Newspaper Page Text
IS? « ? na S r T •**°ciatlon are as follows, per iV? n ln 2H «o.uar* can*:" Mammoth white. Peeled 13.05; Urge white *2.55. peeled $3.10; large 12.10. . «hir^«« P«a»— The followlag are tie prices of ict OallrernJa fruit canners' association for ICW racY: Standard, ©0c; standard sifted. 11.05: ex *** • I /, t *^; *1-13; extra fine sifted, i 1.23; petit P°». W-W61.73; No. S sifted. $«.25©4.75: No. staßflard, $4. Canned Ttxnatoea— :808 pack. 2H Ib solid pack, SOe; 3 Ib solid pack. 00c; standard. No. 2\b, 70c; 3. 75c; No. S. $2. Coffee— Costa Blea. 6Hei4e; Ealtador. 68 i?^ : . Mcar " X0 "' »«12^c; Guatemala-Mexican, «HGI3Hc; HawaUaa. B®l4Hc; Ecuador, B*r per Ib. Quicksilver— S44Q4s per flask for local use and W2.50Q43.50 per Cask for export- ; Cordage— Maalla. »*<•: SistL 8c: Sisal bale r °Pe. 9«SHc per Ib; net cash, bo discount. Pacific Cndfigh — Prices «bow a number of <-banges. The Unioa fish company quotes a* fol lows: Bundles, email, whole. 50 Ib bales, 3«£e; regular, large, whole. 100 Ib boxes. 4«4c; *-*ses, »xtra, 100 Ib bore*. 6c; cases, eastern style, J6.50: Anchor brand. s>;c; narrow gauge, «<•: Silver King. 7p; Golden State, 6U,c; White Seal, middle*. 10&I0V4«- : Seabrlght, blocks. 7e; oriental blocks, 6r; Crown brand, tablets. T'jc; Pearl tablets, " l ir; 3 Ib boxes fancy boneless, IGo; 2 Ib boxes fanry boneless, lOVjp; half bar* rels. pickled cod, $5.30 each; red Alaska salmon, half bbls, $4.r.r». The AJtsta *odßsh company votes: . Bundles, »mall' whole, 4c; cases, regular, large, whola tn: : cases, extra. C^c; cases, eastern Etyle, eyid Bering, se; Frigate. 6c; narrow Paragon. 7c; Monarch. 7H<*t Western Pride. 7c: Imperial, I'HS.IOH.-; ocean Wave. 7c; Siberia. Cc; Star, U Ib tableta, T^c; Pacific BeUe. 1 Ib tablets. 7i«e; Choice Bits, crates. 12 5 Ib boxea. 10c; do 30 2 Ib boxes, lO^ic:' pickled cod, half barrels, $5.50 •ftch. Hide*. Tallow, Wool ami Hops 'Everything under this head (tanda about the \u25a0ame. Wool is quiet and steady, 'hops are firm, with something <ioing in ooctractr. and hides are strong with a good movement. All prices stand unchanged. Hides — Culls and hr\ids bpU about '.i@lc nn *er quotations. Hea\y valted steers, 13^c; medium, 13e; light, 12e: cowhides, 12c for beavf, 12c for light; stags. Re: salted kip, 12c; waited real. 17r; salted calf. J7c: dry hides, 21c; <irj kip,:2or; dry calf, 2Se; dry Teal, 23c; dry stags, 16c; Flu^psklns. shearliaga, I>o<34»c each; short wool. 50Q75e f«cb; nn-diuui. 75c@$l each; long wool, Sl.r.rjl.TS; lamb*. 25(^76c; horse hides. Bait. $2.25@2.75 for large and 51.73@2.23 fcr medium, 75c@$l for email and 25@50c for cctts; horsehides. dry. £>l I> for large and $1.23 (£2 for medium. 30c<Sf 1 for small and 23@50c for \u25a0 <•::*: goatskins, prime angora, 30@75c; large bair goats. 23 Qsoc; medium. 20©25 c; email, .*-'al>: Mexican dry bides, 17% c; do pickled. 16c; do dry Mired. 12c; dry stagr, 12c; Mexican deerskins. 20Q34e; dry salted <10, 25@27c; dry Central American, CS(g32c per Ib. Ta'.low— No. I rendered. 665'ac; No. 2, 2® .4 'a-.; grease, 2@3c. P.* Wool — New San Joaquln, year»3 staple. 13@ r 17f-; do « to J* month*. 12^.16c; new southern '-. coast.. S@llc. Fail «-lip — Mountain free, S@l2c; do <lefeetive, 6ftjßc; Nevada. I3(S2Dc per Ib. Hops — Prices to grower* are Jsl3nc per Ib. with 12@13c for contracts. \u25a0>. Xew ' York Produce NKW.'YOUK. June 29.— Hops— Firm! -;^»>B— Firm. Wool — Steady. I Vtroleum —Steady. . Snjrar — Raw. steady : fair refining. .".42c: cen trifugal. «J test, 3.42e; moUsset sugar, 3.17 c; | rvfined. steady. Butter-Hflrm. Creamery. riCras. 23g23'ic. Cheese — Unchanged. Eggs— Firmer. Western, rxtra firsts, -2S@ DRIED FRUITS . Evaporated Apples— Quiet, but desirable fruit Is firmty held. Fancy. 808\,c: choice, 7«ifeßc; prime. o»4<a7>«ic; common to fair< s(&<i',ic. Prunes — tv.»st advlc<»» indicate, a firm market for botn. r.-ilifornia and Oregon prunes, and, while «pot tiustnex« is comparatively light; prices «i»» well nisJntxined. California, 2'» cto ll^ic; orepon. 6r to J#c \u25a0 .'-'\u25a0»> Apricots — Firm. .Choice. 10(J?lO'ic; extra chow, io>i<&lft»i.-: fan<y. ll^lSe. P^aohet— L'nr-bangM on sp«->L . Chr>icc. Sgj'ic; \u2666•itra choice, ijii^e^c; fancy. 7@PU<". Ilat«lns — Quiet. I>>ose muscatels. 3'4@4'ic; <-linj.» to fsney w*<Jed, 3\f(j 0c; seedless, 33 s 4 y; .'>'tc; London layers. Jl.J.''i I.U". - l.n« Aneeirn Markrta LOS ANGELES. Jun« 29.— Bidding was list !»•»» in the irroduce market todiy, with a better demand for eggs toward closing. Prices of eggs ntnl butter remained unchanged, although there «-as * falliiur off la the demand for the lattcrl Ike <-h« l e»e market was steady and active. \u25a0 'Receipts «f prrtduc^ today were: Eggs, 276 • «*<>*: butter, .ti.440 pound*: ebeew, 3,896 !\u25a0\u25a0•'. i. 'S; potatoes. £07 sack*: onions, none; beans, 1 sxrk: *w«H»t potatoes, n»ne. I'rgs— Extra select*. 30c: local ranch candled, SSe; «"ase «nwnt, 25c; eastern frenli. 20c. P-utter — Creamery extras. S7Vjc; creamery firitts. 53c; f-ooklng butler, 2.T»»<". Vh*+9* — Northern fresh. 16o; anchor. large, J *«\u25a0:: anchor. Young America, 19c; band cheese, anchor brand, 20<-; eastern single*. ISc; eastern twins, l'iic; eastern cbeddara. 17c; eastern long horn, lgisc; mmtt daisy. IS^c: Swiss, im j.f>rt«yL 2S@COc; . Swias.' doa>e«iic, -20c: brick ••ream. 2*V; liinburgeT. 2O<': Tnlarr. 14c; Im ported Roquefort. *2c; Edam. 36-37 size, caee of 12. S-. .".•'•.:"<: German breakfaot, SI. IO per box; NVufchatel. $1.20 per box; Sierra, 51.10 per box; <'anada cream, one doz»n to box. 95c; Schloas kam>. $1 i- '\u25a0 box; Catnembert. $1.20 per box; Oregon ch«*ae. 18c. Beans (per »-tl)— No. 1 pink.- $3.75: No. 1 lima. $4.:;."; Lady Washington. $3.2.1; small white. Sti; Mackeye. $3.50; Garvanzae, $4.50; lentils, Ger man.. $6; do California. $5. Potatoes (per ctll — Highlands. $2.23@2.50; Oregon Burbanks. $2.60&2.75: sweets, yellow local. $3; new potatoes, $1.30^1.73. < blonjto Dairy - Produce Market CHICAGO, June 29. — Butter steady: cream eries. 22&25e; dairies, 20fti:23 I.rC.1 .rC. Eggs steady at mark, cases included. 18c: firsts. 20c; prime i firsts. 21c. Cheetse steady; daisies. 14»4c: twins, 13H<S13«ic: Young Americas, 14@14>«c; looghorns. 14-ti 14 :*\u25a0.\u25a0. MISCELL.VXEOI S MARJCBTS Xew York Cotton Market NEW YOHK. June 29. — Button's wire says: The Journal of Commerce this morning, showing an Improvement of 4 to 6 per cent in Texas and Oklahoma since May 25. waa used by bears ami sold out hulls in an effort to *tart a reaction, and prices answered the call ' 7 to 10 points lower in America, and Liverpool nai fnfiuenc«d to a decline of 2 points where «n advance of 1; points was due. Later the National Gicners issued a condition report of 73.6 for the entire belt and prices recovered. The pinners' report indicates an abandonment r<t acreage of 7 per cent, which leaves the acreage 9.S below last year. The ginners* report May 25 was only two-tenths lower than tb«' porernment figures. Spot < cloeed <jnlef; middling uplands. 12e: tnkldlifiT coif. 12.23 c. Sale*. r.-M bale*. COTTON IITURES option— Open. Hfgli. Low. Close. June 11.60 c July 11.4«> 11..-J4C 1!.«. V 11.49 c August 11.53 c ll.fioe 11.45<? Jl.SOc September 11.33 c lI.SCc 11.49 c 11.50 c October 11.53 c ll.fioe 11.47 c 11.50 c I»ec-emt>er 11.38 c Il.rtse 11.53 c 11.53 c J#«>iary .... 11.52 c Il.fi2e 11.49 c 11.50 c March ..^ 11.52 c'c n.i I.*.1 .*.- n.r.Oc /. 11.36 c 11.67 c 11.56 c 11.63 c -Boitlon \VooI 3larkrl BOSTON.VJmw V9.— The owning of the dry £oi«U -business for crxt year at values consid «-t-hlj higher than u«ual has placed the local wool market on a firm basis. Quotations follow: Tcsee — Sconred values. fln». 12 months. 70<$ 1-c; fine. GloS months. G3<5.65c; fine fall, iS,/ 60c. ' \u25a0 \u25a0California — Northern. 63@67c; middle county, C."ff?63c: f»ll free. .'o<its2c. Oregon — Eastern No. 1 at a pie. 71€i73c; eastern clothing, 67®69c; valley No. .1. 57@BSc. Territory — Fine staple. 74078 c; fine medium staple. «9Q72c; fine clothing. C&Q7Oc; fine me dium clothing. 64#68e: haif blood. 67@69c; rhrcc-cightbs blood, 04(gC7c; quarter blood, 66*2 *» Pulled Wool— Extra. 70g74c; fine A, 63gCt»c; A wipers, 35f562c. fit. Louis Wool Market ST LOCIS. June 29. — Wool steady; medium prudes, combing and clothing, $21(t2Sc; light ftne. 20€?23^c; heavy fine, 13820V4c: tub washed, Sl'/iSSOijc, Cavtcrn Livestock Market SOCTH OMAHA - SOUTH OMAHA, June 29.— Cattle— Receipts. 5.O00;. market for beets steady, others dnlL Western eteers. $3.50@6; Texas steers. $3@5.23; range cows and heifers. $2.75@5; canners, $2@ 3.30; Btockers end feeders. $3^5.40; calves, $3@ ' 7; bulls and stags, $3<&5.25. Hogs — Receipt*. 9,000: ' market steady ro •Xc ; lower. Heavy, $7.7O<S[7.SK): mixed, $7.60@7.70; light. $7.40@7.73; pigs, $6©"; bulk of sales. $7.30*^7.73. Sheiep — Receipts, 2,700: market slow and lower. Yearlings. $4.00@3.60; wether*. $4@5; cwea,.54@4.75; lambs, $6.30@8.50. »w York Metal Market NEW'-VOttK, June 29. — The. English tin mar ket waa lower today, with apot quoted at £132 «nd fatures at £133 17s 6d. Locally the market v jib quiet and a nbade lower. Copper declined to in the London market, with \u25ba pot closing at £38 17s Cd and futures at £39 15s. Locally the market remained dull, with lake quoted at 13.23«M3.C2%0: electrolytic, I 3« 13.12^c; casting. 12.75@13c. Lcxtl was • shade lower at £121756 din Lon don, "but remained steady at 4.33@4.43c locally. Spelter advanced to £22 in London. The local market was quiet and unchanged at 5.40 ft 3.43 c. Iron was unchanged, with Cleveland warrants quoted :at4Ss 3d, in the London market. The local market remained steady. .Vaval Stores— Turpentine and Rosin SAVANNAH. Ca.. .Jnne: 29. — Turpentine dull 43c: saW, «\u25a0"; reeeipta. 1.320; «hipments, ISS. \ Rosin — Piria: - Bale*. :2,320:< receipts,'. 4,031; l,«K0: stock. 12«.004. Quote: B. «\u25a0»\u25a0/»<& 2. «7'.i: D. Wtiwr,; n. i.;.i0'<70..V): r. «;, : $3.900 3. a.: H. $4.05; U 54.20 «t».23:' K. *4.Ss>«j4.!H>:-M:. $305.05: N. $3.10® $3.35; y;u. $3.4oftits.r»(»: WW, $5.40i535.50. DISTRICT COURT I» EVREKA— District Judge J. Ac Haven will leave for Eureka, Humboldt county. July 19 to hold court there.- The federal court convenes In .Eureka once a jear. ' CARRIES EXHIBIT TO PORT OF GUAYAQUIL Yellow Fever Raging at South ern City and Penalty of Visit Is Fumigation HE navy collier Sat urn, Captain- -Newell, arrived here yesterday from Guayaquil; On account of th,e yellow fever now raging at tiiat port and for fear that some- fever bear ing Ecuadoran mos quito might have stowed away below decks, the collier was ordered into quaran tine - to be fumigated. The day the Saturn left Guayaquil there "were 24 cases of fever in th© town, and other cases .of different but equally objectionable diseases. The Saturn went to the lower coast with coal for the Albany and South Dakota. After replenishing th« war ships' bunkers th.©- collier was ordered to Panama and from there was sent to Guayaquil with a- collection of exhibits* for the Ecuador exposition. Passed Assistant Surgeon B. J. Lloyd of the marine hospital service, who was loaned to the government of Ecua dor to assist in fighting the- plague, is now acting quarantine officer at Guaya quil in • place of the late Dr. W. H. Wightman, who died recently, a victim of yellow fever. The Saturn brought word that Mrs. Wightman and her lit tle girl arrived at Guayaquil just eight days before Dr. Wightman died. Tho widow and her daughter left Guayaquil June 13 for Panama on their way, it was believed, to England, where Mrs. Wightman has a sister. Barnacles Were Too Thick The schooner Omega, Captain Ny i man, which left here June 26 for Coos j bay, returned to port yesterday to be drydocked and shorn of an armor of seaweed and barnacles. The barnacles were all there when the Omega sailed, but it was thought that the drydock ing could be postponed until after one more voyage. They proved to be a heavier handicap than expected, how ever. A fitlff breeze carried the schooner as far as Point Reyes, but the Omega refused to carry the barna cles a foot further. Gradually the ves sel lost headway and began to drift. By the time the vessel had drifted south of the Farallones Captain Nyman began to realize that short of a hurricane from the southward would take him to Coos bay and decided that it would be quicker to return to port and shed the parasites. Hoirrr Kncapea but Skiff -I* Wrecked j An oarsman from the South End row ing club whose valor was greater than his discretion went rowing yesterday afternoon in the choppy seas off Meiggs wharf. It was not long before his shell swamped. The oarsman fortu nately was a \u25a0 strong swimmer and reached the wharf in safety. His shell drifted against the schooner Salem and was cut in two just about amidships. -This is the third' boat that the South Knd club has lost since the re moval of its boathouse to the north end, where the afternoon waters are not suited to sculling. Japanme Woman Scalded Yamaguchi Kumada, a Japanese woman passenger detained on board the liner Asia, fell yesterday while going down a companion ladder with a kettle of boiling water. The woman was badly scalded about the face and body. After treatment at -the harbor hospital she was returned to the liner, but will be taken to a hospital today- She was not allowed to land when the liner arrived because of a suspicion that she was suffering from trachoma, Wrk on Fire nt Sea The British bark Inverness-shore, bound from Tacoma for the United Kingdom, has put into Valparaiso badly damaged by a fire which broke out in the cargo. In addition to the fire the ship had to battle with heavy weather and is in need of extensive repairs. Part of the cargo also is damaged. The ship will be surveyed at Valparaiso. Chlyo Mara Sails for Orient The Japanese tufb-lne liner Chiyo Maru, Captain W. W. Greene, sailed yesterday for the orient with a large number of cabin passengers and one of the largest cargoes carried by any of the Japanese ships since the Chinese boycott went into operation. The liner sailed on time, looking spick and span as a >acht and big as a downtown ho tel. Yorktoiva Sails for Sound The United States gunboat York town sailed \u25a0 late yesterday afternoon for Puget sound with four torpedo boat destroyers. They are fe'oing north to add to the naval show on the sound during the Alaska Yukon exposition. Water Front Aolc* Receipts of lumber yesterday by sea amounted to 2.231,000 feet. The Japanese liner Nippon Maru ar rived yesterday at Hongkong\from this port. ' The Pacific Mail liner Korea left Hongkong yesterday for this port. The Kosmos liner Salatie, which ar rived Monday night from the lower coast, brought 2,792 tons of cargo. SHIPPING NEWS OF COAST Items of Interest to Mariners of the Pacific PORTLAND, June 29.— With what will be \u2666he smallest cargo ever sent to the orient by Hi* Portland and Asiatic steamship company' on one of. their ships the Norwegian steamer Selja will probably sail Thursday for China. The Selja will carry 500,000 feet of lumber, SO tons of floor and 20 tons of other merchan dise.' ' : : • Steamer Roanoke left tonight for San Pedro and way ports. With 1.400,000 feet of .lumber, dispatched by J. J. Moore, the barkentlne James Tuft will sail tomorrow ; for Sydney. Australia. - • - Steamer Bos* City, which arrived last night, brought up a large list- of passengers and about 17,000 tons of general 'merchandise. Captain Shaver of the Shaver transportation company said this morning that they had re ceived notice to have three towboata in readi ngs to take a large ocean going raft from the Hammond lumber company's mill •\u25a0 to Astoria July 1. The raft is being sent \u25a0to San Fran cisco and contains about .".,000,000 feet of lumber. . . • • ' SAW PEDRO, June 29.— Steamer Mandalty ar rived from Crescent City with lumber. Steamer President arrived from Seattle. San Francisco and way ports with freight and passen gers. .•\u25a0..'...-> - . \u25a0 . . \u25a0:-„-. . .;• Steamer Wellesley arrived "from the Columbia river, -via Port Los Angeles, with lumber. Steamer James S. Higgins cleared for Fort Bragg, via Astoria. £3P^ra£BEg£g Steamer - Uanalel arrived ; from . San Francisco this morning .with freight -. and , passengers and cleared tonight for the return trip. . .-•••. Steamer Claremont cleared for San Francisco. Steamer George W. . Elder cleared - tonight for Portland, via - San Francisco, with • freight \ and passengers. SEATTLE, June - 29.— Arrived : Steamer : City of Seattle, from Skagway and ports, . bringing $200,000 in gold from .Tread well "and 115 passen gers; steam schooners Shasta and Balnier, from San Francisco, -, with . general cargo; steamer Northland, from Sitka and ports. . >. Sailed: United States lighthouse tender Colum bine, for the Colombia river; > steam schooner Shasta, for Tacoma; steamer Victoria, for Nome, with 125 passengers;' steamer Governor, for Everett; steamer City of Puebla, . for San Fran cisco, with 150 passengers. >"iIBBM9MBMaM(J F.. M. Stodley, local- representative : for the N ippon Yum-3 Kalshar In discussing the : report given out last night '.that two of the Japanese. company's steamers .would -be withdrawn from the American r trade, aald : today that \u25a0 the with drawalwas only temporary. .The; oriental- trade is beginning to show improvement after the long stagnation and it Is -believed ; that- the Japanese service will be Increased after a short interval." , ASTORIA, June ».— Captain Lancaster "of the whooner • Virginia. ..which .; arrived this \u25ba• mornin" from San Francisco; after ' a ; passage \u25a0 of : 1 1 days reports that he lost one of the sailors last Satur day. ; The m* n • was shipped shortly before leav ing ; and gave his ;\u25a0 name as Andrew . Berttleson and ' bad ; a card ; showing that ,' be '.wag <a ' member of the: coast , seamen's' union. I',;. The ; third day, out br reported that', he iwas: unable Uo .sleep,"' and some medicine was given him that apparently proved satisfactory." Ho was at t the wheel dur THE .FRANCISCO '- CALLV' WEDNESDAY. JUNE : 30. 4909 Navy Collier Saturn Ordered Into Quarantine ing the midnight watch of Saturday, and. upon being relieved was not seen strain. As noon as be was bettered to be missing Captain Lancaster was notified and the vessel was put back and' a boat lowered.^ The officers of . the Virginia be lieve that the man was not in ' bis right mind when he Joined the Teasel and that he committed suicide. . . > j . - • Oil tank steamer Maverick arrived in from San Francisco tonight with a. . cargo of fut! oil and left up the river to discharge. Four masted . schooner -Virginia arrived this morning from San Francisco and will load lum ber at Knappton for the same port. Oil tank steamer Atlas left this morning for San Francisco with barge No. 91 in tow. . ' Barkentlne James Tuft will complete taking on a cargo of lumber at the Hammond mill for Adelaide, Australia, today, and it will go to sea aa soon as her crew Is signed. MOVEMENTS OF STEAMERS TO ARRIVE. \u25a0 \u25a0 From | Steamer | Date Coqulll* River |Ell«abeth ......|Junc 30 Beattle k, Tacoma (Yosemlte \u25a0• June SO Portland &. Astoria.... | Nome City .... [June K0 San Pedro..:.. .Northland .| June 30 Seattle &. Tacoma Buckman June 30 Nanaimo ....." IThor jJune 30 Hutnboldt North Fork .... July 1 San Pedro Cascade ..July 1 San Pedro Claremont . . . . • I July 1 San Pedro.- ...| Uanalel July 1 llnmboldt ..|Clty of Tox»ka. July 1 San. Pedro |O. W. Elder... July 1 Point Arena & Albion. |Pomo July 1 Coos Bay.. M. F. Plant... July 1 Humboldt IF. A. KUburn. . July 2 Puget Sound Ports..... I City of Puebla. July 2 San Diego & Way Porte President July 2 San Pedro & Way Ports Coos 8ay..:.... July 2 New York via Ancon.. City of Para... July 3 Portland & Way Ports. Roanoke ......; July 3 Ullo .....". F.nterprise ..... July '4 Puget Sound Ports Governor- ...... July 1 4 Mendoclno & Pt. Arena Sea Foam .....July 4 Grays Harbor . ... Coronado ;....A July 4 Salina Cruz. . . . ; Columbian .". . . . July 5 Portland & Astoria.,.. Rose City ..... July 3 Seattle & Tacoma Ad. Sampson . . July | r» San Diego & Way PortsiSanta Rosa .... July 5 Salina Cuox & S. PedrojErna .:.......: July 7 Grays Harbor . .. .. ..^Norwood July 7 TO SAIL Destination | Steamer- | Sails | Pier June 30 — . - 1 . \u25a0 , I .'.\u25a0-. Grays Harbor (Westerner .. spm 2 Seattle &. Taeoma |Carlos spm 2 Los Angeles Ports jYosemlte ... 2pm 2 Humboldt j Vanguard . . 11 am 2 CoquUle River (Elisabeth 16 Mendocino & Pt. ArenaiSea Foam... 4pm 4 Honolulu iHllonian ...12 m 10 Seattle & Tacoma Watson 1 pm 20 Astoria fc Portland.... Northland .. Ipm 2 July 1— ; Grays Harbor Claremont . 4pm ; 2 Astoria & Portland.... Cascade 2 San Diego & Way PortsiSanta Rosa.. 10.30 a 9 Tahiti direct .' . . | Marlposa ... 11 am 7 Portland & Way Ports. JG. W. Elder 1 pm 13 Grays Harbor IG. Lindauer. spm 2 July 2— I Astoria & Portland.... lShna Yak... Los Angeles Ports... .jUanalei .... 12 m 7 July 3— I Auckland & Sydney. ..|C. Machines. 12 m .... Humboldt' ....|F. Kilburn.. 10 am 13 Humboldt IClty Topeka. 10.30 a 11 Humboldt JNorth Fork.. 12 no 20 New York via Ancon.. City Sydney 12 m 24 Astoria & Portland.... State of Cal 11 am 27 Pnget Sound Ports President ..2pm 9 Los Angeles Ports Roanoke ... 5 pm 13 Astoria & Portland. .. .(Nome City.. 4pm 7 Coos Bay M. F. Plant 3pm 8 Point Arena 4 Albion. Porno • 6pm 2 July 5—5 — Seattle & Tacoma Buckman ... 1 pm 20 San Diego 4. Way PortsiGovernor ... 2pm 9 San Pedro & Way Ports Coos Bay .. 2 pm 11 July 6— - Puget Sound Ports..... City Puebla. 2pm 9 Los Angeles Ports..... Ad. Sampson 10 am 20 TO SAIL FROM SEATTLE ~ Destination \ Steamer 1 Date Valdez & Seward Northwestern .. July 1 Skagway & Way Ports. Jefferson July 2 Nome & St. Michael... Ohio ..July 3 Nome & St. Michael... San Mateo July 5 Skagway & Way Ports. Humboldt July 6 Valdez & Seward...... Santa "- Clara... | July H Seward & Way Ports.:] A. G. Lindsay.. | July 10 Time Ball United States branch hydrographlc office. Mer chants' Exchange, San Francisco, June 29, 1909. The time ball on the roof of the Fairmont hotel was dropped today exactly at noon. Pacific standard time (120 th meridian),: or at Sh. 00m. 00s., Greenwich mean time. * J. C. BURNETT. , Lieutenant. ,U. S. . N., in chatge. Sun, Moon and Tide United States coast and geodetic survey — Time and heights of .tides at Fort Point. For city front (Mission Btrect wharf) add 25 minutes. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30 \u25a0 Sun rises 4:50 Sun sets 7:37 Moon sets ...2:21 a", m. Full moon ...July 3, at 4:08 a. m. Last quarter moon .....July 9, at 10:49 p. tn. Time Time Time Time) Jnn Ft I Ft Ft 1 Ft LWHWL W H W| • SO.. 3:18 0.1 10:30 4.2 2:45 2.8 8:47 H]» Jly. 1.. 4:00—0.5 11:22 4.3 3:23 3.2 9:30 6.1 j.. 4:42—0.9 12:10 4.5 4:14 .3.2 10:12 6.2 3.. 5:26—1.2 12:55 4.6 5:03 3.2 10:55 6.2 4.. 6:10— 1.3 1:38 4.7 5:55 3.3 11:40 C.I 5. 6;54 — 1.2 2:20 4.S 6:00 \u25a0 3.2 H W ' L W • H W L W fi 0:30 5.S 7:40— 0.9 3:00 5.0 7:52 3.1 7.. 1:30 5.4 8:24 — 0.4 3:42 5.2 8:55 2.9 U. S. Rranch HydroKrapblc Office A branch of the United States hydrograpnic office, located at the Merchants' Kzchange, Is maintained in San Francisco for ;tbe benefit of. mariners, without regard to nationality and free of expense. Navigators are . cordially invited to visit the office, where complete sets of charts and sailing directions of the world are kept at band for comparison and reference and the latest information can always be obtained re garding lights, dangers to navigation and mat- HYDEOGBAFHIC OFFICE Depth at mean low water, entrance to harbor. PLACE 1 Ft. \u25a0 | Date | Remarks- : Grays Har| 19 |May s 29 [Channel getting broader • — No change In channel; Willapa B 7 June 0 16 ft. M. L. W. in , , channel to So ut h j | ' Bend. Colum R.| 25 |May 28|. Nchalm Rl 9 (Apr. 3lChannel 200 feet south I \u25a0 I I• of buoy. '\u25a0 : - . . \u25a0 . (Depth of 8 feet at low Tlllmk B. 9 Apr. SO water In channel to I Garibaldi. Yaqnlna B| 13 |.Mar. 12|Channel not shifting. "~ I . ; Beacon on beach In line Siuslaw B 4 May 1 with south; side of j \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0- gulch leads over bar. TJmpqua Bj ll%|June 2 Channel In good.condr \u25a0 (I \u25a0 tlon. . ' . \u25a0 - 12 feet at low water to Coos Bay. 17_ June 1 North Bend; 11, feet v \u25a0at ; low water, to • • Marshfleld. ;. . ' . Coquille.Rl 8 (May SljChannel close to north I , - No opportunity for Cogue Riv soundings 'lutcly: t» fore : rise i there was 7 - \u25a0 .'\u25a0\u25a0 feat ' on bar. \u25a0'.\u25a0- ' Klamth R| 7 |May aO[Channel straight. • ~~j I (North c h a nn c 1 rery :i- - I I I crooked; 18 ft; aver- Htnbldt B 20 June 1 ; age . low water yln straight channel lead .••\u25a0\u25a0- Ing out northwest, ' \u25a0' S Pedro U| 20. |Apr. 15|No change In channel., S Diego B| 25 |May SINo change In chant.el. -\u25a0 S Pablo Bl 24 I Apr. 21 [Depth in dredged chaa- I I : | nel." -\u0084.; •About. ' .. - ' \u0084',-'- .'..;-. ~~~~ \u25a0 Army. Transports , • *. . :' i;; .1 " The Logan, outward \u25a0: bound, "- sailed June '14 from Tlonolulu. . ,:.,.. r. - The Crook is In port. ' .. /.'^ : The Buford Is In port. .- _ y The Sherman la In port. The Warren^ls at Manila. ' ;' -- The Kllpatrlck left Manila May" 1,- bound: to New . .York via : Suez. ..\u25a0••\u25a0 - ./ -..•\u25a0.-'-.?.\u25a0\u25a0• .; ; £ 2 1, The Sheridan, homeward bound, left' Nagasaki June 22.".:.. . -•" -..:.\u25a0'"--::' - . -. The Thomas is in port. l - •_;.\u25a0•;.:. SEWS OF THE ' OCE AX . The MUsoorlaa** Cargo - -. The steamer; Missourian sailed' for Honolnlu'on Friday ; with cargo laden \u25a0 at' thU portlfor. various Hawaiian cities, valued at |68,004 and lincluding the following:'.;-, 1;-';..;;.1 ;-' ;..;;.- \u25a0.',-v^:",.; t '-\u25a0>\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0•»\u25a0.\u25a0*\u25a0-:-- '-\u0084. \u25a0-\u25a0 4,022 ctls barley,; 4W bßlcsjfhay. 25,000\1bs bran.; 100, ctls ! wbea r. v 39 ctls : corn;, 23 bbls ' fionr," 50 ; pkgs potatoes, l 6?l lbs and I<V cs bread,*il.O2s cs \u25a0; r-anncd ' goods,- 550 '. lb» * meals,- 25 es * olives, 2,377.^1bs i besns. :- 2.214 • lbs c dried a'flsh^76s i gals ,wlne,"os pkgs sewing machlnes,*i,l7»cs) boots and shoes,"^ 24 ; cs hats,' 224- pkgs » dry ' goods."; 300 -, cs kerosene,* 113 drums - distillate,' 67 bbls and 40 cs oil, 31,600 bricks. S pkgs drug*. 40 /cs fuse, 33 doors. 10 \u25a0 pkgs windows." 2.037.. lb« grease.'- 1,700 ska and 5 bblA lime.' l 2 pkgs machinery. .730 lbs tobacco.' . 64 pkgs paints, il3 . pkgs • wagon ; mate rial, ils "ca rubber • goods, • 220 l>dVs shook*. ; 876 bxs soap, 304,962 lbs tin plate.': 100 cs dynamite, 13 pkgs wagon material,: ls3 live hogs. . : ExportM for Southern ("ohm! " The German steamer Ella: was cleared for Oh rinto- and way ports yesterday with ; cargo '\u25a0 from this port and .from Puget sound.'; The cargo laden here as manifested up to 3 p. m.: yesterday was valued , at $4,546, . the distribution being as follows: For Mexico. $1,316; Central America. $2,B9B; 'England. $332. The following were the principal shipments: • • -. . .To Mexico — 24,073 lbs tallow, 63 gals wine. \u25a0 To Central America— l.So2 gals wine, 8,950 lbs malt, 100 ctls corn. 200 bbls flour. 300 cs kerosene, 20,487 lbs tallow, 7 tanks oil, 10 pkga tar. \u25a0 V . \u25a0 \u25a0: k. ;,' • To England— s bbls oil, , 2,075 lb« horns. Tb,e cargo from Pugot sound consisted of 200 bMs flour, 1,000 cs salmon. 25 bales spices, 3,606 bdla shook;, 7,199 p<-s lumber and 72u tons coal, consigned to Mexican -and Central American ports. Notice <o. Mariners -^ «.">"V-" Office of United States Lighthouse Inspector, / Twelfth District, j \u25a0 SAN FRANCISCO, June 29. • Humboldt bay entrance. ' Califoraia — (List of Lights, Buoys and Paymarks, Pacific Coast, 1908, page 37) — Notice is > hereby given \u25a0: that north jetty outer end buoy, 1," a black first class spar, off the submerged end of the north "Jetty, en trance to Humboldt' bay, California, was report ed adrift June 28. It will be replaced as soon as practicable. By order of the lighthouse board. . - W. O. MILLER, Commander. U. S. N., Inspector,. Twelfth Light house District. Weather Report United States Department of Agriculture — Weather Bureau, San • Francleoo, June 29. RAINFALL DATA - , , ' Past . Seanonal Normal Stations — 24 hours, to date, to data. Eureka 0.00 42.90 46.04 Red Bluff .....0.00 31.12 25.03 Sacramento 0.00 21.78 - 20.00 Mount Tatnalpais .... 0.00 85.02 22.80 San Francisco 0.0f) 25.57 22.27 San Jose 0.00 18.30 13.05 Fresno 0.00 - 9.87 ' 9.C8 Independence 0.00 7.8K San Luis Oblspo 0.00 31.38 20.51 Los Angeles 0.00 19.17 15.6* San Diego .'.'.. . ..0.00 10.23 10.01 Coast record for 12 hour* endlns; 5 p.m. STATIONS J /^ \u25a0?" I |2 ~ *> 3 •: 2 a t f .1 I : • \ .. : Baker 88 4J? SE Clear !oo Bolso ...29.82 J«; 36 N Clear '.00 Eureka 30. 1G 60 48 NW Clear .00 Flagstaff 29. 8« Sti 4« NW Pt.Cldy .16 Fresno .......29.90 92 5S SW Clear .00 Independence ..29.52 92 38 S Clear ' 00 Kallspell .....29.8« 82 30 NE Clear ,00 I^ob Ange1e5... 29. 88 80 r 58 SW Clear JOO Modena 29. RC S8 56 SW Clear .00 Mt. Tamalpals.3o.oß (U 45 W Clear 00 North Head.. ,.30. 10 38 .. SW. Cloudy .00 Phoenix ... ...&). 70 104 74 W Clear * .00 Poeatelio 29.88 SK) 62 SR Clear .00 Pt. Reyes Lt..30.0:i 53 49 NW Clear .00 Portland 29. 0S '78 ft! SW Clear .IK) Rpd Bluff ....29.92 -S4- 58 SE Clear .IX) Reno ......... 20. SS S4 30 SW Clear .00 Rosoburg ....'.30.06.74. 4B SW Cloudy .00 Sacramento ...'Jg.ptj 7S 52 S Clear .no Salt I^ike 29. 5<? 92 70 S \u25a0 Clear. .00 San Diego 29.90 X 72X 72 60 NW Clrar .00 San Franclsco..3o.(K> 62 52 W Cloar .00 San Uose 30.06 70 42 NW Clear .00 S. L. 0bi5p0.. 30.00 7S 4« NW Clrar .00 S. E. Farallon.3o.oS 34 50 NW Clear .00 Spokane . .S9.BS SH 34 W Clear .00 Summit 69 43 SW • Clear .00 Tacoma 29.96 76 52 W Clear .00 Tatoosh .;.... 30. 06 5tJ 4S W Cloudy Tr. Tonopah 29.82 84 48 N Clear ;00 Walla ..29.51 90 56 N Clear .00 Wlnncmucca ..29.84 92 30 SW Clear .00 Ynma \u0084; 29.&S lOt 74 W Clear .00 The following • inuiiiißw \u25a0 and minimum , t?m peratqres are reported . from eastern stations for previous day: Chicago, . 86-76; New York, 78-68; Omaha, 88-68. SYNOPSIS .';.;-,f'fi - Fair weather prevails over the Pacific slope, except In Northern Arizona, -where thunder storms and: light showers have occurred. An area of high pressure off - the Oregon coast has caused . much warmer weather over Washington, eastern Oregon and. Idaho. In other -\u25a0 districts the changes in temperature' have been! slight. The humidity at Red Bluff Is 30 per cent and at Fresno 36 per cent. Conditions are favorable for fair and continued pleasant weather in Cali fornia Wednesday, with moderate west winds along : the coast. ./ ; Forecast made at' San Francisco for 30 hours ending midnight, June 30: San Francisco and vicinity — Fair Wednesday; moderate west wind. Santa Clara valley— Fair Wednesday; light northwest wind. Sacramento valley — Fair Wednesday; light south wind. San Joaquln valley — Fair Wednesday; light north wind. , . Ix>s Angeles and vicinity — Fair Wednesday; light west wind. O. H. WILLSON, • Local Forecaster.' SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE ARRIVED ... ; :..-..\u25a0-'• Monday, "June 2S. Stmr Chehalis, Kettleson, 35 hours from San .•' Tuesday, June" 29. XI S stmr Saturn, Newell, 10 days from Guaya quil. :\u25a0-' : Stmr" Albion, - Nyman, 11 hours from .Stewarts point. . • -.- Stmr Giinlala, Martlnsen, J2 hours from Del mar. Stmr Whlttier, Seaman,' — liours from .Port San Luis; up' river direct. ; Stmr Samoa/ Madsen. 14 hours from Caspar. . Stmr Shoshone, Asplund, 00 hours : from As toria. ; • Sohr Montorey. Kelley. 1 1 hours from Mon terey; in tow tug - Navigator. • Schr Salem; Jaraleson.'S days from Mukilteo. '. Stmr F S Loop, Lcvinson, 78 hours from.Co lumbia river. • . . ' CLEARED \u25a0 Tuesday. 'June 29.' Stmr Queen, Xeb, Victoria and Port Townsend; Paolfic Coast steamship company. Jap stmr<Chlyo Mar*,':' Greene,'- Hongkong, '.etc; W ! H Avery.' agent." r .. /-• '.:\u25a0 . ;^" \u25a0'..:..' 'Ger stmr Ella, -Brubn, Corlnto and way ports; ' ATX. ANTIC 'OCEAN i'RAVEIi , Jsamhuty-#merican^ ..' London— Parish— •Hnniburg.' \u25a0' Pennsylvania.".'. July ' T Cleveland -(new).. July 31 PI Llncoln(new).July.l4 P. Grant.(ncw)..Ang./4 Clnclnnatl(new).Julyl" tKaiscrln; ...;..". Aug. 7 tAmerlka .".'.:.. July>24 Pennsylvania v.'.Aug. 11 |Rl tz Carlton a la' Carte: Restaurant. N.' ; .; IT Jf*' l -"\/-' ' XVI« T Glbraltar, I I #\Lb \u25a0 Naplctt and Genoa. S. S. HAM8URG. .. . . ..... . . . July -1, Ang. 14 S. J4. MOLTKE. .......: . . . July 2*2, Sept: : 0 S. S. . 8ATAV1A ........ ... . . ...:... ... JSept. 23 and Genoa only. "SS i i^3Ji§s£EsSssS«S JHt LAND t'SEh MIDNIGHT SUN TO NORWAY, SPITSBERGEN, ICE- LAND," BALTIC SEA By; superb • twin-screw i cruising steamers Occana,- Bluechßr. ' Meteor, 5 Koenlg .Wilhelm 11, T during June,- July, -August and' September. t,->';- : t Travelers' Checks . Issued.' ' : ' \u25a0 Tourist "> Dept. : for j Trips ;Everywhere. HAMBURG-AMERICAN -LINE'- . 1CO : Povrell Street, San- Francisco .7;Phone Kearny 2040. y» :\u25a0;• Canadian Pacific Less Than Four Days at^Sea Weekly Sailing; Between 3lon t real, Q ne- ; '\u25a0:; '. \u25a0\u25a0." . V:^ \u25a0.-\u25a0• ;' Two dayi on the , beautiful ' St.' •' Lawrence river aad the shortest ocean route to Europe. Nothing better ion \u25a0 the .'Atlantic than our - Em- presses.. Wireless on all steamers. - \u25a0*\u25a0 - First \u25a0 class $90,-. second class . $30^ one -. class cabin 145.- •\u25a0\u25a0 " -/ .-.. V./-// \u25a0\u0084.,-...\u25a0." •-\u0084,.: Ask f*ny ticket , agent, or w/lte ; for s»lllngs, rates and booklet.-. ."."\u25a0\u25a0 -j " .' • •- •" . B. B. PENN, G. A.; 77 ELLIS ST.. , San Francisco, CaL 1 ; 1 Corapagnlc Gencrale Transatlantiqae DraECT; LINE TO* HAVnEPARIS. •,;, Sailing rvery .Thursday. 'of » Saturday; at ilO a. m., - from pier • 42, ; North r river, •? foot of Morton St., . ;••; \u25a0;-. : ' - '"..'-il*' \u25a0\u25a0*•'•\u25a0 ?'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0>" \u25a0' :; - \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0•, \u25a0 .'.•-" i.rl'lrst • class : to 1 Havre. > ?77.50 \u25a0 and upward;" tier.- ond : clais : to-i HavrcA $30 and I upward. 1 GEKERAL' AGEXCV ; FOa^UMTED ASTATFiS f AND v CAN- ADA,iI9 ; State; st.,l New i York."?.Tr? F.iFUGAiir Manager j Pacific I coast," 630 * Montgomery / st.'.' San Francisco. > Tickets ' sold '- by ''all ? railroad % ticket agCntS.'-. I ~*V''..--V- ;;«-\u25a0".•.\u25a0 >; ' \u25a0\u25a0; .- ; ';: \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 " \u0084 : .- ->. /"" ; ,<\u25a0-.- E-C.Evaus:& Sons. :\u25a0! . - Stmr Santa Rosa. .Alexander. San "Diego and way ports;'; Pacific Coast steamship compauy... SAILED ! . . : - . ' : ' - - . ' . Monday. June 2S. 7 Stmr-Nann Smith, Olsen.-Coos bay. ' •\u25a0\u25a0 .. Tuesday; . June 29. Jap stmr Chlyo Maru.'. Greene, Hongkong, etc.- Stmr F A KUburn. McLellan. Eureka. < . .Schr Advance;: Ogidensen.'Coquille river, j Stmr i Col E L Drake. ; Smith. Seattle. Br .bark ' Lord '.Templeton,' Davidson,- Eureka; in tow tug Sea Rover. '• -" i : Schr Liwle Vance. Hock. "Grays Harbor. - Stmr Westerner, 'Kelly,.- Graya Harbor. - ' Stmr National City, Higgins, Fort Bragg. . US stmr Yorktown/ Glennon.. Seattle. Stmr Chas Nelson. Hansen, Seattle.. . I Her stmr Kiln, Bruhn,~- Corlnto,', etc. Stmr Queen, Zeh, Victoria and Port Townsend, etc. I " Stmr Chehalis,; Kettleson, Grays Harbor. . RETURNED Tuesday. June 29. . . Scjir , Omega, Nyman, hence June 26 for Coos bay, returned account of foul bottom; \u25a0 • TELEGRAPHIC POINT LOBOS, June 29. - 10 p m— Weather hazy; wind NW; velocity 14 miles an hour. BY UNITED WIRELESS ? Stmr President. June'2B,. 11:20 p m— 3 miles north of. Pedro Blancos; .hence June 28 for . San Diego. . ,• . \u25a0WEATHER REPORTS . POINT LOBOS, June "29, 9a! m— Clear; wind NW; velocity 12 miles an hour. '" POINT REYES. June 29, 9 am— Cloudy; wind NW;: velocity 20 miles an hour: ' • . \u25a0 FARALLONES, June 29, 9 am— Cloudy; wind NW; velocity -12' miles an -hour. TATOOSH. June 29, 9 a m— CTear; wind NW; velocity 12 miles an hour.' s TATOOSH, June 20, 12 m— Cloudy; wind NW;. velocity 15 miles an hour. ; v . SPOKEN, f April 17— Latitude 22 north, longitude 22 west, Ger bark Wandebek, from namburg for Santa Rosalia. . ' ... -. June 6 — Latitude 36. north, longitude 17 west, Ger ship Peru, from Bremen for San Diego. DOMESTIC PORTS . 1 BANDON— Arrived June 28— Schr San Buena ventura." hence ' June 10. Sailed June 28— Stmr Bandon, for San Fran cisco. \u25a0••->:" . ..-.-'- LUDLOW— Sailed June 29— Bark Albert, for Hilo. ASTORIA— SaiIed June 29— Stmr Atlas, with, barge 91 In tow, for San Francisco. \u0084 . < Arrived June 29 — Sebr Virginia, hence June 18. June 28 — Schr Inca, hence June 16. ' ' tiEATTLE — Arrived June .28 — Stmr Governor, hence June 26; stmr City of Seattle, from Skag way: stmr Shasta, benco June 24; stmr Rainier, hence June 25. Arrived June 29 — Stmr Northland, from Ketch iknn; IT S stmr Manzanita, from cruise. Sailed June 29 — Stmr Shasta, for Tacoma. Sailed June 29 — Stmr- City! of Puebla, for San Francisco. . TATOOSn— Passed out June 29--Ship Jas B Thomas, from Tacoma for New York. SOUTH BEND— Arrived June 29— Stmr Tamal pais, hence June 26. ' EUREKA— Arrived ! June 29 — Stmr Eureka, from Astoria; stmr City of Topeka, hence June 28. -"' • \u25a0• , : \u25a0 . Sailed June 29— Stmr Ravalli, for San Frau- Cisco. • '-; •Sailed June 29— Stmr Aurella, for San Pedro; stmr Lakme. for San Francisco. H SAN. PEDRO— Arrived June 29— Stmr James S Hjggins, from San Diego; stmr C 00& Bay, hence June 25; stmr Hsnale.i. hence June 27. Arrived June 28— Stmr Wellesley. from Port Los Angeles. June - 29 — Stmr President, hence June 2s; stmr Mandalay, hence June 27. Sailed June 29— Stmr . James S Ulggtus, stmr Claremont, for San Francisco. SANTA : BARBARA— SaiIed June 29— Stmr Grays Harbor,- for San Francisco. ' TACOMA— Sailed June .29— Stmr Delhi, for Seattle. SAN DlEGO— Sailed June 29— Schr Jennie The lin. for Mexico. . KETCHIKAN— Arrived Jnne 29— Stmr Hum boldt. from Seattle.' - . Sailed June 29— Stmr Huraboldt, . for Sksgway. UMPQUA— SaiIed June. 29— Schr Lily, for San Francisco. SlTKA— Sailed June 28— Stmr Cottage City, for Seattle. - -\u25a0\u25a0 . '. POINT A RGUELLO— Passed June 29— Stmr PACIFIC OCEANTBAVBL '"^STcT^V Steamers leave Broadway yfWSS^SQv Wharves (Piers 9 and 11). A*__ LOW BATES. INCLUDING AanRBSBISI v-w bkrths and meals. (la^A 1 BPECIAL ROUND TKU' Y^ji : : \u25a0\u25a0 ' I'OS AXGELES NQjorfW?^ sax niECio *SAXTA BARBARA •Governor. ...Mon., July 3, 19, Aug.. 2, 2 p..m. •President . ...'....;......' - "Mon., Junq 2S; Sun., July. 11, 26, Aug. 9, - pm. Alternately " Etery Monday Thereafter.- Santa Bosa ...... Every Thursday, 10:30 a. m. \u2666Direct for Loa Angeles. Will not call S. Barbara. SEATTLE} ; (DIRECT), tTOWXSEXD TACOMA, t VICTORIA . \u25a0 t VAX C OVVER Connecting at Seattle for SE. Alaska, Skagway, Dawson, Fairbanks, Nome. St. Michael. Puebla. '. .....Tues., July 6. 20, Aug. 3, 2 p. m. tGovernor.Baturday, July 10, 24; Aug. 7. 2 p. m. Queen Tues.. June 29. 2 p. m. tPresident.;Sat.. July 3, 17, 31; Aug. 14. 2 p. m. ', Umatllla... .Tuea., July 13, 27; Aug. 10, 2 p. m. Alternately Every Tues. and Sat. Thereafter. tWUI not call at Victoria, Townsend, Vancouver. EUREKA (HUMBOLDT BAY) Topeka.;..... .....June 28; July 3. 8, 13, 18. 23, 28, 10:30 a.m. Every fifth day thereafter. GUAYMAS, MAZATLAX LA PAZ Curaca0.'. :..... ....7th of eacu month, 10 a. m. ALASKA CRUISES— Leave Seattle: Spokane.... ...June 30; July 15, 30; August 14 Queen.......:.....;..; .........July 15, 30 XO3IE— ST. , MICHAEL Senator (direct) Leave Seattle. . 1 ...... .July 22 ,Klght reserved to cbunge this , schedule. " TICKET OFFICES— 3 Market St., 112 Market St., and Broadway Wharf. \u25a0 Tel. Kearny "492. OAKLAND— IO36 Broadway. Tel. Oakland 3650 C.D.,DUNANN,G. P. A., San Francisco. /^^k AMERICAN-HAWAIIAN M Q| B STEAMSHIP COMPANY TEHUANTEPEC ROUTE XEW YOUK to PACIFIC COAST PORTS and HAWAIIAN . ISLANDS. Sailings - every Satur- day- \u25a0"-- :,. -\u25a0 - -\u25a0'\u25a0 ':\u25a0 \u25a0 .'- \u25a0• \u25a0 .; :-. SEATTLE. TACOMA and SAN FRANCISCO to NEW XORK. sailing every 21 days; also taking freight for MEXICAN, and EUROPEAN ports. LOCAL" SERVICE: SAN FRANCISCO to HAWAIIAN PORTS. \u25a0• ": DEARBORN \tt". LAPHAM. : : General ' Agents! 8 BRIDGE * ST.", NEW -YORK; WILLIAMS. DI- MOND & C 0.." General Agents Pacific . Coast, . 310 SANSOME ST., SAN FRANCISCO. I SEATTLE DIRECT CONNECTING ALL NORTHERN : POINTS. S. S. \ WATSOK ... ;*. .... .'. ..: . '. . . i . June 30 S." S. BUCKMAN . ....;.......... ..July 6 S. S. ADMIRAL 5AMP50N. . ... . . . .July 10 Los Angeles Direct L, TWIN' SCREW S. S, ADMIRAL SAMPSON. . ...\... .JuIy 6 \u0084 Sailings from Stenart St. Dock. Alaska Pacific Steamship Co. TOYO KISEN KAJSHA if ORIENTAL isTEASISHIP V COMPANY^ 8:8. Chiyo Maru ; . . . . ; Tuesday, j June 29, 1909 S.^S. Tenyo Maru. :..:;.. Tueaday,. July 27, 1909 S . S . '\u25a0 Nippon ' Maru . '. Tuesday, August - 17, 1909 -^ Steamers \u25a0. sail \u25a0 from ' company's ; plers,' -: No«.-. 42 44, near, foot lof Second : st., jV- p. nuv for -; Yoko- hama I and * Hongkong, s calling *t 5 Honolulu, Kobe (Hlotro).'' Nagasaki and Shanghai, and connecting- at Hongkong with steamers .- for :. Manila, t India etc.; N<j; cargo received. on board: on day. of sail- Ing. ') Round • trip ; tickets : at s reduced rates. ; For -freight *nd" passage "apply at office 210 James Flood building.'- W.;H.rAVERY.' v :\u25a0;: \u25a0; \u25a0>:-: .. :-"':'.-' .. " -'"\u25a0•\u25a0 Assistant General "Manager. I TAHITI : AXD KEW, ZEALAND— S. S. > Ms'rlposa nails " U ' a.' m.'; V July '? l.'i ' Spl.^i Tahiti i S round ? trip I $125. Wellington," $260. ' *R. • T ? OCEANIC LINE. 673 Mkt. ; : tel. ; Kearny. 1231~- Stanley Dollar, from Mazaflan for San Tran cisco.'. : ' .' ; \u25a0 \u25a0' . ' • VALDEZ— Arrived June 27— Stmr. Santa Clara, from Seattle and sailed at midnight for Seattle. ; JUNEAU— Sailed Jane 25— Stmr Portland, for Valdez.1.: .- . \u25a0 \u25a0 ». '\u25a0\u25a0. .* \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 -> • f "\u25a0\u25a0 ' \u25a0 COOS BAY— Sailed Jnne 29— Stmr Alliance, for Astoria: stmr M P. Plant, for San Francisco. 'Arrived Jane 23— Stmr Excelsior, hence June 26. - • \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0:.\u25a0->.\u25a0 i \u25a0 ' SOUTH BEND— Arrived Jnne 27— Schr Manila, from, Honolulu. : ISLAND FORTS HONOLULU— ArriTed Jnne . 2S— Stmr . Rose crans. from Gavlota. --- ' , i MANILA— Arrived June II— Br stmr Wray Castle, ; from . New York. '" . FOREIGN PORTS i . HONGKONG— Sailed June 29— Stmr Korea, for Yokohama and San Francisco. K" Arrived June. 12 — Nor stmr Henrtt Ibsen, from Melbourne. June 29 — Jap stmr Nippon Mara, hence June 1. ' -. • \u25a0• ' . PUNTA ARENAS— Arrived June 8— Br - stmr Elm Branch, from Liverpool for Guayaquil.^"-- ,* TALTAL->\rrived June 9 — Br - bark Glenogll. from : Valparaiso. YOKOHAMA — Arrived Jnne 2S— Br stmr Mont easle.-from Victoria. • : : CORK— Arrived June . 2G— Br ship Agnes Os wald, from Xacoma.-'V CORONEIf—Arrived June 9 — Br stmr WinV fleld, from lqni<iue. HAMBURG— Arrived Jnne 26— Ger stmr Acilia, hence Feb 9; Fr bark Rocbambeau. from Oregon. "ANTWERP— Sailed June 10— Br ship Manx King,. for San Diego. '' \u25a0 . < BAHIA 1JLANCA— Sailed June 11— Br stmr Cbarlton Hall, for Callao. • •GENOA — Cleared Jnne 2'1 — Ger stmr Badames. for San Francisco. IQUIQUE-^Salled Jane 9— Fr bark Montcalm. for Oregon t'» Honolulu. NEWCASTLE. N S W— Arrived June 9— Nor stmr Christian Bors, from Melbourne. . Sailed June 10— Br stmr Largo Lai, for Manila. May 6— Br bark King Malcolm, for ; Ital bark Garibaldi, for Iqulque." HOLYnEAD— Passed Jnne 2S— Fr stmr Am lral Duperre. hence April « for Havre. • KURR AcnEE _j5.ned June 11— Br stmr Fitz pa trick, for Puget sound via Uoni;kon7. SALINA CRUZ— Sailed June 2S— Stmr Colum bian, for San Francisco. FERNANDO NORONHA— Passed June 4— Br stmr Ueadley, from Newport News for Bremer ton. ":••"••.'- SANTA ROSALIA— Arrived Jnne 13— Ger bark Hebe." from Hamburg. CARDIFF — Sailed June 17 — Br stmr Hyndford, for i Newport News and San Francisco. GUAYMAS-i- Arrived June 24— Schr Melrose." from Pnget sound. KOBE — Sailed June 28 — Br stmr.Dakotah. for Yokohama- and -San Francisco. " - HAKODATE— Sailed June 29— Stmr M S Dol lar, for San Pedro. « SUEZ — Arrived June 29— Br stmr Indramayo, from Yokohama for New York. OCEAN STEAMERS NEW YORK— Arrived June 29— Stmr Crown Prince Wllhelm. from Bremen. Arrived June 29 — Stmr Caronia, from Liverpool and Qneenstown. GLASGOW— Arrived Jnne 29 — Stmr Furnessla, from New York. LIVERPOOL— Arrived Jnne 29— Stmr Amiral Duperre, from San Francisco, etc, via Montevideo and St Vincent, C V; stmr Devonian, from Bos ton. CHERBOURG— Arrived June 29— Stmr Kaiser Wllbelm der Grosse. from New York for Bremen, and proceeded. CALCUTTA— Arrived June 24 — Stmr Niagara, from San Francisco via Karatxn, etc. SYDNEY — Arrived prior June 29 — Stmr Cen tury, from San Francisco via Auckland, etc. QCEENSTOWN— Arrived June 29 — Stmr Cam pania, from New York for Liverpool, «nd pro ceeded. LONDON — Arrived June 29— Stmr Cambrian, from Boston. . . • YOKOHAMA— Sailed June 27— Stmr Teucer. from Grecnock via Liverpool, Singapore and Hongkong for Seattle. LIVERPOOL— Sailed June 29— Stmr Saxonia, for Boston via Queenstown. Memoranda Per stmr Sboshone. at San Franc«*co June ztj. from' Astoria^rJune 27, « a m. in strong SE gale and a heavy SW swell, cargo shifted to port; had to bead vessel off shore to trim cargo and get her on an even keel: June 2S. 9:20 a m. 15 miles off St Georges reef, met stmr Thos L RAILWAY TRAVEL taJmrai Trains Leave San Francisco xTf" j J Market Street \u25a0>\u25a0 r \u25a0-..'. Ferry Depot leavTTkor— |a. m.| p. m. BAKEP.SFIELD 17:15 t:0O-10:00 CHICAGO 7:15 «:00-I° : 5S FRESNO 7:13 4:00- «:00-18:00 GRAND CANTON 7:15 8:00-10:00 HANFORD 7:15 10:00 KANSAS CITX 7:15 «:00-10:«0 MERCED 7:15 4:OO v «:00-l»:00 STOCKTON 7:15 4:00- 8:00-10:0© STOCKTON, OAKDALE A- SIERRA RT. PTS... 9:45 TULARE ... 7:15 8:00-10:00 VISALIA 7:15 8:00-10:00 YOSEMITE ..:*.. 7:15 10:00 California Limited through tn Chicago leave* at 10:00 p. m. OFFICES 1 673 Market Street and ' Market Street Ferry Depot, San Francisco 1112 Broadway, Oakland j^Sfev SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE $@£Sft JUNE 19, 1909 VfXgKw/ UNION FERRY DEPOT San Francisco Leave. '. VIA SAUSALITO. Arrive. 7:15 a Sonoma and Glen Ellen I 45:03p 7:43 a Petaluma, Santa Rosa. Healds-I burg. Cloverdale. Uklah. WllUts,| Sherwood and Sebastopol. 1 »7:33p 8:13 a Pt. Reyes. Monte Rio, Caiadero.. ••7:03p S:4sa Petaluma, Santa Rosa. Guernevllle 7:05p tO :lsa Sonoma and Glen Ellen S:33p J9:lsa Ijigunltas, Cp. Taylor. Pt. Reyes 7:35p 10:45 a Petaluma and. Santa R05a....... 4:35p f2:45p Pt. Reyes, Monte Bto. Cazadero.. fll:05a 3:15p Petaluma, Santa Rosa, Healds- burg, Cloverdale. Ukiab, Guerne- ville. River landing. Sebastopol... 11:0.1 a 4:45p Sonoma and Glen E11en.......... 9:0.1 a 5:15p Petaluma and Santa Rosa 8:33 a t3:4sp|Lagunttas, Cp. Taylor, Pt. Reyes. 8:05* t7:4spjPolnt Reyes ... \u25a0 S:QJa ELECTRIC SUBURBAN VIA SAUSALITO Sausalito. Kill Valley. San R*f*el— Daily every 30 minutes from 6:43 a. m. until 9:45 a. m. ; hourly until 2:45 p. m., then 3:15 p. m. and every 30 minutes until 7:45 p. m., thon 9:00, 10:35 p. m. and 12:01 a. m. (On Sundays In atlilitloa — every '3o minutes from 9:45 a. m. to 3:15 p. m., excepting 2:13 p. tn.) • > - Fairfax— Leave t6:45. t7:13. 7:43, S:l3, 8:13. t9:43, 10:45. 11:45 a. m.: 12:43, 1:45. t2:45, 3:15. 3:43, t<:l3, 4:43, t3-15. 5:43, t6:13, 18:45, {7:45 p. m. Ban Queatla via Saa Bafael-*— Leave 9:15 a. m., 1:43 p. m. Tiouron and Belvedere^ — Week days — 7:30, 9:00, {11:45 a. m. (|12:13;p. m. Saturdays only). 3:30. 5:30 p. m.; Sundays— 7:3o, 119:00, ||ll:00 a. m.; 1112:30. 3:30, SUM) p. m. and |12:01 a. ra. •Arrive 7:05 p. m. frooi Sebastopol. ••.Sunday arrive 8:05 p. m. tExcept Sunday. tSunday only. {Via Sausalito. SI Runs to Schuetsen park. Pacific Transfer Company's agents are author- ised •to check - baggage - direct from residences. MUIR WOODS BByff^^B^fc AND MT. TAMALPAIS ; VIA SAUSALITO FERRY FOOT OF MARKET STREET ,' :^Y- :; Itm HOUDAYt-SWIDAYTIWC * U.lnffiitto " Lf.MrirWMte Lf. Twultils WEEK SON- WEEK SUN- WEEK SCS- ' DAY DAY ' DAY \u25a0 DAY DAY DAY" S:«» 7:16* tJ:2O* 11:05* 7:20* 9:42* 1:45s *-g:4s* I:4> 12:20* 1:40s 11:22* *4:45s 9:16* 02:45s hUI i.Uf 12:10 i ...... .sJga, 4:20p J:sop *9:50s IWp ...... .11:16* ...... 6:20s ...... 3:40» ...... 12:4Sp .....: : C:40» ...... 6:10? ;::::: ?;jg; :•:::: ::::h :::::: .^'' »Sat. only. tMon. only. ©Tamalpais only. VMair only . Ticket Offices— Sausalito Ferry and 87 4 Market. General Offices— Mill \ alley, Califoraia. OCEAN SHORE RAILWAY ; (12th and . Mission)— Dally ex. Sunday— Lt^: 7:45 a. t9:30a.*1:13p, ts:4op.' Ar. S.F.: *7-25« t9 : loa, «1 :00 p. tl :15p. " Sandaya^-Lv. : *7:43» tO:JOa, JMOUOa. 'liaSa. 'laujp. ts:4op. Ap. S.F.: «»7:23a, tO:10a,,»ll:40*. «4:40 p. t3:l3p. t*6:oop.: »To and ftesn'Arieta." fTo asd from Tunitas Glen. JStop at Salada," San Pedro, Ter- race, Farallonc, Mo?s Beach. \u25a0 Granada. Half moon Bay. ' r Connect ? at: Tunitas' Glen with stage for Saa * : Gregorlo, v Pescadero, Pebble \u25a0: Beach *nd La Honda. v, : ; .- : :'. '.*- l \y -s; ;" •' - - --. > BA.V : AND KVTEKTJRB A X no UTES MARE; ISLAND NAVY YARD jbi, Napa,, St^ Helena ST. HELE.VA-X.VPA VALLEY^ BOUTE " : - Montlcello" S." S. < Co. , and \u25a0 Nap* Valley Electric X.. R; ; Co.," Clo««: connections.- < \u25a0 e—nou.vD trips • daily— « -\u25a0\u25a0' Boatii • leave San"Frjnolsco'7:oo, T »0:43 a. m., 12:36 nooo,' 3:15, 6:OO. v*SSO p^m. » - San ; Francisco ' landing ! and - office, Clay street wharf, > north v end ferry •: building. : Market street ferry. -Meals a la carte. ; Phone Kearny 408. *;i*Land navy/ yard ' direct; . ; ::ig9MHBBn9HPJfIII AUCTONSALES •&'\u25a0-\u25a0'.\u25a0• ife.; ,Jfea To be sold at public auction (la; Oakland) WEDNESDAY. June 30, at 11 a. m. By order of T. A. Jamison k. Son.." contractor*. I'll sell *J head of horses and mnlea. wagons and harness. 565 4th at. Don't miss It. ' J. Vt. MEDEIROS. Ancttoaeer. 252 &J S3 AUCTION SALE WEDNESDAY. Jnne SO. at 11 a. m.. 35 all pur- pose horses aad vehicle*. , 664 Broadway. Oak- land.' GEO. REED & CO.. Auctioneers. *.»"__ AUCTION SALE THURSDAY. July 1, _Jfe^J^ at 11 a. tn.. at 205 and 209 Valencia it. Horses, wagons, buggies, carts and harness: camping outfits of all kinds; from 50 to 75 head constantly on hand; a good chance to buy: horse* must be as represented or money refunded. Out* side stock sold on commission. Phone Park 2723. WILLIAM CLOCCIH. Auctioneer. Wand, hence June 23 for Everett, with nohr Sausalito in tow. brooe June 23 for Siuslaw river; wind lighkr SW. LONDON. June 20— Br bark Inverness-«bir?. from - Tacoma ' for Queenstown. pnt Jnto> Valpa- raiso: Bre broke out in bold whil«» at «ea: en- countered heavy weather; part ot cargo-damaged; win be aurveyed. Per stmr r S Loop — On June 29. 3:30 p m. 10 mile* north of Point Reyes, passe* Br uttlp Lord Templeton.' in tow tug Sea,Ror«r, beoco June 29 for Eurek.t. RAILWAY* TRAVEL .... .i \u25a0 1 . „ . — \u0084,.»..,..,\u25a0 « yGtH^Ny THAWS LEAVE AMD ARE *. \J^p7y San Francisco • V^t^*^ F«om Jvxa 20. 1909 VIA. OAKLAND PIER Leave (Foot or Maxxet Snml Arriv* ; 2.15 a Nilea, livfnaore, Traey. Lfthrop. Stockton. Lodi, Sacramento 10J«» 8.40 a Hayward. Niles. Ssa Jose 7.08 a 7.00 a Richmond. Port Costa, Beaicia. Suison. DLxon. Sacramento, KOflrville, Marys- viUe. Redding, Dunsmuir 7.25» 7.00 a EtaL-a, Vacavill*. Rutnsey. .: 7.28p 7J»a Davis. Woodlaad (Mar>fvsl!e. Oro- TiD«). WHliama. Max^dl, Willows. Haailton. Corab c. Red Bluff. 7.28 a 7.40 a Vanajo, Kapa. Calutoga, gaato Kos». Martiaex. San Razaon, Dougherty. Pltaaaaton. 6.08? 7.40 a Nfles, Pleuaatoa. Lmrmere, Alla- moat, Lathrop, Stockton 7.28 a 7.40« Trscy, Los Ba'aos, Kermaa, Fresco, • HaafoßLViaalia. ; 4.28? B.ooa Newark. Saa Jo«e. Loa Gatos, Wngbt, Fdton. Saata Cras 8-48 a 8.20 a Port Costa, Martiaea, Byron, Tracy. Stockton, Merced. Fresno, fioabea Junction (Hisfotd). Vialia, Porter- vflle. Bakenfidd. *«. 8.20 a Yosemite Valley via Merced 4.48» 9.00 a NUes. livtraore. Stoekton (•Miltoa). Valley Spring. loae. Sacramento 4.28 a 9.00 a Sonora. Tuohunne sad Aagds 4.28s 9.00 a Atlantic Express— Sacramento. Trjc- kee, Ogdro. Salt Laka City, Denver. Kansas City 8.28» 9.40* Richmoad. Port Costa, Martiaea, Bay Point *\u25a0*** 10.20 a Vallejo. Mars Wand. Naps 1 1.23* 10.20* Los Angeles Passenger— Port Costa. Martinet, Byron, Tracy, Stockton. Kerced. Fr»?no, HanfoH. Visalia, Ttdare. Bakera&eld. Loa Angrfes.. . . . 7.48 i 10.40 a Goldndd Pa«— Port l>><». Besicia. Saenusrato, Tnirkee, Earn). Mma. Toaopah. Cotdidd. Laws. Keeler.. . . 7.48 a 10.40* Maryivule. Chiro. Red Blufl. 4.28p 12.00 m The Overland Limited— Deaver, K*n- sas City. Omaha. Chicato. 7.28» 1.20? Ntlfs, Saa Jow aad Way Station* 2.43* 1.40 i SaaLeaadro. Xiles. Ceaterrille, New- f 9.08* arfc.San.Jose \ 7.28» 2-OOp Newark. Saa Jose. Loa Gatoa. Wright. Fdton. Boulder Creek. Santa Crai. . 9.58» 2.40 a San Leaadro. Nilea, Sao Jow 9.25 a 3.00 a Beaieta, Winters. Sacramento, Wood- land, Marvsvillo and Orov-Jl* 10.48* 3.20 a Port Costaf sto* ton). Martinet. B>-roD. Modesto. Merwd. Frnmo . -.r IZOBI 3.45* Via Sausalito. West Napa, St. Helena. Calistoga 10.35* 4.00 a VaUf>. Xapa, Calistoga, Saata Rosa. Martiaea. San Ramon. Dougherty, livermore 9.28* 4.00 a Nilea, Tracy, Stockton. Lodi • 0.28 a 4.40 a Saa leandro, Hsyward. Nilea, I t 8.28 a PleaAoton, Livennore I II 1.48* S.OOa The Owl Limited — Newman. Los ,->.. Baaos, Meadota. Kermaa. Fresno. Tulare, Bakwsftdd. Loa Augelea.. . . . 8.48* 6.00 a Richownd. Pinole. Vallfjo. Porti Costs. B»nicia, Suisun. Sacramento I 11.25 a — Roseville. Lincoln, MarysviHe, I l.OS> Oroville. Fair Oak#. Fobom ) 5.00» RuseeO, San Jose, Lot Gatoa. 9.28* 6.00* Satorday and Sunday for Wright. Fel- ton. Santa Cmi : |9.28 a * 5.20 a Saa Leaadro^ Nilea, San Jose. 7.48* e.OOji Shasta Limited— Portland. Tacoma. - Seattle t.tBp 8.40 a Eastern Exprtsa— Ogdea, Pueblo, :„-: Denver. Kansas City. St. Loms, ttir 3. ga : Port Costa, Besicia, Saenmesto. Reao. Sparks 8 23» 6.40 a Hayward. Niles sad San Joae 8.48* J7.00s Vallejo, Port Costa. Martiaea, Bay Point and Way Stations. J11.131 8.20 a Oregon Express^ — Sacramento, Marvv vi!l». Reddinc (MacdoeLAiQamata . Falls), Ashland, Portlaad, Tacoma, Seattle, Spokaae. 9.48* 9.00f Caiaa aad Japan Fast MaS— Ogdea, Caeyeane. Dtaver, Kansas City. Omaha. Chicago 2.48» 11.00 a Yosemite Valley via Niles, Merced. Q Portal 8.48* 11.00* Riles. Lathrop, Modesto. Merced, Fresno , '. 10.38 a 11.40 a Portlaad Express (via Davig)^jni- liams. Willows. Red Bluff, Wesd. Aahland. Portlaad. Taeoma. Seattle. »2.28» VIA COAST L.UVS (Third and Towuead Streets) t5.25* Loop— 23d Street, Visitarion, South San Francisco, Valencia Street t 5.35» f5.40* Loop — Valencia St., Oceaa View. Cemeteries, South Saa Francisco, 23d Street. 3rd aad Towasead. ..... |6.50 a 8.40* South Saa Francisco, Saa Jose, Gilroy. (Hollister), Barj?at. Salinas. 8.50» \u25a0 $7.00* Sunday Excursion Gilroy, Pajaro. Ctv •roviUe, Del Monte, Monterey, Pacific ' > Grove 10.50s B.ooa Th» Coaster— San Jos*. Castroraie. (Del Moate, Monterey, Pacific Grovt), Salinas. Soledad. Paso Roblea Bot Springs, Saa Luis Obispo, Pizmo, Oceaao. Surf. Lompoc. Saata Bar- bars. Ventura. Oxnard. Los Ang»!r«. 1 1.<5» 8.05* Marfield. Loa Altoa. Loa Gatos. Wright. (Boulder Creek). Santa Cms. Watson- ville. CaatroviUe. LVI Moate. Mon- terey. Pacific Grove. 1.23 i 8.20 a Soat'a San Frsaeisro, Pab Alto, Saa Jose, Way Stations 745 a 8.20* Lea Altos. Los Gatos, Wright, (Boulder Creek). Santa. Crua. t7.20» 9.00* San Jo-c, Gilroy. Salinas, Cfianrior, Paso Robles Hot Spriegp, Saa Loin . Obispo— Hollister— Bant* Cms, Del Moate. Moatecsy, Pacifio Grove 4.00 a 10.40* South Saa Fraaeisco, Burliagaar, - Saa Mateo. Palo Alto, Saa Jos* f-30* 10.40* Las Altos, MonU Vista, LfltG*to«..{ **;*{£ 11.30* Valencia St. Oeeaa Mew. Colaa. V i Cea«teries. Badea. San Bruno !.35» 11.40* Souta Saa Fraiwiseo. San J0ae....... f8.20a l.00» Saturday, Palo Alto aad Way Sutioaa. 5.00b Z00» South Saa Francisco. Palo Alto. Saa Jose 8.40* fZOO* Los Altoa. Los Gatos, Wright (Boulder Creek), Saato Cm 5....:...::.: t3.20» f2. 1 Of Bay Shore. Vintaaon. San Bruno t«.*s» 3.00s Dei Monta Express— Saa Jose, Gilroy. Chittendea. Watsaaville. SaatA Crua, Del Moate; JJoaterey. Pacific Grove. I? M» f3.15i Mayfield. Loa Altoa. Loa Gatos. Wright (Boalder Creek). Saata Crua. 9.45* 3.20s South Saa Francisco, dan Jose, Gilroy. CMtroviße. Saliaas, 10.25* 4.00f Sunset Express— •Tucson, Deming. Q Paso, Houstoa. New Orleans. Puo Robleti Hot Sprinzs, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara. Los Angeles. 1 1.40* 4.80 a Gilroy. Hollister, Tres Pinos 8.50 a 4.00» Del Monte. Moaterey. Pacifio Grove. . 1 145» 4.00f Kaasas City. St. Louis, Cnk*F> 1 140* 4.20 a South Saa Francisco. Saa J05e.... . . . t*oo* t5.00» Saa Bruno. Saa Mates. Palo Alto. SaaJoseaad Way Sutions.... 9.40* tS.OSs Loop— 23d Street, Vwtaeioa. South San Fraaeisco, Valenn* Street 18.13* 5. 1 Op Lot Altos. Loa Gates, Wrisht. (Boulder Creek). Santa Craa, 9.50p t5.20f Redwood. Pab Alto. Saa Jow M 0» t5.20a Los Altos, Monti Vista, Los Gatos.. . . f3.20» +5.25» Burlingame, San Mateo, Saa J05e.. . . . t3.20a t5.309 Loop — Valencia St. Oceaa View. Cemeteries, South Saa Fiandico. 23d Street. 3d aad Towasead....... 8.40« 8.40f San Bruno, Saa Matto, Redwood, Palo .Mto. Santa Clara. San Jose. 7.40* J5.40t Loa Gatos. Wright, (Boulder Creek). .-: Santa &t» ."..'..'. ." •••-- 5.40» fS.OOi Mfflbraev Eartoa, San Mateo. Psb \u25a0 - Alto. MayS^d. Los Altoa, Lot<Uto». +3.00 a B.oof * Saturdays, Wrizst Santa Cm 5..... JB.oo* t9.05a 231 Street.' Vwtadon. South Saa Fraadiieo, ValeneU 5treet.......... f7.15p t6.25p Loop— Valend* Street. Oee*a View, \u25a0 Cemeteries. • South Saa « Fraacßco, ~J *»"' 33d Street, 3J and Towbitikl f7.40i 630 a South Saa Franruco, Saa Jose 5.40» ' B.ooa Los Asfeles Paasenier— San Mattn, Redwood, Palo -Alto. San J««e. . Gilroy, Salinas. Pa» Robles Hoi Sprinss. San • Luis Obispo. Piano. Santa Barbara, Lo* Angeles. 8.30* 11.45 i South Saa Fraaeiseo. P*lo Allo. Saa \ 7.20 a . \u25a0."--' Vowf. ....... \u25a0.>....;...../...\u25a0.\u25a0 f 7.30 i 1 1 .00f Sacrsmeato Rirer 5teamer5. ......... 1 1 1 .30» .v a for Moraine • far AfterMoa, '.y "i Sunday exeepted. { Sunday onl/. i Sto. sad Maa 15