 324 Van Ness ay. HO YAL Tourist In very good condition !at reasonable flgnre. Call 320 Phelan bldg. ' HEALD'S antomoblle school gives the best auto trai nlng on coast. '425 McAllister st. Pac. Aluminum Brazing Works can -braze your broken alum, cnntlnga. 250 A»h ay. Park 2Ssfl. BICYCLES AND MOTORCYCLES N. S. U. motorcycles; call and see the 3V4 hp. with magneto. $200; 1900 N. S. U. 7 hp. tricar. 2 speed magneto, fan cooled, etc. L. L. M. SALSBURY. coast agent. 968 Broadway. Oak- land. or 312 San Pablo ay.. Oakland. _._. G a.s EXGIXES _ _^_^ MINING hoists, stationary and portable engines, gas. distillate or crude oil. WESTERN GAS ENGINE CO.. 461 Market st. \u25a0 HORSES. HARNESS AXD WAGOXS AAA — Camping Reason open; every one can go camping; prices to suit your pocket book; wagons, $12.50 up: buggies, $5 up; buckboard, $3 up; horse, wagon and harness, $40 up; horse, buggy, harness, $25 up; mule teams at a sacrifice; home, bridle, saddles, $20 up; top wagons, express, delivery wagons; 30 head of all purpose , horses and mules on- hand; will trade; open Snnday. Auction sale Wednesday at 11 a. m.. 665 4th St., Oakland. FOR sale — Fine Hungarian pony outfit, russet harness, fine rubber tire buggy. If sold imme- diately will take $165. Grand driver and sad- dler; safe for children. 563 4th St.. Oakland. CONTRACTORS-d ump carts and dump wagons; to close out they, will be sold at less than landed cost. Coast Carriage Company; corner 12th and Jackson sts.. Oakland. Cal. HORSE — Suitable for buggy, - road - or surrey, ,$175; also 2 chesp phaetons. H. SCHRLI<- lIAAS' Furniture Store. 40S llth St.. Oakland. CAMP wagon for hire, with tent, utensils, etc., complete. 22 Beaver st. near 16th and Market. GRAY mare. 1.400 pounds; 2 horses suitable for ranch work. 402 14th at. ' Second hand top wagon, exp. wagons, bus, bug- gles. Nugent-Covey Wagon Co.. 349 Valencia st. BUI LDER S^ AN _D CO XT R A CTO R^ I will furnish plans and lot (in Crocker tract. S.- S.) and build 5 room cottage. Terms, $400 cash and $30 per month. J. H. YODNO, builder, care- of R. L. Simpson, 34 Ellis et. WANTED— Day and contract estimates on- all kinds of buildings; have, machinery; can give references. Address BULCH, 1547 20th ay. South.* m . . •.\u25a0\u25a0':\u25a0\u25a0 ."\u25a0- BRICK WORK in ell its branches; best rates. M. V. MOWBRAY. 1305 Devisadero:. West 7021. PAINTING AND PAPEJR^HAXGIXG^^ PAINTING in all branches,' paper banging, tint- ing, plastering repaired; send for estimate. JAS. P. HUNTER. 1707 Geary. Tel. West 5653. GOOD wall paper furnished and hung, 23c a roll; also painting and tinting done reasonably; all work guaranteed. Phonff West 8012. \u25a0«; UNITED GLASS WORKS »\u25a0<*» H. R. . HOPPS, PRESIDENT. . ALL KINDS ART, LEADED AND MOSAIC GLASS. lIS TURK. PHONE FRANKLIN 17ft3. ROOFIXG - ROOFS, any kind, repaired,, painted. A. HII»L- MAN. 503 E. 12th St.. Oakland. Drop poatal. DOOR openers and keys. Key Works, 853 Clay st. Phones— Oakland 6717. A 2574. .\u25a0\u25a0,.-. ENGRAVING _:\u25a0 WEDDING invitations; 100 for $3.50; visiting cards. ftOc. Greeninger En?. Co.. 1114 Geary st. BUSINESS CHANCES _ A— GLOBE REALTY COMPANY; Business Brokers. '; • 211 Pacific building, San Francisco. Phone Douglas -4317. . 836 Broadway, corner --7th st.,' Oakland, i Phones— Oakland 2813. Home A2213J AN investment of $500 and services will secure a half interest in old established business which will clear you from $100 to $200 month- ly ; your investment will .be : secured ; I if yon are desirous of entering, a good, .legitimate business see this at once. Particulars GLOBE REALTY CO. ' KESTAUUANT — $500; .Al location; . old estab- lished; large dining room and .kitchen; clears $150 monthly; rent' s3s; fine place,- man and > wife; see quick. GLOBE REALTY \u25a0 CO. $1,050 — General store;, dry goods, groceries, no- tions, ice. cream,, etc.; ' Al corner;, 2 living rooms; rent $30; 3 years lease: -new : stock; flne fixtures; | investigate.- GLOBE CO. .«* PARTNER — $350; express and storage I business clearing $200 monthly; owner can. not -depend on hired help;- wants good, sober man to assist in office; see quick. GLOBE REALTY CO. ENERGETIC man who can Invest $200 and serv- - ices can secure au interest in a business which will. clear him $75 to $100 per month to start. See GLOBE CO. - - • • FOR. bargains and quick sale* see • • GLOBE REALTY COMPANY. - 211 Pacific Building, San Francisco. , S3C Broadway st.. Oakland. UNION- INVESTMENT t;O.. - BUSINESS BROKERS. ~ ' Phone Douglas 00«f». • iC.'i. Market St.. room 207. CANDY AND ICE CREAM PARLOR and fue- tory; best' location in j Western addition; 'first class fixtures and good trade: bargain for $750. Sec UNION. INV. CO.. 832 Market at. LUNCH COUNTER AND RESTAURANT— Large trade; seats 22;- rent ouly $15 mo.; S years' lease; price $450.- UNION INV. CO.. 832 Mkc COAL, WOOD, HAY AND GRAIN BUSINESS Established 20 years; rent $20, Including 8 san- itary .stalls, yard,. and store,- 2 wagons and stock: 'price. $300, or: invoice, UNION INV. CO., 832; . ' •\u25a0" . \u25a0 .: ' / STATIONERY STORE for sale; best location in Richmond- district; f - near' school; good, clean stock; nice light rooms and bath; cheap for cash; family troubles. \u25a0 \u25a0. UNION INV. CO., 532 Mnrket . st.v . -\u25a0 a/;: ,:\u25a0\u25a0 '.,... ' , . . . SALOON PARTNER ".WANTED, with a little money, and services; a rare chance, for ealoon- man. UNION 1NV.,C0..-832 Market st. . $123 bnys a first class flne paying. FRUIT,"AND VEGETABLE stand in a neat meat mnrket; | you are . foolish for^ working • when . you '. can I get this place. for that money. jBAIRD & PETER- SON, 830 Market st. > $430 und services, will 1 place you- in possession of one-half- interest in - permanent, '-. good ': paying business;? honesty, } sobriety.' nnd --willingness! to c" principal \u25a0 requirements.' BAIRD !& PETERSON, £30 Market st. PACIFIC PROMOTION | & | DE VELOPMENT^ CO.; Suites ." Mi -."71 Monadnock. bldg., San Francisco. : This: company... was ; organized and , : formed 'for the J purpose eof promotlng,*j developing,! establish- : ing, • incorporating.", buying,'; leasing lor < selling all classes ; of * LEGITIMATE meritorious 'land.' raining," nKrioultural. manufacturing, mercantile and commercial » business enterprises', f Including patents, copyrights,'- etc.^'loaniog^andiborrowing money. \u25a0 and . to i act i as; general;: fiscal', ' purchasing and f. '.'distributing"/' agents,^ commissioners -\u25a0 and brokers ' for ; owners," manufacturers,:, corporations and i principals, on a \u25a0\u25a0. commission *or percentage bHSis. . \u25a0..'.:,•.?:.\u25a0\u25a0 --. •.'\u25a0•£\u25a0 \u25a0? t ,:: .-.-.-.\u25a0•-. -,- :\u25a0[-.,; \u25a0;-.\u25a0 . \u25a0\u25a0 • NO PROPOSITION-TOO BIGFOR;US. : : $750-rßakery. 4;liv. jrms.:;caßhj rms.:;caRh store trade only. $700^-Butchcr shop: est. 23 yrs.; finely equipped. $800— Flat, : cost • $2,000 to • fur. ; ; half * cash, • baL" itO'tSUit.'-'S.^x' -•.-' <*-;.-.• ;.;--,\u25a0.,'. -.. v . ::.--. . •'-. - $I .ooo— Delicatessen : I cent/; loci ; "; full ; value 'sight.' $1 ,500-f4»rocery lin •' Mission ; i a : money ; maker. • i . $1.100-^-Lodgtng I house; \ chenp I rent ; \26 ;rms. ; fal- '..-'w«ysf- rented. *:\u25a0'."\u25a0. -i: \u25a0 ;-•:;-/ }•,;-•\u25a0,\u25a0;\u25a0, - .-. \u25a0 -\u0084; $l.«oo— Blacksmith shop; cst.*24 years; in' Contra' * v Costa 'county.' \u25a0 .' .\u25a0'\u25a0;\u25a0. . .-'*:..>' \u25a0'..-:/.'" " ; , , .\u25a0 $2,750-^-SHloon ; best town,' 1 Sonoma > co. ; inTesti ; t gate." ••\u25a0: ':' . -:\u25a0 \u25a0 '\u25a0>'\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 «f .-.:\u25a0••.".\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•;•.;- , y \u25a0\u25a0..-. ; , GILLIES, k, MAGNns.".IO2Si Market ; st. : Tcleplioue Market" 1403^-K wni \u25a0 Zi. n ; 'jn _ ; BUSINESS CHAXCES-^ContliiMe* :J. '. -the; fuller co. , v 018 r Broadway, -Oakland. <\u25a0 '. - :.TclephonesiOakland:27oB;andyAl9ol \u25a0 .. , ,>' CAFE AND GRILL— S3OO; r RENT ; $75: - LEASE T3 YEARS; MOST' CENTRAL LOCATION IN ; OAKLAND;^ LIQUOR LICENSE: -WILL OJVE _ 2 MONTHS': RENT FREE; ESTABLISHED *'20 YEARS; ?IK:? IK: TOD,- WANT A BUSINESS -THAT > WILL CLEAR '\u25a0 GOOD MONBY -\ OU SHOULD NOT OVERLOOK THISr IT WILL ':.\u25a0'; NOT LAST S LONG ; - IT IS A BONA FIDE : PROPOSITION. FULL INFORMATION, i THE 'S FULLER . CO., 91.8 BROADWAY, OAKLAND. HAY, GRAIN,' WOOD AND COAL— SBSO;" lease - B'years; -rent $10- -this includes building, ' 3ox 24; everything complete; 2 horses, "2 wagons; , excellent r location:', nothing better; no opposi- tion; full particulars. -THE FULLER CO.. Broadway. ; Oakland. i\ ."- - \u25a0-\u25a0'' LADIES' AND GKNTS" KUUNISHING (iOODS— 8 $3,000; rent . $50; good corner; nice, clean stock; doing a fine business, or will trade for \u25a0 -real estate- in Oakland or San Francisco. Ask t THE FULLER. CO., 918 Broadway. Oakland. GENERAL >. MERCHANDISE '.-.. STORE— S7,OOO; \u25a0r this includes 2 lots, 50x150.'. and \u25a04 . lots. 100 x ',150; a 150 ,5 room. house and barn; established -.for ..years*;: located In one of the best c«un- , try towns :in- the state; dally receipts $S0; full Information THE • FULLER CO.. 91S Broadway. - Oakland. '.:. - " . \u25a0; \u25a0 \u25a0 -\u25a0»\u25a0-..- RESTAURANT 'AND CAFE— SSOO; rent $:55; lease; seating capacity 24; do Jig a nice busl- ; ness;. nicely -fitted up; should be seen : to be \u25a0 -appreciated/ You can not miss on this. See THE FULLER CO., 018 Broadway. Oakland. COUNTRY HOTEL— Corner lot, 80x100; 2 story frame- building and 4 room, cottage In rear; located about 100 miles from Oakland: nicely ; furnished;. nice dining room and kitchen; every- thing up to ; /late; \u25a0 the price for all, $4,500. THE FULLER j CO., 918 Broadway. Oakland. SALOON BUILDING AND LOT— s3,Boo; stock '-will Invoice $1,100; 2 horses, wagon and cart; • party is compelled to. sacrifice on account to settle . an estate: best buy In Alameda county without doubt; place is worth $5,000; will sell for $3,800 for quick sale. Full .information : THE FULLER CO., 918 Broadway, Oakland. MEAT MARKET— SI,OOO; \u25a0 rent $30; lease 2 years; located In one of the most thriving sub- urban towns i of Oakland: : good corner: dnlly receipts $50;' horse, wagon; , marble counters, nickel plated railings; everything first class; an opportunity of a lifetime: don't miss it. , THE FULLER CO., 918 Broadway, Oakland. GROCERY— S7SO; \u25a0 rent $25; lease B years,- and 3 \u25a0 living \u0084 rooms; . located • short : distance' : from Oakland; dally receipts $25; horse and wagon; must be sold immediately; 1 computing scale, $R5; 1 large scale, $105; 1 electric coffee mill, $130; large refrigerator; about $500 groceries; [ make offer. S THE FULLER CO., 918 Broad- . way, Oakland. • , .'.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0. FANpY FRUIT AND VEGETABLES— S6OO; rent $3a; lease 3 years; good corner: -located short • distance from Oakland; doing cash business $20 dally at present time; located near large school. THE FULLER CO., 918 Broadway, Oakland. CIGAR STAND— SI,7SO and invoice; lease 2& years; cheap rent; best place, In 'Broadway . without a doubt; dolug a business of $1,200 monthly;' elegant fixtures, cash register alone cost $550; If you mean business and want a bona fide proposition see this at once. It.: ls just as represented. THE FULLER. CO. has It exclusively. 918 Broadway. Oakland. BEST LUNCH COUNTER in Oakland— s.>oo; rent $40; central located; daily receipts. $17; nicely fitted- up; right party can clear good money; must be sold immediately. See THE -FULLER CO.. 018 Broadway. Oakland. FURNITURE STORK — $3,000; this Includes .building, 20x40; good lease: rent $25; located short distance from Oakland; horse and wagon; .get busy . If you want a good business. THE FULLER CO., !H8 Broadway. Oakland. ItOAD HOUSK — Good corner, 8 rooms furnished; 1 parlors furnished; dance hall; first class • barroom; .beautiful grounds; good stock on hand; 7 summer houses; electric light, bells; everything up, to. date^ ": years',, lease;' rent $60; license $30 quarter; established for years; located short (j d istance from . Oakland ; reason for selling, wife in hospital: price $2,500. THE FULLER -CO.. 918 Broadway, Oakland. DRUG STORES FOR SALE $4,000 — Fine store, clean stock and good busi- ness in San Francisco; alao one at $2,500, $3,000, $3,500; drug stores In Berkeley, San Jose, Peseadero and in Lake county. Uumboldt county, Sonoma county and others; also a splendid offer In a thriving town In Oregon for $6,500; if you are looking for abuslnefts, or have one for sale, communicate with us; over 50 years* experience in the drug trade Jn California. THE F. A. WECK REALTY COMPANY, 2510 Shattuck aye.. Berkeley, Cal. AN exceptional opportunity to get a half interest in an old established real estate office; have manufacturing interest to which I must devote my time; a hustler can make $200 to $300 per month in real estate office; little money will handle Interest.. : Call room 421, Mechanics' Bank building, 948 Market xt. BILLIARD PARLOR and. cigar stand— sl,ooo; rent $20; guaranteed to' clear $125 monthly; on»> of the. best locations in Alameda county; party compelled to sell on account of 111 health; . call and let us show, you > this money maker; full information with my agent. THE FULLER - CO., 018 Broadway/. Oakland. ' FOR 6ale— A clear, candy, stationery and notion ,;, store, with newspaper agencies, in live mining town in Shasta • county ; - monthly : business $2,000; price $500 over .. invoice; will go in neighborhood of $5,000; reason for selling, in- vestigate. Address 507 Market st., I Redding, - Cal. \u25a0. , - '-. --';;\u25a0 v- - \u25a0 - $350 BUYS light mfg.~ business In Los Angeles; will easily clear $200 monthly; $350 stock included: monopoly on patented household necessity; 800 per cent profit; rare opportunity. Owner engaged in very, large enterprise; '.can't attend to this. Call INVENTORS' EX- CHANGE. 721 Golden Gate ay. PATENTS wanted— We. rnfg.. and promote the sale of Inventions.' Office space can be had in our lunre building, where you may handle your own , device. If you wish to turn your patent Into cash, join us -at once. \u25a0\u25a0 INVENT- . ORS' , EXCHANGE. 721 Golden Gate ay. ItESTAURANT— SI,2OO: rent $40; lease 4 years: guaranteed dally receipts $75; best place ever on our books: elegantly fitted up; if this place -Is -not as. represented we 'will give It to you ' for nothing: investigate; act quickly. See the l ULLER CO.. 918' Broadway. O-tkland. " " FOR SALE. Hotel and bar: In : first \u25a0 class location; near Standard oil works; investigation invited; price reasonable. .-.,' GRAND HOTEL, -:\u25a0\u25a0. Point Richmond, Cal. . FOR SALE. ! ' -;-,--; -\u25a0. \u25a0 -.- ";.-.. ~~~~~- , $I,soo—^Half Interest . in .best equipped road bouse in-northern California; well located; good business investment guaranteed; investigation solicited. Address .box 3052. Call office. $«00— BUYS 5 PASSENGER RAMBLER, - 1 YEA 11 OLD: COST $2,100; ACT • QOH :>vT,V. , THE. FULLER. CO. HAS IT, 918 BROAD- WAY. OAKLAND. :\u25a0 , MEAT MARKET— Si>OO: rent -« 5; lease. 4 years; -, doing cash business } $25 dally ; very; centrally localril; this business just a 8 represented; best of reasons for selling;' do : you : want a . good business cheap? If so. see- this: • THE FUL- LEIt CO.. "18 Broadway, Oakland. ' FIVE ROOMING HOUSES, from 14 to 54 rooms; central : ranging from $630 to $2,700: paying from $30 to $150 pcr -mo.* net: call and see our list. 421 Mechanics' Bank bids.. 048 Market st. J HIGH grade expert salesman, promoter, wants strong 1 specialty. . or promoting patented lnvcn- tloti; • gilt edge stock \u25a0 considered; -experience . varied aud successful. \u25a0'•\u25a0 Box- 5066. Call office. FOR' SALE— Good blacksmith business; must sell on ' account of <slckness. - For -further 1 particu- lars apply, to F. . B. MILLER, .Valley Ford, \u25a0 Cal. \u25a0 : ' ;-.:• \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0",-\u25a0-\u25a0 ..' \u25a0 \u25a0 ...... \u25a0. , SALOON . for sale; . $1,200 - cash; living rooms; furniture ; including * good : corner ' : with a . good future;' long lease; * low rent; party has -to leave city. Box 3012," Call r.fflce. ; MOVING picture machine, Edison; 4,800 feet of films; -22 subjects; all good 'condition; fine .out- fit for road: show; $263 :' cost $030. > Box 729, . > Call office, Oiikland. »\u25a0.'\u25a0.'.- .'•-;''-' WANTED lat once, good steady man. - willing jto .' do light work in. established 'business: pays at least •• $100 "t month in. experience -unnecessary; only $150 cash .required.' Call 904' Market. r. 4. CHEAP for cash, a good team;; 1,200-1,400 lbs.'; . R' : and \u25a0• 9 yrs. -. old ; : good " harness.' l ' .-. Call i cor.' Bonita and University ays.;; Berkeley, or ; write .box 2706, office, , Berkeley. r y; SWELLEST grotto \u25a0 and '; griU for 1 sale ; flne ' op- portunity ; f or i restaurant-m an or woman ; | have to go east immediately." Box 3133.' Ca11 ; of flee. FOR sale-rßestaurant and. bakery; best In town; 'Wj ;years* lease; fine - business;*- $2,500.: Ad- .\u25a0 dress R, Call agency,' San Jose., Cal. . ', , \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0_ "^' RESTAURANT and lunch counter for sale; doing • good business; $373. /'-. Call t. 408 9th Bt., Oak- land, upstairs. • ;.-.;\u25a0-,< -j \u25a0 -. \u25a0..-: -.';'\u25a0 .• : FOR \u25a0 salo-^-A . good : newspaper" route. *in\u25a0 a -. good • district : in \ this \u25a0 city. :• Apply ; to ! J. \u25a0 R: -LEN- . HA RT. y circulation departm ent. 1 - S. F.", Call. ,y MAYFLOWER hotel bar for sale; lease. -Inquire :-j1C7,11th;8t.,.:-:.,; : :,;-;-:/v ; .'\u25a0./.;;;.:, ;.-. /.- :- : :,-v^ \u25a0;\u25a0\u25a0 SALOON and I dance* hall; paying: I $1.200 1 takes .^jt^jgl^Meehanlcs'.'BankbldgJ. 948 Market at.' -'• " - : ; A.. CAMERON ;&'= CO., . - ' \u25a0 ' 71 ij MARKET ST., MAGEE' BUILDING, i»' : \u25a0:\u25a0 Opposite; The .Call. "\u25a0- .\u25a0• \u25a0• .-..•\u25a0.--.; ;.- . , v Room 301— Phone .D0ug1a5. 4379. Where;, Best Bargains? Are Found Yin • Hotels, 1 y Apartment and Lodging -Houses,- Flats.".; :? FINE; buy— l4 ".elegantly 'fur. Vrms.; swell; loc"; ;; Jackson st.;-prlv. baths, call bells; cost $3,000 to fur. ; clears $110;! acct.'' sickness. $1,400. \u25a0 GOOD ::. transient, \ 32 i rooms."«flne i corner, -J cheap i - rent ; I. well , f nr. ; ( a . gift at $1.000. " -Jf " • ' FI RSTi CLASS beach -. hotel] on main": street ; best • '.l^aob « ln « California ; ?elegantlv - fur. : . flne ibar ; - dining t room vi seats tlOO; *<loes ibnsiness J year ;.- v round ; s will ; clear f half lof I purchase ? price 1 this . season ; ; rent I $75; \u25a0 long } lease; ',clos?> invcstlga: ; tion Invited; iliu health ieansftj of Will ijclihalf mtercst; price Jj, W)." •- - - JOS. SK IRM '& CO.f 921 . Broadway. Oakland. " r'. BARGAIN— Must ;be sold > this week;; 24 rooms; grand; corner;. -rent! sBo.:* - \u25a0"\u25a0--. *r '\u25a0:•\u25a0-\u25a0 \ ; •:,; : LEASE-^Always' full: of, good roomers; clears over v all ' expenses $128; worth twice the price: terms;' sl,ooo. ~ ;';.-'.; ';.-'. .' : - •' . ; ! SNAP^-20;rooms; refined home;; heart; of Oak-, land; rooms never.. vacant;'a;lady'3 Income home; only - $CoO cash.?. ?B£&^o}ffetiSl(!v%&3£ot&BtFf£ SEE r this '\u25a0 bargain— lo rooms; heart of ' Oa- kland; rent;s32; all rented;*: only $323. " !i i " \u25a0l. Apartment* bouse:'' CO^ rooms; clears $400; $5,250. »; JOS. SKIRM &fCO., 921 Broadway, Oakland. . • '- , ;• • . i •- C-\u0094 '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0: r.: \u25a0 . n. 11. -.WINSTON & CO.. - : , ' Established- 17. : Years. , Bank References. Hotels;' Rooming.'; Apartment Houses and Flats. \u25a0 Room ; 237. > Pacific Building. Market am^4th sts. Phone Douglas SS6. SPKCIAI^— ?I,OOO for r half Interest, absolute \u25a0 control: and - salary Nin! good .paying rooming house: fine corner jin one of the best busl- ness streets 'in San i Kranclsco. Full particu- lars with .Winston 1 &'Co.- We have, most all places .that . are : for. sale; \u25a0: sizes. "\u25a0 prices . and -: locations. \u25a0'-\u25a0 . 1 \u25a0 : WINSTON A C 0. .-257 Pacific " Bldg. ' EDUCATIONAL A^PAUIT^GERSON DRAMATIC SCHOOL— Largest training, school of acting in America; posltioq secured; 6 months' graduating course; catalogue. . Countryman bldg.. 915 Van -. Ness. A— THE LYCEUM, 2300 Pine st., prepares for ' unlverslay or ; any examination. Open during -summer: 6 teachers; moderate rates; here you save time and money. : . - ' ' JOHN S. ' DREW— COACHING SCHOOL and NORMAL CLASS. High school, all branches. Prep, for college, teachers' exams., elvil serv. laboratory courses. v Day,- cv. 943 Van, Ness. ASSAYING; special commercial course in' Spa- nish, telegraphy, civil , and < electrical - engineer- ing.' mining, etc. HEALp^42sMcAnisjer_st. DANCING— FINDLAY'S, 3241 16th St., ballroom or stage; adults Monday and Friday evenings; jj private lessons dally; open every, evening. .-.-. ENGINEERING— CiviI, electrical, mining, mech., 1 survey, assay, cyanide, day, eve. ; \u25a0 est. . 1804. ' Van der Nalllen school. 51st and Tel.. Oakland. THE BERLITZ SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES*— 2331 Washington st. near Fillmore; send for clrcnlar. . ;:"'; :"' ' , \u25a0• PROF. T. A. ROBINSON.: Individ, instr. math., -book keeping. Eng.. etc. ; day.' eve. 507 naight. SPANISH or French simplified; accurate transla- tions, any lang. Prof. Hidalgo, 830 Market st. PREEMAN COACHING SCHOOL— High school. i university. West Point, Annapolis. 854 Baker. PBOF.'G.- MANSFIELD, teacher of violin, man- dolin and guitar. . ;- West S831; 1706 Geary st. RINGNALDA Normal Institute Mod. Languages; unlv. prep. 1350 O'Farrell. Phone West 8160. i '^'^, : .B | USIXESS COLLEOES .. - A— Metropolitan Business College — 1490 Market at Van Ness. Reduced rates, 6 months, $50. A SELECT school. Merrill-Miller College, Day and evening. - 733 Fillmore st. MUNSON Schoolof Shorthand; priv. instruction; day and evening. Whitney bldg.. 183 Geary. BOYD. shorthand; easily completed In 2 months; book keeping, arith., writing. 915-Van Ness. ALL court reporters recommend Gallagher-Marsh -Business College. 1256 Market st. SAN FRANCISCO Business College now located 733 Flllmore st. near Hayes; day and evening. «" ACCOUNTANTS AUDITS, systems, special' investigations. COOP- ER. 605 Kamm bldg.. 717 Mkt.: Kearny 5959. ACCOUXTAXTS— CertIfIe£ Pabljc JOHN R. RUCKSTELL, C. P. A;. 300-308 Clans Spreekels (Call) bldg. Phone Kearny 4151. XOTARY PUBLIC MARK LANE. Notary . Public and ' Commissioner of Deeds. 245 Bush st. ; phone Temp. 2639. _^^^^^^ITJNJEjv^JE^T^R^D^^^^^ UNDER. McEnerney act; complete: $35. Title Co.. 051-3 Monadnock bldg.. 3d and Mkt. sts. A— M., HARRIS, pension and patent attorney. 34 Ellis , st. ; references, the many thousands for whom I have secured pensions: -1 years* prac DETECTIVES West Coast Detective Agency (licensed, bonded) : conducts cases 'secretly: cor. confidential 596 Fillmore. . Tel. Park 5336.- T. C-tiltAY. Prln. ' ' - ATTORXEYS /...';-. ..^' i;'.^ AA— DIVORCE; costs, $12; quick, quiet; advice free; no charge unless successful; title to real estate restored; bankruptcy; probating of es- tate; general .practice. 1028 Market St.; r.12. A QUICK and complete divorce for $20; open evenings. 1122 -Market st. near 7th. roocn 31. HARRIS & HESS, attorneys at law. W. T. Hess. Notary Public. Rooms 11-12. Call bldg. L. S. CLARK,- attorney at law, 851 Jackson St., Oakland. Consultation free; open evenings. DEWEY, STRONG k, CO.— Founded I860; U. S. and foreign . patents; inventors' guides; 1000 mechanical movements free. 1105 " Merchants' -Exchange bldg., San Francisco. CARLOS P. GRIFFIN, late examiner U. S..pat- ' ent office. 1201-2 Metropolis bank. Patents, tradeswarks and copyrights. -, Tel. Kearny 4815,. FRANK T. MEDINA,' patent atty.. of Medina & Griffin, dissolved, remains at old address, 812 Call bldg.; patents, tradesmarks. copyrights. HARRY C. SCHROEDER. U. S. and 'foreign pat- ents, 415 First Na. bk., Oakland; , tel. O. 3375. SONTAG I'atent Agency— Established 1599. Bal- boa bldg.. cor. Market and 2d sts.. 10th floor. j BILL COLLECTIXG j SOME PEOPLE DON'T LIKE US. We get the - money for you on all kinds of claims anywhere. \u25a0 Interstate Adj. and Law Ass'n., 613 Pacific bid WALTER'S LAW & COLLECTION CO., 411 Mills bldg.— -Attachments," garnishments, liens, •collections everywhere. \u25a0 \u25a0' \u25a0 BAD TEXAXTS EJECTED BILLS- and . notes collected; tenants ejected. FRED 'J... SCHMIDT. Market. Noe and 16th sts. DEXTISTS BOSTON PAINLESS DENTISTS. 739 Market St., acknowledged to be the easiest and best pain- " -less extraction In S. F. Full set of teeth, $2; fold crowns. $2: \u25a0. silver fillings. 50c. All work uarantecd 20 years. -, -".Open daily till 9: p. m. DR. . C. W. DECKER, Phelan bldg.. rooms 308- 9-10.-760 Market Bt.; phone Kearny 1630. MEYER. . Dr., ', 1990 Sutter— Fillings 50c, , crowns J , $3;; bridge", work; gas {given; open evenings. DR. IRA' G., LEEK— AII kinds of dental work. ,;515 Fillmore St.: near Oak.-» .' V """" DU..U. G.'BARTLETT. extracting specialist, re- . moved •to 323 1 Geary cor. Powell ; Douglas 4300. HILL. DR. LUDLUM, 432 Webs (now Muirhead ' bldg.). Market, Hayes and Larkin; gas given. /."'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0--.'\u25a0 ~ \u25a0"" PHYSICIANS''" '."-'- ' : : . : " ;\ A— DR. AND MRS. .^DR.^ PIERCE, world 1 re- nowned specialists for -WOMEN; our treatment I ; pleasant, safe ! and " sure ; you can pay ' a little down. Suite 502 Westbank b1dg..: 820 Market st. cor.' Ellis; '10 to S;< Sundays 12 to 1.-»-t-' CHINESE :DR. v: YOUNG '-\u25a0 & ;. CO.— Specially lm- ported herbs. ' remedies; , cures all \u25a0 chroinlc dis- .. eases, female troubles; consultation free. '632 '..; Kearny.v'.. \u0084\u25a0,..:..;,;..;.; ." .' \u25a0\u25a0 _\u25a0--. -...,• -. DR WONG HIM— 7 ' \u25a0: ' ~ r T~ HERB DOCTOR.:. PermanenUy. located \u25a0 -.-: 1268 O'Farrell st. bet. Gongh and OcUvia. ' DR. THIELE, the ; specialist, ; returned :to city • Office. .1732". * CHiROPODISTS DR. DUNCANAISO Snttcr \ corner Kearny, rooms SO3-4— Absolutely ; cures without pain . or ' draw- __ln!T_hloo(l all foot ailments: ' corns removed 23c. . HEALTH : MO VEMEXT : "VIAVI . SCIENCE OF HEALTH." natural,-, non- ~ ; surgical ; : c. loth bound 400 page. book," free "Ap- ply by • mall, 630 'Pine "st. - Lecture = for. 1 women „, Thursday; at 2:30 p. < m. ; Oakland Vlavi -Co *:324 Central Bank, bnlldlng. \u25a0" ? ... ;\u25a0: '^...'\u25a0'''.VV^AXATOniTOS'^v I:.'1 :.' ;•.';... ' , A— PRI VATE ; home ; for * the sick ;"V ; confinement V; specialty; - adoption; - special ' treatment for all trouble.^ laat Market st.- - ' a'V^MATERXITV iHOMES: ' S.F. LYING-IN HOME;'II9I Oak st.— Adoption; dlse^s»s_women_«nd children :eonllnement; $2.*>l' '_\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 '--\u25a0' ' '''^.-';.'''.' ; -:vTR.TiISSES'^ . --"' \u0084': W'' CLARK; CANDION TRUSS CO., specialists- truss ' fitting: lady att."? 123S G. nr at. nr! ' Flllnwc!- ph^^phCe^m^x^^ ' REMEDY, ';% tori all -1 ca»es *of J blind, ! bleeding ' itching and protruding " piles ? speaks for • Itself : . price.'; 3oc,'i by- mntlirtOo. .^A^.'McBOYLE;&,CO "' ." druggists;; 504 • st.";i San T Francisco!" BICORD' CELEBRATED 'PREPARATIONS ?*for r,c men's 1 private ? diseases.' Sold * only Iby 5 nJ'< w " . JORGENSON,*? W4 ! Kearny \u25a0 st.V > San? Fnincisco' .Mall order* a ; epcclalty. . Send toe circular, ' .:; \u25a0 : MEDICAL AA— '\u25a0'-":". ATTENTION. : LADIES I > DR. * NORTH.' 1023 Market st. : teL Park 5941. World ' Renowned Specialists for Women Only. • No Delays or Disappointments. . Relief Guaranteed. ; ; By Most Superior Painless Methods Known to ': . Medical Science. . Slost: obstinate .cases treated: utmost privacy; have no. hesitancy if in need of my services; ':, absolutely harmless. Low fees. By consulting an eminent specialist yoo save time and money." v Air female . complaints cured. Advice _ free.- 10 a." m. to 4 p. m. and 6 to 9 p. m. DR. ABBOTT, the wetl known ladles' specialist. GUARANTEES RELIEF in all disorders and irregularities of "women by hosiest. 'reliable, scientific methods. -NO. PAIN, no cutting, no delay from home or occupation; thoroughly an- tiseptic methods employed, which Insure abso- lute safety from infection of an/ kind; lady to consult with. Hours 10 to 9; Sunday. 10 to 2. 1530 ELLIS ST. NEAR FILLMORE. DR. EMERSON, 1304 FILLMORE CORNER EDDY. ALL DISEASES OF WOMEN treated by most scientific methods: positively no charge unless \u25a0 patient Is satisfied with results; private sana- . torlum for parties wishing to remain under our care; advice and exam, free: lady assistant. Hours, 10-5; evenings. S-9; Snndays. 12-2. AA— DR. V. A. ROBERTS. 1438 ELLIS ST. NEAR WEBSTER, reliable specialist for fe- male COMPLAINTS and IRREGULARITIES; INSTANT RELIEF: advice free; fees low. Hours. 10 to 8; Sundays. 10 to 12. MRS. DR. HOLMS, graduate specialist, cures all female complaints without delay. ' 744 Tork St.. nr. Van Ness ay. Advice free. Hours. 9to S. SPECIALIST for ladies; painless relief guaran- teed: paid when cured: advice free. MRS. DR. PHILLIPS. 3432 19th st. near Mission. . CALL BRANCH OFFICE, ltiol Fillmore st. near Post. ' \u25a0 _^_>_i _ > __£ATARRII AXD_^ DE » AFXES j»_ ALSO ear noises positively cured; one week free. PR. COTTIVr.IIAM. lUflfl Slitter St.: hr«. 10-4. DISEASES PILES, fistula, etc.. cured without knife or loss of time; no salve proposition. THOB. J. KIS- NER." M. P.. m*H Fillmore st. near McAllister. CANCERS AND TUMORS TREATED IN from 1 to 4 minutes with hypodermic needle method; cure guaranteed. MADAM L. F. LAMB, residence and office. I'klsh. Csl SUPERFLUOUS HAIR REMOVED REMARKABLE new discovery; kills hair roots; absolutely permanent or no pay. PHYSICIAN. office 34 Ellis St.. rro. 307: tel. Pong las 777. DOG AXD CAT HOSPITAL FINEST equipped; animals boarded; ambulance furn.; special rates. 2371 Fulton: West 8312. MATRIMONIAL YOUNG man, 30, foreman of an iron and steel plant, city, desires acquaintance (marriage) of intelligent working girl or widow (saleslady or stenographer), who is willing to help build up a happy home; only sincere answer. Box 3219. Call office. GENTLEMAN. 52. American, good home of 25 acres of fruit, berries, grapes, needs a wife ' with some means. Box 701, Call office, Oak- land. - ,r- j HONEST men and women seeking life mates can find their Ideals at 231^ Hollis, Oakland; in- formation 23c. SOCIETY LADY. DO not be deceived; the only reliable matrimo- nial bureau you will find at MBS. A. WOL- ', TER'S. 1752 Geary st.; established in 1900. AA— WIGS. TOUPEES. My wigs and toupees defy detection: I gnar- antee every one I make. I make them ven- tilated and porous; perspiration don't affect them. Gentlemen's private wig department, 2271 California st. near Webster, Mr. Lederer in charge. A large stock of pure human hair goods on band ; transformation switches, puffs, etc., con- stantly on band. Lederer's Quiatonlca stops hair falling. Mail orders prompt attention. G. LEDKRKR, established ISG6. LADIES' STORE AT / ISO 9 FILLMORE ST. NEAR SUTTER. MME. FKANCINE. greatest European authority on beauty culture; most scientific skin treat- ment, which makes you 15-20 years younger; wrinkles removed entirely; city refs. 628 16th St.. Oakland: phone 7511; best skin foods. MRS. L. E. HA HTM AN, graduate niecbanothera- plst. vibratory, electric treatments and mas- sage. «37 Whitney bldg.. 133 Geary at.; hours 10 to 9: open Sundays. Phone Douglas 517. ISHAM'S MINERAL WATER— For stomach, kid- neys, etc. Now sold at the Emporium. L. H. BRADFORD & CO.. 628 Mont. St.. Dlst Agts. ANY amount on real estate, first or second mort- gage: no delay; lotv rates. O. W. BECKER, 703 Monadnock building, 6SI Market st. UNCALLED for suits, overcoats and trousers at less than cost at'CHAS. LYONS*, the London tailor. 1432 Fillmore bet. Ellis and O'FarreU. MAGNETIC MASSAGE— MRS. HOLSHOUSER. tel. Doug. "4440; 351 Pacific bldg.. 4th and Mkt. GRADUATE masseuse, MRS. HELEN DEP.BER; electrical treatment. 2024 SuttPr. P. West BSO2. MASSEUR ING for obesity ami rheumatism and electric treatment. 340 Kearny at., apt. 1. MISS WALLACE. EASTERN MASSEUSE: baths. 124 Turk, r. 210. Ist floor rear: 11-10; op^n Sun- COMBINGS made up Into switches, puffs, dolls' wigs, I3S Fillmore nr. Waller. E. B. Stapfer. MISS ESTELLA B. C. Address R. 304, 34 eius st. -."v -'\u25a0 .-.:\u25a0< L. MAE CUMMINGS. electric needle specialist, 1380 Sutter. apt. 20 and 21. Ph. Fkm. 3839. Sanitarium treatment, massage: ladies and gents. Apt. 23.St..Mnngo bldg.. 1200 G. O. it.; 8-10. GOLDSTEIN CO.. theatrical and masquerade cos- tumes; sue. to Jahn. costumer. 821 Van Ness. MISS IDELL. general agent Van's Mexican Re- storatlve for gray hair or dandruff. 1900 Sutter. ON - furniture. ; pianos, etc. Reliable Loan Co.. 703 Monartnock building. ftSl Mnrket st. i' ;\u25a0 '; adoption" Confidential Maternity Villa— lnfants adopted. Dr. E. FU.VKE. 1418 «th St.. phone 1682. Alameda. .. SPIRITUALISM REV. MME. MIZPAII. ordained dead trance me- dium; advice on all affairs of life; special reading this week, 30c. 1901 Sutter st. near Fillmore. AA— MRS. -J. J. WHITNEY, ordained trance spiritual medium; consultation dally at her home. $1; by letter. 4 ques.. $1. 1184 O'Farrell. A— MISS M.WILLE. ordained spiritual adviser and crystal reader; can bo consulted on all matters daily. 10 to S. 1399 O'Farrell st. MRS. L.. 11. KINNAIRD. ordained medium; con- sultations 'dally." '.10-4; circles Sun.. Monday. Wednesday. Friday. S p.m. 1439 Fillmore st. ELMA:GILL7 trance medium; advice dally; cir- cles Sun. ami Wed-, 8 p.m.; magnetic mas- sage. -772 Telegraph: tel. Oakland 7543. DR. HOWLAND'S 23c circle tonight; COc read- .:' Ings today. 1230 Flllmore st. - LOTTIE BUSWELL; ordained sptr. readings; lessons; circles every night.- 1359 Webster st. MRS." S." SEAL, "spiritual minister; consultations __jlallyj_offlclatea marriages, funerals. 756 McAl- _^ .^ ; CLAIRVO YAXTS .- . . J-^U MISSZEMDAR, young, gifted dalr. and palm.; member O. R. A; of Cal.; L. 50c. G. $1; hours 10 to 10. : 1279 Fulton st. near Devisadero. AA — MME. MAJOR, member. O. R. A.: 'spiritual palmistry; readings dally. 948 McAllister st. MME. PORTER, \O. R. C; cards, palmistry, i readings , dally. ' 1023 ; Ellis st. nr. Cough. MME. STARR. 1241 Broadway, Oakland, on vaea- \u25a0 tlon starting July 1. Return Aug. l; 1909. . MME. EUGENIE, mcd.. mem. O. R. A.: palm • - occult card reader: reveals facts. 1463 Valencia. ' PALMISTRY CALIFORNIA'S oldest palmist and card reader- 230. 50c. $1. 913 Broadway. Oakland. ; IX VESTMENTS \u25a0 STOCKS. OFFERED" FOR QUICK SALE. 2.500 Templor McKlttrick : Oil Co. at... ... $ 12 1,000 shares Kamona OU Co. at. ......;... 120 1,000 shares Lady. Washington Oil Co. at..- -*17 1,000 shares' Templor! Ranch Oil Co. at:... ""O 1,000 shares. Calif.; Pressed Brick Co.. at. . ' .S3 500 shares Hoag Automatic ; Press at.'... !n3 100 shares BosehkeDredger at..'.'.'.....'.3.2S 40 Burllngame Typewriter 1 (free) at.... ;s[so \u25a0 10 shares Chiapas Rnbber Co.* at. ..'. ...".' 2fi 50 \u0084 ' : 10 shares Rio Michol Rubber Co. at."... X.vQ Address 4.4 Monadnock bldg..* San Francisco. , WHAT -f have t you ito I buy ' or 7 sell in mines or farms} List with us." . Our i only '-. charge U • a .« small 'office* fee; no -commissions. Have you, . : or- are ; yoa. .; considering -an - Investment? Let •• us protect . you -by - making a \u25a0 report as \u25a0to safety.- Better •be slow than • sorry. W« fur- r - uished * guaranteed * reliable Information \u25a0 only -WESTERN INFORMATION BUREAU Suite 301. Chronicle Bldg.- Phone Douglas 1363. CAN 'furnish you ANY unlisted stocks and 'bonds • you; may want -A WAY- UNDER- regular quo:a- <-ttons;;wllK boy "any" active" stocks if: CHEAP; ': largest V dealers ". on ; the J Pacific coast : . corre- . spondence r invited. - ' CHESTER* B. • ELLIS & ' C0.; >714 Market st-lopp.;Call building.'. \u25a0 yfl LL * pell .- contract « f or.J h'-use ; t net - yon >S " per Hentnnonttily.iwymenls of fl«0 are b»-ing maife ,uon^st.23o;v a^splendid "investment ."\u25a0 Address 'I-, box :M81 ,: Call of flee. :\u25a0 v-> >\u0084.;- 1 ;., MUST^bo "sold tat r ooce;ibargaln; new steam 1 schooner : stock,- by ; owner direct. Box ' 2JKs? s Call : office, .'\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0 \u25a0;..--.".:,'"--\u25a0-, __ 1 IXyESTMENT^H^eatIBa^ WANTED— Bargains In unlisted stocks and bonds. MARION GRIFFIN. 300 Ftllinora at. OCEAN SHORE bonds for sale; price will net S per cent. D. E. BESECKKR. 24K pacific bids. \u25a0'•'\u25a0••\u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0 FINANCIAL < "ABBOTT boys bonds" — Ocean Shore. Market st. bank and Cal. safe dep. books. 414 Mar. * k«* st. -. . CAL. SAFE DEP. TRUST ACCOUNTS BOUGHT" D. K. BKSECKER. 243 PACIFIC BUILDING. MIXES AXD MIXING GOLD, amalgam, rich ore" bought; canSi; assay- ing 50c. Pioneer Assay Co., 131 3th st. ar. Howard. -\u25a0*-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 : \u25a0 \u25a0 - SALE ARE jou bnyia* or selling stocks or bondo Call on FETTI3 &, BIRBECK. 333 First Xa- tional Bank bldg.. Oakland. $ $ $ SALARIED PEOPLE'S FRIEND. $ J I $ $ -That Is what cur office is to all $ % $ $ working people. We loan strictly on a $ S $ $ person's "SALARY"; no Indorser. no $ J $ $ security. We make loans quickest, $ ; $ $ easiest and charge the lowest in th« $ * 1$ kW° U PLOiKE NEVKR $« $ $ WESTERN LOAN CO.. $ $ % 408 Call building. 3d and Market st.«. $ s $ $ Open S:3O to 8 p. m. Mon.. Wed. ami $ $ $$ $ Sat. Evenings until *p. m. $$ $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ unull NOTE THlS— Salaried people and others may upon their own responsibility «no in<lorsen get the following loans, to be repaid In small weekly installments, viz: $1 per week pay« $15 loan. $2 per week pays $.T» lo*D. $.-; pvr week pays $45 loan. $4 per week pays $r,o loan. $5 per week pays $73 loan. Phone Pongtas 3244. 4Xt Phelan bids. (Keep this for future reference) . MONEY loaned on furniture, pianos, and otber security; lowest rates; most favorable term* In the city; see others, then see me and b» convinced; I will save you money; $2.23 weekly repays $30 loan; phone Market COCi). GEORGE W. MILLER. 3001) 18th St.. south- west corner Mission, room 33. AAA— REAL ESTATE LOANS. ~~~" 5Vi and ti per cent interest. First Mortgage. Any Amount. Applications accepted for second mortsase*. estates, undivided Interest*, bonds, building loans GEO. P. SHADBURNB JR. A CO.. 4T. Pout «t. A — New rates, new plans. We loan all salar'.M people: save money by getting «ur rates: your employer and friends never know; private office for ladles. Great Western Inv. Co., Inc.. 521 Phelan bldg.. 8:30- a. m. to 8 p. m. Monday-Saturday S p. m. Phone Kearny 3347. • XX— LICK LOAN CO.. LICK BUILDING^ ' 35 Montgomery st., room 101. Douglas 3015. Makes a specialty of loans on first mortgages. improved or unimproved, at S per c*nt; second mortgage and bulldia? loans in any part of city, small or large. HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO. — Loans on FURNI- TURE, PIANOS, etc.; low rates; private. 337 . 329 Pacific bldg.. 4th and Market sts.; phone Douglas 3265. Oakland office 313-319 First Na- tional Bank bldg. in- MONEY loaned salaried people and others apnn their otva name without security; cheapent rate*; easiest payments; offices in 86 principal citiea; save yourself money by getting our terms first. TOLMAN. room 951. Phelan bids-. S. F.. and room 9. 460 13th St.. Oakland. • MONEY— MONBY— MONEY ' ANY PROPOSITION Wage Earners' Investment and Loan Co.. 443 Pine st. ADVANCES made on diamonds and Jewelry at lowest rates; safe deposit vaults; greatest pos- sible care taken. BALDWIN JEWELRY CO., Van Netss and Sutter. ANY amount; lowest rates on first and second mortgages on real estate, legacies, undivided interest, estates in probate; no delay. R. Mc- COLGAN. 28 Montgomery St., rooms .114^313. ANY amount on real eitate. first or second mort- gagea or any security; no delay; lowest rates. O. W. BECKER. 703 Monadnork. «$l Market. SALARY loans — Ladies and gentlemen without securitj; notes and commercial paper bought. 313 Merchants' Ex. bid*.; phone Douglas Ult. FIRST and second mortgages, estates, legacies, etc. HERMAN MURPHY. 346 Market st. CASH loaned to salaried men on note without in- dorser. MORBELL. 922 Monadnock building. I MAKE real estate loans, any kind, any size. AUSTIN. 1018 Broadway. Oakland. WE loan anywhere. JACQUES REALTY CO.^ 253 Montgomery st. ON furniture and pianos; no removal. TRE. MAIN, room 811. 833 Market, next Emporium. SALARY loan.*; other propositions. San Fran- elsco Discount Agency. 411 Pacific building. ON furniture, pianos, etc. Reliable Loan Co.. Monadnock hnllrilng. 6SI Market *t.. room 7<V>. WANTED — To borrow $2,300 on Palo Alto prop- erty at 6 per cent, with privilege of paying all or part of principal on interest day. Box 3057. Call office. LEGAL NOTICES NOTH"E is hereby given that in pursuance to the . written consent of the holders of more than two-thirds of the capital stock of the Alle- ghany Mining Company, a corporation ereateri nnder the laws of the state of California. which said written cunsent has been obtained and filed in the office of said corporation, to remove and change its principal place of busi- ness from the city and county of San Fran- . Cisco, state of California, to the city of San Jose, county of Santa Clara, state of Califor- nia, said removal or change to take effect im- mediately after the expiration of three (3> weeks from the first publication of this norv» Dated at San Francisco. California, the Z2i day of June. l£>0». V". ALLEGHANY MINING COMPANY. By J. M. HASKINS. Secretary. NOTICE of dissolution — The firm of Dexter * McGough. saloon keepers at 1X23 OFirrell it.. has dissolved partnership, and said McGonfli will not be responsible for any bills. PATRICK McGOUGH. NOTICE, of dissolution — The firm of Hoes Ins & Irving, plumbers at 147 Turk st.. has this day dissolved, and said llockina will no longer ir- responsible for bills contracted on anr) after this date-June 29. 1909. WM. F. nOCKINS. . NOTICE U hereby given that 1 am shout to apply to the State Board of Prison Directors to b<» paroled from San Quentin prison, ac- cording to law. EUGENE CAZNEAU. No. 19373. ON Saturday last the firm of Baglletto & Trevi* ceased doing business as contractors and build- ers at 40t> Buy st. Address (i. V. RAKLIET- TO. '.TJgfl Taylor St.: G. TRF.VI.V 400 But »t. > )w))w)[^ CITY REAL ESTATE SOL GETZ AND SONS Real Estate Dealers Boom 32S Chronicle Bids. $150 to $200— Gets Addition to Lakevtew; level Ocean Vterr and Excelsior Homestead lots; $3 monthly. $250 to $400— Near Parkslde: new Sloat boule- vard and car linen; superb view; very easy terms. Bargains ia residence lots In Richmond Dis- trict; 12th ay. bet. A and B sts. All street work done. Can't he beat. Oa easy teraa. Look at them today. Choice lots ia Sunset district, $300 to $1,230. 10th ay. near L it.; flne view; 9th ay. near JI J ft. Easy terms. Bth ay. bet. M and N sts. Richmond Heights lots $300 and up. $3,230. fine cor. 14th and C sts. on new boulevard. 27th to 35th ayes. B and C sts. $600 to $I.6oO— Choicest Oceanside and boule- vard lots; installments. $1,400 to $— Splendid cottages; Rood loci- cations, easy terms. > Oceanside Branch office. Cor. H st. and 47th ay. Open Dally and Sundays. Call for diagrams and prices. SOL GETZ * SONS. Owners and Dealer*. - Room S2S Chronicle Bldg. LIPMAN * HIRSCHLER. 235 Montgomery "t. LIPMAN & HIRSCHLER. 235 Mont;omery st. \u25a0 BUILDING LOTS "•» BUILDING LOTS North and south of GOLDEN GATE PACK*, ia Sunset and ' Richmond districts. We are HEADQUARTERS for property ia these districts, and have the largest selection of LOTS. COTTAGES. HOUSES ami FLATS, which we are selling oa easy terms. We advance money to builders at 6 per cent. 'NEW --BLOCK ' 40th ay.. bet. A ami B sts. OFFICIAL LINEAND GRADE Streets curbed and macadamized. GRAND MARINE VIEW VERY EASY, TEEMS LOTS throughout the WESTERN' PORTION of RICHMOND district." between Point Lobos and Fulton st. This entire .• section Is betas opened ana property will more than double in va lue. OUSMHfISsT&PMMB » Call , at ; our branch offices — corner II st. and , 12th av..' and "porner Point Lobus and 40tb -"\u25a0 I% J Open daily, including Snndays. . . . <^r LIPMAN & HIRSCHLEB. 235 Montsomery sti '\u25a0'.'_' '\u25a0\u25a0' Phone \u25a0> Douglas- 3tM4. DEHON st.. 29. near ICth — Modern. - 3 story house, , S'• rooms - and bath ; . lot 23x80; near 3 cars; will sell cheap. Owner obliged to z« . :. east..' ' :j£SnsMMBBMMBBMIHMI -rt Tl^, a Coatlttne4 to X»t Fa«a. *gsm*