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The San Francisco Call Junior Section Issued Every Saturday Fc>r {ttt^|Bpys /and\ Qirls of: San Frrancisco and California HAVE YOU SEEN ALONZO? HE RIDES ON A ROCKET TO THE PLANET MARS OUR COMMON FROGS AND THEIR COUSINS SEWARD WALLACE • *-vIRDS and squirrels are such-dem \~\ onstrative, beautiful creatures that . • they absorb much attention when •we are jn the country.: Yet we. ought rot to Torgef that "our beautiful land i* favored with natural dwellers in woodland a&d meadow which are not briijs or bunnies, but which are never theless highly interesting. ' Our true frogs are those that live, in the water Itself, or near it,'. and not on land or in troee. We .will probably «cc first the common leopard frog and the pickerel frog, both ardent song- Ftfrs of marsh and- swamp. \u25a0 It seems purzllng that a frog should have four' legs and no tall, while their tiny' babies have along \u25a0fine tgtil and no. legs. . But rs they grow and grow their tails be come shorter, . while the soft : skin of iheir sides pushes . out-., into knobs, where the legs are coming beneath. The hind legs appear first, as. short protrusions: then the front ones come, and gradually the tadpole 'finds he has four legs as well, as a tail. • And now he begins to swim- ?ess and to climb and cling more. Tail going, becoming wnaller and smaller, irhile the tadpole is getting, oh, so hungry. . He is ab sorbing his .tall arid his appetite is growing, while the -curious gills with which bis neck has been fringed pret tily all ak>njr now wither tip. Finally he looks" as much' like a frog as can s>e.- except that he still has a- vei*y short, taij. His "body lias -shortened up s&me; too, while the absurd little legs begin to ;' grow Jong a.nd strong. It is it first a. race between the front and the bind legs" and .between gills and ..tail.- But lhe "tails 'have It," while the hind lega? soon outrun the/front ones. .-• the ' last '.sta-ge of his growth tiow commences. He loses all. his tall, the. front legs are- bowed,' like a bull dog's,: and the" hind ones develop enor mous .muscles,' with Which' later In life he wiil leap. six to eight feet easily. It .will him. two or • three . years to grow up.- ' • •• .'" /. \u25a0 . Most frogs and .toads undergo . a similar change,- which is called by a Uirig' word,..rrietarfiorphosls. The but terfly grows from a -.worm by a similar .sort -of -change, in Its cocq'on, the worm hatching from an egg fiFst. \u25a0 The pickeFel frog- you can tell by his handsome back, whfeh. is a fine- light brown and has two rows/ of large obJong, square marks down it .of dark er" brown. Along each side' of his nose runs .a. black line, '• Hie- relative, .the leopard; is -bright" sneen ot greenish brown sometimes., and his marks are irregular black blotches edged with white,, whence his name, the leopard frog. Both these live in ponds and the deep» darkened places in swamps, : where the yellow marigolds and the blue water iilles .liy-e also," . They are by f ar- thie noisiest -fellows if ;we except' master- bullfrog = and the ra-re spade footed toad, whose noise requites sepa rate mention. • ; \u25a0'-. Anothei' -pretty \and familiar frog Is the Tquiet, gentle wo.od frog, whose 'sci ontlfic name) Rana ' sylratlca, or the F ylvari frog, ; is well earned by his habit of dwelling •in the prettiest wooded ponds -and damp woods.- He is a email.- delicate, creature", pale red . dish brown. ' 'nearly "plain,- but with a . broad, almost red -band f rdiri his mouth to his eye. .along tliie head. -His note Hi feeble, so' he has parried the ifame, the silent, also. ' \u25a0 In- clear springs, ponds ; and brooks we will meet almost, 'everywhere east of the prairies a splendid green, frog, whose white throat and bright eyes will make us" love him on sight. He Jumps, plump", splash into the waier and then JUNIORVILLE PEOPLE CELEBRATE THE FOURTH OF JULY IN GRAND STYLE comes up close under the bank, pok ing his bit of a green nose out, just up to the eyes, and watching us keenly. We can sometimes take a little stick and gently scratch his back without his moving at all, or even quickly put our hand over him; but a noise drives him at once into the deep water. If -you do catch- a frog do not hold him too long or pull his legs too hard, but notice his ears. I would wager not one in ten boys or girls could find them.. Oh, yes, ha has excellent ears, they can hear under water better than out of it. but they are not like ours. Do you see that round, thin and flat place just behind the eye on each side? It looks like- a drumhead and is his ear. His nostrils are plain, and see his bright, pretty eyes with the black pu pils. His feet are webbed for swim ming and his toes very long. Watch him jump from your hand far into the pond. Our -bullfrog is the largest . frog known in this country, but in other lands are some as large, and in the rocks are v found remains of giant frogs beside which he Is a pigmy. However, he can grow to be a foot long, which is. quite large enough. His common place dwelling is a pond, lake or river, where there are reeds and- muddy banks. And his famous bass voice is familiar to us aIL - . , . . Besides these water loving v frogrs there are frogs which ; dig into the earth and burrow, called spade foots. provided with a spur on the hind feet for digging." They * are remarkable songsters, making a noise so load ! it has been compared' to a steam whistle. Spade footed frogs are very rare, in deed, and .1 have never seen one alive and never heard one whistling. Tree frogs, in spite of their arboreal habits, are real frogs, and Jln spring these handsome little chirpers go into the water to lay their eggs. Most of their life, however, is spent In the trees and bushes, and while in Europe there is only one kind of tree frog, we are blessed with no less than five dis tinct kinds. The swamp loving cricket frog, which lives in bushes over the water, is a tree frog In the making. .He has not the curious feet lobed at the ends for clinging to leaves and hanging upside down,, as his cousins, the real tree frogs, have, but his hind legs are very long and so he is called the cricket frog,- and he Is a perfect jumper. Real tree frogs are wonderful creatures, of a bluish green or leaf in the shade color, and he has something of the power of turning in a moment from one tint to another, like a chameleon. Some of the frogs are rare, particularly the toothless frog— most frogs have a few upper - teeth^the swamp cricket frog, just mentioned, and the swamp tree frog. The Fourth of July Don't forget, when the old flag waves, The boys in blue in their lonely graves; Gone the drummer, the bugle, the scout. But don't forget what 'twas all about. Don't forget that to make us free . Brave men fought both .on land and sea; We owe it them that our nation's name Live untarnished and free from shame. Teach the children to love the right. Honor the flag, arid with their might Guard- the ballot, that, this may be Ever the home of the brave and the free! Teach them to feel that of all 'birthdays That of their country Is best always; Let the -rockets soar and - the; people shout, :'\u25a0;\u25a0•••' '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0, But don't forget what 'tis all? about. - ifewl&r — Sallie M. Moses. S^ FRANCISCO, C^.,:j|A^ ur Birthday WE live in a comparatively young country, for we have had but a few real birthdays, dating back as we do to July 4. 1776, when our forefathers* announced to the world that thereafter the United States of America was a free and Independent nation. We are very young in the estimation •of our cousins across the water and of such dynasties as India and China — and they also think we have lots; to learn. But although this is but the one hun dred and thirty-third anniversary of our birth, it is doubtful if a-'majority of the people, especially in the newer settled parts of the country, could" give a clear account, of why, we hold the day in remembrance, or' why we. seem to be more patriotic; then than. at any other time. This we must attribute to the great : Influx of foreigners dur ing the last few years, who naturally are not' well acquainted' wiih, our his tory. They, know this is i a land of freedom, where men are ejqual in the race for money and fame; -.where their children or grandchildren/ may aspire to the highest gifts of thje nation; so they seek our shores from * every quar ter of the globe. \u25a0 It is our task to teach vthese new comers the reason .of our. fourth of July celebrations, to make them un derstand why, the' stars and stripes is the most beautiful flag in the world; why our men in civil life -are ready at the < flrst,call to arms to <Ttop every thingand-'joln the regular> troops in defense of that ' flag; why.>wis [ have no conscription; no forcing- of ,i>ur young men into; the army.. Our. frtnmtry be longs to each man, womaty and child who is a citizen ;of it, and f that is why we take a personal interest in it and love its flag, which stands for happy homes, work' for all, liberty to choose our religion and our" rulefs. And .we are not so sure that all the children of American 1 parents are well posted in the history, of the fourth of July.' The schools do -all they, can in teaching the facts , arid in \ training their pupils in love for t their country, but the \ home teaching . ijs ' also . needed. So on this day let us tell the young people all about the revolutionary war and its. results; of the Handful of cou rageous men who at the risk of their lives signed the declaration of inde pendence,, and while th<B' flags float and the fireworks light r the heavens the children will remember who made this holiday possible. ; # The Starry -Flag From proud Atlantic s surging waves To where the broad Pacific lies, And playfully" the! bright sand laves Beneath clear, sunny skies; * ' • \u25a0 '\u25a0 From far along Canadian lines. The rocky borders of the land. To where the gulf In beauty shines, And breaks, upon the strand. \u25a0 From Allegheny's crested mounts, And on the Rockies' summits gray. Where brightly, snow fed crystal founts Are welling forth alway; v^ On Mississippi's mighty tide's, And on. Ohio's silver stream, ' Or where the Susquehanna glides, * Or SchuylkiU's ripples gleam; Where 1 . Delaware, with current J grave. Is sweeping. outward to the sea; . ' In every, land, on every 'wave,; .The starry flag floats free! r '-'"'-\u25a0 \u25a0 ' > And through all' time -this flag above, ;In triumph'%o'er oppression's ~'i holds, Shall, in the light of peace and love. Unroll its glorious. folds.', ! - - '-r -—Stockton Bates. GOOD STORIES IN FEW WORDS AND BRIEF, POINTED POEMS Nationality If you would contemplate nationality as an active virtue, look around you. Is not ohir own history, one witness and one : record of 'what It can do? This d?fy — fourth of July--and all which it^stands for— did It not give us these? glory of 'the fields of that war, thhs s eloquence ;of that revolu tion, tbjis one wide sheet of flame which wrapped tyrant and \ tyranny, and- swept <-. all that escaped from It away, iforever. and forever, the courage to fight, to retreat, to rally,' to ad vance, to guard the young flag by the young * arm and the young heart's blood, to hold up and hold on till the magnificent "crowned the work— were; not all these imparted as inspired by this Imperial sentiment? Has it not here begun the master work of man — the creation of a na tlonaljife? Did- it not call out that prodigious \u25a0-development of. wisdom, the wisdom of. constructiveness, which illustrated the years after the war, and the framing and adopting of the constitution? Has it not, in the gen eral, contributed to the administering of that government wisely "and well since?. Look at it ! ; It has kindled us to no aims; ' of .conquest ; It, has involved us Yin 'no: entangling alliancesr it has kept ouc;ijeutrallty;dignlfled;and ; just; the ' viqjories rof .'pftac«i,^;a ve: Ueaa^our prized victories, biit Hhe^a'rger ."and truer; grandeur :; of ; the nations^ for which- they are created, and for -which they must one day before sonic tri bunal, give account— what .'a measure of these it has enabled us already to fulfill!' It. has lifted iUsUo, the throne, and has set on our brow the name of the great republic:; it has' taught us to demand nothing wrong, and to submit to nothing wrong; it ;has made our diplomacy sagacious, , war v and ac complished; it has opened the iron" gate of the 'mountain, and planted our en sign on the great tranquil sea; it has made the desert to blossom as the rose; It has quickened to life the giant brood of useful arts; it has . whitened lake and ocean with the sails of a daring,; new and , lawful trade; it has extended to exiles, , flying as clouds, the • asylum of ' our better liberty; it has scattered the seeds of -liberty," un der "law and under order^ broadcast; it has seen and helped American feel ing to swell'into a fuller flood;- from many a field, and, many a deck, though It seeks r not. war and fears not ; war, it has .borne f the radiant flat? : all un stained; it has opened our age of let tered glory; it has opened and honored the age of the industry of the people. RUFUS CHOATE. -L. . \u25a0 - - ' ' Fairy Song Shed no tear! O shed no tear! ' The flower will bloom another year. We«p no more! O .weep no more! Young- buds sleep in the- root's white core. . Dry your eyes! O dry your eyes! For I was taught In paradise < To ease my. breast of melodies-^-. Shed no tear. \ ; Overhead!* look, overhead! 'Mong the.Wossoms white ;and red — : Look: up! -look up! I flutter now On \u25a0 this flush pomegranate 'bough."- . See me! ,'tls this ; . silvery bell Ever cures the good? man's* ill. Shed no 'tear! O tear! The ; flowers ,will ; bloom another year. Adieu, adieu,: I; fly," adieu/ I vanish ' In the heaven's ' blue— • \u25a0 _ Adieu, adieu! \''. S ! ; - ' — John Keats. The Fourth of July uur country's day of gladness, - The day we 'love to keep, Remembering the fathers 1 Who long since fell in - sleep. The day ..which marked an era, When faint we were and few. With pur history all before us, And'our work laid out to do. Brave were the hearts that' challenged ' The .haughty mother land; ) Strong were the hands that carried . The * musket and the brand. .' Staujojih were the souls that. waited, , Pure_were the hopes that flamed, And righteous were the leaders, i For. God the land who claimed. With banner and with bugle, . With song and happy v cheer, With tumult and rejoicing, We hail It year by year. Our country's day. of gladness, •Thai marks from sea to sea. Through mount and stream and prairie, ' The birthday of the free.' God keep our land - forever; . God -guard and ;make her great! Jehovah lead her armies; Jehovah guide the siate. Through; all our -lengthened borders," From all" pur clustered homes; \u25a0" The '/cry; for" God andj Freedom. 'From heart, and hearthstone comes. " "\u25a0'.\u25a0\u25a0 .' - ' . - -'—Alice Jiogc^s/^' \u25a0 \u25a0 ' • The First Taxicab In the matter of the T taxicab. investi gators.are finding thai," as with most other things-in this world, it is not as new as it seems.: Students had hinted for some years that a vehicle of this description was known in .anrient China, but to Profes sor Giles of Cambridge, Eng., has been reserved" the honor pt discovering an actual contemporary account of it. This occurs In a history of the Chin dynasty for the period of 265-419 A. 1).. The name for the cab was the "measure mile drum carriage." Of course it was not self propelled, the motor power be ing horses. The description says that "in the middle of it there is a wooden figure of a man, holding a drumstick toward a drum, and at the completion of every 11 the man strikes a blow on the drum." a history of a later dynasty (815-987) has-been found an other record of a taxicab, which is. de scribed as follows: "They, are-painted red, with pictures of flowers and birds on : the four sides and in two stories, handsomely adorned with carvings. At the completion of every, li the wooden figure of a, man in the lower story strikes a drumi and at the, completion ,'of every, 10 li a man in the .upper story strikes a bell. There is a pole ', with phenixllke' head." and a team of four horses. Formerly the chariot held 18 soldiers, which number was Increased in 987 by the Emperor T'ai Tsung to 20." . A third account has. been found in a history covering the year 1027, where the mechanism is described. In the fourteenth century a Chinese poet, well known in his day. wrote an "Ode to a Taxicab." — Literary Digest. Latin Latin. is a dead language, As ; dead "as can be ; 7 \u0084 It killed the ancient Romans, ' .".- - \u25a0 And ; now Is killing me. \u25a0 * ;*Non paratus," Freshie riixit, - With: a sad "and- mournful look; "Omne> recte," 'Prof.vrespondlt; . f."Nihil," scribit.ilnimy book. An Object Lesson AS a boy before going to college the writer entered a wholesale dry goods store in the city of New York, owned by men, of national reputation. In the linen room were the boy and a single salesman, both newcomers. £>n the first, morning, after their arrival, one of the heads of the house came into the room with a, customer, and himself showed him the goods. The business was clone after this fashion: the mer chant said this linen is such a* make, so many threads to the inch, so many yards to the pound, at. such a.^price. And the customer said I will take' so many pieces. In. 15 minutes he sold him $2.500- worth of goods. The cus tomer went out and the merchant then turned to the salesman and said: "That's the way to sell goods. I 'can sell that man at any time all that he wants, because be knows that, so far as it Is in my power, I will tell him the exalt truth. If you treat your cus tomers In that way, you can sell goods." That' was our Introduction to the wholesale business of New -York. It was an object lesson which has Influ enced the life of the writer. In his judgment there are many thousands of businessmen who are doing business in that ' honest way arid prospering. be r cause honest.. To make a s'tatenrent contradictory to this weTioHl to Imply a lack of knnwledgjeof things ss" they are:— BxchanK**. , r \., 1 , After the Fourth Hurrah, hurrah, for the glorious Fifth, And our boys who survived the fray; Who wear, the scars, of the ' bloodless -'\u25a0 wars. They, fought and won in a day. The shouting, screeching, howling mob * That rent the heav'ns with noise! Are -these sweet things, tied In leading ..strings. ' Those same distracting boys? \u25a0 But yesterday they were soldier lads. Marching to fife and drum; While with frowning brow each told • us how. ' . He was going to make things hum. -\u25a0 \u25a0'.-\u25a0-"- .- " T "• •\u25a0'•'.• "You bet we will." And you bet, they • They're now the Invalid Corps. With blackened stains, and powder grains. But safe at home once more. Then hurrah, hurrah, for the glorious Fifth! + >;i f V for our patriot kids. Who are laying low — for repairs, you know, ' y' And doing as mother bids." Coiffures of Old A contributor to "The Point of View in the current Scrlbner's, deploring the "monumental style of hats and head dresses," tells of the old days of the French court when the coiffure went by the name of the pouf sentimental. Thl3 was a collection of objects symbolic of all that was dearest to the wearer. The wife of a naval officer, bore on her head a frigate breasting \u25a0 the wave? with all sails set. A - mother loaded down her head with, five dolls to rep resent h«r five children. The duchess of . Lauzun \u25a0 wore > a superstructure pre - s^nting'an entire landscape. The di rector of the royal opera ruled against the admission , of women wearing-ex tra vagantly large coiffures. The Boy and His Top A little boy had bought a top. The best in all the toyman's shop: \u0084£v* He made a whip with good eel's skin* He lash'dthe top and made it spin; All th« chHdren within call. And the servants, one and all. Stood around to see it and admire. At; last the" top began to tire; He cried out, • "Pray don't hit ma. Master. You whip too hard — I can't spin faster. I can spin quite as well without It." The. little boy r.eplled, '.'I doubt It; " I ' only whip you for your good. You were a foolish --lump of wood. By din^ of whipping you were raised To .seen yourself admired and praised. And if I left you. you'd remain A foolish lump of wood again.** EXPLANATION Whipping, sounds a little odd, I don't mean whipping with a rod. It means to teach a boy Incessantly. Whether by lessons or more pleasantly. Every hour and, every day. By every means m every way. By reading, writing, rhyming, talking. By riding to see sights, and walking: If you leave off he drops at once, A lumpish, wooden headed dunce. — John .Hookham Fr«re. \u25a0•;•• - -yl:';y l :' ; - • . Some Old Games Fl«R»r*./or Scissor* — Scissors usual ly 'come under the ban. of the nursery authorities;* - even- -"\u25a0 those '-'-'wl'th "blunt points representing precarious play thing* for " small children, A substi tute "for, "cutting out* may. however. be found In "tearing paper Into the snaps of animals and figures with the fingers,, and proves Just as popular with the small .nursery people as the more dangerous amusement. Ordinary kitchen paper may be used, or prefer ably the common white paper which is used to line shelves. Trees, animals, little men and women, or even doll's furniture can be "torn out" with the fingers. To Make Them, Mnnd Alone — With rounds of cork and matches, tribes of small Noah's ark men can be made, the skeleton bodies being wound with stiff " paper, on which buttons can b« painted or" marked in chalk, while rounds of cork, instead of feet will en able the family to stand alone. . \u25a0 Summer 'Neath summer skies, all earth Is glad And smiling meets the day. The hills and valleys flower clad Wherever we may stray. Each stareyed blossom lifts its faca " In greeting mute, bur sweet. The roses in their tender grace And violets at our feet. There's tints of beauty everywhere. On leaf, on flower and lea. A perfect' scene of loveliness. Alike by land or sea. — Lizzie M. Soutfen. A Good Reason ' Teacher — And why are you so late. Tommy." Tommy — Please, miss, it's muvver's washing day. She's been and lost th*>' lid of the copper, so I've been, sitting on to"p to keep the steam in.— Sketchy Bits. . . v - By the Moon We Sport and Play By the moon we sport and play. With the night .begins our day; As -we. dance the dew doth 'fall; Trip U.y little urchins all! Two. by 'two. and three by three. And about go we. and about go w«!