Newspaper Page Text
I. I. "A San Francisco Novel by Two San Francisco Girls 11 SEE, THE /UNDAY GALL VOLUME CVL— XO.32. BODY OF ELSIE SIGH'S SLAYER FOUND IN RIVER Identification Not Complete, but Remains Believed to Be Those of Leon Ling Recovered From the. Hudson and Answers Description . of the Murderer Cause of Death Is a Mystery, Suicide Being the Most Plausible Theory ..' \u25a0. • • * - * ' . * ** NEW YORK, -July 1. — Although complete.* identification was im . possible tonight, there appeared 4o'b<» strong probability that the body of a Chinese which-was found \u25a0floating in '.th*> Hudson 'river* near the upper .•part -of this city this eve«4ag was" that of .L*on Ling, or William Leon,, the njurdere^ of Klsie Sigel. . The man's height; weight and general ,Rppearano<e correspond with that of Leon Ling,- but as the body was nude 'except for a sjlk undershirt v and had Tbecn'in the water for more than a week, a thorough" examination will be neces raxy to, identify It. Coroner McDonald, viio was. the first to. inspect the body, believes il is Leon's, .as .do the police. Suicide.. Believed . : ...•\u25a0• .- *' '\u25a0 If it'is. Leon, -the cause bt.his death" v.ill be another mystery, although one theory, that' of suicide,; would appear reasonable. '.• \u25a0 '. . ' ;-: '• ' The body was- discovered by Clinton AY. Belt' a "resident; of. .Harlem, who was out. on the riyer in a motor. boat \u25a0with a young woman. ' Officers were dispatched immediately to tfie scene -and th>^ body was taken to. a morgue in the Bronx, where the examination, was begun. • • '." V In ealient \u25a0 features " there was a marked resemblance between the dead Chinese and the official descriptions of the missing Leon Ling. The teeth were good, as were. Leon's; the height about 5 feet 4 inches, which was Leon's; height, and the weight I*s pounds, which vras abo uT~ the ""figure"*"^ which Leon tipped the scales when be dis-. appeared. Age Corresponds The age of the dead man appeared to be about 25 or 00' years. Leon's sege was "given out, by .the police as 30. The coroner was unable tonight to arrive at any conclusion as to how the Chinese met his. death. Quon Yieck Nam., the local Chinese* interpreter who-wRI be replaced by Professor Gardner of San Jose, Cal., in an endeavor to unravel the Sigel mys tery, said he himself suggested Profes eor Gardner's name to the district at torney's office. "I was angered." he said, "by the in sinuations of court police officers that I might not be sincere in my work." FATHER, OUT OF WORK, CUTS THROAT OF CHILD Turns Knife* on Himself, but Fails in Suicidal Attempt - SAXTA CRUZ. July I.— Daniel Fell cnan, a Russian railroad laborer, in a drunken frenzy this afternoon killed li;s 1 year eld Eon -at his home near Glen wood by cutting the child's throat with a knife and Uicn attempted to commit suicide by drawing the blade across his own tlirOaL- Fellman failed, however, to "Cut deep enough to sever the jugular vein and probably will live. Fellman had until rec«ntly been em ployed on the Southern Pacific tunnel nev/Glenwobd. Tor more than a week lie has been out of work and drinking heavjly and several times threatened to kill his wife and three children. SHOOTS HERSELF AFTER QUARREL WITH LOVER Marie GonzaJes Found Dead in Dupont Street Hotel After a quarrel with her lover last right Marie Goroales, who lived at 1226. Dupont street, killed herself by shoot ing herself through the head. Joseph Roberts, the proprietor of -the house, found the body, of the woman about 7 o'clock. »}A pistol was grasped in" her right hand and powder, marks were on her face." She had been^ living with a man named Raymond Lugo and the couple had been quarreling' vio lently. * * • Lttgo disappeared • yesterday after "nooii and Detectives de Sola. and' Mu rphy have been > put on . his . track. . .The dead woman, was only 18 years t) ld and very handsome. ; > " YOUNG WOMAN LEAVES HER BABY BOY AT HOTEL Rents Room, Puts Child in Bed, and Disappears A young and attractive woman called at the Hotel Merritt, 18§6 Geary street, 5 yesterday morning and rented a ', room from the proprietor, M, S. Judd,* paying a week's rent in -advance. She went to the room for a few "minutes, and then departed. * Later in tile day a baby boy, about 10 daj'B oid was discovered In . the .: room. The babe was taken to the central emergency hospital. The name of the woman is not kun'own. The San Francisco Call. INDEX OF THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL'S NEWS TODAY TELEPUOXE .KEARVT- 8C FRIDAY. JULY 2, 1909 WEATHER CONDITIONS TESTEEDAV— Clear; southwefct wind; maxi mum temperature, SS; minimum 50." FORECAST FOU TODAY— Fair. with fog'; brisk west winds. face 17 EDITORIAL s Mr. Tntt ppeaks a tunely word. Paze 8 A "to different" B^rrice corporation. Page S llore about "hurting business." , pp ageßa geB POLITICAL Independent League of Republican Qhibs pick model ticket led by Maazy for mayor. l'ug«4 Anti-McXab democrats to support Heney as candidate for district attorney. foge 4 CITY . Stuford parlor, X. S. G. W., installs Its new officer*. . ' xaje«a Chief of police ' orders arrest of all persous shaking dice. ',' Page 2 Norsk practically proTCd innocent of murder" of Brasch. " * . |-ai;e I Nickelodeon owners protest to superiors that laws are too rJjridly enforced. ' » a*i^ • Erlinger's orchestra at Idora park scores big success. • i'axge 3 Opening of new Ciyf house on ' famous, site draws thronga to popular resort. \u25a0 t -uk«.- 7 Jerry O'Shea will test the anti-betting law on Monday at 'ingleelde coursing park. «-«;ie U Calkins' finances in an ngly tangle,' two Usue»» «f stock tor one paper being ad mitted. — - Vmc; Dlrorce granted R. Stanley Dollar five iiilnutes" after be ' enters courtroom. ' J'uue IS Nude in art Is beld up to scrutiny in police court, detectire appearing as guardian of public morals^ \ ..." f^ud Mrs. George H. Burkbardt, wife of,hy Los Angeles publisher, obtains di'rorce on ground of cruelty. \ Page 9 Vnited Railroads files Its death roll -for. rionjtlt with. superTlfiorg. i fage IS .- Women of Outdoor art league to'ralse flag "op Telegraph hllL .' -. ;*•»».".\u25a0.: !ij» .' IJfe of Major Charles L. Tilden threatened by his brother fir law. .-.. r_ . i-ajve -tis Contract for seawall work_ for£elti>d: by Gray. Brothers is let to another- firm at ud van cod figure. \u25a0\u25a0;.-• <-m«c 7. SUBURBAN : •; "•...-; v ;i : \: : Woman scientist says human. Wood stains. can be detected and prores it in - criminal trial. -. . Page 11 • Mayor Mott "has . words . with.- State -Su perintendent Burke of Anti-Saloon league.: and orders liini from office. \u25a0 ' , I'aue'lO Mayor Uodgbead of Berkeley deliTCi;s his In*, augural address. ' \u25a0 .- Case 11 Oakland, fire chief asks, for betterments' for" department. ' Pasre 10 Berkeley trustees* attempt to boy land for In.' cuicratur site^ foiled by attorney. " PaticlU Health officials of city of AJam-:da defy Mayor. Noy and refuse to resign." " . »agelO Young wife, prey to homesickness, becomes in eaoe'aod tries to kill bet babe. .' J'melii COAST ';: \u25a0•..'•v'V Girl giTes blood to* -care' father's ,Ufe In Tt coma. — .• -• l*agre 1 Steamer Isleton \u25a0 burned to . water's edge at Stockton dock.. ' eugeS Innocent children sent to -Whittier reform school eunply because ' they had no homes. "*"" , . • " !'\u25a0(« 5 Steamer Mackinaw ashore west of.Stewart Isl and, Alaska. . \u25a0 •'ute S Jiew banking law will broaden power of. state to deposit money in bank. .• Page IS EASTERN : Mayor 'McClellan remores Theodore A. Blng ham , from office of , police commissioner of New York. Page 2 Body of Chinese, -belleTed to be Leon Ling, slayer of "Elsie Sigel, found in Hudson rirer. v Case I. Orrille Wright makes wonderf nl flight with t f roplaue at " AVathins ton. ' ' rage 3 Former President Eliot of"H«rrard tells why he omitted the bible and Shakespeare ' from list of books for model library. , * »•«*«- s Sugar trust magnates indicted. . Page 3 Jndge and Jurors who tried night riders threat ened with tfeath. PageS gesator ' Root speaks for corporation ' tax in opposition to income tax amendment to tariff bill. . P«*etf FOREIGN" • Startling doable assassination' of 'political char acter at London gathering. - , Pagel Second earthquake In Italy lays' Messina and Regglo low six raoutbs after first great casualty. Page 1 SPORTS-- Betting on coming fight drops another point and Ketchel Is nof»r 10 to 4 choice. .* face 13 Fast trotter .break* leg in , races *t \u25a0 San Ber nardlno/|BiHfl \u25a0 Pagf a i Ad "Wolgast starts trahiisg for his bout with Battling Nelson. Page 12 Jeff, plan* trip to Europe on expiration „ of theatrical contract, : but will'- post forfeit -for Cght with Johnson before learing. Pace 13 - Tie scores made In golf tournament for Hig gtfns trophy. : PageU Lon Rushing* to meet Charley Miller tonight for the third time. . % t ' Vag c 0 Many entries for. field day meet to be held In park July 4. Pare- 6 Oakland • wins again and makes it thre e straight from Portland. Pace 13 Crimson blade* . sweep Ha»rard to victory \in contest with Tale.- ".' . Pase 13 State - league magnate* decide to begin new race for pennant. ._ . . Pas© 12 Seals again feel clubs of recently awakened Senatorial aggregation. _x .. - , Paif e_ia Oaks prore easy money for^ prune picking aggregation. • \u25a0 '_^. ' Pate 8 MARINE \ :-."-;" A . Fire started :by cigarette ' under . bulkhead threatens .with . destruction Pacific Mall pier,"' on which* Is piled 'enormous quantity pf .'.valuable freight. *Bjgfjg | § / - PaicelT SOCIAL * Many boase parties In country homes are be in^ planned for national holidays. ' Pare 8 SIXTEEN KILLED IN A >', \u25a0 \u25a0 RIOT* AT GUAYAQUIL Troops Called Out Join Mob in BEM Fighting Police .GUAYAQUIL, July I.— At a celebra> tlon yesterday in honor of St.' Peter and St. Paul a mob attacked the .police! Troops were called out," but v many "of the soldiers joined"- the*'- mob v and* a" pitched battle was f ought in which* 16 persons were killed and '3o wounded. * • ; . *'.': '."' :"\u25a0\u25a0 . - ;- \u25a0 -\' ' \u25a0-'\u25a0-;\u25a0\u25a0 7 - \u25a0*.\u25a0'\u25a0'..-• sMv frMcjb^ SECOND QUAKE SHAKES ITALY M essina and Reggio Once Again Laid Low DOUBLE MURDER AT LONDON GATHERING Indian Student Kills Lieut. Col. Wyllie^nd Dr. 0. Laiieaca^ ihe Motive LONDON,' July I.fAA. startlip g j double assassination" of a -political occurred .late tonight toward;. the -con clusion of .Valpublic. gathering ' at v the Imperial . institute, • An; Indian student, whose name, is , not .known,' .shot' and killed Lieutenant Colonel Sir . William Hutt ' Curzon 'WyllLe :\u25a0 and \u25a0 X>r. Calas Lalieaca of : Shanghai. • ,'" '\u25a0.\u25a0"•'.;* Wyllle, who ; had -.held important In dian; appointments, fell . dead' on ;.th«j spot. 'Dr. 'Lalleaca' showed : signs of life" after. he fell and'was hurried, to St. George's hospitals but 6n r arrival there it was found that he* was deai . -. Those near \u25a0 the assassin seized and him until the arrival of the police, lie had- two revolvers, *a' dagger and 'a knife.*, ' ' \u25a0•;' T;* ; ' ; ; The gathering at the Imperial Insti-* tuto, a' "building devoted to Indian^^ and, other colonial. Junctions/ was an "at home" to. Indian ''students'- Lieutenant* Coionel Sir William Hutt 'Curzori Wyllie was born? in 1848, being the youngest' son'- ot the i late General Sir William Wyllie,. C. C. B. He was political aide'de camp to the secretary of stale-for India sincei9oir In 1869 he entered the; Indian ; < staff corps and served in Beluchistan' during the .Af ghan war in 1879-80, and accompanied' General Sir Robert. Ptiayres' force to the relief of Candahara, for^whlch'serv-" ice fie was decorated.; : V"*~i:^^ MANYf PROTESTS BEFORE: CUSTOMS APPRAISER . x - - •• -- • ... \u25a0 Sole Chinese .Case .Goes Over for the Term W. D. Ho well of New York, sitting as a : special**?: appraiser '," of-- customs, opened \u25a0 court in ' the custom - house • yes 7 terday for the purpose of hearing pro tests -from -Importers: objecting* to ad^ vancedj valuations \u25a0\u25a0 placed 7j. on various merchandise and : oriental goods enter ing this port. "The) court ,, convenes, twice j a " year and * during the last"? six monthsva world ; of . work' had -accu mulated,- none of it, however, being out of the ordinary. :•' . : But brie-C hinese case was, called dur .i n g ; the • dayv "V That * was a protest from theiflrm^of : Sing-FaC and; atj . qjiiest of the attorney '< representing -the Chinese -the matter, was ; continued; for the. term, f,:-' - „>\u25a0!"- \u25a0'.' -.'\u25a0•--- •;\u25a0\u25a0:: "' ..:_<• ': •\u25a0\u25a0 V.It T is. expected; that, niany others Chi nese and «\u25a0• Japanese -} protests -<' will ' be heard -during: the' session, "as, Appraiser , Mattos,' since v Special ; Agent *\u0084 of , \u25a0 the Treasury ~" Johnson . took ;\u25a0? charge "here four ; months ;ag>>.; has ibeen^raisingithe valuations :. of \u25a0.Chinese; and -Japanese goods.; No seizures, however,; have been made. ; it being r a*: difference in" opinion between ". the .importers and the customs h : officials s as -to\; the -value cc'> oriental 'merchandise.';'. '\u25a0>".' \u25a0The entire, morning was occupied sin filing ; the ; many, jprotests..*<. This : routine .work ibeing,' done,? theSmatter,^ of jhear-: ing i specific) cases -and tthe^takingf of; testimony relativeMo Evaluations,^ was commenced: > Most of -the afternoonlwas devoted ,* to 7 determining T the % value a - of. Keene'SvCement,*" imported i-byi the? firm of $ Balf our,\Guthrle f & < Co.; />The fpro- ; testscof s George? de ilaiToure.lran^im-"" porter? of 3 . the? protests of M."rP.*, Coda,-; an^importer sot chocolate' completed the work; of 'the' day. , ' Italy's ruler and -wife, and , the; stricken city;^hjch has f^ffereduts<sexdnd^gfeat(e«A<iuake. 25,000 FLEE STRICKEN CITY IN MAD TERROR ' ' """ \u25a0 ''• '' " ' \u25a0 \u25a0' ' '"" ' ' '-'"''' * ' '•'-)' :/\u25a0" ", . " - '_ : ' . " ~ .-'. • . ;- - . .\u25a0 - ' . % ;;\u25a0 J-*J -* \u25a0\u25a0•.-; '; . . ;": \u25a0\u25a0". •'\u25a0•;. iVs'l Temblor Worse 'Than Great Qneor^ \u25a0;.. .Months Agq,but'C^ • MESSINA, July 1. — : Messina experi enced . terrJflc earthquakes at ab'oiit 7:30 o'clock .this morning, which- were accompanied by roaring sounds and are said to\ have . had a stronger and more undulatory movement 'than the earth quake of last December; "which "de stroyed ' 'Messina,: Re'ggio ; ami _ other cities,. laid low; many villages in Cala-, hria- and killed 200,004 persons, "j \u25a0 : Although: the shocks today^had no such terrible consequences, the- 25;000 residents of the city were ; thrown into terror. ' They, ran into . tlie 'streets panic stricken .and tonight nfearly entiro population \u25a0is ' encamped • in> the L'openi 'places, .fearing to return to the struc ture^ which have' "served them ; as "homes sinoo the city "was.destroyed.," . Mother and Child Killed ; The -broken 7 walls [\u25a0 of/ibpS old riiins 'were.thrown. to the * gryuufi^ and Mes-" sina was for a f ew^minutfJßVsmotherftd in a cloud r of dust., J The cWual ties' were few, and >the only' persqsasßkliie'd, ,^sd far as . is ; kno\y n," wer'e^|^ng| W omaff and her ; infant! Thji^ot^n^[rrad|corrie' here only : ' a few. daS's|agro^'and^ijad|'set"- tied in rooms .»whlch^the*"g'r«-Jpea*rth r quake had left^relatlvely'Vurt^maged.* She was standing^ at itnorftor?^^hes( the shock occurred;! and rust^^^nsfdeifo save -• her, chi Id.VV? Before \ g\|Vipou Id \ ea-] cape I from the*; room,' the< second-; shock ; threw 'down the j";" walls, ' burying ( botli' mother and ; child^under the; d«ibris^ ;§-"\u25a0 Several \u25a0persons: were j-struck. r by; de tached - stones, but" so : frtr as 1 is known' no one was'fatally'injurld.. .' ' ,• The first shock was 'followed quickly^ by a; second,^. and' tlfe-piopl© fledjpeli mell -to ; the 1 American J; < uarter, 'which, they- seemed Ho 'feel/^wis^tlieir;' safest | place f, of '-i refuge. •.; fireat" iwas \ 'the* rush' to 'thei American tlipuses ' that*-the authorities were " unabl« to ' check the invasion.- \u25a0„;> . . . /., • The;' soldiers « soon'' 'Wcew , a cordon around, this quarter arjl a guard Vwas; mounted- at the bridg< ! leading, to "it." Many of the panic stricsen people were driven, off. and! orders vere issued^that no one .should'ybe, perniitted. to- occupy, the} American 'quarter,' inding further instructions. _ • ,^.^.";v .' -I"' ; \u25a0 Thousands'- Made Id c ; • .:• AH f coil, nerce 'ceased \u25a0• i : the city; and 1 the'-plact'^of '^business long.'the 'seal front w<jf<>,^closed. As a result:, several ithqiTSand'^workmen ; are • i le ; and - special. procautionfC: are -being" iken /!to' pre iVanti; disorder.' ; ' \u25a0* " \u25a0..';_ .'-\u25a0'-\u25a0 : "-' ; :-.\: -.\ ' ; Reggio] suffered*, alrao; : .'as j severe. \ a shock'aa Messina; but no casualties r: have been {reported h at .• that - pace.^ Accofdr ing.* to- the the^ 4rthquake-/afi. fected practically, the sai c zone' as that of^ IJeceinber,^ but \u25a0 the Ui juries to per sons.weref relatively.; lni!gnificant,v be :-\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 :-; > ••^•\u25bafiMiOKmWfWJ^-- ." \_ [i •-- v*-*.- .;\u25a0\u25a0 t-..- .-.-.\u25a0, . ; -: cause, few/ as* yet* inhabi xlthe "houses. TheY; seismic felt -fat - - \u25a0 .\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0h\ ':::\u25a0' ' V^-- \u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0';ir^V- r >-', -; ' s,- Taormina, - -but : no ..'damage v was ?donei theret Within ;24 -hours the shpcksf at ! Messina numbered 23. '* '"•*,''</\u25a0 Many Walls Fall .^ -^-O' :-\: -\ REGGIO, Italy, ._June' 21.— A strong! earth '; shock -.was experienced J here\at" 7:30 r o'clock this morning;" Many;wall3' were* thrown' down,. buVup to :tfie pres ent «timo . no r casualities have-:been'-.jre" ported: -The-people are 'in*a' ; 'conilitl6n. of panic." ;. , .;• j %' Regents. Are-Grieved • \u25a0_. 'ROME.v July. . I.— King.: yictdr}. Jom : ltianuclland Queen^lieleha- were deeply grieved ,r, r to; learn .of the *: second : earth, quake .of iileSsina, _and J they . inquired anxiously f or. '__de tails. - 'Her^ majesty .was'gratifled; to- learn that 'the":-Village of "Reggina' Elnia,blfilt ? on) the .out skirts* of Messina ;'under^ her', auspices,, had'":. been uninjured.*- The '•""" houses^in> this- village ' all^are.-of ' wood * and somc-iof frthejn"- were contributed from America. -.. - * '. - - .- *\u25a0-'' \u25a0 -V \u25a0 -J Father J.II. Hagari" of Chicago.jdirec-; tor'; of \u25a0 the Vatican" obs.ervatbry,\was ] the first ". person \u0084t o- .inform*" the. pope* of a' strong' > earthquake. 'i' : HisT; information was}c'onflrmed r shortly afterward Iby telegrams from \u25a0 ther archbishop of^Mes sina'anditheiblshop'ofrMileto.t , The under • secretary t of»'the .Interior/ answering ;^ an A interrogation "r '. in' " j the •qhambert'o r f } deputies '.today, 1 ; read; a tele gram 'from ,Messina.^deciaring*"that ' the earthquake there "was- not-. so {grave'' as had< at \ ti rs t ' app ea red-.': The ;wal Is \u25a0 s till left- standing after the December, earth quake were: shaken -down; andithe'jpeo-' pie ; w ; ere ~c throivn . into ! a 'condition' of terror. '.' .\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0.; " : ' ' -, ";.\u25a0;•\u25a0\u25a0• \u25a0:\u25a0'\u25a0' \ * ;. Private '.y telegrams* from : . Messina state jthat the wounded ' 10, ; " in eluding/ a" lieutenant/' two> soldiers 'and two carbineers. it: is "< of ficially that; the^sHocks were felt-.prac tically^ in - the same \u25a0 zone . as - that -.which was last^ "'December.' :.';" Shock- in California ' tf SAN3ERNARDINO; -July .l.^A slight earthquake 'shock ': was, felt: hei;e:at r 5:30 p.Vm..^; No /damage 'was.: done.- iThe atmosphere .'was.' : . unusually. s heavy throughout^the, entire day vVwith : the thermometer, registering .105. GIRL GIVES^BiLOOb^TO' SAVE BROTH ER f S;. LIFE Transfusion Operation Is : Sue« . " cessful mi Tacoma ' v.^-COMA; July Vi l.^-To • the -• devotion and- self-sacri flee i: of ; > his : sister,; George Moore; owes -his* life. *•'.-; ' , ; ir. FollowiagTan .operation^ for t pleurisy,' ay hemorrhage';- developed '. Sunday? last, andiinVorder; to^arrestt it \ and his "strength^ transfusion !\u25a0 was Vresorted to,";; his ; sister consenting Jto .i part f^wi'tn' her"; own -blood^for lii3.T sake. ; • \u25a0 Wj*". si/An'ii incision ''. was/ made > in y her,'- left wristii. which;'*. was^boundr to*: his", left arrh,i:in^whlch '\u25a0\u25a0 an ;inclsion * was i made nearlthel elbow.\ ... . ;^ i BLACKMAILLERS' PLOT OR CRIMINAL HOAX San . Jose Clubman Receives^a l;00Q on P^ityJbf-'Death "f,- SAN" Jp:SK,- :J.ul>r-l'.— As the!result-of \u25a0 the \u25a0 failure of * a; ; Vap- t6."-captur.e' the [authors -of. a : . "black 'hand';' -letter j steps H^ve; beenf taken Jto^ of. John. K.^ Chatie,^ manager -of the As sbclated'.oil'cornparij-,' profnirientrauto m'obilist and clubm&n^of thisVcity.'.'A. fevvvtlays s ajr.b""GhaVe*. received''. the", fol lowing .letter; through^ -the "mails: \u25a0\u25a0 -"React this the- end, Yor your life 'depends- uponjt.- -We'comhiartd you to '• leave : J1.000" in: a Tjlace ,-d-escribe.d :as follows: v Tuesday,^ June 5 2' V at ;B ; p. -m.; you- wilHgo *to'} tHeillawrence isalo'dn at the.'corner of -Alvlso rOati aod'Hamiiine street .on; the north ; side* of the 'cityi^ You7.will leave your conveyance, there arid* go; west "on lllamillrie", street; (and" you' wlll.go alone) till ."you 'reach " the Guadulupe,c"reek bridge ;> then you will go ; south^-upoh the -west 1 bank past the 'first). bunch »of^"willows :iirider ".-the ' little flume, "arid >when" you; get to the second bunch'- of .willows \u25a0: go .onVabout 25 feet* and «-you; will. -find- a .willow ..branch overhanging.: your path*;' here /you 'will turn ''sharpf to- the lefC^go* through ithe gap -'In- thejbushes ;dnd^ step ?down' : on a»tih'y> sand. -bar at: the; water's: edge. v * "Look; close, around jyou and find. a •green : willow" stick /with", about*, eight inches "ofiwire.tangled'arouhdCthe top. Dig ;.onejlnch;lnt»\ the- sand'atUhe' bot tom' of -this^ ; find a v canvas -bag "eight inches square, put the moneys in,; this and ' draw, thV string" at'thVmouth tight and, throw' itMnto" the' stream .'about- 16 feet and 1 then: go <\ home. ... . "Kfyou""mix;the police'this, no attempt "will be- made"; to get -the money, and ;yjour t life will Tpay. , / ', "f-- 3 : • ' y /''WARNIXG^-if ,y"oujdo'*as\we tell you," never £ open ;a;; a ; letter'again— 1Q may/ contain "poison ';orV fever"*! germs? Never r 6p^n\ a package— it ; may-. be \a bomb. ;; ; Don'f get anything, fronva gro-. cer^— -the r dellvefyman* may poison '« it Don't ; go outside --of t the house, or a poison > bullet may, find you. ;' ' Y\ ."f . ;, "THS " BLACK :HAND."! "'~ -Chace consulted Private r Detective"T. _W. ; Carroll.' He ; then went to. the .'place indicated, found 'the 'bag, filled jt 'with .washers , and threw > it , into '^the"* "water. Detectives watched aIT night. .-but no one attempted'to f get"the bag. ; . ".'•.•;" '. . At , dawn the :. detectives searched ; the joeighborhood.' - They -. found : a : boat,- to of .\u25a0 whichi aTstring vwas I at tached^ At the, 1 end of the string ; were 'several 'hooks. .The' Intention *may have been;to^dragfor the bag. ..\u25a0>\u25a0 . •/- ' ;Chace : - issued ': a" *; tonight stating that : he \u25a0 thought -that the ; letter had j. been _wr itten ; by : boys \ who have ekheriheen'readingjdimefnoveis.oriat tending- moving; 1 picture .shows.' /Advertise for it« in, r |THEi;GALII^ CLASSIFIED ADS PRICE FIVE CENTS. NOVAK NOT SLAYER OF YOUNG GIRL Laborer Suspected of Crime Is Arrested, but Practically ' Proves Alibi — Businessman Who Saw Mur derer Says Workman Is Not . ..the Guilty Person . y ...... . . . , Police. Secure New Evidence .Tending to Reveal Identity of. • : Miss Brasch-s Assassin Developments : in Case Indicate ; JThatßeal Crriminal May * ' ; : -Be Jailed. Today ' . . • J. : NOVAK, • the former amploye of \u25a0\;?Gray) Brothers, suspectecj- of the •,- murder of • Brasch, the yoring girl ' book keeper killed at- her desk \u25a0\u25a0 in th'e.-offlee of the stone con tractors early Wednesday afternoon, was. captured yesterday morning by the police. Unexpected developments which materialized after Ms arrest prove be yond a doubt that 'lnc man under arrest for. the murder is hot the girl's slayer. ; .Evidence Yin the. t>os3e,S3ion of the poiice/ which at* present, they refuse to • divulge, exonerates JJovak entirely of any connection, with the . crime. The, facts that at first-seemed to prove be yond a doubt* that the Bohemian wa3 'guilty— are 'seen. -in' the. light of these ; .recent developments, .to have been ac : cepted too- r€adiiy,- and" with too great I desire to -make the man. under suspi cion fit into' the facts.- I Novak Shown I n ri i.cce fit h- -Novak .is innocent and must be llb '\u25a0] crated today by the police. . '•' " The identity of the guilty man will became* known today , also. " \ , The. events of yesterday, as developed t " by- the police- detectives,' seemed alter ; nately to .fix tho crime upon Novak and, at other times, to point to hfs~. Innocence. •. The testimony of Joseph. O'Malley, \u25a0; clerk in the. office of the Kno.v collec .tion agency, -where. Novak cashed his £hecjc" .after haying heen told by. Mis 3 • Brasch ; , that the .firm could, .not pacy { him ' his money,- declared that Nova It .must* have-been in the collection com .pany's • office at 413 *Plne street until . several \u25a0 minutes after the crime had been committed, if,' as was agreed by those in ths office of Gray .Brothers, it occurred at about 1:30 o'clock. O'Mal . ley held' to it that he .barely reached his office».at that hour, and. that Novak was "there' then, and remained .there for some {en minutes "more. • . " .*. Fixes Time of- Murder . »"\u25a0\u25a0 - Harry .Gray," ;when- seen late, yester .day afternoon, went" over the events of the day ' immediately ' preceding • the shooting " very' carefully and decided" t;hat the murder must have -taken place somewhere between' the hours, of 1:43 and ' 2 o'clock, closer to the latter-time tha.n the^forn\er. This, statement made: it seem, possible that. Novak, said -by the- collection agency _ employes to have" left their office- at about 2O.minutes "Jo. •2 o'ijlock, could have' rushed over 'to. the office of Gray. .Brothers.' ln the "Wells- Fargo building. Second- and. Mission streets, and done the shootinsr. . ' It -became a game <>f shaving down the minutes ..In one . direction and' lengthening them out in another, .so ttrat Novak's known. .actions might**flt" into tlie actions of the murderer. At~a late hour ; yesterday afternoon the : polic# became convinced that No vak, despite their 'earlier conclusions as to his guilt, w«s innocent and must be released. It" later became evident that* they were .working on an en-, tlrely.- different -clew 4han the one they have .been following, .though they de nied" that they did not believe 1 Novak" the 'murderer. l They did not deny that they would, liberate him today. Murderer Is Seen ' ; F. .-G. Higgins of tlie Pacific hardware and -steel company, who, as 1 he was parsing; across the hallway near Gray Brothers' office, saw the murderer * rushing out of the "door in^medlately* after the shot with a smoking re volver in his hand, was brought to po lice headquarters .yesterday - morninjr. and the ; first serious shock given the police theory was" received when .the : businessman announced positively that Novak did n v t look anything Hke the murderer to was .thought' that perhaps the" fact t^iat the . laborer had worn a' different coat« at the time z q£ the shootlrig might have something to do ' with Hlgginsv failure to ; Identify.*" Novak as the man he saw* with the Bevolver, : :and the same 'coat he had worn" during, the preceding day was put on; Novak. He was made to walk to ward and away from Hlggins, to turn and .wheel, but stiU the only witnes* to- the" murderer's escape from the building declared positively; that No vak was not the_ man hi had seen. This halted the detectives midway in the development of their case, and at \u25a0; r» r»