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14 COMMERCIAL AND MARKET NEWS SPECIALLY REPORTED FOR THE CALL DEMAND FOR STEEL SHARES INCREASES Renewed Activity in Industrials Feature of Day's Trading In Wall Street »w York Stocfc I<Ut U. I. " Hut ton & Co.. 490 California street, members of the New York stock eicuange, fur nisii tbe following list of bond «nd stock sales yesterday: . Sales. I STOCKS. |Hlgh.|lx>w.| Bid. | Ask. !Ad»tus Kxpress ..] | |210 1220 .".00 Allis-Ciialmcrs ..|15 B i[ls^ J5 1 ,4{ 16% 2w\ lh> pfd I 51%) bIM 52 53 20.1<i> Amaljs Copper :.| S3 SI 82\ S3 l.SOOAnier B Sugar...) 44,4 43% 44^i j Do pfd »* 06ii l.»(k>jAjm-r Can Co ... 11T« lU* "% 12 1.400 Do pfd 82>i Sl-% 82«i| £2% 600,Amer C .&. F Co. 56?* 556 5C | HQ\i ....... Do pfd 1 117 1117* l,O<iO Ainer Cotton Oil. 75% 74^ 74% 75V» ..;' .J Do pfd 102 107 .... ...J American Express 215 . 225 SOO.Ajner Ice Securltj 39V» 50,4 59% 40 i.KNiiAniw Linseed...) 17»i 17»4 l'V* 1^;» CuOi Vo pfd 45>i 44* i 44 45^i «:W Amer Locomotlre 60 69ii 59% 60 I Do pfd 11" US 7««i! American Malt... 10>4 9% 9T* 10 l.Wiij Do pfd 55>* 54 54»i 54?* 5.6.X' Amer S & R Co. 92% »o>i 91?fc| 92 200; Do pfd 110' i UOM, 110% 111 4 ftoO'Anier Sugar 12S 124"/g|l2B |12SVi 4.of<.i Do pfd 11^4% 122% 1 124 125 .......JAmer Steel rdies |4S 49 B.SW. Amei- T i T 00. 142% 142% 142% 142& 600;Amer Tob pfd .. 101^4 100V 100% 101 , ....riJAmer Woolea | 33%| «5 * i Do pfd 1 102% 103*4 1.500 Anaconda 49»i! 4S 40 Wfi. Atlantic C Une 1 128%|129 U.IO" A T & S F 116 JIISH 115%(U5% 10«0 I»o pW 106«;|106Hil(«S»,|106Vi ft.OOOßalt & Ohio .... 118Uim%!118%l"S% .......i I»o pfd 94% 195 W<| Bethlehem Steel..- 31 U *>H »)»i 31% I,SWO Do pfd 62 COli 60 jC2 ffo'B R T 80 79^ »«4 T9% UOO'Canada Southern C 8 67>n 6. 68 1 ow.Canadian Pacific. 182% 182% IS2T4 183 a -^l2 ::::.!:^."» 89 •*• "4.V00C G\Vf 2% 2 2 2% I Do pfd "AT 23% 24% lOrto! Do pfd "8"... 4»4 4% *V* 4% We & N W 182% 182 182 IS3 MKV-C M&St V f154 153 \ 153% 154 • I Do r" ....... ilCß>i I«9U 169 V; 169% **I.2<X> CentrA Ix-ather.. 31% 30T* 31^131% | Do pfd 1 ••"\u25a0"* Ont of X J 2SB 293 ....... Cni Terminal - -J* i I>o i>fd • 12 I^-4. .......!c C C & St L.. ..... ..-•• *5 "iifwico^ r f &'i:::::i"4'4% 55% «% "44% I Do pfd \u25a0 I « 5^ *» " ' "r.6o.Columb II C& 1 «4>i 63^1 «3 «i 3Uo|Cnlo South I C6»»| 56* ii 56% W «(WCorn rroduct*... 23% 23% 2a% 23^ Mjlii Do pfd...*..... *&!,% S»» feS% Bb'* . W.Del & Hmi5,.n..195 11H 194 194 V* rj i w 1 650 680 SOU! Do pM i S6 l i »*»**», .'Diamond Match.. t 1-5 120% 3,100' Dirt Secur | 40% SS^ 39 39} i .; jDuluth SSk A; 16 1« . Di. !>M t m^t 32 "LTOOETIe I 36H 25% 36 36^6 2.«00i I>u lot |.fd.... 52% 52 C2V» 52% { Do -2.1 |»fd 1 42H 43 • JMUUGen Electric 162% IKI 101% 162% 2.700 Ort North Or^..| 76 75 75»i 16 r.4oo)Grt North i)fiU.;l4»% 149 149^ 149?, illavaua Xob Co.| 11 13 | Do |ifd \u0084.-!... 21 23 .lW 111 Central 14514 148 14^ 2.3oojlßtert)ort»-Uetro 17%) 16% 16% 16\ (20.7U0. Do j.fd ..] 51% 50% 60% 50% Int Pupor 1 1 15% 16 tW, I>O pfd.' 163 C2«i G2% 63 :lnt Tump ••-•\u25a0-! 39 *« ! Do pfd. ! W 87% 11K) lowa «Vutral j 29 T i 29»4 29% 30 .......! Do pfd 1 06% 57 «00 X C Southern... 46V 46 46% 46% GOOf Do i»rd 72% 72% 72% 72« LE A W 26 27% •' Do old 1 60 62 "srx'l, & N |14l 140?,141 141% 2.7WMackav , |81 80% 80 80% ..j Do pfd-... 73% 743j ....... Manhattan 143 147 . ;... Marine 7% 7% ........I Do pfd (••••- 23? i 24 .Metro St Ry ).«..:{ 23 2G [Mcx CVntral j 24% 24% 400;Minn & .^« U:.\ 56 55% 55 50 | Dv lRt pfd 86 91 200.M SP4SS M. .1139% |139 139% 140 ' Do pfd 1 1 149 151 SyG.Mo Kan & Texas. 41%j 41 41U 41% Do pfd i 72% 73 400 Missouri Pacific.. 73% 72% 73 73% |Xasb Chat &3 L 115 125 1.200 National Lead... 86% 85%| 85% 85% .......1 Do pfd 10714 108% -.National Biscuit 104 107 ... Do pfd I J123 125 1,400 Newhcmse Cil&S. 1% 1% 1% 1% IX V Air Brake.. .: 87 89 &900N V Central .133% 132% 133% 133% jX VCi. St L 55 57 ... { Do Ist pfd. 100 110 ......j l»o 2d pfd j 80 83 .......iN V N HA H 170 172% 400 X y Ont & W-. 53 53 52% 53 «O0 Norfolk &. W 89% 89% 89% »0 { Do pfd 85% 86 lflO, North Americaa. 82 82 82 82% 2.300* Northern Pacific. 152% 151% l. r .1»4 152 onsiiSia 15S ICS 1 Do pfd 165 175 liPaeifN? Coast 87% 100 2UO Pacific ' Mail 32 31% 31% 32 «.HK.>;Pran R R C 0... 136% 136% 136% 13«% 1,500, People V Gas 114% 114 114% 115 .......iPittKbcnr-Coal 11% 12 Do pfd 47 49 [PCCfcStb 92 93 Do pfd 110 120 600; Pressed Steel Car 43'; 42% 43 43% 300j Do pfd 103% 102% 103% 104% ...By SU Sprtop* Co 43% 43% j Do pfd ..102 103' ' W. 200 ReafUns .. .?..... 157% 166% 156% 156% 3t>oi Do lKt pfd-... S3 81% 81 92% Son* Do 2d pfd 101 100 100 101 £.r,oo: Republic S & I. 81% 30% 81% 31% 200j Do pfd 104% 104% 104% 105 *fi.*>o;Ro<k Island 00.. 82% 31% 32% 32% O.r.w| Do pfd 71% 71 71% 71% 400 Slw* SStICo 82% 81% 62% 84 / ..{ Do pfd 114 US' ?SL &SF l«t prd. ...~r 66 69 ?00J Do 2d pfd 43% 43 43% 44 i. t.St U &-S W..T. 27% 27% StiO| Do pfd 69 CB% 68% 69 S4.sooSouthern Pacific. 182% 131% 132% 132?; 1.2<>0! Do pfd 134Ji 133% 134% 134% 3.4fHVSoutbern Rellway 31 Vi 31 31 V* 31% Too| Do pfd 69% 68% 69% 69% ..JTenii Copper 38% 39 COO'Texas Pacific 34% 34% 34% 85 3.2oo]Th!rd Arenue.... 23 21% 21% ,21% 200 Tol St I, & W... 47% 47 47% 48 HtsO l»o pfd 69 68% C 9 69% ...iTfrln City R T 103% 104% Union Baz & P. 14% 15' jJOT'i Do pfd 81% 81 80% 81 U 3S.2no'Lnion Padflc... 194% 193% 193% lfl.'js; .-.vtOl Do pfd 102% 102 101% 102%- ...UUofSF 87 39 Do pfd 55 56% ....... i: S Cast Iron P 32 33 :. I>o pfd 82% 83% IT S Express... 85 95 .......!U S Rubber {..... S8 09 400! Do lrt pfd..... 115% 115% 115% 116 j Do 2d pfd 1 81% 82% i>6.4(ioiU S Steel Cor... 69% 66% C 9 69% I Ji.KOO I)o pfd 126% 124% 12G% 126% ;l.'.nm IJUh- Copper 49% 48% 49>i 49% 2.40(1 Va-Car Chem Co. 65% 64% 54% .%4% Do pfd 122 123 ! 1 rx*i:Waba*b :, 22% 21% 22 22% 4.2t»0 ! I>o pfd ....58 G7% 57 57% |Wells Fargo Ex.. ..... . 315 320 VTertern Union 72 73 3fiO Westlnjrboase ... S3 85 84 85 : lw &v c io ii 400' Do Ist pfd..... 23 22% 22 23 I Do 2d pfd..... ..... ..... 11 13 ' S«Oj Wisconsin Central 55 57 .......! l*> pfd ...:|...^. ..... 69% 89% CJ9.400 — ToXal shares sold. X«?w ' Voric Bond* U S ret 2s re?. .WIHIIH Cea Ist ret 4s !»% I>m coupon I01%!lat Met.4%B ..... 79% Do 3» rrg KHVillnt Merc Mar 4%s 73% Do coupon 10J%Japan-4a .86% Do 4s rog.-.-.llS Do 4%g ...93% Do coupon ... .120U Do 2d. series.. "..:!»% AllU'-Cbal I^t .**. sr»% Kan City So Ist 3s 74% Anxr Ajrrkul r»s.l(<l h Shot deb 4s, 1931 95 Mner-'l'&T. «r. 4«.105»i U &. S unified 4«..10p% \invr Tobacco 4s. N)%|M.K & Tex Ist 4g.100 * Do H* .'• 111%. Do Ist & ref 4s. .S6 AH-li pen 4* ...loml Do gen 4%s ... s*>% Do S !. .Ist 4s. »4%] Mo Pacific 45..... 52% Do it 4s U.-«VaIX R .Of Mcx 4%5. 94% Do c.v Ss \u25a0-.\u25a0::.. II«. K'Tfo gen 3%5.. 92% 4%« . .. . «4»4 Do? deb* 4s .... 95% AtlnnC L lrt 4» 95% XV, City 4%«,new.111% Bill &. <»"«« 4«..1f»0% NY.KH & H ct6s.l3S% Do SV^f .-\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 91 * Xor £ W Ist conls 09 ita-O 1 3%«.i.»«"4; Do ct 4s ;......95% Br<«k!vn Tr <-r 4s 57% Xor Pacific 45. ...102% Can So Ist «s- *-.!'«% Do 3s ......... 74% JvStral «if fia ."*.HO*i O S Linerfdg 4«. 94% C™t lUrlirr 5"-- S'S% Pa <-t 3%5.' 1»15. 96% Atk of XJ en 5U.127 |Pa coo 4s ....... 104 M> ril* &^^s-KH'ilßeadlng gen-45...100»i »o Vcr 5* ....H'l% St L i S V fg 4s. 53% .iV a ilton 3%« '•'% Do gen 5s .....90% .'"A Q Joint 4s 98>i J St L 8 W con 4a. 7»% iwtr? 4TT...100' Do Ist gold 45.. 79% ll*. KtPtn 3%s 90 Seaboard A L- 4s. KS I4 P Kll P«o^ol 4S «o%iSo Pacific col- 45.. 92?J GAIN IN PRICES IN STOCKMARKET NEW YORK, June 29,-^Such expansion of activity, and interest as occurred in the day's atock market ; was traceable to the dealing* in the , industrial group aad in a, number of .specialties. The rrowth of . activity came from the buying side of the market and a substantial gain in prices resulted. From among the atocka of an obscure class . the " demand issued . into ttha better , known industrials ; and with later . and more pronounced effect in United States Steel. - 'Reading, which was practically the only, prominent stock which rose yeiterday,' was .; held back. The May statement of Bead ing; earnings showed some falling off in surplus compared with . the aame month la»t ye*r, but th« action of the stock war attributed rather to the effect of profit taking than any poiitive j 1 depression caused by the figures. American Sugar was prompt to re spond favorably to th© published Teports that the statute of limitatibn ' might operate as a bar to the proposed criminal prosecution by the federal authorities for the acts disclosed in ' the Pennsylvania company's litigation. .. \u0084 ' - Tha smelting and refining group wlktf. fected first in the copper and smelting sections. ' Reports of bettering conditions in tbe lead market in consequence of the working down of stocks on hand, the resulting prospects of a rise in the price, were an influence in this movement. The copper stocks shared in tbe strength - caused by the lead advices, although immediate re ports from the copner trade were less satisfactory and prices of tbe metal de clined on the London market. There was current again in the stock exchange district an oft prevalent rumor of a proposed combination of a large number of companies outside of tbe United States steel corporation which are concerned with the iron and steel indus tries. The recurrence \u25a0of this rumor had the effect of advancing the price of United States Steel. United States Steel preferred shared in the strength of tbe common stock. The variety of the demand for bonds was taken to show some reinvestment in anticipation of July distribution of profits. Total tales (par value), $5,468,000. United States bonds were unchanged on call. Do refdg 4(= 02 j Do cv 4s ctf5.,102% C.C.C & SL, Kn 4s. St7%]So Railway 5s 111 Colo Indus 5s 77*sl Do gen 4s. ..... S2vi Colo Midland 45.. 82% Union Pacific 45.. 103% Col So r&ext 4%s 9S%i Do cv 4s 110% Del & Hud cv 45.105 T 4 Do Ist & ref 4s. 99% Do Ist ref 4s. 101% U S Rubber 6s ctf. 105% Den & Rio G 4s. 91% U S Steel 2d 55.. 105% Do ref 5s ...j-94Vi Va Car CbenxJSs.. 9S Distillers 5s ..... 76% Wabash Ist 5s 112% Erie prior lien 4s. S'J% Do Ist & ext 4s. 77% Do gen 4s 77 Vi Western Md 45... 80% Do cv 4s, ser ABS j Westing El cv ss. 94 Do cv 4s, ser B 75 |Wis Central 4s Jj'.i Gen Elect cv 55.146"&| .Vow York Mining: Storkn Alice I.7s!Leadville Con fi« Brunswick Con .. 06 Little Chief 07 Com Tun Stock.. 20, Mexican 1.00 Com Tun Bonds.. ISiOntarlo ....3.50 Con Va Mm Co.. WjOphlr ............ 1.40 Horn Silver ..... Sr»|Standard .. ... 1.75 Iron Silver I.4ojYellow Jacket '.:.' 50 Boston Mocks and Bonds Money — \u25a0 Miscellaneous — " ,-- Call loans 2@.t . Amer Arge Chem. 14 Time loans 3<i£s Amer Sugar ..... .127-% Bonds — Do pfd ........124 Atchison 4s 100% Amer Woolen .... 34% Do adj 4s t»3 Do pfd ........102% Railroads — Dom. Iron & Steel. 44 Atchison ........115% Ed Electric 111um.24S Do pfd 10<i>4 Gen Electric IC2 Boston & Albany. 229 Mass Electric .... 13% Boston Elev .... 128 ! Do pfd 70V4 lUtchburg pfd ...130%jU S SteeJ.. 68 X V, X H & H..171 j Do pfd 120% Union Pacific ...1935*1 THE COPPER STOCKS BOSTON. June 29.— The delaratlon of a semi annual dividend of $4 on Osceola and tbe great strength- in Amalgamated and Steel created a bullish feeling throughout the list. Copper Range showed the best advance. . rallying - two points, and It Is very scarce. We have stated before the market position of Amalgamated is very unusual. . Commission houses are only car rying from one-tenth to a quarter as much as usual, and the fact that the bulk of the stock seems to be lodged in strong hands is & sufficient indication that .the price will : probably . score a much further advance. There |is very little Amalgamated offered. Traders and commission houses bid It up in order to get it. In the local list several different Interests are work- Ing on the bull side of Copper Range. The regular dlvideud on Anaconda has been declared. The Osceola dividend Is payable July 29 to sWok of record July 3. i^lmport6 of copix>£ for May were 11,500 tons, against 3.300 tons last year. The AJiaeonda quarterly dividend was 50c per fhare, the same as the last preceding quarterly dividend. COPPER CLOSE Tbe following list is furnished by E. F. Hut ton & Co., 490 California street, San Kran clsco, Cal.: Bid. Ask. Bid. Asi. Adventure .. \u25a0'% 7% La Salle ... 13 13%' Ahmeek 16-"> 170 Majestic ..... 81c :• S2c. i Allouec '-. 42 43 Mass Gas .;. u:si; 04 Amal Cop .. 82% 82% Mass Mining. S-^ 914 Am Pneumat 8 BV^ Mayflower ... 55c 70<? / Do pfd ... 18% 19 Mexico Cons. 4% 4% Arcadian ... 4 4% Miami 15;* 16 J Aris Coml . . 3»% 40 Michigan ..,: 10H 10?4 Atlantic^ 9 »i 9% Mohawk .V... «3% 67 lialaklala ...229 230 Xcv Cons ... 2.1% 23^' Begole ..... 10% 13 Xer Utah , ..I*4 115 16 Black Bit .. — 147 Xlpisslng !(\u25ba% 10% Boston Cons. 14% 14% North Butte.. 57} i :«8 Bte Coalition 25% 25% Osceola '.'. ...13T. 137 Butte & Lon 25c 30c I'arrott ..... 30% 31 Cal &. Ariz. 103 104 Qulncy .. 90% 1(1 ' Cal & Hecla.6so 655 Raven ....... 31c 33c Centennial .. 32% 33 Ray Central. 2% 2 11-10- Con Mercury. 10c — Ray Cons ... 10% 16% Copps Range 82 82% Super & Pitts 14% 14V> Cum Ely ... 8 " S% Tamarack . .. — 7<l Daly West.. 8 \u25a08% Trinity-.. : 11% 12% Davis Daly.^s% 5 IS-lClUnltfd Coppr. 10 10% Dom Copper. — 3c jUn Shoe Mch «o'i 01 East Butte.. 12% 12% 1 Do. pfd ... 29»i 30 Franklin .... 17% 17% United Zinc. . 30% r,o»i Girour . 7% 7% U S Coal & O 82% 33% Old Con ... 7%. 7% US Smelters 49% 4»% Greene Can.. 10 10\i Utah Apex .. 4% 5 Globe 4 4% Utah Cons .. 42»4 12Vi Oranb.v 100 101 • Utah Copper. 48'J 49 Vi Hancock,.... 10 10% Victoria 4>i 4% Helvetia 5 5U Wlnona ..... 514 6. Inpplrntion .7 3-16 7% Wolverine ...149-152 Isle Bayale.. 25% 26% Wyandotte .. 2% 31; Keweenaw' .. 4 4% Yukon ' 4 4% Lake ....... 22 22% ; .. London ' Cloning: Stocks Cons money . .84 3-lGjLouisv . & Xash . . . . 144 Do for acct. .84 5-16 M, X & Texas. . . . 41% Amal Copper .... S3 JS V Central .... . . 130 V. Anaconda ...:.... 9%|Xorfolk & West... 9IU Atchison ........118 Do pfd ....90* Do pfd ...... ..106% Ont & Western.;. 's4 <& Bait & Ohio 120% Pennsylvania .....69% Can Pacific ..... 185% Rand Mines ...... 10 ' Ches &, 0hi0..... 79%] Reading ....... ...80% Chi Great West.. 2% So Railway^ .......31% ChL Mil &St P.K>6% Do pfd"*T. ..70% De Beers ... 14 So "Pacific ...... .132% Den & Rio G .... 49 % Union Pacific . . . : 19S Do pfd 88 Do pfd . ...... .;iOS Erie . . . ; . .. . . 36? i U S 5tee1. . . ..... 09 < "Do Ist pfd..... 54; ;-'Do'pfd ........127%' Do 2d pfd...... 44 I Wabash 22' Grand Trnnk .... 23% Do . pfd ........ 59 ' 111 Central ......151% Spanish 4s ....... 97% Bar silver— Quiet; 23 5- 16 d per ounce. . Money — 1% • pcr v cent. The rate of discount In the • open market for short bills is 1 9-16@1% per cent' and for three months* bill* 1 9-16@1% percent. .. , /Condition of the Treasury " WASHINGTON/ June 29.— Today's statement of the treasury, balances > In the general fund exclusive of the $150,000,000 gold ' reserve shows: Gold coin and bullion. $44,727,407; available cash balance/ $121,323,508:- cold cer tificates, $27,163,250. Northern .' Bustnens . PORTLAND. June -29.— Clearings, $1,279.749' balances. $86,253. ---;\u25a0 »'-\u25a0'".. Tv SPOKANE. June. 29.— Clearings/ $775,709; bal ances. $617355. .' \u25a0 \u25a0 -\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 TACOMA. June 29.— Clearings. $917,092- bal ances,- $36,187. \u25a0 ' -. SEATTtE, - June 29. — Clearing*. $1,900 DS3 • balances, $115,868. /X V Xew York^ Money Market- NEW/.YORK, June -29.— Money -on "call eagT r ; 1%«2 per cent; ruling rate.* 1% -p er cent; clos ing bid, 1%- per cent; offered: at 2 per cent. - • Time : loans • dull and steady; 60 days,' 2@2ii per cent: 90 *days.r 2V4@2%* per cent;:six -months, 3@3%>per- cent. - , Prime : mercantile \u25a0 paper. J 3% ft. 4 per ; cent. Sterling .exchange ; steady,' with- actual ' busi ness In ' bankers' ; bills at $4. 8650C84. 8660 for 00 day. bills' and -at, $4.5515 for demand. r Commercial bills, > $4.86@4.56* 8 .- Bar silver, "52c. • Mexican : dollars,~*44cA , - * •' > \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0', - . >. -".i.'i Government bonds steady;, railroad bonds firm.' \u25a0 Additional t Bank Dividend)* Tke \u25a0 Ewedbli-Aasfrivaa bask ; baa declared a : THEvSAN FRANCISCO CALL; Local Securities Are Still Active, But Mining Shares Continue Dull semiannual dividend to. depositors at the; rate of 4 per cent per annum,: payable July 1." . • *• ;The Hlbernla savings -andUoan society has de clared a semiannual dividend ' at \u25a0 the ' rate [ of ; 3.8 per cent per anuum on - all - deposits, V payable July.l. -'. ::,-\u25a0*->.-: '\u25a0\u25a0 ' V - \u25a0\u25a0-.-,\u25a0\u25a0;-:\u25a0.- :.-P-' ? • ' The Pacific States savings and loan society has declared a semiannual dividend at the rate of 5 per cent per annum on * all deposits, payable July 1. •'\u0084 .-\u25a0 '-..: -\u25a0 \u25a0" '-V.' -,". - \u25a0- \u25a0 The French-American . bank has declared:: a semiannual dividend to stock holders at the rate of 5 per cent per annum, payable July 1. The Merchants' national- bank has declared a dividend to stock holders at the rate of 8 P« cent per annum, payable July.l. ' I.nnnv. Exchange' and'" Silver * The Chiyo Maru took out a treasure list of $1.152.566.. as follows: $994,GC6 in gold bullion,] shipped to Kobe by the Yokohama specie bank ; $52,500 in silver bullion, shipped' to Hongkong or Shanghai by the American national bank,- and $105,400 in silver bullion, shipped to Hongkong. Shanghai or Calcutta by the International bank ing corporation. ; \u25a0 '^A.' Sterling exchange advanced yesterday.. Other local exchange rates stood the same. Silver was *sc lower. ' . t . Prime mercantile paper..... o@6 per cent Loans on real e5tate. .:.......... o<sß per. cent Sterling exchange, 60 day 5 ....... — @4.8< Sterling exchange, sight.... — ®4.88H . Sterling exchange, .cab1e5... ..... — @4.89>4 New York exchange, sight.. .....—^ 2*£-% New York exchange, telegraphic. — @ ""' , * Hongkong exchange, sight..... ...—(81 43?« Hongkong exchange, telegraphic. — (££ 43% Silver, per ounce .:....... • — (& 52 Mexican dollars, n0mina1..."..."...—® J»0 CONTINENTAL / New York en Paris . ....."....... 515% New York on Mexico '.".'-\u25a0 201 \^ Paris on London . .* .'.*.:'.'..".......... 25 . 19 Berlin on L0nd0n^....... ........... ...20. 43% STOCKMARKET Trading- In ' local Becurlttes continued, active yesterday, though sales of . bonds were moderate, being only $59,000. , The People's water 5s were firm at $77, while the San i Francisco, Oakland and San Jose 5s .were higher at $108. The tele phone common stock: declined to $33.25 and Asso ciated oil to $35.50, recovering, however, to $3»>. Alaska packers advanced to $71 and Spring Val ley water stock to $34. • Pacific Coast borax was ex dividend of $1. "-...'.>» Among the unlisted securities the -following quotations were tnade:/ Pacific gas and electric os $95©95.25, common - stock $43@44. preferred $105; People's water preferred $64 @ 06, common $4.75; Western Pa rifle, $29^30. '/\u25a0\u25a0 Both. groups of mining stocks — Comstocks and southern Nevudas — were dull anfl~ without fea ture, i The checks in payment of the last dividend of 10 cents per share of the Florence Goldfield min ing company have reached the stock holders In this city. :." \u0084 • v In connection with the sharp recovery ln_Com bination Fraction stock is a report that one of the large local banks flosely affiliated with the Wingfield interests has been buying freely on orders^_i <•\u25a0 The total dividends declared by the Tonopah mining company amount to $4,850,000. The cor "poration's treasury Is In excellent condition for further exploration of Us properties, and the outlook Is said to be favorable for a continuation of dividends. ' The official statement of the May business of the Goldfield Consolidated mines company shows that the gross production of ore amounted to 21.030,975 ton,«. ; The gross returns on this pro duction were $702,748;10, and the net returns $000,759.82. There were shipped to the smelter* 156,035 tons from the Hampton stope, for which $92,797.07 was received. The statement says that Uf- cost per ton,. Including every item of expense, \u25a0 was only $0,117. • The entire issue of $2,000,000 0 per cent bonds of-, the. Oahu railway and land: company will be redeemed on July 1 and will cease to bear inter est on that date, when they majr be exchanged for a new issue of 5 per cent bonds at 101. Rhyolite advices say it Is understood that a dividend of '* cents per share will be paid by the Pioneer leasing company, probably on July 15 to 20. This will also carry with It a stock dividend of one share of stock -of the parent company, the Pioneer Bullfrog . mining company, to the j holder of each 10 shares of.. Pioneer Leasing \u25a0 stock. As . the stock of I the parent eompauy is J now quoted at upward of 30 cents per share, this would make the combined dividend equivalent to 8 cents per share. Theleaslng company has had an option upon 1 100,000 shares of the parent com pany at 6% cents,, which stock will be taken up and distributed, as part of the dividend. An»esHiuent Directory Conmluck >liiit»j« Company — No. Del. Board. Sale day. Arat. Bulliou ....... ..14 June n \ Jnljr;.l3 • \u25a0 .05 Chollar ........10 June 5 June 30 :• .10 Scorpion .......17 June 11 .Inly « .02 Challenge 51 June 1» July .13 ; .OS Mexican ...9<i June "l 9 July 14 .10 Union* 18 June 24 ' July P.» .10 Potosi .11 July 2 Aug. 5 .10 Seg. Bel<-her....45 July 3; Ju<?^2!»^£i.oa Yellow Jacket.. 33 July 5 Aug." 17 .2-j Brunswick Choi. 2 Aug. 2 .01 Brunswick Poto. 2 ....<... Aug. 2 .01 Alpha 11 .July 12 Aug. *\ .05 Sierra Nevada.. lS July 15 Aug. lo .10 W. Con Va .4 . ..: ...'. Aug. 10 .10 Belcher \K9 July. ll> Aug. lo .10 Caledonia ...... 7» July IS Aug.* lit .05 Best & Belcher. B2 July 19 Aug. 10 .10 Savage 15 ; July 24 Aug. IS .10 STOCK AXD BOXD KXCHAXGK TUESDAY,- June 29— 10:30 a. m. UNITED STATES BONDS Bid. Ask.j 151 d. Ask. 4* «jr cp n«*w — — [3k. qr coup... — — *-;'\u25a0 ---f •"* MISCELLANEOUS BONDS' Ala A W r.s. — 100 '(>< Tran Cn55.109 — Asso Oil os. 92? i 93'/>l> O \u25a0 Trac Cn ,".s — 100',i Bay CPC 55.1 03 *4 "— O " Ti-ae Co* r.s 93 94 Cal G G ss. 100 — O W gtd ss. — 100 Cal G &, X g ' |Om M.'able. . tis.llo V — in & <'t 5s 98% 90 Pac U- hu 4s. SS — Cal st C 55. 103- — IVE'R.v 55.. — 10S Cal Wive ss. — MG iVac * L&P 55 .97 -r- City. El 55.. S7. 87Vij I>o «td 55.*.101%103 C C Wat ss. 102^4 103 |Pac T&T sn. \u25a0•»%'- — Do g mgss 94 I)SU>P &C 11 6s. 103 V. Ed El L-A 6a.-101.~tiu! P &() IJ 65.102 . — Ed h&V C 5.109 lOO^i People's Wss 70 s i 7i First F Trss — .—. — Powell st .fis.. 102 >i — F & C II 6s. — 108 Sac EO&U'.s.lOl — H-C & S 55.105 — |SF & 5.1V55.114V21t-> lion R T «is.lO5U — tSF.O-& 5.155.107% — \. Taboo Rsm 9S -- !><> 2d mgss 92 ' — I, A Elcc 5».100<,i — Do Con ss. — OB LAG &. E155.101% — SJ& SCH 4Mjs — — - J. ABy 55.. 108 — (Sierra II Os..lO<i — 1 LAL. gtd 55. 101 — IS P of A Os LAP lem 55.105'i — I (1910) ....103'a — LAP Cal— jS- P of -C i!» Marin W ris.loo . 102 I (1912) 105%10ti Mktst C 05.100% — |SPC 1 c g 55.114 • — Do lem 5s — 103 IS P Bit r,s. 12» .'\u25a0' 135 MV& JltTss.loo — JSPRR.Ist r4s «6*i 90*-i N R Of C 58.115 '\u25a0-'—". )Stku-G&F/(i5.105»4 — . N-P^O It 5s. — 103'iiISV W, g mg4s — S$H NC Ry 55. .103 — ": IJ G & E — N CPC ss. 9"ii flsy-iUR of SF 4s. 76 ;;7G'/t NEI Co ss. — 95 IVallejo.Ben & -':. "-S; : - -. I O GL&H 55.103'i105*.!. Napa RBss 85 _*"' Oak Tran f15.113 ,\u25a0 — Val Co P 55. 100 — * Oak Tran 55.108* 109 _ WATER STOCKS " I Marin Co .. GO 65 ]S V Wat Co.sSZM 34U GAS AND ELECTRIC I City El Co. '. 30^4 — |Pac- Ii "pfd.. -v 70 :.. N Cal Power 36' — Do com ... 44 •-.-. .-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'." INSURANCE \u25a0"-• / •* \u25a0 \u25a0 Cal Ins Co. . - 70 . 75 • fFireman's Fd.IS4 — mms&m&?:-: bank stocks v I Am Ntl 8k.132',4 — JMer? Trust . .220 — . .. ! Bank of Ca1.305 — |SF National. — 335 : ! First Natn1.,260 203 "• jUhion T C 0.2700. 2700 — • ' ! ; SAVINGS BANKS I Ger S & L.2800 2900 : |S; F. Say H. .320 5.-.0 i Hum Say Bk — — *5 jSav & L So.. — 12 .\\ MufSav Bk. 70 . 75 |Sec Say Bk.; — 'io 'A SSK^^«Syj STREET RAILROADS California - ..135- — ••rPresldlo \u25a0\u25a0.;.:. 20 — j POWDER „ ! Giant Consolidated ' C 0....:... 7i'V — ' :. .' \u25a0 .•\u25a0\u25a0'-•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 'SUGAR' •"--\u25a0:-\u25a0 : •- : - : ' -\ Hawaiian C.3o*ißo%lMakaweli S C"— «S 30 j Honokaa S C 16?£ 17 1 [Onomea S C. _• 44 I Hutch S P C 18% 10',4!Paauhau S C. 24& .4% \ Kllauea S; C. — -\u25a0 — iUnion T S~'Co."» — CO -'i OIL STOCKS ! Amal Oil Co. — 87 [Sterling Oil.. 2*4 — Abso Oil Co. 30U-87MI ' \u25a0 ' . MISCELLANEOUS ! Alaska P A. 70% 7lV4|Pac-AurF A .3^ — I C»l F C A. 99%100s |Pac C Borar.lso^ :~- "! Cal Wine A. -30% 87% Pac T&T pfd 95 9B I MV& MtTm. —.115. I -Do com ... 38' i — j - SALES ; :,-. : \u25a0./\u25a0•' ,\u25a0'- i ' • Morning ? Session : ; ,' Board — :, . . .. . . 5 Alaska -(Packers' Assn •.*.'...... C>iV.2~i' 10 Associated' Oil C 0........,.;.;. 36.00 \u25a0 10 Associated' Oil? C 0 .:. .......:... 35:75 — 20 SpringiValley Water C0.;.....;;34.00 ! SfS.OOO Bay-Counties :Power ; 55:.. .... .103. 25 \u25a0 $1,000 Oakland -i Transit 5s -\u25a0:..."..;... 109.00 .. I $2.Ooo:Oakland > Tran»itiCon-5R.......;i09.0() i $2,000 United i R. ; R of ' S \u25a0 F \u25a0 45 .. . . .... 76.00 ;$9,000 8 F," Oak & S'Jwse;RyCs......Jo7.7s' $3,000 S, F, Oak & S Jose Ry 55 ...... 108 . 00 Z $15,000 S F.Oak & S;Joscßt;ss..;-..M07.87 1 4' •\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0 : .:;. .street— .:\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.-:.-. —-"\u25a0-:\u25a0. \u25a0- "... .--\u25a0\u25a0 • -100 Pacific Tel &• Tel (common);.^. 59.25 - *1,000 Sac Elect, lGas & Ry . 55 .V. . . V.~. 101 ,25 $2,000 SPR,ll*liit;-refdgt4s. ..;.... 9U175 ' . V 'Afternoon 'Session. ; . •• .' .'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.'\u25a0'• IJoard-^- • : "- ," -"; ." -, 25 Alaska' Packers',- Assn ........ 70.75 " 5 Alaska" Packers' '^Assn "iv.T'.:.T; "71.00 \u25a0*. : 30 "Associated -Oil .C 0.;;.'....;..,... 35.50 ' 10^ Associated 'Oil f C 0..-..;.-..-.....'.:. .-..;.-..-.....' .: 35.75 -15* Associated "Oil .Co."; ;; '.;.".;'. .'.";*.' ! 3<i.*K» - 150 Hawaiißn*C6nilf&*SuKar:Co;.":-:Uio.r.O ] SOPaclßc Tel; &;Tel (common) 38:50 ", -- 5 Pacific : Tel-- & Tel '(common).". 1 . : \u25a0:!s.:;7 l i: \u25a020 ; Pacific jTeli&\Tel< (common): ..."38.25 •* ' •$l,f>oo CaHGas K^EI^GfM & CT ss;7sf>s;7s \u25a0- $7,000 People'siWateriCo^s.^r™ .T:r. ; 77.00 - '.s3,ooO'SpringsVal-Wat*Ken mtge : 45."". ; 58.25 . $1 ,000 United „R - R 1 S \u25a0\u25a0 F J 4? . . f. . . . . 70 . 25 :'\u25a0 •- •--,' ,.iStn<et^- f-"'.:•.-.>\u25a0\u25a0'-.-•.•--\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0•\u25a0;\u25a0\u25a0,*f -"'. :•.-.>\u25a0\u25a0 '-.-•.•- -\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0•\u25a0;\u25a0\u25a0,* ". ' ' .?4,tKK» Bay_Couatieß-r0wer;:£i5;...;.i,U0J.25 .;! " \ : '"'\ ' \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0' \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 -. ' ''' -\u25a0'" ! $1.000 "Oakland"" Transit ss-; V..'. .--• • liooloo • . $I,ooo, Oakland". Transit .< Con. 55. . . . ... .109.00 _ California Stock and Oil Exchange Bid.Ask.l Bid.Astc. Amaurot .... 70 flOjOccidental- .... 20 \u25a0 -— Apollo ....... 03 '.'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•05 Palmer ....... — 1.40 A Oil -' tc.35.62% 36.00iPiedmont ' — . Sto Brookshlre . ..1.52% — Producers ... .2.05 — Caribou | . .11.87% 12.50|R1c0 ...... . .'. .2.05 3.00 Claremont ... — 2.3B|Royalty . . .... — 1-75 Esperansa ... — I.CO]S F & McK. — 30.«>0 Fulton ...... .2.00 2.. ')o|Shawmut ..... — C>3 Gypsy. ....;:. 21 22iSoverelgn .... 21 -v" — Kern .-->. . : ." . . . ', 55 . Cs[Sterllng 2.75 2:53 Monte Cristo. 2.Bo 2. 63|West Union.. , — /35.00 . '\u25a0" '-' '\u25a0' ' '-'. . SALES '' v '-\u25a0 " ':'• '-•:. 11:80 a. m.— 172 Associated 1....... •• 36.00 . 200 Monte Cristo ..................... 2.82'.^ 228 Shawmut; \u0084; :.... .40 100 Rico: 2. Oit . 2. p. in.— 300 Sterling . 2.«0 100 Sterling ........ ..".... .......' 2.55 • 2000 Gypsy '.'...'. ..'.... ..' .21 V4 100 Turner ........" ".... -'.!.«» 50 Associated ... 38.00 30 Associated,' s 3 ....... ..."...... 36. C<1 73 Associated, -s 5 '. 38.00. 200 Monte Cristo ..'.'.'.".... \u25a0•• 2 - S0 Mining Stocks ' SAN FRANCIS«O STOCK EXCHANGE Following were the sales on the San Francisco stock and exchange board yesterday: \u25a0 OOMSTOCKB - , • Regular Morning Session ~ 300 Alta ......... 03|200OphIr: ....... .1.4.1 200 Belcher ...... 47) 200 Overman ...'.. 33 200 Con V&'M Co. SBI 500 Seg Belcher . . C 4 600 Gould A Cur. 19 500 Sierra Nev ... 28 1000 Mexican ...1.02 Mr 1 300 "Yellow Jacket. ."3 \u25a0 Afternoon Sosulon \u25a0 ', 600 Andes ....... 15| 400 Hn le & Norc : 25 100 Best & Belch. 30] 500 Mexican ....1.1>2& 200 Best & Belch. 3S| 300 Ophlr ...... . . . 1 -4rv 200 Bullion ...... 16 800 5avage ......".. "1 100 Chollar ......: 2111300 Siena Nev ...'\'2» 600 Con V M. M 0 89! 300 Union ...^.... 47 400 Crown Point.. 101 200 Utah . .••• W 200 Gould & Cur. 20J ' . Informal Session ' 000 Chollar ..:... 21 10« Sierra Nev ...'"-9 GOO Con Va M Co. 87 100 Sierra Nev ... "" 500 Con Va M Co. 8S 100 L'nlon .... - . . . JO 200 Mexican ......1.00; " :;- CLOSING QUOTATIONS . Bld.Ask.l Bid. Ask. e Mpha ....... 02 o;>,Miißtlce — 02 AHa «03 — iKentuck ...... 05 0< •Andes 14 - ittiLady Wash .. — «V l 2 Belcher ...... 40 4M|.Mexican ...... 1.00 1 .U2 Best & Belch. 38, 40 New York Cou > 04 Bullion ...... l."> is;()ccldental .... .15 — Caledonia : ;..'.-*. 20 22|Ophir . ...1.42 1.17 Challenge Con- 20 2ZK)verman 30 •'"- Chollar ...... 20 i.'d|l'otosi ..'.. 25 27 Confidence ... ,*2 . !^l|Savagn ..;.... 22 .24 Con Imperial... 't>2 O.ilScorplon 07 4'B Con A r a M Co. K7 SSlSeg Belcher . : .' «>4 05 Crown Point.. 45 47[Slerra Nev . . . 2!l 30 Exchequer .... ".25 SO; Silver Hill ... 07 10 Gould & . Cur. II) 2o|l.'uion .... ->•> ** Hale & Norc. 25 2«jl'tah ..'. 04 o.*> Julia vOS CBl Yellow Jacket. 5(1 .- 51 -TONOPAH AND GOLDFIELD STOCKS I Regular Session— o:3o to-12*30 100 Com Fraction. «3;1GOO Mayflower Con 03 500 Daisy \u25a0 \u25a0 2S| 2«X) MacNarmara V. 25 100 Gld Cou M.r.7.55! SOOvMldway ..22 H"«)0 Grt Beud Anx Oil 1000 Montg Mt, slo 03 1000 Jutubo Kx.sla 12| . ' Afternoou Session 500 Atlanta ...... 11| I<m» (}ld Con 11:7157% 1000 Blue Hell 031-400 Gld Kewatms.. <>'* 100 Com Fraction. r»x|2(XK> Great Bend »fi 2700 Com Fraction. <!2;300(i Grt Bend Anx 01 200 Com Fraction. «1 500 Jim Hutlen . . 11 1000 Cracker Jack. 02 500 Lone Star ...:'. 04 SOO Daisy 2S 100(» Raw. Coalition. 25 ! 1"j00 Daisy 271 500 Red Top Kx.. 03 2tKJO Daisy 20j 100 Round Mt .... 72 . I»H> Floreiu-e ;...3.o7*i| 20(1 Round Mt 70 . 100 Floieiife ...... *| 300 t W«st Kud ... 24 Informal Session 500 At'anta ....... TJ 1000 Great Bend .. o^s •MMi Blue Hull ... 07 ,"0O U>ne Star ..:."' KMKt Blue Bull ... o<i 1500 Oro 08 lOOOjCoin Fraction. Al|4ooßaw Coalition. ' 2(1 I 5(Hi Com Fraction. (i2| I CLOSING QUOTATIONS , NKVADA' I Tononulr District ilielinout . Si/ OOiMlzpuli Xx . . — : '4 Boston Ton .. — -«ts|Montana ..... "i"? 7:) I California ... — iil|Mont .Mid Kx. — 0.! i CaKhVßoy ... — (ili.Mon Pitt^ F.x. — «.4 j Gold Mt .... — OllNortli'Stat ... — 01 Great Westrn. — nijniiio \u25a0 Ton -- »1 • Home ....... — 01 I'ayiuHßier - ... — ;0I Ind Xtm .... — (U I'eseOf Con .. 02 ~o'.\ Jim -Butler .. 1« I — jTon Kxton ... ud ,"•! MacNamara .. '-'."' 2«lT«>n--<>f Ner.. — 7.1<» Midway 21 23 j West Knd ... . 23 — < Midway ' E x.. '.— '.rj| / Goldflelit Dislrlot . ' Adams rr- 01 .-.t*2]Grandmit - t'l >'.T Atiauta 11 i2j(;reat Becd -. (i 5 •»> Ithick Ants -.." —_' MlJGrt Bend Aux -Ul 02 lUk B Boiwn. dl <rJ-Grt Bend Ex. 01 -(C Blk \u25a0 Butte -Xx 01 (>2 lliberniav ..". ... — (« Ulack Rock .. — >Jl Jumbo E\ .... 32 — Blue Bell ... (V{ (M Kendall .. Oi — Hlua Bull ... 0(J 07JK«idall!Ex .'. — 01 Btte-' Goldfield — 02! Star ] 0H t (U Hooth ... 12 ';— jl.ou billon ... Hi 02 G0D....... 11 12 Mid Pawnee... -* hi Columbia .... — 03 Mlltown F*-ac. — •¥! Columbia Mt. 0:t — Mohwk C Leas — 04 Cora Fraction. «;i C.2 Mohawk Ex .. — t!T Cotuug Nation — (til.Mohawk- Junior — 04 Cciiqueror -, — 04]Nev Boy ..... — VI Crnekor jHi-k.. (H li^jNev Goldfield.. < '2 : -.- Daisy ...*.... 2t: 27' )ro ..;..'....'. 0<! 07 | Desert Chief.. — -' : U4]Potlateli ..,.'.-\u25a0- C' s Dm ' B'Utte'.C. M dljlted Hills .... (Xi 08 j Dmdfld -"-' Trngl. «U1 (2j Red Top Ex.. 02 ' . C 3 i Dixie .... — ...»l I Ruby Gold M. 02 :Kl \ E-ftplre ...... -"•-\u25a0 (rj Sandstorm- .... 11 Hoieuec .... .a.(JT> .1.(17 Sandstorm Ex. — 01 rloreiK.u Kx.". o*J ' I;.T Silver Pk-k . . 12 — Frances . Mbk. (k5 :07iSt.Ives lt> II Gen ; Wash ... (UlSt . Ives- Leas. ' — nl (Jld' C"v M. . .7..V1 7.(!o|\Vonder ...V. . — <»2 Gld Portland. <i 2 03| Yellow -'.Uose:.'. - — «I 2 Gld Kewanas. OS ' u!)j Yellow Tiger.. t><} '." V" . . Bullfrog District Aniargosa <!.. — ollLlge Harris . . .—. — PI AmethyettV. : -.. — . o;'|Ma"yflower Cou 00 10 Bonnie ft; Clare. (« -04 Mont ''Bullfrog. — 01 BullfriHT >ilu. *\u008402|.Montitomy: Ml. ti.'( -^~ Ulfrgj Mohawk 1!T — I Nugget ....... — 01 Hlfrg -Nat Bk 02 O-l|Orig Bullfrog.. — VZ Gold Bar. ..".. — Oli'iramp Con. .. 04 — Gold .Sceptre.' — <j| (Valley .View... — of> Homestake K. — 02j Yankee Girl '.. — ' - 12 I Manhattan District Apr Fool Kx. — OllMan Dexter *..' OH 01 Allan & -Pac. — 01|Mau,I.tttle Joe. — 01 I'omet ... — 01 ManMin Nev. — dl Ci>W Wwlpc.. v-—v -— 01 [Mineral Hill..' — — '(M Granny Cjiii — tCilMnstang Man.. 01 — Little Grey .. -— ().*]Orig Man . . : . — 02 Man Brom-ho. — 01 Mustang Xx .. — (>2 Man Buffalo.. — (»v Pine ; Nut ; .... — (11 Man (.'on , . . . . 03 '.)4 Whale .'.'.....,' — * dl .Man Crescent. — <)1 Yellow .Horse.. •— l>2 . Other ''Districts Eagle's " Nest. 04 05 Pitts S Peak,. '47 50 Fairvw G Bid — 02 Ilaws Coalition. 2"» 20 Fairvw.-'llallst \u25a0— 01 Raw . Mohawk . 01 Falrvw. Kagle, — , i:t Raw Queen .. .'{"• — , Jack Pot (i;i 05 Round Mt .. 7(» -- - Mazuma' "liills — '•jol Vulture ..;... — d 4 Sty Hills .... SSI . «J2|.'. .- \u25a0\u25a0•»\u25a0. GRAIN MARKET "AVb?nt nnd Other Grnlnn * . .Wheat—Oh icHno w»w :- higher V 011 - unfavorable <Tpp reports from \u25a0 (Jermauy, - France aud Ar gentinar - * ---< . \u25a0 \u0084\u25a0 A car of nov«- whoat : has ..arrived \u25a0. at Port Costa and is held at $i'.lo.v It was grown 'from Australian seefi and is a; very -fair sample. The market was quiet and unchanged. : Vash wheat \u25a0---'\u25a0;' California club,* ?2.10@2.15;"d0 milling. $2.20; California white Australian, nominal at $2.20Cg; 2.30; off grades of California wtieat, $2@2.10; northern dub, : ?2.10@2.15; nortUern ; -bluestem, |2.27%(^2.32% ; Russian red, $-M0@2.15; ; turkey red, «2.lOfe'.'.i:o per-ptl. \u25a0 \u25a0 *" h» \u25a0 111. Sessiou . No ' Quotations. - \u25a0 :\u25a0-'. ~ -.---. \u25a0 "2 i>. m... Session v *% . No \u25a0 quotations." • Barley — Ocean ; freights i~ are -.iincliangetWat 23« «d. i u»ual Kuropoan s options. Ttie : eliarterefl' Siain tonnatv in "l>ort ' is '. 12,970, / against 'lo,o92 tons on :the; same date, last disengaged, ,'K1, 239 \u25a0 tons, afTHinst 31.707;: 0n .the way. to, this port, .- 167.050 tons, a gainst, 145.CC5." \u25a0 1 No. . 1 \u25a0 feed sold yesterday at- the '- top . quota tion and- the market was -steady; at that' figure." The r December, option; was. higher. 4 ,- CASUIBAULKV Good to choice ; feed.*; 8p0t,151.40@1.42%V com mon : to-fair, ?1.37^@1.:>8% per. ctl: brewing and shipping, nominal; chevalier, ?1.70@1.72%.>. :.-. : .FUTURES ;\u25a0 .\u25a0:„:.\u25a0 -/\u25a0,'\u25a0 '\u25a0'\u25a0'"" •'.-- .•'\u25a0-. 10 a. 'm.. Session . . . December~sl. 4l%. \u0084.':.;'. 2 p. . m.V: Session Open. -Mllffh.v- Low. "4" 4 Close. Decembpr' . .... 1 .41% *-.\ .\\^: 1.41% : 1.41-J4 '.: Oart— There i* some ; business , in 'new. reds.^bin the 1 ; market is >• devoid .of i feature. X- Buyers con tinue "to • purchase •' sparinglfr.'^- . . " '. ;-. '\u25a0\u25a0 *•' \u25a0 : -'. % -."." New, reds> old* whitest % 1.90 ©2. 15 <> pcr 'ctl. " ;:•;•• \u25a0 -- .'.:'•• f,-- Corn— Offerings of 'a I! kinds / meet \ wi th*llittle attention,! but .prices > are -maintained. ' California tsinall * round yellow,; $11SO ' to \u25a0 arrive and : $1.87% spot; lnrge yellow.'; r*l:B7%®l. 90;;*^ western states yellow, sacked, $U)for white,->'sl.9or in bulk,: San ' Francisco track.- yellow. $1.77;: white, .t] .7!»; . mixed, $I.7s; " Kffjptlan.i ?l.oo ;per ctlr for white. \u25a0" '."•';;. -.-:>r"''» r ??>WV:'*''r*-*rj->-??. iftif«fi ".-Rye-^-Xotninal; irnim uf; any,; consequence /of--' forin^. -•.'\u25a0•\u25a0 '\u25a0 c \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0,'\u25a0'\u25a0.. ",: \u25a0-:\u25a0'.-\u25a0\u25a0_ ,-\u25a0--.\u25a0;. . ..; \u25a0 ' .. _ Fore ljtn ; Future* - . " \u25a0"\u25a0-\u25a0 LIVF-UPOOL ' . * July." .-r, Sept. : Dec; Opening \u25a0 . • - ... . T. ...*!> a".-^ " S 117 -.S s O."iiJ Closing -\u25a0'\u25a0'•\u25a0.."..... :',uki% ; .8. 07%* \u0084\s;o<;'" -..~-:r/-. p^.f- "'. \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0-; PARIS 1 *- \u25a0-- '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0"-;'.^V. /:•:'•.',-" ~~ ..Wheat— " .'- - June. ScpU-Dec. Openlßg j^. . , .. ,,..i J jJ ! j.£ijr ii } -5 IK) \u25a0 ; 24' 80 " - : ; -'.--* ' ' \u25a0 :': ' '\u25a0 iSUMMARY OF THE^MARKETS Wail street stocks and. the coppers higlier. Cotton futures lower. % Spot unchanged. -'» Local securities active. 1 . Mining shares dull." Shipment .of. $1,152,566 in spicie ,to .the ,iA'orieat.7 : '.''iaiii' % Sterling exchange higher. Silver lower. Local grain markets is before stated. " Hay I still demoralized." Beans quiet.' . Fair trade in flour and farinaceous goods. Extra eggs higher. * Butter and cheese un- changed. - ;.". \u25a0 New potatoes higher . under light receipts. Fresh fruits in large supply hut steady. Poultry in liberal supply and slow. Bacon and - lard : lower. Hams - unchanged. Wool, hops and hides steady to flrm. Some changes in PaciSc codfish.' " Mutton and lamb weak.* Beef, and pork .unchanged. . : " . " Moderate trade in dried fruits. . Raisins « Closing . ...... .\... 26 SO 24 70 Flour- Opening .......:...... 34 20 32 55 Closing .34 33 32 55 CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE Future Grain and Provisions CHICAGO, June 29.— Wheat opened firm, }& to %c higher, \u25a0 compared i with yesterday's close. 'i the" strength being largely " due to an advance of V< to ; % . pence at Idverpool. The failure of the Liverpool \u25a0 market to'" respond to the slump . of a cent or more, here yesterday was* • said to have been : the result of unfavor able crop I conditions in France, Germany | and Hungnry. .' Crop conditions -in - this country, however..' were . again - favorable. During the first half hour there was general selling based on \u25a0 the favorable outlook . for . the new > crop. For ! a time sentiment was mixed, but.t oward mid day .prices started upward. A: decrease of nearly 7,000,000 1 bushels ' in . the world's -; avail able stocks was one of the chief : reasons for the change In sentiment. • Other . factors were lighter 'country acceptances, ; large sales of cash wheat to millers and an i unconfirmed rumor \u25a0of I black, rust In the wheat fields of Minnesota. The-market closed .strong. ;.. - \u25a0 Corn. was weak: early, but became firm during the final half hour and closed at net gains of a shade to Vie compared, with ' yesterday's gains. ..... Oats were weak, despite, the -rally In wheat and corn. The feature of trading was liberal liquidation of , July brought out by a , decline ' of o ct-nts •In > the price of cash grain. The close was unchanged • to ?4c lower. Provisions rallied; following an eHsy tone at the" start and • closed strong with prices' a shade lower to 22i£c higher than yesterday's close. ... The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles— - "Open. High.- Low. Close. Wheat- July Klsss I.HH4 1.14% 1.10% «er#tember'.. ... . l.lOVi 1.11T& 1.09%. 1.11% December 1.09; 1.09T4 I.oß*4. 'l.ODTs Corn — July ........... 70% 70« i 69^i 70»4 September ...... 07"» i »;7% ' U6«4 07% December 5"T4 jß'/g 57% 58 fa : Oats— July 4!>Sg 49% „ 4STi ,49Ui .September ...... 43 1^' 43% 4-'t 74;7 4;l Va December ...... 4:*% 43Ti 43T* 4.'J3i Jless Pork, per bbl — July .... ...19.00 20.20 19. S"tj 20.1714 September .... r.20.10 ,20.45 20.10 20.42VS - Lard, per HX» lbs— \u25a0 ' ' - July ...... .11. «0 11.70 . 11. 57' i 11.70 September:.. ....ll:9s 11.75 11.62*6 11.75 Short Kibs, per 100 lbs— ' July ....... H. 071.3 11.10 - 11.00 11.07VS [September 10.97 Vi 10.971-i ' 10.87*4 1u.97*-i Cash Grain, and Pro\-i»ious CHICAGO. June 29.— Cash quotations were as follows: -Flour,, steady; feed or mixing barley, B3Qi64c;lfalr to choice malting barley, 06@68c; flaxseed. No. 1 southwestern • $1.38*4". No. ' 1 northwestern $1.«<5'4; timothy seed. $3.80: clover, $10.73; mess -pork,. '< per" bbl, $20.15^20.17*4; l«rd, " per - 4 ioo lbs. -$11. 70; .short ribs, ...sides (loose).- $11.07*.'.<5i,11.12'i; short clear sides, 1 boxed*. ' $11.50« i 11.75. (JRAIX STATISTICS _, Total Hfarances of wheat and fltmr were I equul to :!1.000 bushels.. Primary receipts were i 330,000 bushels, compared -with 203,000 bushels I the corresponding' day a year ago. x The world's I visible : supply, as shown by Bradfetreet's, de ; creased fi.siO.Odft bushels. i Eftimuted receipts for .tomorrow: Wheat. 4 cars: '-corn, -Kid cars; oats, 130 cars; hogs, 24,000 head. \u25a0 . : .VortUeru Wheat -Market * • '\u0084; SKAT. I.K. June 20.- i -No - milling quotations. Export wh»-at: Bhiestem. $1.24; club, $1.14: rert. ,?1..j. - Ue<-eii<ts: Wheat, 1 car; corn, 2 cars. • ' " TACOMA. June. 29. — Wheat— Milling: Blue stem. $1.. 1042 1.35: club. $1.14. Export: lUuesteui, i $I.24;sHnb. $1.14: red. $1.09.> PORTLAND. June 25). — Wheat, track prices: Club. -$l:lS<£l.2fl: choice milling bl»»Btem. $1.27»4''a1.."{0; turkey red, $1.1S: Ted Russian. $1.15; valley. $1.17. Available Grain Supply ' NKW YORK. June 2».'-rSpecial cable aud tele graphic communications rec?ived by Bradstreet's show the following changes in available supplies as compared with previous account: Wheat— United -Stales east of . Rockies, de crease. 2,013,000-: bushels ;: Canada,, decrease 713.- OUO buqhels: - total -'-United ' States - and Canada, decrease 2,810,000 bushels; "afloat for and In Eu rope, decrease 4.000,000 bushel*: total American and, European supply, decrease C.810.000 bushels. \u25a0 Corn-Sr-Unlted States and Canada, decrease 214, 000 bushels. . Oats — I'nlted States and Canada, decrease 8, 800,000 bushels. - • .VeT»- York Grain Market NEW YORK, June 29.— Flour— Receipts, 25,300 barrels; exports. 6.400 barrels; firmly held with a moderate lo^al trade. • Wheat — Receipts. 34,800 bushels:- spot firm; No. 2 red old. $1.17 elevator and- $1.47 f._0...b. afloat nominal; No. 1 2 red \u25a0• new; $1.22^ and August; No. 1 northern Dtiluth old. $1.38 f. o. b. No. 2 hard winter - old, Jl.."i! nominal f. 0. -tr.", afloat. Big , commission houses which sold wheat yesterday : were .large buyers of September and December today.' causing sharp advances in- these contracts. -There was a good <-nsh trade besides, and final * prices, showed l'i(ul%c net rise." July closed $1.26; September $1.15^,; December.-: $1.17; j May, $I.ISTs- - Minneapolis Klnx. Market MINNEAPOLIS, '•_Jnne 29.— Flax. $1.73%. LOCALMARKETS Receipt* of -Produce June 2O - . ' Flour.- qr sks... .:2.540;Ta110w, -'.ctls'. .... 453 Karle.v, -ctls ...:'.*., 215JHIiles..'No :". . I,N«.V (»at«. ctls .. -2,S:iO|Pelt9, Xo : H75 Corn, ctls ;; .'. .'.,.-' inio; Sugar. 'yctla S.(«>J Hraii. sks ...... ;710|Wine, gals .rT.. -.24,400 Middlings, sks . . / JO Paper.' \u25a0 bdls .... . 3.17."» Potatoes., sks ... 2.99O|Quioksilver. flasks . lUS i Onions, sks ....... 80O< Lumber, M : ft.". . .''. .-0 2W Hay. " tons ...... .4 - J7|Kaisins, • bxs .... 3.150 Wool, sis ...... "ll)"l"Ap|>les. bxs -. . . r. 470 Shorts, sks .*. ... r.OOJCalfsklns. bdls . . \u25a0 4r> Atfatfa meal, sks ' 32-"> Honey, cases ... 10 Mnstard '. seed, \u25a0 sks -12 Brandy, gals ...; 50 Leather, rolls ... -n>| - . -OREGON '-, : Flour.; qr sks. . . .12,:?.S0;Shorts. sks 3,157 Bran, sks :..:.. S,oll[ ' WESTERN i STATES- Corn, , ctls ....... .:.:.... . -• ; • • • :". . . ... «23- Provisions ."-.Some descriptions of/ bacon; and : lard are Vie lower.' Hams and-barreled goods. are unchanged. I ':'- Cottolene— One : half 3 :'half bbls, '\u25a0 10%c;.l tierce."- 1094c; '2 tierces, 10% c; 3 tierces ' io%c. : . _.--.-\u25a0: : ,\u25a0 ,; - '\u25a0 \u25a0 ...- <-.;-,.;; -. \u25a0.j -->.The Western meat company quotes as follows: | Hams, '17(55 : 17%e; picnic lintns, 12c; bacon. 6 to 8 lbs. -} 20%c;~ B } to :1 0 • lbs, < 20c : ; 10 to ; 12 " lbs. 5 20 c; ' sugar cured bacon." 23<r; Arrow bacon. -8 to 10 lbs 18%c;'10uto'.12 lbs, 17%c:: light dry salt bacon 8 to 10 lbs.:lSc; 10 to 12 lbs," 17c; medium bacon, 15V.ic;*lIght.medlum;bacon/15%c."- . . Lard— Tierces i 14c. '^ s<ls : 14 Vic 10s 14 sic, 5s 14 T /sc.' 3s ;loc;; loc; -compound lard, ,- tierces* B%c. < 50s B%c> 10s O»4e,iss 9%c,r3s 9%c; yellow, cooking oil. -53c per gal;rwhite cooking 0i1,' 55c per gal; salad 0i1, ,38c per gal. - . \u25a0 - ": Beef— Local prices , are j quoted. - ; Export lots. Inspected * by.ithe? government, -are -$1 per ' bhi liicher. -K.Ttra rfamllr ;beef.;sl4 per-hhl; family beef,* $13.50 \u25a0 per • bbl ;;' extra ' mess beef, $13 per bui:^c per lb. \u0084., .' ~ Pork — Extra prime, in- barrels." $21; clear." $23: mess,- $22; pig pork,; s2B; pigs', feet, $5 for half bbls, $2.35 for 25 lb ; kegs and $1.30 forkits. Meat Market •;" ...Mutton and' lamb .rule > weak '\u25a0- at 1 the decline noted ; yesterday..' Beef ; and i pork ' are unchanged." Small \u25a0 veal Is .scarce.": *\u25a0'. • . * • , . - .: . DRESSED MEATS » . -. Slaughterers': rates to dealers and 'butchers are as follows: •. - \u25a0 \ ."-/• : • . \u25a0 .- \u25a0...-.. ", Beef— «U<Vi.7iic per. lb for steers, 5% @6 for ; rows and ! heifers. ; ... • :'..._ . _Veal—6%(g;B%c; for. 'large and 9@9%e*. for j small. '.- v. --\u25a0\u25a0 ... '. .:• \u0084-\u25a0\u25a0.•'••.- :\ " 1 '\u25a0 >Mutton — Wetlicrs,' : 6%ftiSc: ewes, - J .sU^;7c "i per ; -lb.'- -\u25a0:< --\u25a0\u0084 :7. -\u25a0,\u25a0.- ]\u25a0 . '":.-.' : \u25a0 I.atnli — S<39e v per - lb. - - .. <-<^EmBBEHBBK •- Dressed * Pork "(per.Ub)— llQUV'.c for^-light I and 9 l i^sloc for heavy.- \u25a0--.:\u25a0 \u25a0,',- -_..-". :;\u25a0 LI VKSTOtIK ' MARKET . *• .The following l quotations : are l for good, sound livestock '. delivered • : in San " Francisco, gross weight: -' - ; .- \u25a0--' .*- -':,• .'•-, \u25a0. \u0084.i.' :-• •'. .." ', .-. . •_ . \u25a0'Xo.".-1 fat:, steers, , over: 900 -lbs. -alive, ' 4e under j 900 4 Ibs.'v 3%c; t ser^nd .' quality, " Z Vj*l«%c ; thin ;and '; undesirable.? steers.* 3c." •• \u25a0 v.". - , v. s Xo."; 1 i cows ; and , hei f ers." 3»ic ; •: second quality 3c: i common: ithln, 4 ! undesirable ;fows.^ 2^2Vic.^»' '.^iFatbullsand 9tags,'2c:Mialf ifat'or thin bulls ,%f<i;i%c.r-.-; \u25a0-:^.r,~- •:-. - v,"-" /: - ",.- v/ ; .-, .-.-..v--' :-- Calves— -I.lplit sweight.C per . lb. ov. medium' 4%c; heavy. :3V? teH*. 1 : *. f: • ; \u25a0: . ' . ]\u25a0\u25a0 Sbcep f (per ; lb)— .Wethers; 3ii@ic: for ; ehoxa \u25a0 '"• -\ \u25a0 . ."\u25a0 . ; - \u25a0 -.\u25a0.. \u25a0 . \u25a0\u25a0. \u25a0" ' \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 ' - 1 \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0- \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0' v Local Grain Market Very Quiet iNew P'btatoesTake a Turn Upward and- 4*4 <Ssc for wool ; , ewes, 3@3Uc for . shorn and. 4«»4*4<*;- for -wool. -\u25a0 - Lambs (per lb) — This year's fflllk lambs, *i* Hogs (per lb)— Hard grain fed. weighing^loo to 140 lbs. 7@7%c: 140 to 230-lbs. •'»«: :s. w 850 lbs, .6?iS7c; rough, heavy hogs, 4*^@oc; common,, undesirable j hogs. 4@4iic- Hotter. Cherae and Egg* Receipts of eggs were increased to over 2.O«X> cases yesterday, but as the proportion of strictly high grade stock in the arrivals was small the market remained strong for such and extras were advanced -Vie to a quotation of 26c on sales _at that figure on the exchange. The under grades were declared flrm at the old quotations on Uie exchange, but in the street seconds and tn'rus were considered weak, as stocks were large ami sales 'slow. » . . . Butter handlers continue to report a fair to average demand for strictly fine table goods, but receipts are - still running in excess of * require ments and more or less stock has to be put in tbe icehouses daily. Cheese is steady -at th« old quotations, the market having recovered from Monday's weakness. Sales on the exchange were as follows: _ Butter— lo cases of extras at 26c a pound. Eggs— 4o cases of extras at 26c a doaen. Cheese— 7s fancy new California flats at 13V,c * Receipts were 27,300 pounds butter, 12,000 pounds cheese and 2.056 cases eggs. . . „ . . The following are official quotations established by the sales, bids and offers on the floor of the dairy exchange. Price* in the street, while gov erned by the exchange quotations, generally range from lVic to 2c higher, owing to the vari ous charges to be addeh. Butter — Fresh creamery extras. -6c . per lb, firm: do firsts, 25c. flrm; do seconds, 24* a c, flrm; No. 1 packing stock, 23c. steady. Cheese— California fancy flats, 13t*e per lb, steady; do firsts. 12 % c. steady: do seconds. 12c. steady; fancy Young Americas, 16c. steady; do firsts, 14% c, steady; fancy Oregon . Young Amer icas. 15& C, weak; do flats. 15c. »rffl.\ Eggs (per dozen, cases Hncluded)— California fresh extras, 26c, flrm; do firsts, 24*4 c flrm; do seconds, 21*-ic, firm; do thirds, 21, flrm. N, Portland Butter Market, " PORTLAND. June 20.— Butter: City and country creamery extras, 26% c; fancy, 24@_Gc; store, 18@20c. Ejrsr Market In Xearby Counties! SANTA CRUZ, June 20.— The condition of the egg market has remained unchanged for some time. -The local supply meets the Increasing summer demand and the offer of 26c continues. Heaviest shipments to ontslde points now go from Capitola and Watsonvllle. . PETALUMA; June 29. — Tbe second day of the week showed a slight rise in the price of eggs over the previous day. Tbe best cash offering was 24c, and 25c was offered on time receipts. The conditions remain unchanged. Poultry is not In great demand. Feed remains high, but many poultrymen claim they are satisfied with the financial situation. Potatoes. Onion* and -Vegetables Light receipts and an unexpected demand for shipment -to outside points caused a flurry in the market ' for new potatoes yesterday • and sent prices up sharply. Choice stock sold up to $1.75 a . cental on the wharf and a few lots of ex ceptionally fine goods " even commanded a small premium.. Nearly everything on the list of .mis cellaneous vegetables was in free supply and the quotations showed considerable revision in .a' downward direction. The high prices . for ' green corn, necessitated by the stiff figures paid in the country, proved more than . the I market . could stand and the principal receivers had the bulk ; of their consignments on hand at the close. To- j matoes in large boxes from the river sold at $2.25@2.50 a box and small packages from the same place brought 65«r75c. while Merced lots were hard to move at 40@50c. Summer squash and cucumbers were easy for large packages and It' was a difficult matter to dispose of small boxes. Asparagus and peas of good quality. •»- , malnedflrm and string bean% did a little better. I whtle"*green pepjSers 'were offering at" low rates. Green okra from southern ' California sold at 2Oc a pound and a box from Stockton found a buyer at 40c a pound. Onions were plentiful -and weak. Potatoes (per ctl) — River Burbanks, $1.50@ 1.63; Oregon Burbanks, $1.50@1.75;new pota toes. $1.25@1.75. Onions— New red. 40@50c per sack ; new yel low. 75@S0c per ctl. Vegetables — Asparagus, $I@2 pet box: rhu barb, per box; tomatoes, 75<g90e per crate' and 40@75e per box; green peas. $1.23& 1.7." per sack; string and wax beans. 3^sc per lb; summer squash." 25ia,40c per box; do large boxes, 75c@51.25; -garlic. 4sjsc per lb for new; cabbage; $1 per ctl: cucumbers, 35@50c per box; do large boxes; $1@1.25; cauliflower, 50@65c per dosen; carrots, $1.75 per sack; turnips, -$1.23@1.50 per sack: eggplant. B@9c per lb: green peppers. B@loc per lb; green- corn. $3@4 per safk for Alameda and $2 - for Winters; do Brent wood, 30@40c per doien. Decldnous nod Cltru.i Krnlts The late arrival of some of the river boats re stricted trading in fresh fruits for a short time In the early morning, but business picked up on the arrival of the belated supplies and prices for choice' offerings of everything were well maintained considering the heavy arrivals. Apri cots and peaebes Irere about the ' most active fruits on the list -'and attractive lots of botb found quick sale at full figures. Tragedy prunes sold well, when good, but there were large lines of poor, stock off ering, . for which there. was very little call. The same was true of plums, the market being overloaded with trashy stock, for which seljers were willing to accept any fair offer. Choice figs from the river districts were in good demand,- selling up to $1 for double layer packages, while offerings from Vacavllle and vicinity . bad .to be sold rather cheap. Choice black cherries were scarce and firm, while poor stock cftuld only be sold to the cannera. who were practically able to name their own prices. Royal Anne?. In bulk, were dull and weak, with canners the principal buyers. Nutmeg melons sold off well 'enough, but with eight or nine cars standing on the railroad tracks prices were rather low. Receipts of. berries were too much for the regular trade to absorb and large lines had to be turned over to the canners at* the In side quotations." Loganberries did better. \u25a0 the previous low prices having checked* the move ment from some districts. Seedless and other varieties of grapes* were offering in small lots and sold at $1.25^1.50 a crate. Strawberries — Longworths. $5i&S per chest; large varieties, $3(^4.50 per chest. Raspberries— s4(g6 per chest. Gooseberries — Nominal... Blackberries — $2.50fit4 per chest, v Loganberries — $1.50©2.50 per chest. Currants — $4fii(J per chest. Apples — 75c@$l for large and "oti "><V for small boxes. Pears— 6s(s 7sc per box or basket. Cherries— Packed, T>o'fi7sc per drawer: loose, :'%@6c per. lb for choice -black and 3@3c for Roynl Anne. Peaches — 05<(j.7."»c per box and 63@S5c per bas ket. -. \u25a0 "' - '-• . '\u0084;'.". W Plums — to«i7sc per' box -oc crate, with some fancy, higher; Tragedy prunes, 60@8o<; per box ' or crate.. : •Apricots — Crates, 75®S5c: boxes, 60@75c; bas- ; kets. 65©75 c: large boxes. $1@1.35. . .\u25a0Figs — 33@40c for, single layer and 75cfe$l for double , layer ill 11 m 1 1 11 ttYM MyUm*! l ij. JTia jM»J Xntmcg t Melons— 3o@3sc * for special,. $1@1.25 for pony and $1.25@1.75 for standard crates. . Citrus Fruits (per box) — Navel oranges. $1.75 ' @3: Valenclaß. $2@2.50: grapefruits $2.50<33 for ! seedless: lemons, $3.75@4 for fancy. $1.75«a:2.23 : for- choice and -$I.oo<a- for standard: lime«, ?55?6. •* : Tropical ; Fruits — Bananas. 7.V<asl.7.*i per bunch for Hawaiian and $2.50@3.50 for Central American; pineapples. $1.50©2.50 per dozen. Dried' Fruits. Raisins. .Vut.i and Honey • Qnotations for new crop fruits, except apricot;!, peaches and prunes, are not well defined yet. nor are those for. new raisins. Prices for; old fruits show .no change. . The demand is f a Ir. .: Fruits, "-.old crop 1 — Eva porated apples. 7@B%c; apricots, 9@10%c: - fancy moorpark. liv*' 12c ;:: peaches. -4c for \u25a0 standards. 4ti(§;4»4e for choice • and s@6c ; for fancy: *J>ears. 4Va^7V-c: pitted plums, 6%«JS?; nectarines. 5%«j6c; figs. 2%@4c; prunes. 4 size basis. '2%@2»4c, with %c ; premium for the large siies.' New fruits — AprtcottO S@10«» : here and B%c In the .country; .-•moorpark^ ll@12c; IH-acheji,: SfrtttK'C; prunes. 2*4 ft?3c. wUh % (A Vic premium for 40a \u25a0 and *i«sie premium for 30s to 40s; . figs, 3@4V»c: pears. 5%@9%e. Raisins— London : >\u25a0 layers — 2 crown. 90c; 3 crovM, $1; seeded, 4@4%c: Thompson's seedless, S^cTifor unbleached; seedless . sultanas, 2%c: loose . muscatels. 3% c .' for *4 ; crown, 3c for - 3 crown \u25a0 and 2% «t{2%c for \ 2 crown. •• \u25a0 Nuts— Almonds, nonpareils, - 13@13Uc; IXI. l"Vi<jj!l3%c; ne . plus ultra, 13c; Drake. 11 *S ll%c: languedocs, '10(Eei0%c:'hardshelIs,.7(giSc. Walnuts."- lie per ib.for'Xo. 1 toftshells. 7c for N0." 2 do; filberts. 12%®14c:^ pecans. 15@17e.^ v \u25a0 Honey—^New » com.b. . \s<fa \T»: for water white,' and ' 10p 12c ']>erlbfor« amber;. extracted. 8c for water^whlte and 7%c for lltcht amber; old. can dled and dark-" amber.- 4 ft{4 Vje per Ib.: Beeswax— 27% @29c per \u25a0lb - for light and 23@ 26c for dark. . _ • . • - - Poultry and Game \u25a0 \u25a0 Current receipts ."' of ,f, f poultry » are /more . than sufficient > for.; average i~ dally •, requirements .and with ,;. the «. exception,, of > targe k , ! yonng chickens* everything onahenis^ffas a dragging tendency. Ortllnary< hens ai>d i'smaH.'stocJt " form, a .large percentage of the arrivals and prices for 'such are low*' and ; irregular."; .; ft ._ \ \u25a0 '\u25a0 ' . Poultry i ( per. dozen )*-Hen*. , $4 TJ4.50 for fsmail. $si&tlafor large' and '$7«i'S. for. extras: young roosters.- $B*t 10; old. roosters. $4§i s;, fryers. $5.30 ft. sbroilers.^ s;s.o4J<Sr4.."K> for. large- and *2..'.0 fe:j for ; small: -j ducks. <? so'if7: 'pigeons. $1.50; sqtiiibs,-;52f42.25:. g051ing5,: 52^2.50 per pair.* * | \u25a0 Game — Nominal. .-;•'- Reanj anil Serdn ;Be;ins rontinue^qiiiPt.jthonffh^there' h a.«mal! ! ! business -going o« for I«n-aln<M-onnt"and shipment. '\u25a0 i Llnias^aremoving;freely from southern points StG.SO; small white. $6.73<a7; large. - white; J0.4twfe5.60; pink. $3.10433.25; red. nominal: blackeye. $3.40@3.65; lima. $4. 10(94.25; red kidney*. $3.25<5J3.30; cranberry beans, nominal; Garvanzas. $2.50<93 ;. horse beans, $l.»0«82.20. .Seeds — Brown mustard. 4fts4Vje;, yellow mus tard, nominal: flaxseed. 4c. carload lots: canary. 4*H*-;e: alfalfa. 18*£@lScl rape, cleaned. 2*9 2 Vic: timothy. 6c : hemp, -4c; millet," 3 Vic per 11>; broomeorn seed. $23.50 per. ton. . Dried Peas — Green are quoted at $3.25 per ctl. Flour and Farinaceoua Good* A qniet trade in flour Is going on. while ther» I* tbe usual business ta farinaceous goods. All prices are unchanged. - Klour— -California family extras. $B.«W><iJ7 net without discount: bakers* extras, $t5.60Q7: super fine, $5.50*?5^0; Oregon and Washington, per bbl. $5.50*^5.5« for family, bakers' and patents and $4.73^5.25 for cut off; Kansas patent*. $5.70<^7.90: do straights. $7.30; do clear. $7; Dakota patents. $S; do straights. $7.80; do clear, $7.25- per bbl. - Farinaceons Goods — Prices in packages, net cash, no -discount, are as follows: Uranam ffanr, $4 per 100 lbs; rye flour. $4.23: ry« meal. $4; rice flour. $S; corn meal. $3.25; extra cream do, $3.75; oat meal. $5.40; oat groats. $5.40: hominy. $3.G0@4; buckwheat flour. $5: whole wheat flour. $4.25: rolled oats, bbls J-tWS.SO. in sacks $5.4O«&;s: extra cream do. $3.50 In sacks and $9 in barrels: rolled wheat, bbls $5.75, ta sacks $4.30#5.25: pearl barley, $5.50; spilt peas, boxes. $5.75 for. yellow and $6.25 for green per 100 lbs. " - 1 Hay and Feedntuffs i Hay is still laboring » under the recent heavy 1 receipts and quotations are largely nominal. Tb# feeling ' is very weak. Bran continue* to arrive freely from the north, but this' inflow ba» not yet affected the market. . The "circular of Somera k Co. says of hay: "Receipts of hay during thi> last - we«k have amounted to 4,050 tons. This, quantity under present, conditions is too much for our market to readily absorb and as a result prices are declin ing. "It is now conceded among all interested, ia hay that the quantity, cut this year Is far In excess W any anticipation: In fact every day we hay* new districts offering hay to San Fran cisco and furthermore our regular district* are reporting .-' a heavier crop than waa previously figured. It has been practically impossible re cently to purchase hay In the country, bring It to San Francisco and sell It even at cost. These conditions of course will right themselves." Bran — $29@30 per ton for white and $23.50(3 29 for red. ..Middlings — $33(335 per ton. Shorts — $31@32 per ton. Feedstuff s — UoUed barley. $30^32: rolled oats for feed. $39<@41: mixed feed. $25@30 for aver age lots; oilcake meal. In 20 too lota $33.50, la 10 ton lots $39. la 3 ton lots $39.50. small lot* $40; eocoannt cake or meal at mills. $'26 in 20 and 10 and $26.50 in 5 ton lots: jobbing. $27; corn meal. $39<i$40; cracked corn. $40^41; broom corn feed, nominal: alfalfa meal and mealfalfa. Jobbing kits $24. carload lots $23 per ton. Hay— Xew crop wheat. $14@15.50; wh«at and oat, $14« i 17: tame oat. Sl4@lS; volunteer wild oat. $11@14: barley. $11@14; alfalfa. $10611; stock hay. $7@lo per ton. Straw — 50<§73e per bale. General Merehand!*e Bags — Grain bags, 5%©6 c: San Quentin bags. 5%c; wool bags. 32c for 3% lb and 33c for 4 ll>; fleece twine, 8c per lb. Coal — Beaver Hill. $7; Pennsylvania anthracite egg, $16 per ton; Wellington. $9; New Welling ton. $9: Coos bay, $7: Australian house — Rich mond, etc., $9; Pelaw Main, $7.50; Staufor.l Richmond, $9; Cumberland. $15 in bulk and $16.50 in sacks; Welsh anthracite. $15; coke. $15 per ton in bulk and $10 in sacks; Bocky mountain. ?'•>.. "l l per short ton. \u25a0 Oils— Quotations are for barrels. Linseed. 74e per gallon for boiled and 72c for raw: caties. *>•• more; casttor oil In cases. No. 1. 71c; Baker* AA. $1.13@1.15; China nut. cases. 70<2 < *0« per gallon; cocoanut oil in barrels. <50<§}6UVjc for XX"X. 57%@61 for No. 1 and 55@o8VjC for Xo. 2. according to quantity; extra bleached winter sperm oil. 91c; natural winter sperm oi!, 91c: natural whale oil. 55c; extra winter strained lard OiL 95@9Ge; No. 1 neatsfoot oil, 60c; herring oil. '40c; salmon oil, 35c; boiled fish oil. 35c; paint oil. 35c. V Coal . Oil. Gasoline, etc.— Water white, iron barrels or drums. 10c; 150 deg. oil. Iron barrel* or drums. ll%c; special do, 12c; pearl oil. in cases. : 17c; astral. 17c: star, 17«; extra star. 20c: Elaine. 26%e; eocene, 20c; red crown and motor gasoline, in bulk 14% c. to cases 21%e; No. 1 engine distillate. In drams. 8c: No. 2 do, 7c: cases, 7c more: 86 deg. gasolfne. In bulk 30*. ia cases 37i-ic: varnish makers' and painters' naph tha, in bulk lie. in cases IS%c. Turpentine — 6Se per gallon la cases and 81e ta bulk, drums and Iron barrels. Rosin <per *>bl of 2SO lbs>— E, $6.50; T. $6.85; G, $0.70; H. $7; I. $7.05: WW. $10.40. Red and VThlte Lead— Red, B%@9c; white, 8(3 B%c per lb. REFINED SUGAR MARKET The Western sugar refining company qnotes at follow*, terms set cash: Standard granulated. I (fine or coarse), 5.40 c: confectioners* A. 3.85 c: crystal domino*, in cases. 8.40 c: tablets, tn half bbls, 5.90 c; tablets, in. boxes.. «. 15c; eobe» and A crushed, 5.65 c: powdered. 5.50 c; candy gran ulated. 5.50 c; confectioners* crystals. 5.50 c; magnolia a, sc; extra C, 4.90 c: golden C 4.SOc: D. 4.70 c. Barrel 3 and 50 lb bags 10c.' half bbls 25c, boxes 50c more per 100 lbs for all grades. Monarch bar Is quoted over and above the price for standard fine (cane) granulated in 100 lb bags as follows: Bags, 100 lbs, 35c; barrels, 45c; half barrels. 60c; 40 lb tins, cased, $2.05; 35 lb tins, cased. $2.05; 10 lb tins, cased. 10 in a case, $2.70; 8 lb tins, S in a case, $3.70; 30 lb boxes. Ssc. No extra charge for putting up bar in private packages. ' The- ~ California t and Hawaiian" sugar refining company qnotes an follows: Granulated basis. 5.40 c; "Higrade" bar, 3.73 c; powdered. 3.50 c: A crushed, 5.63 c; berry. 5.40 c; C. St B. extra fine dry, granulated, o. tOe: coarse dry granulated. 5.40 c; confectioners* A. 5.40 c; confectioners* crystals. 5.50 c; cube*. 5.65 c; bricks, 5.63 c; extra fine granulated (100 lb bags only). ; excelsior A. sc: extra C. 4.90 c; golden C. 4.SOc; yellow D. 4.70e; H. & E. crystal dominos. 8.40 c. Addi tional per 100 lbs: In barrels and 50 lb bags. 10c more: half barrels. 25c more; boxes, 50c more for all grades. ' Bar, In 35 lb and 40 tH tins. $1.70 more; in 10 lb tins, $2.33 more. Mini mum order, carload weight. Canned Fruits — The California fruit caontrs' association quotes prices for 1909 traits, f. o. b. factory, as follows: : , ; (~Z aj 51 a;" ? ? 9 s? i» M M ilO VAEIBTT. J f S j Apples 2.00(1 . 73 1.60 1 .40 Apricots 2.15 1.50 1.40 1.13 Apricots, peeled or sliced.... 2.83 2.00 1.73 1.33 Blackberries 2.23 1.80 1.60 1.23 Cherries ..-. 2.23 1.90 1.73 1.40 Cherries (white) 1.T5 1.40 Grapes (white muscat)...... 2.00 1.30 1.40 1.10 Peaches (yellow free) 2.13 1.73 1.43 1.20 Peaches (lemon c1ing)....... 2.30 1.80 1.30 1.23 Peaches (white Death) 2.30 1.80 1.50 1.2.1 Pears (Bartiett) 2.30 2.00 1.73 1.40 Plums (green gage) 2.00 1.50 1.30 1.05 Raspberries 3.00 2.73 2.30 2.23 Strawberries 3.90 2.T5 2.80 2.23 Hawaiian pine apple, sliced.. .... .V.. 1.Z3 .... Hawaiian pine apple, grated. .... .... 1.50 Canned Asparagus— frlce* of tao California BONDS Los Angeles Gas & Electric Co. GENERAL MORTGAGE 5s Edison Electric Co. of Los Angeles FIRST AND REFUNDING MTG. 5s E.H. ROLLINS & SONS FIRST XATIOXAI. BANK ULUt;. "v SAN FRANCISCO BOSTOX CHICAGO BEWER E.F. BUTTON & CO. 400 California st. Tel. Dona In-. S4«i7 St. Frances Hotel Tel. Douslaw 3083 Memhirs New York Stoc't Excftangs;!^ .. I'loneer Honar l\ „.-'., 'Private AVire to Chlmso anit R- E. -.MULCAIIBY. Manasrr